4 letter words that end with D

4 letter words that end with D

4 letter D word


Words With Friends®


abed 8 8 in bed [adv]
abid 9 8 ABIDE, to wait for;...
aced 9 8 ACE, to serve an unr...
acid 10 8 sharp, sour [adj ACI...
aged 7 7 being of a certain a...
ahed 8 7 AH, to say ah [v]
aked 7 9 AKE, to endure a dul...
alod 7 6 an estate held in ab...
amid 8 8 in the middle of [pr...
aped 8 8 APE, to mimic [v]
apod 8 8 an animal without fe...
ared 6 5 AREAD, (Spenser) to...
arid 7 5 very dry [adj ARIDER...
auld 8 7 (Scots) old [adj AUL...
avid 9 9 eager [adj AVIDER, A...
awed 9 8 AWE, to strike with...
axed 12 12 AX, (US) to chop wit...
bald 10 9 without hair [adj BA...
band 8 9 to decorate with str...
bard 9 8 to cover a horse wit...
baud 9 9 a unit of data trans...
bawd 12 11 a female brothel-kee...
bead 8 8 to adorn with round...
bend 8 9 to curve [v -ED, -IN...
bind 9 9 to tie, fasten [v BO...
bird 10 8 to hunt birds [v -ED...
blad 10 9 (Scots) to strike, d...
bled 10 9 BLEED, to lose blood...
bold 10 9 brave, daring [adj B...
bond 8 9 to join together [v...
bord 9 8 (obsolete) a board,...
brad 9 8 to fasten with thin...
bred 9 8 someone living in a...
brod 9 8 to prod [v BRODDED,...
bund 9 10 to make an embankmen...
burd 10 9 (Scots) a bird [n -S...
caid 10 8 (Arabic) a North Afr...
card 10 8 to comb wool [v -ED,...
chad 12 10 a bit of paper punch...
chid 13 10 CHIDE, to scold [v]
clad 11 9 to cover one materia...
clod 11 9 to pelt with clods [...
coed 9 8 a girl student at a...
cold 11 9 a respiratory infect...
cond 9 9 CON, to study carefu...
cord 10 8 to fasten with a thi...
cred 10 8 (short for) credibil...
crud 11 9 to be blocked with f...
cued 10 9 CUE, to prompt an ac...
curd 11 9 to curdle [v -ED, -I...
daud 7 7 to knock, also DAWD...
dawd 10 9 (Scots) to knock, th...
dead 6 6 not alive [adj DEADE...
deed 6 6 dead [adj DEEDER, DE...
deid 7 6 (Scots) death [n -S]...
died 7 6 DIE, to cut with a m...
dowd 10 9 a woman who wears un...
drad 7 6 DREAD, to fear great...
duad 7 7 a pair, also DYAD [n...
dued 7 7 DUE, to endue [v]
dyad 13 8 two units treated as...
dyed 13 8 DYE, to change the c...
eard 6 5 (Scots) to bury, als...
ecad 9 8 a plant which has su...
ecod 9 8 (archaic) a mild oat...
egad 7 7 (archaic) a mild oat...
ehed 8 7 EH, to say 'Eh', exp...
eild 8 6 old age, also ELD [n...
eked 7 9 EKE, to augment, als...
emyd 14 10 a genus of freshwate...
ered 6 5 ERE, to plough [v]
exed 12 12 EX, to cross out [v]
eyed 12 7 EYE, to watch closel...
fand 8 9 (Scots) to try or at...
fard 9 8 to paint with cosmet...
feed 8 8 to give food to [v F...
fend 8 9 to ward off [v -ED,...
feod 8 8 a fief or land held...
feud 9 9 to engage in a persi...
find 9 9 to come upon after a...
fled 10 9 FLEE, to run away [v...
foid 9 8 any mineral of a gro...
fold 10 9 to double over [v -E...
fond 8 9 to display affection...
food 8 8 nourishment for the...
ford 9 8 to wade across [v -E...
foud 9 9 a bailiff or magistr...
fund 9 10 to provide money for...
fyrd 16 10 local militia in Ang...
gaed 7 7 GAE, (Scots) to go [...
gaid 8 7 a miner's wedge, als...
gaud 8 8 a piece of finery [n...
gawd 11 10 (Shakespeare) a gaud...
geed 7 7 GEE, to turn to the...
geld 9 8 to castrate an anima...
gied 8 7 GIE, (Scots) to give...
gild 10 8 to cover with a thin...
gird 9 7 to surround [v GIRDE...
glad 9 8 feeling pleasure [ad...
gled 9 8 a bird of prey, also...
glid 10 8 (Scots) slippery, al...
goad 7 7 to drive animals wit...
gold 9 8 a precious metallic...
good 7 7 something that is go...
gowd 11 10 (Scots) gold [n -S]...
grad 8 7 (colloquial) a gradu...
grid 9 7 a grating, network [...
guid 9 8 (Scots) good, also G...
haed 8 7 HAE, (Scots) to have...
hand 8 8 to present with the...
hard 9 7 firm and unyielding...
haud 9 8 (Scots) to hold [v H...
head 8 7 to be chief of [v -E...
heed 8 7 to pay attention to...
heid 9 7 (Scots) head [n -S]
held 10 8 HOLD, to keep posses...
hend 8 8 (obsolete) to seize,...
herd 9 7 to bring together a...
hied 9 7 HIE, to hurry along,...
hild 11 8 (Spenser) held [v]
hind 9 8 the female of the re...
hoed 8 7 HOE, to garden with...
hold 10 8 to keep possession o...
hond 8 8 (obsolete) hand [n -...
hood 8 7 to furnish with a co...
hued 9 8 having colour [adj]
hyed 15 9 HYE, (obsolete) to h...
iced 10 8 ICE, to cover with f...
igad 8 7 a mild oath, also EG...
imid 9 8 a class of organic c...
ired 7 5 IRE, to anger [v]
irid 8 5 a plant of the iris...
jeed 8 14 JEE, to turn to the...
jird 10 14 an African gerbil [n...
kaed 7 9 KAE, to serve, also...
kaid 8 9 (Arabic) a North Afr...
khud 11 12 (Hindi) in India, a...
kild 10 10 KILL, to put to deat...
kind 8 10 good to others [adj...
kond 7 10 KON, (Spenser) to kn...
kynd 14 12 (Spenser) to kind, b...
laid 8 6 (Scots) to load, als...
land 7 7 to set down on solid...
lard 8 6 to smear with the me...
laud 8 7 to praise [v -ED, -I...
lead 7 6 to go in advance [v...
leed 7 6 LEE, (Scots) to lie,...
lend 7 7 to give for a time o...
leud 8 7 a feudal vassal [n L...
lewd 11 9 sexually suggestive...
lied 8 6 a German song [n LIE...
lind 8 7 a lime-tree, also LI...
load 7 6 to place goods or ca...
loid 8 6 to open a lock with...
lord 8 6 to rule over others...
loud 8 7 strongly audible [ad...
maid 8 8 to work as a maidser...
mand 7 9 MAN, to provide with...
mard 8 8 MAR, to spoil or dam...
maud 8 9 a Scottish gray and...
mead 7 8 an alcoholic liquor...
meed 7 8 a deserved reward [n...
meld 9 9 to merge, blend [v -...
mend 7 9 to repair [v -ED, -I...
mild 10 9 gentle in temper and...
mind 8 9 to heed, to look aft...
mold 9 9 to work into a parti...
mood 7 8 a temporary state of...
muid 9 9 an old French measur...
nard 6 6 to anoint with the a...
need 5 6 to have an urgent or...
nerd 6 6 a person obsessed wi...
nied 6 6 NY, to approach, als...
nurd 7 7 a socially inept per...
nyed 12 8 NYE, to draw near, a...
ohed 8 7 OH, to exclaim in su...
olid 8 6 rank-smelling [adj]
oped 8 8 OPE, to open [v]
orad 6 5 towards the mouth [a...
ould 8 7 (Irish) old [adj OUL...
owed 9 8 OWE, to be indebted...
oxid 13 12 a compound containin...
paid 9 8 PAY, to give money i...
pand 8 9 (Scots) the valance...
pard 9 8 a leopard, also PARD...
peed 8 8 PEE, to urinate [v]
pend 8 9 to remain unsettled...
pied 9 8 PIE, to jumble or di...
pled 10 9 PLEAD, to beg for ea...
plod 10 9 to walk heavily [v P...
pond 8 9 to collect water in...
pood 8 8 a Russian unit of we...
prad 9 8 (slang) a horse [n -...
prod 9 8 to jab [v PRODDED, P...
qaid 15 14 (Arabic) a civil jud...
quad 15 15 to space by means of...
quid 16 15 a cut or wad or some...
quod 15 15 to imprison [v QUODD...
raid 7 5 to make a sudden ass...
rand 6 6 to rant [v -ED, -ING...
read 6 5 to look at and under...
redd 7 6 to put in order, als...
reed 6 5 a tall stiff hard-cu...
rend 6 6 to tear apart forcib...
riad 7 5 a traditional Morocc...
rind 7 6 to cover with bark,...
road 6 5 a way for public tra...
roed 6 5 containing roe [adj]
roid 7 5 as in roid rage, ang...
rood 6 5 a cross or crucifix...
rudd 8 7 a freshwater fish [n...
rued 7 6 RUE, to feel sorrow...
rund 7 7 (Scots) a strip of c...
rynd 13 8 a fitting to support...
said 7 5 (Arabic) a descendan...
sand 6 6 to cover with a loos...
sard 7 5 a variety of quartz,...
scad 10 8 a kind of marine fis...
scud 11 9 to run or move swift...
seed 6 5 to sow a crop [v -ED...
seld 8 6 (obsolete) rare; unu...
send 6 6 to cause to go [v SE...
shad 9 7 a herring-like marin...
shed 9 7 to cast off [v SHEDD...
shod 9 7 SHOE, to provide wit...
sild 9 6 (Norwegian) herring,...
sind 7 6 (Scots) to rinse, wa...
sked 8 9 to schedule [v SKEDD...
skid 9 9 to slide on account...
sled 8 6 to transport on a wh...
slid 9 6 SLIDE, to move smoot...
sned 6 6 to cut, lop [v SNEDD...
snod 6 6 (Scots) smooth, neat...
sold 8 6 (Spenser) pay, remun...
sord 7 5 of mallard, to ascen...
sped 9 8 SPEED, to move swift...
spod 9 8 a boring, studious p...
spud 10 9 to remove with a spa...
sted 7 5 (Spenser) to stead,...
stud 8 6 to adorn with small...
sudd 8 7 (Arabic) a mass of v...
sued 7 6 SUE, to institute le...
suid 8 6 any member of the pi...
surd 8 6 a voiceless speech s...
swad 10 8 (dialect) a country...
syed 13 7 SYE, to strain [v]
synd 13 8 (Scots) to rinse, wa...
taed 6 5 TAE, to toe the line...
tead 6 5 (Spenser) a torch, a...
teed 6 5 TEE, to place a golf...
teld 8 6 TELL, to inform [v]
tend 6 6 to watch over [v -ED...
thud 10 8 to make a dull, heav...
tied 7 5 TIE, to fasten [v]
tind 7 6 to kindle, also TEEN...
toad 6 5 any anuran amphibian...
toed 6 5 TOE, to touch with p...
told 8 6 TELL, to inform [v]
trad 7 5 (short for) traditio...
trod 7 5 (obsolete) a track,...
tund 7 7 (archaic) to beat, t...
turd 8 6 (offensive) a piece...
tyed 13 7 TYE, to wash in a tr...
tynd 13 8 TIND, to kindle, als...
used 7 6 USE, to put into ser...
veld 10 10 (Afrikaans) open gra...
vend 8 10 to sell [v -ED, -ING...
verd 9 9 as in verd antique,...
vied 9 9 VIE, to contend in r...
vild 11 10 (Spenser) vile, also...
void 9 9 to nullify of legal...
wadd 10 9 an earthy ore of man...
waid 10 8 (obsolete) weighed,...
wald 11 9 (Scots) wild mignone...
wand 9 9 a slender rod [n -S]
ward 10 8 to turn aside [v -ED...
weed 9 8 to remove unwanted p...
weid 10 8 (Scots) any sudden i...
weld 11 9 to join by fusing [v...
wend 9 9 to proceed along [v...
whid 13 10 to move quickly and...
wild 12 9 not tame [adj WILDER...
wind 10 9 to twist or coil [v...
woad 9 8 a broad-leafed plant...
wold 11 9 an elevated tract of...
wood 9 8 to cover with trees...
word 10 8 to express in speech...
wynd 16 11 a narrow alley [n -S...
yald 14 8 (Scots) active, nimb...
yard 13 7 an enclosed place, e...
yaud 13 8 (Scots) a mare, a ja...
yead 12 7 (Spenser) to go, pro...
yeed 12 7 to go or proceed, al...
yeld 14 8 barren, not giving m...
yerd 13 7 (Scots) to bury, als...
yird 14 7 (Scots) to bury, als...
yold 14 8 YIELD, to give up [v...
yond 12 8 ovetr there, also TH...