14 letter words that starts with f

14 letter words that start with F

14 letter F word


Word With Friends


fabulousnesses 28 24 FABULOUSNESS, the st...
facelessnesses 28 22 FACELESSNESS, the st...
facinorousness 27 23 FACINOROUS, (archaic...
factionalising 30 25 FACTIONALISE, to spl...
factionalizing 33 34 FACTIONALIZE, to spl...
factiousnesses 28 22 FACTIOUSNESS, the st...
factitiousness 29 22 FACTITIOUS, contrive...
factorisations 28 21 FACTORISATION, the o...
factorizations 31 30 FACTORIZATION, the o...
faintheartedly 34 24 FAINTHEARTED, lackin...
faintishnesses 27 21 FAINTISHNESS, the st...
faithfulnesses 31 25 FAITHFULNESS, the st...
fallaciousness 30 24 FALLACIOUS, embodyin...
falliblenesses 30 24 FALLIBLENESS, the st...
falsifiability 40 27 the state of being f...
falsifications 32 25 FALSIFICATION, the a...
familiarnesses 27 22 FAMILIARNESS, the st...
fanaticisation 27 22 the process of makin...
fanaticization 30 31 the process of makin...
fancifulnesses 31 27 FANCIFULNESS, the st...
fantasticality 36 24 the state of being f...
fantasticating 29 24 FANTASTICATE, to fan...
fantastication 27 22 the act of fantastic...
farcicalnesses 32 25 FARCICALNESS, the st...
farfetchedness 32 27 the state of being f...
farsightedness 29 23 the state of being f...
farthingsworth 35 27 as much as a farthin...
fasciculations 33 26 FASCICULATION, muscu...
fashionability 37 26 the state of being f...
fashionmongers 28 26 FASHIONMONGER, a fop...
fashionmonging 29 29 (Shakespeare) behavi...
fashiousnesses 27 21 FASHIOUSNESS, the st...
fastidiousness 26 20 FASTIDIOUS, showing...
fatalistically 39 25 FATALISTIC, related...
fatherlessness 28 21 the state of being f...
fatherlinesses 28 21 FATHERLINESS, the st...
fathomlessness 29 24 FATHOMLESS, incapabl...
fatigabilities 31 23 FATIGABILITY, the st...
fatiguableness 29 25 FATIGUABLE, easily t...
favourableness 29 27 FAVOURABLE, conduciv...
favourednesses 26 24 FAVOUREDNESS, the st...
fearlessnesses 25 19 FEARLESSNESS, the st...
fearmongerings 27 26 FEARMONGERING, the a...
fearsomenesses 24 21 FEARSOMENESS, the st...
feasiblenesses 27 22 FEASIBLENESS, the st...
featherbedding 30 27 protecting (an indus...
featherbrained 28 24 FEATHERBRAIN [v]
featherinesses 26 20 FEATHERINESS, the st...
featherweights 34 26 FEATHERWEIGHT, a wei...
fecklessnesses 30 26 FECKLESSNESS, the st...
federalisation 25 20 the process of feder...
federalization 28 29 the process of feder...
feeblemindedly 36 30 FEEBLEMINDED, mental...
felicitousness 30 23 FELICITOUS, happy; p...
fellmongerings 30 28 FELLMONGERING, the r...
fellowshipping 39 33 FELLOWSHIP, to join...
femininenesses 24 23 FEMININENESS, the st...
fermentability 36 27 the quality of being...
fermentatively 35 28 FERMENTATIVE, causin...
fermentescible 32 28 capable of being fer...
ferricyanogens 34 26 FERRICYANOGEN, the t...
ferrimagnetism 29 26 the state of being f...
ferrochromiums 34 29 FERROCHROMIUM, an al...
ferroconcretes 30 24 FERROCONCRETE, reinf...
ferrocyanogens 33 26 FERROCYANOGEN, the q...
ferroelectrics 33 24 FERROELECTRIC, a fer...
ferromagnesian 25 24 containing iron and...
ferromagnetism 28 26 the state of being f...
ferromanganese 24 24 an alloy of iron and...
ferroprussiate 28 21 ferrocyanide [n -S]
fertilisations 27 19 FERTILISATION, the p...
fertilizations 30 28 FERTILIZATION, the p...
fetishisations 28 20 FETISHISATION, the p...
fetishizations 31 29 FETISHIZATION, the p...
feudalisations 26 21 FEUDALISATION, the a...
feudalizations 29 30 FEUDALIZATION, the a...
feuilletonisms 29 24 FEUILLETONISM, the p...
feuilletonists 28 21 FEUILLETONIST, one w...
feverishnesses 29 24 FEVERISHNESS, the st...
fibrinopeptide 32 28 any of the vertebrat...
fibrocartilage 33 26 cartilage with embed...
fibrosarcomata 31 26 FIBROSARCOMA, a sarc...
fictionalising 31 25 FICTIONALISE, to mak...
fictionalities 30 22 FICTIONALITY, the st...
fictionalizing 34 34 FICTIONALIZE, to mak...
fictioneerings 29 24 FICTIONEERING, the w...
fictionisation 28 22 the process of ficti...
fictionization 31 31 the process of ficti...
fictitiousness 30 22 FICTITIOUS, of, rela...
fideicommissum 34 31 a request by a deced...
fieldstripping 34 28 FIELDSTRIP, to take...
fiendishnesses 27 22 FIENDISHNESS, the st...
figurabilities 32 24 FIGURABILITY, the qu...
figurativeness 29 25 FIGURATIVE, represen...
filibusterings 32 25 FILIBUSTERING [n]
filibusterisms 33 25 FILIBUSTERISM, the a...
filiopietistic 34 24 marked by excessive...
filterableness 29 23 FILTERABLE, capable...
filtrabilities 32 22 FILTRABILITY, the qu...
fineablenesses 26 23 FINEABLENESS, the st...
fingerbreadths 31 26 FINGERBREADTH, the b...
fingerpickings 35 33 FINGERPICKING, playi...
fingerprinting 30 27 the act of taking fi...
fissionability 36 24 the state of being f...
flabbergasting 33 29 FLABBERGAST, to over...
flagellantisms 31 26 FLAGELLANTISM, the p...
flagelliferous 32 26 bearing a whip or fl...
flagellomaniac 32 29 a sufferer from flag...
flagellomanias 29 26 FLAGELLOMANIA, an ob...
flagitiousness 28 22 FLAGITIOUS, marked b...
flagrantnesses 26 22 FLAGRANTNESS, the st...
flammabilities 33 28 FLAMMABILITY, the ab...
flannelmouthed 29 28 speaking indistinctl...
flavopurpurins 34 31 FLAVOPURPURIN, a yel...
flawlessnesses 30 23 FLAWLESSNESS, the st...
fleetingnesses 26 22 FLEETINGNESS, the st...
flexiblenesses 35 30 FLEXIBLENESS, the st...
flexitarianism 34 29 a semi-vegetarian di...
flimflammeries 34 31 FLIMFLAMMERY, the ac...
flippantnesses 30 26 FLIPPANTNESS, the st...
floatabilities 30 22 FLOATABILITY, the qu...
floccillations 35 27 FLOCCILLATION, a pic...
floodlightings 33 27 FLOODLIGHTING, illum...
floriculturist 34 24 one who practises fl...
floutingstocks 33 29 FLOUTINGSTOCK, (Shak...
flugelhornists 32 25 FLUGELHORNIST, one w...
flunitrazepams 33 35 FLUNITRAZEPAM, a pow...
fluoroacetates 28 22 FLUOROACETATE, an or...
fluorographies 32 26 FLUOROGRAPHY, the ph...
fluoroscopists 33 25 FLUOROSCOPIST, one w...
folliculitises 34 24 FOLLICULITIS, inflam...
fonctionnaires 26 23 FONCTIONNAIRE, (Fren...
foodlessnesses 25 20 FOODLESSNESS, the st...
footlessnesses 25 19 FOOTLESSNESS, the st...
footplatewoman 30 28 a female train drive...
footplatewomen 30 28 FOOTPLATEWOMAN, a fe...
footsorenesses 23 18 FOOTSORENESS, the st...
foraminiferans 27 25 FORAMINIFERAN, a for...
foraminiferous 28 25 bearing foramina [ad...
forbiddingness 29 26 FORBIDDING [n]
forcefulnesses 31 26 FORCEFULNESS, the st...
forciblenesses 31 25 FORCIBLENESS, the st...
forebodingness 27 25 FOREBODING [n]
foregonenesses 23 21 FOREGONENESS, the st...
forehandedness 25 23 FOREHANDED [n]
forejudgements 29 34 FOREJUDGEMENT, an ad...
foreknowledges 30 29 FOREKNOWLEDGE, knowl...
foreordainment 24 23 the state of being f...
foreordination 23 20 the act of foreordai...
foreseeability 34 23 the state of being f...
foreshadowings 31 26 FORESHADOWING [n]
foreshortening 27 23 a shortening by prop...
foresignifying 36 28 FORESIGNIFY, (archai...
forestallments 28 23 FORESTALLMENT, the a...
forethoughtful 35 29 full of forethought...
forgeabilities 30 23 FORGEABILITY, the st...
forisfamiliate 30 24 (Scots) to emancipat...
formalisations 27 22 FORMALISATION, the a...
formalizations 30 31 FORMALIZATION, the a...
formidableness 29 26 the state of being f...
formlessnesses 27 22 FORMLESSNESS, the st...
fornicatresses 28 21 FORNICATRESS, a fema...
forsakennesses 24 23 FORSAKENNESS, the st...
forswornnesses 27 22 FORSWORNNESS, the st...
forthrightness 32 24 the state of being f...
fortifications 31 24 FORTIFICATION, an ac...
fortuitousness 26 20 FORTUITOUS, occurrin...
fossilisations 27 19 FOSSILISATION, the p...
fossilizations 30 28 FOSSILIZATION, the p...
foundationally 32 25 FOUNDATIONAL, of or...
foundationless 25 22 without foundation [...
fourfoldnesses 28 24 FOURFOLDNESS, the st...
foursquareness 33 29 FOURSQUARE, forthrig...
fractionalised 29 23 FRACTIONALISE, to br...
fractionalises 29 22 FRACTIONALISE, to br...
fractionalisms 31 25 FRACTIONALISM, the s...
fractionalists 30 22 FRACTIONALIST, a bre...
fractionalized 32 32 FRACTIONALIZE, to br...
fractionalizes 32 31 FRACTIONALIZE, to br...
fractionations 27 22 FRACTIONATION, the a...
fractographies 34 27 FRACTOGRAPHY, the mi...
fragmentations 26 24 FRAGMENTATION, the a...
fragrantnesses 25 21 FRAGRANTNESS, the st...
franchisements 31 27 FRANCHISEMENT, liber...
frangibilities 31 24 FRANGIBILITY, the st...
fraternisation 24 19 the act of fraternis...
fraternization 27 28 the act of fraterniz...
fraudulentness 26 23 FRAUDULENT, characte...
freakishnesses 28 24 FREAKISHNESS, the st...
freehandedness 25 23 FREEHANDED, open-han...
freewheelingly 39 29 FREEWHEELING, coasti...
freneticnesses 27 22 FRENETICNESS, the st...
frequentations 32 29 FREQUENTATION, the a...
frequentatives 35 32 FREQUENTATIVE, a ten...
frequentnesses 32 29 FREQUENTNESS, the st...
frictionlessly 38 25 FRICTIONLESS, withou...
friendlessness 26 21 FRIENDLESS, without...
friendlinesses 26 21 FRIENDLINESS, the st...
fringillaceous 32 26 relating to the finc...
frolicsomeness 30 25 FROLICSOME, given to...
frontierswoman 28 25 a female person who...
frontierswomen 28 25 FRONTIERSWOMAN, a fe...
frontispiecing 32 27 FRONTISPIECE, to pro...
fructiferously 40 28 FRUCTIFEROUS, bearin...
fructification 35 28 the reproductive org...
fruitarianisms 28 22 FRUITARIANISM, the s...
fruitfulnesses 30 24 FRUITFULNESS, the st...
frumpishnesses 32 27 FRUMPISHNESS, the st...
fugitivenesses 29 25 FUGITIVENESS, the st...
fuliginosities 29 22 FULIGINOSITY, the st...
fuliginousness 28 24 FULIGINOUS, sooty; h...
fumblingnesses 31 29 FUMBLINGNESS, the st...
funambulations 29 28 FUNAMBULATION, tight...
functionalisms 31 27 FUNCTIONALISM, a doc...
functionalists 30 24 FUNCTIONALIST, an ex...
fundamentalism 28 28 a movement in 20th c...
fundamentalist 27 25 an exponent of funda...
fundamentality 33 27 the state of being f...
furfuraceously 39 29 FURFURACEOUS, branli...
furfuraldehyde 38 29 a liquid obtained by...
futurelessness 27 21 FUTURELESS, without...
futuristically 40 26 FUTURISTIC, of or re...