9 letter words that end with D

9 letter words that end with D

9 letter D word


Words With Friends®


abandoned 14 16 ABANDON, to leave or...
abdicated 20 17 ABDICATE, to renounc...
aberrated 16 13 ABERRATE, to go astr...
abjointed 18 23 ABJOINT, to cut off...
abnegated 16 16 ABNEGATE, to renounc...
abolished 20 16 ABOLISH, to put an e...
abreacted 19 16 ABREACT, to resolve...
abrogated 17 15 ABROGATE, to repeal...
abscessed 20 16 ABSCESS, to form an...
abscinded 20 18 ABSCIND, to cut off...
absconded 19 18 ABSCOND, to depart s...
abstained 16 14 ABSTAIN, to refrain...
absterged 18 15 ABSTERGE, to cleanse...
acanthoid 19 16 spine-shaped [adj]
acclaimed 23 20 ACCLAIM, to shout ap...
accoasted 20 16 ACCOAST, to lie or s...
accoladed 21 18 ACCOLADE, to give an...
accompted 24 22 ACCOMPT, to explain...
accoraged 21 18 ACCORAGE, (Spenser)...
accounted 20 18 ACCOUNT, to explain...
accourted 21 17 ACCOURT, to entertai...
accoutred 21 17 ACCOUTRE, to dress o...
acerbated 19 16 ACERBATE, to embitte...
acetified 20 16 ACETIFY, to convert...
acidified 21 17 ACIDIFY, to render a...
acierated 17 13 ACIERATE, to turn in...
acquitted 27 23 ACQUIT, to free from...
actinopod 19 17 any protozoan of the...
activated 20 17 ACTIVATE, to set in...
activised 21 17 ACTIVISE, to activat...
activized 24 26 ACTIVIZE, to activat...
aculeated 18 15 prickly; pointed; st...
adderbead 16 15 a prehistoric orname...
addressed 15 12 ADDRESS, to speak to...
adhibited 20 16 ADHIBIT, to attach;...
adjourned 16 22 ADJOURN, to suspend...
adpressed 17 14 ADPRESS, to press to...
adulthood 18 15 the state of being a...
aduncated 17 16 hooked, also ADUNC,...
advocated 19 18 ADVOCATE, to plead i...
affianced 21 20 AFFIANCE, to betroth...
afflicted 24 20 AFFLICT, to distress...
affoorded 18 17 AFFOORD, (Spenser) t...
affrapped 23 22 AFFRAP, (Spenser) to...
affrended 18 18 (Spenser) reconciled...
affronted 18 17 AFFRONT, to insult t...
aforehand 17 16 beforehand [adv]
aforesaid 16 13 mentioned previously...
aftereyed 22 15 AFTEREYE, (Shakespea...
afterward 20 16 at a later time, als...
afterword 20 16 an epilogue [n -S]
aggressed 17 14 AGGRESS, to attack f...
aggrieved 19 18 AGGRIEVE, to distres...
ahungered 17 16 (archaic) oppressed...
airheaded 16 13 like an airhead [adj...
airlifted 19 14 AIRLIFT, to transpor...
airmailed 17 14 AIRMAIL, to send mai...
albitised 19 14 ALBITISE, to turn in...
albitized 22 23 ALBITIZE, to turn in...
alewashed 20 16 (Shakespeare) affect...
alienated 14 12 ALIENATE, to make in...
alimented 16 15 ALIMENT, to feed, no...
alimonied 16 15 provided with an ali...
alkalised 18 16 ALKALISE, to convert...
alkalized 21 25 ALKALIZE, to convert...
alkylated 24 18 ALKYLATE, to combine...
allantoid 16 13 a saclike fetal memb...
alligated 18 14 ALLIGATE, to unite b...
allocated 19 15 ALLOCATE, to set apa...
aloeswood 17 14 a soft, resinous woo...
alopecoid 20 17 of or resembling a f...
amaryllid 25 17 any member of the am...
ambulated 19 18 AMBULATE, to walk; t...
amnestied 15 14 AMNESTY, to pardon d...
amortised 16 13 AMORTISE, to liquida...
amortized 19 22 AMORTIZE, to liquida...
ampersand 17 17 the and sign &, also...
amperzand 20 26 the and sign &, also...
amplified 22 20 AMPLIFY, to make lar...
amputated 18 17 AMPUTATE, to cut off...
anabantid 15 15 any of various spiny...
analysand 20 15 a person undergoing...
aneuploid 17 16 a cell or individual...
angelhood 17 16 the state of being a...
anglified 19 17 ANGLIFY, to make Eng...
anguished 18 16 ANGUISH, to suffer e...
angulated 16 15 ANGULATE, to form wi...
anhungred 17 17 (archaic) hungry, al...
ankylosed 22 18 ANKYLOSE, to fuse as...
annalised 14 13 ANNALISE, to record,...
annalized 17 22 ANNALIZE, to record,...
annotated 12 12 ANNOTATE, to append...
announced 15 17 ANNOUNCE, to make kn...
annulated 14 14 marked with a ring o...
anteceded 16 15 ANTECEDE, to go befo...
antedated 13 12 ANTEDATE, to date fr...
anticised 18 14 ANTICISE, to play an...
anticized 21 23 ANTICIZE, to play an...
antidoted 14 12 ANTIDOTE, to counter...
antifraud 17 15 designed to reduce f...
antiworld 19 15 a hypothetical world...
apartheid 19 15 (Afrikaans) segregat...
apertured 17 14 having an aperture [...
aphetised 19 15 APHETISE, to lose th...
aphetized 22 24 APHETIZE, to lose th...
aphorised 19 15 APHORISE, to make a...
aphorized 22 24 APHORIZE, to make a...
apoplexed 25 24 APOPLEX, to affect w...
appanaged 18 19 endowed with an appa...
appareled 19 17 APPAREL, to dress [v...
appeached 23 21 APPEACH, (Shakespear...
appetised 19 16 APPETISE, to whet th...
appetized 22 25 APPETIZE, to whet th...
applauded 20 19 APPLAUD, to express...
appliqued 29 27 APPLIQUE, to do appl...
appointed 18 17 APPOINT, to assign t...
appraised 19 16 APPRAISE, to set a v...
apprehend 20 19 to understand [v -ED...
appressed 19 16 APPRESS, to press to...
apricated 20 16 APRICATE, to expose...
aquaboard 24 23 a board for riding o...
arachnoid 19 16 like a cobweb [adj]...
arborised 17 13 ARBORISE, to form ma...
arborized 20 22 ARBORIZE, to form ma...
archaised 20 15 ARCHAISE, to use idi...
archaized 23 24 ARCHAIZE, to use idi...
archdruid 22 17 a chief or presiding...
archfiend 22 19 the chief devil, Sat...
arcsecond 20 17 a unit of angle meas...
areolated 14 11 divided into areolae...
arillated 17 12 having an aril, a pr...
armatured 16 14 ARMATURE, to furnish...
armlocked 21 21 ARMLOCK, to grip by...
arraigned 15 13 ARRAIGN, to call bef...
arrogated 15 12 ARROGATE, to claim u...
arrowhead 19 15 the head or pointed...
arrowwood 20 16 a shrub growing in d...
arseholed 17 13 (colloquial) very dr...
arthropod 19 15 any member of the ph...
arytenoid 20 13 one of a pair of car...
asclepiad 21 17 a choriambic verse,...
asperated 16 13 ASPERATE, to make ro...
asphalted 20 16 ASPHALT, to coat wit...
aspidioid 18 14 like an aspidium, a...
aspirated 17 13 ASPIRATE, to pronoun...
assagaied 15 12 ASSAGAI, to pierce w...
assaulted 16 12 ASSAULT, to attack [...
assegaied 15 12 ASSEGAI, to pierce w...
assembled 19 17 ASSEMBLE, to collect...
assevered 16 14 ASSEVER, to solemnly...
assonated 13 11 ASSONATE, to match i...
astounded 14 13 ASTOUND, to amaze [v...
astricted 19 13 ASTRICT, (archaic) t...
astringed 16 13 ASTRINGE, to draw to...
atchieved 22 19 ATCHIEVE, (obsolete)...
athetised 17 12 ATHETISE, to reject,...
athetized 20 21 ATHETIZE, to reject,...
atmolysed 23 16 ATMOLYSE, to separat...
atmolyzed 26 25 ATMOLYZE, to separat...
atrophied 19 15 ATROPHY, to waste aw...
attainted 14 11 ATTAINT, to pass sen...
attempted 18 16 ATTEMPT, to endeavou...
atticised 19 13 ATTICISE, to use att...
atticized 22 22 ATTICIZE, to use att...
attracted 18 13 ATTRACT, to cause to...
attrapped 19 16 ATTRAP, to adorn wit...
attristed 16 10 ATTRIST, (obsolete)...
attritted 16 10 ATTRIT, to wear down...
auctioned 17 15 AUCTION, to sell pub...
augmented 16 17 AUGMENT, to increase...
ausformed 18 17 AUSFORM, (German) to...
autolysed 22 14 AUTOLYSE, to break d...
autolyzed 25 23 AUTOLYZE, to break d...
automated 15 14 AUTOMATE, to convert...
autopsied 17 14 AUTOPSY, to carry ou...
autosaved 16 15 AUTOSAVE, to save by...
autotyped 23 16 AUTOTYPE, to reprodu...
avianised 16 15 AVIANISE, to modify...
avianized 19 24 AVIANIZE, to modify...
babbitted 22 19 BABBITT, to fit with...
backboard 23 23 a board which suppor...
backboned 22 24 having a backbone, v...
backdated 21 21 BACKDATE, to date to...
backfield 25 24 in American football...
backfired 24 23 BACKFIRE, to go wron...
backsword 25 23 an archaic, edged, u...
bacteroid 20 16 a swollen bacterium...
badinaged 17 17 BADINAGE, to banter...
bakeboard 19 20 (Scots) a board for...
balayaged 24 18 BALAYAGE, to highlig...
balconied 20 18 having a balcony [ad...
baldfaced 23 21 bald [adj]
baldpated 20 18 destitute of hair on...
ballanted 18 16 BALLANT, to make bal...
ballasted 19 15 BALLAST, to load wit...
ballooned 17 16 BALLOON, to swell ou...
balsawood 20 17 the very light wood...
banalised 17 15 BANALISE, to make ba...
banalized 20 24 BANALIZE, to make ba...
bandstand 16 16 a structure for acco...
banqueted 24 24 BANQUET, to feast [v...
barbecued 22 20 BARBECUE, to grill o...
barbequed 27 26 BARBEQUE, to grill o...
bareboned 17 17 short of resources [...
barefaced 21 19 blatant, undisguised...
bargained 17 16 BARGAIN, to haggle o...
barhopped 23 21 BARHOP, to go from o...
barnacled 20 18 wearing spectacles [...
barracked 21 20 BARRACK, to shout en...
barrelled 19 15 BARREL, to move fast...
barriered 17 13 BARRIER, to shut by...
bartended 16 15 BARTEND, to serve in...
baseboard 18 16 a board which forms...
basifixed 26 23 attached by the base...
bassetted 17 13 BASSETT, to outcrop,...
bastioned 16 14 having a defence [ad...
batfowled 23 20 BATFOWL, to catch bi...
battelled 19 15 BATTEL, to have an a...
battilled 20 15 BATTILL, to make fer...
bayoneted 21 16 BAYONET, to stab wit...
beachhead 23 20 an area held on an e...
beasthood 18 15 the state or nature...
beatboxed 24 23 BEATBOX, to use a ki...
beatified 19 16 BEATIFY, to make ble...
beblooded 19 18 BEBLOOD, to cover wi...
bechalked 24 23 BECHALK, to cover wi...
bechanced 24 22 BECHANCE, to happen...
becharmed 23 21 BECHARM, to enchant...
beclasped 23 20 BECLASP, to clasp, e...
becloaked 21 21 BECLOAK, to place a...
beclogged 23 21 BECLOG, to clog up [...
beclothed 23 19 BECLOTHE, to put clo...
beclouded 21 19 BECLOUD, to make dim...
beclowned 23 21 BECLOWN, to make rid...
becrawled 24 20 BECRAWL, to creep ov...
becrowded 23 20 BECROWD, to press cl...
becrusted 21 17 BECRUST, to cover wi...
bedabbled 22 21 BEDABBLE, to make we...
bedaggled 20 19 BEDAGGLE, to soil by...
bedazzled 24 33 BEDAZZLE, to dazzle...
bedeviled 20 19 BEDEVIL, to plague,...
bedighted 21 18 BEDIGHT, (archaic) t...
bedimpled 22 21 BEDIMPLE, to make a...
bedirtied 18 14 BEDIRTY, to make dir...
bedizened 19 24 BEDIZEN, to dress ga...
bedroomed 17 17 having a bedroom [ad...
bedropped 21 20 BEDROP, to sprinkle...
bedrugged 20 19 BEDRUG, to drug abun...
bedspread 19 17 a coverlet for a bed...
bedwarfed 22 20 BEDWARF, to make sma...
beechwood 24 21 the wood of the beec...
beeswaxed 25 23 BEESWAX, to polish w...
beflagged 22 21 BEFLAG, to deck with...
beflecked 24 24 BEFLECK, to cover wi...
beflummed 23 24 BEFLUM, (Scott) to b...
befretted 19 16 BEFRET, to gnaw [v]
befringed 20 19 BEFRINGE, to adorn w...
befuddled 21 20 BEFUDDLE, to confuse...
begirdled 20 17 BEGIRDLE, to surroun...
begladded 19 18 BEGLAD, to make glad...
begloomed 19 19 BEGLOOM, to make glo...
begoggled 21 20 wearing goggles [adj...
begrimmed 21 21 BEGRIM, to soil with...
begroaned 16 16 BEGROAN, to groan at...
begrudged 20 19 BEGRUDGE, to concede...
bejeweled 22 26 BEJEWEL, to adorn wi...
bejumbled 24 30 BEJUMBLE, to mix con...
beknotted 17 18 BEKNOT, to tie in kn...
belabored 19 17 BELABOR, to buffet,...
belemnoid 18 18 of a fossil, shaped...
belittled 20 15 BELITTLE, to dispara...
bellocked 23 22 BELLOCK, to shout [v...
bellyband 27 21 a saddle-girth [n -S...
bemadamed 18 20 BEMADAM, to call by...
bemedaled 18 18 BEMEDAL, (archaic) t...
bemingled 20 20 BEMINGLE, to mix tog...
bemouthed 20 19 BEMOUTH, (archaic) t...
bemuddled 20 20 BEMUDDLE, (archaic)...
bemuffled 24 24 BEMUFFLE, to wrap or...
bemuzzled 26 36 BEMUZZLE, to put a g...
benchland 22 21 a former wave-cut sh...
beneficed 21 20 BENEFICE, to endow w...
benefited 18 17 BENEFIT, to obtain a...
benempted 19 20 BENAME, to name, men...
benighted 20 18 BENIGHT, to be overt...
benzenoid 18 24 like benzene, a hydr...
bepainted 18 17 BEPAINT, (archaic) t...
bepatched 24 21 (archaic) covered wi...
bepearled 19 17 BEPEARL, to cover wi...
bepimpled 24 23 BEPIMPLE, to cover w...
bepraised 19 16 BEPRAISE, to lavish...
besainted 16 14 BESAINT, to make a s...
bescoured 20 17 BESCOUR, to scour th...
beseeched 21 18 BESEECH, to implore,...
beshouted 19 16 BESHOUT, to shout at...
beshrewed 22 18 BESHREW, (archaic) t...
besmeared 17 16 BESMEAR, to smear, b...
besmudged 20 20 BESMUDGE, to cover w...
besmutted 19 17 BESMUT, to blacken w...
besoothed 18 15 BESOOTHE, to soothe...
besported 19 16 BESPORT, to sport, p...
bespotted 19 16 BESPOT, to cover wit...
bespoused 19 17 BESPOUSE, to marry [...
bespouted 19 17 BESPOUT, to spout ov...
bestained 16 14 BESTAIN, to stain al...
bestarred 17 13 BESTAR, to cover wit...
besteaded 16 14 BESTEAD, (archaic) t...
bestilled 20 15 BESTILL, (archaic) t...
bestirred 18 13 BESTIR, to rouse to...
bestormed 18 16 BESTORM, to assail w...
bestrewed 20 16 BESTREW, to strew, s...
bestrowed 20 16 BESTROW, to strew, s...
bestudded 18 16 BESTUD, to adorn wit...
beswarmed 21 19 BESWARM, to swarm al...
bethanked 19 20 BETHANK, to ply with...
bethorned 18 16 BETHORN, to fill wit...
bethumbed 23 22 BETHUMB, to wear or...
bethumped 23 22 BETHUMP, to thump so...
betokened 16 18 BETOKEN, to signify...
betrimmed 20 19 BETRIM, to deck with...
betrothed 19 15 one who is engaged t...
betumbled 22 21 (Shakespeare) in a t...
bevomited 20 20 BEVOMIT, to vomit al...
bewearied 19 16 BEWEARY, to make wea...
bewitched 26 21 BEWITCH, to affect b...
beworried 20 16 BEWORRY, to worry [v...
bewrapped 24 22 BEWRAP, to wrap comp...
bicolored 21 17 (US) having two colo...
bifocaled 23 20 wearing bifocals [ad...
bigfooted 20 18 BIGFOOT, to throw on...
bigheaded 20 18 conceited [adj BIGHE...
billboard 22 18 a board on which lar...
bilobated 20 17 having two lobes, al...
biofueled 20 18 running on biofuels,...
biohazard 22 24 a danger of disease...
bioturbed 20 17 stirred by organisms...
bipyramid 28 21 a crystal formed of...
birdlimed 21 18 BIRDLIME, to smear o...
bitmapped 23 22 BITMAP, to produce a...
blabbered 22 20 BLABBER, to reveal s...
blackband 24 25 iron ore containing...
blackbird 26 24 a bird of the thrush...
blackened 21 22 BLACKEN, to make bla...
blackhead 24 23 a spot, a pimple [n...
blackland 23 23 a heavy, sticky blac...
blacklead 23 22 graphite used in mak...
blackwood 25 24 a tall Australian ac...
bladdered 18 16 (slang) drunk [adj]
blanketed 18 19 BLANKET, to cover un...
blarneyed 23 17 BLARNEY, to cajole,...
blathered 20 16 BLATHER, to talk foo...
blattered 18 14 BLATTER, (Scots) to...
bleareyed 23 16 bleary eyed [adj]
blemished 22 19 BLEMISH, to mar [v]
blennioid 17 16 any member of the bl...
blethered 20 16 BLETHER, to talk non...
blindfold 22 20 to cover someone's e...
blinkered 19 19 BLINKER, to put blin...
blistered 19 14 BLISTER, to cause fl...
blithered 21 16 BLITHER, to talk loq...
blockaded 22 22 BLOCKADE, to block w...
blockhead 24 23 a stupid person [n -...
blondined 17 17 BLONDINE, to bleach...
bloodshed 20 17 the shedding of bloo...
bloodwood 20 18 a tree having the wo...
blootered 17 14 (Scots) drunk [adj]
blossomed 19 17 BLOSSOM, to flourish...
bloviated 20 18 BLOVIATE, to speak p...
blubbered 23 21 BLUBBER, to weep eff...
bluebeard 20 18 a man who has murder...
blueblood 21 19 a royal or aristocra...
bluenosed 17 16 puritanical [adj]
blundered 18 17 BLUNDER, to make a m...
blunthead 20 18 a frequent user of m...
blustered 19 15 BLUSTER, to blow vio...
boarhound 18 17 a dog used to hunt b...
bobbitted 22 19 BOBBITT, to cut off...
bobtailed 20 17 BOBTAIL, to cut a ta...
bodyboard 25 19 to ride a surfboard...
bodyguard 25 19 a guard consisting o...
boldfaced 23 21 BOLDFACE, to print i...
bollocked 23 22 BOLLOCK, to repriman...
bolstered 18 14 BOLSTER, to support...
bombarded 20 20 BOMBARD, to attack w...
bombasted 20 19 BOMBAST, to stuff or...
bombycoid 30 24 of or like a moth of...
bonetired 16 14 extremely tired [adj...
bookended 16 19 BOOKEND, to place so...
bookstand 17 18 a stand or support f...
bosberaad 18 16 (Afrikaans) a meetin...
boschveld 26 23 (Afrikaans) veld mad...
botanised 16 14 BOTANISE, to collect...
botanized 19 23 BOTANIZE, to collect...
bouldered 18 16 BOULDER, to climb bo...
boulevard 20 19 (French) a broad str...
bountyhed 25 19 (Spenser) bounteousn...
bowerbird 23 19 any of various passe...
bowhunted 22 20 BOWHUNT, to hunt wit...
bowlegged 23 21 with outward curving...
boxhauled 26 24 BOXHAUL, to put (a v...
boycotted 26 18 BOYCOTT, to refuse t...
boyfriend 25 19 a girl's favourite b...
bracketed 21 20 BRACKET, to group, c...
braindead 16 15 dead as evidenced by...
brainfood 18 17 any foodstuff contai...
brandered 16 15 BRANDER, to cook on...
bratticed 21 16 BRATTICE, to provide...
braunched 22 20 BRAUNCH, to spread l...
bravadoed 18 18 BRAVADO, to display...
breadhead 18 16 a drug-dealer who is...
breastfed 19 16 BREASTFEED, to feed...
bretticed 21 16 BRETTICE, to provide...
brevetted 19 17 BREVET, to confer an...
briarwood 20 16 the wood of a briar...
brickyard 29 22 a place where bricks...
bridemaid 19 17 a woman who is an at...
brierwood 20 16 the wood of a brier...
briskened 18 18 BRISKEN, to make bri...
broadband 18 18 across, involving, o...
broadened 15 15 BROADEN, to make wid...
broidered 17 14 BROIDER, to adorn wi...
bromeliad 19 17 any plant of the gen...
brookweed 20 20 a small white-flower...
brothered 19 15 BROTHER, to treat li...
brushland 21 18 an area covered with...
brushwood 23 19 loppings and broken...
brutified 21 17 BRUTIFY, to make bru...
buckboard 24 24 a light horse-drawn...
buckhound 24 25 a hound for hunting...
bucklered 23 22 BUCKLER, (Shakespear...
buckramed 23 24 BUCKRAM, to pad or s...
buffaloed 22 21 BUFFALO, to intimida...
bugleweed 22 20 a plant of the mint...
bulldozed 23 26 BULLDOZE, to overrid...
bullnosed 19 17 of the edge of a sur...
bullocked 24 23 BULLOCK, to force on...
bulwarked 23 22 BULWARK, to fortify...
bunburied 20 19 BUNBURY, to create a...
bungaloid 19 18 (facetious) of or li...
buprestid 21 17 a kind of wood-borin...
burgeoned 17 17 BURGEON, to grow rap...
burglared 20 17 BURGLAR, to enter a...
burnished 20 17 BURNISH, to polish [...
burnoosed 16 15 wearing a burnoose,...
burnoused 17 16 wearing a burnous, a...
burthened 19 17 BURTHEN, to burden [...
bushelled 22 18 BUSHEL, to mend or a...
butchered 23 19 BUTCHER, to slaughte...
buttocked 22 21 BUTTOCK, in wrestlin...
butylated 25 17 BUTYLATE, to add a b...
cagmagged 22 22 CAGMAG, to chat idly...
calamined 19 18 CALAMINE, to apply a...
calceated 21 17 CALCEATE, to shoe [v...
calcified 25 20 CALCIFY, to convert...
calibered 21 17 having a given calib...
calipered 21 17 CALIPER, to measure...
callboard 22 18 a noticeboard listin...
calloused 20 16 CALLOUS, to make or...
calorised 19 14 CALORISE, to coat st...
calorized 22 23 CALORIZE, to coat st...
calumnied 20 19 CALUMNY, to utter fa...
camanachd 23 22 (Gaelic) the game of...
camcorded 22 20 CAMCORD, to videotap...
camerated 18 16 chambered, vaulted,...
campodeid 21 20 a primitive wingless...
camwhored 24 21 CAMWHORE, to perform...
canalised 18 15 CANALISE, to dig an...
canalized 21 24 CANALIZE, to dig an...
cancelled 22 19 CANCEL, to cause not...
canoewood 18 17 another name for the...
canonised 16 15 CANONISE, to declare...
canonized 19 24 CANONIZE, to declare...
canoodled 17 16 CANOODLE, to kiss an...
cantharid 20 16 a beetle with an elo...
canticoed 20 17 CANTICO, to dance as...
canulated 18 16 CANULATE, to insert...
canvassed 19 18 CANVASS, to examine...
capitated 20 16 having fixed upper l...
caponised 19 17 CAPONISE, to castrat...
caponized 22 26 CAPONIZE, to castrat...
caprified 23 19 CAPRIFY, to cultivat...
caprioled 21 17 CAPRIOLE, to make su...
captained 19 17 CAPTAIN, to lead or...
captioned 19 17 CAPTION, to provide...
caracoled 21 17 CARACOLE, to perform...
carangoid 18 16 any spiny-finned mar...
carapaced 22 19 having a carapace [a...
caravaned 18 18 CARAVAN, to travel i...
carcassed 21 16 CARCASS, to put a fr...
carcinoid 21 17 a benign or malignan...
cardboard 20 17 a thin, stiff, finel...
carhopped 24 21 CARHOP, to work as a...
carinated 17 14 shaped like the prow...
carjacked 24 29 CARJACK, to hijack a...
carnalled 19 16 CARNAL, to act carna...
carnified 20 17 CARNIFY, to form fle...
carpooled 20 17 CARPOOL, to take tur...
carshared 20 15 CARSHARE, to share a...
cartooned 16 14 CARTOON, to sketch a...
casebound 19 18 of a book, bound in...
casemated 18 16 furnished with, prot...
casevaced 22 20 CASEVAC, to evacuate...
cashiered 20 15 CASHIER, to dismiss...
caskstand 19 18 a stand for casks [n...
cassocked 22 20 wearing a cassock [a...
castrated 18 13 CASTRATE, to remove...
cataloged 19 16 CATALOG, to classify...
catalysed 25 16 CATALYSE, to act as...
catalyzed 28 25 CATALYZE, to act at...
catcalled 23 18 CATCALL, to deride b...
catchweed 26 21 goosegrass or cleave...
catchword 27 21 among theatrical per...
catenated 16 14 CATENATE, to link to...
cathected 23 18 CATHECT, to invest w...
catnapped 21 20 CATNAP, to take a sh...
catrigged 21 17 rigged like a catboa...
caucussed 22 18 CAUCUS, to hold a po...
cautioned 17 15 CAUTION, to warn [v]
cavitated 20 17 CAVITATE, to form ca...
cedarbird 21 17 the cedar waxwing [n...
cedarwood 20 17 the wood of the ceda...
ceilinged 20 17 having a ceiling [ad...
celluloid 22 17 (tradename) a type o...
centupled 21 19 CENTUPLE, to increas...
cerebroid 20 16 like the cerebrum [a...
certified 21 16 CERTIFY, to declare...
chaetopod 21 18 a member of the Chae...
chaffered 24 21 CHAFFER, to bargain...
chagrined 21 18 CHAGRIN, to humiliat...
chalanned 19 18 CHALAN, in India, to...
chambered 23 21 CHAMBER, to put in a...
chamfered 23 21 CHAMFER, to channel...
chamoised 21 18 CHAMOIS, to prepare...
chancroid 23 19 a type of venereal s...
channeled 19 18 CHANNEL, to direct a...
chapleted 23 19 having a chaplet, a...
chaptered 22 18 CHAPTER, to divide a...
charioted 20 15 CHARIOT, to ride in...
chartered 20 15 CHARTER, to lease or...
chastened 19 16 CHASTEN, to chastise...
chastised 21 15 CHASTISE, to discipl...
chattered 20 15 CHATTER, to talk idl...
cheapened 20 19 CHEAPEN, to lower th...
checkered 24 22 CHECKER, to divide i...
cheerlead 20 16 to lead in cheering...
chemicked 26 25 CHEMIC, to treat wit...
chequered 28 25 CHEQUER, to divide i...
cherished 23 17 CHERISH, to hold dea...
chevroned 21 20 marked with chevrons...
chickened 24 23 CHICKEN, to loose on...
chickweed 28 25 any plant of the gen...
chignoned 20 19 wearing a chignon, a...
childhood 24 19 the state of being a...
chillaxed 29 24 CHILLAX, to relax co...
chimneyed 27 21 CHIMNEY, to proceed...
chipboard 25 21 reconstructed wood m...
chippered 25 21 CHIPPER, to twitter,...
chirruped 24 19 CHIRRUP, to chirp re...
chiselled 23 17 CHISEL, to use a cut...
chitinoid 21 16 of or like chitin, a...
chittered 21 15 CHITTER, to shiver o...
chivareed 22 19 CHIVAREE, to perform...
chivaried 23 19 CHIVARI, to perform...
chokehold 24 22 the act of holding a...
choleroid 21 16 like cholera [adj]
chondroid 20 17 like or resembling c...
choppered 24 21 CHOPPER, to travel b...
chorussed 21 16 CHORUS, to sing in u...
chowdered 23 19 CHOWDER, to make a t...
chowhound 25 22 one fond of eating [...
chromatid 22 18 one of the two threa...
chromised 22 18 CHROMISE, to chrome,...
chromized 25 27 CHROMIZE, to chrome,...
chrysalid 29 18 a pupa, esp. of a mo...
chundered 20 18 CHUNDER, (Australian...
chunnered 19 18 CHUNNER, to mutter,...
chuntered 20 17 CHUNTER, to mutter,...
chylified 31 21 CHYLIFY, to produce...
chymified 31 23 CHYMIFY, to form int...
ciceroned 20 17 CICERONE, to act as...
cinctured 22 18 CINCTURE, to gird or...
circuited 23 17 CIRCUIT, to move aro...
cirrhosed 21 15 affected by cirrhosi...
cissified 22 16 like a cissy, also S...
civilised 23 18 CIVILISE, to instruc...
civilized 26 27 CIVILIZE, to instruc...
clabbered 23 20 CLABBER, to curdle,...
clambered 22 20 CLAMBER, to climb aw...
clamoured 20 18 CLAMOUR, to make a l...
clampered 22 20 CLAMPER, to botch up...
clangored 19 17 CLANGOR, to clang lo...
clapboard 23 20 a narrow board, thic...
clapbread 23 20 a kind of hard-baked...
clappered 23 20 CLAPPER, to make a n...
clarified 22 17 CLARIFY, to make cle...
clarioned 18 15 CLARION, to sound a...
clarthead 21 16 a slow-witted person...
clattered 19 14 CLATTER, to make a r...
clauchted 25 20 CLAUCHT, (Scots) to...
claughted 23 19 CLAUGHT, (Scots) to...
cleareyed 24 16 having good judgment...
clearweed 21 17 a nettlelike plant [...
clicketed 24 21 CLICKET, to make a c...
clinkered 20 19 CLINKER, to make fur...
clipboard 24 20 a portable board wit...
clittered 20 14 CLITTER, to make a s...
clobbered 23 20 CLOBBER, to strike v...
clodpated 21 18 stupid, doltish [adj...
closehead 20 16 (Scots) the entrance...
clottered 19 14 CLOTTER, to coagulat...
cloudland 20 18 an imaginary situati...
clustered 20 15 CLUSTER, to form int...
cluttered 20 15 CLUTTER, to pile in...
coachload 23 19 the passengers of a...
coachwood 25 21 an Australian tree y...
coadapted 19 17 mutually adapted [ad...
coadmired 19 17 COADMIRE, to admire...
coalesced 21 17 COALESCE, to blend [...
coalfield 22 18 a district or area c...
coalified 21 17 COALIFY, to convert...
coannexed 21 22 COANNEX, to annex jo...
coarsened 16 14 COARSEN, to make coa...
coassumed 19 17 COASSUME, to assume...
coastland 18 15 land along the coast...
coastward 21 16 in the direction of...
coatstand 17 14 a stand for hanging...
cobwebbed 27 25 COBWEB, to cover wit...
cochaired 23 18 COCHAIR, to serve jo...
cocreated 20 16 COCREATE, to create...
cocuswood 24 20 the so-called Jamaic...
coderived 20 18 CODERIVE, to derive...
coenacted 19 17 COENACT, to enact to...
coendured 17 16 COENDURE, to endure...
coequated 25 23 COEQUATE, to equate...
coerected 20 16 COERECT, to erect to...
coevolved 22 22 COEVOLVE, to evolve...
coexerted 23 20 COEXERT, to exert jo...
coexisted 24 20 COEXIST, to exist to...
cofounded 19 19 COFOUND, to found jo...
cogitated 19 15 COGITATE, to ponder...
cognosced 21 19 COGNOSCE, in Scots l...
cohabited 22 18 COHABIT, to dwell to...
cohibited 23 18 COHIBIT, to restrain...
cohobated 21 18 COHOBATE, to distill...
coiffured 23 20 COIFFURE, to style t...
coincided 21 18 COINCIDE, to be iden...
coinhered 19 16 COINHERE, to inhere...
coinsured 18 15 COINSURE, to insure...
coldblood 22 19 a horse belonging to...
colicweed 25 20 any of several weeds...
collapsed 22 18 COLLAPSE, to crumble...
collected 23 18 COLLECT, to bring to...
collogued 21 18 COLLOGUE, to convers...
colloqued 28 25 COLLOQUE, to hold a...
colocated 21 17 COLOCATE, to group h...
colombard 22 20 a kind of grape used...
colonised 18 15 COLONISE, to establi...
colonized 21 24 COLONIZE, to establi...
colorbred 21 17 selectively bred for...
colorised 19 14 COLORISE, to give co...
colorized 22 23 COLORIZE, to give co...
colubriad 22 18 (Cowper) the epic of...
comanaged 18 19 COMANAGE, to manage...
comatulid 21 18 a type of crinoid, a...
combatted 21 19 COMBAT, to fight aga...
combusted 22 20 COMBUST, to burn [v]
comeddled 20 19 COMEDDLE, (obsolete)...
comforted 21 19 COMFORT, to console...
comingled 21 20 COMINGLE, to blend t...
commanded 19 21 COMMAND, to direct w...
commenced 22 23 COMMENCE, to begin [...
commended 19 21 COMMEND, to praise [...
commented 19 20 COMMENT, to remark [...
commerced 23 22 COMMERCE, to engage...
commerged 21 21 COMMERGE, to merge t...
committed 21 19 COMMIT, to perpetrat...
communard 20 21 (French) a member of...
compacted 24 22 COMPACT, to pack clo...
companded 20 21 COMPAND, to put a si...
companied 20 20 COMPANY, to associat...
comparted 21 19 COMPART, to divide i...
compassed 21 19 COMPASS, to surround...
compeared 20 19 COMPEAR, to appear i...
compeered 20 19 COMPEER, to be the e...
compelled 23 21 COMPEL, to force [v]
compesced 24 22 COMPESCE, (archaic)...
completed 22 20 COMPLETE, to bring t...
complexed 28 27 COMPLEX, to make com...
comported 21 19 COMPORT, to conduct...
composted 21 19 COMPOST, to make int...
comprised 22 19 COMPRISE, to include...
comprized 25 28 COMPRIZE, to include...
compulsed 23 21 COMPULSE, (obsolete)...
concealed 20 18 CONCEAL, to hide [v]
conceited 20 17 CONCEIT, to form a c...
conceived 22 21 CONCEIVE, to underst...
concerned 19 18 CONCERN, to be of in...
concerted 20 17 CONCERT, to construc...
concluded 22 20 CONCLUDE, to finish...
concocted 23 20 CONCOCT, to fabricat...
concorded 20 18 CONCORD, to be in or...
concreted 20 17 CONCRETE, to solidif...
concrewed 23 20 CONCREW, (archaic) t...
concurred 21 18 CONCUR, to concur [v...
concussed 21 18 CONCUSS, to injure t...
condemned 17 19 CONDEMN, to judge un...
condensed 16 16 CONDENSE, to compres...
conducted 21 19 CONDUCT, to lead or...
condyloid 25 18 shaped like or perta...
confabbed 23 23 CONFAB, to converse,...
confected 22 20 CONFECT, to prepare...
conferred 19 17 CONFER, to bestow [v...
confessed 19 17 CONFESS, to admit or...
confirmed 21 20 CONFIRM, to assure t...
conflated 20 18 CONFLATE, to combine...
conformed 20 20 CONFORM, to become t...
congealed 18 17 CONGEAL, to change f...
congested 18 16 CONGEST, to fill to...
conglobed 21 20 CONGLOBE, to become...
conjected 22 26 CONJECT, to conjectu...
conjoined 18 24 CONJOIN, to join tog...
connected 19 18 CONNECT, to join tog...
conquered 25 24 CONQUER, to overcome...
consented 16 15 CONSENT, to give app...
conserved 19 18 CONSERVE, to keep, p...
consigned 18 17 CONSIGN, to give ove...
consisted 18 14 CONSIST, to be compo...
consorted 17 14 CONSORT, to keep com...
conspired 20 17 CONSPIRE, to plot to...
constated 17 14 CONSTATE, to assert...
constered 17 14 CONSTER, (archaic) t...
construed 18 15 CONSTRUE, to analyse...
consulted 19 16 CONSULT, to ask advi...
contacted 20 17 CONTACT, to communic...
contained 16 15 CONTAIN, to hold wit...
contemned 17 18 CONTEMN, to despise...
contended 16 16 CONTEND, to vie [v]
contented 16 15 CONTENT, to satisfy...
contested 17 14 CONTEST, to compete...
continued 17 16 CONTINUE, to go on w...
contorted 17 14 CONTORT, to twist ou...
contoured 17 15 CONTOUR, to make the...
contrived 20 18 CONTRIVE, to devise...
contunded 17 17 CONTUND, (archaic) t...
convected 22 21 CONVECT, to transfer...
convented 18 19 CONVENT, to assemble...
converged 20 20 CONVERGE, to come to...
conversed 19 18 CONVERSE, to speak t...
converted 19 18 CONVERT, to change i...
convicted 23 21 CONVICT, to prove gu...
convinced 22 22 CONVINCE, to satisfy...
convolved 22 23 CONVOLVE, to roll to...
convulsed 21 20 CONVULSE, to shake v...
coonhound 18 18 a dog trained to hun...
copiloted 21 17 COPILOT [v]
coplotted 21 17 COPLOT, to plot toge...
copsewood 22 19 brushwood; coppice [...
copulated 21 18 COPULATE, to have se...
coquetted 26 23 COQUET, to flirt, al...
coralloid 20 15 in the form of coral...
corbelled 22 18 CORBEL, to provide a...
cordelled 20 16 CORDELLE, to use a t...
corelated 18 14 CORELATE, to place i...
corkboard 21 20 a thin composite boa...
cornbraid 20 17 to braid hair in cor...
cornbread 19 17 bread made of the me...
cornfield 21 18 a field in which cor...
cornified 20 17 CORNIFY, to form ker...
cornrowed 20 17 CORNROW, to braid ha...
coronated 16 14 CORONATE, to crown [...
coroneted 16 14 wearing a coronet [a...
corotated 17 13 COROTATE, to rotate...
corralled 20 15 CORRAL, to place liv...
corrected 21 16 CORRECT, to make rig...
corrupted 21 17 CORRUPT, to make bad...
corsleted 19 14 wearing a corslet, a...
corticoid 22 16 any of the steroid h...
corvetted 20 17 CORVET, of a horse,...
cosphered 22 18 (archaic) being in t...
cossetted 18 13 pampered, spoilt [ad...
costarred 18 13 COSTAR, to star equa...
costeaned 16 14 COSTEAN, in mining,...
counseled 18 16 COUNSEL, to advise [...
countered 17 15 COUNTER, to oppose [...
couriered 18 14 COURIER, to deliver...
courtyard 25 16 a court or enclosed...
crackhead 24 22 a drug addict [n -S]
cramponed 20 20 CRAMPON, to climb us...
craunched 23 20 CRAUNCH, to chew wit...
cravatted 20 17 CRAVAT, to dress in...
crazyweed 30 27 a plant the consumpt...
creamlaid 20 17 of paper, cream or w...
creasoted 17 13 CREASOTE, to coat wi...
creepered 19 16 covered in creeper [...
crenelled 19 16 CRENEL, to make inde...
creolised 19 14 CREOLISE, to cause a...
creolized 22 23 CREOLIZE, to cause a...
creosoted 17 13 CREOSOTE, to treat w...
cretinoid 18 14 resembling a cretin...
crevassed 20 17 CREVASSE, to make a...
crewelled 23 18 CREWEL, to work in a...
cricketed 23 20 CRICKET, to play a g...
crimsoned 19 17 CRIMSON, to make dee...
crispated 21 16 having a wavy edge,...
crispened 20 17 CRISPEN, to make cri...
crisphead 23 18 a variety of lettuce...
cristated 19 13 with an appendage re...
critiqued 28 23 CRITIQUE, to judge a...
crocheted 23 18 CROCHET, to work woo...
crocketed 22 20 having crockets, cur...
cropbound 22 21 of birds, suffering...
croqueted 26 23 CROQUET, to play a g...
crosiered 18 13 carrying a crosier,...
crossband 20 17 a horizontal bar e.g...
crossbred 21 16 an animal produced b...
crosshead 20 15 a beam connecting pi...
crossroad 18 13 an intersection of r...
crosstied 19 13 tied across [adj]
crosswind 22 17 a wind blowing acros...
crossword 22 16 a type of puzzle in...
crowdfund 24 22 to fund a project vi...
crownland 21 19 a large administrati...
crucified 25 20 CRUCIFY, to put to d...
crustated 19 14 covered with a crust...
cuckolded 24 23 CUCKOLD, to humiliat...
cudgelled 22 19 CUDGEL, to beat with...
cuirassed 19 14 CUIRASS, to cover wi...
cultrated 20 15 shaped like a knife...
culverted 22 19 CULVERT, to channel...
cumulated 21 19 CUMULATE, to heap to...
cupolated 21 18 furnished with a cup...
curarised 19 14 CURARISE, to poison...
curarized 22 23 CURARIZE, to poison...
curlicued 24 19 CURLICUE, to decorat...
curtailed 20 15 CURTAIL, to cut shor...
curtained 18 15 CURTAIN, to furnish...
curtseyed 25 16 CURTSEY, to bow poli...
curvetted 21 18 CURVET, to leap, fri...
cushioned 20 17 CUSHION, to pad with...
cutinised 19 15 CUTINISE, to become...
cutinized 22 24 CUTINIZE, to become...
cycadeoid 27 19 a member of the cyca...
cyprinoid 27 19 related to the carp...
dachshund 23 20 (German) a breed of...
dairymaid 23 16 a woman who works in...
damnified 18 18 DAMNIFY, to cause lo...
dandified 17 16 DANDIFY, to dress up...
darkfield 20 19 as in darkfield micr...
darrained 14 12 DARRAIN, to justify,...
darrayned 20 14 DARRAYN, to justify,...
dartboard 17 14 the target used in t...
dashboard 19 16 the instrument panel...
databased 16 14 DATABASE, to put dat...
datelined 15 13 DATELINE, to provide...
daundered 14 14 DAUNDER, (dialect) t...
dauntoned 13 14 DAUNTON, to dare, al...
daysailed 22 14 DAYSAIL, to sail a y...
deadlined 15 14 DEADLINE, to put a t...
deaerated 13 11 DEAERATE, to remove...
deafblind 20 19 deaf and blind [adj]
dealigned 16 15 DEALIGN, to withdraw...
deathward 20 16 toward death, also D...
debauched 22 20 DEBAUCH, to lead int...
debearded 16 15 DEBEARD, to remove t...
debouched 22 20 DEBOUCH, to emerge o...
debriefed 19 17 DEBRIEF, to question...
debruised 18 15 DEBRUISE, in heraldr...
decachord 23 19 an old ten-stringed...
decentred 17 15 DECENTRE, to put out...
decimated 19 17 DECIMATE, to kill ev...
declaimed 20 18 DECLAIM, to speak fo...
declassed 19 15 DECLASS, to lower in...
decolored 18 15 DECOLOR, to deprive...
decorated 17 14 DECORATE, to adorn [...
decoupled 21 19 DECOUPLE, to disconn...
decreased 17 14 DECREASE, to diminis...
decrowned 20 18 DECROWN, to deprive...
decrypted 27 19 DECRYPT, to decode [...
dedicated 18 15 DEDICATE, to set apa...
deerhound 16 15 a kind of hound used...
defaulted 18 16 DEFAULT, to fail to...
defecated 19 17 DEFECATE, to void ex...
defiladed 18 16 DEFILADE, (French) t...
deflected 21 18 DEFLECT, to turn asi...
defocused 20 18 DEFOCUS, to cause to...
defragged 19 18 DEFRAG, to defragmen...
defrauded 17 16 DEFRAUD, to swindle...
defrocked 21 21 DEFROCK, to deprive...
defrosted 17 14 DEFROST, to remove f...
defuelled 19 17 DEFUEL, to remove fu...
degaussed 16 14 DEGAUSS, to demagnet...
degreased 15 13 DEGREASE, to remove...
deindexed 20 20 DEINDEX, to unlink f...
deionised 14 12 DEIONISE, to remove...
deionized 17 21 DEIONIZE, to remove...
delegated 16 14 DELEGATE, to appoint...
delibated 18 15 DELIBATE, (obsolete)...
delighted 20 16 DELIGHT, to give gre...
delimited 18 15 DELIMIT, to mark the...
delivered 18 16 DELIVER, to take to...
delustred 17 13 DELUSTRE, to remove...
demagoged 17 18 DEMAGOG, to behave l...
demantoid 15 15 a lustrous green gem...
demerited 16 14 DEMERIT, to lower in...
demiworld 21 18 the demimonde, a cla...
demonised 15 15 DEMONISE, to make a...
demonized 18 24 DEMONIZE, to make a...
demounted 15 16 DEMOUNT, to remove f...
denatured 14 13 DENATURE, to deprive...
denizened 16 22 DENIZEN, to naturali...
denotated 13 12 DENOTATE, (obsolete)...
denounced 16 17 DENOUNCE, to condemn...
densified 17 15 DENSIFY, to increase...
denudated 14 14 DENUDATE, to strip o...
deorbited 17 14 DEORBIT, to come out...
depainted 16 15 DEPAINT, (Spenser) t...
depeopled 19 18 DEPEOPLE, to reduce...
depilated 18 15 DEPILATE, to remove...
deposited 17 14 DEPOSIT, to place [v...
deprehend 18 17 (obsolete) to catch;...
depressed 17 14 DEPRESS, to make sad...
depurated 17 15 DEPURATE, to free fr...
deputised 18 15 DEPUTISE, to act as...
deputized 21 24 DEPUTIZE, to act as...
deraigned 15 14 DERAIGN, (obsolete)...
derivated 17 15 DERIVATE, to derive,...
dermatoid 16 14 like or resembling s...
dermestid 17 14 any of a family of b...
derogated 15 13 DEROGATE, to lessen...
derricked 20 18 DERRICK, to hoist by...
descanted 17 15 DESCANT, to comment...
descended 17 16 DESCEND, to come dow...
described 21 17 DESCRIBE, to recount...
descrived 21 18 DESCRIVE, to recount...
deskbound 18 20 confined to a desk (...
deskilled 19 17 DESKILL, to make uns...
desnooded 13 13 DESNOOD, to remove a...
desolated 15 12 DESOLATE, to lay was...
despaired 17 14 DESPAIR, to lose all...
despoiled 18 15 DESPOIL, to plunder...
desponded 16 16 DESPOND, to lose hea...
destained 14 12 DESTAIN, to rid of s...
destocked 19 18 DESTOCK, to reduce t...
destroyed 21 13 DESTROY, to damage b...
desugared 16 14 DESUGAR, to remove t...
detangled 16 15 DETANGLE, to remove...
dethroned 16 14 DETHRONE, to remove...
detonated 13 12 DETONATE, to cause t...
detracted 18 14 DETRACT, to take awa...
detrained 14 12 DETRAIN, to alight f...
developed 19 19 DEVELOP, to bring to...
devilwood 21 19 a kind of tree, alli...
devvelled 21 21 DEVVEL, (Scots) to s...
dewatered 17 14 DEWATER, to remove w...
dewclawed 25 21 having a vestigial t...
dewlapped 23 21 having dewlaps, also...
dezincked 22 28 DEZINC, to remove zi...
diagnosed 15 14 DIAGNOSE, to identif...
diagramed 17 16 DIAGRAM, to illustra...
dialogued 17 15 DIALOGUE, to hold a...
diamonded 15 16 DIAMOND, to adorn wi...
diapaused 17 15 DIAPAUSE, in insects...
dickybird 30 23 a false shirtfront,...
didelphid 22 18 any member of the ma...
digitated 17 13 of a leaf, divided i...
digitised 18 13 DIGITISE, to put int...
digitized 21 22 DIGITIZE, to put int...
dignified 19 17 DIGNIFY, to add dign...
digressed 17 13 DIGRESS, to stray fr...
dimerised 17 14 DIMERISE, to make in...
dimerized 20 23 DIMERIZE, to make in...
dimwitted 21 17 stupid [adj]
diplomaed 19 18 DIPLOMA, to confer a...
dipnetted 17 15 DIPNET, to scoop fis...
dirempted 19 17 DIREMPT, to separate...
disabused 18 15 DISABUSE, to free fr...
disaccord 22 17 to refuse to assent...
disagreed 16 13 DISAGREE, to differ...
disallied 18 13 DISALLY, to break an...
disavowed 20 18 DISAVOW, to disclaim...
disbanded 17 16 DISBAND, to break up...
disbarked 19 18 DISBARK, to strip of...
disbarred 18 14 DISBAR, to expel fro...
disbodied 18 15 disembodied [adj]
disbudded 19 17 DISBUD, to remove bu...
disbursed 19 15 DISBURSE, to pay out...
discalced 23 18 unshod; barefoot as...
discanted 18 15 DISCANT, to sing, al...
discarded 19 15 DISCARD, to throw aw...
discepted 21 17 DISCEPT, to dispute,...
discerned 18 15 DISCERN, to perceive...
discerped 21 17 DISCERP, to separate...
discipled 23 18 DISCIPLE, to cause t...
disclosed 20 15 DISCLOSE, to reveal...
discorded 19 15 DISCORD, to disagree...
discoured 19 15 DISCOURE, to find ou...
discussed 20 15 DISCUSS, to talk ove...
disdained 15 13 DISDAIN, to scorn, l...
disformed 19 17 DISFORM, to alter th...
disgested 17 13 DISGEST, to assimila...
disgodded 17 15 deprived of divinity...
disgorged 18 15 DISGORGE, to vomit [...
disgowned 19 17 DISGOWN, to strip of...
disgraced 20 16 DISGRACE, to bring s...
disgraded 17 14 DISGRADE, to strip o...
disguised 18 14 DISGUISE, to conceal...
disgusted 18 14 DISGUST, to cause lo...
dishabled 21 17 DISHABLE, to render...
dishelmed 20 17 DISHELM, to deprive...
dishorned 17 14 DISHORN, to deprive...
dishorsed 18 13 DISHORSE, to make so...
dishoused 18 14 DISHOUSE, to deprive...
disinured 16 13 DISINURE, to render...
disjected 21 23 DISJECT, to dismembe...
disjoined 17 21 DISJOIN, to separate...
disleafed 18 15 DISLEAF, to deprive...
disleaved 18 16 DISLEAVE, to deprive...
dislimbed 21 18 DISLIMB, to tear lim...
dislimned 18 16 DISLIMN, (Shakespear...
dislinked 18 17 DISLINK, to unlink,...
disloaded 16 13 DISLOAD, to unload,...
dislodged 18 15 DISLODGE, to remove...
dismanned 15 16 DISMAN, to deprive o...
dismasked 18 18 DISMASK, to divest o...
dismasted 17 14 DISMAST, to remove t...
dismayled 24 17 DISMAYL, (Spenser) t...
dismissed 18 14 DISMISS, to send awa...
disnested 15 12 DISNEST, to dislodge...
disobeyed 23 16 DISOBEY, to refuse t...
disparked 19 18 DISPARK, (archaic) t...
disparted 18 14 DISPART, (archaic) t...
dispelled 20 16 DISPEL, to drive awa...
dispenced 20 18 DISPENCE, (Spenser)...
dispended 17 16 DISPEND, (obsolete)...
dispensed 17 15 DISPENSE, to distrib...
dispersed 18 14 DISPERSE, to scatter...
displaced 22 18 DISPLACE, to put in...
displayed 25 17 DISPLAY, to put on s...
disploded 19 16 DISPLODE, (Milton) t...
displumed 21 19 DISPLUME, to deprive...
disponged 18 17 DISPONGE, to sprinkl...
disported 18 14 DISPORT, to amuse on...
disposted 18 14 DISPOST, to displace...
disprized 22 23 DISPRIZE, to depreci...
disproved 20 18 DISPROVE, to refute...
dispunged 19 18 DISPUNGE, (Shakespea...
dispursed 19 15 DISPURSE, (Shakespea...
disranked 16 16 DISRANK, to reduce r...
disregard 17 13 to pay no attention...
disrooted 15 11 DISROOT, to tear up...
disrupted 19 15 DISRUPT, to throw in...
disseated 15 11 DISSEAT, to unseat,...
dissected 19 14 DISSECT, to cut apar...
disseised 16 11 DISSEISE, to deprive...
disseized 19 20 DISSEIZE, to deprive...
dissented 15 12 DISSENT, to disagree...
disserted 16 11 DISSERT, to discuss...
disserved 18 15 DISSERVE, to treat b...
dissolved 19 16 DISSOLVE, to make in...
dissuaded 16 13 DISSUADE, to persuad...
distained 15 12 DISTAIN, (archaic) t...
distanced 18 15 DISTANCE, to move fa...
distasted 16 11 DISTASTE, (archaic)...
distended 15 13 DISTEND, to swell [v...
distilled 19 13 DISTILL, to extract...
distorted 16 11 DISTORT, to twist or...
disturbed 19 15 DISTURB, to interrup...
disunited 16 13 DISUNITE, to separat...
disvalued 19 17 DISVALUE, to dispara...
divagated 18 17 DIVAGATE, to wander...
divinised 18 16 DIVINISE, to treat a...
divinized 21 25 DIVINIZE, to treat a...
docqueted 26 24 DOCQUET, to make a s...
doctorand 17 15 a candidate for a do...
doghanged 18 18 shamefaced [adj]
doglegged 19 18 DOGLEG, to move alon...
dognapped 19 20 DOGNAP, to steal a d...
dollybird 27 18 an attractive young...
domiciled 21 18 DOMICIL, to establis...
dominated 15 15 DOMINATE, to control...
downcried 21 18 DOWNCRY, to denigrat...
downfield 21 19 in or into the part...
downrated 17 15 DOWNRATE, to make lo...
downsized 21 24 DOWNSIZE, to produce...
downtrend 17 16 a tendency in a down...
downzoned 19 25 DOWNZONE, to reduce...
draghound 18 17 a foxhound trained t...
dragooned 14 14 DRAGOON, to compel b...
draperied 17 14 DRAPERY, to drape [v...
draughted 19 16 DRAUGHT, to draft [v...
dreamland 16 16 an unreal, delightfu...
drerihead 17 13 (Spenser) dreariness...
driftwood 21 17 wood drifted or floa...
drivelled 20 17 DRIVEL, to let saliv...
drowsihed 21 16 (Spenser) drowsiness...
drywalled 27 18 DRYWALL, to build wi...
dubitated 18 15 DUBITATE, to doubt [...
duchessed 21 17 DUCHESS, to overwhel...
duckboard 22 22 a board with slats n...
dulcified 23 19 DULCIFY, to sweeten...
dumbfound 21 23 to strike dumb; to c...
dumbsized 23 27 DUMBSIZE, to reduce...
dungareed 15 15 wearing dungarees [a...
dungeoned 14 16 DUNGEON, to confine...
duplicand 22 20 something being dupl...
dynamised 22 17 DYNAMISE, to make dy...
dynamited 22 17 DYNAMITE, to blow up...
dynamized 25 26 DYNAMIZE, to make dy...
eaglewood 18 16 a kind of fragrant w...
earbashed 18 15 EARBASH, to talk to...
earlywood 24 16 the wood formed in t...
earmarked 16 17 EARMARK, to set asid...
earringed 15 13 wearing earrings [ad...
earthward 20 15 in the direction of...
earwigged 20 17 EARWIG, to pester wi...
eastbound 16 15 bound for the east;...
ebionised 16 14 EBIONISE, to follow...
ebionized 19 23 EBIONIZE, to follow...
echeloned 19 17 ECHELON, to arrange...
echinated 19 16 prickly like a hedge...
echiuroid 21 16 any of a taxon of ma...
ecotoured 17 14 ECOTOUR, to go on a...
ecstasied 18 13 ECSTASY, to send int...
editioned 14 12 EDITION, to produce...
effierced 22 19 EFFIERCE, (Spenser)...
eggheaded 18 17 intellectual [adj]
egosurfed 18 16 EGOSURF, to search f...
eightfold 22 18 multiplied by eight...
electroed 18 14 ELECTRO, to make an...
ellipsoid 20 15 a solid, all plane s...
elongated 15 14 ELONGATE, to lengthe...
eluviated 18 16 ELUVIATE, to undergo...
emaciated 18 16 EMACIATE, to make th...
embargoed 18 18 EMBARGO, to prohibit...
embattled 19 17 EMBATTLE, to fortify...
embezzled 25 35 EMBEZZLE, to appropr...
embloomed 19 20 EMBLOOM, to cover wi...
embolised 19 17 EMBOLISE, to cause a...
embolized 22 26 EMBOLIZE, to cause a...
embosomed 18 19 EMBOSOM, to embrace,...
embounded 17 19 EMBOUND, (Shakespear...
emboweled 21 20 EMBOWEL, to remove t...
embowered 20 19 EMBOWER, to place in...
embraided 18 17 EMBRAID, (Spenser) t...
embreaded 17 17 EMBREAD, to braid, a...
embroiled 19 17 EMBROIL, to involve...
embrowned 20 20 EMBROWN, to make bro...
emendated 14 15 EMENDATE, to correct...
emigrated 17 15 EMIGRATE, to leave o...
emmarbled 20 20 EMMARBLE, to adorn w...
empaneled 17 18 EMPANEL, to select a...
empeached 22 21 EMPEACH, (Spenser) t...
empeopled 20 20 EMPEOPLE, to fill wi...
emperised 18 16 EMPERISE, to play th...
emperized 21 25 EMPERIZE, to play th...
empierced 21 19 EMPIERCE, (Spenser)...
empighted 22 20 EMPIGHT, (Spenser) t...
emplonged 19 20 EMPLONGE, to plunge,...
empowered 20 19 EMPOWER, to authoriz...
empurpled 22 21 EMPURPLE, to dye pur...
enamelled 16 16 ENAMEL, to cover wit...
enamoured 14 15 ENAMOUR, to inspire...
enchained 18 17 ENCHAIN, to bind wit...
enchanted 18 17 ENCHANT, to delight...
encharged 20 18 ENCHARGE, (archaic)...
encharmed 20 19 ENCHARM, (obsolete)...
encheered 18 16 ENCHEER, (archaic) t...
encircled 22 18 ENCIRCLE, to form a...
enclasped 20 18 ENCLASP, to embrace,...
enclothed 20 17 ENCLOTHE, to clothe...
enclouded 18 17 ENCLOUD, to cover wi...
encradled 18 16 ENCRADLE, to lay in...
encreased 16 14 ENCREASE, to become...
encrusted 18 15 ENCRUST, to cover wi...
encrypted 26 19 ENCRYPT, to put a me...
endamaged 15 17 ENDAMAGE, to damage...
endplayed 23 18 ENDPLAY, to force (a...
energised 15 13 ENERGISE, to give en...
energized 18 22 ENERGIZE, to give en...
enervated 15 15 ENERVATE, to weaken,...
enfeebled 18 18 ENFEEBLE, to make fe...
enfeloned 15 16 ENFELON, (Spenser) t...
enfeoffed 19 20 ENFEOFF, to invest w...
enfevered 17 18 ENFEVER, to excite f...
enfierced 19 17 ENFIERCE, (Spenser)...
enfiladed 17 16 ENFILADE, to direct...
enfleshed 19 17 ENFLESH, to turn int...
engarland 15 15 to encircle with a g...
engirdled 17 15 ENGIRDLE, to secure...
englished 19 16 ENGLISH, to cause a...
engloomed 16 17 ENGLOOM, to make glo...
englutted 17 15 ENGLUT, to glut, to...
engraffed 19 19 ENGRAFF, (obsolete)...
engrafted 17 16 ENGRAFT, to graft on...
engrailed 16 14 ENGRAIL, to border w...
engrained 14 14 ENGRAIN, to fix deep...
engrasped 17 16 ENGRASP, (Spenser) t...
engrieved 17 17 ENGRIEVE, (Spenser)...
engrooved 16 17 ENGROOVE, to fit int...
engrossed 15 13 ENGROSS, to complete...
enguarded 15 15 ENGUARD, (Shakespear...
engulphed 21 20 ENGULPH, to swallow...
enhearsed 15 13 ENHEARSE, to enclose...
enkindled 16 18 ENKINDLE, to set on...
enlighted 19 16 ENLIGHT, to shed lig...
enlivened 16 17 ENLIVEN, to make liv...
enlumined 16 17 ENLUMINE, to throw l...
enraunged 14 15 ENRAUNGE, (Spenser)...
enrheumed 17 17 ENRHEUM, (obsolete)...
enroughed 17 16 ENROUGH, (archaic) t...
enrounded 13 14 ENROUND, (Shakespear...
ensampled 18 18 ENSAMPLE, to give an...
ensconced 19 18 ENSCONCE, to settle...
enshelled 18 15 ENSHELL, to enclose...
enshrined 16 14 ENSHRINE, to place i...
ensilaged 16 14 ENSILAGE, to store i...
ensnarled 14 13 ENSNARL, to snarl up...
ensphered 18 16 ENSPHERE, to enclose...
enstamped 17 17 ENSTAMP, to mark as...
ensteeped 15 14 ENSTEEP, (Shakespear...
enswathed 19 16 ENSWATHE, to wrap ar...
entangled 15 15 ENTANGLE, to twist t...
enthroned 15 14 ENTHRONE, to place o...
entrailed 15 12 ENTRAIL, (Spenser) t...
entrained 13 12 ENTRAIN, to board a...
entranced 16 15 ENTRANCE, to fill wi...
entrapped 18 17 ENTRAP, to trap [v]
entreated 13 11 ENTREAT, to ask for...
entrusted 15 12 ENTRUST, to give ove...
entwisted 18 14 ENTWIST, to twist to...
envaulted 17 17 ENVAULT, to enclose...
enveigled 18 18 ENVEIGLE, to cajole,...
enveloped 18 19 ENVELOP, to cover co...
envenomed 15 19 ENVENOM, to put veno...
environed 15 16 ENVIRON, to envelop,...
envisaged 17 17 ENVISAGE, to visuali...
enwheeled 19 17 ENWHEEL, (Shakespear...
enwrapped 21 20 ENWRAP, to cover by...
epauleted 17 15 wearing an epaulet,...
ephemerid 20 18 an insect of the may...
epilogued 19 17 EPILOGUE, to supply...
epitaphed 21 18 EPITAPH, to compose...
epitheted 19 15 EPITHET, to apply an...
equalised 24 21 EQUALISE, to make eq...
equalized 27 30 EQUALIZE, to make eq...
equipaged 26 25 EQUIPAGE, to fit out...
eradiated 14 11 ERADIATE, to shoot o...
ergotised 16 12 ERGOTISE, to affect...
ergotized 19 21 ERGOTIZE, to affect...
eriophyid 26 17 any of a large famil...
eructated 18 14 ERUCTATE, to belch o...
erythroid 24 14 of a red color [adj]
escaladed 18 15 ESCALADE, (French) t...
escalated 18 14 ESCALATE, to increas...
escaloped 20 17 ESCALOP, to bake in...
escheated 19 15 ESCHEAT, to make an...
estimated 16 13 ESTIMATE, to calcula...
estivated 17 14 ESTIVATE, to spend t...
estranged 15 13 ESTRANGE, to alienat...
estreated 14 10 ESTREAT, to extract...
estrildid 18 12 any member of a genu...
eternised 14 11 ETERNISE, to make et...
eternized 17 20 ETERNIZE, to make et...
etherised 17 12 ETHERISE, to adminis...
etherized 20 21 ETHERIZE, to adminis...
ethicised 21 15 ETHICISE, to treat a...
ethicized 24 24 ETHICIZE, to treat a...
ethylated 24 15 ETHYLATE, to introdu...
etiolated 15 11 ETIOLATE, to make pa...
euglenoid 16 15 any member of the Eu...
eulogised 17 14 EULOGISE, to extol,...
eulogized 20 23 EULOGIZE, to extol,...
eunuchoid 20 18 having the character...
euphausid 20 17 one of a genus of sh...
euphuised 20 17 EUPHUISE, to write i...
euphuized 23 26 EUPHUIZE, to write i...
eutectoid 18 14 an alloy similar to...
euthyroid 24 15 someone with normal...
evacuated 19 18 EVACUATE, to move fr...
evaluated 17 16 EVALUATE, to estimat...
evanesced 18 18 EVANESCE, to fade aw...
evanished 18 17 EVANISH, to vanish [...
evidenced 19 19 EVIDENCE, to make ap...
evulgated 19 18 EVULGATE, to divulge...
excavated 25 24 EXCAVATE, to dig out...
excerpted 26 23 EXCERPT, to pick out...
exchanged 26 25 EXCHANGE, to give an...
exclaimed 26 24 EXCLAIM, to cry out...
execrated 23 20 EXECRATE, to declare...
exercised 24 20 EXERCISE, to perform...
exhausted 23 20 EXHAUST, to use the...
exhibited 26 22 EXHIBIT, to display...
exhumated 24 23 EXHUMATE, to dig out...
exorcised 24 20 EXORCISE, to free of...
exorcized 27 29 EXORCIZE, to free of...
expedited 23 21 EXPEDITE, to speed u...
explained 23 22 EXPLAIN, to make cle...
explanted 23 22 EXPLANT, to transfer...
exploited 24 21 EXPLOIT, to take adv...
exposited 23 20 EXPOSIT, to expound...
expounded 22 23 EXPOUND, to explain...
expressed 23 20 EXPRESS, to set fort...
expuncted 26 25 EXPUNCT, (archaic) t...
exscinded 24 22 EXSCIND, to cut out...
extincted 24 21 EXTINCT, to extingui...
extrabold 24 21 a very bold typeface...
extracted 24 20 EXTRACT, to draw out...
extreated 20 17 EXTREAT, (Spenser) t...
extubated 23 21 EXTUBATE, to remove...
exuviated 23 22 EXUVIATE, to cast of...
eyeballed 24 17 EYEBALL, to look clo...
eyebrowed 25 18 EYEBROW, to provide...
eyeletted 21 13 EYELET, to make a sm...
fabricked 24 23 FABRIC, to construct...
fabulated 20 18 FABULATE, to compose...
fabulised 21 18 FABULISE, to write f...
fabulized 24 27 FABULIZE, to write f...
facetimed 21 19 FACETIME, to communi...
fairfaced 22 19 of bricks, with a sm...
fairyhood 25 17 the state of being a...
fairyland 24 17 the land of the fair...
falconoid 20 18 an antioxidant compo...
fallboard 21 18 a cover for a piano...
falsehood 19 16 a lie [n -S]
falsified 21 17 FALSIFY, to misrepre...
fancified 22 20 FANCIFY, to make fan...
fanfolded 19 19 FANFOLD, to fold pap...
fantailed 17 15 having a fan-shaped...
fantasied 16 14 FANTASY, to imagine,...
faradised 17 14 FARADISE, to treat b...
faradized 20 23 FARADIZE, to treat b...
farcified 23 19 FARCIFY, to turn int...
farmstead 18 16 a farmhouse with bui...
fasciated 20 16 exhibiting a flatten...
fascicled 25 20 arranged, growing, o...
fashioned 18 16 FASHION, to give a p...
fatheaded 18 16 stupid [adj FATHEADE...
fatigated 18 15 FATIGATE, to weary,...
feathered 18 15 FEATHER, to cover wi...
federated 16 14 FEDERATE, to unite i...
feminised 18 17 FEMINISE, to make wo...
feminized 21 26 FEMINIZE, to make wo...
feralised 18 14 run wild following d...
feralized 21 23 run wild following d...
fermented 17 17 FERMENT, to undergo...
ferrelled 19 15 FERREL, to fit with...
festooned 15 14 FESTOON, to adorn wi...
fetlocked 22 21 having fetlocks [adj...
feverweed 21 20 a plant thought to b...
fiberised 20 16 FIBERISE, to break i...
fiberized 23 25 FIBERIZE, to break i...
fibrinoid 20 17 of or like fibrin [a...
fieldward 22 18 in the direction of...
filagreed 19 16 FILAGREE, to adorn w...
filigreed 20 16 FILIGREE, to adorn w...
filtrated 19 14 FILTRATE, to filter...
finalised 18 15 FINALISE, to complet...
finalized 21 24 FINALIZE, to complet...
firearmed 18 16 carrying a firearm [...
fireboard 19 16 a mantelpiece [n -S]
firebrand 19 17 a flaming stick; a h...
fireflood 20 17 a method of extracti...
fireguard 19 16 a protective wire fr...
firsthand 20 16 obtained directly [a...
fishified 23 18 FISHIFY, to turn int...
fissioned 17 14 FISSION, to split in...
fizgigged 25 28 FIZGIG, to dob someo...
flackered 22 21 FLACKER, (Scots) to...
flacketed 22 21 FLACKET, to flap, fl...
flaffered 22 20 FLAFFER, (Scots) to...
flankered 18 19 FLANKER, to use flan...
flanneled 17 17 FLANNEL, to cover wi...
flashcard 24 19 a card shown briefly...
flatbread 20 17 a type of thin unlea...
flatlined 19 16 FLATLINE, to registe...
flattened 17 15 FLATTEN, to make or...
flattered 18 14 FLATTER, to praise e...
flaughted 22 19 FLAUGHT, to cut, par...
flaunched 23 21 FLAUNCH, to widen in...
flavonoid 19 19 a kind of aromatic c...
flavoured 20 19 FLAVOUR, to impart a...
fleckered 22 21 FLECKER, to mark wit...
flehmened 20 20 FLEHMEN, of a mammal...
flemished 22 19 FLEMISH, to coil a r...
fleshhood 22 18 the state of being i...
flickered 23 21 FLICKER, to burn uns...
flindered 18 16 FLINDER, to break to...
flinthead 20 17 an American wading b...
flipboard 23 20 a piece of office eq...
flittered 19 14 FLITTER, to vibrate...
floorhead 19 16 the upper end of a s...
floreated 17 14 decorated with a flo...
floriated 18 14 decorated with a flo...
flowerbed 23 20 a bed containing flo...
fluidised 20 16 FLUIDISE, to make fl...
fluidized 23 25 FLUIDIZE, to make fl...
flummoxed 27 28 FLUMMOX, to confuse...
flustered 19 15 FLUSTER, to put into...
fluttered 19 15 FLUTTER, to move in...
focalised 21 17 FOCALISE, to focus,...
focalized 24 26 FOCALIZE, to focus,...
footboard 18 16 a support for the fe...
footnoted 15 14 FOOTNOTE, to supply...
forearmed 17 16 FOREARM, to arm in a...
foreboded 18 17 FOREBODE, to indicat...
foredated 16 14 FOREDATE, to date be...
forenamed 16 17 having a forename [a...
forespend 18 17 to wear out physical...
forfaired 19 16 FORFAIR, (obsolete)...
forfeited 19 16 FORFEIT, to lose the...
forfended 18 18 FORFEND, (archaic) t...
forhailed 20 16 FORHAILE, (Spenser)...
forhooied 18 15 FORHOOIE, to desert...
forjudged 21 26 FORJUDGE, to judge b...
formatted 18 16 FORMAT, to follow th...
forslowed 21 17 FORSLOW, to delay, a...
fortified 20 16 FORTIFY, to strength...
forwarded 20 17 FORWARD, to help onw...
forwarned 19 17 FORWARN, to warn in...
forwasted 20 16 FORWASTE, to waste c...
fossicked 22 20 FOSSICK, (Australian...
foulbrood 20 18 a bacterial disease...
fouldered 18 16 FOULDER, (Spenser) t...
foundered 16 16 FOUNDER, to become d...
foxhunted 25 24 FOXHUNT, to hunt fox...
fractured 21 17 FRACTURE, to break [...
francised 20 17 FRANCISE, to force t...
francized 23 26 FRANCIZE, to force t...
fraughted 21 18 FRAUGHT, to load wit...
freebased 18 16 FREEBASE, to refine...
freeboard 18 16 the distance between...
freighted 21 17 FREIGHT, to load wit...
freshened 18 16 FRESHEN, to improve...
fretboard 19 16 a fingerboard with f...
friarbird 21 16 an Australian honeye...
frittered 18 13 FRITTER, to squander...
frivolled 22 19 FRIVOL, to behave pl...
frolicked 23 21 FROLIC, to play and...
frontward 20 17 towards the front, a...
fruitwood 21 17 the wood of a fruit...
frutified 21 17 FRUTIFY, (Shakespear...
fulfilled 24 20 FULFILL, to bring ab...
fullblood 23 20 a person of unmixed...
fumigated 20 19 FUMIGATE, to subject...
funnelled 18 18 FUNNEL, to pass thro...
furbished 23 19 FURBISH, to rub or s...
furnished 20 17 FURNISH, to equip [v...
furthered 20 16 FURTHER, to help for...
fusulinid 20 17 any of a family of e...
gadrooned 14 14 GADROON, to decorate...
gallanted 17 15 GALLANT, to court a...
galleried 18 14 GALLERY, to provide...
gallooned 16 15 decorated with gallo...
galumphed 23 22 GALUMPH, to move wit...
gambadoed 18 19 GAMBADO, to frolic [...
gambolled 21 20 GAMBOL, to leap abou...
gammocked 22 25 GAMMOCK, (dialect) t...
gangboard 18 18 a gangway, a plank f...
gangrened 15 16 GANGRENE, to suffer...
gantleted 16 14 GANTLET, to protect...
gargoyled 24 17 fitted with gargoyle...
garlanded 16 15 GARLAND, to crown wi...
garlicked 22 20 GARLIC, to flavour w...
garmented 16 16 GARMENT, to dress in...
garnished 18 15 GARNISH, to decorate...
garrotted 16 12 GARROTTE, to execute...
gasbagged 20 19 GASBAG, to talk a lo...
gastropod 18 15 a class of asymmetri...
gauffered 20 19 GAUFFER, to press ri...
gavelkind 20 22 (archaic) a system o...
gavialoid 19 17 of or like gavials [...
gawkihood 22 21 ungainliness, gawkin...
gazehound 20 25 a hound that pursues...
gefuffled 24 23 GEFUFFLE, to make a...
geminated 16 16 GEMINATE, to arrange...
generated 14 13 GENERATE, to bring i...
genlocked 20 21 GENLOCK, to maintain...
geocached 23 20 GEOCACHE, to search...
geometrid 17 15 any moth of the Geom...
geotagged 17 16 GEOTAG, to assign a...
gesneriad 15 13 a plant of a tropica...
gianthood 17 15 the state of being a...
gibbetted 21 18 GIBBET, to execute b...
gimballed 22 20 GIMBAL, to support o...
gimmalled 21 20 jointed, hinged, lik...
gimmicked 24 25 GIMMICK, to provide...
gipsyhood 27 19 the state of being a...
giraffoid 21 18 of or like a giraffe...
gitterned 16 13 GITTERN, to play a m...
glaciated 20 16 GLACIATE, to cover w...
glaciered 20 16 having a glacier or...
gladdened 16 16 GLADDEN, to make gla...
glamoured 18 17 GLAMOUR, to bewitch,...
glandered 16 15 affected with glande...
glimmered 20 19 GLIMMER, to shine fa...
glissaded 18 14 GLISSADE, to perform...
glistened 17 14 GLISTEN, to sparkle...
glistered 18 13 GLISTER, (archaic) t...
glittered 18 13 GLITTER, to sparkle...
glorified 20 16 GLORIFY, to bestow h...
gneissoid 16 13 like gneiss [adj]
goddammed 18 20 GODDAM, to damn, als...
goddamned 16 18 GODDAMN, to damn, al...
godrooned 14 14 GODROON [v]
goldarned 16 15 GOLDARN, (colloquial...
goldenrod 16 15 a dark golden yellow...
goldfield 21 18 a gold-producing reg...
goodfaced 20 19 (Shakespeare) having...
gooseherd 17 14 one who looks after...
gorehound 17 16 an enthusiast of gor...
gorilloid 19 14 of or like a gorilla...
gospelled 20 17 GOSPEL, to teach abo...
gossipped 21 18 GOSSIP, to talk idly...
graddaned 15 15 GRADDAN, to parch in...
graduated 16 14 GRADUATE, to receive...
graecised 19 15 GRAECISE, to provide...
graecized 22 24 GRAECIZE, to provide...
granitoid 16 13 resembling granite i...
grapeseed 17 15 the seed of the vine...
grassbird 20 15 an Australasian warb...
grassland 17 14 a habitat dominated...
gratified 19 15 GRATIFY, to satisfy...
gratineed 15 13 GRATINEE, (French) t...
graunched 21 19 GRAUNCH, to make a g...
gravelled 20 18 GRAVEL, to pave with...
graveward 21 19 in the direction of...
graveyard 24 18 a burial ground [n -...
graybeard 24 17 an old man, also GRE...
grayhound 24 18 a tall slender fast-...
greatened 14 13 GREATEN, to make gre...
greenhand 16 16 an inferior sailor [...
greenhead 16 15 a male mallard [n -S...
greensand 14 14 a kind of sandstone...
greenweed 17 16 a name given to cert...
greenwood 17 16 a leafy wood or fore...
grewhound 21 19 (dialect) a greyhoun...
greybeard 24 17 an old man, also GRA...
greyhound 24 18 a tall slender fast-...
grommeted 18 18 GROMMET, to fit with...
grovelled 20 18 GROVEL, to crawl in...
grummeted 19 19 GRUMMET, to fit with...
guarished 19 15 GUARISH, (obsolete)...
gudgeoned 16 17 GUDGEON, to defraud,...
guerdoned 15 15 GUERDON, to reward [...
guestened 15 14 GUESTEN, (obsolete)...
guideword 20 17 a word at the top of...
gumshield 22 19 a protective shield...
gunkholed 20 21 GUNKHOLE, to cruise...
gynaecoid 24 18 of or like a woman,...
gypsyhood 33 21 the state of being a...
hackneyed 26 22 HACKNEY, to make tri...
hacksawed 24 22 HACKSAW, to cut with...
haematoid 17 15 resembling blood, al...
hallalled 21 16 HALLAL, to slaughter...
hallstand 19 15 a stand in a hall fo...
hamadryad 24 18 (Greek) a wood nymph...
handseled 17 15 HANDSEL, to give a g...
handstand 16 15 an act of balancing...
hanselled 18 15 HANSEL, to give a go...
haphazard 24 26 marked by lack of pl...
harangued 17 16 HARANGUE, to deliver...
harboured 19 16 HARBOUR, to shelter,...
hardboard 19 16 compressed board mad...
hardbound 19 18 bound in hard covers...
hardihead 19 15 (archaic) hardihood,...
hardihood 19 15 boldness; audacity,...
hardnosed 16 14 tough, unsentimental...
hardstand 17 14 a hard surface on wh...
hardwired 21 16 HARDWIRE, to permane...
harnessed 16 13 HARNESS, to equip wi...
harpooned 17 16 HARPOON, to strike w...
harshened 18 15 HARSHEN, to make har...
harumphed 23 21 HARUMPH, to clear on...
harvested 19 16 HARVEST, to gather i...
hatcheled 23 18 HATCHEL, to separate...
hazelwood 23 25 the wood of the haze...
headboard 18 16 a board at the head...
headguard 18 16 a padded helmet worn...
headlined 17 15 HEADLINE, to provide...
headstand 16 14 a gymnastic standing...
heapstead 18 15 the buildings and pl...
hearkened 16 17 HEARKEN, to listen t...
heartened 15 13 HEARTEN, to give cou...
heartland 17 14 an area of a country...
heartseed 16 12 the balloon vine, al...
heartwood 19 15 the inner wood of a...
heathbird 22 17 the black grouse [n...
heathered 18 14 covered with heather...
heathland 19 16 barren open country,...
hebetated 18 15 HEBETATE, to make du...
hebraised 19 15 HEBRAISE, to make He...
hebraized 22 24 HEBRAIZE, to make He...
hederated 16 13 crowned with a wreat...
heliskied 20 17 HELISKI, to ski down...
hellhound 21 18 a devilish dog [n -S...
hemolysed 25 18 HEMOLYSE, to break d...
hemolyzed 28 27 HEMOLYZE, to break d...
henpecked 22 23 HENPECK, to dominate...
hepatised 19 15 HEPATISE, to convert...
hepatized 22 24 HEPATIZE, to convert...
hermandad 17 17 (Spanish) a confeder...
herniated 16 13 HERNIATE, to protrud...
herpetoid 19 15 of or relating to sn...
hesitated 17 12 HESITATE, to hold ba...
heteropod 18 15 any of a group of fr...
hexachord 28 24 a series of six note...
hexaploid 26 23 a cell having six ti...
hiccupped 29 25 HICCUP, to make a pe...
hidebound 19 18 having an inflexible...
hillocked 24 21 having hillocks [adj...
hirselled 20 14 HIRSEL, to herd shee...
historied 18 12 HISTORY, to relate i...
hoarhound 18 16 a kind of wild flowe...
hoarsened 15 13 HOARSEN, to make hoa...
hobjobbed 25 30 HOBJOB, to do odd jo...
hobnailed 19 17 HOBNAIL, to furnish...
hobnobbed 22 22 HOBNOB, to associate...
hodmandod 17 18 a snail; a snail she...
holidayed 24 16 HOLIDAY, to take a v...
holstered 18 13 HOLSTER, to place in...
homebound 19 20 stuck at home [adj]
homestand 17 16 a series of games pl...
homestead 17 15 a dwelling-house wit...
hominised 18 16 HOMINISE, to alter t...
hominized 21 25 HOMINIZE, to alter t...
hoofbound 20 20 of a horse, having d...
hooknosed 16 17 having a hook-shaped...
horehound 18 16 a kind of wild flowe...
hornyhead 24 17 a North American riv...
horrified 20 15 HORRIFY, to cause a...
horsepond 18 16 a pond for horses to...
horseshod 19 14 shod with horseshoes...
horseweed 19 15 a common American we...
hosannaed 14 14 HOSANNA, to shout wi...
hostelled 19 14 HOSTEL, to stay over...
hostessed 17 12 HOSTESS, to act as a...
hotdogged 19 17 HOTDOG, to perform i...
hotfooted 18 15 HOTFOOT, to hurry [v...
hotheaded 18 15 rash, impetuous [adj...
hothoused 19 15 HOTHOUSE, to rear in...
household 20 16 those who are held t...
houselled 19 15 HOUSEL, to administe...
housemaid 18 16 a maid employed to k...
howlround 21 18 a condition resultin...
humanhood 19 19 the state of being h...
humanised 18 17 HUMANISE, to make hu...
humanized 21 26 HUMANIZE, to make hu...
humankind 19 22 humanity, the human...
humbugged 24 24 HUMBUG, to deceive [...
hummelled 22 21 HUMMEL, to make horn...
hummocked 24 26 HUMMOCK, to form int...
husbanded 19 18 HUSBAND, to be a thr...
hushabied 22 18 HUSHABY, to sing a l...
hyperacid 29 20 excessively acid [ad...
hyperarid 26 17 excessively arid [ad...
hypnotoid 25 18 like hypnosis [adj]
hypoploid 29 21 a chromosome number...
hysteroid 24 14 like hysteria, also...
iceboated 19 16 ICEBOAT, to travel b...
icecapped 25 22 covered with caps of...
icefished 23 18 ICEFISH, to fish thr...
ichthyoid 30 19 fishlike, also ICHTH...
iconified 20 17 ICONIFY, to reduce t...
idealised 16 12 IDEALISE, to regard...
idealized 19 21 IDEALIZE, to regard...
illimited 20 15 not limited; intermi...
illumined 19 17 ILLUMINE, to throw l...
imbosomed 19 19 IMBOSOM, to embrace,...
imbowered 21 19 IMBOWER, to give she...
imbrowned 21 20 IMBROWN, to make bro...
immantled 18 18 IMMANTLE, to cloak i...
immingled 20 20 IMMINGLE, to mix [v]
immolated 18 17 IMMOLATE, to kill as...
immunised 18 18 IMMUNISE, to render...
immunized 21 27 IMMUNIZE, to render...
impainted 18 17 IMPAINT, (Shakespear...
impaneled 18 18 IMPANEL, to put onto...
impastoed 18 16 with impasto applied...
impeached 23 21 IMPEACH, to accuse o...
impearled 19 17 IMPEARL, to make pea...
imperiled 20 17 IMPERIL, to put in d...
implanted 19 18 IMPLANT, to plant fi...
impleaded 19 18 IMPLEAD, to sue in a...
impledged 21 20 IMPLEDGE, to pawn, p...
implunged 21 21 IMPLUNGE, to plunge,...
impounded 18 19 IMPOUND, to seize an...
impowered 21 19 IMPOWER, to authoriz...
impregned 19 19 IMPREGN, (archaic) t...
impressed 19 16 IMPRESS, to fix deep...
imprinted 19 17 IMPRINT, to produce...
impurpled 23 21 IMPURPLE, to dye pur...
inaurated 14 12 INAURATE, to cover w...
inbounded 16 17 INBOUND, to return a...
inchoated 19 16 INCHOATE, to make a...
inclasped 21 18 INCLASP, to embrace,...
inclipped 24 21 INCLIP, (archaic) to...
incorpsed 20 17 INCORPSE, to incorpo...
increased 17 14 INCREASE, to become...
incrossed 18 14 INCROSS, to produce...
incrusted 19 15 INCRUST, to cover wi...
incubated 20 18 INCUBATE, to warm eg...
indagated 15 14 INDAGATE, to investi...
indicated 18 15 INDICATE, to point o...
indurated 15 13 INDURATE, to make ha...
inearthed 16 13 INEARTH, (archaic) t...
infamised 18 17 INFAMISE, to proclai...
infamized 21 26 INFAMIZE, to proclai...
infarcted 20 17 affected by infarcti...
infeoffed 20 20 INFEOFF, to invest w...
inflected 21 18 INFLECT, to bend or...
inflicted 22 18 INFLICT, to impose o...
infracted 20 17 INFRACT, to break a...
infringed 18 17 INFRINGE, to violate...
ingrafted 18 16 INGRAFT, to graft fo...
ingrained 15 14 INGRAIN, to impress...
ingrooved 17 17 INGROOVE, to fit int...
ingrossed 16 13 INGROSS, to complete...
ingulphed 22 20 INGULPH, to swallow...
inhabited 19 16 INHABIT, to live in...
inhausted 17 14 INHAUST, to drink in...
inhearsed 16 13 INHEARSE, (Shakespea...
inherited 17 13 INHERIT, to receive...
inhibited 20 16 INHIBIT, to restrain...
inhumated 18 17 INHUMATE, to bury, a...
initialed 16 12 INITIAL, to mark wit...
initiated 15 11 INITIATE, to begin o...
injellied 19 22 INJELLY, to place as...
injointed 16 21 INJOINT, (Shakespear...
injuncted 20 25 INJUNCT, to prohibit...
innovated 15 16 INNOVATE, to introdu...
inquieted 23 21 INQUIET, to disturb...
insconced 20 18 INSCONCE, to settle...
inscribed 21 17 INSCRIBE, to write o...
insculped 22 19 INSCULP, to engrave,...
inshelled 19 15 INSHELL, (Shakespear...
inshipped 22 19 INSHIP, (Shakespeare...
inshrined 17 14 INSHRINE, to place i...
insinewed 17 15 INSINEW, to be joine...
insolated 15 12 INSOLATE, to expose...
insourced 18 15 INSOURCE, to subcont...
inspanned 15 16 INSPAN, to harness o...
inspected 20 17 INSPECT, to examine...
insphered 19 16 INSPHERE, to enclose...
installed 17 13 INSTALL, to place in...
instanced 17 15 INSTANCE, to cite as...
instarred 15 11 INSTAR, to adorn wit...
instilled 18 13 INSTILL, to infuse s...
insulated 16 13 INSULATE, to isolate...
inswathed 20 16 INSWATHE, to wrap ar...
integrand 15 14 a function to be int...
interbred 17 14 INTERBREED, to breed...
interfold 18 15 to fold together or...
interlaid 16 12 INTERLAY, to place b...
interlard 16 12 to place lard or bac...
interlend 15 13 to lend between [v I...
interpled 18 15 INTERPLEAD, to plead...
interwind 18 15 to wind in among [v...
inthroned 16 14 INTHRONE, to place o...
intimated 16 14 INTIMATE, to make kn...
intituled 17 13 INTITULE, to give a...
intonated 13 12 INTONATE, to modulat...
intreated 14 11 INTREAT, to ask for...
intrigued 17 14 INTRIGUE, to arouse...
introfied 17 14 INTROFY, to increase...
intrusted 16 12 INTRUST, to give ove...
intubated 17 15 INTUBATE, to insert...
intwisted 19 14 INTWIST, to twist to...
inundated 14 14 INUNDATE, to fill wi...
invalided 18 17 INVALID, to treat as...
inveagled 18 18 INVEAGLE, to cajole,...
inveighed 20 19 INVEIGH, to speak vi...
inveigled 19 18 INVEIGLE, to cajole,...
invocated 19 18 INVOCATE, to appeal...
involuted 18 17 INVOLUTE, to roll or...
inwrapped 22 20 INWRAP, to cover by...
iodinated 14 12 IODINATE, to treat w...
ironbound 16 16 bound as with iron;...
irrelated 16 11 not relative; irrele...
irrigated 17 12 IRRIGATE, to water b...
irritated 16 10 IRRITATE, to excite...
isoniazid 18 20 a pyridine derivativ...
ivorywood 26 19 the yellowish-white...
jackalled 23 28 JACKAL, to play the...
jaculated 21 24 JACULATE, to throw o...
jalousied 18 21 fitted with jalousie...
jambokked 22 33 JAMBOK, (Afrikaans)...
jampacked 24 32 packed to the full [...
japanised 18 23 JAPANISE, to make Ja...
japanized 21 32 JAPANIZE, to make Ja...
jarovised 19 23 JAROVISE, to hasten...
jarovized 22 32 JAROVIZE, to hasten...
jaundiced 20 25 JAUNDICE, to prejudi...
javelined 19 25 JAVELIN, to pierce w...
jaywalked 28 29 JAYWALK, to cross a...
jealoused 17 21 JEALOUSE, (Scots) to...
jellified 22 24 JELLIFY, to turn to...
jeoparded 18 23 JEOPARD, to put in j...
jewelweed 23 26 a plant of the touch...
jigjigged 24 34 JIGJIG, to copulate,...
jointured 17 21 JOINTURE, to settle...
jointweed 19 23 an American wild pla...
jollified 22 24 JOLLIFY, to make jol...
jollyhead 27 25 (Spenser) jollity [n...
journaled 17 22 JOURNAL, to record i...
journeyed 22 23 JOURNEY, to travel [...
joypopped 29 30 JOYPOP, to use habit...
jubilated 21 24 JUBILATE, to rejoice...
jugulated 20 24 JUGULATE, to cut the...
juicehead 22 25 (slang) an alcoholic...
julienned 17 23 JULIENNE, to shred o...
jumboised 21 26 JUMBOISE, to enlarge...
jumboized 24 35 JUMBOIZE, to enlarge...
junketted 18 25 JUNKET, to go on suc...
justified 21 23 JUSTIFY, to vindicat...
kailyaird 24 17 a cabbage patch, a k...
kameraded 16 18 KAMERAD, to surrende...
karangaed 15 17 KARANGA, to perform...
keelhaled 19 18 KEELHALE, to punish...
kefuffled 24 25 KEFUFFLE, to make a...
kennelled 16 18 KENNEL, to put in a...
kennetted 14 16 KENNETT, to ruthless...
kernelled 17 17 KERNEL, to envelop l...
keystoned 21 17 KEYSTONE, to produce...
kibbitzed 25 29 KIBBITZ, to give unw...
kickboard 23 24 a buoyant rectangula...
kickboxed 29 31 KICKBOX, to box in a...
kickstand 21 22 a support for a moto...
kidnapped 20 22 KIDNAP, to take by f...
kingdomed 18 21 (Shakespeare) having...
kirkyaird 25 20 (Scots) a churchyard...
kitchened 21 20 KITCHEN, to entertai...
kiteboard 18 17 a board similar to a...
klondiked 18 21 KLONDIKE, to export...
klondyked 24 23 KLONDYKE, to export...
knackered 19 22 KNACKER, to exhaust...
knevelled 19 21 KNEVELL, to pound wi...
knickered 20 22 wearing knickers [ad...
kreasoted 15 14 KREASOTE, to treat w...
kreosoted 15 14 KREOSOTE, to coat wi...
kurbashed 21 20 KURBASH, to flog wit...
labelloid 20 16 liplike [adj]
lacerated 18 14 LACERATE, to tear ro...
lacquered 27 24 LACQUER, to coat wit...
lacqueyed 33 26 LACQUEY, to serve in...
lambasted 19 17 LAMBAST, to beat sev...
lamelloid 19 16 like lamellae, in th...
laminated 16 15 LAMINATE, to compres...
lampooned 17 18 LAMPOON, to ridicule...
lampstand 19 18 a stand for a lamp [...
lancewood 20 18 a tough, elastic woo...
landboard 17 16 a kind of large skat...
landmined 16 17 LANDMINE, to lay lan...
languaged 17 17 LANGUAGE, to express...
lanolated 15 13 covered with lanolin...
lanterned 14 13 LANTERN, to provide...
lapidated 18 15 LAPIDATE, to hurl st...
lateraled 16 12 LATERAL, to throw a...
laterised 16 11 LATERISE, to convert...
laterized 19 20 LATERIZE, to convert...
latinised 16 12 LATINISE, to transla...
latinized 19 21 LATINIZE, to transla...
launchpad 23 21 a platform from whic...
laundered 15 14 LAUNDER, to wash clo...
laureated 15 12 LAUREATE, to crown w...
laurelled 18 14 LAUREL, to crown wit...
lavoltaed 18 16 LAVOLTA, to dance wi...
laybacked 28 23 LAYBACK, to climb us...
leafleted 18 15 LEAFLET, to distribu...
leaguered 16 14 LEAGUER, to besiege...
leasehold 18 14 land or property hel...
leathered 17 13 LEATHER, to cover wi...
legalised 18 14 LEGALISE, to make la...
legalized 21 23 LEGALIZE, to make la...
legginged 19 18 wearing leggings [ad...
leistered 16 11 LEISTER, to spear wi...
lemonwood 18 18 a small tree of New...
leotarded 15 12 wearing a leotard [a...
leukemoid 18 19 resembling leukemia...
leveraged 18 17 LEVERAGE, to provide...
levigated 19 17 LEVIGATE, to reduce...
levitated 18 15 LEVITATE, to rise an...
liberated 18 14 LIBERATE, to set fre...
lichenoid 21 17 of or like lichen [a...
lichtlied 24 17 LICHTLY, (Scots) to...
lifeblood 21 18 the blood necessary...
lifeguard 20 17 one employed to assi...
lifeworld 23 18 the way an individua...
ligatured 18 14 LIGATURE, to tie wit...
lightened 19 16 LIGHTEN, to reduce t...
lightered 20 15 LIGHTER, to convey b...
lightlied 22 16 LIGHTLY, to slight o...
lightwood 23 18 pine wood abounding...
lignified 20 17 LIGNIFY, to convert...
ligulated 19 15 resembling or shaped...
linksland 18 18 land near the sea us...
linotyped 24 17 LINOTYPE, to set a l...
lintelled 18 14 having a lintel, als...
liquefied 27 24 LIQUEFY, to make or...
liquesced 28 24 LIQUESCE, to become...
liqueured 25 22 LIQUEUR, to flavour...
liquified 28 24 LIQUIFY, to make or...
lithified 22 16 LITHIFY, to petrify,...
lithistid 21 13 any of the Lithistid...
litigated 18 13 LITIGATE, to subject...
lobstered 18 14 LOBSTER, to fish for...
lobtailed 19 15 LOBTAIL, of a whale,...
lobulated 19 16 having lobules, also...
localised 20 15 LOCALISE, to confine...
localized 23 24 LOCALIZE, to confine...
locomoted 19 17 LOCOMOTE, to move ab...
loculated 20 16 of e.g. an ovary, di...
logicised 21 16 LOGICISE, to reason,...
logicized 24 25 LOGICIZE, to reason,...
logjammed 21 28 LOGJAM, to cause a l...
logrolled 19 15 LOGROLL, to obtain p...
longboard 18 17 a type of surfboard...
loopholed 20 17 LOOPHOLE, to make sm...
loricated 19 14 LORICATE, to coat pr...
lotusland 17 14 a place of dreamy co...
loundered 15 14 LOUNDER, (Scots) to...
lowballed 23 19 LOWBALL, to give a c...
lowbrowed 24 20 not intellectual [ad...
lowlihead 22 17 (archaic) humility [...
lullabied 21 17 LULLABY, to lull to...
lunulated 17 15 crescent-shaped; hav...
lustihead 19 14 (archaic) lustiness,...
lustihood 19 14 (archaic) lustiness,...
lustrated 17 12 LUSTRATE, to purify...
lyophiled 28 19 obtained by freeze-d...
lyricised 27 16 LYRICISE, to write l...
lyricized 30 25 LYRICIZE, to write l...
macadamed 19 20 paved with macadam [...
macarised 19 16 MACARISE, to declare...
macarized 22 25 MACARIZE, to declare...
macerated 18 16 MACERATE, to soften...
macruroid 20 17 belonging to the cru...
maculated 20 18 MACULATE, to spot or...
maderised 16 14 MADERISE, to become...
maderized 19 23 MADERIZE, to become...
mafficked 25 26 MAFFICK, to celebrat...
magnified 19 19 MAGNIFY, to increase...
mainlined 16 16 MAINLINE, to inject...
maistered 16 13 MAISTER, (Scots) to...
malaxated 22 21 MALAXATE, to soften...
malformed 20 20 badly formed [adj]
malleated 17 15 MALLEATE, to hammer;...
mamaguyed 24 21 MAMAGUY, (Caribbean)...
mammocked 22 26 MAMMOCK, (Shakespear...
manicured 19 18 MANICURE, to have th...
mansarded 15 15 having a mansard, a...
manscaped 20 20 MANSCAPE, to trim or...
mappemond 20 23 a map of the world [...
maquisard 25 23 a member of the maqu...
marasmoid 17 16 suffering from maras...
marcelled 21 18 MARCEL, to make a de...
marchland 22 20 a borderland [n -S]
marconied 18 17 MARCONI, to communic...
margented 16 16 MARGENT, to provide...
marinaded 15 15 MARINADE, to soak in...
marinated 15 14 MARINATE, to soak in...
marshaled 19 16 MARSHAL, to put in p...
marshland 19 17 low poorly drained l...
martelled 18 15 MARTEL, (Spenser) to...
marvelled 20 19 MARVEL, to be filled...
mascaraed 18 16 MASCARA, to apply ma...
masonried 15 14 constructed of mason...
massacred 19 16 MASSACRE, to slaught...
matchwood 24 21 wood suitable for ma...
mattified 19 16 MATTIFY [v]
maturated 16 14 MATURATE, to develop...
maundered 15 16 MAUNDER, to talk inc...
maximised 24 23 MAXIMISE, to make as...
maximized 27 32 MAXIMIZE, to make as...
meandered 14 15 MEANDER, to wander [...
medevaced 20 21 MEDEVAC, to evacuate...
medicated 19 17 MEDICATE, to treat w...
medicined 19 18 MEDICINE, to treat w...
meditated 16 14 MEDITATE, to conside...
medivaced 21 21 MEDIVAC, to evacuate...
megafarad 18 18 a measure of electri...
melanised 16 15 MELANISE, to make da...
melanized 19 24 MELANIZE, to make da...
melodised 17 15 MELODISE, to compose...
melodized 20 24 MELODIZE, to compose...
membraned 18 20 having a membrane [a...
memorised 17 16 MEMORISE, to commit...
memorized 20 25 MEMORIZE, to commit...
meniscoid 19 17 concavo-convex, like...
mentioned 14 15 MENTION, to remark b...
mercified 22 19 MERCIFY, (Spenser) t...
metalhead 18 16 a fan of heavy metal...
metalised 17 14 METALISE, to make or...
metalized 20 23 METALIZE, to make or...
metalloid 18 15 an element intermedi...
meteoroid 15 13 a meteor that has no...
metrified 19 16 METRIFY, to compose...
micrified 23 19 MICRIFY, to make sma...
microcard 23 19 a card representing...
militated 18 14 MILITATE, to have in...
millboard 21 18 a kind of stout past...
mimmicked 24 26 MIMMICK, to be over-...
minareted 15 14 having a minaret [ad...
minefield 19 18 an area laid with ex...
minimaxed 23 24 MINIMAX, to minimize...
minimised 18 17 MINIMISE, to make as...
minimized 21 26 MINIMIZE, to make as...
minnicked 20 22 MINNICK, to be over...
minnocked 19 22 MINNOCK, to be over...
misallied 19 15 MISALLY, to ally bad...
misatoned 15 14 MISATONE, to atone w...
misavised 19 17 (Spenser) ill-advise...
misbiased 19 16 MISBIAS, to bias wro...
misbilled 22 18 MISBILL, to bill wro...
miscalled 22 18 MISCALL, to call by...
miscoined 19 17 MISCOIN, to coin imp...
miscooked 20 20 MISCOOK, to cook bad...
miscopied 22 19 MISCOPY, to copy inc...
misdeemed 17 17 MISDEEM, to judge un...
misdialed 18 15 MISDIAL, to dial inc...
misdieted 17 14 MISDIET, to diet or...
misedited 17 14 MISEDIT, to edit inc...
misfitted 20 16 MISFIT, to fit badly...
misformed 20 19 MISFORM, to make in...
misframed 20 19 MISFRAME, to frame b...
misgauged 19 18 MISGAUGE, to gauge i...
misgraded 18 16 MISGRADE, to grade i...
misguided 19 17 MISGUIDE, to guide w...
mishapped 23 21 MISHAP, to have an u...
misintend 16 15 (obsolete) to aim am...
misjoined 18 23 MISJOIN, to join inc...
misjudged 21 26 MISJUDGE, to judge w...
miskenned 16 19 MISKEN, to fail to r...
miskicked 23 24 MISKICK, to kick bad...
misleared 17 14 (Scots) mistaught, u...
misleeked 18 18 MISLEEKE, (Spenser)...
mislodged 19 17 MISLODGE, to lodge i...
mislucked 23 22 MISLUCK, to meet wit...
mismarked 19 20 MISMARK, to mark wro...
mismetred 18 16 MISMETRE, to spoil t...
misparsed 19 16 MISPARSE, to parse i...
misparted 19 16 MISPART, to part bad...
mispenned 17 18 MISPEN, to write inc...
misplaced 23 20 MISPLACE, to put in...
misplayed 26 19 MISPLAY, to make a b...
mispoised 19 16 MISPOISE, to poise i...
mispriced 23 19 MISPRICE, to price i...
misprised 20 16 MISPRISE, to underva...
misprized 23 25 MISPRIZE, to underva...
misquoted 25 23 MISQUOTE, to quote i...
misraised 17 13 MISRAISE, to raise w...
misrecord 20 16 to record incorrectl...
misregard 18 15 (Spenser) to have no...
misrelied 18 14 MISRELY, to rely wro...
misrhymed 27 20 badly rhymed [adj]
misrouted 17 14 MISROUTE, to route i...
misseated 16 13 MISSEAT, to seat wro...
misseemed 17 16 MISSEEM, to be unbec...
missensed 16 14 MISSENSE, to sense w...
misshaped 21 18 MISSHAPE, to shape b...
missioned 16 14 MISSION, to send to...
missorted 17 13 MISSORT, to sort bad...
misspaced 22 19 MISSPACE, to space i...
misstated 17 13 MISSTATE, to state w...
misstyled 25 16 MISSTYLE, to style w...
missuited 18 14 MISSUIT, to suit bad...
mistended 16 15 MISTEND, to tend to...
mistermed 18 16 MISTERM, to call by...
mistitled 19 14 MISTITLE, to call by...
mistraced 20 16 MISTRACE, to trace w...
misvalued 20 19 MISVALUE, to value i...
misweened 18 17 MISWEEN, to judge wr...
misworded 20 17 MISWORD, to word wro...
mitigated 18 15 MITIGATE, to make le...
mobcasted 21 19 MOBCAST, to broadcas...
mobilised 20 17 MOBILISE, to make mo...
mobilized 23 26 MOBILIZE, to make mo...
moderated 15 14 MODERATE, to make le...
modulated 17 16 MODULATE, to adjust...
moistened 15 14 MOISTEN, to make or...
moithered 18 15 MOITHER, to confuse,...
moldboard 19 18 a curved plate of ir...
mollified 21 18 MOLLIFY, to soften,...
monetised 15 14 MONETISE, to coin in...
monetized 18 23 MONETIZE, to coin in...
mongoloid 17 17 a person affected wi...
monikered 16 18 having a moniker [ad...
monitored 15 14 MONITOR, to keep tra...
monkeypod 24 23 the rain-tree [n -S]
monkshood 18 20 a plant of the genus...
monochord 20 19 a musical instrument...
monoploid 18 18 a haploid organism,...
monorchid 21 19 having only one test...
monoskied 16 18 MONOSKI, to ski on a...
monotoned 13 15 MONOTONE, to sing or...
monstered 15 14 MONSTER, to criticis...
moonblind 18 19 dim-sighted; purblin...
moonchild 22 20 someone who is born...
moonfaced 19 20 having a round, moon...
moosebird 18 16 a North American jay...
moosewood 17 16 a North American tre...
mooseyard 21 15 an area where a moos...
moralised 17 14 MORALISE, to explain...
moralized 20 23 MORALIZE, to explain...
mordanted 15 15 MORDANT, to impregna...
morselled 18 15 MORSEL, to divide in...
mortgaged 18 17 MORTGAGE, to pledge...
mortified 19 16 MORTIFY, to humiliat...
mosaicked 20 20 MOSAIC, to decorate...
motivated 18 17 MOTIVATE, to inspire...
motorised 16 13 MOTORISE, to provide...
motorized 19 22 MOTORIZE, to provide...
mouldered 17 16 MOULDER, to turn to...
moundbird 19 19 an Australian bird l...
mousebird 19 17 another name for the...
movieland 18 19 the world of the mov...
mowburned 21 21 MOWBURN, to heat and...
muckraked 22 25 MUCKRAKE, to search...
mudcapped 24 24 MUDCAP, to cover an...
mudlarked 19 20 MUDLARK, to follow t...
mufflered 22 21 wearing a muffler [a...
mullioned 18 17 MULLION, to provide...
multiband 20 19 having many bands [a...
multifold 22 19 many times doubled;...
multigrid 21 17 comprising many grid...
multihued 21 18 with many hues [adj]
mummified 22 23 MUMMIFY, to preserve...
mundified 19 19 MUNDIFY, to cleanse,...
murgeoned 16 17 MURGEON, to mock wit...
muricated 20 17 rough or warty with...
murrained 16 15 affected with the mu...
murthered 19 16 MURTHER, (dialect) t...
musselled 19 16 poisoned by eating a...
mustached 22 19 having a mustache [a...
mutilated 18 15 MUTILATE, to injure...
mylohyoid 32 20 a nerve in the regio...
myrmecoid 27 21 antlike [adj]
mystified 26 18 MYSTIFY, to perplex...
nancified 19 18 like a nancy, effemi...
nanoworld 17 16 the world of the ver...
nasalised 15 12 NASALISE, to produce...
nasalized 18 21 NASALIZE, to produce...
nauplioid 18 16 shaped like a naupli...
nauseated 13 12 NAUSEATE, to affect...
nautiloid 16 13 a mollusc of the sub...
navigated 17 17 NAVIGATE, to conduct...
nebulised 18 16 NEBULISE, to reduce...
nebulized 21 25 NEBULIZE, to reduce...
necklaced 22 22 NECKLACE, to punish...
nectaried 17 14 having a nectary [ad...
negatived 17 17 NEGATIVE, to disprov...
neglected 19 17 NEGLECT, to treat ca...
negrohead 16 15 tobacco soaked in mo...
netsurfed 17 15 NETSURF, to browse t...
networked 18 18 NETWORK, to form a s...
nevermind 17 19 (US) a matter of imp...
newshound 19 18 (colloquial) a repor...
newsstand 17 15 a stand from which n...
nickelled 21 20 NICKEL, to plate wit...
nicknamed 19 22 NICKNAME, to give a...
nicotined 17 15 containing nicotine...
niellated 16 13 inlaid in niello [ad...
niggarded 17 16 NIGGARD, to act in a...
nightbird 22</