11 letter words that end with C

11 letter words that end with C

11 letter C word


Words With Friends®


abiogenetic 23 20 relating to abiogene...
abiotrophic 28 22 relating to abiotrop...
acatalectic 28 21 having a complete or...
acataleptic 27 21 a person who suspend...
achondritic 27 21 of or like an achond...
acidimetric 27 21 relating to acidimet...
acidophilic 31 24 easily stained by ac...
acrocentric 27 21 a rod-shaped chromos...
acromegalic 27 23 relating to acromega...
adaptogenic 23 21 acting to normalize...
adiathermic 25 20 impervious to radian...
aeolotropic 23 18 having different phy...
aerodynamic 27 21 relating to aerodyna...
aeroelastic 21 15 able to be deformed...
agoraphobic 28 24 one with a morbid fe...
albuminuric 27 24 relating to albuminu...
alchemistic 30 23 relating to an alche...
algolagniac 24 21 one who suffers from...
algorithmic 28 22 relating to an algor...
allographic 29 23 relating to an allog...
allomorphic 29 24 of or like an allomo...
alloplasmic 28 23 relating to the allo...
alloplastic 27 20 affected by or affec...
amenorrheic 23 20 suffering from ameno...
amphibiotic 30 25 having an aquatic la...
amphichroic 33 27 producing two colour...
amphimictic 33 28 relating to amphimix...
amphipathic 32 27 of an unsymmetrical...
amphiphilic 34 28 of or relating to a...
amphiprotic 30 25 having both protophi...
amyotrophic 33 24 relating to amyotrop...
anacoluthic 27 22 relating to anacolut...
anacreontic 22 19 a drinking song or l...
anaesthetic 22 17 taking away sensatio...
analemmatic 23 22 relating to the seas...
anaplerotic 23 19 filling up a deficie...
anarchistic 27 20 of or pertaining to...
anastomotic 21 18 relating to anastomo...
anemometric 22 21 relating to anemomet...
anglomaniac 22 22 one suffering from a...
anglophilic 29 24 having a love for th...
anglophobic 29 26 suffering from anglo...
anglophonic 26 24 speaking or using En...
animalistic 24 19 relating to animalis...
animatronic 21 19 relating to animatro...
aniseikonic 21 20 relating to aniseiko...
anisometric 22 18 not isometric; havin...
anisotropic 23 18 not having the same...
anomalistic 23 19 anomalous, also ANOM...
anthomaniac 22 21 one suffering from a...
anthracitic 27 20 of or like anthracit...
anthranilic 24 19 as in anthranilic ac...
anticlastic 26 19 of a surface, having...
antimitotic 23 18 an agent that inhibi...
antimycotic 32 23 antifungal [adj]
antipyretic 30 20 an agent which preve...
antispastic 24 18 a substance that pre...
aphrodisiac 26 20 an agent (as a food...
apocalyptic 36 26 of, relating to, or...
aponeurotic 22 19 relating to an apone...
aposiopetic 25 20 relating to aposiope...
apostrophic 28 22 relating to apostrop...
arachidonic 26 21 as in arachidonic ac...
araeometric 21 17 relating to araeomet...
archangelic 28 23 relating to an archa...
archenteric 26 20 relating to the arch...
areocentric 23 18 of a coordinate syst...
areographic 26 21 relating to areograp...
arragonitic 22 17 of or like aragonite...
arthromeric 25 19 relating to an arthr...
asplanchnic 29 25 having no gut [adj]
astraphobic 28 22 suffering from astra...
astrometric 23 17 relating to astromet...
astronautic 21 16 relating to astronau...
astrophobic 28 22 suffering from astro...
asynartetic 27 17 having two parts wit...
atelectatic 25 18 suffering from atele...
atherogenic 23 19 leading to atheroma...
atmospheric 27 22 of, relating to, or...
audiometric 23 19 relating to audiomet...
autecologic 26 21 relating to autecolo...
autogenetic 21 18 relating to autogene...
autographic 27 22 of, relating to, or...
autokinetic 22 20 relating to autokine...
automorphic 27 23 formed after its or...
autoplastic 25 19 relating to autoplas...
autotrophic 26 20 capable of building...
auxotrophic 32 27 requiring a specific...
axonometric 27 25 relating to the proj...
azoospermic 27 29 relating to azoosper...
bacteraemic 27 23 containing, caused b...
barographic 29 24 relating to the meas...
barycentric 33 23 relating to the cent...
batholithic 30 22 of or like a batholi...
bathometric 27 22 relating to a bathom...
bathylithic 37 24 like a bathylith, a...
bathymetric 34 24 relating to measurem...
bibliopegic 31 26 relating to bibliope...
bibliopolic 31 25 relating to a biblio...
bimorphemic 31 28 consisting of two mo...
bioclimatic 30 24 of or relating to th...
biocoenotic 25 21 ecological, also BIO...
bioelectric 28 21 of or relating to el...
biologistic 27 20 relating to biologis...
biorhythmic 37 26 relating to biorhyth...
biquadratic 33 28 a quantity twice squ...
bisymmetric 34 25 showing symmetry in...
blastematic 26 21 of or like a blastem...
blastogenic 25 21 related to blastogen...
blastomeric 26 21 like a blastomere [a...
blastoporic 27 21 relating to a blasto...
blepharitic 30 23 relating to blephari...
borborygmic 35 27 relating to borboryg...
bradypeptic 35 26 one who is slow of d...
butenedioic 23 20 designating a type o...
cabbalistic 31 24 relating to the cabb...
cacodemonic 27 25 like a cacodemon, an...
cacoepistic 30 23 relating to cacoepy,...
cacogastric 29 22 of or relating to an...
cacographic 33 27 relating to cacograp...
calisthenic 28 21 relating to calisthe...
camouflagic 30 27 relating to camoufla...
cantharidic 27 21 of or like a canthar...
carbocyclic 41 29 being or having an o...
cardiogenic 25 21 originating in the h...
cardiotonic 24 19 a substance that ten...
cartophilic 31 23 relating to cartophi...
catacaustic 28 21 relating to or denot...
cataclasmic 30 24 relating to or of th...
cataclastic 29 21 of metamorphism, tak...
cataclysmic 37 26 relating to cataclys...
catallactic 30 22 pertaining to commer...
cataplastic 28 21 relating to cataplas...
cataplectic 31 24 relating to cataplex...
catechistic 31 22 relating to catechis...
cathedratic 27 20 promulgated ex cathe...
cenesthetic 26 20 relating to cenesthe...
cenogenetic 23 21 relating to cenogene...
centimetric 26 21 having a wavelength...
centrobaric 26 21 relating to the cent...
centromeric 25 21 relating to a centro...
centrosomic 25 21 like a centrosome [a...
cephalalgic 32 26 a headache remedy [n...
cerographic 30 24 relating to cerograp...
ceroplastic 28 21 relating to wax mode...
chalcedonic 30 25 of or like chalcedon...
chameleonic 27 24 of or like a chamele...
charismatic 29 22 having charisma [adj...
charlatanic 27 21 of or like a charlat...
chasmogamic 30 27 related to chasmogam...
chemosmotic 29 25 relating to chemosmo...
chemotactic 31 25 exhibiting chemotaxi...
chemotropic 30 25 exhibiting chemotrop...
chernozemic 30 32 of or like chernozem...
chiromantic 28 23 relating to chiroman...
chloracetic 31 23 an acid made by chlo...
cholestatic 28 20 relating to cholesta...
cholesteric 28 20 relating to choleste...
cholinergic 29 23 acting like acetylch...
chromatinic 28 23 relating to chromati...
chromogenic 28 25 of or relating to a...
chromomeric 29 25 relating to a chromo...
chromonemic 28 26 relating to a chromo...
chronologic 28 23 arranged in order of...
chrysolitic 36 22 like chrysolite [adj...
cinchoninic 29 25 of or like cinchonin...
citharistic 29 19 relating to the play...
climacteric 31 24 a supposedly critica...
clinometric 27 22 relating to clinomet...
coelenteric 24 19 relating to coelente...
coenzymatic 34 32 relating to a coenzy...
colouristic 27 19 relating to a colour...
columnistic 28 23 in columns [adj]
comedogenic 25 24 causing or aggravati...
communistic 28 25 inclined to communis...
conspecific 32 27 a plant or animal of...
copolymeric 35 26 like a copolymer [ad...
coprolaliac 28 22 relating to coprolal...
coprophagic 32 27 eating dung, also CO...
coprophilic 33 26 relating to coprophi...
cormophytic 37 27 like a cormophyte [a...
cosmocratic 29 23 like a cosmocrat [ad...
cosmothetic 28 22 assuming an external...
coulometric 27 22 relating to coulomet...
cryptogamic 36 27 of or like a cryptog...
cryptogenic 34 25 of unknown origin [a...
cryptologic 36 25 relating to cryptolo...
curialistic 28 19 relating to curialis...
cyberphobic 40 30 suffering from cyber...
cyclopaedic 37 27 encyclopaedic, also...
cycloplegic 40 29 suffering from cyclo...
cyclothymic 46 30 one suffering from c...
cymographic 38 29 relating to a cymogr...
cystocarpic 37 25 relating to a cystoc...
cystoscopic 37 25 relating to a cystos...
cytogenetic 31 22 relating to cytogene...
cytokinetic 32 24 relating to cytokine...
cytomegalic 34 25 having greatly enlar...
cytoplasmic 36 26 relating to cytoplas...
cytoplastic 35 23 of or relating to a...
decameronic 24 22 of or like the Decam...
decanedioic 23 20 designating a type o...
demographic 28 25 relating to demograp...
demonologic 23 22 relating to demonolo...
dendrologic 23 20 relating to dendrolo...
densimetric 23 19 measurement by densi...
desmodromic 24 22 denoting a system, u...
dexiotropic 30 25 turning to the right...
dialogistic 25 18 relating to dialog,...
diamagnetic 23 21 applied to any subst...
diaphoretic 26 20 promoting sweating [...
diastematic 23 18 of or like a diastem...
diastrophic 27 20 relating to diastrop...
dichromatic 29 23 having or exhibiting...
diotheletic 25 18 relating to dithelet...
dioxonitric 28 23 as in dioxonitric ac...
diphthongic 30 25 having the nature of...
diplococcic 35 28 of or like a diploco...
dipsomaniac 24 22 one addicted to drin...
disharmonic 25 21 out of harmony, disc...
dissyllabic 34 22 having two syllables...
disulphuric 30 23 pyrosulphuric [adj]
dithyrambic 35 25 like a dithyramb, wi...
doxographic 33 29 relating to doxograp...
dramaturgic 25 21 relating to dramatur...
duopolistic 26 20 relating to duopoly...
dyotheletic 31 20 relating to dyothele...
dyothelitic 32 20 relating to dyothele...
dysharmonic 31 23 out of harmony, disc...
dyslogistic 32 20 conveying censure [a...
dyspathetic 33 22 relating to dyspathy...
dysrhythmic 42 26 someone suffering fr...
dyssynergic 36 22 relating to or affec...
econometric 24 21 relating to the meas...
economistic 25 21 relating to economis...
ecospecific 32 26 relating to an ecosp...
ectoblastic 28 21 relating to the ecto...
ectogenetic 24 20 produced by or chara...
ectomorphic 30 25 being slender and th...
ectoplasmic 29 24 of or like ectoplasm...
ectoplastic 28 21 relating to ectoplas...
ectothermic 28 22 cold-blooded [adj]
ectotrophic 29 22 growing in a close w...
elastomeric 23 18 relating to an elast...
embryogenic 31 25 relating to embryoge...
embryologic 33 25 relating to embryolo...
emmenagogic 24 25 relating to an emmen...
emphyteutic 34 25 relating to emphyteu...
empiricutic 30 24 (obsolete) empirical...
encomiastic 25 21 bestowing praise, al...
endoblastic 24 20 relating to the endo...
endocardiac 23 20 relating to the endo...
endocentric 23 20 of a construction, f...
endocytotic 30 21 relating to endocyto...
endomitotic 22 19 relating to endomito...
endomorphic 26 24 heavily built [adj]
endoplasmic 25 23 as in endoplasmic re...
endoplastic 24 20 as in endoplasmic re...
endospermic 24 22 relating to the endo...
endothermic 24 21 characterized by or...
endotrophic 25 21 penetrating into the...
engrammatic 24 23 relating to an engra...
entoblastic 24 19 relating to the ento...
entomologic 23 21 related to entomolog...
enzymolytic 39 32 relating to enzymoly...
epanaleptic 25 22 related to epanaleps...
epeirogenic 23 20 relating to epeiroge...
epilogistic 27 20 of or like an epilog...
epiphytotic 35 24 a sudden outbreak of...
epithalamic 28 23 of or like an epitha...
epithymetic 34 24 of or pertaining to...
equicaloric 34 28 capable of yielding...
erotomaniac 20 18 one suffering from e...
erythematic 31 21 relating to erythema...
erythristic 32 18 suffering from eryth...
esemplastic 26 21 having the power to...
ethanedioic 22 18 designating a type o...
eucharistic 28 20 relating to the Euch...
euchromatic 28 23 of or like euchromat...
eudiometric 23 19 relating to a eudiom...
euphemistic 28 23 relating to euphemis...
eurythermic 32 22 tolerating a wide ra...
feldspathic 30 24 of or like feldspar,...
ferricyanic 33 23 pertaining to a ferr...
ferrocyanic 32 23 pertaining to a ferr...
fetichistic 31 22 relating to or exhib...
fetishistic 28 19 relating to or exhib...
feudalistic 26 20 relating to feudalis...
fibrocystic 37 25 of or relating to gr...
formalistic 27 21 relating to formalis...
formulistic 28 22 relating to formulis...
freemasonic 23 21 relating to freemaso...
fungistatic 26 21 inhibiting the growt...
gametogenic 23 22 relating to gametoge...
gamogenetic 23 22 relating to gamogene...
gastrocolic 27 20 of or relating to th...
gastronomic 23 20 relating to gastrono...
geomagnetic 23 22 of or relating to te...
geostrophic 27 21 relating to deflecti...
geotectonic 24 20 relating to the stru...
gibberellic 30 24 denoting a type of a...
glaciologic 29 23 relating to glaciolo...
glauconitic 27 22 of or like glauconit...
glottogonic 24 20 relating to the orig...
glycophytic 45 29 like a glycophyte, a...
gnotobiotic 24 20 relating to gnotobio...
goitrogenic 23 19 producing or tending...
gongoristic 24 19 relating to Gongoris...
goniometric 23 20 relating to measurem...
gonorrhoeic 23 19 relating to gonorrho...
gramophonic 27 25 relating to gramopho...
granolithic 26 20 a stone composed of...
granophyric 33 24 of or like a granoph...
graphologic 29 24 related to grapholog...
graptolitic 27 20 related to a graptol...
gravimetric 27 23 of or relating to me...
gynecologic 33 25 relating to gynecolo...
gynogenetic 28 22 relating to gynogene...
haemophilic 30 25 suffering from haemo...
haemostatic 24 19 a styptic, also HEMO...
haggadistic 27 21 relating to the hagg...
hagioscopic 30 24 relating to a hagios...
halobiontic 26 21 living in the sea, a...
halomorphic 30 25 developed in the pre...
hapaxanthic 33 29 monocarpous, also HA...
haptotropic 28 22 curving in response...
harmonistic 25 20 relating to harmony...
hebephrenic 29 25 one suffering from h...
heliolithic 29 20 of or relating to a...
heliometric 26 20 relating to heliomet...
heliophobic 31 25 afflicted with a mor...
helioscopic 30 23 related to a heliosc...
heliostatic 25 17 relating to a helios...
heliotactic 28 20 relating to heliotax...
heliotropic 27 20 turning towards the...
helispheric 30 22 pertaining to rhumb...
hematogenic 24 22 (US) forming blood,...
hematologic 26 22 of or relating to bl...
hemeralopic 27 23 relating to hemeralo...
hemianoptic 26 23 suffering from hemio...
hemimorphic 31 27 asymmetric at the ax...
hemispheric 30 24 like a hemisphere, a...
hemodynamic 31 26 relating to hemodyna...
hemophiliac 30 25 one affected with he...
hemopoietic 26 22 relating to hemopoie...
hemorrhagic 28 23 of the nature of hem...
hepatotoxic 31 26 relating to or causi...
heresthetic 26 18 the art of political...
hermeneutic 24 21 interpretive or expl...
hetaerismic 25 19 relating to hetaeris...
hetaeristic 24 16 relating to hetaeris...
hetairismic 26 19 relating to hetairis...
hetairistic 25 16 relating to hetairis...
heterogenic 23 19 relating to heteroge...
heterogonic 23 19 relating to heterogo...
heterolytic 31 19 relating to heteroly...
heterotaxic 29 23 relating to heterota...
heterotopic 25 19 relating to heteroto...
heterotypic 32 21 denoting or relating...
hexahemeric 32 28 relating to a hexaem...
hexastichic 36 28 having six lines or...
hierocratic 27 19 of or like a hierocr...
hierophobic 30 24 someone having a fea...
hippodromic 30 26 relating to a hippod...
histiocytic 35 21 relating to a histio...
hodographic 29 24 relating to a hodogr...
holobenthic 28 23 passing the entire l...
holoblastic 28 21 of an entire egg, se...
holocaustic 28 21 relating to a holoca...
holographic 30 24 relating to holograp...
holomorphic 30 25 of a function of a c...
homeopathic 28 24 of or relating to ho...
homeostatic 24 19 relating to homeosta...
homoblastic 28 23 derived from similar...
homocentric 27 23 having the same cent...
homoeomeric 24 22 having all the somit...
homoeotypic 32 24 denoting or relating...
homogametic 26 24 forming gametes whic...
homogenetic 24 22 homogeneous, also HO...
homographic 30 26 having a different s...
homomorphic 30 27 relating to homomorp...
homophyllic 38 28 exhibiting homophyly...
homoplastic 28 23 similar in structure...
homothallic 29 23 male and female orga...
homothermic 28 24 keeping the same tem...
homozygotic 35 32 relating to a homozy...
hornblendic 26 23 of or like hornblend...
hudibrastic 28 21 boastful [adj]
hydnocarpic 35 26 denoting a type of a...
hydrargyric 39 23 relating to hydrargy...
hydrobromic 34 25 applied to an acid c...
hydrochoric 36 24 of or like a hydroch...
hydrocyanic 39 25 denoting an acid (pr...
hydromantic 31 23 related to hydromanc...
hydrometric 32 22 relating to measurem...
hydropathic 35 24 relating to hydropat...
hydrophilic 37 25 of, relating to, or...
hydrophobic 37 27 having a morbid fear...
hydrophytic 42 26 growing in or by wat...
hydroscopic 36 25 relating to a hydros...
hydrostatic 31 19 of or relating to fl...
hydrotactic 34 22 relating to hydrotax...
hydrotropic 33 22 exhibiting hydrotrop...
hygrometric 33 23 relating to measurem...
hygrophytic 43 27 of or like a hygroph...
hygroscopic 37 26 readily absorbing mo...
hylomorphic 37 27 relating to a materi...
hylozoistic 35 28 relating to the beli...
hypallactic 38 26 related to hypallage...
hypercapnic 37 28 relating to hypercap...
hypercritic 37 24 one who is hypercrit...
hyperemetic 33 24 causing hyperemesis,...
hyperinotic 32 22 relating to hyperino...
hypermetric 34 24 above average height...
hypermnesic 33 25 relating to hypermne...
hyperphagic 38 28 relating to hyperpha...
hyperstatic 33 21 excessively static [...
hypesthesic 35 23 showing hypesthesia,...
hypnopompic 37 31 pertaining to the se...
hypnotistic 33 22 relating to a hypnot...
hypoblastic 36 25 relating to the hypo...
hypogastric 34 23 pertaining to lower...
hypokalemic 35 29 relating to hypokale...
hypomorphic 38 29 of a mutation, causi...
hypoplastic 36 25 relating to hypoplas...
hyposthenic 34 24 suffering from hypos...
hypothermic 36 26 relating to hypother...
hypsometric 34 24 of, relating to, or...
ideogrammic 25 23 of or like an ideogr...
ideographic 27 22 in the form of an id...
idioblastic 26 19 relating to an idiob...
idiographic 28 22 pertaining to or dea...
idiomorphic 28 23 of well-crystallized...
idioplasmic 27 22 of or like idioplasm...
immunogenic 24 25 producing an immune...
immunologic 26 25 relating to immunolo...
immunotoxic 30 29 relating to an immun...
inauthentic 23 19 not authentic [adj]
interatomic 22 18 between atoms [adj]
interethnic 23 18 taking place between...
intervallic 26 21 relating to an inter...
intradermic 23 19 situated or done wit...
ionospheric 25 20 relating to the iono...
isallobaric 26 19 of or like an isallo...
isapostolic 25 18 equal to the apostle...
isoelectric 26 18 having the same pote...
isomagnetic 23 20 a line on a map conn...
isorhythmic 35 23 in ancient prosody,...
ithyphallic 38 25 in classical verse,...
jargonistic 25 26 of or like jargon [a...
kabbalistic 29 25 relating to the kabb...
kenogenetic 21 22 related to kenogenes...
kinesiatric 23 19 relating to kinesiat...
kinesthetic 25 21 relating to kinesthe...
kymographic 36 30 relating to a kymogr...
labyrinthic 34 23 of or like a labyrin...
laccolithic 33 24 of or like a laccoli...
lagomorphic 29 25 of or like a lagomor...
leptokurtic 27 23 in statistics, refer...
leucocratic 29 22 of igneous rocks, li...
leucodermic 27 23 relating to leucoder...
leucoplakic 30 27 relating to leukopla...
leukodermic 25 24 relating to leukoder...
leukoplakic 28 28 relating to leukopla...
lexigraphic 35 29 relating to lexigrap...
lithophytic 37 24 of or like a lithoph...
lithostatic 26 17 relating to the pres...
lithotritic 27 17 a medicine for disso...
liturgistic 27 18 relating to a liturg...
logarithmic 28 22 of or like a logarit...
logographic 29 24 relating to logograp...
logogriphic 30 24 like a logogriph, a...
luteotropic 25 19 acting on the corpor...
lymphocytic 45 30 of or like a lymphoc...
lysigenetic 30 20 caused by the breaki...
macrobiotic 28 23 promoting longevity...
macrocosmic 30 26 relating to a macroc...
macrocyclic 40 29 containing or being...
macrophagic 31 27 of or like a macroph...
macrophytic 37 27 relating to a macrop...
macroscopic 31 26 large enough to be v...
magistratic 25 19 relating to a magist...
mammonistic 25 24 devoted to riches [a...
manneristic 22 19 relating to manneris...
martensitic 23 18 relating to martensi...
masochistic 29 22 relating to masochis...
mastodontic 22 19 of or like a mastodo...
matriarchic 29 22 like a matriarch [ad...
matriclinic 28 22 inherited from the m...
matroclinic 27 22 inherited from the m...
mechanistic 28 23 relating to mechanis...
mechatronic 27 23 relating to mechatro...
mediumistic 26 22 of, relating to, or...
megalomanic 24 24 relating to megaloma...
melancholic 29 25 subject to melanchol...
melioristic 25 18 of or like meliorism...
menorrhagic 25 22 suffering from menor...
mentalistic 24 19 relating to mental a...
meroblastic 26 21 undergoing or involv...
merogenetic 22 20 relating to merogene...
meromorphic 28 25 fractional [adj]
mesoblastic 26 21 like a mesoblast [ad...
mesogastric 24 19 related to the mesog...
mesomorphic 28 25 being big-boned and...
mesonephric 26 23 relating to the meso...
mesopelagic 26 23 of or relating to oc...
mesophyllic 36 26 of or like a mesophy...
mesospheric 27 22 relating to the meso...
mesotrophic 27 22 having a moderate am...
metacentric 25 21 a chromosome having...
metagenetic 22 20 relating to metagene...
metallurgic 27 22 relating to metallur...
metamorphic 28 25 showing or relating...
metanephric 26 23 relating to the meta...
metaplasmic 27 24 relating to metaplas...
metaplastic 26 21 relating to metaplas...
metapsychic 37 27 relating to metapsyc...
metasilicic 28 21 applied to an acid (...
metasomatic 23 20 relating to metasoma...
metavanadic 23 23 as in metavanadic ac...
methacrylic 36 25 denoting a type of a...
methodistic 26 20 of or like Methodism...
microcosmic 31 26 of or like a microco...
microlithic 31 23 of or like a microli...
micrometric 28 23 relating to micromet...
microphonic 30 26 relating to a microp...
microphytic 38 27 of or like a microph...
microscopic 32 26 able to be seen only...
microsmatic 28 23 of humans and certai...
microsporic 29 23 like a microspore, a...
mineralogic 24 21 relating to mineralo...
misoneistic 23 18 relating to misoneis...
mithradatic 26 20 antidotal, also MITH...
mithridatic 27 20 antidotal, also MITH...
mitogenetic 23 20 relating to mitogens...
mixotrophic 34 29 combining different...
modernistic 23 19 relating to modernis...
monochromic 28 26 of one colour only,...
monodelphic 27 25 relating to the Mono...
monogastric 23 20 having a stomach wit...
monogenetic 21 21 of e.g. rocks, havin...
monographic 27 25 of or like a monogra...
monomorphic 27 26 having or existing i...
monostichic 28 23 like a monostich, a...
monotrichic 28 23 of bacteria, having...
monozygotic 32 31 developed from one z...
morphogenic 27 25 relating to morphoge...
morphologic 29 25 relating to morpholo...
multiethnic 27 22 belonging to more th...
multiphasic 30 24 having many phases [...
mutualistic 26 20 relating to mutualis...
mycotrophic 37 27 of a plant, living i...
myelopathic 34 25 relating to myelopat...
myoelectric 33 23 of, relating to, or...
mythomaniac 31 25 a sufferer from myth...
mythopoetic 33 24 mythmaking, also MYT...
narcoleptic 27 22 relating to narcolep...
nasogastric 22 17 being or performed b...
natriuretic 22 16 a medicine used to t...
necrobiotic 26 21 relating to necrobio...
necromaniac 23 22 one suffering from n...
necromantic 24 22 relating to necroman...
necrophilic 30 24 relating to necrophi...
necrophobic 30 26 having a morbid fear...
necroscopic 29 24 relating to necrosco...
neologistic 23 18 relating to neologis...
nephrotoxic 31 27 poisonous to the kid...
neuroleptic 24 20 capable of having an...
neuropathic 25 21 of or like a neuropa...
neurotropic 23 19 having a special aff...
nitrometric 23 18 relating to the use...
nomographic 27 25 of or like a nomogra...
nonacademic 23 23 not academic [adj] /...
nonallergic 23 20 not allergic [adj]
nonanalytic 26 20 not analytic [adj]
nonanatomic 19 20 not anatomic [adj]
nonaromatic 20 19 not aromatic [adj] /...
nonartistic 21 16 not artistic [adj]
nonathletic 23 19 not athletic [adj]
nondiabetic 22 20 not diabetic [adj] /...
nondidactic 24 21 not didactic [adj]
nondogmatic 22 22 not dogmatic [adj]
nondomestic 21 20 not domestic [adj]
nondramatic 21 20 not dramatic [adj]
noneconomic 22 23 not economic [adj]
nonelectric 24 20 not electric, also N...
nonemphatic 25 24 not emphatic [adj]
nonharmonic 22 22 not harmonic [adj]
nonmagnetic 21 22 not magnetic [adj]
nonmetallic 23 21 not metallic [adj]
nonoperatic 21 19 not operatic [adj]
nonorgasmic 22 21 not capable of exper...
nonphonemic 24 25 not phonemic [adj]
nonphonetic 23 22 not phonetic [adj]
nonspecific 28 25 of a disease, not ca...
nonsyllabic 31 23 a sound in speech th...
nonsymbolic 31 25 not symbolic [adj]
nonsystemic 28 21 not systemic [adj]
nontheistic 23 18 not theistic [adj]
nonvolcanic 25 25 not volcanic [adj]
nosographic 26 22 relating to nosograp...
nostradamic 22 19 relating to prophesy...
nyctinastic 31 21 relating to nyctinas...
nyctitropic 34 23 showing nyctitropism...
nyctophobic 37 28 suffering from nycto...
obscurantic 27 22 deliberately obscure...
ochlocratic 31 23 relating to ochlocra...
ochlophobic 34 28 a person who suffers...
octanedioic 23 19 designating a type o...
odontogenic 20 19 relating to odontoge...
odontologic 22 19 relating to odontolo...
oestrogenic 21 17 producing female sex...
oleographic 27 22 like an oleograph [a...
ontogenetic 20 18 relating to ontogene...
optokinetic 24 22 of, relating to, or...
oreographic 26 21 relating to oreograp...
orthodontic 23 18 relating to orthodon...
orthodromic 25 20 having great circles...
orthopaedic 25 20 relating to orthopae...
orthophyric 35 23 relating to orthophy...
orthoscopic 29 22 giving undistorted v...
orthostatic 24 16 pertaining to erect...
orthotropic 26 19 growing along a vert...
osteodermic 22 18 of or like an osteod...
osteopathic 25 19 relating to osteopat...
osteophytic 32 21 like an osteophyte,...
oxidimetric 30 25 relating to oxidimet...
oxycephalic 42 32 having a conical sku...
pachydermic 37 28 like a pachyderm [ad...
paederastic 23 18 of or pertaining to...
paedodontic 22 20 relating to the bran...
paedophilic 29 24 relating to paedophi...
palaeotypic 32 23 of or like a palaeot...
paleolithic 28 21 of or relating to th...
palindromic 26 23 of or like a palindr...
palynologic 32 24 relating to palynolo...
pandemoniac 22 23 pertaining to pandem...
panhellenic 26 23 relating to all Gree...
pantheistic 26 20 relating to pantheis...
pantoscopic 28 24 of or like a pantosc...
pantothenic 24 21 denoting an acid whi...
parabematic 26 23 of or like a parabem...
parablastic 27 21 like a parablast [ad...
parableptic 29 24 relating to parablep...
paracrostic 27 20 a poem whose initial...
paragenetic 23 20 relating to paragene...
paragraphic 29 24 relating to paragrap...
parallactic 29 22 relating to parallax...
paramorphic 29 25 relating to a paramo...
paranephric 27 23 near the kidney; sup...
paraparetic 25 20 relating to parapare...
paraphiliac 29 23 a person who indulge...
parapsychic 38 27 related to parapsych...
paraselenic 23 19 relating to the para...
parenthetic 25 20 relating to parenthe...
paresthetic 26 19 relating to paresthe...
parotiditic 25 18 relating to parotidi...
paroxytonic 35 27 like a paroxytone [a...
pasigraphic 30 24 relating to pasigrap...
patriclinic 29 22 of animals and plant...
patroclinic 28 22 of animals and plant...
pedogenetic 23 21 relating to pedogene...
pedophiliac 29 24 one who suffers from...
pentacyclic 37 27 having five whorls [...
pericardiac 27 21 relating to the peri...
pericentric 27 21 surrounding a centre...
periclastic 29 21 like a periclase, a...
peridotitic 25 18 of or like peridotit...
perigastric 26 19 surrounding the alim...
perihepatic 28 22 surrounding the live...
perimorphic 30 25 like a perimorph, al...
perinephric 28 23 relating to the peri...
periodontic 23 19 relating to periodon...
periostitic 25 17 relating to periosti...
peripatetic 26 20 walking about from p...
perispermic 28 23 of or like a perispe...
peristaltic 26 18 relating to peristal...
peritonitic 24 18 of or suffering from...
permanganic 24 24 applied to an acid a...
persulfuric 29 23 denoting a type of a...
pessimistic 27 20 inclined to pessimis...
phaenogamic 26 25 of or like a phaenog...
phagedaenic 25 23 relating to phagedae...
phagomaniac 26 25 one who suffers from...
phantomatic 26 23 (archaic) relating t...
pharyngitic 34 24 relating to pharyngi...
phellogenic 28 24 of or like phellogen...
philomathic 31 25 loving learning, als...
philosophic 32 25 relating to philosop...
phlebotomic 30 26 relating to phleboto...
phonogramic 27 25 like a phonogram, a...
phonometric 26 23 relating to use of t...
phonotactic 28 23 relating to phonotac...
photobathic 30 24 designating the zone...
photometric 27 22 of or relating to ph...
photomosaic 26 22 an image composed of...
photonastic 25 20 related to photonast...
photophilic 32 25 light-loving, turnin...
photophobic 32 27 having a fear of the...
photophonic 29 25 relating to photopho...
photostatic 26 19 of, made by, or usin...
phototactic 29 22 exhibiting phototaxi...
phototropic 28 22 relating to phototro...
phrenologic 27 23 relating to phrenolo...
phylacteric 37 25 of or like a phylact...
physiologic 35 24 relating to physiolo...
phytophagic 38 28 feeding on plants, a...
piezometric 28 29 relating measurement...
pinocytotic 33 23 relating to pinocyto...
planimetric 26 22 relating to planimet...
planometric 25 22 denoting a type of p...
plasmagenic 26 24 of or like a plasmag...
plasmolytic 34 24 relating to plasmoly...
platykurtic 34 25 in statistics, refer...
pleiotropic 27 21 of a gene, having an...
pleomorphic 30 26 occurring in several...
pleximetric 33 28 relating to a plexim...
pluralistic 28 20 relating to pluralis...
plutocratic 29 22 relating to the plut...
poliorcetic 28 21 relating to poliorce...
polycentric 34 24 having more than one...
polychromic 38 28 many-coloured, also...
polygenetic 31 23 of polygenesis; spri...
polyglottic 34 23 like a polyglot, als...
polygraphic 37 27 relating to a polygr...
polymorphic 37 28 occurring in several...
polyploidic 35 25 having more than two...
polytechnic 36 26 a school teaching ma...
polytrophic 36 25 esp. of bacteria, ob...
porphyritic 36 24 designating an igneo...
postclassic 29 21 of or relating to a...
postvocalic 30 25 after a vowel [adj]
prebiologic 28 23 before life, also PR...
prediabetic 26 21 one suffering from p...
predynastic 30 21 belonging to the per...
preelectric 28 21 dating from before e...
prehistoric 27 19 relating to the time...
preromantic 24 21 a poet, composer, et...
presynaptic 32 23 relating to a neuron...
problematic 28 24 causing problems [ad...
procaryotic 33 22 like a procaryote [a...
procephalic 32 26 pertaining to the fr...
proctologic 29 23 relating to proctolo...
prokaryotic 31 23 of or like a prokary...
proteolytic 31 20 relating to proteoly...
prothoracic 29 22 of or relating to th...
protolithic 28 20 pertaining to earlie...
protopathic 28 22 pertaining to recept...
protophilic 30 23 having or involving...
protophytic 35 24 relating to a protop...
protostelic 25 18 of or like a protost...
psilophytic 37 25 of or like a psiloph...
psittacotic 28 20 relating to psittaco...
psychedelic 37 26 relating to a state...
psychiatric 37 24 relating to psychiat...
psychodelic 37 26 relating to a state...
psychogenic 36 27 derived from the min...
psychologic 38 27 of or relating to ps...
psychonomic 36 28 relating to psychono...
psychotoxic 42 31 damaging to the mind...
ptyalagogic 33 24 acting as a ptyalago...
pycnometric 34 26 relating to a pycnom...
pyroclastic 35 23 of rocks, formed of...
pyrogenetic 30 22 produced by, or prod...
pyrognostic 31 22 relating to the test...
pyrographic 36 26 relating to pyrograp...
pyrotechnic 35 25 relating to pyrotech...
pyrovanadic 31 25 pertaining to, or de...
pyroxenitic 36 27 of or like pyroxene...
quadrasonic 29 26 relating to a system...
quodlibetic 34 29 of or like a quodlib...
rabbinistic 27 21 relating to rabbis [...
racialistic 27 18 relating to racialis...
radiometric 23 18 relating to radiomet...
radiophonic 25 21 of music, produced e...
radioscopic 27 21 related to radioscop...
renographic 26 22 relating to a renogr...
rheomorphic 29 24 relating to rheomorp...
rhinoscopic 29 23 relating to a rhinos...
rhizocarpic 33 31 of or like a rhizoca...
rhotacistic 28 19 relating to rhotacis...
ribonucleic 28 23 an acid derived from...
ritualistic 25 16 relating to ritualis...
salpingitic 27 21 of, or of the nature...
saprobiotic 26 20 feeding on dead or d...
saprophytic 35 24 relating to a saprop...
saussuritic 24 16 of or like saussurit...
schizogenic 31 31 reproducing, reprodu...
schizogonic 31 31 relating to schizogo...
scholiastic 29 20 like a scholiast [ad...
scientistic 26 18 like a scientist [ad...
scopophilic 33 26 relating to scopophi...
seborrhoeic 25 19 relating to seborrho...
seismologic 25 20 related to seismolog...
semeiologic 24 20 relating to semeiolo...
semiaquatic 31 27 growing equally well...
semiclassic 28 21 a semiclassical work...
semifluidic 28 23 imperfectly fluid [a...
seminomadic 23 22 leading the life of...
semivocalic 29 25 of or relating to a...
septicaemic 28 23 relating to septicae...
serigraphic 28 21 relating to serigrap...
serpentinic 23 19 of or like serpentin...
shamanistic 25 20 relating to shamanis...
socialistic 27 18 related to socialism...
sociometric 26 20 relating to sociomet...
sociopathic 29 22 of, relating to, or...
solipsistic 27 18 relating to solipsis...
somatogenic 22 20 caused from within t...
somatologic 24 20 relating to somatolo...
somatotonic 21 18 a person who has an...
somesthetic 25 19 relating to somesthe...
somnambulic 27 26 like a somnambule, a...
sovietistic 25 18 relating to sovietis...
sparagmatic 26 22 like a Sparagmite, a...
spasmolytic 33 23 having the power to...
spherulitic 29 21 of or like a spherul...
sphincteric 30 23 relating to the sphi...
sphragistic 29 21 of or pertaining to...
spiritistic 27 17 relating to spiritis...
spirometric 26 20 relating to measurem...
spodomantic 24 22 relating to spodoman...
spondylitic 32 22 relating to spondyli...
sporocystic 34 22 of or like a sporocy...
sporophoric 28 22 bearing spores, also...
sporophytic 35 24 of or like a sporoph...
stalactitic 27 18 of or like a stalact...
stalagmitic 26 20 of or like a stalagm...
statolithic 26 17 of or like a statoli...
staurolitic 24 16 relating to a stauro...
steatopygic 31 21 having fat buttocks,...
stenobathic 25 20 able to live only wi...
stenotropic 23 18 able to adapt only t...
stereobatic 23 17 of or like a stereob...
stereosonic 20 15 stereophonic [adj]
stereotaxic 27 21 relating to stereota...
stereotypic 30 19 of or like a stereot...
strategetic 23 16 strategical, also ST...
subeconomic 27 25 below the economy [a...
subharmonic 27 24 a tone below a harmo...
subspecific 33 27 relating to a subspe...
sycophantic 35 25 of or like a sycopha...
syllogistic 33 20 relating to syllogis...
symbolistic 34 23 relating to symbolis...
symmetallic 33 24 relating to symmetal...
sympathetic 34 24 feeling together, al...
symptomatic 33 25 relating to or displ...
synanthetic 29 20 showing synanthy, th...
syndesmotic 29 21 relating to syndesmo...
synecdochic 36 26 relating to synecdoc...
synecologic 32 23 relating to synecolo...
synergistic 30 19 showing synergy [adj...
synesthetic 30 19 relating to synesthe...
synkaryonic 34 24 like a synkaryon [ad...
synonymatic 34 23 of, consisting of or...
synoptistic 31 20 of or like a synopti...
syntagmatic 30 22 of or like a syntagm...
syssarcotic 32 19 relating to syssarco...
tachometric 28 22 relating to measurem...
tachymetric 35 24 relating to measurem...
taphephobic 32 27 suffering from taphe...
tautometric 23 18 exactly correspondin...
tautophonic 25 21 relating to tautopho...
technologic 28 23 relating to technolo...
technomusic 28 24 a type of fast, repe...
telegnostic 23 18 relating to telegnos...
telegrammic 26 23 of or like a telegra...
telegraphic 28 22 of or relating to th...
telekinetic 23 20 relating to telekine...
telesthetic 25 17 relating to telesthe...
telocentric 25 19 of a chromosome, hav...
teratogenic 21 17 producing monsters o...
teratologic 23 17 relating to teratolo...
terroristic 23 14 relating to terroris...
tetracyclic 36 23 of, in or with four...
tetraplegic 26 20 suffering from tetra...
tetrasporic 24 17 relating to tetraspo...
thalassemic 26 20 relating to thalasse...
theocentric 26 20 having God as the ce...
theodolitic 25 18 relating to a theodo...
theomorphic 29 24 resembling a god or...
theophobiac 29 24 one with an extreme...
theorematic 24 19 of or like a theorem...
theotechnic 28 22 relating to theotech...
therapeutic 26 20 related to the heali...
thermobaric 27 22 of a weapon, using a...
thermoduric 26 21 resistant to high te...
thermogenic 25 22 producing heat, also...
thermolytic 33 22 relating to thermoly...
thermotaxic 31 26 of or showing thermo...
thixotropic 33 26 of or showing, thixo...
thyrotropic 33 21 exerting or characte...
titrimetric 25 17 employing or determi...
tomographic 28 24 relating to tomograp...
tonsillitic 25 17 relating to tonsilli...
topocentric 26 21 relating to, measure...
topographic 29 24 relating to topograp...
tourmalinic 24 20 of or like a tourmal...
toxicogenic 31 27 producing or produce...
toxicologic 33 27 of or relating to to...
toxiphobiac 34 29 one who suffers from...
toxoplasmic 32 28 relating to toxoplas...
transuranic 21 17 any chemical element...
transvestic 24 19 relating to transves...
tribalistic 27 18 like a tribalist [ad...
trichinotic 28 20 relating to trichino...
trichogynic 35 24 of or like a trichog...
trichotomic 29 22 relating to trichoto...
trioxoboric 30 24 designating a type o...
trisyllabic 34 21 having three syllabl...
tritheistic 26 16 relating to tritheis...
troglodytic 31 20 cave-dwelling, also...
tromometric 24 20 relating to a tromom...
tropismatic 26 20 relating to tropism...
tropophytic 35 24 of or like a tropoph...
tumorigenic 24 21 producing tumors, al...
typographic 36 26 relating to typograp...
ulcerogenic 26 22 tending to produce o...
unaesthetic 23 18 not aesthetic, also...
unapostolic 24 20 not apostolical, als...
unauthentic 23 20 not authentic [adj]
uncinematic 25 23 not related to the c...
uneccentric 27 23 not eccentric [adj]
ungrammatic 25 24 not following rules...
unidiomatic 23 20 not idiomatic [adj U...
unpatriotic 24 19 not patriotic [adj U...
unprophetic 28 24 not prophetic, also...
unrealistic 23 17 not realistic [adj U...
vandalistic 25 21 of or relating to va...
vasospastic 26 21 relating to vasospas...
venographic 28 26 relating to venograp...
verbalistic 28 22 of or like a verbali...
videophonic 27 25 related to a videoph...
violinistic 26 20 of or like a violini...
viscometric 29 24 relating to viscomet...
voltametric 26 22 relating to a voltam...
voodooistic 23 19 relating to voodoo [...
voyeuristic 31 21 like a voyeur [adj V...
welfaristic 29 21 relating to welfaris...
xenogenetic 26 25 relating to xenogeny...
xenomorphic 32 30 having a form not it...
xenoplastic 30 26 involving or occurri...
xerographic 33 28 relating to xerograp...
xeromorphic 33 29 of parts of a plant,...
xerothermic 31 26 of a region or clima...
xylographic 41 31 relating to xylograp...
zoanthropic 28 29 relating to zoanthro...
zoocephalic 32 32 animal-headed [adj]
zoomagnetic 25 29 relating to zoomagne...
zootheistic 27 25 relating to zootheis...
zygocardiac 35 31 denoting certain pai...
zygomorphic 38 35 bilaterally symmetri...
zymotechnic 37 34 producing and utiliz...