13 letter words that start with E

13 letter words that start with E

13 letter E word


Words With Friends®


earnestnesses 19 15 EARNESTNESS, the sta...
earthlinesses 24 17 EARTHLINESS, the sta...
easefulnesses 23 19 EASEFULNESS, the sta...
easygoingness 28 21 EASYGOING, tolerant...
eavesdroppers 27 24 EAVESDROPPER, one wh...
eavesdropping 28 27 EAVESDROP, to listen...
ebulliometers 27 22 EBULLIOMETER, a devi...
ebullioscopes 31 25 EBULLIOSCOPE, an ins...
ebullioscopic 35 28 relating to measurem...
eccentrically 39 27 ECCENTRICAL, (archai...
ecclesiastics 33 23 ECCLESIASTIC, a pers...
ecclesiolater 29 21 one with excessive r...
ecclesiolatry 36 23 excessive devotion t...
eccremocarpus 34 29 an evergreen climbin...
eccrinologies 29 23 ECCRINOLOGY, the bra...
echolocations 29 23 ECHOLOCATION, determ...
econometrical 28 24 relating to economet...
econometrists 25 20 ECONOMETRIST, a stud...
economisation 23 21 the process of econo...
economization 26 30 the process of econo...
ecophysiology 43 28 the science of the i...
ecotarianisms 25 20 ECOTARIANISM, the pr...
ecoterrorisms 26 19 ECOTERRORISM, sabota...
ecoterrorists 25 16 ECOTERRORIST, one wh...
ecotoxicology 41 31 the study of the des...
ectogenically 36 26 ECTOGENIC, relating...
ectoparasites 26 19 ECTOPARASITE, a para...
ectoparasitic 30 22 of or like an ectopa...
ecumenicalism 31 28 the doctrines and pr...
ecumenicities 29 24 ECUMENICITY, the sta...
editorialised 23 16 EDITORIALISE, to int...
editorialiser 23 15 one who editorialise...
editorialises 23 15 EDITORIALISE, to int...
editorialists 24 15 EDITORIALIST, a writ...
editorialized 26 25 EDITORIALIZE, to int...
editorializer 26 24 one who editorialize...
editorializes 26 24 EDITORIALIZE, to int...
educabilities 29 22 EDUCABILITY, the cap...
educatability 35 24 the quality of being...
educationally 32 23 EDUCATIONAL, serving...
educationeses 23 19 EDUCATIONESE, the ja...
educationists 25 19 EDUCATIONIST, a prof...
edulcorations 25 20 EDULCORATION, freein...
effectiveness 30 27 the state of being e...
effectivities 32 26 EFFECTIVITY, the sta...
effectualness 29 25 the state of being e...
effectuations 28 24 EFFECTUATION, the ac...
effervescence 32 30 boiling or bubbling,...
effervescency 39 32 boiling or bubbling,...
effervescible 34 30 capable of effervesc...
efficaciously 40 29 EFFICACIOUS, having...
effigurations 27 23 EFFIGURATION, an ela...
efflorescence 31 27 the act of developin...
effortfulness 29 25 EFFORTFUL, requiring...
effusiometers 27 23 EFFUSIOMETER, an ins...
eggheadedness 24 22 the state of being e...
egocentricity 35 24 the state of being e...
egomaniacally 33 26 EGOMANIACAL, of or l...
egotistically 35 22 EGOTISTICAL, relatin...
egregiousness 23 19 the state of being e...
eigenfunction 26 25 each of a set of ind...
elaborateness 22 18 ELABORATE, highly de...
elaboratories 23 17 ELABORATORY, (obsole...
elasmobranchs 30 26 ELASMOBRANCH, any me...
elastications 25 18 ELASTICATION, the pr...
elasticnesses 25 18 ELASTICNESS, the sta...
elderlinesses 23 17 ELDERLINESS, the sta...
electioneered 23 19 ELECTIONEER, to take...
electioneerer 23 18 one who works to sec...
electricities 30 20 ELECTRICITY, the man...
electrifiable 31 24 capable of being ele...
electrisation 25 18 the act of electrify...
electrization 28 27 the act of electrify...
electroactive 30 24 as in electroactive...
electrocement 28 24 cement made in an el...
electrochemic 35 28 related to the study...
electrocuting 30 24 ELECTROCUTE, to exec...
electrocution 28 22 execution by electri...
electrodermal 27 22 of or relating to el...
electrofluors 29 22 ELECTROFLUOR, a tran...
electroformed 28 24 ELECTROFORM, to form...
electrographs 31 24 ELECTROGRAPH, an ins...
electrography 37 26 the use of an electr...
electrologies 27 20 ELECTROLOGY, the stu...
electrologist 28 20 one who removes body...
electrolysers 33 20 ELECTROLYSER, someth...
electrolysing 34 23 ELECTROLYSE, to subj...
electrolytics 37 23 ELECTROLYTIC, a smal...
electrolyzers 36 29 ELECTROLYZER, an age...
electrolyzing 37 32 ELECTROLYZE, to subj...
electromagnet 26 23 a core of magnetic m...
electromerism 28 23 the ionization of ga...
electrometers 26 20 ELECTROMETER, an ins...
electrometric 30 23 relating to an elect...
electromotive 28 24 pertaining to electr...
electromotors 26 20 ELECTROMOTOR, a devi...
electronvolts 28 23 ELECTRONVOLT, a unit...
electrophiles 31 23 ELECTROPHILE, an ele...
electrophilic 35 26 having an affinity f...
electrophones 28 23 ELECTROPHONE, any in...
electrophonic 32 26 of or like an electr...
electrophorus 30 23 an apparatus consist...
electroplated 28 22 ELECTROPLATE, to pla...
electroplater 28 21 one who electroplate...
electroplates 28 21 ELECTROPLATE, to pla...
electroscopes 30 23 ELECTROSCOPE, an ins...
electroscopic 34 26 of or like an electr...
electroshocks 32 26 ELECTROSHOCK, an ele...
electrosondes 24 19 ELECTROSONDE, a sond...
electrostatic 29 20 of or relating to st...
electrothermy 35 24 the study of electri...
electrotypers 34 22 ELECTROTYPER, a pers...
electrotypies 34 22 ELECTROTYPY, printin...
electrotyping 35 25 ELECTROTYPE, to make...
electrotypist 35 22 one who does electro...
electrovalent 27 23 relating to union wi...
elementalisms 25 22 ELEMENTALISM, the wo...
elephantiases 25 20 ELEPHANTIASIS, enlar...
elephantiasic 29 23 suffering from eleph...
elephantiasis 26 20 enlargement and thic...
eleutherarchs 30 22 ELEUTHERARCH, the ch...
eligibilities 29 20 ELIGIBILITY, the sta...
eliminability 34 24 the capacity to be e...
eliminativism 28 25 the theory that peop...
ellipsographs 32 25 ELLIPSOGRAPH, an ins...
ellipticities 31 21 ELLIPTICITY, the sta...
elocutionists 26 19 ELOCUTIONIST, a pers...
elucubrations 28 23 ELUCUBRATION, (obsol...
elusivenesses 24 20 ELUSIVENESS, the sta...
elusorinesses 22 16 ELUSORINESS, the qua...
emancipations 26 24 EMANCIPATION, the ac...
emarginations 22 20 EMARGINATION, the ac...
emasculations 26 22 EMASCULATION, the ac...
embarquements 33 33 EMBARQUEMENT, (Shake...
embarrassable 27 23 capable of being emb...
embarrassedly 32 23 EMBARRASSED [adv]
embarrassment 25 23 confusion or disturb...
embattlements 26 24 EMBATTLEMENT, a batt...
embellishment 30 27 the act of embellish...
embezzlements 32 42 EMBEZZLEMENT, the ac...
embitterments 26 23 EMBITTERMENT, the ac...
emblazonments 28 34 EMBLAZONMENT, the ac...
emblematising 28 26 EMBLEMATISE, to repr...
emblematizing 31 35 EMBLEMATIZE, to repr...
embolectomies 29 26 EMBOLECTOMY, the sur...
embolisations 25 21 EMBOLISATION, the pr...
embolizations 28 30 EMBOLIZATION, the pr...
embourgeoised 25 23 EMBOURGEOISE, to cau...
embourgeoises 25 22 EMBOURGEOISE, to cau...
embracingness 28 26 EMBRACING [n]
embranchments 30 29 EMBRANCHMENT, branch...
embranglement 26 27 the act of embrangli...
embrittlement 27 24 the act of embrittli...
embryectomies 35 27 EMBRYECTOMY, the sur...
embryogeneses 30 24 EMBRYOGENESIS, the p...
embryogenesis 31 24 the production of an...
embryogenetic 34 27 relating to embryoge...
embryological 37 28 relating to embryolo...
embryologists 34 24 EMBRYOLOGIST, a spec...
embryonically 42 29 EMBRYONIC, of or lik...
embryotically 43 28 EMBRYOTIC, of or per...
emigrationist 24 19 an advocate or promo...
emollescences 29 25 EMOLLESCENCE, incipi...
emotionalised 22 19 EMOTIONALISE, to mak...
emotionalises 22 18 EMOTIONALISE, to mak...
emotionalisms 24 21 EMOTIONALISM, a tend...
emotionalists 23 18 EMOTIONALIST, one wh...
emotionalized 25 28 EMOTIONALIZE, to mak...
emotionalizes 25 27 EMOTIONALIZE, to mak...
emotionlessly 30 21 EMOTIONLESS, express...
emotivenesses 23 21 EMOTIVENESS, the sta...
emphysematous 34 27 relating to emphysem...
empiricalness 29 24 EMPIRICAL, relying o...
employability 42 28 the state of being e...
empoisonments 24 24 EMPOISONMENT, the ac...
empoverishers 29 25 EMPOVERISHER, one wh...
empoverishing 30 28 EMPOVERISH, (obsolet...
empressements 25 23 EMPRESSEMENT, (Frenc...
empyreumatise 32 25 to render empyreumat...
empyreumatize 35 34 to render empyreumat...
emulousnesses 23 20 EMULOUSNESS, the sta...
emulsionising 25 22 EMULSIONISE, to make...
emulsionizing 28 31 EMULSIONIZE, to make...
enantiodromia 20 19 the changing of some...
enantiodromic 24 22 characteristic of so...
enantiomorphs 25 23 ENANTIOMORPH, an obj...
enantiomorphy 31 25 the state of being a...
enantiotropic 25 21 displaying enantiotr...
encapsulating 28 25 ENCAPSULATE, to encl...
encapsulation 26 23 the act of encapsula...
encarnalising 25 22 ENCARNALISE, to make...
encarnalizing 28 31 ENCARNALIZE, to make...
encaustically 36 25 ENCAUSTIC, having th...
encephalalgia 30 26 pain in the head; he...
encephalocele 31 27 a protrusion of a po...
encephalogram 30 28 an X-ray picture of...
encephalomata 28 26 ENCEPHALOMA, a brain...
encephalotomy 35 28 dissection of the br...
enchantresses 25 20 ENCHANTRESS, a woman...
encheiridions 26 21 ENCHEIRIDION, a hand...
enchondromata 25 24 ENCHONDROMA, an abno...
encipherments 29 26 ENCIPHERMENT, the ac...
encirclements 29 25 ENCIRCLEMENT, the ac...
encloistering 26 21 ENCLOISTER, (obsolet...
encomiastical 29 24 bestowing praise, al...
encompassment 27 27 the act of encompass...
encouragement 24 24 the act of encouragi...
encouragingly 33 26 ENCOURAGING, hearten...
encroachingly 37 28 ENCROACHING [adv]
encroachments 29 26 ENCROACHMENT, the ac...
encrustations 24 19 ENCRUSTATION, the ac...
enculturating 27 23 ENCULTURATE, to cult...
enculturation 25 21 the process by which...
enculturative 28 24 relating to encultur...
encumberingly 36 30 ENCUMBERING [adv]
encumberments 28 28 ENCUMBERMENT, the ac...
encumbrancers 30 28 ENCUMBRANCER, one th...
encyclopaedia 35 27 a work containing in...
encyclopaedic 39 30 like an encyclopaedi...
encyclopedian 35 28 embracing the whole...
encyclopedias 36 27 ENCYCLOPEDIA, a work...
encyclopedism 38 30 the state of being e...
encyclopedist 37 27 one who compiles or...
endamagements 22 24 ENDAMAGEMENT, damage...
endangerments 21 22 ENDANGERMENT, the ac...
endearingness 20 19 ENDEARING [n]
endeavourment 22 24 (Spenser) endeavour...
endemiologies 23 21 ENDEMIOLOGY, the stu...
endlessnesses 21 17 ENDLESSNESS, the sta...
endocrinology 31 24 the study of glands...
endolymphatic 37 29 relating to endolymp...
endometrioses 21 18 ENDOMETRIOSIS, the p...
endometriosis 22 18 the presence and gro...
endomorphisms 28 26 ENDOMORPHISM, metamo...
endonucleases 23 21 ENDONUCLEASE, an enz...
endoparasites 22 18 ENDOPARASITE, a para...
endoparasitic 26 21 relating to endopara...
endopeptidase 24 22 any of a group of en...
endoperoxides 28 26 ENDOPEROXIDE, any of...
endopolyploid 33 26 relating to endopoly...
endoskeletons 21 21 ENDOSKELETON, an int...
endosmometers 22 21 ENDOSMOMETER, an ins...
endosmometric 26 24 relating to an endos...
endosymbionts 30 24 ENDOSYMBIONT, an end...
endosymbioses 30 23 ENDOSYMBIOSIS, symbi...
endosymbiosis 31 23 symbiosis in which o...
endosymbiotic 34 26 of or pertaining to...
endotheliomas 24 21 ENDOTHELIOMA, a tumo...
endothermisms 26 23 ENDOTHERMISM, the fo...
endurableness 23 21 ENDURABLE, that can...
energetically 33 23 ENERGETICAL, full of...
energisations 21 17 ENERGISATION, the pr...
energizations 24 26 ENERGIZATION, the pr...
enfeeblements 25 25 ENFEEBLEMENT, the ac...
enfranchisers 28 23 ENFRANCHISER, one wh...
enfranchising 29 26 ENFRANCHISE, to admi...
engarrisoning 22 20 ENGARRISON, to garri...
engenderments 21 22 ENGENDERMENT, the ac...
engraftations 23 20 ENGRAFTATION, the ac...
engrainedness 20 19 ENGRAINED [n]
enhypostasias 31 21 ENHYPOSTASIA, person...
enhypostatise 31 21 to subject to enhypo...
enhypostatize 34 30 to subject to enhypo...
enigmatically 35 26 ENIGMATICAL, puzzlin...
enjoyableness 30 30 ENJOYABLE, that can...
enlightenment 25 24 the act or means of...
enregimenting 23 23 ENREGIMENT, to form...
enregistering 23 19 ENREGISTER, to regis...
ensanguinated 20 20 bloody [adj]
ensepulchring 31 27 ENSEPULCHRE, to plac...
enshrinements 23 21 ENSHRINEMENT, the ac...
ensorcellment 26 23 the state of being e...
enswathements 26 23 ENSWATHEMENT, the ac...
entanglements 22 22 ENTANGLEMENT, the ac...
enterchaunged 26 24 ENTERCHAUNGE, (obsol...
enterchaunges 26 23 ENTERCHAUNGE, (obsol...
enterectomies 24 20 ENTERECTOMY, surgica...
enterocoelous 23 19 of or like an entero...
enterocolitis 25 18 inflammation of a pa...
enterokinases 20 19 ENTEROKINASE, an enz...
enteropathies 24 19 ENTEROPATHY, a disea...
enteropneusts 22 19 ENTEROPNEUST, any an...
enterostomies 21 17 ENTEROSTOMY, a surgi...
enteroviruses 23 19 ENTEROVIRUS, any of...
entertainings 21 18 ENTERTAINING, the ac...
entertainment 20 19 a public performance...
enthrallments 26 22 ENTHRALLMENT, (US) t...
enthronements 22 21 ENTHRONEMENT, the ac...
entomological 27 24 relating to entomolo...
entomologised 23 21 ENTOMOLOGISE, to pra...
entomologises 23 20 ENTOMOLOGISE, to pra...
entomologists 24 20 ENTOMOLOGIST, one wh...
entomologized 26 30 ENTOMOLOGIZE, to pra...
entomologizes 26 29 ENTOMOLOGIZE, to pra...
entomophagies 26 24 ENTOMOPHAGY, the eat...
entomophagous 26 25 eating insects [adj]
entomophilies 27 23 ENTOMOPHILY, seed pl...
entomophilous 27 24 of flowers, pollinat...
entomostracan 23 21 any of the lower ord...
entrainements 20 19 ENTRAINEMENT, (Frenc...
entrammelling 26 25 ENTRAMMEL, to tramme...
entrancements 23 22 ENTRANCEMENT, the st...
entrenchments 26 24 ENTRENCHMENT, the ac...
entrepreneurs 22 19 ENTREPRENEUR, (Frenc...
entrepreneuse 21 19 (French) a female en...
enumerability 32 24 the state of being e...
enunciatively 33 26 ENUNCIATIVE, contain...
enviousnesses 22 20 ENVIOUSNESS, the sta...
environmental 23 24 relating to the envi...
envisagements 24 24 ENVISAGEMENT, the ac...
enzymatically 43 35 ENZYMATIC, of or lik...
enzymological 37 35 related to enzymolog...
enzymologists 34 31 ENZYMOLOGIST, a spec...
eosinophilias 26 20 EOSINOPHILIA, an abn...
eosinophilous 26 21 staining readily wit...
epanadiploses 25 22 EPANADIPLOSIS, a fig...
epanadiplosis 26 22 a figure by which a...
epeirogeneses 22 19 EPEIROGENESIS, the g...
epeirogenesis 23 19 the geological forma...
epeirogenetic 26 22 relating to epeiroge...
epencephalons 29 27 EPENCEPHALON, the ce...
ephebophilias 33 27 EPHEBOPHILIA, sexual...
ephemeralness 26 23 EPHEMERAL, existing...
epicondylitis 35 24 inflammaiton of the...
epicureanisms 28 24 EPICUREANISM, a Gree...
epidemicities 29 23 EPIDEMICITY, the sta...
epidemiologic 30 26 relating to epidemio...
epidermolyses 32 23 EPIDERMOLYSIS, a sta...
epidermolysis 33 23 a state of detachmen...
epidotisation 23 18 the process of trans...
epidotization 26 27 the process of trans...
epigeneticist 28 22 a student of epigene...
epigrammatise 27 24 to make an epigram,...
epigrammatism 29 27 the making of epigra...
epigrammatist 28 24 one who makes epigra...
epigrammatize 30 33 to make an epigram,...
epileptically 39 27 EPILEPTICAL, sufferi...
epileptogenic 30 26 inducing or tending...
epinastically 35 24 EPINASTIC, growing m...
epiphenomenal 27 27 of or relating to an...
epiphenomenon 25 27 a secondary phenomen...
epiphytically 47 30 EPIPHYTICAL, of or l...
episcopalians 29 24 EPISCOPALIAN, an adh...
episcopalisms 32 26 EPISCOPALISM, episco...
epistemically 37 26 EPISTEMIC, (Greek) r...
epistolarians 24 18 EPISTOLARIAN, a lett...
epithalamiums 30 26 EPITHALAMIUM, a lyri...
epithelialise 28 20 to make epithelial,...
epithelialize 31 29 to make epithelial,...
epitheliomata 27 22 EPITHELIOMA, a tumou...
epithetically 38 25 EPITHETICAL, pertain...
epitomisation 24 20 the process of epito...
epitomization 27 29 the process of epito...
epitrachelion 29 23 the stole of an Orth...
epizootically 38 32 EPIZOOTIC, of a dise...
epizootiology 34 30 the sum of the facto...
equablenesses 31 28 EQUABLENESS, being e...
equalisations 30 25 EQUALISATION, the ac...
equalitarians 30 25 EQUALITARIAN, an ega...
equalizations 33 34 EQUALIZATION, the ac...
equestrianism 31 27 horsemanship [n -S]
equestriennes 28 25 EQUESTRIENNE, a girl...
equibalancing 36 34 EQUIBALANCE, to bala...
equidifferent 34 31 having equal differe...
equidistances 33 28 EQUIDISTANCE, equali...
equidistantly 38 28 EQUIDISTANT, equally...
equilaterally 39 28 EQUILATERAL, having...
equilibrating 35 30 EQUILIBRATE, to brin...
equilibration 33 28 the act of equilibra...
equilibrators 34 27 EQUILIBRATOR, one wh...
equilibratory 40 29 relating to equilibr...
equilibristic 39 30 of or like an equili...
equilibrities 35 27 EQUILIBRITY, the sta...
equimolecular 36 32 of substances, solut...
equimultiples 37 32 EQUIMULTIPLE, a numb...
equinoctially 41 31 EQUINOCTIAL, relatin...
equiparations 31 27 EQUIPARATION, equal...
equipartition 32 27 the equal division o...
equipollences 36 32 EQUIPOLLENCE, the qu...
equipollently 41 32 EQUIPOLLENT, having...
equiponderant 30 29 evenly balanced [adj...
equiponderate 30 28 to be equal in weigh...
equipotential 32 28 having the same pote...
equisetaceous 32 27 pertaining to the ho...
equitableness 32 28 the state of being e...
equivalencies 35 32 EQUIVALENCY, the sta...
equivocalness 35 32 the state of being e...
equivocations 34 31 EQUIVOCATION, the us...
erasabilities 25 17 ERASABILITY, the cap...
ergastoplasms 27 22 ERGASTOPLASM, riboso...
ergatocracies 28 21 ERGATOCRACY, governm...
ergatomorphic 31 26 of or like an ergato...
ergonomically 34 26 ERGONOMIC, of or per...
erodibilities 26 18 ERODIBILITY, the cap...
erosivenesses 22 18 EROSIVENESS, the sta...
eroticisation 24 17 the process of eroti...
eroticization 27 26 the process of eroti...
erroneousness 19 16 ERRONEOUS, wrong [n]
erubescencies 29 24 ERUBESCENCY, a blush...
eruditenesses 21 16 ERUDITENESS, the sta...
erysipelatous 31 20 suffering from the s...
erythroblasts 34 21 ERYTHROBLAST, a cell...
erythromycins 41 26 ERYTHROMYCIN, a broa...
erythropenias 31 21 ERYTHROPENIA, diminu...
erythrophobia 36 25 an aversion to the c...
escapologists 29 22 ESCAPOLOGIST, a prac...
eschatologies 28 21 ESCHATOLOGY, a branc...
eschatologist 29 21 a specialist in esch...
eschscholtzia 37 33 a flower of the popp...
eschscholzias 37 33 ESCHSCHOLZIA, a flow...
esophagitises 27 20 ESOPHAGITIS, inflamm...
esophagoscope 30 26 an implement for exa...
esophagoscopy 37 28 examination of the o...
espagnolettes 24 20 ESPAGNOLETTE, (Frenc...
essentialised 22 16 ESSENTIALISE, to exp...
essentialises 22 15 ESSENTIALISE, to exp...
essentialisms 24 18 ESSENTIALISM, a beli...
essentialists 23 15 ESSENTIALIST, a beli...
essentialized 25 25 ESSENTIALIZE, to exp...
essentializes 25 24 ESSENTIALIZE, to exp...
essentialness 21 16 ESSENTIAL, absolutel...
establishable 30 23 capable of being est...
establishment 28 23 a settled arrangemen...
estimableness 25 21 the state of being e...
estrangedness 21 18 the state of being e...
estrangements 22 20 ESTRANGEMENT, the ac...
eternalnesses 20 16 ETERNALNESS, being e...
eternisations 20 15 ETERNISATION, the ac...
eternizations 23 24 ETERNIZATION, the ac...
ethanolamines 23 21 ETHANOLAMINE, a colo...
etherealising 25 19 ETHEREALISE, to make...
etherealities 24 16 ETHEREALITY, the qua...
etherealizing 28 28 ETHEREALIZE, to make...
etherisations 23 16 ETHERISATION, conver...
etherizations 26 25 ETHERIZATION, conver...
etheromaniacs 26 22 ETHEROMANIAC, one ad...
ethicalnesses 27 20 ETHICALNESS, being e...
ethnobotanies 23 20 ETHNOBOTANY, the pla...
ethnobotanist 24 20 a student of ethnobo...
ethnocentrism 27 23 the state of being e...
ethnographers 28 23 ETHNOGRAPHER, a stud...
ethnographica 31 26 a collection of ethn...
ethnographies 28 23 ETHNOGRAPHY, the stu...
ethnohistoric 29 21 relating to ethnohis...
ethnolinguist 26 21 one who studies the...
ethnomedicine 26 24 a branch of ethnobot...
ethnosciences 28 23 ETHNOSCIENCE, the st...
ethologically 37 25 ETHOLOGICAL, relatin...
ethoxyethanes 36 27 ETHOXYETHANE, a type...
ethylbenzenes 34 32 ETHYLBENZENE, a liqu...
etiologically 35 23 ETIOLOGICAL, relatin...
etonogestrels 22 17 ETONOGESTREL, a mole...
etymologising 32 24 ETYMOLOGISE, to trac...
etymologizing 35 33 ETYMOLOGIZE, to disc...
eudaemonistic 25 22 relating to eudaemon...
eudicotyledon 31 23 an angiosperm having...
eudiometrical 27 22 relating to a eudiom...
eugeosyncline 31 24 a narrow rapidly sub...
eunuchoidisms 29 25 EUNUCHOIDISM, a cond...
eupepticities 30 23 EUPEPTICITY, the sta...
euphausiacean 27 24 a member of the Euph...
euroterminals 23 19 EUROTERMINAL, the en...
eusporangiate 23 20 of a group of ferns,...
euthanasiasts 23 17 EUTHANASIAST, a supp...
euthanatising 24 20 EUTHANATISE, to perf...
euthanatizing 27 29 EUTHANATIZE, to perf...
evangelariums 26 25 EVANGELARIUM, a book...
evangeliaries 24 21 EVANGELIARY, a book...
evangeliarion 23 22 a book of passages f...
evangeliarium 26 25 (Latin) a book of pa...
evangelically 36 28 EVANGELICAL, of or r...
evangelicisms 30 27 EVANGELICISM, being...
evangelistary 31 23 a book of the Gospel...
evaporability 35 26 the quality of being...
evaporimeters 26 23 EVAPORIMETER, an ins...
evaporographs 30 27 EVAPOROGRAPH, a devi...
evaporometers 25 23 EVAPOROMETER, an ins...
evasivenesses 24 22 EVASIVENESS, the sta...
eventualising 25 23 EVENTUALISE, to happ...
eventualities 24 20 EVENTUALITY, a possi...
eventualizing 28 32 EVENTUALIZE, to happ...
everlastingly 33 24 EVERLASTING, lasting...
eviscerations 26 21 EVISCERATION, the ac...
evocativeness 27 25 EVOCATIVE, calling f...
evolutionisms 26 23 EVOLUTIONISM, belief...
evolutionists 25 20 EVOLUTIONIST, one wh...
exacerbations 31 27 EXACERBATION, the ac...
exaggeratedly 36 28 EXAGGERATED [adv]
exaggerations 28 25 EXAGGERATION, extrav...
exaltednesses 27 23 EXALTEDNESS, the sta...
examinability 38 30 the quality of being...
examinational 27 26 relating to examinat...
examinerships 33 29 EXAMINERSHIP, the of...
exanthematous 29 27 of or like an exanth...
exasperatedly 36 27 EXASPERATED [adv]
exasperations 28 24 EXASPERATION, the st...
exceptionable 34 31 being likely to caus...
exceptionably 41 33 EXCEPTIONABLE, being...
exceptionally 40 31 EXCEPTIONAL, by way...
excessiveness 32 28 EXCESSIVE, beyond wh...
excitableness 33 28 EXCITABLE, able to b...
excitednesses 30 25 EXCITEDNESS, the sta...
exclamational 32 29 of or like an exclam...
exclamatorily 40 30 EXCLAMATORY, contain...
excludability 43 32 the state of being e...
exclusionisms 34 29 EXCLUSIONISM, the pr...
exclusionists 33 26 EXCLUSIONIST, one wh...
exclusiveness 34 30 the state of being e...
exclusivities 36 29 EXCLUSIVITY, the sta...
excogitations 31 26 EXCOGITATION, the ac...
excommunicate 35 34 to formally exclude...
excorticating 35 29 EXCORTICATE, to stri...
excortication 33 27 the act of excortica...
excrescencies 36 30 EXCRESCENCY, an outg...
excrescential 34 28 of or like an excres...
excruciations 34 28 EXCRUCIATION, the ac...
excursionised 31 26 EXCURSIONISE, to go...
excursionises 31 25 EXCURSIONISE, to go...
excursionists 32 25 EXCURSIONIST, a pers...
excursionized 34 35 EXCURSIONIZE, to go...
excursionizes 34 34 EXCURSIONIZE, to go...
excursiveness 33 29 EXCURSIVE, constitut...
excusableness 33 29 EXCUSABLE, that can...
execrableness 32 28 EXECRABLE, detestabl...
executorships 36 29 EXECUTORSHIP, the of...
exemplariness 31 28 the state of being e...
exemplarities 32 27 EXEMPLARITY, the sta...
exemplifiable 37 34 that can be exemplif...
exenterations 25 22 EXENTERATION, the ac...
exercitations 30 24 EXERCITATION, puttin...
exertainments 27 25 EXERTAINMENT, entert...
exhaustlessly 39 27 EXHAUSTLESS, inexhau...
exheredations 28 24 EXHEREDATION, the ac...
exhibitioners 32 26 EXHIBITIONER, a univ...
exhibitionism 34 29 extravagant behaviou...
exhibitionist 33 26 one who engages in e...
exhilarations 30 24 EXHILARATION, the ac...
existentially 36 25 EXISTENTIAL, of, rel...
exobiological 35 30 relating to exobiolo...
exobiologists 32 26 EXOBIOLOGIST, a stud...
exopeptidases 31 27 EXOPEPTIDASE, any of...
exophthalmias 36 31 EXOPHTHALMIA, a prot...
exorabilities 31 24 EXORABILITY, the sta...
exorbitancies 32 27 EXORBITANCY, the sta...
exothermicity 41 30 the state of being e...
expandability 39 31 the state of being e...
expansibility 40 30 the state of being e...
expansionisms 30 28 EXPANSIONISM, a poli...
expansionists 29 25 EXPANSIONIST, an adv...
expansiveness 30 29 EXPANSIVE, widely ex...
expansivities 32 28 EXPANSIVITY, the sta...
expatriations 29 24 EXPATRIATION, the ac...
expatriatisms 32 26 EXPATRIATISM, the st...
expectational 32 28 relating to expectat...
expectorating 33 29 EXPECTORATE, to ejec...
expectoration 31 27 the act of expectora...
expectorative 34 30 an expectorant medic...
expectorators 32 26 EXPECTORATOR, one wh...
expeditations 29 25 EXPEDITATION, the ac...
expeditionary 35 27 of, relating to, or...
expeditiously 38 28 EXPEDITIOUS, charact...
expendability 39 31 the state of being e...
expensiveness 30 29 EXPENSIVE, costing a...
experimenters 30 27 EXPERIMENTER, one wh...
experimenting 31 30 EXPERIMENT, to carry...
experimentist 31 27 a person who carries...
explanatively 39 32 EXPLANATIVE, serving...
explanatorily 37 28 EXPLANATORY, serving...
explantations 29 26 EXPLANTATION, the ac...
explicatively 44 34 EXPLICATIVE, serving...
exploitations 30 25 EXPLOITATION, an act...
explorational 30 26 relating to explorat...
exploratively 40 31 EXPLORATIVE, serving...
explosiveness 32 29 EXPLOSIVE, tending t...
exponentially 36 29 EXPONENTIAL, of or r...
exportability 40 29 the state of being e...
exposednesses 28 25 EXPOSEDNESS, the sta...
expositresses 30 23 EXPOSITRESS, a femal...
expostulating 32 28 EXPOSTULATE, to remo...
expostulation 30 26 an act or an instanc...
expostulative 33 29 related to expostula...
expostulators 31 25 EXPOSTULATOR, one wh...
expostulatory 37 27 relating to expostul...
expressionism 31 27 a theory or practice...
expressionist 30 24 an exponent of expre...
expressnesses 29 24 EXPRESSNESS, the sta...
exprobrations 31 27 EXPROBRATION, the ac...
expromissions 31 27 EXPROMISSION, reliev...
expropriating 33 29 EXPROPRIATE, to depr...
expropriation 31 27 the act of expropria...
expropriators 32 26 EXPROPRIATOR, one wh...
expurgatorial 32 27 tending to expurgate...
exquisiteness 36 31 the state of being e...
exsanguinated 27 26 EXSANGUINATE, to dra...
exsanguinates 27 25 EXSANGUINATE, to dra...
exsanguineous 27 26 without blood, anaem...
exsufflations 33 29 EXSUFFLATION, expira...
extemporarily 38 29 EXTEMPORARY, unpreme...
extemporisers 31 26 EXTEMPORISER, one wh...
extemporising 32 29 EXTEMPORISE, to perf...
extemporizers 34 35 EXTEMPORIZER, one wh...
extemporizing 35 38 EXTEMPORISE, to perf...
extendability 37 28 the state of being e...
extendibility 38 28 the state of being e...
extensibility 38 27 the state of being e...
extensimeters 28 24 EXTENSIMETER, an ins...
extensionally 34 26 EXTENSIONAL, of, rel...
extensionists 27 22 EXTENSIONIST, an adv...
extensiveness 28 26 the state of being e...
extensometers 27 24 EXTENSOMETER, an ins...
extenuatingly 35 28 EXTENUATING, excusin...
exteriorising 29 23 EXTERIORISE, to make...
exteriorities 28 20 EXTERIORITY, the sta...
exteriorizing 32 32 EXTERIORIZE, to make...
exterminating 29 27 EXTERMINATE, to get...
extermination 27 25 the act of extermina...
exterminative 30 28 related to extermina...
exterminators 28 24 EXTERMINATOR, one wh...
exterminatory 34 26 of, relating to, or...
externalising 29 25 EXTERNALISE, to make...
externalities 28 22 EXTERNALITY, the sta...
externalizing 32 34 EXTERNALIZE, to make...
exteroceptive 34 30 relating to, being,...
exteroceptors 32 26 EXTEROCEPTOR, a sens...
exterritorial 29 21 extraterritorial [ad...
extinguishant 31 27 a substance used to...
extinguishers 32 26 EXTINGUISHER, a devi...
extinguishing 33 29 EXTINGUISH, to bring...
extortionists 28 21 EXTORTIONIST, one wh...
extracellular 34 27 situated or occurrin...
extragalactic 36 29 originating or exist...
extrajudicial 35 35 not forming a valid...
extralimitary 37 26 not found within a g...
extraliterary 35 23 lying outside the fi...
extrametrical 33 27 in excess of the pre...
extraordinary 33 24 going beyond what is...
extrapolating 31 27 EXTRAPOLATE, to infe...
extrapolation 29 25 the act of extrapola...
extrapolative 32 28 relating to extrapol...
extrapolators 30 24 EXTRAPOLATOR, one wh...
extrapolatory 36 26 of or like an extrap...
extraposition 29 24 the act of extraposi...
extrasystoles 35 23 EXTRASYSTOLE, a prem...
extratropical 34 27 outside the tropics...
extravagances 32 30 EXTRAVAGANCE, an ins...
extravagantly 37 30 EXTRAVAGANT, exceedi...
extravaganzas 32 36 EXTRAVAGANZA, (Itali...
extravagating 31 29 EXTRAVAGATE, (archai...
extravagation 29 27 the act of extravaga...
extravasating 30 27 EXTRAVASATE, in path...
extravasation 28 25 an escape or effusio...
extravascular 34 29 not occurring or con...
extraversions 29 25 EXTRAVERSION, the st...
extremenesses 27 24 EXTREMENESS, being e...
extremophiles 34 29 EXTREMOPHILE, an org...
extrinsically 40 28 EXTRINSICAL, outward...
extroversions 29 25 EXTROVERSION, the st...
extrudability 39 28 the state of being e...
exulcerations 31 26 EXULCERATION, ulcera...