15 letter C word |
Scrabble |
Word With Friends |
Description |
calculabilities | 38 | 28 | CALCULABILITY, the a... |
calendarisation | 27 | 22 | the process of calen... |
calendarization | 30 | 31 | the process of calen... |
calorifications | 34 | 26 | CALORIFICATION, the... |
canisterisation | 27 | 20 | the process of canis... |
canisterization | 30 | 29 | the process of canis... |
cannibalisation | 29 | 25 | the act of cannibali... |
cannibalization | 32 | 34 | the act of cannibali... |
canthaxanthines | 36 | 32 | CANTHAXANTHINE, a na... |
capaciousnesses | 32 | 26 | CAPACIOUSNESS, the s... |
capitalisations | 31 | 23 | CAPITALISATION, the... |
capitalizations | 34 | 32 | CAPITALIZATION, the... |
caprifoliaceous | 36 | 29 | of or pertaining to... |
caramelisations | 29 | 23 | CARAMELISATION, the... |
caramelizations | 32 | 32 | CARAMELIZATION, the... |
carcinogenicity | 41 | 30 | the state of being c... |
carcinosarcomas | 34 | 28 | CARCINOSARCOMA, a ki... |
cardiographical | 38 | 30 | relating to cardiogr... |
cardiopulmonary | 38 | 30 | of or relating to th... |
carnivorousness | 29 | 25 | the state of being c... |
carpetbaggeries | 34 | 28 | CARPETBAGGERY, the a... |
carpometacarpus | 36 | 31 | in birds, a bone of... |
castanospermine | 29 | 26 | an alkaloid obtained... |
castrametations | 28 | 22 | CASTRAMETATION, the... |
cataclysmically | 52 | 34 | CATACLYSMIC, relatin... |
catallactically | 45 | 30 | CATALLACTIC, pertain... |
catechistically | 46 | 30 | CATECHISTICAL, relat... |
catechumenships | 39 | 33 | CATECHUMENSHIP, the... |
categoricalness | 32 | 25 | the state of being c... |
categorisations | 28 | 21 | CATEGORISATION, the... |
categorizations | 31 | 30 | CATEGORIZATION, the... |
catheterisation | 29 | 21 | the process of cathe... |
catheterization | 32 | 30 | the use of or introd... |
cathodographers | 35 | 28 | CATHODOGRAPHER, one... |
cathodographies | 35 | 28 | CATHODOGRAPHY, the t... |
catholicisation | 34 | 25 | the process of catho... |
catholicization | 37 | 34 | the process of catho... |
causativenesses | 29 | 24 | CAUSATIVENESS, CAUSA... |
causelessnesses | 28 | 21 | CAUSELESSNESS, the s... |
ceaselessnesses | 27 | 20 | CEASELESSNESS, CEASE... |
cenogenetically | 38 | 29 | CENOGENETIC, relatin... |
censurabilities | 32 | 24 | CENSURABILITY, the a... |
centenarianisms | 27 | 24 | CENTENARIANISM, the... |
centralisations | 28 | 21 | CENTRALISATION, the... |
centralizations | 31 | 30 | CENTRALIZATION, the... |
centricalnesses | 31 | 24 | CENTRICALNESS, CENTR... |
centrifugalised | 33 | 27 | CENTRIFUGALISE, to s... |
centrifugalises | 33 | 26 | CENTRIFUGALISE, to s... |
centrifugalized | 36 | 36 | CENTRIFUGALIZE, to s... |
centrifugalizes | 36 | 35 | CENTRIFUGALIZE, to s... |
centrifugations | 31 | 26 | CENTRIFUGATION, sepa... |
centripetalisms | 33 | 26 | CENTRIPETALISM, the... |
centrosymmetric | 40 | 30 | symmetric with respe... |
centuplications | 34 | 28 | CENTUPLICATION, mult... |
cephalochordate | 37 | 30 | any of a number of c... |
cephalothoraces | 37 | 29 | CEPHALOTHORAX, the b... |
cephalothoracic | 41 | 32 | relating to the ceph... |
cephalothoraxes | 40 | 33 | CEPHALOTHORAX, the b... |
cercopithecoids | 39 | 30 | CERCOPITHECOID, any... |
cerebrovascular | 36 | 30 | of or involving the... |
ceremoniousness | 27 | 24 | the state of being c... |
certificatories | 34 | 24 | CERTIFICATORY, a cer... |
cervicographies | 39 | 32 | CERVICOGRAPHY, the p... |
chalcographical | 44 | 35 | relating to chalcogr... |
chalcographists | 41 | 31 | CHALCOGRAPHIST, one... |
chamberlainship | 39 | 33 | the office of chambe... |
chancellorships | 40 | 31 | CHANCELLORSHIP, the... |
changeabilities | 34 | 27 | CHANGEABILITY, the q... |
changefulnesses | 33 | 29 | CHANGEFULNESS, CHANG... |
channelisations | 29 | 24 | CHANNELISATION, the... |
channelizations | 32 | 33 | CHANNELIZATION, the... |
chaptalisations | 33 | 25 | CHAPTALISATION, the... |
chaptalizations | 36 | 34 | CHAPTALIZATION, the... |
characterisable | 36 | 27 | able to be character... |
characteristics | 38 | 26 | CHARACTERISTIC, a di... |
characterizable | 39 | 36 | able to be character... |
chargeabilities | 35 | 26 | CHARGEABILITY, the q... |
chartographical | 40 | 31 | relating to the draw... |
cheerlessnesses | 30 | 22 | CHEERLESSNESS, CHEER... |
chemautotrophic | 39 | 32 | of or like a chemaut... |
chemoattractant | 33 | 27 | a chemical which pro... |
chemoautotrophs | 35 | 29 | CHEMOAUTOTROPH, any... |
chemoautotrophy | 41 | 31 | the production of en... |
chemolithotroph | 39 | 31 | a bacterium that obt... |
chemoprevention | 33 | 32 | the use of chemical... |
chemopsychiatry | 52 | 35 | treatment of mental... |
chemoreceptions | 35 | 30 | CHEMORECEPTION, the... |
chemotactically | 46 | 33 | CHEMOTACTIC, exhibit... |
chemotaxonomies | 36 | 34 | CHEMOTAXONOMY, the c... |
chemotaxonomist | 37 | 34 | one who practises ch... |
chemotherapists | 36 | 28 | CHEMOTHERAPIST, one... |
chemotropically | 45 | 33 | CHEMOTROPIC, exhibit... |
chenopodiaceous | 33 | 29 | belonging to the goo... |
childlessnesses | 33 | 24 | CHILDLESSNESS, the s... |
childlikenesses | 34 | 28 | CHILDLIKENESS, CHILD... |
chincherinchees | 40 | 32 | CHINCHERINCHEE, a ki... |
chlamydomonades | 38 | 32 | CHLAMYDOMONAS, a mem... |
chloramphenicol | 40 | 34 | an antibiotic drug o... |
chloritisations | 32 | 22 | CHLORITISATION, the... |
chloritizations | 35 | 31 | CHLORITIZATION, the... |
chlorothiazides | 37 | 33 | CHLOROTHIAZIDE, a th... |
chlorpromazines | 37 | 37 | CHLORPROMAZINE, a ph... |
chlorpropamides | 37 | 31 | CHLORPROPAMIDE, a su... |
chlorthalidones | 34 | 26 | CHLORTHALIDONE, a di... |
cholangiography | 43 | 33 | the examination by X... |
cholecalciferol | 41 | 32 | a natural form of vi... |
cholecystectomy | 51 | 34 | a surgical operation... |
cholecystitises | 42 | 26 | CHOLECYSTITIS, infla... |
cholecystokinin | 41 | 32 | a hormone secreted e... |
cholecystostomy | 48 | 31 | the surgical formati... |
cholesterolemia | 32 | 25 | the presence of abno... |
cholestyramines | 38 | 27 | CHOLESTYRAMINE, a st... |
cholinergically | 44 | 31 | CHOLINERGIC, acting... |
cholinesterases | 30 | 22 | CHOLINESTERASE, an e... |
chondrichthyans | 44 | 32 | CHONDRICHTHYAN, a te... |
chondrification | 35 | 29 | the process of chond... |
chondrocraniums | 34 | 30 | CHONDROCRANIUM, the... |
chondrophorines | 33 | 28 | CHONDROPHORINE, a me... |
chondroskeleton | 30 | 28 | the cartilaginous pa... |
chordamesoderms | 32 | 28 | CHORDAMESODERM, the... |
chorioallantoic | 34 | 26 | of or like a chorioa... |
chorioallantois | 31 | 23 | a highly vascularize... |
choriocarcinoma | 36 | 30 | a malignant tumor ty... |
chrestomathical | 38 | 29 | of or like a chresto... |
chromaticnesses | 34 | 27 | CHROMATICNESS, the s... |
chromatographed | 36 | 31 | CHROMATOGRAPH, to do... |
chromatographer | 36 | 30 | one who uses a chrom... |
chromatographic | 40 | 33 | relating to chromato... |
chromatologists | 34 | 26 | CHROMATOLOGIST, a sp... |
chromatophorous | 35 | 29 | of or like a chromat... |
chromatospheres | 35 | 28 | CHROMATOSPHERE, a la... |
chromotherapies | 35 | 28 | CHROMOTHERAPY, colou... |
chromoxylograph | 50 | 40 | a picture printed in... |
chronobiologies | 33 | 27 | CHRONOBIOLOGY, the s... |
chronobiologist | 34 | 27 | a student of chronob... |
chronogrammatic | 36 | 32 | of or like a chronog... |
chronologically | 43 | 31 | CHRONOLOGICAL, arran... |
chronotherapies | 33 | 26 | CHRONOTHERAPY, a tre... |
churrigueresque | 41 | 34 | of or relating to a... |
cinchonisations | 32 | 26 | CINCHONISATION, the... |
cinchonizations | 35 | 35 | CINCHONIZATION, the... |
cineangiography | 39 | 31 | the recording of the... |
cinematographed | 33 | 30 | CINEMATOGRAPH, to re... |
cinematographer | 33 | 29 | a specialist in cine... |
cinematographic | 37 | 32 | relating to cinemato... |
cinemicrography | 44 | 34 | cinematographic reco... |
circularisation | 33 | 24 | the process of circu... |
circularization | 36 | 33 | the process of circu... |
circumambagious | 38 | 34 | roundabout in speech... |
circumambiences | 39 | 35 | CIRCUMAMBIENCE, the... |
circumambiently | 44 | 35 | CIRCUMAMBIENT, going... |
circumambulated | 38 | 34 | CIRCUMAMBULATE, to c... |
circumambulates | 38 | 33 | CIRCUMAMBULATE, to c... |
circumambulator | 38 | 33 | one who circumambula... |
circumferential | 36 | 30 | relating to circumfe... |
circumferentors | 35 | 29 | CIRCUMFERENTOR, a su... |
circumforaneous | 34 | 30 | wandering about as f... |
circumgyrations | 41 | 30 | CIRCUMGYRATION, a wh... |
circumincession | 36 | 30 | the reciprocal exist... |
circuminsession | 33 | 27 | the reciprocal exist... |
circumjacencies | 41 | 41 | CIRCUMJACENCY, the s... |
circumlocutions | 38 | 31 | CIRCUMLOCUTION, an o... |
circumnavigable | 39 | 36 | able to be circumnav... |
circumnavigated | 36 | 33 | CIRCUMNAVIGATE, to g... |
circumnavigates | 36 | 32 | CIRCUMNAVIGATE, to g... |
circumnavigator | 36 | 32 | one who circumnaviga... |
circumnutations | 33 | 28 | CIRCUMNUTATION, rota... |
circumpositions | 36 | 29 | CIRCUMPOSITION, the... |
circumscribable | 43 | 35 | able to be circumscr... |
circumscription | 40 | 32 | the act of circumscr... |
circumscriptive | 43 | 35 | marking the external... |
circumspections | 39 | 32 | CIRCUMSPECTION, the... |
circumspectness | 39 | 32 | the state of being c... |
circumstantials | 35 | 27 | CIRCUMSTANTIAL, belo... |
circumstantiate | 33 | 26 | to supply with circu... |
circumvallating | 39 | 34 | CIRCUMVALLATE, to su... |
circumvallation | 37 | 32 | a surrounding with a... |
circumvolutions | 37 | 32 | CIRCUMVOLUTION, anyt... |
citriculturists | 37 | 24 | CITRICULTURIST, one... |
civilianisation | 31 | 25 | the act of civiliani... |
civilianization | 34 | 34 | the act of civiliani... |
clamorousnesses | 29 | 24 | CLAMOROUSNESS, CLAMO... |
clandestineness | 27 | 23 | the state of being c... |
clandestinities | 29 | 22 | CLANDESTINITY, the q... |
classicalnesses | 33 | 24 | CLASSICALNESS, CLASS... |
classifications | 35 | 26 | CLASSIFICATION, the... |
claustrophilias | 36 | 26 | CLAUSTROPHILIA, abno... |
claustrophobias | 36 | 28 | CLAUSTROPHOBIA, fear... |
clearheadedness | 29 | 24 | CLEARHEADED, having... |
cleavablenesses | 32 | 28 | CLEAVABLENESS, CLEAV... |
cleistogamously | 39 | 28 | CLEISTOGAMOUS, relat... |
climacterically | 46 | 32 | CLIMACTERICAL, relat... |
climatographies | 36 | 29 | CLIMATOGRAPHY, a des... |
cloudlessnesses | 30 | 23 | CLOUDLESSNESS, CLOUD... |
coagulabilities | 34 | 26 | COAGULABILITY, the q... |
cochairmanships | 39 | 32 | COCHAIRMANSHIP, join... |
cockneyfication | 42 | 35 | the process of cockn... |
cocknifications | 37 | 33 | COCKNIFICATION, the... |
coconsciousness | 33 | 27 | COCONSCIOUS, aware o... |
codetermination | 27 | 24 | the participation of... |
codifiabilities | 35 | 26 | CODIFIABILITY, the q... |
coeducationally | 38 | 28 | COEDUCATIONAL, relat... |
coenzymatically | 49 | 40 | COENZYMATIC, relatin... |
coessentialness | 27 | 21 | COESSENTIAL, religio... |
coinstantaneity | 32 | 23 | the state of being c... |
coinstantaneous | 25 | 22 | simultaneous; at the... |
coinvestigators | 31 | 25 | COINVESTIGATOR, a jo... |
coldheartedness | 30 | 24 | COLDHEARTED, marked... |
collaboratively | 41 | 30 | COLLABORATIVE, of th... |
collateralising | 32 | 24 | COLLATERALISE, to ma... |
collateralities | 31 | 21 | COLLATERALITY, the q... |
collateralizing | 35 | 33 | COLLATERALIZE, to ma... |
collectednesses | 32 | 25 | COLLECTEDNESS, the s... |
collenchymatous | 42 | 32 | relating to collench... |
colliquescences | 44 | 37 | COLLIQUESCENCE, read... |
colloquialities | 40 | 31 | COLLOQUIALITY, the q... |
colonisationist | 28 | 21 | an advocate of colon... |
colonizationist | 31 | 30 | an advocate of colon... |
colorablenesses | 30 | 24 | COLORABLENESS, the s... |
colorfastnesses | 30 | 23 | COLORFASTNESS, COLOR... |
colorlessnesses | 29 | 21 | COLORLESSNESS, COLOR... |
colourabilities | 33 | 24 | COLOURABILITY, the q... |
colourfulnesses | 32 | 26 | COLOURFULNESS, the s... |
colouristically | 42 | 27 | COLOURISTIC [adv] |
colposcopically | 48 | 35 | COLPOSCOPICAL, relat... |
combativenesses | 32 | 29 | COMBATIVENESS, the s... |
combinabilities | 35 | 29 | COMBINABILITY, the q... |
combinatorially | 39 | 29 | COMBINATORIAL, of, r... |
combustibleness | 35 | 30 | the state of being c... |
comfortableness | 33 | 29 | the state of being c... |
comfortlessness | 32 | 26 | COMFORTLESS, without... |
commandantships | 34 | 32 | COMMANDANTSHIP, the... |
commemorational | 30 | 29 | serving to commemora... |
commemoratively | 40 | 34 | COMMEMORATIVE, inten... |
commendableness | 31 | 31 | COMMENDABLE, that ca... |
commensurations | 29 | 27 | COMMENSURATION, meas... |
commercialising | 36 | 31 | COMMERCIALISE, to ma... |
commercialistic | 39 | 31 | relating to commerci... |
commercialities | 35 | 28 | COMMERCIALITY, the q... |
commercializing | 39 | 40 | COMMERCIALIZE, to ma... |
commiseratingly | 39 | 30 | COMMISERATING [adv] |
commiseratively | 40 | 31 | COMMISERATIVE, showi... |
commissaryships | 43 | 31 | COMMISSARYSHIP, the... |
commissionaires | 30 | 25 | COMMISSIONAIRE, a un... |
commodification | 35 | 32 | the act of commodify... |
commonplaceness | 34 | 33 | the state of being c... |
communalisation | 30 | 28 | the process of commu... |
communalization | 33 | 37 | the process of commu... |
communicability | 44 | 35 | the state of being c... |
communicational | 33 | 31 | relating to communic... |
communicatively | 43 | 36 | COMMUNICATIVE, tendi... |
communistically | 43 | 33 | COMMUNISTIC, incline... |
commutabilities | 35 | 29 | COMMUTABILITY, the q... |
commutativities | 34 | 29 | COMMUTATIVITY, the p... |
compactednesses | 33 | 29 | COMPACTEDNESS, the s... |
comparabilities | 35 | 28 | COMPARABILITY, the s... |
comparativeness | 32 | 29 | COMPARATIVE, of the... |
compartmentally | 40 | 32 | COMPARTMENTAL, relat... |
compassionately | 37 | 28 | COMPASSIONATE, sympa... |
compassionating | 31 | 28 | COMPASSIONATE, to sh... |
compatibilities | 36 | 28 | COMPATIBILITY, the q... |
compendiousness | 30 | 28 | the state of being c... |
competentnesses | 29 | 26 | COMPETENTNESS, COMPE... |
competitiveness | 33 | 29 | COMPETITIVE, relatin... |
complementaries | 32 | 29 | COMPLEMENTARY, a com... |
complementarily | 40 | 32 | COMPLEMENTARY, servi... |
complementarity | 39 | 31 | the state of being c... |
complementation | 31 | 30 | the operation of det... |
complementisers | 33 | 29 | COMPLEMENTISER, a wo... |
complementizers | 36 | 38 | COMPLEMENTIZER, a wo... |
complexednesses | 37 | 34 | COMPLEXEDNESS, the s... |
compliantnesses | 31 | 27 | COMPLIANTNESS, COMPL... |
complicatedness | 35 | 30 | COMPLICATED [n] |
complimentarily | 41 | 32 | COMPLIMENTARY, by wa... |
compositenesses | 30 | 25 | COMPOSITENESS, COMPO... |
compositionally | 39 | 29 | COMPOSITIONAL, relat... |
compotationship | 35 | 30 | being a drinking com... |
comprehensively | 42 | 34 | COMPREHENSIVE, cover... |
comprehensivise | 35 | 31 | to make comprehensiv... |
comprehensivize | 38 | 40 | to make comprehensiv... |
compressibility | 43 | 30 | the state of being c... |
comptrollership | 39 | 31 | the office of comptr... |
computabilities | 36 | 29 | COMPUTABILITY, the q... |
computationally | 39 | 30 | COMPUTATIONAL, relat... |
computerisation | 31 | 26 | the process of compu... |
computerization | 34 | 35 | the act of computeri... |
computerphobias | 38 | 33 | COMPUTERPHOBIA, a mo... |
computerphobics | 42 | 36 | COMPUTERPHOBIC, some... |
comradelinesses | 29 | 24 | COMRADELINESS, the s... |
conceitednesses | 29 | 24 | CONCEITEDNESS, the s... |
conceivableness | 34 | 31 | CONCEIVABLE, that ca... |
concelebrations | 32 | 27 | CONCELEBRATION, cele... |
concentratively | 39 | 30 | CONCENTRATIVE, tendi... |
concentricities | 34 | 26 | CONCENTRICITY, the q... |
conceptualisers | 34 | 27 | CONCEPTUALISER, one... |
conceptualising | 35 | 30 | CONCEPTUALISE, to fo... |
conceptualistic | 38 | 30 | relating to conceptu... |
conceptualities | 34 | 27 | CONCEPTUALITY, the q... |
conceptualizers | 37 | 36 | CONCEPTUALIZER, one... |
conceptualizing | 38 | 39 | CONCEPTUALIZE, to fo... |
concernednesses | 28 | 25 | CONCERNEDNESS, CONCE... |
concertednesses | 29 | 24 | CONCERTEDNESS, CONCE... |
concertmeisters | 32 | 25 | CONCERTMEISTER, the... |
concertmistress | 33 | 25 | the first violinist... |
concessionaires | 29 | 23 | CONCESSIONAIRE, the... |
concessionaries | 29 | 23 | CONCESSIONARY, one t... |
concessionnaire | 28 | 24 | the owner or operato... |
concretisations | 30 | 23 | CONCRETISATION, the... |
concretizations | 33 | 32 | CONCRETIZATION, the... |
condescendences | 31 | 29 | CONDESCENDENCE, volu... |
condescendingly | 38 | 31 | CONDESCENDING [adv] |
conducivenesses | 32 | 29 | CONDUCIVENESS, the s... |
conductiometric | 36 | 30 | of or relating to th... |
conduplications | 34 | 29 | CONDUPLICATION, the... |
confectionaries | 31 | 26 | CONFECTIONARY, a pla... |
confectioneries | 31 | 26 | CONFECTIONERY, the c... |
confessionalism | 31 | 27 | the practice of the... |
confessionalist | 30 | 24 | one who takes the co... |
confessionaries | 28 | 23 | CONFESSIONARY, a con... |
confidentiality | 37 | 27 | the state of being c... |
confidingnesses | 30 | 27 | CONFIDINGNESS, CONFI... |
configurational | 31 | 27 | relating to configur... |
confirmednesses | 30 | 27 | CONFIRMEDNESS, the s... |
conformableness | 32 | 30 | CONFORMABLE, complia... |
confraternities | 29 | 23 | CONFRATERNITY, a soc... |
confrontational | 28 | 25 | relating to confront... |
confusabilities | 34 | 27 | CONFUSABILITY, the q... |
congealableness | 30 | 27 | CONGEALABLE, that ca... |
congenialnesses | 27 | 24 | CONGENIALNESS, the s... |
conglobulations | 32 | 28 | CONGLOBULATION, the... |
conglomerateurs | 30 | 26 | CONGLOMERATEUR, a pe... |
conglomerations | 29 | 26 | CONGLOMERATION, the... |
conglutinations | 29 | 25 | CONGLUTINATION, the... |
congratulations | 29 | 24 | CONGRATULATION, the... |
congressionally | 36 | 26 | CONGRESSIONAL, relat... |
congresspersons | 30 | 25 | CONGRESSPERSON, a co... |
congruousnesses | 28 | 24 | CONGRUOUSNESS, CONGR... |
conjugatenesses | 29 | 32 | CONJUGATENESS, CONJU... |
conjugationally | 38 | 36 | CONJUGATIONAL, conju... |
conjunctionally | 40 | 38 | CONJUNCTIONAL, relat... |
conjunctiveness | 34 | 38 | the state of being c... |
connaturalising | 29 | 25 | CONNATURALISE, to ma... |
connaturalities | 28 | 22 | CONNATURALITY, the s... |
connaturalizing | 32 | 34 | CONNATURALIZE, to ma... |
connectednesses | 28 | 25 | CONNECTEDNESS, CONNE... |
connoisseurship | 32 | 26 | the state of being a... |
conquerableness | 37 | 34 | CONQUERABLE, that ca... |
consanguinities | 28 | 24 | CONSANGUINITY, relat... |
conscientiously | 38 | 27 | CONSCIENTIOUS, gover... |
conscionability | 40 | 29 | the state of being c... |
consciousnesses | 30 | 24 | CONSCIOUSNESS, the s... |
conscriptionist | 34 | 26 | one who believes in... |
consecratedness | 29 | 24 | CONSECRATED [n] |
consecutiveness | 32 | 28 | the state of being c... |
consenescencies | 31 | 27 | CONSENESCENCY, a sta... |
consentaneities | 25 | 21 | CONSENTANEITY, the q... |
consentaneously | 32 | 25 | CONSENTANEOUS, accor... |
consequentially | 43 | 34 | CONSEQUENTIAL, of th... |
conservationist | 29 | 24 | a person who advocat... |
conservatoriums | 31 | 27 | CONSERVATORIUM, (Lat... |
conservatorship | 34 | 28 | the office of conser... |
considerateness | 26 | 21 | CONSIDERATE, marked... |
consideratively | 37 | 27 | CONSIDERATIVE, thoug... |
consimilarities | 31 | 23 | CONSIMILARITY, the q... |
conspicuousness | 33 | 28 | CONSPICUOUS, obvious... |
conspiratresses | 30 | 22 | CONSPIRATRESS, a fem... |
constellational | 29 | 23 | of or like a constel... |
constitutionals | 29 | 22 | CONSTITUTIONAL, a wa... |
constitutionist | 29 | 21 | a believer in the Co... |
constringencies | 31 | 26 | CONSTRINGENCY, the i... |
constructionism | 33 | 27 | the interpretation o... |
constructionist | 32 | 24 | one who construes a... |
constructivisms | 37 | 30 | CONSTRUCTIVISM, a no... |
constructivists | 36 | 27 | CONSTRUCTIVIST, an u... |
consubstantiate | 29 | 24 | to unite in one comm... |
consultantships | 34 | 27 | CONSULTANTSHIP, the... |
consumptiveness | 33 | 31 | the state of being c... |
consumptivities | 35 | 30 | CONSUMPTIVITY, the s... |
containerboards | 28 | 24 | CONTAINERBOARD, corr... |
contemperations | 29 | 26 | CONTEMPERATION, (obs... |
contemperatures | 30 | 26 | CONTEMPERATURE, the... |
contemplatively | 41 | 33 | CONTEMPLATIVE, relat... |
contemporaneans | 27 | 27 | CONTEMPORANEAN, a co... |
contemporaneity | 35 | 28 | the state of being c... |
contemporaneous | 28 | 27 | existing, occurring,... |
contemptibility | 42 | 31 | the state of being c... |
contentednesses | 25 | 22 | CONTENTEDNESS, CONTE... |
contentiousness | 26 | 22 | CONTENTIOUS, likely... |
contesserations | 26 | 20 | CONTESSERATION, a ha... |
contestableness | 29 | 24 | CONTESTABLE, able to... |
contextualising | 36 | 31 | CONTEXTUALISE, to pu... |
contextualizing | 39 | 40 | CONTEXTUALIZE, to pl... |
continentalisms | 29 | 25 | CONTINENTALISM, anyt... |
continentalists | 28 | 22 | CONTINENTALIST, one... |
continualnesses | 27 | 23 | CONTINUALNESS, CONTI... |
continuednesses | 26 | 23 | CONTINUEDNESS, CONTI... |
contortednesses | 26 | 21 | CONTORTEDNESS, CONTO... |
contortionistic | 31 | 23 | relating to contorti... |
contraclockwise | 39 | 33 | anticlockwise [adv] |
contractability | 41 | 28 | the quality of being... |
contractibility | 42 | 28 | the state of being c... |
contractilities | 33 | 23 | CONTRACTILITY, the q... |
contractiveness | 32 | 27 | CONTRACTIVE, tending... |
contradictively | 41 | 30 | CONTRADICTIVE, contr... |
contradictories | 31 | 23 | CONTRADICTORY, a wor... |
contradictorily | 39 | 26 | CONTRADICTORY, servi... |
contraindicants | 30 | 25 | CONTRAINDICANT, some... |
contraindicated | 30 | 25 | CONTRAINDICATE, to i... |
contraindicates | 30 | 24 | CONTRAINDICATE, to i... |
contrapositions | 29 | 23 | CONTRAPOSITION, oppo... |
contrapositives | 32 | 26 | CONTRAPOSITIVE, an i... |
contrapropeller | 33 | 27 | one of a pair of pro... |
contrapuntalist | 31 | 25 | one who uses counter... |
contrariousness | 27 | 21 | CONTRARIOUS, (archai... |
contravallation | 30 | 26 | a fortification buil... |
controllability | 40 | 27 | the state of being c... |
controllerships | 35 | 26 | CONTROLLERSHIP, the... |
controversially | 38 | 27 | CONTROVERSIAL, of, r... |
convalescencies | 35 | 31 | CONVALESCENCY, recov... |
conventionalise | 28 | 26 | to make conventional... |
conventionalism | 30 | 29 | the state of being c... |
conventionalist | 29 | 26 | one who is conventio... |
conventionality | 35 | 28 | a conventional usage... |
conventionalize | 31 | 35 | to make conventional... |
conversableness | 31 | 28 | the state of being c... |
conversationism | 30 | 27 | a colloquialism [n] |
conversationist | 29 | 24 | a person who enjoys... |
convertibleness | 32 | 28 | the state of being c... |
conveyorisation | 34 | 26 | the process of conve... |
conveyorization | 37 | 35 | the process of conve... |
convocationists | 32 | 27 | CONVOCATIONIST, one... |
convolvulaceous | 36 | 34 | belonging to the gen... |
convulsionaries | 30 | 26 | CONVULSIONARY, a per... |
cooperationists | 29 | 22 | COOPERATIONIST, one... |
cooperativeness | 30 | 26 | COOPERATIVE, working... |
cooperativities | 32 | 25 | COOPERATIVITY, the s... |
corinthianising | 31 | 25 | CORINTHIANISE, (arch... |
corinthianizing | 34 | 34 | CORINTHIANIZE, (arch... |
corporatenesses | 28 | 22 | CORPORATENESS, CORPO... |
corporealnesses | 29 | 23 | CORPOREALNESS, the s... |
corporification | 35 | 28 | the act of corporify... |
corpuscularians | 35 | 28 | CORPUSCULARIAN, a pe... |
correlativeness | 30 | 24 | the state of being c... |
correlativities | 32 | 23 | CORRELATIVITY, the q... |
correligionists | 31 | 22 | CORRELIGIONIST, a pe... |
correspondences | 31 | 27 | CORRESPONDENCE, the... |
correspondently | 36 | 27 | CORRESPONDENT, corre... |
correspondingly | 38 | 29 | CORRESPONDING, simil... |
corrigibilities | 35 | 24 | CORRIGIBILITY, the q... |
corroboratively | 39 | 28 | CORROBORATIVE, servi... |
corrodibilities | 33 | 23 | CORRODIBILITY, the q... |
corrosibilities | 33 | 22 | CORROSIBILITY, the q... |
corrosivenesses | 29 | 23 | CORROSIVENESS, CORRO... |
corruptibleness | 34 | 27 | CORRUPTIBLE, that ca... |
corticosteroids | 32 | 22 | CORTICOSTEROID, any... |
corticosterones | 30 | 22 | CORTICOSTERONE, a co... |
corticotrophins | 36 | 27 | CORTICOTROPHIN, a ho... |
corynebacterial | 39 | 28 | relating to coryneba... |
corynebacterium | 40 | 31 | a bacterium that cau... |
cosignificative | 37 | 31 | having the same sign... |
cosmeticologies | 34 | 27 | COSMETICOLOGY, the s... |
cosmopolitanism | 33 | 29 | the state of being c... |
cotransductions | 31 | 25 | COTRANSDUCTION, the... |
coulometrically | 42 | 30 | COULOMETRIC, relatin... |
councillorships | 39 | 30 | COUNCILLORSHIP, the... |
counsellorships | 35 | 27 | COUNSELLORSHIP, the... |
counteractively | 40 | 30 | COUNTERACTIVE, servi... |
counterargument | 29 | 27 | an opposing argument... |
counterassaults | 29 | 22 | COUNTERASSAULT, a co... |
counterattacked | 31 | 28 | COUNTERATTACK, to at... |
counterattacker | 31 | 27 | COUNTERATTACK, to at... |
counterbalanced | 32 | 29 | COUNTERBALANCE, to o... |
counterbalances | 32 | 28 | COUNTERBALANCE, to o... |
counterblockade | 34 | 32 | an opposing blockade... |
countercampaign | 34 | 32 | an opposing campaign... |
counterchanging | 34 | 31 | COUNTERCHANGE, to in... |
countercharging | 35 | 30 | COUNTERCHARGE, to br... |
countercharming | 35 | 31 | COUNTERCHARM, to des... |
counterchecking | 38 | 35 | COUNTERCHECK, to che... |
counterclaimant | 32 | 28 | one making a counter... |
counterclaiming | 34 | 30 | COUNTERCLAIM, to ent... |
countercultural | 34 | 27 | relating to counterc... |
countercultures | 33 | 26 | COUNTERCULTURE, a cu... |
countercurrents | 31 | 25 | COUNTERCURRENT, a cu... |
countercyclical | 46 | 33 | calculated to check... |
counterevidence | 31 | 29 | evidence brought in... |
counterexamples | 37 | 34 | COUNTEREXAMPLE, an e... |
counterfactuals | 34 | 28 | COUNTERFACTUAL, some... |
counterfeisance | 31 | 27 | an act of counterfei... |
counterfeitings | 31 | 26 | COUNTERFEITING, the... |
counterfesaunce | 31 | 28 | (archaic) an act of... |
counterguerilla | 31 | 25 | a guerrilla fighting... |
counterinstance | 29 | 25 | an instance adduced... |
counterirritant | 28 | 21 | an agent applied loc... |
countermandable | 30 | 29 | able to be counterma... |
countermarching | 35 | 31 | COUNTERMARCH, to mar... |
countermeasures | 28 | 24 | COUNTERMEASURE, an a... |
countermelodies | 29 | 25 | COUNTERMELODY, a sec... |
countermovement | 30 | 31 | an opposing movement... |
counterordering | 28 | 24 | COUNTERORDER, to iss... |
counterpetition | 29 | 24 | an opposing petition... |
counterpicketed | 34 | 31 | COUNTERPICKET, to pi... |
counterplanning | 30 | 29 | COUNTERPLAN, to form... |
counterpleading | 31 | 28 | COUNTERPLEAD, to ple... |
counterplotting | 32 | 27 | COUNTERPLOT, to intr... |
counterpointing | 30 | 27 | COUNTERPOINT, to com... |
counterpressure | 30 | 24 | an opposing pressure... |
counterprojects | 35 | 35 | COUNTERPROJECT, a pr... |
counterproposal | 32 | 27 | a return proposal ma... |
counterprotests | 30 | 23 | COUNTERPROTEST, an o... |
counterpunchers | 35 | 30 | COUNTERPUNCHER [n] |
counterpunching | 36 | 33 | COUNTERPUNCH, to ret... |
counterquestion | 35 | 31 | a question in respon... |
counterrallying | 37 | 27 | COUNTERRALLY, to ral... |
counterreaction | 29 | 24 | a reaction in opposi... |
counterreformed | 30 | 27 | COUNTERREFORM, to ma... |
counterreformer | 30 | 26 | an instigator of a c... |
counterresponse | 28 | 24 | an answering respons... |
countershadings | 31 | 26 | COUNTERSHADING, cryp... |
counterstaining | 28 | 24 | COUNTERSTAIN, to app... |
counterstrategy | 35 | 24 | a strategy designed... |
counterstricken | 32 | 28 | COUNTERSTRIKE, to co... |
counterstriking | 31 | 27 | COUNTERSTRIKE, to co... |
countersubjects | 36 | 36 | COUNTERSUBJECT, a se... |
countertendency | 35 | 28 | a tendency running c... |
countervailable | 33 | 29 | able to be counterva... |
counterviolence | 32 | 29 | violence in response... |
counterweighing | 35 | 30 | COUNTERWEIGH, to wei... |
counterweighted | 34 | 28 | COUNTERWEIGHT, to ba... |
courteousnesses | 27 | 21 | COURTEOUSNESS, the s... |
craniologically | 41 | 29 | CRANIOLOGICAL, relat... |
crapulousnesses | 31 | 25 | CRAPULOUSNESS, CRAPU... |
crashworthiness | 36 | 26 | the state of being c... |
credentiallings | 31 | 25 | CREDENTIALLING, the... |
creditabilities | 33 | 23 | CREDITABILITY, the q... |
credulousnesses | 29 | 23 | CREDULOUSNESS, the s... |
crestfallenness | 31 | 25 | CRESTFALLEN, dispiri... |
criminalisation | 30 | 24 | the process of crimi... |
criminalization | 33 | 33 | the act of criminali... |
criminousnesses | 29 | 24 | CRIMINOUSNESS, CRIMI... |
crosslinguistic | 36 | 26 | of or relating to la... |
crossopterygian | 37 | 26 | a member of a subcla... |
crotchetinesses | 33 | 24 | CROTCHETINESS, the s... |
cruciverbalisms | 40 | 33 | CRUCIVERBALISM, the... |
cruciverbalists | 39 | 30 | CRUCIVERBALIST, a de... |
cryoprecipitate | 42 | 29 | a precipitate, e.g.... |
cryoprotectants | 39 | 27 | CRYOPROTECTANT, a cr... |
cryptaesthesias | 39 | 25 | CRYPTAESTHESIA, supr... |
cryptanalytical | 48 | 31 | relating to cryptana... |
cryptographical | 47 | 34 | of, relating to, or... |
cryptographists | 44 | 30 | CRYPTOGRAPHIST, one... |
cryptorchidisms | 46 | 32 | CRYPTORCHIDISM, the... |
cryptosporidium | 42 | 31 | any of a genus of pr... |
cryptozoologies | 41 | 35 | CRYPTOZOOLOGY, the s... |
cryptozoologist | 42 | 35 | one who studies cryp... |
crystalisations | 36 | 22 | CRYSTALISATION, the... |
crystalizations | 39 | 31 | CRYSTALIZATION, the... |
crystallinities | 38 | 23 | CRYSTALLINITY, the q... |
crystallisation | 37 | 23 | the process of cryst... |
crystallization | 40 | 32 | the act of crystalli... |
crystallography | 49 | 31 | a science that deals... |
cultivabilities | 37 | 28 | CULTIVABILITY, the q... |
customarinesses | 29 | 23 | CUSTOMARINESS, the s... |
cyanoacetylenes | 41 | 28 | CYANOACETYLENE, a la... |
cyanocobalamine | 38 | 32 | vitamin B12, which h... |
cyanocobalamins | 39 | 32 | CYANOCOBALAMIN, vita... |
cyanoethylating | 43 | 29 | CYANOETHYLATE, to in... |
cyanoethylation | 41 | 27 | the act of introduci... |
cyberchondriacs | 45 | 33 | CYBERCHONDRIAC, one... |
cybersecurities | 41 | 27 | CYBERSECURITY, the s... |
cybersquattings | 47 | 36 | CYBERSQUATTING, the... |
cyberterrorisms | 39 | 26 | CYBERTERRORISM, comp... |
cyberterrorists | 38 | 23 | CYBERTERRORIST, a te... |
cyclobarbitones | 42 | 31 | CYCLOBARBITONE, a ba... |
cyclohexylamine | 54 | 40 | a colorless liquid a... |
cyclopentadiene | 38 | 30 | a colourless liquid... |
cyclopentolates | 40 | 29 | CYCLOPENTOLATE, a dr... |
cylindricalness | 40 | 28 | CYLINDRICAL, shaped... |
cyproheptadines | 40 | 30 | CYPROHEPTADINE, a po... |
cytochemistries | 42 | 28 | CYTOCHEMISTRY, micro... |
cytogenetically | 46 | 30 | CYTOGENETICAL, relat... |
cytogeneticists | 39 | 26 | CYTOGENETICIST, one... |
cytomegalovirus | 40 | 31 | any of a group of vi... |
cytopathologies | 40 | 28 | CYTOPATHOLOGY, the s... |
cytophotometric | 43 | 31 | relating to cytophot... |
cytoplasmically | 51 | 34 | CYTOPLASMIC, relatin... |
cytotaxonomists | 41 | 31 | CYTOTAXONOMIST, a pr... |