6 letter words that end with S

6 letter words that end with S

6 letter S word


Words With Friends®


aaliis 11 7 AALII, (Hawaiian) a...
aartis 10 6 AARTI, (Hindi) an In...
abacas 14 12 ABACA, a Philippine...
abacus 15 13 a counting frame usi...
abakas 12 13 ABAKA, (Tagalog) the...
abamps 15 15 ABAMP, short for ABA...
abands 11 11 ABAND, (Spenser) to...
abases 11 9 ABASE, to lower in r...
abates 11 9 ABATE, to reduce in...
abatis 12 9 a barrier made of fe...
abayas 17 11 ABAYA, a Syrian clot...
abbess 14 12 a female abbot, head...
abbeys 20 14 ABBEY, a building in...
abbots 14 12 ABBOT, the superior...
abcees 14 12 ABCEE, the alphabet,...
abdabs 14 13 (slang) a state of e...
abears 11 9 ABEAR, to bear; to b...
abeles 12 10 ABELE, the white pop...
abhors 14 11 ABHOR, to loathe, ha...
abides 12 10 ABIDE, to wait for;...
ablets 13 10 ABLET, a small fresh...
ablins 13 11 (dialect) perhaps, a...
abmhos 15 14 ABMHO, a unit of ele...
abodes 11 10 ABODE, to presage, f...
abohms 15 14 ABOHM, a unit of ele...
abomas 12 12 ABOMA, a South Ameri...
abords 12 10 ABORD, (archaic) to...
aborts 12 9 ABORT, to bring fort...
abouts 12 10 (Spenser) about [pre...
aboves 13 13 ABOVE, the upper par...
abrays 18 11 ABRAY, (Spenser) to...
abrins 12 10 ABRIN, a poisonous p...
abseys 18 11 ABSEY, (obsolete) th...
absits 13 9 ABSIT, (Latin) a stu...
abunas 11 11 ABUNA, (Amharic) an...
abuses 12 10 ABUSE, to revile or...
abysms 20 14 ABYSM, (archaic) an...
acarus 13 10 a mite, a kind of sm...
acates 12 9 (obsolete) things pu...
access 16 12 approach, admittance...
accoys 22 14 ACCOY, (Spenser) to...
achars 15 11 ACHAR, a spicy pickl...
achoos 14 11 ACHOO, an imitation...
acinus 13 11 a small sacklike div...
ackees 13 13 ACKEE, (Kru) a small...
ackers 14 13 ACKER, (Australian s...
acorns 12 10 ACORN, the fruit of...
acquis 22 19 (French) a particula...
across 13 9 from one side to the...
actins 13 10 ACTIN, a protein fou...
actons 12 10 ACTON, a stuffed jac...
actors 13 9 ACTOR, a theatrical...
acutes 13 10 ACUTE, a type of acc...
adages 10 9 ADAGE, a proverb, a...
adapts 12 10 ADAPT, to make suita...
adbots 12 10 ADBOT, a specialized...
adders 10 8 ADDER, a venomous sn...
addies 10 8 ADDY, (slang) an ema...
addios 10 8 ADDIO, (Italian) goo...
addles 11 9 ADDLE, to confuse [v...
adeems 10 10 ADEEM, to cancel a b...
adepts 12 10 ADEPT, an expert [n]
adhans 11 10 ADHAN, the Muslim ca...
adieus 10 8 ADIEU, (French) a fa...
admass 11 10 the mass audience of...
admins 11 11 ADMIN, (short for) a...
admits 12 10 ADMIT, to allow to e...
adobes 11 10 ADOBE, (Arabic) an u...
adobos 11 10 ADOBO, (Spanish) a P...
adonis 9 8 a handsome young man...
adoors 9 7 (obsolete) at the do...
adopts 12 10 ADOPT, to take as on...
adores 9 7 ADORE, to love deepl...
adorns 9 8 ADORN, to embellish...
adukis 12 12 ADUKI, (Japanese) a...
adults 12 9 ADULT, a fully devel...
adusts 11 8 ADUST, (Milton) to s...
advews 15 14 ADVEW, (Spenser) to...
aeneus 8 8 (Latin) of a shining...
aeries 9 6 AERIE, the nest of a...
aesces 12 9 AESC, (Old English)...
afaras 11 9 AFARA, (Yoruba) a ty...
afears 11 9 AFEAR, (Spenser) to...
affies 14 12 AFFY, (obsolete) to...
afrits 13 9 AFRIT, an evil spiri...
afters 12 9 the latter part of a...
agamas 11 11 AGAMA, a tropical li...
agamis 12 11 AGAMI, a crane-like...
agapes 12 11 AGAPE, a love feast...
agasts 11 8 AGAST, (Milton) to t...
agates 10 8 AGATE, a variety of...
agaves 12 12 AGAVE, any of numero...
agenes 9 9 AGENE, a chemical co...
agents 10 9 AGENT, to act for an...
aggers 12 10 AGGER, (historical)...
aggies 12 10 AGGIE, a type of pla...
aggros 12 10 AGGRO, (short for) a...
agilas 12 9 AGILA, (Tamil) the w...
agings 12 11 AGING, the process o...
agisms 13 11 AGISM, discriminatio...
agists 12 8 AGIST, to admit (liv...
agitas 11 8 AGITA, a feeling of...
aglets 12 9 AGLET, a metal sheat...
agloos 11 9 AGLOO, (Inuit) a hol...
agoges 11 10 AGOGE, (Greek) in Gr...
agones 9 9 AGON, the dramatic c...
agoras 10 8 AGORA, a market-plac...
agrees 10 8 AGREE, to have the s...
agrias 11 8 AGRIA, a skin condit...
agrins 11 9 AGRIN, a proteoglyca...
agutis 12 9 AGUTI, a burrowing S...
aholds 13 10 near the wind; as, t...
ahurus 13 10 AHURU, (Maori) a sma...
aiders 10 7 AIDER, one who aids...
aimers 11 9 AIMER, one who aims...
aingas 10 9 AINGA, (Samoan) a la...
aiolis 11 7 AIOLI, (French) a ga...
airbus 13 10 (tradename) an aerop...
airers 10 6 AIRER, a frame on wh...
airths 13 8 AIRTH, (Scots) to gu...
aisles 11 7 AISLE, a passage bet...
aivers 12 10 AIVER, (Scots) a dra...
aizles 14 16 AIZLE, (Scots) hot a...
ajivas 14 19 AJIVA, (Sanskrit) in...
ajugas 13 18 AJUGA, a genus of pl...
ajwans 14 19 AJWAN, the fruit of...
akelas 11 11 AKELA, a leader of a...
akenes 9 11 AKENE, a dry one-see...
akitas 11 10 AKITA, (Japanese) a...
alaaps 12 10 ALAAP, (Sanskrit) in...
alamos 11 10 ALAMO, (Spanish) a k...
alands 10 9 ALAND, a large hunti...
alangs 11 10 ALANG, (Malay) a coa...
alants 10 8 ALANT, a large hunti...
alapas 12 10 ALAPA, (Sanskrit) in...
alarms 12 10 ALARM, to strike wit...
alates 10 7 ALATE, a winged inse...
albums 15 14 ALBUM, a book for st...
alcids 15 11 ALCID, a diving sea...
aldeas 10 8 ALDEA, (Spanish) a s...
alders 11 8 ALDER, any tree of t...
aldols 12 9 ALDOL, a chemical co...
alecks 15 14 ALECK, an irritating...
alephs 15 12 ALEPH, (Hebrew) the...
alerts 11 7 ALERT, to warn [v]
aleyes 16 9 ALEYE, to quell, als...
algins 12 10 ALGIN, sodium algina...
algors 12 9 ALGOR, coldness; a s...
algums 14 13 ALGUM, (Hebrew) a wo...
alibis 14 10 ALIBI, to give an al...
aliens 10 8 ALIEN, to alienate [...
aligns 12 10 ALIGN, to arrange in...
alines 10 8 ALINE, to arrange in...
aliyas 17 9 ALIYA, the immigrati...
aliyos 17 9 ALIYA, the immigrati...
alkies 12 11 ALKIE, an alcoholic,...
alkyds 19 14 ALKYD, any of a grou...
alkyls 20 14 ALKYL, any radical d...
allays 18 10 ALLAY, to reduce in...
allees 11 8 ALLEE, (French) an a...
allels 13 9 ALLEL, (short for) a...
alleys 18 10 ALLEY, a narrow pass...
allies 12 8 ALLY, to join by mar...
allods 12 9 ALLOD, an estate hel...
allons 11 9 (French) let's go [i...
allots 12 8 ALLOT, to give as a...
allows 15 11 ALLOW, to put no obs...
alloys 18 10 ALLOY, to combine a...
allyls 20 11 ALLYL, an organic ra...
almahs 14 12 ALMAH, an Egyptian g...
almehs 14 12 ALMEH, an Egyptian g...
almous 12 11 alms, also AWMOUS [n...
almuds 13 12 ALMUD, a Spanish uni...
almugs 14 13 ALMUG, a precious wo...
alohas 12 9 ALOHA, (Hawaiian) a...
aloins 10 8 ALOIN, a kind of lax...
alphas 15 12 ALPHA, a Greek lette...
altars 11 7 ALTAR, a raised stru...
alters 11 7 ALTER, to make diffe...
alulas 12 9 ALULA, one of three...
alures 11 8 ALURE, (obsolete) a...
alvars 13 11 ALVAR, (Swedish) an...
always 20 12 every time [adv]
amates 10 9 AMATE, (archaic) to...
amauts 11 10 AMAUT, (Inuit) a hoo...
amazes 13 18 AMAZE, to overwhelm...
ambans 12 13 AMBAN, (Chinese) a C...
ambers 13 12 AMBER, a fossil resi...
ambits 14 12 AMBIT, a circuit, co...
ambles 14 13 AMBLE, to saunter [v...
amebas 12 12 AMEBA, a one-celled...
ameers 10 9 AMEER, a Muslim gove...
amends 10 11 AMEND, to correct, i...
aments 10 10 AMENT, a mentally de...
amices 14 12 AMICE, a furred hood...
amicus 15 13 (Latin) a legal expe...
amides 11 10 AMIDE, a compound fo...
amigas 12 11 AMIGA, (Spanish) a (...
amigos 12 11 AMIGO, (Spanish) a (...
amines 10 10 AMINE, a compound de...
aminos 10 10 AMINO, a compound co...
amises 11 9 AMIS, a clerical gar...
ammans 11 13 AMMAN, (German) in G...
ammons 11 13 AMMON, the Asian wil...
amnios 10 10 AMNIO, (short for) a...
amoles 11 10 AMOLE, a plant root...
amours 11 10 AMOUR, (French) a lo...
amoves 12 13 AMOVE, (obsolete) to...
amowts 14 12 AMOWT, (Inuit) a hoo...
ampuls 15 14 AMPUL, a small seale...
amrits 12 9 AMRIT, (Punjabi) a s...
amucks 16 17 AMUCK, a murderous f...
amuses 11 10 AMUSE, to entertain...
anabas 10 10 a genus of fishes, r...
ananas 7 8 a pineapple, also AN...
anatas 8 7 ANATA, (Sanskrit) th...
anchos 14 12 ANCHO, a type of dri...
ancles 13 11 ANCLE, (archaic) ank...
andros 9 8 ANDRO, a type of sex...
anears 8 7 ANEAR, (archaic) to...
aneles 9 8 ANELE, to anoint wit...
angels 11 10 ANGEL, to support fi...
angers 10 9 ANGER, to make angry...
angles 11 10 ANGLE, to with hook...
anglos 11 10 ANGLO, a white inhab...
angsts 11 9 ANGST, (German) a fe...
animas 10 10 ANIMA, (Latin) the s...
animes 10 10 ANIME, the resin of...
animis 11 10 ANIMI, the resin of...
animus 11 11 (Latin) a usually pr...
anions 8 8 ANION, an ion with a...
anises 9 7 ANISE, an annual Med...
ankers 10 11 ANKER, an old wine m...
ankles 11 12 ANKLE, to walk [v]
annals 9 9 ANNAL, a record of a...
annats 8 8 ANNAT, (Scots) the h...
annoys 14 10 ANNOY, to be trouble...
annuls 10 10 ANNUL, to declare vo...
anodes 8 8 ANODE, a positively...
anoles 9 8 ANOLE, a tropical li...
antars 9 7 ANTAR, (Shakespeare)...
antics 13 10 ANTIC, to act in a c...
antres 9 7 ANTRE, (Shakespeare)...
anuses 9 8 ANUS, the opening at...
anvils 13 12 ANVIL, to shape on a...
anyons 14 10 ANYON, an elementary...
aortas 9 6 AORTA, the main bloo...
apexes 17 16 APEX, the topmost po...
aphids 15 12 APHID, a plant-louse...
apices 15 12 APEX, the topmost po...
apiols 13 10 APIOL, an oily liqui...
apisms 14 12 APISM, the state of...
apneas 10 10 APNEA, a temporary c...
apodes 11 10 APODE, an animal wit...
appals 15 13 APPAL, to horrify, a...
appays 20 14 APPAY, to satisfy, a...
appels 15 13 APPEL, (French) in f...
apples 15 13 APPLE, the firm roun...
appros 14 12 APPRO, (colloquial)...
appuis 15 13 APPUI, to give milit...
appuys 21 15 APPUY, to give milit...
aprons 11 10 APRON, to cover with...
arabas 11 9 ARABA, a heavy wagon...
arabis 12 9 (Latin) any member o...
arames 10 9 ARAME, (Japanese) a...
arbors 12 9 ARBOR, a shady garde...
arches 15 11 ARCH, to bend like a...
ardebs 12 10 ARDEB, an Egyptian m...
ardors 10 7 ARDOR, (US) passion...
ardris 11 7 ARDRI, (Irish) a tit...
areads 9 7 AREAD, (Spenser) to...
arears 9 6 AREAR, an unpaid and...
arecas 12 9 ARECA, a tree of the...
aredes 9 7 AREDE, to declare, a...
arenas 8 7 ARENA, any sphere of...
arenes 8 7 ARENE, an aromatic h...
arepas 11 9 AREPA, (Spanish) a u...
aretes 9 6 ARETE, a sharp mount...
aretts 10 6 ARETT, (obsolete) to...
argals 12 9 ARGAL, a hard crust...
argans 10 9 ARGAN, (Arabic) a Mo...
argils 13 9 ARGIL, a potter's cl...
argles 12 9 ARGLE, to argue [v]
argols 12 9 ARGOL, a hard crust...
argons 10 9 ARGON, an inert gase...
argots 11 8 ARGOT, (French) an o...
argues 11 9 ARGUE, to discuss wi...
arhats 12 8 ARHAT, (Sanskrit) a...
ariels 11 7 ARIEL, a kind of mou...
arikis 12 10 ARIKI, (Maori) the f...
arises 10 6 ARISE, to come up [v...
armers 11 9 ARMER, one who arms...
armets 11 9 ARMET, a kind of med...
armies 11 9 ARMY, a large body o...
armils 13 10 ARMIL, a bracelet, a...
armors 11 9 ARMOR, (US) to dress...
arnuts 10 8 ARNUT, the earthnut,...
arobas 11 9 AROBA, a heavy scree...
arohas 11 8 AROHA, (Maori) love,...
aroids 10 7 AROID, any plant of...
aromas 10 9 AROMA, a distinctive...
arpens 11 10 ARPEN, a old French...
arrays 16 8 ARRAY, to place in o...
arrets 10 6 ARRET, (French) a de...
arrows 13 9 ARROW, to indicate t...
arsons 9 7 ARSON, the malicious...
artels 11 7 ARTEL, (Russian) a R...
artics 14 9 ARTIC, (short for) a...
arties 10 6 ARTY, an artistic pe...
aruhes 12 9 ARUHE, (Maori) the e...
arvees 11 10 ARVEE, (short for) r...
asanas 8 7 ASANA, (Sanskrit) a...
ascons 12 10 ASCON, a type of spo...
ascots 13 9 ASCOT, a type of nec...
asdics 14 10 ASDIC, an apparatus...
ashets 12 8 ASHET, (Scots) a lar...
asides 10 7 ASIDE, a comment by...
askers 11 10 ASKER, one who asks...
aspens 11 10 ASPEN, the trembling...
aspers 12 9 ASPER, a Turkish mon...
aspics 16 12 ASPIC, a clear savou...
aspros 12 9 ASPRO, (Australian s...
assais 10 6 ASSAI, (Tupi) a berr...
assams 11 9 ASSAM, (Malay) in Ma...
assays 16 8 ASSAY, to put to the...
assess 10 6 to estimate the valu...
assets 10 6 ASSET, an item of wo...
assots 10 6 ASSOT, to make a foo...
asters 10 6 ASTER, a plant of th...
astuns 10 8 ASTUN, (obsolete) to...
asuras 10 7 ASURA, (Sanskrit) a...
atigis 12 8 ATIGI, (Inuit) a kin...
atmans 10 10 ATMAN, (Hindi) the e...
atokes 10 10 ATOKE, a sexless par...
atolls 12 8 ATOLL, a coral islan...
atones 8 7 ATONE, to make amend...
attaps 12 9 ATTAP, the nipa palm...
attars 10 6 ATTAR, a fragrant es...
attics 14 9 ATTIC, a room in the...
auceps 15 13 (Latin) a hawker or...
audads 10 9 AUDAD, a North Afric...
audios 10 8 AUDIO, reproduction...
audits 11 8 AUDIT, to examine ac...
augers 11 9 AUGER, a kind of bor...
aughts 14 11 AUGHT, anything, als...
augurs 12 10 AUGUR, to foretell f...
aumils 13 11 AUMIL, a factor or m...
aureus 10 8 a gold coin of ancie...
aurous 10 8 containing univalent...
aurums 12 11 AURUM, (Latin) gold...
auxins 16 15 AUXIN, a substance i...
avails 13 11 AVAIL, to be of use...
avales 12 11 AVALE, (obsolete) to...
averts 12 10 AVERT, to ward off [...
avians 11 11 AVIAN, a bird [n]
avions 11 11 AVION, (French) an a...
avises 12 10 AVISE, to advise, al...
avisos 12 10 AVISO, (Spanish) a b...
avizes 15 19 AVIZE, to advise, al...
avoids 12 11 AVOID, to evade [v]
avyzes 21 21 AVYZE, to advise, al...
awaits 13 9 AWAIT, to wait for [...
awakes 13 13 AWAKE, to rouse from...
awards 13 10 AWARD, to grant as m...
awarns 12 10 AWARN, (Spenser) to...
awatos 12 9 AWATO, (Maori) the s...
awayes 18 11 (Spenser) away [adv]
awetos 12 9 AWETO, a wormlike fu...
awless 14 10 without awe, also AW...
awmous 14 13 (Scots) alms, also A...
awners 12 10 AWNER, a machine for...
axioms 17 16 AXIOM, a self-eviden...
axions 15 14 AXION, a hypothetica...
axises 16 13 AXIS, the imaginary...
axites 16 13 AXITE, a fibre of an...
axoids 16 14 AXOID, a curve gener...
axones 14 14 AXONE, a nerve fibre...
ayayas 21 10 AYAYA, (Inuit) a typ...
ayries 16 8 AYRIE, the nest of a...
azides 13 16 AZIDE, a salt of hyd...
azines 12 16 AZINE, a type of nit...
azlons 13 17 AZLON, a textile fib...
azoles 13 16 AZOLE, any of variou...
azotes 12 15 AZOTE, an old name f...
azoths 15 17 AZOTH, an alchemist'...
azukis 15 20 AZUKI, (Japanese) a...
azures 13 16 AZURE, a delicate bl...
azygos 20 19 an unpaired structur...
azymes 20 20 AZYME, unleavened br...
baases 11 9 BAAS, (Afrikaans) a...
babels 15 13 BABEL, a confused so...
babies 14 12 BABY, to treat like...
babkas 15 16 BABKA, (Polish) a ki...
baboos 13 12 BABOO, (Hindi) a nat...
babuls 16 14 BABUL, (Hindi) a spe...
baccas 18 15 BACCA, a botanical n...
baccos 18 15 BACCO, (short for) t...
bachas 17 14 BACHA, (Hinglish) in...
baches 17 14 BACH, to live as a b...
bacons 14 13 BACON, cured and sal...
badass 12 10 a difficult person [...
badges 13 12 BADGE, to supply wit...
bagass 13 11 dry refuse in sugar-...
bagels 14 12 BAGEL, (Yiddish) a h...
bagies 13 11 BAGIE, (Northumbrian...
bahuts 15 12 BAHUT, (French) an o...
bairns 12 10 BAIRN, (Scots) a chi...
baisas 12 9 BAISA, (Arabic) a un...
baizas 15 18 BAIZA, (Arabic) a mo...
baizes 15 18 BAIZE, to cover with...
bajans 13 19 BAJAN, (Scots) a fre...
bajras 14 18 BAJRA, (Hindi) in th...
bajris 15 18 BAJRI, (Hindi) in th...
bakers 13 13 BAKER, one that bake...
bakras 13 13 BAKRA, (Caribbean) a...
balers 13 10 BALER, one who bales...
baloos 12 10 BALOO, (Hindi) a bea...
balsas 13 10 BALSA, a tropical Am...
baltis 14 10 BALTI, (Urdu) a spic...
baluns 13 12 BALUN, a device for...
bambis 16 15 BAMBI, (colloquial)...
banaks 12 14 BANAK, (Honduran) a...
bancos 14 13 BANCO, the standard...
bandas 11 11 BANDA, in Africa, a...
bandhs 14 13 BANDH, (Hindi) in In...
banias 11 10 BANIA, an Indian fig...
banjos 13 19 BANJO, a stringed mu...
bantus 12 11 BANTU, a group of Af...
banyas 17 12 BANYA, a Russian sau...
barbes 14 12 BARBE, a medieval cl...
barcas 15 12 BARCA, (Italian) a b...
bardes 12 10 BARDE, to cover a ho...
bardos 12 10 BARDO, in Tibetan Bu...
barfis 15 12 BARFI, (Hindi) an In...
barges 13 11 BARGE, to push one's...
barons 11 10 BARON, a lower membe...
barras 12 9 BARRA, (Australian s...
barres 12 9 BARRE, to execute ba...
baryes 18 11 BARYE, a unit of pre...
basans 11 10 BASAN, a sheepskin r...
bashes 14 11 BASH, to strike [v]
basics 16 12 BASIC, a fundamental...
basils 14 10 BASIL, an aromatic h...
basins 12 10 BASIN, a wide dish,...
basons 11 10 BASON, (archaic) a b...
basses 12 9 BASS, the lowest par...
bassos 12 9 BASSO, a low-pitched...
bastes 12 9 BASTE, to keep (meat...
bastis 13 9 BASTI, (India) a slu...
bastos 12 9 BASTO, the ace of cl...
bathes 14 11 BATHE, to wash by im...
bathos 14 11 the appearance of th...
batiks 14 13 BATIK, to produce ba...
batons 11 10 BATON, to strike wit...
battas 12 9 BATTA, extra pay; es...
baulks 15 15 BAULK, to refrain fr...
bavins 14 14 BAVIN [n]
bayles 19 12 BAYLE, a pole, a bar...
bayous 18 12 BAYOU, a marshy offs...
bazars 15 18 BAZAR, an Eastern ma...
bazoos 14 18 BAZOO, (US slang) th...
bazzes 18 27 BAZZ, to throw (as a...
beanos 10 10 BEANO, (slang) a fea...
beards 12 10 BEARD, to oppose wit...
beares 11 9 BEARE [v]
beasts 12 9 BEAST, to punish or...
beaths 14 11 BEATH, (Spenser) to...
beauts 12 10 BEAUT, (colloquial)...
bebops 16 15 BEBOP, to play a sty...
becaps 17 15 BECAP, to put a cap...
beckes 16 16 BECKE, (Spenser) a b...
bedels 13 11 BEDEL, (obsolete) a...
bedews 15 13 BEDEW, to cover with...
bedims 14 13 BEDIM, to make dim [...
bedyes 18 12 BEDYE, to dye or sta...
beeves 13 13 BEEF, the flesh of d...
befits 15 12 BEFIT, to be suitabl...
befogs 15 14 BEFOG, to fog up, ob...
begars 13 11 BEGAR, forced labour...
begems 14 14 BEGEM, to adorn with...
begets 13 11 BEGET, to cause to e...
begins 13 12 BEGIN, to start [v]
begoes 12 11 BEGO, to beset [v]
begums 15 15 BEGUM, a high rankin...
beiges 13 11 BEIGE, a woollen fab...
beings 13 12 BEING, something tha...
bekahs 15 15 BEKAH, (Hebrew) half...
bekiss 14 13 to cover with kisses...
belahs 15 12 BELAH, (Native Austr...
belars 13 10 BELAR, an Australian...
belays 19 12 BELAY, to fasten a r...
belees 12 10 BELEE, to put on the...
belgas 14 12 BELGA, a former curr...
belies 13 10 BELIE, to misreprese...
belles 14 11 BELLE, a young lady...
belons 12 11 BELON, a type of oys...
belows 16 13 BELOW, the lower par...
bemads 13 13 BEMAD, (archaic) to...
bemuds 14 14 BEMUD, (archaic) to...
bendys 18 13 BENDY, a tropical pl...
benets 11 10 BENET, to catch in a...
bengas 12 12 BENGA, a form of Ken...
benjes 13 19 BENJ, cannabis, Indi...
bennes 10 11 BENNE, the sesame pl...
bennis 11 11 BENNI, the sesame pl...
bentos 11 10 BENTO, a Japanese me...
bepats 14 12 BEPAT, to pat often...
berays 18 11 BERAY, (obsolete) to...
berets 12 9 BERET, a flat round...
bermes 13 12 BERME, a narrow shel...
berobs 14 12 BEROB, (Spenser) to...
berths 15 11 BERTH, to moor a shi...
beryls 20 12 BERYL, a semipreciou...
besees 11 9 BESEE, (obsolete) to...
besets 12 9 BESET, to assail [v]
besits 13 9 BESIT, (archaic) to...
besoms 13 12 BESOM, to sweep with...
besots 12 9 BESOT, to infatuate...
bestis 13 9 BESTI, (Hinglish) in...
betels 13 10 BETEL, the leaf of t...
betons 11 10 BETON, lime concrete...
betoss 12 9 (Shakespeare) to agi...
bettas 12 9 BETTA, a strikingly-...
bevels 15 14 BEVEL, to cut at an...
bevers 14 13 BEVER [n]
bevies 14 13 BEVY, a group, esp....
bevors 14 13 BEVOR, armour for th...
bevues 14 14 BEVUE, (French) a bl...
bewets 15 12 BEWET, to make wet [...
bewigs 17 14 BEWIG, to dress in a...
bezels 16 19 BEZEL, the oblique s...
bezils 17 19 BEZIL, the oblique s...
bhajis 17 20 BHAJI, (Hindi) in In...
bhangs 15 14 BHANG, (Urdu) cannab...
bhoots 14 11 BHOOT, a small whirl...
bhunas 14 13 BHUNA, (Urdu) an Ind...
bialis 14 10 BIALI, an onion roll...
bialys 20 12 BIALY, an onion roll...
biases 12 9 BIAS, to cause to in...
bibles 16 13 BIBLE, an authoritat...
biceps 18 15 the two-headed muscl...
biders 13 10 BIDER, one who bides...
bidets 13 10 BIDET, (French) a sh...
bidons 12 11 BIDON, a container f...
bields 14 11 BIELD, (Scots) to gi...
biffos 17 15 BIFFO, (Australian s...
bighas 16 13 BIGHA, an Indian lan...
bights 17 13 BIGHT, to fasten wit...
bigots 14 11 BIGOT, a prejudiced...
bijous 15 19 BIJOU, (French) a tr...
bikers 14 13 BIKER, one who rides...
bikies 14 13 BIKIE, (Australian s...
bilbos 16 13 BILBO, a rapier, als...
bilges 15 12 BILGE, to spring a l...
bimahs 16 14 BIMAH, (Hebrew) a ra...
bimbos 16 15 BIMBO, a woman who i...
bindis 13 11 BINDI, (Hindi) a dot...
biners 12 10 BINER, (short for) k...
binges 13 12 BINGE, to eat or dri...
bingos 13 12 BINGO, a lottery-typ...
binits 13 10 BINIT, a unit of com...
binocs 15 13 (short for) binocula...
biogas 13 11 gas obtained by bioc...
biomes 13 12 BIOME, an extensive...
bionts 12 10 BIONT, a physiologic...
biotas 12 9 BIOTA, the flora and...
bipeds 15 13 BIPED, an animal wit...
bipods 15 13 BIPOD, a two-legged...
birles 14 10 BIRLE, to carouse, a...
birses 13 9 BIRSE [n]
births 16 11 BIRTH, to originate...
bishes 15 11 BISH, a mistake, a b...
bisoms 14 12 BISOM, a term of rep...
bisons 12 10 BISON, either of two...
biters 13 9 BITER, that which bi...
bizzes 19 27 BIZ, (slang) busines...
bizzos 19 27 BIZZO, (Australian s...
blacks 18 17 BLACK, to blacken [v...
blades 13 11 BLADE, the cutting p...
blaffs 18 16 BLAFF, to bark [v]
blains 13 11 BLAIN, a blister [n]
blames 14 13 BLAME, to find fault...
blands 13 12 BLAND, to become bla...
blanks 14 15 BLANK, to delete [v]
blares 13 10 BLARE, to sound loud...
blarts 14 10 BLART, to shout loud...
blasts 14 10 BLAST, to use explos...
blates 13 10 BLATE, to babble [v]
blatts 14 10 BLATT, (slang) a new...
blauds 14 12 BLAUD, to strike, di...
blazes 16 19 BLAZE, to burn with...
bleaks 14 14 BLEAK, a freshwater...
blears 13 10 BLEAR, to make blear...
bleats 13 10 BLEAT, to cry like a...
bleeds 13 11 BLEED, to lose blood...
bleeps 15 13 BLEEP, to emit a sho...
blends 13 12 BLEND, to mix togeth...
blerts 14 10 BLERT, (colloquial)...
blimps 18 16 BLIMP [n]
blinds 14 12 BLIND, to make sight...
blings 15 13 BLING [n]
blinis 14 11 BLINI, a small buckw...
blinks 15 15 BLINK, to open and s...
blites 14 10 BLITE, a genus of he...
bloats 13 10 BLOAT, to swell [v]
blocks 18 17 BLOCK, to obstruct [...
blokes 14 14 BLOKE, a fellow [n]
blonds 13 12 BLOND, a fair comple...
bloods 13 11 BLOOD, to stain with...
blooks 14 14 BLOOK, a book serial...
blooms 14 13 BLOOM, to bear flowe...
bloops 15 13 BLOOP, in baseball,...
blores 13 10 BLORE, (archaic) a v...
bludes 14 12 BLUDE, (Scots) blood...
bluets 14 11 BLUET, a meadow flow...
blueys 20 13 BLUEY, a swagman's b...
bluffs 19 17 BLUFF, to deceive [v...
bluids 15 12 BLUID, (Scots) blood...
blumes 15 14 BLUME, to blossom [v...
blunks 15 16 BLUNK, (Scots) to sp...
blunts 14 12 BLUNT, to make blunt...
blurbs 17 14 BLURB, to praise in...
blurts 15 11 BLURT, to utter unad...
blypes 22 15 BLYPE, (Scots) a pie...
boards 12 10 BOARD, to supply foo...
boarts 12 9 BOART, diamond dust...
boasts 12 9 BOAST, to brag [v]
bobacs 17 15 BOBAC, a type of mar...
bobaks 15 16 BOBAK, a type of mar...
bobols 15 13 BOBOL, to commit a t...
boccas 18 15 BOCCA, (Italian) a m...
bocces 18 15 BOCCE, an Italian bo...
boccis 19 15 BOCCI, an Italian bo...
boches 17 14 BOCHE, an offensive...
bodges 13 12 BODGE, to patch up [...
bodies 12 10 BODY, to give form t...
bodles 13 11 BODLE, a former Scot...
boeufs 14 13 BOEUF, (French) beef...
boffos 16 15 BOFFO, a hearty laug...
bogans 12 12 BOGAN, (Native Ameri...
bogeys 19 13 BOGEY, to shoot one...
bogies 13 11 BOGIE, (Australian s...
bogles 14 12 BOGLE, to perform th...
bogues 13 12 BOGUE, a Mediterrane...
boheas 13 11 BOHEA, (Chinese) an...
boings 13 12 BOING, to reverberat...
boinks 13 14 BOINK, to reverberat...
boites 12 9 BOITE, (French) a ni...
bombes 15 15 BOMBE, (French) a de...
bombos 15 15 BOMBO, (Australian s...
bonces 14 13 BONCE, a large marbl...
boners 11 10 BONER, (US slang) a...
bongos 12 12 BONGO, a kind of ant...
bonnes 10 11 BONNE, (French) a Fr...
bonzes 14 19 BONZE, (Japanese) a...
booais 11 9 BOOAI, a remote rura...
booays 17 11 BOOAY, a remote rura...
boongs 12 12 BOONG, (offensive) a...
boords 12 10 BOORD, (Spenser) boa...
booses 11 9 BOOSE, to drink exce...
boosts 12 9 BOOST, to support, i...
booths 14 11 BOOTH, a stall for t...
boozes 14 18 BOOZE, to drink exce...
boraks 13 13 BORAK, (Native Austr...
borals 13 10 BORAL, a mixture of...
bordes 12 10 BORDE, (obsolete) bo...
boreas 11 9 the north wind [n -E...
borees 11 9 BOREE, (Native Austr...
borels 13 10 BOREL, a boring tool...
borers 12 9 BORER, one that bore...
borgos 13 11 BORGO, (Italian) a m...
borons 11 10 BORON, a relatively...
boshes 14 11 BOSH, (colloquial) m...
bosies 12 9 BOSIE, a kind of del...
bosoms 13 12 BOSOM, to enclose in...
bosons 11 10 BOSON, any of a cert...
bosses 12 9 BOSS, to domineer ov...
bosuns 12 11 BOSUN, a ship's offi...
botels 13 10 BOTEL, a waterside h...
bottes 12 9 BOTTE, a thrust in f...
bouges 13 12 BOUGE, (Shakespeare)...
boughs 16 14 BOUGH, a tree branch...
boules 13 11 BOULE, (Greek) in an...
boults 14 11 BOULT, to sieve thro...
bounds 12 12 BOUND, to leap [v]
bourds 13 11 BOURD [n]
bourgs 14 12 BOURG, a market-town...
bourns 12 11 BOURN, a small strea...
bouses 12 10 BOUSE, to haul with...
bovids 15 14 BOVID, an animal of...
bowats 15 12 BOWAT, (Scots) a lan...
bowels 16 13 BOWEL, to take out t...
bowers 15 12 BOWER, to enclose in...
bowets 15 12 BOWET, (Scots) a lan...
bownes 14 13 BOWNE, to prepare, a...
bowses 15 12 BOWSE, to haul with...
boxers 18 16 BOXER, a person who...
boxlas 19 17 BOXLA, a form of ind...
boyars 18 11 BOYAR, (Russian) a m...
boylas 19 12 BOYLA, a witch docto...
braais 12 9 BRAAI, (South Africa...
braces 15 12 BRACE, to support [v...
brachs 18 14 BRACH, a female hunt...
bracks 17 16 BRACK, a flaw in clo...
bracts 16 12 BRACT, any reduced l...
braids 13 10 BRAID, to form into...
brails 14 10 BRAIL, to haul in a...
brains 12 10 BRAIN, to dash out t...
brakes 13 13 BRAKE, to slow down...
brames 13 12 BRAME, (Spenser) a f...
brands 12 11 BRAND, to mark with...
branes 11 10 BRANE, a multi-dimen...
branks 13 14 BRANK, (Scots) to pr...
brants 12 10 BRANT, a wild goose,...
brases 12 9 BRAS, (Spenser) bras...
brasts 13 9 BRAST, (dialect) to...
bravas 14 13 BRAVA, (Italian) a s...
braves 14 13 BRAVE, to face with...
bravos 14 13 BRAVO, to applaud by...
brawls 17 13 BRAWL, to fight rowd...
brawns 15 13 BRAWN, muscular stre...
brazas 15 18 BRAZA, a Spanish uni...
brazes 15 18 BRAZE, to solder wit...
breads 12 10 BREAD, to cover with...
breaks 13 13 BREAK, to shatter or...
breams 13 12 BREAM, to clean a sh...
bredes 12 10 BREDE, to braid, to...
breeds 12 10 BREED, to produce by...
breeks 13 13 breeches [n]
breers 12 9 BREER, to sprout abo...
breids 13 10 BREID, bread [n]
brents 12 10 BRENT, a wild goose,...
breres 12 9 BRERE, (Spenser) a b...
breves 14 13 BREVE, an obsolescen...
brevis 15 13 broth, esp. beef bro...
brewis 16 12 (archaic) broth, esp...
briars 13 9 BRIAR, a prickly bus...
bribes 15 12 BRIBE, to influence...
bricks 18 16 BRICK, to build with...
brides 13 10 BRIDE, to act the br...
briefs 15 12 BRIEF, to give instr...
briers 13 9 BRIER, a prickly shr...
brikis 15 13 BRIKI, the Greek nam...
brills 16 11 BRILL, a fish spotte...
brines 12 10 BRINE, to treat with...
brings 14 12 BRING, to take with...
brinks 14 14 BRINK, an extreme ed...
brises 13 9 BRISE, (French) a mo...
brisks 15 13 BRISK, to make quick...
briths 16 11 BRITH, (Hebrew) a Je...
britts 14 9 BRITT, a young herri...
brizes 16 18 BRIZE, furnace refus...
broads 12 10 BROAD, an expansion...
brochs 18 14 BROCH, to broach, to...
brocks 17 16 BROCK, a badger [n]
broghs 16 13 BROGH, a dry-built c...
broils 14 10 BROIL, to cook over...
brokes 13 13 BROKE, to act as a s...
bromes 13 12 BROME, a kind of gra...
bromos 13 12 BROMO, a medicinal c...
broncs 15 13 BRONC, a native or a...
bronds 12 11 BROND, (obsolete) a...
broods 12 10 BROOD, to ponder glo...
brooks 13 13 BROOK, to tolerate [...
brools 13 10 BROOL, a deep murmur...
brooms 13 12 BROOM, to sweep with...
broses 12 9 BROSE, (Scots) a dis...
broths 15 11 BROTH, a clear thin...
browns 15 13 BROWN, to make brown...
brughs 17 14 BRUGH, a borough [n]
bruins 13 11 BRUIN, a bear [n]
bruits 14 10 BRUIT, to spread by...
brules 14 11 BRULE, a mixed race...
brumes 14 13 BRUME, mist or fog [...
brunts 13 11 BRUNT, to bear the c...
brusts 14 10 BRUST, (Spenser) to...
brutes 13 10 BRUTE, to girdle or...
bruxes 19 17 BRUX, to grind teeth...
buazes 15 19 BUAZE, an African sh...
bubals 16 14 BUBAL, a large antel...
bubbas 17 16 BUBBA, (colloquial)...
bubbes 17 16 BUBBE, (Yiddish) a J...
bubkes 16 17 (Yiddish) a very sma...
bubkis 17 17 (Yiddish) a very sma...
buboes 14 13 BUBO, (Latin) an inf...
buchus 19 16 BUCHU, an African me...
buckos 17 17 BUCKO, a bully [n]
buckus 18 18 BUCKU, an African me...
budges 14 13 BUDGE, to move or st...
buffos 17 16 BUFFO, an operatic c...
bugles 15 13 BUGLE, to play a bra...
builds 15 12 BUILD, to construct...
buists 14 10 BUIST, to mark a she...
bulges 15 13 BULGE, to swell out...
bulses 14 11 BULSE, a small bag f...
bumbos 16 16 BUMBO, a drink mixed...
bumphs 19 18 BUMPH, toilet paper;...
bunces 15 14 BUNCE, to disguise p...
buncos 15 14 BUNCO, to practice s...
bundhs 15 14 BUNDH, (Hindi) in In...
bundts 13 12 BUNDT, a type of cak...
bundus 13 13 BUNDU, (Bantu) a rem...
bunias 12 11 BUNIA, (Hindi) an (I...
bunjes 14 20 BUNJE, a strong rubb...
bunkos 13 15 BUNKO, to practice a...
bunyas 18 13 BUNYA, (Native Austr...
bupkes 16 17 (Yiddish) a very sma...
bupkis 17 17 (Yiddish) a very sma...
bupkus 17 18 (Yiddish) a very sma...
burans 12 11 BURAN, (Russian) a v...
burets 13 10 BURET, a glass measu...
burfis 16 13 BURFI, (Hindi) an In...
burghs 17 14 BURGH, a borough or...
buries 13 10 BURY, to put in the...
burins 13 11 BURIN, an engraver's...
burkas 14 14 BURKA, a coverall wo...
burkes 14 14 BURKE, to murder by...
buroos 12 10 BUROO, (Scots) unemp...
burqas 21 19 BURQA, a coverall wo...
burros 13 10 BURRO, a small donke...
bursas 13 10 BURSA, a pouch or sa...
burses 13 10 BURSE, a square clot...
bursts 14 10 BURST, to break open...
bushes 15 12 BUSH, to cover with...
busies 13 10 BUSY, to occupy ones...
busses 13 10 BUSS, to kiss [v]
bussus 14 11 BUSSU, a tropical Am...
bustis 14 10 BUSTI, in India, a f...
buteos 12 10 BUTEO, a buzzard [n]
butles 14 11 BUTLE, to serve as a...
butohs 15 12 BUTOH, (Japanese) a...
buttes 13 10 BUTTE, an isolated h...
bututs 14 11 BUTUT, a monetary un...
butyls 21 13 BUTYL, a compound ra...
buyers 19 12 BUYER, one that buys...
buzzes 19 28 BUZZ, to make a vibr...
bwanas 14 13 BWANA, (Swahili) a m...
bwazis 19 21 BWAZI, an African sh...
bylaws 23 15 BYLAW, the law of a...
bypass 21 14 to avoid by going ar...
byssus 20 12 a filamentous tuft b...
byways 28 16 BYWAY, a side road [...
cabals 16 13 CABAL, to conspire [...
cabers 15 12 CABER, (Scots) a hea...
cabins 15 13 CABIN, to live in a...
cables 16 13 CABLE, to fasten wit...
cabobs 17 15 CABOB, to skewer [v]
cabocs 18 15 CABOC, (Scots) a dou...
cacaos 15 12 CACAO, a small everg...
caches 18 14 CACHE, to store in a...
cactus 17 13 a succulent plant of...
caddis 14 11 a coarse woollen bra...
cadees 12 10 CADEE, (Scots) a cad...
cadets 13 10 CADET, a student at...
cadges 14 12 CADGE, to get by beg...
cadies 13 10 CADIE, (Scots) a cad...
cadres 13 10 CADRE, (French) a pe...
cagers 14 11 CAGER, a basketball...
cagots 14 11 CAGOT, (French) one...
cahows 18 14 CAHOW, a large rare...
cairds 14 10 CAIRD, a travelling...
cairns 13 10 CAIRN, a mound of st...
calces 17 13 CALX, a mineral resi...
califs 17 13 CALIF, (Arabic) an E...
callas 15 11 CALLA, any of a genu...
callus 16 12 to form a hard growt...
calpas 16 13 CALPA, (Sanskrit) on...
calves 16 14 CALF [v]
calxes 20 17 CALX, a mineral resi...
camans 13 13 CAMAN, a club used i...
camass 14 12 (Native American) a...
camels 15 13 CAMEL, a large, hump...
cameos 13 12 CAMEO, to portray in...
campos 16 15 CAMPO, (Spanish) an...
campus 17 16 to restrict a studen...
canals 13 11 CANAL, to dig an art...
canehs 14 12 CANEH, a Hebrew meas...
caners 12 10 CANER, one who canes...
canids 13 11 CANID, a member of t...
cannas 11 11 CANNA, a tropical li...
canoes 11 10 CANOE, to paddle a s...
canons 11 11 CANON, a member of a...
cansos 12 10 CANSO, a love song [...
cantos 12 10 CANTO, a division of...
cantus 13 11 (Latin) a melody or...
canvas 14 14 to examine thoroughl...
capers 15 12 CAPER, to leap or sk...
capias 15 12 a writ authorizing t...
caples 16 13 CAPLE, a horse, also...
capons 14 13 CAPON, a castrated c...
capots 15 12 CAPOT, to win all th...
capris 16 12 women's tapering tro...
capuls 17 14 CAPUL, a horse, also...
caraps 15 12 CARAP, a South Ameri...
carats 13 9 CARAT, a unit of wei...
carbos 15 12 CARBO, (short for) c...
cardis 14 10 CARDI, (short for) a...
carers 13 9 CARER, one that care...
caress 13 9 to touch lovingly [v...
carets 13 9 CARET, a typographic...
cargos 14 11 CARGO, a load [n]
caries 13 9 tooth decay [n CARIE...
carles 14 10 CARLE, a rude, rusti...
carobs 15 12 CAROB, the sweet-fla...
carols 14 10 CAROL, to sing joyou...
caroms 14 12 CAROM, to collide wi...
carons 12 10 CARON, another name...
carpus 16 13 (Latin) the part of...
carses 13 9 CARSE, (Scots) alluv...
cartas 13 9 CARTA, a charter, al...
cartes 13 9 CARTE, (French) a bi...
carves 15 13 CARVE, to form by cu...
cascos 16 12 CASCO, a Philippine...
cashes 15 11 CASH, to convert int...
cassis 14 9 (French) a blackcurr...
castes 13 9 CASTE, a system of d...
caters 13 9 CATER, to provide fo...
caucus 17 14 to hold a political...
caulds 15 12 CAULD, cold [n]
caules 14 11 CAULIS, an herbaceou...
caulis 15 11 an herbaceous or woo...
caulks 16 15 CAULK, to make the s...
cauris 14 10 CAURI, a former mone...
causes 13 10 CAUSE, to bring abou...
cauves 15 14 CAUF, a coalminer's...
cavass 15 13 an armed attendant i...
cavels 16 14 CAVEL, (Scots) a pie...
cavers 15 13 CAVER, one who explo...
cavies 15 13 CAVY, a kind of Sout...
cavils 17 14 CAVIL, to raise triv...
caxons 18 17 CAXON, (historical)...
ceases 12 9 CEASE, to stop [v]
ceazes 15 18 CEAZE, (obsolete) to...
cebids 16 13 CEBID, one of a fami...
cecils 18 13 fried meatballs [n]
cedars 13 10 CEDAR, a large everg...
ceders 13 10 CEDER, one who cedes...
ceibas 15 12 CEIBA, a genus of tr...
ceilis 15 10 CEILI, (Gaelic) an i...
celebs 16 13 CELEB, (short for) a...
cellos 15 11 CELLO, a stringed mu...
celoms 15 13 CELOM, a body cavity...
censes 12 10 CENSE, to perfume wi...
census 13 11 to take an official...
centas 12 10 a monetary unit of L...
centos 12 10 CENTO, a literary wo...
ceorls 14 10 CEORL, in Anglo-Saxo...
cercis 17 12 any tree or shrub of...
cercus 17 13 a sensory appendage...
cereus 13 10 (Latin) a genus of p...
cerges 14 11 CERGE, a large wax c...
cerias 13 9 CERIA, cerium oxide...
cernes 12 10 CERNE, (Shakespeare)...
cerous 13 10 of or like cerium [a...
cerris 14 9 (Latin) a species of...
certes 13 9 (archaic) in truth;...
cesses 13 9 CESSE, (Spenser) to...
cestas 13 9 CESTA, (Spanish) a b...
cestos 13 9 a belt or girdle [n...
cestus 14 10 a hand covering for...
cetyls 21 12 CETYL, a univalent r...
cezves 18 22 CEZVE, a small metal...
chaces 18 14 CHACE, (obsolete) to...
chacks 20 18 CHACK, to pinch or n...
chacos 18 14 CHACO, (Hungarian) t...
chados 15 12 CHADO, (Japanese) a...
chafes 17 14 CHAFE, to warm by ru...
chaffs 20 17 CHAFF, to poke fun a...
chafts 18 14 CHAFT, (Scots) the j...
chains 15 12 CHAIN, to bind with...
chairs 16 11 CHAIR, to install in...
chalks 18 16 CHALK, to mark with...
champs 19 17 CHAMP, to chew noisi...
chanas 14 12 CHANA, in Indian coo...
changs 16 14 CHANG, a kind of cat...
chanks 16 16 CHANK, (Hindi) the s...
chants 15 12 CHANT, to recite in...
chapes 17 14 CHAPE, the plate of...
charas 15 11 (Hindi) the resinous...
chards 16 12 CHARD, the edible le...
chares 15 11 CHARE, to do odd job...
charks 17 15 CHARK, to burn wood...
charms 17 14 CHARM, to enchant [v...
charrs 16 11 CHARR, a small fish...
charts 16 11 CHART, to map out [v...
chases 15 11 CHASE, to pursue [v]
chasms 17 14 CHASM, a deep cleft...
chawks 20 18 CHAWK, (Cornish dial...
chayas 21 13 CHAYA, an Indian pla...
cheaps 17 14 CHEAP, to take a che...
cheats 15 11 CHEAT, to defraud [v...
checks 20 18 CHECK, to inspect [v...
cheeks 16 15 CHEEK, to speak impu...
cheeps 17 14 CHEEP, to chirp [v]
cheers 15 11 CHEER, to applaud wi...
chekas 16 15 CHEKA, (Russian) the...
chelas 16 12 CHELA, a pincerlike...
chelps 19 15 CHELP, (Northern Eng...
chemos 16 14 CHEMO, (short for) c...
cherts 16 11 CHERT, a microcrysta...
chests 16 11 CHEST, to hit a ball...
cheths 18 13 CHETH, (Hebrew) the...
chiaus 16 12 to cheat, swindle [v...
chicas 19 14 CHICA, an orange-red...
chicks 21 18 CHICK, a young bird...
chicos 19 14 CHICO, an orange-red...
chides 16 12 CHIDE, to scold [v]
chiefs 18 14 CHIEF, the highest i...
chiels 17 12 CHIEL, (Scots) a man...
childs 18 13 CHILD, to bring fort...
chiles 17 12 CHILE, the (dried) r...
chilis 18 12 CHILI, the (dried) r...
chills 19 13 CHILL, to make cold...
chimbs 20 17 CHIMB, the rim at th...
chimes 17 14 CHIME, to ring in ha...
chimps 20 17 CHIMP, (short for) a...
chinas 15 12 CHINA, fine porcelai...
chines 15 12 CHINE, to break the...
chings 17 14 CHING, a high-pitche...
chinks 17 16 CHINK, to fill up cr...
chinos 15 12 CHINO, (Spanish) a s...
chints 16 12 a glazed printed cot...
chirks 18 15 CHIRK, to squeak [v]
chirls 18 12 CHIRL, (Scots) to em...
chirms 18 14 CHIRM, to cry out, c...
chiros 16 11 CHIRO, (short for) c...
chirps 19 14 CHIRP, to utter a sh...
chirrs 17 11 CHIRR, to chirp like...
chirts 17 11 CHIRT, to squeeze, s...
chirus 17 12 CHIRU, (Tibetan) a T...
chives 18 15 CHIVE, to cut with a...
chocks 20 18 CHOCK, to secure wit...
chocos 18 14 CHOCO, (Australian s...
choils 17 12 CHOIL, the end of a...
choirs 16 11 CHOIR, to sing in ch...
chokes 16 15 CHOKE, to impede the...
chokos 16 15 CHOKO, the fruit of...
cholas 16 12 CHOLA, (Spanish) a M...
cholis 17 12 CHOLI, (Hindi) a sho...
cholos 16 12 CHOLO, a flashy Mexi...
chomps 19 17 CHOMP, to chew vigor...
choofs 17 14 CHOOF, (Australian s...
chooks 16 15 CHOOK, to make a sou...
chooms 16 14 CHOOM, (Australian s...
choons 14 12 CHOON, a piece of re...
chords 16 12 CHORD, to play a com...
chores 15 11 CHORE, to do small j...
chorus 16 12 to sing in unison [v...
choses 15 11 CHOSE, (French) in l...
chotts 16 11 CHOTT, (Arabic) a sh...
chouts 16 12 CHOUT, (Hindi) in In...
chowks 20 18 CHOWK, (Hindi) a mar...
chucks 21 19 CHUCK, to chuck [v]
chufas 18 15 CHUFA, a sedgelike p...
chuffs 21 18 CHUFF, to make a ser...
chumps 20 18 CHUMP, to munch [v]
chunks 17 17 CHUNK, to make a dul...
churls 18 13 CHURL, in Anglo-Saxo...
churns 16 13 CHURN, to agitate to...
churrs 17 12 CHURR, to make a vib...
chuses 16 12 CHUSE, (obsolete) to...
chutes 16 12 CHUTE, to convey by...
chyles 23 14 CHYLE, a milky fluid...
chymes 23 16 CHYME, semiliquid, p...
cibols 17 13 CIBOL, a variety of...
ciders 14 10 CIDER, an alcoholic...
cigars 15 11 CIGAR, a roll of tob...
cimars 15 12 CIMAR, (French) a lo...
cippus 19 16 (Latin) a small colu...
circus 18 13 a public entertainme...
cirrus 15 10 (Latin) a type of cl...
ciscos 17 12 CISCO, a North Ameri...
cissus 15 10 a genus of tropical...
cistus 15 10 (Greek) any plant of...
citals 15 10 CITAL, a summons to...
citers 14 9 CITER, one who cites...
citess 14 9 (archaic) one who is...
cities 14 9 CITY, a large town [...
citrus 15 10 a citron tree [n -ES...
civets 16 13 CIVET, any of severa...
civics 20 16 the science of civic...
civies 16 13 CIVIE, (short for) a...
civils 18 14 CIVIL, esp. in the n...
cizers 17 18 (Shakespeare) scisso...
clachs 20 15 CLACH [n]
clacks 19 17 CLACK, to make a noi...
clades 14 11 CLADE, a group of or...
claims 16 13 CLAIM, to demand as...
clames 15 13 CLAME, (Spenser) a c...
clamps 18 16 CLAMP, to fasten wit...
clangs 15 13 CLANG, to ring loudl...
clanks 15 15 CLANK, to rattle as...
claros 14 10 CLARO, a light-colou...
clarts 15 10 CLART, to dirty [v]
clasps 17 13 CLASP, to embrace ti...
clasts 15 10 CLAST, an individual...
clauts 15 11 CLAUT, (Scots) to sc...
claves 16 14 CLAVE, in plants, a...
clavis 17 14 (Latin) a key; hence...
clavus 17 15 a horny thickening o...
cleans 13 11 CLEAN, to rid of sta...
clears 14 10 CLEAR, to remove obs...
cleats 14 10 CLEAT, to strengthen...
clecks 19 17 CLECK, (Scots) to ha...
cleeks 15 14 CLEEK, to seize, hoo...
cleeps 16 13 CLEEP, (archaic) to...
clefts 17 13 CLEFT, to insert a s...
cleiks 16 14 CLEIK, a kind of gol...
clepes 16 13 CLEPE, (archaic) to...
clerks 16 14 CLERK, to serve as a...
cleves 16 14 CLEVE, (dialect) a c...
clevis 17 14 a U-shaped fastener...
clicks 20 17 CLICK, to make a sho...
cliffs 20 16 CLIFF, a high, steep...
clifts 18 13 CLIFT, a cliff [n]
climbs 19 16 CLIMB, to ascend [v]
climes 16 13 CLIME, the atmospher...
clines 14 11 CLINE, a gradual geo...
clings 16 13 CLING, to adhere to...
clinks 16 15 CLINK, to make a sho...
clints 15 11 CLINT, a block in a...
clipes 17 13 CLIPE, to tell tales...
cloaks 15 14 CLOAK, to clothe wit...
cloams 15 13 CLOAM, earthenware o...
clocks 19 17 CLOCK, to time with...
cloffs 19 16 CLOFF, (Scots) a cle...
clokes 15 14 CLOKE, to clothe wit...
clomps 18 16 CLOMP, to walk heavi...
clones 13 11 CLONE, to reproduce...
clonks 15 15 CLONK, to make a dul...
clonus 14 12 a form of muscular s...
cloops 16 13 CLOOP, the sound of...
cloots 14 10 CLOOT, a cloven hoof...
closes 14 10 CLOSE, to make impas...
clotes 14 10 CLOTE, the common bu...
cloths 17 12 CLOTH, fabric [n]
clouds 15 12 CLOUD, to make obscu...
clours 15 11 CLOUR, to knock or b...
clouts 15 11 CLOUT, to hit with t...
cloves 16 14 CLOVE, the flower-bu...
clovis 17 14 as in clovis point,...
clowns 17 14 CLOWN, to act like a...
cloyes 20 12 CLOYE, (Shakespeare)...
clozes 17 19 CLOZE, a type of edu...
clucks 20 18 CLUCK, to make the s...
clumps 19 17 CLUMP, to form into...
clunks 16 16 CLUNK, to make a dul...
clypes 23 15 CLYPE, to tell tales...
cnemis 14 13 the shin or tibia [n...
coacts 16 12 COACT, to act togeth...
coalas 13 10 COALA, an Australian...
coapts 15 12 COAPT, to fit togeth...
coarbs 15 12 COARB, (historical)...
coasts 13 9 COAST, to cycle with...
coates 12 9 COATE, to cite as ev...
coatis 13 9 COATI, a tropical Am...
coaxes 18 16 COAX, to cajole [v]
cobias 15 12 COBIA, a large game...
cobles 16 13 COBLE, (Welsh) a sho...
cobras 15 12 COBRA, a venomous sn...
cobzas 18 21 COBZA, a Romanian fo...
coccos 19 15 COCCO, the taro or o...
coccus 20 16 one of the separable...
coches 18 14 COCH, (Spenser) a co...
cocoas 15 12 COCOA, the seed of t...
codecs 16 13 CODEC, a piece of so...
codens 12 11 CODEN, a coding clas...
coders 13 10 CODER, one who write...
codons 12 11 CODON, a triplet of...
cogies 14 11 COGIE, (Scots) a sma...
cogons 13 12 COGON, a kind of fas...
cogues 14 12 COGUE, (Scots) a sma...
cohabs 17 14 COHAB, (short for) a...
cohens 14 12 COHEN, a member of t...
cohoes 14 11 COHOE, a Pacific sal...
cohogs 16 13 COHOG, (Native Ameri...
coigns 14 12 COIGN, to secure wit...
coitus 14 10 sexual intercourse,...
colbys 23 15 COLBY, a type of mil...
coleus 14 11 a plant of the Mint...
coleys 20 12 COLEY, an edible fis...
colics 18 13 COLIC, severe abdomi...
colies 14 10 COLY, an African bir...
colins 14 11 COLIN, the American...
cologs 15 12 COLOG, (short for) c...
colons 13 11 COLON, a section of...
colors 14 10 COLOR, (US) to paint...
colzas 17 19 COLZA, a variety of...
combes 16 15 COMBE, a narrow vall...
combis 17 15 COMBI, a vessel or v...
combos 16 15 COMBO, a small jazz...
comers 14 12 COMER, one showing g...
comets 14 12 COMET, a celestial b...
comics 18 15 COMIC, a comedian [n...
commas 15 15 COMMA, a fragment of...
commis 16 15 (French) a deputy, a...
commos 15 15 COMMO, (Australian c...
comous 14 13 bearing a tuft of si...
compas 16 15 a popular music of H...
compos 16 15 COMPO, a mortar of c...
compts 17 15 COMPT, (obsolete) to...
comtes 14 12 COMTE, (French) a Fr...
conchs 18 15 CONCH, a marine moll...
condos 12 11 CONDO, (short for) a...
coneys 18 12 CONEY, a rabbit, als...
congas 13 12 CONGA, to dance the...
conges 13 12 CONGE, to take leave...
congos 13 12 CONGO, a kind of bla...
conias 12 10 CONIA, a liquid, hig...
conics 16 13 CONIC, a conic secti...
conies 12 10 CONY, a rabbit, also...
conins 12 11 CONIN, a liquid, hig...
connes 11 11 CONNE, (Spenser) to...
contes 12 10 CONTE, (French) a sh...
contos 12 10 CONTO, a Portuguese...
convos 14 14 CONVO, (Australian c...
cooees 11 9 COOEE, to cry out sh...
cooers 12 9 COOER, one that coos...
cooeys 18 11 COOEY, to cry out sh...
coombs 16 15 COOMB, a short deep...
coopts 15 12 COOPT, to recruit e....
coozes 15 18 COOZE, (colloquial)...
copals 16 13 COPAL, a hard resin...
copays 21 14 COPAY, an amount pay...
copens 14 13 COPEN, a strong ligh...
copers 15 12 COPER, to supply a s...
copies 15 12 COPY, to imitate [v]
copras 15 12 COPRA, dried coconut...
copses 15 12 COPSE, to cut back t...
coquis 22 19 COQUI, a small arbor...
corals 14 10 CORAL, a mass of mar...
corbes 15 12 CORBE, a projection...
corers 13 9 CORER, a device for...
coreys 19 11 COREY, the penis, al...
corgis 15 11 CORGI, a dog of a sm...
cories 13 9 CORY, (Romany) the p...
cormus 15 13 the whole body of a...
cornus 13 11 a hardwood tree or s...
corpus 16 13 a human or animal bo...
corses 13 9 CORSE, a corpse [n]
corsos 13 9 CORSO, (Italian) a r...
corves 15 13 CORF, a coalminer's...
corvus 16 14 (Latin) a grappling...
cosecs 16 12 COSEC, a trigonometr...
cosets 13 9 COSET, a mathematica...
coseys 19 11 COSEY, a covering fo...
coshes 15 11 COSH, to bludgeon [v...
cosies 13 9 COSY, to attempt to...
cosmos 14 12 the universe as an o...
cosses 13 9 COSS, a measure of d...
costes 13 9 COSTE, (Spenser) a c...
costus 14 10 an aromatic root of...
cotans 12 10 COTAN, (short for) c...
cottas 13 9 COTTA, (Latin) a sho...
cottus 14 10 any fish of the genu...
coudes 13 11 COUDE, (French) a re...
coughs 17 14 COUGH, to expel air...
coulis 15 11 (French) a thin pure...
counts 13 11 COUNT, to number [v]
coupes 15 13 COUPE, (French) a fo...
courbs 16 13 COURB, (archaic) to...
coures 13 10 COURE, to cower [v]
courts 14 10 COURT, to woo [v]
coutas 13 10 COUTA, a type of fis...
couths 16 12 COUTH, refinement [n...
covens 14 14 COVEN, a group of wi...
covers 15 13 COVER, to spread som...
covets 15 13 COVET, to desire gre...
coveys 21 15 COVEY, a small flock...
covins 15 14 COVIN, a conspiracy...
cowals 17 13 COWAL, (Native Austr...
cowans 15 13 COWAN, (Scots) a dry...
cowers 16 12 COWER, to cringe [v]
coxibs 22 19 COXIB, a drug used i...
coyaus 19 12 COYAU, (French) a st...
coypus 22 15 COYPU, an aquatic ro...
cozens 15 19 COZEN, to cheat, als...
cozeys 22 20 COZEY, a covering fo...
cozies 16 18 COZY, to attempt to...
cozzes 19 27 COZ, (archaic) cousi...
craals 14 10 CRAAL, to pen in an...
cracks 18 16 CRACK, to break with...
crafts 16 12 CRAFT, to make by ha...
craics 17 12 CRAIC, (Irish) pleas...
craigs 15 11 CRAIG, (Scots) a cra...
crakes 14 13 CRAKE, to utter the...
crames 14 12 CRAME, (Scots) a boo...
cramps 17 15 CRAMP, to confine or...
cranes 12 10 CRANE, to stretch ou...
cranks 14 14 CRANK, to start manu...
crants 13 10 (Shakespeare) the ga...
crapes 15 12 CRAPE, to cover or s...
crares 13 9 CRARE, a trading ves...
crases 13 9 CRASIS, the melding...
crasis 14 9 the melding of two v...
crates 13 9 CRATE, to put in a p...
craves 15 13 CRAVE, to desire gre...
crawls 18 13 CRAWL, to move with...
crazes 16 18 CRAZE, to make insan...
creaks 14 13 CREAK, to make a squ...
creams 14 12 CREAM, to select the...
credos 13 10 CREDO, (Latin) a con...
creeds 13 10 CREED, a statement o...
creeks 14 13 CREEK, a watercourse...
creels 14 10 CREEL, to put fish i...
creeps 15 12 CREEP, to advance st...
cremes 14 12 CREME, (French) crea...
crenas 12 10 CRENA, (Latin) a not...
crepes 15 12 CREPE, to cover with...
crests 14 9 CREST, to reach a pe...
crewes 16 12 CREWE, (archaic) a p...
cricks 19 16 CRICK, to cause a sp...
criers 14 9 CRIER, one that crie...
crimes 15 12 CRIME, to convict ov...
crimps 18 15 CRIMP, to press into...
crines 13 10 CRINE, (Scots) to sh...
cripes 16 12 used as a mild oath,...
crises 14 9 CRISIS, a crucial tu...
crisis 15 9 a crucial turning po...
crisps 17 12 CRISP, to make britt...
criths 17 11 CRITH, a unit of mas...
croaks 14 13 CROAK, to utter a lo...
crocks 18 16 CROCK, to break down...
crocus 17 13 an iridaceous plant...
crofts 16 12 CROFT, to expose clo...
crombs 17 15 CROMB, to draw by a...
cromes 14 12 CROME, to draw by a...
crones 12 10 CRONE, a withered ol...
crooks 14 13 CROOK, to bend or fo...
crools 14 10 CROOL, (Australian s...
croons 12 10 CROON, to sing softl...
crores 13 9 CRORE, (Hindi) an In...
croups 16 13 CROUP, to speak hoar...
crouts 14 10 CROUT, cabbage cut f...
crowds 17 13 CROWD, to press clos...
crowns 16 13 CROWN, to invest wit...
crozes 16 18 CROZE, a tool used i...
cruces 17 13 CRUX, a basic or dec...
crucks 19 17 CRUCK, one of a pair...
crudes 14 11 CRUDE, unrefined pet...
crudos 14 11 CRUDO, sliced, uncoo...
cruels 15 11 (Scots) scrofula, th...
cruets 14 10 CRUET, a vessel used...
crufts 17 13 CRUFT, technical mat...
crumbs 18 16 CRUMB, to break into...
crumps 18 16 CRUMP, to crunch [v]
crunks 15 15 CRUNK, a form of hip...
cruors 14 10 CRUOR, (Latin) a mas...
cruses 14 10 CRUSE, an earthenwar...
crusts 15 10 CRUST, to form a har...
cruves 16 14 CRUVE, a pen or sty,...
cruxes 20 17 CRUX, a basic or dec...
crwths 20 14 CRWTH, (Welsh) an an...
cryers 20 11 CRYER, one that crie...
crypts 23 14 CRYPT, a burial vaul...
ctenes 12 10 CTENE, a comb-like s...
cubebs 18 16 CUBEB, the pungent b...
cubers 16 13 CUBER, a machine for...
cubics 20 16 CUBIC, a cubic equat...
cubits 17 13 CUBIT, an old measur...
culets 15 11 CULET, (French) the...
cullis 17 12 a strong broth of me...
cultus 16 12 (Latin) a religious...
cumecs 18 16 CUMEC, a unit of liq...
cumins 15 14 CUMIN, an umbellifer...
cuneus 13 12 a small wedge-shaped...
cunits 14 11 CUNIT, one hundred c...
cupels 17 14 CUPEL, to refine gol...
cupids 17 14 CUPID, a statue of t...
cuppas 18 16 CUPPA, (colloquial)...
curats 14 10 CURAT, (obsolete) a...
curers 14 10 CURER, one who cures...
curets 14 10 CURET, (US) a surgic...
curias 14 10 CURIA, a court of ju...
curies 14 10 CURIE, a unit of rad...
curios 14 10 CURIO, an unusual ar...
curses 14 10 CURSE, to invoke evi...
cursus 15 11 an elongated prehist...
curves 16 14 CURVE, to deviate fr...
cuscus 18 14 an arboreal mammal o...
cusecs 17 13 CUSEC, a unit of liq...
cushes 16 12 CUSH, the cushion in...
cuspis 17 13 (Latin) a point e.g....
cusses 14 10 CUSS, (colloquial) t...
cussos 14 10 CUSSO, an Ethiopian...
custos 14 10 (Latin) a guardian,...
cusums 16 14 CUSUM, a statistical...
cuteys 20 12 CUTEY, a cute person...
cuties 14 10 CUTIE, a cute person...
cutins 14 11 CUTIN, the waxy mate...
cutlas 15 11 a curved, one-edged...
cutups 17 14 CUTUP, a mischievous...
cuvees 15 14 CUVEE, (French) a va...
cuzzes 20 28 CUZ, (obsolete) cous...
cycads 23 15 CYCAD, any member of...
cycles 24 15 CYCLE, to ride a bic...
cyclos 24 15 CYCLO, a three wheel...
cyclus 25 16 a cycle of myths, po...
cyders 20 12 CYDER, an alcoholic...
cyeses 19 11 CYESIS, pregnancy [n...
cyesis 20 11 pregnancy [n CYESES]
cymars 21 14 CYMAR, (French) a lo...
cymols 22 15 CYMOL, a hydrocarbon...
cymous 21 15 resembling a cyme, a...
cynics 23 15 CYNIC, someone who t...
cypres 22 14 the legal doctrine o...
cypris 23 14 a type of barnacle,...
cyprus 23 15 (obsolete) a thin tr...
cytons 19 12 CYTON, the body of a...
dabbas 14 13 DABBA, (Hindi) in In...
dachas 15 12 DACHA, a Russian cou...
dadahs 12 10 DADAH, (Australian s...
dadoes 9 8 DADO, an ornamental...
daggas 12 11 DAGGA, marijuana [n]
dagoes 10 9 DAGO, (offensive) a...
daikos 11 11 DAIKO, a large Japan...
daines 9 8 DAINE, (Shakespeare)...
daints 10 8 DAINT, (Spenser) a d...
daises 10 7 DAIS, a raised platf...
dakers 11 11 DAKER, to lounge, al...
daleds 11 9 DALED, the fourth le...
dalles 12 9 DALLE, (French) a sl...
damans 10 11 DAMAN, a small herbi...
damars 11 10 DAMAR, a hard resin...
dances 12 11 DANCE, to move rhyth...
danios 9 8 DANIO, a brightly co...
darafs 12 10 DARAF, an electrical...
darcys 20 12 DARCY, a unit of geo...
darers 10 7 DARER, one who dares...
dargas 11 9 DARGA, the tomb of a...
darics 14 10 DARIC, a gold coin o...
darres 10 7 DARRE, to venture bo...
darzis 14 16 DARZI, a Hindu tailo...
dashes 12 9 DASH, to strike viol...
dashis 13 9 DASHI, a fish broth...
datals 11 8 DATAL, a daily recko...
daters 10 7 DATER, one who dates...
dattos 10 7 DATTO, a Philippine...
datums 12 11 DATUM, something use...
daubes 12 11 DAUBE, (French) a me...
daults 12 9 DAULT, (Scots) a fos...
daunts 10 9 DAUNT, to intimidate...
davens 11 12 DAVEN, to utter Jewi...
davies 12 11 DAVY, a safety lamp...
davits 13 11 DAVIT, a crane that...
dawahs 15 12 DAWAH, (Arabic) the...
dayans 15 10 DAYAN, (Hebrew) a se...
daynts 16 10 DAYNT, (Spenser) a t...
dazers 13 16 DAZER, something tha...
deairs 10 7 DEAIR, to remove air...
deares 9 7 DEARE, to injure, al...
dearns 9 8 DEARN [n]
deaths 12 9 DEATH, the end of li...
deaves 11 11 DEAVE, (Scots) to de...
debags 13 12 DEBAG, to take someo...
debars 12 10 DEBAR, to exclude [v...
debels 13 11 DEBEL, to conquer in...
debits 13 10 DEBIT, to charge wit...
deboss 12 10 to impress a design...
debris 13 10 scattered remains [n...
debuds 13 12 DEBUD, to remove the...
debugs 14 13 DEBUG, to remove the...
deburs 13 11 DEBUR, to remove rou...
debuts 13 11 DEBUT, to make a fir...
debyes 18 12 DEBYE, a unit of mea...
decads 13 11 DECAD, (obsolete) a...
decafs 15 13 DECAF, (short for) d...
decals 14 11 DECAL, a design made...
decans 12 11 DECAN, one of three...
decays 19 12 DECAY, to decompose...
deckos 14 14 DECKO [v]
decors 13 10 DECOR, a style of de...
decoys 19 12 DECOY, to lure into...
dedans 9 9 (French) spectators...
deeres 9 7 DEERE, (Spenser) a d...
deeves 11 11 DEEVE, to deafen, al...
defats 12 10 DEFAT, to remove fat...
defers 12 10 DEFER, to postpone [...
defies 12 10 DEFY, to resist open...
defogs 13 12 DEFOG, to remove fog...
degras 11 9 (French) a fat obtai...
degums 13 13 DEGUM, to free from...
dehors 12 9 other than [prep]
deices 13 10 DEICE, to free of ic...
deigns 11 10 DEIGN, to condescend...
deisms 12 10 DEISM, belief in God...
deists 11 7 DEIST, an adherent o...
deixes 16 14 DEIXIS, use of words...
deixis 17 14 use of words relatin...
dekkos 12 15 DEKKO [v]
delays 17 10 DELAY, to put off to...
delfts 14 11 DELFT, a type of ear...
delphs 16 13 DELPH, a type of ear...
deltas 11 8 DELTA, an alluvial d...
delves 13 12 DELVE, to search in...
demans 10 11 DEMAN, to reduce the...
demies 11 10 DEMY, a size of pape...
demiss 12 10 humble, also DEMISSI...
demits 12 10 DEMIT, to let fall,...
demobs 13 13 DEMOB, to discharge...
demons 10 11 DEMON, an evil spiri...
demurs 12 11 DEMUR, to object [v]
denars 9 8 DENAR, a monetary un...
denays 15 10 DENAY, (obsolete) to...
denets 9 8 DENET, to market a b...
denies 9 8 DENY, to declare to...
denims 11 11 DENIM, a coloured tw...
depots 12 10 DEPOT, a railway or...
depths 15 12 DEPTH, deepness [n]
derats 10 7 DERAT, to rid of rat...
derays 16 9 DERAY, (obsolete) to...
derigs 12 9 DERIG, to dismantle...
dermas 11 10 DERMA, the true skin...
dermis 12 10 the true skin, below...
derris 11 7 a vine yielding rote...
derros 10 7 DERRO, (Australian s...
derths 13 9 DERTH, (Spenser) dea...
deshis 13 9 DESHI, (Hinglish) a...
desses 10 7 DESSE, (Spenser) a d...
deters 10 7 DETER, to hinder or...
deuces 13 11 DEUCE, to even the s...
devels 13 12 DEVEL, to hit hard w...
devils 14 12 DEVIL, to prepare fo...
devons 11 12 DEVON, one of a bree...
devots 12 11 DEVOT, (French) a de...
dewans 12 11 DEWAN, (Urdu) in Ind...
dewars 13 10 DEWAR, a double-wall...
dexies 16 14 DEXY, a pill contain...
dhikrs 15 13 DHIKR, (Arabic) a Su...
dhobis 15 12 DHOBI, (Hindi) an In...
dholes 13 10 DHOLE, an Indian wil...
dholls 15 11 DHOLL, a pea-like pl...
dhotis 13 9 DHOTI, a loincloth w...
dhutis 14 10 DHUTI, a loincloth w...
diacts 14 10 DIACT, a sponge spic...
diazos 13 16 DIAZO, a type of pho...
dicers 14 10 DICER, a device that...
dichts 17 12 DICHT, (Scots) to wi...
dicots 14 10 DICOT, (short for) a...
didies 11 8 DIDY, a diaper, also...
didoes 10 8 DIDO, a mischievous...
dienes 9 8 DIENE, an organic co...
dieses 10 7 DIESIS, a reference...
diesis 11 7 a reference mark in...
dights 15 11 DIGHT, to adorn, to...
digits 13 9 DIGIT, a finger or a...
dikers 12 11 DIKER, a person who...
dildos 12 9 DILDO, an object use...
dillis 14 9 DILLI, (Native Austr...
dimbos 14 13 DIMBO, an unintellig...
dimers 12 10 DIMER, a molecular c...
dinars 10 8 DINAR, a monetary un...
diners 10 8 DINER, one that dine...
dinges 11 10 a doodad, also DINGU...
dingos 11 10 DINGO, the Australia...
dingus 12 11 a doodad, also DINGE...
dinics 14 11 DINIC, a remedy for...
diodes 10 8 DIODE, a type of ele...
diotas 10 7 DIOTA, an ancient tw...
dipsas 13 10 a fabled serpent who...
dipsos 13 10 DIPSO, (short for) a...
dirams 12 10 DIRAM, a monetary un...
dirges 12 9 DIRGE, a funeral son...
dirkes 12 11 DIRKE, (Spenser) to...
discos 14 10 DISCO, to take part...
discus 15 11 a disc hurled in ath...
dishes 13 9 DISH, to put into a...
dismes 12 10 DISME, a former 10-c...
disses 11 7 DISS, to disrespect,...
ditals 12 8 DITAL, a device whic...
dittos 11 7 DITTO, to repeat tha...
ditzes 14 16 DITZ, a silly person...
divans 12 12 DIVAN, a couch or be...
divers 13 11 sundry, several [adj...
divots 13 11 DIVOT, a piece of tu...
diwans 13 11 DIWAN, (Urdu) in Ind...
dixies 17 14 DIXIE, a camp-kettle...
dixits 18 14 DIXIT, (Latin) an ut...
dizens 13 17 DIZEN, to dress in f...
djinns 12 18 DJINN, a supernatura...
dobies 12 10 DOBIE, an unburnt su...
doblas 13 11 DOBLA, a former gold...
dobras 12 10 DOBRA, a former gold...
dobros 12 10 DOBRO, a type of aco...
dodges 11 10 DODGE, to evade [v]
dodoes 9 8 DODO, an extinct bir...
dogans 10 10 DOGAN, a derogatory...
dogeys 17 11 DOGEY, a stray calf,...
dogies 11 9 DOGY, a stray calf,...
dogmas 12 12 DOGMA, an authoritat...
dohyos 18 11 DOHYO, a sumo wrestl...
doings 11 10 DOING, an action [n]
dolces 14 11 DOLCE, (Italian) a s...
dolmas 12 11 DOLMA, a vine or cab...
dolors 11 8 DOLOR, grief, also D...
donahs 11 10 DONAH, (Spanish) fem...
donees 8 8 DONEE, the person to...
dongas 10 10 DONGA, a gully in a...
donkos 10 12 DONKO, (New Zealand)...
donnas 8 9 DONNA, (Italian) a t...
donnes 8 9 DONNE, (French) a da...
donors 9 8 DONOR, one that dona...
donuts 10 9 DONUT, to surround a...
dooces 12 10 DOOCE, to dismiss (a...
doofus 12 11 a stupid person, als...
dooles 10 8 DOOLE, (obsolete) pa...
doonas 8 8 DOONA, a light quilt...
doorns 9 8 DOORN, (Afrikaans) a...
dopers 12 10 DOPER, one who dopes...
dorads 10 8 DORAD, any member of...
dorbas 12 10 DORBA, (Australian s...
dorees 9 7 DOREE, a yellow mack...
dories 10 7 DORY, a golden-yello...
dorses 10 7 DORSE, a kind of sma...
dosehs 12 9 DOSEH, an old Arabia...
dosers 10 7 DOSER, one who doses...
doshas 12 9 DOSHA, (Sanskrit) ea...
doshes 12 9 DOSH, (slang) money...
dosses 10 7 DOSS, to sleep in an...
doters 10 7 DOTER, one who dotes...
douars 10 8 DOUAR, a type of ten...
doubts 13 11 DOUBT, to be uncerta...
doughs 14 12 DOUGH, a flour mixtu...
doulas 11 9 DOULA, (Modern Greek...
doumas 11 11 DOUMA, (Russian) the...
douras 10 8 DOURA, Indian millet...
douses 10 8 DOUSE, to plunge int...
dovens 11 12 DOVEN, to utter Jewi...
dovers 12 11 DOVER, (Scots) to do...
dowars 13 10 DOWAR, (Arabic) a ci...
dowels 14 11 DOWEL, to fasten wit...
dowers 13 10 DOWER, to provide wi...
dowlas 14 11 a coarse linen cloth...
dowles 14 11 DOWLE, (dialect) a p...
dowses 13 10 DOWSE, to search for...
doxies 16 14 DOXIE, a doctrine, a...
doyens 15 10 DOYEN, the senior me...
dozens 12 17 DOZEN, (Scots) to do...
dozers 13 16 DOZER, one who dozes...
draffs 15 13 DRAFF, the damp rema...
drafts 13 10 DRAFT, to conscript...
drails 12 8 DRAIL, to dirty by d...
drains 10 8 DRAIN, to draw off a...
drakes 11 11 DRAKE, a male duck [...
dramas 11 10 DRAMA, a story showi...
drants 10 8 DRANT, (dialect) to...
drapes 12 10 DRAPE, to arrange in...
drawls 15 11 DRAWL, to speak slow...
dreads 10 8 DREAD, to fear great...
dreams 11 10 DREAM, to experience...
drears 10 7 DREAR, gloom [n]
drecks 15 14 DRECK, inferior merc...
dreres 10 7 DRERE, (Spenser) dre...
drices 14 10 DRICE, dry ice or fr...
driers 11 7 DRIER, an apparatus...
drifts 14 10 DRIFT, to drift alon...
drills 14 9 DRILL, to bore a hol...
drinks 12 12 DRINK, to swallow li...
drives 13 11 DRIVE, to urge or co...
droids 11 8 DROID, (colloquial)...
droils 12 8 DROIL, (obsolete) to...
droits 11 7 DROIT, (French) a le...
drokes 11 11 DROKE, (Canadian) a...
droles 11 8 DROLE, a rogue or kn...
drolls 13 9 DROLL, to jest [v]
dromes 11 10 DROME, (colloquial)...
dromos 11 10 a Greek race-course...
drones 9 8 DRONE, to make a mon...
droobs 12 10 DROOB, (Australian s...
droogs 11 9 DROOG, (Russian) a v...
drooks 11 11 DROOK, (Scots) to dr...
drools 11 8 DROOL, to let saliva...
droops 12 10 DROOP, to hang downw...
drouks 12 12 DROUK, (Scots) to dr...
droves 12 11 DROVE, to drive shee...
drowns 13 11 DROWN, to suffocate...
druids 12 9 DRUID, one of an anc...
drunks 12 13 DRUNK, an intoxicate...
drupes 13 11 DRUPE, a fleshy frui...
druses 11 8 DRUSE, a crust of sm...
dryads 17 10 DRYAD, a nymph of th...
dryers 17 9 DRYER, an apparatus...
dsobos 12 10 DSOBO, (Tibetan) a m...
dsomos 11 10 DSOMO, (Tibetan) a f...
dubbos 15 14 DUBBO, (Australian s...
ducats 14 11 DUCAT, (historical)...
duetts 11 8 DUETT, a musical per...
dukkas 13 16 DUKKA, a mix of grou...
dulces 15 12 DULCE, a sweet food...
dulias 12 9 DULIA, in Roman Cath...
dulses 12 9 DULSE, an edible red...
dumbos 14 14 DUMBO, (colloquial)...
dumkas 13 15 DUMKA, (Czech) a lam...
dumous 12 12 abounding with bushe...
dunams 11 12 DUNAM, an Israeli la...
dunces 13 12 DUNCE, a stupid pers...
duomos 11 11 DUOMO, (Italian) a c...
dupers 13 11 DUPER, one who dupes...
durals 12 9 DURAL, (tradename) a...
duress 11 8 compulsion by force,...
durocs 14 11 DUROC, a large red h...
duroys 17 10 DUROY, a coarse wool...
durras 11 8 DURRA, (Arabic) indi...
durums 13 12 DURUM, a strain of w...
durzis 15 17 DURZI, a Hindu tailo...
dushes 13 10 DUSH, (Scots) to str...
duties 11 8 DUTY, a moral or leg...
duvets 13 12 DUVET, a light quilt...
dwaals 14 11 DWAAL, (South Africa...
dwales 14 11 DWALE, deadly nights...
dwalms 16 14 DWALM, to swoon, als...
dwangs 14 13 DWANG, a piece of ti...
dwarfs 16 13 DWARF, to cause to a...
dwaums 15 14 DWAUM, to swoon, als...
dweebs 15 13 DWEEB, a fool [n]
dwells 16 12 DWELL, to reside [v]
dwiles 15 11 DWILE, a floorcloth...
dwines 13 11 DWINE, (Scots) to pi...
dyings 18 12 DYING, a passing out...
dykons 17 14 DYKON, a celebrity,...
dynels 17 11 DYNEL, a synthetic f...
eagers 10 8 EAGER, a tidal flood...
eagles 11 9 EAGLE, to score two...
eagres 10 8 EAGRE, a bore or sud...
earths 12 8 EARTH, to cover with...
easels 10 7 EASEL, a three-legge...
easers 9 6 EASER, one who eases...
easies 9 6 EASY, a communicatio...
easles 10 7 EASLE, (Scots) hot a...
eaters 9 6 EATER, one who eats...
ebbets 14 12 EBBET, a common gree...
ebooks 12 13 EBOOK, a book in ele...
ecesis 13 9 the establishment of...
echoes 14 11 ECHO, a reflected so...
eclats 14 10 ECLAT, (French) grea...
eddies 10 8 EDDY, to move agains...
eddoes 9 8 EDDO, a kind of yam,...
edemas 10 10 EDEMA, local or gene...
edgers 11 9 EDGER, a tool used t...
edicts 14 10 EDICT, an authoritat...
ediles 11 8 EDILE, (Latin) in cl...
educes 13 11 EDUCE, to draw out,...
educts 14 11 EDUCT, that which is...
eeches 14 11 EECH, to augment, al...
eejits 12 15 EEJIT, (colloquial)...
eevens 10 11 EEVEN, the latter pa...
egests 11 8 EGEST, to discharge...
eggars 12 10 EGGAR, any of severa...
eggers 12 10 EGGER, any of severa...
egises 11 8 EGIS, (Greek) protec...
egress 11 8 to go out [v -ED, -I...
egrets 11 8 EGRET, a wading bird...
eiders 10 7 EIDER, a large sea d...
eights 14 10 EIGHT, the cardinal...
eikons 10 11 EIKON, (Greek) a rel...
eisels 11 7 EISEL, (obsolete) so...
ejects 15 18 EJECT, to throw out...
ejidos 12 16 EJIDO, (Spanish) a p...
elains 10 8 ELAIN, a glyceride o...
elands 10 9 ELAND, a large Afric...
elates 10 7 ELATE, to raise the...
elbows 16 13 ELBOW, to jostle [v]
elchis 17 12 ELCHI, an ambassador...
elders 11 8 ELDER, a kind of shr...
eldins 11 9 ELDIN, (Scots) fuel,...
elects 14 10 ELECT, to select by...
elemis 12 10 ELEMI, a fragrant re...
elfins 13 11 ELFIN, a little elf...
eliads 11 8 ELIAD, an amorous gl...
elides 11 8 ELIDE, to strike out...
elints 11 8 ELINT, (short for) e...
elites 11 7 ELITE, a socially se...
ellops 14 11 (obsolete) a type of...
eloges 11 9 ELOGE, a funeral ora...
eloins 10 8 ELOIN, to remove to...
elopes 12 10 ELOPE, to run away t...
elpees 12 10 ELPEE, a long-playin...
elsins 11 8 ELSIN, (Scots) an aw...
eludes 11 9 ELUDE, to evade [v]
elutes 11 8 ELUTE, to remove by...
elvans 12 12 ELVAN, a granular ro...
elvers 13 11 ELVER, a young eel [...
emails 12 10 EMAIL, to send elect...
embars 13 12 EMBAR, (archaic) to...
embays 19 14 EMBAY, to enclose in...
embeds 13 13 EMBED, to plant firm...
embers 13 12 EMBER, a small piece...
embogs 14 14 EMBOG, to bog down [...
emboss 13 12 to decorate with a r...
embows 16 15 EMBOW, to bend or ar...
emcees 13 12 EMCEE, to serve as m...
emeers 10 9 EMEER, (Arabic) an E...
emends 10 11 EMEND, to correct, a...
emergs 12 11 EMERG, the section o...
emeses 10 9 EMESIS, (Greek) the...
emesis 11 9 (Greek) the act of v...
emlets 12 10 as in blood-drop eml...
emmers 12 12 EMMER, (German) a pr...
emmets 12 12 EMMET, (dialect) an...
emmews 15 15 EMMEW, to confine, m...
emojis 13 18 EMOJI, a standardize...
emotes 10 9 EMOTE, to show exagg...
emoves 12 13 EMOVE, to affect emo...
emules 12 11 EMULE, (Southey) to...
emures 11 10 EMURE, (Shakespeare)...
emydes 17 12 EMYDE, a genus of fr...
enacts 12 10 ENACT, to establish...
enarms 10 10 ENARM, (obsolete) to...
enates 8 7 ENATE, a relative in...
enders 9 8 ENDER, one that ends...
endews 12 11 ENDEW, (Spenser) to...
endoss 9 8 (obsolete) to endors...
endows 12 11 ENDOW, to bequeath,...
endues 9 9 ENDUE, to put on, as...
enemas 9 10 ENEMA, fluid injecte...
eniacs 12 10 ENIAC, an early comp...
enjoys 17 18 ENJOY, to take pleas...
enmews 13 13 ENMEW, to confine, a...
ennogs 9 10 ENNOG, (dialect) a b...
ennuis 9 9 ENNUI, to bore, anno...
enokis 10 11 ENOKI, (Japanese) a...
enoses 8 7 ENOSIS, political un...
enosis 9 7 political union [n E...
enrols 10 8 ENROL, to insert on...
ensews 12 10 ENSEW, (Spenser) to...
ensues 9 8 ENSUE, to follow, al...
enters 9 7 ENTER, to go or come...
enures 9 8 ENURE, to accustom o...
enurns 9 9 ENURN, to put into a...
envies 11 11 ENVY, to covet other...
envois 11 11 ENVOI, the concludin...
envoys 17 13 ENVOY, a representat...
enzyms 20 21 ENZYM, a complex pro...
eosins 9 7 EOSIN, a red dye, al...
epacts 15 12 EPACT, the differenc...
ephahs 16 13 EPHAH, a Hebrew unit...
ephods 14 12 EPHOD, a sleeveless...
ephors 14 11 EPHOR, a magistrate...
epochs 17 14 EPOCH, an important...
epodes 11 10 EPODE, a genre of ly...
epopts 14 12 EPOPT, someone initi...
eposes 11 9 EPOS, an epic poem,...
epulis 14 11 a tumor of the gums...
equals 19 17 EQUAL, to make equal...
equids 19 17 EQUID, any member of...
equips 21 19 EQUIP, to provide wi...
erases 9 6 ERASE, to efface or...
erbias 12 9 ERBIA, erbium oxide...
erects 13 9 ERECT, to build or r...
ergons 10 9 ERGON, (Greek) work...
ergots 11 8 ERGOT, a fungal dise...
ericas 13 9 ERICA, a shrub of th...
ericks 15 13 ERICK, a murderer's...
erinus 10 8 any rock plant of th...
erodes 9 7 ERODE, to wear away...
eroses 9 6 EROS, (Greek) the su...
errors 10 6 ERROR, a mistake [n]
eructs 14 10 ERUCT, to belch out,...
erugos 11 9 ERUGO, a green film...
erupts 13 10 ERUPT, to break out...
ervils 14 11 ERVIL, a European ve...
escars 13 9 ESCAR, a narrow ridg...
escots 13 9 ESCOT, (Shakespeare)...
esiles 11 7 ESILE, (obsolete) so...
eskars 11 10 ESKAR, a narrow ridg...
eskers 11 10 ESKER, a narrow ridg...
eskies 11 10 ESKY, a container fo...
espies 12 9 ESPY, to catch sight...
essays 16 8 ESSAY, to attempt [v...
esters 10 6 ESTER, a compound fo...
estocs 13 9 ESTOC, a short sword...
estops 12 9 ESTOP, to hinder or...
estros 10 6 ESTRO, (Italian) the...
estrus 11 7 the period of heat i...
etages 10 8 ETAGE, a floor store...
etapes 11 9 ETAPE, (French) a st...
etches 15 11 ETCH, to engrave wit...
ethals 13 9 ETHAL, a white waxy...
ethers 12 8 ETHER, a volatile li...
ethics 16 11 ETHIC, a body of mor...
ethnos 11 9 (Greek) a group of p...
ethyls 20 11 ETHYL, a univalent c...
ettins 10 7 ETTIN, (archaic) a g...
ettles 11 7 ETTLE, (Scots) to in...
etudes 10 8 ETUDE, (French) a co...
etwees 12 9 ETWEE, a small ornam...
eupads 12 11 EUPAD, an antiseptic...
eusols 11 8 EUSOL, an antiseptic...
evades 11 11 EVADE, to escape or...
events 11 11 EVENT, to take part...
everts 12 10 EVERT, to turn insid...
evicts 16 13 EVICT, to dispossess...
evites 12 10 EVITE, to avoid, als...
evokes 12 14 EVOKE, to call forth...
ewftes 15 12 (Spenser) efts [n]
exacts 19 16 EXACT, to demand [v]
exalts 17 14 EXALT, to place in a...
excels 20 17 EXCEL, to surpass ot...
excess 19 16 to eliminate the pos...
exeats 15 13 EXEAT, (Latin) a per...
exeems 16 16 EXEEM, to release or...
exemes 16 16 EXEME, to release or...
exerts 16 13 EXERT, to make an ef...
exfils 20 17 EXFIL, to remove (da...
exiles 17 14 EXILE, to banish fro...
exines 15 14 EXINE, the outer lay...
exists 17 13 EXIST, to have actua...
exodes 15 14 EXODE, (Greek) the c...
exodos 15 14 (Greek) a concluding...
exodus 16 15 a departure [n -ES]
exomis 17 16 a Roman sleeveless g...
expats 18 16 EXPAT, someone who l...
expels 19 17 EXPEL, to force out...
extols 17 14 EXTOL, to praise hig...
extras 16 13 EXTRA, something add...
exudes 16 15 EXUDE, to ooze forth...
exults 18 15 EXULT, to rejoice gr...
exurbs 19 17 EXURB, a residential...
eyases 15 8 EYAS, an untrained y...
eyries 16 8 EYRY, a bird of prey...
ezines 12 16 EZINE, a magazine av...
fables 15 13 FABLE, to tell ficti...
facers 15 12 FACER, a sudden diff...
facets 15 12 FACET, to cut small...
facias 15 12 FACIA, an architectu...
facies 15 12 (Latin) facial expre...
factis 16 12 (Latin) vulcanized o...
faders 12 10 FADER, a sliding con...
fadges 13 12 FADGE, (archaic) to...
faeces 14 12 bodily waste dischar...
faenas 10 10 FAENA, a series of p...
fagins 13 12 FAGIN, an adult who...
fagots 13 11 FAGOT, to bind toget...
faikes 13 13 a kind of thin-bedde...
faines 11 10 FAINE, (Spenser) to...
faints 12 10 FAINT, to lose consc...
faiths 15 11 FAITH, to believe or...
fakers 13 13 FAKER, one who fakes...
fakeys 19 15 FAKEY, a skateboardi...
fakies 13 13 FAKIE, (in skateboar...
fakirs 14 13 FAKIR, a Hindu ascet...
falces 16 13 FALX, the sickle-sha...
falses 13 10 FALSE, to deceive [v...
famous 13 13 renowned [adj FAMOUS...
fanals 12 11 FANAL, (archaic) a l...
fangas 12 12 FANGA, a Spanish uni...
fangos 12 12 FANGO, (Italian) cla...
fanons 10 11 FANON, a liturgical...
fanums 13 14 FANUM, a cape worn b...
faqirs 21 18 FAQIR, a Hindu ascet...
farads 12 10 FARAD, a unit of ele...
farces 15 12 FARCE, to fill with...
farers 12 9 FARER, a traveller [...
farles 13 10 FARLE, an oatmeal ca...
farses 12 9 FARSE, to expand a n...
fasces 15 12 an ancient Roman sym...
fascis 16 12 (Latin) a bundle of...
fashes 14 11 FASH, to bother or a...
fatsos 12 9 FATSO, (colloquial)...
fatwas 15 12 FATWA, to threaten d...
fauces 15 13 the passage from the...
faulds 14 12 FAULD, the arch over...
faults 14 11 FAULT, to criticize...
faunas 11 11 FAUNA, the animal li...
fauves 14 14 FAUVE, a member of a...
favels 15 14 FAVEL, a horse of th...
favors 14 13 FAVOR, to regard wit...
favous 14 14 like a honeycomb [ad...
faynes 17 12 FAYNE, (Spenser) to...
fayres 18 11 FAYRE, (archaic) a f...
feares 11 9 FEARE, a companion,...
feases 11 9 FEASE, to unsettle,...
feasts 12 9 FEAST, to dine sumpt...
feazes 14 18 FEAZE, to unsettle,...
fechts 18 14 FECHT, (Scots) to fi...
feeses 11 9 FEESE, to unsettle,...
feezes 14 18 FEEZE, to unsettle,...
feigns 13 12 FEIGN, to pretend, g...
feints 12 10 FEINT, to make a pre...
feists 13 9 FEIST, a small dog o...
felids 14 11 FELID, a member of t...
fellas 14 11 FELLA, (colloquial)...
felons 12 11 FELON, a person guil...
femals 14 13 FEMAL, (Milton) a fe...
femmes 14 15 FEMME, (French) a wo...
femurs 14 13 FEMUR, a bone in the...
fences 14 13 FENCE, to enclose wi...
feoffs 16 15 FEOFF, to grant a fe...
ferals 13 10 FERAL, a person who...
ferias 12 9 FERIA, a weekday whi...
fermis 14 12 FERMI, in physics, a...
fesses 12 9 FESS, to confess [v]
festas 12 9 FESTA, a holiday [n]
fetors 12 9 FETOR, a stench, als...
fettas 12 9 FETTA, a crumbly whi...
fetwas 15 12 FETWA, an Islamic re...
feuars 12 10 FEUAR, (Scots) in la...
fevers 14 13 FEVER, to affect wit...
fezzes 18 27 FEZ, a red brimless...
fibers 15 12 FIBER, a threadlike...
fibres 15 12 FIBRE, a threadlike...
fibros 15 12 FIBRO, a wall board...
fiches 18 14 FICHE, (French) a ca...
fichus 19 15 FICHU, (French) a li...
ficins 16 13 FICIN, a cysteine pr...
ficoes 15 12 FICO, (Shakespeare)...
fidges 14 12 FIDGE, to fidget [v]
fields 14 11 FIELD, to play as a...
fiends 12 11 FIEND, a devil; a pe...
fients 12 10 FIENT, (Scots) a fie...
fieres 12 9 FIERE, a companion,...
fifers 15 12 FIFER, one who plays...
fifths 18 14 FIFTH, one of five e...
fights 17 13 FIGHT, to contend in...
filers 14 10 FILER, a person or t...
filets 14 10 FILET, to cut bonele...
filius 15 11 (Lat) a son [n FILII...
filles 15 11 FILLE, (French) a gi...
fillos 15 11 FILLO, (Greek) very...
filmis 16 13 FILMI, (Hinglish) re...
filths 17 12 FILTH, foul or dirty...
finals 13 11 FINAL, the last exam...
fincas 15 13 FINCA, (Spanish) a S...
finers 12 10 FINER, a refiner [n]
fiords 13 10 FIORD, a narrow inle...
fiques 21 19 FIQUE, a tough natur...
firers 13 9 FIRER, a person who...
firies 13 9 FIRIE, (Australian s...
firsts 14 9 FIRST, something tha...
firths 16 11 FIRTH, an inlet of t...
fishes 15 11 FISH, to try to catc...
fitnas 12 10 FITNA, a state of tr...
fittes 13 9 FITTE, (archaic) a d...
fivers 15 13 FIVER, a five dollar...
fixers 19 16 FIXER, one that fixe...
fixits 20 16 FIXIT, a person know...
fizzes 19 27 FIZZ, to make a hiss...
fjelds 16 20 FJELD, (Norwegian) a...
fjords 15 19 FJORD, a narrow inle...
flacks 18 17 FLACK, to work as a...
flaffs 18 16 FLAFF, (Scots) to fl...
flails 15 11 FLAIL, to thresh abo...
flairs 14 10 FLAIR, a natural ski...
flakes 14 14 FLAKE, to peel off i...
flames 14 13 FLAME, to burn brigh...
flamms 16 16 FLAMM, (archaic) a c...
flanes 12 11 FLANE, to walk idly,...
flanks 14 15 FLANK, to be situate...
flares 13 10 FLARE, to display gl...
flasks 15 14 FLASK, a narrow-neck...
flatus 14 11 intestinal gas [n -E...
flavas 15 14 FLAVA, (slang) a spe...
flawns 16 14 FLAWN, (archaic) a c...
flaxes 19 17 FLAX, the fibres of...
fleams 14 13 FLEAM, a lancet for...
flecks 18 17 FLECK, to mark with...
fleers 13 10 FLEER, to deride by...
fleets 13 10 FLEET, to move swift...
flemes 14 13 FLEME, (Scots) to pu...
fleurs 14 11 FLEUR, (French) a fl...
flexes 19 17 FLEX, to bend [v]
flexos 19 17 FLEXO, a method of r...
flicks 19 17 FLICK, to strike lig...
fliers 14 10 FLIER, one that flie...
flimps 18 16 FLIMP, to rob while...
flings 15 13 FLING, to throw with...
flints 14 11 FLINT, to provide wi...
flirts 15 10 FLIRT, to engage in...
flisks 16 14 FLISK, to caper abou...
flites 14 10 FLITE, (Scots) to qu...
flitts 15 10 FLITT, (obsolete) to...
flixes 20 17 FLIX, to melt, also...
floats 13 10 FLOAT, to rest or mo...
flocks 18 17 FLOCK, to gather or...
flongs 14 13 FLONG, papier-mache...
floods 13 11 FLOOD, to inundate [...
floors 13 10 FLOOR, to supply wit...
floras 13 10 FLORA, the plant lif...
flotas 13 10 FLOTA, (Spanish) a c...
flotes 13 10 FLOTE [n]
flours 14 11 FLOUR, to cover with...
flouts 14 11 FLOUT, to treat with...
fluffs 19 17 FLUFF, to make fluff...
fluids 15 12 FLUID, a substance t...
flukes 15 15 FLUKE, to obtain by...
flumes 15 14 FLUME, to convey by...
flumps 18 17 FLUMP, to fall or mo...
flunks 15 16 FLUNK, to fail in an...
fluors 14 11 FLUOR, a mineral for...
flurrs 15 11 FLURR, to scatter [v...
flutes 14 11 FLUTE, to play on a...
fluxes 20 18 FLUX, to melt, also...
fluyts 21 13 FLUYT, (Dutch) a sma...
flybys 29 17 FLYBY, a flight, at...
flyers 20 12 FLYER, one that flie...
flypes 22 15 FLYPE, to strip back...
flytes 20 12 FLYTE, (Scots) to qu...
foehns 13 12 FOEHN, a warm dry wi...
foetus 12 10 the unborn in the wo...
fogeys 19 13 FOGEY, a person with...
fogies 13 11 FOGIE, a person with...
fogles 14 12 FOGLE, (slang) a sil...
fogous 13 12 FOGOU, a manmade und...
foists 13 9 FOIST, to pass off (...
foleys 19 12 FOLEY, in filming, t...
folies 13 10 FOLIE, (French) madn...
folios 13 10 FOLIO, to number the...
folles 14 11 FOLLIS, a coin of an...
follis 15 11 a coin of ancient Ro...
fondas 11 11 FONDA, (Spanish) a t...
fondus 12 12 FONDU, to cook a dis...
forams 13 12 FORAM, one of the Rh...
forays 18 11 FORAY, to make a rai...
forces 15 12 FORCE, to compel by...
forels 13 10 FOREL, (archaic) a k...
forges 13 11 FORGE, to counterfei...
formes 13 12 FORME, a body of typ...
fortes 12 9 FORTE, (French) one'...
fortis 13 9 a consonant, such as...
forums 14 13 FORUM, a public meet...
fossas 12 9 FOSSA, a anatomical...
fosses 12 9 FOSSE, a ditch or mo...
fouats 12 10 FOUAT, a leek, also...
fouets 12 10 FOUET, (Scots) the h...
foules 13 11 FOULE, a fulled clot...
founds 12 12 FOUND, to establish...
founts 12 11 FOUNT, a fountain, a...
fouths 15 12 FOUTH, (Scots) abund...
foveas 13 13 FOVEA, a shallow ana...
fowths 18 14 FOWTH, abundance, al...
foxies 18 16 FOXIE, (colloquial)...
foyers 18 11 FOYER, a large room...
foyles 19 12 FOYLE, (Spenser) to...
foynes 17 12 FOYNE, to thrust wit...
fracas 15 12 a brawl [n -ES]
fracks 17 16 FRACK, to engage in...
fracts 16 12 FRACT, to break; to...
frails 14 10 FRAIL, a basket for...
fraims 14 12 FRAIM, a stranger, a...
frames 13 12 FRAME, to enclose in...
francs 15 13 FRANC, a monetary un...
franks 13 14 FRANK, to mark mail...
frapes 14 12 FRAPE, to alter the...
frauds 13 11 FRAUD, criminal dece...
freaks 13 13 FREAK, to spot or st...
freers 12 9 FREER, one who frees...
freets 12 9 FREET, (Scots) an om...
freits 13 9 FREIT, (Scots) an om...
fremds 14 13 FREMD, (Scots) a str...
freons 11 10 FREON, (trade) an ae...
freres 12 9 FRERE, a friar [n]
friars 13 9 FRIAR, a member of a...
friers 13 9 FRIER, a pan or cont...
friges 14 11 FRIG, a refrigerator...
frills 16 11 FRILL, to provide wi...
frises 13 9 FRISE, (French) a de...
frisks 15 13 FRISK, to gambol, or...
frists 14 9 FRIST, to postpone,...
frites 13 9 chipped potatoes [n]
friths 16 11 FRITH, an inlet of t...
fritts 14 9 FRITT, to fuse into...
frizes 16 18 FRIZ, to curl hair t...
frocks 17 16 FROCK, to invest wit...
fronds 12 11 FROND, a type of lea...
fronts 12 10 FRONT, to present [v...
frosts 13 9 FROST, to cover with...
froths 15 11 FROTH, to foam [v]
frowns 15 13 FROWN, to wrinkle th...
fruits 14 10 FRUIT, to produce an...
frumps 17 16 FRUMP, (obsolete) to...
frusts 14 10 FRUST, a fragment [n...
fryers 19 11 FRYER, a pan or cont...
fucous 16 14 of or pertaining to...
fudges 14 13 FUDGE, to falsify [v...
fueros 12 10 FUERO, (Spanish) a B...
fugies 14 12 FUGIE, (Scots) a coc...
fugios 14 12 FUGIO, a former coin...
fugles 15 13 FUGLE, (Carlyle) to...
fugues 14 13 FUGUE, to compose a...
fumers 14 13 FUMER, one that fume...
fumets 14 13 FUMET, (archaic) the...
fumous 14 14 full of fumes [adj]
fundis 13 12 FUNDI, in South Afri...
fundus 13 13 the inner basal surf...
fungos 13 13 FUNGO, a fly ball hi...
fungus 14 14 any of the major gro...
furals 14 11 FURAL, a liquid obta...
furans 12 11 FURAN, a chemical us...
furies 13 10 FURY, violent anger...
furols 14 11 FUROL, a liquid obta...
furors 13 10 FUROR, an outburst o...
furzes 16 19 FURZE, a spiny shrub...
fusees 12 10 FUSEE, a large-heade...
fusels 14 11 FUSEL, a nauseous mi...
fusils 15 11 FUSIL, a type of fli...
fusses 13 10 FUSS, to be overly c...
futons 12 11 FUTON, a cotton fill...
futzes 16 19 FUTZ, to spend time...
fuzees 15 19 FUZEE, a match with...
fuzils 18 20 FUZIL, a type of fli...
fuzzes 19 28 FUZZ, to become fuzz...
fynbos 20 15 in South Africa, an...
fyttes 19 11 FYTTE, (archaic) a d...
gabbas 15 14 GABBA, a style of el...
gabies 13 11 GABY, (dialect) a si...
gables 14 12 GABLE, to form a gab...
gaches 16 13 GACH, to behave boas...
gaddis 12 10 GADDI, the cushioned...
gadges 12 11 GADGE, an instrument...
gadids 12 10 GADID, a type of fis...
gadjes 13 18 GADJE, a fellow, als...
gadjos 13 18 GADJO, a non-gypsy,...
gaffes 15 14 GAFFE, a social blun...
gagers 12 10 GAGER, one who gauge...
gaitas 11 8 GAITA, a Spanish bag...
gaitts 12 8 GAITT, (Scots) a chi...
galahs 14 11 GALAH, an Australian...
galeas 11 9 GALEA, a helmet-shap...
gallus 14 11 bold, daring, fit fo...
galops 14 12 GALOP, to dance a ga...
galuts 13 10 GALUT, (Hebrew) the...
galvos 14 13 GALVO, an instrument...
gamays 18 13 GAMAY, a variety of...
gambas 14 14 GAMBA, a bass viol [...
gambes 14 14 GAMBE, in heraldry,...
gambos 14 14 GAMBO, (Welsh) a sim...
gamers 12 11 GAMER, a player who...
gamins 12 12 GAMIN, (French) a st...
gammas 13 14 GAMMA, the third let...
gammes 13 14 GAMME, a musical sca...
gamuts 13 12 GAMUT, the complete...
ganefs 12 12 GANEF, a thief, also...
ganevs 12 13 GANEV, a thief, also...
ganjas 12 18 GANJA, cannabis used...
ganofs 12 12 GANOF, a thief, also...
gapers 13 11 GAPER, a mollusc wit...
garbes 13 11 GARBE, a (heraldic)...
garbos 13 11 GARBO, (Australian s...
garres 11 8 GARRE, to make, comp...
garths 14 10 GARTH, a small yard...
garums 13 12 GARUM, a thick fish...
gashes 13 10 GASH, to make a long...
gasses 11 8 GAS, to poison with...
gaters 11 8 GATER, an alligator,...
gators 11 8 GATOR, an alligator,...
gauges 12 11 GAUGE, to measure pr...
gaujes 13 18 GAUJE, (Romany) a fe...
gaults 13 10 GAULT, a heavy thick...
gaunts 11 10 GAUNT, to yawn, also...
gaupus 14 13 (dialect) a silly pe...
gauzes 14 18 GAUZE, a transparent...
gavels 14 13 GAVEL, to signal for...
gavots 13 12 GAVOT, a kind of Fre...
gawpus 17 15 (dialect) a silly pe...
gayals 18 11 GAYAL, an Indian dom...
gazals 15 18 GAZAL, a Persian or...
gazars 14 17 GAZAR, (French) a st...
gazers 14 17 GAZER, one who gazes...
gazons 13 18 GAZON, (obsolete) on...
gazoos 13 17 GAZOO, a toy musical...
geares 10 8 GEARE, (Spenser) to...
geburs 14 12 GEBUR, (historical)...
geckos 15 15 GECKO, a kind of sma...
geests 11 8 GEEST, alluvial matt...
geists 12 8 GEIST, (German) spir...
gelees 11 9 GELEE, a cosmetic ge...
gemels 13 12 GEMEL, in heraldry,...
gemots 12 11 GEMOT, (historical)...
genets 10 9 GENET, a carnivorous...
genies 10 9 GENIE, a supernatura...
genips 13 12 GENIP, (Tupi) a trop...
genius 11 10 an exceptional natur...
genoas 9 9 GENOA, a large trian...
genoms 11 12 GENOM, a haploid set...
genres 10 9 GENRE, a literary or...
genros 10 9 GENRO, a group of el...
gentes 10 9 GENS, in ancient Rom...
geodes 10 9 GEODE, a roughly sph...
geoids 11 9 GEOID, the figure of...
gerahs 13 10 GERAH, a Hebrew unit...
gerbes 13 11 GERBE, (French) a (h...
gerles 12 9 GERLE, (Spenser) a g...
gernes 10 9 GERNE, (Spenser) to...
gesses 11 8 GESSE, (Spenser) to...
gestes 11 8 GESTE, (obsolete) an...
getups 14 12 GETUP, a costume [n]
ghasts 14 10 GHAST, (Shakespeare)...
ghauts 14 11 GHAUT, in India, a l...
ghazis 17 19 GHAZI, a Muslim warr...
ghosts 14 10 GHOST, to ghostwrite...
ghouls 15 12 GHOUL, in Arabic myt...
ghylls 23 14 GHYLL, a narrow ravi...
giants 11 9 GIANT, a person or t...
gibels 15 12 GIBEL, a kind of car...
gibers 14 11 GIBER, one who gibes...
giblis 16 12 GIBLI, a hot desert...
gigots 13 10 GIGOT, a leg of lamb...
gigues 13 11 GIGUE, a lively Baro...
gilets 13 9 GILET, a light often...
gimels 14 12 GIMEL, the third let...
gimmes 14 14 GIMME, an easy golf...
ginges 12 11 GINGE, (colloquial)...
ginzos 14 18 GINZO, (colloquial)...
gipons 13 12 GIPON, a sleeveless...
gippos 16 14 GIPPO, (offensive) a...
girons 11 9 GIRON, a heraldic in...
girths 15 10 GIRTH, to put a girt...
gismos 13 11 GISMO, a gadget, als...
giusts 13 9 GIUST, (Spenser) to...
givens 13 13 GIVEN, something ass...
givers 14 12 GIVER, one that give...
gizmos 16 20 GIZMO, a gadget, als...
gizzes 18 26 GIZZ, a wig [n]
glaces 15 12 GLACE, (French) to i...
glacis 16 12 a slope [n -ES]
glades 12 10 GLADE, an open space...
glaiks 14 13 GLAIK, (Scots) a fla...
glairs 13 9 GLAIR, to coat with...
glands 12 11 GLAND, a secreting o...
glares 12 9 GLARE, to shine with...
glaums 14 13 GLAUM, (Scots) to cl...
glaurs 13 10 GLAUR, (Scots) mire...
glazes 15 18 GLAZE, to fit window...
gleams 13 12 GLEAM, to shine with...
gleans 11 10 GLEAN, to gather lit...
glebes 14 12 GLEBE, the land belo...
gledes 12 10 GLEDE, a bird of pre...
gleeds 12 10 GLEED, a glowing coa...
gleeks 13 13 GLEEK, to jest, gibe...
gleets 12 9 GLEET, to discharge...
glents 12 10 GLENT, to glint [v]
glides 13 10 GLIDE, to move effor...
gliffs 18 15 GLIFF, an unexpected...
glifts 16 12 GLIFT, (obsolete) an...
glikes 14 13 GLIKE, (Shakespeare)...
glimes 14 12 GLIME, to glance sly...
glints 13 10 GLINT, to glitter, a...
glisks 15 13 GLISK, (Scots) a gli...
gloams 13 12 GLOAM, twilight, als...
gloats 12 9 GLOAT, to regard wit...
globes 14 12 GLOBE, to form into...
globus 15 13 any spherelike struc...
gloggs 15 13 GLOGG, a hot spiced...
glomus 14 13 a small body consist...
glooms 13 12 GLOOM, to become dar...
gloops 14 12 GLOOP, to plop slowl...
glosts 13 9 GLOST, an oven in wh...
glouts 13 10 GLOUT, (archaic) to...
gloves 14 13 GLOVE, to furnish wi...
glozes 15 18 GLOZE, (archaic) to...
gluers 13 10 GLUER, one who glues...
glumes 14 13 GLUME, an outer ster...
glumps 17 16 the sulks [n]
gluons 12 11 GLUON, the name give...
glutes 13 10 GLUTE, any of the th...
glyphs 24 16 GLYPH, a sunken chan...
gnarls 12 10 GNARL, to twist into...
gnarrs 11 9 GNARR, to snarl, als...
gneiss 11 9 a foliated usually c...
gnomes 11 12 GNOME, a fabled litt...
gnoses 10 9 GNOSIS, mystical kno...
gnosis 11 9 mystical knowledge [...
gobans 12 12 GOBAN, a Japanese bo...
gobies 13 11 GOBY, any fish of th...
goboes 12 11 GOBO, a device to sh...
godets 11 9 GODET, a triangular...
gofers 13 11 GOFER, a waffle with...
goggas 13 12 GOGGA, (South Africa...
goings 12 11 GOING, an advance to...
golems 13 12 GOLEM, (Yiddish) an...
golias 12 9 to behave irreverent...
golpes 14 12 GOLPE, in heraldry,...
gombos 14 14 GOMBO, a soup thicke...
gomers 12 11 GOMER, an unwanted h...
gompas 14 14 GOMPA, (Tibetan) a B...
gonads 10 10 GONAD, an organ in a...
gonefs 12 12 GONEF, a thief, also...
goners 10 9 GONER, one who is in...
gonifs 13 12 GONIF, a thief, also...
gonofs 12 12 GONOF, a thief, also...
gonzos 13 18 GONZO, (US slang) a...
goofus 13 12 a foolish or stupid...
goolds 12 10 GOOLD, a flower, als...
gooses 10 8 GOOSE, to poke betwe...
gopaks 14 15 GOPAK, (Russian) a h...
gopiks 15 15 GOPIK, a monetary un...
gorals 12 9 GORAL, an Indian goa...
gorges 12 10 GORGE, to stuff with...
gorses 11 8 GORSE, any prickly p...
goshts 14 10 GOSHT, (Hindi) in In...
gosses 11 8 GOSS, (dialect) to s...
gouges 12 11 GOUGE, to cut or sco...
gouras 11 9 GOURA, a large, cres...
gourds 12 10 GOURD, a large hard-...
gowans 13 12 GOWAN, (Scots) a dai...
goyles 18 11 GOYLE, (dialect) a r...
graals 12 9 GRAAL, the cup used...
graces 14 11 GRACE, to give beaut...
grades 11 9 GRADE, to arrange in...
gradus 12 10 (Latin) a dictionary...
graffs 16 14 GRAFF, to unite with...
grafts 14 11 GRAFT, to unite with...
grails 13 9 GRAIL, the cup used...
grains 11 9 GRAIN, to form into...
graips 14 11 GRAIP, a pitchfork u...
gramas 12 11 GRAMA, a kind of pas...
grames 12 11 GRAME, (obsolete) an...
gramps 15 14 GRAMP, grandfather [...
grands 11 10 GRAND, a type of pia...
grants 11 9 GRANT, to bestow upo...
grapes 13 11 GRAPE, (Scots) to gr...
graphs 16 13 GRAPH, to represent...
grasps 14 11 GRASP, to seize firm...
grates 11 8 GRATE, to reduce to...
gratis 12 8 free of charge [adj]
graves 13 12 GRAVE, to engrave [v...
gravis 14 12 as in myasthenia gra...
grazes 14 17 GRAZE, to feed on gr...
greats 11 8 GREAT, a distinguish...
grebes 13 11 GREBE, a diving bird...
grebos 13 11 GREBO, a devotee of...
greces 14 11 GRECE, a flight of s...
greeds 11 9 GREED, excessive des...
greens 10 9 GREEN, to become gre...
greets 11 8 GREET, to address in...
greges 12 10 GREGE, (obsolete) to...
gregos 12 10 GREGO, a hooded jack...
greins 11 9 GREIN, (Scots) to lo...
greses 11 8 GRESE, a flight of s...
greves 13 12 GREVE, (obsolete) ar...
grexes 17 15 GREX, a group of pla...
grices 15 11 GRICE, to collect ob...
grides 12 9 GRIDE, to pierce; to...
griefs 14 11 GRIEF, intense menta...
griffs 17 14 GRIFF, a claw-shaped...
grifts 15 11 GRIFT, (US) to swind...
grikes 13 12 GRIKE, a crevice in...
grills 15 10 GRILL, to broil on a...
grimes 13 11 GRIME, to make dirty...
grinds 12 10 GRIND, to wear, smoo...
griots 12 8 GRIOT, a tribal ente...
gripes 14 11 GRIPE, to keep on co...
grises 12 8 GRISE, to shudder at...
grists 13 8 GRIST, grain for gri...
griths 15 10 GRITH, (historical)...
grizes 15 17 GRIZE, a flight of s...
groans 10 9 GROAN, to utter a lo...
groats 11 8 GROAT, an old Englis...
groins 11 9 GROIN, to build with...
gromas 12 11 GROMA, a Roman surve...
grones 10 9 GRONE, to utter a lo...
groofs 13 11 GROOF, (Scots) the f...
grooms 12 11 GROOM, to clean and...
gropes 13 11 GROPE, to feel about...
groufs 14 12 GROUF, (obsolete) th...
groups 14 12 GROUP, to arrange in...
grouts 12 9 GROUT, to fill a cra...
groves 13 12 GROVE, a small fores...
growls 16 12 GROWL, to utter a de...
grrrls 14 9 GRRRL, as in riot gr...
gruels 13 10 GRUEL, to disable by...
grufes 14 12 GRUFE, the face, als...
gruffs 17 15 GRUFF, to utter in a...
grumes 13 12 GRUME, a thick visci...
grumps 16 15 GRUMP, to grumble [v...
grunts 12 10 GRUNT, to utter a de...
gryces 21 13 GRYCE, a young boar...
grydes 18 11 GRYDE, to scrape har...
grykes 19 14 GRYKE, a crevice in...
grypes 20 13 GRYPE, (archaic) a g...
guacos 14 12 GUACO, any of severa...
guanas 10 10 GUANA, any large liz...
guanos 10 10 GUANO, the accumulat...
guards 12 10 GUARD, to protect [v...
guavas 13 13 GUAVA, a small tropi...
guests 12 9 GUEST, to appear as...
guides 12 10 GUIDE, to show the w...
guilds 14 11 GUILD, an associatio...
guiles 13 10 GUILE, to beguile, a...
guilts 14 10 GUILT [n]
guimps 16 15 GUIMP, to trim with...
guiros 12 9 GUIRO, a notched gou...
guises 12 9 GUISE, to dress [v]
gulags 14 12 GULAG, a forced-labo...
gulars 13 10 GULAR, a scale on th...
gulets 13 10 GULET, a wooden Turk...
gulphs 18 15 GULPH, a deep chasm,...
gumbos 15 15 GUMBO, a soup thicke...
gummas 14 15 GUMMA, a syphilitic...
gummis 15 15 GUMMI, a rubbery, fl...
gunges 12 12 GUNGE, to block or c...
guqins 20 19 GUQIN, a kind of Chi...
gurges 13 11 GURGE, to swirl [v]
gushes 14 11 GUSH, to flow forth...
guslas 13 10 GUSLA, a one-stringe...
gusles 13 10 GUSLE, a one-stringe...
guslis 14 10 GUSLI, a one-stringe...
gustos 12 9 GUSTO, vigorous enjo...
gutses 12 9 GUTS, to eat greedil...
guttas 12 9 GUTTA, latex, also G...
guyles 19 12 GUYLE, (Spenser) to...
guyots 18 11 GUYOT, a flat-topped...
guyses 18 11 GUYSE, (Spenser) gui...
gyelds 19 12 GYELD, (Spenser) a g...
gynaes 16 11 GYNAE, (colloquial)...
gynies 17 11 GYNY, (colloquial) g...
gyozas 20 19 GYOZA, (Japanese) a...
gyppos 22 16 GYPPO, (offensive sl...
gyrons 17 11 GYRON, a heraldic in...
gyrous 18 11 in botany, marked wi...
habits 15 11 HABIT, to clothe [v]
haceks 16 15 HACEK, in Slavonic l...
hachis 18 13 (French) a hash, a m...
hadjes 14 18 HADJ, a pilgrimage t...
hadjis 15 18 HADJI, a person who...
haeres 11 8 an heir, also HERES...
haggis 15 12 a Scottish dish cons...
haicks 17 15 HAICK, an Arab head...
haikus 14 13 HAIKU, a Japanese po...
haints 12 9 HAINT, (Southern US...
hajjes 16 26 HAJJ, a pilgrimage t...
hajjis 17 26 HAJJI, a person who...
hakams 14 15 HAKAM, (Hebrew) a sa...
hakeas 12 12 HAKEA, an Australian...
hakims 15 15 HAKIM, a Muslim phys...
halals 14 10 HALAL, to slaughter...
halers 13 9 HALER, a coin of the...
halfas 15 12 HALFA, a North Afric...
halids 14 10 HALID, a compound of...
hallos 14 10 HALLO, to shout out...
halmas 14 12 HALMA, a board game...
haloes 12 9 HALO, to form a ring...
halons 12 10 HALON, any one of a...
halses 13 9 HALSE, to embrace, a...
halvas 15 13 HALVA, a sweetmeat c...
halves 15 13 HALF [v]
halwas 16 12 HALWA, (Hindi) a swe...
hamals 14 12 HAMAL, a porter in e...
hamous 13 12 hooked, also HAMOSE...
hamzas 16 20 HAMZA, an Arab diacr...
hanaps 13 12 HANAP, an ornate med...
hances 14 12 HANCE, a curved rise...
hangis 13 11 HANGI, (Maori) an op...
hansas 11 9 HANSA, a guild of me...
hanses 11 9 HANSE, a guild of me...
haoles 12 9 HAOLE, one who is no...
haomas 12 11 HAOMA, a drink made...
happis 17 14 HAPPI, (Japanese) a...
harams 13 11 HARAM, a women's qua...
harass 12 8 to bother persistent...
harems 13 11 HAREM, a women's qua...
harims 14 11 HARIM, a women's qua...
hashes 14 10 HASH, to make a hash...
hasses 12 8 HASS, as in white ha...
hastes 12 8 HASTE, to hurry, als...
haters 12 8 HATER, one who hates...
haughs 16 13 HAUGH, (Scots) a low...
haulds 14 11 HAULD, (Scots) tenan...
haulms 15 13 HAULM, a plant stem,...
haunts 12 10 HAUNT, to visit freq...
hauses 12 9 HAUSE, (archaic) to...
havens 13 13 HAVEN, to shelter [v...
havers 14 12 HAVER, to hem and ha...
havocs 17 15 HAVOC, to lay waste...
hawses 15 11 HAWSE, to salute, gr...
hayers 18 10 HAYER, one who makes...
hayles 19 11 HAYLE, (Spenser) wel...
hazans 14 18 HAZAN, (Hebrew) a ca...
hazels 16 18 HAZEL, a tree of the...
hazers 15 17 HAZER, one who hazes...
healds 13 10 HEALD, (obsolete) to...
heards 12 9 HEARD, herd [n]
heares 11 8 HEARE, (Spenser) hai...
hearts 12 8 HEART, to hearten, e...
heasts 12 8 HEAST, (Spenser) beh...
heaths 14 10 HEATH, an evergreen...
heaves 13 12 HEAVE, to lift force...
hebens 13 12 HEBEN, (obsolete) a...
hechts 18 13 HECHT, to command, a...
heders 12 9 HEDER, (Hebrew) a Je...
hedges 13 11 HEDGE, to enclose wi...
heezes 14 17 HEEZE, (Scots) to li...
heists 13 8 HEIST, to steal, rob...
hejabs 16 20 HEJAB, (Arabic) a co...
hejras 14 17 HEJRA, (Arabic) the...
helios 13 9 HELIO, a signalling...
hellos 14 10 HELLO, to shout out...
helots 13 9 HELOT, a slave or se...
helves 15 13 HELVE, to provide wi...
hemins 13 12 HEMIN, the red, crys...
henges 12 11 HENGE, a circle of s...
hennas 10 10 HENNA, to dye with a...
henrys 18 11 HENRY, a unit of ind...
hepars 14 11 HEPAR, any of variou...
heries 12 8 HERY, (Spenser) to p...
heroes 11 8 HERO, a brave man [n...
herons 11 9 HERON, a wading bird...
herpes 14 11 a skin infection [n...
herses 12 8 HERSE, (obsolete) a...
heryes 18 10 HERYE, (Spenser) to...
heuchs 18 14 HEUCH, (Scots) a cra...
heughs 16 13 HEUGH, (Scots) a cra...
heveas 13 12 HEVEA, any of variou...
hewers 15 11 HEWER, one that hews...
hexads 18 16 HEXAD, a group of si...
hexers 18 15 HEXER, one who hexes...
hexyls 26 18 HEXYL, a radical der...
hiatus 13 9 a gap or missing sec...
hiders 13 9 HIDER, one who hides...
hights 17 12 HIGHT, (archaic) to...
hijabs 17 20 HIJAB, (Arabic) a co...
hijras 15 17 HIJRA, (Arabic) the...
hikers 14 12 HIKER, one who hikes...
hikois 14 12 HIKOI, (Maori) to ta...
hillos 15 10 HILLO, to shout out...
himbos 16 14 HIMBO, a male bimbo,...
hinaus 12 10 HINAU, a New Zealand...
hinges 13 11 HINGE, to attach a j...
hippos 17 14 HIPPO, (short for) a...
hippus 18 15 a clonic spasm of th...
hirees 12 8 HIREE, one who is hi...
hirers 13 8 HIRER, one who hires...
hishes 15 10 HISH, to hiss [v]
hisses 13 8 HISS, to make a sibi...
hithes 15 10 HITHE, a port or sma...
hivers 15 12 HIVER, someone who h...
hizens 15 18 HIZEN, a type of ric...
hizzes 19 26 HIZZ, (Shakespeare)...
hoards 12 9 HOARD, to gather and...
hoasts 12 8 HOAST, (dialect) to...
hoaxes 17 15 HOAX, to deceive [v]
hoboes 13 11 HOBO, to live like a...
hodads 12 10 HODAD, a nonsurfer,...
hodjas 14 18 HODJA, (Turkish) an...
hogans 12 11 HOGAN, (Dutch) stron...
hogens 12 11 HOGEN, (Dutch) stron...
hoicks 17 15 to hark back [v -ED,...
hoises 12 8 HOISE, to hoist [v]
hoists 13 8 HOIST, to raise with...
hokums 15 16 HOKUM, nonsense [n]
holies 13 9 HOLY, a sacred place...
hollas 14 10 HOLLA, to shout out...
hollos 14 10 HOLLO, to shout out...
holmes 14 12 HOLME, an island in...
holons 12 10 HOLON, an autonomous...
homers 13 11 HOMER, to hit a home...
homeys 19 13 HOMEY, (colloquial)...
homies 13 11 HOMIE, a member of a...
hommes 14 14 HOMME, (French) a ma...
hommos 14 14 (Turkish) a Middle E...
honans 10 10 HONAN, a pongee fabr...
hondas 11 10 HONDA, a part of a l...
honers 11 9 HONER, a tool for ho...
honeys 17 11 HONEY, to sweeten wi...
hongis 13 11 HONGI, (Maori) a tra...
honors 11 9 HONOR, to treat with...
hooeys 17 10 HOOEY, nonsense [n]
hookas 12 12 HOOKA, a pipe with a...
hoords 12 9 HOORD, (obsolete) a...
hooves 13 12 HOOVE, (Spenser) to...
hopaks 15 15 HOPAK, (Russian) a U...
hopers 14 11 HOPER, one who hopes...
hoppus 17 15 as in hoppus foot, a...
horahs 14 10 HORAH, an Israeli da...
hordes 12 9 HORDE, to gather in...
hormes 13 11 HORME, goal-directed...
horses 12 8 HORSE, to provide wi...
horsts 13 8 HORST, (German) a ma...
hosels 13 9 HOSEL, a socket in t...
hosers 12 8 HOSER, a person who...
hoseys 18 10 HOSEY, to choose sid...
hosses 12 8 HOSS, (slang) a hors...
hostas 12 8 HOSTA, any plant of...
hotels 13 9 HOTEL, an inn [n]
houffs 17 15 HOUFF, to haunt, fre...
houghs 16 13 HOUGH, to hamstring...
houmus 14 13 a Middle Eastern hor...
hounds 12 11 HOUND, to pursue rel...
houris 13 9 HOURI, any of the vi...
houses 12 9 HOUSE, to reside in...
hoveas 13 12 HOVEA, an Australian...
hovels 15 13 HOVEL, to live in a...
hovers 14 12 HOVER, to hang suspe...
howffs 20 17 HOWFF, to haunt, fre...
howres 15 11 HOWRE, (obsolete) an...
hoyles 19 11 HOYLE, a rule book [...
hubris 16 12 (Greek) overbearing...
hudnas 12 11 HUDNA, (Arabic) in I...
hududs 14 12 HUDUD, (Arabic) a se...
hullos 15 11 HULLO, to shout out...
humans 13 13 HUMAN, a person [n]
hummus 16 16 (Turkish) a Middle E...
humors 14 12 HUMOR, to humour, al...
humous 14 13 a Middle Eastern hor...
humphs 19 17 HUMPH, to carry (som...
hurras 13 9 HURRA, to shout hurr...
hursts 14 9 HURST, a wood or gro...
hushes 15 11 HUSH, to quiet [v]
husses 13 9 HUSS, a type of dogf...
hutias 13 9 HUTIA, a West Indian...
huzzas 19 27 HUZZA, to cheer [v]
hybris 22 13 (Greek) overbearing...
hydras 19 11 HYDRA, a kind of fre...
hydros 19 11 HYDRO, (short for) a...
hyenas 17 11 HYENA, a carrion-fee...
hylegs 21 13 HYLEG, the ruling pl...
hymens 19 14 HYMEN, the membrane...
hyndes 18 12 HYNDE, (Spenser) a h...
hyoids 19 11 HYOID, a bone at the...
hypers 21 13 HYPER, an excitable...
hysons 18 11 HYSON, a fine sort o...
hythes 21 12 HYTHE, a small port...
iambus 14 13 a type of metrical f...
iberis 13 9 the candytuft plant...
ibexes 18 16 IBEX, a wild mountai...
ibices 16 12 IBEX, a wild mountai...
ibises 13 9 IBIS, any of a group...
ibriks 15 13 IBRIK, the Arabic na...
ichors 16 11 ICHOR, a watery disc...
icings 15 12 ICING, a sweet mixtu...
ickers 15 13 ICKER, (Scots) a sin...
icones 12 10 ICON, a symbol or im...
idants 10 8 IDANT, a chromosome...
ideals 11 8 IDEAL, a standard of...
idents 10 8 IDENT, a short visua...
idioms 12 10 IDIOM, a mode of exp...
idiots 11 7 IDIOT, a mentally de...
idlers 12 8 IDLER, one that idle...
idylls 20 11 IDYLL, a description...
iftars 13 9 IFTAR, (Arabic) a me...
igapos 13 11 IGAPO, in Peru, a ri...
igloos 12 9 IGLOO, (Inuit) a sno...
ihrams 14 11 IHRAM, (Arabic) the...
ilexes 17 14 ILEX, a tree or shru...
iliads 12 8 ILIAD, a long poem [...
ilices 15 10 ILEX, a tree or shru...
illths 16 10 ILLTH, the contrary...
images 12 11 IMAGE, to form a lik...
imagos 12 11 IMAGO, an insect in...
imaris 12 9 IMARI, (Japanese) a...
imaums 13 13 IMAUM, (Arabic) the...
imbars 14 12 IMBAR, (obsolete) to...
imbeds 14 13 IMBED, to plant firm...
imboss 14 12 to decorate with a r...
imbues 14 13 IMBUE, to inspire wi...
imides 12 10 IMIDE, a class of or...
imines 11 10 IMINE, a chemical co...
immews 16 15 IMMEW, to confine, m...
immies 13 12 IMMY, a type of play...
immits 14 12 IMMIT, (obsolete) to...
impels 15 13 IMPEL, to drive forw...
impies 14 12 IMPI, (Zulu) a regim...
impots 14 12 IMPOT, (slang) an im...
impros 14 12 IMPRO, (short for) i...
inanes 8 8 INANE, empty space [...
inarms 11 10 INARM, to encircle w...
inches 15 12 INCH, to move very s...
incles 14 11 INCLE, a broad linen...
incogs 14 12 INCOG, (short for) i...
incurs 14 11 INCUR, to bring upon...
incuts 14 11 INCUT, in rock climb...
indews 13 11 INDEW, to provide wi...
indias 10 8 INDIA, (In internati...
indies 10 8 INDIE, (colloquial)...
indols 11 9 INDOL, a crystalline...
indows 13 11 INDOW, to bequeath,...
indris 11 8 a short-tailed lemur...
indues 10 9 INDUE, to provide wi...
inerts 10 7 INERT, something tha...
infers 12 10 INFER, to reach or d...
ingans 10 10 INGAN, (Scots) an on...
ingles 12 10 INGLE, a fireplace [...
ingoes 10 9 INGO, (Scots) entry...
ingots 11 9 INGOT, to shape (met...
inions 9 8 INION, a part of the...
inkers 11 11 INKER, one who inks;...
inkles 12 12 INKLE, to give a hin...
inlays 17 10 INLAY, to insert or...
inlets 11 8 INLET, to insert [v]
inners 9 8 INNER, in archery, a...
inorbs 12 10 INORB, to set in an...
inputs 13 11 INPUT, to enter data...
inruns 10 9 INRUN, the approach...
insets 10 7 INSET, to set in, in...
intels 11 8 INTEL, military inte...
inters 10 7 INTER, to bury [v]
intros 10 7 INTRO, (short for) a...
inulas 11 9 INULA, a kind of pla...
inures 10 8 INURE, to accustom o...
inurns 10 9 INURN, to put in an...
invars 12 11 INVAR, (tradename) a...
inwits 14 10 INWIT, (archaic) inw...
iodids 11 8 IODID, a salt of hyd...
iodins 10 8 IODIN, a chemical el...
iodous 10 8 pertaining to, or co...
ionics 13 10 IONIC, a style of ty...
ippons 14 13 IPPON, a winning poi...
irades 10 7 IRADE, (historical)...
irides 11 7 IRIS, a part of the...
irises 11 6 IRIS, to give the fo...
iritis 12 6 inflammation of the...
irokos 11 10 IROKO, a large Afric...
irones 9 7 IRONE, an aromatic o...
islets 12 7 ISLET, a small islan...
isseis 11 6 ISSEI, a Japanese im...
issues 11 7 ISSUE, to put into c...
istles 12 7 ISTLE, a strong fibr...
itches 16 11 ITCH, to have an irr...
ixoras 16 13 IXORA, a flowering p...
ixtles 18 14 IXTLE, a strong fibr...
izards 14 16 IZARD, (French) the...
izzats 17 24 IZZAT, (Urdu) honour...
jabers 14 18 as in the Irish oath...
jabots 14 18 JABOT, (French) a la...
jacals 16 19 JACAL, a hut built o...
jaffas 16 21 JAFFA, in cricket, a...
jagers 13 17 JAGER, a German army...
jagirs 14 17 JAGIR, (Hindi) the g...
jagras 13 17 JAGRA, a coarse, dar...
jakeys 19 21 JAKEY, (Scots) a hom...
jalaps 15 19 JALAP, a Mexican pla...
jalops 15 19 JALOP, the purgative...
jambes 15 21 JAMBE, a piece of le...
jambus 16 22 JAMBU, (Sanskrit) th...
japans 13 19 JAPAN, to coat with...
japers 14 18 JAPER, one who japes...
jartas 12 15 JARTA, heart, used a...
jaruls 14 17 JARUL, a deciduous t...
jaseys 18 17 JASEY, a wig of wors...
jasies 12 15 JASY, a wig of worst...
jaspes 14 18 JASPE, a cotton clot...
jaspis 15 18 jasper, also JASP [n...
jasses 12 15 JASS, (obsolete) jaz...
jaunts 12 17 JAUNT, to go on a pl...
javels 15 20 JAVEL, (Spenser) a w...
jawans 14 19 JAWAN, an Indian com...
jaxies 18 22 JAXIE, the posterior...
jazies 15 24 JAZY, a wig, also JA...
jazzes 18 33 JAZZ, to liven up th...
jebels 15 19 JEBEL, (Arabic) a hi...
jehads 14 18 JEHAD, in Islam, a h...
jelabs 15 19 JELAB, a Middle East...
jellos 14 17 JELLO, (tradename) a...
jembes 15 21 JEMBE, (Swahili) a h...
jerids 13 16 JERID, a wooden Orie...
jesses 12 15 JESSE, to fasten str...
jetons 11 16 JETON, a piece of me...
jewels 16 19 JEWEL, to adorn with...
jewies 15 18 JEWIE, (Australian s...
jhalas 15 18 JHALA, (Sanskrit) in...
jibbas 17 21 JIBBA, a long loose...
jibers 15 18 JIBER, one who jibes...
jigots 14 17 JIGOT, (French) a le...
jihads 15 18 JIHAD, in Islam, a h...
jinnis 12 17 JINNI, a supernatura...
jinxes 18 23 JINX, to bring bad l...
jirgas 14 17 JIRGA, a council of...
jivers 15 19 JIVER, one who jives...
jizzes 19 33 JIZZ, the characteri...
jnanas 10 17 JNANA, knowledge acq...
jockos 16 22 JOCKO, a chimpanzee...
jodels 13 17 JODEL, to sing with...
joints 12 16 JOINT, to fit togeth...
joists 13 15 JOIST, to fit with j...
jokers 13 19 JOKER, one that joke...
jomons 12 19 JOMON, (Japanese) a...
jorams 13 18 JORAM, a large drink...
jorums 14 19 JORUM, a large drink...
joshes 14 17 JOSH, to tease [v]
josses 12 15 JOSS, a Chinese figu...
jotuns 12 17 JOTUN, in Norse myth...
jouals 13 17 JOUAL, (French) a no...
joules 13 17 JOULE, to bump, also...
jousts 13 16 JOUST, to engage in...
jowars 15 18 JOWAR, Indian millet...
joyous 18 18 joyful [adj JOYOUSLY...
judges 14 19 JUDGE, to decide on...
judies 13 17 JUDY, (slang) a girl...
jugals 15 19 JUGAL, the cheek bon...
jugums 16 22 JUGUM, a pair of opp...
juices 16 19 JUICE, to extract li...
juleps 16 20 JULEP, a cocktail of...
jumars 14 19 JUMAR, to climb usin...
jumbos 16 22 JUMBO, (colloquial)...
juncos 15 20 JUNCO, a North Ameri...
juncus 16 21 any plant of the gen...
juntas 12 17 JUNTA, a government...
juntos 12 17 JUNTO, (Spanish) a g...
jupons 14 20 JUPON, a sleeveless...
jurats 13 16 JURAT, a memorandum...
jurels 14 17 JUREL, a kind of foo...
juries 13 16 JURY, to select mate...
jurors 13 16 JUROR, a member of a...
juvies 15 20 JUVIE, (slang) a juv...
jynxes 24 25 JYNX, the wryneck, a...
kaamas 11 13 KAAMA, a large South...
kababs 15 16 KABAB, cubes of meat...
kabars 13 13 KABAR, (Scots) a hea...
kabobs 15 16 KABOB, to cook on a...
kadais 11 11 KADAI, (Hindi) a wok...
kafirs 14 13 KAFIR, a kind of cer...
kahals 14 13 KAHAL, the governing...
kaiaks 12 14 KAIAK, to travel by...
kaikas 12 14 KAIKA, (New Zealand)...
kalams 13 14 KALAM, a type of Mus...
kalifs 15 14 KALIF, an Eastern ru...
kalpas 14 14 KALPA, one of the Br...
kalpis 15 14 a Greek water-jar [n...
kamees 11 13 in South Asia, a loo...
kamiks 14 17 KAMIK, (Inuit) a kne...
kanaes 9 11 KANAE, (Maori) the g...
kanehs 12 13 KANEH, (Hebrew) a He...
kangas 11 13 KANGA, a coloured co...
kanjis 13 20 KANJI, the character...
kanses 10 11 KANS, a type of Indi...
kanzus 14 21 KANZU, a long white...
kapoks 14 17 KAPOK, a very light,...
kapows 16 16 KAPOW, a sudden shar...
kappas 15 16 KAPPA, the tenth let...
karats 11 10 KARAT, (US) a unit o...
karmas 12 13 KARMA, (Sanskrit) th...
karoos 10 10 KAROO, in South Afri...
kaross 11 10 (Afrikaans) a South...
karris 12 10 KARRI, a type of Aus...
karsts 12 10 KARST, a landscape c...
kashas 13 12 KASHA, (Russian) a p...
katals 12 11 KATAL, a derived SI...
kattis 12 10 KATTI, an Asian unit...
kaughs 15 15 KAUGH, (Scots) care,...
kauris 12 11 KAURI, (Maori) a gum...
kaurus 12 12 KAURU, the edible st...
kavals 14 15 KAVAL, a kind of flu...
kavass 13 14 an armed attendant i...
kawaus 14 14 KAWAU, (Maori) the b...
kayaks 18 16 KAYAK, to travel by...
kayles 18 13 KAYLE, a ninepin, al...
kayoes 16 12 KAYO, to knock out [...
kazoos 13 19 KAZOO, a toy musical...
kebabs 15 16 KEBAB, to skewer, al...
kebars 13 13 KEBAR, (Scots) a hea...
kebobs 15 16 KEBOB, to skewer, al...
kedges 12 13 KEDGE, to move (a sh...
keemas 11 13 KEEMA, (Hindi) in In...
keenos 9 11 KEENO, a gambling ga...
keeves 12 14 KEEVE, a large tub,...
kefirs 14 13 KEFIR, a drink made...
kehuas 13 13 KEHUA, (Maori) a gho...
keleps 14 14 KELEP, a stinging an...
kelims 14 14 KELIM, a pileless wo...
kembos 14 16 KEMBO, to set akimbo...
kenafs 12 14 KENAF, a fibre-yield...
kendos 10 12 KENDO, a martial art...
kentes 10 11 KENTE, brightly colo...
kerels 12 11 KEREL, (Afrikaans) a...
kermas 12 13 KERMA, a term in phy...
kermes 12 13 a red cochineal-like...
kermis 13 13 (Dutch) in Europe, p...
kernes 10 11 KERNE, a medieval fo...
kerves 13 14 KERVE, (Spenser) to...
kesars 11 10 KESAR, (obsolete) an...
keshes 13 12 KESH, the uncut hair...
ketols 12 11 KETOL, one of a seri...
kevels 14 15 KEVEL, (Scots) a pie...
kevils 15 15 KEVIL, (Scots) a pie...
keyers 17 12 KEYER, a device that...
khadis 14 13 KHADI, (Hindi) a hom...
khakis 15 16 KHAKI, a dull browni...
khaphs 18 17 KHAPH, (Hebrew) the...
khayas 19 14 KHAYA, a lofty West...
khazis 17 21 KHAZI, (slang) a lav...
khedas 13 13 KHEDA, an enclosure...
kheths 16 14 KHETH, (Hebrew) the...
khojas 15 21 KHOJA, a Middle East...
khoums 15 16 KHOUM, (Arabic) a mo...
kiaats 11 10 KIAAT, (Afrikaans) a...
kiacks 16 17 KIACK, a fish of the...
kiangs 12 13 KIANG, a kind of Tib...
kibbes 16 16 KIBBE, an Eastern di...
kibbis 17 16 KIBBI, an Eastern di...
kibeis 14 13 KIBEI, (Japanese) an...
kiblas 15 14 KIBLA, (Arabic) the...
kiddos 12 12 KIDDO, (slang) a kid...
kidels 13 12 KIDEL, (historical)...
kieves 13 14 KIEVE, a large tub,...
kights 16 14 KIGHT, (Spenser) a b...
kikois 13 14 KIKOI, in East Afric...
kileys 19 13 KILEY, a boomerang,...
kilims 15 14 KILIM, a pileless wo...
killas 14 12 a Cornish word for c...
kimbos 15 16 KIMBO, to set akimbo...
kinins 11 12 KININ, a plant hormo...
kiores 11 10 KIORE, a small brown...
kiosks 13 14 KIOSK, an open booth...
kippas 16 16 KIPPA, (Hebrew) a re...
kirris 13 10 KIRRI, a stick, also...
kisans 11 11 KISAN, (Hindi) an In...
kishes 14 12 KISH, solid graphite...
kisses 12 10 KISS, to caress by t...
kiters 12 10 KITER, one that kite...
kithes 14 12 KITHE, to make known...
kituls 14 12 KITUL, the jaggery p...
klangs 13 14 KLANG, (German) a co...
kletts 13 11 KLETT, a lightweight...
klicks 18 18 KLICK, (colloquial)...
kliegs 14 13 KLIEG, a kind of ele...
klongs 13 14 KLONG, in Thailand,...
kloofs 14 14 KLOOF, a deep ravine...
kluges 14 14 KLUGE, to fix by clu...
knacks 15 18 KNACK, to strike sha...
knarls 12 12 KNARL, a knot in a t...
knaurs 11 12 KNAUR, a knot in a t...
knaves 12 15 KNAVE, a dishonest m...
knawes 13 14 KNAWE, a cornfield w...
kneads 10 12 KNEAD, to massage wi...
kneels 11 12 KNEEL, to rest on th...
knells 13 13 KNELL, to sound a be...
knicks 16 18 (colloquial) knicker...
knifes 13 14 KNIFE, to stab with...
knives 13 15 KNIVE, to knife [v]
knocks 15 18 KNOCK, to strike sha...
knolls 13 13 KNOLL, an obsolete f...
knosps 13 14 KNOSP, (German) an a...
knouts 11 12 KNOUT, to flog with...
knowes 13 14 KNOWE, a rounded hil...
knowns 13 15 KNOWN, a mathematica...
knurls 13 13 KNURL, to make groov...
knurrs 12 12 KNURR, a knot of woo...
koalas 11 11 KOALA, a small furry...
kobans 12 14 KOBAN, an obsolete J...
koftas 13 13 KOFTA, in India, fri...
kogals 13 13 KOGAL, (Japanese) a...
koines 10 11 KOINE, (Greek) a dia...
kokams 13 17 KOKAM, (Marathi) an...
kokers 12 14 KOKER, (Dutch) in Gu...
kokras 12 14 KOKRA, the wood of a...
kokums 14 18 KOKUM, (Marathi) an...
kombus 15 17 KOMBU, a type of Jap...
konbus 13 15 KONBU, a type of Jap...
kondos 10 12 KONDO, in Uganda, a...
kooris 11 10 KOORI, (Native Austr...
kopeks 14 17 KOPEK, a Russian mon...
kopjes 15 22 KOPJE, in South Afri...
koppas 15 16 KOPPA, a Greek lette...
korats 11 10 KORAT, a cat with a...
kormas 12 13 KORMA, (India) a mil...
kosmos 12 13 the universe as an o...
kosses 11 10 KOS, a measure of di...
kotows 14 13 KOTOW, to grovel, al...
koumis 13 14 a beverage made from...
koumys 19 16 a beverage made from...
kouras 11 11 KOURA, a New Zealand...
kouros 11 11 an ancient Greek sta...
kraals 12 11 KRAAL, to pen, also...
krafts 14 13 KRAFT, a type of str...
kraits 12 10 KRAIT, a deadly Asia...
krangs 12 13 KRANG, the carcass o...
krauts 12 11 KRAUT, (short for) s...
kreeps 13 13 KREEP, a basaltic lu...
krengs 12 13 KRENG, (Dutch) the c...
krewes 14 13 KREWE, a private gro...
krills 15 12 KRILL, a species of...
krises 12 10 KRIS, to stab with a...
kroons 10 11 KROON, a former mone...
krubis 15 14 KRUBI, a malodorous...
krunks 13 16 KRUNK, a form of hip...
kubies 14 14 KUBIE, a kubasa on a...
kudzus 16 22 KUDZU, an ornamental...
kugels 14 14 KUGEL, (Yiddish) a c...
kukris 14 15 KUKRI, a sharp, curv...
kulaks 14 16 KULAK, a rich Russia...
kulans 12 13 KULAN, a wild ass in...
kulfis 16 15 KULFI, an Indian des...
kumiss 14 14 (Russian) a beverage...
kurres 12 11 KURRE, (Spenser) a c...
kurtas 12 11 KURTA, a loose-fitti...
kussos 12 11 KUSSO, an Ethiopian...
kvases 13 14 KVAS, (Russian) an a...
kvells 16 16 KVELL, (Yiddish) to...
kwelas 15 14 KWELA, a form of Zul...
kyacks 22 19 KYACK, a packsack [n...
kyangs 18 15 KYANG, a Tibetan wil...
kylies 19 13 KYLIE, a boomerang,...
kylins 19 14 KYLIN, (Chinese) a f...
kyloes 18 13 KYLOE, (Gaelic) a sm...
kyndes 17 14 KYNDE, (Spenser) to...
kyries 18 12 KYRIE, a religious p...
kythes 20 14 KYTHE, to make known...
laaris 11 7 LAARI, a monetary un...
labdas 13 11 LABDA, (Greek) the G...
labels 14 11 LABEL, to attach a t...
labors 13 10 LABOR, to work, also...
labrys 20 12 (Greek) the double-h...
lacers 14 10 LACER, one that lace...
lacets 14 10 LACET, a kind of lac...
laches 16 12 undue delay in carry...
lacmus 16 14 a substance that cha...
ladens 10 9 LADEN, to load with...
laders 11 8 LADER, one who lades...
ladies 11 8 LADY, a woman of ref...
ladles 12 9 LADLE, to serve with...
lagans 11 10 LAGAN, goods thrown...
lagers 12 9 LAGER, to form a def...
lahals 14 10 LAHAL, a team game p...
lahars 13 9 LAHAR, a flowing mas...
laichs 17 12 LAICH, (Scots) a pie...
laighs 15 11 LAIGH, a piece of lo...
laikas 12 11 LAIKA, (Russian) a b...
lairds 12 8 LAIRD, the owner of...
lakers 12 11 LAKER, a fish found...
lakins 12 12 LAKIN, (Shakespeare)...
laksas 12 11 LAKSA, (Malay) rice...
lameds 12 11 LAMED, (Hebrew) a He...
lamias 12 10 LAMIA, a mythical mo...
lampas 14 13 inflammation of the...
lanais 10 8 LANAI, (Hawaiian) a...
lances 13 11 LANCE, to pierce wit...
landes 10 9 LANDE, (French) a he...
lapels 14 11 LAPEL, an extension...
lapins 13 11 LAPIN, (French) rabb...
lapjes 15 19 LAPJE, (Afrikaans) a...
lapses 13 10 LAPSE, to pass into...
lapsus 14 11 (Latin) a slip e.g....
larees 10 7 LAREE, a monetary un...
larges 12 9 LARGE, generosity [n...
largos 12 9 LARGO, a slow musica...
larums 13 11 LARUM, (archaic) ala...
larvas 13 11 LARVA, an animal in...
lasers 11 7 LASER, a source of h...
lashes 13 9 LASH, to strike with...
lasses 11 7 LASS, (Scots) a girl...
lassis 12 7 LASSI, (Hindi) a dri...
lassos 11 7 LASSO, to catch with...
lassus 12 8 LASSU, the slow move...
latahs 13 9 LATAH, a psychologic...
latens 10 8 LATEN, to make or gr...
lathes 13 9 LATHE, to shape or c...
lathis 14 9 LATHI, (Hindi) in In...
latkes 12 11 LATKE, (Yiddish) a t...
lattes 11 7 LATTE, a white coffe...
lauans 10 9 LAUAN, a lightweight...
lauchs 17 13 LAUCH, (Scots) to la...
laughs 15 12 LAUGH, to express mi...
launds 11 10 LAUND, (Shakespeare)...
lauras 11 8 LAURA, a group of hu...
lavers 13 11 LAVER, an edible sea...
lavras 13 11 LAVRA, (Greek) a gro...
lawins 14 11 LAWIN, (Scots) a bil...
layers 17 9 LAYER, to form a lay...
layins 17 10 LAYIN, a basketball...
layups 20 13 LAYUP, a shot in bas...
lazars 14 16 LAZAR, a leper or pe...
lazies 14 16 LAZY, to move or lie...
lazoes 13 16 LAZO, to catch with...
leares 10 7 LEARE, (Scots) to te...
learns 10 8 LEARN, to be informe...
leases 10 7 LEASE, to contract t...
leasts 11 7 LEAST, the smallest...
leaves 12 11 LEAVE, to go away fr...
leazes 13 16 LEAZE, a pasture [n]
lebens 12 11 LEBEN, a kind of Eas...
leches 16 12 LECH, to engage in l...
ledges 12 10 LEDGE, a narrow, she...
ledums 13 12 LEDUM, a plant of th...
leears 10 7 LEEAR, (Scots) a lia...
leeses 10 7 LEESE, (Shakespeare)...
legals 13 10 LEGAL, an authorised...
legers 12 9 LEGER, one who sells...
legges 13 11 LEGGE, (Shakespeare)...
legits 13 9 LEGIT, a legitimate...
lehuas 13 10 LEHUA, (Hawaiian) a...
lemans 11 11 LEMAN, (archaic) a l...
lemels 13 11 LEMEL, the dust and...
lemmas 13 13 LEMMA, a type of pro...
lemons 11 11 LEMON, to flavour wi...
lemurs 13 11 LEMUR, an arboreal m...
lenses 10 8 LENS, to make a film...
lentos 10 8 LENTO, a slow musica...
leones 9 8 LEONE, the standard...
lepers 13 10 LEPER, one affected...
lepras 13 10 LEPRA, (Latin) lepro...
lesbos 13 10 LESBO, (colloquial)...
lesses 11 7 LESS, a smaller port...
lethes 13 9 LETHE, forgetfulness...
letups 14 11 LETUP, an easing off...
leudes 11 9 LEUD, a feudal vassa...
levees 12 11 LEVEE, to attend suc...
levels 14 12 LEVEL, to make even...
levers 13 11 LEVER, to prise open...
levies 13 11 LEVY, to impose or c...
levins 13 12 LEVIN, (archaic) lig...
lezzas 17 25 LEZZA, (short for) a...
lezzes 17 25 LEZZ, (short for) a...
lianas 10 8 LIANA, any climbing...
lianes 10 8 LIANE, any climbing...
liangs 12 10 LIANG, a Chinese uni...
liards 12 8 LIARD, an old French...
liases 11 7 LIAS, the lowest ser...
libels 15 11 LIBEL, to make a def...
libers 14 10 LIBER, a book of pub...
libras 14 10 LIBRA, an ancient Ro...
liches 17 12 LICH, (obsolete) a c...
lichis 18 12 LICHI, a tropical fr...
lichts 18 12 LICHT, to light [v]
lidars 12 8 LIDAR, a system of u...
lieges 12 9 LIEGE, (historical)...
lieves 13 11 LIEVE, a beloved [n]
lifers 14 10 LIFER, a prisoner se...
ligans 12 10 LIGAN, goods thrown...
ligers 13 9 LIGER, the offspring...
ligges 14 11 LIGGE, (dialect) to...
lights 16 11 LIGHT, to illuminate...
lignes 12 10 LIGNE, a measure of...
likens 12 12 LIKEN, to represent...
likers 13 11 LIKER, one who likes...
likins 13 12 LIKIN, an old Chines...
lilacs 16 11 LILAC, a flowering s...
lilies 13 8 LILY, any plant or f...
limans 12 11 LIMAN, the deposit o...
limbas 15 13 LIMBA, a kind of Afr...
limbos 15 13 LIMBO, a place of ob...
limbus 16 14 a distinctive border...
limens 12 11 LIMEN, a threshold,...
limeys 19 12 LIMEY, a British sai...
limits 14 10 LIMIT, to restrict [...
limmas 14 13 LIMMA, in prosody, a...
limous 13 11 (archaic) muddy, sli...
limpas 15 13 LIMPA, rye bread mad...
linacs 14 11 LINAC, a linear part...
linens 10 9 LINEN, a fabric wove...
liners 11 8 LINER, a passenger s...
lingas 12 10 LINGA, (Sanskrit) th...
lingos 12 10 LINGO, (colloquial)...
linins 11 9 LININ, (Greek) a sub...
linums 13 12 LINUM, a plant of th...
lipids 15 11 LIPID, any of a clas...
lipins 14 11 LIPIN, any of a clas...
lisles 13 8 LISLE, a fine, tight...
lisses 12 7 LIS, a heraldic fleu...
liters 12 7 LITER, (US) a measur...
lithes 14 9 LITHE, to listen [v]
lithos 14 9 LITHO, to make a lit...
litmus 14 11 a substance that cha...
litres 12 7 LITRE, a unit of cap...
lituus 13 9 a J-shaped Roman tru...
livens 13 12 LIVEN, to make livel...
livers 14 11 LIVER, to thicken or...
livors 14 11 LIVOR, lividness of...
livres 14 11 LIVRE, a former mone...
llamas 13 11 LLAMA, a South Ameri...
llanos 11 9 LLANO, an open, gras...
loaves 12 11 LOAVE, to form a hea...
locals 15 11 LOCAL, a person belo...
loches 16 12 LOCHE, a fish of the...
locies 14 10 LOCIE, an engine use...
locoes 13 10 LOCO, to poison with...
locums 16 14 LOCUM, a temporary s...
lodens 10 9 LODEN, (German) a th...
lodges 12 10 LODGE, to provide te...
logans 11 10 LOGAN, a rocking-sto...
logics 16 12 LOGIC, the science o...
logies 12 9 LOGIE, the space in...
logins 12 10 LOGIN, access to a m...
logons 11 10 LOGON [v]
lohans 12 10 LOHAN, (Sanskrit) a...
lologs 13 10 LOLOG, the logarithm...
loners 10 8 LONER, one who avoid...
longas 11 10 LONGA, a long note [...
longes 11 10 LONGE, to guide a ho...
looeys 16 9 LOOEY, a lieutenant...
loofas 12 10 LOOFA, a tropical vi...
looies 10 7 LOOIE, (colloquial)...
loords 11 8 LOORD, a lout [n]
looses 10 7 LOOSE, to set free,...
looves 12 11 LOOF, the palm of th...
lopers 13 10 LOPER, one of a pair...
lorans 10 8 LORAN, an acronym fo...
lorels 12 8 LOREL, a good for no...
lorics 15 10 LORIC, a leather cor...
lories 11 7 LORY, (Malay) a kind...
losels 12 8 LOSEL, a good for no...
losers 11 7 LOSER, one who loses...
losses 11 7 LOSS, the act of one...
lotahs 13 9 LOTAH, a small brass...
lottes 11 7 LOTTE, (French) a fo...
lottos 11 7 LOTTO, a game played...
loughs 15 12 LOUGH, (Irish) a lak...
louies 11 8 LOUIE, (colloquial)...
loumas 12 11 LOUMA, a weekly mark...
lounds 11 10 LOUND, (Scots) to ca...
loupes 13 11 LOUPE, (French) a je...
loures 11 8 LOURE, (French) an o...
louses 11 8 LOUSE, to spoil or b...
lovats 13 11 LOVAT, a greyish or...
lovers 13 11 LOVER, someone who l...
loveys 19 13 LOVEY, a term of end...
lovies 13 11 LOVIE, an endearment...
lowans 13 11 LOWAN, (Native Austr...
lowers 14 10 LOWER, to appear dar...
lownds 14 12 LOWND, to calm, also...
lownes 13 11 LOWNE, to calm, also...
lowses 14 10 LOWSE, to loosen [v]
lozens 13 17 LOZEN, (Scots) a win...
lubras 14 11 LUBRA, (Native Austr...
lucres 15 11 LUCRE, sordid gain;...
luffas 16 14 LUFFA, a kind of vin...
lugers 13 10 LUGER, one who rides...
lumbus 16 15 (Latin) the part of...
lumens 12 12 LUMEN, a unit of lum...
lunars 11 9 LUNAR, the distance...
lunets 11 9 LUNET, a little moon...
lunges 12 11 LUNGE, to make a sud...
lungis 13 11 LUNGI, (Hindi) in In...
lunies 11 9 LUNY, a crazy person...
lupins 14 12 LUPIN, any papiliona...
lupous 14 12 pertaining to lupus,...
lurers 12 8 LURER, one who lures...
lurgis 14 10 LURGI, (facetious) a...
lurves 14 12 LURVE, (slang) roman...
lusers 12 8 LUSER, a user of a c...
lushes 14 10 LUSH, to ply with al...
luters 12 8 LUTER, a lute-player...
lutzes 15 17 LUTZ, a jump in figu...
luzzes 18 26 LUZ, a supposedly in...
lyases 17 9 LYASE, an enzyme [n]
lycees 20 12 LYCEE, a French seco...
lyches 23 14 LYCH, a corpse, also...
lycras 21 12 LYCRA, (tradename) a...
lyings 19 12 LYING, the act of ly...
lymphs 24 17 LYMPH, a body fluid...
lynxes 23 17 LYNX, an animal of t...
lyrics 22 12 LYRIC, a lyrical poe...
lysins 18 10 LYSIN, a substance c...
lysols 19 10 LYSOL, (tradename) a...
lyssas 18 9 LYSSA, rabies or hyd...
lythes 20 11 LYTHE, (Scots) a fis...
lyttas 18 9 LYTTA, a fibrous ban...
maases 10 9 MAAS, (South Africa)...
macaws 17 15 MACAW, a large tropi...
macers 14 12 MACER, an official w...
maches 16 14 MACHE, a herb, lamb'...
machos 16 14 MACHO, an aggressive...
macles 15 13 MACLE, a mineral, ak...
macons 13 13 MACON, (French) smok...
macros 14 12 MACRO, in computing,...
madams 12 13 MADAM, to address as...
madges 12 12 MADGE, a type of ham...
madras 11 10 a fine plain-woven c...
madres 11 10 MADRE, (Spanish) mot...
maerls 12 10 MAERL, calcified red...
mafias 13 12 MAFIA, a secret crim...
mafics 17 15 MAFIC, a generally d...
magics 16 14 MAGIC, to work spell...
magmas 13 14 MAGMA, the molten ma...
magnes 11 12 (archaic) a lodeston...
magnus 12 13 as in magnus hitch,...
magots 12 11 MAGOT, (French) the...
mahoes 12 11 MAHOE, a small, bush...
mahuas 13 12 MAHUA, (Hindi) a kin...
mahwas 16 14 MAHWA, (Hindi) a kin...
maikos 12 13 MAIKO, an apprentice...
mailes 12 10 MAILE, a Hawaiian fl...
maills 14 11 MAILL, a payment [n]
maires 11 9 MAIRE, (French) a ma...
maises 11 9 MAISE, a measure of...
maists 12 9 MAIST, (Scots) the m...
maizes 14 18 MAIZE, an American c...
majlis 15 19 (Arabic) an assembly...
majors 13 18 MAJOR, to pursue a s...
makars 12 13 MAKAR, (Scots) a mak...
makers 12 13 MAKER, one that make...
malams 13 13 MALAM, a Muslim scho...
malars 12 10 MALAR, the cheekbone...
maliks 14 14 MALIK, in India, the...
malvas 14 14 MALVA, any plant of...
malwas 15 13 MALWA, a Ugandan dri...
mambas 14 15 MAMBA, a venomous Af...
mambos 14 15 MAMBO, to dance the...
mamees 11 12 MAMEE, a tropical pl...
mameys 18 14 MAMEY, a tropical pl...
mamies 12 12 MAMIE, a tropical pl...
mammas 13 15 MAMMA, the milk glan...
manats 10 10 MANAT, a standard mo...
mancus 14 14 (historical) an Angl...
mandis 11 11 MANDI, (Hindi) a big...
manebs 12 13 MANEB, a powder for...
manehs 12 12 MANEH, (Hebrew) a un...
mangas 11 12 MANGA, an adult comi...
manges 11 12 MANGE, a skin diseas...
mangos 11 12 MANGO, a tropical tr...
manias 10 10 MANIA, an excessive...
manics 14 13 MANIC, someone affec...
manies 10 10 MANY, a great number...
mannas 9 11 MANNA, the food mira...
manoes 9 10 MANO, a stone roller...
manors 10 10 MANOR, the manor hou...
manses 10 10 MANSE, a house alloc...
mantas 10 10 MANTA, a rough-textu...
mantes 10 10 MANTIS, a predatory...
mantis 11 10 a predatory insect,...
mantos 10 10 MANTO, (historical)...
manuls 12 12 MANUL, a kind of Cen...
mapaus 13 13 MAPAU, (Maori) a sma...
maples 14 13 MAPLE, a hardwood tr...
maquis 20 19 a thick underbrush,...
maraes 10 9 MARAE, (Maori) a mee...
marahs 13 11 MARAH, (Hebrew) in B...
marges 12 11 MARGE, (short for) m...
marids 12 10 MARID, (Arabic) a ji...
maries 11 9 MARY, (Australian sl...
markas 12 13 MARKA, the standard...
marles 12 10 MARLE, (obsolete) a...
marons 10 10 MARON, a kind of fre...
marors 11 9 MAROR, (Hebrew) a di...
marras 11 9 MARRA, a Northern En...
marris 12 9 MARRI, (Aborig) a eu...
marses 11 9 MARSE, (US) master [...
masers 11 9 MASER, a device used...
mashes 13 11 MASH, to pound down...
masons 10 10 MASON, to build or r...
massas 11 9 MASSA, (US) master [...
masses 11 9 MASS, to assemble as...
matais 11 9 MATAI, (Maori) a con...
maters 11 9 MATER, (Latin) mothe...
mateys 17 11 MATEY, a friend [n]
maties 11 9 MATY, a friend, also...
matins 11 10 MATIN, (French) a mo...
matjes 13 18 a young herring, tre...
matlos 12 10 MATLO, a seaman, als...
matres 11 9 MATER, (Latin) mothe...
mattes 11 9 MATTE, a molten mixt...
matzas 14 18 MATZA, (Yiddish) unl...
matzos 14 18 MATZO, (Yiddish) unl...
maunds 11 12 MAUND, (obsolete) to...
mauris 12 10 MAURI, (Maori) the s...
mauves 13 14 MAUVE, a purple colo...
mavens 12 14 MAVEN, (US slang) an...
mavies 13 13 MAVIE, the throstle...
mavins 13 14 MAVIN, (US slang) an...
mawpus 17 16 (slang) a small coin...
maxims 19 19 MAXIM, a brief expre...
maybes 19 14 MAYBE, an uncertaint...
mayors 17 11 MAYOR, the chief exe...
mazers 14 18 MAZER, a large drink...
mazuts 15 19 MAZUT, petroleum res...
mbiras 14 12 MBIRA, an African mu...
meanes 9 10 MEANE, (Scots) to la...
meares 10 9 MEARE, (Spenser) to...
meases 10 9 MEASE, (Scots) to ma...
meaths 13 11 MEATH, (obsolete) an...
meatus 11 10 a natural body passa...
meawes 13 12 (Spenser) mews, gull...
meccas 17 15 MECCA, a place visit...
medals 12 11 MEDAL, to honour wit...
medias 11 10 MEDIA, the middle la...
medics 15 13 MEDIC, one engaged i...
medius 12 11 the middle finger [n...
medles 12 11 MEDLE, (Shakespeare)...
megass 12 11 crushed sugarcane, a...
meiths 14 11 MEITH, (Scots) a lan...
mejlis 15 19 (Arabic) an assembly...
mekkas 13 17 MEKKA, a place visit...
melees 11 10 MELEE, (French) a co...
melics 16 13 MELIC, a type of per...
meliks 14 14 MELIK, in India, the...
melons 11 11 MELON, any of severa...
menads 10 11 MENAD, a female foll...
menges 11 12 MENGE, (archaic) to...
mensas 10 10 MENSA, the grinding...
menses 10 10 MENSE, to do honour...
mentos 10 10 MENTO, a traditional...
merces 14 12 MERC, (short for) a...
merdes 11 10 MERDE, (French) excr...
merels 12 10 MEREL, a counter use...
merges 12 11 MERGE, to combine [v...
merils 13 10 MERIL, a counter use...
merits 12 9 MERIT, to deserve [v...
merles 12 10 MERLE, a blackbird,...
merses 11 9 MERSE, (Scots) a low...
mesels 12 10 MESEL, (obsolete) a...
meshes 13 11 MESH, to entangle [v...
mesnes 10 10 MESNE, a legal inter...
mesons 10 10 MESON, a short-lived...
messes 11 9 MESS, to make dirty...
metals 12 10 METAL, to cover with...
meters 11 9 METER, to measure by...
methos 13 11 METHO, (Australian s...
metics 15 12 METIC, (historical)...
metifs 14 12 METIF, (French) the...
metols 12 10 METOL, a coal tar de...
metres 11 9 METRE, to measure by...
metros 11 9 METRO, an urban rail...
meuses 11 10 MEUSE, to pass throu...
mewses 14 12 MEWS, to pass throug...
mezzes 17 27 MEZZ [n]
mezzos 17 27 MEZZO, (short for) m...
mhorrs 14 11 MHORR, a West Africa...
miaous 11 10 MIAOU, to make the s...
miaows 14 12 MIAOW, to make the s...
miasms 13 12 MIASM, a noxious vap...
miauls 13 11 MIAUL, to make the s...
miches 17 14 MICHE, to play truan...
michts 18 14 MICHT, (Scots) might...
micros 15 12 MICRO, (short for) a...
midges 13 12 MIDGE, a small gnatl...
midsts 13 10 MIDST, the middle [n...
mieves 13 13 MIEVE, (Spenser) to...
mights 16 13 MIGHT, strength, als...
mikvas 15 17 MIKVA, (Hebrew) a pl...
mikvos 15 17 MIKVAH, (Hebrew) a p...
milers 13 10 MILER, one who runs...
milkos 14 14 MILKO, a man who sel...
milles 14 11 MILLE, (French) a th...
milors 13 10 MILOR, (French) a te...
milpas 15 13 MILPA, (Spanish) in...
mimeos 12 12 MIMEO, to copy by mi...
mimers 13 12 MIMER, one that mime...
mimics 17 15 MIMIC, to imitate [v...
minars 11 10 MINAR, (Arabic) a to...
minces 14 13 MINCE, to cut into v...
miners 11 10 MINER, one that mine...
minges 12 12 MINGE, (offensive) t...
minims 13 13 MINIM, a note with t...
minkes 12 14 MINKE, a kind of sma...
minors 11 10 MINOR, to study a su...
minxes 17 17 MINX, a pert girl [n...
mioses 11 9 MIOSIS, (Greek) exce...
miosis 12 9 (Greek) excessive co...
mirids 13 10 MIRID, a variety of...
mirins 12 10 MIRIN, a sweet rice...
mirths 15 11 MIRTH, merriness [n]
mirzas 15 18 MIRZA, a Persian tit...
misers 12 9 MISER, one who hoard...
misses 12 9 MISS, to fail to mak...
missis 13 9 (colloquial) wife, a...
missus 13 10 (colloquial) a wife,...
miters 12 9 MITER, (US) to join...
mitres 12 9 MITRE, to join with...
miurus 13 11 a hexameter with a s...
mixens 17 17 MIXEN, a dunghill [n...
mixers 18 16 MIXER, one that mixe...
mixups 21 20 MIXUP, a state of co...
mizens 14 19 MIZEN, in a three-ma...
mizzes 18 27 MIZZ, (colloquial) m...
mnemes 11 13 MNEME, the persistin...
mobeys 19 14 MOBEY, (slang) a mob...
mobies 13 12 MOBY, (slang) a mobi...
mobles 14 13 MOBLE, (obsolete) to...
mochas 16 14 MOCHA, a choice, pun...
mochis 17 14 MOCHI, (Japanese) a...
modals 12 11 MODAL, a modal auxil...
models 12 11 MODEL, to form a pla...
modems 12 13 MODEM, to transmit b...
moders 11 10 MODER, (German) a la...
modges 12 12 MODGE, (Dial) to do...
modius 12 11 a Roman dry measure...
moguls 14 13 MOGUL, an influentia...
mohels 14 12 MOHEL, a person who...
mohuas 13 12 MOHUA, a small New Z...
mohurs 14 12 MOHUR, a former gold...
moiles 12 10 MOILE, a type of ric...
moires 11 9 MOIRE, a fabric havi...
moists 12 9 MOIST, to wet slight...
mojoes 12 18 MOJO, a magic charm...
molars 12 10 MOLAR, a grinding to...
molies 12 10 MOLY, a magical herb...
mollas 13 11 MOLLA, (Arabic) a Mu...
mommas 13 15 MOMMA, (colloquial)...
monads 10 11 MONAD, the number on...
monals 11 11 MONAL, a Himalayan p...
mondes 10 11 MONDE, (French) the...
mondos 10 11 MONDO, a Zen Buddhis...
moneys 16 12 MONEY, an official m...
mongos 11 12 MONGO, the waste pro...
monies 10 10 MONEY, an official m...
montes 10 10 MONS, a protuberance...
months 13 12 MONTH, one of the tw...
moolas 11 10 MOOLA, (slang) money...
moolis 12 10 MOOLI, an East Afric...
mooves 12 13 MOOVE, (obsolete) to...
mopeds 13 13 MOPED, a type of mot...
mopers 13 12 MOPER, one who mopes...
morals 12 10 MORAL, (archaic) to...
morass 11 9 a very wet or muddy...
morats 11 9 MORAT, a drink made...
morays 17 11 MORAY, a kind of eel...
morbus 14 13 (Latin) a disease, i...
morels 12 10 MOREL, a kind of edi...
morias 11 9 MORIA, (Greek) folly...
mornes 10 10 MORNE, the blunt end...
morons 10 10 MORON, a mentally de...
morphs 16 14 MORPH, to gradually...
morras 11 9 MORRA, a game of gue...
morris 12 9 an English folk danc...
morros 11 9 MORRO, a rounded ele...
morses 11 9 MORSE, (French) a wa...
moseys 17 11 MOSEY, to saunter [v...
moshes 13 11 MOSH, to dance frant...
mosses 11 9 MOSS, to cover with...
motels 12 10 MOTEL, a roadside ho...
motets 11 9 MOTET, (French) a ki...
moteys 17 11 MOTEY, a pigment mad...
motifs 14 12 MOTIF, (French) a di...
motors 11 9 MOTOR, to travel by...
mottes 11 9 MOTTE, an artificial...
mottos 11 9 MOTTO, a short expre...
motzas 14 18 MOTZA, (Australian s...
moulds 13 12 MOULD, to work into...
moults 13 11 MOULT, to shed feath...
mounds 11 12 MOUND, to heap in a...
mounts 11 11 MOUNT, to climb [v]
mourns 11 11 MOURN, to feel or ex...
mouses 11 10 MOUSE, to hunt mice...
mousts 12 10 MOUST, to powder, al...
mouths 14 12 MOUTH, to feed into...
movers 13 13 MOVER, one that move...
movies 13 13 MOVIE, a motion pict...
mowers 14 12 MOWER, one that mows...
mowras 14 12 MOWRA, (Hindi) a kin...
moxies 17 16 MOXIE, (US slang) co...
moyles 18 12 MOYLE, to moil, toil...
mozzes 17 27 MOZZ, (Australian sl...
mprets 14 12 MPRET, a former titl...
muches 17 15 MUCH, a great deal [...
mucins 15 14 MUCIN, a protein sec...
mucors 15 13 MUCOR, a genus of mo...
mucous 15 14 containing mucus, al...
mucros 15 13 MUCRO, a sharp point...
mudges 13 13 MUDGE, to equivocate...
mudirs 13 11 MUDIR, (Arabic) a lo...
mudras 12 11 MUDRA, a hand gestur...
muftis 15 13 MUFTI, civilian dres...
muggas 14 14 MUGGA, (Native Austr...
muists 13 10 MUIST, to powder, al...
mujiks 16 23 MUJIK, (Russian) a R...
mulcts 17 14 MULCT, to take money...
muleys 19 13 MULEY, a hornless co...
mulgas 14 13 MULGA, (Native Austr...
mulies 13 11 MULIE, a western Nor...
mullas 14 12 MULLA, (Arabic) a Mu...
mulses 13 11 MULSE, (obsolete) a...
mungas 12 13 MUNGA, (New Zealand)...
munges 12 13 MUNGE, to create a s...
mungos 12 13 MUNGO, the waste pro...
muntus 12 12 MUNTU, a black Afric...
murals 13 11 MURAL, a painting on...
murids 13 11 MURID, any of the fa...
murras 12 10 MURRA, an ancient Ro...
murres 12 10 MURRE, a guillemot,...
murris 13 10 MURRI, (Native Austr...
murtis 13 10 MURTI, (Sanskrit) an...
murvas 14 14 MURVA, a bowstring h...
musars 12 10 MUSAR, (Yiddish) Rab...
musers 12 10 MUSER, one who muses...
musets 12 10 MUSET, a gap in a fe...
mushes 14 12 MUSH, to reduce to m...
musics 16 13 MUSIC, to perform th...
musits 13 10 MUSIT, a gap in a fe...
musses 12 10 MUSS, to disarrange,...
musths 15 12 MUSTH, a state of fr...
muthas 14 12 MUTHA, (slang) a mot...
mutons 11 11 MUTON, a unit of nuc...
muzaks 16 23 MUZAK, piped backgro...
muzzes 18 28 MUZZ, to make muzzy...
mvules 15 15 MVULE, an African tr...
myalls 20 13 MYALL, (Native Austr...
myases 17 11 MYASIS, infestation...
myasis 18 11 infestation of human...
mylars 19 12 MYLAR, strong polyes...
mynahs 19 14 MYNAH, (Hindi) an As...
myoids 18 12 MYOID, a section of...
myomas 18 14 MYOMA, a tumour comp...
myopes 19 14 MYOPE, a person havi...
myoses 17 11 MYOSIS, (Greek) exce...
myosis 18 11 (Greek) excessive co...
myrrhs 21 13 MYRRH, an aromatic g...
mysids 19 12 MYSID, a kind of sma...
mythos 20 13 a type of traditiona...
mythus 21 14 a type of traditiona...
nablas 12 11 NABLA, in Cartesian...
nabobs 13 13 NABOB, (Urdu) a prov...
nachas 14 12 (Yiddish) pride in a...
naches 14 12 NACH, (Hindi) an ent...
nachos 14 12 NACHO, (Spanish) a c...
nacres 12 10 NACRE, mother-of-pea...
nadirs 10 8 NADIR, (Arabic) the...
nadors 9 8 (South African) thir...
naeves 10 11 NAEVE, (obsolete) a...
naevus 11 12 a birthmark, also NA...
nagors 10 9 NAGOR, a reedbuck of...
nahals 12 10 NAHAL, (Hebrew) in I...
naiads 9 8 NAIAD, a water nymph...
nairas 9 7 NAIRA, a Nigerian cu...
nairus 10 8 NAIRU, an acronym fo...
naives 11 11 NAIVE, an unsophisti...
nakers 10 11 NAKER, a small kettl...
nakfas 12 14 NAKFA, the standard...
naleds 10 9 NALED, an agricultur...
nallas 11 9 NALLA, (Hindi) a rav...
namers 10 10 NAMER, one who names...
nances 11 11 NANCE, an effeminate...
nandus 9 10 NANDU, the rhea, or...
nannas 7 9 NANNA, (colloquial)...
nanuas 8 9 NANUA, (Maori) a New...
naoses 8 7 NAOS, (Greek) the in...
napoos 10 10 NAPOO, to use up [v]
nappas 13 13 NAPPA, a kind of sof...
nappes 13 13 NAPPE, a sheet of ro...
narcos 12 10 NARCO, (short for) a...
narras 9 7 an edible melonlike...
nasals 10 8 NASAL, a sound utter...
nashis 12 9 NASHI, (Japanese) an...
naunts 9 9 NAUNT, (archaic) an...
navars 11 11 NAVAR, a system of a...
navels 12 12 NAVEL, a depression...
navews 14 14 NAVEW, a wild Swedis...
navies 11 11 NAVY, a nation's war...
nawabs 14 13 NAWAB, (Urdu) a gove...
nazirs 13 16 NAZIR, an Indian cou...
neafes 10 10 NEAFE, (Shakespeare)...
nebeks 12 14 NEBEK, a prickly shr...
nebels 12 11 NEBEL, (Hebrew) a He...
nebris 12 10 (Latin) a fawn-skin...
neelds 10 9 NEELD, a needle, als...
neeles 9 8 NEELE, (obsolete) a...
neembs 12 13 NEEMB, (Hindi) an Ea...
neeses 8 7 NEESE, (Scots) to sn...
neezes 11 16 NEEZE, (Scots) to sn...
neighs 13 11 NEIGH, to utter the...
neives 11 11 NEIVE, (archaic) the...
nelies 10 8 a winter pear, also...
nepers 11 10 NEPER, a unit for ex...
nepits 12 10 NEPIT, a unit of inf...
nerals 10 8 NERAL, the trans-iso...
nereis 9 7 a marine worm [n NER...
nerkas 10 11 NERKA, the sockeye s...
nerols 10 8 NEROL, a fragrant al...
nerves 11 11 NERVE, to give coura...
nesses 9 7 NESS, a headland [n]
netops 11 10 NETOP, a friend, com...
neumes 10 11 NEUME, a succession...
nevels 12 12 NEVEL, (Scots) to po...
newels 13 11 NEWEL, a post suppor...
newies 12 10 NEWIE, (Australian s...
newses 12 10 NEWS, to report rece...
ngaios 10 9 NGAIO, (Maori) a New...
nganas 9 10 NGANA, (Zulu) a trop...
ngatis 11 9 NGATI, (Maori) a tri...
ngomas 11 12 NGOMA, (Swahili) a t...
ngwees 13 12 NGWEE, (Bantu) a Zam...
nicads 13 11 NICAD, (short for) n...
niches 15 12 NICHE, to place in a...
nichts 16 12 NICHT, (Scots) night...
nicols 14 11 NICOL, a crystal of...
nidors 10 8 NIDOR, (Latin) the s...
nieces 12 10 NIECE, a daughter of...
nieves 11 11 NIEVE, (archaic) the...
nigers 11 9 NIGER, (obsolete) a...
nights 14 11 NIGHT, the period fr...
nihils 14 10 NIHIL, (Latin) nothi...
nikabs 13 14 NIKAB, a veil coveri...
nikahs 13 13 NIKAH, in Islamic ma...
nikaus 11 12 NIKAU, (Maori) a typ...
nimbus 14 14 a halo; a type of cl...
niners 9 8 NINER, a student in...
ninjas 11 17 NINJA, (Japanese) on...
ninons 8 9 NINON, a sheer fabri...
ninths 12 10 NINTH, one of nine e...
niqabs 20 19 NIQAB, (Arabic) a ve...
niseis 10 7 NISEI, (Japanese) a...
nishes 12 9 NISH, (colloquial) n...
nisses 10 7 NISSE, in Scandinavi...
niters 10 7 NITER, potassium nit...
nitons 9 8 NITON, an old name f...
nitres 10 7 NITRE, potassium nit...
nitros 10 7 NITRO, (short for) n...
nixers 16 14 NIXER, (Australian s...
nixies 16 14 NIXY, a female nix o...
nizams 14 19 NIZAM, (Hindi) the t...
nkosis 11 11 NKOSI, (South Africa...
nobles 12 11 NOBLE, a person of h...
nodous 9 9 having nodes, also N...
noeses 8 7 NOESIS, intellectual...
noesis 9 7 intellectual reasoni...
noints 9 8 NOINT, to anoint [v]
noises 9 7 NOISE, to spread as...
nomads 10 11 NOMAD, a member of a...
nomens 9 11 NOMEN, (Latin) a nam...
nonces 11 11 NONCE, the present o...
nonets 8 8 NONET, a musical pie...
nonyls 16 11 NONYL, a hydrocarbon...
nooses 8 7 NOOSE, to secure wit...
nopals 12 11 NOPAL, a Central Ame...
norias 9 7 NORIA, (Arabic) esp....
normas 10 10 NORMA, (Latin) a nor...
norths 12 9 NORTH, to head north...
nosers 9 7 NOSER, (slang) a blo...
noseys 15 9 NOSEY, a prying pers...
noshes 11 9 NOSH, to eat snacks...
nosies 9 7 NOSY, a prying perso...
nostos 9 7 a Greek poem describ...
noters 9 7 NOTER, a person who...
noules 10 9 NOULE, the top of th...
nouses 9 8 NOUS, intellect, com...
novels 12 12 NOVEL, a fictional p...
novums 13 15 NOVUM, (Shakespeare)...
noways 18 12 in no way, also NOWA...
noyaus 15 10 NOYAU, (French) a li...
noyous 15 10 (Spenser) vexatious,...
nubias 12 11 NUBIA, a woman's sof...
nudges 11 11 NUDGE, to poke gentl...
nudies 10 9 NUDIE, (slang) a fil...
nullas 12 10 NULLA, (Hindi) a rav...
nurses 10 8 NURSE, to care for t...
nutsos 10 8 NUTSO, (Australian s...
nyaffs 20 15 NYAFF, to yelp, yap...
nyalas 16 10 NYALA, a kind of ant...
nyases 15 9 NYAS, (obsolete) a y...
nylons 16 11 NYLON, (tradename) a...
nymphs 22 17 NYMPH [n]
nyssas 16 9 NYSSA, a tree of a g...
oakers 10 10 OAKER, (Spenser) och...
oakies 10 10 OAKY, an icecream [n...
oakums 12 14 OAKUM, old ropes unt...
oaters 9 6 OATER, a cowboy movi...
obangs 12 12 OBANG, (Japanese) an...
obeahs 13 11 OBEAH, to bewitch [v...
obelus 13 11 a symbol used in anc...
objets 14 18 OBJET, (French) an o...
oboles 12 10 OBOLE, a medieval Fr...
obolus 13 11 in the Middle Ages,...
obsess 12 9 to dominate the thou...
occams 17 15 OCCAM, a computer pr...
occies 16 12 OCCY, in the phrase...
occurs 17 13 OCCUR, to take place...
oceans 11 10 OCEAN, one of the va...
ochers 15 11 OCHER, a native pigm...
ochres 15 11 OCHRE, to colour wit...
ockers 14 13 OCKER, (Australian s...
ocreas 12 9 OCREA, (Latin) a she...
octads 13 10 OCTAD, a group of ei...
octals 14 10 OCTAL, a number syst...
octans 12 10 OCTAN, a fever recur...
octets 13 9 OCTET, a composition...
octyls 21 12 OCTYL, a type of hyd...
oculus 15 12 (Latin) any eyelike...
odeons 8 8 ODEON, (Greek) a bui...
odeums 11 11 ODEUM, (Latin) a bui...
odious 10 8 hateful, repugnant [...
odisms 12 10 ODISM, belief in the...
odists 11 7 ODIST, one who write...
odiums 12 11 ODIUM, (Latin) hatre...
odours 10 8 ODOUR, any smell, wh...
odyles 17 10 ODYLE, a mystical pe...
offals 15 13 OFFAL, waste or reje...
offers 14 12 OFFER, to present fo...
offies 14 12 OFFIE, (slang) an of...
oflags 14 12 OFLAG, a prisoner of...
oggins 12 11 OGGIN, (slang) naval...
oghams 14 13 OGHAM, (Irish) a 6th...
ogives 13 12 OGIVE, a pointed arc...
oglers 12 9 OGLER, one who ogles...
ogress 11 8 a female ogre [n -ES...
oilers 11 7 OILER, someone who o...
oilgas 12 9 a gaseous mixture of...
ojimes 13 18 OJIME, (Japanese) a...
okapis 13 13 OKAPI, an animal lik...
oldens 10 9 OLDEN, to grow old [...
oldies 11 8 OLDY, (colloquial) a...
oleins 10 8 OLEIN, a glycerine e...
oleums 12 11 OLEUM, fuming sulphu...
olives 13 11 OLIVE, the small ova...
ollavs 14 12 OLLAV, (Irish) an Ir...
ollers 12 8 OLLER, (dialect) was...
ollies 12 8 OLLIE [n]
ombers 13 12 OMBER, a card game,...
ombres 13 12 OMBRE, a card game,...
omegas 11 11 OMEGA, a Greek lette...
omlahs 14 12 OMLAH, an Indian sta...
omrahs 13 11 OMRAH, a Muslim lord...
oncers 12 10 ONCER, (slang) a one...
onions 8 8 ONION, to apply an o...
oniums 11 11 ONIUM, a compound co...
onlays 16 10 ONLAY, an artificial...
onsets 9 7 ONSET, a beginning [...
onuses 9 8 ONUS, responsibility...
onyxes 21 16 ONYX, a form of chal...
oobits 12 9 OOBIT, a hairy cater...
oodles 10 8 a large amount, also...
oomphs 15 14 OOMPH, spirited vigo...
ootids 10 7 OOTID, one of the fo...
opepes 13 12 OPEPE, a West Africa...
operas 11 9 OPERA, a form of mus...
opines 11 10 OPINE, to hold as an...
opiums 14 13 OPIUM, an addictive...
opsins 12 10 OPSIN, a protein whi...
opters 12 9 OPTER, someone who o...
optics 16 12 OPTIC, an eye [n]
opulus 14 12 the guelder-rose [n...
opuses 12 10 OPUS, (Latin) a work...
orangs 10 9 ORANG, (Malay) a red...
orants 9 7 ORANT, a representat...
orates 9 6 ORATE, to speak form...
orbits 13 9 ORBIT, to revolve ar...
orchis 16 11 (Greek) any flower o...
orcins 13 10 ORCIN, a chekical co...
orders 10 7 ORDER, to give a com...
oreads 9 7 OREAD, a mountain ny...
orexis 16 13 (Greek) an appetite...
organs 10 9 ORGAN, a musical ins...
orgias 11 8 ORGIA, a revel of de...
orgies 11 8 ORGY, a revel of deb...
orgues 11 9 ORGUE, (obsolete) a...
oribis 13 9 ORIBI, an African an...
oriels 11 7 ORIEL, a projecting...
orixas 16 13 ORIXA, any of the mi...
orlons 10 8 ORLON, (tradename) a...
orlops 13 10 ORLOP, the lowest de...
ormers 11 9 ORMER, a sea snail o...
orpins 12 10 ORPIN, a yellow pigm...
orthos 12 8 ORTHO, short for ort...
orvals 13 11 ORVAL, a plant of th...
oryxes 22 15 ORYX, a kind of Afri...
oscars 13 9 OSCAR, (Australian s...
oshacs 15 11 OSHAC, the ammoniac...
osiers 10 6 OSIER, a species of...
osmics 15 12 the study of the sen...
osmols 12 10 OSMOL, a unit of osm...
osmous 11 10 containing osmium in...
ossias 10 6 OSSIA, (Italian) in...
otakus 11 11 OTAKU, in Japan, a y...
others 12 8 OTHER, one that rema...
otitis 11 6 inflammation of the...
ottars 10 6 OTTAR, a fragrant es...
otters 10 6 OTTER, to fish with...
oubaas 11 10 (Afrikaans) someone...
oubits 13 10 OUBIT, a hairy cater...
ouches 15 12 OUCH, to set a preci...
ouchts 16 12 OUCHT, (Scots) anyth...
oughts 14 11 OUGHT, to owe [v]
ouijas 12 16 OUIJA, (tradename) a...
ounces 12 11 OUNCE, a measurement...
ouphes 14 12 OUPHE, (Shakespeare)...
ousels 11 8 OUSEL, a European bi...
outers 10 7 OUTER, a part of an...
outgas 11 9 to remove gas from [...
outros 10 7 OUTRO, an instrument...
ouzels 14 17 OUZEL, a European bi...
ovates 11 10 OVATE, to receive wi...
ovibos 14 13 the musk ox [n -ES]
ovines 11 11 OVINE, a sheep or si...
ovists 13 10 OVIST, a believer th...
ovoids 12 11 OVOID, an egg-shaped...
ovolos 12 11 OVOLO, a moulding wi...
ovules 13 12 OVULE, the structure...
owches 18 14 OWCHE, (archaic) a s...
owlers 14 10 OWLER, a smuggler of...
owlets 14 10 OWLET, a young owl,...
owners 12 10 OWNER, one that owns...
oxalis 17 14 a plant of the wood-...
oxbows 21 19 OXBOW, a pronounced...
oxeyes 21 15 OXEYE, a wild chrysa...
oxides 16 14 OXIDE, a compound co...
oximes 17 16 OXIME, any of a numb...
oxlips 20 17 OXLIP, a flower like...
oxters 16 13 OXTER, (Scots) to ta...
oyeses 15 8 OYES, a proclamation...
oyezes 18 17 OYEZ, a proclamation...
ozekis 14 19 OZEKI, a champion su...
ozones 11 16 OZONE, an allotropic...
ozzies 16 24 OZZIE, (dialect) a h...
pacers 15 12 PACER, a horse whose...
pachas 17 14 PACHA, a former Turk...
padkos 13 14 (South African) snac...
padles 13 11 PADLE, (Scots) a fis...
padmas 13 13 PADMA, (Sanskrit) th...
padres 12 10 PADRE, (Italian) fat...
paeans 10 10 PAEAN, a song of tha...
paedos 11 10 PAEDO, (short for) a...
paeons 10 10 PAEON, a foot of fou...
pagans 12 12 PAGAN, an irreligiou...
pagers 13 11 PAGER, an electronic...
pagles 14 12 PAGLE, the cowslip,...
pagods 13 12 PAGOD, an Eastern te...
pagris 14 11 PAGRI, (Hindi) a tur...
paints 12 10 PAINT, to apply colo...
paires 12 9 PAIRE, (obsolete) an...
paisas 12 9 PAISA, (Hindi) an In...
palais 13 10 (French) a palace [n...
palays 19 12 PALAY, the ivory tre...
palets 13 10 PALET, the membranou...
palkis 15 14 PALKI, (Hindi) a pal...
palpus 16 14 (Latin) a sense orga...
palsas 13 10 PALSA, (Finnish) a l...
pampas 15 15 a treeless plain, al...
pances 14 13 PANCE, (obsolete) th...
pandas 11 11 PANDA, a bear-like c...
panels 12 11 PANEL, to decorate w...
pangas 12 12 PANGA, (Swahili) an...
panics 15 13 PANIC, to experience...
panims 13 13 PANIM, a heathen, al...
pankos 12 14 PANKO, a variety of...
pannes 10 11 PANNE, a heavy lustr...
pannus 11 12 a pathological overg...
pantos 11 10 PANTO, (short for) p...
papaws 17 15 PAPAW, a tree of the...
papers 14 12 PAPER, to cover with...
pappus 17 16 a ring of downy hair...
parens 11 10 PAREN, (short for) p...
pareos 11 9 PAREO, a Polynesian...
parers 12 9 PARER, an instrument...
pareus 12 10 PAREU, a Polynesian...
parges 13 11 PARGE, to cover with...
pargos 13 11 PARGO, (Spanish) a k...
paries 12 9 the wall of an organ...
parkas 13 13 PARKA, a fur shirt o...
parkis 14 13 PARKI, a fur shirt o...
parles 13 10 PARLE, to discuss te...
parols 13 10 PAROL, a parole [n]
parous 12 10 bearing or having bo...
parras 12 9 PARRA, (Australian s...
parses 12 9 PARSE, to describe a...
partis 13 9 PARTI, (French) a gr...
parvis 15 13 an enclosed area in...
parvos 14 13 PARVO, (short for) a...
paseos 11 9 PASEO, (Spanish) a w...
pashas 14 11 PASHA, a former Turk...
pashes 14 11 PASH, to strike viol...
pashms 16 14 PASHM, the fine unde...
paskas 13 13 PASKA, (Russian) a R...
passes 12 9 PASS, to go by [v]
passus 13 10 (Latin) a section of...
pastas 12 9 PASTA, a food made o...
pastes 12 9 PASTE, to fasten wit...
pastis 13 9 (French) a French an...
patens 11 10 PATEN, a plate; a me...
paters 12 9 PATER, a father [n]
pathos 14 11 a quality that arous...
patins 12 10 PATIN, (obsolete) a...
patios 12 9 PATIO, an outdoor pa...
patkas 13 13 PATKA, a scarf worn...
patois 12 9 (French) a spoken re...
pattes 12 9 PATTE, a narrow band...
pauses 12 10 PAUSE, to stop tempo...
pavans 13 14 PAVAN, a slow, state...
pavens 13 14 PAVEN, a stately Eng...
pavers 14 13 PAVER, a person who...
pavins 14 14 PAVIN, a stately Eng...
pawaws 18 15 PAWAW, to hold such...
pawers 15 12 PAWER, one who paws...
payees 17 11 PAYEE, one to whom m...
payers 18 11 PAYER, one who pays,...
payess 18 11 (Yiddish) uncut side...
payors 18 11 PAYOR, one who pays,...
peaces 14 12 PEACE, (Shakespeare)...
peages 12 11 PEAGE, a form of cur...
peares 11 9 PEARE, (Spenser) a p...
pearls 13 10 PEARL, to adorn with...
peases 11 9 PEASE, (obsolete) to...
peazes 14 18 PEAZE, to weigh, als...
pecans 14 13 PECAN, a nut-bearing...
peckes 16 16 PECKE, (Shakespeare)...
pedals 13 11 PEDAL, to operate by...
pedros 12 10 PEDRO, a card game [...
peeces 14 12 PEECE, (obsolete) a...
peeoys 17 11 PEEOY, (Scots) a hom...
peepes 13 12 PEEPE, (Shakespeare)...
peeves 13 13 PEEVE, to irritate [...
peises 12 9 PEISE, to weigh, als...
peizes 15 18 PEIZE, to weigh, als...
pekans 12 14 PEKAN, a large North...
pekins 13 14 PEKIN, a fine soft s...
pekoes 12 13 PEKOE, (Chinese) a k...
pelaus 13 11 PELAU, a dish made w...
pelmas 14 13 PELMA, an impression...
pelons 12 11 PELON, a hairless pe...
peltas 13 10 PELTA, an ancient sm...
pelves 15 14 PELVIS, a part of th...
pelvis 16 14 a part of the skelet...
pences 14 13 PENCE, in the United...
pengos 12 12 PENGO, a former mone...
penies 11 10 PENIE, (Spenser) a p...
pennes 10 11 PENNE, (Spenser) a p...
pennis 11 11 PENNI, a Finnish coi...
peones 10 10 PEON, (Spanish) a da...
peplos 15 13 a garment worn by wo...
peplus 16 14 a garment worn by wo...
pepsis 15 12 PEPSI, (offensive) a...
perais 12 9 PERAI, a ferocious,...
perces 15 12 PERCE, (Spenser) to...
perdus 13 11 PERDU, (Shakespeare)...
perils 14 10 PERIL, to put in dan...
perogs 13 11 PEROG, (Russian) a l...
perses 12 9 PERSE, (Spenser) to...
perves 14 13 PERVE [v]
pervos 14 13 PERVO, a pervert, al...
pestos 12 9 PESTO, an Italian sa...
petals 13 10 PETAL, a leaflike pa...
petars 12 9 PETAR, an explosive...
peters 12 9 PETER, to diminish g...
petres 12 9 PETRE, (colloquial)...
pewees 14 12 PEWEE, a small, oliv...
pewits 16 12 PEWIT, a bird, the l...
peyses 18 11 PEYSE, to weigh, als...
phages 15 13 PHAGE, (short for) a...
phangs 15 14 PHANG, (Shakespeare)...
phares 14 11 PHARE, a lighthouse...
pharms 16 14 PHARM, to redirect c...
pharos 14 11 (Greek) a lighthouse...
phases 14 11 PHASIS, a stage in g...
phasis 15 11 a stage in growth or...
pheers 14 11 PHEER, a companion,...
phenes 13 12 PHENE, an old name f...
pheons 13 12 PHEON, the barbed he...
pheses 14 11 PHESE, to unsettle,...
phials 16 12 PHIAL, to keep in a...
phizes 18 20 PHIZ, (colloquial) p...
phocas 17 14 PHOCA, a genus of se...
pholas 15 12 a mollusc of the pid...
phones 13 12 PHONE, to telephone...
phonos 13 12 PHONO, (colloquial)...
photos 14 11 PHOTO, (colloquial)...
physes 21 13 PHYSIS, the principl...
physis 22 13 the principle of gro...
pianos 11 10 PIANO, a pianoforte...
pibals 16 13 PIBAL, a small ballo...
picots 16 12 PICOT, to edge with...
picras 16 12 PICRA, a purgative m...
piculs 18 14 PICUL, a Chinese wei...
pieces 15 12 PIECE, to join into...
piends 12 11 PIEND, an outward po...
pieris 13 9 an American or Asiat...
pierts 13 9 PIERT, a small plant...
pietas 12 9 PIETA, (Italian) a r...
pights 17 13 PIGHT, to pitch (e.g...
pignus 14 13 property held as sec...
pikaus 14 14 PIKAU, (Maori) a ruc...
pikers 14 13 PIKER, a stingy pers...
pikeys 20 15 PIKEY, a derogatory...
pikuls 16 15 PIKUL, a Chinese wei...
pilafs 16 13 PILAF, a dish made f...
pilaos 13 10 PILAO, a dish made f...
pilaus 14 11 PILAU, -(Persian) a...
pilaws 17 13 PILAW, a dish made f...
pileas 13 10 PILEA, the gunpowder...
pilers 14 10 PILER, one who place...
pileus 14 11 the umbrella-shaped...
pilots 14 10 PILOT, to control th...
pilous 14 11 having scattered sof...
pilows 17 13 PILOW, a dish made f...
pingos 13 12 PINGO, (Inuit) a con...
pinies 12 10 PINY, a showy flower...
pinkos 13 14 PINKO, a person who...
pinnas 11 11 PINNA, a leaflet, wi...
pinons 11 11 PINON, (Spanish) an...
pinots 12 10 PINOT, (French) a va...
pintas 12 10 PINTA, a skin diseas...
pintos 12 10 PINTO, (Spanish) a s...
pinups 15 14 PINUP, a picture tha...
pioyes 18 11 PIOYE, (Scots) a hom...
pipals 16 13 PIPAL, (Hindi) the b...
pipers 15 12 PIPER, one who plays...
pipets 15 12 PIPET, a tube for tr...
pipits 16 12 PIPIT, one of severa...
pipuls 17 14 PIPUL, a fig tree fr...
piques 21 19 PIQUE, to arouse ang...
pirais 13 9 PIRAI, a ferocious,...
piscos 16 12 PISCO, a Peruvian br...
pishes 15 11 PISH, to express con...
pisses 13 9 PISS, to urinate [v]
pistes 13 9 PISTE, (French) a sk...
pithos 15 11 a type of Greek stor...
pities 13 9 PITY, to feel sorrow...
pitons 12 10 PITON, a metal spike...
pitots 13 9 PITOT, a tube used t...
pittas 13 9 PITTA, a type of sli...
pivots 15 13 PIVOT, to turn on a...
pixels 20 17 PIXEL, a basic unit...
pixies 19 16 PIXIE, a small fairy...
pizzas 19 27 PIZZA, (Italian) a f...
places 16 13 PLACE, to assign to...
placks 18 17 PLACK, (Scots) a sma...
plages 14 12 PLAGE, a bright regi...
plaids 14 11 PLAID, a long piece...
plains 13 11 PLAIN, to complain [...
plaits 14 10 PLAIT, to braid [v]
planes 12 11 PLANE, to make smoot...
planks 14 15 PLANK, to cover with...
plants 13 11 PLANT, to place in t...
plasms 15 13 PLASM, the liquid pa...
plates 13 10 PLATE, to cover with...
platys 20 12 PLATY, a small tropi...
playas 19 12 PLAYA, (Spanish) a b...
plazas 16 19 PLAZA, (Spanish) a p...
pleads 13 11 PLEAD, to beg for ea...
pleats 13 10 PLEAT, to fold in an...
plebes 15 13 PLEBE, a freshman at...
pleons 12 11 PLEON, (Greek) the a...
plexes 19 17 PLEX [n]
plexus 20 18 an interlacing of pa...
plicas 17 13 PLICA, (Latin) a fol...
pliers 14 10 PLIER, one who plies...
plings 15 13 PLING, to beg [v]
plinks 15 15 PLINK, to shoot at a...
ploats 13 10 PLOAT, (Scots) to di...
plongs 14 13 PLONG, (Spenser) to...
plonks 14 15 PLONK, to fall or dr...
plooks 14 14 PLOOK, (Scots) a pim...
plouks 15 15 PLOUK, (Scots) a pim...
ployes 19 12 PLOYE, a buckwheat p...
plucks 19 18 PLUCK, to pull out o...
pluffs 19 17 PLUFF, to throw out,...
plumbs 18 17 PLUMB, to determine...
plumes 15 14 PLUME, to cover with...
plumps 18 17 PLUMP, to make well...
plunks 15 16 PLUNK, to twang; to...
pluots 14 11 PLUOT, a hybrid frui...
pluses 14 11 PLUS, to increase in...
plyers 20 12 PLYER, one who plies...
poakas 12 13 POAKA, (Maori) a New...
poakes 12 13 POAKE, (Shakespeare)...
poboys 20 14 POBOY, a New Orleans...
podges 13 12 PODGE, a short, thic...
pogeys 19 13 POGEY, in Canada, an...
pogges 14 13 POGGE, the armed bul...
pogies 13 11 POGY, a marine fish...
pogoes 12 11 POGO, (tradename) to...
poilus 14 11 POILU, (French slang...
poinds 12 11 POIND, (Scots) to di...
points 12 10 POINT, to indicate d...
poises 12 9 POISE, to hold in a...
pokals 14 14 POKAL, (German) a ta...
pokers 13 13 POKER, one that poke...
pokeys 19 15 POKEY, jail [n]
pokies 13 13 POKY, jail [n]
polars 13 10 POLAR, a straight li...
poleis 13 10 POLIS, (Greek) an an...
polers 13 10 POLER, (Australian)...
poleys 19 12 POLEY, (Australian s...
polies 13 10 POLY, (short for) a...
polios 13 10 POLIO, an infectious...
poljes 15 19 POLJE, (Serbo-Croat)...
polkas 14 14 POLKA, to dance this...
polyps 22 15 POLYP, an octopus or...
pombes 15 15 POMBE, (Swahili) an...
ponces 14 13 PONCE, to live on im...
poneys 17 12 PONEY, a small horse...
pongas 12 12 PONGA, (Maori) a tal...
pongos 12 12 PONGO, any large ape...
ponies 11 10 PONY, old slang for...
pontes 11 10 PONS, a bridge of ne...
ponzus 15 20 PONZU, (Japanese) a...
poojas 13 18 POOJA, a Hindu worsh...
pookas 12 13 POOKA, (Irish) in Ir...
pooris 12 9 POORI, (Hindi) in In...
poorts 12 9 POORT, (Afrikaans) a...
pooves 13 13 POOVE, (colloquial)...
poppas 16 15 POPPA, (colloquial)...
poraes 11 9 PORAE, (Maori) a lar...
porers 12 9 PORER, one who pores...
porges 13 11 PORGE, in Jewish rit...
porins 12 10 PORIN, any of a clas...
pornos 11 10 PORNO, pornography,...
porous 12 10 having minute openin...
portas 12 9 (historical) a porta...
posers 12 9 POSER, one that pose...
poshes 14 11 POSH, to polish up [...
poshos 14 11 POSHO, (Swahili) cor...
posies 12 9 POSY, a small bunch...
posits 13 9 POSIT, to place [v]
posses 12 9 POSS, to wash clothe...
potaes 11 9 POTAE, (Maori) a hat...
potass 12 9 a powerful alkali, a...
pothos 14 11 a climbing plant [n...
potins 12 10 POTIN, (French) an o...
potoos 11 9 POTOO, a kind of bir...
pottos 12 9 POTTO, a nocturnal m...
pouffs 17 16 POUFF, to give a puf...
poukes 13 14 POUKE, a mischievous...
poules 13 11 POULE, (French) a he...
poulps 16 14 POULP, the octopus,...
poults 14 11 POULT, a young domes...
pounds 12 12 POUND, to strike hea...
poupes 14 13 POUPE, (obsolete) to...
powans 14 13 POWAN, a species of...
powers 15 12 POWER, to equip with...
powins 15 13 POWIN, (Scots) a pea...
pownds 15 14 POWND, (Spenser) to...
powres 15 12 POWRE, (Spenser) to...
poynts 18 12 POYNT, (obsolete) to...
poyous 18 12 POYOU, an armadillo...
poyses 18 11 POYSE, (obsolete) to...
praams 13 12 PRAAM, a flat-bottom...
prahus 15 12 PRAHU, a swift Malay...
pranas 11 10 PRANA, (Sanskrit) in...
prangs 13 12 PRANG, to cause to c...
pranks 13 14 PRANK, to dress gaud...
prases 12 9 PRASE, a leek-green...
prates 12 9 PRATE, to talk fooli...
pratts 13 9 PRATT, (Shakespeare)...
prawns 15 13 PRAWN, to fish for e...
praxes 18 16 PRAXIS, practical us...
praxis 19 16 practical use of a b...
preces 15 12 prayers, esp. in pre...
precis 16 12 to make a concise su...
preens 11 10 PREEN, to clean and...
preifs 15 12 PREIF, (obsolete) pr...
prents 12 10 PRENT, (Scots) to pr...
preons 11 10 PREON, a hypothetica...
preops 14 12 PREOP, a patient pre...
preses 12 9 (Scots) a president...
prests 13 9 PREST, (obsolete) to...
preves 14 13 PREVE, to prove, als...
prexes 18 16 PREX, (US slang) the...
prezes 15 18 PREZ, (short for) pr...
prials 14 10 PRIAL, a pair-royal,...
prices 16 12 PRICE, to set a valu...
pricks 18 16 PRICK, to puncture s...
prides 13 10 PRIDE, to feel self-...
priefs 15 12 PRIEF, (Scots) proof...
priers 13 9 PRIER, one who pries...
prills 16 11 PRILL, to turn into...
primas 14 12 PRIMA, (Italian) the...
primes 14 12 PRIME, to make ready...
primos 14 12 PRIMO, (Italian) the...
primps 17 15 PRIMP, to dress or a...
primus 15 13 the head bishop of S...
prinks 14 14 PRINK, to dress or a...
prints 13 10 PRINT, to produce by...
prions 12 10 PRION, any petrel of...
priors 13 9 PRIOR, one in charge...
prises 13 9 PRISE, to raise or f...
prisms 15 12 PRISM, a solid figur...
prizes 16 18 PRIZE, to value high...
probes 14 12 PROBE, to examine th...
proems 13 12 PROEM, an introducti...
proins 12 10 PROIN, (obsolete) to...
prokes 13 13 PROKE, (dialect) to...
proles 13 10 PROLE, to prowl, als...
prolls 15 11 PROLL, (obsolete) to...
promos 13 12 PROMO, to give a pro...
prones 11 10 PRONE, (obsolete) a...
prongs 13 12 PRONG, to pierce wit...
pronks 13 14 PRONK, (Afrikaans) o...
proofs 14 12 PROOF, to examine fo...
prores 12 9 PRORE, a prow; a shi...
proses 12 9 PROSE, to write with...
prosos 12 9 PROSO, (Russian) a v...
prouls 14 11 PROUL, to prowl, als...
proves 14 13 PROVE, to establish...
prowls 17 13 PROWL, to move about...
proyns 18 12 PROYN, to prune, als...
prudes 13 11 PRUDE, a prudish per...
prunes 12 11 PRUNE, to trim and s...
prunts 13 11 PRUNT, a moulded gla...
prunus 13 12 a genus of tree incl...
pryers 19 11 PRYER, one who pries...
pryses 19 11 PRYSE, (Spenser) to...
psalms 15 13 PSALM, to sing psalm...
pseuds 13 11 PSEUD, a person pret...
pshaws 18 14 PSHAW, to utter an e...
psions 12 10 PSION, a particle fo...
psoras 12 9 PSORA, (obsolete) a...
psychs 25 16 PSYCH, to stimulate...
psyops 21 14 PSYOP, (short for) p...
ptoses 12 9 PTOSIS, a drooping o...
ptosis 13 9 a drooping of the up...
ptyxes 25 18 PTYXIS, a type of le...
ptyxis 26 18 a type of leaf foldi...
pubcos 18 16 PUBCO, a company tha...
pucans 15 14 PUCAN, (Irish) a tra...
pudges 14 13 PUDGE, a short, thic...
pudors 13 11 PUDOR, (obsolete) a...
pugils 16 13 PUGIL, (obsolete) a...
pujahs 17 21 PUJAH, (Sanskrit) a...
pukers 14 14 PUKER, (archaic) an...
pulaos 13 11 PULAO, a dish made f...
pulers 14 11 PULER, one who pules...
pulkas 15 15 PULKA, a Laplander's...
pullus 16 13 a chick or young bir...
pulses 14 11 PULSE, to expand and...
pumies 14 13 PUMY, (Spenser) a pe...
punces 15 14 PUNCE, (dialect) to...
pungas 13 13 PUNGA, (Maori) a tal...
punjis 15 20 PUNJI, a sharpened b...
punkas 13 15 PUNKA, a ceiling fan...
puntos 12 11 PUNTO, (Italian) a h...
pupils 17 14 PUPIL, a student und...
purdas 13 11 PURDA, a curtain use...
purees 12 10 PUREE, to reduce to...
purges 14 12 PURGE, to purify [v]
purins 13 11 PURIN, a white cryst...
purses 13 10 PURSE, to pucker, es...
pushes 15 12 PUSH, to thrust or p...
pusles 14 11 PUSLE, to puzzle [v]
pusses 13 10 PUSS, a familiar nam...
putois 13 10 (French) a brush for...
putons 12 11 PUTON, a hoax or dec...
putzes 16 19 PUTZ, to waste time...
puzels 17 20 PUZEL, (obsolete) a...
pygals 21 14 PYGAL, the posterior...
pylons 19 13 PYLON, a structure f...
pyoses 18 11 PYOSIS, the formatio...
pyosis 19 11 the formation of pus...
pyrans 18 12 PYRAN, a chemical co...
pyxies 25 18 PYXIE, a creeping ev...
qajaqs 28 33 QAJAQ, (Inuit) a kay...
qanats 17 16 QANAT, an undergroun...
qiblas 22 19 QIBLA, (Arabic) the...
qormas 19 18 QORMA, (India) a mil...
quacks 23 23 QUACK, to make the s...
quaffs 23 22 QUAFF, to drink deep...
quails 20 17 QUAIL, to give way i...
quairs 19 16 QUAIR, (obsolete) a...
quakes 19 20 QUAKE, to shake [v]
qualms 21 20 QUALM, a feeling of...
quants 18 17 QUANT, to propel wit...
quarks 20 20 QUARK, a fundamental...
quarts 19 16 QUART, the fourth pa...
quates 18 16 QUATE, fortune, dest...
qubits 22 19 QUBIT, in computing,...
queans 17 17 QUEAN, (Scots) a you...
queens 17 17 QUEEN, to make a que...
queers 18 16 QUEER, to spoil, to...
quells 21 18 QUELL, to suppress [...
quemes 19 19 QUEME, (Spenser) to...
quenas 17 17 QUENA, (Spanish) a t...
querns 18 17 QUERN, a hand operat...
quests 19 16 QUEST, to make a sea...
queues 18 17 QUEUE, to line up fo...
queyns 24 19 QUEYN, (Scots) a you...
quicks 24 23 QUICK, a sensitive a...
quiets 19 16 QUIET, to cause to b...
quiffs 24 22 QUIFF, a tuft of hai...
quills 22 18 QUILL, to press smal...
quilts 21 17 QUILT, to stitch tog...
quinas 18 17 QUINA, (Quechua) a t...
quines 18 17 QUINE, (Scots) a you...
quinos 18 17 QUINO, a game of cha...
quints 19 17 QUINT, a five-string...
quipos 21 19 QUIPO, a device of k...
quipus 22 20 QUIPU, (Quechua) a d...
quires 19 16 QUIRE, to sing in co...
quirks 21 20 QUIRK, to move jerki...
quirts 20 16 QUIRT, to strike wit...
quists 20 16 QUIST, a pigeon, als...
quites 19 16 QUITE, to depart fro...
quoifs 21 19 QUOIF, to put the ha...
quoins 18 17 QUOIN, to secure or...
quoits 19 16 QUOIT, to play at qu...
quolls 21 18 QUOLL, (Native Austr...
quonks 19 21 QUONK, to make an ac...
quotas 18 16 QUOTA, (Latin) a pro...
quotes 18 16 QUOTE, to repeat the...
quytes 25 18 QUYTE, (obsolete) to...
rabats 12 9 RABAT, (French) to r...
rabbis 15 12 RABBI, (Hebrew) a Je...
rabies 12 9 an infectious virus...
racers 13 9 RACER, one that race...
raches 15 11 RACHE, (archaic) a d...
rachis 16 11 the spinal column, a...
racons 12 10 RACON, a type of rad...
radars 10 7 RADAR, an electronic...
radges 11 9 RADGE, a bad temper,...
radios 10 7 RADIO, signalling th...
radius 11 8 (Latin) the shorter...
radons 9 8 RADON, a radioactive...
ragees 10 8 RAGEE, (Hindi) a kin...
ragers 11 8 RAGER, one who rages...
raggas 12 10 RAGGA, a type of rap...
rahuis 13 9 RAHUI, (Maori) a Mao...
railes 11 7 RAILE, (Spenser) to...
raines 9 7 RAINE, (Spenser) to...
rairds 11 7 RAIRD, (Scots) an up...
raises 10 6 RAISE, to move to a...
raitas 10 6 RAITA, (Hindi) an In...
rajahs 14 17 RAJAH, (Hindi) an In...
rakees 10 10 RAKEE, a Turkish liq...
rakers 11 10 RAKER, in games, a l...
rakias 11 10 RAKIA, a kind of fru...
ralphs 16 12 RALPH, (US slang) to...
ramees 10 9 RAMEE, (Malay) Rhea...
ramens 10 10 RAMEN, (Japanese) a...
ramets 11 9 RAMET, an independen...
ramies 11 9 RAMIE, (Malay) Rhea...
ramins 11 10 RAMIN, (Malay) a Mal...
ramous 11 10 having many branches...
rances 12 10 RANCE, to prop [v]
ranees 8 7 RANEE, the wife of a...
rangas 10 9 RANGA, (Australian)...
ranges 10 9 RANGE, to place in a...
rangis 11 9 RANGI, (Maori) sky [...
ranids 10 8 RANID, any of a larg...
rankes 10 11 RANKE, (Shakespeare)...
rapers 12 9 RAPER, one who rapes...
raphes 14 11 RAPHE, a seamlike ri...
raphis 15 11 a needlelike crystal...
rapids 13 10 RAPID, a swift-flowi...
rappes 14 12 RAPPE, a Canadian di...
rasers 10 6 RASER, one that rase...
rashes 12 8 RASH, to dash, rush...
rasses 10 6 RASSE, a carnivore a...
ratals 11 7 RATAL, an amount on...
ratans 9 7 RATAN, a climbing pl...
ratels 11 7 RATEL, (Afrikaans) a...
raters 10 6 RATER, one that rate...
rathas 12 8 RATHA, (Hindi) a fou...
ratios 10 6 RATIO, a proportiona...
ratoos 9 6 RATOO, a local chief...
raupos 12 10 RAUPO, (Maori) the N...
ravels 13 11 RAVEL, to entangle [...
ravens 11 11 RAVEN, to devour gre...
ravers 12 10 RAVER, one that rave...
ravins 12 11 RAVIN, to devour gre...
rawins 13 10 RAWIN, a wind measur...
rayahs 18 10 RAYAH, a non-Muslim...
rayles 17 9 RAYLE, (Spenser) to...
raynes 15 9 RAYNE, (Spenser) a r...
rayons 15 9 RAYON, a synthetic f...
razees 12 15 RAZEE, to cut down b...
razers 13 15 RAZER, one who razes...
razoos 12 15 RAZOO, (Australian s...
razors 13 15 RAZOR, to shave with...
razzes 16 24 RAZZ, to deride [v]
reacts 13 9 REACT, to respond to...
readds 10 8 READD, to add again...
reales 10 7 REAL, a former monet...
realms 12 10 REALM, a kingdom, al...
realos 10 7 REALO, (German) a me...
reames 10 9 REAME, (Spenser) a r...
rearms 11 9 REARM, to arm again...
reasts 10 6 REAST, to become ran...
reatas 9 6 REATA, (Spanish) a l...
reates 9 6 REATE, any of severa...
reaves 11 10 REAVE, (archaic) to...
rebars 12 9 REBAR, a steel rod f...
rebbes 14 12 REBBE, (Yiddish) a r...
rebecs 15 12 REBEC, a medieval mu...
rebels 13 10 REBEL, to oppose aut...
rebids 13 10 REBID, to bid again...
rebops 14 12 REBOP, a type of mus...
rebuts 13 10 REBUT, to prove to b...
rebuys 19 12 REBUY, to buy again...
recals 14 10 RECAL, to call back,...
recaps 15 12 RECAP, (short for) r...
recces 16 12 RECCE, to make a pre...
reccos 16 12 RECCO, (colloquial)...
recess 13 9 to place in a hollow...
recits 14 9 RECIT, (French) the...
recons 12 10 RECON, to conduct a...
rectos 13 9 RECTO, a right-hand...
rectus 14 10 any one of several s...
recurs 14 10 RECUR, to come aroun...
recuts 14 10 RECUT, to cut again...
redans 9 8 REDAN, (French) a fi...
redias 10 7 REDIA, the larva or...
redips 13 10 REDIP, to dip again...
redoes 9 7 REDO, to do again [v...
redons 9 8 REDON, to don again...
redubs 13 11 REDUB, to dub again...
redyes 16 9 REDYE, to dye again...
reedes 9 7 REEDE, (Spenser) cou...
reests 10 6 REEST, to be noisily...
reeves 11 10 REEVE, to fasten by...
refels 13 10 REFEL, (obsolete) to...
refers 12 9 REFER, to direct to...
reffos 14 12 REFFO, (Australian s...
refits 13 9 REFIT, to fit out af...
regals 12 9 REGAL, a small porta...
regars 11 8 REGAR, (Hindi) the r...
reggos 12 10 REGGO, (Australian s...
regies 11 8 REGIE, (French) a sy...
regius 12 9 (Latin) royal, as in...
regurs 12 9 REGUR, (Hindi) the r...
rehabs 14 11 REHAB, to restore to...
rehems 13 11 REHEM, to take up th...
reigns 11 9 REIGN, to exercise s...
reikis 12 10 REIKI, (Japanese) a...
reinks 11 11 REINK, to ink again...
reirds 11 7 REIRD, (Scots) an up...
reises 10 6 REIS, twigs or small...
reists 11 6 REIST, to become ran...
reives 12 10 REIVE, (archaic) to...
rejigs 14 17 REJIG, to fix someth...
rekeys 17 12 REKEY, to re-enter i...
relays 17 9 RELAY, to put down n...
relets 11 7 RELET, to let again...
relics 15 10 RELIC, a surviving m...
relies 11 7 RELY, to depend on c...
remans 10 10 REMAN, to supply a f...
remaps 13 12 REMAP, to map again...
remens 10 10 REMEN, an ancient Eg...
remiss 12 9 careless [adj REMISS...
remits 12 9 REMIT, to send payme...
renays 15 9 RENAY, (obsolete) to...
renews 12 10 RENEW, to make new a...
reneys 15 9 RENEY, (obsolete) to...
rengas 10 9 RENGA, (Japanese) a...
renies 9 7 RENY, (obsolete) to...
renigs 11 9 RENIG, (Irish) to re...
renins 9 8 RENIN, a protein enz...
rennes 8 8 RENNE, (Spenser) to...
rentes 9 7 RENTE, (French) Fren...
reoils 11 7 REOIL, to oil again...
reorgs 11 8 REORG, to reorganize...
repass 12 9 to pass again [v -ED...
repays 18 11 REPAY, to pay back [...
repegs 13 11 REPEG, to peg again...
repels 13 10 REPEL, to drive back...
repins 12 10 REPIN, to pin again...
repots 12 9 REPOT, to put in a n...
repros 12 9 REPRO, (short for) r...
rerigs 12 8 RERIG, to rig again...
reruns 10 8 RERUN, to show a rep...
resaws 13 9 RESAW, to saw again...
resays 16 8 RESAY, to say again...
resees 9 6 RESEE, to see again...
resets 10 6 RESET, to set again...
resews 13 9 RESEW, to sew again...
reshes 12 8 RESH, (Hebrew) a Heb...
resids 11 7 RESID, a type of fue...
resins 10 7 RESIN, to impregnate...
resits 11 6 RESIT, to sit again...
resods 10 7 RESOD, to put down n...
resows 13 9 RESOW, to sow again...
restos 10 6 RESTO, (Australian s...
retags 11 8 RETAG, to tag again...
retems 11 9 RETEM, (Spanish) a n...
reties 10 6 RETIE, to tie again...
retros 10 6 RETRO, a kind of roc...
reuses 10 7 REUSE, to use again...
revels 13 11 REVEL, to engage in...
revers 12 10 a part of a garment...
revets 12 10 REVET, to face with...
revies 12 10 REVIE, to stake high...
revues 12 11 REVUE, a type of mus...
reweds 13 10 REWED, to wed again...
rewets 13 9 REWET, to wet again...
rewins 13 10 REWIN, to win again...
rewths 16 11 REWTH, (Spenser) rut...
rezzes 16 24 REZ, (short for) a (...
rhemes 13 11 RHEME, the constitue...
rhesus 13 9 a kind of monkey [n...
rheums 14 12 RHEUM, a watery disc...
rhexes 18 15 RHEXIS, rupture of a...
rhexis 19 15 rupture of a blood v...
rhimes 14 11 RHIME, (obsolete) a...
rhines 12 9 RHINE, a drainage ch...
rhinos 12 9 RHINO, (short for) a...
rhombs 16 14 RHOMB, a type of geo...
rhones 11 9 RHONE, (Scots) a roo...
rhumbs 17 15 RHUMB, in marine nav...
rhuses 13 9 RHUS, a plant of the...
rhymes 20 13 RHYME, to compose ve...
rhynes 18 11 RHYNE, a drainage ch...
riatas 10 6 RIATA, (Spanish) a l...
ricers 14 9 RICER, a cooking ute...
riches 16 11 RICH, to grow rich [...
richts 17 11 RICHT, to right [v]
ricins 14 10 RICIN, a substance e...
rictus 15 10 the expanse of the o...
riders 11 7 RIDER, one who rides...
ridges 12 9 RIDGE, to form into...
rieves 12 10 RIEVE, to rob, plund...
rifles 14 10 RIFLE, to search thr...
rights 15 10 RIGHT, to put in pro...
rigids 13 9 RIGID, a rigid airsh...
rigols 13 9 RIGOL, a gutter or w...
rigors 12 8 RIGOR, a sense of ch...
rilles 13 8 RILLE, a valley on t...
rimers 12 9 RIMER, one that rime...
rimous 12 10 marked by cracks, al...
rinses 10 7 RINSE, to cleanse wi...
riojas 12 15 RIOJA, (Spanish) a d...
ripens 12 10 RIPEN, to become rip...
ripers 13 9 RIPER, one who grope...
risers 11 6 RISER, a rod securin...
rishis 14 8 RISHI, (Sanskrit) a...
ritzes 14 15 RITZ, pretentious di...
rivals 14 11 RIVAL, to strive to...
rivels 14 11 RIVEL, to wrinkle [v...
rivers 13 10 RIVER, a large natur...
rivets 13 10 RIVET, to fasten wit...
riyals 18 9 RIYAL, a monetary un...
roasts 10 6 ROAST, to cook with...
roates 9 6 ROATE, to learn by r...
robins 12 10 ROBIN, a songbird [n...
robles 13 10 ROBLE, (Spanish) a n...
robots 12 9 ROBOT, a man-like ma...
roches 15 11 ROCH, the little auk...
rodeos 9 7 RODEO, to perform a...
rogers 11 8 ROGER, (slang) to ha...
rogues 11 9 ROGUE, to cheat or d...
roists 11 6 ROIST, to revel nois...
rojaks 13 19 ROJAK, (Malay) a sal...
rokers 11 10 ROKER, any ray other...
rolags 12 9 ROLAG, (Gaelic) a ro...
romals 12 10 ROMAL, (Urdu) a hand...
romans 10 10 ROMAN, a metrical na...
romeos 10 9 ROMEO, a man who is...
rondes 9 8 RONDE, a script prin...
rondos 9 8 RONDO, (Italian) a p...
roneos 8 7 RONEO, (tradename) t...
ronins 9 8 RONIN, (Japanese) a...
rontes 9 7 RONTE, (Spenser) a r...
roosas 9 6 ROOSA, an Indian gra...
rooses 9 6 ROOSE, to heap prais...
roosts 10 6 ROOST, to prepare fo...
ropers 12 9 ROPER, a rope-maker...
roques 18 16 ROQUE, a form of cro...
rosets 10 6 ROSET, (Scots) to co...
roshis 13 8 ROSHI, (Japanese) a...
rosies 10 6 ROSY, to redden [v]
rosins 10 7 ROSIN, to treat with...
rosits 11 6 ROSIT, (Scots) to co...
rostis 11 6 ROSTI, a cheese-topp...
rotans 9 7 ROTAN, a climbing pl...
rotons 9 7 ROTON, a quantum of...
rotors 10 6 ROTOR, a rotating pa...
rottes 10 6 ROTTE, a medieval st...
rouens 9 8 ROUEN, (French) a ty...
rouges 11 9 ROUGE, to colour wit...
roughs 14 11 ROUGH, to make rough...
roules 11 8 ROULE, (obsolete) a...
rounds 10 9 ROUND, to make round...
rouses 10 7 ROUSE, to disturb or...
rousts 11 7 ROUST, to arouse and...
routes 10 7 ROUTE, to send on a...
rouths 13 9 ROUTH, (Scots) abund...
rovers 12 10 ROVER, one who roves...
rowans 12 10 ROWAN, a small decid...
rowels 14 10 ROWEL, to prick with...
rowens 12 10 ROWEN, a second mowi...
rowers 13 9 ROWER, one who rows...
rowies 13 9 ROWIE, (Scots) a bre...
rowmes 14 12 ROWME, (Spenser) pla...
rownds 13 11 ROWND, (obsolete) to...
rowths 16 11 ROWTH, (Scots) abund...
royals 17 9 ROYAL, a size of pri...
roynes 15 9 ROYNE, (Spenser) to...
roysts 17 8 ROYST, to revel nois...
rozets 13 15 ROZET, (Scots) to ro...
rozits 14 15 ROZIT, (Scots) to ro...
ruanas 9 8 RUANA, (Spanish) a w...
rubais 13 10 RUBAI, (Arabic) a Pe...
rubels 14 11 RUBEL, a currency un...
rubies 13 10 RUBY, to redden [v]
rubins 13 11 RUBIN, (Spenser) a r...
rubles 14 11 RUBLE, a monetary un...
ruches 16 12 RUCHE, to trim with...
ruckus 16 15 a noisy disturbance...
rudies 11 8 RUDIE, (slang) a rud...
ruedas 10 8 RUEDA, a Cuban stree...
ruffes 15 13 RUFFE, a freshwater...
rufous 13 11 a reddish or brownis...
rugous 12 10 wrinkled; covered wi...
ruings 12 10 RUING, repentance [n...
rulers 12 8 RULER, to strike wit...
rumals 13 11 RUMAL, (Urdu) a hand...
rumbas 14 13 RUMBA, to perform a...
rumbos 14 13 RUMBO, rum punch [n]
rumens 11 11 RUMEN, a part of the...
rumors 12 10 RUMOR, to spread by...
rumpos 14 13 RUMPO, (slang) sexua...
rumpus 15 14 a noisy disturbance...
rupees 12 10 RUPEE, a monetary un...
rupias 13 10 RUPIA, a skin ulcer...
rurals 12 8 RURAL, a country-dwe...
ruscus 15 11 any plant of the gen...
rushes 13 9 RUSH, to move swiftl...
rusmas 12 10 RUSMA, a depilatory...
rutins 11 8 RUTIN, a drug used a...
rybats 19 11 RYBAT, (Scots) a dre...
rymmes 19 14 RYMME, (obsolete) to...
sabals 13 10 SABAL, a variety of...
sabers 12 9 SABER, to strike wit...
sabhas 14 11 SABHA, (Arabic) a se...
sabins 12 10 SABIN, (obsolete) a...
sabirs 13 9 SABIR, (French) a Fr...
sables 13 10 SABLE, to darken [v]
sabots 12 9 SABOT, (French) a wo...
sabras 12 9 SABRA, (Hebrew) a pr...
sabres 12 9 SABRE, to strike wit...
saccos 16 12 (Greek) a Bishop's v...
saddos 10 8 SADDO, (slang) an un...
sadhes 12 9 SADHE, (Hebrew) a He...
sadhus 13 10 SADHU, (Sanskrit) an...
sadzas 13 16 SADZA, a type of por...
sahebs 14 11 SAHEB, a term of res...
sahibs 15 11 SAHIB, a term of res...
saices 13 9 SAICE, a male servan...
saicks 15 13 SAICK, a Levantine v...
saigas 11 8 SAIGA, (Russian) an...
saints 10 7 SAINT, to hail as a...
saiths 13 8 SAITH, the coalfish,...
sajous 12 16 SAJOU, a capuchin or...
sakais 11 10 SAKAI, a Malaysian a...
sakers 11 10 SAKER, a falcon nati...
sakias 11 10 SAKIA, (Arabic) an E...
sakkos 12 14 (Greek) an Eastern b...
saktis 12 10 SAKTI, (Hindu) the w...
salads 11 8 SALAD, a dish of gre...
salals 12 8 SALAL, an American s...
salats 11 7 SALAT, (Arabic) a se...
saleps 13 10 SALEP, dried orchid...
salets 11 7 SALET, in medieval a...
salles 12 8 SALLE, (French) a ha...
salmis 13 10 SALMI, (French) a ra...
salols 12 8 SALOL, a white cryst...
salons 10 8 SALON, a large room...
salops 13 10 SALOP, a hot drink m...
salpas 13 10 SALPA, a free-swimmi...
salsas 11 7 SALSA, to do such a...
salses 11 7 SALSE, (French) a mu...
saltos 11 7 SALTO, (Italian) to...
saltus 12 8 (Latin) a breach of...
salues 11 8 SALUE, (obsolete) to...
salves 13 11 SALVE, to soothe [v]
salvos 13 11 SALVO, to discharge...
samans 10 10 SAMAN, (Carib) the r...
sambas 13 12 SAMBA, to perform a...
sambos 13 12 SAMBO, a colloquial...
sameks 12 13 SAMEK, (Hebrew) the...
samfus 14 13 SAMFU, (Chinese) an...
sampis 14 12 SAMPI, a supposed na...
sangas 10 9 SANGA, (Pushtu) a te...
sanghs 13 11 SANGH, (Hindi) an as...
sangos 10 9 SANGO, (colloquial)...
sanies 9 7 (Latin) a watery fou...
sankos 10 11 SANKO, a West Africa...
sansas 9 7 SANSA, (Arabic) an A...
santos 9 7 SANTO, (Spanish) the...
saolas 10 7 SAOLA, a small oxlik...
sapans 11 10 SAPAN, (Malay) the w...
sapors 12 9 SAPOR, flavour, also...
sarans 9 7 SARAN, a thermoplast...
sarees 9 6 SAREE, (Hindi) an ou...
sarges 11 8 SARGE, (colloquial)...
sargos 11 8 (Spanish) a fish, th...
sargus 12 9 (Spanish) a fish, se...
sarins 10 7 SARIN, (German) a co...
sarods 10 7 SAROD, (Hindi) an In...
sasers 10 6 SASER, a device for...
sashes 12 8 SASH, to dress or ad...
sasins 10 7 SASIN, (Nepali) the...
sasses 10 6 SASSE, (Dutch) a slu...
satais 10 6 SATAI, (Malay) a Mal...
satays 16 8 SATAY, (Malay) a dis...
satins 10 7 SATIN, to make like...
satyrs 17 8 SATYR, a Greek god o...
saubas 12 10 SAUBA, a South Ameri...
sauces 13 10 SAUCE, to serve with...
sauchs 16 12 SAUCH, (Scots) a sal...
saughs 14 11 SAUGH, (Scots) a sal...
saults 12 8 SAULT, a waterfall o...
saunas 9 8 SAUNA, to take a sau...
saunts 10 8 SAUNT, to sanctify [...
sautes 10 7 SAUTE, (French) to f...
savers 12 10 SAVER, one that save...
saveys 18 12 SAVEY, to know, to u...
savins 12 11 SAVIN, a species of...
savors 12 10 SAVOR, to taste or s...
savoys 18 12 SAVOY, a variety of...
sawahs 15 11 SAWAH, (Malay) an ir...
sawers 13 9 SAWER, one who saws,...
sayeds 16 9 SAYED, (Arabic) a Mu...
sayers 16 8 SAYER, one that says...
sayids 17 9 SAYID, (Arabic) a de...
sayons 15 9 SAYON, a jacket [n]
sazzes 16 24 SAZ, a stringed inst...
scaffs 18 15 SCAFF [n]
scails 15 10 SCAIL, (Scots) to sc...
scalds 15 11 SCALD, to burn with...
scales 14 10 SCALE, to climb up o...
scalls 16 11 SCALL, (obsolete) sc...
scalps 17 13 SCALP, to remove the...
scamps 17 15 SCAMP, to perform ca...
scants 13 10 SCANT, to cut short,...
scapas 15 12 SCAPA, to run away,...
scapes 15 12 SCAPE, to escape [v]
scapus 16 13 (Latin) the shaft of...
scares 13 9 SCARE, to frighten [...
scarfs 16 12 SCARF, to cover with...
scarps 16 12 SCARP, to make into...
scarts 14 9 SCART, to scratch, s...
scaths 16 11 SCATH, (Spenser) to...
scatts 14 9 SCATT, (historical)...
scauds 14 11 SCAUD, (Scots) to sc...
scaups 16 13 SCAUP, to cut the sc...
scaurs 14 10 SCAUR, (Scots) to sc...
scenas 12 10 SCENA, (Italian) a s...
scends 13 11 SCEND, of a ship, to...
scenes 12 10 SCENE, to set in a p...
scents 13 10 SCENT, to fill with...
schavs 18 15 SCHAV, (Yiddish) a c...
schmos 17 14 SCHMO, (Yiddish) a s...
schuls 18 13 SCHUL, a synagogue,...
schuss 17 12 to make a fast, stra...
schwas 19 14 SCHWA, (German) a vo...
scions 13 10 SCION, a young membe...
sclims 17 13 SCLIM, (Scots) to cl...
scoffs 18 15 SCOFF, to express ru...
scolds 15 11 SCOLD, to rebuke har...
scones 12 10 SCONE, a flattish, u...
scoogs 14 11 SCOOG, (Scots) to sh...
scoops 15 12 SCOOP, to lift with...
scoots 13 9 SCOOT, to go quickly...
scopas 15 12 SCOP, (Old English)...
scopes 15 12 SCOPE, to examine wi...
scores 13 9 SCORE, to achieve a...
scorns 13 10 SCORN, to treat with...
scougs 15 12 SCOUG, (Scots) to sh...
scoups 16 13 SCOUP, (Scots) to bo...
scours 14 10 SCOUR, to cleanse by...
scouts 14 10 SCOUT, to reconnoitr...
scowls 18 13 SCOWL, to frown angr...
scowps 19 15 SCOWP, (Scots) to bo...
scrabs 16 12 SCRAB, (dialect) to...
scraes 13 9 SCRAE, (Scott) scree...
scrags 15 11 SCRAG, to wring the...
scrams 15 12 SCRAM, to leave quic...
scrans 13 10 SCRAN, (slang) food,...
scraps 16 12 SCRAP, to discard [v...
scrats 14 9 SCRAT, to scratch, a...
scraws 17 12 SCRAW, (archaic) a t...
scrays 20 11 SCRAY, the tern, als...
screes 13 9 SCREE, a mass of roc...
screws 17 12 SCREW, to attach wit...
scries 14 9 SCRY, to engage in c...
scrims 16 12 SCRIM, a durable pla...
scrips 17 12 SCRIP, a small bag;...
scrobs 16 12 SCROB, to scrape wit...
scrods 14 10 SCROD, a young cod,...
scrogs 15 11 SCROG, (dialect) a s...
scrows 17 12 SCROW, a scroll [n]
scrubs 17 13 SCRUB, to rub hard i...
scrums 16 13 SCRUM, to mill aroun...
scubas 16 13 SCUBA, to dive using...
scuffs 19 16 SCUFF, to scrape the...
scufts 17 13 SCUFT, the nape of t...
sculks 17 15 SCULK, to move about...
sculls 17 12 SCULL, to propel wit...
sculps 18 14 SCULP, to form an im...
scurfs 17 13 SCURF, scaly or shre...
scuses 14 10 SCUSE, an aphetic fo...
scutes 14 10 SCUTE, a horny plate...
sdayns 16 10 SDAYN, (obsolete) to...
sdeins 10 8 SDEIN, (obsolete) to...
seames 10 9 SEAME, grease; lard...
seases 9 6 SEASE, (Spenser) to...
seazes 12 15 SEAZE, (Spenser) to...
sebums 14 13 SEBUM, (Latin) the f...
seccos 16 12 SECCO, (Italian) pai...
sedans 9 8 SEDAN, a type of aut...
seders 10 7 SEDER, (Hebrew) a Pe...
sedges 11 9 SEDGE, a plant like...
sedums 12 11 SEDUM, any of a genu...
segars 11 8 SEGAR, a cigar [n]
segnos 10 9 SEGNO, (Italian) a m...
segols 12 9 SEGOL, (Hebrew) a vo...
segues 11 9 SEGUE, to proceed fr...
sehris 13 8 SEHRI, (Arabic) a me...
seines 9 7 SEINE, to catch fish...
seises 10 6 SEISE, to take hold...
seisms 12 9 SEISM, an earthquake...
seizas 13 15 SEIZA, (Japanese) a...
seizes 13 15 SEIZE, to take hold...
selahs 13 9 SELAH, (Hebrew) a mu...
sellas 12 8 SELLA, an area in th...
selles 12 8 SELLE, (archaic) a s...
selvas 13 11 SELVA, (Spanish) a w...
selves 13 11 SELF, one's own pers...
semens 10 10 SEMEN, the liquid th...
semies 11 9 SEMIE, at Scottish u...
sengis 11 9 SENGI, a monetary un...
sennas 8 8 SENNA, the leaves of...
senors 9 7 SENOR, (Spanish) a S...
senses 9 7 SENSE, to have an im...
sensis 10 7 SENSI, (Japanese) a...
sepads 12 10 SEPAD, to suppose, u...
sepals 13 10 SEPAL, one of the le...
sepias 12 9 SEPIA, a brown pigme...
sepoys 18 11 SEPOY, (historical)...
sepses 12 9 SEPS, (Greek) a skin...
sepsis 13 9 (Greek) the state of...
seracs 13 9 SERAC, (French) a la...
serais 10 6 SERAI, (Turkish) a c...
serges 11 8 SERGE [v]
series 10 6 an arrangement of on...
serifs 13 9 SERIF, a decorative...
serins 10 7 SERIN, a bird of the...
serons 9 7 SERON, a crate, also...
serous 10 7 of or relating to se...
serows 13 9 SEROW, a Himalayan g...
serras 10 6 SERRA, (Latin) a saw...
serres 10 6 SERRE, to press clos...
serums 12 10 SERUM, the watery po...
serves 12 10 SERVE, to work for [...
servos 12 10 SERVO, (Australian s...
seshes 12 8 SESH, (short for) se...
sesses 10 6 SESS, to assess (how...
setons 9 7 SETON, a thread or t...
setous 10 7 thickly set with bri...
setups 13 10 SETUP, the way somet...
sevens 11 11 SEVEN, a number [n]
severs 12 10 SEVER, to divide or...
sewans 12 10 SEWAN, (Native Ameri...
sewars 13 9 SEWAR, a medieval se...
sewels 14 10 SEWEL, a scarecrow,...
sewens 12 10 SEWEN, the Welsh or...
sewers 13 9 SEWER, to clean or m...
sewins 13 10 SEWIN, the Welsh or...
sexers 16 13 SEXER, one who sexes...
sextos 16 13 SEXTO, a paper size,...
seyens 15 9 SEYEN, (Shakespeare)...
shacks 17 15 SHACK, to avoid resp...
shades 12 9 SHADE, to screen fro...
shafts 15 11 SHAFT, to propel wit...
shakes 13 12 SHAKE, to move to an...
shakos 13 12 SHAKO, (Hungarian) t...
shales 13 9 SHALE, to shell, hus...
shalms 15 12 SHALM, an ancient ob...
shamas 13 11 SHAMA, (Hindi) an In...
shames 13 11 SHAME, to cause to f...
shamos 13 11 (Yiddish) a minor of...
shamus 14 12 (US slang) a private...
shands 12 10 SHAND, (obsolete) in...
shanks 13 13 SHANK, to hit sharpl...
shapes 14 11 SHAPE, to fashion in...
shards 13 9 SHARD, a fragment of...
shares 12 8 SHARE, to use in com...
sharks 14 12 SHARK, to obtain by...
sharns 12 9 SHARN, (Scots) cow-d...
sharps 15 11 SHARP, to raise in m...
shauls 14 10 SHAUL, to become sha...
shaves 14 12 SHAVE, to remove hai...
shawls 17 12 SHAWL, to wrap the s...
shawms 17 14 SHAWM, an ancient ob...
shayas 18 10 SHAYA, (Tamil) an In...
shchis 19 13 SHCHI, (Russian) a k...
sheafs 14 11 SHEAF, to gather int...
sheals 13 9 SHEAL, to shell, hus...
shears 12 8 SHEAR, to cut the wo...
sheels 13 9 SHEEL, (Shakespeare)...
sheens 11 9 SHEEN, to shine, hav...
sheers 12 8 SHEER, to swerve, to...
sheets 12 8 SHEET, to cover with...
sheiks 14 12 SHEIK, (Arabic) an A...
shelfs 16 12 SHELF, to put on a s...
shells 15 10 SHELL, to remove the...
shends 12 10 SHEND, (archaic) to...
sheols 13 9 SHEOL, (Hebrew) the...
sherds 13 9 SHERD, a fragment of...
shevas 14 12 SHEVA, (Hebrew) in H...
shiais 13 8 SHIAI, (Japanese) a...
shiels 14 9 SHIEL, (Shakespeare)...
shiers 13 8 SHIER, a horse that...
shifts 16 11 SHIFT, to move from...
shills 16 10 SHILL, to act as a d...
shines 12 9 SHINE, to emit light...
shires 13 8 SHIRE, (Irish) to re...
shirks 15 12 SHIRK, to avoid work...
shirrs 14 8 SHIRR, to pucker, al...
shirts 14 8 SHIRT, to don a garm...
shisos 13 8 SHISO, (Japanese) an...
shists 14 8 SHIST, a type of met...
shites 13 8 SHITE, (slang) to sh...
shivas 15 12 SHIVA, (Hebrew) a pe...
shives 15 12 SHIVE, a thin fragme...
shleps 16 12 SHLEP, (Yiddish) to...
shlubs 17 13 SHLUB, (Yiddish) a s...
shmeks 15 15 SHMEK, (Yiddish) a t...
shmoes 13 11 SHMO, (Yiddish) a st...
shnaps 14 12 (German) a kind of b...
shoals 13 9 SHOAL, to sail into...
shoats 12 8 SHOAT, a young pig,...
shocks 17 15 SHOCK, to outrage fe...
shoers 12 8 SHOER, one who shoes...
shogis 14 10 SHOGI, (Japanese) an...
shojis 15 17 SHOJI, (Japanese) a...
sholas 13 9 SHOLA, (Hindi) an In...
shooks 13 12 SHOOK, a bundle of s...
shools 13 9 SHOOL, (dialect) to...
shoots 12 8 SHOOT, to hit, injur...
shores 12 8 SHORE, to prop up [v...
shorls 14 9 SHORL, (German) blac...
shorts 13 8 SHORT, to cause a ty...
shotes 12 8 SHOTE, a young pig,...
shotts 13 8 SHOTT, (Arabic) a sh...
shouts 13 9 SHOUT, to yell loudl...
shoves 14 12 SHOVE, to push rough...
showds 16 12 SHOWD, (Scots) to ro...
shoyus 19 11 SHOYU, (Japanese) a...
shreds 13 9 SHRED, to cut into f...
shrews 16 11 SHREW, (Shakespeare)...
shrows 16 11 SHROW, (Shakespeare)...
shrubs 16 12 SHRUB, to lop; to cu...
shrugs 15 11 SHRUG, to raise and...
shtiks 15 12 SHTIK, (Yiddish) a f...
shtups 16 12 SHTUP, (Yiddish) to...
shucks 18 16 SHUCK, to remove hus...
shules 14 10 SHULE, (dialect) to...
shunts 13 10 SHUNT, to turn aside...
shuras 13 9 SHURA, (Arabic) the...
shutes 13 9 SHUTE, to convey by...
shyers 19 10 SHYER, a horse tendi...
sibyls 21 12 SIBYL, (Greek) any o...
sichts 17 11 SICHT, (Scots) to si...
sickos 15 13 SICKO, an emotionall...
siders 11 7 SIDER, a native or i...
sidhas 13 9 SIDHA, (Sanskrit) on...
sidles 12 8 SIDLE, to move sidew...
sieges 11 8 SIEGE, to subject to...
sients 10 7 SIENT, (archaic) a s...
sieths 13 8 SIETH, (Shakespeare)...
sieurs 11 7 SIEUR, an old French...
sieves 12 10 SIEVE, to pass throu...
sights 15 10 SIGHT, to observe or...
sigils 14 9 SIGIL, an official s...
siglas 13 9 SIGLA, a list of sym...
siglos 13 9 an ancient Persian c...
sigmas 13 11 SIGMA, (Greek) the G...
silens 11 8 SILEN, a woodland go...
silers 12 7 SILER, a strainer [n...
silvas 14 11 SILVA, the forest tr...
simars 12 9 SIMAR, (French) a lo...
simbas 14 12 SIMBA, (Swahili) a l...
simuls 14 11 SIMUL, (short for) a...
sinews 13 10 SINEW, to bind as if...
singes 11 9 SINGE, to burn sligh...
sirees 10 6 SIREE, (US) a mode o...
sirens 10 7 SIREN, a device that...
sirihs 14 8 SIRIH, (Malay) the b...
sirocs 14 9 SIROC, (Italian) a h...
sirras 11 6 SIRRA, (obsolete) a...
sirups 14 10 SIRUP, to make into...
sisals 12 7 SISAL, a strong fibr...
sisses 11 6 SISS, (short for) si...
sistas 11 6 SISTA, an African-Am...
sitars 11 6 SITAR, (Urdu) an Ind...
sithes 13 8 SITHE, (archaic) to...
situps 14 10 SITUP, an exercise f...
sivers 13 10 SIVER, (Scots) a dra...
sixers 17 13 SIXER, anything coun...
sixmos 18 16 SIXMO, a paper size,...
sixtes 17 13 SIXTE, (French) a po...
sixths 20 15 SIXTH, one of six eq...
sizars 14 15 SIZAR, a British stu...
sizels 15 16 SIZEL, metal clippin...
sizers 14 15 SIZER, a student at...
skails 13 11 SKAIL, (Scots) to di...
skalds 13 12 SKALD, an ancient Sc...
skanks 12 15 SKANK, to dance to r...
skarts 12 10 SKART, (Scots) a cor...
skates 11 10 SKATE, to glide over...
skatts 12 10 SKATT, (dialect) a s...
skeans 10 11 SKEAN, (Gaelic) a do...
skears 11 10 SKEAR, (dialect) to...
skeens 10 11 SKEEN, (Gaelic) a do...
skeers 11 10 SKEER, (dialect) to...
skeets 11 10 SKEET, the sport of...
skeggs 14 14 SKEGG, a length of k...
skeins 11 11 SKEIN, to wind into...
skelfs 15 14 SKELF, (Scots) a spl...
skells 14 12 SKELL, (slang) a hom...
skelms 14 14 SKELM, (Afrikaans) a...
skelps 15 14 SKELP, (Gaelic) to h...
skenes 10 11 SKENE, (Gaelic) a do...
skeoes 10 10 SKEO, (Orkney) a hut...
skiers 12 10 SKIER, one who skis...
skiffs 17 16 SKIFF, to skim [v]
skills 15 12 SKILL, to matter, to...
skimos 13 13 SKIMO, (short for) a...
skimps 16 16 SKIMP, to scrimp [v]
skinks 13 15 SKINK, to pour out [...
skioes 11 10 SKIO, (Orkney) a hut...
skirls 14 11 SKIRL, to produce a...
skirrs 13 10 SKIRR, to scour, sea...
skirts 13 10 SKIRT, to pass along...
skites 12 10 SKITE, (Australian s...
skives 14 14 SKIVE, to pare or sp...
sklims 15 14 SKLIM, (Scots) to cl...
skoals 12 11 SKOAL, to down a dri...
skoffs 16 16 SKOFF, to devour; to...
skools 12 11 SKOOL, (colloquial)...
skorts 12 10 SKORT, a pair of sho...
skrans 11 11 SKRAN, (slang) food,...
skries 12 10 SKRY, to see the fut...
skriks 14 14 SKRIK, a fright [n]
skulks 15 16 SKULK, to move about...
skulls 15 13 SKULL, to propel wit...
skunks 13 16 SKUNK, to defeat ove...
skyers 18 12 SKYER, in cricket, a...
skyres 18 12 SKYRE, (Scots) to sh...
skytes 18 12 SKYTE, (Scots) to da...
slacks 16 14 SLACK, to slacken [v...
slades 11 8 SLADE, a little vall...
slaids 12 8 SLAID, a sledge [n]
slakes 12 11 SLAKE, to quench [v]
slanes 10 8 SLANE, (Irish) a tur...
slangs 12 10 SLANG, to use extrem...
slants 11 8 SLANT, to deviate fr...
slarts 12 7 SLART, (dialect) to...
slates 11 7 SLATE, to roof with...
slaves 13 11 SLAVE, to work like...
sleeks 12 11 SLEEK, to make smoot...
sleeps 13 10 SLEEP, to be in a na...
sleets 11 7 SLEET, to shower fro...
slices 15 10 SLICE, to cut in pie...
slicks 17 14 SLICK, to make slick...
slides 12 8 SLIDE, to move smoot...
slimes 13 10 SLIME, to cover with...
slings 13 10 SLING, to throw with...
slinks 13 12 SLINK, to move steal...
slipes 14 10 SLIPE, to peel [v]
slives 14 11 SLIVE, to slip [v]
sloans 10 8 SLOAN, (Scots) a snu...
sloids 12 8 SLOID, (Swedish) a S...
slojds 14 17 SLOJD, (Swedish) a S...
slomos 12 10 SLOMO, a slow-motion...
slooms 12 10 SLOOM, to slumber [v...
sloops 13 10 SLOOP, a type of sin...
sloots 11 7 SLOOT, (Afrikaans) i...
slopes 13 10 SLOPE, to slant or i...
slorms 13 10 SLORM, to wipe carel...
sloths 14 9 SLOTH, to be lazy [v...
sloyds 18 10 SLOYD, (Swedish) a S...
slubbs 17 14 SLUBB, to twist fibr...
sluffs 17 14 SLUFF, to discard a...
sluits 13 8 SLUIT, (Afrikaans) i...
slumps 16 14 SLUMP, to sink sudde...
slurbs 15 11 SLURB, a poorly plan...
slurps 15 11 SLURP, to drink nois...
sluses 12 8 SLUSE, (Milton) a sl...
slypes 20 12 SLYPE, a narrow pass...
smaaks 12 13 SMAAK, (South Africa...
smacks 16 16 SMACK, to strike sha...
smaiks 13 13 SMAIK, (Scots) a con...
smalls 14 11 SMALL, to make or be...
smalms 14 13 SMALM, to smear, mak...
smalts 13 10 SMALT, a blue pigmen...
smarms 13 12 SMARM, to smear, gus...
smarts 12 9 SMART, to sting [v]
smazes 14 18 SMAZE, an atmospheri...
smears 11 9 SMEAR, to spread wit...
smeeks 12 13 SMEEK, (Scots) to sm...
smeiks 13 13 SMEIK, (Scots) to sm...
smekes 12 13 SMEKE, (Scots) to sm...
smells 14 11 SMELL, to sense with...
smelts 13 10 SMELT, to melt or fu...
smerks 13 13 SMERK, to smile in a...
smiles 13 10 SMILE, to look joyfu...
smirks 14 13 SMIRK, to smile in a...
smirrs 13 9 SMIRR, to drizzle [v...
smites 12 9 SMITE, to strike hea...
smiths 15 11 SMITH, to forge meta...
smocks 16 16 SMOCK, to put on a l...
smokes 12 13 SMOKE, to emit a gas...
smokos 12 13 SMOKO, in the Falkla...
smolts 13 10 SMOLT, a young salmo...
smoors 11 9 SMOOR, (Scots) to sm...
smoots 11 9 SMOOT, (slang) to wo...
smores 11 9 SMORE, (Scots) to sm...
smorgs 13 11 SMORG, (short for) s...
smouts 12 10 SMOUT, to work as a...
smowts 15 12 SMOWT, (Scots) a sma...
snacks 14 14 SNACK, to eat a ligh...
snafus 12 11 SNAFU, to cause conf...
snails 11 8 SNAIL, to move slowl...
snakes 10 11 SNAKE, to slither li...
snares 9 7 SNARE, to trap [v]
snarfs 12 10 SNARF, (colloquial)...
snarks 11 11 SNARK, an imaginary...
snarls 11 8 SNARL, to growl vici...
snaths 12 9 SNATH, the curved ha...
sneads 9 8 SNEAD, the curved ha...
sneaks 10 11 SNEAK, to move steal...
sneaps 11 10 SNEAP, to nip, pinch...
snecks 14 14 SNECK, to fasten wit...
sneers 9 7 SNEER, to curl the l...
snells 12 9 SNELL, to attach suc...
snicks 15 14 SNICK, to snip, cut...
snides 10 8 SNIDE, to fill or lo...
sniffs 15 13 SNIFF, to inhale aud...
snifts 13 10 SNIFT, to sniff, to...
snipes 12 10 SNIPE, to shoot from...
snirts 11 7 SNIRT [n]
snoeks 10 11 SNOEK, the barracout...
snokes 10 11 SNOKE, to prowl or s...
snoods 9 8 SNOOD, to wear a net...
snooks 10 11 SNOOK, to snuff or s...
snools 10 8 SNOOL, (Scots) to be...
snoops 11 10 SNOOP, to pry about...
snoots 9 7 SNOOT, to treat with...
snores 9 7 SNORE, to breath noi...
snorts 10 7 SNORT, to exhale noi...
snouts 10 8 SNOUT, to provide wi...
snowks 14 14 SNOWK, (Scots) to sn...
snuffs 15 14 SNUFF, to put a cand...
soares 9 6 SOARE, (obsolete) so...
soaves 11 10 SOAVE, (Italian) an...
sobers 12 9 SOBER, to make sober...
socles 14 10 SOCLE, a plain face...
sodoms 11 10 SODOM, a place notor...
sofars 12 9 SOFAR, a system for...
softas 12 9 SOFTA, (Turkish) a M...
sogers 11 8 SOGER, (dialect) a s...
sohurs 13 9 SOHUR, a meal eaten...
sokahs 13 12 SOKAH, a variety of...
sokens 10 11 SOKEN, a feudal dist...
sokols 12 11 SOKOL, an internatio...
solahs 13 9 SOLAH, (Hindi) an In...
solans 10 8 SOLAN, the common ga...
solars 11 7 SOLAR, an upper room...
soldes 11 8 SOLDE, (Spenser) pay...
solers 11 7 SOLER, (archaic) an...
soleus 11 8 a leg muscle [n SOLE...
solids 12 8 SOLID, a solid subst...
soloes 10 7 SOLO, to perform a s...
solons 10 8 SOLON, a wise lawgiv...
solums 13 11 SOLUM, (Latin) the s...
solves 13 11 SOLVE, to find the a...
somans 10 10 SOMAN, a nerve agent...
sonars 9 7 SONAR, an underwater...
sonces 12 10 SONCE, (Scots) good...
sondes 9 8 SONDE, (French) an i...
sonics 13 10 the study of technol...
sonnes 8 8 SONNE, (obsolete) su...
sonses 9 7 SONSE, (Scots) good...
sooles 10 7 SOOLE, (Scots) to pu...
sootes 9 6 SOOTE, (obsolete) a...
sooths 12 8 SOOTH, the truth [n]
sopors 12 9 SOPOR, a profound sl...
sorbus 13 10 (Latin) any plant of...
sordes 10 7 dark incrustations o...
sorees 9 6 SOREE, (Native Ameri...
sorels 11 7 SOREL, a reddish-bro...
sorgos 11 8 SORGO, a variety of...
sorras 10 6 SORRA, (Irish) sorro...
sortes 10 6 (Latin) divination b...
sosses 10 6 SOSS, to fall at onc...
sotols 11 7 SOTOL, (Nahuatl) any...
souces 13 10 SOUCE, (Spenser) to...
soughs 14 11 SOUGH, to make a moa...
sounds 10 9 SOUND, to make a sou...
souses 10 7 SOUSE, to pickle; to...
souths 13 9 SOUTH, (archaic) to...
sowans 12 10 (Gaelic) a kind of o...
sowars 13 9 SOWAR, (Urdu) a moun...
sowces 16 12 SOWCE, to pickle; to...
sowens 12 10 (Gaelic) a kind of o...
sowers 13 9 SOWER, one who sows...
sowffs 18 15 SOWFF, (Scots) to wh...
sowles 14 10 SOWLE, (Scots) to pu...
sownds 13 11 SOWND, (Spenser) to...
sownes 12 10 SOWNE, (Spenser) sou...
sowses 13 9 SOWSE, (Spenser) to...
sowths 16 11 SOWTH, (Scots) to wh...
soyles 17 9 SOYLE [n]
sozins 13 16 SOZIN, a type of pro...
spaces 15 12 SPACE, to arrange at...
spades 12 10 SPADE, to dig with a...
spados 12 10 SPADO, (Latin) a cas...
spaers 12 9 SPAER, (Scots) one w...
spahis 15 11 SPAHI, (Turkish) for...
spails 14 10 SPAIL, a splinter or...
spains 12 10 SPAIN, (Scots) to we...
spaits 13 9 SPAIT, a flood, a su...
spalds 14 11 SPALD, (Scots) the s...
spales 13 10 SPALE, (Scots) a spl...
spalls 15 11 SPALL, to break up i...
spalts 14 10 SPALT, to splinter [...
spanes 11 10 SPANE, (Scots) to we...
spangs 13 12 SPANG, to cover with...
spanks 13 14 SPANK, to slap on th...
spares 12 9 SPARE, to refrain fr...
sparks 14 13 SPARK, to emit small...
sparts 13 9 SPART, esparto, Span...
spasms 14 12 SPASM, to go into sp...
spates 12 9 SPATE, a flood, a su...
spauls 14 11 SPAUL, (Scots) the s...
spawls 17 13 SPAWL, (archaic) to...
spawns 15 13 SPAWN, to deposit eg...
spayds 19 12 SPAYD, a male deer i...
speaks 13 13 SPEAK, to speak [v]
speals 13 10 SPEAL, (Scots) the s...
speans 11 10 SPEAN, (Scots) to we...
spears 12 9 SPEAR, to pierce wit...
speats 12 9 SPEAT, a flood, a su...
specks 17 16 SPECK, to mark with...
spects 16 12 SPECT, a nonstandard...
speeds 12 10 SPEED, to move swift...
speels 13 10 SPEEL, (Scots) to cl...
speers 12 9 SPEER, (Scots) to as...
speils 14 10 SPEIL, to climb, als...
speirs 13 9 SPEIR, (Scots) to as...
speiss 13 9 (German) a metallic...
spelds 14 11 SPELD, (Scots) to sp...
spelks 15 14 SPELK, a splinter of...
spells 15 11 SPELL, to read or wr...
spelts 14 10 SPELT, a hardy wheat...
spends 12 11 SPEND, to expend, to...
sperms 14 12 SPERM, a male gamete...
speugs 14 12 SPEUG, (Scots) a spa...
spials 14 10 SPIAL, (obsolete) a...
spicas 16 12 SPICA, (Latin) a ban...
spices 16 12 SPICE, to season wit...
spicks 18 16 SPICK, (US slang) a...
spides 13 10 SPIDE, (Irish) a you...
spiels 14 10 SPIEL, to talk at le...
spiers 13 9 SPIER, (Scots) to as...
spiffs 18 15 SPIFF, to make spiff...
spikes 14 13 SPIKE, to fasten wit...
spiles 14 10 SPILE, to stop up wi...
spills 16 11 SPILL, to overflow f...
spinas 12 10 SPINA, (Latin) the s...
spines 12 10 SPINE, the vertebral...
spinks 14 14 SPINK [n]
spires 13 9 SPIRE, to rise in a...
spirts 14 9 SPIRT, to emit liqui...
spites 13 9 SPITE, to treat with...
splats 14 10 SPLAT, to flatten on...
splays 20 12 SPLAY, to spread out...
splits 15 10 SPLIT, to separate l...
splogs 15 12 SPLOG, a spam blog,...
spodes 12 10 SPODE, a fine china...
spoils 14 10 SPOIL, to mar [v]
spokes 13 13 SPOKE, to supply wit...
spoofs 14 12 SPOOF, to ridicule i...
spooks 13 13 SPOOK, to frighten,...
spools 13 10 SPOOL, to wind on a...
spooms 13 12 SPOOM, to scud befor...
spoons 11 10 SPOON, to eat with a...
spoors 12 9 SPOOR, to follow a t...
spoots 12 9 SPOOT, the razor-she...
spores 12 9 SPORE, to produce an...
sporks 14 13 SPORK, a spoon-like...
sports 13 9 SPORT, to frolic [v]
spouts 13 10 SPOUT, to eject in a...
sprags 14 11 SPRAG, to stop with...
sprats 13 9 SPRAT, a young herri...
sprays 19 11 SPRAY, to disperse i...
spreds 13 10 SPRED, (obsolete) to...
sprees 12 9 SPREE, to carouse [v...
sprews 16 12 SPREW, a thin, infer...
sprigs 15 11 SPRIG, to embroider...
sprits 14 9 SPRIT, a ship's spar...
sprods 13 10 SPROD, a salmon in i...
sprogs 14 11 SPROG, a young child...
sprues 13 10 SPRUE, infantile thr...
sprugs 15 12 SPRUG, (Scots) a spa...
spuers 13 10 SPUER, one who spues...
spules 14 11 SPULE, (Scots) the s...
spumes 14 13 SPUME, to foam [v]
spunks 14 15 SPUNK, to begin to b...
spurns 13 11 SPURN, to reject wit...
spurts 14 10 SPURT, to gush forth...
spyals 20 12 SPYAL, (Spenser) a s...
spyres 19 11 SPYRE, (Spenser) a s...
squabs 21 19 SQUAB, to stuff, uph...
squads 19 17 SQUAD, to form into...
squats 19 16 SQUAT, to sit on one...
squaws 22 19 SQUAW, (Native Ameri...
squegs 20 18 SQUEG, to oscillate...
squibs 22 19 SQUIB, to lampoon [v...
squids 20 17 SQUID, to fish with...
squits 20 16 SQUIT, (slang) a con...
stacks 15 13 STACK, to pile [v]
stades 10 7 STADE, a single peri...
staffs 15 12 STAFF, to fill posit...
stages 11 8 STAGE, to produce fo...
staigs 12 8 STAIG, a colt or sta...
stains 10 7 STAIN, to discolour,...
stairs 11 6 STAIR, a rest for th...
stakes 11 10 STAKE, to fasten wit...
stales 11 7 STALE, to become pas...
stalks 13 11 STALK, to pursue ste...
stalls 13 8 STALL, to come to a...
stamps 14 12 STAMP, to bring the...
stands 10 8 STAND, to assume an...
stanes 9 7 STANE, (Scots) to st...
stangs 11 9 STANG, (Scots) to st...
stanks 11 11 STANK, (Scots) to da...
stapes 12 9 a bone of the middle...
staphs 15 11 STAPH, any of variou...
stares 10 6 STARE, to gaze fixed...
starks 12 10 STARK, to stiffen [v...
starns 10 7 STARN, to row backwa...
starrs 11 6 STARR, (Hebrew) a Je...
starts 11 6 START, to begin, set...
stases 10 6 STASIS, a stoppage o...
stasis 11 6 a stoppage of the no...
states 10 6 STATE, to set forth...
status 11 7 a state of affairs;...
stauns 10 8 STAUN, (Scots) to st...
staves 12 10 STAVE, to drive or t...
steads 10 7 STEAD, to avail, hel...
steaks 11 10 STEAK, any of severa...
steals 11 7 STEAL, to take by th...
steams 11 9 STEAM, to cook by wa...
steans 9 7 STEAN, to line e.g....
stears 10 6 STEAR, (obsolete) to...
stedds 11 8 STEDD, (Spenser) to...
stedes 10 7 STEDE, (Spenser) to...
steeds 10 7 STEED, (Spenser) to...
steeks 11 10 STEEK, (Scots) to st...
steels 11 7 STEEL, to cover with...
steems 11 9 STEEM, (archaic) to...
steens 9 7 STEEN, to line e.g....
steeps 12 9 STEEP, to soak in a...
steers 10 6 STEER, to guide or d...
steils 12 7 STEIL, (dialect) a h...
steins 10 7 STEIN, to line e.g....
steles 11 7 STELE, (Greek) an up...
stells 13 8 STELL, to establish,...
stemes 11 9 STEME, (archaic) to...
stends 10 8 STEND, (Scots) to bo...
stenos 9 7 STENO, (short for) a...
stents 10 7 STENT, (Scots) to st...
steres 10 6 STERE, (French) a ti...
sterns 10 7 STERN, to back, row...
stichs 17 11 STICH, (Greek) a lin...
sticks 16 13 STICK, to support wi...
stiffs 16 12 STIFF, to cheat, rob...
stilbs 15 10 STILB, the cgs unit...
stiles 12 7 STILE, to style, des...
stills 14 8 STILL, to make still...
stilts 13 7 STILT, to raise on l...
stimes 12 9 STIME, (Scots) to pe...
stings 12 9 STING, to prick pain...
stinks 12 11 STINK, to emit a fou...
stints 11 7 STINT, to be niggard...
stipas 13 9 STIPA, (Latin) any g...
stipes 13 9 a slender supporting...
stires 11 6 STIRE, (archaic) to...
stirks 13 10 STIRK, a yearling ox...
stirps 14 9 (Latin) a branch of...
stives 13 10 STIVE, (dialect) to...
stoats 10 6 STOAT, a weasel with...
stocks 15 13 STOCK, to keep for f...
stoeps 12 9 STOEP, (Dutch) a pla...
stoics 14 9 STOIC, a stoical per...
stoits 11 6 STOIT, (Scots) to st...
stokes 11 10 STOKE, to supply a f...
stoles 11 7 STOLE, a narrow eccl...
stomas 11 9 STOMA, a minute open...
stomps 14 12 STOMP, to tread heav...
stonds 10 8 STOND, (Spenser) a s...
stones 9 7 STONE, to pelt with...
stonks 11 11 STONK, (slang) to bo...
stonns 9 8 STONN, (obsolete) to...
stooks 11 10 STOOK, to stack grai...
stools 11 7 STOOL, to put forth...
stoops 12 9 STOOP, to bend the b...
stoors 10 6 STOOR, a battle, an...
stopes 12 9 STOPE, to excavate i...
stores 10 6 STORE, to put away f...
storks 12 10 STORK, any large wad...
storms 12 9 STORM, to blow viole...
stotts 11 6 STOTT, to bound with...
stouns 10 8 STOUN, (Spenser) to...
stoups 13 10 STOUP, a vessel for...
stours 11 7 STOUR, (Scots) a bat...
stouts 11 7 STOUT, a strong dark...
stoves 12 10 STOVE, to dry in a h...
stowps 16 12 STOWP, a vessel for...
strads 11 7 STRAD, (short for) a...
straes 10 6 STRAE, (Scots) straw...
strags 12 8 STRAG, a straggler [...
straps 13 9 STRAP, to fasten wit...
strass 11 6 (German) a paste for...
straws 14 9 STRAW, to cover with...
strays 17 8 STRAY, to wander fro...
streps 13 9 STREP, any of variou...
stress 11 6 to place emphasis on...
strews 14 9 STREW, to scatter, s...
strigs 13 8 STRIG, to remove the...
strims 13 9 STRIM, to cut grass...
strips 14 9 STRIP, to remove the...
strops 13 9 STROP, to sharpen on...
strows 14 9 STROW, to scatter, a...
stroys 17 8 STROY, (dialect) to...
strums 13 10 STRUM, to play a str...
struts 12 7 STRUT, to walk with...
stucks 16 14 STUCK, (Shakespeare)...
stuffs 16 13 STUFF, to fill or pa...
stulls 14 9 STULL, a supporting...
stulms 14 11 STULM, an adit or le...
stumps 15 13 STUMP, to baffle [v]
stunts 11 8 STUNT, to hinder fro...
stupas 13 10 STUPA, (Sanskrit) a...
stupes 13 10 STUPE, to treat with...
sturts 12 7 STURT, to vex; to an...
styles 18 9 STYLE, to name [v]
stylos 18 9 STYLO, (short for) a...
stylus 19 10 a pointed instrument...
stymes 18 11 STYME, (Scots) to pe...
styres 17 8 STYRE, (Spenser) to...
stytes 17 8 STYTE, (Scots) to st...
subahs 15 12 SUBAH, (Hindi) a pro...
subers 13 10 SUBER, (Latin) the b...
subhas 15 12 SUBHA, (Arabic) a st...
succes 17 13 (French) success [n...
succos 17 13 SUCCAH, (Hebrew) a s...
succus 18 14 (Latin) juice, any f...
sucres 14 10 SUCRE, a monetary un...
sudors 11 8 SUDOR, (Latin) sweat...
sudses 11 8 SUDS, to wash in soa...
suedes 10 8 SUEDE, to finish lea...
suetes 10 7 SUETE, (French) a so...
sugans 11 10 SUGAN, (Irish) a str...
sugars 12 9 SUGAR, to sweeten wi...
suhurs 14 10 SUHUR, a meal eaten...
suings 12 10 SUING, the act of su...
suints 11 8 SUINT, a natural gre...
suites 11 7 SUITE, a series of t...
sujees 12 16 SUJEE, a solution of...
sukkos 13 15 SUKKAH, a shelter wh...
sukuks 14 16 SUKUK, (Arabic) a fi...
sulcus 16 12 (Latin) a groove or...
sulfas 14 11 SULFA, a bacteria-in...
sulphs 17 13 SULPH, (slang) amphe...
sumacs 15 13 SUMAC, any of variou...
summas 13 13 SUMMA, a comprehensi...
sumphs 17 15 SUMPH, (Scots) a dun...
sunnas 9 9 SUNNA, (Arabic) a co...
sunups 13 12 SUNUP, sunrise [n]
supers 13 10 SUPER, to reinforce...
surahs 13 9 SURAH, (Arabic) a ch...
surats 11 7 SURAT, (Hindi) a coa...
surges 12 9 SURGE, to move in a...
surras 11 7 SURRA, (Marathi) a t...
sushis 14 9 SUSHI, (Japanese) a...
susses 11 7 SUSS, to arrest for...
sutors 11 7 SUTOR, (archaic) a c...
sutras 11 7 SUTRA, (Sanskrit) a...
suttas 11 7 SUTTA, (Sanskrit) a...
swacks 18 16 SWACK, (Scots) to st...
swages 14 11 SWAGE, to shape with...
swails 15 10 SWAIL, a tract of lo...
swains 13 10 SWAIN, a country boy...
swales 14 10 SWALE, to scorch, si...
swamis 15 12 SWAMI, (Hindi) a Hin...
swamps 17 15 SWAMP, to inundate [...
swanks 14 14 SWANK, to show off [...
swards 14 10 SWARD, to cover with...
swarfs 16 12 SWARF, to faint, als...
swarms 15 12 SWARM, to move in a...
swaths 16 11 SWATH, a row of cut...
swayls 21 12 SWAYL, to scorch, si...
sweals 14 10 SWEAL, to scorch, si...
swears 13 9 SWEAR, to utter a so...
sweats 13 9 SWEAT, to perspire [...
swedes 13 10 SWEDE, a vegetable l...
sweels 14 10 SWEEL, to scorch, si...
sweeps 15 12 SWEEP, to clean with...
sweers 13 9 SWEER, to swear [v]
sweets 13 9 SWEET, to sweeten [v...
sweirs 14 9 SWEIR, to swear [v]
swells 16 11 SWELL, to increase i...
swelts 15 10 SWELT, (dialect) to...
swerfs 16 12 SWERF, (Scots) to fa...
swifts 17 12 SWIFT, to tighten wi...
swiles 15 10 SWILE, a seal (marin...
swills 17 11 SWILL, to dash water...
swines 13 10 SWINE, a domestic pi...
swings 15 12 SWING, to move freel...
swinks 15 14 SWINK, (archaic) to...
swipes 16 12 SWIPE, to strike wit...
swires 14 9 SWIRE, a hollow betw...
swirls 16 10 SWIRL, to move with...
swives 16 13 SWIVE, (archaic) to...
swoons 12 10 SWOON, to faint, als...
swoops 15 12 SWOOP, to make a sud...
swords 14 10 SWORD, a weapon with...
swouns 13 11 SWOUN, to faint, als...
sybbes 21 14 SYBBE, (Spenser) a b...
sybils 21 12 SYBIL, (Greek) any o...
syboes 18 11 SYBO, (Scots) a spri...
sybows 22 14 SYBOW, (Scots) a spr...
sycees 19 11 SYCEE, (Chinese) lum...
sycons 19 12 SYCON, a type of spo...
sylphs 23 14 SYLPH, a slender, gr...
sylvas 20 13 SYLVA, the forest tr...
symars 18 11 SYMAR, a loose coat,...
synchs 22 14 SYNCH, to cause to o...
syngas 17 11 a mixture of carbon...
synods 16 10 SYNOD, an ecclesiast...
synths 19 11 SYNTH, (short for) a...
syrahs 19 10 SYRAH, a red wine gr...
syrens 16 9 SYREN, a siren [n]
syrtes 17 8 SYRTIS, (Milton) an...
syrtis 18 8 (Milton) an area of...
syrups 20 12 SYRUP, to make into...
sysops 19 11 SYSOP, (short for) s...
sythes 19 10 SYTHE, (Spenser) a t...
syvers 19 12 SYVER, (Scots) a dra...
taatas 9 6 TAATA, (East Africa)...
tabbis 15 12 a silk fabric [n -ES...
tabers 12 9 TABER, to play on th...
tablas 13 10 TABLA, (Hindi) an In...
tables 13 10 TABLE, to place on f...
taboos 11 9 TABOO, to exclude or...
tabors 12 9 TABOR, to play on th...
tabuns 12 11 TABUN, (German) an o...
tacans 12 10 TACAN, an electronic...
taches 15 11 TACHE, (Biblical) a...
tachos 15 11 TACHO, (short for) a...
tafias 12 9 TAFIA, a liquor rese...
taigas 11 8 TAIGA, (Russian) sub...
taikos 11 10 TAIKO, (Japanese) a...
taints 10 7 TAINT, to stain or b...
tairas 10 6 TAIRA, (Tupi) a larg...
takers 11 10 TAKER, one who takes...
takhis 14 12 TAKHI, (Mongolian) a...
takins 11 11 TAKIN, (Tibetan) a l...
talaks 12 11 TALAK, (Arabic) in I...
talaqs 19 16 TALAQ, (Arabic) in I...
talars 11 7 TALAR, an ankle-leng...
talers 11 7 TALER, (German) an o...
tallis 13 8 a Jewish prayer shaw...
talmas 12 10 TALMA, a long loose...
talons 10 8 TALON, a hooked claw...
talpas 13 10 TALPA, (Latin) an en...
taluks 13 12 TALUK, (Hindi) a lar...
tamals 12 10 TAMAL, (Nahuatl) cor...
tamers 11 9 TAMER, one that tame...
tamins 11 10 TAMIN, (French) a th...
tangas 10 9 TANGA, a brief strin...
tangis 11 9 TANGI, (Maori) a cer...
tangos 10 9 TANGO, to dance the...
tankas 10 11 TANKA, (Japanese) a...
tannas 8 8 TANNA, (Hindi) an In...
tantos 9 7 TANTO, (Japanese) a...
tapers 12 9 TAPER, to become gra...
tapets 12 9 TAPET [n]
tapirs 13 9 TAPIR, (Tupi) a larg...
tappas 14 12 TAPPA, (Polynesian)...
targas 11 8 TARGA, (trade) a car...
targes 11 8 TARGE, (Scots) to cr...
tarocs 13 9 TAROC, a pack of car...
taroks 11 10 TAROK, a pack of car...
tarots 10 6 TAROT, a pack of car...
tarras 10 6 an earthy volcanic t...
tarres 10 6 TARRE, (Shakespeare)...
tarsus 11 7 (Latin) the part of...
tasars 10 6 TASAR, (Hindi) a faw...
tasers 10 6 TASER, to immobilize...
tashes 12 8 TASH, (Scots) to soi...
tassas 10 6 TASSA, (Hindi) a lar...
tasses 10 6 TASSE, in plate armo...
tassos 10 6 TASSO, spicy cured p...
tastes 10 6 TASTE, to savour wit...
tatars 10 6 TATAR, a ferocious p...
taters 10 6 TATER, (colloquial)...
taties 10 6 TATIE, (colloquial)...
tatous 10 7 TATOU, (French) an a...
taubes 12 10 TAUBE, (German) a Ge...
taunts 10 8 TAUNT, to goad or pr...
tauons 9 8 TAUON, a lepton of m...
taupes 12 10 TAUPE, (French) a br...
tavahs 14 12 TAVAH, (Hindi) a gri...
tavers 12 10 TAVER, (Scots) to wa...
tawais 13 9 TAWAI, (Maori) a New...
tawers 13 9 TAWER, a maker of wh...
tawses 13 9 TAWSE, to beat with...
taxers 16 13 TAXER, one who impos...
taxies 16 13 TAXI, to travel in a...
taxols 17 14 TAXOL, (tradename) a...
taxons 15 14 TAXON, a unit of sci...
taxors 16 13 TAXOR, one who taxes...
tayras 16 8 TAYRA, (Tupi) a larg...
tazzas 16 24 TAZZA, (Italian) a c...
teades 9 7 TEADE, (Spenser) a t...
teases 9 6 TEASE, to make fun o...
teazes 12 15 TEAZE, (obsolete) to...
teends 9 8 TEEND, to kindle, bu...
teenes 8 7 TEENE, (archaic) inj...
teguas 11 9 TEGUA, an ankle-high...
teiids 11 7 TEIID, a tropical Am...
teinds 10 8 TEIND, (Scots) to as...
telcos 14 10 TELCO, (short for) a...
tellus 13 9 (Latin) the earth, e...
tellys 19 10 TELLY, (colloquial)...
tempos 13 12 TEMPO, the rate of s...
tempts 14 12 TEMPT, to entice to...
temses 11 9 TEMS, to sift, also...
tendus 10 9 TENDU, an Asian ebon...
tenets 9 7 TENET, an opinion, p...
tenges 10 9 TENGE, the standard...
tenias 9 7 TENIA, (Latin) a nar...
tennes 8 8 TENNE, an orange-bro...
tennis 9 8 an outdoor ball game...
tennos 8 8 TENNO, (Japanese) th...
tenons 8 8 TENON, to fix or fit...
tenors 9 7 TENOR, a high male s...
tenses 9 7 TENSE, to make tense...
tenths 12 9 TENTH, one of ten eq...
tenues 9 8 TENUIS, (Latin) a vo...
tenuis 10 8 (Latin) a voiceless...
tepals 13 10 TEPAL, a segment of...
tepees 11 9 TEPEE, a conical ten...
tepoys 18 11 TEPOY, (Hindi) an or...
terais 10 6 TERAI, (Hindi) a wid...
terces 13 9 TERCE, a prayer serv...
tereks 11 10 TEREK, (Russian) a k...
terfes 12 9 TERFE, (Milton) turf...
ternes 9 7 TERNE, to cover with...
terras 10 6 an earthy volcanic t...
teslas 11 7 TESLA, a unit of mag...
testes 10 6 TESTIS, a male repro...
testis 11 6 a male reproductive...
tetras 10 6 TETRA, any of variou...
tetris 11 6 TETRI, a currency un...
tewels 14 10 TEWEL, a chimney; th...
tewits 14 9 TEWIT, (Scots) the l...
thacks 17 15 THACK, (Scots) to th...
thagis 14 10 THAGI, (Hindi) murde...
thalis 14 9 THALI, (Hindi) a mea...
thanas 11 9 THANA, (Hindi) an In...
thanes 11 9 THANE, a freeman gra...
thangs 13 11 THANG, (colloquial)...
thanks 13 13 THANK, to express gr...
tharms 14 11 THARM, the belly, in...
thebes 14 11 THEBE, (Setswana) a...
theeks 13 12 THEEK, (Scots) to th...
thefts 15 11 THEFT, the act of st...
thegns 13 11 THEGN, a king's comp...
theics 16 11 THEIC, one who drink...
theins 12 9 THEIN, caffeine, als...
theirs 13 8 a possessive form of...
themes 13 11 THEME, to plan accor...
theows 15 11 THEOW, (Old English)...
theres 12 8 THERE, that place [n...
therms 14 11 THERM, a unit of qua...
theses 12 8 THESIS, a propositio...
thesis 13 8 a proposition put fo...
thesps 15 11 THESP, a thespian, a...
thetas 12 8 THETA, (Greek) a let...
thetes 12 8 THETE, (Greek) in an...
thewes 15 11 THEW, a well-develop...
thicks 18 15 THICK, (Spenser) to...
thighs 17 12 THIGH, a part of the...
thills 16 10 THILL, the shaft of...
things 14 11 THING, an inanimate...
thinks 14 13 THINK, to formulate...
thiols 14 9 THIOL, a sulphur com...
thirds 14 9 THIRD, to divide by...
thirls 15 9 THIRL, to vibrate, t...
thofts 15 11 THOFT, a rowing-benc...
tholes 13 9 THOLE, to endure, be...
tholos 13 9 a circular, undergro...
tholus 14 10 (Latin) a round buil...
thongs 13 11 THONG [n]
thorns 12 9 THORN, to prick with...
thorps 15 11 THORP, (archaic) a g...
thowls 17 12 THOWL, an oar pin, a...
thraws 16 11 THRAW, (Scots) to tu...
threes 12 8 THREE, a number, thr...
thrids 14 9 THRID, (Spenser) to...
thrips 16 11 (Greek) any insect o...
throbs 15 11 THROB, to pulsate [v...
throes 12 8 THROE, to suffer vio...
throws 16 11 THROW, to fling in t...
thrums 15 12 THRUM, to play a str...
thujas 15 18 THUJA, (Greek) a gen...
thumbs 17 15 THUMB, to leaf throu...
thumps 17 15 THUMP, to beat with...
thunks 14 14 THUNK, to make a sud...
thurls 15 10 THURL, the hip joint...
thuses 13 9 THUS, frankincense [...
thuyas 19 11 THUYA, an evergreen...
thymes 20 13 THYME, any member of...
thymus 21 14 (Latin) a ductless g...
tiaras 10 6 TIARA, a three-tiere...
tibias 13 9 TIBIA, (Latin) the p...
ticals 15 10 TICAL, a former Thai...
tiches 16 11 TICH, a small person...
tidies 11 7 TIDY, to make tidy [...
tigers 12 8 TIGER, a fierce, str...
tights 15 10 a close-fitting garm...
tigons 11 9 TIGON, the offspring...
tikkas 13 14 TIKKA, (Hindi) a dis...
tilaks 13 11 TILAK, (Hindi) a red...
tildes 12 8 TILDE, (Spanish) the...
tilers 12 7 TILER, a maker or la...
tilths 15 9 TILTH, cultivated la...
timbos 14 12 TIMBO, a South Ameri...
timers 12 9 TIMER, one that time...
timons 11 10 TIMON, (obsolete) a...
timous 12 10 timely; seasonable,...
tincts 14 10 TINCT, to stain, dye...
tineas 9 7 TINEA, a fungous ski...
tinges 11 9 TINGE, to colour sli...
tinies 10 7 TINY, a small child...
tiroes 10 6 TIRO, a beginner or...
tiswas 14 9 a tizzy, a state of...
titans 10 7 TITAN, a person of g...
titers 11 6 TITER, the concentra...
tithes 13 8 TITHE, to pay a tent...
titles 12 7 TITLE, to designate...
titres 11 6 TITRE, the strength...
titups 14 10 TITUP, to prance [v]
tiyins 17 9 TIYIN, a monetary un...
tizwas 17 18 a tizzy, a state of...
tizzes 17 24 TIZZ, (colloquial) a...
tmeses 11 9 TMESIS, the splittin...
tmesis 12 9 the splitting of a w...
toasts 10 6 TOAST, to brown by e...
toazes 12 15 TOAZE, (Shakespeare)...
tobies 12 9 TOBY, in thieves' sl...
todays 16 9 TODAY, the present d...
toddes 10 8 TODDE, (Spenser) a b...
todies 10 7 TODY, a small West I...
togues 11 9 TOGUE, (Native Ameri...
toiles 11 7 TOILE, (French) a th...
toings 11 9 TOING, as in toing a...
toises 10 6 TOISE, (French) an o...
tokays 17 12 TOKAY, a large gecko...
tokens 10 11 TOKEN, to be a sign...
tokers 11 10 TOKER, one that toke...
tolans 10 8 TOLAN, a white cryst...
tolars 11 7 TOLAR, (Slovene) the...
tolyls 19 10 TOLYL, a chemical ra...
tomans 10 10 TOMAN, (Persian) a f...
tondos 9 8 TONDO, (Italian) a c...
toners 9 7 TONER, fine powdered...
tongas 10 9 TONGA, (Hindi) a lig...
tonics 13 10 TONIC, something tha...
tonies 9 7 TONY, (obsolete) a s...
tonnes 8 8 TONNE, (French) the...
tooths 12 8 TOOTH, to provide wi...
topees 11 9 TOPEE, (Hindi) a tro...
topeks 13 13 TOPEK, (Inuit) an an...
topers 12 9 TOPER, a drunkard [n...
tophes 14 11 TOPHE, a rock made o...
tophus 15 12 a deposit of urates...
topics 16 12 TOPIC, a subject of...
toques 18 16 TOQUE, a close-fitti...
torahs 12 8 TORAH, the body of J...
torans 9 7 TORAN, (Hindi) in th...
torics 14 9 TORIC, a torus, a ro...
tories 10 6 TORY, a political co...
torous 10 7 cylindrical and swol...
torses 10 6 TORSE, (French) a he...
torsks 12 10 TORSK, (Norwegian) a...
torsos 10 6 TORSO, the trunk of...
tortas 10 6 TORTA, in mining, a...
tortes 10 6 TORTE, (German) a ri...
toshes 12 8 TOSH, to trim [v]
tosses 10 6 TOSS, to throw light...
totals 11 7 TOTAL, to amount to...
totems 11 9 TOTEM, the symbol of...
toters 10 6 TOTER, one who totes...
toughs 14 11 TOUGH, to endure [v]
touses 10 7 TOUSE, to dishevel,...
touzes 13 16 TOUZE, to dishevel,...
towels 14 10 TOWEL, to wipe with...
towers 13 9 TOWER, to rise to a...
towies 13 9 TOWIE, a form of con...
towses 13 9 TOWSE, to dishevel,...
towzes 16 18 TOWZE, to dishevel,...
toxics 20 16 TOXIC, a poison [n]
toxins 16 14 TOXIN, a poisonous p...
toyers 16 8 TOYER, one who toys,...
toyons 15 9 TOYON, an ornamental...
tozies 13 15 TOZIE, (Scott) a sha...
traces 13 9 TRACE, to follow the...
tracks 15 13 TRACK, to follow the...
tracts 14 9 TRACT, (Spenser) to...
trades 10 7 TRADE, to have deali...
tragus 12 9 a part of the extern...
traiks 12 10 TRAIK, (Scots) to ma...
trails 12 7 TRAIL, to draw along...
trains 10 7 TRAIN, to instruct s...
traits 11 6 TRAIT, (French) a ch...
tramps 14 12 TRAMP, to tread heav...
tranks 11 11 TRANK [n]
tranqs 18 16 TRANQ, (short for) t...
trants 10 7 TRANT, to traffic in...
trapes 12 9 to walk in an aimles...
tratts 11 6 TRATT, (short for) a...
traves 12 10 TRAVE, a crossbeam o...
travis 13 10 a stall partition; a...
trawls 15 10 TRAWL, to fish by dr...
treads 10 7 TREAD, to walk on, o...
treats 10 6 TREAT, to deal with...
trecks 15 13 TRECK, to go on a jo...
treens 9 7 TREEN, cups, dishes...
tremas 11 9 TREMA, (Greek) a dia...
trends 10 8 TREND, to have a ten...
trests 11 6 TREST, (dialect) a t...
trevis 13 10 a stall, also TRAVIS...
trezes 13 15 TREZ, the three in c...
triacs 14 9 TRIAC, an electronic...
triads 11 7 TRIAD, a group of th...
trials 12 7 TRIAL, to make a jud...
tribes 13 9 TRIBE, a group of pe...
trices 14 9 TRICE, to haul up wi...
tricks 16 13 TRICK, to deceive [v...
triens 10 7 (Latin) a coin of an...
triers 11 6 TRIER, one who tries...
trigos 12 8 TRIGO, a kind of whe...
trikes 12 10 TRIKE, (colloquial)...
trills 14 8 TRILL, to play with...
trines 10 7 TRINE, to place in a...
triols 12 7 TRIOL, a type of che...
triors 11 6 TRIOR, (obsolete) a...
tripes 13 9 TRIPE, a part of the...
tripos 13 9 (Greek) a final hono...
trites 11 6 TRITE, in Greek musi...
troads 10 7 TROAD, (Spenser) a t...
troaks 11 10 TROAK, (Scots) to ba...
troats 10 6 TROAT, to bellow lik...
trocks 15 13 TROCK, (Scots) to ba...
trodes 10 7 TRODE, (Spenser) a t...
troggs 13 10 (Scots) by my troth...
trokes 11 10 TROKE, (Scots) to ba...
trolls 13 8 TROLL, to fish with...
tromps 14 12 TROMP, to apply heav...
tronas 9 7 TRONA, (Swedish) a n...
troncs 13 10 TRONC, (French) a co...
trones 9 7 TRONE, (Scots) a pub...
tronks 11 11 TRONK, (Afrikaans) j...
troops 12 9 TROOP, to move in a...
tropes 12 9 TROPE, to provide wi...
troths 13 8 TROTH, (Shakespeare)...
trouts 11 7 TROUT, a freshwater...
troves 12 10 TROVE, a valuable di...
truces 14 10 TRUCE, to suspend ho...
trucks 16 14 TRUCK, to transport...
trugos 12 9 TRUGO, (Australian)...
trulls 14 9 TRULL, (archaic) a h...
trumps 15 13 TRUMP, to outdo [v]
trunks 12 12 TRUNK, the main stem...
trusts 12 7 TRUST, to place conf...
truths 14 9 TRUTH, conformity to...
tryers 17 8 TRYER, one who tries...
trykes 18 12 TRYKE, a tricycle, a...
trysts 18 8 TRYST, to make an ap...
tsades 10 7 TSADE, (Hebrew) a He...
tsadis 11 7 TSADI, (Hebrew) a He...
tsores 10 6 (Yiddish) grief, woe...
tsoris 11 6 (Yiddish) grief, woe...
tsubas 13 10 TSUBA, (Japanese) a...
tsubos 13 10 TSUBO, (Japanese) a...
tsuris 12 7 (Yiddish) grief, woe...
tuarts 11 7 TUART, (Native Austr...
tuaths 13 9 TUATH, (Irish) a tri...
tubers 13 10 TUBER, an undergroun...
tuchis 17 12 (Yiddish) the buttoc...
tuchus 17 13 (Yiddish) the buttoc...
tuffes 15 13 TUFFE, (Shakespeare)...
tugras 12 9 TUGRA, (Turkish) an...
tuiles 12 8 TUILE, (French) a th...
tuinas 10 8 TUINA, (Chinese) a C...
tuisms 13 10 TUISM, the theory th...
tuktus 13 12 TUKTU, (Inuit) a car...
tulips 15 11 TULIP, any plant or...
tulles 13 9 TULLE, (French) a sh...
tulpas 14 11 TULPA, (Tibetan) a b...
tulsis 13 8 TULSI, (Hindi) a typ...
tumors 12 10 TUMOR, (US) an abnor...
tuners 10 8 TUNER, one who tunes...
tunics 14 11 TUNIC, a loose-fitti...
tupeks 14 14 TUPEK, (Inuit) an In...
tupiks 15 14 TUPIK, (Inuit) an In...
tuples 14 11 TUPLE, in computing,...
tuques 19 17 TUQUE, (French) a kn...
turbos 13 10 TURBO, a type of eng...
turkis 13 11 (Milton) turquoise [...
turmes 12 10 TURME, a troop, also...
turves 13 11 TURF, a surface laye...
tushes 13 9 TUSH, to gore with a...
tusses 11 7 TUSSIS, a cough [n]
tussis 12 7 a cough [n TUSSISES...
tutees 10 7 TUTEE, one who is be...
tutors 11 7 TUTOR, to instruct p...
tutses 11 7 TUTS, (Scots) to say...
tuttis 12 7 TUTTI, (Italian) a d...
tuyers 17 9 TUYER, a pipe throug...
tuzzes 17 25 TUZZ, a tuft [n]
twains 13 10 TWAIN, (archaic) a s...
twangs 14 12 TWANG, to make a sha...
twanks 14 14 TWANK, a short twang...
tweaks 14 13 TWEAK, to pinch and...
tweeds 13 10 TWEED, a coarse wool...
tweels 14 10 TWEEL, to weave with...
tweens 12 10 TWEEN, a preteen, be...
tweeps 15 12 TWEEP, one who uses...
tweers 13 9 TWEER, (obsolete) to...
tweets 13 9 TWEET, to make a sou...
twerks 15 13 TWERK, to thrust the...
twerps 16 12 TWERP, a small, impu...
twiers 14 9 TWIER, a pipe throug...
twills 17 11 TWILL, to weave with...
twilts 16 10 TWILT, to quilt [v]
twines 13 10 TWINE, to entangle t...
twinks 15 14 TWINK, to blink [v]
twires 14 9 TWIRE, (Shakespeare)...
twirls 16 10 TWIRL, to rotate rap...
twirps 17 12 TWIRP, a small impud...
twists 15 9 TWIST, to force arou...
twites 14 9 TWITE, the mountain...
twoers 13 9 TWOER, (colloquial)...
twyers 20 11 TWYER, a pipe throug...
tyiyns 23 11 TYIYN, a monetary un...
tylers 18 9 TYLER, a maker or la...
typhus 22 14 any of a group of ac...
typtos 19 11 TYPTO, to work at Gr...
tyrans 16 9 TYRAN, to play the o...
tyroes 16 8 TYRO, a beginner or...
tythes 19 10 TYTHE, to pay a tent...
tzuris 15 16 (Yiddish) grief, woe...
uckers 15 14 a form of the game l...
udders 11 9 UDDER, a mammary gla...
ugalis 13 10 UGALI, (Swahili) an...
uglies 13 10 UGLY, to make ugly [...
uhlans 13 11 UHLAN, (German) a li...
uhurus 14 11 UHURU, (Swahili) fre...
ukases 11 11 UKASE, (Russian) a p...
ulamas 12 11 ULAMA, (Arabic) the...
ulcers 15 11 ULCER, to affect wit...
ulemas 12 11 ULEMA, (Arabic) the...
ulexes 17 15 ULEX, (Latin) any pl...
ulices 15 11 ULEX, (Latin) any pl...
ulitis 13 8 inflammation of the...
ulmins 13 12 ULMIN, a brown amorp...
uloses 11 8 ULOSIS, scar formati...
ulosis 12 8 scar formation [n UL...
ultras 12 8 ULTRA, an advocate o...
ulyies 18 10 ULYIE, (Scots) oil,...
ulzies 15 17 ULZIE, (Scots) oil,...
umamis 13 13 UMAMI, (Japanese) a...
umbels 15 14 UMBEL, a type of flo...
umbers 14 13 UMBER, to colour wit...
umbles 15 14 a deer's entrails, a...
umbras 14 13 UMBRA, (Latin) a sha...
umbres 14 13 UMBRE, the hammerhea...
umiacs 15 13 UMIAC, (Inuit) an In...
umiaks 13 14 UMIAK, (Inuit) a Inu...
umiaqs 20 19 UMIAQ, (Inuit) an Es...
ummahs 15 15 UMMAH, (Arabic) the...
umpies 14 13 UMPY, (Australian sl...
umrahs 14 12 UMRAH, a lesser pilg...
unarms 11 11 UNARM, to deprive of...
unbags 13 13 UNBAG, to let out of...
unbans 11 12 UNBAN, to remove a p...
unbars 12 11 UNBAR, to become unb...
unbeds 12 12 UNBED, to rouse from...
unbias 12 11 to free from bias [v...
uncaps 15 14 UNCAP, to remove the...
uncles 14 12 UNCLE, to address as...
uncoes 12 11 UNCO, a stranger, a...
undams 11 12 UNDAM, to free water...
undies 10 9 women's underclothin...
undoes 9 9 UNDO, to bring to ru...
unfits 13 11 UNFIT, to make unfit...
ungags 12 12 UNGAG, to remove a g...
ungets 11 10 UNGET, to deny the b...
ungods 11 11 UNGOD, to deprive of...
ungues 11 11 UNGUIS, a nail, claw...
unguis 12 11 a nail, claw or hoof...
ungums 13 14 UNGUM, to free from...
unhats 12 10 UNHAT, to remove a h...
unions 9 9 UNION, the state of...
unites 10 8 UNITE, to join toget...
unjams 13 20 UNJAM, to free from...
unkiss 12 12 (Shakespeare) to can...
unlaws 14 12 UNLAW, to deprive of...
unlays 17 11 UNLAY, to untwist [v...
unless 11 9 except on the condit...
unlids 12 10 UNLID, to take the l...
unmans 10 12 UNMAN, to deprive of...
unmews 14 14 UNMEW, to release fr...
unpays 18 13 UNPAY, to make good,...
unpegs 13 13 UNPEG, to remove the...
unpens 11 12 UNPEN, to release fr...
unpins 12 12 UNPIN, to remove the...
unrigs 12 10 UNRIG, to divest of...
unrips 13 11 UNRIP, to rip open [...
unsays 16 10 UNSAY, to retract so...
unsets 10 8 UNSET, to undo the s...
unsews 13 11 UNSEW, to undo the s...
unties 10 8 UNTIE, to free from...
untins 10 9 UNTIN, to take the t...
unwits 14 11 UNWIT, to make unsan...
unzips 16 20 UNZIP, to open the z...
upases 12 10 UPAS, an Asian tree...
upbows 18 16 UPBOW, a type of str...
upends 12 12 UPEND, to turn upsid...
upgoes 13 12 UPGO, to go up [v]
upjets 15 19 UPJET, to spout up [...
uplays 20 13 UPLAY, to hoard [v]
uppers 15 13 UPPER, the part of a...
upruns 13 12 UPRUN, to run up [v]
upsees 12 10 UPSEE, (obsolete) a...
upsets 13 10 UPSET, to overturn [...
upseys 19 12 UPSEY, (obsolete) a...
upsies 13 10 UPSY, (obsolete) a c...
uptaks 14 14 UPTAK, (Scots) uptak...
upties 13 10 UPTIE, to tie up [v]
uptoss 13 10 to toss upward [v -E...
uraeus 10 8 (Latin) an Egyptian...
uralis 12 8 URALI, the plant yie...
urares 10 7 URARE, (Carib) a par...
uraris 11 7 URARI, the plant yie...
urases 10 7 URASE, an enzyme tha...
urates 10 7 URATE, a salt of uri...
urbias 13 10 URBIA, (Latin) citie...
uredos 10 8 UREDO, (Latin) rust...
urenas 9 8 URENA, any plant of...
ureses 10 7 URESIS, (Greek) urin...
uresis 11 7 (Greek) urination [n...
urgers 12 9 URGER, one who urges...
urials 12 8 URIAL, (Punjabi) a w...
urines 10 8 URINE, to discharge...
urites 11 7 URITE, an abdominal...
urmans 11 11 URMAN, (Russian) swa...
uroses 10 7 UROSIS, disease of t...
urosis 11 7 disease of the urina...
ursids 12 8 URSID, a meteor [n]
ursons 10 8 URSON, (French) the...
urubus 14 12 URUBU, (Tupi) the Am...
uruses 11 8 URUS, an extinct bov...
usages 11 9 USAGE, a generally a...
ushers 13 9 USHER, to escort peo...
usneas 9 8 USNEA, a genus of li...
usques 19 17 USQUE, (Gaelic) whis...
usuals 12 9 USUAL, one's normal...
usures 11 8 USURE, (obsolete) to...
usurps 14 11 USURP, to seize and...
utases 10 7 UTAS, (obsolete) the...
uterus 11 8 an organ of female m...
utiles 12 8 UTILE, an African ha...
utises 11 7 UTIS, (Shakespeare)...
utters 11 7 UTTER, to give audib...
uveous 12 12 pertaining to the uv...
uvulas 14 13 UVULA, the pendent f...
vagues 13 13 VAGUE, to be vague [...
vakass 13 14 (Armenian) a priest'...
vakils 15 15 VAKIL, (Hindi) a nat...
valets 13 11 VALET, to act as a p...
valgus 15 14 (Latin) the position...
valors 13 11 VALOR, (US) valour [...
valses 13 11 VALSE, (French) to w...
values 13 12 VALUE, to estimate t...
valves 15 15 VALVE, to provide wi...
vandas 11 12 VANDA, (Hindi) a kin...
vapers 14 13 VAPER, one who vapes...
vapors 14 13 VAPOR, mist, fume or...
varans 11 11 VARAN, (Arabic) a mo...
varecs 15 13 VAREC, a kind of sea...
varias 12 10 VARIA, (Latin) a lit...
varies 12 10 VARY, to make differ...
varnas 11 11 VARNA, (Sanskrit) an...
varves 14 14 VARVE, a seasonal la...
vaults 14 12 VAULT, to leap over,...
vaunts 12 12 VAUNT, to boast [v]
vautes 12 11 VAUTE, (obsolete) to...
vawtes 15 13 VAWTE, (obsolete) to...
veales 12 11 VEALE, (Spenser) to...
veenas 10 11 VEENA, (Sanskrit) an...
vegans 12 13 VEGAN, one who refra...
vegges 14 14 VEG, to laze about [...
vegies 13 12 VEGIE, a vegetarian,...
velars 13 11 VELAR, a sound produ...
veldts 14 12 VELDT, (Afrikaans) o...
vellus 15 13 as in vellus hair, s...
vendis 12 12 a whitefish, found i...
vendus 12 13 VENDU, (Canadian) de...
veneys 17 13 VENEY, (Shakespeare)...
venges 12 13 VENGE, (Shakespeare)...
venins 11 12 VENIN, any of variou...
venoms 12 14 VENOM, to inject wit...
venous 11 12 full of veins, also...
venues 11 12 VENUE, the chosen lo...
verges 13 12 VERGE, to come near...
verjus 15 20 the sour juice of cr...
vermes 13 13 VERMIS, a part of th...
vermis 14 13 a part of the brain...
verses 12 10 VERSE [n]
versos 12 10 VERSO, (Latin) the r...
versts 13 10 VERST, (Russian) a u...
versus 13 11 (Latin) against; in...
vertus 13 11 VERTU, a love or tas...
verves 14 14 VERVE, the state of...
vespas 14 13 VESPA, (Latin) a gen...
vestas 12 10 VESTA, (Latin) a kin...
vetoes 11 10 VETO, to forbid or p...
vexers 18 17 VEXER, one who vexes...
vexils 20 18 VEXIL, the web or va...
vezirs 16 19 VEZIR, (Arabic) a mi...
viands 12 12 VIAND, an item of fo...
vicars 16 13 VICAR, a church offi...
videos 12 11 VIDEO, to make a vid...
vifdas 15 14 VIFDA, in Shetland,...
vigias 14 12 VIGIA, (Spanish) a d...
vigils 16 13 VIGIL, a period of w...
vigors 14 12 VIGOR, active streng...
villas 15 12 VILLA, (Latin) a cou...
villus 16 13 (Latin) soft velvety...
vinals 13 12 VINAL, a synthetic t...
vincas 15 14 VINCA, (Latin) a gen...
viners 12 11 VINER, a wine grower...
vinews 15 14 VINEW, to become mou...
vinous 12 12 pertaining to or lik...
vinyls 20 14 VINYL, a type of pla...
violas 13 11 VIOLA, a tenor fiddl...
vipers 15 13 VIPER, a venomous sn...
virals 14 11 VIRAL, a sales promo...
vireos 12 10 VIREO, any one of nu...
virgas 14 12 VIRGA, (Latin) a tra...
virges 14 12 VIRGE, (obsolete) ve...
virous 13 11 poisonous, foul, als...
virtus 14 11 VIRTU, a love or tas...
viscus 17 14 one of the organs, a...
visies 13 10 VISIE, (Scots) to ta...
visits 14 10 VISIT, to call upon...
visnes 12 11 VISNE, the chosen lo...
visons 12 11 VISON, (French) the...
visors 13 10 VISOR, to provide wi...
vistas 13 10 VISTA, to make into,...
vistos 13 10 VISTO, (obsolete) a...
vitals 14 11 vital organs [n]
vivats 15 14 VIVAT, (Latin) an ex...
vivdas 15 15 VIVDA, in Shetland,...
vivers 15 14 VIVER, (dialect) a f...
vivres 15 14 (Scots) food; eatabl...
vixens 18 18 VIXEN, a shrewish wo...
vizies 16 19 VIZY, (Scots) to tak...
vizirs 17 19 VIZIR, (Arabic) a mi...
vizors 16 19 VIZOR, to provide wi...
vocabs 17 16 VOCAB, (short for) v...
vocals 16 14 VOCAL, a sound utter...
vodkas 13 15 VODKA, (Russian) an...
vodous 12 12 VODOU, a primitive r...
voduns 12 13 VODUN, West Indian b...
voemas 12 13 VOEMA, (South Africa...
vogues 13 13 VOGUE, to perform to...
voices 15 13 VOICE, to express or...
voiles 13 11 VOILE, (French) a th...
volens 12 12 (Latin) consenting t...
volets 13 11 VOLET, a short veil...
voltes 13 11 VOLTE, (Italian) a f...
volvas 15 15 VOLVA, a sac that en...
volves 15 15 VOLVE, (obsolete) to...
vomers 13 13 VOMER, (Latin) any o...
vomits 14 13 VOMIT, to eject the...
voters 12 10 VOTER, one who votes...
vouges 13 13 VOUGE, a weapon carr...
vowels 16 14 VOWEL, to use as a s...
vowers 15 13 VOWER, one who makes...
vowess 15 13 (historical) a woman...
voxels 19 18 VOXEL, a three dimen...
vozhds 18 22 VOZHD, (Russian) a s...
vraics 16 13 VRAIC, a kind of sea...
vrooms 13 13 VROOM, to run an eng...
vrouws 16 14 VROUW, (Dutch) a wom...
vulgus 16 15 (Latin) the common p...
vulvas 16 16 VULVA, the external...
vyings 20 15 VYING, the act of vy...
wackes 17 16 WACKE, (German) an o...
wackos 17 16 WACKO, a mad or ecce...
waders 13 10 WADER, one that wade...
wadges 14 12 WADGE, a large or ro...
wadies 13 10 WADY, (Arabic) the d...
wafers 15 12 WAFER, to fasten wit...
wagers 14 11 WAGER, to make a bet...
waggas 15 13 WAGGA, (Australian)...
wagons 13 12 WAGON, to transport...
wagyus 21 14 WAGYU, (Japanese) a...
wahoos 14 11 WAHOO, (Native Ameri...
waifts 16 12 WAIFT, (Spenser) a p...
waists 14 9 WAIST, the narrowest...
waites 13 9 WAITE, (Spenser) to...
waives 15 13 WAIVE, to refrain fr...
wakens 13 14 WAKEN, to wake [v]
wakers 14 13 WAKER, one that wake...
waldos 14 11 WALDO, a gadget for...
walers 14 10 WALER, in India, an...
walies 14 10 WALY, a fine thing [...
wallas 15 11 WALLA, a person empl...
walrus 15 11 a large aquatic carn...
wammus 16 16 a kind of cardigan o...
wampus 17 16 a kind of cardigan o...
wanzes 15 19 WANZE, (obsolete) to...
washes 15 11 WASH, to cleanse in...
wastes 13 9 WASTE, to consume la...
wataps 15 12 WATAP, (Native Ameri...
waters 13 9 WATER, to sprinkle w...
wauffs 18 16 WAUFF, (Scots) to wa...
waughs 17 14 WAUGH, to bark, also...
waulks 16 15 WAULK, to full (clot...
wavers 15 13 WAVER, to move to an...
waveys 21 15 WAVEY, (Native Ameri...
wavies 15 13 WAVY, the snow goose...
waxers 19 16 WAXER, one who waxes...
wazirs 17 18 WAZIR, (Arabic) a mi...
wazoos 15 18 WAZOO, (slang) a per...
wazzes 19 27 WAZZ, (dialect) to u...
wealds 14 11 WEALD, a woodland [n...
weambs 16 15 WEAMB, (dialect) a w...
weaves 14 13 WEAVE, to form by cr...
webers 15 12 WEBER, a unit of mag...
wechts 19 14 WECHT [n]
wedels 14 11 WEDEL, (German) to s...
wedges 14 12 WEDGE, to force apar...
weekes 13 13 WEEKE, (Spenser) a w...
weftes 15 12 WEFTE, (Spenser) a w...
weighs 17 13 WEIGH, to determine...
weirds 14 10 WEIRD, (Scots) to de...
weises 13 9 WEISE, to guide in a...
weizes 16 18 WEIZE, to guide in a...
welkes 15 14 WELKE, (Spenser) to...
wenges 13 12 WENGE, a hardwood tr...
werris 14 9 (Australian slang) u...
whacks 20 18 WHACK, to strike sha...
whales 16 12 WHALE, to hunt whale...
whangs 16 14 WHANG, to beat with...
whares 15 11 WHARE, (Maori) a hou...
wharfs 18 14 WHARF, to place on a...
whatas 15 11 WHATA, (Maori) a bui...
whaups 18 15 WHAUP, (Scots) a cur...
whaurs 16 12 WHAUR, (Scots) where...
wheals 16 12 WHEAL, a raised mark...
wheats 15 11 WHEAT, any cereal gr...
wheels 16 12 WHEEL, to cause to r...
wheens 14 12 WHEEN, (Scots) a few...
wheeps 17 14 WHEEP, (Scots) to gi...
whefts 18 14 WHEFT, a flag, ensig...
whelks 18 16 WHELK, a popular nam...
whelms 18 15 WHELM, (archaic) to...
whelps 19 15 WHELP, to give birth...
whenas 14 12 at which time [conj]
wheres 15 11 WHERE, the place at...
whiffs 21 17 WHIFF, to blow with...
whifts 19 14 WHIFT, (dialect) a b...
whiles 17 12 WHILE, to pass time...
whines 15 12 WHINE, to utter a pl...
whirls 18 12 WHIRL, to revolve ra...
whirrs 17 11 WHIRR, to spin with...
whisks 18 15 WHISK, to move quick...
whists 17 11 WHIST, to become sil...
whites 16 11 WHITE, to make white...
wholes 16 12 WHOLE, all the parts...
whomps 19 17 WHOMP, to defeat dec...
whoofs 17 14 WHOOF, to make a dee...
whoops 17 14 WHOOP, to utter loud...
whoots 15 11 WHOOT, (obsolete) to...
whores 15 11 WHORE, to consort wi...
whorls 17 12 WHORL [n]
whorts 16 11 WHORT, a whortleberr...
whosis 16 11 an object or person...
whumps 20 18 WHUMP, to strike hea...
whydas 22 14 WHYDA, a group of Af...
wiccas 20 15 WICCA, witchcraft [n...
wiches 19 14 WICH, a tree with pl...
widens 13 11 WIDEN, to make wide...
widows 17 13 WIDOW, to deprive of...
widths 17 12 WIDTH, the extent fr...
wields 15 11 WIELD, to handle or...
wifeys 22 14 WIFEY, an endearment...
wifies 16 12 WIFIE, an endearment...
wigans 14 12 WIGAN, a stiff plain...
wiggas 16 13 WIGGA, (colloquial)...
wights 18 13 WIGHT, (Scots) to bl...
wilgas 16 12 WILGA, (Native Austr...
wiljas 17 19 WILJA, (Native Austr...
winces 16 13 WINCE, to flinch [v]
windas 13 11 a windlass, also WIN...
winges 14 12 WINGE, to complain f...
winoes 12 10 WINO, (slang) a down...
winzes 16 19 WINZE, a small venti...
wipers 16 12 WIPER, one that wipe...
wirers 14 9 WIRER, one who wires...
wishes 16 11 WISH, to desire, als...
wisses 14 9 WISS, to wish [v]
witans 13 10 WITAN, a member of t...
withes 16 11 WITHE, to bind with...
wivers 16 13 WIVER, in heraldry,...
wizens 16 19 WIZEN, to shrivel, a...
wizzes 20 27 WIZ, a very skilled...
woalds 14 11 WOALD, yellow pigmen...
wodges 14 12 WODGE, a large or ro...
wolves 16 14 WOLF, a carnivorous...
womans 13 13 WOMAN, to play the p...
wongas 13 12 WONGA, (slang) money...
wongis 14 12 WONGI, (Native Austr...
wooers 12 9 WOOER, one who woos...
woolds 14 11 WOOLD, to wind a rop...
wooses 12 9 WOOSE, a wimp, also...
worlds 15 11 WORLD, the earth and...
worses 13 9 WORSE, (obsolete) to...
worsts 14 9 WORST, to defeat, al...
worths 16 11 WORTH, to happen, be...
woulds 15 12 WOULD, the desired o...
wounds 13 12 WOUND, to inflict an...
wovens 14 14 WOVEN, a woven fabri...
wracks 18 16 WRACK, to wreck [v]
wrangs 14 12 WRANG, to wrong [v]
wrasts 14 9 WRAST, (obsolete) to...
wraths 16 11 WRATH, (obsolete) to...
wrawls 18 13 WRAWL, (Spenser) of...
wreaks 14 13 WREAK, to effect, br...
wrecks 18 16 WRECK, to cause the...
wrests 14 9 WREST, to take away...
wricks 19 16 WRICK, to twist or s...
wrings 15 12 WRING, to twist so a...
wrists 15 9 WRIST, the junction...
writes 14 9 WRITE, to form chara...
wrongs 14 12 WRONG, to treat inju...
wroots 13 9 WROOT, (obsolete) to...
wukkas 16 18 (Australian slang) i...
wursts 15 10 WURST, (German) a la...
wushus 17 13 WUSHU, (Chinese) the...
wusses 14 10 WUSS, a wimp, also W...
wuxias 20 17 WUXIA, (Chinese) a g...
wyches 25 16 WYCH, a tree with pl...
xebecs 21 19 XEBEC, a small, thre...
xenias 15 14 XENIA, the effect on...
xenons 14 15 XENON, a heavy inert...
xylans 23 17 XYLAN, a substance f...
xylems 25 19 XYLEM, a woody tissu...
xylols 25 17 XYLOL, a flammable h...
xylyls 32 19 XYLYL, a chemical co...
xystos 23 15 (Greek) a long cover...
xystus 24 16 (historical) a long...
yabbas 20 14 YABBA, a methampheta...
yaccas 22 14 YACCA, (Australian s...
yachts 22 13 YACHT, to sail or cr...
yackas 20 15 YACKA, (Australian s...
yagers 17 10 YAGER, (German) a hu...
yahoos 17 10 YAHOO, in cricket, a...
yairds 17 9 YAIRD, a yard, a gar...
yakkas 18 16 YAKKA, (Native Austr...
yakows 20 15 YAKOW, an animal cro...
yamens 16 12 YAMEN, (Chinese) the...
yamuns 17 13 YAMUN, (Chinese) the...
yapoks 19 15 YAPOK, the South Ame...
yapons 17 12 YAPON, a bushy everg...
yaraks 17 12 YARAK, (Persian) of...
yarcos 19 11 YARCO, (Australian s...
yarfas 18 11 YARFA, in Shetland,...
yartas 16 8 YARTA, heart, used a...
yartos 16 8 YARTO, heart, used a...
yealms 18 12 YEALM, to prepare st...
yeards 16 9 YEARD, (Scots) to bu...
yearns 15 9 YEARN, to long for [...
yeasts 16 8 YEAST, to ferment [v...
yecchs 25 16 YECCH, something dis...
yentas 15 9 YENTA, (Yiddish) a g...
yentes 15 9 YENTE, (Yiddish) a g...
yerbas 18 11 YERBA, (Spanish) an...
yesses 16 8 YES, to give an affi...
yferes 18 11 YFERE, (obsolete) a...
yields 18 10 YIELD, to give up [v...
yirths 20 10 YIRTH, (US) earth [n...
yities 17 8 YITIE, (Scots) the y...
yobbos 20 14 YOBBO, (slang) a yob...
yodels 17 10 YODEL, to sing with...
yodles 17 10 YODLE, to sing with...
yogees 16 10 YOGEE, one who pract...
yogins 17 11 YOGIN, one who pract...
yoicks 21 15 to cry out an old fo...
yojans 17 18 YOJAN, (Hindi) in th...
yokels 18 13 YOKEL, a country bum...
yokers 17 12 YOKER, to spit [v]
youngs 17 12 YOUNG, the young of...
yourts 17 9 YOURT, (Russian) a M...
youths 19 11 YOUTH, a young perso...
yowies 19 11 YOWIE, (Native Austr...
yrnehs 18 11 YRNEH, a unit of rec...
yuccas 23 15 YUCCA, a Mexican pla...
yulans 17 11 YULAN, (Chinese) a k...
yunxes 22 17 YUNX, the wryneck, a...
yupons 18 13 YUPON, a bushy everg...
yurtas 17 9 YURTA, (Russian) a M...
yutzes 20 18 YUTZ, (Yiddish) a so...
zabras 15 18 ZABRA, (Spanish) a s...
zaidas 13 16 ZAIDA, (Yiddish) a g...
zaires 13 15 ZAIRE, a monetary un...
zakats 14 19 ZAKAT, (Persian) in...
zamans 13 19 ZAMAN, (Carib) the r...
zambos 16 21 ZAMBO, the offspring...
zamias 14 18 ZAMIA, a genus of cy...
zanies 12 16 ZANY, (obsolete) to...
zanjas 14 25 ZANJA, (Spanish) an...
zantes 12 16 ZANTE, the wood of t...
zanzas 15 25 ZANZA, (Arabic) an A...
zanzes 15 25 ZANZE, (Arabic) an A...
zayins 19 18 ZAYIN, (Hebrew) a He...
zazens 15 25 ZAZEN, (Japanese) Ze...
zebecs 18 21 ZEBEC, a small, thre...
zebras 15 18 ZEBRA, an African ma...
zebubs 18 22 ZEBUB, (Arabic) an E...
zendos 12 17 ZENDO, (Japanese) a...
zerdas 13 16 ZERDA, (Arabic) a de...
zeroes 12 15 ZERO, to set at or a...
zhomos 16 20 ZHOMO, (Tibetan) the...
zibets 16 18 ZIBET, (Arabic) a ci...
zigans 14 18 ZIGAN, (Hungarian) a...
zillas 16 17 ZILLA, (Hindi) an ad...
zimbis 18 21 ZIMBI, a kind of she...
zincos 16 19 ZINCO, (short for) a...
zinebs 15 19 ZINEB, an organic fu...
zinkes 14 20 ZINKE, (German) an o...
zippos 18 21 ZIPPO, (US slang) no...
zirams 15 18 ZIRAM, a white compo...
zizels 18 25 ZIZEL, (German) the...
zizzes 20 33 ZIZZ, to snooze, als...
zlotys 21 18 ZLOTY, a monetary un...
zoaeas 11 15 ZOAEA, a larval stag...
zoccos 19 21 ZOCCO, (Italian) a p...
zoisms 15 18 ZOISM, the doctrine...
zoists 14 15 ZOIST, a person who...
zombis 17 21 ZOMBI, in West India...
zondas 12 17 ZONDA, (Spanish) a d...
zoners 12 16 ZONER, one who zones...
zooeas 11 15 ZOOEA, the larval st...
zooids 13 16 ZOOID, an organic ce...
zorils 15 16 ZORIL, a small Afric...
zorros 13 15 ZORRO, (Spanish) a k...
zounds 13 18 (archaic) a mild oat...
zupans 15 20 ZUPAN, (Serbian) the...
zuppas 18 22 ZUPPA, (Italian) an...