8 letter words that start with V

8 letter words that start with V

8 letter V word


Words With Friends®


vacances 20 19 VACANCE, the state o...
vacantly 25 19 VACANT, empty [adv]
vacating 19 18 VACATE, to make vaca...
vacation 17 16 to take a holiday [v...
vacaturs 19 16 VACATUR, (Latin) the...
vaccinal 22 20 of or pertaining to...
vaccinas 21 19 VACCINA, (Latin) cow...
vaccinee 20 19 one that is vaccinat...
vaccines 21 19 VACCINE, a preparati...
vaccinia 21 19 (Latin) cowpox, also...
vacherin 20 18 (French) a kind of c...
vacuated 18 17 VACUATE, (obsolete)...
vacuates 18 16 VACUATE, (obsolete)...
vacuists 20 16 VACUIST, one who thi...
vacuolar 19 17 relating to a vacuol...
vacuoles 19 17 VACUOLE, a small cav...
vacuumed 20 21 VACUUM, to operate a...
vagabond 17 19 to live like a vagra...
vagaries 16 14 VAGARY, a whim, also...
vagarish 19 16 showing vagaries [ad...
vagility 25 17 freedom of movement...
vaginant 15 16 sheathing [adj]
vaginate 15 15 invested with, or as...
vaginula 17 17 a little sheath, als...
vaginule 17 17 a little sheath, als...
vagotomy 23 19 surgical division of...
vagrancy 25 20 the state of being a...
vagrants 16 15 VAGRANT, a wanderer...
vainesse 14 13 (Spenser) vanity, fu...
vainness 14 14 the state of being v...
vairiest 16 12 VAIRY, charged or va...
vaivodes 17 17 VAIVODE, (Russian) o...
vajazzle 24 40 to adorn the female...
vakasses 16 16 VAKASS, (Armenian) a...
valanced 18 18 VALANCE, to drape wi...
valances 18 17 VALANCE, to drape wi...
valences 18 17 VALENCE, a chemical...
valencia 18 17 a kind of woven fabr...
valerate 15 13 a salt of valeric ac...
valerian 15 14 a perennial herb [n...
valeting 17 16 the act of being a v...
valguses 18 16 VALGUS, (Latin) the...
valiance 18 17 courage, also VALOR,...
valiancy 25 19 valour, also VALIANC...
valiants 16 14 VALIANT, (obsolete)...
validate 16 14 to give legal force...
validest 17 14 VALID, sound, legall...
validity 24 16 the state of being v...
valkyrie 24 19 a maiden in Norse my...
valleyed 23 17 having valleys [adj]
vallhund 20 19 (Swedish) a Swedish...
vallonia 16 15 (Italian) a tanning...
valoneas 14 14 VALONEA, (Italian) a...
valonias 15 14 VALONIA, (Italian) a...
valorise 16 13 to establish and mai...
valorize 19 22 to establish and mai...
valorous 16 14 courageous [adj VALO...
valproic 22 19 as in valproic acid,...
valuable 19 18 having value [adj VA...
valuably 26 20 VALUABLE, having val...
valuated 16 15 VALUATE, to appraise...
valuates 16 14 VALUATE, to appraise...
valuator 16 14 an appraiser, also E...
valvelet 19 18 a small valve [n -S]
valvulae 19 19 VALVULA, a small val...
valvular 20 19 pertaining to a valv...
valvules 20 19 VALVULE, a small val...
vambrace 21 21 (historical) a piece...
vamoosed 15 16 VAMOOSE, to leave qu...
vamooses 15 15 VAMOOSE, to leave qu...
vamosing 17 18 VAMOSE, to leave qui...
vampiest 19 18 VAMPY, like a vamp,...
vampings 20 21 VAMPING, the patchin...
vampired 19 19 VAMPIRE, to prey upo...
vampires 19 18 VAMPIRE, to prey upo...
vampiric 23 21 pertaining to a bloo...
vamplate 19 19 a hand guard [n -S]
vanadate 13 14 a salt of vanadic ac...
vanadium 16 18 a silvery metallic e...
vanadous 14 15 pertaining to vanadi...
vandalic 19 18 resembling the Vanda...
vandyked 22 21 VANDYKE, to notch or...
vandykes 22 20 VANDYKE, to notch or...
vaneless 15 14 without a vane [adj]
vanessas 14 13 VANESSA, a butterfly...
vanessid 15 14 a butterfly of the r...
vanguard 16 17 the forefront of a m...
vanillas 17 15 VANILLA, (Spanish) a...
vanillic 21 18 pertaining to, or de...
vanillin 17 16 a white crystalline...
vanished 17 16 VANISH, to disappear...
vanisher 17 15 one who vanishes [n...
vanishes 17 15 VANISH, to disappear...
vanitied 15 14 full of vanity [adj]
vanities 15 13 VANITY, inflated pri...
vanitory 21 15 a combined dressing...
vanloads 15 15 VANLOAD, the quantit...
vannings 15 17 VANNING, a process b...
vanpools 17 17 VANPOOL, an arrangem...
vanquish 26 25 to defeat in battle...
vantaged 15 16 VANTAGE, (Spenser) t...
vantages 15 15 VANTAGE, (Spenser) t...
vapidest 18 16 VAPID, empty [adj]
vapidity 25 18 the state of being v...
vaporers 17 15 VAPORER, one that va...
vaporing 18 18 boastful talk [n -S]
vaporise 17 15 to turn into vapor,...
vaporish 20 17 resembling or sugges...
vaporize 20 24 to turn into vapor,...
vaporous 17 16 like vapour [adj]
vapoured 17 17 VAPOUR, to turn into...
vapourer 17 16 one that vapours, al...
vapulate 18 17 to flog; to be flogg...
vaqueros 23 22 VAQUERO, (Spanish) o...
varactor 18 15 a two-electrode semi...
varenyky 28 21 (Russian) Ukrainian...
vareuses 15 13 VAREUSE, (French) a...
vargueno 15 16 (Spanish) a cabinet...
variable 18 16 liable to vary [adj...
variably 25 18 VARIABLE, liable to...
variance 17 16 a deviation or alter...
variants 15 13 VARIANT, something t...
variated 15 13 VARIATE, to change,...
variates 15 12 VARIATE, to change,...
variceal 19 16 of or relating to a...
varicoid 19 16 resembling a swollen...
varicose 18 15 swollen, esp. in irr...
variedly 23 16 VARIED [adv]
varietal 16 13 of or having the cha...
variform 19 18 having various forms...
variolar 16 13 of or like variola,...
variolas 16 13 VARIOLA, (Latin) sma...
varioles 16 13 VARIOLE, a small dep...
variorum 17 16 (Latin) an edition o...
varistor 16 12 a semiconductor with...
varitype 24 17 to produce copy on a...
varletry 23 15 a group of common pe...
varletto 16 13 (Shakespeare) sham I...
varments 16 16 VARMENT, (dialect) a...
varmints 17 16 VARMINT, an animal c...
varnishy 24 17 like varnish, glossy...
varoomed 15 16 VAROOM, to run an en...
vartabed 17 16 a member of an Armen...
varyings 23 17 VARYING, the act of...
vascular 20 17 pertaining to ducts...
vasculum 22 21 a box used to hold p...
vasefuls 19 17 VASEFUL, the content...
vaselike 17 17 like a vase [adj]
vaseline 15 14 to cover or smear wi...
vasiform 19 18 having the form of a...
vasotomy 22 17 a surgical cutting o...
vassails 17 13 VASSAIL, (Scott) a v...
vassalry 23 15 vassals collectively...
vastiest 16 12 VASTY, (archaic) vas...
vastness 15 13 the state of being v...
vaticide 19 16 the killing of a pro...
vauching 22 21 VAUCH, (dialect) to...
vaultage 17 16 a cavern, also VAUNT...
vaulters 17 14 VAULTER, one who vau...
vaultier 17 14 VAULTY, (Shakespeare...
vaulting 18 17 the act of vaulting...
vauncing 19 20 VAUNCE, (Spenser) to...
vauntage 15 16 (Spenser) vantage [n...
vaunters 15 14 VAUNTER, one who boa...
vauntery 21 16 (archaic) vaunting,...
vauntful 19 19 given to vaunting or...
vauntier 15 14 VAUNTY, boastful, al...
vaunting 16 17 boastful [adj VAUNTI...
vauriens 15 14 VAURIEN, (French) a...
vavasors 17 16 VAVASOR, a knight, n...
vavasory 23 18 the tenure or lands...
vavasour 17 17 a knight, noble etc....
vavassor 17 16 a knight, noble etc....
vawntier 18 16 VAWNTIE, boastful, a...
vealiest 16 13 VEALY, resembling ve...
vectored 18 16 VECTOR, to guide in...
vedalias 16 14 VEDALIA, an Australi...
vedettes 15 13 VEDETTE, (French) a...
veerings 16 15 VEERING, the act of...
veganism 17 18 the practice of eati...
vegelate 16 15 a kind of chocolate...
vegemite 17 17 (colloquial) a child...
vegetals 17 15 VEGETAL, a plant or...
vegetant 15 15 characteristic of pl...
vegetate 15 14 to live an inactive...
vegetist 17 14 one that eats only p...
vegetive 18 18 (Shakespeare) a plan...
vehement 17 18 ardent [adj VEHEMENT...
vehicles 22 18 VEHICLE, a device us...
vehmique 27 27 relating to a vehm,...
veiledly 24 17 VEILED [adv]
veiliest 17 13 VEILY, like a veil,...
veilings 18 16 VEILING, material fo...
veilless 18 14 without a veil [adj]
veillike 19 18 like a veil [adj]
veiniest 15 13 VEINY, full of veins...
veinings 16 16 VEINING, a network o...
veinless 16 14 without veins [adj]
veinlets 16 14 VEINLET, a small vei...
veinlike 17 18 like a vein [adj]
veinules 16 15 VEINULE, a small vei...
veinulet 16 15 a small veinule, als...
velamina 16 17 VELAMEN, a thin memb...
velarise 16 13 to pronounce with th...
velarium 18 17 an awning over an an...
velarize 19 22 to pronounce with th...
velatura 16 14 (Italian) a method o...
veligers 18 15 VELIGER, (Latin) a m...
velleity 24 16 a very low degree of...
velocity 26 18 rapidity of motion [...
veloutes 16 14 VELOUTE, (French) a...
velskoen 16 18 (Afrikaans) a shoe m...
veluring 18 17 VELURE, (Shakespeare...
velveret 18 17 a kind of velvet hav...
velveted 18 18 having the plush of...
venality 22 16 the state of being v...
venation 13 14 the arrangement and...
venators 14 13 VENATOR, (Latin) a h...
vendable 17 18 that can be vended [...
vendaces 17 17 VENDACE, a whitefish...
vendages 15 16 VENDAGE, the grape h...
vendange 14 17 the grape harvest, a...
vendetta 14 14 (Italian) a blood fe...
vendeuse 14 15 (French) a saleswoma...
vendible 18 18 that can be vended [...
vendibly 25 20 VENDIBLE, that can b...
vendings 16 17 VENDING, the act of...
vendises 15 14 VENDIS, a whitefish,...
veneered 13 14 VENEER, to overlay w...
veneerer 13 13 one who veneers [n -...
venenate 12 14 to poison [v VENENAT...
venenose 12 14 poisonous [adj]
venerate 13 13 to revere [v VENERAT...
venereal 14 14 relating to sexual d...
venerean 12 14 a person addicted to...
venerers 14 13 VENERER, a gamekeepe...
veneries 14 13 VENERY, (archaic) th...
venetian 13 14 a flexible window bl...
vengeful 19 20 seeking to avenge, a...
venially 23 17 VENIAL, easily excus...
venidium 17 18 a plant native to So...
venisons 14 14 VENISON, the edible...
venogram 16 18 an X-ray of a vein [...
venology 22 18 the study of veins [...
venomers 15 16 VENOMER, (archaic) a...
venoming 16 19 VENOM, to inject wit...
venomous 15 17 poisonous [adj VENOM...
venosity 21 15 the state of being v...
venously 22 17 VENOUS, full of vein...
ventages 15 15 VENTAGE, (Shakespear...
ventaile 15 14 (Spenser) the movabl...
ventails 16 14 VENTAIL, the movable...
ventanas 13 14 VENTANA, (Spanish) a...
ventayle 21 16 (Spenser) the movabl...
ventiges 16 15 VENTIGE, (Shakespear...
ventings 16 16 VENTING, the act of...
ventless 16 14 without a vent [adj]
ventoses 14 13 VENTOSE, an apparatu...
ventouse 14 14 an apparatus sometim...
ventrals 16 14 VENTRAL, a ventral f...
ventring 16 16 (Milton) an enterpri...
ventrous 15 14 (Spenser) adventurou...
ventured 15 15 VENTURE, to risk, al...
venturer 15 14 one who ventures [n...
ventures 15 14 VENTURE, to risk, al...
venturis 16 14 VENTURI, a device fo...
venulose 15 15 full of venules, or...
venulous 16 16 full of venules, or...
venville 19 19 a form of tenure in...
veracity 25 17 conformity to truth...
verandah 16 16 (Hindi) a roofed gal...
verandas 14 14 VERANDA, (Hindi) a r...
veratria 15 12 a poisonous mixture...
veratrin 15 13 a poisonous mixture...
veratrum 17 16 (Latin) a genus of c...
verbally 26 19 VERBAL, in words [ad...
verbatim 19 18 (Latin) word for wor...
verbenas 16 16 VERBENA, a plant of...
verbiage 18 17 a profusion of words...
verbiles 19 16 VERBILE, one whose m...
verbings 19 18 VERBING, using a nou...
verbless 19 16 without a verb [adj]
verboser 17 15 VERBOSE, wordy [adj]
verboten 16 16 (German) forbidden [...
verdancy 24 19 the state of being v...
verdelho 18 16 (Portuguese) a white...
verderer 15 13 (historical) an offi...
verderor 15 13 an officer in charge...
verdicts 20 16 VERDICT, the decisio...
verditer 16 13 (archaic) a greenish...
verdites 16 13 VERDITE, green mica...
verdured 16 15 having green vegetat...
verdures 16 14 VERDURE, green veget...
verecund 18 18 (Latin) shy, coy, ba...
vergence 18 18 the simultaneous tur...
vergency 25 20 the act of verging o...
verified 18 16 VERIFY, to prove to...
verifier 18 15 one who verifies [n...
verifies 18 15 VERIFY, to prove to...
verismos 17 15 VERISMO, realism in...
veristic 20 15 relating to verism,...
verities 16 12 VERITY, truth [n]
verjuice 21 25 the sour juice of cr...
verjuses 18 22 VERJUS, the sour jui...
verkramp 20 22 (Afrikaans) in South...
verligte 18 15 (Afrikaans) in South...
vermeils 18 16 VERMEIL, to colour r...
vermells 19 17 VERMELL, (Spenser) v...
vermined 16 17 infested with vermin...
vermoulu 18 18 (French) eaten by wo...
vermouth 19 18 (French) a drink wit...
vermuths 20 18 VERMUTH, (French) a...
vernacle 18 17 a handkerchief beari...
vernally 23 17 VERNAL, pertaining t...
vernicle 19 17 a handkerchief beari...
verniers 15 13 VERNIER, an auxiliar...
vernixes 21 20 VERNIX, a fatty subs...
veronals 15 14 VERONAL, a barbitone...
veronica 17 16 a handkerchief beari...
verquere 23 22 a form of backgammon...
verquire 24 22 a form of backgammon...
verrines 15 13 VERRINE, an appetise...
verrucae 18 16 VERRUCA, (Latin) a p...
verrucas 19 16 VERRUCA, (Latin) a p...
verrugas 17 15 VERRUGA, (Spanish) a...
versants 15 13 VERSANT, the slope o...
verselet 16 13 a little verse [n -S...
verseman 15 16 one who writes verse...
versemen 15 16 VERSEMAN, one who wr...
versicle 20 16 a short verse in a c...
versines 15 13 VERSINE, a versed si...
versings 17 15 VERSING, the composi...
versions 15 13 VERSION [n]
vertebra 17 15 a component of the v...
vertexes 21 19 VERTEX, (Latin) the...
vertical 20 16 upright [adj VERTICA...
vertices 19 15 VERTEX, (Latin) the...
verticil 21 16 a circular arrangeme...
vertigos 17 14 VERTIGO, dizziness [...
vertisol 17 13 a type of clayey soi...
vertuous 16 14 (Spenser) possessing...
vervains 17 17 VERVAIN, a wild verb...
vesicant 18 16 any agent that induc...
vesicate 18 15 to blister [v VESICA...
vesicles 20 16 VESICLE, a small bli...
vesicula 20 17 a small blister or b...
vesperal 18 16 an office-book conta...
vespiary 24 17 a nest of wasps [n V...
vessails 17 13 VESSAIL, (Scott) a v...
vesseled 16 14 having a vessel [adj...
vestally 24 16 VESTAL, relating to...
vestiary 22 14 a dressing room [n V...
vestiges 17 14 VESTIGE, a visible s...
vestigia 17 14 VESTIGIUM, (Latin) a...
vestings 17 15 VESTING, the act of...
vestless 17 13 without a vest [adj]
vestlike 18 17 resembling a short s...
vestment 16 16 a ceremonial garment...
vestries 16 12 VESTRY, a room in wh...
vestural 17 14 relating to vesture,...
vestured 16 14 VESTURE, (archaic) t...
vesturer 16 13 a person responsible...
vestures 16 13 VESTURE, (archaic) t...
vesuvian 17 18 a smoker's slow-burn...
vetchier 21 17 VETCHY, covered with...
veterans 14 13 VETERAN, a former me...
vetivers 18 16 VETIVER, (Tamil) an...
vetivert 18 16 (Tamil) the essentia...
vetkoeks 17 20 VETKOEK, (Afrikaans)...
vetoless 16 13 not exercising a vet...
vettings 17 15 VETTING, as in posit...
vetturas 16 13 VETTURA, (Italian) a...
vexation 20 20 a cause of trouble [...
vexatory 27 21 causing annoyance [a...
vexillar 24 21 of or like a vexillu...
vexillum 26 25 the web or vane of a...
vexingly 30 25 VEXING, annoying [ad...
viaducts 20 17 VIADUCT, a structure...
vialfuls 21 18 VIALFUL, as much as...
vialling 19 17 VIAL, to put in a sm...
viameter 16 15 a device for measuri...
viatical 20 16 pertaining to travel...
viaticum 21 19 an allowance for tra...
viatores 15 12 VIATOR, a traveller...
vibrance 20 19 the state of being v...
vibrancy 27 21 the state of being v...
vibrants 18 16 VIBRANT, a sonant, a...
vibrated 18 16 VIBRATE, to move bac...
vibrates 18 15 VIBRATE, to move bac...
vibrator 18 15 a type of dildo that...
vibratos 18 15 VIBRATO, (Italian) a...
vibrioid 19 16 of or like a vibrio,...
vibrions 18 16 VIBRION, a bacterium...
vibrissa 19 15 a bristle like a cat...
vibronic 21 19 caused by electronic...
viburnum 20 21 (Latin) a kind of sh...
vicarage 19 17 the habitation of a...
vicarate 18 15 the office or author...
vicaress 19 15 a vicar's wife [n -E...
vicarial 20 16 of or pertaining to...
vicaries 19 15 VICARY, a vicarship...
viceless 20 16 having no immoral ha...
vicelike 21 20 held very firmly as...
vicenary 24 18 pertaining to the nu...
viceroys 25 17 VICEROY, one who rul...
viciated 19 16 VICIATE, (obsolete)...
viciates 19 15 VICIATE, (obsolete)...
vicinage 19 18 the region near or a...
vicinity 26 18 the region near or a...
vicomtes 20 18 VICOMTE, (French) in...
victoria 19 15 a kind of light carr...
victress 20 15 a female victor, als...
victrola 20 16 (trade) a type of gr...
victuals 21 17 VICTUAL, to provide...
vicugnas 20 19 VICUGNA, a wild wool...
vidalias 17 14 VIDALIA, a sweet oni...
videndum 17 19 things to be seen [n...
videocam 19 19 a camera for taking...
videofit 18 16 a type of identikit...
videoing 16 16 VIDEO, to make a vid...
videotex 21 20 an electronic system...
videttes 16 13 VIDETTE, (French) a...
vidicons 19 17 VIDICON, a type of t...
viduages 17 16 VIDUAGE, (Latin) wid...
viewable 21 19 able to be viewed [a...
viewbook 21 22 a promotional bookle...
viewdata 18 16 a communications sys...
viewiest 19 15 VIEWY, showy; having...
viewings 20 18 VIEWING, the act of...
viewless 20 16 having no opinions [...
viewport 21 18 a framed area on a c...
viewshed 21 18 the natural environm...
vigilant 18 16 watchful [adj VIGILA...
vigneron 15 16 (French) a vine-grow...
vignette 16 15 (French) a small, or...
vigorish 20 16 (Yiddish) the percen...
vigoroso 16 14 (Italian) in music,...
vigorous 17 15 full of vigor [adj V...
vihuelas 19 16 VIHUELA, (Spanish) a...
vilayets 23 15 VILAYET, (Turkish) o...
vildness 17 15 the state of being v...
vileness 16 14 the state of being v...
viliacos 20 16 VILIACO, (obsolete)...
viliagos 18 15 VILIAGO, (obsolete)...
vilified 20 17 VILIFY, to slander;...
vilifier 20 16 one who vilifies [n...
vilifies 20 16 VILIFY, to slander;...
vilipend 19 18 (Latin) to treat as...
villadom 19 18 villas collectively...
villager 19 16 one who lives in a v...
villages 19 16 VILLAGE, a small com...
villagey 25 18 pertaining to or cha...
villagio 19 16 (Scott) a coward, al...
villains 18 15 VILLAIN, a malevolen...
villainy 24 17 conduct characterist...
villatic 22 17 (Milton) of or relat...
villeins 18 15 VILLEIN, (historical...
villiaco 21 17 (Shakespeare) a cowa...
villiago 19 16 (Shakespeare) a cowa...
vinasses 15 13 VINASSE, a residue l...
vincible 22 20 capable of being con...
vincibly 29 22 VINCIBLE, capable of...
vincular 20 18 of or like a vinculu...
vinculum 22 22 (Latin) a horizontal...
vindaloo 15 15 a curried dish made...
vinegars 16 15 VINEGAR, to treat wi...
vinegary 22 17 sour like vinegar [a...
vineless 16 14 with no vine [adj]
vinelike 17 18 like a vine [adj]
vineries 15 13 VINERY, a place in w...
vinewing 19 19 VINEW, to become mou...
vineyard 21 16 an area planted with...
vinifera 17 16 a European grape [n...
vinified 18 17 VINIFY, to convert i...
vinifies 18 16 VINIFY, to convert i...
vinolent 15 15 addicted to wine [ad...
vinology 23 18 the study of vines [...
vinosity 22 15 the character of a w...
vinously 23 17 VINOUS, pertaining t...
vintaged 16 16 VINTAGE, to strip of...
vintager 16 15 one that harvests wi...
vintages 16 15 VINTAGE, to strip of...
vintners 15 14 VINTNER, a wine merc...
vintries 16 13 VINTRY, a wine-shop...
violable 19 17 capable of being vio...
violably 26 19 VIOLABLE, capable of...
violated 16 14 VIOLATE, to fail to...
violater 16 13 one who violates, al...
violates 16 13 VIOLATE, to fail to...
violator 16 13 one who violates, al...
violence 18 17 a violent action [n...
violents 16 14 VIOLENT, (obsolete)...
violists 18 13 VIOLIST, one who pla...
violones 15 14 VIOLONE, (Italian) a...
viomycin 26 21 a drug used in the t...
viperine 17 16 of or pertaining to...
viperish 21 17 like a viper [adj VI...
viperous 18 16 having the qualities...
viraemia 16 15 the presence of vira...
viraemic 20 18 pertaining to viraem...
viragoes 16 14 VIRAGO, a noisy, dom...
virality 24 15 the state of being v...
virandas 15 14 VIRANDA, (Hindi) a r...
virandos 15 14 VIRANDO, (Hindi) a r...
virelais 17 13 VIRELAI, (French) an...
virelays 23 15 VIRELAY, (French) an...
virement 16 16 in accounting, an au...
viremias 17 15 VIREMIA, the presenc...
viretots 16 12 VIRETOT, (Scott) rus...
virgates 17 14 VIRGATE, an early En...
virginal 18 16 like a virgin [adj V...
virgined 17 16 VIRGIN, (Shakespeare...
virginia 17 15 a type of tobacco gr...
virginly 25 18 VIRGIN, chaste [adv]
virgules 19 16 VIRGULE, a diagonal...
viricide 20 16 a substance that des...
viridian 16 14 a greenish-blue pigm...
viridite 17 13 a green decompositio...
viridity 24 15 the state of being v...
virilely 25 16 VIRILE, having mascu...
virilise 18 13 to introduce male ch...
virilism 20 16 the development of m...
virility 25 15 the state of being v...
virilize 21 22 to introduce male ch...
virogene 15 15 a virus-forming gene...
virology 24 17 the study of viruses...
virtuosa 16 13 (Italian) a female v...
virtuose 16 13 VIRTUOSA, (Italian)...
virtuosi 17 13 VIRTUOSO, a highly s...
virtuoso 16 13 a highly skilled art...
virtuous 17 14 characterized by vir...
virucide 20 17 a substance that des...
virulent 17 15 extremely poisonous...
virusoid 17 14 a particle of RNA as...
visagist 18 14 an expert in facial...
viscacha 24 20 a gregarious burrowi...
viscaria 19 15 any plant of the gen...
visceral 20 16 pertaining to the in...
viscidly 28 19 VISCID, thick and ad...
viscoses 19 15 VISCOSE, the sodium...
viscount 19 17 a British or Irish n...
viselike 18 17 like a vise [adj]
vishings 20 17 VISHING, the practis...
visibles 20 16 VISIBLE, a visible t...
visieing 17 15 VISIE, (Scots) to ta...
visional 16 14 imaginary [adj VISIO...
visioned 15 14 VISION, to see, perc...
visioner 15 13 a person who sees vi...
visitant 16 13 someone who calls in...
visitees 16 12 VISITEE, the person...
visiters 17 12 VISITER, someone who...
visiting 18 15 the act of paying a...
visitors 17 12 VISITOR, someone who...
visnomie 16 16 the act of judging c...
visoring 17 15 VISOR, to provide wi...
vistaing 17 15 VISTA, to make into,...
visually 25 17 VISUAL, related to s...
vitalise 17 13 to give life to, als...
vitalism 19 16 the philosophical do...
vitalist 18 13 one who holds to the...
vitality 24 15 exuberant physical s...
vitalize 20 22 to give life to, als...
vitamers 17 15 VITAMER, a type of c...
vitamine 16 16 an organic substance...
vitamins 17 16 VITAMIN, an organic...
vitative 18 16 concerned with the p...
vitellin 18 15 a protein found in e...
vitellus 19 15 the yolk of an egg [...
vitesses 16 12 VITESSE, (French) sp...
vitiable 19 16 able to be impaired...
vitiated 16 13 VITIATE, to impair t...
vitiates 16 12 VITIATE, to impair t...
vitiator 16 12 one who vitiates [n...
viticeta 19 15 VITICETUM, a plantat...
viticide 20 16 a vine pest [n -S]
vitiligo 19 15 a rare skin disease...
vitrages 17 14 VITRAGE, (French) a...
vitrains 16 13 VITRAIN, a separable...
vitreous 16 13 glassy [adj VITREOUS...
vitreums 18 16 VITREUM, a vitreous...
vitrines 16 13 VITRINE, a glass sho...
vitriols 18 13 VITRIOL, to treat wi...
vittling 19 16 VITTLE, to provide w...
vituline 17 15 pertaining to a calf...
vivacity 28 21 the state of being v...
vivaries 18 16 VIVARY, a place for...
vivarium 20 20 a place for raising...
viverras 18 16 VIVERRA, (Latin) a m...
viverrid 19 17 a member of the ferr...
vividest 19 17 VIVID, strikingly br...
vividity 26 19 the state of being v...
vivified 21 20 VIVIFY, to give life...
vivifier 21 19 one who vivifies [n...
vivifies 21 19 VIVIFY, to give life...
vivipara 20 19 animals that bring f...
vivipary 27 21 plants that germinat...
vivisect 22 19 to dissect the livin...
vixenish 24 22 bad-tempered, snarli...
vizament 19 25 (Shakespeare) advise...
vizarded 19 23 VIZARD, to mask or d...
vizcacha 27 29 a gregarious burrowi...
vizirate 19 21 the office of a vizi...
vizirial 21 22 of or like a vizir,...
vizoring 20 24 VIZOR, to provide wi...
vloggers 19 17 VLOGGER, one who kee...
vlogging 20 20 the act of keeping a...
vocables 21 19 VOCABLE, a word, or...
vocalese 18 16 a type of singing in...
vocalics 23 19 VOCALIC, a vowel sou...
vocalion 18 17 a musical instrument...
vocalise 19 16 to produce with the...
vocalism 21 19 the exercise of the...
vocalist 20 16 a singer, as opposed...
vocality 26 18 the possession of ex...
vocalize 22 25 to produce with the...
vocation 17 16 one's profession, bu...
vocative 20 19 relating to the act...
vocoders 18 16 VOCODER, an electron...
vodcasts 19 16 VODCAST, to broadcas...
voertsak 16 16 (South Africa) offen...
voertsek 16 16 (South Africa) offen...
vogueing 17 18 performing to pop mu...
voguiest 17 15 VOGUEY, in vogue [ad...
voguings 18 18 VOGUING, performing...
voiceful 22 20 having a voice; voca...
voicings 20 18 VOICING, the regulat...
voidable 18 17 able to be voided [a...
voidance 17 17 the act of voiding [...
voidings 17 16 VOIDING, the act of...
voidness 15 14 the state of being v...
voitures 16 13 VOITURE, (French) a...
voivodes 17 17 VOIVODE, (Russian) o...
volantes 15 14 VOLANTE, a two-wheel...
volaries 16 13 VOLARY, an aviary [n...
volatics 20 16 VOLATIC, a creature...
volatile 17 14 readily vaporizable...
volcanic 22 20 of or like a volcano...
volcanos 18 17 VOLCANO, a centre of...
voleries 16 13 VOLERY, a large bird...
volitant 16 14 capable of flying [a...
volitate 16 13 to fly about, flutte...
volition 16 14 the power of choosin...
volitive 19 17 a desiderative verb...
volleyed 23 17 VOLLEY, to return a...
volleyer 23 16 one who volleys e.g....
volpinos 18 17 VOLPINO, (Italian) a...
volplane 18 18 to glide in an aerop...
voltages 17 15 VOLTAGE, electromoti...
voltaism 18 16 electricity produced...
voluming 19 20 VOLUME, to send or g...
volumise 18 17 to give extra body t...
volumist 19 17 an author [n -S]
volumize 21 26 to give extra body t...
voluspas 19 17 VOLUSPA, a sibyl or...
volutins 17 15 VOLUTIN, a granular...
volution 16 15 a revolving movement...
volutoid 17 15 like a volute [adj]
volvoxes 24 24 VOLVOX, any of a gen...
volvulus 21 20 a twisting of the in...
vomerine 15 16 of or pertaining to...
vomiters 17 15 VOMITER, one who vom...
vomiting 18 18 the act of vomiting...
vomitive 19 19 a substance causing...
vomitory 23 17 an opening in a larg...
vomitous 17 16 pertaining to vomiti...
voodooed 13 14 VOODOO, to bewitch b...
voorskot 16 16 (Afrikaans) advance...
voracity 25 17 greed [n VORACITIES]
voragoes 15 14 VORAGO, (Latin) a gu...
vorlages 17 15 VORLAGE, (German) th...
vortexes 21 19 VORTEX, a whirling m...
vortical 20 16 like a vortex, whirl...
vortices 19 15 VORTEX, a whirling m...
votaress 15 12 a female votary, als...
votaries 15 12 VOTARY, a person who...
votarist 16 12 a person who is boun...
voteable 17 16 capable of being vot...
voteless 16 13 without a vote [adj]
votively 25 19 VOTIVE, performed in...
vouchees 20 18 VOUCHEE, one for who...
vouchers 21 18 VOUCHER, to establis...
vouching 22 21 VOUCH, to give one's...
voudoued 15 16 VOUDOU, to bewitch b...
voudouns 15 16 VOUDOUN, West Indian...
voussoir 16 13 (French) one of the...
voutsafe 17 16 (Milton) to vouchsaf...
vouvrays 24 19 VOUVRAY, (French) a...
vowelise 19 16 to use as a vowel, a...
vowelize 22 25 to use as a vowel, a...
vowelled 20 18 VOWEL, to use as a s...
vowesses 18 15 VOWESS, (historical)...
voyagers 22 16 VOYAGER, one who voy...
voyageur 22 17 an employee of a fur...
voyaging 23 19 the act of making a...
vraicker 20 19 a gatherer of vraic,...
vrooming 17 18 VROOM, to run an eng...
vuggiest 19 17 VUGGY, abounding in...
vughiest 20 17 VUGHY, abounding in...
vulcanic 23 21 of or like a volcano...
vulgarer 18 16 VULGAR, common [adj]
vulgarly 26 19 VULGAR, common [adv]
vulgates 18 16 VULGATE, the common...
vulguses 19 17 VULGUS, (Latin) the...
vulsella 19 16 forceps with clawed...
vultures 18 15 VULTURE, a bird of p...
vulturns 18 16 VULTURN, (obsolete)...
vulvitis 21 18 inflammation of the...
vuttiest 17 13 VUTTY, (dialect) dir...
vuvuzela 22 28 (South Africa) a pla...