14 letter words that starts with o

14 letter words that start with O

14 letter O word


Word With Friends


obduratenesses 24 20 OBDURATENESS, the st...
obedientiaries 24 19 OBEDIENTIARY, someon...
objectivations 32 34 OBJECTIVATION, the a...
objectlessness 31 31 OBJECTLESS, having n...
obligatoriness 27 21 the state of being o...
obligingnesses 28 24 OBLIGINGNESS, the st...
obsequiousness 33 29 the state of being o...
observableness 29 26 the state of being o...
obsoletenesses 24 19 OBSOLETENESS, the st...
obstreperating 28 23 OBSTREPERATE, (Stern...
obstreperously 35 24 OBSTREPEROUS, noisy,...
obstructionism 31 25 deliberate interfere...
obstructionist 30 22 someone, esp. a poli...
occasionalisms 31 25 OCCASIONALISM, the C...
occasionalists 30 22 OCCASIONALIST, a bel...
occidentalised 30 24 OCCIDENTALISE, to ma...
occidentalises 30 23 OCCIDENTALISE, to ma...
occidentalisms 32 26 OCCIDENTALISM, the s...
occidentalists 31 23 OCCIDENTALIST, one w...
occidentalized 33 33 OCCIDENTALIZE, to ma...
occidentalizes 33 32 OCCIDENTALIZE, to ma...
occupationally 39 29 OCCUPATIONAL, relate...
oceanographers 29 25 OCEANOGRAPHER, one w...
oceanographies 29 25 OCEANOGRAPHY, the st...
octingentenary 31 24 an eight-hundredth a...
octodecillions 31 24 OCTODECILLION, ten t...
odonatologists 24 19 ODONATOLOGIST, one w...
odontoglossums 26 23 ODONTOGLOSSUM, any o...
odontographies 27 23 ODONTOGRAPHY, a desc...
oesophagitises 28 21 OESOPHAGITIS, inflam...
oesophagoscope 31 27 an instrument for ex...
oesophagoscopy 38 29 examination of the o...
oleaginousness 23 20 the state of being o...
oleomargarines 24 21 OLEOMARGARINE, marga...
olfactologists 32 24 OLFACTOLOGIST, one w...
olfactometries 30 24 OLFACTOMETRY, the me...
oligarchically 43 29 OLIGARCHICAL, of or...
oligocythaemia 37 27 deficiency of red co...
oligopsonistic 31 24 relating to oligopso...
ombudsmanships 33 31 OMBUDSMANSHIP, the o...
omissivenesses 26 22 OMISSIVENESS, the st...
omnibenevolent 26 28 showing universal go...
omnicompetence 31 31 the state of being o...
omnivorousness 25 24 OMNIVOROUS, feeding...
omphalomancies 32 30 OMPHALOMANCY, predic...
omphaloskepses 32 30 OMPHALOSKEPSIS, the...
omphaloskepsis 33 30 the contemplation of...
onchocerciases 33 26 ONCHOCERCIASIS, infe...
onchocerciasis 34 26 infestation with or...
oncogeneticist 29 24 someone who studies...
oncogenicities 29 24 ONCOGENICITY, the st...
oncornaviruses 27 24 ONCORNAVIRUS, an onc...
oneirocritical 30 22 of, relating to or s...
oneiroscopists 28 21 ONEIROSCOPIST, one w...
onomasiologies 24 21 ONOMASIOLOGY, the br...
onomatologists 25 21 ONOMATOLOGIST, one w...
onomatopoieses 23 21 ONOMATOPOIESIS, onom...
onomatopoiesis 24 21 onomatopoeia, also O...
onychophagists 40 29 ONYCHOPHAGIST, one w...
oophorectomies 30 25 OOPHORECTOMY, the op...
oophorectomise 30 25 to perform an oophor...
oophorectomize 33 34 to perform an oophor...
openhandedness 24 24 OPENHANDED, generous...
operationalism 26 22 the theory that defi...
operationalist 25 19 an exponent of opera...
ophthalmitises 33 25 OPHTHALMITIS, ophtha...
ophthalmologic 37 31 relating to ophthalm...
ophthalmometer 32 28 an instrument for me...
ophthalmometry 39 30 measurement of the e...
ophthalmoscope 36 31 an instrument for vi...
ophthalmoscopy 43 33 an examination by us...
opinionatively 33 26 OPINIONATIVE, of, re...
opisthobranchs 35 28 OPISTHOBRANCH, a typ...
opisthocoelian 30 24 hollow or concave be...
opisthocoelous 31 24 hollow or concave be...
opisthoglossal 31 23 having the tongue at...
opisthographic 37 29 like an opisthograph...
opisthotonoses 26 20 OPISTHOTONOS, extrem...
oppignorations 27 24 OPPIGNORATION, the a...
opposabilities 31 24 OPPOSABILITY, the st...
oppositenesses 26 21 OPPOSITENESS, the st...
oppositionists 28 21 OPPOSITIONIST, a mem...
oppositionless 28 22 OPPOSITION [n]
oppressiveness 29 25 OPPRESSIVE, unreason...
opsonification 29 25 the process of opson...
optimalisation 27 22 the process of optim...
optimalization 30 31 the process of optim...
optimistically 40 27 OPTIMISTICAL, optimi...
optoelectronic 31 25 relating to optoelec...
oracularnesses 26 20 ORACULARNESS, the st...
orbicularities 31 22 ORBICULARITY, the st...
orchestralists 31 20 ORCHESTRALIST, an or...
orchestrations 28 20 ORCHESTRATION, the a...
orchidectomies 33 26 ORCHIDECTOMY, excisi...
orchidologists 32 23 ORCHIDOLOGIST, one w...
orchidomaniacs 32 27 ORCHIDOMANIAC, one w...
ordinarinesses 22 17 ORDINARINESS, the st...
organisability 34 23 the quality of being...
organisational 23 19 relating to organisa...
organismically 37 27 ORGANISMIC, relating...
organizability 37 32 the quality of being...
organizational 26 28 relating to organiza...
organochlorine 28 24 a compound of chlori...
organographies 28 24 ORGANOGRAPHY, a desc...
organographist 29 24 one who practises or...
organometallic 29 25 containing a metal o...
ornamentations 21 20 ORNAMENTATION, somet...
ornithichnites 31 23 ORNITHICHNITE, a fos...
ornithischians 31 23 ORNITHISCHIAN, any o...
ornithodelphic 34 27 of or like the Ornit...
ornithological 31 24 relating to ornithol...
ornithologists 28 20 ORNITHOLOGIST, one w...
ornithomancies 28 24 ORNITHOMANCY, divina...
ornithomorphic 34 28 shaped like bird [ad...
ornithophilies 31 23 ORNITHOPHILY, pollin...
ornithophilous 31 24 of flowers, pollinat...
ornithophobias 31 25 ORNITHOPHOBIA, fear...
ornithoscopies 30 23 ORNITHOSCOPY, bird w...
orobanchaceous 31 27 belonging to the bro...
orogenetically 34 24 OROGENETIC, relating...
orographically 40 28 OROGRAPHICAL, relati...
ororotundities 23 17 OROROTUNDITY, the or...
orthocephalies 33 25 ORTHOCEPHALY, the st...
orthocephalous 33 26 having a skull whose...
orthochromatic 35 27 of photographic film...
orthodiagonals 26 21 ORTHODIAGONAL, in a...
orthogenically 37 26 ORTHOGENIC, pertaini...
orthognathisms 30 24 ORTHOGNATHISM, the s...
orthogonalised 26 21 ORTHOGONALISE, to ma...
orthogonalises 26 20 ORTHOGONALISE, to ma...
orthogonalized 29 30 ORTHOGONALIZE, to ma...
orthogonalizes 29 29 ORTHOGONALIZE, to ma...
orthographical 35 27 relating to orthogra...
orthographists 32 23 ORTHOGRAPHIST, an or...
orthohydrogens 34 24 ORTHOHYDROGEN, the f...
orthomolecular 31 25 relating to the theo...
orthopedically 39 27 ORTHOPEDICAL, relate...
orthophosphate 33 26 a salt or ester of o...
orthopinakoids 28 25 ORTHOPINAKOID, in mo...
orthopterology 35 24 the study of cockroa...
orthopyroxenes 38 29 ORTHOPYROXENE, a mem...
orthosilicates 30 20 ORTHOSILICATE, a sal...
oscillographic 38 29 relating to an oscil...
osmometrically 37 27 OSMOMETRIC, relating...
osmoregulation 25 22 regulation of osmoti...
osmoregulatory 32 23 relating to osmoregu...
ostentatiously 30 19 OSTENTATIOUS, marked...
osteoarthritic 29 19 suffering from osteo...
osteoarthritis 26 16 arthritis marked by...
osteoarthroses 24 16 OSTEOARTHROSIS, chro...
osteoarthrosis 25 16 chronic non-inflamma...
osteodermatous 23 19 of or like an osteod...
osteologically 36 24 OSTEOLOGICAL, relati...
osteosarcomata 25 20 OSTEOSARCOMA, a mali...
ostreicultures 29 20 OSTREICULTURE, oyste...
otolaryngology 38 25 the branch of medici...
outdatednesses 22 18 OUTDATEDNESS, the st...
outfangthieves 30 27 OUTFANGTHIEF, (histo...
outgeneralling 26 23 OUTGENERAL, to surpa...
outgoingnesses 24 21 OUTGOINGNESS, the st...
outlandishness 26 21 OUTLANDISH, of or re...
outmaneuvering 26 27 OUTMANEUVER, to surp...
outmanipulated 27 25 OUTMANIPULATE, to su...
outmanipulates 27 24 OUTMANIPULATE, to su...
outmanoeuvring 26 27 OUTMANOEUVRE, to sur...
outmodednesses 23 21 OUTMODEDNESS, the st...
outpoliticking 33 29 OUTPOLITICK, to surp...
outrageousness 23 19 OUTRAGEOUS, exceedin...
outrecuidances 29 24 OUTRECUIDANCE, (Scot...
outreproducing 30 26 OUTREPRODUCE, to sur...
outsettlements 25 20 OUTSETTLEMENT, an ou...
outsidernesses 23 17 OUTSIDERNESS, the st...
ovariectomised 29 25 having undergone an...
ovariectomized 32 34 having undergone an...
overabundances 28 28 OVERABUNDANCE, an ex...
overaccentuate 29 26 to accentuate excess...
overactivities 31 25 OVERACTIVITY, excess...
overadjustment 28 33 an excessive adjustm...
overadvertised 27 24 OVERADVERTISE, to ad...
overadvertises 27 23 OVERADVERTISE, to ad...
overadvertized 30 33 OVERADVERTIZE, to ad...
overadvertizes 30 32 OVERADVERTIZE, to ad...
overaggressive 29 26 excessively aggressi...
overanalytical 35 26 excessively analytic...
overarticulate 29 23 to articulate excess...
overassertions 24 19 OVERASSERTION, an ex...
overassessment 25 22 excessive assessment...
overattentions 23 20 OVERATTENTION, exces...
overbejewelled 33 36 excessively adorned...
overbreathings 30 26 OVERBREATHING, hyper...
overburdensome 27 27 excessively burdenso...
overburthening 30 28 OVERBURTHEN, (archai...
overcapacities 33 27 OVERCAPACITY, excess...
overcapitalise 31 25 to put a nominal val...
overcapitalize 34 34 to put a nominal val...
overcautiously 36 26 OVERCAUTIOUS [adv]
overcentralise 28 23 to centralise excess...
overcentralize 31 32 to centralize to exc...
overclassified 32 26 OVERCLASSIFY, to cla...
overclassifies 32 25 OVERCLASSIFY, to cla...
overcommitment 31 31 excessive commitment...
overcommitting 32 30 OVERCOMMIT, to commi...
overcompensate 29 28 to compensate excess...
overcompliance 34 32 excessive compliance...
overcomplicate 35 31 to complicate excess...
overcompressed 31 28 OVERCOMPRESS, to com...
overcompresses 31 27 OVERCOMPRESS, to com...
overconcerning 30 29 OVERCONCERN, to conc...
overconfidence 31 30 excessive confidence...
overconstructs 32 26 OVERCONSTRUCT, to co...
overcontrolled 29 25 OVERCONTROL, to cont...
overcorrecting 32 27 OVERCORRECT, to corr...
overcorrection 30 25 excessive correction...
overdecorating 28 25 OVERDECORATE, to dec...
overdecoration 26 23 excessively decorati...
overdependence 27 28 excessive dependence...
overdetermined 25 24 excessively determin...
overdeveloping 30 30 OVERDEVELOP, to deve...
overdiscounted 28 25 OVERDISCOUNT, to dis...
overdocumented 28 28 OVERDOCUMENT, to doc...
overdominances 27 27 OVERDOMINANCE, the s...
overdramatised 26 23 OVERDRAMATISE, to dr...
overdramatises 26 22 OVERDRAMATISE, to dr...
overdramatized 29 32 OVERDRAMATIZE, to dr...
overdramatizes 29 31 OVERDRAMATIZE, to dr...
overeducations 27 24 OVEREDUCATION, exces...
overelaborated 26 23 OVERELABORATE, to el...
overelaborates 26 22 OVERELABORATE, to el...
overemphasised 30 27 OVEREMPHASIS [v]
overemphasises 30 26 OVEREMPHASISE, to em...
overemphasized 33 36 OVEREMPHASIZE, to em...
overemphasizes 33 35 OVEREMPHASIZE, to em...
overemployment 35 31 the situation where...
overencouraged 27 26 OVERENCOURAGE, to en...
overencourages 27 25 OVERENCOURAGE, to en...
overengineered 23 23 OVERENGINEER, to eng...
overenthusiasm 28 25 an excessive enthusi...
overestimating 27 24 OVERESTIMATE, to est...
overestimation 25 22 the act of overestim...
overevaluation 26 25 excessive evaluation...
overexaggerate 31 29 to exaggerate excess...
overexcitement 34 32 excessive excitement...
overexercising 35 31 OVEREXERCISE, to exe...
overexpansions 31 30 OVEREXPANSION, exces...
overexplaining 34 33 OVEREXPLAIN, to expl...
overexploiting 35 32 OVEREXPLOIT, to expl...
overextensions 29 27 OVEREXTENSION, an ex...
overextraction 33 29 excessive extraction...
overfastidious 28 23 excessively fastidio...
overfertilised 29 23 OVERFERTILISE, to fe...
overfertilises 29 22 OVERFERTILISE, to fe...
overfertilized 32 32 OVERFERTILIZE, to fe...
overfertilizes 32 31 OVERFERTILIZE, to fe...
overfinenesses 25 23 OVERFINENESS, the st...
overflourished 31 26 OVERFLOURISH, to cov...
overflourishes 31 25 OVERFLOURISH, to cov...
overfondnesses 25 24 OVERFONDNESS, the st...
overfreighting 32 28 OVERFREIGHT, to over...
overfulfilling 35 31 OVERFULFILL, to fulf...
overfullnesses 29 25 OVERFULLNESS, the st...
overgeneralise 25 22 to generalise to exc...
overgeneralize 28 31 to generalize to exc...
overgenerosity 31 23 excessive generosity...
overgenerously 32 25 OVERGENEROUS, excess...
overglamorised 28 25 OVERGLAMORISE, to gl...
overglamorises 28 24 OVERGLAMORISE, to gl...
overglamorized 31 34 OVERGLAMORIZE, to gl...
overglamorizes 31 33 OVERGLAMORIZE, to gl...
overharvesting 30 27 OVERHARVEST, to harv...
overhomogenise 27 26 to homogenise excess...
overhomogenize 30 35 to homogenize to exc...
overidealising 27 23 OVERIDEALISE, to ide...
overidealizing 30 32 OVERIDEALIZE, to ide...
overidentified 27 24 OVERIDENTIFY, to ide...
overidentifies 27 23 OVERIDENTIFY, to ide...
overimpressing 30 27 OVERIMPRESS, to impr...
overindulgence 29 28 excessive indulgence...
overinflations 27 24 OVERINFLATION, exces...
overinsurances 27 24 OVERINSURANCE, exces...
overinvestment 27 27 excessive investment...
overkindnesses 25 25 OVERKINDNESS, the st...
overlengthened 27 26 OVERLENGTHEN, to len...
overmaturities 27 22 OVERMATURITY, excess...
overmedicating 30 28 OVERMEDICATE, to med...
overmedication 28 26 excessive medication...
overmultiplied 32 28 OVERMULTIPLY, to bec...
overmultiplies 32 27 OVERMULTIPLY, to bec...
overmultituded 29 26 OVERMULTITUDE, (Milt...
overmultitudes 29 25 OVERMULTITUDE, (Milt...
overnicenesses 26 23 OVERNICENESS, the st...
overnourishing 28 25 OVERNOURISH, to nour...
overnutritions 25 21 OVERNUTRITION, exces...
overoptimistic 33 27 excessively optimist...
overorganising 26 24 OVERORGANISE, to org...
overorganizing 29 33 OVERORGANIZE, to org...
overornamented 23 24 OVERORNAMENT, to orn...
overparticular 32 26 excessively particul...
overpedallings 30 27 OVERPEDALLING, exces...
overpersuading 28 26 OVERPERSUADE, to per...
overpersuasion 26 23 excessive persuasion...
overpopulating 31 29 OVERPOPULATE, to pop...
overpopulation 29 27 population so dense...
overpoweringly 38 30 OVERPOWERING [adv]
overprescribed 33 28 OVERPRESCRIBE, to pr...
overprescribes 33 27 OVERPRESCRIBE, to pr...
overprivileged 32 29 excessively privileg...
overprocessing 31 27 OVERPROCESS, to proc...
overproduction 30 27 excessive production...
overprograming 30 29 OVERPROGRAM, to prog...
overprogrammed 30 30 OVERPROGRAM, to prog...
overproportion 28 25 to make disproportio...
overprotecting 31 27 OVERPROTECT, to prot...
overprotection 29 25 excessive protection...
overprotective 32 28 OVERPROTECT, to prot...
overrashnesses 26 21 OVERRASHNESS, the st...
overrefinement 26 26 excessive refinement...
overregulating 28 25 OVERREGULATE, to reg...
overregulation 26 23 excessive regulation...
overresponding 27 26 OVERRESPOND, to resp...
overripenesses 26 22 OVERRIPENESS, the st...
oversaturating 26 22 OVERSATURATE, to sat...
oversaturation 24 20 excessive saturation...
overscrupulous 33 28 excessively scrupulo...
oversecretions 27 22 OVERSECRETION, exces...
oversimplified 33 29 OVERSIMPLIFY, to sim...
oversimplifies 33 28 OVERSIMPLIFY, to sim...
oversimplistic 35 28 excessively simplist...
oversolicitous 30 23 excessively solicito...
overspecialise 31 25 to specialise to exc...
overspecialize 34 34 to specialize to exc...
overspeculated 31 27 OVERSPECULATE, to sp...
overspeculates 31 26 OVERSPECULATE, to sp...
overstatements 25 22 OVERSTATEMENT, an ex...
overstimulated 28 24 OVERSTIMULATE, to st...
overstimulates 28 23 OVERSTIMULATE, to st...
overstretching 32 26 OVERSTRETCH, to stre...
overstructured 30 24 excessively structur...
oversubscribed 34 29 OVERSUBSCRIBE, to su...
oversubscribes 34 28 OVERSUBSCRIBE, to su...
oversubtleties 29 23 OVERSUBTLETY, an exc...
oversuspicious 32 26 excessively suspicio...
oversweetening 27 25 OVERSWEETEN, to swee...
overtightening 29 26 OVERTIGHTEN, to tigh...
overtreatments 25 22 OVERTREATMENT, an ex...
overvaluations 27 25 OVERVALUATION, exces...
overweathering 30 26 OVERWEATHER, (Shakes...
overwhelmingly 41 33 OVERWHELMING, crushi...
oxidoreductase 32 27 an enzyme that catal...
oxyhaemoglobin 41 35 a loose compound of...
oxyhemoglobins 42 35 OXYHEMOGLOBIN, a loo...
oxymoronically 47 34 OXYMORONIC, of or li...
oystercatchers 38 24 OYSTERCATCHER, a bla...