15 letter words that starts with b

15 letter words that start with B

15 letter B word


Word With Friends


bacchanalianism 36 32 wild revelry [n]
backscatterings 36 31 BACKSCATTERING, the...
backscratchings 42 36 BACKSCRATCHING [n]
bacteriological 36 28 relating to bacterio...
bacteriologists 33 24 BACTERIOLOGIST, one...
bacteriophagies 35 28 BACTERIOPHAGY, the e...
bacteriophagous 35 29 of or like a bacteri...
balneotherapies 30 25 BALNEOTHERAPY, treat...
barbarousnesses 28 23 BARBAROUSNESS, the s...
barefacednesses 30 26 BAREFACEDNESS, the s...
basidiomycetous 38 28 of or like a basidio...
bastardisations 27 20 BASTARDISATION, the...
bastardizations 30 29 BASTARDIZATION, the...
bathometrically 42 30 BATHOMETRIC, relatin...
bathymetrically 49 32 BATHYMETRICAL, relat...
batrachophobias 38 31 BATRACHOPHOBIA, fear...
beardlessnesses 27 21 BEARDLESSNESS, the s...
beauteousnesses 25 21 BEAUTEOUSNESS, the s...
beautifications 32 26 BEAUTIFICATION, the...
beautifulnesses 30 25 BEAUTIFULNESS, the s...
believabilities 34 27 BELIEVABILITY, the q...
belongingnesses 28 26 BELONGINGNESS, the s...
benightednesses 29 25 BENIGHTEDNESS, the s...
benzanthracenes 32 35 BENZANTHRACENE, a cr...
benzenecarbonyl 39 39 a systemic name for...
benzodiazepines 33 42 BENZODIAZEPINE, any...
beseemingnesses 27 25 BESEEMINGNESS, the s...
bespottednesses 28 23 BESPOTTEDNESS, the s...
bibliographical 41 33 relating to bibliogr...
bibliophilistic 42 31 of or like a bibliop...
bibliothecaries 36 27 BIBLIOTHECARY, a lib...
bibliotherapies 35 27 BIBLIOTHERAPY, the u...
bidialectalisms 35 27 BIDIALECTALISM, faci...
bidirectionally 39 27 BIDIRECTIONAL, invol...
bigheadednesses 29 25 BIGHEADEDNESS, the s...
bioaccumulating 37 33 BIOACCUMULATE, to ac...
bioaccumulation 35 31 accumulation in a bi...
bioastronautics 30 23 the science dealing...
bioavailability 40 29 the degree and rate...
biodegradations 27 23 BIODEGRADATION, the...
biodestructible 35 27 biodegradable [adj]
bioecologically 43 31 BIOECOLOGICAL, relat...
bioengineerings 27 25 BIOENGINEERING, the...
biogeochemicals 38 32 the science of plant...
biogeochemistry 41 30 the science of plant...
biogeographical 37 31 relating to biogeogr...
bioluminescence 34 31 the emission of ligh...
biomathematical 35 30 relating to biomathe...
biomechanically 44 34 BIOMECHANICAL, relat...
bioprospectings 36 30 BIOPROSPECTING, the...
biopsychologies 43 31 BIOPSYCHOLOGY, the b...
bioregionalisms 30 25 BIOREGIONALISM, an e...
bioregionalists 29 22 BIOREGIONALIST, one...
bioremediations 27 23 BIOREMEDIATION, the...
biorhythmically 52 34 BIORHYTHMIC, relatin...
biostatistician 31 22 one who studies bios...
biostratigraphy 40 27 the determination of...
biosystematists 36 23 BIOSYSTEMATIST, one...
biotechnologies 33 27 BIOTECHNOLOGY, the u...
biotechnologist 34 27 one who studies biot...
bipartisanships 35 27 BIPARTISANSHIP, the...
bipolarisations 30 23 BIPOLARISATION, the...
bipolarizations 33 32 BIPOLARIZATION, the...
bisphosphonates 35 29 BISPHOSPHONATE, any...
bisymmetrically 49 33 BISYMMETRICAL, showi...
bittersweetness 30 22 the state of being b...
bituminisations 29 24 BITUMINISATION, the...
bituminizations 32 33 BITUMINIZATION, the...
blameablenesses 30 27 BLAMEABLENESS, the s...
blamelessnesses 29 24 BLAMELESSNESS, the s...
blameworthiness 34 28 the state of being b...
blasphemousness 33 29 the state of being b...
blaxploitations 37 31 BLAXPLOITATION, expl...
bletheranskates 30 26 BLETHERANSKATE, (Sco...
blockheadedness 33 31 the state of being b...
bloodcurdlingly 42 32 BLOODCURDLING, arous...
bloodguiltiness 31 25 the state of being b...
bloodlessnesses 28 22 BLOODLESSNESS, the s...
bloodthirstiest 32 22 BLOODTHIRSTY, eager...
bougainvillaeas 31 28 BOUGAINVILLAEA, a tr...
bouleversements 30 28 BOULEVERSEMENT, (Fre...
boundlessnesses 27 23 BOUNDLESSNESS, the s...
bounteousnesses 25 22 BOUNTEOUSNESS, the s...
bountifulnesses 30 26 BOUNTIFULNESS, BOUNT...
bourgeoisifying 38 29 BOURGEOISIFY, to mak...
boustrophedonic 34 29 having alternate lin...
bowdlerisations 31 24 BOWDLERISATION, the...
bowdlerizations 34 33 BOWDLERIZATION, the...
brachiocephalic 44 35 relating to the arms...
brachiosauruses 33 25 BRACHIOSAURUS, any m...
brachistochrone 37 29 the curve along whic...
brachycephalics 51 37 BRACHYCEPHALIC, a sh...
brachycephalies 47 34 BRACHYCEPHALY, the s...
brachycephalism 49 37 the state of being b...
brachycephalous 47 35 short-headed, esp. h...
brachydactylies 50 32 BRACHYDACTYLY, abnor...
brachydactylism 52 35 abnormal shortness o...
brachydactylous 50 33 having short or stub...
brachydiagonals 40 30 BRACHYDIAGONAL, in c...
brachypinakoids 42 34 BRACHYPINAKOID, a pi...
brachytherapies 43 30 BRACHYTHERAPY, a med...
brainlessnesses 27 21 BRAINLESSNESS, BRAIN...
brainsicknesses 31 27 BRAINSICKNESS, BRAIN...
braunschweigers 37 30 BRAUNSCHWEIGER, (Ger...
breakablenesses 29 27 BREAKABLENESS, BREAK...
breathabilities 33 24 BREATHABILITY, the q...
breatharianisms 30 24 BREATHARIANISM, the...
bremsstrahlungs 34 28 BREMSSTRAHLUNG, (Ger...
brilliantnesses 29 22 BRILLIANTNESS, the s...
brokenheartedly 36 29 BROKENHEARTED, great...
bronchiolitises 34 25 BRONCHIOLITIS, infla...
bronchodilators 33 26 BRONCHODILATOR, a dr...
bronchographies 37 31 BRONCHOGRAPHY, radio...
bronchoscopical 41 34 relating to bronchos...
bronchoscopists 38 30 BRONCHOSCOPIST, one...
brotherlinesses 30 22 BROTHERLINESS, the s...
bumptiousnesses 31 27 BUMPTIOUSNESS, the s...
bureaucratising 32 26 BUREAUCRATISE, to ma...
bureaucratizing 35 35 BUREAUCRATIZE, to ma...
businesspersons 29 24 BUSINESSPERSON, a bu...
butterflyfishes 43 30 BUTTERFLYFISH, any t...