15 letter B word |
Scrabble |
Word With Friends |
Description |
bacchanalianism | 36 | 32 | wild revelry [n] |
backscatterings | 36 | 31 | BACKSCATTERING, the... |
backscratchings | 42 | 36 | BACKSCRATCHING [n] |
bacteriological | 36 | 28 | relating to bacterio... |
bacteriologists | 33 | 24 | BACTERIOLOGIST, one... |
bacteriophagies | 35 | 28 | BACTERIOPHAGY, the e... |
bacteriophagous | 35 | 29 | of or like a bacteri... |
balneotherapies | 30 | 25 | BALNEOTHERAPY, treat... |
barbarousnesses | 28 | 23 | BARBAROUSNESS, the s... |
barefacednesses | 30 | 26 | BAREFACEDNESS, the s... |
basidiomycetous | 38 | 28 | of or like a basidio... |
bastardisations | 27 | 20 | BASTARDISATION, the... |
bastardizations | 30 | 29 | BASTARDIZATION, the... |
bathometrically | 42 | 30 | BATHOMETRIC, relatin... |
bathymetrically | 49 | 32 | BATHYMETRICAL, relat... |
batrachophobias | 38 | 31 | BATRACHOPHOBIA, fear... |
beardlessnesses | 27 | 21 | BEARDLESSNESS, the s... |
beauteousnesses | 25 | 21 | BEAUTEOUSNESS, the s... |
beautifications | 32 | 26 | BEAUTIFICATION, the... |
beautifulnesses | 30 | 25 | BEAUTIFULNESS, the s... |
believabilities | 34 | 27 | BELIEVABILITY, the q... |
belongingnesses | 28 | 26 | BELONGINGNESS, the s... |
benightednesses | 29 | 25 | BENIGHTEDNESS, the s... |
benzanthracenes | 32 | 35 | BENZANTHRACENE, a cr... |
benzenecarbonyl | 39 | 39 | a systemic name for... |
benzodiazepines | 33 | 42 | BENZODIAZEPINE, any... |
beseemingnesses | 27 | 25 | BESEEMINGNESS, the s... |
bespottednesses | 28 | 23 | BESPOTTEDNESS, the s... |
bibliographical | 41 | 33 | relating to bibliogr... |
bibliophilistic | 42 | 31 | of or like a bibliop... |
bibliothecaries | 36 | 27 | BIBLIOTHECARY, a lib... |
bibliotherapies | 35 | 27 | BIBLIOTHERAPY, the u... |
bidialectalisms | 35 | 27 | BIDIALECTALISM, faci... |
bidirectionally | 39 | 27 | BIDIRECTIONAL, invol... |
bigheadednesses | 29 | 25 | BIGHEADEDNESS, the s... |
bioaccumulating | 37 | 33 | BIOACCUMULATE, to ac... |
bioaccumulation | 35 | 31 | accumulation in a bi... |
bioastronautics | 30 | 23 | the science dealing... |
bioavailability | 40 | 29 | the degree and rate... |
biodegradations | 27 | 23 | BIODEGRADATION, the... |
biodestructible | 35 | 27 | biodegradable [adj] |
bioecologically | 43 | 31 | BIOECOLOGICAL, relat... |
bioengineerings | 27 | 25 | BIOENGINEERING, the... |
biogeochemicals | 38 | 32 | the science of plant... |
biogeochemistry | 41 | 30 | the science of plant... |
biogeographical | 37 | 31 | relating to biogeogr... |
bioluminescence | 34 | 31 | the emission of ligh... |
biomathematical | 35 | 30 | relating to biomathe... |
biomechanically | 44 | 34 | BIOMECHANICAL, relat... |
bioprospectings | 36 | 30 | BIOPROSPECTING, the... |
biopsychologies | 43 | 31 | BIOPSYCHOLOGY, the b... |
bioregionalisms | 30 | 25 | BIOREGIONALISM, an e... |
bioregionalists | 29 | 22 | BIOREGIONALIST, one... |
bioremediations | 27 | 23 | BIOREMEDIATION, the... |
biorhythmically | 52 | 34 | BIORHYTHMIC, relatin... |
biostatistician | 31 | 22 | one who studies bios... |
biostratigraphy | 40 | 27 | the determination of... |
biosystematists | 36 | 23 | BIOSYSTEMATIST, one... |
biotechnologies | 33 | 27 | BIOTECHNOLOGY, the u... |
biotechnologist | 34 | 27 | one who studies biot... |
bipartisanships | 35 | 27 | BIPARTISANSHIP, the... |
bipolarisations | 30 | 23 | BIPOLARISATION, the... |
bipolarizations | 33 | 32 | BIPOLARIZATION, the... |
bisphosphonates | 35 | 29 | BISPHOSPHONATE, any... |
bisymmetrically | 49 | 33 | BISYMMETRICAL, showi... |
bittersweetness | 30 | 22 | the state of being b... |
bituminisations | 29 | 24 | BITUMINISATION, the... |
bituminizations | 32 | 33 | BITUMINIZATION, the... |
blameablenesses | 30 | 27 | BLAMEABLENESS, the s... |
blamelessnesses | 29 | 24 | BLAMELESSNESS, the s... |
blameworthiness | 34 | 28 | the state of being b... |
blasphemousness | 33 | 29 | the state of being b... |
blaxploitations | 37 | 31 | BLAXPLOITATION, expl... |
bletheranskates | 30 | 26 | BLETHERANSKATE, (Sco... |
blockheadedness | 33 | 31 | the state of being b... |
bloodcurdlingly | 42 | 32 | BLOODCURDLING, arous... |
bloodguiltiness | 31 | 25 | the state of being b... |
bloodlessnesses | 28 | 22 | BLOODLESSNESS, the s... |
bloodthirstiest | 32 | 22 | BLOODTHIRSTY, eager... |
bougainvillaeas | 31 | 28 | BOUGAINVILLAEA, a tr... |
bouleversements | 30 | 28 | BOULEVERSEMENT, (Fre... |
boundlessnesses | 27 | 23 | BOUNDLESSNESS, the s... |
bounteousnesses | 25 | 22 | BOUNTEOUSNESS, the s... |
bountifulnesses | 30 | 26 | BOUNTIFULNESS, BOUNT... |
bourgeoisifying | 38 | 29 | BOURGEOISIFY, to mak... |
boustrophedonic | 34 | 29 | having alternate lin... |
bowdlerisations | 31 | 24 | BOWDLERISATION, the... |
bowdlerizations | 34 | 33 | BOWDLERIZATION, the... |
brachiocephalic | 44 | 35 | relating to the arms... |
brachiosauruses | 33 | 25 | BRACHIOSAURUS, any m... |
brachistochrone | 37 | 29 | the curve along whic... |
brachycephalics | 51 | 37 | BRACHYCEPHALIC, a sh... |
brachycephalies | 47 | 34 | BRACHYCEPHALY, the s... |
brachycephalism | 49 | 37 | the state of being b... |
brachycephalous | 47 | 35 | short-headed, esp. h... |
brachydactylies | 50 | 32 | BRACHYDACTYLY, abnor... |
brachydactylism | 52 | 35 | abnormal shortness o... |
brachydactylous | 50 | 33 | having short or stub... |
brachydiagonals | 40 | 30 | BRACHYDIAGONAL, in c... |
brachypinakoids | 42 | 34 | BRACHYPINAKOID, a pi... |
brachytherapies | 43 | 30 | BRACHYTHERAPY, a med... |
brainlessnesses | 27 | 21 | BRAINLESSNESS, BRAIN... |
brainsicknesses | 31 | 27 | BRAINSICKNESS, BRAIN... |
braunschweigers | 37 | 30 | BRAUNSCHWEIGER, (Ger... |
breakablenesses | 29 | 27 | BREAKABLENESS, BREAK... |
breathabilities | 33 | 24 | BREATHABILITY, the q... |
breatharianisms | 30 | 24 | BREATHARIANISM, the... |
bremsstrahlungs | 34 | 28 | BREMSSTRAHLUNG, (Ger... |
brilliantnesses | 29 | 22 | BRILLIANTNESS, the s... |
brokenheartedly | 36 | 29 | BROKENHEARTED, great... |
bronchiolitises | 34 | 25 | BRONCHIOLITIS, infla... |
bronchodilators | 33 | 26 | BRONCHODILATOR, a dr... |
bronchographies | 37 | 31 | BRONCHOGRAPHY, radio... |
bronchoscopical | 41 | 34 | relating to bronchos... |
bronchoscopists | 38 | 30 | BRONCHOSCOPIST, one... |
brotherlinesses | 30 | 22 | BROTHERLINESS, the s... |
bumptiousnesses | 31 | 27 | BUMPTIOUSNESS, the s... |
bureaucratising | 32 | 26 | BUREAUCRATISE, to ma... |
bureaucratizing | 35 | 35 | BUREAUCRATIZE, to ma... |
businesspersons | 29 | 24 | BUSINESSPERSON, a bu... |
butterflyfishes | 43 | 30 | BUTTERFLYFISH, any t... |