14 letter words that starts with b

14 letter words that start with B

14 letter B word


Word With Friends


baccalaureates 31 25 BACCALAUREATE, a set...
backhandedness 30 30 the state of being b...
backscattering 34 30 the act of backscatt...
backscratchers 39 32 BACKSCRATCHER [n]
backscratching 40 35 BACKSCRATCH, to scra...
backwardations 32 29 BACKWARDATION, on th...
backwardnesses 32 29 BACKWARDNESS, the st...
bactericidally 41 28 BACTERICIDAL, destro...
bacteriologies 30 23 BACTERIOLOGY, the sc...
bacteriologist 31 23 one who studies bact...
bacteriolysins 36 24 BACTERIOLYSIN, an an...
bacteriophages 33 27 BACTERIOPHAGE, a bac...
bacteriophagic 37 30 of or like a bacteri...
bacteriostases 28 20 BACTERIOSTASIS, the...
bacteriostasis 29 20 the inhibition of th...
bacteriostatic 32 23 of or like a bacteri...
bacteriotoxins 34 28 BACTERIOTOXIN, a tox...
bacterisations 28 21 BACTERISATION, treat...
bacterizations 31 30 BACTERIZATION, treat...
balkanisations 26 24 BALKANISATION, the a...
balkanizations 29 33 BALKANIZATION, the a...
ballistospores 30 22 BALLISTOSPORE, a spo...
balsaminaceous 29 26 belonging to the Bal...
bamboozlements 32 37 BAMBOOZLEMENT, the a...
bancassurances 30 26 BANCASSURANCE, the p...
bandersnatches 29 25 BANDERSNATCH, an ima...
bandspreadings 28 26 BANDSPREADING, an ad...
barbarisations 27 21 BARBARISATION, the a...
barbarizations 30 30 BARBARIZATION, the a...
barnsbreakings 29 28 BARNSBREAKING, (Scot...
barometrically 38 27 BAROMETRICAL, as mea...
barristerships 32 22 BARRISTERSHIP, the o...
baselessnesses 25 19 BASELESSNESS, the st...
basidiomycetes 36 26 BASIDIOMYCETE, any f...
basidiosporous 28 22 of or like a basidio...
bastardisation 25 19 the process of basta...
bastardization 28 28 the process of basta...
bathygraphical 44 32 of maps, representin...
batrachophobia 36 30 fear of frogs and to...
batrachophobic 40 33 having a morbid fear...
bearablenesses 26 22 BEARABLENESS, the st...
beatifications 30 24 BEATIFICATION, the a...
beautification 30 25 the process of makin...
becomingnesses 29 27 BECOMINGNESS, the st...
beggarlinesses 28 23 BEGGARLINESS, the st...
behaviouristic 34 27 relating to behaviou...
beleaguerments 27 25 BELEAGUERMENT, the s...
belletristical 33 23 relating to belles-l...
belligerencies 31 25 BELLIGERENCY, an agg...
benedictionals 28 24 BENEDICTIONAL, a boo...
benefactresses 29 24 BENEFACTRESS, a fema...
beneficialness 30 26 the state of being b...
beneficiations 29 25 BENEFICIATION, the t...
benevolentness 25 25 the state of being b...
benumbednesses 27 27 BENUMBEDNESS, the st...
benzanthracene 30 34 a crystalline carcin...
benzimidazoles 33 41 BENZIMIDAZOLE, a cry...
benzodiazepine 31 41 any of a group of am...
berberidaceous 30 25 belonging to the Ber...
beseechingness 30 26 the state of being b...
besottednesses 24 19 BESOTTEDNESS, the st...
bestsellerdoms 29 23 BESTSELLERDOM, the w...
bewilderedness 29 24 the state of being b...
bibliographers 35 28 BIBLIOGRAPHER, an ex...
bibliographies 35 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY, the hi...
bibliolatrists 32 22 BIBLIOLATRIST, a per...
bibliomaniacal 33 29 relating to biblioma...
bibliophagists 36 28 BIBLIOPHAGIST, a vor...
bibliophilisms 38 30 BIBLIOPHILISM, love...
bibliophilists 37 27 BIBLIOPHILIST, one w...
bibulousnesses 29 24 BIBULOUSNESS, the st...
biconditionals 29 24 BICONDITIONAL, a rel...
biculturalisms 35 27 BICULTURALISM, the s...
biddablenesses 28 24 BIDDABLENESS, the st...
bidialectalism 33 26 facility in using tw...
bigheartedness 28 23 the state of being b...
bildungsromans 29 27 BILDUNGSROMAN, (Germ...
binocularities 30 23 BINOCULARITY, the st...
bioaccumulated 34 30 BIOACCUMULATE, to ac...
bioaccumulates 34 29 BIOACCUMULATE, to ac...
bioaeronautics 27 22 the use of aircraft...
bioarchaeology 37 27 the branch of archae...
bioastronomies 25 21 BIOASTRONOMY, the br...
biochemistries 33 25 BIOCHEMISTRY [n]
bioclimatology 39 29 the study of the eff...
biocoenologies 28 24 BIOCOENOLOGY, the st...
bioconversions 29 26 BIOCONVERSION, the c...
biodegradation 25 22 the state of being b...
biodiversities 29 22 BIODIVERSITY, the nu...
bioelectricity 40 26 electric phenomena i...
bioengineering 25 24 the engineering of l...
biogenetically 37 27 BIOGENETICAL, pertai...
biogeochemical 36 31 relating to biogeoch...
biogeographers 31 26 BIOGEOGRAPHER, a pra...
biogeographies 31 26 BIOGEOGRAPHY, the st...
biographically 43 31 BIOGRAPHICAL, relati...
bioinformatics 32 27 the branch of inform...
bioluminescent 30 27 relating to biolumin...
biomathematics 33 28 mathematics as appli...
biometeorology 33 25 the study of how the...
bioprospecting 34 29 the exploitation of...
bioregionalism 28 24 an environmentalist...
bioregionalist 27 21 one who studies bior...
bioremediation 25 22 the treatment of pol...
biostatistical 31 21 relating to biostati...
biosystematics 37 25 taxonomy esp. as bas...
biosystematist 34 22 one who studies bios...
biotelemetries 27 21 BIOTELEMETRY, automa...
bipartisanisms 30 24 BIPARTISANISM, the s...
bipartisanship 33 26 the state of being b...
bipolarisation 28 22 the act of making bi...
bipolarization 31 31 the act of bipolariz...
birefringences 31 27 BIREFRINGENCE, the r...
bisphosphonate 33 28 any of a family of d...
bituminisation 27 23 the process of bitum...
bituminization 30 32 the act of bituminiz...
biuniquenesses 33 30 BIUNIQUENESS, the st...
blackberryings 41 33 BLACKBERRYING, the a...
blackguardisms 35 32 BLACKGUARDISM, being...
blacksmithings 37 33 BLACKSMITHING, the o...
blamablenesses 29 26 BLAMABLENESS, the st...
blamefulnesses 30 27 BLAMEFULNESS, the st...
blamestormings 30 27 BLAMESTORMING, meeti...
blanchisseuses 32 25 BLANCHISSEUSE, (Fren...
blanketflowers 33 30 BLANKETFLOWER, anoth...
blaxploitation 35 30 exploitation of blac...
blepharoplasts 34 27 BLEPHAROPLAST, a bas...
blepharoplasty 40 29 plastic surgery on t...
blepharospasms 34 29 BLEPHAROSPASM, a for...
bletheranskate 28 25 (Scots) a garrulous...
blimpishnesses 33 27 BLIMPISHNESS, the st...
blissfulnesses 31 24 BLISSFULNESS, the st...
blithesomeness 29 24 the state of being b...
blockishnesses 33 28 BLOCKISHNESS, the st...
blokeishnesses 29 25 BLOKEISHNESS, the st...
bloodthirstier 30 21 BLOODTHIRSTY, eager...
bloodthirstily 38 24 BLOODTHIRSTY, eager...
boardinghouses 28 24 BOARDINGHOUSE, a pri...
boastfulnesses 28 23 BOASTFULNESS, the st...
boisterousness 25 19 the state of being b...
bolometrically 39 28 BOLOMETRIC, relating...
boneheadedness 24 23 the state of being b...
bootlessnesses 25 19 BOOTLESSNESS, the st...
bottomlessness 27 22 the state of being b...
bougainvillaea 29 27 a tropical flower, a...
bougainvilleas 30 27 BOUGAINVILLEA, a tro...
bouillabaisses 30 23 BOUILLABAISSE, (Fren...
bouleversement 28 27 (French) an overturn...
bourgeoisified 29 24 BOURGEOISIFY, to mak...
bourgeoisifies 29 23 BOURGEOISIFY, to mak...
bourguignonnes 26 26 BOURGUIGNONNE, (Fren...
boustrophedons 29 25 BOUSTROPHEDON, (Gree...
bowdlerisation 29 23 the act of bowdleris...
bowdlerization 32 32 the act of bowdleriz...
brachycephalic 49 36 short-headed, esp. h...
brachydactylic 52 34 having abnormally sh...
brachydiagonal 38 29 in crystallography,...
brachygraphies 43 31 BRACHYGRAPHY, certai...
brachypinakoid 40 33 a pinakoid or prism...
brachypterisms 42 30 BRACHYPTERISM, the s...
brackishnesses 32 27 BRACKISHNESS, the st...
braillewriters 32 22 BRAILLEWRITER, a mac...
brainstormings 28 24 BRAINSTORMING, the p...
branchiostegal 32 26 of or relating to th...
brassfoundings 29 26 BRASSFOUNDING, the c...
braunschweiger 35 29 (German) smoked live...
breastfeedings 28 24 BREASTFEEDING, the a...
breaststrokers 27 21 BREASTSTROKER, one w...
breatharianism 28 23 the belief that huma...
breathlessness 28 21 the state of being b...
breathtakingly 37 29 BREATHTAKING, making...
bremsstrahlung 32 27 (German) electromagn...
brimfullnesses 32 27 BRIMFULLNESS, the st...
brinksmanships 33 31 BRINKSMANSHIP, the a...
brobdingnagian 28 28 marked by trememendo...
bromocriptines 32 27 BROMOCRIPTINE, a pol...
bronchiectases 33 26 BRONCHIECTASIS, a ch...
bronchiectasis 34 26 a chronic dilatation...
bronchodilator 31 25 a drug that relaxes...
bronchoscopies 35 29 BRONCHOSCOPY, examin...
bronchoscopist 36 29 one who uses a bronc...
bronchospastic 36 29 relating to bronchos...
brontosauruses 25 20 BRONTOSAURUS, any of...
brushabilities 33 24 BRUSHABILITY, the ca...
brutalisations 27 20 BRUTALISATION, the a...
brutalizations 30 29 BRUTALIZATION, the a...
buffaloberries 33 28 BUFFALOBERRY, an Ame...
bulletproofing 33 29 BULLETPROOF, to make...
bullheadedness 29 25 BULLHEADED, having a...
buprenorphines 31 28 BUPRENORPHINE, an op...
bureaucrateses 28 22 BUREAUCRATESE, the l...
bureaucratised 29 23 BUREAUCRATISE, to ma...
bureaucratises 29 22 BUREAUCRATISE, to ma...
bureaucratisms 31 25 BUREAUCRATISM, burea...
bureaucratists 30 22 BUREAUCRATIST, a bel...
bureaucratized 32 32 BUREAUCRATIZE, to ma...
bureaucratizes 32 31 BUREAUCRATIZE, to ma...
businesspeople 30 26 persons active in bu...
businessperson 27 23 a businessman or bus...
butterfingered 29 25 apt to let things fa...
butterscotches 35 26 BUTTERSCOTCH, a cand...
butyraldehydes 42 27 BUTYRALDEHYDE, eithe...
butyrophenones 34 27 BUTYROPHENONE, any o...