5 letter words that end with D

5 letter words that end with D

5 letter D word


Words With Friends®


aahed 9 8 AAH, to exclaim in s...
aband 9 10 (Spenser) to abandon...
abbed 12 12 displaying well-deve...
abled 11 10 ABLE, (obsolete) to...
abord 10 9 (archaic) to accost,...
ached 13 11 ACHE, to endure a du...
acned 10 10 afflicted with acne...
acold 12 10 (Shakespeare) chille...
acred 11 9 possessing acres, la...
acrid 12 9 sharp to the taste o...
acted 11 9 ACT, to do something...
added 8 8 ADD, to compute the...
adrad 8 7 (Spenser) afraid, al...
adred 8 7 (Spenser) afraid, al...
adzed 11 16 ADZ, to dress timber...
afald 11 10 onefold, also AEFALD...
agood 8 8 (Shakespeare) in goo...
agued 9 9 suffering from the a...
ahead 9 8 further on [adv]
ahind 10 9 (dialect) behind, al...
ahold 11 9 (obsolete) near the...
aided 8 7 AID, to help [v]
ailed 9 7 AIL, to be indispose...
aimed 9 9 AIM, to direct a cou...
aired 8 6 AIR, to make known p...
aland 8 8 a large hunting dog,...
alcid 13 10 a diving sea bird, a...
algid 11 9 cold or chill, esp....
alkyd 17 13 any of a group of sy...
allod 10 8 an estate held in ab...
almud 11 11 a Spanish unit of ca...
aloed 8 7 planted or flavoured...
aloud 9 8 audibly [adv]
amend 8 10 to correct, improve...
amped 11 12 AMP, (Australian sla...
anted 7 7 ANTE, to put a fixed...
apaid 10 9 APAY, to satisfy, al...
apayd 16 11 APAY, to satisfy, al...
aphid 13 11 a plant-louse, a sma...
apted 10 9 APT, to adapt [v]
arced 11 9 ARC, to make an elec...
aread 7 6 (Spenser) to counsel...
aredd 8 7 AREAD, (Spenser) to...
arked 9 10 ARK, to put into an...
arled 9 7 ARLE, to give earnes...
armed 9 9 ARM, to supply with...
aroid 8 6 any plant of the aru...
arsed 8 6 ARSE, as in "to arse...
ashed 10 8 ASH, to convert some...
asked 9 10 ASK, to inquire or r...
audad 8 8 a North African wild...
avoid 10 10 to evade [v -ED, -IN...
award 11 9 to grant as merited...
awned 10 10 AWN, to shelter with...
axled 15 14 having an axle [adj]
axoid 14 13 a curve generated by...
baaed 9 9 BAA, to cry like a s...
baked 11 13 BAKE, to cook in an...
baled 11 10 BALE, to form into t...
baned 9 10 BANE, to kill with p...
bared 10 9 BARE, to make bare [...
based 10 9 BASE, to place on a...
bated 10 9 BATE, to diminish, a...
bayed 16 11 BAY, to bark or howl...
beard 10 9 hair on the lower fa...
bedad 10 10 an Irish oath, by Go...
begad 11 11 by God! [interj]
bemad 11 12 (archaic) to make ma...
bemud 12 13 (archaic) to spatter...
beted 10 9 BETE, to mend, impro...
betid 11 9 BETIDE, to befall, h...
bided 11 10 BIDE, to wait, dwell...
bield 12 10 (Scots) to give shel...
bifid 14 12 divided into two par...
biked 12 13 BIKE, to ride a bicy...
biled 12 10 BILE, (Scots) to boi...
biped 13 12 an animal with two f...
bipod 13 12 a two-legged stand [...
bland 11 11 neutral-tasting, ins...
blaud 12 11 (Scots) a fragment,...
bleed 11 10 to lose blood [v BLE...
blend 11 11 to mix together [v B...
blind 12 11 to make sightless [v...
blond 11 11 a fair complexioned...
blood 11 10 to stain with blood...
blued 12 11 BLUE, to make the co...
bluid 13 11 (Scots) blood BLUDE...
board 10 9 to supply food and l...
boded 10 10 BODE, to foretell, b...
boked 11 13 BOKE, to belch, also...
boned 9 10 BONE, to take the bo...
booed 9 9 BOO, to show disappr...
boord 10 9 (Spenser) board, als...
bored 10 9 BORE, to pierce with...
bound 10 11 to leap [v -ED, -ING...
bourd 11 10 (obsolete) to jest [...
bovid 13 13 an animal of the cat...
bowed 13 12 BOW, to bend or incl...
boxed 16 16 BOX, to put in a con...
boyed 16 11 BOY, to act a female...
braid 11 9 broad [adj BRAIDER,...
brand 10 10 to mark with a hot i...
bread 10 9 to cover with breadc...
breed 10 9 to produce by giving...
breid 11 9 bread [n -S]
broad 10 9 an expansion of a ri...
brond 10 10 (obsolete) a brand,...
brood 10 9 to ponder gloomily [...
build 13 11 to construct [v BUIL...
bused 11 10 BUS, to travel or tr...
byded 17 12 BYDE, (Scots) to bid...
byked 18 15 BYKE, to swarm [v]
caaed 10 9 CAA, (Scots) to call...
caged 12 11 CAGE, to cage [v]
caird 12 9 a travelling tinker;...
caked 12 13 CAKE, to form into a...
calid 13 10 hot; burning; ardent...
caned 10 10 CANE, to beat with a...
canid 11 10 a member of the dog...
caped 13 12 CAPE, to keep a cour...
cared 11 9 CARE, to be concerne...
cased 11 9 CASE, to put in a co...
cauld 13 11 (Scots) cold [adj CA...
caved 13 13 CAVE, to hollow out...
cawed 14 12 CAW, to cry like a c...
cebid 14 12 one of a family of m...
ceded 11 10 CEDE, to yield [v]
cered 11 9 CERE, to wrap in a w...
chard 14 11 the edible leafstalk...
child 16 12 to bring forth [v -E...
chord 14 11 to play a combinatio...
chynd 20 14 (archaic) cut into c...
cided 12 10 CIDE, (Shakespeare)...
cited 12 9 CITE, to quote as an...
clied 13 10 CLY, to seize or ste...
cloud 13 11 to make obscure [v -...
clued 13 11 CLUE, to obtain guid...
coded 11 10 CODE, to convert int...
coked 12 13 COKE, to change into...
coled 12 10 COLEAD, to lead join...
coned 10 10 CONE, to bear cones...
cooed 10 9 COO, to make the sou...
coped 13 12 COPE, to deal with [...
cored 11 9 CORE, to remove the...
cosed 11 9 COSE, to make onesel...
coted 11 9 COTE, to pass by; to...
could 13 11 CAN, to put in a cyl...
courd 12 10 covered [adj]
coved 13 13 COVE, to curve over...
cowed 14 12 COW, to subdue [v]
coxed 17 16 COX, to steer a raci...
coyed 17 11 COY, to affect coyne...
cozed 14 18 COZE, to converse in...
creed 11 9 a statement of belie...
cried 12 9 CRY, to utter a soun...
crowd 15 12 to press closely tog...
cubed 14 13 CUBE, to raise to th...
cupid 15 13 a statue of the Roma...
cured 12 10 CURE, to restore to...
cycad 21 14 any member of an ord...
daled 9 8 the fourth letter of...
dared 8 7 DARE, to venture bol...
dated 8 7 DATE, to record a st...
dawed 11 10 DAW, to dawn [v]
dazed 11 16 DAZE, to stun [v]
debud 11 11 to remove the buds f...
decad 11 10 (obsolete) a period...
deked 9 11 DEKE, to feint in ho...
deled 9 8 DELE, in printing, t...
dered 8 7 DERE, to injure, als...
dewed 11 10 DEW, to wet with con...
diced 12 10 DICE, to cut into sm...
diked 10 11 DIKE, to furnish wit...
dined 8 8 DINE, to eat dinner...
dited 9 7 DITE, (obsolete) to...
dived 11 11 DIVE, to plunge head...
doled 9 8 DOLE, to distribute...
domed 9 10 DOME, to cover with...
doped 10 10 DOPE, to give a narc...
dorad 8 7 any member of the fi...
dosed 8 7 DOSE, to give a meas...
doted 8 7 DOTE, to love excess...
doved 10 11 DOVE, to doze, also...
dowed 11 10 DOW, to be able [v]
dozed 11 16 DOZE, to sleep light...
dread 8 7 inspiring fear [adj...
dreed 8 7 DREE, to suffer, end...
dried 9 7 DRY, to remove the m...
droid 9 7 (colloquial) an andr...
druid 10 8 one of an ancient or...
dryad 15 9 a nymph of the woods...
duded 9 9 DUDE, to dress in fl...
duked 10 12 DUKE, to fight with...
duped 11 11 DUPE, to deceive [v]
dured 9 8 DURE, (obsolete) to...
dyked 16 13 DYKE, to furnish wit...
ealed 8 7 EALE, (Shakespeare)...
eaned 6 7 EAN, to give birth t...
eared 7 6 EAR, to plough or ti...
eased 7 6 EASE, to free from p...
eaved 9 10 having eaves [adj]
ebbed 12 12 EBB, to move back fr...
eched 13 11 ECHE, (obsolete) to...
edged 9 9 EDGE, to furnish wit...
effed 12 12 EFF, euphemism for f...
egged 10 10 EGG, to incite [v]
eiked 9 10 EIK, (Scots) to augm...
eland 8 8 a large African ante...
elfed 11 10 ELF, to entangle (ha...
eliad 9 7 an amorous glance, a...
embed 11 12 to plant firmly, als...
emend 8 10 to correct, also EME...
ended 7 8 END, to terminate [v...
ephod 12 11 a sleeveless garment...
equid 17 16 any member of the ho...
erned 7 7 ERNE [v]
erred 8 6 ERR, to make a mista...
euked 9 11 EUK, to itch, also E...
eupad 10 10 an antiseptic powder...
ewked 12 13 EWK, to itch, also E...
faced 13 12 FACE, to confront [v...
faded 10 10 FADE, to lose colour...
faked 11 13 FAKE, to pretend and...
famed 11 12 FAME, to make famous...
farad 10 9 a unit of electrical...
fared 10 9 FARE, to get on or s...
fated 10 9 FATE, to destine [v]
fauld 12 11 the arch over the da...
faurd 11 10 (Scots) favoured [ad...
faxed 16 16 FAX, to send message...
fayed 16 11 FAY, to clean out es...
fazed 13 18 FAZE, to unsettle, a...
felid 12 10 a member of the cat...
feted 10 9 FETE, to honour with...
fetid 11 9 stinking, also FOETI...
feued 10 10 FEU, to grant land t...
feyed 16 11 FEY, to clean out, e...
field 12 10 to play as a fielder...
fiend 10 10 a devil; a person dr...
fifed 13 12 FIFE, to play a high...
fiked 12 13 FIKE, to fidget rest...
filed 12 10 FILE, to arrange in...
fined 10 10 FINE, to incur a mon...
fiord 11 9 a narrow inlet of th...
fired 11 9 FIRE, to project by...
fixed 17 16 FIX, to make firm, r...
fjeld 14 19 (Norwegian) a high,...
fjord 13 18 a narrow inlet of th...
flied 12 10 FLY, to move through...
flood 11 10 to inundate [v -ED,...
flued 12 11 having a flue [adj]
fluid 13 11 flowing [adj FLUIDLY...
found 10 11 to establish [v -ED,...
foxed 16 16 FOX, to outwit [v]
fraud 11 10 criminal deception [...
freed 10 9 FREE, to set at libe...
fremd 12 12 (Scots) a stranger,...
fried 11 9 FRY, to cook in fat...
frond 10 10 a type of leaf [n -S...
fumed 12 13 FUME, to give off sm...
fused 11 10 FUSE, to equip with...
fuzed 14 19 FUZE, to equip with...
fyked 18 15 FYKE, to fidget rest...
gadid 10 9 a type of fish, also...
gaged 10 10 GAGE, to pledge as s...
galed 10 9 GALE, to frolic play...
gamed 10 11 GAME, to gamble [v]
gaped 11 11 GAPE, to stare with...
gated 9 8 GATE, to supply with...
gazed 12 17 GAZE, to look intent...
gelid 11 9 extremely cold, icy...
geoid 9 8 the figure of the ea...
gibed 12 11 GIBE, to scoff, mock...
gived 12 12 GIVE, to transfer fr...
gland 10 10 a secreting organ [n...
gleed 10 9 a glowing coal [n -S...
glued 11 10 GLUE, to fasten with...
gonad 8 9 an organ in an anima...
goold 10 9 a flower, also GOOL...
gored 9 8 GORE, to pierce with...
gourd 10 9 a large hard-rinded...
grand 9 9 large and impressive...
greed 9 8 excessive desire for...
grind 10 9 to wear, smooth or s...
grued 10 9 GRUE, to shudder, fe...
grund 10 10 as in Scots grund ma...
guard 10 9 to protect [v -ED, -...
guild 12 10 an association of pe...
guyed 16 11 GUY, to make fun of...
gybed 18 13 GYBE, in sailing, to...
gyeld 17 11 (Spenser) a guild [n...
gyred 16 10 GYRE, to move in a c...
gyved 18 14 GYVE, to fetter, als...
haded 10 9 HADE, to incline fro...
haled 11 9 HALE, to compel to g...
halid 12 9 a compound of a halo...
hamed 11 11 HAME, (Scots) to go...
hared 10 8 HARE, to run like a...
hated 10 8 HATE, to loathe [v]
hauld 12 10 (Scots) tenancy, as...
hawed 13 11 HAW, to make indecis...
hayed 16 10 HAY, to convert cut...
hazed 13 17 HAZE, to make a shim...
heald 11 9 (obsolete) to heel,...
heard 10 8 herd [n -S]
heled 11 9 HELE, to hide [v]
hewed 13 11 HEW, to cut with an...
hexad 16 15 a group of six, also...
hexed 16 15 HEX, to cast an evil...
heyed 16 10 HEY, to dance the he...
hided 11 9 HIDE, to conceal [v]
hiked 12 12 HIKE, to go walking...
hired 11 8 HIRE, to use for a p...
hived 13 12 HIVE, to enter a bee...
hoaed 9 8 HOA, to stop [v]
hoard 10 8 to gather and store...
hodad 10 9 a nonsurfer, also HO...
hohed 12 10 HOH, to stop, also H...
hoied 10 8 HOI, to urge, incite...
hoked 11 12 HOKE, to give false...
holed 11 9 HOLE, to make a cavi...
homed 11 11 HOME, to return to a...
honed 9 9 HONE, to whet [v]
hoord 10 8 (obsolete) a hoard [...
hoped 12 11 HOPE, to have a desi...
hosed 10 8 HOSE, to spray with...
hound 10 10 to pursue relentless...
hoved 12 12 HOVE, to swell [v]
hoxed 16 15 HOX, (Shakespeare) t...
hoyed 16 10 HOY, to incite [v]
hudud 12 11 (Arabic) a set of la...
humid 13 12 moist, having much h...
hyoid 17 10 a bone at the base o...
hyped 19 13 HYPE, to stimulate a...
iched 14 11 ICH, (Shakespeare) t...
idled 10 8 IDLE, to be unoccupi...
igged 11 10 IGG, (slang) to igno...
iliad 10 7 a long poem [n -S]
imbed 12 12 to plant firmly, als...
imped 12 12 IMP, to graft feathe...
inked 9 11 INK, to colour with...
inned 7 8 IN, to take in e.g....
iodid 9 7 a salt of hydriodic...
irked 10 10 IRK, to annoy or wea...
isled 10 7 ISLE, to place on a...
ivied 11 10 covered with ivy [ad...
izard 12 15 (French) the Pyrenea...
jaded 10 16 JADE, to tire [v]
japed 12 18 JAPE, to play a joke...
jawed 13 18 JAW, to chatter at l...
jehad 12 17 in Islam, a holy war...
jerid 11 15 a wooden Oriental ja...
jewed 13 18 JEW, to barter succe...
jibed 13 18 JIBE [v]
jihad 13 17 in Islam, a holy war...
jived 13 19 JIVE, to dance to ja...
jobed 12 18 JOBE, to reprimand t...
joked 11 19 JOKE, to say somethi...
joled 11 16 JOL, (South African...
jowed 13 18 JOW, to ring, toll a...
joyed 16 17 JOY, to rejoice [v]
juked 12 20 JUKE, to dance [v]
kawed 12 13 KAW, to cry like a c...
keyed 15 12 KEY, to enter (data)...
kited 10 10 KITE, to obtain mone...
knead 8 11 to massage with the...
kneed 8 11 KNEE, to strike with...
laced 12 10 LACE, to draw togeth...
laded 9 8 LADE, to load with c...
laird 10 7 the owner of a lande...
laked 10 11 LAKE [v]
lamed 10 10 (Hebrew) a Hebrew le...
lased 9 7 LASE, to use a laser...
lated 9 7 (Shakespeare) belate...
laund 9 9 (Shakespeare) a glad...
laved 11 11 LAVE, (archaic) to w...
lawed 12 10 LAW, (obsolete) to t...
layed 15 9 LAY, to deposit as a...
lazed 12 16 LAZE, to pass time i...
lemed 10 10 LEME, to gleam, glow...
lepid 12 10 pleasant, jocose [ad...
lered 9 7 LERE, (Scots) to tea...
liard 10 7 grey; dapple-grey, a...
liked 11 11 LIKE, to be fond of...
limed 11 10 LIME, to treat with...
lined 9 8 LINE, to mark out wi...
lipid 13 10 any of a class of fa...
lited 10 7 LITE, (Spenser) to a...
lived 12 11 LIVE, to function as...
livid 13 11 of bluish leaden col...
lobed 11 10 LOBE, to divide into...
lomed 10 10 LOME, to cover with...
looed 8 7 LOO, to love, also L...
loord 9 7 a lout [n -S]
loped 11 10 LOPE, to run with a...
losed 9 7 LOSE, to misplace or...
loued 9 8 LOU, (Scots) to love...
lound 9 9 (Scots) to calm, als...
loved 11 11 LOVE, to feel great...
lowed 12 10 LOW, to utter the so...
lownd 12 11 (Scots) sheltered, c...
loxed 15 14 LOX, to supply with...
lubed 12 11 LUBE, to lubricate [...
lucid 14 11 easily understood [a...
luged 11 10 LUGE, to race on a s...
lured 10 8 LURE, to attract wit...
lurid 11 8 shining with a red g...
luted 10 8 LUTE, to play on the...
luxed 16 15 LUX, to clean with a...
lyard 16 9 grey, dapple-grey, a...
lysed 16 9 LYSE, to cause to un...
lyted 16 9 LYTE, to alight, als...
maaed 8 9 MAA, to bleat like a...
maced 12 12 MACE, to attack with...
madid 10 10 wet; dank [adj]
maned 8 10 having a mane [adj]
marid 10 9 (Arabic) a jinn of t...
mased 9 9 MASE, to act as a ma...
mated 9 9 MATE, to couple with...
maund 9 11 (obsolete) to beg [v...
mawed 12 12 MAW, (US) to mow [v]
maxed 15 16 MAX, to reach a maxi...
mayed 15 11 MAY, to gather flowe...
mazed 12 18 MAZE, to bewilder [v...
menad 8 10 a female follower of...
mened 8 10 MENE, (Scots) to lam...
mered 9 9 MERE, to mark off, d...
meted 9 9 METE, to distribute...
meved 11 13 MEVE, (obsolete) to...
mewed 12 12 MEW, of a cat, to ma...
miked 11 13 MIKE, to record by u...
mimed 11 12 MIME, to mimic [v]
mined 9 10 MINE, to dig for val...
mired 10 9 MIRE, to sink in mud...
mirid 11 9 a variety of leaf bu...
mixed 16 16 MIX, to combine toge...
moled 10 10 MOLE, to elicit bit...
monad 8 10 the number one; a un...
mooed 8 9 MOO, to make the sou...
moped 11 12 a type of motorbike...
mosed 9 9 MOSE, to have glande...
moted 9 9 having a mote [adj]
mould 11 11 to work into a parti...
mound 9 11 to heap in a pile [v...
moved 11 13 MOVE, to change from...
mowed 12 12 MOW, to cut down a c...
mozed 12 18 MOZE, to raise a nap...
mucid 14 13 mouldy, musty [adj]
muled 11 11 MULE, to strike a co...
mured 10 10 MURE, to wall up the...
murid 11 10 any of the family of...
mused 10 10 MUSE, to ponder [v]
muted 10 10 MUTE, to deaden the...
muxed 16 17 MUX, to spoil, botch...
myoid 16 11 a section of a retin...
mysid 17 11 a kind of small shri...
naiad 7 7 a water nymph [n NAI...
naked 8 11 without clothes [adj...
naled 8 8 an agricultural pest...
named 8 10 NAME, to give a titl...
naped 9 10 NAPE, to attack with...
neeld 8 8 a needle, also NEELE...
newed 10 10 NEW, to renew [v]
nicad 11 10 (short for) nickel-c...
nided 8 8 NIDE, to nest [v]
nitid 9 7 bright, shining [adj...
nixed 14 14 NIX, to veto [v]
nomad 8 10 a member of a wander...
nosed 7 7 NOSE, to sniff with...
noted 7 7 NOTE, to write down...
nould 9 9 NILL, to be unwillin...
nowed 10 10 knotted [adj]
noyed 13 9 NOY, (Spenser) to an...
nuked 9 12 NUKE, to attack with...
oaked 8 10 (of wine) stored for...
oared 7 6 OAR, to propel a boa...
obied 10 9 OBI, to bewitch [v]
octad 11 9 a group of eight [n...
offed 12 12 OFF, to go away [v]
ogeed 8 8 having an ogee [adj]
ogled 10 9 OGLE, to stare at le...
oiled 9 7 OIL, to lubricate wi...
onned 6 8 ON, to go on [v]
oohed 9 8 OOH, to express surp...
ooped 9 9 OOP, to bind with th...
ootid 8 6 one of the four sect...
oozed 10 15 OOZE, to leak slowly...
opted 10 9 OPT, to decide or ch...
orbed 10 9 ORB, to form into a...
oread 7 6 a mountain nymph [n...
ouped 10 10 OUP, to bind with th...
outed 8 7 OUT, to reveal [v]
ovoid 10 10 an egg-shaped body [...
owled 12 10 OWL, to smuggle wool...
owned 10 10 OWN, to have as a po...
paced 13 12 PACE, to walk with m...
paged 11 11 PAGE, to summon by c...
pagod 11 11 an Eastern temple, e...
paled 11 10 PALE, to lose colour...
paned 9 10 PANE, to insert pane...
pared 10 9 PARE, to shave or cu...
pated 10 9 having a pate [adj]
paved 12 13 PAVE, to cover with...
pavid 13 13 afraid; timid [adj]
pawed 13 12 PAW, to draw the for...
payed 16 11 PAY, to give money i...
paysd 17 11 (Spenser) poised [v]
pened 9 10 PENE, to beat with a...
piend 10 10 an outward pointing...
piked 12 13 PIKE, to pierce with...
piled 12 10 PILE, to lay one upo...
pined 10 10 PINE, to languish wi...
piped 13 12 PIPE, to convey by m...
pized 14 18 PIZE, (dialect) to s...
plaid 12 10 a long piece of twil...
plead 11 10 to beg for earnestly...
plied 12 10 PLY, to bend or fold...
pohed 12 11 POH, to reject conte...
poind 10 10 (Scots) to distrain,...
poked 11 13 POKE, to prod [v]
poled 11 10 POLE, to propel with...
pooed 9 9 POO, (slang) to defe...
pored 10 9 PORE, to examine clo...
posed 10 9 POSE, to assume a fi...
poted 10 9 POTE, to poke, thrus...
pound 10 11 to strike heavily an...
pownd 13 13 (Spenser) to pound,...
poxed 16 16 POX, to infect with...
preed 10 9 PREE, (Scots) to mak...
pried 11 9 PRY, to inquire impe...
proud 11 10 having or displaying...
pseud 11 10 a person pretending...
puked 12 14 PUKE, to vomit [v]
puled 12 11 PULE, to pipe; to wh...
pured 11 10 PUR, to utter a low,...
putid 12 10 decayed; fetid [adj]
pwned 13 13 PWN, (slang) to domi...
pyned 16 12 PYNE, to yearn inten...
pyoid 17 11 purulent [adj]
pyxed 23 18 PYX, to test newly m...
quayd 23 18 (Spenser) daunted [a...
quoad 16 16 (Latin) as far as [a...
rabid 11 9 afflicted with rabie...
raced 11 9 RACE, to compete in...
raged 9 8 RAGE, to react with...
rahed 10 8 RAH, to cheer on a t...
raird 9 6 (Scots) an uproar, a...
raked 9 10 RAKE, to gather with...
ranid 8 7 any of a large famil...
raped 10 9 RAPE, to take by for...
rapid 11 9 quick [adj RAPIDER,...
rared 8 6 RARE, to be enthusia...
rased 8 6 RASE, to demolish, a...
rated 8 6 RATE, to estimate th...
raved 10 10 RAVE, to utter wildl...
raxed 14 13 RAX, to stretch out...
rayed 14 8 RAY, to emit a narro...
razed 11 15 RAZE, to demolish, a...
readd 8 7 to add again [v -ED,...
rebid 11 9 to bid again [v REBI...
reded 8 7 REDE, (archaic) to a...
redid 9 7 REDO, to do again [v...
refed 10 9 REFEED, to feed agai...
reird 9 6 (Scots) an uproar, a...
reked 9 10 REKE, (Spenser) to r...
resid 9 6 a type of fuel oil [...
resod 8 6 to put down new turf...
rewed 11 9 to wed again [v REWE...
riced 12 9 RICE, to form soft f...
rigid 11 8 stiff [adj RIGIDER,...
riled 10 7 RILE, to anger [v]
rimed 10 9 RIME, to cover with...
riped 11 9 RIPE, to ripen [v]
rived 11 10 RIVE, to tear apart...
robed 10 9 ROBE, to dress [v]
roded 8 7 RODE, to perform an...
roked 9 10 ROKE, to steam, smok...
roped 10 9 ROPE, to bind with t...
rorid 9 6 dewy, also RORAL, RO...
rosed 8 6 ROSE, to redden [v]
roted 8 6 ROTE, to learn by re...
round 8 8 shaped like a sphere...
roved 10 10 ROVE, to roam [v]
rowed 11 9 ROW, to propel by me...
rownd 11 10 (obsolete) to round...
ruled 10 8 RULE, to exercise co...
runed 8 8 bearing runes [adj]
ryked 16 12 RYKE, (Scots) to rea...
sabed 10 9 SABE, to know, to un...
safed 10 9 SAFE, (obsolete) to...
salad 9 7 a dish of green raw...
saned 7 7 SANE, to make the si...
sapid 11 9 pleasant to the tast...
sared 8 6 SAR, (Scots) to savo...
sarod 8 6 (Hindi) an Indian in...
sated 8 6 SATE, to satisfy to...
saved 10 10 SAVE, to rescue from...
sawed 11 9 SAW, to cut with a j...
sayed 14 8 (Arabic) a Muslim cl...
sayid 15 8 (Arabic) a descendan...
scald 13 10 to burn with hot liq...
scand 11 10 SCAN, to examine clo...
scaud 12 10 (Scots) to scald [v...
scend 11 10 of a ship, to pitch...
scold 13 10 to rebuke harshly [v...
scrod 12 9 a young cod, also SC...
seeld 9 7 (Spenser) rare, unus...
sepad 10 9 to suppose, uphold [...
sered 8 6 SERE, to burn the su...
sewed 11 9 SEW, to mend or fast...
sexed 14 13 SEX, to assess organ...
shand 10 9 (obsolete) in crimin...
shard 11 8 a fragment of broken...
shend 10 9 (archaic) to put to...
sherd 11 8 a fragment of broken...
shied 11 8 SHY, to jump aside,...
shoed 10 8 SHOE, to provide wit...
showd 14 11 (Scots) to rock to a...
shred 11 8 to cut into fine str...
sided 9 7 SIDE, to support or...
sield 10 7 (Spenser) provided w...
siled 10 7 SILE, to strain, als...
sined 8 7 SINE, (Scots) to rin...
siped 11 9 SIPE, (dialect) to s...
sired 9 6 SIRE, to beget [v]
sited 9 6 SITE, to place in po...
sized 12 15 SIZE, to cover with...
skald 11 11 an ancient Scandinav...
skeed 9 10 SKEE, to ski [v]
skied 10 10 SKI, to travel over...
skyed 16 12 SKY, to hit or throw...
slaid 10 7 a sledge [n -S]
sloid 10 7 (Swedish) a Swedish...
slojd 12 16 (Swedish) a Swedish...
sloyd 16 9 (Swedish) a Swedish...
slued 10 8 SLUE, to cause to mo...
snead 7 7 the curved handle of...
sneed 7 7 SNEE, (obsolete) to...
snood 7 7 to wear a net or fab...
soled 9 7 SOLE, to replace the...
solid 10 7 having definite shap...
sored 8 6 SORE, to make sore [...
sound 8 8 being in good health...
sowed 11 9 SOW, to scatter seed...
sownd 11 10 (Spenser) to swoon [...
spaed 10 9 SPAE, to foretell [v...
spald 12 10 (Scots) the shoulder...
spard 11 9 (archaic) spared [ad...
spayd 17 11 a male deer in his t...
speed 10 9 to move swiftly [v S...
speld 12 10 (Scots) to spread op...
spend 10 10 to expend, to pay ou...
spied 11 9 SPY, to watch secret...
sprad 11 9 SPREAD, to stretch o...
spred 11 9 (obsolete) to spread...
sprod 11 9 a salmon in its seco...
spued 11 10 SPUE, (archaic) to s...
squad 17 16 to form into small,...
squid 18 16 a kind of cephalopod...
staid 9 6 sober and sedate [ad...
stand 8 7 to assume an upright...
stead 8 6 to avail, help, serv...
stedd 9 7 (Spenser) to stead,...
steed 8 6 (Spenser) to stead,...
stend 8 7 (Scots) to bound, st...
stied 9 6 STY, to keep in a pi...
stond 8 7 (Spenser) a stand [n...
stood 8 6 STAND, to assume an...
strad 9 6 (short for) a Stradi...
styed 15 8 STY, to keep in a pi...
sured 9 7 SURE, to provide wit...
sused 9 7 SUS, to arrest for s...
sward 12 9 to cover with turf [...
sweed 11 9 SWEE, to sway, swing...
sword 12 9 a weapon with a long...
syned 14 9 SYNE, to rinse, wash...
synod 14 9 an ecclesiastical as...
syped 17 11 SYPE, (dialect) to s...
tabid 11 9 affected by tabes, p...
tamed 9 9 TAME, to make tame [...
taped 10 9 TAPE, to put tape ov...
tared 8 6 TAR, to cover with a...
tased 8 6 TASE, to stun with a...
tauld 10 8 TELL, to inform [v]
tawed 11 9 TAW, to convert into...
taxed 14 13 TAX, to impose a cha...
teaed 7 6 TEA, to drink a beve...
teend 7 7 to kindle, burn, als...
teiid 9 6 a tropical American...
teind 8 7 (Scots) to assess or...
temed 9 9 (Spenser) brought to...
tepid 11 9 moderately warm [adj...
tewed 11 9 TEW, to hustle [v]
theed 10 8 THEE, to use the pro...
third 12 8 number three in sequ...
thrid 12 8 (Spenser) to thread...
ticed 12 9 TICE, (Shakespeare)...
tided 9 7 TIDE, to flow like t...
tiled 10 7 TILE, to cover with...
timed 10 9 TIME, to reckon the...
timid 11 9 lacking courage or s...
tined 8 7 TINE, (Scots) to los...
tired 9 6 fatigued [adj TIREDE...
toged 9 8 clad in a toga [adj]
toked 9 10 TOKE, to puff a mari...
toled 9 7 TOLE, to lure or dec...
toned 7 7 TONE, to give a part...
toped 10 9 TOPE, to drink liquo...
tosed 8 6 TOSE, (Scots) to tea...
toted 8 6 TOTE, to carry by ha...
towed 11 9 TOW, to pull by mean...
toyed 14 8 TOY, to amuse onesel...
tozed 11 15 TOZE, to tease out,...
tread 8 6 to walk on, over, or...
treed 8 6 TREE, to drive up a...
trend 8 7 to have a tendency f...
triad 9 6 a group of three [n...
tried 9 6 TRIE, (Spenser) to t...
trild 11 7 TRILL, to play with...
troad 8 6 (Spenser) a track, p...
trued 9 7 TRUE, to make true [...
tsked 10 10 TSK, to utter an exc...
tubed 11 10 TUBE, to fit with a...
tumid 11 10 swollen [adj TUMIDLY...
tuned 8 8 TUNE, to adjust to a...
tweed 11 9 a coarse woollen fab...
tyned 14 9 TYNE, to lose, also...
typed 17 11 TYPE, to print with...
tyred 15 8 TYRE, to supply a co...
ugged 11 11 UG, to arouse loathi...
ulnad 9 9 toward the ulna, the...
ummed 11 13 UM, to express doubt...
umped 12 13 UMP, (short for) to...
unbed 10 11 to rouse from bed [v...
unbid 11 11 not bid or commanded...
undid 9 9 UNDO, to bring to ru...
unfed 10 11 not fed [adj]
ungod 9 10 to deprive of divini...
unked 9 12 odd; strange; uncout...
unkid 10 12 odd; strange; uncout...
unled 9 9 not led [adj]
unlid 10 9 to take the lid off...
unred 8 8 (Spenser) unread, in...
unrid 9 8 (archaic) unridden [...
unsod 8 8 not boiled, not sodd...
unwed 11 11 not wed, also UNWEDD...
upend 10 11 to turn upside down...
upled 12 11 UPLEAD, to lead up [...
upped 13 13 UP, to raise [v]
urged 10 9 URGE, to drive forwa...
urned 8 8 URN, to place in an...
urped 11 10 URP, (slang) to vomi...
ursid 10 7 a meteor [n -S]
vaded 10 11 VADE, to pass away [...
valid 12 11 sound, legally adequ...
vaned 9 11 having a vane [adj]
vaped 12 13 VAPE, to inhale nico...
vapid 13 13 empty [adj VAPIDER,...
vexed 16 17 VEX, to distress or...
viand 10 11 an item of food; esp...
viced 14 13 VICE, to grip with a...
vined 10 11 VINE, to remove vine...
viold 12 11 (Milton) vialled, pu...
vired 11 10 VIRE, to transfer fu...
virid 12 10 bright green [adj]
vised 11 10 VISE, to hold in a c...
vivid 14 14 strikingly bright or...
voled 11 11 VOLE, to win all tri...
voted 10 10 VOTE, to express an...
vowed 13 13 VOW, to make a solem...
vozhd 16 21 (Russian) a supreme...
waded 11 10 WADE, to walk throug...
waged 12 11 WAGE, to engage in o...
waked 12 13 WAKE, to rouse from...
waled 12 10 WALE, to mark with w...
wamed 12 12 having a wame, womb...
waned 10 10 WANE, to decrease in...
wared 11 9 WARE, to beware of [...
waved 13 13 WAVE, to flutter bac...
waxed 17 16 WAX, to treat with w...
wayed 17 11 WAY, (Spenser) to we...
weald 12 10 a woodland [n -S]
weird 12 9 eeerily strange, als...
wexed 17 16 WEX, (obsolete) to w...
wield 13 10 to handle or use eff...
wifed 14 12 WIFE, to take to wif...
wiled 13 10 WILE, to beguile, al...
wined 11 10 WINE, to provide wit...
wiped 14 12 WIPE, to rub lightly...
wired 12 9 WIRE, to fasten with...
wised 12 9 WISE, (Scots) to gui...
wited 12 9 WITE, (Scots) to bla...
wived 14 13 WIVE, (archaic) to t...
woald 12 10 yellow pigment [n -S...
wooed 10 9 WOO, to court; to se...
woold 12 10 to wind a rope or ch...
world 13 10 the earth and all it...
would 13 11 the desired or inten...
wound 11 11 to inflict an injury...
wowed 14 12 WOW, to impress or a...
wried 12 9 WRY, to give a twist...
wyled 19 12 WYLE, to beguile, al...
wyted 18 11 WYTE, (Scots) to bla...
yaird 15 8 a yard, a garden [n...
yauld 16 10 (Scots) active, nimb...
yawed 17 11 YAW, of e.g. a plane...
yclad 19 12 CLOTHE, to provide w...
ycled 19 12 CLOTHE, to provide w...
ycond 17 12 CON, to study carefu...
ydrad 15 9 DREAD, to fear great...
ydred 15 9 DREAD, to fear great...
yeard 14 8 (Scots) to bury, als...
yexed 20 15 YEX, to hiccup, also...
yield 16 9 to give up [v YIELDE...
yiked 16 12 YIKE, (Australian sl...
yoked 15 12 YOKE, to join (anima...
yowed 17 11 YOW, to howl, also Y...
yrivd 18 12 RIVE, to tear apart...
yuked 16 13 YUKE, (dialect) to i...
zoned 10 16 ZONE, to arrange in...
zooid 11 15 an organic cell capa...