7 letter words that end with D

7 letter words that end with D

7 letter D word


Words With Friends®


abanded 12 13 ABAND, (Spenser) to...
abashed 15 13 ABASH, to strike wit...
abduced 17 16 ABDUCE, to draw or c...
abetted 13 11 ABET, to incite by e...
abfarad 15 14 a unit of capacitanc...
abjured 16 21 ABJURE, to renounce...
ablated 14 12 ABLATE, to remove or...
abluted 15 13 washed clean [adj]
aborded 13 12 ABORD, (archaic) to...
aborted 13 11 ABORT, to bring fort...
abraded 13 12 ABRADE, to wear away...
abrayed 19 13 ABRAY, (Spenser) to...
abscind 17 15 to cut off [v -ED, -...
abscond 16 15 to depart suddenly a...
abutted 14 12 ABUT, to be adjacent...
acaroid 14 11 resembling an acarid...
acceded 17 15 ACCEDE, to consent [...
accited 18 14 ACCITE, to cite; to...
accoied 17 14 ACCOY, (Spenser) to...
accoyed 23 16 ACCOY, (Spenser) to...
accoyld 25 17 ACCOIL, (Spenser) to...
accrued 18 15 ACCRUE, to accumulat...
accused 18 15 ACCUSE, to bring a c...
acorned 13 12 bearing acorns [adj]
acuated 14 12 ACUATE, to sharpen [...
adapted 13 12 ADAPT, to make suita...
adduced 15 14 ADDUCE, to cite or q...
adeemed 11 12 ADEEM, to cancel a b...
adelgid 14 12 a kind of small inse...
adenoid 10 10 relating to or like...
adhered 13 11 ADHERE, to become or...
adjured 14 19 ADJURE, to command s...
admired 13 12 ADMIRE, to have a hi...
admixed 19 19 ADMIX, to mix [v]
adopted 13 12 ADOPT, to take as on...
adorned 10 10 ADORN, to embellish...
adusted 12 10 ADUST, (Milton) to s...
advened 12 14 ADVENE, to be added...
advewed 16 16 ADVEW, (Spenser) to...
advised 14 13 ADVISE, to give advi...
aefauld 14 13 onefold, also AEFALD...
aemuled 13 13 AEMULE, (Spenser) to...
aerated 10 8 AERATE, to put air i...
afeared 12 11 AFEAR, (Spenser) to...
affeard 15 14 (Shakespeare) afraid...
affined 15 15 related [adj]
affixed 22 21 AFFIX, to fix on to,...
affoord 15 14 (Spenser) to afford...
agamoid 13 13 having the features...
agasted 12 10 AGAST, (Milton) to t...
agatoid 12 10 like agate [adj]
agented 11 11 AGENT, to act for an...
agisted 13 10 AGIST, to admit (liv...
agnamed 12 14 having an agname, a...
agnised 12 11 AGNISE, to acknowled...
agnized 15 20 AGNIZE, to acknowled...
agrised 13 10 AGRISE, to terrify,...
agrized 16 19 AGRIZE, (obsolete) t...
aground 12 12 on the ground [adv]
agryzed 22 21 AGRYZE, (obsolete) t...
aguised 13 11 AGUISE, to adorn, al...
aguized 16 20 AGUIZE, to adorn, al...
airhead 13 10 an empty-headed, sup...
airshed 14 10 the air supply of a...
airthed 14 10 AIRTH, (Scots) to gu...
airward 15 11 up into the air, als...
alarmed 13 12 ALARM, to strike wit...
alcoved 17 16 having an alcove [ad...
alegged 14 13 ALEGGE, (Spenser) to...
alerted 12 9 ALERT, to warn [v]
aliased 12 9 ALIAS [v]
alibied 15 12 ALIBI, to give an al...
aliened 11 10 ALIEN, to alienate [...
aligned 13 12 ALIGN, to arrange in...
allayed 19 12 ALLAY, to reduce in...
alleged 14 12 ALLEGE, to assert wi...
alleyed 19 12 furnished with alley...
allowed 16 13 ALLOW, to put no obs...
alloyed 19 12 ALLOY, to combine a...
allseed 13 10 a weed of the flax f...
alluded 14 12 ALLUDE, to make an i...
allured 14 11 ALLURE, to attract w...
altered 12 9 ALTER, to make diffe...
amassed 12 11 AMASS, to accumulate...
ambered 14 14 embedded in amber [a...
ambroid 15 14 a synthetic amber, a...
ameboid 14 14 resembling an ameba,...
amended 11 13 AMEND, to correct, i...
amerced 15 14 AMERCE, to fine or p...
amooved 13 15 AMOOVE, (Spenser) to...
amyloid 20 14 containing or relati...
android 11 10 an automaton resembl...
aneared 9 9 ANEAR, (archaic) to...
aneroid 10 9 a type of barometer...
angeled 12 12 ANGEL, to support fi...
angered 11 11 ANGER, to make angry...
aniseed 10 9 the dried fruit of a...
annelid 11 11 any of a phylum of s...
annexed 15 17 ANNEX, to join or at...
annoyed 15 12 ANNOY, to be trouble...
anobiid 13 12 any of a family of b...
ansated 10 9 having a handle, als...
antacid 14 12 a remedy for indiges...
antbird 14 12 any of a group of tr...
anthoid 13 11 flowerlike [adj]
antired 11 9 opposed to communism...
anviled 14 14 ANVIL, to shape on a...
anyroad 16 11 anyway [adv]
apehood 14 13 the state of being a...
applaud 17 16 to express approval...
applied 17 15 APPLY, to bring to b...
apposed 15 14 APPOSE, to place sid...
appuied 16 15 APPUI, to give milit...
appuyed 22 17 APPUY, to give milit...
aproned 12 12 APRON, to cover with...
araised 11 8 ARAISE, to raise, al...
araneid 10 9 a spider [n -S]
araysed 17 10 ARAYSE, to raise, al...
arbored 13 11 furnished with an ar...
arcaded 14 12 ARCADE, to furnish w...
arctiid 16 11 a moth of the Arctii...
arctoid 15 11 bearlike [adj]
arefied 13 11 AREFY, to dry up [v]
aretted 11 8 ARET, (Spenser) to e...
armband 14 15 a band of cloth worn...
armload 13 12 as much as may be ca...
armored 12 11 ARMOR, (US) to dress...
aroused 11 9 AROUSE, to stimulate...
arrased 11 8 covered with an arra...
arrayed 17 10 ARRAY, to place in o...
arrided 12 9 ARRIDE, (archaic) to...
arrived 14 12 ARRIVE, to reach a d...
arrowed 14 11 ARROW, to indicate t...
ascared 14 11 afraid [adv]
ascarid 15 11 any nematode worm of...
ashamed 14 13 ASHAME, (archaic) to...
aslaked 13 13 ASLAKE, (archaic) to...
aspired 14 11 ASPIRE, to aim for h...
aspread 13 11 (archaic) in a sprea...
assayed 17 10 ASSAY, to put to the...
assized 15 17 ASSIZE, (obsolete) t...
assumed 13 12 ASSUME, to take for...
assured 12 9 an insured person [n...
asterid 12 8 a starfish, also AST...
astoned 10 9 ASTONE, to amaze or...
astound 11 10 to amaze [v -ED, -IN...
astrand 11 9 on the strand [adv]
astroid 12 8 a four cusped geomet...
athodyd 20 13 a type of jet engine...
attired 12 8 ATTIRE, to clothe [v...
attoned 10 9 ATTONE, to atone [v]
attuned 11 10 ATTUNE, to put in tu...
audited 12 10 AUDIT, to examine ac...
augured 13 12 AUGUR, to foretell f...
aurated 11 9 gold-coloured [adj]
availed 14 13 AVAIL, to be of use...
avenged 13 15 AVENGE, to take retr...
averred 13 12 AVER, to declare pos...
averted 13 12 AVERT, to ward off [...
aviated 13 12 AVIATE, to fly an ai...
avoided 13 13 AVOID, to evade [v]
avulsed 15 14 AVULSE, to tear away...
awaited 14 11 AWAIT, to wait for [...
awarded 14 12 AWARD, to grant as m...
awarned 13 12 AWARN, (Spenser) to...
awhaped 18 16 AWHAPE, (Spenser) to...
awkward 19 18 lacking grace [adj A...
awlbird 19 15 (dialect) the green...
axebird 20 18 a kind of nightjar f...
babbled 19 18 BABBLE, to talk ince...
badland 14 14 a barren, hilly area...
baffled 19 18 BAFFLE, to confuse,...
bageled 15 14 BAGEL, to defeat in...
ballsed 16 13 BALLS, to mess up [v...
bandaid 13 13 acting as a quick fi...
bandied 13 13 BANDY, to toss to an...
bangled 15 15 wearing bangles [adj...
barmaid 15 14 a female bartender [...
barreed 13 11 BARRE, to execute ba...
bartend 13 12 to serve in a bar [v...
barwood 16 14 a hard red African d...
basined 13 12 put in a basin [adj]
basqued 22 21 furnished with a bas...
bastard 14 11 a child whose parent...
batched 19 16 BATCH, to collect to...
batiked 15 15 BATIK, to produce ba...
batoned 12 12 BATON, to strike wit...
battled 15 12 BATTLE, to fight [v]
baulked 16 17 BAULK, to refrain fr...
bausond 13 13 of animals, having w...
bavined 15 16 BAVIN, to tie brushw...
baywood 22 16 a coarse mahogany [n...
beached 18 16 BEACH, to drive onto...
beagled 15 14 BEAGLE, to hunt with...
bearded 13 12 BEARD, to oppose wit...
beasted 13 11 BEAST, to punish or...
beathed 15 13 BEATH, (Spenser) to...
beblood 16 15 to cover with blood...
becloud 18 16 to make dim, cloud [...
becrowd 20 17 to press closely tog...
bedazed 16 21 BEDAZE, to daze thor...
bedewed 16 15 BEDEW, to cover with...
bedhead 15 14 the headboard of a b...
bedward 17 15 towards bed [adv]
beetled 14 12 BEETLE, to jut out,...
beeyard 19 13 an apiary [n -S]
begazed 17 22 BEGAZE, to look at f...
beghard 17 15 in Flanders, a man l...
begored 14 13 smeared with gore [a...
behaved 17 17 BEHAVE, to act prope...
behoved 17 17 BEHOVE, to be fit, r...
beinked 14 16 smeared with ink [ad...
bejaded 15 21 BEJADE, to tire out...
belaced 17 15 BELACE, to adorn wit...
belated 14 12 BELATE, (archaic) to...
belayed 20 14 BELAY, to fasten a r...
belched 20 17 BELCH, to expel gas...
belgard 16 14 (Spenser) a fair or...
bellied 16 13 BELLY, to swell out...
beloved 16 16 a person who is much...
bemazed 17 23 (archaic) stupefied,...
bemeted 14 14 BEMETE, (archaic) to...
bemired 15 14 BEMIRE, (archaic) to...
bemixed 21 21 BEMIX, to mix well [...
bemused 15 15 BEMUSE, to confuse [...
benamed 13 15 BENAME, to name, men...
benched 18 17 BENCH, to provide wi...
beraked 14 15 BERAKE, to rake all...
berated 13 11 BERATE, to scold sev...
berayed 19 13 BERAY, (obsolete) to...
berimed 15 14 BERIME, to compose i...
berobed 15 14 wearing a robe [adj]
berried 14 11 BERRY, to collect be...
berthed 16 13 BERTH, to moor a shi...
besomed 14 14 BESOM, to sweep with...
bespeed 15 14 to help on [v BESPED...
bestead 13 11 (archaic) to help, r...
bestrid 15 11 BESTRIDE, to stride...
betaxed 19 18 burdened with taxes...
betided 14 12 BETIDE, to befall, h...
betimed 15 14 BETIME, (Shakespeare...
betread 13 11 to walk upon [v BETR...
beveled 16 16 BEVEL, to cut at an...
bevered 15 15 BEVER, to snack [v]
bevvied 18 19 BEVVY, to engage in...
bewared 16 14 BEWARE, to be on one...
bezzled 21 30 BEZZLE, to drink har...
biassed 14 11 BIAS, to cause to in...
bichord 20 16 of a musical instrum...
bielded 15 13 BIELD, (Scots) to gi...
bighead 17 15 a conceited person [...
bighted 18 15 BIGHT, to fasten wit...
bigoted 15 13 like a bigot, intole...
bilobed 17 15 having two lobes [ad...
bilsted 16 12 a North American tre...
bingled 16 15 BINGLE, to style the...
bingoed 14 14 BINGO, to play all s...
birched 20 16 BIRCH, to flog [v]
birdied 15 12 BIRDIE, to score one...
birsled 16 12 BIRSLE, to scorch, t...
birthed 17 13 BIRTH, to originate...
bistred 15 11 painted with bistre,...
bitched 20 16 BITCH, to complain [...
bitumed 16 15 (Shakespeare) impreg...
bivvied 19 19 BIVVY, to bivouac, t...
blabbed 19 18 BLAB, to tell tales...
blacked 19 19 BLACK, to blacken [v...
bladded 15 14 BLAD, (Scots) to str...
blaffed 19 18 BLAFF, to bark [v]
blagged 17 16 BLAG, to rob, steal...
blammed 17 18 BLAM, to make a soun...
blanded 14 14 BLAND, to become bla...
blanked 15 17 BLANK, to delete [v]
blarted 15 12 BLART, to shout loud...
blashed 17 14 BLASH, to splash [v]
blasted 15 12 BLAST, to use explos...
blatted 15 12 BLAT, to bleat, cry...
blauded 15 14 BLAUD, to strike, di...
bleared 14 12 BLEAR, to make blear...
bleated 14 12 BLEAT, to cry like a...
bleeped 16 15 BLEEP, to emit a sho...
blended 14 14 BLEND, to mix togeth...
blessed 15 12 holy [adj BLESSEDER,...
bletted 15 12 BLET, to decay like...
blimped 19 18 BLIMP, to swell out...
blinded 15 14 BLIND, to make sight...
blinged 16 15 BLING, to adopt a fl...
blinked 16 17 BLINK, to open and s...
blinned 14 14 BLIN, (Spenser) to c...
blipped 20 18 BLIP, to remove soun...
blissed 16 12 BLISS, to experience...
blitted 16 12 BLIT, to transfer a...
blitzed 19 21 BLITZ, to wage a bom...
bloated 14 12 BLOAT, to swell [v]
blobbed 19 18 BLOB, to form into a...
blocked 19 19 BLOCK, to obstruct [...
blogged 17 16 BLOG, to keep a pers...
blooded 14 13 BLOOD, to stain with...
bloomed 15 15 BLOOM, to bear flowe...
blooped 16 15 BLOOP, in baseball,...
blotted 15 12 BLOT, to spot or sta...
bloused 15 13 BLOUSE, to puff out...
blowsed 18 15 blowsy, red-faced, a...
blowzed 21 24 blowsy, red-faced, a...
blubbed 20 19 BLUB, to weep [v]
bludged 17 16 BLUDGE, (Australian...
bluffed 20 19 BLUFF, to deceive [v...
blunged 16 16 BLUNGE, to mix clay...
blunked 16 18 BLUNK, (Scots) to sp...
blunted 15 14 BLUNT, to make blunt...
blurbed 18 16 BLURB, to praise in...
blurred 16 13 BLUR, to make indist...
blurted 16 13 BLURT, to utter unad...
blushed 18 15 BLUSH, to become red...
boarded 13 12 BOARD, to supply foo...
boasted 13 11 BOAST, to brag [v]
bobbled 19 18 BOBBLE, to bob rapid...
bobsled 17 15 to ride on a racing...
bogeyed 20 15 BOGEY, to shoot one...
boggard 16 15 a spectre or goblin,...
boggled 17 16 BOGGLE, to baffle, o...
boghead 16 15 as in boghead coal,...
bogland 15 15 marshland [n -S]
bogwood 17 16 the wood of trees, e...
boinged 14 14 BOING, to reverberat...
boinked 14 16 BOINK, to reverberat...
bolixed 21 19 BOLIX, to make a mes...
bollard 16 13 a post of metal or w...
bombard 17 17 to attack with artil...
bonebed 14 15 an area containing d...
bonused 13 13 BONUS, in Scrabble,...
boobird 16 14 a fan who boos playe...
boodied 13 12 BOODY, to sulk or mo...
boodled 14 13 BOODLE, to take brib...
boogied 14 13 BOOGIE, to dance to...
bookend 13 16 a support for a row...
boosted 13 11 BOOST, to support, i...
borated 13 11 BORATE, to mix with...
bosomed 14 14 BOSOM, to enclose in...
botched 19 16 BOTCH, to bungle [v]
botoxed 19 18 (trade) having had B...
bottled 15 12 BOTTLE, to enclose i...
boughed 17 16 having a bough [adj]
boulted 15 13 BOULT, to sieve thro...
bounced 16 16 BOUNCE, to spring ba...
bounded 13 14 BOUND, to leap [v]
bourded 14 13 BOURD, (obsolete) to...
boweled 17 15 BOWEL, to take out t...
bowered 16 14 BOWER, to enclose in...
bowhead 18 16 the great Arctic or...
bowwood 19 17 a deciduous tree of...
boxwood 22 21 the wood of the box,...
boyhood 21 15 the state of being a...
braaied 13 11 BRAAI, (South Africa...
bracted 17 14 having a bract [adj]
bradded 14 13 BRAD, to fasten with...
bragged 16 15 BRAG, to boast [v]
braided 14 12 BRAID, to form into...
brailed 15 12 BRAIL, to haul in a...
brained 13 12 BRAIN, to dash out t...
braised 14 11 BRAISE, to cook slow...
branded 13 13 BRAND, to mark with...
branked 14 16 BRANK, (Scots) to pr...
branned 12 13 BRAN, to soak in wat...
brashed 16 13 BRASH, (obsolete) to...
brassed 14 11 BRASS, to coat with...
bravoed 15 15 BRAVO, to applaud by...
brawled 18 15 BRAWL, to fight rowd...
brawned 16 15 brawny; muscular [ad...
breaded 13 12 BREAD, to cover with...
breamed 14 14 BREAM, to clean a sh...
breered 13 11 BREER, to sprout abo...
breezed 16 20 BREEZE, to move bris...
briared 14 11 covered with briars...
bricked 19 18 BRICK, to build with...
bridged 16 14 BRIDGE, to connect a...
bridled 16 13 BRIDLE, to check or...
briefed 16 14 BRIEF, to give instr...
briered 14 11 full of briers, also...
brigand 15 14 a bandit [n -S]
brigued 16 14 BRIGUE, to intrigue...
brimmed 17 17 BRIM, to fill to the...
brinded 14 13 marked with spots or...
brisked 16 15 BRISK, to make quick...
brocard 17 14 (French) an elementa...
broched 19 16 BROCH, to broach, to...
brocked 18 18 (Scots) variegated,...
brodded 14 13 BROD, to prod [v]
brogged 16 15 BROG, to prick with...
broiled 15 12 BROIL, to cook over...
bronzed 16 21 BRONZE, to colour br...
brooded 13 12 BROOD, to ponder glo...
brooked 14 15 BROOK, to tolerate [...
broomed 14 14 BROOM, to sweep with...
browned 16 15 BROWN, to make brown...
browsed 17 14 BROWSE, to look at c...
bruchid 21 17 a beetle of the fami...
bruised 15 12 BRUISE, to injure an...
bruited 15 12 BRUIT, to spread by...
brunted 14 13 BRUNT, to bear the c...
brushed 17 14 BRUSH, to touch ligh...
bubbled 20 19 BUBBLE, to form a gl...
buckled 20 20 BUCKLE, to bend or w...
buddied 15 14 BUDDY, to become clo...
buddled 16 15 BUDDLE, to wash for...
budwood 17 16 a branch having buds...
bugseed 15 14 an American plant of...
builded 16 14 BUILD, to construct...
buisted 15 12 BUIST, to mark a she...
bullied 17 14 BULLY, to treat thre...
bumbled 19 19 BUMBLE, to bungle, a...
bummled 18 19 BUMMLE, to bungle, a...
bunched 19 18 BUNCH, to gather tog...
buncoed 16 16 BUNCO, to practice s...
bundied 14 14 BUNDY, to clock on o...
bundled 15 15 BUNDLE, to fasten to...
bungled 16 16 BUNGLE, to mismanage...
bunhead 15 15 a female ballet danc...
bunkoed 14 17 BUNKO, to practice a...
burbled 18 16 BURBLE, to speak qui...
burgled 17 15 BURGLE, to trespass...
burseed 14 12 a coarse weed [n -S]
bursted 15 12 BURST, to break open...
burweed 17 15 any of various burry...
busload 15 13 a load that fills a...
bustard 15 12 any bird of the genu...
bustled 16 13 BUSTLE, to move nois...
buttled 16 13 BUTTLE, to act as a...
buzzard 21 30 a large bird of prey...
bylined 21 15 BYLINE, to write giv...
byssoid 21 13 having delicate fila...
cabined 16 15 CABIN, to live in a...
cackled 20 19 CACKLE, to make the...
cactoid 18 14 cactus-shaped [adj]
caddied 15 13 CADDY, to serve as a...
cairned 14 12 piled into a cairn [...
cajoled 17 21 CAJOLE, to persuade...
calqued 24 22 CALQUE, to process t...
camcord 19 17 to videotape with a...
camelid 17 15 an animal of the cam...
cameoed 14 14 CAMEO, to portray in...
campled 19 18 CAMPLE, to wrangle [...
camwood 18 17 the wood of a West A...
canaled 14 13 CANAL, to dig an art...
candied 14 13 CANDY, to coat with...
candled 15 14 CANDLE, to examine e...
cangled 16 15 CANGLE, (Scots) to w...
cantled 15 13 CANTLE, to break a p...
cantred 14 12 (Welsh) a district c...
capered 16 14 CAPER, to leap or sk...
carabid 17 14 a black carnivorous...
cargoed 15 13 CARGO, to load, weig...
carload 15 12 as much as a car can...
carnied 14 12 CARNY, to coax, also...
caroled 15 12 CAROL, to sing joyou...
caromed 15 14 CAROM, to collide wi...
carotid 15 11 a large artery that...
carried 15 11 CARRY, to convey fro...
casqued 23 21 having a casque [adj...
castled 16 12 CASTLE, to make a ce...
catbird 18 14 an American bird all...
catched 20 16 CATCH, to capture af...
catered 14 11 CATER, to provide fo...
catfood 16 14 food for cats [n -S]
cathead 16 13 a beam projecting fr...
cathood 16 13 the state of being a...
caudled 16 14 CAUDLE, to give a ca...
caulked 17 17 CAULK, to make the s...
caviled 18 16 CAVIL, to raise triv...
cedared 14 12 covered with cedar [...
centred 14 12 CENTRE, to make cent...
cepheid 19 16 a star of a type hav...
cerated 14 11 covered with wax [ad...
cestoid 15 11 any parasitic flatwo...
chacked 21 20 CHACK, to pinch or n...
chaffed 21 19 CHAFF, to poke fun a...
chained 16 14 CHAIN, to bind with...
chaired 17 13 CHAIR, to install in...
chalcid 22 17 any small parasitic...
chalked 19 18 CHALK, to mark with...
champed 20 19 CHAMP, to chew noisi...
chanced 19 17 CHANCE, to risk [v]
changed 17 16 CHANGE, to make or b...
chanted 16 14 CHANT, to recite in...
chapped 21 19 CHAP, to cause to cr...
charged 18 15 CHARGE, to make an a...
charked 18 17 CHARK, to burn wood...
charmed 18 16 CHARM, to enchant [v...
charred 17 13 CHAR, to burn slight...
charted 17 13 CHART, to map out [v...
chasmed 18 16 having a chasm [adj]
chassed 17 13 CHASSE, to perform a...
chatted 17 13 CHAT, to talk inform...
chaufed 19 17 CHAUFE, (Spenser) to...
cheaped 18 16 CHEAP, to take a che...
cheated 16 13 CHEAT, to defraud [v...
checked 21 20 CHECK, to inspect [v...
cheeked 17 17 CHEEK, to speak impu...
cheeped 18 16 CHEEP, to chirp [v]
cheered 16 13 CHEER, to applaud wi...
cheesed 16 13 CHEESE, to stop it [...
cheffed 21 19 CHEF, to work as a c...
cheloid 18 14 a hard growth of sca...
chelped 20 17 CHELP, (Northern Eng...
chested 17 13 CHEST, to hit a ball...
chevied 19 17 CHEVY, to chase abou...
chibbed 22 19 CHIB, to slash with...
childed 19 15 CHILD, to bring fort...
chiliad 19 14 a group of one thous...
chilled 20 15 CHILL, to make cold...
chinked 18 18 CHINK, to fill up cr...
chinned 16 15 CHIN, to hold with t...
chinsed 17 14 CHINSE, to fill in t...
chipped 22 19 CHIP, to break a sma...
chirked 19 17 CHIRK, to squeak [v]
chirled 19 14 CHIRL, (Scots) to em...
chirmed 19 16 CHIRM, to cry out, c...
chirped 20 16 CHIRP, to utter a sh...
chirred 18 13 CHIRRE, to chirp lik...
chirted 18 13 CHIRT, to squeeze, s...
chitted 18 13 CHIT, to sprout [v]
chivied 20 17 CHIVY, to chase abou...
chivved 22 21 CHIV, to cur with a...
chizzed 24 31 CHIZZ, to swindle, a...
chlorid 19 14 a compound of chlori...
chocked 21 20 CHOCK, to secure wit...
choired 17 13 CHOIR, to sing in ch...
chomped 20 19 CHOMP, to chew vigor...
choofed 18 16 CHOOF, (Australian s...
chooked 17 17 CHOOK, to make a sou...
chopped 21 19 CHOP, to sever with...
chorded 17 14 CHORD, to play a com...
choroid 17 13 the dark brown vascu...
choused 17 14 CHOUSE, to swindle,...
chowsed 20 16 CHOWSE, to swindle,...
chromed 18 16 CHROME, to plate wit...
chucked 22 21 CHUCK, to chuck [v]
chuffed 22 20 CHUFF, to make a ser...
chugged 20 18 CHUG, to move with a...
chummed 20 20 CHUM, to be close fr...
chumped 21 20 CHUMP, to munch [v]
chunked 18 19 CHUNK, to make a dul...
churned 17 15 CHURN, to agitate to...
churred 18 14 CHURR, to make a vib...
chytrid 25 15 a primitive variety...
cichlid 23 17 any teleost fish of...
cinched 20 17 CINCH, to bind firml...
circled 20 15 CIRCLE, to revolve a...
cirsoid 16 11 having the appearanc...
cissoid 16 11 a type of geometric...
clached 21 17 CLACH, to kill by st...
clacked 20 19 CLACK, to make a noi...
cladded 16 14 CLAD, to cover one m...
clagged 18 16 CLAG, to stick [v]
claimed 17 15 CLAIM, to demand as...
clammed 18 18 CLAM, to dig for the...
clamped 19 18 CLAMP, to fasten wit...
clanged 16 15 CLANG, to ring loudl...
clanked 16 17 CLANK, to rattle as...
clapped 20 18 CLAP, the noise of s...
clarted 16 12 CLART, to dirty [v]
clashed 18 14 CLASH, to meet in op...
clasped 18 15 CLASP, to embrace ti...
classed 16 12 CLASS, to classify [...
clatted 16 12 CLAT, to scratch, sc...
clauted 16 13 CLAUT, (Scots) to sc...
cleaned 14 13 CLEAN, to rid of sta...
cleared 15 12 CLEAR, to remove obs...
cleated 15 12 CLEAT, to strengthen...
cleaved 17 16 CLEAVE, to split [v]
clecked 20 19 CLECK, (Scots) to ha...
cleeked 16 16 CLEEK, to seize, hoo...
cleeped 17 15 CLEEP, (archaic) to...
clefted 18 15 CLEFT, to insert a s...
clemmed 18 18 CLEM, to starve [v]
clerked 17 16 CLERK, to serve as a...
cliched 22 17 full of cliches, als...
clicked 21 19 CLICK, to make a sho...
cliffed 21 18 having cliffs, also...
clifted 19 15 broken into cliffs [...
climbed 20 18 CLIMB, to ascend [v]
clinged 17 15 CLING, to adhere to...
clinked 17 17 CLINK, to make a sho...
clipped 21 18 CLIP, to trim by cut...
cliqued 25 22 CLIQUE, to form an e...
cloaked 16 16 CLOAK, to clothe wit...
clocked 20 19 CLOCK, to time with...
clodded 16 14 CLOD, to pelt with c...
clogged 18 16 CLOG, to block up [v...
clomped 19 18 CLOMP, to walk heavi...
clonked 16 17 CLONK, to make a dul...
clopped 20 18 CLOP, to make the so...
clothed 18 14 CLOTHE, to provide w...
clotted 16 12 CLOT, to form into a...
clouded 16 14 CLOUD, to make obscu...
cloured 16 13 CLOUR, to knock or b...
clouted 16 13 CLOUT, to hit with t...
clowned 18 16 CLOWN, to act like a...
clubbed 21 19 CLUB, to form an org...
clucked 21 20 CLUCK, to make the s...
clumped 20 19 CLUMP, to form into...
clunked 17 18 CLUNK, to make a dul...
clupeid 19 16 a fish of the herrin...
coached 19 16 COACH, to tutor or t...
coacted 17 14 COACT, to act togeth...
coapted 16 14 COAPT, to fit togeth...
coasted 14 11 COAST, to cycle with...
cobbled 20 18 COBBLE, to mend [v]
coccoid 21 17 a spherical cell [n...
cockled 20 19 COCKLE, to wrinkle [...
coddled 16 14 CODDLE, to pamper [v...
coerced 17 14 COERCE, to compel by...
coffled 20 18 COFFLE, to chain sla...
cofound 16 16 to found jointly [v...
coggled 18 16 COGGLE, to wobble [v...
cohered 16 13 COHERE, to stick tog...
coiffed 19 17 COIFFE, to put the h...
coigned 15 14 COIGNE, to secure wi...
collard 17 13 pickled or salted me...
collied 17 13 COLLY, to blacken wi...
colloid 17 13 a mixture between a...
colobid 18 15 like a monkey [adj]
colored 15 12 a colored person [n...
command 16 18 to direct with autho...
commend 16 18 to praise [v -ED, -I...
compand 17 18 to put a signal thro...
compend 17 18 a brief summary [n -...
compted 18 17 COMPT, (obsolete) to...
conched 19 17 CONCHE, to knead and...
concord 17 15 to be in or come int...
congaed 14 14 CONGA, to dance the...
congeed 14 14 CONGEE [v]
conjeed 15 21 CONJEE, to starch wi...
contend 13 13 to vie [v -ED, -ING,...
contund 14 14 (archaic) to bruise...
cooeyed 19 13 COOEY, to cry out sh...
coopted 16 14 COOPT, to recruit e....
cooried 14 11 COORIE, (Scots) to n...
copepod 18 17 a shrimplike crustac...
copered 16 14 COPER, to supply a s...
corixid 22 18 a type of water bug...
cormoid 16 14 of a corm [adj]
cornfed 16 15 fed on corn [adj]
corpsed 17 14 CORPSE, to forget on...
corsned 14 12 a historical legal p...
cosmoid 16 14 describing the scale...
costard 15 11 an apple, large and...
cotised 15 11 COTISE, to give a he...
cotland 15 13 land belonging to a...
cottoid 15 11 like a cottid, a fis...
couched 20 17 COUCH, to put into w...
coughed 18 16 COUGH, to expel air...
counted 14 13 COUNT, to number [v]
coupled 18 16 COUPLE, to unite in...
courbed 17 15 COURB, (archaic) to...
couried 15 12 COURIE, (Scots) to n...
coursed 15 12 COURSE, to chase and...
courted 15 12 COURT, to woo [v]
covered 16 15 COVER, to spread som...
coveted 16 15 COVET, to desire gre...
cowbind 20 18 a species of bryony...
cowbird 21 17 a kind of American s...
cowered 17 14 COWER, to cringe [v]
cowhand 19 17 one who looks after...
cowherd 20 16 one who tends cattle...
cowshed 20 16 a shelter for cows [...
cozened 16 21 COZEN, to cheat, als...
craaled 15 12 CRAAL, to pen in an...
crabbed 19 17 CRAB, to obstruct, f...
cracked 19 18 CRACK, to break with...
cradled 16 13 CRADLE, to hold lovi...
crafted 17 14 CRAFT, to make by ha...
cragged 17 15 full of crags, or st...
crammed 17 17 CRAM, to pack tightl...
cramped 18 17 CRAMP, to confine or...
cranked 15 16 CRANK, to start manu...
crapaud 17 15 (French) a frog or t...
crapped 19 17 CRAP, to defecate [v...
crashed 17 13 CRASH, to collide no...
crawdad 18 15 a crayfish, also CRA...
crawled 19 15 CRAWL, to move with...
creaked 15 15 CREAK, to make a squ...
creamed 15 14 CREAM, to select the...
creased 14 11 CREASE, to make a wr...
created 14 11 CREATE, to bring int...
creeled 15 12 CREEL, to put fish i...
creeped 16 14 CREEP, to advance st...
creesed 14 11 CREESE, to stab with...
crested 15 11 CREST, to reach a pe...
cribbed 20 17 CRIB, to confine clo...
cricked 20 18 CRICK, to cause a sp...
cricoid 19 14 a ring-shaped cartil...
crimped 19 17 CRIMP, to press into...
cringed 16 14 CRINGE, to shrink in...
crinoid 15 12 a family of marine c...
crisped 18 14 CRISP, to make britt...
croaked 15 15 CROAK, to utter a lo...
crocked 19 18 CROCK, to break down...
crofted 17 14 CROFT, to expose clo...
crogged 17 15 CROG, to ride as a p...
crombed 18 17 CROMB, to draw by a...
crooked 15 15 dishonest [adj CROOK...
crooled 15 12 CROOL, (Australian s...
crooned 13 12 CROON, to sing softl...
cropped 19 17 CROP, to cut off sho...
crossed 15 11 CROSS, to intersect...
crouped 17 15 CROUP, to speak hoar...
crowded 18 15 CROWD, to press clos...
crowned 17 15 CROWN, to invest wit...
crudded 16 14 CRUD, to be blocked...
cruised 16 12 CRUISE, to progress...
crumbed 19 18 CRUMB, to break into...
crumped 19 18 CRUMP, to crunch [v]
crunked 16 17 in a state of excite...
crushed 18 14 CRUSH, to press out...
crusted 16 12 CRUST, to form a har...
ctenoid 14 12 with comblike edge,...
cubhood 19 17 the state of being a...
cuckold 21 20 a man with an unfait...
cuddled 17 15 CUDDLE, to embrace [...
cudweed 18 16 a woolly composite p...
cuffled 21 19 CUFFLE, (obsolete) t...
culicid 21 16 a mosquito, also CUL...
cullied 18 14 CULLY, to cheat, dec...
cupeled 18 16 CUPEL, to refine gol...
cuphead 19 17 a hemispherical bolt...
curated 15 12 CURATE, to act as a...
curdled 17 14 CURDLE, to congeal,...
curried 16 12 CURRY, to make a cur...
custard 16 12 a mixture of milk, e...
cuttled 17 13 CUTTLE, to fold clot...
cwtched 24 19 CWTCH, (Welsh) to hi...
cycloid 26 17 a curve traced by a...
cystoid 22 13 a cyst-like structur...
dabbled 17 16 DABBLE, to dip or sp...
daddled 13 12 DADDLE, (Scots) to w...
daggled 15 14 DAGGLE, to drag in m...
dagwood 15 14 any of various shrub...
daidled 13 11 DAIDLE, (Scots) to w...
daisied 12 9 adorned with daisies...
dakered 12 13 DAKER, to lounge, al...
dallied 14 11 DALLY, to waste time...
damaged 13 14 DAMAGE, to damage [v...
dambrod 15 15 a draughtboard, also...
dandled 12 12 DANDLE, to dance (a...
dangled 13 13 DANGLE, to hang loos...
daphnid 16 15 any member of the cr...
dappled 17 16 DAPPLE, to mark with...
darkled 14 14 DARKLE, to grow dark...
dartled 13 10 DARTLE, to dart repe...
dastard 12 9 a base coward [n -S]
dasypod 20 14 a type of armadillo...
daunted 11 11 DAUNT, to intimidate...
davened 12 14 DAVEN, to utter Jewi...
dawdled 16 14 DAWDLE, to waste tim...
dayched 23 16 DAYCH, (dialect) to...
dazzled 19 28 DAZZLE, to blind wit...
deaired 11 9 DEAIR, to remove air...
dearned 10 10 DEARN, to darn [v]
deashed 13 11 DEASH, to remove ash...
debased 13 12 DEBASE, to lower or...
debated 13 12 DEBATE, to deliberat...
debeard 13 12 to remove the beard...
debited 14 12 DEBIT, to charge wit...
deboned 12 13 DEBONE, to remove th...
debused 14 13 DEBUS, to get off a...
debuted 14 13 DEBUT, to make a fir...
decaled 15 13 DECAL, to transfer b...
decapod 16 15 any ten-legged crust...
decayed 20 14 DECAY, to decompose...
decided 15 13 DECIDE, to make a ch...
deckled 17 17 deckle-edged [adj]
deckoed 15 16 DECKO [v]
decoded 14 13 DECODE, to convert a...
decoked 15 16 DECOKE, to decarboni...
decoyed 20 14 DECOY, to lure into...
decreed 14 12 DECREE, to issue an...
decried 15 12 DECRY, to denounce [...
deduced 15 14 DEDUCE, to infer [v]
defaced 16 15 DEFACE, to spoil the...
defamed 14 15 DEFAME, to destroy t...
defiled 15 13 DEFILE, to make dirt...
defined 13 13 DEFINE, to state the...
defraud 14 13 to swindle [v -ED, -...
defused 14 13 DEFUSE, to remove th...
defuzed 17 22 DEFUZE, to remove th...
degreed 12 11 having a degree [adj...
deified 14 12 DEIFY, to make a god...
deigned 12 12 DEIGN, to condescend...
dekkoed 13 17 DEKKO [v]
delated 12 10 DELATE, (archaic) to...
delayed 18 12 DELAY, to put off to...
deleted 12 10 DELETE, to remove pr...
delimed 14 13 DELIME, to free from...
deloped 14 13 DELOPE, to fire one'...
deltoid 13 10 shaped like a delta...
deluded 13 12 DELUDE, to mislead t...
deluged 14 13 DELUGE, to flood [v]
demigod 14 14 a half-god; a person...
demised 13 12 DEMISE, to give to a...
demoded 12 13 out-of-date, also DE...
demoted 12 12 DEMOTE, to lower in...
demured 13 13 DEMURE, to look mode...
denayed 16 12 DENAY, (obsolete) to...
denimed 12 13 wearing denim [adj]
denoted 10 10 DENOTE, to indicate...
dentoid 11 10 shaped like a tooth...
denuded 11 12 DENUDE, to strip of...
deodand 10 11 a personal chattel w...
deponed 12 13 DEPONE, to testify u...
deposed 13 12 DEPOSE, to remove fr...
deputed 14 13 DEPUTE, to delegate...
derated 11 9 DERATE, to relieve f...
derayed 17 11 DERAY, (obsolete) to...
derided 12 10 DERIDE, to ridicule,...
derived 14 13 DERIVE, to trace to...
dermoid 13 12 a cyst or similar ce...
descend 14 13 to come down [v -ED,...
desexed 17 16 DESEX, to remove gen...
desined 11 10 DESINE, to plan in o...
desired 12 9 DESIRE, to wish for...
desmoid 13 12 a firm swelling comp...
desnood 10 10 to remove a turkey's...
despond 13 13 to lose heart [v -ED...
desyned 17 12 DESYNE, to plan in o...
detoxed 17 16 DETOX, to remove a t...
detuned 11 11 DETUNE, to reduce th...
develed 14 14 DEVEL, to hit hard w...
deviled 15 14 DEVIL, to prepare fo...
devised 14 13 DEVISE, to form in t...
devoted 13 13 DEVOTE, to give ones...
dewaxed 20 19 DEWAX, to remove wax...
diagrid 14 11 a structure of inter...
dialled 14 11 DIAL, to use a calib...
diamond 12 13 to adorn with precio...
diapsid 15 12 of a reptile, having...
dibbled 18 16 DIBBLE, to fish by f...
dichord 18 14 a musical instrument...
dichted 18 14 DICHT, (Scots) to wi...
diddled 14 12 DIDDLE, to cheat, sw...
diehard 14 11 a stubborn person [n...
dighted 16 13 DIGHT, to adorn, to...
dilated 13 10 DILATE, to make wide...
diluted 14 11 DILUTE, to make thin...
dimpled 17 16 DIMPLE, to mark with...
dindled 13 12 DINDLE, (Scots) to t...
dingied 13 12 DINGY, to ignore or...
dingoed 12 12 DINGO, to act in a c...
dinnled 12 12 DINNLE, (Scots) to t...
diploid 16 13 an animall with two...
dirtied 13 9 DIRTY, to soil [v]
disband 14 13 to break up [v -ED,...
discard 16 12 to throw away [v -ED...
discoed 15 12 DISCO, to take part...
discoid 16 12 something in the for...
discord 16 12 to disagree [v -ED,...
disload 13 10 to unload, disburden...
dismayd 20 14 misshapen [adj]
dispend 14 13 (obsolete) to expend...
displed 16 13 DISPLE, (Spenser) to...
disprad 15 12 DISPRED, to spread o...
dispred 15 12 to spread out, also...
distend 12 10 to swell [v -ED, -IN...
disused 13 10 DISUSE, to stop usin...
ditched 18 14 DITCH, to dig a long...
dittied 13 9 DITTY, to put to mus...
dittoed 12 9 DITTO, to repeat tha...
divided 15 14 DIVIDE, to separate...
divined 14 14 DIVINE, to foretell...
divvied 17 17 DIVVY, to divide up,...
dizened 14 19 DIZEN, to dress in f...
dizzard 19 27 (obsolete) a blockhe...
dizzied 19 27 DIZZY, to make giddy...
doddard 12 11 (obsolete) a tree mi...
dogfood 14 14 food for a dog [n -S...
dogsled 14 12 to ride a sled drawn...
dogwood 15 14 any of various shrub...
doilied 13 10 having a doily [adj]
dollied 14 11 DOLLY, to move on a...
donated 10 10 DONATE, to contribut...
donnard 10 11 (Scots) stupid, daze...
donnerd 10 11 (Scots) stupid, dull...
doodled 12 11 DOODLE, to scribble...
dorised 12 9 DORISE, to become li...
dorized 15 18 DORIZE, to become li...
dottled 13 10 full of dottle, unbu...
doubled 15 14 DOUBLE, to make twic...
doubted 14 13 DOUBT, to be uncerta...
douched 17 15 DOUCHE, to cleanse w...
dovened 12 14 DOVEN, to utter Jewi...
dovered 13 13 DOVER, (Scots) to do...
doweled 15 13 DOWEL, to fasten wit...
dowered 14 12 DOWER, to provide wi...
dozened 13 19 DOZEN, (Scots) to do...
drabbed 16 15 DRAB, to associate w...
drafted 14 12 DRAFT, to conscript...
dragged 14 13 DRAG, to pull along...
drailed 13 10 DRAIL, to dirty by d...
drained 11 10 DRAIN, to draw off a...
drammed 14 15 DRAM, to tipple, dri...
dranted 11 10 DRANT, (dialect) to...
drapped 16 15 DRAP, (Scots) to dro...
dratted 12 9 DRAT, to damn [v]
drawled 16 13 DRAWL, to speak slow...
dreaded 11 10 DREAD, to fear great...
dreamed 12 12 DREAM, to experience...
dredged 13 12 DREDGE, to scoop mud...
dressed 12 9 DRESS, to put clothe...
dribbed 17 15 DRIB, to do by littl...
drifted 15 12 DRIFT, to drift alon...
drilled 15 11 DRILL, to bore a hol...
dripped 17 15 DRIP, to fall in dro...
droiled 13 10 DROIL, (obsolete) to...
drolled 14 11 DROLL, to jest [v]
dromond 12 13 a large fast-sailing...
drooked 12 13 DROOK, (Scots) to dr...
drooled 12 10 DROOL, to let saliva...
drooped 13 12 DROOP, to hang downw...
dropped 16 15 DROP, to let fall in...
drouked 13 14 DROUK, (Scots) to dr...
drowned 14 13 DROWN, to suffocate...
drowsed 15 12 DROWSE, to doze [v]
drubbed 17 16 DRUB, to beat severe...
drudged 14 13 DRUDGE, to do hard,...
drugged 15 14 DRUG, to dose with a...
drummed 15 16 DRUM, to beat a perc...
dryland 19 13 an arid region [n -S...
dualled 14 12 DUAL, to make a road...
duelled 14 12 DUEL, to fight forma...
duetted 12 10 DUET, to perform a d...
dullard 15 12 a dolt [n -S]
dummied 15 16 DUMMY, to fake [v]
dumpled 17 17 DUMPLE, to make dump...
dunched 17 16 DUNCH, (Scots) to jo...
dunshed 14 13 DUNSH, (Scots) to jo...
duplied 16 14 DUPLY, to give a sec...
dwalmed 17 16 DWALM, to swoon, als...
dwammed 17 18 DWAM, to swoon, also...
dwarfed 17 15 DWARF, to cause to a...
dwaumed 16 16 DWAUM, to swoon, als...
dwelled 17 14 DWELL, to reside [v]
dyeweed 20 14 a shrub that yields...
dyewood 20 14 any wood from which...
earthed 13 10 EARTH, to cover with...
easeled 11 9 mounted on an easel...
eclosed 15 12 ECLOSE, to emerge fr...
edified 14 12 EDIFY, to enlighten...
effaced 18 17 EFFACE, to erase [v]
effered 15 14 EFFERE, (obsolete) t...
effused 16 15 EFFUSE, to pour fort...
egested 12 10 EGEST, to discharge...
egghead 15 14 an intellectual [n -...
ejected 16 20 EJECT, to throw out...
elanced 14 13 ELANCE, to throw as...
elapsed 14 12 ELAPSE, to pass by [...
elbowed 17 15 ELBOW, to jostle [v]
elected 15 12 ELECT, to select by...
elfhood 16 14 the state of being a...
elfland 15 14 the land of the elve...
ellwand 16 14 a measuring rod [n -...
elmwood 16 15 wood of the elm tree...
eloined 11 10 ELOIN, to remove to...
emailed 13 12 EMAIL, to send elect...
embaled 15 15 EMBALE, to form into...
embased 14 14 EMBASE, to lower, al...
embayed 20 16 EMBAY, to enclose in...
embayld 22 17 EMBAIL, (obsolete) t...
embound 14 16 (Shakespeare) to enc...
embowed 17 17 EMBOW, to bend or ar...
emboxed 20 21 EMBOX, to set in a b...
embraid 15 14 (Spenser) to braid,...
embread 14 14 to braid, also EMBRA...
embrued 15 15 EMBRUE, to drench, a...
embused 15 15 EMBUS, to board a bu...
emended 11 13 EMEND, to correct, a...
emerald 13 12 a gemstone, a green...
emerged 13 13 EMERGE, to come into...
emeried 12 11 EMERY, to coat with...
emeroid 12 11 a haemorrhoid, also...
emersed 12 11 of leaves, rising ab...
emitted 13 11 EMIT, to send forth...
emmewed 16 17 EMMEW, to confine, m...
emmoved 15 18 EMMOVE, to affect em...
empaled 15 15 EMPALE, to pierce wi...
empared 14 14 EMPARE, to become wo...
emptied 15 14 EMPTY, to remove the...
emulged 15 15 EMULGE, (archaic) to...
emunged 13 15 EMUNGE, (obsolete) t...
enabled 13 13 ENABLE, to make poss...
enacted 13 12 ENACT, to establish...
enarmed 11 12 ENARM, (obsolete) to...
encaged 14 14 ENCAGE, to put in a...
encased 13 12 ENCASE, to put in a...
encaved 15 16 ENCAVE, to secrete,...
encloud 15 14 to cover with clouds...
encoded 13 13 ENCODE, to put into...
encored 13 12 ENCORE, to call for...
endewed 13 13 ENDEW, (Spenser) to...
endited 11 10 ENDITE, to charge fo...
endopod 12 13 a branch of a crusta...
endowed 13 13 ENDOW, to bequeath,...
endured 11 11 ENDURE, to last [v]
energid 12 11 the nucleus and acti...
enerved 12 13 ENERVE, (obsolete) t...
enfaced 15 15 ENFACE, to stamp or...
enfiled 14 13 in heraldry, thrust...
enfired 13 12 ENFIRE, (Spenser) to...
enfixed 19 19 ENFIX, (archaic) to...
enfreed 12 12 ENFREE, to set free...
engaged 12 13 ENGAGE, to employ [v...
engined 11 12 ENGINE, to equip wit...
engored 11 11 ENGORE, to gore; to...
enguard 12 12 (Shakespeare) to gua...
enisled 12 10 ENISLE, to put onto...
enjoyed 18 20 ENJOY, to take pleas...
enlaced 14 13 ENLACE, to entwine o...
enmewed 14 15 ENMEW, to confine, a...
enmoved 13 16 ENMOVE, to affect em...
ennuied 10 11 ENNUI, to bore, anno...
ennuyed 16 13 ENNUI, to bore, anno...
enraced 13 12 ENRACE, (Spenser) to...
enraged 11 11 ENRAGE, to make very...
enrobed 12 12 ENROBE, to put on a...
enround 10 11 (Shakespeare) to mak...
ensewed 13 12 ENSEW, (Spenser) to...
ensiled 12 10 ENSILE, to store in...
enskied 12 13 ENSKY, to raise in t...
enskyed 18 15 ENSKY, to raise in t...
ensured 11 10 ENSURE, to make sure...
entamed 11 12 ENTAME, (Shakespeare...
entered 10 9 ENTER, to go or come...
enticed 14 12 ENTICE, to lead astr...
entrold 12 10 (Spenser) a past par...
enurned 10 11 ENURN, to put into a...
enwound 13 14 ENWIND, to enwrap, a...
enzoned 12 19 ENZONE, to engirdle...
epacrid 17 14 an Australian plant...
epeirid 14 11 a member of the fami...
epoxied 19 18 EPOXY, to glue with...
epoxyed 25 20 EPOXY, to glue with...
equaled 20 19 EQUAL, to make equal...
equated 19 18 EQUATE, to be regard...
erected 14 11 ERECT, to build or r...
ericoid 15 11 with heatherlike lea...
ermined 12 12 trimmed with ermine...
eructed 15 12 ERUCT, to belch out,...
erupted 14 12 ERUPT, to break out...
escaped 16 14 ESCAPE, to free ones...
escoted 14 11 ESCOT, (Shakespeare)...
essayed 17 10 ESSAY, to attempt [v...
estated 11 8 ESTATE, to bestow la...
ethmoid 15 13 a square bone at the...
euchred 17 14 EUCHRE, to prevent f...
euploid 15 13 having a chromosome...
evented 12 13 EVENT, to take part...
everted 13 12 EVERT, to turn insid...
evicted 17 15 EVICT, to dispossess...
evinced 16 16 EVINCE, to show clea...
evolved 16 17 EVOLVE, to develop [...
evulsed 15 14 EVULSE, to pluck out...
exacted 20 18 EXACT, to demand [v]
exalted 18 16 EXALT, to place in a...
exapted 19 18 utilized for a funct...
excided 21 19 EXCIDE, (archaic) to...
excised 21 18 EXCISE, to cut off o...
excited 21 18 EXCITE, to arouse th...
excused 21 19 EXCUSE, to free from...
exeemed 17 18 EXEEM, to release or...
exerted 17 15 EXERT, to make an ef...
exhaled 20 18 EXHALE, to breathe o...
exhumed 21 21 EXHUME, to dig out f...
existed 18 15 EXIST, to have actua...
expired 20 18 EXPIRE, to come to a...
exposed 19 18 EXPOSE, to lay open...
expound 19 20 to explain in detail...
exscind 21 19 to cut out [v -ED, -...
exulled 20 18 EXUL, (Spenser) to e...
exulted 19 17 EXULT, to rejoice gr...
eyefold 20 14 a fold of skin of th...
eyeliad 18 11 an amorous glance, a...
faceted 16 14 FACET, to cut small...
faciend 16 15 a number to be multi...
factoid 17 14 a statement said so...
faddled 15 14 FADDLE, to trifle; t...
fagoted 14 13 FAGOT, to bind toget...
fainted 13 12 FAINT, to lose consc...
faithed 16 13 FAITH, to believe or...
fancied 16 15 FANCY, to take a lik...
fanfold 16 16 to fold paper like a...
fangled 15 15 FANGLE, to decorate...
fankled 15 17 FANKLE, (Scots) to e...
fannied 12 13 FANNY, as in to fann...
farcied 17 14 afflicted with farcy...
farrand 13 12 (Scots) having a cer...
fatbird 17 14 a wading bird [n -S]
fathead 15 13 a dolt [n -S]
fatwood 16 14 wood used for kindli...
faulted 15 13 FAULT, to criticize...
favored 15 15 FAVOR, to regard wit...
feagued 14 14 FEAGUE, (obsolete) t...
feasted 13 11 FEAST, to dine sumpt...
fedexed 19 19 FEDEX, to send by Fe...
feebled 16 15 FEEBLE, to make weak...
feelbad 16 15 causing a feeling of...
feigned 14 14 FEIGN, to pretend, g...
feinted 13 12 FEINT, to make a pre...
felched 20 17 FELCH, to lick or su...
fenland 13 14 a region with fens [...
feoffed 17 17 FEOFF, to grant a fe...
ferlied 15 12 FERLY, to wonder [v]
ferried 14 11 FERRY, to transport...
feruled 15 13 FERULE, to fit with...
fetched 19 16 FETCH, to go after a...
fettled 15 12 FETTLE, to potter fu...
feutred 14 12 FEUTRE, to set a spe...
fevered 15 15 FEVER, to affect wit...
fibered 16 14 having fibre, also F...
fibroid 17 14 a benign tumor, also...
fickled 20 19 FICKLE, to perplex [...
fiddled 16 14 FIDDLE, to play a vi...
fielded 15 13 FIELD, to play as a...
figured 16 14 FIGURE, to compute [...
filberd 18 15 a hazel nut, also FI...
filched 21 17 FILCH, to pilfer [v]
fileted 15 12 FILET, to cut bonele...
finched 19 17 striped or spotted o...
firwood 17 14 the wood of the fir...
fissled 16 12 FISSLE, (Scots) to r...
fixated 20 18 FIXATE, to make stab...
fizzled 22 30 FIZZLE, to come to n...
flaccid 22 18 limp [adj FLACCIDER,...
flacked 19 19 FLACK, to work as a...
flaffed 19 18 FLAFF, (Scots) to fl...
flagged 17 16 FLAG, to mark with a...
flailed 16 13 FLAIL, to thresh abo...
flammed 17 18 FLAM, to deceive [v]
flanged 15 15 FLANGE, to provide w...
flanked 15 17 FLANK, to be situate...
flapped 19 18 FLAP, to move, as of...
flashed 17 14 FLASH, to shine brie...
flatbed 17 15 a lorry with a flat...
flatted 15 12 FLAT, to make flat [...
flecked 19 19 FLECK, to mark with...
fledged 16 15 FLEDGE, to furnish w...
fleeced 17 15 FLEECE, to remove th...
fleered 14 12 FLEER, to deride by...
fleeted 14 12 FLEET, to move swift...
flegged 17 16 FLEG, (Scots) to fri...
flensed 14 13 FLENSE, to strip the...
fleshed 17 14 FLESH, to scrape sof...
flicked 20 19 FLICK, to strike lig...
flimped 19 18 FLIMP, to rob while...
flinted 15 13 FLINT, to provide wi...
flipped 20 18 FLIP, to spin in the...
flirted 16 12 FLIRT, to engage in...
flisked 17 16 FLISK, to caper abou...
flitted 16 12 FLIT, to move lightl...
floated 14 12 FLOAT, to rest or mo...
flobbed 19 18 FLOB, (slang) to spi...
flocced 21 18 FLOC, to aggregate i...
flocked 19 19 FLOCK, to gather or...
flogged 17 16 FLOG, to beat with a...
flooded 14 13 FLOOD, to inundate [...
floored 14 12 FLOOR, to supply wit...
flopped 19 18 FLOP, to drop heavil...
flossed 15 12 FLOSS, to clean betw...
floured 15 13 FLOUR, to cover with...
floused 15 13 FLOUSE, to splash, a...
flouted 15 13 FLOUT, to treat with...
flubbed 20 19 FLUB, to bungle, bot...
fluffed 20 19 FLUFF, to make fluff...
flumped 19 19 FLUMP, to fall or mo...
flunked 16 18 FLUNK, to fail in an...
fluorid 16 13 a compound of fluori...
flurred 16 13 FLURR, to scatter [v...
flushed 18 15 FLUSH, to clean by a...
flyhand 23 17 a device for transfe...
focused 17 15 FOCUS, to bring or a...
foisted 14 11 FOIST, to pass off (...
folioed 14 12 FOLIO, to number the...
follied 16 13 FOLLY, to act with f...
fondled 14 14 FONDLE, to caress [v...
fondued 13 14 FONDU, to cook a dis...
footbed 15 14 the insole in a boot...
footled 14 12 FOOTLE, to potter ab...
footpad 15 14 one who robs a pedes...
foozled 17 21 FOOZLE, to manage or...
foraged 14 13 FORAGE, to search ab...
forayed 19 13 FORAY, to make a rai...
foredid 14 12 FOREDO, to destroy,...
forfend 15 15 (archaic) to protect...
forlend 14 13 to grant beforehand,...
forsaid 14 11 FORSAY, to forbid, t...
forward 17 14 to help onward [v -E...
foulard 15 13 a soft lightweight p...
founded 13 14 FOUND, to establish...
foutred 14 12 FOUTRE, (Scots) to m...
frabbed 18 17 FRAB, (dialect) to w...
fracked 18 18 FRACK, to engage in...
fracted 17 14 FRACT, to break; to...
fragged 16 15 FRAG, to kill with a...
fraised 14 11 FRAISE, to fortify w...
franked 14 16 FRANK, to mark mail...
frapped 18 17 FRAP, to draw tight...
freaked 14 15 FREAK, to spot or st...
freshed 16 13 FRESH, to improve th...
fretted 14 11 FRET, to worry [v]
fridged 16 14 FRIDGE, to rub or fr...
friezed 17 20 FRIEZE, to put a dec...
frigged 17 15 FRIG, to potter abou...
frilled 17 13 FRILL, to provide wi...
fringed 15 14 FRINGE, to provide w...
frisked 16 15 FRISK, to gambol, or...
fristed 15 11 FRIST, to postpone,...
fritted 15 11 FRIT, to fuse cerami...
fritzed 18 20 FRITZ, (of an applia...
frizzed 21 29 FRIZZ, to curl hair...
frocked 18 18 FROCK, to invest wit...
frogged 16 15 FROG, to hunt for we...
fronded 13 13 having a frond [adj]
fronted 13 12 FRONT, to present [v...
frosted 14 11 a type of milk shake...
frothed 16 13 FROTH, to foam [v]
froward 17 14 (archaic) habitually...
frowned 16 15 FROWN, to wrinkle th...
fructed 18 15 bearing fruit, said...
frugged 17 16 FRUG, to perform a t...
fruited 15 12 FRUIT, to produce an...
frumped 18 18 FRUMP, (obsolete) to...
frushed 17 14 FRUSH, to break or b...
fucused 18 16 painted [adj]
fuddled 16 15 FUDDLE, to confuse,...
fuelled 16 14 FUEL, to provide wit...
fumbled 19 19 FUMBLE, to handle cl...
fungoed 14 15 FUNGO, to toss (a ba...
fungoid 15 15 of or like fungus, a...
fuzzled 22 31 FUZZLE, (dialect) to...
gabbard 17 16 (Scots) a kind of ba...
gabbled 18 17 GABBLE, to chatter o...
gaggled 16 15 GAGGLE, to cackle [v...
gallied 15 12 GALLY, to scare, daz...
galoped 15 14 GALOP, to dance a ga...
gambled 17 17 GAMBLE, to play a ga...
ganched 17 16 GANCH, to impale, al...
gangled 14 14 GANGLE, to move awkw...
garaged 13 12 GARAGE, to put in a...
garbled 16 14 GARBLE, to distort t...
gargled 15 13 GARGLE, to rinse the...
garland 13 12 a wreath of flowers...
garoted 12 10 GAROTE, to execute b...
gatched 18 15 GATCH, to behave boa...
gauched 18 16 GAUCH, to behave boa...
gaunted 12 12 GAUNT, to yawn, also...
gaveled 15 15 GAVEL, to signal for...
gelated 13 11 GELATE, to form a ge...
gentled 13 12 GENTLE, to tame [v]
gessoed 12 10 having gesso as a co...
ghasted 15 12 GHAST, (Shakespeare)...
ghessed 15 12 GHESSE, (Spenser) to...
ghosted 15 12 GHOST, to ghostwrite...
giddied 14 12 GIDDY, to make dizzy...
giggled 17 15 GIGGLE, to laugh in...
gillied 16 12 GILLY, to act as a g...
gipsied 16 13 GIPSY, to live like...
girdled 15 12 GIRDLE, to encircle...
girlond 14 12 a garland [n -S]
girthed 16 12 GIRTH, to put a girt...
giusted 14 11 GIUST, (Spenser) to...
gizzard 20 28 the second, or true,...
glaceed 16 14 GLACE, (French) to i...
gladded 14 13 GLAD, to make happy...
glaired 14 11 GLAIRE, to coat with...
glaived 16 15 provided with a glai...
glammed 16 17 GLAM, to glamourise...
glanced 16 15 GLANCE, to look quic...
glassed 14 11 GLASS, to encase in...
glaumed 15 15 GLAUM, (Scots) to cl...
gleamed 14 14 GLEAM, to shine with...
gleaned 12 12 GLEAN, to gather lit...
gledged 15 14 GLEDGE, to squint th...
gleeked 14 15 GLEEK, to jest, gibe...
gleeted 13 11 GLEET, to discharge...
glenoid 13 12 slightly cupped; soc...
glented 13 12 GLENT, to glint [v]
glibbed 19 17 GLIB, to make plausi...
glinted 14 12 GLINT, to glitter, a...
glitzed 18 20 GLITZ, to make somet...
gloated 13 11 GLOAT, to regard wit...
globoid 16 14 a globelike shape [n...
glochid 20 16 a barbed hair on som...
glommed 16 17 GLOM, to steal, take...
gloomed 14 14 GLOOM, to become dar...
glooped 15 14 GLOOP, to plop slowl...
glopped 18 17 GLOP, to cover with...
gloried 14 11 GLORY, to rejoice pr...
glossed 14 11 GLOSS, to make lustr...
glouted 14 12 GLOUT, (archaic) to...
glugged 17 16 GLUG, to make a gurg...
glutted 15 12 GLUT, to feed or fil...
gnarled 13 12 GNARL, to twist into...
gnarred 12 11 GNAR, to snarl, also...
gnashed 14 13 GNASH, to grind the...
goateed 11 10 having a goatee [adj...
gobbled 18 17 GOBBLE, to eat hasti...
gobioid 15 13 a fish of the goby f...
godhead 14 13 the state of being a...
godhood 14 13 the state of being a...
godsend 12 12 an unexpected boon [...
godward 16 14 towards God, also GO...
goggled 16 15 GOGGLE, to stare wit...
goitred 13 10 afflicted with a goi...
goliard 14 11 (historical) a wande...
golland 14 13 (dialect) a name for...
gollied 15 12 GOLLY, to spit [v]
gonopod 13 14 either of a pair of...
googled 14 13 GOOGLE, to look for...
gormand 13 14 one who loves to eat...
gorsedd 13 11 (Welsh) an assembly...
gouched 18 16 GOUCH, (slang) to en...
gowaned 14 14 covered with gowans...
gowland 16 15 (dialect) a name for...
grabbed 17 16 GRAB, to grab sudden...
graffed 17 16 GRAFF, to unite with...
grafted 15 13 GRAFT, to unite with...
grained 12 11 GRAIN, to form into...
grandad 12 12 a grandfather, also...
granted 12 11 GRANT, to bestow upo...
graphed 17 15 GRAPH, to represent...
grasped 15 13 GRASP, to seize firm...
grassed 13 10 GRASS, to cover with...
greased 12 10 GREASE, to smear wit...
greaved 14 14 GREAVE, to feel grie...
greeked 13 14 of text, represented...
greened 11 11 GREEN, to become gre...
greeted 12 10 GREET, to address in...
greined 12 11 GREIN, (Scots) to lo...
grenned 11 12 GREN, (Spenser) to g...
gridded 14 12 GRID, to set out in...
grieced 16 13 in heraldry, placed...
grieved 15 14 GRIEVE, to feel grie...
grifted 16 13 GRIFT, (US) to swind...
grigged 16 14 GRIG, to fish for gr...
grilled 16 12 GRILL, to broil on a...
grinded 13 12 GRIND, to wear, smoo...
grinned 12 12 GRIN, to smile broad...
gripped 18 16 GRIP, to take hold o...
grisled 15 11 grizzled [adj]
gritted 14 10 GRIT, to press the t...
groaned 11 11 GROAN, to utter a lo...
grocked 17 17 GROK, (colloquial) t...
grogged 15 14 GROG, to extract the...
groined 12 11 GROIN, to build with...
grokked 15 18 GROK, (colloquial) t...
groomed 13 13 GROOM, to clean and...
grooved 14 14 GROOVE, to form a gr...
grossed 13 10 GROSS, to earn exclu...
grouped 15 14 GROUP, to arrange in...
groused 13 11 GROUSE, to complain...
grouted 13 11 GROUT, to fill a cra...
growled 17 14 GROWL, to utter a de...
grubbed 18 17 GRUB, to dig around...
grudged 15 14 GRUDGE, to be unwill...
grueled 14 12 GRUEL, to disable by...
gruffed 18 17 GRUFF, to utter in a...
grufted 16 14 (dialect) dirty; beg...
grumped 17 17 GRUMP, to grumble [v...
grunted 13 12 GRUNT, to utter a de...
guarded 13 12 GUARD, to protect [v...
guddled 15 14 GUDDLE, to catch fis...
guessed 13 11 GUESS, to form an op...
guested 13 11 GUEST, to appear as...
guggled 17 16 GUGGLE, to gurgle [v...
guilted 15 12 GUILT, to cause some...
guimped 17 17 GUIMP, to trim with...
guisard 14 11 a person in disguise...
gulched 20 17 GULCH, to swallow gr...
gullied 16 13 GULLY, to form ravin...
gumweed 17 17 a plant covered with...
gumwood 17 17 the wood of a gumtre...
gurgled 16 14 GURGLE, to flow unev...
gurnard 13 12 a marine fish with a...
gussied 14 11 GUSSIE, to dress up...
guttled 15 12 GUTTLE, to eat rapid...
guzzled 21 30 GUZZLE, to drink rap...
gwiniad 16 14 a fish of North Wale...
gwyniad 22 16 a fish of North Wale...
gypsied 22 15 GYPSY, to live like...
gyrated 19 12 GYRATE, to revolve o...
habited 16 13 HABIT, to clothe [v]
hackled 19 18 HACKLE, to comb with...
haemoid 14 13 pertaining to the bl...
haggard 16 14 an adult hawk [n -S]
haggled 17 15 HAGGLE, to bargain [...
halberd 17 14 an ancient axelike w...
halloed 15 12 HALLO, to shout out...
halyard 21 13 a line used to hoist...
hambled 18 17 HAMBLE, to mutilate...
hanched 18 16 HANCH, (Scots) to sn...
handfed 15 15 HANDFEED, to feed wi...
handled 14 13 HANDLE, to touch wit...
haploid 17 14 a cell having only o...
happied 18 16 HAPPY, to make conte...
harried 14 10 HARRY, to plunder, r...
harshed 16 12 HARSH, to cause (a s...
hassled 15 11 HASSLE, to harass [v...
hatband 15 14 a band worn on a hat...
hatched 19 15 HATCH, to bring fort...
haunted 13 12 HAUNT, to visit freq...
havened 14 15 HAVEN, to shelter [v...
havered 15 14 HAVER, to hem and ha...
hayband 21 16 a rope of twisted ha...
hayseed 19 12 a country bumpkin [n...
hayward 23 15 a parish officer in...
headend 12 12 a facility that rece...
healded 14 12 HEALD, (obsolete) to...
hearsed 13 10 HEARSE, to transport...
hearted 13 10 HEART, to hearten, e...
heckled 19 18 HECKLE, to harass a...
heddled 15 13 HEDDLE, to draw thre...
heisted 14 10 HEIST, to steal, rob...
helcoid 18 14 (Greek) ulcerous [ad...
helipad 17 14 a landing pad for he...
helloed 15 12 HELLO, to shout out...
hemipod 17 16 the button quail, al...
hennaed 11 12 HENNA, to dye with a...
herried 14 10 HERRY, (Spenser) to...
hexapod 21 20 an animal with six f...
hieland 14 12 characteristic of Hi...
higgled 18 15 HIGGLE, to hawk or p...
highted 18 14 HIGHT, (archaic) to...
hikoied 15 14 HIKOI, (Maori) to ta...
hilched 21 16 HILCH, (Scots) to ho...
hilloed 16 12 HILLO, to shout out...
hinnied 13 12 HINNY, to neigh, whi...
hirpled 18 14 HIRPLE, (Scots) to w...
hirsled 16 11 HIRSLE, to slide alo...
histoid 15 10 pertaining to connec...
hitched 20 15 HITCH, to fasten wit...
hoarded 13 11 HOARD, to gather and...
hoasted 13 10 HOAST, (dialect) to...
hobbled 19 17 HOBBLE, to limp [v]
hockled 19 18 HOCKLE, (dialect) to...
hocused 17 14 HOCUS, to deceive or...
hoddled 15 13 HODDLE, (Scots) to w...
hoghood 16 14 the nature of a hog...
hogtied 15 12 HOGTIE, to tie the l...
hogward 18 15 a swineherd [n -S]
hogweed 17 15 a coarse umbellifero...
hoicked 18 17 HOICK, to hitch up,...
hoisted 14 10 HOIST, to raise with...
hollaed 15 12 HOLLA, to shout out...
holland 15 13 a coarse plain-woven...
holloed 15 12 HOLLO, to shout out...
homaged 15 15 HOMAGE, to pay tribu...
homered 14 13 HOMER, to hit a home...
hominid 15 14 a manlike creature,...
hondled 14 13 HONDLE, to haggle [v...
honeyed 18 13 HONEY, to sweeten wi...
hongied 14 13 HONGI, to greet by t...
honored 12 11 HONOR, to treat with...
hooshed 15 12 HOOSH, to shoo away...
hopbind 18 17 the stalk of the hop...
hophead 17 15 a drug addict [n -S]
hoppled 19 17 HOPPLE, to restrain...
hoptoad 15 13 a kind of toad [n -S...
hoseyed 19 12 HOSEY, to choose sid...
hotched 19 15 HOTCH, (Scots) to hi...
hothead 15 12 an impetuous person...
houffed 18 17 HOUFF, to haunt, fre...
houghed 17 15 HOUGH, to hamstring...
hounded 13 13 HOUND, to pursue rel...
hoveled 16 15 HOVEL, to live in a...
hovered 15 14 HOVER, to hang suspe...
howdied 17 14 HOWDY, to greet (how...
howffed 21 19 HOWFF, to haunt, fre...
huckled 20 19 HUCKLE, to force rou...
huddled 16 14 HUDDLE, to press clo...
hulloed 16 13 HULLO, to shout out...
humbled 19 18 HUMBLE, to abase [v]
humored 15 14 HUMOR, to humour, al...
humphed 20 19 HUMPH, to carry (som...
hunched 19 17 HUNCH, to arch forwa...
hundred 14 13 a number, ten times...
hurdled 16 13 HURDLE, to jump over...
hurraed 14 11 HURRA, to shout hurr...
hurried 15 11 HURRY, to move swift...
hurtled 16 12 HURTLE, to rush viol...
husband 16 15 to be a thrifty mana...
hustled 16 12 HUSTLE, to hurry [v]
hutched 20 16 HUTCH, to hoard up [...
huzzaed 20 29 HUZZA, to cheer [v]
hyaloid 21 13 a thin transparent m...
hydatid 21 13 a fluid-filled cyst,...
hydroid 21 13 a marine creature re...
hyenoid 19 13 of or like a hyena,...
hypnoid 22 16 like sleep or hypnos...
ichabod 19 16 (Hebrew) 'the glory...
icicled 20 15 having an icicle [ad...
icterid 16 11 an American oriole [...
ideated 11 9 IDEATE, to form an i...
ignited 13 11 IGNITE, to set on fi...
ignored 12 11 IGNORE, to intention...
iguanid 13 12 any member of the ig...
ijtihad 17 19 (Arabic) the use of...
illuded 15 12 ILLUDE, to trick [v]
illumed 16 14 ILLUME, to light up...
imbased 15 14 IMBASE, to lower, de...
imbibed 18 17 IMBIBE, to drink [v]
imbrued 16 15 IMBRUE, to drench, a...
immewed 17 17 IMMEW, to confine, m...
immixed 21 21 IMMIX, (archaic) to...
immured 15 15 IMMURE, to enclose b...
impaled 16 15 IMPALE, to pierce wi...
impaved 17 18 IMPAVE, to set in a...
impavid 18 18 fearless; undaunted...
impeded 15 15 IMPEDE, to retard by...
implead 16 15 to sue in a court of...
implied 17 15 IMPLY, to insinuate...
imponed 14 15 IMPONE, to impose; t...
imposed 15 14 IMPOSE, to set as a...
impound 15 16 to seize and retain...
imputed 16 15 IMPUTE, to reckon or...
inarmed 12 12 INARM, to encircle w...
inboard 13 12 a type of motor boat...
inbound 13 14 to return a basketba...
inbreed 13 12 to breed closely rel...
incaged 15 14 INCAGE, to put in a...
incased 14 12 INCASE, to put in a...
incaved 16 16 INCAVE, to secrete,...
inceded 14 13 INCEDE, to advance m...
incised 15 12 INCISE, to cut into...
incited 15 12 INCITE, to arouse to...
incused 15 13 INCUSE, to mark by s...
indewed 14 13 INDEW, to provide wi...
indexed 17 17 INDEX, to provide wi...
indited 12 10 INDITE, to write or...
indowed 14 13 INDOW, to bequeath,...
induced 15 14 INDUCE, to influence...
infamed 14 15 INFAME, (archaic) to...
infield 15 13 the area of a baseba...
infixed 20 19 INFIX, to fix in, al...
infused 14 13 INFUSE, to permeate...
ingoted 12 11 INGOT, to shape (met...
inhaled 14 12 INHALE, to take into...
inhered 13 11 INHERE, to be an ess...
inhumed 15 15 INHUME, to bury, als...
inisled 13 10 INISLE, to put onto...
injured 14 19 INJURE, to harm or d...
inkwood 15 16 an evergreen tree [n...
inlaced 15 13 INLACE, to entwine o...
innyard 17 12 the courtyard surrou...
inorbed 13 12 INORB, to set in an...
insipid 15 12 dull and uninteresti...
instead 11 9 as a substitute or a...
insured 12 10 one who is insured [...
intoned 10 10 INTONE, to speak in...
introld 13 10 (Spenser) a past par...
inurned 11 11 INURN, to put in an...
invaded 13 14 INVADE, to enter by...
invalid 15 14 not valid [adj INVAL...
invexed 19 20 (in heraldry) arched...
invited 14 13 INVITE, to request t...
invoked 14 17 INVOKE, to appeal to...
inwound 14 14 INWIND, to enwrap, a...
iodated 11 9 IODATE, to treat wit...
iodised 12 9 IODISE, to treat wit...
iodized 15 18 IODIZE, to treat wit...
ionised 11 9 IONISE, to convert i...
ionized 14 18 IONIZE, to convert i...
iracund 15 13 easily angered [adj]
isleted 13 9 having islets [adj]
isolead 12 9 a line on a ballisti...
ivoried 14 12 made like ivory [adj...
jabbled 19 24 JABBLE, (Scots) to s...
jangled 15 21 JANGLE, to make a ha...
jannied 12 19 JANNY, to act as a d...
jarhead 15 19 an American marine s...
jaunced 16 22 JAUNCE, to prance, a...
jaunsed 13 19 JAUNSE, to prance, a...
jaunted 13 19 JAUNT, to go on a pl...
jaybird 23 22 a corvine bird, also...
jeelied 14 18 JEELIE, to make into...
jellied 16 19 JELLY, to make into...
jemmied 16 23 JEMMY, to force open...
jeopard 15 20 to put in jeopardy;...
jerqued 22 27 JERQUE, to search a...
jerreed 13 17 a wooden Oriental ja...
jetbead 15 20 an ornamental shrub...
jettied 14 17 JETTY, to jut out, a...
jeweled 17 21 JEWEL, to adorn with...
jiggled 18 22 JIGGLE, to shake fro...
jimmied 17 23 JIMMIE, to pry open...
jingled 16 21 JINGLE, to make a ti...
jirbled 18 21 JIRBLE, to pour unst...
joggled 17 22 JOGGLE, to shake sli...
jointed 13 18 JOINT, to fit togeth...
joisted 14 17 JOIST, to fit with j...
jollied 16 19 JOLLY, to put or kee...
jonesed 12 18 JONES, to have a str...
jostled 15 18 JOSTLE, to run or st...
jounced 16 22 JOUNCE, to jolt, sha...
jousted 14 18 JOUST, to engage in...
juggled 18 23 JUGGLE, to manipulat...
jughead 17 22 an idiot, a fool [n...
jumared 15 21 JUMAR, to climb usin...
jumbled 19 25 JUMBLE, to mix in a...
jungled 16 22 abounding in jungle...
justled 16 19 JUSTLE, to run or st...
juttied 15 18 JUTTY, to stick out...
kaiaked 13 16 KAIAK, to travel by...
kamerad 13 15 to surrender [v -ED,...
katydid 20 15 a kind of grasshoppe...
kayaked 19 18 KAYAK, to travel by...
kaylied 20 15 (slang) intoxicated...
keckled 18 20 KECKLE, to protect b...
kemboed 15 18 KEMBO, to set akimbo...
kettled 14 13 KETTLE, to confine i...
keycard 22 17 a coded card for ope...
keyword 22 17 a significant word i...
kibbled 19 19 KIBBLE, to grind coa...
kiddied 14 14 KIDDY, to hoax; to k...
kilorad 14 13 a unit of nuclear ra...
kimboed 16 18 KIMBO, to set akimbo...
kindled 14 15 KINDLE, to cause to...
kindred 13 14 blood relationship,...
kirtled 15 13 wearing a kirtle [ad...
kittled 15 13 KITTLE, to offend [v...
klapped 18 19 KLAP, to slap (South...
kludged 16 17 KLUDGE, to contrive...
knacked 16 20 KNACK, to strike sha...
knapped 16 19 KNAP, to strike shar...
knarred 12 13 KNAR, to snarl, also...
kneaded 11 14 KNEAD, to massage wi...
kneeled 12 14 KNEEL, to rest on th...
kneepad 13 16 a protective coverin...
knelled 14 15 KNELL, to sound a be...
knitted 13 13 KNIT, to make a garm...
knobbed 16 19 KNOB, to knock off p...
knocked 16 20 KNOCK, to strike sha...
knolled 14 15 KNOLL, an obsolete f...
knopped 16 19 having a knop [adj]
knotted 12 13 KNOT, to tie with a...
knouted 12 14 KNOUT, to flog with...
knurled 14 15 KNURL, to make groov...
kotched 18 17 KOTCH, (South Africa...
kotowed 15 15 KOTOW, to grovel, al...
kraaled 13 13 KRAAL, to pen, also...
kreesed 12 12 KREESE, to stab with...
krunked 14 18 in a state of excite...
kvelled 17 18 KVELL, (Yiddish) to...
labeled 15 13 LABEL, to attach a t...
labored 14 12 LABOR, to work, also...
labroid 15 12 a member of the wras...
ladened 11 11 LADEN, to load with...
ladhood 14 12 the state of being a...
lagered 13 11 LAGER, to form a def...
laggard 15 13 lagging behind [adj...
laipsed 15 12 LAIPSE, (dialect) to...
lakebed 15 16 the floor of a lake...
lalland 14 12 (Scots) lowland, als...
lanated 11 10 having or consisting...
lanched 17 15 LANCH, to throw, as...
langued 13 13 of a heraldic beast,...
languid 14 13 lacking vitality [ad...
laniard 12 10 a fastening rope on...
lanyard 18 12 a fastening rope on...
lapeled 15 13 having lapels, also...
lapheld 18 15 pertaining to a smal...
lasered 12 9 LASER, to treat with...
lassoed 12 9 LASSO, to catch with...
latched 18 14 LATCH, to close a ga...
latened 11 10 LATEN, to make or gr...
laterad 12 9 toward the side [adv...
laughed 16 14 LAUGH, to express mi...
launced 15 14 LAUNCE, (Spenser) to...
lawland 16 14 (Scots) lowland, als...
layered 18 11 LAYER, to form a lay...
leached 17 14 LEACH, to allow a li...
leafbud 17 16 a bud which produces...
leagued 13 12 LEAGUE, to come toge...
learned 11 10 LEARN, to be informe...
leashed 14 11 LEASH, to hold by a...
leeched 17 14 LEECH, to cling to a...
leeward 15 12 towards the lee side...
legated 13 11 LEGATE, to bequeath...
leghold 17 14 a trap that catches...
lemoned 12 13 LEMON, to flavour wi...
lenited 12 10 LENITE, to articulat...
lentoid 12 10 lens-shaped [adj] /...
leopard 14 12 a large, carnivorous...
leotard 12 9 a skintight garment...
leporid 15 12 pertaining or belong...
letched 18 14 LETCH, to engage in...
lethied 15 11 (Shakespeare) suffer...
leveled 15 14 LEVEL, to make even...
levered 14 13 LEVER, to prise open...
liaised 13 9 LIAISE, to form a li...
lianoid 12 10 like a liana [adj]
libated 15 12 LIBATE, to pour in h...
libbard 18 15 (archaic) a leopard...
libeled 16 13 LIBEL, to make a def...
lichted 19 14 LICHT, to light [v]
ligated 14 11 LIGATE, to tie with...
lighted 17 13 LIGHT, to illuminate...
likened 13 14 LIKEN, to represent...
limboed 16 15 LIMBO, to perform a...
limited 15 12 restricted [adj LIMI...
lindied 13 11 LINDY, to perform th...
lingcod 17 15 a marine food fish [...
linseed 12 10 lint or flax seed, a...
lipread 15 12 to understand spoken...
lispund 16 14 a varying weight, 12...
lithoed 15 11 LITHO, to make a lit...
lithoid 16 11 like stone, also LIT...
livelod 16 14 (Spenser) livelihood...
livened 14 14 LIVEN, to make livel...
livered 15 13 LIVER, to thicken or...
loathed 14 11 LOATHE, to detest gr...
lobated 14 12 having lobes, also L...
lobbied 17 15 LOBBY, to seek to in...
lobiped 17 15 having lobate feet [...
located 15 12 LOCATE, to find or p...
loculed 17 14 having loculi, small...
logwood 16 14 the heavy, red heart...
lounded 12 12 LOUND, (Scots) to ca...
lounged 13 13 LOUNGE, to recline i...
louvred 15 14 having a louvre [adj...
lovered 14 13 (Shakespeare) having...
lowbred 18 15 of a low station in...
lowered 15 12 LOWER, to appear dar...
lowland 16 14 an area of land lyin...
lownded 15 14 LOWND, to calm, also...
lowveld 19 17 (Afrikaans) the lowe...
lubbard 18 16 a clumsy fellow, als...
lumined 14 14 LUMINE, (obsolete) t...
lunated 12 11 crescent-shaped, als...
lunched 18 16 LUNCH, to eat a midd...
lurched 19 15 LURCH, to roll or pi...
lustred 14 10 LUSTRE, to make lust...
luxated 19 17 LUXATE, to put out o...
lycopod 24 17 a plant of the genus...
lymphad 25 19 (Gaelic) a Highland...
lynched 24 17 LYNCH, to judge and...
lyrated 19 11 having the shape of...
mackled 18 19 MACKLE, to blur in p...
maculed 17 16 MACULE, to blur in p...
madamed 13 15 MADAM, to address as...
maffled 18 18 (colloquial) mentall...
majored 14 20 MAJOR, to pursue a s...
malaxed 19 19 MALAX, to soften by...
malgred 15 14 MALGRE, (archaic) to...
maliced 17 15 MALICE, to have ill-...
mallard 15 13 a wild duck [n -S]
mamboed 15 17 MAMBO, to dance the...
managed 12 14 MANAGE, to control o...
manband 13 16 an all-male vocal po...
maneged 12 14 MANEGE, to train hor...
mangled 14 15 MANGLE, to hack, tea...
mangold 14 15 a variety of beet, a...
manhood 13 14 the state of being a...
mankind 13 17 the human race [n -S...
mansard 12 12 a type of roof [n -S...
mantled 13 13 MANTLE, to cover as...
manured 12 13 MANURE, to fertilize...
manward 15 15 towards man, also MA...
marbled 16 15 MARBLE, to vein or p...
marched 18 16 MARCH, to walk in a...
mardied 13 12 MARDY, to behave lik...
married 13 11 one who has entered...
marshed 15 13 having a marsh [adj]
marybud 22 17 a marigold bud [n -S...
mascled 17 15 covered with mascles...
masoned 11 12 MASON, to build or r...
mastoid 13 11 like a nipple or tea...
matched 18 16 MATCH, to be equal t...
mattoid 13 11 a person on the bord...
matured 13 12 MATURE, to develop f...
matweed 15 14 a name of several ma...
maugred 14 14 MAUGRE, to show spit...
maunded 12 14 MAUND, (obsolete) to...
mawseed 15 14 the seed of the opiu...
maybird 22 16 an American songbird...
mayweed 21 16 a name for various p...
mazzard 19 29 a kind of small blac...
measled 13 12 MEASLE, (archaic) to...
medaled 13 13 MEDAL, to honour wit...
meddled 14 14 MEDDLE, to interfere...
megapod 15 16 one of a family of b...
megarad 13 13 a measure of radiati...
melamed 14 15 a teacher in a Jewis...
menaced 14 15 MENACE, to threaten...
menaged 12 14 MENAGE, to manage [v...
menshed 14 14 MENSH, (colloquial)...
merited 13 11 MERIT, to deserve [v...
mermaid 14 14 a mythical creature...
meseled 13 12 infected with lepros...
metaled 13 12 METAL, to cover with...
metered 12 11 METER, to measure by...
mettled 14 12 having spirit [adj]
miaoued 12 12 MIAOU, to make the s...
miaowed 15 14 MIAOW, to make the s...
miauled 14 13 MIAUL, to make the s...
micated 16 14 MICATE, to furnish w...
midband 15 16 operating across a r...
middled 15 14 MIDDLE, to place in...
midland 14 14 the middle part of t...
mimeoed 13 14 MIMEO, to copy by mi...
mingled 15 15 MINGLE, to mix toget...
minored 12 12 MINOR, to study a su...
minuend 12 14 a number from which...
minuted 13 13 MINUTE, to take brie...
misbind 16 15 to bind imperfectly...
miscued 17 15 MISCUE, to make a fa...
misdeed 13 12 an evil act [n -S]
misfeed 15 14 to feed incorrectly...
mislaid 15 12 MISLAY, to put in a...
mislead 14 12 to lead astray [v MI...
mispled 17 15 MISPLEAD, to plead w...
misread 13 11 to read incorrectly...
missaid 14 11 MISSAY, to say incor...
missend 13 12 to send incorrectly...
misshod 16 13 improperly shod [adj...
missold 15 12 MISSELL, to sell an...
mistend 13 12 to tend to improperl...
mistled 15 12 MISTLE, to rain in s...
mistold 15 12 MISTELL, to inform w...
misused 14 12 MISUSE, to use incor...
miswend 16 15 (Spenser) to go wron...
misword 17 14 to word wrongly [v -...
mitched 19 16 MITCH, to play truan...
mitered 13 11 MITER, (US) to join...
mizzled 21 30 MIZZLE, to rain in f...
mobbled 18 18 MOBBLE, (obsolete) t...
modeled 13 13 MODEL, to form a pla...
modemed 13 15 MODEM, to transmit b...
moguled 15 15 having obstacles on...
moisted 13 11 MOIST, to wet slight...
monacid 15 15 a compound having on...
moneyed 17 14 having lots of money...
monopod 13 15 a one-footed person...
mooched 17 16 MOOCH, to play truan...
moodied 12 12 MOODY, to persuade b...
mophead 16 16 a person with shaggy...
morphed 17 16 MORPH, to gradually...
moseyed 18 13 MOSEY, to saunter [v...
motived 15 15 MOTIVE, to inspire t...
motored 12 11 MOTOR, to travel by...
mottled 14 12 MOTTLE, to mark with...
mottoed 12 11 having a motto [adj]
mouched 18 17 MOUCH, to play truan...
moulded 14 14 MOULD, to work into...
moulted 14 13 MOULT, to shed feath...
mounded 12 14 MOUND, to heap in a...
mounted 12 13 MOUNT, to climb [v]
mourned 12 13 MOURN, to feel or ex...
mousled 14 13 MOUSLE, to pull roug...
moussed 13 12 MOUSSE, to apply a h...
mousted 13 12 MOUST, to powder, al...
mouthed 15 14 MOUTH, to feed into...
mozzled 20 30 MOZZLE, (Hebrew) to...
muddied 14 14 MUDDY, to cover with...
muddled 15 15 MUDDLE, to mix up [v...
muffled 19 19 MUFFLE, to dull the...
muisted 14 12 MUIST, to powder, al...
mulched 20 18 MULCH, to provide wi...
mulcted 18 16 MULCT, to take money...
mulesed 14 13 MULES, to perform th...
mulshed 17 15 MULSH, to cover with...
mumbled 18 19 MUMBLE, to speak ind...
mummied 16 18 MUMMY, to preserve b...
munched 18 18 MUNCH, to chew noisi...
munited 13 13 MUNITE, to fortify,...
muraled 14 13 decorated with a mur...
muscled 18 16 MUSCLE, to force one...
muscoid 17 15 a mosslike plant [n...
mustard 14 12 a pungent condiment...
mutated 13 12 MUTATE, to undergo m...
mutched 19 17 MUTCH, to cadge [v]
mutined 13 13 MUTINE, to revolt ag...
muzzled 21 31 MUZZLE, to cover the...
myeloid 20 14 resembling marrow in...
naevoid 12 13 resembling a naevus...
nannied 9 11 NANNY, to look after...
napooed 11 12 NAPOO, to use up [v]
natured 11 10 having a certain dis...
navvied 15 17 NAVVY, to work as a...
naysaid 17 11 NAYSAY, to oppose or...
nayward 20 14 (Shakespeare) the ne...
nayword 20 14 a proverbial reproac...
needled 11 11 NEEDLE, to sew with...
negated 11 11 NEGATE, to nullify [...
negroid 12 11 typical of black or...
neighed 14 13 NEIGH, to utter the...
nestled 12 10 NESTLE, to lie snugl...
nethead 12 11 an enthusiast or exp...
nettled 12 10 NETTLE, to annoy [v]
neuroid 11 10 either of the halves...
nibbled 17 16 NIBBLE, to eat with...
nickled 17 17 NICKLE, to plate wit...
nidated 11 10 NIDATE, to become im...
niggard 14 13 to act in a miserly...
niggled 15 14 NIGGLE, to worry ove...
nighted 15 13 benighted, lost in d...
nippled 17 16 NIPPLE, to provide w...
nobbled 16 16 NOBBLE, to disable a...
noctuid 15 13 a night-flying moth...
nodated 10 10 knotted [adj]
noddled 12 12 NODDLE, to nod frequ...
noduled 12 12 having a nodule or n...
nointed 10 10 NOINT, to anoint [v]
nonacid 13 13 a substance that is...
nonaged 10 12 having the quality o...
nonfood 11 13 an item that is not...
nonpaid 12 13 not paid [adj]
nonsked 11 14 an airline without s...
nonskid 12 14 designed to inhibit...
nonword 13 13 a word that has no m...
noodged 11 12 NOODGE, (Yiddish) to...
noodled 11 11 NOODLE, to play idly...
norland 11 11 a region in the nort...
northed 13 11 NORTH, to head north...
norward 14 12 same as northward [n...
notated 10 9 NOTATE, to put into...
notched 16 14 NOTCH, to make an an...
notepad 12 12 a number of sheets o...
noticed 14 12 NOTICE, to become aw...
nousled 12 11 NOUSLE, to foster, a...
novated 12 13 NOVATE, to substitut...
nuanced 13 14 NUANCE, to give subt...
nubbled 17 17 NUBBLE, to beat with...
nudzhed 17 22 NUDZH, (Yiddish) to...
nunhood 12 13 the condition of a n...
nurdled 13 12 NURDLE, in cricket,...
nursled 13 11 NURSLE, to foster, a...
nutated 11 10 NUTATE, to nod, to d...
nutwood 14 13 a nut-bearing tree [...
nuzzled 19 29 NUZZLE, to caress wi...
nyaffed 21 17 NYAFF, to yelp, yap...
nyloned 17 13 wearing nylons [adj]
nymphed 23 19 NYMPH, to fish using...
oakwood 14 15 the wood of the oak...
oarweed 13 11 a kind of seaweed, a...
obdured 14 13 OBDURE, to become ha...
obeahed 14 13 OBEAH, to bewitch [v...
objured 16 21 OBJURE, to bind by o...
obliged 16 14 OBLIGE, to bind by s...
obovoid 15 15 ovoid with the narro...
oceanid 13 12 an ocean nymph [n OC...
oceloid 15 12 resembling the ocelo...
ochered 16 13 OCHER, to colour wit...
ochroid 17 13 containing or resemb...
octofid 17 14 cleft or separated i...
octopod 16 14 any of an order of e...
odoured 11 10 having an odour [adj...
oersted 11 8 a unit of magnetic i...
offered 15 14 OFFER, to present fo...
offhand 17 17 ungraciously curt, a...
offload 16 15 to unload [v -ED, -I...
oidioid 12 9 relating to an oidiu...
oilbird 16 12 a nocturnal bird of...
oilseed 12 9 a kind of rape, the...
oldened 11 11 OLDEN, to grow old [...
omitted 13 11 OMIT, to leave out [...
onboard 12 12 carried aboard a veh...
onefold 13 13 single-minded [adj]
onioned 9 10 ONION, to apply an o...
onstead 10 9 a single farmhouse;...
opaqued 21 21 OPAQUE, to make opaq...
operand 12 12 a quantity on which...
opiated 13 11 OPIATE, to treat wit...
opposed 15 14 OPPOSE, to conflict...
oracled 15 12 ORACLE, to utter as...
orbited 14 11 ORBIT, to revolve ar...
orchard 17 13 an area where fruit...
ordered 11 9 ORDER, to give a com...
oreweed 13 11 a kind of seaweed, a...
orotund 11 10 full and clear in so...
osiered 11 8 covered or fringed w...
osmosed 12 11 OSMOSE, to undergo o...
osteoid 11 8 an uncalcified bone...
ottered 11 8 OTTER, to fish with...
oughted 15 13 OUGHT, to owe [v]
ouglied 14 12 OUGLIE, to make ugly...
outbred 14 12 OUTBREED, to interbr...
outchid 18 14 OUTCHIDE, to surpass...
outfind 14 13 to surpass in findin...
outlaid 13 10 OUTLAY, to pay out [...
outland 12 11 an outlying land or...
outlead 12 10 to surpass in leadin...
outlied 13 10 OUTLIE, to lie outsi...
outplod 15 13 to surpass in ploddi...
outread 11 9 to surpass in readin...
outsaid 12 9 OUTSAY, to surpass i...
outsold 13 10 OUTSELL, to sell mor...
outsped 14 12 OUTSPEED, to go fast...
outtold 13 10 OUTTELL, to say open...
outvied 14 13 OUTVIE, to surpass i...
outward 15 12 toward the outside,...
outweed 14 12 (Spenser) to root ou...
outwind 15 13 to unwind [v OUTWOUN...
overbed 15 15 spanning a bed [adj]
overbid 16 15 to bid or offer beyo...
overdid 14 13 OVERDO, to do to exc...
overfed 15 15 OVERFEED, to feed to...
overred 13 12 to cover with a red...
oversad 13 12 excessively sad [adj...
oxblood 20 19 a dark reddish-brown...
oxtered 17 15 OXTER, (Scots) to ta...
oxyacid 27 20 an acid that contain...
paddled 15 14 PADDLE, to propel wi...
pagurid 16 14 a hermit crab, also...
painted 13 12 PAINT, to apply colo...
palaced 17 15 residing in a palace...
palated 14 12 PALATE, (Shakespeare...
pallied 16 13 PALLY, as in to pall...
palsied 15 12 PALSY, to affect wit...
pandied 13 13 PANDY, to punish by...
paneled 13 13 PANEL, to decorate w...
pansied 13 12 bedecked with pansie...
papered 15 14 PAPER, to cover with...
paraded 13 12 PARADE, to march in...
parched 19 16 PARCH, to make very...
paroled 14 12 PAROLE, to give a co...
parotid 14 11 near the ear, also P...
parpend 15 15 a stone passing thro...
parried 14 11 PARRY, to ward off a...
partied 14 11 PARTY, to attend a s...
patched 19 16 PATCH, to mend or co...
patined 13 12 PATINE, to cover wit...
pawawed 19 17 PAWAW, to hold such...
payload 20 14 the part of a cargo...
peached 18 16 PEACH, to inform aga...
pearced 16 14 PEARCE, (Spenser) to...
pearled 14 12 PEARL, to adorn with...
peascod 16 14 a pea pod, also PEAS...
pebbled 19 18 PEBBLE, to cover wit...
pedaled 14 13 PEDAL, to operate by...
peddled 15 14 PEDDLE, to sell or o...
peenged 13 14 PEENGE, (Scots) to w...
penfold 16 16 a place in which str...
pennied 12 13 wealthy to the exten...
peopled 16 15 PEOPLE, to stock wit...
peracid 17 14 a type of acid [n -S...
perched 19 16 PERCH, to sit in an...
percoid 17 14 of the perch family,...
periled 15 12 PERIL, to put in dan...
peroxid 20 18 a bleaching agent, a...
perpend 15 15 to weigh in the mind...
persued 14 12 PERSUE, to follow, i...
peruked 15 16 adorned with a peruk...
perused 14 12 PERUSE, to read [v]
pestled 15 12 PESTLE, to crush wit...
petaled 14 12 having petals, also...
petered 13 11 PETER, to diminish g...
pettled 15 12 PETTLE, to indulge,...
phacoid 19 16 lens-shaped, lentil-...
phanged 16 16 PHANG, (Shakespeare)...
pharmed 17 16 PHARM, to redirect c...
phasmid 18 16 any orthopterous ins...
pheesed 15 13 PHEESE, to unsettle,...
pheezed 18 22 PHEEZE, to unsettle,...
phished 19 15 PHISH, to engage in...
phonied 15 14 PHONY, to alter, so...
photoed 15 13 PHOTO, (colloquial)...
phrased 16 13 PHRASE, to express i...
phutted 17 14 PHUT, to make a soun...
phyllid 26 17 the leaf of a liverw...
phytoid 23 15 resembling a plant [...
piaffed 18 17 PIAFFE, to perform a...
pickled 20 19 PICKLE, to preserve...
picoted 17 14 PICOT, to edge with...
piddled 16 14 PIDDLE, to deal in t...
piebald 17 15 a horse with patchy...
pierced 17 14 PIERCE, to thrust, o...
piffled 20 18 PIFFLE, to talk in a...
pigfeed 17 16 food for pigs [n -S]
pighted 18 15 PIGHT, to pitch (e.g...
pigmoid 17 16 a pigmy [n -S]
pigweed 18 16 a weedy plant [n -S]
piloted 15 12 PILOT, to control th...
pimpled 19 18 having pimples [adj]
pinched 19 17 PINCH, to squeeze be...
pinfold 17 16 a place in which str...
pingled 16 15 PINGLE, (Scots) to s...
pinguid 16 15 fat; greasy [adj]
pinhead 15 14 the head of a pin [n...
pinnoed 12 13 (Spenser) pinioned [...
pinweed 16 15 any plant of a genus...
pirated 14 11 PIRATE, to make ille...
pitched 20 16 PITCH, to throw [v]
pithead 16 13 the top of a pit or...
pivoted 16 15 PIVOT, to turn on a...
placard 18 15 a written or printed...
placoid 18 15 a fish having platel...
plafond 16 16 (French) a decorated...
plagued 16 15 PLAGUE, to pester or...
plaided 15 13 with a tartan design...
plained 14 13 PLAIN, to complain [...
plaited 15 12 PLAIT, to braid [v]
planked 15 17 PLANK, to cover with...
planned 13 14 PLAN, to formulate a...
planted 14 13 PLANT, to place in t...
plapped 19 18 PLAP, to make a soun...
plashed 17 14 PLASH, to weave toge...
plasmid 17 15 a hereditary structu...
plastid 16 12 a structure in plant...
platted 15 12 PLAT, to braid [v]
pleaded 14 13 PLEAD, to beg for ea...
pleased 14 12 PLEASE, to give enjo...
pleated 14 12 PLEAT, to fold in an...
pledged 16 15 PLEDGE, to bind by s...
pleopod 16 15 an appendage of crus...
plimmed 18 18 PLIM, to swell, as g...
plinged 16 15 PLING, to beg [v]
plinked 16 17 PLINK, to shoot at a...
ploated 14 12 PLOAT, (Scots) to di...
plodded 15 14 PLOD, to walk heavil...
plodged 16 15 PLODGE, (dialect) to...
plonged 15 15 PLONGE, to plunge, a...
plonked 15 17 PLONK, to fall or dr...
plopped 19 18 PLOP, to fall or dro...
plotted 15 12 PLOT, to plan secret...
plotzed 18 21 PLOTZ, (Yiddish) to...
plucked 20 20 PLUCK, to pull out o...
pluffed 20 19 PLUFF, to throw out,...
plugged 18 17 PLUG, to fill a hole...
plumbed 19 19 PLUMB, to determine...
plumped 19 19 PLUMP, to make well...
plunged 16 16 PLUNGE, to thrust in...
plunked 16 18 PLUNK, to twang; to...
plushed 18 15 showily luxurious [a...
plussed 16 13 PLUS, to increase in...
plutoid 16 13 any dwarf planet bey...
plywood 24 17 a building material...
poached 18 16 POACH, to trespass t...
pochard 19 16 a kind of European d...
pockard 18 18 a kind of European d...
poddled 15 14 PODDLE, to amble at...
poesied 13 11 POESY, to utter poet...
poinded 13 13 POIND, (Scots) to di...
pointed 13 12 POINT, to indicate d...
policed 18 15 POLICE, to make orde...
polkaed 15 16 POLKA, to dance this...
pollard 16 13 to cut the top branc...
polyped 23 17 something having man...
polypod 23 17 something having man...
pomaded 14 15 POMADE, to apply a p...
poniard 13 12 a small dagger, also...
pooched 18 16 POOCH, to bulge [v]
poonced 15 15 POONCE, to behave ef...
pootled 14 12 POOTLE, to travel in...
popeyed 21 16 having bulging eyes...
poppied 18 17 covered with poppies...
poppled 19 18 POPPLE, to move in a...
porched 19 16 having a porch [adj]
portend 13 12 to serve as an omen...
posited 14 11 POSIT, to place [v]
potched 19 16 POTCH, to push viole...
pothead 15 13 one who smokes marij...
pouched 19 17 POUCH, to put in a p...
pouffed 18 18 POUFFE, to give a pu...
poulard 15 13 a spayed hen, also P...
pounced 16 16 POUNCE, to swoop upo...
pounded 13 14 POUND, to strike hea...
powered 16 14 POWER, to equip with...
pownded 16 16 POWND, (Spenser) to...
poynted 19 14 POYNT, (obsolete) to...
praised 14 11 PRAISE, to express a...
pranced 16 15 PRANCE, to spring fo...
pranged 14 14 PRANG, to cause to c...
pranked 14 16 PRANK, to dress gaud...
pratted 14 11 PRATT, (Shakespeare)...
prawned 16 15 PRAWN, to fish for e...
preaced 16 14 PREACE, to press, al...
preaged 14 13 previously aged [adj...
preased 13 11 PREASE, to press, al...
prebend 15 15 a clergyman's stipen...
prebind 16 15 to bind in durable m...
predied 14 12 PREDY, (obsolete) to...
preened 12 12 PREEN, to clean and...
preeved 15 15 PREEVE, to prove, al...
prefard 16 14 (Spenser) preferred...
prefund 16 16 to fund beforehand [...
prehend 15 14 to lay hold of; to s...
preload 14 12 to load beforehand [...
premold 16 15 to mold beforehand,...
preneed 12 12 arranged or made ava...
prented 13 12 PRENT, (Scots) to pr...
prepaid 16 14 PREPAY, to pay in ad...
prepped 18 17 PREP, (short for) to...
presold 15 12 PRESELL, to promote...
pressed 14 11 PRESS, to compress o...
prested 14 11 PREST, (obsolete) to...
pretend 13 12 to make believe [v -...
pretold 15 12 PRETELL, to tell bef...
prevued 16 16 PREVUE, (US) to prev...
pricked 19 18 PRICK, to puncture s...
prieved 16 15 PRIEVE, to prove, al...
prigged 17 15 PRIG, to filch [v]
prilled 17 13 PRILL, to turn into...
primmed 17 17 PRIM, to give a prim...
primped 18 17 PRIMP, to dress or a...
princed 17 15 PRINCE, to play the...
prinked 15 16 PRINK, to dress or a...
printed 14 12 PRINT, to produce by...
prissed 15 11 PRISS, to act in a p...
proband 15 15 a person with some d...
proceed 16 14 to go onward [v -ED,...
prodded 14 13 PROD, to jab [v]
progged 16 15 PROG, to forage for...
proined 13 12 PROINE, (obsolete) t...
prolled 16 13 PROLL, (obsolete) to...
promoed 14 14 PROMO, to give a pro...
pronged 14 14 PRONG, to pierce wit...
pronked 14 16 PRONK, (Afrikaans) o...
proofed 15 14 PROOF, to examine fo...
propend 15 15 to have a tendency t...
propped 18 17 PROP, to hold up [v]
proteid 14 11 a nitrogenous organi...
protend 13 12 (archaic) to stretch...
prouled 15 13 PROUL, to prowl, als...
provand 15 16 an allowance of food...
provend 15 16 an allowance of food...
prowled 18 15 PROWL, to move about...
proyned 19 14 PROYN, to prune, als...
prunted 14 13 ornamented with a pr...
psalmed 16 15 PSALM, to sing psalm...
pshawed 19 16 PSHAW, to utter an e...
psyched 26 18 PSYCH, to stimulate...