8 letter words that end with D

8 letter words that end with D

8 letter D word


Words With Friends®


abducted 19 17 ABDUCT, to carry som...
abhorred 17 14 ABHOR, to loathe, ha...
abjected 20 24 ABJECT, to throw out...
abounded 14 15 ABOUND, to exist in...
abraided 15 13 ABRAID, (Spenser) to...
abridged 17 15 ABRIDGE, to shorten...
abrooked 15 16 ABROOKE, an erroneou...
abscised 19 15 ABSCISE, to cut off,...
abseiled 16 13 ABSEIL, (German) to...
absented 14 13 ABSENT, to take or k...
absolved 18 17 ABSOLVE, to free fro...
absorbed 17 15 ABSORB, to take up o...
accended 18 17 ACCEND, (obsolete) t...
accented 18 16 ACCENT, to pronounce...
accepted 21 18 ACCEPT, to receive w...
accessed 19 15 ACCESS, to have entr...
accinged 20 18 ACCINGE, to gird up...
accloyed 26 18 ACCLOY, (Spenser) to...
accorded 19 16 ACCORD, to bring int...
accosted 19 15 ACCOST, to approach...
accreted 19 15 ACCRETE, to grow tog...
accrewed 22 18 ACCREW, (Spenser) to...
accursed 20 16 ACCURSE, to make cur...
acerated 15 12 needle-shaped, also...
acetamid 17 15 an amide of acetic a...
acetated 15 12 combined with acetic...
achieved 20 18 ACHIEVE, to carry ou...
acidhead 18 15 a person who takes h...
acquired 25 22 ACQUIRE, to come int...
actinoid 16 13 any element of a gro...
actioned 15 13 ACTION, to carry out...
actuated 16 13 ACTUATE, to put into...
acylated 23 15 ACYLATE, to introduc...
addebted 15 14 (Scots) indebted, ow...
addeemed 13 14 ADDEEM, (obsolete) t...
addicted 17 14 ADDICT, to make depe...
addoomed 13 14 ADDOOM, (Spenser) to...
addorsed 13 11 in heraldry, turned...
adducted 17 15 ADDUCT, to draw inwa...
adherend 14 13 the surface to which...
adjoined 14 20 ADJOIN, to lie next...
adjudged 17 23 ADJUDGE, to decide;...
adjusted 16 20 ADJUST, to bring to...
admitted 15 13 ADMIT, to allow to e...
adonised 12 11 ADONISE, to adorn (o...
adonized 15 20 ADONIZE, to adorn (o...
adreaded 12 11 ADREAD, (obsolete) t...
adsorbed 15 13 ADSORB, to gather an...
adulated 14 12 ADULATE, to fawn upo...
advanced 17 18 ADVANCE, to put forw...
advected 18 17 ADVECT, to transport...
adverted 15 14 ADVERT, to refer to...
adwarded 16 14 ADWARD, (Spenser) to...
aerified 15 12 AERIFY, to infuse ai...
affeared 16 15 AFFEARE, (Spenser) t...
affected 20 18 AFFECT, to act upon...
affeered 16 15 AFFEER, (archaic) to...
affirmed 19 18 AFFIRM, to state pos...
afflated 18 16 inspired [adj]
afforced 20 18 AFFORCE, to strength...
afforded 17 16 AFFORD, to have suff...
affrayed 23 17 AFFRAY, to disturb o...
agalwood 17 15 the wood of the aloe...
agarwood 16 14 a soft, resinous woo...
agatised 14 11 AGATISE, to cause to...
agatized 17 20 AGATIZE, to cause to...
agenised 13 12 AGENISE, to treat fl...
agenized 16 21 AGENIZE, to treat fl...
aggraced 18 16 AGGRACE, (Spenser) t...
aggraded 15 14 AGGRADE, to raise th...
aggrated 15 13 AGGRATE, (Spenser) t...
agitated 14 11 AGITATE, to stir vio...
agonised 13 12 AGONISE, to suffer a...
agonized 16 21 AGONIZE, to suffer a...
agueweed 16 15 a North American pla...
airboard 15 12 an inflatable board...
airbound 15 14 stopped up by air [a...
airfield 17 13 an area where planes...
airspeed 15 12 the speed of an airc...
alarumed 15 14 ALARUM, (archaic) to...
alighted 18 14 ALIGHT, to dismount...
alkaloid 16 15 any of a class of co...
alledged 16 14 ALLEDGE, to allay, a...
allegged 17 15 ALLEGGE, (Spenser) t...
allonged 15 14 ALLONGE, to lunge [v...
allotted 15 11 ALLOT, to give as a...
alveated 15 14 vaulted like a beehi...
amberoid 16 15 a synthetic amber, a...
ambushed 19 18 AMBUSH, to attack fr...
amenaged 13 15 AMENAGE, (Spenser) t...
ammonoid 14 16 the coiled shell of...
amoeboid 15 15 resembling an ameba,...
amounted 13 14 AMOUNT, to come to i...
amphipod 21 20 a crustacean of the...
analysed 19 13 ANALYSE, to separate...
analyzed 22 22 ANALYZE, to subject...
anchored 17 15 ANCHOR, to secure by...
anconoid 14 14 pertaining to the el...
anglepod 16 16 any of a genus of pl...
anguiped 16 16 (Latin) a mythical g...
animated 13 13 ANIMATE, to give lif...
annealed 11 12 ANNEAL, to make (as...
annulled 14 14 ANNUL, to declare vo...
anodised 12 11 ANODISE, to give a p...
anodized 15 20 ANODIZE, to give a p...
anointed 11 11 ANOINT, to consecrat...
answered 15 13 ANSWER, to say, writ...
anthemed 15 15 ANTHEM, to praise in...
antherid 15 12 the male reproductiv...
anticked 17 17 ANTIC, to act in a c...
anticold 17 14 effective against th...
antiqued 21 20 ANTIQUE, to alter th...
antiskid 15 14 designed to prevent...
antiweed 15 13 concerned with the d...
antlered 13 11 bearing antlers [adj...
anvilled 17 16 ANVIL, to shape on a...
apanaged 14 15 having an apanage [a...
appaired 17 15 APPAIR, (obsolete) t...
appalled 19 17 APPALL, to horrify,...
appealed 17 16 APPEAL, to make an e...
appeared 16 15 APPEAR, to become vi...
appeased 16 15 APPEASE, to bring to...
appended 16 17 APPEND, to add on to...
apprised 18 15 APPRISE, to inform,...
apprized 21 24 APPRIZE, to inform,...
approved 19 19 APPROVE, to regard f...
arabised 15 12 ARABISE, to adopt Ar...
arabized 18 21 ARABIZE, to adopt Ar...
arachnid 18 15 any member of the Ar...
arboured 15 13 equipped with an arb...
archived 21 18 ARCHIVE, to file in...
arcuated 16 13 arched like a bow, a...
areached 17 14 AREACH, (Spenser) to...
argufied 17 15 ARGUFY, to argue stu...
arilloid 16 11 like an aril, a prot...
armguard 16 15 a covering to protec...
armoured 14 13 ARMOUR, to dress wit...
arointed 12 10 AROINT, (archaic) to...
aroynted 18 12 AROYNT, (archaic) to...
arranged 13 12 ARRANGE, to put in o...
arrested 13 9 ARREST, to bring to...
articled 18 13 ARTICLE, in law, to...
ascended 15 14 ASCEND, to go or mov...
asconoid 15 13 like an ascon, a typ...
ascribed 19 15 ASCRIBE, to attribut...
ashlared 16 12 ASHLAR, to build wit...
ashlered 16 12 ASHLER, to build wit...
askanced 16 17 ASKANCE, (Shakespear...
askanted 13 14 ASKANT, (Shakespeare...
aspected 18 15 ASPECT, to look at [...
asperged 16 14 ASPERGE, to sprinkle...
aspersed 15 12 ASPERSE, to slander,...
asported 15 12 ASPORT, to carry awa...
assailed 14 10 ASSAIL, to attack [v...
assarted 13 9 ASSART, (historical)...
assented 12 10 ASSENT, to express a...
asserted 13 9 ASSERT, to state pos...
assessed 13 9 ASSESS, to estimate...
assieged 14 11 ASSIEGE, (Spenser) t...
assigned 14 12 ASSIGN, to set apart...
assisted 14 9 ASSIST, to give aid...
assoiled 14 10 ASSOIL, to absolve,...
assorted 13 9 ASSORT, to distribut...
assotted 13 9 ASSOT, to make a foo...
assuaged 14 12 ASSUAGE, to make les...
asswaged 17 14 ASSWAGE, (obsolete)...
astarted 13 9 ASTART, (Spenser) to...
asteroid 13 9 a rocky object, a ty...
asterted 13 9 ASTERT, (obsolete) t...
astonied 12 10 ASTONY, to amaze or...
astunned 12 12 ASTUN, (obsolete) to...
atheised 15 11 ATHEISE, to talk as...
atheized 18 20 ATHEIZE, to talk as...
athetoid 15 11 showing symptoms of...
atomised 14 12 ATOMISE, to reduce t...
atomized 17 21 ATOMIZE, to reduce t...
attached 18 14 ATTACH, to connect a...
attacked 17 16 ATTACK, to set upon...
attained 12 10 ATTAIN, to gain or a...
attasked 14 13 ATTASK, to take to t...
attended 12 11 ATTEND, to be presen...
attested 13 9 ATTEST, to affirm to...
attorned 12 10 ATTORN, to accept te...
attrited 14 9 ATTRITE, to wear dow...
attuited 14 10 ATTUITE, to sense bu...
audibled 17 15 AUDIBLE, to call an...
aumailed 15 14 AUMAIL, (archaic) to...
aunthood 14 13 the state of being a...
aureoled 13 11 AUREOLE, to surround...
auricled 18 14 having ear-shaped ap...
aurified 16 13 AURIFY, to turn into...
autacoid 16 13 a hormone secreted i...
authored 15 12 AUTHOR, to bring int...
autocoid 16 13 a hormone secreted i...
autoload 13 11 to load automaticall...
avaunted 14 15 AVAUNT, (archaic) to...
aventred 14 14 AVENTRE, (Spenser) t...
averaged 15 15 AVERAGE, to calculat...
avouched 20 19 AVOUCH, (archaic) to...
awakened 15 17 AWAKEN, to rouse fro...
awearied 15 12 (archaic) wearied [a...
awninged 16 16 having an awning [ad...
azotised 16 18 AZOTISE, to combine...
azotized 19 27 AZOTIZE, to combine...
babyfood 25 20 food prepared for ba...
babyhood 25 19 the state of being a...
baccated 21 18 having berries; berr...
backband 21 23 the band which passe...
backbend 21 23 an acrobatic feat [n...
backbond 21 23 a deed attaching a q...
backhand 21 22 to strike with the b...
backhoed 21 21 BACKHOE, to dig with...
backland 20 21 a piece of land at t...
backload 20 20 to load a lorry for...
backslid 22 20 BACKSLIDE, to fall b...
backveld 23 24 a remote area [n -S]
backward 23 22 in a reverse directi...
backwind 23 23 to deflect airflow i...
backwood 22 22 uncouth [adj]
backword 23 22 a retort [n -S]
backyard 26 21 the area at the rear...
badassed 15 13 touchy, difficult, i...
badgered 16 15 BADGER, to pester or...
bagelled 18 16 BAGEL, to defeat in...
bagpiped 21 20 BAGPIPE, to play the...
bailbond 18 17 a bond given by a pr...
balanced 18 17 BALANCE, to have equ...
baldhead 18 16 a bald person [n -S]
balladed 17 15 BALLAD, to make ball...
ballated 17 14 BALLAT, to make ball...
balleted 17 14 BALLET, to make ball...
balloted 17 14 BALLOT, to vote by b...
ballyard 24 16 a baseball ground [n...
balsamed 17 16 BALSAM, to soothe; t...
bandaged 15 16 BANDAGE, to cover a...
banished 17 15 BANISH, to expel, ex...
banjaxed 22 29 BANJAX, (slang) to r...
bankcard 19 20 a card issued by a b...
bannered 13 14 BANNER, to furnish w...
bantered 14 13 BANTER, to exchange...
baptised 18 15 BAPTISE, to administ...
baptized 21 24 BAPTIZE, to administ...
barbated 17 15 barbed, bearded, als...
barbered 17 15 BARBER, to shave or...
barcoded 18 16 marked with a BARCOD...
barehand 16 15 to field the ball in...
barehead 16 14 having the head unco...
bareland 15 14 as in bareland croft...
barkened 15 17 BARKEN, to dry up in...
barneyed 20 15 BARNEY, to quarrel l...
barnwood 17 16 a wide wood for buil...
barnyard 21 15 a yard near a barn [...
barraged 16 14 BARRAGE, to subject...
barrated 15 12 BARRAT, to quarrel e...
barreled 16 13 BARREL, to move fast...
bartered 15 12 BARTER, to trade by...
baseband 16 16 a communication devi...
basehead 16 14 a habitual user of f...
baselard 16 13 (obsolete) a short s...
baseload 15 13 the permanent load o...
basified 18 15 BASIFY, to convert i...
basseted 15 12 BASSET, to outcrop,...
basswood 18 15 an American lime-tre...
batooned 13 13 BATOON, to strike wi...
batteled 16 13 BATTEL, to have an a...
battened 14 13 BATTEN, to fasten wi...
battered 15 12 BATTER, to beat repe...
bauchled 22 19 BAUCHLE, to make sha...
beaconed 16 16 BEACON, to shine lik...
bearward 18 15 a keeper of bears [n...
bearwood 17 15 a small tree of the...
beautied 15 13 BEAUTY, (Shakespeare...
beavered 16 16 BEAVER, to work hard...
bebopped 21 21 BEBOP, to play a sty...
becalled 20 17 BECALL, to call name...
becalmed 20 19 BECALM, to make calm...
becapped 22 21 BECAP, to put a cap...
beckoned 18 20 BECKON, to indicate...
becoward 21 18 to accuse of cowardi...
becrimed 20 18 BECRIME, to make gui...
becurled 20 17 BECURL, to curl; to...
becursed 19 16 BECURSE, to put a cu...
bedamned 15 17 BEDAMN, to swear at...
bedashed 17 15 BEDASH, to wet by da...
bedaubed 17 17 BEDAUB, to cover wit...
bedboard 17 16 a board placed betwe...
bedecked 19 20 BEDECK, to attire wi...
bedimmed 18 19 BEDIM, to make dim [...
bedotted 15 13 covered with dots [a...
bedraped 17 16 BEDRAPE, to cover wi...
bedstand 15 14 a table beside a bed...
bedstead 15 13 a support for a bed...
beducked 20 21 BEDUCK, to plunge un...
bedumbed 19 20 BEDUMB, to render sp...
bedunced 18 18 BEDUNCE, to make a d...
bedunged 16 17 BEDUNG, to cover wit...
bedusted 16 14 BEDUST, to cover wit...
beebread 16 15 a mixture of pollen...
beefwood 19 18 an Australian tree a...
beehived 19 18 having a hairdo shap...
beelined 15 14 BEELINE, to head dir...
befinned 16 17 having fins [adj]
befitted 18 15 BEFIT, to be suitabl...
befleaed 17 16 BEFLEA, to infest wi...
befoamed 17 18 BEFOAM, to cover wit...
befogged 19 19 BEFOG, to fog up, ob...
befooled 17 16 BEFOOL, to fool; to...
befouled 18 17 BEFOUL, to make foul...
befriend 17 16 to act as a friend t...
begalled 18 16 BEGALL, to make sore...
begemmed 18 20 BEGEM, to adorn with...
beggared 17 16 BEGGAR, to impoveris...
begifted 19 17 BEGIFT, to present w...
begilded 18 16 BEGILD, to gild [v]
begirded 17 15 BEGIRD, (archaic) to...
begnawed 18 18 BEGNAW, to gnaw [v]
begrimed 18 17 BEGRIME, to soil wit...
beguiled 18 16 BEGUILE, to deceive...
begulfed 20 19 BEGULF, to engulf [v...
begunked 17 20 BEGUNK, (Scots) to t...
behatted 17 14 wearing a hat [adj]
beheaded 16 15 BEHEAD, to cut off t...
behooved 18 18 BEHOOVE, to be fit,...
behowled 21 18 BEHOWL, to howl at [...
bekissed 17 16 BEKISS, to cover wit...
beknaved 17 21 BEKNAVE, to treat as...
beladied 16 14 BELADY, to apply the...
belauded 16 15 BELAUD, to laud or p...
beleaped 17 16 BELEAP, to leap upon...
belfried 19 16 having a belfry [adj...
believed 18 17 BELIEVE, to accept a...
bellbind 20 18 hedge or field bindw...
bellbird 21 17 any of several tropi...
bellowed 20 17 BELLOW, to roar like...
belonged 16 16 BELONG, to be a memb...
bemadded 16 17 BEMAD, (archaic) to...
bemauled 17 17 BEMAUL, (archaic) to...
bemeaned 14 16 BEMEAN, (archaic) to...
bemisted 17 15 BEMIST, to envelop i...
bemoaned 14 16 BEMOAN, to lament [v...
bemocked 20 22 BEMOCK, (archaic) to...
bemoiled 17 16 BEMOIL, (Shakespeare...
bemudded 17 18 BEMUD, (archaic) to...
bendayed 20 16 BENDAY, to reproduce...
benetted 14 13 BENET, to catch in a...
beniseed 14 13 sesame seed [n -S]
bentwood 17 16 wood artifically cur...
benumbed 18 20 BENUMB, to make numb...
bepatted 17 15 BEPAT, to pat often...
bepelted 18 16 BEPELT, to pelt hard...
bepitied 18 15 BEPITY, to pity grea...
beplumed 20 20 (archaic) adorned wi...
beprosed 17 15 BEPROSE, to reduce t...
bepuffed 22 22 BEPUFF, (archaic) to...
bereaved 16 16 BEREAVE, to deprive...
berhymed 25 19 BERHYME, to compose...
beringed 16 15 adorned with rings [...
berleyed 22 15 BERLEY, (Australian)...
berobbed 19 18 BEROB, (Spenser) to...
berouged 16 15 thickly rouged [adj]
beseemed 15 15 BESEEM, to be becomi...
beshamed 18 17 BESHAME, (archaic) t...
beshroud 18 15 to cover with, or as...
besieged 16 14 BESIEGE, to attack a...
besighed 19 16 BESIGH, (archaic) to...
beslaved 18 17 BESLAVE, to make a s...
beslimed 18 16 BESLIME, to cover wi...
besmiled 18 16 BESMILE, to smile on...
besmoked 17 19 BESMOKE, to pollute...
besnowed 17 16 BESNOW, to cover wit...
besorted 15 12 BESORT, (Shakespeare...
besotted 15 12 BESOT, to infatuate...
besouled 16 14 (archaic) having a s...
bespiced 21 18 BESPICE, (Shakespear...
bespread 17 15 to spread over [v BE...
bestowed 18 15 BESTOW, to present a...
besuited 16 13 wearing a suit [adj]
beteemed 15 15 BETEEME, (Spenser) t...
betitled 17 13 BETITLE, to furnish...
betoiled 16 13 BETOIL, to weary wit...
betossed 15 12 BETOSS, (Shakespeare...
betrayed 21 14 BETRAY, to disclose...
bettered 15 12 BETTER, to improve [...
beuncled 19 18 having too many uncl...
bevelled 19 18 BEVEL, to cut at an...
bewailed 19 16 BEWAIL, to lament [v...
bewetted 18 15 BEWET, to make wet [...
bewhored 20 17 BEWHORE, to call som...
bewigged 21 19 BEWIG, to dress in a...
bewinged 19 18 having wings [adj]
bewormed 19 18 BEWORM, to cover wit...
bewrayed 24 17 BEWRAY, (archaic) to...
bickered 20 19 BICKER, to squabble...
bicuspid 23 19 having two cusps [ad...
bicycled 30 21 BICYCLE, to ride a t...
biforked 19 19 divided into two bra...
biformed 19 18 having two forms, al...
bikinied 17 17 wearing a bikini [ad...
billeted 18 14 BILLET, to accomodat...
billfold 22 18 a wallet [n -S]
billhead 20 16 a printed form, used...
billiard 19 14 a carom shot in bill...
billowed 21 17 BILLOW, to swell up...
bindweed 18 17 any of various weeds...
biopsied 18 15 BIOPSY, to examine t...
biosolid 17 13 solid organic matter...
biparted 18 15 having two parts [ad...
birdfeed 18 16 food suitable for bi...
birdseed 16 13 seed used for feedin...
bisected 19 15 BISECT, to divide in...
bishoped 20 17 BISHOP, to fill, or...
bissoned 15 13 BISSON, to cause to...
bistered 16 12 painted with bister,...
bittered 16 12 BITTER, to make rese...
bivalved 21 21 having a two-valved...
blanched 21 19 BLANCH, to whiten [v...
blancoed 18 17 BLANCO, to whiten wi...
blastoid 17 13 one of the Blastoide...
blazered 19 22 wearing a blazer [ad...
blazoned 18 23 BLAZON, to read such...
bleached 21 18 BLEACH, to whiten [v...
blenched 21 19 BLENCH, to shrink or...
blighted 21 17 BLIGHT, to cause dec...
blinkard 18 18 (archaic) one who bl...
blizzard 24 31 to rage like a snows...
bloodied 16 14 BLOODY, to make bloo...
bloodred 16 14 the colour of blood...
bloosmed 17 16 BLOOSME, (Spenser) t...
blotched 22 18 BLOTCH, to mark with...
blowhard 22 18 a boaster [n -S]
bluebird 20 17 a small American bir...
bluehead 18 16 a marine fish, a kin...
blueweed 19 17 a bristly weed, vipe...
bluewood 19 17 a thorny shrub growi...
boatload 15 13 the amount that a bo...
boatyard 21 14 a marina, a place fo...
bobolled 19 17 BOBOL, to commit a t...
bogarted 16 14 BOGART, to monopolis...
boldened 15 15 BOLDEN, (obsolete) t...
bollixed 24 21 BOLLIX, to make a me...
bolloxed 23 21 BOLLOX, to make a me...
bolthead 18 15 a straight-necked di...
bombload 19 19 as many bombs as a p...
bombycid 29 23 a silkworm [n -S]
bondmaid 16 17 a female slave [n -S...
bonehead 15 15 a blockhead [n -S]
boneyard 20 15 a place where the bo...
bonneted 13 14 BONNET, to put on a...
bonussed 15 14 BONUS, in Scrabble,...
boobhead 18 17 (Australian slang) a...
boofhead 18 17 (Australian slang) a...
boogeyed 21 16 BOOGEY, to dance to...
boohooed 15 14 BOOHOO, to cry [v]
bookland 16 18 in Old English law,...
bordered 15 13 BORDER, to be adjace...
borrowed 18 15 BORROW, to obtain on...
bothered 17 14 BOTHER, to annoy [v]
botryoid 22 14 of minerals, occurri...
bottomed 16 15 BOTTOM, to reach the...
bountied 15 14 with a bounty on one...
bowelled 20 17 BOWEL, to take out t...
bowwowed 24 21 BOWWOW, to bark like...
boxboard 23 22 a kind of stiff pape...
brabbled 21 19 BRABBLE, to squabble...
braconid 18 16 any of a family of p...
braeheid 17 14 (Scots) the summit o...
brailled 18 14 BRAILLE, to write in...
brairded 16 13 BRAIRD, to sprout ab...
brambled 20 19 BRAMBLE, to gather b...
brancard 18 16 (French) a horse-lit...
branched 20 18 BRANCH, to spread li...
brandied 15 14 BRANDY, to mix with...
brangled 17 16 BRANGLE, to wrangle...
brassard 16 12 (French) a piece of...
brattled 17 13 BRATTLE, (Scots) to...
brazened 17 22 BRAZEN, to face bold...
breached 20 17 BREACH, to break thr...
breasted 15 12 BREAST, to confront...
breathed 17 14 BREATHE, to inhale a...
breeched 20 17 BREECH, to clothe wi...
breenged 15 15 BREENGE, (Scots) to...
breinged 16 15 BREINGE, (Scots) to...
breveted 17 16 BREVET, to confer an...
brigaded 17 15 BRIGADE, to group to...
brindled 17 15 marked with spots or...
bristled 18 13 BRISTLE, to stand er...
brittled 18 13 BRITTLE, to become f...
broached 20 17 BROACH, to pierce (a...
broasted 15 12 BROAST, to boil and...
brocaded 18 16 BROCADE, to weave a...
broddled 17 15 BRODDLE, (dialect) t...
brokered 16 16 BROKER, to act as a...
bromated 16 15 BROMATE, to combine...
bromised 17 15 BROMISE, to treat wi...
bromized 20 24 BROMIZE, to treat wi...
brooched 20 17 BROOCH, to adorn wit...
browband 20 19 the bridle-strap tha...
brunched 21 19 BRUNCH, to eat a lat...
bucketed 20 20 BUCKET, to push forw...
budgeted 17 16 BUDGET, to estimate...
buffered 20 19 BUFFER, to protect a...
buffeted 20 19 BUFFET, to hit sharp...
buggered 18 17 BUGGER, to practise...
bulkhead 20 20 a partition on a shi...
bullered 18 15 BULLER, to seethe, g...
bulleted 18 15 BULLET, to move swif...
bullhead 20 17 a freshwater fish of...
bullweed 21 18 knapweed [n -S]
bumbazed 22 28 BUMBAZE, (Scots) to...
bumpered 19 19 BUMPER, to drink bum...
bunkered 16 18 BUNKER, to store in...
burdened 15 15 BURDEN, to load heav...
burleyed 23 16 BURLEY, to scatter f...
burrowed 19 16 BURROW, to dig a hol...
busheled 19 16 BUSHEL, to mend or a...
bushland 19 17 unsettled forest lan...
bushveld 22 20 (Afrikaans) veld mad...
buskined 17 18 having a buskin [adj...
butlered 17 14 BUTLER, to act as a...
buttered 16 13 BUTTER, to spread wi...
butthead 18 15 a stupid person [n -...
buttoned 15 14 BUTTON, to fasten wi...
buzzword 26 34 a word used to impre...
bypassed 24 17 BYPASS, to avoid by...
caballed 20 17 CABAL, to conspire [...
cabbaged 21 20 CABBAGE, to steal or...
cabobbed 22 21 CABOB, to skewer [v]
caboched 23 20 in heraldry, full fa...
caboshed 20 17 in heraldry, full fa...
cabstand 18 16 a place where cabs a...
cacheted 21 17 CACHET, to print a d...
caddised 17 14 trimmed with caddis,...
cadenced 18 17 CADENCE, to make rhy...
caftaned 17 16 wearing a caftan [ad...
calcined 20 17 CALCINE, to reduce t...
calefied 19 16 CALEFY, to make warm...
calfhood 21 18 the state or time of...
calibred 20 16 having a given calib...
callused 19 15 CALLUS, to form a ha...
calvered 19 17 CALVER, to prepare f...
calycled 28 19 having a calycle, a...
calycoid 27 18 like a calix [adj]
camailed 18 16 having a camail [adj...
cambered 19 18 CAMBER, to arch slig...
cameloid 18 16 related to the camel...
campused 20 19 CAMPUS, to restrict...
canalled 17 15 CANAL, to dig an art...
canaried 15 13 CANARY, to prance ab...
canceled 19 17 CANCEL, to cause not...
cancered 18 16 affected with cancer...
cancroid 19 16 a type of slow-growi...
canfield 19 17 a card game adapted...
cankered 16 17 CANKER, to affect wi...
cannoned 13 15 CANNON, to collide w...
canopied 17 16 CANOPY, to cover fro...
cantered 15 13 CANTER, to ride a ho...
cantoned 14 14 CANTON, to divide in...
canvased 17 17 CANVAS, to examine t...
capotted 18 15 CAPOT, to win all th...
capsized 22 24 CAPSIZE, to overturn...
capsuled 20 17 CAPSULE, to condense...
captived 21 19 CAPTIVE, to make a p...
captured 19 16 CAPTURE, to take by...
capuched 24 21 having a capuche [ad...
carangid 17 15 a marine fish [n -S]
carboyed 24 17 having a carboy [adj...
carcased 19 15 CARCASE, to put a ca...
cardioid 17 13 a heart-shaped curve...
careened 14 13 CAREEN, to turn (a s...
careered 15 12 CAREER, to go at ful...
caressed 16 12 CARESS, to touch lov...
carneyed 21 15 CARNEY, to coax, als...
carolled 18 14 CAROL, to sing joyou...
caroused 16 13 CAROUSE, to engage i...
carpeted 18 15 CARPET, to cover a f...
carromed 17 15 CARROM, to collide w...
cartload 17 13 a much as a cart can...
cartoned 15 13 CARTON, to pack in a...
cartroad 16 12 a road used by carts...
caryatid 23 14 a draped female figu...
cascaded 19 16 CASCADE, to fall lik...
caseated 15 12 CASEATE, to become c...
casefied 18 15 CASEFY, to become or...
caseload 16 13 the number of cases...
casketed 17 16 CASKET, to place in...
castered 16 12 having casters, smal...
catenoid 15 13 the surface generate...
caucused 20 17 CAUCUS, to hold a po...
caudated 16 14 having a tail [adj]
causeyed 22 15 having a paved road...
caveated 17 16 CAVEAT, to enter a t...
caverned 17 17 CAVERN, to hollow ou...
cavilled 21 18 CAVIL, to raise triv...
cavitied 19 16 having a cavity [adj...
cavorted 18 16 CAVORT, to prance, c...
cayenned 20 16 containing cayenne [...
cellared 18 14 CELLAR, to store in...
cemented 16 16 CEMENT, to bind firm...
censored 15 13 CENSOR, to delete a...
censured 16 14 CENSURE, to condemn...
censused 16 14 CENSUS, to take an o...
centered 15 13 CENTER, to place at...
centroid 16 13 the centre of mass o...
cephalad 21 18 towards the head [ad...
ceratoid 16 12 resembling horn or k...
cercopid 22 18 any member of the fa...
chalaned 18 16 CHALAN, in India, to...
chaliced 23 18 of flowers, cuplike...
chammied 21 20 CHAMMY, to clean wit...
characid 22 17 any carnivorous fres...
charquid 28 24 made into charqui, j...
chasseed 18 14 CHASSE, to perform a...
chauffed 23 21 CHAUFF, (Spenser) to...
chaunced 21 19 CHAUNCE, (obsolete)...
chaunged 19 18 CHAUNGE, (obsolete)...
chaunted 18 16 CHAUNT, to sing, als...
cheerled 19 15 CHEERLEAD, to lead i...
chelated 19 15 CHELATE, to combine...
cheliped 22 18 one of the pair of l...
chenopod 19 18 any flowering plant...
cherried 19 14 CHERRY, to cheer [v]
cheruped 21 18 CHERUP, to chirp, al...
chiacked 23 21 CHIACK, (Australian...
chiaused 19 15 CHIAUS, to cheat, sw...
chicaned 21 18 CHICANE, to quibble...
childbed 23 19 the condition of a w...
chilopod 22 18 a member of the orde...
chimerid 21 17 a fish of the genus...
chinched 24 20 CHINCH, to fill in t...
chiseled 20 15 CHISEL, to use a cut...
chivvied 24 22 CHIVVY, to chase abo...
choreoid 18 14 relating to the chor...
chorioid 19 14 of or resembling a c...
chortled 20 15 CHORTLE, to chuckle...
chorused 19 15 CHORUS, to sing in u...
chresard 19 14 the total quantity o...
chuckled 25 23 CHUCKLE, to laugh qu...
churched 25 20 CHURCH, to bring to...
chyacked 29 23 CHYACK, (Australian...
cichloid 24 18 like a cichlid, any...
ciliated 18 13 having cilia, fine h...
cindered 16 14 CINDER, to reduce to...
ciphered 21 17 CIPHER, to work at a...
cirriped 20 15 a barnacle or other...
citified 20 15 CITIFY, to adapt to...
citrated 17 12 combined with a citr...
cityfied 26 17 CITYFY, to adapt to...
cityward 27 17 towards the city [ad...
clamored 18 16 CLAMOR, to make a lo...
clareted 17 13 CLARET, to drink a r...
clatched 23 18 CLATCH, to dabble or...
clavated 19 17 shaped like a club,...
clavered 19 17 CLAVER, (Scots) to g...
cleansed 16 14 CLEANSE, to clean [v...
clenched 22 19 CLENCH, to grasp fir...
clicheed 23 18 full of cliches, als...
climated 19 16 CLIMATE, to remain i...
climaxed 25 23 CLIMAX, to reach a h...
clinched 23 19 CLINCH, to settle a...
clochard 23 18 (French) a beggar; a...
closeted 17 13 CLOSET, to enclose i...
closured 18 14 CLOSURE, to end a de...
clotured 18 14 CLOTURE, to end a de...
clovered 19 17 covered with clover...
clubhand 22 20 a deformed hand [n -...
clubhead 22 19 the part of a golf c...
clubland 21 19 an area containing m...
clupeoid 20 17 a fish of the herrin...
clutched 24 19 CLUTCH, to grasp and...
coalised 17 13 COALISE, to bring in...
coalized 20 22 COALIZE, to bring in...
coalshed 19 15 a shed for storing c...
coalyard 23 15 a yard for storing c...
coattend 15 13 to attend together [...
cockaded 20 20 having a cockade [ad...
cockbird 24 22 a male bird [n -S]
cockered 20 19 COCKER, to pamper; t...
cockeyed 26 21 having a cockeye [ad...
cocooned 17 16 COCOON, to wrap tigh...
codeword 19 16 a name used to conce...
codified 19 16 CODIFY, to put into...
coedited 16 13 COEDIT, to edit toge...
coempted 19 18 COEMPT, to buy up th...
coextend 21 20 to extend equally in...
coffered 20 18 COFFER, to put in a...
coffined 20 19 COFFIN, to put in a...
cognised 17 15 COGNISE, to become a...
cognized 20 24 COGNIZE, to become a...
coheaded 17 15 COHEAD, to head join...
cohosted 18 14 COHOST, to host join...
cojoined 17 22 COJOIN, (Shakespeare...
cokehead 18 18 a cocaine addict [n...
coleseed 16 13 a plant of the cabba...
collaged 19 16 COLLAGE, to arrange...
collared 18 14 COLLAR, to provide w...
collated 18 14 COLLATE, to examine...
colleted 18 14 COLLET, to set a gem...
collided 19 15 COLLIDE, to clash to...
colluded 19 16 COLLUDE, to conspire...
cologned 17 16 perfumed with cologn...
coloured 17 14 a coloured person, a...
colthood 19 15 the state or time of...
coltwood 20 16 (Spenser) an unident...
colubrid 21 17 any of a large famil...
columned 18 18 having a column [adj...
combated 19 18 COMBAT, to fight aga...
combined 19 19 a skiing competition...
commixed 25 25 COMMIX, to mix toget...
commoned 17 19 COMMON, to share [v]
commoved 20 22 COMMOVE, to move vio...
communed 18 20 COMMUNE, to converse...
commuted 19 19 COMMUTE, to change a...
comorbid 20 18 pertaining to two di...
compared 19 18 COMPARE, to scrutini...
compered 19 18 COMPERE, to act as m...
competed 19 18 COMPETE, to contend...
compiled 21 19 COMPILE, to collect...
complied 21 19 COMPLY, to obey [v]
composed 19 18 COMPOSE, to settle o...
compound 19 20 to add to [v -ED, -I...
computed 20 19 COMPUTE, to calculat...
conacred 18 16 CONACRE, to let in t...
concaved 20 20 CONCAVE, to curve in...
conceded 18 17 CONCEDE, to acknowle...
conchoid 21 18 a type of geometric...
concised 19 16 CONCISE, (Milton) to...
condoled 16 15 CONDOLE, to express...
condoned 14 15 CONDONE, to forgive...
conduced 19 18 CONDUCE, to contribu...
conelrad 16 14 a system of defense...
confided 18 17 CONFIDE, to impart s...
confined 17 17 CONFINE, to shut wit...
confixed 24 23 CONFIX, to fix firml...
confound 17 18 to confuse, frustrat...
confused 18 17 CONFUSE, to mix up m...
confuted 18 17 CONFUTE, to disprove...
congreed 16 15 CONGREE, (archaic) t...
congrued 17 16 CONGRUE, to agree [v...
conjured 18 23 CONJURE, to practise...
connived 17 18 CONNIVE, to plot or...
connoted 14 14 CONNOTE, to imply an...
consoled 16 14 CONSOLE, to comfort...
conspued 18 17 CONSPUE, to spit upo...
consumed 17 17 CONSUME, to use up [...
contused 16 14 CONTUSE, to bruise [...
convened 16 18 CONVENE, to assemble...
convexed 23 24 CONVEX, to make conv...
conveyed 23 19 CONVEY, to transport...
convived 20 21 CONVIVE, to feast to...
convoked 18 21 CONVOKE, to cause to...
convoyed 23 19 CONVOY, to accompany...
cookmaid 18 19 a maid who cooks [n...
coopered 17 15 COOPER, to make barr...
coosened 14 13 COOSEN, to cheat, al...
coosined 15 13 COOSIN, to cheat, al...
cootched 21 17 COOTCH, (Welsh) to h...
coppered 20 18 COPPER, to cover wit...
coppiced 24 21 COPPICE, to grow in...
copyhold 28 20 land tenure dependen...
copyread 24 17 (US) to subedit [v C...
coracoid 19 15 a bone of the should...
corbeled 19 16 CORBEL, to provide a...
cordoned 15 14 CORDON, to form a ba...
cordwood 19 16 a wood used for fuel...
corkwood 20 19 very light wood e.g....
cornered 15 13 CORNER, to gain cont...
corniced 19 16 CORNICE, to decorate...
cornland 16 15 ground suitable for...
cornuted 16 14 CORNUTE, to cuckold...
coronoid 15 13 pertaining to or des...
corraded 16 13 CORRADE, to wear awa...
corroded 16 13 CORRODE, to eat away...
corseted 16 12 CORSET, to fit with...
corveted 18 16 CORVET, of a horse,...
corymbed 26 20 clustered with flowe...
coshered 18 14 COSHER, to pamper, c...
cosigned 17 15 COSIGN, to sign join...
cosseted 16 12 COSSET, to fondle or...
costated 16 12 having ribs, also CO...
costumed 18 16 COSTUME, to dress [v...
cottaged 17 14 COTTAGE, to cruise l...
cottered 16 12 COTTER [v]
cottised 17 12 COTTISE, to give a h...
cottoned 15 13 COTTON, to take a li...
cotyloid 24 15 cup-shaped [adj] / t...
covaried 18 16 COVARY, to vary mean...
coverlid 20 17 a bed covering, also...
coversed 18 16 as in coversed sine/...
cowarded 19 16 COWARD, to weaken th...
cowboyed 27 20 COWBOY, to behave li...
cowheard 21 17 (Spenser) a coward [...
cowhided 22 18 COWHIDE, to flog wit...
crabwood 21 18 a tropical American...
crackled 22 20 CRACKLE, to emit sna...
cranched 21 18 CRANCH, to chew with...
crankled 18 18 CRANKLE, to bend, tw...
crannied 15 14 CRANNY, to open in c...
crashpad 21 17 temporary accommodat...
cratered 16 12 CRATER, to form cavi...
cravened 17 17 CRAVEN, (Shakespeare...
crayoned 21 15 CRAYON, to use a dra...
credited 17 13 CREDIT, to accept as...
creeshed 18 14 CREESH, to grease [v...
cremated 17 15 CREMATE, to reduce t...
crenated 15 13 having a notched or...
creneled 16 14 CRENEL, to make inde...
creviced 22 19 having a crevice [ad...
cribbled 23 19 CRIBBLE, to decorate...
cricetid 21 15 a member of the Cric...
crimpled 22 19 CRIMPLE, to wrinkle,...
crinated 16 13 having hair, also CR...
crinkled 19 18 CRINKLE, to wrinkle...
crippled 23 19 CRIPPLE, to disable...
croodled 17 14 CROODLE, (Scots) to...
cropland 19 17 farm land [n -S]
crotched 22 17 having a crotch [adj...
crouched 22 18 CROUCH, to squat or...
crozzled 24 31 (Yorkshire dialect)...
cruddled 19 16 CRUDDLE, (Spenser) t...
crumbled 22 20 CRUMBLE, to break up...
crumpled 22 20 CRUMPLE, to wrinkle...
crunched 22 19 CRUNCH, to chew with...
crunkled 19 19 CRUNKLE, to crumple...
crusaded 17 14 CRUSADE, to engage i...
crutched 23 18 CRUTCH, to support o...
cuckooed 20 20 CUCKOO, to repeat mo...
cudgeled 19 17 CUDGEL, to beat with...
cuitered 17 13 CUITER, (Scots) to w...
cuittled 19 14 CUITTLE, (Scots) to...
cultured 19 15 CULTURE, to cultivat...
cumbered 20 19 CUMBER, to burden [v...
cuneated 15 14 wedge-shaped, also C...
cupboard 21 19 an item of furniture...
cupelled 21 18 CUPEL, to refine gol...
cupolaed 19 17 CUPOLA, to furnish w...
curetted 17 13 CURETTE, to scrape w...
curtsied 18 13 CURTSY, to bow polit...
curvated 19 17 bent in a regular fo...
curveted 19 17 CURVET, to leap, fri...
cuspated 19 16 having a point [adj]
cussword 21 16 a swearword [n -S]
customed 18 16 usual [adj]
cyanamid 23 18 the amide of cyanoge...
cyanided 22 16 CYANIDE, to treat an...
cyanised 22 15 CYANISE, to turn int...
cyanized 25 24 CYANIZE, to turn int...
cyanosed 21 15 (colloquial) with a...
cyclised 28 18 CYCLISE, to form one...
cyclized 31 27 CYCLIZE, to form one...
cyphered 27 19 CYPHER, to write in...
cyprinid 26 18 relating to the carp...
dackered 17 17 DACKER, (Scots) to l...
daggered 15 14 DAGGER, to stab with...
daikered 14 14 DAIKER, (Scots) to l...
damasked 15 17 DAMASK, to weave wit...
damboard 16 16 a draughtboard, also...
dampened 15 17 DAMPEN, to moisten [...
dandered 12 12 DANDER, (dialect) to...
danegeld 14 14 a tax imposed in the...
daneweed 14 14 an elder-like shrub,...
dangered 13 13 DANGER, to expose to...
dantoned 11 12 DANTON, to dare, als...
darkened 13 15 DARKEN, to make dark...
datacard 16 13 a card containing el...
daunered 12 12 DAUNER, (dialect) to...
dawnered 15 14 DAWNER, (dialect) to...
deaconed 14 14 DEACON, to put the b...
deadened 11 12 DEADEN, to deprive o...
deadhead 14 13 to remove the dead h...
deadwood 15 14 useless material or...
deafened 13 14 DEAFEN, to make deaf...
dealated 13 11 without wings [adj]
deathbed 17 15 the bed on which a p...
debagged 17 17 DEBAG, to take someo...
debarked 16 17 DEBARK, to unload fr...
debarred 15 13 DEBAR, to exclude [v...
debeaked 15 17 DEBEAK, to remove th...
debelled 17 15 DEBEL, to conquer in...
deboshed 17 15 DEBOSH, to lead into...
debossed 15 13 DEBOSS, to impress a...
debrided 16 14 DEBRIDE, to remove d...
debudded 16 16 DEBUD, to remove the...
debugged 18 18 DEBUG, to remove the...
debunked 16 19 DEBUNK, to clear of...
deburred 16 14 DEBURR, to remove bu...
debussed 16 14 DEBUS, to get off a...
decalled 18 15 DECAL, to transfer b...
decamped 19 19 DECAMP, to depart fr...
decanted 15 14 DECANT, to pour from...
decarbed 18 16 DECARB, to decarboni...
deceased 15 13 a dead person [n -S]
deceived 18 17 DECEIVE, to mislead...
decerned 15 14 DECERN, to decree by...
deckhand 19 20 a seaman who perform...
declared 17 14 DECLARE, to make kno...
declawed 20 17 DECLAW, to remove th...
declined 17 15 DECLINE, to refuse [...
decocted 19 16 DECOCT, to extract t...
decrewed 19 16 DECREW, (Spenser) to...
decupled 20 18 DECUPLE, to increase...
decurved 19 18 DECURVE, to curve do...
deducted 17 15 DEDUCT, to subtract...
deejayed 20 21 DEEJAY, to act as a...
deepened 13 14 DEEPEN, to make deep...
deerweed 15 13 a bushlike herb [n -...
deeryard 19 12 an area where deer h...
defanged 15 16 DEFANG, to remove th...
defatted 15 13 DEFAT, to remove fat...
defeated 14 13 DEFEAT, to win a vic...
defected 18 16 DEFECT, to desert an...
defenced 17 17 DEFENCE, to make a d...
defended 14 15 DEFEND, to protect [...
defensed 14 14 DEFENSE, to guard ag...
deferred 15 13 DEFER, to postpone [...
deflated 16 14 DEFLATE, to release...
defleaed 15 14 DEFLEA, to rid of fl...
deflexed 22 21 DEFLEX, to bend down...
defoamed 15 16 DEFOAM, to remove fo...
defogged 17 17 DEFOG, to remove fog...
deforced 18 16 DEFORCE, to withhold...
deformed 16 16 DEFORM, to spoil the...
defouled 16 15 DEFOUL, (obsolete) t...
defrayed 21 15 DEFRAY, to pay or se...
defriend 15 14 to remove someone fr...
defueled 16 15 DEFUEL, to remove fu...
defunded 15 16 DEFUND, to remove fu...
degassed 14 12 DEGAS, to remove gas...
degermed 15 15 DEGERM, to remove ge...
deglazed 18 22 DEGLAZE, to remove t...
degouted 14 13 DEGOUT, to make (som...
degraded 14 13 DEGRADE, to debase,...
degummed 17 19 DEGUM, to free from...
degusted 15 13 DEGUST, to taste wit...
dehaired 15 12 DEHAIR, to remove th...
dehisced 19 15 DEHISCE, to split op...
dehorned 14 13 DEHORN, to deprive o...
dehorted 15 12 DEHORT, to dissuade...
dejected 18 22 DEJECT, to depress,...
delapsed 16 14 DELAPSE, to sink dow...
deleaded 13 12 DELEAD, to free from...
deleaved 15 15 DELEAVE, to separate...
delinked 15 16 DELINK, to break a c...
delisted 15 11 DELIST, to remove fr...
deloused 14 12 DELOUSE, to free fro...
demanded 13 15 DEMAND, to ask for w...
demanned 12 15 DEMAN, to reduce the...
demarked 15 17 DEMARK, to demarcate...
demasted 14 13 DEMAST, to remove th...
demeaned 12 14 DEMEAN, to conduct o...
demented 13 14 DEMENT, to deprive o...
demerged 15 15 DEMERGE, to remove a...
demersed 14 13 DEMERSE, (obsolete)...
demisted 15 13 DEMIST, to clear a w...
demitted 15 13 DEMIT, to let fall,...
demobbed 18 19 DEMOB, to discharge...
demurred 15 14 DEMUR, to object [v]
dendroid 13 12 tree-like, also DEND...
denetted 12 11 DENET, to market a b...
dentated 12 11 having teeth, also D...
dentiled 14 12 decorated with denti...
departed 15 13 a dead person [n -S]
depeched 20 18 DEPECHE, (French) to...
depended 14 15 DEPEND, to rely [v]
depermed 16 16 DEPERM, to demagneti...
depicted 19 16 DEPICT, to portray [...
deplaned 15 15 DEPLANE, to get off...
depleted 16 14 DEPLETE, to lessen t...
deplored 16 14 DEPLORE, to regret s...
deployed 22 16 DEPLOY, to position...
deplumed 18 18 DEPLUME, to deprive...
deported 15 13 DEPORT, to expel fro...
depraved 17 17 DEPRAVE, to corrupt...
deprived 18 17 DEPRIVE, to take som...
dequeued 21 21 DEQUEUE, to remove f...
derailed 14 11 DERAIL, to cause to...
deranged 13 13 DERANGE, to disorder...
deratted 13 10 DERAT, to rid of rat...
derigged 16 14 DERIG, to dismantle...
desalted 14 11 DESALT, to remove th...
desanded 12 12 DESAND, to remove sa...
descaled 17 14 DESCALE, to remove s...
descried 17 13 DESCRY, to discern,...
deseeded 12 11 DESEED, to remove th...
deserted 13 10 DESERT, to abandon [...
deserved 15 14 DESERVE, to be worth...
designed 14 13 DESIGN, to plan in o...
desisted 14 10 DESIST, to cease doi...
desorbed 15 13 DESORB, to release a...
despised 16 13 DESPISE, to look dow...
despited 16 13 DESPITE, to treat wi...
destined 13 11 DESTINE, to determin...
detached 18 15 DETACH, to unfasten...
detailed 14 11 DETAIL, to relate mi...
detained 12 11 DETAIN, to hold in c...
detected 16 13 DETECT, to discover...
deterged 14 12 DETERGE, to cleanse...
deterred 13 10 DETER, to hinder or...
detested 13 10 DETEST, to hate inte...
deticked 18 17 DETICK, to free from...
detorted 13 10 DETORT, (obsolete) t...
detoured 13 11 DETOUR, to take an i...
detruded 14 12 DETRUDE, to thrust o...
devalled 17 16 DEVALL, to sink, dec...
devalued 16 16 DEVALUE, to lessen t...
deveined 14 15 DEVEIN, to remove th...
develled 17 16 DEVEL, to hit hard w...
devested 15 14 DEVEST, to strip or...
deviated 15 14 DEVIATE, to differ f...
devilled 18 16 DEVIL, to prepare fo...
devoiced 18 17 DEVOICE, to make voi...
devolved 18 19 DEVOLVE, to transfer...
devoured 15 15 DEVOUR, to eat vorac...
dewitted 17 13 DEWITT, to lynch [v]
dewooled 16 14 DEWOOL, to remove th...
dewormed 17 16 DEWORM, to rid of wo...
dezinced 19 23 DEZINC, to remove zi...
diademed 14 14 DIADEM, to adorn wit...
dialoged 15 13 DIALOG, to hold a co...
dialysed 21 13 DIALYSE, to use a ki...
dialyzed 24 22 DIALYZE, to use a ki...
diapered 15 13 DIAPER, to put a nap...
diarised 14 10 DIARISE, to keep a d...
diarized 17 19 DIARIZE, to keep a d...
dickered 18 17 DICKER, to haggle, t...
dickhead 20 19 a fool, also KNOBHEA...
dictated 17 13 DICTATE, to read alo...
diddered 14 12 DIDDER, (dialect) to...
dieseled 14 11 DIESEL, to continue...
differed 18 16 DIFFER, to be unlike...
diffused 19 17 DIFFUSE, to spread w...
digested 15 12 DIGEST, to assimilat...
dihybrid 26 17 the child of parents...
dillweed 19 15 the leaves of the di...
dinnered 12 12 DINNER, to dine [v]
diplopod 19 17 any myriapod of the...
directed 17 13 DIRECT, to control o...
disabled 17 14 DISABLE, to render i...
disarmed 15 13 DISARM, to deprive o...
disbound 16 15 not having a binding...
discaged 18 15 DISCAGE, to free fro...
discased 17 13 DISCASE, to remove t...
discided 18 14 DISCIDE, to cut asun...
discured 18 14 DISCURE, to find out...
diseased 13 10 DISEASE, to make unh...
disedged 15 13 DISEDGE, (Shakespear...
disfamed 17 16 DISFAME, to throw in...
dishoard 16 12 to put previously wi...
dishomed 17 15 DISHOME, to deprive...
disjuned 16 21 DISJUNE, to take bre...
disliked 17 15 DISLIKE, to regard w...
dismayed 21 15 DISMAY, to appall or...
dismoded 15 14 out of fashion [adj]
disorbed 16 13 deprived of the orb...
disowned 16 14 DISOWN, to deny the...
dispaced 19 16 DISPACE, to range ab...
disponed 15 14 DISPONE, to make a l...
disposed 16 13 DISPOSE, to arrange...
dispread 16 13 to spread out, also...
disputed 17 14 DISPUTE, to argue ab...
disrated 14 10 DISRATE, to lower in...
disrobed 16 13 DISROBE, to undress...
dissaved 16 14 DISSAVE, to use savi...
distuned 14 12 DISTUNE, to put out...
disulfid 19 15 a sulphide containin...
disyoked 21 16 DISYOKE, to free fro...
dithered 16 12 DITHER, to act indec...
diverged 17 16 DIVERGE, to move in...
diversed 16 14 DIVERSE, to turn asi...
diverted 16 14 DIVERT, to turn asid...
divested 16 14 DIVEST, to strip or...
dividend 16 16 a portion or share o...
divorced 19 17 DIVORCE, to terminat...
divulged 19 18 DIVULGE, to reveal [...
divulsed 18 16 DIVULSE, to tear awa...
docketed 17 17 DOCKET, to provide w...
dockhand 19 20 one who works on the...
dockised 18 17 DOCKISE, to convert...
dockized 21 26 DOCKIZE, to convert...
dockland 18 19 the part of a port o...
dockyard 24 19 a shipyard [n -S]
doctored 16 13 DOCTOR, to treat med...
doddered 13 12 DODDER, to walk unst...
dogeared 13 12 DOGEAR, to turn down...
doggoned 14 15 damned, cursed [adj...
dognaped 15 16 DOGNAP, to steal a d...
dollared 15 12 having dollars [adj]
dollhood 17 14 the state of being a...
dolloped 17 15 DOLLOP, to dispense...
dondered 12 12 DONDER, (Afrikaans)...
donnered 11 12 (Scots) stupid, dull...
donutted 13 12 DONUT, to surround a...
dooryard 19 12 a yard in front of a...
dopehead 16 15 a drug addict [n -S]
doridoid 14 11 a shell-less mollusc...
dormered 14 13 having dormer window...
dowelled 18 15 DOWEL, to fasten wit...
downland 16 16 a rolling treeless u...
download 16 15 to transfer data fro...
downtrod 16 14 suffering oppression...
downward 19 17 from a higher to a l...
downwind 19 18 the direction that t...
drabbled 19 17 DRABBLE, to make wet...
draggled 17 15 DRAGGLE, to make wet...
draunted 13 12 DRAUNT, to drawl, to...
drawcord 20 16 a cord for drawing a...
drenched 18 16 DRENCH, to wet thoro...
drepanid 15 14 a hook-tip moth [n -...
dribbled 20 17 DRIBBLE, to let sali...
driveled 17 15 DRIVEL, to let saliv...
drizzled 22 29 DRIZZLE, to rain lig...
drophead 17 15 a convertible car [n...
dropseed 15 13 a type of grass [n -...
dropsied 16 13 (Shakespeare) diseas...
drownded 16 15 DROWND, (colloquial)...
druglord 17 14 a criminal controlli...
drumbled 19 18 DRUMBLE, to move slo...
drumhead 17 16 the material stretch...
drunkard 15 16 one who is habituall...
dualised 15 12 DUALISE, to make two...
dualized 18 21 DUALIZE, to make two...
dubbined 18 18 DUBBIN, to apply a p...
duckweed 21 21 any of various tiny...
duddered 14 13 DUDDER, to tremble,...
dumbhead 19 19 a stupid person [n -...
dumfound 17 19 to strike dumb; to c...
duneland 13 14 an area having many...
duplexed 23 22 DUPLEX, to make dupl...
duskened 14 16 DUSKEN, to grow dark...
dwindled 18 16 DWINDLE, to decrease...
dytiscid 25 15 a carnivorous water...
eastland 13 11 the land in the east...
eastward 16 12 towards the east, al...
ebonised 14 13 EBONISE, to stain bl...
ebonized 17 22 EBONIZE, to stain bl...
ebriated 15 12 intoxicated, also EB...
echinoid 18 15 a sea urchin, also E...
echoised 18 14 ECHOISE, to repeat a...
echoized 21 23 ECHOIZE, to repeat a...
eclipsed 20 16 ECLIPSE, to obscure...
educated 16 14 EDUCATE, to teach [v...
effected 20 18 EFFECT, to bring abo...
effeired 17 15 EFFEIR, (obsolete) t...
efforced 20 18 EFFORCE, (obsolete)...
effulged 20 19 EFFULGE, to shine ou...
egotised 14 11 EGOTISE, to talk abo...
egotized 17 20 EGOTIZE, to talk abo...
egressed 14 11 EGRESS, to go out [v...
elaterid 14 10 a click beetle, also...
elegised 15 12 ELEGISE, to write an...
elegized 18 21 ELEGIZE, to write an...
elevated 15 14 a raised railway [n...
elicited 18 13 ELICIT, to draw fort...
elkhound 17 18 a breed of hunting d...
elocuted 17 14 ELOCUTE, to speak pu...
eloigned 14 13 ELOIGN, to remove to...
elytroid 21 12 of or like an elytro...
emanated 12 13 EMANATE, to send for...
embailed 17 16 EMBAIL, (obsolete) t...
emballed 18 17 EMBALL, to enclose i...
embalmed 18 19 EMBALM, to preserve...
embanked 16 20 EMBANK, to enclose w...
embarked 17 19 EMBARK, to go on boa...
embarred 16 15 EMBAR, (archaic) to...
embathed 18 17 EMBATHE, to bathe, a...
embedded 16 17 EMBED, to plant firm...
emblazed 20 25 EMBLAZE, to set on f...
emblemed 18 19 EMBLEM, to represent...
embodied 16 16 EMBODY, to form into...
embogged 18 19 EMBOG, to bog down [...
embogued 17 18 EMBOGUE, to flow out...
emboiled 17 16 EMBOIL, (obsolete) t...
embosked 17 19 EMBOSK, to conceal w...
embossed 16 15 EMBOSS, to decorate...
embraced 19 18 EMBRACE, to hug [v]
embraved 18 19 EMBRAVE, to inspire...
embruted 17 16 EMBRUTE, (archaic) t...
embryoid 23 17 a mass of tissue tha...
embusied 17 16 EMBUSY, (Spenser) to...
embussed 17 16 EMBUS, to board a bu...
emicated 17 15 EMICATE, to sparkle...
emmeshed 17 17 EMMESH, to entangle,...
empaired 16 15 EMPAIRE, to become w...
emparled 17 16 EMPARL, (Spenser) to...
emparted 16 15 EMPART, (Spenser) to...
empayred 22 17 EMPAYRE, (Spenser) t...
emperced 19 18 EMPERCE, to pierce,...
emplaced 20 19 EMPLACE, to put in p...
emplaned 16 17 EMPLANE, to put on a...
employed 23 18 EMPLOY, to hire, use...
emplumed 19 20 EMPLUME, (archaic) t...
emulated 15 14 EMULATE, to strive t...
emulsoid 16 14 a liquid dispersed i...
enameled 13 14 ENAMEL, to cover wit...
enamored 12 13 ENAMOR, to inspire w...
enarched 17 15 ENARCH, to graft a p...
encalmed 17 17 ENCALM, (obsolete) t...
encamped 18 19 ENCAMP, to set up a...
encashed 17 15 ENCASH, to convert i...
enchafed 19 18 ENCHAFE, (obsolete)...
enchased 17 15 ENCHASE, to place in...
enclaved 18 18 ENCLAVE, to surround...
enclosed 16 14 ENCLOSE, to surround...
encysted 22 15 ENCYST, to become en...
endarted 12 11 ENDART, to dart in,...
endeared 11 11 ENDEAR, to make belo...
endorsed 12 11 ENDORSE, to declare...
endossed 12 11 ENDOSS, (obsolete) t...
enfested 14 13 (Spenser) embittered...
enflamed 16 17 ENFLAME, (obsolete)...
enfolded 15 15 ENFOLD, to envelop [...
enforced 17 16 ENFORCE, to compel,...
enformed 15 16 ENFORM, (Spenser) to...
enframed 15 16 ENFRAME, to put in a...
engaoled 13 13 ENGAOL, (Shakespeare...
engilded 15 14 ENGILD, (Shakespeare...
engirded 14 13 ENGIRD, to gird; to...
englobed 16 16 ENGLOBE, to form int...
engorged 14 14 ENGORGE, to fill wit...
engouled 14 14 (of heraldic decorat...
engraced 16 15 ENGRACE, to introduc...
engraved 15 16 ENGRAVE, to carve a...
engulfed 17 17 ENGULF, to swallow u...
enhaloed 14 13 ENHALO, to surround...
enhanced 16 16 ENHANCE, to raise in...
enjambed 17 25 ENJAMB, in poetry, t...
enjoined 13 20 ENJOIN, to order or...
enlarded 13 12 ENLARD, (Shakespeare...
enlarged 14 13 ENLARGE, to make lar...
enlinked 14 16 ENLINK, to connect c...
enlisted 14 11 ENLIST, to engage fo...
enlocked 17 18 ENLOCK, to lock up,...
enmeshed 15 15 ENMESH, to entangle,...
enmossed 13 13 covered with moss [a...
ennobled 14 15 ENNOBLE, to make nob...
enounced 14 15 ENOUNCE, to enunciat...
enplaned 14 15 ENPLANE, to put on a...
enqueued 20 21 ENQUEUE, to add (a d...
enquired 21 20 ENQUIRE, to ask, als...
enranged 12 13 ENRANGE, to arrange,...
enranked 12 15 ENRANK, (Shakespeare...
enriched 18 15 ENRICH, to add desir...
enridged 14 13 (Shakespeare) formed...
enringed 13 13 ENRING, to encircle...
enrolled 14 12 ENROL, to insert on...
enrooted 11 10 ENROOT, to implant f...
ensealed 12 11 ENSEAL, to put a sea...
enseamed 12 13 ENSEAM, to make a ma...
enseared 11 10 ENSEAR, (Shakespeare...
enserfed 14 13 ENSERF, to make a se...
enshield 16 13 to defend, as with a...
enshroud 15 13 to cover up [v -ED,...
ensigned 13 13 ENSIGN, to mark with...
enslaved 15 15 ENSLAVE, to make a s...
ensnared 11 11 ENSNARE, to trap, al...
ensouled 13 12 ENSOUL, to infuse wi...
enstyled 20 13 ENSTYLE, (archaic) t...
entailed 13 11 ENTAIL, to settle an...
entayled 19 13 ENTAYLE, (obsolete)...
enthused 15 13 ENTHUSE, to show ent...
entitled 14 11 ENTITLE, to give a r...
entoiled 13 11 ENTOIL, to entangle...
entombed 15 16 ENTOMB, to place in...
entwined 15 14 ENTWINE, to weave to...
enwalled 17 15 ENWALL, to enclose w...
enwombed 18 19 ENWOMB, to enclose a...
epatered 14 12 EPATER, (French) to...
epilated 16 13 EPILATE, to remove h...
epistled 17 13 EPISTLE, to preface...
epurated 15 13 EPURATE, to purify [...
equalled 23 21 EQUAL, to make equal...
equipped 26 25 EQUIP, to provide wi...
ergatoid 14 11 a wingless but sexua...
erotised 13 9 EROTISE, to give a s...
erotized 16 18 EROTIZE, to give a s...
escarped 18 15 ESCARP, to cause to...
eschewed 21 17 ESCHEW, to avoid [v]
escorted 16 12 ESCORT, to accompany...
escotted 16 12 ESCOT, (Shakespeare)...
escribed 19 15 ESCRIBE, to construc...
escrowed 19 15 ESCROW, to place a d...
esloined 13 11 ESLOIN, to remove to...
esloyned 19 13 ESLOYNE, to remove t...
espoused 15 13 ESPOUSE, to make a m...
esquired 22 19 ESQUIRE, to escort [...
essoined 12 10 ESSOIN, to give an e...
esteemed 13 12 ESTEEM, to have a hi...
estopped 17 15 ESTOP, to hinder or...
estrayed 19 11 ESTRAY, to stray [v]
estreped 15 12 ESTREPE, to create w...
euglenid 15 14 a photosynthesizing,...
eupatrid 16 13 (Greek) a member of...
eurobond 14 14 a bond issued in a e...
euroland 13 12 the area formed by t...
evirated 15 13 EVIRATE, to castrate...
evitated 15 13 EVITATE, to avoid, a...
evocated 17 16 EVOCATE, to evoke [v...
evoluted 16 15 EVOLUTE, to develop...
examined 19 20 EXAMINE, to inspect...
exampled 23 23 EXAMPLE, to illustra...
excambed 25 25 EXCAMB, (Scots) in S...
exceeded 21 20 EXCEED, to go beyond...
excelled 24 21 EXCEL, to surpass ot...
excepted 24 22 EXCEPT, to exclude,...
excessed 22 19 EXCESS, to eliminate...
excluded 24 22 EXCLUDE, to shut out...
excreted 22 19 EXCRETE, to discharg...
excursed 23 20 EXCURSE, (archaic) t...
executed 22 20 EXECUTE, to perform...
exempted 22 22 EXEMPT, to free from...
exfilled 24 21 EXFIL, to remove (da...
exhorted 21 18 EXHORT, to admonish...
expanded 20 21 EXPAND, to increase...
expected 24 22 EXPECT, to anticipat...
expelled 23 21 EXPEL, to force out...
expended 20 21 EXPEND, to consume i...
expensed 20 20 EXPENSE, to charge w...
experted 21 19 EXPERT, (Spenser) to...
expiated 21 19 EXPIATE, to make com...
exploded 22 21 EXPLODE, to blow up...
explored 22 20 EXPLORE, to examine...
exported 21 19 EXPORT, to send good...
expugned 22 23 EXPUGN, to take by s...
expulsed 23 21 EXPULSE, (obsolete)...
expunged 22 23 EXPUNGE, to delete [...
expurged 23 22 EXPURGE, to purge aw...
exsected 22 19 EXSECT, to cut out [...
exserted 19 16 EXSERT, to protrude...
extended 18 18 EXTEND, to stretch o...
extirped 22 19 EXTIRP, to root out...
extolled 21 18 EXTOLL, to praise hi...
extorted 19 16 EXTORT, to obtain so...
extruded 20 18 EXTRUDE, to force or...
eyeleted 19 12 EYELET, to make a sm...
facetted 18 15 FACET, to cut small...
factored 18 15 FACTOR, to express a...
faggoted 17 16 FAGGOT, to bind toge...
fahlband 20 19 (German) in crystall...
fairlead 16 13 a ring through which...
falcated 19 16 curved and tapering...
fallowed 20 17 FALLOW, to plough an...
faltered 16 13 FALTER, to hesitate...
famished 19 17 FAMISH, to suffer ex...
famoused 16 16 FAMOUS, (archaic) to...
fanfared 16 16 FANFARE, to herald w...
farmhand 18 18 a farm laborer [n -S...
farmland 17 17 cultivated land [n -...
farmyard 23 17 an area surrounding...
farrowed 18 15 FARROW, to give birt...
fastened 14 13 FASTEN, to secure [v...
fathered 17 14 FATHER, to be the ma...
fathomed 18 17 FATHOM, to ascertain...
fatigued 17 15 FATIGUE, to weary, a...
fattened 14 13 FATTEN, to make fat...
fatwahed 20 17 FATWAH, to threaten...
favoured 17 17 FAVOUR, to regard wi...
featured 15 13 FEATURE, to present...
feedyard 21 15 a place where cattle...
feelgood 16 15 causing a feeling of...
fellated 17 14 FELLATE, to stimulat...
fellowed 20 17 FELLOW, to produce a...
feltered 16 13 FELTER, to mat toget...
fenagled 16 16 FENAGLE, to obtain b...
fendered 14 14 having a fender [adj...
fernbird 18 16 a small New Zealand...
ferreled 16 13 FERREL, to fit with...
ferreted 15 12 FERRET, to search ou...
ferruled 17 14 FERRULE, to fit with...
festered 15 12 FESTER, to generate...
fettered 15 12 FETTER, to shackle [...
fewtered 18 15 FEWTER, to set a spe...
fibrosed 18 15 FIBROSE, to form fib...
fidgeted 17 15 FIDGET, to move abou...
filariid 18 13 a parasitic worm, al...
filecard 20 16 a brush for cleaning...
filiated 17 13 FILIATE, to bring in...
filleted 18 14 FILLET, to cut bonel...
filliped 21 17 FILLIP, to strike sh...
filmcard 22 19 a fiche, a card or s...
filmland 19 18 the motion-picture i...
filtered 17 13 FILTER, to purify a...
finagled 17 16 FINAGLE, to obtain b...
financed 17 17 FINANCE, to supply t...
fineered 14 13 FINEER, to get goods...
finessed 15 13 FINESSE, to use cunn...
fingered 16 15 FINGER, to touch wit...
finialed 16 14 having a finial [adj...
finished 18 15 FINISH, to bring to...
firebird 19 15 a bird with bright p...
fireweed 18 15 a perennial herb [n...
firewood 18 15 wood used as fuel [n...
fishpond 20 18 a pond for keeping f...
fissiped 19 15 an animal having sep...
fissured 17 13 FISSURE, to split, c...
fivefold 21 20 five times as great...
flambeed 19 19 FLAMBEE, to douse wi...
flancard 19 17 a piece of armor for...
flanched 21 19 FLANCH, to widen int...
flathead 18 15 any of various speci...
flatland 17 15 land lacking variati...
flaunted 16 15 FLAUNT, to exhibit i...
flavored 18 17 FLAVOR, to impart a...
flaxseed 22 20 the seed of flax [n...
fleeched 21 18 FLEECH, (Scots) to f...
flenched 21 19 FLENCH, to strip the...
fletched 22 18 FLETCH, to provide (...
flighted 21 17 FLIGHT, to migrate i...
flinched 22 19 FLINCH, to shrink ba...
flitched 23 18 FLITCH, to cut into...
flixweed 26 23 a plant of the musta...
flounced 19 18 FLOUNCE, to move wit...
floushed 19 16 FLOUSH, to splash, a...
flowered 19 16 FLOWER, to blossom o...
flurried 18 14 FLURRY, to agitate [...
focussed 19 16 FOCUS, to bring or a...
foddered 15 14 FODDER, to feed catt...
fogbound 18 19 surrounded by fog [a...
foliaged 17 15 having foliage [adj]
foliated 16 13 FOLIATE, to number t...
folkland 18 19 in Old English times...
followed 20 17 FOLLOW, to go after...
fomented 15 16 FOMENT, to foster or...
foodland 15 15 land for the product...
foodshed 17 15 the area through whi...
footered 14 12 FOOTER, to mess arou...
foothold 18 15 a secure support for...
forboded 17 16 FORBODE, to indicate...
forefend 16 16 to protect, also FOR...
forehand 16 15 a type of tennis str...
forehead 16 14 the part of the face...
forelaid 16 13 FORELAY, to wait in...
foreland 15 14 a projecting mass of...
forelend 15 14 to grant beforehand,...
foreread 14 12 to foretell [v FORER...
foresaid 15 12 FORESAY, to foretell...
forested 15 12 FOREST, to convert i...
foretold 16 13 FORETELL, to tell ab...
foreward 18 15 (archaic) to guard (...
forewind 18 16 a wind from the fore...
foreword 18 15 an introductory stat...
foreyard 21 14 the lowest yard on a...
forhooed 16 14 FORHOO, (Scots) to d...
forhowed 20 17 FORHOW, to desert or...
forkhead 18 18 the forked end of a...
formated 16 15 FORMATE, to fly in f...
forpined 17 16 FORPINE, to waste aw...
forrayed 21 14 FORRAY, (Spenser) to...
forsloed 16 13 FORSLOE, to delay, a...
forspend 17 16 to wear out, also FO...
fortuned 15 14 FORTUNE, to endow wi...
fostered 15 12 FOSTER, to promote t...
fothered 17 14 FOTHER, to protect a...
foureyed 21 15 wearing spectacles [...
fourfold 19 17 four times as great...
foutered 15 13 FOUTER, (Scots) to m...
foveated 16 16 having a fovea [adj]
foxhound 23 23 a hunting dog [n -S]
frampold 20 19 (obsolete) peevish,...
frazzled 23 31 FRAZZLE, to fray [v]
freckled 21 20 FRECKLE, to mark wit...
freehand 16 15 drawn by hand withou...
freehold 18 15 a property held by f...
freeload 15 13 to live at the expen...
frenched 20 18 FRENCH, to cut into...
frenzied 18 22 FRENZY, to make fran...
frescoed 18 15 FRESCO, to paint on...
fribbled 22 19 FRIBBLE, to be frivo...
frichted 22 17 FRICHT, (Scots) to f...
friended 15 14 FRIEND, to enter int...
frighted 20 16 FRIGHT, to make afra...
frivoled 19 17 FRIVOL, to behave pl...
frizzled 24 31 FRIZZLE, to curl hai...
frogeyed 22 16 having frog eyes [ad...
frounced 18 17 FROUNCE, to wrinkle...
frowsted 19 15 FROWST, to luxuriate...
frumpled 21 20 FRUMPLE, (dialect) t...
frybread 24 17 native American frie...
fuckhead 22 22 a contemptibly stupi...
fuelwood 19 17 wood suitable for fu...
fullered 18 15 FULLER, to groove wi...
fulmined 18 18 FULMINE, (Spenser) t...
funboard 17 17 a special fast winds...
funneled 15 16 FUNNEL, to pass thro...
furcated 19 16 FURCATE, to divide i...
furibund 19 18 (obsolete) raging [a...
furnaced 18 17 FURNACE, to subject...
furrowed 19 16 FURROW, to make narr...
gabbroid 19 17 like gabbro [adj]
gabelled 18 16 subject to gabelle,...
gabioned 15 15 furnished with gabio...
gaillard 17 13 (obsolete) brisk, li...
gainsaid 14 12 GAINSAY, to deny or...
gaitered 14 11 wearing gaiters [adj...
galeated 14 12 helmet-shaped, also...
galenoid 14 13 of or like galena, a...
galleted 16 13 GALLET, to fill in m...
galliard 17 13 a sprightly Renaissa...
gallised 17 13 GALLISE, in wine-mak...
gallized 20 22 GALLIZE, in wine-mak...
galloped 18 16 GALLOP, to ride a ho...
gallowed 19 16 GALLOW, (Shakespeare...
gallused 17 14 suspended by galluse...
galoched 20 17 GALOCHE, to provide...
galopped 19 18 GALOP, to dance a ga...
galoshed 17 14 GALOSH, to put a gal...
gambited 18 17 GAMBIT, to sacrifice...
gamboled 18 18 GAMBOL, to leap abou...
gamified 18 17 GAMIFY, to adapt (a...
gammoned 15 18 GAMMON, to mislead b...
gandered 13 13 GANDER, to wander [v...
gangland 15 16 the criminal underwo...
ganzfeld 20 25 a technique of contr...
gaolbird 18 15 an inveterate convic...
gapeseed 15 14 anything that causes...
garboard 16 14 a plank on a ship's...
gardened 13 13 GARDEN, to cultivate...
garished 17 13 GARISH, to heal, als...
garnered 13 12 GARNER, to gather an...
garotted 14 11 GAROTTE, to execute...
garreted 14 11 lodged in a garret [...
garroted 14 11 GARROTE, to execute...
gartered 14 11 GARTER, to support w...
gasfield 18 15 an area with natural...
gasified 17 14 GASIFY, to convert i...
gasketed 15 15 equipped with a gask...
gastered 14 11 GASTER, to frighten,...
gatefold 17 15 a folded insert in a...
gathered 16 13 GATHER, to bring tog...
gaunched 19 18 GAUNCH, to impale, a...
gavelled 18 17 GAVEL, to signal for...
gavotted 16 15 GAVOTTE, to dance a...
gazanged 17 23 GAZANG, (of the sell...
gazetted 17 20 GAZETTE, to announce...
gazumped 21 27 GAZUMP, (colloquial)...
gearhead 15 13 a mechanically incli...
geepound 15 16 a unit of mass [n -S...
gemmated 16 17 GEMMATE, to reproduc...
gendered 13 13 GENDER, (archaic) to...
geocoded 16 15 GEOCODE, to assign g...
geomyoid 21 16 pertaining to Americ...
gestated 14 11 GESTATE, to carry in...
gestured 15 12 GESTURE, to express...
gettered 14 11 GETTER, to remove tr...
gewgawed 21 19 decorated in a showy...
geysered 20 13 GEYSER, to eject jet...
gheraoed 15 13 GHERAO, to carry out...
ghettoed 16 13 GHETTO, to confine t...
ghillied 20 15 GHILLIE, to act as a...
gibbered 19 17 GIBBER, to utter sen...
gibbeted 19 17 GIBBET, to execute b...
giggited 18 15 GIGGIT, (archaic US)...
gilthead 18 14 a kind of fish with...
giltwood 19 15 made of wood covered...
gimbaled 19 18 GIMBAL, to support o...
gimleted 17 15 GIMLET, to pierce as...
gingered 15 14 GINGER, to spice up,...
giraffid 20 17 a member of the gira...
girlhood 18 14 the state of being a...
gizzened 20 30 GIZZEN, (Scots) to s...
glamored 16 15 GLAMOR, to bewitch,...
glimpsed 20 18 GLIMPSE, to see for...
globated 17 15 spherical, also GLOB...
glowered 18 15 GLOWER, to look or s...
glunched 21 19 GLUNCH, to frown [v]
glutched 22 18 GLUTCH, to gulp or s...
goalward 18 15 toward or in the dir...
goatherd 16 13 one who tends goats...
goatweed 16 14 an umbelliferous wee...
godchild 22 18 one whom a person sp...
godspeed 16 15 a wish for good fort...
godsquad 23 22 evangelical Christia...
goffered 18 17 GOFFER, to press rid...
goitered 14 11 afflicted with a goi...
goldened 14 14 GOLDEN, to become li...
goliased 15 12 GOLIAS, to behave ir...
gollared 16 13 GOLLAR, to make a lo...
gollered 16 13 GOLLER, to make a lo...
golloped 18 16 GOLLOP, to gulp hast...
goloshed 17 14 GOLOSH, to put an ov...
gophered 18 16 GOPHER, to burrow, m...
gorgeted 15 13 wearing a gorget, a...
gossiped 17 14 GOSSIP, to talk idly...
gostered 14 11 GOSTER, (dialect) to...
gourmand 15 16 one who loves to eat...
goutweed 17 15 a weed, also GOATWEE...
governed 15 16 GOVERN, to rule or d...
grabbled 20 18 GRABBLE, to grope, a...
gradated 14 12 GRADATE, to change b...
graduand 14 14 one who is about to...
graithed 17 13 GRAITH, (Scots) to d...
granddad 14 14 a grandfather, also...
grandkid 16 17 grandchild [n -S]
grannied 13 13 GRANNIE, to defeat t...
grappled 20 18 GRAPPLE, to struggle...
graveled 17 16 GRAVEL, to pave with...
grayhead 22 15 one with grey hair,...
grecised 18 14 GRECISE, to provide...
grecized 21 23 GRECIZE, to provide...
greyhead 22 15 one having grey hair...
griddled 17 14 GRIDDLE, to cook on...
grimaced 19 17 GRIMACE, to contort...
grizzled 23 30 GRIZZLE, to become g...
grottoed 14 11 having a grotto [adj...
grouched 20 17 GROUCH, to grumble [...
grounded 14 14 GROUND, to place on...
groupoid 17 15 a type of mathematic...
groveled 17 16 GROVEL, to crawl in...
grubbled 21 19 GRUBBLE, to grope, a...
gruelled 17 14 GRUEL, to disable by...
grumbled 20 19 GRUMBLE, to mutter i...
grumphed 21 20 GRUMPH, to grunt [v]
gruntled 16 14 GRUNTLE, to put in g...
grutched 21 17 GRUTCH, (Spenser) to...
guffawed 22 21 GUFFAW, to laugh lou...
guimbard 19 18 a Jew's-harp [n -S]
gulfweed 21 19 a brownish seaweed [...
gulleyed 23 16 GULLEY, to wear a ch...
gumshoed 18 17 GUMSHOE, to investig...
gusseted 15 12 GUSSET, to furnish w...
guttated 15 12 GUTTATE, to exude li...
guttered 15 12 GUTTER, to form chan...
gynecoid 23 17 of or like a woman,...
hachured 21 17 HACHURE, to make a h...
hainched 20 17 HAINCH, to throw wit...
hairband 17 15 a band for the hair...
hairsted 16 11 HAIRST, to gather in...
halalled 18 14 HALAL, to slaughter...
halliard 18 13 a line used to hoist...
halloaed 16 13 HALLOA, to shout out...
hallooed 16 13 HALLOO, to shout out...
hallowed 20 16 HALLOW, to make holy...
haltered 16 12 HALTER, to put restr...
hamboned 17 18 HAMBONE, to overact,...
hammered 17 17 HAMMER, to strike re...
hampered 18 17 HAMPER, to hinder, o...
handfeed 16 16 to feed with the han...
handheld 18 16 something, e.g. a co...
handhold 18 16 a handgrip [n -S]
handmaid 16 16 a female servant [n...
hangared 15 14 HANGAR, to place in...
hangbird 19 17 the Baltimore oriole...
hankered 15 16 HANKER, to long for...
hanseled 15 13 HANSEL, to give a go...
happened 18 18 HAPPEN, to occur [v]
harassed 15 11 HARASS, to bother pe...
harbored 17 14 HARBOR, to shelter,...
hardened 14 13 HARDEN, to make hard...
hardhead 17 14 any of several fishe...
hardwood 18 15 the timber of decidu...
harewood 17 14 stained sycamore woo...
harkened 15 16 HARKEN, to listen, a...
harrowed 18 14 HARROW, to break up...
hartened 14 12 HARTEN, to give cour...
hashhead 19 15 a hashish addict [n...
hastated 15 11 spear-shaped, also H...
hastened 14 12 HASTEN, to urry, als...
hatguard 17 14 a string for keeping...
hatstand 15 12 a stand on which to...
hattered 15 11 HATTER, to trouble,...
haulyard 23 15 a line used to hoist...
haunched 20 18 HAUNCH, to throw wit...
havocked 21 22 HAVOC, to lay waste...
hawkeyed 25 20 having keen sight [a...
hawkweed 22 21 a weedlike herb [n -...
hayfield 25 17 a field where grasse...
hazarded 18 21 HAZARD, to venture [...
headband 16 16 a band worn on the h...
headland 15 14 a point of land runn...
headpond 16 16 a pond created behin...
headward 18 15 backwards beyond the...
headwind 18 16 a wind blowing contr...
headword 18 15 a word appearing at...
hebdomad 18 18 the number seven [n...
hectored 18 14 HECTOR, to intimidat...
heehawed 19 16 HEEHAW, to bray like...
helicoid 20 15 a type of geometrica...
hellward 21 16 towards hell [adv]
helmeted 17 15 HELMET, to supply wi...
hematoid 16 14 resembling blood, al...
hempseed 18 17 the seed of hemp [n...
hempweed 21 20 a climbing plant [n...
heralded 16 13 HERALD, to proclaim,...
herbaged 18 16 covered with grass [...
heroised 15 11 HEROISE, to make her...
heroized 18 20 HEROIZE, to make her...
hesperid 18 14 a skipper butterfly...
hiccuped 25 21 HICCUP, to make a pe...
highbred 22 18 of noble breed [adj]
highered 19 15 HIGHER, to raise, ma...
highland 20 17 an elevated region [...
highroad 19 15 a highway; a much tr...
highveld 23 20 a high altitude gras...
hijacked 22 27 HIJACK, to steal in...
hilloaed 17 13 HILLOA, to shout out...
hindered 15 13 HINDER, to impede [v...
hindhead 17 15 the back of the head...
hindward 19 16 towards the rear [ad...
hirseled 17 12 HIRSEL, to herd shee...
histioid 17 11 resembling the norma...
hithered 18 13 HITHER, to come this...
hiveward 21 18 in the direction of...
hoarhead 16 13 a hoary-headed old m...
hobdayed 23 17 HOBDAY, to cure a ho...
hocussed 19 15 HOCUS, to deceive or...
hognosed 15 14 as in hognosed skunk...
hogshead 18 15 a large cask [n -S]
hoicksed 20 18 HOICKS, to hark back...
hoidened 14 13 HOIDEN, to act like...
hollered 17 13 HOLLER, to call out...
holloaed 16 13 HOLLOA, to shout out...
hollooed 16 13 HOLLOO, to shout out...
hollowed 20 16 HOLLOW, to remove th...
homaloid 17 15 a Euclidean space, a...
homebird 19 17 a person who is relu...
homebred 18 17 a home-brewed beer [...
homeland 16 16 one's native land [n...
homeward 19 17 in the direction of...
hominoid 16 15 a member of the supe...
honchoed 19 17 HONCHO, to take char...
honorand 13 13 a person receiving a...
honoured 14 13 HONOUR, to treat wit...
hoodmold 17 16 a protective project...
hoodooed 13 12 HOODOO, to bring bad...
hoorahed 16 13 HOORAH, to shout hoo...
hoorayed 20 13 HOORAY, to shout hoo...
hoovered 16 15 HOOVER, to vacuum cl...
hopfield 21 18 a field where hops a...
horngeld 17 15 a feudal rent based...
hosteled 16 12 HOSTEL, to stay over...
hotblood 18 15 a reckless person [n...
hotboxed 23 21 HOTBOX, to smoke mar...
hottered 15 11 HOTTER, to vibrate,...
houseled 16 13 HOUSEL, to administe...
hovelled 19 17 HOVEL, to live in a...
hoydened 20 15 HOYDEN, to act like...
hulloaed 17 14 HULLOA, to hallo [v]
hullooed 17 14 HULLOO, to hail, als...
humanoid 16 16 something having hum...
humected 20 18 HUMECT, to moisten,...
humefied 19 18 HUMEFY, (obsolete) t...
humified 20 18 HUMIFY, to moisten,...
humoured 17 16 HUMOUR, to indulge,...
hungered 16 15 HUNGER, to crave [v]
hunkered 16 17 HUNKER, to squat [v]
hurrahed 18 14 HURRAH, to shout hur...
hurrayed 22 14 HURRAY, to shout hur...
hushered 18 14 HUSHER, to usher, es...
huzzahed 24 32 HUZZAH, to give a sh...
hydatoid 22 14 watery [adj]
hydracid 26 17 an oxygen-less acid...
hydrated 22 14 HYDRATE, to combine...
hyphened 25 19 HYPHEN, to connect w...
hypoacid 27 19 having a lower than...
hyracoid 25 16 any member of a genu...
icebound 18 17 surrounded by ice [a...
icefield 20 16 a large ice covered...
iconised 16 13 ICONISE, to venerate...
iconized 19 22 ICONIZE, to venerate...
idlehood 16 13 (archaic) idleness [...
idolised 15 11 IDOLISE, to worship,...
idolized 18 20 IDOLIZE, to worship,...
ignified 17 15 IGNIFY, to burn [v]
illapsed 18 14 ILLAPSE, to glide in...
illiquid 26 21 of assets etc. not e...
imagined 15 15 IMAGINE, to form a m...
imbalmed 19 19 IMBALM, to impregnat...
imbarked 18 19 IMBARK, to enclose i...
imbarred 17 15 IMBAR, (obsolete) to...
imbathed 19 17 IMBATHE, (archaic) t...
imbedded 17 17 IMBED, to plant firm...
imblazed 21 25 IMBLAZE, to adorn wi...
imbodied 17 16 IMBODY, to form into...
imbosked 18 19 IMBOSK, to go deep i...
imbossed 17 15 IMBOSS, to decorate...
imbruted 18 16 IMBRUTE, (archaic) t...
imbursed 18 16 IMBURSE, to put in a...
imitated 15 12 IMITATE, to behave i...
immasked 17 19 IMMASK, (Shakespeare...
immerged 17 17 IMMERGE, to plunge i...
immersed 16 15 IMMERSE, to plunge i...
immeshed 18 17 IMMESH, to entangle,...
immitted 17 15 IMMIT, (obsolete) to...
impacted 20 18 IMPACT, to fix firml...
impaired 17 15 IMPAIR, to make wors...
imparked 18 19 IMPARK, to enclose i...
imparled 18 16 IMPARL, to talk over...
imparted 17 15 IMPART, to communica...
impasted 17 15 IMPASTE, to lay colo...
impawned 19 19 IMPAWN, (archaic) to...
impelled 19 17 IMPEL, to drive forw...
impended 16 17 IMPEND, to be immine...
impinged 18 18 IMPINGE, to collide...
implated 18 16 IMPLATE, to put a co...
impleted 18 16 IMPLETE, (archaic) t...
imploded 18 17 IMPLODE, to collapse...
implored 18 16 IMPLORE, to beg for...
imported 17 15 IMPORT, to bring in...
imposted 17 15 IMPOST, to determine...
improved 19 19 IMPROVE, to make bet...
impugned 18 19 IMPUGN, to attack by...
impulsed 19 17 IMPULSE, to give imp...
inarched 18 15 INARCH, to graft in...
incanted 15 14 INCANT, to utter rit...
incensed 15 14 INCENSE, to make ver...
incented 15 14 INCENT, to provide w...
incepted 18 16 INCEPT, to take into...
inchased 18 15 INCHASE, to place in...
inclined 17 15 INCLINE, to slant [v...
inclosed 17 14 INCLOSE, to surround...
included 18 16 INCLUDE, to take in...
incurred 17 14 INCUR, to bring upon...
incurved 19 18 INCURVE, to curve in...
indarted 13 11 INDART, to dart in,...
indebted 15 14 under an obligation,...
indented 12 12 INDENT, to cut or te...
indicted 17 14 INDICT, to charge wi...
indigoid 15 13 a blue dye [n -S]
indorsed 13 11 INDORSE, to declare...
inducted 17 15 INDUCT, to bring int...
indulged 16 15 INDULGE, to yield to...
inedited 13 11 not published [adj]
infected 18 16 INFECT, to contamina...
infecund 18 18 unfruitful; not prod...
infefted 17 16 INFEFT, in Scots law...
inferred 15 13 INFER, to reach or d...
infested 15 13 INFEST, to invade an...
infilled 18 15 INFILL, to fill in [...
infirmed 17 16 INFIRM, to weaken or...
inflamed 17 17 INFLAME, to set on f...
inflated 16 14 INFLATE, to expand w...
inflexed 22 21 bent inward [adj]
infolded 16 15 INFOLD, to fold inwa...
inforced 18 16 INFORCE, to compel,...
informed 16 16 INFORM, to pass on i...
infrared 15 13 a part of the visibl...
ingested 14 12 INGEST, to take into...
inglobed 17 16 INGLOBE, to form int...
inground 14 14 to fix (something) i...
ingulfed 18 17 INGULF, to swallow u...
inherced 18 15 INHERCE, (Shakespear...
inhooped 16 15 INHOOP, to confine i...
injected 18 22 INJECT, to force liq...
inkstand 14 15 an inkwell [n -S]
inlocked 18 18 INLOCK, to lock up,...
inmeshed 16 15 INMESH, to entangle,...
innerved 14 15 INNERVE, to supply w...
inpoured 15 14 INPOUR, to pour in [...
inputted 16 14 INPUT, to enter data...
inquered 21 20 INQUERE, (Spenser) t...
inquired 22 20 INQUIRE, to ask abou...
inseamed 13 13 INSEAM, to mark as i...
inseemed 13 13 INSEEM, to grease, d...
inserted 13 10 INSERT, to put in [v...
insetted 13 10 INSET, to set in, in...
insisted 14 10 INSIST, to maintain...
insnared 12 11 INSNARE, to trap, al...
insouled 14 12 INSOUL, to infuse wi...
inspired 16 13 INSPIRE, to influenc...
instated 13 10 INSTATE, to install...
insulted 15 12 INSULT, to subject t...
intended 12 12 meant [adj INTENDEDL...
interbed 15 13 to insert between ot...
interned 12 11 INTERN, to confine d...
interred 13 10 INTER, to bury [v]
intitled 15 11 INTITLE, to give a r...
intombed 16 16 INTOMB, to place in...
intorted 13 10 INTORT, to twist inw...
intrepid 16 13 fearless [adj INTREP...
intruded 14 12 INTRUDE, to thrust o...
intuited 14 11 INTUIT, to know with...
inturned 13 12 having an inturn [ad...
intwined 16 14 INTWINE, to weave to...
invecked 19 21 in heraldry, having...
invected 18 17 in heraldry, having...
invented 14 15 INVENT, to devise or...
inversed 15 14 INVERSE, to turn som...
inverted 15 14 INVERT, to turn upsi...
invested 15 14 INVEST, to lay out f...
inviscid 20 17 not viscid [adj]
invoiced 18 17 INVOICE, to bill [v]
involved 18 19 INVOLVE, to implicat...
inwalled 18 15 INWALL, to surround...
inweaved 17 17 INWEAVE, to weave in...
inwicked 21 20 INWICK, to perform a...
inworked 17 17 INWORK, to work in [...
iridised 15 10 IRIDISE, to make iri...
iridized 18 19 IRIDIZE, to make iri...
irisated 14 9 IRISATE, to make iri...
ironclad 17 14 an armored warship [...
ironised 13 10 IRONISE, to satirize...
ironized 16 19 IRONIZE, to satirize...
ironweed 15 13 a tall weed with pur...
ironwood 15 13 a species of Austral...
irrupted 17 13 IRRUPT, to enter for...
islanded 14 12 ISLAND, to set or do...
isolated 14 10 ISOLATE, to set apar...
isthmoid 18 14 pertaining to an ist...
itchweed 22 17 a flower, Indian pok...
itemised 15 12 ITEMISE, to set down...
itemized 18 21 ITEMIZE, to set down...
iterated 13 9 ITERATE, to repeat,...
jabbered 19 24 JABBER, to talk rapi...
jacketed 19 25 JACKET, to provide w...
jacquard 27 31 an apparatus with pe...
jailbird 20 22 an inveterate convic...
jaloused 16 20 JALOUSE, to suspect,...
janneyed 19 22 JANNEY, to act as a...
japanned 15 23 JAPAN, to coat with...
jargoned 15 21 JARGON, to use words...
jawboned 19 25 JAWBONE, to lecture...
jeremiad 16 21 a literary work or s...
jerseyed 21 20 wearing a jersey [ad...
jewelled 20 23 JEWEL, to adorn with...
jibbered 20 24 JIBBER, to utter sen...
jiggered 18 22 JIGGER, to jerk up a...
jigsawed 20 23 JIGSAW, to cut with...
jinkered 16 23 JINKER, to transport...
jittered 16 18 JITTER, to fidget [v...
jockeyed 25 27 JOCKEY, to maneuver...
jodelled 17 21 JODEL, to sing with...
jolthead 18 21 (archaic) a clumsy o...
juddered 16 21 JUDDER, to vibrate,...
jumarred 17 22 JUMAR, to climb usin...
juniored 15 20 JUNIOR, (of a lawyer...
junketed 16 24 JUNKET, to go on suc...
junkyard 23 26 a yard where junk is...
kababbed 20 22 KABAB, to cook on a...
kabobbed 20 22 KABOB, to cook on a...
kailyard 22 16 a kitchen garden, al...
kaleyard 21 16 a cabbage patch, a k...
kashered 16 15 KASHER, to prepare f...
kebabbed 20 22 KEBAB, to skewer, al...
kebobbed 20 22 KEBOB, to skewer, al...
keeshond 15 16 a small, heavy-coate...
kenneled 13 16 KENNEL, to put in a...
keratoid 14 13 resembling horn or k...
kerneled 14 15 KERNEL, to envelop l...
keyboard 22 18 the manually operate...
keynoted 19 16 KEYNOTE, to deliver...
kibitzed 21 25 KIBITZ, to give unwe...
kiboshed 19 18 KIBOSH, to put a sto...
kidnaped 16 18 KIDNAP, to take by f...
kilobaud 18 18 a unit of data trans...
kilopond 17 18 a unit of measuremen...
kimonoed 14 17 wearing a kimono [ad...
kingbird 19 19 a small American bir...
kinghood 17 18 the office of a king...
kingwood 18 19 a hardwood tree [n -...
kippered 19 19 KIPPER, to cure fish...
kirkward 20 20 (Scots) in the direc...
kirkyard 23 19 (Scots) a churchyard...
kittened 14 14 KITTEN, to bear youn...
klaxoned 20 22 KLAXON, to sound a k...
knappled 19 21 KNAPPLE, to break of...
knapweed 18 20 any of several plant...
knighted 18 18 KNIGHT, to confer th...
knobbled 19 21 KNOBBLE, to beat wit...
knobhead 17 19 (slang) a stupid per...
knothead 15 16 a stupid person [n -...
knotweed 16 17 a pernicious weed of...
knubbled 20 22 KNUBBLE, to beat wit...
knuckled 20 23 KNUCKLE, to hit with...
koreroed 13 13 KORERO, to talk, con...
koshered 16 15 KOSHER, to prepare f...
kowtowed 20 19 KOWTOW, to perform a...
kurveyed 23 20 KURVEY, to move good...
kvetched 22 22 KVETCH, (Yiddish) to...
kyanised 20 16 KYANISE, to treat wo...
kyanized 23 25 KYANIZE, to treat wo...
kyboshed 25 20 KYBOSH, to put a sto...
laagered 14 12 LAAGER, to form a de...
labelled 18 15 LABEL, to attach a t...
labiated 16 13 having corollas that...
laboured 16 14 LABOUR, to work, als...
lacertid 18 13 a kind of lizard [n...
lacewood 19 16 the wood of the Amer...
lackered 18 17 LACKER, to coat with...
lackeyed 24 19 LACKEY, to serve in...
lackland 19 19 one who is wanting i...
lactated 17 13 LACTATE, to secrete...
laddered 14 12 LADDER, to cause a r...
ladified 17 14 LADIFY, to make a la...
ladybird 24 16 a small brightly col...
ladyfied 23 16 LADYFY, to make a la...
ladyhood 22 15 the state of being a...
laicised 18 13 LAICISE, to free fro...
laicized 21 22 LAICIZE, to free fro...
lairised 15 10 LAIRISE, to act like...
lairized 18 19 LAIRIZE, to act like...
lakehead 16 16 the shore of a lake...
lakeland 15 16 scenery with lakes [...
lakeward 18 17 facing a lake, also...
lambdoid 18 17 shaped like the lett...
lamented 14 14 LAMENT, to cry out i...
lampyrid 25 18 a glowworm or firefl...
lanceted 16 14 having a lancet [adj...
landlord 15 13 one who owns and ren...
landslid 16 13 LANDSLIDE, to win an...
landward 17 15 towards the land [ad...
landwind 17 16 a wind blowing off t...
langered 14 13 (colloquial) extreme...
lapboard 18 16 a board used on the...
lapelled 18 15 having a lapel [adj]
lappered 18 16 LAPPER, (Scots) to c...
lappeted 18 16 having a lappet [adj...
larboard 16 13 the left-hand side o...
largened 14 13 LARGEN, to enlarge,...
lariated 14 10 LARIAT, to catch wit...
larruped 17 14 LARRUP, to flog or t...
larvated 16 14 masked, also LARVATE...
latewood 16 13 the wood formed in t...
lathered 16 12 LATHER, to cover wit...
latticed 18 13 LATTICE, to form a n...
launched 19 17 LAUNCH, to set in mo...
laureled 15 12 LAUREL, to crown wit...
laveered 15 14 LAVEER, (archaic) to...
lavished 19 16 LAVISH, to give gene...
lavolted 17 15 LAVOLT, to dance wit...
lawyered 23 15 LAWYER, to work as a...
leadened 12 12 LEADEN, to make lead...
leafmold 18 17 mould from decayed l...
leasowed 16 13 LEASOW, to pasture,...
leavened 14 15 LEAVEN, to produce f...
lechered 19 15 LECHER, to lust [v]
lectured 18 14 LECTURE, to expound...
ledgered 15 13 LEDGER, to fish with...
leeboard 15 13 a board attached to...
leftward 20 16 on the left, also LE...
legioned 14 13 set out in legions [...
leisured 15 11 LEISURE, to have rec...
lemuroid 16 14 like a lemur [adj] /...
lenified 16 14 LENIFY, (archaic) to...
lesioned 13 11 LESION, to cause les...
lessened 13 11 LESSEN, to make or b...
lessoned 13 11 LESSON, to teach a l...
lettered 14 10 LETTER, to inscribe...
levanted 15 15 LEVANT, to run away...
levelled 18 16 LEVEL, to make even...
libelled 19 15 LIBEL, to make a def...
librated 17 13 LIBRATE, to oscillat...
licenced 20 17 LICENCE, to issue or...
licensed 17 14 LICENSE, to issue or...
lichened 19 16 LICHEN, to cover wit...
lifehold 20 16 of land, held by a l...
liguloid 18 14 like a ligule, a thi...
limbered 18 16 LIMBER, to make supp...
limnaeid 15 14 a member of the fami...
limuloid 18 15 a member of the king...
lineated 13 11 marked with lines, a...
linebred 16 14 produced by breeding...
lingered 15 13 LINGER, to delay dep...
linished 17 13 LINISH, to give a sm...
linteled 15 12 having a lintel, als...
lintseed 14 11 a lint or flax seed...
lionhead 15 13 a small long-tailed...
lionised 14 11 LIONISE, to treat as...
lionized 17 20 LIONIZE, to treat as...
lippened 18 17 LIPPEN, (Scots) to t...
lippered 19 16 LIPPER, to ripple [v...
liquated 23 20 LIQUATE, to separate...
liquored 23 20 LIQUOR, to intoxicat...
lispound 17 15 a varying weight, 12...
listened 14 11 LISTEN, to try to he...
littered 15 10 LITTER, to scatter r...
livelood 17 15 (Spenser) livelihood...
liveried 17 14 attired in livery [a...
loadened 12 12 LOADEN, (archaic) to...
loanword 16 14 a word taken from an...
locoweed 19 16 astragalus or other...
locusted 18 14 LOCUST, to lay waste...
logboard 17 15 a hinged board conta...
loitered 14 10 LOITER, to stand idl...
lolloped 18 15 LOLLOP, to lounge, a...
longhand 16 16 ordinary handwriting...
longhead 16 15 a person having a lo...
loosened 12 11 LOOSEN, to make less...
loppered 18 16 LOPPER, (Scots) to c...
lopsided 17 14 leaning to one side...
loudened 13 13 LOUDEN, to increase...
louvered 16 15 having louvers, slop...
lovebird 19 17 a small bird popular...
lozenged 17 22 divided into lozenge...
lumbered 18 17 LUMBER, to move heav...
lunkhead 17 18 a stupid person, als...
lustered 15 11 LUSTER, to make lust...
lycaenid 23 16 any member of the Ly...
lycopsid 27 18 a type of clubmoss [...
lymphoid 27 20 of or resembling lym...
lyrebird 24 15 an Australian bird,...
machined 19 18 MACHINE, to process...
macropod 19 18 an animal of the mar...
maddened 13 15 MADDEN, to make or b...
madefied 16 16 MADEFY, (archaic) to...
magicked 20 21 MAGIC, to work spell...
maidhood 16 15 the state of being a...
mainland 14 15 a principal land mas...
mainyard 20 15 the lower yard on th...
makutued 16 18 MAKUTU, to cast a sp...
maligned 16 16 MALIGN, to speak evi...
malposed 17 16 being in the wrong p...
mammered 16 18 MAMMER, (Shakespeare...
manacled 17 17 MANACLE, to handcuff...
manatoid 13 13 relating to a manate...
mandated 13 14 MANDATE, to issue wi...
manifold 17 17 many in number, also...
mannered 12 14 having a certain man...
manyfold 23 19 many in number, also...
marauded 14 14 MARAUD, to wander in...
margined 15 15 MARGIN, to provide w...
marigold 17 15 a composite plant of...
marketed 15 16 MARKET, to offer for...
marooned 12 13 MAROON, to abandon i...
marrowed 17 15 MARROW, to be a mate...
martyred 21 14 MARTYR, to put someo...
marveled 17 17 MARVEL, to be filled...
marvered 16 16 MARVER, to roll glas...
massaged 15 14 MASSAGE, to knead or...
mastered 14 12 MASTER, to become sk...
masthead 16 14 the head of a mast [...
mattered 14 12 MATTER, to be of imp...
maulgred 17 16 MAULGRE, to show spi...
mawbound 19 20 constipated by impac...
maximand 21 23 something that is to...
measured 14 13 MEASURE, to compare...
meathead 15 14 (US slang) a stupid...
medalled 16 15 MEDAL, to honour wit...
mediated 14 13 MEDIATE, to act as a...
medicaid 18 16 a type of government...
medusoid 15 14 a jellyfish, also ME...
meekened 13 17 MEEKEN, to make meek...
melanoid 14 14 suffering from melan...
mellowed 19 17 MELLOW, to make matu...
membered 17 18 having limbs [adj]
mentored 13 13 MENTOR, to serve as...
merchild 22 18 a fish with the body...
meseemed 14 15 MESEEMS, it seems to...
messaged 15 14 MESSAGE, to send a c...
metalled 16 14 METAL, to cover with...
metewand 16 16 a measuring rod, als...
meteyard 20 14 a measuring rod, als...
mickeyed 25 21 MICKEY, to drug a dr...
midfield 19 17 the middle of a play...
midsized 19 22 medium [adj]
midwifed 21 19 MIDWIFE, to assist a...
midwived 21 20 MIDWIVE, to assist a...
migrated 16 14 MIGRATE, to move fro...
mildened 15 15 MILDEN, to make mild...
mildewed 19 17 MILDEW, to grow a wh...
milkmaid 19 20 a woman who milks co...
milkshed 20 19 a region supplying m...
milkweed 20 20 a plant that secrete...
milkwood 20 20 any of various trees...
milleped 19 17 a multi-legged arthr...
millhand 19 17 a worker in a mill [...
milliard 18 14 (French) a thousand...
milliped 20 17 a myriapod with many...
millpond 19 18 a pool formed by dam...
millrind 18 15 an iron support fitt...
mimicked 21 22 MIMIC, to imitate [v...
miniated 14 13 MINIATE, to decorate...
minified 17 16 MINIFY, to diminish,...
minished 17 15 MINISH, (archaic) to...
minueted 14 14 MINUET, to dance a m...
mirrored 15 12 MIRROR, to reflect a...
misacted 18 15 MISACT, to act badly...
misadded 15 14 MISADD, to add incor...
misaimed 16 15 MISAIM, to aim badly...
misaward 18 15 to award wrongly [v...
misbound 17 17 MISBIND, to bind imp...
misbrand 17 16 to brand incorrectly...
misbuild 20 17 to build imperfectly...
miscited 19 15 MISCITE, to cite wro...
miscoded 18 16 MISCODE, to code wro...
miscreed 18 15 a false creed [n -S]
misdated 15 13 MISDATE, to date inc...
misdread 15 13 (Shakespeare) to fea...
misfared 17 15 MISFARE, to fare bad...
misfield 19 16 to field badly [v -E...
misfiled 19 16 MISFILE, to file in...
misfired 18 15 MISFIRE, to fail to...
misheard 17 14 MISHEAR, to hear inc...
miskeyed 22 18 MISKEY, to key in da...
misliked 18 17 MISLIKE, (archaic) t...
mislived 19 17 MISLIVE, to live a b...
mismated 16 15 MISMATE, to mate uns...
mismoved 18 19 MISMOVE, to move wro...
misnamed 15 16 MISNAME, to call by...
mispaged 18 17 MISPAGE, to page inc...
misplead 18 16 to plead wrongly or...
misproud 18 16 (archaic) unduly pro...
misrated 15 12 MISRATE, to rate inc...
misruled 17 14 MISRULE, to rule unw...
misshood 17 14 the state of being a...
missound 15 14 to sound wrongly [v...
misspend 17 16 to spend unwisely [v...
mistered 15 12 MISTER, to address a...