13 letter words that end with D

13 letter words that end with D

13 letter D word


Words With Friends®


absquatulated 33 29 ABSQUATULATE, to dec...
adminiculated 27 24 ADMINICULATE, to sup...
administrated 23 19 ADMINISTRATE, to adm...
adverbialised 27 23 ADVERBIALISE, to giv...
adverbialized 30 32 ADVERBIALIZE, to giv...
aestheticised 27 19 AESTHETICISE, to mak...
aestheticized 30 28 AESTHETICIZE, to mak...
allopolyploid 36 26 a polyploid having a...
anaesthetised 22 17 ANAESTHETISE, to sub...
anaesthetized 25 26 ANAESTHETIZE, to sub...
anaphylactoid 35 26 of, relating to, aff...
anathematised 23 20 ANATHEMATISE, to sub...
anathematized 26 29 ANATHEMATIZE, to sub...
antiapartheid 25 20 opposed to apartheid...
antibillboard 28 23 opposed to the use o...
apostrophised 28 22 APOSTROPHISE, to add...
apostrophized 31 31 APOSTROPHIZE, to add...
attitudinised 23 17 ATTITUDINISE, to ass...
attitudinized 26 26 ATTITUDINIZE, to ass...
authenticated 26 21 AUTHENTICATE, to pro...
autocatalysed 31 21 AUTOCATALYSE, to eff...
autocatalyzed 34 30 AUTOCATALYZE, to sub...
autopolyploid 34 25 an individual or str...
autosuggested 24 20 AUTOSUGGEST, to infl...
backscattered 31 27 BACKSCATTER, to scat...
backscratched 37 32 BACKSCRATCH, to scra...
beetlebrained 25 22 BEETLEBRAIN [v]
bioengineered 22 21 BIOENGINEER, to engi...
brilliantined 26 21 having had brilliant...
brokenhearted 25 24 greatly depressed or...
bulletproofed 30 26 BULLETPROOF, to make...
canaliculated 29 24 grooved or channelle...
candlelighted 30 25 CANDLELIGHT [v]
carcinomatoid 28 24 having the shape of...
catercornered 26 21 in a diagonal or obl...
centuplicated 31 26 CENTUPLICATE, to cen...
cercopithecid 36 28 any of several Old W...
characterised 30 22 CHARACTERISE, to giv...
characterized 33 31 CHARACTERIZE, to des...
chateaubriand 28 24 a large tenderloin s...
choreographed 31 26 CHOREOGRAPH, to comp...
chowderheaded 31 26 like a chowderhead,...
chronologised 28 23 CHRONOLOGISE, to arr...
chronologized 31 32 CHRONOLOGIZE, to arr...
chuckleheaded 34 31 of or like a chuckle...
circumflected 37 31 CIRCUMFLECT, to bend...
circumgyrated 38 28 CIRCUMGYRATE, to whi...
circumlocuted 35 29 CIRCUMLOCUTE, to use...
circumnutated 30 26 CIRCUMNUTATE, to pro...
circumscribed 37 30 CIRCUMSCRIBE, to dra...
circumstanced 33 28 CIRCUMSTANCE, to pla...
clapperclawed 37 31 CLAPPERCLAW, (archai...
clinopinacoid 30 26 a form consisting of...
clinopinakoid 28 27 a form consisting of...
collectivised 33 26 COLLECTIVISE, to giv...
collectivized 36 35 COLLECTIVIZE, to giv...
companionhood 27 27 the state of being a...
compartmented 28 27 COMPARTMENT, to put...
concelebrated 29 25 CONCELEBRATE, to joi...
concorporated 28 24 CONCORPORATE, (archa...
conditionated 23 20 CONDITIONATE, (obsol...
conglobulated 29 26 CONGLOBULATE, to for...
conglomerated 26 24 CONGLOMERATE, to gat...
conglutinated 26 23 CONGLUTINATE, to glu...
congratulated 26 22 CONGRATULATE, to exp...
conscientised 27 22 CONSCIENTISE, to mak...
conscientized 30 31 CONSCIENTIZE, to mak...
conservatised 26 22 CONSERVATISE, to gro...
conservatized 29 31 CONSERVATIZE, to gro...
containerised 23 19 CONTAINERISE, to shi...
containerized 26 28 CONTAINERIZE, to shi...
contemporised 27 24 CONTEMPORISE, to mak...
contemporized 30 33 CONTEMPORIZE, to mak...
contriturated 25 19 CONTRITURATE, to pul...
copolymerised 35 26 COPOLYMERISE, to mak...
copolymerized 38 35 COPOLYMERIZE, to mak...
corporealised 27 21 CORPOREALISE, to mak...
corporealized 30 30 CORPOREALIZE, to mak...
cotransported 26 21 COTRANSPORT, to tran...
counterargued 25 22 COUNTERARGUE, to arg...
counterbraced 29 25 COUNTERBRACE, to bra...
counterbuffed 31 29 COUNTERBUFF, to rebu...
counterdemand 24 24 a demand made in res...
counterfeited 26 22 COUNTERFEIT, to imit...
countermanded 24 24 COUNTERMAND, to revo...
counterpeised 26 22 COUNTERPEISE, (obsol...
counterplayed 33 25 COUNTERPLAY, to make...
counterpoised 26 22 COUNTERPOISE, to poi...
counterraided 24 20 COUNTERRAID, to make...
countersealed 24 20 COUNTERSEAL, (Shakes...
countersigned 25 22 COUNTERSIGN, to sign...
counterstated 24 19 COUNTERSTATE, to sta...
countertraded 24 20 COUNTERTRADE, to tra...
countervailed 27 24 COUNTERVAIL, to coun...
counterworked 28 26 COUNTERWORK, to work...
credentialled 26 21 CREDENTIAL, to give...
cryopreserved 35 26 CRYOPRESERVE, to pre...
daughterboard 27 23 a small circuit boar...
dearticulated 26 20 DEARTICULATE, to dis...
decaffeinated 27 25 DECAFFEINATE, to rem...
decapitalised 28 22 DECAPITALISE, to rem...
decapitalized 31 31 DECAPITALIZE, to rem...
decentralised 25 20 DECENTRALISE, to wit...
decentralized 28 29 DECENTRALIZE, to wit...
dechlorinated 27 22 DECHLORINATE, to rem...
decitizenised 28 28 DECITIZENISE, to dep...
decitizenized 31 37 DECITIZENIZE, to dep...
decompensated 26 25 DECOMPENSATE, to fai...
deconditioned 23 21 DECONDITION, to caus...
deconsecrated 26 22 DECONSECRATE, to rem...
deconstructed 28 23 DECONSTRUCT, to exam...
defenestrated 22 19 DEFENESTRATE, to thr...
defibrillated 29 23 DEFIBRILLATE, to app...
deflocculated 32 27 DEFLOCCULATE, to dep...
degringoladed 24 22 DEGRINGOLADE, (Frenc...
degringolered 24 21 DEGRINGOLER, to desc...
delegitimised 26 21 DELEGITIMISE, to dep...
delegitimized 29 30 DELEGITIMIZE, to dep...
demilitarised 25 19 DEMILITARISE, to dep...
demilitarized 28 28 DEMILITARIZE, to dep...
demineralised 23 20 DEMINERALISE, to rem...
demineralized 26 29 DEMINERALIZE, to rem...
demonetarised 21 19 DEMONETARISE, to aba...
demonetarized 24 28 DEMONETARIZE, to aba...
denaturalised 22 18 DENATURALISE, to mak...
denaturalized 25 27 DENATURALIZE, to mak...
denuclearised 25 21 DENUCLEARISE, to mak...
denuclearized 28 30 DENUCLEARIZE, to mak...
depoliticised 29 22 DEPOLITICISE, to rem...
depoliticized 32 31 DEPOLITICIZE, to rem...
depolymerised 32 24 DEPOLYMERISE, to bre...
depolymerized 35 33 DEPOLYMERIZE, to bre...
depressurised 25 19 DEPRESSURISE, to red...
depressurized 28 28 DEPRESSURIZE, to red...
desulphurated 28 23 DESULPHURATE, to rem...
desulphurised 29 23 DESULPHURISE, to rem...
desulphurized 32 32 DESULPHURIZE, to rem...
diphthongised 30 25 DIPHTHONGISE, to mak...
diphthongized 33 34 DIPHTHONGIZE, to mak...
diprotodontid 24 20 an animal of the Dip...
disaccredited 29 22 DISACCREDIT, to remo...
disaccustomed 30 25 DISACCUSTOM, to free...
disadvantaged 24 23 DISADVANTAGE, to pla...
disaffiliated 28 22 DISAFFILIATE, to end...
disafforested 26 21 DISAFFOREST, to clea...
disaggregated 25 21 DISAGGREGATE, to sep...
disambiguated 27 24 DISAMBIGUATE, to est...
disapparelled 28 23 DISAPPAREL, to disro...
disassociated 25 18 DISASSOCIATE, to sep...
disauthorised 25 18 DISAUTHORISE, to dep...
disauthorized 28 27 DISAUTHORIZE, to dep...
discorporated 27 21 DISCORPORATE, to dep...
discounselled 27 22 DISCOUNSEL, (Spenser...
discriminated 27 22 DISCRIMINATE, to mar...
disembittered 26 21 DISEMBITTER, to free...
disembowelled 30 26 DISEMBOWEL, to take...
disembrangled 27 25 DISEMBRANGLE, (obsol...
disemburdened 25 24 DISEMBURDEN, to disb...
disemvowelled 30 27 DISEMVOWEL, to remov...
disencumbered 28 26 DISENCUMBER, to free...
disenshrouded 24 20 DISENSHROUD, to dive...
disenthralled 26 20 DISENTHRALL, to rele...
disfranchised 30 24 DISFRANCHISE, to dep...
disgarrisoned 23 18 DISGARRISON, to depr...
disharmonised 25 21 DISHARMONISE, to put...
disharmonized 28 30 DISHARMONIZE, to put...
disillusioned 25 19 DISILLUSION, to free...
disimprisoned 26 22 DISIMPRISON, to free...
disintegrated 23 18 DISINTEGRATE, to bre...
disinterested 22 16 having no personal s...
disinthralled 27 20 DISINTHRAL, to relea...
disintricated 26 19 DISINTRICATE, to fre...
disorientated 21 16 DISORIENTATE, to cau...
dispauperised 27 22 DISPAUPERISE, to fre...
dispauperized 30 31 DISPAUPERIZE, to fre...
displeasanted 24 20 DISPLEASANT, to rend...
dispositioned 24 19 having a certain dis...
disprivileged 30 25 DISPRIVILEGE, to dep...
dispropertied 27 21 DISPROPERTY, (Shakes...
dispropriated 27 21 DISPROPRIATE, (obsol...
disquantitied 31 26 DISQUANTITY, (Shakes...
disremembered 26 24 DISREMEMBER, to forg...
dissocialised 27 19 DISSOCIALISE, to mak...
dissocialized 30 28 DISSOCIALIZE, to mak...
distinguished 27 21 DISTINGUISH, to perc...
disubstituted 27 20 having two substitue...
disworshipped 33 26 DISWORSHIP, (Milton)...
disyllabified 36 25 DISYLLABIFY, to make...
draggletailed 26 21 (archaic) (esp. of a...
dumbfoundered 27 28 DUMBFOUNDER, to stri...
editorialised 23 16 EDITORIALISE, to int...
editorialized 26 25 EDITORIALIZE, to int...
electioneered 23 19 ELECTIONEER, to take...
electroformed 28 24 ELECTROFORM, to form...
electroplated 28 22 ELECTROPLATE, to pla...
embourgeoised 25 23 EMBOURGEOISE, to cau...
emotionalised 22 19 EMOTIONALISE, to mak...
emotionalized 25 28 EMOTIONALIZE, to mak...
endopolyploid 33 26 relating to endopoly...
ensanguinated 20 20 bloody [adj]
enterchaunged 26 24 ENTERCHAUNGE, (obsol...
entomologised 23 21 ENTOMOLOGISE, to pra...
entomologized 26 30 ENTOMOLOGIZE, to pra...
essentialised 22 16 ESSENTIALISE, to exp...
essentialized 25 25 ESSENTIALIZE, to exp...
excursionised 31 26 EXCURSIONISE, to go...
excursionized 34 35 EXCURSIONIZE, to go...
exsanguinated 27 26 EXSANGUINATE, to dra...
factionalised 27 22 FACTIONALISE, to spl...
factionalized 30 31 FACTIONALIZE, to spl...
fantasticated 26 21 FANTASTICATE, to fan...
featherbedded 27 24 FEATHERBED, to pampe...
featherheaded 26 22 foolish, empty-heade...
fellowshipped 36 30 FELLOWSHIP, to join...
fictionalised 28 22 FICTIONALISE, to mak...
fictionalized 31 31 FICTIONALIZE, to mak...
fieldstripped 31 25 FIELDSTRIP, to take...
fingerprinted 27 24 FINGERPRINT, to take...
flabbergasted 30 26 FLABBERGAST, to over...
forementioned 22 22 mentioned before in...
foreshortened 24 20 FORESHORTEN, to shor...
foresignified 27 23 FORESIGNIFY, (archai...
frontispieced 29 24 FRONTISPIECE, to pro...
gentlemanhood 24 24 the state of being a...
gerrymandered 29 23 GERRYMANDER, to rear...
gillravitched 34 27 GILLRAVITCH, (Scots)...
gingerbreaded 25 23 flavoured with ginge...
grammaticised 29 25 GRAMMATICISE, to mak...
grammaticized 32 34 GRAMMATICIZE, to mak...
grandfathered 26 23 GRANDFATHER, to exem...
haemophilioid 30 25 relating to haemophi...
haussmannised 24 22 HAUSSMANNISE, to ope...
haussmannized 27 31 HAUSSMANNIZE, to ope...
headquartered 31 27 HEADQUARTER, to make...
hexactinellid 35 29 a kind of six-rayed...
hispaniolised 27 21 HISPANIOLISE, to mak...
hispaniolized 30 30 HISPANIOLIZE, to mak...
histiophoroid 29 21 related to a genus o...
hydromedusoid 32 24 a hydromedusa, also...
hyperextended 37 30 HYPEREXTEND, to exte...
hyperinflated 35 26 excessively inflated...
hypertrophied 37 26 grown to an abnormal...
hypoeutectoid 35 25 of a compound, conta...
illegitimated 27 21 ILLEGITIMATE, to pro...
illiberalised 28 20 ILLIBERALISE, to ren...
illiberalized 31 29 ILLIBERALIZE, to ren...
imposthumated 29 26 IMPOSTHUMATE, to for...
incapacitated 29 24 INCAPACITATE, to mak...
indisciplined 29 24 not disciplined [adj...
indoctrinated 24 20 INDOCTRINATE, to ins...
inexperienced 31 29 not experienced, als...
insolubilised 27 21 INSOLUBILISE, to mak...
insolubilized 30 30 INSOLUBILIZE, to mak...
intercommuned 26 26 INTERCOMMUNE, to com...
intercompared 27 24 INTERCOMPARE, to mak...
interdepended 22 21 INTERDEPEND, to depe...
interdiffused 27 23 INTERDIFFUSE, to dif...
interfoliated 24 19 INTERFOLIATE, to int...
interinvolved 26 25 INTERINVOLVE, to inv...
interlineated 21 17 INTERLINEATE, to wri...
intermediated 22 19 INTERMEDIATE, to med...
interpellated 25 20 INTERPELLATE, to que...
interpretated 23 18 INTERPRETATE, (archa...
interwreathed 26 20 INTERWREATHE, to twi...
isocarboxazid 36 36 an antidepressant dr...
jerrymandered 30 30 JERRYMANDER, to rear...
knuckleheaded 29 31 of or like a knuckle...
legitimatised 26 20 LEGITIMATISE, to mak...
legitimatized 29 29 LEGITIMATIZE, to mak...
leucodepleted 28 24 of blood, deficient...
leukodepleted 26 25 of or denoting blood...
lithotritised 27 17 LITHOTRITISE, to per...
lithotritized 30 26 LITHOTRITIZE, to per...
machinegunned 27 28 MACHINEGUN, to shoot...
macropinacoid 30 27 a crystalline pinaco...
macropinakoid 28 28 a crystalline pinaco...
malfunctioned 28 27 MALFUNCTION, to func...
mercurialised 28 22 MERCURIALISE, to tre...
mercurialized 31 31 MERCURIALIZE, to tre...
metamorphosed 27 25 METAMORPHOSE, to cha...
microinjected 31 33 MICROINJECT, to inje...
mineralogised 24 21 MINERALOGISE, to col...
mineralogized 27 30 MINERALOGIZE, to col...
misadventured 25 24 (Shakespeare) unfort...
misattributed 27 21 MISATTRIBUTE, to att...
miscalculated 32 26 MISCALCULATE, to cal...
mischannelled 29 26 MISCHANNEL, to chann...
misclassified 31 24 MISCLASSIFY, to clas...
miscomprehend 31 29 to comprehend wrongl...
miscounselled 28 24 MISCOUNSEL, to couns...
misemphasised 29 25 MISEMPHASIS [v]
misemphasized 32 34 MISEMPHASIZE, to emp...
misfunctioned 28 26 MISFUNCTION, to func...
misidentified 26 22 MISIDENTIFY, to iden...
misinstructed 28 22 MISINSTRUCT, to inst...
mispositioned 25 21 MISPOSITION, to posi...
misprogrammed 29 28 MISPROGRAM, to progr...
mispronounced 27 26 MISPRONOUNCE, to pro...
mispunctuated 29 26 MISPUNCTUATE, to pun...
misreferenced 27 24 MISREFERENCE, to ref...
misregistered 25 19 MISREGISTER, to regi...
misremembered 27 26 MISREMEMBER, to reme...
missionarised 23 18 MISSIONARISE, to do...
missionarized 26 27 MISSIONARIZE, to do...
mistranslated 24 19 MISTRANSLATE, to tra...
misunderstand 23 21 to fail to understan...
misunderstood 23 20 MISUNDERSTAND, to fa...
misworshipped 34 28 MISWORSHIP, to worsh...
mithridatised 27 20 MITHRIDATISE, to acq...
mithridatized 30 29 MITHRIDATIZE, to acq...
mononucleated 24 24 having a single nucl...
monosaturated 21 19 of or relating to fa...
mountainboard 23 23 a form of all-terrai...
mountaineered 20 20 MOUNTAINEER, to clim...
multibarreled 28 23 of a gun, having man...
multibranched 32 28 having many branches...
multicoloured 29 24 MULTICOLOUR [v]
multilevelled 30 26 having many levels,...
multiramified 29 25 having many branches...
multistandard 25 21 in electronics, able...
multistranded 25 21 having many strands...
multitalented 25 21 having many talents...
municipalised 30 26 MUNICIPALISE, to bri...
municipalized 33 35 MUNICIPALIZE, to bri...
neighbourhood 28 25 a district, locality...
nonaccredited 26 23 not accredited [adj]
nonaffiliated 25 23 not affiliated [adj]
nonassociated 22 19 not associated [adj]
nonclassified 27 23 not classified [adj]
nonconjugated 25 32 not conjugated [adj]
noncontrolled 24 22 not controlled [adj]
noncultivated 27 25 not cultivated [adj]
nonesterified 22 19 not esterified [adj]
nonintegrated 20 19 not integrated [adj]
nonirradiated 20 17 not irradiated [adj]
nonmyelinated 27 23 not myelinated [adj]
nonrestricted 24 19 not restricted [adj]
nonsegregated 21 20 not segregated [adj]
nonstructured 25 21 not structured [adj]
nonsubsidised 24 21 not subsidised [adj]
nonsubsidized 27 30 not subsidized [adj]
northeastward 26 20 in a northeasterly d...
northwestward 30 23 in a northwesterly d...
obstreperated 25 20 OBSTREPERATE, (Stern...
orthopinakoid 26 24 in monoclinic crysta...
outgeneralled 23 20 OUTGENERAL, to surpa...
outmaneuvered 23 24 OUTMANEUVER, to surp...
outmanoeuvred 23 24 OUTMANOEUVRE, to sur...
outpoliticked 30 26 OUTPOLITICK, to surp...
outreproduced 27 23 OUTREPRODUCE, to sur...
overamplified 30 28 excessively amplifie...
overbejeweled 30 34 excessively adorned...
overburthened 27 25 OVERBURTHEN, (archai...
overcivilised 31 26 excessively civilise...
overcivilized 34 35 excessively civilize...
overcommitted 29 27 OVERCOMMIT, to commi...
overconcerned 27 26 OVERCONCERN, to conc...
overcorrected 29 24 OVERCORRECT, to corr...
overdecorated 25 22 OVERDECORATE, to dec...
overdeveloped 27 27 OVERDEVELOP, to deve...
overenamoured 22 23 excessively enamoure...
overestimated 24 21 OVERESTIMATE, to est...
overexercised 32 28 OVEREXERCISE, to exe...
overexplained 31 30 OVEREXPLAIN, to expl...
overexploited 32 29 OVEREXPLOIT, to expl...
overfulfilled 32 28 OVERFULFILL, to fulf...
overharvested 27 24 OVERHARVEST, to harv...
overidealised 24 20 OVERIDEALISE, to ide...
overidealized 27 29 OVERIDEALIZE, to ide...
overimpressed 27 24 OVERIMPRESS, to impr...
overleveraged 26 25 (of a business organ...
overmedicated 27 25 OVERMEDICATE, to med...
overnourished 25 22 OVERNOURISH, to nour...
overorganised 23 21 OVERORGANISE, to org...
overorganized 26 30 OVERORGANIZE, to org...
overpersuaded 25 23 OVERPERSUADE, to per...
overpopulated 28 26 OVERPOPULATE, to pop...
overprocessed 28 24 OVERPROCESS, to proc...
overprogramed 27 26 OVERPROGRAM, to prog...
overprotected 28 24 OVERPROTECT, to prot...
overqualified 35 32 having more educatio...
overregulated 25 22 OVERREGULATE, to reg...
overresponded 24 23 OVERRESPOND, to resp...
oversaturated 23 19 OVERSATURATE, to sat...
overstretched 29 23 OVERSTRETCH, to stre...
oversweetened 24 22 OVERSWEETEN, to swee...
overtightened 26 23 OVERTIGHTEN, to tigh...
overweathered 27 23 OVERWEATHER, (Shakes...
pamphleteered 29 26 PAMPHLETEER, to writ...
parameterised 24 20 PARAMETERISE, to set...
parameterized 27 29 PARAMETERIZE, to set...
parchmentised 30 26 PARCHMENTISE, to mak...
parchmentized 33 35 PARCHMENTIZE, to mak...
parenthesised 25 20 PARENTHESIS [v]
parenthesized 28 29 PARENTHESIZE, to put...
parochialised 30 23 PAROCHIALISE, to mak...
parochialized 33 32 PAROCHIALIZE, to mak...
particleboard 30 24 a composition board...
philosophised 32 25 PHILOSOPHISE, to rea...
philosophized 35 34 PHILOSOPHIZE, to rea...
phlebotomised 30 26 PHLEBOTOMISE, to per...
phlebotomized 33 35 PHLEBOTOMIZE, to per...
phosphoresced 33 27 PHOSPHORESCE, to exh...
phosphoretted 30 24 combined with phosph...
phosphuretted 31 25 combined with phosph...
photocomposed 31 28 PHOTOCOMPOSE, to set...
photoengraved 27 26 PHOTOENGRAVE, to mak...
photooxidised 32 27 PHOTOOXIDISE, to und...
photooxidized 35 36 PHOTOOXIDIZE, to und...
phrenologised 27 23 PHRENOLOGISE, to exa...
phrenologized 30 32 PHRENOLOGIZE, to exa...
pictorialised 29 21 PICTORIALISE, to rep...
pictorialized 32 30 PICTORIALIZE, to rep...
politicalised 30 22 POLITICALISE, to mak...
politicalized 33 31 POLITICALIZE, to mak...
porcelainised 27 22 PORCELAINISE, to bak...
porcelainized 30 31 PORCELAINIZE, to bak...
porcellanised 28 23 PORCELLANISE, to bak...
porcellanized 31 32 PORCELLANIZE, to bak...
posttensioned 22 19 POSTTENSION, to appl...
preacquainted 34 31 PREACQUAINT, to acqu...
preadmonished 26 24 PREADMONISH, to admo...
precontracted 29 24 PRECONTRACT, to cont...
predesignated 24 21 PREDESIGNATE, to spe...
predestinated 23 19 PREDESTINATE, to det...
predetermined 24 22 PREDETERMINE, to for...
prefabricated 31 26 PREFABRICATE, to mak...
preformulated 28 25 PREFORMULATE, to for...
prenegotiated 23 20 PRENEGOTIATE, to neg...
preponderated 24 22 PREPONDERATE, to sur...
preprogrammed 29 28 PREPROGRAM, to progr...
preregistered 25 19 PREREGISTER, to regi...
presanctified 29 24 PRESANCTIFY, to sanc...
presterilised 26 18 PRESTERILISE, to ste...
presterilized 29 27 PRESTERILIZE, to ste...
prestructured 29 22 PRESTRUCTURE, to str...
propagandised 26 24 PROPAGANDISE, to sub...
propagandized 29 33 PROPAGANDIZE, to sub...
propositioned 25 21 PROPOSITION, to make...
psychologised 38 27 PSYCHOLOGISE, to spe...
psychologized 41 36 PSYCHOLOGIZE, to spe...
quarterbacked 36 34 QUARTERBACK, to dire...
quicksilvered 39 36 QUICKSILVER, to coat...
radiolabelled 26 21 RADIOLABEL, to label...
rattlebrained 24 19 like a rattlebrain,...
reaccelerated 27 21 REACCELERATE, to acc...
reapportioned 24 21 REAPPORTION, to appo...
rearticulated 26 19 REARTICULATE, to art...
rebroadcasted 26 21 REBROADCAST, to broa...
recalcitrated 29 21 RECALCITRATE, to sho...
recapitalised 28 21 RECAPITALISE, to sup...
recapitalized 31 30 RECAPITALIZE, to cha...
recapitulated 28 22 RECAPITULATE, to res...
recentrifuged 28 24 RECENTRIFUGE, to put...
reconditioned 23 20 RECONDITION, to rest...
reconnoitered 22 19 RECONNOITER, (US) to...
reconsecrated 26 21 RECONSECRATE, to con...
reconstituted 25 19 RECONSTITUTE, to con...
reconstructed 28 22 RECONSTRUCT, to cons...
reconvalesced 29 26 RECONVALESCE, to con...
redintegrated 22 18 REDINTEGRATE, to mak...
redistributed 26 19 REDISTRIBUTE, to alt...
reembroidered 24 21 REEMBROIDER, to outl...
reencountered 22 20 REENCOUNTER, to enco...
reestablished 27 20 REESTABLISH, to esta...
reexperienced 31 28 REEXPERIENCE, to exp...
reflectorised 28 21 REFLECTORISE, to mak...
reflectorized 31 30 REFLECTORIZE, to mak...
rehabilitated 27 20 REHABILITATE, to res...
reinterpreted 23 18 REINTERPRET, to inte...
reinterviewed 26 22 REINTERVIEW, to inte...
reinvigorated 24 21 REINVIGORATE, to inv...
remilitarised 25 18 REMILITARISE, to mil...
remilitarized 28 27 REMILITARIZE, to mil...
remineralised 23 19 REMINERALISE, to rep...
remineralized 26 28 REMINERALIZE, to rep...
repartitioned 23 18 REPARTITION, to part...
repopularised 27 22 REPOPULARISE, to pop...
repopularized 30 31 REPOPULARIZE, to pop...
repressurised 25 18 REPRESSURISE, to pre...
repressurized 28 27 REPRESSURIZE, to pre...
repristinated 24 18 REPRISTINATE, to rev...
reprovisioned 25 22 REPROVISION, to prov...
requisitioned 30 25 REQUISITION, to make...
resynthesised 30 19 RESYNTHESIS [v]
resynthesized 33 28 RESYNTHESIZE, to syn...
retransferred 23 18 RETRANSFER, to trans...
retransformed 24 21 RETRANSFORM, to tran...
retransmitted 23 18 RETRANSMIT, to trans...
reupholstered 27 21 REUPHOLSTER, to upho...
rhodomontaded 23 22 RHODOMONTADE, to boa...
scrimshandied 29 24 SCRIMSHANDY, to orna...
scrobiculated 32 25 marked with many sha...
sectarianised 24 18 SECTARIANISE, to mak...
sectarianized 27 27 SECTARIANIZE, to mak...
sectionalised 25 19 SECTIONALISE, to div...
sectionalized 28 28 SECTIONALIZE, to div...
semiautomated 23 21 partially automated...
semicivilised 31 25 partly civilised, al...
semicivilized 34 34 partly civilized, al...
seroconverted 25 22 SEROCONVERT, to prod...
serpentinised 23 19 SERPENTINISE, to win...
serpentinized 26 28 SERPENTINIZE, to win...
sextuplicated 35 29 SEXTUPLICATE, to cop...
showerproofed 30 25 SHOWERPROOF, to make...
shuttlecocked 33 28 SHUTTLECOCK, to send...
somnambulated 26 26 SOMNAMBULATE, to wal...
somniloquised 32 29 SOMNILOQUISE, to tal...
somniloquized 35 38 SOMNILOQUIZE, to tal...
sophisticated 30 22 SOPHISTICATE, to mak...
southeastward 27 20 in a southeasterly d...
southwestward 31 23 in a southwesterly d...
spaghettified 30 24 SPAGHETTIFY, to make...
spiritualised 27 19 SPIRITUALISE, to mak...
spiritualized 30 28 SPIRITUALIZE, to mak...
steamrollered 24 19 STEAMROLLER, to over...
steeplechased 29 23 STEEPLECHASE, to rid...
stereochromed 27 22 STEREOCHROME, to pai...
stereographed 26 21 STEREOGRAPH, to make...
straightedged 27 21 having a straight ed...
straightlaced 30 22 excessively strict i...
strophiolated 27 20 having strophioles,...
subclassified 32 25 SUBCLASSIFY, to grou...
subcontracted 30 25 SUBCONTRACT, to ente...
subinfeudated 26 24 SUBINFEUDATE, to gra...
subintroduced 28 24 SUBINTRODUCE, to bri...
subjectivised 33 34 SUBJECTIVISE, to mak...
subjectivized 36 43 SUBJECTIVIZE, to mak...
subministered 26 22 SUBMINISTER, to supp...
substantiated 24 19 SUBSTANTIATE, to giv...
summersaulted 26 23 SUMMERSAULT [v]
superabounded 25 24 SUPERABOUND, to be s...
superannuated 22 21 SUPERANNUATE, to ren...
superelevated 26 23 SUPERELEVATE, to rai...
supererogated 24 20 SUPEREROGATE, (obsol...
superhardened 25 22 SUPERHARDEN, to hard...
superinfected 29 25 SUPERINFECT, to infe...
superintended 23 21 SUPERINTEND, to have...
superovulated 27 24 SUPEROVULATE, to pro...
superstructed 29 22 SUPERSTRUCT, to buil...
sycophantised 35 25 SYCOPHANTISE, to be...
sycophantized 38 34 SYCOPHANTIZE, to be...
symptomatised 33 25 SYMPTOMATISE, to be...
symptomatized 36 34 SYMPTOMATIZE, to be...
taratantaraed 19 15 TARATANTARA, to make...
technicalised 31 24 TECHNICALISE, to giv...
technicalized 34 33 TECHNICALIZE, to giv...
technologised 28 23 TECHNOLOGISE, to aff...
technologized 31 32 TECHNOLOGIZE, to aff...
tenderhearted 22 18 easily moved to love...
tergiversated 25 20 TERGIVERSATE, to tur...
thenceforward 31 26 from that time on, a...
thermostatted 25 19 THERMOSTAT, to provi...
thimblerigged 32 27 THIMBLERIG, to cheat...
thimblewitted 33 26 silly, dimwitted [ad...
thoroughpaced 32 27 of a horse, showing...
thymectomised 36 27 THYMECTOMISE, to per...
thymectomized 39 36 THYMECTOMIZE, to per...
tranquillised 33 27 TRANQUILLISE, to mak...
tranquillized 36 36 TRANQUILLIZE, to mak...
transgendered 21 19 transcending traditi...
transmigrated 24 20 TRANSMIGRATE, to pas...
transvaluated 24 21 TRANSVALUATE, to ree...
trichotomised 29 22 TRICHOTOMISE, to div...
trichotomized 32 31 TRICHOTOMIZE, to div...
tricorporated 27 20 having three bodies...
trothplighted 32 24 TROTHPLIGHT, to betr...
ultrafiltered 27 20 ULTRAFILTER, to pass...
ultrararefied 25 19 exceptionally rarefi...
ultrawideband 28 24 a very broad bandwid...
unabbreviated 27 26 not abbreviated [adj...
unaccentuated 26 24 not accentuated [adj...
unaccompanied 29 29 not accompanied [adj...
unadjudicated 27 31 not adjudicated [adj...
unadulterated 22 19 not adulterated, als...
unanticipated 26 23 not anticipated [adj...
unappreciated 28 25 not appreciated [adj...
unapprehended 26 26 not apprehended [adj...
unarticulated 26 21 not articulated [adj...
unascertained 23 20 not ascertained [adj...
unassimilated 24 20 not assimilated [adj...
unblindfolded 28 27 UNBLINDFOLD, to remo...
unbowdlerised 28 24 not bowdlerised, als...
unbowdlerized 31 33 not bowdlerized, als...
uncapitalised 28 23 not capitalised, als...
uncapitalized 31 32 not capitalized, als...
unchlorinated 27 23 not chlorinated [adj...
unchristianed 27 22 UNCHRISTIAN, to make...
uncircumcised 34 29 not circumcised [adj...
uncompanioned 25 27 not companioned [adj...
uncompensated 26 26 not compensated [adj...
uncomplicated 32 29 not complicated by s...
unconditioned 23 22 not subject to condi...
unconjectured 29 33 not conjectured [adj...
unconsecrated 26 23 not consecrated [adj...
unconstrained 23 21 not constrained [adj...
unconstricted 28 23 not constricted [adj...
unconstructed 28 24 manufactured without...
unconsummated 26 27 not consummated [adj...
uncoordinated 23 21 not coordinated [adj...
undepreciated 26 23 not depreciated [adj...
underachieved 28 26 UNDERACHIEVE, to ach...
underbudgeted 25 24 UNDERBUDGET, to allo...
undereducated 24 22 poorly educated [adj...
underemployed 31 26 having less than ful...
underfinanced 25 25 inadequately finance...
underfinished 26 23 of cattle and sheep,...
underinflated 24 22 not sufficiently inf...
underinvested 23 22 UNDERINVEST, to inve...
underoccupied 30 27 insufficiently occup...
underprepared 25 23 inadequately prepare...
underproduced 27 25 UNDERPRODUCE, to pro...
underreported 23 20 UNDERREPORT, to repo...
undersupplied 28 25 UNDERSUPPLY, to supp...
underutilised 24 19 UNDERUTILISE, to uti...
underutilized 27 28 UNDERUTILIZE, to uti...
undifferenced 28 27 not differenced [adj...
undisciplined 29 25 not disciplined [adj...
undiscomfited 29 26 not discomfited [adj...
undiscouraged 26 23 not discouraged [adj...
undishonoured 23 21 not dishonoured [adj...
undissociated 25 20 not electrolytically...
undistempered 25 23 not distempered [adj...
undistributed 26 21 not distributed [adj...
undiversified 27 24 not diversified [adj...
unelectrified 28 23 not electrified [adj...
unembarrassed 24 22 not embarrassed [adj...
unembellished 29 26 not embellished [adj...
unenlightened 24 23 not enlightened [adj...
unentertained 19 18 not entertained [adj...
unestablished 27 22 not established [adj...
unexaggerated 28 27 not exaggerated [adj...
unexemplified 34 33 not exemplified [adj...
unexperienced 31 30 not experienced, als...
unforeskinned 23 25 (Milton) circumcised...
unhomogenised 24 24 not homogenised, als...
unhomogenized 27 33 not homogenized, als...
unilluminated 25 23 not illuminated [adj...
unillustrated 25 19 not illustrated [adj...
unimpassioned 24 23 not impassioned [adj...
unimpregnated 25 25 not impregnated [adj...
uninaugurated 22 21 not inaugurated [adj...
unintermitted 23 20 not intermitted [adj...
uninterrupted 24 21 not interrupted [adj...
unintimidated 23 21 not intimidated [adj...
universalised 25 21 UNIVERSALISE, to mak...
universalized 28 30 UNIVERSALIZE, to mak...
unmacadamised 26 26 not macadamised, als...
unmacadamized 29 35 not macadamized, als...
unmanipulated 25 25 not manipulated [adj...
unmetabolised 25 23 not metabolised, als...
unmetabolized 28 32 not metabolized, als...
unnaturalised 22 19 UNNATURALISE, to und...
unnaturalized 25 28 UNNATURALIZE, to und...
unneighboured 26 25 not neighboured [adj...
unparasitised 24 19 not parasitised, als...
unparasitized 27 28 not parasitized, als...
unpasteurised 24 20 not pasteurised, als...
unpasteurized 27 29 not pasteurized, als...
unperpetrated 25 22 not perpetrated [adj...
unplasticised 29 23 not plasticised, als...
unplasticized 32 32 not plasticized, als...
unprecedented 25 24 having no precedent...
unpreoccupied 32 29 not preoccupied [adj...
unpressurised 25 20 not pressurised, als...
unpressurized 28 29 not pressurized, als...
unprovisioned 25 24 not provisioned [adj...
unrecollected 29 24 not recollected [adj...
unrecommended 25 27 not recommended [adj...
unrecompensed 26 26 not recompensed [adj...
unregenerated 20 19 not regenerated [adj...
unreplenished 26 23 not replenished [adj...
unrepresented 22 20 not represented [adj...
unreprimanded 24 24 not reprimanded [adj...
unscavengered 26 26 not scavengered [adj...
unscrutinised 26 21 not scrutinised, als...
unscrutinized 29 30 not scrutinized, als...
unsensualised 22 19 UNSENSUALISE, to fre...
unsensualized 25 28 UNSENSUALIZE, to fre...
unspecialised 28 23 not specialised, als...
unspecialized 31 32 not specialized, als...
unstercorated 24 19 not manured [adj]
unstigmatised 25 21 not stigmatised, als...
unstigmatized 28 30 not stigmatized, als...
unsymmetrised 31 24 not symmetrised, als...
unsymmetrized 34 33 not symmetrized, als...
unthriftihead 29 23 (archaic) thriftless...
unthriftyhead 35 25 (Spenser) unthriftin...
untransformed 24 23 not transformed [adj...
untransmitted 23 20 not transmitted [adj...
versicoloured 28 23 of variable or vario...
verticillated 30 23 whorled, also VERTIC...
vitilitigated 28 21 VITILITIGATE, to be...
weathercocked 33 29 WEATHERCOCK, to serv...
wheelbarrowed 32 26 WHEELBARROW, to tran...
whiskerandoed 27 25 having whiskers [adj...