15 letter words that starts with a

15 letter words that start with A

15 letter A word


Word With Friends


abiogenetically 38 28 ABIOGENETIC, relatin...
aboriginalities 29 22 ABORIGINALITY, the s...
absorbabilities 33 25 ABSORBABILITY, the a...
absorbefacients 33 28 ABSORBEFACIENT, an a...
absorptiometers 30 24 ABSORPTIOMETER, an i...
abstractionisms 32 25 ABSTRACTIONISM, the...
abstractionists 31 22 ABSTRACTIONIST, a pr...
acanthocephalan 35 31 belonging to the Aca...
acceptabilities 37 28 ACCEPTABILITY, the s...
acceptingnesses 33 28 ACCEPTINGNESS, the s...
accessarinesses 30 22 ACCESSARINESS, the s...
accessibilities 36 25 ACCESSIBILITY, the a...
accessorinesses 30 22 ACCESSORINESS, the s...
accidentalities 32 24 ACCIDENTALITY, the q...
accidentologies 32 26 ACCIDENTOLOGY, the s...
acclimatisation 33 26 the act of acclimati...
acclimatization 36 35 the act of acclimati...
accommodatingly 41 34 ACCOMMODATING [adv]
accommodational 32 30 relating to accomoda...
accomplishments 39 34 ACCOMPLISHMENT, the...
accountableness 32 28 accountability [n]
accountantships 35 29 ACCOUNTANTSHIP, the...
acculturational 33 26 relating to accultur...
acetophenetidin 30 26 another name for phe...
acetylsalicylic 51 31 as in acetylsalicyli...
achondroplasias 32 26 ACHONDROPLASIA, a co...
achondroplastic 36 29 suffering from achon...
achromaticities 35 26 ACHROMATICITY, the s...
achromatisation 30 24 the process of achro...
achromatization 33 33 the process of achro...
acidimetrically 42 29 ACIDIMETRICAL, relat...
acknowledgeable 35 34 capable of being ack...
acknowledgeably 42 36 ACKNOWLEDGEABLE, cap...
acknowledgement 33 34 the act of acknowled...
acknowledgments 34 34 ACKNOWLEDGMENT, the...
acquirabilities 41 32 ACQUIRABILITY, the a...
acquisitiveness 39 33 the quality of being...
acrimoniousness 28 24 the quality of being...
acroparesthesia 31 23 a persistent sensati...
actinobiologies 31 25 ACTINOBIOLOGY, the b...
actinochemistry 41 29 another name for pho...
actinotherapies 31 24 ACTINOTHERAPY, the u...
adaptablenesses 28 24 ADAPTABLENESS, the s...
addictivenesses 30 25 ADDICTIVENESS, the q...
additionalities 26 19 ADDITIONALITY, the q...
adenocarcinomas 29 27 ADENOCARCINOMA, a ma...
adenohypophyses 44 31 ADENOHYPOPHYSIS, the...
adenohypophysis 45 31 the anterior glandul...
adenoidectomies 27 24 ADENOIDECTOMY, the s...
adiathermancies 30 25 ADIATHERMANCY, imper...
adjustabilities 32 30 ADJUSTABILITY, the q...
administrations 26 21 ADMINISTRATION, the...
admirablenesses 28 24 ADMIRABLENESS, the s...
admissibilities 32 23 ADMISSIBILITY, the q...
adrenalectomies 28 24 ADRENALECTOMY, the s...
adsorbabilities 31 23 ADSORBABILITY, the a...
adventurousness 26 24 the state of being a...
adversarinesses 26 21 ADVERSARINESS, the s...
advisablenesses 29 25 ADVISABLENESS, the s...
aerodynamically 42 29 AERODYNAMICAL, relat...
aerodynamicists 35 25 AERODYNAMICIST, one...
aeroelasticians 27 20 AEROELASTICIAN, a pe...
aerohydroplanes 34 25 AEROHYDROPLANE, a wi...
aerolithologies 29 21 AEROLITHOLOGY, the s...
aerosolisations 24 17 AEROSOLISATION, the...
aerosolizations 27 26 AEROSOLIZATION, the...
affectabilities 36 28 AFFECTABILITY, the q...
affectivenesses 33 29 AFFECTIVENESS, the s...
affordabilities 33 26 AFFORDABILITY, the q...
affranchisement 34 31 the act of affranchi...
aftersensations 25 20 AFTERSENSATION, an a...
aftertreatments 27 22 AFTERTREATMENT, addi...
agglutinability 39 28 the capacity (as of...
aggrandisements 27 25 AGGRANDISEMENT, the...
aggrandizements 30 34 AGGRANDIZEMENT, the...
aggregatenesses 26 22 AGGREGATENESS, the q...
agranulocytoses 35 25 AGRANULOCYTOSIS, a b...
agranulocytosis 36 25 a blood disorder in...
agreeablenesses 26 22 AGREEABLENESS, the s...
agribusinessman 29 26 a person who works i...
agribusinessmen 29 26 AGRIBUSINESSMAN, a p...
agriculturalist 34 24 someone skilled in a...
airworthinesses 30 21 AIRWORTHINESS, the q...
alcoholisations 31 23 ALCOHOLISATION, the...
alcoholizations 34 32 ALCOHOLIZATION, the...
alcoholometries 32 25 ALCOHOLOMETRY, the m...
alexipharmakons 37 36 ALEXIPHARMAKON, an a...
algorithmically 43 30 ALGORITHMIC, relatin...
alkalinisations 27 23 ALKALINISATION, the...
alkalinizations 30 32 ALKALINIZATION, the...
allegoricalness 31 24 the state of being a...
allegorisations 27 20 ALLEGORISATION, the...
allegorizations 30 29 ALLEGORIZATION, the...
allelomorphisms 35 29 ALLELOMORPHISM, the...
allergenicities 31 23 ALLERGENICITY, the s...
allotetraploids 30 22 ALLOTETRAPLOID, an o...
allotetraploidy 36 24 an allotetraploid or...
allotriomorphic 36 28 crystalline in inter...
allowablenesses 31 25 ALLOWABLENESS, the s...
alphabetisation 31 25 the act of alphabeti...
alphabetization 34 34 the act of alphabeti...
alternativeness 26 22 the state of being a...
altitudinarians 26 20 ALTITUDINARIAN, some...
aluminosilicate 31 25 a combined silicate...
aluminothermies 30 26 ALUMINOTHERMY, a pro...
amaryllidaceous 37 27 belonging to the Ama...
ambassadorships 33 27 AMBASSADORSHIP, the...
ambidexterities 35 29 AMBIDEXTERITY, the s...
ambiguousnesses 29 26 AMBIGUOUSNESS, the s...
ambisexualities 36 30 AMBISEXUALITY, the s...
ambitiousnesses 28 23 AMBITIOUSNESS, the s...
aminopeptidases 29 26 AMINOPEPTIDASE, an e...
aminophenazones 29 35 AMINOPHENAZONE, a py...
ammonifications 31 29 AMMONIFICATION, the...
amorphousnesses 29 25 AMORPHOUSNESS, the s...
amphidiploidies 35 29 AMPHIDIPLOIDY, the s...
amphitheatrical 37 29 relating to an amphi...
amylobarbitones 36 28 AMYLOBARBITONE, a wh...
anacoluthically 42 30 ANACOLUTHIC, relatin...
anacreontically 37 27 ANACREONTIC [adv]
anaesthesiology 33 23 a branch of medical...
anaesthetically 37 25 ANAESTHETIC, taking...
anagrammatising 28 27 ANAGRAMMATISE, to ma...
anagrammatizing 31 36 ANAGRAMMATIZE, to ma...
analogousnesses 24 21 ANALOGOUSNESS, the s...
analysabilities 35 23 ANALYSABILITY, the c...
analyzabilities 38 32 ANALYZABILITY, the s...
anamorphoscopes 33 30 ANAMORPHOSCOPE, an o...
anarchistically 42 28 ANARCHISTIC, of or p...
ancylostomiases 35 25 ANCYLOSTOMIASIS, inf...
ancylostomiasis 36 25 infestation with hoo...
androgynophores 34 27 ANDROGYNOPHORE, anot...
andromedotoxins 30 29 ANDROMEDOTOXIN, a po...
andromonoecious 26 25 having hermaphrodite...
andromonoecisms 28 27 ANDROMONOECISM, havi...
anesthetisation 25 19 the process of anest...
anesthetization 28 28 the process of anest...
anfractuosities 30 23 ANFRACTUOSITY, circu...
angustirostrate 26 19 narrow-beaked [n]
animatronically 36 27 ANIMATRONIC, relatin...
anisotropically 38 26 ANISOTROPIC, not hav...
ankylostomiases 33 26 ANKYLOSTOMIASIS, inf...
ankylostomiasis 34 26 infestation with hoo...
annihilationism 28 24 the belief that the...
anomalistically 38 27 ANOMALISTICAL, anoma...
anomalousnesses 24 22 ANOMALOUSNESS, the s...
anonymousnesses 29 24 ANONYMOUSNESS, the s...
answerabilities 31 23 ANSWERABILITY, the q...
antagonisations 23 20 ANTAGONISATION, the...
antagonizations 26 29 ANTAGONIZATION, the...
antaphrodisiacs 32 25 ANTAPHRODISIAC, a dr...
antepenultimate 27 25 before the next to t...
anthropobiology 38 29 the study of human b...
anthropocentric 34 28 considering human be...
anthropogeneses 27 24 ANTHROPOGENESIS, the...
anthropogenesis 28 24 the study of the ori...
anthropogenetic 31 27 relating to anthropo...
anthropolatries 29 22 ANTHROPOLATRY, the w...
anthropological 34 28 relating to anthropo...
anthropologists 31 24 ANTHROPOLOGIST, one...
anthropometries 29 24 ANTHROPOMETRY, the m...
anthropometrist 30 24 one who engages in t...
anthropomorphic 37 32 described or thought...
anthropopathies 32 26 ANTHROPOPATHY, the a...
anthropopathism 34 29 the ascription of hu...
anthropophagies 33 28 ANTHROPOPHAGY, canni...
anthropophagite 33 28 an anthropophagus, a...
anthropophagous 33 29 eating humans [adj]
anthropophobias 34 29 ANTHROPOPHOBIA, fear...
anthropophobics 38 32 ANTHROPOPHOBIC, some...
anthropophuisms 35 30 ANTHROPOPHUISM, the...
anthropopsychic 46 34 ascribing to nature...
anthroposophies 32 26 ANTHROPOSOPHY, knowl...
anthroposophist 33 26 one versed in anthro...
antiabortionist 26 20 one who is antiabort...
antialcoholisms 33 26 ANTIALCOHOLISM, the...
antiaphrodisiac 32 25 serving to reduce se...
antiarrhythmics 41 28 ANTIARRHYTHMIC, a dr...
anticapitalisms 33 26 ANTICAPITALISM, oppo...
anticapitalists 32 23 ANTICAPITALIST, one...
anticarcinogens 30 26 ANTICARCINOGEN, a su...
anticholesterol 31 23 countering the effec...
anticholinergic 35 28 blocking nerve impul...
antichristianly 38 25 ANTICHRISTIAN, oppos...
anticlericalism 35 27 the state of being a...
anticlimactical 38 30 of, relating to, or...
anticoincidence 32 28 of or relating to an...
anticolonialism 30 25 opposition to coloni...
anticolonialist 29 22 one opposed to the c...
anticompetitive 33 29 tending to reduce or...
anticonvulsants 30 27 ANTICONVULSANT, a dr...
anticonvulsives 33 30 ANTICONVULSIVE, an a...
antidepressants 26 21 ANTIDEPRESSANT, an a...
antiderivatives 29 25 ANTIDERIVATIVE, an i...
antidevelopment 29 29 opposed to developme...
antidiarrhoeals 27 20 ANTIDIARRHOEAL, a dr...
antieducational 27 23 opposed to education...
antiegalitarian 25 20 opposed to egalitari...
antifashionable 30 26 opposed to things fa...
antifederalists 28 21 ANTIFEDERALIST, one...
antiferromagnet 27 25 a magnet exhibiting...
antifilibusters 32 24 ANTIFILIBUSTER, a pe...
antiforeclosure 30 24 opposed to foreclosu...
antihelminthics 35 28 ANTIHELMINTHIC, a dr...
antihistaminics 32 25 ANTIHISTAMINIC, an a...
antiliberalisms 31 24 ANTILIBERALISM, oppo...
antilibertarian 27 21 opposed to libertari...
antilogarithmic 34 27 of or like an antilo...
antimaterialism 28 23 opposition to materi...
antimaterialist 27 20 one who is opposed t...
antimetabolites 28 23 ANTIMETABOLITE, a su...
antimilitarisms 30 23 ANTIMILITARISM, oppo...
antimilitarists 29 20 ANTIMILITARIST, one...
antimonarchical 34 29 opposed to the monar...
antimonarchists 31 25 ANTIMONARCHIST, one...
antimonopolists 28 24 ANTIMONOPOLIST, one...
antinationalist 24 19 one opposed to natio...
antineoplastics 30 24 ANTINEOPLASTIC, a dr...
antinuclearists 29 22 ANTINUCLEARIST, one...
antiodontalgics 29 24 ANTIODONTALGIC, a dr...
antiperistalses 28 20 ANTIPERISTALSIS, the...
antiperistalsis 29 20 the action of intest...
antiperistaltic 32 23 relating to antiperi...
antiperspirants 29 23 ANTIPERSPIRANT, a pr...
antiphlogistics 36 27 ANTIPHLOGISTIC, an a...
antipornography 37 29 opposed to pornograp...
antiprogressive 30 25 opposed to progressi...
antiquarianisms 34 30 ANTIQUARIANISM, an i...
antiradicalisms 31 24 ANTIRADICALISM, oppo...
antirationalism 26 21 opposition to ration...
antirationalist 25 18 one opposed to ratio...
antirationality 31 20 being opposed to rat...
antirepublicans 33 28 ANTIREPUBLICAN, one...
antiretrovirals 28 21 ANTIRETROVIRAL, any...
antiromanticism 30 26 opposed to romantici...
antisegregation 25 21 opposed to segregati...
antisentimental 25 22 opposed to the senti...
antiseparatists 27 19 ANTISEPARATIST, one...
antisepticising 32 25 ANTISEPTICISE, to re...
antisepticizing 35 34 ANTISEPTICIZE, to re...
antisexualities 32 25 ANTISEXUALITY, being...
antishoplifting 34 28 designed to preent s...
antisocialities 29 20 ANTISOCIALITY, the q...
antispeculation 30 25 opposed to speculati...
antispeculative 33 28 opposed to speculati...
antisyphilitics 42 27 ANTISYPHILITIC, an a...
antitheoretical 30 22 opposed to the theor...
antithrombotics 34 27 ANTITHROMBOTIC, a dr...
antitraditional 25 19 opposed to the tradi...
antitranspirant 26 21 any substance that d...
antitrinitarian 24 18 opposed to Trinitari...
antituberculous 32 26 designed to counter...
antivivisection 32 28 opposed to vivivsect...
apheliotropisms 34 27 APHELIOTROPISM, grow...
apocalyptically 51 34 APOCALYPTICAL, of, r...
apocalypticisms 45 33 APOCALYPTICISM, the...
apolipoproteins 31 26 APOLIPOPROTEIN, a pr...
apoliticalities 33 23 APOLITICALITY, the q...
apophthegmatise 35 30 to speak in apophthe...
apophthegmatist 36 30 one who speaks in ap...
apophthegmatize 38 39 to speak in apophthe...
apothegmatising 32 28 APOTHEGMATISE, to sp...
apothegmatizing 35 37 APOTHEGMATIZE, to sp...
appealabilities 33 26 APPEALABILITY, the q...
appealingnesses 29 26 APPEALINGNESS, the s...
appendicularian 32 29 a member of the Appe...
applicabilities 38 29 APPLICABILITY, the s...
apprenticehoods 33 28 APPRENTICEHOOD, (Sha...
apprenticements 32 29 APPRENTICEMENT, the...
apprenticeships 37 30 APPRENTICESHIP, the...
approachability 44 32 the state of being a...
appropinquating 40 38 APPROPINQUATE, (arch...
appropinquation 38 36 approach [n]
appropinquities 40 35 APPROPINQUITY, nearn...
appropriateness 30 25 the state of being a...
approximeetings 37 34 APPROXIMEETING, the...
arachnoiditises 30 22 ARACHNOIDITIS, infla...
arbitrarinesses 27 19 ARBITRARINESS, the s...
arboriculturist 34 24 one who practises ar...
archaebacterium 36 30 any of the microorga...
archaeobotanies 29 24 ARCHAEOBOTANY, the a...
archaeobotanist 30 24 one who studies arch...
archaeometrists 31 23 ARCHAEOMETRIST, one...
archaeopteryxes 43 32 ARCHAEOPTERYX, a Jur...
archaezoologies 33 32 ARCHAEZOOLOGY, the s...
archeoastronomy 35 26 the scientific study...
archeobotanists 31 24 ARCHEOBOTANIST, one...
archeologically 43 30 ARCHEOLOGICAL, relat...
archeomagnetism 32 29 an archaeological te...
archeozoologies 33 32 ARCHEOZOOLOGY, the s...
archeozoologist 34 32 a specialist in arch...
archgenethliacs 37 29 ARCHGENETHLIAC, (Bro...
archidiaconates 32 25 ARCHIDIACONATE, the...
archiepiscopacy 47 34 the rank or province...
archiepiscopate 37 29 the rank or province...
architecturally 43 28 ARCHITECTURAL, of or...
archpriesthoods 35 26 ARCHPRIESTHOOD, the...
archpriestships 39 28 ARCHPRIESTSHIP, the...
argumentatively 36 29 ARGUMENTATIVE, given...
ariboflavinoses 31 27 ARIBOFLAVINOSIS, a d...
ariboflavinosis 32 27 a deficiency disease...
aromatherapists 30 23 AROMATHERAPIST, one...
arrondissements 25 21 ARRONDISSEMENT, (Fre...
arterialisation 25 17 the process of arter...
arterialization 28 26 the process of arter...
arteriographies 30 22 ARTERIOGRAPHY, the r...
artificialising 34 25 ARTIFICIALISE, to ma...
artificialities 33 22 ARTIFICIALITY, the q...
artificializing 37 34 ARTIFICIALIZE, to ma...
asclepiadaceous 33 27 belonging to the Asc...
assentivenesses 25 21 ASSENTIVENESS, the s...
assertivenesses 26 20 ASSERTIVENESS, the s...
assiduousnesses 25 19 ASSIDUOUSNESS, the s...
assignabilities 30 22 ASSIGNABILITY, the q...
assimilationism 29 23 a policy of assimila...
assimilationist 28 20 a person who advocat...
associabilities 32 22 ASSOCIABILITY, the q...
associationisms 29 22 ASSOCIATIONISM, the...
associationists 28 19 ASSOCIATIONIST, one...
associativities 31 22 ASSOCIATIVITY, the q...
astrobiologists 30 21 ASTROBIOLOGIST, one...
astrodynamicist 36 25 one who studies astr...
astrogeologists 28 20 ASTROGEOLOGIST, a sp...
astronautically 36 24 ASTRONAUTICAL, relat...
astronavigation 26 23 the navigation of ai...
astronavigators 27 22 ASTRONAVIGATOR, one...
astrophotograph 34 27 a photograph of a ce...
astrophysically 48 29 ASTROPHYSICAL, relat...
astrophysicists 41 25 ASTROPHYSICIST, a st...
atheroscleroses 30 21 ATHEROSCLEROSIS, har...
atherosclerosis 31 21 hardening of the inn...
atherosclerotic 34 24 relating to atherosc...
atmospherically 42 30 ATMOSPHERICAL, relat...
atrabiliousness 28 21 (archaic) the state...
atrociousnesses 27 20 ATROCIOUSNESS, the s...
attainabilities 28 20 ATTAINABILITY, the q...
attentivenesses 25 21 ATTENTIVENESS, the s...
attitudinarians 25 19 ATTITUDINARIAN, a pe...
attitudinisings 28 21 ATTITUDINISING [n]
attitudinizings 31 30 ATTITUDINIZING [n]
attributiveness 30 24 the state of being a...
audaciousnesses 27 22 AUDACIOUSNESS, the s...
audiometrically 38 27 AUDIOMETRIC, relatin...
audiometricians 29 24 AUDIOMETRICIAN, one...
authentications 29 23 AUTHENTICATION, the...
authoritatively 37 25 AUTHORITATIVE, havin...
autobiographers 32 26 AUTOBIOGRAPHER, one...
autobiographies 32 26 AUTOBIOGRAPHY, the b...
autochthonously 39 28 AUTOCHTHONOUS, indig...
autocorrelation 27 21 the correlation betw...
autodestructing 30 24 AUTODESTRUCT, to sel...
autodestructive 31 25 AUTODESTRUCT, to sel...
autodidacticism 34 27 the state of being a...
autographically 42 30 AUTOGRAPHICAL, of, r...
autoinoculation 27 23 self-inoculation [n]
autoionisations 23 18 AUTOIONISATION, self...
autoionizations 26 27 AUTOIONIZATION, self...
automatisations 25 20 AUTOMATISATION, the...
automatizations 28 29 AUTOMATIZATION, the...
automorphically 42 31 AUTOMORPHIC, formed...
autoradiographs 30 24 AUTORADIOGRAPH, an a...
autoradiography 36 26 a technique used to...
autoschediastic 34 25 impromptu; on the sp...
autoschediazing 34 34 AUTOSCHEDIAZE, to im...
autostabilities 29 20 AUTOSTABILITY, the s...
autosuggestions 27 22 AUTOSUGGESTION, an i...
autotetraploids 28 21 AUTOTETRAPLOID, an i...
autotetraploidy 34 23 the state of being a...
autotransformer 27 23 a transformer in whi...
autotransfusion 26 22 the return of autolo...
autotrophically 41 28 AUTOTROPHIC, capable...
availablenesses 29 25 AVAILABLENESS, the s...
axiomatisations 31 26 AXIOMATISATION, the...
axiomatizations 34 35 AXIOMATIZATION, the...
azidothymidines 38 34 AZIDOTHYMIDINE, a de...