10 letter words that end with S

10 letter words that end with S

10 letter S word


Words With Friends®


aardwolves 22 19 AARDWOLF, a hyena-li...
abandonees 15 16 ABANDONEE, one to wh...
abandoners 16 16 ABANDONER, one who a...
abasements 18 17 ABASEMENT, the state...
abashments 21 19 ABASHMENT, the state...
abatements 18 17 ABATEMENT, a diminut...
abbotships 26 21 ABBOTSHIP, the offic...
abcoulombs 26 24 ABCOULOMB, the unit...
abdicators 22 17 ABDICATOR, one who a...
abdominals 20 19 ABDOMINAL, an abdomi...
abdominous 19 19 potbellied [adj]
abducentes 21 19 ABDUCENS, a cranial...
abductions 22 19 ABDUCTION, the act o...
abductores 22 18 ABDUCTOR, a person w...
aberrances 20 17 ABERRANCE, the state...
abeyancies 26 19 ABEYANCY, a state of...
abhorrings 22 18 ABHORRING, an object...
abjections 23 26 ABJECTION, the act o...
abjectness 23 26 the state of being a...
abnegators 18 16 ABNEGATOR, one who a...
abodements 18 18 ABODEMENT, (obsolete...
abolishers 22 16 ABOLISHER, one who a...
abolitions 19 15 ABOLITION, the act o...
abominates 18 17 ABOMINATE, to loathe...
abondances 19 19 ABONDANCE, a call in...
aborigines 19 16 ABORIGINE, a member...
abrogators 19 15 ABROGATOR, one who a...
abruptions 21 18 ABRUPTION, a sudden,...
abruptness 21 18 the quality of being...
abscissins 23 17 ABSCISSIN, abscisic...
absconders 21 18 ABSCONDER, one who a...
abseilings 21 17 ABSEILING, the act o...
absolvents 21 19 ABSOLVENT, something...
absorbants 20 17 ABSORBANT, an absorb...
absorbates 20 16 ABSORBATE, an absorb...
absorbents 20 17 ABSORBENT, an absorb...
abstainers 18 14 ABSTAINER, one who a...
abstemious 20 17 sparing, esp. in mat...
absurdisms 22 18 ABSURDISM, the doctr...
absurdists 21 15 ABSURDIST, a person...
absurdness 19 16 the state of being a...
abundances 20 20 ABUNDANCE, the state...
academisms 22 20 ACADEMISM, the doctr...
academists 21 17 ACADEMIST, a person...
acalculias 25 19 ACALCULIA, an inabil...
acalephans 23 20 ACALEPHAN, any cnida...
acanaceous 20 18 bearing prickles or...
acanthuses 21 17 ACANTHUS, a prickly...
acaricides 23 17 ACARICIDE, a substan...
acarideans 18 15 ACARIDEAN, a mite or...
acaridians 19 15 ACARIDIAN, a mite or...
acarpelous 22 18 (US) having no carpe...
acathisias 22 15 ACATHISIA, a psychol...
accedences 24 21 ACCEDENCE, the act o...
accensions 21 18 ACCENSION, the act o...
accentless 23 18 without an accent [a...
acceptants 24 20 ACCEPTANT, one who a...
accessions 22 17 ACCESSION, to record...
accidences 25 21 ACCIDENCE, the scien...
accipiters 26 19 ACCIPITER, (Latin) a...
acclaimers 25 20 ACCLAIMER, one who a...
acclimates 25 20 ACCLIMATE, (US) to h...
accordions 22 18 ACCORDION, a musical...
accourages 23 19 ACCOURAGE, (Spenser)...
accretions 22 17 ACCRETION, accumulat...
accuracies 26 20 ACCURACY, exactness...
acephalous 24 20 lacking a head or a...
aceraceous 21 17 relating to a plant...
acerbities 22 16 ACERBITY, sourness [...
acescences 24 20 ACESCENCE, the act o...
acetamides 20 17 ACETAMIDE, a white c...
acetifiers 22 16 ACETIFIER, an agent...
acetylates 26 16 ACETYLATE, to introd...
acetylenes 25 17 ACETYLENE, a colourl...
acetylides 27 17 ACETYLIDE, any of a...
achaeniums 22 20 ACHAENIUM, a small o...
achalasias 22 16 ACHALASIA, (Greek) f...
achinesses 21 16 ACHINESS, the state...
aciclovirs 27 21 ACICLOVIR, a drug us...
acidifiers 23 17 ACIDIFIER, an agent...
acidnesses 19 15 ACIDNESS, acidity; s...
acidophils 26 20 ACIDOPHIL, a substan...
acidulates 21 16 ACIDULATE, to make a...
acinaceous 21 18 full of kernels [adj...
acolouthos 22 17 (historical) the hea...
aconitines 18 15 ACONITINE, a poisono...
acquiesces 31 26 ACQUIESCE, to agree,...
acquittals 30 24 ACQUITTAL, the act o...
acquitters 29 23 ACQUITTER, one who a...
acridities 21 14 ACRIDITY, the state...
acrimonies 20 17 ACRIMONY, bitterness...
acritarchs 26 18 ACRITARCH, any of a...
acrobatics 25 19 the art, performance...
acrogenous 19 17 like or relating to...
acronymous 26 20 of or like an acrony...
acrophobes 25 21 ACROPHOBE, someone w...
acrospires 22 16 ACROSPIRE, the first...
actinopods 21 18 ACTINOPOD, any proto...
actionists 20 14 ACTIONIST, a shareho...
actionless 20 15 marked by inaction [...
activators 22 17 ACTIVATOR, one who a...
activeness 21 18 the quality of being...
activities 23 17 ACTIVITY, the state...
actualises 21 15 ACTUALISE, to make a...
actualists 22 15 ACTUALIST, a person...
actualites 21 15 ACTUALITE, (French)...
actualizes 24 24 ACTUALIZE, to make a...
actuations 19 15 ACTUATION, a bringin...
acuminates 20 18 ACUMINATE, to sharpe...
acyclovirs 33 23 ACYCLOVIR, a drug us...
acylations 26 17 ACYLATION, the act o...
adactylous 27 18 lacking fingers or c...
adamancies 19 18 ADAMANCY, unyielding...
adaptogens 18 17 ADAPTOGEN, any of va...
adderbeads 18 16 ADDERBEAD, a prehist...
adderworts 20 15 ADDERWORT, the commo...
addictions 20 16 ADDICTION, the state...
addlements 18 17 ADDLEMENT, the state...
addressees 16 12 ADDRESSEE, one who i...
addressers 17 12 ADDRESSER, one who a...
addressors 17 12 ADDRESSOR, one who a...
adductions 20 17 ADDUCTION, the act o...
ademptions 19 18 ADEMPTION, the revok...
adenitises 16 12 ADENITIS, inflammati...
adenosines 14 13 ADENOSINE, a nucleot...
adenovirus 18 17 any of a group of vi...
adequacies 27 24 ADEQUACY, the state...
adherences 20 17 ADHERENCE, the state...
adiabatics 22 17 ADIABATIC, a curve o...
adipoceres 21 17 ADIPOCERE, (Latin) a...
adipocytes 28 19 ADIPOCYTE, a fat cel...
adjacences 23 27 ADJACENCE, the state...
adjectives 24 27 ADJECTIVE, a word ad...
admeasures 17 15 ADMEASURE, to measur...
adminicles 22 19 ADMINICLE, that whic...
admirances 20 18 ADMIRANCE, (Spenser)...
admissions 18 15 ADMISSION, the act o...
admixtures 25 22 ADMIXTURE, the actio...
admonishes 19 17 ADMONISH, to reprove...
admonitors 17 15 ADMONITOR, an admoni...
adnominals 17 17 ADNOMINAL, a word at...
adorations 15 12 ADORATION, the act o...
adornments 16 16 ADORNMENT, the act o...
adrenalins 16 14 ADRENALIN, a hormone...
adroitness 16 12 the quality of being...
adsorbates 18 14 ADSORBATE, a substan...
adsorbents 18 15 ADSORBENT, a substan...
adulations 17 14 ADULATION, the act o...
adulterers 18 13 ADULTERER, one who c...
adulteress 18 13 a female adulterer,...
adulteries 18 13 ADULTERY, voluntary...
adulterous 18 14 relating to, charact...
adulthoods 20 16 ADULTHOOD, the state...
adumbrates 20 18 ADUMBRATE, to foresh...
aduncities 20 16 ADUNCITY, state of b...
advantages 18 18 ADVANTAGE, to confer...
advections 21 19 ADVECTION, the horiz...
adventives 20 20 ADVENTIVE, a thing o...
adventures 18 17 ADVENTURE, to risk,...
adverbials 22 19 ADVERBIAL, an adverb...
advertises 19 15 ADVERTISE, to draw a...
advertizes 22 24 ADVERTIZE, to draw a...
advisories 19 15 ADVISORY, a report g...
advocacies 24 21 ADVOCACY, the functi...
advocators 21 18 ADVOCATOR, one who a...
advoutrers 19 16 ADVOUTRER, (obsolete...
advoutries 19 16 ADVOUTRY, (obsolete)...
aeolipiles 20 15 AEOLIPILE, the first...
aeolipyles 26 17 AEOLIPYLE, the first...
aerialists 18 11 AERIALIST, one who p...
aerobatics 21 16 spectacular flying f...
aerobionts 17 14 AEROBIONT, an aerobe...
aerobioses 17 13 AEROBIOSIS, life in...
aerobiosis 18 13 life in the presence...
aerobrakes 18 17 AEROBRAKE, to use a...
aerobusses 18 14 AEROBUS, a type of m...
aerodromes 16 14 AERODROME, a place f...
aerographs 21 17 AEROGRAPH, an airbor...
aerologies 17 13 AEROLOGY, the study...
aerometers 16 13 AEROMETER, an instru...
aeromotors 16 13 AEROMOTOR, an engine...
aeronomers 15 14 AERONOMER, one who s...
aeronomies 15 14 AERONOMY, the study...
aeropauses 17 14 AEROPAUSE, the regio...
aerophobes 21 18 AEROPHOBE, a person...
aerophones 18 16 AEROPHONE, any wind...
aerophores 19 15 AEROPHORE, a device...
aerophytes 26 17 AEROPHYTE, a plant o...
aeroplanes 17 15 AEROPLANE, a flying...
aeropulses 19 15 AEROPULSE, a type of...
aeroscopes 20 16 AEROSCOPE, a device...
aeroshells 20 14 AEROSHELL, a form of...
aerospaces 20 16 AEROSPACE, the Earth...
aerospikes 19 17 AEROSPIKE, a rocket...
aerotrains 15 11 AEROTRAIN, a train d...
aeruginous 17 15 relating to copper-r...
aesthesias 18 12 AESTHESIA, the abili...
aesthetics 22 15 the principles of ta...
aestivates 18 14 AESTIVATE, to pass t...
affections 23 20 AFFECTION, to love [...
affectless 25 20 without affect [adj]
affidavits 24 21 AFFIDAVIT, (Latin) a...
affiliates 22 17 AFFILIATE, to adopt...
affinities 21 17 AFFINITY, a natural...
affirmants 22 20 AFFIRMANT, one who a...
affixments 28 27 AFFIXMENT, something...
affixtures 28 24 AFFIXTURE, something...
afflations 21 18 AFFLATION, the act o...
afflatuses 22 18 AFFLATUS, inspiratio...
afflicters 26 20 AFFLICTER, one who a...
affluences 24 22 AFFLUENCE, the state...
affluenzas 24 28 AFFLUENZA, a malaise...
affluxions 28 26 AFFLUXION, a flowing...
affricates 24 19 AFFRICATE, a consona...
aflatoxins 25 22 AFLATOXIN, a toxin p...
aftercares 21 16 AFTERCARE, care subs...
afterclaps 25 20 AFTERCLAP, an unexpe...
afterdamps 22 20 AFTERDAMP, poisonous...
afterdecks 23 21 AFTERDECK, a deck be...
aftergames 20 18 AFTERGAME, a rematch...
afterglows 24 19 AFTERGLOW, a glow re...
aftergrass 20 15 the grass that grows...
afterheats 20 15 AFTERHEAT, the heat...
afterlifes 22 17 AFTERLIFE, life afte...
afterlives 22 18 AFTERLIFE, life afte...
aftermaths 22 18 AFTERMATH, a second...
afternoons 16 15 AFTERNOON, the time...
afterpains 20 17 AFTERPAIN, pain that...
afterpeaks 21 20 AFTERPEAK, space beh...
aftersales 19 14 after a sale has bee...
aftershows 24 18 AFTERSHOW, a party h...
aftertimes 20 16 AFTERTIME, the time...
afterwards 22 17 at a later time, als...
afterwords 22 17 AFTERWORD, an epilog...
agalactias 21 16 AGALACTIA, the failu...
agapanthus 21 19 a genus of lily nati...
agatewares 19 15 AGATEWARE, a form of...
agednesses 16 14 AGEDNESS, the state...
agendaless 17 15 without an agenda [a...
agflations 20 17 AGFLATION, an econom...
aggravates 20 18 AGGRAVATE, to make w...
aggregates 19 16 AGGREGATE, to cause...
aggressors 19 14 AGGRESSOR, one who a...
agistments 19 16 AGISTMENT, a land ta...
agitations 17 13 AGITATION, the act o...
agnolottis 18 14 AGNOLOTTI, a dish of...
agonistics 21 16 (archaic) the art an...
agreements 17 16 AGREEMENT, concord,...
agrimonies 18 16 AGRIMONY, a perennia...
agrodolces 21 17 AGRODOLCE, an Italia...
agrologies 19 15 AGROLOGY, the scienc...
agronomics 21 19 the science dealing...
agronomies 17 16 AGRONOMY, rural econ...
agterskots 19 16 AGTERSKOT, (Afrikaan...
ahuruhurus 23 18 AHURUHURU, (Maori) a...
airbrushes 22 16 AIRBRUSH, to apply a...
aircoaches 24 18 AIRCOACH, the cheape...
airinesses 16 11 AIRINESS, the state...
airstreams 18 13 AIRSTREAM, a flow of...
airstrikes 19 14 AIRSTRIKE, an attack...
aitchbones 23 19 AITCHBONE, the rump...
akathisias 20 16 AKATHISIA, a psychol...
akolouthos 20 18 (historical) the hea...
alabamines 19 18 ALABAMINE, an altern...
alabasters 19 14 ALABASTER, a soft, s...
alacrities 21 14 ALACRITY, cheerful p...
alacritous 21 15 showing alacrity [ad...
albarellos 21 16 ALBARELLO, (Italian)...
albertites 20 14 ALBERTITE, a bitumin...
albespines 21 18 ALBESPINE, (archaic)...
albespynes 27 20 ALBESPYNE, (archaic)...
albinesses 19 15 ALBINESS, (archaic)...
albinoisms 21 18 ALBINOISM, the state...
albuminous 21 20 of or like albumen [...
albuterols 21 16 ALBUTEROL, a drug us...
alcarrazas 23 23 ALCARRAZA, (Arabic)...
alcatrases 20 14 ALCATRAS, a kind of...
alchemises 24 19 ALCHEMISE, to change...
alchemists 25 19 ALCHEMIST, a practit...
alchemizes 27 28 ALCHEMIZE, to change...
alcoholics 27 20 ALCOHOLIC, one addic...
alderflies 21 16 ALDERFLY, a riversid...
aleatories 16 11 ALEATORY, aleatoric...
alebenches 23 20 ALEBENCH, a bench in...
alectryons 26 17 ALECTRYON, a sapinda...
alembroths 23 19 ALEMBROTH, an alchem...
alexanders 22 20 ALEXANDER, a kind of...
alfilarias 21 15 ALFILARIA, (Spanish)...
alfilerias 21 15 ALFILERIA, (Spanish)...
algaecides 21 17 ALGAECIDE, a substan...
algarrobas 20 16 ALGARROBA, (Arabic)...
algarrobos 20 16 ALGARROBO, (Arabic)...
algidities 20 14 ALGIDITY, chilliness...
algologies 20 16 ALGOLOGY, the study...
algometers 19 16 ALGOMETER, an instru...
algorithms 23 18 ALGORITHM, a step-by...
alienators 16 12 ALIENATOR, one who a...
alignments 19 18 ALIGNMENT, the actio...
alinements 17 16 ALINEMENT, the actio...
aliterates 17 11 ALITERATE, one who i...
alizarines 20 21 ALIZARINE, a colorin...
alkalifies 22 19 ALKALIFY, to convert...
alkalisers 20 16 ALKALISER, an agent...
alkalizers 23 25 ALKALIZER, an agent...
allantoids 18 14 ALLANTOID, a saclike...
allantoins 17 14 ALLANTOIN, a crystal...
allayments 25 18 ALLAYMENT, an allayi...
allegiants 19 15 ALLEGIANT, one who i...
allegories 19 14 ALLEGORY, a story pr...
alleluiahs 22 16 ALLELUIAH, (Hebrew)...
allemandes 18 17 ALLEMANDE, (French)...
allergists 21 14 ALLERGIST, a doctor...
allethrins 21 15 ALLETHRIN, a light y...
alleviants 20 17 ALLEVIANT, a medical...
alleviates 20 16 ALLEVIATE, to lighte...
alliaceous 21 16 of or relating to ga...
alligartas 20 14 ALLIGARTA, (obsolete...
alligators 20 14 ALLIGATOR, a reptile...
allocators 21 15 ALLOCATOR, one who a...
allodynias 24 16 ALLODYNIA, the exper...
allogamies 20 17 ALLOGAMY, cross-fert...
allogamous 20 18 relating to allogamy...
allografts 22 17 ALLOGRAFT, a surgica...
allographs 24 19 ALLOGRAPH, a writing...
allomerous 19 16 exhibiting allomeris...
allomorphs 24 20 ALLOMORPH, any one o...
allonymous 25 19 relating to an allon...
allophanes 21 18 ALLOPHANE, a translu...
allophones 21 18 ALLOPHONE, any of se...
alloplasms 23 19 ALLOPLASM, protoplas...
allosaurus 19 14 a kind of dinosaur [...
allotments 19 16 ALLOTMENT, a piece o...
allotropes 20 15 ALLOTROPE, an allotr...
allotypies 27 17 ALLOTYPY, the condit...
allowables 24 19 ALLOWABLE, something...
allowances 23 19 ALLOWANCE, to make a...
almandines 17 17 ALMANDINE, (French)...
almandites 18 16 ALMANDITE, a deep re...
almondites 18 16 ALMONDITE, a deep vi...
almsgivers 23 20 ALMSGIVER, one who g...
almshouses 21 17 ALMSHOUSE, a private...
aloeswoods 19 15 ALOESWOOD, a soft, r...
alpargatas 20 16 ALPARGATA, (Spanish)...
alpenglows 24 21 ALPENGLOW, a reddish...
alpenhorns 20 18 ALPENHORN, (German)...
alphasorts 22 16 ALPHASORT, to sort i...
alphatests 22 16 ALPHATEST, to carry...
alphosises 22 16 ALPHOSIS, a lack of...
altercates 20 14 ALTERCATE, to disput...
alterities 18 11 ALTERITY, otherness...
alternants 16 13 ALTERNANT, a spellin...
alternates 16 12 ALTERNATE, to cause...
altigraphs 24 18 ALTIGRAPH, an instru...
altimeters 19 14 ALTIMETER, a device...
altiplanos 20 16 ALTIPLANO, (Spanish)...
altissimos 20 14 ALTISSIMO, the octav...
altricials 23 15 ALTRICIAL, an altric...
aluminates 18 16 ALUMINATE, a salt wh...
aluminises 19 16 ALUMINISE, to treat...
aluminiums 21 20 ALUMINIUM, a light s...
aluminizes 22 25 ALUMINIZE, to treat...
alumstones 18 16 ALUMSTONE, a hydrous...
alveolitis 21 16 inflammation of the...
amanuenses 15 16 AMANUENSIS, (Latin)...
amanuensis 16 16 (Latin) one employed...
amaracuses 20 17 AMARACUS, (Latin) th...
amaryllids 27 18 AMARYLLID, any membe...
amassments 18 17 AMASSMENT, an amassi...
amatorious 17 14 amatory, also AMATOR...
amazeballs 24 27 an expression of ent...
amazedness 19 24 the state of being a...
amazements 20 26 AMAZEMENT, the state...
amazonians 18 24 AMAZONIAN, a warlike...
amazonites 19 23 AMAZONITE, amazon-st...
ambassages 20 18 AMBASSAGE, an embass...
amberjacks 26 32 AMBERJACK, a large A...
ambisonics 23 20 the technique of rep...
amblyopias 29 22 AMBLYOPIA, impaired...
ambrotypes 28 21 AMBROTYPE, a picture...
ambulances 23 22 AMBULANCE, a vehicle...
ambulators 21 18 AMBULATOR, one who w...
ambulettes 21 18 AMBULETTE, a motor v...
ambuscades 23 21 AMBUSCADE, (French)...
ambuscados 23 21 AMBUSCADO, an ambusc...
amebocytes 28 21 AMEBOCYTE, a cell, l...
amenaunces 18 19 AMENAUNCE, (Spenser)...
amendments 17 19 AMENDMENT, a change,...
americiums 23 20 AMERICIUM, a white m...
ametropias 19 16 AMETROPIA, abnormal...
amiantuses 17 15 AMIANTUS, the finest...
ammocoetes 20 19 AMMOCOETE, the larva...
ammoniates 17 17 AMMONIATE, a type of...
ammonifies 20 20 AMMONIFY, to treat w...
amoebiases 18 16 AMOEBIASIS, infectio...
amoebiasis 19 16 infection of the col...
amoralisms 20 17 AMORALISM, the refus...
amoralists 19 14 AMORALIST, a practit...
amorphisms 24 21 AMORPHISM, absence o...
amourettes 17 14 AMOURETTE, (French)...
ampelopses 22 20 AMPELOPSIS, a woody...
ampelopsis 23 20 a woody vine [n AMPE...
ampersands 19 18 AMPERSAND, the and s...
amperzands 22 27 AMPERZAND, the and s...
amphibians 24 22 AMPHIBIAN, any cold-...
amphibious 25 22 adapted for both lan...
amphiboles 25 22 AMPHIBOLE, any miner...
amphimixes 30 28 AMPHIMIXIS, interbre...
amphimixis 31 28 interbreeding; inter...
ampholytes 29 21 AMPHOLYTE, an amphot...
amplexuses 27 25 AMPLEXUS, the mating...
amplidynes 27 21 AMPLIDYNE, a type of...
amplifiers 24 20 AMPLIFIER, a device...
amplitudes 22 19 AMPLITUDE, largeness...
amplosomes 21 20 AMPLOSOME, the short...
amputators 20 17 AMPUTATOR, one who a...
amsinckias 22 21 AMSINCKIA, a Califor...
amusements 18 18 AMUSEMENT, a recreat...
amygdalins 26 20 AMYGDALIN, a glucosi...
amylaceous 27 20 pertaining to starch...
amylolyses 32 19 AMYLOLYSIS, the conv...
amylolysis 33 19 the conversion of st...
amylopsins 27 20 AMYLOPSIN, an enzyme...
amyotonias 22 16 AMYOTONIA, deficienc...
anabantids 17 16 ANABANTID, any of va...
anablepses 20 18 ANABLEPS, any of a g...
anabolisms 20 18 ANABOLISM, the const...
anabolites 18 15 ANABOLITE, a product...
anadromous 16 16 of fish, migrating u...
anageneses 14 14 ANAGENESIS, so-calle...
anagenesis 15 14 so-called progressiv...
analeptics 22 18 ANALEPTIC, a restora...
analgesias 17 14 ANALGESIA, the inabi...
analgesics 21 17 ANALGESIC, a substan...
analgetics 21 17 ANALGETIC, a substan...
analogises 17 14 ANALOGISE, to make a...
analogisms 19 17 ANALOGISM, the act o...
analogists 18 14 ANALOGIST, one who r...
analogizes 20 23 ANALOGIZE, to make a...
analysands 22 16 ANALYSAND, a person...
anamniotes 15 15 ANAMNIOTE, any verte...
anapestics 21 17 ANAPESTIC [n]
anaplasias 18 15 ANAPLASIA, reversion...
anarchises 21 16 ANARCHISE, to reduce...
anarchisms 23 19 ANARCHISM, the doctr...
anarchists 22 16 ANARCHIST, one who a...
anarchizes 24 25 ANARCHIZE, to reduce...
anarthrias 18 13 ANARTHRIA, loss of t...
anarthrous 18 14 without distinct joi...
anasarcous 18 15 belonging, or affect...
anatomises 16 14 ANATOMISE, to dissec...
anatomists 17 14 ANATOMIST, one who p...
anatomizes 19 23 ANATOMIZE, to dissec...
anatropies 17 14 ANATROPY, the state...
anatropous 17 15 of an ovule, inverte...
ancestrals 20 15 ANCESTRAL, a type of...
ancestress 19 14 a female ancestor [n...
ancestries 19 14 ANCESTRY, a line of...
anchorages 21 18 ANCHORAGE, a place w...
anchorites 21 16 ANCHORITE, one who l...
anchorless 22 17 without an anchor or...
anchovetas 22 20 ANCHOVETA, (Spanish)...
anchyloses 28 19 ANCHYLOSE, of bones,...
anchylosis 29 19 the joining together...
ancipitous 22 18 two-edged and flatte...
andantinos 14 14 ANDANTINO, a movemen...
andouilles 18 15 ANDOUILLE, (French)...
andradites 16 13 ANDRADITE, a green-t...
androgynes 22 17 ANDROGYNE, a hermaph...
andromedas 16 16 ANDROMEDA, a plant o...
anemograms 18 19 ANEMOGRAM, a record...
aneuploids 19 17 ANEUPLOID, a cell or...
angashores 18 15 ANGASHORE, (Irish) a...
angelhoods 19 17 ANGELHOOD, the state...
angiograms 19 18 ANGIOGRAM, a photogr...
anglesites 18 14 ANGLESITE, a native...
angleworms 22 20 ANGLEWORM, a earthwo...
anglicises 22 17 ANGLICISE, to make E...
anglicisms 24 20 ANGLICISM, an Englis...
anglicists 23 17 ANGLICIST, a person...
anglicizes 25 26 ANGLICIZE, to make E...
anglistics 23 17 the study of English...
anglophils 24 20 ANGLOPHIL, one who l...
angophoras 20 18 ANGOPHORA, an East A...
angosturas 17 14 ANGOSTURA, a bitter...
anguipedes 19 18 ANGUIPEDE, a mythica...
anhedonias 16 15 ANHEDONIA, an unresp...
anhidroses 18 14 ANHIDROSIS, absence...
anhidrosis 19 14 absence of sweating,...
anhydrases 24 16 ANHYDRASE, an enzyme...
anhydrides 25 17 ANHYDRIDE, a compoun...
anhydrites 25 16 ANHYDRITE, an anhydr...
aniconisms 20 18 ANICONISM, the worsh...
aniconists 19 15 ANICONIST, one who p...
anilinctus 21 17 oral stimulation of...
animaliers 18 15 ANIMALIER, a sculpto...
animalises 18 15 ANIMALISE, to endow...
animalisms 20 18 ANIMALISM, physicali...
animalists 19 15 ANIMALIST, a person...
animalizes 21 24 ANIMALIZE, to endow...
animations 16 15 ANIMATION, the state...
animatisms 19 17 ANIMATISM, the primi...
animatists 18 14 ANIMATIST, one who b...
anklebones 18 20 ANKLEBONE, the bone...
annealings 16 16 ANNEALING [n]
annelidans 15 15 ANNELIDAN, a member...
annexments 21 23 ANNEXMENT, the act o...
annotators 14 12 ANNOTATOR, one who a...
announcers 17 17 ANNOUNCER, one who a...
annoyances 22 18 ANNOYANCE, something...
annualises 16 14 ANNUALISE, to conver...
annualizes 19 23 ANNUALIZE, to conver...
annuitants 15 14 ANNUITANT, one who r...
annulments 17 18 ANNULMENT, the act o...
anodontias 14 13 ANODONTIA, congenita...
anoestrous 15 12 relating to anoestru...
anointings 16 15 ANOINTING, the act o...
anonaceous 16 16 pertaining to the or...
anonymises 22 17 ANONYMISE, to make a...
anonymizes 25 26 ANONYMIZE, to make a...
anorectics 22 17 ANORECTIC, one suffe...
anorthites 18 13 ANORTHITE, a plagioc...
anovulants 18 18 ANOVULANT, a drug th...
anoxaemias 21 21 ANOXAEMIA, a disorde...
ansaphones 18 17 ANSAPHONE, another n...
answerless 20 15 having no answer, or...
antalkalis 19 17 ANTALKALI, a substan...
antechoirs 21 16 ANTECHOIR, the space...
antenatals 15 13 ANTENATAL, an examin...
antennules 15 15 ANTENNULE, one of a...
anthelices 22 17 ANTHELIX, the inner...
anthelions 18 15 ANTHELION, a ring se...
anthelixes 25 21 ANTHELIX, the inner...
anthemises 19 16 ANTHEMIS, a genus of...
anthocarps 23 19 ANTHOCARP, a fruit r...
anthocyans 26 19 ANTHOCYAN, a glucosi...
anthozoans 19 23 ANTHOZOAN, any anima...
anthuriums 21 18 ANTHURIUM, a tropica...
antiaditis 17 12 tonsillitis [n -ES]
antiauxins 22 20 ANTIAUXIN, a plant s...
antibioses 18 14 ANTIBIOSIS, a state...
antibiosis 19 14 a state of mutual an...
antibodies 18 15 ANTIBODY, a body sub...
antibusers 19 15 ANTIBUSER, a person...
anticaries 19 14 designed to prevent...
antichlors 23 17 ANTICHLOR, any subst...
anticlines 20 16 ANTICLINE, a fold th...
anticodons 18 16 ANTICODON, a triplet...
antielites 17 12 ANTIELITE, a group o...
antiheroes 17 13 ANTIHERO, a principa...
antiherpes 20 16 designed to prevent...
antiknocks 21 23 ANTIKNOCK, an additi...
antilifers 20 15 ANTILIFER, a person...
antilogies 18 14 ANTILOGY, a contradi...
antilogous 18 15 contrary; inconsiste...
antimonies 16 15 ANTIMONY, a brittle,...
antimonous 16 16 of or containing ant...
antimonyls 24 18 ANTIMONYL, a substan...
antimusics 22 18 ANTIMUSIC, music int...
antimycins 27 20 ANTIMYCIN, a crystal...
antinoises 15 12 ANTINOISE, a sound g...
antinomies 16 15 ANTINOMY, a conflict...
antinovels 18 17 ANTINOVEL, a work wr...
antinukers 17 17 ANTINUKER, a person...
antipastos 18 14 ANTIPASTO, (Italian)...
antipodals 19 16 ANTIPODAL, in flower...
antiquarks 26 25 ANTIQUARK, the antim...
antiquates 24 21 ANTIQUATE, to make a...
antirabies 18 14 designed to prevent...
antiradars 16 12 ANTIRADAR, a device...
antiscians 19 15 ANTISCIAN, a dweller...
antisepses 18 14 ANTISEPSIS, the dest...
antisepsis 19 14 the destruction of b...
antiserums 18 15 ANTISERUM, a serum c...
antishakes 19 17 ANTISHAKE, a system...
antishocks 23 20 ANTISHOCK, a device...
antispasts 19 14 ANTISPAST, (Greek) a...
antistress 17 11 designed to prevent...
antistyles 24 14 ANTISTYLE, a style t...
antitheses 18 13 ANTITHESIS, the cont...
antithesis 19 13 the contrast of idea...
antitoxins 22 19 ANTITOXIN, an antido...
antitrades 16 12 ANTITRADE, a contrar...
antitragus 18 14 a prominence of the...
antitumors 18 15 ANTITUMOR, a drug de...
antivenins 17 17 ANTIVENIN, an antito...
antivenoms 18 19 ANTIVENOM, an antito...
antivirals 20 16 ANTIVIRAL, any drug...
antiworlds 21 16 ANTIWORLD, a hypothe...
antonymies 22 17 ANTONYMY, the state...
antonymous 22 18 relating to an anton...
aortitises 17 10 AORTITIS, inflammati...
apartheids 21 16 APARTHEID, (Afrikaan...
apartments 19 17 APARTMENT, a separat...
apathatons 19 16 APATHATON, (Shakespe...
apatosaurs 18 14 APATOSAUR, a kind of...
aperitives 21 17 APERITIVE, a laxativ...
aphaereses 19 15 APHAERESIS, the omis...
aphaeresis 20 15 the omission of a le...
aphorisers 21 15 APHORISER, one who m...
aphorizers 24 24 APHORIZER, one who m...
aphrodites 21 16 APHRODITE, a kind of...
apiologies 20 16 APIOLOGY, the study...
apoapsides 20 17 APOAPSIS, the high p...
apocarpies 23 19 APOCARPY, the state...
apocarpous 23 20 either entirely or p...
apocopates 22 19 APOCOPATE, to cut of...
apoenzymes 27 28 APOENZYME, a protein...
apologises 20 16 APOLOGISE, to expres...
apologists 21 16 APOLOGIST, a defende...
apologizes 23 25 APOLOGIZE, to expres...
apophonies 21 19 APOPHONY, a change i...
apoplexies 27 24 APOPLEXY, a sudden l...
apospories 20 16 APOSPORY, reproducti...
aposporous 20 17 showing apospory, th...
apostacies 21 16 APOSTACY, abandonmen...
apostasies 18 13 APOSTASY, abandonmen...
apostilles 21 15 APOSTILLE, a margina...
apotheoses 19 15 APOTHEOSIS, a perfec...
apotheosis 20 15 a perfect example of...
apotropous 20 17 anatrophous with a v...
appaloosas 20 17 APPALOOSA, a North A...
apparitors 21 16 APPARITOR, an office...
appellants 22 19 APPELLANT, a person...
appendages 20 20 APPENDAGE, something...
appendants 19 19 APPENDANT, an adjunc...
appendents 19 19 APPENDENT, an adjunc...
appendices 23 21 APPENDIX, something...
appendixes 26 25 APPENDIX, something...
appertains 20 17 APPERTAIN, to relate...
appetences 22 20 APPETENCE, strong cr...
appetisers 21 16 APPETISER, something...
appetizers 24 25 APPETIZER, something...
applauders 22 19 APPLAUDER, one who a...
applecarts 25 20 APPLECART, apple bra...
applejacks 28 33 APPLEJACK, apple bra...
appletinis 22 18 APPLETINI, a cocktai...
appliances 24 21 APPLIANCE, an instru...
applicants 25 21 APPLICANT, one who a...
appointees 19 17 APPOINTEE, one who i...
appointers 20 17 APPOINTER, one who a...
appointors 20 17 APPOINTOR, a person...
apportions 20 17 APPORTION, to portio...
appraisals 22 17 APPRAISAL, the act o...
appraisees 20 16 APPRAISEE, one who i...
appraisers 21 16 APPRAISER, one who a...
apprehends 22 20 APPREHEND, to unders...
apprisings 23 19 APPRISING, (archaic)...
apprizings 26 28 APPRIZING, (archaic)...
approaches 25 21 APPROACH, to come ne...
approbates 22 19 APPROBATE, to approv...
apriorisms 21 16 APRIORISM, an a prio...
apriorists 20 13 APRIORIST, a person...
apsidioles 20 15 APSIDIOLE, a subsidi...
aquabatics 30 26 spectacular feats in...
aquaboards 26 24 AQUABOARD, a board f...
aquadromes 25 24 AQUADROME, a centre...
aquafortis 27 23 concentrated nitric...
aquaphobes 30 28 AQUAPHOBE, one with...
aquaplanes 26 25 AQUAPLANE, to skim a...
aquaporins 26 24 AQUAPORIN, any of a...
aquarelles 26 22 AQUARELLE, (French)...
aquariists 26 20 AQUARIIST, (obsolete...
aquarobics 30 26 a system of exercise...
aquascapes 29 26 AQUASCAPE, a scenic...
aquatintas 24 21 AQUATINTA, a print m...
aquiferous 27 24 consisting or convey...
aquilegias 27 23 AQUILEGIA, a genus o...
arabesques 26 23 ARABESQUE, a movemen...
arabicises 22 16 ARABICISE, to make A...
arabicizes 25 25 ARABICIZE, to make A...
arabinoses 17 14 ARABINOSE, a pentose...
arachnoids 21 17 ARACHNOID, the arach...
aragonites 16 13 ARAGONITE, an orthor...
araucarias 19 14 ARAUCARIA, a tree of...
arbitrages 20 15 ARBITRAGE, to exploi...
arbitrates 19 13 ARBITRATE, to judge...
arbitriums 22 17 ARBITRIUM, (Latin) a...
arblasters 20 14 ARBLASTER, a crossbo...
arboretums 20 17 ARBORETUM, a collect...
arcaneness 17 15 being arcane [n -ES]
arccosines 22 17 ARCCOSINE, a mathema...
archaisers 22 15 ARCHAISER, one who a...
archaizers 25 24 ARCHAIZER, one who a...
archangels 23 19 ARCHANGEL, a top-ran...
archdruids 24 18 ARCHDRUID, a chief o...
archetypes 30 20 ARCHETYPE, the origi...
archfiends 24 20 ARCHFIEND, the chief...
archicarps 28 21 ARCHICARP, a female...
archilowes 26 19 ARCHILOWE, (Scots) a...
archimages 24 20 ARCHIMAGE, a great m...
architects 26 18 ARCHITECT, to constr...
architypes 31 20 ARCHITYPE, the origi...
archivists 26 19 ARCHIVIST, one who k...
archivolts 26 20 ARCHIVOLT, a curved...
archnesses 21 16 ARCHNESS, slyness [n...
archosaurs 22 16 ARCHOSAUR, any of a...
archrivals 26 20 ARCHRIVAL, a chief r...
archstones 21 16 ARCHSTONE, a stone i...
arcminutes 21 18 ARCMINUTE, a unit of...
arcographs 25 20 ARCOGRAPH, an instru...
arcologies 21 16 ARCOLOGY, a system o...
arcseconds 22 18 ARCSECOND, a unit of...
arctophils 26 19 ARCTOPHIL, a lover o...
arcuations 19 15 ARCUATION, the state...
arecolines 19 15 ARECOLINE, a toxic a...
arenaceous 17 15 having the appearanc...
arenations 14 12 ARENATION, the remed...
areologies 17 13 AREOLOGY, the study...
areometers 16 13 AREOMETER, (historic...
areostyles 23 13 AREOSTYLE, a buildin...
argentines 16 14 ARGENTINE, a small m...
argentites 17 13 ARGENTITE, a native...
argillites 21 14 ARGILLITE, an indura...
arguteness 17 14 acuteness [n -ES]
arhatships 24 17 ARHATSHIP, the state...
arhythmias 29 19 ARHYTHMIA, absence o...
aridnesses 16 12 ARIDNESS, the state...
aristotles 18 11 ARISTOTLE, (slang) a...
armadillos 20 16 ARMADILLO, (Spanish)...
armigerous 19 16 entitled to bear her...
armistices 22 16 ARMISTICE, a suspens...
armourless 19 15 without armour, also...
aromatases 16 13 AROMATASE, an enzyme...
aromatises 17 13 AROMATISE, to render...
aromatizes 20 22 AROMATIZE, to render...
arpilleras 21 15 ARPILLERA, (Spanish)...
arquebuses 27 24 ARQUEBUS, (historica...
arracachas 24 18 ARRACACHA, (Quechua)...
arraigners 17 13 ARRAIGNER, one who a...
arrayments 23 16 ARRAYMENT, clothes;...
arrearages 16 12 ARREARAGE, that whic...
arrestants 16 11 ARRESTANT, a substan...
arrivances 21 18 ARRIVANCE, (Shakespe...
arrivismes 21 17 ARRIVISME, (French)...
arrivistes 20 14 ARRIVISTE, (French)...
arrogances 19 16 ARROGANCE, the quali...
arrogators 17 12 ARROGATOR, one who a...
arrowgrass 21 15 a grass of a genus o...
arrowheads 21 16 ARROWHEAD, the head...
arrowroots 19 13 ARROWROOT, a West In...
arrowwoods 22 17 ARROWWOOD, a shrub g...
arrowworms 24 19 ARROWWORM, a peculia...
arseniates 15 11 ARSENIATE, a salt of...
arsenicals 20 15 ARSENICAL, a compoun...
artemisias 18 13 ARTEMISIA, (Greek) a...
arterioles 17 11 ARTERIOLE, a small a...
artfulness 20 16 the state of being a...
arthritics 24 15 ARTHRITIC, one who s...
arthropods 21 16 ARTHROPOD, any membe...
artichokes 23 19 ARTICHOKE, a thistle...
artificers 23 16 ARTIFICER, a craftsm...
artinesses 16 11 ARTINESS, the qualit...
artistries 18 10 ARTISTRY, artistic w...
artocarpus 22 17 a plant of the genus...
arytenoids 22 14 ARYTENOID, one of a...
asafetidas 18 14 ASAFETIDA, an acrid...
asbestoses 18 13 ASBESTOS, fine fibro...
asbestosis 19 13 a lung disease cause...
asbestuses 19 14 ASBESTUS, a fine fib...
ascariases 19 13 ASCARIASIS, infestat...
ascariasis 20 13 infestation with, or...
ascendants 18 16 ASCENDANT, the part...
ascendents 18 16 ASCENDENT, the part...
ascendeurs 19 16 ASCENDEUR, (French)...
ascensions 18 15 ASCENSION, an ascent...
ascertains 19 14 ASCERTAIN, to make s...
asclepiads 23 18 ASCLEPIAD, a choriam...
ascorbates 21 16 ASCORBATE, a salt of...
ascospores 21 16 ASCOSPORE, one of th...
ashinesses 18 13 ASHINESS, the condit...
ashlarings 21 16 ASHLARING, facing wi...
ashlerings 21 16 ASHLERING, facing wi...
ashramites 20 15 ASHRAMITE, a person...
aspartames 19 16 ASPARTAME, an artifi...
aspartates 18 13 ASPARTATE, a salt of...
aspergills 23 17 ASPERGILL, a holy wa...
asperities 19 13 ASPERITY, roughness...
aspersions 18 14 ASPERSION, calumny,...
aspersoirs 19 13 ASPERSOIR, (French)...
asphalters 22 16 ASPHALTER, a person...
asphaltums 24 20 ASPHALTUM, a mixture...
aspirators 19 13 ASPIRATOR, an instru...
aspleniums 21 19 ASPLENIUM, a genus o...
assailants 17 12 ASSAILANT, one who a...
assaulters 18 12 ASSAULTER, one who a...
assemblers 21 17 ASSEMBLER, a type of...
assemblies 21 17 ASSEMBLY, the act of...
assertions 16 11 ASSERTION, the act o...
assistants 17 11 ASSISTANT, one who a...
associates 19 13 ASSOCIATE, to join,...
assoilzies 21 20 ASSOILZIE, to absolv...
assonances 17 15 ASSONANCE, vowel-rhy...
assuagings 19 16 ASSUAGING, the act o...
assuetudes 17 13 ASSUETUDE, accustome...
assumpsits 22 17 ASSUMPSIT, (Latin) a...
assurances 19 15 ASSURANCE, confidenc...
asthmatics 24 18 ASTHMATIC, one suffe...
astomatous 17 14 having no stomata, a...
astonishes 18 13 ASTONISH, to amaze o...
astrachans 21 16 ASTRACHAN, a closely...
astragalus 19 14 the anklebone [n AST...
astrakhans 19 17 ASTRAKHAN, a closely...
astrantias 16 11 ASTRANTIA, a plant o...
astringers 18 13 ASTRINGER, a falcone...
astrocytes 26 15 ASTROCYTE, a much-br...
astrodomes 17 14 ASTRODOME, a stadium...
astrofells 21 15 ASTROFELL, (Spenser)...
astrolabes 19 14 ASTROLABE, a compact...
astronauts 16 12 ASTRONAUT, a person...
astrophels 22 16 ASTROPHEL, (Spenser)...
astucities 21 14 ASTUCITY, astuteness...
astuteness 16 12 the quality of being...
asymptotes 26 18 ASYMPTOTE, a line (u...
asyndetons 21 15 ASYNDETON, the omiss...
asynergias 23 15 ASYNERGIA, lack of c...
asynergies 23 15 ASYNERGY, lack of mu...
atacamites 20 16 ATACAMITE, an oxychl...
ataractics 23 16 ATARACTIC, a tranqui...
ateleioses 16 11 ATELEIOSIS, dwarfism...
ateleiosis 17 11 dwarfism with dispro...
athanasies 17 13 ATHANASY, immortalit...
athenaeums 18 17 ATHENAEUM, a literar...
athrocytes 28 17 ATHROCYTE, a cell ha...
atmologies 19 16 ATMOLOGY, the scienc...
atmometers 18 16 ATMOMETER, an instru...
atonalisms 18 15 ATONALISM, an adhere...
atonalists 17 12 ATONALIST, one who a...
atonements 15 15 ATONEMENT, the act o...
atrocities 20 13 ATROCITY, a heinous...
attainders 16 12 ATTAINDER, the loss...
attempters 20 16 ATTEMPTER, one who a...
attendants 15 13 ATTENDANT, a servant...
attendings 17 15 ATTENDING, the act o...
attentions 15 12 ATTENTION, the act o...
attenuants 15 13 ATTENUANT, a drug or...
attenuates 15 12 ATTENUATE, to make t...
attestants 16 11 ATTESTANT, one who a...
attolasers 17 11 ATTOLASER, a high-po...
attollents 18 13 ATTOLLENT, a muscle...
attracters 20 13 ATTRACTER, one who a...
attractors 20 13 ATTRACTOR, one who a...
attrahents 18 13 ATTRAHENT, a muscle...
attributes 20 14 ATTRIBUTE, to ascrib...
attritions 17 11 ATTRITION, a wearing...
attuitions 17 12 ATTUITION, a mental...
aubergines 19 17 AUBERGINE, (French)...
aubrietias 19 14 AUBRIETIA, any of se...
audacities 20 15 AUDACITY, boldness [...
audiencias 19 16 AUDIENCIA, (Spanish)...
audiobooks 19 19 AUDIOBOOK, a recorde...
audiograms 19 17 AUDIOGRAM, a graphic...
audiophils 23 18 AUDIOPHIL, a person...
audiotapes 18 15 AUDIOTAPE, to record...
audiphones 20 18 AUDIPHONE, an instru...
auditories 17 12 AUDITORY, a group of...
augmenters 18 17 AUGMENTER, one who,...
augmentors 18 17 AUGMENTOR, one who,...
augurships 24 19 AUGURSHIP, the offic...
augustness 18 15 the state of being a...
auralities 18 12 AURALITY, the qualit...
auriculars 22 16 AURICULAR, an auricu...
auriferous 19 15 containing gold [adj...
auriscopes 22 17 AURISCOPE, an instru...
auslanders 17 14 AUSLANDER, (German)...
auspicates 22 17 AUSPICATE, to progno...
auspicious 23 18 affording a favorabl...
austenites 16 12 AUSTENITE, a solid s...
autarchies 22 16 AUTARCHY, absolute s...
autarkists 19 15 AUTARKIST, one who i...
auteurisms 19 15 AUTEURISM, the profe...
auteurists 18 12 AUTEURIST, a film di...
authorings 20 16 AUTHORING, the act o...
authorises 19 13 AUTHORISE, to give a...
authorisms 21 16 AUTHORISM, authorshi...
authorizes 22 22 AUTHORIZE, to give a...
authorless 20 14 without an author; a...
autobodies 18 15 AUTOBODY, the shell...
autobusses 19 15 AUTOBUS, a motor-bus...
autoclaves 22 19 AUTOCLAVE, (French)...
autocrimes 21 17 AUTOCRIME, crime rel...
autocuties 20 15 AUTOCUTIE, a young a...
autocycles 30 20 AUTOCYCLE, a motorcy...
autodromes 17 15 AUTODROME, a track o...
autoecious 19 15 of fungus, etc., pas...
autoecisms 21 17 AUTOECISM, the devel...
autoflares 19 15 AUTOFLARE, an aircra...
autogamies 18 16 AUTOGAMY, self-ferti...
autogamous 18 17 self-fertilizing, al...
autogenics 20 17 a system of relaxati...
autogenies 16 14 AUTOGENY, spontaneou...
autogenous 16 15 self-generated [adj...
autografts 20 16 AUTOGRAFT, to make s...
autographs 22 18 AUTOGRAPH, to sign w...
autoguides 18 15 AUTOGUIDE, a system...
autologies 18 14 AUTOLOGY, scientific...
autologous 18 15 involving a situatio...
autolysins 24 15 AUTOLYSIN, any agent...
automakers 18 18 AUTOMAKER, a manufac...
automatics 21 17 AUTOMATIC, an automa...
automatons 16 15 AUTOMATON, (Greek) a...
automatous 17 15 like an automaton [a...
autometers 17 14 AUTOMETER, a small d...
autonomics 20 18 AUTONOMIC [n]
autonomies 16 15 AUTONOMY, self-gover...
autonomous 16 16 of, relating to, or...
autonymous 23 18 (of a word or words)...
autophytes 27 18 AUTOPHYTE, an autotr...
autopilots 20 15 AUTOPILOT, a device...
autopistas 19 14 AUTOPISTA, (Spanish)...
autopoints 18 15 AUTOPOINT, a point-t...
autopsists 20 14 AUTOPSIST, one who c...
autoroutes 16 12 AUTOROUTE, a Contine...
autospores 18 14 AUTOSPORE, a nonmoti...
autotimers 18 14 AUTOTIMER, a device...
autotomies 17 14 AUTOTOMY, the reflex...
autotomous 17 15 relating to autotomy...
autotoxins 22 19 AUTOTOXIN, a poisono...
autotrophs 21 16 AUTOTROPH, an organi...
autotypies 25 16 AUTOTYPY, a photogra...
auxometers 23 21 AUXOMETER, an instru...
auxospores 24 21 AUXOSPORE, a diatom...
auxotrophs 27 23 AUXOTROPH, an auxotr...
avalanches 23 21 AVALANCHE, a generic...
avalements 19 19 AVALEMENT, a skiing...
avaricious 22 18 greedy of gain [adj...
avenaceous 19 19 pertaining to or lik...
avengeress 18 17 a female avenger [n...
aventailes 18 16 AVENTAILE, (historic...
aventurins 18 17 AVENTURIN, a glass c...
averagings 20 19 AVERAGING [n]
averseness 17 15 the state of being a...
aviatrices 22 17 AVIATRIX, a female a...
aviatrixes 25 21 AVIATRIX, a female a...
avidnesses 18 16 AVIDNESS, avidity [n...
avisandums 20 20 AVISANDUM, (Scots) a...
avisements 19 18 AVISEMENT, (Spenser)...
avizandums 23 29 AVIZANDUM, (Scots) a...
avocations 20 18 AVOCATION, a minor o...
avoidances 20 19 AVOIDANCE, the act o...
avoparcins 23 21 AVOPARCIN, an antibi...
avouterers 18 15 AVOUTERER, (obsolete...
awakenings 20 21 AWAKENING [n]
awaynesses 24 16 AWAYNESS, the state...
awestrikes 21 17 AWESTRIKE, to inspir...
axialities 24 18 AXIALITY, the state...
axillaries 25 19 AXILLARY, a feather...
axiologies 24 20 AXIOLOGY, the scienc...
axiomatics 27 23 AXIOMATIC [n]
ayahuascas 27 18 AYAHUASCA, (Quechua)...
ayahuascos 27 18 AYAHUASCO, (Quechua)...
ayatollahs 26 16 AYATOLLAH, (Arabic)...
ayurvedics 29 21 the traditional syst...
azedarachs 24 25 AZEDARACH, (Persian)...
azeotropes 20 22 AZEOTROPE, a chemica...
azotaemias 19 22 AZOTAEMIA, a less co...
babacootes 22 19 BABACOOTE, (Malagasy...
babbitries 24 19 BABBITRY, convention...
babesiases 20 16 BABESIASIS, redwater...
babesiasis 21 16 redwater, a cattle i...
babesioses 20 16 BABESIOSIS, redwater...
babesiosis 21 16 redwater, a cattle i...
babirussas 22 17 BABIRUSSA, (Malay) a...
babyccinos 33 25 BABYCCINO, a drink o...
babyproofs 31 24 BABYPROOF, to render...
bacchanals 27 23 BACCHANAL, a drunken...
bacchantes 26 22 BACCHANTE, a prieste...
bacharachs 29 23 BACHARACH, (German)...
backacters 26 23 BACKACTER, a mechani...
backbiters 26 23 BACKBITER, one who e...
backblocks 31 31 (Australian) remote,...
backboards 25 24 BACKBOARD, a board w...
backchecks 33 32 BACKCHECK, in ice ho...
backcloths 30 26 BACKCLOTH, the paint...
backcourts 27 24 BACKCOURT, in lawn t...
backdrafts 26 24 BACKDRAFT, a reverse...
backfields 27 25 BACKFIELD, in Americ...
backhouses 25 23 BACKHOUSE, a buildin...
backlashes 26 23 BACKLASH, to cause a...
backlights 29 25 BACKLIGHT, to illumi...
backpedals 26 25 BACKPEDAL, to pedal...
backpieces 28 26 BACKPIECE, a piece o...
backplates 26 24 BACKPLATE, a piece o...
backronyms 30 26 BACKRONYM, an acrony...
backrushes 26 23 BACKRUSH, the seawar...
backshores 25 22 BACKSHORE, an area o...
backsights 28 24 BACKSIGHT, the sight...
backslides 25 22 BACKSLIDE, to fall b...
backspaces 28 26 BACKSPACE, to move t...
backspeers 25 23 BACKSPEER, (Scots) t...
backspeirs 26 23 BACKSPEIR, (Scots) t...
backstages 24 22 BACKSTAGE, the back...
backstairs 24 20 behind the scenes, u...
backstalls 26 22 BACKSTALL [n]
backstamps 27 26 BACKSTAMP, to mark w...
backswings 28 26 BACKSWING, the first...
backswords 27 24 BACKSWORD, an archai...
backtracks 28 27 BACKTRACK, to go bac...
backwashes 28 25 BACKWASH, to affect...
backwaters 26 23 BACKWATER, water tur...
bacterials 23 17 BACTERIAL, a bacteri...
bacterises 22 16 BACTERISE, to treat...
bacterizes 25 25 BACTERIZE, to treat...
bacteroids 22 17 BACTEROID, a swollen...
badineries 18 15 BADINERIE, (French)...
badmintons 19 19 BADMINTON, a game pl...
bafflegabs 27 25 BAFFLEGAB, official...
bagassoses 19 15 BAGASSOSIS, an indus...
bagassosis 20 15 an industrial diseas...
bagatelles 21 17 BAGATELLE, (French)...
bagpipings 26 24 BAGPIPING, playing t...
bahuvrihis 27 22 BAHUVRIHI, (Sanskrit...
baignoires 19 16 BAIGNOIRE, (French)...
bailiwicks 29 24 BAILIWICK, the regio...
bailliages 22 17 BAILLIAGE, (French)...
baisemains 19 17 BAISEMAIN, (French)...
baitfishes 24 18 BAITFISH, a fish use...
bajillions 23 25 BAJILLION, an unspec...
bakeapples 24 24 BAKEAPPLE, (Canadian...
bakeboards 21 21 BAKEBOARD, (Scots) a...
bakehouses 21 20 BAKEHOUSE, a place w...
bakestones 18 18 BAKESTONE, a flat st...
bakshishes 25 21 BAKSHISH, to give a...
balaclavas 25 22 BALACLAVA, a knitted...
balalaikas 21 19 BALALAIKA, (Russian)...
balancings 23 21 BALANCING [n]
baldachins 25 21 BALDACHIN, a rich em...
baldaquins 28 26 BALDAQUIN, a rich em...
baldicoots 23 18 BALDICOOT, the coot,...
baldmoneys 26 21 BALDMONEY, a wild fl...
baldnesses 19 16 BALDNESS, the state...
balections 22 18 BALECTION, a mouldin...
balkanises 20 19 BALKANISE, to divide...
balkanizes 23 28 BALKANIZE, to divide...
ballabiles 24 19 BALLABILE, (Italian)...
balladeers 20 16 BALLADEER, one who s...
balladines 20 17 BALLADINE, (French)...
balladists 22 16 BALLADIST, one who c...
balladries 21 16 BALLADRY, ballads co...
ballasters 21 15 BALLASTER, one who b...
ballerinas 20 16 BALLERINA, (Italian)...
ballistics 26 18 the science of the m...
ballockses 25 22 BALLOCKS, to make a...
ballotings 22 18 BALLOTING, the act o...
ballpoints 23 19 BALLPOINT, a type of...
ballsiness 21 16 spunk, spiritedness...
balmacaans 22 21 BALMACAAN, a man's l...
balnearies 18 15 BALNEARY, a bath; a...
balsawoods 22 18 BALSAWOOD, the very...
balthasars 22 16 BALTHASAR, a large w...
balthazars 25 25 BALTHAZAR, a large w...
balzarines 22 24 BALZARINE, (French)...
bamboozles 25 29 BAMBOOZLE, to deceiv...
banalities 19 15 BANALITY, triteness...
bandagings 20 20 BANDAGING, the act o...
bandalores 18 16 BANDALORE, (obsolete...
bandbrakes 21 22 BANDBRAKE, a brake o...
bandeliers 19 16 BANDELIER, (French)...
banderoles 18 16 BANDEROLE, (French)...
bandfishes 23 20 BANDFISH, a bright-r...
bandicoots 21 18 BANDICOOT, to remove...
banditries 19 15 BANDITRY, robbery by...
bandobasts 20 18 BANDOBAST, (Urdu) an...
bandobusts 21 19 BANDOBUST, (in India...
bandoleers 18 16 BANDOLEER, (French)...
bandoleons 17 17 BANDOLEON, a kind of...
bandoleros 18 16 BANDOLERO, (Spanish)...
bandoliers 19 16 BANDOLIER, (French)...
bandolines 18 17 BANDOLINE, (French)...
bandoneons 15 17 BANDONEON, a kind of...
bandonions 16 17 BANDONION, a kind of...
bandpasses 20 18 BANDPASS, the range...
bandshells 23 19 BANDSHELL, a bandsta...
bandstands 18 17 BANDSTAND, a structu...
bandwagons 21 21 BANDWAGON, a large w...
bandwidths 25 21 BANDWIDTH, the width...
bangsrings 21 19 BANGSRING, (Javanese...
banjoleles 21 25 BANJOLELE, a four-st...
banjuleles 22 26 BANJULELE, a small b...
banneralls 19 17 BANNERALL, (Spenser)...
bannisters 18 15 BANNISTER, any of th...
banqueters 26 24 BANQUETER, one who b...
banquettes 26 24 BANQUETTE, (French)...
banterings 19 17 BANTERING, the excha...
baragouins 19 17 BARAGOUIN, (French)...
barasingas 19 16 BARASINGA, (Hindi) t...
barathrums 23 19 BARATHRUM, (Latin) a...
barbarians 20 17 BARBARIAN, a member...
barbarises 21 16 BARBARISE, to reduce...
barbarisms 23 19 BARBARISM, the state...
barbarizes 24 25 BARBARIZE, to reduce...
barbascoes 23 19 BARBASCO, any of a v...
barbastels 22 17 BARBASTEL, (French)...
barbecuers 24 20 BARBECUER, one who b...
barberries 21 16 BARBERRY, a thorny s...
barbitones 20 17 BARBITONE, a sleep-i...
barbotines 20 17 BARBOTINE, (French)...
barcaroles 22 17 BARCAROLE, (French)...
barenesses 17 14 BARENESS, the state...
bargainers 19 16 BARGAINER, one who b...
barganders 19 17 BARGANDER, the sheld...
bargepoles 22 19 BARGEPOLE, a pole fo...
bariatrics 23 16 the medical treatmen...
barkeepers 21 20 BARKEEPER, a bartend...
barmbracks 27 26 BARMBRACK, (Irish) a...
barnbracks 25 24 BARNBRACK, (Irish) a...
barnstorms 20 17 BARNSTORM, to tour c...
barognoses 18 16 BAROGNOSIS, the abil...
barognosis 19 16 the ability to judge...
barographs 24 20 BAROGRAPH, a recordi...
barometers 19 16 BAROMETER, an instru...
barometzes 22 25 BAROMETZ, a fabulous...
baronesses 17 14 BARONESS, the wife o...
baronetess 17 14 a female baronet [n...
barophiles 24 19 BAROPHILE, a bacteri...
baroscopes 23 19 BAROSCOPE, a weather...
barpersons 20 17 BARPERSON, one who s...
barquettes 27 23 BARQUETTE, (French)...
barrackers 23 20 BARRACKER, one who b...
barracoons 20 17 BARRACOON, (Spanish)...
barracudas 22 18 BARRACUDA, (Spanish)...
barratries 19 13 BARRATRY, the practi...
barratrous 19 14 tainted with, or con...
barrelages 20 16 BARRELAGE, barrels t...
barrelfuls 24 19 BARRELFUL, the conte...
barrenness 17 15 the state of being b...
barretries 19 13 BARRETRY, the practi...
barretrous 19 14 tainted with, or con...
barretters 19 13 BARRETTER, a resisto...
barricades 22 17 BARRICADE, (French)...
barricados 22 17 BARRICADO, a barrica...
barristers 20 13 BARRISTER, a person...
barrowfuls 26 21 BARROWFUL, the conte...
bartenders 18 15 BARTENDER, one who t...
basaltines 19 15 BASALTINE, a black o...
baseboards 20 17 BASEBOARD, a board w...
baseliners 19 15 BASELINER, a tennis-...
basenesses 17 14 BASENESS, the state...
baseplates 21 17 BASEPLATE, the found...
bashawisms 26 21 BASHAWISM, (Turkish)...
basicities 23 16 BASICITY, the state...
basilicons 23 18 BASILICON, (Greek) a...
basketfuls 24 22 BASKETFUL, the conte...
basketries 20 17 BASKETRY, basket wor...
basophiles 24 19 BASOPHILE, such a ce...
bassnesses 18 14 BASSNESS, the state...
bastardies 19 14 BASTARDY, the state...
bastinades 18 15 BASTINADE, (French)...
batfowlers 25 20 BATFOWLER, one who b...
bathhouses 23 18 BATHHOUSE, a public...
batholites 22 16 BATHOLITE, a mass of...
batholiths 25 18 BATHOLITH, a mass of...
bathwaters 24 18 BATHWATER, the water...
bathylites 29 18 BATHYLITE, a mass of...
bathyliths 32 20 BATHYLITH, a mass of...
batologies 20 16 BATOLOGY, the study...
battailous 20 15 (Spenser) warlike [a...
battalions 19 15 BATTALION, a body of...
battements 19 17 BATTEMENT, (French)...
battenings 19 17 BATTENING, battens f...
batterings 20 16 BATTERING, a beating...
battleaxes 25 21 BATTLEAXE, a kind of...
baudrickes 24 22 BAUDRICKE, (Spenser)...
baudronses 18 16 BAUDRONS, (Scots) a...
baulkiness 21 20 the state of being b...
baulklines 22 21 BAULKLINE, a straigh...
bavardages 21 20 BAVARDAGE, (French)...
bavaroises 20 17 BAVAROIS, a cold des...
bayberries 27 18 BAYBERRY, the berry...
baynoddies 24 18 BAYNODDY, a bayman [...
bazillions 24 25 BAZILLION, an indefi...
beachballs 28 23 BEACHBALL, a light b...
beachcombs 30 27 BEACHCOMB, to wander...
beachgoers 24 20 BEACHGOER, one who f...
beachheads 25 21 BEACHHEAD, an area h...
beachwears 26 21 BEACHWEAR, wear suit...
beadblasts 22 18 BEADBLAST, to clean...
beadhouses 20 17 BEADHOUSE, a chapel,...
beadledoms 20 19 BEADLEDOM, the offic...
beakerfuls 23 22 BEAKERFUL, the conte...
beanfeasts 19 17 BEANFEAST, a lavish...
beanstalks 20 19 BEANSTALK, the stem...
bearnaises 17 14 BEARNAISE, (French)...
beasthoods 20 16 BEASTHOOD, the state...
beatboxers 26 23 BEATBOXER, one who p...
beatitudes 19 15 BEATITUDE, a state o...
beaujolais 21 24 a kind of wine [n -E...
beautifies 21 17 BEAUTIFY, to make be...
bebeerines 19 17 BEBEERINE, an alkalo...
beccaccias 31 25 BECCACCIA, (Italian)...
beccaficos 30 25 BECCAFICO, (Italian)...
beckonings 23 24 BECKONING, the act o...
beclamours 24 21 BECLAMOUR, to make a...
becquerels 31 27 BECQUEREL, (French)...
bedclothes 25 20 the covering (as she...
bedehouses 20 17 BEDEHOUSE, a chapel,...
bedelships 25 20 BEDELSHIP, the offic...
bedfellows 26 22 BEDFELLOW, one who s...
bedimmings 23 23 BEDIMMING [n]
bedlamisms 23 21 BEDLAMISM, anything...
bedlamites 21 18 BEDLAMITE, an inhabi...
bedraggles 22 19 BEDRAGGLE, to soil b...
bedrenches 23 20 BEDRENCH, to wet tho...
bedsitters 20 14 BEDSITTER, a furnish...
bedspreads 21 18 BEDSPREAD, a coverle...
bedsprings 23 20 BEDSPRING, the sprin...
bedwarmers 23 20 BEDWARMER, a metal p...
bedwetters 22 17 BEDWETTER, a person...
beechdrops 26 22 an American plant li...
beechmasts 25 21 BEECHMAST, the nuts...
beechwoods 26 22 BEECHWOOD, the wood...
beefeaters 19 16 BEEFEATER, an Africa...
beefsteaks 21 20 BEEFSTEAK, a thick l...
beekeepers 20 20 BEEKEEPER, one who k...
befortunes 20 18 BEFORTUNE, (Shakespe...
beggardoms 22 21 BEGGARDOM, the state...
beginnings 20 20 BEGINNING, the start...
beglamours 22 20 BEGLAMOUR, to impres...
beglerbegs 24 21 BEGLERBEG, (Turkish)...
begrudgers 22 19 BEGRUDGER, one who b...
beguinages 20 19 BEGUINAGE, an establ...
behaviours 23 20 BEHAVIOUR, conduct,...
beheadings 21 19 BEHEADING, an execut...
beholdings 23 20 BEHOLDING, (Shakespe...
beinnesses 17 15 BEINNESS, wellbeing...
bejaberses 22 25 BEJABERS, an interje...
bejeezuses 23 32 BEJEEZUS, a mild oat...
belamoures 20 18 BELAMOURE, (Spenser)...
beleaguers 20 17 BELEAGUER, to surrou...
belemnites 20 18 BELEMNITE, a fossil...
belgicisms 27 22 BELGICISM, a word or...
beliefless 23 18 without belief [adj]
believings 23 21 BELIEVING, the act o...
belittlers 22 15 BELITTLER, one who b...
bellibones 22 19 BELLIBONE, (Spenser)...
bellowings 25 21 BELLOWING, the act o...
bellyaches 32 22 BELLYACHE, to moan,...
bellybands 29 22 BELLYBAND, a saddle-...
belongings 21 20 the things that a pe...
belowdecks 27 25 inside or into the s...
belvederes 21 19 BELVEDERE, (Italian)...
bemoanings 19 20 BEMOANING, lamentati...
bemonsters 19 17 BEMONSTER, (archaic)...
benchlands 24 22 BENCHLAND, a former...
benchmarks 26 26 BENCHMARK, to test b...
benedictus 22 19 a short canticle beg...
benefiters 20 17 BENEFITER, one who b...
bengalines 19 18 BENGALINE, a crosswi...
benightens 21 19 BENIGHTEN, to overta...
benighters 22 18 BENIGHTER, one who b...
bentonites 17 15 BENTONITE, a kind of...
benzenoids 20 25 BENZENOID, a substan...
benzidines 21 25 BENZIDINE, a base us...
benzolines 21 25 BENZOLINE, impure be...
beplasters 22 17 BEPLASTER, (archaic)...
berberines 20 17 BERBERINE, an alkalo...
berberises 21 16 BERBERIS, a flowerin...
bergamasks 22 22 BERGAMASK, a rustic...
berganders 19 17 BERGANDER, the sheld...
bergomasks 22 22 BERGOMASK, a rustic...
berkeliums 23 22 BERKELIUM, a radioac...
berserkers 20 17 BERSERKER, (Old Nors...
berylliums 30 21 BERYLLIUM, a metalli...
bescatters 22 16 BESCATTER, (archaic)...
bescorches 27 21 BESCORCH, to scorch...
beseechers 23 18 BESEECHER, one who b...
beseemings 20 19 BESEEMING [n]
besetments 19 17 BESETMENT, the act o...
besiegings 21 18 BESIEGING, the act o...
beslobbers 24 20 BESLOBBER, to slobbe...
beslubbers 25 21 BESLUBBER, to slobbe...
besmearers 19 16 BESMEARER, one who b...
besmirches 26 21 BESMIRCH, to soil, m...
besmutches 26 22 BESMUTCH, (archaic)...
bespangles 22 20 BESPANGLE, to adorn...
bespatters 21 16 BESPATTER, to soil b...
bespeckles 26 24 BESPECKLE, to mark w...
bestiaries 19 13 BESTIARY, a book of...
bethankits 22 20 BETHANKIT, (Scots) a...
betrothals 22 16 BETROTHAL, an engage...
betrotheds 21 16 BETROTHED, one who i...
betterings 20 16 BETTERING, improveme...
betterness 18 14 the quality of being...
bevellings 24 22 BEVELLING [n]
bevelments 22 22 BEVELMENT, the proce...
bewailings 24 20 BEWAILING, the act o...
bewitchers 28 21 BEWITCHER, one who b...
bhikkhunis 27 27 BHIKKHUNI, (Pali) a...
biasnesses 18 14 BIASNESS, the state...
biathletes 22 16 BIATHLETE, one who t...
biblicisms 29 23 BIBLICISM, learning...
biblicists 28 20 BIBLICIST, one skill...
bibliotics 27 20 the study of handwri...
bickerings 25 23 BICKERING, a petty q...
bicyclists 35 22 BICYCLIST, one who r...
bifidities 23 17 BIFIDITY, the state...
bifurcates 25 20 BIFURCATE, to fork [...
bigarreaus 20 16 BIGARREAU, any of se...
bigeminies 21 19 BIGEMINY, the state...
biguanides 20 18 BIGUANIDE, one of a...
bijections 24 26 BIJECTION, in maths,...
bilberries 23 17 BILBERRY, a whortleb...
bilections 23 18 BILECTION, a mouldin...
bilestones 19 15 BILESTONE, a gallsto...
bilharzias 26 25 BILHARZIA, a disease...
bilimbings 26 23 BILIMBING, (Malay) a...
bilinguals 23 19 BILINGUAL, one who c...
bilirubins 24 19 BILIRUBIN, a reddish...
billabongs 24 21 BILLABONG, in Austra...
billboards 24 19 BILLBOARD, to advert...
billetings 23 18 BILLETING, the act o...
billfishes 27 20 BILLFISH, a kind of...
billionths 24 18 BILLIONTH, a thousan...
billowings 26 21 BILLOWING, a swellin...
billycocks 36 27 BILLYCOCK, a kind of...
binoculars 23 19 BINOCULAR, a binocul...
binominals 20 19 BINOMINAL, a binomin...
binturongs 20 18 BINTURONG, a small A...
biocenoses 20 17 BIOCENOSE [n]
biocenosis 21 17 an association of or...
biodiesels 20 15 BIODIESEL, a biofuel...
biofoulers 22 18 BIOFOULER, an animal...
biogeneses 18 16 BIOGENESIS, the theo...
biogenesis 19 16 the theory that all...
biohazards 24 25 BIOHAZARD, a danger...
biologisms 23 19 BIOLOGISM, biologica...
biologists 22 16 BIOLOGIST, one who s...
biomarkers 21 20 BIOMARKER, anything...
biometrics 24 19 the study of biologi...
biometries 20 16 BIOMETRY, the statis...
biominings 21 20 BIOMINING, microbiol...
bionomists 20 17 BIONOMIST, a student...
bioparents 20 17 BIOPARENT, a biologi...
biophilias 25 19 BIOPHILIA, innate lo...
biophysics 34 23 the science of the a...
biopirates 21 16 BIOPIRATE, one who p...
biopoieses 20 16 BIOPOIESIS, the crea...
biopoiesis 21 16 the creation of livi...
bioregions 19 16 BIOREGION, an area i...
biorhythms 32 22 BIORHYTHM, a periodi...
bioscopies 24 19 BIOSCOPY, a type of...
biosensors 18 14 BIOSENSOR, a living...
biospheres 23 18 BIOSPHERE, the plant...
biostatics 23 16 the branch of biolog...
biostromes 20 16 BIOSTROME, a rock la...
bioterrors 19 13 BIOTERROR, use of bi...
bioweapons 22 20 BIOWEAPON, a biologi...
bipetalous 22 18 having two petals [a...
bipyramids 30 22 BIPYRAMID, a crystal...
biradicals 24 18 BIRADICAL, a molecul...
birchbarks 29 25 BIRCHBARK, the bark...
birdbrains 22 18 BIRDBRAIN, one of ve...
birdhouses 22 17 BIRDHOUSE, a nesting...
birdsfoots 22 17 BIRDSFOOT, a papilio...
birthdates 22 16 BIRTHDATE, the date...
birthmarks 25 22 BIRTHMARK, a mark, e...
birthnames 22 19 BIRTHNAME, the name...
birthrates 22 15 BIRTHRATE, the propo...
birthroots 22 15 BIRTHROOT, an herbac...
birthworts 26 18 BIRTHWORT, a plant f...
bisections 22 17 BISECTION, the act o...
bishopdoms 25 22 BISHOPDOM, the juris...
bishoprics 28 21 BISHOPRIC, the dioce...
bismuthous 24 20 containing bismuth [...
bisphenols 24 20 BISPHENOL, a hydroca...
bistouries 20 14 BISTOURY, a narrow s...
bisulfates 23 18 BISULFATE, an acid s...
bisulfides 24 19 BISULFIDE, a sulphid...
bisulfites 24 18 BISULFITE, an acid s...
bitcheries 25 18 BITCHERY, ill-temper...
bitchfests 28 21 BITCHFEST, malicious...
bitchiness 25 19 the state of being b...
biteplates 22 17 BITEPLATE, a device...
bitstreams 21 16 BITSTREAM, a sequenc...
bitterness 19 14 the state of being b...
bitternuts 20 15 BITTERNUT, a North A...
bituminous 21 19 (Shakespeare) impreg...
bivalences 24 22 BIVALENCE, the state...
bivariants 21 18 BIVARIANT, an expres...
bivariates 21 17 BIVARIATE, a formula...
biweeklies 24 21 BIWEEKLY, a publicat...
blackballs 29 26 BLACKBALL, to vote a...
blackbands 26 26 BLACKBAND, iron ore...
blackbirds 28 25 BLACKBIRD, to traffi...
blackbucks 32 32 BLACKBUCK, an Indian...
blackbutts 28 25 BLACKBUTT, a type of...
blackcocks 32 31 BLACKCOCK, the male...
blackdamps 28 28 BLACKDAMP, air that...
blackeners 23 22 BLACKENER, something...
blackfaces 29 27 BLACKFACE, a breed o...
blackflies 28 25 BLACKFLY, a biting f...
blackgames 26 26 BLACKGAME, black gro...
blackheads 26 24 BLACKHEAD, a spot, a...
blackjacks 31 37 BLACKJACK, to hit wi...
blacklands 25 24 BLACKLAND, a heavy,...
blackleads 25 23 BLACKLEAD, graphite...
blacklists 27 22 BLACKLIST, to ban or...
blackmails 27 25 BLACKMAIL, to extort...
blackpolls 29 26 BLACKPOLL, a warbler...
blackspots 27 24 BLACKSPOT, as in acc...
blacktails 26 22 BLACKTAIL, a small f...
blackwoods 27 25 BLACKWOOD, a tall Au...
bladeworks 24 22 BLADEWORK, in rowing...
blandishes 22 18 BLANDISH, to coax an...
blanketies 20 19 BLANKETY, an unmenti...
blasphemes 25 22 BLASPHEME, to speak...
blastments 21 18 BLASTMENT, (Shakespe...
blastopors 22 17 BLASTOPOR, the openi...
blatancies 22 18 BLATANCY, something...
blatherers 22 16 BLATHERER, one who b...
blazonings 23 27 BLAZONING, the act o...
blazonries 22 24 BLAZONRY, the correc...
bleachings 26 22 BLEACHING, the act o...
bleariness 19 15 the state of being b...
blemishers 24 19 BLEMISHER, one who b...
blennioids 19 17 BLENNIOID, any membe...
bleomycins 30 23 BLEOMYCIN, a glycope...
bletherers 22 16 BLETHERER, one who b...
blightings 26 21 BLIGHTING, the act o...
blimperies 24 20 BLIMPERY, pompous be...
blindfolds 24 21 BLINDFOLD, to cover...
blindsides 21 17 BLINDSIDE, to hit un...
blindworms 25 22 BLINDWORM, a slowwor...
blitheness 22 17 the state of being b...
bloatwares 22 17 BLOATWARE, excessive...
blockaders 24 22 BLOCKADER, one who b...
blockbusts 28 25 BLOCKBUST, to bring...
blockheads 26 24 BLOCKHEAD, a stupid...
blockholes 27 24 BLOCKHOLE, the place...
blockiness 24 22 the state of being b...
blockships 30 26 BLOCKSHIP, a warship...
blockworks 29 28 BLOCKWORK, hollow bl...
blondeness 18 17 the state of being b...
bloodbaths 24 20 BLOODBATH, a massacr...
bloodiness 19 16 the state of being b...
bloodlines 20 17 BLOODLINE, all the i...
bloodlusts 22 17 BLOODLUST, desire fo...
bloodroots 19 15 BLOODROOT, a plant w...
bloodsheds 22 18 BLOODSHED, the shedd...
bloodwoods 22 19 BLOODWOOD, a tree ha...
bloodworms 24 21 BLOODWORM, the larva...
bloodworts 23 18 BLOODWORT, a plant w...
bloomeries 20 17 BLOOMERY, a furnace...
bloquistes 29 24 BLOQUISTE, a support...
blotchings 27 22 BLOTCHING, a pattern...
blowfishes 28 22 BLOWFISH, a marine f...
blowsiness 23 18 the state of being b...
blowziness 26 27 the state of being b...
blubberers 25 21 BLUBBERER, one who b...
bluebeards 22 19 BLUEBEARD, a man who...
bluebloods 23 20 BLUEBLOOD, a royal o...
bluebushes 25 21 BLUEBUSH, an Austral...
bluefishes 25 20 BLUEFISH, a large vo...
blueliners 21 17 BLUELINER, a machine...
bluemouths 24 21 BLUEMOUTH, a deepwat...
bluenesses 19 16 BLUENESS, the state...
bluepoints 22 19 BLUEPOINT, a small o...
blueprints 23 19 BLUEPRINT, to draw u...
blueshifts 26 20 BLUESHIFT, a shift o...
bluestones 19 16 BLUESTONE, hydrated...
bluishness 23 18 the state of being b...
blunderers 20 17 BLUNDERER, one who b...
bluntheads 22 19 BLUNTHEAD, a frequen...
blurriness 21 16 the state of being b...
blusterers 21 15 BLUSTERER, one who b...
blusterous 21 16 inclined to bluster,...
blutwursts 26 19 BLUTWURST, (German)...
boardrooms 19 17 BOARDROOM, a room wh...
boardwalks 24 22 BOARDWALK, (US) a fo...
boarfishes 23 18 BOARFISH, a Mediterr...
boarhounds 20 18 BOARHOUND, a dog use...
boathouses 20 16 BOATHOUSE, a place f...
boatswains 21 17 BOATSWAIN, a ship's...
bobbejaans 23 29 BOBBEJAAN, (South Af...
bobbysocks 34 28 BOBBYSOCK, an ankles...
bobsleighs 26 21 BOBSLEIGH, a short s...
bobweights 28 23 BOBWEIGHT, a balance...
bodegueros 19 17 BODEGUERO, (Spanish)...
bodyboards 27 20 BODYBOARD [n]
bodychecks 35 28 BODYCHECK [n]
bodyguards 27 20 BODYGUARD, to act as...
bodyshells 30 20 BODYSHELL, a vehicle...
bodywashes 30 21 BODYWASH, a liquid p...
boisterous 19 14 rowdy, high-spirited...
boldnesses 19 16 BOLDNESS, the qualit...
bolections 22 18 BOLECTION, a mouldin...
bolivianos 21 19 BOLIVIANO, (Spanish)...
bolletries 21 15 BOLLETRIE, a West In...
bollockses 25 22 BOLLOCKS, to make a...
bologneses 19 17 BOLOGNESE, a meat an...
bolographs 25 21 BOLOGRAPH, a record...
bolometers 20 17 BOLOMETER, an instru...
bolsheviks 26 24 BOLSHEVIK, (Russian)...
bolsterers 20 14 BOLSTERER, one who b...
bombarders 22 20 BOMBARDER, one who b...
bombardons 21 21 BOMBARDON, the bass...
bombasines 21 20 BOMBASINE, (French)...
bombasters 22 19 BOMBASTER, one who s...
bombazines 24 29 BOMBAZINE, (French)...
bombilates 23 20 BOMBILATE, to buzz,...
bombinates 21 20 BOMBINATE, to buzz,...
bombproofs 26 25 BOMBPROOF, to make p...
bombshells 27 23 BOMBSHELL, a bomb; a...
bombsights 27 23 BOMBSIGHT, a device...
bonamiases 18 17 BONAMIASIS, a fatal...
bonamiasis 19 17 a fatal disease of o...
bonassuses 18 15 BONASSUS, a bison, a...
bondstones 17 16 BONDSTONE, a stone r...
boneblacks 25 25 BONEBLACK, black res...
bonefishes 22 19 BONEFISH, a slender...
bonhommies 22 22 BONHOMMIE, (French)...
bonilasses 19 15 BONILASSE, (Spenser)...
boninesses 17 15 BONINESS, the state...
bonnibells 22 20 BONNIBELL, (Spenser)...
boobiallas 22 18 BOOBIALLA, (Native A...
booboisies 20 16 BOOBOISIE, boobs as...
booklights 25 22 BOOKLIGHT, a light t...
bookmakers 21 24 BOOKMAKER, a person...
bookplates 22 21 BOOKPLATE, a label u...
bookstalls 22 19 BOOKSTALL, a stall f...
bookstands 19 19 BOOKSTAND, a stand o...
bookstores 19 17 BOOKSTORE, a booksho...
boomerangs 19 19 BOOMERANG, to return...
boomslangs 21 20 BOOMSLANG, (Afrikaan...
boongaries 18 16 BOONGARY, a tree kan...
bootblacks 26 24 BOOTBLACK, a person...
bootmakers 20 20 BOOTMAKER, one who m...
bootstraps 21 16 BOOTSTRAP, to prepar...
borderless 20 15 without a border [ad...
borescopes 23 19 BORESCOPE, an optica...
borghettos 22 17 BORGHETTO, (Italian)...
boringness 19 17 the quality of being...
borrowings 23 19 BORROWING, a loan [n...
bosberaads 20 17 BOSBERAAD, (Afrikaan...
boschvarks 28 26 BOSCHVARK, (Afrikaan...
boschvelds 28 24 BOSCHVELD, (Afrikaan...
bossyboots 27 18 (colloquial) a bossy...
botanicals 22 18 BOTANICAL, a drug ma...
botanisers 18 14 BOTANISER, one who b...
botanizers 21 23 BOTANIZER, one who b...
botcheries 24 18 BOTCHERY, something...
botchiness 24 19 the state of being b...
botrytises 26 15 BOTRYTIS, a genus of...
bottlefuls 24 19 BOTTLEFUL, the conte...
bottomings 21 19 BOTTOMING, the act o...
bottomless 21 17 having no bottom [ad...
bottomness 19 17 a property that char...
bottomries 20 16 BOTTOMRY, the use of...
botulinums 22 20 BOTULINUM, a powerfu...
boulderers 20 16 BOULDERER, someone w...
boulevards 22 20 BOULEVARD, (French)...
bounciness 21 19 the state of being b...
boundaries 18 16 BOUNDARY, a final li...
bountyheds 27 20 BOUNTYHED, (Spenser)...
bourasques 27 24 BOURASQUE, (French)...
bouvardias 21 19 BOUVARDIA, a genus o...
bovinities 21 18 BOVINITY, the state...
bowerbirds 25 20 BOWERBIRD, any of va...
bowhunters 24 20 BOWHUNTER, a person...
bowstrings 24 19 BOWSTRING, to strang...
boxberries 27 23 BOXBERRY, an evergre...
boxercises 28 23 BOXERCISE, exercise...
boxinesses 24 21 BOXINESS, the state...
boxkeepers 27 27 BOXKEEPER, an attend...
boxwallahs 32 27 BOXWALLAH, (Hindi) a...
boycotters 28 18 BOYCOTTER, one who b...
boyfriends 27 20 BOYFRIEND, a girl's...
boyishness 27 18 the state of being b...
braaivleis 22 18 (Afrikaans) a barbec...
brachiates 24 18 BRACHIATE, to progre...
brachyaxes 36 27 BRACHYAXIS, in cryst...
brachyaxis 37 27 in crystallography,...
bracteates 21 16 BRACTEATE, thin beat...
bracteoles 22 17 BRACTEOLE, a small o...
braillists 23 15 BRAILLIST, one who u...
brainboxes 26 24 BRAINBOX, a clever p...
braincases 21 17 BRAINCASE, the crani...
brainfarts 21 17 BRAINFART, an idea e...
brainfoods 20 18 BRAINFOOD, any foods...
braininess 18 15 the quality of being...
brainstems 20 17 BRAINSTEM, the stem...
brainwaves 23 21 BRAINWAVE, a sudden...
brainworks 23 21 BRAINWORK, work done...
bramblings 25 23 BRAMBLING, a bird of...
branchings 25 22 BRANCHING [n]
branchless 25 20 without branches [ad...
branchlets 25 20 BRANCHLET, a little...
brandishes 21 17 BRANDISH, to move or...
brandlings 21 19 BRANDLING, a striped...
brandreths 21 17 BRANDRETH, a stand o...
branglings 22 20 BRANGLING, the act o...
brannigans 18 18 BRANNIGAN, a drinkin...
brashiness 21 16 the state of being b...
brasileins 20 15 BRASILEIN, a dyestuf...
brasseries 19 13 BRASSERIE, (French)...
brassieres 19 13 BRASSIERE, (French)...
brassiness 19 14 the quality of being...
brasswares 22 16 BRASSWARE, goods mad...
brattiness 19 14 the state of being b...
brattishes 22 15 BRATTISH, to provide...
brattlings 22 17 BRATTLING, a clatter...
bratwursts 24 17 BRATWURST, (German)...
brawniness 21 18 the state of being b...
brazenness 20 24 the state of being b...
brazenries 21 23 BRAZENRY, effrontery...
brazieries 22 22 BRAZIERY, a place wh...
brazileins 23 24 BRAZILEIN, a dyestuf...
breadboxes 26 24 BREADBOX, a containe...
breadheads 20 17 BREADHEAD, a drug-de...
breadlines 19 16 BREADLINE, the thres...
breadrooms 19 17 BREADROOM, an apartm...
breadroots 18 14 BREADROOT, the edibl...
breakables 22 21 BREAKABLE, something...
breakaways 28 22 BREAKAWAY, a revolt,...
breakbeats 21 20 BREAKBEAT, in house...
breakdowns 22 22 BREAKDOWN, a collaps...
breakevens 20 22 BREAKEVEN, the point...
breakfasts 22 20 BREAKFAST, to take b...
breaktimes 21 20 BREAKTIME, in school...
breakwalls 25 22 BREAKWALL, a protect...
breastpins 21 17 BREASTPIN, an orname...
breathings 22 18 BREATHING, the act o...
breathless 22 16 not breathing [adj B...
brecciates 25 19 BRECCIATE, to break...
breechings 25 21 BREECHING, a harness...
breechless 25 19 without a breech [ad...
breezeless 22 23 motionless; destitut...
breezeways 30 27 BREEZEWAY, a roofed...
breeziness 21 23 the state of being b...
bretasches 24 18 BRETASCHE, a wooden...
brevetcies 24 20 BREVETCY, an honorar...
breviaries 21 17 BREVIARY, a prayer b...
brewhouses 24 19 BREWHOUSE, a brewery...
briarroots 19 13 BRIARROOT, the root...
briarwoods 22 17 BRIARWOOD, the wood...
bricabracs 28 22 BRICABRAC, (French)...
brickclays 35 26 BRICKCLAY, a clay co...
brickkilns 27 26 BRICKKILN, a kiln wh...
brickwalls 30 25 BRICKWALL, a shot in...
brickworks 29 27 BRICKWORK, a structu...
brickyards 31 23 BRICKYARD, a place w...
bricolages 24 19 BRICOLAGE, (French)...
bricoleurs 24 18 BRICOLEUR, one who e...
bridecakes 23 21 BRIDECAKE, rich or h...
bridemaids 21 18 BRIDEMAID, a woman w...
bridewells 25 19 BRIDEWELL, a house o...
bridgeless 22 17 having no bridge; no...
bridleways 30 20 BRIDLEWAY, a path on...
briefcases 24 19 BRIEFCASE, a small c...
brierroots 19 13 BRIERROOT, the root...
brierwoods 22 17 BRIERWOOD, the wood...
brigadiers 21 16 BRIGADIER, an office...
brightness 23 18 the state of being b...
brilliants 22 16 BRILLIANT, to cut an...
brimstones 20 17 BRIMSTONE, sulphur;...
bringdowns 23 21 BRINGDOWN, a comedow...
briolettes 20 14 BRIOLETTE, (French)...
briquettes 28 23 BRIQUETTE, to form i...
britannias 18 15 BRITANNIA, an alloy...
britschkas 27 22 BRITSCHKA, (Polish)...
brittanias 19 14 BRITTANIA, an alloy...
broadbands 20 19 BROADBAND, a broadba...
broadbeans 19 18 BROADBEAN, a legumin...
broadbills 24 19 BROADBILL, any of se...
broadbrims 23 20 BROADBRIM, a broad-b...
broadcasts 22 17 BROADCAST, to scatte...
broadeners 17 15 BROADENER, one who b...
broadlines 19 16 BROADLINE, a company...
broadlooms 20 18 BROADLOOM, a broadlo...
broadsides 19 15 BROADSIDE, all the g...
broadtails 20 15 BROADTAIL, a karakul...
brochettes 24 18 BROCHETTE, (French)...
brogueries 20 16 BROGUERY, the use of...
broiderers 19 14 BROIDERER, (archaic)...
broideries 19 14 BROIDERY, the act of...
brokenness 18 19 the state of being b...
brokerages 20 19 BROKERAGE, the busin...
brokerings 21 20 BROKERING, bargainin...
bromegrass 21 18 a kind of grass rese...
bromelains 20 18 BROMELAIN, an enzyme...
bromeliads 21 18 BROMELIAD, any plant...
bromeosins 19 17 BROMEOSIN, another n...
brominates 19 17 BROMINATE, to treat...
brominisms 22 20 BROMINISM, poisoning...
bromoforms 23 22 BROMOFORM, a bromine...
bronchitis 25 19 inflammation, acute...
brondyrons 24 18 BRONDYRON, (Spenser)...
bronzifies 24 26 BRONZIFY, to make br...
broodiness 18 15 the state of being b...
broodmares 19 17 BROODMARE, a mare fo...
brooklimes 22 21 BROOKLIME, a wild fl...
brookweeds 22 21 BROOKWEED, a small w...
broomballs 24 21 BROOMBALL, a team ga...
broomcorns 22 20 BROOMCORN, a kind of...
broomrapes 21 19 BROOMRAPE, a parasit...
browallias 24 18 BROWALLIA, a floweri...
brownnoses 20 18 BROWNNOSE, to act sy...
browridges 24 19 BROWRIDGE, a promine...
browsables 25 20 BROWSABLE, something...
brummagems 24 25 BRUMMAGEM, something...
brushbacks 29 26 BRUSHBACK, a fastbal...
brushfires 25 19 BRUSHFIRE, a border...
brushlands 23 19 BRUSHLAND, an area c...
brushmarks 25 23 BRUSHMARK, an indent...
brushwoods 25 20 BRUSHWOOD, loppings...
brushworks 27 23 BRUSHWORK, work done...
brutalises 21 15 BRUTALISE, to make b...
brutalisms 23 18 BRUTALISM, a style o...
brutalists 22 15 BRUTALIST, an expone...
brutalizes 24 24 BRUTALIZE, to make b...
bryologies 27 18 BRYOLOGY, the study...
bryophytes 36 22 BRYOPHYTE, a member...
bubblegums 28 27 BUBBLEGUM, a kind of...
buccaneers 24 21 BUCCANEER, to act as...
buccaniers 25 21 BUCCANIER [n]
bucellases 24 19 BUCELLAS, (Portugues...
bucentaurs 22 19 BUCENTAUR, (Italian)...
buckboards 26 25 BUCKBOARD, a light h...
bucketfuls 28 26 BUCKETFUL, the conte...
bucketings 25 24 BUCKETING, the act o...
buckhounds 26 26 BUCKHOUND, a hound f...
buckthorns 26 24 BUCKTHORN, a shrub o...
buckwheats 29 26 BUCKWHEAT, a cereal...
buckyballs 35 28 BUCKYBALL, a ball-sh...
buckytubes 33 27 BUCKYTUBE, a tube of...
budgeteers 20 17 BUDGETEER, one who p...
budgetings 22 20 BUDGETING, the act o...
bufferings 25 23 BUFFERING, the act o...
buffetings 25 23 BUFFETING, the act o...
bufotalins 22 19 BUFOTALIN, a poisono...
bugleweeds 24 21 BUGLEWEED, a plant o...
buhrstones 21 17 BUHRSTONE, a cellula...
builddowns 24 21 BUILDDOWN, a planned...
bullbriers 25 19 BULLBRIER, a prickly...
bulldozers 25 26 BULLDOZER, a powerfu...
bulletries 22 16 BULLETRIE, a West In...
bullfights 29 23 BULLFIGHT, a fight w...
bullockies 26 23 BULLOCKY, (Australia...
bullrushes 25 19 BULLRUSH, an aquatic...
bullsnakes 22 21 BULLSNAKE, an Americ...
bullwhacks 32 28 BULLWHACK, to strike...
bullycides 32 22 BULLYCIDE, the act o...
bulwaddees 23 20 BULWADDEE, (Native A...
bulwaddies 24 20 BULWADDY, (Native Au...
bumblebees 25 24 BUMBLEBEE, a large b...
bumbledoms 25 25 BUMBLEDOM, self-impo...
bumfuzzles 31 40 BUMFUZZLE, to confus...
bummalotis 23 21 BUMMALOTI, a small m...
bumsuckers 26 25 BUMSUCKER, (slang) a...
bunchgrass 26 22 a kind of West Ameri...
bunchiness 24 21 the state of being b...
bundobusts 22 20 BUNDOBUST, (Urdu) an...
bungaloids 21 19 BUNGALOID, a dwellin...
bunkhouses 22 22 BUNKHOUSE, a place w...
buoyancies 27 20 BUOYANCY, the tenden...
buprestids 23 18 BUPRESTID, a kind of...
bupropions 23 21 BUPROPION, an antide...
burglaries 22 17 BURGLARY, a feloniou...
burgundies 21 19 BURGUNDY, a red wine...
burladeros 20 16 BURLADERO, (Spanish)...
burlesques 29 25 BURLESQUE, (French)...
burleycues 30 21 BURLEYCUE, a ludicro...
burnishers 22 17 BURNISHER, one who b...
burramyses 27 19 BURRAMYS, a rare pig...
burrawangs 23 20 BURRAWANG, (Native A...
burrfishes 25 19 BURRFISH, a fish wit...
burrstones 19 15 BURRSTONE, a cellula...
bursitises 21 14 BURSITIS, inflammati...
bushbabies 26 22 BUSHBABY, a small Af...
bushcrafts 28 22 BUSHCRAFT, practical...
bushellers 24 18 BUSHELLER, one who b...
bushwhacks 32 28 BUSHWHACK, to shoot...
businesses 19 15 BUSINESS, an occupat...
busticates 23 17 BUSTICATE, (colloqui...
busybodies 28 20 BUSYBODY [v]
busynesses 25 17 BUSYNESS, the state...
butadienes 18 16 BUTADIENE, a hydroca...
butcherers 25 19 BUTCHERER, one who b...
butcheries 25 19 BUTCHERY, wanton or...
buteonines 17 16 BUTEONINE, a bird of...
butlerages 21 17 BUTLERAGE, the depar...
butterburs 23 18 BUTTERBUR, a plant o...
buttercups 26 21 BUTTERCUP, a crowfoo...
butterfats 22 17 BUTTERFAT, the fat c...
butterines 19 15 BUTTERINE, a substan...
butterless 21 15 without butter [adj]
butternuts 20 16 BUTTERNUT, the oily...
buttinskis 22 19 BUTTINSKI, a person...
buttonless 20 16 without buttons [adj...
buttresses 20 14 BUTTRESS, to prop up...
buttstocks 25 21 BUTTSTOCK, the stock...
byproducts 32 23 BYPRODUCT, a seconda...
byssaceous 28 19 composed of a mass o...
byssinoses 25 16 BYSSINOSIS, cotton d...
byssinosis 26 16 cotton dust pneumoco...
bystanders 25 17 BYSTANDER, someone w...
bytownites 28 19 BYTOWNITE, a plagioc...
cabalettas 22 17 CABALETTA, (Italian)...
caballeros 23 18 CABALLERO, (Spanish)...
cabbalisms 27 23 CABBALISM, a sect ba...
cabbalists 26 20 CABBALIST, one who p...
cabdrivers 25 21 CABDRIVER, one who d...
cabinmates 22 20 CABINMATE, one who s...
cablecasts 26 20 CABLECAST [n]
cablegrams 25 22 CABLEGRAM, a message...
cabriolets 23 17 CABRIOLET, (French)...
cacafuegos 25 22 CACAFUEGO, (Spanish)...
cachaemias 25 21 CACHAEMIA, (archaic)...
cacholongs 26 22 CACHOLONG, (French)...
caciquisms 34 29 CACIQUISM, governmen...
cacodemons 22 21 CACODEMON, (Greek) a...
cacodoxies 28 24 CACODOXY, incorrect...
cacogenics 26 22 the study of racial...
cacologies 24 19 CACOLOGY, a bad choi...
cacomixles 31 27 CACOMIXLE, a North A...
caconymies 29 22 CACONYMY, the state...
cacotopias 24 19 CACOTOPIA, a state i...
cactaceous 25 20 belonging to, or lik...
cacuminals 25 22 CACUMINAL, a sound s...
cacuminous 24 22 with pointed or pyra...
cadaverous 21 19 resembling a corpse,...
cadetships 25 19 CADETSHIP, the posit...
caducities 24 18 CADUCITY, the qualit...
caecilians 23 18 CAECILIAN, a tropica...
caecitises 23 16 CAECITIS, a caecum i...
caesareans 17 14 CAESAREAN, an operat...
caesarians 18 14 CAESARIAN, an operat...
caesarisms 21 16 CAESARISM, imperiali...
cafeterias 21 16 CAFETERIA, a restaur...
cafetieres 21 16 CAFETIERE, (French)...
caginesses 20 16 CAGINESS, the qualit...
cagynesses 26 18 CAGYNESS, the qualit...
cailleachs 27 20 CAILLEACH, (Gaelic)...
cailliachs 28 20 CAILLIACH, (Gaelic)...
cairngorms 22 19 CAIRNGORM, (Gaelic)...
cajoleries 22 23 CAJOLERY, persuasion...
cakinesses 20 18 CAKINESS, the state...
calabashes 24 19 CALABASH, a variety...
calabooses 21 17 CALABOOSE, (Spanish)...
calabreses 22 17 CALABRESE, (Italian)...
calamancos 23 21 CALAMANCO, a glossy...
calamaries 21 17 CALAMARY, any of var...
calamities 22 17 CALAMITY, a grievous...
calamitous 22 18 disastrous [adj CALA...
calandrias 20 16 CALANDRIA, (Spanish)...
calavances 24 22 CALAVANCE, a kind of...
calcareous 23 18 chalky; of or contai...
calcicoles 28 21 CALCICOLE, a plant t...
calcifuges 28 23 CALCIFUGE, a plant t...
calcimines 25 21 CALCIMINE, to whitew...
calcinoses 23 18 CALCINOSIS, the abno...
calcinosis 24 18 the abnormal deposit...
calculates 25 19 CALCULATE, to count...
calculuses 26 20 CALCULUS, a branch o...
calembours 24 21 CALEMBOUR, (French)...
calendrers 20 16 CALENDRER, a person...
calendries 20 16 CALENDRY, a place wh...
calendulas 21 18 CALENDULA, (Latin) a...
calentures 20 16 CALENTURE, (historic...
calfdozers 26 27 CALFDOZER, a small b...
caliatours 21 15 CALIATOUR, an old te...
calibrates 23 17 CALIBRATE, to determ...
calidities 22 15 CALIDITY, the state...
caliginous 22 18 (archaic) dark, shad...
calimochos 27 22 CALIMOCHO, a cocktai...
calipashes 25 19 CALIPASH, a part of...
caliphates 25 19 CALIPHATE, (Arabic)...
callboards 24 19 CALLBOARD, a noticeb...
calligrams 25 20 CALLIGRAM, a design...
calliopsis 25 18 a genus of herbaceou...
callowness 24 19 the state of being c...
calmatives 24 21 CALMATIVE, a drug ha...
calmnesses 21 18 CALMNESS, the state...
calmstanes 21 18 CALMSTANE, a white a...
calmstones 21 18 CALMSTONE, (Scots) a...
calumnious 22 20 containing or implyi...
calvadoses 22 19 CALVADOS, a dry appl...
calvariums 25 22 CALVARIUM, the dome...
calypteras 29 19 CALYPTERA, a hood or...
camanachds 25 23 CAMANACHD, (Gaelic)...
camarillas 23 18 CAMARILLA, (Spanish)...
camberings 24 22 CAMBERING, a type of...
camcorders 24 20 CAMCORDER, a portabl...
camelbacks 28 27 CAMELBACK, an inferi...
camelhairs 24 19 CAMELHAIR, a materia...
camiknicks 27 28 a woman's undergarme...
camisadoes 20 17 CAMISADO, an attack...
camorrists 22 16 CAMORRIST, a member...
camouflets 24 21 CAMOUFLET, (French)...
campaneros 21 20 CAMPANERO, (Spanish)...
campaniles 23 21 CAMPANILE, (Italian)...
campanists 23 20 CAMPANIST, a person...
campanulas 23 22 CAMPANULA, (Latin) a...
campcrafts 29 25 CAMPCRAFT, knowledge...
campeadors 22 20 CAMPEADOR, (Spanish)...
campesinos 22 20 CAMPESINO, (Spanish)...
campnesses 22 20 CAMPNESS, extravagan...
campodeids 23 21 CAMPODEID, a primiti...
campshirts 27 21 CAMPSHIRT, a short-s...
campstools 24 20 CAMPSTOOL, a small c...
canalboats 21 18 CANALBOAT, a boat us...
cancelbots 25 21 CANCELBOT, a compute...
canceleers 22 18 CANCELEER, (Scott) t...
canceliers 23 18 CANCELIER, to make s...
cancellers 24 19 CANCELLER, one who c...
cancellous 24 20 of bone, having a po...
cancerates 21 17 CANCERATE, to grow i...
cancrizans 25 27 of a canon, having t...
candidates 19 16 CANDIDATE, a person...
candidness 19 17 the state of being c...
candlenuts 20 18 CANDLENUT, the oil-y...
candlepins 22 20 CANDLEPIN, a slender...
candyfloss 29 21 a fluffy ball of spu...
candygrams 28 22 CANDYGRAM, a message...
candytufts 29 21 CANDYTUFT, a crucife...
canebrakes 21 21 CANEBRAKE, a thicket...
canefruits 22 18 CANEFRUIT, fruit bor...
canephoras 22 19 CANEPHORA, (Greek) a...
canephores 22 19 CANEPHORE, (Greek) a...
canephorus 23 20 (Greek) a sculpted f...
caninities 19 15 CANINITY, the state...
cannabises 20 18 CANNABIS, hemp; a na...
cannelures 19 17 CANNELURE, (French)...
cannisters 19 15 CANNISTER, a small c...
cannonades 16 17 CANNONADE, to attack...
cannoneers 16 16 CANNONEER, a soldier...
cannoniers 17 16 CANNONIER, a soldier...
cannonries 17 16 CANNONRY, artillery...
cannulates 19 17 CANNULATE, to insert...
canoewoods 20 18 CANOEWOOD, another n...
canonesses 17 15 CANONESS, a woman li...
canonicals 22 19 the official dress o...
canonisers 18 15 CANONISER, one who c...
canonizers 21 24 CANONIZER, one who c...
canoodlers 19 16 CANOODLER, one who c...
cantabanks 21 22 CANTABANK, (Italian)...
cantabiles 22 18 CANTABILE, a cantabi...
cantaloups 22 19 CANTALOUP, (Italian)...
cantharids 22 17 CANTHARID, a beetle...
cantilenas 19 16 CANTILENA, (Italian)...
cantonises 18 15 CANTONISE, to divide...
cantonizes 21 24 CANTONIZE, to divide...
canvassers 21 18 CANVASSER, one who g...
canyoneers 23 17 CANYONEER, a canyon...
canyonings 25 20 CANYONING, the sport...
capacities 25 19 CAPACITY, the abilit...
capacitors 25 19 CAPACITOR, an electr...
caparisons 21 17 CAPARISON, to adorn...
capellines 23 19 CAPELLINE, a small i...
capitulars 24 18 CAPITULAR, a statute...
capocchias 30 24 CAPOCCHIA, (Shakespe...
caponieres 20 17 CAPONIERE, (French)...
capotastos 21 16 CAPOTASTO, (Italian)...
capriccios 29 22 CAPRICCIO, a free fo...
capricious 26 20 subject to whim; imp...
caprifoils 26 20 CAPRIFOIL, (Spenser)...
caprifoles 25 20 CAPRIFOLE, honeysuck...
caprylates 29 19 CAPRYLATE, a salt of...
capsaicins 25 20 CAPSAICIN, a cyclic...
capsomeres 22 19 CAPSOMERE, any of th...
capsulises 24 18 CAPSULISE, to conden...
capsulizes 27 27 CAPSULIZE, to conden...
captivates 24 20 CAPTIVATE, to charm,...
captoprils 26 20 CAPTOPRIL, an antihy...
carabiners 21 17 CARABINER, (German)...
caracolers 23 17 CARACOLER, one who c...
carambolas 23 20 CARAMBOLA, (Portugue...
caramboles 23 20 CARAMBOLE [n]
carangoids 20 17 CARANGOID, any spiny...
caravances 23 21 CARAVANCE, a kind of...
caravaners 20 18 CARAVANER, one who t...
caravelles 23 19 CARAVELLE, a small l...
carbachols 28 22 CARBACHOL, a synthet...
carbamates 22 19 CARBAMATE, a salt or...
carbamides 23 20 CARBAMIDE, the techn...
carbamoyls 30 22 CARBAMOYL, a radical...
carbanions 20 18 CARBANION, an ion ca...
carbazoles 25 26 CARBAZOLE, a chemica...
carbineers 21 17 CARBINEER, a soldier...
carbiniers 22 17 CARBINIER, a soldier...
carbolises 23 17 CARBOLISE, to treat...
carbolizes 26 26 CARBOLIZE, to treat...
carbonades 20 18 CARBONADE, (Spanish)...
carbonados 20 18 CARBONADO [n]
carbonaras 20 17 CARBONARA, (Italian)...
carbonates 20 17 CARBONATE, to combin...
carbonises 21 17 CARBONISE, to turn i...
carboniums 23 21 CARBONIUM, a type of...
carbonizes 24 26 CARBONIZE, to turn i...
carbonless 22 18 without carbon [adj]
carbuncles 26 22 CARBUNCLE, a fiery-r...
carburates 22 17 CARBURATE, to combin...
carburises 23 17 CARBURISE, to combin...
carburizes 26 26 CARBURIZE, to combin...
carcinoids 23 18 CARCINOID, a benign...
carcinomas 23 20 CARCINOMA, (Greek) a...
carcinoses 22 17 CARCINOSIS, the spre...
carcinosis 23 17 the spread of cancer...
cardamines 20 18 CARDAMINE, (Greek) a...
cardboards 22 18 CARDBOARD, a thin, s...
carditises 21 14 CARDITIS, inflammati...
cardphones 23 20 CARDPHONE, a public...
cardsharps 25 19 CARDSHARP, one who e...
careenages 18 16 CAREENAGE, a place w...
careerisms 21 16 CAREERISM, intentnes...
careerists 20 13 CAREERIST, one inten...
caregivers 23 19 CAREGIVER, one who l...
caressings 21 16 CARESSING, the act o...
caretakers 20 17 CARETAKER, someone p...
carfuffles 28 24 CARFUFFLE, to make a...
carjackers 26 29 CARJACKER, one who s...
carmelites 22 17 CARMELITE, a fine wo...
carnahubas 23 20 CARNAHUBA, (Tupi) a...
carnalises 20 15 CARNALISE, to sensua...
carnalisms 22 18 CARNALISM, the state...
carnalists 21 15 CARNALIST, a sensual...
carnalizes 23 24 CARNALIZE, to sensua...
carnarolis 20 15 CARNAROLI, (Italian)...
carnations 18 15 CARNATION, a double-...
carnelians 19 16 CARNELIAN, a dull re...
carnifexes 27 24 CARNIFEX, an executi...
carnitines 19 15 CARNITINE, a betaine...
carnivores 21 18 CARNIVORE, an animal...
carnosaurs 19 15 CARNOSAUR, a meat-ea...
carnotites 19 14 CARNOTITE, a yellow...
carollings 23 18 CAROLLING, singing c...
carousings 21 17 CAROUSING, the act o...
carpaccios 28 22 CARPACCIO, (Italian)...
carpenters 21 17 CARPENTER, to constr...
carpetbags 25 21 CARPETBAG, a travell...
carpetings 23 19 CARPETING [n]
carpoolers 22 17 CARPOOLER, one who s...
carrageens 19 16 CARRAGEEN, a kind of...
carrefours 22 17 CARREFOUR, (French)...
carritches 26 18 CARRITCH, (Scots) a...
carronades 18 15 CARRONADE, (historic...
carrottops 22 16 CARROTTOP, (colloqui...
carrousels 21 15 CARROUSEL, a merry-g...
carrybacks 33 25 CARRYBACK, in accoun...
carryovers 28 19 CARRYOVER, in accoun...
carrytales 27 16 CARRYTALE, (Shakespe...
cartelises 21 14 CARTELISE, to make i...
cartelisms 23 17 CARTELISM, the syste...
cartelists 22 14 CARTELIST, a member...
cartelizes 24 23 CARTELIZE, to make i...
carthorses 22 15 CARTHORSE, a horse u...
cartilages 22 16 CARTILAGE, gristle,...
cartograms 22 18 CARTOGRAM, a map wit...
cartonages 19 16 CARTONAGE, (French)...
cartoppers 24 19 CARTOPPER, something...
cartouches 25 19 CARTOUCH, (French) i...
cartridges 22 16 CARTRIDGE, a case co...
cartwheels 26 19 CARTWHEEL, to turn a...
carvacrols 26 21 CARVACROL, a thick o...
caryatides 26 16 CARYATID, a draped f...
cascaduras 23 18 CASCADURA, a type of...
caseations 18 14 CASEATION, a degener...
caseinates 18 14 CASEINATE, a compoun...
casemakers 21 20 CASEMAKER, a person...
cashierers 22 15 CASHIERER, one who c...
cashpoints 24 19 CASHPOINT, (tradenam...
caskstands 21 19 CASKSTAND, a stand f...
cassareeps 21 16 CASSAREEP, (Tupi) th...
cassations 19 14 CASSATION, annulment...
casseroles 20 14 CASSEROLE, to make a...
cassimeres 21 16 CASSIMERE, a twilled...
cassingles 22 17 CASSINGLE, a prereco...
cassonades 18 15 CASSONADE, (French)...
cassoulets 21 15 CASSOULET, (French)...
castellans 21 16 CASTELLAN, the gover...
castellums 24 19 CASTELLUM, (Latin) a...
castigates 21 15 CASTIGATE, to scold,...
castoreums 21 17 CASTOREUM, (Latin) t...
castraters 20 13 CASTRATER, a device...
castrators 20 13 CASTRATOR, a device...
casualises 21 15 CASUALISE, to turn (...
casualisms 23 18 CASUALISM, the belie...
casualizes 24 24 CASUALIZE, to turn (...
casualness 20 16 the state of being c...
casualties 21 15 CASUALTY, a person i...
casuarinas 19 15 CASUARINA, a tree of...
cataclases 23 17 CATACLASIS, the defo...
cataclasis 24 17 the deformation of r...
cataclasms 25 20 CATACLASM, disruptio...
cataclysms 32 22 CATACLYSM, a great f...
catalogers 21 16 CATALOGER, (US) one...
catalogues 21 17 CATALOGUE, to make a...
catalysers 27 16 CATALYSER, an agent...
catalyzers 30 25 CATALYZER, an agent...
catamarans 19 17 CATAMARAN, (Tamil) o...
catamounts 20 18 CATAMOUNT, any of va...
cataphoras 23 18 CATAPHORA, (Greek) t...
cataphylls 33 22 CATAPHYLL, a rudimen...
cataplasms 24 20 CATAPLASM, a plaster...
catarhines 21 16 CATARHINE, a member...
catarrhous 22 16 of or like catarrh,...
catastases 19 13 CATASTASIS, the part...
catastasis 20 13 the part of drama wh...
catatonias 18 14 CATATONIA, a trancel...
catatonics 22 17 CATATONIC, one suffe...
catatonies 18 14 CATATONY, a state of...
catcallers 25 18 CATCALLER, one who c...
catchcries 29 21 CATCHCRY, (Australia...
catchflies 29 22 CATCHFLY, a name for...
catchiness 25 19 the state of being c...
catchlines 26 20 CATCHLINE, a slogan,...
catchments 26 22 CATCHMENT, the act o...
catchpoles 28 22 CATCHPOLE, (historic...
catchpolls 30 23 CATCHPOLL, (historic...
catchweeds 28 22 CATCHWEED, goosegras...
catchwords 29 22 CATCHWORD, among the...
catecheses 24 18 CATECHESIS, primary...
catechesis 25 18 primary oral instruc...
catechises 25 18 CATECHISE, to instru...
catechisms 27 21 CATECHISM, a form of...
catechists 26 18 CATECHIST, one who i...
catechizes 28 27 CATECHIZE, to instru...
categories 20 15 CATEGORY, a division...
catenaries 18 14 CATENARY, a curve of...
cateresses 19 13 CATERESS, a woman wh...
caterwauls 24 18 CATERWAUL, to make a...
catfacings 26 22 CATFACING, a deformi...
catharises 22 15 CATHARISE, to render...
catharizes 25 24 CATHARIZE, to render...
cathartics 26 18 CATHARTIC, something...
cathedrals 23 17 CATHEDRAL, the princ...
cathepsins 24 19 CATHEPSIN, an intrac...
cathetuses 22 16 CATHETUS, a straight...
cathinones 20 17 CATHINONE, an alkalo...
catholicos 26 19 (Greek) the Primate...
catholytes 29 18 CATHOLYTE, the part...
catnappers 23 20 CATNAPPER, one that...
catoptrics 26 19 the branch of optics...
cauchemars 26 22 CAUCHEMAR, (French)...
caudations 19 16 CAUDATION, the state...
cauliculus 27 21 one of the slender s...
caumstanes 20 18 CAUMSTANE, a white a...
caumstones 20 18 CAUMSTONE, (Scots) a...
causalgias 22 17 CAUSALGIA, a constan...
causations 19 15 CAUSATION, the act o...
causatives 22 18 CAUSATIVE, a form or...
cauterants 19 15 CAUTERANT, a cauteri...
cauterises 20 14 CAUTERISE, to burn o...
cauterisms 22 17 CAUTERISM, the use o...
cauterizes 23 23 CAUTERIZE, to burn o...
cautioners 19 15 CAUTIONER, one who c...
cavalcades 25 22 CAVALCADE, to ride i...
cavefishes 26 22 CAVEFISH, a fish tha...
cavillings 26 22 CAVILLING, raising t...
cavortings 23 20 CAVORTING, the act o...
ceasefires 21 16 CEASEFIRE, a cessati...
cebadillas 24 19 CEBADILLA, (Spanish)...
cedarbirds 23 18 CEDARBIRD, the cedar...
cedarwoods 22 18 CEDARWOOD, the wood...
celandines 19 17 CELANDINE, either of...
celebrants 22 18 CELEBRANT, a person...
celebrates 22 17 CELEBRATE, to mark b...
celecoxibs 32 27 CELECOXIB, a non-ste...
celerities 21 14 CELERITY, swiftness...
celestials 22 15 CELESTIAL, a celesti...
celestines 20 15 CELESTINE, native st...
celestites 21 14 CELESTITE, native st...
celibacies 26 20 CELIBACY, abstention...
cellarages 22 17 CELLARAGE, the space...
cellarists 23 15 CELLARIST, a monaste...
cellarways 31 20 CELLARWAY, a way int...
cellblocks 30 26 CELLBLOCK, a group o...
celloidins 22 17 CELLOIDIN, a purifie...
cellphones 25 21 CELLPHONE, a portabl...
cellulases 23 17 CELLULASE, an enzyme...
cellulites 24 17 CELLULITE, fatty tis...
cellulitis 25 17 an inflammation of t...
celluloids 24 18 CELLULOID, (tradenam...
celluloses 23 17 CELLULOSE, a carbohy...
celsitudes 22 16 CELSITUDE, loftiness...
cembalists 25 20 CEMBALIST, a person...
cementites 20 17 CEMENTITE, a compoun...
cemeteries 20 16 CEMETERY, a burial g...
censorious 19 15 given to censure [ad...
centaureas 18 15 CENTAUREA, a large g...
centauries 19 15 CENTAURY, a plant of...
centeniers 18 15 CENTENIER, in Jersey...
centerings 20 17 CENTERING, a tempora...
centerless 20 15 without a centre [ad...
centesimos 20 17 CENTESIMO, (Spanish)...
centigrams 22 19 CENTIGRAM, 1/100th o...
centinells 21 17 CENTINELL, (obsolete...
centipedes 21 18 CENTIPEDE, any myria...
centonates 17 15 CENTONATE, a Gregori...
centonells 20 17 CENTONELL, (Spenser)...
centonists 19 15 CENTONIST, one who c...
centreings 20 17 CENTREING [n]
centreless 20 15 having no centre [ad...
centrioles 20 15 CENTRIOLE, a rodlike...
centumvirs 24 22 CENTUMVIR, (Latin) i...
centurions 19 16 CENTURION, (Latin) t...
cephalitis 26 19 inflammation of the...
cerastiums 22 17 CERASTIUM, any low g...
cercarians 22 17 CERCARIAN, a cercari...
cerealists 21 14 CEREALIST, one who g...
cerebrates 21 16 CEREBRATE, to engage...
cerebritis 23 16 inflammation of the...
cerecloths 26 19 CERECLOTH, a cloth s...
ceremonies 19 17 CEREMONY, a formal o...
ceriferous 22 17 producing wax [adj]
cerographs 25 20 CEROGRAPH, a writing...
certifiers 23 16 CERTIFIER, one who c...
certitudes 21 15 CERTITUDE, the state...
ceruminous 21 19 pertaining to, or se...
cerussites 21 14 CERUSSITE, native le...
cervelases 22 18 CERVELAS, (French) a...
cervicitis 27 20 inflammation of the...
cesarevnas 20 18 CESAREVNA, (Russian)...
cessations 19 14 CESSATION, a ceasing...
cetologies 21 16 CETOLOGY, the study...
cetrimides 22 17 CETRIMIDE, an ammoni...
cetuximabs 30 27 CETUXIMAB, a chimeri...
cevadillas 24 20 CEVADILLA, (Spanish)...
ceylanites 26 17 CEYLANITE, a mineral...
ceylonites 26 17 CEYLONITE, a mineral...
chabazites 27 27 CHABAZITE, a colourl...
chaconines 23 20 CHACONINE, a toxic a...
chaetodons 20 17 CHAETODON, any fish...
chaetopods 23 19 CHAETOPOD, a member...
chafferers 26 21 CHAFFERER, a vendor...
chafferies 26 21 CHAFFERY, the act of...
chainfalls 26 21 CHAINFALL, a type of...
chainshots 24 18 CHAINSHOT, two half...
chainworks 26 23 CHAINWORK, work loop...
chairbacks 29 25 CHAIRBACK, the part...
chairlifts 27 19 CHAIRLIFT, a series...
chaiseless 23 16 without a chaise [ad...
chakalakas 24 24 CHAKALAKA, (South Af...
chalazions 25 26 CHALAZION, a swollen...
chalcogens 26 22 CHALCOGEN, an elemen...
chalkfaces 29 26 CHALKFACE, as in the...
chalkiness 24 21 the state of being c...
chalkmarks 27 27 CHALKMARK, a mark ma...
challenges 24 20 CHALLENGE, to summon...
chalumeaus 24 21 CHALUMEAU, (French)...
chalybites 32 21 CHALYBITE, native ir...
chamberers 25 21 CHAMBERER, (archaic)...
chameleons 22 20 CHAMELEON, a small A...
chamferers 25 21 CHAMFERER, one who c...
chamfrains 25 22 CHAMFRAIN, a piece o...
chamomiles 25 22 CHAMOMILE, a creepin...
champagnes 25 24 CHAMPAGNE, a posh so...
champaigns 26 24 CHAMPAIGN, an expans...
champleves 28 26 CHAMPLEVE, (French)...
chanceless 25 20 without chances [adj...
chanceries 24 19 CHANCERY, a court of...
chanciness 24 20 the state of being c...
chancroids 25 20 CHANCROID, a type of...
chandelles 23 19 CHANDELLE, to perfor...
changeless 23 19 never changing [adj...
channelers 21 18 CHANNELER, one who c...
chanteuses 21 17 CHANTEUSE, (French)...
chanukiahs 25 23 CHANUKIAH, (Hebrew)...
chaologies 23 18 CHAOLOGY, the study...
chaparajos 25 27 a cowboy's leather r...
chaparejos 25 27 a cowboy's leather r...
chaparrals 25 19 CHAPARRAL, (Spanish)...
chapatties 24 18 CHAPATTI, (Hindi) a...
chapelries 25 19 CHAPELRY, the jurisd...
chaperones 22 19 CHAPERONE, to act as...
chappesses 26 21 CHAPPESS, a female c...
chaprassis 25 18 CHAPRASSI, (Urdu) an...
chapsticks 30 25 CHAPSTICK, a small s...
charabancs 26 22 CHARABANC, (French)...
characters 25 18 CHARACTER, (archaic]...
charbroils 26 19 CHARBROIL, to broil...
chargeless 24 18 free from, or with l...
chargrills 27 19 CHARGRILL, to grill...
charivaris 25 19 CHARIVARI, (French)...
charladies 23 17 CHARLADY, a cleaning...
charlatans 22 17 CHARLATAN, someone w...
charlottes 23 16 CHARLOTTE, (French)...
charmeuses 23 19 CHARMEUSE, (French)...
charoseths 24 17 CHAROSETH, (Hebrew)...
charreadas 21 16 CHARREADA, (Spanish)...
charterers 22 15 CHARTERER, one who c...
chaseports 24 18 CHASEPORT, the porth...
chassepots 24 18 CHASSEPOT, (French)...
chasteners 21 16 CHASTENER, one who c...
chasteness 21 16 the state of being c...
chastisers 23 15 CHASTISER, one who c...
chastities 23 15 CHASTITY, moral puri...
chatelains 22 17 CHATELAIN, (French)...
chatoyants 27 18 CHATOYANT, a chatoya...
chatterers 22 15 CHATTERER, one who c...
chattiness 22 16 the state of being c...
chauffeurs 27 23 CHAUFFEUR, to drive...
chauntress 22 17 a female chanter or...
chauntries 22 17 CHAUNTRY, a chapel o...
chaussures 23 17 CHAUSSURE, (French)...
chavenders 23 21 CHAVENDER, another n...
chawbacons 29 25 CHAWBACON, a bumpkin...
cheapeners 22 19 CHEAPENER, one who m...
cheapjacks 30 34 CHEAPJACK, a travell...
cheapshots 26 20 CHEAPSHOT, an abusiv...
cheateries 21 15 CHEATERY, a cheating...
chechakoes 27 24 CHECHAKO, (Native Am...
chechaquos 35 30 CHECHAQUO, (Native A...
checkbooks 29 29 CHECKBOOK, (US) a ch...
checkboxes 34 32 CHECKBOX, a small bo...
checklists 29 23 CHECKLIST, a list of...
checkmarks 29 29 CHECKMARK, to mark i...
checkmates 27 25 CHECKMATE, in chess,...
checkrails 28 23 CHECKRAIL, an inner...
checkreins 26 23 CHECKREIN, a short r...
checkrooms 27 25 CHECKROOM, (US) a cl...
cheechakos 27 24 CHEECHAKO, (Native A...
cheekbones 23 23 CHEEKBONE, the bone...
cheekiness 22 20 the state of being c...
cheeriness 21 16 the state of being c...
cheerleads 22 17 CHEERLEAD, to lead i...
cheesevats 23 19 CHEESEVAT, a vat or...
cheesiness 21 16 the quality of being...
chelaships 28 21 CHELASHIP, disciples...
chelations 22 17 CHELATION, the actio...
chelonians 21 18 CHELONIAN, any membe...
chemisorbs 26 21 CHEMISORB, to adsorb...
chemitypes 32 23 CHEMITYPE, any chemi...
chemokines 23 23 CHEMOKINE, a type of...
chemosorbs 25 21 CHEMOSORB, to adsorb...
chemostats 23 18 CHEMOSTAT, an appara...
chemotaxes 28 25 CHEMOTAXIS, orientat...
chemotaxis 29 25 orientation of an an...
chempaduks 27 27 CHEMPADUK, an evergr...
chemtrails 25 19 CHEMTRAIL, a vapour...
chemurgies 25 21 CHEMURGY, a branch o...
cheongsams 23 21 CHEONGSAM, (Chinese)...
cheralites 23 16 CHERALITE, a radioac...
cherimoyas 29 20 CHERIMOYA, (Quechua)...
cherishers 25 17 CHERISHER, one who c...
chermoulas 24 20 CHERMOULA, (Arabic)...
chernozems 25 28 CHERNOZEM, (Russian)...
chervonets 23 20 a former Soviet mone...
chestiness 22 16 the state of being c...
chevaliers 25 20 CHEVALIER, (French)...
chevelures 25 21 CHEVELURE, a head of...
chevrettes 24 19 CHEVRETTE, (French)...
chiackings 28 25 CHIACKING, the act o...
chiarezzas 28 33 CHIAREZZA, (Italian)...
chibouques 33 29 CHIBOUQUE, a long st...
chicalotes 26 19 CHICALOTE, (Nahuatl)...
chicanings 26 22 CHICANING, quibbling...
chiccories 29 21 CHICCORY, succory, a...
chickadees 26 23 CHICKADEE, a North A...
chickarees 26 22 CHICKAREE, the Ameri...
chicklings 30 26 CHICKLING, a small c...
chickories 27 22 CHICKORY, a perennia...
chickweeds 30 26 CHICKWEED, any plant...
chicnesses 25 19 CHICNESS, being chic...
chieferies 24 18 CHIEFERY, an Irish c...
chiefesses 24 18 CHIEFESS, a female c...
chieflings 27 22 CHIEFLING, a minor c...
chiefships 30 23 CHIEFSHIP, the offic...
chieftains 24 19 CHIEFTAIN, the head...
chihuahuas 27 21 CHIHUAHUA, a breed o...
chilblains 27 21 CHILBLAIN, a painful...
childcares 27 20 CHILDCARE, care of c...
childermas 25 20 a church festival he...
childhoods 26 20 CHILDHOOD, the state...
chiliagons 24 19 CHILIAGON, (Greek) a...
chiliarchs 30 21 CHILIARCH, (Greek) t...
chilliness 25 18 the quality of being...
chiltepins 26 20 CHILTEPIN, a variety...
chimerisms 26 21 CHIMERISM, the state...
chinaroots 21 16 CHINAROOT, the roots...
chinawares 24 19 CHINAWARE, goods mad...
chincapins 27 23 CHINCAPIN, (Native A...
chincoughs 29 24 CHINCOUGH, whooping...
chinkapins 25 24 CHINKAPIN, (Native A...
chinovniks 25 25 CHINOVNIK, (Russian)...
chinstraps 25 19 CHINSTRAP, the strap...
chipboards 27 22 CHIPBOARD, reconstru...
chipochias 30 23 CHIPOCHIA, (Shakespe...
chipolatas 25 19 CHIPOLATA, a small,...
chippiness 27 22 the state of being c...
chirimoyas 30 20 CHIRIMOYA, (Quechua)...
chiropters 25 18 CHIROPTER, a type of...
chirpiness 25 19 the state of being c...
chirrupers 26 19 CHIRRUPER, one who c...
chisellers 25 17 CHISELLER, one who c...
chivalries 26 20 CHIVALRY, knightly b...
chivalrous 26 21 gentlemanly, valiant...
chiyogamis 31 22 CHIYOGAMI, (Japanese...
chlamydias 31 22 CHLAMYDIA, any micro...
chloracnes 25 20 CHLORACNE, a type of...
chlordanes 22 18 CHLORDANE, a highly...
chlorellas 25 18 CHLORELLA, a member...
chocolates 25 19 CHOCOLATE, a paste m...
choiceness 24 19 the quality of being...
choirgirls 26 18 CHOIRGIRL, a female...
chokebores 24 22 CHOKEBORE, a gun tha...
chokecoils 27 23 CHOKECOIL, a choking...
chokedamps 26 26 CHOKEDAMP, an asphyx...
chokeholds 26 23 CHOKEHOLD, the act o...
cholaemias 23 19 CHOLAEMIA, an accumu...
cholecysts 33 21 CHOLECYST, the gall...
choleliths 27 19 CHOLELITH, a gallsto...
chondrites 22 17 CHONDRITE, a meteori...
chondritis 23 17 an inflammation of c...
chondromas 22 20 CHONDROMA, a benign...
chondrules 23 19 CHONDRULE, a spheroi...
chophouses 26 21 CHOPHOUSE, in China,...
choplogics 30 24 CHOPLOGIC, false rea...
choppiness 26 22 the state of being c...
chopsticks 30 25 CHOPSTICK, either of...
choraguses 23 18 CHORAGUS, a leader o...
choralists 24 16 CHORALIST, a member...
choreguses 23 18 CHOREGUS, a leader o...
choriambus 26 22 a metrical foot comp...
choristers 23 15 CHORISTER, a member...
chorizonts 25 25 CHORIZONT, a person...
choultries 24 17 CHOULTRY, a shed use...
chowhounds 27 23 CHOWHOUND, one fond...
chowkidars 27 23 CHOWKIDAR, (Urdu) a...
christians 23 16 CHRISTIAN, a kind, g...
chromakeys 30 24 CHROMAKEY, a special...
chromatics 27 21 the science of color...
chromatids 24 19 CHROMATID, one of th...
chromatins 23 19 CHROMATIN, a protein...
chromogens 23 21 CHROMOGEN, a substan...
chromolies 24 19 CHROMOLY, a steel al...
chronaxies 27 23 CHRONAXY, a time con...
chronicles 26 20 CHRONICLE, to record...
chrysalids 31 19 CHRYSALID, a pupa, e...
chrysanths 31 20 CHRYSANTH, (colloqui...
chubbiness 27 23 the state of being c...
chuckholes 30 26 CHUCKHOLE, (US) a ho...
chucklings 30 27 CHUCKLING, the act o...
chuffiness 27 23 the quality of being...
chumminess 25 23 the state of being c...
chunderous 22 19 nauseating [adj]
chunkiness 23 22 the state of being c...
chupatties 25 19 CHUPATTY, (Hindi) a...
churchings 30 24 CHURCHING [n]
churchisms 31 24 CHURCHISM, devotion...
churchless 30 22 without a church [ad...
churchways 38 26 CHURCHWAY, the publi...
churnmilks 27 25 CHURNMILK, buttermil...
chylaceous 32 22 possessed of the pro...
cicatrices 27 19 CICATRIX, the scar o...
cicatrises 24 16 CICATRISE, to form a...
cicatrixes 30 23 CICATRIX, the scar o...
cicatrizes 27 25 CICATRIZE, to form a...
cicinnuses 23 19 CICINNUS, a way in w...
ciclatouns 24 19 CICLATOUN, (obsolete...
cigarettes 21 15 CIGARETTE, finely-cu...
cigarillos 24 17 CIGARILLO, (Spanish)...
ciguateras 21 16 CIGUATERA, (Spanish)...
ciliations 21 15 CILIATION, the state...
cinephiles 25 20 CINEPHILE, a lover o...
cineplexes 28 25 CINEPLEX, a multiple...
cinerarias 19 14 CINERARIA, any of va...
cinerators 19 14 CINERATOR, an incine...
cipherings 26 21 CIPHERING, the act o...
cipollinos 24 19 CIPOLLINO, (Italian)...
circuities 25 17 CIRCUITY, a roundabo...
circuitous 25 18 having a circular or...
circulates 25 18 CIRCULATE, to go rou...
cirrhotics 27 18 CIRRHOTIC, a suffere...
cirripedes 23 17 CIRRIPEDE, a barnacl...
cisplatins 24 18 CISPLATIN, a platinu...
cistaceous 23 17 of or like a Cistus,...
citharists 24 15 CITHARIST, a player...
citizeness 23 23 a female citizen [n...
cityscapes 32 21 CITYSCAPE, a view of...
civilisers 25 18 CIVILISER, one who c...
civilities 25 18 CIVILITY, politeness...
civilizers 28 27 CIVILIZER, one who c...
clackboxes 33 31 CLACKBOX, a part of...
cladistics 26 18 CLADISTIC [n]
cladograms 23 20 CLADOGRAM, a branchi...
clamancies 24 21 CLAMANCY, urgency [n...
clamberers 24 20 CLAMBERER, one who c...
clamminess 23 21 the state of being c...
clamourers 22 18 CLAMOURER, one who m...
clampdowns 27 25 CLAMPDOWN, a tighten...
clamshells 27 21 CLAMSHELL, the shell...
clangboxes 29 27 CLANGBOX, a deflecto...
clangorous 21 18 full of clangour [ad...
clapboards 25 21 CLAPBOARD, to cover...
clapbreads 25 21 CLAPBREAD, a kind of...
clapdishes 26 20 CLAPDISH, (archaic)...
clarendons 19 17 CLARENDON, a form of...
clarifiers 24 17 CLARIFIER, an agent...
clarionets 20 15 CLARIONET, (archaic)...
clartheads 23 17 CLARTHEAD, a slow-wi...
classicals 26 18 CLASSICAL, a work in...
classifies 24 17 CLASSIFY, to arrange...
classiness 21 15 the state of being c...
classmates 22 17 CLASSMATE, one in th...
classrooms 22 17 CLASSROOM, a room in...
classworks 26 21 CLASSWORK, work done...
clathrates 23 16 CLATHRATE, a lattice...
clatterers 21 14 CLATTERER, one who c...
clavations 22 19 CLAVATION, an articu...
clavicorns 26 22 CLAVICORN, a beetle...
claystones 26 17 CLAYSTONE, a compact...
claytonias 26 17 CLAYTONIA, an Americ...
cleansings 21 18 CLEANSING, the act o...
cleanskins 21 20 CLEANSKIN, (Australi...
clearances 22 18 CLEARANCE, the act o...
clearcoles 24 18 CLEARCOLE, a priming...
clearskins 22 19 CLEARSKIN, (Australi...
clearweeds 23 18 CLEARWEED, a nettlel...
clearwings 25 20 CLEARWING, a transpa...
clematises 22 17 CLEMATIS, a climbing...
clemencies 24 21 CLEMENCY, mercy [n]
cleopatras 22 17 CLEOPATRA, a yellow...
clepsydras 30 20 CLEPSYDRA, (Latin) a...
clericates 24 17 CLERICATE, the posit...
clerkesses 22 18 CLERKESS, a female c...
clerklings 25 22 CLERKLING, a small c...
clerkships 28 23 CLERKSHIP, the state...
cleruchias 27 20 CLERUCHIA, an allotm...
cleruchies 27 20 CLERUCHY, an allotme...
cleverness 22 19 the quality of being...
clickbaits 29 24 CLICKBAIT, intriguin...
clickwraps 32 27 CLICKWRAP, an agreem...
clientages 21 17 CLIENTAGE, clients c...
clienteles 21 16 CLIENTELE, (French)...
clientless 22 16 without clients [adj...
cliffhangs 29 25 CLIFFHANG, to keep a...
cliffsides 27 21 CLIFFSIDE, the side...
climatises 23 17 CLIMATISE, to acclim...
climatizes 26 26 CLIMATIZE, to acclim...
climatures 23 18 CLIMATURE, (Shakespe...
climaxless 30 25 without a climax [ad...
climbdowns 28 25 CLIMBDOWN, a retreat...
clingfilms 28 24 CLINGFILM, thin plas...
clinginess 22 18 the state of being c...
clingwraps 28 23 CLINGWRAP, a thin po...
clinicians 24 19 CLINICIAN, a doctor...
clinostats 21 15 CLINOSTAT, an appara...
clinquants 29 26 CLINQUANT, tinsel, g...
clintonias 20 16 CLINTONIA, any tempe...
clipboards 26 21 CLIPBOARD, a portabl...
clipshears 26 19 CLIPSHEAR, (Scots) a...
clipsheets 26 19 CLIPSHEET, a sheet c...
cliquiness 30 25 the state of being c...
cliticises 26 17 CLITICISE, to pronou...
cliticizes 29 26 CLITICIZE, to pronou...
clitorides 22 15 CLITORIS, a small er...
clitorises 22 14 CLITORIS, a small er...
cloakrooms 22 21 CLOAKROOM, a room in...
clockworks 30 28 CLOCKWORK, the works...
clogdances 24 21 CLOGDANCE, a dance p...
clogginess 23 19 the state of being c...
cloisonnes 19 16 CLOISONNE, (French)...
cloistress 22 14 (Shakespeare) a nun...
clonidines 20 17 CLONIDINE, an antihy...
closedowns 23 19 CLOSEDOWN, an instan...
closeheads 22 17 CLOSEHEAD, (Scots) t...
closetfuls 25 19 CLOSETFUL, the conte...
clottiness 21 15 the state of being c...
cloudiness 21 17 the state of being c...
cloudlands 22 19 CLOUDLAND, an imagin...
cloudtowns 24 20 CLOUDTOWN, an imagin...
clowneries 23 18 CLOWNERY, clownish b...
clozapines 25 27 CLOZAPINE, a neurole...
clubbiness 26 22 the state of being c...
clubhouses 26 21 CLUBHOUSE, the premi...
clubmosses 25 21 CLUBMOSS, a green pl...
clubrushes 27 21 CLUBRUSH, any sedge...
clumpiness 25 22 the state of being c...
clumsiness 23 19 the quality of being...
cnidarians 19 16 CNIDARIAN, a coelent...
coachlines 25 20 COACHLINE, a decorat...
coachloads 25 20 COACHLOAD, the passe...
coachwhips 33 26 COACHWHIP, a large,...
coachwoods 27 22 COACHWOOD, an Austra...
coachworks 29 25 COACHWORK, vehicle b...
coadjutors 22 24 COADJUTOR, a bishop...
coadunates 18 16 COADUNATE, to unite,...
coagencies 22 19 COAGENCY, a joint ag...
coagulants 21 18 COAGULANT, that whic...
coagulases 21 17 COAGULASE, any of se...
coagulates 21 17 COAGULATE, to curdle...
coalfields 24 19 COALFIELD, a distric...
coalfishes 25 19 COALFISH, a dusky fi...
coalhouses 22 17 COALHOUSE, a place w...
coalitions 20 15 COALITION, the act o...
coalminers 21 18 COALMINER, one who d...
coarctates 22 16 COARCTATE, to press...
coarseness 18 14 the state of being c...
coastlands 20 16 COASTLAND, land alon...
coastlines 20 15 COASTLINE, the line...
coastwards 23 17 COASTWARD [n]
coatstands 19 15 COATSTAND, a stand f...
cobalamins 23 21 COBALAMIN, a complex...
cobaltines 22 18 COBALTINE, a mineral...
cobaltites 23 17 COBALTITE, a mineral...
cobbleries 25 20 COBBLERY, the mendin...
cocainises 22 17 COCAINISE, to anaest...
cocainisms 24 20 COCAINISM, a morbid...
cocainists 23 17 COCAINIST, one suffe...
cocainizes 25 26 COCAINIZE, to anaest...
cocaptains 24 20 COCAPTAIN, to captai...
coccineous 25 21 (obsolete) bright re...
coccolites 27 20 COCCOLITE, a small r...
coccoliths 30 22 COCCOLITH, a small r...
cochineals 25 20 COCHINEAL, a dyestuf...
cochleares 25 19 COCHLEARE, a kind of...
cockateels 24 21 COCKATEEL, (Dutch) a...
cockatiels 25 21 COCKATIEL, (Dutch) a...
cockfights 31 27 COCKFIGHT, a fight b...
cockhorses 26 22 COCKHORSE, a child's...
cockleburs 28 25 COCKLEBUR, the burdo...
cockleerts 25 21 COCKLEERT, (dialect)...
cocknifies 26 24 COCKNIFY, to make (a...
cockscombs 31 29 COCKSCOMB, a jester'...
cocksfoots 26 23 COCKSFOOT, a type of...
cocksiness 24 21 the state of being c...
cockswains 27 24 COCKSWAIN, the steer...
cocoonings 22 20 COCOONING, the pract...
cocounsels 23 19 COCOUNSEL, a joint c...
cocozelles 27 27 COCOZELLE, a variety...
cocreators 22 16 COCREATOR, one who c...
cocultures 25 19 COCULTURE, to grow (...
cocurators 23 17 COCURATOR, one who s...
cocuswoods 26 21 COCUSWOOD, the so-ca...
codevelops 24 22 CODEVELOP, to develo...
codologies 21 17 CODOLOGY, the art or...
coelomates 20 17 COELOMATE, an animal...
coelostats 20 14 COELOSTAT, an astron...
coembodies 22 20 COEMBODY, to embody...
coemptions 22 20 COEMPTION, the purch...
coenamours 19 18 COENAMOUR, to enamou...
coenobites 20 17 COENOBITE, a monk wh...
coenocytes 27 19 COENOCYTE, a multinu...
coenosarcs 21 17 COENOSARC, the commo...
coetaneous 17 15 having the same age;...
cofeatures 21 17 COFEATURE, to featur...
coffeepots 25 22 COFFEEPOT, a pot for...
cofferdams 25 23 COFFERDAM, a narrow...
coffinites 24 20 COFFINITE, a uranium...
cofinances 23 21 COFINANCE, to financ...
cofounders 21 19 COFOUNDER, one who f...
cogitators 21 15 COGITATOR, one who c...
cognations 19 17 COGNATION, relations...
cognitions 20 17 COGNITION, the proce...
cohabitees 23 18 COHABITEE, one who i...
cohabiters 24 18 COHABITER, one who c...
cohabitors 24 18 COHABITOR, one who c...
coherences 23 19 COHERENCE, a tendenc...
coheritors 22 15 COHERITOR, a joint h...
cohousings 23 19 COHOUSING, a type of...
cohyponyms 37 26 COHYPONYM, a word wh...
coiffeuses 24 20 COIFFEUSE, (French)...
coinsurers 20 15 COINSURER, one who i...
cointreaus 19 15 COINTREAU, (tradenam...
colcannons 21 20 COLCANNON, (Irish) a...
colchicums 32 26 COLCHICUM, a floweri...
colcothars 26 19 COLCOTHAR, (Arabic)...
coldbloods 24 20 COLDBLOOD, a horse b...
coldhouses 23 18 COLDHOUSE, a plant f...
coldnesses 20 16 COLDNESS, the state...
coleopters 22 17 COLEOPTER, an aircra...
colicroots 24 17 COLICROOT, a herb of...
colicweeds 27 21 COLICWEED, any of se...
coliphages 26 21 COLIPHAGE, any bacte...
collagists 24 17 COLLAGIST, one who m...
collapsars 24 18 COLLAPSAR, a black h...
collarless 23 16 without a collar [ad...
collations 21 16 COLLATION, a light m...
colleagues 22 18 COLLEAGUE, (obsolete...
collectors 25 18 COLLECTOR, one who c...
collegians 22 18 COLLEGIAN, a member...
collegiums 25 21 COLLEGIUM, a Soviet...
colliculus 28 21 a small elevation, a...
collieries 22 15 COLLIERY, the place...
colligates 23 17 COLLIGATE, to tie or...
collimates 23 18 COLLIMATE, to make p...
collinsias 22 16 COLLINSIA, a North A...
collisions 22 16 COLLISION, the state...
collocates 24 18 COLLOCATE, to place...
collodions 21 17 COLLODION, a solutio...
collodiums 24 20 COLLODIUM, a solutio...
colloquies 30 25 COLLOQUY, to hold a...
collotypes 30 20 COLLOTYPE, a method...
collusions 22 17 COLLUSION, a secret...
colluviums 27 24 COLLUVIUM, material...
collyriums 31 21 COLLYRIUM, an eye lo...
colocynths 32 22 COLOCYNTH, (Greek) a...
colombards 24 21 COLOMBARD, a kind of...
colonisers 20 15 COLONISER, one who c...
colonizers 23 24 COLONIZER, one who c...
colonnades 18 17 COLONNADE, a row of...
colorcasts 24 17 COLORCAST, to broadc...
colorisers 21 14 COLORISER, one who c...
colorizers 24 23 COLORIZER, one who c...
colosseums 22 18 COLOSSEUM, a large b...
colossuses 21 15 COLOSSUS, (Latin) a...
colostrous 21 15 relating to colostru...
colostrums 23 18 COLOSTRUM, (Latin) m...
colotomies 21 17 COLOTOMY, a surgical...
colourants 20 16 COLOURANT, a substan...
colourings 22 18 COLOURING, colour [n...
colourises 21 15 COLOURISE, to add co...
colourisms 23 18 COLOURISM, discrimin...
colourists 22 15 COLOURIST, a person...
colourizes 24 24 COLOURIZE, to add co...
colourless 22 16 without colour, also...
colourways 30 20 COLOURWAY, one of se...
colpitises 24 17 COLPITIS, a vaginal...
coltsfoots 23 17 COLTSFOOT, a composi...
colubriads 24 19 COLUBRIAD, (Cowper)...
columbates 24 21 COLUMBATE, a salt of...
columbines 24 22 COLUMBINE, a flower,...
columbites 25 21 COLUMBITE, a mineral...
columbiums 27 25 COLUMBIUM, a rare el...
columnists 23 19 COLUMNIST, one who w...
comanagers 20 19 COMANAGER, one who s...
comatulids 23 19 COMATULID, a type of...
combatants 22 20 COMBATANT, one engag...
combinings 24 23 COMBINING, the act o...
combretums 25 23 COMBRETUM, (Latin) a...
comburgess 25 22 a fellow-burgess [n...
combustors 24 20 COMBUSTOR, the syste...
comeliness 21 18 the state of being c...
comfitures 24 20 COMFITURE, (obsolete...
comforters 23 19 COMFORTER, one who c...
comitadjis 24 26 COMITADJI, (Turkish)...
commanders 21 21 COMMANDER, one who c...
commandoes 20 21 COMMANDO, a speciali...
commencers 24 23 COMMENCER, one who c...
commendams 22 24 COMMENDAM, (Latin) a...
commenders 21 21 COMMENDER, one who c...
commensals 22 21 COMMENSAL, one who e...
commenters 21 20 COMMENTER, one who c...
commentors 21 20 COMMENTOR, one who c...
comminates 21 20 COMMINATE, to threat...
commingles 24 23 COMMINGLE, to mix to...
comminutes 22 21 COMMINUTE, to crush,...
commissars 23 19 COMMISSAR, the head...
committals 24 20 COMMITTAL, the act o...
committees 22 19 COMMITTEE, a group s...
committers 23 19 COMMITTER, one who c...
commodious 22 21 roomy, capacious [ad...
commodores 21 20 COMMODORE, an office...
commonages 21 22 COMMONAGE, the right...
commonings 22 23 COMMONING, the conve...
commonness 20 21 the state of being c...
commorants 21 20 COMMORANT, a residen...
commotions 21 20 COMMOTION, a violent...
communards 22 22 COMMUNARD, (French)...
communings 23 24 COMMUNING [n]
communions 21 22 COMMUNION, the act o...
communises 22 21 COMMUNISE, to make c...
communisms 24 24 COMMUNISM, a social...
communists 23 21 COMMUNIST, one who b...
communizes 25 30 COMMUNIZE, to make c...
commutates 22 20 COMMUTATE, to change...
commutings 24 23 COMMUTING, travellin...
comonomers 20 20 COMONOMER, one of th...
compacters 26 22 COMPACTER, one who c...
compactors 26 22 COMPACTOR, one who c...
companders 22 21 COMPANDER, a system...
compandors 22 21 COMPANDOR, a system...
companions 21 21 COMPANION, to keep s...
compellers 25 21 COMPELLER, one who c...
complaints 24 21 COMPLAINT, an instan...
completers 24 20 COMPLETER, one who c...
complishes 27 22 COMPLISH, to accompl...
components 21 21 COMPONENT, one of th...
composites 23 19 COMPOSITE, to comple...
composters 23 19 COMPOSTER, an appara...
composures 23 20 COMPOSURE, calmness,...
compotiers 23 19 COMPOTIER, (French)...
compradors 23 20 COMPRADOR, (Portugue...
compresses 23 19 COMPRESS, to compact...
comprisals 25 20 COMPRISAL, the act,...
comptrolls 26 21 COMPTROLL, (obsolete...
computants 23 21 COMPUTANT, a person...
computings 25 23 COMPUTING, the act o...
computists 25 20 COMPUTIST, a compute...
concealers 22 18 CONCEALER, one who c...
conceivers 24 21 CONCEIVER, one who c...
concenters 21 18 CONCENTER, (US) to h...
concentres 21 18 CONCENTRE, to have a...
concierges 23 19 CONCIERGE, (French)...
concinnous 21 20 characterized by con...
concisions 22 18 CONCISION, schism; s...
concluders 24 20 CONCLUDER, one who c...
concocters 25 20 CONCOCTER, one who c...
concoctors 25 20 CONCOCTOR, one who c...
concordats 22 18 CONCORDAT, (French)...
concourses 22 18 CONCOURS, (French) a...
concreates 21 17 CONCREATE, (archaic)...
concubines 24 22 CONCUBINE, a woman w...
condemners 19 19 CONDEMNER, one who c...
condemnors 19 19 CONDEMNOR, one who c...
condensers 18 16 CONDENSER, an appara...
condiddles 21 18 CONDIDDLE, (Scott) t...
condiments 20 19 CONDIMENT, to season...
conditions 19 16 CONDITION, to treat...
conductors 23 19 CONDUCTOR, a person...
condylomas 27 21 CONDYLOMA, a wartlik...
conferrals 22 18 CONFERRAL, the act o...
conferrees 20 17 CONFERREE, one who t...
conferrers 21 17 CONFERRER, one who c...
confessors 21 17 CONFESSOR, one who h...
confidants 21 19 CONFIDANT, (French)...
confidents 21 19 CONFIDENT, a person...
configures 23 20 CONFIGURE, to set up...
confirmees 22 20 CONFIRMEE, one to wh...
confirmers 23 20 CONFIRMER, one who c...
confirmors 23 20 CONFIRMOR, one who c...
confiseurs 22 18 CONFISEUR, (French)...
confiteors 21 17 CONFITEOR, (Latin) a...
confitures 22 18 CONFITURE, (obsolete...
confluents 22 20 CONFLUENT, a stream...
conformers 22 20 CONFORMER, one who c...
confreries 21 17 CONFRERIE, (French)...
confusions 21 19 CONFUSION, the state...
congealers 20 17 CONGEALER, one who c...
congiaries 20 16 CONGIARY, in Roman h...
congresses 20 16 CONGRESS, to assembl...
conicities 23 17 CONICITY, the state...
coniferous 21 18 bearing cones [adj]
conjoiners 20 24 CONJOINER, one who c...
conjugants 22 27 CONJUGANT, one of a...
conjugates 22 26 CONJUGATE, to give t...
conjurings 23 27 CONJURING, the act o...
connations 17 16 CONNATION, union, es...
connatures 18 16 CONNATURE, participa...
connecters 21 18 CONNECTER, something...
connectors 21 18 CONNECTOR, something...
connexions 23 23 CONNEXION, the act o...
connotates 17 15 CONNOTATE, to connot...
conominees 18 18 CONOMINEE, one nomin...
conquerers 27 24 CONQUERER, one who c...
conqueress 27 24 a woman who conquers...
conquerors 27 24 CONQUEROR, one who c...
conscribes 25 20 CONSCRIBE, to enroll...
conscripts 26 20 CONSCRIPT, to enlist...
consenters 18 15 CONSENTER, one who c...
conservers 21 18 CONSERVER, one who c...
consignees 19 17 CONSIGNEE, the perso...
consigners 20 17 CONSIGNER, the perso...
consignors 20 17 CONSIGNOR, the perso...
consolates 19 15 CONSOLATE, (Shakespe...
consonants 17 16 CONSONANT, any speec...
consorters 19 14 CONSORTER, one who c...
conspectus 25 21 a general survey, sy...
conspirers 22 17 CONSPIRER, one who c...
constables 22 18 CONSTABLE, a policem...
constrains 19 15 CONSTRAIN, to force,...
constricts 24 17 CONSTRICT, to draw t...
construals 21 16 CONSTRUAL, an act of...
constructs 24 18 CONSTRUCT, to build...
construers 20 15 CONSTRUER, one who c...
consulages 21 18 CONSULAGE, (historic...
consulates 20 16 CONSULATE, the post...
consultees 20 16 CONSULTEE, one who i...
consulters 21 16 CONSULTER, one who c...
consultors 21 16 CONSULTOR, an adviso...
consumings 22 21 CONSUMING, the act o...
contactees 21 17 CONTACTEE, a person...
contactors 22 17 CONTACTOR, a device...
contadinas 18 16 CONTADINA, (Italian)...
contadinos 18 16 CONTADINO, (Italian)...
contagions 19 17 CONTAGION, transmiss...
contagious 20 17 communicable by cont...
containers 18 15 CONTAINER, something...
contangoes 18 17 CONTANGO [v]
contemners 19 18 CONTEMNER, a person...
contemnors 19 18 CONTEMNOR, a person...
contempers 22 20 CONTEMPER, to blend...
contenders 18 16 CONTENDER, one who c...
contesters 19 14 CONTESTER, one who c...
contiguous 21 18 being in actual cont...
continents 18 16 CONTINENT, a vast la...
continuers 19 16 CONTINUER, one who c...
continuous 19 17 marked by uninterrup...
continuums 21 20 CONTINUUM, a continu...
contrabass 21 17 the double bass, als...
contraltos 20 15 CONTRALTO, (Italian)...
contraries 19 14 CONTRARY, to oppose,...
contrivers 22 18 CONTRIVER, one who c...
contusions 19 16 CONTUSION, a bruise...
conundrums 21 21 CONUNDRUM, (Latin) a...
convectors 24 21 CONVECTOR, an appara...
convenings 21 22 CONVENING, the act o...
conversers 21 18 CONVERSER, one who e...
converters 21 18 CONVERTER, something...
convertors 21 18 CONVERTOR, something...
convexness 26 26 the state of being c...
convincers 24 22 CONVINCER, one who,...
convocates 23 21 CONVOCATE, to convok...
convolutes 22 20 CONVOLUTE, to twist,...
cookhouses 22 20 COOKHOUSE, a place w...
cookshacks 27 26 COOKSHACK, a shack u...
cookstoves 22 21 COOKSTOVE, a stove u...
coolhouses 22 17 COOLHOUSE, a greenho...
coolnesses 19 15 COOLNESS, the state...
coonhounds 20 19 COONHOUND, a dog tra...
cooperages 21 18 COOPERAGE, work done...
cooperates 20 16 COOPERATE, to work t...
cooperings 22 19 COOPERING, the makin...
copartners 21 17 COPARTNER, to act as...
copatriots 22 16 COPATRIOT, a person...
copayments 28 22 COPAYMENT, a joint p...
copestones 20 17 COPESTONE, a stone t...
copolymers 30 22 COPOLYMER, a compoun...
copperases 23 19 COPPERAS, a compound...
copperings 25 22 COPPERING, the act o...
coppicings 29 25 COPPICING, the act o...
copraemias 22 19 COPRAEMIA, blood poi...
copresents 21 17 COPRESENT, to presen...
coproduces 25 21 COPRODUCE, to produc...
coproducts 26 21 COPRODUCT, a byprodu...
coprolites 23 17 COPROLITE, fossilize...
coproliths 26 19 COPROLITH, fossilize...
copsewoods 24 20 COPSEWOOD, brushwood...
copurifies 25 20 COPURIFY, to become...
copyfights 35 25 COPYFIGHT, the confl...
copygraphs 34 25 COPYGRAPH, a process...
copyrights 33 22 COPYRIGHT, to secure...
copytakers 29 22 COPYTAKER, a person...
coquetries 28 23 COQUETRY, flirtatiou...
coralbells 25 19 a perennnial alumroo...
corallines 21 16 CORALLINE, a marine...
corallites 22 15 CORALLITE, a mineral...
coralroots 20 14 CORALROOT, a kind of...
coralworts 24 17 CORALWORT, a crucife...
corbeilles 24 18 CORBEILLE, (French)...
corbelings 24 20 CORBELING, (US) corb...
cordlesses 21 15 CORDLESS, a cordless...
cordonnets 18 16 CORDONNET, a type of...
cordylines 27 18 CORDYLINE, a tropica...
corfhouses 24 19 CORFHOUSE, (Scots) a...
coriaceous 22 17 of plant structures,...
corianders 19 15 CORIANDER, a plant y...
corkboards 23 21 CORKBOARD, a thin co...
corkborers 23 20 CORKBORER, an instru...
corkscrews 28 23 CORKSCREW, to twist...
cormorants 20 17 CORMORANT, a shiny b...
cornaceous 21 18 of or belonging to t...
cornborers 21 17 CORNBORER, a Europea...
cornbraids 22 18 CORNBRAID, to braid...
cornbreads 21 18 CORNBREAD, bread mad...
corncrakes 23 21 CORNCRAKE, a type of...
cornelians 19 16 CORNELIAN, a dull re...
cornemuses 20 18 CORNEMUSE, (French)...
cornerings 20 17 CORNERING, the act o...
cornerways 28 19 with the corner in f...
cornetcies 22 17 CORNETCY, a rank in...
cornetists 20 14 CORNETIST, one who p...
cornfields 23 19 CORNFIELD, a field i...
cornflakes 23 22 CORNFLAKE, a crazy o...
cornflours 23 19 CORNFLOUR, finely gr...
cornichons 24 20 CORNICHON, (French)...
cornicings 24 20 CORNICING, the act o...
cornopeans 19 18 CORNOPEAN, a brass c...
cornstalks 22 19 CORNSTALK, a stalk o...
cornstones 18 15 CORNSTONE, a silicio...
coronaries 18 14 CORONARY, an artery...
corporales 22 17 CORPORALE, a white c...
corporases 21 16 CORPORAS, (obsolete)...
corporates 21 16 CORPORATE, a corpora...
corposants 21 17 CORPOSANT, St. Elmo'...
corpuscles 27 21 CORPUSCLE, a cell or...
corrasions 19 14 CORRASION, the actio...
correctors 23 16 CORRECTOR, one who c...
correlates 20 14 CORRELATE, to be rel...
corrigents 21 16 CORRIGENT, a drug to...
corrodants 19 15 CORRODANT, a corrosi...
corrodents 19 15 CORRODENT, a corrosi...
corrosions 19 14 CORROSION, the act o...
corrosives 22 17 CORROSIVE, a corrosi...
corrugates 21 16 CORRUGATE, to wrinkl...
corrupters 23 17 CORRUPTER [n]
corruptors 23 17 CORRUPTOR, someone o...
corsetiers 20 13 CORSETIER, (French)...
corsetries 20 13 CORSETRY, the work o...
corticoids 24 17 CORTICOID, any of th...
cortisones 19 14 CORTISONE, a steroid...
coruscates 23 17 CORUSCATE, to sparkl...
corybantes 27 19 CORYBANT, one of the...
corylopses 29 19 CORYLOPSIS, any of v...
corylopsis 30 19 any of various decid...
coryphaeus 30 21 (Latin) the leader o...
coryphenes 29 21 CORYPHENE, a fish of...
coseismals 22 17 COSEISMAL, a coseism...
coseismics 25 19 COSEISMIC, a coseism...
cosherings 23 18 COSHERING [n]
cosinesses 19 14 COSINESS, the state...
cosmocrats 24 19 COSMOCRAT, a ruler o...
cosmolines 21 18 COSMOLINE, to smear...
cosmonauts 20 18 COSMONAUT, a Russian...
cosmopolis 24 20 a large city [n -ES]
cosmoramas 21 19 COSMORAMA, a view of...
cosmotrons 20 17 COSMOTRON, a large s...
cosponsors 21 17 COSPONSOR, to sponso...
costalgias 22 16 COSTALGIA, pain arou...
costliness 21 15 the state of being c...
costmaries 21 16 COSTMARY, a garden p...
costumiers 22 17 COSTUMIER, one who m...
cotangents 19 17 COTANGENT, the tange...
cotelettes 20 14 COTELETTE, (French)...
cotillions 22 16 COTILLION, (French)...
cotrustees 20 14 COTRUSTEE, a joint t...
cottabuses 22 17 COTTABUS, (Greek) an...
cottagings 22 18 COTTAGING, cruising...
cotterless 21 14 without cotters [adj...
cottonades 18 15 COTTONADE, a somewha...
coturnixes 26 22 COTURNIX, a small qu...
cotyledons 26 18 COTYLEDON, an embryo...
couchettes 25 19 COUCHETTE, (French)...
coulibiacs 27 21 COULIBIAC, (Russian)...
coumarones 19 18 COUMARONE, a liquid...
councilors 24 19 COUNCILOR, (US) a me...
counselees 19 16 COUNSELEE, one who i...
counselors 20 16 COUNSELOR, (US) one...
countbacks 26 25 COUNTBACK, a system...
countdowns 22 20 COUNTDOWN, a descend...
countesses 19 15 COUNTESS, the wife o...
countlines 20 17 COUNTLINE, a confect...
countships 25 20 COUNTSHIP, a count's...
coupledoms 24 22 COUPLEDOM, the state...
couponings 22 21 COUPONING, rationing...
courageous 20 17 having or characteri...
courantoes 18 15 COURANTO, an old dan...
courbarils 24 18 COURBARIL, the West...
courbettes 22 17 COURBETTE, (French)...
courgettes 21 16 COURGETTE, (French)...
courtesans 19 15 COURTESAN, a prostit...
courtesies 20 14 COURTESY, to curtsey...
courtezans 22 24 COURTEZAN, a prostit...
courtlings 23 18 COURTLING, a sycopha...
courtrooms 21 17 COURTROOM, a room in...
courtships 26 19 COURTSHIP, the act o...
courtsides 21 15 COURTSIDE, the area...
courtyards 27 17 COURTYARD, a court o...
couscouses 23 18 COUSCOUS, the grain...
cousinages 20 17 COUSINAGE, relations...
cousinries 20 15 COUSINRY, cousins co...
couturiers 21 15 COUTURIER, (French)...
covalences 24 22 COVALENCE, the union...
covariants 21 18 COVARIANT, a functio...
covariates 21 17 COVARIATE, a statist...
covellines 23 20 COVELLINE, a native...
covellites 24 19 COVELLITE, a native...
coversines 21 18 COVERSINE, a functio...
coverslips 26 21 COVERSLIP, a loose c...
covertness 21 18 the state of being c...
covertures 22 18 COVERTURE, covering;...
cowardices 26 20 COWARDICE, lack of c...
cowardries 23 17 COWARDRY, cowardice...
cowberries 25 19 COWBERRY, the red wh...
cowfeeders 24 20 COWFEEDER, a dairyma...
cowgrasses 24 18 COWGRASS, a type of...
cowlstaffs 29 23 COWLSTAFF, a staff o...
cowlstaves 26 21 COWLSTAFF, a staff o...
coxinesses 25 21 COXINESS, cockiness...
coyishness 28 18 the state of being c...
coyotillos 28 17 COYOTILLO, (Spanish)...
cozinesses 22 23 COZINESS, the state...
crabapples 27 23 CRABAPPLE, a small s...
crabbiness 24 20 the state of being c...
crabeaters 21 16 CRABEATER, a species...
crabsticks 28 23 CRABSTICK, a stick,...
crackbacks 31 30 CRACKBACK, in Americ...
crackdowns 27 25 CRACKDOWN, the takin...
crackheads 26 23 CRACKHEAD, a drug ad...
cracklings 27 24 CRACKLING, the rind...
craftiness 22 17 the quality of being...
craftworks 27 23 CRAFTWORK, creative...
cragginess 22 18 the quality of being...
cramoisies 21 16 CRAMOISY, (archaic)...
crampbarks 27 26 CRAMPBARK, (US) the...
cranachans 23 20 CRANACHAN, a traditi...
craneflies 22 18 CRANEFLY, a fly with...
crankcases 23 21 CRANKCASE, the case...
crankiness 20 19 the state of being c...
cranreuchs 25 20 CRANREUCH, (Gaelic)...
crapshoots 24 18 CRAPSHOOT, a game of...
craterings 21 16 CRATERING, the act o...
craterless 21 14 without a crater [ad...
craterlets 21 14 CRATERLET, a small c...
cravenness 20 19 the state of being c...
crawfishes 28 21 CRAWFISH, to retreat...
crayfishes 31 20 CRAYFISH, a large ed...
crayonists 26 16 CRAYONIST, one who d...
crazyweeds 32 28 CRAZYWEED, a plant t...
creakiness 20 18 the state of being c...
creameries 20 16 CREAMERY, a place wh...
creaminess 20 17 the state of being c...
creampuffs 28 26 CREAMPUFF, puff past...
creamwares 23 19 CREAMWARE, a type of...
creaseless 20 14 without creases [adj...
creatrixes 26 20 CREATRIX, a female c...
creditless 22 15 without credit [adj]
creeksides 21 18 CREEKSIDE, the area...
creepiness 21 17 the state of being c...
cremasters 21 16 CREMASTER, (Greek) a...
cremations 20 17 CREMATION, the burni...
cremocarps 26 22 CREMOCARP, the chara...
crenations 18 15 CRENATION, a rounded...
crenatures 19 15 CRENATURE, the state...
crenelates 19 15 CRENELATE, (US) to p...
crepitates 22 16 CREPITATE, to crackl...
crepituses 23 17 CREPITUS, the sound...
crepolines 22 18 CREPOLINE, a light c...
crepuscles 27 21 CREPUSCLE, twilight,...
crescendos 22 18 CRESCENDO, (Italian)...
cretaceous 22 17 of or resembling cha...
cretinises 20 14 CRETINISE, to make i...
cretinisms 22 17 CRETINISM, a congeni...
cretinizes 23 23 CRETINIZE, to make i...
cretinoids 20 15 CRETINOID, someone r...
crewelists 25 17 CREWELIST, one who e...
cricketers 25 20 CRICKETER, one who p...
crimewaves 26 23 CRIMEWAVE, a period...
criminates 21 17 CRIMINATE, to accuse...
crinolines 20 16 CRINOLINE, (French)...
cripplings 28 23 CRIPPLING, a prop se...
crispheads 25 19 CRISPHEAD, a variety...
crispiness 23 17 the state of being c...
crisscross 25 16 to mark with interse...
criterions 20 14 CRITERION, a standar...
criteriums 23 17 CRITERIUM, a kind of...
criticises 25 16 CRITICISE, to censur...
criticisms 27 19 CRITICISM, the act o...
criticizes 28 25 CRITICIZE, to censur...
croakiness 20 18 the state of being c...
crocheters 25 18 CROCHETER, one who c...
crockeries 24 20 CROCKERY, domestic p...
crocodiles 24 18 CROCODILE, a large l...
crocosmias 24 19 CROCOSMIA, any plant...
croissants 20 14 CROISSANT, (French)...
crokinoles 21 19 CROKINOLE, (French)...
crookbacks 27 27 CROOKBACK, (Shakespe...
crookeries 20 17 CROOKERY, crooked ac...
crooknecks 24 25 CROOKNECK, a squash...
croquantes 27 24 CROQUANTE, (French)...
croquettes 28 23 CROQUETTE, (French)...
crorepatis 22 16 CROREPATI, in India,...
crossbands 22 18 CROSSBAND, a horizon...
crossbeams 23 19 CROSSBEAM, a beam jo...
crossbills 26 18 CROSSBILL, a kind of...
crossbites 23 16 CROSSBITE, to swindl...
crossbones 21 17 a figure of two thig...
crossbreds 23 17 CROSSBRED, an animal...
crossbucks 28 24 CROSSBUCK, (US) a cr...
crossettes 20 13 CROSSETTE, (French)...
crossfalls 25 18 CROSSFALL, the trans...
crossfires 23 16 CROSSFIRE, the cross...
crosshairs 23 15 CROSSHAIR, a fine wi...
crossheads 22 16 CROSSHEAD, a beam co...
crossjacks 27 29 CROSSJACK, a square...
crossovers 22 17 CROSSOVER, a road pa...
crossroads 20 14 CROSSROAD, an inters...
crossruffs 26 20 CROSSRUFF, in whist...
crosstalks 23 18 CROSSTALK, rapid or...
crosstrees 20 13 CROSSTREE, one of th...
crosswalks 26 21 CROSSWALK, (US) a pe...
crosswinds 24 18 CROSSWIND, a wind bl...
crosswires 24 16 CROSSWIRE, either of...
crosswords 24 17 CROSSWORD, a type of...
crossworts 24 16 CROSSWORT, a bedstra...
crotalisms 23 17 CROTALISM, poisoning...
crotonbugs 23 20 CROTONBUG, a species...
croupiness 22 18 the state of being c...
croustades 20 15 CROUSTADE, (French)...
crowdfunds 26 23 CROWDFUND, to fund a...
crownlands 23 20 CROWNLAND, a large a...
crownworks 27 24 CROWNWORK, the manuf...
crucifiers 27 20 CRUCIFIER, one who c...
crucifixes 33 27 CRUCIFIX, a cross be...
cruciforms 28 23 CRUCIFORM, something...
cruiseways 30 19 CRUISEWAY, a canal f...
crumblings 27 24 CRUMBLING [n]
crumminess 23 21 the state of being c...
crumplings 27 24 CRUMPLING, the act o...
crunchings 27 23 CRUNCHING, the act o...
crustiness 21 15 the state of being c...
crutchings 28 22 the wool clipped fro...
cryocables 32 22 CRYOCABLE, a highly...
cryogenics 30 21 the branch of physic...
cryogenies 26 18 CRYOGENY, a branch o...
cryometers 27 18 CRYOMETER, an instru...
cryophorus 31 21 an instrument for sh...
cryophytes 37 22 CRYOPHYTE, an organi...
cryoprobes 30 21 CRYOPROBE, a blunt c...
cryoscopes 31 21 CRYOSCOPE, an instru...
cryptogams 31 23 CRYPTOGAM, a plant r...
cryptonyms 36 24 CRYPTONYM, a code na...
cuadrillas 23 17 CUADRILLA, (Spanish)...
cubanelles 23 20 CUBANELLE, a variety...
cubbyholes 34 25 CUBBYHOLE, a small e...
cubicities 27 20 CUBICITY, the state...
cuckoldoms 27 26 CUCKOLDOM, the state...
cudgelings 24 21 CUDGELING, the act o...
cudgellers 24 19 CUDGELLER, one who b...
cuffuffles 31 28 CUFFUFFLE, a commoti...
cuisinarts 21 15 CUISINART, (tradenam...
cuisiniers 21 15 CUISINIER, a cook [n...
cullenders 22 18 CULLENDER, a perfora...
culminates 22 19 CULMINATE, to climax...
cultivates 24 19 CULTIVATE, to till o...
culturists 24 16 CULTURIST, a devotee...
cumberless 25 21 unencumbered [adj]
cumbrances 26 24 CUMBRANCE, an encumb...
cunctators 23 18 CUNCTATOR, (Latin) s...
cuneiforms 23 21 CUNEIFORM, a wedge-s...
cupbearers 24 20 CUPBEARER, a person...
cupferrons 24 21 CUPFERRON, a compoun...
cupidinous 23 20 full of desire, amor...
cupidities 24 18 CUPIDITY, avarice, g...
curanderas 19 16 CURANDERA, a female...
curanderos 19 16 CURANDERO, a male fa...
curatrixes 27 21 CURATRIX, (Latin) a...
curbstones 22 18 CURBSTONE, a stone l...
curcumines 25 22 CURCUMINE, the saffr...
curettages 21 16 CURETTAGE, (French)...
curfuffles 29 25 CURFUFFLE, (Scots) a...
curialisms 24 18 CURIALISM, the syste...
curialists 23 15 CURIALIST, one who a...
curlpapers 26 21 CURLPAPER, a strip o...
currajongs 23 26 CURRAJONG, (Native A...
currawongs 24 20 CURRAWONG, (Native A...
currejongs 23 26 CURREJONG, (Native A...
currencies 23 18 CURRENCY, a monetary...
currieries 21 14 CURRIERY, the shop o...
currijongs 24 26 CURRIJONG, (Native A...
currycombs 34 25 CURRYCOMB, a metal c...
cursedness 20 16 the quality of being...
curtailers 22 15 CURTAILER, one who c...
curtalaxes 27 22 CURTALAX, a short br...
curtations 20 15 CURTATION, a shorten...
curtilages 23 17 CURTILAGE, an area o...
curtnesses 20 15 CURTNESS, the qualit...
curvaceous 25 22 pleasingly curved, a...
curvacious 26 22 pleasingly curved, a...
curvations 22 19 CURVATION, the state...
curvatures 23 19 CURVATURE, a curving...
curveballs 27 23 CURVEBALL, a basebal...
curvedness 22 20 the state of being c...
cushionets 22 17 CUSHIONET, a little...
cuspidores 23 18 CUSPIDORE, a spittoo...
cussedness 20 16 the quality of being...
custodians 20 16 CUSTODIAN, a person...
custodiers 21 15 CUSTODIER, a person...
customises 22 17 CUSTOMISE, to adapt...
customizes 25 26 CUSTOMIZE, to adapt...
cutcheries 26 19 CUTCHERY, a judicial...
cutenesses 19 15 CUTENESS, the qualit...
cutgrasses 22 16 CUTGRASS, a kind of...
cutthroats 23 16 CUTTHROAT, a murdere...
cyanamides 26 20 CYANAMIDE, the amide...
cyanidings 27 20 CYANIDING [n]
cyanotypes 33 21 CYANOTYPE, a bluepri...
cyanurates 25 17 CYANURATE, a chemica...
cybercafes 33 24 CYBERCAFE, a cafe wh...
cybercasts 32 21 CYBERCAST [v]
cybernates 27 19 CYBERNATE, to contro...
cybernauts 28 20 CYBERNAUT, a person...
cyberporns 30 22 CYBERPORN, pornograp...
cyberpunks 32 27 CYBERPUNK, a genus o...
cybersexes 34 25 CYBERSEX, sexual com...
cybrarians 28 19 CYBRARIAN, a person...
cycadeoids 29 20 CYCADEOID, a member...
cyclamates 31 22 CYCLAMATE, any of a...
cyclepaths 35 24 CYCLEPATH, a special...
cyclicisms 37 25 CYCLICISM, the state...
cyclizines 34 29 CYCLIZINE, an antihi...
cyclogiros 32 21 CYCLOGIRO, an aircra...
cycloliths 35 22 CYCLOLITH, a stone c...
cyclonites 30 20 CYCLONITE, a type of...
cycloramas 31 22 CYCLORAMA, a circula...
cyclotrons 30 20 CYCLOTRON, a type of...
cymagraphs 33 25 CYMAGRAPH, an instru...
cymbaleers 30 22 CYMBALEER, one who p...
cymbalists 32 22 CYMBALIST, one who p...
cymbidiums 33 26 CYMBIDIUM, a kind of...
cymiferous 30 22 bearing cymes [adj]
cymographs 33 25 CYMOGRAPH, an instru...
cymophanes 30 24 CYMOPHANE, cat's-eye...
cynomolgus 29 23 a type of macaque [n...
cynopodous 27 21 having claws that do...
cyprinoids 29 20 CYPRINOID, a member...
cystideans 26 17 CYSTIDEAN, a cystoid...
cystinoses 26 16 CYSTINOSIS, a congen...
cystinosis 27 16 a congenital defect...
cystitides 28 16 CYSTITIS, inflammati...
cystitises 28 15 CYSTITIS, inflammati...
cystocarps 32 21 CYSTOCARP, the fruct...
cystoceles 30 19 CYSTOCELE, a hernia...
cystoliths 31 18 CYSTOLITH, a hard mi...
cytogenies 26 18 CYTOGENY, the format...
cytokinins 27 21 CYTOKININ, any of nu...
cytologies 28 18 CYTOLOGY, a study of...
cytolysins 34 19 CYTOLYSIN, an agent...
cytometers 27 18 CYTOMETER, an instru...
cytopenias 27 19 CYTOPENIA, a deficie...
cytoplasms 31 22 CYTOPLASM, the proto...
cytoplasts 30 19 CYTOPLAST, the intac...
cytotoxins 32 23 CYTOTOXIN, a cell-da...
dachshunds 25 21 DACHSHUND, (German)...
dacoitages 20 16 DACOITAGE, (Hindi) r...
dacquoises 28 24 DACQUOISE, a layered...
dactylists 29 17 DACTYLIST, a writer...
daftnesses 18 15 DAFTNESS, the qualit...
dahabeeahs 21 18 DAHABEEAH, (Arabic)...
dahabiyahs 29 20 DAHABIYAH, (Arabic)...
dahabiyehs 29 20 DAHABIYEH, (Arabic)...
daintiness 16 13 the quality of being...
dairymaids 25 17 DAIRYMAID, a woman w...
dalliances 21 17 DALLIANCE, flirtatio...
dalmatians 18 16 DALMATIAN, a large b...
daltonisms 19 16 DALTONISM, color bli...
damascenes 19 18 DAMASCENE, to decora...
damaskeens 17 19 DAMASKEEN, to decora...
damasquins 26 25 DAMASQUIN, to decora...
damnations 16 16 DAMNATION, condemnat...
damnedests 17 16 DAMNEDEST, utmost ef...
dampnesses 19 18 DAMPNESS, the state...
dancehalls 23 19 DANCEHALL, a style o...
dandelions 16 15 DANDELION, a common...
dandiprats 19 16 DANDIPRAT, (obsolete...
dandyfunks 26 24 DANDYFUNK, a ship's...
dandyprats 25 18 DANDYPRAT, (obsolete...
dangerless 18 15 without danger [adj]
danknesses 16 17 DANKNESS, the state...
dannebrogs 18 18 DANNEBROG, (Danish)...
danthonias 17 15 DANTHONIA, a tufted...
dapperness 20 18 the state of being d...
daredevils 20 17 DAREDEVIL, a reckles...
daringness 17 15 boldness [n -ES]
darknesses 17 16 DARKNESS, the state...
darnations 15 13 DARNATION, a mild fo...
darnedests 16 13 DARNEDEST, one's utm...
darraignes 17 14 DARRAIGNE, (obsolete...
dartboards 19 15 DARTBOARD, the targe...
dartitises 18 11 DARTITIS, a nervous...
dashboards 21 17 DASHBOARD, the instr...
dashlights 25 18 DASHLIGHT, a light i...
dastardies 17 12 DASTARDY, despicable...
dasymeters 24 16 DASYMETER, a device...
databusses 19 15 DATABUS, path for tr...
datagloves 20 18 DATAGLOVE, an electr...
dauphiness 21 18 DAUPHINES, DAUPHINE,...
davenports 20 19 DAVENPORT, a small o...
dawsonites 19 15 DAWSONITE, a hydrous...
daycations 25 17 DAYCATION, a day tri...
daycentres 25 17 DAYCENTRE, a buildin...
dayflowers 29 20 DAYFLOWER, a genus c...
daysailers 24 14 DAYSAILER, a dayboat...
daysailors 24 14 DAYSAILOR, a dayboat...
daysprings 27 19 DAYSPRING, (archaic)...
dayworkers 27 20 DAYWORKER, one who d...
deaconries 18 15 DEACONRY, a clerical...
deadenings 16 16 DEADENING [n]
deadhouses 18 15 DEADHOUSE, a mortuar...
deadlights 22 17 DEADLIGHT, a strong...
deadliness 17 14 the quality of being...
deadnesses 15 13 DEADNESS, the state...
deadstocks 21 19 DEADSTOCK, farm equi...
deaerators 15 11 DEAERATOR, a device...
deafenings 18 18 DEAFENING, the act o...
deafnesses 17 15 DEAFNESS, the state...
dealations 16 13 DEALATION, the remov...
dealfishes 22 17 DEALFISH, a kind of...
dealmakers 19 19 DEALMAKER, a person...
deaminases 16 15 DEAMINASE, an enzyme...
deaminates 16 15 DEAMINATE, to remove...
deaminises 17 15 DEAMINISE, to remove...
deaminizes 20 24 DEAMINIZE, to remove...
dearnesses 15 12 DEARNESS, the state...
deathblows 25 20 DEATHBLOW, a fatal b...
deathtraps 21 16 DEATHTRAP, a potenti...
deathwards 22 17 DEATHWARD [n]
debaggings 22 21 DEBAGGING, the act o...
debarments 19 18 DEBARMENT, the act o...
debauchees 23 20 DEBAUCHEE, one who i...
debauchers 24 20 DEBAUCHER, one who d...
debentures 18 16 DEBENTURE, an offici...
debilities 21 15 DEBILITY, weakness [...
debriefers 21 17 DEBRIEFER, one who d...
debuggings 23 22 DEBUGGING, the act o...
debutantes 18 16 DEBUTANTE, someone (...
decachords 25 20 DECACHORD, an old te...
decadences 21 19 DECADENCE, a falling...
decagynous 26 20 having ten pistils,...
decaliters 21 15 DECALITER, a cubic v...
decalitres 21 15 DECALITRE, a cubic v...
decalogues 21 18 DECALOGUE, the Ten C...
decamerous 20 18 having parts in tens...
decameters 20 17 DECAMETER, ten meter...
decametres 20 17 DECAMETRE, ten meter...
decandrous 19 17 belonging to the Dec...
decantates 18 15 DECANTATE, (obsolete...
decapodans 20 19 DECAPODAN, a decapod...
decapodous 21 19 relating to the Deca...
decasteres 19 14 DECASTERE, a measure...
decastichs 26 19 DECASTICH, a ten-lin...
decastyles 27 17 DECASTYLE, a portico...
decathlons 22 18 DECATHLON, an athlet...
decaudates 19 16 DECAUDATE, to cut of...
deceivings 23 21 DECEIVING, the act o...
decelerons 19 16 DECELERON, a type of...
decenaries 18 15 DECENARY, a tithing,...
decennials 19 17 DECENNIAL, a ten-yea...
decenniums 20 20 DECENNIUM, (Latin) a...
decentness 18 16 the state of being d...
deceptions 21 18 DECEPTION, the act o...
deceptious 22 18 (Shakespeare) deceit...
decessions 19 15 DECESSION, departure...
decheances 23 20 DECHEANCE, (French)...
deciliters 22 15 DECILITER, one tenth...
decilitres 22 15 DECILITRE, one tenth...
decillions 22 17 DECILLION, the eleve...
decimators 21 17 DECIMATOR, one who d...
decimeters 21 17 DECIMETER, one tenth...
decimetres 21 17 DECIMETRE, one tenth...
decisteres 20 14 DECISTERE, one tenth...
deckchairs 27 23 DECKCHAIR, a chair,...
deckhouses 23 21 DECKHOUSE, a room er...
declaimers 22 18 DECLAIMER, one who d...
declarants 20 16 DECLARANT, one who m...
declinants 20 17 DECLINANT, a person...
declinists 22 16 DECLINIST, a person...
declutches 27 21 DECLUTCH, to release...
declutters 22 16 DECLUTTER, to simpli...
decoctions 22 18 DECOCTION, the act o...
decoctures 23 18 DECOCTURE, a decocti...
decoherers 21 16 DECOHERER, a device...
decollates 21 16 DECOLLATE, to behead...
decolletes 21 16 DECOLLETE, (French)...
decomposes 22 20 DECOMPOSE, to fall t...
decompress 23 20 to release from pres...
decongests 20 17 DECONGEST, to reliev...
decontrols 20 16 DECONTROL, to remove...
decorators 19 14 DECORATOR, one who d...
decoupages 22 20 DECOUPAGE, to apply...
decouplers 23 19 DECOUPLER, one who d...
decrements 20 18 DECREMENT, to decrea...
decretists 21 14 DECRETIST, one who s...
decursions 20 16 DECURSION, a militar...
decussates 20 15 DECUSSATE, to divide...
dedicatees 19 15 DEDICATEE, one to wh...
dedicators 20 15 DEDICATOR, one who d...
deductions 20 17 DEDUCTION, the act o...
deejayings 25 25 DEEJAYING, the act o...
deepenings 18 18 DEEPENING [n]
deepnesses 17 15 DEEPNESS, the qualit...
deerhounds 18 16 DEERHOUND, a kind of...
defaecates 20 17 DEFAECATE, to void e...
defalcates 22 18 DEFALCATE, to embezz...
defaulters 20 16 DEFAULTER, one who d...
defeatisms 20 17 DEFEATISM, readiness...
defeatists 19 14 DEFEATIST, one who s...
defeatures 18 15 DEFEATURE, (archaic)...
defecators 21 17 DEFECATOR, a device...
defections 21 18 DEFECTION, a failure...
defectives 24 21 DEFECTIVE, a person...
defendants 17 17 DEFENDANT, a person...
defensives 20 19 DEFENSIVE, a state o...
deferences 20 18 DEFERENCE, a deferri...
deferments 19 18 DEFERMENT, the act o...
deficients 22 18 DEFICIENT, a person...
deflations 19 16 DEFLATION, the act o...
deflectors 23 18 DEFLECTOR, something...
deflexions 25 23 DEFLEXION, an act of...
deflexures 26 23 DEFLEXURE, a deflect...
deflorates 19 15 DEFLORATE, to deflow...
defluxions 26 24 DEFLUXION, (obsolete...
defocusses 22 18 DEFOCUS, to cause to...
defoliants 19 16 DEFOLIANT, a chemica...
defoliates 19 15 DEFOLIATE, to remove...
defraggers 21 18 DEFRAGGER, one who d...
defrauders 19 16 DEFRAUDER, one who d...
defrosters 19 14 DEFROSTER, something...
deftnesses 18 15 DEFTNESS, the qualit...
degaussers 18 14 DEGAUSSER, a device...
degearings 18 16 DEGEARING, a process...
degenerous 16 15 (obsolete) degenerat...
degreasers 17 13 DEGREASER, a substan...
degreeless 18 14 without a degree [ad...
degustates 18 14 DEGUSTATE, to taste,...
dehydrates 25 16 DEHYDRATE, to dry ou...
deinosaurs 16 13 DEINOSAUR, any of a...
deionisers 16 12 DEIONISER, an appara...
deionizers 19 21 DEIONIZER, an appara...
dejections 21 24 DEJECTION, lowness o...
dekaliters 19 16 DEKALITER, a cubic v...
dekalitres 19 16 DEKALITRE, a cubic v...
dekalogies 19 18 DEKALOGY, a group of...
dekameters 18 18 DEKAMETER, ten meter...
dekametres 18 18 DEKAMETRE, ten meter...
delapsions 19 16 DELAPSION, a sinking...
delectates 20 15 DELECTATE, to deligh...
delegacies 21 17 DELEGACY, the act of...
delegatees 17 14 DELEGATEE, one to wh...
delegators 18 14 DELEGATOR, one who d...
delftwares 23 18 DELFTWARE, a type of...
delicacies 24 18 DELICACY, a choice f...
delighters 22 16 DELIGHTER, one who d...
delimiters 20 15 DELIMITER, something...
delineates 16 13 DELINEATE, to mark o...
deliquiums 29 26 DELIQUIUM, (archaic)...
deliverers 20 16 DELIVERER, one who d...
deliveries 20 16 DELIVERY, the act of...
deltoideus 18 14 the deltoid muscle [...
delundungs 19 19 DELUNDUNG, (Javanese...
demagogies 19 18 DEMAGOGY, the rule o...
demagogues 19 19 DEMAGOGUE, a person...
demandants 16 17 DEMANDANT, one who d...
demannings 17 19 DEMANNING [n]
demantoids 17 16 DEMANTOID, a lustrou...
demarcates 20 17 DEMARCATE, to mark t...
demeanours 16 16 DEMEANOUR, behavior...
dementates 16 15 DEMENTATE, (archaic)...
demersions 17 15 DEMERSION, immersion...
demimondes 18 19 DEMIMONDE, (French)...
demipiques 29 27 DEMIPIQUE, an 18th c...
demissions 18 15 DEMISSION, lowering,...
demitasses 18 14 DEMITASSE, (French)...
demivegges 22 22 DEMIVEG, a person wh...
demivoltes 21 19 DEMIVOLTE, a half-tu...
demiworlds 23 19 DEMIWORLD, the demim...
demolishes 21 17 DEMOLISH, to destroy...
demologies 19 17 DEMOLOGY, the study...
demonesses 16 15 DEMONESS, a female d...
demoscenes 19 18 DEMOSCENE, a compute...
demulcents 22 20 DEMULCENT, an emulsi...
demureness 17 16 the state of being d...
demurrages 19 17 DEMURRAGE, undue del...
denazifies 21 24 DENAZIFY, to rid of...
dendrimers 18 16 DENDRIMER, a polymer...
dendrophis 21 18 a snake of the genus...
denervates 17 16 DENERVATE, to depriv...
denialists 18 13 DENIALIST, a person...
denigrates 17 14 DENIGRATE, to blacke...
denitrates 16 12 DENITRATE, to free f...
denouncers 18 17 DENOUNCER, one who d...
densifiers 19 15 DENSIFIER, an agent...
dentaliums 19 17 DENTALIUM, (Latin) a...
dentations 15 13 DENTATION, the condi...
dentitions 16 13 DENTITION, the cutti...
denturists 18 13 DENTURIST, one who m...
deodorants 15 13 DEODORANT, a substan...
deodorises 16 12 DEODORISE, to take t...
deodorizes 19 21 DEODORIZE, to take t...
deoxidates 22 19 DEOXIDATE, to deoxid...
deoxidises 23 19 DEOXIDISE, to remove...
deoxidizes 26 28 DEOXIDIZE, to remove...
depanneurs 17 17 DEPANNEUR, (French)...
departings 20 17 DEPARTING, the act o...
departures 19 15 DEPARTURE, the act o...
depastures 19 15 DEPASTURE, to graze...
dependants 17 17 DEPENDANT, a person...
dependents 17 17 DEPENDENT, a person...
depictions 22 18 DEPICTION, an act of...
depictures 23 18 DEPICTURE, (archaic)...
depigments 21 20 DEPIGMENT, to take a...
depilators 20 15 DEPILATOR, an agent...
depletions 19 16 DEPLETION, the act o...
depolishes 22 17 DEPOLISH, to remove...
depositors 19 14 DEPOSITOR, one who d...
deprecates 21 17 DEPRECATE, to regret...
depredates 18 15 DEPREDATE, to plunde...
deprehends 20 18 DEPREHEND, (obsolete...
depressors 19 14 DEPRESSOR, one who,...
deprograms 21 19 DEPROGRAM, to prevai...
depurators 19 15 DEPURATOR, one who,...
dermatitis 19 14 inflammation of the...
dermatomes 18 17 DERMATOME, the later...
dermatoses 17 14 DERMATOSIS, any skin...
dermatosis 18 14 any skin disease [n...
dermestids 19 15 DERMESTID, any of a...
derringers 18 14 DERRINGER, a small p...
desaltings 19 15 DESALTING, the act o...
descanters 19 15 DESCANTER, one who p...
descenders 19 16 DESCENDER, the part...
describers 23 17 DESCRIBER, one who d...
desecrates 19 14 DESECRATE, to make n...
desertions 16 12 DESERTION, the act o...
desertless 18 12 without merit [adj]
deservings 20 18 DESERVING, the act o...
desiccants 23 18 DESICCANT, a drying...
desiccates 23 17 DESICCATE, to remove...
designates 17 14 DESIGNATE, to mark o...
designings 19 17 DESIGNING, the art o...
designless 19 15 without design [adj]
desinences 18 16 DESINENCE, an ending...
desirables 20 15 DESIRABLE, something...
desireless 18 12 free from desire [ad...
desmodiums 20 19 DESMODIUM, a plant o...
desmosomes 18 17 DESMOSOME, a small t...
desolaters 17 12 DESOLATER, one who d...
desolators 17 12 DESOLATOR, one who d...
despairers 19 14 DESPAIRER, one who d...
despatches 24 19 DESPATCH, to deal wi...
desperados 18 15 DESPERADO, a despera...
despiteous 19 15 (obsolete) feeling o...
despoilers 20 15 DESPOILER, one who d...
despotates 18 14 DESPOTATE, a territo...
despotisms 21 17 DESPOTISM, absolute...
despumates 20 18 DESPUMATE, to throw...
dessyatins 23 14 DESSYATIN, (Russian)...
destempers 20 17 DESTEMPER, (obsolete...
destinates 16 12 DESTINATE, (obsolete...
destitutes 18 12 DESTITUTE, to forsak...
destresses 17 11 DESTRESS, to remove...
destroyers 23 13 DESTROYER, a small f...
destructos 21 15 DESTRUCTO, (Australi...
desuetudes 17 14 DESUETUDE, disuse, d...
desulphurs 24 19 DESULPHUR, to remove...
detailings 19 15 DETAILING, the act o...
detanglers 18 15 DETANGLER, a cosmeti...
detections 19 15 DETECTION, the act o...
detectives 22 18 DETECTIVE, a policem...
detentions 15 13 DETENTION, the act o...
detentists 17 12 DETENTIST, a support...
detergents 17 14 DETERGENT, a cleansi...
determents 17 15 DETERMENT, the act o...
determines 17 15 DETERMINE, to put te...
deterrents 16 12 DETERRENT, something...
detersions 16 12 DETERSION, the act o...
detersives 19 15 DETERSIVE, a deterge...
dethatches 24 18 DETHATCH, to remove...
dethroners 18 14 DETHRONER, one who d...
detonators 15 12 DETONATOR, a substan...
detorsions 16 12 DETORSION, the act o...
detortions 16 12 DETORTION, (obsolete...
detoxifies 25 21 DETOXIFY, to remove...
detractors 20 14 DETRACTOR, a belittl...
detraquees 24 21 DETRAQUEE, (French)...
detriments 18 15 DETRIMENT, diminutio...
detritions 17 12 DETRITION, a wearing...
detrusions 17 13 DETRUSION, the act o...
deuterates 16 12 DEUTERATE, to add de...
deuterides 17 13 DEUTERIDE, a hydroge...
deuteriums 19 16 DEUTERIUM, heavy hyd...
devaluates 19 17 DEVALUATE, to devalu...
devastates 18 15 DEVASTATE, to lay wa...
developers 21 19 DEVELOPER, one who d...
developpes 23 22 DEVELOPPE, (French)...
deviancies 21 19 DEVIANCY, the behavi...
deviations 18 16 DEVIATION, the act o...
devilesses 20 16 DEVILESS, a female d...
devilments 21 20 DEVILMENT, deviltry...
devilships 26 21 DEVILSHIP, the chara...
deviltries 21 16 DEVILTRY, mischief,...
devilwoods 23 20 DEVILWOOD, a kind of...
devoicings 23 21 DEVOICING, the act o...
devonports 20 19 DEVONPORT, a small o...
devoutness 18 17 the state of being d...
dewaterers 19 14 DEWATERER, an agent...
dewberries 22 17 DEWBERRY, a fruit li...
dewinesses 19 15 DEWINESS, the state...
dharmsalas 21 17 DHARMSALA, (Hindi) a...
diableries 20 15 DIABLERY, black magi...
diabolises 20 15 DIABOLISE, to conver...
diabolisms 22 18 DIABOLISM, devil-wor...
diabolists 21 15 DIABOLIST, one who p...
diabolizes 23 24 DIABOLIZE, to conver...
diachylons 29 20 DIACHYLON, formerly...
diachylums 32 23 DIACHYLUM, formerly...
diacodions 19 16 DIACODION, (obsolete...
diacodiums 22 19 DIACODIUM, (obsolete...
diaconates 18 15 DIACONATE, the offic...
diacritics 25 17 DIACRITIC, a mark or...
diadochies 22 17 DIADOCHY, the replac...
diadromous 18 16 migrating between fr...
diageneses 16 14 DIAGENESIS, the phys...
diagenesis 17 14 the physical and che...
diakineses 17 16 DIAKINESIS, the fina...
diakinesis 18 16 the final stage of p...
dialectics 25 18 DIALECTIC, the art o...
dialogises 19 14 DIALOGISE, to discou...
dialogisms 21 17 DIALOGISM, deduction...
dialogists 20 14 DIALOGIST, a speaker...
dialogites 19 14 DIALOGITE, a native...
dialogizes 22 23 DIALOGIZE, to discou...
dialoguers 19 15 DIALOGUER, one who m...
dialysates 24 14 DIALYSATE, the mater...
dialyzates 27 23 DIALYZATE, the mater...
diamagnets 18 17 DIAMAGNET, a body ha...
dianthuses 19 15 DIANTHUS, a genus of...
diapedeses 18 15 DIAPEDESIS, the migr...
diapedesis 19 15 the migration of whi...
diaperings 20 17 DIAPERING, nappies c...
diaphanous 20 18 transparent, translu...
diaphonies 20 17 DIAPHONY, a system o...
diaphragms 24 21 DIAPHRAGM, the muscu...
diapirisms 22 17 DIAPIRISM, the upwar...
diapyetics 29 19 DIAPYETIC, a substan...
diarrhoeas 18 13 DIARRHOEA, a persist...
diastalses 18 12 DIASTALSIS, a downwa...
diastalsis 19 12 a downward wave of c...
diatomists 19 14 DIATOMIST, a person...
diatomites 18 14 DIATOMITE, a siliceo...
diatretums 19 15 DIATRETUM, a kind of...
diazoniums 21 25 DIAZONIUM, a group o...
diazotises 20 20 DIAZOTISE, to conver...
diazotizes 23 29 DIAZOTIZE, to conver...
dibromides 21 18 DIBROMIDE, a compoun...
dicacities 24 17 DICACITY, (archaic)...
dicacodyls 31 21 DICACODYL, an oily p...
dicentrics 24 18 DICENTRIC, a chromos...
dichlorvos 26 21 a pesticide used in...
dichondras 22 18 DICHONDRA, a genus o...
dichroisms 25 19 DICHROISM, the prope...
dichroites 23 16 DICHROITE, a strongl...
dichromats 24 19 DICHROMAT, a salt of...
dickybirds 32 24 DICKYBIRD, a false s...
diclinisms 24 19 DICLINISM, the state...
dicrotisms 23 17 DICROTISM, a conditi...
dictations 20 15 DICTATION, the act,...
dictatress 21 14 a female dictator, a...
dictatures 21 15 DICTATURE, the offic...
dictyogens 27 19 DICTYOGEN, a monocot...
dicumarols 23 19 DICUMAROL, a crystal...
didelphids 24 19 DIDELPHID, any membe...
didelphous 23 19 of or relating to th...
didjeridus 21 23 DIDJERIDU, a native...
didrachmas 24 20 DIDRACHMA, (Greek) a...
didynamies 24 18 DIDYNAMY, the state...
didynamous 24 19 belonging to the Did...
dieselings 19 15 DIESELING, the act o...
dieselises 18 12 DIESELISE, to equip...
dieselizes 21 21 DIESELIZE, to equip...
diesinkers 18 16 DIESINKER, a person...
diestruses 18 12 DIESTRUS, a period o...
dietarians 16 12 DIETARIAN, one who l...
dieticians 20 15 DIETICIAN, an expert...
dietitians 17 12 DIETITIAN, an expert...
diffusions 22 19 DIFFUSION, the sprea...
digastrics 23 16 DIGASTRIC, a muscle...
digestants 18 14 DIGESTANT, serving t...
digestions 18 14 DIGESTION, the act o...
digestives 21 17 DIGESTIVE, something...
digitalins 20 15 DIGITALIN, a drug ex...
digitisers 20 13 DIGITISER, a device...
digitizers 23 22 DIGITIZER, a device...
digitonins 18 15 DIGITONIN, a steroid...
digitoxins 25 21 DIGITOXIN, a poisono...
diglossias 20 14 DIGLOSSIA, the coexi...
digressers 19 13 DIGRESSER, one who d...
dilatators 18 12 DILATATOR, a muscle...
diligences 22 18 DILIGENCE, a French...
diltiazems 23 24 DILTIAZEM, a drug us...
dilutables 22 17 DILUTABLE, something...
diluteness 18 14 the state of being d...
dimensions 17 16 DIMENSION, to give t...
dimidiates 19 15 DIMIDIATE, to divide...
diminishes 21 17 DIMINISH, to lessen...
dimorphous 23 20 characterized by dim...
dinarchies 22 17 DINARCHY, government...
dinnerless 17 14 having no dinner [ad...
dinomanias 16 16 DINOMANIA, public in...
dinotheres 18 14 DINOTHERE, an extinc...
diorthoses 19 13 DIORTHOSIS, a critic...
diorthosis 20 13 a critical revision...
diosgenins 17 15 DIOSGENIN, a crystal...
dipeptides 22 18 DIPEPTIDE, a peptide...
dipetalous 20 16 having two petals [a...
diphthongs 25 21 DIPHTHONG, a union o...
diphyllous 31 21 having two leaves [a...
diphysites 29 18 DIPHYSITE, a believe...
diplodocus 24 20 a gigantic, quadrupe...
diploidies 21 16 DIPLOIDY, the condit...
diplomates 21 18 DIPLOMATE, to invest...
diplonemas 20 19 DIPLONEMA, a less co...
diplotenes 19 16 DIPLOTENE, the fourt...
dipperfuls 26 22 DIPPERFUL, the conte...
dipterists 21 14 DIPTERIST, a person...
dipteroses 19 14 DIPTEROS, a building...
directions 20 15 DIRECTION [v]
directives 23 18 DIRECTIVE, a general...
directness 20 15 the quality of being...
directress 21 14 a female director, a...
direnesses 16 12 DIRENESS, the state...
dirigibles 23 17 DIRIGIBLE, a dirigib...
dirigismes 21 16 DIRIGISME, (French)...
disablisms 23 18 DISABLISM, discrimin...
disablists 22 15 DISABLIST, one who d...
disabusals 21 16 DISABUSAL, the act o...
disaccords 24 18 DISACCORD, to refuse...
disaffects 25 20 DISAFFECT, to take a...
disaffirms 24 20 DISAFFIRM, to assert...
disanchors 22 17 DISANCHOR, to raise...
disannexes 21 20 DISANNEX, to disunit...
disanoints 16 13 DISANOINT, to undo t...
disappears 21 17 DISAPPEAR, to vanish...
disapplies 23 18 DISAPPLY, to make a...
disastrous 18 12 attended by or causi...
disattires 18 11 DISATTIRE, (Spenser)...
disattunes 17 13 DISATTUNE, to put ou...
disavowals 23 19 DISAVOWAL, the act o...
disavowers 22 18 DISAVOWER, one who d...
disbeliefs 23 18 DISBELIEF, lack of b...
disbenches 24 20 DISBENCH, to drive f...
disburdens 20 17 DISBURDEN, to rid of...
disbursals 22 16 DISBURSAL, the act o...
disbursers 21 15 DISBURSER, one who d...
discandies 20 16 DISCANDY, (Shakespea...
discanters 20 15 DISCANTER, one who s...
discarders 21 15 DISCARDER, one who d...
discerners 20 15 DISCERNER, one who d...
discharges 24 18 DISCHARGE, to free f...
disclosers 22 15 DISCLOSER, one who d...
discobolos 23 18 a discus thrower, al...
discobolus 24 19 (historical) a discu...
discolours 22 16 DISCOLOUR, to alter...
discomfits 25 20 DISCOMFIT, to discon...
discommons 22 21 DISCOMMON, to depriv...
discourses 21 15 DISCOURSE, to talk o...
discredits 22 15 DISCREDIT, to refuse...
discumbers 25 21 DISCUMBER, (archaic)...
discussers 22 15 DISCUSSER, one who d...
disembarks 22 21 DISEMBARK, to leave...
disemploys 28 20 DISEMPLOY, to throw...
disenables 19 16 DISENABLE, to disabl...
disengages 18 16 DISENGAGE, to separa...
disentails 18 13 DISENTAIL, to free f...
disentombs 20 18 DISENTOMB, to take o...
disepalous 20 16 having two sepals [a...
disesteems 18 14 DISESTEEM, to hold o...
disfavours 22 19 DISFAVOUR, to disest...
disfigures 22 17 DISFIGURE, to spoil...
disfleshes 23 17 DISFLESH, (archaic)...
disforests 20 14 DISFOREST, to clear...
disgorgers 20 15 DISGORGER, one who d...
disgracers 22 16 DISGRACER, one who d...
disguisers 20 14 DISGUISER, one who d...
dishallows 25 18 DISHALLOW, to make u...
dishcloths 27 19 DISHCLOTH, a cloth u...
dishclouts 25 18 DISHCLOUT, a dishclo...
dishdashas 22 16 DISHDASHA, (Arabic)...
dishdashes 22 16 DISHDASH, a long one...
dishonours 19 15 DISHONOUR, to depriv...
dishtowels 24 17 DISHTOWEL, a wiping...
dishumours 22 18 DISHUMOUR, (obsolete...
dishwaters 23 16 DISHWATER, water use...
disilludes 21 15 DISILLUDE, to free f...
disimmures 21 18 DISIMMURE, to libera...
disinfects 23 18 DISINFECT, to rid of...
disinfests 20 15 DISINFEST, to remove...
disinforms 21 18 DISINFORM, to inform...
disinhumes 21 18 DISINHUME, to disint...
disinvents 19 17 DISINVENT, to undo t...
disinvests 20 16 DISINVEST, to reduce...
disinvites 20 16 DISINVITE, to withdr...
dislocates 21 15 DISLOCATE, to put ou...
dislustres 20 13 DISLUSTRE, (archaic)...
dismalness 19 16 the quality of being...
dismantles 19 16 DISMANTLE, to take t...
dismembers 22 20 DISMEMBER, to cut or...
dismissals 21 15 DISMISSAL, the act o...
disnatures 17 13 DISNATURE, to cause...
disobeyers 25 16 DISOBEYER, one who d...
disobliges 22 17 DISOBLIGE, to slight...
disorients 17 12 DISORIENT, to confus...
disparages 20 16 DISPARAGE, to belitt...
disparates 19 14 DISPARATE, a dispara...
dispatches 25 19 DISPATCH, to send of...
dispathies 22 16 DISPATHY, dislike, a...
dispaupers 22 18 DISPAUPER, to depriv...
dispellers 22 16 DISPELLER, one who d...
dispensers 19 15 DISPENSER, one who d...
dispeoples 22 18 DISPEOPLE, to depopu...
dispermous 21 18 having two seeds [ad...
dispersals 21 15 DISPERSAL, dispersio...
dispersers 20 14 DISPERSER, one who d...
dispiteous 20 15 (obsolete) pitiless,...
displacers 24 18 DISPLACER, one who d...
displayers 27 17 DISPLAYER, one who d...
displeases 20 15 DISPLEASE, to offend...
dispondees 18 16 DISPONDEE, a double...
disposings 21 17 DISPOSING [n]
dispossess 20 14 to put out of posses...
disposures 20 15 DISPOSURE, disposal,...
dispraises 20 14 DISPRAISE, to censur...
disprisons 20 15 DISPRISON, to let lo...
disprofess 22 17 to renounce the prof...
disprofits 23 17 DISPROFIT [n]
disprooves 21 18 DISPROOVE, (Spenser)...
disprovals 23 19 DISPROVAL, the act o...
disprovers 22 18 DISPROVER, one who d...
dispurveys 29 21 DISPURVEY, (archaic)...
disputants 20 16 DISPUTANT, one who d...
disregards 19 14 DISREGARD, to pay no...
disrepairs 20 14 DISREPAIR, a worn-ou...
disreputes 20 15 DISREPUTE, bad reput...
disrupters 21 15 DISRUPTER, one who d...
disruptors 21 15 DISRUPTOR, one who d...
dissavings 21 18 DISSAVING, the spend...
dissectors 21 14 DISSECTOR, one who d...
disseisees 17 11 DISSEISEE, one who i...
disseisins 18 12 DISSEISIN, the act o...
disseisors 18 11 DISSEISOR, one who d...
disseizees 20 20 DISSEIZEE, one who i...
disseizins 21 21 DISSEIZIN, the act o...
disseizors 21 20 DISSEIZOR, one who d...
dissembles 22 18 DISSEMBLE, to hide t...
dissenters 17 12 DISSENTER, one who d...
disshivers 23 17 DISSHIVER, (Spenser)...
dissidents 18 13 DISSIDENT, a dissent...
dissimiles 21 15 DISSIMILE, a compari...
dissipates 20 14 DISSIPATE, to scatte...
dissolutes 19 13 DISSOLUTE, a dissolu...
dissolvers 21 16 DISSOLVER, something...
dissuaders 18 13 DISSUADER, one who d...
dissunders 18 14 DISSUNDER, (archaic)...
distempers 21 17 DISTEMPER, to paint...
distenders 17 13 DISTENDER, one who d...
disthrones 19 14 DISTHRONE, to remove...
distichous 24 17 in or having two row...
distillers 21 13 DISTILLER, one who d...
distorters 18 11 DISTORTER, one who d...
distraints 18 12 DISTRAINT, seizure o...
distresses 18 11 DISTRESS, to cause a...
distringas 19 14 formerly, a writ dir...
disturbers 21 15 DISTURBER, something...
disulfates 21 16 DISULFATE, a compoun...
disulfides 22 17 DISULFIDE, a sulphid...
disuniters 18 13 DISUNITER, one who d...
disunities 18 13 DISUNITY, lack of un...
disvouches 25 21 DISVOUCH, (Shakespea...
ditheletes 20 14 DITHELETE, a believe...
dithelisms 23 17 DITHELISM, the doctr...
dithionous 19 15 as in dithionous aci...
dithyrambs 30 21 DITHYRAMB, a hymn or...
ditrochees 22 16 DITROCHEE, a double...
dittanders 17 13 DITTANDER, a pungent...
divalences 22 20 DIVALENCE, the state...
diversions 19 16 DIVERSION, the act o...
divestures 20 16 DIVESTURE, the act o...
divinators 19 16 DIVINATOR, (archaic)...
divineness 18 17 the quality of being...
divineress 19 16 a woman who divines...
divinifies 22 19 DIVINIFY, to treat a...
divinities 20 16 DIVINITY, the qualit...
divulgates 22 19 DIVULGATE, (archaic)...
divulsions 21 18 DIVULSION, the act o...
dizenments 20 25 DIZENMENT, the state...
djellabahs 25 27 DJELLABAH, (Arabic)...
dochmiuses 24 20 DOCHMIUS, a foot of...
docilities 22 15 DOCILITY, the qualit...
docimasies 21 17 DOCIMASY, scrutiny,...
doctorands 19 16 DOCTORAND, a candida...
doctorates 19 14 DOCTORATE, to take a...
doctorings 21 17 DOCTORING, the act o...
doctorless 21 15 without a doctor [ad...
doctresses 20 14 DOCTRESS, a female d...
docudramas 21 19 DOCUDRAMA, a play or...
doddipolls 22 18 DODDIPOLL, (obsolete...
doddypolls 28 20 DODDYPOLL, (obsolete...
dodecagons 19 18 DODECAGON, a plane f...
dodgeballs 22 19 DODGEBALL, a ball ga...
dogaressas 17 13 DOGARESSA, (Italian)...
dogberries 20 16 DOGBERRY, the berry...
doggedness 18 17 the quality of being...
dogmatises 19 16 DOGMATISE, to assert...
dogmatisms 21 19 DOGMATISM, the manne...
dogmatists 20 16 DOGMATIST, one who d...
dogmatizes 22 25 DOGMATIZE, to assert...
dognapings 20 20 DOGNAPING, the abduc...
dognappers 21 20 DOGNAPPER, one who d...
dogrobbers 22 19 DOGROBBER, an army c...
dogsbodies 20 17 DOGSBODY, a menial w...
dogwatches 26 21 DOGWATCH, either of...
dolichoses 23 17 DOLICHOS, a long-pod...
dolichurus 25 19 (Latin) a dactylic h...
dollarises 19 13 DOLLARISE, to replac...
dollarizes 22 22 DOLLARIZE, to replac...
dollarless 20 14 without dollars [adj...
dollhouses 21 16 DOLLHOUSE, a house f...
dollybirds 29 19 DOLLYBIRD, an attrac...
dolostones 16 13 DOLOSTONE, a rock co...
dolphinets 22 18 DOLPHINET, (Spenser)...
dominances 19 19 DOMINANCE, the state...
dominators 17 15 DOMINATOR, a ruler o...
dominiques 26 25 DOMINIQUE, (French)...
donataries 15 12 DONATARY, a person w...
donatories 15 12 DONATORY, a donee of...
donenesses 14 13 DONENESS, the state...
donepezils 22 25 DONEPEZIL, a drug us...
donnickers 20 20 DONNICKER, an outsid...
donorships 21 17 DONORSHIP, the state...
doodlebugs 21 19 DOODLEBUG, the larva...
doohickeys 29 22 DOOHICKEY, a doodad,...
doohickies 23 20 DOOHICKEY, a doodad,...
doomsayers 23 16 DOOMSAYER, one who p...
doorframes 19 17 DOORFRAME, the frame...
doorknocks 21 23 DOORKNOCK, to go fro...
doornbooms 18 18 DOORNBOOM, a South A...
doorplates 19 15 DOORPLATE, a plate o...
doorstones 15 12 DOORSTONE, the stone...
dopesheets 20 16 DOPESHEET, a documen...
dopinesses 18 15 DOPINESS, the state...
dorbeetles 19 15 DORBEETLE, a dung-be...
dormancies 20 18 DORMANCY, a period o...
dormitions 18 15 DORMITION, the act o...
dormitives 21 18 DORMITIVE, a soporif...
doronicums 21 19 DORONICUM, a flower,...
dosemeters 17 14 DOSEMETER, an instru...
dosimeters 18 14 DOSIMETER, an instru...
dosologies 18 14 DOSOLOGY, the scienc...
dosshouses 19 14 DOSSHOUSE, a very ch...
dotcommers 22 20 DOTCOMMER, a person...
doubleness 19 17 the state of being d...
doubletons 19 17 DOUBLETON, two cards...
douceperes 21 18 DOUCEPERE, (Spenser)...
douchebags 25 22 DOUCHEBAG, a despica...
doughballs 25 21 DOUGHBALL, a kind of...
doughfaces 25 22 DOUGHFACE, a contemp...
doughiness 20 17 the state of being d...
douppionis 21 19 DOUPPIONI, a kind of...
dournesses 16 13 DOURNESS, the state...
dovishness 21 18 the state of being d...
dowellings 23 19 DOWELLING, long thin...
dowfnesses 21 18 DOWFNESS, (Scots) du...
dowitchers 26 19 DOWITCHER, (Native A...
downbursts 23 19 DOWNBURST, a sudden,...
downcomers 23 21 DOWNCOMER, a pipe th...
downdrafts 22 19 DOWNDRAFT, a downwar...
downforces 24 21 DOWNFORCE, an aerody...
downgrades 20 18 DOWNGRADE, to relega...
downlights 25 20 DOWNLIGHT, a lamp sh...
downrushes 22 18 DOWNRUSH, a rushing...
downscales 23 19 DOWNSCALE, to scale...
downshifts 25 20 DOWNSHIFT, to change...
downsizers 23 24 DOWNSIZER, one who d...
downslides 21 17 DOWNSLIDE, a downwar...
downslopes 22 19 DOWNSLOPE, a downwar...
downspouts 22 19 DOWNSPOUT, (US) a dr...
downstages 20 17 DOWNSTAGE, the front...
downstairs 20 15 in or towards a lowe...
downstates 19 15 DOWNSTATE, the regio...
downswings 24 21 DOWNSWING, a decline...
downthrows 25 20 DOWNTHROW, a state o...
downtrends 19 17 DOWNTREND, a tendenc...
downwashes 24 20 DOWNWASH, a downward...
doxologies 24 21 DOXOLOGY, a hymn or...
dozinesses 19 21 DOZINESS, the state...
drabbiness 21 18 the state of being a...
drabblings 24 21 DRABBLING, a manner...
drabnesses 18 15 DRABNESS, the qualit...
draconisms 21 18 DRACONISM, being dra...
draconites 19 15 a jewel supposedly f...
draftiness 19 15 the state of being d...
draghounds 20 18 DRAGHOUND, a foxhoun...
dragonises 17 14 DRAGONISE, to turn i...
dragonisms 19 17 DRAGONISM, unremitti...
dragonizes 20 23 DRAGONIZE, to turn i...
dragstrips 22 16 DRAGSTRIP, a race co...
drainpipes 21 18 DRAINPIPE, a pipe us...
dramatises 18 14 DRAMATISE, to adapt...
dramatists 19 14 DRAMATIST, the autho...
dramatizes 21 23 DRAMATIZE, to adapt...
dramaturgs 20 17 DRAMATURG, a dramati...
dratchells 25 18 DRATCHELL, a slut, a...
draughters 21 16 DRAUGHTER, one who m...
drawerfuls 24 19 DRAWERFUL, the conte...
drawknives 23 23 DRAWKNIFE, a carpent...
drawnworks 24 22 DRAWNWORK, ornamenta...
drawplates 23 18 DRAWPLATE, a hardene...
drawshaves 24 20 DRAWSHAVE, a carpent...
drayhorses 25 15 DRAYHORSE, a horse u...
dreadlocks 22 20 DREADLOCK, a hairsty...
dreamboats 19 17 DREAMBOAT, someone w...
dreameries 17 14 DREAMERY, a place fa...
dreamholes 20 17 DREAMHOLE, a hole in...
dreaminess 17 15 the state of being d...
dreamlands 18 17 DREAMLAND, an unreal...
dreamtimes 19 17 DREAMTIME, in the my...
dreariness 16 12 the state of being d...
drecksills 25 20 DRECKSILL, (dialect)...
dregginess 19 16 fullness of dregs or...
drenchings 23 20 DRENCHING, the act o...
drepaniums 20 19 DREPANIUM, a kind of...
dreriheads 19 14 DRERIHEAD, (Spenser)...
dressiness 17 12 the state of being d...
dressmakes 19 18 DRESSMAKE, to make d...
dribblings 25 21 DRIBBLING, the act o...
driftwoods 23 18 DRIFTWOOD, wood drif...
drillholes 23 16 DRILLHOLE, a hole bo...
drillships 26 18 DRILLSHIP, a free-fl...
drinkables 21 20 DRINKABLE, something...
dripstones 19 15 DRIPSTONE, mineral m...
drivelines 20 17 DRIVELINE, the part...
drivellers 22 17 DRIVELLER, one who d...
drivenness 18 17 the state of being d...
driverless 21 16 without a driver [ad...
drolleries 19 13 DROLLERY, something...
dromedares 17 15 DROMEDARE, (Spenser)...
droopiness 18 15 the state of being d...
dropcloths 26 20 DROPCLOTH, a cloth d...
dropforges 22 19 DROPFORGE, to forge...
droplights 25 19 DROPLIGHT, an appara...
dropsondes 18 16 DROPSONDE, a radioso...
dropstones 18 15 DROPSTONE, a stone e...
drossiness 17 12 the quality of being...
drowsiheds 23 17 DROWSIHED, (Spenser)...
drowsiness 20 15 the state of being d...
drudgeries 19 15 DRUDGERY, hard, tedi...
drugmakers 21 21 DRUGMAKER, one who m...
drugstores 19 14 DRUGSTORE, (US) a ch...
druidesses 18 13 DRUIDESS, a female d...
drumfishes 24 20 DRUMFISH, a fish tha...
drumsticks 25 22 DRUMSTICK, a stick w...
drupaceous 22 19 pertaining to drupes...
dryasdusts 25 15 DRYASDUST, a boring...
drysalters 25 14 DRYSALTER, a seller...
duathletes 20 15 DUATHLETE, someone w...
duckboards 24 23 DUCKBOARD, a board w...
duckshoves 26 25 DUCKSHOVE, (Australi...
dudenesses 16 14 DUDENESS, the state...
dufferdoms 23 22 DUFFERDOM, being a d...
dufferisms 24 21 DUFFERISM, being a d...
duikerboks 22 23 DUIKERBOK, (Afrikaan...
dulcamaras 22 19 DULCAMARA, (Latin) a...
dulcetness 21 17 the state of being d...
dulcimores 23 19 DULCIMORE, a musical...
dulcitudes 23 18 DULCITUDE, sweetness...
dullnesses 19 15 DULLNESS, the state...
dumbfounds 23 24 DUMBFOUND, to strike...
dumbnesses 20 19 DUMBNESS, the state...
dumosities 19 15 DUMOSITY, bushiness...
dumptrucks 27 26 DUMPTRUCK, a lorry w...
dungeoners 16 16 DUNGEONER, a gaoler...
duodecimos 21 19 DUODECIMO, a duodeci...
duodenitis 17 14 inflammation of the...
duopsonies 18 16 DUOPSONY, the market...
duplicands 24 21 DUPLICAND, something...
duplicates 24 19 DUPLICATE, to copy [...
duralumins 20 18 DURALUMIN, (tradenam...
duricrusts 23 16 DURICRUST, gravel, s...
durometers 18 15 DUROMETER, an instru...
dusknesses 18 17 DUSKNESS, duskiness...
dustcloths 25 18 DUSTCLOTH, a cloth u...
dustcovers 23 19 DUSTCOVER, a cover t...
dustsheets 20 14 DUSTSHEET, a sheet t...
duststorms 20 15 DUSTSTORM, a storm o...
dynameters 23 17 DYNAMETER, an instru...
dynamiters 24 17 DYNAMITER, (archaic)...
dynamotors 23 17 DYNAMOTOR, a kind of...
dynorphins 27 20 DYNORPHIN, a drug us...
dysbindins 26 19 DYSBINDIN, a gene as...
dyschroias 29 18 DYSCHROIA, discolora...
dyscrasias 27 16 DYSCRASIA, (obsolete...
dysgeneses 23 16 DYSGENESIS, sterilit...
dysgenesis 24 16 sterility in hybrid...
dyslectics 32 20 DYSLECTIC, one suffe...
dyspathies 28 18 DYSPATHY, dislike, a...
dyspepsias 28 19 DYSPEPSIA, severe in...
dyspepsies 28 19 DYSPEPSY, indigestio...
dyspeptics 32 22 DYSPEPTIC, someone s...
dysphagias 29 20 DYSPHAGIA, pathologi...
dysphagies 29 20 DYSPHAGY, difficulty...
dysphasias 28 18 DYSPHASIA, impairmen...
dysphasics 32 21 DYSPHASIC, someone s...
dysphonias 27 19 DYSPHONIA, physical...
dysphorias 28 18 DYSPHORIA, depressio...
dysplasias 27 17 DYSPLASIA, abnormal...
dyspraxias 32 23 DYSPRAXIA, an impair...
dysthesias 26 15 DYSTHESIA, a morbid...
dysthymias 34 20 DYSTHYMIA, a mild de...
dysthymics 38 23 DYSTHYMIC, one given...
dystopians 25 17 DYSTOPIAN, a believe...
dziggetais 23 24 DZIGGETAI, (Mongolia...
eaglehawks 24 22 EAGLEHAWK, a large b...
eaglewoods 20 17 EAGLEWOOD, a kind of...
earbashers 20 15 EARBASHER, (Australi...
earlywoods 26 17 EARLYWOOD, the wood...
earthfalls 23 17 EARTHFALL, a landsli...
earthiness 18 13 the state of being e...
earthlings 21 16 EARTHLING, an inhabi...
earthrises 19 12 EARTHRISE, the risin...
earthstars 19 12 EARTHSTAR, a fungus...
earthwards 22 16 in the direction of...
earthwaxes 27 22 EARTHWAX, a natural...
earthworks 23 19 EARTHWORK, a fortifi...
earthworms 23 18 EARTHWORM, the commo...
earwitness 19 14 a witness that can t...
easinesses 15 11 EASINESS, the state...
easterlies 17 11 EASTERLY, a wind fro...
easterners 15 11 EASTERNER, one who l...
eavesdrips 21 18 EAVESDRIP, the water...
eavesdrops 20 18 EAVESDROP, the water...
ebrillades 21 16 EBRILLADE, (French)...
eccentrics 26 20 ECCENTRIC, one who i...
ecchymoses 32 23 ECCHYMOSIS, discolor...
ecchymosis 33 23 discoloration of the...
ecdysiasts 27 16 ECDYSIAST, a stripte...
echeverias 23 19 ECHEVERIA, a kind of...
echidnines 21 18 ECHIDNINE, snake-poi...
echinaceas 23 19 ECHINACEA, a plant o...
echiuroids 23 17 ECHIUROID, any of a...
echographs 27 22 ECHOGRAPH, an echo-s...
echolalias 23 17 ECHOLALIA, the often...
echopraxes 29 25 ECHOPRAXIS, in menta...
echopraxis 30 25 in mental illness, e...
eclampsias 24 20 ECLAMPSIA, a fancied...
eclampsies 24 20 ECLAMPSY, a fancied...
eclipsises 24 17 ECLIPSIS, a figure o...
ecologists 22 16 ECOLOGIST, a student...
ecommerces 24 22 ECOMMERCE, business...
econoboxes 25 24 ECONOBOX, a small ec...
economises 19 17 ECONOMISE, to make e...
economisms 21 20 ECONOMISM, a belief...
economists 20 17 ECONOMIST, a student...
economizes 22 26 ECONOMIZE, to make e...
ecophobias 25 21 ECOPHOBIA, fear of o...
ecoregions 19 16 ECOREGION, an area d...
ecospecies 24 19 a group of ecotypes...
ecospheres 23 18 ECOSPHERE, the biosp...
ecossaises 19 13 ECOSSAISE, (French)...
ecosystems 27 18 ECOSYSTEM, all the o...
ecotarians 18 14 ECOTARIAN, a person...
ecphoneses 22 19 ECPHONESIS, an anima...
ecphonesis 23 19 an animated or passi...
ecritoires 20 13 ECRITOIRE, (French)...
ecstasises 20 13 ECSTASIS [v]
ecstasizes 23 22 ECSTASIZE, to be ecs...
ecthlipses 26 19 ECTHLIPSIS, the omis...
ecthlipsis 27 19 the omission of one...
ectoblasts 23 17 ECTOBLAST, the outer...
ectocrines 22 17 ECTOCRINE, any metab...
ectogenies 19 16 ECTOGENY, the effect...
ectogenous 19 17 of a parasite, that...
ectomorphs 25 21 ECTOMORPH, a psychop...
ectophytes 30 20 ECTOPHYTE, a vegetab...
ectoplasms 24 20 ECTOPLASM, the outer...
ectoprocts 25 19 ECTOPROCT, a bryozoa...
ectotherms 23 18 ECTOTHERM, a cold-bl...
ectropions 21 17 ECTROPION, an unnatu...
ectropiums 24 20 ECTROPIUM, an unnatu...
ecumenisms 22 21 ECUMENISM, the doctr...
ecumenists 21 18 ECUMENIST, an adhere...
eczematous 23 26 pertaining to eczema...
edentulous 17 15 without teeth, also...
edginesses 17 14 EDGINESS, the state...
edibleness 19 16 suitableness for bei...
editorials 18 12 EDITORIAL, an articl...
editresses 17 11 EDITRESS, a female e...
educations 19 16 EDUCATION, bringing...
educements 20 19 EDUCEMENT, the act o...
eelgrasses 18 13 EELGRASS, any of sev...
eerinesses 15 11 EERINESS, the state...
effectives 26 23 EFFECTIVE, an effect...
effectless 25 20 without effect or ad...
efferences 22 20 EFFERENCE, the act o...
effeteness 19 17 the state of being e...
efficacies 27 22 EFFICACY, effectiven...
efficients 24 20 EFFICIENT, a trained...
effluences 24 22 EFFLUENCE, flowing o...
effluviums 27 26 EFFLUVIUM, disagreea...
effluxions 28 26 EFFLUXION, the act o...
effortless 22 17 showing or requiring...
egarements 17 16 EGAREMENT, (French)...
eggbeaters 20 17 EGGBEATER, a utensil...
eglantines 17 15 EGLANTINE, sweetbria...
egomaniacs 20 19 EGOMANIAC, one suffe...
egotheisms 21 17 EGOTHEISM, identific...
egressions 17 13 EGRESSION, the act o...
egressives 20 16 EGRESSIVE, an egress...
eiderdowns 19 16 EIDERDOWN, the soft...
eidographs 22 18 EIDOGRAPH, an instru...
eigenmodes 17 17 EIGENMODE, (German)...
eigentones 15 14 EIGENTONE, (German)...
eightballs 25 19 EIGHTBALL, the black...
eightfoils 24 18 EIGHTFOIL, an eight-...
eightieths 23 16 EIGHTIETH, one of ei...
eightsomes 21 17 EIGHTSOME, a group o...
eirenicons 18 15 EIRENICON, (Greek) a...
ejaculates 22 24 EJACULATE, to exclai...
ejectments 22 26 EJECTMENT, expulsion...
elaborates 18 14 ELABORATE, to produc...
elaeolites 17 12 ELAEOLITE, a variety...
elaiosomes 17 14 ELAIOSOME, an oil-ri...
elastances 19 15 ELASTANCE, the recip...
elastomers 18 14 ELASTOMER, any rubbe...
elatedness 16 13 the state of being e...
elaterites 17 11 ELATERITE, elastic b...
elateriums 19 15 ELATERIUM, a substan...
elbowrooms 23 20 ELBOWROOM, room to e...
eldercares 20 15 ELDERCARE, care of t...
elderships 23 17 ELDERSHIP, the state...
electoress 20 14 the wife or widow of...
electrises 21 14 ELECTRISE, to make e...
electrizes 24 23 ELECTRIZE, to make e...
electrodes 20 15 ELECTRODE, a conduct...
eledoisins 17 13 ELEDOISIN, a small p...
elegancies 20 17 ELEGANCY, the state...
elementals 18 16 ELEMENTAL, an elemen...
eleoptenes 17 15 ELEOPTENE, the liqui...
elevations 18 16 ELEVATION, the act o...
elfishness 22 17 being like an elf, a...
eliminants 18 16 ELIMINANT, an agent...
eliminates 18 15 ELIMINATE, to remove...
ellipsoids 22 16 ELLIPSOID, a solid,...
elocutions 20 16 ELOCUTION, the art o...
eloinments 17 16 ELOINMENT, the act o...
elopements 19 18 ELOPEMENT, the act o...
eloquences 27 25 ELOQUENCE, the power...
elucidates 21 16 ELUCIDATE, to make c...
elutriates 18 12 ELUTRIATE, to separa...
elvishness 22 18 being like an elf, a...
emanations 15 15 EMANATION, a flowing...
emanatists 17 14 EMANATIST, one who b...
emballings 23 21 EMBALLING, the act o...
embalmings 23 23 EMBALMING, the act o...
embarrings 21 19 EMBARRING, the act o...
embassades 19 17 EMBASSADE, (Shakespe...
embassages 20 18 EMBASSAGE, an embass...
embayments 26 22 EMBAYMENT, a bay; a...
embeddings 21 21 EMBEDDING, the techn...
embedments 20 21 EMBEDMENT, the act o...
embezzlers 27 35 EMBEZZLER, one who e...
emblements 21 21 crops raised by the...
emblemises 22 20 EMBLEMISE, to repres...
emblemizes 25 29 EMBLEMIZE, to repres...
emblossoms 22 20 EMBLOSSOM, to cover...
emboscatas 22 19 EMBOSCATA, (Italian)...
embowments 23 23 EMBOWMENT, the act o...
embraceors 22 19 EMBRACEOR, a person...
embrangles 21 20 EMBRANGLE, (archaic)...
embrasures 20 17 EMBRASURE, (French)...
embrazures 23 26 EMBRAZURE, (French)...
embreathes 21 18 EMBREATHE, (archaic)...
embrittles 22 17 EMBRITTLE, (archaic)...
embrocates 22 19 EMBROCATE, to moiste...
embroglios 22 19 EMBROGLIO, (Italian)...
embroiders 20 17 EMBROIDER, to orname...
embroilers 21 17 EMBROILER, one who e...
emendators 16 15 EMENDATOR, one who e...
emergences 20 19 EMERGENCE, the act o...
emications 20 17 EMICATION, a sparkli...
eminencies 19 18 EMINENCY, a high sta...
emissaries 18 13 EMISSARY, a person s...
emittances 20 17 EMITTANCE, the energ...
emmetropes 20 19 EMMETROPE, a person...
emolliates 19 15 EMOLLIATE, to soften...
emollients 19 16 EMOLLIENT, something...
emoluments 19 19 EMOLUMENT, payment;...
emotivisms 22 20 EMOTIVISM, the theor...
empathises 22 18 EMPATHISE, to enter...
empathists 23 18 EMPATHIST, one who e...
empathizes 25 27 EMPATHIZE, to enter...
empennages 18 20 EMPENNAGE, (French)...
emperishes 22 18 EMPERISH, (Spenser)...
emphasises 22 18 EMPHASIS [v]
emphasizes 25 27 EMPHASIZE, to add em...
emphysemas 29 23 EMPHYSEMA, a swellin...
empiricals 25 20 EMPIRICAL, in statis...
emplasters 21 17 EMPLASTER, (obsolete...
emplastics 25 20 EMPLASTIC, a medicin...
empleaches 25 22 EMPLEACH, to intertw...
emplectons 23 21 EMPLECTON, (archaic)...
emplectums 26 24 EMPLECTUM, (archaic)...
emulations 18 16 EMULATION, the act o...
emulatress 19 15 (obsolete) a female...
emulgences 22 21 EMULGENCE, (archaic)...
emulsifies 22 18 EMULSIFY, to convert...
emunctions 20 19 EMUNCTION, the act o...
enactments 19 18 ENACTMENT, the passi...
enalaprils 20 16 ENALAPRIL, an ace in...
enamelings 18 18 ENAMELING, the act o...
enamelists 18 15 ENAMELIST, one who e...
enamellers 18 16 ENAMELLER, one who e...
enamorados 15 15 ENAMORADO, (obsolete...
enanthemas 17 17 ENANTHEMA, an ulcer...
enantioses 14 12 ENANTIOSIS, the rhet...
enantiosis 15 12 the rhetorical devic...
encapsules 22 19 ENCAPSULE, to encaps...
encarpuses 21 18 ENCARPUS, a frieze d...
encaustics 23 18 ENCAUSTIC, an ancien...
enchanters 20 17 ENCHANTER, one who e...
encheasons 19 17 ENCHEASON, (Spenser)...
enchiladas 22 18 ENCHILADA, (Spanish)...
enclosures 20 16 ENCLOSURE, the act o...
encolpions 21 19 ENCOLPION, (Greek) a...
encolpiums 24 22 ENCOLPIUM, a reliqua...
encomiasts 20 17 ENCOMIAST, a person...
encopreses 20 17 ENCOPRESIS, the invo...
encopresis 21 17 the involuntary disc...
encounters 18 16 ENCOUNTER, to meet [...
encourages 19 17 ENCOURAGE, to hearte...
encrimsons 20 18 ENCRIMSON, to colour...
encrinites 19 15 ENCRINITE, a fossil...
encroaches 23 19 ENCROACH, to intrude...
encurtains 19 16 ENCURTAIN, to enclos...
endamoebas 17 18 ENDAMOEBA, (Latin) a...
endarchies 21 17 ENDARCHY, the condit...
endeavours 17 17 ENDEAVOUR, to try, a...
endecagons 18 18 ENDECAGON, an eleven...
endeixises 22 19 ENDEIXIS, in medicin...
endenizens 17 23 ENDENIZEN, to admit...
endoblasts 19 16 ENDOBLAST, the inner...
endocrines 18 16 ENDOCRINE, a gland t...
endodermis 17 16 a close-set sheath,...
endogamies 17 17 ENDOGAMY, the practi...
endogamous 17 18 marrying within the...
endogenies 15 15 ENDOGENY, growth fro...
endogenous 15 16 produced or growing...
endolymphs 29 23 ENDOLYMPH, the water...
endomorphs 21 20 ENDOMORPH, a person...
endophytes 26 19 ENDOPHYTE, an endopa...
endoplasms 20 19 ENDOPLASM, the proto...
endoprocts 21 18 ENDOPROCT, a small a...
endorphins 20 18 ENDORPHIN, any of a...
endoscopes 20 18 ENDOSCOPE, an instru...
endosmoses 16 15 ENDOSMOS, a form of...
endosmosis 17 15 the transmission of...
endosperms 19 18 ENDOSPERM, in a seed...
endospores 17 15 ENDOSPORE, the thin...
endostoses 15 12 ENDOSTOSIS, the conv...
endostosis 16 12 the conversion of ca...
endostyles 23 15 ENDOSTYLE, a fold of...
endotherms 19 17 ENDOTHERM, a warm-bl...
endotoxins 21 20 ENDOTOXIN, a toxin o...
endowments 19 19 ENDOWMENT, the act o...
endungeons 15 17 ENDUNGEON, to shut u...
endurances 18 17 ENDURANCE, the capac...
energetics 20 16 that branch of scien...
energisers 17 13 ENERGISER, something...
energizers 20 22 ENERGIZER, something...
energumens 17 18 ENERGUMEN, (obsolete...
enervators 17 15 ENERVATOR, something...
enfeeblers 20 18 ENFEEBLER, something...
enfreedoms 18 18 ENFREEDOM, (Shakespe...
engarlands 17 16 ENGARLAND, to encirc...
engendures 16 16 ENGENDURE, (archaic)...
engineries 16 14 ENGINERY, the act or...
engouments 17 18 ENGOUMENT, (French)...
engrainers 16 14 ENGRAINER, one who e...
engravings 20 20 ENGRAVING, the act o...
engrenages 16 16 ENGRENAGE, (French)...
engrossers 17 13 ENGROSSER, one who c...
engyscopes 28 21 ENGYSCOPE, (obsolete...
enheartens 16 14 ENHEARTEN, to encour...
enhydrites 25 16 ENHYDRITE, a mineral...
enhydroses 24 16 ENHYDROS, a variety...
enjoinders 17 22 ENJOINDER, an order...
enjoyments 24 26 ENJOYMENT, the act o...
enkindlers 18 18 ENKINDLER, one who e...
enlightens 20 17 ENLIGHTEN, to impart...
enliveners 18 17 ENLIVENER, something...
enneagrams 16 17 ENNEAGRAM, a persona...
enokidakes 17 20 ENOKIDAKE, (Japanese...
enokitakes 17 19 ENOKITAKE, (Japanese...
enologists 18 14 ENOLOGIST, one who s...
enormities 17 14 ENORMITY, a great cr...
enranckles 20 20 ENRANCKLE, (Spenser)...
enraptures 18 15 ENRAPTURE, to deligh...
enravishes 20 17 ENRAVISH, to enraptu...
enrolments 17 16 ENROLMENT, the act o...
ensheathes 19 15 ENSHEATHE, to enclos...
enshelters 19 14 ENSHELTER, (Shakespe...
enshrinees 17 14 ENSHRINEE, one who i...
ensigncies 20 17 ENSIGNCY, the rank o...
ensorcells 21 16 ENSORCELL, (archaic)...
enstatites 16 11 ENSTATITE, a mineral...
entamoebas 17 17 ENTAMOEBA, (Latin) a...
entanglers 17 15 ENTANGLER, one who e...
entelluses 18 14 ENTELLUS, an East In...
entertains 15 12 ENTERTAIN, to hold t...
entertakes 16 15 ENTERTAKE, (Spenser)...
enthalpies 21 17 ENTHALPY, the total...
enthymemes 26 21 ENTHYMEME, an argume...
entireness 15 12 the state of being e...
entireties 16 11 ENTIRETY, completene...
entoblasts 19 15 ENTOBLAST, the inner...
entophytes 26 18 ENTOPHYTE, a vegetab...
entoprocts 21 17 ENTOPROCT, any of a...
entourages 16 14 ENTOURAGE, (French)...
entrainers 15 12 ENTRAINER, one who e...
entrammels 19 18 ENTRAMMEL, to tramme...
entrappers 20 17 ENTRAPPER, one who e...
entreaties 15 11 ENTREATY, an earnest...
entrechats 21 16 ENTRECHAT, (French)...
entrecotes 18 14 ENTRECOTE, (French)...
entrenches 20 17 ENTRENCH, to fix fir...
entropions 17 15 ENTROPION, the inver...
entropiums 20 18 ENTROPIUM, (Latin) t...
enucleates 19 16 ENUCLEATE, to bring...
enumerates 16 15 ENUMERATE, to count,...
enunciates 18 16 ENUNCIATE, to pronou...
enuredness 15 14 the state of being e...
enurements 16 16 ENUREMENT, the act o...
enuresises 16 12 ENURESIS, involuntar...
envelopers 20 19 ENVELOPER, one who e...
envermeils 20 19 ENVERMEIL, (Milton)...
environics 21 19 the study of the met...
envoyships 29 22 ENVOYSHIP, the offic...
enwreathes 20 16 ENWREATHE, to surrou...
eohippuses 23 19 EOHIPPUS, an ancesto...
epanodoses 16 15 EPANODOS, (Greek) a...
eparchates 23 18 EPARCHATE, the provi...
epaulettes 19 15 EPAULETTE, (French)...
epentheses 19 16 EPENTHESIS, the inse...
epenthesis 20 16 the insertion of an...
epexegeses 24 22 EPEXEGESIS, addition...
epexegesis 25 22 additional explanati...
ephedrines 20 17 EPHEDRINE, an alkalo...
ephemerals 22 19 EPHEMERAL, a creatur...
ephemerids 22 19 EPHEMERID, an insect...
ephemerons 20 19 EPHEMERON, something...
ephemerous 21 19 ephemeral [adj]
epicalyces 32 22 EPICALYX, a set of b...
epicalyxes 35 26 EPICALYX, a set of b...
epicanthus 24 20 a fold of skin over...
epicenisms 23 20 EPICENISM, the state...
epicenters 21 17 EPICENTER, (US) the...
epicentres 21 17 EPICENTRE, the point...
epicureans 21 18 EPICUREAN, someone w...
epicurises 23 17 EPICURISE, (archaic)...
epicurisms 25 20 EPICURISM, the doctr...
epicurizes 26 26 EPICURIZE, (archaic)...
epididymis 28 20 a mass of sperm-carr...
epidosites 19 14 EPIDOSITE, a rock co...
epigeneses 18 16 EPIGENESIS, the theo...
epigenesis 19 16 the theory of embryo...
epigenists 20 16 EPIGENIST, one who s...
epiglottis 22 16 a cartilaginous flap...
epigonisms 21 19 EPIGONISM, the state...
epilations 19 15 EPILATION, the loss...
epilepsies 22 17 EPILEPSY, a disorder...
epileptics 26 20 EPILEPTIC, one suffe...
epilobiums 24 21 EPILOBIUM, a genus o...
epilogises 21 16 EPILOGISE, to speak...
epilogists 22 16 EPILOGIST, one who w...
epilogizes 24 25 EPILOGIZE, to speak...
epimerases 19 16 EPIMERASE, an enzyme...
epimerises 20 16 EPIMERISE, to make i...
epimerisms 22 19 EPIMERISM, optical i...
epimerizes 23 25 EPIMERIZE, to make a...
epinasties 18 14 EPINASTY, a downward...
epinicions 21 18 EPINICION, (Greek) a...
epinikians 19 19 EPINIKIAN, an ode ce...
epinikions 19 19 EPINIKION, (Greek) a...
epiphanies 22 19 EPIPHANY, an appeara...
epiphanous 22 20 of or like an epipha...
epiphragms 26 23 EPIPHRAGM, the disc...
epipolisms 24 20 EPIPOLISM, fluoresce...
epirrhemas 22 18 EPIRRHEMA, (Greek) i...
episcopies 24 19 EPISCOPY, (Milton) s...
epistasies 19 13 EPISTASY, a suppress...
epistemics 24 19 the study of knowled...
epistolers 20 14 EPISTOLER, the reade...
epistolets 20 14 EPISTOLET, a little...
epitaphers 23 18 EPITAPHER, a writer...
epithetons 20 16 EPITHETON, an epithe...
epitomises 20 16 EPITOMISE, to make a...
epitomists 21 16 EPITOMIST, one who m...
epitomizes 23 25 EPITOMIZE, to make a...
epizootics 25 25 EPIZOOTIC, an epizoo...
epizooties 21 22 EPIZOOTY, a type of...
epoxidises 25 21 EPOXIDISE, to conver...
epoxidizes 28 30 EPOXIDIZE, to conver...
epulations 19 16 EPULATION, feasting,...
epurations 18 15 EPURATION, purificat...
equalisers 26 21 EQUALISER, a goal th...
equalities 26 21 EQUALITY, the state...
equalizers 29 30 EQUALIZER, a goal th...
equanimous 25 25 of an even, composed...
equinities 25 21 EQUINITY, equine nat...
equipments 28 27 EQUIPMENT, things us...
equipoises 27 23 EQUIPOISE, to provid...
equisetums 27 24 EQUISETUM, (Latin) a...
equivoques 35 34 EQUIVOQUE, an ambigu...
eradicants 19 15 ERADICANT, something...
eradicates 19 14 ERADICATE, to root o...
erasements 16 14 ERASEMENT, the act o...
eremitisms 20 16 EREMITISM, the state...
eremuruses 18 15 EREMURUS, a flower,...
ergataners 16 13 ERGATANER, a worker-...
ergographs 23 19 ERGOGRAPH, an instru...
ergomanias 17 16 ERGOMANIA, excessive...
ergometers 18 15 ERGOMETER, an instru...
ergonomics 21 19 ERGONOMIC [n]
ericaceous 22 17 belonging to the hea...
erinaceous 18 15 of, relating to, or...
eriometers 17 13 ERIOMETER, an instru...
eriophyids 28 18 ERIOPHYID, any of a...
eroticises 20 13 EROTICISE, to render...
eroticisms 22 16 EROTICISM, erotic qu...
eroticists 21 13 EROTICIST, one of an...
eroticizes 23 22 EROTICIZE, to render...
errantries 16 11 ERRANTRY, roaming ar...
eruditions 17 13 ERUDITION, learning...
ervalentas 18 16 ERVALENTA, lentil-me...
erysipelas 26 16 a febrile disease ac...
erythrinas 25 15 ERYTHRINA, a plant o...
erythrisms 28 17 ERYTHRISM, a conditi...
erythrites 26 14 ERYTHRITE, a reddish...
escabeches 26 21 ESCABECHE, pickled v...
escaladers 20 15 ESCALADER, one who e...
escaladoes 19 15 ESCALADO, (French) t...
escalators 20 14 ESCALATOR, a moving...
escapadoes 20 17 ESCAPADO, an escaped...
escapeless 22 17 without escape [adj]
escheators 21 15 ESCHEATOR, (historic...
esclandres 20 16 ESCLANDRE, (French)...
escopettes 21 16 ESCOPETTE, (French)...
escortages 20 15 ESCORTAGE, (US) esco...
escribanos 21 17 ESCRIBANO, (Spanish)...
esoterisms 18 13 ESOTERISM, the holdi...
esotropias 18 13 ESOTROPIA, a conditi...
espagnoles 19 17 ESPAGNOLE, (French)...
esperances 20 17 ESPERANCE, (Shakespe...
espionages 18 16 ESPIONAGE, the pract...
esplanades 18 16 ESPLANADE, (French)...
essayettes 22 12 ESSAYETTE, a short e...
essentials 17 12 ESSENTIAL, something...
estafettes 18 13 ESTAFETTE, (French)...
estaminets 17 14 ESTAMINET, (French)...
esterifies 19 13 ESTERIFY, to convert...
esthesises 19 12 ESTHESIS, the abilit...
estimators 18 13 ESTIMATOR, one who e...
estivators 19 14 ESTIVATOR, an animal...
estoppages 21 18 ESTOPPAGE, the condi...
estradiols 18 12 ESTRADIOL, a natural...
estrangers 17 13 ESTRANGER, one who e...
estrapades 18 14 ESTRAPADE, (French)...
estrildids 20 13 ESTRILDID, any membe...
esuriences 19 15 ESURIENCE, greed, gl...
eternities 16 11 ETERNITY, duration w...
ethanoates 16 13 ETHANOATE, an ester...
etherifies 21 15 ETHERIFY, to convert...
etherisers 19 12 ETHERISER, one who e...
etherizers 22 21 ETHERIZER, one who a...
ethionines 17 14 ETHIONINE, an amino...
ethnicisms 24 19 ETHNICISM, conscious...
ethnocides 21 17 ETHNOCIDE, the exter...
ethologies 20 15 ETHOLOGY, the study...
etiologies 18 13 ETIOLOGY, the scienc...
etiquettes 25 20 ETIQUETTE, (French)...
etrangeres 16 13 ETRANGERE, (French)...
eucalyptus 30 21 a large Australian t...
eucaryotes 25 16 EUCARYOTE, an organi...
eucharises 22 16 EUCHARIS, a plant of...
euchlorins 23 18 EUCHLORIN, an explos...
eucryphias 31 21 EUCRYPHIA, a tree or...
eudemonias 16 16 EUDEMONIA, happiness...
eudemonics 20 19 the art or theory of...
eudialytes 24 15 EUDIALYTE, a silicat...
euglenoids 18 16 EUGLENOID, any membe...
eukaryotes 23 17 EUKARYOTE, an organi...
eulogisers 19 14 EULOGISER, one who e...
eulogizers 22 23 EULOGIZER, one who e...
eumelanins 17 17 EUMELANIN, any melan...
eunuchises 22 18 EUNUCHISE, to make a...
eunuchisms 24 21 EUNUCHISM, the state...
eunuchizes 25 27 EUNUCHIZE, to make a...
eunuchoids 22 19 EUNUCHOID, a eunucho...
euonymuses 23 18 EUONYMUS, a plant of...
euphausids 22 18 EUPHAUSID, one of a...
euphemises 22 19 EUPHEMISE, to speak...
euphemisms 24 22 EUPHEMISM, a figure...
euphemists 23 19 EUPHEMIST, one who e...
euphemizes 25 28 EUPHEMIZE, to speak...
euphonious 20 18 agreeable in sound,...
euphonises 20 17 EUPHONISE, to make e...
euphonisms 22 20 EUPHONISM, the custo...
euphoniums 22 21 EUPHONIUM, a musical...
euphonizes 23 26 EUPHONIZE, to make e...
euphorbias 23 19 EUPHORBIA, any herb...
euphrasias 21 16 EUPHRASIA, eyebright...
euphrasies 21 16 EUPHRASY, eyebright,...
euplastics 24 18 the art of healing [...
euploidies 20 16 EUPLOIDY, the state...
eurocreeps 21 17 EUROCREEP, the gradu...
europhiles 22 17 EUROPHILE, one who a...
eurytherms 27 18 EURYTHERM, an organi...
eurythmics 31 21 a system of rhythmic...
eurythmies 27 18 EURYTHMY, rhythmical...
eutectoids 20 15 EUTECTOID, an alloy...
euthanases 17 14 EUTHANASE, to subjec...
euthanazes 20 23 EUTHANAZE, to subjec...
euthanises 18 14 EUTHANISE, to subjec...
euthanizes 21 23 EUTHANIZE, to subjec...
euthenists 19 14 EUTHENIST, a student...
eutherians 18 14 EUTHERIAN, a placent...
euthyroids 26 16 EUTHYROID, someone w...
eutrophies 21 16 EUTROPHY, healthy nu...
evacuators 21 18 EVACUATOR, something...
evagations 18 17 EVAGATION, wandering...
evaginates 18 17 EVAGINATE, to turn i...
evaluators 19 16 EVALUATOR, one who e...
evangelies 19 18 EVANGELY, (obsolete)...
evanitions 17 16 EVANITION, vanishing...
evaporates 19 17 EVAPORATE, to change...
evaporites 20 17 EVAPORITE, a sedimen...
evenements 17 19 EVENEMENT, (French)...
evennesses 16 16 EVENNESS, the state...
eventrates 17 15 EVENTRATE, to open t...
eventuates 17 16 EVENTUATE, to turn o...
everglades 20 18 EVERGLADE, a swampy...
evergreens 18 17 EVERGREEN, a tree or...
evildoings 21 19 EVILDOING, the doing...
evilnesses 19 16 EVILNESS, the qualit...
evitations 18 15 EVITATION, a shunnin...
evocations 20 18 EVOCATION, the act o...
evolutions 19 17 EVOLUTION, the cumul...
evonymuses 25 21 EVONYMUS, a plant of...
exactments 26 24 EXACTMENT, exactness...
exahertzes 27 28 EXAHERTZ, one quinti...
examinants 22 22 EXAMINANT, one who e...
examinates 22 21 EXAMINATE, a person...
exanthemas 24 23 EXANTHEMA, a skin er...
exarations 21 18 EXARATION, the act o...
exarchates 27 22 EXARCHATE, the offic...
exarchists 29 22 EXARCHIST, a support...
excambions 28 27 EXCAMBION, in Scots...
excambiums 31 30 EXCAMBIUM, in Scots...
excarnates 24 21 EXCARNATE, to depriv...
excavators 27 24 EXCAVATOR, a vehicle...
excelsiors 27 21 EXCELSIOR, slender,...
excentrics 29 24 EXCENTRIC, something...
exceptants 27 24 EXCEPTANT, something...
exceptions 27 24 EXCEPTION, the act o...
exceptious 28 24 (archaic) disposed t...
exceptless 29 24 (Shakespeare) making...
excerpters 28 23 EXCERPTER, one who m...
excerptors 28 23 EXCERPTOR, one who m...
exchangers 28 25 EXCHANGER, one who e...
exchequers 36 32 EXCHEQUER, to place...
excipients 28 24 EXCIPIENT, a substan...
exclaimers 28 24 EXCLAIMER, one who e...
exclosures 27 22 EXCLOSURE, an area s...
exclusions 27 23 EXCLUSION, the act o...
exclusives 30 26 EXCLUSIVE, an exclus...
excoriates 25 20 EXCORIATE, to abrade...
excrements 26 24 EXCREMENT, waste mat...
excretions 25 21 EXCRETION, the act o...
exculpates 29 25 EXCULPATE, to free f...
excursions 26 22 EXCURSION, to go on...
excursuses 27 22 EXCURSUS, a disserta...
execrators 25 20 EXECRATOR, one who e...
executants 25 22 EXECUTANT, one who e...
executions 25 22 EXECUTION, the act o...
executives 28 25 EXECUTIVE, a person...
executress 26 21 a female executor, a...
executries 26 21 EXECUTRY, in Scots l...
exegetists 24 19 EXEGETIST, one verse...
exemptions 25 24 EXEMPTION, the act o...
exequaturs 31 28 EXEQUATUR, (Latin) a...
exercisers 26 20 EXERCISER, one who e...
exercycles 36 26 EXERCYCLE, an exerci...
exfoliants 25 22 EXFOLIANT, a cosmeti...
exfoliates 25 21 EXFOLIATE, to separa...
exhausters 25 20 EXHAUSTER, one who,...
exhibiters 28 22 EXHIBITER, one who e...
exhibitors 28 22 EXHIBITOR, one who e...
exigencies 26 23 EXIGENCY, urgency, a...
exiguities 25 20 EXIGUITY, meagreness...
exilements 24 22 EXILEMENT, banishmen...
existences 25 21 EXISTENCE, the fact...
exocytoses 31 22 EXOCYTOSE [n]
exocytosis 32 22 the release of cellu...
exodontias 21 19 EXODONTIA, the branc...
exodontics 25 22 the branch of dental...
exoenzymes 31 32 EXOENZYME, an enzyme...
exogenisms 24 23 EXOGENISM, the state...
exonerates 20 18 EXONERATE, to clear...
exonumists 24 22 EXONUMIST, a collect...
exophagies 27 24 EXOPHAGY, a cannibal...
exophagous 27 25 relating to exophagy...
exoplanets 24 22 EXOPLANET, a planet...
exopodites 24 21 EXOPODITE, the outer...
exorations 21 18 EXORATION, (obsolete...
exorcisers 26 20 EXORCISER, one who e...
exorcizers 29 29 EXORCIZER, one who e...
exospheres 26 22 EXOSPHERE, the outer...
exosporous 24 21 of or like an exospo...
exoticises 26 20 EXOTICISE, to regard...
exoticisms 28 23 EXOTICISM, the state...
exoticists 27 20 EXOTICIST, an enthus...
exoticizes 29 29 EXOTICIZE, to regard...
exoticness 25 21 the state of being e...
exotropias 24 20 EXOTROPIA, a conditi...
expansions 23 22 EXPANSION, the act o...
expatiates 24 20 EXPATIATE, to speak...
expectants 27 24 EXPECTANT, a person...
expectings 29 26 EXPECTING, the act o...
expedients 24 22 EXPEDIENT, a means [...
expediters 25 21 EXPEDITER, one who e...
expeditors 25 21 EXPEDITOR, one who e...
expellants 26 23 EXPELLANT, something...
expellents 26 23 EXPELLENT, something...
expertises 25 20 EXPERTISE, to give a...
expertisms 27 23 EXPERTISM, possessio...
expertizes 28 29 EXPERTIZE, to give a...
expertness 24 21 a possession of spec...
expiations 24 21 EXPIATION, the act o...
expiscates 28 23 EXPISCATE, to learn...
explainers 25 22 EXPLAINER, one who e...
expletives 28 25 EXPLETIVE, a swearwo...
explicates 29 24 EXPLICATE, to explai...
exploiters 26 21 EXPLOITER, one who e...
explosions 25 22 EXPLOSION, the act o...
explosives 28 25 EXPLOSIVE, something...
expositors 25 20 EXPOSITOR, one who,...
expostures 25 21 EXPOSTURE, (Shakespe...
expounders 24 23 EXPOUNDER, one who e...
expressers 25 20 EXPRESSER, one who e...
expulsions 26 23 EXPULSION, the act o...
expurgates 26 23 EXPURGATE, to purify...
exquisites 32 27 EXQUISITE, a person...
exsections 25 21 EXSECTION, a cutting...
exsertions 22 18 EXSERTION, a protrus...
exsiccants 29 24 EXSICCANT, something...
exsiccates 29 23 EXSICCATE, to dry up...
extempores 25 23 EXTEMPORE, (Latin) a...
extensions 21 19 EXTENSION, an act of...
extenuates 21 19 EXTENUATE, to lessen...
extermines 23 21 EXTERMINE, (Shakespe...
extirpates 25 20 EXTIRPATE, to pull o...
extolments 24 22 EXTOLMENT, praise [n...
extortions 22 18 EXTORTION, the illeg...
extrabolds 26 22 EXTRABOLD, a very bo...
extractors 26 20 EXTRACTOR, one who,...
extradites 23 18 EXTRADITE, to delive...
extradoses 22 18 EXTRADOS, the outer...
extraneous 21 19 not forming an essen...
extraposes 24 20 EXTRAPOSE, to move a...
extraverts 25 21 EXTRAVERT, to turn o...
extremisms 26 23 EXTREMISM, the takin...
extremists 25 20 EXTREMIST, one who t...
extricates 26 20 EXTRICATE, to free f...
extroverts 25 21 EXTROVERT, to turn o...
extrusions 23 19 EXTRUSION, the act o...
exuberates 24 21 EXUBERATE, to be exu...
exudations 22 20 EXUDATION, the act o...
exultances 26 23 EXULTANCE, exultatio...
eyebrights 29 19 EYEBRIGHT, a small a...
eyednesses 21 14 EYEDNESS, the prefer...
eyeglasses 24 15 EYEGLASS, a lens use...
eyeleteers 22 13 EYELETEER, a small,...
eyeopeners 22 16 EYEOPENER, something...
eyepatches 29 20 EYEPATCH, a patch wo...
eyepoppers 28 21 EYEPOPPER, something...
eyeshadows 27 18 EYESHADOW, a coloure...
eyestrains 22 13 EYESTRAIN, tiredness...
eyestrings 24 15 (obsolete) organic e...
eyewitness 25 16 a witness that can t...
fabricants 24 20 FABRICANT, (archaic)...
fabricates 24 19 FABRICATE, to manufa...
fabulators 22 18 FABULATOR, one who f...
facecloths 28 22 FACECLOTH, a cloth u...
faceplates 24 20 FACEPLATE, a flat tr...
faceprints 24 20 FACEPRINT, a digital...
facialists 24 17 FACIALIST, a beautic...
facileness 22 18 the state of being f...
facilities 24 17 FACILITY, ease in pe...
facinorous 21 18 (archaic) extremely...
facsimiles 25 20 FACSIMILE, to make a...
factitious 23 17 contrived, artificia...
factorages 22 18 FACTORAGE, the fees...
factorials 23 17 FACTORIAL, the produ...
factorings 23 19 FACTORING [n]
factorises 22 16 FACTORISE, to reduce...
factorizes 25 25 FACTORIZE, to reduce...
factsheets 24 18 FACTSHEET, a printed...
fadometers 19 17 FADOMETER, an instru...
faggotings 22 20 FAGGOTING, a kind of...
faggotries 21 17 FAGGOTRY, male homos...
fagottists 21 15 FAGOTTIST, a bassoon...
faineances 19 18 FAINEANCE, (French)...
fainnesses 17 15 FAINNESS, eagerness...
fairnesses 18 14 FAIRNESS, the qualit...
fairyfloss 29 19 (Australian) candyfl...
fairyhoods 27 18 FAIRYHOOD, the state...
fairylands 26 18 FAIRYLAND, the land...
faithcures 25 19 FAITHCURE, a cure or...
falangisms 22 20 FALANGISM, membershi...
falangists 21 17 FALANGIST, a member...
falcations 22 18 FALCATION, the state...
falconoids 22 19 FALCONOID, an antiox...
falconries 22 18 FALCONRY, the sport...
faldstools 21 16 FALDSTOOL, a prayer...
fallacious 24 19 embodying or pertain...
fallboards 23 19 FALLBOARD, a cover f...
fallfishes 26 20 FALLFISH, a freshwat...
fallowness 23 19 the state of being f...
falsefaces 24 20 FALSEFACE, a mask [n...
falsehoods 21 17 FALSEHOOD, a lie [n]
falseworks 24 21 FALSEWORK, a tempora...
falsifiers 23 17 FALSIFIER, one who f...
falterings 21 17 FALTERING, the act o...
famousness 19 18 the state of being f...
fancyworks 32 26 FANCYWORK, ornamenta...
fandangles 19 19 FANDANGLE, an elabor...
fandangoes 17 18 FANDANGO, (Spanish)...
fanfarades 19 18 FANFARADE, (French)...
fanfaronas 18 18 FANFARONA, (Scott) a...
fantasises 18 14 FANTASISE, to visual...
fantasists 19 14 FANTASIST, one who f...
fantasizes 21 23 FANTASIZE, to visual...
fantasques 26 24 FANTASQUE, (obsolete...
fantastics 22 17 FANTASTIC, a person...
faradisers 19 14 FARADISER, one who f...
faradizers 22 23 FARADIZER, one who f...
farandines 17 16 FARANDINE, (obsolete...
farandoles 18 16 FARANDOLE, (French)...
farcemeats 22 19 FARCEMEAT, meat chop...
farmhouses 22 19 FARMHOUSE, the farme...
farmsteads 20 17 FARMSTEAD, a farmhou...
farnarkels 20 19 FARNARKEL, (Australi...
farrieries 19 13 FARRIERY, the trade...
fascicules 27 21 FASCICULE, a bundle;...
fasciculus 28 22 (Latin) a little bun...
fascinates 21 17 FASCINATE, to intere...
fascitises 23 16 FASCITIS, inflammati...
fashioners 20 16 FASHIONER, one who f...
fastenings 19 17 FASTENING, something...
fastidious 20 15 showing a meticulous...
fastigiums 23 19 FASTIGIUM, (Latin) t...
fastnesses 18 14 FASTNESS, the qualit...
fatalities 20 14 FATALITY, a person w...
fatherings 22 18 FATHERING, the male...
fatherless 22 16 without a father [ad...
fathomless 23 19 incapable of being f...
fattenings 19 17 FATTENING, the act o...
faucetries 22 17 FAUCETRY, an array o...
faulchions 25 21 FAULCHION, a curved...
faultiness 20 16 the state of being f...
faultlines 21 17 FAULTLINE, a surface...
fauxmances 28 28 FAUXMANCE, (colloqui...
favourites 21 18 FAVOURITE, a person...
favourless 22 19 without favour, also...
featliness 19 15 the state of being f...
febriculas 26 21 FEBRICULA, a slight...
febricules 26 21 FEBRICULE, a slight...
febrifuges 25 22 FEBRIFUGE, something...
feculences 25 22 FECULENCE, the state...
fecundates 21 19 FECUNDATE, to make f...
federacies 21 17 FEDERACY, confederac...
federaries 18 14 FEDERARY, (Shakespea...
federators 18 14 FEDERATOR, one who f...
feebleness 20 18 the state of being f...
feedgrains 19 17 FEEDGRAIN, cereal gr...
feedstocks 23 21 FEEDSTOCK, raw mater...
feedstuffs 24 21 FEEDSTUFF, material...
feedwaters 21 17 FEEDWATER, purified...
feistiness 19 14 the state of being f...
feldschars 26 20 FELDSCHAR, (Russian)...
feldschers 26 20 FELDSCHER, (Russian)...
feldspaths 25 20 FELDSPATH, (obsolete...
felicities 24 17 FELICITY, happiness...
felicitous 24 18 happy; prosperous [a...
felineness 18 16 the state of being f...
felinities 20 15 FELINITY, the qualit...
fellations 20 16 FELLATION, oral stim...
fellnesses 20 16 FELLNESS, extreme cr...
femaleness 19 18 the state of being f...
femalities 21 17 FEMALITY, the qualit...
femetaries 19 16 FEMETARY, a plant on...
feminacies 22 20 FEMINACY, the state...
feminities 20 17 FEMINITY, the qualit...
fenderless 19 16 not having a fender...
fenestrals 19 15 FENESTRAL, a window...
fenugreeks 20 21 FENUGREEK, a kind of...
feoffments 23 23 FEOFFMENT, the gift...
feracities 22 16 FERACITY, the state...
feretories 18 13 FERETORY, a receptac...
fermenters 19 17 FERMENTER, an agent...
fermentors 19 17 FERMENTOR, an agent...
fernallies 20 16 FERNALLY, a vascular...
fernticles 23 18 FERNTICLE, (Scots) a...
ferocities 22 16 FEROCITY, fierceness...
ferretings 20 16 FERRETING, rummaging...
ferrocenes 20 17 FERROCENE, an orange...
ferrograms 21 18 FERROGRAM, a slide p...
ferrotypes 27 18 FERROTYPE, an old fo...
ferryboats 27 18 FERRYBOAT, a boat us...
fertigates 20 15 FERTIGATE, to fertil...
fertilises 21 14 FERTILISE, to make f...
fertilizes 24 23 FERTILIZE, to make f...
fervencies 23 21 FERVENCY, eagerness...
fervidness 21 19 the state of being f...
festinates 18 14 FESTINATE, to hasten...
fetichises 25 18 FETICHISE, to make a...
fetichisms 27 21 FETICHISM, devotion...
fetichists 26 18 FETICHIST, one who w...
fetichizes 28 27 FETICHIZE, to make a...
fetidities 20 14 FETIDITY, the state...
fetiparous 21 17 of marsupials, such...
fetishises 22 15 FETISHISE, to make a...
fetishisms 24 18 FETISHISM, devotion...
fetishists 23 15 FETISHIST, one who w...
fetishizes 25 24 FETISHIZE, to make a...
fetologies 20 16 FETOLOGY, a branch o...
fetoscopes 23 19 FETOSCOPE, an instru...
fetterless 20 14 free from fetters [a...
fettucines 22 18 FETTUCINE, (Italian)...
fettucinis 23 18 FETTUCINI, (Italian)...
feudalises 20 16 FEUDALISE, to reduce...
feudalisms 22 19 FEUDALISM, the feuda...
feudalists 21 16 FEUDALIST, an uphold...
feudalizes 23 25 FEUDALIZE, to reduce...
feuilletes 21 16 FEUILLETE, (French)...
feverroots 20 17 FEVERROOT, an Americ...
feverweeds 23 21 FEVERWEED, a plant t...
feverworts 24 20 FEVERWORT, a coarse...
fiberfills 27 21 FIBERFILL, (US) synt...
fiberglass 24 19 (US) to coat with fi...
fibrefills 27 21 FIBREFILL, synthetic...
fibreglass 24 19 a synthetic fibre ma...
fibrillins 25 19 FIBRILLIN, a protein...
fibrillous 25 19 relating to or havin...
fibrinoids 22 18 FIBRINOID, a natural...
fibrocytes 31 21 FIBROCYTE, a normall...
fibrolines 22 18 FIBROLINE, a yarn of...
fibrolites 23 17 FIBROLITE, a silicat...
fibrositis 23 16 inflammation of the...
fickleness 24 22 the quality of being...
fictitious 24 17 of, relating to, or...
fiddiouses 20 16 FIDDIOUS, (Shakespea...
fidelismos 22 18 FIDELISMO, belief in...
fidelistas 21 15 FIDELISTA, a believe...
fidelities 21 15 FIDELITY, loyalty [n...
fieldboots 22 18 FIELDBOOT, a knee-le...
fieldfares 22 18 FIELDFARE, a species...
fieldvoles 23 20 FIELDVOLE, a mouse w...
fieldwards 24 19 FIELDWARD [n]
fieldworks 25 22 FIELDWORK, work (sci...
fierceness 21 17 the quality of being...
fifteeners 20 17 FIFTEENER, a verse o...
fifteenths 23 19 FIFTEENTH, one of fi...
fightbacks 30 27 FIGHTBACK, a recover...
figurantes 20 17 FIGURANTE, (Italian)...
figureless 22 17 without a figure [ad...
filaggrins 23 19 FILAGGRIN, a protein...
filariases 20 14 FILARIASIS, a diseas...
filariasis 21 14 a disease caused by...
filatories 20 14 FILATORY, a machine...
filefishes 25 19 FILEFISH, a kind of...
filialness 21 16 the state of being f...
filiations 20 15 FILIATION, the relat...
filigrains 22 17 FILIGRAIN, (French)...
filigranes 21 17 FILIGRANE, (French)...
fillagrees 22 17 FILLAGREE, a kind of...
fillesters 22 15 FILLESTER, a rabbet...
fillipeens 23 19 FILLIPEEN, (US) a ga...
fillisters 23 15 FILLISTER, a rabbet...
filmgoings 24 22 FILMGOING, the pract...
filmmakers 24 24 FILMMAKER, one who m...
filmstrips 26 20 FILMSTRIP, a film co...
filoplumes 25 22 FILOPLUME, a slender...
filoselles 22 16 FILOSELLE, (French)...
filthiness 23 17 the quality of being...
fimbriates 23 19 FIMBRIATE, to border...
fimicolous 25 21 living in or growing...
finaglings 22 20 FINAGLING, the act o...
finalisers 20 15 FINALISER, one who f...
finalities 20 15 FINALITY, the state...
finalizers 23 24 FINALIZER, one who f...
financiers 21 18 FINANCIER, to conduc...
financings 22 21 FINANCING, the act o...
finenesses 17 15 FINENESS, the qualit...
finessings 20 17 FINESSING, the act o...
fingerings 21 19 FINGERING, the choic...
fingerless 21 17 without fingers [adj...
fingertips 23 19 FINGERTIP, the end o...
finickings 25 24 FINICKING, fussiness...
finishings 23 19 FINISHING, the act o...
finiteness 18 15 the state of being f...
finnochios 23 20 FINNOCHIO, (Italian)...
finocchios 27 22 FINOCCHIO, (Italian)...
fireboards 21 17 FIREBOARD, a mantelp...
firebrands 21 18 FIREBRAND, a flaming...
firebreaks 22 20 FIREBREAK, a strip o...
firebricks 27 23 FIREBRICK, a brick r...
firebushes 24 19 FIREBUSH, as in Chil...
firecrests 23 16 FIRECREST, a bird cl...
firedrakes 20 18 FIREDRAKE, (archaic)...
firefights 26 20 FIREFIGHT, an intens...
firefloats 22 17 FIREFLOAT, a boat or...
firefloods 22 18 FIREFLOOD, a method...
fireguards 21 17 FIREGUARD, a protect...
firehouses 21 16 FIREHOUSE, (obsolete...
firelights 25 18 FIRELIGHT, the light...
fireplaces 25 20 FIREPLACE, an open r...
firepowers 24 19 FIREPOWER, the amoun...
fireproofs 23 19 FIREPROOF, to make p...
firescapes 24 19 FIRESCAPE, to arrang...
firestones 18 14 FIRESTONE, a rock, e...
firestorms 21 16 FIRESTORM, a huge bl...
firethorns 21 16 FIRETHORN, a floweri...
firetrucks 25 21 FIRETRUCK, a fire en...
firewaters 22 16 FIREWATER, strong al...
firmaments 21 20 FIRMAMENT, the sky [...
firmnesses 20 17 FIRMNESS, the state...
firstborns 22 17 FIRSTBORN, the first...
firstlings 23 17 FIRSTLING, the first...
fiscalists 25 17 FISCALIST, a public...
fishplates 25 19 FISHPLATE, an iron p...
fishybacks 35 27 FISHYBACK, (US) tran...
fissipedes 22 17 FISSIPEDE, a fissipe...
fistfights 27 20 FISTFIGHT, a fight w...
fisticuffs 29 23 FISTICUFF [n]
fitfulness 23 19 the quality of being...
fivepences 25 24 FIVEPENCE, a coin wo...
fizzenless 26 33 (Scots) weak, feeble...
flabbiness 24 21 the quality of being...
flabellums 26 23 FLABELLUM, a fan-lik...
flackeries 24 21 FLACKERY, publicity...
flagellins 23 19 FLAGELLIN, a polymer...
flagellums 25 22 FLAGELLUM, a long sl...
flageolets 21 17 FLAGEOLET, a small f...
flagginess 22 19 the condition of bei...
flagitates 21 16 FLAGITATE, to entrea...
flagitious 22 17 marked by scandalous...
flagrances 23 20 FLAGRANCE, a burning...
flagstaffs 26 22 FLAGSTAFF, a pole fo...
flagstaves 23 20 FLAGSTAFF, a pole fo...
flagsticks 27 23 FLAGSTICK, a pole fo...
flagstones 20 17 FLAGSTONE, a large p...
flamingoes 21 20 FLAMINGO, a long-leg...
flammables 25 24 FLAMMABLE, something...
flanchings 26 23 FLANCHING, a sloping...
flangeless 21 18 without a flange [ad...
flannelets 19 17 FLANNELET, a cotton...
flaptracks 27 24 FLAPTRACK, a racetra...
flarebacks 26 24 FLAREBACK, a flame i...
flashbacks 29 26 FLASHBACK, to show a...
flashbangs 25 22 FLASHBANG, a stun gr...
flashbulbs 29 24 FLASHBULB, an oxygen...
flashcards 26 20 FLASHCARD, a card sh...
flashcubes 28 23 FLASHCUBE, a plastic...
flashiness 22 17 the quality of being...
flashlamps 27 23 FLASHLAMP, an electr...
flashovers 24 20 FLASHOVER, an electr...
flashtubes 25 20 FLASHTUBE, a gas dis...
flatbreads 22 18 FLATBREAD, a type of...
flatfishes 25 19 FLATFISH, a marine f...
flatliners 21 16 FLATLINER, one who f...
flatnesses 19 15 FLATNESS, the state...
flatshares 22 16 FLATSHARE, an arrang...
flatteners 19 15 FLATTENER, something...
flatterers 20 14 FLATTERER, one who f...
flatteries 20 14 FLATTERY, the act of...
flatterous 20 15 (archaic) flattering...
flatwashes 25 19 FLATWASH, laundry th...
flaughters 24 19 FLAUGHTER, (Scots) t...
flavanones 19 20 FLAVANONE, a colourl...
flavivirus 26 23 a virus of the Flavi...
flavonoids 21 20 FLAVONOID, a kind of...
flavorings 23 21 FLAVORING [n]
flavorists 23 18 FLAVORIST, a person...
flavorless 23 19 without flavor, also...
flavourers 22 19 FLAVOURER, one who f...
flechettes 25 19 FLECHETTE, (French)...
fledglings 24 21 FLEDGLING, a young b...
fleeceless 23 18 without a fleece [ad...
fleechings 26 22 FLEECHING, flattery,...
fleeciness 22 18 the state of being f...
fleroviums 24 22 FLEROVIUM, an artifi...
fleshhoods 24 19 FLESHHOOD, the state...
fleshiness 22 17 the state of being f...
fleshlings 25 20 FLESHLING, a sensual...
fleshments 23 20 FLESHMENT, (Shakespe...
fleshworms 27 22 FLESHWORM, (archaic)...
fletchings 27 22 FLETCHING, the feath...
fleurettes 20 15 FLEURETTE, (French)...
flexihours 29 24 flexible working tim...
flexitimes 28 24 FLEXITIME, a system...
flextimers 28 24 FLEXTIMER, one who w...
flightless 26 19 without flight [adj]
flimsiness 22 18 the state of being f...
flinchings 27 23 FLINCHING, the act o...
flintheads 22 18 FLINTHEAD, an Americ...
flintifies 23 18 FLINTIFY, to turn in...
flintiness 20 16 the state of being f...
flintlocks 26 23 FLINTLOCK, an old-fa...
flipboards 25 21 FLIPBOARD, a piece o...
flipcharts 29 22 FLIPCHART, a pad, co...
floodgates 20 17 FLOODGATE, a gate fo...
floodmarks 22 22 FLOODMARK, the mark...
floodtides 20 16 FLOODTIDE, the flowi...
floodwalls 25 20 FLOODWALL, a wall bu...
floorheads 21 17 FLOORHEAD, the upper...
floorshows 25 19 FLOORSHOW, entertain...
flophouses 24 20 FLOPHOUSE, (US) a ch...
floppiness 24 21 the state of being f...
flopticals 27 21 FLOPTICAL, a type of...
floricanes 22 18 FLORICANE, the fruit...
florideans 19 16 FLORIDEAN, any of a...
florideous 20 16 relating to Floridae...
floridness 20 16 the state of being f...
floristics 25 17 the study of the num...
flosculous 25 20 composed of floscule...
flotations 19 15 FLOTATION, the act o...
flouncings 24 22 FLOUNCING [n]
flourishes 23 17 FLOURISH, to thrive...
flowcharts 29 22 FLOWCHART, a chart p...
flowerages 23 19 FLOWERAGE, the proce...
flowerbeds 25 21 FLOWERBED, a bed con...
flowerings 24 20 FLOWERING, the act o...
flowerless 24 18 without flowers [adj...
flowerpots 25 20 FLOWERPOT, a pot for...
flowmeters 24 20 FLOWMETER, an instru...
flowstones 22 18 FLOWSTONE, a general...
fluctuates 24 19 FLUCTUATE, to vary t...
fluentness 19 17 the quality of being...
fluffiness 25 22 the state of being f...
fluidifies 24 19 FLUIDIFY, to make fl...
fluidisers 22 16 FLUIDISER, an appara...
fluidities 22 16 FLUIDITY, the qualit...
fluidizers 25 25 FLUIDIZER, an appara...
flummeries 23 21 FLUMMERY, a sweet de...
flunkyisms 30 25 FLUNKYISM, the state...
fluoresces 23 18 FLUORESCE, to demons...
fluorspars 23 18 FLUORSPAR, a mineral...
flushworks 28 24 FLUSHWORK, decorativ...
flustrates 21 15 FLUSTRATE, (obsolete...
flutterers 21 15 FLUTTERER, one who f...
fluxmeters 28 25 FLUXMETER, any instr...
flybridges 31 22 FLYBRIDGE, an open d...
flypitches 35 24 FLYPITCH, an unlicen...
flyposters 29 19 FLYPOSTER, one who e...
flyrodders 27 18 FLYRODDER, an angler...
flyscreens 29 20 FLYSCREEN, a wire-me...
flystrikes 29 20 FLYSTRIKE, the infes...
flyweights 34 23 FLYWEIGHT, in profes...
focimeters 23 19 FOCIMETER, an instru...
focometers 22 19 FOCOMETER, an instru...
fodderings 20 18 FODDERING, the act o...
foederatus 18 15 (Latin) a conquered...
foetations 17 14 FOETATION, the forma...
foeticides 22 17 FOETICIDE, the killi...
foetidness 18 15 the state of being f...
fogramites 21 18 FOGRAMITE, an antiqu...
foisonless 19 15 (Scots) weak, feeble...
foliaceous 22 18 bearing leaves; leaf...
foliations 19 15 FOLIATION, the proce...
foliatures 20 15 FOLIATURE, a cluster...
folksiness 21 19 the quality of being...
followings 25 21 FOLLOWING, a body of...
fondnesses 17 16 FONDNESS, affection...
fonticulus 24 20 the depression just...
fontinalis 19 16 a moss of the Fontin...
foodstuffs 24 21 FOODSTUFF, a substan...
foolfishes 24 19 FOOLFISH, a marine f...
footboards 20 17 FOOTBOARD, a support...
footbrakes 21 20 FOOTBRAKE, a brake o...
footcloths 25 19 FOOTCLOTH, a housing...
footfaults 22 18 FOOTFAULT [n]
footguards 20 17 guards that serve on...
footlights 24 18 FOOTLIGHT, one of a...
footplates 21 17 FOOTPLATE, a platfor...
footprints 21 17 FOOTPRINT, the mark...
footstalks 21 18 FOOTSTALK, the stalk...
footstalls 21 15 FOOTSTALL, a pedesta...
footstocks 23 20 FOOTSTOCK, a slidabl...
footstones 17 14 FOOTSTONE, a stone a...
footstools 19 14 FOOTSTOOL, a stool f...
foraminous 19 18 having foramina; ful...
forbearers 20 16 FORBEARER, one who f...
forbiddals 23 19 FORBIDDAL, the act o...
forbidders 22 18 FORBIDDER, one who f...
forcedness 21 18 the state of being f...
forcemeats 22 19 FORCEMEAT, meat chop...
foreboders 20 17 FOREBODER, a person...
forebodies 20 17 FOREBODY, the forwar...
forebrains 20 17 FOREBRAIN, the anter...
forecabins 23 20 FORECABIN, a cabin i...
forechecks 28 25 FORECHECK, to check...
forecloses 22 17 FORECLOSE, to bar (a...
forecloths 25 19 FORECLOTH, a cloth t...
forecourts 22 17 FORECOURT, a court i...
forefronts 20 17 FOREFRONT, the front...
foregleams 21 19 FOREGLEAM, a glimpse...
foregoings 20 18 FOREGOING [n]
forehooves 21 19 FOREHOOF, the hoof o...
foreigners 19 16 FOREIGNER, a person...
forejudges 22 26 FOREJUDGE, to depriv...
foreladies 19 15 FORELADY, a woman wh...
forenights 22 18 FORENIGHT, the night...
forepoints 20 17 FOREPOINT, to foresh...
foreshanks 21 20 FORESHANK, the upper...
foresheets 20 15 FORESHEET, a rope us...
foreshocks 25 22 FORESHOCK, a minor t...
foreshores 20 15 FORESHORE, that part...
foresights 23 17 FORESIGHT, the act o...
foreskirts 21 17 FORESKIRT, (Shakespe...
foreslacks 24 21 FORESLACK, (obsolete...
forespeaks 21 20 FORESPEAK, to predic...
forespends 20 18 FORESPEND, to wear o...
forestages 19 15 FORESTAGE, a duty or...
forestairs 19 13 FORESTAIR, (Scots) a...
forestalls 21 15 FORESTALL, to preven...
forestless 20 14 without a forest [ad...
forestries 19 13 FORESTRY, the scienc...
foreswears 21 16 FORESWEAR, to renoun...
foretastes 18 13 FORETASTE, to taste...
forethinks 22 20 FORETHINK, to think...
foretokens 18 18 FORETOKEN, to be a s...
foreweighs 25 20 FOREWEIGH, (archaic)...
forfaiters 21 16 FORFAITER, a person...
forfeiters 21 16 FORFEITER, (Shakespe...
forgathers 22 17 FORGATHER, to gather...
forgetters 20 15 FORGETTER, one who f...
forkedness 19 19 the state of being f...
formalines 20 18 FORMALINE, a 40 per...
formalises 21 17 FORMALISE, to make f...
formalisms 23 20 FORMALISM, the pract...
formalists 22 17 FORMALIST, a person...
formalizes 24 26 FORMALIZE, to make f...
formalness 20 18 formality [n -ES]
formamides 21 20 FORMAMIDE, a colourl...
formations 19 17 FORMATION, something...
formatives 22 20 FORMATIVE, a formati...
formatters 20 16 FORMATTER, a program...
formicates 23 19 FORMICATE, to crawl...
formulates 21 18 FORMULATE, to state...
formulises 22 18 FORMULISE, to expres...
formulisms 24 21 FORMULISM, excessive...
formulists 23 18 FORMULIST, one who d...
formulizes 25 27 FORMULIZE, to expres...
fornicates 21 17 FORNICATE, to have i...
forsakings 21 20 FORSAKING, abandonme...
forsythias 28 17 FORSYTHIA, any shrub...
fortalices 23 17 FORTALICE, (historic...
forthcomes 25 21 FORTHCOME, (obsolete...
fortifiers 22 16 FORTIFIER, something...
fortilages 21 16 FORTILAGE, (Spenser)...
fortitudes 20 15 FORTITUDE, strength...
fortnights 23 18 FORTNIGHT, a period...
fortresses 19 13 FORTRESS, to strengt...
fortuities 20 14 FORTUITY, an acciden...
fortuitous 20 15 occurring by chance...
fortunates 18 15 FORTUNATE, a fortuna...
fortunises 19 15 FORTUNISE, to make h...
fortunizes 22 24 FORTUNIZE, (Spenser)...
forwanders 21 18 FORWANDER, (archaic)...
forwarders 22 17 FORWARDER, one who f...
forwearies 21 16 FORWEARY, (Shakespea...
foscarnets 21 17 FOSCARNET, a drug us...
fossickers 24 20 FOSSICKER, (Australi...
fossilises 21 14 FOSSILISE, to turn i...
fossilizes 24 23 FOSSILIZE, to turn i...
fosterages 19 15 FOSTERAGE, the care...
fosterings 20 16 FOSTERING, the act o...
fostresses 19 13 FOSTRESS, a woman wh...
foulbroods 22 19 FOULBROOD, a bacteri...
foulnesses 19 16 FOULNESS, the state...
founderous 18 17 causing to founder [...
foundlings 21 20 FOUNDLING, an abando...
fourpences 23 21 FOURPENCE, four pre-...
fourplexes 28 25 FOURPLEX, a building...
foxberries 27 23 FOXBERRY, the red wh...
foxhunters 27 24 FOXHUNTER, one who h...
foxinesses 24 21 FOXINESS, the state...
fozinesses 21 23 FOZINESS, lack of sp...
fracturers 23 17 FRACTURER, one who f...
fragrances 22 19 FRAGRANCE, to perfum...
fraicheurs 25 19 FRAICHEUR, (French)...
frambesias 22 19 FRAMBESIA, a tropica...
framboises 22 19 FRAMBOISE, (French)...
frameworks 24 23 FRAMEWORK, the skele...
franchises 24 19 FRANCHISE, to grant...
francolins 22 19 FRANCOLIN, (French)...
frankforts 22 21 FRANKFORT, (German)...
frankfurts 23 22 FRANKFURT, (German)...
franserias 18 14 FRANSERIA, any of a...
fraudsters 20 15 FRAUDSTER, one who p...
freakeries 19 17 FREAKERY, an obsessi...
freakiness 19 18 the state of being f...
frecklings 26 24 FRECKLING, a collect...
freebasers 20 16 FREEBASER, one who s...
freeboards 20 17 FREEBOARD, the dista...
freecycles 32 22 FREECYCLE, to recycl...
freedivers 21 18 FREEDIVER, one who e...
freelances 21 18 FREELANCE, one who w...
freemasons 18 17 FREEMASON, in the Mi...
freenesses 17 14 FREENESS, the state...
freephones 21 19 FREEPHONE, a telepho...
freesheets 20 15 FREESHEET, a newspap...
freestones 17 14 FREESTONE, a type of...
freestyles 26 16 FREESTYLE, to perfor...
freewheels 24 19 FREEWHEEL, to coast...
freewrites 22 16 FREEWRITE, to write...
freighters 23 17 FREIGHTER, a ship or...
fremituses 21 17 FREMITUS, a vibratio...
frequences 29 27 FREQUENCE, commonnes...
frescoings 23 19 FRESCOING, the act o...
frescoists 23 16 FRESCOIST, one who p...
fresheners 20 16 FRESHENER, something...
fretboards 21 17 FRETBOARD, a fingerb...
friarbirds 23 17 FRIARBIRD, an Austra...
fricandoes 21 18 FRICANDO, a roasted...
fricassees 22 16 FRICASSEE, (French)...
fricatives 25 20 FRICATIVE, a sound p...
friedcakes 23 21 FRIEDCAKE, (US) a do...
friendings 20 18 FRIENDING [n]
friendless 20 16 without a friend [ad...
friendlies 20 16 FRIENDLY, one who is...
frigatoons 19 16 FRIGATOON, a small V...
frigidness 21 17 the state of being f...
frikkadels 23 23 FRIKKADEL, (Afrikaan...
frilleries 22 15 FRILLERY, an arrange...
frilliness 22 16 the state of being f...
fringeless 21 17 having no fringe [ad...
fripperers 24 19 FRIPPERER, (archaic)...
fripperies 24 19 FRIPPERY, excessive...
friskiness 21 18 the state of being f...
frithborhs 27 20 FRITHBORH, (Old Engl...
fritterers 20 13 FRITTERER, one who f...
frivollers 24 19 FRIVOLLER, one who f...
frizziness 26 32 the state of being f...
frogfishes 25 20 FROGFISH, a marine f...
froggeries 21 17 FROGGERY, a place wh...
frogmouths 24 21 FROGMOUTH, one of se...
frogspawns 25 22 FROGSPAWN, the gelat...
frolickers 25 21 FROLICKER, one who f...
fromenties 19 17 FROMENTY, a wheat di...
frontagers 19 16 FRONTAGER, a person...
frontlines 19 16 FRONTLINE, a front l...
frontlists 21 15 FRONTLIST, a list of...
frontpages 21 19 FRONTPAGE, to put on...
frontwards 22 18 FRONTWARD [n]
frostbites 22 16 FROSTBITE, to affect...
frostiness 19 14 the state of being f...
frostlines 20 15 FROSTLINE, the depth...
frostworks 24 20 FROSTWORK, tracery m...
frotheries 21 15 FROTHERY, mere froth...
frothiness 21 16 the state of being f...
frouziness 22 24 the state of being f...
frowsiness 22 17 the state of being f...
frowziness 25 26 the state of being f...
frozenness 20 24 the state of being f...
fructifies 26 20 FRUCTIFY, to bear fr...
fructuates 23 18 FRUCTUATE, to come t...
frugalists 23 17 FRUGALIST, a person...
frugalness 21 18 the state of being f...
frugivores 23 20 FRUGIVORE, an animal...
fruitcakes 24 21 FRUITCAKE, (colloqui...
fruiterers 20 14 FRUITERER, one who s...
fruiteress 20 14 a woman who sells fr...
fruiteries 20 14 FRUITERY, a place fo...
fruitiness 20 15 the state of being f...
fruitwoods 23 18 FRUITWOOD, the wood...
frumenties 20 18 FRUMENTY, a wheat di...
frumpiness 23 21 the state of being f...
frusemides 21 18 FRUSEMIDE, a synthet...
frustrates 20 14 FRUSTRATE, to thwart...
fucivorous 25 22 eating fruit [adj]
fugacities 24 19 FUGACITY, lack of en...
fulfillers 26 20 FULFILLER, one who f...
fulgencies 24 21 FULGENCY, brightness...
fulgurates 22 18 FULGURATE, to flash...
fulgurites 23 18 FULGURITE, a vitrifi...
fuliginous 22 19 sooty; having a dark...
fullbloods 25 21 FULLBLOOD, a person...
fullerenes 20 17 FULLERENE, a ball-sh...
fullerides 22 17 FULLERIDE, a compoun...
fullerites 22 16 FULLERITE, a crystal...
fullnesses 21 17 FULLNESS, the state...
fulminants 21 20 FULMINANT, a thunder...
fulminates 21 19 FULMINATE, to send f...
fulmineous 21 20 pertaining to thunde...
fumatories 20 17 FUMATORY, a place fo...
fumigators 22 19 FUMIGATOR, one who f...
fumitories 21 17 FUMITORY, a plant on...
fumosities 21 17 FUMOSITY, a fuming c...
fundaments 19 20 FUNDAMENT, the butto...
fundraises 19 16 FUNDRAISE, to raise...
fungicides 24 21 FUNGICIDE, an agent...
fungistats 21 17 FUNGISTAT, a substan...
funiculars 24 20 FUNICULAR, a cable r...
furacities 23 17 FURACITY, a thievish...
furbearers 21 17 FURBEARER, an animal...
furbishers 25 19 FURBISHER, one who f...
furcations 22 18 FURCATION, a branchi...
furfuroles 23 19 FURFUROLE, a liquid...
furmenties 20 18 FURMENTY, a wheat di...
furniments 20 19 FURNIMENT, (Spenser)...
furnishers 22 17 FURNISHER, one who f...
furnitures 20 16 FURNITURE, movables,...
furrieries 20 14 FURRIERY, the busine...
furrowless 24 18 without a furrow [ad...
furtherers 22 16 FURTHERER, one who f...
fusillades 22 17 FUSILLADE, a simulta...
fusionisms 21 18 FUSIONISM, a policy...
fusionists 20 15 FUSIONIST, an advoca...
fusionless 20 16 (Scots) weak, feeble...
fustigates 21 16 FUSTIGATE, (obsolete...
fusulinids 22 18 FUSULINID, any of a...
futileness 20 16 futility [n -ES]
futilities 22 15 FUTILITY, uselessnes...
futureless 21 16 without prospect of...
futurities 21 15 FUTURITY, the state...
gabardines 19 17 GABARDINE, a closely...
gaberdines 19 17 GABERDINE, a closely...
gabionades 18 17 GABIONADE, (French)...
gabionages 19 18 GABIONAGE, the part...
gadgeteers 18 15 GADGETEER, someone w...
gadgetries 19 15 GADGETRY, the devisi...
gaelicises 22 16 GAELICISE, to render...
gaelicisms 24 19 GAELICISM, the Gaeli...
gaelicizes 25 25 GAELICIZE, to render...
gainliness 18 15 the state of being g...
gainsayers 23 15 GAINSAYER, one who g...
gaiterless 19 13 without gaiters [adj...
galabiyahs 29 20 GALABIYAH, an Arab c...
galacticos 25 19 GALACTICO, an intern...
galactoses 21 16 GALACTOSE, a sugar o...
galantines 17 15 GALANTINE, a prepara...
galdragons 19 17 GALDRAGON, (obsolete...
galengales 19 17 GALENGALE, the aroma...
galenicals 22 18 GALENICAL, a remedy...
galimatias 20 16 nonsensical talk; gi...
galingales 20 17 GALINGALE, the aroma...
galiongees 18 16 GALIONGEE, (Turkish)...
gallabeahs 23 19 GALLABEAH, (Arabic)...
gallabiahs 24 19 GALLABIAH, (Arabic)...
gallabiehs 24 19 GALLABIEH, (Arabic)...
gallabiyas 28 19 GALLABIYA, (Arabic)...
gallamines 20 18 GALLAMINE, an ammoni...
galleasses 19 14 GALLEASS, a large wa...
gallerists 21 14 GALLERIST, a person...
galliasses 20 14 GALLIASS, a large wa...
gallicises 24 17 GALLICISE, to make F...
gallicisms 26 20 GALLICISM, a French...
gallicizes 27 26 GALLICIZE, to make F...
gallinazos 22 24 GALLINAZO, (Spanish)...
gallinules 21 17 GALLINULE, any of va...
gallisises 21 14 GALLISISE, in wine-m...
gallisizes 24 23 GALLISIZE, in wine-m...
gallivants 22 19 GALLIVANT, to roam a...
galliwasps 26 20 GALLIWASP, a West In...
galloglass 22 17 (Irish) the irregula...
gallonages 19 17 GALLONAGE, an amount...
gallopades 21 18 GALLOPADE, (French)...
gallstones 19 15 GALLSTONE, a concret...
galravages 21 19 GALRAVAGE, (Scots) t...
galumphers 25 22 GALUMPHER, one who g...
galvanises 20 18 GALVANISE, to subjec...
galvanisms 22 21 GALVANISM, the produ...
galvanists 21 18 GALVANIST, one who e...
galvanizes 23 27 GALVANIZE, to subjec...
gamahuches 26 23 GAMAHUCHE, to practi...
gamaruches 24 21 GAMARUCHE, to practi...
gamefishes 23 20 GAMEFISH, a fish cau...
gamenesses 17 16 GAMENESS, the qualit...
gamineries 18 16 GAMINERIE, (French)...
gaminesses 18 16 GAMINESS, the condit...
gammonings 20 22 GAMMONING [n]
gamynesses 24 18 GAMYNESS, the condit...
ganderisms 19 17 GANDERISM, behaviour...
gangboards 20 19 GANGBOARD, a gangway...
gangplanks 22 24 GANGPLANK, a plank b...
gangrenous 17 17 of or like gangrene...
gannetries 16 14 GANNETRY, a breeding...
gannisters 17 14 GANNISTER, a flintli...
gantelopes 19 17 GANTELOPE, an armour...
gaolbreaks 21 20 GAOLBREAK [n]
garagistes 19 14 GARAGISTE, a garage...
gardenfuls 21 19 GARDENFUL, the conte...
gardenings 18 17 GARDENING, the activ...
gardenless 18 15 without a garden [ad...
garderobes 19 16 GARDEROBE, (historic...
gargantuas 18 16 GARGANTUA, a monster...
gargarises 19 14 GARGARISE, (obsolete...
gargarisms 21 17 GARGARISM, (obsolete...
gargarizes 22 23 GARGARIZE, (obsolete...
garibaldis 22 17 GARIBALDI, (Italian)...
garishness 20 15 the quality of being...
garnishees 19 15 GARNISHEE, to make s...
garnishers 20 15 GARNISHER, one who,...
garnishors 20 15 GARNISHOR, one who,...
garnitures 18 14 GARNITURE, (French)...
garottings 19 15 GAROTTING, the act o...
garreteers 17 12 GARRETEER, (archaic)...
garrotters 18 12 GARROTTER, one who g...
garryowens 26 18 GARRYOWEN, in rugby,...
gasconades 19 17 GASCONADE, (French)...
gasconisms 22 19 GASCONISM, boastfuln...
gashliness 21 16 ghastliness [n -ES]
gasholders 21 16 GASHOLDER, a storage...
gasometers 18 15 GASOMETER, an instru...
gaspereaus 19 16 GASPEREAU, (French)...
gasthauses 20 15 GASTHAUS, (German) a...
gastnesses 17 13 GASTNESS, (Shakespea...
gastraeums 19 16 GASTRAEUM, the under...
gastropods 20 16 GASTROPOD, a class o...
gastropubs 23 19 GASTROPUB, a pub tha...
gatehouses 19 15 GATEHOUSE, a buildin...
gatherings 21 17 GATHERING, a coming...
gaucheness 22 19 the quality of being...
gaucheries 23 18 GAUCHERIE, (French)...
gauleiters 19 14 GAULEITER, (German)...
gavelkinds 22 23 GAVELKIND, (archaic)...
gawkihoods 24 22 GAWKIHOOD, ungainlin...
gaycations 26 18 GAYCATION, a holiday...
gazehounds 22 26 GAZEHOUND, a hound t...
gazetteers 20 21 GAZETTEER, a writer...
gazillions 23 24 GAZILLION, an indefi...
gazumpings 26 31 GAZUMPING, the act o...
gealousies 18 14 GEALOUSY, (Spenser)...
gearshifts 23 17 GEARSHIFT, a device...
gearsticks 23 19 GEARSTICK, a lever u...
gearwheels 23 18 GEARWHEEL, a wheel w...
geekspeaks 21 23 GEEKSPEAK, the jargo...
gehlenites 20 16 GEHLENITE, a mineral...
gelatinous 18 15 of a slimy, clear st...
gelidities 20 14 GELIDITY, (obsolete)...
gelignites 20 16 GELIGNITE, a powerfu...
gelsemines 19 17 GELSEMINE, an alkalo...
gelsemiums 22 20 GELSEMIUM, a climbin...
gemmaceous 22 22 budlike, relating to...
gemmations 19 19 GEMMATION, budding o...
gemologies 20 18 GEMOLOGY, the study...
genderises 17 14 GENDERISE, to make d...
genderizes 20 23 GENDERIZE, to make d...
genderless 18 15 having no gender [ad...
generators 16 13 GENERATOR, an appara...
genetrices 20 16 GENETRIX, a mother,...
genetrixes 23 20 GENETRIX, a mother,...
genialises 18 14 GENIALISE, to impart...
genializes 21 23 GENIALIZE, to impart...
genialness 17 15 the quality of being...
genisteins 17 14 GENISTEIN, a plant o...
genitrices 21 16 GENITRIX, a mother,...
genitrixes 24 20 GENITRIX, a mother,...
gensdarmes 18 17 GENDARME, a French p...
gentilises 19 14 GENTILISE, (archaic)...
gentilisms 21 17 GENTILISM, paganism,...
gentilizes 22 23 GENTILIZE, (archaic)...
gentleness 17 15 the state of being g...
gentrifies 20 16 GENTRIFY, to renew a...
genuflects 24 21 GENUFLECT, to bend t...
geocachers 25 20 GEOCACHER, one who e...
geocarpies 22 18 GEOCARPY, a ripening...
geocoronas 18 16 GEOCORONA, an outer...
geodesists 18 13 GEODESIST, one verse...
geognosies 17 15 GEOGNOSY, a branch o...
geolatries 18 13 GEOLATRY, earth-wors...
geologians 18 16 GEOLOGIAN, a geologi...
geologises 19 15 GEOLOGISE, to engage...
geologists 20 15 GEOLOGIST, one who s...
geologizes 22 24 GEOLOGIZE, to engage...
geomancers 20 19 GEOMANCER, one who p...
geomancies 20 19 GEOMANCY, telling th...
geometrics 22 18 the study of simple...
geometrids 19 16 GEOMETRID, any moth...
geometries 18 15 GEOMETRY, a branch o...
geophagias 22 19 GEOPHAGIA, the pract...
geophagies 22 19 GEOPHAGY, the practi...
geophagous 22 20 earth-eating [adj]
geophilous 23 19 living in or near th...
geophysics 32 22 the study of the ear...
georgettes 18 14 GEORGETTE, (French)...
geospheres 21 17 GEOSPHERE, the solid...
geostatics 21 15 GEOSTATIC [n]
gerfalcons 23 20 GERFALCON, a heavy,...
geriatrics 22 15 GERIATRIC, an old pe...
germanders 18 17 GERMANDER, a plant o...
germanises 18 16 GERMANISE, to make G...
germanites 18 16 GERMANITE, a complex...
germaniums 20 20 GERMANIUM, a metalli...
germanizes 21 25 GERMANIZE, to make G...
germicides 23 19 GERMICIDE, a substan...
germinates 18 16 GERMINATE, to sprout...
germplasms 24 22 GERMPLASM, plant gen...
gerundives 20 19 GERUNDIVE, a Latin v...
gesneriads 17 14 GESNERIAD, a plant o...
gessamines 18 16 GESSAMINE, (Milton)...
gestations 17 13 GESTATION, the proce...
getterings 19 15 GETTERING, the act o...
geyserites 24 14 GEYSERITE, a deposit...
ghettoises 20 14 GHETTOISE, to confin...
ghettoizes 23 23 GHETTOIZE, to confin...
giantesses 17 13 GIANTESS, a female g...
gianthoods 19 16 GIANTHOOD, the state...
giantships 23 18 GIANTSHIP, the state...
giardiases 18 13 GIARDIASIS, a diseas...
giardiasis 19 13 a disease spread by...
giftedness 20 17 the state of being g...
gigacycles 33 23 GIGACYCLE, one billi...
gigantisms 21 18 GIGANTISM, a tendenc...
gillflirts 26 18 GILLFLIRT, (archaic)...
gilravages 22 19 GILRAVAGE, (Scots) t...
gilsonites 19 14 GILSONITE, (tradenam...
gingellies 21 17 GINGELLY, the sesame...
gingerades 18 16 GINGERADE, a carbona...
gingivitis 23 19 inflammation of the...
gipsyhoods 29 20 GIPSYHOOD, the state...
gipsyworts 31 20 GIPSYWORT, a hairy E...
girandolas 18 15 GIRANDOLA, (Italian)...
girandoles 18 15 GIRANDOLE, (French)...
girthlines 22 16 GIRTHLINE, a gantlin...
gittarones 17 13 GITTARONE, (Italian)...
gladdeners 18 16 GLADDENER, one who g...
gladiators 19 14 GLADIATOR, in ancien...
gladnesses 18 15 GLADNESS, the state...
gladstones 18 15 GLADSTONE, a four-wh...
glairiness 19 14 the state of being g...
glamorises 20 16 GLAMORISE, to make g...
glamorizes 23 25 GLAMORIZE, to make g...
glamourous 20 18 having glamour, also...
glanderous 18 16 of or pertaining to...
glandulous 20 18 containing glands; p...
glassifies 22 16 GLASSIFY, to become...
glassiness 19 14 the state of being g...
glasswares 22 16 GLASSWARE, ware, or...
glassworks 24 20 GLASSWORK, articles...
glassworms 24 19 GLASSWORM, the larva...
glassworts 23 16 GLASSWORT, a spinach...
glazieries 22 22 GLAZIERY, the work o...
glegnesses 19 16 GLEGNESS, alertness...
glibnesses 21 17 GLIBNESS, the qualit...
glidepaths 24 19 GLIDEPATH, the path...
gliomatous 20 17 relating to a glioma...
glissaders 20 14 GLISSADER, one who g...
glissandos 19 15 GLISSANDO, (Italian)...
glitziness 23 23 the quality of being...
globalises 22 17 GLOBALISE, to make g...
globalisms 24 20 GLOBALISM, internati...
globalists 23 17 GLOBALIST, a person...
globalizes 25 26 GLOBALIZE, to make g...
globetrots 21 16 GLOBETROT, to travel...
globulites 23 18 GLOBULITE, a rudimen...
glomerates 19 16 GLOMERATE, to gather...
glomerules 21 18 GLOMERULE, a cluster...
glomerulus 22 19 the bunch of looped...
gloominess 19 17 the state of being g...
glorifiers 22 16 GLORIFIER, one who g...
glossaries 19 13 GLOSSARY, a list of...
glossators 19 13 GLOSSATOR, a writer...
glossiness 19 14 the state of being g...
gloveboxes 28 27 GLOVEBOX, a compartm...
glowsticks 28 23 GLOWSTICK, a plastic...
gluciniums 25 22 GLUCINIUM, a former...
gluconates 21 18 GLUCONATE, a salt or...
glucosides 23 18 GLUCOSIDE, a glycosi...
gluinesses 19 15 GLUINESS, the state...
glumaceous 23 21 like a glume, thin,...
glumnesses 20 18 GLUMNESS, the state...
glutamates 20 17 GLUTAMATE, a salt of...
glutamines 20 18 GLUTAMINE, a neutral...
gluttonies 19 15 GLUTTONY, excessive...
gluttonous 19 16 marked by or given t...
glycaemias 29 21 GLYCAEMIA, excessive...
glycations 28 19 GLYCATION, the bondi...
glycerides 29 19 GLYCERIDE, an ester...
glycerines 28 19 GLYCERINE, a non-tec...
glycocolls 34 23 GLYCOCOLL, another n...
glycolyses 36 21 GLYCOLYSIS, the brea...
glycolysis 37 21 the breaking down of...
glycosides 29 19 GLYCOSIDE, any of a...
gmelinites 20 17 GMELINITE, a rhomboh...
goalmouths 22 19 GOALMOUTH, the space...
goatfishes 22 17 GOATFISH, a tropical...
gobbelines 22 20 GOBBELINE, (Spenser)...
godfathers 22 18 GODFATHER, to be a g...
godmothers 21 18 GODMOTHER, to act as...
godparents 19 17 GODPARENT, a person...
gofferings 23 21 GOFFERING, make plea...
goitrogens 18 15 GOITROGEN, a substan...
goldbricks 27 24 GOLDBRICK, a person...
goldcrests 23 17 GOLDCREST, a small b...
goldeneyes 23 17 GOLDENEYE, a kind of...
goldenness 17 16 the state of being g...
goldenrods 18 16 GOLDENROD, a dark go...
goldfields 23 19 GOLDFIELD, a gold-pr...
goldfishes 24 19 GOLDFISH, a freshwat...
goldilocks 25 22 a species of butterc...
goldminers 20 18 GOLDMINER, one who m...
goldsmiths 24 19 GOLDSMITH, a worker...
goldspinks 23 22 GOLDSPINK, (Scots) t...
goldsticks 25 21 GOLDSTICK, a colonel...
goldstones 18 15 GOLDSTONE, a mineral...
goliardies 19 14 GOLIARDY, boisterous...
golliwoggs 26 21 GOLLIWOGG, a grotesq...
golomynkas 26 23 GOLOMYNKA, (Russian)...
goloptious 21 17 (slang) delicious, v...
goluptious 22 18 (slang) delicious, v...
gondoliers 18 15 GONDOLIER, one who o...
gonenesses 15 14 GONENESS, a state of...
goniatites 17 13 GONIATITE, one of an...
gonococcus 26 23 the bacterium that c...
gonophores 20 18 GONOPHORE, in certai...
gonorrheas 18 15 GONORRHEA, a sexuall...
goodfellas 21 18 GOODFELLA, a gangste...
goodliness 18 15 beauty of form; come...
goodnesses 16 14 GOODNESS, the state...
goodnights 21 18 GOODNIGHT, a common...
gooinesses 16 13 GOOINESS, the state...
goosanders 16 14 GOOSANDER, a large d...
goosefoots 18 15 GOOSEFOOT, a genus o...
goosegrass 18 14 a Eurasian plant wit...
gooseherds 19 15 GOOSEHERD, one who l...
goosenecks 20 20 GOOSENECK, a hook, b...
gorbellies 22 17 GORBELLY, (obsolete)...
gorblimeys 29 21 GORBLIMEY, a kind of...
gorblimies 23 19 GORBLIMY, a kind of...
gorehounds 19 17 GOREHOUND, an enthus...
gorgonians 17 16 GORGONIAN, any of va...
gorgonises 18 15 GORGONISE, to have a...
gorgonizes 21 24 GORGONIZE, to have a...
gorinesses 17 13 GORINESS, the state...
goslarites 19 13 GOSLARITE, a rare mi...
gospelises 21 16 GOSPELISE, to evange...
gospelizes 24 25 GOSPELIZE, to evange...
gospellers 22 17 GOSPELLER, one of th...
gossipings 22 18 GOSSIPING [n]
gossippers 23 18 GOSSIPPER, one who g...
gossipries 21 15 GOSSIPRY, the practi...
gothicises 24 17 GOTHICISE, to make G...
gothicisms 26 20 GOTHICISM, the quali...
gothicizes 27 26 GOTHICIZE, to make G...
gourdiness 18 15 the state of being g...
governalls 21 19 GOVERNALL, (Spenser)...
gowdspinks 25 24 GOWDSPINK, (Scots) t...
gowpenfuls 26 24 GOWPENFUL, (Scots) a...
gradations 17 14 GRADATION, progress...
graduators 18 14 GRADUATOR, one who d...
graininess 17 14 the state of being g...
gramercies 22 18 GRAMERCY, an express...
gramineous 18 17 of or relating to gr...
grandaunts 17 16 GRANDAUNT, the aunt...
grandmamas 19 20 GRANDMAMA, a grandmo...
grandpapas 21 20 GRANDPAPA, a grandfa...
grandsires 18 14 GRANDSIRE, a grandfa...
granitises 18 13 GRANITISE, to make l...
granitites 18 13 GRANITITE, biotite g...
granitizes 21 22 GRANITIZE, to make l...
granivores 19 17 GRANIVORE, an eater...
granoliths 21 16 GRANOLITH, a paving...
granulates 18 15 GRANULATE, to form o...
granulites 19 15 GRANULITE, a whitish...
granulomas 19 18 GRANULOMA, a localiz...
granuloses 18 15 GRANULOSE [n]
granulosis 19 15 any of numerous dise...
grapeseeds 19 16 GRAPESEED, the seed...
grapeshots 22 17 GRAPESHOT, clustered...
grapetrees 19 15 GRAPETREE, a tropica...
grapevines 21 20 GRAPEVINE, a grape-b...
graphemics 27 23 GRAPHEMIC [n]
grapplings 25 22 GRAPPLING, the act o...
grassbirds 22 16 GRASSBIRD, an Austra...
grasshooks 21 18 GRASSHOOK, a sickle;...
grassiness 18 13 the state of being g...
grasslands 19 15 GRASSLAND, a habitat...
grassplots 22 16 GRASSPLOT, a plot of...
grassquits 28 22 GRASSQUIT, a tropica...
grassroots 18 12 GRASSROOT, relating...
graticules 23 17 GRATICULE, a design...
gratifiers 21 15 GRATIFIER, one who g...
gratinates 17 13 GRATINATE, to cook w...
gratitudes 19 14 GRATITUDE, the state...
gratuities 19 13 GRATUITY, a gift of...
gratuitous 19 14 done freely; needles...
gratulates 19 14 GRATULATE, (archaic)...
graunchers 23 19 GRAUNCHER, a clumsy...
gravesides 20 17 GRAVESIDE, the area...
gravesites 20 16 GRAVESITE, the site...
graveyards 26 19 GRAVEYARD, a burial...
gravidness 20 18 the state of being g...
gravitases 20 16 GRAVITAS, reserved,...
gravitates 20 16 GRAVITATE, to move u...
gravitinos 20 17 GRAVITINO, a hypothe...
graybeards 26 18 GRAYBEARD, an old ma...
grayfishes 29 19 GRAYFISH, a dogfish...
grayhounds 26 19 GRAYHOUND, a tall sl...
graynesses 23 15 GRAYNESS, the state...
graystones 23 15 GRAYSTONE, a grey ig...
graywackes 31 24 GRAYWACKE, any coars...
graywaters 27 17 GRAYWATER, water tha...
greaseless 18 13 without grease [adj]
greasiness 17 13 the state of being g...
greatcoats 20 15 GREATCOAT, an overco...
greediness 17 14 the state of being g...
greenbacks 23 23 GREENBACK, a monetar...
greenbelts 20 17 GREENBELT, a strip o...
greenbones 17 17 GREENBONE, a garfish...
greeneries 16 13 GREENERY, green vege...
greenflies 20 17 GREENFLY, a green ap...
greengages 18 17 GREENGAGE, a green a...
greenhands 18 17 GREENHAND, an inferi...
greenheads 18 16 GREENHEAD, a male ma...
greenhorns 18 16 GREENHORN, a novice,...
greenlings 19 17 GREENLING, a kind of...
greenmails 19 17 GREENMAIL [n]
greenrooms 17 16 GREENROOM, a room in...
greensands 16 15 GREENSAND, a kind of...
greensomes 17 16 GREENSOME, a type of...
greenweeds 19 17 GREENWEED, a name gi...
greenwings 21 19 GREENWING, a green-w...
greenwoods 19 17 GREENWOOD, a leafy w...
gregarines 18 15 GREGARINE, a member...
gregarious 19 15 tending to associate...
gremolatas 19 16 GREMOLATA, (Italian)...
grenadiers 17 14 GRENADIER, originall...
grenadines 16 15 GRENADINE, a pomegra...
grevilleas 22 18 GREVILLEA, any of va...
grewhounds 23 20 GREWHOUND, (dialect)...
greybeards 26 18 GREYBEARD, an old ma...
greyhounds 26 19 GREYHOUND, a tall sl...
greynesses 23 15 GREYNESS, the state...
greyscales 28 18 GREYSCALE, a scale c...
greystones 23 15 GREYSTONE, a grey vo...
greywackes 31 24 GREYWACKE, any coars...
grievances 22 20 GRIEVANCE, a cause o...
grilleries 21 14 GRILLERY, a place wh...
grillrooms 22 17 GRILLROOM, a room wh...
grillworks 26 21 GRILLWORK, something...
grimalkins 22 21 GRIMALKIN, a cat; es...
grimnesses 19 16 GRIMNESS, the qualit...
grindelias 19 15 GRINDELIA, any coars...
grinderies 18 14 GRINDERY, places whe...
grisailles 21 14 GRISAILLE, (French)...
grisliness 20 14 the state of being g...
gristmills 24 17 GRISTMILL, a mill fo...
gritstones 18 13 GRITSTONE, a type of...
grittiness 19 13 the state of being g...
grivations 20 17 GRIVATION, grid vari...
groggeries 20 16 GROGGERY, a low publ...
grogginess 20 17 the state of being g...
grooveless 20 17 without grooves [adj...
grooviness 19 17 the state of being g...
grosgrains 19 15 GROSGRAIN, (French)...
grossulars 20 14 GROSSULAR, a garnet...
grotesques 26 22 GROTESQUE, an extrav...
grottiness 18 13 the state of being g...
groundages 18 17 GROUNDAGE, a charge...
groundhogs 21 19 GROUNDHOG, a woodchu...
groundings 19 18 GROUNDING, a foundat...
groundless 19 16 having no ground or...
groundmass 19 18 the fine-grained par...
groundnuts 18 17 GROUNDNUT, the peanu...
groundouts 18 16 GROUNDOUT, a play in...
groundsels 19 16 GROUNDSEL, the lowes...
groupwares 23 19 GROUPWARE, software...
groupworks 25 23 GROUPWORK, work carr...
grovelings 22 20 GROVELING, the act o...
grovellers 22 18 GROVELLER, one who g...
growleries 22 16 GROWLERY, a retreat...
growliness 22 17 the state of being g...
growthists 25 17 GROWTHIST, a person...
grubbiness 23 20 the state of being g...
grubstakes 22 20 GRUBSTAKE, to provid...
grudgeless 21 17 without a grudge [ad...
gruellings 22 18 GRUELLING, the act o...
grumblings 25 23 GRUMBLING, the act o...
grumnesses 19 17 GRUMNESS, the qualit...
grumpiness 22 20 the state of being g...
guacamoles 22 20 GUACAMOLE, a kind of...
guacharoes 22 18 GUACHARO, a nocturna...
guanabanas 17 18 GUANABANA, a tropica...
guanazolos 20 24 GUANAZOLO, a synthet...
guanidines 17 16 GUANIDINE, a strongl...
guanosines 16 15 GUANOSINE, a nucleos...
guarantees 16 14 GUARANTEE, to give a...
guaranties 17 14 GUARANTY, to assume...
guarantors 17 14 GUARANTOR, one who m...
guardrails 20 15 GUARDRAIL, a rail to...
guardrooms 19 17 GUARDROOM, a room ha...
guardships 24 19 GUARDSHIP, guardians...
guayaberas 25 18 GUAYABERA, a short-s...
guberniyas 26 19 GUBERNIYA, (Russian)...
guerdoners 17 15 GUERDONER, one who g...
guerrillas 21 15 GUERRILLA, a member...
guessworks 23 20 GUESSWORK, the proce...
guestbooks 21 20 GUESTBOOK, a book in...
guidebooks 21 21 GUIDEBOOK, a book of...
guidelines 19 16 GUIDELINE, a line dr...
guideposts 21 17 GUIDEPOST, a post to...
guideships 24 19 GUIDESHIP, the state...
guidewords 22 18 GUIDEWORD, a word at...
guildhalls 25 19 GUILDHALL, a town ha...
guildships 26 20 GUILDSHIP, membershi...
guillemets 22 18 GUILLEMET, (French)...
guillemots 22 18 GUILLEMOT, a norther...
guilloches 26 20 GUILLOCHE, to decora...
guiltiness 20 15 the state of being g...
guitarists 20 13 GUITARIST, one who p...
gulosities 20 14 GULOSITY, (archaic)...
gumshields 24 20 GUMSHIELD, a protect...
gumsuckers 25 24 GUMSUCKER, (Australi...
guncottons 20 18 GUNCOTTON, an explos...
gunnysacks 28 24 GUNNYSACK, a sack ma...
gunpowders 23 21 GUNPOWDER, an explos...
gunrunners 17 17 GUNRUNNER, one who s...
gussetings 20 16 GUSSETING, the act o...
gustations 18 14 GUSTATION, the act o...
gutbuckets 26 24 GUTBUCKET, a homemad...
guttations 18 14 GUTTATION, the relea...
gutterings 20 16 GUTTERING, gutters c...
gymnasiums 27 22 GYMNASIUM, a room fo...
gymnastics 29 21 exercises and activi...
gymnosophs 29 23 GYMNOSOPH, one of a...
gynaeceums 27 22 GYNAECEUM, the pisti...
gynandries 23 17 GYNANDRY, the condit...
gynandrous 23 18 with stamen concresc...
gynarchies 29 20 GYNARCHY, government...
gyniatrics 28 18 the treatment of wom...
gyniatries 24 15 GYNIATRY, the treatr...
gynophobes 29 23 GYNOPHOBE, a person...
gynophores 27 20 GYNOPHORE, the pedic...
gypsyhoods 35 22 GYPSYHOOD, the state...
gypsyworts 37 22 GYPSYWORT, a labiate...
gyrfalcons 30 22 GYRFALCON, a heavy,...
gyropilots 28 18 GYROPILOT, a type of...
gyroplanes 26 19 GYROPLANE, an airpla...
gyroscopes 29 20 GYROSCOPE, a wheel o...
gyrovagues 27 21 GYROVAGUE, a monk wh...
haanepoots 18 16 HAANEPOOT, (Afrikaan...
haberdines 20 17 HABERDINE, a cod sal...
habergeons 20 18 HABERGEON, (historic...
habituates 21 16 HABITUATE, to accust...
hacendados 20 18 HACENDADO, (Spanish)...
hackamores 23 22 HACKAMORE, (Spanish)...
hacquetons 29 26 HACQUETON, a stuffed...
hadrosaurs 19 14 HADROSAUR, a bird-hi...
haemateins 18 16 HAEMATEIN, a dark pu...
haematites 19 15 HAEMATITE, an ore of...
haematomas 19 18 HAEMATOMA, a swellin...
haematoses 18 15 HAEMATOSIS, the form...
haematosis 19 15 the formation of blo...
haemocoels 22 19 HAEMOCOEL, the centr...
haemocytes 28 20 HAEMOCYTE, a blood c...
haemolyses 26 18 HAEMOLYSIS, breaking...
haemolysis 27 18 breaking up of red b...
haemolyzes 29 27 HAEMOLYZE, to break...
haemostats 19 15 HAEMOSTAT, an instru...
hagberries 22 17 HAGBERRY, a genus of...
hagbuteers 22 18 HAGBUTEER, one who u...
hagbutters 23 18 HAGBUTTER, one who u...
haggadists 22 17 HAGGADIST, a scholar...
hailstones 19 14 HAILSTONE, a ball of...
hailstorms 22 16 HAILSTORM, a storm o...
haircloths 26 18 HAIRCLOTH, stuff or...
hairdriers 20 13 HAIRDRIER, a device...
hairdryers 26 15 HAIRDRYER, a device...
hairlesses 20 13 HAIRLESS, a hairless...
hairpieces 24 18 HAIRPIECE, an artifi...
hairsprays 28 17 HAIRSPRAY, lacquer s...
hairstyles 27 15 HAIRSTYLE, a particu...
hairybacks 32 24 HAIRYBACK, an offens...
halachists 26 18 HALACHIST, a practio...
halakhists 24 19 HALAKHIST, a practio...
halenesses 18 14 HALENESS, the state...
halfnesses 21 17 HALFNESS, the state...
halftracks 27 23 HALFTRACK, a vehicle...
halieutics 24 17 the art or practice...
haliotises 20 13 HALIOTIS, (Greek) a...
hallstands 21 16 HALLSTAND, a stand i...
halobionts 21 17 HALOBIONT, an organi...
haloclines 23 18 HALOCLINE, a vertica...
halogenous 19 17 of the nature of a h...
halogetons 19 16 HALOGETON, a coarse...
halophiles 25 19 HALOPHILE, a plant t...
halophobes 25 21 HALOPHOBE, a plant t...
halophytes 30 20 HALOPHYTE, a plant f...
halothanes 20 16 HALOTHANE, an inhala...
hamadryads 26 19 HAMADRYAD, (Greek) a...
hamburgers 24 21 HAMBURGER, (German)...
hamfatters 22 18 HAMFATTER, to perfor...
hammerings 22 21 HAMMERING [n]
hammerkops 24 25 HAMMERKOP, (Afrikaan...
hammerless 22 19 without a hammer (e....
hammertoes 20 18 HAMMERTOE, a deformi...
hamstrings 22 18 HAMSTRING, to disabl...
handbrakes 21 21 HANDBRAKE, a brake a...
handclasps 25 21 HANDCLASP, a handsha...
handcrafts 24 20 HANDCRAFT, to fashio...
handedness 17 16 a tendency to use on...
handicuffs 27 24 fisticuffs [n]
handiworks 23 21 HANDIWORK, work done...
handlebars 21 18 HANDLEBAR, the steer...
handleless 20 16 without a handle [ad...
handpasses 20 17 HANDPASS, (in Austra...
handphones 21 20 HANDPHONE, in SE Asi...
handprints 21 18 HANDPRINT, the mark...
handshakes 21 20 HANDSHAKE, a shaking...
handspikes 22 21 HANDSPIKE, a bar use...
handstaffs 23 20 HANDSTAFF, a staff-l...
handstamps 22 20 HANDSTAMP, to stamp...
handstands 18 16 HANDSTAND, an act of...
handstaves 20 18 HANDSTAFF, a staff-l...
handsturns 19 16 HANDSTURN, the singl...
handtowels 22 18 HANDTOWEL, a towel f...
handwheels 24 20 HANDWHEEL, any wheel...
handwrites 22 17 HANDWRITE, to write...
handyworks 29 23 HANDYWORK, work done...
hankerings 20 20 HANKERING, a yearnin...
hantavirus 21 18 an often fatal virus...
haphazards 26 27 HAPHAZARD, mere chan...
haphtarahs 25 19 HAPHTARAH, a Biblica...
haploidies 22 17 HAPLOIDY, the state...
haplotypes 30 21 HAPLOTYPE, a single...
happenings 23 22 HAPPENING, an occurr...
haramzadas 22 25 HARAMZADA, (Hinglish...
haramzadis 23 25 HARAMZADI, (Hinglish...
haranguers 19 16 HARANGUER, one who h...
harassings 20 15 HARASSING, the act o...
harbingers 22 18 HARBINGER, a forerun...
harborages 21 17 HARBORAGE, (US) shel...
harborfuls 25 20 HARBORFUL, the conte...
harborless 22 16 (US) without a harbo...
harbourers 21 16 HARBOURER, one who o...
hardboards 21 17 HARDBOARD, compresse...
hardbodies 21 17 HARDBODY, an attract...
hardbounds 21 19 HARDBOUND, a book bo...
hardcovers 24 20 HARDCOVER, a book in...
hardenings 19 17 HARDENING [n]
hardiheads 21 16 HARDIHEAD, (archaic)...
hardihoods 21 16 HARDIHOOD, boldness;...
hardiments 20 17 HARDIMENT, (archaic)...
hardliners 20 15 HARDLINER, one who t...
hardnesses 18 14 HARDNESS, the state...
hardscapes 24 19 HARDSCAPE, in the pr...
hardstands 19 15 HARDSTAND, a hard su...
harestails 20 13 HARESTAIL, a species...
hariolates 19 13 HARIOLATE, to prophe...
harlequins 28 24 HARLEQUIN, to play a...
harlotries 20 13 HARLOTRY, the behavi...
harmalines 20 17 HARMALINE, an alkalo...
harmattans 19 16 HARMATTAN, (Fanti) a...
harmdoings 21 19 HARMDOING, the doing...
harmonicas 22 19 HARMONICA, a mouth-o...
harmonious 19 17 musically concordant...
harmonises 19 16 HARMONISE, to bring...
harmonists 20 16 HARMONIST, a person...
harmoniums 21 20 HARMONIUM, a keyboar...
harmonizes 22 25 HARMONIZE, to bring...
harmosties 20 15 HARMOSTY, the office...
harmotomes 20 18 HARMOTOME, a zeolite...
harnessers 18 13 HARNESSER, one who h...
harpooners 19 16 HARPOONER, one who u...
harquebuss 30 26 HARQUEBUS, (historic...
harrowings 23 18 HARROWING, the act o...
hartbeeses 20 15 HARTBEES, (Afrikaans...
hartbeests 21 15 HARTBEEST, (Afrikaan...
hartshorns 21 15 HARTSHORN, the horn...
haruspices 25 19 HARUSPEX, a soothsay...
harvesters 21 16 HARVESTER, any membe...
hasheeshes 22 16 HASHEESH, the leaves...
hatbrushes 24 18 HATBRUSH, a brush fo...
hatchbacks 31 27 HATCHBACK, a car wit...
hatcheries 24 17 HATCHERY, a place fo...
hatchlings 27 21 HATCHLING, a creatur...
hatchments 25 21 HATCHMENT, a diamond...
hatinators 18 13 HATINATOR, a small d...
haversacks 25 23 HAVERSACK, a bag wor...
haversines 20 17 HAVERSINE, half the...
hawfinches 29 24 HAWFINCH, an Eurasia...
hawksbills 29 24 HAWKSBILL, a kind of...
hawseholes 24 18 HAWSEHOLE, a hole fo...
hawsepipes 26 21 HAWSEPIPE, a tubular...
haycations 27 18 HAYCATION, a working...
haymakings 28 24 HAYMAKING, the harve...
hazardizes 25 31 HAZARDIZE [v]
hazardries 22 22 HAZARDRY, playing at...
hazelwoods 25 26 HAZELWOOD, the wood...
hazinesses 21 22 HAZINESS, the state...
headboards 20 17 HEADBOARD, a board a...
headchairs 24 18 HEADCHAIR, a high-ba...
headcloths 25 19 HEADCLOTH, a kerchie...
headcounts 21 18 HEADCOUNT, a count o...
headfishes 23 18 HEADFISH, a marine f...
headframes 21 19 HEADFRAME, the struc...
headguards 20 17 HEADGUARD, a padded...
headleases 18 14 HEADLEASE, a main or...
headlights 24 18 HEADLIGHT, a strong...
headliners 19 15 HEADLINER, the perso...
headpeaces 22 19 HEADPEACE, (archaic)...
headphones 21 19 HEADPHONE, an audio...
headpieces 23 19 HEADPIECE, any cover...
headshakes 21 19 HEADSHAKE, a shake o...
headsheets 20 15 the forepart of a sm...
headspaces 23 19 HEADSPACE, room for...
headstalls 21 15 HEADSTALL, that part...
headstands 18 15 HEADSTAND, a gymnast...
headsticks 24 20 HEADSTICK, in printi...
headstocks 23 20 HEADSTOCK, the beari...
headstones 17 14 HEADSTONE, the princ...
headwaters 21 16 HEADWATER, the highe...
healthisms 24 18 HEALTHISM, a lifesty...
healthless 23 16 without health [adj]
heapsteads 20 16 HEAPSTEAD, the build...
hearkeners 18 17 HEARKENER, one who h...
heartaches 23 17 HEARTACHE, sorrow, a...
heartbeats 20 15 HEARTBEAT, a pulsati...
heartburns 21 17 HEARTBURN, a burning...
hearteners 17 13 HEARTENER, one who h...
hearthrugs 23 17 HEARTHRUG, a rug spr...
heartikins 20 17 HEARTIKIN, (obsolete...
heartiness 18 13 the state of being h...
heartlands 19 15 HEARTLAND, an area o...
heartlings 21 16 HEARTLING, (Shakespe...
heartseeds 18 13 HEARTSEED, the ballo...
heartsinks 20 17 HEARTSINK, a patient...
heartsores 18 12 HEARTSORE, the cause...
heartwoods 21 16 HEARTWOOD, the inner...
heartworms 23 18 HEARTWORM, a filaria...
heatedness 17 14 the state of being h...
heathbirds 24 18 HEATHBIRD, the black...
heathcocks 28 24 HEATHCOCK, the male...
heathfowls 27 21 HEATHFOWL, a red, or...
heathlands 21 17 HEATHLAND, barren op...
hecogenins 21 19 HECOGENIN, a chemica...
hectograms 24 20 HECTOGRAM, a measure...
hectorings 23 18 HECTORING, the act o...
hectorisms 24 18 HECTORISM, the dispo...
hedgebills 25 20 HEDGEBILL, a bill fo...
hedyphanes 28 21 HEDYPHANE, a white v...
heelpieces 24 19 HEELPIECE, a piece o...
heelplates 22 17 HEELPLATE, a reinfor...
hegemonies 19 18 HEGEMONY, leadership...
hegumenies 20 19 HEGUMENY, the office...
heightisms 25 19 HEIGHTISM, discrimin...
hektograms 22 21 HEKTOGRAM, a measure...
helianthus 22 17 any plant of the gen...
helibusses 23 17 HELIBUS, a scheduled...
helicities 24 16 HELICITY, a componen...
heliclines 24 18 HELICLINE, a spiral-...
heliconias 22 17 HELICONIA, a tropica...
helictites 24 16 HELICTITE, a distort...
helidromes 21 17 HELIDROME, an airpor...
heliograms 22 18 HELIOGRAM, a message...
heliostats 20 13 HELIOSTAT, an instru...
heliotaxes 25 20 HELIOTAXIS, the resp...
heliotaxis 26 20 the response of an o...
heliotypes 28 18 HELIOTYPE, a picture...
heliozoans 21 23 HELIOZOAN, a member...
helipilots 24 17 HELIPILOT, the pilot...
hellacious 24 18 exceptionally powerf...
hellbroths 26 19 HELLBROTH, a composi...
helldivers 24 19 HELLDIVER, a small g...
hellebores 22 17 HELLEBORE, any of va...
hellenises 20 15 HELLENISE, to use th...
hellenizes 23 24 HELLENIZE, to use th...
hellhounds 23 19 HELLHOUND, a devilis...
helmetings 22 19 HELMETING, the act o...
helophytes 30 20 HELOPHYTE, any peren...
helvetiums 24 21 HELVETIUM, a superse...
hemagogues 21 20 HEMAGOGUE, a drug th...
hematinics 23 19 HEMATINIC, a substan...
hematurias 20 16 HEMATURIA, the prese...
hemialgias 22 18 HEMIALGIA, pain in o...
hemicycles 34 24 HEMICYCLE, a half ci...
hemionuses 19 17 HEMIONUS, an Asiatic...
hemiopsias 22 18 HEMIOPSIA, a defect...
hemispaces 25 21 HEMISPACE, the area...
hemistichs 27 20 HEMISTICH, half a ve...
hemitropes 22 18 HEMITROPE, a twinned...
hemizygous 31 29 having one or more g...
hemoconias 21 19 HEMOCONIA, the small...
hemolymphs 33 26 HEMOLYMPH, the circu...
hemolysins 27 19 HEMOLYSIN, a substan...
hemophiles 25 21 HEMOPHILE, a person...
hemoptyses 28 20 HEMOPTYSIS, the expe...
hemoptysis 29 20 the expectoration of...
hemostases 19 15 HEMOSTASIS, stoppage...
hemostasis 20 15 stoppage of bleeding...
hemotoxins 25 23 HEMOTOXIN, a substan...
heptaglots 23 18 HEPTAGLOT, a book wr...
heraldists 21 14 HERALDIST, a student...
heraldries 20 14 HERALDRY, the scienc...
herbaceous 23 19 of, relating to, or...
herbalisms 24 19 HERBALISM, the pract...
herbalists 23 16 HERBALIST, a person...
herbarians 20 16 HERBARIAN, a herbali...
herbariums 23 19 HERBARIUM, a collect...
herbicides 25 19 HERBICIDE, a weedkil...
herbivores 23 19 HERBIVORE, an organi...
herborises 21 15 HERBORISE, to search...
herborists 22 15 HERBORIST, a herbali...
herborizes 24 24 HERBORIZE, to search...
herculeses 23 17 HERCULES, any man of...
hercynites 28 18 HERCYNITE, black spi...
hereabouts 20 16 HEREABOUT [n]
hereafters 20 15 HEREAFTER, the after...
heredities 19 13 HEREDITY, the geneti...
herenesses 17 13 HERENESS, the fact o...
heretrices 22 15 HERITRIX, a female h...
heretrixes 25 19 HERETRIX, a female h...
heritrices 23 15 HERITRIX, a female h...
heritrixes 26 19 HERITRIX, a female h...
hermandads 19 18 HERMANDAD, (Spanish)...
hermetisms 22 18 HERMETISM, a system...
hermetists 21 15 HERMETIST, an adhere...
hermitages 21 17 HERMITAGE, a hermit'...
hermitisms 23 18 HERMITISM, the state...
hermitries 21 15 HERMITRY, the state...
heroicises 22 15 HEROICISE, to make h...
heroicizes 25 24 HEROICIZE, to make h...
heroicness 21 16 heroism [n -ES]
heroinisms 20 16 HEROINISM, addiction...
heronshaws 23 18 HERONSHAW, a heron,...
herriments 20 16 HERRIMENT, (Scots) s...
herringers 20 15 HERRINGER, a man or...
herryments 26 18 HERRYMENT, (Scots) s...
herstories 19 12 HERSTORY, history wi...
hesitances 21 16 HESITANCE, wavering,...
hesitaters 19 12 HESITATER, one who h...
hesitators 19 12 HESITATOR, one who h...
hessonites 18 13 HESSONITE, cinnamon...
hetaerisms 20 15 HETAERISM, concubina...
hetaerists 19 12 HETAERIST, an advoca...
hetairisms 21 15 HETAIRISM, concubina...
hetairists 20 12 HETAIRIST, an advoca...
heteronyms 25 18 HETERONYM, a word ha...
heteropods 20 16 HETEROPOD, any of a...
hetmanates 18 16 HETMANATE, the offic...
heuristics 24 16 the art of discovery...
hexachords 30 25 HEXACHORD, a series...
hexagynous 31 25 having six pistils,...
hexamerous 25 23 having six parts [ad...
hexameters 25 22 HEXAMETER, a verse l...
hexandrous 24 22 having six stamens,...
hexaploids 28 24 HEXAPLOID, a cell ha...
hexapodies 26 23 HEXAPODY, a line of...
hexarchies 30 24 HEXARCHY, a group of...
hexastichs 31 24 HEXASTICH, a poem or...
hexastyles 32 22 HEXASTYLE, a portico...
hexathlons 27 23 HEXATHLON, an athlet...
hibakushas 25 22 HIBAKUSHA, (Japanese...
hibernates 20 16 HIBERNATE, to pass t...
hibernises 21 16 HIBERNISE, to render...
hibernizes 24 25 HIBERNIZE, to render...
hibiscuses 26 19 HIBISCUS, any of num...
hiddenites 19 15 HIDDENITE, an emeral...
hiddenness 18 16 the state of being h...
hieraciums 24 19 HIERACIUM, any plant...
hieraticas 22 15 HIERATICA, (Latin) t...
hierocrats 22 15 HIEROCRAT, a governi...
hierodules 20 15 HIERODULE, a temple...
hierograms 21 17 HIEROGRAM, a sacred...
hierurgies 21 15 HIERURGY, a sacred p...
highbushes 28 22 HIGHBUSH, a shrub of...
highchairs 29 21 HIGHCHAIR, a chair f...
highfliers 27 20 HIGHFLIER, a bird th...
highflyers 33 22 HIGHFLYER, a bird th...
highlights 29 21 HIGHLIGHT, to throw...
highnesses 22 17 HIGHNESS, the state...
hijackings 27 31 HIJACKING, the act o...
hilarities 21 13 HILARITY, noisy merr...
hillcrests 26 17 HILLCREST, the top o...
hillslopes 25 18 HILLSLOPE, the slope...
hindbrains 21 18 HINDBRAIN, the poste...
hinderings 20 17 HINDERING, the act o...
hinderlans 19 16 (Scots) the buttocks...
hinderlins 20 16 (Scots) the buttocks...
hindrances 21 18 HINDRANCE, an act of...
hindshanks 22 21 HINDSHANK, meat from...
hindsights 24 18 HINDSIGHT, the abili...
hippiedoms 25 22 HIPPIEDOM, the world...
hippieness 23 19 the state of being a...
hippodames 24 22 HIPPODAME, (Spenser)...
hippomanes 23 22 an ancient philtre o...
hippurites 25 19 HIPPURITE, a Cretace...
hirsutisms 23 16 HIRSUTISM, the state...
hirudinous 20 16 of or like hirudin,...
hispanisms 23 19 HISPANISM, a movemen...
histamines 20 16 HISTAMINE, a base us...
histidines 20 14 HISTIDINE, an amino...
histograms 22 17 HISTOGRAM, a diagram...
histolyses 27 15 HISTOLYSIS, the deca...
histolysis 28 15 the decay and dissol...
historians 19 13 HISTORIAN, a student...
historisms 22 15 HISTORISM, the belie...
hitchhikes 29 23 HITCHHIKE, to hike w...
hoactzines 24 25 HOACTZIN, a South Am...
hoarfrosts 21 15 HOARFROST, rime or w...
hoarhounds 20 17 HOARHOUND, a kind of...
hoarseness 17 13 the state of being h...
hobbitries 24 18 HOBBITRY, the lore o...
hobgoblins 25 22 HOBGOBLIN, a mischie...
hobjobbers 27 30 HOBJOBBER, one who d...
hobnobbers 24 22 HOBNOBBER, one who h...
hodmandods 19 19 HODMANDOD, a snail;...
hodographs 24 20 HODOGRAPH, a curve o...
hodometers 19 16 HODOMETER, an instru...
hodoscopes 23 19 HODOSCOPE, an instru...
hokinesses 19 17 HOKINESS, the state...
hokypokies 29 25 HOKYPOKY, hocus-pocu...
holarchies 25 18 HOLARCHY, a system o...
holderbats 22 17 HOLDERBAT, a clamp f...
holidayers 26 16 HOLIDAYER, a holiday...
holinesses 19 14 HOLINESS, the state...
hollowares 23 17 HOLLOWARE, hollow ar...
hollowness 23 18 the state of being h...
hollyhocks 34 25 HOLLYHOCK, a plant o...
holocausts 23 17 HOLOCAUST, a complet...
holodiscus 24 18 a genus of deciduous...
hologamies 21 18 HOLOGAMY, the state...
holographs 25 20 HOLOGRAPH, a text wr...
hologynies 26 18 HOLOGYNY, a trait tr...
holophotes 23 18 HOLOPHOTE, an appara...
holophytes 30 20 HOLOPHYTE, a plant m...
holystones 25 16 HOLYSTONE, a sandsto...
homebirths 25 20 HOMEBIRTH, the act o...
homebodies 21 19 HOMEBODY, one who li...
homebuyers 28 21 HOMEBUYER, one who i...
homecomers 23 21 HOMECOMER, a person...
homecrafts 25 21 HOMECRAFT, a craft p...
homeliness 20 17 the state of being h...
homemakers 21 22 HOMEMAKER, a housewi...
homeoboxes 26 25 HOMEOBOX, a short DN...
homeopaths 23 20 HOMEOPATH, a practit...
homeowners 21 19 HOMEOWNER, one who o...
homeplaces 25 22 HOMEPLACE, a person'...
homestalls 22 17 HOMESTALL, a homeste...
homestands 19 17 HOMESTAND, a series...
homesteads 19 16 HOMESTEAD, a dwellin...
homiletics 25 19 the art of preaching...
hominesses 19 16 HOMINESS, the qualit...
homogamies 21 20 HOMOGAMY, breeding o...
homogamous 21 21 of a flower, having...
homogenies 19 18 HOMOGENY, similarity...
homogenous 19 19 having a resemblance...
homogonies 19 18 HOMOGONY, the condit...
homogonous 19 19 exhibiting homogony,...
homografts 23 20 HOMOGRAFT, a graft f...
homographs 25 22 HOMOGRAPH, one of tw...
homologies 21 18 HOMOLOGY, similarity...
homologous 21 19 having the same rela...
homologues 21 19 HOMOLOGUE, a thing e...
homomorphs 25 23 HOMOMORPH, a thing h...
homonymies 26 21 HOMONYMY, the state...
homonymous 26 22 of the nature of hom...
homophiles 25 21 HOMOPHILE, a homosex...
homophobes 25 23 HOMOPHOBE, one who d...
homophones 22 21 HOMOPHONE, a word th...
homotonies 18 16 HOMOTONY, harmony of...
homotonous 18 17 of the same tenor or...
homotypies 28 20 HOMOTYPY, the relati...
homousians 19 17 HOMOUSIAN, one who b...
homozygous 30 29 inheriting a given g...
homuncules 24 22 HOMUNCULE, a little...
homunculus 25 23 a little man; a mani...
honestness 17 14 the state of being h...
honeycombs 30 24 HONEYCOMB, to make l...
honeymoons 23 19 HONEYMOON, the first...
honeytraps 26 18 HONEYTRAP, a scheme...
honoraries 17 13 HONORARY, an honorar...
honorifics 24 19 HONORIFIC, an honori...
honourless 19 15 without honour, also...
hoodedness 17 15 the state of being h...
hoodooisms 19 16 HOODOOISM, the bring...
hoofprints 23 19 HOOFPRINT, the mark...
hookchecks 29 28 HOOKCHECK, in ice ho...
hookedness 18 18 the state of being b...
hoolachans 23 19 HOOLACHAN, (Gaelic)...
hoopskirts 23 19 HOOPSKIRT, a skirt s...
hooverings 21 19 HOOVERING, the act o...
hoppercars 26 21 HOPPERCAR, a contain...
horehounds 20 17 HOREHOUND, a kind of...
horiatikis 21 16 HORIATIKI, (Modern G...
hornedness 17 15 the condition of bei...
hornfelses 21 17 HORNFELS, (German) a...
hornstones 17 14 HORNSTONE, an altern...
hornwracks 26 23 HORNWRACK, a bryozoa...
hornyheads 26 18 HORNYHEAD, a North A...
hornywinks 29 23 HORNYWINK, (dialect)...
horologers 20 15 HOROLOGER, a watchma...
horologies 20 15 HOROLOGY, the scienc...
horoscopes 23 18 HOROSCOPE, a map of...
horrendous 18 15 fearful; frightful [...
horridness 19 14 the quality of being...
horsebacks 25 22 HORSEBACK, the back...
horsebeans 19 16 HORSEBEAN, a variety...
horseboxes 26 22 HORSEBOX, a float fo...
horseflies 22 16 HORSEFLY, a large fl...
horsehairs 21 14 HORSEHAIR, the hair...
horsehides 21 15 HORSEHIDE, the hide...
horsemeats 19 15 HORSEMEAT, the meat...
horsemints 20 16 HORSEMINT, a coarse...
horseplays 28 18 HORSEPLAY, rough, bo...
horseponds 20 17 HORSEPOND, a pond fo...
horsepoxes 26 22 HORSEPOX, a skin dis...
horseraces 21 15 HORSERACE, a race fo...
horseshits 22 14 HORSESHIT, horse dro...
horseshoes 20 14 HORSESHOE, to put ho...
horsetails 20 13 HORSETAIL, a watersi...
horseweeds 21 16 HORSEWEED, a common...
horsewhips 27 20 HORSEWHIP, to beat w...
hortations 18 13 HORTATION, the act o...
hospitages 22 17 HOSPITAGE, (Spenser)...
hospitales 22 16 HOSPITALE, (Spenser)...
hostelings 21 16 HOSTELING, the act o...
hostellers 21 14 HOSTELLER, a person...
hostelries 20 13 HOSTELRY, an inn [n]
hotdoggers 21 17 HOTDOGGER, one who h...
hotellings 22 17 HOTELLING, (in an of...
hotpresses 21 15 HOTPRESS, to subject...
hottentots 18 13 HOTTENTOT, a small f...
hourplates 22 17 HOURPLATE, a timepie...
houseboats 20 16 HOUSEBOAT, a boat mo...
housecarls 23 17 HOUSECARL, (Old Engl...
housecoats 21 16 HOUSECOAT, a woman's...
housedress 19 14 a dress with simple...
houseflies 22 17 HOUSEFLY, a common f...
households 22 17 HOUSEHOLD, those who...
housekeeps 21 20 HOUSEKEEP, to keep h...
houseleeks 20 18 HOUSELEEK, a plant o...
houselines 19 15 HOUSELINE, tarred ma...
houselings 21 17 HOUSELING, the act o...
housemaids 20 17 HOUSEMAID, a maid em...
housemates 19 16 HOUSEMATE, one who d...
houserooms 19 16 HOUSEROOM, room or p...
housewares 21 16 wares used in the ho...
housewives 24 20 HOUSEWIFE, a married...
houseworks 23 20 HOUSEWORK, the work...
houstonias 18 14 HOUSTONIA, a small N...
hoverflies 24 20 HOVERFLY, a fly note...
hoverports 23 19 HOVERPORT, a port fo...
howlrounds 23 19 HOWLROUND, a conditi...
howtowdies 25 19 HOWTOWDIE, (Scots) a...
hoydenisms 26 19 HOYDENISM, the behav...
huckabacks 30 30 HUCKABACK, an absorb...
huckstress 25 20 a female huckster, a...
hugenesses 19 16 HUGENESS, the qualit...
humaneness 18 18 the quality of being...
humanhoods 21 20 HUMANHOOD, the state...
humanisers 20 17 HUMANISER, something...
humanities 20 17 HUMANITY, the human...
humanizers 23 26 HUMANIZER, one who h...
humankinds 21 23 HUMANKIND, humanity,...
humblebees 25 23 HUMBLEBEE, a bumbleb...
humbleness 23 21 the quality of being...
humblesses 24 20 HUMBLESSE, (Spenser)...
humbuckers 28 27 HUMBUCKER, a twin-co...
humbuggers 26 24 HUMBUGGER, one who h...
humdingers 22 20 HUMDINGER, a person...
humectants 23 20 HUMECTANT, a substan...
humectates 23 19 HUMECTATE, to moiste...
humectives 26 23 HUMECTIVE, something...
humicolous 25 21 living in the soil [...
humidifies 24 20 HUMIDIFY, to make hu...
humidities 22 17 HUMIDITY, the amount...
humiliates 22 17 HUMILIATE, to humble...
humilities 23 17 HUMILITY, the qualit...
hummellers 24 21 HUMMELLER, (dialect)...
humourless 22 18 without humour, also...
hunchbacks 31 29 HUNCHBACK, a person...
hundreders 19 16 HUNDREDER, an inhabi...
hundredors 19 16 HUNDREDOR, an inhabi...
hundredths 22 18 HUNDREDTH, a hundred...
hungriness 20 17 hunger [n -ES]
huntresses 19 14 HUNTRESS, a female h...
hurricanes 22 17 HURRICANE, a violent...
husbanders 21 18 HUSBANDER, one who h...
hyalinises 26 16 HYALINISE, of tissue...
hyalinizes 29 25 HYALINIZE, of tissue...
hyalonemas 25 19 HYALONEMA, a genus o...
hybridises 29 18 HYBRIDISE, to create...
hybridisms 31 21 HYBRIDISM, the state...
hybridists 30 18 HYBRIDIST, a practit...
hybridizes 32 27 HYBRIDIZE, to create...
hybridomas 29 21 HYBRIDOMA, a hybrid...
hydantoins 24 17 HYDANTOIN, a colourl...
hydathodes 27 18 HYDATHODE, an epider...
hydraemias 26 18 HYDRAEMIA, an abnorm...
hydrangeas 25 18 HYDRANGEA, a plant o...
hydrations 25 16 HYDRATION, the act o...
hydraulics 31 20 HYDRAULIC, to excava...
hydrazides 29 25 HYDRAZIDE, any of a...
hydrazines 28 25 HYDRAZINE, a colourl...
hydrocasts 29 18 HYDROCAST, a gatheri...
hydroceles 29 19 HYDROCELE, an abnorm...
hydrofoils 29 19 HYDROFOIL, a boat fi...
hydrolases 26 16 HYDROLASE, a hydroly...
hydrolyses 33 18 HYDROLYSE [n]
hydrolysis 34 18 a decomposition reac...
hydrolytes 33 18 HYDROLYTE, a body su...
hydrolyzes 36 27 HYDROLYZE, to subjec...
hydronauts 25 17 HYDRONAUT, a person...
hydroniums 27 20 HYDRONIUM, the hydra...
hydropaths 30 20 HYDROPATH, a practit...
hydropsies 28 18 HYDROPSY, (archaic)...
hydropults 30 20 HYDROPULT, a machine...
hydroseres 25 15 HYDROSERE, an ecolog...
hydrosomes 26 18 HYDROSOME, all the z...
hydrostats 26 15 HYDROSTAT, a contriv...
hydrotaxes 31 22 HYDROTAXIS, movement...
hydrotaxis 32 22 movement towards or...
hydrovanes 26 20 HYDROVANE, a hydrofo...
hydroxides 32 23 HYDROXIDE, any compo...
hydroxiums 34 26 HYDROXIUM, a positiv...
hydrozoans 27 25 HYDROZOAN, any coele...
hygienists 27 17 HYGIENIST, one skill...
hygristors 28 16 HYGRISTOR, an electr...
hygrodeiks 28 21 HYGRODEIK, a form of...
hygrostats 27 16 HYGROSTAT, a machine...
hylophytes 37 22 HYLOPHYTE, a woodlan...
hylotomous 27 19 wood-cutting [adj]
hylozoisms 31 27 HYLOZOISM, the doctr...
hylozoists 30 24 HYLOZOIST, one who m...
hymenaeans 23 19 HYMENAEAN, a wedding...
hymnodists 27 19 HYMNODIST, a person...
hyoscyamus 36 23 any plant of the sol...
hypallages 30 21 HYPALLAGE, a rhetori...
hyperbolas 30 21 HYPERBOLA, a type of...
hyperboles 30 21 HYPERBOLE, (Greek) i...
hypercubes 33 24 HYPERCUBE, a figure...
hyperemias 28 20 HYPEREMIA, an excess...
hypericins 31 21 HYPERICIN, a compoun...
hypericums 33 24 HYPERICUM, a herbace...
hyperlinks 30 23 HYPERLINK, to connec...
hypermarts 29 20 HYPERMART, a very la...
hypernovas 28 22 HYPERNOVA, an explod...
hyperopias 29 20 HYPEROPIA, longsight...
hyperpneas 28 21 HYPERPNEA, abnormall...
hyperreals 28 18 HYPERREAL, that whic...
hypertexts 34 24 HYPERTEXT, computer...
hyphenates 28 20 HYPHENATE, to insert...
hyphenises 29 20 HYPHENISE, to put a...
hyphenisms 31 23 HYPHENISM, the pract...
hyphenizes 32 29 HYPHENIZE, to put a...
hyphenless 30 21 without a hyphen [ad...
hypnotises 27 18 HYPNOTISE, to put in...
hypnotisms 29 21 HYPNOTISM, the scien...
hypnotists 28 18 HYPNOTIST, one who p...
hypnotizes 30 27 HYPNOTIZE, to put in...
hypoblasts 31 21 HYPOBLAST, the inner...
hypocausts 31 21 HYPOCAUST, an ancien...
hypocotyls 38 23 HYPOCOTYL, the stem...
hypocrites 31 20 HYPOCRITE, one who p...
hypodermas 28 21 HYPODERMA, a layer o...
hypodermis 29 21 the layer of skin ju...
hypogaeous 27 20 germinating with cot...
hypogenous 27 21 produced or growing...
hypogynies 34 22 HYPOGYNY, the condit...
hypogynous 34 23 growing from beneath...
hypomanias 27 21 HYPOMANIA, slightly...
hypomanics 31 24 HYPOMANIC, one affli...
hypomorphs 33 25 HYPOMORPH, a mutant...
hyponymies 34 23 HYPONYMY, the format...
hypophyges 39 26 HYPOPHYGE, the curve...
hypophyses 38 24 HYPOPHYSIS, the pitu...
hypophysis 39 24 the pituitary gland...
hypoploids 31 22 HYPOPLOID, a chromos...
hypopnoeas 27 21 HYPOPNOEA, abnormall...
hypostases 27 17 HYPOSTASIS, an under...
hypostasis 28 17 an underlying realit...
hypostomes 28 20 HYPOSTOME, any of se...
hypostress 28 17 insufficient stress...
hypostyles 35 20 HYPOSTYLE, a buildin...
hypotheses 29 19 HYPOTHESIS, a suppos...
hypothesis 30 19 a supposition, an as...
hypotonias 26 18 HYPOTONIA, a hypnoti...
hypoxemias 34 27 HYPOXEMIA, deficienc...
hystereses 25 14 HYSTERESIS, the reta...
hysteresis 26 14 the retardation or l...
hysteritis 27 14 inflammation of the...
ibuprofens 23 21 IBUPROFEN, an anti-i...
iceboaters 21 16 ICEBOATER, one who t...
ichneumons 22 21 ICHNEUMON, (Greek) t...
ichnolites 23 17 ICHNOLITE, a fossil...
ichthyoids 32 20 ICHTHYOID, any fishl...
ichthyoses 31 19 ICHTHYOSIS, a diseas...
ichthyosis 32 19 a disease in which t...
ickinesses 21 18 ICKINESS, the state...
ictericals 25 17 ICTERICAL, a remedy...
idealisers 18 12 IDEALISER, one who i...
idealities 18 12 IDEALITY, the state...
idealizers 21 21 IDEALIZER, one who i...
idealogies 18 14 IDEALOGY, a belief s...
idealogues 18 15 IDEALOGUE, a doctrin...
identifies 19 15 IDENTIFY, to establi...
identikits 19 16 IDENTIKIT, a reconst...
identities 17 12 IDENTITY, the essent...
ideographs 22 18 IDEOGRAPH, a symbol...
ideologies 18 14 IDEOLOGY, the scienc...
ideologues 18 15 IDEOLOGUE, a doctrin...
ideophones 19 17 IDEOPHONE, a word th...
idioblasts 21 15 IDIOBLAST, a plant c...
idiographs 23 18 IDIOGRAPH, a private...
idiophones 20 17 IDIOPHONE, a percuss...
idioplasms 22 18 IDIOPLASM, the part...
idioticons 20 15 IDIOTICON, a dialect...
idlenesses 17 13 IDLENESS, the state...
idolatress 18 12 a female worshipper...
idolatries 18 12 IDOLATRY, the worshi...
idolatrous 18 13 of or pertaining to...
idoneities 16 12 IDONEITY, the state...
iffinesses 21 17 IFFINESS, the state...
ignescents 20 17 IGNESCENT, an ignesc...
ignominies 18 17 IGNOMINY, deep perso...
ignorances 19 17 IGNORANCE, lack of k...
iguanodons 16 16 IGUANODON, a genus o...
illawarras 22 15 ILLAWARRA, a breed o...
illuminers 21 17 ILLUMINER, one who i...
illuviates 22 17 ILLUVIATE, to deposi...
imagineers 18 16 IMAGINEER, to design...
imaginings 20 19 IMAGINING, the act o...
imaginists 20 16 IMAGINIST, a person...
imbalances 23 21 IMBALANCE, lack of b...
imbrangles 22 20 IMBRANGLE, (archaic)...
imbricates 24 19 IMBRICATE, to lay ov...
imbroglios 23 19 IMBROGLIO, (Italian)...
imbuements 21 21 IMBUEMENT, the act o...
imidazoles 22 24 IMIDAZOLE, a white c...
iminazoles 21 24 IMINAZOLE, a white c...
iminoureas 17 15 IMINOUREA, a strongl...
imitancies 21 17 IMITANCY [n]
imitations 18 14 IMITATION, the act o...
immanacles 22 21 IMMANACLE, (Milton)...
immanences 20 21 IMMANENCE, the state...
immanities 19 17 IMMANITY, monstrous...
immeritous 20 17 (archaic) undeservin...
immersions 19 17 IMMERSION, the act o...
immigrants 21 19 IMMIGRANT, a person...
immigrates 21 18 IMMIGRATE, to migrat...
imminences 21 21 IMMINENCE, the quali...
immissions 20 17 IMMISSION, insertion...
immixtures 27 24 IMMIXTURE, freedom f...
immolators 20 17 IMMOLATOR, one who o...
immovables 24 24 IMMOVABLE, something...
immunisers 20 18 IMMUNISER, one that...
immunities 20 18 IMMUNITY, the state...
immunizers 23 27 IMMUNIZER, one that...
immunogens 19 21 IMMUNOGEN, an antige...
impactions 23 20 IMPACTION, the drivi...
impactites 24 19 IMPACTITE, a rock, t...
impairings 22 19 IMPAIRING, the act o...
imparities 21 16 IMPARITY, lack of eq...
impassions 20 17 IMPASSION, to arouse...
impeachers 25 21 IMPEACHER, one who i...
impedances 22 21 IMPEDANCE, the measu...
impellents 22 19 IMPELLENT, something...
imperators 20 16 IMPERATOR, (Latin) a...
imperfects 26 22 IMPERFECT, a verb te...
impervious 23 21 not allowing entranc...
impetrates 20 16 IMPETRATE, to obtain...
impishness 23 19 the quality of being...
implanters 21 18 IMPLANTER, one who i...
impleaches 26 22 IMPLEACH, to intertw...
impleaders 21 18 IMPLEADER, one who p...
implements 22 21 IMPLEMENT, to put in...
impletions 21 18 IMPLETION, filling,...
implexions 27 25 IMPLEXION, the act o...
implexuous 28 26 not simple; involved...
implicates 25 20 IMPLICATE, to involv...
implodents 21 19 IMPLODENT, an implos...
implosions 21 18 IMPLOSION, the act o...
implosives 24 21 IMPLOSIVE, an implos...
impolicies 25 20 IMPOLICY, an instanc...
importings 22 19 IMPORTING, the act o...
importunes 20 18 IMPORTUNE, to press...
impostrous 21 17 doing imposture [adj...
impostumes 22 20 IMPOSTUME, (archaic)...
impostures 21 17 IMPOSTURE, a fraud,...
impotences 22 20 IMPOTENCE, lack of p...
impounders 20 19 IMPOUNDER, one who i...
imprecates 23 19 IMPRECATE, to call d...
impressers 21 16 IMPRESSER, one who i...
imprinters 21 17 IMPRINTER, one who i...
impromptus 25 23 IMPROMPTU, a short p...
improvises 23 20 IMPROVISE, to compos...
impsonites 20 17 IMPSONITE, an organi...
impudences 23 22 IMPUDENCE, shameless...
impulsions 22 19 IMPULSION, the act o...
impundulus 23 22 IMPUNDULU, (Bantu) a...
impunities 21 18 IMPUNITY, exemption...
impureness 20 18 the state of being i...
impurities 22 17 IMPURITY, something...
inamoratas 16 14 INAMORATA, (Italian)...
inamoratos 16 14 INAMORATO, (Italian)...
inanitions 15 13 INANITION, a conditi...
inaugurals 19 16 INAUGURAL, an inaugu...
inbreathes 20 16 INBREATHE, to infuse...
inbreeders 18 15 INBREEDER, one who i...
incapables 24 21 INCAPABLE, one who i...
incarnates 18 15 INCARNATE, to embody...
incautions 19 16 INCAUTION, want of c...
incautious 20 16 lacking in caution [...
incentives 21 19 INCENTIVE, that whic...
inceptions 21 18 INCEPTION, a beginni...
inceptives 24 21 INCEPTIVE, an incept...
incestuous 20 16 constituting or invo...
incidences 22 19 INCIDENCE, the frequ...
inclinings 22 19 INCLINING, an inclin...
inclosures 21 16 INCLOSURE, the act o...
inclusions 21 17 INCLUSION, a fragmen...
incognitas 20 17 INCOGNITA, (Italian)...
incognitos 20 17 INCOGNITO, (Italian)...
incommodes 21 21 INCOMMODE, to put to...
increasers 19 14 INCREASER, one who i...
incremates 20 17 INCREMATE, (obsolete...
increments 20 18 INCREMENT, to add 1...
incretions 19 15 INCRETION, internal...
incubators 22 18 INCUBATOR, an appara...
inculcates 24 19 INCULCATE, to teach...
inculpates 23 19 INCULPATE, to blame;...
incumbents 23 22 INCUMBENT, a person...
incunables 22 20 INCUNABLE, a book pr...
incurables 23 19 INCURABLE, one who c...
incursions 20 16 INCURSION, a hostile...
incurvates 22 19 INCURVATE, to curve...
indagators 17 14 INDAGATOR, a searche...
indecorous 19 16 not decorous [adj IN...
indecorums 21 19 INDECORUM, (Latin) a...
indentions 15 14 INDENTION, a blank s...
indentures 16 14 INDENTURE, to bind b...
indexicals 27 23 INDEXICAL, something...
indextrous 23 20 not possessing dexte...
indicators 20 15 INDICATOR, someone w...
indictions 20 16 INDICTION, a declara...
indigences 20 18 INDIGENCE, poverty;...
indigenous 17 16 occurring naturally...
indigotins 18 15 INDIGOTIN, the blue...
indinavirs 19 17 INDINAVIR, a drug us...
indirubins 20 17 INDIRUBIN, a red cry...
indisposes 19 15 INDISPOSE, to render...
indolences 19 17 INDOLENCE, laziness,...
indraughts 21 17 INDRAUGHT, a drawing...
indrenches 21 18 INDRENCH, to submerg...
inductions 20 17 INDUCTION, the act o...
industries 18 13 INDUSTRY, a group of...
indwellers 22 17 INDWELLER, an inhabi...
inebriants 18 15 INEBRIANT, something...
inebriates 18 14 INEBRIATE, to make d...
inequities 25 21 INEQUITY, unfairness...
infanteers 17 15 INFANTEER, a Canadia...
infantries 18 15 INFANTRY, soldiers m...
infatuates 18 15 INFATUATE, to inspir...
infectants 21 18 INFECTANT, a thing t...
infections 21 18 INFECTION, the act o...
infectious 22 18 capable of causing i...
inferences 20 18 INFERENCE, the act o...
infestants 18 15 INFESTANT, something...
infielders 20 16 INFIELDER, a fielder...
infighters 23 18 INFIGHTER, one who f...
infillings 23 19 INFILLING, material...
infinities 19 15 INFINITY, the state...
infirmness 20 18 the state of being i...
inflations 19 16 INFLATION, undue inc...
inflatuses 20 16 INFLATUS, (Latin) a...
inflectors 23 18 INFLECTOR, one who i...
inflexions 25 23 INFLEXION, a change...
inflexures 26 23 INFLEXURE, an inflec...
inflicters 24 18 INFLICTER, one who i...
inflictors 24 18 INFLICTOR, one who i...
inflowings 24 21 INFLOWING, the act o...
influences 22 20 INFLUENCE, to have o...
influenzas 22 26 INFLUENZA, a highly...
influxions 26 24 INFLUXION, a flowing...
infoldings 21 19 INFOLDING, a folding...
infomanias 18 18 INFOMANIA, an excess...
informants 19 18 INFORMANT, someone w...
infortunes 18 16 INFORTUNE, misfortun...
infractors 22 17 INFRACTOR, one who i...
infringers 20 17 INFRINGER, one who i...
infuriates 19 15 INFURIATE, to make f...
infusories 19 15 INFUSORY, an infusio...
ingestions 17 14 INGESTION, the act o...
ingleneuks 19 20 INGLENEUK, an alcove...
inglenooks 18 19 INGLENOOK, an alcove...
inglorious 19 15 not glorious [adj IN...
ingrainers 17 14 INGRAINER, one who i...
inhabiters 21 16 INHABITER, one who i...
inhabitors 21 16 INHABITOR, one who i...
inhalators 19 14 INHALATOR, an appara...
inherences 20 17 INHERENCE, the state...
inheritors 19 13 INHERITOR, one who i...
inhibiters 22 16 INHIBITER, something...
inhibitors 22 16 INHIBITOR, something...
inholdings 21 18 INHOLDING, privately...
iniquities 26 21 INIQUITY, a gross in...
iniquitous 26 22 characterized by gro...
initialers 18 12 INITIALER, one who i...
initiators 17 11 INITIATOR, one who i...
injectants 21 24 INJECTANT, a substan...
injections 21 24 INJECTION, the act o...
injustices 23 24 INJUSTICE, the fact...
inkberries 20 18 INKBERRY, a small sh...
inkholders 21 19 INKHOLDER, a contain...
inkinesses 17 16 INKINESS, the state...
inmigrants 19 17 INMIGRANT, an inmigr...
innateness 14 13 the quality of being...
innermosts 17 15 INNERMOST, an innerm...
innersoles 16 13 INNERSOLE, an insole...
innervates 17 16 INNERVATE, to supply...
innerwears 18 15 INNERWEAR, underwear...
innkeepers 18 19 INNKEEPER, a person...
innocences 20 19 INNOCENCE, the quali...
innovators 17 16 INNOVATOR, one who i...
innuendoes 14 15 INNUENDO, to make an...
innumerous 17 17 (archaic) innumerabl...
inoculants 20 17 INOCULANT, any mater...
inoculates 20 16 INOCULATE, to introd...
inpatients 18 15 INPATIENT, a patient...
inpayments 25 20 INPAYMENT, the payme...
inpourings 20 18 INPOURING, the act o...
inquilines 26 23 INQUILINE, a creatur...
inquinates 24 22 INQUINATE, to corrup...
inrushings 21 17 INRUSHING, the act o...
insaneness 14 13 insanity, madness [n...
insanities 16 12 INSANITY, the state...
insciences 22 18 INSCIENCE, want of k...
inscribers 23 17 INSCRIBER, one who i...
insections 19 15 INSECTION, a cutting...
inselbergs 21 17 INSELBERG, (German)...
insensuous 16 14 not sensuous [adj]
insertions 16 12 INSERTION, the act o...
insheathes 20 15 INSHEATHE, to insert...
inshelters 20 14 INSHELTER, to place...
insinuates 16 13 INSINUATE, to hint o...
insolences 19 16 INSOLENCE, rudeness,...
insolubles 21 17 INSOLUBLE, something...
insolvents 19 17 INSOLVENT, one who i...
insomniacs 20 18 INSOMNIAC, one who s...
insomnious 17 16 restless; sleepless...
inspectors 22 17 INSPECTOR, one who i...
installers 19 13 INSTALLER, one who i...
instancies 19 15 INSTANCY, the qualit...
instigates 18 13 INSTIGATE, to initia...
instillers 20 13 INSTILLER, one who i...
institutes 18 12 INSTITUTE, to set up...
instresses 17 11 INSTRESS, to create...
insulators 18 13 INSULATOR, a noncond...
insurances 19 16 INSURANCE, the act,...
insurgents 18 15 INSURGENT, a person...
inswingers 21 17 INSWINGER, in cricke...
intactness 19 15 the state of being i...
intaglioes 18 14 INTAGLIO, to carve a...
integrands 17 15 INTEGRAND, a functio...
integrants 17 14 INTEGRANT, an integr...
integrates 17 13 INTEGRATE, to make e...
intellects 22 16 INTELLECT, the mind,...
intendants 15 14 INTENDANT, one who h...
intensates 15 12 INTENSATE, to intens...
intensions 15 13 INTENSION, the state...
intensives 18 16 INTENSIVE, an intens...
intentions 15 13 INTENTION, design, p...
intentness 15 13 the state of being i...
intercedes 19 15 INTERCEDE, to act as...
intercepts 22 17 INTERCEPT, to stop a...
interclass 21 15 between classes e.g....
intercrops 22 17 INTERCROP, to plant...
intercross 20 14 to cross each other,...
interdeals 17 13 INTERDEAL, (archaic)...
interdicts 21 15 INTERDICT, to forbid...
interdines 16 13 INTERDINE, to eat to...
interesses 16 11 INTERESS, (obsolete)...
interfaces 21 17 INTERFACE, to intera...
interferes 18 14 INTERFERE, to interv...
interfiles 20 15 INTERFILE, to arrang...
interflows 23 18 INTERFLOW, to flow i...
interfolds 20 16 INTERFOLD, to fold t...
interfuses 19 15 INTERFUSE, to pour o...
intergrows 21 16 INTERGROW, to grow i...
interjects 22 23 INTERJECT, to interp...
interjoins 18 21 INTERJOIN, (Shakespe...
interknits 18 16 INTERKNIT, to knit t...
interknots 17 16 INTERKNOT, to knot t...
interlaces 20 15 INTERLACE, to lace,...
interlards 18 13 INTERLARD, to place...
interlends 17 14 INTERLEND, to lend b...
interlines 17 13 INTERLINE, to write...
interlinks 19 17 INTERLINK, to link t...
interloans 16 13 INTERLOAN, a loan be...
interlocks 22 19 INTERLOCK, to lock o...
interloops 19 15 INTERLOOP, to loop t...
interlopes 19 15 INTERLOPE, to intrud...
interludes 18 14 INTERLUDE, to write...
interments 17 15 INTERMENT, the act o...
intermixes 24 21 INTERMIX, to mix tog...
intermures 18 15 INTERMURE, (obsolete...
internists 17 12 INTERNIST, a special...
internodes 15 13 INTERNODE, the space...
interpages 19 16 INTERPAGE, to print...
interplays 26 17 INTERPLAY, to exert...
interpones 17 15 INTERPONE, to interp...
interposes 18 14 INTERPOSE, to place...
interprets 19 14 INTERPRET, to explai...
interrails 18 12 INTERRAIL, to travel...
interreges 17 13 INTERREX, someone wh...
interrupts 20 15 INTERRUPT, to break...
intersects 20 14 INTERSECT, to cut in...
interserts 17 11 INTERSERT, (obsolete...
intersexes 22 18 INTERSEX, people hav...
interterms 18 14 INTERTERM, the perio...
intertexts 23 18 INTERTEXT, a text be...
intertills 20 13 INTERTILL, to cultiv...
intervales 19 16 INTERVALE, a low lev...
interveins 18 16 INTERVEIN, to inters...
intervenes 17 16 INTERVENE, to come o...
interviews 22 18 INTERVIEW, to conduc...
interwinds 20 16 INTERWIND, to wind i...
interworks 21 18 INTERWORK, to work t...
interzones 18 21 INTERZONE, a zone be...
intestates 16 11 INTESTATE, one who h...
intestines 16 12 INTESTINE, a part of...
intifadahs 21 17 INTIFADAH, (Arabic)...
intifadehs 21 17 INTIFADEH, (Arabic)...
intimacies 21 17 INTIMACY, a state of...
intimaters 18 14 INTIMATER, one who i...
intimistes 19 14 INTIMISTE, (French)...
intimities 19 14 INTIMITY, a state of...
intonators 15 12 INTONATOR, one who i...
intorsions 16 12 INTORSION, a twist,...
intortions 16 12 INTORTION, a twist,...
intradoses 16 12 INTRADOS, the inner...
intrenches 21 17 INTRENCH, to fix fir...
intrigants 18 14 INTRIGANT, (archaic)...
intriguers 19 14 INTRIGUER, one who i...
introduces 20 16 INTRODUCE, to bring...
introjects 22 23 INTROJECT, to incorp...
introverts 19 15 INTROVERT, to turn i...
intrusions 17 13 INTRUSION, the act o...
intrusives 20 16 INTRUSIVE, an intrus...
intuitions 17 13 INTUITION, the power...
intumesces 21 18 INTUMESCE, to swell...
inumbrates 20 18 INUMBRATE, to cast a...
inunctions 19 17 INUNCTION, the act o...
inundators 16 14 INUNDATOR, one who i...
inuredness 16 14 the state of being i...
inurements 17 16 INUREMENT, use; prac...
inurnments 17 17 INURNMENT, the act o...
invariants 18 16 INVARIANT, an invari...
invectives 24 22 INVECTIVE, an attack...
inveighers 22 19 INVEIGHER, one who i...
inveiglers 21 18 INVEIGLER, one who i...
inventions 17 17 INVENTION, that whic...
inventress 18 16 a woman who invents...
inverities 19 15 INVERITY, lack of tr...
inversions 18 16 INVERSION, the act o...
invertases 18 15 INVERTASE, an enzyme...
invisibles 23 19 INVISIBLE, an invisi...
invocators 21 18 INVOCATOR, one who i...
invoicings 23 21 INVOICING, the act o...
involucels 24 21 INVOLUCEL, a small s...
involucres 23 20 INVOLUCRE, a whorl o...
inwardness 19 16 the state of being i...
inworkings 22 21 INWORKING, the act o...
inwreathes 21 16 INWREATHE, to surrou...
ionicities 20 14 IONICITY, the state...
ionopauses 17 15 IONOPAUSE, the regio...
ionophores 19 16 IONOPHORE, a chemica...
ionosondes 14 13 IONOSONDE, an instru...
iprindoles 20 16 IPRINDOLE, an antide...
irefulness 20 16 wrathfulness [n -ES]
irenicisms 22 17 IRENICISM, the proce...
iridaceous 20 15 belonging to the iri...
iridocytes 27 16 IRIDOCYTE, a cell in...
irisations 17 11 IRISATION, iridescen...
ironnesses 15 12 IRONNESS, the state...
ironsmiths 21 16 IRONSMITH, a worker...
ironstones 15 12 IRONSTONE, a hard, e...
irradiates 17 11 IRRADIATE, to shed l...
irredentas 16 12 IRREDENTA, (Italian)...
irregulars 20 14 IRREGULAR, a soldier...
irridentas 17 12 IRRIDENTA, (Italian)...
irrigators 19 12 IRRIGATOR, one who i...
irritators 18 10 IRRITATOR, one who i...
irruptions 20 15 IRRUPTION, a forcibl...
irukandjis 21 26 IRUKANDJI, a very ve...
isallobars 21 15 ISALLOBAR, the conto...
ischaemias 23 18 ISCHAEMIA, an inadeq...
iseikonias 17 15 ISEIKONIA, the seein...
islomanias 18 15 ISLOMANIA, an obsess...
isobarisms 21 16 ISOBARISM, the use o...
isobutanes 18 15 ISOBUTANE, a gaseous...
isobutenes 18 15 ISOBUTENE, an isomer...
isochimals 25 19 ISOCHIMAL, an isochi...
isochrones 21 16 ISOCHRONE, a line co...
isochroous 22 16 of uniform colour [a...
isoclinals 22 16 ISOCLINAL, a line co...
isoclinics 25 18 ISOCLINIC, a line on...
isocracies 23 16 ISOCRACY, a form of...
isocrymals 29 19 ISOCRYMAL, a line co...
isodontals 17 13 ISODONTAL, an isodon...
isoenzymes 26 25 ISOENZYME, one of se...
isogametes 18 15 ISOGAMETE, a gamete...
isoglosses 19 13 ISOGLOSS, a line ind...
isohyetals 26 15 ISOHYETAL, a line dr...
isokontans 16 16 ISOKONTAN, any membe...
isolations 17 12 ISOLATION, the state...
isomerases 17 13 ISOMERASE, an enzyme...
isomerises 18 13 ISOMERISE, to change...
isomerisms 20 16 ISOMERISM, the state...
isomerizes 21 22 ISOMERIZE, to change...
isometrics 22 16 ISOMETRIC, a line co...
isometries 18 13 ISOMETRY, equality o...
isoniazids 20 21 ISONIAZID, a pyridin...
isooctanes 18 14 ISOOCTANE, a fuel of...
isopropyls 29 19 ISOPROPYL, a radical...
isopterans 18 14 ISOPTERAN, any membe...
isopterous 19 14 relating to the Isop...
isopycnals 29 20 ISOPYCNAL, a line on...
isopycnics 32 22 ISOPYCNIC, a line on...
isospories 19 13 ISOSPORY, the condit...
isosporous 19 14 having spores of one...
isostacies 20 13 ISOSTACY, the state...
isostasies 17 10 ISOSTASY, the state...
isotherals 20 13 ISOTHERAL, a line co...
isotropies 19 13 ISOTROPY, the state...
isotropous 19 14 having the same prop...
ispaghulas 24 19 ISPAGHULA, a dietary...
italicises 22 14 ITALICISE, to print...
italicizes 25 23 ITALICIZE, to print...
iterations 16 11 ITERATION, repetitio...
itinerants 16 12 ITINERANT, someone w...
itinerates 16 11 ITINERATE, to wander...
ivorybills 31 21 IVORYBILL, the ivory...
ivorywoods 28 20 IVORYWOOD, the yello...
izvestiyas 29 25 IZVESTIYA, (Russian)...
jabberings 24 28 JABBERING, the act o...
jaborandis 20 24 JABORANDI, (Tupi) th...
jacarandas 20 24 JACARANDA, (Tupi) a...
jackanapes 23 30 an impudent child; a...
jacketless 24 27 without a jacket [ad...
jackfishes 28 31 JACKFISH, a food fis...
jackfruits 27 30 JACKFRUIT, an East I...
jackknifes 26 34 JACKKNIFE, to fold u...
jackknives 26 35 JACKKNIFE, a large c...
jacklights 29 31 JACKLIGHT, a kind of...
jackplanes 25 31 JACKPLANE, a large w...
jackscrews 30 32 JACKSCREW, a jack in...
jackshafts 28 31 JACKSHAFT, an interm...
jacksmelts 26 30 JACKSMELT, a large f...
jacksmiths 28 31 JACKSMITH, a smith w...
jacksnipes 25 30 JACKSNIPE, a kind of...
jackstones 22 27 JACKSTONE, a piece u...
jackstraws 27 29 JACKSTRAW, an effigy...
jacqueries 30 32 JACQUERIE, (French)...
jactations 21 23 JACTATION, restless...
jaculators 23 24 JACULATOR, one who t...
jadishness 21 23 the state of being j...
jaggedness 20 25 the state of being j...
jaggheries 23 25 JAGGHERY, a coarse,...
jaghirdars 23 24 JAGHIRDAR, (Hindi) t...
jailbreaks 23 27 JAILBREAK [n]
jailhouses 22 23 JAILHOUSE, a prison...
jambalayas 28 28 JAMBALAYA, (Provenca...
jambolanas 21 27 JAMBOLANA, (Sanskrit...
janisaries 18 20 JANISARY, (Turkish)...
janitrixes 25 27 JANITRIX, a female d...
janizaries 21 29 JANIZARY, (Turkish)...
jargoneers 18 22 JARGONEER, a person...
jargonises 19 22 JARGONISE, to expres...
jargonists 20 22 JARGONIST, a person...
jargonizes 22 31 JARGONIZE, to expres...
jarlsbergs 24 25 JARLSBERG, (tradenam...
jasmonates 18 23 JASMONATE, any of se...
jasperises 21 22 JASPERISE, to turn i...
jasperizes 24 31 JASPERIZE, to turn i...
jaspideous 21 24 consisting of jasper...
jaspilites 23 23 JASPILITE, a rock li...
jauntiness 18 22 the state of being j...
jawbations 23 26 JAWBATION, a long, t...
jawbonings 24 29 JAWBONING, governmen...
jayhawkers 31 30 JAYHAWKER, a name gi...
jaywalkers 30 29 JAYWALKER, one who w...
jealousies 19 21 JEALOUSY, a jealous...
jejuneness 19 31 the quality of being...
jejunities 21 30 JEJUNITY, something...
jellybeans 28 27 JELLYBEAN, a bean-sh...
jellyrolls 30 25 JELLYROLL, a type of...
jennetings 18 24 JENNETING, an early...
jeoparders 20 23 JEOPARDER, one who p...
jeopardies 20 23 JEOPARDY [v]
jeopardous 20 24 (obsolete) perilous;...
jerfalcons 24 27 JERFALCON, a heavy,...
jerkwaters 23 26 JERKWATER, a train o...
jessamines 19 23 JESSAMINE, a genus o...
jesserants 18 20 JESSERANT, (historic...
jesuitisms 22 23 JESUITISM, subtle ar...
jesuitries 20 20 JESUITRY, an unethic...
jetstreams 20 22 JETSTREAM, a narrow...
jettaturas 19 20 JETTATURA, (Italian)...
jewelweeds 25 27 JEWELWEED, a plant o...
jigamarees 20 24 JIGAMAREE, a whatsit...
jiggumbobs 28 33 JIGGUMBOB, a thingam...
jillflirts 27 25 JILLFLIRT, (archaic)...
jimpnesses 22 26 JIMPNESS, slendernes...
jinrikshas 23 26 JINRIKSHA, (Japanese...
jitterbugs 24 25 JITTERBUG [n]
jobcentres 23 26 JOBCENTRE, a centre...
jobernowls 24 27 JOBERNOWL, a stupid...
jobholders 24 26 JOBHOLDER, one who h...
jobseekers 21 26 JOBSEEKER, one engag...
jobsworths 27 27 JOBSWORTH, a minor o...
jockeyisms 31 31 JOCKEYISM, the pract...
jockstraps 26 29 JOCKSTRAP, a genital...
jocktelegs 25 29 JOCKTELEG, (Scots) a...
jocoseness 20 23 the quality of being...
jocosities 22 22 JOCOSITY, cheerfulne...
joculators 23 24 JOCULATOR, a profess...
jocundness 21 26 the state of being j...
johanneses 18 23 JOHANNES, an obsolet...
jointuress 19 21 a woman who has a jo...
jointweeds 21 24 JOINTWEED, an Americ...
jointworms 23 26 JOINTWORM, the larva...
jokesmiths 24 28 JOKESMITH, (archaic)...
jokinesses 19 24 JOKINESS, the state...
joliotiums 22 24 JOLIOTIUM, a former...
jolleyings 28 26 JOLLEYING, using a j...
jolliments 22 25 JOLLIMENT, (Spenser)...
jollyboats 29 26 JOLLYBOAT, a small b...
jollyheads 29 26 JOLLYHEAD, (Spenser)...
jonnycakes 27 30 JONNYCAKE, a kind of...
jouisances 21 24 JOUISANCE, (Spenser)...
journeyers 24 23 JOURNEYER, one who j...
jovialness 21 25 noisy mirth, joviali...
jovialties 22 24 JOVIALTY, the state...
joyfulness 28 27 the state of being j...
joyousness 24 23 the state of being j...
joypoppers 31 30 JOYPOPPER, one who j...
joyridings 27 25 JOYRIDING [n]
jubilances 25 28 JUBILANCE, jubilatio...
judgements 21 27 JUDGEMENT, an act of...
judgeships 26 28 JUDGESHIP, the offic...
judicators 23 24 JUDICATOR, a person...
juggleries 23 25 JUGGLERY, the art of...
juiceheads 24 26 JUICEHEAD, (slang) a...
juncaceous 24 28 of or pertaining to...
juneatings 19 24 JUNEATING, an errone...
junglegyms 30 31 JUNGLEGYM, (tradenam...
juniorates 18 21 JUNIORATE, a course...
junketeers 19 25 JUNKETEER, one who j...
junketings 21 28 JUNKETING, going on...
junketters 20 25 JUNKETTER, one who j...
justiciars 24 23 JUSTICIAR, (historic...
justifiers 23 23 JUSTIFIER, one who j...
justnesses 19 21 JUSTNESS, the qualit...
juxtaposes 27 30 JUXTAPOSE, to place...
kabbalisms 25 24 KABBALISM, the secre...
kabbalists 24 21 KABBALIST, one who p...
kabeljouws 26 31 KABELJOUW, (Afrikaan...
kachumbers 27 26 KACHUMBER, (Hindi) a...
kadaitchas 23 20 KADAITCHA, (Native A...
kahikateas 20 20 KAHIKATEA, (Maori) a...
kahikatoas 20 20 KAHIKATOA, (Maori) a...
kaikawakas 22 25 KAIKAWAKA, (Maori) a...
kaikomakos 20 25 KAIKOMAKO, (Maori) a...
kailyairds 26 18 KAILYAIRD, a cabbage...
kairomones 17 18 KAIROMONE, a semioch...
kaiserdoms 19 18 KAISERDOM, the offic...
kaiserisms 20 17 KAISERISM, the syste...
kalamkaris 21 22 KALAMKARI, a method...
kalanchoes 22 21 KALANCHOE, a succule...
kaliphates 23 20 KALIPHATE, the offic...
kallitypes 29 21 KALLITYPE, a former...
kalsomines 19 19 KALSOMINE, to whitew...
kanamycins 27 24 KANAMYCIN, a broad-s...
kaolinises 18 16 KAOLINISE, to turn i...
kaolinites 18 16 KAOLINITE, a hydrate...
kaolinizes 21 25 KAOLINIZE, to turn i...
kaolinoses 17 16 KAOLINOSIS, a diseas...
kaolinosis 18 16 a disease caused by...
karabiners 19 18 KARABINER, a steel l...
karateists 18 14 KARATEIST, an expone...
karstifies 21 17 KARSTIFY, to develop...
karyograms 26 21 KARYOGRAM, a chromos...
karyolyses 31 19 KARYOLYSIS, the diss...
karyolysis 32 19 the dissolution of t...
karyosomes 24 19 KARYOSOME, a spheric...
karyotypes 32 21 KARYOTYPE, to determ...
kathakalis 22 21 KATHAKALI, (Malay) a...
kazatskies 22 27 KAZATSKI, (Russian)...
kazillions 23 26 KAZILLION, an indefi...
keelivines 20 20 KEELIVINE, (Scots) a...
keelyvines 26 22 KEELYVINE, (Scots) a...
keennesses 15 16 KEENNESS, sharpness...
keeperless 20 18 without a keeper [ad...
kekerengus 19 22 KEKERENGU, a New Zea...
kelpfishes 26 23 KELPFISH, a fish tha...
kentledges 19 19 KENTLEDGE, pig-iron...
keratinous 17 16 like keratin, horny...
kerbstones 19 18 KERBSTONE, a stone p...
kerchieves 25 23 KERCHIEF, a cloth or...
kerfuffles 26 25 KERFUFFLE, (Scots) a...
kermesites 19 17 KERMESITE, a cherry-...
ketonemias 17 18 KETONEMIA, an excess...
ketonurias 17 16 KETONURIA, an excess...
kettlefuls 23 20 KETTLEFUL, the conte...
keybuttons 26 21 KEYBUTTON, a key on...
keyloggers 27 21 KEYLOGGER, a device...
keypresses 26 19 KEYPRESS, a single d...
keypunches 31 26 KEYPUNCH, to transfe...
keystrokes 25 20 KEYSTROKE, to type o...
keyworkers 28 23 KEYWORKER, a worker...
khalifates 23 20 KHALIFATE, (Arabic)...
khansamahs 22 22 KHANSAMAH, (Hindi) a...
khedivates 22 21 KHEDIVATE, the offic...
khuskhuses 25 24 KHUSKHUS, the grain...
kibbitzers 27 29 KIBBITZER, (Yiddish)...
kickabouts 25 25 KICKABOUT, an inform...
kickboards 25 25 KICKBOARD, a buoyant...
kickboxers 31 31 KICKBOXER, one who p...
kickstands 23 23 KICKSTAND, a support...
kickstarts 24 21 KICKSTART, to start...
kiddywinks 30 26 KIDDYWINK, (facetiou...
kidnapings 21 22 KIDNAPING, an act of...
kidnappees 21 22 KIDNAPPEE, one who i...
kidnappers 22 22 KIDNAPPER, one who k...
kidologies 20 18 KIDOLOGY, the art of...
kieselgurs 21 18 KIESELGUR, (German)...
kieserites 18 14 KIESERITE, a hydrous...
kilderkins 21 21 KILDERKIN, (obsolete...
kilocuries 23 19 KILOCURIE, one thous...
kilocycles 33 24 KILOCYCLE, a unit of...
kilojoules 22 26 KILOJOULE, a unit of...
kiloliters 21 16 KILOLITER, a unit of...
kilolitres 21 16 KILOLITRE, one thous...
kilometers 20 18 KILOMETER, a thousan...
kilometres 20 18 KILOMETRE, a thousan...
kilotonnes 17 17 KILOTONNE, a measure...
kindliness 19 18 the state of being k...
kindnesses 17 17 KINDNESS, the qualit...
kinematics 22 21 the study of motion...
kinescopes 22 21 KINESCOPE, to make a...
kingcrafts 25 23 KINGCRAFT, (obsolete...
kingfishes 24 22 KINGFISH, an America...
kingliness 20 19 the quality of being...
kingmakers 21 24 KINGMAKER, one who d...
kingsnakes 19 22 KINGSNAKE, a North A...
kintledges 20 19 KINTLEDGE, pig-iron...
kirbigrips 26 22 KIRBIGRIP, (tradenam...
kirkyairds 27 21 KIRKYAIRD, (Scots) a...
kissagrams 21 19 KISSAGRAM, a service...
kissograms 21 19 KISSOGRAM, a service...
kitcheners 23 20 KITCHENER, a kitchen...
kitchenets 23 20 KITCHENET, a small k...
kiteboards 20 18 KITEBOARD, a board s...
kitschness 24 20 the state of being k...
kittiwakes 23 21 KITTIWAKE, a kind of...
kiwifruits 26 21 KIWIFRUIT, the edibl...
kiwisports 25 20 outdoor sports assoc...
klephtisms 26 23 KLEPHTISM, being a k...
klinostats 19 16 KLINOSTAT, a revolvi...
klondikers 20 21 KLONDIKER, a factory...
klondykers 26 23 KLONDYKER, a factory...
kloochmans 24 24 KLOOCHMAN, (Native A...
klutziness 23 26 being like a klutz,...
knackeries 21 22 KNACKERY, a knacker'...
knackiness 21 23 craftiness, cunning...
knagginess 19 20 being knaggy [n -ES]
knaveships 24 24 KNAVESHIP, a small d...
kneepieces 21 21 KNEEPIECE, a knee-sh...
kniferests 20 18 KNIFEREST, a support...
knightages 22 21 KNIGHTAGE, the body...
knightless 23 20 (Spenser) unbecoming...
kniphofias 24 23 KNIPHOFIA, any plant...
knobbiness 21 22 the state of being k...
knobsticks 25 25 KNOBSTICK, a stick w...
knockbacks 28 32 KNOCKBACK, a refusal...
knockdowns 24 27 KNOCKDOWN, the act o...
knottiness 17 16 the state of being k...
knowledges 22 22 KNOWLEDGE, (obsolete...
kohlrabies 23 20 KOHLRABI, a variety...
kolinskies 20 20 KOLINSKY, an Asian m...
konimeters 18 18 KONIMETER, an instru...
koniscopes 22 21 KONISCOPE, an instru...
kottaboses 19 17 KOTTABOS, a game pla...
kourbashes 22 20 KOURBASH, to whip wi...
kouskouses 19 20 KOUSKOUS, the grain...
krakowiaks 23 25 KRAKOWIAK, (Polish)...
kromeskies 20 21 KROMESKY, a Polish f...
krummhorns 23 24 KRUMMHORN, (German)...
kryometers 25 19 KRYOMETER, an instru...
kumarahous 21 21 KUMARAHOU, (Maori) a...
kundalinis 19 19 KUNDALINI, (Sanskrit...
kurfuffles 27 26 KURFUFFLE, to make a...
kurrajongs 21 27 KURRAJONG, (Native A...
kurtosises 19 15 KURTOSIS, the sharpn...
kymographs 31 26 KYMOGRAPH, an instru...
labdacisms 25 21 LABDACISM, a fault i...
labellings 23 19 LABELLING, the act o...
labellists 23 16 LABELLIST, (New Zeal...
labelmates 21 18 LABELMATE, a singer...
labialises 21 15 LABIALISE, to pronou...
labialisms 23 18 LABIALISM, the quali...
labializes 24 24 LABIALIZE, to pronou...
labilities 22 15 LABILITY, the state...
labourisms 22 18 LABOURISM, a support...
labourists 21 15 LABOURIST, a support...
labourites 20 15 LABOURITE, a member...
labyrinths 29 19 LABYRINTH, a buildin...
laccolites 25 18 LACCOLITE, a mass of...
laccoliths 28 20 LACCOLITH, a mass of...
lacemakers 22 21 LACEMAKER, one who m...
lacertians 20 15 LACERTIAN, a member...
lachrymals 32 22 LACHRYMAL, a gland t...
lacinesses 20 15 LACINESS, the qualit...
lacquerers 29 24 LACQUERER, one who l...
lactarians 20 15 LACTARIAN, a vegetar...
lactations 20 15 LACTATION, the act o...
lactivisms 26 21 LACTIVISM, strong ad...
lactivists 25 18 LACTIVIST, a person,...
ladyfishes 29 19 LADYFISH, a large, h...
ladynesses 23 15 LADYNESS, the qualit...
laevigates 20 17 LAEVIGATE, to smooth...
laevuloses 20 17 LAEVULOSE, the laevo...
lagniappes 22 20 LAGNIAPPE, (Spanish)...
lagomorphs 24 21 LAGOMORPH, a gnawing...
lairdships 24 17 LAIRDSHIP, the offic...
lakefronts 20 19 LAKEFRONT, the front...
lakeshores 20 17 LAKESHORE, the shore...
lallations 19 14 LALLATION, infant's...
lamaserais 18 14 LAMASERAI, (Tibetan)...
lamaseries 18 14 LAMASERY, a monaster...
lambencies 23 21 LAMBENCY, the qualit...
lambitives 24 21 LAMBITIVE, (obsolete...
lambruscos 25 21 LAMBRUSCO, (Italian)...
lambswools 25 21 LAMBSWOOL, the wool...
lamebrains 20 18 LAMEBRAIN, an uninte...
lamenesses 17 15 LAMENESS, the state...
lamentings 19 18 LAMENTING, the act o...
laminarias 18 15 LAMINARIA, a genus o...
laminarins 18 16 LAMINARIN, a polysac...
laminators 18 15 LAMINATOR, a device...
lamingtons 19 18 LAMINGTON, (Australi...
lampadists 22 18 LAMPADIST, one who g...
lampblacks 29 28 LAMPBLACK, a finely...
lamplights 27 22 LAMPLIGHT, the light...
lampooners 19 18 LAMPOONER, one who w...
lampshades 23 20 LAMPSHADE, a decorat...
lampshells 26 21 LAMPSHELL, a kind of...
lampstands 21 19 LAMPSTAND, a stand f...
lancejacks 26 31 LANCEJACK, a lance c...
lancewoods 22 19 LANCEWOOD, a tough,...
lancinates 19 16 LANCINATE, to pierce...
landammans 18 20 LANDAMMAN, (German)...
landaulets 18 15 LANDAULET, a small l...
landboards 19 17 LANDBOARD, a kind of...
landdamnes 17 18 LANDDAMNE, (Shakespe...
landdroses 17 14 LANDDROS, (Afrikaans...
landdrosts 18 14 LANDDROST, (Afrikaan...
landforces 22 19 LANDFORCE, a militar...
landgraves 20 19 LANDGRAVE, (historic...
landladies 18 15 LANDLADY, a female l...
landlopers 20 17 LANDLOPER, (Dutch) a...
landmasses 18 16 LANDMASS, a large ar...
landowners 19 17 LANDOWNER, one who o...
landscapes 22 19 LANDSCAPE, to create...
landsharks 21 19 LANDSHARK, a person...
landslides 19 15 LANDSLIDE, to win an...
landwashes 22 18 LANDWASH, the shore...
langoustes 18 15 LANGOUSTE, (French)...
langridges 20 17 LANGRIDGE, a shot co...
langspiels 22 18 LANGSPIEL, (Norwegia...
languettes 18 15 LANGUETTE, (French)...
languishes 21 17 LANGUISH, to lose vi...
languorous 18 16 producing or tending...
laniferous 19 16 wool-bearing, also L...
lanigerous 18 15 wool-bearing, also L...
lanknesses 17 17 LANKNESS, the state...
lanosities 17 12 LANOSITY, woolliness...
lanterloos 17 13 LANTERLOO, (obsolete...
lanthanons 17 16 LANTHANON, any eleme...
lanthanums 20 19 LANTHANUM, a rare el...
lanuginous 18 17 downy; covered with...
laodiceans 19 16 LAODICEAN, a person...
lapidaries 20 15 LAPIDARY, an expert...
lapidifies 23 18 LAPIDIFY, to turn to...
lapstrakes 21 18 LAPSTRAKE, a clinker...
lapstreaks 21 18 LAPSTREAK, a clinker...
larcenists 21 15 LARCENIST, one who c...
lardaceous 20 16 of or like lard [adj...
lardalites 19 13 LARDALITE, a coarse...
larghettos 21 15 LARGHETTO, a rather...
largitions 19 14 LARGITION, (archaic)...
larvicides 24 19 LARVICIDE, an agent...
larvikites 22 19 LARVIKITE, a mineral...
laryngeals 25 17 LARYNGEAL, (phonics)...
laryngitis 26 16 inflammation of the...
lascivious 24 19 lustful; inclining o...
laserdiscs 22 15 LASERDISC, a disc si...
laserdisks 20 16 LASERDISK, a disc si...
laserworts 21 14 LASERWORT, any plant...
lassitudes 19 13 LASSITUDE, the state...
latecomers 21 17 LATECOMER, one who a...
latenesses 16 12 LATENESS, the qualit...
laterborns 19 15 LATERBORN, someone b...
lathyrisms 29 18 LATHYRISM, a neurolo...
lathyruses 27 16 LATHYRUS, any plant...
laticifers 24 17 LATICIFER, a cell or...
laticlaves 24 19 LATICLAVE, (historic...
latimerias 19 14 LATIMERIA, any fish...
latinities 18 12 LATINITY, a manner o...
latrations 17 12 LATRATION, the act o...
latticings 23 17 LATTICING, latticewo...
laudations 17 14 LAUDATION, the act o...
laudatives 20 17 LAUDATIVE, a eulogy...
laughlines 22 18 LAUGHLINE, a funny l...
launchings 24 21 LAUNCHING, the act o...
launchpads 25 22 LAUNCHPAD, a platfor...
launderers 17 14 LAUNDERER, one who l...
lauraceous 20 16 belonging to the lau...
lavalieres 20 16 LAVALIERE, a loosely...
lavatories 19 15 LAVATORY, a room equ...
lavishness 22 18 the state of being l...
lawfulness 24 20 the state of being l...
lawgivings 26 23 LAWGIVING, the givin...
lawmakings 24 24 LAWMAKING, the proce...
lawmongers 22 20 LAWMONGER, a trivial...
lawnmowers 24 21 LAWNMOWER, a machine...
lawyerings 28 19 LAWYERING, working a...
laymanises 24 17 LAYMANISE, to simpli...
laymanizes 27 26 LAYMANIZE, to simpli...
laypersons 25 17 LAYPERSON, a member...
lazarettes 20 20 LAZARETTE, (Italian)...
lazarettos 20 20 LAZARETTO, (Italian)...
lazinesses 20 21 LAZINESS, the state...
leadenness 15 14 the state of being l...
leaderenes 15 13 LEADERENE, a female...
leaderless 18 13 without a leader [ad...
leadplants 20 17 LEADPLANT, a shrub o...
leadscrews 24 18 LEADSCREW, a threade...
leafleters 20 15 LEAFLETER, one who d...
leafstalks 22 19 LEAFSTALK, the stalk...
leannesses 15 13 LEANNESS, the state...
leasebacks 23 21 LEASEBACK, an arrang...
leaseholds 20 15 LEASEHOLD, land or p...
leastaways 26 16 at least; at all eve...
leavenings 19 19 LEAVENING, the produ...
lectorates 20 14 LECTORATE, the offic...
lectotypes 29 19 LECTOTYPE, a specime...
lectresses 21 14 LECTRESS, a female l...
leetspeaks 20 18 LEETSPEAK, a jargon...
legalisers 20 14 LEGALISER, one who l...
legalities 20 14 LEGALITY, the condit...
legalizers 23 23 LEGALIZER, one who l...
legataries 18 13 LEGATARY, the inheri...
legendises 18 15 LEGENDISE, to make i...
legendists 19 15 LEGENDIST, a writer...
legendizes 21 24 LEGENDIZE, to make i...
legendries 18 15 LEGENDRY, a collecti...
legerities 19 13 LEGERITY, quickness...
legislates 20 14 LEGISLATE, to make l...
leguminous 20 19 relating to pulse ve...
legwarmers 23 19 LEGWARMER, one of a...
leiomyomas 25 19 LEIOMYOMA, a fibrous...
leitmotifs 22 17 LEITMOTIF, (German)...
leitmotivs 22 18 LEITMOTIV, (German)...
lemmatises 20 17 LEMMATISE, to organi...
lemmatizes 23 26 LEMMATIZE, to organi...
lemongrass 19 17 a fragrant perennial...
lemonwoods 20 19 LEMONWOOD, a small t...
lengthways 30 21 in the direction of...
leniencies 19 16 LENIENCY, the qualit...
lenticules 22 17 LENTICULE, any of th...
lentigines 18 15 LENTIGO, (Latin) a f...
lentivirus 21 17 any of a group of re...
leontiases 16 12 LEONTIASIS, a kind o...
leontiasis 17 12 a kind of leprosy gi...
leopardess 19 15 a female leopard [n...
leptosomes 20 17 LEPTOSOME, a person...
leptotenes 18 15 LEPTOTENE, the first...
lespedezas 22 24 LESPEDEZA, bush clov...
lessenings 18 15 LESSENING, the act o...
lessonings 18 15 LESSONING, the act o...
lethargies 21 15 LETHARGY, morbid dro...
letrozoles 21 21 LETROZOLE, an anti-o...
letterings 19 14 LETTERING, the act o...
letterless 19 12 not having a letter...
lettersets 18 11 LETTERSET, a method...
leucaemias 21 18 LEUCAEMIA, a type of...
leucocytes 30 20 LEUCOCYTE, a colourl...
leucotomes 21 18 LEUCOTOME, a needle...
leukaemias 19 19 LEUKAEMIA, a type of...
leukocytes 28 21 LEUKOCYTE, a colorle...
leukotomes 19 19 LEUKOTOME, a needle...
levantines 18 17 LEVANTINE, a closely...
levellings 23 20 LEVELLING [n]
leviathans 21 18 LEVIATHAN, an (imagi...
levigators 21 17 LEVIGATOR, one who l...
levitators 20 15 LEVITATOR, one who l...
lewdnesses 20 16 LEWDNESS, the state...
leylandiis 25 16 LEYLANDII, the Leyla...
liableness 20 16 the state of being l...
libecchios 29 22 LIBECCHIO, (Milton)...
libellants 22 17 LIBELLANT, one who b...
libellings 24 19 LIBELLING, the act o...
liberators 20 14 LIBERATOR, one who l...
libertines 20 15 LIBERTINE, a person...
libidinous 21 17 having lustful desir...
librairies 21 14 LIBRAIRIE, (French)...
librarians 20 15 LIBRARIAN, one who w...
librations 20 15 LIBRATION, a slight...
licensures 21 16 LICENSURE, the act o...
licentious 21 16 characterized by lic...
lichanoses 22 17 LICHANOS, (Greek) in...
lichenisms 25 20 LICHENISM, the assoc...
lichenists 24 17 LICHENIST, one who s...
lidocaines 20 16 LIDOCAINE, the US na...
lienteries 17 12 LIENTERY, the discha...
lifebloods 23 19 LIFEBLOOD, the blood...
lifeguards 22 18 LIFEGUARD, to serve...
lifesavers 22 18 LIFESAVER, the saver...
lifestyles 28 17 LIFESTYLE, a way in...
lifeworlds 25 19 LIFEWORLD, the way a...
lightbulbs 29 23 LIGHTBULB, a glass b...
lighteners 21 16 LIGHTENER, something...
lightfaces 27 21 LIGHTFACE, a typefac...
lightnings 23 19 LIGHTNING, to flash...
lightships 28 20 LIGHTSHIP, a ship in...
lightwoods 25 19 LIGHTWOOD, pine wood...
likeliness 20 17 likelihood, probabil...
likenesses 18 16 LIKENESS, a pictoria...
liliaceous 22 16 of or pertaining to...
limberness 21 18 the state of being l...
limelights 25 19 LIMELIGHT, to light...
limerences 21 18 LIMERENCE, a state o...
limescales 23 18 LIMESCALE, a flaky d...
limestones 18 15 LIMESTONE, a sedimen...
limewashes 24 19 LIMEWASH, a mixture...
limewaters 22 17 LIMEWATER, water imp...
limicolous 24 19 living in mud, usual...
liminesses 19 15 LIMINESS, the state...
limivorous 22 19 feeding on mud [adj]
limousines 19 16 LIMOUSINE, any large...
limpidness 22 19 the quality of being...
limpnesses 21 18 LIMPNESS, the state...
lincrustas 22 16 LINCRUSTA, thick emb...
lineaments 17 16 LINEAMENT, a distinc...
linearises 17 12 LINEARISE, to make l...
linearizes 20 21 LINEARIZE, to make l...
lineations 16 13 LINEATION, the act o...
lingerings 20 17 LINGERING, the act o...
linishings 22 17 LINISHING, the act o...
linkslands 20 19 LINKSLAND, land near...
linoleates 17 13 LINOLEATE, a salt of...
linotypers 26 17 LINOTYPER, one who s...
lintstocks 23 19 LINTSTOCK, (historic...
lintwhites 24 17 LINTWHITE, (Scots) a...
lioncelles 22 17 LIONCELLE, a small l...
lionfishes 22 17 LIONFISH, a tropical...
lipglosses 23 17 LIPGLOSS, a cosmetic...
lipomatous 21 18 of or like a lipoma...
lipoplasts 24 18 LIPOPLAST, a small p...
lippitudes 24 19 LIPPITUDE, (archaic)...
lipreaders 20 15 LIPREADER, one who l...
liquations 26 22 LIQUATION, the act o...
liquefiers 29 24 LIQUEFIER, that whic...
liquidates 27 22 LIQUIDATE, to clear...
liquidises 28 22 LIQUIDISE, to make e...
liquidizes 31 31 LIQUIDIZE, to make e...
liquidness 27 23 the state of being l...
liquiduses 28 23 LIQUIDUS, a curve pl...
liquifiers 30 24 LIQUIFIER, something...
liquorices 30 24 LIQUORICE, a confect...
lissomness 19 15 the state of being l...
listenings 19 15 LISTENING, the act o...
litenesses 17 12 LITENESS, the state...
literacies 21 14 LITERACY, the abilit...
literators 18 11 LITERATOR, a dabbler...
lithistids 23 14 LITHISTID, any of th...
lithocysts 31 18 LITHOCYST, a cell co...
lithopones 21 17 LITHOPONE, a white p...
lithotomes 21 16 LITHOTOME, a stone s...
litigators 20 13 LITIGATOR, one who l...
litterbags 22 16 LITTERBAG, a bag for...
litterbugs 23 17 LITTERBUG, someone w...
littleness 19 13 the quality of being...
liturgisms 23 17 LITURGISM, the study...
liturgists 22 14 LITURGIST, a leader...
liveliness 21 17 the state of being l...
livenesses 19 16 LIVENESS, the qualit...
liverworts 24 18 LIVERWORT, any bryop...
livestocks 25 22 LIVESTOCK, domestic...
lividities 22 16 LIVIDITY, the state...
livingness 21 19 the state of being a...
livraisons 20 16 LIVRAISON, (French)...
lixiviates 27 22 LIXIVIATE, to separa...
loadspaces 22 18 LOADSPACE, the space...
loadstones 16 13 LOADSTONE, magnetite...
loanshifts 22 17 LOANSHIFT, the adapt...
loblollies 23 17 LOBLOLLY, a pine tre...
lobotomies 20 17 LOBOTOMY, a type of...
lobscouses 23 18 LOBSCOUSE, a sailor'...
lobsterers 20 14 LOBSTERER, a person...
localisers 22 15 LOCALISER, one who l...
localities 22 15 LOCALITY, a place, p...
localizers 25 24 LOCALIZER, one who l...
lockhouses 24 21 LOCKHOUSE, a lockkee...
lockmakers 24 25 LOCKMAKER, one who m...
locksmiths 27 23 LOCKSMITH, one who m...
locomotors 21 17 LOCOMOTOR, a muscle...
locoplants 23 19 LOCOPLANT, astragalu...
locutories 21 15 LOCUTORY, a room in...
lodestones 16 13 LODESTONE, magnetite...
lodgements 19 18 LODGEMENT, the act o...
lodgepoles 21 18 LODGEPOLE, a pole us...
logaoedics 21 17 LOGAOEDIC, a verse i...
logarithms 23 18 LOGARITHM, a mathema...
loginesses 18 14 LOGINESS, the state...
logographs 24 20 LOGOGRAPH, a written...
logogriphs 25 20 LOGOGRIPH, a riddle...
logopedics 24 20 speech therapy, also...
logophiles 24 19 LOGOPHILE, a person...
logorrheas 20 15 LOGORRHEA, excessive...
logothetes 20 15 LOGOTHETE, (historic...
logotypies 27 18 LOGOTYPY, the use of...
logrollers 21 15 LOGROLLER, one who e...
loincloths 24 18 LOINCLOTH, a cloth w...
loiterings 19 14 LOITERING, the act o...
loneliness 17 14 the state of being l...
lonenesses 15 13 LONENESS, the state...
longaevous 19 19 long-lived, also LON...
longboards 20 18 LONGBOARD, a type of...
longcloths 25 20 LONGCLOTH, a cotton...
longhouses 20 17 LONGHOUSE, a long co...
longicorns 21 18 LONGICORN, a kind of...
longitudes 19 16 LONGITUDE, the angul...
longleaves 20 19 LONGLEAF, an evergre...
longnesses 17 15 LONGNESS, length [n]
lookalikes 20 20 LOOKALIKE, a person...
looseboxes 24 21 LOOSEBOX, a type of...
loosenings 17 15 LOOSENING, the act o...
lopgrasses 21 16 LOPGRASS, soft brome...
loquacious 29 25 talkative, garrulous...
lorazepams 23 26 LORAZEPAM, a drug us...
lordliness 19 14 the state of being l...
lorgnettes 18 14 LORGNETTE, (French)...
lornnesses 16 13 LORNNESS, the state...
lossmakers 20 18 LOSSMAKER, a busines...
lostnesses 17 12 LOSTNESS, the state...
lothnesses 19 14 LOTHNESS, the state...
lotuslands 19 15 LOTUSLAND, a place o...
loudmouths 22 19 LOUDMOUTH, a person...
loudnesses 17 14 LOUDNESS, the qualit...
louseworts 21 15 LOUSEWORT, any plant...
lovelights 25 20 LOVELIGHT, an amorou...
loveliness 20 17 the state of being l...
lovemakers 21 22 LOVEMAKER, one who m...
lovingness 20 19 affection; kind rega...
lowercases 23 17 LOWERCASE, to make l...
lowlanders 21 17 LOWLANDER, one who l...
lowliheads 24 18 LOWLIHEAD, (archaic)...
lowsenings 21 18 LOWSENING, the celeb...
loxodromes 24 22 LOXODROME, a line on...
lubricants 24 19 LUBRICANT, a substan...
lubricates 24 18 LUBRICATE, to make s...
lubricious 25 19 slippery; lewd, also...
lucidities 23 16 LUCIDITY, the qualit...
luciferins 24 19 LUCIFERIN, a protein...
luciferous 24 19 light-bringing; ligh...
lucifugous 26 22 shunning or avoiding...
luctations 21 16 LUCTATION, (obsolete...
lucubrates 24 19 LUCUBRATE, to study...
lugubrious 23 19 mournful, dismal, es...
lumberings 23 21 LUMBERING, the act o...
lumbricals 27 22 LUMBRICAL, one of ce...
luminaires 19 16 LUMINAIRE, (French)...
luminances 21 20 LUMINANCE, the measu...
luminarias 19 16 LUMINARIA, a traditi...
luminaries 19 16 LUMINARY, a body tha...
luminesces 22 19 LUMINESCE, to show l...
lumpfishes 27 23 LUMPFISH, a kind of...
lunarnauts 17 15 LUNARNAUT, one who t...
lunchboxes 31 28 LUNCHBOX, a containe...
lunchmeats 24 21 LUNCHMEAT, a mixture...
lunchpails 27 22 LUNCHPAIL, a contain...
lunchrooms 24 21 LUNCHROOM, a room wh...
lunchtimes 25 21 LUNCHTIME, the time...
lungfishes 24 20 LUNGFISH, a fish abl...
luninesses 17 14 LUNINESS, the state...
lushnesses 20 15 LUSHNESS, the state...
lusterless 20 13 without luster, also...
lustiheads 21 15 LUSTIHEAD, (archaic)...
lustihoods 21 15 LUSTIHOOD, (archaic)...
lustreless 20 13 without lustre, also...
luteinises 18 13 LUTEINISE, to conver...
luteinizes 21 22 LUTEINIZE, to conver...
luvviedoms 24 24 LUVVIEDOM, the world...
luxuriates 25 20 LUXURIATE, to be lux...
lymphatics 34 24 LYMPHATIC, a gland p...
lysergides 26 16 LYSERGIDE, the drug...
lysigenous 25 17 caused by the breaki...
lysimeters 26 16 LYSIMETER, an instru...
lysogenies 24 16 LYSOGENY, the state...
macadamias 21 20 MACADAMIA, a kind of...
macaronics 23 20 MACARONIC, a verse o...
macaronies 19 17 MACARONI, a tubular...
maccaronis 23 20 MACCARONI, (Italian)...
macchiatos 26 21 MACCHIATO, (Italian)...
macedoines 19 18 MACEDOINE, (French)...
maceraters 20 16 MACERATER, one who m...
macerators 20 16 MACERATOR, a person...
machinates 22 19 MACHINATE, to plan;...
machinimas 24 22 MACHINIMA, the use o...
machinings 24 22 MACHINING [n]
machinists 24 19 MACHINIST, a person...
machmeters 24 21 MACHMETER, an instru...
macrocodes 23 20 MACROCODE, a macro i...
macrocosms 25 22 MACROCOSM, a large a...
macrocysts 31 21 MACROCYST, an unusua...
macrocytes 30 21 MACROCYTE, an abnorm...
macrodomes 21 20 MACRODOME, a dome pa...
macroglias 23 19 MACROGLIA, one of th...
macrolides 22 18 MACROLIDE, any of a...
macromeres 21 19 MACROMERE, a large b...
macromoles 22 20 MACROMOLE, in chemis...
macropsias 23 19 MACROPSIA, a conditi...
mactations 20 17 MACTATION, the killi...
madeleines 17 16 MADELEINE, (French)...
madrassahs 20 16 MADRASSAH, (Arabic)...
madrepores 19 17 MADREPORE, a coral o...
madrilenes 18 16 MADRILENE, (French)...
maelstroms 20 17 MAELSTROM, (Dutch) a...
maenadisms 18 18 MAENADISM, the state...
maffickers 27 26 MAFFICKER, one who m...
magalogues 20 19 MAGALOGUE, a large m...
magdalenes 18 18 MAGDALENE, a reforme...
magianisms 20 19 MAGIANISM, the teach...
magistrals 21 16 MAGISTRAL, (obsolete...
magmatisms 22 21 MAGMATISM, the produ...
magnaliums 21 21 MAGNALIUM, an alloy...
magnesites 18 16 MAGNESITE, native ma...
magnesiums 20 20 MAGNESIUM, a bright...
magnetises 18 16 MAGNETISE, to make m...
magnetisms 20 19 MAGNETISM, the state...
magnetists 19 16 MAGNETIST, an expert...
magnetites 18 16 MAGNETITE, magnetic...
magnetizes 21 25 MAGNETIZE, to make m...
magnetrons 17 17 MAGNETRON, a vacuum...
magnificos 24 22 MAGNIFICO, (Italian)...
magnifiers 21 19 MAGNIFIER, something...
magnitudes 19 18 MAGNITUDE, size, ext...
maharajahs 23 26 MAHARAJAH, (Sanskrit...
maharanees 17 16 MAHARANEE, (Sanskrit...
maharishis 23 17 MAHARISHI, (Sanskrit...
mahlsticks 27 23 MAHLSTICK, (Dutch) a...
mahoganies 19 18 MAHOGANY, any of var...
maiasauras 17 14 MAIASAURA, a species...
mailmerges 21 19 MAILMERGE, a merge o...
maimedness 18 18 the state of being m...
mainbraces 22 20 MAINBRACE, the brace...
mainframes 20 20 MAINFRAME, a large c...
mainliners 18 16 MAINLINER, one who t...
mainprises 20 17 MAINPRISE [n]
mainsheets 19 16 MAINSHEET, a rope by...
maistrings 20 16 MAISTRING, (obsolete...
majordomos 20 26 MAJORDOMO, an offici...
majorettes 19 22 MAJORETTE, a member...
majorities 20 22 MAJORITY, the greate...
majorships 25 27 MAJORSHIP, the rank...
majuscules 25 28 MAJUSCULE, a capital...
makeshifts 24 22 MAKESHIFT, something...
malachites 24 19 MALACHITE, native hy...
maladdress 19 16 awkwardness, social...
maladroits 19 15 MALADROIT, one who i...
malaguenas 18 18 MALAGUENA, (Spanish)...
malapropos 22 20 inappropriate or ino...
malathions 20 17 MALATHION, (tradenam...
malaxators 24 21 MALAXATOR, one who,...
maleffects 26 23 MALEFFECT, an advers...
malenesses 17 15 MALENESS, the qualit...
malengines 18 18 MALENGINE, (Spenser)...
malignants 19 18 MALIGNANT, a support...
mallanders 19 17 MALLANDER, an erupti...
mallemucks 26 26 MALLEMUCK, (Dutch) t...
mallenders 19 17 MALLENDER, an erupti...
malmstones 19 18 MALMSTONE, calcareou...
malodorous 18 16 having a bad odor [a...
malpighias 25 21 MALPIGHIA, the Barba...
maltalents 19 16 MALTALENT, (Spenser)...
malvaceous 23 22 pertaining to the ma...
malvoisies 21 18 MALVOISIE, (French)...
mammalians 20 21 MAMMALIAN, a mammal...
mammetries 20 19 MAMMETRY, idolatry,...
mammitides 21 20 MAMMITIS, inflammati...
mammograms 22 24 MAMMOGRAM, an X-ray...
mammonisms 21 23 MAMMONISM, the greed...
mammonists 20 20 MAMMONIST, one devot...
mammonites 19 20 MAMMONITE, one devot...
manageress 17 16 a female manager [n...
mancipates 22 20 MANCIPATE, to enslav...
mandamuses 18 19 MANDAMUS, to command...
mandarines 16 16 MANDARINE, a small o...
mandilions 18 17 MANDILION, a loose o...
mandioccas 23 21 MANDIOCCA, (Tupi) a...
mandolines 17 17 MANDOLINE, a musical...
manducates 20 19 MANDUCATE, to chew o...
mandylions 24 19 MANDYLION, a loose o...
manfulness 20 20 the state of being m...
manganates 16 17 MANGANATE, a salt of...
manganeses 16 17 MANGANESE, a hard gr...
manganites 17 17 MANGANITE, an oxide...
mangetouts 18 17 MANGETOUT, (French)...
mangostans 17 17 MANGOSTAN, (Malay) a...
mangoustes 18 17 MANGOUSTE, (French)...
mangulates 19 18 MANGULATE, (Australi...
manhandles 19 19 MANHANDLE, to move b...
manhattans 18 17 MANHATTAN, a kind of...
manhunters 19 18 MANHUNTER, one who t...
manicottis 21 17 MANICOTTI, (Italian)...
manifestos 19 17 MANIFESTO, a written...
manipulars 21 19 MANIPULAR, a soldier...
mannequins 24 26 MANNEQUIN, a dummy f...
mannerisms 18 18 MANNERISM, a marked...
mannerists 17 15 MANNERIST, one addic...
mannerless 17 16 without manners [adj...
manoeuvres 18 19 MANOEUVRE, to conduc...
manometers 17 17 MANOMETER, an instru...
manslayers 24 17 MANSLAYER, a person...
mansonries 16 15 MANSONRY, (Shakespea...
manticoras 20 17 MANTICORA, a mythica...
manticores 20 17 MANTICORE, a mythica...
mantyhoses 25 18 MANTYHOSE, a one-pie...
manubriums 22 22 MANUBRIUM, any handl...
manurances 19 19 MANURANCE, (archaic)...
manzanitas 19 24 MANZANITA, (Spanish)...
mapmakings 23 26 MAPMAKING, the proce...
mappemonds 22 24 MAPPEMOND, a map of...
maquisards 27 24 MAQUISARD, a member...
marabuntas 19 18 MARABUNTA, in the Ca...
maranathas 18 16 MARANATHA, a curse o...
marasmuses 19 17 MARASMUS, a wasting...
maraudings 19 18 MARAUDING, the act o...
marbelises 21 17 MARBELISE, to stain...
marbelizes 24 26 MARBELIZE, to stain...
marbleises 21 17 MARBLEISE, to stain...
marbleizes 24 26 MARBLEIZE, to stain...
marcasites 21 16 MARCASITE, sulphide...
marcellers 23 18 MARCELLER, one who m...
marchlands 24 21 MARCHLAND, a borderl...
marchpanes 24 22 MARCHPANE, (Italian)...
mareschals 24 19 MARESCHAL, (archaic)...
margarines 18 16 MARGARINE, a butterl...
margaritas 19 15 MARGARITA, (Spanish)...
margarites 19 15 MARGARITE, a pearl [...
marginates 18 16 MARGINATE, to provid...
marialites 19 14 MARIALITE, a mineral...
marigraphs 24 20 MARIGRAPH, an instru...
marihuanas 19 17 MARIHUANA, (Spanish)...
marijuanas 19 24 MARIJUANA, (Spanish)...
marimbists 23 19 MARIMBIST, one who p...
marischals 25 19 MARISCHAL, to marsha...
markedness 18 19 the state of being m...
marketeers 18 17 MARKETEER, one who m...
marketings 20 20 MARKETING, the busin...
marketises 19 17 MARKETISE, to adopt...
marketizes 22 26 MARKETIZE, to adopt...
marlacious 22 18 containing marl [adj...
marlstones 18 15 MARLSTONE, a sandy c...
marmalades 19 18 MARMALADE, a jam or...
marmalises 20 17 MARMALISE, (slang) t...
marmalizes 23 26 MARMALIZE, (slang) t...
marmarises 19 16 MARMARISE, to conver...
marmarizes 22 25 MARMARIZE, to conver...
marmaroses 18 16 MARMAROSIS, the conv...
marmarosis 19 16 the conversion of li...
marmelises 20 17 MARMELISE, (slang) t...
marmelizes 23 26 MARMELIZE, (slang) t...
maroonings 17 17 MAROONING, the act o...
marquesses 26 23 MARQUESS, a British...
marrowfats 23 19 MARROWFAT, a rich bu...
marrowless 22 17 destitute of marrow...
marseilles 20 15 MARSEILLE, (French)...
marshalers 21 16 MARSHALER, one who m...
marshbucks 28 26 MARSHBUCK, an antelo...
marshiness 20 16 the state of being m...
marshlands 21 18 MARSHLAND, low poorl...
marshlocks 26 23 a marsh-growing spec...
marshworts 24 18 MARSHWORT, a small u...
marsquakes 27 27 MARSQUAKE, a violent...
marsupials 22 18 MARSUPIAL, a pouched...
marsupians 20 18 MARSUPIAN, a pouched...
marsupiums 23 21 MARSUPIUM, the pouch...
martingals 20 17 MARTINGAL, a strap f...
martyrdoms 26 19 MARTYRDOM, the state...
martyrises 25 15 MARTYRISE, to cause...
martyrizes 28 24 MARTYRIZE, to offer...
marvellous 22 20 astonishing, very pl...
masculines 22 19 MASCULINE, the male...
masculists 24 18 MASCULIST, an advoca...
masochisms 25 21 MASOCHISM, the deriv...
masochists 24 18 MASOCHIST, one who d...
massacrers 21 16 MASSACRER, one who m...
massagists 20 15 MASSAGIST, a masseur...
massymores 25 18 MASSYMORE, (Scott) a...
masterates 17 13 MASTERATE, the statu...
masterdoms 19 17 MASTERDOM, dominion;...
masterings 19 16 MASTERING, the act o...
masterless 19 14 destitute of a maste...
masthouses 20 16 MASTHOUSE, a buildin...
masticates 21 16 MASTICATE, to chew;...
mastitides 19 14 MASTITIS, inflammati...
mastitises 19 13 MASTITIS, inflammati...
mastodonts 17 15 MASTODONT, a large e...
matachinas 22 19 MATACHINA, a female...
matagouris 19 16 MATAGOURI, (Maori) a...
matchbooks 26 25 MATCHBOOK, a book of...
matchboxes 31 28 MATCHBOX, a small bo...
matchlocks 29 26 MATCHLOCK, an early...
matchmakes 25 25 MATCHMAKE, to bring...
matchmarks 26 25 MATCHMARK [n]
matchplays 33 24 MATCHPLAY, scoring i...
matchwoods 26 22 MATCHWOOD, wood suit...
matelasses 18 14 MATELASSE, a jacquar...
matelottes 18 14 MATELOTTE, (French)...
matfellons 21 19 MATFELLON, the great...
matgrasses 19 15 MATGRASS, a rushlike...
matinesses 17 14 MATINESS, friendline...
matriarchs 24 18 MATRIARCH, a woman w...
matricides 22 17 MATRICIDE, the killi...
matriculas 23 18 MATRICULA, (Latin) a...
matronages 17 16 MATRONAGE, the state...
matronises 17 14 MATRONISE, to make a...
matronizes 20 23 MATRONIZE, to make a...
matsutakes 19 18 MATSUTAKE, (Japanese...
mattamores 18 16 MATTAMORE, a subterr...
matterless 19 14 not being, or having...
mattrasses 18 13 MATTRASS, a long-nec...
mattresses 18 13 MATTRESS, a large pa...
matureness 17 15 the state of being m...
maturities 19 14 MATURITY, the state...
maulsticks 25 22 MAULSTICK, (Dutch) a...
maumetries 19 17 MAUMETRY, the religi...
maunderers 17 16 MAUNDERER, one who m...
mausoleums 20 19 MAUSOLEUM, a large,...
mavournins 19 20 MAVOURNIN, (Irish) m...
mawmetries 22 19 MAWMETRY, the religi...
maximisers 26 23 MAXIMISER, one who m...
maximizers 29 32 MAXIMIZER, one who m...
mayflowers 30 22 MAYFLOWER, in Englan...
mayoresses 23 15 MAYORESS, a female m...
mayorships 29 20 MAYORSHIP, the offic...
mazinesses 20 23 MAZINESS, the qualit...
meagerness 17 16 the state of being m...
meagreness 17 16 the state of being m...
meanderers 16 15 MEANDERER, one who m...
meannesses 15 15 MEANNESS, the state...
meanwhiles 23 20 MEANWHILE, a period...
measliness 18 15 the state of being m...
measurings 19 17 MEASURING, the act o...
meatloaves 19 18 MEATLOAF, a baked lo...
meatspaces 22 19 MEATSPACE, real phys...
mechanises 22 19 MECHANISE, to make m...
mechanisms 24 22 MECHANISM, the belie...
mechanists 23 19 MECHANIST, an adhere...
mechanizes 25 28 MECHANIZE, to make m...
meclizines 25 27 MECLIZINE, a drug us...
meconopses 21 20 MECONOPSIS, a plant...
meconopsis 22 20 a plant of the Mecon...
medaillons 19 17 MEDAILLON, (French)...
medallions 19 17 MEDALLION, to orname...
medallists 21 16 MEDALLIST, one who w...
medalplays 28 21 MEDALPLAY, a scoring...
mediaevals 20 19 MEDIAEVAL, a person...
mediations 17 15 MEDIATION, the act o...
mediatises 18 14 MEDIATISE, to cause...
mediatizes 21 23 MEDIATIZE, to cause...
mediatress 18 14 (archaic) a female m...
medicinals 22 19 MEDICINAL, a medicin...
mediciners 21 18 MEDICINER, (archaic)...
meditators 18 14 MEDITATOR, one who m...
medressehs 20 16 MEDRESSEH, (Arabic)...
meeknesses 17 18 MEEKNESS, the qualit...
meetnesses 16 14 MEETNESS, suitabilit...
megacities 22 18 MEGACITY, a very lar...
megacuries 22 19 MEGACURIE, a unit of...
megacycles 32 24 MEGACYCLE, a million...
megadeaths 20 18 MEGADEATH, a million...
megafarads 20 19 MEGAFARAD, a measure...
megafaunas 19 20 MEGAFAUNA, the large...
megafloras 21 19 MEGAFLORA, large pla...
megajoules 21 26 MEGAJOULE, a million...
megalitres 20 16 MEGALITRE, one milli...
megalodons 18 18 MEGALODON, an extinc...
megalopses 21 19 MEGALOPS, a larval s...
megaphones 21 21 MEGAPHONE, to magnif...
megaphylls 32 24 MEGAPHYLL, a relativ...
megapixels 28 26 MEGAPIXEL, one milli...
megaplexes 27 26 MEGAPLEX, a large bu...
megaquakes 27 29 MEGAQUAKE, a very la...
megascopes 23 21 MEGASCOPE, an instru...
megaspores 20 18 MEGASPORE, the large...
megastores 18 15 MEGASTORE, a large s...
megastorms 20 18 MEGASTORM, a very la...
megatheres 20 17 MEGATHERE, any of va...
meiofaunas 18 18 MEIOFAUNA, animals l...
meiospores 19 16 MEIOSPORE, a haploid...
mekometers 19 20 MEKOMETER, a kind of...
melaleucas 22 19 MELALEUCA, an Austra...
melampodes 21 21 MELAMPODE, (Spenser)...
melanurias 18 16 MELANURIA, the prese...
melaphyres 29 21 MELAPHYRE, any one o...
melastomes 19 17 MELASTOME, a tropica...
melatonins 17 16 MELATONIN, a hormone...
meliaceous 21 18 relating to the Meli...
meliorates 18 14 MELIORATE, to make b...
meliorisms 21 17 MELIORISM, the belie...
meliorists 20 14 MELIORIST, a propone...
mellotrons 19 16 MELLOTRON, (tradenam...
mellowness 22 19 the state of being m...
melocotons 20 18 MELOCOTON, (obsolete...
melodisers 19 15 MELODISER, one who m...
melodizers 22 24 MELODIZER, one who m...
melodramas 19 18 MELODRAMA, a kind of...
melodrames 19 18 MELODRAME, a kind of...
melomanias 18 18 MELOMANIA, a mania f...
melongenes 17 18 MELONGENE, an auberg...
meloxicams 29 27 MELOXICAM, a drug us...
melphalans 23 21 MELPHALAN, an antine...
meltwaters 22 17 MELTWATER, the water...
melungeons 18 19 MELUNGEON, any of a...
memberless 22 20 without members [adj...
membranous 20 21 like a membrane, als...
memoirisms 21 19 MEMOIRISM, the act o...
memoirists 20 16 MEMOIRIST, one who w...
memorisers 19 16 MEMORISER, one who m...
memorizers 22 25 MEMORIZER, one who m...
menadiones 15 16 MENADIONE, vitamin K...
menageries 17 16 MENAGERIE, (French)...
mendacious 20 19 telling lies, esp. h...
mendicants 20 19 MENDICANT, a beggar;...
meningitis 19 17 inflammation of the...
meniscuses 21 18 MENISCUS, a crescent...
menologies 18 17 MENOLOGY, an ecclesi...
menominees 16 18 MENOMINEE, a small w...
menopauses 18 18 MENOPAUSE, the perio...
menorrheas 18 16 MENORRHEA, normal me...
menstruous 18 16 having the monthly f...
menstruums 20 19 MENSTRUUM, (Latin) a...
mentaleses 17 15 MENTALESE, the pictu...
mentalisms 20 18 MENTALISM, the belie...
mentalists 19 15 MENTALIST, a propone...
mentations 16 15 MENTATION, thought,...
menticides 21 18 MENTICIDE, the syste...
mentioners 16 15 MENTIONER, one who m...
mentorings 18 17 MENTORING, the act o...
menuisiers 18 15 MENUISIER, (French)...
mepacrines 22 20 MEPACRINE, a bitter...
mephitises 23 18 MEPHITIS, a poisonou...
mephitisms 25 21 MEPHITISM, poisoning...
merbromins 21 20 MERBROMIN, a green c...
mercaptans 22 20 MERCAPTAN, a substan...
mercerises 21 16 MERCERISE, to treat...
mercerizes 24 25 MERCERIZE, to treat...
mercurates 21 17 MERCURATE, to mercur...
mercurials 23 18 MERCURIAL, any compo...
mercurises 22 17 MERCURISE, to treat...
mercurizes 25 26 MERCURIZE, to treat...
merestones 16 14 MERESTONE, a stone d...
mergansers 18 16 MERGANSER, an aquati...
mermaidens 18 18 MERMAIDEN, a mythica...
merogonies 17 16 MEROGONY, the artifi...
meronymies 24 19 MERONYMY, the state...
meropidans 19 18 MEROPIDAN, one of a...
merozoites 20 22 MEROZOITE, a young t...
merpeoples 22 20 MERPEOPLE, mermaids...
merriments 19 17 MERRIMENT, gaiety wi...
mescalines 21 18 MESCALINE, the princ...
mescalisms 24 20 MESCALISM, the habit...
mesmerises 19 16 MESMERISE, to hypnot...
mesmerisms 21 19 MESMERISM, a hypnoti...
mesmerists 20 16 MESMERIST, one that...
mesmerizes 22 25 MESMERIZE, to hypnot...
mesnalties 18 15 MESNALTY, a type of...
mesoblasts 21 17 MESOBLAST, another n...
mesogloeas 18 16 MESOGLOEA, a gelatin...
mesohippus 25 22 an extinct mammal of...
mesomorphs 23 21 MESOMORPH, a person...
mesopauses 19 17 MESOPAUSE, the upper...
mesophiles 23 19 MESOPHILE, the ideal...
mesophylls 31 22 MESOPHYLL, the photo...
mesophytes 28 20 MESOPHYTE, a land pl...
messagings 20 18 MESSAGING, the act o...
messalines 18 15 MESSALINE, a soft li...
messengers 18 16 MESSENGER, to send b...
mestranols 18 15 MESTRANOL, a synthet...
metabolies 20 17 METABOLY, in biology...
metacarpus 23 20 that part of the ske...
metaethics 23 18 the study of matters...
metalepses 20 17 METALEPSIS, metonymy...
metalepsis 21 17 metonymy, esp. of a...
metalheads 20 17 METALHEAD, a fan of...
metallings 21 18 METALLING, road meta...
metallises 20 15 METALLISE, to make o...
metallists 21 15 METALLIST, a worker...
metallizes 23 24 METALLIZE, to make o...
metalloids 20 16 METALLOID, an elemen...
metalmarks 21 21 METALMARK, one of a...
metalwares 21 17 METALWARE, goods mad...
metalworks 23 21 METALWORK, work in m...
metaphases 21 18 METAPHASE, the stage...
metaplases 20 17 METAPLASIS, the chan...
metaplasis 21 17 the change of one ki...
metaplasms 22 20 METAPLASM, the alter...
metarchons 22 19 METARCHON, a nontoxi...
metastases 17 13 METASTASIS, the tran...
metastasis 18 13 the transfer of dise...
metatarsus 18 14 that part of the ske...
metatheses 19 15 METATHESIS, the tran...
metathesis 20 15 the transposition wi...
metaverses 19 17 METAVERSE, a 3D virt...
metaxylems 32 26 METAXYLEM, a part of...
metecdyses 27 19 METECDYSIS, the peri...
metecdysis 28 19 the period following...
meteorisms 19 16 METEORISM, abdominal...
meteorists 18 13 METEORIST, one suffe...
meteorites 17 13 METEORITE, a meteor...
meteoroids 17 14 METEOROID, a meteor...
metesticks 23 20 METESTICK, a measuri...
metestrous 18 14 relating to the mete...
metformins 21 20 METFORMIN, a drug us...
methadones 18 17 METHADONE, a synthet...
metheglins 22 19 METHEGLIN, (Welsh) a...
methodises 20 16 METHODISE, to reduce...
methodisms 22 19 METHODISM, methodica...
methodists 21 16 METHODIST, a followe...
methodizes 23 25 METHODIZE, to reduce...
methoxides 26 23 METHOXIDE, a saltlik...
methylases 27 18 METHYLASE, an enzyme...
methylates 27 18 METHYLATE, to introd...
methylenes 26 19 METHYLENE, the radic...
meticulous 23 19 marked by extreme or...
metoestrus 18 14 the period in the oe...
metonymies 24 19 METONYMY, a type of...
metralgias 20 16 METRALGIA, pain in t...
metricates 21 16 METRICATE, to measur...
metricians 21 17 METRICIAN, a compose...
metricises 22 16 METRICISE, to conver...
metricisms 24 19 METRICISM, the study...
metricists 23 16 METRICIST, a person...
metricizes 25 25 METRICIZE, to conver...
metrifiers 21 16 METRIFIER, one who m...
metritises 19 13 METRITIS, inflammati...
metronomes 17 17 METRONOME, a mechani...
metropolis 21 17 the chief or capital...
mezcalines 24 27 MEZCALINE, the princ...
mezzalunas 24 34 MEZZALUNA, a half-mo...
mezzanines 22 33 MEZZANINE, a low sto...
mezzotints 24 32 MEZZOTINT [n]
miasmatous 19 17 of or like a miasma,...
microbeams 24 22 MICROBEAM, a beam of...
microblogs 26 22 MICROBLOG, a blog in...
microbrews 27 22 MICROBREW, a beer pr...
microbuses 24 20 MICROBUS, a small bu...
microcards 25 20 MICROCARD, a card re...
microchips 30 24 MICROCHIP, a chip of...
microcodes 24 20 MICROCODE, a micro-i...
microcosms 26 22 MICROCOSM, the world...
microcytes 31 21 MICROCYTE, an unusua...
microfilms 27 23 MICROFILM, to make a...
microforms 25 22 MICROFORM, a process...
microglias 24 19 MICROGLIA, a type of...
micrograms 24 21 MICROGRAM, a million...
microlites 23 17 MICROLITE, a rare mi...
microliths 26 19 MICROLITH, a very sm...
microloans 21 18 MICROLOAN, a very sm...
microluces 26 21 MICROLUX, a unit of...
microluxes 29 25 MICROLUX, a unit of...
micromeres 22 19 MICROMERE, a small c...
microminis 23 20 MICROMINI, something...
micromoles 23 20 MICROMOLE, a million...
micromorts 23 19 MICROMORT, a unit of...
micronises 21 17 MICRONISE, to reduce...
micronizes 24 26 MICRONIZE, to reduce...
micropolis 25 20 a small city [n -ES]
micropores 23 19 MICROPORE, a very sm...
micropsias 24 19 MICROPSIA, a conditi...
micropumps 28 26 MICROPUMP, a miniatu...
micropyles 31 22 MICROPYLE, a micropo...
microsites 22 16 MICROSITE, a website...
microsomes 22 19 MICROSOME, a minute...
microtomes 22 19 MICROTOME, an instru...
microtones 20 17 MICROTONE, an interv...
microvolts 25 21 MICROVOLT, the milli...
microwatts 25 19 MICROWATT, a million...
microwaves 26 23 MICROWAVE, to cook b...
microwires 25 19 MICROWIRE, a very st...
micrurgies 24 19 MICRURGY, the use of...
micturates 22 17 MICTURATE, to urinat...
midinettes 18 15 MIDINETTE, (French)...
midiskirts 22 18 MIDISKIRT, a skirt o...
midlanders 19 17 MIDLANDER, one who l...
midstories 19 14 MIDSTORY, the middle...
midstreams 20 17 MIDSTREAM, the middl...
midsummers 22 21 MIDSUMMER, the middl...
midwatches 27 22 MIDWATCH, a watch on...
midwinters 22 18 MIDWINTER, the middl...
mightiness 22 18 the state of being m...
migmatites 21 18 MIGMATITE, a type of...
migrainous 19 17 of or like a migrain...
migrations 19 16 MIGRATION, a removal...
mildnesses 19 16 MILDNESS, the qualit...
milestones 18 15 MILESTONE, a post or...
militances 22 18 MILITANCE, the condi...
militaries 20 14 MILITARY, armed forc...
milkfishes 26 23 MILKFISH, a marine f...
milkshakes 24 24 MILKSHAKE, a drink o...
milktoasts 21 18 MILKTOAST, a very ti...
millboards 23 19 MILLBOARD, a kind of...
millepedes 22 19 MILLEPEDE, a myriapo...
millepores 22 18 MILLEPORE, any of a...
millerites 21 15 MILLERITE, nickel su...
millhouses 23 18 MILLHOUSE, a house a...
milliaries 21 15 MILLIARY, an ancient...
milligrams 24 20 MILLIGRAM, a thousan...
milliluces 26 20 MILLILUX, a unit of...
milliluxes 29 24 MILLILUX, a unit of...
millimoles 23 19 MILLIMOLE, a thousan...
millionths 23 18 MILLIONTH, a million...
millipedes 23 19 MILLIPEDE, a myriapo...
millivolts 25 20 MILLIVOLT, one thous...
milliwatts 25 18 MILLIWATT, one thous...
millocrats 24 18 MILLOCRAT, a member...
millscales 25 19 MILLSCALE, scale for...
millstones 20 16 MILLSTONE, one of a...
millwheels 27 21 MILLWHEEL, a waterwh...
milometers 20 17 MILOMETER, an instru...
minacities 21 17 MINACITY, the state...
mincemeats 21 20 MINCEMEAT, a mixture...
mindedness 17 17 an inclination to do...
mindshares 20 17 MINDSHARE, the level...
minefields 21 19 MINEFIELD, an area l...
minelayers 24 17 MINELAYER, a ship us...
mineshafts 22 19 MINESHAFT, a vertica...
minestones 16 15 MINESTONE, ore, esp....
miniations 17 15 MINIATION, the act o...
miniatures 18 15 MINIATURE, to miniat...
minibikers 22 21 MINIBIKER, one who r...
minibreaks 21 21 MINIBREAK, a short b...
minibusses 21 18 MINIBUS, a small bus...
minidishes 21 17 MINIDISH, a small re...
minimisers 20 17 MINIMISER, one who m...
minimizers 23 26 MINIMIZER, one who m...
miniscules 23 19 MINISCULE, a small c...
miniseries 18 14 a short series e.g....
miniskirts 21 18 MINISKIRT, a skirt w...
ministates 18 14 MINISTATE, a small s...
ministress 19 14 a woman who minister...
ministries 19 14 MINISTRY, the act of...
minitowers 21 17 MINITOWER, a compute...
minitracks 23 21 MINITRACK, (tradenam...
minorities 18 14 MINORITY, the fact o...
minorships 23 19 MINORSHIP, the state...
minoxidils 26 23 MINOXIDIL, a periphe...
minuscules 23 20 MINUSCULE, a small c...
minuteness 17 16 the quality of being...
mirabelles 22 18 MIRABELLE, (French)...
miraculous 23 19 of the nature of a m...
mirandises 18 15 MIRANDISE, in USA, t...
mirandizes 21 24 MIRANDIZE, in USA, t...
mirinesses 18 14 MIRINESS, the state...
mirrorings 20 16 MIRRORING, the act o...
misaddress 19 15 to address wrongly [...
misadjusts 22 24 MISADJUST, to adjust...
misadvices 24 21 MISADVICE, wrong adv...
misadvises 21 18 MISADVISE, to advise...
misalleges 21 17 MISALLEGE, (obsolete...
misandries 18 15 MISANDRY, hatred of...
misandrous 18 16 hating men [adj]
misapplies 24 20 MISAPPLY, to apply w...
misassigns 20 16 MISASSIGN, to assign...
misaunters 18 15 MISAUNTER, (Scots) a...
misbecomes 24 22 MISBECOME, (archaic)...
misbehaves 24 22 MISBEHAVE, to behave...
misbeliefs 24 20 MISBELIEF, erroneous...
misbeseems 21 19 MISBESEEM, (archaic)...
misbestows 24 19 MISBESTOW, to bestow...
misbiasses 21 16 MISBIAS, to bias wro...
misbuttons 21 18 MISBUTTON, to button...
miscallers 24 18 MISCALLER, one who m...
miscanthus 24 20 any of several hardy...
miscarries 22 16 MISCARRY, to be unsu...
miscegenes 21 19 MISCEGENE, a person...
miscegines 22 19 MISCEGINE, a person...
mischances 26 22 MISCHANCE, to happen...
mischarges 25 20 MISCHARGE, to charge...
mischoices 27 21 MISCHOICE, a wrong c...
mischooses 23 18 MISCHOOSE, to choose...
misclasses 23 17 MISCLASS, to put in...
miscolours 23 18 MISCOLOUR, to give a...
miscreants 21 17 MISCREANT, originall...
miscreates 21 16 MISCREATE, to create...
miscredits 23 17 MISCREDIT, (archaic)...
misdealers 19 15 MISDEALER, one who m...
misdefines 20 18 MISDEFINE, to define...
misdemeans 18 18 MISDEMEAN, to behave...
misdeserts 19 14 MISDESERT, (Spenser)...
misdirects 23 17 MISDIRECT, to point...
misdivides 22 19 MISDIVIDE, to divide...
misemploys 29 22 MISEMPLOY, to employ...
misenrolls 20 16 MISENROLL, to enrol...
misentries 18 14 MISENTRY, an erroneo...
miserables 21 17 MISERABLE, a miserab...
misesteems 19 16 MISESTEEM, to lack e...
misfarings 22 19 MISFARING, (Spenser)...
misfeasors 20 16 MISFEASOR, one who c...
misfocuses 24 20 MISFOCUS, to focus b...
misgivings 24 22 MISGIVING, an appreh...
misgoverns 21 20 MISGOVERN, to govern...
misgrowths 26 20 MISGROWTH, an unnatu...
misguesses 20 16 MISGUESS, to guess w...
misguggles 24 21 MISGUGGLE, (Scots) t...
misguiders 21 17 MISGUIDER, one who g...
mishandles 21 18 MISHANDLE, to handle...
mishanters 20 16 MISHANTER, (Scots) a...
mishappens 24 22 MISHAPPEN, (Spenser)...
mishmashes 24 20 MISHMASH, a confused...
mishmoshes 24 20 MISHMOSH, a confused...
mishugases 22 18 MISHUGAS, (Yiddish)...
misinforms 22 20 MISINFORM, to inform...
misintends 18 16 MISINTEND, (obsolete...
misjudgers 23 26 MISJUDGER, one who m...
mislabours 22 18 MISLABOUR, to labour...
misleaders 19 15 MISLEADER, one who l...
mislikings 23 21 MISLIKING, the act o...
mislippens 24 21 MISLIPPEN, (Scots) t...
mislocates 22 17 MISLOCATE, to locate...
mismanages 19 19 MISMANAGE, to manage...
mismanners 18 18 (obsolete) bad manne...
mismarries 20 16 MISMARRY, to marry u...
mismatches 25 21 MISMATCH, to match b...
misnumbers 22 21 MISNUMBER, to number...
misogamies 20 18 MISOGAMY, a hatred o...
misogynies 25 18 MISOGYNY, a hatred o...
misogynous 25 19 hating women, also M...
misologies 20 16 MISOLOGY, a hatred o...
misoneisms 19 17 MISONEISM, a hatred...
misoneists 18 14 MISONEIST, a hater o...
misorients 18 14 MISORIENT, to orient...
mispatches 26 21 MISPATCH, to patch b...
misphrases 23 18 MISPHRASE, to phrase...
mispickels 27 24 MISPICKEL, (German)...
mispleases 21 17 MISPLEASE, (obsolete...
mispraises 21 16 MISPRAISE, to praise...
misprizers 25 25 MISPRIZER, one who m...
misquoters 27 23 MISQUOTER, one who m...
misreckons 22 21 MISRECKON, to reckon...
misrecords 22 17 MISRECORD, to record...
misregards 20 16 MISREGARD [n]
misrelates 19 14 MISRELATE, to relate...
misrenders 18 15 MISRENDER, to render...
misreports 21 16 MISREPORT, to report...
missayings 26 18 MISSAYING, the act o...
misshapers 23 18 MISSHAPER, one who m...
missileers 20 14 MISSILEER, one respo...
missilries 21 14 MISSILRY, missiles c...
missioners 18 14 MISSIONER, a mission...
misstrikes 21 17 MISSTRIKE, to strike...
mistakings 21 20 MISTAKING, (Shakespe...
misteaches 23 18 MISTEACH, to teach w...
mistempers 22 19 MISTEMPER, (obsolete...
mistimings 22 19 MISTIMING, the act o...
mistletoes 19 14 MISTLETOE, a Eurasia...
mistouches 24 19 MISTOUCH, to touch i...
mistresses 19 13 MISTRESS, to make a...
miterworts 22 16 MITERWORT, a slender...
mitigators 20 15 MITIGATOR, one who m...
mitomycins 29 22 MITOMYCIN, a kind of...
mitrailles 21 15 MITRAILLE, (French)...
mitreworts 22 16 MITREWORT, a slender...
mittimuses 21 17 MITTIMUS, a warrant...
mixmasters 26 23 MIXMASTER, a disc jo...
mixologies 26 23 MIXOLOGY, the art of...
mizenmasts 22 26 MIZENMAST, the mast...
mizzonites 24 32 MIZZONITE, a scapoli...
mnemonists 18 18 MNEMONIST, an expert...
mobilisers 22 17 MOBILISER, something...
mobilities 22 17 MOBILITY, the abilit...
mobilizers 25 26 MOBILIZER, something...
mobloggers 23 21 MOBLOGGER, one who k...
mockernuts 22 22 MOCKERNUT, a kind of...
modafinils 21 19 MODAFINIL, a stimula...
modalities 19 15 MODALITY, the state...
modellings 21 19 MODELLING, the act o...
modellists 21 16 MODELLIST, a person...
moderators 17 14 MODERATOR, one who m...
modernises 17 15 MODERNISE, to make m...
modernisms 19 18 MODERNISM, a modern...
modernists 18 15 MODERNIST, an admire...
modernizes 20 24 MODERNIZE, to make m...
modernness 16 16 the state of being m...
modillions 20 17 MODILLION, (Italian)...
modishness 20 17 the state of being m...
modulators 19 16 MODULATOR, a person...
moisteners 17 14 MOISTENER, something...
moistifies 21 16 MOISTIFY, to make mo...
molalities 20 15 MOLALITY, the number...
molarities 19 14 MOLARITY, the number...
molasseses 18 14 MOLASSES, a thick da...
moldavites 21 19 MOLDAVITE, a green t...
moldboards 21 19 MOLDBOARD, a curved...
moliminous 20 19 massive; laborious [...
mollifiers 23 18 MOLLIFIER, one who m...
mollitious 21 16 softening; voluptuou...
molluscans 23 20 MOLLUSCAN, a member...
molluscous 24 20 like a mollusc [adj]
molluskans 21 21 MOLLUSKAN, a member...
mollyhawks 33 26 MOLLYHAWK, the juven...
mollymawks 32 27 MOLLYMAWK, (Dutch) t...
molochises 24 19 MOLOCHISE, to sacrif...
molochizes 27 28 MOLOCHIZE, to sacrif...
molybdates 27 20 MOLYBDATE, a salt of...
molybdoses 27 20 MOLYBDOSIS, lead poi...
molybdosis 28 20 lead poisoning [n MO...
monachisms 24 22 MONACHISM, the monas...
monachists 23 19 MONACHIST, an adhere...
monactines 19 18 MONACTINE, the spicu...
monadnocks 20 23 MONADNOCK, a mountai...
monandries 16 16 MONANDRY, the condit...
monandrous 16 17 having only one stam...
monanthous 18 18 of certain plants, h...
monarchies 22 19 MONARCHY, rule by a...
monergisms 20 19 MONERGISM, the theor...
monestrous 17 15 of or related to mam...
moneyboxes 30 26 MONEYBOX, a box for...
moneyworts 26 19 MONEYWORT, a trailin...
mongerings 19 19 MONGERING, trading i...
mongolisms 21 20 MONGOLISM, a medical...
mongoloids 19 18 MONGOLOID, a person...
moniliases 18 15 MONILIASIS, candidia...
moniliasis 19 15 candidiasis [n MONIL...
monitories 17 14 MONITORY, a letter c...
monkeyisms 26 23 MONKEYISM, being lik...
monkeypods 26 24 MONKEYPOD, the rain-...
monkeypots 26 23 MONKEYPOT, the round...
monkfishes 23 23 MONKFISH, a large ed...
monkshoods 20 21 MONKSHOOD, a plant o...
monoamines 16 18 MONOAMINE, an amine...
monocerous 19 18 having only one horn...
monochords 22 20 MONOCHORD, a musical...
monoclines 20 19 MONOCLINE, a simple...
monocoques 27 27 MONOCOQUE, (French)...
monocotyls 27 20 MONOCOTYL, a plant h...
monoculars 21 19 MONOCULAR, a field g...
monoculous 21 20 monocular [adj]
monocycles 30 23 MONOCYCLE, a cycle w...
monodramas 17 18 MONODRAMA, a one-man...
monoecious 19 18 having separate male...
monoecisms 21 20 MONOECISM, the state...
monoesters 16 14 MONOESTER, an ester,...
monogamies 18 19 MONOGAMY, marriage w...
monogamous 18 20 relating to monogamy...
monogenies 16 17 MONOGENY, the (theor...
monogenous 16 18 of or pertaining to...
monogonies 16 17 MONOGONY, asexual re...
monographs 22 21 MONOGRAPH, to write...
monogynies 23 19 MONOGYNY, the condit...
monogynous 23 20 of or pertaining to...
monolaters 17 15 MONOLATER, one who w...
monolayers 23 17 MONOLAYER, a single...
monologies 18 17 MONOLOGY, the act of...
monologues 18 18 MONOLOGUE, a dramati...
monomanias 16 18 MONOMANIA, an abnorm...
monomerous 17 18 of flowers, having w...
monometers 17 17 MONOMETER, a rhythmi...
monophases 20 19 MONOPHASE, a type of...
monoplanes 18 19 MONOPLANE, an aeropl...
monoploids 20 19 MONOPLOID, a haploid...
monopodias 18 18 MONOPODIA, a physica...
monopodies 18 18 MONOPODY, a measure...
monopolies 19 18 MONOPOLY, exclusive...
monopteros 18 17 a building with sing...
monoptotes 18 17 MONOPTOTE, a noun th...
monopulses 20 19 MONOPULSE, a type of...
monorchids 23 20 MONORCHID, someone w...
monorhines 18 17 MONORHINE, an animal...
monorhymes 26 21 MONORHYME, a series...
monosemies 17 17 MONOSEMY, having a s...
monoskiers 18 18 MONOSKIER, one who s...
monosomics 21 20 MONOSOMIC, a monosom...
monosomies 17 17 MONOSOMY, a conditio...
monosteles 17 15 MONOSTELE, a single...
monostichs 23 19 MONOSTICH, a composi...
monotocous 19 18 producing only one o...
monotonies 15 15 MONOTONY, tedious sa...
monotonous 15 16 uttered or sounded i...
monotremes 17 17 MONOTREME, a primiti...
monotrochs 22 19 MONOTROCH, (Scott) a...
monoxylons 29 25 MONOXYLON, a canoe m...
monoxylous 30 25 made of one piece of...
monozygous 27 28 developed from one z...
monsignors 18 17 MONSIGNOR, (Italian)...
monstruous 18 16 (obsolete) monstrous...
montadales 17 16 MONTADALE, any of an...
monthlings 22 20 MONTHLING, (archaic)...
monticules 22 19 MONTICULE, (French)...
monticulus 23 20 a little hill, also...
monzonites 19 24 MONZONITE, a coarse-...
mooncalves 22 22 MOONCALF, a foolish...
mooncrafts 22 20 MOONCRAFT, a lunar m...
moonfishes 21 19 MOONFISH, the opah o...
moonlights 22 19 MOONLIGHT, to take a...
moonphases 20 19 MOONPHASE, a phase o...
moonquakes 25 28 MOONQUAKE, a seismic...
moonrakers 17 18 MOONRAKER, a small s...
moonscapes 21 20 MOONSCAPE, a view of...
moonshines 18 17 MOONSHINE, (US) ille...
moonstones 15 15 MOONSTONE, a nearly...
moosebirds 20 17 MOOSEBIRD, a North A...
moosewoods 19 17 MOOSEWOOD, a North A...
mooseyards 23 16 MOOSEYARD, an area w...
mootnesses 16 14 MOOTNESS, the state...
mopinesses 19 17 MOPINESS, the state...
mopishness 22 19 the state of being m...
moralisers 19 14 MORALISER, one who m...
moralities 19 14 MORALITY, conformity...
moralizers 22 23 MORALIZER, one who m...
morbidness 20 18 the state of being m...
morbillous 23 19 pertaining to the me...
mordacious 21 18 given to biting; bit...
mordancies 20 18 MORDANCY, the qualit...
morenesses 16 14 MORENESS, the state...
morganites 18 16 MORGANITE, a rosy pi...
morgellons 20 18 a condition in which...
morigerous 19 16 obsequious or defere...
moronities 17 14 MORONITY, the condit...
moroseness 16 14 the state of being m...
morosities 18 13 MOROSITY, (obsolete)...
morphemics 27 24 the study of morphem...
morphogens 22 21 MORPHOGEN, a chemica...
mortalises 19 14 MORTALISE, to make m...
mortalizes 22 23 MORTALIZE, to make m...
mortarless 19 14 without mortar [adj]
mortcloths 25 19 MORTCLOTH, a pall [n...
mortgagees 19 17 MORTGAGEE, one who h...
mortgagers 20 17 MORTGAGER, one who g...
mortgagors 20 17 MORTGAGOR, one who g...
morticians 21 17 MORTICIAN, (US) an u...
mortifiers 21 16 MORTIFIER, one who m...
mortuaries 18 14 MORTUARY, a place wh...
mosaicisms 23 19 MOSAICISM, the prope...
mosaicists 22 16 MOSAICIST, a worker...
mosasaurus 18 15 a gigantic Cretaceou...
moschatels 24 19 MOSCHATEL, a plant o...
moskonfyts 27 23 MOSKONFYT, (Afrikaan...
mosquitoes 26 23 MOSQUITO, any dipter...
mossplants 21 18 MOSSPLANT, a plant o...
motettists 19 13 MOTETTIST, one who w...
mothereses 19 15 MOTHERESE, a simplif...
motherings 21 18 MOTHERING, the act o...
motherless 21 16 without a mother [ad...
mothproofs 24 21 MOTHPROOF, to proof...
motilities 20 14 MOTILITY, the abilit...
motionists 18 14 MOTIONIST, (Milton)...
motionless 18 15 without motion [adj...
motivators 20 17 MOTIVATOR, one who m...
motiveless 21 18 without motive [adj...
motivities 21 17 MOTIVITY, the abilit...
motorbikes 21 20 MOTORBIKE, to travel...
motorboats 19 16 MOTORBOAT, a boat wi...
motorbuses 20 17 MOTORBUS, a bus driv...
motorcades 20 17 MOTORCADE, to travel...
motorhomes 20 18 MOTORHOME, a large m...
motorships 23 18 MOTORSHIP, a ship wi...
motoscafos 22 19 MOTOSCAFO, (Italian)...
moudiwarts 22 18 MOUDIWART, (dialect)...
moudiworts 22 18 MOUDIWORT, (dialect)...
mouldiness 19 17 the state of being m...
mouldwarps 25 22 MOULDWARP, (dialect)...
moundbirds 21 20 MOUNDBIRD, an Austra...
mournivals 21 20 MOURNIVAL, (French)...
mousebirds 21 18 MOUSEBIRD, another n...
mouseovers 19 18 MOUSEOVER, on a web...
mousetails 19 15 MOUSETAIL, any of va...
mousetraps 20 17 MOUSETRAP, to catch...
moustaches 23 19 MOUSTACHE, the unsha...
mouthfeels 23 20 MOUTHFEEL, the senso...
mouthparts 23 19 MOUTHPART, part of a...
moviegoers 20 19 MOVIEGOER, one who g...
movielands 20 20 MOVIELAND, the world...
moygashels 28 20 MOYGASHEL, an Irish...
mridamgams 22 22 MRIDAMGAM, (Sanskrit...
mridangams 20 20 MRIDANGAM, (Sanskrit...
mucedinous 21 20 mouldy; mildewy [adj...
muchnesses 23 20 MUCHNESS, greatness...
mucidities 23 18 MUCIDITY, mouldiness...
muciferous 24 21 conveying or secreti...
mucinogens 21 21 MUCINOGEN, a substan...
muckamucks 29 32 MUCKAMUCK, (colloqui...
muckenders 22 23 MUCKENDER, (obsolete...
muckrakers 24 25 MUCKRAKER, one who s...
mucksweats 26 24 MUCKSWEAT, a profuse...
muckymucks 36 34 MUCKYMUCK, a person...
mucolytics 33 23 MUCOLYTIC, an agent...
mucosities 22 17 MUCOSITY, the state...
mudhoppers 25 23 MUDHOPPER, a fish of...
mudloggers 22 20 MUDLOGGER, a person...
mudpuppies 26 25 MUDPUPPY, a large sa...
muffettees 22 20 MUFFETTEE, (obsolete...
muffineers 22 21 MUFFINEER, a dish fo...
mugearites 19 16 MUGEARITE, a dark, f...
mulattress 20 15 a female mulatto, al...
mulberries 22 18 MULBERRY, any of var...
mulishness 22 18 obstinacy [n -ES]
mullahisms 25 21 MULLAHISM, the syste...
mullarkies 22 20 MULLARKY, (US colloq...
mulligrubs 26 22 (colloquial) grumpin...
multeities 20 15 MULTEITY, manifoldne...
multicasts 24 18 MULTICAST, a broadca...
multicides 24 19 MULTICIDE, mass murd...
multifoils 24 19 MULTIFOIL, an orname...
multiforms 24 21 MULTIFORM, a multifo...
multihulls 26 20 MULTIHULL, a boat ha...
multilanes 20 17 MULTILANE, a highway...
multilines 21 17 MULTILINE, a variety...
multilobes 23 19 MULTILOBE, something...
multipacks 27 25 MULTIPACK, a pack co...
multiparas 22 18 MULTIPARA, a mother...
multipedes 22 19 MULTIPEDE, an insect...
multiplets 24 19 MULTIPLET, a group o...
multiplies 24 19 MULTIPLY, to increas...
multipoles 23 19 MULTIPOLE, something...
multitasks 22 19 MULTITASK, to work a...
multitones 19 16 MULTITONE, a multito...
multitools 21 16 MULTITOOL, a device...
multitudes 21 17 MULTITUDE, a great n...
multivious 23 20 leading in many dire...
mumchances 27 26 MUMCHANCE, a silent...
mummerings 22 23 MUMMERING, a Christm...
mummichogs 28 27 MUMMICHOG, (Native A...
mummiforms 25 26 MUMMIFORM, a sarcoph...
munchables 26 24 MUNCHABLE, a tasty i...
municipals 25 22 MUNICIPAL, a municip...
murmurings 22 21 MURMURING [n]
murtherers 21 16 MURTHERER, a murdere...
muscadines 21 19 MUSCADINE, (archaic)...
muscarines 21 18 MUSCARINE, a poisono...
muscavados 23 22 MUSCAVADO, (Spanish)...
muscovados 23 22 MUSCOVADO, (Spanish)...
muscovites 24 21 MUSCOVITE, a type of...
mushmouths 25 22 MUSHMOUTH, (US) a pe...
musketeers 19 18 MUSKETEER, a soldier...
musketoons 18 19 MUSKETOON, a short m...
musketries 20 18 MUSKETRY, the techni...
muskmelons 21 23 MUSKMELON, the fruit...
musquashes 29 26 MUSQUASH, a large se...
mussitates 19 14 MUSSITATE, (obsolete...
mustachios 24 19 MUSTACHIO, (Spanish)...
mustelines 19 16 MUSTELINE, a weasel...
mutenesses 17 15 MUTENESS, the state...
mutilators 20 15 MUTILATOR, one who m...
mutoscopes 23 20 MUTOSCOPE, an early...
mutterings 20 17 MUTTERING, the act o...
mutualises 20 16 MUTUALISE, to organi...
mutualisms 22 19 MUTUALISM, a belief...
mutualists 21 16 MUTUALIST, an advoca...
mutualizes 23 25 MUTUALIZE, to organi...
mutualness 19 17 the state of being m...
mycobionts 29 22 MYCOBIONT, the funga...
mycofloras 30 22 MYCOFLORA, the fungi...
mycologies 29 21 MYCOLOGY, the branch...
mycophiles 33 24 MYCOPHILE, one who l...
mycorhizas 33 29 MYCORHIZA, a fungus...
mycotoxins 33 26 MYCOTOXIN, a poison...
mydriatics 29 19 MYDRIATIC, a substan...
myelitides 26 17 MYELITIS, inflammati...
myelitises 26 16 MYELITIS, inflammati...
myelocytes 34 21 MYELOCYTE, a nerve-c...
myelograms 27 21 MYELOGRAM, an X-ray...
mylohyoids 34 21 MYLOHYOID, a nerve i...
myofibrils 31 22 MYOFIBRIL, a contrac...
myoglobins 28 22 MYOGLOBIN, a protein...
myologists 27 18 MYOLOGIST, one who s...
myomancies 27 22 MYOMANCY, devination...
myopathies 28 20 MYOPATHY, a disorder...
myophilies 30 21 MYOPHILY, pollinatio...
myophilous 30 22 pollinated by flies,...
myositises 25 15 MYOSITIS, muscular p...
myosotises 24 15 MYOSOTIS, a flowerin...
myostatins 24 16 MYOSTATIN, a protein...
myringitis 27 18 inflammation of the...
myrioramas 25 18 MYRIORAMA, a picture...
myrmidones 25 20 MYRMIDON, (Greek) a...
myrobalans 26 20 MYROBALAN, the astri...
myrtaceous 27 19 belonging to the myr...
mystagogus 27 20 one who teaches myst...
mysterious 25 16 of, relating to, or...
mysticetes 28 18 MYSTICETE, a species...
mysticisms 31 21 MYSTICISM, the habit...
mystifiers 28 18 MYSTIFIER, one who m...
mythicises 31 20 MYTHICISE, to make m...
mythicisms 33 23 MYTHICISM, a theory...
mythicists 32 20 MYTHICIST, an adhere...
mythicizes 34 29 MYTHICIZE, to make m...
mythmakers 29 24 MYTHMAKER, a maker o...
mythomanes 26 21 MYTHOMANE, someone w...
mythopoets 28 20 MYTHOPOET, a mythmak...
myxamoebas 32 28 MYXAMOEBA, a cell pr...
myxoedemas 30 26 MYXOEDEMA, a skin di...
myxomatous 31 26 suffering from myxom...
naboberies 19 17 NABOBERY, the state...
nabobesses 19 17 NABOBESS, (Urdu) a f...
nachtmaals 23 20 NACHTMAAL, (Afrikaan...
naffnesses 19 18 NAFFNESS, the qualit...
naifnesses 17 15 NAIFNESS, the state...
nailbiters 20 15 NAILBITER, someone w...
naissances 18 15 NAISSANCE, (French)...
namechecks 26 26 NAMECHECK, to mentio...
nameplates 19 18 NAMEPLATE, an attach...
nanometers 15 15 NANOMETER, a billion...
nanometres 15 15 NANOMETRE, a billion...
nanoteslas 15 13 NANOTESLA, a billion...
nanoworlds 19 17 NANOWORLD, the world...
naphthenes 21 19 NAPHTHENE, a peculia...
narcotines 18 15 NARCOTINE, an alkalo...
narcotises 19 14 NARCOTISE, to subjec...
narcotisms 21 17 NARCOTISM, narcosis;...
narcotists 20 14 NARCOTIST, one who t...
narcotizes 22 23 NARCOTIZE, to subjec...
narghilies 21 16 NARGHILY, (Persian)...
narguilehs 21 17 NARGUILEH, (Persian)...
narrations 15 12 NARRATION, the act o...
narratives 18 15 NARRATIVE, that whic...
narrowings 20 17 NARROWING, the act o...
narrowness 18 15 the state of being n...
nasalities 17 12 NASALITY, an instanc...
nascencies 21 18 NASCENCY, birth or o...
natalities 17 12 NATALITY, birthrate,...
nationless 16 13 without a nation [ad...
nativeness 17 16 the state of being n...
nativities 19 15 NATIVITY, the proces...
natrolites 17 12 NATROLITE, a common...
naugahydes 25 19 NAUGAHYDE, a type of...
naumachias 22 20 NAUMACHIA, (Latin) a...
naumachies 22 20 NAUMACHY, a mock sea...
nautiloids 18 14 NAUTILOID, a mollusc...
nautiluses 18 14 NAUTILUS, a spiral-s...
navarchies 23 20 NAVARCHY, rulership...
navelworts 22 19 NAVELWORT, a perenni...
naviculars 23 20 NAVICULAR, a boat-sh...
navigators 19 17 NAVIGATOR, a person...
naysayings 29 18 NAYSAYING, the act o...
nearnesses 14 12 NEARNESS, the state...
nearshores 17 13 NEARSHORE, (in busin...
neatnesses 14 12 NEATNESS, the state...
nebbishers 23 19 NEBBISHER, (Yiddish)...
nebenkerns 17 20 NEBENKERN, (German)...
nebulisers 20 16 NEBULISER, a sprayin...
nebulizers 23 25 NEBULIZER, a sprayin...
neckcloths 27 24 NECKCLOTH, a cloth w...
neckpieces 25 24 NECKPIECE, a piece o...
neckverses 22 22 NECKVERSE, the test...
necrophils 25 20 NECROPHIL, someone w...
necropoles 21 18 NECROPOLIS, (Greek)...
necropolis 22 18 (Greek) a cemetery o...
necropsies 21 17 NECROPSY, to perform...
necrotises 19 14 NECROTISE, to affect...
necrotizes 22 23 NECROTIZE, to affect...
nectareous 18 15 of or like nectar, a...
nectarines 18 15 NECTARINE, a fruit r...
needlefuls 20 18 NEEDLEFUL, as much t...
neglecters 21 17 NEGLECTER, one who n...
neglectors 21 17 NEGLECTOR, one who n...
negociants 19 17 NEGOCIANT, (French)...
negotiants 16 14 NEGOTIANT, a person,...
negotiates 16 13 NEGOTIATE, to confer...
negritudes 18 15 NEGRITUDE, (French)...
negroheads 18 16 NEGROHEAD, tobacco s...
negrophils 23 19 NEGROPHIL, a person...
neighbours 22 19 NEIGHBOUR, to live c...
nelumbiums 23 23 NELUMBIUM, (Tamil) a...
nemerteans 15 15 NEMERTEAN, any of a...
nemertians 16 15 NEMERTIAN, any of a...
nemertines 16 15 NEMERTINE, any of a...
nemophilas 22 20 NEMOPHILA, a plant o...
neodymiums 25 21 NEODYMIUM, a rare me...
neogeneses 14 14 NEOGENESIS, the rege...
neogenesis 15 14 the regeneration of...
neogothics 22 18 NEOGOTHIC, a style o...
neologians 16 15 NEOLOGIAN, one who i...
neologises 17 14 NEOLOGISE, to introd...
neologisms 19 17 NEOLOGISM, a new wor...
neologists 18 14 NEOLOGIST, one who i...
neologizes 20 23 NEOLOGIZE, to introd...
neonomians 14 16 NEONOMIAN, one who a...
neophilias 21 17 NEOPHILIA, an obsess...
neophobias 21 19 NEOPHOBIA, fear of n...
neopilinas 18 16 NEOPILINA, a mollusc...
neoplasias 18 15 NEOPLASIA, the forma...
neoteinias 14 12 NEOTEINIA, prolonged...
neoterises 15 11 NEOTERISE, to innova...
neoterisms 17 14 NEOTERISM, the intro...
neoterists 16 11 NEOTERIST, one who i...
neoterizes 18 20 NEOTERIZE, to innova...
neotropics 21 17 the tropics of the N...
nephalisms 23 20 NEPHALISM, total abs...
nephalists 22 17 NEPHALIST, one who a...
nephelines 20 18 NEPHELINE, a rock-fo...
nephelites 21 17 NEPHELITE, a rock-fo...
nephograms 22 21 NEPHOGRAM, a photogr...
nephritics 25 19 NEPHRITIC, a medicin...
nephrotics 24 19 NEPHROTIC, a disease...
neptuniums 20 20 NEPTUNIUM, a radioac...
nervations 17 16 NERVATION, the arran...
nervatures 18 16 NERVATURE, the arran...
nesciences 21 18 NESCIENCE, lack of k...
neshnesses 17 14 NESHNESS, the qualit...
netballers 20 16 NETBALLER, one who p...
netminders 17 16 NETMINDER, a goalkee...
netsurfers 19 15 NETSURFER, one who e...
networkers 20 18 NETWORKER, one who n...
neuralgias 18 15 NEURALGIA, intense b...
neurations 15 13 NEURATION, the arran...
neuritides 17 13 NEURITIS, inflammati...
neuritises 17 12 NEURITIS, inflammati...
neurochips 24 20 NEUROCHIP, a microch...
neurocoels 19 16 NEUROCOEL, a cavity...
neuroglias 18 15 NEUROGLIA, the suppo...
neurograms 18 17 NEUROGRAM, a modific...
neurolyses 23 15 NEUROLYSIS, disinteg...
neurolysis 24 15 disintegration of ne...
neuromasts 17 15 NEUROMAST, a sensory...
neuropaths 20 17 NEUROPATH, one who b...
neutrettos 16 12 NEUTRETTO, a name su...
neverminds 19 20 NEVERMIND, (US) a ma...
newfangles 22 21 NEWFANGLE, an excess...
newishness 21 17 the state of being s...
newmarkets 21 21 NEWMARKET, a long, c...
newsagents 19 17 NEWSAGENT, one who s...
newsbreaks 22 21 NEWSBREAK, a newswor...
newsgroups 23 20 NEWSGROUP, a group o...
newshounds 21 19 NEWSHOUND, (colloqui...
newsmakers 21 21 NEWSMAKER, a person...
newspapers 23 20 NEWSPAPER, to work o...
newsprints 22 18 NEWSPRINT, inexpensi...
newssheets 21 16 NEWSSHEET, a simple...
newsstands 19 16 NEWSSTAND, a stand f...
newstrades 19 15 NEWSTRADE, the busin...
nextnesses 21 19 NEXTNESS, the state...
niaiseries 16 11 NIAISERIE, (French)...
nialamides 18 16 NIALAMIDE, a synthet...
niccolites 24 18 NICCOLITE, an arseni...
nicenesses 18 15 NICENESS, the qualit...
nickelines 21 20 NICKELINE, (obsolete...
nickelises 22 19 NICKELISE, to plate...
nickelizes 25 28 NICKELIZE, to plate...
nicknamers 21 22 NICKNAMER, one who g...
nickpoints 23 22 NICKPOINT, a break o...
nicksticks 27 25 NICKSTICK, (archaic)...
nicompoops 24 23 NICOMPOOP, a fool; a...
nicotianas 18 15 NICOTIANA, any plant...
nictations 19 15 NICTATION, the act o...
nictitates 20 14 NICTITATE, to wink o...
nidderings 18 16 NIDDERING, (Old Engl...
niderlings 19 16 NIDERLING, (Old Engl...
nidicolous 21 17 reared in a nest; sh...
nidifugous 21 19 leaving the nest soo...
niggerdoms 20 19 NIGGERDOM, (offensiv...
niggerisms 21 18 NIGGERISM, (offensiv...
nighnesses 19 16 NIGHNESS, (obsolete)...
nightbirds 24 19 NIGHTBIRD, a bird th...
nightclass 25 19 a class at night sch...
nightclubs 28 23 NIGHTCLUB, to visit...
nightdress 21 16 a garment worn at ni...
nightfalls 25 20 NIGHTFALL, the onset...
nightfires 23 18 NIGHTFIRE, a fire bu...
nightgears 21 17 NIGHTGEAR, clothes w...
nightglows 26 21 NIGHTGLOW, an airglo...
nightgowns 24 21 NIGHTGOWN, a gown wo...
nighthawks 27 24 NIGHTHAWK, the Ameri...
nightlifes 24 19 NIGHTLIFE, life that...
nightlives 24 20 NIGHTLIFE, life that...
nightmares 21 18 NIGHTMARE, a bad dre...
nightsides 21 16 NIGHTSIDE, the dark,...
nightspots 23 18 NIGHTSPOT, a nightcl...
nighttides 21 16 NIGHTTIDE, the time...
nighttimes 22 18 NIGHTTIME, the time...
nightwears 23 18 NIGHTWEAR, clothes w...
nigritudes 19 15 NIGRITUDE, the essen...
nigrosines 17 14 NIGROSINE, a blackis...
nihilities 21 14 NIHILITY, the state...
nilpotents 19 16 NILPOTENT, a quantit...
nimbleness 20 19 the state of being n...
nimblesses 21 18 NIMBLESSE, (Spenser)...
nimblewits 25 21 NIMBLEWIT, an alert...
ninepences 19 19 NINEPENCE, nine penn...
ninescores 18 15 NINESCORE, nine time...
ninetieths 18 14 NINETIETH, one of ni...
ninhydrins 25 18 NINHYDRIN, a poisono...
nipcheeses 23 19 NIPCHEESE, (slang) a...
nipperkins 22 22 NIPPERKIN, (archaic)...
nisberries 19 14 NISBERRY, an edible...
nitpickers 24 21 NITPICKER, one who m...
nitramines 17 15 NITRAMINE, a yellow...
nitratines 16 12 NITRATINE, a mineral...
nitrations 16 12 NITRATION, conversio...
nitridings 19 15 NITRIDING, conversio...
nitrifiers 20 14 NITRIFIER, an agent...
nobilesses 19 15 NOBILESSE, (Spenser)...
nobilities 20 15 NOBILITY, the social...
noctilucas 24 19 NOCTILUCA, (Latin) a...
noctuaries 19 15 NOCTUARY, a diary fo...
nocturnals 20 17 NOCTURNAL, a nocturn...
nodalities 17 13 NODALITY, the state...
nodosities 16 12 NODOSITY, knottiness...
nomarchies 22 19 NOMARCHY, a province...
nominators 16 15 NOMINATOR, one who n...
nomogenies 16 17 NOMOGENY, natural ra...
nomographs 22 21 NOMOGRAPH, a chart o...
nomologies 18 17 NOMOLOGY, the scienc...
nomothetes 18 16 NOMOTHETE, a lawgive...
nonactings 19 18 NONACTING, acting th...
nonactions 17 16 NONACTION, not actio...
nonaddicts 19 17 NONADDICT, one who i...
nonanswers 17 16 NONANSWER [n]
nonaqueous 22 23 not watery [adj]
nonartists 16 12 NONARTIST, one who i...
nonauthors 17 15 NONAUTHOR, one who i...
nonbeliefs 20 19 NONBELIEF, absence o...
nonclasses 19 16 NONCLASS, a lack of...
noncolours 19 17 NONCOLOUR, an achrom...
nonconcurs 21 20 NONCONCUR, to dissen...
nondancers 17 17 NONDANCER, someone w...
nondemands 15 18 NONDEMAND, something...
nondoctors 18 16 NONDOCTOR, someone w...
nondrivers 18 17 NONDRIVER, one who d...
nonedibles 18 17 NONEDIBLE, something...
nonentries 14 13 NONENTRY, the fact o...
nonesuches 20 18 NONESUCH, a person o...
nonethnics 20 18 NONETHNIC, someone n...
nonexempts 24 25 NONEXEMPT, one who i...
nonexperts 23 22 NONEXPERT, one who i...
nonfactors 20 18 NONFACTOR, something...
nonfarmers 18 18 NONFARMER, someone w...
nonferrous 17 16 not ferrous [adj]
nongaseous 15 15 not gaseous [adj]
nongolfers 19 18 NONGOLFER, someone w...
nongrowths 22 19 NONGROWTH, the failu...
nonhunters 17 16 NONHUNTER, one who d...
nonillions 17 15 NONILLION, the 10th...
nonimpacts 22 21 NONIMPACT, a lack of...
noninsects 18 16 NONINSECT, a creatur...
nonjoiners 16 22 NONJOINER, one who d...
nonkoshers 18 18 NONKOSHER, food that...
nonlawyers 25 18 NONLAWYER, one who i...
nonlegumes 18 19 NONLEGUME, a plant t...
nonliquids 26 24 NONLIQUID, something...
nonlivings 20 20 NONLIVING, something...
nonmarkets 17 19 NONMARKET, something...
nonmembers 19 21 NONMEMBER, one who i...
nonmoderns 15 17 NONMODERN, one who i...
nonmortals 17 16 NONMORTAL, one who i...
nonmutants 16 17 NONMUTANT, one who i...
nonnatives 16 17 NONNATIVE, one who i...
nonobvious 19 20 that which is not ob...
nonpapists 20 18 NONPAPIST, one who i...
nonpareils 18 16 NONPAREIL, a fine va...
nonparents 16 16 NONPARENT, one who i...
nonparties 17 15 NONPARTY, an organis...
nonpersons 16 16 NONPERSON, someone w...
nonplayers 24 18 NONPLAYER, one who i...
nonplusses 19 17 NONPLUS, to take aba...
nonprofits 20 18 NONPROFIT, something...
nonprosses 17 15 NONPROS, to enter ju...
nonreaders 14 13 NONREADER, one who i...
nonrioters 15 12 NONRIOTER, one who i...
nonrunners 14 15 NONRUNNER, one who i...
nonsecrets 18 15 NONSECRET, something...
nonserials 16 13 NONSERIAL, something...
nonserious 15 13 not serious [adj]
nonsigners 16 15 NONSIGNER, one who d...
nonskaters 16 16 NONSKATER, one who i...
nonsmokers 17 19 NONSMOKER, one who i...
nonstaples 18 16 NONSTAPLE, a nonstap...
nonstories 15 12 NONSTORY, an insigni...
nonsuccess 22 19 a failure [n -ES]
nonsystems 23 17 NONSYSTEM, something...
nontalkers 17 17 NONTALKER, someone w...
nontheists 18 14 NONTHEIST, one who i...
nonvectors 20 19 NONVECTOR, something...
nonviewers 20 19 NONVIEWER, someone w...
nonvirgins 19 19 NONVIRGIN, someone w...
nonviscous 21 20 not viscous [adj]
nonworkers 19 19 NONWORKER, someone w...
nonwriters 19 15 NONWRITER, someone w...
noodledoms 17 17 NOODLEDOM, the state...
noogeneses 14 14 NOOGENESIS, evolutio...
noogenesis 15 14 evolution of the min...
noometries 16 14 NOOMETRY, mind-measu...
noospheres 19 16 NOOSPHERE, the sum o...
nootropics 21 17 NOOTROPIC, a nootrop...
normalcies 21 18 NORMALCY, conformity...
normalises 18 15 NORMALISE, to make n...
normalizes 21 24 NORMALIZE, to make n...
norsellers 18 13 NORSELLER, (obsolete...
northeasts 18 13 NORTHEAST, the direc...
northlands 19 16 NORTHLAND, the north...
northwards 22 17 NORTHWARD [n]
northwests 22 16 NORTHWEST, the regio...
nosebleeds 18 16 NOSEBLEED, bleeding...
noseguards 17 15 NOSEGUARD, a protect...
nosepieces 20 17 NOSEPIECE, a nozzle;...
nosewheels 21 17 NOSEWHEEL, the singl...
nosinesses 15 12 NOSINESS, the qualit...
nosologies 17 14 NOSOLOGY, a classifi...
nostalgias 18 14 NOSTALGIA, homesickn...
nostalgics 22 17 NOSTALGIC, one who i...
notchbacks 28 26 NOTCHBACK, a car who...
notepapers 19 17 NOTEPAPER, writing p...
notionists 16 12 NOTIONIST, one whose...
notochords 21 17 NOTOCHORD, a backbon...
notornises 15 12 NOTORNIS, a domestic...
nougatines 16 15 NOUGATINE, nougat co...
nourishers 19 14 NOURISHER, one who n...
nouritures 17 13 NOURITURE, nourishme...
novelettes 18 16 NOVELETTE, a short n...
novelisers 19 16 NOVELISER, one who m...
novelizers 22 25 NOVELIZER, one who m...
novenaries 16 16 NOVENARY, a set of n...
noviciates 21 18 NOVICIATE, the state...
novitiates 18 15 NOVITIATE, the state...
novocaines 19 19 NOVOCAINE, (tradenam...
nubiferous 21 19 cloud-bringing [adj]
nubigenous 19 19 cloud-born [adj]
nubilities 21 16 NUBILITY, the qualit...
nuciferous 22 19 nut-bearing [adj]
nucivorous 22 20 nut-eating [adj]
nucleators 20 16 NUCLEATOR, a device...
nucleonics 23 20 nuclear physics, esp...
nudenesses 15 14 NUDENESS, nudity [n]
nuisancers 19 16 NUISANCER, one who m...
nullifiers 22 17 NULLIFIER, one who n...
nulliparas 21 17 NULLIPARA, (Latin) a...
nullipores 21 17 NULLIPORE, (Latin) a...
nullnesses 18 15 NULLNESS, nothingnes...
numberings 21 21 NUMBERING, the act o...
numberless 21 19 without number, coun...
numbfishes 25 23 NUMBFISH, the torped...
numbnesses 19 19 NUMBNESS, the state...
numbnutses 20 20 NUMBNUTS, an idiot [...
numbskulls 25 25 NUMBSKULL, a stupid...
numeracies 20 18 NUMERACY, the state...
numeraires 17 15 NUMERAIRE, (French)...
numerators 17 15 NUMERATOR, one who n...
numinouses 17 17 NUMINOUS, something...
nummulites 21 20 NUMMULITE, a fossil...
nuncupates 21 20 NUNCUPATE, to utter...
nunnations 14 15 NUNNATION, the addit...
nurselings 19 16 NURSELING, an infant...
nursemaids 18 16 NURSEMAID, to look a...
nutbutters 20 16 NUTBUTTER, a butter...
nutgrasses 18 14 NUTGRASS, any of var...
nuthatches 24 19 NUTHATCH, any of var...
nutjobbers 23 27 NUTJOBBER, the nutha...
nutpeckers 23 22 NUTPECKER, the nutha...
nutriments 18 16 NUTRIMENT, anything...
nutritions 17 13 NUTRITION, the act o...
nutritious 18 13 giving nourishment [...
nutritives 20 16 NUTRITIVE, a substan...
nyctalopes 28 20 NYCTALOPS, (Greek) o...
nymphaeums 29 25 NYMPHAEUM, a temple...
nymphalids 30 23 NYMPHALID, any butte...
nymphettes 28 21 NYMPHETTE, a sexuall...
oafishness 20 16 the state of being o...
oakenshaws 21 20 OAKENSHAW, an oak wo...
oakinesses 16 15 OAKINESS, the qualit...
oasthouses 18 13 OASTHOUSE, a house w...
obbligatos 23 19 OBBLIGATO, (Italian)...
obduracies 22 18 OBDURACY, the qualit...
obediences 20 18 OBEDIENCE, the act o...
obeisances 20 17 OBEISANCE, a bow or...
obfuscates 24 20 OBFUSCATE, to darken...
obituaries 19 14 OBITUARY, a publishe...
objections 23 26 OBJECTION, the act o...
objectives 26 29 OBJECTIVE, a goal or...
objectless 25 26 having no object; pu...
objurgates 22 25 OBJURGATE, to scold...
oblateness 18 15 the state of being o...
obligators 21 16 OBLIGATOR, one who o...
obreptions 20 17 OBREPTION, (obsolete...
obscurants 22 18 OBSCURANT, one who o...
obsecrates 21 16 OBSECRATE, to beseec...
obsequious 27 24 servilely ingratiati...
observants 20 18 OBSERVANT, a person...
obsessions 18 14 OBSESSION, the morbi...
obsessives 21 17 OBSESSIVE, someone a...
obsignates 19 16 OBSIGNATE, to seal o...
obsolesces 22 17 OBSOLESCE, to grow o...
obstetrics 23 16 the care of women du...
obstruents 19 15 OBSTRUENT, a sound c...
obtentions 17 15 OBTENTION, the act o...
obtrudings 21 18 OBTRUDING, the act o...
obtrusions 19 15 OBTRUSION, an unwant...
obtundents 18 17 OBTUNDENT, an obtund...
obturators 19 14 OBTURATOR, a structu...
obtuseness 18 15 the state of being o...
obtusities 20 14 OBTUSITY, the state...
obumbrates 22 20 OBUMBRATE, to oversh...
obventions 19 19 OBVENTION, (obsolete...
obversions 20 18 OBVERSION, the act o...
obviations 20 18 OBVIATION, the actio...
occipitals 27 20 OCCIPITAL, the bone...
occludents 24 20 OCCLUDENT, something...
occlusions 24 19 OCCLUSION, the closi...
occlusives 27 22 OCCLUSIVE, a consona...
occultisms 27 21 OCCULTISM, the study...
occultists 26 18 OCCULTIST, one who s...
occultness 24 19 the state of being o...
occupances 27 24 OCCUPANCE, the act o...
occurrents 23 18 OCCURRENT, an occurr...
ochlocrats 26 19 OCHLOCRAT, a mob rul...
ochraceous 24 19 containing or resemb...
octachords 25 19 OCTACHORD, an instru...
octamerous 20 17 having eight parts o...
octameters 20 16 OCTAMETER, a verse-l...
octandrous 19 16 of or pertaining to...
octaploids 23 18 OCTAPLOID, a cell, o...
octapodies 21 17 OCTAPODY, in verse,...
octarchies 25 18 OCTARCHY, a governme...
octastichs 26 18 OCTASTICH, a poem or...
octastyles 27 16 OCTASTYLE, an octast...
octillions 22 16 OCTILLION, the ninth...
octogynous 26 19 having eight pistils...
octonaries 18 14 OCTONARY, a stanza o...
octonarius 19 15 in prosody, a line h...
octoploids 23 18 OCTOPLOID, a cell, o...
octopodans 20 18 OCTOPODAN, an octopu...
octopodous 21 18 relating to an octop...
octopushes 24 19 OCTOPUSH, a type of...
octostyles 27 16 OCTOSTYLE, a buildin...
octothorps 24 18 OCTOTHORP, the symbo...
ocularists 22 15 OCULARIST, a person...
odalisques 26 22 ODALISQUE, (French)...
oddsmakers 19 19 ODDSMAKER, one who f...
odiousness 16 13 the state of being o...
odometries 17 14 ODOMETRY, the proces...
odonatists 16 12 ODONATIST, an expert...
oecologies 20 16 OECOLOGY, the study...
oedematous 16 15 pertaining to, or of...
oedometers 16 14 OEDOMETER, an instru...
oenologies 16 14 OENOLOGY, the scienc...
oenomanias 14 15 OENOMANIA, an obsess...
oenometers 15 14 OENOMETER, an instru...
oenophiles 20 17 OENOPHILE, a wine co...
oenotheras 16 13 OENOTHERA, a type of...
oesophagus 21 18 that portion of the...
oestrogens 16 13 OESTROGEN, a female...
offendress 20 18 (Shakespeare) a fema...
offensives 22 21 OFFENSIVE, a militar...
officiants 24 20 OFFICIANT, the offic...
officiates 24 19 OFFICIATE, to perfor...
officinals 25 21 OFFICINAL, a medicin...
offishness 23 19 the state of being o...
offsaddles 22 19 OFFSADDLE, to unsadd...
offseasons 19 17 OFFSEASON, the seaso...
offsprings 25 22 OFFSPRING, progeny [...
oftentimes 19 17 often, repeatedly, a...
oilinesses 17 12 OILINESS, the state...
oinologies 17 14 OINOLOGY, the study...
oleaginous 17 15 resembling or having...
olecranons 18 16 OLECRANON, (Greek) t...
oleiferous 19 15 producing oil [adj]
oleographs 22 18 OLEOGRAPH, a lithogr...
oleoresins 16 12 OLEORESIN, a solutio...
oleraceous 19 15 of the nature of a p...
olfactions 22 18 OLFACTION, the act o...
oligaemias 19 16 OLIGAEMIA, abnormal...
oligogenes 18 16 OLIGOGENE, a type of...
oligureses 19 14 OLIGURESIS, scantine...
oliguresis 20 14 scantiness of urine...
olinguitos 19 15 OLINGUITO, (Spanish)...
olivaceous 22 19 olive-coloured [adj]
olivenites 19 16 OLIVENITE, an olive-...
olivewoods 22 19 OLIVEWOOD, the wood...
ololiuquis 28 23 OLOLIUQUI, a woody-s...
ombrophils 26 22 OMBROPHIL, a plant f...
omittances 20 17 OMITTANCE, (Shakespe...
omnibusses 20 18 OMNIBUS, a large pub...
omniferous 19 18 bearing everything [...
omnigenous 17 18 of all kinds [adj]
omniparous 19 18 producing all things...
omniranges 17 17 OMNIRANGE, a system...
omnivories 19 18 OMNIVORY, a practice...
omnivorous 19 19 feeding on all kinds...
omophagias 22 20 OMOPHAGIA, the eatin...
omophagies 22 20 OMOPHAGY, the eating...
omophagous 22 21 eating raw flesh [ad...
omphacites 25 21 OMPHACITE, a grass-g...
oncogenous 18 18 relating to an oncog...
oncologies 20 17 ONCOLOGY, the scienc...
oncolytics 30 20 ONCOLYTIC, an agent...
oncometers 19 17 ONCOMETER, an instru...
oncotomies 19 17 ONCOTOMY, incision i...
ondographs 21 19 ONDOGRAPH, an instru...
onionskins 16 17 ONIONSKIN, a very th...
onomastics 20 17 the study of proper...
onsettings 17 14 ONSETTING, an incite...
onshorings 19 16 ONSHORING, the pract...
onslaughts 21 17 ONSLAUGHT, an attack...
ontogenies 15 14 ONTOGENY, the develo...
ontologies 17 14 ONTOLOGY, the branch...
oophoritis 21 15 inflammation of the...
oozinesses 18 20 OOZINESS, the state...
opacifiers 24 19 OPACIFIER, something...
opaqueness 25 24 the state of being o...
opennesses 16 15 OPENNESS, the state...
operagoers 18 15 OPERAGOER, one who a...
operations 17 14 OPERATION, the act o...
operatises 18 13 OPERATISE, to turn a...
operatives 20 17 OPERATIVE, a worker,...
operatizes 21 22 OPERATIZE, to turn a...
operculars 23 18 OPERCULAR, the operc...
operculums 25 22 OPERCULUM, an anatom...
ophiolites 22 16 OPHIOLITE, a slice o...
ophiuroids 22 17 OPHIUROID, a member...
opinicuses 22 18 OPINICUS, a composit...
opobalsams 22 20 OPOBALSAM, balm of G...
opodeldocs 22 19 OPODELDOC, a name gi...
opopanaxes 24 24 OPOPANAX, a medicina...
opposeless 21 17 (Shakespeare) not to...
oppressors 21 16 OPPRESSOR, one that...
oppugnants 21 21 OPPUGNANT, an oppone...
opsomanias 18 17 OPSOMANIA, an abnorm...
opsonifies 20 17 OPSONIFY, to form op...
optimisers 21 16 OPTIMISER, one who o...
optimizers 24 25 OPTIMIZER, one who o...
optologies 20 16 OPTOLOGY, the study...
optometers 19 16 OPTOMETER, an instru...
optophones 21 19 OPTOPHONE, a device...
opulencies 22 19 OPULENCY, conspicuou...
orangeades 15 14 ORANGEADE, a soft dr...
orangeries 16 13 ORANGERY, a building...
orangutans 16 15 ORANGUTAN, (Malay) a...
oratorians 15 11 ORATORIAN, a father...
oratresses 16 10 ORATRESS, a female o...
orchestics 26 18 the art of dancing [...
orchestras 22 15 ORCHESTRA, a large c...
orchideous 22 17 relating to orchids,...
orchidists 24 16 ORCHIDIST, a fancier...
orchitises 23 15 ORCHITIS, inflammati...
ordinaires 16 12 ORDINAIRE, (French)...
ordinances 18 16 ORDINANCE, that whic...
ordinaries 16 12 ORDINARY, a rule, an...
oreologies 17 13 OREOLOGY, the scient...
organelles 18 15 ORGANELLE, a special...
organisers 17 13 ORGANISER, one who o...
organities 17 13 ORGANITY, an organiz...
organizers 20 22 ORGANIZER, one who o...
organosols 17 14 ORGANOSOL, a resin-b...
organzines 19 23 ORGANZINE, a silk ya...
oricalches 26 19 ORICALCHE, (Spenser)...
orientates 15 11 ORIENTATE, to determ...
orienteers 15 11 ORIENTEER, to take p...
oriflammes 22 20 ORIFLAMME, an inspir...
originates 17 13 ORIGINATE, to have a...
ornateness 14 12 the state of being o...
orneriness 15 12 the state of being o...
ornithines 18 14 ORNITHINE, a bird [n...
ornithoses 18 13 ORNITHOSIS, a diseas...
ornithosis 19 13 a disease like psitt...
orogeneses 15 13 OROGENESIS, mountain...
orogenesis 16 13 mountain-building [n...
orologists 19 13 OROLOGIST, one verse...
orphanages 20 18 ORPHANAGE, a place w...
orphanisms 22 19 ORPHANISM, the state...
orpharions 20 16 ORPHARION, a large l...
orrisroots 17 10 ORRISROOT, the root...
ortaniques 24 21 ORTANIQUE, (French)...
orthodoxes 24 20 ORTHODOX, an orthodo...
orthoepies 20 15 ORTHOEPY, the study...
orthopters 21 15 ORTHOPTER, a type of...
orthoptics 25 18 the science of corre...
orthotists 20 12 ORTHOTIST, one skill...
orthotones 17 13 ORTHOTONE, an orthot...
oscillates 22 15 OSCILLATE, to swing...
oscitances 22 17 OSCITANCE, yawning,...
osmidroses 18 14 OSMIDROSIS, the emis...
osmidrosis 19 14 the emission of ill-...
osmometers 18 16 OSMOMETER, an instru...
osmundines 17 17 OSMUNDINE, a type of...
ossiferous 19 14 bearing bones [adj]
ossifragas 20 15 OSSIFRAGA, (Latin) t...
ossifrages 20 15 OSSIFRAGE, (Biblical...
ossivorous 19 15 feeding on bones [ad...
osteitides 17 11 OSTEITIS, inflammati...
osteitises 17 10 OSTEITIS, inflammati...
osteocytes 25 15 OSTEOCYTE, a cell th...
osteoderms 17 14 OSTEODERM, a bony de...
osteopaths 20 15 OSTEOPATH, a practit...
osteosises 16 10 OSTEOSIS, the format...
osteotomes 16 13 OSTEOTOME, strong ni...
ostraceans 18 14 OSTRACEAN, a member...
ostraceous 19 14 of or relating to oy...
ostracises 20 13 OSTRACISE, to exclud...
ostracisms 22 16 OSTRACISM, expulsion...
ostracizes 23 22 OSTRACIZE, to exclud...
ostracodes 19 14 OSTRACODE, a minute...
othergates 19 14 (obsolete) in anothe...
otherguess 20 15 (obsolete) in anothe...
otioseness 15 11 the state of being o...
otiosities 17 10 OTIOSITY, the state...
otologists 19 13 OTOLOGIST, a practit...
otorrhoeas 17 12 OTORRHOEA, a dischar...
otoscopies 21 16 OTOSCOPY, the examin...
ottrelites 18 11 OTTRELITE, a mineral...
oubliettes 20 15 OUBLIETTE, (French)...
oughtlings 23 19 (Scots) at all [adv]
ourologies 18 14 OUROLOGY, the study...
outbackers 23 21 OUTBACKER, one who l...
outbidders 20 16 OUTBIDDER, one who o...
outbitches 25 19 OUTBITCH, to surpass...
outblesses 20 15 OUTBLESS, to surpass...
outblushes 23 18 OUTBLUSH, to surpass...
outbrazens 21 24 OUTBRAZEN, to be mor...
outbullies 22 17 OUTBULLY, to surpass...
outcatches 25 19 OUTCATCH, to surpass...
outcharges 23 18 OUTCHARGE, to surpas...
outclasses 21 15 OUTCLASS, to be mark...
outcoaches 24 19 OUTCOACH, to surpass...
outcrosses 20 14 OUTCROSS, to cross t...
outdacious 20 16 (colloquial) audacio...
outdazzles 24 31 OUTDAZZLE, to surpas...
outdebates 18 15 OUTDEBATE, to surpas...
outdesigns 18 15 OUTDESIGN, to surpas...
outdresses 17 12 OUTDRESS, to surpass...
outercoats 19 14 OUTERCOAT, a coat [n...
outerwears 19 14 OUTERWEAR, outer clo...
outfigures 21 17 OUTFIGURE, to surpas...
outfitters 20 14 OUTFITTER, a person...
outflashes 22 17 OUTFLASH, to flash m...
outflushes 23 18 OUTFLUSH, to flush m...
outfumbles 24 22 OUTFUMBLE, to surpas...
outgallops 22 18 OUTGALLOP, to surpas...
outgambles 22 20 OUTGAMBLE, to surpas...
outgivings 22 20 OUTGIVING, the act o...
outgrosses 18 13 OUTGROSS, to surpass...
outgrowths 24 18 OUTGROWTH, that whic...
outguesses 18 14 OUTGUESS, to anticip...
outhandles 19 16 OUTHANDLE, to handle...
outhaulers 20 15 OUTHAULER, a rope us...
outhumours 21 18 OUTHUMOUR, to surpas...
outhustles 21 15 OUTHUSTLE, to surpas...
outjockeys 29 29 OUTJOCKEY, to surpas...
outjuggles 23 26 OUTJUGGLE, to surpas...
outlanders 17 14 OUTLANDER, a foreign...
outlaunces 20 17 OUTLAUNCE, (Spenser)...
outlawries 21 15 OUTLAWRY, the state...
outlustres 19 13 OUTLUSTRE, (Shakespe...
outmantles 18 16 OUTMANTLE, (archaic)...
outmarches 23 19 OUTMARCH, to surpass...
outmasters 18 14 OUTMASTER, to surpas...
outmatches 23 19 OUTMATCH, to surpass...
outmuscles 23 19 OUTMUSCLE, to surpas...
outnumbers 20 19 OUTNUMBER, to surpas...
outoffices 24 20 OUTOFFICE, an outbui...
outpeoples 21 18 OUTPEOPLE, to rid a...
outpitches 25 19 OUTPITCH, to surpass...
outplacers 23 18 OUTPLACER, one who o...
outporters 19 14 OUTPORTER, an inhabi...
outpourers 19 15 OUTPOURER, one who p...
outpresses 19 14 OUTPRESS, to surpass...
outpunches 24 21 OUTPUNCH, to surpass...
outpursues 20 16 OUTPURSUE, to pursue...
outrageous 17 14 exceeding the limits...
outreaches 21 16 OUTREACH, to reach b...
outreasons 15 12 OUTREASON, to surpas...
outreckons 20 19 OUTRECKON, to surpas...
outreddens 16 14 OUTREDDEN, to surpas...
outreliefs 20 15 OUTRELIEF, outdoor r...
outriggers 20 15 OUTRIGGER, a spar ex...
outroopers 18 14 OUTROOPER, (obsolete...
outrunners 16 14 OUTRUNNER, one who o...
outsavours 19 16 OUTSAVOUR, to exceed...
outschemes 23 19 OUTSCHEME, to surpas...
outscreams 21 17 OUTSCREAM, to surpas...
outsources 20 15 OUTSOURCE, to source...
outspreads 19 15 OUTSPREAD, to spread...
outsprings 21 17 OUTSPRING, to spring...
outsprints 20 15 OUTSPRINT, to excel...
outstrains 17 12 OUTSTRAIN, to surpas...
outstrides 18 12 OUTSTRIDE, to surpas...
outstrikes 19 15 OUTSTRIKE, to outdo...
outstrives 20 15 OUTSTRIVE, to surpas...
outstrokes 18 15 OUTSTROKE, an outwar...
outstudies 18 13 OUTSTUDY, to surpass...
outthieves 21 17 OUTTHIEVE, to surpas...
outthrusts 21 14 OUTTHRUST, to extend...
outtongues 17 15 OUTTONGUE, (Shakespe...
outtravels 20 16 OUTTRAVEL, to exceed...
outwatches 25 19 OUTWATCH, to watch l...
outwearies 19 14 OUTWEARY, to weary o...
outworkers 21 18 OUTWORKER, one who w...
ovalbumins 23 23 OVALBUMIN, the album...
ovalnesses 18 16 OVALNESS, the state...
ovaritides 19 15 OVARITIS, inflammati...
ovaritises 19 14 OVARITIS, inflammati...
overarches 23 19 OVERARCH, to form an...
overbounds 20 20 OVERBOUND, to bound...
overbrakes 21 21 OVERBRAKE, to brake...
overbreeds 20 18 OVERBREED, to breed...
overbriefs 23 20 OVERBRIEF, to brief...
overbuilds 23 20 OVERBUILD, to build...
overbusies 21 18 OVERBUSY, to occupy...
overchecks 28 26 OVERCHECK, a large p...
overchills 27 21 OVERCHILL, to chill...
overclaims 24 21 OVERCLAIM, to claim...
overcleans 21 19 OVERCLEAN, to clean...
overclears 22 18 OVERCLEAR, to clear...
overclocks 27 25 OVERCLOCK, to run a...
overclouds 23 20 OVERCLOUD, to cover...
overcolors 22 18 OVERCOLOR, to color...
overcomers 22 20 OVERCOMER, one who o...
overcounts 21 19 OVERCOUNT, to rate t...
overcovers 23 21 OVERCOVER, to cover...
overcrowds 25 21 OVERCROWD, to crowd...
overdrafts 21 18 OVERDRAFT, the overd...
overdrinks 20 20 OVERDRINK, to drink...
overdrives 21 19 OVERDRIVE, to drive...
overeaters 17 14 OVEREATER, one who o...
overemotes 18 17 OVEREMOTE, to emote...
overequips 29 27 OVEREQUIP, to equip,...
overexerts 24 21 OVEREXERT, to exert...
overfavors 22 21 OVERFAVOR, to favor...
overfishes 23 19 OVERFISH, to deplete...
overfloods 21 19 OVERFLOOD, to flood...
overglazes 23 26 OVERGLAZE, to cover...
overglooms 21 20 OVERGLOOM, to cover...
overgoings 20 19 OVERGOING, a passing...
overgorges 20 18 OVERGORGE, (Shakespe...
overgrades 19 17 OVERGRADE, to grade...
overgrains 19 17 OVERGRAIN, in painti...
overgrazes 22 25 OVERGRAZE, to graze...
overgreens 18 17 OVERGREEN, to cover...
overhailes 21 17 OVERHAILE, (Spenser)...
overhastes 20 16 OVERHASTE [v]
overhonors 19 17 OVERHONOR, to honor...
overissues 19 15 OVERISSUE, to issue...
overlabors 21 18 OVERLABOR, to cause...
overlearns 18 16 OVERLEARN, to contin...
overlights 24 19 OVERLIGHT, to light...
overmanies 18 18 OVERMANY, an excess...
overmounts 19 19 OVERMOUNT, to rise a...
overmuches 25 23 OVERMUCH, an excess...
overnights 22 19 OVERNIGHT, to stay o...
overpaints 20 18 OVERPAINT, to color...
overpasses 20 17 OVERPASS, to pass ov...
overpedals 21 19 OVERPEDAL, to make e...
overplaids 22 19 OVERPLAID, a textile...
overplants 21 19 OVERPLANT, to plant...
overpluses 22 19 OVERPLUS, a surplus...
overpoises 20 17 OVERPOISE, to burden...
overpowers 23 20 OVERPOWER, to overco...
overprices 24 20 OVERPRICE, to set an...
overprints 21 18 OVERPRINT, to print...
overprizes 24 26 OVERPRIZE, to prize...
overproofs 22 20 OVERPROOF, a spirit...
overreacts 21 17 OVERREACT, to react...
overriders 19 15 OVERRIDER, either of...
overripens 20 18 OVERRIPEN, to become...
overroasts 18 14 OVERROAST, to roast...
overrulers 20 16 OVERRULER, one who o...
oversauces 21 18 OVERSAUCE, to sauce...
overscores 21 17 OVERSCORE, to score...
overshades 20 17 OVERSHADE, to cover...
overshines 20 17 OVERSHINE, (Shakespe...
overshirts 22 16 OVERSHIRT, a shirt w...
overshoots 20 16 OVERSHOOT, to shoot...
oversights 23 18 OVERSIGHT [v]
overskirts 21 18 OVERSKIRT, an upper...
oversleeps 21 18 OVERSLEEP, to sleep...
oversmokes 20 21 OVERSMOKE, to smoke...
overspends 20 19 OVERSPEND, to spend...
overspices 24 20 OVERSPICE, to spice...
overspills 24 19 OVERSPILL, to spill...
overstaffs 23 20 OVERSTAFF, to employ...
overstains 18 15 OVERSTAIN, to cover...
overstands 18 16 OVERSTAND, (archaic)...
overstares 18 14 OVERSTARE, to outsta...
overstates 18 14 OVERSTATE, to state...
oversteers 18 14 OVERSTEER, to steer...
overstinks 20 19 OVERSTINK, to stink...
overstocks 23 21 OVERSTOCK, to stock...
overstress 19 14 to stress to excess...
overstrews 22 17 OVERSTREW, to strew...
overstuffs 24 21 OVERSTUFF, to stuff...
oversudses 19 16 OVERSUDS, to form an...
overswears 21 17 OVERSWEAR, to swear...
overswells 24 19 OVERSWELL, to swell...
overswings 23 20 OVERSWING [v]
overthinks 22 21 OVERTHINK, to think...
overthrows 24 19 OVERTHROW [v]
overtimers 20 17 OVERTIMER, one who w...
overtowers 21 17 OVERTOWER, to tower...
overtrades 18 15 OVERTRADE, to trade...
overtrains 18 15 OVERTRAIN, to train...
overtreats 18 14 OVERTREAT, to treat...
overtricks 24 21 OVERTRICK, at bridge...
overtrumps 23 21 OVERTRUMP, to trump...
overtrusts 20 15 OVERTRUST, to trust...
overvalues 21 20 OVERVALUE, to value...
overwashes 23 19 OVERWASH, material c...
overwaters 21 17 OVERWATER, to water...
overweighs 25 21 OVERWEIGH, to exceed...
overwhelms 26 23 OVERWHELM, to crush...
overwrests 22 17 OVERWREST, to wrest...
overwrites 22 17 OVERWRITE, to write...
oviraptors 21 17 OVIRAPTOR, a small t...
ovulations 19 17 OVULATION, the act o...
owlishness 23 17 the quality of being...
ownerships 24 19 OWNERSHIP, the state...
oxacillins 28 23 OXACILLIN, a semisyn...
oxidations 22 19 OXIDATION, the act o...
oximetries 24 20 OXIMETRY, measuremen...
oxycodones 30 24 OXYCODONE, an opiate...
oxygenases 28 22 OXYGENASE, an enzyme...
oxygenates 28 22 OXYGENATE, to impreg...
oxygenises 29 22 OXYGENISE, to oxygen...
oxygenizes 32 31 OXYGENIZE, to oxygen...
oxygenless 30 23 without oxygen [adj]
oxyuriases 29 20 OXYURIASIS, pinworm...
oxyuriasis 30 20 pinworm infestation...
oysterings 24 15 OYSTERING, gathering...
ozocerites 22 22 OZOCERITE, a waxy na...
ozokerites 20 23 OZOKERITE, a waxy na...
ozonations 17 21 OZONATION, the act o...
ozonolyses 25 23 OZONOLYSIS, the proc...
ozonolysis 26 23 the process of treat...
pacemakers 23 23 PACEMAKER, a person...
pachyderms 32 24 PACHYDERM, a thick-s...
pachytenes 29 21 PACHYTENE, the stage...
packagings 25 25 PACKAGING, anything...
packboards 25 24 PACKBOARD, a canvas-...
packcloths 30 26 PACKCLOTH, a cloth i...
packframes 26 26 PACKFRAME, a light m...
packhorses 25 22 PACKHORSE, a horse u...
packnesses 22 21 PACKNESS, intimacy [...
packsheets 25 22 PACKSHEET, a list of...
packstaffs 28 26 PACKSTAFF, a staff f...
paddywacks 33 27 PADDYWACK, to spank...
pademelons 19 19 PADEMELON, (Native A...
padereroes 17 14 PADERERO, a type of...
padronisms 20 18 PADRONISM, a system...
padymelons 26 21 PADYMELON, (Native A...
paederasts 18 14 PAEDERAST, one who h...
paedeutics 22 18 PAEDEUTIC [n]
paganisers 19 16 PAGANISER, one who c...
paganizers 22 25 PAGANIZER, one who c...
paideutics 23 18 educational method o...
paillasses 21 15 PAILLASSE, (French)...
paillettes 21 15 PAILLETTE, (French)...
paintballs 23 19 PAINTBALL, a type of...
paintboxes 26 24 PAINTBOX, a box cont...
paintiness 18 15 the state of being p...
paintworks 23 21 PAINTWORK, painted f...
palaeosols 19 15 PALAEOSOL, an ancien...
palaestras 19 14 PALAESTRA, (historic...
palafittes 22 17 PALAFITTE, a prehist...
palampores 22 20 PALAMPORE, a flowere...
palankeens 18 20 PALANKEEN, (Malay) a...
palanquins 27 26 PALANQUIN, (Malay) a...
palaverers 21 18 PALAVERER, one who p...
paleaceous 21 18 chaffy; like or rese...
palempores 22 20 PALEMPORE, a flowere...
palenesses 18 15 PALENESS, the qualit...
paleoliths 23 17 PALEOLITH, a Stone A...
palilalias 22 16 PALILALIA, a speech...
palimonies 20 18 PALIMONY, alimony pa...
palinodies 19 16 PALINODY, a poem whi...
palinopias 21 18 PALINOPIA, a visual...
palisadoes 19 15 PALISADO, to fortify...
palladious 21 17 containing palladium...
palladiums 23 20 PALLADIUM, a metalli...
palletises 21 15 PALLETISE, to use pa...
palletizes 24 24 PALLETIZE, to use pa...
palliasses 21 15 PALLIASSE, (French)...
palliators 21 15 PALLIATOR, one who p...
pallidness 21 17 the state of being p...
palmaceous 23 21 of or pertaining to...
palmations 20 18 PALMATION, all or pa...
palmettoes 20 17 PALMETTO, any of var...
palmhouses 23 20 PALMHOUSE, a glassho...
palmipedes 23 21 PALMIPEDE, a webfoot...
palmisters 22 17 PALMISTER, a person...
palmitates 21 17 PALMITATE, a salt of...
paloverdes 21 19 PALOVERDE, (Spanish)...
palpations 21 18 PALPATION, the act o...
palpitates 22 17 PALPITATE, to throb,...
palsgraves 23 20 PALSGRAVE, (Dutch) a...
paltriness 20 15 the state of being p...
paludinous 20 18 of marshes, also PAL...
pampooties 21 19 PAMPOOTIE, a rawhide...
panachaeas 21 19 PANACHAEA, (Spenser)...
panatellas 19 16 PANATELLA, (Spanish)...
panchayats 29 21 PANCHAYAT, (Hindi) f...
pancreases 20 17 PANCREAS, a large gl...
pandanuses 17 17 PANDANUS, (Malay) a...
pandations 17 16 PANDATION, (archaic)...
panderisms 20 18 PANDERISM, the emplo...
pandowdies 21 19 PANDOWDY, a deep pie...
panegoisms 20 19 PANEGOISM, solipsism...
panegyrics 29 21 PANEGYRIC, an eulogi...
panegyries 25 18 PANEGYRY, a great as...
panellings 21 19 PANELLING, material...
panellists 21 16 PANELLIST, one who s...
panetellas 19 16 PANETELLA, (Spanish)...
panettones 16 15 PANETTONE, (Italian)...
pangeneses 17 17 PANGENESIS, darwin's...
pangenesis 18 17 darwin's theory that...
panhandles 20 19 PANHANDLE, a strip o...
panlogisms 22 20 PANLOGISM, the theor...
panmixises 26 24 PANMIXIS, random mat...
panniculus 23 21 a thin, sheetlike ga...
pannikells 21 21 PANNIKELL, (Spenser)...
pansexuals 25 23 PANSEXUAL, an adhere...
pansophies 22 19 PANSOPHY, universal...
pantaleons 17 16 PANTALEON, a kind of...
pantalones 17 16 PANTALONE, (French)...
pantaloons 17 16 PANTALOON, (Shakespe...
pantheisms 22 19 PANTHEISM, the belie...
pantheists 21 16 PANTHEIST, one who h...
panthenols 20 18 PANTHENOL, a vitamin...
pantheress 20 16 a female panther [n...
pantihoses 20 16 PANTIHOSE, tights wo...
pantilings 21 18 PANTILING, pantiles...
pantoffles 23 21 PANTOFFLE, a slipper...
pantomimes 20 20 PANTOMIME, to portra...
pantoufles 21 19 PANTOUFLE, a slipper...
pantyhoses 26 18 PANTYHOSE, tights wo...
panzootics 24 26 PANZOOTIC, a panzoot...
papaverous 22 21 of or relating to po...
paperbacks 27 26 PAPERBACK, to bring...
paperbarks 24 23 PAPERBARK, an Austra...
paperclips 28 23 PAPERCLIP, a bent wi...
papergirls 24 19 PAPERGIRL, a female...
paperiness 20 17 the state of being p...
paperwares 23 19 PAPERWARE, articles...
paperworks 25 23 PAPERWORK, clerical...
papeteries 20 16 PAPETERIE, (French)...
papillitis 25 18 inflammation of the...
papillomas 24 21 PAPILLOMA, a tumour...
papillotes 23 18 PAPILLOTE, (French)...
papillules 25 20 PAPILLULE, a small p...
papistries 22 16 PAPISTRY, roman Cath...
parabioses 20 16 PARABIOSIS, the fusi...
parabiosis 21 16 the fusion of two or...
parablasts 22 17 PARABLAST, the yolk...
parabrakes 21 20 PARABRAKE, a parachu...
parachutes 24 19 PARACHUTE, to descen...
paracletes 22 17 PARACLETE, (Greek) a...
paradoxers 24 21 PARADOXER, one who e...
paradoxies 24 21 PARADOXY, the qualit...
paraeneses 16 14 PARAENESIS, an exhor...
paraenesis 17 14 an exhortation, also...
paraffines 22 20 PARAFFINE, any satur...
paraglides 21 17 PARAGLIDE, to glide...
paragnoses 18 16 PARAGNOSIS, knowledg...
paragnosis 19 16 knowledge of matters...
paragogues 20 18 PARAGOGUE, the addit...
paragraphs 24 20 PARAGRAPH, to split...
parakelias 20 18 PARAKELIA, (Native A...
paralalias 20 15 PARALALIA, abnormali...
paralegals 21 17 PARALEGAL, a person...
paralexias 25 21 PARALEXIA, transposi...
paralipses 22 17 PARALIPSIS, a rhetor...
paralipsis 23 17 a rhetorical figure...
parallaxes 26 22 PARALLAX, an apparen...
paralogias 20 16 PARALOGIA, the impai...
paralogies 20 16 PARALOGY, false reas...
paralogues 20 17 PARALOGUE, either of...
paralysers 26 16 PARALYSER, a paralys...
paralytics 30 19 PARALYTIC, one suffe...
paralyzers 29 25 PARALYZER, a paralys...
paramattas 19 16 PARAMATTA, (Malay) a...
paramedics 23 20 PARAMEDIC, a paramed...
parameters 19 16 PARAMETER, a boundar...
paramorphs 24 21 PARAMORPH, a pseudom...
paramounts 19 18 PARAMOUNT, an overlo...
paramylums 29 23 PARAMYLUM, a substan...
paranoeics 20 17 PARANOEIC, someone s...
paranoiacs 20 17 PARANOIAC, someone s...
paranymphs 30 24 PARANYMPH, (historic...
parapentes 19 17 PARAPENTE, the sport...
paraphyses 29 20 PARAPHYSIS, a steril...
paraphysis 30 20 a sterile filament o...
parapraxes 26 23 PARAPRAXIS, a slip o...
parapraxis 27 23 a slip of the tongue...
paraquitos 27 23 PARAQUITO, a small l...
pararhymes 28 20 PARARHYME, a form of...
parasceves 23 20 PARASCEVE, among the...
paratheses 20 15 PARATHESIS, appositi...
parathesis 21 15 apposition; the comp...
parathions 20 16 PARATHION, an extrem...
paratroops 20 16 troops carried by ai...
parbuckles 27 25 PARBUCKLE, to raise...
parcheesis 24 18 PARCHEESI, (Hindi) a...
parchments 25 22 PARCHMENT, the skin...
pardalises 20 15 PARDALIS, a leopard,...
pardalotes 19 15 PARDALOTE, a small A...
pardonings 19 18 PARDONING, the act o...
pardonless 19 16 without a pardon [ad...
paregorics 23 18 PAREGORIC, a medicin...
parentages 18 16 PARENTAGE, descent f...
parentings 19 17 PARENTING [n]
parentless 19 15 without parents [adj...
parfleches 27 22 PARFLECHE, (French)...
parfleshes 24 19 PARFLESH, a rawhide...
pargasites 20 15 PARGASITE, a dark gr...
pargetings 21 18 PARGETING, ornamenta...
pargetters 20 15 PARGETTER, one who p...
pargylines 27 19 PARGYLINE, a monoami...
parhypates 29 20 PARHYPATE, (Greek) i...
parischans 24 19 PARISCHAN, (Scots) a...
parkleaves 22 22 a European species o...
parlements 20 18 PARLEMENT, parliamen...
parleyvoos 27 20 PARLEYVOO, (slang) t...
parochines 23 19 PAROCHINE, (Scots) a...
paroecious 21 17 of certain mosses, h...
paroecisms 23 19 PAROECISM, the state...
paroemiacs 22 19 PAROEMIAC, the anapa...
paronymies 25 19 PARONYMY, a relation...
paronymous 25 20 having the nature of...
parrakeets 19 17 PARRAKEET, a small l...
parrhesias 21 15 PARRHESIA, freedom o...
parricides 23 17 PARRICIDE, the killi...
parritches 25 18 PARRITCH, a soft mea...
parroquets 27 23 PARROQUET, a small l...
parrotries 19 13 PARROTRY, unintellig...
parsonages 18 16 PARSONAGE, the home...
partakings 21 20 PARTAKING, the act o...
partitions 19 14 PARTITION, to divide...
partitives 22 17 PARTITIVE, a word in...
partituras 20 14 PARTITURA, (Italian)...
partridges 21 16 PARTRIDGE, any membe...
partygoers 26 17 PARTYGOER, one who a...
parvolines 21 19 PARVOLINE, a liquid...
parvovirus 24 22 a DNA-containing ani...
pasodobles 21 18 PASODOBLE, (Spanish)...
pasquilers 29 24 PASQUILER, a writer...
passalongs 20 17 PASSALONG, an easily...
passaments 19 17 PASSAMENT, (French)...
passements 19 17 PASSEMENT, (French)...
passengers 19 16 PASSENGER, someone w...
passepieds 21 17 PASSEPIED, (French)...
passerines 18 14 PASSERINE, a perchin...
passionals 19 15 PASSIONAL, a book co...
passivates 21 17 PASSIVATE, to coat m...
passivisms 24 20 PASSIVISM, the doctr...
passivists 23 17 PASSIVIST, one who b...
pastedowns 21 18 PASTEDOWN, the outer...
pastelists 21 14 PASTELIST, an artist...
pasticcios 26 19 PASTICCIO, (Italian)...
pastitsios 20 13 PASTITSIO, (Modern G...
pastnesses 18 14 PASTNESS, the state...
pastorales 19 14 PASTORALE, (Italian)...
pastorates 18 13 PASTORATE, the offic...
pastoriums 21 17 PASTORIUM, the resid...
pasturages 20 16 PASTURAGE, the busin...
patcheries 24 18 PATCHERY, (Shakespea...
patchiness 24 19 the state of being p...
patchockes 28 25 PATCHOCKE, (Spenser)...
patchoulis 26 20 PATCHOULI, (Tamil) a...
patchworks 29 25 PATCHWORK [n]
patercoves 23 20 PATERCOVE, (slang) a...
patereroes 17 13 PATERERO, a type of...
pathogenes 20 18 PATHOGENE, a disease...
patissiers 20 13 PATISSIER, (French)...
patriarchs 25 18 PATRIARCH, a man who...
patricians 22 17 PATRICIAN, a member...
patricides 23 17 PATRICIDE, the killi...
patristics 24 16 the study of the Chu...
patrollers 21 15 PATROLLER, one who p...
patronages 18 16 PATRONAGE, (Shakespe...
patronises 18 14 PATRONISE, to assume...
patronizes 21 23 PATRONIZE, to assume...
patronless 19 15 destitute of a patro...
pattresses 19 13 PATTRESS, a containe...
paulownias 22 19 PAULOWNIA, any tree...
pauperdoms 22 21 PAUPERDOM, the state...
pauperises 21 17 PAUPERISE, to reduce...
pauperisms 23 20 PAUPERISM, the state...
pauperizes 24 26 PAUPERIZE, to reduce...
paupiettes 21 17 PAUPIETTE, (French)...
pavonazzos 25 36 PAVONAZZO, (Italian)...
paycheques 38 30 PAYCHEQUE, a payment...
paymasters 26 18 PAYMASTER, the offic...
paynimries 26 19 PAYNIMRY, heathendom...
paysagists 27 17 PAYSAGIST, a painter...
peaberries 20 16 PEABERRY, a type of...
peacetimes 22 19 PEACETIME, a period...
peachblows 30 25 PEACHBLOW, a delicat...
peachiness 23 19 the state of being p...
peakedness 18 19 the state of being p...
pearlashes 21 16 PEARLASH, an alkalin...
pearliness 19 15 the state of being p...
pearlworts 23 17 PEARLWORT, a name gi...
peasoupers 20 17 PEASOUPER, a thick f...
peccancies 27 23 PECCANCY, sinfulness...
pectolites 23 17 PECTOLITE, a hydrous...
peculators 23 18 PECULATOR, one who p...
pedagogics 24 21 the science and prin...
pedagogies 20 18 PEDAGOGY, the work o...
pedagogues 20 19 PEDAGOGUE, one who t...
pedalboats 21 18 PEDALBOAT, a boat th...
pedallings 22 19 PEDALLING, the act o...
pedantises 18 15 PEDANTISE, to play t...
pedantisms 20 18 PEDANTISM, pedantry,...
pedantizes 21 24 PEDANTIZE, to play t...
pedantries 18 15 PEDANTRY, ostentatio...
peddleries 20 16 PEDDLERY, the trade...
pedereroes 17 14 PEDERERO, a type of...
pediatrics 23 17 the care of children...
pediculous 24 20 infested with lice,...
pedipalpus 25 22 one of the second pa...
pedologies 20 17 PEDOLOGY, the study...
pedometers 19 17 PEDOMETER, an instru...
pedophiles 24 20 PEDOPHILE, one with...
pegmatites 21 18 PEGMATITE, a coarsel...
pelecypods 31 23 PELECYPOD, a pelecyp...
pellagrins 22 18 PELLAGRIN, one who i...
pellagrous 22 18 like or afflicted wi...
pelletises 21 15 PELLETISE, to make i...
pelletizes 24 24 PELLETIZE, to make i...
pelmanisms 22 21 PELMANISM, a card ga...
pelologies 21 17 PELOLOGY, study of m...
peltations 19 15 PELTATION, the state...
pemphigous 26 24 relating to pemphigu...
penalities 19 15 PENALITY, liability...
pencilings 24 21 PENCILING, the art o...
pencillers 24 19 PENCILLER, one who p...
pendencies 20 19 PENDENCY, a pending...
pendiclers 23 19 PENDICLER, the tenan...
pendragons 18 18 PENDRAGON, (Welsh) a...
pendulates 19 17 PENDULATE, to swing...
peneplains 20 19 PENEPLAIN, a low gen...
peneplanes 19 19 PENEPLANE, a low gen...
penetrants 17 15 PENETRANT, a substan...
penetrates 17 14 PENETRATE, to thrust...
penholders 21 18 PENHOLDER, a holder...
penicillus 25 20 a small pad for woun...
peninsulas 19 17 PENINSULA, a strip o...
penistones 17 15 PENISTONE, a cloth,...
penitences 20 18 PENITENCE, the state...
pennaceous 19 19 featherlike [adj]
pennalisms 20 19 PENNALISM, a system...
pennatulas 18 17 PENNATULA, a sea-pen...
penninites 17 16 PENNINITE, a mineral...
pennoncels 20 20 PENNONCEL, a small f...
pennycress 27 20 a cruciferous plant...
pennylands 24 20 PENNYLAND, (historic...
pennyworts 27 20 PENNYWORT, a perenni...
penologies 19 17 PENOLOGY, the scienc...
penpushers 23 20 PENPUSHER, a person...
penserosos 17 14 PENSEROSO, a pensive...
pensioners 17 15 PENSIONER, one recei...
penstemons 18 18 PENSTEMON, a genus o...
pentagrams 20 19 PENTAGRAM, a five-po...
pentalphas 23 20 PENTALPHA, a five-po...
pentangles 19 18 PENTANGLE, a five-po...
pentapolis 21 18 an alliance of five...
penthouses 20 17 PENTHOUSE, to cover...
pentosanes 16 15 PENTOSANE, a complex...
pentosides 18 15 PENTOSIDE, a compoun...
pentoxides 24 22 PENTOXIDE, an oxide...
pentylenes 24 18 PENTYLENE, an unsatu...
penultimas 21 19 PENULTIMA, (Latin) t...
penumbrous 22 22 relating to penumbra...
peopleless 22 18 destitute of people...
peperomias 21 19 PEPEROMIA, a genus o...
pepperings 24 22 PEPPERING, a seasoni...
pepperonis 22 20 PEPPERONI, (Italian)...
pepsinates 20 17 PEPSINATE, to treat...
peptidases 21 17 PEPTIDASE, an enzyme...
peptonises 20 17 PEPTONISE, to make (...
peptonizes 23 26 PEPTONIZE, to make (...
peraeopods 19 17 PERAEOPOD, each of t...
perborates 20 16 PERBORATE, a salt th...
percalines 22 18 PERCALINE, (French)...
perceivers 24 20 PERCEIVER, one who p...
percheries 24 18 PERCHERY, a barn whe...
percherons 23 19 PERCHERON, (French)...
perciforms 26 22 PERCIFORM, a perch-l...
percolates 22 17 PERCOLATE, to pass t...
percussors 23 17 PERCUSSOR, a percuss...
perditions 19 15 PERDITION, everlasti...
peregrines 19 16 PEREGRINE, a swift f...
pereiopods 20 17 PEREIOPOD, each of t...
perennates 16 15 PERENNATE, to last o...
perennials 18 16 PERENNIAL, a plant t...
perfecters 24 19 PERFECTER, a person...
perfectors 24 19 PERFECTOR, a machine...
perfervors 23 20 PERFERVOR, a state o...
perfidious 22 18 characterized by fai...
perforates 20 16 PERFORATE, to bore t...
perforatus 21 17 the short flexor of...
performers 22 19 PERFORMER, one who p...
perfumiers 23 20 PERFUMIER, one who p...
perfusates 21 17 PERFUSATE, that whic...
perfusions 21 18 PERFUSION, the act o...
pergunnahs 21 20 PERGUNNAH, (Hindi) a...
periblasts 23 17 PERIBLAST, in merobl...
periclases 23 17 PERICLASE, a natural...
periclines 23 18 PERICLINE, a variety...
periculous 24 19 (obsolete) dangerous...
pericycles 33 22 PERICYCLE, the outer...
peridromes 20 17 PERIDROME, a gallery...
periegeses 19 15 PERIEGESIS, a descri...
periegesis 20 15 a description in the...
perigynies 26 18 PERIGYNY, a receptac...
perigynous 26 19 of a flower, having...
perilymphs 33 24 PERILYMPH, the fluid...
perimeters 20 16 PERIMETER, the circu...
perimorphs 25 21 PERIMORPH, a crystal...
perinaeums 19 18 PERINAEUM, the lower...
periodates 18 14 PERIODATE, a salt of...
periodides 19 15 PERIODIDE, an iodid,...
periodises 19 14 PERIODISE, to divide...
periodizes 22 23 PERIODIZE, to divide...
peripetias 21 16 PERIPETIA, (Greek) a...
peripeties 21 16 PERIPETY, a sudden c...
periplasms 24 20 PERIPLASM, the regio...
periplasts 23 17 PERIPLAST, an interc...
peripluses 23 18 PERIPLUS, a voyage o...
periprocts 25 19 PERIPROCT, the regio...
periscians 22 17 PERISCIAN, a person...
periscopes 24 19 PERISCOPE, a device...
perisperms 23 19 PERISPERM, the album...
peristomes 20 16 PERISTOME, the area,...
peristyles 27 16 PERISTYLE, a range o...
peritracks 24 20 PERITRACK, at an air...
peritrichs 26 18 PERITRICH, a bacteri...
perjurious 22 24 guilty of perjury, a...
perlemoens 19 18 PERLEMOEN, (Afrikaan...
permabears 21 19 PERMABEAR, an invest...
permabulls 25 22 PERMABULL, an invest...
permalinks 22 22 PERMALINK, an intern...
permalloys 28 20 PERMALLOY, an alloy...
permanents 18 18 PERMANENT, a permane...
permeances 21 20 PERMEANCE, the prope...
permeators 19 16 PERMEATOR, something...
permittees 20 16 PERMITTEE, one to wh...
permitters 21 16 PERMITTER, one who p...
permutates 20 17 PERMUTATE, to alter...
pernancies 20 18 PERNANCY, receiving,...
pernicious 22 18 destructive; ruinous...
peroneuses 17 15 PERONEUS, one of the...
perorators 18 13 PERORATOR, one who p...
perovskias 22 21 PEROVSKIA, a genus o...
perpetuals 22 18 PERPETUAL, a type of...
perplexers 28 24 PERPLEXER, one who p...
persecutes 22 17 PERSECUTE, to harass...
perseities 19 13 PERSEITY, an indepen...
perselines 19 15 PERSELINE, (Spenser)...
perseveres 20 17 PERSEVERE, to contin...
persiennes 17 15 PERSIENNE, (French)...
persimmons 21 20 PERSIMMON, a kind of...
persisters 20 13 PERSISTER, one who p...
personages 18 16 PERSONAGE, a person,...
personates 17 14 PERSONATE, to assume...
personises 18 14 PERSONISE, to person...
personizes 21 23 PERSONIZE, to person...
personnels 18 16 PERSONNEL, the perso...
persuaders 19 15 PERSUADER, one who p...
pertinents 18 15 PERTINENT, a minor p...
pertnesses 18 14 PERTNESS, the qualit...
perturbers 22 17 PERTURBER, one who,...
pertusions 19 15 PERTUSION, the act o...
pervasions 20 18 PERVASION, the act o...
perverters 21 17 PERVERTER, one who p...
pessimisms 23 19 PESSIMISM, a tendenc...
pessimists 22 16 PESSIMIST, one who t...
pesthouses 21 16 PESTHOUSE, (historic...
pesticides 23 17 PESTICIDE, a substan...
petalodies 19 15 PETALODY, transforma...
petaurines 18 15 PETAURINE, the flyin...
petaurists 20 14 PETAURIST, a flying...
petcharies 24 18 PETCHARY, the grey k...
petershams 22 18 PETERSHAM, a rough,...
pethidines 21 17 PETHIDINE, a pain-re...
petiolules 21 16 PETIOLULE, a small p...
petiteness 18 14 the state of being p...
petnapings 21 20 PETNAPING, the kidna...
petnappers 22 20 PETNAPPER, one who k...
petrichors 25 18 PETRICHOR, a sweet s...
petrifiers 22 16 PETRIFIER, an agent...
petrograms 21 18 PETROGRAM, a picture...
petrolages 20 16 PETROLAGE, treatment...
petroleous 19 15 containing or rich i...
petroleums 21 18 PETROLEUM, a general...
petroleurs 20 15 PETROLEUR, (French)...
pettedness 18 15 the state of being p...
pettichaps 27 21 (dialect) the garden...
petticoats 22 16 PETTICOAT, a skirt,...
petulances 22 19 PETULANCE, peevish i...
pewholders 25 20 PEWHOLDER, one who h...
phacolites 25 19 PHACOLITE, a colorle...
phacoliths 28 21 PHACOLITH, an intrus...
phaenogams 21 21 PHAENOGAM, (Greek) a...
phagedenas 20 19 PHAGEDENA, hospital...
phagocytes 31 22 PHAGOCYTE, a white b...
phagosomes 22 20 PHAGOSOME, part of a...
phalangers 22 19 PHALANGER, any of se...
phalangids 23 20 PHALANGID, one of th...
phalaropes 23 19 PHALAROPE, a small s...
phansigars 22 18 PHANSIGAR, (Hindi) f...
phantasies 20 16 PHANTASY, to imagine...
phantasims 22 19 PHANTASIM, (Shakespe...
phantosmes 21 19 PHANTOSME, (Spenser)...
pharmacies 25 21 PHARMACY, a drugstor...
pharyngals 29 21 PHARYNGAL, a sound p...
phasedowns 23 20 PHASEDOWN, a gradual...
phaseolins 21 17 PHASEOLIN, a protein...
phellogens 23 20 PHELLOGEN, the tissu...
phelonions 20 18 PHELONION, a liturgi...
phenacites 23 19 PHENACITE, a mineral...
phenakisms 23 23 PHENAKISM, deceit [n...
phenakites 21 20 PHENAKITE, a mineral...
phenazines 22 26 PHENAZINE, a chemica...
phenetoles 20 17 PHENETOLE, the ethyl...
phenolates 20 17 PHENOLATE, a compoun...
phenomenas 19 20 PHENOMENA, PHENOMENO...
phenotypes 28 21 PHENOTYPE, to catego...
phenoxides 26 24 PHENOXIDE, a salt of...
phenylenes 26 20 PHENYLENE, a compoun...
phenytoins 26 19 PHENYTOIN, a crystal...
pheromones 20 19 PHEROMONE, a chemica...
philanders 22 18 PHILANDER, to engage...
philhorses 25 18 PHILHORSE, (Shakespe...
philippics 32 25 PHILIPPIC, a bitter...
philistias 24 16 PHILISTIA, the class...
phillabegs 27 22 PHILLABEG, (Gaelic)...
phillibegs 28 22 PHILLIBEG, (Gaelic)...
philomaths 26 21 PHILOMATH, a lover o...
philomelas 24 20 PHILOMELA, a songbir...
philopenas 23 20 PHILOPENA, a present...
phisnomies 22 19 PHISNOMY, (obsolete)...
phlorizins 26 26 PHLORIZIN, a chemica...
pholidoses 22 17 PHOLIDOSIS, the arra...
pholidosis 23 17 the arrangement of s...
phonathons 21 19 PHONATHON, a telepho...
phonations 19 17 PHONATION, the produ...
phonecards 23 20 PHONECARD, a card us...
phonetises 20 16 PHONETISE, to repres...
phonetisms 22 19 PHONETISM, the scien...
phonetists 21 16 PHONETIST, one verse...
phonetizes 23 25 PHONETIZE, to repres...
phoneyness 25 19 the state of being p...
phonmeters 21 19 PHONMETER, an instru...
phonograms 22 21 PHONOGRAM, a letter,...
phonolites 21 17 PHONOLITE, a fine-gr...
phonopores 21 19 PHONOPORE, a kind of...
phonotypes 28 21 PHONOTYPE, to print...
phorminges 23 21 PHORMINX, an old str...
phosphates 25 20 PHOSPHATE, to treat...
phosphenes 24 21 PHOSPHENE, a visual...
phosphides 26 21 PHOSPHIDE, a binary...
phosphines 25 21 PHOSPHINE, a colorle...
phosphites 26 20 PHOSPHITE, a salt of...
phosphores 25 20 PHOSPHORE, phosphoru...
phosphorus 26 21 a chemical element [...
photoblogs 25 21 PHOTOBLOG, to keep a...
photobombs 26 24 PHOTOBOMB, to place...
photocalls 26 20 PHOTOCALL, an occasi...
photocards 24 19 PHOTOCARD, an identi...
photocells 26 20 PHOTOCELL, a photoel...
photodisks 23 20 PHOTODISK, a disk fo...
photogenes 20 18 PHOTOGENE, an afteri...
photograms 23 20 PHOTOGRAM, a photogr...
photolyses 28 18 PHOTOLYSE, to cause...
photolysis 29 18 decomposition or dis...
photolyzes 31 27 PHOTOLYZE, to cause...
photomasks 23 22 PHOTOMASK, a mask us...
photophils 27 21 PHOTOPHIL, an organi...
photoplays 30 21 PHOTOPLAY, a motion...
photopsias 23 18 PHOTOPSIA, the appea...
photopsies 23 18 PHOTOPSY, the appear...
photoscans 23 19 PHOTOSCAN, to scan p...
photoshops 25 20 PHOTOSHOP, to manipu...
photostats 21 15 PHOTOSTAT, (tradenam...
phototaxes 26 22 PHOTOTAXIS, growth o...
phototaxis 27 22 growth or movement d...
phototonus 20 17 the sensitivity of a...
phototubes 23 19 PHOTOTUBE, an electr...
phototypes 29 20 PHOTOTYPE, to print...
phraseless 22 16 indescribable [adj]
phreakings 23 22 PHREAKING, making il...
phrenetics 24 19 PHRENETIC, a frenzie...
phthalates 24 18 PHTHALATE, a salt of...
phthaleins 24 19 PHTHALEIN, any one o...
phycocyans 39 26 PHYCOCYAN, a blue pi...
phylaxises 35 25 PHYLAXIS, an inhibit...
phylesises 29 18 PHYLESIS, the course...
phyllaries 30 19 PHYLLARY, a bract of...
phyllodies 30 20 PHYLLODY, a flower t...
phyllopods 32 23 PHYLLOPOD, one of an...
physalises 29 18 PHYSALIS, a type of...
physicians 31 21 PHYSICIAN, a doctor;...
physicisms 34 23 PHYSICISM, belief in...
physicists 33 20 PHYSICIST, an expert...
phytoliths 32 20 PHYTOLITH, a microsc...
phytotrons 27 18 PHYTOTRON, an appara...
pianolists 20 15 PIANOLIST, one who p...
picadillos 25 19 PICADILLO, (Spanish)...
piccadills 29 22 PICCADILL, (obsolete...
picholines 25 20 PICHOLINE, a variety...
pickabacks 30 30 PICKABACK, to carry...
pickadills 27 23 PICKADILL, (obsolete...
pickapacks 30 30 PICKAPACK, to carry...
pickaroons 22 21 PICKAROON, (Spanish)...
pickedness 23 22 the state of being s...
pickeerers 23 20 PICKEERER, one who p...
picketings 25 23 PICKETING, standing...
pickthanks 27 27 PICKTHANK, someone w...
picnickers 27 24 PICNICKER, one who p...
picocuries 26 20 PICOCURIE, a million...
picofarads 24 20 PICOFARAD, a million...
picometers 23 19 PICOMETER, a trillio...
picometres 23 19 PICOMETRE, a trillio...
pictarnies 22 17 PICTARNIE, (Scott) a...
pictograms 25 21 PICTOGRAM, a pictogr...
pictorials 24 17 PICTORIAL, a pictori...
picturises 24 17 PICTURISE, to pictur...
picturizes 27 26 PICTURIZE, to pictur...
pidginises 21 17 PIDGINISE, to make i...
pidginizes 24 26 PIDGINIZE, to make i...
piecemeals 23 20 PIECEMEAL, to divide...
pieceworks 26 23 PIECEWORK, work paid...
piednesses 18 15 PIEDNESS, the state...
piepowders 24 20 PIEPOWDER, (obsolete...
pierrettes 19 13 PIERRETTE, (French)...
pifferaros 23 19 PIFFERARO, (Italian)...
pigeonites 19 16 PIGEONITE, a monocli...
pigeonries 19 16 PIGEONRY, a place fo...
piggybacks 35 29 PIGGYBACK, to carry...
pignerates 19 16 PIGNERATE, (archaic)...
pignorates 19 16 PIGNORATE, (archaic)...
pigsconces 26 22 PIGSCONCE, a blockhe...
pikestaffs 25 23 PIKESTAFF, the staff...
pikestaves 22 21 PIKESTAFF, the staff...
pilferages 23 19 PILFERAGE, the act o...
pilferings 24 20 PILFERING, petty the...
pilgarlics 27 20 PILGARLIC, a bald pe...
pilgrimers 24 19 PILGRIMER, someone w...
piliferous 23 18 bearing or growing h...
pillagings 24 20 PILLAGING, the act o...
pillarists 23 15 PILLARIST, an asceti...
pillarless 23 16 without pillars [adj...
pillicocks 30 25 PILLICOCK, the penis...
pilliwinks 27 23 an instrument of tor...
pillorises 22 15 PILLORISE, to pillor...
pillorizes 25 24 PILLORIZE, to pillor...
pilosities 21 14 PILOSITY, the state...
pimpernels 23 21 PIMPERNEL, a small r...
pimpliness 24 21 the state of being p...
pinchbecks 31 29 PINCHBECK, a gold-li...
pinchcocks 32 29 PINCHCOCK, a clamp o...
pinchfists 28 22 PINCHFIST, a closefi...
pineapples 23 21 PINEAPPLE, a large S...
pingrasses 20 16 PINGRASS, a European...
pinguefies 22 20 PINGUEFY, to become...
pinhookers 21 20 PINHOOKER, (slang) a...
pinkertons 19 19 PINKERTON, a private...
pinknesses 19 19 PINKNESS, the state...
pinnations 17 16 PINNATION, the state...
pinnipedes 20 19 PINNIPEDE, a member...
pinsetters 19 14 PINSETTER, an employ...
pinstripes 22 17 PINSTRIPE, a very na...
pintaderas 18 15 PINTADERA, (Spanish)...
pipefishes 26 21 PIPEFISH, any of num...
piperonals 21 18 PIPERONAL, a phenoli...
pipestones 20 17 PIPESTONE, a kind of...
pipinesses 21 17 PIPINESS, the qualit...
pipistrels 24 17 PIPISTREL, a small r...
pipsqueaks 31 30 PIPSQUEAK, something...
piquancies 30 27 PIQUANCY, the qualit...
piracetams 23 19 PIRACETAM, a drug us...
piroplasms 24 20 PIROPLASM, a parasit...
pirouettes 19 14 PIROUETTE, to make a...
piscivores 25 20 PISCIVORE, an eater...
pistachios 25 18 PISTACHIO, a kind of...
pistareens 18 14 PISTAREEN, (Spanish)...
pistoleers 20 14 PISTOLEER, (obsolete...
pistoleros 20 14 PISTOLERO, one who u...
pistoliers 21 14 PISTOLIER, one who u...
pitchbends 27 23 PITCHBEND, a device...
pitchforks 29 25 PITCHFORK, to toss w...
pitchiness 25 19 blackness, as of pit...
pitchpines 27 22 PITCHPINE, a kind of...
pitchpipes 30 24 PITCHPIPE, a small p...
pitchpoles 28 22 PITCHPOLE, to turn e...
pithecoids 25 19 PITHECOID, an ape, e...
pituitrins 21 15 PITUITRIN, a hormone...
pityriases 26 15 PITYRIASIS, a superf...
pityriasis 27 15 a superficial affect...
pixellates 27 22 PIXELLATE, to divide...
pixillates 28 22 PIXILLATE, to divide...
pixinesses 25 21 PIXINESS, the state...
pizzicatos 29 34 PIZZICATO, a tone so...
placations 22 18 PLACATION, the act o...
placekicks 29 28 PLACEKICK, in footba...
placements 23 21 PLACEMENT, the act o...
placentals 23 19 PLACENTAL, a placent...
placidness 23 19 the state of being p...
placoderms 24 21 PLACODERM, a fish co...
plagiaries 21 16 PLAGIARY, the act of...
plainsongs 20 18 PLAINSONG, unmeasure...
plaintexts 26 22 PLAINTEXT, text that...
plaintiffs 25 21 PLAINTIFF, a person...
plaintless 21 16 without complaint; u...
plainworks 24 22 PLAINWORK, plain nee...
planarians 18 16 PLANARIAN, a kind of...
planations 18 16 PLANATION, lateral e...
planeloads 19 17 PLANELOAD, as much a...
planesides 19 16 PLANESIDE, the area...
planetoids 19 16 PLANETOID, a body re...
planigrams 22 20 PLANIGRAM, an x-ray...
planishers 22 17 PLANISHER, a person...
planograms 21 20 PLANOGRAM, a schemat...
plantlings 22 19 PLANTLING, a small p...
plaquettes 28 24 PLAQUETTE, (French)...
plasmagels 23 20 PLASMAGEL, cytoplasm...
plasmasols 22 18 PLASMASOL, cytoplasm...
plasterers 20 14 PLASTERER, one whose...
plastiques 29 24 PLASTIQUE, (French)...
plastisols 22 15 PLASTISOL, a suspens...
plateglass 22 17 designating a kind o...
platemarks 22 21 PLATEMARK, a hallmar...
platinises 20 15 PLATINISE, to coat w...
platinizes 23 24 PLATINIZE, to coat w...
platinoids 20 16 PLATINOID, an alloy...
platitudes 21 16 PLATITUDE, a commonp...
platonisms 21 18 PLATONISM, the philo...
platypuses 29 20 PLATYPUS, an aquatic...
playactors 29 19 PLAYACTOR, one who p...
playbusses 29 20 PLAYBUS, a mobile pl...
playdoughs 30 22 PLAYDOUGH, a soft re...
playfields 30 21 PLAYFIELD, a playing...
playgoings 28 21 PLAYGOING, the pract...
playgroups 30 22 PLAYGROUP, an inform...
playhouses 28 19 PLAYHOUSE, a child's...
playmakers 28 23 PLAYMAKER, a playwri...
playthings 30 21 PLAYTHING, something...
pleasances 21 18 PLEASANCE, (archaic)...
pleasurers 20 15 PLEASURER, a pleasur...
plenarties 19 15 PLENARTY, the state...
plenilunes 20 18 PLENILUNE, the time...
plenishers 22 17 PLENISHER, one who p...
plenitudes 20 17 PLENITUDE, fullness,...
pleonastes 18 15 PLEONASTE, a dark-gr...
pleonexias 24 22 PLEONEXIA, excessive...
pleurisies 21 15 PLEURISY, inflammati...
pleuritics 25 18 PLEURITIC, someone w...
pleuronias 19 16 PLEURONIA, the combi...
plexiglass 29 24 acrylic plastic shee...
pliantness 19 16 the state of being p...
plications 23 18 PLICATION, the act o...
plicatures 24 18 PLICATURE, the act o...
ploughboys 32 24 PLOUGHBOY, a boy who...
ploughings 25 22 PLOUGHING, the act o...
plowshares 25 19 PLOWSHARE, the cutti...
plowstaffs 28 23 PLOWSTAFF, one of th...
pluckiness 25 23 the state of being p...
plugboards 24 21 PLUGBOARD, a device...
pluguglies 25 21 PLUGUGLY, a very ugl...
plumberies 24 21 PLUMBERY, the work o...
plunderers 20 17 PLUNDERER, one who p...
plunderous 20 18 of or like plunder [...
pluralises 22 16 PLURALISE, to make p...
pluralisms 24 19 PLURALISM, a theory...
pluralists 23 16 PLURALIST, an adhere...
pluralizes 25 25 PLURALIZE, to make p...
pluriparas 23 18 PLURIPARA, (Latin) a...
plushiness 23 18 the state of being p...
plutocrats 24 18 PLUTOCRAT, a member...
plutonisms 22 19 PLUTONISM, the theor...
plutoniums 22 20 PLUTONIUM, a natural...
pneumatics 23 21 the study of the mec...
pneumonias 18 19 PNEUMONIA, a disease...
pneumonics 22 22 PNEUMONIC, a medicin...
poachiness 23 19 the state of being p...
pocketfuls 27 25 POCKETFUL, the conte...
pocketless 24 21 without pockets [adj...
podarguses 20 17 PODARGUS, a bird of...
podcasters 22 17 PODCASTER, one who c...
podiatries 19 14 PODIATRY, the study...
podologies 20 17 PODOLOGY, the study...
podsolises 20 15 PODSOLISE, to turn i...
podsolizes 23 24 PODSOLIZE, to turn i...
podzolises 23 24 PODZOLISE, to make i...
podzolizes 26 33 PODZOLIZE, to make i...
poetasters 18 13 POETASTER, an inferi...
poeticises 22 16 POETICISE, to write,...
poeticisms 24 19 POETICISM, a word or...
poeticizes 25 25 POETICIZE, to write,...
poeticules 23 18 POETICULE, a poetast...
poetresses 18 13 POETRESSE, (Spenser)...
pogromists 22 18 POGROMIST, one who e...
poignadoes 18 17 POIGNADO, (obsolete)...
poignances 21 20 POIGNANCE, the state...
poincianas 20 18 POINCIANA, a tree of...
pointelles 20 16 POINTELLE, (French)...
pointilles 21 16 POINTILLE, a fine po...
poisonings 19 17 POISONING, the act o...
pokelogans 20 21 POKELOGAN, (Native A...
pokerworks 24 24 POKERWORK, the art o...
pokinesses 19 18 POKINESS, the state...
polarisers 20 14 POLARISER, a device...
polarities 20 14 POLARITY, the posses...
polarizers 23 23 POLARIZER, a device...
polemarchs 26 22 POLEMARCH, a title o...
polianites 19 15 POLIANITE, manganese...
poliovirus 23 19 a virus causing poli...
polishings 24 19 POLISHING, the act o...
politburos 23 18 POLITBURO, (Russian)...
politeness 19 15 the state of being p...
politesses 20 14 POLITESSE, (French)...
politicoes 23 17 POLITICO, a politici...
politiques 29 24 POLITIQUE, (French)...
pollenates 19 16 POLLENATE, to fertil...
pollenoses 19 16 POLLENOSIS, allergic...
pollenosis 20 16 allergic reaction to...
pollinates 20 16 POLLINATE, to fertil...
pollinises 21 16 POLLINISE, to pollin...
pollinizes 24 25 POLLINIZE, to pollin...
pollinoses 20 16 POLLINOSIS, an aller...
pollinosis 21 16 an allergic reaction...
polltakers 22 19 POLLTAKER, a person...
pollucites 25 19 POLLUCITE, a colourl...
pollusions 21 17 POLLUSION, (Shakespe...
pollutants 21 17 POLLUTANT, a substan...
pollutions 21 17 POLLUTION, making di...
pollyannas 25 19 POLLYANNA, one who i...
polonaises 18 15 POLONAISE, (French)...
polverines 21 19 POLVERINE, (obsolete...
polyamides 27 20 POLYAMIDE, a compoun...
polyamines 26 20 POLYAMINE, a compoun...
polyanthas 27 19 POLYANTHA, any of la...
polyanthus 28 20 the oxlip, so called...
polyaxials 33 24 POLYAXIAL, a shape h...
polychetes 31 21 POLYCHETE, a type of...
polyesters 26 16 POLYESTER, any of a...
polygamies 28 21 POLYGAMY, the condit...
polygamous 28 22 of or pertaining to...
polygenies 26 19 POLYGENY, generation...
polygenous 26 20 of multiple origin o...
polyglotts 29 19 POLYGLOTT, one who s...
polygonies 26 19 POLYGONY, (Spenser)...
polygonums 28 23 POLYGONUM, any plant...
polygraphs 32 23 POLYGRAPH, an instru...
polygynies 33 21 POLYGYNY, the condit...
polygynous 33 22 having many styles;...
polyimides 28 20 POLYIMIDE, a polymer...
polylemmas 29 23 POLYLEMMA, an argume...
polymeries 27 19 POLYMERY, in botany,...
polymerous 27 20 consisting of many p...
polymorphs 32 24 POLYMORPH, a substan...
polymyxins 40 29 POLYMYXIN, one of a...
polyominos 26 20 POLYOMINO, a flat, m...
polyparies 28 19 POLYPARY, the common...
polyphones 29 22 POLYPHONE, a charact...
polypidoms 30 23 POLYPIDOM, a coral,...
polyploids 30 21 POLYPLOID, having mo...
polypodies 28 20 POLYPODY, a fern wit...
polypodous 28 21 having many legs or...
polyptychs 41 26 POLYPTYCH, a decorat...
polysemies 27 19 POLYSEMY, in linguis...
polysemous 27 20 having multiple mean...
polysomics 31 22 POLYSOMIC, a basical...
polysomies 27 19 POLYSOMY, a conditio...
polystyles 34 19 POLYSTYLE, a buildin...
polytenies 25 17 POLYTENY, in abnorma...
polythenes 27 19 POLYTHENE, a generic...
polytocous 29 20 producing many or se...
polyvinyls 36 24 POLYVINYL, a vinyl p...
polywaters 29 19 POLYWATER, a suppose...
pomiferous 22 20 bearing apples [adj]
pomoeriums 21 20 POMOERIUM, (Latin) a...
pomologies 21 19 POMOLOGY, the study...
pompadours 22 21 POMPADOUR, a hairsty...
pompelmous 24 24 (Dutch) the shaddock...
ponderates 17 15 PONDERATE, to consid...
ponderosas 17 15 PONDEROSA, (Spanish)...
pondokkies 20 23 PONDOKKIE, (Hottento...
pontianacs 20 18 PONTIANAC, (Malay) a...
pontianaks 18 19 PONTIANAK, (Malay) a...
pontifices 24 20 PONTIFEX, (Latin) a...
pontoneers 16 15 PONTONEER, a builder...
pontoniers 17 15 PONTONIER, a builder...
pontooners 16 15 PONTOONER, a builder...
poorhouses 20 16 POORHOUSE, (historic...
poormouths 22 19 POORMOUTH, to compla...
poornesses 17 14 POORNESS, the state...
popperings 24 22 POPPERING, a variety...
poppycocks 37 31 POPPYCOCK, (Dutch) n...
poppyheads 31 24 POPPYHEAD, a raised...
porbeagles 22 19 PORBEAGLE, a species...
porcelains 22 18 PORCELAIN, a fine ea...
porchettas 24 18 PORCHETTA, seasoned...
porcupines 24 21 PORCUPINE, a large s...
poriferans 20 17 PORIFERAN, a member...
poriferous 21 17 having pores [adj]
porinesses 18 14 PORINESS, a state of...
porogamies 20 18 POROGAMY, the entry...
poromerics 23 19 POROMERIC, a poromer...
poroscopes 23 19 POROSCOPE, an instru...
porosities 19 13 POROSITY, the state...
porousness 18 15 the quality of being...
porphyrias 30 20 PORPHYRIA, any of va...
porphyries 30 20 PORPHYRY, a very har...
porphyrins 30 21 PORPHYRIN, any of a...
porphyrios 30 20 PORPHYRIO, any bird...
porphyrous 30 21 purple [adj]
porraceous 21 17 leek-green [adj]
porrengers 19 16 PORRENGER, a small d...
porringers 20 16 PORRINGER, a small d...
portapacks 25 23 PORTAPACK, a small p...
portatives 21 17 PORTATIVE, a portabl...
portcullis 26 19 a grating of iron or...
portentous 18 15 of, relating to, or...
porteouses 18 14 PORTEOUS, (historica...
porterages 19 15 PORTERAGE, the work...
portfolios 22 17 PORTFOLIO, a case or...
porthorses 21 15 PORTHORS, (historica...
porthouses 21 16 PORTHOUSE, (historic...
portioners 18 14 PORTIONER, the propr...
portliness 20 15 the state of being p...
portolanos 18 15 PORTOLANO, (Italian)...
portrayals 26 16 PORTRAYAL, the act o...
portrayers 25 15 PORTRAYER, one who p...
portreeves 20 17 PORTREEVE, a mayor o...
portresses 19 13 PORTRESS, a female p...
portulacas 23 18 PORTULACA, any plant...
porwiggles 26 21 PORWIGGLE, a tadpole...
poshnesses 20 16 POSHNESS, the qualit...
posologies 20 16 POSOLOGY, a branch o...
possessors 19 13 POSSESSOR, one who p...
postbusses 22 17 POSTBUS, a small bus...
postcrisis 24 16 taking place after a...
posteriors 19 13 POSTERIOR, the butto...
posterises 19 13 POSTERISE, (US and C...
posterizes 22 22 POSTERIZE, (US and C...
posthastes 21 15 POSTHASTE, great has...
posthorses 21 15 POSTHORSE, a horse u...
posthouses 21 16 POSTHOUSE, an inn, o...
posthumous 23 20 taking place after d...
postilions 20 15 POSTILION, (historic...
postillers 22 15 POSTILLER, one who p...
postponers 20 17 POSTPONER, one who p...
postriders 20 14 POSTRIDER, one who r...
postulants 20 16 POSTULANT, a candida...
postulates 20 15 POSTULATE, to assume...
posturings 21 17 POSTURING, the act o...
posturises 20 14 POSTURISE, to postur...
posturists 21 14 POSTURIST, one who p...
posturizes 23 23 POSTURIZE, to postur...
potassiums 21 17 POTASSIUM, a silvery...
potatobugs 22 19 POTATOBUG, the Color...
potbellies 23 18 POTBELLY, a protrudi...
potboilers 22 17 POTBOILER, a work in...
potentates 17 14 POTENTATE, a powerfu...
potentials 19 15 POTENTIAL, powers or...
potentises 18 14 POTENTISE, to render...
potentizes 21 23 POTENTIZE, to render...
potentness 17 15 the state of being p...
potholders 22 17 POTHOLDER, a piece o...
potholings 23 19 POTHOLING, the sport...
pothunters 21 17 POTHUNTER, someone w...
poticaries 22 16 POTICARY, an apothec...
potlatches 25 19 POTLATCH, to exchang...
potometers 19 16 POTOMETER, an instru...
potpourris 22 17 POTPOURRI, (French)...
potterings 20 16 POTTERING, the act o...
pottingars 20 16 POTTINGAR, (Scots) a...
pottingers 20 16 POTTINGER, a small d...
potwallers 24 18 POTWALLER, a man ent...
poulterers 20 15 POULTERER, a dealer...
poundcakes 22 23 POUNDCAKE, a sweet r...
pourboires 21 17 POURBOIRE, (French)...
pourpoints 21 18 POURPOINT, (French)...
pousowdies 22 18 POUSOWDIE, (Scots) a...
poussettes 19 14 POUSSETTE, (French)...
poutassous 19 15 POUTASSOU, a gadoid...
powderings 23 20 POWDERING, the act o...
powderless 23 18 without powder [adj]
powellises 24 18 POWELLISE, to season...
powellites 24 18 POWELLITE, calcium m...
powellizes 27 27 POWELLIZE, to season...
powerboats 23 19 POWERBOAT, a boat pr...
powerplays 31 22 POWERPLAY, strong, a...
powsowdies 25 20 POWSOWDY, (Scots) an...
poxviruses 28 25 POXVIRUS, any one of...
pozzolanas 24 33 POZZOLANA, (Italian)...
pracharaks 25 22 PRACHARAK, (Hindi) i...
practicals 27 20 PRACTICAL, a practic...
practicers 26 19 PRACTICER, one who p...
practicums 28 23 PRACTICUM, (Latin) a...
practiques 31 26 PRACTIQUE, (archaic)...
practisers 23 16 PRACTISER, one who p...
practolols 24 18 PRACTOLOL, a drug fo...
praeambles 22 20 PRAEAMBLE, (Milton)...
praenomens 17 18 PRAENOMEN, (Latin) t...
pragmatics 25 21 the study of inheren...
praiseachs 24 18 PRAISEACH, (Irish) a...
praiseless 20 14 without praise or ap...
pranayamas 24 19 PRANAYAMA, (Sanskrit...
pranksters 20 18 PRANKSTER, one who p...
prayerless 26 16 not using prayer; ha...
preabsorbs 23 19 PREABSORB, to absorb...
preaccuses 25 20 PREACCUSE, to accuse...
preachings 25 21 PREACHING, the act o...
preadjusts 22 24 PREADJUST, to adjust...
preapplies 24 20 PREAPPLY, to apply b...
preassigns 20 16 PREASSIGN, to assign...
preassures 19 14 PREASSURE, to assure...
preattunes 18 15 PREATTUNE, to attune...
prebiotics 25 19 PREBIOTIC, a natural...
preblesses 22 17 PREBLESS, to bless b...
prebudgets 23 20 PREBUDGET [v]
prebuttals 23 18 PREBUTTAL, a prepare...
precancels 25 21 PRECANCEL, to cancel...
precancers 24 20 PRECANCER, a conditi...
precarious 22 17 insecure, uncertain...
precedents 21 18 PRECEDENT, something...
precensors 21 17 PRECENSOR, to censor...
precentors 21 17 PRECENTOR, a leader...
preceptors 24 19 PRECEPTOR, a teacher...
precharges 25 20 PRECHARGE, to charge...
prechooses 23 18 PRECHOOSE, to choose...
precieuses 22 17 PRECIEUSE, (French)...
preciouses 22 17 PRECIOUS, a sweethea...
precipices 28 22 PRECIPICE, a high ve...
precisians 22 17 PRECISIAN, a person...
precisions 22 17 PRECISION, the state...
precocials 26 20 PRECOCIAL, a bird ha...
precocious 25 20 exceptionally early...
preconises 21 17 PRECONISE, to procla...
preconizes 24 26 PRECONIZE, to procla...
precookers 22 20 PRECOOKER, a device...
precreases 21 16 PRECREASE, to crease...
precurrers 23 17 PRECURRER, (Shakespe...
precursors 23 17 PRECURSOR, something...
predaceous 21 18 living by prey; pred...
predacious 22 18 living by prey; pred...
predations 18 15 PREDATION, the killi...
predatisms 21 17 PREDATISM, the state...
prededucts 23 19 PREDEDUCT, to deduct...
predefines 20 18 PREDEFINE, to define...
predesigns 20 17 PREDESIGN, to design...
predevotes 20 18 PREDEVOTE, to devote...
predicants 22 18 PREDICANT, a preache...
predicates 22 17 PREDICATE, to affirm...
predicters 23 17 PREDICTER, one who p...
predictors 23 17 PREDICTOR, one who p...
predigests 21 16 PREDIGEST, to digest...
predikants 20 19 PREDIKANT, (Dutch) a...
predinners 18 16 PREDINNER, a meal ta...
preemptors 22 19 PREEMPTOR, one who p...
preexcites 28 23 PREEXCITE, to stimul...
preexempts 28 26 PREEXEMPT, to exempt...
preexposes 26 23 PREEXPOSE, to expose...
preferrers 21 16 PREFERRER, one who p...
prefigures 23 19 PREFIGURE, to imagin...
prefixions 27 24 PREFIXION, the act o...
preflights 27 21 PREFLIGHT, to inspec...
prefocuses 24 20 PREFOCUS, to focus b...
preformats 22 19 PREFORMAT, to format...
prefreezes 23 25 PREFREEZE, to freeze...
pregnances 21 20 PREGNANCE, (obsolete...
pregrowths 26 20 PREGROWTH, the perio...
prehandles 21 18 PREHANDLE, to handle...
prehardens 20 17 PREHARDEN, to harden...
preheaters 20 15 PREHEATER, something...
prehensors 20 16 PREHENSOR, something...
preimposes 22 19 PREIMPOSE, to impose...
preinforms 22 20 PREINFORM, to inform...
preinserts 19 14 PREINSERT, to insert...
preinvites 21 18 PREINVITE, to invite...
prejudgers 23 26 PREJUDGER, one who p...
prejudices 25 27 PREJUDICE, to prepos...
prejudizes 25 33 PREJUDIZE, (Spenser)...
prelations 19 15 PRELATION, prefermen...
prelatises 20 14 PRELATISE, to bring...
prelatisms 22 17 PRELATISM, dominatio...
prelatists 21 14 PRELATIST, a support...
prelatizes 23 23 PRELATIZE, to bring...
prelatures 20 15 PRELATURE, the offic...
prelectors 23 17 PRELECTOR, a reader...
prelocates 22 17 PRELOCATE, to locate...
preludious 21 17 of or pertaining to...
prelusions 20 16 PRELUSION, a prelude...
premarkets 21 20 PREMARKET, to market...
prematures 20 17 PREMATURE, a prematu...
premotions 19 17 PREMOTION, a motion...
prenotions 17 15 PRENOTION, a notion...
prenumbers 22 21 PRENUMBER, to number...
preobtains 20 17 PREOBTAIN, to obtain...
preoculars 23 18 PREOCULAR, a scale i...
preoptions 20 17 PREOPTION, the right...
preordains 18 15 PREORDAIN, to ordain...
prepossess 21 16 to bias or prejudice...
prepostors 21 16 PREPOSTOR, (Latin) t...
preppiness 23 20 being like a preppie...
prepresses 21 16 PREPRESS, the prepar...
preprocess 24 19 to process beforehan...
prepunches 26 23 PREPUNCH, to punch i...
prerecords 22 17 PRERECORD, to record...
presbyopes 29 21 PRESBYOPE, one who h...
presbyters 28 18 PRESBYTER, an elder...
preschools 25 19 PRESCHOOL, a kinderg...
prescreens 21 17 PRESCREEN, to screen...
prescribes 25 19 PRESCRIBE, to lay do...
prescripts 26 19 PRESCRIPT, (archaic)...
preseasons 17 14 PRESEASON, the time...
preselects 23 17 PRESELECT, to select...
presentees 17 14 PRESENTEE, one prese...
presenters 18 14 PRESENTER, one who p...
preservers 21 17 PRESERVER, one who p...
presettles 20 14 PRESETTLE, to settle...
preshrinks 23 20 PRESHRINK, to shrink...
presidents 19 15 PRESIDENT, the head...
presidiums 22 18 PRESIDIUM, a standin...
presignals 21 17 PRESIGNAL, to signal...
pressgangs 21 18 PRESSGANG, a squad o...
pressmarks 22 20 PRESSMARK, a mark on...
pressrooms 20 16 PRESSROOM, a room fo...
pressworks 24 20 PRESSWORK, the opera...
presummits 23 20 PRESUMMIT, a meeting...
presurveys 28 20 PRESURVEY, to survey...
pretenders 18 15 PRETENDER, one who l...
preterists 20 13 PRETERIST, a person...
preterites 19 13 PRETERITE, the gramm...
pretermits 21 16 PRETERMIT, to omit,...
pretorians 18 14 PRETORIAN, a former...
prettifies 22 16 PRETTIFY, to make at...
prettiness 19 14 the state of being p...
prettyisms 28 18 PRETTYISM, affectati...
prevailers 22 18 PREVAILER, one who p...
prevalents 21 19 PREVALENT, something...
preventers 20 18 PREVENTER, one who p...
previewers 24 20 PREVIEWER, one who p...
previsions 21 18 PREVISION, to forese...
pricklings 27 24 PRICKLING, the act o...
prickwoods 27 24 PRICKWOOD, the spind...
priggeries 22 17 PRIGGERY, prim adher...
primatials 22 17 PRIMATIAL, a primate...
primaveras 22 20 PRIMAVERA, (Italian)...
primiparas 23 19 PRIMIPARA, (Latin) a...
primitives 24 20 PRIMITIVE, an uncivi...
primnesses 20 17 PRIMNESS, the state...
primulines 22 19 PRIMULINE, a yellow...
princedoms 23 21 PRINCEDOM, the realm...
princekins 23 22 PRINCEKIN, a petty p...
princelets 23 18 PRINCELET, a petty p...
princesses 22 17 PRINCESS, a non-reig...
principals 26 21 PRINCIPAL, the head...
principles 26 21 PRINCIPLE, to ground...
printeries 19 14 PRINTERY, a place wh...
printheads 21 17 PRINTHEAD, the part...
printworks 24 21 a place where printi...
prioresses 19 13 PRIORESS, a female s...
priorities 20 13 PRIORITY, precedence...
priorships 25 18 PRIORSHIP, the state...
prissiness 20 14 the state of being p...
privateers 21 17 PRIVATEER, to operat...
privations 21 18 PRIVATION, the act o...
privatises 22 17 PRIVATISE, to transf...
privatisms 24 20 PRIVATISM, a tendenc...
privatists 23 17 PRIVATIST, one who b...
privatives 24 21 PRIVATIVE, a privati...
privatizes 25 26 PRIVATIZE, to transf...
privileges 24 20 PRIVILEGE, to grant...
proactions 21 17 PROACTION, action th...
proaireses 18 13 PROAIRESIS, the act...
proairesis 19 13 the act of choosing...
probations 20 17 PROBATION, the act o...
probiotics 25 19 PROBIOTIC [n]
procacious 25 20 bold; impertinent [a...
procaryons 27 19 PROCARYON, the nucle...
procedures 22 18 PROCEDURE, a way of...
proceeders 21 17 PROCEEDER, one who p...
processers 22 16 PROCESSER, something...
processors 22 16 PROCESSOR, something...
proclitics 28 20 PROCLITIC, a proclit...
procoelous 22 18 cupped in front [adj...
proconsuls 23 19 PROCONSUL, an office...
procreants 21 17 PROCREANT, a person...
procreates 21 16 PROCREATE, to engend...
procrypses 31 21 PROCRYPSIS, protecti...
procrypsis 32 21 protective coloratio...
procureurs 23 18 PROCUREUR, (French)...
procurings 24 20 PROCURING, the act o...
procyonids 28 20 PROCYONID, a member...
prodigious 21 17 resembling or befitt...
proembryos 28 21 PROEMBRYO, a group o...
proenzymes 28 28 PROENZYME, an enzyme...
professors 21 16 PROFESSOR, a univers...
profferers 23 19 PROFFERER, one who p...
profilings 24 20 PROFILING, the proce...
profilists 24 17 PROFILIST, one who d...
profiteers 21 16 PROFITEER, to act as...
profitings 23 19 PROFITING, the act o...
profitless 23 17 without profit [adj...
profusions 21 18 PROFUSION, the state...
progestins 20 16 PROGESTIN, a hormone...
progginses 21 18 PROGGINS, (slang) a...
proglottis 22 16 a segment of a tapew...
programers 21 18 PROGRAMER, (US) one...
programmes 22 21 PROGRAMME, to prepar...
progresses 20 15 PROGRESS, to move fo...
projectors 24 25 PROJECTOR, an appara...
prokaryons 25 20 PROKARYON, the nucle...
prokaryots 26 19 PROKARYOT, a bacteri...
prolactins 23 18 PROLACTIN, a hormone...
prolamines 20 18 PROLAMINE, one of a...
prolations 19 15 PROLATION, an uttera...
prolicides 24 18 PROLICIDE, killing o...
prolixious 27 22 (Shakespeare) dilato...
prolixness 26 22 the state of being p...
prologises 21 16 PROLOGISE, to speak...
prologists 22 16 PROLOGIST, a writer...
prologizes 24 25 PROLOGIZE, to speak...
prolongers 20 17 PROLONGER, one who,...
prolusions 20 16 PROLUSION, prelimina...
promenades 18 18 PROMENADE, to take a...
promissors 21 16 PROMISSOR, one who m...
promotions 19 17 PROMOTION, the act o...
promptings 24 22 PROMPTING, the act o...
promptness 22 20 the state of being p...
promptures 23 20 PROMPTURE, (Shakespe...
pronations 17 15 PRONATION, turning t...
pronatores 17 14 PRONATOR, a forearm...
pronephros 22 19 a primitive kidney t...
prongbucks 27 27 PRONGBUCK, the sprin...
pronghorns 21 19 PRONGHORN, a North A...
pronounces 20 19 PRONOUNCE, to articu...
pronucleus 23 20 the nucleus of a ger...
pronuncios 21 19 PRONUNCIO, a papal a...
prooemions 18 17 PROOEMION, a preface...
prooemiums 21 20 PROOEMIUM, a preface...
proofreads 20 17 PROOFREAD, to read c...
proofrooms 21 19 PROOFROOM, a room wh...
propagates 21 18 PROPAGATE, to increa...
propagules 23 20 PROPAGULE, a body wi...
propanones 18 18 PROPANONE, a systema...
propellers 23 18 PROPELLER, someone w...
propellors 23 18 PROPELLOR, someone w...
properdins 21 18 PROPERDIN, a natural...
properness 20 17 the state of being p...
properties 21 16 PROPERTY, to make on...
prophecies 26 21 PROPHECY, a predicti...
prophesies 23 18 PROPHESY, to predict...
prophetess 23 18 a woman who is a pro...
propitious 22 17 favorably disposed,...
propodeons 19 18 PROPODEON, in some H...
propodeums 22 21 PROPODEUM, in some H...
propolises 22 17 PROPOLIS, a resinous...
proponents 19 18 PROPONENT, one who i...
propositus 22 17 (Latin) an individua...
propretors 21 16 PROPRETOR, a magistr...
propulsors 23 18 PROPULSOR, something...
propylenes 27 20 PROPYLENE, a colorle...
propylites 29 19 PROPYLITE, an andesi...
prorations 18 14 PRORATION, the act o...
prorectors 22 16 PRORECTOR, an office...
prorogates 19 15 PROROGATE, to end a...
prosateurs 19 14 PROSATEUR, (French)...
proscribes 25 19 PROSCRIBE, to forbid...
proscripts 26 19 PROSCRIPT, a person...
prosectors 22 16 PROSECTOR, one who d...
prosecutes 22 17 PROSECUTE, to pursue...
proselytes 26 16 PROSELYTE, to become...
prosimians 20 17 PROSIMIAN, a primate...
prosodians 18 15 PROSODIAN, one skill...
prosodists 20 14 PROSODIST, one skill...
prospectus 25 20 the outline of any p...
prosperous 21 17 thriving, affluent [...
prostheses 21 15 PROSTHESIS, the addi...
prosthesis 22 15 the addition to the...
prostrates 19 13 PROSTRATE, to throw...
protamines 19 17 PROTAMINE, any of a...
protanopes 19 17 PROTANOPE, a suffere...
protecters 22 16 PROTECTER, one who p...
protectors 22 16 PROTECTOR, one who p...
proteinous 18 15 of or related to pro...
proteomics 23 19 PROTEOMIC [n]
protesters 19 13 PROTESTER, one who p...
protestors 19 13 PROTESTOR, one who p...
prothallus 24 18 the free-living game...
protistans 19 14 PROTISTAN, one of th...
protoderms 20 17 PROTODERM, the derma...
protogines 19 16 PROTOGINE, a kind of...
protonates 17 14 PROTONATE, to acquir...
protostars 19 13 PROTOSTAR, a condens...
prototypes 27 18 PROTOTYPE, to make a...
protoxides 25 21 PROTOXIDE, that one...
protozoans 20 23 PROTOZOAN, any membe...
protozoons 20 23 PROTOZOON, any membe...
proustites 20 14 PROUSTITE, a red sil...
provedores 20 18 PROVEDORE, a purveyo...
provenders 20 19 PROVENDER, to supply...
proviruses 22 18 PROVIRUS, the form o...
provisions 21 18 PROVISION, the act o...
provocants 23 21 PROVOCANT, one who p...
provolones 20 19 PROVOLONE, (Italian)...
prozymites 30 27 PROZYMITE, a person...
pruriences 22 18 PRURIENCE, the state...
prurituses 21 15 PRURITUS, intense it...
prussiates 20 14 PRUSSIATE, a salt of...
psalmbooks 24 24 PSALMBOOK, a book of...
psalmodies 21 18 PSALMODY, the use of...
psalteries 20 14 PSALTERY, an ancient...
psellismus 24 19 a defect in articula...
pseuderies 19 15 PSEUDERY, falseness...
pseudonyms 26 21 PSEUDONYM, a fictiti...
pseudopods 21 19 PSEUDOPOD, a process...
psoriatics 23 16 PSORIATIC, a person...
psychotics 35 23 PSYCHOTIC, one suffe...
ptarmigans 21 19 PTARMIGAN, (Gaelic)...
pteridines 19 15 PTERIDINE, any membe...
pterosaurs 19 14 PTEROSAUR, a pteroda...
pterygials 28 18 PTERYGIAL, a bone in...
pterygiums 29 21 PTERYGIUM, a growth...
pterygoids 27 18 PTERYGOID, a paired...
pteryloses 26 16 PTERYLOSIS, the arra...
pterylosis 27 16 the arrangement of f...
puberulous 23 20 feebly or minutely p...
publicises 27 21 PUBLICISE, to make p...
publicists 28 21 PUBLICIST, someone w...
publicizes 30 30 PUBLICIZE, to make p...
publicness 26 22 the state of being p...
publishers 26 20 PUBLISHER, one who p...
puddenings 20 20 PUDDENING, a pad of...
pudicities 24 18 PUDICITY, modesty; c...
puerilisms 23 18 PUERILISM, childishn...
puftaloons 21 19 PUFTALOON, (Australi...
pugnacious 23 21 having a quarrelsome...
puissances 22 18 PUISSANCE, (archaic)...
pullulates 23 18 PULLULATE, to swarm,...
pulmonates 20 19 PULMONATE, a member...
pulpboards 25 22 PULPBOARD, a coarse...
pulpiteers 23 18 PULPITEER, someone w...
pulpitries 24 18 PULPITRY, sermonizin...
pulpstones 22 19 PULPSTONE, a grindst...
pulsations 20 16 PULSATION, a beating...
pulsebeats 22 18 PULSEBEAT, the pulse...
pultaceous 23 19 macerated and soften...
pulverines 22 20 PULVERINE, barilla a...
pulverises 23 19 PULVERISE, to reduce...
pulverizes 26 28 PULVERIZE, to reduce...
pulvillios 26 21 PULVILLIO, (historic...
pulvinules 24 22 PULVINULE, the pulvi...
punchballs 29 25 PUNCHBALL, a suspend...
punchbowls 31 27 PUNCHBOWL, a bowl fo...
punchiness 24 21 the quality of being...
punchlines 25 22 PUNCHLINE, the last...
punctators 22 18 PUNCTATOR, someone w...
punctilios 24 19 PUNCTILIO, (Italian)...
punctuates 22 19 PUNCTUATE, to mark w...
puncturers 23 19 PUNCTURER, one who p...
punditries 20 16 PUNDITRY, the learni...
pundonores 17 17 PUNDONOR, (Spanish)...
pungencies 22 21 PUNGENCY, the state...
puninesses 18 16 PUNINESS, the state...
pupigerous 23 20 bearing a puparium [...
pupillages 25 21 PUPILLAGE, the state...
pupillates 24 19 PUPILLATE, to cry in...
pupilships 29 23 PUPILSHIP, the state...
pupiparous 24 21 bearing, or containi...
puppeteers 23 20 PUPPETEER, one who o...
puppetries 24 20 PUPPETRY, the art of...
puppyhoods 32 25 PUPPYHOOD, the time...
purchasers 25 19 PURCHASER, one who p...
purdoniums 21 20 PURDONIUM, a kind of...
purebloods 22 19 PUREBLOOD, a horse e...
purenesses 18 15 PURENESS, the qualit...
purgations 20 17 PURGATION, the act o...
purgatives 23 20 PURGATIVE, a medicin...
purloiners 20 16 PURLOINER, one who p...
puromycins 30 23 PUROMYCIN, a type of...
purpleness 22 19 the state of being p...
pursuances 22 19 PURSUANCE, the act o...
purulences 23 20 PURULENCE, the state...
pushchairs 28 21 PUSHCHAIR, a chair o...
pussyfoots 28 19 PUSSYFOOT, to tread...
pustulants 21 17 PUSTULANT, an agent...
pustulates 21 16 PUSTULATE, to form i...
putonghuas 22 20 PUTONGHUA, the offic...
putrefiers 22 17 PUTREFIER, an agent...
putridness 20 16 the state of being p...
putschists 27 19 PUTSCHIST, one who e...
puttyroots 26 16 PUTTYROOT, an Americ...
puzzledoms 28 37 PUZZLEDOM, the domai...
puzzolanas 25 34 PUZZOLANA, (Italian)...
pycnosomes 28 22 PYCNOSOME, a body ty...
pyelitises 27 16 PYELITIS, inflammati...
pyelograms 28 21 PYELOGRAM, an X-ray...
pygarguses 28 20 PYGARGUS, (obsolete)...
pygostyles 34 20 PYGOSTYLE, the bone...
pyknosomes 26 23 PYKNOSOME, the short...
pyogeneses 24 18 PYOGENESIS, the form...
pyogenesis 25 18 the formation of pus...
pyorrhoeas 26 17 PYORRHOEA, suppurati...
pyracanths 30 21 PYRACANTH, the everg...
pyralidids 28 18 PYRALIDID, a kind of...
pyramidons 26 20 PYRAMIDON, an organ-...
pyreneites 24 16 PYRENEITE, a black g...
pyrethrins 28 18 PYRETHRIN, either of...
pyrethrums 30 21 PYRETHRUM, a name st...
pyridoxals 33 24 PYRIDOXAL, a crystal...
pyridoxins 32 24 PYRIDOXIN, a pyridin...
pyrocerams 29 21 PYROCERAM, a transpa...
pyroclasts 30 19 PYROCLAST, ash and o...
pyrogenous 25 19 produced by, or prod...
pyrolaters 26 16 PYROLATER, a fire-wo...
pyrologies 27 18 PYROLOGY, the scient...
pyrolysers 33 18 PYROLYSER, a device...
pyrolyzers 36 27 PYROLYZER, an agent...
pyromanias 25 19 PYROMANIA, an obsess...
pyrometers 26 18 PYROMETER, an instru...
pyrophones 28 21 PYROPHONE, an organ...
pyrophorus 30 21 any substance capabl...
pyroscopes 30 21 PYROSCOPE, an instru...
pyroxylins 39 26 PYROXYLIN, any of th...
qinghaosus 28 25 QINGHAOSU, (Chinese)...
quackeries 29 27 QUACKERY, the practi...
quadplexes 34 32 QUADPLEX, a building...
quadrantes 24 22 QUADRANS, a Roman co...
quadratics 29 24 QUADRATIC, a quadrat...
quadrellas 27 23 QUADRELLA, (Australi...
quadriceps 31 27 the great extensor m...
quadrilles 28 23 QUADRILLE, (French)...
quadrumans 26 26 QUADRUMAN, a former...
quadrupeds 28 26 QUADRUPED, a four-fo...
quadruples 29 26 QUADRUPLE, to increa...
quaesitums 27 24 QUAESITUM, (Latin) s...
quagginess 27 25 the state of being q...
quaintness 24 22 the state of being q...
qualifiers 29 24 QUALIFIER, one who q...
quandaries 24 22 QUANDARY, a state of...
quantifies 27 24 QUANTIFY, to determi...
quantisers 25 21 QUANTISER, one who q...
quantities 25 21 QUANTITY, a certain...
quantizers 28 30 QUANTIZER, one who q...
quarendens 23 23 QUARENDEN, a kind of...
quarenders 24 22 QUARENDER, a kind of...
quarrelers 26 21 QUARRELER, one who q...
quarryings 33 25 QUARRYING, the act o...
quarterers 25 20 QUARTERER, one who q...
quartettes 25 20 QUARTETTE, a set of...
quartzites 29 29 QUARTZITE, a metamor...
quaverings 28 27 QUAVERING, the act o...
queasiness 24 21 the state of being q...
quebrachos 32 28 QUEBRACHO, (Spanish)...
queencakes 27 28 QUEENCAKE, a small l...
queenhoods 25 24 QUEENHOOD, the state...
queenships 29 26 QUEENSHIP, the state...
queensides 24 22 QUEENSIDE, in chess,...
queercores 27 23 QUEERCORE, a type of...
queerities 25 20 QUEERITY, oddity [n]
quenchings 31 29 QUENCHING, the act o...
quenchless 31 27 incapable of being q...
quercetins 28 24 QUERCETIN, a yellow...
quercetums 30 27 QUERCETUM, (Latin) a...
quercitins 29 24 QUERCITIN, a yellow...
questrists 27 20 QUESTRIST, (Shakespe...
quibblings 33 30 QUIBBLING, the act o...
quickbeams 33 33 QUICKBEAM, the hawth...
quickeners 29 28 QUICKENER, one who q...
quicklimes 33 31 QUICKLIME, unslaked...
quicksands 30 29 QUICKSAND, a loose w...
quicksteps 33 30 QUICKSTEP, a fast ma...
quiddanies 25 23 QUIDDANY, a jelly or...
quiddities 27 22 QUIDDITY, the inhere...
quieteners 24 21 QUIETENER, one who q...
quillbacks 35 32 QUILLBACK, an Americ...
quillworks 33 29 QUILLWORK, ornamenta...
quillworts 32 25 QUILLWORT, an aquati...
quincunxes 34 33 QUINCUNX, an arrange...
quinidines 25 23 QUINIDINE, a cinchon...
quinolines 25 23 QUINOLINE, a pungent...
quinolones 24 23 QUINOLONE, any of a...
quinquinas 33 32 QUINQUINA, (Quechua)...
quintettes 25 21 QUINTETTE, a composi...
quintroons 24 22 QUINTROON, an old te...
quintuples 29 26 QUINTUPLE, to make f...
quiristers 27 20 QUIRISTER, a member...
quirkiness 27 25 the state of being q...
quitclaims 32 27 QUITCLAIM [n]
quittances 28 24 QUITTANCE, to repay...
quiverfuls 32 29 QUIVERFUL, the conte...
quiverings 29 27 QUIVERING, the act o...
quixotisms 34 30 QUIXOTISM, quixotic...
quixotries 32 27 QUIXOTRY, quixotic p...
quizzeries 32 38 QUIZZERY, the act of...
quizzifies 35 41 QUIZZIFY, (obsolete)...
quizziness 32 39 oddness [n -ES]
quodlibets 29 25 QUODLIBET, (Latin) a...
quotations 24 21 QUOTATION, something...
quotatious 25 21 tending to quote [ad...
quotatives 27 24 QUOTATIVE, a functio...
quotidians 25 22 QUOTIDIAN, a quotidi...
quotitions 25 21 QUOTITION, a divisio...
rabatments 19 17 RABATMENT, rotation...
rabattings 20 16 RABATTING [n]
rabbinates 20 17 RABBINATE, the offic...
rabbinisms 23 20 RABBINISM, a rabbini...
rabbinists 22 17 RABBINIST, a person...
rabbinites 21 17 RABBINITE, a person...
rabbitings 23 19 RABBITING, the act o...
rabbitries 22 16 RABBITRY, a place wh...
rabidities 20 14 RABIDITY, the state...
raccahouts 25 19 RACCAHOUT, (Arabic)...
racegoings 21 18 RACEGOING, attendanc...
racehorses 21 15 RACEHORSE, a horse b...
racetracks 24 20 RACETRACK, a track o...
rachitides 23 16 RACHITIS, inflammati...
rachitises 23 15 RACHITIS, inflammati...
racialises 21 14 RACIALISE, to make r...
racialisms 23 17 RACIALISM, a doctrin...
racialists 22 14 RACIALIST, one with...
racializes 24 23 RACIALIZE, to make r...
raciations 19 14 RACIATION, the forma...
racinesses 19 14 RACINESS, the qualit...
rackabones 21 21 a very lean animal,...
racketeers 20 17 RACKETEER, a crimina...
racketries 21 17 RACKETRY, illegal in...
raconteurs 19 15 RACONTEUR, (French)...
radialises 18 12 RADIALISE, to arrang...
radializes 21 21 RADIALIZE, to arrang...
radiancies 19 15 RADIANCY, the qualit...
radiations 16 12 RADIATION, heat tran...
radicchios 26 19 RADICCHIO, (Italian)...
radiogolds 19 15 RADIOGOLD, the radio...
radiograms 19 16 RADIOGRAM, an X-ray...
radiolyses 24 14 RADIOLYSIS, chemical...
radiolysis 25 14 chemical decompositi...
radiothons 18 14 RADIOTHON, a maratho...
raffinates 20 17 RAFFINATE, the refin...
raffinoses 20 17 RAFFINOSE, a colorle...
rafflesias 22 17 RAFFLESIA, any of va...
rafterings 20 16 RAFTERING, rafters c...
raggedness 18 16 the state of being r...
ragpickers 25 22 RAGPICKER, one who g...
railbusses 21 15 RAILBUS, a passenger...
railleries 19 12 RAILLERY, good-natur...
rainchecks 26 23 RAINCHECK, a ticket...
rainmakers 18 18 RAINMAKER, a person...
rainproofs 20 17 RAINPROOF, to make p...
rainspouts 19 15 RAINSPOUT, a gutter,...
rainsticks 22 18 RAINSTICK, a musical...
rainstorms 18 14 RAINSTORM, a storm o...
rainwashes 21 16 RAINWASH, to wash ma...
rainwaters 19 14 RAINWATER, water fro...
rajahships 26 26 RAJAHSHIP, the offic...
rakeshames 20 19 RAKESHAME, a vile, d...
rakishness 20 17 the quality of being...
rallycross 29 17 a form of motor spor...
ramosities 18 13 RAMOSITY, the state...
rampacious 23 20 (Dickens) turbulent,...
rampageous 20 19 turbulent; unruly, a...
rampagings 22 21 RAMPAGING, the act o...
rampancies 22 20 RAMPANCY, the state...
rancherias 21 16 RANCHERIA, (Spanish)...
rancheries 21 16 RANCHERIE, a Canadia...
rancidness 19 16 the state of being r...
randomises 17 15 RANDOMISE, to make r...
randomizes 20 24 RANDOMIZE, to make r...
randomness 16 16 the state of being r...
rangatiras 17 13 RANGATIRA, (Maori) a...
rangelands 17 16 RANGELAND, land suit...
ranivorous 18 16 eating frogs [adj]
ranknesses 16 16 RANKNESS, the state...
rankshifts 23 20 RANKSHIFT, to shift...
ransackers 20 18 RANSACKER, one who r...
ranshakles 20 18 RANSHAKLE, (Scott) t...
ransomless 18 15 incapable of being r...
ranterisms 18 14 RANTERISM, the pract...
rantipoles 19 15 RANTIPOLE, to act in...
ranunculus 21 19 a genus of herbs, mo...
rapacities 22 16 RAPACITY, the qualit...
rapidities 20 14 RAPIDITY, the state...
raptnesses 18 14 RAPTNESS, the state...
rapturises 20 14 RAPTURISE, to put, o...
rapturists 21 14 RAPTURIST, an enthus...
rapturizes 23 23 RAPTURIZE, to put, o...
rarenesses 15 11 RARENESS, the qualit...
rascailles 22 15 RASCAILLE, (archaic)...
rascaldoms 22 18 RASCALDOM, the state...
rascalisms 23 17 RASCALISM, rascally...
rashnesses 18 13 RASHNESS, the state...
rastafaris 19 13 RASTAFARI, a member...
rasterises 17 10 RASTERISE, to conver...
rasterizes 20 19 RASTERIZE, to conver...
ratemeters 17 13 RATEMETER, an instru...
ratepayers 24 15 RATEPAYER, one who p...
ratheripes 21 15 RATHERIPE, a fruit t...
rationales 16 12 RATIONALE, a reasone...
rationings 17 14 RATIONING, distribut...
rattenings 17 14 RATTENING [v]
rattlebags 21 16 RATTLEBAG, a rattle...
rattlepods 20 15 a genus of plants an...
rauwolfias 23 18 RAUWOLFIA, a tropica...
ravellings 22 19 RAVELLING, a ravelle...
ravelments 20 19 RAVELMENT, confusion...
ravigottes 20 16 RAVIGOTTE, (French)...
rawmaishes 23 18 RAWMAISH, (Irish) fo...
raygrasses 24 14 RAYGRASS, a pasture...
razmatazes 23 31 RAZMATAZ, a to-do, a...
razorbacks 26 29 RAZORBACK, the rorqu...
razorbills 25 24 RAZORBILL, a species...
razorclams 25 26 RAZORCLAM, a lamelli...
reacclaims 25 20 REACCLAIM, to acclai...
reacquires 28 23 REACQUIRE, to acquir...
reactances 21 17 REACTANCE, the compo...
reactuates 19 14 REACTUATE, to actuat...
readvances 20 19 READVANCE, to advanc...
readymades 23 17 READYMADE, a readyma...
reaedifies 18 14 REAEDIFY, (Spenser)...
reaedifyes 24 16 REAEDIFYE, (Spenser)...
reagencies 19 16 REAGENCY, a substanc...
realnesses 16 12 REALNESS, the state...
reanalyses 22 14 REANALYSE [n]
reanalysis 23 14 the act of analysing...
reanalyzes 25 23 REANALYZE, to analyz...
reanimates 16 14 REANIMATE, to bring...
reapparels 21 17 REAPPAREL, to clothe...
reappoints 20 17 REAPPOINT, to appoin...
reapproves 22 20 REAPPROVE, to approv...
rearguards 18 14 REARGUARD, the rear...
rearhorses 18 12 REARHORSE, a praying...
rearousals 17 12 REAROUSAL, the act o...
rearranges 16 13 REARRANGE, to arrang...
reasonings 16 14 REASONING, the deriv...
reasonless 16 12 destitute of reason...
reassesses 16 10 REASSESS, to assess...
reassurers 17 11 REASSURER, one who r...
reastiness 16 11 the state of being r...
reattaches 21 15 REATTACH, to attach...
reattempts 20 16 REATTEMPT, to attemp...
rebalances 21 18 REBALANCE, to balanc...
rebaptises 21 16 REBAPTISE, to baptiz...
rebaptisms 23 19 REBAPTISM, a second...
rebaptizes 24 25 REBAPTIZE, to baptiz...
rebbetzins 24 26 REBBETZIN, (Yiddish)...
rebellions 20 16 REBELLION, the act o...
rebellious 21 16 given to or engaged...
rebirthers 22 15 REBIRTHER, one who c...
reblochons 24 20 REBLOCHON, a delicat...
reblossoms 21 17 REBLOSSOM, to blosso...
reboations 17 14 REBOATION, being reb...
rebounders 18 16 REBOUNDER, something...
rebranches 23 19 REBRANCH, to form se...
rebutments 20 18 REBUTMENT, the act o...
recalesces 23 17 RECALESCE, to libera...
recalments 21 18 RECALMENT, the act o...
recaptions 21 17 RECAPTION, taking ba...
recaptures 22 17 RECAPTURE, to captur...
recatalogs 21 16 RECATALOG, to catalo...
recautions 19 15 RECAUTION, to cautio...
receiptors 22 16 RECEIPTOR, a person...
receivings 23 20 RECEIVING, the act o...
recensions 18 15 RECENSION, the act o...
recentness 18 15 the state of being r...
receptions 21 17 RECEPTION, the act o...
recessions 19 14 RECESSION, a tempora...
recessives 22 17 RECESSIVE, a recessi...
rechannels 21 18 RECHANNEL, to channe...
rechargers 23 17 RECHARGER, a device...
recharters 22 15 RECHARTER, to charte...
rechauffes 26 22 RECHAUFFE, (French)...
recidivous 23 19 given to recidivism...
recipients 22 17 RECIPIENT, one who r...
reckonings 21 21 RECKONING, the act o...
reclaimers 22 17 RECLAIMER, one who r...
reclusions 21 16 RECLUSION, religious...
recodifies 22 17 RECODIFY, to insert...
recognises 20 16 RECOGNISE, to identi...
recognizes 23 25 RECOGNIZE, to identi...
recoilless 22 15 without recoil (of a...
recoinages 19 16 RECOINAGE, the act o...
recollects 25 18 RECOLLECT, to rememb...
recombines 22 20 RECOMBINE, to combin...
recomforts 23 19 RECOMFORT, (archaic)...
recommends 21 21 RECOMMEND, to commen...
recompacts 26 22 RECOMPACT, to compac...
recompiles 24 20 RECOMPILE, to compil...
recomposes 22 19 RECOMPOSE, to compos...
recompress 23 19 to compress again [v...
recomputes 23 20 RECOMPUTE, to comput...
reconciles 23 18 RECONCILE, to restor...
reconducts 23 19 RECONDUCT, to conduc...
reconfines 20 18 RECONFINE, to confin...
reconfirms 23 20 RECONFIRM, to confir...
reconnects 21 18 RECONNECT, to connec...
reconquers 27 24 RECONQUER, to conque...
reconsigns 20 17 RECONSIGN, to consig...
reconsoles 19 15 RECONSOLE, to consol...
reconsults 21 16 RECONSULT, to consul...
recontacts 22 17 RECONTACT, to contac...
recontours 19 15 RECONTOUR, to contou...
reconvenes 19 19 RECONVENE, to conven...
reconverts 21 18 RECONVERT, to conver...
reconvicts 25 21 RECONVICT, to convic...
recordings 21 17 RECORDING, a record...
recordists 21 14 RECORDIST, a person...
recountals 20 16 RECOUNTAL, the act o...
recounters 19 15 RECOUNTER, one who r...
recoverees 20 17 RECOVEREE, the perso...
recoverers 21 17 RECOVERER, one who r...
recoveries 21 17 RECOVERY, an economi...
recoverors 21 17 RECOVEROR, the deman...
recreances 21 17 RECREANCE, mean-spir...
recreators 19 13 RECREATOR, one who r...
recrements 20 17 RECREMENT, a waste p...
recruitals 22 15 RECRUITAL, the act o...
recruiters 21 14 RECRUITER, one who r...
rectangles 21 17 RECTANGLE, a four-si...
rectifiers 23 16 RECTIFIER, a person...
rectitises 21 13 RECTITIS, inflammati...
rectitudes 21 15 RECTITUDE, rightness...
rectoceles 23 17 RECTOCELE, the herni...
rectorates 19 13 RECTORATE, the offic...
rectorials 21 14 RECTORIAL, at a Scot...
rectresses 20 13 RECTRESS, a female r...
recureless 21 15 (obsolete) incurable...
recursions 20 15 RECURSION, the appli...
recusances 22 18 RECUSANCE, the state...
recyclates 30 19 RECYCLATE, material...
recyclings 32 22 RECYCLING, the act o...
recyclists 32 19 RECYCLIST, one who r...
redactions 19 15 REDACTION, an act or...
redbaiters 19 14 REDBAITER, one who r...
redbellies 21 16 REDBELLY, the char o...
redbreasts 19 14 REDBREAST, the robin...
redecrafts 22 17 REDECRAFT, (archaic)...
redeemless 18 15 not to be redeemed [...
redelivers 20 16 REDELIVER, to delive...
redeposits 19 14 REDEPOSIT, to deposi...
redescends 19 16 REDESCEND, to descen...
redevelops 21 19 REDEVELOP, to develo...
redictates 20 14 REDICTATE, to dictat...
redingotes 17 14 REDINGOTE, (French)...
redisplays 27 17 REDISPLAY, to displa...
redisposes 19 14 REDISPOSE, to dispos...
redistills 21 13 REDISTILL, to distil...
redivorces 22 18 REDIVORCE, to divorc...
redlinings 19 16 REDLINING, refusing...
redolences 19 16 REDOLENCE, fragrance...
redoublers 20 16 REDOUBLER, one who r...
redressals 18 12 REDRESSAL, an act or...
redressers 17 11 REDRESSER, one who r...
redressors 17 11 REDRESSOR, one who r...
redstreaks 18 15 REDSTREAK, a favorit...
reductants 20 16 REDUCTANT, a reducin...
reductases 20 15 REDUCTASE, an enzyme...
reductions 20 16 REDUCTION, the act o...
reductives 23 19 REDUCTIVE, a reducin...
reeditions 16 12 REEDITION, the act o...
reeducates 19 15 REEDUCATE, to educat...
reelevates 18 15 REELEVATE, to elevat...
reembodies 19 17 REEMBODY, to embody...
reembraces 22 19 REEMBRACE, to embrac...
reemphases 21 18 REEMPHASIS, emphasis...
reemphasis 22 18 emphasis again [n RE...
reenactors 18 14 REENACTOR, one who r...
reenforces 20 17 REENFORCE, to streng...
reengraves 18 17 REENGRAVE, to engrav...
reenlarges 17 14 REENLARGE, to enlarg...
reenslaves 18 16 REENSLAVE, to enslav...
reentrants 15 12 REENTRANT, something...
reexamines 22 21 REEXAMINE, to examin...
reexecutes 25 21 REEXECUTE, to execut...
reexhibits 28 22 REEXHIBIT, to exhibi...
reexplains 25 22 REEXPLAIN, to explai...
reexplores 25 21 REEXPLORE, to explor...
refashions 20 16 REFASHION, to fashio...
refections 21 17 REFECTION, refreshme...
references 20 17 REFERENCE, to refer...
refinances 20 18 REFINANCE, to financ...
refineries 18 14 REFINERY, a place wh...
refinishes 21 16 REFINISH, to give a...
refitments 20 17 REFITMENT, the act o...
refittings 21 16 REFITTING, the act o...
reflations 19 15 REFLATION, an increa...
reflecters 23 17 REFLECTER, (Swift) a...
reflectors 23 17 REFLECTOR, something...
reflexions 25 22 REFLEXION, the act o...
reflexives 28 25 REFLEXIVE, a reflexi...
reflowings 24 20 REFLOWING, the act o...
refluences 22 19 REFLUENCE, a flowing...
refocusses 22 17 REFOCUS, to focus ag...
reformades 19 17 REFORMADE, (Spanish)...
reformados 19 17 REFORMADO, (Spanish)...
reformates 19 16 REFORMATE, a product...
reformings 21 19 REFORMING, the act o...
reformisms 22 19 REFORMISM, any doctr...
reformists 21 16 REFORMIST, a reforme...
refounders 18 16 REFOUNDER, one who r...
refractors 22 16 REFRACTOR, a refract...
refrainers 18 14 REFRAINER, one who r...
refreshens 20 16 REFRESHEN, to refres...
refreshers 21 15 REFRESHER, something...
refuelings 21 18 REFUELING, the act o...
refuseniks 20 19 REFUSENIK, (Russian)...
regalities 19 13 REGALITY, regal auth...
regardless 19 14 having no regard; he...
reggaetons 17 15 REGGAETON, a form of...
regisseurs 19 13 REGISSEUR, (French)...
registrars 19 12 REGISTRAR, a middle-...
registries 19 12 REGISTRY, the act of...
regnancies 19 17 REGNANCY, the condit...
regratings 19 15 REGRATING, buying an...
regressors 18 12 REGRESSOR, one who r...
regretters 18 12 REGRETTER, one who r...
reguerdons 17 15 REGUERDON, (Shakespe...
regulators 19 14 REGULATOR, one who r...
rehearings 19 15 REHEARING, the act o...
rehearsals 19 13 REHEARSAL, an act of...
rehearsers 18 12 REHEARSER, one who r...
reheatings 19 15 REHEATING, the act o...
rehousings 20 16 REHOUSING, the act o...
rehydrates 25 15 REHYDRATE, to add wa...
reimagines 18 16 REIMAGINE, to imagin...
reimburses 21 17 REIMBURSE, to repay...
reimmerses 19 16 REIMMERSE, to immers...
reimplants 21 18 REIMPLANT, to implan...
reinflames 20 18 REINFLAME, to inflam...
reinflates 19 15 REINFLATE, to inflat...
reinforces 21 17 REINFORCE, to streng...
reinhabits 21 16 REINHABIT, to inhabi...
reinjuries 19 21 REINJURY, a second i...
reinspects 22 17 REINSPECT, to inspec...
reinspires 19 14 REINSPIRE, to inspir...
reinstalls 19 13 REINSTALL [v]
reinstates 16 11 REINSTATE, to instat...
reinsurers 17 12 REINSURER, one who g...
reinvolves 21 20 REINVOLVE, to involv...
reistafels 20 14 REISTAFEL, (Dutch) a...
reiterates 16 10 REITERATE, to repeat...
rejections 21 23 REJECTION, the act o...
rejoicings 23 25 REJOICING, the act o...
rejoinders 18 21 REJOINDER, a sharp a...
relacquers 29 24 RELACQUER, to lacque...
relaunches 22 18 RELAUNCH, to launch...
relaunders 17 14 RELAUNDER, to launde...
relentings 18 15 RELENTING, the act o...
relentless 18 13 unrelenting [adj REL...
relevances 21 19 RELEVANCE, the state...
relicenses 20 15 RELICENSE, to licens...
relictions 21 15 RELICTION, the reces...
reliefless 21 15 destitute of relief...
religiosos 19 13 RELIGIOSO, (Italian)...
relocatees 19 14 RELOCATEE, one who i...
relocators 20 14 RELOCATOR, one who r...
reluctates 21 15 RELUCTATE, to be rel...
remainders 17 15 REMAINDER, to sell a...
remanences 18 18 REMANENCE, the prope...
remeasures 17 14 REMEASURE, to measur...
remediates 17 14 REMEDIATE, (Shakespe...
remediless 19 15 not admitting of a r...
remigrates 19 15 REMIGRATE, to migrat...
reminisces 21 17 REMINISCE, to engage...
remissions 18 14 REMISSION, the act o...
remissness 18 14 the state of being r...
remitments 19 17 REMITMENT, the act o...
remixtures 25 21 REMIXTURE, the act o...
remodelers 18 15 REMODELER, one who r...
remodifies 20 17 REMODIFY, to modify...
remoistens 17 14 REMOISTEN, to moiste...
remontants 16 15 REMONTANT, a remonta...
remontoirs 17 14 REMONTOIR, any of va...
remoteness 16 14 the state of being r...
remoulades 18 16 REMOULADE, (French)...
rencontres 18 15 RENCONTRE [n]
renderings 17 15 RENDERING, a first c...
rendezvous 21 26 (French) an arranged...
renditions 16 13 RENDITION, to surren...
renegadoes 15 14 RENEGADO, (archaic)...
renewables 21 18 RENEWABLE, a renewab...
renitences 18 15 RENITENCE, the state...
renotifies 18 14 RENOTIFY, to notify...
renouncers 18 16 RENOUNCER, one who r...
renovators 17 15 RENOVATOR, one who,...
rentallers 18 13 RENTALLER, (Scots) a...
reobserves 20 17 REOBSERVE, to observ...
reoccupies 25 20 REOCCUPY, to occupy...
reopenings 18 17 REOPENING, the act o...
reoperates 17 13 REOPERATE, to operat...
reoviruses 19 15 REOVIRUS, a type of...
reoxidises 23 18 REOXIDISE, to oxidis...
reoxidizes 26 27 REOXIDIZE, to oxidiz...
repacifies 24 19 REPACIFY, to pacify...
repackages 23 22 REPACKAGE, to packag...
repassages 19 15 REPASSAGE, the act o...
repastures 19 14 REPASTURE, (Shakespe...
repatterns 18 14 REPATTERN, to patter...
repayments 25 19 REPAYMENT, the act o...
repeatings 19 16 REPEATING, the act o...
repechages 24 20 REPECHAGE, (French)...
repellants 20 16 REPELLANT, something...
repellents 20 16 REPELLENT, something...
repentants 17 15 REPENTANT, a peniten...
reperusals 20 15 REPERUSAL, a second...
repigments 21 19 REPIGMENT, to pigmen...
replasters 20 14 REPLASTER, to plaste...
repleaders 19 15 REPLEADER, a second...
repletions 19 15 REPLETION, the state...
replicants 23 18 REPLICANT, (in scien...
replicases 23 17 REPLICASE, a polymer...
replicates 23 17 REPLICATE, to make a...
repolishes 22 16 REPOLISH, to polish...
reportages 19 15 REPORTAGE, reporting...
reportings 20 16 REPORTING, the act o...
repositors 19 13 REPOSITOR, an instru...
repottings 20 16 REPOTTING, the act o...
reprehends 20 17 REPREHEND, to rebuke...
represents 18 14 REPRESENT, to exhibi...
repressers 19 13 REPRESSER, one who r...
repressors 19 13 REPRESSOR, one who r...
reprievals 22 18 REPRIEVAL, a repriev...
reprievers 21 17 REPRIEVER, one who r...
reprimands 20 18 REPRIMAND, to scold,...
reprinters 19 14 REPRINTER, one who r...
reproaches 23 18 REPROACH, to find fa...
reprobates 20 16 REPROBATE, to disapp...
reproduces 22 18 REPRODUCE, to produc...
reprograms 21 18 REPROGRAM, to progra...
reptations 18 14 REPTATION, the act o...
reptilians 20 15 REPTILIAN, a reptile...
reptilious 21 15 like a reptile [adj]
reptiloids 21 15 REPTILOID, any anima...
repudiates 19 15 REPUDIATE, to cast o...
repulsions 20 16 REPULSION, the act o...
repurifies 22 17 REPURIFY, to purify...
repurposes 21 17 REPURPOSE, to purpos...
reputeless 20 15 (Shakespeare) withou...
requesters 25 20 REQUESTER, one who r...
requestors 25 20 REQUESTOR, one who r...
requickens 29 28 REQUICKEN, (Shakespe...
requirings 27 23 REQUIRING, the act o...
requisites 26 20 REQUISITE, something...
reradiates 16 11 RERADIATE, to radiat...
rerailings 19 14 RERAILING, the act o...
rereadings 17 14 REREADING, the act o...
rerebraces 21 16 REREBRACE, armour fo...
reredosses 16 11 REREDOS, a screen or...
rereleases 16 11 RERELEASE, to releas...
rescinders 20 15 RESCINDER, one who r...
researches 21 15 RESEARCH, to investi...
resections 19 14 RESECTION, the opera...
reseizures 20 20 RESEIZURE, the act o...
resemblers 21 17 RESEMBLER, one who r...
reserpines 18 14 RESERPINE, a sedativ...
reservices 22 17 RESERVICE, to servic...
reservists 20 14 RESERVIST, a member...
reservoirs 19 14 RESERVOIR, to keep a...
reshapings 22 18 RESHAPING, the act o...
resharpens 20 16 RESHARPEN, to sharpe...
reshingles 21 16 RESHINGLE, to shingl...
reshippers 24 18 RESHIPPER, one who r...
reshuffles 25 20 RESHUFFLE, to shuffl...
residences 19 15 RESIDENCE, a place w...
resinifies 19 14 RESINIFY, to convert...
resistants 17 11 RESISTANT, a person...
resistents 17 11 RESISTENT, a person...
resistless 19 11 (archaic) irresistib...
resittings 19 13 RESITTING, the act o...
resituates 17 11 RESITUATE, to situat...
resketches 23 19 RESKETCH, to sketch...
resnatrons 15 12 RESNATRON, a high-po...
resolvents 19 16 RESOLVENT, a means o...
resonances 17 15 RESONANCE, resoundin...
resonators 15 11 RESONATOR, a resonat...
respecters 22 16 RESPECTER, one who r...
responders 18 15 RESPONDER, one who r...
responsers 18 14 RESPONSER, one who r...
responsors 18 14 RESPONSOR, one who r...
responsums 20 18 RESPONSUM, (Latin) i...
ressaldars 18 12 RESSALDAR, (Urdu) an...
restarters 17 10 RESTARTER, something...
restations 16 11 RESTATION, to statio...
restitches 23 15 RESTITCH, to stitch...
restitutes 18 11 RESTITUTE, (archaic)...
restraints 17 11 RESTRAINT, the act o...
restresses 17 10 RESTRESS, to stress...
restringes 18 13 RESTRINGE, to restri...
resubjects 25 26 RESUBJECT, to subjec...
resultants 18 13 RESULTANT, the produ...
resultless 20 13 being without result...
resupplies 23 18 RESUPPLY, to supply...
resurfaces 22 17 RESURFACE, to surfac...
resurrects 21 14 RESURRECT, to bring...
resuspends 19 16 RESUSPEND, to suspen...
reswallows 25 18 RESWALLOW, to swallo...
retailings 19 14 RETAILING, the act o...
retaliates 17 11 RETALIATE, to repay...
retardants 16 12 RETARDANT, something...
retardates 16 11 RETARDATE [v]
retellings 20 15 RETELLING, the act o...
retentions 15 12 RETENTION, the act o...
retentives 18 15 RETENTIVE, as in ana...
retextures 23 18 RETEXTURE, to treat...
rethinkers 20 17 RETHINKER, one who r...
reticellas 22 15 RETICELLA, an early...
reticences 22 17 RETICENCE, the quali...
reticulums 24 19 RETICULUM, a network...
retightens 20 15 RETIGHTEN, to tighte...
retiracies 20 13 RETIRACY, seclusion...
retorsions 16 11 RETORSION, the act o...
retortions 16 11 RETORTION, the act o...
retouchers 22 16 RETOUCHER, one who r...
retractors 20 13 RETRACTOR, something...
retrainees 15 11 RETRAINEE, one who i...
retreaters 16 10 RETREATER, one who r...
retrenches 21 16 RETRENCH, to cut dow...
retributes 20 14 RETRIBUTE, to give i...
retrievals 20 15 RETRIEVAL, the act o...
retrievers 19 14 RETRIEVER, one of a...
retrocedes 19 14 RETROCEDE, to cede b...
retrodicts 21 14 RETRODICT, to utiliz...
retrofires 19 13 RETROFIRE, to cause...
retrogress 18 12 to show backward mov...
retrojects 22 22 RETROJECT, to throw...
retropacks 23 20 RETROPACK, a system...
retroverts 19 14 RETROVERT, to turn b...
retrovirus 20 15 any of a group of vi...
returnless 18 13 admitting no return...
reutilises 19 12 REUTILISE, to utilis...
reutilizes 22 21 REUTILIZE, to utiliz...
revalentas 18 16 REVALENTA, lentil-me...
revaluates 19 16 REVALUATE, to evalua...
revampings 23 23 REVAMPING, renovatio...
revealings 20 18 REVEALING, the act o...
revelators 19 15 REVELATOR, one who m...
revellings 22 19 REVELLING, the act o...
revelments 20 19 REVELMENT, the act o...
revengings 20 20 REVENGING, the act o...
reverences 20 18 REVERENCE, to venera...
reverifies 21 17 REVERIFY, to verify...
reversings 20 17 REVERSING [n]
reversions 18 15 REVERSION, the act o...
reversises 19 14 REVERSIS, an old car...
revertants 18 15 REVERTANT, (French)...
revestries 19 14 REVESTRY, a room in...
revetments 19 18 REVETMENT, a masonry...
revibrates 21 17 REVIBRATE, to vibrat...
revictuals 24 19 REVICTUAL, to victua...
reviolates 19 15 REVIOLATE, to violat...
revivifies 24 21 REVIVIFY, to reactiv...
revolvings 23 22 REVOLVING, the act o...
revulsions 20 17 REVULSION, a feeling...
revulsives 23 20 REVULSIVE, a counter...
rewardless 21 15 having, or affording...
rewildings 23 18 REWILDING, the pract...
rewindings 21 18 REWINDING, the act o...
rewordings 21 17 REWORDING, the act o...
reworkings 22 20 REWORKING, the act o...
rhachillas 27 19 RHACHILLA, the axis...
rhapontics 24 19 RHAPONTIC, the commo...
rhapsodies 21 16 RHAPSODY, an irregul...
rheochords 24 18 RHEOCHORD, a wire rh...
rheologies 20 15 RHEOLOGY, the study...
rheometers 19 15 RHEOMETER, an instru...
rheophiles 24 18 RHEOPHILE, a creatur...
rheotropes 20 15 RHEOTROPE, an instru...
rhetorises 19 12 RHETORISE, (obsolete...
rhetorizes 22 21 RHETORIZE, (obsolete...
rheumatics 24 19 RHEUMATIC, one who s...
rhigolenes 20 16 RHIGOLENE, a volatil...
rhinitides 20 14 RHINITIS, inflammati...
rhinitises 20 13 RHINITIS, inflammati...
rhinoceros 21 16 a large heavy ungula...
rhinoliths 23 16 RHINOLITH, a concret...
rhinovirus 22 18 a virus belonging to...
rhipidions 22 17 RHIPIDION, (Greek) i...
rhipidiums 25 20 RHIPIDIUM, a fan-sha...
rhizocarps 28 27 RHIZOCARP, a water-f...
rhizocauls 27 26 RHIZOCAUL, the rootl...
rhizopuses 25 25 RHIZOPUS, any of a g...
rhodamines 19 17 RHODAMINE, a synthet...
rhodanates 17 14 RHODANATE, in dyeing...
rhodanises 18 14 RHODANISE, to electr...
rhodanizes 21 23 RHODANIZE, to electr...
rhodolites 20 14 RHODOLITE, a rose-re...
rhodonites 18 14 RHODONITE, a rose-re...
rhodopsins 21 17 RHODOPSIN, visual pu...
rhoeadines 17 14 RHOEADINE, an alkalo...
rhoicissus 24 16 a genus of climbing...
rhomboides 22 19 a rhomboid, also RHO...
rhopalisms 24 19 RHOPALISM, a sentenc...
rhotacises 22 15 RHOTACISE, to change...
rhotacisms 24 18 RHOTACISM, the exces...
rhotacists 23 15 RHOTACIST, one whose...
rhotacizes 25 24 RHOTACIZE, to change...
rhymesters 27 17 RHYMESTER, a poetast...
rhythmises 30 19 RHYTHMISE, to subjec...
rhythmists 31 19 RHYTHMIST, a person...
rhythmizes 33 28 RHYTHMIZE, to subjec...
rhythmless 31 20 being without rhythm...
rhythmuses 30 20 RHYTHMUS, a pattern...
rhytidomes 27 18 RHYTIDOME, the bark...
ribaldries 21 15 RIBALDRY, crude lang...
ribattutas 20 14 RIBATTUTA, (Italian)...
ribaudries 20 15 RIBAUDRY, (Spenser)...
ribavirins 22 18 RIBAVIRIN, a synthet...
ribbonries 21 17 RIBBONRY, ribbons co...
ribgrasses 21 15 RIBGRASS, a weedy pl...
ricefields 24 18 RICEFIELD, a field u...
ricercares 23 16 RICERCARE, any of va...
ricercatas 23 16 RICERCATA, any of va...
richnesses 22 16 RICHNESS, the state...
rickstands 22 19 RICKSTAND, a floorin...
ricksticks 28 24 RICKSTICK, a toothed...
riderships 23 16 RIDERSHIP, being a r...
ridgebacks 25 23 RIDGEBACK, a large h...
ridgelines 19 15 RIDGELINE, a line ma...
ridgelings 21 17 RIDGELING, a male an...
ridgepoles 21 17 RIDGEPOLE, the timbe...
ridgetrees 18 13 RIDGETREE, the timbe...
ridiculers 23 16 RIDICULER, one who r...
ridiculous 23 17 arousing or deservin...
rifamycins 30 22 RIFAMYCIN, an antibi...
rifenesses 18 14 RIFENESS, the state...
riflebirds 24 18 RIFLEBIRD, each of t...
rightsizes 25 23 RIGHTSIZE, to adapt...
rightwards 25 18 toward the right, al...
rigidifies 22 16 RIGIDIFY, to make st...
rigidities 20 13 RIGIDITY, the state...
rigmaroles 20 16 RIGMAROLE, a success...
rigsdalers 20 14 RIGSDALER, (Dutch) a...
rigwiddies 23 17 RIGWIDDIE, (Scots) a...
rigwoodies 21 16 RIGWOODIE, (Scots) a...
rijstafels 23 23 RIJSTAFEL, (Dutch) a...
riminesses 18 14 RIMINESS, the condit...
rimosities 19 13 RIMOSITY, the state...
ringhalses 21 16 RINGHALS, (Afrikaans...
ringsiders 19 14 RINGSIDER, one with...
ringstands 18 15 RINGSTAND, a stand f...
ringtosses 18 13 RINGTOSS, a game in...
rinkhalses 21 18 RINKHALS, (Afrikaans...
ripenesses 18 14 RIPENESS, the state...
ripienists 20 14 RIPIENIST, a supplem...
ritonavirs 19 15 RITONAVIR, a drug us...
ritornells 19 13 RITORNELL, a short i...
ritualises 19 12 RITUALISE, to make i...
ritualisms 21 15 RITUALISM, regular o...
ritualists 20 12 RITUALIST, a believe...
ritualizes 22 21 RITUALIZE, to make i...
rituximabs 28 24 RITUXIMAB, a drug us...
rivalesses 20 15 RIVALESS, (archaic)...
rivalities 21 15 RIVALITY, competitio...
rivalships 26 20 RIVALSHIP, rivalry [...
riverbanks 22 22 RIVERBANK, the bank...
riverboats 21 17 RIVERBOAT, a boat us...
riverheads 21 17 RIVERHEAD, the sourc...
riversides 20 15 RIVERSIDE, the area...
riverwalks 25 22 RIVERWALK, a walk be...
riverwards 23 18 towards a river, als...
riverweeds 22 18 RIVERWEED, any plant...
roadblocks 24 22 ROADBLOCK, to bar by...
roadcrafts 22 17 ROADCRAFT, knowledge...
roadhouses 18 14 ROADHOUSE, a roadsid...
roadsteads 16 12 ROADSTEAD, an anchor...
robustious 20 15 boisterous [adj ROBU...
robustness 19 15 the state of being r...
rocamboles 23 20 ROCAMBOLE, (French)...
rocketeers 20 17 ROCKETEER, a person...
rocketries 21 17 ROCKETRY, the scienc...
rockfishes 26 22 ROCKFISH, a fish liv...
rockhounds 23 22 ROCKHOUND, a person...
rockshafts 26 22 ROCKSHAFT, a shaft t...
rockslides 23 19 ROCKSLIDE, a fall of...
rockwaters 24 20 ROCKWATER, water iss...
rodfishers 22 16 RODFISHER, one who f...
rodgersias 18 13 RODGERSIA, a floweri...
rogueships 23 18 ROGUESHIP, (archaic)...
roisterers 17 10 ROISTERER, one who r...
roisterous 17 11 blustering, boistero...
romancings 21 20 ROMANCING, the act o...
romanescos 19 17 ROMANESCO, (Italian)...
romeldales 19 16 ROMELDALE, an Americ...
roofscapes 23 19 ROOFSCAPE, a view of...
rootedness 15 12 the state of being r...
rootsiness 16 11 the state of being r...
rootstalks 19 15 ROOTSTALK, an underg...
rootstocks 21 17 ROOTSTOCK, a rhizome...
ropinesses 18 14 ROPINESS, the state...
rosanilins 17 13 ROSANILIN, a reddish...
rosebushes 21 16 ROSEBUSH, a bush tha...
rosefishes 21 15 ROSEFISH, a large ma...
rosemaries 17 13 ROSEMARY, an evergre...
rosettings 18 13 ROSETTING, the devel...
rosewaters 19 13 ROSEWATER, water dis...
rosinesses 16 11 ROSINESS, the state...
rosinweeds 19 15 ROSINWEED, the compa...
rosmarines 17 14 ROSMARINE, (Spenser)...
rostellums 21 16 ROSTELLUM, the protr...
rosterings 18 13 ROSTERING, the act o...
rotachutes 22 16 ROTACHUTE, a parachu...
rotameters 17 13 ROTAMETER, an instru...
rotaplanes 18 15 ROTAPLANE, a rotor p...
rotavators 18 14 ROTAVATOR, a tool fo...
rotgrasses 18 12 ROTGRASS, soft grass...
rotiferans 18 14 ROTIFERAN, a rotifer...
rotiferous 19 14 relating to a rotife...
rotographs 22 17 ROTOGRAPH [n]
rotoscopes 21 16 ROTOSCOPE, to create...
rotovators 18 14 ROTOVATOR, a tool fo...
rottenness 15 12 the state of being r...
rotundness 16 14 the state of being r...
roughbacks 27 25 ROUGHBACK, a rough-s...
roughcasts 24 18 ROUGHCAST, to cover...
roughdries 21 16 ROUGHDRY, to dry wit...
roughnecks 24 23 ROUGHNECK, to work a...
rouncevals 22 20 ROUNCEVAL, a large v...
roundballs 21 18 ROUNDBALL, a form of...
roundelays 23 16 ROUNDELAY, a song wi...
roundhands 18 17 ROUNDHAND, a style o...
roundheels 19 16 ROUNDHEEL, an immora...
roundtrips 20 16 ROUNDTRIP, (US) a re...
roundwoods 19 17 ROUNDWOOD, timber us...
roundworms 21 19 ROUNDWORM, a nematoi...
rousedness 16 13 the state of being r...
rousements 17 15 ROUSEMENT, (US) reli...
roussettes 17 11 ROUSSETTE, (French)...
routineers 16 12 ROUTINEER, one who a...
routinises 17 12 ROUTINISE, to make r...
routinisms 19 15 ROUTINISM, the pract...
routinists 18 12 ROUTINIST, one who h...
routinizes 20 21 ROUTINIZE, to make r...
royalmasts 25 16 ROYALMAST, the highe...
roysterers 23 12 ROYSTERER, one who r...
roysterous 23 13 blustering, boistero...
rubberises 22 17 RUBBERISE, to coat w...
rubberizes 25 26 RUBBERIZE, to coat w...
rubellites 22 16 RUBELLITE, a variety...
rubiaceous 22 18 belonging to madder...
rubicelles 25 19 RUBICELLE, an orange...
rubiginous 21 18 rust-coloured, also...
rubricates 23 17 RUBRICATE, to write,...
rubricians 23 18 RUBRICIAN, a student...
ructations 20 15 RUCTATION, (obsolete...
rudbeckias 24 22 RUDBECKIA, (Swedish)...
rudderless 19 14 without a rudder [ad...
rudenesses 16 13 RUDENESS, the qualit...
ruefulness 20 17 the state of being r...
ruggedises 20 16 RUGGEDISE, to make r...
ruggedizes 23 25 RUGGEDIZE, to make r...
ruggedness 19 17 the state of being r...
rugosities 19 13 RUGOSITY, the state...
ruinations 16 13 RUINATION, the act o...
rulerships 24 17 RULERSHIP, being a r...
ruminators 18 15 RUMINATOR, one who r...
rumrunners 18 17 RUMRUNNER, a person...
runarounds 16 15 RUNAROUND, a small l...
runecrafts 22 18 RUNECRAFT, skill wit...
rupicolous 24 19 living among or grow...
ruralities 19 12 RURALITY, the state...
rushlights 26 18 RUSHLIGHT, a type of...
russetings 19 14 RUSSETING, a russet...
rusticates 21 14 RUSTICATE, to send i...
rusticises 22 14 RUSTICISE, to make r...
rusticisms 24 17 RUSTICISM, a rustic...
rusticizes 25 23 RUSTICIZE, to make r...
rustproofs 22 17 RUSTPROOF, to make r...
ruthenious 19 15 pertaining to, or co...
rutheniums 21 18 RUTHENIUM, a metalli...
rybaudryes 32 19 RYBAUDRYE, (Spenser)...
ryegrasses 24 14 RYEGRASS, a pasture...
sabadillas 21 16 SABADILLA, (Spanish)...
sabbatises 21 16 SABBATISE, to observ...
sabbatisms 23 19 SABBATISM, intermiss...
sabbatizes 24 25 SABBATIZE, to observ...
sabrewings 23 19 SABREWING, a humming...
saccharins 25 19 SACCHARIN, an artifi...
saccharums 27 22 SACCHARUM, a genus o...
sachemdoms 24 22 SACHEMDOM, the gover...
sackcloths 28 23 SACKCLOTH, a coarse...
sacralgias 22 16 SACRALGIA, inflammat...
sacralises 21 14 SACRALISE, to make s...
sacralizes 24 23 SACRALIZE, to make s...
sacraments 20 17 SACRAMENT, to bind b...
sacrariums 22 17 SACRARIUM, (Latin) t...
sacredness 19 15 the state of being s...
sacrifices 26 19 SACRIFICE, to offer...
sacrileges 22 16 SACRILEGE, profanati...
sacristans 20 14 SACRISTAN, a Church...
sacristies 21 13 SACRISTY, a room in...
saddlebags 21 18 SADDLEBAG, a bag car...
saddlebows 23 19 SADDLEBOW, part of a...
saddleless 19 14 without a saddle [ad...
saddleries 18 13 SADDLERY, the shop o...
safeguards 20 17 SAFEGUARD, to keep s...
safelights 24 18 SAFELIGHT, a light u...
safenesses 17 14 SAFENESS, the qualit...
safflowers 25 20 SAFFLOWER, a thistle...
safranines 17 15 SAFRANINE, the yello...
sagacities 21 15 SAGACITY, wisdom [n]
saganashes 18 15 SAGANASH, (Native Am...
sagapenums 20 20 SAGAPENUM, a gum res...
sagenesses 16 13 SAGENESS, wisdom [n]
sailboards 20 15 SAILBOARD, a small,...
sailcloths 25 17 SAILCLOTH, duck or c...
sailfishes 23 16 SAILFISH, a large ga...
sailmakers 20 18 SAILMAKER, one who m...
sailorings 19 14 SAILORING, the work...
sailorless 19 12 without sailors [adj...
sailplanes 20 16 SAILPLANE, to fly us...
saintesses 16 11 SAINTESS, a female s...
saintfoins 18 15 SAINTFOIN, (French)...
sainthoods 18 14 SAINTHOOD, the state...
saintlings 19 15 SAINTLING, a little...
saintships 22 16 SAINTSHIP, the chara...
salacities 21 14 SALACITY, lewdness [...
salanganes 16 15 SALANGANE, (Tagalog)...
salesgirls 21 14 SALESGIRL, a woman w...
salesrooms 18 14 SALESROOM, a room wh...
saliaunces 20 16 SALIAUNCE, (Spenser)...
salicetums 23 18 SALICETUM, a willow...
saliencies 20 15 SALIENCY, a projecti...
saliferous 20 15 containing salt [adj...
salimeters 19 14 SALIMETER, an instru...
salinities 18 12 SALINITY, a concentr...
salivators 20 15 SALIVATOR, one who s...
sallenders 18 14 a skin disease affec...
sallowness 21 16 the state of being s...
sallyports 28 17 SALLYPORT, a gateway...
salmonoids 18 16 SALMONOID, a member...
salometers 18 14 SALOMETER, an instru...
salopettes 19 14 quilted skiing trous...
saltations 17 12 SALTATION, an act of...
saltbushes 23 17 SALTBUSH, an Austral...
saltchucks 29 24 SALTCHUCK, in Canada...
saltfishes 23 16 SALTFISH, salted cod...
saltnesses 17 12 SALTNESS, the state...
saltpeters 20 14 SALTPETER, (US) pota...
saltpetres 20 14 SALTPETRE, potassium...
salubrious 21 16 beneficial, healthfu...
saluretics 22 15 SALURETIC, a drug th...
salvarsans 19 16 SALVARSAN, (tradenam...
salvations 19 16 SALVATION, an act of...
samaritans 17 14 SAMARITAN, one who h...
samenesses 16 14 SAMENESS, lack of va...
samnitises 18 14 SAMNITIS, (Spenser)...
sampleries 21 17 SAMPLERY, sample wor...
sanbenitos 17 15 SANBENITO, (Spanish)...
sanctifies 22 17 SANCTIFY, to make ho...
sanctities 20 14 SANCTITY, holiness [...
sandarachs 21 17 SANDARACH, the resin...
sandblasts 20 16 SANDBLAST, a sand-la...
sandcracks 24 22 SANDCRACK, a deep cr...
sandfishes 21 17 SANDFISH, a small ma...
sandpapers 20 18 SANDPAPER, to smooth...
sandpipers 21 18 SANDPIPER, any of va...
sandspouts 19 16 SANDSPOUT, a moving...
sandstones 15 13 SANDSTONE, a clastic...
sandstorms 18 15 SANDSTORM, a strong...
sandwiches 25 20 SANDWICH, to place b...
sanenesses 14 12 SANENESS, sanity [n]
sangfroids 20 17 SANGFROID, (French)...
sanguifies 20 17 SANGUIFY, to make bl...
sanitaries 16 11 SANITARY, a public u...
sanitisers 17 11 SANITISER, one who s...
sanitizers 20 20 SANITIZER, one who s...
sannyasins 21 15 SANNYASIN, (Hindi) a...
santolinas 16 13 SANTOLINA, a genus o...
santonicas 18 15 SANTONICA, the dried...
sapanwoods 20 18 SAPANWOOD, (Malay) t...
sapidities 20 14 SAPIDITY, the state...
sapiencies 21 17 SAPIENCY, discernmen...
sapodillas 21 16 SAPODILLA, (Spanish)...
sapogenins 18 17 SAPOGENIN, a compoun...
saponarias 17 14 SAPONARIA, a genus o...
saponifies 20 17 SAPONIFY, to convert...
sapraemias 19 16 SAPRAEMIA, a kind of...
saprolites 20 14 SAPROLITE, a soft, p...
sapsuckers 24 21 SAPSUCKER, a kind of...
sarabandes 17 15 SARABANDE, (Spanish)...
sarbacanes 20 17 SARBACANE, (French)...
sarcocarps 25 19 SARCOCARP, the flesh...
sarcomeres 20 16 SARCOMERE, a unit of...
sarcosomes 20 16 SARCOSOME, a mitocho...
sardonians 15 13 SARDONIAN, (obsolete...
sardonyxes 28 21 SARDONYX, an onyx wi...
sargassoes 17 12 SARGASSO, (Portugues...
sargassums 20 16 SARGASSUM, a genus o...
sarmentous 17 15 producing long, flex...
sarpanches 23 19 SARPANCH, the head o...
saskatoons 16 15 SASKATOON, (Native A...
sassararas 16 10 SASSARARA, a scoldin...
sassolites 18 11 SASSOLITE, a native...
sassywoods 26 16 SASSYWOOD, the bark...
satanities 16 11 SATANITY, devilishne...
satellites 19 12 SATELLITE, to transm...
satiations 16 11 SATIATION, the state...
satinettas 16 11 SATINETTA, a thin sa...
satinettes 16 11 SATINETTE, a thin sa...
satinwoods 19 15 SATINWOOD, a smooth,...
satirisers 18 10 SATIRISER, one who s...
satirizers 21 19 SATIRIZER, one who s...
satisfices 23 16 SATISFICE, to aim fo...
satisfiers 20 13 SATISFIER, one who s...
saturaters 17 11 SATURATER, one who,...
saturators 17 11 SATURATOR, one who,...
saturniids 18 13 SATURNIID, any of a...
saturnisms 19 15 SATURNISM, (archaic)...
saturnists 18 12 SATURNIST, a person...
satyresses 23 12 SATYRESS, a female s...
satyriases 23 12 SATYRIASIS, immodera...
satyriasis 24 12 immoderate venereal...
sauceboats 21 17 SAUCEBOAT, a contain...
sauceboxes 27 24 SAUCEBOX, a saucy, i...
saucerfuls 24 19 SAUCERFUL, the conte...
saucerless 21 15 without a saucer [ad...
saucissons 20 15 SAUCISSON, (French)...
saunterers 16 12 SAUNTERER, one who s...
savagedoms 20 20 SAVAGEDOM, the state...
savageness 18 17 the state of being s...
savageries 19 16 SAVAGERY, the qualit...
savingness 19 18 frugality, parsimony...
savoriness 18 15 the quality of being...
savourless 20 16 without savour, also...
sawboneses 20 17 SAWBONES, (colloquia...
sawgrasses 21 15 SAWGRASS, a sedge wi...
sawtimbers 24 19 SAWTIMBER, timber su...
saxicavous 28 25 boring into rocks [a...
saxicolous 27 22 inhabiting or growin...
saxifrages 26 22 SAXIFRAGE, a kind of...
saxitoxins 29 25 SAXITOXIN, a nerve p...
saxophones 25 23 SAXOPHONE, a jazz an...
scabbiness 24 20 the state of being s...
scabiouses 22 17 SCABIOUS, any of var...
scagliolas 23 17 SCAGLIOLA, (Italian)...
scaithless 24 16 (Scots) without inju...
scalations 20 15 SCALATION, the way t...
scaldheads 23 18 SCALDHEAD, a disease...
scaldships 27 20 SCALDSHIP, the offic...
scaletails 22 15 SCALETAIL, a type of...
scaleworks 25 21 SCALEWORK, imbricate...
scallawags 26 20 SCALLAWAG, a good-fo...
scallopers 24 18 SCALLOPER, one who f...
scallywags 33 22 SCALLYWAG, a good-fo...
scalograms 23 19 SCALOGRAM, an arrang...
scamblings 26 23 SCAMBLING, a haphaza...
scammonies 21 20 SCAMMONY, a climbing...
scamperers 23 19 SCAMPERER, one who s...
scandalous 20 17 of the nature of a s...
scantiness 19 15 the state of being s...
scantities 20 14 SCANTITY, scantness...
scantlings 22 18 SCANTLING, a small p...
scapegoats 22 18 SCAPEGOAT, to make a...
scapements 22 20 SCAPEMENT, a part of...
scaphopods 26 22 SCAPHOPOD, a member...
scapolites 23 17 SCAPOLITE, any of a...
scarabaeus 21 17 a beetle of the Scar...
scaraboids 22 17 SCARABOID, a lamelli...
scarceness 22 17 the state of being s...
scarcities 24 16 SCARCITY, the qualit...
scarecrows 26 19 SCARECROW, anything...
scareheads 21 16 SCAREHEAD, a newspap...
scarewares 22 16 SCAREWARE, a program...
scarfishes 25 18 SCARFISH, a kind of...
scarfskins 24 21 SCARFSKIN, the epide...
scarifiers 23 16 SCARIFIER, an implem...
scatheless 23 16 without injury, also...
scatterers 20 13 SCATTERER, one who s...
scattiness 20 14 the state of being s...
scavengers 22 20 SCAVENGER, to act as...
scazontics 26 26 SCAZONTIC, a choliam...
scelerates 20 14 SCELERATE, (obsolete...
scenarises 19 14 SCENARISE, to make a...
scenarists 20 14 SCENARIST, one who m...
scenarizes 22 23 SCENARIZE, to make a...
scenesters 19 14 SCENESTER, a person...
schatchens 27 21 SCHATCHEN, (Hebrew)...
schechitas 28 20 SCHECHITA, (Hebrew)...
schedulers 24 18 SCHEDULER, one who s...
scheelites 23 16 SCHEELITE, calcium t...
schematics 27 21 SCHEMATIC, the repre...
schiavones 23 20 SCHIAVONE, (Italian)...
schillings 27 20 SCHILLING, (Dutch) a...
schizopods 28 28 SCHIZOPOD, one of th...
schlemiels 26 20 SCHLEMIEL, (Yiddish)...
schlemihls 29 22 SCHLEMIHL, (Yiddish)...
schleppers 28 22 SCHLEPPER, (Yiddish)...
schlierens 23 17 SCHLIEREN, one of a...
schlockers 28 23 SCHLOCKER, (Yiddish)...
schmaltzes 28 28 SCHMALTZ, excessive...
schmeckers 28 25 SCHMECKER, a heroin...
schmoozers 26 27 SCHMOOZER, (Yiddish)...
schmutters 25 19 SCHMUTTER, (Yiddish)...
schnappers 26 22 SCHNAPPER, an Austra...
schnappses 26 22 SCHNAPPS, a kind of...
schnauzers 25 26 SCHNAUZER, (German)...
schnitzels 27 26 SCHNITZEL, (German)...
schnorkels 24 21 SCHNORKEL, (German)...
schnorrers 22 16 SCHNORRER, one who t...
schnozzles 29 35 SCHNOZZLE, (Yiddish)...
scholarchs 29 21 SCHOLARCH, the head...
scholiasts 24 16 SCHOLIAST, a comment...
schoolbags 26 21 SCHOOLBAG, a bag for...
schoolboys 31 21 SCHOOLBOY, a boy who...
schooldays 29 19 SCHOOLDAY, a day on...
schoolings 24 19 SCHOOLING, tuition [...
schoolkids 25 21 SCHOOLKID, a child w...
schvartzes 28 28 SCHVARTZE, (Yiddish)...
schwartzes 29 27 SCHWARTZE, (Yiddish)...
sciaenoids 19 15 SCIAENOID, a member...
scientises 20 14 SCIENTISE, to treat...
scientisms 22 17 SCIENTISM, the belie...
scientists 21 14 SCIENTIST, one who p...
scientizes 23 23 SCIENTIZE, to treat...
scindapsus 23 19 any plant of the tro...
scintillas 23 16 SCINTILLA, (Latin) a...
sciophytes 31 20 SCIOPHYTE, any plant...
scirrhuses 24 16 SCIRRHUS, a hard tum...
scissorers 21 13 SCISSORER, one who s...
sclaunders 21 17 SCLAUNDER, (obsolete...
sclereides 21 15 SCLEREIDE, a thick-w...
scleriases 21 14 SCLERIASIS, a morbid...
scleriasis 22 14 a morbid induration...
sclerotals 22 15 SCLEROTAL, a sclerot...
sclerotics 25 17 SCLEROTIC, the firm...
sclerotins 21 15 SCLEROTIN, in insect...
scolecites 24 17 SCOLECITE, a hydrous...
scolytoids 28 17 SCOLYTOID, a member...
scombroids 24 20 SCOMBROID, any membe...
scomfishes 26 21 SCOMFISH, (Scots) to...
sconcheons 23 20 SCONCHEON, the inner...
scopeloids 23 18 SCOPELOID, (Greek) a...
scopolines 22 18 SCOPOLINE, a liquid...
scorchings 27 21 SCORCHING, the act o...
scorecards 23 17 SCORECARD, a card or...
scorelines 20 15 SCORELINE, the resul...
scorifiers 23 16 SCORIFIER, a thing w...
scorodites 20 14 SCORODITE, an orthor...
scorpioids 23 17 SCORPIOID, a scorpio...
scoundrels 21 17 SCOUNDREL, a rascal...
scourgings 23 19 SCOURGING, a floggin...
scrabblers 26 20 SCRABBLER, one who s...
scramblers 25 20 SCRAMBLER, a telepho...
scrapbooks 25 23 SCRAPBOOK, to keep c...
scrapeguts 24 19 SCRAPEGUT, (archaic)...
scrapheaps 26 21 SCRAPHEAP, a place w...
scrappages 25 21 SCRAPPAGE, allowance...
scrappings 26 22 SCRAPPING, the act o...
scrapyards 29 19 SCRAPYARD, a place w...
scratchers 26 18 SCRATCHER, a tool fo...
scratchies 26 18 SCRATCHIE, (Australi...
scrawlings 26 20 SCRAWLING, the act o...
screamings 22 19 SCREAMING, uttering...
screechers 25 18 SCREECHER, one who s...
screedings 21 17 SCREEDING, the mater...
screenfuls 23 19 SCREENFUL, the conte...
screenings 20 17 SCREENING, the act o...
screevings 23 20 SCREEVING [n]
screwballs 28 21 SCREWBALL, a crazy p...
screwbeans 24 20 SCREWBEAN, a legumin...
screwiness 23 17 the state of being s...
screwworms 28 22 SCREWWORM, the larva...
scribblers 27 20 SCRIBBLER, one who s...
scrimmages 24 21 SCRIMMAGE, to take p...
scrimpings 26 22 SCRIMPING, the exerc...
scrimpness 24 20 the state of being s...
scrimshaws 28 21 SCRIMSHAW, to orname...
scrippages 26 21 SCRIPPAGE, the conte...
scriptures 24 17 SCRIPTURE, a biblica...
scriveners 22 18 SCRIVENER, (historic...
scrofulous 24 19 afflicted with scrof...
scrollings 24 18 SCROLLING, the act o...
scrootches 25 18 SCROOTCH, to crouch,...
scroungers 21 17 SCROUNGER, one who s...
scrubbings 27 23 SCRUBBING, the act o...
scrublands 24 20 SCRUBLAND, land cove...
scrumdowns 25 22 SCRUMDOWN, the act o...
scrummages 24 22 SCRUMMAGE, a noisy d...
scrumpoxes 30 27 SCRUMPOX, (slang) ru...
scrunchies 26 20 SCRUNCHIE, a piece o...
scrupulous 25 20 having moral integri...
scrutators 21 14 SCRUTATOR, one who i...
scrutinies 21 15 SCRUTINY, a close ex...
scrutinous 21 16 closely examining, o...
scrutoires 21 14 SCRUTOIRE, (French)...
scuddalers 22 17 SCUDDALER, in Shetla...
scufflings 28 24 SCUFFLING, a rough c...
sculleries 23 16 SCULLERY, a storeroo...
sculptress 25 18 a woman who is a scu...
sculptures 25 19 SCULPTURE [n]
scumblings 27 24 SCUMBLING, the act o...
scumfishes 27 22 SCUMFISH, (Scots) to...
scuncheons 24 21 SCUNCHEON, the inner...
scungillis 25 19 SCUNGILLI, (Italian)...
scurfiness 23 18 the state of being s...
scurrilous 23 16 using or given to co...
scurriours 22 15 SCURRIOUR, (obsolete...
scurviness 23 19 the state of being s...
scutations 20 15 SCUTATION, the state...
scutcheons 25 20 SCUTCHEON, a shield...
scutchings 28 22 SCUTCHING, the act o...
scuttlings 24 18 SCUTTLING, he act of...
scuzzballs 32 37 SCUZZBALL, a dirty,...
seabeaches 22 18 SEABEACH, a beach ly...
seabottles 19 14 SEABOTTLE, a translu...
seacunnies 18 16 SEACUNNY, a lascar s...
seafarings 19 16 SEAFARING, travellin...
seagrasses 17 12 SEAGRASS, a grasslik...
sealpoints 19 15 SEALPOINT, a variety...
seamstress 18 13 a woman whose occupa...
searchings 23 18 SEARCHING, the act o...
searchless 23 16 impossible to be sea...
searedness 15 12 the state of being s...
searnesses 15 11 SEARNESS, the state...
seasonings 16 14 SEASONING, the proce...
seasonless 16 12 without succession o...
seastrands 16 12 SEASTRAND, the seash...
sebiferous 21 17 bearing fatty matter...
seborrheas 20 15 SEBORRHEA, a morbidl...
secernents 18 15 SECERNENT, a secreto...
secessions 19 14 SECESSION, the act o...
seclusions 21 16 SECLUSION, the state...
secondings 20 18 SECONDING, the act o...
secretages 20 15 SECRETAGE, treatment...
secretions 19 14 SECRETION, something...
secretness 19 14 the state of being s...
sectarians 19 14 SECTARIAN, a member...
sectionals 20 15 SECTIONAL, a piece o...
sectorials 21 14 SECTORIAL, a tooth d...
sectorises 20 13 SECTORISE, to divide...
sectorizes 23 22 SECTORIZE, to divide...
secundines 19 17 SECUNDINE, the secon...
securances 22 18 SECURANCE, the act o...
secureness 19 15 the state of being s...
securitans 20 15 SECURITAN, (obsolete...
securities 21 14 SECURITY, the state...
sedateness 15 12 the state of being s...
sedgelands 18 16 SEDGELAND, land wher...
seductions 20 16 SEDUCTION, the act o...
seductress 21 15 a woman who seduces...
sedulities 19 13 SEDULITY, the state...
seedeaters 15 11 SEEDEATER, a bird th...
seednesses 15 12 SEEDNESS, (obsolete)...
seedstocks 21 18 SEEDSTOCK, livestock...
seemliheds 21 17 SEEMLIHED, (obsolete...
seemliness 18 15 the state of being s...
seemlyheds 27 19 SEEMLYHED, (Spenser)...
segholates 20 15 SEGHOLATE, in Hebrew...
segregants 18 15 SEGREGANT, a genetic...
segregates 18 14 SEGREGATE, to keep a...
seignories 17 13 SEIGNORY, feudal lor...
selachians 22 17 SELACHIAN, a member...
seldomness 18 16 the state of being s...
selections 20 15 SELECTION, the act o...
selectness 20 15 the state of being s...
selfnesses 19 15 SELFNESS, the state...
sellotapes 20 15 SELLOTAPE, to stick...
semainiers 17 14 SEMAINIER, (French)...
semantemes 17 17 SEMANTEME, an irredu...
semantides 17 15 SEMANTIDE, a molecul...
semaphores 21 18 SEMAPHORE, to signal...
semblables 24 21 SEMBLABLE, something...
semblances 23 21 SEMBLANCE, an outwar...
semeiotics 21 16 a philosophical theo...
semiangles 19 17 SEMIANGLE, the half...
semibreves 22 20 SEMIBREVE, the longe...
semichorus 24 19 half, or part of, a...
semicolons 21 18 SEMICOLON, the punct...
semidwarfs 24 20 SEMIDWARF, a plant t...
semifinals 21 18 SEMIFINAL, the round...
semifluids 23 19 SEMIFLUID, something...
semiglobes 22 19 SEMIGLOBE, a half gl...
semigroups 22 19 SEMIGROUP, a mathema...
semihoboes 21 18 SEMIHOBO, a person h...
semimetals 20 17 SEMIMETAL, a metal t...
seminaries 17 14 SEMINARY, a school f...
seminomads 18 18 SEMINOMAD, one leadi...
semiplumes 23 21 SEMIPLUME, a feather...
semirounds 18 16 SEMIROUND, something...
semisolids 20 15 SEMISOLID, something...
semitrucks 24 21 SEMITRUCK, an articu...
semivowels 24 21 SEMIVOWEL, a speech...
sempstress 21 16 a seamstress [n -ES]
seneschals 22 17 SENESCHAL, (historic...
senhoritas 18 13 SENHORITA, (Spanish)...
senilities 18 12 SENILITY, mental and...
sennachies 20 17 SENNACHIE, (Gaelic)...
sensations 15 12 SENSATION, conscious...
sensitises 17 11 SENSITISE, to make s...
sensitives 19 15 SENSITIVE, one who i...
sensitizes 20 20 SENSITIZE, to make s...
sensoriums 18 15 SENSORIUM, the area...
sentencers 18 15 SENTENCER, one who s...
sentiences 18 15 SENTIENCE, the state...
sentiments 17 15 SENTIMENT, a thought...
sepalodies 19 15 SEPALODY, transforma...
separators 18 13 SEPARATOR, something...
separatums 20 17 SEPARATUM, a separat...
sepiolites 20 14 SEPIOLITE, hydrated...
septations 18 14 SEPTATION, the state...
septemvirs 23 20 SEPTEMVIR, (Latin) o...
septimoles 21 17 SEPTIMOLE, a group o...
septuplets 23 18 SEPTUPLET, one of se...
sepulchers 26 20 SEPULCHER, to place...
sepulchres 26 20 SEPULCHRE, a recepta...
sepultures 21 16 SEPULTURE, to bury,...
sequacious 28 24 intellectually servi...
sequelises 26 21 SEQUELISE, to create...
sequelizes 29 30 SEQUELIZE, to create...
sequencers 27 24 SEQUENCER, a device...
sequencies 27 24 SEQUENCY, the follow...
sequesters 25 20 SEQUESTER, to set ap...
seraphines 20 16 SERAPHINE, a kind of...
seraskiers 18 14 SERASKIER, (historic...
serenaders 15 12 SERENADER, one who s...
sereneness 14 12 the state of being s...
serenities 16 11 SERENITY, the state...
serialises 18 11 SERIALISE, to conver...
serialisms 20 14 SERIALISM, serial te...
serialists 19 11 SERIALIST, a writer...
serializes 21 20 SERIALIZE, to conver...
seriations 16 11 SERIATION, arrangeme...
serigraphs 23 17 SERIGRAPH, a silkscr...
serinettes 16 11 SERINETTE, (French)...
sermoneers 16 14 SERMONEER, a preache...
sermonings 18 17 SERMONING, preaching...
sermonises 17 14 SERMONISE, to delive...
sermonizes 20 23 SERMONIZE, to delive...
serogroups 20 16 SEROGROUP, any group...
serologies 18 13 SEROLOGY, the scienc...
serosities 17 10 SEROSITY, the state...
serotinies 16 11 SEROTINY, the condit...
serotinous 16 12 flowering late [adj]
serotonins 15 12 SEROTONIN, a compoun...
serousness 16 12 the state of being s...
serpigines 20 16 SERPIGO, a spreading...
serpulites 21 15 SERPULITE, a fossil...
serranoids 16 12 SERRANOID, any of a...
serrations 16 11 SERRATION, the state...
serratures 17 11 SERRATURE, a notchin...
serratuses 17 11 SERRATUS, a muscle o...
serrefiles 20 14 SERREFILE, (French)...
serricorns 20 14 SERRICORN, a kind of...
servicings 24 20 SERVICING, the act o...
serviettes 19 14 SERVIETTE, (French)...
servilisms 23 18 SERVILISM, system of...
servitress 20 14 a female servitor [n...
servitudes 20 16 SERVITUDE, the state...
sestertius 18 11 (Latin) a Roman coin...
setiferous 19 14 bearing bristles, al...
setigerous 18 13 bearing bristles, al...
seventeens 16 16 SEVENTEEN, a number,...
severances 20 18 SEVERANCE, the act o...
severeness 17 15 severity [n -ES]
severities 19 14 SEVERITY, the state...
sexaholics 29 23 SEXAHOLIC, someone a...
sexennials 22 20 SEXENNIAL, a six-yea...
sexercises 26 20 SEXERCISE, sexual ac...
sexinesses 22 18 SEXINESS, the state...
sexologies 24 20 SEXOLOGY, the study...
sextuplets 27 22 SEXTUPLET, one of si...
sextuplies 27 22 SEXTUPLY, in Scots l...
sexualises 24 19 SEXUALISE, to render...
sexualisms 26 22 SEXUALISM, emphasis...
sexualists 25 19 SEXUALIST, one who c...
sexualizes 27 28 SEXUALIZE, to render...
sforzandos 21 24 SFORZANDO, a suddenl...
shabbiness 23 19 the state of being s...
shadbushes 24 19 SHADBUSH, an America...
shadowings 23 19 SHADOWING, making da...
shadowless 23 17 without shadow [adj]
shagginess 21 17 the state of being s...
shakedowns 22 21 SHAKEDOWN, any makes...
shamanisms 21 19 SHAMANISM, the relig...
shamanists 20 16 SHAMANIST, an adhere...
shamateurs 20 16 SHAMATEUR, an amateu...
shamblings 25 22 SHAMBLING, the act o...
shamianahs 21 18 SHAMIANAH, (Hindi) i...
shampooers 21 18 SHAMPOOER, one who s...
shanachies 23 18 SHANACHIE, (Gaelic)...
shankbones 20 21 SHANKBONE, the bone...
shapewears 23 18 SHAPEWEAR, underwear...
sharecrops 24 18 SHARECROP, of a tena...
sharewares 21 15 SHAREWARE, a compute...
sharkskins 22 21 SHARKSKIN, a smooth...
sharpeners 20 16 SHARPENER, a device...
shashlicks 28 22 SHASHLICK, (Russian)...
shatooshes 20 14 SHATOOSH, (Persian)...
shatterers 19 12 SHATTERER, something...
shavelings 23 20 SHAVELING, a tonsure...
shavetails 22 17 SHAVETAIL, (US slang...
shearlings 21 16 SHEARLING, a one-yea...
sheathings 22 17 SHEATHING, the act o...
sheathless 22 15 without a sheath or...
shebeeners 19 16 SHEBEENER, one who k...
shechitahs 27 19 SHECHITAH, (Hebrew)...
sheepcotes 23 18 SHEEPCOTE, a small i...
sheepfolds 24 20 SHEEPFOLD, a pen for...
sheepheads 22 18 SHEEPHEAD, a large a...
sheepskins 22 20 SHEEPSKIN, the skin...
sheepwalks 26 23 SHEEPWALK, a range o...
sheetrocks 23 19 SHEETROCK, (tradenam...
sheikhdoms 24 22 SHEIKHDOM, the domai...
sheldducks 26 23 SHELDDUCK, a large d...
sheldrakes 21 18 SHELDRAKE, a male sh...
shelfrooms 23 19 SHELFROOM, space or...
shellbacks 28 24 SHELLBACK, a veteran...
shellbarks 25 21 SHELLBARK, a species...
shellducks 27 23 SHELLDUCK, a large d...
shellfires 24 17 SHELLFIRE, the firin...
shelliness 21 15 the state of being s...
shellworks 26 21 SHELLWORK, work comp...
shelterers 20 13 SHELTERER, one who s...
shemozzles 27 34 SHEMOZZLE, to make o...
shewbreads 24 19 SHEWBREAD, twelve lo...
shibuichis 29 21 SHIBUICHI, (Japanese...
shieldings 22 17 SHIELDING, the act o...
shieldless 22 15 destitute of a shiel...
shiftiness 22 16 the state of being s...
shiftworks 27 22 SHIFTWORK, a system...
shillabers 24 17 SHILLABER, an accomp...
shillalahs 25 17 SHILLALAH, (Irish) a...
shillelahs 25 17 SHILLELAH, (Irish) a...
shimozzles 28 34 SHIMOZZLE, (Yiddish)...
shinglings 23 19 SHINGLING, shingles...
shinguards 21 17 SHINGUARD, a protect...
shinleaves 21 18 SHINLEAF, a perennia...
shinneries 18 14 SHINNERY, a dense gr...
shipboards 24 19 SHIPBOARD, a ship's...
shipowners 24 19 SHIPOWNER, the owner...
shippounds 24 21 SHIPPOUND, in the Ba...
shipwrecks 30 25 SHIPWRECK, to underg...
shirralees 20 13 SHIRRALEE, (Australi...
shirtbands 22 17 SHIRTBAND, the neckb...
shirtdress 21 13 a straight dress wit...
shirtiness 20 13 the state of being s...
shirttails 22 13 SHIRTTAIL, the longe...
shithouses 22 15 SHITHOUSE, (colloqui...
shittiness 20 13 the state of being s...
shiverings 23 19 SHIVERING, the act o...
shlemiehls 25 19 SHLEMIEHL, (Yiddish)...
shlimazels 26 26 SHLIMAZEL, (Yiddish)...
shoaliness 19 14 the state of being s...
shoddiness 19 15 the state of being s...
shoeblacks 26 23 SHOEBLACK, one who p...
shoemakers 20 19 SHOEMAKER, one who m...
shoeshines 20 15 SHOESHINE, the act o...
shogunates 19 16 SHOGUNATE, the offic...
shootdowns 21 17 SHOOTDOWN, the act o...
shopboards 23 19 SHOPBOARD, a bench o...
shopfronts 23 19 SHOPFRONT, the front...
shorebirds 22 16 SHOREBIRD, any of va...
shorelines 19 14 SHORELINE, the line...
shoresides 19 13 SHORESIDE, the area...
shorewards 22 16 SHOREWARD [n]
shoreweeds 21 16 SHOREWEED, a plant o...
shortarses 19 12 SHORTARSE, (colloqui...
shortcakes 23 19 SHORTCAKE, a brittle...
shorteners 18 13 SHORTENER, someone o...
shortfalls 24 17 SHORTFALL, the fact...
shortgowns 23 18 SHORTGOWN, (Scots) a...
shorthairs 22 14 SHORTHAIR, a breed o...
shorthands 21 16 SHORTHAND, a system...
shortheads 21 15 SHORTHEAD, a fish, a...
shorthorns 21 15 SHORTHORN, a breed o...
shortlists 22 13 SHORTLIST, to includ...
shortstops 22 15 SHORTSTOP, the playe...
shortwaves 24 19 SHORTWAVE, to broadc...
shotfirers 22 15 SHOTFIRER, the minin...
shotmakers 21 19 SHOTMAKER, in sport,...
shoutlines 20 15 SHOUTLINE, a short l...
shovelfuls 26 22 SHOVELFUL, as much a...
shovellers 23 18 SHOVELLER, a kind of...
showbizzes 31 36 SHOWBIZ, (short for)...
showbreads 24 19 SHOWBREAD, twelve lo...
showerings 23 18 SHOWERING, the act o...
showerless 23 16 rainless; free from...
showmances 25 22 SHOWMANCE, a romance...
showpieces 27 21 SHOWPIECE, something...
showplaces 28 22 SHOWPLACE, a place v...
shreddings 21 17 SHREDDING, the act o...
shrewdness 22 17 the state of being s...
shriekings 22 19 SHRIEKING, the act o...
shrillings 24 17 SHRILLING, a piercin...
shrillness 22 15 the state of being s...
shrimpings 25 21 SHRIMPING, fishing f...
shrinkages 21 19 SHRINKAGE, the amoun...
shroffages 24 20 SHROFFAGE, the exami...
shroudings 21 17 SHROUDING [n]
shroudless 21 15 without a shroud [ad...
shrublands 23 19 SHRUBLAND, land cove...
shubunkins 23 23 SHUBUNKIN, (Japanese...
shufflings 27 23 SHUFFLING, the act o...
shunpikers 23 21 SHUNPIKER, one who a...
sialograms 20 16 SIALOGRAM, an X-ray...
sialoliths 22 14 SIALOLITH, a calculu...
sibilances 23 18 SIBILANCE, pronuncia...
sibilators 21 14 SIBILATOR, one who s...
siccatives 26 20 SICCATIVE, a drying...
sicilianas 21 15 SICILIANA, (Italian)...
sicilianos 21 15 SICILIANO, (Italian)...
sickenings 22 21 SICKENING, the act o...
sickerness 21 18 (Scots) certainty [n...
sicklemias 24 21 SICKLEMIA, a severe...
sickliness 23 19 the state of being s...
sicknesses 21 18 SICKNESS, the state...
sicknurses 22 19 SICKNURSE [n]
siddhuisms 23 18 SIDDHUISM, (Hinglish...
sideboards 19 15 SIDEBOARD, a piece o...
sidechecks 27 23 SIDECHECK, part of a...
sidelevers 20 16 (Australian slang) s...
sidelights 23 16 SIDELIGHT, a coloure...
sideliners 18 13 SIDELINER, one who s...
sidepieces 22 17 SIDEPIECE, the jamb,...
sideshoots 19 13 SIDESHOOT, a shoot g...
sideswipes 23 17 SIDESWIPE, to deal a...
sidetables 20 15 SIDETABLE, a small t...
sidetracks 22 18 SIDETRACK, to divert...
sidewheels 23 17 SIDEWHEEL, one of th...
siegeworks 22 19 a besieger's enginee...
siffleuses 23 18 SIFFLEUSE, (French)...
sightlines 22 16 SIGHTLINE, a line of...
sightseers 21 14 SIGHTSEER, one who s...
sigmations 19 16 SIGMATION, the addit...
sigmatisms 22 18 SIGMATISM, repetitio...
sigmatrons 19 16 SIGMATRON, a machine...
signalings 20 17 SIGNALING, the act o...
signalises 19 14 SIGNALISE, to make s...
signalizes 22 23 SIGNALIZE, to make s...
signallers 20 15 SIGNALLER, one who s...
signatures 18 14 SIGNATURE, a signing...
signboards 20 17 SIGNBOARD, a board b...
signeuries 18 14 SIGNEURIE, (Shakespe...
signifieds 21 17 SIGNIFIED [n]
signifiers 21 16 SIGNIFIER, something...
signiories 18 13 SIGNIORY, the power...
signorinas 17 14 SIGNORINA, (Italian)...
sikorskies 20 18 SIKORSKY, a helicopt...
silentness 17 13 the state of being s...
silicifies 25 17 SILICIFY, to convert...
silicotics 26 17 SILICOTIC, someone s...
silkalenes 19 17 SILKALENE, a soft li...
silkalines 20 17 SILKALINE, a soft li...
silkolines 20 17 SILKOLINE, a soft li...
siltations 18 12 SILTATION, the proce...
siltstones 18 12 SILTSTONE, a rock fo...
silvereyes 26 17 SILVEREYE, a greenis...
silverings 22 18 SILVERING, the act o...
silverises 21 15 SILVERISE, to cover...
silverizes 24 24 SILVERIZE, to cover...
silvertips 24 18 SILVERTIP, a kind of...
silymarins 26 17 SILYMARIN, an antiox...
simaroubas 20 17 SIMAROUBA, a tropica...
simperings 22 19 SIMPERING, the act o...
simpleness 21 18 the state of being s...
simplesses 22 17 SIMPLESSE, (Spenser)...
simpletons 21 18 SIMPLETON, a feeblem...
simplifies 25 20 SIMPLIFY, to make si...
simplistes 23 17 SIMPLISTE, (French)...
simulacres 23 18 SIMULACRE, a likenes...
simulators 20 15 SIMULATOR, something...
simulcasts 24 18 SIMULCAST [n]
sinewiness 19 15 the state of being s...
sinfulness 20 17 the state of being s...
singalongs 19 17 SINGALONG, a perform...
singledoms 20 18 SINGLEDOM, the state...
singleness 18 15 the state of being s...
singletons 18 15 SINGLETON, a playing...
singspiels 22 17 SINGSPIEL, (German)...
sinistrals 19 12 SINISTRAL, a left-ha...
sinistrous 18 12 inauspicious, sinist...
sinningias 17 15 SINNINGIA, one of a...
sinologies 18 14 SINOLOGY, the study...
sinologues 18 15 SINOLOGUE, one verse...
sinuations 16 13 SINUATION, a winding...
sinuitises 18 12 SINUITIS, inflammati...
siphonages 21 18 SIPHONAGE, the actio...
siphuncles 26 21 SIPHUNCLE, the tube...
siseraries 17 10 SISERARY, a scolding...
sisterless 19 11 without a sister [ad...
sitatungas 18 14 SITATUNGA, (Swahili)...
sitologies 19 13 SITOLOGY, the scienc...
situations 17 12 SITUATION, a locatio...
situtungas 19 15 SITUTUNGA, (Swahili)...
sitzkriegs 24 25 SITZKRIEG, (German)...
sixpennies 24 22 SIXPENNY, a coin wor...
sixteeners 22 18 SIXTEENER, a verse o...
sixteenmos 23 21 SIXTEENMO, a book si...
sixteenths 25 20 SIXTEENTH, the sixte...
sizarships 26 24 SIZARSHIP, the posit...
sizinesses 20 20 SIZINESS, the state...
skaithless 22 17 without skaith, scat...
skaldships 25 21 SKALDSHIP, the offic...
skankiness 18 20 the state of being s...
skateparks 21 21 SKATEPARK, an area s...
skedaddles 19 18 SKEDADDLE, to run of...
sketchpads 26 23 SKETCHPAD, a pad of...
skewnesses 20 18 SKEWNESS, lack of sy...
skiagraphs 24 21 SKIAGRAPH, a shadow...
skiascopes 23 20 SKIASCOPE, a medical...
skibobbers 25 23 SKIBOBBER, one who r...
skijorings 22 26 SKIJORING, (Norwegia...
skijumpers 25 30 SKIJUMPER, one who e...
skikjorers 22 27 SKIKJORER, one who e...
skimboards 22 21 SKIMBOARD, to use a...
skimobiles 23 21 SKIMOBILE, a motoriz...
skimpiness 22 21 the state of being s...
skinflicks 27 26 SKINFLICK, a pornogr...
skinflints 22 20 SKINFLINT, a miser;...
skinniness 17 17 the state of being s...
skintights 23 19 close-fitting garmen...
skirmishes 23 19 SKIRMISH, to engage...
skrimmages 22 22 SKRIMMAGE, to scuffl...
skunkbirds 23 24 SKUNKBIRD, an Americ...
skunkweeds 22 24 SKUNKWEED, a low-gro...
skybridges 29 22 SKYBRIDGE, a covered...
skydivings 29 24 SKYDIVING, the sport...
skyjackers 31 32 SKYJACKER, one who s...
skylarkers 27 21 SKYLARKER, one who s...
skyrockets 29 23 SKYROCKET, to go up...
skysurfers 28 20 SKYSURFER, one who s...
skywatches 33 24 SKYWATCH, to observe...
skywriters 29 19 SKYWRITER, one who s...
slabberers 22 17 SLABBERER, one who s...
slabbiness 22 18 the state of being s...
slabstones 19 15 SLABSTONE, flagstone...
slackeners 21 19 SLACKENER, one who s...
slalomists 21 15 SLALOMIST, one who t...
slamdances 21 19 SLAMDANCE, to dance...
slammakins 21 22 SLAMMAKIN, (obsolete...
slanderers 17 13 SLANDERER, one who s...
slanderous 17 14 relating to slander...
slanginess 18 15 the state of being s...
slanguages 19 17 SLANGUAGE, a slang l...
slapdashes 22 17 SLAPDASH, to do in a...
slapsticks 26 21 SLAPSTICK, comedy st...
slashfests 23 16 SLASHFEST, a film or...
slaughters 22 16 SLAUGHTER, to kill,...
slaverings 21 18 SLAVERING, letting s...
slavocrats 23 18 SLAVOCRAT, a slave-o...
slavophils 26 21 SLAVOPHIL, a person...
sleazebags 23 25 SLEAZEBAG, a sleazy...
sleaziness 20 21 the state of being s...
sleepiness 19 15 the state of being s...
sleepovers 21 18 SLEEPOVER, the custo...
sleepsuits 21 15 SLEEPSUIT, a baby's...
sleepwalks 25 22 SLEEPWALK, to walk i...
sleepwears 22 17 SLEEPWEAR, clothes f...
sleetiness 17 12 the state of being s...
sleeveless 20 16 without sleeves [adj...
sleevelets 20 16 SLEEVELET, a small s...
sleighings 23 18 SLEIGHING, travellin...
sleuthings 22 17 SLEUTHING, the work...
slickeners 22 19 SLICKENER, one who s...
slickrocks 28 25 SLICKROCK, smooth wi...
slicksters 24 18 SLICKSTER, a dishone...
slightness 22 16 the state of being s...
slimeballs 24 19 SLIMEBALL, (slang) a...
slimnesses 19 15 SLIMNESS, the state...
slingbacks 26 24 SLINGBACK, a shoe wi...
slingshots 22 16 SLINGSHOT, a stone f...
slinkiness 19 17 the state of being s...
slinkskins 21 21 SLINKSKIN, the skin...
slinkweeds 22 20 SLINKWEED, rosebay w...
slipcovers 26 21 SLIPCOVER, a cover f...
slipnooses 19 15 SLIPNOOSE, a noose m...
slippiness 23 18 the state of being s...
slipsheets 23 16 SLIPSHEET, a sheet o...
slivovicas 26 22 SLIVOVICA, (Serbo-Cr...
slivovices 26 22 SLIVOVIC, (Serbo-Cro...
slobberers 22 17 SLOBBERER, one who s...
sloebushes 22 17 SLOEBUSH, the blackt...
sloethorns 19 14 SLOETHORN, the black...
sloganeers 17 14 SLOGANEER, to invent...
sloganises 18 14 SLOGANISE, to utter...
sloganizes 21 23 SLOGANIZE, to utter...
sloppiness 22 18 the state of being s...
slovenries 19 16 SLOVENRY, (Shakespea...
slownesses 20 15 SLOWNESS, the state...
sluggabeds 23 20 SLUGGABED, (Shakespe...
slughornes 21 17 SLUGHORNE, (Browning...
sluiceways 31 20 SLUICEWAY, an artifi...
slumberers 22 18 SLUMBERER, one who s...
slumberous 22 19 inviting or causing...
slungshots 22 17 SLUNGSHOT, a weight...
slushiness 21 15 the state of being s...
slutteries 19 12 SLUTTERY, the realis...
sluttiness 19 13 the state of being s...
smackdowns 25 25 SMACKDOWN, a chastis...
smackheads 24 23 SMACKHEAD, a person...
smallpoxes 28 25 SMALLPOX, a virus di...
smalminess 20 18 (obsolete) the state...
smarminess 19 17 the state of being s...
smartarses 18 13 SMARTARSE, (colloqui...
smartasses 18 13 SMARTASS, (colloquia...
smartweeds 21 17 SMARTWEED, an acrid...
smasheroos 19 15 SMASHEROO, (colloqui...
smatterers 18 13 SMATTERER, one who h...
smearcases 20 16 SMEARCASE, (German)...
smeariness 17 14 the state of being s...
smelliness 20 16 the state of being s...
smelteries 19 14 SMELTERY, a place fo...
smiercases 21 16 SMIERCASE, (German)...
smitheries 21 15 SMITHERY, the trade...
smokeboxes 26 27 SMOKEBOX, part of a...
smokehoods 20 20 SMOKEHOOD, a protect...
smokejacks 25 33 SMOKEJACK, a contriv...
smoothings 21 18 SMOOTHING, the act o...
smoothness 19 16 the state of being s...
smotherers 20 15 SMOTHERER, one who s...
smudgeless 21 18 without a smudge [ad...
smudginess 20 18 the state of being s...
smuggeries 21 18 SMUGGERY, a state of...
smugglings 24 22 SMUGGLING, the illic...
smugnesses 19 17 SMUGNESS, the state...
smuttiness 19 15 the state of being s...
snackettes 20 18 SNACKETTE, a snack b...
snaileries 17 12 SNAILERY, a place wh...
snakebirds 20 19 SNAKEBIRD, the darte...
snakebites 19 18 SNAKEBITE, the bite...
snakeheads 18 18 SNAKEHEAD, a Chinese...
snakeroots 16 15 SNAKEROOT, bistort,...
snakeskins 18 20 SNAKESKIN, the skin...
snakeweeds 19 19 SNAKEWEED, a plant w...
snakewoods 19 19 SNAKEWOOD, an East I...
snaphances 22 20 SNAPHANCE, (obsolete...
snappiness 20 18 the state of being s...
snatchings 23 19 SNATCHING, an act of...
snazziness 22 30 the state of being s...
sneakboxes 24 25 SNEAKBOX, a small bo...
sneakiness 16 16 the state of being s...
sneaksbies 19 18 SNEAKSBY, (archaic)...
sneeshings 19 16 SNEESHING, (Scots) s...
sneezeless 19 21 without a sneeze [ad...
snickerers 21 18 SNICKERER, one who s...
sniffiness 21 18 the state of being s...
sniggerers 19 15 SNIGGERER, one who s...
snigglings 22 19 SNIGGLING, fishing f...
snippiness 21 18 the state of being s...
snivellers 21 17 SNIVELLER, one who s...
snobberies 20 17 SNOBBERY, snobbish b...
snocoaches 23 19 SNOCOACH, a bus-like...
snootiness 15 12 the state of being s...
snorkelers 18 16 SNORKELER, one who s...
snotteries 16 11 SNOTTERY, filthiness...
snottiness 16 12 the state of being s...
snowblades 22 19 short skis used with...
snowblinks 24 23 SNOWBLINK, a glare i...
snowboards 21 18 SNOWBOARD, to use a...
snowbushes 24 20 SNOWBUSH, any of sev...
snowclones 22 19 SNOWCLONE, a kind of...
snowdrifts 23 18 SNOWDRIFT, a drift o...
snowfields 23 19 SNOWFIELD, an area o...
snowflakes 23 22 SNOWFLAKE, a flake o...
snowflecks 27 25 SNOWFLECK, the snow...
snowflicks 28 25 SNOWFLICK, the snow...
snowglobes 23 20 SNOWGLOBE, a transpa...
snowmakers 21 21 SNOWMAKER, a machine...
snowmoulds 22 20 SNOWMOULD, a fungus...
snowscapes 24 20 SNOWSCAPE, a landsca...
snowshoers 21 16 SNOWSHOER, one who t...
snowslides 21 16 SNOWSLIDE, a slide o...
snowstorms 21 17 SNOWSTORM, a storm o...
snubbiness 21 19 the quality of being...
snubnesses 18 16 SNUBNESS, the qualit...
snuffboxes 29 28 SNUFFBOX, a box for...
snuffiness 21 19 the quality of being...
snufflings 24 22 SNUFFLING, the act o...
snuggeries 19 16 SNUGGERY, a snug pla...
snugnesses 17 15 SNUGNESS, the state...
soapdishes 21 16 SOAPDISH, a dish for...
soapfishes 23 18 SOAPFISH, a tropical...
soapflakes 22 21 small particles of s...
soapstones 17 14 SOAPSTONE, a soft so...
sobersides 19 14 a sober, dull person...
sobrieties 19 13 SOBRIETY, the state...
sobriquets 28 23 SOBRIQUET, (French)...
socialises 21 14 SOCIALISE, to make s...
socialisms 23 17 SOCIALISM, the theor...
socialists 22 14 SOCIALIST, an adhere...
socialites 21 14 SOCIALITE, a person...
socializes 24 23 SOCIALIZE, to make s...
socialness 20 15 the state of being s...
sociations 19 14 SOCIATION, a plant c...
sociograms 22 18 SOCIOGRAM, a diagram...
sociolects 24 17 SOCIOLECT, a variety...
sociopaths 24 18 SOCIOPATH, a person...
sodalities 18 12 SODALITY, an organiz...
sodbusters 20 15 SODBUSTER, (US) a fa...
soddenness 15 14 the state of being s...
sodicities 21 14 SODICITY, the amount...
softbounds 21 19 SOFTBOUND, a book bo...
softcovers 24 20 SOFTCOVER, a paperba...
softenings 19 17 SOFTENING, the act o...
softnesses 18 14 SOFTNESS, the state...
softscapes 24 19 SOFTSCAPE, vegetatio...
softshells 24 17 SOFTSHELL, a moderat...
sojourners 18 21 SOJOURNER, one who s...
solderings 19 15 SOLDERING, the act o...
soldieries 18 12 SOLDIERY, the milita...
solemnises 18 15 SOLEMNISE, to make s...
solemnizes 21 24 SOLEMNIZE, to make s...
solemnness 17 16 the state of being s...
solenesses 16 12 SOLENESS, the state...
solenettes 16 12 SOLENETTE, a small E...
solenodons 15 14 SOLENODON, either of...
soleplates 20 15 SOLEPLATE, a bedplat...
soleprints 20 15 SOLEPRINT, the print...
solfataras 19 14 SOLFATARA, (Italian)...
solfeggios 22 18 SOLFEGGIO, a singing...
solferinos 19 15 SOLFERINO, (Italian)...
solicities 22 14 SOLICITY, (Shakespea...
solicitors 22 14 SOLICITOR, a person...
solicitous 22 15 expressing solicitud...
solidifies 21 15 SOLIDIFY, to make so...
solidities 19 12 SOLIDITY, the state...
solipedous 20 16 having single hoofs...
solipsisms 23 17 SOLIPSISM, a theory...
solipsists 22 14 SOLIPSIST, one who p...
solitaires 18 11 SOLITAIRE, a game pl...
solitaries 18 11 SOLITARY, one who li...
sollickers 24 19 SOLLICKER, (Australi...
solonchaks 23 21 SOLONCHAK, (Russian)...
solonetses 16 12 SOLONETS, a type of...
solonetzes 19 21 SOLONETZ, a type of...
solvations 19 16 SOLVATION, a chemica...
solvencies 22 19 SOLVENCY, the abilit...
solvolyses 27 18 SOLVOLYSIS, the deco...
solvolysis 28 18 the decomposition of...
somascopes 22 19 SOMASCOPE, an instru...
somberness 19 17 the state of being s...
sombreness 19 17 the state of being s...
somebodies 19 17 SOMEBODY, an importa...
someplaces 23 20 SOMEPLACE, somewhere...
somethings 21 18 SOMETHING, an undefi...
somewheres 22 18 SOMEWHERE, in or to...
somewhiles 24 19 sometimes [adv]
sommeliers 20 17 SOMMELIER, (French)...
songcrafts 23 19 SONGCRAFT, the art o...
songololos 18 15 SONGOLOLO, (Nguni) a...
songsheets 19 15 SONGSHEET, a piece o...
songsmiths 22 18 SONGSMITH, a compose...
songstress 18 13 a woman who sings; a...
sonicators 19 14 SONICATOR, a device...
soniferous 18 15 carrying or producin...
sonneteers 14 12 SONNETEER, a writer...
sonnetises 15 12 SONNETISE, to compos...
sonnetizes 18 21 SONNETIZE, to compos...
sonographs 21 18 SONOGRAPH, an instru...
sonometers 16 14 SONOMETER, a musical...
sonorities 16 11 SONORITY, the qualit...
sooterkins 17 15 SOOTERKIN, (Dutch) a...
sootflakes 20 18 SOOTFLAKE, a smut of...
sopapillas 23 18 SOPAPILLA, a square...
sophisters 22 15 SOPHISTER, a person...
sophomores 21 18 SOPHOMORE, a second...
soporifics 25 19 SOPORIFIC, a drug pr...
sopraninos 17 15 SOPRANINO, (Italian)...
sopranists 19 14 SOPRANIST, a treble...
sorbitises 20 13 SORBITISE, to turn (...
sorbitizes 23 22 SORBITIZE, to turn (...
sordidness 17 13 the state of being s...
sorenesses 15 11 SORENESS, the state...
sororities 17 10 SORORITY, a social c...
sorrowings 21 16 SORROWING, the act o...
sorrowless 21 14 free from sorrow [ad...
sortations 16 11 SORTATION, sorting o...
sortileges 19 13 SORTILEGE, divinatio...
sortitions 17 11 SORTITION, the casti...
sostenutos 16 12 SOSTENUTO, (Italian)...
sottisiers 18 10 SOTTISIER, (French)...
soubrettes 19 14 SOUBRETTE, (French)...
soundbites 19 16 SOUNDBITE, a brief s...
soundboxes 24 23 SOUNDBOX, a resonant...
soundcards 20 17 SOUNDCARD, the card...
soundposts 19 16 SOUNDPOST, a small p...
soupspoons 20 18 SOUPSPOON, a spoon f...
sourceless 21 15 without a source [ad...
sourdoughs 21 17 SOURDOUGH, leaven; a...
sournesses 16 12 SOURNESS, the state...
sourpusses 20 15 SOURPUSS, a grouchy...
souteneurs 16 13 SOUTENEUR, (French)...
southeasts 19 13 SOUTHEAST, the direc...
southlands 20 16 SOUTHLAND, the south...
southwards 23 17 towards the south, a...
southwests 23 16 SOUTHWEST, between s...
souvlakias 21 20 SOUVLAKIA, a Greek d...
sovenances 19 19 SOVENANCE, (archaic)...
sovereigns 19 17 SOVEREIGN, in pre-de...
sovietises 19 14 SOVIETISE, to transf...
sovietisms 21 17 SOVIETISM, the princ...
sovietists 20 14 SOVIETIST, a believe...
sovietizes 22 23 SOVIETIZE, to transf...
sovranties 18 15 SOVRANTY, sovereignt...
sowbellies 24 18 SOWBELLY, pork cured...
spacebands 23 21 SPACEBAND, a wedge f...
spaceports 24 19 SPACEPORT, a place f...
spaceships 27 21 SPACESHIP, a spacecr...
spacesuits 23 17 SPACESUIT, a protect...
spacewalks 27 24 SPACEWALK, to walk i...
spadassins 19 15 SPADASSIN, (Italian)...
spadeworks 23 21 SPADEWORK, preparato...
spadiceous 22 18 chestnut-coloured [a...
spadillios 22 16 SPADILLIO, (obsolete...
spaghettis 23 17 SPAGHETTI, (Italian)...
spagirists 22 15 SPAGIRIST, an alchem...
spagyrists 28 17 SPAGYRIST, an alchem...
spanaemias 18 17 SPANAEMIA, a deficie...
spanglings 22 20 SPANGLING, the act o...
sparagrass 20 15 (dialect) asparagus...
sparaxises 25 20 SPARAXIS, a South Af...
sparklings 23 21 SPARKLING, the act o...
sparkplugs 26 24 SPARKPLUG, to spark...
sparseness 18 14 the state of being s...
sparsities 20 13 SPARSITY, the state...
sparteines 18 14 SPARTEINE, a narcoti...
sparteries 19 13 SPARTERIE, (French)...
sparticles 24 17 SPARTICLE, a shadow...
spearheads 20 16 SPEARHEAD, the point...
spearmints 20 17 SPEARMINT, a common...
spearworts 22 16 SPEARWORT, a name gi...
specifiers 25 19 SPECIFIER, one who s...
spectacles 26 20 SPECTACLE, a sight,...
spectators 22 16 SPECTATOR, an onlook...
speculates 23 18 SPECULATE, to make c...
speechless 25 19 unable to speak [adj...
speedballs 23 19 SPEEDBALL, to take c...
speedboats 20 17 SPEEDBOAT, a high-sp...
speediness 18 15 the state of being s...
speedreads 18 15 SPEEDREAD, to read q...
speedsters 19 14 SPEEDSTER, one who l...
speedwalks 24 22 SPEEDWALK, (US) an e...
speedwells 24 19 SPEEDWELL, any speci...
speldrings 22 18 SPELDRING, a haddock...
spellbinds 24 20 SPELLBIND, to bind b...
spelldowns 24 20 SPELLDOWN, (US) a sp...
spellicans 24 19 SPELLICAN, a small s...
spelunkers 21 20 SPELUNKER, one who e...
spermaries 20 16 SPERMARY, an organ i...
spermatics 24 19 SPERMATIC, a spermat...
spermatids 21 17 SPERMATID, a cell th...
spetsnazes 21 23 SPETSNAZ, (Russian)...
spetznazes 24 32 SPETZNAZ, (Russian)...
sphaerites 21 15 SPHAERITE, a hydrous...
sphendones 19 18 SPHENDONE, (Greek) a...
sphenodons 19 18 SPHENODON, a member...
sphereless 22 16 without a sphere [ad...
sphincters 25 19 SPHINCTER, a ringlik...
sphygmuses 31 23 SPHYGMUS, (Greek) th...
spicileges 25 19 SPICILEGE, a gleanin...
spiderwebs 25 20 SPIDERWEB, a thread...
spiffiness 24 20 the state of being s...
spikenards 20 19 SPIKENARD, an aromat...
spillikins 24 20 SPILLIKIN, a small s...
spillovers 24 19 SPILLOVER, an overfl...
spilosites 21 14 SPILOSITE, a spotted...
spinacenes 20 18 SPINACENE, a natural...
spinaceous 21 18 of or pertaining to...
spindlings 22 19 SPINDLING, a person...
spindrifts 23 18 SPINDRIFT, the ocean...
spinifexes 27 24 SPINIFEX, (Latin) a...
spinnakers 19 19 SPINNAKER, a large t...
spinnerets 18 15 SPINNERET, the silk-...
spinneries 18 15 SPINNERY, a spinning...
spinstress 20 14 a woman who spins [n...
spiralisms 23 17 SPIRALISM, advanceme...
spiralists 22 14 SPIRALIST, someone e...
spirasters 20 13 SPIRASTER, a coiled...
spirations 19 14 SPIRATION, the act o...
spiritings 22 16 SPIRITING, the act o...
spiritisms 23 16 SPIRITISM, the belie...
spiritists 22 13 SPIRITIST, one who b...
spiritless 22 14 lacking animation or...
spirituals 22 15 SPIRITUAL, a black r...
spirituous 21 15 alcoholic [adj]
spirituses 21 14 SPIRITUS, (Latin) sp...
spirograms 22 18 SPIROGRAM, a record...
spirogyras 27 17 SPIROGYRA, any of va...
spirulinas 21 16 SPIRULINA, any filam...
spivveries 24 21 SPIVVERY, the world...
splashings 24 19 SPLASHING, the act o...
splattings 22 17 SPLATTING, the sound...
spleenless 20 16 having no spleen; he...
splendours 20 17 SPLENDOUR, brillianc...
splendrous 20 17 full of splendour, a...
splenetics 23 18 SPLENETIC, one who i...
spleniuses 20 16 SPLENIUS, (Latin) a...
spleuchans 25 21 SPLEUCHAN, (Gaelic)...
splittings 23 17 SPLITTING, the act o...
splittisms 24 17 SPLITTISM, advocatin...
splittists 23 14 SPLITTIST, one advoc...
spodograms 21 19 SPODOGRAM, a prepara...
spodumenes 19 19 SPODUMENE, a monocli...
spoilfives 25 21 SPOILFIVE, a certain...
spoliators 20 14 SPOLIATOR, one who s...
spondylous 26 19 like a spondyl, a ve...
spongebags 22 21 SPONGEBAG, a bag for...
sponginess 19 17 the state of being s...
spooferies 20 16 SPOOFERY, good-natur...
spookeries 19 17 SPOOKERY, something...
spookiness 19 18 the state of being s...
spoonbaits 20 17 SPOONBAIT, a lure on...
spoonbills 23 19 SPOONBILL, a kind of...
spoonhooks 20 20 SPOONHOOK, a lure on...
spoonworms 22 20 SPOONWORM, a marine...
sporicides 23 17 SPORICIDE, a substan...
sporidesms 21 17 SPORIDESM, a multice...
sporocarps 24 19 SPOROCARP, a closed...
sporocysts 29 18 SPOROCYST, a rounded...
sporocytes 28 18 SPOROCYTE, a diploid...
sporophyls 31 21 SPOROPHYL, a leaf th...
sporozoans 20 23 SPOROZOAN, any paras...
sportances 21 17 SPORTANCE, playful,...
sportbikes 23 20 SPORTBIKE, a kind of...
sportiness 19 14 the state of being s...
sporulates 20 15 SPORULATE, to form (...
spotlights 25 18 SPOTLIGHT, to highli...
spottiness 19 14 the state of being s...
spouseless 20 15 destitute of a spous...
sprauchles 26 20 SPRAUCHLE, (Scots) t...
spreadings 20 17 SPREADING, the act o...
sprekelias 21 18 SPREKELIA, a bulbous...
sprigtails 23 16 SPRIGTAIL, a species...
springalds 22 18 SPRINGALD, (archaic)...
springboks 24 23 SPRINGBOK, a South A...
springhaas 22 18 (Afrikaans) a South...
springings 22 19 SPRINGING, the act o...
springless 22 17 without a spring [ad...
springlets 22 17 SPRINGLET, a little...
sprinklers 22 19 SPRINKLER, a device...
sprintings 21 17 SPRINTING, the act o...
spritsails 22 14 SPRITSAIL, a sail ex...
sproutings 21 17 SPROUTING, the act o...
spruceness 22 18 the state of being s...
sprynesses 25 16 SPRYNESS, the state...
spunkiness 20 20 pluck, spirit [n -ES...
sputterers 20 14 SPUTTERER, one who s...
spyglasses 28 18 SPYGLASS, a small te...
spymasters 27 18 SPYMASTER, one who c...
squabashes 29 25 SQUABASH, to crush e...
squabblers 31 27 SQUABBLER, one who s...
squadrones 24 22 SQUADRONE, (Italian)...
squailings 28 24 SQUAILING, the act o...
squallings 29 25 SQUALLING [n]
squamellas 28 25 SQUAMELLA, a little...
squamosals 27 24 SQUAMOSAL, a paired...
squareness 24 21 the state of being s...
squattings 27 23 SQUATTING, the act o...
squawkings 31 30 SQUAWKING, the act o...
squawroots 28 23 SQUAWROOT, a scaly p...
squeakings 27 27 SQUEAKING, the act o...
squealings 27 24 SQUEALING [n]
squeezings 29 32 SQUEEZING, the act o...
squeggings 29 27 SQUEGGING, a type of...
squelchers 32 26 SQUELCHER, an overwh...
squibbings 32 29 SQUIBBING, the act o...
squigglers 30 25 SQUIGGLER, one who s...
squillions 28 23 SQUILLION, an indefi...
squintings 27 24 SQUINTING, the act o...
squirarchs 32 25 SQUIRARCH, one who b...
squireages 26 22 SQUIREAGE, squires c...
squiredoms 27 24 SQUIREDOM, the offic...
squiresses 26 20 SQUIRESS, a squire's...
squirtings 28 23 SQUIRTING, the act o...
stabilates 20 14 STABILATE [v]
stabilises 21 14 STABILISE, to make s...
stabilizes 24 23 STABILIZE, to make s...
stableboys 28 19 STABLEBOY, someone w...
stableness 19 15 the state of being s...
stablishes 23 16 STABLISH, (archaic)...
stacations 19 14 STACATION, a holiday...
stackrooms 22 20 STACKROOM, in a libr...
stackyards 28 20 STACKYARD, a yard or...
staffrooms 22 19 STAFFROOM, a room in...
stagehands 19 16 STAGEHAND, a workman...
staggerers 19 14 STAGGERER, one who s...
staghounds 20 17 STAGHOUND, a dog use...
stagnances 19 17 STAGNANCE, the state...
staircases 20 13 STAIRCASE, a flight...
stairfoots 19 13 STAIRFOOT, the level...
stairheads 19 13 STAIRHEAD, the level...
stairlifts 22 14 STAIRLIFT, a lift to...
stairsteps 20 13 STAIRSTEP [n]
stairwells 23 15 STAIRWELL, a vertica...
stairworks 22 17 STAIRWORK, backstair...
stalemates 18 14 STALEMATE, to subjec...
stalkiness 19 16 the quality of being...
stalworths 24 16 STALWORTH, a stalwar...
stamineous 17 15 related to stamens,...
staminodes 17 15 STAMINODE, a sterile...
stammerers 19 16 STAMMERER, one who s...
stampeders 20 17 STAMPEDER, one who s...
stanchings 23 19 STANCHING, the act o...
stanchions 21 17 STANCHION, an uprigh...
stanchless 23 17 (Shakespeare) that c...
stanchness 21 17 the state of being s...
standdowns 19 17 STANDDOWN, a return...
standfasts 19 15 STANDFAST, a reliabl...
standgales 18 15 STANDGALE, a corrupt...
standishes 19 14 STANDISH, a receptac...
standovers 18 16 STANDOVER, a threate...
standpipes 21 18 STANDPIPE, a pipe fo...
stannaries 15 12 STANNARY, a tin-mini...
stannators 15 12 STANNATOR, one of th...
starboards 19 14 STARBOARD, to put or...
starbursts 21 14 STARBURST, a pattern...
stardrifts 21 14 STARDRIFT, a common...
starfishes 22 15 STARFISH, a star-sha...
starfruits 21 14 STARFRUIT, a flower,...
stargazers 21 21 STARGAZER, any of va...
starlights 23 15 STARLIGHT, the light...
starosties 17 10 STAROSTY, a domain b...
starriness 17 11 the state of being s...
starshines 19 13 STARSHINE, the light...
starstones 16 11 STARSTONE, asteriate...
startlings 20 14 STARTLING, the act o...
stasidions 17 12 STASIDION, (Greek) a...
statehoods 18 13 STATEHOOD, the statu...
statements 17 14 STATEMENT, to take a...
staterooms 17 13 STATEROOM, a private...
stationers 16 11 STATIONER, one who s...
statistics 22 13 STATISTIC, a tabulat...
statocysts 27 15 STATOCYST, an organ...
statoliths 21 13 STATOLITH, a small c...
statuaries 17 11 STATUARY, a group of...
statuettes 17 11 STATUETTE, a small s...
staunchers 22 17 STAUNCHER, something...
stavudines 19 17 STAVUDINE, a drug us...
staymakers 25 19 STAYMAKER, one whose...
steadiness 16 12 the state of being s...
steamboats 19 16 STEAMBOAT, a boat po...
steaminess 17 14 the state of being s...
steampunks 21 22 STEAMPUNK, a genre o...
steamrolls 20 15 STEAMROLL, to crush...
steamships 23 18 STEAMSHIP, a ship po...
steelheads 19 14 STEELHEAD, a north P...
steeliness 17 12 the state of being s...
steelwares 20 14 STEELWARE, articles...
steelworks 22 18 STEELWORK, work exec...
steelyards 24 14 STEELYARD, a weighin...
steenbucks 23 22 STEENBUCK, (Afrikaan...
steenkirks 19 19 STEENKIRK, (historic...
steepiness 18 14 (obsolete) steepness...
steerlings 19 14 STEERLING, a young s...
stegnotics 21 16 STEGNOTIC, a drug te...
stegodonts 17 14 STEGODONT, an extinc...
stegomyias 25 17 STEGOMYIA, a genus o...
stegosaurs 18 13 STEGOSAUR, a herbivo...
steinbocks 23 21 STEINBOCK, (Afrikaan...
steinkirks 20 19 STEINKIRK, a neckclo...
stellerids 20 13 STELLERID, a starfis...
stellifies 22 15 STELLIFY, to convert...
stemmatous 19 17 of or like a stemma...
stemmeries 19 16 STEMMERY, a place wh...
stencilers 21 15 STENCILER, one who p...
stenobaths 20 16 STENOBATH, a stenoba...
stenotypes 24 16 STENOTYPE, a form of...
stepbairns 21 17 STEPBAIRN, (Scots) a...
stepstools 20 14 STEPSTOOL, a stool a...
steradians 16 12 STERADIAN, a unit of...
sterculias 22 15 STERCULIA, any tree...
stereopses 18 13 STEREOPSIS, stereosc...
stereopsis 19 13 stereoscopic or thre...
sterilants 18 12 STERILANT, a sterili...
sterilises 19 11 STERILISE, to make s...
sterilizes 22 20 STERILIZE, to render...
sternfasts 19 14 STERNFAST, a rope or...
sternports 19 14 STERNPORT, a port or...
sternposts 19 14 STERNPOST, the main...
sternwards 20 15 towards the stern, a...
sternworks 21 18 hinder parts [n]
stertorous 17 11 with a snoring sound...
stevedores 18 15 STEVEDORE, a dock wo...
stewardess 20 14 a woman who performs...
sticcadoes 23 17 STICCADO, (Italian)...
sticcatoes 23 16 STICCATO, (Italian)...
stickballs 27 22 STICKBALL, baseball...
stickiness 22 18 the state of being s...
sticklings 25 21 STICKLING, making ob...
stickseeds 22 18 STICKSEED, any of va...
stickweeds 25 21 STICKWEED, any of se...
stickworks 27 24 STICKWORK, skill in...
stiffeners 21 17 STIFFENER, something...
stiffwares 25 19 STIFFWARE, software...
stigmatics 24 18 STIGMATIC, a person...
stilettoes 18 11 STILETTO, to stab wi...
stillborns 22 16 STILLBORN, a baby de...
stillrooms 21 15 STILLROOM, a room, i...
stiltbirds 23 15 STILTBIRD, a long-le...
stiltiness 19 12 the quality of being...
stimulants 20 16 STIMULANT, a substan...
stimulates 20 15 STIMULATE, to excite...
stingarees 17 13 STINGAREE, a ray wit...
stingbulls 24 19 STINGBULL, the weeve...
stinginess 18 14 the state of being s...
stinkbirds 22 19 STINKBIRD, another n...
stinkeroos 17 15 STINKEROO, a bad or...
stinkhorns 20 18 STINKHORN, a kind of...
stinkweeds 21 19 STINKWEED, any foul-...
stinkwoods 21 19 STINKWOOD, a name gi...
stipplings 25 20 STIPPLING, the act o...
stipulates 21 15 STIPULATE, to set or...
stirabouts 20 14 STIRABOUT, (Anglo-Ir...
stitchings 25 18 STITCHING, the act o...
stoccadoes 22 17 STOCCADO, (Italian)...
stockhorns 23 20 STOCKHORN, a primiti...
stockiness 21 18 the state of being s...
stockinets 21 18 STOCKINET, an elasti...
stocklists 24 18 STOCKLIST, a list of...
stocklocks 27 25 STOCKLOCK, a lock wi...
stockpiles 25 21 STOCKPILE, to make s...
stockrooms 22 20 STOCKROOM, a room wh...
stocktakes 22 21 STOCKTAKE, to perfor...
stockworks 26 24 STOCKWORK, (German)...
stockyards 28 20 STOCKYARD, a large y...
stodginess 18 14 the state of being s...
stokeholds 21 18 STOKEHOLD, a ship's...
stokeholes 20 17 STOKEHOLE, the area...
stolidness 18 13 the state of being s...
stomachers 23 18 STOMACHER, armour fo...
stomachics 27 21 STOMACHIC, a stomach...
stomachous 23 19 (archaic) proud [adj...
stomatitis 19 13 inflammation of the...
stomodeums 19 18 STOMODEUM, an embryo...
stoneboats 17 14 STONEBOAT, (US) a lo...
stonecasts 19 14 STONECAST, the throw...
stonechats 21 16 STONECHAT, a small b...
stonecrops 21 17 STONECROP, a yellow...
stoneflies 19 15 STONEFLY, a winged i...
stonehands 17 15 STONEHAND, in printi...
stoneshots 18 13 STONESHOT, a stone o...
stonewalls 21 16 STONEWALL, of a bats...
stonewares 18 14 STONEWARE, a species...
stoneworks 20 18 STONEWORK, any work...
stoneworts 19 14 STONEWORT, any plant...
stoolballs 22 16 STOOLBALL, a kind of...
stoopballs 23 18 STOOPBALL, a variati...
stoplights 25 18 STOPLIGHT, the brake...
storecards 20 14 STORECARD, a charge...
storerooms 17 13 STOREROOM, a room in...
storeships 22 15 STORESHIP, a vessel...
storiettes 17 10 STORIETTE, a short t...
stormbirds 22 17 STORMBIRD, a petrel...
stormcocks 26 23 STORMCOCK, a missel-...
storminess 18 14 the state of being s...
storybooks 26 19 STORYBOOK, a book of...
storyettes 23 12 STORYETTE, a short t...
storylines 24 14 STORYLINE, the main...
stovepipes 23 20 STOVEPIPE, a man's t...
strabismus 22 17 a squint, also STRAB...
straddlers 19 13 STRADDLER, one who s...
stragglers 21 15 STRAGGLER, one who s...
strainings 18 14 STRAINING, the act o...
straitness 17 11 the state of being s...
stramacons 20 17 STRAMACON, (obsolete...
stramashes 20 15 STRAMASH [n]
stramazons 20 23 STRAMAZON, (obsolete...
stramonies 17 14 STRAMONY, thorn appl...
stranglers 19 14 STRANGLER, one who s...
straphangs 22 18 STRAPHANG, of a pass...
straplines 20 15 STRAPLINE, a subsidi...
strappados 21 17 STRAPPADO, (Italian)...
strappings 23 19 STRAPPING, fastening...
strapworts 23 16 STRAPWORT, a seaside...
stratagems 19 15 STRATAGEM, a plan fo...
strategics 22 15 strategy [n]
strategies 18 12 STRATEGY, a plan for...
stratifies 20 13 STRATIFY, to arrange...
strawworms 25 19 STRAWWORM, a caddice...
straylings 26 16 STRAYLING, a stray [...
streakings 19 17 STREAKING, the pract...
streambeds 20 17 STREAMBED, the bed o...
streamings 19 16 STREAMING, the act o...
streamless 19 14 destitute of streams...
streamlets 19 14 STREAMLET, a small s...
streetages 17 12 STREETAGE, a toll fo...
streetboys 25 15 STREETBOY, a boy who...
streetcars 20 13 STREETCAR, (US) a tr...
streetfuls 21 15 STREETFUL, the conte...
strelitzes 22 20 STRELITZ, (Russian)...
streperous 19 14 loud; boisterous [ad...
strepitous 20 14 making a great clamo...
stressless 19 11 without stress [adj]
stretchers 23 15 STRETCHER, to carry...
strewments 21 17 STREWMENT, (Shakespe...
striations 17 11 STRIATION, marking w...
striatures 18 11 STRIATURE, a stria,...
strictions 21 14 STRICTION, the act o...
strictness 21 14 the state of being s...
strictures 22 14 STRICTURE, an advers...
stridelegs 20 14 (Scots) astride, als...
stridences 20 15 STRIDENCE, the quali...
strideways 27 16 astride [adv]
stridulous 20 14 squeaky [adj STRIDUL...
strifeless 21 14 without strife [adj]
strikeless 20 15 without a strike [ad...
strikeouts 19 15 STRIKEOUT, an out in...
stringings 20 16 STRINGING, the act o...
stringless 20 14 having no strings [a...
stripeless 21 14 without a stripe [ad...
stripiness 20 14 the state of being s...
striplings 23 17 STRIPLING, a youth i...
strippings 24 19 STRIPPING, the act o...
strollings 21 15 STROLLING, the act o...
stromatous 18 14 of or like a stroma,...
strombuses 21 17 STROMBUS, a very lar...
strongarms 19 16 STRONGARM, to use fo...
strongness 17 14 the state of being s...
strongyles 25 16 STRONGYLE, (Greek) a...
strontians 16 12 STRONTIAN, an oxide...
strontiums 19 15 STRONTIUM, a metalli...
strophoids 22 16 STROPHOID, a type of...
strophulus 24 18 a skin inflammation...
stroudings 19 15 STROUDING, the mater...
stroupachs 25 19 STROUPACH, (Scots) a...
structures 22 15 STRUCTURE, to give a...
strugglers 22 16 STRUGGLER, one who s...
struthious 21 14 of or relating to os...
struttings 20 14 STRUTTING, the act o...
strychnias 29 18 STRYCHNIA, (obsolete...
stubbiness 22 18 the state of being s...
studfishes 23 17 STUDFISH, any one of...
studhorses 20 14 STUDHORSE, a stallio...
stuffiness 22 18 the state of being s...
stultifies 22 15 STULTIFY, to cause t...
stumpiness 21 18 the state of being s...
stumpworks 26 24 STUMPWORK, a type of...
stupefiers 22 17 STUPEFIER, something...
stupendous 19 17 causing astonishment...
stupidness 20 16 the state of being s...
sturdiness 18 13 the state of being s...
stutterers 18 11 STUTTERER, one who s...
stylebooks 27 20 STYLEBOOK, a book of...
stylistics 30 16 the science of varia...
stylitisms 28 16 STYLITISM, the pract...
stylobates 26 16 STYLOBATE, (Greek) a...
stylolites 26 14 STYLOLITE, an irregu...
stylopises 27 16 STYLOPISE, to paraly...
stylopizes 30 25 STYLOPIZE, to paraly...
styrofoams 26 18 STYROFOAM, (tradenam...
subactions 22 18 SUBACTION, the act o...
subahships 27 21 SUBAHSHIP, the offic...
subalterns 20 16 SUBALTERN, a person...
subaqueous 27 25 under water [adj]
subarctics 27 20 SUBARCTIC, the zone...
subatomics 24 20 the study of subatom...
subbureaus 22 19 SUBBUREAU, a subdivi...
subcantors 22 18 SUBCANTOR, a subordi...
subcellars 25 19 SUBCELLAR, a subdivi...
subcenters 22 18 SUBCENTER, a subordi...
subcentres 22 18 SUBCENTRE, a subordi...
subchasers 25 19 SUBCHASER, a small m...
subclasses 24 18 SUBCLASS, to place i...
subclauses 24 19 SUBCLAUSE, a part of...
subconsuls 24 20 SUBCONSUL, an assist...
subcostals 24 18 SUBCOSTAL, a subcost...
subcutises 24 18 SUBCUTIS, the deeper...
subdeacons 21 19 SUBDEACON, a ministe...
subdealers 20 16 SUBDEALER, a dealer...
subdivides 23 20 SUBDIVIDE, to divide...
subeditors 20 15 SUBEDITOR, an assist...
subentries 19 15 SUBENTRY, an entry m...
subfossils 24 18 SUBFOSSIL, part of a...
subfuscous 26 22 duskish; moderately...
subgenuses 20 18 SUBGENUS, a subdivis...
subimagoes 21 19 SUBIMAGO, a stage in...
subincises 23 18 SUBINCISE, to perfor...
subindexes 25 23 SUBINDEX, a distingu...
subindices 23 19 SUBINDEX, a distingu...
subinfeuds 22 20 SUBINFEUD, to grant...
subjugates 23 26 SUBJUGATE, to bring...
sublations 20 16 SUBLATION, the act o...
sublessees 20 15 SUBLESSEE, a holder...
sublessors 21 15 SUBLESSOR, a person...
subletters 21 15 SUBLETTER, one who s...
sublimates 22 18 SUBLIMATE, to cause...
sublimings 24 21 SUBLIMING, the act o...
sublimises 23 18 SUBLIMISE, to make s...
sublimizes 26 27 SUBLIMIZE, to make s...
subluxates 27 23 SUBLUXATE, to partia...
submarines 20 18 SUBMARINE, to travel...
submarkets 22 21 SUBMARKET, a subordi...
submicrons 24 21 SUBMICRON, a particl...
submittals 23 18 SUBMITTAL, the act o...
submitters 22 17 SUBMITTER, one who s...
submucosas 24 21 SUBMUCOSA, the conne...
subnormals 21 19 SUBNORMAL, one who i...
subnucleus 24 21 a secondary nucleus...
suboctaves 24 21 SUBOCTAVE, the octav...
suboffices 27 23 SUBOFFICE, part of a...
suboscines 22 18 SUBOSCINE, a member...
subperiods 22 18 SUBPERIOD, part of a...
subphylums 34 26 SUBPHYLUM, (Latin) t...
subprocess 25 20 part of a process [n...
subregions 20 17 SUBREGION, part of a...
subrogates 20 16 SUBROGATE, to substi...
subsamples 24 21 SUBSAMPLE, to create...
subscribes 26 20 SUBSCRIBE, to write...
subscripts 27 20 SUBSCRIPT, a number...
subsectors 23 17 SUBSECTOR, part of a...
subsidises 21 15 SUBSIDISE, to furnis...
subsidizes 24 24 SUBSIDIZE, to furnis...
subsisters 21 14 SUBSISTER, one who s...
subsoilers 21 15 SUBSOILER, a plough...
subspecies 25 20 a population whose c...
subspinous 22 19 subvertebral [adj]
substances 22 18 SUBSTANCE, something...
substracts 24 17 SUBSTRACT, to subtra...
substrates 20 14 SUBSTRATE, a substra...
substructs 25 18 SUBSTRUCT, to build...
subsystems 28 19 SUBSYSTEM, part of a...
subtenants 18 16 SUBTENANT, one who r...
subtenures 19 16 SUBTENURE, tenure he...
subtilises 22 15 SUBTILISE, to make s...
subtilizes 25 24 SUBTILIZE, to make s...
subtilties 22 15 SUBTILTY, the state...
subtleness 20 16 the state of being s...
subtleties 21 15 SUBTLETY, the state...
subtropics 26 20 SUBTROPIC, a subtrop...
subvassals 23 19 SUBVASSAL, the vassa...
subversals 23 19 SUBVERSAL, the act o...
subverters 22 18 SUBVERTER, one who,...
subviruses 23 19 SUBVIRUS, a viral pr...
subwardens 22 19 SUBWARDEN, a subordi...
subwoofers 24 20 SUBWOOFER, part of a...
subwriters 24 17 SUBWRITER, one who w...
succedents 23 19 SUCCEDENT, a person...
succeeders 23 18 SUCCEEDER, a success...
succentors 23 18 SUCCENTOR, a bass so...
successors 24 17 SUCCESSOR, one who s...
succinates 23 18 SUCCINATE, a salt of...
succinites 24 18 SUCCINITE, amber, es...
succorless 25 18 without succor, also...
succourers 24 18 SUCCOURER, one who s...
succubuses 27 22 SUCCUBUS, a female d...
succulents 25 20 SUCCULENT, a plant,...
succumbers 28 24 SUCCUMBER, one who s...
succursals 26 19 SUCCURSAL, a branch...
suchnesses 22 17 SUCHNESS, essential...
suckfishes 27 23 SUCKFISH, a remora,...
sucraloses 21 15 SUCRALOSE, an artifi...
suctorians 20 15 SUCTORIAN, a cartila...
sudatories 17 12 SUDATORY, a hot-air...
suddenness 16 15 the state of being s...
suddenties 17 14 SUDDENTY, suddenness...
sudorifics 24 18 SUDORIFIC, a drug ca...
sufferings 23 20 SUFFERING, feeling p...
suffixions 28 25 SUFFIXION, the act o...
suffocates 24 20 SUFFOCATE, to kill b...
suffragans 22 20 SUFFRAGAN, an assist...
suffusions 22 19 SUFFUSION, the act o...
sugarcanes 20 17 SUGARCANE, a tall wo...
sugarcoats 21 16 SUGARCOAT, to coat w...
sugariness 18 14 the state of being s...
sugarplums 24 21 SUGARPLUM, a kind of...
suggesters 20 15 SUGGESTER, one who s...
suitresses 18 11 SUITRESS, a female s...
sulcalises 23 16 SULCALISE, to furrow...
sulcalizes 26 25 SULCALIZE, to furrow...
sulcations 21 16 SULCATION, a channel...
sulfatases 20 15 SULFATASE, any of va...
sulfations 20 16 SULFATION, the act o...
sulfonates 19 16 SULFONATE, a salt of...
sulfoniums 22 20 SULFONIUM, the posit...
sulfoxides 27 23 SULFOXIDE, any of a...
sulfurates 21 16 SULFURATE, to combin...
sulfureous 21 17 pertaining to or lik...
sulfurises 22 16 SULFURISE, to combin...
sulfurizes 25 25 SULFURIZE, to combin...
sullenness 18 15 the state of being s...
sulphinyls 31 21 SULPHINYL, the bival...
sulphonyls 30 21 SULPHONYL, a particu...
sulphurets 24 18 SULPHURET, to treat...
sulphurous 24 19 containing sulphur i...
sulphuryls 32 21 SULPHURYL, a particu...
sultanates 17 13 SULTANATE, the rule...
sultriness 19 13 the state of being s...
sumbitches 27 22 SUMBITCH, (colloquia...
summarises 20 17 SUMMARISE, to make a...
summarists 21 17 SUMMARIST, one who s...
summarizes 23 26 SUMMARIZE, to make a...
summations 19 18 SUMMATION, the act o...
summerings 21 20 SUMMERING, passing t...
summerless 21 18 without a summer [ad...
summersets 20 17 SUMMERSET, a leap in...
summiteers 20 17 SUMMITEER, a partici...
summitless 22 18 having no summit [ad...
summitries 21 17 SUMMITRY, conference...
sunbathers 21 17 SUNBATHER, one who s...
sunberries 19 15 SUNBERRY, dark edibl...
sunbonnets 17 17 SUNBONNET, a bonnet...
sunderings 18 16 SUNDERING, the act o...
sundowners 19 17 SUNDOWNER, (Australi...
sundresses 17 13 SUNDRESS, a low-cut...
sunflowers 23 19 SUNFLOWER, a composi...
sungazings 22 26 SUNGAZING, the pract...
sunglasses 19 15 SUNGLASS, a lens for...
sunporches 24 20 SUNPORCH, a porch th...
sunrisings 19 15 SUNRISING, the risin...
sunscreens 19 16 SUNSCREEN, a cream p...
sunseekers 17 16 SUNSEEKER, one who s...
sunstrokes 18 16 SUNSTROKE, a medical...
superatoms 20 17 SUPERATOM, a cluster...
superbanks 22 22 SUPERBANK, a very la...
superbikes 23 21 SUPERBIKE, a high-po...
superbness 21 18 the quality of being...
superbombs 25 23 SUPERBOMB, a very bi...
superbrats 22 17 SUPERBRAT, a very br...
supercedes 22 18 SUPERCEDE, to take t...
supercells 25 19 SUPERCELL, an unusua...
superclass 24 18 a taxonomic category...
superclubs 27 22 SUPERCLUB, a very bi...
supercoils 24 18 SUPERCOIL, a complex...
supercools 23 18 SUPERCOOL, to cool a...
superettes 19 14 SUPERETTE, a small l...
superfarms 23 20 SUPERFARM, a very bi...
superfirms 24 20 SUPERFIRM, a large f...
superfixes 28 24 SUPERFIX, a recurren...
superfoods 21 18 SUPERFOOD, a food wi...
superfunds 22 20 SUPERFUND, a superio...
superfuses 22 18 SUPERFUSE, to pour o...
supergenes 19 17 SUPERGENE, a group o...
superglues 22 18 SUPERGLUE, to glue w...
supergrass 21 16 a very important pol...
superheats 21 16 SUPERHEAT, to heat t...
superhives 24 20 SUPERHIVE, a removab...
superhypes 30 21 SUPERHYPE, to subjec...
superjocks 26 30 SUPERJOCK, a very go...
superloads 20 16 SUPERLOAD, a variabl...
supermales 21 18 SUPERMALE, an excess...
supermarts 21 17 SUPERMART, a big sup...
supermaxes 26 24 SUPERMAX, a jail wit...
superminds 21 19 SUPERMIND, a more th...
superminis 21 18 SUPERMINI, a small c...
supermotos 20 17 SUPERMOTO, a form of...
supernates 18 15 SUPERNATE [n]
supernovas 20 19 SUPERNOVA, (Latin) a...
superpimps 26 23 SUPERPIMP, a pimp co...
superports 22 17 SUPERPORT, a superio...
superposes 21 17 SUPERPOSE, to place...
superraces 22 17 SUPERRACE, a race th...
superroads 19 15 SUPERROAD, a superio...
supersales 20 15 SUPERSALE, a big sal...
supersalts 21 15 SUPERSALT, an acid s...
supersaurs 20 15 SUPERSAUR, a very la...
supersedes 19 15 SUPERSEDE, to take t...
supersells 22 16 SUPERSELL, to sell i...
supersexes 25 21 SUPERSEX, very good...
supershows 25 19 SUPERSHOW, an except...
supersizes 23 23 SUPERSIZE, a supersi...
superspies 22 17 SUPERSPY, a superior...
superstars 20 14 SUPERSTAR, an extrem...
superstuds 21 16 SUPERSTUD, an except...
supertaxes 25 21 SUPERTAX, an additio...
supertrams 21 17 SUPERTRAM, a very su...
superusers 20 15 SUPERUSER, in comput...
supervenes 20 19 SUPERVENE, to come i...
supervises 22 18 SUPERVISE, to overse...
superwaifs 25 20 SUPERWAIF, an extrem...
superwaves 24 21 SUPERWAVE, a excepti...
superweeds 22 18 SUPERWEED, a hybrid...
superwides 23 18 SUPERWIDE, a very wi...
superwives 25 21 SUPERWIFE, an except...
supinators 19 15 SUPINATOR, a muscle...
supineness 18 16 the state of being s...
suppeagoes 21 19 SUPPEAGO, a skin dis...
supperless 23 18 having no supper [ad...
suppleness 22 19 the state of being s...
suppliants 23 19 SUPPLIANT, one who s...
supplicats 27 21 SUPPLICAT, in Englis...
supporters 22 17 SUPPORTER, a figure...
supposings 23 20 SUPPOSING, the act o...
suppresses 22 17 SUPPRESS, to subdue...
suppurates 22 18 SUPPURATE, to discha...
surcharges 24 18 SURCHARGE, to exact...
surcingles 23 18 SURCINGLE, a girth o...
surculuses 23 17 SURCULUS, a sucker [...
surenesses 16 12 SURENESS, the state...
surfacings 24 20 SURFACING, the act o...
surfboards 22 18 SURFBOARD, to surf o...
surfeiters 20 14 SURFEITER, one who s...
surffishes 25 19 SURFFISH, a Western...
surfriders 21 15 SURFRIDER, one who e...
surmasters 19 14 SURMASTER, (archaic)...
surmisings 21 17 SURMISING, the act o...
surmullets 22 17 SURMULLET, a fish mu...
surpassers 20 14 SURPASSER, one who s...
surplusses 22 16 SURPLUS, an excess [...
surprisals 22 15 SURPRISAL, an act of...
surprisers 21 14 SURPRISER, one who s...
surquedies 26 22 SURQUEDY, (obsolete)...
surrejoins 19 21 SURREJOIN, to reply,...
surrenders 17 13 SURRENDER, to yield,...
surrogates 18 13 SURROGATE, to act as...
surveilles 22 17 SURVEILLE, to observ...
surveyings 27 20 SURVEYING, the act o...
susceptors 23 17 SUSCEPTOR, (obsolete...
suscitates 21 14 SUSCITATE, to excite...
suspecters 23 17 SUSPECTER, one who s...
suspenders 19 16 SUSPENDER, a strap t...
suspensers 19 15 SUSPENSER, something...
suspensors 19 15 SUSPENSOR, a suspens...
suspicions 23 18 SUSPICION, to suspec...
suspicious 24 18 tending to arouse su...
suspirious 21 15 breathing labouredly...
sustainers 17 12 SUSTAINER, one who s...
susurrates 18 12 SUSURRATE, to whispe...
susurruses 19 13 SUSURRUS, a soft rus...
sutteeisms 19 14 SUTTEEISM, the India...
suttleties 19 12 SUTTLETIE, (Milton)...
svelteness 19 16 the quality of being...
swaggerers 22 17 SWAGGERER, one who s...
swallowers 25 18 SWALLOWER, one who s...
swampiness 23 20 the state of being s...
swamplands 24 22 SWAMPLAND, swamp cou...
swankiness 20 19 the state of being s...
swanneries 18 15 SWANNERY, a place wh...
swansdowns 22 19 SWANSDOWN, heavy nap...
swarajisms 24 25 SWARAJISM, the polic...
swarajists 23 22 SWARAJIST, one who a...
swarthness 22 16 the state of being s...
swashworks 27 22 SWASHWORK, a woodtur...
swearwords 23 17 SWEARWORD, an explet...
sweatbands 21 18 SWEATBAND, an absorb...
sweatboxes 27 23 SWEATBOX, a small en...
sweatiness 19 14 the state of being s...
sweatpants 21 17 trousers of (usu thi...
sweatshops 24 18 SWEATSHOP, a factory...
sweatsuits 21 14 SWEATSUIT, a loose-f...
sweepbacks 28 26 SWEEPBACK, the angle...
sweetcorns 22 17 SWEETCORN, a sweet v...
sweeteners 18 14 SWEETENER, a substan...
sweetmeats 20 16 SWEETMEAT, any conco...
sweetshops 24 18 SWEETSHOP, a shop th...
sweetvelds 23 19 SWEETVELD, in South...
sweetwoods 22 17 SWEETWOOD, a South A...
swellheads 24 18 SWELLHEAD, a conceit...
sweptwings 27 22 SWEPTWING, an aircra...
swerveless 23 18 without swerving [ad...
swimmerets 23 19 SWIMMERET, a crustac...
swindlings 23 19 SWINDLING, the act o...
swineherds 22 17 SWINEHERD, (archaic)...
swinehoods 21 17 SWINEHOOD, the state...
swinepoxes 27 24 SWINEPOX, a disease...
swingbeats 23 19 SWINGBEAT, a type of...
swingboats 23 19 SWINGBOAT, a boat-sh...
swinglings 24 20 SWINGLING, the act o...
swingtrees 21 16 SWINGTREE, the cross...
switchings 28 21 SWITCHING, a beating...
swordbills 26 19 SWORDBILL, a kind of...
swordplays 30 20 SWORDPLAY, fighting...
swordtails 22 15 SWORDTAIL, a small C...
sycophants 30 21 SYCOPHANT, one who a...
syllabises 28 17 SYLLABISE, to form o...
syllabisms 30 20 SYLLABISM, use of a...
syllabizes 31 26 SYLLABIZE, to form o...
syllabuses 28 18 SYLLABUS, an outline...
syllogises 27 16 SYLLOGISE, to reason...
syllogisms 29 19 SYLLOGISM, an argume...
syllogists 28 16 SYLLOGIST, one who r...
syllogizes 30 25 SYLLOGIZE, to reason...
sylvanites 26 18 SYLVANITE, a monocli...
sylvinites 27 18 SYLVINITE, a rock co...
symbolises 28 19 SYMBOLISE, to be sym...
symbolisms 30 22 SYMBOLISM, the use o...
symbolists 29 19 SYMBOLIST, a practit...
symbolizes 31 28 SYMBOLIZE, to be sym...
symmetries 26 18 SYMMETRY, exact corr...
sympathies 29 20 SYMPATHY, a feeling...
sympathins 29 21 SYMPATHIN, a substan...
sympatries 27 18 SYMPATRY, the state...
symphilies 31 21 SYMPHILY, the practi...
symphilous 31 22 of or like a symphil...
symphonies 28 21 SYMPHONY, an orchest...
symphylous 37 24 of or like a symphil...
symposiacs 30 21 SYMPOSIAC, a symposi...
symposiums 29 22 SYMPOSIUM, a confere...
synaereses 21 13 SYNAERESIS, the runn...
synaeresis 22 13 the running together...
synagogues 24 18 SYNAGOGUE, (Greek) a...
synalephas 27 19 SYNALEPHA, the melti...
synandrous 22 16 having united stamen...
synanthies 24 16 SYNANTHY, abnormal f...
synanthous 24 17 synanthic, flowering...
synapheias 26 18 SYNAPHEIA, metrical...
synaptases 24 16 SYNAPTASE, emulsin,...
synarchies 28 18 SYNARCHY, joint sove...
synastries 23 13 SYNASTRY, coincidenc...
synbiotics 29 19 SYNBIOTIC, a substan...
syncarpies 28 19 SYNCARPY, the state...
syncarpous 28 20 bearing syncarps, fl...
synclinals 28 19 SYNCLINAL, a synclin...
syncopates 27 19 SYNCOPATE, to shorte...
syndactyls 34 20 SYNDACTYL, an animal...
syndereses 22 14 SYNDERESIS, conscien...
synderesis 23 14 conscience as a guid...
syndesises 23 14 SYNDESIS, the point...
syndicates 26 17 SYNDICATE, to sell (...
syneideses 22 14 SYNEIDESIS, (obsolet...
syneidesis 23 14 (obsolete) conscienc...
synergises 24 15 SYNERGISE, to act as...
synergisms 26 18 SYNERGISM, the belie...
synergists 25 15 SYNERGIST, a substan...
synergizes 27 24 SYNERGIZE, to act as...
syngeneses 22 16 SYNGENESIS, sexual r...
syngenesis 23 16 sexual reproduction...
synkaryons 29 20 SYNKARYON, the nucle...
synoecetes 24 16 SYNOECETE, a guest t...
synoecious 25 17 having antheridia an...
synoecises 25 16 SYNOECISE, to unite...
synoecisms 27 19 SYNOECISM, associati...
synoecizes 28 25 SYNOECIZE, to unite...
synoeketes 22 17 SYNOEKETE, a guest t...
synonymies 29 19 SYNONYMY, equivalenc...
synonymous 29 20 having the character...
synopsises 25 16 SYNOPSIS [v]
synopsizes 28 25 SYNOPSIZE, to make a...
synoptists 26 16 SYNOPTIST, one of th...
synostoses 22 13 SYNOSTOSIS, a comple...
synostosis 23 13 a complete union of...
syntactics 30 19 the branch of semiot...
syntenoses 21 14 SYNTENOSIS, the conn...
syntenosis 22 14 the connection of bo...
syntereses 22 13 SYNTERESIS, conscien...
synteresis 23 13 conscience as a guid...
syntexises 29 20 SYNTEXIS, the altera...
synthetics 29 18 SYNTHETIC, a synthet...
synthronus 25 17 the seat of a bishop...
syntonises 22 14 SYNTONISE, to adjust...
syntonizes 25 23 SYNTONIZE, to adjust...
sypherings 29 20 SYPHERING, joining b...
syphilises 30 18 SYPHILIS, a venereal...
syphilizes 33 27 SYPHILIZE, to inocul...
syphilomas 30 21 SYPHILOMA, a syphili...
syringitis 26 15 inflammation of the...
systemises 25 15 SYSTEMISE, to reduce...
systemizes 28 24 SYSTEMIZE, to reduce...
systemless 26 16 without a system [ad...
tabasheers 20 15 TABASHEER, (Hindi) a...
tabboulehs 24 20 TABBOULEH, (Arabic)...
tabbyhoods 29 21 TABBYHOOD, (obsolete...
tabellions 20 16 TABELLION, (Latin) a...
tablatures 20 15 TABLATURE, an old no...
tablelands 20 17 TABLELAND, a plateau...
tablemates 20 17 TABLEMATE, one who s...
tablewares 22 17 TABLEWARE, ware, or...
tabulators 20 15 TABULATOR, one who t...
tacamahacs 25 21 TACAMAHAC, (Nahuatl)...
tachograms 24 20 TACHOGRAM, a record...
tachylites 30 18 TACHYLITE, a vitreou...
tachylytes 36 20 TACHYLYTE, a vitreou...
tachypneas 29 21 TACHYPNEA, abnormall...
tackboards 23 21 TACKBOARD, a board,...
tackifiers 24 20 TACKIFIER, something...
tacmahacks 27 25 TACMAHACK, (Nahuatl)...
tacticians 23 17 TACTICIAN, one skill...
tactilists 23 14 TACTILIST, a painter...
taekwondos 19 19 TAEKWONDO, (Korean)...
taffetases 20 16 TAFFETAS, TAFFETA, a...
tahsildars 21 14 TAHSILDAR, an Indian...
taikonauts 17 16 TAIKONAUT, a Chinese...
tailboards 20 15 TAILBOARD, a hinged...
tailenders 17 13 TAILENDER, someone c...
tailgaters 19 13 TAILGATER, a person...
taillights 24 16 TAILLIGHT, a rear li...
tailorings 19 14 TAILORING, the act o...
tailpieces 23 17 TAILPIECE, a piece a...
tailplanes 20 16 TAILPLANE, a small h...
tailslides 20 13 TAILSLIDE, an aeroba...
tailstocks 23 18 TAILSTOCK, a slidabl...
tailwaters 21 14 TAILWATER, water bel...
tailwheels 24 17 TAILWHEEL, a wheel a...
takingness 18 18 the quality of being...
talbotypes 28 19 TALBOTYPE, a method...
talegallas 20 15 TALEGALLA, (Malagasy...
talentless 18 13 without talent [adj]
talkathons 20 18 TALKATHON, a long ta...
tallnesses 18 13 TALLNESS, the state...
tallyshops 30 19 TALLYSHOP, a shop wh...
talmudisms 22 19 TALMUDISM, belief in...
tamarillos 20 15 TAMARILLO, the tree...
tambourers 20 17 TAMBOURER, one who e...
tambourins 20 18 TAMBOURIN, a long, n...
tamenesses 16 14 TAMENESS, the state...
tamoxifens 25 24 TAMOXIFEN, a drug wh...
tamperings 21 19 TAMPERING, the act o...
tamponades 18 18 TAMPONADE, the surgi...
tamponages 19 19 TAMPONAGE, the surgi...
tangencies 19 17 TANGENCY, the state...
tangerines 16 14 TANGERINE, a mandari...
tanghinins 19 17 TANGHININ, the activ...
tanistries 17 11 TANISTRY, the system...
tanorexics 25 21 TANOREXIC, a person...
tantalates 16 12 TANTALATE, a salt of...
tantalises 17 12 TANTALISE, to tormen...
tantalisms 19 15 TANTALISM, the punis...
tantalites 17 12 TANTALITE, a black m...
tantalizes 20 21 TANTALIZE, to tormen...
tantaluses 17 13 TANTALUS, a case in...
tantararas 15 11 TANTARARA, a trumpet...
tanzanites 18 21 TANZANITE, a gemston...
tapestries 19 13 TAPESTRY, to decorat...
tarabishes 21 15 TARABISH, a trick-ta...
tarantaras 15 11 TARANTARA [n]
tarantases 15 11 TARANTAS, (Russian)...
tarantisms 18 14 TARANTISM, a dancing...
tarantists 17 11 TARANTIST, one suffe...
tarantulas 17 13 TARANTULA, any one o...
taraxacums 27 24 TARAXACUM, a plant o...
tarboggins 21 18 TARBOGGIN, to sledge...
tarbooshes 20 15 TARBOOSH, (Arabic) a...
tarbouches 24 19 TARBOUCHE, (Arabic)...
tarboushes 21 16 TARBOUSH, (Arabic) a...
targeteers 17 12 TARGETEER, (historic...
targetings 19 15 TARGETING, making a...
targetitis 19 12 a obsession with ach...
targetless 19 13 without a target [ad...
tariffless 23 17 without a tariff [ad...
tarnations 15 12 TARNATION, (US slang...
tarnishers 19 13 TARNISHER, something...
tarpaulins 20 16 TARPAULIN, a strong...
tarriances 19 14 TARRIANCE, (archaic)...
tarsalgias 19 13 TARSALGIA, pain in t...
tartanries 16 11 TARTANRY, Scottish c...
tartareous 16 11 of or pertaining to...
tartarises 17 10 TARTARISE, to treat,...
tartarizes 20 19 TARTARIZE, to treat,...
tartnesses 16 11 TARTNESS, the state...
tasimeters 18 13 TASIMETER, an instru...
tatahashes 20 14 TATAHASH, (dialect)...
tattooists 17 10 TATTOOIST, one who t...
tautnesses 16 12 TAUTNESS, the state...
tawdriness 20 15 the state of being t...
taxameters 23 20 TAXAMETER, (obsolete...
taximeters 24 20 TAXIMETER, an instru...
taxiplanes 25 22 TAXIPLANE, an aircra...
taxonomers 22 21 TAXONOMER, a special...
taxonomies 22 21 TAXONOMY, the study...
taxpayings 32 25 TAXPAYING, the payin...
tayassuids 24 14 TAYASSUID, any membe...
tayberries 25 15 TAYBERRY, a hybrid p...
tchotchkes 29 24 TCHOTCHKE, (Yiddish)...
teaberries 18 13 TEABERRY, a North Am...
teacupfuls 26 22 TEACUPFUL, enough to...
teakettles 18 15 TEAKETTLE, a kettle...
teargasses 17 12 TEARGAS, to assault...
tearsheets 18 12 TEARSHEET, a page in...
tearstains 16 11 TEARSTAIN, the mark...
tearstrips 20 13 TEARSTRIP, a part of...
teaselings 18 14 TEASELING, the act o...
teasellers 18 12 TEASELLER, one who u...
teatasters 16 10 TEATASTER, one whose...
technicals 26 20 TECHNICAL, a worker...
technikons 22 21 TECHNIKON, a technic...
techniques 30 26 TECHNIQUE, a skilled...
technopops 25 22 TECHNOPOP, pop music...
tectonisms 21 17 TECTONISM, tectonics...
tehsildars 21 14 TEHSILDAR, (Hindi) o...
telecopies 22 17 TELECOPY, a message...
telegnoses 17 14 TELEGNOSIS, knowledg...
telegnosis 18 14 knowledge of events...
telegonies 17 14 TELEGONY, the influe...
telegonous 17 15 relating to telegony...
telegraphs 23 18 TELEGRAPH, to transm...
telematics 22 17 TELEMATIC [n]
telemeters 18 14 TELEMETER, to measur...
teleosaurs 17 12 TELEOSAUR, an extinc...
telephemes 22 19 TELEPHEME, a message...
telephones 20 17 TELEPHONE, to contac...
telephotos 21 16 TELEPHOTO, a photo t...
telepoints 19 15 TELEPOINT, a device...
teleprints 20 15 TELEPRINT, to print...
telescopes 22 17 TELESCOPE, to collap...
telestichs 24 16 TELESTICH, a poem in...
televisers 20 15 TELEVISER, one who t...
televisors 20 15 TELEVISOR, a receive...
telferages 20 16 TELFERAGE, use of a...
telicities 22 14 TELICITY, the qualit...
tellurates 19 13 TELLURATE, a salt of...
tellurians 19 14 TELLURIAN, an appara...
tellurides 20 14 TELLURIDE, a compoun...
tellurions 19 14 TELLURION, an appara...
tellurises 20 13 TELLURISE, to combin...
tellurites 20 13 TELLURITE, a salt of...
telluriums 22 17 TELLURIUM, a rare ch...
tellurizes 23 22 TELLURIZE, to combin...
telophases 21 16 TELOPHASE, the last...
temazepams 23 28 TEMAZEPAM, a drug us...
temerities 18 13 TEMERITY, foolish bo...
temperates 19 16 TEMPERATE, to temper...
temperings 21 19 TEMPERING, the act o...
temporises 20 16 TEMPORISE, to delay...
temporizes 23 25 TEMPORIZE, to delay...
temulences 21 19 TEMULENCE, intoxicat...
tenacities 19 14 TENACITY, persistenc...
tenaculums 22 20 TENACULUM, a surgica...
tenaillons 17 14 TENAILLON, (French)...
tenantless 16 13 without a tenant [ad...
tenantries 15 12 TENANTRY, the tempor...
tendencies 18 16 TENDENCY, a trend or...
tenderings 17 15 TENDERING, the act o...
tenderises 16 12 TENDERISE, to make t...
tenderizes 19 21 TENDERIZE, to make t...
tenderness 15 13 the state of being t...
tendinitis 17 13 inflammation of a te...
tendonitis 16 13 inflammation of a te...
tendresses 16 12 TENDRESSE, (French)...
tendrilous 18 14 of or like a tendril...
tenebrious 18 15 gloomy, obscure, als...
tenebrisms 20 17 TENEBRISM, a style o...
tenebrists 19 14 TENEBRIST, a painter...
tenesmuses 17 15 TENESMUS, a frequent...
teniacides 19 15 TENIACIDE, a substan...
teniafuges 19 17 TENIAFUGE, a substan...
tenotomies 16 14 TENOTOMY, the surgic...
tensioners 15 12 TENSIONER, something...
tentations 15 12 TENTATION, experimen...
tentatives 18 15 TENTATIVE, something...
tentmakers 18 18 TENTMAKER, one who m...
tentoriums 18 15 TENTORIUM, a sheet o...
tephigrams 24 20 TEPHIGRAM, a diagram...
tephroites 21 15 TEPHROITE, an orthor...
tepidities 20 14 TEPIDITY, the state...
teratogens 16 13 TERATOGEN, an agent...
terebinths 21 16 TEREBINTH, a small M...
terebrants 18 14 TEREBRANT, (facetiou...
terebrates 18 13 TEREBRATE, to bore i...
termagants 18 16 TERMAGANT, a shrewis...
terminates 17 14 TERMINATE, to bring...
terminisms 20 17 TERMINISM, the doctr...
terminists 19 14 TERMINIST, a believe...
terminuses 18 15 TERMINUS, an end [n]
terpenoids 18 15 TERPENOID, any one o...
terpineols 19 15 TERPINEOL, a terpene...
terracings 21 16 TERRACING, terraces...
terraforms 20 16 TERRAFORM, to make (...
terramares 17 13 TERRAMARE, (Italian)...
terrariums 19 14 TERRARIUM, a glass e...
terricoles 21 14 TERRICOLE, a land an...
terrifiers 20 13 TERRIFIER, one who t...
terrorises 17 10 TERRORISE, to inflic...
terrorisms 19 13 TERRORISM, an organi...
terrorists 18 10 TERRORIST, one who e...
terrorizes 20 19 TERRORIZE, to inflic...
terrorless 18 11 free from terror [ad...
tersanctus 20 15 (Latin) the hymn beg...
tertiaries 17 10 TERTIARY, a flight f...
tesselates 17 11 TESSELATE, to cover...
tesseracts 20 13 TESSERACT, a figure...
tessituras 18 11 TESSITURA, (Italian)...
testaceans 18 14 TESTACEAN, a microsc...
testaceous 19 14 having a hard shell;...
testaments 17 14 TESTAMENT, that whic...
testations 16 11 TESTATION, a witness...
testifiers 20 13 TESTIFIER, one who t...
testudines 17 13 TESTUDO, (Latin) a w...
tetchiness 22 16 the state of being t...
tetradites 17 11 TETRADITE, a person...
tetragrams 19 15 TETRAGRAM, a word or...
tetrapolis 20 14 a group of four citi...
tetroxides 23 18 TETROXIDE, an oxide...
teutonises 16 12 TEUTONISE, to render...
teutonizes 19 21 TEUTONIZE, to render...
textphones 26 23 TEXTPHONE, a phone t...
textspeaks 26 24 TEXTSPEAK, the style...
textuaries 23 18 TEXTUARY, a speciali...
texturises 24 18 TEXTURISE, to give a...
texturizes 27 27 TEXTURIZE, to give a...
thanatisms 20 16 THANATISM, the belie...
thanatists 19 13 THANATIST, one belie...
thanatoses 17 13 THANATOS, (Greek) in...
thanatosis 18 13 gangrene [n THANATOS...
thanehoods 19 16 THANEHOOD, the state...
thaneships 23 18 THANESHIP, the state...
thatchings 26 20 THATCHING [n]
thatchless 26 18 without thatch [adj]
thatnesses 18 13 THATNESS, that [n]
thaumatins 20 17 THAUMATIN, a sweeten...
thearchies 24 17 THEARCHY, rule by a...
thecodonts 21 17 THECODONT, a member...
thelements 20 17 THELEMENT, (Spenser)...
thelitises 21 13 THELITIS, inflammati...
themselves 23 20 the reflexive pronou...
thenabouts 20 17 at about that time,...
theodicies 22 16 THEODICY, a defence...
theogonies 18 15 THEOGONY, an account...
theologers 20 15 THEOLOGER, a theolog...
theologies 20 15 THEOLOGY, the study...
theologues 20 16 THEOLOGUE, a theolog...
theomanias 18 16 THEOMANIA, the belie...
theonomies 18 16 THEONOMY, rule by a...
theonomous 18 17 relating to theonomy...
theorbists 22 15 THEORBIST, one who p...
theoretics 22 15 THEORETIC, the theor...
theoriques 27 22 THEORIQUE, (Shakespe...
theorisers 19 12 THEORISER, one who t...
theorizers 22 21 THEORIZER, one who t...
theralites 20 13 THERALITE, a holocry...
therapists 22 15 THERAPIST, one who p...
therapsids 22 16 THERAPSID, one of a...
thermettes 20 15 THERMETTE, a device,...
thermidors 21 16 THERMIDOR, a method...
thermosets 20 15 THERMOSET, of resin...
thermotics 24 18 the science of heat...
theurgists 22 15 THEURGIST, a believe...
thickeners 23 20 THICKENER, an agent...
thickheads 26 22 THICKHEAD, a thickhe...
thickskins 26 24 THICKSKIN, a coarse,...
thieveries 21 16 THIEVERY, the act of...
thighbones 24 20 THIGHBONE, the bone...
thingamies 21 18 THINGAMY, used when...
thinghoods 22 18 THINGHOOD, the state...
thinginess 20 16 reality, objectivity...
thinnesses 18 14 THINNESS, the state...
thiofurans 21 17 THIOFURAN, a five-me...
thiophenes 22 18 THIOPHENE, a five-me...
thirstless 22 13 without thirst [adj]
thirtieths 23 14 THIRTIETH, one of th...
thisnesses 19 13 THISNESS, the qualit...
tholeiites 20 13 THOLEIITE, a basalti...
tholobates 21 16 THOLOBATE, the subst...
thornbacks 25 23 THORNBACK, a kind of...
thornbills 24 18 THORNBILL, any one o...
thornbirds 22 17 THORNBIRD, any of se...
thorniness 18 14 the state of being t...
thorntrees 18 13 THORNTREE, any tree...
thraipings 23 18 THRAIPING, (dialect)...
thralldoms 23 18 THRALLDOM, servitude...
thrashings 23 17 THRASHING, a beating...
threadfins 21 17 THREADFIN, any small...
threadless 20 14 without a thread [ad...
threepeats 20 15 THREEPEAT, to win a...
threequels 28 23 THREEQUEL, a film, p...
threesomes 19 15 THREESOME, a set of...
threnodies 18 14 THRENODY, a song of...
threonines 17 14 THREONINE, an essent...
threshings 23 17 THRESHING, the act o...
thresholds 23 16 THRESHOLD, the sill...
thriftless 24 16 lacking usefulness o...
thriveless 23 17 not thriving or pros...
throbbings 25 21 THROBBING, the act o...
thromboses 22 18 THROMBOSE [n]
thrombosis 23 18 clotting of blood in...
throneless 19 14 having no throne [ad...
throngings 21 18 THRONGING, the act o...
throttlers 21 13 THROTTLER, one who,...
throwaways 31 20 THROWAWAY, a line, o...
throwbacks 29 25 THROWBACK, a reversi...
throwdowns 25 20 THROWDOWN, a challen...
throwovers 24 19 THROWOVER, a piece o...
throwsters 23 15 THROWSTER, one who t...
thrummings 24 22 THRUMMING, the act o...
thrustings 22 16 THRUSTING, the act o...
thuggeries 22 17 THUGGERY, thuggish b...
thumbholes 26 22 THUMBHOLE, a hole to...
thumbikins 25 24 (Scots) an instrumen...
thumblings 26 23 THUMBLING, a diminut...
thumbnails 24 21 THUMBNAIL, the nail...
thumbtacks 28 26 THUMBTACK, to fasten...
thunderers 19 15 THUNDERER, a thing t...
thunderous 19 16 sounding like thunde...
thusnesses 19 14 THUSNESS, the state...
thwackings 28 25 THWACKING, the act o...
thwartings 24 18 THWARTING, the act o...
thwartways 32 20 crosswise; from side...
thylacines 29 19 THYLACINE, the Tasma...
thylakoids 28 20 THYLAKOID, any of a...
thymidines 27 19 THYMIDINE, a nucleos...
thymocytes 36 22 THYMOCYTE, a lymphoc...
thyratrons 25 15 THYRATRON, a gas-fil...
thyristors 27 14 THYRISTOR, a thyratr...
thyroxines 31 22 THYROXINE, an iodine...
ticketings 23 20 TICKETING, making ti...
ticketless 23 18 without a ticket [ad...
tidewaters 20 14 TIDEWATER, water bro...
tidinesses 17 12 TIDINESS, the state...
tiercelets 21 14 TIERCELET, the male...
tiercerons 19 14 TIERCERON, a subordi...
tigerwoods 21 16 TIGERWOOD, any of se...
tightasses 21 14 TIGHTASS, (colloquia...
tighteners 20 15 TIGHTENER, something...
tightropes 23 17 TIGHTROPE, a taut ro...
tightwires 25 17 TIGHTWIRE, a wire ti...
tikoloshes 21 17 TIKOLOSHE, (Zulu) in...
tiktaaliks 21 19 TIKTAALIK, (Inuit) a...
tilefishes 23 16 TILEFISH, a marine f...
tiliaceous 21 15 belonging to the lin...
tillerless 21 13 without a tiller [ad...
tiltmeters 20 14 TILTMETER, an instru...
tiltrotors 19 11 TILTROTOR, an aircra...
timberings 22 19 TIMBERING, timber co...
timeframes 21 19 TIMEFRAME, a limited...
timeliness 19 15 the state of being t...
timenoguys 25 19 TIMENOGUY, a rope st...
timepasses 20 16 TIMEPASS, to pass ti...
timepieces 23 19 TIMEPIECE, any kind...
timesavers 20 17 TIMESAVER, something...
timescales 22 17 TIMESCALE, the perio...
timeshares 20 15 TIMESHARE, the time-...
timestamps 22 19 TIMESTAMP, (of a com...
timetables 21 17 TIMETABLE, to draw u...
timidities 20 14 TIMIDITY, the qualit...
timpanists 21 17 TIMPANIST, one who p...
tinguaites 18 14 TINGUAITE, a fine-gr...
tininesses 16 12 TININESS, the qualit...
tinkerings 19 18 TINKERING, the act o...
tinkertoys 24 17 TINKERTOY, (tradenam...
tinnituses 17 13 TINNITUS, a ringing...
tinselries 18 12 TINSELRY, tawdry mat...
tintookies 17 15 TINTOOKIE, (Australi...
tiptronics 23 17 TIPTRONIC, a type of...
tiremakers 19 17 TIREMAKER, one who m...
titanesses 16 11 TITANESS, a female t...
titillates 20 12 TITILLATE, to tickle...
titivators 20 14 TITIVATOR, one who t...
titrations 17 11 TITRATION, the addit...
titterings 19 13 TITTERING, the act o...
tittivates 20 14 TITTIVATE, to spruce...
tittlebats 21 14 TITTLEBAT, the three...
titularies 19 12 TITULARY, one who ho...
toadeaters 15 11 TOADEATER, a sycopha...
toadfishes 21 16 TOADFISH, a toadlike...
toadflaxes 25 22 TOADFLAX, a plant of...
toadrushes 19 14 TOADRUSH, a kind of...
toadstones 15 12 TOADSTONE, any stone...
toadstools 17 12 TOADSTOOL, any of se...
toccatinas 22 17 TOCCATINA, a short t...
tocherless 23 16 without a tocher, a...
tocologies 21 16 TOCOLOGY, a branch o...
toeraggers 18 14 TOERAGGER, a tramp;...
toiletings 19 14 TOILETING, the act o...
toiletries 18 11 TOILETRY, an article...
tokologies 19 17 TOKOLOGY, a branch o...
tokoloshes 20 17 TOKOLOSHE, (Zulu) in...
tokoloshis 21 17 TOKOLOSHI, (Zulu) in...
toktokkies 20 22 TOKTOKKIE, a large S...
tolerances 19 15 TOLERANCE, the state...
tolerators 17 11 TOLERATOR, one who t...
tollbooths 23 17 TOLLBOOTH, (Scots) a...
tolldishes 22 15 TOLLDISH, a grain me...
tollhouses 21 15 TOLLHOUSE, a house o...
toluidides 19 14 TOLUIDIDE, a chemica...
toluidines 18 14 TOLUIDINE, any one o...
tomatillos 20 15 TOMATILLO, (Spanish)...
tombstones 19 17 TOMBSTONE, a stone e...
tomographs 23 20 TOMOGRAPH, an instru...
tonalities 17 12 TONALITY, the sum of...
tongueless 18 15 having no tongue [ad...
tonguelets 18 15 TONGUELET, a little...
tonicities 20 14 TONICITY, normal, he...
tonishness 18 14 the state of being t...
tonometers 16 14 TONOMETER, an instru...
tonoplasts 19 15 TONOPLAST, a semiper...
tonsilitis 19 12 inflammation of the...
toolchests 23 16 TOOLCHEST, a chest f...
toolhouses 19 14 TOOLHOUSE, a place w...
toolmakers 19 18 TOOLMAKER, one who m...
toolpushes 22 17 TOOLPUSH, a worker w...
toothaches 23 17 TOOTHACHE, a pain in...
toothcombs 25 21 TOOTHCOMB, a fine-to...
toothiness 18 13 the state of being t...
toothpicks 26 22 TOOTHPICK, an instru...
toothworts 22 15 TOOTHWORT, a plant w...
topagnoses 18 16 TOPAGNOSIS, a sympto...
topagnosis 19 16 a symptom of disease...
toparchies 24 18 TOPARCHY, the territ...
topcrosses 22 16 TOPCROSS, a cross be...
tophaceous 23 19 gritty [adj]
topiarists 20 13 TOPIARIST, one who p...
topmakings 22 23 TOPMAKING, the makin...
topminnows 22 21 TOPMINNOW, a small,...
topographs 24 20 TOPOGRAPH, a type of...
topologies 20 16 TOPOLOGY, the branch...
toponymics 29 22 TOPONYMIC [n]
toponymies 25 19 TOPONYMY, the study...
torbanites 18 14 TORBANITE, a shale,...
torchieres 22 15 TORCHIERE, (French)...
torchwoods 25 19 TORCHWOOD, the infla...
tormenters 17 14 TORMENTER, one who t...
tormentils 19 15 TORMENTIL, a small p...
tormentors 17 14 TORMENTOR, one who t...
tormentums 19 18 TORMENTUM, a missile...
torosities 17 10 TOROSITY, the state...
torpedoers 18 14 TORPEDOER, one who t...
torpidness 19 15 the state of being t...
torpitudes 20 15 TORPITUDE, torpidnes...
torridness 17 12 the state of being t...
tortillons 19 13 TORTILLON, a short s...
tortricids 22 14 TORTRICID, any moth...
torturings 19 14 TORTURING, the act o...
totalisers 18 11 TOTALISER, a system...
totalities 18 11 TOTALITY, the state...
totalizers 21 20 TOTALIZER, a system...
totaquines 24 21 TOTAQUINE, a mixture...
totterings 18 13 TOTTERING, the act o...
touchbacks 29 26 TOUCHBACK, a play in...
touchdowns 25 21 TOUCHDOWN, an act of...
touchholes 25 19 TOUCHHOLE, the vent...
touchiness 22 17 the state of being t...
touchlines 23 18 TOUCHLINE, either of...
touchmarks 25 23 TOUCHMARK, the maker...
touchtones 21 17 TOUCHTONE, (tradenam...
touchwoods 25 20 TOUCHWOOD, wood so d...
tougheners 19 16 TOUGHENER, something...
tourneyers 22 14 TOURNEYER, one who t...
tourtieres 17 11 TOURTIERE, a type of...
tovariches 24 19 TOVARICH, (Russian)...
tovarishes 21 16 TOVARISH, (Russian)...
towardness 19 15 the state of being t...
towelettes 20 14 TOWELETTE, a small u...
towelheads 22 17 TOWELHEAD, a person...
towellings 23 18 TOWELLING [n]
townhouses 21 17 TOWNHOUSE, (Scots) a...
townscapes 24 20 TOWNSCAPE, to design...
townsfolks 24 22 TOWNSFOLK, the peopl...
toxaphenes 25 23 TOXAPHENE, chlorinat...
toxicities 27 20 TOXICITY, the state...
toyishness 25 15 the state of being t...
trabeculas 23 18 TRABECULA, (Latin) a...
tracheates 21 15 TRACHEATE, an animal...
tracheides 22 16 TRACHEIDE, a long tu...
tracheitis 23 15 inflammation of the...
tracheoles 22 16 TRACHEOLE, one of th...
trackballs 26 22 TRACKBALL, a spheric...
trackroads 21 18 TRACKROAD, a towpath...
tracksides 22 18 TRACKSIDE, the side...
tracksuits 23 18 TRACKSUIT, a loose w...
tractators 20 13 TRACTATOR, a writer...
tractrices 24 16 TRACTRIX, a type of...
trademarks 19 18 TRADEMARK, to mark w...
tradenames 16 15 TRADENAME, a name se...
traditions 17 12 TRADITION, the passi...
traditores 17 11 TRADITOR, an early C...
traducians 20 16 TRADUCIAN, a believe...
traducings 22 18 TRADUCING, the act o...
tragedians 17 14 TRAGEDIAN, a writer...
tragelaphs 23 18 TRAGELAPH, (Greek) a...
trailheads 20 14 TRAILHEAD, the termi...
trainbands 18 16 TRAINBAND, (historic...
trainloads 17 13 TRAINLOAD, what a tr...
traipsings 21 16 TRAIPSING, the act o...
traitoress 17 10 a female traitor, al...
traitorous 17 11 guilty or capable of...
trammelers 20 17 TRAMMELER, one who t...
trampettes 20 16 TRAMPETTE, a small t...
tramplings 23 20 TRAMPLING, the act o...
trampolins 21 18 TRAMPOLIN, a springy...
transaxles 23 19 TRANSAXLE, a driving...
transcends 19 16 TRANSCEND, to surpas...
transcodes 19 15 TRANSCODE, to conver...
transduces 20 16 TRANSDUCE, to conver...
transennas 14 13 TRANSENNA, (Latin) a...
transfects 22 17 TRANSFECT, to cause...
transfixes 25 21 TRANSFIX, to impale...
transforms 20 17 TRANSFORM, to change...
transfuses 19 15 TRANSFUSE, to pour o...
transgenes 16 14 TRANSGENE, a gene th...
transgress 18 13 to violate a command...
transhumes 20 17 TRANSHUME, to move (...
transients 16 12 TRANSIENT, a transie...
translates 17 12 TRANSLATE, to render...
transmoves 19 18 TRANSMOVE, (Spenser)...
transmutes 18 15 TRANSMUTE, to change...
transonics 19 15 the range of speeds...
transpires 19 14 TRANSPIRE, to give o...
transports 19 14 TRANSPORT, to convey...
transposes 18 14 TRANSPOSE, to change...
transships 22 16 TRANSSHIP, to transf...
transumpts 21 18 TRANSUMPT, a copy, a...
transvests 19 15 TRANSVEST, to disgui...
trapanners 17 15 TRAPANNER, one who t...
trapesings 20 16 TRAPESING, the act o...
trapezists 23 22 TRAPEZIST, one who p...
trapeziums 24 26 TRAPEZIUM, any quadr...
trapezoids 22 23 TRAPEZOID, a wrist b...
trappiness 21 17 the quality of being...
trasheries 19 12 TRASHERY, rubbish [n...
trashiness 19 13 the state of being t...
trashtries 20 12 TRASHTRIE, (Scots) t...
trattorias 17 10 TRATTORIA, (Italian)...
travelings 21 18 TRAVELING, the act o...
travellers 21 16 TRAVELLER, one who t...
traversals 20 15 TRAVERSAL, the actio...
traversers 19 14 TRAVERSER, one who t...
travertins 19 15 TRAVERTIN, (Italian)...
travesties 19 14 TRAVESTY, to parody...
traycloths 30 18 TRAYCLOTH, a cloth f...
trazodones 18 21 TRAZODONE, a drug us...
treachours 22 16 TREACHOUR, (obsolete...
treadlings 19 15 TREADLING, the act o...
treadmills 21 16 TREADMILL, a machine...
treasonous 15 12 treasonable [adj]
treasurers 17 11 TREASURER, a person...
treasuries 17 11 TREASURY, a place wh...
treatments 17 14 TREATMENT, the act o...
treatyless 24 13 without a treaty [ad...
trebbianos 20 17 TREBBIANO, a grape u...
trebleness 19 15 the state of being t...
trebuchets 25 19 TREBUCHET, (historic...
trebuckets 24 21 TREBUCKET, a medieva...
tredrilles 20 13 TREDRILLE, a card ga...
treehouses 18 13 TREEHOUSE, a house b...
treenwares 18 14 TREENWARE, cups, dis...
tregetours 18 13 TREGETOUR, (archaic)...
trehaloses 19 13 TREHALOSE, a disacch...
treillages 20 14 TREILLAGE, (French)...
trematodes 17 14 TREMATODE, a kind of...
trematoids 18 14 TREMATOID, a kind of...
tremblings 23 20 TREMBLING, the act o...
tremendous 17 16 awe-inspiring; huge...
tremolants 18 15 TREMOLANT, (Italian)...
tremolites 19 14 TREMOLITE, a white v...
tremorless 19 14 without a tremor [ad...
tremulants 19 16 TREMULANT, a device...
tremulates 19 15 TREMULATE, to sound...
trenchards 22 17 TRENCHARD, at St And...
trendifies 19 15 TRENDIFY, to make so...
trendiness 16 13 the state of being t...
trendyisms 25 17 TRENDYISM, being tre...
trepanners 17 15 TREPANNER, one who t...
trephiners 21 16 TREPHINER, a surgeon...
treponemas 18 17 TREPONEMA, a kind of...
treponemes 18 17 TREPONEME, a kind of...
trespasses 19 13 TRESPASS, to enter u...
tretinoins 16 12 TRETINOIN, retinoic...
trevallies 21 16 TREVALLY, a fish [n]
trialities 19 11 TRIALITY, the body,...
triallings 21 15 TRIALLING, the act o...
triallists 21 12 TRIALLIST, a person...
trialogues 19 14 TRIALOGUE, a discour...
trialwares 21 14 TRIALWARE, computer...
triandrous 17 13 of or pertaining to...
triarchies 23 15 TRIARCHY, a governme...
triathlons 20 14 TRIATHLON, a sportin...
tribadisms 22 17 TRIBADISM, lesbianis...
tribalisms 23 17 TRIBALISM, the state...
tribalists 22 14 TRIBALIST, a believe...
tribulates 21 15 TRIBULATE, to cause...
tribunates 19 15 TRIBUNATE, the offic...
tricerions 20 14 TRICERION, a three-b...
trichiases 23 15 TRICHIASIS, a diseas...
trichiasis 24 15 a disease of the eye...
trichinous 23 17 relating to trichino...
trickeries 22 17 TRICKERY, deception...
trickiness 22 18 the state of being t...
tricklings 25 21 TRICKLING, the act o...
tricksters 23 17 TRICKSTER, one who p...
triclosans 21 15 TRICLOSAN, a drug us...
tricolours 22 15 TRICOLOUR, a flag of...
tricotines 20 14 TRICOTINE, a double-...
tricrotous 21 14 of (a tracing of) th...
tricuspids 25 18 TRICUSPID, a tricusp...
tricyclers 32 19 TRICYCLER, one who r...
tricyclics 36 22 TRICYCLIC, a tricycl...
tridymites 26 16 TRIDYMITE, an orthor...
triennials 17 13 TRIENNIAL, a three-y...
trienniums 18 16 TRIENNIUM, a period...
trierarchs 23 15 TRIERARCH, (Greek) t...
trifacials 24 17 TRIFACIAL, the trifa...
trifarious 20 14 facing three ways [a...
trifoliums 23 18 TRIFOLIUM, (Latin) a...
trigamists 21 15 TRIGAMIST, one who h...
trigeminus 20 17 the trigeminal nerve...
trignesses 18 13 TRIGNESS, (Scots) ne...
trihedrals 21 14 TRIHEDRAL, a solid h...
trihedrons 19 14 TRIHEDRON, a solid f...
trihybrids 30 18 TRIHYBRID, a hybrid...
trilithons 21 14 TRILITHON, (Greek) a...
trilobites 21 14 TRILOBITE, any one o...
trimerisms 21 16 TRIMERISM, the state...
trimesters 19 13 TRIMESTER, three mon...
trimnesses 18 14 TRIMNESS, the state...
trimphones 22 19 TRIMPHONE, (tradenam...
trinitrins 18 12 TRINITRIN, glyceryl...
trinketers 18 15 TRINKETER, (obsolete...
trinomials 19 15 TRINOMIAL, a trinomi...
trioecious 20 14 having male, female...
trioxygens 30 22 TRIOXYGEN, a technic...
tripitakas 21 17 TRIPITAKA, (Pali) th...
tripleness 20 15 the state of being t...
tripterous 20 14 three-winged [adj]
triptyques 35 25 TRIPTYQUE, (French)...
tripudiums 23 19 TRIPUDIUM, (Latin) a...
trisagions 18 13 TRISAGION, an ancien...
trisectors 21 13 TRISECTOR, one who t...
tristesses 18 10 TRISTESSE, (French)...
tritanopes 18 14 TRITANOPE, one suffe...
tritheisms 22 15 TRITHEISM, the belie...
tritheists 21 12 TRITHEIST, one belie...
triticales 22 14 TRITICALE, a hybrid...
triticeous 21 14 wheat-like [adj]
triticisms 24 16 TRITICISM, a trite r...
triturates 18 11 TRITURATE, to crush...
triumphals 25 20 TRIUMPHAL, (Milton)...
triumphers 24 19 TRIUMPHER, one who w...
triunities 18 12 TRIUNITY, a trinity,...
trochiscus 27 19 a medicinal lozenge,...
trochlears 23 16 TROCHLEAR, the troch...
trolleybus 28 18 a bus running on an...
trolliuses 20 13 TROLLIUS, the globef...
trollopees 20 15 TROLLOPEE, (historic...
troopships 24 18 TROOPSHIP, a ship fo...
troostites 17 10 TROOSTITE, a reddish...
tropeolins 19 15 TROPEOLIN, any of a...
trophesies 21 15 TROPHESY, a state of...
tropotaxes 24 20 TROPOTAXIS, a taxis...
tropotaxis 25 20 a taxis in which an...
troublings 22 18 TROUBLING, the act o...
troughings 22 18 TROUGHING, the act o...
trouncings 21 18 TROUNCING, the act o...
trousseaus 17 12 TROUSSEAU, (French)...
troutlings 20 15 TROUTLING, a little...
trowellers 22 15 TROWELLER, one who t...
truantries 17 12 TRUANTRY, an act of...
trucklines 23 20 TRUCKLINE, a transpo...
trucklings 25 22 TRUCKLING, acting in...
truckloads 23 20 TRUCKLOAD, the conte...
truckstops 25 21 TRUCKSTOP, a place p...
truenesses 16 12 TRUENESS, the qualit...
trufflings 25 21 TRUFFLING, the act o...
trumperies 21 17 TRUMPERY, worthless...
trumpeters 21 17 TRUMPETER, one who p...
truncheons 21 18 TRUNCHEON, to strike...
trunkworks 23 23 TRUNKWORK, (Shakesp)...
trustiness 18 12 the state of being t...
truthiness 20 14 the quality of being...
tryingness 24 16 the state of being t...
tubercules 24 19 TUBERCULE, a small t...
tubicolous 24 19 inhabiting a tube, a...
tubificids 27 21 TUBIFICID, a tubifex...
tubulators 21 16 TUBULATOR, one who t...
tuckerbags 25 23 TUCKERBAG, a bag use...
tuffaceous 24 21 of or like tuff [adj...
tuillettes 20 13 TUILLETTE, (French)...
tularemias 19 15 TULAREMIA, a disease...
tulipwoods 24 19 TULIPWOOD, the beaut...
tumblebugs 26 24 TUMBLEBUG, a dung be...
tumblesets 22 18 TUMBLESET, a somersa...
tumidities 20 15 TUMIDITY, the state...
tumultuous 21 18 full of tumult [adj...
tunbellies 21 17 TUNBELLY, a potbelly...
tunesmiths 21 17 TUNESMITH, a songwri...
tungstates 18 14 TUNGSTATE, a salt of...
tungstites 19 14 TUNGSTITE, a yellow...
tunnelings 18 17 TUNNELING, the act o...
tunnellers 18 15 TUNNELLER, one who t...
tuppennies 20 19 TUPPENNY, two pennie...
tuptowings 24 20 TUPTOWING, working a...
turbidites 21 15 TURBIDITE, the sedim...
turbidness 20 16 the state of being t...
turbinates 19 15 TURBINATE, a scroll-...
turboprops 24 20 TURBOPROP, a jet eng...
turcopoles 23 18 TURCOPOLE, (Modern G...
turduckens 22 21 TURDUCKEN, a dish co...
turgencies 21 17 TURGENCY, the state...
turgidness 19 15 the state of being t...
turnabouts 19 16 TURNABOUT, a change...
turnagains 17 15 TURNAGAIN, (archaic)...
turnrounds 17 15 TURNROUND, a change...
turnstiles 19 13 TURNSTILE, a revolvi...
turnstones 16 13 TURNSTONE, any of va...
turntables 20 16 TURNTABLE, a rotatin...
turophiles 23 17 TUROPHILE, a connois...
turpitudes 21 16 TURPITUDE, inherent...
turquoises 26 21 TURQUOIS, a hydrous...
turribants 20 15 TURRIBANT, (Spenser)...
tutelaries 18 12 TUTELARY, one who ha...
tutiorisms 20 14 TUTIORISM, the doctr...
tutiorists 19 11 TUTIORIST, an adhere...
tutoresses 17 11 TUTORESS, (archaic)...
tutorships 23 16 TUTORSHIP, the posit...
tutworkers 22 18 TUTWORKER, one who d...
twaddlings 23 19 TWADDLING, the act o...
twanglings 23 20 TWANGLING, the act o...
twattlings 23 17 TWATTLING [n]
twayblades 29 20 TWAYBLADE, any one o...
tweediness 19 15 the state of being t...
tweenagers 19 16 TWEENAGER, a child o...
tweenesses 18 14 TWEENESS, the state...
twentieths 22 16 TWENTIETH, one of tw...
twiddlings 24 19 TWIDDLING [n]
twinklings 24 22 TWINKLING, the act o...
twitchings 28 21 TWITCHING, the act o...
twitterers 21 13 TWITTERER, one who t...
twopennies 20 18 TWOPENNY, two pennie...
twoseaters 19 13 TWOSEATER, a car or...
tycoonates 24 16 TYCOONATE, the shogu...
tympanists 27 19 TYMPANIST, one who p...
tympanites 26 19 the distention of th...
tympanitis 27 19 inflammation of the...
typestyles 33 18 TYPESTYLE, a style o...
typewrites 29 18 TYPEWRITE, to write...
typhaceous 30 21 relating to the reed...
typhoidins 28 19 TYPHOIDIN, a culture...
typographs 31 22 TYPOGRAPH, to produc...
typologies 27 18 TYPOLOGY, the study...
typomanias 25 19 TYPOMANIA, the overw...
tyrannises 22 14 TYRANNIS, an illegal...
tyrannizes 25 23 TYRANNIZE, to act li...
tyremakers 25 19 TYREMAKER, one who m...
tyrocidins 27 17 TYROCIDIN, a basic p...
tyropittas 26 15 TYROPITTA, (Modern G...
ubiquities 29 24 UBIQUITY, the state...
ubiquitins 29 25 UBIQUITIN, a type of...
ubiquitous 29 25 being everywhere at...
udometries 18 15 UDOMETRY, the measur...
ufologists 22 17 UFOLOGIST, one inter...
uglinesses 19 15 UGLINESS, the state...
ugsomeness 18 17 (obsolete) the state...
uintahites 19 14 UINTAHITE, a tar-lik...
uitlanders 18 14 UITLANDER, (South Af...
ultimacies 23 18 ULTIMACY, the state...
ultimatums 22 19 ULTIMATUM, a last of...
ultraheats 20 14 ULTRAHEAT, to heat t...
ultravirus 22 17 a virus small enough...
ultroneous 17 14 spontaneous, volunta...
ululations 19 15 ULULATION, a howling...
umbellules 24 21 UMBELLULE, a partial...
umbilicals 27 22 UMBILICAL, the umbil...
umbrageous 21 20 shady [adj UMBRAGEOU...
umbratiles 22 18 UMBRATILE, a person...
umbrelloes 22 19 UMBRELLO, (obsolete)...
umpteenths 22 20 UMPTEENTH, an indefi...
unapparels 21 19 UNAPPAREL, to divest...
unbalances 21 20 UNBALANCE, to cause...
unbandages 18 19 UNBANDAGE, to take a...
unbaptises 21 18 UNBAPTISE, to undo t...
unbaptizes 24 27 UNBAPTIZE, to undo t...
unbeguiles 21 19 UNBEGUILE, to set fr...
unbelieves 21 20 UNBELIEVE, to disbel...
unbendings 19 20 UNBENDING, the act o...
unbespeaks 21 22 UNBESPEAK, to unsay;...
unbindings 20 20 UNBINDING, the act o...
unbosomers 19 18 UNBOSOMER, one who u...
unbreeches 23 20 UNBREECH, to remove...
unbundlers 20 19 UNBUNDLER, one who u...
unburthens 21 19 UNBURTHEN, (archaic)...
uncandours 19 18 UNCANDOUR, a lack of...
uncharnels 22 19 UNCHARNEL, to remove...
unchurches 28 23 UNCHURCH, to expel f...
uncinarias 19 16 UNCINARIA, hookworm...
unclenches 25 22 UNCLENCH, to open fr...
uncleships 26 21 UNCLESHIP, the offic...
unclinches 26 22 UNCLINCH, to open fr...
unclutches 27 22 UNCLUTCH, to release...
unclutters 22 17 UNCLUTTER, to rid of...
uncoatings 20 18 UNCOATING, the actio...
uncombines 22 22 UNCOMBINE, (Dickens)...
unconcerns 21 20 UNCONCERN, lack of c...
unconfines 20 20 UNCONFINE, to free f...
unconfuses 21 20 UNCONFUSE, to remove...
uncongeals 20 19 UNCONGEAL, to thaw;...
uncouplers 23 20 UNCOUPLER, a device...
uncrumples 25 23 UNCRUMPLE, to smooth...
uncurtains 20 17 UNCURTAIN, to remove...
undecagons 19 19 UNDECAGON, a polygon...
undeceives 21 20 UNDECEIVE, to free f...
undecideds 20 18 UNDECIDED, one who i...
undelights 22 18 UNDELIGHT, lack of d...
underbakes 19 20 UNDERBAKE, to bake i...
underbears 18 16 UNDERBEAR, (obsolete...
underbites 19 16 UNDERBITE, to bite i...
underbrims 21 19 UNDERBRIM, a facing...
undercards 20 17 UNDERCARD, in boxing...
undercarts 20 16 UNDERCART, (colloqui...
undercasts 20 16 UNDERCAST, an air-pa...
underclass 21 17 the lowest social st...
underclays 27 19 UNDERCLAY, a stratum...
underclubs 24 21 UNDERCLUB [v]
undercoats 19 16 UNDERCOAT, a coat wo...
undercooks 20 20 UNDERCOOK, to cook i...
undercools 20 17 UNDERCOOL, to cool i...
underdecks 21 21 UNDERDECK, a lower d...
underdoers 16 14 UNDERDOER, one who u...
underdoses 16 14 UNDERDOSE, to give a...
underdraws 20 17 UNDERDRAW, to draw o...
underdress 17 14 to dress inadequatel...
underfeeds 18 17 UNDERFEED, to feed i...
underfelts 20 17 UNDERFELT, an underl...
underfires 19 16 UNDERFIRE, to fire o...
underflows 23 20 UNDERFLOW, an underc...
underfongs 19 19 UNDERFONG, (Spenser)...
underfoots 18 16 UNDERFOOT, to underp...
underfunds 19 19 UNDERFUND, to fund i...
undergirds 19 16 UNDERGIRD, to form t...
undergoers 17 15 UNDERGOER, one who u...
undergowns 20 19 UNDERGOWN, a gown wo...
undergrads 18 16 UNDERGRAD, an underg...
underhairs 19 15 UNDERHAIR, an inner...
underhands 18 17 UNDERHAND, an underh...
underheats 18 15 UNDERHEAT, to heat i...
underkeeps 19 20 UNDERKEEP, (Spenser)...
underkills 21 19 UNDERKILL, less forc...
underkings 19 20 UNDERKING, a sub-kin...
underliers 18 14 UNDERLIER, one who u...
underlines 17 15 UNDERLINE, to draw a...
underlings 19 17 UNDERLING, a subordi...
underloads 17 15 UNDERLOAD, to load i...
undermines 17 17 UNDERMINE, to dig be...
undernotes 15 14 UNDERNOTE, to note b...
underpants 18 17 a usually short unde...
underparts 19 16 UNDERPART, a subordi...
underpeeps 20 19 UNDERPEEP, (Shakespe...
underplays 26 19 UNDERPLAY, to play d...
underplots 20 17 UNDERPLOT, a series...
underprops 21 19 UNDERPROP, to prop f...
underrates 16 13 UNDERRATE, to rate t...
underseals 17 14 UNDERSEAL, to coat p...
undersells 19 15 UNDERSELL, to sell t...
undersides 17 14 UNDERSIDE, the under...
undersigns 18 16 UNDERSIGN, to write...
underskies 18 17 UNDERSKY, a lower sk...
undersoils 18 14 UNDERSOIL, the soil...
undersongs 17 16 UNDERSONG, (archaic)...
underspins 19 17 UNDERSPIN, a kind of...
undertakes 17 17 UNDERTAKE, to attemp...
undertaxes 22 20 UNDERTAX, to tax les...
undertimes 18 16 UNDERTIME, (Spenser)...
undertints 17 14 UNDERTINT, a tint un...
undertones 15 14 UNDERTONE, a subdued...
undervests 19 17 UNDERVEST, an unders...
undervotes 18 17 UNDERVOTE, a vote ca...
underwears 19 16 UNDERWEAR, clothes w...
underwings 21 19 UNDERWING, the under...
underwires 20 16 UNDERWIRE, to suppor...
underwoods 19 17 UNDERWOOD, small tre...
underwools 20 17 UNDERWOOL, the under...
underworks 21 20 UNDERWORK, to work i...
undeserves 18 17 UNDESERVE, to fail t...
undesirous 17 14 not desirous [adj]
undulances 20 19 UNDULANCE, the state...
undulators 18 15 UNDULATOR, one that...
uneasiness 15 13 the state of being u...
unessences 18 16 UNESSENCE, to depriv...
unevenness 16 18 the state of being u...
unfairness 18 16 the state of being u...
unfixities 26 22 UNFIXITY, the state...
unfoldings 21 20 UNFOLDING, the act o...
unfortunes 18 17 UNFORTUNE, (archaic)...
unfraughts 23 20 UNFRAUGHT, to unload...
unfreedoms 19 19 UNFREEDOM, lack of f...
ungenerous 16 16 not generous [adj UN...
ungracious 21 18 not courteous [adj U...
unharbours 21 18 UNHARBOUR, to dislod...
unhattings 20 17 UNHATTING, the act o...
unholiness 19 16 the state of being u...
unhumorous 20 19 not humorous [adj]
uniflorous 20 17 bearing one flower o...
uninstalls 19 15 UNINSTALL, to remove...
uninsureds 17 15 UNINSURED, one who i...
unionisers 16 13 UNIONISER, one who u...
unionizers 19 22 UNIONIZER, one who u...
uniqueness 24 23 the state of being u...
unitarians 16 13 UNITARIAN, one who d...
unitedness 16 14 the state of being u...
univalents 19 18 UNIVALENT, a univale...
universals 20 17 UNIVERSAL, something...
unjustness 19 23 the state of being u...
unkindness 17 19 the state of being u...
unknowings 21 23 UNKNOWING, a state o...
unlikeness 18 18 lack of resemblance...
unloadings 18 17 UNLOADING, the act o...
unmanacles 20 20 UNMANACLE, to free f...
unmarrieds 18 16 UNMARRIED, one who i...
unmaskings 20 22 UNMASKING, the act o...
unmeetness 16 16 unsuitability [n -ES...
unmortises 18 15 UNMORTISE, to releas...
unpackings 24 25 UNPACKING, the act o...
unperilous 20 17 not perilous [adj]
unperverts 21 19 UNPERVERT, to free f...
unpolishes 22 18 UNPOLISH, to remove...
unpopulous 22 21 not populous [adj]
unpreaches 23 20 UNPREACH, to recant...
unpredicts 23 19 UNPREDICT, (Milton)...
unprepares 20 18 UNPREPARE, to make u...
unprovides 21 20 UNPROVIDE, (Shakespe...
unprovokes 21 23 UNPROVOKE, (Shakespe...
unrealises 17 13 UNREALISE, to divest...
unrealisms 19 16 UNREALISM, lack of r...
unrealizes 20 22 UNREALIZE, to divest...
unreserves 18 16 UNRESERVE, absence o...
unriddlers 19 15 UNRIDDLER, one who u...
unripeness 18 16 the state of being u...
unrippings 23 21 UNRIPPING, the act o...
unruliness 18 15 the state of being u...
unsafeness 17 16 the state of being u...
unsafeties 18 15 UNSAFETY, lack of sa...
unsayables 25 18 UNSAYABLE, something...
unseemings 18 18 UNSEEMING, (Shakespe...
unshackles 24 22 UNSHACKLE, to releas...
unsheathes 20 16 UNSHEATHE, to remove...
unshutters 20 15 UNSHUTTER, to open o...
unstarches 22 17 UNSTARCH, to free fr...
unsteadies 16 13 UNSTEADY, to make un...
unstitches 23 17 UNSTITCH, to remove...
unstoppers 21 18 UNSTOPPER, to take t...
unstresses 17 12 UNSTRESS [n]
unsubjects 25 28 UNSUBJECT, to remove...
unswaddles 21 18 UNSWADDLE, to take a...
unthatches 24 19 UNTHATCH, to strip o...
untidiness 17 14 the state of being u...
untrueness 16 14 the state of being u...
untrussers 18 13 UNTRUSSER, one who u...
unununiums 18 20 UNUNUNIUM, a chemica...
unveilings 21 20 UNVEILING, the act o...
unvirtuous 20 18 not virtuous [adj UN...
unvoicings 23 22 UNVOICING, change to...
unwareness 18 16 (archaic) unwariness...
unwariness 19 16 the state of being u...
unwellness 21 18 the state of being u...
unwindings 21 20 UNWINDING, the act o...
unwiseness 19 16 the state of being u...
unworthies 22 17 UNWORTHY, one who is...
unwreathes 21 17 UNWREATHE, to take o...
unwrinkles 22 21 UNWRINKLE, to reduce...
upbraiders 22 18 UPBRAIDER, one who u...
upbuilders 24 20 UPBUILDER, one who u...
updraughts 24 20 UPDRAUGHT, an upward...
upfillings 26 22 UPFILLING, the act o...
upgrowings 25 22 UPGROWING, the act o...
upheapings 24 22 UPHEAPING, the act o...
upholdings 24 21 UPHOLDING, the act o...
upholsters 23 17 UPHOLSTER, to provid...
upliftings 25 21 UPLIFTING, the act o...
uplighters 25 19 UPLIGHTER, a light-f...
uplinkings 23 23 UPLINKING, the act o...
upmanships 25 23 UPMANSHIP, the art o...
uppercases 24 20 UPPERCASE, to conver...
upperparts 24 20 UPPERPART, the upper...
upperworks 26 24 the upper part of a...
uppishness 24 20 the state of being u...
uppitiness 22 18 the state of being u...
uppityness 28 20 the state of being u...
uproarious 19 15 marked by uproar [ad...
uprootings 20 17 UPROOTING, the act o...
upsettings 21 17 UPSETTING, overturni...
upsittings 22 17 UPSITTING, a sitting...
uptalkings 23 22 UPTALKING, the pract...
upthunders 22 19 UPTHUNDER, to send u...
uptitlings 23 18 UPTITLING, the pract...
upturnings 21 19 UPTURNING, the act o...
upwardness 22 19 the state of being u...
upwellings 26 22 UPWELLING, a welling...
uralitises 19 12 URALITISE, to turn i...
uralitizes 22 21 URALITIZE, to turn i...
uranalyses 23 15 URANALYSIS, analysis...
uranalysis 24 15 analysis of urine e....
uraninites 16 13 URANINITE, uranium d...
urbaneness 17 16 the state of being u...
urbanities 19 15 URBANITY, the qualit...
urceoluses 21 16 URCEOLUS, a pitcher-...
urediniums 19 17 UREDINIUM, a uredoso...
uredosorus 17 13 a pustule producing...
ureteritis 18 11 inflammation of the...
urethritis 21 13 inflammation of the...
urinalyses 24 15 URINALYSIS, analysis...
urinalysis 25 15 analysis of urine e....
urinations 16 13 URINATION, the act o...
uroboroses 18 14 UROBOROS, a represen...
urochromes 23 19 UROCHROME, an amorph...
urokinases 17 16 UROKINASE, a drug th...
urolagnias 18 15 UROLAGNIA, sexual ar...
urologists 20 14 UROLOGIST, one verse...
uropoieses 18 14 UROPOIESIS, the form...
uropoiesis 19 14 the formation of uri...
uropygiums 29 22 UROPYGIUM, the rump...
uroscopies 22 17 UROSCOPY, the diagno...
urostomies 18 14 UROSTOMY, an artific...
urticarias 21 14 URTICARIA, nettle ra...
usableness 19 16 the state of being u...
usefulness 20 17 the state of being u...
usheresses 19 13 USHERESS, a female u...
usherettes 19 13 USHERETTE, a female...
usherships 25 18 USHERSHIP, the offic...
usucapions 22 19 USUCAPION, the acqui...
uteritises 18 11 UTERITIS, inflammati...
utterances 19 15 UTTERANCE, the act o...
uttermosts 19 14 UTTERMOST, the great...
uvarovites 21 19 UVAROVITE, (Russian)...
uvulitises 22 17 UVULITIS, inflammati...
uxoricides 27 22 UXORICIDE, the murde...
vacantness 20 19 the state of being v...
vaccinates 24 21 VACCINATE, to inocul...
vacciniums 27 25 VACCINIUM, (Latin) a...
vacillates 24 19 VACILLATE, to fluctu...
vacuations 21 19 VACUATION, the act o...
vagilities 22 17 VAGILITY, freedom of...
vaginismus 22 21 a painful spasmodic...
vagotomies 20 19 VAGOTOMY, surgical d...
vagotonias 18 17 VAGOTONIA, pathologi...
vagrancies 22 20 VAGRANCY, the state...
vainnesses 17 16 VAINNESS, the state...
valentines 18 17 VALENTINE, a sweethe...
valiancies 22 19 VALIANCY, valour, al...
validities 21 16 VALIDITY, the state...
vallations 20 17 VALLATION, the act o...
valleculas 25 21 VALLECULA, (Latin) a...
valproates 21 18 VALPROATE, a salt of...
valuations 19 17 VALUATION, the act o...
valvassors 22 19 VALVASSOR, a knight,...
valvulitis 25 21 inflammation of a va...
vampirises 23 20 VAMPIRISE, to play t...
vampirisms 25 23 VAMPIRISM, the pract...
vampirizes 26 29 VAMPIRIZE, to play t...
vanadiates 17 16 VANADIATE, a salt of...
vanaspatis 20 18 VANASPATI, (Sanskrit...
vandalises 19 17 VANDALISE, to deal w...
vandalisms 21 20 VANDALISM, wanton da...
vandalizes 22 26 VANDALIZE, to deal w...
vanishings 22 20 VANISHING, the act o...
vanitories 18 15 VANITORY, a combined...
vanquishes 29 27 VANQUISH, to defeat...
vantbraces 23 21 VANTBRACE, (historic...
vapidities 22 18 VAPIDITY, the state...
vaporettos 20 17 VAPORETTO, (Italian)...
vaporisers 21 17 VAPORISER, something...
vaporizers 24 26 VAPORIZER, something...
vaporwares 23 20 VAPORWARE, a compute...
vapourings 22 21 VAPOURING, the act o...
vapourless 22 19 without vapour, also...
variations 18 15 VARIATION, a varying...
varicellas 24 19 VARICELLA, (Latin) c...
variedness 18 16 the state of being v...
variegates 19 16 VARIEGATE, to patter...
varifocals 25 21 VARIFOCAL, of specta...
variolates 19 15 VARIOLATE, to inocul...
variolites 20 15 VARIOLITE, a kind of...
varioloids 20 16 VARIOLOID, a disease...
variscites 23 17 VARISCITE, an apple-...
varletries 20 15 VARLETRY, a group of...
varnishers 21 17 VARNISHER, one who v...
vasculitis 25 19 inflammation of a bl...
vasospasms 22 20 VASOSPASM, a sharp a...
vasotocins 21 18 VASOTOCIN, a polypep...
vasotomies 19 17 VASOTOMY, a surgical...
vassalages 20 17 VASSALAGE, the state...
vassalises 20 15 VASSALISE, to reduce...
vassalizes 23 24 VASSALIZE, to reduce...
vassalries 20 15 VASSALRY, vassals co...
vastitudes 20 16 VASTITUDE, vastness,...
vastnesses 18 15 VASTNESS, the state...
vaunteries 18 16 VAUNTERY, (archaic)...
vavasories 20 18 VAVASORY, the tenure...
vectorings 23 20 VECTORING, directing...
vectorises 22 17 VECTORISE, to make i...
vectorizes 25 26 VECTORIZE, to make i...
vegetables 22 20 VEGETABLE, a plant o...
vehemences 23 23 VEHEMENCE, urgency,...
veilleuses 21 17 VEILLEUSE, (French)...
veinstones 17 16 VEINSTONE, gangue, a...
veinstuffs 24 22 VEINSTUFF, gangue, a...
veldskoens 20 21 VELDSKOEN, (Afrikaan...
velleities 21 16 VELLEITY, a very low...
vellenages 20 19 VELLENAGE, (Spenser)...
vellicates 24 19 VELLICATE, to twitch...
velocities 23 18 VELOCITY, rapidity o...
velodromes 20 19 VELODROME, an area f...
veloutines 19 17 VELOUTINE, velvety c...
velutinous 20 18 velvety, covered wit...
velveteens 20 20 VELVETEEN, a kind of...
velvetings 23 22 VELVETING, velvet ma...
venalities 19 16 VENALITY, the state...
venditions 18 17 VENDITION, a sale [n...
veneerings 18 18 VENEERING, an overla...
veneficous 23 22 acting by poison or...
venerables 20 19 VENERABLE, a title o...
venerators 17 15 VENERATOR, one who v...
vengeances 20 21 VENGEANCE, revenge [...
vengements 19 21 VENGEMENT, (Spenser)...
venialness 18 17 the state of being v...
venologies 19 18 VENOLOGY, the study...
venosities 18 15 VENOSITY, the state...
venousness 17 17 the state of being v...
ventiducts 23 20 VENTIDUCT, a ventila...
ventifacts 24 21 VENTIFACT, a stone p...
ventilates 19 16 VENTILATE, to supply...
ventricles 23 19 VENTRICLE, either of...
ventricous 22 19 distended or swollen...
venturings 20 19 VENTURING [n]
veracities 22 17 VERACITY, conformity...
verapamils 23 21 VERAPAMIL, a calcium...
veratrines 18 15 VERATRINE, an alkalo...
verbalises 22 18 VERBALISE, to put in...
verbalisms 24 21 VERBALISM, undue att...
verbalists 23 18 VERBALIST, a person...
verbalizes 25 27 VERBALIZE, to put in...
verbarians 20 18 VERBARIAN, a coiner...
verbascums 26 24 VERBASCUM, another n...
verberates 20 17 VERBERATE, (archaic)...
verbicides 25 21 VERBICIDE, destructi...
verdancies 21 19 VERDANCY, the state...
vergencies 22 20 VERGENCY, the act of...
veridicous 23 19 truthful [adj]
vermeilles 22 19 VERMEILLE [n]
vermicides 24 21 VERMICIDE, a substan...
vermicules 25 22 VERMICULE, a small w...
vermifuges 24 23 VERMIFUGE, a medicin...
vermilions 21 19 VERMILION, to make v...
verminates 19 18 VERMINATE, to breed...
vernalises 19 16 VERNALISE, to cause...
vernalizes 22 25 VERNALIZE, to cause...
vernations 17 16 VERNATION, the arran...
versifiers 22 17 VERSIFIER, a maker o...
versioners 18 15 VERSIONER, the produ...
vertigines 20 17 VERTIGO, dizziness [...
vertiports 22 17 VERTIPORT, an airpor...
vespiaries 21 17 VESPIARY, a nest of...
vestiaries 19 14 VESTIARY, a dressing...
vestibules 23 19 VESTIBULE, to provid...
vestiments 20 18 VESTIMENT, (obsolete...
vestitures 20 15 VESTITURE, clothes [...
vetchlings 27 23 VETCHLING, any small...
vetturinos 19 16 VETTURINO, (Italian)...
vexingness 25 25 the state of being v...
vibraharps 26 22 VIBRAHARP, an instru...
vibrancies 24 21 VIBRANCY, the state...
vibrations 21 18 VIBRATION, a vibrati...
vicaresses 22 17 VICARESS, a vicar's...
vicariants 22 18 VICARIANT, a species...
vicariates 22 17 VICARIATE, the offic...
vicarships 28 22 VICARSHIP, the offic...
vicereines 21 18 VICEREINE, (French)...
vichyssois 32 21 (French) of the Vich...
vicinities 23 18 VICINITY, the region...
victimises 25 20 VICTIMISE, to make a...
victimizes 28 29 VICTIMIZE, to make a...
victimless 26 21 having no victim [ad...
victorines 22 18 VICTORINE, (French)...
victorious 23 18 having won a victory...
victresses 23 17 VICTRESS, a female v...
victualers 24 19 VICTUALER, one who f...
videodiscs 23 19 VIDEODISC, a compact...
videodisks 21 20 VIDEODISK, a compact...
videograms 21 20 VIDEOGRAM, a commerc...
videolands 19 18 VIDEOLAND, televisio...
videotapes 20 18 VIDEOTAPE, to record...
videotexes 24 22 VIDEOTEX, an electro...
videotexts 25 22 VIDEOTEXT, a system...
viewphones 25 23 VIEWPHONE, a phone t...
viewpoints 24 21 VIEWPOINT, a place o...
vigilances 24 21 VIGILANCE, the state...
vigilantes 21 18 VIGILANTE, (Spanish)...
vignetters 20 17 VIGNETTER, one who m...
vigorishes 23 18 VIGORISH, (Yiddish)...
vikingisms 24 24 VIKINGISM, the pract...
vildnesses 20 17 VILDNESS, the state...
vilenesses 19 16 VILENESS, the state...
villagioes 22 18 VILLAGIO, (Scott) a...
villagrees 22 18 VILLAGREE, (Shakespe...
villainess 21 17 a woman who is a vil...
villainies 21 17 VILLAINY, conduct ch...
villainous 21 18 like a villain, also...
villanages 21 19 VILLANAGE, the state...
villenages 21 19 VILLENAGE, the state...
villiacoes 24 19 VILLIACO, (Shakespea...
villiagoes 22 18 VILLIAGO, (Shakespea...
vindicates 22 19 VINDICATE, to justif...
viniferous 21 19 wine-producing [adj]
vinologies 20 18 VINOLOGY, the study...
vinosities 19 15 VINOSITY, the charac...
vintagings 21 20 VINTAGING, gathering...
violaceous 22 19 violet-coloured [adj...
violations 19 16 VIOLATION, the act o...
violinists 21 16 VIOLINIST, one who p...
viosterols 20 15 VIOSTEROL, a type of...
viraginous 20 18 of or pertaining to...
viralities 21 15 VIRALITY, the state...
vireonines 17 16 VIREONINE, a bird of...
virginiums 23 21 VIRGINIUM, a name pr...
viridities 21 15 VIRIDITY, the state...
virilities 22 15 VIRILITY, the state...
virologies 21 17 VIROLOGY, the study...
virtueless 21 16 destitute of virtue...
virulences 23 20 VIRULENCE, the state...
visagistes 21 16 VISAGISTE, an expert...
viscerates 22 17 VISCERATE, to depriv...
viscidness 23 19 the state of being v...
visionings 20 18 VISIONING, the act o...
visionists 20 15 VISIONIST, a visiona...
visionless 20 16 destitute of vision;...
visitators 20 14 VISITATOR, an offici...
visualises 21 16 VISUALISE, to call u...
visualists 22 16 VISUALIST, a visuali...
visualizes 24 25 VISUALIZE, to call u...
vitalisers 21 15 VITALISER, something...
vitalities 21 15 VITALITY, exuberant...
vitalizers 24 24 VITALIZER, something...
vitascopes 24 20 VITASCOPE, a moving...
vitellines 21 17 VITELLINE, a vitellu...
vitelluses 22 17 VITELLUS, the yolk o...
vitiations 19 15 VITIATION, spoiling,...
viticetums 25 21 VITICETUM, a plantat...
viticolous 24 19 living on vines [adj...
vitiferous 22 18 bearing vines [adj]
vitreouses 19 15 VITREOUS, the jelly...
vivacities 25 21 VIVACITY, the state...
vivandiers 21 20 VIVANDIER, (French)...
viverrines 21 19 VIVERRINE, a member...
vivianites 21 19 VIVIANITE, ferrous p...
vividities 23 19 VIVIDITY, the state...
viviparies 24 21 VIVIPARY, plants tha...
viviparous 24 22 producing live young...
vizierates 22 23 VIZIERATE, the offic...
vizirships 29 28 VIZIRSHIP, the offic...
vocalisers 23 18 VOCALISER, one who v...
vocalities 23 18 VOCALITY, the posses...
vocalizers 26 27 VOCALIZER, one who v...
vociferous 24 21 marked by or given t...
vodcasters 22 18 VODCASTER, one who m...
voetstoets 18 14 (Afrikaans) denoting...
voetstoots 18 14 (Afrikaans) denoting...
voicemails 24 21 VOICEMAIL, the facil...
voiceovers 23 21 VOICEOVER, a spoken...
voidnesses 18 16 VOIDNESS, the state...
voisinages 19 17 VOISINAGE, (obsolete...
voituriers 20 15 VOITURIER, (French)...
volcanises 22 19 VOLCANISE, to subjec...
volcanisms 24 22 VOLCANISM, volcanic...
volcanists 23 19 VOLCANIST, one verse...
volcanizes 25 28 VOLCANIZE, to subjec...
volksraads 21 20 VOLKSRAAD, (Afrikaan...
voltigeurs 22 18 VOLTIGEUR, (French)...
voltinisms 22 19 VOLTINISM, the numbe...
voltmeters 21 18 VOLTMETER, an instru...
volumeters 21 19 VOLUMETER, an instru...
voluminous 21 21 bulky, filling much...
volumisers 22 19 VOLUMISER, an agent...
volumizers 25 28 VOLUMIZER, an agent...
volunteers 19 17 VOLUNTEER, to offer...
voluptuous 23 21 given up to luxury;...
volvuluses 24 22 VOLVULUS, a twisting...
vomitories 20 17 VOMITORY, an opening...
voodooisms 19 18 VOODOOISM, the belie...
voodooists 18 15 VOODOOIST, a practit...
voorkamers 20 21 VOORKAMER, (Afrikaan...
voracities 22 17 VORACITY, greed [n]
voraginous 19 18 relating to a vorago...
vorticisms 25 20 VORTICISM, a British...
vorticists 24 17 VORTICIST, a painter...
votaresses 18 14 VOTARESS, a female v...
votiveness 20 19 the state of being v...
vouchsafes 26 23 VOUCHSAFE, to grant...
voyeurisms 27 20 VOYEURISM, the deriv...
vraickings 25 24 VRAICKING, the gathe...
vrystaters 26 16 VRYSTATER, (South Af...
vulcanises 23 20 VULCANISE, to change...
vulcanisms 25 23 VULCANISM, volcanic...
vulcanists 24 20 VULCANIST, one verse...
vulcanites 23 20 VULCANITE, hard rubb...
vulcanizes 26 29 VULCANIZE, to change...
vulgarians 21 19 VULGARIAN, a vulgar...
vulgarises 22 18 VULGARISE, to make v...
vulgarisms 24 21 VULGARISM, a coarse,...
vulgarizes 25 27 VULGARIZE, to make v...
vulnerates 19 17 VULNERATE, (obsolete...
vulpicides 27 23 VULPICIDE, the killi...
vulpinisms 25 23 VULPINISM, foxlike c...
vulpinites 23 20 VULPINITE, a granula...
vulturisms 24 20 VULTURISM, (Carlyle)...
vulvitises 24 20 VULVITIS, inflammati...
wadsetters 20 14 WADSETTER, (Scots) o...
wagenbooms 22 22 WAGENBOOM, (Afrikaan...
waggonless 22 19 without a waggon, al...
waghalters 24 18 WAGHALTER, a felon l...
wagonettes 19 16 WAGONETTE, a carriag...
wagonloads 20 18 WAGONLOAD, the conte...
waistbands 22 18 WAISTBAND, the strip...
waistbelts 24 17 WAISTBELT, a belt wo...
waistcoats 23 16 WAISTCOAT, a garment...
waistlines 21 15 WAISTLINE, a line th...
waiterages 20 15 WAITERAGE, service b...
waiterings 21 16 WAITERING, the job o...
waitresses 20 13 WAITRESS, to serve a...
waitstaffs 25 19 WAITSTAFF, waiters a...
wakeboards 22 21 WAKEBOARD, to ride a...
waldflutes 25 20 WALDFLUTE, (German)...
waldgraves 24 21 WALDGRAVE, (German)...
walkabouts 24 22 WALKABOUT, (Australi...
walkathons 23 21 WALKATHON, a maratho...
walkshorts 25 20 (New Zealand) smart...
wallboards 24 19 WALLBOARD, building...
wallcharts 28 20 WALLCHART, a chart o...
wallfishes 27 20 WALLFISH, a snail [n...
wallopings 25 21 WALLOPING, a beating...
wallowings 26 21 WALLOWING, the act o...
wallpapers 26 21 WALLPAPER, to cover...
wallyballs 33 22 WALLYBALL, a ball ga...
wallydrags 30 20 WALLYDRAG, (Scots) a...
wambengers 23 22 WAMBENGER, (Native A...
wambliness 24 21 the state of being w...
wanderings 20 18 WANDERING, the act o...
wantonises 18 15 WANTONISE, (archaic)...
wantonizes 21 24 WANTONIZE, (archaic)...
wantonness 17 16 the state of being w...
wapenshaws 26 22 WAPENSHAW, (Scots) a...
wapentakes 21 21 WAPENTAKE, (Old Engl...
wapinshaws 27 22 WAPINSHAW, (Scots) a...
warbonnets 20 18 WARBONNET, a headdre...
wardenries 19 15 WARDENRY, the office...
wardresses 20 14 WARDRESS, a female w...
wardrobers 22 17 WARDROBER, (historic...
warehouses 21 16 WAREHOUSE, to store...
warfarings 23 19 WARFARING, the busin...
wargamings 23 21 WARGAMING, engaging...
waribashis 25 18 WARIBASHI, (Japanese...
warinesses 19 14 WARINESS, the state...
warmbloods 24 21 WARMBLOOD, one of a...
warmnesses 20 17 WARMNESS, the state...
warmongers 21 19 WARMONGER, one who d...
warrantees 18 14 WARRANTEE, the perso...
warranters 19 14 WARRANTER, one who w...
warranties 19 14 WARRANTY, to guarant...
warrantors 19 14 WARRANTOR, one who w...
warrioress 20 13 a female warrior [n...
washbasins 24 19 WASHBASIN, a basin t...
washboards 24 19 WASHBOARD, a broad t...
washcloths 29 21 WASHCLOTH, a piece o...
washhouses 24 18 WASHHOUSE, an outbui...
washstands 22 17 WASHSTAND, a stand h...
wassailers 21 14 WASSAILER, one who w...
wastelands 20 16 WASTELAND, a desolat...
wasteweirs 23 16 WASTEWEIR, a sluicew...
wastnesses 19 14 WASTNESS, (obsolete)...
watchables 28 22 WATCHABLE, something...
watchbands 27 23 WATCHBAND, a band on...
watchboxes 33 28 WATCHBOX, a sentry b...
watchcases 28 21 WATCHCASE, the case...
watchcries 29 21 WATCHCRY, a password...
watchglass 28 21 a small dish used fo...
watchlists 28 19 WATCHLIST, a list of...
watchwords 29 22 WATCHWORD, the passw...
waterbirds 23 17 WATERBIRD, a bird th...
waterbucks 27 24 WATERBUCK, any of se...
waterbuses 22 17 WATERBUS, a large mo...
watercress 23 16 any of several aquat...
waterfalls 24 18 WATERFALL, a fall or...
waterfowls 26 20 WATERFOWL, any bird...
waterglass 22 16 a water clock; an in...
waterheads 21 16 WATERHEAD, the sourc...
wateriness 19 14 the state of being w...
waterleafs 22 17 WATERLEAF, any plant...
waterlines 20 15 WATERLINE, any of se...
watermarks 22 20 WATERMARK, to mark w...
watermills 24 18 WATERMILL, a mill dr...
waterpoxes 27 23 WATERPOX, chickenpox...
watersheds 22 16 WATERSHED, the area...
watersides 20 14 WATERSIDE, the edge...
waterweeds 22 17 WATERWEED, any plant...
waterworks 24 20 WATERWORK, a piece o...
waterzoois 22 22 WATERZOOI, a stew of...
wattmeters 21 16 WATTMETER, an instru...
waulkmills 27 24 WAULKMILL, a fulling...
wavefronts 23 21 WAVEFRONT, in a prop...
waveguides 23 21 WAVEGUIDE, in electr...
wavellites 24 19 WAVELLITE, hydrated...
wavemeters 22 20 WAVEMETER, an instru...
waveshapes 25 22 WAVESHAPE, a graph s...
wavetables 24 21 WAVETABLE, a collect...
wavinesses 21 18 WAVINESS, the state...
waxberries 28 23 WAXBERRY, a berry [n...
waxflowers 32 27 WAXFLOWER, any of va...
waxinesses 25 21 WAXINESS, the qualit...
waxworkers 30 27 WAXWORKER, one who w...
wayfarings 29 21 WAYFARING, travellin...
wayzgooses 29 26 WAYZGOOSE, an annual...
weakenings 20 21 WEAKENING, the act o...
weakfishes 25 22 WEAKFISH, a kind of...
weakliness 21 19 the state of being w...
weaknesses 19 18 WEAKNESS, the state...
wealthless 24 17 without wealth [adj]
weaponeers 19 17 WEAPONEER [n]
weaponises 20 17 WEAPONISE, to adapt...
weaponizes 23 26 WEAPONIZE, to adapt...
weaponless 21 18 lacking weapons [adj...
weaponries 20 17 WEAPONRY, weapons co...
weasellers 21 15 WEASELLER, one who w...
weatherers 21 15 WEATHERER, one who w...
webcasters 25 19 WEBCASTER, one who b...
webloggers 25 21 WEBLOGGER, one who k...
webmasters 23 19 WEBMASTER, a person...
weedicides 23 18 WEEDICIDE, something...
weekenders 19 19 WEEKENDER, one who s...
weeknights 24 22 WEEKNIGHT, the eveni...
weightages 24 19 WEIGHTAGE, a weighti...
weightings 25 20 WEIGHTING, the act o...
weightless 25 18 having little weight...
weldmeshes 24 20 WELDMESH, a type of...
welfarisms 25 20 WELFARISM, the socia...
welfarists 24 17 WELFARIST, an adhere...
welfarites 23 17 WELFARITE, (US) a pe...
wellbeings 25 21 WELLBEING, a state o...
wellhouses 24 18 WELLHOUSE, a structu...
wellnesses 21 16 WELLNESS, the state...
werewolves 25 21 WEREWOLF, a person w...
wernerites 19 14 WERNERITE, the commo...
westerings 21 16 WESTERING, motion to...
westerlies 21 14 WESTERLY, a wind fro...
westerners 19 14 WESTERNER, one who l...
whakapapas 26 25 WHAKAPAPA, (Maori) a...
whalebacks 29 26 WHALEBACK, a kind of...
whaleboats 24 19 WHALEBOAT, a boat us...
whalebones 23 20 WHALEBONE, a light f...
wharepunis 24 20 WHAREPUNI, (Maori) a...
whatabouts 24 19 things with which on...
whatnesses 21 16 WHATNESS, the true n...
wheatgerms 24 20 WHEATGERM, the vitam...
wheatgrass 23 17 a young plant of the...
wheatlands 22 18 WHEATLAND, land on w...
wheatmeals 23 19 WHEATMEAL, wheat flo...
wheatworms 26 21 WHEATWORM, a small n...
wheedlings 24 20 WHEEDLING, the act o...
wheelbases 24 19 WHEELBASE, the dista...
wheelspins 25 20 WHEELSPIN, the rotat...
wheelworks 27 23 WHEELWORK, a combina...
wheeziness 24 25 the state of being w...
wherefores 23 18 WHEREFORE, a reason...
wherewiths 28 20 WHEREWITH, the means...
whetstones 21 16 WHETSTONE, a stone f...
whifflings 30 25 WHIFFLING, the act o...
whillywhas 37 24 WHILLYWHA [n]
whimperers 26 21 WHIMPERER, one who w...
whimsiness 24 19 the state of being w...
whingdings 25 22 WHINGDING, a lively...
whingeings 24 21 WHINGEING [n]
whinstones 21 17 WHINSTONE, a hard an...
whiplashes 28 21 WHIPLASH, to move li...
whippiness 27 22 the state of being w...
whipsnakes 25 23 WHIPSNAKE, a kind of...
whipstaffs 30 24 WHIPSTAFF, a vertica...
whipstalls 28 20 WHIPSTALL, of an air...
whipstocks 30 25 WHIPSTOCK, the rod o...
whirligigs 28 20 WHIRLIGIG, a child's...
whirlpools 27 20 WHIRLPOOL, a circula...
whirlwinds 28 21 WHIRLWIND, a small r...
whisperers 25 18 WHISPERER, one who w...
whistlings 26 19 WHISTLING, the act o...
whitebaits 25 18 WHITEBAIT, the fry o...
whitebeams 25 21 WHITEBEAM, a small t...
whitecoats 25 18 WHITECOAT, a white-f...
whitecombs 29 24 WHITECOMB, a fungal...
whitedamps 26 22 WHITEDAMP, a mixture...
whitefaces 27 21 WHITEFACE, white mak...
whiteflies 26 19 WHITEFLY, a small, w...
whiteheads 24 18 WHITEHEAD, the blue-...
whitelists 25 16 WHITELIST, to place...
whitenings 23 19 WHITENING [n]
whitetails 24 16 WHITETAIL, the Virgi...
whitewalls 28 20 WHITEWALL, the spott...
whitewares 25 18 WHITEWARE, articles...
whitewings 27 21 WHITEWING, the chaff...
whitewoods 25 19 WHITEWOOD, the soft...
whittawers 26 18 WHITTAWER, (dialect)...
whittlings 26 19 WHITTLING, the act o...
whizzbangs 32 39 WHIZZBANG, a light s...
whodunnits 22 19 WHODUNNIT, a mystery...
wholefoods 24 20 WHOLEFOOD, unprocess...
wholemeals 24 20 WHOLEMEAL, flour mad...
wholesales 23 17 WHOLESALE, to sell w...
whunstanes 21 18 WHUNSTANE, (Scots) a...
whydunnits 29 21 WHYDUNNIT, a novel o...
wickedness 24 22 the state of being w...
wickthings 29 25 WICKTHING, (dialect)...
wideawakes 23 21 WIDEAWAKE, a low wid...
widebodies 22 18 WIDEBODY, an aircraf...
widenesses 19 15 WIDENESS, the state...
widershins 23 17 in a left-handed, wr...
widowbirds 27 21 WIDOWBIRD, another n...
widowhoods 25 20 WIDOWHOOD, the state...
wieldiness 21 16 manageability [n -ES...
wifeliness 23 18 the state of being w...
wigwaggers 27 22 WIGWAGGER, one who w...
wilderness 21 16 a tract or region un...
wildgraves 25 21 WILDGRAVE, (German)...
wildnesses 21 16 WILDNESS, the state...
wilfulness 25 20 the state of being w...
wilinesses 21 15 WILINESS, the qualit...
willemites 24 18 WILLEMITE, a silicat...
willpowers 28 21 WILLPOWER, the power...
wincopipes 27 23 WINCOPIPE, (obsolete...
windblasts 24 19 WINDBLAST, a blast o...
windbreaks 23 22 WINDBREAK, something...
windchills 29 22 WINDCHILL, the cooli...
windhovers 24 21 WINDHOVER, the kestr...
windlasses 21 16 WINDLASS, to raise w...
windowings 24 21 WINDOWING, the act o...
windowless 24 19 without windows [adj...
windproofs 24 21 WINDPROOF, to make a...
windrowers 23 18 WINDROWER, a machine...
windshakes 23 21 WINDSHAKE, a flaw in...
windstorms 22 18 WINDSTORM, a storm o...
windthrows 26 20 WINDTHROW, the blowi...
winemakers 21 21 WINEMAKER, a maker o...
wingchairs 27 21 WINGCHAIR, a chair w...
winnowings 23 21 WINNOWING, the act o...
winterises 20 14 WINTERISE, to make s...
winterizes 23 23 WINTERIZE, to make s...
winterless 21 15 without a winter [ad...
wintriness 20 15 the state of being w...
wireframes 23 19 WIREFRAME, a basic v...
wirelesses 21 14 WIRELESS, to communi...
wirephotos 24 18 WIREPHOTO, a photogr...
wirinesses 20 14 WIRINESS, the qualit...
wisecracks 28 23 WISECRACK, to make a...
wisenesses 19 14 WISENESS, wisdom [n]
witblitses 25 17 WITBLITS, (Afrikaans...
witcheries 26 18 WITCHERY, enchantmen...
witchgrass 28 20 a North American gra...
witchhoods 28 21 WITCHHOOD, the state...
witchknots 27 23 WITCHKNOT, a knot in...
witchweeds 29 22 WITCHWEED, a yellow-...
witherings 24 18 WITHERING, the act o...
witherites 23 15 WITHERITE, barium ca...
withstands 23 17 WITHSTAND, to resist...
withywinds 33 22 WITHYWIND, (dialect)...
witnessers 20 14 WITNESSER, one who w...
witticisms 27 19 WITTICISM, a witty r...
witwantons 22 18 WITWANTON, to engage...
wizardries 24 23 WIZARDRY, sorcery, m...
woadwaxens 27 25 WOADWAXEN, dyer's gr...
wobbegongs 25 24 WOBBEGONG, (Native A...
wobbliness 25 21 the state of being w...
woefulness 22 19 the state of being w...
wolffishes 28 22 WOLFFISH, a marine f...
wolfhounds 25 22 WOLFHOUND, any of se...
wolfsbanes 24 21 WOLFSBANE, a kind of...
wolverenes 21 19 WOLVERENE, a ferocio...
wolverines 22 19 WOLVERINE, a ferocio...
womanhoods 21 20 WOMANHOOD, the state...
womanisers 20 17 WOMANISER, one who e...
womanizers 23 26 WOMANIZER, one who e...
womankinds 21 23 WOMANKIND, women gen...
womenfolks 24 25 WOMENFOLK, women col...
womenkinds 21 23 WOMENKIND, women gen...
wonderings 20 18 WONDERING, the act o...
wonderkids 21 20 WONDERKID, (colloqui...
wonderless 20 16 without wonders [adj...
wontedness 18 16 the state of being w...
woodblocks 27 25 WOODBLOCK, a type of...
woodborers 21 17 WOODBORER, any of va...
woodchucks 30 27 WOODCHUCK, (Native A...
woodcrafts 25 20 WOODCRAFT, skill in...
woodenness 17 16 the state of being w...
woodentops 20 18 WOODENTOP, a uniform...
woodgrains 20 17 WOODGRAIN, grain in...
woodhorses 21 16 WOODHORSE, a sawhors...
woodhouses 21 17 WOODHOUSE, a wild ma...
woodnesses 18 15 WOODNESS, the act of...
woodprints 22 18 WOODPRINT, a design...
woodreeves 20 18 WOODREEVE, the overs...
woodrushes 22 17 WOODRUSH, a plant th...
woodscrews 26 20 WOODSCREW, a tapered...
woodshocks 26 23 WOODSHOCK, a large N...
woodspites 22 17 WOODSPITE, the green...
woodstones 18 15 WOODSTONE, a striped...
woodstoves 21 18 WOODSTOVE, a stove t...
woodwaxens 27 25 WOODWAXEN, dyer's gr...
woolliness 21 16 the state of being w...
woomerangs 20 19 WOOMERANG, (Native A...
worcesters 23 16 WORCESTER, a kind of...
wordbreaks 23 21 WORDBREAK, point of...
wordcounts 23 19 WORDCOUNT, a count o...
wordsmiths 25 19 WORDSMITH, an accomp...
workerists 22 17 WORKERIST, one who s...
workerless 22 18 without workers [adj...
workforces 26 23 WORKFORCE, the numbe...
workgroups 25 23 WORKGROUP, a group o...
workhorses 23 19 WORKHORSE, a horse u...
workhouses 23 20 WORKHOUSE, (historic...
workpieces 26 23 WORKPIECE, a piece o...
workplaces 27 24 WORKPLACE, a place o...
workprints 24 21 WORKPRINT, an unfini...
worksheets 23 19 WORKSHEET, a paper o...
workspaces 26 23 WORKSPACE, an area s...
worktables 24 21 WORKTABLE, a table f...
worldbeats 23 18 WORLDBEAT, popular m...
worldlings 24 19 WORLDLING, a person...
worldviews 27 22 WORLDVIEW, an outloo...
wornnesses 18 15 WORNNESS, the state...
worriments 21 17 WORRIMENT, trouble;...
worrywarts 30 18 WORRYWART, a person...
worsenings 20 17 WORSENING, the act o...
worshipers 25 18 WORSHIPER, one who w...
worthiness 22 16 the state of being w...
woundworts 23 19 WOUNDWORT, any of se...
wranglings 23 20 WRANGLING, the act o...
wraprounds 22 19 WRAPROUND, an articl...
wrathiness 22 16 the state of being w...
wreathless 23 16 destitute of a wreat...
wrenchings 26 22 WRENCHING, the act o...
wrestlings 23 17 WRESTLING, the sport...
wrigglings 26 21 WRIGGLING, the act o...
wristbands 23 18 WRISTBAND, a band wo...
wristlocks 27 21 WRISTLOCK, a wrestli...
wrongdoers 20 17 WRONGDOER, one who d...
wulfenites 23 19 WULFENITE, a molybda...
wyandottes 25 17 WYANDOTTE, (Native A...
wyliecoats 30 19 WYLIECOAT, (Scots) a...
xanthoxyls 38 30 XANTHOXYL, a plant o...
xenoblasts 25 22 XENOBLAST, a type of...
xenocrysts 32 23 XENOCRYST, a crystal...
xenogamies 23 23 XENOGAMY, cross-fert...
xenogamous 23 24 relating to xenogamy...
xenogenies 21 21 XENOGENY, the produc...
xenogenous 21 22 due to an outside ca...
xenografts 25 23 XENOGRAFT, a graft o...
xenomanias 21 22 XENOMANIA, an inordi...
xenomenias 21 22 XENOMENIA, menstruat...
xenophiles 27 24 XENOPHILE, one who l...
xenophobes 27 26 XENOPHOBE, one who h...
xeriscapes 28 23 XERISCAPE [n]
xerodermas 23 21 XERODERMA, morbid dr...
xeromorphs 28 25 XEROMORPH, a plant t...
xerophiles 28 23 XEROPHILE, a plant a...
xerophytes 33 24 XEROPHYTE, a plant t...
xerostomas 23 20 XEROSTOMA, excessive...
xiphopagus 31 28 a set of Siamese twi...
xylogenous 30 24 growing on wood [adj...
xylographs 36 27 XYLOGRAPH, an engrav...
xyloidines 30 22 XYLOIDINE, a substan...
xylologies 32 23 XYLOLOGY, the study...
xylometers 31 23 XYLOMETER, an instru...
xylophages 35 27 XYLOPHAGE, an insect...
xylophones 33 26 XYLOPHONE, a musical...
xylorimbas 34 26 XYLORIMBA, a combina...
xylotomies 31 23 XYLOTOMY, the prepar...
xylotomous 31 24 of insects, wood-cut...
yammerings 26 21 YAMMERING, peevish c...
yardsticks 29 20 YARDSTICK, a stick t...
yatterings 24 15 YATTERING, the act o...
yeastiness 22 13 the state of being y...
yellowfins 30 21 YELLOWFIN, a kind of...
yellowlegs 30 20 any one of several s...
yellowness 27 18 the state of being y...
yeomanries 22 16 YEOMANRY, a collecti...
yesterdays 29 15 YESTERDAY, the day i...
yestereves 24 16 YESTEREVE, yesterday...
yohimbines 28 21 YOHIMBINE, (Bantu) a...
yottabytes 31 17 YOTTABYTE, a very la...
younglings 26 20 YOUNGLING, (archaic)...
youngsters 24 16 YOUNGSTER, a young p...
yourselves 26 18 YOURSELF [n]
youthheads 27 18 YOUTHHEAD, (obsolete...
youthhoods 27 18 YOUTHHOOD, (obsolete...
ytterbites 26 15 YTTERBITE, the miner...
ytterbiums 28 19 YTTERBIUM, (Swedish)...
yumberries 27 19 YUMBERRY, the purple...
yuppiedoms 29 23 YUPPIEDOM, the state...
zambooraks 23 29 ZAMBOORAK, (Urdu) a...
zamindaris 21 24 ZAMINDARI, (Hindi) t...
zanamivirs 23 27 ZANAMIVIR, a drug us...
zaninesses 18 21 ZANINESS, comicality...
zantewoods 21 24 ZANTEWOOD, the wood...
zanthoxyls 35 32 ZANTHOXYL, a plant o...
zapateados 20 23 ZAPATEADO, (Spanish)...
zapotillas 24 24 ZAPOTILLA, (Spanish)...
zealotisms 22 23 ZEALOTISM, the chara...
zealotries 20 20 ZEALOTRY, the charac...
zebrawoods 24 26 ZEBRAWOOD, a kind of...
zebrinnies 21 24 ZEBRINNY, the offspr...
zeitgebers 23 24 ZEITGEBER, (German)...
zeitgeists 22 21 ZEITGEIST, (German)...
zelatrices 24 23 ZELATRIX, a nun whos...
zelatrixes 27 27 ZELATRIX, a nun whos...
zelotypias 29 25 ZELOTYPIA, (obsolete...
zemindaris 21 24 ZEMINDARI, (Hindi) t...
zettabytes 28 24 ZETTABYTE, a unit of...
zibellines 24 25 ZIBELLINE, the fur o...
zigzaggers 27 34 ZIGZAGGER, one who z...
zillionths 25 24 ZILLIONTH, a zillion...
zinckifies 27 30 ZINCKIFY, to coat wi...
zincolyses 30 26 ZINCOLYSIS, (obsolet...
zincolysis 31 26 (obsolete) electroly...
zinfandels 22 26 ZINFANDEL, a black w...
zinkenites 20 25 ZINKENITE, a steel-g...
zircalloys 32 26 ZIRCALLOY, an alloy...
zirconiums 25 27 ZIRCONIUM, a rare el...
zitherists 24 21 ZITHERIST, one who p...
zizyphuses 35 36 ZIZYPHUS, a shrub or...
zoechromes 25 27 ZOECHROME, an early...
zoochories 24 24 ZOOCHORY, the condit...
zoochorous 24 25 of seeds or spores s...
zoogametes 20 24 ZOOGAMETE, a motile...
zookeepers 21 26 ZOOKEEPER, one who l...
zoolatrias 20 20 ZOOLATRIA, worship o...
zoolatries 20 20 ZOOLATRY, the worshi...
zoolatrous 20 21 relating to zoolatry...
zoologists 22 22 ZOOLOGIST, one who s...
zoomancies 22 26 ZOOMANCY, divination...
zoometries 20 22 ZOOMETRY, comparing...
zoonomists 20 23 ZOONOMIST, an animal...
zoopathies 23 24 ZOOPATHY, animal pat...
zooperists 22 22 ZOOPERIST, one who e...
zoophagans 23 27 ZOOPHAGAN, an animal...
zoophagies 24 26 ZOOPHAGY, the practi...
zoophagous 24 27 feeding on animals [...
zoophilias 25 25 ZOOPHILIA, the love...
zoophilies 25 25 ZOOPHILY, the love o...
zoophilous 25 26 loving animals [adj]
zoophobias 25 27 ZOOPHOBIA, fear of a...
zoophobous 25 28 having an abnormal f...
zooscopies 24 25 ZOOSCOPY, a delusion...
zoosporous 21 23 of or like a zoospor...
zoosterols 20 20 ZOOSTEROL, a sterol,...
zoothapses 23 24 ZOOTHAPSIS, prematur...
zoothapsis 24 24 premature burial [n...
zootheisms 23 24 ZOOTHEISM, the attri...
zootomists 21 22 ZOOTOMIST, one who d...
zorbonauts 21 24 ZORBONAUT, one who e...
zucchettos 29 28 ZUCCHETTO, (Italian)...
zumbooruks 25 31 ZUMBOORUK, (Urdu) a...
zwanzigers 27 34 ZWANZIGER, an old Au...
zygantrums 29 28 ZYGANTRUM, extra ver...
zygocactus 34 30 a genus of Brazilian...
zygomatics 32 29 ZYGOMATIC, the cheek...
zygophytes 38 30 ZYGOPHYTE, a plant t...
zygosities 28 23 ZYGOSITY, the makeup...
zygosperms 31 29 ZYGOSPERM, a spore f...
zygospores 29 26 ZYGOSPORE, a spore f...
zymologies 29 27 ZYMOLOGY, the scienc...
zymometers 28 27 ZYMOMETER, an instru...