3 letter words that end with S

3 letter words that end with S

3 letter S word


Words With Friends®


aas 4 3 AA, a volcanic rock...
abs 7 6 AB, an abdominal mus...
ads 5 4 AD, (colloquial) an...
ags 6 5 AG, (short for) agri...
ahs 7 5 AH, to say ah [v]
ais 5 3 AI, a three-toed slo...
als 6 4 AL, an East Indian t...
ans 4 4 as in ifs and ans, t...
ars 5 3 AR, the letter R [n]
ass 5 3 a longhaired animal...
ats 5 3 AT, a monetary unit...
ays 11 5 AY, an affirmative v...
bas 7 6 BA, the soul, in anc...
bes 7 6 the second letter of...
bis 8 6 BI, (short for) a bi...
bos 7 6 BO, a pal, a buddy [...
bus 8 7 a road vehicle for t...
bys 14 8 BY, a pass to the ne...
cis 9 6 having atoms on the...
cos 8 6 a crisp, long-leaved...
das 5 4 DA, a heavy Burmese...
dis 6 4 to disparage, also D...
dos 5 4 DO, a party, celebra...
eas 4 3 EA, (dialect) a rive...
eds 5 4 ED, (short for) educ...
efs 7 6 EF, the letter F [n]
ehs 7 5 EH, to say 'Eh', exp...
els 6 4 EL, (US) an elevated...
ems 6 6 EM, a unit of measur...
ens 4 4 being, existence; an...
ers 5 3 a European vetch, al...
ess 5 3 the letter S, also E...
fas 7 6 FA, a musical note,...
fes 7 6 FE, a Hebrew letter,...
gas 6 5 a state of matter [n...
gis 7 5 GI, (Japanese) a loo...
gos 6 5 GO, a Japanese board...
gus 7 6 GU, an old Shetland...
has 7 5 HAVE, to possess [v]
hes 7 5 HE, a male person or...
his 8 5 of or belonging to a...
hos 7 5 HO [n]
ids 6 4 ID, a fish of the ca...
ifs 8 6 IF, a condition [n]
ins 5 4 IN, to take in e.g....
ios 5 3 IO, a cry of joy [n]
its 6 3 possessive form of I...
jus 8 13 a law or legal right...
kas 6 7 KA, to serve, also K...
kis 7 7 KI, (Japanese) the s...
kos 6 7 a measure of distanc...
las 6 4 LA, the sixth tone o...
les 6 4 (short for) a lesbia...
lis 7 4 a heraldic fleur-de-...
los 6 4 (obsolete) praise [n...
mas 6 6 a house or home in t...
mes 6 6 ME, the third note o...
mis 7 6 MI, the third note o...
mos 6 6 MO, a moment [n]
mus 7 7 MU, (Greek) a letter...
nas 4 4 (obsolete) contracti...
nis 5 4 in Scandinavian folk...
nos 4 4 NO, a negative reply...
nus 5 5 NU, a Greek letter [...
nys 11 6 (Spenser) is not [v]
obs 7 6 OB, (short for) an o...
ods 5 4 OD, a hypothetical f...
oes 4 3 OE, (Scots) a grandc...
ohs 7 5 OH, to exclaim in su...
ois 5 3 OI, a New Zealand bi...
oms 6 6 OM, an intoned Hindu...
ons 4 4 ON, to go on [v]
oos 4 3 OO, (Scots) wool [n]
ops 7 6 OP, (short for) an o...
ors 5 3 OR, the heraldic tin...
ous 5 4 OU, (South Africa) a...
oys 11 5 OY, (Scots) a grandc...
pas 7 6 PA, (Maori) a hill f...
pes 7 6 a foot or footlike p...
pis 8 6 PI, to mix type indi...
pos 7 6 (colloquial) positiv...
pus 8 7 a viscous fluid form...
qis 14 12 QI, (Chinese) a life...
ras 5 3 an Ethiopian prince...
res 5 3 (short for) (a Nativ...
sis 6 3 (short for) sister,...
sos 5 3 SO, the fifth tone o...
sus 6 4 to arrest for suspic...
tas 5 3 TA, an expression me...
tes 5 3 TE, (In tonic sol-fa...
tis 6 3 TI, the seventh tone...
uds 6 5 (archaic) an old int...
ugs 7 6 UG, to arouse loathi...
ums 7 7 UM, to express doubt...
uns 5 5 UN, (dialect) a spel...
ups 8 7 UP, to raise [v]
uts 6 4 UT, the musical tone...
vas 7 7 an anatomical duct [...
vis 8 7 (Latin) force [n VIR...
was 8 6 BE, to exist [v]
wis 9 6 a sham archaic word...
wos 8 6 WO, (archaic) woe, a...
wus 9 7 a Welsh term used in...
xis 12 10 XI, the fourteenth l...
yas 11 5 YA, an Asian pear [n...
yes 11 5 an affirmative reply...
yus 12 6 YU, (Chinese) a prec...
zas 8 12 ZA, (slang) pizza [n...
zos 8 12 ZO, (Tibetan) a cros...