15 letter H word |
Scrabble |
Word With Friends |
Description |
habitablenesses | 31 | 25 | HABITABLENESS, HABIT... |
haemacytometers | 37 | 28 | HAEMACYTOMETER, an a... |
haemagglutinate | 30 | 27 | to cause the clumpin... |
haemagglutinins | 31 | 28 | HAEMAGGLUTININ, a vi... |
haemocytometers | 37 | 28 | HAEMOCYTOMETER, an a... |
haemoflagellate | 32 | 28 | a flagellate protozo... |
haemoglobinuria | 31 | 28 | the presence of haem... |
haemoglobinuric | 35 | 31 | relating to the pres... |
halfheartedness | 31 | 25 | HALFHEARTED, lacking... |
halfpennyworths | 43 | 33 | HALFPENNYWORTH, as m... |
hallucinational | 32 | 26 | of the nature of a h... |
hallucinogenics | 36 | 30 | HALLUCINOGENIC, a su... |
hamamelidaceous | 32 | 29 | belonging to the wit... |
haphazardnesses | 33 | 33 | HAPHAZARDNESS, HAPHA... |
hardheartedness | 28 | 22 | HARDHEARTED, lacking... |
harmonistically | 40 | 28 | HARMONISTIC, relatin... |
harpsichordists | 37 | 26 | HARPSICHORDIST, one... |
hazardousnesses | 29 | 29 | HAZARDOUSNESS, HAZAR... |
headmasterships | 33 | 26 | HEADMASTERSHIP, the... |
healthfulnesses | 33 | 26 | HEALTHFULNESS, the s... |
heartbreakingly | 38 | 30 | HEARTBREAKING, causi... |
heartbrokenness | 28 | 26 | HEARTBROKEN, having... |
heartlessnesses | 27 | 19 | HEARTLESSNESS, HEART... |
heartsicknesses | 31 | 25 | HEARTSICKNESS, HEART... |
heartsomenesses | 26 | 21 | HEARTSOMENESS, HEART... |
heliocentricism | 36 | 28 | the state of being h... |
heliocentricity | 41 | 27 | the state of being h... |
heliometrically | 41 | 28 | HELIOMETRICAL, relat... |
heliosciophytes | 42 | 28 | HELIOSCIOPHYTE, a pl... |
heliotropically | 42 | 28 | HELIOTROPICAL, turni... |
helminthologies | 33 | 27 | HELMINTHOLOGY, the s... |
helminthologist | 34 | 27 | a specialist in helm... |
hemagglutinated | 31 | 28 | HEMAGGLUTINATE, to c... |
hemagglutinates | 31 | 27 | HEMAGGLUTINATE, to c... |
hematoporphyrin | 40 | 31 | any of several porph... |
hemicryptophyte | 51 | 35 | any perennial plant... |
hemicrystalline | 40 | 28 | consisting of crysta... |
hemochromatoses | 33 | 28 | HEMOCHROMATOSIS, a d... |
hemochromatosis | 34 | 28 | a disease of the liv... |
hemodynamically | 46 | 34 | HEMODYNAMIC, relatin... |
hemoflagellates | 33 | 28 | HEMOFLAGELLATE, a fl... |
hemoglobinurias | 32 | 28 | HEMOGLOBINURIA, the... |
hendecasyllabic | 43 | 32 | of a line of verse,... |
hendecasyllable | 40 | 30 | a metrical line of e... |
hepaticological | 38 | 30 | related to hepaticol... |
hepaticologists | 35 | 26 | HEPATICOLOGIST, one... |
herbivorousness | 31 | 26 | HERBIVOROUS, eating... |
hereditarianism | 28 | 22 | the view that heredi... |
hereditarianist | 27 | 19 | a proponent of hered... |
heresiographers | 32 | 24 | HERESIOGRAPHER, a pe... |
heresiographies | 32 | 24 | HERESIOGRAPHY, a stu... |
herestheticians | 32 | 23 | HERESTHETICIAN, one... |
hermaphroditism | 35 | 29 | the state of being h... |
hermeneutically | 39 | 29 | HERMENEUTICAL, inter... |
herniorrhaphies | 33 | 25 | HERNIORRHAPHY, the s... |
heterocercality | 40 | 26 | the state of being h... |
heterochromatic | 36 | 28 | pertaining to or hav... |
heterochromatin | 32 | 26 | densely staining chr... |
heterochronisms | 33 | 26 | HETEROCHRONISM, dive... |
heterodactylous | 37 | 25 | having the first and... |
heteroflexibles | 39 | 32 | HETEROFLEXIBLE, one... |
heterogeneities | 26 | 20 | HETEROGENEITY, the s... |
heterogeneously | 33 | 24 | HETEROGENEOUS, consi... |
heterographical | 36 | 28 | relating to heterogr... |
heteromorphisms | 34 | 28 | HETEROMORPHISM, the... |
heteroscedastic | 33 | 24 | of several distribut... |
heterosexuality | 40 | 28 | the state of being h... |
heterosociality | 37 | 23 | the state of being h... |
heterospecifics | 38 | 29 | HETEROSPECIFIC, an o... |
heterostrophies | 31 | 22 | HETEROSTROPHY, the s... |
heterothallisms | 33 | 24 | HETEROTHALLISM, the... |
hexachlorethane | 39 | 33 | a toxic crystalline... |
hexachlorophane | 41 | 36 | a bactericide used i... |
hexachlorophene | 41 | 36 | a bactericide used i... |
hexosaminidases | 33 | 29 | HEXOSAMINIDASE, eith... |
hexylresorcinol | 44 | 32 | a crystalline phenol... |
hibernicisation | 32 | 25 | the process or act o... |
hibernicization | 35 | 34 | the process or act o... |
hieracosphinges | 35 | 28 | HIERACOSPHINX, in an... |
hieracosphinxes | 40 | 33 | HIERACOSPHINX, in an... |
hierogrammatist | 31 | 25 | a writer of sacred r... |
hilariousnesses | 28 | 20 | HILARIOUSNESS, HILAR... |
histochemically | 46 | 32 | HISTOCHEMICAL, relat... |
histocompatible | 37 | 30 | referring to the deg... |
histopathologic | 37 | 28 | relating to histopat... |
histophysiology | 47 | 29 | a branch of physiolo... |
historiographer | 33 | 24 | one who practises hi... |
historiographic | 37 | 27 | relating to historio... |
hobbledehoydoms | 41 | 33 | HOBBLEDEHOYDOM, the... |
hobbledehoyhood | 41 | 32 | the state of being a... |
hobbledehoyisms | 42 | 32 | HOBBLEDEHOYISM, the... |
hoidenishnesses | 28 | 22 | HOIDENISHNESS, HOIDE... |
holoblastically | 43 | 29 | HOLOBLASTIC, of an e... |
holocrystalline | 39 | 26 | wholly crystalline i... |
holographically | 45 | 32 | HOLOGRAPHIC, relatin... |
holometabolisms | 33 | 28 | HOLOMETABOLISM, of a... |
homeopathically | 43 | 32 | HOMEOPATHIC, of or r... |
homocentrically | 42 | 31 | HOMOCENTRIC, having... |
homochlamydeous | 41 | 33 | with calyx and corol... |
homochromatisms | 36 | 31 | HOMOCHROMATISM, the... |
homoeomorphisms | 34 | 31 | HOMOEOMORPHISM, the... |
homoeoteleutons | 26 | 23 | HOMOEOTELEUTON, the... |
homogeneousness | 26 | 25 | the state of being h... |
homogenisations | 27 | 24 | HOMOGENISATION, the... |
homogenizations | 30 | 33 | HOMOGENIZATION, the... |
homoplastically | 43 | 31 | HOMOPLASTIC, similar... |
homosexualities | 35 | 29 | HOMOSEXUALITY, the s... |
homosocialities | 32 | 24 | HOMOSOCIALITY, the s... |
homotransplants | 30 | 26 | HOMOTRANSPLANT, a gr... |
honorablenesses | 27 | 23 | HONORABLENESS, the s... |
honourabilities | 30 | 23 | HONOURABILITY, the q... |
horizontalities | 31 | 28 | HORIZONTALITY, the s... |
horticulturally | 42 | 27 | HORTICULTURAL, relat... |
horticulturists | 35 | 23 | HORTICULTURIST, one... |
hospitalisation | 30 | 22 | the act of admitting... |
hospitalization | 33 | 31 | the act of admitting... |
hotheadednesses | 27 | 22 | HOTHEADEDNESS, HOTHE... |
householdership | 35 | 27 | the office of househ... |
houselessnesses | 27 | 20 | HOUSELESSNESS, the s... |
housemistresses | 29 | 21 | HOUSEMISTRESS, the f... |
housewifeliness | 33 | 26 | HOUSEWIFEY, like a h... |
hoydenishnesses | 34 | 24 | HOYDENISHNESS, HOYDE... |
huckleberryings | 43 | 34 | HUCKLEBERRYING [n] |
humanitarianism | 29 | 26 | the state of being h... |
humanitarianist | 28 | 23 | a proponent of human... |
humidifications | 35 | 29 | HUMIDIFICATION, the... |
humorlessnesses | 29 | 23 | HUMORLESSNESS, the s... |
humorsomenesses | 28 | 25 | HUMORSOMENESS, the s... |
hydrobiological | 42 | 30 | relating to hydrobio... |
hydrobiologists | 39 | 26 | HYDROBIOLOGIST, a st... |
hydrocelluloses | 40 | 27 | HYDROCELLULOSE, a ge... |
hydrocephaluses | 42 | 30 | HYDROCEPHALUS, an ac... |
hydrocorallines | 38 | 26 | HYDROCORALLINE, a me... |
hydrocortisones | 36 | 24 | HYDROCORTISONE, a gl... |
hydrodynamicist | 45 | 30 | a student of hydrody... |
hydroextractors | 43 | 30 | HYDROEXTRACTOR, a dr... |
hydrogenisation | 33 | 24 | the process of hydro... |
hydrogenization | 36 | 33 | the process of hydro... |
hydrogeological | 40 | 29 | related to hydrogeol... |
hydrogeologists | 37 | 25 | HYDROGEOLOGIST, a st... |
hydromechanical | 43 | 33 | relating to a branch... |
hydrometallurgy | 45 | 30 | the treatment of ore... |
hydrometrically | 47 | 30 | HYDROMETRICAL, relat... |
hydropathically | 50 | 32 | HYDROPATHICAL, relat... |
hydrostatically | 46 | 27 | HYDROSTATICAL, of or... |
hydrosulphurous | 41 | 29 | as in hydrosulphurou... |
hydrotherapists | 39 | 25 | HYDROTHERAPIST, a pr... |
hydrotropically | 48 | 30 | HYDROTROPIC, exhibit... |
hydroxyapatites | 48 | 32 | HYDROXYAPATITE, a co... |
hydroxybutyrate | 55 | 35 | as in gamma hydroxyb... |
hydroxylapatite | 49 | 33 | a mineral of the apa... |
hydroxyprolines | 49 | 34 | HYDROXYPROLINE, an a... |
hyetometrograph | 39 | 29 | an instrument for re... |
hygrometrically | 48 | 31 | HYGROMETRICAL, relat... |
hygroscopically | 52 | 34 | HYGROSCOPICAL, readi... |
hylozoistically | 50 | 36 | HYLOZOISTIC, relatin... |
hyperactivities | 42 | 29 | HYPERACTIVITY, the s... |
hyperadrenalism | 37 | 28 | excessive activity o... |
hyperaesthesias | 37 | 24 | HYPERAESTHESIA, exce... |
hyperaggressive | 40 | 30 | excessively aggressi... |
hypercalcaemias | 43 | 32 | HYPERCALCAEMIA, an e... |
hypercatabolism | 43 | 32 | an abnormally high r... |
hypercatalectic | 46 | 32 | having an additional... |
hypercoagulable | 43 | 33 | excessively coagulab... |
hypercorrection | 41 | 29 | a grammatical, usage... |
hypercritically | 52 | 32 | HYPERCRITICAL, metic... |
hypercriticised | 44 | 29 | HYPERCRITICISE, to c... |
hypercriticises | 44 | 28 | HYPERCRITICISE, to c... |
hypercriticisms | 46 | 31 | HYPERCRITICISM, an i... |
hypercriticized | 47 | 38 | HYPERCRITICIZE, to c... |
hypercriticizes | 47 | 37 | HYPERCRITICIZE, to c... |
hyperexcitement | 45 | 36 | the state of being h... |
hyperexcretions | 44 | 33 | HYPEREXCRETION, exce... |
hyperextensions | 40 | 31 | HYPEREXTENSION, the... |
hyperfastidious | 39 | 27 | excessively fastidio... |
hyperfunctional | 41 | 32 | relating to hyperfun... |
hyperglycaemias | 48 | 33 | HYPERGLYCAEMIA, an e... |
hyperimmunising | 40 | 33 | HYPERIMMUNISE, to in... |
hyperimmunizing | 43 | 42 | HYPERIMMUNIZE, to in... |
hyperinflations | 38 | 28 | HYPERINFLATION, infl... |
hyperinsulinism | 39 | 29 | the presence of exce... |
hyperinvolution | 38 | 30 | extreme involution [... |
hyperlipidaemia | 40 | 30 | an abnormally high l... |
hyperlipidemias | 41 | 30 | HYPERLIPIDEMIA, an a... |
hypermetabolism | 41 | 32 | the physiological st... |
hypermetropical | 43 | 32 | longsighted, also HY... |
hypermobilities | 41 | 29 | HYPERMOBILITY, extre... |
hypermodernisms | 38 | 30 | HYPERMODERNISM, a hy... |
hypermodernists | 37 | 27 | HYPERMODERNIST, a pr... |
hypermutability | 48 | 32 | the state of being h... |
hypernatraemias | 35 | 26 | HYPERNATRAEMIA, an a... |
hyperparasitism | 40 | 28 | the state of being a... |
hyperphysically | 59 | 36 | HYPERPHYSICAL, super... |
hyperpolarising | 40 | 29 | HYPERPOLARISE, to in... |
hyperpolarizing | 43 | 38 | HYPERPOLARIZE, to pr... |
hyperproduction | 41 | 31 | excessive production... |
hyperreactivity | 48 | 31 | the state of being h... |
hyperresponsive | 39 | 30 | excessively responsi... |
hypersalinities | 37 | 24 | HYPERSALINITY, exces... |
hypersalivation | 38 | 28 | excessive salivation... |
hypersecretions | 38 | 26 | HYPERSECRETION, exce... |
hypersensitised | 36 | 24 | HYPERSENSITISE, to m... |
hypersensitises | 36 | 23 | HYPERSENSITISE, to m... |
hypersensitized | 39 | 33 | HYPERSENSITIZE, to m... |
hypersensitizes | 39 | 32 | HYPERSENSITIZE, to m... |
hypersomnolence | 38 | 31 | the state of being e... |
hyperstimulated | 39 | 28 | HYPERSTIMULATE, to s... |
hyperstimulates | 39 | 27 | HYPERSTIMULATE, to s... |
hyperthyroidism | 47 | 30 | excessive functional... |
hypertonicities | 39 | 26 | HYPERTONICITY, the c... |
hyperuricaemias | 40 | 29 | HYPERURICAEMIA, an a... |
hypervelocities | 42 | 30 | HYPERVELOCITY, a hig... |
hyperventilated | 38 | 29 | HYPERVENTILATE, to b... |
hyperventilates | 38 | 28 | HYPERVENTILATE, to b... |
hypervigilances | 43 | 33 | HYPERVIGILANCE, extr... |
hypnotherapists | 40 | 28 | HYPNOTHERAPIST, one... |
hypnotisability | 46 | 29 | the quality of being... |
hypnotizability | 49 | 38 | the state of being h... |
hypochondriacal | 44 | 33 | affected or produced... |
hypochondriases | 40 | 29 | HYPOCHONDRIASIS, mor... |
hypochondriasis | 41 | 29 | morbid concern about... |
hypochondriasms | 42 | 32 | HYPOCHONDRIASM, hypo... |
hypochondriasts | 41 | 29 | HYPOCHONDRIAST, a hy... |
hypocrystalline | 47 | 30 | of igneous rocks, ha... |
hypomagnesaemia | 36 | 31 | a deficiency of magn... |
hypomagnesemias | 37 | 31 | HYPOMAGNESEMIA, a de... |
hypomenorrhoeas | 36 | 28 | HYPOMENORRHOEA, the... |
hypophosphorous | 44 | 33 | as in hypophosphorou... |
hypopituitarism | 41 | 29 | deficient production... |
hyposensitising | 37 | 26 | HYPOSENSITISE, to ca... |
hyposensitizing | 40 | 35 | HYPOSENSITIZE, to lo... |
hypostasisation | 35 | 23 | the process of hypos... |
hypostasization | 38 | 32 | the process of hypos... |
hypostatisation | 35 | 23 | the process of hypos... |
hypostatization | 38 | 32 | the act of hypostati... |
hypothyroidisms | 47 | 30 | HYPOTHYROIDISM, defi... |
hypoventilation | 37 | 29 | abnormally decreased... |
hypsometrically | 49 | 32 | HYPSOMETRICAL, of, r... |
hysterectomised | 38 | 26 | HYSTERECTOMISE, to r... |
hysterectomises | 38 | 25 | HYSTERECTOMISE, to r... |
hysterectomized | 41 | 35 | HYSTERECTOMIZE, to r... |
hysterectomizes | 41 | 34 | HYSTERECTOMIZE, to r... |
hystricomorphic | 47 | 33 | belonging to the rod... |