15 letter words that starts with l

15 letter words that start with L

15 letter L word


Word With Friends


laboriousnesses 27 21 LABORIOUSNESS, LABOR...
labyrinthically 49 31 LABYRINTHICAL, like...
labyrinthitises 38 24 LABYRINTHITIS, infla...
labyrinthodonts 36 26 LABYRINTHODONT, an e...
lackadaisically 42 31 LACKADAISICAL, lacki...
lactiferousness 31 24 the state of being l...
lactovegetarian 30 26 a vegetarian whose d...
lamellirostrate 29 21 having transverse la...
lapidifications 34 27 LAPIDIFICATION, (arc...
laryngectomised 37 28 having undergone a l...
laryngectomized 40 37 having undergone a l...
laryngoscopists 39 27 LARYNGOSCOPIST, one...
latensification 30 24 the intensification...
lateralisations 26 18 LATERALISATION, the...
lateralizations 29 27 LATERALIZATION, the...
latitudinarians 26 20 LATITUDINARIAN, a pe...
laughablenesses 31 26 LAUGHABLENESS, LAUGH...
lecherousnesses 30 23 LECHEROUSNESS, LECHE...
legerdemainists 28 23 LEGERDEMAINIST, one...
legislatorships 34 24 LEGISLATORSHIP, the...
legitimisations 29 22 LEGITIMISATION, the...
legitimizations 32 31 LEGITIMIZATION, the...
leisurelinesses 27 19 LEISURELINESS, the s...
lepidodendroids 28 24 LEPIDODENDROID, any...
lepidopterology 38 28 the study of butterf...
leucaemogeneses 28 26 LEUCAEMOGENESIS, the...
leucaemogenesis 29 26 the development of l...
leucocythaemias 41 30 LEUCOCYTHAEMIA, leuk...
leucocytopenias 39 29 LEUCOCYTOPENIA, leuc...
leukaemogeneses 26 27 LEUKAEMOGENESIS, the...
leukaemogenesis 27 27 the development of l...
leukocytopenias 37 30 LEUKOCYTOPENIA, a de...
levelheadedness 29 26 LEVELHEADED, having...
lexicalisations 36 28 LEXICALISATION, the...
lexicalizations 39 37 LEXICALIZATION, the...
lexicographical 45 37 relating to lexicogr...
lexicographists 42 33 LEXICOGRAPHIST, one...
lexicologically 49 36 LEXICOLOGICAL, relat...
liberalisations 29 21 LIBERALISATION, the...
liberalizations 32 30 LIBERALIZATION, the...
libertarianisms 30 23 LIBERTARIANISM, beli...
licentiateships 34 25 LICENTIATESHIP, the...
lickerishnesses 33 26 LICKERISHNESS, LICKE...
lieutenantships 30 24 LIEUTENANTSHIP, the...
lightfastnesses 32 24 LIGHTFASTNESS, LIGHT...
lightsomenesses 30 24 LIGHTSOMENESS, LIGHT...
lignocelluloses 33 26 LIGNOCELLULOSE, any...
lignocellulosic 37 29 of or like lignocell...
lignosulfonates 29 25 LIGNOSULFONATE, any...
limitablenesses 30 24 LIMITABLENESS, LIMIT...
limitlessnesses 29 21 LIMITLESSNESS, LIMIT...
lionheartedness 26 21 LIONHEARTED, brave a...
lipodystrophies 40 27 LIPODYSTROPHY, a med...
lipogrammatisms 34 30 LIPOGRAMMATISM, the...
lipogrammatists 33 27 LIPOGRAMMATIST, one...
liquidationisms 37 31 LIQUIDATIONISM, a th...
liquidationists 36 28 LIQUIDATIONIST, a pr...
liquorishnesses 37 29 LIQUORISHNESS, LIQUO...
lissencephalous 34 27 with smooth cerebral...
listenabilities 30 21 LISTENABILITY, the q...
literalisations 27 18 LITERALISATION, the...
literalizations 30 27 LITERALIZATION, the...
lithesomenesses 28 22 LITHESOMENESS, LITHE...
lithochromatics 39 29 the art or process o...
lithonthryptics 44 29 LITHONTHRYPTIC, a me...
lithontriptists 33 22 LITHONTRIPTIST, a su...
litigiousnesses 28 20 LITIGIOUSNESS, the s...
liturgiologists 32 22 LITURGIOLOGIST, one...
loathsomenesses 27 22 LOATHSOMENESS, LOATH...
logarithmically 43 30 LOGARITHMICAL, of or...
logographically 44 32 LOGOGRAPHICAL, relat...
longsightedness 30 25 the state of being l...
lophobranchiate 36 30 any fish of the seah...
lucrativenesses 31 25 LUCRATIVENESS, LUCRA...
ludicrousnesses 30 23 LUDICROUSNESS, LUDIC...
lumberingnesses 30 27 LUMBERINGNESS, LUMBE...
luxuriousnesses 33 27 LUXURIOUSNESS, LUXUR...
lymphadenitises 38 28 LYMPHADENITIS, infla...
lymphadenopathy 47 35 abnormal enlargement...
lymphangiograms 41 34 LYMPHANGIOGRAM, a ra...
lymphoadenomata 36 31 LYMPHOADENOMA, a tum...
lymphocytopenia 48 35 an abnormally low le...
lymphogranuloma 40 34 a tumour of the lymp...
lymphosarcomata 41 32 LYMPHOSARCOMA, a tum...
lyophilisations 38 25 LYOPHILISATION, free...
lyophilizations 41 34 LYOPHILIZATION, free...
lysogenisations 32 22 LYSOGENISATION, the...
lysogenizations 35 31 LYSOGENIZATION, the...