10 letter words that end with C

10 letter words that end with C

10 letter C word


Words With Friends®


acetylenic 29 20 of or like acetylene...
achromatic 26 21 free from colour; tr...
acolouthic 26 20 pertaining to an aft...
acroamatic 23 19 abstruse, esoteric,...
acrolithic 27 19 pertaining to, or li...
acrophobic 29 24 suffering from acrop...
acrophonic 26 22 relating to acrophon...
activistic 27 20 relating to activism...
adiactinic 23 18 denoting a substance...
adrenergic 20 17 released or activate...
aerobiotic 21 16 related to, or of th...
aerometric 20 16 of or pertaining to...
aeronautic 18 15 relating to aeronaut...
aerophobic 25 21 having a morbid fear...
aerostatic 19 13 relating to aerostat...
aerotactic 22 16 relating to or showi...
aerotropic 21 16 showing aerotropism,...
agrypnotic 29 21 a drug or agent that...
albinistic 24 18 affected with albini...
aldermanic 21 19 relating to, becomin...
algolagnic 23 20 relating to algolagn...
algorismic 24 19 relating to algorism...
alkahestic 24 20 having the propertie...
allergenic 22 18 causing an allergic...
allogeneic 21 18 involving, derived f...
allometric 23 18 relating to allometr...
allopathic 26 20 of or pertaining to...
allopatric 24 18 pertaining to popula...
allophonic 25 21 of or like an alloph...
allosteric 22 15 of an enzyme, influe...
allotropic 24 18 relating to allotrop...
alphabetic 27 22 arranged in the orde...
alphameric 26 22 consisting of, or (o...
alphametic 26 22 a popular mathematic...
altruistic 23 15 relating to altruism...
ametabolic 23 20 of insects, showing...
amphibolic 29 25 able to turn both ba...
amphigoric 27 23 relating to amphigor...
amphoteric 25 21 in chemistry, reacti...
amylolytic 36 22 characterised by the...
anabolitic 22 18 relating to an anabo...
anachronic 23 20 out of (chronologica...
anaclastic 23 18 refractive; of or pe...
anacoustic 22 18 unable to support th...
anacrustic 23 18 relating to anacrusi...
anaglyphic 32 24 of or like an anagly...
anaglyptic 30 22 relating to the art...
anamnestic 19 18 relating to anamnesi...
anamniotic 19 18 of or like an anamni...
anamorphic 24 22 relating to anamorph...
anapaestic 20 17 in the form of an an...
anaplastic 22 18 of or pertaining to...
anaptyctic 31 22 relating to anaptyxi...
anchoretic 24 19 of or like an anchor...
anchoritic 25 19 of or like an anchor...
anchylotic 32 22 relating to anchylos...
androgenic 19 18 of or like an androg...
anesthetic 21 16 taking away sensatio...
angiogenic 20 19 relating to angiogen...
anharmonic 21 20 not harmonic [adj]
anhidrotic 22 17 a substance that sup...
anisomeric 20 17 of a chemical compou...
annalistic 20 16 relating to annals [...
anorthitic 22 16 of or like an anorth...
antibiotic 22 17 inhibiting to life [...
antidromic 21 18 of nerve fibres, con...
antiemetic 20 17 preventive of vomiti...
antierotic 19 14 designed to prevent...
antiheroic 21 16 like an antihero [ad...
antipathic 24 19 belonging to antipat...
antiphonic 23 20 mutually responsive,...
antipoetic 21 17 of, relating to, or...
antiseptic 22 17 inhibiting the growt...
antistatic 20 14 reducing, removing,...
antithetic 22 16 relating to antithes...
anxiolytic 33 24 serving to reduce te...
aphaeretic 23 18 relating to aphaeres...
aphoristic 25 18 relating to aphorism...
apodeictic 25 20 necessarily true; be...
apolaustic 23 18 the philosophy of th...
apologetic 23 19 expressing apology [...
apopemptic 27 25 relating to departin...
apoplectic 28 23 suffering from apopl...
aposematic 22 19 giving warning, appl...
apotropaic 23 19 averting or combatin...
aquaphobic 34 31 having a morbid fear...
aragonitic 20 16 of or like aragonite...
archaistic 26 18 like, or imitative o...
argillitic 25 17 like argillite, an i...
argonautic 20 17 of or pertaining to...
arithmetic 24 18 the science of numbe...
arrhythmic 33 22 with an irregular rh...
arthralgic 25 18 relating to arthralg...
ascocarpic 28 22 relating to an ascoc...
ascosporic 25 19 of or like an ascosp...
assertoric 20 13 of a statement, stat...
asthenopic 23 19 suffering from asthe...
astigmatic 23 18 affected with, or pe...
astrocytic 30 18 relating to an astro...
astrologic 22 16 related to astrology...
astronomic 20 17 related to astronomy...
asymmetric 29 21 not symmetric, also...
asymptotic 30 21 of a line, approachi...
asyntactic 29 19 loosely put together...
audiogenic 20 18 caused by sound wave...
audiologic 22 18 relating to the stud...
auriscopic 26 20 relating to an auris...
austenitic 20 15 of stainless steels,...
authigenic 23 19 of minerals, having...
autocratic 23 17 of, relating to, or...
autoerotic 19 14 relating to sexual e...
autophytic 31 21 like an autophyte, a...
autoscopic 25 20 relating to autoscop...
axoplasmic 30 27 relating to axoplasm...
azeotropic 24 25 of or like an azeotr...
bacteremic 26 22 having bacteria in t...
baphometic 27 24 relating to Baphomet...
barbituric 26 20 denoting an acid got...
barometric 23 19 as measured by a bar...
barophilic 28 22 of bacteria, able to...
baroscopic 27 22 relating to a barosc...
basophilic 28 22 of white blood cells...
batholitic 26 19 of or like a batholi...
bathylitic 33 21 like a bathylite, a...
bentonitic 21 18 of or like bentonite...
bimetallic 26 21 using a double metal...
biocenotic 24 20 relating to a biocen...
bioclastic 27 20 of deposits, esp. li...
biodynamic 29 23 using only organic m...
biogenetic 22 19 pertaining to biogen...
biographic 28 23 relating to biograph...
biomimetic 25 22 relating to biomimet...
biomorphic 28 24 of or like a biomorp...
bioplasmic 27 23 pertaining to, or co...
biospheric 27 21 relating to the bios...
blastodisc 24 18 the embryo-forming p...
bolometric 24 20 relating to bolometr...
bronchitic 28 22 of or pertaining to...
bryophytic 40 25 of or like a bryophy...
cabalistic 27 20 relating to the caba...
cacophonic 29 25 of or like a cacopho...
canonistic 22 18 of or pertaining to...
caoutchouc 28 23 (Quechua) unvulcaniz...
carbonylic 32 23 relating to carbonyl...
carborexic 31 26 a person who is rega...
carboxylic 39 29 relating to carboxyl...
cardialgic 26 20 relating to cardialg...
cariogenic 23 19 causing dental cavit...
caryatidic 30 19 of or like a caryati...
catalectic 27 20 lacking one syllable...
cataleptic 26 20 afflicted with catal...
cataphonic 26 22 of or relating to ca...
cataphoric 27 21 relating to a cataph...
catapultic 27 21 of or like a catapul...
catechetic 28 21 relating to catechis...
cellulosic 27 20 plastic made from ce...
cenotaphic 26 22 like a cenotaph [adj...
cerebellic 27 21 relating to the cere...
chavtastic 28 22 suitable for use by...
chemiatric 27 21 healing by the use o...
cherubimic 30 25 like a cherub [adj]
chiasmatic 27 21 relating to chiasma...
chiliastic 28 19 of or relating to a...
chironomic 26 22 relating to gesticul...
chocaholic 31 24 one addicted to choc...
chocoholic 31 24 one addicted to choc...
cholagogic 28 23 of or like a cholago...
choliambic 30 25 a verse having an ia...
chondritic 26 20 granular; having the...
choriambic 29 24 a metrical foot comp...
cinnabaric 24 21 of or like cinnabar,...
cinnamonic 22 22 pertaining to, or ob...
cliometric 26 20 relating to cliometr...
coelomatic 24 20 of or like a coelom,...
coenobitic 24 20 of or like a coenobi...
coenocytic 31 22 of or like a coenocy...
collagenic 25 21 relating to collagen...
collotypic 34 23 relating to collotyp...
coloristic 25 17 relating to a colori...
concentric 25 21 having a common cent...
congeneric 22 20 of the same genus, o...
congenetic 22 20 having common origin...
copesettic 25 19 (US) excellent, also...
coprolitic 27 20 containing, pertaini...
corybantic 31 22 wild; frenzied; unco...
cosmogenic 24 22 produced by interact...
cosmogonic 24 22 relating to cosmogon...
cosmologic 26 22 relating to cosmolog...
cosmoramic 25 22 of or pertaining to...
coumarilic 26 21 of or like coumarin...
crescentic 26 20 formed like a cresce...
cryometric 31 21 relating to the meas...
cryophilic 36 24 cold-loving [adj]
cryoscopic 35 24 relating to cryoscop...
cryostatic 30 18 relating to the use...
cryptozoic 35 30 of animals, living i...
cyanogenic 28 22 of or like a cyanoge...
cybernetic 31 22 relating to cybernet...
cyclopedic 36 26 encyclopaedic, also...
cycloramic 35 25 of or like a cyclora...
cyclotomic 35 25 a mathematical term...
cytometric 31 21 relating to cytometr...
cytopathic 34 23 producing pathologic...
cytophilic 36 24 of e.g. antibodies,...
cytostatic 30 18 tending to retard ce...
decametric 24 20 of or like a decamet...
decimetric 25 20 relating to a decime...
dekametric 22 21 of or like a dekamet...
democratic 24 20 related to democracy...
dermatomic 22 20 relating to a dermat...
diacaustic 24 18 a type of curve form...
diachronic 25 20 of the study of a su...
diacoustic 24 18 pertaining to the re...
diagenetic 20 17 pertaining to change...
diagnostic 21 17 relating to diagnosi...
diagraphic 26 21 pertaining to a diag...
diapasonic 21 18 relating to a diapas...
diapedetic 22 18 relating to diapedes...
diarrhetic 23 16 of or like diarrhoea...
diarrhoeic 22 16 of or like diarrhoea...
diastaltic 22 15 (Greek music) of int...
diathermic 24 19 permeable to or able...
diazeuctic 27 27 relating to diazeuxi...
dichogamic 28 24 relating to dichogam...
dichotomic 27 22 of or like a dichoto...
dichroitic 27 19 having two colours;...
didascalic 25 19 didactic; pertaining...
dielectric 25 18 nonconducting [adj D...
digoneutic 21 18 breeding twice a yea...
dilemmatic 24 21 relating to a dilemm...
dinosauric 20 16 of or like a dinosau...
diorthotic 23 16 relating to the corr...
diphtheric 28 21 relating to diphther...
diphyletic 33 22 descended from two d...
diplomatic 25 21 relating to diplomac...
disorganic 21 17 lacking organic stru...
dispondaic 22 19 relating to a dispon...
disyllabic 32 21 having two syllables...
ditheistic 24 16 relating to ditheism...
ditheletic 24 17 relating to dithelet...
docimastic 25 20 proving by docimasy,...
dodecanoic 21 19 as in dodecanoic aci...
donatistic 20 15 pertaining to donati...
dosimetric 22 17 relating to dosimetr...
dynamistic 28 20 relating to dynamism...
dysenteric 26 17 relating to dysenter...
dysgraphic 33 23 someone suffering fr...
dyskinetic 28 21 suffering from dyski...
dysmorphic 33 24 obsessively concerne...
dysplastic 31 20 suffering from dyspl...
dyspractic 33 22 suffering from dyspr...
dysthymiac 37 23 a person who suffers...
dystrophic 32 21 relating to dystroph...
ecchymotic 36 26 pertaining to ecchym...
eccoprotic 28 22 a laxative [n -S]
ecocentric 25 20 having a serious con...
ecphractic 31 24 (obsolete) serving t...
ectodermic 24 20 of or relating to th...
ectophytic 34 23 relating to an ectop...
egocentric 23 19 concerned with the i...
electronic 23 18 of or relating to el...
emblematic 25 23 of, relating to, or...
embolismic 26 23 pertaining to an emb...
emmetropic 24 22 pertaining to, or ch...
empathetic 25 21 involving or showing...
emphractic 29 24 blocking the pores o...
emphysemic 33 26 a sufferer from emph...
encephalic 27 23 pertaining to the en...
encopretic 24 20 relating to encopres...
encrinitic 23 18 of or like an encrin...
endamoebic 21 21 like an endamoeba, a...
endergonic 19 18 requiring energy [ad...
endermatic 20 18 through or applied d...
endobiotic 21 18 living within the ti...
endocarpic 24 21 relating to an endoc...
endocrinic 22 19 relating to the endo...
endocritic 23 18 endocrine, also ENDO...
endodermic 20 19 of or pertaining to...
endodontic 18 17 relating to endodont...
endolithic 23 18 living within or pen...
endophitic 24 20 of or like an endoph...
endophytic 30 22 of or like an endoph...
endoscopic 24 21 relating to an endos...
endosmotic 20 18 pertaining to endosm...
enharmonic 21 20 relating to music co...
enhydritic 29 19 of or like enhydrite...
enphytotic 30 21 of plant diseases, c...
entodermic 20 18 relating to the ento...
entophytic 30 21 of or pertaining to...
epenthetic 23 19 inserted in the body...
epexegetic 28 25 providing additional...
epiblastic 26 20 of or relating to, o...
epicanthic 27 22 relating to the epic...
epicardiac 25 20 relating to the epic...
epideictic 26 20 done for show or dis...
epigastric 24 18 relating to the epig...
epigenetic 22 19 resulting from exter...
epiglottic 25 19 of or like the epigl...
epigraphic 28 23 relating to an epigr...
epimeletic 24 20 of a type of social...
epimorphic 28 24 relating to epimorph...
epipelagic 26 22 relating to the uppe...
epirogenic 22 19 relating to epirogen...
episematic 23 19 of coloration, assis...
epispastic 25 19 blistering [adj] / a...
erethismic 24 18 relating to erethism...
erethistic 23 15 causing erethism, ab...
ergomaniac 20 19 one who suffers from...
ergometric 22 18 relating to measurem...
erotogenic 19 16 producing erotic des...
erythritic 30 17 of or like erythrite...
escharotic 25 18 caustic [adj] / a ca...
essayistic 27 15 relating to an essay...
estrogenic 20 16 of or like estrogen,...
ethnogenic 21 19 relating to ethnogen...
ethnologic 23 19 relating to ethnolog...
eucaryotic 29 19 of or like a eucaryo...
eudaemonic 19 19 relating to eudaemon...
euharmonic 22 20 producing mathematic...
eukaryotic 27 20 of or like a eukaryo...
eulogistic 23 17 of or like a eulogy,...
euphuistic 26 20 characterised by eup...
eurhythmic 33 23 relating to eurhythm...
europhobic 26 22 suffering from europ...
eurybathic 31 21 capable of living at...
euthanasic 21 17 of or like euthanasi...
evaporitic 24 20 of or like an evapor...
exocentric 28 24 of a construction, n...
exocytotic 35 25 relating to exocytos...
exogenetic 25 23 not genetic, not cau...
exopoditic 28 24 of or like an exopod...
exorcistic 30 23 relating to exorcism...
exospheric 30 25 related to the exosp...
exothermic 29 25 of a chemical reacti...
fabulistic 27 21 having the nature of...
familistic 26 20 relating to familism...
fatalistic 24 17 related to fatalism...
felspathic 28 22 of or like felspar,...
feministic 24 20 relating to feminism...
fibreoptic 27 22 relating to fibre op...
finalistic 24 18 relating to finalism...
florigenic 24 20 relating to florigen...
frigorific 27 21 causing cold, chilli...
futuristic 25 18 of or relating to fu...
gabbroitic 26 21 of or like gabbro, a...
galliambic 27 23 a classical metre [n...
gamotropic 24 21 relating to gamotrop...
ganglionic 22 20 pertaining to, conta...
gasometric 22 18 relating to the meas...
gastralgic 24 18 relating to gastralg...
genealogic 21 19 relating to genealog...
genethliac 23 19 (obsolete) pertainin...
geobotanic 21 19 relating to geobotan...
geocentric 23 19 having the earth for...
geodynamic 27 22 related to geodynami...
geognostic 21 18 relating to geognosy...
geographic 26 22 of or relating to ge...
geomorphic 26 23 earth-shaped [adj]
geotechnic 25 21 relating to geotechn...
geothermic 24 20 related to the inter...
glasnostic 22 17 in the spirit of gla...
glucosidic 27 21 of or like a glucosi...
glucosuric 27 21 relating to glucosur...
glucuronic 26 22 as in glucuronic aci...
glutaminic 24 21 as in glutamic acid,...
glyceridic 33 22 like a glyceride, an...
glycogenic 32 24 of or containing gly...
glycolytic 40 24 relating to glycolys...
glycosidic 33 22 of or like a glycosi...
glycosuric 33 22 relating to glycosur...
gneissitic 22 16 of or like gneiss, a...
gonococcic 29 25 relating to gonococc...
gonophoric 24 21 relating to a gonoph...
gonorrheic 22 18 relating to gonorrho...
granulitic 23 18 of the texture of gr...
gynocratic 30 21 relating to gynocrac...
gynophobic 33 26 one who hates women...
gynophoric 31 23 of or like a gynopho...
gyroscopic 33 23 pertaining to the gy...
gyrostatic 28 17 of or pertaining to...
haematinic 22 19 having the effect of...
haematitic 23 18 of or like haematite...
haematuric 23 19 relating to haematur...
haemolytic 30 21 relating to haemolys...
haemotoxic 28 25 of or like a haemoto...
hagiologic 25 20 relating to hagiolog...
halobiotic 25 19 living in the sea, a...
halophilic 29 22 salt-loving [adj]
halophytic 34 23 growing in a salty e...
haplologic 27 22 showing haplology, t...
harmolodic 24 20 relating to a jazz t...
hedonistic 22 17 following the doctri...
heliotypic 32 21 relating to, or obta...
helminthic 27 22 of or relating to wo...
hemianopic 24 22 having or relating t...
hemicyclic 38 27 of or like a hemicyc...
hemiplegic 28 24 paralyzed on one sid...
hemitropic 26 21 of a crystal, having...
hemophilic 29 24 relating to hemophil...
hemostatic 23 18 capable of slowing d...
heptapodic 26 22 of a verse, having s...
heptarchic 30 23 of or like a heptarc...
heptatonic 23 19 of a musical scale,...
hermatypic 32 23 building reefs (as o...
heroicomic 26 21 of a style that mixe...
hexaemeric 28 25 relating to a hexaem...
hexametric 29 25 of verse, written in...
hexaplaric 31 26 relating to a hexapl...
hierarchic 28 20 of, relating to, or...
hierodulic 24 18 relating to a hierod...
hierologic 24 18 relating to hierolog...
hippiatric 28 21 relating to the trea...
hippuritic 29 22 of or like a hippuri...
histaminic 24 19 relating to a histam...
histogenic 23 18 of or like a histoge...
histologic 25 18 relating to histolog...
histolytic 31 18 of or pertaining to...
histrionic 23 16 relating to the stag...
holophytic 34 23 obtaining food by ph...
holosteric 23 16 totally solid [adj]
homeomeric 23 21 having all the somit...
homeotypic 31 23 denoting or relating...
homocyclic 37 27 having a closed chai...
homoerotic 22 18 loving one of the sa...
homophobic 29 26 having a morbid fear...
homophonic 26 24 in a single melodic...
homorganic 23 21 of a consonant, arti...
horoscopic 27 21 relating to a horosc...
humanistic 24 20 relating to humanism...
humoristic 25 19 of, pertaining to, o...
hupaithric 28 21 roofless; open to th...
hyaluronic 29 20 as in hyaluronic aci...
hydrologic 31 21 relating to hydrolog...
hydrolytic 37 21 tending to remove or...
hydroponic 30 22 relating to hydropon...
hydrosolic 30 19 relating to a hydros...
hydroxylic 43 28 pertaining to a hydr...
hymnologic 31 24 relating to hymnolog...
hypalgesic 33 23 relating to hypalges...
hyperaemic 31 23 suffering from hyper...
hyperbaric 33 23 having specific grav...
hyperbatic 33 23 of or pertaining to...
hyperbolic 34 24 relating to a kind o...
hyperdulic 33 23 of or like hyperduli...
hypergolic 33 23 igniting on contact,...
hypermanic 31 24 suffering from hyper...
hyperpneic 32 24 relating to hyperpne...
hypersonic 30 21 flying at more than...
hypertonic 30 21 having excessive mus...
hypnagogic 32 25 of, relating to, or...
hypnogenic 30 24 relating to the prod...
hypnogogic 32 25 of, relating to, or...
hypnologic 32 24 relating to hypnolog...
hypocritic 35 23 characterized by hyp...
hypodermic 32 24 of or pertaining to...
hyponastic 30 21 relating to hyponast...
hypostatic 31 20 relating to hypostas...
hypotactic 34 23 relating to hypotaxi...
hypothetic 33 22 of the nature of a h...
hypoxaemic 37 30 relating to hypoxaem...
hysteretic 29 17 pertaining to hyster...
iatrogenic 20 16 caused inadvertently...
ichthyotic 35 22 relating to ichthyos...
iconomatic 23 20 using pictures to re...
idealistic 22 15 of or relating to id...
ideogramic 22 19 of or like an ideogr...
idiolectic 25 18 of or like an idiole...
idiopathic 25 19 of a disease, etc. a...
idiophonic 24 20 relating to an idiop...
inartistic 21 14 not conforming to th...
infrasonic 21 18 having or relating t...
inharmonic 22 20 lacking harmony, inh...
inquilinic 30 26 living with another...
interionic 19 15 between ions [adj]
intragenic 20 17 being or occurring w...
iodometric 21 17 measured by iodine,...
ionotropic 21 17 pertaining to or exh...
ischuretic 27 19 having the quality o...
isentropic 22 17 having equal entropy...
isocaloric 24 17 having similar calor...
isochasmic 27 21 indicating equal aur...
isocheimic 27 21 relating to an isoch...
isodynamic 27 20 a line on a map conn...
isoenzymic 30 28 of or like an isoenz...
isogametic 22 18 relating to isogamy,...
isogenetic 20 16 relating to isogeny,...
isoglossic 23 16 relating to an isogl...
isoglottic 23 16 relating to an isogl...
isokinetic 21 18 of the withdrawal of...
isomorphic 26 21 of the same form or...
isopiestic 23 16 having equal pressur...
isoplethic 26 19 of or like an isople...
isoseismic 22 16 a line connecting po...
jingoistic 24 25 chauvinist, sabre-ra...
kabalistic 25 21 relating to the kaba...
kaolinitic 22 19 relating to kaolinit...
karyogamic 29 24 relating to karyogam...
karyologic 29 22 relating to karyolog...
karyolytic 35 22 relating to karyolys...
karyotypic 36 24 of or like a karyoty...
kelyphitic 34 25 as in kelyphitic rim...
kerygmatic 30 24 of or relating to pr...
kilometric 24 21 relating to measurem...
kiloparsec 24 21 a unit of astronomic...
kinnikinic 22 24 (Native American) a...
laccolitic 29 21 of or like a laccoli...
lactogenic 24 20 producing milk [adj]
laeotropic 22 17 turning to the left...
laryngitic 29 19 of or like laryngiti...
lathyritic 31 18 of or like lathyrism...
legalistic 24 17 inclined to legalism...
leptosomic 24 20 like a leptosome, of...
leucocytic 34 23 relating to white co...
leucopenic 25 22 having leucopenia, a...
leukocytic 32 24 of or like leukocyte...
leukopenic 23 23 relating to leukopen...
limnologic 24 21 relating to limnolog...
linguistic 24 18 of or relating to la...
lipophilic 30 23 having an affinity f...
lipotropic 26 20 serving to prevent e...
lithologic 26 19 relating to litholog...
lithotomic 25 19 relating to lithotom...
localistic 26 18 having localism [adj...
logopaedic 23 20 relating to speech t...
logorrheic 24 18 relating to logorrho...
loxodromic 28 25 pertaining to sailin...
lysimetric 30 19 relating to measurem...
macrocytic 34 24 relating to a macroc...
madreporic 23 20 relating to madrepor...
magnetitic 22 19 of or like magnetite...
malolactic 26 21 relating to the conv...
mammogenic 23 25 promoting the growth...
mandarinic 20 19 appropriate or pecul...
manometric 21 20 relating to manometr...
margaritic 23 18 pearl-like, also MAR...
masseteric 21 16 of or pertaining to...
mastodonic 20 18 of or like a mastodo...
mathematic 24 21 related to mathemati...
matronymic 28 22 derived from the nam...
mediagenic 21 20 able to present a go...
megalithic 26 21 relating to a megali...
megaparsec 23 21 a measure of astrono...
megaphonic 25 24 relating to a megaph...
megascopic 27 24 visible to the naked...
megasporic 24 21 of or like a megaspo...
melanistic 22 18 affected with melani...
melismatic 24 20 in florid style, esp...
melomaniac 21 21 an abnormally dedica...
meningitic 22 20 relating to meningit...
menopausic 22 21 relating to the meno...
mesenteric 20 17 relating to the mese...
mesocratic 24 19 of igneous rocks, co...
mesodermic 22 20 pertaining to, or de...
mesokurtic 23 21 in statistics, refer...
mesophilic 27 22 esp. of bacteria, ha...
mesophytic 32 23 of a land plant, gro...
metaleptic 24 20 of or pertaining to...
metaphoric 25 21 related to metaphor,...
metaphysic 32 23 (relating to) the br...
metastatic 21 16 of, pertaining to, o...
metathetic 23 18 relating to metathes...
metempiric 25 22 transcending but ass...
meteoritic 21 16 of or like a meteori...
metrologic 23 19 relating to metrolog...
metronomic 21 20 of or like a metrono...
metronymic 28 22 derived from the nam...
miarolitic 23 17 having irregular cav...
microcytic 35 24 of or like a microcy...
microlitic 27 20 of or like microlite...
micrologic 27 22 relating to microlog...
microtomic 26 22 of or like a microto...
misocapnic 26 23 hating tobacco smoke...
mobocratic 26 22 relating to mobocrac...
modalistic 23 18 relating to modalism...
monadistic 21 18 relating to monadism...
monoacidic 23 21 of or like a monoaci...
monoatomic 20 20 of a molecule, consi...
monocarpic 25 23 having only one ovar...
monochroic 25 22 of one colour [adj]...
monoclinic 24 22 referable to three u...
monocratic 23 20 autocratic [adj]
monocyclic 34 26 having one whorl or...
monohydric 29 22 containing one hydro...
monolithic 24 20 of or like a monolit...
monomaniac 19 21 someone obsessed wit...
monometric 21 20 of verse, written in...
monophasic 24 22 of electric current,...
monophobic 26 25 one suffering from m...
monophonic 23 23 homophonic, monaural...
monoplegic 24 23 related to monoplegi...
monostelic 21 18 with a single stele...
monzonitic 23 27 of or like monzonite...
moralistic 23 17 characterized by or...
morganatic 21 19 relating to a marria...
multigenic 24 21 having many genes [a...
muscarinic 25 21 of or like muscarine...
myasthenic 29 21 one suffering from m...
myelocytic 38 24 pertaining to a myel...
myoblastic 31 22 of or like a myoblas...
myographic 33 25 relating to myograph...
mystagogic 30 22 relating to religiou...
mythologic 32 23 of or relating to my...
mythopoeic 31 23 myth-making, also MY...
myxoedemic 34 29 relating to myxoedem...
naphthalic 27 22 as in naphthalic aci...
naphthenic 25 22 of or like naphthene...
nativistic 23 18 relating to nativism...
naturistic 21 15 relating to naturism...
necrologic 24 20 relating to necrolog...
neoclassic 23 18 belonging to a reviv...
neogenetic 18 17 relating to neogenes...
neophiliac 24 20 one suffering from n...
neoplastic 22 18 of or pertaining to...
nephelinic 24 21 of or like nepheline...
nephologic 25 22 relating to nepholog...
nephralgic 26 22 relating to nephralg...
nepotistic 22 17 showing nepotism, al...
neurogenic 19 18 caused or stimulated...
neurologic 21 18 relating to neurolog...
neurotoxic 25 22 toxic to the nerves...
nihilistic 25 17 relating to nihilism...
nomothetic 22 19 legislative; based o...
nonallelic 21 18 not allelic [adj]
nonaquatic 26 25 not living in the wa...
nonascetic 21 18 one who is not ascet...
noncaloric 22 19 free from or very lo...
noncardiac 21 19 not related to the h...
nonelastic 19 16 not having elasticit...
nonenzymic 28 30 not enzymic [adj]
nongenetic 18 18 not genetic [adj]
nonmimetic 21 21 not mimetic [adj]
nonorganic 18 18 not organic [adj]
nonplastic 22 19 something that is no...
nostologic 21 17 relating to nostolog...
notaphilic 25 20 relating to notaphil...
novelistic 23 19 relating to a novel...
numismatic 23 21 relating to numismat...
nummulitic 25 23 of, like, composed o...
nyctalopic 32 23 suffering from nycta...
obesogenic 21 19 causing obesity [adj...
odontalgic 21 18 of or pertaining to...
oleophilic 26 20 having affinity for...
oligarchic 28 21 of or like an oligar...
oligomeric 23 19 of or like an oligom...
oliguretic 23 17 relating to oligures...
olivinitic 24 19 of or like olivenite...
oophoritic 24 18 relating to oophorit...
ophiolitic 26 19 of or like ophiolite...
ophiologic 26 21 relating to ophiolog...
ophthalmic 29 24 pertaining to or con...
opsomaniac 21 20 one who loves a cert...
optimistic 25 19 having optimism, als...
optometric 23 19 relating to optometr...
orchestric 26 18 relating to or compo...
organismic 22 19 relating to an organ...
orogenetic 19 16 relating to orogenes...
orographic 25 20 relating to orograph...
orthoboric 24 18 as in orthoboric aci...
orthogenic 22 18 pertaining to correc...
orthopedic 24 19 of, relating to, or...
orthotonic 21 16 taking an accent in...
orthotopic 24 18 of tissue grafts etc...
osmometric 22 19 relating to osmometr...
osteogenic 19 16 relating to the form...
oxymoronic 32 26 of or like an oxymor...
pacifistic 29 22 relating to the beli...
paedagogic 23 21 like a paedagogue, a...
paediatric 22 17 relating to the care...
paedogenic 21 20 of an animal, reprod...
paganistic 23 19 relating to paganism...
palaestric 23 17 relating to a palaes...
pancreatic 24 20 of or pertaining to...
pandemonic 21 22 pertaining to pandem...
pangenetic 21 20 of or pertaining to...
panspermic 25 23 of or pertaining to...
pantomimic 24 23 like a pantomime, al...
parabiotic 24 19 relating to parabios...
parachutic 28 22 relating to a parach...
paradisaic 22 17 of or like paradise,...
paradisiac 22 17 of or like paradise,...
paraenetic 20 17 exhortatory, also PA...
paraffinic 26 23 of or like paraffin,...
paralympic 33 25 relating to the para...
parametric 23 19 relating to paramete...
paraphasic 26 21 of or like paraphasi...
paraphonic 25 22 relating to paraphon...
paraplegic 26 22 paralysed in the low...
paratactic 25 19 of pertaining to, or...
parodistic 23 17 relating to parody [...
paroxysmic 36 28 relating to paroxysm...
pathogenic 24 21 producing disease, a...
pathologic 26 21 relating to patholog...
patronymic 29 22 derived from the nam...
pederastic 22 17 of or pertaining to...
pedophilic 28 23 a pedophile, also PA...
peelgarlic 25 20 a bald person; a per...
pegmatitic 25 21 having the texture o...
pelargonic 23 20 as in pelargonic aci...
pentapodic 23 21 relating to pentapod...
pentatomic 22 20 having five atoms in...
pentatonic 20 18 consisting of five t...
penteteric 21 17 occurring every four...
perchloric 29 22 containing more oxyg...
pericarpic 28 22 relating to the peri...
pericyclic 37 25 relating to the peri...
peridermic 24 20 relating to the peri...
perimetric 24 19 relating to a perime...
peripheric 27 21 (archaic) relating t...
periphonic 26 22 relating to a sound...
periphytic 34 23 relating to a periph...
periscopic 28 22 viewing all around,...
peritectic 26 19 a temperature at whi...
petrologic 24 19 relating to petrolog...
phagedenic 24 22 relating to phageden...
phagocytic 35 25 of or like a phagocy...
phantasmic 25 22 of the nature of a p...
phantastic 24 19 a dandy, a fop [n -S...
phenotypic 32 24 relating to a phenot...
philatelic 27 20 of or pertaining to...
philologic 28 22 of or pertaining to...
phlegmatic 28 24 of a calm, unexcitab...
phlegmonic 27 25 of or like a phlegmo...
phlogistic 28 21 of or pertaining to...
phocomelic 29 25 showing phocomely, a...
phonematic 24 22 relating to a phonem...
phonolitic 25 20 of or like phonolite...
phonologic 25 22 relating to phonolog...
phonotypic 32 24 of or like a phonoty...
phosphatic 29 23 containing phosphate...
phosphonic 28 24 as in phosphonic aci...
phosphoric 29 23 of or like phosphoru...
photogenic 24 21 of or pertaining to...
photolytic 32 21 relating to photolys...
phototonic 23 19 relating to phototon...
phototoxic 30 25 rendering the skin s...
phototypic 33 23 of or pertaining to...
phrenesiac 23 19 (Scott) hypochondria...
phylogenic 32 24 relating to phylogen...
physiatric 32 20 relating to physiatr...
phytogenic 31 23 derived from plants...
phytotoxic 37 27 harmful to plants [a...
planktonic 23 23 relating to plankton...
pleochroic 28 22 displaying different...
pleonastic 22 18 relating to pleonasm...
pleonectic 25 21 greedy; covetous [ad...
pleromatic 24 20 of or like a pleroma...
pleustonic 23 19 relating to pleuston...
plyometric 31 22 relating to plyometr...
poikilitic 26 21 mottled; having smal...
polyatomic 30 22 having many atoms, m...
polyaxonic 34 27 having many axes or...
polycarpic 35 25 fruiting many times,...
polychroic 35 24 displaying different...
polyclinic 34 24 a clinic in which di...
polycrotic 33 22 of or pertaining to...
polycyclic 44 28 having many circles,...
polycystic 40 24 having or involving...
polydipsic 33 23 relating to polydips...
polyhedric 32 22 having many faces or...
polyhydric 39 24 having several hydro...
polymastic 31 22 a person having more...
polymathic 33 24 pertaining to polyma...
polyonymic 36 25 of a name, consistin...
polyphasic 34 24 going through severa...
polyphonic 33 25 having a multiplicit...
populistic 27 21 relating to populism...
porismatic 24 19 relating to a porism...
poroscopic 27 22 relating to a porosc...
postatomic 23 19 taking place after t...
postexilic 30 24 existing or occurrin...
pozzolanic 28 36 of or like pozzolana...
premeiotic 23 19 taking place before...
premycotic 33 24 taking place before...
presbyopic 33 24 affected by presbyop...
prevocalic 28 24 before a vowel [adj...
procryptic 35 24 pertaining to or hav...
proglottic 25 19 relating to the prog...
prognathic 25 21 having a jaw that pr...
prognostic 23 19 indicating what is t...
pronephric 26 22 of or pertaining to...
proselytic 30 19 of or like a prosely...
prosthetic 25 18 relating to prosthes...
protanopic 23 20 colour-blind to red...
prothallic 27 20 relating to a protha...
protocolic 26 20 of or like protocol...
protogenic 22 19 of a compound, able...
prototypic 31 21 relating to a protot...
protreptic 25 19 exhorting or encoura...
pugilistic 27 20 related to pugilism,...
pyorrhoeic 30 20 relating to pyorrhoe...
pyrogallic 32 22 relating to pyrogall...
pyrolignic 31 22 produced by the acti...
pyromaniac 28 22 a sufferer from pyro...
pyromantic 29 22 of or pertaining to...
pyrometric 30 21 relating to pyrometr...
pyrophobic 35 26 one having an irrati...
pyrophoric 33 23 spontaneously igniti...
pyrostatic 29 18 relating to a pyrost...
pythogenic 31 23 produced by filth; c...
qabalistic 32 26 relating to the qaba...
quartzitic 33 32 of or like quartzite...
quietistic 30 23 of or pertaining to...
radiogenic 20 17 produced by radioact...
radiologic 22 17 of or relating to ra...
radiolytic 28 17 relating to radiolys...
radiotoxic 26 21 relating to the toxi...
rheometric 23 18 relating to measurem...
rheostatic 22 15 relating to a rheost...
rheotactic 25 18 relating to rheotaxi...
rheotropic 24 18 relating to a rheotr...
rhizogenic 26 27 producing or growing...
ricinoleic 24 18 relating to castor o...
rigoristic 23 15 relating to rigorism...
royalistic 28 16 characteristic of ro...
sacroiliac 24 17 relating to the arti...
salimetric 23 17 relating to the meas...
saprogenic 22 19 producing decay or p...
saprolitic 24 17 of or like a saproli...
sapropelic 25 20 living in sapropel [...
satellitic 23 15 of or like a satelli...
saxophonic 29 26 of or like a saxopho...
scalpellic 29 22 of or like a scalpel...
scatologic 25 19 relating to scatolog...
schismatic 28 21 of or pertaining to...
scholastic 27 19 relating to schools,...
scientific 26 20 of, relating to, or...
sciolistic 26 17 of or pertaining to...
sciomantic 24 20 relating to sciomanc...
sciophytic 35 23 of or like a sciophy...
scorpionic 25 20 of or like a scorpio...
seborrheic 24 18 relating to seborrhe...
semaphoric 25 21 related to semaphore...
semiologic 23 19 relating to semiolog...
semipublic 28 24 partly public [adj]
semitropic 24 19 a somewhat tropical...
septicemic 27 22 relating to septicem...
seriocomic 24 19 partly serious and p...
shagtastic 24 17 sexually very attrac...
shopaholic 27 21 a compulsive shopper...
sialagogic 23 18 promoting salivatio,...
sialogogic 23 18 promoting salivation...
simplistic 27 20 tending to oversimpl...
skeletonic 21 19 of or like a skeleto...
sociologic 25 19 of or relating to so...
solecistic 25 17 having the nature of...
solfataric 23 17 relating to a solfat...
solonetzic 23 24 relating to solonetz...
solvolytic 31 21 relating to solvolys...
sophomoric 25 21 of or like a sophomo...
splanchnic 28 24 visceral [adj]
sporogenic 22 19 producing spores [ad...
sporogonic 22 19 relating to a sporog...
stenopaeic 20 17 of spectacles, optic...
stenotopic 21 17 able to adapt only t...
stenotypic 28 19 relating to a stenot...
sternalgic 22 17 relating to sternalg...
stochastic 26 18 involving chance or...
stomatitic 22 16 relating to stomatit...
strabismic 25 19 of or like a strabis...
stylolitic 30 17 of or like a styloli...
subaquatic 31 27 under water [adj]
subgeneric 23 20 of or pertaining to...
suboceanic 24 21 below the ocean [adj...
subphrenic 27 23 placed below the mid...
supersonic 22 18 above the speed of s...
supertonic 22 18 the note next above...
supraoptic 25 20 situated above the o...
suprapubic 28 24 situated above, or a...
symbiontic 30 22 of or like a symbion...
symphystic 40 25 relating to symphysi...
symplastic 32 22 relating to a sympla...
synchronic 31 22 concerned with the s...
synclastic 31 20 curved in all direct...
synergetic 27 18 co-operating, workin...
syngenetic 26 19 relating to syngenes...
syphilitic 34 21 of or like syphilis,...
systematic 28 18 relating to or consi...
tachylitic 34 21 of or like tachylyte...
tachylytic 40 23 of or like tachylyte...
talismanic 22 18 of or like a talisma...
taphonomic 24 22 relating to taphonom...
tasimetric 22 16 relating to a tasime...
tautologic 22 17 relating to tautolog...
tautomeric 21 17 relating to, or char...
tautonymic 27 20 like a tautonym, a t...
taxidermic 28 24 relating to taxiderm...
telechiric 27 19 of or like a telechi...
telemetric 22 17 relating to a teleme...
teleologic 22 17 exhibiting or relati...
teleonomic 20 18 relating to teleonom...
telepathic 25 19 related to telepathy...
telephonic 24 20 of, relating to, or...
telescopic 26 20 of, relating to, or...
telesmatic 22 17 relating to a telesm...
telophasic 25 19 relating to telophas...
tenebrific 24 20 producing darkness;...
tetrabasic 22 16 of acids, having fou...
tetrameric 21 16 of or like a tetrame...
tetrapodic 22 17 of verse, having fou...
tetrarchic 26 18 having four xylem st...
tetrasemic 21 16 in Greek prosody, eq...
tetratomic 21 16 consisting of four a...
theocratic 25 18 relating to a theocr...
theomaniac 21 19 one suffering from t...
theomantic 22 19 relating to theomanc...
theopathic 26 20 relating to theopath...
theophanic 25 21 of or pertaining to...
theophoric 26 20 derived from or bear...
theosophic 26 20 relating to theosoph...
thermionic 23 19 relating to a thermi...
thiocyanic 31 21 as in thiocyanic aci...
tholeiitic 24 16 of or like tholeiite...
thrombotic 26 21 relating to thrombos...
thymidylic 39 24 as in thymidylic aci...
timocratic 25 19 relating to timocrac...
tokenistic 21 18 relating to tokenism...
tonometric 20 17 relating to a tonome...
torporific 25 19 causing dullness or...
totalistic 22 14 relating to centrali...
totemistic 22 16 relating to totemism...
tragicomic 26 21 part tragic, part co...
transgenic 20 17 of, pertaining to, o...
transsonic 19 15 relating to the rang...
tremolitic 23 17 of or like tremolite...
tribrachic 29 21 of or like a tribrac...
trichromic 28 21 having normal colour...
triglyphic 35 23 of or like a triglyp...
trigrammic 25 21 relating to a trigra...
trigraphic 27 20 of three letters, ha...
trilobitic 25 17 of, pertaining to or...
trimorphic 27 21 having three forms,...
tristichic 28 18 relating to a tristi...
tritanopic 22 17 relating to tritanop...
trithionic 23 16 designating a certai...
tropologic 24 19 characterized by tro...
tularaemic 22 18 relating to tularaem...
tumorgenic 22 20 producing tumors, al...
tympanitic 30 22 pertaining to, or af...
typhogenic 31 23 causing typhus or ty...
ultrabasic 24 18 very poor in silica...
ultraistic 23 15 relating to ultraism...
ultramafic 25 21 of rocks, very mafic...
ultrasonic 21 16 denoting air-waves o...
unacademic 23 22 not academic [adj UN...
unanalytic 26 19 not analytic, also U...
unartistic 21 15 not artistic [adj]
unathletic 23 18 not athletic [adj]
undidactic 24 20 not didactic [adj]
undogmatic 22 21 not dogmatic [adj UN...
undomestic 21 19 not domestic [adj]
undramatic 21 19 lacking dramatic for...
uneconomic 22 22 not economically pra...
unemphatic 25 23 not emphatic [adj UN...
unesthetic 22 17 (US) unaesthetic, al...
unhistoric 23 17 not historic [adj]
unhygienic 29 22 not hygienic [adj]
unionistic 20 16 relating to unionism...
unmechanic 25 24 (archaic) unmechanic...
unneurotic 19 17 not neurotic [adj]
unpathetic 24 20 not pathetic [adj]
unpedantic 21 20 not pedantic [adj]
unphonetic 23 21 not phonetic [adj]
unprolific 26 22 not prolific [adj]
unrhythmic 33 24 not rhythmic, also U...
unromantic 20 19 not romantic, also U...
unspecific 28 24 not specific [adj UN...
unsystemic 28 20 not systemic [adj]
urbanistic 23 18 relating to the plan...
urethritic 24 16 relating to urethrit...
uricosuric 25 18 promoting the excret...
uricotelic 25 18 eliminating excess n...
urographic 26 21 relating to urograph...
urosthenic 22 17 having a tail design...
vagotropic 25 22 of a drug, affecting...
variolitic 24 18 of or like variolite...
visiogenic 23 20 suitable for transmi...
vitalistic 25 18 pertaining to vitali...
volumetric 25 22 of or pertaining to...
workaholic 27 23 one who is excessive...
xenobiotic 27 24 denoting or relating...
xenogeneic 24 24 descended from a mem...
xenolithic 29 24 of or like a xenolit...
xenophobic 31 29 being afraid of fore...
xenotropic 27 24 reproducing or repli...
xerodermic 27 24 dry-skinned [adj]
xerophytic 37 27 able to withstand dr...
xiphopagic 34 30 relating to a xiphop...
xylophonic 37 29 relating to a xyloph...
zelophobic 30 31 one who suffers from...
zoographic 28 29 relating to zoograph...
zoomorphic 28 30 having the form of a...
zooplastic 26 26 relating to zooplast...
zootrophic 27 27 of or pertaining to...
zygosporic 33 29 of or like a zygospo...