14 letter words that starts with c

14 letter words that start with C

14 letter C word


Word With Friends


cabinetmakings 31 31 CABINETMAKING, the c...
cacophonically 44 33 CACOPHONICAL, of or...
cadaverousness 27 24 CADAVEROUS, resembli...
caesaropapisms 31 26 CAESAROPAPISM, contr...
calamitousness 28 23 CALAMITOUS, disastro...
calcifications 36 28 CALCIFICATION, the a...
calculatedness 31 25 CALCULATED [n]
caliginosities 29 21 CALIGINOSITY, darkne...
calligraphical 39 30 relating to calligra...
calligraphists 36 26 CALLIGRAPHIST, a pro...
calorification 32 25 the process of suppl...
calorimetrical 33 25 relating to calorime...
calycanthemies 39 29 CALYCANTHEMY, the co...
camouflageable 33 31 capable of being cam...
campanological 34 31 related to campanolo...
campanologists 31 27 CAMPANOLOGIST, one w...
campanulaceous 32 30 belonging to the bel...
campylobacters 42 32 CAMPYLOBACTER, a bac...
campylotropous 39 30 having the ovule par...
cancellariates 30 23 CANCELLARIATE, the o...
cancerophobias 34 29 CANCEROPHOBIA, fear...
candidateships 31 25 CANDIDATESHIP, the o...
candlelighters 32 25 CANDLELIGHTER [n]
candlesnuffers 31 28 CANDLESNUFFER, an im...
cankerednesses 25 24 CANKEREDNESS, the st...
canorousnesses 24 20 CANOROUSNESS, the st...
cantankerously 33 27 CANTANKEROUS, diffic...
canthaxanthine 34 31 a naturally occurrin...
canthaxanthins 35 31 CANTHAXANTHIN, a nat...
cantonisations 24 20 CANTONISATION, the a...
cantonizations 27 29 CANTONIZATION, the a...
capellmeisters 32 25 CAPELLMEISTER, (Germ...
capitalisation 29 22 the process of capit...
capitalization 32 31 the act of capitaliz...
capparidaceous 33 28 of the Capparidaceae...
capriciousness 32 25 CAPRICIOUS, subject...
caprifications 34 27 CAPRIFICATION, a met...
captiousnesses 28 22 CAPTIOUSNESS, the st...
caramelisation 27 22 the process of caram...
caramelization 30 31 the process of caram...
carbamazepines 33 36 CARBAMAZEPINE, an an...
carbonisations 27 22 CARBONISATION, the a...
carbonizations 30 31 CARBONIZATION, the a...
carbonylations 34 25 CARBONYLATION, the s...
carboxylations 41 31 CARBOXYLATION, the a...
carburisations 29 22 CARBURISATION, the a...
carburizations 32 31 CARBURIZATION, the a...
carcinogeneses 28 24 CARCINOGENESIS, the...
carcinogenesis 29 24 the production of ca...
carcinological 35 28 related to carcinolo...
carcinologists 32 24 CARCINOLOGIST, a spe...
carcinomatoses 29 24 CARCINOMATOSIS, a co...
carcinomatosis 30 24 a condition in which...
carcinosarcoma 32 27 a kind of tumour [n...
cardiocenteses 28 22 CARDIOCENTESIS, surg...
cardiocentesis 29 22 surgical puncture of...
cardiographers 32 25 CARDIOGRAPHER, one w...
cardiographies 32 25 CARDIOGRAPHY, the ma...
cardiomegalies 29 24 CARDIOMEGALY, anothe...
cardiomyopathy 44 30 any of several struc...
cardiothoracic 35 26 relating to, involvi...
cardiovascular 33 27 of, relating to, or...
carefreenesses 26 21 CAREFREENESS, the st...
carelessnesses 26 19 CARELESSNESS, the st...
carnifications 31 25 CARNIFICATION, conve...
carpetbaggings 34 30 CARPETBAGGING, the a...
carpometacarpi 34 29 CARPOMETACARPUS, in...
cartelisations 27 19 CARTELISATION, the a...
cartelizations 30 28 CARTELIZATION, the a...
cartographical 36 28 relating to cartogra...
castrametation 26 21 the art of laying ou...
casualisations 27 20 CASUALISATION, the p...
casualizations 30 29 CASUALIZATION, the p...
catachrestical 36 26 relating to catachre...
catadioptrical 33 25 relating to or emplo...
cataleptically 41 28 CATALEPTIC, afflicte...
cataphorically 42 29 CATAPHORIC, relating...
catastrophisms 33 25 CATASTROPHISM, belie...
catastrophists 32 22 CATASTROPHIST, a bel...
catechetically 43 29 CATECHETICAL, relati...
catechisations 31 23 CATECHISATION, the a...
catechizations 34 32 CATECHIZATION, the a...
catecholamines 32 27 CATECHOLAMINE, any o...
catechumenates 31 27 CATECHUMENATE, the s...
catechumenical 36 31 of or like a catechu...
catechumenisms 34 30 CATECHUMENISM, being...
catechumenship 37 32 the office of catech...
categorisation 26 20 the process of categ...
categorization 29 29 the act of categoriz...
cathodographer 33 27 one who takes photog...
cauliflowerets 34 26 CAULIFLOWERET, a bit...
cauterisations 26 19 CAUTERISATION, the a...
cauterizations 29 28 CAUTERIZATION, the a...
cautiousnesses 26 20 CAUTIOUSNESS, the st...
celebratedness 28 23 CELEBRATED [n]
celebrealities 30 22 CELEBREALITY, a tele...
censoriousness 25 20 CENSORIOUS, given to...
censurableness 28 24 CENSURABLE, worthy o...
centenarianism 25 23 the state of being a...
centerednesses 24 20 CENTEREDNESS, the st...
centralisation 26 20 the process of centr...
centralization 29 29 the act of centraliz...
centrifugalise 31 25 to subject to centri...
centrifugalize 34 34 to subject to centri...
centrifugation 29 25 separation by centri...
centrifugences 32 28 CENTRIFUGENCE, centr...
centripetalism 31 25 the state of being c...
centrolecithal 33 25 of animal eggs, havi...
centuplicating 34 29 CENTUPLICATE, to cen...
centuplication 32 27 multiplication a hun...
cephalisations 31 24 CEPHALISATION, the g...
cephalizations 34 33 CEPHALIZATION, the g...
cephalometries 32 26 CEPHALOMETRY, the sc...
cephaloridines 31 25 CEPHALORIDINE, a sem...
cephalosporins 33 27 CEPHALOSPORIN, any o...
ceramographies 32 27 CERAMOGRAPHY, the hi...
cercopithecids 38 29 CERCOPITHECID, any o...
cercopithecoid 37 29 any of several Old W...
ceremonialisms 29 25 CEREMONIALISM, being...
ceremonialists 28 22 CEREMONIALIST, one w...
certifications 32 24 CERTIFICATION, the a...
ceruloplasmins 32 27 CERULOPLASMIN, a blu...
chalcographers 38 30 CHALCOGRAPHER, one w...
chalcographies 38 30 CHALCOGRAPHY, the ar...
chalcographist 39 30 one who practises ch...
chancellorship 38 30 the office of chance...
changeableness 30 27 the state of being c...
changelessness 29 24 CHANGELESS, never ch...
channelisation 27 23 the process of chann...
channelization 30 32 the act of channeliz...
chaptalisation 31 24 the process of chapt...
chaptalization 34 33 the process of chapt...
characterisers 32 22 CHARACTERISER [v]
characterising 33 25 CHARACTERISE, to giv...
characteristic 36 25 a distinguishing tra...
characterizers 35 31 CHARACTERIZER, one w...
characterizing 36 34 CHARACTERIZE, to des...
characterology 39 27 the study of the dev...
chargeableness 31 26 the state of being c...
charitableness 31 24 the state of being c...
charlatanistic 33 24 of or like a charlat...
charterparties 31 22 CHARTERPARTY, the co...
chartographers 34 26 CHARTOGRAPHER, one w...
chartographies 34 26 CHARTOGRAPHY, the dr...
chateaubriands 30 25 CHATEAUBRIAND, a lar...
checkerberries 35 29 CHECKERBERRY, the fr...
cheerfulnesses 31 25 CHEERFULNESS, the st...
cheerishnesses 30 22 CHEERISHNESS, (obsol...
chemautotrophs 34 28 CHEMAUTOTROPH, an or...
chemisorptions 32 26 CHEMISORPTION, the a...
chemoautotroph 33 28 any organism, e.g. b...
chemoreception 33 29 the physiological re...
chemoreceptive 36 32 relating to chemorec...
chemoreceptors 34 28 CHEMORECEPTOR, a sen...
chemosurgeries 31 25 CHEMOSURGERY, the ch...
chemosyntheses 37 27 CHEMOSYNTHESIS, synt...
chemosynthesis 38 27 synthesis of organic...
chemosynthetic 41 30 relating to chemosyn...
chemotaxonomic 38 36 relating to chemotax...
chemotherapies 33 27 CHEMOTHERAPY, therap...
chemotherapist 34 27 one who practises ch...
chiaroscurisms 35 26 CHIAROSCURISM, the p...
chiaroscurists 34 23 CHIAROSCURIST, an ar...
chickenhearted 34 30 timid, cowardly [adj...
chieftainesses 30 23 CHIEFTAINESS, a fema...
chieftainships 36 28 CHIEFTAINSHIP, the r...
childishnesses 33 24 CHILDISHNESS, the st...
childrenswears 33 25 CHILDRENSWEAR, cloth...
chimericalness 34 27 CHIMERICAL, of the n...
chimneybreasts 38 28 CHIMNEYBREAST, the p...
chincherinchee 38 31 a kind of African fl...
chinkerinchees 34 30 CHINKERINCHEE, a kin...
chirographical 39 30 relating to handwrit...
chirographists 36 26 CHIROGRAPHIST, an ex...
chivalrousness 32 26 CHIVALROUS, gentlema...
chlamydospores 39 29 CHLAMYDOSPORE, a thi...
chlorargyrites 38 24 CHLORARGYRITE, horn...
chlorhexidines 38 31 CHLORHEXIDINE, an an...
chloritisation 30 21 the alteration of fe...
chloritization 33 30 the alteration of fe...
chloroargyrite 37 24 the mineral form of...
chlorobenzenes 32 34 CHLOROBENZENE, a col...
chlorobromides 33 27 CHLOROBROMIDE, a com...
chlorocalcites 37 27 CHLOROCALCITE, a whi...
chlorocruorins 33 25 CHLOROCRUORIN, a gre...
chloroformists 34 26 CHLOROFORMIST, one w...
chloromethanes 31 26 CHLOROMETHANE, an or...
chlorophylloid 43 30 of or like chlorophy...
chlorophyllous 43 30 of or like chlorophy...
chlorothiazide 35 32 a thiazide diuretic...
chlorpromazine 35 36 a phenothiazine used...
chlorpropamide 35 30 a sulfonylurea drug...
chlorthalidone 32 25 a diuretic used in t...
cholangiograms 32 28 CHOLANGIOGRAM, a rec...
cholecystotomy 46 30 the surgical formati...
cholelithiases 33 23 CHOLELITHIASIS, the...
cholelithiasis 34 23 the production of ga...
cholestyramine 36 26 a strongly basic syn...
cholinesterase 28 21 an enzyme which brea...
chondrichthyan 42 31 a technical name for...
chondrocranium 32 29 the cartilaginous pa...
chondrogeneses 27 24 CHONDROGENESIS, the...
chondrogenesis 28 24 the production of ca...
chondromatoses 28 24 CHONDROMATOSIS, a co...
chondromatosis 29 24 a condition in which...
chondrophorine 31 27 a member of the Chon...
chordamesoderm 30 27 the layer of special...
choreographers 33 26 CHOREOGRAPHER, one w...
choreographies 33 26 CHOREOGRAPHY, the ar...
choreographing 34 29 CHOREOGRAPH, to comp...
chorographical 38 30 relating to chorogra...
chrestomathies 32 24 CHRESTOMATHY, a sele...
christophanies 33 25 CHRISTOPHANY, an app...
chromaticities 34 25 CHROMATICITY, the qu...
chromatographs 35 29 CHROMATOGRAPH, to do...
chromatography 41 31 a process in which a...
chromatologies 31 25 CHROMATOLOGY, the sc...
chromatologist 32 25 a specialist in chro...
chromatophores 33 27 CHROMATOPHORE, a pig...
chromatophoric 37 30 of or like a chromat...
chromatosphere 33 27 a layer of incandesc...
chromodynamics 40 32 strong interaction,...
chromoproteins 31 26 CHROMOPROTEIN, any o...
chronobiologic 35 29 relating to chronobi...
chronographers 33 27 CHRONOGRAPHER, a chr...
chronographies 33 27 CHRONOGRAPHY, chrono...
chronologising 31 26 CHRONOLOGISE, to arr...
chronologizing 34 35 CHRONOLOGIZE, to arr...
chronometrical 33 27 relating to chronome...
chrysanthemums 40 31 CHRYSANTHEMUM, any o...
chrysophilites 42 27 CHRYSOPHILITE, a lov...
churchianities 35 26 CHURCHIANITY, a usua...
churchlinesses 36 27 CHURCHLINESS, the st...
churchmanships 41 34 CHURCHMANSHIP, the a...
churlishnesses 33 24 CHURLISHNESS, the st...
churrigueresco 34 26 of or relating to a...
chylifications 42 29 CHYLIFICATION, the p...
chymifications 42 31 CHYMIFICATION, the p...
cicatrisations 30 21 CICATRISATION, the p...
cicatrizations 33 30 CICATRIZATION, the p...
cinchonisation 30 25 the process of cinch...
cinchonization 33 34 the process of cinch...
cinematographs 32 28 CINEMATOGRAPH, to re...
cinematography 38 30 the art or science o...
cinquecentists 38 32 CINQUECENTIST, an It...
ciprofloxacins 41 35 CIPROFLOXACIN, an an...
circuitousness 31 23 CIRCUITOUS, having a...
circularnesses 31 23 CIRCULARNESS, the st...
circumambience 37 34 the act of going rou...
circumambiency 44 36 the act of going rou...
circumambulate 36 32 to circle on foot es...
circumbendibus 37 33 an indirect or round...
circumductions 36 30 CIRCUMDUCTION, the a...
circumferences 36 31 CIRCUMFERENCE, the p...
circumferentor 33 28 a surveyor's angle-m...
circumflecting 40 34 CIRCUMFLECT, to bend...
circumflexions 41 36 CIRCUMFLEXION, a ben...
circumfluences 38 33 CIRCUMFLUENCE, a flo...
circumforanean 31 29 wandering about as f...
circumgyrating 41 31 CIRCUMGYRATE, to whi...
circumgyration 39 29 a whirling around [n...
circumgyratory 46 30 whirling around [adj...
circumlittoral 35 26 around or near the s...
circumlocuting 38 32 CIRCUMLOCUTE, to use...
circumlocution 36 30 an overly complicate...
circumlocutory 43 31 relating to circumlo...
circumnavigate 34 31 to go completely aro...
circumnutating 33 29 CIRCUMNUTATE, to pro...
circumnutation 31 27 rotation in a noddin...
circumnutatory 38 28 showing circumnutati...
circumposition 34 28 the act of placing r...
circumscissile 38 28 splitting completely...
circumscribers 39 30 CIRCUMSCRIBER, one w...
circumscribing 40 33 CIRCUMSCRIBE, to dra...
circumspection 37 31 the state of being c...
circumspective 40 34 looking around; wary...
circumstancing 36 31 CIRCUMSTANCE, to pla...
circumstantial 33 26 belonging to, consis...
circumvallated 36 31 CIRCUMVALLATE, to su...
circumvallates 36 30 CIRCUMVALLATE, to su...
circumventions 33 30 CIRCUMVENTION, the a...
circumvolution 35 31 anything winding or...
circumvolutory 42 32 winding around [adj]
citriculturist 35 23 one who practises ci...
civilisational 31 24 relating to civilisa...
civilizational 34 33 relating to civilisa...
clairaudiences 30 24 CLAIRAUDIENCE, the a...
clairaudiently 35 24 CLAIRAUDIENT, able t...
clairvoyancies 38 28 CLAIRVOYANCY, the po...
clannishnesses 28 23 CLANNISHNESS, the st...
clapperclawers 39 31 CLAPPERCLAWER, one w...
clapperclawing 40 34 CLAPPERCLAW, (archai...
claptrapperies 34 27 CLAPTRAPPERY, nonsen...
clarifications 33 25 CLARIFICATION, the a...
classicalities 33 22 CLASSICALITY, the st...
classification 33 25 the act of classifyi...
classificatory 40 26 relating to classifi...
claustrophilia 34 25 abnormal pleasure de...
claustrophobes 34 27 CLAUSTROPHOBE, one w...
claustrophobia 34 27 fear of closed space...
claustrophobic 38 30 affected with or inc...
clavichordists 37 28 CLAVICHORDIST, one w...
clavicytherium 44 33 a harpsichord-like m...
cleanabilities 30 23 CLEANABILITY, the qu...
clearinghouses 30 24 CLEARINGHOUSE, an es...
cleavabilities 33 26 CLEAVABILITY, the qu...
climatological 35 28 relating to climatol...
climatologists 32 24 CLIMATOLOGIST, one w...
clingingnesses 29 25 CLINGINGNESS, emotio...
clinicalnesses 31 24 CLINICALNESS, the st...
clinodiagonals 28 24 CLINODIAGONAL, in a...
clinopinacoids 32 27 CLINOPINACOID, a for...
clinopinakoids 30 28 CLINOPINAKOID, a for...
clinopyroxenes 40 32 CLINOPYROXENE, a mem...
cliometricians 32 25 CLIOMETRICIAN, one w...
cliquishnesses 39 31 CLIQUISHNESS, the st...
clishmaclavers 38 31 CLISHMACLAVER, (Scot...
clitorectomies 32 24 CLITORECTOMY, the su...
clitoridectomy 39 27 surgical removal of...
cloddishnesses 30 23 CLODDISHNESS, the st...
clothespresses 32 23 CLOTHESPRESS, a rece...
clownishnesses 32 25 CLOWNISHNESS, the st...
clubbabilities 37 29 CLUBBABILITY, sociab...
coachbuildings 37 31 COACHBUILDING, the c...
coadjutorships 34 33 COADJUTORSHIP, the o...
coalifications 32 25 COALIFICATION, a pro...
coastguardsman 28 25 a member of a coast...
coastguardsmen 28 25 COASTGUARDSMAN, a me...
cobelligerents 31 25 COBELLIGERENT, a cou...
cocainisations 28 22 COCAINISATION, the p...
cocainizations 31 31 COCAINIZATION, the p...
cocarboxylases 44 33 COCARBOXYLASE, a coe...
cocarcinogenic 35 30 of or like a cocarci...
cochairmanship 37 31 joint chairmanship [...
cochairpersons 33 26 COCHAIRPERSON, a joi...
cockeyednesses 35 28 COCKEYEDNESS, the st...
cocknification 35 32 the process of cockn...
cocksurenesses 30 26 COCKSURENESS, the st...
coconspirators 31 24 COCONSPIRATOR, a joi...
cocultivations 33 27 COCULTIVATION, the a...
codeclinations 29 24 CODECLINATION, polar...
codependencies 29 27 CODEPENDENCY, joint...
coelanaglyphic 42 32 in cavo-rilievo (hol...
coenaesthesias 26 20 COENAESTHESIA, gener...
coercivenesses 30 25 COERCIVENESS, the st...
coessentiality 33 21 the state of being c...
coetaneousness 23 20 COETANEOUS, having t...
coevolutionary 34 26 relating to coevolut...
cogitativeness 29 24 COGITATIVE, having t...
cognominations 26 25 COGNOMINATION, the a...
cohesibilities 33 23 COHESIBILITY, the qu...
cohesivenesses 29 24 COHESIVENESS, the st...
coincidentally 37 27 COINCIDENTAL, result...
coinheritances 30 24 COINHERITANCE, a sha...
coinvestigator 29 24 a joint investigator...
collaborations 29 23 COLLABORATION, the a...
collaboratives 32 26 COLLABORATIVE, a gro...
collapsability 41 28 the quality of being...
collapsibility 42 28 the state of being c...
collateralised 29 21 COLLATERALISE, to ma...
collateralises 29 20 COLLATERALISE, to ma...
collateralized 32 30 COLLATERALIZE, to ma...
collateralizes 32 29 COLLATERALIZE, to ma...
colleagueships 34 27 COLLEAGUESHIP, the s...
collectiveness 33 27 the state of being c...
collectivising 36 29 COLLECTIVISE, to giv...
collectivistic 39 29 relating to collecti...
collectivities 35 26 COLLECTIVITY, the st...
collectivizing 39 38 COLLECTIVIZE, to giv...
collectorships 37 27 COLLECTORSHIP, the o...
collegialities 31 22 COLLEGIALITY, the pr...
collieshangies 31 24 COLLIESHANGIE, (Scot...
collinearities 28 20 COLLINEARITY, the qu...
colliquescence 42 36 readiness to liquefy...
colloidalities 30 21 COLLOIDALITY, the st...
colloquialisms 40 33 COLLOQUIALISM, a col...
colloquialists 39 30 COLLOQUIALIST, one w...
colloquialness 37 31 COLLOQUIAL [n]
colonialnesses 26 21 COLONIALNESS, the st...
colorabilities 31 22 COLORABILITY, the qu...
colorfulnesses 30 24 COLORFULNESS, the st...
colorimetrical 33 25 relating to colorime...
coloristically 40 25 COLORISTIC, relating...
colourableness 29 24 COLOURABLE, that can...
colourbreeding 30 26 COLOURBREED, to bree...
colourfastness 29 23 COLOURFAST, having c...
colourisations 27 20 COLOURISATION, the a...
colourizations 30 29 COLOURIZATION, the a...
colourlessness 28 21 COLOURLESS, without...
combustibility 42 30 the state of being c...
cometographies 32 27 COMETOGRAPHY, the de...
commandantship 32 31 the office of comman...
commanderships 33 30 COMMANDERSHIP, the o...
commemorations 28 27 COMMEMORATION, the a...
commemoratives 31 30 COMMEMORATIVE [n]
commensalities 29 25 COMMENSALITY, dining...
commensurately 35 28 COMMENSURATE, corres...
commensuration 27 26 measurement by the s...
commentatorial 28 25 relating to the maki...
commercialeses 32 27 COMMERCIALESE, the j...
commercialised 33 28 COMMERCIALISE, to ma...
commercialises 33 27 COMMERCIALISE, to ma...
commercialisms 35 30 COMMERCIALISM, comme...
commercialists 34 27 COMMERCIALIST, an ad...
commercialized 36 37 COMMERCIALIZE, to ma...
commercializes 36 36 COMMERCIALIZE, to ma...
commiserations 28 24 COMMISERATION, the a...
commissaryship 41 30 the office of commis...
commissionaire 28 24 a uniformed attendan...
committeeships 34 28 COMMITTEESHIP, the o...
committeewoman 31 30 a woman who is a mem...
committeewomen 31 30 COMMITTEEWOMAN, a wo...
commodiousness 28 26 the state of being c...
commonsensible 30 29 showing common sense...
commonsensical 31 29 showing common sense...
communautaires 28 26 COMMUNAUTAIRE, a spi...
communications 31 29 COMMUNICATION, an ac...
communisations 28 26 COMMUNISATION, the a...
communitarians 28 26 COMMUNITARIAN, a mem...
communizations 31 35 COMMUNIZATION, the a...
commutableness 31 29 the state of being c...
compaginations 29 27 COMPAGINATION, the a...
companionhoods 29 28 COMPANIONHOOD, the s...
companionships 33 30 COMPANIONSHIP, the f...
comparableness 31 28 COMPARABLE, that can...
comparativists 33 27 COMPARATIVIST, one w...
compartmenting 31 30 COMPARTMENT, to put...
compassionable 31 28 worthy of compassion...
compassionated 28 25 COMPASSIONATE, to sh...
compassionates 28 24 COMPASSIONATE, to sh...
compassionless 30 25 without compassion [...
compatibleness 32 28 the state of being c...
compatriotisms 32 26 COMPATRIOTISM, the s...
compensability 39 30 the state of being c...
compensational 28 26 relating to compensa...
complementally 39 32 COMPLEMENTAL, relati...
complementiser 31 28 a word or morpheme t...
complementizer 34 37 a word or morpheme t...
completenesses 29 25 COMPLETENESS, the st...
complexionless 37 33 without a complexion...
complexometric 41 37 as in complexometric...
compliableness 33 29 COMPLIABLE, capable...
composednesses 28 25 COMPOSEDNESS, the st...
compossibility 41 29 the state of being c...
comprehendible 34 31 that can be comprehe...
comprehensible 34 30 capable of being com...
comprehensibly 41 32 COMPREHENSIBLE, capa...
comprehensions 30 27 COMPREHENSION, the a...
comprehensives 33 30 COMPREHENSIVE, a com...
compromisingly 40 32 COMPROMISING, expsoi...
compulsionists 32 26 COMPULSIONIST, a bel...
compulsiveness 33 30 COMPULSIVE, driven b...
compulsivities 35 29 COMPULSIVITY, the qu...
compulsoriness 31 26 the state of being c...
compunctiously 41 32 COMPUNCTIOUS, arisin...
compurgatorial 32 27 relating to compurga...
computerisable 33 28 that can be computer...
computerizable 36 37 that can be computer...
computerphobes 36 32 COMPUTERPHOBE, one w...
computerphobia 36 32 a morbid fear of com...
computerphobic 40 35 someone having an ir...
concatenations 26 23 CONCATENATION, the a...
conceivability 41 31 the state of being c...
concelebrating 32 28 CONCELEBRATE, to joi...
concelebration 30 26 celebration of Eucha...
concentratedly 35 26 CONCENTRATED [adv]
concentrations 27 23 CONCENTRATION, the a...
concentrically 40 29 CONCENTRICAL, having...
conceptualised 32 27 CONCEPTUALISE, to fo...
conceptualiser 32 26 one who conceptualis...
conceptualises 32 26 CONCEPTUALISE, to fo...
conceptualisms 34 29 CONCEPTUALISM, the d...
conceptualists 33 26 CONCEPTUALIST, an ad...
conceptualized 35 36 CONCEPTUALIZE, to fo...
conceptualizer 35 35 one who conceptualiz...
conceptualizes 35 35 CONCEPTUALIZE, to fo...
concertmasters 30 24 CONCERTMASTER, the l...
concertmeister 30 24 the leader of the fi...
concessionaire 27 22 the owner or operato...
concessionists 29 22 CONCESSIONIST, one w...
conciliatorily 38 25 CONCILIATORY, tendin...
conclusiveness 32 28 the state of being c...
concomitancies 32 28 CONCOMITANCY, the st...
concorporating 31 27 CONCORPORATE, (archa...
concretenesses 27 22 CONCRETENESS, the st...
concretisation 28 22 the act of concretis...
concretization 31 31 the act of concretiz...
concubitancies 34 29 CONCUBITANCY, a cust...
concupiscences 37 32 CONCUPISCENCE, stron...
condensability 35 26 the quality of being...
condensational 24 22 relating to condensa...
condensibility 36 26 the state of being c...
condescendence 29 28 voluntary descent fr...
condescensions 27 24 CONDESCENSION, volun...
conditionality 33 23 the state of being c...
conditionating 26 23 CONDITIONATE, (obsol...
conductibility 41 29 the state of being c...
conductimetric 35 29 of or relating to th...
conductivities 33 27 CONDUCTIVITY, the po...
conductometric 34 29 of or relating to th...
conductorships 35 28 CONDUCTORSHIP, the o...
conduplication 32 28 the state of being c...
confabulations 30 27 CONFABULATION, the f...
confarreations 26 22 CONFARREATION, a Rom...
confederations 26 23 CONFEDERATION, an ac...
confessionally 35 26 CONFESSIONAL, relati...
confessoresses 27 21 CONFESSORESS, a fema...
confessorships 33 26 CONFESSORSHIP, the o...
confidentially 36 27 CONFIDENTIAL, marked...
configurations 29 25 CONFIGURATION, exter...
confinednesses 26 24 CONFINEDNESS, the st...
confirmability 40 30 the state of being c...
confirmational 29 26 relating to confirma...
conflagrations 29 25 CONFLAGRATION, a lar...
conformability 39 30 the quality of being...
conformational 28 26 relating to conforma...
confoundedness 26 26 CONFOUNDED [n]
confrontations 26 23 CONFRONTATION, the a...
confusednesses 27 24 CONFUSEDNESS, the st...
congenialities 27 22 CONGENIALITY, the qu...
congenitalness 26 23 the state of being c...
conglobulating 32 29 CONGLOBULATE, to for...
conglobulation 30 27 the act of conglobul...
conglomerateur 28 25 a person who forms o...
conglomerating 29 27 CONGLOMERATE, to gat...
conglomeration 27 25 the act of conglomer...
conglomerative 30 28 tending to conglomer...
conglomerators 28 24 CONGLOMERATOR, one w...
conglutinating 29 26 CONGLUTINATE, to glu...
conglutination 27 24 the act of conglutin...
conglutinative 30 27 having power to cong...
conglutinators 28 23 CONGLUTINATOR, an ag...
congratulating 29 25 CONGRATULATE, to exp...
congratulation 27 23 the act of congratul...
congratulative 30 26 expressing congratul...
congratulators 28 22 CONGRATULATOR, one w...
congratulatory 34 24 expressing congratul...
congregational 27 24 of or relating to a...
congresspeople 31 27 congressmen or congr...
congressperson 28 24 a congressman or con...
conidiophorous 30 25 of or like a conidio...
conjunctivitis 35 36 inflammation of the...
connaturalised 26 22 CONNATURALISE, to ma...
connaturalises 26 21 CONNATURALISE, to ma...
connaturalized 29 31 CONNATURALIZE, to ma...
connaturalizes 29 30 CONNATURALIZE, to ma...
connaturalness 25 22 the state of being c...
connectionisms 29 26 CONNECTIONISM, the t...
connectivities 31 26 CONNECTIVITY, the qu...
connubialities 29 24 CONNUBIALITY, the st...
connumerations 25 24 CONNUMERATION, the a...
conquerability 44 34 the capacity for bei...
conquistadores 34 29 CONQUISTADOR, a conq...
consanguineous 25 24 of the same blood or...
conscienceless 32 26 without a conscience...
conscientising 30 25 CONSCIENTISE, to mak...
conscientizing 33 34 CONSCIENTIZE, to mak...
conscriptional 32 26 relating to conscrip...
consenescences 29 26 CONSENESCENCE, a sta...
conservational 27 24 relating to conserva...
conservatising 29 25 CONSERVATISE, to gro...
conservatively 37 29 CONSERVATIVE, tendin...
conservatizing 32 34 CONSERVATIZE, to gro...
conservatoires 27 22 CONSERVATOIRE, a pub...
conservatorial 28 23 of or like a conserv...
conservatories 27 22 CONSERVATORY, a gree...
conservatorium 29 26 (Latin) a school of...
conservatrices 31 25 CONSERVATRIX, a fema...
conservatrixes 34 29 CONSERVATRIX, a fema...
considerations 25 20 CONSIDERATION, conti...
consignatories 26 21 CONSIGNATORY, a cosi...
consimilitudes 30 24 CONSIMILITUDE, liken...
consociational 28 23 relating to consocia...
consolidations 26 21 CONSOLIDATION, the a...
conspectuities 32 25 CONSPECTUITY, (Shake...
conspirational 28 23 relating to conspira...
conspiratorial 29 22 relating to conspira...
conspurcations 31 26 CONSPURCATION, (obso...
constableships 34 27 CONSTABLESHIP, the o...
constablewicks 37 32 CONSTABLEWICK, (hist...
constabularies 29 23 CONSTABULARY, the or...
constellations 27 21 CONSTELLATION, the c...
consternations 24 20 CONSTERNATION, amaze...
constituencies 29 23 CONSTITUENCY, a body...
constitutional 27 21 a walk taken for one...
constitutively 37 26 CONSTITUTIVE, having...
constrictively 40 28 CONSTRICTIVE, servin...
constringences 29 25 CONSTRINGENCE, the i...
construability 37 25 the quality of being...
constructional 30 24 relating to construc...
constructively 40 29 CONSTRUCTIVE, servin...
constructivism 35 29 a nonobjective art m...
constructivist 34 26 an upholder of const...
constuprations 28 23 CONSTUPRATION, the a...
consubstantial 29 24 of the same substanc...
consuetudinary 32 24 customary [adj]
consultantship 32 26 the state of being a...
consultatively 37 27 CONSULTATIVE, relati...
contabescences 32 28 CONTABESCENCE, the s...
contagiousness 26 22 the state of being c...
containerboard 26 23 corrugated or solid...
containerising 26 22 CONTAINERISE, to shi...
containerizing 29 31 CONTAINERIZE, to shi...
containerports 27 22 CONTAINERPORT, a shi...
containerships 30 24 CONTAINERSHIP, a shi...
contaminations 25 23 CONTAMINATION, a pro...
contemperation 27 25 (obsolete) the act o...
contemperature 28 25 the state of being c...
contemplations 29 26 CONTEMPLATION, conce...
contemplatists 31 25 CONTEMPLATIST, one w...
contemplatives 32 29 CONTEMPLATIVE, a per...
contemporanean 25 26 a contemporary [n -S...
contemporaries 28 24 CONTEMPORARY [n]
contemporarily 36 27 CONTEMPORARY, belong...
contemporising 30 27 CONTEMPORISE, to mak...
contemporizing 33 36 CONTEMPORIZE, to mak...
contemptuously 37 29 CONTEMPTUOUS, manife...
conterminously 34 26 CONTERMINOUS, sharin...
contesseration 24 19 a harmonious union [...
contestability 36 24 the ability to be co...
contextualised 33 28 CONTEXTUALISE, to pu...
contextualises 33 27 CONTEXTUALISE, to pu...
contextualized 36 37 CONTEXTUALIZE, to pl...
contextualizes 36 36 CONTEXTUALIZE, to pl...
contiguousness 27 23 CONTIGUOUS, being in...
continentalism 27 24 anything peculiar to...
continentalist 26 21 one who uses contine...
continualities 27 21 CONTINUALITY, the qu...
continuatively 35 27 CONTINUATIVE, contin...
continuousness 25 22 CONTINUOUS, marked b...
contortionisms 27 22 CONTORTIONISM, the a...
contortionists 26 19 CONTORTIONIST, one w...
contrabandisms 29 26 CONTRABANDISM, tradi...
contrabandists 28 23 CONTRABANDIST, a smu...
contrabassists 29 21 CONTRABASSIST, one w...
contrabassoons 26 22 CONTRABASSOON, a mus...
contraceptions 30 25 CONTRACEPTION, delib...
contraceptives 33 28 CONTRACEPTIVE, somet...
contractedness 28 23 the state of being c...
contractionary 34 24 relating to contract...
contracyclical 44 31 of an economic polic...
contradictable 32 26 capable of being con...
contradictions 29 23 CONTRADICTION, an ac...
contradictious 30 23 contradictory, oppos...
contrafagottos 28 23 CONTRAFAGOTTO, (Ital...
contragestions 26 21 CONTRAGESTION, a for...
contragestives 29 24 CONTRAGESTIVE, such...
contraindicant 28 24 something that contr...
contraindicate 28 23 to indicate against...
contraposition 27 22 opposition; contrast...
contrapositive 30 25 an immediate inferen...
contrapuntally 36 27 CONTRAPUNTAL, pertai...
contrapuntists 29 23 CONTRAPUNTIST, one w...
contrarinesses 25 19 CONTRARINESS, the st...
contraventions 26 24 CONTRAVENTION, the a...
contributaries 29 22 CONTRIBUTARY, (obsol...
contributively 39 29 CONTRIBUTIVE, relati...
contributories 29 22 CONTRIBUTORY, (obsol...
contristations 26 19 CONTRISTATION, the a...
contritenesses 25 19 CONTRITENESS, the st...
contriturating 28 22 CONTRITURATE, to pul...
controllership 33 25 the office of contro...
controvertible 31 26 open to question, di...
controvertibly 38 28 CONTROVERTIBLE, open...
controvertists 29 22 CONTROVERTIST, one w...
contumaciously 38 29 CONTUMACIOUS, stubbo...
contumeliously 36 27 CONTUMELIOUS, haught...
convalescences 33 30 CONVALESCENCE, recov...
convalescently 38 30 CONVALESCENT, recove...
conventionally 34 28 CONVENTIONAL, formed...
conventioneers 25 24 CONVENTIONEER, a per...
conventionists 27 24 CONVENTIONIST, one w...
conversational 27 24 relating to conversa...
conversaziones 29 32 CONVERSAZIONE, (Ital...
convertaplanes 29 27 CONVERTAPLANE, an ai...
convertibility 39 28 the state of being c...
convertiplanes 30 27 CONVERTIPLANE, an ai...
convertoplanes 29 27 CONVERTOPLANE, an ai...
convincingness 31 30 the state of being c...
convivialities 32 27 CONVIVIALITY, the st...
convocationist 30 26 one who takes part i...
convolutedness 28 26 CONVOLUTED [n]
convolutionary 34 27 of or like convoluti...
convulsionists 30 25 CONVULSIONIST, a rel...
convulsiveness 31 29 CONVULSIVE, constitu...
cooperationist 27 21 one who believes in...
coordinateness 24 20 COORDINATE, of the s...
copartnerships 33 26 COPARTNERSHIP, the s...
copolymerising 38 29 COPOLYMERISE, to mak...
copolymerizing 41 38 COPOLYMERIZE, to mak...
coprosperities 31 23 COPROSPERITY, shared...
coquettishness 37 30 COQUETTISH, practici...
coreligionists 29 21 CORELIGIONIST, a per...
corinthianised 28 22 CORINTHIANISE, (arch...
corinthianises 28 21 CORINTHIANISE, (arch...
corinthianized 31 31 CORINTHIANIZE, (arch...
corinthianizes 31 30 CORINTHIANIZE, (arch...
cornifications 31 25 CORNIFICATION, conve...
corolliflorous 32 24 belonging to the Cor...
corporativisms 33 27 CORPORATIVISM, the p...
corporealising 30 24 CORPOREALISE, to mak...
corporealities 29 21 CORPOREALITY, the qu...
corporealizing 33 33 CORPOREALIZE, to mak...
corpuscularian 33 27 a person who holds t...
corpuscularity 41 28 the state of being c...
correligionist 29 21 a person of the same...
correspondence 29 26 the agreement of thi...
correspondency 36 28 (archaic) correspond...
correspondents 27 23 CORRESPONDENT, one w...
corroborations 27 21 CORROBORATION, corro...
corroboratives 30 24 CORROBORATIVE, that...
corruptibility 41 27 the state of being c...
corruptionists 30 22 CORRUPTIONIST, one w...
corticosteroid 30 21 any of the steroid h...
corticosterone 28 21 a colorless crystall...
corticotrophic 38 28 stimulating the adre...
corticotrophin 34 26 a hormone that stimu...
corticotropins 32 24 CORTICOTROPIN, a hor...
corynebacteria 36 26 CORYNEBACTERIUM, a b...
coscinomancies 32 28 COSCINOMANCY, divina...
cosmeceuticals 35 28 COSMECEUTICAL, a pro...
cosmetologists 30 23 COSMETOLOGIST, a per...
cosmochemistry 41 30 a branch of chemistr...
cosmographical 37 31 relating to cosmogra...
cosmographists 34 27 COSMOGRAPHIST, a pra...
cosmologically 41 30 COSMOLOGICAL, relati...
cosmopolitical 35 28 relating to cosmopol...
cosmopolitisms 33 27 COSMOPOLITISM, the s...
cosponsorships 33 26 COSPONSORSHIP, the s...
costardmongers 28 24 COSTARDMONGER, a haw...
cotemporaneous 27 25 existing, occurring,...
cotransduction 29 24 the process by which...
cotransporting 29 24 COTRANSPORT, to tran...
cottonocracies 31 24 COTTONOCRACY, rule b...
councillorship 37 29 the office of counci...
councilorships 36 28 COUNCILORSHIP, (US)...
counsellorship 33 26 the office of counse...
counselorships 32 25 COUNSELORSHIP, (US)...
countabilities 30 23 COUNTABILITY, the qu...
counteractions 28 23 COUNTERACTION, an op...
counterarguing 28 25 COUNTERARGUE, to arg...
counterassault 27 21 a counterattack [n -...
counterattacks 30 26 COUNTERATTACK, to at...
counterbalance 30 27 to oppose or balance...
counterbidders 29 24 COUNTERBIDDER, one w...
counterbracing 32 28 COUNTERBRACE, to bra...
counterbuffing 34 32 COUNTERBUFF, to rebu...
counterchanged 31 28 COUNTERCHANGE, to in...
counterchanges 31 27 COUNTERCHANGE, to in...
countercharged 32 27 COUNTERCHARGE, to br...
countercharges 32 26 COUNTERCHARGE, to br...
countercharmed 32 28 COUNTERCHARM, to des...
counterchecked 35 32 COUNTERCHECK, to che...
counterclaimed 31 27 COUNTERCLAIM, to ent...
counterculture 31 25 a culture with value...
countercurrent 29 24 a current flowing in...
counterdemands 26 25 COUNTERDEMAND [v]
counterdrawing 30 26 COUNTERDRAW, to trac...
counterefforts 30 25 COUNTEREFFORT, an ef...
counterexample 35 33 an example that refu...
counterfactual 32 27 something contrary t...
counterfeiters 28 22 COUNTERFEITER, one w...
counterfeiting 29 25 the act of making a...
countermanding 27 27 COUNTERMAND, to revo...
countermarched 32 28 COUNTERMARCH, to mar...
countermarches 32 27 COUNTERMARCH, to mar...
countermeasure 26 23 an action or device...
countermotions 26 23 COUNTERMOTION, an op...
counterordered 25 21 COUNTERORDER, to iss...
counterparties 28 22 COUNTERPARTY, a part...
counterpeising 29 25 COUNTERPEISE, (obsol...
counterpickets 33 29 COUNTERPICKET, to pi...
counterplanned 27 26 COUNTERPLAN, to form...
counterplayers 35 25 COUNTERPLAYER, one w...
counterplaying 36 28 COUNTERPLAY, to make...
counterpleaded 28 25 COUNTERPLEAD, to ple...
counterplotted 29 24 COUNTERPLOT, to intr...
counterpointed 27 24 COUNTERPOINT, to com...
counterpoising 29 25 COUNTERPOISE, to poi...
counterproject 33 34 a project set up in...
counterprotest 28 22 an opposing protest...
counterpunched 33 30 COUNTERPUNCH, to ret...
counterpuncher 33 29 COUNTERPUNCH, to ret...
counterpunches 33 29 COUNTERPUNCH, to ret...
counterraiding 27 23 COUNTERRAID, to make...
counterrallied 28 22 COUNTERRALLY, to ral...
counterrallies 28 21 COUNTERRALLY, to ral...
counterreforms 29 25 COUNTERREFORM [n]
countersealing 27 23 COUNTERSEAL, (Shakes...
countershading 29 25 cryptic coloration o...
countersigning 28 25 COUNTERSIGN, to sign...
countersinking 28 27 COUNTERSINK, to make...
countersnipers 28 23 COUNTERSNIPER, a sni...
counterspyings 36 27 COUNTERSPYING, the a...
counterstained 25 21 COUNTERSTAIN, to app...
counterstating 27 22 COUNTERSTATE, to sta...
counterstreams 27 22 COUNTERSTREAM, a str...
counterstrikes 28 23 COUNTERSTRIKE, to co...
counterstrokes 27 23 COUNTERSTROKE, a str...
countersubject 34 35 a second theme by th...
countertactics 33 25 COUNTERTACTIC, an op...
counterterrors 26 19 COUNTERTERROR, terro...
counterthreats 28 21 COUNTERTHREAT, a thr...
counterthrusts 30 22 COUNTERTHRUST, a thr...
countertrading 27 23 COUNTERTRADE, to tra...
countervailing 30 27 COUNTERVAIL, to coun...
counterweighed 32 27 COUNTERWEIGH, to wei...
counterweights 33 26 COUNTERWEIGHT, to ba...
counterworkers 30 26 COUNTERWORKER, one w...
counterworking 31 29 COUNTERWORK, to work...
countinghouses 29 25 COUNTINGHOUSE, a bui...
courageousness 26 22 the state of being c...
covetivenesses 29 26 COVETIVENESS, (obsol...
covetousnesses 27 23 COVETOUSNESS, the st...
cowardlinesses 30 23 COWARDLINESS, the st...
coxcombicality 50 39 the state of being c...
craftsmanships 35 29 CRAFTSMANSHIP, the s...
craniocerebral 31 25 involving both crani...
craniometrical 31 25 relating to craniome...
craniometrists 28 21 CRANIOMETRIST, one w...
cranioscopists 32 24 CRANIOSCOPIST, a phr...
craunchinesses 31 25 CRAUNCHINESS, the st...
creativenesses 27 22 CREATIVENESS, the st...
creatureliness 27 20 the state of being c...
credentialings 28 23 CREDENTIALING, the a...
credentialisms 29 23 CREDENTIALISM, undue...
credentialling 29 24 the act of providing...
crediblenesses 29 23 CREDIBLENESS, the st...
creditableness 29 23 the state of being c...
criminalistics 34 25 the application of s...
criminological 34 28 relating to criminol...
criminologists 31 24 CRIMINOLOGIST, one w...
criticalnesses 31 22 CRITICALNESS, the st...
crossabilities 31 21 CROSSABILITY, the ab...
crossbreedings 30 24 CROSSBREEDING, hybri...
crosshatchings 36 27 CROSSHATCHING, shadi...
crowdsourcings 35 28 CROWDSOURCING, the a...
cruciverbalism 38 32 the compiling and so...
cruciverbalist 37 29 a designer or affici...
cruiserweights 35 25 CRUISERWEIGHT, a wei...
crushabilities 34 24 CRUSHABILITY, the qu...
crymotherapies 38 27 CRYMOTHERAPY, medica...
cryobiological 41 29 relating to cryobiol...
cryobiologists 38 25 CRYOBIOLOGIST, one w...
cryopreserving 38 29 CRYOPRESERVE, to pre...
cryoprotectant 37 26 a cryoprotective sub...
cryoprotective 40 29 serving to protect a...
cryptaesthesia 37 24 supranormal percepti...
cryptaesthetic 41 27 of or relating to su...
cryptesthesias 38 24 CRYPTESTHESIA, supra...
cryptococcoses 44 31 CRYPTOCOCCOSIS, a fu...
cryptococcosis 45 31 a fungal disease [n...
cryptocurrency 48 32 a decentralized digi...
cryptographers 41 29 CRYPTOGRAPHER, a spe...
cryptographies 41 29 CRYPTOGRAPHY, secret...
cryptographist 42 29 one who studies cryp...
cryptorchidism 44 31 the condition in whi...
cryptosporidia 38 26 CRYPTOSPORIDIUM, any...
crystalisation 34 21 the process of formi...
crystalization 37 30 the process of cryst...
crystallisable 39 25 able to be crystalli...
crystallitises 37 21 CRYSTALLITIS, inflam...
crystallizable 42 34 able to be crystalli...
crystallomancy 45 30 divination by means...
cucurbitaceous 36 29 resembling a cucumbe...
culpablenesses 32 27 CULPABLENESS, the st...
cumbersomeness 30 28 CUMBERSOME, burdenso...
cumbrousnesses 30 26 CUMBROUSNESS, the st...
cummingtonites 30 28 CUMMINGTONITE, a min...
cumulativeness 31 28 CUMULATIVE, increasi...
cumulonimbuses 33 31 CUMULONIMBUS, a type...
cunnilinctuses 31 26 CUNNILINCTUS, oral s...
curativenesses 28 23 CURATIVENESS, the pr...
curietherapies 31 23 CURIETHERAPY, a form...
curvaceousness 31 27 the state of being c...
curvaciousness 32 27 the state of being c...
curvilinearity 37 26 the state of being c...
custodianships 32 25 CUSTODIANSHIP, the o...
customisations 28 22 CUSTOMISATION, the p...
customizations 31 31 CUSTOMIZATION, the p...
cyanoacetylene 39 27 a large and complex...
cyanoacrylates 41 26 CYANOACRYLATE, any o...
cyanobacterium 38 30 a blue-green alga [n...
cyanocobalamin 37 31 vitamin B12, which h...
cyanoethylated 40 26 CYANOETHYLATE, to in...
cyanoethylates 40 25 CYANOETHYLATE, to in...
cyanogenamides 32 27 CYANOGENAMIDE, the a...
cyberathletics 42 28 electronic sports [n...
cyberbullyings 48 33 CYBERBULLYING, bully...
cyberchondriac 43 32 one suffering from C...
cyberchondrias 40 29 CYBERCHONDRIA, unfou...
cybercriminals 41 30 CYBERCRIMINAL, one w...
cybernetically 46 30 CYBERNETICAL, relati...
cyberneticians 37 27 CYBERNETICIAN, a spe...
cyberneticists 39 26 CYBERNETICIST, a stu...
cybersquatters 44 32 CYBERSQUATTER, one w...
cybersquatting 45 35 the practice of regi...
cyberstalkings 39 30 CYBERSTALKING, the p...
cyberterrorism 37 25 computer-related ter...
cyberterrorist 36 22 a terrorist who atta...
cyclanthaceous 41 30 belonging to the Cyc...
cycloadditions 37 26 CYCLOADDITION, a che...
cycloaliphatic 46 32 denoting organic com...
cyclobarbitone 40 30 a barbiturate drug u...
cyclohexanones 42 34 CYCLOHEXANONE, a liq...
cycloheximides 47 36 CYCLOHEXIMIDE, an ag...
cycloparaffins 43 33 CYCLOPARAFFIN, a sat...
cyclopentolate 38 28 a drug used in eye d...
cyclostomatous 38 27 of or like a cyclost...
cylindricality 46 28 the state of being c...
cylindricities 39 25 CYLINDRICITY, the st...
cyproheptadine 38 29 a powerful antihista...
cystolithiases 37 22 CYSTOLITHIASIS, the...
cystolithiasis 38 22 the presence of calc...
cytogeneticist 37 25 one who studies cyto...
cytopathogenic 40 30 pathologic for or de...
cytophotometry 44 29 photometry applied t...
cytostatically 45 26 CYTOSTATIC, tending...
cytotaxonomies 38 30 CYTOTAXONOMY, the cl...
cytotaxonomist 39 30 a practitioner of cy...
cytotechnology 45 30 the identification o...
cytotoxicities 43 29 CYTOTOXICITY, the qu...