15 letter P word |
Scrabble |
Word With Friends |
Description |
pachymeningitis | 41 | 32 | a form of meningitis... |
painstakingness | 28 | 27 | PAINSTAKING, taking... |
painterlinesses | 27 | 21 | PAINTERLINESS, the s... |
palaebiologists | 32 | 25 | PALAEBIOLOGIST, a st... |
palaeoanthropic | 33 | 28 | of or relating to th... |
palaeobiologies | 30 | 25 | PALAEOBIOLOGY, the s... |
palaeobiologist | 31 | 25 | a student of palaeob... |
palaeobotanical | 31 | 27 | relating to palaeobo... |
palaeobotanists | 28 | 23 | PALAEOBOTANIST, one... |
palaeoecologies | 30 | 25 | PALAEOECOLOGY, the s... |
palaeoecologist | 31 | 25 | a specialist in pala... |
palaeoethnology | 35 | 27 | the science of early... |
palaeogeography | 38 | 30 | the study of the geo... |
palaeographical | 36 | 30 | related to palaeogra... |
palaeographists | 33 | 26 | PALAEOGRAPHIST, a st... |
palaeolimnology | 36 | 29 | the study of ancient... |
palaeomagnetism | 29 | 28 | a study of the magne... |
palaeomagnetist | 28 | 25 | a student of or expe... |
palaeontography | 37 | 29 | descriptive palaeont... |
palaeontologies | 27 | 23 | PALAEONTOLOGY, the s... |
palaeontologist | 28 | 23 | a student of palaeon... |
palaeopathology | 38 | 29 | the pathological stu... |
palaeophytology | 45 | 31 | the study of fossil... |
palaeozoologies | 30 | 31 | PALAEOZOOLOGY, the s... |
palaeozoologist | 31 | 31 | a student of palaeoz... |
palatablenesses | 29 | 24 | PALATABLENESS, the s... |
palatalisations | 28 | 21 | PALATALISATION, the... |
palatalizations | 31 | 30 | PALATALIZATION, the... |
paleobiological | 35 | 29 | relating to paleobio... |
paleobiologists | 32 | 25 | PALEOBIOLOGIST, one... |
paleoecological | 35 | 29 | relating to paleoeco... |
paleoecologists | 32 | 25 | PALEOECOLOGIST, one... |
paleogeographic | 36 | 31 | relating to paleogeo... |
paleomagnetisms | 30 | 28 | PALEOMAGNETISM, the... |
paleomagnetists | 29 | 25 | PALEOMAGNETIST, a st... |
paleontological | 32 | 27 | relating to paleonto... |
paleontologists | 29 | 23 | PALEONTOLOGIST, one... |
paleozoological | 35 | 35 | relating to paleozoo... |
paleozoologists | 32 | 31 | PALEOZOOLOGIST, one... |
palynologically | 47 | 32 | PALYNOLOGICAL, relat... |
pamphleteerings | 34 | 30 | PAMPHLETEERING [n] |
panophthalmitis | 36 | 30 | inflammation of the... |
pantheistically | 41 | 28 | PANTHEISTICAL, relat... |
pantisocratical | 34 | 26 | relating to pantisoc... |
pantisocratists | 31 | 22 | PANTISOCRATIST, an u... |
pantopragmatics | 34 | 30 | PANTOPRAGMATIC [n] |
parabolisations | 29 | 23 | PARABOLISATION, the... |
parabolizations | 32 | 32 | PARABOLIZATION, the... |
paradoxicalness | 36 | 31 | PARADOXICAL, of the... |
paragenetically | 38 | 28 | PARAGENETIC, relatin... |
paragrammatists | 31 | 26 | PARAGRAMMATIST, a pu... |
paragraphically | 44 | 32 | PARAGRAPHICAL, relat... |
paraheliotropic | 35 | 27 | turning edgewise to... |
parajournalisms | 31 | 33 | PARAJOURNALISM, jour... |
paralinguistics | 34 | 26 | PARALINGUISTIC [n] |
parallactically | 44 | 30 | PARALLACTICAL, relat... |
parallelepipeda | 33 | 28 | solid figures bounde... |
parallelepipeds | 34 | 28 | PARALLELEPIPED, a so... |
parallelopipeda | 33 | 28 | PARALLELOPIPEDON [n] |
parallelopipeds | 34 | 28 | PARALLELOPIPED, a so... |
parametrisation | 27 | 22 | the act of parametri... |
parametrization | 30 | 31 | the act of parameter... |
paramyxoviruses | 43 | 35 | PARAMYXOVIRUS, any o... |
paranormalities | 28 | 23 | PARANORMALITY, the s... |
pararosanilines | 26 | 21 | PARAROSANILINE, a wh... |
parasexualities | 34 | 27 | PARASEXUALITY, the s... |
parasiticalness | 31 | 23 | PARASITICAL, of or l... |
parasitisations | 27 | 19 | PARASITISATION, the... |
parasitizations | 30 | 28 | PARASITIZATION, the... |
parasitological | 33 | 25 | relating to parasito... |
parasitologists | 30 | 21 | PARASITOLOGIST, one... |
parasympathetic | 42 | 31 | designating part of... |
parenthetically | 40 | 28 | PARENTHETICAL, relat... |
parliamentarian | 27 | 24 | an adherent of the p... |
parliamentarily | 36 | 26 | PARLIAMENTARY, of or... |
parliamentarism | 30 | 26 | belief in the parlia... |
paroemiographer | 32 | 28 | a writer of proverbs... |
parthenocarpies | 33 | 27 | PARTHENOCARPY, fruit... |
parthenocarpous | 33 | 28 | relating to partheno... |
parthenogeneses | 27 | 24 | PARTHENOGENESIS, rep... |
parthenogenesis | 28 | 24 | reproduction by a vi... |
parthenogenetic | 31 | 27 | reproducing by parth... |
participational | 33 | 26 | relating to particip... |
particularisers | 33 | 23 | PARTICULARISER, one... |
particularising | 34 | 26 | PARTICULARISE, to st... |
particularistic | 37 | 26 | relating to particul... |
particularities | 33 | 23 | PARTICULARITY, a min... |
particularizers | 36 | 32 | PARTICULARIZER, one... |
particularizing | 37 | 35 | PARTICULARIZE, to st... |
parturifacients | 33 | 26 | PARTURIFACIENT, an o... |
passifloraceous | 33 | 26 | belonging to the pas... |
passionlessness | 27 | 21 | PASSIONLESS, without... |
pasteurisations | 27 | 20 | PASTEURISATION, ster... |
pasteurizations | 30 | 29 | PASTEURIZATION, ster... |
patentabilities | 30 | 23 | PATENTABILITY, the s... |
paterfamiliases | 31 | 25 | PATERFAMILIAS, (Lati... |
pathogenicities | 33 | 26 | PATHOGENICITY, the s... |
pathophysiology | 48 | 32 | the physiology of ab... |
patrialisations | 28 | 20 | PATRIALISATION, the... |
patrializations | 31 | 29 | PATRIALIZATION, the... |
patriarchalisms | 36 | 27 | PATRIARCHALISM, a pa... |
patrifocalities | 34 | 25 | PATRIFOCALITY, the s... |
peaceablenesses | 30 | 26 | PEACEABLENESS, PEACE... |
peacelessnesses | 29 | 23 | PEACELESSNESS, the s... |
pectinesterases | 29 | 22 | PECTINESTERASE, an e... |
pedagoguishness | 31 | 27 | PEDAGOGUISH, in the... |
pedestrianising | 28 | 23 | PEDESTRIANISE, to ma... |
pedestrianizing | 31 | 32 | PEDESTRIANIZE, to ma... |
pendulousnesses | 27 | 24 | PENDULOUSNESS, the s... |
penetrabilities | 30 | 23 | PENETRABILITY, the s... |
penetrativeness | 27 | 24 | the state of being p... |
peninsularities | 28 | 22 | PENINSULARITY, the s... |
pennilessnesses | 26 | 22 | PENNILESSNESS, PENNI... |
pentadactylisms | 39 | 29 | PENTADACTYLISM, the... |
pentobarbitones | 29 | 26 | PENTOBARBITONE, a ba... |
penuriousnesses | 26 | 22 | PENURIOUSNESS, PENUR... |
perchloroethene | 33 | 27 | a chlorocarbon widel... |
perdurabilities | 32 | 24 | PERDURABILITY, the s... |
perfectibilians | 36 | 29 | PERFECTIBILIAN, a be... |
perfectibilisms | 39 | 31 | PERFECTIBILISM, the... |
perfectibilists | 38 | 28 | PERFECTIBILIST, a be... |
perfectionating | 32 | 28 | PERFECTIONATE, to br... |
perfectionistic | 36 | 28 | relating to perfecti... |
perfervidnesses | 31 | 27 | PERFERVIDNESS, the s... |
perfluorocarbon | 34 | 30 | an organic compound... |
perfunctoriness | 32 | 27 | the state of being p... |
pergamentaceous | 30 | 28 | parchment-like, also... |
perigastritises | 30 | 20 | PERIGASTRITIS, infla... |
perihepatitises | 32 | 23 | PERIHEPATITIS, infla... |
perinephritises | 32 | 24 | PERINEPHRITIS, infla... |
periodontically | 38 | 27 | PERIODONTIC, relatin... |
periodontitises | 27 | 20 | PERIODONTITIS, infla... |
peripatetically | 41 | 28 | PERIPATETICAL, walki... |
peripateticisms | 35 | 27 | PERIPATETICISM, the... |
peripheralities | 33 | 24 | PERIPHERALITY, the s... |
perishabilities | 34 | 24 | PERISHABILITY, the s... |
perissodactyles | 38 | 25 | PERISSODACTYLE, an a... |
perissodactylic | 42 | 28 | of or like a perisso... |
perissosyllabic | 42 | 28 | having an additional... |
peristaltically | 41 | 26 | PERISTALTIC, relatin... |
perityphlitises | 41 | 26 | PERITYPHLITIS, infla... |
permanentnesses | 25 | 24 | PERMANENTNESS, the s... |
permeablenesses | 29 | 26 | PERMEABLENESS, the s... |
permissibleness | 32 | 26 | PERMISSIBLE, that ca... |
permutabilities | 33 | 26 | PERMUTABILITY, the q... |
peroxysulphuric | 50 | 38 | as in peroxysulphuri... |
perpendicularly | 41 | 31 | PERPENDICULAR, at ri... |
perplexednesses | 35 | 31 | PERPLEXEDNESS, the s... |
persnicketiness | 31 | 27 | the state of being p... |
personalisation | 26 | 21 | the act of personali... |
personalization | 29 | 30 | the act of personali... |
personification | 31 | 26 | the attribution of p... |
perspicaciously | 44 | 31 | PERSPICACIOUS, clear... |
perspicuousness | 33 | 27 | the state of being p... |
pervasivenesses | 30 | 27 | PERVASIVENESS, PERVA... |
pervertednesses | 28 | 24 | PERVERTEDNESS, PERVE... |
pessimistically | 42 | 28 | PESSIMISTICAL, incli... |
pestiferousness | 29 | 23 | PESTIFEROUS, bringin... |
petrochemically | 45 | 33 | PETROCHEMICAL, of or... |
petrocurrencies | 33 | 26 | PETROCURRENCY, curre... |
petrophysicists | 43 | 28 | PETROPHYSICIST, a st... |
phallocentrisms | 36 | 29 | PHALLOCENTRISM, the... |
phantasmagorial | 31 | 27 | of or like a phantas... |
phantasmagorias | 30 | 26 | PHANTASMAGORIA, a fa... |
phantasmagories | 30 | 26 | PHANTASMAGORY, a fan... |
phantasmalities | 31 | 25 | PHANTASMALITY, the s... |
pharisaicalness | 33 | 25 | PHARISAICAL, charact... |
pharmaceuticals | 38 | 31 | PHARMACEUTICAL, a me... |
pharmacodynamic | 43 | 36 | pertaining to action... |
pharmacogenomic | 37 | 35 | relating to pharmaco... |
pharmacognosies | 33 | 29 | PHARMACOGNOSY, the s... |
pharmacognosist | 34 | 29 | a practitioner of ph... |
pharmacognostic | 37 | 32 | relating to pharmaco... |
pharmacokinetic | 37 | 34 | relating to pharmaco... |
pharmacological | 39 | 33 | relating to pharmaco... |
pharmacologists | 36 | 29 | PHARMACOLOGIST, one... |
pharmacopoeians | 33 | 30 | PHARMACOPOEIAN, an i... |
pharmacopoeists | 35 | 29 | PHARMACOPOEIST, one... |
pharmacopolists | 37 | 30 | PHARMACOPOLIST, drug... |
pharmacotherapy | 43 | 33 | the treatment of dis... |
pharyngological | 42 | 32 | relating to pharyngo... |
pharyngologists | 39 | 28 | PHARYNGOLOGIST, a sp... |
pharyngoscopies | 41 | 31 | PHARYNGOSCOPY, exami... |
phenakistoscope | 34 | 31 | an early form of cin... |
phenobarbitones | 31 | 28 | PHENOBARBITONE, a se... |
phenolphthalein | 36 | 31 | a crystalline compou... |
phenomenalising | 30 | 29 | PHENOMENALISE, to re... |
phenomenalistic | 33 | 29 | relating to phenomen... |
phenomenalities | 29 | 26 | PHENOMENALITY, the s... |
phenomenalizing | 33 | 38 | PHENOMENALIZE, to re... |
phenomenologies | 29 | 28 | PHENOMENOLOGY, the s... |
phenomenologist | 30 | 28 | one who studies phen... |
phenylbutazones | 40 | 38 | PHENYLBUTAZONE, a dr... |
phenylketonuria | 36 | 30 | an inherited metabol... |
phenylketonuric | 40 | 33 | suffering from pheny... |
phenylthioureas | 38 | 27 | PHENYLTHIOUREA, a cr... |
philanthropical | 39 | 31 | of, relating to, or... |
philanthropists | 36 | 27 | PHILANTHROPIST, one... |
philanthropoids | 35 | 28 | PHILANTHROPOID, a pe... |
philosophasters | 35 | 26 | PHILOSOPHASTER, an a... |
philosophically | 47 | 33 | PHILOSOPHICAL, relat... |
philosophisings | 37 | 29 | PHILOSOPHISING, the... |
philosophizings | 40 | 38 | PHILOSOPHIZING [n] |
phleboscleroses | 36 | 28 | PHLEBOSCLEROSIS, har... |
phlebosclerosis | 37 | 28 | hardening and loss o... |
phlogisticating | 37 | 29 | PHLOGISTICATE, to co... |
phonautographic | 37 | 32 | relating to a phonau... |
phonemicisation | 32 | 28 | the process of phone... |
phonemicization | 35 | 37 | the process of phone... |
phoneticisation | 31 | 25 | the process of phone... |
phoneticization | 34 | 34 | the process of phone... |
phonocardiogram | 33 | 30 | a record of heart so... |
phonogramically | 42 | 33 | PHONOGRAMIC, like a... |
phosphatisation | 33 | 26 | the act of phosphati... |
phosphatization | 36 | 35 | the act of phosphati... |
phosphocreatine | 35 | 29 | a compound of creati... |
phosphocreatins | 36 | 29 | PHOSPHOCREATIN, a co... |
phosphoproteins | 35 | 29 | PHOSPHOPROTEIN, any... |
phosphorescence | 38 | 32 | luminescence that co... |
phosphoroscopes | 38 | 31 | PHOSPHOROSCOPE, an i... |
phosphorylating | 42 | 31 | PHOSPHORYLATE, to ca... |
phosphorylation | 40 | 29 | the process of phosp... |
phosphorylative | 43 | 32 | of or like phosphory... |
photoautotrophs | 33 | 26 | PHOTOAUTOTROPH, an o... |
photobiological | 37 | 30 | relating to photobio... |
photobiologists | 34 | 26 | PHOTOBIOLOGIST, one... |
photochemically | 47 | 35 | PHOTOCHEMICAL, of, r... |
photoconducting | 36 | 32 | relating to, or show... |
photoconduction | 34 | 30 | conduction of electr... |
photoconductive | 37 | 33 | having, involving, o... |
photoconductors | 35 | 29 | PHOTOCONDUCTOR, a ph... |
photodegradable | 32 | 28 | chemically degradabl... |
photodissociate | 32 | 24 | to effect photodisso... |
photoduplicated | 36 | 30 | PHOTODUPLICATE, to d... |
photoduplicates | 36 | 29 | PHOTODUPLICATE, to d... |
photoelasticity | 40 | 26 | the state of being p... |
photoelectrical | 37 | 28 | relating to photoele... |
photoelectrodes | 32 | 25 | PHOTOELECTRODE, an e... |
photoelectronic | 35 | 28 | relating to photoele... |
photoengravings | 32 | 30 | PHOTOENGRAVING, any... |
photoexcitation | 37 | 31 | the process of excit... |
photofinishings | 35 | 29 | PHOTOFINISHING, the... |
photofluorogram | 34 | 30 | a photograph of a fl... |
photogeological | 35 | 29 | relating to photogeo... |
photogeologists | 32 | 25 | PHOTOGEOLOGIST, one... |
photogrammetric | 36 | 31 | relating to measurem... |
photoinductions | 32 | 27 | PHOTOINDUCTION, indu... |
photoionisation | 27 | 22 | ionization (as in th... |
photoionization | 30 | 31 | ionization (as in th... |
photojournalism | 33 | 35 | journalism in which... |
photojournalist | 32 | 32 | a practitioner of ph... |
photolithograph | 38 | 30 | a plate produced by... |
photoluminesced | 34 | 30 | PHOTOLUMINESCE, to p... |
photoluminesces | 34 | 29 | PHOTOLUMINESCE, to p... |
photomacrograph | 38 | 33 | a photograph of an o... |
photomechanical | 38 | 33 | relating to or invol... |
photometrically | 42 | 30 | PHOTOMETRIC, of or r... |
photomicrograph | 39 | 33 | a photograph of a mi... |
photomultiplier | 36 | 29 | a photocell with a s... |
photooxidations | 34 | 29 | PHOTOOXIDATION, oxid... |
photoperiodisms | 33 | 27 | PHOTOPERIODISM, a pl... |
photoproduction | 34 | 29 | the production of on... |
photoreceptions | 33 | 27 | PHOTORECEPTION, the... |
photoreductions | 32 | 26 | PHOTOREDUCTION, chem... |
photorefractive | 36 | 30 | designating or relat... |
photosensitised | 29 | 22 | PHOTOSENSITISE, to m... |
photosensitiser | 29 | 21 | an agent that photos... |
photosensitises | 29 | 21 | PHOTOSENSITISE, to m... |
photosensitized | 32 | 31 | PHOTOSENSITIZE, to m... |
photosensitizer | 32 | 30 | an agent that photos... |
photosensitizes | 32 | 30 | PHOTOSENSITIZE, to m... |
photosynthesise | 37 | 25 | to carry out photosy... |
photosynthesize | 40 | 34 | to carry out photosy... |
phototactically | 44 | 30 | PHOTOTACTIC, exhibit... |
phototelegraphs | 35 | 28 | PHOTOTELEGRAPH, an i... |
phototelegraphy | 41 | 30 | the transmission of... |
phototopography | 42 | 32 | the preparation of t... |
phototoxicities | 39 | 30 | PHOTOTOXICITY, the s... |
phototransistor | 29 | 21 | a junction transisto... |
phototropically | 43 | 30 | PHOTOTROPIC, relatin... |
phototypesetter | 37 | 25 | one who does phototy... |
phototypography | 49 | 34 | any printing process... |
photoxylography | 54 | 39 | wood engraving after... |
photozincograph | 40 | 40 | a picture produced b... |
phrasemongering | 31 | 29 | the making of fine p... |
phraseographies | 34 | 27 | PHRASEOGRAPHY, the m... |
phreneticnesses | 31 | 25 | PHRENETICNESS, PHREN... |
phrenologically | 42 | 31 | PHRENOLOGICAL, relat... |
phthalocyanines | 40 | 30 | PHTHALOCYANINE, any... |
phyllosilicates | 43 | 28 | PHYLLOSILICATE, any... |
physicochemical | 50 | 37 | being physical and c... |
physiographical | 46 | 33 | relating to physiogr... |
physiologically | 50 | 32 | PHYSIOLOGICAL, relat... |
physiopathology | 48 | 32 | a branch of biology... |
physiotherapies | 40 | 27 | PHYSIOTHERAPY, physi... |
physiotherapist | 41 | 27 | one who practises ph... |
phytochemically | 54 | 37 | PHYTOCHEMICAL, relat... |
phytoflagellate | 41 | 30 | any of various organ... |
phytogeographer | 41 | 31 | a student of phytoge... |
phytogeographic | 45 | 34 | relating to phytogeo... |
phytopathogenic | 43 | 33 | of or like a phytopa... |
phytoplanktonic | 42 | 35 | relating to phytopla... |
phytotoxicities | 46 | 32 | PHYTOTOXICITY, the s... |
pictorialnesses | 31 | 23 | PICTORIALNESS, PICTO... |
picturesqueness | 39 | 33 | PICTURESQUE, resembl... |
piezomagnetisms | 33 | 36 | PIEZOMAGNETISM, magn... |
piezometrically | 43 | 37 | PIEZOMETRIC, relatin... |
pigheadednesses | 29 | 25 | PIGHEADEDNESS, PIGHE... |
pinealectomised | 31 | 27 | PINEALECTOMISE, to r... |
pinealectomises | 31 | 26 | PINEALECTOMISE, to r... |
pinealectomized | 34 | 36 | PINEALECTOMIZE, to r... |
pinealectomizes | 34 | 35 | PINEALECTOMIZE, to r... |
pinheadednesses | 27 | 24 | PINHEADEDNESS, PINHE... |
pinocytotically | 48 | 31 | PINOCYTOTIC, relatin... |
pisciculturally | 46 | 31 | PISCICULTURAL, relat... |
pisciculturists | 39 | 27 | PISCICULTURIST, one... |
pithecanthropus | 37 | 30 | any of several primi... |
plagiocephalies | 37 | 30 | PLAGIOCEPHALY, a twi... |
plagiostomatous | 30 | 25 | of or like a plagios... |
plainclothesman | 34 | 30 | a plainclothes polic... |
plainclothesmen | 34 | 30 | PLAINCLOTHESMAN, a p... |
plainspokenness | 29 | 29 | PLAINSPOKEN, candid,... |
plaintivenesses | 29 | 25 | PLAINTIVENESS, PLAIN... |
planimetrically | 41 | 30 | PLANIMETRICAL, relat... |
planometrically | 40 | 30 | PLANOMETRIC, denotin... |
plantaginaceous | 30 | 27 | belonging to the pla... |
plasmolytically | 49 | 32 | PLASMOLYTIC, relatin... |
plasticisations | 32 | 23 | PLASTICISATION, the... |
plasticizations | 35 | 32 | PLASTICIZATION, the... |
platinocyanides | 36 | 27 | PLATINOCYANIDE, a fl... |
platitudinarian | 28 | 23 | one who utters plati... |
platitudinisers | 30 | 22 | PLATITUDINISER, one... |
platitudinising | 31 | 25 | PLATITUDINISE, to ut... |
platitudinizers | 33 | 31 | PLATITUDINIZER, one... |
platitudinizing | 34 | 34 | PLATITUDINIZE, to ut... |
platitudinously | 37 | 26 | PLATITUDINOUS, chara... |
platyhelminthic | 45 | 33 | of or like a platyhe... |
plausiblenesses | 31 | 25 | PLAUSIBLENESS, the s... |
pleasurableness | 30 | 25 | PLEASURABLE, giving... |
plenipotentiary | 35 | 26 | of e.g. an envoy, ha... |
plenteousnesses | 26 | 22 | PLENTEOUSNESS, the s... |
plentifulnesses | 31 | 26 | PLENTIFULNESS, the s... |
plethysmographs | 44 | 33 | PLETHYSMOGRAPH, an i... |
plethysmography | 50 | 35 | measurement by use o... |
pleuropneumonia | 29 | 29 | pneumonia aggravated... |
plumbaginaceous | 35 | 33 | belonging to the Plu... |
pluralistically | 43 | 28 | PLURALISTIC, relatin... |
plutocratically | 44 | 30 | PLUTOCRATICAL, relat... |
pneumatological | 33 | 30 | related to pneumatol... |
pneumatologists | 30 | 26 | PNEUMATOLOGIST, a sp... |
pneumatometries | 28 | 26 | PNEUMATOMETRY, the m... |
pneumoconiotics | 33 | 30 | PNEUMOCONIOTIC, a pe... |
pneumonectomies | 30 | 30 | PNEUMONECTOMY, the s... |
pneumonologists | 29 | 27 | PNEUMONOLOGIST, one... |
pococuranteisms | 34 | 29 | POCOCURANTEISM, indi... |
poikilothermies | 33 | 28 | POIKILOTHERMY, cold-... |
poikilothermism | 35 | 31 | cold-bloodedness, al... |
pointlessnesses | 27 | 21 | POINTLESSNESS, POINT... |
poisonousnesses | 25 | 21 | POISONOUSNESS, POISO... |
poliomyelitides | 37 | 26 | POLIOMYELITIS, a vir... |
poliomyelitises | 37 | 25 | POLIOMYELITIS, a vir... |
politicisations | 32 | 23 | POLITICISATION, the... |
politicizations | 35 | 32 | POLITICIZATION, the... |
polyacrylamides | 46 | 31 | POLYACRYLAMIDE, a po... |
polyarthritides | 38 | 24 | POLYARTHRITIS, arthr... |
polyarthritises | 38 | 23 | POLYARTHRITIS, arthr... |
polycarboxylate | 52 | 37 | a salt or ester of a... |
polychlorinated | 40 | 29 | as in polychlorinate... |
polychloroprene | 41 | 31 | neoprene [n] |
polychromatisms | 43 | 32 | POLYCHROMATISM, bein... |
polycrystalline | 46 | 29 | consisting of crysta... |
polyelectrolyte | 45 | 28 | a jellylike plastic... |
polygenetically | 46 | 31 | POLYGENETIC, of poly... |
polygraphically | 52 | 35 | POLYGRAPHIC, relatin... |
polymerisations | 35 | 25 | POLYMERISATION, a ch... |
polymerizations | 38 | 34 | POLYMERIZATION, a ch... |
polymorphically | 52 | 36 | POLYMORPHIC, occurri... |
polynucleotides | 38 | 28 | POLYNUCLEOTIDE, a po... |
polyphloesboean | 39 | 31 | loud-roaring, also P... |
polysaccharides | 43 | 30 | POLYSACCHARIDE, a gl... |
polysaccharoses | 42 | 29 | POLYSACCHAROSE, any... |
polysyllabicism | 51 | 34 | the state of being p... |
polysynthesisms | 45 | 29 | POLYSYNTHESISM, the... |
polysynthetical | 47 | 30 | made up of many sepa... |
polysynthetisms | 45 | 29 | POLYSYNTHETISM, the... |
polyunsaturated | 34 | 25 | having many double o... |
polyunsaturates | 34 | 24 | POLYUNSATURATE, a fa... |
polyvinylidenes | 43 | 31 | POLYVINYLIDENE, any... |
ponderabilities | 30 | 24 | PONDERABILITY, the q... |
ponderousnesses | 25 | 22 | PONDEROUSNESS, the s... |
pontificalities | 34 | 26 | PONTIFICALITY, the s... |
popularisations | 30 | 24 | POPULARISATION, the... |
popularizations | 33 | 33 | POPULARIZATION, the... |
porphyrogenites | 38 | 28 | PORPHYROGENITE, a By... |
postadolescents | 30 | 24 | POSTADOLESCENT, some... |
postapocalyptic | 45 | 33 | taking place after a... |
postconsonantal | 28 | 25 | following a consonan... |
postdevaluation | 29 | 26 | taking place after d... |
postdivestiture | 31 | 24 | taking place after d... |
postgraduations | 28 | 23 | POSTGRADUATION, the... |
posthemorrhagic | 37 | 30 | taking place after a... |
postinoculation | 30 | 25 | taking place after i... |
postirradiation | 27 | 20 | taking place after i... |
postmasterships | 34 | 26 | POSTMASTERSHIP, the... |
postmillenarian | 29 | 25 | a believer in post-m... |
postoperatively | 38 | 28 | POSTOPERATIVE, follo... |
postpollination | 30 | 25 | taking place after p... |
postproductions | 33 | 27 | POSTPRODUCTION, the... |
poststimulation | 30 | 24 | taking place after s... |
poststimulatory | 37 | 25 | following stimulatio... |
postsynchronise | 38 | 27 | to add sound, such a... |
postsynchronize | 41 | 36 | to add sound, such a... |
posttransfusion | 29 | 24 | caused by transfused... |
postulationally | 36 | 25 | POSTULATIONAL, of or... |
postvaccination | 34 | 30 | taking place after v... |
potentiometries | 27 | 22 | POTENTIOMETRY, the m... |
powerlessnesses | 30 | 23 | POWERLESSNESS, POWER... |
practicableness | 36 | 29 | PRACTICABLE, that ca... |
practicalnesses | 34 | 26 | PRACTICALNESS, the s... |
pragmaticalness | 33 | 28 | the state of being p... |
pragmatisations | 29 | 24 | PRAGMATISATION, the... |
pragmatizations | 32 | 33 | PRAGMATIZATION, the... |
prayerfulnesses | 36 | 26 | PRAYERFULNESS, PRAYE... |
preacquaintance | 39 | 36 | acquaintance made in... |
preadolescences | 32 | 27 | PREADOLESCENCE, the... |
preagricultural | 35 | 27 | belonging to the per... |
preanaesthetics | 31 | 24 | PREANAESTHETIC, a dr... |
prearrangements | 27 | 25 | PREARRANGEMENT, a pr... |
precancellation | 33 | 28 | preceding a cancella... |
precipitability | 44 | 30 | the quality of being... |
precipitantness | 32 | 26 | the state of being p... |
precipitateness | 32 | 25 | PRECIPITATE, sudden... |
precipitinogens | 33 | 28 | PRECIPITINOGEN, an a... |
precipitousness | 33 | 26 | the state of being p... |
preconditioning | 30 | 27 | PRECONDITION, to put... |
preconstructing | 35 | 29 | PRECONSTRUCT, to con... |
preconstruction | 33 | 27 | construction in adva... |
predatorinesses | 26 | 20 | PREDATORINESS, the s... |
predesignations | 27 | 23 | PREDESIGNATION, the... |
predestinarians | 26 | 21 | PREDESTINARIAN, one... |
predestinations | 26 | 21 | PREDESTINATION, the... |
predeterminable | 30 | 27 | able to be predeterm... |
predeterminisms | 30 | 26 | PREDETERMINISM, dete... |
predevelopments | 32 | 31 | PREDEVELOPMENT, a pr... |
predicabilities | 35 | 26 | PREDICABILITY, the q... |
predictableness | 33 | 27 | the state of being p... |
predispositions | 30 | 23 | PREDISPOSITION, an i... |
preestablishing | 34 | 27 | PREESTABLISH, to est... |
prefabrications | 34 | 28 | PREFABRICATION, the... |
preferabilities | 33 | 25 | PREFERABILITY, the s... |
preferentialism | 31 | 26 | favouring a preferen... |
preferentialist | 30 | 23 | a supporter of prefe... |
preferentiality | 36 | 25 | the state of being p... |
prefiguratively | 41 | 31 | PREFIGURATIVE, relat... |
preformationism | 31 | 28 | the now exploded the... |
preformationist | 30 | 25 | relating to preforma... |
prehistorically | 42 | 27 | PREHISTORICAL, relat... |
preimplantation | 30 | 27 | of, involving, or be... |
preinterviewing | 33 | 29 | PREINTERVIEW, to int... |
prejudicialness | 34 | 34 | PREJUDICIAL, tending... |
prekindergarten | 28 | 27 | a nursey school [n] |
premanufactured | 33 | 31 | PREMANUFACTURE, to m... |
premanufactures | 33 | 30 | PREMANUFACTURE, to m... |
prematurenesses | 27 | 23 | PREMATURENESS, the s... |
premillenarians | 29 | 25 | PREMILLENARIAN, a be... |
premillennially | 38 | 29 | PREMILLENNIAL, comin... |
premodification | 33 | 29 | preceding a modifica... |
prenegotiations | 26 | 22 | PRENEGOTIATION, nego... |
prenotification | 31 | 26 | preceding a notifica... |
preponderancies | 30 | 27 | PREPONDERANCY, a sup... |
preponderations | 27 | 24 | PREPONDERATION, the... |
prepositionally | 37 | 26 | PREPOSITIONAL, relat... |
prepossessingly | 38 | 27 | PREPOSSESSING, creat... |
prepresidential | 30 | 24 | preceding a presiden... |
preprofessional | 31 | 26 | of or relating to th... |
preprogrammings | 34 | 32 | PREPROGRAMMING, the... |
prepublications | 36 | 30 | PREPUBLICATION, an a... |
preregistration | 28 | 21 | a special registrati... |
presbyterianise | 35 | 24 | to make presbyterian... |
presbyterianism | 37 | 27 | the form of church g... |
presbyterianize | 38 | 33 | to make presbyterian... |
prescriptivisms | 39 | 31 | PRESCRIPTIVISM, the... |
prescriptivists | 38 | 28 | PRESCRIPTIVIST, an a... |
presentableness | 28 | 24 | PRESENTABLE, worthy... |
presentationism | 27 | 23 | the doctrine of imme... |
presentationist | 26 | 20 | an adherent of prese... |
presentialities | 28 | 20 | PRESENTIALITY, the s... |
preservationist | 29 | 23 | one who advocates pr... |
pressurisations | 28 | 20 | PRESSURISATION, the... |
pressurizations | 31 | 29 | PRESSURIZATION, the... |
prestidigitator | 30 | 21 | a conjurer, also PRE... |
prestigiousness | 29 | 22 | the state of being p... |
presumptiveness | 33 | 30 | the state of being p... |
presuppositions | 32 | 26 | PRESUPPOSITION, a pr... |
presynaptically | 47 | 31 | PRESYNAPTIC, relatin... |
pretentiousness | 26 | 21 | PRETENTIOUS, making... |
preteritenesses | 26 | 19 | PRETERITENESS, the s... |
preterminations | 27 | 23 | PRETERMINATION, a pr... |
preternaturally | 35 | 24 | PRETERNATURAL, exist... |
prettifications | 33 | 25 | PRETTIFICATION, the... |
prevalentnesses | 28 | 25 | PREVALENTNESS, PREVA... |
pricelessnesses | 31 | 23 | PRICELESSNESS, PRICE... |
primitivenesses | 31 | 26 | PRIMITIVENESS, the s... |
primogenitrices | 33 | 27 | PRIMOGENITRIX, a fem... |
primogenitrixes | 36 | 31 | PRIMOGENITRIX, a fem... |
primordialities | 31 | 23 | PRIMORDIALITY, the s... |
principalnesses | 33 | 27 | PRINCIPALNESS, the s... |
printablenesses | 29 | 24 | PRINTABLENESS, PRINT... |
prioritisations | 28 | 19 | PRIORITISATION, the... |
prioritizations | 31 | 28 | PRIORITIZATION, the... |
probabiliorisms | 35 | 28 | PROBABILIORISM, the... |
probabiliorists | 34 | 25 | PROBABILIORIST, a be... |
probationership | 33 | 27 | the state of being a... |
problematically | 43 | 32 | PROBLEMATICAL, causi... |
proceleusmatics | 36 | 29 | PROCELEUSMATIC, a me... |
processionalist | 31 | 23 | one who takes part i... |
processionaries | 29 | 22 | PROCESSIONARY, a kin... |
procrastinating | 31 | 25 | PROCRASTINATE, to pu... |
procrastination | 29 | 23 | the act of procrasti... |
procrastinative | 32 | 26 | tending to procrasti... |
procrastinators | 30 | 22 | PROCRASTINATOR, one... |
procrastinatory | 36 | 24 | tending to procrasti... |
procreativeness | 31 | 26 | the state of being p... |
procuratorships | 36 | 27 | PROCURATORSHIP, the... |
producibilities | 36 | 27 | PRODUCIBILITY, the c... |
professionalise | 29 | 23 | to give a profession... |
professionalism | 31 | 26 | the conduct, aims, o... |
professionalist | 30 | 23 | characterised by pro... |
professionalize | 32 | 32 | to give a profession... |
profitabilities | 34 | 25 | PROFITABILITY, the s... |
progenitiveness | 29 | 26 | the state of being p... |
progenitorships | 33 | 26 | PROGENITORSHIP, the... |
prognosticating | 32 | 27 | PROGNOSTICATE, to fo... |
prognostication | 30 | 25 | an indication in adv... |
prognosticative | 33 | 28 | of the nature of pro... |
prognosticators | 31 | 24 | PROGNOSTICATOR, one... |
programmability | 41 | 32 | the state of being p... |
progressionally | 36 | 25 | PROGRESSIONAL, relat... |
progressionisms | 30 | 24 | PROGRESSIONISM, symp... |
progressionists | 29 | 21 | PROGRESSIONIST, a su... |
progressiveness | 30 | 25 | PROGRESSIVE, showing... |
progressivistic | 36 | 27 | relating to progress... |
progressivities | 32 | 24 | PROGRESSIVITY, the s... |
prohibitionisms | 34 | 27 | PROHIBITIONISM, supp... |
prohibitionists | 33 | 24 | PROHIBITIONIST, one... |
prohibitiveness | 34 | 28 | the state of being p... |
projectisations | 32 | 31 | PROJECTISATION, the... |
projectizations | 35 | 40 | PROJECTIZATION, the... |
proletarianised | 27 | 21 | PROLETARIANISE, to m... |
proletarianises | 27 | 20 | PROLETARIANISE, to m... |
proletarianisms | 29 | 23 | PROLETARIANISM, beli... |
proletarianized | 30 | 30 | PROLETARIANIZE, to r... |
proletarianizes | 30 | 29 | PROLETARIANIZE, to r... |
proletarianness | 26 | 21 | the state of being p... |
prolocutorships | 37 | 28 | PROLOCUTORSHIP, the... |
prominentnesses | 26 | 24 | PROMINENTNESS, the s... |
promiscuousness | 32 | 27 | the state of being p... |
promotabilities | 32 | 25 | PROMOTABILITY, the s... |
promotivenesses | 29 | 26 | PROMOTIVENESS, the s... |
pronominalising | 29 | 27 | PRONOMINALISE, to ma... |
pronominalizing | 32 | 36 | PRONOMINALIZE, to ma... |
pronunciamentos | 29 | 28 | PRONUNCIAMENTO, an o... |
pronunciational | 29 | 26 | relating to pronunci... |
propagabilities | 34 | 27 | PROPAGABILITY, the q... |
properispomenon | 30 | 29 | a word with the circ... |
proportionality | 36 | 25 | the state of being p... |
proportionately | 35 | 25 | PROPORTIONATE, in pr... |
proportionating | 29 | 25 | PROPORTIONATE, to ma... |
proportionments | 29 | 26 | PROPORTIONMENT, the... |
propositionally | 37 | 26 | PROPOSITIONAL, of th... |
proprietorially | 38 | 25 | PROPRIETORIAL, relat... |
proprietorships | 35 | 26 | PROPRIETORSHIP, the... |
proprioceptions | 34 | 28 | PROPRIOCEPTION, the... |
propylitisation | 37 | 25 | the process of propy... |
propylitization | 40 | 34 | the process of propy... |
prosaicalnesses | 30 | 23 | PROSAICALNESS, PROSA... |
proselytisation | 34 | 22 | the act of proselyti... |
proselytization | 37 | 31 | the act of proselyti... |
prosenchymatous | 39 | 30 | relating to prosench... |
proslambanomene | 29 | 30 | PROSLAMBANOMENOS [n] |
prosopographers | 34 | 28 | PROSOPOGRAPHER, a wr... |
prosopographies | 34 | 28 | PROSOPOGRAPHY, a bio... |
prospectiveness | 34 | 29 | the state of being p... |
prostatectomies | 31 | 24 | PROSTATECTOMY, the s... |
prosthodontists | 30 | 22 | PROSTHODONTIST, a sp... |
proteolytically | 46 | 28 | PROTEOLYTIC, relatin... |
prothonotariats | 28 | 21 | PROTHONOTARIAT, the... |
protistologists | 31 | 21 | PROTISTOLOGIST, a sp... |
protohistorians | 29 | 21 | PROTOHISTORIAN, one... |
protoporphyrins | 40 | 29 | PROTOPORPHYRIN, meta... |
protospathaires | 31 | 23 | PROTOSPATHAIRE, (his... |
protospatharius | 32 | 24 | (historical) the cap... |
protozoological | 35 | 34 | related to protozool... |
protozoologists | 32 | 30 | PROTOZOOLOGIST, one... |
proverbialising | 34 | 29 | PROVERBIALISE, to ma... |
proverbializing | 37 | 38 | PROVERBIALIZE, to ma... |
provincialising | 35 | 30 | PROVINCIALISE, to ma... |
provincialities | 34 | 27 | PROVINCIALITY, the s... |
provincializing | 38 | 39 | PROVINCIALIZE, to ma... |
provocativeness | 33 | 30 | the state of being p... |
proximatenesses | 33 | 29 | PROXIMATENESS, the s... |
prudentialities | 29 | 22 | PRUDENTIALITY, the s... |
prussianisation | 27 | 21 | the act of prussiani... |
prussianization | 30 | 30 | the act of prussiani... |
psephologically | 45 | 33 | PSEPHOLOGICAL, relat... |
pseudaesthesias | 29 | 22 | PSEUDAESTHESIA, imag... |
pseudepigraphic | 39 | 33 | relating to pseudepi... |
pseudepigraphon | 34 | 31 | a book ascribed to O... |
pseudoarthroses | 29 | 22 | PSEUDOARTHROSIS, a j... |
pseudoarthrosis | 30 | 22 | a joint formed by fi... |
pseudocoelomate | 30 | 27 | an invertebrate (as... |
pseudoephedrine | 30 | 27 | a naturally occurrin... |
pseudomembranes | 30 | 30 | PSEUDOMEMBRANE, a fa... |
pseudomorphisms | 35 | 31 | PSEUDOMORPHISM, the... |
pseudomutuality | 37 | 28 | a relationship betwe... |
pseudopregnancy | 38 | 32 | false pregnancy [n] |
pseudoscientist | 31 | 24 | one who practises ps... |
pseudoscorpions | 32 | 27 | PSEUDOSCORPION, any... |
pseudosolutions | 28 | 23 | PSEUDOSOLUTION, a fa... |
psilanthropisms | 35 | 28 | PSILANTHROPISM, the... |
psilanthropists | 34 | 25 | PSILANTHROPIST, one... |
psychedelically | 52 | 34 | PSYCHEDELIC, relatin... |
psychiatrically | 52 | 32 | PSYCHIATRICAL, relat... |
psychoacoustics | 46 | 32 | PSYCHOACOUSTIC [n] |
psychoanalysers | 45 | 29 | PSYCHOANALYSER, one... |
psychoanalysing | 46 | 32 | PSYCHOANALYSE, to su... |
psychoanalyzers | 48 | 38 | PSYCHOANALYZER, one... |
psychoanalyzing | 49 | 41 | PSYCHOANALYZE, to su... |
psychobiography | 53 | 37 | a biography written... |
psychobiologies | 43 | 31 | PSYCHOBIOLOGY, the s... |
psychobiologist | 44 | 31 | one who studies psyc... |
psychochemicals | 50 | 37 | PSYCHOCHEMICAL, a ps... |
psychochemistry | 53 | 35 | the treatment of men... |
psychodelically | 52 | 34 | PSYCHODELIC, relatin... |
psychogenetical | 43 | 32 | relating to psychoge... |
psychogenically | 51 | 35 | PSYCHOGENIC, derived... |
psychogeriatric | 44 | 30 | relating to the stud... |
psychographical | 49 | 36 | relating to psychogr... |
psychohistorian | 41 | 28 | a student of psychoh... |
psychohistories | 42 | 27 | PSYCHOHISTORY [n] |
psycholinguists | 43 | 30 | PSYCHOLINGUIST, a st... |
psychologically | 53 | 35 | PSYCHOLOGICAL, of or... |
psychometrician | 43 | 32 | a person (as a clini... |
psychoneurotics | 42 | 30 | PSYCHONEUROTIC, one... |
psychopathology | 51 | 35 | the study of mental... |
psychophysicist | 55 | 35 | a student of psychop... |
psychosexuality | 53 | 36 | the psychic factors... |
psychosociology | 50 | 33 | the study of how psy... |
psychosomimetic | 45 | 34 | of drugs such as LSD... |
psychosurgeries | 41 | 28 | PSYCHOSURGERY, cereb... |
psychosyntheses | 47 | 30 | PSYCHOSYNTHESIS, a f... |
psychosynthesis | 48 | 30 | a form of psychother... |
psychotherapies | 43 | 30 | PSYCHOTHERAPY, treat... |
psychotherapist | 44 | 30 | a practitioner of ps... |
psychotomimetic | 45 | 34 | of drugs such as LSD... |
psychrometrical | 45 | 32 | relating to measurem... |
pteridophilists | 35 | 25 | PTERIDOPHILIST, a fe... |
pterylographies | 40 | 28 | PTERYLOGRAPHY, a des... |
pulchritudinous | 36 | 29 | beautiful, comely [a... |
pulmobranchiate | 36 | 32 | relating to a pulmob... |
pulselessnesses | 29 | 22 | PULSELESSNESS, the s... |
punctiliousness | 32 | 26 | PUNCTILIOUS, extreme... |
punctuationists | 31 | 25 | PUNCTUATIONIST, a be... |
punishabilities | 34 | 26 | PUNISHABILITY, the s... |
puritanicalness | 31 | 25 | PURITANICAL, of or l... |
purposelessness | 30 | 24 | PURPOSELESS, having... |
purposivenesses | 31 | 27 | PURPOSIVENESS, PURPO... |
pusillanimities | 32 | 25 | PUSILLANIMITY, cowar... |
pusillanimously | 39 | 29 | PUSILLANIMOUS, lacki... |
pycnodysostoses | 42 | 27 | PYCNODYSOSTOSIS, a r... |
pycnodysostosis | 43 | 27 | a rare inherited bon... |
pyknodysostoses | 40 | 28 | PYKNODYSOSTOSIS, a r... |
pyknodysostosis | 41 | 28 | a rare inherited bon... |
pyramidologists | 38 | 27 | PYRAMIDOLOGIST, a sp... |
pyretotherapies | 37 | 25 | PYRETOTHERAPY, medic... |
pyroelectricity | 48 | 29 | electric charge prod... |
pyrophotographs | 43 | 32 | PYROPHOTOGRAPH, a bu... |
pyrophotography | 49 | 34 | the production of py... |
pyrophotometers | 38 | 28 | PYROPHOTOMETER, a ty... |
pyrotechnically | 50 | 33 | PYROTECHNICAL, relat... |
pyrotechnicians | 41 | 30 | PYROTECHNICIAN, one... |