9 letter words that start with V

9 letter words that start with V

9 letter V word


Words With Friends®


vacancies 22 20 VACANCY, the state o...
vacatable 22 20 that can be vacated...
vacations 19 17 VACATION, to take a...
vaccinate 22 20 to inoculate with a...
vaccinees 22 20 VACCINEE, one that i...
vaccinial 24 21 of or like vaccinia,...
vaccinias 23 20 VACCINIA, (Latin) co...
vaccinium 25 24 (Latin) a genus of e...
vacherins 22 19 VACHERIN, (French) a...
vacillant 22 19 vacillating; waverin...
vacillate 22 18 to fluctuate in opin...
vacuating 21 20 VACUATE, (obsolete)...
vacuation 19 18 the act of emptying...
vacuities 21 17 VACUITY, an empty sp...
vacuolate 20 18 having vacuoles, als...
vacuously 28 21 VACUOUS, empty [adv]
vacuuming 23 24 VACUUM, to operate a...
vagabonds 19 20 VAGABOND, to live li...
vagarious 18 16 erratic in behaviour...
vaginally 26 20 VAGINAL, pertaining...
vaginated 17 17 invested with, or as...
vaginitis 19 16 inflammation of the...
vaginoses 17 16 VAGINOSIS, a bacteri...
vaginosis 18 16 a bacterial vaginal...
vaginulae 18 18 VAGINULA, a little s...
vaginules 19 18 VAGINULE, a little s...
vagituses 19 16 VAGITUS, a cry or wa...
vagotonia 16 16 pathological overact...
vagotonic 20 19 relating to vagotoni...
vagrantly 25 19 VAGRANT, wandering,...
vagueness 17 17 the state of being v...
vainesses 16 14 VAINESSE, (Spenser)...
vainglory 25 19 excessive pride, esp...
vajazzled 26 42 VAJAZZLE, to adorn t...
vajazzles 26 41 VAJAZZLE, to adorn t...
valancing 21 21 VALANCE, to drape wi...
valencias 20 18 VALENCIA, a kind of...
valencies 20 18 VALENCY, a chemical...
valentine 16 16 a sweetheart [n -S]
valerates 17 14 VALERATE, a salt of...
valerians 17 15 VALERIAN, a perennia...
valetings 19 17 VALETING, the act of...
valiances 20 18 VALIANCE, courage, a...
valiantly 25 18 VALIANT, brave [adv]
validated 18 16 VALIDATE, to give le...
validates 18 15 VALIDATE, to give le...
validness 18 16 the state of being v...
valkyries 26 20 VALKYRIE, a maiden i...
vallaries 19 15 VALLARY, (Latin) a R...
vallation 18 16 the act of building...
vallecula 23 20 (Latin) a groove or...
vallhunds 22 20 VALLHUND, (Swedish)...
vallonias 18 16 VALLONIA, (Italian)...
valorised 18 15 VALORISE, to establi...
valorises 18 14 VALORISE, to establi...
valorized 21 24 VALORIZE, to establi...
valorizes 21 23 VALORIZE, to establi...
valproate 19 17 a salt of valproic a...
valuables 21 19 VALUABLE, a possessi...
valuating 19 18 VALUATE, to appraise...
valuation 17 16 the act of valuing [...
valuators 18 15 VALUATOR, an apprais...
valueless 19 16 without value [adj]
valvassor 20 18 a knight, noble etc....
valveless 21 19 without valves [adj]
valvelets 21 19 VALVELET, a small va...
valvelike 22 23 like a valve [adj]
vambraced 23 23 (historical) wearing...
vambraces 23 22 VAMBRACE, (historica...
vamoosing 18 19 VAMOOSE, to leave qu...
vampiring 22 22 VAMPIRE, to prey upo...
vampirise 21 19 to play the vampire,...
vampirish 24 21 like a vampire [adj]
vampirism 23 22 the practice of a va...
vampirize 24 28 to play the vampire,...
vampishly 31 24 VAMPISH, like a vamp...
vamplates 21 20 VAMPLATE, a hand gua...
vanadates 15 15 VANADATE, a salt of...
vanadiate 15 15 a salt of vanadic ac...
vanadiums 18 19 VANADIUM, a silvery...
vanaspati 18 17 (Sanskrit) a hydroge...
vandalise 17 16 to deal with or trea...
vandalish 20 18 like a vandal [adj]
vandalism 19 19 wanton damage [n -S]
vandalize 20 25 to deal with or trea...
vandyking 25 24 VANDYKE, to notch or...
vanessids 17 15 VANESSID, a butterfl...
vanguards 18 18 VANGUARD, the forefr...
vanillins 19 17 VANILLIN, a white cr...
vanishers 19 16 VANISHER, one who va...
vanishing 20 19 disappearing [adj VA...
vanitases 16 14 VANITAS, (Latin) a 1...
vantaging 18 19 VANTAGE, (Spenser) t...
vantbrace 21 20 (historical) a piece...
vantbrass 19 17 (Milton) armour for...
vapidness 19 18 the state of being v...
vaporable 21 20 that can be vaporize...
vaporetti 19 16 VAPORETTO, (Italian)...
vaporetto 18 16 (Italian) a motorboa...
vaporific 25 22 vaporizing [adj]
vaporings 20 19 VAPORING, boastful t...
vaporised 19 17 VAPORISE, to turn in...
vaporiser 19 16 something that vapor...
vaporises 19 16 VAPORISE, to turn in...
vaporized 22 26 VAPORIZE, to turn in...
vaporizer 22 25 something that vapor...
vaporizes 22 25 VAPORIZE, to turn in...
vaporless 20 17 without vapor, also...
vaporlike 21 21 like vapor [adj]
vaporware 21 19 a computer-related p...
vapourers 19 17 VAPOURER, one that v...
vapouring 20 20 vaporous [adj VAPOUR...
vapourish 22 19 resembling or sugges...
vapulated 20 19 VAPULATE, to flog; t...
vapulates 20 18 VAPULATE, to flog; t...
varactors 20 16 VARACTOR, a two-elec...
varguenos 17 17 VARGUENO, (Spanish)...
variables 20 17 VARIABLE, something...
variances 19 17 VARIANCE, a deviatio...
variating 18 16 VARIATE, to change,...
variation 16 14 a varying, change [n...
variative 19 17 relating to variatio...
varicella 22 18 (Latin) chickenpox [...
varicosed 20 17 having varicose vein...
varicoses 20 16 VARICOSIS, any condi...
varicosis 21 16 any condition charac...
variegate 17 15 to pattern with mult...
varietals 18 14 VARIETAL, a wine fro...
varieties 17 13 VARIETY, diversity [...
varifocal 23 20 of spectacles, havin...
variolate 17 14 to inoculate with sm...
variolite 18 14 a kind of diorite or...
varioloid 18 15 a disease resembling...
variolous 18 15 of or pertaining to...
variorums 19 17 VARIORUM, (Latin) an...
variously 25 17 VARIOUS, of diverse...
variscite 21 16 an apple-green miner...
varisized 21 23 in various sizes [ad...
varistors 18 13 VARISTOR, a semicond...
varityped 26 19 VARITYPE, to produce...
varitypes 26 18 VARITYPE, to produce...
varletess 18 14 a female varlet [n -...
varlettos 18 14 VARLETTO, (Shakespea...
varnished 19 17 VARNISH, to give a g...
varnisher 19 16 one who varnishes [n...
varnishes 19 16 VARNISH, to give a g...
varooming 18 19 VAROOM, to run an en...
varsities 18 13 VARSITY, (colloquial...
vartabeds 19 17 VARTABED, a member o...
varvelled 21 20 having varvels, also...
varyingly 32 21 VARYING [adv]
vasculums 24 22 VASCULUM, a box used...
vasectomy 27 21 the excision of part...
vaselined 17 16 VASELINE, to cover o...
vaselines 17 15 VASELINE [n]
vasomotor 17 16 causing constriction...
vasospasm 20 19 a sharp and often pe...
vasotocin 19 17 a polypeptide pituit...
vasovagal 20 20 of or relating to bo...
vassalage 18 16 the state of being a...
vassaless 18 14 a female vassal [n -...
vassalise 18 14 to reduce to the sta...
vassalize 21 23 to reduce to the sta...
vassalled 19 16 VASSAL, to subject [...
vastidity 25 16 immensity [n VASTIDI...
vastities 18 13 VASTITY, vastness, a...
vastitude 18 15 vastness, also VASTI...
vaticides 21 17 VATICIDE, the killin...
vaticinal 21 18 of or pertaining to...
vaultages 19 17 VAULTAGE, a cavern,...
vaultiest 19 15 VAULTY, (Shakespeare...
vaultings 20 18 VAULTING, the act of...
vaultlike 21 20 like a vault [adj]
vauntages 17 17 VAUNTAGE, (Spenser)...
vauntiest 17 15 VAUNTY, boastful, al...
vauntings 18 18 VAUNTING, the act of...
vavasours 19 18 VAVASOUR, a knight,...
vavassors 19 17 VAVASSOR, a knight,...
vawntiest 20 17 VAWNTIE, boastful, a...
vectorial 21 17 of or like a vector...
vectoring 21 19 directing an aircraf...
vectorise 20 16 to make into a vecto...
vectorize 23 25 to make into a vecto...
vedutista 18 15 (Italian) a painter...
vedutisti 19 15 VEDUTISTA, (Italian)...
veeringly 25 19 VEERING, changing di...
veganisms 19 19 VEGANISM, the practi...
vegelates 18 16 VEGELATE, a kind of...
vegemites 19 18 VEGEMITE, (colloquia...
vegetable 20 19 a plant or part of o...
vegetably 27 21 VEGETABLE, of the na...
vegetally 26 19 VEGETAL, of or perta...
vegetated 17 16 VEGETATE, to live an...
vegetates 17 15 VEGETATE, to live an...
vegetists 19 15 VEGETIST, one that e...
vegetives 20 19 VEGETIVE, (Shakespea...
vehemence 21 22 urgency, forcefulnes...
vehemency 28 24 urgency, forcefulnes...
vehicular 24 20 of or pertaining to...
veilleuse 19 16 (French) a small, hi...
veinstone 15 15 gangue, also VEINSTU...
veinstuff 22 21 gangue, also VEINSTO...
veinulets 18 16 VEINULET, a small ve...
velarised 18 15 VELARISE, to pronoun...
velarises 18 14 VELARISE, to pronoun...
velarized 21 24 VELARIZE, to pronoun...
velarizes 21 23 VELARIZE, to pronoun...
velaturas 18 15 VELATURA, (Italian)...
veldskoen 18 20 (Afrikaans) a shoe m...
vellenage 18 18 (Spenser) the state...
vellicate 22 18 to twitch, pluck [v...
velodrome 18 18 an area for cycling...
veloutine 17 16 velvety corded wool...
velskoens 18 19 VELSKOEN, (Afrikaans...
velverets 20 18 VELVERET, a kind of...
velveteen 18 19 a kind of cloth, usu...
velvetier 20 18 VELVETY, having the...
velveting 21 21 velvet material [n -...
venatical 20 18 related to hunting,...
venations 15 15 VENATION, the arrang...
vendables 19 19 VENDABLE, something...
vendanges 16 18 VENDANGE, the grape...
vendettas 16 15 VENDETTA, (Italian)...
vendeuses 16 16 VENDEUSE, (French) a...
vendibles 20 19 VENDIBLE, something...
vendisses 17 15 VENDISS, a whitefish...
vendition 16 16 a sale [n -S]
veneerers 15 14 VENEERER, one who ve...
veneering 16 17 an overlay with a th...
venefical 22 21 acting by poison or...
venenated 14 16 VENENATE, to poison...
venenates 14 15 VENENATE, to poison...
venerable 18 18 worthy of reverence...
venerably 25 20 VENERABLE, worthy of...
venerated 15 15 VENERATE, to revere...
venerates 15 14 VENERATE, to revere...
venerator 15 14 one who venerates [n...
venereans 14 15 VENEREAN, a person a...
venereous 15 15 venereal; exciting l...
venetians 15 15 VENETIAN, a flexible...
vengeable 19 20 revengeful; deservin...
vengeably 26 22 VENGEABLE, revengefu...
vengeance 18 20 revenge [n -S]
vengement 17 20 (Spenser) revenge, a...
veniality 24 17 pardonableness of of...
venidiums 19 19 VENIDIUM, a plant na...
venireman 16 18 a person summoned by...
veniremen 16 18 VENIREMAN, a person...
venograms 18 19 VENOGRAM, an X-ray o...
venomless 18 18 without venom [adj]
ventailes 17 15 VENTAILE, (Spenser)...
ventayles 23 17 VENTAYLE, (Spenser)...
ventiduct 21 19 a ventilating pipe o...
ventifact 22 20 a stone polished by...
ventilate 17 15 to supply with air [...
ventosity 23 16 the state of being v...
ventouses 16 15 VENTOUSE, an apparat...
ventrally 25 18 VENTRAL, pertaining...
ventricle 21 18 either of the two mu...
ventrings 18 17 VENTRING, (Milton) a...
venturers 17 15 VENTURER, one who ve...
venturing 18 18 VENTURE, to risk, al...
venturous 17 16 venturesome; adventu...
venvilles 21 20 VENVILLE, a form of...
veracious 20 17 truthful; exact [adj...
verandaed 15 16 having a veranda, al...
verandahs 18 17 VERANDAH, (Hindi) a...
verapamil 21 20 a calcium channel bl...
veratrias 17 13 VERATRIA, a poisonou...
veratrine 16 14 an alkaloid or mixtu...
veratrins 17 14 VERATRIN, a poisonou...
veratrums 19 17 VERATRUM, (Latin) a...
verbalise 20 17 to put into words, a...
verbalism 22 20 undue attention to w...
verbalist 21 17 a person dealing in...
verbality 27 19 the state of being v...
verbalize 23 26 to put into words, a...
verballed 21 19 VERBAL, to take a po...
verbarian 18 17 a coiner of words [n...
verbascum 24 23 another name for the...
verberate 18 16 (archaic) to beat [v...
verbiages 20 18 VERBIAGE, a profusio...
verbicide 23 20 destruction of the m...
verbified 22 20 VERBIFY, to use as a...
verbifies 22 19 VERBIFY, to use as a...
verbosely 26 19 VERBOSE, wordy [adv]
verbosest 19 16 VERBOSE, wordy [adj]
verbosity 26 18 the state of being v...
verdantly 24 18 VERDANT, green with...
verdelhos 20 17 VERDELHO, (Portugues...
verderers 17 14 VERDERER, (historica...
verderors 17 14 VERDEROR, an officer...
verdigris 20 16 a green or bluish de...
verditers 18 14 VERDITER, (archaic)...
verdurous 18 16 green with growth [a...
vergences 20 19 VERGENCE, the simult...
verglases 19 16 VERGLAS, (French) a...
veridical 22 18 truthful; correspond...
verifiers 20 16 VERIFIER, one who ve...
verifying 27 21 VERIFY, to prove to...
veritable 20 17 true [adj VERITABLY]
veritably 27 19 VERITABLE, true [adv...
veritates 17 13 VERITAS, (Latin) tru...
verjuiced 23 27 VERJUICE, to make so...
verjuices 23 26 VERJUICE, to make so...
verligtes 20 16 VERLIGTE, a liberal...
vermeiled 19 18 VERMEIL, to colour r...
vermeille 20 18 to make crimson [v V...
vermicide 22 20 a substance that kil...
vermicule 23 21 a small worm or inse...
vermiform 22 22 having the form of a...
vermifuge 22 22 a medicine or substa...
vermilies 20 17 VERMILY, (Spenser) v...
vermilion 19 18 bright red [adj] / a...
vermilled 21 19 VERMIL, to colour re...
verminate 17 17 to breed vermin [v V...
verminous 18 18 full of vermin [adj...
vermouths 21 19 VERMOUTH, (French) a...
vernacles 20 18 VERNACLE, a handkerc...
vernalise 17 15 to cause (plants) to...
vernality 24 17 the quality of being...
vernalize 20 24 to cause (plants) to...
vernation 15 15 the arrangement of t...
vernicles 21 18 VERNICLE, a handkerc...
veronicas 19 17 VERONICA, a handkerc...
veronique 24 24 (French) served with...
verqueres 25 23 VERQUERE, a form of...
verquires 26 23 VERQUIRE, a form of...
verrucose 20 17 covered with warty e...
verrucous 21 18 covered with warty e...
versatile 18 14 turning easily from...
verselets 18 14 VERSELET, a little v...
versicles 22 17 VERSICLE, a short ve...
versified 20 17 VERSIFY, to change f...
versifier 20 16 a maker of verses, a...
versifies 20 16 VERSIFY, to change f...
versiform 21 19 varying in form [adj...
versional 17 15 relating to a versio...
versioned 16 15 VERSION, to create a...
versioner 16 14 the producer of a ve...
vertebrae 18 16 VERTEBRA, a componen...
vertebral 20 17 of or like a vertebr...
vertebras 19 16 VERTEBRA, a componen...
verticals 22 17 VERTICAL, a vertical...
verticils 23 17 VERTICIL, a circular...
verticity 28 18 the power of turning...
vertigoes 18 15 VERTIGO, dizziness [...
vertiport 20 16 an airport designed...
vertisols 19 14 VERTISOL, a type of...
vervelled 21 20 having vervels, ring...
vesicants 20 17 VESICANT, any agent...
vesicated 20 17 VESICATE, to blister...
vesicates 20 16 VESICATE, to blister...
vesiculae 21 18 VESICULA, a small bl...
vesicular 22 18 having vesicles e.g....
vesperals 20 17 VESPERAL, an office-...
vestibula 21 18 VESTIBULUM, (Latin)...
vestibule 21 18 an entrance-hall [n...
vestigial 20 16 of or like a vestige...
vestigium 21 19 (Latin) a trace, a v...
vestiment 18 17 (obsolete) vestment,...
vestiture 18 14 clothes [n -S]
vestments 18 17 VESTMENT, a ceremoni...
vestryman 24 19 a member of a vestry...
vestrymen 24 19 VESTRYMAN, a member...
vesturers 18 14 VESTURER, a person r...
vesturing 19 17 VESTURE, (archaic) t...
vesuvians 19 19 VESUVIAN, a smoker's...
vetchiest 23 18 VETCHY, covered with...
vetchling 25 22 any small leguminous...
vetiverts 20 17 VETIVERT, (Tamil) th...
vetturini 18 15 VETTURINO, (Italian)...
vetturino 17 15 (Italian) one who le...
vexations 22 21 VEXATION, a cause of...
vexatious 23 21 causing vexation [ad...
vexedness 22 22 the state of being v...
vexillary 32 24 a standard-bearer [n...
vexillate 25 22 of or like a vexillu...
viability 28 19 the state of being v...
viameters 18 16 VIAMETER, a device f...
viaticals 22 17 baggage [n]
viaticums 23 20 VIATICUM, an allowan...
viatorial 18 14 travelling [adj]
vibracula 24 21 VIBRACULUM, (Latin)...
vibraharp 24 21 an instrument having...
vibrances 22 20 VIBRANCE, the state...
vibrantly 27 20 VIBRANT, vibrating,...
vibratile 21 17 capable of vibratory...
vibrating 21 19 VIBRATE, to move bac...
vibration 19 17 a vibrating [n -S]
vibrative 22 20 consisting in, or ca...
vibrators 20 16 VIBRATOR, a type of...
vibratory 26 18 consisting in, or ca...
vibrionic 23 20 of or like a vibrio,...
vibrioses 20 16 VIBRIOSIS, infection...
vibriosis 21 16 infection with vibri...
vibrissae 20 16 VIBRISSA, a bristle...
vibrissal 22 17 like a vibrissa, a s...
viburnums 22 22 VIBURNUM, (Latin) a...
vicarages 21 18 VICARAGE, the habita...
vicarates 20 16 VICARATE, the office...
vicariant 20 17 a species, variety,...
vicariate 20 16 the office or author...
vicarious 21 17 characteristic of fe...
vicarship 26 21 the office or dignit...
vicegeral 22 19 relating to a vicero...
vicennial 20 19 occurring every twen...
viceregal 22 19 of a viceroy, of a g...
vicereine 19 17 (French) the wife of...
vicesimal 23 20 based on the number...
viciating 22 19 VICIATE, (obsolete)...
vicinages 21 19 VICINAGE, the region...
viciosity 28 18 the state or charact...
viciously 29 20 VICIOUS, dangerously...
victimise 23 19 to make a victim of,...
victimize 26 28 to make a victim of,...
victoress 21 16 (obsolete) a female...
victorias 21 16 VICTORIA, a kind of...
victories 21 16 VICTORY, a successfu...
victorine 20 17 (French) a woman's f...
victrixes 28 23 VICTRIX, (Latin) a f...
victrolas 22 17 VICTROLA, (trade) a...
victualed 22 19 VICTUAL, to provide...
victualer 22 18 one who furnishes vi...
videlicet 22 18 (Latin) that is to s...
videocams 21 20 VIDEOCAM, a camera f...
videodisc 21 18 a compact disk on wh...
videodisk 19 19 a compact disk on wh...
videofits 20 17 VIDEOFIT, a type of...
videogram 19 19 a commercial video f...
videoland 17 17 television as a medi...
videotape 18 17 magnetic tape for re...
videotext 23 21 a system used to dis...
vidimuses 20 18 VIDIMUS, (Latin) an...
viduities 19 15 VIDUITY, the state o...
viewbooks 23 23 VIEWBOOK, a promotio...
viewdatas 20 17 VIEWDATA, a communic...
viewiness 20 17 the state of being v...
viewphone 23 22 a phone that enables...
viewpoint 22 20 a place offering a g...
viewports 23 19 VIEWPORT, a framed a...
viewsheds 23 19 VIEWSHED, the natura...
vigesimal 21 19 based on the number...
vigilance 22 20 the state of being v...
vigilante 19 17 (Spanish) any person...
vignerons 17 17 VIGNERON, (French) a...
vignetted 18 17 VIGNETTE, to make a...
vignetter 18 16 one who makes vignet...
vignettes 18 16 VIGNETTE, to make a...
vikingism 22 23 the practice of bein...
viliacoes 21 17 VILIACO, (obsolete)...
viliagoes 19 16 VILIAGO, (obsolete)...
vilifiers 22 17 VILIFIER, one who vi...
vilifying 29 22 VILIFY, to slander;...
vilipends 21 19 VILIPEND, (Latin) to...
villadoms 21 19 VILLADOM, villas col...
villagers 21 17 VILLAGER, one who li...
villagery 27 19 villages; a district...
villagios 21 17 VILLAGIO, (Scott) a...
villagree 20 17 (Shakespeare) villag...
villanage 19 18 the state of being a...
villanies 19 16 VILLANY, conduct cha...
villanous 19 17 villainous, also VIL...
villenage 19 18 the state of being a...
villiacos 23 18 VILLIACO, (Shakespea...
villiagos 21 17 VILLIAGO, (Shakespea...
villiform 24 21 of the form or shape...
villosity 27 17 the state of being v...
villously 28 19 VILLOUS, abounding i...
vimineous 18 18 made of wicker [adj]
vinaceous 19 18 of the colour of red...
vinculums 24 23 VINCULUM, (Latin) a...
vindaloos 17 16 VINDALOO, a curried...
vindemial 19 19 (archaic) pertaining...
vindicate 20 18 to justify, to clear...
vinegared 17 17 VINEGAR, to treat wi...
vineyards 23 17 VINEYARD, an area pl...
viniferas 19 17 VINIFERA, a European...
vinifying 27 22 VINIFY, to convert i...
vintagers 18 16 VINTAGER, one that h...
vintaging 19 19 gathering grapes [n...
violaters 18 14 VIOLATER, one who vi...
violating 19 17 VIOLATE, to fail to...
violation 17 15 the act of violating...
violative 20 18 violating, or tendin...
violators 18 14 VIOLATOR, one who vi...
violences 20 18 VIOLENCE, a violent...
violented 17 16 VIOLENT, (obsolete)...
violently 25 18 VIOLENT, intensely f...
violinist 19 15 one who plays the vi...
viomycins 28 22 VIOMYCIN, a drug use...
viosterol 18 14 a type of vitamin [n...
viperfish 25 21 a predatory deep-sea...
viraemias 18 16 VIRAEMIA, the presen...
viragoish 21 17 like a virago, a lou...
virements 18 17 VIREMENT, in account...
vireonine 15 15 a bird of the vireo...
virescent 20 17 becoming green [adj]
virginals 20 17 VIRGINAL, (Shakespea...
virginias 19 16 VIRGINIA, a type of...
virgining 20 19 VIRGIN, (Shakespeare...
virginity 26 18 the state of being v...
virginium 21 20 a name proposed for...
virgulate 20 17 shaped like a little...
viricidal 23 18 relating to a virici...
viricides 22 17 VIRICIDE, a substanc...
viridians 18 15 VIRIDIAN, a greenish...
viridites 19 14 VIRIDITE, a green de...
virilised 20 15 VIRILISE, to introdu...
virilises 20 14 VIRILISE, to introdu...
virilisms 22 17 VIRILISM, the develo...
virilized 23 24 VIRILIZE, to introdu...
virilizes 23 23 VIRILIZE, to introdu...
virilocal 23 18 living with one's hu...
virogenes 17 16 VIROGENE, a virus-fo...
virologic 23 19 relating to virology...
virtually 27 18 VIRTUAL, having the...
virtuosas 18 14 VIRTUOSA, (Italian)...
virtuosic 22 17 exhibiting the quali...
virtuosos 18 14 VIRTUOSO, a highly s...
virucidal 23 19 relating to a viruci...
virucides 22 18 VIRUCIDE, a substanc...
virulence 21 19 the state of being v...
virulency 28 21 the state of being v...
viruslike 21 19 like a virus [adj]
virusoids 19 15 VIRUSOID, a particle...
visagiste 19 15 an expert in facial...
visagists 20 15 VISAGIST, an expert...
viscachas 26 21 VISCACHA, a gregario...
viscarias 21 16 VISCARIA, any plant...
viscerate 20 16 to deprive of the vi...
viscidity 29 19 the state of being v...
viscoidal 22 18 somewhat viscid, als...
viscosity 28 18 the quality of being...
viscounts 21 18 VISCOUNT, a British...
viscounty 27 20 the rank or office o...
viscously 29 20 VISCOUS, adhesive or...
visionary 23 16 a person of imaginat...
visioners 17 14 VISIONER, a person w...
visioning 18 17 the act of seeing vi...
visionist 18 14 a visionary, also VI...
visitable 21 17 capable of being vis...
visitants 18 14 VISITANT, someone wh...
visitator 18 13 an official visitor...
visitings 20 16 VISITING, the act of...
visitress 19 13 a female visitor [n...
visnomies 18 17 VISNOMY, the act of...
visorless 19 14 without a visor, als...
vistaless 19 14 without a vista [adj...
visualise 19 15 to call up a clear v...
visualist 20 15 a visualizer, a visi...
visuality 26 17 (Carlyle) the state...
visualize 22 24 to call up a clear v...
vitaceous 20 17 of a family of flowe...
vitalised 19 15 VITALISE, to give li...
vitaliser 19 14 something that vital...
vitalises 19 14 VITALISE, to give li...
vitalisms 21 17 VITALISM, the philos...
vitalists 20 14 VITALIST, one who ho...
vitalized 22 24 VITALIZE, to give li...
vitalizer 22 23 something that vital...
vitalizes 22 23 VITALIZE, to give li...
vitalness 18 15 the state of being v...
vitamines 18 17 VITAMINE, an organic...
vitaminic 22 20 relating to a vitami...
vitascope 22 19 a moving picture pro...
vitellary 26 17 the location within...
vitelline 19 16 a vitellus, a membra...
vitellins 20 16 VITELLIN, a protein...
vitiating 19 16 VITIATE, to impair t...
vitiation 17 14 spoiling, impairment...
vitiators 18 13 VITIATOR, one who vi...
viticetum 23 20 a plantation of vine...
viticides 22 17 VITICIDE, a vine pes...
vitiligos 21 16 VITILIGO, a rare ski...
vitiosity 25 15 the state or charact...
vitrified 21 17 VITRIFY, to convert...
vitrifies 21 16 VITRIFY, to convert...
vitriform 22 19 of the form or shape...
vitrioled 19 15 VITRIOL, to treat wi...
vitriolic 23 17 caustic or hostile [...
vivacious 23 21 lively [adj VIVACIOU...
vivamente 19 21 (Italian) in a livel...
vivandier 19 19 (French) a (male) at...
vivariums 22 21 VIVARIUM, a place fo...
vivencies 22 21 VIVENCY, vitality [n...
viverrids 21 18 VIVERRID, a member o...
viverrine 19 18 a member of the ferr...
vivianite 19 18 ferrous phosphate, b...
vividness 20 19 the state of being v...
vivifiers 23 20 VIVIFIER, one who vi...
vivifying 30 25 VIVIFY, to give life...
vivisects 24 20 VIVISECT, to dissect...
vizaments 21 26 VIZAMENT, (Shakespea...
vizarding 22 26 VIZARD, to mask or d...
vizcachas 29 30 VIZCACHA, a gregario...
vizierate 20 22 the office, dignity,...
vizierial 22 23 of or like a vizier,...
vizirates 21 22 VIZIRATE, the office...
vizirship 27 27 the office of vizir...
vizorless 22 23 without a vizor, als...
vizzieing 25 34 VIZZIE, (Scots) to t...
vloggings 22 21 VLOGGING, the act of...
vocabular 23 21 of or concerning wor...
vocaleses 20 17 VOCALESE, a type of...
vocalions 20 18 VOCALION, a musical...
vocalised 21 18 VOCALISE, to produce...
vocaliser 21 17 one who vocalises, a...
vocalises 21 17 VOCALISE, to produce...
vocalisms 23 20 VOCALISM, the exerci...
vocalists 22 17 VOCALIST, a singer,...
vocalized 24 27 VOCALIZE, to produce...
vocalizer 24 26 one who vocalizes, a...
vocalizes 24 26 VOCALIZE, to produce...
vocalness 20 18 the quality of being...
vocations 19 17 VOCATION, one's prof...
vocatives 22 20 VOCATIVE, a grammati...
vodcasted 20 18 VODCAST, to broadcas...
vodcaster 20 17 one who makes vodcas...
vogueings 19 19 VOGUEING, performing...
voguishly 29 21 VOGUISH, fashionable...
voiceless 21 17 without a voice [adj...
voicemail 22 20 the facility of leav...
voiceover 21 20 a spoken commentary...
voidances 19 18 VOIDANCE, the act of...
voisinage 17 16 (obsolete) a neighbo...
voiturier 18 14 (French) the driver...
volatiles 19 15 VOLATILE, a winged c...
volcanian 19 19 relating to a volcan...
volcanics 24 21 VOLCANIC, a volcanic...
volcanise 20 18 to subject to the ac...
volcanism 22 21 volcanic power or ac...
volcanist 21 18 one versed in the hi...
volcanize 23 27 to subject to the ac...
volcanoes 19 18 VOLCANO, a centre of...
volitated 18 15 VOLITATE, to fly abo...
volitates 18 14 VOLITATE, to fly abo...
volitient 18 15 willing [adj]
volitions 18 15 VOLITION, the power...
volitives 21 18 VOLITIVE, a desidera...
volkslied 21 20 (German) a popular s...
volksraad 19 19 (Afrikaans) a legisl...
volleyers 25 17 VOLLEYER, one who vo...
volleying 26 20 VOLLEY, to return a...
volplaned 20 20 VOLPLANE, to glide i...
volplanes 20 19 VOLPLANE, to glide i...
voltaisms 20 17 VOLTAISM, electricit...
voltigeur 20 17 (French) a lightly a...
voltinism 20 18 the number of broods...
voltmeter 19 17 an instrument for me...
volucrine 21 19 of or pertaining to...
volumeter 19 18 an instrument for me...
volumetry 26 20 the act of measuring...
voluminal 20 20 pertaining to volume...
volumised 20 19 VOLUMISE, to give ex...
volumiser 20 18 an agent used to giv...
volumises 20 18 VOLUMISE, to give ex...
volumists 21 18 VOLUMIST, an author...
volumized 23 28 VOLUMIZE, to give ex...
volumizer 23 27 an agent used to giv...
volumizes 23 27 VOLUMIZE, to give ex...
voluntary 24 18 not compulsory [adj...
volunteer 17 16 to offer one's servi...
volutions 18 16 VOLUTION, a revolvin...
vomitings 20 19 VOMITING, the act of...
vomitives 21 20 VOMITIVE, a substanc...
vomitoria 18 16 VOMITORIUM, (Latin)...
vomituses 19 17 VOMITUS, (Latin) mat...
voodooing 16 17 VOODOO, to bewitch b...
voodooism 17 17 the belief in or pra...
voodooist 16 14 a practitioner of vo...
voorkamer 18 20 (Afrikaans) a front...
voorskots 18 17 VOORSKOT, (Afrikaans...
voracious 20 17 greedy [adj VORACIOU...
vorticism 23 19 a British movement i...
vorticist 22 16 a painter who expres...
vorticity 28 18 the amount of vortic...
vorticose 20 16 like a vortex, whirl...
votarists 18 13 VOTARIST, a person w...
votresses 17 13 VOTRESS, a female vo...
vouchered 22 20 VOUCHER, to establis...
vouchsafe 24 22 to grant as a privil...
voudouing 18 19 VOUDOU, to bewitch b...
voussoirs 18 14 VOUSSOIR, (French) o...
voutsafed 19 18 VOUTSAFE, (Milton) t...
voutsafes 19 17 VOUTSAFE, (Milton) t...
vowelised 21 18 VOWELISE, to use as...
vowelises 21 17 VOWELISE, to use as...
vowelized 24 27 VOWELIZE, to use as...
vowelizes 24 26 VOWELIZE, to use as...
vowelless 22 18 without vowels [adj]
vowelling 23 21 VOWEL, to use as a s...
voyageurs 24 18 VOYAGEUR, an employe...
voyagings 25 20 VOYAGING, the act of...
voyeurism 25 19 the derivation of gr...
vraickers 22 20 VRAICKER, a gatherer...
vraicking 23 23 the gathering of vra...
vrystater 24 15 (South African) a na...
vulcanian 20 20 relating to a volcan...
vulcanise 21 19 to change the proper...
vulcanism 23 22 volcanic power or ac...
vulcanist 22 19 one versed in the hi...
vulcanite 21 19 hard rubber produced...
vulcanize 24 28 to change the proper...
vulgarest 20 17 VULGAR, common [adj]
vulgarian 19 18 a vulgar person; one...
vulgarise 20 17 to make vulgar, or c...
vulgarism 22 20 a coarse, substandar...
vulgarity 27 19 the state of being v...
vulgarize 23 26 to make vulgar, or c...
vulnerary 24 18 useful in healing wo...
vulnerate 17 16 (obsolete) to wound...
vulpicide 25 22 the killing of a fox...
vulpinism 23 22 foxlike cunning [n -...
vulpinite 21 19 a granular scaly for...
vulsellae 20 17 VULSELLA, forceps wi...
vulsellum 23 21 (Latin) a forceps wi...
vulturine 19 17 like a vulture; rapa...
vulturish 23 18 like a vulture; rapa...
vulturism 22 19 (Carlyle) the state...
vulturous 20 17 like a vulture; rapa...
vulviform 25 25 shaped like a vulva,...
vuvuzelas 24 29 VUVUZELA, (South Afr...