15 letter L word |
Scrabble |
Word With Friends |
Description |
laboriousnesses | 27 | 21 | LABORIOUSNESS, LABOR... |
labyrinthically | 49 | 31 | LABYRINTHICAL, like... |
labyrinthitises | 38 | 24 | LABYRINTHITIS, infla... |
labyrinthodonts | 36 | 26 | LABYRINTHODONT, an e... |
lackadaisically | 42 | 31 | LACKADAISICAL, lacki... |
lactiferousness | 31 | 24 | the state of being l... |
lactovegetarian | 30 | 26 | a vegetarian whose d... |
lamellirostrate | 29 | 21 | having transverse la... |
lapidifications | 34 | 27 | LAPIDIFICATION, (arc... |
laryngectomised | 37 | 28 | having undergone a l... |
laryngectomized | 40 | 37 | having undergone a l... |
laryngoscopists | 39 | 27 | LARYNGOSCOPIST, one... |
latensification | 30 | 24 | the intensification... |
lateralisations | 26 | 18 | LATERALISATION, the... |
lateralizations | 29 | 27 | LATERALIZATION, the... |
latitudinarians | 26 | 20 | LATITUDINARIAN, a pe... |
laughablenesses | 31 | 26 | LAUGHABLENESS, LAUGH... |
lecherousnesses | 30 | 23 | LECHEROUSNESS, LECHE... |
legerdemainists | 28 | 23 | LEGERDEMAINIST, one... |
legislatorships | 34 | 24 | LEGISLATORSHIP, the... |
legitimisations | 29 | 22 | LEGITIMISATION, the... |
legitimizations | 32 | 31 | LEGITIMIZATION, the... |
leisurelinesses | 27 | 19 | LEISURELINESS, the s... |
lepidodendroids | 28 | 24 | LEPIDODENDROID, any... |
lepidopterology | 38 | 28 | the study of butterf... |
leucaemogeneses | 28 | 26 | LEUCAEMOGENESIS, the... |
leucaemogenesis | 29 | 26 | the development of l... |
leucocythaemias | 41 | 30 | LEUCOCYTHAEMIA, leuk... |
leucocytopenias | 39 | 29 | LEUCOCYTOPENIA, leuc... |
leukaemogeneses | 26 | 27 | LEUKAEMOGENESIS, the... |
leukaemogenesis | 27 | 27 | the development of l... |
leukocytopenias | 37 | 30 | LEUKOCYTOPENIA, a de... |
levelheadedness | 29 | 26 | LEVELHEADED, having... |
lexicalisations | 36 | 28 | LEXICALISATION, the... |
lexicalizations | 39 | 37 | LEXICALIZATION, the... |
lexicographical | 45 | 37 | relating to lexicogr... |
lexicographists | 42 | 33 | LEXICOGRAPHIST, one... |
lexicologically | 49 | 36 | LEXICOLOGICAL, relat... |
liberalisations | 29 | 21 | LIBERALISATION, the... |
liberalizations | 32 | 30 | LIBERALIZATION, the... |
libertarianisms | 30 | 23 | LIBERTARIANISM, beli... |
licentiateships | 34 | 25 | LICENTIATESHIP, the... |
lickerishnesses | 33 | 26 | LICKERISHNESS, LICKE... |
lieutenantships | 30 | 24 | LIEUTENANTSHIP, the... |
lightfastnesses | 32 | 24 | LIGHTFASTNESS, LIGHT... |
lightsomenesses | 30 | 24 | LIGHTSOMENESS, LIGHT... |
lignocelluloses | 33 | 26 | LIGNOCELLULOSE, any... |
lignocellulosic | 37 | 29 | of or like lignocell... |
lignosulfonates | 29 | 25 | LIGNOSULFONATE, any... |
limitablenesses | 30 | 24 | LIMITABLENESS, LIMIT... |
limitlessnesses | 29 | 21 | LIMITLESSNESS, LIMIT... |
lionheartedness | 26 | 21 | LIONHEARTED, brave a... |
lipodystrophies | 40 | 27 | LIPODYSTROPHY, a med... |
lipogrammatisms | 34 | 30 | LIPOGRAMMATISM, the... |
lipogrammatists | 33 | 27 | LIPOGRAMMATIST, one... |
liquidationisms | 37 | 31 | LIQUIDATIONISM, a th... |
liquidationists | 36 | 28 | LIQUIDATIONIST, a pr... |
liquorishnesses | 37 | 29 | LIQUORISHNESS, LIQUO... |
lissencephalous | 34 | 27 | with smooth cerebral... |
listenabilities | 30 | 21 | LISTENABILITY, the q... |
literalisations | 27 | 18 | LITERALISATION, the... |
literalizations | 30 | 27 | LITERALIZATION, the... |
lithesomenesses | 28 | 22 | LITHESOMENESS, LITHE... |
lithochromatics | 39 | 29 | the art or process o... |
lithonthryptics | 44 | 29 | LITHONTHRYPTIC, a me... |
lithontriptists | 33 | 22 | LITHONTRIPTIST, a su... |
litigiousnesses | 28 | 20 | LITIGIOUSNESS, the s... |
liturgiologists | 32 | 22 | LITURGIOLOGIST, one... |
loathsomenesses | 27 | 22 | LOATHSOMENESS, LOATH... |
logarithmically | 43 | 30 | LOGARITHMICAL, of or... |
logographically | 44 | 32 | LOGOGRAPHICAL, relat... |
longsightedness | 30 | 25 | the state of being l... |
lophobranchiate | 36 | 30 | any fish of the seah... |
lucrativenesses | 31 | 25 | LUCRATIVENESS, LUCRA... |
ludicrousnesses | 30 | 23 | LUDICROUSNESS, LUDIC... |
lumberingnesses | 30 | 27 | LUMBERINGNESS, LUMBE... |
luxuriousnesses | 33 | 27 | LUXURIOUSNESS, LUXUR... |
lymphadenitises | 38 | 28 | LYMPHADENITIS, infla... |
lymphadenopathy | 47 | 35 | abnormal enlargement... |
lymphangiograms | 41 | 34 | LYMPHANGIOGRAM, a ra... |
lymphoadenomata | 36 | 31 | LYMPHOADENOMA, a tum... |
lymphocytopenia | 48 | 35 | an abnormally low le... |
lymphogranuloma | 40 | 34 | a tumour of the lymp... |
lymphosarcomata | 41 | 32 | LYMPHOSARCOMA, a tum... |
lyophilisations | 38 | 25 | LYOPHILISATION, free... |
lyophilizations | 41 | 34 | LYOPHILIZATION, free... |
lysogenisations | 32 | 22 | LYSOGENISATION, the... |
lysogenizations | 35 | 31 | LYSOGENIZATION, the... |