15 letter words that end with S

15 letter words that end with S

15 letter S word


Words With Friends®


aboriginalities 29 22 ABORIGINALITY, the s...
absorbabilities 33 25 ABSORBABILITY, the a...
absorbefacients 33 28 ABSORBEFACIENT, an a...
absorptiometers 30 24 ABSORPTIOMETER, an i...
abstractionisms 32 25 ABSTRACTIONISM, the...
abstractionists 31 22 ABSTRACTIONIST, a pr...
acceptabilities 37 28 ACCEPTABILITY, the s...
acceptingnesses 33 28 ACCEPTINGNESS, the s...
accessarinesses 30 22 ACCESSARINESS, the s...
accessibilities 36 25 ACCESSIBILITY, the a...
accessorinesses 30 22 ACCESSORINESS, the s...
accidentalities 32 24 ACCIDENTALITY, the q...
accidentologies 32 26 ACCIDENTOLOGY, the s...
accomplishments 39 34 ACCOMPLISHMENT, the...
accountableness 32 28 accountability [n]
accountantships 35 29 ACCOUNTANTSHIP, the...
achondroplasias 32 26 ACHONDROPLASIA, a co...
achromaticities 35 26 ACHROMATICITY, the s...
acknowledgments 34 34 ACKNOWLEDGMENT, the...
acquirabilities 41 32 ACQUIRABILITY, the a...
acquisitiveness 39 33 the quality of being...
acrimoniousness 28 24 the quality of being...
actinobiologies 31 25 ACTINOBIOLOGY, the b...
actinotherapies 31 24 ACTINOTHERAPY, the u...
adaptablenesses 28 24 ADAPTABLENESS, the s...
addictivenesses 30 25 ADDICTIVENESS, the q...
additionalities 26 19 ADDITIONALITY, the q...
adenocarcinomas 29 27 ADENOCARCINOMA, a ma...
adenohypophyses 44 31 ADENOHYPOPHYSIS, the...
adenohypophysis 45 31 the anterior glandul...
adenoidectomies 27 24 ADENOIDECTOMY, the s...
adiathermancies 30 25 ADIATHERMANCY, imper...
adjustabilities 32 30 ADJUSTABILITY, the q...
administrations 26 21 ADMINISTRATION, the...
admirablenesses 28 24 ADMIRABLENESS, the s...
admissibilities 32 23 ADMISSIBILITY, the q...
adrenalectomies 28 24 ADRENALECTOMY, the s...
adsorbabilities 31 23 ADSORBABILITY, the a...
adventurousness 26 24 the state of being a...
adversarinesses 26 21 ADVERSARINESS, the s...
advisablenesses 29 25 ADVISABLENESS, the s...
aerodynamicists 35 25 AERODYNAMICIST, one...
aeroelasticians 27 20 AEROELASTICIAN, a pe...
aerohydroplanes 34 25 AEROHYDROPLANE, a wi...
aerolithologies 29 21 AEROLITHOLOGY, the s...
aerosolisations 24 17 AEROSOLISATION, the...
aerosolizations 27 26 AEROSOLIZATION, the...
affectabilities 36 28 AFFECTABILITY, the q...
affectivenesses 33 29 AFFECTIVENESS, the s...
affordabilities 33 26 AFFORDABILITY, the q...
aftersensations 25 20 AFTERSENSATION, an a...
aftertreatments 27 22 AFTERTREATMENT, addi...
aggrandisements 27 25 AGGRANDISEMENT, the...
aggrandizements 30 34 AGGRANDIZEMENT, the...
aggregatenesses 26 22 AGGREGATENESS, the q...
agranulocytoses 35 25 AGRANULOCYTOSIS, a b...
agranulocytosis 36 25 a blood disorder in...
agreeablenesses 26 22 AGREEABLENESS, the s...
airworthinesses 30 21 AIRWORTHINESS, the q...
alcoholisations 31 23 ALCOHOLISATION, the...
alcoholizations 34 32 ALCOHOLIZATION, the...
alcoholometries 32 25 ALCOHOLOMETRY, the m...
alexipharmakons 37 36 ALEXIPHARMAKON, an a...
alkalinisations 27 23 ALKALINISATION, the...
alkalinizations 30 32 ALKALINIZATION, the...
allegoricalness 31 24 the state of being a...
allegorisations 27 20 ALLEGORISATION, the...
allegorizations 30 29 ALLEGORIZATION, the...
allelomorphisms 35 29 ALLELOMORPHISM, the...
allergenicities 31 23 ALLERGENICITY, the s...
allotetraploids 30 22 ALLOTETRAPLOID, an o...
allowablenesses 31 25 ALLOWABLENESS, the s...
alternativeness 26 22 the state of being a...
altitudinarians 26 20 ALTITUDINARIAN, some...
aluminothermies 30 26 ALUMINOTHERMY, a pro...
amaryllidaceous 37 27 belonging to the Ama...
ambassadorships 33 27 AMBASSADORSHIP, the...
ambidexterities 35 29 AMBIDEXTERITY, the s...
ambiguousnesses 29 26 AMBIGUOUSNESS, the s...
ambisexualities 36 30 AMBISEXUALITY, the s...
ambitiousnesses 28 23 AMBITIOUSNESS, the s...
aminopeptidases 29 26 AMINOPEPTIDASE, an e...
aminophenazones 29 35 AMINOPHENAZONE, a py...
ammonifications 31 29 AMMONIFICATION, the...
amorphousnesses 29 25 AMORPHOUSNESS, the s...
amphidiploidies 35 29 AMPHIDIPLOIDY, the s...
amylobarbitones 36 28 AMYLOBARBITONE, a wh...
analogousnesses 24 21 ANALOGOUSNESS, the s...
analysabilities 35 23 ANALYSABILITY, the c...
analyzabilities 38 32 ANALYZABILITY, the s...
anamorphoscopes 33 30 ANAMORPHOSCOPE, an o...
ancylostomiases 35 25 ANCYLOSTOMIASIS, inf...
ancylostomiasis 36 25 infestation with hoo...
androgynophores 34 27 ANDROGYNOPHORE, anot...
andromedotoxins 30 29 ANDROMEDOTOXIN, a po...
andromonoecious 26 25 having hermaphrodite...
andromonoecisms 28 27 ANDROMONOECISM, havi...
anfractuosities 30 23 ANFRACTUOSITY, circu...
ankylostomiases 33 26 ANKYLOSTOMIASIS, inf...
ankylostomiasis 34 26 infestation with hoo...
anomalousnesses 24 22 ANOMALOUSNESS, the s...
anonymousnesses 29 24 ANONYMOUSNESS, the s...
answerabilities 31 23 ANSWERABILITY, the q...
antagonisations 23 20 ANTAGONISATION, the...
antagonizations 26 29 ANTAGONIZATION, the...
antaphrodisiacs 32 25 ANTAPHRODISIAC, a dr...
anthropogeneses 27 24 ANTHROPOGENESIS, the...
anthropogenesis 28 24 the study of the ori...
anthropolatries 29 22 ANTHROPOLATRY, the w...
anthropologists 31 24 ANTHROPOLOGIST, one...
anthropometries 29 24 ANTHROPOMETRY, the m...
anthropopathies 32 26 ANTHROPOPATHY, the a...
anthropophagies 33 28 ANTHROPOPHAGY, canni...
anthropophagous 33 29 eating humans [adj]
anthropophobias 34 29 ANTHROPOPHOBIA, fear...
anthropophobics 38 32 ANTHROPOPHOBIC, some...
anthropophuisms 35 30 ANTHROPOPHUISM, the...
anthroposophies 32 26 ANTHROPOSOPHY, knowl...
antialcoholisms 33 26 ANTIALCOHOLISM, the...
antiarrhythmics 41 28 ANTIARRHYTHMIC, a dr...
anticapitalisms 33 26 ANTICAPITALISM, oppo...
anticapitalists 32 23 ANTICAPITALIST, one...
anticarcinogens 30 26 ANTICARCINOGEN, a su...
anticonvulsants 30 27 ANTICONVULSANT, a dr...
anticonvulsives 33 30 ANTICONVULSIVE, an a...
antidepressants 26 21 ANTIDEPRESSANT, an a...
antiderivatives 29 25 ANTIDERIVATIVE, an i...
antidiarrhoeals 27 20 ANTIDIARRHOEAL, a dr...
antifederalists 28 21 ANTIFEDERALIST, one...
antifilibusters 32 24 ANTIFILIBUSTER, a pe...
antihelminthics 35 28 ANTIHELMINTHIC, a dr...
antihistaminics 32 25 ANTIHISTAMINIC, an a...
antiliberalisms 31 24 ANTILIBERALISM, oppo...
antimetabolites 28 23 ANTIMETABOLITE, a su...
antimilitarisms 30 23 ANTIMILITARISM, oppo...
antimilitarists 29 20 ANTIMILITARIST, one...
antimonarchists 31 25 ANTIMONARCHIST, one...
antimonopolists 28 24 ANTIMONOPOLIST, one...
antineoplastics 30 24 ANTINEOPLASTIC, a dr...
antinuclearists 29 22 ANTINUCLEARIST, one...
antiodontalgics 29 24 ANTIODONTALGIC, a dr...
antiperistalses 28 20 ANTIPERISTALSIS, the...
antiperistalsis 29 20 the action of intest...
antiperspirants 29 23 ANTIPERSPIRANT, a pr...
antiphlogistics 36 27 ANTIPHLOGISTIC, an a...
antiquarianisms 34 30 ANTIQUARIANISM, an i...
antiradicalisms 31 24 ANTIRADICALISM, oppo...
antirepublicans 33 28 ANTIREPUBLICAN, one...
antiretrovirals 28 21 ANTIRETROVIRAL, any...
antiseparatists 27 19 ANTISEPARATIST, one...
antisexualities 32 25 ANTISEXUALITY, being...
antisocialities 29 20 ANTISOCIALITY, the q...
antisyphilitics 42 27 ANTISYPHILITIC, an a...
antithrombotics 34 27 ANTITHROMBOTIC, a dr...
antituberculous 32 26 designed to counter...
apheliotropisms 34 27 APHELIOTROPISM, grow...
apocalypticisms 45 33 APOCALYPTICISM, the...
apolipoproteins 31 26 APOLIPOPROTEIN, a pr...
apoliticalities 33 23 APOLITICALITY, the q...
appealabilities 33 26 APPEALABILITY, the q...
appealingnesses 29 26 APPEALINGNESS, the s...
applicabilities 38 29 APPLICABILITY, the s...
apprenticehoods 33 28 APPRENTICEHOOD, (Sha...
apprenticements 32 29 APPRENTICEMENT, the...
apprenticeships 37 30 APPRENTICESHIP, the...
appropinquities 40 35 APPROPINQUITY, nearn...
appropriateness 30 25 the state of being a...
approximeetings 37 34 APPROXIMEETING, the...
arachnoiditises 30 22 ARACHNOIDITIS, infla...
arbitrarinesses 27 19 ARBITRARINESS, the s...
archaeobotanies 29 24 ARCHAEOBOTANY, the a...
archaeometrists 31 23 ARCHAEOMETRIST, one...
archaeopteryxes 43 32 ARCHAEOPTERYX, a Jur...
archaezoologies 33 32 ARCHAEZOOLOGY, the s...
archeobotanists 31 24 ARCHEOBOTANIST, one...
archeozoologies 33 32 ARCHEOZOOLOGY, the s...
archgenethliacs 37 29 ARCHGENETHLIAC, (Bro...
archidiaconates 32 25 ARCHIDIACONATE, the...
archpriesthoods 35 26 ARCHPRIESTHOOD, the...
archpriestships 39 28 ARCHPRIESTSHIP, the...
ariboflavinoses 31 27 ARIBOFLAVINOSIS, a d...
ariboflavinosis 32 27 a deficiency disease...
aromatherapists 30 23 AROMATHERAPIST, one...
arrondissements 25 21 ARRONDISSEMENT, (Fre...
arteriographies 30 22 ARTERIOGRAPHY, the r...
artificialities 33 22 ARTIFICIALITY, the q...
asclepiadaceous 33 27 belonging to the Asc...
assentivenesses 25 21 ASSENTIVENESS, the s...
assertivenesses 26 20 ASSERTIVENESS, the s...
assiduousnesses 25 19 ASSIDUOUSNESS, the s...
assignabilities 30 22 ASSIGNABILITY, the q...
associabilities 32 22 ASSOCIABILITY, the q...
associationisms 29 22 ASSOCIATIONISM, the...
associationists 28 19 ASSOCIATIONIST, one...
associativities 31 22 ASSOCIATIVITY, the q...
astrobiologists 30 21 ASTROBIOLOGIST, one...
astrogeologists 28 20 ASTROGEOLOGIST, a sp...
astronavigators 27 22 ASTRONAVIGATOR, one...
astrophysicists 41 25 ASTROPHYSICIST, a st...
atheroscleroses 30 21 ATHEROSCLEROSIS, har...
atherosclerosis 31 21 hardening of the inn...
atrabiliousness 28 21 (archaic) the state...
atrociousnesses 27 20 ATROCIOUSNESS, the s...
attainabilities 28 20 ATTAINABILITY, the q...
attentivenesses 25 21 ATTENTIVENESS, the s...
attitudinarians 25 19 ATTITUDINARIAN, a pe...
attitudinisings 28 21 ATTITUDINISING [n]
attitudinizings 31 30 ATTITUDINIZING [n]
attributiveness 30 24 the state of being a...
audaciousnesses 27 22 AUDACIOUSNESS, the s...
audiometricians 29 24 AUDIOMETRICIAN, one...
authentications 29 23 AUTHENTICATION, the...
autobiographers 32 26 AUTOBIOGRAPHER, one...
autobiographies 32 26 AUTOBIOGRAPHY, the b...
autoionisations 23 18 AUTOIONISATION, self...
autoionizations 26 27 AUTOIONIZATION, self...
automatisations 25 20 AUTOMATISATION, the...
automatizations 28 29 AUTOMATIZATION, the...
autoradiographs 30 24 AUTORADIOGRAPH, an a...
autostabilities 29 20 AUTOSTABILITY, the s...
autosuggestions 27 22 AUTOSUGGESTION, an i...
autotetraploids 28 21 AUTOTETRAPLOID, an i...
availablenesses 29 25 AVAILABLENESS, the s...
axiomatisations 31 26 AXIOMATISATION, the...
axiomatizations 34 35 AXIOMATIZATION, the...
azidothymidines 38 34 AZIDOTHYMIDINE, a de...
backscatterings 36 31 BACKSCATTERING, the...
backscratchings 42 36 BACKSCRATCHING [n]
bacteriologists 33 24 BACTERIOLOGIST, one...
bacteriophagies 35 28 BACTERIOPHAGY, the e...
bacteriophagous 35 29 of or like a bacteri...
balneotherapies 30 25 BALNEOTHERAPY, treat...
barbarousnesses 28 23 BARBAROUSNESS, the s...
barefacednesses 30 26 BAREFACEDNESS, the s...
basidiomycetous 38 28 of or like a basidio...
bastardisations 27 20 BASTARDISATION, the...
bastardizations 30 29 BASTARDIZATION, the...
batrachophobias 38 31 BATRACHOPHOBIA, fear...
beardlessnesses 27 21 BEARDLESSNESS, the s...
beauteousnesses 25 21 BEAUTEOUSNESS, the s...
beautifications 32 26 BEAUTIFICATION, the...
beautifulnesses 30 25 BEAUTIFULNESS, the s...
believabilities 34 27 BELIEVABILITY, the q...
belongingnesses 28 26 BELONGINGNESS, the s...
benightednesses 29 25 BENIGHTEDNESS, the s...
benzanthracenes 32 35 BENZANTHRACENE, a cr...
benzodiazepines 33 42 BENZODIAZEPINE, any...
beseemingnesses 27 25 BESEEMINGNESS, the s...
bespottednesses 28 23 BESPOTTEDNESS, the s...
bibliothecaries 36 27 BIBLIOTHECARY, a lib...
bibliotherapies 35 27 BIBLIOTHERAPY, the u...
bidialectalisms 35 27 BIDIALECTALISM, faci...
bigheadednesses 29 25 BIGHEADEDNESS, the s...
bioastronautics 30 23 the science dealing...
biodegradations 27 23 BIODEGRADATION, the...
bioengineerings 27 25 BIOENGINEERING, the...
biogeochemicals 38 32 the science of plant...
bioprospectings 36 30 BIOPROSPECTING, the...
biopsychologies 43 31 BIOPSYCHOLOGY, the b...
bioregionalisms 30 25 BIOREGIONALISM, an e...
bioregionalists 29 22 BIOREGIONALIST, one...
bioremediations 27 23 BIOREMEDIATION, the...
biosystematists 36 23 BIOSYSTEMATIST, one...
biotechnologies 33 27 BIOTECHNOLOGY, the u...
bipartisanships 35 27 BIPARTISANSHIP, the...
bipolarisations 30 23 BIPOLARISATION, the...
bipolarizations 33 32 BIPOLARIZATION, the...
bisphosphonates 35 29 BISPHOSPHONATE, any...
bittersweetness 30 22 the state of being b...
bituminisations 29 24 BITUMINISATION, the...
bituminizations 32 33 BITUMINIZATION, the...
blameablenesses 30 27 BLAMEABLENESS, the s...
blamelessnesses 29 24 BLAMELESSNESS, the s...
blameworthiness 34 28 the state of being b...
blasphemousness 33 29 the state of being b...
blaxploitations 37 31 BLAXPLOITATION, expl...
bletheranskates 30 26 BLETHERANSKATE, (Sco...
blockheadedness 33 31 the state of being b...
bloodguiltiness 31 25 the state of being b...
bloodlessnesses 28 22 BLOODLESSNESS, the s...
bougainvillaeas 31 28 BOUGAINVILLAEA, a tr...
bouleversements 30 28 BOULEVERSEMENT, (Fre...
boundlessnesses 27 23 BOUNDLESSNESS, the s...
bounteousnesses 25 22 BOUNTEOUSNESS, the s...
bountifulnesses 30 26 BOUNTIFULNESS, BOUNT...
bowdlerisations 31 24 BOWDLERISATION, the...
bowdlerizations 34 33 BOWDLERIZATION, the...
brachiosauruses 33 25 BRACHIOSAURUS, any m...
brachycephalics 51 37 BRACHYCEPHALIC, a sh...
brachycephalies 47 34 BRACHYCEPHALY, the s...
brachycephalous 47 35 short-headed, esp. h...
brachydactylies 50 32 BRACHYDACTYLY, abnor...
brachydactylous 50 33 having short or stub...
brachydiagonals 40 30 BRACHYDIAGONAL, in c...
brachypinakoids 42 34 BRACHYPINAKOID, a pi...
brachytherapies 43 30 BRACHYTHERAPY, a med...
brainlessnesses 27 21 BRAINLESSNESS, BRAIN...
brainsicknesses 31 27 BRAINSICKNESS, BRAIN...
braunschweigers 37 30 BRAUNSCHWEIGER, (Ger...
breakablenesses 29 27 BREAKABLENESS, BREAK...
breathabilities 33 24 BREATHABILITY, the q...
breatharianisms 30 24 BREATHARIANISM, the...
bremsstrahlungs 34 28 BREMSSTRAHLUNG, (Ger...
brilliantnesses 29 22 BRILLIANTNESS, the s...
bronchiolitises 34 25 BRONCHIOLITIS, infla...
bronchodilators 33 26 BRONCHODILATOR, a dr...
bronchographies 37 31 BRONCHOGRAPHY, radio...
bronchoscopists 38 30 BRONCHOSCOPIST, one...
brotherlinesses 30 22 BROTHERLINESS, the s...
bumptiousnesses 31 27 BUMPTIOUSNESS, the s...
businesspersons 29 24 BUSINESSPERSON, a bu...
butterflyfishes 43 30 BUTTERFLYFISH, any t...
calculabilities 38 28 CALCULABILITY, the a...
calorifications 34 26 CALORIFICATION, the...
canthaxanthines 36 32 CANTHAXANTHINE, a na...
capaciousnesses 32 26 CAPACIOUSNESS, the s...
capitalisations 31 23 CAPITALISATION, the...
capitalizations 34 32 CAPITALIZATION, the...
caprifoliaceous 36 29 of or pertaining to...
caramelisations 29 23 CARAMELISATION, the...
caramelizations 32 32 CARAMELIZATION, the...
carcinosarcomas 34 28 CARCINOSARCOMA, a ki...
carnivorousness 29 25 the state of being c...
carpetbaggeries 34 28 CARPETBAGGERY, the a...
carpometacarpus 36 31 in birds, a bone of...
castrametations 28 22 CASTRAMETATION, the...
catechumenships 39 33 CATECHUMENSHIP, the...
categoricalness 32 25 the state of being c...
categorisations 28 21 CATEGORISATION, the...
categorizations 31 30 CATEGORIZATION, the...
cathodographers 35 28 CATHODOGRAPHER, one...
cathodographies 35 28 CATHODOGRAPHY, the t...
causativenesses 29 24 CAUSATIVENESS, CAUSA...
causelessnesses 28 21 CAUSELESSNESS, the s...
ceaselessnesses 27 20 CEASELESSNESS, CEASE...
censurabilities 32 24 CENSURABILITY, the a...
centenarianisms 27 24 CENTENARIANISM, the...
centralisations 28 21 CENTRALISATION, the...
centralizations 31 30 CENTRALIZATION, the...
centricalnesses 31 24 CENTRICALNESS, CENTR...
centrifugalises 33 26 CENTRIFUGALISE, to s...
centrifugalizes 36 35 CENTRIFUGALIZE, to s...
centrifugations 31 26 CENTRIFUGATION, sepa...
centripetalisms 33 26 CENTRIPETALISM, the...
centuplications 34 28 CENTUPLICATION, mult...
cephalothoraces 37 29 CEPHALOTHORAX, the b...
cephalothoraxes 40 33 CEPHALOTHORAX, the b...
cercopithecoids 39 30 CERCOPITHECOID, any...
ceremoniousness 27 24 the state of being c...
certificatories 34 24 CERTIFICATORY, a cer...
cervicographies 39 32 CERVICOGRAPHY, the p...
chalcographists 41 31 CHALCOGRAPHIST, one...
chancellorships 40 31 CHANCELLORSHIP, the...
changeabilities 34 27 CHANGEABILITY, the q...
changefulnesses 33 29 CHANGEFULNESS, CHANG...
channelisations 29 24 CHANNELISATION, the...
channelizations 32 33 CHANNELIZATION, the...
chaptalisations 33 25 CHAPTALISATION, the...
chaptalizations 36 34 CHAPTALIZATION, the...
characteristics 38 26 CHARACTERISTIC, a di...
chargeabilities 35 26 CHARGEABILITY, the q...
cheerlessnesses 30 22 CHEERLESSNESS, CHEER...
chemoautotrophs 35 29 CHEMOAUTOTROPH, any...
chemoreceptions 35 30 CHEMORECEPTION, the...
chemotaxonomies 36 34 CHEMOTAXONOMY, the c...
chemotherapists 36 28 CHEMOTHERAPIST, one...
chenopodiaceous 33 29 belonging to the goo...
childlessnesses 33 24 CHILDLESSNESS, the s...
childlikenesses 34 28 CHILDLIKENESS, CHILD...
chincherinchees 40 32 CHINCHERINCHEE, a ki...
chlamydomonades 38 32 CHLAMYDOMONAS, a mem...
chloritisations 32 22 CHLORITISATION, the...
chloritizations 35 31 CHLORITIZATION, the...
chlorothiazides 37 33 CHLOROTHIAZIDE, a th...
chlorpromazines 37 37 CHLORPROMAZINE, a ph...
chlorpropamides 37 31 CHLORPROPAMIDE, a su...
chlorthalidones 34 26 CHLORTHALIDONE, a di...
cholecystitises 42 26 CHOLECYSTITIS, infla...
cholestyramines 38 27 CHOLESTYRAMINE, a st...
cholinesterases 30 22 CHOLINESTERASE, an e...
chondrichthyans 44 32 CHONDRICHTHYAN, a te...
chondrocraniums 34 30 CHONDROCRANIUM, the...
chondrophorines 33 28 CHONDROPHORINE, a me...
chordamesoderms 32 28 CHORDAMESODERM, the...
chorioallantois 31 23 a highly vascularize...
chromaticnesses 34 27 CHROMATICNESS, the s...
chromatologists 34 26 CHROMATOLOGIST, a sp...
chromatophorous 35 29 of or like a chromat...
chromatospheres 35 28 CHROMATOSPHERE, a la...
chromotherapies 35 28 CHROMOTHERAPY, colou...
chronobiologies 33 27 CHRONOBIOLOGY, the s...
chronotherapies 33 26 CHRONOTHERAPY, a tre...
cinchonisations 32 26 CINCHONISATION, the...
cinchonizations 35 35 CINCHONIZATION, the...
circumambagious 38 34 roundabout in speech...
circumambiences 39 35 CIRCUMAMBIENCE, the...
circumambulates 38 33 CIRCUMAMBULATE, to c...
circumferentors 35 29 CIRCUMFERENTOR, a su...
circumforaneous 34 30 wandering about as f...
circumgyrations 41 30 CIRCUMGYRATION, a wh...
circumjacencies 41 41 CIRCUMJACENCY, the s...
circumlocutions 38 31 CIRCUMLOCUTION, an o...
circumnavigates 36 32 CIRCUMNAVIGATE, to g...
circumnutations 33 28 CIRCUMNUTATION, rota...
circumpositions 36 29 CIRCUMPOSITION, the...
circumspections 39 32 CIRCUMSPECTION, the...
circumspectness 39 32 the state of being c...
circumstantials 35 27 CIRCUMSTANTIAL, belo...
circumvolutions 37 32 CIRCUMVOLUTION, anyt...
citriculturists 37 24 CITRICULTURIST, one...
clamorousnesses 29 24 CLAMOROUSNESS, CLAMO...
clandestineness 27 23 the state of being c...
clandestinities 29 22 CLANDESTINITY, the q...
classicalnesses 33 24 CLASSICALNESS, CLASS...
classifications 35 26 CLASSIFICATION, the...
claustrophilias 36 26 CLAUSTROPHILIA, abno...
claustrophobias 36 28 CLAUSTROPHOBIA, fear...
clearheadedness 29 24 CLEARHEADED, having...
cleavablenesses 32 28 CLEAVABLENESS, CLEAV...
climatographies 36 29 CLIMATOGRAPHY, a des...
cloudlessnesses 30 23 CLOUDLESSNESS, CLOUD...
coagulabilities 34 26 COAGULABILITY, the q...
cochairmanships 39 32 COCHAIRMANSHIP, join...
cocknifications 37 33 COCKNIFICATION, the...
coconsciousness 33 27 COCONSCIOUS, aware o...
codifiabilities 35 26 CODIFIABILITY, the q...
coessentialness 27 21 COESSENTIAL, religio...
coinstantaneous 25 22 simultaneous; at the...
coinvestigators 31 25 COINVESTIGATOR, a jo...
coldheartedness 30 24 COLDHEARTED, marked...
collateralities 31 21 COLLATERALITY, the q...
collectednesses 32 25 COLLECTEDNESS, the s...
collenchymatous 42 32 relating to collench...
colliquescences 44 37 COLLIQUESCENCE, read...
colloquialities 40 31 COLLOQUIALITY, the q...
colorablenesses 30 24 COLORABLENESS, the s...
colorfastnesses 30 23 COLORFASTNESS, COLOR...
colorlessnesses 29 21 COLORLESSNESS, COLOR...
colourabilities 33 24 COLOURABILITY, the q...
colourfulnesses 32 26 COLOURFULNESS, the s...
combativenesses 32 29 COMBATIVENESS, the s...
combinabilities 35 29 COMBINABILITY, the q...
combustibleness 35 30 the state of being c...
comfortableness 33 29 the state of being c...
comfortlessness 32 26 COMFORTLESS, without...
commandantships 34 32 COMMANDANTSHIP, the...
commendableness 31 31 COMMENDABLE, that ca...
commensurations 29 27 COMMENSURATION, meas...
commercialities 35 28 COMMERCIALITY, the q...
commissaryships 43 31 COMMISSARYSHIP, the...
commissionaires 30 25 COMMISSIONAIRE, a un...
commonplaceness 34 33 the state of being c...
commutabilities 35 29 COMMUTABILITY, the q...
commutativities 34 29 COMMUTATIVITY, the p...
compactednesses 33 29 COMPACTEDNESS, the s...
comparabilities 35 28 COMPARABILITY, the s...
comparativeness 32 29 COMPARATIVE, of the...
compatibilities 36 28 COMPATIBILITY, the q...
compendiousness 30 28 the state of being c...
competentnesses 29 26 COMPETENTNESS, COMPE...
competitiveness 33 29 COMPETITIVE, relatin...
complementaries 32 29 COMPLEMENTARY, a com...
complementisers 33 29 COMPLEMENTISER, a wo...
complementizers 36 38 COMPLEMENTIZER, a wo...
complexednesses 37 34 COMPLEXEDNESS, the s...
compliantnesses 31 27 COMPLIANTNESS, COMPL...
complicatedness 35 30 COMPLICATED [n]
compositenesses 30 25 COMPOSITENESS, COMPO...
computabilities 36 29 COMPUTABILITY, the q...
computerphobias 38 33 COMPUTERPHOBIA, a mo...
computerphobics 42 36 COMPUTERPHOBIC, some...
comradelinesses 29 24 COMRADELINESS, the s...
conceitednesses 29 24 CONCEITEDNESS, the s...
conceivableness 34 31 CONCEIVABLE, that ca...
concelebrations 32 27 CONCELEBRATION, cele...
concentricities 34 26 CONCENTRICITY, the q...
conceptualisers 34 27 CONCEPTUALISER, one...
conceptualities 34 27 CONCEPTUALITY, the q...
conceptualizers 37 36 CONCEPTUALIZER, one...
concernednesses 28 25 CONCERNEDNESS, CONCE...
concertednesses 29 24 CONCERTEDNESS, CONCE...
concertmeisters 32 25 CONCERTMEISTER, the...
concertmistress 33 25 the first violinist...
concessionaires 29 23 CONCESSIONAIRE, the...
concessionaries 29 23 CONCESSIONARY, one t...
concretisations 30 23 CONCRETISATION, the...
concretizations 33 32 CONCRETIZATION, the...
condescendences 31 29 CONDESCENDENCE, volu...
conducivenesses 32 29 CONDUCIVENESS, the s...
conduplications 34 29 CONDUPLICATION, the...
confectionaries 31 26 CONFECTIONARY, a pla...
confectioneries 31 26 CONFECTIONERY, the c...
confessionaries 28 23 CONFESSIONARY, a con...
confidingnesses 30 27 CONFIDINGNESS, CONFI...
confirmednesses 30 27 CONFIRMEDNESS, the s...
conformableness 32 30 CONFORMABLE, complia...
confraternities 29 23 CONFRATERNITY, a soc...
confusabilities 34 27 CONFUSABILITY, the q...
congealableness 30 27 CONGEALABLE, that ca...
congenialnesses 27 24 CONGENIALNESS, the s...
conglobulations 32 28 CONGLOBULATION, the...
conglomerateurs 30 26 CONGLOMERATEUR, a pe...
conglomerations 29 26 CONGLOMERATION, the...
conglutinations 29 25 CONGLUTINATION, the...
congratulations 29 24 CONGRATULATION, the...
congresspersons 30 25 CONGRESSPERSON, a co...
congruousnesses 28 24 CONGRUOUSNESS, CONGR...
conjugatenesses 29 32 CONJUGATENESS, CONJU...
conjunctiveness 34 38 the state of being c...
connaturalities 28 22 CONNATURALITY, the s...
connectednesses 28 25 CONNECTEDNESS, CONNE...
conquerableness 37 34 CONQUERABLE, that ca...
consanguinities 28 24 CONSANGUINITY, relat...
consciousnesses 30 24 CONSCIOUSNESS, the s...
consecratedness 29 24 CONSECRATED [n]
consecutiveness 32 28 the state of being c...
consenescencies 31 27 CONSENESCENCY, a sta...
consentaneities 25 21 CONSENTANEITY, the q...
conservatoriums 31 27 CONSERVATORIUM, (Lat...
considerateness 26 21 CONSIDERATE, marked...
consimilarities 31 23 CONSIMILARITY, the q...
conspicuousness 33 28 CONSPICUOUS, obvious...
conspiratresses 30 22 CONSPIRATRESS, a fem...
constitutionals 29 22 CONSTITUTIONAL, a wa...
constringencies 31 26 CONSTRINGENCY, the i...
constructivisms 37 30 CONSTRUCTIVISM, a no...
constructivists 36 27 CONSTRUCTIVIST, an u...
consultantships 34 27 CONSULTANTSHIP, the...
consumptiveness 33 31 the state of being c...
consumptivities 35 30 CONSUMPTIVITY, the s...
containerboards 28 24 CONTAINERBOARD, corr...
contemperations 29 26 CONTEMPERATION, (obs...
contemperatures 30 26 CONTEMPERATURE, the...
contemporaneans 27 27 CONTEMPORANEAN, a co...
contemporaneous 28 27 existing, occurring,...
contentednesses 25 22 CONTENTEDNESS, CONTE...
contentiousness 26 22 CONTENTIOUS, likely...
contesserations 26 20 CONTESSERATION, a ha...
contestableness 29 24 CONTESTABLE, able to...
continentalisms 29 25 CONTINENTALISM, anyt...
continentalists 28 22 CONTINENTALIST, one...
continualnesses 27 23 CONTINUALNESS, CONTI...
continuednesses 26 23 CONTINUEDNESS, CONTI...
contortednesses 26 21 CONTORTEDNESS, CONTO...
contractilities 33 23 CONTRACTILITY, the q...
contractiveness 32 27 CONTRACTIVE, tending...
contradictories 31 23 CONTRADICTORY, a wor...
contraindicants 30 25 CONTRAINDICANT, some...
contraindicates 30 24 CONTRAINDICATE, to i...
contrapositions 29 23 CONTRAPOSITION, oppo...
contrapositives 32 26 CONTRAPOSITIVE, an i...
contrariousness 27 21 CONTRARIOUS, (archai...
controllerships 35 26 CONTROLLERSHIP, the...
convalescencies 35 31 CONVALESCENCY, recov...
conversableness 31 28 the state of being c...
convertibleness 32 28 the state of being c...
convocationists 32 27 CONVOCATIONIST, one...
convolvulaceous 36 34 belonging to the gen...
convulsionaries 30 26 CONVULSIONARY, a per...
cooperationists 29 22 COOPERATIONIST, one...
cooperativeness 30 26 COOPERATIVE, working...
cooperativities 32 25 COOPERATIVITY, the s...
corporatenesses 28 22 CORPORATENESS, CORPO...
corporealnesses 29 23 CORPOREALNESS, the s...
corpuscularians 35 28 CORPUSCULARIAN, a pe...
correlativeness 30 24 the state of being c...
correlativities 32 23 CORRELATIVITY, the q...
correligionists 31 22 CORRELIGIONIST, a pe...
correspondences 31 27 CORRESPONDENCE, the...
corrigibilities 35 24 CORRIGIBILITY, the q...
corrodibilities 33 23 CORRODIBILITY, the q...
corrosibilities 33 22 CORROSIBILITY, the q...
corrosivenesses 29 23 CORROSIVENESS, CORRO...
corruptibleness 34 27 CORRUPTIBLE, that ca...
corticosteroids 32 22 CORTICOSTEROID, any...
corticosterones 30 22 CORTICOSTERONE, a co...
corticotrophins 36 27 CORTICOTROPHIN, a ho...
cosmeticologies 34 27 COSMETICOLOGY, the s...
cotransductions 31 25 COTRANSDUCTION, the...
councillorships 39 30 COUNCILLORSHIP, the...
counsellorships 35 27 COUNSELLORSHIP, the...
counterassaults 29 22 COUNTERASSAULT, a co...
counterbalances 32 28 COUNTERBALANCE, to o...
countercultures 33 26 COUNTERCULTURE, a cu...
countercurrents 31 25 COUNTERCURRENT, a cu...
counterexamples 37 34 COUNTEREXAMPLE, an e...
counterfactuals 34 28 COUNTERFACTUAL, some...
counterfeitings 31 26 COUNTERFEITING, the...
countermeasures 28 24 COUNTERMEASURE, an a...
countermelodies 29 25 COUNTERMELODY, a sec...
counterprojects 35 35 COUNTERPROJECT, a pr...
counterprotests 30 23 COUNTERPROTEST, an o...
counterpunchers 35 30 COUNTERPUNCHER [n]
countershadings 31 26 COUNTERSHADING, cryp...
countersubjects 36 36 COUNTERSUBJECT, a se...
courteousnesses 27 21 COURTEOUSNESS, the s...
crapulousnesses 31 25 CRAPULOUSNESS, CRAPU...
crashworthiness 36 26 the state of being c...
credentiallings 31 25 CREDENTIALLING, the...
creditabilities 33 23 CREDITABILITY, the q...
credulousnesses 29 23 CREDULOUSNESS, the s...
crestfallenness 31 25 CRESTFALLEN, dispiri...
criminousnesses 29 24 CRIMINOUSNESS, CRIMI...
crotchetinesses 33 24 CROTCHETINESS, the s...
cruciverbalisms 40 33 CRUCIVERBALISM, the...
cruciverbalists 39 30 CRUCIVERBALIST, a de...
cryoprotectants 39 27 CRYOPROTECTANT, a cr...
cryptaesthesias 39 25 CRYPTAESTHESIA, supr...
cryptographists 44 30 CRYPTOGRAPHIST, one...
cryptorchidisms 46 32 CRYPTORCHIDISM, the...
cryptozoologies 41 35 CRYPTOZOOLOGY, the s...
crystalisations 36 22 CRYSTALISATION, the...
crystalizations 39 31 CRYSTALIZATION, the...
crystallinities 38 23 CRYSTALLINITY, the q...
cultivabilities 37 28 CULTIVABILITY, the q...
customarinesses 29 23 CUSTOMARINESS, the s...
cyanoacetylenes 41 28 CYANOACETYLENE, a la...
cyanocobalamins 39 32 CYANOCOBALAMIN, vita...
cyberchondriacs 45 33 CYBERCHONDRIAC, one...
cybersecurities 41 27 CYBERSECURITY, the s...
cybersquattings 47 36 CYBERSQUATTING, the...
cyberterrorisms 39 26 CYBERTERRORISM, comp...
cyberterrorists 38 23 CYBERTERRORIST, a te...
cyclobarbitones 42 31 CYCLOBARBITONE, a ba...
cyclopentolates 40 29 CYCLOPENTOLATE, a dr...
cylindricalness 40 28 CYLINDRICAL, shaped...
cyproheptadines 40 30 CYPROHEPTADINE, a po...
cytochemistries 42 28 CYTOCHEMISTRY, micro...
cytogeneticists 39 26 CYTOGENETICIST, one...
cytomegalovirus 40 31 any of a group of vi...
cytopathologies 40 28 CYTOPATHOLOGY, the s...
cytotaxonomists 41 31 CYTOTAXONOMIST, a pr...
dactyliomancies 39 29 DACTYLIOMANCY, divin...
dactylographers 41 29 DACTYLOGRAPHER, one...
dactylographies 41 29 DACTYLOGRAPHY, the s...
daguerreotypers 34 24 DAGUERREOTYPER, one...
daguerreotypies 34 24 DAGUERREOTYPY, the a...
damageabilities 30 25 DAMAGEABILITY, the q...
dangerousnesses 24 21 DANGEROUSNESS, DANGE...
dastardlinesses 26 19 DASTARDLINESS, the s...
dauntlessnesses 25 20 DAUNTLESSNESS, DAUNT...
deathlessnesses 27 20 DEATHLESSNESS, DEATH...
debauchednesses 31 27 DEBAUCHEDNESS, the s...
deceitfulnesses 31 25 DECEITFULNESS, the s...
deceivabilities 34 27 DECEIVABILITY, the q...
deceptibilities 35 26 DECEPTIBILITY, the q...
deceptivenesses 31 27 DECEPTIVENESS, the s...
dechlorinations 30 24 DECHLORINATION, the...
dechristianises 31 22 DECHRISTIANISE, to t...
dechristianizes 34 31 DECHRISTIANIZE, to t...
deciduousnesses 28 23 DECIDUOUSNESS, the s...
decimalisations 30 24 DECIMALISATION, conv...
decimalizations 33 33 DECIMALIZATION, conv...
decolonisations 27 22 DECOLONISATION, the...
decolonizations 30 31 DECOLONIZATION, the...
decolorisations 28 21 DECOLORISATION, the...
decolorizations 31 30 DECOLORIZATION, the...
decommissioners 30 26 DECOMMISSIONER, one...
decompensations 29 27 DECOMPENSATION, the...
deconsecrations 29 24 DECONSECRATION, the...
deconstructions 31 25 DECONSTRUCTION, inte...
decontaminators 27 24 DECONTAMINATOR, some...
deduciblenesses 31 26 DEDUCIBLENESS, the s...
deductibilities 34 25 DEDUCTIBILITY, the q...
defeasibilities 31 23 DEFEASIBILITY, the q...
defectibilities 35 26 DEFECTIBILITY, the q...
defectivenesses 31 27 DEFECTIVENESS, DEFEC...
defeminisations 27 24 DEFEMINISATION, the...
defeminizations 30 33 DEFEMINIZATION, the...
defencelessness 29 25 DEFENCELESS, without...
defenestrations 25 21 DEFENESTRATION, the...
defenselessness 26 22 DEFENSELESS, without...
defensibilities 31 24 DEFENSIBILITY, the q...
defensivenesses 27 25 DEFENSIVENESS, DEFEN...
defervescencies 34 30 DEFERVESCENCY, abate...
defibrillations 32 25 DEFIBRILLATION, the...
deficientnesses 29 24 DEFICIENTNESS, DEFIC...
deflocculations 35 29 DEFLOCCULATION, the...
deformabilities 32 26 DEFORMABILITY, the q...
degradabilities 30 23 DEGRADABILITY, the q...
degradingnesses 26 23 DEGRADINGNESS, DEGRA...
dehumanisations 27 24 DEHUMANISATION, the...
dehumanizations 30 33 DEHUMANIZATION, the...
dehydroretinols 34 23 DEHYDRORETINOL, vita...
delectabilities 33 24 DELECTABILITY, the s...
delegitimations 28 23 DELEGITIMATION, the...
deleteriousness 25 19 DELETERIOUS, harmful...
deliciousnesses 29 22 DELICIOUSNESS, the s...
delightednesses 29 23 DELIGHTEDNESS, DELIG...
deliriousnesses 26 19 DELIRIOUSNESS, DELIR...
delocalisations 29 22 DELOCALISATION, the...
delocalizations 32 31 DELOCALIZATION, the...
demandingnesses 25 25 DEMANDINGNESS, DEMAN...
demisemiquavers 38 36 DEMISEMIQUAVER, a 1/...
demobilisations 29 24 DEMOBILISATION, the...
demobilizations 32 33 DEMOBILIZATION, the...
demonetisations 24 21 DEMONETISATION, the...
demonetizations 27 30 DEMONETIZATION, the...
demoralisations 26 21 DEMORALISATION, the...
demoralizations 29 30 DEMORALIZATION, the...
demythologisers 37 26 DEMYTHOLOGISER, one...
demythologizers 40 35 DEMYTHOLOGIZER, one...
denazifications 32 33 DENAZIFICATION, the...
denitrificators 31 23 DENITRIFICATOR, an a...
dependabilities 30 25 DEPENDABILITY, the s...
depigmentations 28 26 DEPIGMENTATION, loss...
deplorabilities 32 24 DEPLORABILITY, the q...
depolarisations 27 21 DEPOLARISATION, the...
depolarizations 30 30 DEPOLARIZATION, the...
deregistrations 26 19 DEREGISTRATION, the...
derivatisations 27 21 DERIVATISATION, the...
derivatizations 30 30 DERIVATIZATION, the...
dermatoglyphics 43 32 DERMATOGLYPHIC, a ri...
dermatographias 31 26 DERMATOGRAPHIA, a ty...
dermatographies 31 26 DERMATOGRAPHY, anato...
dermatomyositis 34 24 a disease characteri...
dermatophytoses 36 26 DERMATOPHYTOSIS, a f...
dermatophytosis 37 26 a fungal infection o...
dermatoplasties 29 23 DERMATOPLASTY, a pla...
desalinisations 25 19 DESALINISATION, the...
desalinizations 28 28 DESALINIZATION, the...
descriptiveness 33 27 DESCRIPTIVE, serving...
deservingnesses 27 24 DESERVINGNESS, DESER...
desirablenesses 27 21 DESIRABLENESS, the s...
desperatenesses 25 20 DESPERATENESS, the s...
despicabilities 35 26 DESPICABILITY, the q...
despiritualises 30 21 DESPIRITUALISE, to d...
despiritualizes 33 30 DESPIRITUALIZE, to d...
destitutenesses 25 18 DESTITUTENESS, the s...
destructionists 30 21 DESTRUCTIONIST, one...
destructiveness 31 25 the state of being d...
destructivities 33 24 DESTRUCTIVITY, capac...
desulphurations 31 25 DESULPHURATION, the...
desultorinesses 26 19 DESULTORINESS, the s...
detachabilities 34 25 DETACHABILITY, the s...
detectabilities 32 23 DETECTABILITY, the s...
determinateness 24 21 the state of being d...
deterrabilities 29 20 DETERRABILITY, the s...
detestabilities 29 20 DETESTABILITY, the q...
detoxifications 36 30 DETOXIFICATION, the...
deuteranomalies 25 22 DEUTERANOMALY, the s...
deuteranomalous 25 23 exhibiting partial l...
devalorisations 27 22 DEVALORISATION, the...
devalorizations 30 31 DEVALORIZATION, the...
devitalisations 28 22 DEVITALISATION, the...
devitalizations 31 31 DEVITALIZATION, the...
devotionalities 27 22 DEVOTIONALITY, the s...
dexamphetamines 36 35 DEXAMPHETAMINE, the...
dexterousnesses 30 25 DEXTEROUSNESS, the s...
dextrorotations 30 24 DEXTROROTATION, rota...
dialectologists 32 23 DIALECTOLOGIST, a sp...
dialysabilities 37 23 DIALYSABILITY, the q...
dialyzabilities 40 32 DIALYZABILITY, the q...
diaphototropies 31 24 DIAPHOTOTROPY, the s...
diaphragmatitis 33 26 inflammation of the...
dichloroethanes 32 25 DICHLOROETHANE, a co...
dichotomousness 31 26 DICHOTOMOUS, forking...
dichromaticisms 38 30 DICHROMATICISM, the...
dictatorialness 29 21 DICTATORIAL, befitti...
differentiators 29 23 DIFFERENTIATOR, some...
differentnesses 28 24 DIFFERENTNESS, DIFFE...
diffractiveness 35 30 DIFFRACTIVE, causing...
diffractometers 34 28 DIFFRACTOMETER, an i...
diffusibilities 36 27 DIFFUSIBILITY, the s...
diffusivenesses 32 28 DIFFUSIVENESS, the s...
digestibilities 32 22 DIGESTIBILITY, the f...
digitalisations 28 20 DIGITALISATION, the...
digitalizations 31 29 DIGITALIZATION, the...
dignifiednesses 28 24 DIGNIFIEDNESS, DIGNI...
dihydrocodeines 36 26 DIHYDROCODEINE, a sy...
dilatablenesses 28 22 DILATABLENESS, DILAT...
dimenhydrinates 34 26 DIMENHYDRINATE, a cr...
dinitrobenzenes 28 31 DINITROBENZENE, any...
dinoflagellates 30 25 DINOFLAGELLATE, a ki...
dioeciousnesses 27 21 DIOECIOUSNESS, DIOEC...
diphenylketones 36 30 DIPHENYLKETONE, the...
diplomatologies 31 26 DIPLOMATOLOGY, the s...
disaccharidases 34 25 DISACCHARIDASE, an e...
disaccommodates 33 29 DISACCOMMODATE, to p...
disacknowledges 34 31 DISACKNOWLEDGE, to r...
disadvantageous 27 25 constituting a disad...
disaffectedness 32 27 the state of being d...
disaffiliations 31 24 DISAFFILIATION, the...
disaffirmations 31 26 DISAFFIRMATION, the...
disaggregations 28 23 DISAGGREGATION, the...
disambiguations 30 26 DISAMBIGUATION, the...
disapplications 34 27 DISAPPLICATION, the...
disappointments 30 27 DISAPPOINTMENT, the...
disapprobations 31 26 DISAPPROBATION, the...
disappropriates 32 25 DISAPPROPRIATE, to t...
disarrangements 26 23 DISARRANGEMENT, the...
disarticulators 31 21 DISARTICULATOR, a de...
disassociations 28 20 DISASSOCIATION, the...
disattributions 29 21 DISATTRIBUTION, the...
disciplinarians 32 25 DISCIPLINARIAN, one...
disciplinariums 35 28 DISCIPLINARIUM, a sc...
discolourations 29 22 DISCOLOURATION, the...
discomboberates 33 28 DISCOMBOBERATE, to t...
discombobulates 35 30 DISCOMBOBULATE, to t...
disconcertments 32 27 DISCONCERTMENT, the...
disconformities 32 26 DISCONFORMITY, an un...
disconsolations 28 22 DISCONSOLATION, the...
discontentments 28 25 DISCONTENTMENT, disc...
discontiguities 31 23 DISCONTIGUITY, lack...
discontinuances 30 26 DISCONTINUANCE, the...
discontinuities 29 22 DISCONTINUITY, lack...
discountenances 29 26 DISCOUNTENANCE, to a...
discouragements 30 26 DISCOURAGEMENT, the...
discriminations 30 24 DISCRIMINATION, the...
disembarkations 29 27 DISEMBARKATION, the...
disemboguements 30 29 DISEMBOGUEMENT, the...
disembowelments 33 30 DISEMBOWELMENT, the...
disempowerments 32 29 DISEMPOWERMENT, the...
disenchantments 30 27 DISENCHANTMENT, the...
disencumbrances 34 31 DISENCUMBRANCE, the...
disenfranchises 32 26 DISENFRANCHISE, to d...
disenthralments 29 24 DISENTHRALMENT, the...
disentrainments 25 22 DISENTRAINMENT, the...
disequilibrates 38 30 DISEQUILIBRATE, to p...
disequilibriums 41 34 DISEQUILIBRIUM, loss...
disfeaturements 28 24 DISFEATUREMENT, the...
disforestations 27 20 DISFORESTATION, the...
disfurnishments 32 27 DISFURNISHMENT, the...
disgracefulness 33 27 DISGRACEFUL, bringin...
disgruntlements 29 25 DISGRUNTLEMENT, the...
disguisednesses 27 21 DISGUISEDNESS, the s...
disgustednesses 27 21 DISGUSTEDNESS, DISGU...
disheartenments 27 23 DISHEARTENMENT, the...
disillusionises 29 20 DISILLUSIONISE, to f...
disillusionizes 32 29 DISILLUSIONIZE, to f...
disincarcerates 31 23 DISINCARCERATE, to f...
disinclinations 29 23 DISINCLINATION, a pr...
disincorporates 30 23 DISINCORPORATE, to d...
disinfestations 27 21 DISINFESTATION, the...
disinformations 28 24 DISINFORMATION, deli...
disinheritances 30 23 DISINHERITANCE, the...
disintegrations 26 20 DISINTEGRATION, the...
disinthrallings 32 24 DISINTHRALLING, the...
disinvestitures 29 22 DISINVESTITURE, the...
disobligingness 31 26 DISOBLIGING, uncoope...
disorientations 24 18 DISORIENTATION, the...
disparatenesses 26 20 DISPARATENESS, DISPA...
dispensableness 29 25 the state of being d...
dispersednesses 27 21 DISPERSEDNESS, DISPE...
displeasingness 29 24 DISPLEASING, causing...
displenishments 32 27 DISPLENISHMENT, the...
disposabilities 32 23 DISPOSABILITY, the s...
disputabilities 33 24 DISPUTABILITY, the q...
disputativeness 30 25 DISPUTATIVE, incline...
dissimilarities 30 20 DISSIMILARITY, the s...
dissociableness 31 24 DISSOCIABLE, that ca...
dissolubilities 32 22 DISSOLUBILITY, the s...
dissolutenesses 26 19 DISSOLUTENESS, the s...
dissolutionisms 29 22 DISSOLUTIONISM, beli...
dissolutionists 28 19 DISSOLUTIONIST, a pr...
dissolvableness 31 26 DISSOLVABLE, that ca...
distastefulness 29 22 DISTASTEFUL, objecti...
distemperatures 29 23 DISTEMPERATURE, (arc...
distinctiveness 31 25 the state of being d...
distortednesses 25 18 DISTORTEDNESS, DISTO...
distressfulness 30 22 DISTRESSFUL, causing...
distrustfulness 31 23 DISTRUSTFUL, having...
divertibilities 33 24 DIVERTIBILITY, the s...
divertissements 29 24 DIVERTISSEMENT, (Fre...
divisiblenesses 31 25 DIVISIBLENESS, DIVIS...
dodecasyllables 39 28 DODECASYLLABLE, a li...
dolichosauruses 32 24 DOLICHOSAURUS, any m...
dolomitisations 27 21 DOLOMITISATION, the...
dolomitizations 30 30 DOLOMITIZATION, the...
domineeringness 25 24 DOMINEERING [n]
doubtlessnesses 28 22 DOUBTLESSNESS, DOUBT...
downheartedness 28 24 DOWNHEARTED, downcas...
downregulations 29 25 DOWNREGULATION, the...
downrightnesses 31 25 DOWNRIGHTNESS, DOWNR...
dreadlessnesses 25 19 DREADLESSNESS, the s...
dreamlessnesses 26 21 DREAMLESSNESS, DREAM...
drinkablenesses 28 26 DRINKABLENESS, the s...
duplicabilities 37 28 DUPLICABILITY, the q...
dysteleologists 35 22 DYSTELEOLOGIST, a sp...
easygoingnesses 31 23 EASYGOINGNESS, EASYG...
eburnifications 32 27 EBURNIFICATION, the...
ecclesiolatries 33 23 ECCLESIOLATRY, exces...
ecclesiologists 35 25 ECCLESIOLOGIST, one...
eccremocarpuses 37 31 ECCREMOCARPUS, an ev...
echinodermatous 30 26 of or like an echino...
echocardiograms 35 29 ECHOCARDIOGRAM, a vi...
ecocatastrophes 34 26 ECOCATASTROPHE, a ma...
econometricians 30 26 ECONOMETRICIAN, one...
ecophysiologies 40 28 ECOPHYSIOLOGY, the s...
ecotoxicologies 38 31 ECOTOXICOLOGY, the s...
ectomycorrhizas 44 37 ECTOMYCORRHIZA, a ty...
edriophthalmous 34 28 of crustaceans, with...
educatabilities 32 24 EDUCATABILITY, the q...
educationalists 29 22 EDUCATIONALIST, a pe...
effectivenesses 33 29 EFFECTIVENESS, the s...
effectualnesses 32 27 EFFECTUALNESS, the s...
effervescencies 36 32 EFFERVESCENCY, boili...
efficaciousness 35 29 EFFICACIOUS, having...
effortfulnesses 32 27 EFFORTFULNESS, EFFOR...
egalitarianisms 28 22 EGALITARIANISM, a be...
eggheadednesses 27 24 EGGHEADEDNESS, the s...
egocentricities 32 24 EGOCENTRICITY, the s...
egregiousnesses 26 21 EGREGIOUSNESS, the s...
elaboratenesses 25 20 ELABORATENESS, ELABO...
electioneerings 28 23 ELECTIONEERING, the...
electroanalyses 34 23 ELECTROANALYSIS, ele...
electroanalysis 35 23 electrochemical anal...
electrochemists 36 27 ELECTROCHEMIST, one...
electrocultures 34 25 ELECTROCULTURE, the...
electrodeposits 31 23 ELECTRODEPOSIT [v]
electrodialyses 36 23 ELECTRODIALYSIS, the...
electrodialysis 37 23 the use of an electr...
electrodynamics 39 29 a branch of physics...
electrofishings 35 27 ELECTROFISHING, fish...
electroformings 33 28 ELECTROFORMING [n]
electrogildings 33 26 ELECTROGILDING, elec...
electrographies 34 26 ELECTROGRAPHY, the u...
electrokinetics 33 27 a branch of physics...
electromotances 31 26 ELECTROMOTANCE, the...
electromyograms 38 29 ELECTROMYOGRAM, a tr...
electrophoreses 32 24 ELECTROPHORESE [n]
electrophoresis 33 24 the use of an electr...
electrophoruses 33 25 ELECTROPHORUS, an ap...
electroplatings 33 26 ELECTROPLATING, the...
electrotechnics 37 28 electrical technolog...
electrothermics 36 27 ELECTROTHERMIC [n]
electrothermies 32 24 ELECTROTHERMY, the s...
electrovalences 33 28 ELECTROVALENCE, the...
electrowinnings 32 27 ELECTROWINNING, the...
eleutherococcus 37 29 a creeping shrub fou...
eleutheromanias 27 23 ELEUTHEROMANIA, a ma...
eliminabilities 31 24 ELIMINABILITY, the c...
embracingnesses 31 28 EMBRACINGNESS, EMBRA...
emotionlessness 25 21 EMOTIONLESS, express...
empiricalnesses 32 26 EMPIRICALNESS, EMPIR...
employabilities 39 28 EMPLOYABILITY, the s...
empoverishments 33 31 EMPOVERISHMENT, the...
emulsifications 33 27 EMULSIFICATION, the...
enantiomorphies 28 25 ENANTIOMORPHY, the s...
enantiomorphous 28 26 of or like an enanti...
encephalitogens 32 28 ENCEPHALITOGEN, an e...
encephalographs 37 32 ENCEPHALOGRAPH, an i...
encephalotomies 32 28 ENCEPHALOTOMY, disse...
enchondromatous 29 27 of or like an enchon...
encyclopaedisms 41 32 ENCYCLOPAEDISM, the...
encyclopaedists 40 29 ENCYCLOPAEDIST, one...
endearingnesses 23 21 ENDEARINGNESS, ENDEA...
endocrinologies 28 24 ENDOCRINOLOGY, the s...
endoparasitisms 28 23 ENDOPARASITISM, the...
endoradiosondes 22 20 ENDORADIOSONDE, a mi...
endurablenesses 26 23 ENDURABLENESS, ENDUR...
engrainednesses 23 21 ENGRAINEDNESS, ENGRA...
enjoyablenesses 33 32 ENJOYABLENESS, ENJOY...
enterocolitises 28 20 ENTEROCOLITIS, infla...
enterogastrones 23 19 ENTEROGASTRONE, a ho...
enterohepatitis 28 21 an infectious diseas...
enthronisations 25 20 ENTHRONISATION, the...
enthronizations 28 29 ENTHRONIZATION, the...
enumerabilities 29 24 ENUMERABILITY, the s...
envenomisations 25 25 ENVENOMISATION, the...
envenomizations 28 34 ENVENOMIZATION, the...
ephemeralnesses 29 25 EPHEMERALNESS, EPHEM...
ephemeropterans 30 27 EPHEMEROPTERAN, any...
epicondylitises 38 26 EPICONDYLITIS, infla...
epidemiologists 31 25 EPIDEMIOLOGIST, one...
epigrammatisers 31 26 EPIGRAMMATISER, one...
epigrammatizers 34 35 EPIGRAMMATIZER, one...
epistemologists 31 24 EPISTEMOLOGIST, a st...
epitheliomatous 31 25 relating to epitheli...
epithelisations 30 22 EPITHELISATION, the...
epithelizations 33 31 EPITHELIZATION, the...
epizootiologies 31 30 EPIZOOTIOLOGY, the s...
equiponderances 36 34 EQUIPONDERANCE, equa...
equitablenesses 35 30 EQUITABLENESS, the s...
equivocalnesses 38 34 EQUIVOCALNESS, the s...
erroneousnesses 22 18 ERRONEOUSNESS, ERRON...
erythropoietins 35 23 ERYTHROPOIETIN, a gl...
esophagoscopies 34 28 ESOPHAGOSCOPY, exami...
essentialnesses 24 18 ESSENTIALNESS, ESSEN...
esterifications 30 22 ESTERIFICATION, the...
estimablenesses 28 23 ESTIMABLENESS, the s...
estrangednesses 24 20 ESTRANGEDNESS, the s...
eternalisations 24 18 ETERNALISATION, the...
eternalizations 27 27 ETERNALIZATION, the...
etherifications 32 24 ETHERIFICATION, the...
ethnohistorians 28 21 ETHNOHISTORIAN, a st...
eutrophications 32 25 EUTROPHICATION, the...
evangelicalisms 34 30 EVANGELICALISM, bein...
evangelicalness 31 28 the state of being e...
evangelisations 27 24 EVANGELISATION, the...
evangelistaries 28 23 EVANGELISTARY, a boo...
evangelizations 30 33 EVANGELIZATION, the...
evaporabilities 32 26 EVAPORABILITY, the q...
everlastingness 28 24 the state of being e...
evocativenesses 30 27 EVOCATIVENESS, EVOCA...
exacerbescences 40 35 EXACERBESCENCE, (arc...
exaggeratedness 31 28 EXAGGERATED [n]
examinabilities 35 30 EXAMINABILITY, the q...
exceptionalisms 38 33 EXCEPTIONALISM, the...
exceptionalness 35 31 EXCEPTIONAL, by way...
excessivenesses 35 30 EXCESSIVENESS, EXCES...
excitablenesses 36 30 EXCITABLENESS, EXCIT...
exclaustrations 35 28 EXCLAUSTRATION, a re...
excludabilities 40 32 EXCLUDABILITY, the s...
exclusivenesses 37 32 EXCLUSIVENESS, the s...
excommunicators 39 36 EXCOMMUNICATOR, one...
excrementitious 35 30 relating to excremen...
excursivenesses 36 31 EXCURSIVENESS, EXCUR...
excusablenesses 36 31 EXCUSABLENESS, EXCUS...
execrablenesses 35 30 EXECRABLENESS, EXECR...
exemplarinesses 34 30 EXEMPLARINESS, the s...
exhaustlessness 34 27 EXHAUSTLESS, inexhau...
existentialisms 34 27 EXISTENTIALISM, the...
existentialists 33 24 EXISTENTIALIST, an a...
exothermicities 38 30 EXOTHERMICITY, the s...
expandabilities 36 31 EXPANDABILITY, the s...
expansibilities 37 30 EXPANSIBILITY, the s...
expansivenesses 33 31 EXPANSIVENESS, EXPAN...
expeditiousness 33 28 EXPEDITIOUS, charact...
expendabilities 36 31 EXPENDABILITY, the s...
expensivenesses 33 31 EXPENSIVENESS, EXPEN...
explorationists 34 27 EXPLORATIONIST, a sc...
explosivenesses 35 31 EXPLOSIVENESS, EXPLO...
exponentiations 30 28 EXPONENTIATION, the...
exportabilities 37 29 EXPORTABILITY, the s...
exquisitenesses 39 33 EXQUISITENESS, the s...
exsanguinations 30 28 EXSANGUINATION, the...
extemporariness 33 29 the state of being e...
extendabilities 34 28 EXTENDABILITY, the s...
extendibilities 35 28 EXTENDIBILITY, the s...
extensibilities 35 27 EXTENSIBILITY, the s...
extensionalisms 32 28 EXTENSIONALISM, the...
extensivenesses 31 28 EXTENSIVENESS, the s...
extinguishments 36 32 EXTINGUISHMENT, the...
extraordinaries 30 24 EXTRAORDINARY, somet...
extrudabilities 36 28 EXTRUDABILITY, the s...
facetiousnesses 29 23 FACETIOUSNESS, FACET...
factorabilities 34 25 FACTORABILITY, the q...
faithlessnesses 30 22 FAITHLESSNESS, FAITH...
faithworthiness 35 26 the state of being f...
fanaticalnesses 29 24 FANATICALNESS, FANAT...
fanaticisations 29 23 FANATICISATION, the...
fanaticizations 32 32 FANATICIZATION, the...
fantasticalness 30 24 the state of being f...
fantastications 29 23 FANTASTICATION, the...
farthingsworths 37 28 FARTHINGSWORTH, as m...
fashionableness 30 26 the state of being f...
fatheadednesses 27 23 FATHEADEDNESS, FATHE...
fatigablenesses 30 25 FATIGABLENESS, FATIG...
faultlessnesses 29 22 FAULTLESSNESS, FAULT...
favorablenesses 30 27 FAVORABLENESS, FAVOR...
featherbeddings 32 28 FEATHERBEDDING, prot...
featherstitches 35 25 FEATHERSTITCH, an em...
featurelessness 27 21 FEATURELESS, without...
federalisations 27 21 FEDERALISATION, the...
federalizations 30 30 FEDERALIZATION, the...
feloniousnesses 26 22 FELONIOUSNESS, FELON...
fencelessnesses 29 24 FENCELESSNESS, FENCE...
ferociousnesses 29 23 FEROCIOUSNESS, FEROC...
ferrimagnetisms 31 27 FERRIMAGNETISM, the...
ferromagnetisms 30 27 FERROMAGNETISM, the...
ferromanganeses 26 25 FERROMANGANESE, an a...
ferroprussiates 30 22 FERROPRUSSIATE, ferr...
fibrinopeptides 34 29 FIBRINOPEPTIDE, any...
fibrocartilages 35 27 FIBROCARTILAGE, cart...
fictionisations 30 23 FICTIONISATION, the...
fictionizations 33 32 FICTIONIZATION, the...
filterabilities 33 23 FILTERABILITY, the q...
fingerprintings 32 28 FINGERPRINTING, the...
fissiparousness 30 23 FISSIPAROUS, produci...
flagellomaniacs 34 30 FLAGELLOMANIAC, a su...
flavourdynamics 41 34 as in quantum flavou...
flexitarianisms 36 30 FLEXITARIANISM, a se...
flirtatiousness 29 21 FLIRTATIOUS, given t...
floriculturists 36 25 FLORICULTURIST, one...
floriferousness 30 24 FLORIFEROUS, bearing...
foolhardinesses 29 23 FOOLHARDINESS, the s...
forensicalities 31 23 FORENSICALITY, the s...
foreordainments 26 24 FOREORDAINMENT, the...
foreordinations 25 21 FOREORDINATION, the...
foreshortenings 29 24 FORESHORTENING, a sh...
foresightedness 30 24 the state of being f...
forgetfulnesses 31 26 FORGETFULNESS, the s...
forgivingnesses 31 28 FORGIVINGNESS, FORGI...
forgottennesses 26 22 FORGOTTENNESS, FORGO...
forisfamiliates 32 25 FORISFAMILIATE, (Sco...
formativenesses 29 26 FORMATIVENESS, FORMA...
formidabilities 33 26 FORMIDABILITY, the s...
forthcomingness 34 30 FORTHCOMING [n]
fortunatenesses 25 21 FORTUNATENESS, the s...
fractiousnesses 30 23 FRACTIOUSNESS, FRACT...
fragmentariness 28 25 the state of being f...
frangiblenesses 30 26 FRANGIBLENESS, FRANG...
fraternisations 26 20 FRATERNISATION, the...
fraternizations 29 29 FRATERNIZATION, the...
frightfulnesses 35 28 FRIGHTFULNESS, the s...
frivolousnesses 30 25 FRIVOLOUSNESS, FRIVO...
fructifications 37 29 FRUCTIFICATION, the...
fructuousnesses 31 25 FRUCTUOUSNESS, FRUCT...
fruitlessnesses 29 21 FRUITLESSNESS, FRUIT...
fugaciousnesses 31 26 FUGACIOUSNESS, the s...
functionalities 31 25 FUNCTIONALITY, the s...
fundamentalisms 30 29 FUNDAMENTALISM, a mo...
fundamentalists 29 26 FUNDAMENTALIST, an e...
fundamentalness 27 27 FUNDAMENTAL, basic [...
furaciousnesses 30 24 FURACIOUSNESS, FURAC...
furfuraldehydes 40 30 FURFURALDEHYDE, a li...
galactopoietics 35 27 GALACTOPOIETIC, a mi...
galvanoplasties 31 27 GALVANOPLASTY, (obso...
galvanotropisms 32 29 GALVANOTROPISM, the...
garrulousnesses 27 21 GARRULOUSNESS, GARRU...
gastroenteritis 26 18 inflammation of the...
gelatinisations 26 20 GELATINISATION, the...
gelatinizations 29 29 GELATINIZATION, the...
generalisations 25 20 GENERALISATION, the...
generalizations 28 29 GENERALIZATION, the...
genethlialogies 30 24 GENETHLIALOGY, the a...
gentlemanliness 27 25 the state of being g...
gentrifications 31 25 GENTRIFICATION, the...
geochronologies 31 26 GEOCHRONOLOGY, the s...
geodemographics 35 31 the study and groupi...
geoengineerings 25 24 GEOENGINEERING, the...
geohydrologists 37 25 GEOHYDROLOGIST, one...
geometrisations 26 21 GEOMETRISATION, the...
geometrizations 29 30 GEOMETRIZATION, the...
geomorphogenies 30 28 GEOMORPHOGENY, the s...
geomorphologies 32 28 GEOMORPHOLOGY, the s...
geotechnologies 31 26 GEOTECHNOLOGY, the a...
geothermometers 29 25 GEOTHERMOMETER, inst...
germinabilities 31 25 GERMINABILITY, the c...
gerrymanderings 34 27 GERRYMANDERING, the...
gewurztraminers 34 34 GEWURZTRAMINER, (Ger...
glamorousnesses 27 23 GLAMOROUSNESS, the s...
glucocorticoids 38 29 GLUCOCORTICOID, any...
gluconeogeneses 28 26 GLUCONEOGENESIS, the...
gluconeogenesis 29 26 the conversion of no...
glutaraldehydes 37 26 GLUTARALDEHYDE, a co...
glutinousnesses 27 22 GLUTINOUSNESS, the s...
glyceraldehydes 46 30 GLYCERALDEHYDE, a sw...
glyconeogeneses 34 27 GLYCONEOGENESIS, the...
glyconeogenesis 35 27 the conversion of no...
gnathostomatous 28 24 of or like a gnathos...
goodfellowships 38 31 GOODFELLOWSHIP, the...
governabilities 31 26 GOVERNABILITY, the q...
gracelessnesses 29 22 GRACELESSNESS, GRACE...
grammaticalness 32 28 GRAMMATICAL, belongi...
grammaticasters 32 26 GRAMMATICASTER, (arc...
grammatologists 31 26 GRAMMATOLOGIST, a sp...
grandiloquences 37 34 GRANDILOQUENCE, loft...
grandiosenesses 24 20 GRANDIOSENESS, GRAND...
grangerisations 26 21 GRANGERISATION, the...
grangerizations 29 30 GRANGERIZATION, the...
graphicalnesses 34 27 GRAPHICALNESS, GRAPH...
graphitisations 31 23 GRAPHITISATION, the...
graphitizations 34 32 GRAPHITIZATION, the...
greensicknesses 29 26 GREENSICKNESS, GREEN...
greisenisations 25 19 GREISENISATION, the...
greisenizations 28 28 GREISENIZATION, the...
grotesquenesses 33 28 GROTESQUENESS, the s...
groundbreakings 30 30 GROUNDBREAKING, the...
guilelessnesses 28 21 GUILELESSNESS, GUILE...
guiltlessnesses 29 21 GUILTLESSNESS, GUILT...
gyrofrequencies 45 36 GYROFREQUENCY, the f...
gyrostabilisers 37 23 GYROSTABILISER, a gy...
gyrostabilizers 40 32 GYROSTABILIZER, a gy...
habitablenesses 31 25 HABITABLENESS, HABIT...
haemacytometers 37 28 HAEMACYTOMETER, an a...
haemagglutinins 31 28 HAEMAGGLUTININ, a vi...
haemocytometers 37 28 HAEMOCYTOMETER, an a...
halfheartedness 31 25 HALFHEARTED, lacking...
halfpennyworths 43 33 HALFPENNYWORTH, as m...
hallucinogenics 36 30 HALLUCINOGENIC, a su...
hamamelidaceous 32 29 belonging to the wit...
haphazardnesses 33 33 HAPHAZARDNESS, HAPHA...
hardheartedness 28 22 HARDHEARTED, lacking...
harpsichordists 37 26 HARPSICHORDIST, one...
hazardousnesses 29 29 HAZARDOUSNESS, HAZAR...
headmasterships 33 26 HEADMASTERSHIP, the...
healthfulnesses 33 26 HEALTHFULNESS, the s...
heartbrokenness 28 26 HEARTBROKEN, having...
heartlessnesses 27 19 HEARTLESSNESS, HEART...
heartsicknesses 31 25 HEARTSICKNESS, HEART...
heartsomenesses 26 21 HEARTSOMENESS, HEART...
heliosciophytes 42 28 HELIOSCIOPHYTE, a pl...
helminthologies 33 27 HELMINTHOLOGY, the s...
hemagglutinates 31 27 HEMAGGLUTINATE, to c...
hemochromatoses 33 28 HEMOCHROMATOSIS, a d...
hemochromatosis 34 28 a disease of the liv...
hemoflagellates 33 28 HEMOFLAGELLATE, a fl...
hemoglobinurias 32 28 HEMOGLOBINURIA, the...
hepaticologists 35 26 HEPATICOLOGIST, one...
herbivorousness 31 26 HERBIVOROUS, eating...
heresiographers 32 24 HERESIOGRAPHER, a pe...
heresiographies 32 24 HERESIOGRAPHY, a stu...
herestheticians 32 23 HERESTHETICIAN, one...
herniorrhaphies 33 25 HERNIORRHAPHY, the s...
heterochronisms 33 26 HETEROCHRONISM, dive...
heterodactylous 37 25 having the first and...
heteroflexibles 39 32 HETEROFLEXIBLE, one...
heterogeneities 26 20 HETEROGENEITY, the s...
heteromorphisms 34 28 HETEROMORPHISM, the...
heterospecifics 38 29 HETEROSPECIFIC, an o...
heterostrophies 31 22 HETEROSTROPHY, the s...
heterothallisms 33 24 HETEROTHALLISM, the...
hexosaminidases 33 29 HEXOSAMINIDASE, eith...
hieracosphinges 35 28 HIERACOSPHINX, in an...
hieracosphinxes 40 33 HIERACOSPHINX, in an...
hilariousnesses 28 20 HILARIOUSNESS, HILAR...
hobbledehoydoms 41 33 HOBBLEDEHOYDOM, the...
hobbledehoyisms 42 32 HOBBLEDEHOYISM, the...
hoidenishnesses 28 22 HOIDENISHNESS, HOIDE...
holometabolisms 33 28 HOLOMETABOLISM, of a...
homochlamydeous 41 33 with calyx and corol...
homochromatisms 36 31 HOMOCHROMATISM, the...
homoeomorphisms 34 31 HOMOEOMORPHISM, the...
homoeoteleutons 26 23 HOMOEOTELEUTON, the...
homogeneousness 26 25 the state of being h...
homogenisations 27 24 HOMOGENISATION, the...
homogenizations 30 33 HOMOGENIZATION, the...
homosexualities 35 29 HOMOSEXUALITY, the s...
homosocialities 32 24 HOMOSOCIALITY, the s...
homotransplants 30 26 HOMOTRANSPLANT, a gr...
honorablenesses 27 23 HONORABLENESS, the s...
honourabilities 30 23 HONOURABILITY, the q...
horizontalities 31 28 HORIZONTALITY, the s...
horticulturists 35 23 HORTICULTURIST, one...
hotheadednesses 27 22 HOTHEADEDNESS, HOTHE...
houselessnesses 27 20 HOUSELESSNESS, the s...
housemistresses 29 21 HOUSEMISTRESS, the f...
housewifeliness 33 26 HOUSEWIFEY, like a h...
hoydenishnesses 34 24 HOYDENISHNESS, HOYDE...
huckleberryings 43 34 HUCKLEBERRYING [n]
humidifications 35 29 HUMIDIFICATION, the...
humorlessnesses 29 23 HUMORLESSNESS, the s...
humorsomenesses 28 25 HUMORSOMENESS, the s...
hydrobiologists 39 26 HYDROBIOLOGIST, a st...
hydrocelluloses 40 27 HYDROCELLULOSE, a ge...
hydrocephaluses 42 30 HYDROCEPHALUS, an ac...
hydrocorallines 38 26 HYDROCORALLINE, a me...
hydrocortisones 36 24 HYDROCORTISONE, a gl...
hydroextractors 43 30 HYDROEXTRACTOR, a dr...
hydrogeologists 37 25 HYDROGEOLOGIST, a st...
hydrosulphurous 41 29 as in hydrosulphurou...
hydrotherapists 39 25 HYDROTHERAPIST, a pr...
hydroxyapatites 48 32 HYDROXYAPATITE, a co...
hydroxyprolines 49 34 HYDROXYPROLINE, an a...
hyperactivities 42 29 HYPERACTIVITY, the s...
hyperaesthesias 37 24 HYPERAESTHESIA, exce...
hypercalcaemias 43 32 HYPERCALCAEMIA, an e...
hypercriticises 44 28 HYPERCRITICISE, to c...
hypercriticisms 46 31 HYPERCRITICISM, an i...
hypercriticizes 47 37 HYPERCRITICIZE, to c...
hyperexcretions 44 33 HYPEREXCRETION, exce...
hyperextensions 40 31 HYPEREXTENSION, the...
hyperfastidious 39 27 excessively fastidio...
hyperglycaemias 48 33 HYPERGLYCAEMIA, an e...
hyperinflations 38 28 HYPERINFLATION, infl...
hyperlipidemias 41 30 HYPERLIPIDEMIA, an a...
hypermobilities 41 29 HYPERMOBILITY, extre...
hypermodernisms 38 30 HYPERMODERNISM, a hy...
hypermodernists 37 27 HYPERMODERNIST, a pr...
hypernatraemias 35 26 HYPERNATRAEMIA, an a...
hypersalinities 37 24 HYPERSALINITY, exces...
hypersecretions 38 26 HYPERSECRETION, exce...
hypersensitises 36 23 HYPERSENSITISE, to m...
hypersensitizes 39 32 HYPERSENSITIZE, to m...
hyperstimulates 39 27 HYPERSTIMULATE, to s...
hypertonicities 39 26 HYPERTONICITY, the c...
hyperuricaemias 40 29 HYPERURICAEMIA, an a...
hypervelocities 42 30 HYPERVELOCITY, a hig...
hyperventilates 38 28 HYPERVENTILATE, to b...
hypervigilances 43 33 HYPERVIGILANCE, extr...
hypnotherapists 40 28 HYPNOTHERAPIST, one...
hypochondriases 40 29 HYPOCHONDRIASIS, mor...
hypochondriasis 41 29 morbid concern about...
hypochondriasms 42 32 HYPOCHONDRIASM, hypo...
hypochondriasts 41 29 HYPOCHONDRIAST, a hy...
hypomagnesemias 37 31 HYPOMAGNESEMIA, a de...
hypomenorrhoeas 36 28 HYPOMENORRHOEA, the...
hypophosphorous 44 33 as in hypophosphorou...
hypothyroidisms 47 30 HYPOTHYROIDISM, defi...
hysterectomises 38 25 HYSTERECTOMISE, to r...
hysterectomizes 41 34 HYSTERECTOMIZE, to r...
iatrogenicities 29 21 IATROGENICITY, the s...
ichthyophagists 46 31 ICHTHYOPHAGIST, one...
ichthyosaurians 39 26 ICHTHYOSAURIAN, a la...
ichthyosauruses 40 26 ICHTHYOSAURUS, a lar...
identicalnesses 28 22 IDENTICALNESS, the s...
identifications 30 24 IDENTIFICATION, an a...
idiomaticalness 30 24 IDIOMATICAL, peculia...
idiomaticnesses 29 23 IDIOMATICNESS, the s...
idioticalnesses 29 21 IDIOTICALNESS, IDIOT...
ignominiousness 26 24 IGNOMINIOUS, marked...
illegalisations 29 21 ILLEGALISATION, the...
illegalizations 32 30 ILLEGALIZATION, the...
illegiblenesses 31 24 ILLEGIBLENESS, ILLEG...
illegitimations 30 23 ILLEGITIMATION, the...
illiberalnesses 30 22 ILLIBERALNESS, the s...
illimitableness 32 25 ILLIMITABLE, limitle...
illogicalnesses 32 24 ILLOGICALNESS, ILLOG...
illustriousness 29 20 the state of being i...
imaginarinesses 26 22 IMAGINARINESS, the s...
imaginativeness 28 26 IMAGINATIVE, charact...
imitativenesses 28 23 IMITATIVENESS, IMITA...
immaterialities 29 22 IMMATERIALITY, the s...
immediatenesses 26 23 IMMEDIATENESS, the s...
immedicableness 33 30 IMMEDICABLE, that ca...
immiscibilities 37 28 IMMISCIBILITY, the s...
immiserisations 28 22 IMMISERISATION, prog...
immiserizations 31 31 IMMISERIZATION, prog...
immobilisations 31 26 IMMOBILISATION, the...
immobilizations 34 35 IMMOBILIZATION, the...
immovablenesses 31 30 IMMOVABLENESS, the s...
immoveabilities 33 29 IMMOVEABILITY, the q...
immunoassayists 34 25 IMMUNOASSAYIST, one...
immunoblottings 32 30 IMMUNOBLOTTING, the...
immunocomplexes 40 40 IMMUNOCOMPLEX, a com...
immunodiagnoses 27 27 IMMUNODIAGNOSIS, a d...
immunodiagnosis 28 27 a diagnostis relatin...
immunoglobulins 33 32 IMMUNOGLOBULIN, an i...
immunoreactions 29 27 IMMUNOREACTION, the...
immunotherapies 31 28 IMMUNOTHERAPY, the t...
immutablenesses 30 27 IMMUTABLENESS, IMMUT...
impalpabilities 36 29 IMPALPABILITY, the s...
impartialnesses 29 23 IMPARTIALNESS, the s...
impartibilities 34 25 IMPARTIBILITY, the s...
impassabilities 33 25 IMPASSABILITY, the s...
impassibilities 34 25 IMPASSIBILITY, the s...
impassionedness 27 24 the state of being i...
impassivenesses 30 26 IMPASSIVENESS, IMPAS...
impeccabilities 39 31 IMPECCABILITY, the s...
impecuniosities 32 26 IMPECUNIOSITY, pover...
impecuniousness 31 28 IMPECUNIOUS, without...
imperfectnesses 33 28 IMPERFECTNESS, the s...
imperiousnesses 28 23 IMPERIOUSNESS, IMPER...
impermeableness 31 29 IMPERMEABLE, that ca...
impersonalities 29 23 IMPERSONALITY, the s...
imperturbations 31 26 IMPERTURBATION, the...
imperviableness 33 30 IMPERVIABLE, not abl...
impetuousnesses 28 24 IMPETUOUSNESS, IMPET...
implacabilities 37 29 IMPLACABILITY, the s...
implausibleness 33 28 IMPLAUSIBLE, not pla...
implementations 29 27 IMPLEMENTATION, the...
implicativeness 35 30 IMPLICATIVE, tending...
impoliticnesses 33 26 IMPOLITICNESS, the s...
importabilities 33 25 IMPORTABILITY, the q...
importunateness 27 24 IMPORTUNATE, stubbor...
impossibilities 34 25 IMPOSSIBILITY, the s...
imposthumations 32 28 IMPOSTHUMATION, the...
impoverishments 34 31 IMPOVERISHMENT, the...
impracticalness 36 29 IMPRACTICAL, not pra...
imprecisenesses 31 25 IMPRECISENESS, IMPRE...
impregnableness 31 29 IMPREGNABLE, that ca...
improbabilities 35 28 IMPROBABILITY, the s...
improvabilities 35 29 IMPROVABILITY, the s...
improvisatrices 35 28 IMPROVISATRIX, (arch...
improvisatrixes 38 32 IMPROVISATRIX, (arch...
improvvisatores 33 29 IMPROVVISATORE, (Ita...
impulsivenesses 32 28 IMPULSIVENESS, the s...
imputablenesses 31 27 IMPUTABLENESS, the s...
inadvisableness 29 26 INADVISABLE, not adv...
inalienableness 26 23 the state of being i...
inalterableness 27 22 INALTERABLE, that ca...
inanimatenesses 23 21 INANIMATENESS, the s...
inappreciations 31 26 INAPPRECIATION, lack...
inapprehensions 29 26 INAPPREHENSION, lack...
inarticulations 29 22 INARTICULATION, lack...
inattentiveness 25 22 the state of being i...
inaudiblenesses 27 23 INAUDIBLENESS, INAUD...
incandescencies 32 28 INCANDESCENCY, the s...
incapablenesses 31 27 INCAPABLENESS, the s...
incapaciousness 32 27 INCAPACIOUS, not cap...
incapacitations 32 26 INCAPACITATION, the...
incessantnesses 26 21 INCESSANTNESS, INCES...
inclementnesses 28 25 INCLEMENTNESS, INCLE...
inclusivenesses 31 26 INCLUSIVENESS, INCLU...
incongruousness 28 25 INCONGRUOUS, lacking...
inconsistencies 30 24 INCONSISTENCY, the s...
inconveniencies 30 29 INCONVENIENCY, lack...
incoordinations 26 22 INCOORDINATION, lack...
incorrectnesses 30 23 INCORRECTNESS, the s...
incorruptnesses 30 24 INCORRUPTNESS, the s...
incredibilities 33 24 INCREDIBILITY, the s...
incredulousness 29 24 the state of being i...
incrementalisms 31 27 INCREMENTALISM, a po...
incrementalists 30 24 INCREMENTALIST, an e...
inculpabilities 36 28 INCULPABILITY, the q...
incurablenesses 30 25 INCURABLENESS, the s...
incuriousnesses 28 22 INCURIOUSNESS, the s...
indefinableness 28 26 INDEFINABLE, that ca...
indeliblenesses 28 23 INDELIBLENESS, INDEL...
indeterminacies 28 24 INDETERMINACY, the s...
indifferentisms 31 27 INDIFFERENTISM, the...
indifferentists 30 24 INDIFFERENTIST, an e...
indigenisations 25 21 INDIGENISATION, the...
indigenizations 28 30 INDIGENIZATION, the...
individualisers 30 24 INDIVIDUALISER, one...
individualities 30 24 INDIVIDUALITY, total...
individualizers 33 33 INDIVIDUALIZER, one...
indivisibleness 31 26 the state of being i...
indoctrinations 27 22 INDOCTRINATION, the...
indomitableness 28 25 INDOMITABLE, not to...
indubitableness 30 26 the state of being i...
inductivenesses 30 26 INDUCTIVENESS, INDUC...
industriousness 26 20 INDUSTRIOUS, habitua...
ineducabilities 32 25 INEDUCABILITY, the s...
ineffablenesses 30 27 INEFFABLENESS, the s...
ineffectiveness 33 30 the state of being i...
ineffectualness 32 28 the state of being i...
ineligibilities 32 23 INELIGIBILITY, the s...
ineludibilities 31 23 INELUDIBILITY, the s...
inequitableness 35 31 INEQUITABLE, not equ...
inerrablenesses 26 21 INERRABLENESS, the s...
inestimableness 28 24 INESTIMABLE, that ca...
inevitabilities 31 24 INEVITABILITY, the s...
inexcusableness 36 32 the state of being i...
inexorabilities 34 27 INEXORABILITY, the s...
inexpensiveness 33 32 INEXPENSIVE, not exp...
infallibilities 34 25 INFALLIBILITY, the s...
infeasibilities 31 23 INFEASIBILITY, the s...
infectivenesses 31 27 INFECTIVENESS, INFEC...
inflammableness 32 31 the state of being i...
inflectednesses 30 25 INFLECTEDNESS, INFLE...
inflexibilities 39 31 INFLEXIBILITY, the s...
informativeness 29 27 INFORMATIVE, imparti...
infralapsarians 29 24 INFRALAPSARIAN, a pe...
infrangibleness 30 27 the state of being i...
infrastructures 32 24 INFRASTRUCTURE, the...
infusiblenesses 30 25 INFUSIBLENESS, the s...
ingeniousnesses 24 21 INGENIOUSNESS, the s...
ingenuousnesses 24 22 INGENUOUSNESS, the s...
ingrainednesses 24 21 INGRAINEDNESS, INGRA...
inharmonicities 31 25 INHARMONICITY, the s...
inheritableness 29 23 INHERITABLE, capable...
inhomogeneities 27 24 INHOMOGENEITY, the c...
inhospitalities 31 22 INHOSPITALITY, the s...
inimitabilities 31 23 INIMITABILITY, the q...
initialisations 26 18 INITIALISATION, the...
initializations 29 27 INITIALIZATION, the...
injudiciousness 31 32 the state of being i...
injuriousnesses 27 28 INJURIOUSNESS, the s...
innocuousnesses 26 23 INNOCUOUSNESS, INNOC...
innoxiousnesses 29 26 INNOXIOUSNESS, INNOX...
innumerableness 27 26 INNUMERABLE, that ca...
inobtrusiveness 29 25 INOBTRUSIVE, not obt...
inoculabilities 33 25 INOCULABILITY, the q...
inodorousnesses 23 19 INODOROUSNESS, INODO...
inoffensiveness 29 28 INOFFENSIVE, causing...
inofficiousness 32 27 INOFFICIOUS, not off...
inoperabilities 30 23 INOPERABILITY, the q...
inoperativeness 27 24 INOPERATIVE, not ope...
inopportuneness 27 25 INOPPORTUNE, inconve...
inopportunities 29 24 INOPPORTUNITY, the s...
inorganisations 24 20 INORGANISATION, lack...
inorganizations 27 29 INORGANIZATION, lack...
inquisitionists 35 27 INQUISITIONIST, one...
inquisitiveness 36 31 the state of being i...
insatiabilities 29 20 INSATIABILITY, the s...
insatiatenesses 23 17 INSATIATENESS, the s...
inscribableness 33 27 the state of being i...
inscrutableness 31 25 the state of being i...
insensatenesses 22 18 INSENSATENESS, INSEN...
insensibilities 29 21 INSENSIBILITY, the s...
insensitiveness 26 22 INSENSITIVE, not res...
insensitivities 28 21 INSENSITIVITY, the s...
inseparableness 28 24 the state of being i...
insidiousnesses 25 19 INSIDIOUSNESS, INSID...
insignificances 34 29 INSIGNIFICANCE, the...
insociabilities 32 23 INSOCIABILITY, the s...
insolublenesses 28 23 INSOLUBLENESS, the s...
insolvabilities 32 25 INSOLVABILITY, the q...
inspirationisms 29 23 INSPIRATIONISM, the...
inspirationists 28 20 INSPIRATIONIST, a pe...
instantaneities 23 18 INSTANTANEITY, the s...
instinctivities 32 24 INSTINCTIVITY, the s...
instructiveness 31 25 INSTRUCTIVE, indicat...
instructorships 35 25 INSTRUCTORSHIP, the...
insufficiencies 36 30 INSUFFICIENCY, the s...
insuperableness 29 25 INSUPERABLE, that ca...
intangibilities 30 23 INTANGIBILITY, the s...
integrabilities 30 22 INTEGRABILITY, the s...
integrationists 26 19 INTEGRATIONIST, a pe...
intelligentsias 28 21 INTELLIGENTSIA, (Rus...
intelligentzias 31 30 INTELLIGENTZIA, (Rus...
intemperateness 26 23 the state of being i...
intensivenesses 25 22 INTENSIVENESS, the s...
interactionisms 29 23 INTERACTIONISM, the...
interactionists 28 20 INTERACTIONIST, a be...
interactivities 31 23 INTERACTIVITY, the s...
interanimations 24 21 INTERANIMATION, mutu...
interbehaviours 31 26 INTERBEHAVIOUR, inte...
intercommunions 29 28 INTERCOMMUNION, inte...
interconnectors 29 24 INTERCONNECTOR, a de...
interconnexions 31 29 INTERCONNEXION, a mu...
intercorrelates 28 20 INTERCORRELATE, to c...
interdiffusions 30 25 INTERDIFFUSION, the...
interestingness 25 20 the state of being i...
interferometers 27 22 INTERFEROMETER, an i...
intergradations 25 20 INTERGRADATION, the...
interinfluences 30 26 INTERINFLUENCE [n]
interlineations 24 19 INTERLINEATION, the...
interlocutrices 33 24 INTERLOCUTRICE, a fe...
interlocutrixes 36 28 INTERLOCUTRIX, a fem...
intermediations 25 21 INTERMEDIATION, the...
intermigrations 27 22 INTERMIGRATION, two-...
intermittencies 29 23 INTERMITTENCY, the s...
interpellations 28 22 INTERPELLATION, a fo...
interpenetrates 25 20 INTERPENETRATE, to p...
interpretations 26 20 INTERPRETATION, the...
interpretresses 27 19 INTERPRETRESS, a fem...
interpunctuates 30 25 INTERPUNCTUATE, to i...
interrogatories 25 18 INTERROGATORY [n]
intersexualisms 34 28 INTERSEXUALISM, the...
interstratifies 28 19 INTERSTRATIFY, to cr...
intertwinements 28 24 INTERTWINEMENT, the...
intervalometers 28 24 INTERVALOMETER, a de...
interweavements 29 27 INTERWEAVEMENT, the...
intolerableness 27 22 INTOLERABLE, that ca...
intractableness 30 24 INTRACTABLE, unmanag...
intransigeances 27 23 INTRANSIGEANCE, the...
intransigencies 28 23 INTRANSIGENCY, the s...
intricatenesses 27 20 INTRICATENESS, the s...
intrinsicalness 29 22 the quality of being...
intrusivenesses 27 22 INTRUSIVENESS, INTRU...
intuitionalisms 28 22 INTUITIONALISM, the...
intuitionalists 27 19 INTUITIONALIST, a be...
intuitivenesses 27 22 INTUITIVENESS, INTUI...
invariabilities 31 24 INVARIABILITY, the s...
invectivenesses 31 28 INVECTIVENESS, INVEC...
invendibilities 31 26 INVENDIBILITY, the s...
inventivenesses 27 26 INVENTIVENESS, INVEN...
invertibilities 32 24 INVERTIBILITY, the q...
invidiousnesses 27 23 INVIDIOUSNESS, INVID...
invincibilities 35 28 INVINCIBILITY, the s...
inviolabilities 32 25 INVIOLABILITY, the s...
inviolatenesses 26 22 INVIOLATENESS, INVIO...
invisiblenesses 30 25 INVISIBLENESS, the s...
involuntariness 27 24 the state of being i...
irasciblenesses 31 23 IRASCIBLENESS, IRASC...
irrationalities 26 17 IRRATIONALITY, the s...
irreciprocities 35 24 IRRECIPROCITY, lack...
irreconcilables 35 27 IRRECONCILABLE, one...
irreducibleness 32 25 IRREDUCIBLE, that ca...
irrefutableness 30 24 IRREFUTABLE, that ca...
irreligiousness 28 20 the state of being i...
irremovableness 30 27 IRREMOVABLE, incapab...
irreparableness 29 23 the state of being i...
irretentiveness 26 21 IRRETENTIVE, incapab...
irrevocableness 32 27 IRREVOCABLE, that ca...
irritablenesses 28 20 IRRITABLENESS, the s...
ismaticalnesses 30 23 ISMATICALNESS, ISMAT...
iterativenesses 26 20 ITERATIVENESS, ITERA...
journalisations 27 28 JOURNALISATION, the...
journalizations 30 37 JOURNALIZATION, the...
judiciousnesses 31 31 JUDICIOUSNESS, the s...
justifiableness 33 33 JUSTIFIABLE, that ca...
kaffeeklatsches 37 35 KAFFEEKLATSCH, (Germ...
karstifications 32 26 KARSTIFICATION, the...
keratinisations 25 21 KERATINISATION, the...
keratinizations 28 30 KERATINIZATION, the...
kindergarteners 26 24 KINDERGARTENER [n]
kindheartedness 27 25 the state of being k...
kinesitherapies 30 25 KINESITHERAPY, a met...
kinetheodolites 28 24 KINETHEODOLITE, a th...
kinetonucleuses 29 27 KINETONUCLEUS, a DNA...
kittenishnesses 28 23 KITTENISHNESS, KITTE...
kremlinologists 31 27 KREMLINOLOGIST, one...
laboriousnesses 27 21 LABORIOUSNESS, LABOR...
labyrinthitises 38 24 LABYRINTHITIS, infla...
labyrinthodonts 36 26 LABYRINTHODONT, an e...
lactiferousness 31 24 the state of being l...
lapidifications 34 27 LAPIDIFICATION, (arc...
laryngoscopists 39 27 LARYNGOSCOPIST, one...
lateralisations 26 18 LATERALISATION, the...
lateralizations 29 27 LATERALIZATION, the...
latitudinarians 26 20 LATITUDINARIAN, a pe...
laughablenesses 31 26 LAUGHABLENESS, LAUGH...
lecherousnesses 30 23 LECHEROUSNESS, LECHE...
legerdemainists 28 23 LEGERDEMAINIST, one...
legislatorships 34 24 LEGISLATORSHIP, the...
legitimisations 29 22 LEGITIMISATION, the...
legitimizations 32 31 LEGITIMIZATION, the...
leisurelinesses 27 19 LEISURELINESS, the s...
lepidodendroids 28 24 LEPIDODENDROID, any...
leucaemogeneses 28 26 LEUCAEMOGENESIS, the...
leucaemogenesis 29 26 the development of l...
leucocythaemias 41 30 LEUCOCYTHAEMIA, leuk...
leucocytopenias 39 29 LEUCOCYTOPENIA, leuc...
leukaemogeneses 26 27 LEUKAEMOGENESIS, the...
leukaemogenesis 27 27 the development of l...
leukocytopenias 37 30 LEUKOCYTOPENIA, a de...
levelheadedness 29 26 LEVELHEADED, having...
lexicalisations 36 28 LEXICALISATION, the...
lexicalizations 39 37 LEXICALIZATION, the...
lexicographists 42 33 LEXICOGRAPHIST, one...
liberalisations 29 21 LIBERALISATION, the...
liberalizations 32 30 LIBERALIZATION, the...
libertarianisms 30 23 LIBERTARIANISM, beli...
licentiateships 34 25 LICENTIATESHIP, the...
lickerishnesses 33 26 LICKERISHNESS, LICKE...
lieutenantships 30 24 LIEUTENANTSHIP, the...
lightfastnesses 32 24 LIGHTFASTNESS, LIGHT...
lightsomenesses 30 24 LIGHTSOMENESS, LIGHT...
lignocelluloses 33 26 LIGNOCELLULOSE, any...
lignosulfonates 29 25 LIGNOSULFONATE, any...
limitablenesses 30 24 LIMITABLENESS, LIMIT...
limitlessnesses 29 21 LIMITLESSNESS, LIMIT...
lionheartedness 26 21 LIONHEARTED, brave a...
lipodystrophies 40 27 LIPODYSTROPHY, a med...
lipogrammatisms 34 30 LIPOGRAMMATISM, the...
lipogrammatists 33 27 LIPOGRAMMATIST, one...
liquidationisms 37 31 LIQUIDATIONISM, a th...
liquidationists 36 28 LIQUIDATIONIST, a pr...
liquorishnesses 37 29 LIQUORISHNESS, LIQUO...
lissencephalous 34 27 with smooth cerebral...
listenabilities 30 21 LISTENABILITY, the q...
literalisations 27 18 LITERALISATION, the...
literalizations 30 27 LITERALIZATION, the...
lithesomenesses 28 22 LITHESOMENESS, LITHE...
lithochromatics 39 29 the art or process o...
lithonthryptics 44 29 LITHONTHRYPTIC, a me...
lithontriptists 33 22 LITHONTRIPTIST, a su...
litigiousnesses 28 20 LITIGIOUSNESS, the s...
liturgiologists 32 22 LITURGIOLOGIST, one...
loathsomenesses 27 22 LOATHSOMENESS, LOATH...
longsightedness 30 25 the state of being l...
lucrativenesses 31 25 LUCRATIVENESS, LUCRA...
ludicrousnesses 30 23 LUDICROUSNESS, LUDIC...
lumberingnesses 30 27 LUMBERINGNESS, LUMBE...
luxuriousnesses 33 27 LUXURIOUSNESS, LUXUR...
lymphadenitises 38 28 LYMPHADENITIS, infla...
lymphangiograms 41 34 LYMPHANGIOGRAM, a ra...
lyophilisations 38 25 LYOPHILISATION, free...
lyophilizations 41 34 LYOPHILIZATION, free...
lysogenisations 32 22 LYSOGENISATION, the...
lysogenizations 35 31 LYSOGENIZATION, the...
macadamisations 29 26 MACADAMISATION, the...
macadamizations 32 35 MACADAMIZATION, the...
machinabilities 35 28 MACHINABILITY, the s...
macrencephalias 36 31 MACRENCEPHALIA, the...
macrencephalies 36 31 MACRENCEPHALY, the c...
macroaggregates 31 27 MACROAGGREGATE, a re...
macroevolutions 31 28 MACROEVOLUTION, evol...
macromarketings 32 31 MACROMARKETING, mark...
macrostructures 34 26 MACROSTRUCTURE, the...
maddeningnesses 25 25 MADDENINGNESS, MADDE...
magisterialness 28 22 the state of being m...
magistrateships 33 25 MAGISTRATESHIP, the...
magnanimousness 26 27 MAGNANIMOUS, showing...
magnificentness 31 29 MAGNIFICENT, splendi...
maladroitnesses 26 21 MALADROITNESS, MALAD...
malappropriates 33 28 MALAPPROPRIATE, to m...
malfunctionings 33 31 MALFUNCTIONING, an i...
maliciousnesses 30 24 MALICIOUSNESS, MALIC...
malleablenesses 29 25 MALLEABLENESS, the s...
manageabilities 29 25 MANAGEABILITY, the s...
margaritiferous 30 24 pearl-bearing [adj]
marketabilities 31 26 MARKETABILITY, the s...
marvelousnesses 28 25 MARVELOUSNESS, the s...
masculinenesses 29 25 MASCULINENESS, MASCU...
massotherapists 31 23 MASSOTHERAPIST, one...
masterfulnesses 29 24 MASTERFULNESS, MASTE...
mastoidectomies 30 25 MASTOIDECTOMY, an op...
matchlessnesses 32 25 MATCHLESSNESS, MATCH...
materfamiliases 30 25 MATERFAMILIAS, (Lati...
matriarchalisms 35 27 MATRIARCHALISM, the...
matrifocalities 33 25 MATRIFOCALITY, the s...
matrilocalities 32 23 MATRILOCALITY, the s...
meaninglessness 26 24 MEANINGLESS, having...
measurabilities 30 23 MEASURABILITY, the s...
measurelessness 26 21 MEASURELESS, having...
medicalisations 30 24 MEDICALISATION, the...
medicalizations 33 33 MEDICALIZATION, the...
megalocephalies 35 30 MEGALOCEPHALY, the c...
megalocephalous 35 31 having an unusually...
megasporophylls 42 32 MEGASPOROPHYLL, a sp...
megavertebrates 30 27 MEGAVERTEBRATE, a ve...
mellifluousness 32 27 MELLIFLUOUS, sweet-s...
melodiousnesses 26 22 MELODIOUSNESS, MELOD...
memorablenesses 28 26 MEMORABLENESS, MEMOR...
menispermaceous 31 29 belonging to the fam...
mensurabilities 30 24 MENSURABILITY, the s...
mercaptopurines 33 29 MERCAPTOPURINE, an a...
mercenarinesses 27 23 MERCENARINESS, the s...
mercilessnesses 30 23 MERCILESSNESS, MERCI...
mercurialnesses 30 24 MERCURIALNESS, the s...
meridionalities 27 21 MERIDIONALITY, the s...
meritoriousness 26 20 MERITORIOUS, deservi...
mesaticephalies 34 27 MESATICEPHALY, the s...
mesaticephalous 34 28 intermediate between...
metabisulphites 35 28 METABISULPHITE, as i...
metachromatisms 34 29 METACHROMATISM, a ch...
metafictionists 32 25 METAFICTIONIST, a wr...
metalinguistics 33 26 the study of the rel...
metallographers 33 27 METALLOGRAPHER, one...
metallographies 33 27 METALLOGRAPHY, the s...
metamathematics 33 29 a field of study con...
metastabilities 30 22 METASTABILITY, the s...
methaemoglobins 32 30 METHAEMOGLOBIN, a br...
methoxybenzenes 43 43 METHOXYBENZENE, anot...
methoxyfluranes 43 35 METHOXYFLURANE, a po...
methylmercuries 41 30 METHYLMERCURY, any o...
methylthionines 37 27 METHYLTHIONINE, as i...
methylxanthines 43 34 METHYLXANTHINE, a me...
microaerophiles 34 27 MICROAEROPHILE, an o...
microbarographs 37 31 MICROBAROGRAPH, an i...
microbiologists 35 27 MICROBIOLOGIST, one...
microcomponents 34 32 MICROCOMPONENT, a ve...
microcomputings 38 34 MICROCOMPUTING, comp...
microdetections 32 26 MICRODETECTION, the...
microelectrodes 33 26 MICROELECTRODE, a mi...
microevolutions 32 28 MICROEVOLUTION, comp...
microinjections 34 35 MICROINJECTION, an i...
micromarketings 33 31 MICROMARKETING, very...
micrometeorites 30 24 MICROMETEORITE, a ve...
micrometeoroids 30 25 MICROMETEOROID, a sm...
micropegmatites 34 29 MICROPEGMATITE, a mi...
microphysicists 46 31 MICROPHYSICIST, a ph...
microporosities 32 24 MICROPOROSITY, the p...
microprocessors 35 27 MICROPROCESSOR, a co...
microprojectors 37 36 MICROPROJECTOR, a pr...
micropublishers 39 31 MICROPUBLISHER, one...
micropulsations 33 27 MICROPULSATION, a pu...
micropyrometers 39 29 MICROPYROMETER, a py...
microsatellites 32 23 MICROSATELLITE, a ve...
microsporocytes 41 29 MICROSPOROCYTE, a mi...
microstructures 35 26 MICROSTRUCTURE, the...
microtechniques 43 37 MICROTECHNIQUE, any...
microtonalities 30 23 MICROTONALITY, the s...
militarisations 28 20 MILITARISATION, the...
militarizations 31 29 MILITARIZATION, the...
millenarianisms 29 25 MILLENARIANISM, the...
millionairesses 28 21 MILLIONAIRESS, a fem...
mineralisations 26 21 MINERALISATION, the...
mineralizations 29 30 MINERALIZATION, the...
minicalculators 35 28 MINICALCULATOR, a ve...
ministerialists 29 20 MINISTERIALIST, a su...
mirthlessnesses 30 22 MIRTHLESSNESS, the s...
misacceptations 34 28 MISACCEPTATION, (obs...
misapplications 35 29 MISAPPLICATION, the...
misappropriates 33 27 MISAPPROPRIATE, to a...
misarrangements 27 25 MISARRANGEMENT, a wr...
misattributions 30 23 MISATTRIBUTION, the...
misbecomingness 33 31 the state of being m...
miscalculations 35 28 MISCALCULATION, the...
miscellanarians 30 25 MISCELLANARIAN, (obs...
mischievousness 34 29 MISCHIEVOUS, given t...
miscomputations 33 29 MISCOMPUTATION, the...
miscontentments 29 27 MISCONTENTMENT, lack...
miscorrelations 30 23 MISCORRELATION, a wr...
miscounsellings 33 28 MISCOUNSELLING, the...
misdescriptions 33 26 MISDESCRIPTION, the...
miserablenesses 28 23 MISERABLENESS, the s...
misgovernaunces 31 30 MISGOVERNAUNCE, (Spe...
misguidednesses 28 24 MISGUIDEDNESS, MISGU...
misimprovements 33 32 MISIMPROVEMENT, a fa...
misinformations 29 26 MISINFORMATION, wron...
misinstructions 31 24 MISINSTRUCTION, a wr...
misinterpreters 29 22 MISINTERPRETER, one...
mismeasurements 28 26 MISMEASUREMENT, wron...
misorientations 25 20 MISORIENTATION, a wr...
mispunctuations 32 28 MISPUNCTUATION, a wr...
misrepresenters 28 22 MISREPRESENTER, one...
misshapennesses 29 25 MISSHAPENNESS, MISSH...
missionisations 26 20 MISSIONISATION, the...
missionizations 29 29 MISSIONIZATION, the...
mistranslations 27 21 MISTRANSLATION, an e...
mistrustfulness 32 25 MISTRUSTFUL, not tru...
misutilisations 29 21 MISUTILISATION, a wr...
misutilizations 32 30 MISUTILIZATION, a wr...
modifiabilities 33 26 MODIFIABILITY, the s...
momentarinesses 25 23 MOMENTARINESS, the s...
momentousnesses 25 24 MOMENTOUSNESS, MOMEN...
mongrelisations 27 23 MONGRELISATION, the...
mongrelizations 30 32 MONGRELIZATION, the...
monochlamydeous 38 32 having a one-whorled...
monochromatisms 33 30 MONOCHROMATISM, comp...
monolingualisms 30 28 MONOLINGUALISM, the...
mononucleotides 28 26 MONONUCLEOTIDE, a nu...
monophthongises 32 29 MONOPHTHONGISE, to p...
monophthongizes 35 38 MONOPHTHONGIZE, to p...
monopolisations 27 24 MONOPOLISATION, the...
monopolizations 30 33 MONOPOLIZATION, the...
monopropellants 30 28 MONOPROPELLANT, a ro...
monosaccharides 33 28 MONOSACCHARIDE, a si...
monounsaturates 24 22 MONOUNSATURATE, a mo...
monstrousnesses 25 21 MONSTROUSNESS, the s...
monumentalities 27 25 MONUMENTALITY, the s...
morbilliviruses 35 28 MORBILLIVIRUS, a vir...
morphinomaniacs 33 31 MORPHINOMANIAC, one...
morphophonemics 38 35 linguistic structure...
mortiferousness 28 23 MORTIFEROUS, death-b...
mountaineerings 25 24 MOUNTAINEERING, the...
mountainousness 24 23 the state of being m...
mountebankeries 27 28 MOUNTEBANKERY, the a...
mucosanguineous 29 28 consisting of mucus...
multicurrencies 35 28 MULTICURRENCY, the u...
multiplications 35 28 MULTIPLICATION, the...
multipolarities 32 24 MULTIPOLARITY, the s...
multiprocessors 34 26 MULTIPROCESSOR, a ty...
multiracialisms 35 27 MULTIRACIALISM, the...
multithreadings 32 26 MULTITHREADING, a pr...
murderousnesses 26 22 MURDEROUSNESS, MURDE...
musicalisations 31 24 MUSICALISATION, the...
musicalizations 34 33 MUSICALIZATION, the...
musicotherapies 34 27 MUSICOTHERAPY, thera...
myelencephalons 39 32 MYELENCEPHALON, the...
mylonitisations 33 23 MYLONITISATION, the...
mylonitizations 36 32 MYLONITIZATION, the...
myocardiographs 41 31 MYOCARDIOGRAPH, an i...
myristicivorous 40 28 feeding upon nutmegs...
nanopublishings 33 30 NANOPUBLISHING, onli...
narcoterrorisms 29 22 NARCOTERRORISM, drug...
narcoterrorists 28 19 NARCOTERRORIST, one...
naturalisations 25 19 NATURALISATION, the...
naturalizations 28 28 NATURALIZATION, the...
navigablenesses 29 27 NAVIGABLENESS, NAVIG...
nearsightedness 27 22 NEARSIGHTED, able to...
nebuchadnezzars 37 45 NEBUCHADNEZZAR, an o...
necessarianisms 28 23 NECESSARIANISM, the...
necessarinesses 26 20 NECESSARINESS, the s...
necessitousness 27 21 the state of being n...
nefariousnesses 25 21 NEFARIOUSNESS, NEFAR...
neglectednesses 28 24 NEGLECTEDNESS, the s...
negligibilities 33 25 NEGLIGIBILITY, the s...
negotiabilities 29 22 NEGOTIABILITY, the s...
neighbourliness 31 26 the state of being n...
neocolonialisms 29 25 NEOCOLONIALISM, the...
neocolonialists 28 22 NEOCOLONIALIST, an u...
nephroblastomas 32 28 NEPHROBLASTOMA, a tu...
nervelessnesses 26 22 NERVELESSNESS, the s...
neuroanatomists 24 21 NEUROANATOMIST, one...
neurobiologists 29 23 NEUROBIOLOGIST, one...
neurocomputings 32 30 NEUROCOMPUTING, comp...
neuroethologies 27 22 NEUROETHOLOGY, the d...
neurohypophyses 45 31 NEUROHYPOPHYSIS, the...
neurohypophysis 46 31 the portion of the p...
neuromarketings 27 27 NEUROMARKETING, a fi...
neuroscientists 28 21 NEUROSCIENTIST, a pr...
neurosecretions 26 21 NEUROSECRETION, the...
neurosyphilises 37 25 NEUROSYPHILIS, a syp...
neurotoxicities 34 27 NEUROTOXICITY, the s...
neutralisations 25 19 NEUTRALISATION, the...
neutralizations 28 28 NEUTRALIZATION, the...
newfanglenesses 29 27 NEWFANGLENESS, the s...
niggardlinesses 28 23 NIGGARDLINESS, the s...
nightmarishness 32 26 NIGHTMARISH, like a...
nincompooperies 31 29 NINCOMPOOPERY, the s...
nitrocelluloses 31 23 NITROCELLULOSE, any...
nitroglycerines 36 25 NITROGLYCERINE, a po...
nitwittednesses 28 21 NITWITTEDNESS, NITWI...
noctambulations 31 28 NOCTAMBULATION, slee...
noiselessnesses 24 18 NOISELESSNESS, NOISE...
nominalisations 25 22 NOMINALISATION, the...
nominalizations 28 31 NOMINALIZATION, the...
nonachievements 30 30 NONACHIEVEMENT, some...
nonadditivities 27 23 NONADDITIVITY, the s...
nonbarbiturates 28 24 NONBARBITURATE, some...
nonbelligerents 28 25 NONBELLIGERENT, one...
noncelebrations 28 25 NONCELEBRATION, some...
noncharismatics 34 28 NONCHARISMATIC, one...
noncognitivisms 32 30 NONCOGNITIVISM, some...
noncoincidences 31 29 NONCOINCIDENCE, some...
noncommunicants 31 32 NONCOMMUNICANT, a pe...
nonconcurrences 31 29 NONCONCURRENCE, lack...
nonconformances 30 31 NONCONFORMANCE, fail...
nonconformities 29 27 NONCONFORMITY, an un...
nonconsumptions 29 29 NONCONSUMPTION, some...
noncooperations 26 24 NONCOOPERATION, fail...
noncorrelations 26 22 NONCORRELATION, a la...
noncreativities 29 24 NONCREATIVITY, an ab...
noncultivations 30 27 NONCULTIVATION, some...
nondescriptness 29 25 NONDESCRIPT, belongi...
nondevelopments 28 30 NONDEVELOPMENT, some...
nondisjunctions 29 33 NONDISJUNCTION, the...
nonelectrolytes 34 24 NONELECTROLYTE, a su...
nonenforcements 27 28 NONENFORCEMENT, some...
nonequilibriums 38 35 NONEQUILIBRIUM, lack...
nonequivalences 36 36 NONEQUIVALENCE, some...
nonfulfillments 33 31 NONFULFILLMENT, some...
nonimplications 31 28 NONIMPLICATION, the...
nonimportations 26 24 NONIMPORTATION, some...
noninformations 25 25 NONINFORMATION, some...
noninstallments 26 24 NONINSTALLMENT, some...
nonintercourses 26 22 NONINTERCOURSE, some...
noninvolvements 28 31 NONINVOLVEMENT, abse...
nonobjectivisms 35 39 NONOBJECTIVISM, the...
nonobjectivists 34 36 NONOBJECTIVIST, a pr...
nonparticipants 31 27 NONPARTICIPANT, one...
nonperformances 30 30 NONPERFORMANCE, some...
nonphilosophers 33 28 NONPHILOSOPHER, some...
nonrandomnesses 22 23 NONRANDOMNESS, the s...
nonrecognitions 26 24 NONRECOGNITION, some...
nonrecombinants 28 28 NONRECOMBINANT, a ge...
nonsegregations 24 22 NONSEGREGATION, some...
nonsensicalness 26 23 the state of being n...
nonsignificants 30 27 NONSIGNIFICANT, (in...
nonsimultaneous 25 24 not simultaneous [ad...
nonuniformities 27 25 NONUNIFORMITY, the s...
nonuniquenesses 30 30 NONUNIQUENESS, NONUN...
norepinephrines 29 26 NOREPINEPHRINE, (US)...
norethisterones 25 19 NORETHISTERONE, a mo...
normativenesses 26 24 NORMATIVENESS, NORMA...
normoglycaemias 37 30 NORMOGLYCAEMIA, the...
northeasterlies 27 19 NORTHEASTERLY, a win...
northerlinesses 27 20 NORTHERLINESS, the s...
northwesterlies 31 22 NORTHWESTERLY, a win...
noticeabilities 31 23 NOTICEABILITY, the q...
notoriousnesses 23 18 NOTORIOUSNESS, NOTOR...
novemdecillions 32 30 NOVEMDECILLION, ten...
novocentenaries 26 25 NOVOCENTENARY, a 900...
nuclearisations 28 22 NUCLEARISATION, the...
nuclearizations 31 31 NUCLEARIZATION, the...
nucleosyntheses 36 26 NUCLEOSYNTHESIS, the...
nucleosynthesis 37 26 the production of a...
nudibranchiates 32 27 NUDIBRANCHIATE, a me...
numismatologies 29 26 NUMISMATOLOGY, the s...
objectivenesses 33 35 OBJECTIVENESS, the s...
obliviousnesses 30 25 OBLIVIOUSNESS, OBLIV...
obnoxiousnesses 31 28 OBNOXIOUSNESS, the s...
observabilities 33 26 OBSERVABILITY, the s...
obsessivenesses 28 23 OBSESSIVENESS, OBSES...
obstinatenesses 25 20 OBSTINATENESS, OBSTI...
obstructionisms 33 26 OBSTRUCTIONISM, deli...
obstructionists 32 23 OBSTRUCTIONIST, some...
obstructiveness 33 27 OBSTRUCTIVE, serving...
obtainabilities 30 23 OBTAINABILITY, the s...
obtrusivenesses 29 24 OBTRUSIVENESS, OBTRU...
occasionalities 31 23 OCCASIONALITY, the s...
occlusivenesses 34 28 OCCLUSIVENESS, OCCLU...
octocentenaries 28 23 OCTOCENTENARY, an ei...
odontorhynchous 37 28 of birds, having too...
odontostomatous 24 21 having biting or too...
odoriferousness 26 21 ODORIFEROUS, giving...
oesophagoscopes 33 28 OESOPHAGOSCOPE, an i...
offensivenesses 29 27 OFFENSIVENESS, the s...
offhandednesses 29 27 OFFHANDEDNESS, the s...
officiousnesses 32 26 OFFICIOUSNESS, OFFIC...
oligocythaemias 39 28 OLIGOCYTHAEMIA, defi...
omnicompetences 33 32 OMNICOMPETENCE, the...
omnifariousness 27 24 OMNIFARIOUS, of all...
omoplatoscopies 33 28 OMOPLATOSCOPY, divin...
oncogeneticists 31 25 ONCOGENETICIST, some...
onychocryptoses 47 31 ONYCHOCRYPTOSIS, the...
onychocryptosis 48 31 the condition of hav...
oophorectomises 32 26 OOPHORECTOMISE, to p...
oophorectomizes 35 35 OOPHORECTOMIZE, to p...
openheartedness 26 23 OPENHEARTED, candidl...
openmouthedness 28 27 the state of being o...
operationalisms 28 23 OPERATIONALISM, the...
operationalists 27 20 OPERATIONALIST, an e...
operativenesses 27 23 OPERATIVENESS, OPERA...
ophthalmologies 35 29 OPHTHALMOLOGY, the s...
ophthalmometers 34 29 OPHTHALMOMETER, an i...
ophthalmoscopes 38 32 OPHTHALMOSCOPE, an i...
opinionatedness 24 22 OPINIONATED, unduly...
opisthognathous 32 26 with receding jaws [...
opisthographies 35 27 OPISTHOGRAPHY, inscr...
opportunenesses 27 24 OPPORTUNENESS, OPPOR...
opprobriousness 31 26 OPPROBRIOUS, express...
opsonifications 31 26 OPSONIFICATION, the...
optimalisations 29 23 OPTIMALISATION, the...
optimalizations 32 32 OPTIMALIZATION, the...
optoelectronics 33 26 OPTOELECTRONIC [n]
oraculousnesses 28 22 ORACULOUSNESS, ORACU...
orchesographies 35 27 ORCHESOGRAPHY, notat...
organochlorines 30 25 ORGANOCHLORINE, a co...
organographists 31 25 ORGANOGRAPHIST, one...
organometallics 31 26 ORGANOMETALLIC, an o...
organotherapies 28 23 ORGANOTHERAPY, treat...
ornithodelphous 32 26 of or like the Ornit...
ornithorhynchus 41 29 the duckbill platypu...
orthogonalities 28 21 ORTHOGONALITY, the s...
orthophosphates 35 27 ORTHOPHOSPHATE, a sa...
oscillographies 36 27 OSCILLOGRAPHY, use o...
osmoregulations 27 23 OSMOREGULATION, regu...
ostensibilities 29 20 OSTENSIBILITY, the s...
osteoarthritics 31 20 OSTEOARTHRITIC, one...
osteomyelitises 33 21 OSTEOMYELITIS, infla...
outspokennesses 26 25 OUTSPOKENNESS, OUTSP...
overaccentuates 31 27 OVERACCENTUATE, to a...
overadjustments 30 34 OVERADJUSTMENT, an e...
overarticulates 31 24 OVERARTICULATE, to a...
overassessments 27 23 OVERASSESSMENT, exce...
overbearingness 28 26 OVERBEARING [n]
overcapitalises 33 26 OVERCAPITALISE, to p...
overcapitalizes 36 35 OVERCAPITALIZE, to p...
overcentralises 30 24 OVERCENTRALISE, to c...
overcentralizes 33 33 OVERCENTRALIZE, to c...
overcommitments 33 32 OVERCOMMITMENT, exce...
overcompensates 31 29 OVERCOMPENSATE, to c...
overcompliances 36 33 OVERCOMPLIANCE, exce...
overcomplicates 37 32 OVERCOMPLICATE, to c...
overconfidences 33 31 OVERCONFIDENCE, exce...
overcorrections 32 26 OVERCORRECTION, exce...
overcredulities 32 25 OVERCREDULITY, the s...
overdecorations 28 24 OVERDECORATION, exce...
overdependences 29 29 OVERDEPENDENCE, exce...
overdiversities 30 24 OVERDIVERSITY, exces...
overeagernesses 25 22 OVEREAGERNESS, OVERE...
overembellishes 34 29 OVEREMBELLISH, to em...
overemployments 37 32 OVEREMPLOYMENT, the...
overenthusiasms 30 26 OVERENTHUSIASM, an e...
overestimations 27 23 OVERESTIMATION, the...
overevaluations 28 26 OVEREVALUATION, exce...
overexaggerates 33 30 OVEREXAGGERATE, to e...
overexcitements 36 33 OVEREXCITEMENT, exce...
overextractions 35 30 OVEREXTRACTION, exce...
overforwardness 31 27 OVERFORWARD, excessi...
overgeneralises 27 23 OVERGENERALISE, to g...
overgeneralizes 30 32 OVERGENERALIZE, to g...
overhastinesses 28 22 OVERHASTINESS, the s...
overhomogenises 29 27 OVERHOMOGENISE, to h...
overhomogenizes 32 36 OVERHOMOGENIZE, to h...
overindulgences 31 29 OVERINDULGENCE, exce...
overingenuities 27 24 OVERINGENUITY, the s...
overintensities 26 21 OVERINTENSITY, exces...
overinvestments 29 28 OVERINVESTMENT, exce...
overmedications 30 27 OVERMEDICATION, exce...
overpersuasions 28 24 OVERPERSUASION, exce...
overpopulations 31 28 OVERPOPULATION, popu...
overproductions 32 28 OVERPRODUCTION, exce...
overproportions 30 26 OVERPROPORTION, to m...
overprotections 31 26 OVERPROTECTION, exce...
overrefinements 28 27 OVERREFINEMENT, exce...
overregulations 28 24 OVERREGULATION, exce...
oversaturations 26 21 OVERSATURATION, exce...
overspecialises 33 26 OVERSPECIALISE, to s...
overspecializes 36 35 OVERSPECIALIZE, to s...
overstabilities 31 23 OVERSTABILITY, the s...
oversweetnesses 28 23 OVERSWEETNESS, the s...
overweeningness 28 27 the state of being o...
overzealousness 29 31 the state of being o...
ovoviviparities 34 30 OVOVIVIPARITY, the s...
oxidoreductases 34 28 OXIDOREDUCTASE, an e...
oxyhaemoglobins 43 36 OXYHAEMOGLOBIN, a lo...
pachymeningitis 41 32 a form of meningitis...
painstakingness 28 27 PAINSTAKING, taking...
painterlinesses 27 21 PAINTERLINESS, the s...
palaebiologists 32 25 PALAEBIOLOGIST, a st...
palaeobiologies 30 25 PALAEOBIOLOGY, the s...
palaeobotanists 28 23 PALAEOBOTANIST, one...
palaeoecologies 30 25 PALAEOECOLOGY, the s...
palaeographists 33 26 PALAEOGRAPHIST, a st...
palaeontologies 27 23 PALAEONTOLOGY, the s...
palaeozoologies 30 31 PALAEOZOOLOGY, the s...
palatablenesses 29 24 PALATABLENESS, the s...
palatalisations 28 21 PALATALISATION, the...
palatalizations 31 30 PALATALIZATION, the...
paleobiologists 32 25 PALEOBIOLOGIST, one...
paleoecologists 32 25 PALEOECOLOGIST, one...
paleomagnetisms 30 28 PALEOMAGNETISM, the...
paleomagnetists 29 25 PALEOMAGNETIST, a st...
paleontologists 29 23 PALEONTOLOGIST, one...
paleozoologists 32 31 PALEOZOOLOGIST, one...
pamphleteerings 34 30 PAMPHLETEERING [n]
panophthalmitis 36 30 inflammation of the...
pantisocratists 31 22 PANTISOCRATIST, an u...
pantopragmatics 34 30 PANTOPRAGMATIC [n]
parabolisations 29 23 PARABOLISATION, the...
parabolizations 32 32 PARABOLIZATION, the...
paradoxicalness 36 31 PARADOXICAL, of the...
paragrammatists 31 26 PARAGRAMMATIST, a pu...
parajournalisms 31 33 PARAJOURNALISM, jour...
paralinguistics 34 26 PARALINGUISTIC [n]
parallelepipeds 34 28 PARALLELEPIPED, a so...
parallelopipeds 34 28 PARALLELOPIPED, a so...
paramyxoviruses 43 35 PARAMYXOVIRUS, any o...
paranormalities 28 23 PARANORMALITY, the s...
pararosanilines 26 21 PARAROSANILINE, a wh...
parasexualities 34 27 PARASEXUALITY, the s...
parasiticalness 31 23 PARASITICAL, of or l...
parasitisations 27 19 PARASITISATION, the...
parasitizations 30 28 PARASITIZATION, the...
parasitologists 30 21 PARASITOLOGIST, one...
parthenocarpies 33 27 PARTHENOCARPY, fruit...
parthenocarpous 33 28 relating to partheno...
parthenogeneses 27 24 PARTHENOGENESIS, rep...
parthenogenesis 28 24 reproduction by a vi...
particularisers 33 23 PARTICULARISER, one...
particularities 33 23 PARTICULARITY, a min...
particularizers 36 32 PARTICULARIZER, one...
parturifacients 33 26 PARTURIFACIENT, an o...
passifloraceous 33 26 belonging to the pas...
passionlessness 27 21 PASSIONLESS, without...
pasteurisations 27 20 PASTEURISATION, ster...
pasteurizations 30 29 PASTEURIZATION, ster...
patentabilities 30 23 PATENTABILITY, the s...
paterfamiliases 31 25 PATERFAMILIAS, (Lati...
pathogenicities 33 26 PATHOGENICITY, the s...
patrialisations 28 20 PATRIALISATION, the...
patrializations 31 29 PATRIALIZATION, the...
patriarchalisms 36 27 PATRIARCHALISM, a pa...
patrifocalities 34 25 PATRIFOCALITY, the s...
peaceablenesses 30 26 PEACEABLENESS, PEACE...
peacelessnesses 29 23 PEACELESSNESS, the s...
pectinesterases 29 22 PECTINESTERASE, an e...
pedagoguishness 31 27 PEDAGOGUISH, in the...
pendulousnesses 27 24 PENDULOUSNESS, the s...
penetrabilities 30 23 PENETRABILITY, the s...
penetrativeness 27 24 the state of being p...
peninsularities 28 22 PENINSULARITY, the s...
pennilessnesses 26 22 PENNILESSNESS, PENNI...
pentadactylisms 39 29 PENTADACTYLISM, the...
pentobarbitones 29 26 PENTOBARBITONE, a ba...
penuriousnesses 26 22 PENURIOUSNESS, PENUR...
perdurabilities 32 24 PERDURABILITY, the s...
perfectibilians 36 29 PERFECTIBILIAN, a be...
perfectibilisms 39 31 PERFECTIBILISM, the...
perfectibilists 38 28 PERFECTIBILIST, a be...
perfervidnesses 31 27 PERFERVIDNESS, the s...
perfunctoriness 32 27 the state of being p...
pergamentaceous 30 28 parchment-like, also...
perigastritises 30 20 PERIGASTRITIS, infla...
perihepatitises 32 23 PERIHEPATITIS, infla...
perinephritises 32 24 PERINEPHRITIS, infla...
periodontitises 27 20 PERIODONTITIS, infla...
peripateticisms 35 27 PERIPATETICISM, the...
peripheralities 33 24 PERIPHERALITY, the s...
perishabilities 34 24 PERISHABILITY, the s...
perissodactyles 38 25 PERISSODACTYLE, an a...
perityphlitises 41 26 PERITYPHLITIS, infla...
permanentnesses 25 24 PERMANENTNESS, the s...
permeablenesses 29 26 PERMEABLENESS, the s...
permissibleness 32 26 PERMISSIBLE, that ca...
permutabilities 33 26 PERMUTABILITY, the q...
perplexednesses 35 31 PERPLEXEDNESS, the s...
persnicketiness 31 27 the state of being p...
perspicuousness 33 27 the state of being p...
pervasivenesses 30 27 PERVASIVENESS, PERVA...
pervertednesses 28 24 PERVERTEDNESS, PERVE...
pestiferousness 29 23 PESTIFEROUS, bringin...
petrocurrencies 33 26 PETROCURRENCY, curre...
petrophysicists 43 28 PETROPHYSICIST, a st...
phallocentrisms 36 29 PHALLOCENTRISM, the...
phantasmagorias 30 26 PHANTASMAGORIA, a fa...
phantasmagories 30 26 PHANTASMAGORY, a fan...
phantasmalities 31 25 PHANTASMALITY, the s...
pharisaicalness 33 25 PHARISAICAL, charact...
pharmaceuticals 38 31 PHARMACEUTICAL, a me...
pharmacognosies 33 29 PHARMACOGNOSY, the s...
pharmacologists 36 29 PHARMACOLOGIST, one...
pharmacopoeians 33 30 PHARMACOPOEIAN, an i...
pharmacopoeists 35 29 PHARMACOPOEIST, one...
pharmacopolists 37 30 PHARMACOPOLIST, drug...
pharyngologists 39 28 PHARYNGOLOGIST, a sp...
pharyngoscopies 41 31 PHARYNGOSCOPY, exami...
phenobarbitones 31 28 PHENOBARBITONE, a se...
phenomenalities 29 26 PHENOMENALITY, the s...
phenomenologies 29 28 PHENOMENOLOGY, the s...
phenylbutazones 40 38 PHENYLBUTAZONE, a dr...
phenylthioureas 38 27 PHENYLTHIOUREA, a cr...
philanthropists 36 27 PHILANTHROPIST, one...
philanthropoids 35 28 PHILANTHROPOID, a pe...
philosophasters 35 26 PHILOSOPHASTER, an a...
philosophisings 37 29 PHILOSOPHISING, the...
philosophizings 40 38 PHILOSOPHIZING [n]
phleboscleroses 36 28 PHLEBOSCLEROSIS, har...
phlebosclerosis 37 28 hardening and loss o...
phosphocreatins 36 29 PHOSPHOCREATIN, a co...
phosphoproteins 35 29 PHOSPHOPROTEIN, any...
phosphoroscopes 38 31 PHOSPHOROSCOPE, an i...
photoautotrophs 33 26 PHOTOAUTOTROPH, an o...
photobiologists 34 26 PHOTOBIOLOGIST, one...
photoconductors 35 29 PHOTOCONDUCTOR, a ph...
photoduplicates 36 29 PHOTODUPLICATE, to d...
photoelectrodes 32 25 PHOTOELECTRODE, an e...
photoengravings 32 30 PHOTOENGRAVING, any...
photofinishings 35 29 PHOTOFINISHING, the...
photogeologists 32 25 PHOTOGEOLOGIST, one...
photoinductions 32 27 PHOTOINDUCTION, indu...
photoluminesces 34 29 PHOTOLUMINESCE, to p...
photooxidations 34 29 PHOTOOXIDATION, oxid...
photoperiodisms 33 27 PHOTOPERIODISM, a pl...
photoreceptions 33 27 PHOTORECEPTION, the...
photoreductions 32 26 PHOTOREDUCTION, chem...
photosensitises 29 21 PHOTOSENSITISE, to m...
photosensitizes 32 30 PHOTOSENSITIZE, to m...
phototelegraphs 35 28 PHOTOTELEGRAPH, an i...
phototoxicities 39 30 PHOTOTOXICITY, the s...
phraseographies 34 27 PHRASEOGRAPHY, the m...
phreneticnesses 31 25 PHRENETICNESS, PHREN...
phthalocyanines 40 30 PHTHALOCYANINE, any...
phyllosilicates 43 28 PHYLLOSILICATE, any...
physiotherapies 40 27 PHYSIOTHERAPY, physi...
phytotoxicities 46 32 PHYTOTOXICITY, the s...
pictorialnesses 31 23 PICTORIALNESS, PICTO...
picturesqueness 39 33 PICTURESQUE, resembl...
piezomagnetisms 33 36 PIEZOMAGNETISM, magn...
pigheadednesses 29 25 PIGHEADEDNESS, PIGHE...
pinealectomises 31 26 PINEALECTOMISE, to r...
pinealectomizes 34 35 PINEALECTOMIZE, to r...
pinheadednesses 27 24 PINHEADEDNESS, PINHE...
pisciculturists 39 27 PISCICULTURIST, one...
pithecanthropus 37 30 any of several primi...
plagiocephalies 37 30 PLAGIOCEPHALY, a twi...
plagiostomatous 30 25 of or like a plagios...
plainspokenness 29 29 PLAINSPOKEN, candid,...
plaintivenesses 29 25 PLAINTIVENESS, PLAIN...
plantaginaceous 30 27 belonging to the pla...
plasticisations 32 23 PLASTICISATION, the...
plasticizations 35 32 PLASTICIZATION, the...
platinocyanides 36 27 PLATINOCYANIDE, a fl...
platitudinisers 30 22 PLATITUDINISER, one...
platitudinizers 33 31 PLATITUDINIZER, one...
plausiblenesses 31 25 PLAUSIBLENESS, the s...
pleasurableness 30 25 PLEASURABLE, giving...
plenteousnesses 26 22 PLENTEOUSNESS, the s...
plentifulnesses 31 26 PLENTIFULNESS, the s...
plethysmographs 44 33 PLETHYSMOGRAPH, an i...
plumbaginaceous 35 33 belonging to the Plu...
pneumatologists 30 26 PNEUMATOLOGIST, a sp...
pneumatometries 28 26 PNEUMATOMETRY, the m...
pneumoconiotics 33 30 PNEUMOCONIOTIC, a pe...
pneumonectomies 30 30 PNEUMONECTOMY, the s...
pneumonologists 29 27 PNEUMONOLOGIST, one...
pococuranteisms 34 29 POCOCURANTEISM, indi...
poikilothermies 33 28 POIKILOTHERMY, cold-...
pointlessnesses 27 21 POINTLESSNESS, POINT...
poisonousnesses 25 21 POISONOUSNESS, POISO...
poliomyelitides 37 26 POLIOMYELITIS, a vir...
poliomyelitises 37 25 POLIOMYELITIS, a vir...
politicisations 32 23 POLITICISATION, the...
politicizations 35 32 POLITICIZATION, the...
polyacrylamides 46 31 POLYACRYLAMIDE, a po...
polyarthritides 38 24 POLYARTHRITIS, arthr...
polyarthritises 38 23 POLYARTHRITIS, arthr...
polychromatisms 43 32 POLYCHROMATISM, bein...
polymerisations 35 25 POLYMERISATION, a ch...
polymerizations 38 34 POLYMERIZATION, a ch...
polynucleotides 38 28 POLYNUCLEOTIDE, a po...
polysaccharides 43 30 POLYSACCHARIDE, a gl...
polysaccharoses 42 29 POLYSACCHAROSE, any...
polysynthesisms 45 29 POLYSYNTHESISM, the...
polysynthetisms 45 29 POLYSYNTHETISM, the...
polyunsaturates 34 24 POLYUNSATURATE, a fa...
polyvinylidenes 43 31 POLYVINYLIDENE, any...
ponderabilities 30 24 PONDERABILITY, the q...
ponderousnesses 25 22 PONDEROUSNESS, the s...
pontificalities 34 26 PONTIFICALITY, the s...
popularisations 30 24 POPULARISATION, the...
popularizations 33 33 POPULARIZATION, the...
porphyrogenites 38 28 PORPHYROGENITE, a By...
postadolescents 30 24 POSTADOLESCENT, some...
postgraduations 28 23 POSTGRADUATION, the...
postmasterships 34 26 POSTMASTERSHIP, the...
postproductions 33 27 POSTPRODUCTION, the...
potentiometries 27 22 POTENTIOMETRY, the m...
powerlessnesses 30 23 POWERLESSNESS, POWER...
practicableness 36 29 PRACTICABLE, that ca...
practicalnesses 34 26 PRACTICALNESS, the s...
pragmaticalness 33 28 the state of being p...
pragmatisations 29 24 PRAGMATISATION, the...
pragmatizations 32 33 PRAGMATIZATION, the...
prayerfulnesses 36 26 PRAYERFULNESS, PRAYE...
preadolescences 32 27 PREADOLESCENCE, the...
preanaesthetics 31 24 PREANAESTHETIC, a dr...
prearrangements 27 25 PREARRANGEMENT, a pr...
precipitantness 32 26 the state of being p...
precipitateness 32 25 PRECIPITATE, sudden...
precipitinogens 33 28 PRECIPITINOGEN, an a...
precipitousness 33 26 the state of being p...
predatorinesses 26 20 PREDATORINESS, the s...
predesignations 27 23 PREDESIGNATION, the...
predestinarians 26 21 PREDESTINARIAN, one...
predestinations 26 21 PREDESTINATION, the...
predeterminisms 30 26 PREDETERMINISM, dete...
predevelopments 32 31 PREDEVELOPMENT, a pr...
predicabilities 35 26 PREDICABILITY, the q...
predictableness 33 27 the state of being p...
predispositions 30 23 PREDISPOSITION, an i...
prefabrications 34 28 PREFABRICATION, the...
preferabilities 33 25 PREFERABILITY, the s...
prejudicialness 34 34 PREJUDICIAL, tending...
premanufactures 33 30 PREMANUFACTURE, to m...
prematurenesses 27 23 PREMATURENESS, the s...
premillenarians 29 25 PREMILLENARIAN, a be...
prenegotiations 26 22 PRENEGOTIATION, nego...
preponderancies 30 27 PREPONDERANCY, a sup...
preponderations 27 24 PREPONDERATION, the...
preprogrammings 34 32 PREPROGRAMMING, the...
prepublications 36 30 PREPUBLICATION, an a...
prescriptivisms 39 31 PRESCRIPTIVISM, the...
prescriptivists 38 28 PRESCRIPTIVIST, an a...
presentableness 28 24 PRESENTABLE, worthy...
presentialities 28 20 PRESENTIALITY, the s...
pressurisations 28 20 PRESSURISATION, the...
pressurizations 31 29 PRESSURIZATION, the...
prestigiousness 29 22 the state of being p...
presumptiveness 33 30 the state of being p...
presuppositions 32 26 PRESUPPOSITION, a pr...
pretentiousness 26 21 PRETENTIOUS, making...
preteritenesses 26 19 PRETERITENESS, the s...
preterminations 27 23 PRETERMINATION, a pr...
prettifications 33 25 PRETTIFICATION, the...
prevalentnesses 28 25 PREVALENTNESS, PREVA...
pricelessnesses 31 23 PRICELESSNESS, PRICE...
primitivenesses 31 26 PRIMITIVENESS, the s...
primogenitrices 33 27 PRIMOGENITRIX, a fem...
primogenitrixes 36 31 PRIMOGENITRIX, a fem...
primordialities 31 23 PRIMORDIALITY, the s...
principalnesses 33 27 PRINCIPALNESS, the s...
printablenesses 29 24 PRINTABLENESS, PRINT...
prioritisations 28 19 PRIORITISATION, the...
prioritizations 31 28 PRIORITIZATION, the...
probabiliorisms 35 28 PROBABILIORISM, the...
probabiliorists 34 25 PROBABILIORIST, a be...
proceleusmatics 36 29 PROCELEUSMATIC, a me...
processionaries 29 22 PROCESSIONARY, a kin...
procrastinators 30 22 PROCRASTINATOR, one...
procreativeness 31 26 the state of being p...
procuratorships 36 27 PROCURATORSHIP, the...
producibilities 36 27 PRODUCIBILITY, the c...
profitabilities 34 25 PROFITABILITY, the s...
progenitiveness 29 26 the state of being p...
progenitorships 33 26 PROGENITORSHIP, the...
prognosticators 31 24 PROGNOSTICATOR, one...
progressionisms 30 24 PROGRESSIONISM, symp...
progressionists 29 21 PROGRESSIONIST, a su...
progressiveness 30 25 PROGRESSIVE, showing...
progressivities 32 24 PROGRESSIVITY, the s...
prohibitionisms 34 27 PROHIBITIONISM, supp...
prohibitionists 33 24 PROHIBITIONIST, one...
prohibitiveness 34 28 the state of being p...
projectisations 32 31 PROJECTISATION, the...
projectizations 35 40 PROJECTIZATION, the...
proletarianises 27 20 PROLETARIANISE, to m...
proletarianisms 29 23 PROLETARIANISM, beli...
proletarianizes 30 29 PROLETARIANIZE, to r...
proletarianness 26 21 the state of being p...
prolocutorships 37 28 PROLOCUTORSHIP, the...
prominentnesses 26 24 PROMINENTNESS, the s...
promiscuousness 32 27 the state of being p...
promotabilities 32 25 PROMOTABILITY, the s...
promotivenesses 29 26 PROMOTIVENESS, the s...
pronunciamentos 29 28 PRONUNCIAMENTO, an o...
propagabilities 34 27 PROPAGABILITY, the q...
proportionments 29 26 PROPORTIONMENT, the...
proprietorships 35 26 PROPRIETORSHIP, the...
proprioceptions 34 28 PROPRIOCEPTION, the...
prosaicalnesses 30 23 PROSAICALNESS, PROSA...
prosenchymatous 39 30 relating to prosench...
prosopographers 34 28 PROSOPOGRAPHER, a wr...
prosopographies 34 28 PROSOPOGRAPHY, a bio...
prospectiveness 34 29 the state of being p...
prostatectomies 31 24 PROSTATECTOMY, the s...
prosthodontists 30 22 PROSTHODONTIST, a sp...
prothonotariats 28 21 PROTHONOTARIAT, the...
protistologists 31 21 PROTISTOLOGIST, a sp...
protohistorians 29 21 PROTOHISTORIAN, one...
protoporphyrins 40 29 PROTOPORPHYRIN, meta...
protospathaires 31 23 PROTOSPATHAIRE, (his...
protospatharius 32 24 (historical) the cap...
protozoologists 32 30 PROTOZOOLOGIST, one...
provincialities 34 27 PROVINCIALITY, the s...
provocativeness 33 30 the state of being p...
proximatenesses 33 29 PROXIMATENESS, the s...
prudentialities 29 22 PRUDENTIALITY, the s...
pseudaesthesias 29 22 PSEUDAESTHESIA, imag...
pseudoarthroses 29 22 PSEUDOARTHROSIS, a j...
pseudoarthrosis 30 22 a joint formed by fi...
pseudomembranes 30 30 PSEUDOMEMBRANE, a fa...
pseudomorphisms 35 31 PSEUDOMORPHISM, the...
pseudoscorpions 32 27 PSEUDOSCORPION, any...
pseudosolutions 28 23 PSEUDOSOLUTION, a fa...
psilanthropisms 35 28 PSILANTHROPISM, the...
psilanthropists 34 25 PSILANTHROPIST, one...
psychoacoustics 46 32 PSYCHOACOUSTIC [n]
psychoanalysers 45 29 PSYCHOANALYSER, one...
psychoanalyzers 48 38 PSYCHOANALYZER, one...
psychobiologies 43 31 PSYCHOBIOLOGY, the s...
psychochemicals 50 37 PSYCHOCHEMICAL, a ps...
psychohistories 42 27 PSYCHOHISTORY [n]
psycholinguists 43 30 PSYCHOLINGUIST, a st...
psychoneurotics 42 30 PSYCHONEUROTIC, one...
psychosurgeries 41 28 PSYCHOSURGERY, cereb...
psychosyntheses 47 30 PSYCHOSYNTHESIS, a f...
psychosynthesis 48 30 a form of psychother...
psychotherapies 43 30 PSYCHOTHERAPY, treat...
pteridophilists 35 25 PTERIDOPHILIST, a fe...
pterylographies 40 28 PTERYLOGRAPHY, a des...
pulchritudinous 36 29 beautiful, comely [a...
pulselessnesses 29 22 PULSELESSNESS, the s...
punctiliousness 32 26 PUNCTILIOUS, extreme...
punctuationists 31 25 PUNCTUATIONIST, a be...
punishabilities 34 26 PUNISHABILITY, the s...
puritanicalness 31 25 PURITANICAL, of or l...
purposelessness 30 24 PURPOSELESS, having...
purposivenesses 31 27 PURPOSIVENESS, PURPO...
pusillanimities 32 25 PUSILLANIMITY, cowar...
pycnodysostoses 42 27 PYCNODYSOSTOSIS, a r...
pycnodysostosis 43 27 a rare inherited bon...
pyknodysostoses 40 28 PYKNODYSOSTOSIS, a r...
pyknodysostosis 41 28 a rare inherited bon...
pyramidologists 38 27 PYRAMIDOLOGIST, a sp...
pyretotherapies 37 25 PYRETOTHERAPY, medic...
pyrophotographs 43 32 PYROPHOTOGRAPH, a bu...
pyrophotometers 38 28 PYROPHOTOMETER, a ty...
pyrotechnicians 41 30 PYROTECHNICIAN, one...
quadragenarians 32 30 QUADRAGENARIAN, a pe...
quadringenaries 33 30 QUADRINGENARY, a fou...
quadrisyllabics 49 36 QUADRISYLLABIC, a wo...
quadrisyllables 46 34 QUADRISYLLABLE, a te...
quadrivalencies 39 35 QUADRIVALENCY, the s...
quadruplicities 42 34 QUADRUPLICITY, the s...
quantifications 38 33 QUANTIFICATION, the...
quarrelsomeness 34 30 QUARRELSOME, apt or...
quarterbackings 41 38 QUARTERBACKING, wisd...
quartermistress 36 28 a female quartermast...
quattrocentisms 38 32 QUATTROCENTISM, the...
quattrocentists 37 29 QUATTROCENTIST, an a...
querulousnesses 34 29 QUERULOUSNESS, the s...
quicksilverings 44 40 QUICKSILVERING, the...
quincentenaries 34 31 QUINCENTENARY, a fiv...
quincentennials 35 33 QUINCENTENNIAL, a fi...
quingentenaries 32 30 QUINGENTENARY, a fiv...
quinquevalences 46 45 QUINQUEVALENCE, pent...
quinquivalences 47 45 QUINQUIVALENCE, the...
quizzifications 46 50 QUIZZIFICATION, quiz...
quodlibetarians 36 31 QUODLIBETARIAN, a se...
radicalisations 29 21 RADICALISATION, the...
radicalizations 32 30 RADICALIZATION, the...
radioactivities 31 23 RADIOACTIVITY, the s...
radioautographs 30 24 RADIOAUTOGRAPH, an a...
radiobiologists 30 22 RADIOBIOLOGIST, one...
radiophosphorus 34 27 a radioactive isotop...
radiosensitises 25 17 RADIOSENSITISE, to m...
radiosensitizes 28 26 RADIOSENSITIZE, to m...
radiostrontiums 27 21 RADIOSTRONTIUM, a ra...
radiotelegraphs 31 24 RADIOTELEGRAPH, wire...
radiotelemeters 26 20 RADIOTELEMETER, an i...
radiotelephones 28 23 RADIOTELEPHONE [n]
radiotherapists 30 21 RADIOTHERAPIST, one...
rancorousnesses 26 21 RANCOROUSNESS, the s...
rangatiratangas 25 21 RANGATIRATANGA, (Mao...
rapaciousnesses 29 23 RAPACIOUSNESS, the s...
rapturousnesses 27 21 RAPTUROUSNESS, the s...
reacquaintances 37 33 REACQUAINTANCE, a ne...
reactionaryisms 35 24 REACTIONARYISM, the...
realisabilities 30 20 REALISABILITY, the q...
realizabilities 33 29 REALIZABILITY, the q...
reappraisements 29 25 REAPPRAISEMENT, the...
reasonabilities 27 20 REASONABILITY, the s...
recalcitrancies 35 26 RECALCITRANCY, the s...
recalcitrations 32 23 RECALCITRATION, refr...
recallabilities 34 24 RECALLABILITY, the s...
recanalisations 27 21 RECANALISATION, the...
recanalizations 30 30 RECANALIZATION, the...
recapitulations 31 24 RECAPITULATION, a co...
receivabilities 34 26 RECEIVABILITY, the q...
receptibilities 35 25 RECEPTIBILITY, the s...
receptivenesses 31 26 RECEPTIVENESS, the s...
recessivenesses 29 23 RECESSIVENESS, the s...
reciprocalities 35 25 RECIPROCALITY, the s...
reclusivenesses 31 25 RECLUSIVENESS, RECLU...
recodifications 33 26 RECODIFICATION, the...
recollectedness 32 25 the state of being r...
recolonisations 27 21 RECOLONISATION, the...
recolonizations 30 30 RECOLONIZATION, the...
recommencements 32 32 RECOMMENCEMENT, a ne...
recommendations 28 27 RECOMMENDATION, the...
reconciliations 31 24 RECONCILIATION, the...
recondensations 25 22 RECONDENSATION, the...
reconditenesses 26 21 RECONDITENESS, the s...
reconfirmations 30 26 RECONFIRMATION, the...
reconnaissances 28 24 RECONNAISSANCE, a pr...
reconnoissances 28 24 RECONNOISSANCE, a pr...
reconsecrations 29 23 RECONSECRATION, the...
reconstitutions 28 21 RECONSTITUTION, the...
reconstructions 31 24 RECONSTRUCTION, the...
recoverableness 31 27 the state of being r...
recrementitious 29 23 of or like recrement...
recrudescencies 34 27 RECRUDESCENCY, a new...
rectipetalities 32 22 RECTIPETALITY, the t...
recursivenesses 30 24 RECURSIVENESS, the s...
redeemabilities 29 23 REDEEMABILITY, the q...
redintegrations 25 20 REDINTEGRATION, revi...
redistillations 28 19 REDISTILLATION, the...
redistributions 29 21 REDISTRIBUTION, the...
redoubtableness 29 25 REDOUBTABLE, causing...
reduciblenesses 31 25 REDUCIBLENESS, the s...
reductivenesses 30 25 REDUCTIVENESS, the s...
reeligibilities 32 22 REELIGIBILITY, the s...
reflectometries 32 25 REFLECTOMETRY, measu...
reflexibilities 39 30 REFLEXIBILITY, the s...
reflexivenesses 35 31 REFLEXIVENESS, REFLE...
reformabilities 32 25 REFORMABILITY, the s...
reformationists 28 22 REFORMATIONIST, a su...
refractometries 31 24 REFRACTOMETRY, measu...
refrangibleness 30 26 REFRANGIBLE, that ma...
refrigeratories 28 20 REFRIGERATORY, a ref...
refundabilities 31 25 REFUNDABILITY, the s...
regardfulnesses 29 24 REGARDFULNESS, REGAR...
regretfulnesses 29 23 REGRETFULNESS, REGRE...
regularisations 27 20 REGULARISATION, the...
regularizations 30 29 REGULARIZATION, the...
rehabilitations 30 22 REHABILITATION, the...
reimplantations 28 24 REIMPLANTATION, the...
reinstallations 26 19 REINSTALLATION, the...
reintroductions 28 22 REINTRODUCTION, the...
reinvigorations 27 23 REINVIGORATION, the...
rejuvenescences 33 37 REJUVENESCENCE, a re...
relativisations 28 21 RELATIVISATION, the...
relativizations 31 30 RELATIVIZATION, the...
religiousnesses 27 20 RELIGIOUSNESS, the s...
relinquishments 38 33 RELINQUISHMENT, the...
remanufacturers 31 27 REMANUFACTURER, one...
remarkabilities 31 26 REMARKABILITY, the q...
remediabilities 30 23 REMEDIABILITY, the s...
remissibilities 32 22 REMISSIBILITY, the s...
remobilisations 29 23 REMOBILISATION, the...
remobilizations 32 32 REMOBILIZATION, the...
remonetisations 24 20 REMONETISATION, the...
remonetizations 27 29 REMONETIZATION, the...
remoralisations 26 20 REMORALISATION, the...
remoralizations 29 29 REMORALIZATION, the...
remorselessness 26 20 the state of being r...
removablenesses 29 27 REMOVABLENESS, REMOV...
reorganisations 24 19 REORGANISATION, the...
reorganizations 27 28 REORGANIZATION, the...
repairabilities 31 22 REPAIRABILITY, the s...
repeatabilities 30 22 REPEATABILITY, the s...
repetitiousness 27 20 REPETITIOUS, charact...
replicabilities 36 26 REPLICABILITY, the s...
repolarisations 27 20 REPOLARISATION, rest...
repolarizations 30 29 REPOLARIZATION, rest...
reposefulnesses 29 24 REPOSEFULNESS, the s...
representations 25 20 REPRESENTATION, an a...
representatives 28 23 REPRESENTATIVE, one...
repristinations 27 20 REPRISTINATION, the...
reproachfulness 35 29 REPROACHFUL, reprovi...
repudiationists 28 21 REPUDIATIONIST, a pe...
repulsivenesses 30 25 REPULSIVENESS, the s...
requisitenesses 33 26 REQUISITENESS, the s...
requisitionists 35 26 REQUISITIONIST, a pe...
reregistrations 26 18 REREGISTRATION, the...
resectabilities 32 22 RESECTABILITY, the s...
resentfulnesses 27 22 RESENTFULNESS, the s...
reservationists 27 20 RESERVATIONIST, one...
resinifications 30 23 RESINIFICATION, the...
resistibilities 31 19 RESISTIBILITY, the s...
resistivenesses 27 20 RESISTIVENESS, RESIS...
resolublenesses 28 22 RESOLUBLENESS, the s...
resolvabilities 32 24 RESOLVABILITY, the q...
resourcefulness 31 25 the state of being r...
respectabilises 34 25 RESPECTABILISE, to m...
respectabilizes 37 34 RESPECTABILIZE, to m...
respectableness 32 26 the state of being r...
respirabilities 32 22 RESPIRABILITY, the q...
respiritualises 30 20 RESPIRITUALISE, to s...
respiritualizes 33 29 RESPIRITUALIZE, to s...
responsibleness 29 24 the state of being r...
restitutionisms 28 20 RESTITUTIONISM, the...
restitutionists 27 17 RESTITUTIONIST, a be...
restorationisms 26 19 RESTORATIONISM, the...
restorationists 25 16 RESTORATIONIST, a be...
restrictionisms 31 22 RESTRICTIONISM, a po...
restrictionists 30 19 RESTRICTIONIST, a su...
restrictiveness 31 23 RESTRICTIVE, of or r...
retaliationists 26 17 RETALIATIONIST, one...
retentivenesses 25 21 RETENTIVENESS, the s...
retinoblastomas 28 23 RETINOBLASTOMA, a tu...
retransmissions 26 20 RETRANSMISSION, the...
retrievableness 29 24 RETRIEVABLE, that ca...
retroactiveness 29 23 the state of being r...
retroactivities 31 22 RETROACTIVITY, the s...
retrocognitions 28 22 RETROCOGNITION, extr...
retrogradations 25 19 RETROGRADATION, the...
retromingencies 29 25 RETROMINGENCY, urina...
retroreflectors 31 22 RETROREFLECTOR, a de...
returnabilities 29 21 RETURNABILITY, the q...
revalorisations 27 21 REVALORISATION, the...
revalorizations 30 30 REVALORIZATION, the...
revealabilities 31 24 REVEALABILITY, the q...
revealingnesses 27 24 REVEALINGNESS, the s...
reverberatories 28 22 REVERBERATORY [n]
reversibilities 32 23 REVERSIBILITY, the s...
revitalisations 28 21 REVITALISATION, the...
revitalizations 31 30 REVITALIZATION, the...
revivifications 35 30 REVIVIFICATION, the...
revocablenesses 31 27 REVOCABLENESS, the q...
revolutionaries 27 22 REVOLUTIONARY, one e...
revolutionisers 28 22 REVOLUTIONISER, one...
revolutionizers 31 31 REVOLUTIONIZER, one...
rheumatologists 31 24 RHEUMATOLOGIST, one...
rhinencephalons 33 29 RHINENCEPHALON, the...
rhombenporphyrs 43 34 RHOMBENPORPHYR, an i...
rhombporphyries 44 33 RHOMBPORPHYRY, an in...
rhyparographers 41 29 RHYPAROGRAPHER, one...
rhyparographies 41 29 RHYPAROGRAPHY, genre...
ribonucleosides 31 25 RIBONUCLEOSIDE, a nu...
ribonucleotides 31 25 RIBONUCLEOTIDE, a nu...
rightablenesses 31 24 RIGHTABLENESS, the s...
righteousnesses 28 21 RIGHTEOUSNESS, the s...
rigidifications 33 25 RIGIDIFICATION, the...
riverworthiness 33 25 the state of being r...
roentgenographs 29 26 ROENTGENOGRAPH, an X...
roentgenologies 25 22 ROENTGENOLOGY, radio...
roentgenoscopes 28 25 ROENTGENOSCOPE, an a...
romanticalities 30 23 ROMANTICALITY, the s...
rontgenisations 24 20 RONTGENISATION, the...
rontgenizations 27 29 RONTGENIZATION, the...
rontgenologists 27 22 RONTGENOLOGIST, a sp...
rontgenoscopies 29 25 RONTGENOSCOPY, obser...
rostrocarinates 27 19 ROSTROCARINATE, a su...
roundheadedness 25 23 the state of being r...
rudimentariness 26 22 the state of being r...
rumblegumptions 35 33 RUMBLEGUMPTION, (Sco...
rumbustiousness 30 25 the state of being r...
rummelgumptions 34 33 RUMMELGUMPTION, comm...
rummlegumptions 34 33 RUMMLEGUMPTION, comm...
rumormongerings 29 28 RUMORMONGERING, the...
sabermetricians 31 25 SABERMETRICIAN, a st...
saccharimetries 35 26 SACCHARIMETRY, the m...
saccharisations 33 24 SACCHARISATION, the...
saccharizations 36 33 SACCHARIZATION, the...
saccharometries 34 26 SACCHAROMETRY, the p...
saccharomycetes 43 31 SACCHAROMYCES, any o...
sacramentalisms 31 26 SACRAMENTALISM, beli...
sacramentalists 30 23 SACRAMENTALIST, an e...
sacramentalness 28 24 the state of being s...
sacramentarians 27 23 SACRAMENTARIAN, a pe...
sacrosanctities 31 22 SACROSANCTITY, the s...
sagaciousnesses 28 22 SAGACIOUSNESS, the s...
salaciousnesses 28 21 SALACIOUSNESS, the s...
salpingectomies 33 28 SALPINGECTOMY, surgi...
sanctifications 33 26 SANCTIFICATION, an a...
sanguifications 31 26 SANGUIFICATION, bloo...
sanguineousness 24 22 SANGUINEOUS, bloodre...
sanguinolencies 28 25 SANGUINOLENCY, the s...
sansculotteries 29 21 SANSCULOTTERIE, (Fre...
saponaceousness 27 24 the state of being s...
saponifications 31 26 SAPONIFICATION, the...
saprogenicities 31 24 SAPROGENICITY, the s...
sarcenchymatous 40 30 of or like a sarcenc...
sarraceniaceous 29 23 belonging to the Sar...
satanicalnesses 27 21 SATANICALNESS, the s...
satiricalnesses 29 20 SATIRICALNESS, the s...
sauropterygians 34 24 SAUROPTERYGIAN, any...
scandalisations 28 22 SCANDALISATION, the...
scandalizations 31 31 SCANDALIZATION, the...
scaphocephalics 44 35 SCAPHOCEPHALIC, some...
scaphocephalies 40 32 SCAPHOCEPHALY, havin...
scaphocephalous 40 33 having an abnormally...
scaremongerings 30 27 SCAREMONGERING, rais...
scathefulnesses 33 26 SCATHEFULNESS, the s...
scentlessnesses 28 21 SCENTLESSNESS, the s...
schematisations 31 24 SCHEMATISATION, the...
schematizations 34 33 SCHEMATIZATION, the...
schistosomiases 32 23 SCHISTOSOMIASIS, a d...
schistosomiasis 33 23 a disease caused by...
scholarlinesses 32 23 SCHOLARLINESS, the s...
schoolteachings 37 29 SCHOOLTEACHING, teac...
scientificities 35 25 SCIENTIFICITY, the s...
scintillascopes 36 27 SCINTILLASCOPE, an i...
scintillometers 32 24 SCINTILLOMETER, inst...
scintilloscopes 36 27 SCINTILLOSCOPE, an i...
sclerodermatous 30 24 hard-skinned; having...
sclerotisations 29 20 SCLEROTISATION, the...
sclerotizations 32 29 SCLEROTIZATION, the...
scorchingnesses 34 27 SCORCHINGNESS, the s...
scratchbuilders 39 29 SCRATCHBUILDER, one...
scribaciousness 34 26 (archaic) the state...
scrumptiousness 33 27 the state of being s...
searchingnesses 30 24 SEARCHINGNESS, SEARC...
seasonabilities 27 20 SEASONABILITY, appro...
seaworthinesses 29 21 SEAWORTHINESS, the s...
seclusivenesses 31 25 SECLUSIVENESS, the s...
secondarinesses 26 21 SECONDARINESS, the s...
secretivenesses 29 23 SECRETIVENESS, the s...
sectionisations 27 20 SECTIONISATION, the...
sectionizations 30 29 SECTIONIZATION, the...
secularisations 29 21 SECULARISATION, the...
secularizations 32 30 SECULARIZATION, the...
securitisations 29 20 SECURITISATION, the...
securitizations 32 29 SECURITIZATION, the...
sedentarinesses 23 18 SEDENTARINESS, the s...
sedimentologies 27 23 SEDIMENTOLOGY, the s...
seditiousnesses 25 18 SEDITIOUSNESS, the s...
seductivenesses 30 25 SEDUCTIVENESS, the s...
segregationists 27 20 SEGREGATIONIST, a pe...
selectivenesses 30 24 SELECTIVENESS, the s...
selenographists 31 24 SELENOGRAPHIST, one...
semicentennials 28 25 SEMICENTENNIAL, a 50...
semiconductions 32 28 SEMICONDUCTION, the...
semiparasitisms 31 24 SEMIPARASITISM, the...
semiretirements 27 22 SEMIRETIREMENT, the...
sensationalises 24 18 SENSATIONALISE, to m...
sensationalisms 26 21 SENSATIONALISM, the...
sensationalists 25 18 SENSATIONALIST, one...
sensationalizes 27 27 SENSATIONALIZE, to p...
sensitivenesses 26 21 SENSITIVENESS, the s...
sensualisations 25 19 SENSUALISATION, the...
sensualizations 28 28 SENSUALIZATION, the...
sententiousness 23 19 the state of being s...
sentimentalises 26 21 SENTIMENTALISE, to i...
sentimentalisms 28 24 SENTIMENTALISM, the...
sentimentalists 27 21 SENTIMENTALIST, one...
sentimentalizes 29 30 SENTIMENTALIZE, to i...
separablenesses 28 23 SEPARABLENESS, the s...
septuagenarians 26 23 SEPTUAGENARIAN, a pe...
sequentialities 34 27 SEQUENTIALITY, the s...
sericitisations 29 19 SERICITISATION, conv...
sericitizations 32 28 SERICITIZATION, conv...
seroconversions 28 24 SEROCONVERSION, the...
serviceableness 32 27 the state of being s...
servomechanisms 34 31 SERVOMECHANISM, an a...
sesquipedalians 36 31 SESQUIPEDALIAN, a po...
sesquisulphides 41 33 SESQUISULPHIDE, a co...
shamefastnesses 29 24 SHAMEFASTNESS, SHAME...
shamelessnesses 28 22 SHAMELESSNESS, the s...
shapelessnesses 29 22 SHAPELESSNESS, the s...
sherardisations 27 19 SHERARDISATION, the...
sherardizations 30 28 SHERARDIZATION, the...
shiftlessnesses 31 22 SHIFTLESSNESS, the s...
shillingsworths 38 27 SHILLINGSWORTH, good...
shillyshalliers 42 25 SHILLYSHALLIER, one...
shockumentaries 32 29 SHOCKUMENTARY, a doc...
showerproofings 35 29 SHOWERPROOFING, the...
sightlessnesses 30 21 SIGHTLESSNESS, the s...
sigmoidectomies 32 27 SIGMOIDECTOMY, remov...
sigmoidoscopies 33 27 SIGMOIDOSCOPY, exami...
silicifications 36 26 SILICIFICATION, a pr...
silversmithings 35 28 SILVERSMITHING, the...
silviculturists 37 26 SILVICULTURIST, one...
simplifications 36 29 SIMPLIFICATION, the...
sinterabilities 29 20 SINTERABILITY, the c...
skepticalnesses 32 27 SKEPTICALNESS, the s...
sketchabilities 36 28 SKETCHABILITY, the q...
slaughterhouses 32 24 SLAUGHTERHOUSE, an e...
sleeplessnesses 28 21 SLEEPLESSNESS, the s...
slumbrousnesses 30 25 SLUMBROUSNESS, the s...
smokelessnesses 27 24 SMOKELESSNESS, the s...
snippersnappers 33 29 SNIPPERSNAPPER, a wh...
sociobiologists 33 24 SOCIOBIOLOGIST, one...
softheartedness 28 22 the state of being s...
solderabilities 30 21 SOLDERABILITY, the s...
soldierlinesses 27 19 SOLDIERLINESS, the s...
solidifications 32 24 SOLIDIFICATION, the...
solitudinarians 26 20 SOLITUDINARIAN, a re...
solubilisations 30 22 SOLUBILISATION, the...
solubilizations 33 31 SOLUBILIZATION, the...
somnambulations 29 28 SOMNAMBULATION, slee...
soothfastnesses 28 21 SOOTHFASTNESS, the s...
sophistications 33 24 SOPHISTICATION, the...
sorrowfulnesses 31 24 SORROWFULNESS, the s...
soundlessnesses 25 20 SOUNDLESSNESS, the s...
southeasterlies 28 19 SOUTHEASTERLY, a win...
southerlinesses 28 20 SOUTHERLINESS, the s...
southwesterlies 32 22 SOUTHWESTERLY, a win...
spatialisations 28 20 SPATIALISATION, the...
spatializations 31 29 SPATIALIZATION, the...
specialisations 31 23 SPECIALISATION, the...
specializations 34 32 SPECIALIZATION, the...
spectrographies 36 28 SPECTROGRAPHY, the u...
spectroscopists 37 27 SPECTROSCOPIST, one...
speculativeness 33 28 SPECULATIVE, involvi...
speechfulnesses 35 29 SPEECHFULNESS, the s...
speleotherapies 31 24 SPELEOTHERAPY, an al...
spermatogeneses 27 24 SPERMATOGENESIS, the...
spermatogenesis 28 24 the formation of spe...
spermatorrhoeas 29 23 SPERMATORRHOEA, invo...
sphaerocrystals 40 26 SPHAEROCRYSTAL, a ro...
sphericalnesses 33 25 SPHERICALNESS, the s...
spheroidicities 34 24 SPHEROIDICITY, the s...
sphygmographies 44 34 SPHYGMOGRAPHY, the m...
spinelessnesses 27 21 SPINELESSNESS, the s...
spinthariscopes 35 27 SPINTHARISCOPE, an i...
spiritousnesses 28 20 SPIRITOUSNESS, the s...
spiritualnesses 29 21 SPIRITUALNESS, the s...
spironolactones 29 24 SPIRONOLACTONE, a sy...
splanchnologies 34 29 SPLANCHNOLOGY, the s...
spontaneousness 24 22 the state of being s...
sporangiophores 31 26 SPORANGIOPHORE, a st...
sporangiospores 29 24 SPORANGIOSPORE, a sp...
spreadabilities 31 23 SPREADABILITY, the s...
sprightlinesses 33 24 SPRIGHTLINESS, the s...
spritefulnesses 31 24 SPRITEFULNESS, the s...
squeamishnesses 36 31 SQUEAMISHNESS, the s...
squeezabilities 40 38 SQUEEZABILITY, the s...
stadholderships 34 25 STADHOLDERSHIP, the...
stadtholderates 28 20 STADTHOLDERATE, the...
stainlessnesses 25 18 STAINLESSNESS, the s...
stalagmometries 29 24 STALAGMOMETRY, measu...
standoffishness 31 26 the state of being s...
statelessnesses 25 17 STATELESSNESS, the c...
steadfastnesses 26 20 STEADFASTNESS, the s...
steeplechasings 34 27 STEEPLECHASING, the...
steganographers 30 25 STEGANOGRAPHER, a cr...
steganographies 30 25 STEGANOGRAPHY, the p...
stegocephalians 33 27 STEGOCEPHALIAN, any...
steroidogeneses 24 19 STEROIDOGENESIS, the...
steroidogenesis 25 19 the synthesis of ste...
stigmatisations 28 21 STIGMATISATION, the...
stigmatizations 31 30 STIGMATIZATION, the...
stigmatophilias 34 26 STIGMATOPHILIA, an o...
stockbrokerages 33 31 STOCKBROKERAGE, the...
stoechiometries 31 23 STOECHIOMETRY, the b...
stoicheiologies 32 23 STOICHEIOLOGY, the b...
stoichiometries 32 23 STOICHIOMETRY, the b...
stomatoplasties 29 22 STOMATOPLASTY, plast...
stonelessnesses 24 18 STONELESSNESS, the s...
strabismometers 30 24 STRABISMOMETER, an i...
straightjackets 36 35 STRAIGHTJACKET, a st...
straitlacedness 29 21 the state of being s...
straticulations 30 21 STRATICULATION, the...
stratifications 31 22 STRATIFICATION, (geo...
stratigraphists 33 22 STRATIGRAPHIST, a pr...
stratovolcanoes 29 24 STRATOVOLCANO, a com...
strenuousnesses 24 19 STRENUOUSNESS, the s...
streptobacillus 36 27 any of a genus of ro...
streptocarpuses 33 25 STREPTOCARPUS, any f...
streptothricins 34 24 STREPTOTHRICIN, any...
stressfulnesses 29 21 STRESSFULNESS, the s...
strikebreakings 31 29 STRIKEBREAKING, acti...
stringentnesses 25 20 STRINGENTNESS, the s...
strobilisations 29 20 STROBILISATION, prod...
strobilizations 32 29 STROBILIZATION, prod...
strombuliferous 33 27 bearing spirally coi...
strongyloidoses 33 22 STRONGYLOIDOSIS, an...
strongyloidosis 34 22 an intestinal diseas...
stultifications 33 24 STULTIFICATION, the...
stylelessnesses 33 20 STYLELESSNESS, the s...
subaggregations 30 26 SUBAGGREGATION, a pa...
subalternations 27 22 SUBALTERNATION, the...
subassociations 30 23 SUBASSOCIATION, a su...
subcontractings 35 29 SUBCONTRACTING, the...
subdevelopments 33 32 SUBDEVELOPMENT, a su...
subinfeudations 29 26 SUBINFEUDATION, the...
subinsinuations 27 23 SUBINSINUATION, some...
submetacentrics 35 29 SUBMETACENTRIC, a ch...
subminiaturises 30 24 SUBMINIATURISE, to r...
subminiaturizes 33 33 SUBMINIATURIZE, to r...
subordinateness 26 22 the state of being s...
subproletariats 31 23 SUBPROLETARIAT, the...
subspecialities 35 26 SUBSPECIALITY, a sub...
substantialises 29 21 SUBSTANTIALISE, to m...
substantialisms 31 24 SUBSTANTIALISM, the...
substantialists 30 21 SUBSTANTIALIST, a be...
substantializes 32 30 SUBSTANTIALIZE, to m...
substantialness 28 22 the state of being s...
substantiations 27 21 SUBSTANTIATION, the...
substantiveness 29 25 the state of being s...
substantivities 31 24 SUBSTANTIVITY, the s...
subterrestrials 30 20 SUBTERRESTRIAL, a su...
subversionaries 29 24 SUBVERSIONARY, a sub...
sufficingnesses 34 29 SUFFICINGNESS, the s...
suggestibleness 31 25 the state of being s...
sulfamethazines 34 35 SULFAMETHAZINE, an A...
sulfinpyrazones 39 36 SULFINPYRAZONE, a ur...
sulfurousnesses 29 23 SULFUROUSNESS, the s...
sulphacetamides 35 29 SULPHACETAMIDE, a su...
sulphanilamides 33 28 SULPHANILAMIDE, a wh...
sulphathiazoles 37 34 SULPHATHIAZOLE, a su...
sulphonmethanes 32 29 SULPHONMETHANE, a co...
sulphureousness 31 25 the state of being s...
sulphurisations 32 24 SULPHURISATION, the...
sulphurizations 35 33 SULPHURIZATION, the...
sumptuousnesses 29 25 SUMPTUOUSNESS, the q...
superablenesses 29 24 SUPERABLENESS, the s...
superabsorbents 31 26 SUPERABSORBENT, an e...
superabundances 31 29 SUPERABUNDANCE, extr...
superactivities 34 26 SUPERACTIVITY, the s...
superannuations 25 23 SUPERANNUATION, the...
supercargoships 37 29 SUPERCARGOSHIP, the...
supercomputings 36 32 SUPERCOMPUTING, comp...
superconductors 34 28 SUPERCONDUCTOR, a ma...
supercontinents 29 25 SUPERCONTINENT, a hy...
superelevations 29 25 SUPERELEVATION, the...
supererogations 27 22 SUPEREROGATION, the...
superficialises 35 26 SUPERFICIALISE, to m...
superficializes 38 35 SUPERFICIALIZE, to m...
superficialness 34 27 the state of being s...
superfinenesses 28 24 SUPERFINENESS, the s...
superfluidities 33 25 SUPERFLUIDITY, the s...
superfluousness 31 26 the state of being s...
superfoetations 28 23 SUPERFOETATION, a se...
superhumanities 31 26 SUPERHUMANITY, the s...
superinductions 31 26 SUPERINDUCTION, the...
superinfections 32 27 SUPERINFECTION, an i...
superintendents 26 23 SUPERINTENDENT, one...
superlativeness 30 25 the state of being s...
supermajorities 31 31 SUPERMAJORITY, a maj...
supernumeraries 28 24 SUPERNUMERARY, an ac...
supernutritions 28 22 SUPERNUTRITION, exce...
superovulations 30 26 SUPEROVULATION, prod...
superphosphates 36 29 SUPERPHOSPHATE, acid...
superscriptions 34 26 SUPERSCRIPTION, some...
superspectacles 37 29 SUPERSPECTACLE, an e...
superstimulates 31 24 SUPERSTIMULATE, to s...
superstructions 32 24 SUPERSTRUCTION, the...
superstructures 33 24 SUPERSTRUCTURE, all...
supersubtleties 32 24 SUPERSUBTLETY, the s...
supersymmetries 37 27 SUPERSYMMETRY, the c...
supervisorships 36 28 SUPERVISORSHIP, the...
supplementaries 31 27 SUPPLEMENTARY [n]
supportableness 32 27 the state of being s...
suppositionless 31 24 without supposition...
suppressiveness 32 27 the state of being s...
supralapsarians 30 24 SUPRALAPSARIAN, one...
survivabilities 35 28 SURVIVABILITY, the s...
susceptibleness 34 27 the state of being s...
suspectednesses 30 24 SUSPECTEDNESS, the s...
suspensefulness 30 26 the state of being s...
swellheadedness 31 25 the state of being s...
syllabographies 41 29 SYLLABOGRAPHY, use o...
symbolographies 41 31 SYMBOLOGRAPHY, symbo...
symmetricalness 38 28 the state of being s...
symmetrisations 34 24 SYMMETRISATION, the...
symmetrizations 37 33 SYMMETRIZATION, the...
symmetrophobias 40 31 SYMMETROPHOBIA, fear...
sympathectomies 41 31 SYMPATHECTOMY, the s...
symphyseotomies 44 30 SYMPHYSEOTOMY, the o...
symphysiotomies 45 30 SYMPHYSIOTOMY, the o...
synaposematisms 35 27 SYNAPOSEMATISM, warn...
synchronicities 40 27 SYNCHRONICITY, the c...
synchronologies 37 27 SYNCHRONOLOGY, a chr...
synchronoscopes 40 30 SYNCHRONOSCOPE, an i...
synchronousness 35 26 the state of being s...
syncretisations 34 22 SYNCRETISATION, the...
syncretizations 37 31 SYNCRETIZATION, the...
synthesisations 33 21 SYNTHESISATION, the...
synthesizations 36 30 SYNTHESIZATION, the...
synthetisations 33 21 SYNTHETISATION, the...
synthetizations 36 30 SYNTHETIZATION, the...
systematologies 34 23 SYSTEMATOLOGY, the s...
tabularisations 28 21 TABULARISATION, the...
tabularizations 31 30 TABULARIZATION, the...
talkativenesses 28 25 TALKATIVENESS, TALKA...
tangentialities 26 20 TANGENTIALITY, the s...
tarsometatarsus 26 19 a long bone in the l...
tastelessnesses 25 17 TASTELESSNESS, the s...
tatterdemalions 26 21 TATTERDEMALION, a pe...
teachablenesses 31 25 TEACHABLENESS, the s...
technicalnesses 33 26 TECHNICALNESS, the s...
telangiectasias 29 22 TELANGIECTASIA, an a...
telautographies 31 24 TELAUTOGRAPHY, trans...
teleconferences 31 27 TELECONFERENCE, a me...
teleconnections 29 25 TELECONNECTION, conn...
telejournalisms 30 31 TELEJOURNALISM, jour...
telejournalists 29 28 TELEJOURNALIST, a jo...
telephotographs 35 28 TELEPHOTOGRAPH, a ph...
teleprocessings 32 25 TELEPROCESSING, remo...
teletypewriters 38 24 TELETYPEWRITER, a pr...
telomerisations 26 20 TELOMERISATION, the...
telomerizations 29 29 TELOMERIZATION, the...
temerariousness 25 20 the state of being t...
temperabilities 32 25 TEMPERABILITY, the q...
temperatenesses 26 22 TEMPERATENESS, the s...
tempestuousness 28 24 the state of being t...
temporarinesses 27 22 TEMPORARINESS, the s...
temptablenesses 30 26 TEMPTABLENESS, the s...
tenaciousnesses 26 21 TENACIOUSNESS, the s...
tendenciousness 26 23 the state of being t...
tendentiousness 23 20 the state of being t...
tenebrousnesses 25 21 TENEBROUSNESS, the s...
tenosynovitises 32 23 TENOSYNOVITIS, infla...
tenovaginitises 27 23 TENOVAGINITIS, infla...
tentaculiferous 31 25 having tentacles [ad...
tentativenesses 25 21 TENTATIVENESS, the s...
teratogenicists 29 21 TERATOGENICIST, one...
tergiversations 28 22 TERGIVERSATION, dese...
terminabilities 30 23 TERMINABILITY, the q...
terrestrialness 26 17 the state of being t...
territorialises 27 16 TERRITORIALISE, to o...
territorialisms 29 19 TERRITORIALISM, a so...
territorialists 28 16 TERRITORIALIST, a su...
territorializes 30 25 TERRITORIALIZE, to o...
testimonialises 27 20 TESTIMONIALISE, to p...
testimonializes 30 29 TESTIMONIALIZE, to p...
tetartohedrisms 29 21 TETARTOHEDRISM, the...
tetrabasicities 31 21 TETRABASICITY, the s...
tetraethylleads 35 22 TETRAETHYLLEAD, a co...
tetragrammatons 27 24 TETRAGRAMMATON, a sa...
thalassocracies 34 24 THALASSOCRACY, sover...
thalattocracies 34 24 THALATTOCRACY, sover...
thanatographies 31 25 THANATOGRAPHY, the n...
thanklessnesses 28 24 THANKLESSNESS, the s...
thankworthiness 33 28 the state of being t...
thaumatolatries 29 22 THAUMATOLATRY, the w...
theatricalities 32 21 THEATRICALITY, the s...
theocentricisms 35 27 THEOCENTRICISM, the...
theologisations 28 21 THEOLOGISATION, the...
theologizations 31 30 THEOLOGIZATION, the...
theriomorphisms 35 28 THERIOMORPHISM, the...
theriomorphoses 32 25 THERIOMORPHOSIS, tra...
theriomorphosis 33 25 transformation into...
thermaesthesias 30 22 THERMAESTHESIA, sens...
thermalisations 29 22 THERMALISATION, the...
thermalizations 32 31 THERMALIZATION, the...
thermochromisms 37 31 THERMOCHROMISM, a ph...
thermoelectrons 31 25 THERMOELECTRON, an e...
thermojunctions 33 35 THERMOJUNCTION, a ju...
thermoreceptors 33 26 THERMORECEPTOR, a se...
thermoregulates 30 24 THERMOREGULATE, to r...
thermotherapies 32 25 THERMOTHERAPY, the t...
thickheadedness 33 29 the state of being t...
thimbleriggings 37 31 THIMBLERIGGING, the...
thinkablenesses 30 27 THINKABLENESS, the s...
thoracocenteses 31 24 THORACOCENTESIS, sur...
thoracocentesis 32 24 surgery performed to...
thoracoplasties 33 24 THORACOPLASTY, surge...
thoughtlessness 32 24 the state of being t...
threefoldnesses 29 23 THREEFOLDNESS, the s...
thremmatologies 31 26 THREMMATOLOGY, the s...
thrillingnesses 31 23 THRILLINGNESS, the s...
thromboplastins 34 28 THROMBOPLASTIN, a co...
thyroidectomies 38 26 THYROIDECTOMY, the s...
tightfistedness 32 24 the state of being t...
tintinnabulates 27 23 TINTINNABULATE, to r...
toastmistresses 27 18 TOASTMISTRESS, a wom...
tolerablenesses 27 21 TOLERABLENESS, the s...
tomboyishnesses 36 26 TOMBOYISHNESS, the s...
tonsillectomies 31 24 TONSILLECTOMY, the s...
toothsomenesses 26 21 TOOTHSOMENESS, the s...
topochemistries 34 26 TOPOCHEMISTRY, the s...
torrentialities 26 17 TORRENTIALITY, the s...
touchablenesses 32 26 TOUCHABLENESS, the s...
traceablenesses 29 23 TRACEABLENESS, the s...
tracklessnesses 30 24 TRACKLESSNESS, the s...
tractablenesses 30 23 TRACTABLENESS, the s...
traditionalises 26 18 TRADITIONALISE, to m...
traditionalisms 28 21 TRADITIONALISM, adhe...
traditionalists 27 18 TRADITIONALIST, an u...
traditionalizes 29 27 TRADITIONALIZE, to m...
transaminations 24 21 TRANSAMINATION, the...
transcendencies 29 25 TRANSCENDENCY, trans...
transcendentals 27 23 TRANSCENDENTAL, a tr...
transexualities 32 25 TRANSEXUALITY, the s...
transformations 27 23 TRANSFORMATION, an a...
transfusionists 28 21 TRANSFUSIONIST, a do...
transientnesses 23 18 TRANSIENTNESS, the s...
transliterators 26 17 TRANSLITERATOR, one...
translucidities 31 22 TRANSLUCIDITY, the q...
transmigrations 27 22 TRANSMIGRATION, pass...
transmittancies 29 23 TRANSMITTANCY, a mea...
transparentises 26 20 TRANSPARENTISE, to m...
transparentizes 29 29 TRANSPARENTIZE, to m...
transparentness 25 21 the state of being t...
transportations 26 20 TRANSPORTATION, an a...
transportedness 26 21 the state of being t...
transsexualisms 34 28 TRANSSEXUALISM, the...
transvaluations 27 23 TRANSVALUATION, the...
transvestitisms 30 23 TRANSVESTITISM, cros...
traumatisations 26 20 TRAUMATISATION, the...
traumatizations 29 29 TRAUMATIZATION, the...
traumatonasties 25 20 TRAUMATONASTY, a nas...
treacherousness 29 22 the state of being t...
treasonableness 25 21 the state of being t...
tremulousnesses 27 22 TREMULOUSNESS, the s...
triangularities 28 20 TRIANGULARITY, the s...
tributarinesses 28 20 TRIBUTARINESS, the s...
trichinisations 31 22 TRICHINISATION, the...
trichinizations 34 31 TRICHINIZATION, the...
trichomonacides 34 28 TRICHOMONACIDE, an a...
trihalomethanes 30 24 TRIHALOMETHANE, any...
triiodomethanes 27 22 TRIIODOMETHANE, anot...
trimethylamines 37 27 TRIMETHYLAMINE, a ga...
trinitrocresols 30 20 TRINITROCRESOL, a ye...
trinitrophenols 30 23 TRINITROPHENOL, a si...
trinitrotoluols 28 19 TRINITROTOLUOL, a po...
tripersonalisms 30 23 TRIPERSONALISM, beli...
tripersonalists 29 20 TRIPERSONALIST, one...
triphenylamines 37 28 TRIPHENYLAMINE, a cr...
trisoctahedrons 30 22 TRISOCTAHEDRON, a so...
trituberculisms 36 27 TRITUBERCULISM, the...
trivialisations 29 21 TRIVIALISATION, the...
trivializations 32 30 TRIVIALIZATION, the...
troubleshooters 30 22 TROUBLESHOOTER [n]
troublesomeness 28 24 the state of being t...
troublousnesses 28 22 TROUBLOUSNESS, the s...
trueheartedness 26 20 the state of being t...
trustlessnesses 27 18 TRUSTLESSNESS, the s...
trustworthiness 32 22 the state of being t...
truthlessnesses 29 20 TRUTHLESSNESS, the s...
trypanosomiases 33 24 TRYPANOSOMIASIS, inf...
trypanosomiasis 34 24 infection with or di...
tumorgenicities 31 25 TUMORGENICITY, the s...
turbogenerators 27 22 TURBOGENERATOR, an e...
tyndallimetries 35 24 TYNDALLIMETRY, the d...
tyrannosauruses 30 21 TYRANNOSAURUS, a lar...
tyrannousnesses 29 21 TYRANNOUSNESS, the s...
ubiquitinations 36 31 UBIQUITINATION, the...
ultimogenitures 29 24 ULTIMOGENITURE, inhe...
ultracrepidates 32 24 ULTRACREPIDATE, to c...
ultrafastidious 30 22 extremely fastidious...
ultramicrotomes 32 26 ULTRAMICROTOME, a mi...
ultramodernisms 29 25 ULTRAMODERNISM, an a...
ultramodernists 28 22 ULTRAMODERNIST, one...
ultramontanisms 28 25 ULTRAMONTANISM, the...
ultramontanists 27 22 ULTRAMONTANIST, one...
ultraprecisions 32 24 ULTRAPRECISION, extr...
ultrastructures 32 22 ULTRASTRUCTURE, biol...
ultravirilities 32 22 ULTRAVIRILITY, the s...
unacquaintances 37 35 UNACQUAINTANCE, lack...
unadvisableness 29 27 the state of being u...
unadvisednesses 26 24 UNADVISEDNESS, the s...
unalterableness 27 23 the state of being u...
unamiablenesses 27 25 UNAMIABLENESS, the s...
unanimousnesses 24 23 UNANIMOUSNESS, UNANI...
unappreciations 31 27 UNAPPRECIATION, fail...
unashamednesses 26 24 UNASHAMEDNESS, the s...
unavailableness 29 27 the state of being u...
unavoidableness 28 27 the state of being u...
unbelievingness 30 29 the state of being u...
unbendingnesses 26 26 UNBENDINGNESS, the s...
unbiassednesses 26 22 UNBIASSEDNESS, the s...
unblessednesses 27 23 UNBLESSEDNESS, the s...
unboundednesses 25 25 UNBOUNDEDNESS, the s...
unbridlednesses 28 24 UNBRIDLEDNESS, the s...
uncanonicalness 29 27 the state of being u...
unceasingnesses 27 24 UNCEASINGNESS, the s...
uncertainnesses 26 22 UNCERTAINNESS, the s...
unchristianises 31 23 UNCHRISTIANISE, to m...
unchristianizes 34 32 UNCHRISTIANIZE, to m...
uncircumcisions 37 31 UNCIRCUMCISION, the...
uncivilisedness 32 27 the state of being u...
uncivilizedness 35 36 the state of being u...
uncleanlinesses 28 24 UNCLEANLINESS, the s...
unclimbableness 35 32 the state of being u...
uncloudednesses 28 25 UNCLOUDEDNESS, the s...
unconcernedness 28 27 the state of being u...
unconnectedness 28 27 the state of being u...
unconscientious 30 26 not conscientious [a...
unconsciousness 30 26 the state of being u...
unconsentaneous 24 24 not in agreement [ad...
uncourtlinesses 29 23 UNCOURTLINESS, the s...
uncreatednesses 26 22 UNCREATEDNESS, the s...
undauntednesses 23 22 UNDAUNTEDNESS, the s...
undecidednesses 27 24 UNDECIDEDNESS, the s...
underactivities 31 25 UNDERACTIVITY, the s...
underemphasises 30 26 UNDEREMPHASISE, to e...
underemphasizes 33 35 UNDEREMPHASIZE, to e...
undergraduettes 26 22 UNDERGRADUETTE, a fe...
underhandedness 25 24 the state of being u...
underinflations 27 24 UNDERINFLATION, the...
undernicenesses 26 23 UNDERNICENESS, lack...
undernutritions 25 21 UNDERNUTRITION, defi...
understatements 25 22 UNDERSTATEMENT, the...
undervaluations 27 25 UNDERVALUATION, the...
undesirableness 27 23 the state of being u...
undividednesses 27 25 UNDIVIDEDNESS, the s...
undutifulnesses 29 25 UNDUTIFULNESS, the s...
unearthlinesses 27 21 UNEARTHLINESS, the s...
uneatablenesses 25 22 UNEATABLENESS, UNEAT...
unendurableness 26 25 the state of being u...
unequivocalness 38 36 the state of being u...
unfailingnesses 28 25 UNFAILINGNESS, the s...
unfamiliarities 30 24 UNFAMILIARITY, the s...
unfavorableness 30 29 the state of being u...
unfeelingnesses 27 25 UNFEELINGNESS, the s...
unfeignednesses 26 25 UNFEIGNEDNESS, the s...
unflappableness 34 32 the state of being u...
unforgivenesses 29 27 UNFORGIVENESS, the s...
unforgivingness 31 30 the state of being u...
unfortunateness 25 23 the state of being u...
unfossiliferous 31 25 not fossiliferous [a...
unfoundednesses 25 25 UNFOUNDEDNESS, the s...
ungenuinenesses 23 23 UNGENUINENESS, the s...
unguardednesses 25 23 UNGUARDEDNESS, the s...
unhealthfulness 33 28 the state of being u...
unhealthinesses 29 23 UNHEALTHINESS, the s...
unhelpfulnesses 33 29 UNHELPFULNESS, the q...
unhurtfulnesses 31 26 UNHURTFULNESS, the s...
uniformitarians 28 24 UNIFORMITARIAN, one...
unilateralities 27 19 UNILATERALITY, the s...
uninhibitedness 29 25 the state of being u...
unintelligences 30 26 UNINTELLIGENCE, a la...
universalnesses 27 23 UNIVERSALNESS, the s...
unknowabilities 32 29 UNKNOWABILITY, the s...
unknowingnesses 28 29 UNKNOWINGNESS, UNKNO...
unlearnednesses 23 21 UNLEARNEDNESS, the s...
unlimitednesses 27 23 UNLIMITEDNESS, the s...
unmeaningnesses 24 25 UNMEANINGNESS, the s...
unmelodiousness 26 24 the state of being u...
unmindfulnesses 29 28 UNMINDFULNESS, the s...
unmitigatedness 27 24 the state of being u...
unmusicalnesses 30 26 UNMUSICALNESS, UNMUS...
unnaturalnesses 24 21 UNNATURALNESS, the s...
unnecessariness 26 22 the state of being u...
unobtrusiveness 29 26 the state of being u...
unoriginalities 27 21 UNORIGINALITY, lack...
unpeaceableness 30 28 the state of being u...
unperfectnesses 31 27 UNPERFECTNESS, the s...
unpitifulnesses 31 26 UNPITIFULNESS, the s...
unpracticalness 34 28 the state of being u...
unpractisedness 30 25 the state of being u...
unprintableness 29 26 the state of being u...
unprofessionals 29 25 UNPROFESSIONAL, one...
unprotectedness 29 25 the state of being u...
unpunctualities 32 27 UNPUNCTUALITY, lack...
unqualifiedness 36 33 the state of being u...
unreadabilities 28 22 UNREADABILITY, the q...
unrelentingness 25 23 the state of being u...
unreliabilities 30 22 UNRELIABILITY, the q...
unremittingness 27 24 the state of being u...
unrestfulnesses 28 23 UNRESTFULNESS, the s...
unrestingnesses 25 21 UNRESTINGNESS, the s...
unrighteousness 28 23 the state of being u...
unrufflednesses 30 27 UNRUFFLEDNESS, the s...
unsaintlinesses 25 20 UNSAINTLINESS, the s...
unsaleabilities 29 22 UNSALEABILITY, the q...
unsatisfactions 30 24 UNSATISFACTION, lack...
unsatisfiedness 27 22 the state of being u...
unsavourinesses 26 23 UNSAVOURINESS, the s...
unseaworthiness 29 23 the state of being u...
unsectarianisms 29 24 UNSECTARIANISM, lack...
unselfconscious 34 29 not conscious of one...
unselfishnesses 30 24 UNSELFISHNESS, the s...
unseriousnesses 24 19 UNSERIOUSNESS, the s...
unsettlednesses 25 20 UNSETTLEDNESS, the s...
unshakeableness 29 28 the state of being u...
unsightlinesses 30 23 UNSIGHTLINESS, the s...
unskilfulnesses 31 28 UNSKILFULNESS, the s...
unsociabilities 32 24 UNSOCIABILITY, the s...
unsparingnesses 27 24 UNSPARINGNESS, the s...
unspeakableness 29 29 the state of being u...
unspiritualises 30 22 UNSPIRITUALISE, to m...
unspiritualizes 33 31 UNSPIRITUALIZE, to m...
unspottednesses 26 22 UNSPOTTEDNESS, the s...
unsteadfastness 26 22 the state of being u...
unsuitabilities 30 22 UNSUITABILITY, the q...
unsuspectedness 30 26 the state of being u...
untaintednesses 23 20 UNTAINTEDNESS, the s...
untamablenesses 27 25 UNTAMABLENESS, the s...
unteachableness 31 27 the state of being u...
untenablenesses 25 23 UNTENABLENESS, UNTEN...
unthinkableness 30 29 the state of being u...
unthriftinesses 30 23 UNTHRIFTINESS, the s...
untractableness 30 25 the state of being u...
untunablenesses 26 24 UNTUNABLENESS, the s...
untunefulnesses 27 25 UNTUNEFULNESS, the s...
unutterableness 27 23 the state of being u...
unweariednesses 26 22 UNWEARIEDNESS, the s...
unwelcomenesses 31 28 UNWELCOMENESS, the s...
unwholesomeness 30 27 the state of being u...
unwieldlinesses 30 24 UNWIELDLINESS, the s...
unwillingnesses 31 26 UNWILLINGNESS, the s...
unwittingnesses 29 24 UNWITTINGNESS, the s...
unwomanlinesses 28 26 UNWOMANLINESS, the s...
unworkabilities 33 28 UNWORKABILITY, the q...
unworldlinesses 30 24 UNWORLDLINESS, the s...
upgradabilities 33 26 UPGRADABILITY, the s...
uterogestations 25 19 UTEROGESTATION, gest...
utilitarianises 27 18 UTILITARIANISE, to m...
utilitarianisms 29 21 UTILITARIANISM, the...
utilitarianizes 30 27 UTILITARIANIZE, to m...
utterablenesses 27 21 UTTERABLENESS, the s...
valetudinarians 27 24 VALETUDINARIAN, a pe...
valuelessnesses 28 23 VALUELESSNESS, the s...
vapourabilities 33 27 VAPOURABILITY, the c...
vapourishnesses 31 26 VAPOURISHNESS, the s...
vasodilatations 27 22 VASODILATATION, dila...
venerablenesses 27 25 VENERABLENESS, the s...
venturesomeness 26 25 the state of being v...
venturousnesses 26 23 VENTUROUSNESS, the s...
veraciousnesses 29 24 VERACIOUSNESS, the s...
verifiabilities 34 26 VERIFIABILITY, the s...
verisimilitudes 32 25 VERISIMILITUDE, the...
veritablenesses 29 24 VERITABLENESS, the s...
verminousnesses 27 25 VERMINOUSNESS, the s...
vernacularities 31 25 VERNACULARITY, the s...
versatilenesses 27 21 VERSATILENESS, the s...
verticillasters 34 24 VERTICILLASTER, an i...
verticillations 33 25 VERTICILLATION, the...
vertiginousness 28 24 the state of being v...
vespertilionids 31 25 VESPERTILIONID, a me...
vexatiousnesses 32 28 VEXATIOUSNESS, the s...
vibroflotations 32 27 VIBROFLOTATION, a pr...
vicariousnesses 30 24 VICARIOUSNESS, the s...
vicissitudinous 33 26 full of, or subject...
videotelephones 30 27 VIDEOTELEPHONE, a te...
vindicabilities 35 28 VINDICABILITY, the q...
vindicativeness 32 29 the state of being v...
visionarinesses 26 21 VISIONARINESS, the s...
vitilitigations 31 23 VITILITIGATION, vexa...
vitriolisations 29 21 VITRIOLISATION, the...
vitriolizations 32 30 VITRIOLIZATION, the...
vivaciousnesses 32 28 VIVACIOUSNESS, the s...
vivisectionists 34 27 VIVISECTIONIST, one...
voicelessnesses 30 24 VOICELESSNESS, the s...
volatilisations 29 22 VOLATILISATION, the...
volatilizations 32 31 VOLATILIZATION, the...
voluntarinesses 27 23 VOLUNTARINESS, the s...
voraciousnesses 29 24 VORACIOUSNESS, the s...
vulnerabilities 32 26 VULNERABILITY, the s...
wappenschawings 41 36 WAPPENSCHAWING, (Sco...
warmheartedness 30 25 the state of being w...
warrantableness 29 24 the state of being w...
wasterfulnesses 31 24 WASTERFULNESS, the s...
watercolourists 33 23 WATERCOLOURIST, an a...
waterlessnesses 28 20 WATERLESSNESS, the s...
wearisomenesses 27 22 WEARISOMENESS, the s...
weatherisations 29 21 WEATHERISATION, the...
weatherizations 32 30 WEATHERIZATION, the...
weatherlinesses 30 22 WEATHERLINESS, the s...
weltanschauungs 35 30 WELTANSCHAUUNG, (Ger...
westernisations 27 20 WESTERNISATION, conv...
westernizations 30 29 WESTERNIZATION, conv...
whimsicalnesses 36 28 WHIMSICALNESS, the s...
whippersnappers 39 33 WHIPPERSNAPPER, a sm...
whistleblowings 40 31 WHISTLEBLOWING, the...
wholesomenesses 30 25 WHOLESOMENESS, the s...
whoremistresses 32 23 WHOREMISTRESS, (arch...
withdrawnnesses 33 26 WITHDRAWNNESS, the s...
woebegonenesses 27 25 WOEBEGONENESS, the s...
wonderfulnesses 30 26 WONDERFULNESS, the s...
worrisomenesses 28 22 WORRISOMENESS, the s...
worthlessnesses 31 22 WORTHLESSNESS, the s...
wrongheadedness 29 26 the state of being w...
xenotransplants 32 29 XENOTRANSPLANT, an o...
yellowishnesses 38 25 YELLOWISHNESS, the s...
yieldablenesses 34 24 YIELDABLENESS, the q...
zigzaggednesses 34 41 ZIGZAGGEDNESS, the s...
zinckifications 38 39 ZINCKIFICATION, the...
zinjanthropuses 34 41 ZINJANTHROPUS, a typ...
zoophysiologies 40 34 ZOOPHYSIOLOGY, the s...
zoophytologists 41 34 ZOOPHYTOLOGIST, one...
zoopsychologies 43 37 ZOOPSYCHOLOGY, the p...
zygobranchiates 42 37 ZYGOBRANCHIATE, a ty...
zygophyllaceous 51 41 belonging to the Zyg...