15 letter A word |
Scrabble |
Word With Friends |
Description |
abiogenetically | 38 | 28 | ABIOGENETIC, relatin... |
aboriginalities | 29 | 22 | ABORIGINALITY, the s... |
absorbabilities | 33 | 25 | ABSORBABILITY, the a... |
absorbefacients | 33 | 28 | ABSORBEFACIENT, an a... |
absorptiometers | 30 | 24 | ABSORPTIOMETER, an i... |
abstractionisms | 32 | 25 | ABSTRACTIONISM, the... |
abstractionists | 31 | 22 | ABSTRACTIONIST, a pr... |
acanthocephalan | 35 | 31 | belonging to the Aca... |
acceptabilities | 37 | 28 | ACCEPTABILITY, the s... |
acceptingnesses | 33 | 28 | ACCEPTINGNESS, the s... |
accessarinesses | 30 | 22 | ACCESSARINESS, the s... |
accessibilities | 36 | 25 | ACCESSIBILITY, the a... |
accessorinesses | 30 | 22 | ACCESSORINESS, the s... |
accidentalities | 32 | 24 | ACCIDENTALITY, the q... |
accidentologies | 32 | 26 | ACCIDENTOLOGY, the s... |
acclimatisation | 33 | 26 | the act of acclimati... |
acclimatization | 36 | 35 | the act of acclimati... |
accommodatingly | 41 | 34 | ACCOMMODATING [adv] |
accommodational | 32 | 30 | relating to accomoda... |
accomplishments | 39 | 34 | ACCOMPLISHMENT, the... |
accountableness | 32 | 28 | accountability [n] |
accountantships | 35 | 29 | ACCOUNTANTSHIP, the... |
acculturational | 33 | 26 | relating to accultur... |
acetophenetidin | 30 | 26 | another name for phe... |
acetylsalicylic | 51 | 31 | as in acetylsalicyli... |
achondroplasias | 32 | 26 | ACHONDROPLASIA, a co... |
achondroplastic | 36 | 29 | suffering from achon... |
achromaticities | 35 | 26 | ACHROMATICITY, the s... |
achromatisation | 30 | 24 | the process of achro... |
achromatization | 33 | 33 | the process of achro... |
acidimetrically | 42 | 29 | ACIDIMETRICAL, relat... |
acknowledgeable | 35 | 34 | capable of being ack... |
acknowledgeably | 42 | 36 | ACKNOWLEDGEABLE, cap... |
acknowledgement | 33 | 34 | the act of acknowled... |
acknowledgments | 34 | 34 | ACKNOWLEDGMENT, the... |
acquirabilities | 41 | 32 | ACQUIRABILITY, the a... |
acquisitiveness | 39 | 33 | the quality of being... |
acrimoniousness | 28 | 24 | the quality of being... |
acroparesthesia | 31 | 23 | a persistent sensati... |
actinobiologies | 31 | 25 | ACTINOBIOLOGY, the b... |
actinochemistry | 41 | 29 | another name for pho... |
actinotherapies | 31 | 24 | ACTINOTHERAPY, the u... |
adaptablenesses | 28 | 24 | ADAPTABLENESS, the s... |
addictivenesses | 30 | 25 | ADDICTIVENESS, the q... |
additionalities | 26 | 19 | ADDITIONALITY, the q... |
adenocarcinomas | 29 | 27 | ADENOCARCINOMA, a ma... |
adenohypophyses | 44 | 31 | ADENOHYPOPHYSIS, the... |
adenohypophysis | 45 | 31 | the anterior glandul... |
adenoidectomies | 27 | 24 | ADENOIDECTOMY, the s... |
adiathermancies | 30 | 25 | ADIATHERMANCY, imper... |
adjustabilities | 32 | 30 | ADJUSTABILITY, the q... |
administrations | 26 | 21 | ADMINISTRATION, the... |
admirablenesses | 28 | 24 | ADMIRABLENESS, the s... |
admissibilities | 32 | 23 | ADMISSIBILITY, the q... |
adrenalectomies | 28 | 24 | ADRENALECTOMY, the s... |
adsorbabilities | 31 | 23 | ADSORBABILITY, the a... |
adventurousness | 26 | 24 | the state of being a... |
adversarinesses | 26 | 21 | ADVERSARINESS, the s... |
advisablenesses | 29 | 25 | ADVISABLENESS, the s... |
aerodynamically | 42 | 29 | AERODYNAMICAL, relat... |
aerodynamicists | 35 | 25 | AERODYNAMICIST, one... |
aeroelasticians | 27 | 20 | AEROELASTICIAN, a pe... |
aerohydroplanes | 34 | 25 | AEROHYDROPLANE, a wi... |
aerolithologies | 29 | 21 | AEROLITHOLOGY, the s... |
aerosolisations | 24 | 17 | AEROSOLISATION, the... |
aerosolizations | 27 | 26 | AEROSOLIZATION, the... |
affectabilities | 36 | 28 | AFFECTABILITY, the q... |
affectivenesses | 33 | 29 | AFFECTIVENESS, the s... |
affordabilities | 33 | 26 | AFFORDABILITY, the q... |
affranchisement | 34 | 31 | the act of affranchi... |
aftersensations | 25 | 20 | AFTERSENSATION, an a... |
aftertreatments | 27 | 22 | AFTERTREATMENT, addi... |
agglutinability | 39 | 28 | the capacity (as of... |
aggrandisements | 27 | 25 | AGGRANDISEMENT, the... |
aggrandizements | 30 | 34 | AGGRANDIZEMENT, the... |
aggregatenesses | 26 | 22 | AGGREGATENESS, the q... |
agranulocytoses | 35 | 25 | AGRANULOCYTOSIS, a b... |
agranulocytosis | 36 | 25 | a blood disorder in... |
agreeablenesses | 26 | 22 | AGREEABLENESS, the s... |
agribusinessman | 29 | 26 | a person who works i... |
agribusinessmen | 29 | 26 | AGRIBUSINESSMAN, a p... |
agriculturalist | 34 | 24 | someone skilled in a... |
airworthinesses | 30 | 21 | AIRWORTHINESS, the q... |
alcoholisations | 31 | 23 | ALCOHOLISATION, the... |
alcoholizations | 34 | 32 | ALCOHOLIZATION, the... |
alcoholometries | 32 | 25 | ALCOHOLOMETRY, the m... |
alexipharmakons | 37 | 36 | ALEXIPHARMAKON, an a... |
algorithmically | 43 | 30 | ALGORITHMIC, relatin... |
alkalinisations | 27 | 23 | ALKALINISATION, the... |
alkalinizations | 30 | 32 | ALKALINIZATION, the... |
allegoricalness | 31 | 24 | the state of being a... |
allegorisations | 27 | 20 | ALLEGORISATION, the... |
allegorizations | 30 | 29 | ALLEGORIZATION, the... |
allelomorphisms | 35 | 29 | ALLELOMORPHISM, the... |
allergenicities | 31 | 23 | ALLERGENICITY, the s... |
allotetraploids | 30 | 22 | ALLOTETRAPLOID, an o... |
allotetraploidy | 36 | 24 | an allotetraploid or... |
allotriomorphic | 36 | 28 | crystalline in inter... |
allowablenesses | 31 | 25 | ALLOWABLENESS, the s... |
alphabetisation | 31 | 25 | the act of alphabeti... |
alphabetization | 34 | 34 | the act of alphabeti... |
alternativeness | 26 | 22 | the state of being a... |
altitudinarians | 26 | 20 | ALTITUDINARIAN, some... |
aluminosilicate | 31 | 25 | a combined silicate... |
aluminothermies | 30 | 26 | ALUMINOTHERMY, a pro... |
amaryllidaceous | 37 | 27 | belonging to the Ama... |
ambassadorships | 33 | 27 | AMBASSADORSHIP, the... |
ambidexterities | 35 | 29 | AMBIDEXTERITY, the s... |
ambiguousnesses | 29 | 26 | AMBIGUOUSNESS, the s... |
ambisexualities | 36 | 30 | AMBISEXUALITY, the s... |
ambitiousnesses | 28 | 23 | AMBITIOUSNESS, the s... |
aminopeptidases | 29 | 26 | AMINOPEPTIDASE, an e... |
aminophenazones | 29 | 35 | AMINOPHENAZONE, a py... |
ammonifications | 31 | 29 | AMMONIFICATION, the... |
amorphousnesses | 29 | 25 | AMORPHOUSNESS, the s... |
amphidiploidies | 35 | 29 | AMPHIDIPLOIDY, the s... |
amphitheatrical | 37 | 29 | relating to an amphi... |
amylobarbitones | 36 | 28 | AMYLOBARBITONE, a wh... |
anacoluthically | 42 | 30 | ANACOLUTHIC, relatin... |
anacreontically | 37 | 27 | ANACREONTIC [adv] |
anaesthesiology | 33 | 23 | a branch of medical... |
anaesthetically | 37 | 25 | ANAESTHETIC, taking... |
anagrammatising | 28 | 27 | ANAGRAMMATISE, to ma... |
anagrammatizing | 31 | 36 | ANAGRAMMATIZE, to ma... |
analogousnesses | 24 | 21 | ANALOGOUSNESS, the s... |
analysabilities | 35 | 23 | ANALYSABILITY, the c... |
analyzabilities | 38 | 32 | ANALYZABILITY, the s... |
anamorphoscopes | 33 | 30 | ANAMORPHOSCOPE, an o... |
anarchistically | 42 | 28 | ANARCHISTIC, of or p... |
ancylostomiases | 35 | 25 | ANCYLOSTOMIASIS, inf... |
ancylostomiasis | 36 | 25 | infestation with hoo... |
androgynophores | 34 | 27 | ANDROGYNOPHORE, anot... |
andromedotoxins | 30 | 29 | ANDROMEDOTOXIN, a po... |
andromonoecious | 26 | 25 | having hermaphrodite... |
andromonoecisms | 28 | 27 | ANDROMONOECISM, havi... |
anesthetisation | 25 | 19 | the process of anest... |
anesthetization | 28 | 28 | the process of anest... |
anfractuosities | 30 | 23 | ANFRACTUOSITY, circu... |
angustirostrate | 26 | 19 | narrow-beaked [n] |
animatronically | 36 | 27 | ANIMATRONIC, relatin... |
anisotropically | 38 | 26 | ANISOTROPIC, not hav... |
ankylostomiases | 33 | 26 | ANKYLOSTOMIASIS, inf... |
ankylostomiasis | 34 | 26 | infestation with hoo... |
annihilationism | 28 | 24 | the belief that the... |
anomalistically | 38 | 27 | ANOMALISTICAL, anoma... |
anomalousnesses | 24 | 22 | ANOMALOUSNESS, the s... |
anonymousnesses | 29 | 24 | ANONYMOUSNESS, the s... |
answerabilities | 31 | 23 | ANSWERABILITY, the q... |
antagonisations | 23 | 20 | ANTAGONISATION, the... |
antagonizations | 26 | 29 | ANTAGONIZATION, the... |
antaphrodisiacs | 32 | 25 | ANTAPHRODISIAC, a dr... |
antepenultimate | 27 | 25 | before the next to t... |
anthropobiology | 38 | 29 | the study of human b... |
anthropocentric | 34 | 28 | considering human be... |
anthropogeneses | 27 | 24 | ANTHROPOGENESIS, the... |
anthropogenesis | 28 | 24 | the study of the ori... |
anthropogenetic | 31 | 27 | relating to anthropo... |
anthropolatries | 29 | 22 | ANTHROPOLATRY, the w... |
anthropological | 34 | 28 | relating to anthropo... |
anthropologists | 31 | 24 | ANTHROPOLOGIST, one... |
anthropometries | 29 | 24 | ANTHROPOMETRY, the m... |
anthropometrist | 30 | 24 | one who engages in t... |
anthropomorphic | 37 | 32 | described or thought... |
anthropopathies | 32 | 26 | ANTHROPOPATHY, the a... |
anthropopathism | 34 | 29 | the ascription of hu... |
anthropophagies | 33 | 28 | ANTHROPOPHAGY, canni... |
anthropophagite | 33 | 28 | an anthropophagus, a... |
anthropophagous | 33 | 29 | eating humans [adj] |
anthropophobias | 34 | 29 | ANTHROPOPHOBIA, fear... |
anthropophobics | 38 | 32 | ANTHROPOPHOBIC, some... |
anthropophuisms | 35 | 30 | ANTHROPOPHUISM, the... |
anthropopsychic | 46 | 34 | ascribing to nature... |
anthroposophies | 32 | 26 | ANTHROPOSOPHY, knowl... |
anthroposophist | 33 | 26 | one versed in anthro... |
antiabortionist | 26 | 20 | one who is antiabort... |
antialcoholisms | 33 | 26 | ANTIALCOHOLISM, the... |
antiaphrodisiac | 32 | 25 | serving to reduce se... |
antiarrhythmics | 41 | 28 | ANTIARRHYTHMIC, a dr... |
anticapitalisms | 33 | 26 | ANTICAPITALISM, oppo... |
anticapitalists | 32 | 23 | ANTICAPITALIST, one... |
anticarcinogens | 30 | 26 | ANTICARCINOGEN, a su... |
anticholesterol | 31 | 23 | countering the effec... |
anticholinergic | 35 | 28 | blocking nerve impul... |
antichristianly | 38 | 25 | ANTICHRISTIAN, oppos... |
anticlericalism | 35 | 27 | the state of being a... |
anticlimactical | 38 | 30 | of, relating to, or... |
anticoincidence | 32 | 28 | of or relating to an... |
anticolonialism | 30 | 25 | opposition to coloni... |
anticolonialist | 29 | 22 | one opposed to the c... |
anticompetitive | 33 | 29 | tending to reduce or... |
anticonvulsants | 30 | 27 | ANTICONVULSANT, a dr... |
anticonvulsives | 33 | 30 | ANTICONVULSIVE, an a... |
antidepressants | 26 | 21 | ANTIDEPRESSANT, an a... |
antiderivatives | 29 | 25 | ANTIDERIVATIVE, an i... |
antidevelopment | 29 | 29 | opposed to developme... |
antidiarrhoeals | 27 | 20 | ANTIDIARRHOEAL, a dr... |
antieducational | 27 | 23 | opposed to education... |
antiegalitarian | 25 | 20 | opposed to egalitari... |
antifashionable | 30 | 26 | opposed to things fa... |
antifederalists | 28 | 21 | ANTIFEDERALIST, one... |
antiferromagnet | 27 | 25 | a magnet exhibiting... |
antifilibusters | 32 | 24 | ANTIFILIBUSTER, a pe... |
antiforeclosure | 30 | 24 | opposed to foreclosu... |
antihelminthics | 35 | 28 | ANTIHELMINTHIC, a dr... |
antihistaminics | 32 | 25 | ANTIHISTAMINIC, an a... |
antiliberalisms | 31 | 24 | ANTILIBERALISM, oppo... |
antilibertarian | 27 | 21 | opposed to libertari... |
antilogarithmic | 34 | 27 | of or like an antilo... |
antimaterialism | 28 | 23 | opposition to materi... |
antimaterialist | 27 | 20 | one who is opposed t... |
antimetabolites | 28 | 23 | ANTIMETABOLITE, a su... |
antimilitarisms | 30 | 23 | ANTIMILITARISM, oppo... |
antimilitarists | 29 | 20 | ANTIMILITARIST, one... |
antimonarchical | 34 | 29 | opposed to the monar... |
antimonarchists | 31 | 25 | ANTIMONARCHIST, one... |
antimonopolists | 28 | 24 | ANTIMONOPOLIST, one... |
antinationalist | 24 | 19 | one opposed to natio... |
antineoplastics | 30 | 24 | ANTINEOPLASTIC, a dr... |
antinuclearists | 29 | 22 | ANTINUCLEARIST, one... |
antiodontalgics | 29 | 24 | ANTIODONTALGIC, a dr... |
antiperistalses | 28 | 20 | ANTIPERISTALSIS, the... |
antiperistalsis | 29 | 20 | the action of intest... |
antiperistaltic | 32 | 23 | relating to antiperi... |
antiperspirants | 29 | 23 | ANTIPERSPIRANT, a pr... |
antiphlogistics | 36 | 27 | ANTIPHLOGISTIC, an a... |
antipornography | 37 | 29 | opposed to pornograp... |
antiprogressive | 30 | 25 | opposed to progressi... |
antiquarianisms | 34 | 30 | ANTIQUARIANISM, an i... |
antiradicalisms | 31 | 24 | ANTIRADICALISM, oppo... |
antirationalism | 26 | 21 | opposition to ration... |
antirationalist | 25 | 18 | one opposed to ratio... |
antirationality | 31 | 20 | being opposed to rat... |
antirepublicans | 33 | 28 | ANTIREPUBLICAN, one... |
antiretrovirals | 28 | 21 | ANTIRETROVIRAL, any... |
antiromanticism | 30 | 26 | opposed to romantici... |
antisegregation | 25 | 21 | opposed to segregati... |
antisentimental | 25 | 22 | opposed to the senti... |
antiseparatists | 27 | 19 | ANTISEPARATIST, one... |
antisepticising | 32 | 25 | ANTISEPTICISE, to re... |
antisepticizing | 35 | 34 | ANTISEPTICIZE, to re... |
antisexualities | 32 | 25 | ANTISEXUALITY, being... |
antishoplifting | 34 | 28 | designed to preent s... |
antisocialities | 29 | 20 | ANTISOCIALITY, the q... |
antispeculation | 30 | 25 | opposed to speculati... |
antispeculative | 33 | 28 | opposed to speculati... |
antisyphilitics | 42 | 27 | ANTISYPHILITIC, an a... |
antitheoretical | 30 | 22 | opposed to the theor... |
antithrombotics | 34 | 27 | ANTITHROMBOTIC, a dr... |
antitraditional | 25 | 19 | opposed to the tradi... |
antitranspirant | 26 | 21 | any substance that d... |
antitrinitarian | 24 | 18 | opposed to Trinitari... |
antituberculous | 32 | 26 | designed to counter... |
antivivisection | 32 | 28 | opposed to vivivsect... |
apheliotropisms | 34 | 27 | APHELIOTROPISM, grow... |
apocalyptically | 51 | 34 | APOCALYPTICAL, of, r... |
apocalypticisms | 45 | 33 | APOCALYPTICISM, the... |
apolipoproteins | 31 | 26 | APOLIPOPROTEIN, a pr... |
apoliticalities | 33 | 23 | APOLITICALITY, the q... |
apophthegmatise | 35 | 30 | to speak in apophthe... |
apophthegmatist | 36 | 30 | one who speaks in ap... |
apophthegmatize | 38 | 39 | to speak in apophthe... |
apothegmatising | 32 | 28 | APOTHEGMATISE, to sp... |
apothegmatizing | 35 | 37 | APOTHEGMATIZE, to sp... |
appealabilities | 33 | 26 | APPEALABILITY, the q... |
appealingnesses | 29 | 26 | APPEALINGNESS, the s... |
appendicularian | 32 | 29 | a member of the Appe... |
applicabilities | 38 | 29 | APPLICABILITY, the s... |
apprenticehoods | 33 | 28 | APPRENTICEHOOD, (Sha... |
apprenticements | 32 | 29 | APPRENTICEMENT, the... |
apprenticeships | 37 | 30 | APPRENTICESHIP, the... |
approachability | 44 | 32 | the state of being a... |
appropinquating | 40 | 38 | APPROPINQUATE, (arch... |
appropinquation | 38 | 36 | approach [n] |
appropinquities | 40 | 35 | APPROPINQUITY, nearn... |
appropriateness | 30 | 25 | the state of being a... |
approximeetings | 37 | 34 | APPROXIMEETING, the... |
arachnoiditises | 30 | 22 | ARACHNOIDITIS, infla... |
arbitrarinesses | 27 | 19 | ARBITRARINESS, the s... |
arboriculturist | 34 | 24 | one who practises ar... |
archaebacterium | 36 | 30 | any of the microorga... |
archaeobotanies | 29 | 24 | ARCHAEOBOTANY, the a... |
archaeobotanist | 30 | 24 | one who studies arch... |
archaeometrists | 31 | 23 | ARCHAEOMETRIST, one... |
archaeopteryxes | 43 | 32 | ARCHAEOPTERYX, a Jur... |
archaezoologies | 33 | 32 | ARCHAEZOOLOGY, the s... |
archeoastronomy | 35 | 26 | the scientific study... |
archeobotanists | 31 | 24 | ARCHEOBOTANIST, one... |
archeologically | 43 | 30 | ARCHEOLOGICAL, relat... |
archeomagnetism | 32 | 29 | an archaeological te... |
archeozoologies | 33 | 32 | ARCHEOZOOLOGY, the s... |
archeozoologist | 34 | 32 | a specialist in arch... |
archgenethliacs | 37 | 29 | ARCHGENETHLIAC, (Bro... |
archidiaconates | 32 | 25 | ARCHIDIACONATE, the... |
archiepiscopacy | 47 | 34 | the rank or province... |
archiepiscopate | 37 | 29 | the rank or province... |
architecturally | 43 | 28 | ARCHITECTURAL, of or... |
archpriesthoods | 35 | 26 | ARCHPRIESTHOOD, the... |
archpriestships | 39 | 28 | ARCHPRIESTSHIP, the... |
argumentatively | 36 | 29 | ARGUMENTATIVE, given... |
ariboflavinoses | 31 | 27 | ARIBOFLAVINOSIS, a d... |
ariboflavinosis | 32 | 27 | a deficiency disease... |
aromatherapists | 30 | 23 | AROMATHERAPIST, one... |
arrondissements | 25 | 21 | ARRONDISSEMENT, (Fre... |
arterialisation | 25 | 17 | the process of arter... |
arterialization | 28 | 26 | the process of arter... |
arteriographies | 30 | 22 | ARTERIOGRAPHY, the r... |
artificialising | 34 | 25 | ARTIFICIALISE, to ma... |
artificialities | 33 | 22 | ARTIFICIALITY, the q... |
artificializing | 37 | 34 | ARTIFICIALIZE, to ma... |
asclepiadaceous | 33 | 27 | belonging to the Asc... |
assentivenesses | 25 | 21 | ASSENTIVENESS, the s... |
assertivenesses | 26 | 20 | ASSERTIVENESS, the s... |
assiduousnesses | 25 | 19 | ASSIDUOUSNESS, the s... |
assignabilities | 30 | 22 | ASSIGNABILITY, the q... |
assimilationism | 29 | 23 | a policy of assimila... |
assimilationist | 28 | 20 | a person who advocat... |
associabilities | 32 | 22 | ASSOCIABILITY, the q... |
associationisms | 29 | 22 | ASSOCIATIONISM, the... |
associationists | 28 | 19 | ASSOCIATIONIST, one... |
associativities | 31 | 22 | ASSOCIATIVITY, the q... |
astrobiologists | 30 | 21 | ASTROBIOLOGIST, one... |
astrodynamicist | 36 | 25 | one who studies astr... |
astrogeologists | 28 | 20 | ASTROGEOLOGIST, a sp... |
astronautically | 36 | 24 | ASTRONAUTICAL, relat... |
astronavigation | 26 | 23 | the navigation of ai... |
astronavigators | 27 | 22 | ASTRONAVIGATOR, one... |
astrophotograph | 34 | 27 | a photograph of a ce... |
astrophysically | 48 | 29 | ASTROPHYSICAL, relat... |
astrophysicists | 41 | 25 | ASTROPHYSICIST, a st... |
atheroscleroses | 30 | 21 | ATHEROSCLEROSIS, har... |
atherosclerosis | 31 | 21 | hardening of the inn... |
atherosclerotic | 34 | 24 | relating to atherosc... |
atmospherically | 42 | 30 | ATMOSPHERICAL, relat... |
atrabiliousness | 28 | 21 | (archaic) the state... |
atrociousnesses | 27 | 20 | ATROCIOUSNESS, the s... |
attainabilities | 28 | 20 | ATTAINABILITY, the q... |
attentivenesses | 25 | 21 | ATTENTIVENESS, the s... |
attitudinarians | 25 | 19 | ATTITUDINARIAN, a pe... |
attitudinisings | 28 | 21 | ATTITUDINISING [n] |
attitudinizings | 31 | 30 | ATTITUDINIZING [n] |
attributiveness | 30 | 24 | the state of being a... |
audaciousnesses | 27 | 22 | AUDACIOUSNESS, the s... |
audiometrically | 38 | 27 | AUDIOMETRIC, relatin... |
audiometricians | 29 | 24 | AUDIOMETRICIAN, one... |
authentications | 29 | 23 | AUTHENTICATION, the... |
authoritatively | 37 | 25 | AUTHORITATIVE, havin... |
autobiographers | 32 | 26 | AUTOBIOGRAPHER, one... |
autobiographies | 32 | 26 | AUTOBIOGRAPHY, the b... |
autochthonously | 39 | 28 | AUTOCHTHONOUS, indig... |
autocorrelation | 27 | 21 | the correlation betw... |
autodestructing | 30 | 24 | AUTODESTRUCT, to sel... |
autodestructive | 31 | 25 | AUTODESTRUCT, to sel... |
autodidacticism | 34 | 27 | the state of being a... |
autographically | 42 | 30 | AUTOGRAPHICAL, of, r... |
autoinoculation | 27 | 23 | self-inoculation [n] |
autoionisations | 23 | 18 | AUTOIONISATION, self... |
autoionizations | 26 | 27 | AUTOIONIZATION, self... |
automatisations | 25 | 20 | AUTOMATISATION, the... |
automatizations | 28 | 29 | AUTOMATIZATION, the... |
automorphically | 42 | 31 | AUTOMORPHIC, formed... |
autoradiographs | 30 | 24 | AUTORADIOGRAPH, an a... |
autoradiography | 36 | 26 | a technique used to... |
autoschediastic | 34 | 25 | impromptu; on the sp... |
autoschediazing | 34 | 34 | AUTOSCHEDIAZE, to im... |
autostabilities | 29 | 20 | AUTOSTABILITY, the s... |
autosuggestions | 27 | 22 | AUTOSUGGESTION, an i... |
autotetraploids | 28 | 21 | AUTOTETRAPLOID, an i... |
autotetraploidy | 34 | 23 | the state of being a... |
autotransformer | 27 | 23 | a transformer in whi... |
autotransfusion | 26 | 22 | the return of autolo... |
autotrophically | 41 | 28 | AUTOTROPHIC, capable... |
availablenesses | 29 | 25 | AVAILABLENESS, the s... |
axiomatisations | 31 | 26 | AXIOMATISATION, the... |
axiomatizations | 34 | 35 | AXIOMATIZATION, the... |
azidothymidines | 38 | 34 | AZIDOTHYMIDINE, a de... |