4 letter words that end with S

4 letter words that end with S

4 letter S word


Words With Friends®


aahs 8 6 AAH, to exclaim in s...
aals 7 5 AAL, an East Indian...
abas 8 7 ABA, a Syrian cloth...
abbs 11 10 ABB, a woof yarn [n]
abos 8 7 ABO, (short for) an...
abys 15 9 ABY, (archaic) to pa...
aces 9 7 ACE, to serve an unr...
acts 10 7 ACT, to do something...
adds 7 6 ADD, to compute the...
ados 6 5 ADO, bustle or fuss...
agas 7 6 AGA, a Turkish milit...
ages 7 6 AGE, to grow old [v]
ahis 9 6 AHI, a Hawaiian fish...
aias 6 4 AIA, in India, a mai...
aids 7 5 AID, to help [v]
ails 8 5 AIL, to be indispose...
aims 8 7 AIM, to direct a cou...
ains 6 5 AIN, a Hebrew letter...
airs 7 4 AIR, to make known p...
aits 7 4 AIT, a small island,...
ajis 9 13 AJI, a spicy pepper...
akas 7 8 AKA, (Maori) a New Z...
akes 7 8 AKE, to endure a dul...
alas 7 5 an interjection expr...
albs 10 8 ALB, a priest's long...
ales 7 5 ALE, a kind of beer,...
alfs 10 8 ALF, (Australian sla...
alls 9 6 ALL, the whole [n]
alms 9 8 money or goods given...
alps 10 8 ALP, a high mountain...
alts 8 5 ALT, a high musical...
alus 8 6 ALU, (Hindu) a potat...
amas 7 7 AMA, (Hindi) a nativ...
ames 7 7 AME, (French) a soul...
amis 8 7 a clerical garb worn...
amps 10 10 AMP, (Australian sla...
amus 8 8 AMU, a unit of mass...
anas 5 5 ANA, a collection of...
ands 6 6 AND, the symbol ampe...
anes 5 5 ANE, (Scots) one, al...
anis 6 5 ANI, a tropical Amer...
anns 5 6 ANN, (Scots) the hal...
ants 6 5 ANT, a small industr...
anus 6 6 the opening at the e...
apes 8 7 APE, to mimic [v]
apos 8 7 APO, (short for) apo...
apps 11 10 APP, (short for) app...
apts 9 7 APT, to adapt [v]
arbs 9 7 ARB, (short for) an...
arcs 10 7 ARC, to make an elec...
ards 7 5 ARD, a kind of primi...
ares 6 4 ARE, a unit of metri...
arfs 9 7 ARF, a barking sound...
aris 7 4 (Cockney slang) arse...
arks 8 8 ARK, to put into an...
arms 8 7 ARM, to supply with...
arts 7 4 ART, works of creati...
asks 8 8 ASK, to inquire or r...
asps 9 7 ASP, a venomous snak...
ates 6 4 ATE, reckless ambiti...
auas 6 5 AUA, (Maori) the yel...
aufs 9 8 AUF, (obsolete) an e...
auks 8 9 AUK, a type of seabi...
avas 8 8 AVA, an aromatic pla...
aves 8 8 AVE, hail [n]
avos 8 8 AVO, a monetary unit...
awes 9 7 AWE, to strike with...
awks 11 11 AWK, a computer-prog...
awls 11 8 AWL, a pointed tool...
awns 9 8 AWN, a beard on gras...
axes 12 11 AX, (US) to chop wit...
axis 13 11 the imaginary straig...
ayes 12 6 AYE, an affirmative...
ayus 13 7 AYU, a small edible...
baas 8 7 (Afrikaans) a boss [...
bacs 12 10 BAC, (short for) bac...
bads 9 8 BAD, something evil...
bags 10 9 BAG, to put in a pou...
bals 10 8 BAL, (short for) a b...
bams 10 10 BAM, to hoax or chea...
bans 8 8 BAN, to forbid or pr...
baps 11 10 BAP, a large flat br...
bars 9 7 BAR, to obstruct or...
bass 9 7 of a voice, low in p...
bats 9 7 BAT, to hit a ball w...
bays 15 9 BAY, to bark or howl...
beds 9 8 BED, to provide with...
bees 8 7 BEE, a four-winged i...
begs 10 9 BEG, to ask for [v]
bels 10 8 BEL, a noise measure...
bens 8 8 BEN, (Gaelic) a moun...
bets 9 7 BET, to wager [v]
beys 15 9 BEY, a Turkish gover...
bias 9 7 to cause to incline...
bibs 12 10 BIB, to tipple [v]
bids 10 8 BID, to make an offe...
bigs 11 9 BIG, to build [v]
bins 9 8 BIN, to store in a l...
bios 9 7 BIO, (short for) a b...
bits 10 7 BIT, to curb or rest...
boas 8 7 BOA, a large constri...
bobs 11 10 BOB, to move quickly...
bods 9 8 BOD, (colloquial) a...
bogs 10 9 BOG, to sink into a...
bohs 11 9 BOH, an exclamation...
bois 9 7 BOI, (slang) a lesbi...
boks 10 11 BOK, (South African)...
boos 8 7 BOO, to show disappr...
bops 11 10 BOP, to dance to pop...
bors 9 7 BOR, an East Anglian...
boss 9 7 to domineer over [v...
bots 9 7 BOT, to cadge [v]
bows 12 10 BOW, to bend or incl...
boys 15 9 BOY, to act a female...
bras 9 7 (Spenser) brass [n -...
bris 10 7 (Hebrew) a Jewish ci...
bros 9 7 BRO, buddy, pal, als...
brus 10 8 BRU, buddy, pal, als...
bubs 12 11 BUB, a young fellow...
buds 10 9 BUD, to produce unop...
bugs 11 10 BUG, to annoy [v]
bums 11 11 BUM, to live idly [v...
buns 9 9 BUN, a small sweet c...
burs 10 8 BUR, to remove a rou...
buss 10 8 to kiss [v -ED, -ING...
buts 10 8 BUT, to put forward...
buys 16 10 BUY, to purchase [v]
byes 15 9 BYE, a pass to the n...
caas 9 7 CAA, (Scots) to call...
cabs 12 10 CAB, to travel by ta...
cads 10 8 CAD, an ungentlemanl...
cafs 12 10 CAF, (short for) a c...
cags 11 9 CAG, (short for) cag...
cams 11 10 CAM, to whiten with...
cans 9 8 CAN, to put in a cyl...
caps 12 10 CAP, to provide with...
cars 10 7 CAR, a self-propelle...
cats 10 7 CAT, to vomit [v]
caws 13 10 CAW, to cry like a c...
cays 16 9 CAY, a small low isl...
ceas 9 7 (Shakespeare) enough...
cees 9 7 CEE, the letter C [n...
cels 11 8 CEL, (short for) cel...
cens 9 8 (French) a nominal a...
ceps 12 10 CEP, a large mushroo...
cess 10 7 to tax or assess [v...
chas 12 9 CHA, (colloquial) te...
chis 13 9 CHI, the twenty-seco...
cids 11 8 CID, a chief, captai...
cigs 12 9 CIG, (short for) cig...
cits 11 7 CIT, (archaic) a con...
cobs 12 10 COB, to strike [v]
cods 10 8 COD, to hoax or make...
cogs 11 9 COG, to cheat at dic...
cols 11 8 COL, a pass in a mou...
coms 11 10 short for combinatio...
cons 9 8 CON, to study carefu...
coos 9 7 COO, to make the sou...
cops 12 10 COP, to capture [v]
cors 10 7 COR, a Hebrew measur...
coss 10 7 a measure of distanc...
cots 10 7 COT, a narrow bed [n...
cows 13 10 COW, to subdue [v]
coys 16 9 COY, to affect coyne...
cris 11 7 a dagger [n -ES]
crus 11 8 (Latin) a part of a...
cubs 13 11 CUB, to bring forth...
cuds 11 9 CUD, food brought ba...
cues 10 8 CUE, to prompt an ac...
cums 12 11 CUM, to ejaculate sp...
cups 13 11 CUP, to put into a s...
curs 11 8 CUR, a worthless mon...
cuss 11 8 (colloquial) to curs...
cuts 11 8 CUT, to make an inci...
cwms 15 13 CWM, a deep basin on...
dabs 9 8 DAB, to touch lightl...
dads 7 6 DAD, to dash against...
daes 6 5 DAE, (Scots) to do [...
dags 8 7 DAG, to remove clott...
dahs 9 7 DAH, a dash in morse...
dais 7 5 a raised platform [n...
daks 8 9 DAK, the mail-post i...
dals 8 6 DAL, (Hindi) a kind...
dams 8 8 DAM, to build an emb...
dans 6 6 DAN, a level of effi...
daps 9 8 DAP, to dip in water...
daws 10 8 DAW, to dawn [v]
days 13 7 DAY, the time betwee...
debs 9 8 DEB, (short for) deb...
dees 6 5 DEE, to damn [v]
degs 8 7 DEG, (dialect) to wa...
dels 8 6 DEL, an operator in...
dens 6 6 DEN, to live in a la...
deps 9 8 DEP, a convenience s...
deus 7 6 god [n DEI or DI]
devs 9 9 DEV, a Hindu god, al...
dews 10 8 DEW, to wet with con...
deys 13 7 DEY, formerly, the p...
dibs 10 8 DIB, to fish by floa...
dies 7 5 DIE, to cut with a m...
difs 10 8 DIF, (colloquial) di...
digs 9 7 DIG, to make a hole,...
dims 9 8 DIM, to reduce the l...
dins 7 6 DIN, to make a loud...
dips 10 8 DIP, to immerse brie...
diss 8 5 to disrespect, also...
dits 8 5 DIT, (Scots) to bloc...
divs 10 9 DIV, in Persian lege...
dobs 9 8 DOB, to inform on [v...
docs 10 8 DOC, (short for) doc...
dods 7 6 DOD, (Scots) to knoc...
does 6 5 DO, to perform [v]
dogs 8 7 DOG, to follow close...
dohs 9 7 DOH, a musical note...
dols 8 6 DOL, a unit of pain...
doms 8 8 DOM, a title given t...
dons 6 6 DON, to put on [v]
doos 6 5 DOO, (Scots) a dove...
dops 9 8 DOP, to dip [v]
dors 7 5 DOR, to mock, scoff...
doss 7 5 to sleep in any conv...
dots 7 5 DOT, to cover with t...
dows 10 8 DOW, to be able [v]
doys 13 7 DOY, (Scots) dear, a...
drys 14 7 DRY, a prohibitionis...
dsos 7 5 DSO, a cross between...
dubs 10 9 DUB, to confer knigh...
duds 8 7 DUD, a bomb that fai...
dues 7 6 DUE, to endue [v]
dugs 9 8 DUG, the udder of a...
duns 7 7 DUN, to make demands...
duos 7 6 DUO, two people cons...
dups 10 9 DUP, (Shakespeare) t...
dyes 13 7 DYE, to change the c...
dzos 10 14 DZO, a cross between...
eans 5 5 EAN, to give birth t...
ears 6 4 EAR, to plough or ti...
eats 6 4 EAT, to consume food...
eaus 6 5 EAU, a river or wate...
ebbs 11 10 EBB, to move back fr...
ecos 9 7 ECO, (short for) eco...
ecus 10 8 ECU, (French) an old...
edhs 9 7 EDH, a letter used i...
eels 7 5 EEL, a snakelike fis...
effs 11 10 EFF, euphemism for f...
efts 9 7 EFT, a newt, also EV...
eggs 9 8 EGG, to incite [v]
egis 8 6 (Greek) protection,...
egos 7 6 EGO, the 'I' or self...
eiks 8 8 EIK, (Scots) to augm...
ekes 7 8 EKE, to augment, als...
elds 8 6 ELD, (archaic) old a...
elfs 10 8 ELF, to entangle (ha...
elks 9 9 ELK, a kind of large...
ells 9 6 ELL, an old measure...
elms 9 8 ELM, a kind of decid...
elts 8 5 ELT, a young sow, al...
emes 7 7 EME, (obsolete) an u...
emos 7 7 EMO, a type of music...
emus 8 8 EMU, a large flightl...
emys 14 9 a genus of freshwate...
ends 6 6 END, to terminate [v...
enes 5 5 ENE, a poetic word f...
engs 7 7 ENG, a phonetic symb...
ents 6 5 (colloquial) enterta...
eons 5 5 EON, a long period o...
epos 8 7 an epic poem, also E...
eras 6 4 ERA, a main division...
eres 6 4 ERE, to plough [v]
ergs 8 6 ERG, a unit of work...
erks 8 8 ERK, (slang) an airc...
erns 6 5 ERN, (Milton) to ear...
eros 6 4 (Greek) the sum of t...
errs 7 4 ERR, to make a mista...
eses 6 4 ES, the letter S, al...
ests 7 4 EST, a programme des...
etas 6 4 ETA, a Greek letter...
eths 9 6 ETH, an Old English...
euks 8 9 EUK, to itch, also E...
eves 8 8 EVE, a poetic word f...
evos 8 8 EVO, (Australian sla...
ewes 9 7 EWE, a female sheep,...
ewks 11 11 EWK, to itch, also E...
ewts 10 7 EWT, (dialect) a new...
exes 12 11 EX, the letter X [n]
eyas 12 6 an untrained young h...
eyes 12 6 EYE, to watch closel...
faas 8 7 FAA, (Scots) to fall...
fabs 11 10 FAB, something fabri...
fads 9 8 FAD, a hobby or inte...
fags 10 9 FAG, to make weary b...
fahs 11 9 FAH, a musical note,...
fans 8 8 FAN, to cool with a...
fars 9 7 FAR, to remove to a...
fats 9 7 FAT, to make plump [...
faws 12 10 FAW, a gypsy [n]
fays 15 9 FAY, to clean out es...
feds 9 8 FED, (short for) a f...
fees 8 7 FEE, to pay a fixed...
fegs 10 9 FEG, a segment of an...
fehs 11 9 FEH, (Hebrew) a lett...
feis 9 7 (Irish) an ancient I...
fems 10 10 FEM, a passive homos...
fens 8 8 FEN, wet land with a...
fess 9 7 to confess [v -ED, -...
fets 9 7 FET, (obsolete) to f...
feus 9 8 FEU, to grant land t...
fews 12 10 FEW, a small number...
feys 15 9 FEY, to clean out, e...
fibs 12 10 FIB, to tell a trivi...
fids 10 8 FID, a conical pin o...
figs 11 9 FIG, to dress up [v]
fils 11 8 FIL, (Shakespeare) t...
fins 9 8 FIN, to equip with p...
firs 10 7 FIR, an evergreen tr...
fits 10 7 FIT, to adjust to th...
flus 11 9 FLU, a virus disease...
fobs 11 10 FOB, to cheat, also...
foes 8 7 FOE, an enemy [n]
fogs 10 9 FOG, to cover with c...
fons 8 8 FON, to fool, be foo...
foos 8 7 FOO, a name for a te...
fops 11 10 FOP, to deceive [v]
foss 9 7 a ditch, also FOSSE...
fous 9 8 FOU, a bushel [n]
foys 15 9 FOY, a parting enter...
fras 9 7 FRA, (Italian) broth...
fris 10 7 the fast section of...
fros 9 7 FRO, an African hair...
fubs 12 11 FUB, to cheat, also...
fuds 10 9 FUD, a rabbit's or h...
fugs 11 10 FUG, to make hot, st...
fums 11 11 FUM, the fabled Chin...
funs 9 9 FUN, to act playfull...
furs 10 8 FUR, to cover with a...
fuss 10 8 to be overly concern...
gabs 10 9 GAB, to chatter [v]
gads 8 7 GAD, to roam about r...
gaes 7 6 GAE, (Scots) to go [...
gags 9 8 GAG, to stop up the...
gaks 9 10 GAK, (slang) cocaine...
gals 9 7 GAL, a girl [n]
gams 9 9 GAM, to visit social...
gans 7 7 GAN, (dialect) to go...
gaps 10 9 GAP, to make an open...
gars 8 6 GAR, to cause or com...
gats 8 6 GAT, a pistol [n]
gaus 8 7 GAU, a German politi...
gaws 11 9 GAW, an imperfect ra...
gays 14 8 GAY, a homosexual [n...
geds 8 7 GED, (dialect) a pik...
gees 7 6 GEE, to turn to the...
gels 9 7 GEL, to become like...
gems 9 9 GEM, to adorn with g...
gens 7 7 in ancient Rome a cl...
geos 7 6 GEO, a gully or cree...
gers 8 6 GER, in Mongolia, an...
gets 8 6 GET, to obtain or ac...
ghis 11 8 GHI, a kind of liqui...
gibs 11 9 GIB, to fasten with...
gids 9 7 GID, a disease of sh...
gies 8 6 GIE, (Scots) to give...
gifs 11 9 GIF, a type of compu...
gigs 10 8 GIG, to catch fish w...
gins 8 7 GIN, to process cott...
gios 8 6 GIO, a gully or cree...
gips 11 9 GIP, to swindle, als...
gits 9 6 GIT, a fool [n]
gjus 11 16 GJU, an old Shetland...
gnus 8 8 GNU, a kind of Afric...
goas 7 6 GOA, a kind of Tibet...
gobs 10 9 GOB, to spit [v]
gods 8 7 GOD, to treat as a g...
goes 7 6 GO, to move along [v...
gons 7 7 GON, a geometrical g...
goos 7 6 GOO, a sticky or vis...
gors 8 6 GOR, a seagull [n]
goss 8 6 (dialect) to spit [v...
govs 10 10 GOV, (short for) gov...
goys 14 8 GOY, a Jewish word f...
gris 9 6 a flight of steps, a...
gubs 11 10 GUB, to strike on th...
gues 8 7 GUE, an old Shetland...
guls 10 8 GUL, a design in ori...
gums 10 10 GUM, to smear with g...
guns 8 8 GUN, to shoot with a...
gups 11 10 GUP, gossip [n]
gurs 9 7 GUR, an unrefined, s...
guts 9 7 to eat greedily [v -...
guvs 11 11 GUV, (short for) gov...
guys 15 9 GUY, to make fun of...
gyms 16 11 GYM, (short for) a g...
gyps 17 11 GYP, to swindle, als...
hads 9 7 HAD, (Scots) to hold...
haes 8 6 HAE, (Scots) to have...
hags 10 8 HAG, (Scots) to hack...
hahs 11 8 HAH, a sound of surp...
hams 10 9 HAM, to overact, als...
haos 8 6 HAO, a monetary unit...
haps 11 9 HAP, to happen by ch...
hass 9 6 as in white hass, an...
hats 9 6 HAT, to provide with...
haws 12 9 HAW, to make indecis...
hays 15 8 HAY, to convert cut...
hehs 11 8 HEH, a Hebrew letter...
hems 10 9 HEM, to provide with...
hens 8 7 HEN, to lose courage...
heps 11 9 HEP, the fruit of a...
hers 9 6 the possessive case...
hets 9 6 HET, (colloquial) a...
hews 12 9 HEW, to cut with an...
heys 15 8 HEY, to dance the he...
hies 9 6 HIE, to hurry along,...
hims 11 9 HIM [n]
hins 9 7 HIN, a Hebrew unit o...
hips 12 9 HIP, to build a type...
hiss 10 6 to make a sibilant s...
hits 10 6 HIT, to strike forci...
hoas 8 6 HOA, to stop [v]
hobs 11 9 HOB, to furnish with...
hods 9 7 HOD, to bob or jog [...
hoes 8 6 HOE, to garden with...
hogs 10 8 HOG, to eat hoggishl...
hohs 11 8 HOH, to stop, also H...
hois 9 6 HOI, to urge, incite...
hols 10 7 (colloquial) holiday...
homs 10 9 HOM, (Persian) a sac...
hons 8 7 HON, (short for) hon...
hops 11 9 HOP, to move by jump...
hors 9 6 (French) out of the...
hoss 9 6 (slang) a horse [n -...
hots 9 6 HOT, to heat [v]
hows 12 9 HOW, a low hill, als...
hoys 15 8 HOY, to incite [v]
hubs 12 10 HUB, the centre of a...
hues 9 7 HUE, colour [n]
hugs 11 9 HUG, to clasp tightl...
huis 10 7 HUI, a Maori gatheri...
hums 11 10 HUM, to make a sound...
huns 9 8 HUN, a barbarous, de...
hups 12 10 HUP, to quicken the...
huss 10 7 a type of dogfish us...
huts 10 7 HUT, to settle in a...
hyes 15 8 HYE, (obsolete) to h...
hyps 18 11 HYP, to offend [v]
ibis 10 7 any of a group of gr...
ices 10 7 ICE, to cover with f...
ichs 13 9 ICH, (Shakespeare) t...
icks 12 11 ICK, something stick...
ides 7 5 IDE, a fish of the c...
iggs 10 8 IGG, (slang) to igno...
ilks 10 9 ILK, a type or kind,...
ills 10 6 ILL, harm, misfortun...
imps 11 10 IMP, to graft feathe...
ings 8 7 ING, a meadow, esp....
inks 8 9 INK, to colour with...
inns 6 6 INN, to stay at a pu...
ions 6 5 ION, an electrically...
ires 7 4 IRE, to anger [v]
iris 8 4 to give the form of...
irks 9 8 IRK, to annoy or wea...
isms 9 7 ISM, a distinctive t...
isos 7 4 ISO, (short for) an...
itas 7 4 ITA, the miriti palm...
iwis 11 7 certainly [adv]
jabs 11 16 JAB, to poke sharply...
jags 10 15 JAG, to cut unevenly...
jaks 10 17 JAK, an East Indian...
jams 10 16 JAM, to force togeth...
japs 11 16 JAP, to splash or sp...
jars 9 13 JAR, to vibrate from...
jass 9 13 (obsolete) jazz [n -...
jaws 12 16 JAW, to chatter at l...
jays 15 15 JAY, a corvine bird,...
jees 8 13 JEE, to turn to the...
jess 9 13 to fasten straps to...
jets 9 13 JET, to spurt forth...
jews 12 16 JEW, to barter succe...
jibs 12 16 JIB, to draw back, t...
jigs 11 15 JIG, to dance a jig;...
jins 9 14 JIN, a supernatural...
jobs 11 16 JOB, to do piece wor...
joes 8 13 JOE, (Scots) a loved...
jogs 10 15 JOG, to run at a slo...
jols 10 14 JOL, (South African...
jors 9 13 JOR, in Indian music...
joss 9 13 a Chinese figure of...
jots 9 13 JOT, to note quickly...
jows 12 16 JOW, to ring, toll a...
joys 15 15 JOY, to rejoice [v]
juds 10 15 JUD, a mass of coal...
jugs 11 16 JUG, to stew in a cl...
juts 10 14 JUT, to project, sti...
kaas 7 8 a large cupboard [n...
kabs 10 11 KAB, an ancient Hebr...
kaes 7 8 KAE, to serve, also...
kafs 10 11 KAF, (Hebrew) the el...
kais 8 8 KAI, in New Zealand,...
kaks 9 12 KAK, (South African)...
kans 7 9 a type of Indian gra...
kats 8 8 KAT, a shrub of East...
kaws 11 11 KAW, to cry like a c...
kays 14 10 KAY, the letter K [n...
keas 7 8 KEA, a large New Zea...
kebs 10 11 KEB, to give birth t...
keds 8 9 KED, a wingless fly...
kefs 10 11 KEF, (Arabic) a stat...
kegs 9 10 KEG, to store in a k...
keks 9 12 trousers [n]
kens 7 9 KEN, to know [v]
keps 10 11 KEP, (Scots) to catc...
kets 8 8 KET, (Scots) carrion...
keys 14 10 KEY, to enter (data)...
khis 11 10 KHI, the twenty-seco...
kids 9 9 KID, to tease, decei...
kifs 11 11 KIF, (Arabic) a stat...
kins 8 9 KIN, a group of pers...
kips 11 11 KIP, to sleep [v]
kirs 9 8 KIR, a wine and blac...
kiss 9 8 to caress by touchin...
kits 9 8 KIT, to equip, fit o...
koas 7 8 KOA, a Hawaiian acac...
kobs 10 11 KOB, a reddish brown...
kois 8 8 KOI, a large Japanes...
kons 7 9 KON, (Spenser) to kn...
kops 10 11 KOP, in South Africa...
kors 8 8 KOR, a Hebrew unit o...
koss 8 8 a measure of distanc...
kows 11 11 KOW, a branch of twi...
kris 9 8 to stab with a Malay...
kues 8 9 KUE, the letter Q [n...
kvas 10 12 (Russian) an alcohol...
kyes 14 10 KYE, a Korean villag...
kyus 15 11 KYU, a novice grade...
labs 10 8 LAB, (short for) a l...
lacs 11 8 LAC, a dark red resi...
lads 8 6 LAD, a boy or youth...
lags 9 7 LAG, to fall behind...
lahs 10 7 LAH, a musical note,...
lams 9 8 LAM, to beat [v]
laps 10 8 LAP, to extend beyon...
lars 8 5 LAR, the god of a ho...
lass 8 5 (Scots) a girl, also...
lats 8 5 LAT, (short for) lat...
lavs 10 9 LAV, (short for) lav...
laws 11 8 LAW, (obsolete) to t...
lays 14 7 LAY, to deposit as a...
leas 7 5 LEA, a meadow or pas...
lees 7 5 LEE, (Scots) to lie,...
legs 9 7 LEG, to walk briskly...
leis 8 5 LEI, a garland of fl...
leks 9 9 LEK, to gather at a...
lens 7 6 a piece of transpare...
leps 10 8 LEP, (dialect) to le...
less 8 5 a smaller portion [n...
lets 8 5 LET, to allow [v]
levs 10 9 LEV, a unit of Bulga...
leys 14 7 LEY, a meadow, also...
lias 8 5 the lowest series of...
libs 11 8 LIB, to geld [v]
lids 9 6 LID, to provide with...
lies 8 5 LIE, to make an inte...
ligs 10 7 LIG, to lie, also LI...
lins 8 6 LIN, to cease [v]
lips 11 8 LIP, to touch with t...
lits 9 5 LIT, a former moneta...
lobs 10 8 LOB, to hit a ball i...
lods 8 6 LOD, the logarithm o...
logs 9 7 LOG, to fell timber...
loos 7 5 LOO, to love, also L...
lops 10 8 LOP, to cut the tops...
loss 8 5 the act of one that...
lots 8 5 LOT, to separate int...
lous 8 6 LOU, (Scots) to love...
lows 11 8 LOW, to utter the so...
loys 14 7 LOY, a long, narrow...
luds 9 7 LUD, lord, used when...
lues 8 6 (Latin) disease, esp...
lugs 10 8 LUG, to drag heavily...
lums 10 9 LUM, (Scots) a chimn...
luns 8 7 LUN, a lee, a shelte...
lurs 9 6 LUR, a Bronze Age tr...
luvs 11 10 LUV [n]
lyes 14 7 LYE, a strongly alka...
lyms 16 10 LYM, (Shakespeare) a...
maas 7 7 (South Africa) thick...
macs 11 10 MAC, (short for) mac...
mads 8 8 MAD, to become or ma...
maes 7 7 MAE, (Scots) more [n...
mags 9 9 MAG, to tease; to st...
maks 9 11 MAK, (Scots) to make...
mals 9 8 MAL, (French) pain,...
mams 9 10 MAM, (dialect) mothe...
mans 7 8 MAN, to provide with...
maps 10 10 MAP, to plan a layou...
mars 8 7 MAR, to spoil or dam...
mass 8 7 to assemble as a bod...
mats 8 7 MAT, to tangle close...
maws 11 10 MAW, (US) to mow [v]
mays 14 9 MAY, to gather flowe...
meds 8 8 MED, (short for) med...
mees 7 7 MEE, a Malaysian noo...
megs 9 9 MEG, (archaic) a hal...
mels 9 8 MEL, honey [n]
mems 9 10 MEM, the thirteenth...
mess 8 7 to make dirty or unt...
mets 8 7 MET, (short for) met...
meus 8 8 MEU, the plant baldm...
mews 11 10 stables converted to...
mhos 10 9 MHO, a unit of elect...
mibs 11 10 MIB, a type of playi...
mics 12 10 MIC, (short for) a m...
mids 9 8 MID, the middle [n]
migs 10 9 MIG, a type of playi...
mils 10 8 MIL, a unit of wire...
mips 11 10 a million instructio...
mirs 9 7 MIR, a Russian peasa...
miss 9 7 to fail to make cont...
mnas 7 8 MNA, a Greek weight...
moas 7 7 MOA, an extinct flig...
mobs 10 10 MOB, to crowd about...
mocs 11 10 MOC, (short for) moc...
mods 8 8 MOD, to modify a mac...
moes 7 7 MOE, (obsolete) a wr...
mogs 9 9 MOG, to move away [v...
mols 9 8 MOL, a unit of molec...
moms 9 10 MOM, (US colloquial)...
mons 7 8 a protuberance of th...
moos 7 7 MOO, to make the sou...
mops 10 10 MOP, to clean with a...
mors 8 7 MOR, a forest humus...
moss 8 7 a class of Bryophyta...
mots 8 7 MOT, (French) a witt...
mous 8 8 MOU, (Scots) a mouth...
mows 11 10 MOW, to cut down a c...
moys 14 9 MOY, (Shakespeare) a...
muds 9 9 MUD, to cover with s...
mugs 10 10 MUG, to assault with...
mums 10 11 MUM, to act in a dis...
muns 8 9 MUN, (dialect) a man...
muss 9 8 to disarrange, to me...
muts 9 8 MUT, a mongrel dog,...
mycs 18 12 MYC, a cancer-causin...
nabs 8 8 NAB, to seize [v]
nads 6 6 (slang) testicles [n...
naes 5 5 NAE, (Scots) no [n]
nags 7 7 NAG, to find fault i...
nams 7 8 NAM, the action of t...
nans 5 6 NAN, (Hindi) a kind...
naos 5 5 (Greek) the inner ce...
naps 8 8 NAP, to sleep briefl...
nats 6 5 NAT, (colloquial) a...
navs 8 9 NAV, (short for) nav...
nays 12 7 NAY, a negative vote...
nebs 8 8 NEB, of birds, to to...
neds 6 6 NED, a young hooliga...
nefs 8 8 NEF, an elaborate ta...
negs 7 7 NEG, a photographic...
neks 7 9 NEK, (South African)...
neps 8 8 NEP, (dialect) catmi...
ness 6 5 a headland [n -ES]
nets 6 5 NET, to catch in an...
news 9 8 to report recent eve...
nibs 9 8 NIB, to provide with...
nids 7 6 NID, a pheasant's ne...
nies 6 5 NY, to approach, als...
nils 8 6 NIL, nothing [n]
nims 8 8 NIM, to take or stea...
nips 9 8 NIP, to pinch lightl...
nits 7 5 NIT, the egg of a pa...
nobs 8 8 NOB, a wealthy perso...
nods 6 6 NOD, to give a quick...
noes 5 5 NO, a negative reply...
nogs 7 7 NOG, to fill a space...
noms 7 8 NOM, (French) a name...
nous 6 6 intellect, common se...
nows 9 8 NOW, the present tim...
noys 12 7 NOY, (Spenser) to an...
nubs 9 9 NUB, (obsolete) to h...
nugs 8 8 NUG, a chunk of wood...
nuns 6 7 NUN, a woman belongi...
nurs 7 6 NUR, a knot in wood,...
nuts 7 6 NUT, to gather hard-...
nyas 12 7 (obsolete) a young h...
nyes 12 7 NYE, to draw near, a...
oafs 8 7 OAF, a clumsy, stupi...
oaks 7 8 OAK, a hardwood tree...
oars 6 4 OAR, to propel a boa...
oats 6 4 OAT, a kind of cerea...
obas 8 7 OBA, a West African...
obes 8 7 OBE, a form of West...
obis 9 7 OBI, to bewitch [v]
obos 8 7 OBO, a vessel for ca...
obvs 11 11 (colloquial) obvious...
ocas 9 7 OCA, a South America...
odas 6 5 ODA, a room in a har...
odds 7 6 ODD, in golf, an add...
odes 6 5 ODE, an elaborate ly...
offs 11 10 OFF, to go away [v]
ohms 10 9 OHM, a unit of elect...
oiks 8 8 OIK, an inferior per...
oils 8 5 OIL, to lubricate wi...
okas 7 8 OKA, a Turkish unit...
okes 7 8 OKE, a Turkish unit...
olds 8 6 OLD, a person of a s...
oles 7 5 OLE, (Spanish) a sho...
olms 9 8 OLM, a kind of blind...
omas 7 7 OMA, (German) a gran...
ones 5 5 ONE, an individual t...
onos 5 5 ONO, (Hawaiian) a ki...
onus 6 6 responsibility [n -E...
oofs 8 7 OOF, (Yiddish) money...
oohs 8 6 OOH, to express surp...
ooms 7 7 OOM, (South African)...
oons 5 5 OON, (Scots) an oven...
oops 8 7 OOP, to bind with th...
oots 6 4 OOT, (Scots) out [n]
opas 8 7 OPA, (German) a gran...
opes 8 7 OPE, to open [v]
opts 9 7 OPT, to decide or ch...
opus 9 8 (Latin) a work, esp....
orbs 9 7 ORB, to form into a...
orcs 10 7 ORC, a killer whale,...
ords 7 5 ORD, (obsolete) a po...
ores 6 4 ORE, rock containing...
orfs 9 7 ORF, a viral infecti...
orgs 8 6 ORG, (short for) an...
orts 7 4 ORT, a leftover from...
oses 6 4 OSE, an esker, a nar...
ouds 7 6 OUD, an African stri...
ouks 8 9 OUK, (Scots) a week,...
oups 9 8 OUP, to bind with th...
ours 7 5 belonging to us, als...
outs 7 5 OUT, to reveal [v]
owes 9 7 OWE, to be indebted...
owls 11 8 OWL, to smuggle wool...
owns 9 8 OWN, to have as a po...
owts 10 7 OWT, (dialect) anyth...
oxes 12 11 OX, a hoofed mammal...
oyes 12 6 a proclamation, also...
pacs 12 10 PAC, a shoe patterne...
pads 9 8 PAD, to stuff or fil...
pahs 11 9 PAH, (Maori) a hill...
pais 9 7 (archaic) the people...
paks 10 11 PAK, (colloquial) a...
pals 10 8 PAL, to associate as...
pams 10 10 PAM, the jack of clu...
pans 8 8 PAN, to criticize ha...
paps 11 10 PAP, to feed with so...
pars 9 7 PAR, to score a cert...
pass 9 7 to go by [v -ED, -IN...
pats 9 7 PAT, to stroke gentl...
pavs 11 11 PAV, (short for) a p...
paws 12 10 PAW, to draw the for...
pays 15 9 PAY, to give money i...
peas 8 7 PEA, the edible seed...
pecs 12 10 PEC, (colloquial) a...
peds 9 8 PED, a natural soil...
pees 8 7 PEE, to urinate [v]
pegs 10 9 PEG, to fasten with...
pehs 11 9 PEH, a Hebrew letter...
pels 10 8 PEL, an earlier, now...
pens 8 8 PEN, to write, or co...
peps 11 10 PEP, to fill with en...
pets 9 7 PET, to caress with...
pews 12 10 PEW, a bench for sea...
phis 12 9 PHI, a Greek letter...
phos 11 9 PHO, a Vietnamese no...
pias 9 7 PIA, a membrane of t...
pics 13 10 PIC, (colloquial) a...
pies 9 7 PIE, to jumble or di...
pigs 11 9 PIG, to give birth t...
pins 9 8 PIN, to fasten with...
pips 12 10 PIP, to offend or di...
pirs 10 7 PIR, a Muslim title...
piss 10 7 (colloquial) urine [...
pits 10 7 PIT, to mark with de...
plus 11 9 to increase in value...
poas 8 7 POA, a meadow-grass...
pods 9 8 POD, to produce seed...
pohs 11 9 POH, to reject conte...
pois 9 7 POI, a Hawaiian food...
pols 10 8 POL, a politician [n...
poms 10 10 POM, (colloquial) a...
pons 8 8 a bridge of nerve fi...
poos 8 7 POO, (slang) to defe...
pops 11 10 POP, to make a sharp...
poss 9 7 to wash clothes with...
pots 9 7 POT, to put into a r...
pows 12 10 POW, (Scots) the hea...
pros 9 7 PRO, (short for) a p...
prys 16 9 (obsolete) to price...
psis 10 7 PSI, a Greek letter...
pubs 12 11 PUB, a public bar [n...
puds 10 9 PUD, (colloquial) pu...
pugs 11 10 PUG, to fill in with...
puls 11 9 PUL, a coin of Afgha...
puns 9 9 PUN, to make a play...
pups 12 11 PUP, to give birth t...
purs 10 8 PUR, to utter a low,...
puss 10 8 a familiar name for...
puts 10 8 PUT, to place in pos...
puys 16 10 PUY, a small volcani...
pwns 12 11 PWN, (slang) to domi...
pyas 15 9 PYA, a copper coin o...
pyes 15 9 PYE, to reduce to co...
qats 15 13 QAT, (Arabic) a shru...
qins 15 14 QIN, (Chinese) a kin...
rads 7 5 RAD, to fear [v]
rags 8 6 RAG, to tease or rid...
rahs 9 6 RAH, to cheer on a t...
rais 7 4 RAI, a modern North...
rams 8 7 RAM, to thrust rough...
raps 9 7 RAP, to strike sharp...
rats 7 4 RAT, to hunt long-ta...
ravs 9 8 RAV, a rabbi, esp. o...
raws 10 7 RAW, a sore or irrit...
rays 13 6 RAY, to emit a narro...
rebs 9 7 REB, a Confederate s...
recs 10 7 REC, a recreation gr...
reds 7 5 RED, to put in order...
rees 6 4 REE, (Scots) a walle...
refs 9 7 REF, to referee [v]
regs 8 6 REG, (short for) a r...
rehs 9 6 REH, an accumulation...
reis 7 4 twigs or small branc...
rems 8 7 REM, a unit of radia...
rens 6 5 REN, (obsolete) to r...
reos 6 4 REO, (Maori) languag...
reps 9 7 REP, to act as a com...
rets 7 4 RET, to expose to mo...
revs 9 8 REV, to increase the...
rews 10 7 REW, (Spenser) a row...
rhos 9 6 RHO, a letter of the...
rhus 10 7 a plant of the sumac...
rias 7 4 RIA, a long, narrow...
ribs 10 7 RIB, to poke fun at...
rids 8 5 RID, to free or clea...
rifs 10 7 RIF, to dismiss from...
rigs 9 6 RIG, to equip or fit...
rims 9 7 RIM, to provide with...
rins 7 5 RIN, (Scots) to run...
rips 10 7 RIP, to tear apart r...
rits 8 4 RIT, (Scots) to scra...
robs 9 7 ROB, to steal [v]
rocs 10 7 ROC, an enormous bir...
rods 7 5 ROD, to clear a drai...
roes 6 4 ROE, fish-eggs [n]
roks 8 8 ROK, an enormous bir...
roms 8 7 ROM, a gypsy man [n]
roos 6 4 ROO, (short for) kan...
rots 7 4 ROT, to decompose [v...
rows 10 7 ROW, to propel by me...
rubs 10 8 RUB, to apply fricti...
rucs 11 8 RUC, an enormous bir...
ruds 8 6 RUD, (Spenser) to re...
rues 7 5 RUE, to feel sorrow...
rugs 9 7 RUG, (Scots) to pull...
rums 9 8 RUM, a spirit distil...
runs 7 6 RUN, to move by rapi...
ruts 8 5 RUT, to make grooves...
ryas 13 6 RYA, a Scandinavian...
ryes 13 6 RYE, a cereal grass,...
ryus 14 7 RYU, (Japanese) a sc...
sabs 9 7 SAB, (Scots) to sob...
sacs 10 7 SAC, in biology, a b...
sads 7 5 SAD, to express sadn...
sags 8 6 SAG, to bend or give...
sais 7 4 SAI, the capuchin mo...
sals 8 5 SAL, a large North I...
sams 8 7 SAM, (Spenser) to ga...
sans 6 5 (French) without; de...
saps 9 7 SAP, to deprive of s...
sars 7 4 SAR, (Scots) to savo...
sass 7 4 to talk impudently t...
savs 9 8 SAV, (short for) a s...
saws 10 7 SAW, to cut with a j...
says 13 6 SAY, to utter in wor...
seas 6 4 SEA, a great expanse...
secs 10 7 SEC, (short for) a s...
sees 6 4 SEE, to observe with...
segs 8 6 SEG, a stud in the s...
seis 7 4 SEI, a kind of rorqu...
sels 8 5 SEL, (Scots) self [n...
sens 6 5 (obsolete) since, al...
seps 9 7 (Greek) a skink of t...
sers 7 4 SER, an Indian unit...
sess 7 4 a tax, a local rate...
sets 7 4 SET, to put in a par...
sevs 9 8 SEV, (Hindi) an Indi...
sews 10 7 SEW, to mend or fast...
seys 13 6 SEY, a part of a car...
shes 9 6 SHE, a female person...
sibs 10 7 SIB, a blood relatio...
sics 11 7 SIC, to incite a dog...
sies 7 4 (South Africa) an ex...
sigs 9 6 SIG, a short persona...
sims 9 7 SIM, (short for) sim...
sins 7 5 SIN, to offend again...
sips 10 7 SIP, to drink in sma...
sirs 8 4 SIR, to use a respec...
siss 8 4 (short for) sister,...
sits 8 4 SIT, to rest on the...
skas 8 8 SKA, a form of Jamai...
skis 9 8 SKI, to travel over...
sobs 9 7 SOB, to cry with a c...
socs 10 7 SOC, the right of ho...
sods 7 5 SOD, to cover with t...
sogs 8 6 SOG, to soak [v]
sohs 9 6 SOH, the fifth note...
sols 8 5 SOL, the fifth tone...
soms 8 7 SOM, a monetary unit...
sons 6 5 SON, a male offsprin...
sops 9 7 SOP, to dip or soak...
soss 7 4 to fall at once into...
sots 7 4 SOT, to play the dru...
sous 7 5 SOU, a former French...
sovs 9 8 SOV, (short for) a s...
sows 10 7 SOW, to scatter seed...
soys 13 6 SOY, a dark, salty s...
spas 9 7 SPA, a resort with a...
sris 8 4 SRI, (Sanskrit) in I...
subs 10 8 SUB, to act as a sub...
suds 8 6 to wash in soapy wat...
sues 7 5 SUE, to institute le...
sugs 9 7 SUG, to attempt to s...
suks 9 9 SUK, (Arabic) an Ara...
sums 9 8 SUM, to add, make up...
suns 7 6 SUN, to expose to su...
sups 10 8 SUP, to eat supper [...
suqs 16 14 SUQ, (Arabic) an Ara...
suss 8 5 to arrest for suspic...
syes 13 6 SYE, to strain [v]
tabs 9 7 TAB, to provide with...
tads 7 5 TAD, a small amount...
taes 6 4 TAE, to toe the line...
tags 8 6 TAG, to provide with...
tais 7 4 TAI, a Japanese sea...
taks 8 8 TAK, (Scots) to take...
tams 8 7 TAM, a tight-fitting...
tans 6 5 TAN, to become brown...
taos 6 4 TAO, a path of virtu...
taps 9 7 TAP, to strike gentl...
tars 7 4 TAR, to cover with a...
tass 7 4 (dialect) a mow, a h...
tats 7 4 TAT, to make lace [v...
taus 7 5 TAU, a Greek letter...
tavs 9 8 TAV, a letter of the...
taws 10 7 TAW, to convert into...
tays 13 6 TAY, (dialect) tea [...
teas 6 4 TEA, to drink a beve...
tecs 10 7 TEC, (slang) a detec...
teds 7 5 TED, to spread hay f...
tees 6 4 TEE, to place a golf...
tefs 9 7 TEF, a kind of cerea...
tegs 8 6 TEG, a sheep in its...
tels 8 5 TEL, in Arab lands,...
tems 8 7 to sift, also TEMSE...
tens 6 5 TEN, the next whole...
tets 7 4 TET, (Hebrew) a lett...
tews 10 7 TEW, to hustle [v]
this 10 6 the person or thing...
thus 10 7 in such a way [adv T...
tics 11 7 TIC, to twitch [v]
tids 8 5 TID, (Scots) a mood,...
ties 7 4 TIE, to fasten [v]
tigs 9 6 TIG, to touch [v]
tiks 9 8 TIK, the drug metham...
tils 9 5 TIL, the sesame plan...
tins 7 5 TIN, to coat with a...
tips 10 7 TIP, to give a gratu...
tits 8 4 TIT, to tug [v]
tocs 10 7 TOC, telecommunicati...
tods 7 5 TOD, a weight used i...
toes 6 4 TOE, to touch with p...
togs 8 6 TOG, to clothe [v]
toms 8 7 TOM, to engage in pr...
tons 6 5 TON, a unit of weigh...
tops 9 7 TOP, to cut off the...
tors 7 4 TOR, a high, craggy...
toss 7 4 to throw lightly [v...
tots 7 4 TOT, to total [v]
tows 10 7 TOW, to pull by mean...
toys 13 6 TOY, to amuse onesel...
tres 7 4 (French) very [adv]
tsks 9 8 TSK, to utter an exc...
tubs 10 8 TUB, to wash in a la...
tugs 9 7 TUG, to pull with fo...
tuis 8 5 TUI, (Maori) a New Z...
tums 9 8 TUM, (colloquial) th...
tuns 7 6 TUN, to store in a l...
tups 10 8 TUP, to copulate wit...
tuts 8 5 (Scots) to say tut,...
twas 10 7 TWA, (Scots) two, al...
twos 10 7 TWO, the next whole...
tyes 13 6 TYE, to wash in a tr...
tygs 15 8 TYG, an old drinking...
udos 7 6 UDO, (Japanese) a Ja...
ueys 13 7 UEY, (Australian sla...
ufos 9 8 UFO, an unidentified...
ughs 11 9 UGH, the sound of a...
ukes 8 9 UKE, (short for) uke...
ules 8 6 ULE, a Central Ameri...
ulus 9 7 ULU, (Inuit) an Inui...
umps 11 11 UMP, (short for) to...
umus 9 9 UMU, (Maori) a type...
unis 7 6 UNI, (short for) uni...
upas 9 8 an Asian tree with a...
urbs 10 8 URB, an urban area [...
urds 8 6 URD, an annual bean...
ures 7 5 URE, (obsolete) an e...
urns 7 6 URN, to place in an...
urps 10 8 URP, (slang) to vomi...
urus 8 6 an extinct bovine ma...
uses 7 5 USE, to put into ser...
utas 7 5 (obsolete) the seven...
utes 7 5 UTE, (Australian sla...
utis 8 5 (Shakespeare) clamou...
utus 8 6 UTU, (Maori) a settl...
uvas 9 9 UVA, a grape or grap...
vacs 12 11 VAC, to clean with a...
vaes 8 8 VAE, in Orkney or Sh...
vags 10 10 VAG, to arrest someo...
vans 8 9 VAN, to transport in...
vars 9 8 VAR, a unit of react...
vats 9 8 VAT, to put into a l...
vaus 9 9 VAU, the sixth lette...
vavs 11 12 VAV, (Hebrew) a lett...
vaws 12 11 VAW, (Hebrew) a lett...
vees 8 8 VEE, the letter V [n...
vers 9 8 (French) verse [n]
vets 9 8 VET, to treat animal...
vias 9 8 VIA, (Latin) a way [...
vibs 12 11 (colloquial) shoes w...
vids 10 9 VID, (short for) vid...
vies 9 8 VIE, to contend in r...
vigs 11 10 VIG, (short for) a v...
vims 11 11 VIM, energy, vigour...
vins 9 9 VIN, (French) wine [...
voes 8 8 VOE, in Orkney or Sh...
vogs 10 10 VOG, air pollution c...
vols 10 9 VOL, in heraldry, tw...
voms 10 11 VOM, (short for) to...
vors 9 8 VOR, (Shakespeare) t...
vows 12 11 VOW, to make a solem...
vugs 11 11 VUG, a small cavity...
vums 11 12 VUM, to vow [v]
wabs 12 10 WAB, the interdigita...
wads 10 8 WAD, to form into a...
waes 9 7 WAE, (Scots) woe [n]
wags 11 9 WAG, to move from si...
wais 10 7 WAI, (Maori) water [...
wans 9 8 WAN, to make or beco...
waps 12 10 WAP, to throw or pul...
wars 10 7 WAR, to engage in ar...
wats 10 7 WAT, a Thai Buddhist...
waws 13 10 WAW, (Scott) a wave,...
ways 16 9 WAY, (Spenser) to we...
webs 12 10 WEB, to provide fine...
weds 10 8 WED, to marry [v]
wees 9 7 WEE, to urinate [v]
wels 11 8 a large fish, the Am...
wems 11 10 WEM, (archaic) the w...
wens 9 8 WEN, a benign tumor...
wets 10 7 WET, to make wet [v]
weys 16 9 WEY, a measure or we...
whys 19 11 WHY, the reason or c...
wigs 12 9 WIG, to scold; to pr...
wins 10 8 WIN, to gain [v]
wiss 11 7 to wish [v WISSED, W...
wits 11 7 WIT, to know [v]
woes 9 7 WOE, grief, sadness,...
wofs 12 10 WOF, (Australian sla...
wogs 11 9 WOG, (offensive) a n...
woks 11 11 WOK, (Chinese) a pan...
wons 9 8 WON, (archaic) to dw...
woos 9 7 WOO, to court; to se...
wops 12 10 WOP, to thump, also...
wots 10 7 WOT, (archaic) to kn...
wows 13 10 WOW, to impress or a...
wuds 11 9 WUD, (Scots) to load...
wuss 11 8 a wimp, also WOOSE [...
wyes 16 9 WYE, the letter Y [n...
wyns 16 10 WYN, a rune, having...
yads 13 7 YAD, (Hebrew) a hand...
yags 14 8 YAG, a type of synth...
yahs 15 8 YAH, an affected upp...
yaks 14 10 YAK, to talk persist...
yams 14 9 YAM, a sweet potato...
yaps 15 9 YAP, to bark shrilly...
yaws 16 9 YAW, of e.g. a plane...
yays 19 8 YAY, an affirmative...
yeas 12 6 YEA, an affirmative...
yens 12 7 YEN, to desire or ye...
yeps 15 9 YEP, (colloquial) ye...
yews 16 9 YEW, a type of everg...
yids 14 7 YID, an offensive te...
yins 13 7 YIN, (Scots) one, al...
yips 16 9 YIP, to utter a shor...
yobs 15 9 YOB, a lout, also YO...
yods 13 7 YOD, a Hebrew letter...
yoks 14 10 YOK, to laugh loudly...
yous 13 7 (colloquial) you whe...
yows 16 9 YOW, to howl, also Y...
yugs 15 9 YUG, (Sanskrit) one...
yuks 15 11 YUK, to laugh loudly...
yups 16 10 YUP, (colloquial) ye...
ywis 17 9 (archaic) certainly,...
zags 11 15 ZAG, to change cours...
zaps 12 16 ZAP, to kill or dest...
zeas 9 13 ZEA, part of a cerea...
zeds 10 14 ZED, the letter Z, a...
zees 9 13 ZEE, (US) the letter...
zeks 11 17 ZEK, a prisoner in a...
zels 11 14 ZEL, an Oriental cym...
zeps 12 16 ZEP, a long zeppelin...
zhos 12 15 ZHO, (Tibetan) a cro...
zigs 12 15 ZIG, to change cours...
zins 10 14 ZIN, (short for) zin...
zips 13 16 ZIP, to fasten with...
zits 11 13 ZIT, a pimple [n]
zols 11 14 ZOL, (South African)...
zoos 9 13 ZOO, a home for anim...
zzzs 17 31 (colloquial) an info...