15 letter words that end with C

15 letter words that end with C

15 letter C word


Words With Friends®


acetylsalicylic 51 31 as in acetylsalicyli...
achondroplastic 36 29 suffering from achon...
allotriomorphic 36 28 crystalline in inter...
anthropocentric 34 28 considering human be...
anthropogenetic 31 27 relating to anthropo...
anthropomorphic 37 32 described or thought...
anthropopsychic 46 34 ascribing to nature...
antiaphrodisiac 32 25 serving to reduce se...
anticholinergic 35 28 blocking nerve impul...
antilogarithmic 34 27 of or like an antilo...
antiperistaltic 32 23 relating to antiperi...
atherosclerotic 34 24 relating to atherosc...
autoschediastic 34 25 impromptu; on the sp...
bibliophilistic 42 31 of or like a bibliop...
boustrophedonic 34 29 having alternate lin...
brachiocephalic 44 35 relating to the arms...
centrosymmetric 40 30 symmetric with respe...
cephalothoracic 41 32 relating to the ceph...
chemautotrophic 39 32 of or like a chemaut...
chorioallantoic 34 26 of or like a chorioa...
chromatographic 40 33 relating to chromato...
chronogrammatic 36 32 of or like a chronog...
cinematographic 37 32 relating to cinemato...
commercialistic 39 31 relating to commerci...
conceptualistic 38 30 relating to conceptu...
conductiometric 36 30 of or relating to th...
contortionistic 31 23 relating to contorti...
crosslinguistic 36 26 of or relating to la...
cytophotometric 43 31 relating to cytophot...
diffractometric 38 31 relating to measurem...
dolichocephalic 43 34 longheaded [adj]
dysmorphophobic 47 37 relating to or affec...
electroacoustic 35 26 relating to electroa...
electroanalytic 38 26 related to electroan...
electrodialytic 40 26 relating to electrod...
electromagnetic 33 28 of, relating to, or...
electrophoretic 36 27 relating to electrop...
eleutherophobic 37 30 suffering from a fea...
encephalopathic 39 33 relating to encephal...
endocrinopathic 34 29 of a disease, due to...
endonucleolytic 38 29 cleaving a nucleotid...
ethnolinguistic 33 26 pertaining to the st...
exhibitionistic 40 31 characterised by exh...
exoerythrocytic 52 34 occurring outside th...
expressionistic 37 29 relating to expressi...
extralinguistic 38 30 lying outside the pr...
feuilletonistic 33 25 related to feuilleto...
functionalistic 35 28 relating to function...
gastroenteritic 29 21 relating to gastroen...
gynandromorphic 40 33 of or like a gynandr...
haemoglobinuric 35 31 relating to the pres...
hendecasyllabic 43 32 of a line of verse,...
heterochromatic 36 28 pertaining to or hav...
heteroscedastic 33 24 of several distribut...
histopathologic 37 28 relating to histopat...
historiographic 37 27 relating to historio...
hypercatalectic 46 32 having an additional...
hystricomorphic 47 33 belonging to the rod...
impressionistic 33 25 relating to impressi...
indeterministic 30 24 relating to indeterm...
individualistic 34 27 of or like an indivi...
interelectronic 31 24 operating between el...
interferometric 31 25 relating to interfer...
interscholastic 35 25 existing or carried...
irrationalistic 30 20 relating to irration...
kinematographic 35 33 relating to kinemato...
lignocellulosic 37 29 of or like lignocell...
magnetoelectric 33 28 relating to or chara...
microaerophilic 38 30 of or like a microae...
microelectronic 36 29 relating to microele...
micrometeoritic 34 27 of or like a microme...
micropegmatitic 38 32 relating to micropeg...
nemathelminthic 35 31 of or like a nemathe...
neurolinguistic 31 25 relating to neurolin...
neuropathologic 33 28 relating to neuropat...
neuroscientific 33 27 relating to neurosci...
nonantagonistic 26 24 not antagonistic [ad...
nonaristocratic 30 23 not aristocratic [ad...
noncarcinogenic 32 30 not carcinogenic [ad...
nonphotographic 36 32 not photographic [ad...
nonrelativistic 31 25 not based on or invo...
nucleoplasmatic 36 31 relating to nucleopl...
nucleosynthetic 40 29 relating to nucleosy...
ophthalmoscopic 42 35 relating to ophthalm...
orthophosphoric 39 30 phosphoric [adj]
overpessimistic 35 28 excessively pessimis...
palaeoanthropic 33 28 of or relating to th...
paleogeographic 36 31 relating to paleogeo...
paraheliotropic 35 27 turning edgewise to...
parasympathetic 42 31 designating part of...
parthenogenetic 31 27 reproducing by parth...
particularistic 37 26 relating to particul...
perfectionistic 36 28 relating to perfecti...
perissodactylic 42 28 of or like a perisso...
perissosyllabic 42 28 having an additional...
peroxysulphuric 50 38 as in peroxysulphuri...
pharmacodynamic 43 36 pertaining to action...
pharmacogenomic 37 35 relating to pharmaco...
pharmacognostic 37 32 relating to pharmaco...
pharmacokinetic 37 34 relating to pharmaco...
phenomenalistic 33 29 relating to phenomen...
phenylketonuric 40 33 suffering from pheny...
phonautographic 37 32 relating to a phonau...
photoelectronic 35 28 relating to photoele...
photogrammetric 36 31 relating to measurem...
phytogeographic 45 34 relating to phytogeo...
phytopathogenic 43 33 of or like a phytopa...
phytoplanktonic 42 35 relating to phytopla...
platyhelminthic 45 33 of or like a platyhe...
postapocalyptic 45 33 taking place after a...
posthemorrhagic 37 30 taking place after a...
progressivistic 36 27 relating to progress...
pseudepigraphic 39 33 relating to pseudepi...
psychogeriatric 44 30 relating to the stud...
psychosomimetic 45 34 of drugs such as LSD...
psychotomimetic 45 34 of drugs such as LSD...
radiotelemetric 30 23 relating to radiotel...
radiotelephonic 32 26 relating to the radi...
roentgenoscopic 32 28 relating to use of t...
sadomasochistic 35 27 relating to sadomaso...
schizophrenetic 41 38 suffering from schiz...
semilogarithmic 36 29 having one scale log...
sociolinguistic 35 26 of or relating to th...
spermatoblastic 35 28 of or like a spermat...
spermatogenetic 31 27 relating to spermato...
staphyloplastic 44 30 relating to staphylo...
stereoisometric 29 21 related to stereoiso...
stoicheiometric 35 26 relating to stoechio...
sympathomimetic 43 34 simulating sympathet...
symptomatologic 41 32 relating to symptoma...
thalassographic 37 28 relating to thalasso...
thanatognomonic 29 28 indicating or charac...
trichloroacetic 38 27 as in trichloroaceti...
ultrademocratic 34 27 extremely democratic...
ventriloquistic 41 34 relating to ventrilo...
xylotypographic 56 40 relating to, or prin...