12 letter words that end with C

12 letter words that end with C

12 letter C word


Words With Friends®


absolutistic 28 20 relating to absoluti...
achlorhydric 39 26 relating to achlorhy...
acrophonetic 29 24 relating to acrophon...
actinometric 27 22 relating to actinome...
aeromagnetic 23 21 relating to study of...
aeromechanic 27 24 an aircraft mechanic...
agamogenetic 24 23 reproducing by agamo...
agrostologic 26 20 relating to agrostol...
ailurophilic 31 23 loving cats, also AI...
ailurophobic 31 25 having a morbid fear...
alexipharmic 36 31 acting as an antidot...
alkalimetric 28 24 relating to alkalime...
allelopathic 30 23 relating to allelopa...
alphanumeric 29 26 of data, consisting...
aminobenzoic 27 32 as in aminobenzoic a...
amperometric 27 24 relating to a chemic...
amphiblastic 33 27 of animal ova, showi...
amphibrachic 37 31 of or like an amphib...
amphictyonic 38 29 applied to the ancie...
amphisbaenic 30 27 of or like an amphis...
anabaptistic 27 22 relating to anabapti...
anacathartic 27 21 a drug causing vomit...
anaerobiotic 23 19 living in the absenc...
anagrammatic 25 24 like an anagram, als...
analphabetic 29 25 one who is unable to...
anaphylactic 37 27 of, relating to, aff...
anastigmatic 25 21 free from astigmatis...
androcentric 25 21 revolving around men...
androgenetic 22 20 relating to androgen...
anemographic 28 26 relating to an anemo...
anencephalic 29 26 lacking a brain [adj...
aneurismatic 24 20 of or like an aneuri...
aneurysmatic 30 22 of or like an aneury...
angiographic 29 25 relating to angiogra...
anglophobiac 30 27 one who suffers from...
anisomorphic 28 24 differing in the sem...
anorexigenic 28 26 promoting or causing...
anorthositic 25 18 of or like anorthosi...
antagonistic 23 19 marked by or resulti...
antarthritic 26 18 used against arthrit...
antasthmatic 26 21 an agent that counte...
anthelmintic 27 23 destroying or expell...
antiacademic 26 23 opposed to things ac...
anticatholic 29 22 opposed to the Catho...
anticyclonic 36 26 relating to an antic...
antidiabetic 25 20 a drug which acts ag...
antidiuretic 24 18 a drug inhibiting th...
antidogmatic 25 22 opposed to dogma [ad...
antieconomic 25 23 opposed to the econo...
antientropic 24 20 working to counter t...
antihysteric 32 20 a remedy for hysteri...
antileukemic 26 25 counteracting the ef...
antimagnetic 24 22 having a balance uni...
antimnemonic 23 24 tending to weaken th...
antipathetic 27 21 related to antipathy...
antiperiodic 25 20 destroying the perio...
antiphrastic 28 21 involving antiphrasi...
antipruritic 27 20 alleviating itching...
antirachitic 29 21 preventive of ricket...
antiromantic 23 20 one who opposes roma...
antistrophic 28 21 relating to antistro...
antitheistic 26 18 opposed to theism [a...
antonomastic 22 20 relating to antonoma...
aortographic 28 22 relating to an aorto...
apochromatic 31 26 free from chromatic...
apogeotropic 27 23 bending up or away f...
apothegmatic 29 25 of or like an apothe...
archipelagic 33 26 of, relating to, or...
archiplasmic 34 27 relating to archipla...
archoplasmic 33 27 relating to archopla...
aristocratic 27 18 belonging to an aris...
arthroscopic 31 23 relating to arthrosc...
arthrosporic 28 20 of or like an arthro...
asymptomatic 34 26 having, displaying o...
autocephalic 31 25 of a bishop, indepen...
autochthonic 30 24 indigenous, aborigin...
autodidactic 27 21 self-taught [adj]
autohypnotic 33 24 relating to autohypn...
avitaminotic 26 23 relating to avitamin...
axisymmetric 39 30 symmetrical in respe...
bathochromic 34 28 denoting or relating...
bathygraphic 40 29 of or relating to th...
bathypelagic 38 28 found in the depths...
belletristic 29 20 relating to belles-l...
bibliomaniac 29 26 one suffering from b...
bibliophilic 36 28 loving books [adj]
biocatalytic 36 24 of or like a biocata...
bioenergetic 25 21 relating to bioenerg...
biosynthetic 34 23 relating to biosynth...
blastocoelic 30 23 of or like a blastoc...
blastodermic 28 23 of or like a blastod...
bradycardiac 35 25 having an abnormally...
bronchogenic 30 27 of, relating to, or...
bureaucratic 29 23 of, relating to, or...
caenogenetic 24 22 relating to caenogen...
cainogenetic 25 22 relating to cainogen...
calligraphic 35 27 relating to calligra...
callisthenic 31 23 relating to callisth...
calorimetric 29 22 relating to calorime...
capitalistic 31 22 relating to capitali...
carcinogenic 29 25 causing or tending t...
cartographic 32 25 relating to cartogra...
catachrestic 32 23 relating to catachre...
catadioptric 29 22 relating to or emplo...
cataphoretic 30 23 relating to cataphor...
cataphractic 34 26 of or like a cataphr...
catastrophic 31 23 of the nature of a c...
cellulolytic 38 25 hydrolyzing or havin...
centralistic 28 20 relating to centrali...
cephalopodic 33 28 of or like a cephalo...
cerebrotonic 27 22 someone with a perso...
chalazogamic 34 35 relating to chalazog...
chalcolithic 37 27 of or relating to a...
chauvinistic 32 26 relating to chauvini...
chemiosmotic 31 26 relating to a hypoth...
chemospheric 34 28 relating to the chem...
chirographic 35 27 relating to handwrit...
chiropractic 35 26 the diagnosis and ma...
chlorimetric 32 24 relating to chlorime...
chloroacetic 32 24 an acid made by chlo...
chlorometric 31 24 relating to chlorome...
chordophonic 32 27 of or like a chordop...
choregraphic 34 27 relating to choregra...
chorographic 34 27 relating to chorogra...
chrematistic 31 23 pertaining to busine...
chromophilic 36 29 staining heavily in...
chromophoric 34 28 of or like a chromop...
chronometric 29 24 relating to chronome...
chronoscopic 33 27 of or like a chronos...
chymotryptic 46 30 relating to chymotry...
cladogenetic 27 23 relating to cladogen...
classicistic 33 22 relating to classici...
clavieristic 31 23 relating to a clavie...
cleistogamic 30 24 relating to cleistog...
cleptomaniac 29 26 a person having an o...
climatologic 31 25 relating to climatol...
coelacanthic 31 25 (jocular) old but wo...
coenesthetic 27 21 relating to coenesth...
colorimetric 29 22 relating to colorime...
compatriotic 30 24 of or like a compatr...
coprophiliac 34 27 one suffering from c...
cosmographic 33 28 relating to cosmogra...
cosmoplastic 31 25 moulding or shaping...
cosmopolitic 31 25 relating to cosmopol...
councilmanic 31 28 relating to a counci...
craniometric 27 22 relating to craniome...
criminogenic 28 25 causing crime [adj]
criminologic 30 25 relating to criminol...
cryptomnesic 36 27 relating ot cryptomn...
cryptophytic 47 30 like a cryptophyte,...
crystallitic 37 22 of or like crystalli...
cyanogenetic 31 24 capable of producing...
cyclographic 43 31 relating to a cyclog...
cyclothymiac 47 31 one suffering from c...
decasyllabic 37 26 consisting of 10 syl...
dermatologic 26 22 relating to dermatol...
deuteranopic 24 21 relating to deuteran...
deutoplasmic 28 24 of or like deutoplas...
deutoplastic 27 21 of or like deutoplas...
diabetogenic 25 22 producing diabetes [...
diageotropic 26 21 tending to grow at r...
diagrammatic 27 24 of or like a diagram...
dicarboxylic 43 32 containing two carbo...
dichroscopic 35 27 relating to a dichro...
diencephalic 31 26 relating to the dien...
dilatometric 26 20 relating to measurem...
diphtheritic 32 23 relating to diphther...
diplobiontic 29 24 of or like a diplobi...
diploblastic 31 24 having ectoderm and...
diplocardiac 30 24 of birds and mammals...
discographic 33 26 relating to discogra...
dissymmetric 34 24 relating to dissymme...
ditriglyphic 39 26 of or like a ditrigl...
dittographic 30 23 relating to dittogra...
dodecaphonic 29 26 of music, twelve-ton...
dopaminergic 27 25 liberating, activate...
dynamometric 31 25 relating to a dynamo...
dysaesthetic 32 20 relating to dysaesth...
dysphemistic 37 26 relating to dysphemi...
ecclesiastic 31 22 relating to the chur...
eisteddfodic 26 21 (Welsh) of or like a...
electrogenic 27 22 of or relating to th...
electrolytic 35 22 of or relating to el...
electromeric 28 22 of or like an electr...
electrotonic 26 20 of, induced by, rela...
electrotypic 36 24 relating to printing...
empyreumatic 34 27 relating to empyreum...
enantiomeric 22 20 of or like an enanti...
encephalitic 31 25 relating to encephal...
encyclopedic 38 29 of or relating to an...
endocarditic 26 21 relating to endocard...
enhypostatic 33 23 of or like enhyposta...
enterocoelic 25 20 of or like an entero...
enthusiastic 26 19 filled with or marke...
enthymematic 33 26 of or like an enthym...
eosinophilic 28 22 staining readily wit...
epanorthotic 26 21 relating to epanorth...
epencephalic 32 28 relating to the epen...
epigrammatic 29 26 of, relating to, or...
epirogenetic 25 21 relating to epirogen...
epirrhematic 29 23 of or like an epirrh...
erythrocytic 42 24 of or like an erythr...
eschatologic 30 23 relating to eschatol...
etepimeletic 27 22 of a type of social...
etheromaniac 24 21 one addicted to taki...
ethnocentric 27 22 characterized by or...
ethnographic 30 25 related to ethnograp...
eudemonistic 24 21 relating to eudemoni...
euhemeristic 27 21 relating to euhemeri...
evangelistic 27 23 relating to evangeli...
exanthematic 31 28 of or like an exanth...
exoparasitic 31 25 of or like an exopar...
exophthalmic 38 33 pertaining to or mar...
extrahepatic 33 27 situated or originat...
factualistic 31 23 factual [adj]
federalistic 27 20 related to federalis...
fibrinogenic 28 25 of or like a fibrino...
fibrinolytic 36 25 relating to fibrinol...
fibroblastic 32 25 of or like a fibrobl...
flexographic 38 33 relating to flexogra...
fluorimetric 29 23 relating to fluorome...
fluorometric 28 23 relating to fluorome...
fluoroscopic 32 26 of or like a fluoros...
folkloristic 30 24 relating to folklore...
galactosemic 29 24 relating to galactos...
gametophoric 29 25 of or like a gametop...
gametophytic 36 27 of or like a gametop...
gastroscopic 30 23 relating to the gast...
geostrategic 25 19 related to geostrate...
gerontologic 25 21 relating to gerontol...
glycogenetic 35 26 of or containing gly...
gonadotropic 25 22 stimulating the gona...
gradualistic 27 20 relating to graduali...
granulocytic 35 25 of or like a granulo...
gynaecologic 34 26 relating to gynaecol...
gynecocratic 36 26 relating to gynecocr...
gyromagnetic 32 25 denoting the magneti...
haematogenic 25 23 relating to haematog...
haematologic 27 23 relating to haematol...
haematoxylic 39 30 of or like haematoxy...
haemodynamic 32 27 of or relating to bl...
haemophiliac 31 26 one suffering from h...
haemopoietic 27 23 relating to haemopoi...
haemorrhagic 29 24 relating to haemorrh...
hagiographic 32 26 relating to hagiogra...
haplobiontic 30 25 of or like a haplobi...
hebephreniac 30 26 one suffering from h...
hectographic 34 27 relating to a hectog...
heliocentric 29 22 referred to or measu...
heliochromic 33 26 like a heliochrome,...
heliographic 32 25 relating to heliogra...
henotheistic 27 20 relating to henothei...
herpetologic 29 23 relating to herpetol...
heteroclitic 30 21 irregularly inflecte...
heterocyclic 39 26 a ring composed of a...
heterotactic 28 20 abnormally arranged...
hexacosanoic 32 28 as in hexacosanoic a...
hexadactylic 42 31 having six fingers,...
hexadecanoic 32 29 as in hexadecanoic a...
hieroglyphic 39 27 relating to hierogly...
hierographic 31 24 related to sacred wr...
hierophantic 29 23 of or like a hieroph...
hippopotamic 33 29 like a hippopotamus,...
histogenetic 26 20 relating to histogen...
holophrastic 31 23 of or like a holophr...
homeomorphic 31 28 relating to homeomor...
homeothermic 29 25 keeping the same tem...
homoeopathic 29 25 related to homoeopat...
homoeostatic 25 20 relating to homoeost...
hyaloplasmic 37 27 of or like hyaloplas...
hydrochloric 39 26 applied to an acid c...
hydrodynamic 39 27 of, relating to, or...
hydroelastic 33 21 as in hydroelastic s...
hydrofluoric 36 25 as in hydrofluoric a...
hydrographic 38 27 relating to hydrogra...
hydrokinetic 33 25 of or relating to th...
hydromorphic 38 28 developed in the pre...
hydrospheric 37 25 relating to the hydr...
hyetographic 37 26 relating to the meas...
hygrochastic 39 26 showing hygrochasy,...
hygrographic 39 28 relating to the meas...
hypaesthesic 36 24 suffering from hypae...
hyperalgesic 36 25 relating to hyperalg...
hyperendemic 34 27 extremely endemic [a...
hyperkinetic 35 27 of, relating to, or...
hyperlipemic 39 29 relating to hyperlip...
hyperostotic 34 22 relating to hyperost...
hyperplastic 38 26 relating to hyperpla...
hyperpyretic 43 27 suffering from hyper...
hypersthenic 36 25 of or like hypersthe...
hyperthermic 38 27 relating to hyperthe...
hypertrophic 39 27 grown to an abnormal...
hypnogenetic 33 26 relating to the prod...
hypocalcemic 42 32 relating to hypocalc...
hypocoristic 38 25 of or like hypocoris...
hypoeutectic 37 26 of a compound, conta...
hypoglycemic 47 33 having low blood-sug...
hypothalamic 38 28 of or relating to th...
hypsochromic 41 30 relating to a hypsoc...
hypsographic 40 29 relating to hypsogra...
hysterogenic 32 22 causing hysteria [ad...
ichnographic 34 28 relating to the ichn...
ichthyolitic 40 25 of or like an ichthy...
ichthyologic 40 27 relating to ichthyol...
iconoclastic 30 23 like an iconoclast [...
iconographic 31 26 of or relating to ic...
idiorhythmic 37 25 self-regulating; all...
indoleacetic 26 21 as in indoleacetic a...
interallelic 26 19 taking place between...
intergeneric 23 19 existing, occurring,...
intermitotic 25 19 occurring or existin...
interoceanic 24 20 between oceans, also...
interpsychic 38 26 between psyches [adj...
intertraffic 28 22 (obsolete) traffic b...
intervocalic 29 24 immediately preceded...
intracardiac 26 20 situated or occurrin...
intrapsychic 38 26 being or occurring w...
isoantigenic 23 19 relating to an isoan...
isochromatic 30 23 having the same colo...
isodiametric 25 19 of equal diameters;...
isodimorphic 30 24 showing isodimorphis...
isoenzymatic 33 30 of or like an isoenz...
journalistic 27 27 of, relating to, or...
kainogenetic 23 23 relating to kainogen...
karyokinetic 31 26 relating to karyokin...
karyoplasmic 35 28 of or like karyoplas...
kinaesthetic 26 22 relating to kinaesth...
kinesipathic 29 25 relating to kinesiat...
kleptocratic 31 26 of or like a kleptoc...
kleptomaniac 27 27 a person having an o...
lamprophyric 39 29 of or like lamprophy...
laparoscopic 31 25 relating to laparosc...
laryngologic 33 24 relating to laryngol...
legitimistic 29 21 relating to legitimi...
leptosomatic 27 22 like a leptosome, of...
leucocytotic 37 25 related to leucocyto...
leucopoietic 29 23 relating to leucopoi...
leukemogenic 26 27 relating to leukemog...
leukocytotic 35 26 relating to leukocyt...
leukopoietic 27 24 relating to leukopoi...
liberalistic 29 20 relating to liberali...
literalistic 27 17 relating to literali...
lithographic 33 25 relating to lithogra...
lithospheric 32 23 relating to the lith...
lithotriptic 31 21 a medicine for disso...
logodaedalic 25 21 skilled in the manip...
luteotrophic 29 22 acting on the corpor...
lycanthropic 38 27 related to lycanthro...
lymphangitic 38 29 relating to lymphang...
macrographic 33 28 of or like a macrogr...
madreporitic 27 22 of or like madrepori...
mammographic 32 31 relating to mammogra...
martyrologic 33 23 relating to martyrol...
megacephalic 33 29 having an unusually...
megalomaniac 25 25 one suffering from m...
melancholiac 30 26 one suffering from m...
melanochroic 29 25 belonging to the mel...
melodramatic 26 23 of, relating to, or...
meristematic 26 21 of or like a meriste...
meritocratic 28 21 relating to meritocr...
mesenteronic 22 20 relating to the mese...
mesocephalic 32 27 having a medium-size...
mesothoracic 29 23 of or relating to th...
metabotropic 28 24 describing a neurotr...
metagalactic 29 24 relating to a metaga...
metallogenic 26 23 of an element, occur...
metaperiodic 26 22 as in metaperiodic a...
metaphrastic 29 23 related to metaphras...
metathoracic 29 23 relating to the meta...
metatungstic 26 22 as in metatungstic a...
meteorologic 25 21 relating to meteorol...
metoposcopic 31 27 relating to metoposc...
micrographic 34 28 relating to microgra...
microseismic 30 24 relating to a micros...
microtechnic 33 27 any of various metho...
militaristic 28 19 relating to militari...
minimalistic 28 23 (of an artistic styl...
misanthropic 29 24 of, relating to, or...
miscegenetic 28 24 relating to miscegen...
misogynistic 33 23 hating women, also M...
mixobarbaric 35 31 part barbaric, part...
mnemotechnic 29 28 a mnemonic [n]
monarchistic 30 24 relating to monarchi...
monodramatic 24 23 of or like a monodra...
monogamistic 26 24 relating to monogamy...
monogenistic 24 22 relating to monogeni...
monometallic 26 24 of or relating to mo...
monophyletic 35 27 derived from a singl...
monophysitic 35 26 of or like a monophy...
monopolistic 27 23 relating to monopoli...
monospecific 31 28 specific for a singl...
monostrophic 28 24 having the same stro...
monosyllabic 34 26 consisting of one sy...
monosynaptic 31 25 having or involving...
monothalamic 27 25 of fruit, formed fro...
monotheistic 26 21 relating to monothei...
monotheletic 26 22 like a monothelete,...
morphometric 30 26 relating to morphome...
morphotropic 31 26 relating to morphotr...
multicentric 30 24 having or proceeding...
myeloblastic 35 25 of or like a myelobl...
myrmecologic 37 29 relating to myrmecol...
narcissistic 28 19 relating to narcissi...
naturalistic 25 18 of, characterized by...
naturopathic 27 22 relating to naturopa...
necrophiliac 31 25 one who practises ne...
necrotrophic 30 24 of or like a necrotr...
negativistic 27 22 relating to negativi...
nematocystic 33 24 of or like a nematoc...
neoanthropic 25 22 of, relating to, or...
neorealistic 23 17 relating to neoreali...
nephelinitic 28 23 relating to nephelin...
nephropathic 31 26 relating to nephropa...
neurasthenic 24 20 one suffering from n...
neurotrophic 27 22 relating to the nutr...
neutralistic 25 18 relating to neutrali...
neutrophilic 29 23 of leukophytes, easi...
nominalistic 25 21 relating to nominali...
nonadiabatic 23 21 not adiabatic [adj]
nonaesthetic 23 19 not aesthetic [adj]
nonalcoholic 28 24 not alcoholic [adj]
nonantigenic 21 21 not antigenic [adj]
nonautomatic 22 21 not automatic [adj]
nonenzymatic 31 32 not enzymatic [adj]
nonhemolytic 32 25 not hemolytic, also...
nonmetameric 23 23 not metameric [adj]
nonparasitic 24 20 not parasitic [adj]
nonpsychotic 36 27 not psychotic [adj]
nonrealistic 23 18 not realistic [adj]
nonstrategic 23 19 not strategic [adj]
nonsymmetric 31 25 not symmetric, also...
normothermic 27 24 relating to normothe...
nucleophilic 33 27 having an affinity f...
nympholeptic 38 30 relating to nymphole...
nymphomaniac 34 30 one afflicted with n...
ochlophobiac 35 29 one who suffers from...
octastrophic 31 23 consisting of eight...
octosyllabic 37 25 consisting of eight...
oligotrophic 30 23 having a deficiency...
oneirocritic 26 19 one who interprets d...
onomatopoeic 23 22 relating to onomatop...
ophiomorphic 33 28 snakelike, also OPHI...
opisthotonic 27 21 of or like opisthoto...
optoacoustic 28 22 relating to or combi...
organicistic 28 21 related to organicis...
organoleptic 26 22 involving use of the...
ornithologic 27 21 relating to ornithol...
orthogenetic 25 20 pertaining to correc...
orthognathic 28 22 having a lower jaw t...
orthographic 31 24 relating to orthogra...
orthomorphic 31 25 of a map projection,...
orthorhombic 31 25 three mutually perpe...
orthovanadic 26 23 as in orthovanadic a...
osteoblastic 26 19 of or like an osteob...
osteoclastic 27 19 of or like an osteoc...
osteogenetic 22 18 relating to the form...
osteomalacic 27 22 relating to osteomal...
osteoplastic 26 19 relating to osteopla...
osteoporotic 24 18 relating to osteopor...
overdramatic 26 23 excessively dramatic...
overemphatic 30 27 excessively emphatic...
paedogenetic 24 22 relating to paedogen...
paedomorphic 30 27 of, relating to, inv...
paedophiliac 30 25 relating to paedophi...
palaeolithic 29 22 of the earlier Stone...
paleobotanic 26 23 relating to paleobot...
paleographic 31 26 relating to writings...
palingenetic 26 23 relating to palingen...
panchromatic 31 27 of photographic film...
panspermatic 28 25 relating to pansperm...
pantographic 30 26 relating to pantogra...
paradigmatic 28 24 in the form of a par...
paraesthetic 27 20 relating to paraesth...
paralogistic 28 21 of or like paralogis...
paramagnetic 26 24 applied to any subst...
paraperiodic 27 22 as in paraperiodic a...
paraphrastic 30 23 of the nature of a p...
parasynaptic 33 24 of or like a parasyn...
paratungstic 27 22 as in paratungstic a...
parisyllabic 37 25 having the same numb...
paronomastic 25 22 relating to paronoma...
pathogenetic 27 23 producing disease, a...
pericarditic 30 22 relating to pericard...
perineuritic 26 20 relating to perineur...
periphrastic 31 23 of or like periphras...
peristeronic 25 19 of or relating to pi...
peristomatic 27 21 relating to the peri...
peristrephic 31 23 moving round; revolv...
persulphuric 33 26 denoting a type of a...
petrogenetic 25 21 relating to petrogen...
petroglyphic 39 28 of or like a petrogl...
petrographic 31 25 relating to petrogra...
phagocytotic 38 27 relating to phagocyt...
phallocratic 33 25 of or like a phalloc...
phanerogamic 28 26 like a phanerogam, a...
pharmaceutic 32 27 relating to the know...
phenocrystic 37 26 of or like a phenocr...
philharmonic 32 27 fond of music [adj]...
philhellenic 33 26 loving Greece [adj]
phlegmagogic 33 30 a medication that is...
phonocamptic 33 30 reflecting sound, ec...
phonogrammic 30 29 like a phonogram, a...
phonographic 32 28 of or relating to ph...
phosphatidic 33 26 in phosphatidic acid...
phosphaturic 33 26 relating to phosphat...
phosphoritic 33 25 of or like phosphori...
photoactinic 30 24 emitting actinic rad...
photochromic 34 28 changing colour, and...
photodynamic 34 27 of, relating to, or...
photoelastic 28 21 relating to or exhib...
photoglyphic 41 30 of or like a photogl...
photographic 33 27 relating to photogra...
photokinetic 28 25 relating to photokin...
photospheric 32 25 relating to the phot...
photothermic 31 25 of or concerned with...
phototrophic 32 25 relating to phototro...
photovoltaic 30 25 of, relating to, or...
phraseologic 29 23 expressed in formal...
phyllotactic 40 27 of or relating to ph...
phylogenetic 35 26 relating to phylogen...
physiocratic 38 25 of or like a physioc...
physiognomic 36 28 relating to physiogn...
phytogenetic 34 25 relating to phytogen...
phytographic 40 29 relating to phytogeo...
pictographic 35 28 relating to pictogra...
plagiaristic 29 21 relating to plagiari...
plagiotropic 30 24 of a plant, growing...
planispheric 31 25 relating to the plan...
planographic 31 27 relating to planogra...
plastometric 28 22 relating to plastome...
plessimetric 29 22 relating to a plessi...
pluviometric 31 27 relating to pluviome...
polarimetric 28 22 relating to measurem...
polariscopic 32 25 relating to use of t...
polycythemic 46 31 relating to polycyth...
polyhistoric 36 23 relating to polyhist...
polypeptidic 38 28 of or like a polypep...
polyphenolic 37 28 of or like polypheno...
polyphyletic 45 29 descending from more...
polyrhythmic 46 30 relating to polyrhyt...
polysyllabic 44 28 having more than one...
polysynaptic 41 27 involving two or mor...
polytheistic 36 23 relating to polythei...
pornographic 30 26 relating to pornogra...
positivistic 30 22 relating to positivi...
posthypnotic 36 26 taking place after h...
postischemic 33 26 following ischemia,...
postorgasmic 28 23 taking place after o...
postromantic 26 22 a follower of the cu...
postsynaptic 34 24 occurring after syna...
pragmatistic 29 23 relating to pragmati...
preeclamptic 33 28 relating to preeclam...
probouleutic 29 24 for preliminary deli...
proctoscopic 34 27 relating to proctosc...
programmatic 29 26 relating to program...
propaedeutic 27 23 a preliminary study...
propanedioic 26 23 as in propanedioic a...
prophylactic 41 29 guarding against dis...
protomorphic 31 26 primordial; primitiv...
protoplasmic 30 25 of or like protoplas...
protoplastic 29 22 of or like protoplas...
prototrophic 30 23 of bacteria, feeding...
psammophytic 39 31 like a psammophyte,...
psychometric 39 28 relating to psychome...
psychopathic 42 30 relating to psychopa...
psychotropic 40 28 acting on the mind [...
pyelographic 38 28 relating to pyelogra...
pyroelectric 36 24 of, concerned with,...
pyromagnetic 33 26 of or concerned with...
quadraphonic 35 32 of, relating to, or...
quadraplegic 36 32 one suffering from q...
quadriphonic 36 32 of, relating to, or...
quadriplegic 37 32 relating to quadripl...
quadrophonic 35 32 of, relating to, or...
radicalistic 29 20 related to radicalis...
radiesthetic 26 18 relating to radiesth...
radiographic 29 23 relating to radiogra...
radiomimetic 26 22 producing effects si...
recidivistic 31 23 relating to recidivi...
relativistic 28 20 of, relating to, or...
reprographic 31 25 relating to reprogra...
retinoscopic 28 22 relating to retinosc...
retrophiliac 29 21 one who engages in r...
reunionistic 23 18 relating to reunioni...
revivalistic 30 24 relating to revivali...
rhapsodistic 29 21 of the nature of a r...
rhinocerotic 28 21 like a rhinoceros [a...
rhinoplastic 29 22 relating to rhinopla...
rhizogenetic 29 29 producing or growing...
salinometric 25 20 relating to the meas...
sansculottic 28 21 of or like a sanscul...
saprotrophic 30 23 of or like a saprotr...
sarcoplasmic 31 25 relating to sarcopla...
scenographic 31 26 related to scenograp...
schindyletic 37 25 of or like a schindy...
schizocarpic 38 35 of or like a schizoc...
schizophytic 44 36 of or like a schizop...
schizothymic 43 36 designating a schizo...
sclerodermic 29 23 hard-skinned; having...
sclerometric 29 22 pertaining to measur...
scopophiliac 34 27 one who derives sexu...
secretagogic 28 22 of or like a secreta...
secularistic 29 20 relating to seculari...
seismometric 26 21 relating to measurem...
seismonastic 24 19 relating to seismona...
seismoscopic 30 24 pertaining to a seis...
semimetallic 28 23 of the nature of a s...
semimonastic 25 22 having some features...
sensualistic 25 18 relating to sensuali...
separatistic 26 18 relating to separati...
serotonergic 23 18 liberating, activate...
siderophilic 30 22 of or like a siderop...
siderostatic 24 16 of or like a sideros...
skeuomorphic 30 28 of or like a skeuomo...
solidaristic 26 17 relating to solidari...
somaesthetic 26 20 relating to somaesth...
somatotensic 23 19 that which restores...
somatotropic 26 21 promoting bodily gro...
soteriologic 25 18 relating to soteriol...
specialistic 31 22 relating to speciali...
spermaphytic 38 28 of or like a spermap...
spermatozoic 29 30 of or like a spermat...
spermophytic 38 28 of or like a spermap...
spirographic 32 25 relating to a spirog...
stauroscopic 29 22 of or like a stauros...
stenographic 28 23 relating to stenogra...
stereometric 24 18 relating to the meas...
stereophonic 26 21 of, relating to, or...
stereoscopic 28 21 of or relating to st...
stereotactic 26 18 involving or used in...
stereotropic 25 18 relating to stereotr...
stethoscopic 31 23 relating to use of t...
stichometric 31 23 relating to stichome...
stichomythic 40 27 relating to stichomy...
stratocratic 27 18 relating to a strato...
stroboscopic 31 24 of or like a strobos...
stylographic 37 25 relating to stylogra...
subantarctic 29 23 of, relating to, cha...
subapostolic 29 23 of the time just aft...
subclimactic 36 29 like a subclimax, a...
superelastic 27 20 elastic to a very hi...
superorganic 26 22 relating to those as...
superplastic 30 23 capable of plastic d...
surrealistic 26 17 of or relating to su...
synaesthetic 31 20 relating to synaesth...
syncretistic 34 21 relating to syncreti...
syndiotactic 33 22 of a stereospecific...
tacheometric 29 23 relating to tacheome...
tachycardiac 38 26 related to tachycard...
tachygraphic 41 29 relating to tachygra...
technetronic 27 22 shaped or influenced...
technocratic 31 24 of, relating to, or...
technomaniac 27 25 one with an excessiv...
technophobic 34 29 one suffering from t...
telaesthetic 26 18 relating to telaesth...
tensiometric 24 19 relating to measurem...
terephthalic 31 23 derived from or cont...
tetramorphic 29 23 having four forms [a...
tetrastichic 30 20 of or like a tetrast...
thalassaemic 27 21 relating to thalassa...
thallophytic 39 26 of or like a thallop...
thaumaturgic 29 24 relating to the supp...
theanthropic 29 23 having the nature of...
theopathetic 29 22 relating to theopath...
theopneustic 27 22 divinely inspired, a...
thermometric 28 23 relating to the meas...
thermophilic 33 26 of plants etc. requi...
thermoscopic 32 26 indicating, or sensi...
thermostatic 27 20 relating to thermal...
thermotactic 30 23 of or showing thermo...
thermotropic 29 23 bending towards or a...
thigmotactic 32 25 showing thigmotaxis...
thigmotropic 31 25 showing thigmotropis...
thiosulfuric 31 23 as in thiosulfuric a...
thrombocytic 39 28 relating to a thromb...
thrombolytic 37 26 dissolving clots [ad...
thyrotrophic 37 24 exerting or characte...
timbromaniac 27 25 an avid stamp collec...
toxophilitic 36 28 related to archery [...
transoceanic 24 20 lying or dwelling be...
transpacific 31 25 crossing or extendin...
trichocystic 40 25 of or like a trichoc...
trichromatic 31 23 pertaining to or in...
trigrammatic 28 23 relating to a trigra...
trochanteric 28 21 of or like a trochan...
trophobiotic 30 23 relating to trophobi...
trophotactic 31 23 relating to trophota...
trophotropic 30 23 related to trophotro...
tropospheric 30 23 relating to the trop...
trypanosomic 32 24 of or like a trypano...
tsunamigenic 25 23 producing a tsunami...
unapologetic 26 23 not apologetic [adj]
undemocratic 27 24 not democratic [adj]
undiplomatic 28 25 not diplomatic [adj]
unidealistic 25 19 not idealistic [adj]
unscientific 29 24 not scientific [adj]
unsystematic 31 22 not systematic, also...
uranographic 28 24 relating to uranogra...
vexillologic 36 31 relating to vexillol...
viscerotonic 28 23 in psychology, havin...
viscoelastic 30 23 having appreciable a...
vitellogenic 28 24 producing or stimula...
volcanologic 30 27 relating to volcanol...
xanthochroic 36 30 exhibiting xanthochr...
xerodermatic 30 26 relating to xeroderm...
zincographic 35 35 relating to zincogra...
zoospermatic 29 30 of or like a zoosper...
zwitterionic 30 28 of or like a zwitter...
zygodactylic 45 35 having two toes in f...