14 letter words that starts with i

14 letter words that start with I

14 letter I word


Word With Friends


iatrochemistry 37 24 the application of c...
iatrogenically 35 24 IATROGENIC, caused i...
ichnographical 38 31 relating to the ichn...
ichthyolatries 39 24 ICHTHYOLATRY, the wo...
ichthyolatrous 39 25 worshipping fish [ad...
ichthyological 44 30 relating to ichthyol...
ichthyologists 41 26 ICHTHYOLOGIST, one w...
ichthyophagies 43 30 ICHTHYOPHAGY, the ea...
ichthyophagist 44 30 one who eats fish [n...
ichthyophagous 43 31 fish-eating [adj]
ichthyopsidans 40 28 ICHTHYOPSIDAN, a mem...
ichthyosaurian 37 25 a large fossil marin...
iconographical 35 29 of or relating to ic...
iconomaticisms 32 27 ICONOMATICISM, the q...
idealistically 37 23 IDEALISTIC, of or re...
identification 28 23 an act of identifyin...
idiopathically 40 27 IDIOPATHIC, of a dis...
idiosyncrasies 33 21 IDIOSYNCRASY, a pecu...
idolatrousness 24 18 IDOLATROUS, of or pe...
ignitabilities 29 21 IGNITABILITY, the st...
ignitibilities 30 21 IGNITIBILITY, the st...
ignorantnesses 22 19 IGNORANTNESS, the st...
illegalisation 27 20 the process of illeg...
illegalization 30 29 the process of illeg...
illegibilities 32 22 ILLEGIBILITY, the st...
illegitimacies 32 24 ILLEGITIMACY, the st...
illegitimately 36 24 ILLEGITIMATE, not re...
illegitimating 30 24 ILLEGITIMATE, to pro...
illegitimation 28 22 the process of makin...
illiberalising 31 23 ILLIBERALISE, to ren...
illiberalities 30 20 ILLIBERALITY, the st...
illiberalizing 34 32 ILLIBERALIZE, to ren...
illimitability 39 25 the state of being i...
illiterateness 25 17 ILLITERATE, having l...
illogicalities 32 22 ILLOGICALITY, the st...
illuminatingly 36 27 ILLUMINATING [adv]
illuminational 27 23 providing illuminati...
illusivenesses 28 22 ILLUSIVENESS, the st...
illusorinesses 26 18 ILLUSORINESS, the st...
illustrational 27 19 relating to illustra...
illustratively 37 24 ILLUSTRATIVE, servin...
imaginableness 27 25 IMAGINABLE, that can...
imitablenesses 27 22 IMITABLENESS, the st...
immaculateness 29 26 IMMACULATE, having n...
immaterialised 27 22 IMMATERIALISE, to ma...
immaterialises 27 21 IMMATERIALISE, to ma...
immaterialisms 29 24 IMMATERIALISM, the d...
immaterialists 28 21 IMMATERIALIST, an ex...
immaterialized 30 31 IMMATERIALIZE, to ma...
immaterializes 30 30 IMMATERIALIZE, to ma...
immaterialness 26 22 the state of being i...
immaturenesses 25 22 IMMATURENESS, the st...
immethodically 40 30 IMMETHODICAL, not me...
imminentnesses 24 23 IMMINENTNESS, the st...
immiserisation 26 21 progressive impoveri...
immiserization 29 30 progressive impoveri...
immitigability 39 28 the quality of being...
immobilisation 29 25 the act of immobilis...
immobilization 32 34 the act of immobiliz...
immoderateness 24 22 the state of being i...
immovabilities 32 28 IMMOVABILITY, the st...
immoveableness 29 29 IMMOVEABLE, no capab...
immunoassayist 32 24 one who carries out...
immunoblotting 30 29 the act of making im...
immunochemical 36 34 relating to immunoch...
immunochemists 33 30 IMMUNOCHEMIST, a stu...
immunogenetics 29 28 IMMUNOGENETIC [n]
immunogenicity 36 30 the state of being i...
immunoglobulin 31 31 an immune protein [n...
immunophoreses 29 27 IMMUNOPHORESIS, a te...
immunophoresis 30 27 a technique for iden...
immunoreaction 27 26 the reaction between...
immunoreactive 30 29 reacting to particul...
immunosorbents 27 26 IMMUNOSORBENT, a sub...
immunosuppress 31 29 to inhibit the body'...
immutabilities 31 25 IMMUTABILITY, the st...
imparidigitate 29 23 having an odd number...
imparisyllabic 42 30 having different num...
impartialities 29 21 IMPARTIALITY, the st...
impassableness 29 25 IMPASSABLE, that can...
impassibleness 30 25 the state of being i...
impeachability 42 31 the quality of being...
impenetrations 25 22 IMPENETRATION, thoro...
impenitentness 25 23 IMPENITENT, not impe...
imperativeness 28 25 IMPERATIVE, expressi...
imperatorially 35 24 IMPERATORIAL, like a...
imperatorships 32 25 IMPERATORSHIP, the o...
imperceptively 42 33 IMPERCEPTIVE, not pe...
imperceptivity 42 32 the state of being i...
impercipiences 35 30 IMPERCIPIENCE, the s...
impercipiently 40 30 IMPERCIPIENT, unperc...
imperfectively 42 33 IMPERFECTIVE, expres...
imperforations 28 24 IMPERFORATION, the s...
imperialnesses 27 22 IMPERIALNESS, the st...
impermanencies 29 28 IMPERMANENCY, the st...
impermeability 38 29 the state of being i...
impersonalised 27 23 IMPERSONALISE, to ma...
impersonalises 27 22 IMPERSONALISE, to ma...
impersonalized 30 32 IMPERSONALIZE, to ma...
impersonalizes 30 31 IMPERSONALIZE, to ma...
impersonations 25 22 IMPERSONATION, the a...
impertinencies 29 25 IMPERTINENCY, impude...
imperturbation 29 25 the state of being u...
imperviability 40 30 the quality of being...
imperviousness 29 26 IMPERVIOUS, not allo...
impignorations 27 24 IMPIGNORATION, the s...
implacableness 33 29 the state of being i...
implausibility 40 28 the state of being i...
implementation 27 26 the act of implement...
implicitnesses 32 25 IMPLICITNESS, the st...
impolitenesses 27 22 IMPOLITENESS, the st...
imponderabilia 29 26 factors in a situati...
imposingnesses 27 24 IMPOSINGNESS, the st...
impossibilisms 34 27 IMPOSSIBILISM, belie...
impossibilists 33 24 IMPOSSIBILIST, one w...
impossibleness 30 25 IMPOSSIBLE, not poss...
imposthumating 32 29 IMPOSTHUMATE, to for...
imposthumation 30 27 the act of forming a...
impostumations 28 25 IMPOSTUMATION, the f...
impotentnesses 25 22 IMPOTENTNESS, the st...
impoverishment 32 30 the state of being i...
impracticality 42 29 the state of being i...
impregnability 38 29 the state of being i...
impressibility 39 26 the state of being i...
impressionable 29 25 capable of being eas...
impressionally 35 25 IMPRESSIONAL, of or...
impressionisms 29 24 IMPRESSIONISM, a 19t...
impressionists 28 21 IMPRESSIONIST, an ar...
impressiveness 29 25 IMPRESSIVE, making o...
improbableness 31 28 IMPROBABLE, not prob...
impropernesses 28 24 IMPROPERNESS, the st...
impropriations 29 24 IMPROPRIATION, the a...
improvableness 31 29 IMPROVABLE, capable...
improvisations 29 25 IMPROVISATION, the a...
improvisatores 29 24 IMPROVISATORE, (Ital...
improvvisatore 31 28 (Italian) an improvi...
impudentnesses 26 24 IMPUDENTNESS, the st...
imputabilities 32 25 IMPUTABILITY, the ab...
inaccurateness 28 23 INACCURATE, not accu...
inactivenesses 27 23 INACTIVENESS, the st...
inadequateness 29 27 INADEQUATE, not adeq...
inadvertencies 27 24 INADVERTENCY, neglig...
inadvisability 36 26 the state of being i...
inalienability 33 23 the state of being i...
inalterability 34 22 the state of being i...
inappositeness 26 22 INAPPOSITE, not appo...
inappreciation 29 25 lack of appreciation...
inappreciative 32 28 not appreciative [ad...
inapprehension 27 25 lack of apprehension...
inapprehensive 30 28 not apprehensive [ad...
inapproachable 34 30 not approachable [ad...
inapproachably 41 32 INAPPROACHABLE, not...
inarticulacies 31 23 INARTICULACY, the st...
inarticulately 35 23 INARTICULATE, not ar...
inarticulation 27 21 lack of articulation...
inartificially 38 25 INARTIFICIAL, not ar...
inartistically 36 22 INARTISTIC, not conf...
inaudibilities 28 21 INAUDIBILITY, the st...
inauspiciously 37 26 INAUSPICIOUS, not au...
inauthenticity 35 24 the state of being i...
incandescences 30 27 INCANDESCENCE, the s...
incandescently 35 27 INCANDESCENT, white,...
incapabilities 32 25 INCAPABILITY, the st...
incapacitating 32 27 INCAPACITATE, to mak...
incapacitation 30 25 the act of incapacit...
incapsulations 29 24 INCAPSULATION, the a...
incarcerations 28 22 INCARCERATION, impri...
incardinations 25 21 INCARDINATION, accep...
incautiousness 26 21 the state of being i...
incestuousness 26 21 INCESTUOUS, constitu...
inchoatenesses 26 21 INCHOATENESS, the st...
incidentalness 26 22 INCIDENTAL, by the w...
incisivenesses 28 23 INCISIVENESS, the st...
inclinableness 29 25 the state of being i...
includednesses 27 23 INCLUDEDNESS, the st...
incogitability 38 26 the quality of being...
incoherentness 26 22 the state of being i...
incombustibles 34 29 INCOMBUSTIBLE, somet...
incommensurate 27 26 not commensurate [n]
incommodiously 36 29 INCOMMODIOUS, not co...
incommunicable 34 33 not communicable [ad...
incommunicably 41 35 INCOMMUNICABLE, not...
incompetencies 31 28 INCOMPETENCY, the st...
incompleteness 29 26 the state of being i...
incompliancies 33 29 INCOMPLIANCY, lack o...
incompressible 33 28 incapable of or resi...
incompressibly 40 30 INCOMPRESSIBLE, inca...
inconceivables 33 30 INCONCEIVABLE, somet...
inconcinnities 28 24 INCONCINNITY, lack o...
inconclusively 40 31 INCONCLUSIVE, leadin...
inconformities 29 25 INCONFORMITY, lack o...
inconscionable 30 27 disregarding the con...
inconsequences 35 33 INCONSEQUENCE, the s...
inconsequently 40 33 INCONSEQUENT, lackin...
inconsiderable 28 24 not considerable [ad...
inconsiderably 35 26 INCONSIDERABLE, not...
inconsistences 28 23 INCONSISTENCE, the s...
inconsistently 33 23 INCONSISTENT, lackin...
incontiguously 35 26 INCONTIGUOUS, not co...
incontinencies 27 24 INCONTINENCY, the st...
incontrollable 30 25 not controllable, al...
incontrollably 37 27 INCONTROLLABLE, not...
inconvenienced 28 29 INCONVENIENCE, to su...
inconveniences 28 28 INCONVENIENCE, to su...
inconveniently 33 28 INCONVENIENT, not co...
incoordination 24 21 lack of coordination...
incorporations 27 22 INCORPORATION, the a...
incorporeality 35 24 the state of being i...
incorporeities 28 21 INCORPOREITY, the st...
incorruptibles 33 26 INCORRUPTIBLE, someo...
incredibleness 29 24 the state of being i...
incrementalism 29 26 a policy or advocacy...
incrementalist 28 23 an exponent of incre...
incriminations 27 23 INCRIMINATION, the a...
inculpableness 32 28 the state of being i...
incurabilities 31 23 INCURABILITY, the st...
indebtednesses 24 21 INDEBTEDNESS, the st...
indecipherable 33 28 incapable of being d...
indecipherably 40 30 INDECIPHERABLE, inca...
indecisiveness 28 24 the state of being i...
indecomposable 31 29 not capable of being...
indecorousness 25 21 the state of being i...
indefinability 35 26 the state of being i...
indefiniteness 24 21 the state of being i...
indelibilities 29 21 INDELIBILITY, the st...
indelicateness 26 21 INDELICATE, not deli...
indemonstrable 26 24 incapable of being d...
indemonstrably 33 26 INDEMONSTRABLE, inca...
indentureships 28 23 INDENTURESHIP, the s...
independencies 26 25 INDEPENDENCY, the st...
indescribables 32 26 INDESCRIBABLE, somet...
indestructible 31 24 incapable of being d...
indestructibly 38 26 INDESTRUCTIBLE, inca...
indeterminable 26 24 incapable of being d...
indeterminably 33 26 INDETERMINABLE, inca...
indeterminisms 26 23 INDETERMINISM, the t...
indeterminists 25 20 INDETERMINIST, a bel...
indifferencies 30 26 INDIFFERENCY, the st...
indifferentism 29 26 the belief that all...
indifferentist 28 23 an exponent of indif...
indigenisation 23 20 the act of indigenis...
indigenization 26 29 the act of indigeniz...
indigenousness 23 21 INDIGENOUS, occurrin...
indirectnesses 26 20 INDIRECTNESS, the st...
indiscerptible 33 26 not able to be separ...
indiscoverable 31 27 not discoverable [ad...
indiscreetness 26 20 INDISCREET, not disc...
indiscreteness 26 20 INDISCRETE, not disc...
indiscriminate 28 23 not marked by carefu...
indispensables 28 24 INDISPENSABLE, somet...
indisposedness 25 21 the state of being i...
indispositions 26 20 INDISPOSITION, the c...
indistinctions 27 21 INDISTINCTION, lack...
indistinctness 27 21 the state of being i...
individualised 28 24 INDIVIDUALISE, to ma...
individualiser 28 23 one who individualis...
individualises 28 23 INDIVIDUALISE, to ma...
individualisms 30 26 INDIVIDUALISM, belie...
individualists 29 23 INDIVIDUALIST, one t...
individualized 31 33 INDIVIDUALIZE, to ma...
individualizer 31 32 one who individualis...
individualizes 31 32 INDIVIDUALIZE, to ma...
individuations 26 23 INDIVIDUATION, the d...
indivisibility 38 26 the state of being i...
indoctrinating 27 23 INDOCTRINATE, to ins...
indoctrination 25 21 the act of indoctrin...
indoctrinators 26 20 INDOCTRINATOR, one w...
indomitability 35 25 the state of being i...
indubitability 37 26 the quality of being...
inducibilities 32 24 INDUCIBILITY, the st...
induplications 30 25 INDUPLICATION, being...
industrialised 26 19 INDUSTRIALISE, to ma...
industrialises 26 18 INDUSTRIALISE, to ma...
industrialisms 28 21 INDUSTRIALISM, socia...
industrialists 27 18 INDUSTRIALIST, one o...
industrialized 29 28 INDUSTRIALIZE, to ma...
industrializes 29 27 INDUSTRIALIZE, to ma...
ineffabilities 31 25 INEFFABILITY, the st...
ineffectuality 38 28 the state of being i...
inefficacities 34 27 INEFFICACITY, lack o...
inefficiencies 33 28 INEFFICIENCY, the st...
inegalitarians 24 19 INEGALITARIAN, a per...
inelasticities 28 19 INELASTICITY, the st...
ineligibleness 28 23 INELIGIBLE, not elig...
ineluctability 38 26 the state of being i...
inerrabilities 27 19 INERRABILITY, the st...
inessentiality 30 19 the state of being i...
inestimability 35 24 the quality of being...
inevitableness 27 24 the state of being i...
inexcusability 43 32 the quality of being...
inexorableness 30 27 the state of being i...
inexpectancies 36 32 INEXPECTANCY, lack o...
inexpectations 33 29 INEXPECTATION, lack...
inexpediencies 33 30 INEXPEDIENCY, the st...
inexpertnesses 30 26 INEXPERTNESS, a lack...
inexpiableness 33 30 the state of being i...
inexplicitness 36 30 INEXPLICIT, not expl...
inexpressibles 35 29 (colloquial) underwe...
inexpressively 41 32 INEXPRESSIVE, lackin...
infallibilisms 34 27 INFALLIBILISM, the d...
infallibilists 33 24 INFALLIBILIST, one w...
infallibleness 30 25 the state of being i...
infamousnesses 25 23 INFAMOUSNESS, the st...
infeasibleness 27 23 the state of being i...
infectiousness 28 23 the state of being i...
infelicitously 38 26 INFELICITOUS, inappr...
infinitenesses 24 20 INFINITENESS, the st...
infinitesimals 28 23 INFINITESIMAL, an in...
inflammability 39 31 the state of being i...
inflammatorily 36 28 INFLAMMATORY, tendin...
inflatednesses 25 21 INFLATEDNESS, the st...
inflectionally 37 27 INFLECTIONAL, relati...
inflectionless 30 24 without inflection,...
inflexibleness 35 31 the state of being i...
inflorescences 31 26 INFLORESCENCE, a clu...
infopreneurial 27 24 of or relating to th...
informaticians 29 25 INFORMATICIAN, someo...
infralapsarian 27 23 a person who believe...
inframaxillary 41 32 situated under the j...
infrangibility 37 27 the state of being i...
infrapositions 27 22 INFRAPOSITION, the s...
infrastructure 30 23 the underlying found...
infusibilities 31 23 INFUSIBILITY, the st...
ingloriousness 25 20 the state of being i...
ingratiatingly 33 23 INGRATIATING [adv]
ingravescences 31 28 INGRAVESCENCE, the s...
ingressiveness 26 22 INGRESSIVE, pronounc...
ingurgitations 26 21 INGURGITATION, the a...
inhabitability 38 26 the quality of being...
inhabitiveness 29 25 in phrenology, love...
inharmoniously 33 25 INHARMONIOUS, not ha...
inheritability 36 23 the state of being i...
inimicalnesses 28 23 INIMICALNESS, the st...
inimitableness 27 23 INIMITABLE, that can...
iniquitousness 32 27 INIQUITOUS, characte...
initialisation 24 17 the act of initialis...
initialization 27 26 the act of initializ...
innovationists 24 21 INNOVATIONIST, one w...
innovativeness 25 25 INNOVATIVE, characte...
innumerability 34 26 the quality of being...
inobservations 26 23 INOBSERVATION, lack...
inoperableness 26 23 INOPERABLE, that can...
inordinateness 21 18 INORDINATE, exceedin...
inorganisation 22 19 lack of organisation...
inorganization 25 28 lack of organisation...
inquisitionist 33 26 one who carries out...
inquisitresses 33 25 INQUISITRESS, (archa...
inquisiturient 33 27 (Milton) eager to ac...
insalubriously 35 24 INSALUBRIOUS, unheal...
insanitariness 22 17 the state of being i...
insatiableness 25 20 the state of being i...
inscrutability 38 25 the state of being i...
insecticidally 39 26 INSECTICIDAL, destro...
insectologists 29 21 INSECTOLOGIST, a stu...
insecurenesses 25 20 INSECURENESS, the st...
insensibleness 25 21 the state of being i...
inseparability 35 24 the state of being i...
insignificance 32 28 the state of being i...
insignificancy 39 30 the state of being i...
insolubilising 30 24 INSOLUBILISE, to mak...
insolubilities 29 21 INSOLUBILITY, the st...
insolubilizing 33 33 INSOLUBILIZE, to mak...
inspectorships 34 26 INSPECTORSHIP, the o...
inspirationism 27 22 the belief that the...
inspirationist 26 19 a person who maintai...
instantiations 22 17 INSTANTIATION, the a...
institutionary 30 19 of or relating to an...
instructorship 33 24 the office of instru...
instructresses 28 19 INSTRUCTRESS, a woma...
instrumentally 33 24 INSTRUMENTAL, nonvoc...
insubordinates 25 21 INSUBORDINATE, someo...
insufficiences 34 29 INSUFFICIENCE, the s...
insufficiently 39 29 INSUFFICIENT, not su...
insuperability 36 25 the state of being i...
insuppressible 32 26 not able to be suppr...
insuppressibly 39 28 INSUPPRESSIBLE, not...
insurabilities 28 20 INSURABILITY, the st...
insurmountable 27 25 incapable of being s...
insurmountably 34 27 INSURMOUNTABLE, inca...
insurrectional 27 21 relating to insurrec...
insusceptively 39 29 INSUSCEPTIVE, not su...
intangibleness 26 23 INTANGIBLE, that can...
integrationist 24 18 a person who believe...
intellectively 38 27 INTELLECTIVE, relati...
intellectually 37 25 INTELLECTUAL, relati...
intelligencers 29 23 INTELLIGENCER, (arch...
intelligential 27 21 concerning the intel...
intelligentsia 26 20 (Russian) the intell...
intelligentzia 29 29 (Russian) the intell...
intemerateness 22 19 the state of being i...
intempestively 36 28 INTEMPESTIVE, unseas...
intempestivity 36 27 inopportuneness [n]
intensionality 29 20 the state of being i...
intentionality 29 20 the state of being i...
interactionism 27 22 the belief that mind...
interactionist 26 19 a belieer in interac...
interambulacra 30 26 INTERAMBULACRUM, in...
interanimation 22 20 mutual animation [n...
interbehaviors 29 24 INTERBEHAVIOR, the b...
interbehaviour 29 25 interaction between...
interbreedings 26 22 INTERBREEDING, the a...
intercalations 26 20 INTERCALATION, an in...
intercessional 26 20 relating to interces...
intercessorial 27 19 interceding, also IN...
interclavicles 34 27 INTERCLAVICLE, a mem...
intercommuning 29 29 INTERCOMMUNE, to com...
intercommunion 27 27 interdenominational...
intercommunity 35 28 between communities...
intercomparing 30 27 INTERCOMPARE, to mak...
interconnected 27 24 INTERCONNECT, to con...
interconnector 27 23 a device or feeder b...
interconnexion 29 28 a mutual connexion [...
interconverted 27 24 INTERCONVERT, to con...
intercorporate 27 21 between corporations...
intercorrelate 26 19 to correlate togethe...
intercurrences 29 23 INTERCURRENCE, the s...
intercurrently 34 23 INTERCURRENT, occurr...
interdependent 23 22 mutually dependent [...
interdepending 25 24 INTERDEPEND, to depe...
interdialectal 28 21 between dialects [ad...
interdictively 37 26 INTERDICTIVE, servin...
interdiffusing 30 26 INTERDIFFUSE, to dif...
interdiffusion 28 24 the process of diffu...
interdigitated 25 19 INTERDIGITATE, to be...
interdigitates 25 18 INTERDIGITATE, to be...
interelectrode 26 20 between electrodes [...
interestedness 22 17 the state of being i...
interferential 25 20 of the nature of int...
interferograms 27 23 INTERFEROGRAM, a pho...
interferometer 25 21 an instrument for an...
interferometry 32 23 the use of two teles...
interfertility 34 21 the state of being i...
interfoliating 27 22 INTERFOLIATE, to int...
intergradation 23 19 the condition of an...
interinfluence 28 25 to influence recipro...
interinvolving 29 28 INTERINVOLVE, to inv...
interjacencies 30 31 INTERJACENCY, the st...
interjaculated 29 30 INTERJACULATE, to ej...
interjaculates 29 29 INTERJACULATE, to ej...
interjectional 28 29 of, relating to, or...
interlacements 27 23 INTERLACEMENT, the s...
interlaminated 24 21 INTERLAMINATE, to in...
interlaminates 24 20 INTERLAMINATE, to in...
interlineating 24 20 INTERLINEATE, to wri...
interlineation 22 18 the state of being i...
interlingually 34 24 INTERLINGUAL, relati...
interlocations 26 20 INTERLOCATION, a pla...
interlocutions 27 21 INTERLOCUTION, dialo...
interlocutress 28 20 a female interlocuto...
interlocutrice 31 23 a female interlocuto...
interlunations 23 19 INTERLUNATION, the d...
intermarriages 25 20 INTERMARRIAGE, marri...
intermaxillary 39 29 between the maxillar...
intermediacies 27 22 INTERMEDIACY, the ac...
intermediaries 24 19 INTERMEDIARY, a medi...
intermediately 31 22 INTERMEDIATE, placed...
intermediating 25 22 INTERMEDIATE, to med...
intermediation 23 20 the act of coming be...
intermediators 24 19 INTERMEDIATOR, one w...
intermediatory 30 21 relating to intermed...
intermenstrual 25 21 occurring between me...
intermetallics 30 23 INTERMETALLIC, an in...
intermigration 25 21 two-way migration be...
intermittences 27 22 INTERMITTENCE, the s...
intermittently 32 22 INTERMITTENT, coming...
intermittingly 34 24 INTERMITTING [adv]
intermolecular 29 24 between molecules [n...
internalnesses 22 18 INTERNALNESS, the st...
internationals 22 18 INTERNATIONAL, one t...
internucleonic 29 25 between nucleons [ad...
interoceptions 27 22 INTEROCEPTION, sensi...
interoperative 26 22 between operatives [...
interosculated 27 21 INTEROSCULATE, to co...
interosculates 27 20 INTEROSCULATE, to co...
interparochial 31 24 between parishes [ad...
interpellating 28 23 INTERPELLATE, to que...
interpellation 26 21 a formal questioning...
interpellators 27 20 INTERPELLATOR, one w...
interpenetrant 23 20 mutually penetrating...
interpenetrate 23 19 to penetrate mutuall...
interpermeated 25 22 INTERPERMEATE, to pe...
interpermeates 25 21 INTERPERMEATE, to pe...
interpilasters 27 19 INTERPILASTER, a spa...
interplanetary 31 22 between planets [adj...
interpolations 25 20 INTERPOLATION, the a...
interpositions 25 19 INTERPOSITION, the a...
interpretating 26 21 INTERPRETATE, (archa...
interpretation 24 19 the act or the resul...
interpretative 27 22 relating to interpre...
interpretesses 25 18 INTERPRETESS, (obsol...
interpretively 35 25 INTERPRETIVE, relati...
interpunctions 28 24 INTERPUNCTION, the i...
interpunctuate 28 24 to insert punctuatio...
interpupillary 37 26 extending between th...
interrelatedly 31 20 INTERRELATED [adv]
interrelations 23 17 INTERRELATION, the s...
interreligious 26 19 between religions [a...
interrogations 23 18 INTERROGATION, the a...
interrogatives 26 21 INTERROGATIVE, a wor...
interruptively 36 26 INTERRUPTIVE, servin...
intersectional 26 20 relating to an inter...
intersegmental 25 22 between segments [ad...
intersexualism 32 27 the state of being i...
intersexuality 37 26 the state of being i...
interspatially 34 22 INTERSPATIAL, of or...
interspersedly 33 22 INTERSPERSED [adv]
interspersions 25 19 INTERSPERSION, the a...
intersterility 32 18 the state of being i...
interstitially 33 19 INTERSTITIAL, occurr...
intertextually 38 27 INTERTEXTUAL, of or...
intertwinement 26 23 the state of being i...
intertwiningly 35 25 INTERTWINING [adv]
intervalometer 26 23 a device that operat...
interventional 24 22 of the nature of int...
intervertebral 28 23 between vertebrae [a...
interweavement 27 26 the act of interweav...
interwreathing 29 23 INTERWREATHE, to twi...
intimatenesses 23 19 INTIMATENESS, the st...
intimidatingly 34 25 INTIMIDATING [adv]
intolerability 34 22 the state of being i...
intolerantness 22 18 INTOLERANT, not tole...
intoxicatingly 41 31 INTOXICATING [adv]
intracardially 35 23 INTRACARDIAL, within...
intracranially 34 23 INTRACRANIAL, existi...
intractability 37 24 the state of being i...
intracutaneous 25 21 within the skin [adj...
intrafallopian 28 24 within, or introduce...
intramedullary 33 24 within the bone marr...
intramercurial 29 23 within Mercury's orb...
intramolecular 29 24 existing or acting w...
intransigeance 25 22 the state of being i...
intransigeants 23 19 INTRANSIGEANT, one w...
intransigences 26 22 INTRANSIGENCE, the s...
intransigently 31 22 INTRANSIGENT, charac...
intransitively 33 23 INTRANSITIVE, not tr...
intransitivity 33 22 the state of being i...
intransmutable 27 24 not capable of being...
intravasations 24 20 INTRAVASATION, the e...
intrepidnesses 25 20 INTREPIDNESS, the st...
intrinsicality 35 22 the state of being i...
introductorily 35 23 INTRODUCTORY, servin...
introgressants 24 18 INTROGRESSANT, a gen...
introgressions 24 18 INTROGRESSION, the m...
introspections 28 22 INTROSPECTION, a ref...
introversively 35 26 INTROVERSIVE, relate...
intuitionalism 26 21 the doctrine that th...
intuitionalist 25 18 a believer in intuit...
intumescencies 30 26 INTUMESCENCY, the st...
intussuscepted 30 24 INTUSSUSCEPT, to tak...
invaluableness 28 26 INVALUABLE, beyond v...
invariableness 27 24 INVARIABLE, not vary...
invasivenesses 26 24 INVASIVENESS, the st...
investigations 26 22 INVESTIGATION, the a...
inveterateness 23 20 the state of being i...
inviablenesses 27 24 INVIABLENESS, the st...
invigoratingly 35 27 INVIGORATING [adv]
invigoratively 36 28 INVIGORATIVE, servin...
invincibleness 31 28 INVINCIBLE, unconque...
inviolableness 28 25 the state of being i...
invisibilities 31 23 INVISIBILITY, the st...
invitingnesses 26 23 INVITINGNESS, the st...
involucellated 31 27 having an involucel,...
iodometrically 36 25 IODOMETRICAL, measur...
irascibilities 32 21 IRASCIBILITY, the st...
ironicalnesses 26 20 IRONICALNESS, the st...
irrationalised 24 17 IRRATIONALISE, to ma...
irrationalises 24 16 IRRATIONALISE, to ma...
irrationalisms 26 19 IRRATIONALISM, a sys...
irrationalists 25 16 IRRATIONALIST, an up...
irrationalized 27 26 IRRATIONALIZE, to ma...
irrationalizes 27 25 IRRATIONALIZE, to ma...
irrationalness 23 17 the state of being i...
irrecognisable 30 24 unrecognizable, also...
irrecognitions 27 21 IRRECOGNITION, lack...
irrecognizable 33 33 unrecognizable, also...
irreconcilable 33 26 incapable of being r...
irreconcilably 40 28 IRRECONCILABLE, inca...
irreducibility 39 25 the state of being i...
irrefutability 37 24 the state of being i...
irregularities 27 18 IRREGULARITY, someth...
irrelativeness 26 20 IRRELATIVE, not rela...
irreligionists 27 18 IRRELIGIONIST, one w...
irremovability 37 27 the state of being i...
irreparability 36 23 the quality of being...
irreplevisable 32 26 unable to be replevi...
irreproachable 33 26 not reproachable [ad...
irreproachably 40 28 IRREPROACHABLE, not...
irreproducible 33 26 not reproducible [ad...
irresolubility 36 22 the state of being i...
irresoluteness 24 17 IRRESOLUTE, uncertai...
irrespectively 39 27 IRRESPECTIVE, not ha...
irresponsibles 29 22 IRRESPONSIBLE, a per...
irresponsively 35 25 IRRESPONSIVE, not re...
irrestrainable 26 19 that cannot be restr...
irresuscitable 31 22 not capable of being...
irresuscitably 38 24 IRRESUSCITABLE, not...
irrevocability 39 27 the state of being i...
irritabilities 29 18 IRRITABILITY, the st...
isentropically 37 25 ISENTROPIC, having e...
isoagglutinins 27 22 ISOAGGLUTININ, an an...
isoalloxazines 33 33 ISOALLOXAZINE, a yel...
isocarboxazids 38 37 ISOCARBOXAZID, an an...
isochromosomes 30 25 ISOCHROMOSOME, a chr...
isodiametrical 29 22 of equal diameters;...
isodimorphisms 32 26 ISODIMORPHISM, isomo...
isogeothermals 28 22 ISOGEOTHERMAL, a lin...
isogeothermics 31 24 ISOGEOTHERMIC, a lin...
isomerisations 24 18 ISOMERISATION, the p...
isomerizations 27 27 ISOMERIZATION, the p...
isomorphically 41 29 ISOMORPHIC, of the s...
isoperimetries 27 20 ISOPERIMETRY, the st...
isopiestically 38 24 ISOPIESTIC, having e...
isoproterenols 25 19 ISOPROTERENOL, a sym...
italicisations 28 19 ITALICISATION, the a...
italicizations 31 28 ITALICIZATION, the a...