11 letter words that start with V

11 letter words that start with V

11 letter V word


Words With Friends®


vacationers 22 19 VACATIONER, one who...
vacationing 23 22 VACATION, to take a...
vacationist 23 19 one who takes a vaca...
vaccinating 27 25 VACCINATE, to inocul...
vaccination 25 23 the act of vaccinati...
vaccinators 26 22 VACCINATOR, one who...
vaccinatory 32 24 relating to vaccinat...
vacillating 27 23 VACILLATE, to fluctu...
vacillation 25 21 an act or instance o...
vacillators 26 20 VACILLATOR, one who...
vacillatory 32 22 wavering [adj]
vacuolation 23 21 the development or f...
vacuousness 23 21 the state of being v...
vagabondage 22 24 the state of being a...
vagabonding 23 25 VAGABOND, to live li...
vagabondise 22 22 to go about as a vag...
vagabondish 25 24 like a vagabond [adj...
vagabondism 24 25 being a vagabond [n...
vagabondize 25 31 to go about as a vag...
vagariously 29 21 VAGARIOUS, erratic i...
vaginectomy 31 26 surgical excision of...
vaginitides 22 19 VAGINITIS, inflammat...
vaginitises 22 18 VAGINITIS, inflammat...
vagrantness 20 19 the state of being v...
vaguenesses 20 19 VAGUENESS, the state...
vaingloried 22 20 VAINGLORY, to boast...
vainglories 22 19 VAINGLORY, excessive...
vaivodeship 27 25 the office of vaivod...
vajazzlings 31 46 VAJAZZLING, the prac...
valediction 24 21 bidding farewell [n...
valedictory 31 22 of or relating to a...
valiantness 20 18 the state of being v...
validations 21 18 VALIDATION, an act o...
validnesses 21 18 VALIDNESS, the state...
valleculate 26 22 shaped like a vallec...
valuational 21 19 relating to valuatio...
vampirising 26 24 VAMPIRISE, to play t...
vampirizing 29 33 VAMPIRIZE, to play t...
vanadinites 19 18 VANADINITE, a minera...
vancomycins 33 28 VANCOMYCIN, an antib...
vandalising 22 21 VANDALISE, to deal w...
vandalistic 25 21 of or relating to va...
vandalizing 25 30 VANDALIZE, to deal w...
vanguardism 23 23 the condition of bei...
vanguardist 22 20 a practitioner of va...
vanishingly 31 24 VANISHING, disappear...
vanishments 23 22 VANISHMENT, a vanish...
vanpoolings 23 23 VANPOOLING, the prac...
vanquishers 31 28 VANQUISHER, one who...
vanquishing 32 31 VANQUISH, to defeat...
vantageless 21 19 without vantage [adj...
vantbrasses 22 19 VANTBRASS, (Milton)...
vapidnesses 22 20 VAPIDNESS, the state...
vaporescent 24 22 forming vapor [adj]
vaporimeter 23 21 instrument for measu...
vaporisable 25 22 capable of being vap...
vaporizable 28 31 that can be vaporize...
vapouringly 31 25 VAPOURING, vaporous...
vapourwares 25 22 VAPOURWARE, a comput...
vapulations 23 21 VAPULATION, the act...
variability 31 21 the state of being v...
variational 20 17 relating to variatio...
varicellate 25 20 of certain shells, m...
varicelloid 26 21 resembling varicella...
varicellous 26 21 relating to varicell...
varicoceles 27 22 VARICOCELE, a varico...
varicolored 24 20 of different colours...
variegating 22 20 VARIEGATE, to patter...
variegation 20 18 the act of variegati...
variegators 21 17 VARIEGATOR, somethin...
variolating 22 19 VARIOLATE, to inocul...
variolation 20 17 inoculation with sma...
variolators 21 16 VARIOLATOR, a person...
variometers 21 18 VARIOMETER, an instr...
variousness 20 17 the state of being v...
varitypists 31 20 VARITYPIST, one who...
varletesses 21 16 VARLETESS, a female...
varnishings 24 21 VARNISHING, the act...
varsovienne 20 21 (French) a polka-lik...
vascularise 25 20 to cause to become v...
vascularity 32 22 the state of being v...
vascularize 28 29 to cause to become v...
vasculature 25 21 the arrangement of b...
vasculiform 29 26 shaped like a small...
vasectomies 24 21 VASECTOMY, the excis...
vasectomise 24 21 to perform a vasecto...
vasectomize 27 30 to perform a vasecto...
vasodilator 21 17 a nerve or drug that...
vasopressin 22 19 a pituitary hormone...
vasopressor 22 18 a drug causing a ris...
vasospastic 26 21 relating to vasospas...
vassalesses 21 16 VASSALESS, a female...
vassalising 23 19 VASSALISE, to reduce...
vassalizing 26 28 VASSALIZE, to reduce...
vastidities 22 16 VASTIDITY, immensity...
vaticinated 23 20 VATICINATE, to proph...
vaticinates 23 19 VATICINATE, to proph...
vaticinator 23 19 a prophet [n -S]
vaudevilles 25 23 VAUDEVILLE, theatric...
vectographs 29 25 VECTOGRAPH, a pictur...
vectorially 32 22 VECTORIAL, of or lik...
vectorising 25 21 VECTORISE, to make i...
vectorizing 28 30 VECTORIZE, to make i...
vectorscope 28 24 an instrument that d...
vegeburgers 25 23 VEGEBURGER, a burger...
vegetarians 20 18 VEGETARIAN, one who...
vegetatings 22 20 VEGETATING, living l...
vegetations 20 18 VEGETATION, the tota...
vegetatious 21 18 relating to vegetati...
vehemencies 25 24 VEHEMENCY, urgency,...
veldschoens 26 23 VELDSCHOEN, (Afrikaa...
velitations 21 17 VELITATION, a minor...
vellicating 27 23 VELLICATE, to twitch...
vellication 25 21 the action of pullin...
vellicative 28 24 relating to vellicat...
velocimeter 25 22 an instrument for me...
velocimetry 32 24 measurement by means...
velocipeded 26 24 VELOCIPEDE, to trave...
velocipeder 26 23 one who rides a velo...
velocipedes 26 23 VELOCIPEDE, to trave...
velveteened 21 22 VELVETEEN [v]
velvetiness 23 21 the state of being v...
venatically 31 23 VENATICAL, related t...
vendettists 21 17 VENDETTIST, one who...
vendibility 31 23 the state of being v...
venditation 19 18 offering for sale [n...
venefically 33 26 VENEFICAL, acting by...
veneficious 25 23 acting by poison or...
venerations 18 17 VENERATION, the act...
venereology 26 21 the study of venerea...
venesection 21 20 the act of opening a...
venialities 21 17 VENIALITY, pardonabl...
venisection 22 20 surgical incision in...
venographic 28 26 relating to venograp...
ventilating 22 20 VENTILATE, to supply...
ventilation 20 18 the act of ventilati...
ventilative 23 21 relating to ventilat...
ventilators 21 17 VENTILATOR, one that...
ventilatory 27 19 of, relating to, or...
ventosities 20 16 VENTOSITY, the state...
ventricular 25 21 of, relating to, or...
ventricules 25 21 VENTRICULE, a ventri...
ventriculus 26 22 a ventricle, also VE...
ventriloquy 36 29 the production of th...
venturesome 20 20 involving risk [adj...
venturingly 29 23 VENTURING [adv]
venturously 28 21 VENTUROUS, ventureso...
veraciously 31 22 VERACIOUS, truthful;...
veratridine 20 17 a poisonous alkaloid...
verbalisers 24 19 VERBALISER, one who...
verbalising 25 22 VERBALISE, to put in...
verbalistic 28 22 of or like a verbali...
verbalities 24 19 VERBALITY, the state...
verbalizers 27 28 VERBALIZER, one who...
verbalizing 28 31 VERBALIZE, to put in...
verberating 23 21 VERBERATE, (archaic)...
verberation 21 19 (archaic) the act of...
verbigerate 23 20 to continually repea...
verboseness 21 19 the state of being v...
verbosities 23 18 VERBOSITY, the state...
verdigrised 23 19 VERDIGRIS, to coat w...
verdigrises 23 18 VERDIGRIS, to coat w...
verdureless 22 18 without verdure [adj...
vergeboards 23 21 VERGEBOARD, a board...
vergerships 27 22 VERGERSHIP, the offi...
veridically 33 23 VERIDICAL, truthful;...
verisimilar 24 19 seeming real or true...
verkramptes 25 25 VERKRAMPTE, (Afrikaa...
vermeilling 25 23 VERMEIL, to colour r...
vermicellis 28 23 VERMICELLI, (Italian...
vermiculate 26 23 to decorate in a man...
vermiculite 27 23 an altered form of m...
vermiculous 27 24 wormy [adj]
vermilioned 22 21 VERMILION, to make v...
vermillions 24 21 VERMILLION, a bright...
verminating 22 22 VERMINATE, to breed...
vermination 20 20 worm infestation; wo...
verminously 29 23 VERMINOUS, full of v...
vermivorous 24 23 eating worms [adj]
vernaculars 24 21 VERNACULAR, a vernac...
vernalising 22 20 VERNALISE, to cause...
vernalities 21 17 VERNALITY, the quali...
vernalizing 25 29 VERNALIZE, to cause...
vernissages 21 18 VERNISSAGE, (French)...
verruciform 28 25 shaped like a wart;...
verrucosity 31 21 the state of being v...
versability 31 21 (obsolete) aptness t...
versatilely 29 19 VERSATILE, turning e...
versatility 29 18 the state of being v...
versicolour 25 20 of variable or vario...
versionings 21 19 VERSIONING, the adap...
versionists 21 16 VERSIONIST, the prod...
verslibrist 26 19 one who writes free...
vertebrally 31 22 VERTEBRAL, of or lik...
vertebrated 22 19 having a backbone [a...
vertebrates 22 18 VERTEBRATE, a backbo...
verticality 32 21 the state of being v...
verticities 25 18 VERTICITY, the power...
vertiginous 22 19 causing or tending t...
verumontana 19 21 VERUMONTANUM, a ridg...
vesications 23 19 VESICATION, the proc...
vesicularly 33 23 VESICULAR, having ve...
vesiculated 25 21 VESICULATE, to becom...
vesiculates 25 20 VESICULATE, to becom...
vespertinal 23 20 of or pertaining to...
vestibuling 26 23 VESTIBULE, to provid...
vestigially 31 21 VESTIGIAL, of or lik...
vestimental 22 20 of or like a vestime...
vesuvianite 22 21 a silicate of calciu...
vexatiously 34 26 VEXATIOUS, causing v...
vexednesses 25 24 VEXEDNESS, the state...
vexillaries 29 24 VEXILLARY, a standar...
vexillation 28 25 a company under one...
vexillology 37 29 the study of flags [...
viabilities 25 19 VIABILITY, the state...
vibraculoid 28 24 of or like a vibracu...
vibraphones 26 24 VIBRAPHONE, an instr...
vibratility 32 21 the quality of being...
vibratingly 32 24 VIBRATING [adv]
vibrational 23 20 related to vibration...
vibratoless 24 19 without vibrato [adj...
vibrographs 29 25 VIBROGRAPH, an instr...
vibrometers 24 21 VIBROMETER, an instr...
vicariances 26 22 VICARIANCE, fragment...
vicariously 32 22 VICARIOUS, character...
vicegerency 33 26 the office of vicere...
vicegerents 24 21 VICEGERENT, one ruli...
viceregally 33 24 VICEREGAL, of a vice...
viceregents 24 21 VICEREGENT, a substi...
viceroyalty 37 23 the office of vicero...
viceroyship 35 25 the office of vicero...
vichyssoise 33 22 (French) a soup made...
viciosities 25 18 VICIOSITY, the state...
viciousness 24 20 the state of being v...
vicissitude 26 20 a change of circumst...
vicomtesses 25 21 VICOMTESSE, (French)...
victimhoods 28 24 VICTIMHOOD, the stat...
victimisers 27 21 VICTIMISER, one who...
victimising 28 24 VICTIMISE, to make a...
victimizers 30 30 VICTIMIZER, one who...
victimizing 31 33 VICTIMIZE, to make a...
victimology 34 26 the study of victims...
victoresses 24 18 VICTORESS, (obsolete...
victoryless 32 21 without a victory [a...
victualages 26 22 VICTUALAGE, provisio...
victuallage 27 23 provisions, also VIC...
victuallers 27 21 VICTUALLER, one who...
victualless 27 21 without victuals [ad...
victualling 28 24 VICTUAL, to provide...
videography 32 25 the art of using a v...
videophiles 26 22 VIDEOPHILE, a lover...
videophones 23 22 VIDEOPHONE, a teleph...
videophonic 27 25 related to a videoph...
videotaping 23 22 VIDEOTAPE, to record...
videotheque 30 28 a cinema in which vi...
viewerships 29 23 VIEWERSHIP, a progra...
viewfinders 26 23 VIEWFINDER, a device...
viewinesses 23 19 VIEWINESS, the state...
vigilantism 25 22 acting as a vigilant...
vignettings 23 21 VIGNETTING, the art...
vignettists 23 18 VIGNETTIST, one who...
vilipenders 24 21 VILIPENDER, one who...
vilipending 25 24 VILIPEND, (Latin) to...
villageries 24 19 VILLAGERY, villages;...
villainages 23 20 VILLAINAGE, the stat...
villanellas 24 20 VILLANELLA, an old r...
villanelles 24 20 VILLANELLE, (French)...
villanously 30 22 VILLANOUS, villainou...
villeinages 23 20 VILLEINAGE, the stat...
villication 26 21 (Smollett) intended...
villosities 24 17 VILLOSITY, the state...
vinaigrette 21 18 (French) a salad dre...
vinblastine 23 21 a cytotoxic alkaloid...
vincibility 35 25 the state of being v...
vincristine 24 20 a cytotoxic alkaloid...
vindemiated 21 21 VINDEMIATE, (archaic...
vindemiates 21 20 VINDEMIATE, (archaic...
vindicating 25 23 VINDICATE, to justif...
vindication 23 21 an act of vindicatin...
vindicative 26 24 tending to vindicate...
vindicators 24 20 VINDICATOR, one who...
vindicatory 30 22 serving or tending t...
vinedresser 20 17 a person who trims a...
vinegarette 20 18 a bottle for aromati...
vinegarroon 19 19 a large whip scorpio...
vineyardist 27 19 one who owns a viney...
viniculture 26 22 vine-growing, also V...
vinificator 26 22 a condensing device...
vinologists 23 19 VINOLOGIST, a studen...
vinylidenes 27 21 VINYLIDENE, a bivale...
violability 32 22 the capacity to be v...
violinistic 26 20 of or like a violini...
violoncelli 26 22 VIOLONCELLO, (Italia...
violoncello 25 22 (Italian) a musical...
viperfishes 28 23 VIPERFISH, a predato...
virescences 26 22 VIRESCENCE, the act...
virginalist 24 19 one who plays on a v...
virginalled 24 21 VIRGINAL, (Shakespea...
virginhoods 24 21 VIRGINHOOD, virginit...
virginities 23 18 VIRGINITY, the state...
viridescent 24 20 greenish [adj]
virilescent 25 20 showing virilescence...
virological 27 22 relating to virology...
virologists 24 18 VIROLOGIST, a studen...
virtualised 23 18 VIRTUALISE, to make...
virtualises 23 17 VIRTUALISE, to make...
virtualisms 25 20 VIRTUALISM, the doct...
virtualists 24 17 VIRTUALIST, one who...
virtualized 26 27 VIRTUALIZE, to make...
virtualizes 26 26 VIRTUALIZE, to make...
virulencies 25 21 VIRULENCY, the state...
viscacheras 29 23 VISCACHERA, (Spanish...
viscerating 25 21 VISCERATE, to depriv...
viscidities 26 19 VISCIDITY, the state...
viscometers 25 21 VISCOMETER, an instr...
viscometric 29 24 relating to viscomet...
viscosities 25 18 VISCOSITY, the quali...
viscountess 24 20 the wife or widow of...
viscounties 24 20 VISCOUNTY, the rank...
viscousness 24 20 the state of being v...
visibleness 24 20 the state of being v...
visionaries 20 16 VISIONARY, a person...
visiophones 24 21 VISIOPHONE, a videop...
visitations 21 16 VISITATION, a visit...
visitresses 22 15 VISITRESS, a female...
visualisers 23 17 VISUALISER, one who...
visualising 24 20 VISUALISE, to call u...
visualities 23 17 VISUALITY, (Carlyle)...
visualizers 26 26 VISUALIZER, one who...
visualizing 27 29 VISUALIZE, to call u...
vitalnesses 21 17 VITALNESS, the state...
vitaminised 22 20 VITAMINISE, to add v...
vitaminises 22 19 VITAMINISE, to add v...
vitaminized 25 29 VITAMINIZE, to add v...
vitaminizes 25 28 VITAMINIZE, to add v...
vitellaries 23 17 VITELLARY, the locat...
vitellicles 28 21 VITELLICLE, a yolk-s...
viticulture 27 21 vine-growing, also V...
vitiosities 22 15 VITIOSITY, the state...
vitraillist 25 17 a maker of glass, es...
vitrescence 26 22 the state of being v...
vitrescible 28 22 having the quality o...
vitrifiable 27 22 that can be vitrifie...
vitriolated 22 17 VITRIOLATE, to conve...
vitriolates 22 16 VITRIOLATE, to conve...
vitriolised 23 17 VITRIOLISE, to treat...
vitriolises 23 16 VITRIOLISE, to treat...
vitriolized 26 26 VITRIOLIZE, to treat...
vitriolizes 26 25 VITRIOLIZE, to treat...
vitriolling 25 20 VITRIOL, to treat wi...
vituperable 26 23 deserving vituperati...
vituperated 23 20 VITUPERATE, to abuse...
vituperates 23 19 VITUPERATE, to abuse...
vituperator 23 19 one who vituperates...
vivaciously 34 26 VIVACIOUS, lively [a...
vivacissimo 28 25 (Italian) in a very...
vivandieres 22 21 VIVANDIERE, (French)...
vividnesses 23 21 VIVIDNESS, the state...
viviparisms 28 25 VIVIPARISM, the brin...
vivisecting 28 25 VIVISECT, to dissect...
vivisection 26 23 the cutting of or op...
vivisective 29 26 relating to vivisect...
vivisectors 27 22 VIVISECTOR, one who...
vizierships 30 29 VIZIERSHIP, the offi...
vocabulists 28 23 VOCABULIST, the writ...
vocalically 36 26 VOCALIC, of or perta...
vocalnesses 23 20 VOCALNESS, the quali...
vociferance 27 25 clamour [n -S]
vociferants 25 22 VOCIFERANT, a vocife...
vociferated 25 22 VOCIFERATE, to cry o...
vociferates 25 21 VOCIFERATE, to cry o...
vociferator 25 21 one who vociferates...
vodcastings 25 22 VODCASTING, the crea...
voetgangers 21 20 VOETGANGER, (Dutch)...
voguishness 24 21 the state of being i...
voicelessly 32 22 VOICELESS, without a...
voiceprints 26 22 VOICEPRINT, an elect...
voivodeship 27 25 the office of voivod...
volatilised 23 18 VOLATILISE, to make...
volatilises 23 17 VOLATILISE, to make...
volatilized 26 27 VOLATILIZE, to make...
volatilizes 26 26 VOLATILIZE, to make...
volcanicity 34 25 the state of being v...
volcanising 25 23 VOLCANISE, to subjec...
volcanizing 28 32 VOLCANIZE, to subjec...
volcanology 31 25 the study of volcano...
volitations 21 17 VOLITATION, flying,...
volitionary 27 19 relating to volition...
volkslieder 24 22 VOLKSLIED [v]
volleyballs 33 24 VOLLEYBALL, a game p...
voltameters 22 19 VOLTAMETER, an instr...
voltametric 26 22 relating to a voltam...
voltammeter 23 22 a dual-purpose instr...
volubleness 24 22 the state of being v...
volumetries 23 20 VOLUMETRY, the act o...
volumometer 23 23 an instrument for me...
voluntaries 21 18 VOLUNTARY, music add...
voluntarily 29 21 VOLUNTARY, not compu...
voluntarism 23 21 the philosophical do...
voluntarist 22 18 an adherent of volun...
voluntative 23 22 a verb form expressi...
volunteered 20 19 VOLUNTEER, to offer...
volutations 21 18 VOLUTATION, the acti...
vomeronasal 20 20 relating to the vome...
voodooistic 23 19 relating to voodoo [...
voortrekker 22 23 (Afrikaans) one of t...
voraciously 31 22 VORACIOUS, greedy [a...
vorticellae 25 20 VORTICELLA, a sessil...
vorticellas 26 20 VORTICELLA, a sessil...
vorticities 25 18 VORTICITY, the amoun...
vortiginous 22 19 like a vortex, whirl...
vouchsafing 29 27 the act of granting...
voussoiring 22 19 VOUSSOIRED, VOUSSOIR...
voyeuristic 31 21 like a voyeur [adj V...
vulcanicity 35 26 the state of being v...
vulcanisate 24 21 a vulcanized product...
vulcanisers 25 21 VULCANISER, an appar...
vulcanising 26 24 VULCANISE, to change...
vulcanizate 27 30 a vulcanized product...
vulcanizers 28 30 VULCANIZER, an appar...
vulcanizing 29 33 VULCANIZE, to change...
vulcanology 32 26 the study of volcano...
vulgarisers 24 19 VULGARISER, one who...
vulgarising 25 22 VULGARISE, to make v...
vulgarities 24 19 VULGARITY, the state...
vulgarizers 27 28 VULGARIZER, one who...
vulgarizing 28 31 VULGARIZE, to make v...
vulneraries 21 18 VULNERARY, a vulnera...
vulnerating 22 21 VULNERATE, (obsolete...
vulneration 20 19 (obsolete) a wound [...