13 letter words that start with V

13 letter words that start with V

13 letter V word


Words With Friends®


vacationlands 26 24 VACATIONLAND, an are...
vacillatingly 38 28 VACILLATING [adv]
vacuolisation 27 23 the act of producing...
vacuolization 30 32 the act of producing...
vacuousnesses 26 23 VACUOUSNESS, the sta...
vagabondising 27 27 VAGABONDISE, to go a...
vagabondizing 30 36 VAGABONDIZE, to go a...
vaginectomies 28 26 VAGINECTOMY, surgica...
vagrantnesses 23 21 VAGRANTNESS, the sta...
valedictorian 27 23 one who bids farewel...
valedictories 28 22 VALEDICTORY, a farew...
valiantnesses 23 20 VALIANTNESS, the sta...
valorisations 24 19 VALORISATION, the fi...
valorizations 27 28 VALORIZATION, the fi...
valpolicellas 33 27 VALPOLICELLA, a red...
valuationally 32 24 VALUATIONAL, relatin...
valuelessness 25 21 the state of being v...
vandalisation 23 21 the act of vandalisi...
vandalization 26 30 the act of vandalizi...
vanquishments 35 34 VANQUISHMENT, the ac...
vaporescences 30 27 VAPORESCENCE, becomi...
vaporisations 25 21 VAPORISATION, the ac...
vaporizations 28 30 VAPORIZATION, the ac...
vapourability 36 27 the capacity to be v...
vapourishness 28 24 the state of being v...
variabilities 28 21 VARIABILITY, the sta...
variationally 31 22 VARIATIONAL, relatin...
variationists 24 18 VARIATIONIST, a comp...
variolisation 24 19 inoculation with sma...
variolization 27 28 inoculation with sma...
variousnesses 23 19 VARIOUSNESS, the sta...
vascularising 30 25 VASCULARISE, to caus...
vascularities 29 22 VASCULARITY, the sta...
vascularizing 33 34 VASCULARIZE, to caus...
vasectomising 29 26 VASECTOMISE, to perf...
vasectomizing 32 35 VASECTOMIZE, to perf...
vasodilations 24 20 VASODILATION, the di...
vasoinhibitor 28 23 any of a group of dr...
vaticinations 26 22 VATICINATION, prophe...
vaudevilleans 27 26 VAUDEVILLEAN, a perf...
vaudevillians 28 26 VAUDEVILLIAN, a perf...
vaudevillists 30 25 VAUDEVILLIST, a perf...
vectorisation 26 21 the process of vecto...
vectorization 29 30 the process of vecto...
vegetarianism 25 23 the theory or practi...
veggieburgers 30 27 VEGGIEBURGER, a burg...
velarisations 24 19 VELARISATION, the pr...
velarizations 27 28 VELARIZATION, the pr...
velocimetries 29 24 VELOCIMETRY, measure...
velocipedeans 28 26 VELOCIPEDEAN, one wh...
velocipedians 29 26 VELOCIPEDIAN, one wh...
velocipedists 31 25 VELOCIPEDIST, one wh...
velociraptors 30 24 VELOCIRAPTOR, a smal...
velvetinesses 26 23 VELVETINESS, the sta...
vendibilities 28 23 VENDIBILITY, the sta...
veneficiously 36 28 VENEFICIOUS, acting...
venepunctures 28 27 VENEPUNCTURE, the pu...
venerableness 24 23 the state of being v...
venereologies 23 21 VENEREOLOGY, the stu...
venereologist 24 21 one who studies vene...
venipunctures 29 27 VENIPUNCTURE, the pu...
venographical 32 29 relating to venograp...
venoscleroses 26 22 VENOSCLEROSIS, scler...
venosclerosis 27 22 sclerosis of the vei...
ventriloquial 34 30 relating to ventrilo...
ventriloquies 33 29 VENTRILOQUY, the pro...
ventriloquise 33 29 to project the voice...
ventriloquism 35 32 the production of th...
ventriloquist 34 29 one who uses or is s...
ventriloquize 36 38 to use ventriloquism...
ventriloquous 33 30 related to ventriloq...
ventrolateral 24 20 ventral and lateral...
venturesomely 31 25 VENTURESOME, involvi...
venturousness 23 21 the state of being v...
veraciousness 26 22 the state of being v...
verbalisation 26 22 the act of verbalisi...
verbalization 29 31 the act of verbalizi...
verbification 31 27 conversion into a ve...
verbigerating 28 25 VERBIGERATE, to cont...
verbigeration 26 23 the obsessive repeti...
verbosenesses 24 21 VERBOSENESS, the sta...
verifiability 37 26 the state of being v...
verifications 29 24 VERIFICATION, the ac...
verisimilarly 35 24 VERISIMILAR, seeming...
veritableness 26 22 the state of being v...
vermiculating 31 28 VERMICULATE, to deco...
vermiculation 29 26 wormlike markings [n...
vermicultures 31 26 VERMICULTURE, the fa...
verminousness 24 23 the state of being v...
vernacularise 27 23 to make vernacular,...
vernacularism 29 26 a vernacular word or...
vernacularist 28 23 a user of the vernac...
vernacularity 34 25 the state of being v...
vernacularize 30 32 to make vernacular,...
vernalisation 23 20 subjecting seeds to...
vernalization 26 29 subjecting seeds to...
verrucosities 28 21 VERRUCOSITY, the sta...
versabilities 28 21 VERSABILITY, (obsole...
versatileness 24 19 the state of being v...
versatilities 26 18 VERSATILITY, the sta...
versicoloured 28 23 of variable or vario...
versification 29 24 the making of verses...
versificators 30 23 VERSIFICATOR, a make...
verslibristes 29 21 VERSLIBRISTE, a writ...
vertebrations 25 21 VERTEBRATION, divisi...
verticalities 29 21 VERTICALITY, the sta...
verticillated 30 23 whorled, also VERTIC...
verticilliums 33 26 VERTICILLIUM, a fung...
vertiginously 33 24 VERTIGINOUS, causing...
verumontanums 25 27 VERUMONTANUM, a ridg...
vesiculations 28 23 VESICULATION, the fo...
veterinarians 22 19 VETERINARIAN, a pers...
vexatiousness 29 26 the state of being v...
vexillologies 34 29 VEXILLOLOGY, the stu...
vexillologist 35 29 one who studies flag...
vibracularium 33 29 a long bristle, a mo...
vibraharpists 32 25 VIBRAHARPIST, one wh...
vibraphonists 31 26 VIBRAPHONIST, one wh...
vibratilities 29 21 VIBRATILITY, the qua...
vibrationless 27 22 without vibration [a...
vibratiuncles 31 26 VIBRATIUNCLE, a smal...
vicariousness 27 22 the state of being v...
vicegerencies 30 26 VICEGERENCY, the off...
viceroyalties 34 23 VICEROYALTY, the off...
viciousnesses 27 22 VICIOUSNESS, the sta...
victimisation 29 24 the act of victimisi...
victimization 32 33 the act of victimizi...
victimologies 31 26 VICTIMOLOGY, the stu...
victimologist 32 26 one who studies vict...
videocassette 26 21 a case containing vi...
videographers 29 25 VIDEOGRAPHER, a prac...
videographies 29 25 VIDEOGRAPHY, the art...
vigintillions 28 23 VIGINTILLION, ten to...
vilifications 31 25 VILIFICATION, the ac...
villagisation 27 22 the process of makin...
villagization 30 31 the process of makin...
villeggiatura 29 24 (Italian) a stay in...
vincibilities 32 25 VINCIBILITY, the sta...
vindicability 38 28 the quality of being...
vindicatorily 35 25 VINDICATORY, serving...
vinegarrettes 24 20 VINEGARRETTE, a smal...
viniculturist 31 24 one who practises vi...
vinifications 29 25 VINIFICATION, the pr...
vinylcyanides 40 28 VINYLCYANIDE, anothe...
violabilities 29 22 VIOLABILITY, the cap...
violoncellist 30 24 one who plays the vi...
viridescences 30 25 VIRIDESCENCE, turnin...
virilescences 31 25 VIRILESCENCE, develo...
virilisations 26 19 VIRILISATION, the de...
virilizations 29 28 VIRILIZATION, the de...
virologically 38 27 VIROLOGICAL, relatin...
virtuosoships 30 23 VIRTUOSOSHIP, being...
visceroptoses 29 23 VISCEROPTOSIS, an ab...
visceroptosis 30 23 an abnormally low po...
viscerotonias 26 21 VISCEROTONIA, a patt...
viscometrical 33 27 relating to viscomet...
viscosimeters 29 23 VISCOSIMETER, an ins...
viscosimetric 33 26 relating to measurem...
viscountesses 27 22 VISCOUNTESS, the wif...
viscountships 33 27 VISCOUNTSHIP, the of...
viscousnesses 27 22 VISCOUSNESS, the sta...
visiblenesses 27 22 VISIBLENESS, the sta...
visionariness 23 19 the state of being v...
visualisation 25 20 the formation of men...
visualization 28 29 the formation of men...
vitalisations 25 19 VITALISATION, the ac...
vitalizations 28 28 VITALIZATION, the ac...
vitelligenous 27 23 producing yolk [adj]
viticulturers 31 23 VITICULTURER, one wh...
viticulturist 32 23 one who practises vi...
vitilitigated 28 21 VITILITIGATE, to be...
vitilitigates 28 20 VITILITIGATE, to be...
vitreoretinal 24 19 as in vitreoretinal...
vitrifactions 30 24 VITRIFACTION, the pr...
vitrifactures 31 24 VITRIFACTURE, glassb...
vitrification 30 24 the process of conve...
vitriolations 25 19 VITRIOLATION, conver...
vituperations 26 22 VITUPERATION, abuse,...
vivaciousness 29 26 the state of being v...
vivifications 32 28 VIVIFICATION, the ac...
vivisectional 30 26 relating to vivisect...
vivisectorium 32 28 a place for vivisect...
vivisepulture 31 27 the practice of bury...
vocabularians 29 26 VOCABULARIAN, a pers...
vocalisations 27 22 VOCALISATION, the ac...
vocalizations 30 31 VOCALIZATION, the ac...
vocationalism 28 25 emphasis on vocation...
vocationalist 27 22 an exponent of vocat...
vociferations 28 24 VOCIFERATION, the ac...
voguishnesses 27 23 VOGUISHNESS, the sta...
voicelessness 27 22 the state of being v...
volatilisable 29 23 capable of being vol...
volatilizable 32 32 capable of being vol...
volcanicities 31 25 VOLCANICITY, the sta...
volcanisation 26 23 the process of volca...
volcanization 29 32 the process of volca...
volcanologies 28 25 VOLCANOLOGY, the stu...
volcanologist 29 25 one who studies volc...
volublenesses 27 24 VOLUBLENESS, the sta...
volumenometer 25 26 an instrument for me...
voluntariness 24 21 the state of being v...
voluntaristic 29 23 relating to voluntar...
voluntaryisms 33 25 VOLUNTARYISM, the pr...
voluntaryists 32 22 VOLUNTARYIST, a beli...
volunteerisms 26 23 VOLUNTEERISM, the us...
voluntourisms 27 24 VOLUNTOURISM, touris...
vomituritions 26 22 VOMITURITION, violen...
voraciousness 26 22 the state of being v...
vouchsafement 31 30 the act of vouchsafi...
vowelisations 27 22 VOWELISATION, the pr...
vowelizations 30 31 VOWELIZATION, the pr...
vraisemblance 30 28 verisimilitude [n -S...
vulcanicities 32 26 VULCANICITY, the sta...
vulcanisation 27 24 the process of treat...
vulcanization 30 33 the process of treat...
vulcanologies 29 26 VULCANOLOGY, the stu...
vulcanologist 30 26 one who studies vulc...
vulgarisation 26 22 the act of vulgarisi...
vulgarization 29 31 the act of vulgarizi...
vulnerability 35 26 the state of being v...