7 letter words that start with E

7 letter words that start with E

7 letter E word


Words With Friends®


eagerer 11 9 EAGER, full of keen...
eagerly 19 12 EAGER, full of keen...
eaglets 13 10 EAGLET, a young eagl...
eagling 14 13 EAGLE, to score two...
eanling 12 12 (Shakespeare) a youn...
earache 15 12 a pain in the ear [n...
earball 15 12 a small ball kept in...
earbash 15 12 to talk to someone l...
earbobs 15 13 EARBOB, an earring [...
earbuds 14 12 EARBUD, a small earp...
earcons 13 11 EARCON, an audible m...
earding 12 11 EARD, (Scots) to bur...
eardrop 13 11 a pendant for the ea...
eardrum 13 12 the tympanic membran...
earflap 16 14 a part of a cap that...
earfuls 15 12 EARFUL, as much goss...
earhole 13 10 the external opening...
earings 12 10 EARING, a line for f...
earlaps 14 11 EARLAP, the lobe of...
earldom 13 12 the rank of an earl...
earless 12 8 without ears [adj]
earlier 12 8 EARLY, before the du...
earlies 12 8 EARLY, an early pota...
earlike 13 12 like an ear [adj]
earlobe 13 11 the soft lower part...
earlock 16 15 a curl of hair near...
earmark 13 14 to set aside for a d...
earmuff 17 17 one of a pair of ear...
earners 10 8 EARNER, one that ear...
earnest 10 8 serious [adj EARNEST...
earning 11 11 what is earned [n -S...
earpick 18 17 an instrument for re...
earplug 16 14 a plug for the ear [...
earring 12 10 a ring worn on the e...
earshot 13 9 a range from which a...
earthed 13 10 EARTH, to cover with...
earthen 12 10 made of earth [adj]
earthly 21 12 any chance on earth,...
earwigs 16 12 EARWIG, to pester wi...
earworm 15 13 the larva of a moth...
easeful 14 12 full of ease; restfu...
easeled 11 9 mounted on an easel...
easiest 11 7 EASY, not difficult...
easings 12 10 EASING, the act of f...
eastern 10 8 pertaining to the ea...
easters 11 7 EASTER, one living i...
easting 12 10 a movement toward th...
eastlin 12 9 (Scots) eastward, al...
easying 18 12 EASY, to stop rowing...
eatable 13 11 anything used as foo...
eatages 11 9 EATAGE, the eatable...
eatches 16 12 EATCHE, (Scott) an a...
eaterie 10 7 a restaurant, also E...
eatings 12 10 EATING, the act of c...
ebauche 18 16 (French) a rough dra...
ebayers 19 12 EBAYER, someone who...
ebaying 20 15 selling on eBay [n -...
ebbless 17 14 without ebb [adj]
ebonics 16 14 American black slang...
ebonies 12 11 EBONY, a dark heavy...
ebonise 12 11 to stain black in im...
ebonist 13 11 an ebony worker [n -...
ebonite 12 11 a kind of black vulc...
ebonize 15 20 to stain black in im...
ebriate 13 10 intoxicated, also EB...
ebriety 20 12 drunkenness [n EBRIE...
ebriose 13 10 intoxicated, also EB...
ecartes 14 10 ECARTE, a card game...
ecboles 17 14 ECBOLE, a rhetorical...
ecbolic 21 17 a drug used to assis...
eccrine 17 14 of a gland, e.g. a s...
ecdemic 19 17 foreign, the opposit...
ecdyses 21 13 ECDYSIS, (Greek) the...
ecdysis 22 13 (Greek) the act of m...
ecdyson 20 14 an insect hormone, a...
echappe 20 18 (French) a kind of l...
echards 17 13 ECHARD, the total qu...
echelle 18 14 (French) an arrangem...
echelon 16 14 to arrange in a step...
echidna 16 14 the spiny anteater [...
echinus 17 14 a sea urchin, also E...
echiums 19 16 ECHIUM, any plant of...
echoers 16 12 ECHOER, one that ech...
echoier 16 12 ECHOEY, full of echo...
echoing 17 15 ECHO, to repeat a so...
echoise 16 12 to repeat another pe...
echoism 18 15 the formation of rep...
echoist 17 12 a person who repeats...
echoize 19 21 to repeat another pe...
eclairs 16 11 ECLAIR, a cake with...
eclipse 18 14 to obscure [v ECLIPS...
eclogue 16 14 a pastoral poem, oft...
eclosed 15 12 ECLOSE, to emerge fr...
ecloses 15 11 ECLOSE, to emerge fr...
ecocide 17 14 the destruction of t...
ecogift 18 15 a donation of land t...
ecology 22 15 the study of the int...
ecomaps 17 16 ECOMAP, a diagrammat...
economy 20 16 thrift [n ECONOMIES]
econuts 14 12 ECONUT, one concerne...
ecorche 19 15 (French) a manikin,...
ecotage 14 12 sabotage for ecologi...
ecotone 12 11 a transition area be...
ecotour 14 11 to go on a tour with...
ecotype 22 15 a group of organisms...
ecozone 15 20 a regional ecosystem...
ecstasy 21 12 a state of exalted p...
ectases 14 10 ECTASIS, the lengthe...
ectasia 14 10 the lengthening of a...
ectasis 15 10 the lengthening of a...
ectatic 18 13 relating to ectasis...
ecthyma 24 17 a skin disease with...
ectopia 16 13 abnormal displacemen...
ectopic 20 16 relating to ectopia...
ectozoa 16 19 ECTOZOON, a parasite...
ectypal 24 16 or or like an ectype...
ectypes 23 15 ECTYPE, a reproducti...
ecuelle 16 13 (French) a two-handl...
ecumene 14 15 an inhabited area [n...
ecuries 15 11 ECURIE, a team of mo...
eczemas 18 22 ECZEMA, a skin disea...
edacity 21 13 ravenousness, voraci...
edamame 12 14 a preparation of bab...
edaphic 19 16 pertaining to the so...
eddying 19 14 EDDY, to move agains...
edemata 11 11 EDEMA, local or gene...
edental 11 10 without teeth, as of...
edgiest 13 10 EDGY, nervous [adj]
edgings 14 13 EDGING, something th...
edibles 15 12 EDIBLE, something fi...
edictal 16 12 relating to an edict...
edifice 17 14 a building [n -S]
edified 14 12 EDIFY, to enlighten...
edifier 14 11 one who edifies [n -...
edifies 14 11 EDIFY, to enlighten...
editing 13 11 the act of editing [...
edition 11 9 the number of copies...
editors 12 8 EDITOR, one that edi...
editrix 19 15 a female editor, als...
educate 14 12 to teach [v EDUCATED...
educing 16 15 EDUCE, to draw out,...
eductor 15 12 someone who or somet...
eeching 17 15 EECH, to augment, al...
eelfare 13 11 a group of young eel...
eeliest 12 8 EELY, like an eel [a...
eellike 14 13 like an eel [adj]
eelpout 14 12 a kind of fish, aka...
eelworm 16 14 a small roundworm [n...
eensier 10 8 EENSY, (colloquial)...
eeriest 11 7 EERY, uncanny, also...
eevning 13 15 the latter part of d...
effable 18 17 capable of being exp...
effaced 18 17 EFFACE, to erase [v]
effacer 18 16 one who effaces [n -...
effaces 18 16 EFFACE, to erase [v]
effects 19 16 EFFECT, to bring abo...
effeirs 16 13 EFFEIR, (obsolete) t...
effendi 15 15 in the Eastern Medit...
effered 15 14 EFFERE, (obsolete) t...
efferes 15 13 EFFERE, (obsolete) t...
effings 17 16 EFFING, euphemistic...
efforce 18 16 (obsolete) to force...
efforts 16 13 EFFORT, a deliberate...
effrays 22 15 EFFRAY, (obsolete) f...
effulge 18 17 to shine out [v EFFU...
effused 16 15 EFFUSE, to pour fort...
effuses 16 14 EFFUSE, to pour fort...
eftsoon 12 11 soon afterward, also...
egalite 13 10 (French) the state o...
egality 20 12 the state of being e...
egences 14 13 EGENCE, need, also E...
egested 12 10 EGEST, to discharge...
eggcorn 16 15 a malapropism or mis...
eggcups 20 18 EGGCUP, a cup which...
egghead 15 14 an intellectual [n -...
eggiest 14 11 EGGY, containing egg...
egglers 15 12 EGGLER, (archaic) an...
eggless 15 12 without eggs [adj]
eggmass 15 14 (colloquial) intelle...
eggnogs 14 14 EGGNOG, a hot or col...
eggwash 19 16 a thin mixture of eg...
egoisms 14 12 EGOISM, the doctrine...
egoists 13 9 EGOIST, one who prac...
egoless 13 10 not self-centered [a...
egosurf 15 13 to search for one's...
egotise 12 9 to talk about onesel...
egotism 14 12 self-conceit [n -S]
egotist 13 9 a conceited person [...
egotize 15 18 to talk about onesel...
eidetic 15 11 marked by or involvi...
eidolic 16 12 like an eidolon, an...
eidolon 11 10 (Greek) an unsubstan...
eighths 18 13 EIGHTH, one of eight...
eightvo 17 15 a printer's page siz...
eikones 11 12 EIKON, (Greek) a rel...
eilding 14 12 (Scots) fuel, also E...
einkorn 11 13 (German) a variety o...
eiracks 16 14 EIRACK, (Gaelic) a y...
eirenic 14 11 conducive to or work...
eisells 14 9 EISELL, (obsolete) s...
eiswein 14 11 (German) a sweet Ger...
ejected 16 20 EJECT, to throw out...
ejector 16 19 one who, or that whi...
ekistic 17 14 relating to ekistics...
ekpwele 18 18 a former monetary un...
elanced 14 13 ELANCE, to throw as...
elances 14 12 ELANCE, to throw as...
elanets 11 9 ELANET, a kite of th...
elapids 15 12 ELAPID, a kind of sn...
elapine 13 12 like or pertaining t...
elapsed 14 12 ELAPSE, to pass by [...
elapses 14 11 ELAPSE, to pass by [...
elastic 16 11 stretchy [adj ELASTI...
elastin 12 9 a protein, the chief...
elaters 12 8 ELATER, a kind of be...
elating 13 11 ELATE, to raise the...
elation 11 9 a feeling of great j...
elative 14 12 a grammatical case i...
elbowed 17 15 ELBOW, to jostle [v]
elchees 17 13 ELCHEE, an ambassado...
elderly 20 12 older people [n ELDE...
eldests 13 9 ELDEST, the oldest o...
eldings 14 12 ELDING, fuel, also E...
eldress 13 9 a female church elde...
eldrich 19 14 weird, also ELDRITCH...
elected 15 12 ELECT, to select by...
electee 14 11 a person who has bee...
elector 15 11 one that elects [n -...
electro 15 11 to make an electropl...
elegant 12 11 tastefully opulent [...
elegiac 16 13 relating to elegy, a...
elegies 13 10 ELEGY, a mournful po...
elegise 13 10 to write an elegy, a...
elegist 14 10 one who writes elegi...
elegits 14 10 ELEGIT, (Latin) a wr...
elegize 16 19 to write an elegy, a...
element 12 12 a substance that can...
elenchi 17 14 ELENCHUS, (Latin) a...
elenchs 17 14 ELENCH, (obsolete) i...
elevate 13 12 to raise [v ELEVATED...
elevens 13 13 ELEVEN, a number, te...
elevons 13 13 ELEVON, a hinged fla...
elfhood 16 14 the state of being a...
elfland 15 14 the land of the elve...
elflike 17 16 like an elf [adj]
elflock 20 19 a lock of tangled ha...
eliches 18 13 ELICHE, spiral-shape...
elicits 17 11 ELICIT, to draw fort...
eliding 14 12 ELIDE, to strike out...
elision 12 9 the act of eliding [...
elitism 15 11 belief in rule by an...
elitist 14 8 an adherent of eliti...
elixirs 20 15 ELIXIR, a medicinal...
elkhorn 15 15 as in elkhorn fern,...
ellagic 18 14 relating to gallnuts...
ellipse 16 12 a type of plane curv...
ellwand 16 14 a measuring rod [n -...
elmiest 14 11 ELMY, full of elm tr...
elmwood 16 15 wood of the elm tree...
elocute 15 12 to speak publicly [v...
elodeas 11 9 ELODEA, an American...
elogies 13 10 ELOGY, a funeral ora...
elogist 14 10 one who delivers an...
elogium 15 14 a funeral oration, a...
eloigns 13 11 ELOIGN, to remove to...
eloined 11 10 ELOIN, to remove to...
eloiner 11 9 one who eloins, also...
elopers 14 11 ELOPER, one who elop...
eloping 15 14 ELOPE, to run away t...
elopses 14 11 ELOPS, a type of stu...
elshins 15 11 ELSHIN, an awl, also...
eltchis 19 13 ELTCHI, an ambassado...
eluants 12 10 ELUANT, a solvent, a...
eluates 12 9 ELUATE, liquid obtai...
eluders 13 10 ELUDER, one who elud...
eluding 14 13 ELUDE, to evade [v]
eluents 12 10 ELUENT, a solvent, a...
elusion 12 10 the action of eludin...
elusive 15 13 tending to elude [ad...
elusory 19 11 tending to elude or...
eluting 14 12 ELUTE, to remove by...
elution 12 10 purification or sepa...
elutors 13 9 ELUTOR, a vessel for...
eluvial 16 14 relating to an eluvi...
eluvium 17 17 an accumulation of r...
elysian 18 11 delightful [adj]
elytral 20 11 pertaining to the be...
elytron 18 11 a hardened forewing...
elytrum 21 14 a hardened forewing...
emacsen 14 14 using an editing sty...
emailed 13 12 EMAIL, to send elect...
emailer 13 11 one who sends electr...
emanant 10 12 flowing forth [adj]
emanate 10 11 to send forth [v EMA...
embaces 17 16 EMBACE, to lower, al...
embails 16 14 EMBAIL, (obsolete) t...
embaled 15 15 EMBALE, to form into...
embales 15 14 EMBALE, to form into...
emballs 17 15 EMBALL, to enclose i...
embalms 17 17 EMBALM, to preserve...
embanks 15 18 EMBANK, to enclose w...
embargo 15 15 to prohibit trade by...
embarks 16 17 EMBARK, to go on boa...
embased 14 14 EMBASE, to lower, al...
embases 14 13 EMBASE, to lower, al...
embassy 21 15 the offices of an am...
embaste 14 13 EMBACE, to lower, al...
embathe 16 15 to bathe, also IMBAT...
embayed 20 16 EMBAY, to enclose in...
embayld 22 17 EMBAIL, (obsolete) t...
emblaze 18 23 to set on fire, also...
emblema 16 17 a carved or mounted...
emblems 17 17 EMBLEM, to represent...
emblics 20 17 EMBLIC, a tree of th...
embloom 16 17 to cover with bloom...
embogue 15 16 to flow out from a r...
emboils 16 14 EMBOIL, (obsolete) t...
embolic 19 17 pertaining to an emb...
embolus 16 15 a clot or air bubble...
embosks 16 17 EMBOSK, to conceal w...
embosom 15 16 to embrace, also IMB...
embound 14 16 (Shakespeare) to enc...
embowed 17 17 EMBOW, to bend or ar...
embowel 18 17 to remove the entrai...
embower 17 16 to place in a bower;...
emboxed 20 21 EMBOX, to set in a b...
emboxes 20 20 EMBOX, to set in a b...
embrace 17 16 to hug [v EMBRACED o...
embraid 15 14 (Spenser) to braid,...
embrave 16 17 to inspire with brav...
embread 14 14 to braid, also EMBRA...
embroil 16 14 to involve in confli...
embrown 17 17 to make brown, also...
embrued 15 15 EMBRUE, to drench, a...
embrues 15 14 EMBRUE, to drench, a...
embrute 15 14 (archaic) to degrade...
embryon 20 16 (archaic) an embryo...
embryos 21 15 EMBRYO, the entity w...
embused 15 15 EMBUS, to board a bu...
embuses 15 14 EMBUS, to board a bu...
emended 11 13 EMEND, to correct, a...
emender 11 12 one who emends [n -S...
emerald 13 12 a gemstone, a green...
emerged 13 13 EMERGE, to come into...
emerges 13 12 EMERGE, to come into...
emeried 12 11 EMERY, to coat with...
emeries 12 10 EMERY, to coat with...
emerita 12 10 a retired woman who...
emeriti 13 10 EMERITUS, a retired...
emerods 12 11 EMEROD, a haemorrhoi...
emeroid 12 11 a haemorrhoid, also...
emersed 12 11 of leaves, rising ab...
emetics 16 13 EMETIC, an emetic su...
emetine 11 11 an alkaloid which ca...
emetins 12 11 EMETIN, an alkaloid...
emeutes 12 11 EMEUTE, (French) a p...
emicant 15 14 sparkling [adj]
emicate 15 13 to sparkle [v EMICAT...
emigres 14 12 EMIGRE, (French) one...
eminent 11 12 of high station or r...
emirate 12 10 the rank of an emir,...
emitted 13 11 EMIT, to send forth...
emitter 13 10 something that emits...
emmewed 16 17 EMMEW, to confine, m...
emmoved 15 18 EMMOVE, to affect em...
emmoves 15 17 EMMOVE, to affect em...
emocore 14 13 a type of music comb...
emodins 12 12 EMODIN, a compound o...
emonges 12 13 (obsolete) in the mi...
emongst 13 13 (obsolete) in the mi...
emoters 12 10 EMOTER, one who emot...
emoting 13 13 EMOTE, to show exagg...
emotion 11 11 instinctive feeling...
emotive 14 14 pertaining to emotio...
emoving 15 17 EMOVE, to affect emo...
empaire 14 13 to become worse, als...
empaled 15 15 EMPALE, to pierce wi...
empaler 15 14 one that empales, im...
empales 15 14 EMPALE, to pierce wi...
empanel 14 15 to select a jury fro...
empared 14 14 EMPARE, to become wo...
empares 14 13 EMPARE, to become wo...
emparls 16 14 EMPARL, (Spenser) to...
emparts 15 13 EMPART, (Spenser) to...
empathy 23 17 the comprehension of...
empayre 20 15 (Spenser) to impair,...
empeach 19 18 (Spenser) to accuse...
emperce 17 16 to pierce, also EMPI...
emperor 14 13 the ruler of an empi...
empight 19 17 (Spenser) to fix or...
empires 15 13 EMPIRE, a dominion o...
empiric 19 16 based on experience,...
emplace 18 17 to put in position [...
emplane 14 15 to put on an aeropla...
employe 21 16 a person employed, a...
employs 22 16 EMPLOY, to hire, use...
emplume 17 18 (archaic) to provide...
emporia 14 13 EMPORIUM, a large tr...
empower 17 16 to authorize, also I...
empress 15 13 a female ruler of an...
emprise 15 13 (archaic) an adventu...
emprize 18 22 a dangerous undertak...
emptied 15 14 EMPTY, to remove the...
emptier 15 13 one who empties [n -...
empties 15 13 EMPTY, to remove the...
emptily 23 16 EMPTY, containing no...
empting 16 16 the act of emptying...
emptins 15 14 the yeasty lees of b...
emption 14 14 the act of buying [n...
empusas 15 14 EMPUSA, a goblin in...
empuses 15 14 EMPUSE, a goblin in...
empyema 21 18 a collection of pus...
emulate 13 12 to strive to equal o...
emulged 15 15 EMULGE, (archaic) to...
emulges 15 14 EMULGE, (archaic) to...
emuling 15 15 EMULE, (Southey) to...
emulous 14 13 eager to equal or su...
emulsin 14 13 the white milky pulp...
emulsor 14 12 an emulsifying appar...
emunged 13 15 EMUNGE, (obsolete) t...
emunges 13 14 EMUNGE, (obsolete) t...
emuring 14 14 EMURE, (Shakespeare)...
enabled 13 13 ENABLE, to make poss...
enabler 13 12 one who enables [n -...
enables 13 12 ENABLE, to make poss...
enacted 13 12 ENACT, to establish...
enactor 13 11 one who enacts [n -S...
enamels 12 12 ENAMEL, to cover wit...
enamine 10 12 a type of amine [n -...
enamors 11 11 ENAMOR, to inspire w...
enamour 11 12 to inspire with love...
enarmed 11 12 ENARM, (obsolete) to...
enation 9 9 an outgrowth [n -S]
encaged 14 14 ENCAGE, to put in a...
encages 14 13 ENCAGE, to put in a...
encalms 16 15 ENCALM, (obsolete) t...
encamps 17 17 ENCAMP, to set up a...
encased 13 12 ENCASE, to put in a...
encases 13 11 ENCASE, to put in a...
encaved 15 16 ENCAVE, to secrete,...
encaves 15 15 ENCAVE, to secrete,...
enchafe 17 16 (obsolete) to make w...
enchain 15 14 to bind with chains...
enchant 15 14 to delight [v -ED, -...
encharm 17 16 (obsolete) to cast a...
enchase 15 13 to place in an ornam...
encheer 15 13 (archaic) to cheer o...
encinal 14 13 relating to an encin...
encinas 13 12 ENCINA, an evergreen...
enclasp 17 15 to embrace, also INC...
enclave 16 16 a distinct territori...
enclose 14 12 to surround, also IN...
encloud 15 14 to cover with clouds...
encoded 13 13 ENCODE, to put into...
encoder 13 12 one who encodes [n -...
encodes 13 12 ENCODE, to put into...
encomia 14 14 ENCOMIUM, an address...
encored 13 12 ENCORE, to call for...
encores 13 11 ENCORE, to call for...
encraty 20 13 self-control [n ENCR...
encrust 15 12 to cover with a crus...
encrypt 23 16 to put a message int...
encysts 21 13 ENCYST, to become en...
endarch 16 14 having the protoxyle...
endarts 11 9 ENDART, to dart in,...
endcaps 16 15 ENDCAP, a display of...
endears 10 9 ENDEAR, to make belo...
endemic 15 15 confined to one part...
enderon 9 10 the sensitive layer...
endewed 13 13 ENDEW, (Spenser) to...
endgame 12 14 the last stage of a...
endgate 11 11 (US) a tailboard [n...
endings 12 12 ENDING, termination...
endiron 10 10 a metal support for...
endited 11 10 ENDITE, to charge fo...
endites 11 9 ENDITE, to charge fo...
endives 13 13 ENDIVE, a salad plan...
endlang 12 13 (Scots) endlong, len...
endleaf 13 13 an endpaper [n ENDLE...
endless 12 10 eternal [adj ENDLESS...
endlong 12 13 lengthwise, also END...
endmost 12 12 farthest [adj]
endnote 9 10 a note placed at the...
endogen 10 12 a plant which grows...
endopod 12 13 a branch of a crusta...
endorse 10 9 to declare one's app...
endowed 13 13 ENDOW, to bequeath,...
endower 13 12 one who endows [n -S...
endozoa 12 18 ENDOZOON, an interna...
endplay 20 15 to force (an opponen...
endrins 11 10 ENDRIN, an insectici...
endship 16 14 (obsolete) a village...
enduing 12 13 ENDUE, to put on, as...
endured 11 11 ENDURE, to last [v]
endurer 11 10 (obsolete) one who e...
endures 11 10 ENDURE, to last [v]
enduros 11 10 ENDURO, a long dista...
endways 20 14 on end, lengthwise,...
endwise 14 12 lengthwise [adj]
endyses 17 11 ENDYSIS, the act or...
endysis 18 11 the act or process o...
endzone 12 19 in American football...
enemata 10 11 ENEMA, fluid injecte...
enemies 11 11 ENEMY, one that is a...
energic 15 13 showing energy [adj]
energid 12 11 the nucleus and acti...
enerved 12 13 ENERVE, (obsolete) t...
enerves 12 12 ENERVE, (obsolete) t...
enewing 14 14 ENEW, in falconry, t...
enfaced 15 15 ENFACE, to stamp or...
enfaces 15 14 ENFACE, to stamp or...
enfants 12 12 ENFANT, (French) a c...
enfelon 12 13 (Spenser) to make fi...
enfeoff 16 17 to invest with a feu...
enfever 14 15 to excite fever in [...
enfiled 14 13 in heraldry, thrust...
enfired 13 12 ENFIRE, (Spenser) to...
enfires 13 11 ENFIRE, (Spenser) to...
enfixed 19 19 ENFIX, (archaic) to...
enfixes 19 18 ENFIX, (archaic) to...
enflame 14 15 (obsolete) to inflam...
enflesh 16 14 to turn into flesh [...
enfolds 14 13 ENFOLD, to envelop [...
enforce 15 14 to compel, also INFO...
enforms 14 14 ENFORM, (Spenser) to...
enframe 13 14 to put in a frame [v...
enfreed 12 12 ENFREE, to set free...
enfrees 12 11 ENFREE, to set free...
enfroze 15 20 ENFREEZE, to freeze;...
engaged 12 13 ENGAGE, to employ [v...
engagee 11 12 of a female writer o...
engager 12 12 one who engages [n -...
engages 12 12 ENGAGE, to employ [v...
engaols 12 11 ENGAOL, (Shakespeare...
engilds 14 12 ENGILD, (Shakespeare...
engined 11 12 ENGINE, to equip wit...
enginer 11 11 (Shakespeare) an eng...
engines 11 11 ENGINE, to equip wit...
engirds 13 11 ENGIRD, to gird; to...
english 16 13 to cause a billiard...
englobe 14 14 to form into a globe...
engloom 13 14 to make gloomy [v -E...
engluts 14 12 ENGLUT, to glut, to...
engobes 13 13 ENGOBE, (French) a s...
engored 11 11 ENGORE, to gore; to...
engores 11 10 ENGORE, to gore; to...
engorge 12 12 to fill with blood [...
engrace 14 13 to introduce into th...
engraff 16 16 (obsolete) to graft...
engraft 14 13 to graft onto, also...
engrail 13 11 to border with curve...
engrain 11 11 to fix deeply [v -ED...
engrams 13 13 ENGRAM, a deep-seate...
engrasp 14 13 (Spenser) to grasp [...
engrave 13 14 to carve a design up...
engross 12 10 to completely absorb...
enguard 12 12 (Shakespeare) to gua...
engulfs 16 15 ENGULF, to swallow u...
engulph 18 17 to swallow up comple...
enhalos 13 11 ENHALO, to surround...
enhance 14 14 to raise in value or...
enigmas 13 13 ENIGMA, something th...
enisled 12 10 ENISLE, to put onto...
enisles 12 9 ENISLE, to put onto...
enjambs 16 23 ENJAMB, in poetry, t...
enjoins 12 18 ENJOIN, to order or...
enjoyed 18 20 ENJOY, to take pleas...
enjoyer 18 19 one who enjoys [n -S...
enlaced 14 13 ENLACE, to entwine o...
enlaces 14 12 ENLACE, to entwine o...
enlards 12 10 ENLARD, (Shakespeare...
enlarge 12 11 to make larger, also...
enlight 16 13 to shed light on [v...
enlinks 13 14 ENLINK, to connect c...
enlists 13 9 ENLIST, to engage fo...
enliven 13 14 to make lively [v -E...
enlocks 16 16 ENLOCK, to lock up,...
enmewed 14 15 ENMEW, to confine, a...
enmoved 13 16 ENMOVE, to affect em...
enmoves 13 15 ENMOVE, to affect em...
ennages 10 11 ENNAGE, a measuremen...
enneads 9 10 ENNEAD, a group of n...
ennoble 12 13 to make noble [v ENN...
ennuied 10 11 ENNUI, to bore, anno...
ennuyed 16 13 ENNUI, to bore, anno...
ennuyee 15 12 (French) affected wi...
enolase 10 9 a muscle enzyme [n -...
enology 18 13 the study of wines,...
enomoty 17 13 a band of sworn sold...
enoughs 14 13 ENOUGH, sufficient [...
enounce 12 13 to enunciate; to pro...
enplane 12 13 to put on an aeropla...
enprint 13 12 a size of photograph...
enqueue 18 19 to add (a data-proce...
enquire 19 18 to ask, also INQUERE...
enquiry 26 20 a question, also INQ...
enraced 13 12 ENRACE, (Spenser) to...
enraces 13 11 ENRACE, (Spenser) to...
enraged 11 11 ENRAGE, to make very...
enrages 11 10 ENRAGE, to make very...
enrange 10 11 to arrange, also ENR...
enranks 11 13 ENRANK, (Shakespeare...
enrheum 14 14 (obsolete) to contra...
enrings 12 11 ENRING, to encircle...
enriven 12 13 (Spenser) torn [adj]
enrobed 12 12 ENROBE, to put on a...
enrober 12 11 one who enrobes [n -...
enrobes 12 11 ENROBE, to put on a...
enrolls 13 10 ENROLL, to insert on...
enroots 10 8 ENROOT, to implant f...
enrough 14 13 (archaic) to make ro...
enround 10 11 (Shakespeare) to mak...
enseals 11 9 ENSEAL, to put a sea...
enseams 11 11 ENSEAM, to make a ma...
ensears 10 8 ENSEAR, (Shakespeare...
enserfs 13 11 ENSERF, to make a se...
ensewed 13 12 ENSEW, (Spenser) to...
enshell 15 12 to enclose in a shel...
ensigns 12 11 ENSIGN, to mark with...
ensiled 12 10 ENSILE, to store in...
ensiles 12 9 ENSILE, to store in...
enskied 12 13 ENSKY, to raise in t...
enskies 12 12 ENSKY, to raise in t...
enskyed 18 15 ENSKY, to raise in t...
enslave 13 13 to make a slave of [...
ensnare 9 9 to trap, also INSNAR...
ensnarl 11 10 to snarl up, entangl...
ensouls 12 10 ENSOUL, to infuse wi...
enstamp 14 14 to mark as with a st...
ensteep 12 11 (Shakespeare) to ste...
enstyle 18 11 (archaic) to style;...
ensuing 12 12 ENSUE, to follow, al...
ensuite 11 9 (French) a room, as...
ensured 11 10 ENSURE, to make sure...
ensurer 11 9 one who ensures, als...
ensures 11 9 ENSURE, to make sure...
ensweep 15 14 to sweep over [v ENS...
enswept 16 14 ENSWEEP, to sweep ov...
entails 12 9 ENTAIL, to settle an...
entamed 11 12 ENTAME, (Shakespeare...
entames 11 11 ENTAME, (Shakespeare...
entases 10 8 ENTASIS, a swelling...
entasia 10 8 a spasmodic contract...
entasis 11 8 a swelling on vertic...
entayle 17 11 (obsolete) to carve...
entente 9 9 (French) a friendly...
enteral 11 9 pertaining to the en...
entered 10 9 ENTER, to go or come...
enterer 10 8 someone who enters [...
enteric 14 11 typhoid fever [n -S]
enteron 9 9 a body cavity in coe...
entetee 9 8 (French) obstinate (...
enthral 14 11 to reduce to the con...
enthuse 13 11 to show enthusiasm [...
enticed 14 12 ENTICE, to lead astr...
enticer 14 11 one who entices [n -...
entices 14 11 ENTICE, to lead astr...
entires 11 8 ENTIRE, the whole of...
entitle 12 9 to give a right to,...
entoils 12 9 ENTOIL, to entangle...
entombs 14 14 ENTOMB, to place in...
entomic 15 14 of or pertaining to...
entopic 16 14 in the normal positi...
entotic 14 11 pertaining to the ea...
entozoa 12 17 ENTOZOAN, an interna...
entrail 12 9 (Spenser) to interla...
entrain 10 9 to board a train [v...
entrall 13 10 (Spenser) an entrail...
entrant 10 9 someone who enters,...
entraps 13 11 ENTRAP, to trap [v]
entreat 10 8 to ask for earnestly...
entrees 10 8 ENTREE, freedom of a...
entries 11 8 ENTRY, a place of en...
entrism 13 11 political branch-sta...
entrist 12 8 one who indulges in...
entrold 12 10 (Spenser) a past par...
entropy 19 13 a thermodynamic meas...
entrust 12 9 to give over for saf...
entwine 13 12 to weave together, a...
entwist 15 11 to twist together, a...
enuring 12 12 ENURE, to accustom o...
enurned 10 11 ENURN, to put into a...
envault 14 14 to enclose in a vaul...
envelop 15 16 to cover completely...
envenom 12 16 to put venom into, p...
enviers 13 12 ENVIER, one who envi...
envious 13 13 resentful and desiro...
environ 12 13 to envelop, enclose...
enviros 13 12 ENVIRO, (colloquial)...
envying 20 17 in a state of envy [...
enwalls 16 13 ENWALL, to enclose w...
enwheel 16 14 (Shakespeare) to enc...
enwinds 14 13 ENWIND, to enwrap, a...
enwombs 17 17 ENWOMB, to enclose a...
enwound 13 14 ENWIND, to enwrap, a...
enwraps 16 14 ENWRAP, to cover by...
enzians 13 18 ENZIAN, (German) a t...
enzoned 12 19 ENZONE, to engirdle...
enzones 12 18 ENZONE, to engirdle...
enzymes 21 22 ENZYME, a complex pr...
enzymic 25 25 of or like an enzyme...
eobiont 12 11 a type of basic orga...
eoliths 15 10 EOLITH, a very early...
eonisms 12 11 EONISM, transvestism...
eosines 10 8 EOSINE, a red dye, a...
eosinic 14 11 of or like eosin, a...
epacrid 17 14 an Australian plant...
epacris 17 13 an Australian plant...
epagoge 14 14 argument by logical...
eparchs 19 15 EPARCH, the ruler of...
eparchy 25 17 an administrative su...
epatant 12 11 (French) wonderful,...
epaters 13 10 EPATER, (French) to...
epaules 14 12 EPAULE, (French) the...
epaulet 14 12 (French) a shoulder...
epaxial 20 18 in zoology, above th...
epazote 15 19 a herb of the goosef...
epeeist 13 10 one who fences with...
epeiras 13 10 EPEIRA, a genus of s...
epeiric 17 13 of sea, within the c...
epeirid 14 11 a member of the fami...
eperdue 13 12 (French) desperately...
epergne 13 13 (French) a branched...
ephebes 17 15 EPHEBE, a young man...
ephebic 21 18 relating to a ephebe...
epheboi 17 15 EPHEBOS, a young man...
ephebos 17 15 a young man of ancie...
ephebus 18 16 a young man of ancie...
ephedra 15 13 (Greek) a plant of t...
ephelis 17 13 a freckle or mole [n...
ephoral 16 13 pertaining to an eph...
epiblem 18 17 the outer cell layer...
epiboly 23 16 the process by which...
epicarp 19 16 the outermost layer...
epicede 16 14 a funeral ode, also...
epicene 15 14 one having character...
epicier 17 13 (French) a grocer [n...
epicism 19 16 epic quality [n -S]
epicist 18 13 one who tells an epi...
epicure 17 14 one with refined tas...
epiderm 15 14 the outermost layer...
epidote 13 11 a mineral, a silicat...
epigeal 15 13 growing close to the...
epigean 13 13 growing close to the...
epigeic 18 15 growing close to the...
epigene 13 13 taking place near th...
epigone 13 13 an inferior imitator...
epigoni 14 13 EPIGONUS, an inferio...
epigons 14 13 EPIGON, an inferior...
epigram 16 15 a short, witty poem;...
epigyny 27 17 the state of having...
epilate 14 11 to remove hair from,...
epilogs 16 13 EPILOG, a conclusion...
epimere 14 13 in an embryo, the pa...
epimers 15 13 EPIMER, a type of su...
epinaoi 12 11 EPINAOS, a rear vest...
epinaos 12 11 a rear vestibule [n...
episcia 17 13 a tropical American...
episode 13 11 a series of events f...
episome 14 13 a genetically active...
epistle 15 11 to preface [v EPISTL...
epitaph 18 15 to compose an inscri...
epitaxy 26 19 the growth of a thin...
epithem 17 15 a group of leaf cell...
epithet 16 12 an adjective or adje...
epitome 14 13 a typical example [n...
epitope 15 13 a part of an antigen...
epizoan 15 20 an animal that lives...
epizoic 20 22 living on the body o...
epizoon 15 20 an animal that lives...
epochal 19 16 belonging to an epoc...
epochas 18 15 EPOCHA, an important...
eponyms 20 16 EPONYM, a personal n...
eponymy 26 18 the derivation of an...
epopees 14 13 EPOPEE, an epic poem...
epoxide 19 18 an epoxy compound [n...
epoxied 19 18 EPOXY, to glue with...
epoxies 19 17 EPOXY, to glue with...
epoxyed 25 20 EPOXY, to glue with...
epsilon 14 12 (Greek) a letter of...
epuisee 13 11 (French) exhausted (...
epulary 21 14 concerning feasting...
epurate 13 11 to purify [v EPURATE...
epyllia 22 14 EPYLLION, a shorter...
equable 22 21 smooth; without wide...
equably 29 23 EQUABLE, smooth; wit...
equaled 20 19 EQUAL, to make equal...
equally 28 21 in an equal way, als...
equants 19 18 EQUANT, a geometric...
equated 19 18 EQUATE, to be regard...
equates 19 17 EQUATE, to be regard...
equator 19 17 an imaginary circle...
equerry 26 19 an official who atte...
equinal 20 19 pertaining to horses...
equines 19 18 EQUINE, a member of...
equinia 19 18 glanders, a contagio...
equinox 25 25 the time when the su...
equipes 22 20 EQUIPE, (French) in...
equites 20 17 EQUES, (Latin) a mem...
erasers 11 7 ERASER, one that era...
erasing 12 10 ERASE, to efface or...
erasion 10 8 the act of rubbing o...
erasure 11 8 the act of erasing [...
erathem 14 12 the stratigraphical...
erbiums 16 14 ERBIUM, a metallic e...
erected 14 11 ERECT, to build or r...
erecter 14 10 one that erects, als...
erectly 22 13 ERECT, upright [adv]
erector 14 10 one that erects, als...
erelong 12 11 before long; soon [a...
eremite 12 10 a hermit, esp. a rel...
eremuri 13 11 EREMURUS, a flower,...
erepsin 13 11 an enzyme of the sma...
erethic 17 12 showing erethism, ab...
ergates 12 9 ERGATE, a worker ant...
ergodic 16 13 of or relating to th...
ergotic 16 12 pertaining to, or de...
eriachs 17 12 ERIACH, a murderer's...
ericoid 15 11 with heatherlike lea...
eringos 12 10 ERINGO, a plant of t...
erinite 11 8 a basic arsenate of...
eristic 16 10 pertaining to disput...
erlangs 13 11 ERLANG, a unit of tr...
erlking 15 15 (German) a spirit th...
ermelin 13 12 (archaic) ermine [n...
ermined 12 12 trimmed with ermine...
ermines 12 11 ERMINE, the stoat; a...
erodent 10 9 a caustic chemical [...
eroding 12 11 ERODE, to wear away...
erodium 13 12 a plant of the geran...
erosely 18 10 EROSE, irregularly n...
erosion 10 8 the act of eroding [...
erosive 13 11 causing erosion [adj...
erotema 11 10 a rhetorical questio...
eroteme 11 10 a rhetorical questio...
erotica 14 10 (Latin) erotic books...
erotics 15 10 EROTIC, a person who...
erotise 11 7 to give a sexual mea...
erotism 13 10 sexual excitement [n...
erotize 14 16 to give a sexual mea...
errable 14 11 capable of erring [a...
errancy 20 13 an instance of errin...
errands 11 9 ERRAND, a message or...
errants 11 8 ERRANT, a knight err...
erratas 11 7 ERRATA, a list of pr...
erratic 15 10 wandering, also ERRA...
erratum 13 11 an error in writing...
errhine 13 10 an obsolete medicine...
errings 13 10 ERRING, the act of e...
eructed 15 12 ERUCT, to belch out,...
erudite 12 9 learned [adj ERUDITE...
erupted 14 12 ERUPT, to break out...
eryngos 18 12 ERYNGO, a plant of t...
escalop 17 14 to bake in a scallop...
escaped 16 14 ESCAPE, to free ones...
escapee 15 13 a person who has esc...
escaper 16 13 one that escapes [n...
escapes 16 13 ESCAPE, to free ones...
escarps 17 13 ESCARP, to cause to...
eschars 17 12 ESCHAR, a slough of...
escheat 16 12 the reversion of pro...
eschews 20 15 ESCHEW, to avoid [v]
escolar 15 11 an Atlantic fish of...
escorts 15 10 ESCORT, to accompany...
escoted 14 11 ESCOT, (Shakespeare)...
escribe 17 13 to construct a circl...
escrocs 18 13 ESCROC, (French) a s...
escroll 17 12 a heraldic scroll, a...
escrols 16 11 ESCROL, a heraldic s...
escrows 18 13 ESCROW, to place a d...
escuage 15 13 a tax exacted by a f...
escudos 15 12 ESCUDO, a monetary u...
eserine 10 8 an alkaloid found in...
esloins 12 9 ESLOIN, to remove to...
esloyne 17 11 to remove to a dista...
esotery 17 9 secret doctrine [n E...
espadas 13 11 ESPADA, (Spanish) a...
espanol 13 12 (Spanish) a native o...
esparto 13 10 a tough, wiry grass,...
espials 15 11 ESPIAL, a scout or s...
espiers 14 10 ESPIER, someone who...
espoirs 14 10 ESPOIR, (French) a c...
espouse 13 11 to make a mutual pro...
esprits 15 10 ESPRIT, (French) spi...
espying 21 15 ESPY, to catch sight...
esquire 20 17 a squire or shield-b...
essayed 17 10 ESSAY, to attempt [v...
essayer 17 9 one who essays [n -S...
essence 13 11 a fundamental nature...
essives 14 11 ESSIVE, a grammatica...
essoins 11 8 ESSOIN [n]
essoyne 16 10 an excuse for not ap...
estated 11 8 ESTATE, to bestow la...
estates 11 7 ESTATE, to bestow la...
esteems 12 10 ESTEEM, to have a hi...
esthete 13 9 a person who loves b...
estival 15 12 of or relating to su...
estoile 12 8 (French) in heraldry...
estover 13 11 a common right to co...
estrade 11 8 a low platform [n -S...
estrays 18 9 ESTRAY, to stray [v]
estreat 11 7 to extract from the...
estrepe 13 10 to create waste as a...
estrich 18 12 (obsolete) an ostric...
estrins 12 8 ESTRIN, an estrogen,...
estriol 13 8 an estrogen, also OE...
estrone 10 8 an estrogen, also ES...
estrous 12 8 pertaining to estrus...
estrual 13 9 pertaining to estrus...
estrums 14 11 ESTRUM, the period o...
estuary 18 10 the tidal mouth of a...
etacism 16 13 the pronunciation of...
etaerio 10 7 an aggregated fruit...
etagere 11 9 (French) a display s...
etalage 12 10 (French) a display,...
etalons 11 9 ETALON, a device use...
etamine 11 11 (French) a loosely w...
etamins 12 11 ETAMIN, a loosely wo...
etatism 13 10 extreme state contro...
etatist 12 7 relating to etatism,...
etchant 16 13 an acid used in etch...
etchers 17 12 ETCHER, one who etch...
etching 18 15 an etched design [n...
eternal 11 9 everlasting, also ET...
etesian 10 8 a NW wind that recur...
ethanal 13 11 another name for ace...
ethanes 12 10 ETHANE, a gaseous hy...
ethanol 13 11 ethyl alcohol [n -S]
ethenes 12 10 ETHENE, a flammable...
etheric 17 12 like a spirit, also...
ethical 18 13 a drug sold by presc...
ethinyl 21 13 a univalent chemical...
ethions 13 10 ETHION, a pesticide...
ethiops 16 12 an old name for vari...
ethmoid 15 13 a square bone at the...
ethnics 17 13 ETHNIC, a member of...
ethoses 13 9 ETHOS, the fundament...
ethoxyl 27 19 a univalent chemical...
ethylic 25 15 pertaining to, deriv...
ethynes 19 12 ETHYNE, a colourless...
ethynyl 27 15 a univalent chemical...
etiolin 12 9 a yellow pigment in...
etoiles 12 8 ETOILE, (French) in...
etourdi 12 9 (French) foolish, th...
etrenne 9 9 (French) a New Year'...
etriers 12 7 ETRIER, (French) a s...
ettling 14 11 ETTLE, (Scots) to in...
etymons 18 13 ETYMON, the true ori...
eucaine 13 12 an anaesthetic safer...
eucains 14 12 EUCAIN, an anaesthet...
euchred 17 14 EUCHRE, to prevent f...
euchres 17 13 EUCHRE, to prevent f...
euclase 15 12 a mineral, hydrated...
eucrite 15 11 a gabbroitic rock co...
eudemon 11 13 (Greek) a benevolent...
eugarie 12 10 (Native Australian)...
eugenia 11 11 a genus of myrtaceou...
eugenic 15 14 relating to genetic...
eugenol 12 12 an aromatic liquid [...
euglena 12 12 a photosynthesizing,...
eulogia 13 11 (Latin) a blessing;...
eumongs 13 14 EUMONG, an Australia...
eumungs 14 15 EUMUNG, an Australia...
eunuchs 17 15 EUNUCH, a castrated...
euouaes 10 9 EUOUAE, a name for a...
eupepsy 22 16 a good digestion, al...
euphons 15 14 EUPHON, a type of gl...
euphony 21 16 an agreeable sound,...
euphory 22 15 elation, also EUPHOR...
euphroe 15 13 a wooden block used...
euploid 15 13 having a chromosome...
eupneas 12 12 EUPNEA, normal breat...
eupneic 16 15 relating to eupnea,...
eupnoea 11 12 normal breathing, al...
eurekas 12 12 EUREKA, a brilliant...
euripus 15 12 a sea channel with s...
europop 15 14 a form of simple yet...
euryoky 25 16 organisms living und...
eustacy 21 13 a worldwide change i...
eustasy 18 10 a worldwide change i...
eustele 12 9 when a plant's vascu...
eustyle 19 11 a colonnade with clo...
eutaxia 17 15 the property of bein...
eutexia 17 15 the property of bein...
eutropy 20 13 variation of crystal...
evacuee 15 15 one who is evacuated...
evaders 13 12 EVADER, one that eva...
evading 14 15 EVADE, to escape or...
evangel 14 15 good news; announcem...
evanish 15 14 to vanish [v -ED, -I...
evasion 12 12 the act of evading [...
evasive 15 15 tending to evade [ad...
evejars 15 20 EVEJAR, (dialect) th...
eveners 12 12 EVENER, something or...
evenest 12 12 EVEN, smooth and lev...
evening 13 15 the latter part of d...
evented 12 13 EVENT, to take part...
eventer 12 12 a horse which is tra...
evernet 12 12 a hypothetical form...
everted 13 12 EVERT, to turn insid...
evertor 13 11 a muscle that turns...
evicted 17 15 EVICT, to dispossess...
evictee 16 14 one who is evicted [...
evictor 17 14 one who evicts [n -S...
evident 13 13 clear [adj EVIDENTLY...
evilest 15 12 EVIL, morally bad [a...
eviller 16 13 EVIL, morally bad [a...
evinced 16 16 EVINCE, to show clea...
evinces 16 15 EVINCE, to show clea...
evirate 13 11 to castrate; to make...
evitate 13 11 to avoid, also EVITE...
eviting 15 14 EVITE, to avoid, als...
evocate 15 14 to evoke [v EVOCATED...
evokers 14 15 EVOKER, one who evok...
evoking 15 18 EVOKE, to call forth...
evolues 14 13 EVOLUE, a primitive...
evolute 14 13 to develop by evolut...
evolved 16 17 EVOLVE, to develop [...
evolver 16 16 one who evolves [n -...
evolves 16 16 EVOLVE, to develop [...
evovaes 14 15 EVOVAE, a name for a...
evulsed 15 14 EVULSE, to pluck out...
evulses 15 13 EVULSE, to pluck out...
evzones 15 21 EVZONE, (Modern Gree...
exabyte 25 19 a very large unit of...
exactas 20 17 EXACTA, a type of ho...
exacted 20 18 EXACT, to demand [v]
exacter 20 17 one that exacts, als...
exactly 28 20 EXACT, precise [adv]
exactor 20 17 one that exacts, als...
exacums 22 21 EXACUM, any plant of...
exalted 18 16 EXALT, to place in a...
exalter 18 15 one who exalts or ra...
examens 17 18 EXAMEN, a critical s...
examine 17 18 to inspect [v EXAMIN...
example 21 21 to illustrate, show...
exapted 19 18 utilized for a funct...
exarate 16 14 of a pupa, having th...
exarchs 23 19 EXARCH, a Byzantine...
exarchy 29 21 the domain of an exa...
excambs 24 23 EXCAMB, (Scots) in S...
exceeds 20 18 EXCEED, to go beyond...
excepts 23 20 EXCEPT, to exclude,...
excerpt 23 20 to pick out a passag...
excheat 22 19 (Spenser) property t...
excided 21 19 EXCIDE, (archaic) to...
excides 21 18 EXCIDE, (archaic) to...
excimer 22 20 a dimer above the gr...
exciple 24 21 a rim around the hym...
excised 21 18 EXCISE, to cut off o...
excises 21 17 EXCISE, to cut off o...
excited 21 18 EXCITE, to arouse th...
exciter 21 17 one that excites, al...
excites 21 17 EXCITE, to arouse th...
exciton 20 18 a combination of exc...
excitor 21 17 one that excites, al...
exclaim 23 21 to cry out in surpri...
exclave 23 22 a portion of a count...
exclude 22 20 to shut out [v EXCLU...
excreta 20 17 waste discharged fro...
excrete 20 17 to discharge or ejec...
excudit 22 19 (Latin) used in art...
excurse 21 18 (archaic) to digress...
excusal 22 19 an acceptance of an...
excused 21 19 EXCUSE, to free from...
excuser 21 18 one who excuses [n -...
excuses 21 18 EXCUSE, to free from...
execute 20 18 to perform or carry...
exedrae 16 15 EXEDRA, a curved ben...
exedras 17 15 EXEDRA, a curved ben...
exeemed 17 18 EXEEM, to release or...
exegete 17 16 one versed in the sc...
exeming 19 20 EXEME, to release or...
exempla 21 21 EXEMPLUM, (Latin) a...
exemple 21 21 (French) an example...
exempts 21 20 EXEMPT, to free from...
exergue 18 17 (French) a space on...
exerted 17 15 EXERT, to make an ef...
exhaled 20 18 EXHALE, to breathe o...
exhales 20 17 EXHALE, to breathe o...
exhaust 20 17 to use the whole str...
exhedra 19 17 (Latin) a semicircul...
exhibit 23 19 to display publicly...
exhorts 20 16 EXHORT, to admonish...
exhumed 21 21 EXHUME, to dig out f...
exhumer 21 20 someone who exhumes...
exhumes 21 20 EXHUME, to dig out f...
exigent 18 17 exacting; urgent [ad...
exilers 19 15 EXILER, one who exil...
exilian 18 16 pertaining to exile...
exiling 20 18 EXILE, to banish fro...
exility 26 17 (obsolete) slenderne...
existed 18 15 EXIST, to have actua...
exiting 19 17 EXIT, to go out [v]
exocarp 22 20 the outer portion of...
exoderm 18 18 the external layer o...
exodist 18 15 a person who goes ou...
exogamy 25 21 marriage outside a p...
exogens 17 17 EXOGEN, a plant whic...
exomion 17 18 a Roman sleeveless g...
exonyms 24 20 EXONYM, a name for a...
exopods 19 18 EXOPOD, the outer br...
exordia 17 15 EXORDIUM, a beginnin...
exosmic 22 20 relating to exosmose...
exotica 20 17 things excitingly di...
exotics 21 17 EXOTIC, something fr...
exotism 19 17 something exotic [n...
expands 19 19 EXPAND, to increase...
expanse 18 18 a wide area or exten...
expects 23 20 EXPECT, to anticipat...
expends 19 19 EXPEND, to consume i...
expense 18 18 to charge with costs...
experts 20 17 EXPERT, (Spenser) to...
expiate 19 17 to make complete ato...
expired 20 18 EXPIRE, to come to a...
expirer 20 17 one who expires [n -...
expires 20 17 EXPIRE, to come to a...
explain 20 19 to make clear and un...
explant 20 19 to transfer living t...
explode 20 19 to blow up [v EXPLOD...
exploit 21 18 to take advantage of...
explore 20 18 to examine thoroughl...
exports 20 17 EXPORT, to send good...
exposal 20 18 exposure [n -S]
exposed 19 18 EXPOSE, to lay open...
exposer 19 17 one who exposes [n -...
exposes 19 17 EXPOSE, to lay open...
exposit 20 17 to expound [v -ED, -...
expound 19 20 to explain in detail...
express 20 17 explicit, clearly st...
expugns 21 21 EXPUGN, to take by s...
expulse 21 19 (obsolete) to expel...
expunct 23 22 (archaic) to expunge...
expunge 20 21 to delete [v EXPUNGE...
expurge 21 20 to purge away [v EXP...
exscind 21 19 to cut out [v -ED, -...
exsects 21 17 EXSECT, to cut out [...
exserts 18 14 EXSERT, to protrude...
extatic 21 17 ecstatic [adj]
extends 17 16 EXTEND, to stretch o...
extense 16 15 (obsolete) an extent...
extents 17 15 EXTENT, the range ov...
externe 16 15 an officer in attend...
externs 17 15 EXTERN, an officer i...
extinct 21 18 to extinguish [v -ED...
extines 17 15 EXTINE, the outer la...
extirps 21 17 EXTIRP, to root out...
extolls 20 16 EXTOLL, to praise hi...
extorts 18 14 EXTORT, to obtain so...
extract 21 17 to draw out by force...
extrait 18 14 (French) an extract...
extreat 17 14 (Spenser) to extract...
extrema 18 17 EXTREMUM, (Latin) a...
extreme 18 17 the highest degree [...
extropy 26 19 the prediction that...
extrude 18 16 to force or urge out...
exudate 17 16 an exuded substance...
exuding 19 19 EXUDE, to ooze forth...
exulled 20 18 EXUL, (Spenser) to e...
exulted 19 17 EXULT, to rejoice gr...
exurban 19 19 relating to an exurb...
exurbia 20 18 exurbs collectively...
exuviae 19 19 cast-off skins, shel...
exuvial 21 20 of or pertaining to...
exuvium 22 23 the moulted covering...
eyalets 18 10 EYALET, (Turkish) a...
eyasses 17 9 EYASS, an untrained...
eyeable 19 13 able to be eyed [adj...
eyeball 21 14 to look closely at [...
eyebank 19 17 a bank of corneas fo...
eyebars 19 12 EYEBAR, a metal bar...
eyebath 21 14 a small vessel for w...
eyebeam 19 15 a glance [n -S]
eyebolt 20 13 a bolt with a looped...
eyebrow 22 15 the hairy arch above...
eyecups 23 16 EYECUP, a cup used f...
eyefold 20 14 a fold of skin of th...
eyefuls 21 14 EYEFUL, a complete v...
eyehole 19 12 a circular opening t...
eyehook 19 15 a hook or ring on th...
eyelash 20 12 a hair growing on th...
eyeless 18 10 without eyes [adj]
eyelets 18 10 EYELET, to make a sm...
eyeliad 18 11 an amorous glance, a...
eyelids 19 11 EYELID, a fold of sk...
eyelift 21 13 cosmetic surgery for...
eyelike 19 14 like an eye [adj]
eyeshot 19 11 the range of the eye...
eyesome 17 12 pleasant to look at...
eyesore 16 9 something unpleasant...
eyespot 19 12 a spot like an eye;...
eyewash 22 14 an eye lotion [n -ES...
eyewear 19 12 corrective eye lense...
eyewink 21 17 (Shakespeare) a wink...
eyliads 19 11 EYLIAD, an amorous g...