14 letter words that starts with l

14 letter words that start with L

14 letter L word


Word With Friends


labefactations 30 25 LABEFACTATION, a wea...
labialisations 27 20 LABIALISATION, the p...
labializations 30 29 LABIALIZATION, the p...
labourednesses 25 21 LABOUREDNESS, the st...
labradorescent 28 23 of minerals, display...
labyrinthodont 34 25 an extinct amphibian...
lacerabilities 31 22 LACERABILITY, the qu...
lachrymatories 37 25 LACHRYMATORY, a narr...
lachrymosities 38 25 LACHRYMOSITY, the st...
lactoglobulins 33 27 LACTOGLOBULIN, a cry...
ladylikenesses 32 24 LADYLIKENESS, the st...
laevorotations 24 20 LAEVOROTATION, count...
lamellibranchs 35 29 LAMELLIBRANCH, any m...
lamellirostral 29 21 having transverse la...
lamentableness 26 24 LAMENTABLE, deservin...
lampadedromies 28 26 LAMPADEDROMY, a foot...
lampadephorias 31 27 LAMPADEPHORIA, a foo...
lampadomancies 30 29 LAMPADOMANCY, divina...
landlessnesses 24 19 LANDLESSNESS, the st...
landownerships 31 26 LANDOWNERSHIP, the o...
languorousness 24 21 LANGUOROUS, producin...
lanuginousness 24 22 LANUGINOUS, downy; c...
laparoscopists 32 24 LAPAROSCOPIST, one w...
lapidification 32 26 (archaic) the format...
laryngectomees 34 26 LARYNGECTOMEE, a per...
laryngectomies 35 26 LARYNGECTOMY, the su...
laryngological 37 27 related to laryngolo...
laryngologists 34 23 LARYNGOLOGIST, a spe...
laryngophonies 34 26 LARYNGOPHONY, the so...
laryngoscopies 36 26 LARYNGOSCOPY, examin...
laryngoscopist 37 26 one who uses a laryn...
lasciviousness 30 24 LASCIVIOUS, lustful;...
lateralisation 24 17 the process of later...
lateralization 27 26 the process of later...
lateroversions 25 20 LATEROVERSION, abnor...
latitudinarian 24 19 having broad and fre...
laudablenesses 26 22 LAUDABLENESS, the st...
laughingstocks 34 30 LAUGHINGSTOCK, an ob...
laxativenesses 31 27 LAXATIVENESS, the st...
leachabilities 33 24 LEACHABILITY, the st...
leaflessnesses 26 20 LEAFLESSNESS, the st...
learnabilities 27 20 LEARNABILITY, the qu...
leatherinesses 25 18 LEATHERINESS, the st...
leatherjackets 32 33 LEATHERJACKET, any o...
lectisterniums 30 23 LECTISTERNIUM, (Lati...
lecythidaceous 39 27 belonging to the Lec...
legalistically 39 25 LEGALISTIC, inclined...
legerdemainist 26 22 one who practises le...
legislatorship 32 23 the office of legisl...
legislatresses 27 18 LEGISLATRESS, a fema...
legitimateness 26 21 the state of being l...
legitimatising 29 23 LEGITIMATISE, to mak...
legitimatizing 32 32 LEGITIMATIZE, to mak...
legitimisation 27 21 the act of legitimis...
legitimization 30 30 the act of legitimiz...
lemmatisations 26 22 LEMMATISATION, the p...
lemmatizations 29 31 LEMMATIZATION, the p...
lepidodendroid 26 23 any of a genus of fo...
lepidopterists 30 22 LEPIDOPTERIST, a spe...
leptocephalous 34 28 having a narrow skul...
leptodactylous 37 26 having fine, slender...
letterspacings 31 24 LETTERSPACING, inser...
leucitohedrons 29 23 LEUCITOHEDRON, the c...
leucocythaemia 39 29 leukaemia [n -S]
leucocytolyses 44 27 LEUCOCYTOLYSIS, brea...
leucocytolysis 45 27 breaking down of the...
leucocytopenia 37 28 leucocyte deficiency...
leukemogeneses 25 26 LEUKEMOGENESIS, the...
leukemogenesis 26 26 the development of l...
leukocytolyses 42 28 LEUKOCYTOLYSIS, the...
leukocytolysis 43 28 the destruction of l...
leukocytopenia 35 29 a decrease in the nu...
leukodystrophy 43 30 any of several genet...
lexicalisation 34 27 the realization of a...
lexicalization 37 36 the realization of a...
lexicographers 39 32 LEXICOGRAPHER, an au...
lexicographies 39 32 LEXICOGRAPHY, the ed...
lexicographist 40 32 one who makes dictio...
liberalisation 27 20 the process of liber...
liberalization 30 29 the act of liberaliz...
liberationisms 28 22 LIBERATIONISM, the c...
liberationists 27 19 LIBERATIONIST, a bel...
libertarianism 28 22 belief in the maximu...
libidinosities 28 20 LIBIDINOSITY, the st...
libidinousness 27 22 LIBIDINOUS, having l...
librarianships 32 24 LIBRARIANSHIP, the o...
licentiateship 32 24 the office of licent...
licentiousness 27 21 LICENTIOUS, characte...
lichenological 35 28 relating to lichenol...
lichenologists 32 24 LICHENOLOGIST, a stu...
liebfraumilchs 38 31 LIEBFRAUMILCH, a fru...
lieutenantries 23 18 LIEUTENANTRY, (Shake...
lieutenantship 28 23 the office of lieute...
lifelessnesses 27 20 LIFELESSNESS, the st...
lifelikenesses 28 24 LIFELIKENESS, the st...
lightheartedly 38 25 LIGHTHEARTED, free f...
lignifications 31 25 LIGNIFICATION, the a...
lignocellulose 31 25 any of several compo...
lignosulfonate 27 24 any of various compo...
likeablenesses 27 24 LIKEABLENESS, the st...
limnologically 39 29 LIMNOLOGICAL, relati...
linearisations 23 17 LINEARISATION, the a...
linearizations 26 26 LINEARIZATION, the a...
linguistically 39 26 LINGUISTICAL, relati...
linguisticians 30 23 LINGUISTICIAN, a lin...
lipogrammatism 32 29 the practice of writ...
lipogrammatist 31 26 one who writes lipog...
liposculptures 35 27 LIPOSCULPTURE, cosme...
liquidationism 35 30 a theory of economic...
liquidationist 34 27 a proponent of the t...
listlessnesses 26 17 LISTLESSNESS, the st...
literalisation 25 17 the process of liter...
literalization 28 26 the act of literaliz...
literarinesses 24 16 LITERARINESS, the st...
literatenesses 23 16 LITERATENESS, the st...
lithifications 33 24 LITHIFICATION, the p...
lithochromatic 37 28 relating to lithochr...
lithographical 37 28 relating to lithogra...
lithologically 41 27 LITHOLOGICAL, relati...
lithonthryptic 42 28 a medicine for disso...
lithontriptics 34 24 LITHONTRIPTIC, a med...
lithontriptist 31 21 a surgeon who perfor...
lithontriptors 30 21 LITHONTRIPTOR, a dev...
lithotriptists 32 20 LITHOTRIPTIST, a sur...
lithotritising 30 20 LITHOTRITISE, to per...
lithotritizing 33 29 LITHOTRITIZE, to per...
liturgiologies 29 21 LITURGIOLOGY, the st...
liturgiologist 30 21 one who studies litu...
liveablenesses 28 24 LIVEABLENESS, the st...
liverishnesses 29 22 LIVERISHNESS, the st...
loathfulnesses 29 23 LOATHFULNESS, the st...
localisability 39 25 the state of being l...
localizability 42 34 the state of being l...
locksmitheries 33 27 LOCKSMITHERY, the cr...
locomobilities 32 25 LOCOMOBILITY, having...
locomotiveness 29 26 LOCOMOTIVE, moving f...
locomotivities 31 25 LOCOMOTIVITY, the st...
lognormalities 27 22 LOGNORMALITY, being...
logodaedaluses 25 21 LOGODAEDALUS, one sk...
lonesomenesses 22 20 LONESOMENESS, the st...
longheadedness 25 23 LONGHEADED, having u...
longitudinally 34 25 LONGITUDINAL, placed...
longsomenesses 24 22 LONGSOMENESS, the st...
lopsidednesses 26 21 LOPSIDEDNESS, the st...
loquaciousness 35 30 talkativeness [n]
loveablenesses 27 24 LOVEABLENESS, the st...
lovelessnesses 26 21 LOVELESSNESS, the st...
lovelornnesses 25 22 LOVELORNNESS, the st...
lovesicknesses 30 27 LOVESICKNESS, the st...
loxodromically 43 33 LOXODROMICAL, pertai...
lubberlinesses 30 24 LUBBERLINESS, the st...
lucklessnesses 30 25 LUCKLESSNESS, the st...
lugubriousness 29 24 LUGUBRIOUS, mournful...
lukewarmnesses 29 27 LUKEWARMNESS, the st...
lumbersomeness 28 26 LUMBERSOME, lumberin...
luminousnesses 25 22 LUMINOUSNESS, the st...
lusciousnesses 28 21 LUSCIOUSNESS, the st...
lustrousnesses 25 18 LUSTROUSNESS, the st...
luteinisations 24 18 LUTEINISATION, the p...
luteinizations 27 27 LUTEINIZATION, the p...
lycanthropists 39 26 LYCANTHROPIST, a wer...
lymphangiogram 39 33 a radiogram of the l...
lymphangitides 38 29 LYMPHANGITIS, inflam...
lymphangitises 38 28 LYMPHANGITIS, inflam...
lymphoadenomas 35 30 LYMPHOADENOMA, a tum...
lymphographies 42 32 LYMPHOGRAPHY, radiog...
lymphosarcomas 40 31 LYMPHOSARCOMA, a tum...
lyophilisation 36 24 freeze-drying, also...
lyophilization 39 33 freeze-drying, also...
lysogenicities 35 23 LYSOGENICITY, the st...
lysogenisation 30 21 the process of lysog...
lysogenization 33 30 the process of lysog...