11 letter words that start with E

11 letter words that start with E

11 letter E word


Words With Friends®


eagernesses 17 14 EAGERNESS, the state...
eaglestones 18 15 EAGLESTONE, a hollow...
earbashings 23 19 EARBASHING, talking...
earlierised 19 13 EARLIERISE, to do at...
earlierises 19 12 EARLIERISE, to do at...
earlierized 22 22 EARLIERIZE, to do at...
earlierizes 22 21 EARLIERIZE, to do at...
earlinesses 18 13 EARLINESS, the state...
earnestness 16 13 the state of being e...
earthenware 21 17 ceramic ware made of...
earthflaxes 29 24 EARTHFLAX, asbestos...
earthlights 26 18 EARTHLIGHT, the fain...
earthliness 21 15 the state of being e...
earthmovers 23 20 EARTHMOVER, any piec...
earthmoving 24 23 the act of moving la...
earthquaked 29 28 shaken or destroyed...
earthquakes 29 27 EARTHQUAKE, a quakin...
earthshaker 23 19 an event of great im...
earthshines 22 16 EARTHSHINE, the fain...
earthwolves 26 21 EARTHWOLF, a hyena-l...
earwiggings 25 21 EARWIGGING, a scoldi...
easefulness 20 17 the state of being e...
easterlings 20 15 EASTERLING, a native...
easternmost 18 15 at the furthest poin...
eavestrough 23 20 a gutter at the eave...
ebionitisms 22 18 EBIONITISM, the syst...
eboulements 21 20 EBOULEMENT, (French)...
ebriosities 21 14 EBRIOSITY, addiction...
ebulliences 25 21 EBULLIENCE, the qual...
ebulliently 30 21 EBULLIENT, bubbling...
ebullitions 23 18 EBULLITION, the act,...
eburnations 19 17 EBURNATION, an abnor...
ecblasteses 24 18 ECBLASTESIS, prolife...
ecblastesis 25 18 proliferation of a f...
eccaleobion 25 22 (historical) a kind...
eccentrical 28 22 (archaic) eccentric,...
ecclesiarch 31 23 (archaic) a church r...
ecclesiasts 26 18 ECCLESIAST, an eccle...
eccoprotics 30 23 ECCOPROTIC, a laxati...
eccrinology 32 23 the branch of physio...
echinococci 32 26 ECHINOCOCCUS, a para...
echinoderms 24 21 ECHINODERM, one of t...
echopraxias 31 26 ECHOPRAXIA, in menta...
echoviruses 26 21 ECHOVIRUS, any of a...
eclecticism 31 24 being eclectic [n -S...
ecoclimates 26 21 ECOCLIMATE, a local...
ecofeminism 25 24 a movement or theory...
ecofeminist 24 21 an adherent of ecofe...
ecofriendly 30 22 respectful of the en...
ecomovement 23 25 an organized movemen...
econometers 20 18 ECONOMETER, a device...
econometric 24 21 relating to the meas...
economisers 21 18 ECONOMISER, one who...
economising 22 21 ECONOMISE, to make e...
economistic 25 21 relating to economis...
economizers 24 27 ECONOMIZER, one who...
economizing 25 30 ECONOMIZE, to make e...
ecospecific 32 26 relating to an ecosp...
ecotectures 24 18 ECOTECTURE, a type o...
ecotourisms 23 18 ECOTOURISM, the prac...
ecotourists 22 15 ECOTOURIST, a touris...
ecphractics 33 25 ECPHRACTIC, a drug t...
ecstasising 23 17 ECSTASISE, to be ecs...
ecstasizing 26 26 ECSTASIZE, to be ecs...
ectoblastic 28 21 relating to the ecto...
ectoenzymes 30 29 ECTOENZYME, an exoen...
ectogeneses 20 17 ECTOGENESIS, variati...
ectogenesis 21 17 variation in respons...
ectogenetic 24 20 produced by or chara...
ectomorphic 30 25 being slender and th...
ectopically 35 24 ECTOPIC, relating to...
ectoplasmic 29 24 of or like ectoplasm...
ectoplastic 28 21 relating to ectoplas...
ectosarcous 24 18 like ectosarc [adj]
ectothermic 28 22 cold-blooded [adj]
ectotrophic 29 22 growing in a close w...
ecumenicism 27 25 the doctrines and pr...
ecumenicist 26 22 a believer in ecumen...
ecumenicity 32 24 the state of being d...
edaphically 34 24 EDAPHIC, pertaining...
edelweisses 22 16 EDELWEISS, (German)...
edibilities 23 16 EDIBILITY, the quali...
edification 23 19 an act of edifying [...
edificatory 30 20 giving edification [...
editorially 27 16 EDITORIAL, relating...
editorships 24 17 EDITORSHIP, the offi...
educability 32 22 the capacity to be e...
educational 21 18 serving to educate [...
edulcorated 22 18 EDULCORATE, to make...
edulcorates 22 17 EDULCORATE, to make...
edulcorator 22 17 an agent that edulco...
edutainment 18 18 education combined w...
effacements 25 24 EFFACEMENT, the act...
effectively 35 27 EFFECTIVE, that work...
effectivity 35 26 the state of being e...
effectually 34 25 EFFECTUAL, successfu...
effectuated 25 22 EFFECTUATE, to effec...
effectuates 25 21 EFFECTUATE, to effec...
effeminated 22 22 EFFEMINATE, (archaic...
effeminates 22 21 EFFEMINATE, (archaic...
effeminised 23 22 EFFEMINISE, (archaic...
effeminises 23 21 EFFEMINISE, (archaic...
effeminized 26 31 EFFEMINIZE, (archaic...
effeminizes 26 30 EFFEMINIZE, (archaic...
effervesced 27 25 EFFERVESCE, to bubbl...
effervesces 27 24 EFFERVESCE, to bubbl...
efficacious 29 24 having the power to...
efficiences 28 24 EFFICIENCE, (archaic...
efficiently 33 24 EFFICIENT, capable o...
effleuraged 24 22 EFFLEURAGE, to make...
effleurages 24 21 EFFLEURAGE, (French)...
effloresced 26 22 EFFLORESCE, to flowe...
effloresces 26 21 EFFLORESCE, to flowe...
effortfully 34 25 EFFORTFUL, requiring...
effulgences 27 25 EFFULGENCE, radiant...
effulgently 32 25 EFFULGENT, radiant;...
egalitarian 19 15 a believer in egalit...
eglandulose 20 18 having no glands, al...
egocentrics 25 20 EGOCENTRIC, an egoce...
egocentrism 23 20 being egocentric, al...
egomaniacal 22 21 of or like an egoman...
egotistical 24 17 relating to or displ...
egregiously 28 19 EGREGIOUS, conspicuo...
egurgitated 21 17 EGURGITATE, to vomit...
egurgitates 21 16 EGURGITATE, to vomit...
eicosanoids 20 16 EICOSANOID, any of a...
eidetically 30 19 EIDETIC, marked by o...
eigenvalues 21 20 EIGENVALUE, a mathem...
eigenvector 23 21 a vector which when...
eighteenmos 21 19 EIGHTEENMO, a paper...
eighteenths 23 18 EIGHTEENTH, an eight...
eightpences 26 22 EIGHTPENCE, a coin w...
eightscores 25 18 EIGHTSCORE, eight ti...
einsteinium 19 17 a radioactive elemen...
eirenically 29 19 EIRENICAL, conducive...
eisteddfods 21 17 EISTEDDFOD, (Welsh)...
ejaculating 25 28 EJACULATE, to exclai...
ejaculation 23 26 an act of ejaculatin...
ejaculative 26 29 relating to ejaculat...
ejaculators 24 25 EJACULATOR, one who...
ejaculatory 30 27 marked by or given t...
ejectamenta 22 27 material ejected esp...
ekisticians 23 19 EKISTICIAN, a studen...
elaborately 27 18 ELABORATE, highly de...
elaborating 21 18 ELABORATE, to produc...
elaboration 19 16 the act of elaborati...
elaborative 22 19 serving to elaborate...
elaborators 20 15 ELABORATOR, one who,...
elaboratory 26 17 (obsolete) a laborat...
elaeoptenes 18 16 ELAEOPTENE, the liqu...
elasmosaurs 20 16 ELASMOSAUR, a very l...
elastically 31 19 ELASTIC, stretchy [a...
elasticated 22 16 ELASTICATE, to make...
elasticates 22 15 ELASTICATE, to make...
elasticised 23 16 ELASTICISE, to make...
elasticises 23 15 ELASTICISE, to make...
elasticized 26 25 made with elastic th...
elasticizes 26 24 ELASTICIZE, to make...
elasticness 22 16 the state of being e...
elastomeric 23 18 relating to an elast...
elderflower 25 20 the flower of the el...
elderliness 20 15 the state of being e...
elecampanes 23 22 ELECAMPANE, a compos...
electioneer 20 16 to take an active pa...
electorally 30 19 ELECTORAL, relating...
electorates 21 15 ELECTORATE, the terr...
electorship 27 20 the electorate [n -S...
electresses 22 15 ELECTRESS, the wife...
electricals 27 19 electrical equipment...
electrician 25 19 one who installs, ma...
electricity 33 20 the manifestation of...
electrified 25 19 ELECTRIFY, to charge...
electrifier 25 18 something or someone...
electrifies 25 18 ELECTRIFY, to charge...
electrising 24 18 ELECTRISE, to make e...
electrizing 27 27 ELECTRIZE, to make e...
electrocute 25 19 to execute (a crimin...
electrocyte 31 20 a specialized muscle...
electroform 25 21 to form (shaped arti...
electrogens 22 18 ELECTROGEN, a molecu...
electrogram 24 20 a tracing of the ele...
electrojets 24 24 ELECTROJET, an overh...
electroless 23 16 being or involving d...
electrolier 23 16 a chandelier for ele...
electrology 30 20 the study of electri...
electrolyse 29 18 to subject to electr...
electrolyte 29 18 a nonmetallic electr...
electrolyze 32 27 to subject to electr...
electromers 23 18 ELECTROMER, a substa...
electronica 24 19 dance music featurin...
electronics 25 19 ELECTRONIC [n]
electrotint 22 16 a printing block pro...
electrotype 30 20 to make a copy of so...
electrotypy 37 22 printing by electrot...
electroweak 25 22 of or relating to a...
electuaries 22 16 ELECTUARY, a medicin...
elegiacally 31 21 ELEGIACAL, related t...
elementally 27 20 ELEMENTAL, of or con...
elephantine 21 19 having enormous size...
elephantoid 22 19 elephant-like [adj]
eleutherian 20 16 freedom-giving [adj]
elevational 20 18 relating to elevatio...
elicitation 22 16 the act of eliciting...
eligibility 32 20 the state of being e...
eliminating 21 19 ELIMINATE, to remove...
elimination 19 17 the act of eliminati...
eliminative 22 20 serving to eliminate...
eliminators 20 16 ELIMINATOR, one who...
eliminatory 26 18 serving to eliminate...
ellipsoidal 24 18 having the shape of...
ellipticals 28 20 ELLIPTICAL, an ellip...
ellipticity 34 21 the state of being a...
eloignments 20 19 ELOIGNMENT, the act...
elongations 18 16 ELONGATION, the act...
elsewhither 27 19 to another place [ad...
elucidating 24 20 ELUCIDATE, to make c...
elucidation 22 18 the act of elucidati...
elucidative 25 21 serving to elucidate...
elucidators 23 17 ELUCIDATOR, one who...
elucidatory 29 19 serving to elucidate...
elucubrated 25 21 ELUCUBRATE, to work...
elucubrates 25 20 ELUCUBRATE, to work...
elusiveness 21 18 the state of being e...
elusoriness 19 14 the quality of being...
elutriating 21 16 ELUTRIATE, to separa...
elutriation 19 14 the act of elutriati...
elutriators 20 13 ELUTRIATOR, an appar...
eluviations 21 18 ELUVIATION, the form...
emaciations 21 18 EMACIATION, the act...
emanational 17 17 relating to emanatio...
emancipated 23 22 EMANCIPATE, to free...
emancipates 23 21 EMANCIPATE, to free...
emancipator 23 21 one who emancipates...
emancipists 25 21 EMANCIPIST, (histori...
emarginated 19 18 EMARGINATE, to take...
emarginates 19 17 EMARGINATE, to take...
emasculated 23 20 EMASCULATE, to depri...
emasculates 23 19 EMASCULATE, to depri...
emasculator 23 19 one who emasculates...
embalmments 24 25 EMBALMMENT, the act...
embankments 22 26 EMBANKMENT, a raised...
embarcadero 23 21 a landing place esp....
embarcation 23 21 the act of embarking...
embarkation 21 22 the act of embarking...
embarkments 23 25 EMBARKMENT, embarkat...
embarrassed 21 18 EMBARRASS, to discom...
embarrasses 21 17 EMBARRASS, to discom...
embasements 21 21 EMBASEMENT, the act...
embassadors 21 18 EMBASSADOR, (obsolet...
embellished 26 22 EMBELLISH, to add be...
embellisher 26 21 one who embellishes...
embellishes 26 21 EMBELLISH, to add be...
embitterers 22 17 EMBITTERER, one who...
embittering 23 20 the act of making bi...
emblazoners 24 28 EMBLAZONER, one who...
emblazoning 25 31 EMBLAZON, to depict...
emblematise 23 21 to represent by or a...
emblematist 24 21 a user or inventor o...
emblematize 26 30 to represent by or a...
emblemising 25 24 EMBLEMISE, to repres...
emblemizing 28 33 EMBLEMIZE, to repres...
emblossomed 23 22 EMBLOSSOM, to cover...
embodiments 22 22 EMBODIMENT, one that...
emboitement 21 21 (French) encasement...
emboldeners 21 20 EMBOLDENER, one who...
emboldening 22 23 EMBOLDEN, to instil...
embolectomy 32 26 the surgical removal...
embonpoints 22 22 EMBONPOINT, (French)...
embordering 22 21 EMBORDER, to provide...
embossments 22 21 EMBOSSMENT, the act...
embothriums 26 23 EMBOTHRIUM, an everg...
embouchures 27 24 EMBOUCHURE, (French)...
embowelling 27 25 EMBOWEL, to remove t...
embowelment 25 25 the act of embowelli...
embowerment 24 24 the act of embowerin...
embraceable 26 24 capable of being emb...
embracement 24 24 an embrace; an under...
embraceries 24 20 EMBRACERY, an attemp...
embracingly 33 26 EMBRACING [adv]
embrangling 24 24 EMBRANGLE, (archaic)...
embreathing 24 22 EMBREATHE, (archaic)...
embrittling 25 21 EMBRITTLE, (archaic)...
embrocating 25 23 EMBROCATE, to moiste...
embrocation 23 21 a liquid medication...
embroidered 21 19 EMBROIDER, to orname...
embroiderer 21 18 one who embroiders,...
embroilment 23 22 the state of being e...
embruements 22 22 EMBRUEMENT, the act...
embryectomy 38 27 the surgical removal...
embryogenic 31 25 relating to embryoge...
embryologic 33 25 relating to embryolo...
embryonated 26 21 (obsolete) of minera...
embryophyte 38 26 any green photosynth...
embryulcias 33 24 EMBRYULCIA, forcible...
emendations 17 17 EMENDATION, correcti...
emergencies 22 20 EMERGENCY, an unexpe...
emetophobia 24 22 the fear of vomiting...
emigrations 20 17 EMIGRATION, the act...
emmenagogic 24 25 relating to an emmen...
emmenagogue 20 23 a drug aiding menstr...
emmetropias 22 20 EMMETROPIA, correct...
emolliating 22 19 EMOLLIATE, to soften...
emolliences 23 20 EMOLLIENCE, the stat...
emollitions 21 17 EMOLLITION, the act...
emolumental 21 21 relating to emolumen...
emotionable 20 19 capable of rousing e...
emotionally 26 19 EMOTIONAL, full of e...
emotionless 19 16 expressing no emotio...
emotiveness 20 19 the state of being e...
emotivities 22 18 EMOTIVITY, emotivene...
empacketing 26 27 EMPACKET, to pack up...
empalements 22 22 EMPALEMENT, a fencin...
empanelling 23 23 EMPANEL, to select a...
empanelment 21 23 the act of empanelli...
empanoplied 23 23 EMPANOPLY, to clothe...
empanoplies 23 22 EMPANOPLY, to clothe...
emparadised 21 19 EMPARADISE, (Milton)...
emparadises 21 18 EMPARADISE, (Milton)...
emparlaunce 24 23 (Spenser) parleying,...
empassioned 20 19 (Spenser) full of pa...
empathising 25 22 EMPATHISE, to enter...
empathizing 28 31 EMPATHIZE, to enter...
empatroning 21 21 EMPATRON, (Shakespea...
emperishing 25 22 EMPERISH, (Spenser)...
emperorship 26 22 the office of empero...
emphasising 25 22 EMPHASISE, to add em...
emphasizing 28 31 EMPHASIZE, to add em...
emphractics 31 25 EMPHRACTIC, a substa...
emphysemics 35 27 EMPHYSEMIC, a suffer...
emphyteuses 30 22 EMPHYTEUSIS, a perpe...
emphyteusis 31 22 a perpetual but cond...
emphyteutic 34 25 relating to emphyteu...
empiecement 24 24 (French) an insertio...
empirically 34 24 EMPIRICAL, relying o...
empiricisms 28 23 EMPIRICISM, pursuit...
empiricists 27 20 EMPIRICIST, an empir...
empiricutic 30 24 (obsolete) empirical...
emplacement 25 25 the situation or loc...
emplastered 22 19 EMPLASTER, (obsolete...
emplastrons 22 19 EMPLASTRON, a medica...
emplastrums 25 22 EMPLASTRUM, a medica...
empleaching 28 26 EMPLEACH, to intertw...
employables 31 24 EMPLOYABLE, one who...
employments 29 24 EMPLOYMENT, the act...
empoisoning 21 21 EMPOISON, (archaic)...
empoldering 23 22 EMPOLDER, to reclaim...
empowerment 24 24 the act of empowerin...
emptinesses 21 18 EMPTINESS, the state...
empyreumata 28 23 EMPYREUMA, the pecul...
emulatively 30 23 EMULATIVE, inclined...
emulousness 20 18 the state of being e...
emulsifiers 24 19 EMULSIFIER, an agent...
emulsifying 31 24 EMULSIFY, to convert...
emulsionise 20 17 to make an emulsion...
emulsionize 23 26 to make an emulsion...
emunctories 22 19 EMUNCTORY, a cleansi...
enablements 20 20 ENABLEMENT, the act...
enamellings 21 20 ENAMELLING, the act...
enamellists 21 17 ENAMELLIST, a worker...
enamelwares 21 19 ENAMELWARE, craft go...
enamelworks 23 23 ENAMELWORK, work don...
enantiomers 17 16 ENANTIOMER, an enant...
enarrations 16 13 ENARRATION, (archaic...
enarthroses 19 14 ENARTHROSIS, a ball-...
enarthrosis 20 14 a ball-and-socket jo...
encampments 24 25 ENCAMPMENT, the plac...
encanthises 22 18 ENCANTHIS, (Greek) a...
encapsulate 23 20 to enclose in or as...
encapsuling 25 23 ENCAPSULE, to encaps...
encarnalise 20 17 to make carnal or se...
encarnalize 23 26 to make carnal or se...
encasements 20 19 ENCASEMENT, the act...
encashments 23 21 ENCASHMENT, the paym...
encephaline 24 22 a chemical found in...
encephalins 25 22 ENCEPHALIN, a chemic...
encephaloid 25 22 like or resembling a...
encephaloma 25 24 a brain tumour [n EN...
encephalons 24 22 ENCEPHALON, the cont...
encephalous 25 22 having a head, also...
enchainment 22 22 the act of enchainin...
enchantment 22 22 the act or art of en...
enchantress 22 18 a woman who practice...
encheiridia 23 18 ENCHEIRIDION, a hand...
enchiridion 23 19 a manual or handbook...
enchondroma 22 22 an abnormal cartilag...
encinctured 24 21 ENCINCTURE, to girdl...
encinctures 24 20 ENCINCTURE, a cinctu...
encipherers 25 20 ENCIPHERER, one who...
enciphering 26 23 ENCIPHER, to write i...
encloisters 22 16 ENCLOISTER, (obsolet...
encodements 20 20 ENCODEMENT, the act...
encoignures 21 19 ENCOIGNURE, a piece...
encolouring 22 20 ENCOLOUR, to colour...
encomendero 19 20 the commander of an...
encomiastic 25 21 bestowing praise, al...
encomiendas 20 20 ENCOMIENDA, (Spanish...
encompassed 23 22 ENCOMPASS, to surrou...
encompasses 23 21 ENCOMPASS, to surrou...
encountered 19 18 ENCOUNTER, to meet [...
encounterer 19 17 one who encounters [...
encouragers 21 18 ENCOURAGER, one who...
encouraging 22 21 heartening [adj ENCO...
encrimsoned 21 20 ENCRIMSON, to colour...
encroachers 25 20 ENCROACHER, one who...
encroaching 26 23 ENCROACH, to intrude...
encrustment 22 20 the act of encrustin...
encryptions 29 21 ENCRYPTION, the act...
enculturate 22 18 to culture [v ENCULT...
encumbering 25 25 ENCUMBER, to impede...
encumbrance 26 26 something that encum...
encurtained 20 18 ENCURTAIN, to enclos...
encyclicals 36 25 ENCYCLICAL, a letter...
encystation 26 18 the state of being e...
encystments 28 21 ENCYSTMENT, the act...
endangerers 17 16 ENDANGERER, one who...
endangering 18 19 ENDANGER, to expose...
endearingly 25 19 ENDEARING [adv]
endearments 17 17 ENDEARMENT, a word o...
endeavorers 18 17 ENDEAVORER, one who...
endeavoring 19 20 ENDEAVOR, to strive...
endeavoured 18 19 ENDEAVOUR, to try, a...
endeavourer 18 18 ENDEAVOUR, to try, a...
endemically 30 23 ENDEMICAL, confined...
endemiology 26 21 the study of local d...
endenizened 18 25 ENDENIZEN, to admit...
endlessness 18 15 the state of being e...
endoblastic 24 20 relating to the endo...
endocardiac 23 20 relating to the endo...
endocardial 21 18 relating to the endo...
endocardium 22 21 (Latin) a membrane l...
endocentric 23 20 of a construction, f...
endochylous 30 22 having internal wate...
endocranial 20 18 relating to the endo...
endocranium 21 21 the thick fibrous me...
endocrinous 20 18 relating to the endo...
endocuticle 25 21 the inner layer of t...
endocytoses 26 18 ENDOCYTOSIS, the pro...
endocytosis 27 18 the process by which...
endocytotic 30 21 relating to endocyto...
endodontics 20 18 ENDODONTIC [n]
endodontist 17 15 a practitioner of en...
endoenzymes 26 28 ENDOENZYME, an enzym...
endometrial 19 17 relating to the endo...
endometrium 20 20 (Latin) the inner li...
endomitoses 18 16 ENDOMITOSIS, divisio...
endomitosis 19 16 division of chromoso...
endomitotic 22 19 relating to endomito...
endomixises 25 23 ENDOMIXIS, in Protoz...
endomorphic 26 24 heavily built [adj]
endoneurium 18 19 the delicate connect...
endophagies 22 20 ENDOPHAGY, cannibali...
endophagous 22 21 exhibiting endophagy...
endoplasmic 25 23 as in endoplasmic re...
endoplastic 24 20 as in endoplasmic re...
endopleuras 20 18 ENDOPLEURA, the inne...
endopodites 19 17 ENDOPODITE, the inte...
endorsation 16 14 approval or support,...
endorsement 17 17 the act of endorsing...
endoscopies 22 19 ENDOSCOPY, the art o...
endoscopist 23 19 one who uses an endo...
endospermic 24 22 relating to the endo...
endosporous 19 17 of or like an endosp...
endosteally 25 17 ENDOSTEAL, relating...
endosulfans 20 19 ENDOSULFAN, a browni...
endothecial 23 19 relating to the endo...
endothecium 24 22 the inner lining of...
endothelial 21 17 of or like the endot...
endothelium 22 20 the layer of cell ti...
endothermal 21 19 characterized by or...
endothermic 24 21 characterized by or...
endotrophic 25 21 penetrating into the...
endungeoned 16 19 ENDUNGEON, to shut u...
energetical 22 18 full of energetic, a...
enervations 18 17 ENERVATION, the act...
enfacements 22 22 ENFACEMENT, the act...
enfeoffment 23 25 the act of enfeoffin...
enfettering 20 18 ENFETTER, to bind wi...
enfleurages 21 19 ENFLEURAGE, the expo...
enflowering 24 22 ENFLOWER, to cover w...
enfoldments 21 21 ENFOLDMENT, the act...
enforceable 24 22 that can be enforced...
enforcement 22 22 the act of enforcing...
enforesting 20 18 ENFOREST, to turn in...
enfouldered 20 19 (Spenser) charged wi...
enframement 20 22 the act of enframing...
enfranchise 24 21 to admit to the priv...
enfreedomed 19 20 ENFREEDOM, (Shakespe...
engagements 19 20 ENGAGEMENT, an arran...
engarlanded 18 18 ENGARLAND, to encirc...
engarrisons 18 15 ENGARRISON, to garri...
engenderers 17 16 ENGENDERER, one who...
engendering 18 19 ENGENDER, to bring i...
engendrures 18 17 ENGENDRURE, (archaic...
engineering 18 18 ENGINEER, to arrange...
englacially 31 22 ENGLACIAL, embedded...
engorgement 19 20 the act of engorging...
engouements 18 19 ENGOUEMENT, (French)...
engraftment 21 21 the act of engraftin...
engrailment 20 19 a ring of dots aroun...
engrainedly 25 19 ENGRAINED [adv]
engrammatic 24 23 relating to an engra...
engraveries 20 18 ENGRAVERY, (obsolete...
engrossedly 26 18 ENGROSSED [adv]
engrossment 19 18 immoderate acquisiti...
engulfments 23 23 ENGULFMENT, a swallo...
enhancement 21 22 the act of enhancing...
enheartened 17 16 ENHEARTEN, to encour...
enhungering 21 21 ENHUNGER, to make hu...
enigmatical 24 21 puzzling, mysterious...
enigmatised 20 18 ENIGMATISE, to expre...
enigmatises 20 17 ENIGMATISE, to expre...
enigmatists 21 17 ENIGMATIST, one who...
enigmatized 23 27 ENIGMATIZE, to expre...
enigmatizes 23 26 ENIGMATIZE, to expre...
enjambement 22 31 (French) the continu...
enjambments 23 31 ENJAMBMENT, (French)...
enjoinments 19 26 ENJOINMENT, directio...
enkephaline 22 23 a chemical found in...
enkephalins 23 23 ENKEPHALIN, a chemic...
enkernelled 19 20 ENKERNEL, to enclose...
enlacements 21 20 ENLACEMENT, the act...
enlargeable 21 19 that can be enlarged...
enlargement 19 19 an act or instance o...
enlargening 19 19 ENLARGEN, to make la...
enlevements 20 21 ENLEVEMENT, (obsolet...
enlightened 21 19 ENLIGHTEN, to impart...
enlightener 21 18 one who enlightens [...
enlistments 20 17 ENLISTMENT, the act...
enlivenment 20 22 the act of enlivenin...
enmeshments 21 21 ENMESHMENT, the stat...
enneahedral 18 17 of or like an enneah...
enneahedron 16 17 a nine-sided solid f...
enneandrian 14 16 of the class Enneand...
enneandrous 15 16 of the class Enneand...
enneathlons 18 17 ENNEATHLON, an athle...
ennoblement 19 21 the act of ennobling...
enouncement 19 21 the act of enouncing...
enquiration 25 23 (dialect) inquiry, a...
enragements 18 18 ENRAGEMENT, the act...
enranckling 23 24 ENRANCKLE, (Spenser)...
enrapturing 21 19 ENRAPTURE, to deligh...
enravishing 23 21 ENRAVISH, to enraptu...
enregiments 19 18 ENREGIMENT, to form...
enregisters 19 14 ENREGISTER, to regis...
enrichments 24 21 ENRICHMENT, the act...
enrollments 20 18 ENROLLMENT, the act...
ensanguined 17 18 ENSANGUINE, to cover...
ensanguines 17 17 ENSANGUINE, to cover...
enscheduled 24 21 ENSCHEDULE, (Shakesp...
enschedules 24 20 ENSCHEDULE, (Shakesp...
enscrolling 24 20 ENSCROLL, to write o...
ensepulchre 26 22 to place in a sepulc...
enserfments 20 19 ENSERFMENT, the stat...
ensheathing 22 19 ENSHEATH, to enclose...
ensheltered 20 16 ENSHELTER, (Shakespe...
enshielding 22 19 ENSHIELD, to defend,...
enshrouding 21 19 ENSHROUD, to cover u...
ensignships 24 20 ENSIGNSHIP, (histori...
ensilageing 20 18 ENSILAGE, to store i...
enslavement 20 21 the state of being e...
ensnarement 16 17 the act of ensnaring...
ensorceling 22 19 ENSORCEL, to bewitch...
ensorcelled 22 18 ENSORCEL, to bewitch...
ensoulments 19 18 ENSOULMENT, the act...
entablature 20 17 (French) that part o...
entablement 20 20 the platform of a pe...
entailments 19 17 ENTAILMENT, the act...
entelechies 23 18 ENTELECHY, perfect r...
entendering 17 17 ENTENDER, (obsolete)...
enterdealed 17 15 ENTERDEALE, (Spenser...
enterdeales 17 14 ENTERDEALE, (Spenser...
enterectomy 27 20 surgical removal of...
enteritides 18 13 ENTERITIS, inflammat...
enteritises 18 12 ENTERITIS, inflammat...
enteroceles 20 16 ENTEROCELE, a hernia...
enterococci 26 21 ENTEROCOCCUS, any of...
enterocoele 19 16 a coelom originating...
enterocoels 20 16 ENTEROCOEL, a coelom...
enteroliths 21 15 ENTEROLITH, an intes...
enteropathy 27 19 a disease of the int...
enterostomy 24 17 a surgical formation...
enterotoxin 22 20 an intestinal toxin...
enteroviral 20 17 of or like an entero...
enterovirus 20 17 any of several virus...
enterprised 20 16 ENTERPRISE, to under...
enterpriser 20 15 one who undertakes a...
enterprises 20 15 ENTERPRISE, to under...
entertained 16 14 ENTERTAIN, to hold t...
entertainer 16 13 one who entertains [...
entertaking 19 19 ENTERTAKE, (Spenser)...
enthraldoms 22 19 ENTHRALDOM, (archaic...
enthrallers 22 16 ENTHRALLER, one who...
enthralling 23 19 ENTHRAL, to reduce t...
enthralment 21 19 the state of being e...
enthronised 19 16 ENTHRONISE, to enthr...
enthronises 19 15 ENTHRONISE, to enthr...
enthronized 22 25 ENTHRONIZE, to enthr...
enthronizes 22 24 ENTHRONIZE, to enthr...
enthusiasms 22 18 ENTHUSIASM, intense...
enthusiasts 21 15 ENTHUSIAST, a person...
enticements 21 19 ENTICEMENT, the act...
entitlement 19 17 the state or conditi...
entoblastic 24 19 relating to the ento...
entoilments 19 17 ENTOILMENT, entangle...
entombments 21 22 ENTOMBMENT, the act...
entomofauna 18 20 (Latin) insect life...
entomologic 23 21 related to entomolog...
entomophagy 29 24 the eating of insect...
entomophily 30 23 seed plants which ar...
entophytous 28 20 of or pertaining to...
entoplastra 20 16 ENTOPLASTRON, the un...
entrainment 17 17 the act of entrainin...
entrammeled 20 20 ENTRAMMEL, to tramme...
entranceway 28 21 an entrance [n -S]
entrapments 20 19 ENTRAPMENT, the act...
entreasured 17 14 ENTREASURE, (archaic...
entreasures 17 13 ENTREASURE, (archaic...
entreatable 19 16 (obsolete) that can...
entreatment 17 16 the act of entreatin...
entremesses 18 15 ENTREMESSE, (French)...
entrenchers 22 18 ENTRENCHER, one who...
entrenching 23 21 ENTRENCH, to fix fir...
entrustment 19 17 the act of entrustin...
entwinement 20 20 the act of entwining...
enucleating 22 20 ENUCLEATE, to bring...
enucleation 20 18 clarification, expla...
enumerating 19 19 ENUMERATE, to count,...
enumeration 17 17 the act of enumerati...
enumerative 20 20 serving to enumerate...
enumerators 18 16 ENUMERATOR, one that...
enunciating 21 20 ENUNCIATE, to pronou...
enunciation 19 18 the act of enunciati...
enunciative 22 21 containing enunciati...
enunciators 20 17 ENUNCIATOR, one who...
enunciatory 26 19 relating to enunciat...
envassalled 21 19 ENVASSAL, to make a...
envelopment 22 24 the act of envelopin...
envermeiled 21 21 ENVERMEIL, (Milton)...
enviousness 19 18 the state of being e...
environment 19 21 the circumstances, o...
envisioning 20 20 ENVISION, to visuali...
enwallowing 26 23 ENWALLOW, (Spenser)...
enwrapments 23 22 ENWRAPMENT, the act...
enwrappings 26 24 ENWRAPPING, the act...
enwreathing 23 20 ENWREATH, to encircl...
enzymically 40 33 ENZYMIC, of or like...
enzymolyses 35 29 ENZYMOLYSIS, a bioch...
enzymolysis 36 29 a biochemical decomp...
enzymolytic 39 32 relating to enzymoly...
eosinophile 22 18 a type of white bloo...
eosinophils 23 18 EOSINOPHIL, a type o...
epanalepses 21 19 EPANALEPSIS, repetit...
epanalepsis 22 19 repetition or resump...
epanaleptic 25 22 related to epanaleps...
epanaphoral 23 21 relating to epanapho...
epanaphoras 22 20 EPANAPHORA, the repe...
epaulements 21 20 EPAULEMENT, a side-w...
epeirogenic 23 20 relating to epeiroge...
epencephala 26 24 EPENCEPHALON, the ce...
epeolatries 20 15 EPEOLATRY, the worsh...
ephebophile 29 25 one who is sexually...
ephemerally 31 23 EPHEMERAL, existing...
ephemerides 23 20 EPHEMERIS, (Greek) a...
ephemerists 24 19 EPHEMERIST, one who...
ephoralties 23 17 EPHORALTY, the offic...
epicheirema 26 22 a syllogism confirme...
epicondyles 30 22 EPICONDYLE, a projec...
epicraniums 25 22 EPICRANIUM, the medi...
epicurising 26 21 EPICURISE, (archaic)...
epicurizing 29 30 EPICURIZE, (archaic)...
epicuticles 29 22 EPICUTICLE, the oute...
epicyclical 39 27 pertaining to or hav...
epicycloids 35 24 EPICYCLOID, a curve...
epidemicity 32 23 the state of being e...
epidendrone 18 18 a genus of tropical...
epidendrums 22 21 EPIDENDRUM, a genus...
epidermises 22 18 EPIDERMIS, the outer...
epidiascope 25 21 an instrument for pr...
epidiorites 21 15 EPIDIORITE, a diorit...
epigastrial 23 17 relating to the epig...
epigastrium 24 20 part of abdomen lyin...
epigenesist 21 17 an adherent of epige...
epigenetics 24 20 the science which st...
epignathous 23 20 having a protruding...
epigraphers 26 21 EPIGRAPHER, one who...
epigraphies 26 21 EPIGRAPHY, the study...
epigraphing 27 24 EPIGRAPH, to mark wi...
epigraphist 27 21 one who writes epigr...
epileptical 28 22 suffering from epile...
epilimnions 22 20 EPILIMNION, the uppe...
epilogising 24 20 EPILOGISE, to speak...
epilogistic 27 20 of or like an epilog...
epilogizing 27 29 EPILOGIZE, to speak...
epiloguised 23 19 EPILOGUISE, to speak...
epiloguises 23 18 EPILOGUISE, to speak...
epiloguized 26 28 EPILOGUIZE, to speak...
epiloguizes 26 27 EPILOGUIZE, to speak...
epimerising 23 20 EPIMERISE, to make i...
epimerizing 26 29 EPIMERIZE, to make a...
epinephrine 23 21 adrenalin, also EPIN...
epinephrins 24 21 EPINEPHRIN, adrenali...
epineuriums 22 20 EPINEURIUM, the conn...
epipetalous 23 19 inserted or growing...
epiphonemas 24 23 EPIPHONEMA, an excla...
epiphyllous 34 24 borne on the leaves...
epiphytical 36 25 of or like an epiphy...
epiphytisms 34 24 EPIPHYTISM, the stat...
epiphytotic 35 24 a sudden outbreak of...
epiplastral 25 19 relating to an epipl...
epiplastron 23 19 either of the two an...
epirogenies 20 17 EPIROGENY, the geolo...
episcopally 34 24 EPISCOPAL, governed...
episcopants 25 21 EPISCOPANT, (Milton)...
episcopated 25 21 EPISCOPATE, to act a...
episcopates 25 20 EPISCOPATE, a bishop...
episcopised 26 21 EPISCOPISE, to make...
episcopises 26 20 EPISCOPISE, to make...
episcopized 29 30 EPISCOPIZE, to make...
episcopizes 29 29 EPISCOPIZE, to make...
episepalous 23 19 inserted or growing...
epispastics 27 20 EPISPASTIC, a bliste...
epistaxises 27 21 EPISTAXIS, bleeding...
episternums 22 19 EPISTERNUM, a median...
epistilbite 25 18 a zeolite closely re...
epistolical 26 19 of or like an epistl...
epistolised 22 16 EPISTOLISE, to write...
epistolises 22 15 EPISTOLISE, to write...
epistolists 23 15 EPISTOLIST, one who...
epistolized 25 25 EPISTOLIZE, to write...
epistolizes 25 24 EPISTOLIZE, to write...
epistrophes 25 19 EPISTROPHE, the endi...
epitaphists 26 19 EPITAPHIST, an epita...
epitaxially 35 25 EPITAXIAL, relating...
epithalamia 24 20 EPITHALAMION, a poem...
epithalamic 28 23 of or like an epitha...
epithelioid 24 18 resembling epitheliu...
epithelioma 24 20 a tumour of the epit...
epithelised 24 18 EPITHELISE, to conve...
epithelises 24 17 EPITHELISE, to conve...
epitheliums 26 21 EPITHELIUM, the oute...
epithelized 27 27 EPITHELIZE, to conve...
epithelizes 27 26 EPITHELIZE, to conve...
epithetical 27 20 pertaining to, or ab...
epithymetic 34 24 of or pertaining to...
epitomisers 22 17 EPITOMISER, one who...
epitomising 23 20 EPITOMISE, to make a...
epitomizers 25 26 EPITOMIZER, one who...
epitomizing 26 29 EPITOMIZE, to make a...
epitrochoid 26 20 a curve like an epic...
epizeuxises 30 31 EPIZEUXIS, the immed...
eponychiums 33 26 EPONYCHIUM, a narrow...
eponymously 34 24 EPONYMOUS, of, relat...
epoxidation 25 23 a conversion of a us...
epoxidising 28 25 EPOXIDISE, to conver...
epoxidizing 31 34 EPOXIDIZE, to conver...
eprouvettes 22 19 EPROUVETTE, (French)...
equableness 28 26 being equable [n -ES...
equalnesses 26 23 EQUALNESS, equality;...
equatorials 27 22 EQUATORIAL, an equat...
equatorward 29 25 in the direction of...
equestrians 26 22 EQUESTRIAN, one who...
equiangular 28 26 having equal angles...
equibalance 31 29 equipoise [n -S] / t...
equicaloric 34 28 capable of yielding...
equidistant 27 23 equally distant [adj...
equifinally 37 29 EQUIFINAL, having th...
equilateral 28 23 having all sides equ...
equilibrant 30 26 a force that will ba...
equilibrate 30 25 to bring into or kee...
equilibrist 32 25 a tightrope walker [...
equilibrity 38 27 the state of being i...
equilibrium 33 29 a state of intellect...
equinoctial 30 26 relating to the equi...
equiparated 28 25 EQUIPARATE, (obsolet...
equiparates 28 24 EQUIPARATE, (obsolet...
equipoising 30 27 EQUIPOISE, to provid...
equipollent 30 27 having equal power o...
equitations 26 22 EQUITATION, the act...
equivalence 31 30 the state or propert...
equivalency 38 32 the state or propert...
equivalents 29 27 EQUIVALENT, somethin...
equivocally 40 32 EQUIVOCAL, subject t...
equivocated 31 29 EQUIVOCATE, to use e...
equivocates 31 28 EQUIVOCATE, to use e...
equivocator 31 28 one who equivocates...
eradiations 17 13 ERADIATION, emission...
eradicating 22 18 ERADICATE, to root o...
eradication 20 16 the act of eradicati...
eradicative 23 19 serving to eradicate...
eradicators 21 15 ERADICATOR, one who...
erasability 28 17 the capacity to be e...
erectnesses 20 15 ERECTNESS, the state...
eremacauses 21 18 EREMACAUSIS, very sl...
eremacausis 22 18 very slow oxidation...
ergatocracy 31 21 government by the wo...
ergatogynes 25 18 ERGATOGYNE, a worker...
ergatomorph 24 21 an ergatoid ant [n -...
ergomaniacs 22 20 ERGOMANIAC, one who...
ergometries 20 16 ERGOMETRY, the measu...
ergonomists 20 17 ERGONOMIST, one who...
ergonovines 19 19 ERGONOVINE, an alkal...
ergophobias 25 21 ERGOPHOBIA, a morbid...
ergosterols 20 14 ERGOSTEROL, a chemic...
ergotamines 19 17 ERGOTAMINE, a vasoco...
eriophorous 22 17 very cottony [adj]
eriophorums 24 20 ERIOPHORUM, a plant...
eriostemons 18 15 ERIOSTEMON, an Austr...
eristically 31 18 ERISTICAL, pertainin...
erodibility 29 18 the capacity to be e...
erosionally 25 16 EROSIONAL, relating...
erosiveness 19 16 the state of being e...
erosivities 21 15 EROSIVITY, the state...
eroticising 23 17 EROTICISE, to render...
eroticizing 26 26 EROTICIZE, to render...
erotisation 17 12 the act of erotising...
erotization 20 21 the act of erotizing...
erotogenous 17 15 producing erotic des...
erotologies 19 14 EROTOLOGY, the study...
erotologist 20 14 a student of erotolo...
erotomaniac 20 18 one suffering from e...
erotomanias 17 15 EROTOMANIA, an unusu...
erotophobia 23 19 fear of sex [n -S]
erratically 30 18 ERRATICAL, (archaic)...
erraticisms 24 17 ERRATICISM, the stat...
erroneously 24 16 ERRONEOUS, wrong [ad...
erubescence 25 22 a blush, also ERUBES...
erubescency 32 24 a blush, also ERUBES...
erubescites 24 18 ERUBESCITE, a reddis...
eructations 21 16 ERUCTATION, an act o...
eruditeness 18 14 the state of being e...
erysipeloid 28 18 an infective dermati...
erythematic 31 21 relating to erythema...
erythorbate 28 18 a salt of erythorbic...
erythraemia 27 18 another name for the...
erythremias 28 18 ERYTHREMIA, another...
erythrismal 30 19 suffering from eryth...
erythristic 32 18 suffering from eryth...
erythritols 29 16 ERYTHRITOL, a sweet...
erythrocyte 36 20 a red blood corpuscl...
erythronium 28 20 any plant of the bul...
erythropsia 29 18 a defect of vision i...
erythrosine 26 16 a red substance form...
erythrosins 27 16 ERYTHROSIN, a red su...
escadrilles 24 17 ESCADRILLE, (French)...
escalations 21 16 ESCALATION, the act...
escallonias 22 17 ESCALLONIA, an everg...
escalloping 26 22 ESCALLOP, to bake in...
escamotages 22 19 ESCAMOTAGE, (French)...
escapements 23 21 ESCAPEMENT, a part o...
escarmouche 27 23 (obsolete) a skirmis...
escarpments 24 21 ESCARPMENT, a steep...
escharotics 27 19 ESCHAROTIC, a causti...
eschatology 31 21 a branch of theology...
escheatable 25 20 capable of being esc...
escheatages 23 18 ESCHEATAGE, the righ...
escheatment 23 20 forfeiture of proper...
escritoires 22 14 ESCRITOIRE, (French)...
escritorial 23 15 relating to an escri...
escutcheons 26 21 ESCUTCHEON, a shield...
esemplasies 22 18 ESEMPLASY, the unify...
esemplastic 26 21 having the power to...
esophagitis 24 18 inflammation of the...
esophaguses 23 19 ESOPHAGUS, that port...
esotericism 23 17 esoteric doctrines o...
esotericist 22 14 a student of esoteri...
espadrilles 23 17 ESPADRILLE, (French)...
espaliering 22 18 ESPALIER, to train a...
espieglerie 22 17 (French) the quality...
esquiresses 27 21 ESQUIRESS, (historic...
essentially 26 16 ESSENTIAL, absolutel...
established 24 18 ESTABLISH, to settle...
establisher 24 17 one who establishes...
establishes 24 17 ESTABLISH, to settle...
estancieros 20 15 ESTANCIERO, a farmer...
esterifying 28 19 ESTERIFY, to convert...
esthesiogen 20 16 something producing...
esthetician 23 17 a specialist in aest...
estheticism 26 19 the doctrine that be...
estimations 19 15 ESTIMATION, the act...
estivations 20 16 ESTIVATION, the act...
estramazone 20 24 (obsolete) a downwar...
estrangelos 19 15 ESTRANGELO, a cursiv...
estranghelo 21 17 a cursive form of th...
estrepement 20 18 the act of estreping...
estributors 22 15 ESTRIBUTOR, a person...
esuriencies 21 16 ESURIENCY, greed, gl...
eternalised 18 14 ETERNALISE, to make...
eternalises 18 13 ETERNALISE, to make...
eternalists 19 13 ETERNALIST, one who...
eternalized 21 23 ETERNALIZE, to make...
eternalizes 21 22 ETERNALIZE, to make...
eternalness 17 14 being eternal [n -ES...
ethambutols 25 21 ETHAMBUTOL, a drug u...
ethanedioic 22 18 designating a type o...
ethanediols 20 16 ETHANEDIOL, a clear...
etherealise 20 14 to make ethereal, al...
ethereality 27 16 the quality of being...
etherealize 23 23 to make ethereal [v...
etherifying 30 21 ETHERIFY, to convert...
etheromania 19 17 addiction to the tak...
ethicalness 24 18 being ethical [n -ES...
ethionamide 20 18 a compound used agai...
ethnarchies 25 19 ETHNARCHY, the domin...
ethnicities 24 17 ETHNICITY, ethnic ch...
ethnobotany 26 20 the plant lore of in...
ethnogenies 19 17 ETHNOGENY, the study...
ethnogenist 20 17 a student of ethnoge...
ethnography 31 23 the study and system...
ethnologies 21 17 ETHNOLOGY, cultural...
ethnologist 22 17 a student of ethnolo...
ethological 26 20 relating to ethology...
ethologists 23 16 ETHOLOGIST, one who...
ethylamines 28 20 ETHYLAMINE, a colorl...
ethylations 27 17 ETHYLATION, a chemic...
etiolations 18 13 ETIOLATION, the oper...
etiological 24 18 relating to etiology...
etiologists 21 14 ETIOLOGIST, a studen...
etourderies 18 13 ETOURDERIE, (French)...
etymologica 30 22 ETYMOLOGICON, an ety...
etymologies 27 19 ETYMOLOGY, the study...
etymologise 27 19 to trace or suggest...
etymologist 28 19 a specialist in etym...
etymologize 30 28 to discover, formula...
eubacterium 25 22 a member of the Euba...
eucalyptole 31 22 a volatile, terpenel...
eucalyptols 32 22 EUCALYPTOL, a volati...
eucharistic 28 20 relating to the Euch...
euchlorines 24 19 EUCHLORINE, a highly...
euchologies 25 20 EUCHOLOGY, (Greek) a...
euchologion 24 21 (Greek) a formulary...
euchromatic 28 23 of or like euchromat...
euchromatin 24 21 the part of chromati...
eudaemonias 17 17 EUDAEMONIA, happines...
eudaemonics 21 20 the art or theory of...
eudaemonies 17 17 EUDAEMONY, happiness...
eudaemonism 19 20 the theory that the...
eudaemonist 18 17 a student of eudemon...
eudaimonism 20 20 the theory that the...
eudemonisms 20 20 EUDEMONISM, the theo...
eudemonists 19 17 EUDEMONIST, a studen...
eudiometers 19 16 EUDIOMETER, an appar...
eudiometric 23 19 relating to a eudiom...
eugenecists 22 18 EUGENECIST, a studen...
eugenically 30 22 EUGENICAL, relating...
eugenicists 23 18 EUGENICIST, a studen...
euglobulins 24 21 EUGLOBULIN, a simple...
euhemerised 21 18 EUHEMERISE, to give...
euhemerises 21 17 EUHEMERISE, to give...
euhemerisms 23 20 EUHEMERISM, the inte...
euhemerists 22 17 EUHEMERIST, one who...
euhemerized 24 27 EUHEMERIZE, to give...
euhemerizes 24 26 EUHEMERIZE, to give...
eunuchising 25 22 EUNUCHISE, to make a...
eunuchizing 28 31 EUNUCHIZE, to make a...
eupatoriums 22 19 EUPATORIUM, any plan...
eupepticity 33 23 the state of being e...
euphausiids 24 19 EUPHAUSIID, one of a...
euphemisers 24 20 EUPHEMISER, one who...
euphemising 25 23 EUPHEMISE, to speak...
euphemistic 28 23 relating to euphemis...
euphemizers 27 29 EUPHEMIZER, one who...
euphemizing 28 32 EUPHEMIZE, to speak...
euphonising 23 21 EUPHONISE, to make e...
euphonizing 26 30 EUPHONIZE, to make e...
euphorbiums 27 24 EUPHORBIUM, the resi...
euphoriants 22 18 EUPHORIANT, a drug t...
eurhythmics 35 24 a system of training...
eurhythmies 31 21 EURHYTHMY, rhythmica...
eurhythmist 32 21 a practitioner of eu...
eurocheques 31 27 EUROCHEQUE, a cheque...
eurocredits 22 16 EUROCREDIT, a loan i...
eurodeposit 20 16 a deposit of the cur...
eurodollars 20 15 EURODOLLAR, a United...
euromarkets 20 19 EUROMARKET, a market...
europhilias 24 18 EUROPHILIA, the love...
europhobias 24 20 EUROPHOBIA, an irrat...
euryoecious 27 18 (of an organism) abl...
eurypterids 28 18 EURYPTERID, any of a...
eurypteroid 27 18 like a member of the...
eurythermal 29 20 tolerating a wide ra...
eurythermic 32 22 tolerating a wide ra...
eurythmical 33 23 relating to eurhythm...
eurythmists 30 19 EURYTHMIST, a person...
euthanasias 19 15 EUTHANASIA, the prac...
euthanasies 19 15 EUTHANASY, the pract...
euthanasing 20 18 EUTHANASE, to subjec...
euthanatise 19 15 to perform euthanasi...
euthanatize 22 24 to perform euthanasi...
euthanazing 23 27 EUTHANAZE, to subjec...
euthanising 21 18 EUTHANISE, to subjec...
euthanizing 24 27 EUTHANIZE, to subjec...
eutrapelias 21 16 EUTRAPELIA, (obsolet...
eutrapelies 21 16 EUTRAPELY, wit, ease...
evacuations 22 20 EVACUATION, the act...
evacuatives 25 23 EVACUATIVE, a purgat...
evaginating 21 21 EVAGINATE, to turn i...
evagination 19 19 surgical removal of...
evaluations 20 18 EVALUATION, the act...
evanescence 23 23 the process or fact...
evangeliars 21 19 EVANGELIAR, a book o...
evangeliary 27 21 a book of passages f...
evangelical 25 23 of or relating to th...
evangelised 21 20 EVANGELISE, to preac...
evangeliser 21 19 one who evangelises,...
evangelises 21 19 EVANGELISE, to preac...
evangelisms 23 22 EVANGELISM, the winn...
evangelists 22 19 EVANGELIST, a writer...
evangelized 24 29 EVANGELIZE, to preac...
evangelizer 24 28 one who evangelises,...
evangelizes 24 28 EVANGELIZE, to preac...
evanishment 22 22 the act of vanishing...
evaporating 22 21 EVAPORATE, to change...
evaporation 20 19 the act of evaporati...
evaporative 23 22 serving to evaporate...
evaporators 21 18 EVAPORATOR, an agent...
evasiveness 21 20 the state of being e...
eventrating 20 19 EVENTRATE, to open t...
eventration 18 17 the protrusion of an...
eventualise 20 18 to happen, come into...
eventuality 27 20 a possible event or...
eventualize 23 27 to happen, come into...
eventuating 20 20 EVENTUATE, to turn o...
eventuation 18 18 the act of eventuati...
everlasting 22 19 lasting forever [adj...
everywhence 33 26 from all directions...
evidentiary 26 19 being, relating to,...
evincements 23 23 EVINCEMENT, the act...
eviscerated 23 19 EVISCERATE, to depri...
eviscerates 23 18 EVISCERATE, to depri...
eviscerator 23 18 one who eviscerates...
eviternally 28 20 EVITERNAL, eternal [...
evocatively 32 25 EVOCATIVE, calling f...
evolutional 21 19 relating to evolutio...
evolvements 23 24 EVOLVEMENT, the act...
exacerbated 28 25 EXACERBATE, to make...
exacerbates 28 24 EXACERBATE, to make...
exactitudes 28 23 EXACTITUDE, the qual...
exactnesses 26 22 EXACTNESS, the state...
exactresses 27 21 EXACTRESS, a female...
exaggerated 25 23 EXAGGERATE, to enlar...
exaggerates 25 22 EXAGGERATE, to enlar...
exaggerator 25 22 one who exaggerates...
exaltations 24 20 EXALTATION, an act o...
exaltedness 24 21 the state of being e...
examination 23 23 the act of examining...
examinators 24 22 EXAMINATOR, an exami...
exanimation 23 23 lifelessness [n -S]
exanthemata 25 24 EXANTHEMA, a skin er...
exasperated 25 22 EXASPERATE, to excit...
exasperater 25 21 one who exasperates,...
exasperates 25 21 EXASPERATE, to excit...
exasperator 25 21 one who exasperates,...
excarnating 27 25 EXCARNATE, to depriv...
excarnation 25 23 the act of excarnati...
excavations 28 26 EXCAVATION, the act...
exceedingly 35 28 EXCEEDING [adv]
excellences 31 27 EXCELLENCE, the qual...
excellently 36 27 EXCELLENT, very good...
exceptional 29 26 by way of an excepti...
excerptible 33 28 that can be excerpte...
excerptings 31 27 EXCERPTING [n]
excerptions 29 25 EXCERPTION, the act...
excessively 37 28 EXCESSIVE, beyond wh...
exchequered 37 34 EXCHEQUER, to place...
excitancies 30 25 EXCITANCY, the prope...
excitations 27 22 EXCITATION, the act...
excitedness 27 23 the state of being e...
excitements 28 25 EXCITEMENT, somethin...
exclamation 28 26 a sharp or sudden ut...
exclamative 31 29 a word or sentence t...
exclamatory 35 27 containing or expres...
exclusively 39 30 EXCLUSIVE, able or t...
exclusivism 34 30 the practice of excl...
exclusivist 33 27 a believer in exclus...
exclusivity 39 29 the state of being e...
excogitable 31 27 that can be excogita...
excogitated 28 24 EXCOGITATE, to disco...
excogitates 28 23 EXCOGITATE, to disco...
excogitator 28 23 one who excogitates...
excommunion 28 30 (Milton) excommunica...
excoriating 28 24 EXCORIATE, to abrade...
excoriation 26 22 the act of excoriati...
excorticate 30 24 to strip the bark of...
excremental 28 26 relating to excremen...
excrementum 29 29 (Latin) waste materi...
excrescence 32 28 an outgrowth from th...
excrescency 39 30 an outgrowth from th...
excretories 27 21 EXCRETORY, a duct th...
excruciated 31 26 EXCRUCIATE, to infli...
excruciates 31 25 EXCRUCIATE, to infli...
exculpating 32 29 EXCULPATE, to free f...
exculpation 30 27 the act of exculpati...
exculpatory 37 28 tending or serving t...
excursioned 27 24 EXCURSION, to go on...
excursively 38 29 EXCURSIVE, constitut...
execrations 26 22 EXECRATION, the act...
executables 30 26 EXECUTABLE, an execu...
executaries 27 22 EXECUTARY, a busines...
executioner 26 23 one who executes [n...
executively 37 29 EXECUTIVE, concerned...
executorial 28 23 relating to an execu...
executrices 31 25 EXECUTRIX, a woman e...
executrixes 34 29 EXECUTRIX, a woman e...
exemplarily 36 28 EXEMPLARY, serving a...
exemplarity 35 27 the state of being e...
exemplified 31 29 EXEMPLIFY, to serve...
exemplifier 31 28 one who exemplifies...
exemplifies 31 28 EXEMPLIFY, to serve...
exenterated 22 20 EXENTERATE, (obsolet...
exenterates 22 19 EXENTERATE, (obsolet...
exercisable 30 25 that can be exercise...
exergamings 27 26 EXERGAMING, the play...
exfiltrated 28 23 EXFILTRATE, to remov...
exfiltrates 28 22 EXFILTRATE, to remov...
exfoliating 28 25 EXFOLIATE, to separa...
exfoliation 26 23 the process by which...
exfoliative 29 26 serving to exfoliate...
exfoliators 27 22 EXFOLIATOR, an exfol...
exhalations 26 22 EXHALATION, somethin...
exhaustedly 34 25 in the manner of one...
exhaustible 30 25 capable of being exh...
exhaustions 26 22 EXHAUSTION, the act...
exhaustless 28 22 inexhaustible [adj E...
exheredated 25 22 EXHEREDATE, to disin...
exheredates 25 21 EXHEREDATE, to disin...
exhibitions 29 24 EXHIBITION, an act o...
exhilarants 27 22 EXHILARANT, an exhil...
exhilarated 27 22 EXHILARATE, to make...
exhilarates 27 21 EXHILARATE, to make...
exhilarator 27 21 one who exhilarates...
exhortation 25 21 an act or instance o...
exhortative 28 24 serving to exhort [a...
exhortatory 32 22 using exhortation [a...
exhumations 27 25 EXHUMATION, the act...
existential 25 20 of, relating to, or...
exocuticles 32 26 EXOCUTICLE, the midd...
exocytosing 34 26 EXOCYTOSE, to secret...
exodermises 25 22 EXODERMIS, the outer...
exodontists 24 20 EXODONTIST, a specia...
exogenously 31 25 EXOGENOUS, originati...
exonerating 23 22 EXONERATE, to clear...
exoneration 21 20 the act of exonerati...
exonerative 24 23 serving to exonerate...
exonerators 22 19 EXONERATOR, one who...
exonuclease 26 24 an enzyme that break...
exoparasite 25 21 a parasite, such as...
exorability 34 24 the state of being e...
exorbitance 28 25 an exorbitant action...
exorbitancy 35 27 the state of being e...
exorbitated 26 22 EXORBITATE, (obsolet...
exorbitates 26 21 EXORBITATE, (obsolet...
exoskeletal 26 24 relating to an exosk...
exoskeleton 24 24 an external skeleton...
exotericism 29 24 the state of being e...
exoticising 29 24 EXOTICISE, to regard...
exoticizing 32 33 EXOTICIZE, to regard...
expansional 25 24 relating to an expan...
expansively 35 29 EXPANSIVE, widely ex...
expansivity 35 28 the state of being e...
expatiating 27 24 EXPATIATE, to speak...
expatiation 25 22 the act of expatiati...
expatiative 28 25 expansive, also EXPA...
expatiators 26 21 EXPATIATOR, one who...
expatiatory 32 23 expansive, also EXPA...
expatriated 26 22 EXPATRIATE, to banis...
expatriates 26 21 EXPATRIATE, to banis...
expectances 31 28 EXPECTANCE, the stat...
expectantly 36 28 EXPECTANT, in a stat...
expectation 28 25 the act or state of...
expectative 31 28 giving rise to expec...
expectingly 38 30 EXPECTING, in a stat...
expectorant 28 25 an agent that promot...
expectorate 28 24 to eject from the th...
expediences 28 26 EXPEDIENCE, the stat...
expediently 33 26 EXPEDIENT, suitable...
expeditated 26 23 EXPEDITATE, to depri...
expeditates 26 22 EXPEDITATE, to depri...
expeditions 26 23 EXPEDITION, a journe...
expeditious 27 23 characterized by or...
expendables 28 27 EXPENDABLE [n]
expenditure 26 24 the act of expending...
expensively 35 29 EXPENSIVE, costing a...
experienced 28 26 EXPERIENCE, to have...
experiencer 28 25 one who experiences...
experiences 28 25 EXPERIENCE, to have...
experiments 27 25 EXPERIMENT, to carry...
expertising 28 24 EXPERTISE, to give a...
expertizing 31 33 EXPERTIZE, to give a...
expirations 26 22 EXPIRATION, the last...
expiscating 31 27 EXPISCATE, to learn...
expiscation 29 25 the act of expiscati...
expiscatory 36 26 serving to expiscate...
explainable 29 27 that can be explaine...
explanation 25 24 the act of explainin...
explanative 28 27 serving to explain,...
explanatory 32 25 serving to explain,...
expletively 37 29 EXPLETIVE, filling o...
explicating 32 28 EXPLICATE, to explai...
explication 30 26 the act of explicati...
explicative 33 29 serving to explicate...
explicators 31 25 EXPLICATOR, one who...
explicatory 37 27 serving to explicate...
exploitable 30 26 that can be exploite...
exploitages 28 24 EXPLOITAGE, the act...
exploration 26 23 the act or an instan...
explorative 29 26 serving to explore [...
exploratory 33 24 of, relating to, or...
explosively 37 29 EXPLOSIVE, tending t...
exponential 25 24 of or relating to an...
exportation 25 22 the act of exporting...
exposedness 25 23 the state of being e...
expositions 26 22 EXPOSITION, a settin...
expositress 27 21 a female expositor [...
expostulate 27 23 to remonstrate; to d...
expressages 27 23 EXPRESSAGE, the char...
expressible 30 25 that can be expresse...
expressions 26 22 EXPRESSION, an act,...
expressness 26 22 the state of being e...
expressures 27 22 EXPRESSURE, the act...
expressways 36 26 EXPRESSWAY, (US) a m...
exprobrated 28 25 EXPROBRATE, (archaic...
exprobrates 28 24 EXPROBRATE, (archaic...
expromissor 28 24 a person relieving a...
expropriate 28 24 to deprive of posses...
expugnation 26 26 the act of expugning...
expunctions 29 27 EXPUNCTION, the act...
expurgating 29 27 EXPURGATE, to purify...
expurgation 27 25 the act of expurgati...
expurgators 28 24 EXPURGATOR, one who...
expurgatory 34 26 tending to expurgate...
exquisitely 41 31 EXQUISITE, delicate...
exsanguined 24 24 without blood, anaem...
exsiccating 32 27 EXSICCATE, to dry up...
exsiccation 30 25 the act of exsiccati...
exsiccative 33 28 serving to dry up [a...
exsiccators 31 24 EXSICCATOR, a drying...
exsolutions 25 21 EXSOLUTION, relaxati...
exstipulate 28 23 without stipules, al...
exstrophies 29 23 EXSTROPHY, congenita...
exsufflated 30 27 EXSUFFLATE, to blow...
exsufflates 30 26 EXSUFFLATE, to blow...
extemporary 33 26 unpremeditated; esp....
extemporise 27 24 to perform without p...
extemporize 30 33 to perform without p...
extensional 23 21 of, relating to, or...
extensities 24 19 EXTENSITY, massivene...
extensively 33 26 EXTENSIVE, large, wi...
extenuating 24 23 excusing [adj EXTENU...
extenuation 22 21 the act of extenuati...
extenuative 25 24 a medicine which cau...
extenuators 23 20 EXTENUATOR, one who...
extenuatory 29 22 serving to extenuate...
exteriorise 24 18 to make exterior, al...
exteriority 31 20 the state of being e...
exteriorize 27 27 to make exterior, al...
exterminate 24 22 to get rid of comple...
extermining 26 25 EXTERMINE, (Shakespe...
externalise 24 20 to make external, al...
externalism 26 23 undue regard to mere...
externalist 25 20 a believer in extern...
externality 31 22 the state of being e...
externalize 27 29 to make external, al...
externships 29 24 EXTERNSHIP, the posi...
extinctions 27 23 EXTINCTION, the act...
extinctures 28 23 EXTINCTURE, (Shakesp...
extirpating 28 24 EXTIRPATE, to pull o...
extirpation 26 22 the act of extirpati...
extirpative 29 25 serving to extirpate...
extirpators 27 21 EXTIRPATOR, one who...
extirpatory 33 23 serving to extirpate...
extollingly 35 26 EXTOLLING [adv]
extorsively 34 25 EXTORSIVE, relating...
extortioner 23 19 one who practises ex...
extractable 30 25 that can be extracte...
extractants 27 22 EXTRACTANT, a solven...
extractible 31 25 that can be extracte...
extractions 27 22 EXTRACTION, the act...
extractives 30 25 EXTRACTIVE, an extra...
extraditing 26 22 EXTRADITE, to delive...
extradition 24 20 a delivering up of a...
extradurals 26 21 EXTRADURAL, the epid...
extrafloral 28 23 of nectaries borne o...
extralities 26 19 EXTRALITY, the privi...
extrapolate 26 22 to infer (values of...
extraposing 27 24 EXTRAPOSE, to move a...
extravagant 26 25 exceeding the limits...
extravagate 26 24 (archaic) to wander;...
extravasate 25 22 in pathology, to exu...
extraverted 26 23 EXTRAVERT, to turn o...
extravertly 34 25 EXTRAVERT [adv]
extremeness 24 22 being extreme [n -ES...
extremities 26 21 EXTREMITY, the utmos...
extricating 29 24 EXTRICATE, to free f...
extrication 27 22 the act of extricati...
extrinsical 29 23 outward, external, a...
extroverted 26 23 EXTROVERT, to turn o...
extrovertly 34 25 EXTROVERT [adv]
exuberances 28 26 EXUBERANCE, the stat...
exuberantly 33 26 EXUBERANT, luxuriant...
exuberating 27 25 EXUBERATE, to be exu...
exulcerated 28 24 EXULCERATE, to ulcer...
exulcerates 28 23 EXULCERATE, to ulcer...
exultancies 28 24 EXULTANCY, exultatio...
exultations 25 21 EXULTATION, the act...
exurbanites 26 23 EXURBANITE, a reside...
exuviations 26 24 EXUVIATION, the act...
eyebrowless 30 20 without eyebrows [ad...
eyedroppers 28 20 EYEDROPPER, a device...