14 letter words that start with E

14 letter words that start with E

14 letter E word


Words With Friends®


earthshakingly 37 28 EARTHSHAKING, of gre...
eavesdroppings 30 28 EAVESDROPPING [n]
ebulliometries 29 23 EBULLIOMETRY, the me...
ebullioscopies 33 26 EBULLIOSCOPY, measur...
eburnification 30 26 the art of making li...
eccentricities 33 24 ECCENTRICITY, the st...
ecclesiastical 35 25 of or relating to a...
ecclesiolaters 31 22 ECCLESIOLATER, one w...
ecclesiologies 32 24 ECCLESIOLOGY, the st...
ecclesiologist 33 24 one who studies eccl...
echinococcoses 36 29 ECHINOCOCCOSIS, infe...
echinococcosis 37 29 infestation with or...
echocardiogram 33 28 a visual record made...
ecocatastrophe 32 25 a major destructive...
econometrician 28 25 one who studies econ...
economisations 25 22 ECONOMISATION, the p...
economizations 28 31 ECONOMIZATION, the p...
ectomycorrhiza 42 36 a type of mycorrhiza...
ectypographies 40 29 ECTYPOGRAPHY, etchin...
ecumenicalisms 33 29 ECUMENICALISM, the d...
edaciousnesses 25 20 EDACIOUSNESS, the st...
editorialisers 25 16 EDITORIALISER, one w...
editorialising 26 19 EDITORIALISE, to int...
editorializers 28 25 EDITORIALIZER, one w...
editorializing 29 28 EDITORIALIZE, to int...
edriophthalmic 36 29 of crustaceans, with...
educatednesses 25 21 EDUCATEDNESS, the st...
educationalist 27 21 a person skilled in...
effectualities 32 25 EFFECTUALITY, the st...
effeminateness 26 25 the state of being e...
effervescences 34 31 EFFERVESCENCE, boili...
effervescently 39 31 EFFERVESCENT, frothi...
effervescingly 41 33 EFFERVESCING [adv]
efflorescences 33 28 EFFLORESCENCE, the a...
effortlessness 28 22 EFFORTLESS, showing...
effusivenesses 29 26 EFFUSIVENESS, the st...
egalitarianism 26 21 a belief in human eq...
egocentrically 38 27 EGOCENTRICAL, concer...
eigenfrequency 42 36 a resonance frequenc...
eigenfunctions 28 26 EIGENFUNCTION, each...
electabilities 31 22 ELECTABILITY, the st...
electioneerers 25 19 ELECTIONEERER, one w...
electioneering 26 22 the act of canvassin...
electivenesses 28 23 ELECTIVENESS, the st...
electrifyingly 45 29 in the manner of bei...
electrisations 27 19 ELECTRISATION, the a...
electrizations 30 28 ELECTRIZATION, the a...
electrobiology 37 26 the science of the e...
electrocautery 36 24 a handheld, needleli...
electrocements 30 25 ELECTROCEMENT, cemen...
electrochemist 34 26 one who studies the...
electroclashes 33 24 ELECTROCLASH, a type...
electroculture 32 24 the cultivation of p...
electrocutions 30 23 ELECTROCUTION, execu...
electrodeposit 29 22 a deposit (as of met...
electrodynamic 37 28 relating to electrod...
electrofishing 33 26 fishing by stunning...
electroforming 31 27 ELECTROFORM, to form...
electrogeneses 26 21 ELECTROGENESIS, the...
electrogenesis 27 21 the production of el...
electrogilding 31 25 electroplating with...
electrographic 36 28 relating to electrog...
electrokinetic 31 26 of or relating to th...
electrologists 30 21 ELECTROLOGIST, one w...
electromagnets 28 24 ELECTROMAGNET, a cor...
electromerisms 30 24 ELECTROMERISM, the i...
electrometries 28 21 ELECTROMETRY, the sc...
electromotance 29 25 the force of an elec...
electromyogram 36 28 a tracing made by an...
electronically 38 26 ELECTRONIC, of or re...
electroosmoses 27 21 ELECTROOSMOSIS, the...
electroosmosis 28 21 the movement of a li...
electroosmotic 31 24 relating to electroo...
electrophorese 30 23 to subject to electr...
electroplaters 30 22 ELECTROPLATER, one w...
electroplating 31 25 the act of electropl...
electrostatics 31 21 the study of static...
electrosurgery 35 23 surgery by means of...
electrotherapy 37 25 the therapeutic use...
electrothermal 31 24 of or relating to el...
electrothermic 34 26 of or relating to el...
electrotonuses 26 20 ELECTROTONUS, excita...
electrotypists 37 23 ELECTROTYPIST, one w...
electrovalence 31 27 the valency of a sub...
electrovalency 38 29 the valency of a sub...
electrowinning 30 26 the recovery of a me...
elementariness 23 20 the state of being e...
eleutherococci 35 27 ELEUTHEROCOCCUS, a c...
eleutheromania 25 22 a manic desire for f...
eliminativisms 30 26 ELIMINATIVISM, the t...
ellipticalness 32 24 ELLIPTICAL, having t...
embarrassingly 35 26 EMBARRASSING [adv]
embarrassments 27 24 EMBARRASSMENT, confu...
embellishingly 40 30 EMBELLISHING [adv]
embellishments 32 28 EMBELLISHMENT, the a...
emblematically 40 31 EMBLEMATICAL, of, re...
embourgeoising 28 26 EMBOURGEOISE, to cau...
embranglements 28 28 EMBRANGLEMENT, the a...
embrittlements 29 25 EMBRITTLEMENT, the a...
emigrationists 26 20 EMIGRATIONIST, an ad...
emotionalising 25 22 EMOTIONALISE, to mak...
emotionalistic 28 22 basing theory or pol...
emotionalities 24 19 EMOTIONALITY, the st...
emotionalizing 28 31 EMOTIONALIZE, to mak...
empathetically 40 29 EMPATHETIC, involvin...
emphaticalness 32 27 the state of being e...
empoverishment 31 30 the state of becomin...
empyreumatical 38 30 relating to empyreum...
empyreumatised 34 27 EMPYREUMATISE, to re...
empyreumatises 34 26 EMPYREUMATISE, to re...
empyreumatized 37 36 EMPYREUMATIZE, to re...
empyreumatizes 37 35 EMPYREUMATIZE, to re...
emulsification 31 26 the act of emulsifyi...
enantiodromias 22 20 ENANTIODROMIA, the c...
enantiomorphic 30 27 of or like an enanti...
enantiopathies 25 21 ENANTIOPATHY, a dise...
enantiostylies 29 19 ENANTIOSTYLY, a dimo...
enantiostylous 29 20 showing enantiostyly...
enantiotropies 23 19 ENANTIOTROPY, the ex...
encapsulations 28 24 ENCAPSULATION, the a...
encephalalgias 32 27 ENCEPHALALGIA, pain...
encephalitides 31 25 ENCEPHALITIS, inflam...
encephalitises 31 24 ENCEPHALITIS, inflam...
encephalitogen 30 27 an encephalitogenic...
encephaloceles 33 28 ENCEPHALOCELE, a pro...
encephalograms 32 29 ENCEPHALOGRAM, an X-...
encephalograph 35 31 an instrument for re...
encephalopathy 40 31 any of various brain...
encompassments 29 28 ENCOMPASSMENT, the a...
encouragements 26 25 ENCOURAGEMENT, the a...
enculturations 27 22 ENCULTURATION, the p...
encyclopaedias 37 28 ENCYCLOPAEDIA, a wor...
encyclopaedism 39 31 the compiling of enc...
encyclopaedist 38 28 one who compiles enc...
encyclopedical 42 32 of or relating to an...
encyclopedisms 40 31 ENCYCLOPEDISM, the s...
encyclopedists 39 28 ENCYCLOPEDIST, one w...
endarterectomy 32 24 surgical removal of...
endeavourments 24 25 ENDEAVOURMENT, (Spen...
endocarditises 26 20 ENDOCARDITIS, inflam...
endocrinologic 30 26 involving or relatin...
endocrinopathy 35 27 any disease due to d...
endodontically 33 25 ENDODONTIC, relating...
endometritises 24 19 ENDOMETRITIS, inflam...
endomycorrhiza 38 35 a type of fungus wit...
endoparasitism 26 22 the state of being a...
endopeptidases 26 23 ENDOPEPTIDASE, any o...
endophytically 45 30 ENDOPHYTIC, of or li...
endopolyploidy 41 29 a polyploid state in...
endoradiosonde 20 19 a miniature battery-...
endoscopically 39 29 ENDOSCOPIC, relating...
endosmotically 35 26 ENDOSMOTIC, pertaini...
endotheliomata 25 22 ENDOTHELIOMA, a tumo...
endurabilities 27 21 ENDURABILITY, the st...
enduringnesses 23 21 ENDURINGNESS, the st...
enforceability 37 27 the state of being e...
engagingnesses 24 23 ENGAGINGNESS, the st...
enharmonically 36 28 ENHARMONICAL, relati...
enhypostatised 33 23 ENHYPOSTATISE, to su...
enhypostatises 33 22 ENHYPOSTATISE, to su...
enhypostatized 36 32 ENHYPOSTATIZE, to su...
enhypostatizes 36 31 ENHYPOSTATIZE, to su...
enigmatography 36 29 the composition of e...
enlargednesses 23 20 ENLARGEDNESS, the st...
enlightenments 27 25 ENLIGHTENMENT, the a...
enormousnesses 22 20 ENORMOUSNESS, the st...
ensilabilities 28 20 ENSILABILITY, the ca...
ensorcellments 28 24 ENSORCELLMENT, the s...
enterchaunging 29 27 ENTERCHAUNGE, (obsol...
enterobacteria 26 21 ENTEROBACTERIUM, any...
enterocenteses 23 19 ENTEROCENTESIS, oper...
enterocentesis 24 19 operative puncturing...
enterogastrone 21 18 a hormone that is pr...
enteropneustal 24 21 of or like an entero...
enterprisingly 34 24 ENTERPRISING, marked...
entertainingly 30 22 ENTERTAINING, amusin...
entertainments 22 20 ENTERTAINMENT, a pub...
enthronisation 23 19 the process of enthr...
enthronization 26 28 the process of enthr...
enthusiastical 30 22 (archaic) filled wit...
enthymematical 37 29 of or like an enthym...
enticingnesses 26 22 ENTICINGNESS, the st...
entomologising 26 24 ENTOMOLOGISE, to pra...
entomologizing 29 33 ENTOMOLOGIZE, to pra...
entomostracans 25 22 ENTOMOSTRACAN, any o...
entomostracous 26 22 of or like an entomo...
entrepreneuses 23 20 ENTREPRENEUSE, (Fren...
envenomisation 23 24 the process of enven...
envenomization 26 33 the process of enven...
enviablenesses 26 24 ENVIABLENESS, the st...
epexegetically 43 33 EPEXEGETICAL, provid...
ephemeralities 29 23 EPHEMERALITY, the st...
ephemeropteran 28 26 any insect of the ma...
epicontinental 27 24 denoting a shallow s...
epidemiologies 28 24 EPIDEMIOLOGY, the st...
epidemiologist 29 24 one who studies dise...
epididymitises 35 24 EPIDIDYMITIS, inflam...
epidotisations 25 19 EPIDOTISATION, the p...
epidotizations 28 28 EPIDOTIZATION, the p...
epigenetically 37 27 EPIGENETIC, resultin...
epigeneticists 30 23 EPIGENETICIST, a stu...
epigrammatical 33 29 of or like an epigra...
epigrammatised 29 26 EPIGRAMMATISE, to ma...
epigrammatiser 29 25 one who writes epigr...
epigrammatises 29 25 EPIGRAMMATISE, to ma...
epigrammatisms 31 28 EPIGRAMMATISM, the m...
epigrammatists 30 25 EPIGRAMMATIST, one w...
epigrammatized 32 35 EPIGRAMMATIZE, to ma...
epigrammatizer 32 34 one who epigrammatiz...
epigrammatizes 32 34 EPIGRAMMATIZE, to ma...
epigraphically 43 31 EPIGRAPHICAL, relati...
epiphytologies 38 27 EPIPHYTOLOGY, the st...
epistemologies 28 23 EPISTEMOLOGY, the br...
epistemologist 29 23 a student of epistem...
epistolography 38 27 letter-writing [n]
epithelialised 30 22 EPITHELIALISE, to ma...
epithelialises 30 21 EPITHELIALISE, to ma...
epithelialized 33 31 EPITHELIALIZE, to ma...
epithelializes 33 30 EPITHELIALIZE, to ma...
epithelisation 28 21 the process of epith...
epithelization 31 30 the act of epitheliz...
epitomisations 26 21 EPITOMISATION, the p...
epitomizations 29 30 EPITOMIZATION, the p...
epitrachelions 31 24 EPITRACHELION, the s...
epizootiologic 33 32 relating to epizooti...
equatabilities 35 28 EQUATABILITY, the qu...
equestrianisms 33 28 EQUESTRIANISM, horse...
equiangularity 40 31 the state of being e...
equilibrations 35 29 EQUILIBRATION, the a...
equipartitions 34 28 EQUIPARTITION, the e...
equipollencies 38 33 EQUIPOLLENCY, equali...
equiponderance 34 33 equality of weight o...
equiponderancy 41 35 equality of weight o...
equiponderated 32 30 EQUIPONDERATE, to be...
equiponderates 32 29 EQUIPONDERATE, to be...
equipotentials 34 29 EQUIPOTENTIAL, an eq...
equitabilities 36 28 EQUITABILITY, the st...
equivocalities 38 32 EQUIVOCALITY, the st...
equivocatingly 45 37 EQUIVOCATING [adv]
ergastoplasmic 32 26 relating to ergastop...
eroticisations 26 18 EROTICISATION, the p...
eroticizations 29 27 EROTICIZATION, the p...
eruptivenesses 27 23 ERUPTIVENESS, the st...
erythroblastic 39 25 of or like an erythr...
erythrophobias 38 26 ERYTHROPHOBIA, an av...
erythropoieses 33 21 ERYTHROPOIESIS, the...
erythropoiesis 34 21 the making of red bl...
erythropoietic 37 24 relating to erythrop...
erythropoietin 33 22 a glycoprotein hormo...
eschatological 34 26 relating to eschatol...
eschatologists 31 22 ESCHATOLOGIST, a spe...
eschscholtzias 39 34 ESCHSCHOLTZIA, a flo...
esophagoscopes 32 27 ESOPHAGOSCOPE, an im...
essentialising 25 19 ESSENTIALISE, to exp...
essentialities 24 16 ESSENTIALITY, the st...
essentializing 28 28 ESSENTIALIZE, to exp...
establishments 30 24 ESTABLISHMENT, a set...
esterification 28 21 the act of esterifyi...
estrogenically 35 24 ESTROGENIC, of or li...
eternalisation 22 17 the process of etern...
eternalization 25 26 the process of etern...
etherealnesses 24 18 ETHEREALNESS, the st...
etherification 30 23 the act of etherifyi...
ethnobiologies 28 23 ETHNOBIOLOGY, the br...
ethnobotanical 29 25 relating to ethnobot...
ethnobotanists 26 21 ETHNOBOTANIST, a stu...
ethnocentrisms 29 24 ETHNOCENTRISM, the s...
ethnographical 34 28 relating to ethnogra...
ethnohistorian 26 20 a student of ethnohi...
ethnohistories 27 19 ETHNOHISTORY, a stud...
ethnolinguists 28 22 ETHNOLINGUIST, one w...
ethnologically 38 27 ETHNOLOGICAL, relati...
ethnomedicines 28 25 ETHNOMEDICINE, a bra...
etymologically 44 29 ETYMOLOGICAL, relate...
eudemonistical 28 24 relating to eudemoni...
eudicotyledons 33 24 EUDICOTYLEDON, an an...
eugeosynclinal 34 26 of or like a eugeosy...
eugeosynclines 33 25 EUGEOSYNCLINE, a nar...
eulogistically 38 25 EULOGISTICAL, of or...
euphausiaceans 29 25 EUPHAUSIACEAN, a mem...
euphoniousness 26 23 EUPHONIOUS, agreeabl...
euphorbiaceous 32 27 belonging to the eup...
euphuistically 41 28 EUPHUISTICAL, charac...
eurocurrencies 29 23 EUROCURRENCY, a curr...
eutrophication 30 24 the process of becom...
evangeliarions 25 23 EVANGELIARION, a boo...
evangeliariums 28 26 EVANGELIARIUM, (Lati...
evangelicalism 32 29 being evangelical [n...
evangelisation 25 23 the process of evang...
evangelization 28 32 the act of evangeliz...
evenhandedness 24 25 EVENHANDED, fair, im...
eventfulnesses 27 25 EVENTFULNESS, the st...
everydaynesses 36 24 EVERYDAYNESS, the st...
evolutionarily 33 24 EVOLUTIONARY, relati...
evolutionistic 30 24 related to evolution...
exacerbescence 38 34 (archaic) exacerbati...
exactingnesses 32 28 EXACTINGNESS, the st...
exaggeratingly 39 31 EXAGGERATING [adv]
exasperatingly 39 30 EXASPERATING, exciti...
exceptionalism 36 32 the condition of bei...
exceptionality 41 31 the state of being e...
excitabilities 37 28 EXCITABILITY, the st...
exclaustration 33 27 a release from relig...
excommunicable 40 39 that can be excommun...
excommunicated 37 36 EXCOMMUNICATE, to fo...
excommunicates 37 35 EXCOMMUNICATE, to fo...
excommunicator 37 35 one who excommunicat...
excortications 35 28 EXCORTICATION, the a...
excrementitial 34 29 of or pertaining to...
excruciatingly 45 34 EXCRUCIATING [adv]
excursionising 34 29 EXCURSIONISE, to go...
excursionizing 37 38 EXCURSIONIZE, to go...
exhaustibility 43 30 the state of being e...
exhaustiveness 33 29 EXHAUSTIVE, testing...
exhaustivities 35 28 EXHAUSTIVITY, the st...
exhibitionisms 36 30 EXHIBITIONISM, extra...
exhibitionists 35 27 EXHIBITIONIST, one w...
exhilaratingly 41 30 EXHILARATING [adv]
exiguousnesses 30 26 EXIGUOUSNESS, the st...
existentialism 32 26 the doctrine of indi...
existentialist 31 23 an adherent of exist...
exophthalmoses 37 32 EXOPHTHALMOS, abnorm...
exophthalmuses 38 33 EXOPHTHALMUS, abnorm...
exothermically 44 33 EXOTHERMIC, of a che...
expansionistic 34 29 relating to expansio...
expectednesses 33 29 EXPECTEDNESS, the st...
expectorations 33 28 EXPECTORATION, the a...
expectoratives 36 31 EXPECTORATIVE, an ex...
expedientially 39 30 EXPEDIENTIAL, relati...
experienceable 35 32 that can be experien...
experienceless 34 29 EXPERIENCE [n]
experientially 39 29 EXPERIENTIAL, relati...
experimentally 40 32 EXPERIMENTAL, of, re...
experimentists 33 28 EXPERIMENTIST, a per...
explicitnesses 36 29 EXPLICITNESS, the st...
exploitatively 42 32 EXPLOITATIVE, servin...
explorationist 32 26 a scientist engaged...
exponentiation 28 27 the mathematical ope...
expostulations 32 27 EXPOSTULATION, an ac...
expressionisms 33 28 EXPRESSIONISM, a the...
expressionists 32 25 EXPRESSIONIST, an ex...
expressionless 32 26 lacking expression [...
expressiveness 33 29 EXPRESSIVE, full of...
expressivities 35 28 EXPRESSIVITY, the re...
expropriations 33 28 EXPROPRIATION, the a...
exsanguinating 30 29 EXSANGUINATE, to dra...
exsanguination 28 27 the process of drain...
exsanguinities 30 26 EXSANGUINITY, the st...
extemporaneity 37 30 the state of being e...
extemporaneous 30 29 unpremeditated; esp....
extendednesses 27 25 EXTENDEDNESS, the st...
extensibleness 31 27 the state of being e...
extensionalism 30 27 the state of being e...
extensionality 35 26 the state of being e...
exterminations 29 26 EXTERMINATION, the a...
extinguishable 36 31 that can be extingui...
extinguishants 33 28 EXTINGUISHANT, a sub...
extinguishment 34 31 the act of extinguis...
extortionately 35 25 EXTORTIONATE, charac...
extracanonical 34 30 not part of the cano...
extracorporeal 34 28 occurring or based o...
extractability 43 30 the state of being e...
extraembryonic 41 33 situated outside the...
extraforaneous 29 26 outdoors [adj]
extramaritally 39 28 EXTRAMARITAL, of, re...
extraneousness 27 24 EXTRANEOUS, not form...
extraordinaire 28 23 (French) extraordina...
extrapolations 31 26 EXTRAPOLATION, the a...
extrapositions 31 25 EXTRAPOSITION, the a...
extrapyramidal 40 31 situated outside of...
extravagancies 34 31 EXTRAVAGANCY, an ins...
extravagations 31 28 EXTRAVAGATION, the a...
extravasations 30 26 EXTRAVASATION, an es...
extravehicular 38 32 taking place outside...
extraversively 41 32 EXTRAVERSIVE, turnin...
extrinsicality 41 28 the state of being e...
extroversively 41 32 EXTROVERSIVE, charac...