8 letter words that start with E

8 letter words that start with E

8 letter E word


Words With Friends®


eadishes 15 11 EADISH, pasturage, a...
eagerest 13 10 EAGER, full of keen...
eanlings 14 13 EANLING, (Shakespear...
earaches 17 13 EARACHE, a pain in t...
earballs 17 13 EARBALL, a small bal...
eardrops 15 12 EARDROP, a pendant f...
eardrums 15 13 EARDRUM, the tympani...
earflaps 18 15 EARFLAP, a part of a...
earholes 15 11 EARHOLE, the externa...
earldoms 15 13 EARLDOM, the rank of...
earliest 14 9 EARLY, before the du...
earlobes 15 12 EARLOBE, the soft lo...
earlocks 18 16 EARLOCK, a curl of h...
earlship 19 14 the rank of earl [n...
earmarks 15 15 EARMARK, to set asid...
earmuffs 19 18 EARMUFF, one of a pa...
earnests 12 9 EARNEST, a pledge of...
earnings 13 12 EARNING, what is ear...
earphone 15 14 a headphone [n -S]
earpicks 20 18 EARPICK, an instrume...
earpiece 17 14 an earphone [n -S]
earplugs 18 15 EARPLUG, a plug for...
earrings 14 11 EARRING, a ring worn...
earshots 15 10 EARSHOT, a range fro...
earstone 11 9 an otolith, a calciu...
earthier 15 10 EARTHY, consisting o...
earthily 23 13 EARTHY, consisting o...
earthing 16 13 EARTH, to cover with...
earthman 15 14 a male inhabitant of...
earthmen 15 14 EARTHMAN, a male inh...
earthnut 15 12 a pignut, also EARTH...
earthpea 16 13 the peanut, also EAR...
earthset 15 10 the setting of the e...
earthwax 24 20 a natural wax used f...
earwaxes 21 18 EARWAX, a waxy secre...
earwiggy 25 17 resembling an earwig...
earworms 17 14 EARWORM, the larva o...
easeless 13 9 without ease [adj]
easement 12 12 the right to use som...
easiness 12 9 the state of being e...
easterly 20 11 a wind from the east...
eastings 14 11 EASTING, a movement...
eastland 13 11 the land in the east...
eastling 15 12 eastward, also EASTL...
eastlins 14 10 (Scots) eastward, al...
eastmost 14 11 at the furthest poin...
eastward 16 12 towards the east, al...
eatables 15 12 EATABLE, anything us...
eateries 12 8 EATERIE, a restauran...
ebauches 20 17 EBAUCHE, (French) a...
ebayings 22 16 EBAYING, selling on...
ebenezer 16 21 (Hebrew) a chapel or...
ebeniste 14 12 (French) a cabinetma...
ebionise 14 12 to follow the sect o...
ebionism 16 15 an early Christian s...
ebionize 17 21 to follow the sect o...
ebonised 14 13 EBONISE, to stain bl...
ebonises 14 12 EBONISE, to stain bl...
ebonists 15 12 EBONIST, an ebony wo...
ebonites 14 12 EBONITE, a kind of b...
ebonized 17 22 EBONIZE, to stain bl...
ebonizes 17 21 EBONIZE, to stain bl...
ebriated 15 12 intoxicated, also EB...
eburnean 13 14 of or like ivory, al...
ecaudate 15 13 tailless, also ACAUD...
ecbolics 23 18 ECBOLIC, a drug used...
ecclesia 20 15 (Latin) the public l...
eccrises 20 14 ECCRISIS, expulsion...
eccrisis 21 14 expulsion of waste [...
eccritic 24 17 a remedy which promo...
ecdysial 24 15 relating to ecdysis,...
ecdysone 21 15 an insect hormone, a...
ecdysons 22 15 ECDYSON, an insect h...
ecesises 16 11 ECESIS, the establis...
echappes 22 19 ECHAPPE, (French) a...
echelles 20 15 ECHELLE, (French) an...
echelons 18 15 ECHELON, to arrange...
echidnae 17 15 ECHIDNA, the spiny a...
echidnas 18 15 ECHIDNA, the spiny a...
echinate 17 14 prickly like a hedge...
echinoid 18 15 a sea urchin, also E...
echiuran 18 15 one of the Echiura,...
echogram 20 18 a record produced by...
echoiest 18 13 ECHOEY, full of echo...
echoised 18 14 ECHOISE, to repeat a...
echoises 18 13 ECHOISE, to repeat a...
echoisms 20 16 ECHOISM, the formati...
echoists 19 13 ECHOIST, a person wh...
echoized 21 23 ECHOIZE, to repeat a...
echoizes 21 22 ECHOIZE, to repeat a...
echoless 19 14 without an echo [adj...
eclampsy 27 20 a fancied perception...
eclectic 24 18 selecting and employ...
eclipsed 20 16 ECLIPSE, to obscure...
eclipser 20 15 one that eclipses [n...
eclipses 20 15 ECLIPSIS, a figure o...
eclipsis 21 15 a figure of syntax [...
ecliptic 24 18 the path of the sun'...
eclogite 18 14 a crystalline rock c...
eclogues 18 15 ECLOGUE, a pastoral...
eclosing 18 15 ECLOSE, to emerge fr...
eclosion 16 13 the emergence of ins...
ecocidal 20 16 relating to ecocide,...
ecocides 19 15 ECOCIDE, the destruc...
ecofreak 18 18 a zealous environmen...
ecogifts 20 16 ECOGIFT, a donation...
ecolodge 17 15 a tourist accommodat...
ecologic 21 17 relating to ecology,...
econobox 22 22 a small economical c...
economic 19 18 relating to finance...
ecorches 21 16 ECORCHE, (French) a...
ecostate 15 11 of a leaf, having no...
ecotages 16 13 ECOTAGE, sabotage fo...
ecotonal 15 13 relating to an ecoto...
ecotones 14 12 ECOTONE, a transitio...
ecotopia 17 14 an ecologically idea...
ecotours 16 12 ECOTOUR [n]
ecotoxic 25 21 poisonous to flora a...
ecotypes 24 16 ECOTYPE, a group of...
ecotypic 28 19 of or like an ecotyp...
ecozones 17 21 ECOZONE, a regional...
ecraseur 16 12 (French) a surgical...
ecstases 16 11 ECSTASIS, ecstasy [n...
ecstasis 17 11 ecstasy [n ECSTASISE...
ecstatic 20 14 one who is subject t...
ectasias 16 11 ECTASIA, the lengthe...
ecthymas 26 18 ECTHYMA, a skin dise...
ectoderm 17 15 the external layer o...
ectogene 15 14 a gene involved in t...
ectogeny 22 16 the effect of pollen...
ectomere 16 14 a cell that develops...
ectopias 18 14 ECTOPIA, abnormal di...
ectopies 18 14 ECTOPY, abnormal dis...
ectosarc 19 14 the outermost layer...
ectozoan 17 21 a parasite on the bo...
ectozoic 22 23 externally parasitic...
ectozoon 17 21 a parasite on the bo...
ectropic 22 17 displaying the red i...
ecuelles 18 14 ECUELLE, (French) a...
ecumenes 16 16 ECUMENE, an inhabite...
ecumenic 20 19 general; universal;...
edacious 16 13 voracious, devouring...
edamames 14 15 EDAMAME, a preparati...
eddishes 16 12 EDDISH, pasturage, o...
edentate 11 10 a toothless mammal a...
edgebone 14 15 the bone of the rump...
edgeless 15 12 without an edge [adj...
edgeways 23 16 with edge foremost o...
edgewise 17 14 with edge foremost o...
edginess 14 12 the state of being e...
edifices 19 15 EDIFICE, a building...
edifiers 16 12 EDIFIER, one who edi...
edifying 23 17 EDIFY, to enlighten...
editable 16 13 able to be edited [a...
editings 15 12 EDITING, the act of...
editions 13 10 EDITION, the number...
editress 14 9 a female editor, als...
educable 19 17 someone able to be e...
educated 16 14 EDUCATE, to teach [v...
educates 16 13 EDUCATE, to teach [v...
educator 16 13 one who educates [n...
educible 20 17 able to be drawn out...
eduction 16 14 the act of drawing o...
eductive 19 17 drawn out [adj]
eductors 17 13 EDUCTOR, someone who...
eelfares 15 12 EELFARE, a group of...
eelgrass 15 11 any of several subme...
eelpouts 16 13 EELPOUT, a kind of f...
eelworms 18 15 EELWORM, a small rou...
eelwrack 21 19 a grasslike flowerin...
eensiest 12 9 EENSY, (colloquial)...
eeriness 12 9 the state of being e...
eevnings 15 16 EEVNING, the latter...
effacers 20 17 EFFACER, one who eff...
effacing 21 20 EFFACE, to erase [v]
effected 20 18 EFFECT, to bring abo...
effecter 20 17 an organ that respon...
effector 20 17 an organ that respon...
effeired 17 15 EFFEIR, (obsolete) t...
effendis 17 16 EFFENDI, in the East...
efferent 16 15 carrying outward or...
effering 18 17 EFFERE, (obsolete) t...
effetely 24 17 EFFETE, exhausted [a...
efficacy 30 22 effectiveness [n EFF...
effierce 20 17 (Spenser) to make fi...
effigial 20 17 relating to an effig...
effigies 19 16 EFFIGY, a likeness o...
effluent 18 17 outflow from sewage...
effluvia 21 20 EFFLUVIUM, disagreea...
effluxes 25 23 EFFLUX, the act of f...
efforced 20 18 EFFORCE, (obsolete)...
efforces 20 17 EFFORCE, (obsolete)...
effraide 17 15 (obsolete) afraid, a...
effulged 20 19 EFFULGE, to shine ou...
effulges 20 18 EFFULGE, to shine ou...
effusing 19 18 EFFUSE, to pour fort...
effusion 17 16 a pouring or streami...
effusive 20 19 pouring forth [adj E...
eftsoons 14 12 soon afterward, also...
egalites 15 11 EGALITE, (French) th...
egencies 16 14 EGENCY, need, also E...
egesting 15 13 EGEST, to discharge...
egestion 13 11 the process of excre...
egestive 16 14 able to be egested [...
eggcorns 18 16 EGGCORN, a malapropi...
eggeries 15 12 EGGERY, a place wher...
eggfruit 19 16 an aubergine [n -S]
eggheads 17 15 EGGHEAD, an intellec...
eggplant 18 17 (US) the aubergine [...
eggshell 20 16 the hard exterior of...
eggwhisk 23 21 a whisk for beating...
eglatere 14 11 (archaic) sweetbriar...
eglomise 16 14 (French) the techniq...
egoistic 18 13 relating to or displ...
egoities 14 10 EGOITY, the essence...
egomania 13 14 extreme egotism [n -...
egosurfs 17 14 EGOSURF, to search f...
egotised 14 11 EGOTISE, to talk abo...
egotises 14 10 EGOTISE, to talk abo...
egotisms 16 13 EGOTISM, self-concei...
egotists 15 10 EGOTIST, a conceited...
egotized 17 20 EGOTIZE, to talk abo...
egotizes 17 19 EGOTIZE, to talk abo...
egressed 14 11 EGRESS, to go out [v...
egresses 14 10 EGRESS, to go out [v...
egyptian 22 16 a typeface with squa...
eidetics 17 12 EIDETIC, a person wi...
eidolons 13 11 EIDOLON, (Greek) an...
eighteen 15 13 a number, ten and ei...
eighthly 27 17 in the eighth place...
eighties 17 12 EIGHTY, a number, ei...
eightvos 19 16 EIGHTVO, a printer's...
eildings 16 13 EILDING, (Scots) fue...
einkorns 13 14 EINKORN, (German) a...
einstein 12 10 a very intelligent p...
eirenics 16 12 eirenical theology,...
eisweins 16 12 EISWEIN, (German) a...
ejecting 19 23 EJECT, to throw out...
ejection 17 21 the act of ejecting...
ejective 20 24 relating to ejection...
ejectors 18 20 EJECTOR, one who, or...
ekistics 19 15 the study of human s...
eklogite 16 15 a crystalline rock c...
ekpweles 20 19 EKPWELE, a former mo...
ektexine 19 20 an outer layer of th...
elancing 17 16 ELANCE, to throw as...
elaphine 17 15 pertaining to a genu...
elapsing 17 15 ELAPSE, to pass by [...
elastane 12 10 a synthetic fibre th...
elastase 13 9 an enzyme found in t...
elastics 18 12 ELASTIC, a stretchab...
elastins 14 10 ELASTIN, a protein,...
elatedly 21 13 ELATED [adv]
elaterid 14 10 a click beetle, also...
elaterin 13 10 a purgative produced...
elations 13 10 ELATION, a feeling o...
elatives 16 13 ELATIVE, a grammatic...
elbowing 20 18 the act of nudging w...
eldorado 13 11 a place of fabulous...
eldritch 21 15 weird, also ELDRICH...
electees 16 12 ELECTEE, a person wh...
electing 18 15 ELECT, to select by...
election 16 13 the act of electing...
elective 19 16 concerning the power...
electors 17 12 ELECTOR, one that el...
electret 17 12 a nonconductor havin...
electric 21 15 relating to electric...
electron 16 13 an elementary partic...
electros 17 12 ELECTRO, to make an...
electrum 19 16 an alloy of gold and...
elegance 16 15 the state of being e...
elegancy 23 17 the state of being e...
elegiacs 18 14 ELEGIAC, a verse lin...
elegiast 15 11 one who composes ele...
elegised 15 12 ELEGISE, to write an...
elegises 15 11 ELEGISE, to write an...
elegists 16 11 ELEGIST, one who wri...
elegized 18 21 ELEGIZE, to write an...
elegizes 18 20 ELEGIZE, to write an...
elements 14 13 ELEMENT, a substance...
elenchic 22 18 relating to an elenc...
elenchus 19 16 (Latin) a refutation...
elenctic 20 16 relating to argument...
elephant 17 15 a large tusked mamma...
elevated 15 14 a raised railway [n...
elevates 15 13 ELEVATE, to raise [v...
elevator 15 13 a lift [n -S]
eleventh 17 16 eleventh in sequence...
elfhoods 18 15 ELFHOOD, the state o...
elfishly 27 17 ELFISH, like an elf,...
elflands 17 15 ELFLAND, the land of...
elflocks 22 20 ELFLOCK, a lock of t...
elicited 18 13 ELICIT, to draw fort...
elicitor 18 12 one who elicits [n -...
elidible 18 14 able to be elided [a...
eligible 19 15 fit to be chosen [n...
eligibly 26 17 ELIGIBLE [adv]
elisions 14 10 ELISION, the act of...
elitisms 17 12 ELITISM, belief in r...
elitists 16 9 ELITIST, an adherent...
elkhound 17 18 a breed of hunting d...
ellipses 18 13 ELLIPSE, a type of p...
ellipsis 19 13 a figure of syntax b...
elliptic 22 16 having the shape of...
ellopses 17 13 ELLOPS, (obsolete) a...
ellwands 18 15 ELLWAND, a measuring...
elmwoods 18 16 ELMWOOD, wood of the...
elocuted 17 14 ELOCUTE, to speak pu...
elocutes 17 13 ELOCUTE, to speak pu...
elogists 16 11 ELOGIST, one who del...
elogiums 17 15 ELOGIUM, a funeral o...
eloigned 14 13 ELOIGN, to remove to...
eloigner 14 12 one who eloigns, als...
eloiners 13 10 ELOINER, one who elo...
eloining 14 13 ELOIN, to remove to...
elongate 13 12 to lengthen [v ELONG...
eloquent 21 20 fluent in speech [ad...
elsewise 17 12 otherwise [adv]
eludible 18 15 able to be eluded [a...
elusions 14 11 ELUSION, the action...
elutions 14 11 ELUTION, purificatio...
eluviate 16 14 to undergo a transfe...
eluviums 19 18 ELUVIUM, an accumula...
elvanite 15 14 a granular rock, als...
elvishly 27 18 ELVISH, like an elf,...
elytroid 21 12 of or like an elytro...
elytrous 21 12 of or like an elytro...
emaciate 16 14 to make thin [v EMAC...
emailers 15 12 EMAILER, one who sen...
emailing 16 15 the act of sending e...
emanated 12 13 EMANATE, to send for...
emanates 12 12 EMANATE, to send for...
emanator 12 12 one that emanates [n...
embacing 20 20 EMBACE, to lower, al...
embailed 17 16 EMBAIL, (obsolete) t...
embaling 18 18 EMBALE, to form into...
emballed 18 17 EMBALL, to enclose i...
embalmed 18 19 EMBALM, to preserve...
embalmer 18 18 one that embalms, al...
embanked 16 20 EMBANK, to enclose w...
embanker 16 19 one who makes banks...
embarked 17 19 EMBARK, to go on boa...
embarras 16 14 (French) an embarras...
embarred 16 15 EMBAR, (archaic) to...
embasing 17 17 EMBASE, to lower, al...
embathed 18 17 EMBATHE, to bathe, a...
embathes 18 16 EMBATHE, to bathe, a...
embattle 17 15 to fortify against a...
embaying 23 19 EMBAY, to enclose in...
embedded 16 17 EMBED, to plant firm...
embezzle 23 33 to appropriate money...
embitter 17 14 to make bitter, also...
emblazed 20 25 EMBLAZE, to set on f...
emblazer 20 24 one who emblazes [n...
emblazes 20 24 EMBLAZE, to set on f...
emblazon 19 25 to depict heraldical...
emblemed 18 19 EMBLEM, to represent...
emblooms 18 18 EMBLOOM, to cover wi...
embodied 16 16 EMBODY, to form into...
embodier 16 15 one who embodies [n...
embodies 16 15 EMBODY, to form into...
embogged 18 19 EMBOG, to bog down [...
embogued 17 18 EMBOGUE, to flow out...
embogues 17 17 EMBOGUE, to flow out...
emboiled 17 16 EMBOIL, (obsolete) t...
embolden 16 17 to instil with coura...
embolies 17 15 EMBOLY, the formatio...
embolise 17 15 to cause an embolism...
embolism 19 18 obstruction of a blo...
embolize 20 24 to cause an embolism...
emborder 16 15 to provide with a bo...
embosked 17 19 EMBOSK, to conceal w...
embosoms 17 17 EMBOSOM, to embrace,...
embossed 16 15 EMBOSS, to decorate...
embosser 16 14 one who embosses [n...
embosses 16 14 EMBOSS, to decorate...
embounds 16 17 EMBOUND, (Shakespear...
embowels 20 18 EMBOWEL, to remove t...
embowers 19 17 EMBOWER, to place in...
embowing 20 20 EMBOW, to bend or ar...
emboxing 23 24 EMBOX, to set in a b...
embraced 19 18 EMBRACE, to hug [v]
embracer 19 17 a person who seeks t...
embraces 19 17 EMBRACE, to hug [v]
embraids 17 15 EMBRAID, (Spenser) t...
embrasor 16 14 a person who seeks t...
embraved 18 19 EMBRAVE, to inspire...
embraves 18 18 EMBRAVE, to inspire...
embreads 16 15 EMBREAD, to braid, a...
embroils 18 15 EMBROIL, to involve...
embrowns 19 18 EMBROWN, to make bro...
embruing 18 18 EMBRUE, to drench, a...
embruted 17 16 EMBRUTE, (archaic) t...
embrutes 17 15 EMBRUTE, (archaic) t...
embryoid 23 17 a mass of tissue tha...
embryons 22 17 EMBRYON, (archaic) a...
embusied 17 16 EMBUSY, (Spenser) to...
embusies 17 15 EMBUSY, (Spenser) to...
embusing 18 18 EMBUS, to board a bu...
embusque 25 25 (French) a slacker o...
embussed 17 16 EMBUS, to board a bu...
embusses 17 15 EMBUS, to board a bu...
emceeing 17 17 EMCEE, to serve as m...
emdashes 16 14 EMDASH, a mark in wr...
emeerate 12 11 the office of emeer,...
emendals 14 14 funds set aside for...
emendate 12 13 to correct, also EME...
emenders 13 13 EMENDER, one who eme...
emending 14 16 EMEND, to correct, a...
emeralds 15 13 EMERALD, a gemstone,...
emeraude 13 13 (Spenser) emerald, a...
emergent 14 14 emerging [adj EMERGE...
emerging 16 16 EMERGE, to come into...
emeritae 13 11 EMERITA, a retired w...
emeritas 14 11 EMERITA, a retired w...
emeritus 15 12 a retired person who...
emeroids 14 12 EMEROID, a haemorrho...
emersion 13 12 the act of emerging...
emerying 21 16 EMERY, to coat with...
emesises 14 11 EMESIS, (Greek) the...
emetical 18 15 tending to cause vom...
emetines 13 12 EMETINE, an alkaloid...
emicated 17 15 EMICATE, to sparkle...
emicates 17 14 EMICATE, to sparkle...
emiction 17 15 the discharge of uri...
emictory 24 16 promoting urine flow...
emigrant 15 14 one who emigrates [n...
emigrate 15 13 to leave one's birth...
eminence 15 16 a high station or ra...
eminency 22 18 a high station or ra...
emirates 14 11 EMIRATE, the rank of...
emissary 21 13 a person sent on a s...
emissile 16 12 able to be pushed ou...
emission 14 12 the act of emitting...
emissive 17 15 emitting or sending...
emitters 15 11 EMITTER, something t...
emitting 16 14 EMIT, to send forth...
emmarble 18 18 to adorn with marble...
emmeshed 17 17 EMMESH, to entangle,...
emmeshes 17 16 EMMESH, to entangle,...
emmewing 19 20 EMMEW, to confine, m...
emmoving 18 21 EMMOVE, to affect em...
emocores 16 14 EMOCORE, a type of m...
emongest 14 14 (obsolete) in the mi...
emoticon 16 15 in computing, an ico...
emotions 13 12 EMOTION, instinctive...
empacket 20 21 to pack up [v -ED, -...
empaired 16 15 EMPAIRE, to become w...
empaires 16 14 EMPAIRE, to become w...
empalers 17 15 EMPALER, one that em...
empaling 18 18 EMPALE, to pierce wi...
empanada 14 16 (Spanish) a pastry t...
empanels 16 16 EMPANEL, to select a...
emparing 17 17 EMPARE, to become wo...
emparled 17 16 EMPARL, (Spenser) to...
emparted 16 15 EMPART, (Spenser) to...
empathic 22 19 involving or showing...
empatron 15 15 (Shakespeare) to pat...
empayred 22 17 EMPAYRE, (Spenser) t...
empayres 22 16 EMPAYRE, (Spenser) t...
empeople 18 18 to fill with people...
emperced 19 18 EMPERCE, to pierce,...
emperces 19 17 EMPERCE, to pierce,...
emperies 16 14 EMPERY, empire or po...
emperise 16 14 to play the emperor,...
emperish 19 16 (Spenser) to impair...
emperize 19 23 to play the emperor,...
emperors 16 14 EMPEROR, the ruler o...
emphases 18 16 EMPHASIS, stress imp...
emphasis 19 16 stress imparted to s...
emphatic 22 19 stressed forcibly, a...
empierce 19 17 (Spenser) to pierce,...
empights 21 18 EMPIGHT, (Spenser) t...
empirics 21 17 EMPIRIC, one who fol...
emplaced 20 19 EMPLACE, to put in p...
emplaces 20 18 EMPLACE, to put in p...
emplaned 16 17 EMPLANE, to put on a...
emplanes 16 16 EMPLANE, to put on a...
empleach 22 20 to intertwine, also...
emplonge 17 18 to plunge, also IMPL...
employed 23 18 EMPLOY, to hire, use...
employee 22 17 a person employed, a...
employer 23 17 one who employs peop...
employes 23 17 EMPLOYE, a person em...
emplumed 19 20 EMPLUME, (archaic) t...
emplumes 19 19 EMPLUME, (archaic) t...
empoison 15 15 (archaic) to poison...
empolder 17 16 to reclaim low-lying...
emporium 18 18 a large trading cent...
empowers 19 17 EMPOWER, to authoriz...
empresse 16 14 (French) eager, enth...
emprises 17 14 EMPRISE, (archaic) a...
emprizes 20 23 EMPRIZE, a dangerous...
emptiers 17 14 EMPTIER, one who emp...
emptiest 17 14 EMPTY, containing no...
emptings 18 17 the yeasty lees of b...
emptions 16 15 EMPTION, the act of...
emptying 24 19 the act of emptying...
emptyses 23 16 EMPTYSIS, spitting o...
emptysis 24 16 spitting of e.g. blo...
empurple 20 19 to dye purple, also...
empyemas 23 19 EMPYEMA, a collectio...
empyemic 27 22 relating to empyema,...
empyeses 22 16 EMPYESIS, a skin eru...
empyesis 23 16 a skin eruption cont...
empyreal 23 17 pertaining to the sk...
empyrean 21 17 pertaining to the sk...
emulated 15 14 EMULATE, to strive t...
emulates 15 13 EMULATE, to strive t...
emulator 15 13 one who emulates [n...
emulgent 16 16 acting as a drain fo...
emulging 18 18 EMULGE, (archaic) to...
emulsify 25 18 to convert into an e...
emulsins 16 14 EMULSIN, the white m...
emulsion 15 14 a colloidal suspensi...
emulsive 18 17 relating to emulsion...
emulsoid 16 14 a liquid dispersed i...
emulsors 16 13 EMULSOR, an emulsify...
emunging 16 18 EMUNGE, (obsolete) t...
enablers 15 13 ENABLER, one who ena...
enabling 16 16 ENABLE, to make poss...
enacting 16 15 ENACT, to establish...
enaction 14 13 the passing of a bil...
enactive 17 16 having the power to...
enactors 15 12 ENACTOR, one who ena...
enactory 21 14 pertaining to the en...
enacture 15 13 (Shakespeare) a perf...
enallage 14 13 the exchange of one...
enameled 13 14 ENAMEL, to cover wit...
enameler 13 13 one who enamels; a w...
enamines 12 13 ENAMINE, a type of a...
enamored 12 13 ENAMOR, to inspire w...
enamours 13 13 ENAMOUR, to inspire...
enarched 17 15 ENARCH, to graft a p...
enarches 17 14 ENARCH, to graft a p...
enargite 13 11 a dark-grey crystall...
enarming 14 15 ENARM, (obsolete) to...
enations 11 10 ENATION, an outgrowt...
enaunter 11 11 (obsolete) lest by c...
encaenia 13 13 an annual tribute to...
encaging 17 17 ENCAGE, to put in a...
encalmed 17 17 ENCALM, (obsolete) t...
encamped 18 19 ENCAMP, to set up a...
encarpus 18 16 a frieze decoration...
encashed 17 15 ENCASH, to convert i...
encashes 17 14 ENCASH, to convert i...
encasing 16 15 ENCASE, to put in a...
encastre 15 12 of a beam, fixed at...
encaving 18 19 ENCAVE, to secrete,...
enceinte 14 13 a boundary wall encl...
enchafed 19 18 ENCHAFE, (obsolete)...
enchafes 19 17 ENCHAFE, (obsolete)...
enchains 17 15 ENCHAIN, to bind wit...
enchants 17 15 ENCHANT, to delight...
encharge 18 16 (archaic) to entrust...
encharms 19 17 ENCHARM, (obsolete)...
enchased 17 15 ENCHASE, to place in...
enchaser 17 14 one who enchases [n...
enchases 17 14 ENCHASE, to place in...
encheers 17 14 ENCHEER, (archaic) t...
enchoric 21 17 belonging to or used...
encierro 15 12 (Spanish) in Spanish...
encipher 20 17 to write in a secret...
encircle 20 16 to form a circle aro...
enclasps 19 16 ENCLASP, to embrace,...
enclaved 18 18 ENCLAVE, to surround...
enclaves 18 17 ENCLAVE, to surround...
enclises 17 13 ENCLISIS, the shifti...
enclisis 18 13 the shifting of stre...
enclitic 21 16 without accent or st...
enclosed 16 14 ENCLOSE, to surround...
encloser 16 13 one who encloses [n...
encloses 16 13 ENCLOSE, to surround...
enclothe 18 15 to clothe [v ENCLOTH...
enclouds 17 15 ENCLOUD, to cover wi...
encoders 15 13 ENCODER, one who enc...
encoding 16 16 the act of putting i...
encolour 16 14 to colour or tinge [...
encolure 16 14 a mane of a horse [n...
encomion 15 16 (Greek) glowing and...
encomium 18 19 an address of praise...
encoring 16 15 ENCORE, to call for...
encradle 16 14 to lay in a cradle [...
encrease 14 12 to become larger, al...
encrinal 16 14 containing fossils w...
encrinic 19 16 containing fossils w...
encroach 20 17 to intrude on anothe...
encrusts 17 13 ENCRUST, to cover wi...
encrypts 25 17 ENCRYPT, to put a me...
encumber 19 19 to impede the motion...
encyclic 30 21 a letter sent by the...
encysted 22 15 ENCYST, to become en...
endamage 13 15 to damage [v ENDAMAG...
endameba 14 16 a parasitic amoeba,...
endanger 12 13 to expose to loss or...
endarchy 24 17 the condition of bei...
endarted 12 11 ENDART, to dart in,...
endashes 14 12 ENDASH, a mark in wr...
endbrain 14 14 a part of the brain...
endeared 11 11 ENDEAR, to make belo...
endeavor 13 14 to strive or attempt...
endeixes 18 17 ENDEIXIS, in medicin...
endeixis 19 17 in medicine, an indi...
endemial 14 14 confined to a people...
endemics 17 16 ENDEMIC, an endemic...
endemism 15 16 the state of being e...
endermic 17 16 acting by absorption...
enderons 11 11 ENDERON, the sensiti...
endewing 16 16 ENDEW, (Spenser) to...
endexine 17 18 an inner layer of th...
endgames 14 15 ENDGAME, the last st...
endgates 13 12 ENDGATE, (US) a tail...
endirons 12 11 ENDIRON, a metal sup...
enditing 14 13 ENDITE, to charge fo...
endleafs 15 14 ENDLEAF, an endpaper...
endnotes 11 11 ENDNOTE, a note plac...
endocarp 17 16 the inner layer of a...
endocast 15 13 a cast of the crania...
endoderm 13 14 the innermost layer...
endodyne 17 14 of an electrical cir...
endogamy 20 17 the practice of marr...
endogens 12 13 ENDOGEN, a plant whi...
endogeny 18 15 growth from within [...
endopods 14 14 ENDOPOD, a branch of...
endorsed 12 11 ENDORSE, to declare...
endorsee 11 10 a person to whom a b...
endorser 12 10 one that endorses, a...
endorses 12 10 ENDORSE, to declare...
endorsor 12 10 one that endorses, a...
endosarc 15 13 a portion of a cell...
endosmos 13 13 a form of osmosis [n...
endosome 12 13 a cellular particle...
endossed 12 11 ENDOSS, (obsolete) t...
endosses 12 10 ENDOSS, (obsolete) t...
endostea 11 10 ENDOSTEUM, the inter...
endowers 15 13 ENDOWER, one who end...
endowing 16 16 ENDOW, to bequeath,...
endozoic 18 22 having seeds dispers...
endozoon 13 20 an internal parasite...
endpaper 16 16 a sheet of paper use...
endplate 15 14 a type of nerve term...
endplays 22 16 ENDPLAY, to force (a...
endpoint 14 14 either of two points...
endships 18 15 ENDSHIP, (obsolete)...
endurers 13 11 ENDURER, (obsolete)...
enduring 14 14 ENDURE, to last [v]
endzones 14 20 ENDZONE, in American...
energids 14 12 ENERGID, the nucleus...
energies 13 11 ENERGY, the power re...
energise 13 11 to give energy to, a...
energize 16 20 to give energy to, a...
enervate 13 13 to weaken, to debili...
enerving 15 16 ENERVE, (obsolete) t...
enfacing 18 18 ENFACE, to stamp or...
enfeeble 16 16 to make feeble [v EN...
enfelons 14 14 ENFELON, (Spenser) t...
enfeoffs 18 18 ENFEOFF, to invest w...
enfested 14 13 (Spenser) embittered...
enfetter 14 12 to bind with chains...
enfevers 16 16 ENFEVER, to excite f...
enfierce 17 15 (Spenser) to make fi...
enfilade 15 14 to direct gunfire al...
enfiring 16 15 ENFIRE, (Spenser) to...
enfixing 22 22 ENFIX, (archaic) to...
enflamed 16 17 ENFLAME, (obsolete)...
enflames 16 16 ENFLAME, (obsolete)...
enflower 18 16 to cover with flower...
enfolded 15 15 ENFOLD, to envelop [...
enfolder 15 14 one who enfolds [n -...
enforced 17 16 ENFORCE, to compel,...
enforcer 17 15 one that enforces [n...
enforces 17 15 ENFORCE, to compel,...
enforest 14 12 to turn into forest...
enformed 15 16 ENFORM, (Spenser) to...
enframed 15 16 ENFRAME, to put in a...
enframes 15 15 ENFRAME, to put in a...
enfreeze 16 21 to freeze; to congea...
enfrosen 13 13 ENFREEZE, to freeze;...
enfrozen 16 22 ENFREEZE, to freeze;...
engagers 14 13 ENGAGER, one who eng...
engaging 15 16 ENGAGE, to employ [v...
engaoled 13 13 ENGAOL, (Shakespeare...
engender 12 13 to bring into existe...
engilded 15 14 ENGILD, (Shakespeare...
engineer 12 12 to arrange or contri...
enginers 13 12 ENGINER, (Shakespear...
enginery 19 14 the act or art of ma...
engining 14 15 ENGINE, to equip wit...
enginous 13 13 ingenious [adj]
engirded 14 13 ENGIRD, to gird; to...
engirdle 15 13 to secure with a bel...
englobed 16 16 ENGLOBE, to form int...
englobes 16 15 ENGLOBE, to form int...
englooms 15 15 ENGLOOM, to make glo...
engorged 14 14 ENGORGE, to fill wit...
engorges 14 13 ENGORGE, to fill wit...
engoring 14 14 ENGORE, to gore; to...
engouled 14 14 (of heraldic decorat...
engraced 16 15 ENGRACE, to introduc...
engraces 16 14 ENGRACE, to introduc...
engraffs 18 17 ENGRAFF, (obsolete)...
engrafts 16 14 ENGRAFT, to graft on...
engrails 15 12 ENGRAIL, to border w...
engrains 13 12 ENGRAIN, to fix deep...
engramma 15 17 a deep-seated psycho...
engramme 15 17 a deep-seated psycho...
engrasps 16 14 ENGRASP, (Spenser) t...
engraved 15 16 ENGRAVE, to carve a...
engraven 14 16 ENGRAVE, to carve a...
engraver 15 15 one who engraves [n...
engraves 15 15 ENGRAVE, to carve a...
engrieve 15 15 (Spenser) to grieve...
engroove 14 15 to fit into a groove...
enguards 14 13 ENGUARD, (Shakespear...
engulfed 17 17 ENGULF, to swallow u...
engulphs 20 18 ENGULPH, to swallow...
enhaloed 14 13 ENHALO, to surround...
enhaloes 14 12 ENHALO, to surround...
enhanced 16 16 ENHANCE, to raise in...
enhancer 16 15 one who enhances [n...
enhances 16 15 ENHANCE, to raise in...
enhearse 13 11 to enclose in a hear...
enhunger 15 15 to make hungry [v -E...
enhydros 21 14 a variety of chalced...
enigmata 14 14 ENIGMA, something th...
enisling 15 13 ENISLE, to put onto...
enjambed 17 25 ENJAMB, in poetry, t...
enjoined 13 20 ENJOIN, to order or...
enjoiner 13 19 one who enjoins [n -...
enjoyers 20 20 ENJOYER, one who enj...
enjoying 21 23 ENJOY, to take pleas...
enkernel 13 15 to enclose in a kern...
enkindle 14 16 to set on fire [v EN...
enlacing 17 16 ENLACE, to entwine o...
enlarded 13 12 ENLARD, (Shakespeare...
enlarged 14 13 ENLARGE, to make lar...
enlargen 13 13 to make larger, also...
enlarger 14 12 a device which enlar...
enlarges 14 12 ENLARGE, to make lar...
enlights 18 14 ENLIGHT, to shed lig...
enlinked 14 16 ENLINK, to connect c...
enlisted 14 11 ENLIST, to engage fo...
enlistee 13 10 one who is enlisted...
enlister 14 10 one who enlists [n -...
enlivens 15 15 ENLIVEN, to make liv...
enlocked 17 18 ENLOCK, to lock up,...
enlumine 14 15 to throw light upon,...
enmeshed 15 15 ENMESH, to entangle,...
enmeshes 15 14 ENMESH, to entangle,...
enmewing 17 18 ENMEW, to confine, a...
enmities 14 12 ENMITY, hostility [n...
enmossed 13 13 covered with moss [a...
enmoving 16 19 ENMOVE, to affect em...
enneadic 14 14 relating to an ennea...
enneagon 10 13 a polygon with nine...
ennobled 14 15 ENNOBLE, to make nob...
ennobler 14 14 one who ennobles [n...
ennobles 14 14 ENNOBLE, to make nob...
ennuying 19 16 boring, uninterestin...
enolases 12 10 ENOLASE, a muscle en...
enophile 17 15 a wine connoisseur,...
enormity 20 14 a great crime [n ENO...
enormous 13 13 huge, also ENORM [ad...
enosises 12 9 ENOSIS, political un...
enounced 14 15 ENOUNCE, to enunciat...
enounces 14 14 ENOUNCE, to enunciat...
enplaned 14 15 ENPLANE, to put on a...
enplanes 14 14 ENPLANE, to put on a...
enprints 15 13 ENPRINT, a size of p...
enqueued 20 21 ENQUEUE, to add (a d...
enqueues 20 20 ENQUEUE, to add (a d...
enquired 21 20 ENQUIRE, to ask, als...
enquirer 21 19 one who enquires, al...
enquires 21 19 ENQUIRE, to ask, als...
enracing 16 15 ENRACE, (Spenser) to...
enraging 14 14 ENRAGE, to make very...
enranged 12 13 ENRANGE, to arrange,...
enranges 12 12 ENRANGE, to arrange,...
enranked 12 15 ENRANK, (Shakespeare...
enraunge 12 13 (Spenser) to arrange...
enravish 17 15 to enrapture [v -ED,...
enrheums 16 15 ENRHEUM, (obsolete)...
enriched 18 15 ENRICH, to add desir...
enricher 18 14 one who enriches [n...
enriches 18 14 ENRICH, to add desir...
enridged 14 13 (Shakespeare) formed...
enringed 13 13 ENRING, to encircle...
enrobers 14 12 ENROBER, one who enr...
enrobing 15 15 ENROBE, to put on a...
enrolled 14 12 ENROL, to insert on...
enrollee 13 11 one who is enrolled...
enroller 14 11 one who enrols [n -S...
enrooted 11 10 ENROOT, to implant f...
enroughs 16 14 ENROUGH, (archaic) t...
enrounds 12 12 ENROUND, (Shakespear...
ensample 16 16 to give an example o...
ensconce 17 16 to settle comfortabl...
enscroll 18 14 to write on a scroll...
ensealed 12 11 ENSEAL, to put a sea...
enseamed 12 13 ENSEAM, to make a ma...
enseared 11 10 ENSEAR, (Shakespeare...
ensemble 16 16 (French) a group of...
enserfed 14 13 ENSERF, to make a se...
ensewing 16 15 ENSEW, (Spenser) to...
ensheath 16 13 to enclose as in a s...
enshells 17 13 ENSHELL, to enclose...
enshield 16 13 to defend, as with a...
enshrine 14 12 to place in a shrine...
enshroud 15 13 to cover up [v -ED,...
ensiform 16 15 in botany, sword-sha...
ensigncy 23 17 the rank of a navy o...
ensigned 13 13 ENSIGN, to mark with...
ensilage 14 12 to store in a silo,...
ensiling 15 13 ENSILE, to store in...
enskying 21 18 ENSKY, to raise in t...
enslaved 15 15 ENSLAVE, to make a s...
enslaver 15 14 one who enslaves [n...
enslaves 15 14 ENSLAVE, to make a s...
ensnared 11 11 ENSNARE, to trap, al...
ensnarer 11 10 one that ensnares, a...
ensnares 11 10 ENSNARE, to trap, al...
ensnarls 13 11 ENSNARL, to snarl up...
ensorcel 16 13 to bewitch, also ENS...
ensouled 13 12 ENSOUL, to infuse wi...
ensphere 16 14 to enclose in a sphe...
enstamps 16 15 ENSTAMP, to mark as...
ensteeps 14 12 ENSTEEP, (Shakespear...
enstyled 20 13 ENSTYLE, (archaic) t...
enstyles 20 12 ENSTYLE, (archaic) t...
ensuites 13 10 ENSUITE, (French) a...
ensurers 13 10 ENSURER, one who ens...
ensuring 14 13 ENSURE, to make sure...
enswathe 17 14 to wrap around, also...
ensweeps 17 15 ENSWEEP, to sweep ov...
entailed 13 11 ENTAIL, to settle an...
entailer 13 10 one who entails (an...
entameba 14 15 an amoeba that cause...
entaming 14 15 ENTAME, (Shakespeare...
entangle 13 13 to twist together [v...
entasias 12 9 ENTASIA, a spasmodic...
entastic 16 12 relating to entasia,...
entayled 19 13 ENTAYLE, (obsolete)...
entayles 19 12 ENTAYLE, (obsolete)...
entellus 15 12 an East Indian long-...
entender 11 11 (obsolete) to make t...
ententes 11 10 ENTENTE, (French) a...
enterate 11 9 having an alimentary...
enterers 12 9 ENTERER, someone who...
enterics 16 12 ENTERIC, typhoid fev...
entering 13 12 the act of entering...
enterons 11 10 ENTERON, a body cavi...
enthalpy 24 17 the total heat conte...
enthetic 18 14 of infectious diseas...
enthrall 17 13 to reduce to the con...
enthrals 16 12 ENTHRAL, to reduce t...
enthrone 13 12 to place on a throne...
enthused 15 13 ENTHUSE, to show ent...
enthuses 15 12 ENTHUSE, to show ent...
enticers 16 12 ENTICER, one who ent...
enticing 17 15 very inviting [adj E...
entirely 20 12 completely [adv]
entirety 19 11 completeness [n ENTI...
entities 13 9 ENTITY, the basic es...
entitled 14 11 ENTITLE, to give a r...
entitles 14 10 ENTITLE, to give a r...
entoderm 13 13 the innermost layer...
entoiled 13 11 ENTOIL, to entangle...
entombed 15 16 ENTOMB, to place in...
entoptic 18 15 within the eyeball [...
entozoal 15 19 having seeds dispers...
entozoan 13 19 an internal parasite...
entozoic 18 21 having seeds dispers...
entozoon 13 19 an internal parasite...
entrails 14 10 ENTRAIL, (Spenser) t...
entrains 12 10 ENTRAIN, to board a...
entrance 14 13 to fill with delight...
entrants 12 10 ENTRANT, someone who...
entreats 12 9 ENTREAT, to ask for...
entreaty 18 11 an earnest request o...
entremes 13 12 (French) edible past...
entrench 17 15 to fix firmly, also...
entrepot 14 12 (French) a place, su...
entresol 13 10 (French) a low store...
entrisms 15 12 ENTRISM, political b...
entrists 14 9 ENTRIST, one who ind...
entropic 18 15 relating to entropy...
entrusts 14 10 ENTRUST, to give ove...
entryism 21 14 political branch-sta...
entryist 20 11 one who indulges in...
entryway 28 16 a passage serving as...
entwined 15 14 ENTWINE, to weave to...
entwines 15 13 ENTWINE, to weave to...
entwists 17 12 ENTWIST, to twist to...
enureses 12 10 ENURESIS, involuntar...
enuresis 13 10 involuntary urinatio...
enuretic 16 13 one who is affected...
enurning 13 14 ENURN, to put into a...
envassal 15 14 to make a vassal [v...
envaults 16 15 ENVAULT, to enclose...
enveigle 16 16 to cajole, also INVE...
envelope 16 17 a paper container [n...
envelops 17 17 ENVELOP, to cover co...
envenoms 14 17 ENVENOM, to put veno...
enviable 17 17 causing envy [adj]
enviably 24 19 ENVIABLE, causing en...
environs 14 14 ENVIRON, to envelop,...
envisage 15 15 to visualize, also E...
envision 14 14 to visualize, also E...
envyings 22 18 ENVYING, the act of...
enwalled 17 15 ENWALL, to enclose w...
enwallow 20 17 (Spenser) to roll ab...
enwheels 18 15 ENWHEEL, (Shakespear...
enwombed 18 19 ENWOMB, to enclose a...
enwreath 17 14 to encircle with a w...
enzoning 15 22 ENZONE, to engirdle...
enzootic 18 21 of a disease, affect...
eobionts 14 12 EOBIONT, a type of b...
eohippus 20 17 an ancestor of the h...
eolienne 11 11 (French) a fine dres...
eolipile 17 13 the first steam engi...
eolithic 20 14 of or like an eolith...
eolopile 16 13 the first steam engi...
epacrids 19 15 EPACRID, an Australi...
epagoges 16 15 EPAGOGE, argument by...
epagogic 20 18 reasoned by logical...
epanodos 13 13 (Greek) a recapitula...
epatered 14 12 EPATER, (French) to...
epaulets 16 13 EPAULET, (French) a...
epazotes 17 20 EPAZOTE, a herb of t...
epeeists 15 11 EPEEIST, one who fen...
epeirids 16 12 EPEIRID, a member of...
ependyma 21 18 a membrane lining ce...
epergnes 15 14 EPERGNE, (French) a...
ephedras 17 14 EPHEDRA, (Greek) a p...
ephedrin 17 15 an alkaloid obtained...
ephemera 17 16 an insect of the may...
ephorate 16 13 the office of ephor,...
epiblast 19 15 the external layer o...
epiblems 20 18 EPIBLEM, the outer c...
epibolic 22 18 relating to epiboly,...
epically 27 18 EPICAL, epic [adv]
epicalyx 32 24 a set of bracts rese...
epicarps 21 17 EPICARP, the outermo...
epicedes 18 15 EPICEDE, a funeral o...
epicedia 18 15 EPICEDIUM, (Latin) a...
epicenes 17 15 EPICENE, one having...
epiciers 19 14 EPICIER, (French) a...
epicisms 21 17 EPICISM, epic qualit...
epicists 20 14 EPICIST, one who tel...
epiclike 21 19 like an epic [adj]
epicotyl 26 17 the part of an embry...
epicures 19 15 EPICURE, one with re...
epicycle 29 20 a small circle that...
epidemic 20 18 occurring in many pl...
epiderms 17 15 EPIDERM, the outermo...
epidotes 15 12 EPIDOTE, a mineral,...
epidotic 19 15 resembling or contai...
epidural 17 14 an anaesthetic injec...
epifauna 16 16 fauna living on a ha...
epifocal 21 18 pertaining to the po...
epigaeal 16 14 growing close to the...
epigaean 14 14 living close to the...
epigamic 21 19 of or relating to a...
epigenic 19 17 acting or taking pla...
epigeous 16 14 growing close to the...
epigones 15 14 EPIGONE, an inferior...
epigonic 19 17 of or like an epigon...
epigonus 16 15 an inferior imitator...
epigrams 18 16 EPIGRAM, a short, wi...
epigraph 21 18 an inscription; a mo...
epilated 16 13 EPILATE, to remove h...
epilates 16 12 EPILATE, to remove h...
epilator 16 12 an agent used for ep...
epilepsy 25 17 a disorder of the ne...
epilogic 21 17 relating to an epilo...
epilogue 17 15 to supply with a con...
epimeres 16 14 EPIMERE, in an embry...
epimeric 20 17 having the character...
epimysia 23 16 EPIMYSIUM, a fibrous...
epinasty 21 14 a downward bending o...
epinosic 18 15 unhealthy, unwholeso...
epiphany 25 19 an appearance of a d...
epiphyte 26 18 a plant which grows...
epiploic 22 18 pertaining to the ep...
epiploon 17 16 a flap which covers...
epipolic 22 18 producing epipolism...
episcias 19 14 EPISCIA, a tropical...
episcope 20 17 an instrument for pr...
episcopy 27 19 (Milton) survey, sup...
episemon 15 15 a badge or character...
episodal 16 13 pertaining to or con...
episodes 15 12 EPISODE, a series of...
episodic 19 15 pertaining to or con...
episomal 17 15 of or like an episom...
episomes 16 14 EPISOME, a genetical...
episperm 19 17 the skin or coat of...
epispore 17 14 the outer layer of a...
epistasy 22 13 a suppression of gen...
epistled 17 13 EPISTLE, to preface...
epistler 17 12 one who writes epist...
epistles 17 12 EPISTLE, to preface...
epistome 16 14 a structure over the...
epistyle 23 14 a part of a classica...
epitaphs 20 16 EPITAPH, to compose...
epitases 15 11 EPITASIS, the part o...
epitasis 16 11 the part of the play...
epitaxes 21 18 EPITAXIS, the part o...
epitaxic 25 21 relating to epitaxy,...
epitaxis 22 18 the part of a play i...
epitheca 20 16 the outer older cell...
epithema 18 16 a group of leaf cell...
epithems 19 16 EPITHEM, a group of...
epithets 18 13 EPITHET, to apply an...
epitomes 16 14 EPITOME, a typical e...
epitomic 20 17 of or like an epitom...
epitonic 18 15 overstrained [adj]
epitopes 17 14 EPITOPE, a part of a...
epitrite 16 11 a metrical foot cons...
epizoans 17 21 EPIZOAN, an animal t...
epizoism 20 23 the state of being e...
epizoite 18 20 an epizoic organism...
epizooty 24 22 a type of animal dis...
eponymic 25 20 of, relating to, or...
epopoeia 15 14 an epic poem, also E...
epoxides 21 19 EPOXIDE, an epoxy co...
epoxying 28 23 EPOXY, to glue with...
epsilons 16 13 EPSILON, (Greek) a l...
epsomite 16 14 a mineral, native su...
epulides 17 14 EPULIS, a tumor of t...
epulises 17 13 EPULIS, a tumor of t...
epulotic 20 16 a substance which ai...
epurated 15 13 EPURATE, to purify [...
epurates 15 12 EPURATE, to purify [...
epyllion 23 16 a shorter epic poem...
equaling 23 22 EQUAL, to make equal...
equalise 22 19 to make equal, also...
equality 29 21 the state of being e...
equalize 25 28 to make equal, also...
equalled 23 21 EQUAL, to make equal...
equating 22 21 EQUATE, to be regard...
equation 20 19 the act of making eq...
equative 23 22 in grammar, denoting...
equators 21 18 EQUATOR, an imaginar...
equinely 28 22 EQUINE, relating to...
equinias 21 19 EQUINIA, glanders, a...
equinity 28 21 equine nature [n EQU...
equipage 24 23 (French) attendance,...
equipped 26 25 EQUIP, to provide wi...
equipper 26 24 one who equips [n -S...
equiseta 21 18 EQUISETUM, (Latin) a...
equitant 21 19 of leaves, folded le...
equities 22 18 EQUITY, fairness or...
equivoke 24 26 an ambiguous term; a...
eradiate 12 9 to shoot out like a...
erasable 15 12 able to be erased [a...
erasions 12 9 ERASION, the act of...
erasures 13 9 ERASURE, the act of...
erathems 16 13 ERATHEM, the stratig...
erecters 16 11 ERECTER, one that er...
erectile 17 12 capable of being rai...
erecting 17 14 ERECT, to build or r...
erection 15 12 the act of erecting...
erective 18 15 tending to erect [ad...
erectors 16 11 ERECTOR, one that er...
eremital 15 12 of or like an eremit...
eremites 14 11 EREMITE, a hermit, e...
eremitic 18 14 of or pertaining to...
eremurus 15 13 a flower, the foxtai...
erepsins 15 12 EREPSIN, an enzyme o...
erethism 17 13 abnormal irritabilit...
erewhile 19 14 some time ago [adv]
ergastic 18 13 pertaining to byprod...
ergative 16 14 a certain grammatica...
ergatoid 14 11 a wingless but sexua...
ergogram 16 15 a record made by an...
ergotise 14 10 to affect with ergot...
ergotism 16 13 poisoning by eating...
ergotize 17 19 to affect with ergot...
erigeron 13 11 a plant of the genus...
eringoes 13 11 ERINGO, a plant of t...
erinites 13 9 ERINITE, a basic ars...
erinuses 13 10 ERINUS, any rock pla...
erionite 12 9 a mineral which occu...
eristics 18 11 ERISTIC, a disputant...
erlkings 17 16 ERLKING, (German) a...
ermelins 15 13 ERMELIN, (archaic) e...
erodable 15 13 that can be eroded,...
erodents 12 10 ERODENT, a caustic c...
erodible 16 13 that can be eroded,...
erodiums 15 13 ERODIUM, a plant of...
erogenic 16 14 producing erotic des...
erosible 16 12 that can be eroded,...
erosions 12 9 EROSION, the act of...
erotemas 13 11 EROTEMA, a rhetorica...
erotemes 13 11 EROTEME, a rhetorica...
eroteses 12 8 EROTESIS, a rhetoric...
erotesis 13 8 a rhetorical questio...
erotetic 16 11 interrogatory [adj]
erotical 17 12 of or pertaining to...
eroticas 16 11 EROTICA, (Latin) ero...
erotised 13 9 EROTISE, to give a s...
erotises 13 8 EROTISE, to give a s...
erotisms 15 11 EROTISM, sexual exci...
erotized 16 18 EROTIZE, to give a s...
erotizes 16 17 EROTIZE, to give a s...
errantly 20 12 ERRANT, wandering [a...
errantry 19 11 roaming around, look...
erratics 17 11 ERRATIC, a boulder c...
errhines 15 11 ERRHINE, an obsolete...
erringly 22 14 ERRING, mistaken [ad...
errorist 14 8 one holding a mistak...
ersatzes 16 17 ERSATZ, a substitute...
eructate 16 12 to belch out, also E...
eructing 18 15 ERUCT, to belch out,...
erudites 14 10 ERUDITE, a learned p...
erumpent 16 16 breaking or bursting...
erupting 17 15 ERUPT, to break out...
eruption 15 13 the action of a volc...
eruptive 18 16 breaking out or burs...
eryngium 22 17 a plant of the genus...
eryngoes 19 13 ERYNGO, a plant of t...
erythema 22 15 a redness of the ski...
erythron 21 13 a bodily organ consi...
escalade 16 13 (French) to scale th...
escalado 16 13 (French) the scaling...
escalate 16 12 to increase [v ESCAL...
escalier 17 12 (French) a staircase...
escallop 20 16 to bake in a scallop...
escalope 18 15 to cut in a scallop...
escalops 19 15 ESCALOP, to bake in...
escapade 17 15 a reckless adventure...
escapado 17 15 an escaped evildoer;...
escapees 17 14 ESCAPEE, a person wh...
escapers 18 14 ESCAPER, one that es...
escaping 19 17 ESCAPE, to free ones...
escapism 20 17 avoidance of reality...
escapist 19 14 one given to escapis...
escargot 17 13 (French) a snail as...
escarole 16 12 a wavy-leafed salad...
escarped 18 15 ESCARP, to cause to...
eschalot 19 14 (French) an onion wi...
escheats 18 13 ESCHEAT, to make an...
eschewal 22 17 the act of eschewing...
eschewed 21 17 ESCHEW, to avoid [v]
eschewer 21 16 one who eschews [n -...
escolars 17 12 ESCOLAR, an Atlantic...
escorted 16 12 ESCORT, to accompany...
escoting 17 14 ESCOT, (Shakespeare)...
escotted 16 12 ESCOT, (Shakespeare)...
escribed 19 15 ESCRIBE, to construc...
escribes 19 14 ESCRIBE, to construc...
escrolls 19 13 ESCROLL, a heraldic...
escrowed 19 15 ESCROW, to place a d...
escuages 17 14 ESCUAGE, a tax exact...
esculent 17 14 something that is ed...
eserines 12 9 ESERINE, an alkaloid...
esloined 13 11 ESLOIN, to remove to...
esloyned 19 13 ESLOYNE, to remove t...
esloynes 19 12 ESLOYNE, to remove t...
esnecies 15 12 ESNECY, the primary...
esophagi 18 15 ESOPHAGUS, that port...
esoteric 16 11 intended for or unde...
espalier 16 12 a lattice on which t...
espartos 15 11 ESPARTO, a tough, wi...
especial 19 15 special [adj ESPECIA...
espiegle 17 14 (French) roguish, fr...
espousal 16 13 a mutual promise of...
espoused 15 13 ESPOUSE, to make a m...
espouser 15 12 one who espouses [n...
espouses 15 12 ESPOUSE, to make a m...
espresso 15 11 a strong coffee, als...
espumoso 16 15 (Spanish) a sparklin...
esquired 22 19 ESQUIRE, to escort [...
esquires 22 18 ESQUIRE, to escort [...
esquisse 22 18 (French) the first s...
essayers 19 10 ESSAYER, one who ess...
essaying 20 13 ESSAY, to attempt [v...
essayish 22 12 like an essay [adj]
essayist 20 10 a writer of prose co...
essences 15 12 ESSENCE, a fundament...
essoined 12 10 ESSOIN, to give an e...
essoiner 12 9 one who submits an e...
essonite 12 9 cinnamon stone, a va...
essoynes 18 11 ESSOYNE, an excuse f...
estacade 15 12 (French) a dike of s...
estancia 15 12 a cattle ranch [n -S...
estating 14 11 ESTATE, to bestow la...
esteemed 13 12 ESTEEM, to have a hi...
esterase 12 8 any of a number of e...
esterify 22 13 to convert into an e...
estheses 15 10 ESTHESIS, the abilit...
esthesia 15 10 the ability to recei...
esthesis 16 10 the ability to recei...
esthetes 15 10 ESTHETE, a person wh...
esthetic 19 13 keenly appreciative...
estimate 14 11 to calculate [v ESTI...
estivate 15 12 to spend the summer...
estoiles 14 9 ESTOILE, (French) in...
estopped 17 15 ESTOP, to hinder or...
estoppel 18 15 a bar to alleging or...
estovers 15 12 ESTOVER, a common ri...
estrades 13 9 ESTRADE, a low platf...
estragon 13 11 a kind of herb, also...
estrange 13 11 to alienate [v ESTRA...
estrayed 19 11 ESTRAY, to stray [v]
estreats 13 8 ESTREAT, to extract...
estreped 15 12 ESTREPE, to create w...
estrepes 15 11 ESTREPE, to create w...
estridge 15 11 (obsolete) an ostric...
estriols 15 9 ESTRIOL, an estrogen...
estrogen 13 11 a female sex-hormone...
estrones 12 9 ESTRONE, an estrogen...
estruses 14 9 ESTRUS, the period o...
esurient 13 10 hungry, greedy [adj...
etacisms 18 14 ETACISM, the pronunc...
etaerios 12 8 ETAERIO, an aggregat...
etageres 13 10 ETAGERE, (French) a...
etalages 14 11 ETALAGE, (French) a...
etamines 13 12 ETAMINE, (French) a...
etatisme 14 11 extreme state contro...
etatisms 15 11 ETATISM, extreme sta...
etatiste 13 8 someone who advocate...
etcetera 15 11 additional items [n...
etchants 18 14 ETCHANT, an acid use...
etchings 20 16 ETCHING, an etched d...
eternals 13 10 ETERNAL, something l...
eternise 12 9 to make eternal, als...
eternity 19 11 duration without beg...
eternize 15 18 to make eternal, als...
etesians 12 9 ETESIAN, a NW wind t...
ethanals 15 12 ETHANAL, another nam...
ethanoic 17 14 as in ethanoic acid,...
ethanols 15 12 ETHANOL, ethyl alcoh...
ethanoyl 21 14 acetyl as a combinin...
ethephon 18 16 a synthetic plant gr...
ethercap 20 16 a spider, also ATTER...
ethereal 15 11 characterized by lig...
etherial 16 11 like a spirit, also...
etherify 24 15 to convert into ethe...
etherion 14 11 a very light gas onc...
etherise 15 10 to administer ether...
etherish 18 12 somewhat like ether...
etherism 17 13 addiction to ether [...
etherist 16 10 one who administers...
etherize 18 19 to administer ether...
ethicals 20 14 ETHICAL, a drug sold...
ethician 18 14 an expert upon ethic...
ethicise 19 13 to treat as an ethic...
ethicism 21 16 the tendency to mora...
ethicist 20 13 an expert upon ethic...
ethicize 22 22 to treat as an ethic...
ethinyls 23 14 ETHINYL, a univalent...
ethmoids 17 14 ETHMOID, a square bo...
ethnarch 20 16 the ruler of a peopl...
ethnical 19 15 concerning races or...
ethnonym 21 17 the name of an ethni...
ethnoses 14 11 ETHNOS, (Greek) a gr...
ethogram 17 15 a list of the behavi...
ethology 23 15 the study of animal...
ethonone 12 12 a toxic gas [n -S]
ethoxide 21 18 a type of saltlike c...
ethoxies 21 17 ETHOXY, a univalent...
ethoxyls 29 20 ETHOXYL, a univalent...
ethylate 22 13 to introduce the eth...
ethylene 21 14 an oil-forming gas,...
ethynyls 29 16 ETHYNYL, a univalent...
etiolate 13 9 to make pale by prev...
etiolins 14 10 ETIOLIN, a yellow pi...
etiology 21 13 the science of cause...
etouffee 16 15 (French) a Cajun ste...
etourdie 13 10 (French) foolish, th...
etranger 13 11 (French) a (male) fo...
etrennes 11 10 ETRENNE, (French) a...
ettercap 18 14 (Scots) a spider, al...
etypical 26 17 not conforming to a...
eucaines 15 13 EUCAINE, an anaesthe...
eucalypt 26 18 a large Australian t...
eucaryon 21 15 a type of cell nucle...
eucaryot 22 14 an organism whose ce...
eucharis 19 14 a plant of a genus o...
euchring 20 17 EUCHRE, to prevent f...
euclases 17 13 EUCLASE, a mineral,...
eucrites 17 12 EUCRITE, a gabbroiti...
eucritic 21 15 of or like eucrite,...
eucyclic 31 21 having the same numb...
eudaemon 12 14 (Greek) a benevolent...
eudaimon 13 14 (Greek) a benevolent...
eudemons 13 14 EUDEMON, (Greek) a b...
eugaries 14 11 EUGARIE, (Native Aus...
eugenias 13 12 EUGENIA, a genus of...
eugenics 17 15 the genetic improvem...
eugenism 15 15 advocacy of eugenics...
eugenist 14 12 a student of eugenic...
eugenols 14 13 EUGENOL, an aromatic...
euglenas 14 13 EUGLENA, a photosynt...
euglenid 15 14 a photosynthesizing,...
eukaryon 19 16 a type of cell nucle...
eukaryot 20 15 an organism whose ce...
eulachan 18 16 (Native American) th...
eulachon 18 16 (Native American) th...
eulogiae 14 12 EULOGIA, (Latin) a b...
eulogias 15 12 EULOGIA, (Latin) a b...
eulogies 15 12 EULOGY, a speech or...
eulogise 15 12 to extol, also EULOG...
eulogist 16 12 one who composes eul...
eulogium 17 16 a speech or writing...
eulogize 18 21 to extol, also EULOG...
eumerism 16 15 a biologic aggregati...
euonymin 19 16 an extract of the ba...
euonymus 20 16 a plant of the burni...
eupatrid 16 13 (Greek) a member of...
eupepsia 17 15 a good digestion, al...
eupeptic 21 18 relating to or havin...
euphenic 20 18 relating to the phys...
euphobia 19 17 a fear of good news...
euphonia 16 15 an agreeable sound,...
euphonic 20 18 pleasant sounding, a...
euphoria 17 14 elation, also EUPHOR...
euphoric 21 17 overjoyed [adj EUPHO...
euphotic 21 17 pertaining to the up...
euphrasy 24 16 eyebright, a plant o...
euphroes 17 14 EUPHROE, a wooden bl...
euphuise 18 15 to write in an affec...
euphuism 20 18 an affected literary...
euphuist 19 15 one given to euphuis...
euphuize 21 24 to write in an affec...
euploids 17 14 EUPLOID, a euploid a...
euploidy 23 16 the state of being a...
eupnoeas 13 13 EUPNOEA, normal brea...
eupnoeic 17 16 relating to eupnoea,...
eurobond 14 14 a bond issued in a e...
eurocrat 16 12 a senior member of t...
eurokies 14 13 EUROKY, organisms li...
eurokous 14 14 of an organism, able...
euroland 13 12 the area formed by t...
euronote 11 10 negotiable bearer no...
europium 17 16 a rare earth metalli...
europops 17 15 EUROPOP, a form of s...
eurozone 14 19 the area formed by t...
eurybath 24 16 an organism that can...
eurythmy 30 18 rhythmical movement...
eusocial 17 13 characterized by coo...
eustatic 17 12 of changes in world...
eusteles 14 10 EUSTELE, when a plan...
eustyles 21 12 EUSTYLE, a colonnade...
eutaxias 19 16 EUTAXIA, the propert...
eutaxies 19 16 EUTAXY, good order [...
eutaxite 19 16 a volcanic rock with...
eutectic 20 15 a mixture with a low...
eutexias 19 16 EUTEXIA, the propert...
euthymia 23 16 a pleasant state of...
eutrophy 24 16 healthy nutrition [n...
eutropic 19 15 having the property...
euxenite 18 17 a mineral, a niobate...
evacuant 17 17 a medicine that indu...
evacuate 17 16 to move from a place...
evacuees 17 16 EVACUEE, one who is...
evadable 17 17 able to be evaded [a...
evadible 18 17 that may be evaded,...
evaluate 15 14 to estimate the valu...
evanesce 16 16 to fade away or vani...
evangels 16 16 EVANGEL, good news;...
evangely 22 18 (obsolete) the Gospe...
evasible 18 16 capable of being eva...
evasions 14 13 EVASION, the act of...
evection 17 16 a lunar inequality,...
evenfall 18 18 the onset of evening...
evenings 15 16 EVENING, the latter...
evenness 13 14 the state of being e...
evensong 14 16 an evening prayer se...
eventers 14 13 EVENTER, a horse whi...
eventful 18 18 momentous [adj EVENT...
eventide 14 14 evening [n -S]
eventing 15 16 the act of taking pa...
eventive 16 17 denoting an event [a...
eventual 15 15 happening as a conse...
evermore 15 15 forever [adv]
evernets 14 13 EVERNET, a hypotheti...
eversion 14 13 the act of turning i...
everting 16 15 EVERT, to turn insid...
evertors 15 12 EVERTOR, a muscle th...
everyday 27 17 something appropriat...
everyman 21 18 the hero of an old m...
everymen 21 18 EVERYMAN, the hero o...
everyone 19 15 every person [pron]
everyway 30 19 all ways [adv]
evictees 18 15 EVICTEE, one who is...
evicting 20 18 EVICT, to dispossess...
eviction 18 16 the act of evicting...
evictors 19 15 EVICTOR, one who evi...
evidence 17 17 to make apparent or...
evidents 15 14 EVIDENT, that which...
evildoer 16 14 one who commits evil...
evillest 18 14 EVIL, morally bad [a...
evilness 16 14 the quality of being...
evincing 19 19 EVINCE, to show clea...
evincive 20 20 tending to evince [a...
evirated 15 13 EVIRATE, to castrate...
evirates 15 12 EVIRATE, to castrate...
evitable 18 16 avoidable [adj]
evitated 15 13 EVITATE, to avoid, a...
evitates 15 12 EVITATE, to avoid, a...
evocable 20 19 able to be evoked [a...
evocated 17 16 EVOCATE, to evoke [v...
evocates 17 15 EVOCATE, to evoke [v...
evocator 17 15 one who evokes, call...
evoluted 16 15 EVOLUTE, to develop...
evolutes 16 14 EVOLUTE, to develop...
evolvent 17 18 an involute curve [n...
evolvers 18 17 EVOLVER, one who evo...
evolving 19 20 EVOLVE, to develop [...
evonymus 22 19 a plant of the burni...
evulgate 17 16 to divulge; to publi...
evulsing 18 17 EVULSE, to pluck out...
evulsion 16 15 the act of pulling o...
exabytes 27 20 EXABYTE, a very larg...
exacters 22 18 EXACTER, one that ex...
exactest 22 18 EXACT, precise [adj]
exacting 23 21 EXACT, to demand [v]
exaction 21 19 the act of exacting...
exactors 22 18 EXACTOR, one that ex...
exahertz 24 26 one quintillion hert...
exalters 20 16 EXALTER, one who exa...
exalting 21 19 EXALT, to place in a...
examined 19 20 EXAMINE, to inspect...
examinee 18 19 one who is taking an...
examiner 19 19 one that examines [n...
examines 19 19 EXAMINE, to inspect...
examplar 23 22 an ideal model, also...
exampled 23 23 EXAMPLE, to illustra...
examples 23 22 EXAMPLE, to illustra...
exanthem 21 21 a skin eruption, esp...
exaptive 23 22 involving a function...
exarchal 25 21 relating to an exarc...
excambed 25 25 EXCAMB, (Scots) in S...
excavate 23 22 to dig out [v EXCAVA...
exceeded 21 20 EXCEED, to go beyond...
exceeder 21 19 one who exceeds [n -...
excelled 24 21 EXCEL, to surpass ot...
excepted 24 22 EXCEPT, to exclude,...
exceptor 24 21 one who excepts [n -...
excerpta 24 21 extracts [n]
excerpts 25 21 EXCERPT, to pick out...
excessed 22 19 EXCESS, to eliminate...
excesses 22 18 EXCESS, to eliminate...
exchange 24 23 to give and receive...
excheats 24 20 EXCHEAT, (Spenser) p...
exciding 24 22 EXCIDE, (archaic) to...
excimers 24 21 EXCIMER, a dimer abo...
exciples 26 22 EXCIPLE, a rim aroun...
excising 24 21 EXCISE, to cut off o...
excision 22 19 the act of excising...
excitant 22 19 a stimulant [n -S]
exciters 23 18 EXCITER, one that ex...
exciting 24 21 EXCITE, to arouse th...
excitons 22 19 EXCITON, a combinati...
excitors 23 18 EXCITOR, one that ex...
exclaims 25 22 EXCLAIM, to cry out...
exclaves 25 23 EXCLAVE, a portion o...
excluded 24 22 EXCLUDE, to shut out...
excludee 23 21 someone who is exclu...
excluder 24 21 one who excludes [n...
excludes 24 21 EXCLUDE, to shut out...
excretal 23 19 relating to excreta...
excreted 22 19 EXCRETE, to discharg...
excreter 22 18 one who excretes [n...
excretes 22 18 EXCRETE, to discharg...
excubant 24 23 on guard [adj]
excursed 23 20 EXCURSE, (archaic) t...
excurses 23 19 EXCURSE, (archaic) t...
excursus 24 20 a dissertation or di...
excusals 24 20 EXCUSAL, an acceptan...
excusers 23 19 EXCUSER, one who exc...
excusing 24 22 EXCUSE, to free from...
excusive 25 23 pertaining to an exc...
execrate 21 18 to declare to be evi...
executed 22 20 EXECUTE, to perform...
executer 22 19 one who executes, al...
executes 22 19 EXECUTE, to perform...
executor 22 19 one who executes, al...
executry 29 21 in Scots law, movabl...
exeeming 20 21 EXEEM, to release or...
exegeses 19 17 EXEGESIS, a critical...
exegesis 20 17 a critical interpret...
exegetes 19 17 EXEGETE, one versed...
exegetic 23 20 pertaining to exeges...
exemplar 23 22 an ideal model, also...
exemples 23 22 EXEMPLE, (French) an...
exemplum 25 26 (Latin) a short stor...
exempted 22 22 EXEMPT, to free from...
exequial 28 26 of or pertaining to...
exequies 27 25 EXEQUY, a funeral pr...
exercise 22 18 to perform a set dri...
exergies 20 17 EXERGY, a measure of...
exergual 21 19 relating to the exer...
exergues 20 18 EXERGUE, (French) a...
exerting 20 18 EXERT, to make an ef...
exertion 18 16 the act of exerting...
exertive 21 19 having power or a te...
exfilled 24 21 EXFIL, to remove (da...
exhalant 21 19 a vessel that emits...
exhalent 21 19 a vessel that emits...
exhaling 23 21 EXHALE, to breathe o...
exhausts 22 18 EXHAUST, to use the...
exhedrae 20 18 EXHEDRA, (Latin) a s...
exhibits 25 20 EXHIBIT, to display...
exhorted 21 18 EXHORT, to admonish...
exhorter 21 17 one who exhorts or i...
exhumate 22 21 to dig out from the...
exhumers 23 21 EXHUMER, someone who...
exhuming 24 24 EXHUME, to dig out f...
exigeant 19 18 exacting [adj]
exigence 22 21 urgency, also EXIGEN...
exigency 29 23 urgency, also EXIGEN...
exigents 20 18 EXIGENT, extremity,...
exigible 24 21 liable to be demande...
exiguity 28 20 meagreness [n EXIGUI...
exiguous 21 19 scanty in amount, me...
exilable 23 20 able to be exiled [a...
eximious 21 19 (archaic) choice, ex...
existent 19 16 something that exist...
existing 21 18 EXIST, to have actua...
exitance 21 19 a measure of radiati...
exitless 21 16 without a way out [a...
exocarps 24 21 EXOCARP, the outer p...
exocrine 21 19 a gland that secrete...
exocytic 32 23 outside biological c...
exoderms 20 19 EXODERM, the externa...
exodists 20 16 EXODIST, a person wh...
exoduses 19 17 EXODUS, a departure...
exoergic 23 20 releasing energy [ad...
exogamic 24 23 relating to exogamy,...
exogenic 22 21 formed or occurring...
exomions 19 19 EXOMION, a Roman sle...
exomises 20 18 EXOMIS, a Roman slee...
exonumia 19 20 objects that resembl...
exophagy 30 24 a cannibal custom of...
exoplasm 23 22 the outer transparen...
exorable 21 19 persuadable [adj]
exorcise 22 18 to free of an evil s...
exorcism 24 21 the act or exorcisin...
exorcist 23 18 one who practices ex...
exorcize 25 27 to free of an evil s...
exordial 20 17 pertaining to the ex...
exordium 21 20 a beginning [n EXORD...
exosmose 19 18 osmosis outwards, i....
exospore 20 18 the outer covering o...
exoteric 22 18 intelligible to the...
exotisms 21 18 EXOTISM, something e...
exotoxic 28 25 relating to an exoto...
exotoxin 24 23 a secreted toxin [n...
expanded 20 21 EXPAND, to increase...
expander 20 20 a type of transducer...
expandor 20 20 a type of transducer...
expanses 20 19 EXPANSE, a wide area...
expected 24 22 EXPECT, to anticipat...
expecter 24 21 someone who expects...
expedite 21 19 expeditious [adj EXP...
expelled 23 21 EXPEL, to force out...
expellee 22 20 someone who has been...
expeller 23 20 one who expels [n -S...
expended 20 21 EXPEND, to consume i...
expender 20 20 one who expends [n -...
expensed 20 20 EXPENSE, to charge w...
expenses 20 19 EXPENSE, to charge w...
experted 21 19 EXPERT, (Spenser) to...
expertly 29 21 EXPERT, skilled [adv...
expiable 24 22 capable of being exp...
expiated 21 19 EXPIATE, to make com...
expiates 21 18 EXPIATE, to make com...
expiator 21 18 one who makes expiat...
expirant 21 19 someone expiring [n...
expirers 22 18 EXPIRER, one who exp...
expiries 22 18 EXPIRY, expiration;...
expiring 23 21 EXPIRE, to come to a...
explains 22 20 EXPLAIN, to make cle...
explants 22 20 EXPLANT, to transfer...
explicit 27 22 distinctly stated [a...
exploded 22 21 EXPLODE, to blow up...
exploder 22 20 one that explodes [n...
explodes 22 20 EXPLODE, to blow up...
exploits 23 19 EXPLOIT, to take adv...
explored 22 20 EXPLORE, to examine...
explorer 22 19 one who explores [n...
explores 22 19 EXPLORE, to examine...
exponent 19 20 one who practises a...
exported 21 19 EXPORT, to send good...
exporter 21 18 one who exports [n -...
exposals 22 19 EXPOSAL, exposure [n...
exposers 21 18 EXPOSER, one who exp...
exposing 22 21 EXPOSE, to lay open...
exposits 22 18 EXPOSIT, to expound...
exposome 21 21 a collection of envi...
exposure 21 19 the act of exposing...
expounds 21 21 EXPOUND, to explain...
expresso 21 18 a strong coffee, als...
expugned 22 23 EXPUGN, to take by s...
expulsed 23 21 EXPULSE, (obsolete)...
expulses 23 20 EXPULSE, (obsolete)...
expuncts 25 23 EXPUNCT, (archaic) t...
expunged 22 23 EXPUNGE, to delete [...
expunger 22 22 one who expunges [n...
expunges 22 22 EXPUNGE, to delete [...
expurged 23 22 EXPURGE, to purge aw...
expurges 23 21 EXPURGE, to purge aw...
exscinds 23 20 EXSCIND, to cut out...
exsecant 21 19 a trigonometric func...
exsected 22 19 EXSECT, to cut out [...
exserted 19 16 EXSERT, to protrude...
extasies 19 15 EXTASY, a state of r...
extended 18 18 EXTEND, to stretch o...
extender 18 17 a substance added to...
extenses 18 16 EXTENSE, (obsolete)...
extensor 18 16 a muscle that extend...
exterior 19 15 outside [adj EXTERIO...
external 19 17 on the outside [adj...
externat 18 16 (French) a day-schoo...
externes 18 16 EXTERNE, an officer...
extincts 23 19 EXTINCT, to extingui...
extirped 22 19 EXTIRP, to root out...
extolled 21 18 EXTOLL, to praise hi...
extoller 21 17 one who extols [n -S...
extorted 19 16 EXTORT, to obtain so...
extorter 19 15 one who extorts [n -...
extracts 23 18 EXTRACT, to draw out...
extrados 19 16 the outer curve of a...
extraits 20 15 EXTRAIT, (French) an...
extranet 18 16 a type of network li...
extreats 19 15 EXTREAT [n]
extremal 21 19 a clause which limit...
extremer 20 18 EXTREME, farthest fr...
extremes 20 18 EXTREME, the highest...
extremum 22 22 (Latin) a maximum or...
extrorse 19 15 facing outwards [adj...
extruded 20 18 EXTRUDE, to force or...
extruder 20 17 something or someone...
extrudes 20 17 EXTRUDE, to force or...
extubate 21 19 to remove a tube fro...
exudates 19 17 EXUDATE, an exuded s...
exulling 23 21 EXUL, (Spenser) to e...
exultant 20 18 exulting [adj EXULTA...
exulting 22 20 EXULT, to rejoice gr...
exurbias 22 19 EXURBIA, exurbs coll...
exuviate 21 20 to cast off or shed...
eyeballs 23 15 EYEBALL, to look clo...
eyebanks 21 18 EYEBANK, a bank of c...
eyebaths 23 15 EYEBATH, a small ves...
eyebeams 21 16 EYEBEAM, a glance [n...
eyeblack 26 21 a dark pigment appli...
eyeblink 23 19 a very small amount...
eyebolts 22 14 EYEBOLT, a bolt with...
eyebrows 24 16 EYEBROW, to provide...
eyedness 18 12 the preference for t...
eyedrops 21 14 medicated solution f...
eyefolds 22 15 EYEFOLD, a fold of s...
eyeglass 21 13 a lens used to aid v...
eyeholes 21 13 EYEHOLE, a circular...
eyehooks 21 16 EYEHOOK, a hook or r...
eyeleted 19 12 EYELET, to make a sm...
eyelevel 22 16 at the same height a...
eyeliads 20 12 EYELIAD, an amorous...
eyelifts 23 14 EYELIFT, cosmetic su...
eyeliner 19 12 makeup for the eyes...
eyepatch 26 18 a patch worn to prot...
eyepiece 23 16 the lens nearest the...
eyepoint 20 14 the point at which t...
eyeshade 20 13 a visor for shading...
eyeshine 20 13 a reflection from th...
eyeshots 21 12 EYESHOT, the range o...
eyesight 23 14 the ability to see [...
eyesores 18 10 EYESORE, something u...
eyespots 21 13 EYESPOT, a spot like...
eyestalk 21 15 a stalklike structur...
eyestone 17 11 a small, lenticular,...
eyeteeth 20 12 EYETOOTH, one of the...
eyetooth 20 12 one of the canine te...
eyewater 21 13 a wash or lotion for...
eyewears 21 13 EYEWEAR, corrective...
eyewinks 23 18 EYEWINK, (Shakespear...