9 letter words that start with U

9 letter words that start with U

9 letter U word


Words With Friends®


ubiquitin 27 24 a type of polypeptid...
udderless 17 13 destitute or deprive...
udometers 16 14 UDOMETER, a rain gau...
udometric 20 17 related to the measu...
ufologies 19 16 UFOLOGY, the study o...
ufologist 20 16 one interested in uf...
uglifiers 21 16 UGLIFIER, something...
uglifying 28 21 UGLIFY, to make ugly...
uintahite 17 13 a tar-like asphalt f...
uintaites 15 11 UINTAITE, a tar-like...
uitlander 16 13 (South African) in S...
ulcerated 19 15 ULCERATE, to affect...
ulcerates 19 14 ULCERATE, to affect...
uliginose 17 14 slimy; oozy; growing...
uliginous 18 15 slimy; oozy; growing...
ulmaceous 20 18 of or like elms [adj...
ulotrichy 29 18 woolly-hairedness [n...
ultimated 18 15 ULTIMATE, to bring o...
ultimates 18 14 ULTIMATE, to bring o...
ultimatum 20 18 a last offer, or dem...
ultrachic 26 19 very very chic [adj]
ultracold 21 16 very very cold [adj]
ultracool 20 15 very very cool [adj]
ultrafast 19 14 very fast [adj]
ultrafine 18 15 very very fine [adj]
ultraheat 18 13 to heat to very high...
ultrahigh 23 17 very very high [adj]
ultraisms 19 14 ULTRAISM, advocacy o...
ultraists 18 11 ULTRAIST, an advocat...
ultraleft 20 15 belonging to the ver...
ultraposh 21 16 very very posh [adj]
ultrapure 19 15 very very pure [adj]
ultrarare 16 11 very very rare [adj]
ultrareds 17 12 ULTRARED, a part of...
ultrarich 23 16 very very rich [adj]
ultrasafe 18 14 very very safe [adj]
ultraslow 21 15 very very slow [adj]
ultrasoft 19 14 very very soft [adj]
ultrathin 19 14 very very thin [adj]
ultratiny 23 14 very very tiny [adj]
ultrawide 20 15 very very wide [adj]
ululating 19 16 ULULATE, to lament l...
ululation 17 14 a howling [n -S]
umangites 17 16 UMANGITE, a mineral...
umbellate 20 18 having umbels, also...
umbellets 21 18 UMBELLET, a small or...
umbellule 22 20 a partial umbel, als...
umbelules 21 19 UMBELULE, a secondar...
umbilical 25 21 of or pertaining to...
umbilicus 25 21 (Latin) the navel [n...
umbracula 23 21 UMBRACULUM, (Latin)...
umbraging 21 21 UMBRAGE, to offend [...
umbratile 20 17 a person who spends...
umbrellas 21 18 UMBRELLA, to provide...
umbrellos 21 18 UMBRELLO, (obsolete)...
umbrettes 19 16 UMBRETTE, the hammer...
umbrieres 19 16 UMBRIERE, (Spenser)...
umlauting 19 18 UMLAUT, to place an...
umpirages 20 18 UMPIRAGE, the functi...
umpteenth 20 19 the ordinal of umpte...
unabashed 18 17 not abashed [adj UNA...
unabating 17 17 not abating [adj]
unabetted 16 15 not abetted [adj]
unabiding 18 18 not abiding [adj]
unabjured 19 25 not abjured [adj]
unaborted 16 15 not aborted [adj]
unabraded 16 16 not abraded [adj]
unabusive 19 19 not abusive [adj]
unaccrued 21 19 not accrued [adj]
unaccused 21 19 not accused [adj]
unacerbic 23 20 not acerbic [adj]
unactable 20 18 that cannot be acted...
unactived 20 19 UNACTIVE, to make (a...
unactives 20 18 UNACTIVE, to make (a...
unadapted 16 16 not adapted [adj]
unadeptly 24 18 UNADEPT, not adept [...
unadmired 16 16 not admired [adj]
unadopted 16 16 not adopted [adj]
unadorned 13 14 not adorned [adj]
unadvised 17 17 ill advised [adj UNA...
unaidable 17 16 incapable of being a...
unaidedly 22 16 UNAIDED, without aid...
unalarmed 16 16 not alarmed [adj]
unalerted 15 13 not alerted [adj]
unaligned 16 16 not aligned [adj]
unallayed 22 16 not allayed [adj]
unalleged 17 16 not alleged [adj]
unallowed 19 17 not allowed [adj]
unalloyed 22 16 not alloyed [adj]
unaltered 15 13 not altered [adj]
unamassed 15 15 not amassed [adj]
unamended 14 17 not amended [adj]
unamerced 18 18 not subject to a fin...
unamiable 18 18 not amiable; morose...
unamusing 17 18 not amusing [adj UNA...
unanchors 19 17 UNANCHOR, to loose f...
unanimity 22 17 the state of being u...
unanimous 15 16 of one mind [adj UNA...
unannexed 18 21 not annexed [adj]
unannoyed 18 16 not annoyed [adj]
unanxious 20 20 not anxious [adj]
unapparel 19 18 to divest of clothin...
unapplied 20 19 not applied [adj]
unaptness 16 15 the state of not bei...
unarmored 15 15 not armored, also UN...
unaroused 14 13 not aroused [adj]
unarrayed 20 14 not arrayed [adj]
unashamed 17 17 not ashamed [adj UNA...
unassayed 20 14 not assayed, not att...
unassumed 16 16 not assumed [adj]
unassured 15 13 not assured [adj]
unattired 15 12 not attired [adj]
unattuned 14 14 not attuned [adj]
unaudited 15 14 not audited [adj]
unavenged 16 19 not avenged [adj]
unaverage 16 17 not average [adj]
unaverted 16 16 not averted [adj]
unavoided 16 17 unavoidable [adj]
unawarded 17 16 not awarded [adj]
unawarely 24 17 UNAWARE, not aware,...
unawesome 17 17 not awesome [adj]
unbaffled 22 22 not baffled [adj]
unbagging 20 21 UNBAG, to let out of...
unbalance 19 19 to cause to lose bal...
unbandage 16 18 to take a bandage of...
unbanning 16 19 UNBAN, to remove a p...
unbaptise 19 17 to undo the effects...
unbaptize 22 26 to undo the effects...
unbarking 19 21 UNBARK, to strip of...
unbarring 18 17 UNBAR, to become unb...
unbashful 23 21 not bashful or modes...
unbearded 16 16 not having a beard [...
unbearing 17 17 UNBEAR, to free from...
unbedding 18 19 UNBED, to rouse from...
unbeguile 19 18 to set free from the...
unbeknown 19 23 unknown [adj] / with...
unbeliefs 20 18 UNBELIEF, lack of be...
unbelieve 19 19 to disbelieve; to ce...
unbeloved 19 20 not beloved [adj]
unbelting 19 18 UNBELT, to remove th...
unbemused 18 19 not bemused [adj]
unbending 17 19 stern, uncompromisin...
unberufen 18 19 (German) an exclamat...
unbeseems 17 17 UNBESEEM, to misbeco...
unbespeak 19 21 to unsay; hence, to...
unbespoke 19 21 UNBESPEAK, to unsay;...
unbiasing 18 17 UNBIAS, to free from...
unbiassed 17 15 UNBIAS, to free from...
unbiasses 17 14 UNBIAS, to free from...
unbigoted 18 17 not bigoted [adj]
unbinding 18 19 the act of unbinding...
unbishops 22 19 UNBISHOP, to deprive...
unbitting 19 17 UNBITT, to take off...
unblended 17 18 not blended, also UN...
unblessed 18 16 UNBLESS, to deprive...
unblesses 18 15 UNBLESS, to deprive...
unblinded 18 18 UNBLIND, to free fro...
unblocked 22 23 UNBLOCK, to free fro...
unblooded 17 17 not blooded [adj]
unblotted 18 16 not blotted [adj]
unblunted 18 18 not blunted [adj]
unblurred 19 17 not blurred [adj]
unboarded 16 16 not boarded [adj]
unbolting 19 18 UNBOLT, to undo a bo...
unbonnets 15 16 UNBONNET, to uncover...
unbookish 20 20 not bookish [adj]
unbooting 17 17 UNBOOT, to take off...
unbosomed 17 18 UNBOSOM, to pour out...
unbosomer 17 17 one who unbosoms, or...
unbottled 18 16 UNBOTTLE, to release...
unbottles 18 15 UNBOTTLE, to release...
unbounded 16 18 not bounded [adj UNB...
unbracing 21 20 UNBRACE, to free fro...
unbraided 17 16 UNBRAID, to separate...
unbraking 19 21 UNBRAKE, to release...
unbranded 16 17 not branded [adj]
unbridged 19 18 not bridged [adj]
unbridled 19 17 UNBRIDLE, to set loo...
unbridles 19 16 UNBRIDLE, to set loo...
unbriefed 19 18 not briefed [adj]
unbrizzed 24 33 (Scott) unbruised [a...
unbroiled 18 16 not broiled [adj]
unbrowned 19 19 not browned [adj]
unbruised 18 16 not bruised, also UN...
unbrushed 20 18 not brushed [adj]
unbuckled 23 24 UNBUCKLE, to undo a...
unbuckles 23 23 UNBUCKLE, to undo a...
unbudging 20 21 not budging [adj UNB...
unbulkier 20 20 UNBULKY, not bulky [...
unbundled 18 19 UNBUNDLE, to price s...
unbundler 18 18 one who unbundles [n...
unbundles 18 18 UNBUNDLE, to price s...
unburdens 17 17 UNBURDEN, to free fr...
unburrows 21 18 UNBURROW, to bring o...
unburthen 19 18 (archaic) to unburde...
unburying 25 20 UNBURY, to disinter;...
unbusiest 18 15 UNBUSY, not busy [ad...
unbusying 25 20 UNBUSY, to make less...
unbuttons 17 16 UNBUTTON, to unfaste...
uncandled 18 18 not candled [adj]
uncandour 17 17 a lack of candour [n...
uncannier 16 16 UNCANNY, strange and...
uncannily 24 19 UNCANNY, strange and...
uncanonic 19 19 not canonical, also...
uncapable 22 21 (Shakespeare) incapa...
uncapping 23 23 UNCAP, to remove the...
uncareful 21 19 not careful [adj]
uncarting 19 17 UNCART, to take off...
uncasting 19 17 UNCAST, to undo the...
uncatered 17 15 not catered [adj]
unceasing 18 17 not ceasing [adj UNC...
uncertain 17 15 not certain, also IN...
uncessant 17 15 (Milton) incessant [...
unchained 19 18 UNCHAIN, to free fro...
unchaired 20 17 UNCHAIR, to remove f...
unchanged 20 20 not changed [adj]
uncharged 21 19 UNCHARGE, to free fr...
uncharges 21 18 UNCHARGE, to free fr...
uncharier 20 16 UNCHARY, not chary [...
uncharity 27 18 uncharitableness [n...
uncharmed 21 20 UNCHARM, to free fro...
uncharnel 20 18 to remove from a cha...
uncharred 20 17 not charred [adj]
uncharted 20 17 not charted [adj]
unchaster 20 16 UNCHASTE, not chaste...
unchecked 24 24 UNCHECK, (Shakespear...
uncheered 19 17 not cheered [adj]
unchilded 22 19 UNCHILD, to change f...
unchilled 23 19 not chilled [adj]
unchoking 22 23 UNCHOKE, to free fro...
unchrisom 22 19 (Lamb) unchristened...
unciforms 22 20 UNCIFORM, a bone of...
uncinaria 17 15 hookworm [n -S]
uncinated 17 16 hooked at the end, a...
unciphers 23 19 UNCIPHER, (obsolete)...
uncivilly 30 22 UNCIVIL, not civil,...
unclaimed 20 19 not claimed [adj]
unclamped 22 22 UNCLAMP, to free fro...
unclarity 26 17 a lack of clarity [n...
unclasped 21 19 UNCLASP, to free fro...
unclassed 19 16 without class divisi...
uncleaned 17 17 not cleaned [adj]
uncleaner 17 16 UNCLEAN, not clean [...
uncleanly 25 19 not clean in person...
uncleared 18 16 not cleared [adj]
unclearer 18 15 UNCLEAR, not clear [...
unclearly 26 18 UNCLEAR, not clear [...
uncleship 24 20 the office or positi...
unclewing 23 21 UNCLEW, (archaic) to...
uncliched 25 21 not cliched [adj]
unclimbed 23 22 not climbed [adj]
unclipped 24 22 UNCLIP, to remove a...
uncloaked 19 20 UNCLOAK, to remove a...
unclogged 21 20 UNCLOG, to free from...
unclosing 20 18 UNCLOSE, to open [v]
unclothed 21 18 UNCLOTHE, to divest...
unclothes 21 17 UNCLOTHE, to divest...
unclouded 19 18 UNCLOUD, to free fro...
uncloying 26 20 not cloying [adj]
unclutter 20 16 to rid of clutter [v...
uncoating 18 17 the action of releas...
uncobbled 23 22 not cobbled [adj]
uncocking 23 24 UNCOCK, to remove fr...
uncoerced 20 18 not coerced [adj]
uncoffins 22 21 UNCOFFIN, to remove...
uncoiling 20 18 UNCOIL, to release f...
uncolored 18 16 not colored, also UN...
uncolting 20 18 UNCOLT, (Shakespeare...
uncombine 20 21 (Dickens) to separat...
uncomfier 21 20 UNCOMFY, (colloquial...
unconcern 19 19 lack of concern [n -...
unconfine 18 19 to free from confine...
unconform 20 21 (Milton) unlike [adj...
unconfuse 19 19 to remove the confus...
uncongeal 18 18 to thaw; to become l...
uncordial 19 16 not cordial [adj]
uncording 19 18 UNCORD, to free from...
uncorking 20 21 UNCORK, to draw the...
uncorrupt 21 18 not corrupt, also IN...
uncounted 17 17 not counted, countle...
uncoupled 21 20 UNCOUPLE, to disconn...
uncoupler 21 19 a device for uncoupl...
uncouples 21 19 UNCOUPLE, to disconn...
uncourtly 26 18 not courtly [adj UNC...
uncouther 20 17 UNCOUTH, uncultured...
uncouthly 28 20 UNCOUTH, uncultured...
uncovered 19 19 UNCOVER, to remove t...
uncowling 23 21 UNCOWL, to remove th...
uncracked 22 22 not cracked [adj]
uncrating 19 17 UNCRATE, to remove f...
uncreated 17 15 UNCREATE, to deprive...
uncreates 17 14 UNCREATE, to deprive...
uncropped 22 21 not cropped [adj]
uncrossed 18 15 UNCROSS, to change f...
uncrosses 18 14 UNCROSS, to change f...
uncrowded 21 19 not crowded [adj]
uncrowned 20 19 UNCROWN, to deprive...
uncrudded 19 18 (Spenser) uncurdled...
uncrumple 23 22 to smooth out, remov...
uncrushed 21 18 not crushed [adj]
uncuffing 24 24 UNCUFF, to remove ha...
uncurable 21 19 (Shakespeare) not cu...
uncurably 28 21 UNCURABLE, (Shakespe...
uncurbing 22 21 UNCURB, to remove re...
uncurdled 20 18 not curdled [adj]
uncurious 19 16 not curious, also IN...
uncurling 21 19 UNCURL, to straighte...
uncurrent 18 16 not current e.g. unc...
uncursing 20 18 UNCURSE, to free fro...
uncurtain 18 16 to remove a curtain...
uncynical 28 21 not cynical [adj UNC...
undamaged 16 18 not damaged [adj]
undamming 18 21 UNDAM, to free water...
undatable 17 16 not datable [adj]
undaunted 14 15 not daunted [adj UND...
undawning 18 19 not yet dawning [adj...
undazzled 22 32 UNDAZZLE, to recover...
undazzles 22 31 UNDAZZLE, to recover...
undeafing 17 18 UNDEAF, to free from...
undebased 16 16 not debased [adj]
undebated 16 16 not debated [adj]
undecagon 17 18 a polygon having ele...
undecayed 23 18 not decayed [adj]
undeceive 19 19 to free from decepti...
undecided 18 17 not decided [adj UND...
undecimal 20 19 based on the number...
undecking 20 22 UNDECK, to rid or or...
undefaced 19 19 not defaced [adj]
undefiled 18 17 not defiled [adj]
undefined 16 17 not defined [adj]
undeified 17 16 UNDEIFY, to deprive...
undeifies 17 15 UNDEIFY, to deprive...
undelayed 21 16 not delayed [adj]
undeleted 15 14 UNDELETE, to undo th...
undeletes 15 13 UNDELETE, to undo th...
undelight 20 17 lack of delight [n -...
undeluded 16 16 not deluded [adj]
underacts 18 15 UNDERACT, to act sub...
underaged 15 15 not adult [adj]
underages 15 14 UNDERAGE, one who is...
underarms 16 15 UNDERARM, the unders...
underbake 17 19 to bake insufficient...
underbear 16 15 (obsolete) to suppor...
underbids 18 16 UNDERBID, to bid low...
underbite 17 15 to bite insufficient...
underbody 23 18 the underside of a m...
underbore 16 15 UNDERBEAR, (obsolete...
underboss 17 15 an under-manager [n...
underbred 17 16 of inferior breeding...
underbrim 19 18 a facing on the unde...
underbuds 18 17 UNDERBUD, to bud fro...
underbush 20 18 underbrush, shrubs,...
underbuys 24 18 UNDERBUY, to buy at...
undercard 18 16 in boxing, a program...
undercart 18 15 (colloquial) an airc...
undercast 18 15 an air-passage cross...
underclad 19 17 insufficiently cloth...
underclay 25 18 a stratum of clay ly...
underclub 22 20 in golf, to hit with...
undercoat 17 15 a coat worn under an...
undercook 18 19 to cook insufficentl...
undercool 18 16 to cool insufficient...
undercuts 19 16 UNDERCUT, to cut und...
underdaks 16 17 (Australian slang) u...
underdeck 19 20 a lower deck on a sh...
underdoer 14 13 one who underdoes; a...
underdoes 14 13 UNDERDO, to do insuf...
underdogs 16 15 UNDERDOG, one who is...
underdone 13 14 UNDERDO, to do insuf...
underdose 14 13 to give an insuffici...
underdraw 18 16 to draw or describe...
underdrew 18 16 UNDERDRAW, to draw o...
undereats 14 12 UNDEREAT, to eat an...
underfeed 16 16 to feed inadequately...
underfelt 18 16 an underlayer of fel...
underfire 17 15 to fire or bake insu...
underfish 20 17 to fish insufficient...
underflow 21 19 an undercurrent [n -...
underfong 17 18 (Spenser) to underta...
underfoot 16 15 to underpin [v -ED,...
underfund 17 18 to fund inadequately...
underfurs 18 16 UNDERFUR, the thick,...
undergird 17 15 to form the basis or...
undergirt 17 14 UNDERGIRD, to form t...
undergods 16 15 UNDERGOD, a lesser g...
undergoer 15 14 one who undergoes [n...
undergoes 15 14 UNDERGO, to be subje...
undergone 14 15 UNDERGO, to be subje...
undergown 18 18 a gown worn under an...
undergrad 16 15 an undergraduate [n...
underhair 17 14 an inner layer of ha...
underhand 16 16 an underhand ball in...
underheat 16 14 to heat insufficient...
underhung 18 18 of a sliding door, r...
underived 17 17 not derived [adj]
underjaws 20 24 UNDERJAW, the lower...
underkeep 17 19 (Spenser) to keep un...
underkept 18 19 UNDERKEEP, (Spenser)...
underkill 19 18 less force than is n...
underking 17 19 a sub-king [n -S]
underlaid 16 14 UNDERLAY, to place u...
underlain 15 14 UNDERLIE, to lie und...
underlaps 18 16 UNDERLAP, to extend...
underlays 22 15 UNDERLAY, to place u...
underleaf 17 16 in liverworts, any o...
underlets 16 13 UNDERLET, to lease a...
underlier 16 13 one who underlies [n...
underlies 16 13 UNDERLIE, to lie und...
underline 15 14 to draw a line under...
underling 17 16 a subordinate [n -S]
underlips 19 16 UNDERLIP, the lower...
underload 15 14 to load insufficient...
undermans 15 16 UNDERMAN, to use too...
undermine 15 16 to dig beneath (e.g....
undermost 16 15 lowest, as in place,...
undernote 13 13 a subdued note; an u...
underpads 17 16 UNDERPAD, a layer of...
underpaid 17 16 UNDERPAY, to pay les...
underpart 17 15 a subordinate part [...
underpass 17 15 a road passing under...
underpays 23 17 UNDERPAY, to pay les...
underpeep 18 18 (Shakespeare) to pee...
underpins 17 16 UNDERPIN, to support...
underplay 24 18 to play down, unders...
underplot 18 16 a series of events i...
underprop 19 18 to prop from beneath...
underrate 14 12 to rate too low [v U...
underripe 17 15 insufficiently ripe...
underruns 15 14 UNDERRUN, to pass or...
undersaid 15 13 UNDERSAY, to say in...
undersays 21 14 UNDERSAY, to say in...
underseal 15 13 to coat parts of the...
underseas 14 12 below the sea, also...
underself 18 16 the subconscious sel...
undersell 17 14 to sell too cheap [v...
undersets 15 12 UNDERSET [v]
undershot 17 14 UNDERSHOOT, to fail...
underside 15 13 the underneath [n -S...
undersign 16 15 to write one's name...
undersize 18 21 below the usual size...
undersoil 16 13 the soil beneath the...
undersold 16 14 UNDERSELL, to sell t...
undersong 15 15 (archaic) the burden...
undersown 17 16 UNDERSOW, to sow lan...
undersows 18 15 UNDERSOW, to sow lan...
underspin 17 16 a kind of spin in ta...
undertake 15 16 to attempt [v UNDERT...
undertane 13 13 (Spenser) undertaken...
undertime 16 15 (Spenser) the time o...
undertint 15 13 a tint underlying an...
undertone 13 13 a subdued tone of vo...
undertook 15 16 UNDERTAKE, to attemp...
undertows 18 15 UNDERTOW, the seawar...
underused 15 14 UNDERUSE, to not use...
underuses 15 13 UNDERUSE, to not use...
undervest 17 16 an undershirt [n -S]
undervote 16 16 a vote cast but inva...
underwear 17 15 clothes worn under o...
underwent 17 16 UNDERGO, to be subje...
underwing 19 18 the underneath of a...
underwire 18 15 to support with wire...
underwits 19 15 UNDERWIT, inferior w...
underwood 17 16 small trees or shrub...
underwool 18 16 the underneath part...
underwork 19 19 to work insufficient...
undeserts 15 12 UNDESERT, a lack of...
undeserve 16 16 to fail to deserve [...
undesired 15 13 not desired [adj]
undignify 25 20 to deprive of dignif...
undiluted 17 15 not diluted [adj]
undinisms 17 16 UNDINISM, a preoccup...
undivided 18 18 not divided [adj UND...
undocking 20 22 UNDOCK, to move away...
undoubled 18 18 UNDOUBLE, to change...
undoubles 18 17 UNDOUBLE, to change...
undoubted 17 17 not doubted [adj UND...
undrained 14 14 not drained [adj]
undraping 18 18 UNDRAPE, to strip of...
undrawing 19 18 UNDRAW, to draw open...
undreaded 14 14 not dreaded [adj]
undreamed 15 16 not dreamed of, also...
undressed 15 13 UNDRESS, to take off...
undresses 15 12 UNDRESS, to take off...
undrilled 18 15 not drilled [adj]
undrowned 17 17 not drowned [adj]
undulance 18 18 the state of being u...
undulancy 25 20 the state of being u...
undulated 16 15 UNDULATE, to move wi...
undulates 16 14 UNDULATE, to move wi...
undulator 16 14 one that undulates [...
unduteous 15 14 not duteous [adj]
undutiful 20 18 not dutiful [adj UND...
undyingly 30 20 UNDYING, not subject...
undynamic 25 21 not dynamic [adj]
uneagerly 22 16 UNEAGER, not eager [...
unearthed 16 14 UNEARTH, to dig up [...
unearthly 24 16 not belonging to the...
uneasiest 14 11 UNEASY, marked by me...
uneatable 16 15 that cannot be eaten...
uneffaced 21 21 not effaced [adj]
unelected 18 16 not elected [adj]
unemptied 18 18 not emptied [adj]
unendowed 16 17 not endowed [adj]
unengaged 15 17 not engaged [adj]
unenjoyed 21 24 not enjoyed [adj]
unensured 14 14 not ensured [adj]
unentered 13 13 not entered [adj]
unenvious 16 17 not envious [adj]
unenvying 23 21 not envying [adj]
unequable 25 25 not equable, also IN...
unequaled 23 23 not equalled, also U...
unequally 31 25 UNEQUAL, not equal [...
unessayed 20 14 not essayed [adj]
unessence 16 15 to deprive of essenc...
unethical 21 17 not ethical [adj UNE...
unevenest 15 16 UNEVEN, not even [ad...
unevolved 19 21 not evolved [adj]
unexalted 21 20 not exalted [adj]
unexcited 24 22 not excited [adj]
unexcused 24 23 not excused [adj]
unexpired 23 22 not expired [adj]
unexposed 22 22 not exposed [adj]
unextinct 24 22 not extinct [adj]
unextreme 21 21 not extreme [adj]
unfadable 19 19 not subject to fadin...
unfailing 19 18 not failing, reliabl...
unfairest 17 14 UNFAIR, not fair [ad...
unfairing 18 17 UNFAIR, (Shakespeare...
unfancied 19 19 (esp. of a sportsper...
unfancier 19 18 UNFANCY, not fancy [...
unfastens 16 15 UNFASTEN, to release...
unfavored 18 19 not favored, also UN...
unfearful 20 19 not fearful [adj UNF...
unfearing 17 17 not fearing [adj]
unfeeling 18 18 not feeling [adj UNF...
unfeigned 17 18 not feigned; not cou...
unfencing 20 21 UNFENCE, to remove a...
unfertile 18 15 not fertile, also IN...
unfetters 17 14 UNFETTER, to free fr...
unfigured 19 18 not figured [adj]
unfitness 17 15 the state of being u...
unfittest 18 14 UNFIT, not fit [adj]
unfitting 19 17 UNFIT, to make unfit...
unflapped 22 22 not flapped [adj]
unfledged 19 19 not fledged [adj]
unfleshed 20 18 UNFLESH, to remove t...
unfleshes 20 17 UNFLESH, to remove t...
unfleshly 28 20 not pertaining to th...
unfloored 17 16 without a floor [adj...
unflushed 21 19 UNFLUSH, to lose col...
unflushes 21 18 UNFLUSH, to lose col...
unflyable 27 21 that cannot be flown...
unfocused 20 19 not focused, also UN...
unfolders 18 16 UNFOLDER, one who un...
unfolding 19 19 the act of unfolding...
unfollows 22 19 UNFOLLOW, to decline...
unfooling 18 18 UNFOOL, to undeceive...
unforming 19 20 UNFORM, to unmake [v...
unfortune 16 16 (archaic) ill-fortun...
unfounded 16 18 not founded [adj UNF...
unfranked 17 20 not franked esp. of...
unfraught 21 19 to unload [v -ED, -I...
unfreedom 17 18 lack of freedom [n -...
unfreeing 17 17 UNFREE, to deprive o...
unfreeman 16 18 someone who does not...
unfreemen 16 18 UNFREEMAN, someone w...
unfreezes 19 23 UNFREEZE, to cause t...
unfretted 17 15 not eaten away; not...
unfriends 17 16 UNFRIEND [n]
unfrocked 21 22 UNFROCK, to divest o...
unfuelled 19 18 not fuelled [adj]
unfunnier 16 17 UNFUNNY, not funny [...
unfurling 20 19 UNFURL, to unroll [v...
unfurnish 20 18 to strip of furnitur...
unfussier 18 15 UNFUSSY, not fussy [...
unfussily 26 18 UNFUSSY, not fussy [...
ungagging 19 20 UNGAG, to remove a g...
ungainful 19 19 not gainful [adj]
ungallant 17 16 not gallant [adj UNG...
ungarbled 19 18 not garbled [adj]
ungearing 16 16 UNGEAR, to unharness...
ungenteel 15 15 not genteel [adj UNG...
ungenuine 14 16 not genuine [adj]
ungermane 15 17 not germane [adj]
ungetting 17 16 UNGET, to deny the b...
unghostly 26 18 not ghostly [adj UNG...
ungilding 19 18 UNGILD, to remove th...
ungirding 18 17 UNGIRD, to remove a...
ungirthed 19 16 UNGIRTH, to free fro...
unglossed 17 15 not glossed [adj]
ungloving 20 21 UNGLOVE, to uncover...
ungodding 17 18 UNGOD, to deprive of...
ungodlier 17 15 UNGODLY, not godly [...
ungodlike 18 19 not like a god [adj]
ungodlily 25 18 UNGODLY, not godly [...
ungowning 19 20 UNGOWN, to strip of...
ungrassed 16 14 not grown with grass...
ungravely 25 20 (Shakespeare) possib...
ungreased 15 14 not greased [adj]
ungreener 14 14 UNGREEN, not green [...
ungroomed 16 17 not groomed [adj]
ungrouped 18 18 not grouped [adj]
ungrudged 18 18 not grudged [adj]
unguarded 16 16 UNGUARD, to leave un...
unguentum 17 19 (Latin) an ointment...
unguessed 16 15 not guessed [adj]
unguiform 20 20 shaped like a claw [...
unguinous 16 16 fatty, greasy [adj]
ungulates 17 15 UNGULATE, a hoofed m...
ungumming 20 23 UNGUM, to free from...
unhairers 17 13 UNHAIRER, one who un...
unhairing 18 16 UNHAIR, to remove th...
unhallows 22 18 UNHALLOW, to profane...
unhandier 16 15 UNHANDY, clumsy, awk...
unhandily 24 18 UNHANDY, clumsy, awk...
unhanding 17 18 UNHAND, to remove th...
unhandled 17 17 not handled [adj]
unhanging 18 19 UNHANG, to detach fr...
unhappens 20 20 UNHAPPEN, to become...
unhappied 21 20 UNHAPPY, (Shakespear...
unhappier 21 19 UNHAPPY, not happy [...
unhappies 21 19 UNHAPPY, (Shakespear...
unhappily 29 22 UNHAPPY, not happy [...
unharbour 19 17 to dislodge from she...
unhardier 17 14 UNHARDY, not hardy [...
unharmful 22 21 not harmful [adj UNH...
unharming 19 19 harmless [adj]
unharness 16 14 to release from a ha...
unharried 17 14 not harried [adj]
unhasping 20 19 UNHASP, to unfasten...
unhastier 17 13 UNHASTY, not hasty [...
unhasting 18 16 not in haste [adj]
unhatched 22 19 not hatched [adj]
unhatting 18 16 the act of removing...
unhaunted 16 16 not haunted [adj]
unheading 17 17 UNHEAD, to decapitat...
unhealing 18 17 UNHEAL, (Spenser) to...
unhealths 20 16 UNHEALTH, ill-health...
unhealthy 26 18 not healthy [adj UNH...
unhearsed 16 14 UNHEARSE, to remove...
unhearses 16 13 UNHEARSE, to remove...
unhearted 16 14 UNHEART, (Shakespear...
unheedful 20 19 not heedful [adj UNH...
unheedier 16 14 UNHEEDY, incautious;...
unheedily 24 17 UNHEEDY, incautious;...
unheeding 17 17 not heeding [adj UNH...
unhelming 20 20 UNHELM, to remove th...
unhelpful 24 22 not helpful [adj UNH...
unhinging 19 19 UNHINGE, to remove f...
unhippest 22 19 UNHIP, (slang) squar...
unhirable 20 17 not hirable [adj]
unhitched 23 19 UNHITCH, to free fro...
unhitches 23 18 UNHITCH, to free fro...
unhoarded 16 15 UNHOARD, to take fro...
unholiest 18 14 UNHOLY, not holy [ad...
unhonored 15 15 not honored, also UN...
unhooding 17 17 UNHOOD, to remove a...
unhooking 18 20 UNHOOK, to remove fr...
unhooping 19 19 UNHOOP, to remove ho...
unhopeful 22 21 not hopeful [adj UNH...
unhorsing 18 16 UNHORSE, to cause to...
unhostile 18 14 not hostile [adj]
unhousing 18 17 UNHOUSE, to deprive...
unhumanly 25 21 UNHUMAN, not human [...
unhumbled 22 22 not humbled [adj]
unhurried 18 15 not hurried [adj UNH...
unhurtful 22 19 not hurtful [adj UNH...
unhusking 20 21 UNHUSK, to remove th...
unibodies 17 15 UNIBODY, a single mo...
unicities 19 14 UNICITY, uniqueness,...
unicolour 19 16 having one colour, a...
unicycled 29 21 UNICYCLE, to ride a...
unicycles 29 20 UNICYCLE, to ride a...
unifiable 20 18 that can be unified...
uniformed 18 18 UNIFORM, to dress in...
uniformer 18 17 UNIFORM, consistent...
uniformly 26 20 UNIFORM, consistent...
unifyings 25 19 UNIFYING, the act of...
unijugate 18 23 of a compound leaf,...
unilineal 16 14 tracing descent thro...
unilinear 15 13 developing in or inv...
unillumed 19 18 not illuminated [adj...
unimpeded 18 19 not impeded [adj UNI...
unimposed 18 18 not imposed [adj]
unincited 18 16 not incited [adj]
unindexed 20 21 not indexed [adj]
uninjured 17 23 not injured [adj]
uninstall 17 14 to remove a program...
uninstals 16 13 UNINSTAL, to reverse...
uninsured 15 14 not insured [adj] /...
uninvited 17 17 not invited [adj]
uninvoked 17 21 not invoked [adj]
unionised 14 13 UNIONISE, to form in...
unioniser 14 12 one who unionises, a...
unionises 14 12 UNIONISE, to form in...
unionisms 16 15 UNIONISM, the princi...
unionists 15 12 UNIONIST, one who be...
unionized 17 22 UNIONIZE, to form in...
unionizer 17 21 one who unionizes, a...
unionizes 17 21 UNIONIZE, to form in...
uniparous 17 15 producing only one o...
uniplanar 17 16 lying in one plane [...
unipotent 16 15 able to form only on...
uniramose 15 14 esp. of the appendag...
uniramous 16 15 esp. of the appendag...
uniserial 16 12 having only one row...
unisexual 22 20 of one sex only, as...
unisonant 13 13 being in unison, als...
unisonous 14 13 being in unison, als...
unitarian 14 12 one who denies the d...
unitarily 23 14 UNITARY, of the natu...
unitisers 16 11 UNITISER, one who un...
unitising 17 14 UNITISE, to divide i...
unitively 25 18 UNITIVE, serving to...
unitizers 19 20 UNITIZER, one who un...
unitizing 20 23 UNITIZE, to divide i...
unitrusts 17 12 UNITRUST, a type of...
univalent 17 17 having a valency of...
univalved 20 21 having a single-piec...
univalves 20 20 UNIVALVE, a mollusk...
universal 18 16 of the universe; com...
universes 17 15 UNIVERSE, the totali...
univocals 21 19 UNIVOCAL, a word wit...
unjamming 20 29 UNJAM, to free from...
unjealous 17 22 not jealous [adj]
unjointed 16 22 UNJOINT, to separate...
unjustest 18 21 UNJUST, not just [ad...
unkemptly 27 24 UNKEMPT, untidy [adv...
unkennels 15 18 UNKENNEL, to release...
unkindest 16 17 UNKIND, not kind [ad...
unkindled 17 19 not kindled [adj]
unkinging 18 21 UNKING, to deprive o...
unkinking 18 23 UNKINK, to remove cu...
unkissing 18 18 UNKISS, (Shakespeare...
unknelled 17 19 without tolling [adj...
unknights 20 20 UNKNIGHT, to divest...
unknitted 16 17 UNKNIT, to undo or u...
unknotted 15 17 UNKNOT, to undo a kn...
unknowing 19 22 ignorant, unawar [ad...
unlabeled 18 17 (US) not labelled, a...
unlabored 17 16 not laboured, also U...
unladings 17 16 UNLADING, the act of...
unlashing 19 17 UNLASH, to untie the...
unlatched 21 18 UNLATCH, to undo a f...
unlatches 21 17 UNLATCH, to undo a f...
unleadeds 15 14 UNLEADED, a product...
unleading 16 16 UNLEAD, to remove th...
unlearned 14 14 UNLEARN, to put out...
unleashed 17 15 UNLEASH, to free fro...
unleashes 17 14 UNLEASH, to free fro...
unleveled 18 18 UNLEVEL, to make une...
unlidding 18 17 UNLID, to take the l...
unlighted 20 17 not lighted [adj]
unlikable 20 20 not capable of being...
unlimbers 20 18 UNLIMBER, to prepare...
unlimited 18 16 not limited [adj UNL...
unlinking 18 20 UNLINK, to unfasten...
unlivable 21 20 not capable of being...
unloaders 15 13 UNLOADER, one who un...
unloading 16 16 the act of unloading...
unlocated 18 16 not located or place...
unlocking 21 22 UNLOCK, to unfasten...
unlogical 21 18 not logical, also IL...
unloosens 14 13 UNLOOSEN, to set fre...
unloosing 16 15 UNLOOSE, to set free...
unlording 17 16 UNLORD, to strip of...
unlosable 18 16 that cannot be lost...
unlovable 20 20 not capable of being...
unluckier 21 20 UNLUCKY, not lucky [...
unluckily 29 23 UNLUCKY, not lucky [...
unlyrical 27 18 not lyrical [adj]
unmakable 19 22 that cannot be made...
unmakings 18 21 UNMAKING, the act of...
unmanacle 18 19 to free from manacle...
unmanaged 15 18 not managed [adj]
unmanlier 16 16 UNMANLY, not manly [...
unmanlike 17 20 not like a man [adj]
unmanning 15 19 UNMAN, to deprive of...
unmannish 17 18 not mannish [adj]
unmantled 16 17 UNMANTLE, to remove...
unmantles 16 16 UNMANTLE, to remove...
unmanured 15 17 not having had manur...
unmarried 16 15 not married [adj] /...
unmarries 16 14 UNMARRY, to dissolve...
unmaskers 17 18 UNMASKER, one who un...
unmasking 18 21 the act of unmasking...
unmatched 21 20 not matched [adj]
unmatured 16 16 not matured [adj]
unmeaning 15 18 having no meaning or...
unmerited 16 15 not merited [adj UNM...
unmerrier 16 14 UNMERRY, not merry [...
unmeshing 19 19 UNMESH, to disentang...
unmetered 15 15 not metered [adj]
unmindful 20 21 not mindful [adj UNM...
unmingled 18 19 UNMINGLE, to separat...
unmingles 18 18 UNMINGLE, to separat...
unmiriest 17 14 UNMIRY, not miry [ad...
unmitered 16 15 UNMITER, to depose f...
unmitring 18 17 UNMITRE, to depose f...
unmixable 25 25 that cannot be mixed...
unmixedly 30 25 UNMIXED [adv]
unmolding 18 19 UNMOLD, to change th...
unmoneyed 20 18 without money, also...
unmooring 16 17 UNMOOR, to release f...
unmorally 24 18 UNMORAL, lacking a s...
unmortise 16 14 to release from mort...
unmotived 18 19 without a motive [ad...
unmoulded 17 18 UNMOULD, to change t...
unmounted 15 17 UNMOUNT, to dismount...
unmourned 15 17 not mourned [adj]
unmovable 20 22 that cannot be moved...
unmovably 27 24 UNMOVABLE, that cann...
unmovedly 25 22 UNMOVED, not moved [...
unmuffled 22 23 UNMUFFLE, to free fr...
unmuffles 22 22 UNMUFFLE, to free fr...
unmusical 21 19 not musical [adj UNM...
unmuzzled 24 35 UNMUZZLE, to remove...
unmuzzles 24 34 UNMUZZLE, to remove...
unnailing 16 16 UNNAIL, to remove th...
unnamable 17 19 not capable of being...
unnatived 16 17 UNNATIVE, to no long...
unnatives 16 16 UNNATIVE, to no long...
unnatural 15 14 not natural [adj UNN...
unneedful 17 18 not needful [adj UNN...
unnerving 17 19 UNNERVE, to deprive...
unnesting 15 15 UNNEST, to turn out...
unnobling 18 19 UNNOBLE, to deprive...
unnoisier 14 12 UNNOISY, not noisy [...
unnoticed 17 16 not noticed [adj]
unnuanced 16 18 not nuanced [adj]
unobvious 19 19 not obvious [adj]
unoffered 18 18 not offered [adj]
unopposed 18 18 not opposed [adj]
unordered 14 13 UNORDER, to counterm...
unorderly 22 15 not orderly [adj]
unpackers 21 21 UNPACKER, one that u...
unpacking 22 24 the act of unpacking...
unpainful 20 20 not painful [adj]
unpainted 16 16 UNPAINT, to remove t...
unpalsied 18 16 not palsied [adj]
unpannels 16 17 UNPANNEL, to unsaddl...
unpapered 18 18 UNPAPER, to remove p...
unpartial 18 15 impartial [adj]
unpatched 22 20 not patched [adj]
unpayable 25 20 that cannot be payed...
unpegging 20 21 UNPEG, to remove the...
unpennied 15 17 without pennies [adj...
unpenning 16 19 UNPEN, to release fr...
unpeopled 19 19 UNPEOPLE, to remove...
unpeoples 19 18 UNPEOPLE, to remove...
unperched 22 20 UNPERCH, to drive fr...
unperches 22 19 UNPERCH, to drive fr...
unperfect 22 20 not perfect, also IM...
unperplex 26 25 to free from perplex...
unpersons 16 15 UNPERSON, to make so...
unpervert 19 18 to free from pervers...
unpicking 23 24 UNPICK, to remove th...
unpierced 20 18 not pierced [adj]
unpiloted 18 16 not piloted [adj]
unpinning 17 19 UNPIN, to remove the...
unpitiful 22 19 not pitiful [adj UNP...
unpitying 25 19 not pitying [adj UNP...
unplacing 22 21 UNPLACE, to displace...
unplagued 19 19 not plagued [adj]
unplained 17 17 (Spenser) not lament...
unplaited 18 16 UNPLAIT, to undo the...
unplanked 18 21 not fitted with plan...
unplanned 16 18 not planned [adj]
unplanted 17 17 not planted [adj]
unpleased 17 16 not pleased [adj]
unpleated 17 16 not pleated [adj]
unpledged 19 19 not pledged [adj]
unpliable 21 19 not pliable [adj UNP...
unpliably 28 21 UNPLIABLE, not pliab...
unplucked 23 24 not plucked [adj]
unplugged 21 21 UNPLUG, to take a pl...
unplumbed 22 23 UNPLUMB, to remove l...
unpluming 21 22 UNPLUME, to strip of...
unpointed 16 16 not pointed [adj]
unpoisons 16 15 UNPOISON, to rid of...
unpoliced 21 19 not policed [adj]
unpolitic 22 18 not politic, also IM...
unpopular 20 19 not popular [adj UNP...
unpotable 19 18 not potable, undrink...
unpraised 17 15 UNPRAISE, to deprive...
unpraises 17 14 UNPRAISE, to deprive...
unpraying 24 19 UNPRAY, to revoke th...
unprecise 20 17 not precise, also IM...
unpredict 21 18 (Milton) to retract...
unprepare 18 17 to make unprepared [...
unpressed 17 15 not pressed [adj]
unpriests 18 14 UNPRIEST, to divest...
unprinted 17 16 not printed [adj]
unprisons 17 15 UNPRISON, to release...
unpropped 21 21 UNPROP, to remove th...
unprovide 19 19 (Shakespeare) to dep...
unprovoke 19 22 (Shakespeare) to cou...
unpuckers 22 22 UNPUCKER, to remove...
unpursing 19 18 UNPURSE, to relax th...
unpursued 18 17 not pursued [adj]
unpuzzled 25 35 UNPUZZLE, to work ou...
unpuzzles 25 34 UNPUZZLE, to work ou...
unquaking 25 28 not quaking [adj]
unqualify 33 27 to disqualify; to un...
unqueened 21 23 UNQUEEN, to deprive...
unqueenly 29 25 not queenly [adj UNQ...
unquelled 25 24 not quelled [adj]
unquieted 23 22 UNQUIET, to disturb...
unquieter 23 21 UNQUIET, not quiet,...
unquietly 31 24 UNQUIET, not quiet,...
unquoting 24 24 UNQUOTE, to close a...
unravaged 17 18 not ravaged [adj]
unraveled 17 17 UNRAVEL, to separate...
unrazored 17 21 not shaven [adj]
unreached 19 17 not reached [adj]
unreadier 14 12 UNREADY, not ready,...
unreadily 22 15 UNREADY, not ready,...
unrealise 15 12 to divest of reality...
unrealism 17 15 lack of realism [n -...
unreality 22 14 the state of being u...
unrealize 18 21 to divest of reality...
unreasons 13 12 UNREASON, to disrupt...
unreaving 17 18 UNREAVE, to unwind;...
unrebated 16 15 not subject to a reb...
unrebuked 18 20 not rebuked [adj]
unredrest 15 12 not redressed, witho...
unreduced 18 17 not reduced [adj]
unreelers 15 12 UNREELER, one who un...
unreeling 16 15 UNREEL, to unwind fr...
unreeving 17 18 UNREEVE, to withdraw...
unrefined 16 16 not refined [adj]
unrefuted 17 16 not refuted [adj]
unreining 15 15 UNREIN, to give rein...
unrelated 15 13 not related [adj]
unrelaxed 21 20 not relaxed [adj]
unremoved 17 19 not removed [adj]
unrenewed 16 16 not renewed [adj]
unrepairs 17 14 UNREPAIR, a lack of...
unreserve 16 15 absence of reserve,...
unrestful 19 16 not restful [adj]
unresting 16 14 not resting [adj UNR...
unretired 15 12 UNRETIRE, to return...
unretires 15 11 UNRETIRE, to return...
unrevised 17 16 not revised [adj]
unrevoked 17 20 not revoked [adj]
unridable 18 16 that cannot be ridde...
unriddled 17 15 UNRIDDLE, to work ou...
unriddler 17 14 one who unriddles [n...
unriddles 17 14 UNRIDDLE, to work ou...
unrigging 19 18 UNRIG, to divest of...
unrighted 19 16 UNRIGHT, to wrong or...
unripened 16 16 not ripened [adj]
unripping 21 20 the act of unripping...
unrivaled 18 17 without a rival, als...
unriveted 17 16 UNRIVET, to take out...
unroasted 14 12 not roasted [adj]
unrolling 18 16 UNROLL, to open some...
unroofing 17 17 UNROOF, to remove th...
unroosted 14 12 UNROOST, to drive fr...
unrooting 15 14 UNROOT, to tear up b...
unrosined 14 13 not coated with rosi...
unrounded 14 15 UNROUND, to articula...
unroyally 29 17 UNROYAL, not royal [...
unruffled 21 20 UNRUFFLE, to recover...
unruffles 21 19 UNRUFFLE, to recover...
unruliest 17 13 UNRULY, difficult to...
unrumpled 20 20 not rumpled [adj]
unsaddled 16 15 UNSADDLE, to remove...
unsaddles 16 14 UNSADDLE, to remove...
unsainted 14 13 UNSAINT, to divest o...
unsaintly 22 15 not like a saint [ad...
unsalable 18 16 that cannot be sold,...
unsalably 25 18 UNSALABLE, that cann...
unsaluted 16 14 not saluted [adj]
unsampled 19 19 not sampled [adj]
unsatable 17 15 that cannot be sated...
unsatiate 14 11 not satiated, also U...
unsavoury 23 18 not savoury, disrepu...
unsayable 23 17 that cannot be said...
unscaling 20 18 UNSCALE, to remove t...
unscanned 16 17 not scanned as verse...
unscarier 18 14 UNSCARY, not scary [...
unscarred 18 15 not scarred [adj]
unscathed 20 17 not scathed [adj]
unscented 17 16 not scented [adj]
unscoured 18 16 not scoured [adj]
unscrewed 21 18 UNSCREW, to remove t...
unscythed 27 19 not scythed [adj]
unsealing 16 15 UNSEAL, to break the...
unseaming 16 17 UNSEAM, to open the...
unseasons 13 12 UNSEASON, (Spenser)...
unseating 15 14 UNSEAT, to remove fr...
unsecrets 18 14 UNSECRET, (Shakespea...
unsecular 19 16 not secular [adj]
unsecured 18 16 not secured [adj]
unseduced 18 17 not seduced [adj]
unseeable 16 15 that cannot be seen...
unseeling 16 15 UNSEEL, to unstitch...
unseeming 16 17 (Shakespeare) a not...
unselfing 19 18 UNSELF, to deprive o...
unselfish 21 17 not selfish [adj UNS...
unselling 18 16 UNSELL, to speak dis...
unsensing 15 15 UNSENSE, to deprive...
unserious 15 12 not serious [adj]
unsetting 16 14 UNSET, to undo the s...
unsettled 16 13 UNSETTLE, to make un...
unsettles 16 12 UNSETTLE, to make un...
unsevered 16 16 not severed [adj]
unsexiest 21 18 UNSEXY, not sexy [ad...
unshackle 22 21 to release from shac...
unshadows 20 17 UNSHADOW, to remove...
unshaling 19 17 UNSHALE, to strip th...
unshapely 26 19 not shapely [adj UNS...
unshaping 20 19 UNSHAPE, to deprive...
unsheathe 18 15 to remove from a she...
unshelled 19 16 UNSHELL, to strip th...
unshifted 20 17 UNSHIFT, to release...
unshipped 22 20 UNSHIP, to unload fr...
unshirted 18 14 not wearing a shirt...
unshocked 21 21 not shocked [adj]
unshoeing 17 16 UNSHOE, to strip of...
unshooted 16 14 UNSHOOT, (Shakespear...
unshotted 17 14 UNSHOT, to remove sh...
unshouted 17 15 UNSHOUT, to make a c...
unshowier 20 16 UNSHOWY, not showy [...
unshrived 20 18 not shriven, also UN...
unshriven 19 18 not shriven, also UN...
unshrouds 18 15 UNSHROUD, to remove...
unshunned 16 17 not shunned [adj]
unshutter 18 14 to open or remove th...
unsickled 21 20 not cut with a sickl...
unsighing 20 18 not sighing [adj]
unsighted 19 16 UNSIGHT, to prevent...
unsightly 27 18 unpleasant to look a...
unsimilar 18 15 not similar [adj]
unsinewed 17 16 UNSINEW, to take the...
unsisting 17 14 (Shakespeare) variou...
unsizable 21 24 (obsolete) extraordi...
unskilful 22 21 not skilful, also UN...
unskilled 19 18 not skilled [adj]
unskimmed 19 22 not skimmed e.g. of...
unskinned 15 18 not skinned [adj]
unsluiced 20 17 UNSLUICE, to let flo...
unsluices 20 16 UNSLUICE, to let flo...
unsmiling 19 18 not smiling [adj UNS...
unsmitten 16 15 not smitten, also UN...
unsmooths 18 16 UNSMOOTH, to make no...
unsnagged 16 17 UNSNAG, to free of s...
unsnapped 18 19 UNSNAP, to undo the...
unsnarled 15 14 UNSNARL, to disentan...
unsnecked 18 20 UNSNECK, to undo the...
unsnuffed 19 20 not snuffed [adj]
unsobered 16 15 UNSOBER, to make unr...
unsoberly 24 17 UNSOBER, not sober [...
unsockets 19 18 UNSOCKET, to take ou...
unsolaced 18 16 not solaced [adj]
unsolders 16 13 UNSOLDER, to separat...
unsolidly 24 16 UNSOLID, not solid [...
unsonsier 14 12 UNSONSY, (Scots) unl...
unsoothed 16 14 not soothed [adj]
unsouling 17 16 UNSOUL, to deprive o...
unsounded 14 15 not sounded [adj]
unsounder 14 14 UNSOUND, not sound [...
unsoundly 22 17 UNSOUND, not sound [...
unsourced 18 16 having no (authentic...
unsparing 18 17 not sparing [adj UNS...
unsparred 17 15 UNSPAR, to withdraw...
unspelled 19 17 UNSPELL, to free fro...
unsphered 19 17 UNSPHERE, to remove...
unspheres 19 16 UNSPHERE, to remove...
unspilled 20 17 not spilled, also UN...
unspoiled 18 16 not spoiled, also UN...
unspooled 17 16 UNSPOOL, to unwind f...
unspotted 17 15 not spotted; free fr...
unsprayed 23 17 not sprayed, e.g. of...
unsquared 23 22 not squared [adj]
unstabler 18 15 UNSTABLE, not stable...
unstacked 19 19 UNSTACK, to remove f...
unstained 14 13 not stained [adj]
unstalked 17 17 not having a stalk [...
unstamped 18 18 not stamped [adj]
unstarred 15 12 not starred [adj]
unstating 16 14 UNSTATE, (Shakespear...
unstaying 22 16 not staying [adj]
unsteeled 15 13 UNSTEEL, to disarm;...
unstemmed 17 18 not stemmed [adj]
unstepped 19 18 UNSTEP, to remove fr...
unsterile 16 12 not sterile [adj]
unstifled 19 16 not stifled [adj]
unstilled 18 14 not stilled [adj]
unstinted 15 13 not stinted [adj]
unstirred 16 12 not stirred [adj]
unstocked 19 19 UNSTOCK, to deplete...
unstopped 19 18 UNSTOP, to remove a...
unstopper 19 17 to take the stopper...
unstowing 19 17 UNSTOW, to empty of...
unstrings 17 14 UNSTRING, to remove...
unstriped 18 15 not striped [adj]
unstudied 16 14 not studied [adj]
unstuffed 20 19 not stuffed, also UN...
unstylish 26 16 not stylish [adj]
unsubdued 18 18 not subdued [adj]
unsubject 23 27 to remove from subju...
unsuccess 22 18 lack of success, fai...
unsuiting 17 15 UNSUIT, to make unsu...
unsullied 18 15 not sullied [adj]
unsunnier 14 14 UNSUNNY, not sunny [...
unsuspect 21 18 (Milton) not subject...
unswaddle 19 17 to take a swaddle fr...
unswathed 20 17 UNSWATHE, to unbind,...
unswathes 20 16 UNSWATHE, to unbind,...
unswollen 19 17 not swollen [adj]
untacking 20 21 UNTACK, to remove a...
untackled 20 20 UNTACKLE, to free fr...
untackles 20 19 UNTACKLE, to free fr...
untactful 22 19 not tactful [adj]
untainted 14 13 not tainted [adj UNT...
untamable 18 18 not tamable, also UN...
untamably 25 20 UNTAMABLE, not tamab...
untangled 16 16 UNTANGLE, to free fr...
untangles 16 15 UNTANGLE, to free fr...
untaxable 23 22 not taxable [adj]
unteaches 19 16 UNTEACH, to cause to...
unteaming 16 17 UNTEAM, to unyoke a...
untempers 18 17 UNTEMPER, to destroy...
untempted 18 18 not tempted [adj]
untenable 16 16 not tenable, also IN...
untenably 23 18 UNTENABLE, not tenab...
untenants 13 13 UNTENANT, to deprive...
untentier 14 12 UNTENTY, (Scots) car...
untenting 15 15 UNTENT, to remove fr...
untenured 14 14 not having tenure [a...
untethers 17 13 UNTETHER, to free fr...
unthanked 17 19 not thanked [adj]
unthawing 21 19 UNTHAW, to cause to...
unthought 21 18 UNTHINK, to dismiss...
unthreads 17 14 UNTHREAD, to remove...
unthrifts 21 16 UNTHRIFT, a spendthr...
unthrifty 27 18 not thrifty [adj UNT...
unthroned 16 15 UNTHRONE, to remove...
unthrones 16 14 UNTHRONE, to remove...
untidiest 16 12 UNTIDY, not tidy [ad...
untidying 23 17 UNTIDY, to make unti...
untimeous 16 15 untimely [adj UNTIME...
untinning 15 16 UNTIN, to take the t...
untirable 18 15 that cannot be tired...
untoiling 17 15 not toiling [adj]
untombing 19 20 UNTOMB, to remove fr...
untouched 20 18 not touched [adj]
untracing 19 17 UNTRACE, to loose fr...
untracked 19 19 UNTRACK, to cause to...
untrained 14 13 not trained [adj]
untrapped 19 18 not trapped [adj]
untreaded 14 13 UNTREAD, (Shakespear...
untreated 14 12 not treated [adj]
untressed 15 12 not tied up in tress...
untrimmed 18 18 UNTRIM, to strip of...
untrodden 14 14 UNTREAD, (Shakespear...
untruisms 18 15 UNTRUISM, untrue pla...
untrussed 16 13 UNTRUSS, to free fro...
untrusser 16 12 one who untrussed pe...
untrusses 16 12 UNTRUSS, to free fro...
untrusted 16 13 not trusted [adj]
untucking 21 22 UNTUCK, to release f...
untumbled 20 20 not tumbled [adj]
untunable 17 17 that cannot be tuned...
untunably 24 19 UNTUNABLE, that cann...
untuneful 18 18 not tuneful [adj UNT...
unturfing 19 18 UNTURF, to strip of...
unturning 16 16 UNTURN, to turn back...
untutored 15 13 not tutored [adj]
untwilled 21 17 not twilled [adj]
untwining 19 18 UNTWINE, to separate...
untwisted 19 15 UNTWIST, to untwine...
untypable 26 20 that cannot be typed...
untypical 28 20 not typical [adj UNT...
ununbiums 19 20 UNUNBIUM, a syntheti...
unununium 16 19 a chemical element [...
unushered 17 15 not ushered [adj]
unusually 24 17 UNUSUAL, not usual [...
unuttered 15 13 not uttered [adj]
unvailing 19 19 UNVAILE, (obsolete)...
unvarying 24 20 not varying [adj UNV...
unveilers 18 16 UNVEILER, one who re...
unveiling 19 19 the act of unveiling...
unvirtues 18 16 UNVIRTUE, lack of vi...
unvisited 18 16 not visited [adj]
unvisored 17 16 UNVISOR, to open the...
unvizards 21 25 UNVIZARD, to open th...
unvoicing 21 21 change to a voiceles...
unwakened 17 20 not wakened, also UN...
unwariest 18 14 UNWARIE, (Spenser) u...
unwarlike 20 19 not warlike [adj]
unwasheds 20 17 UNWASHED, (colloquia...
unwasting 19 17 not wasting [adj]
unwatched 23 20 not watched [adj]
unwatered 17 15 UNWATER, to drain, e...
unweapons 18 18 UNWEAPON, to disarm...
unwearied 17 15 not wearied [adj UNW...
unwearier 17 14 UNWEARY, not weary [...
unwearies 17 14 UNWEARY, to cause we...
unweaving 20 21 UNWEAVE, to undo som...
unweeting 18 17 (archaic) unwitting...
unweighed 21 19 not weighed; not pon...
unweights 22 18 UNWEIGHT, to reduce...
unwelcome 22 21 not welcome [adj UNW...
unwhipped 25 23 not whipped, also UN...
unwieldly 27 19 unwieldy, also UNWEL...
unwilling 22 19 not willing [adj UNW...
unwinders 18 16 UNWINDER, one who un...
unwinding 19 19 the act of unwinding...
unwinking 20 22 not winking [adj UNW...
unwisdoms 20 18 UNWISDOM, lack of wi...
unwishful 25 21 not wishful [adj]
unwishing 22 19 UNWISH, (Shakespeare...
unwitched 24 20 UNWITCH, to free fro...
unwitches 24 19 UNWITCH, to free fro...
unwittier 19 14 UNWITTY, not witty [...
unwittily 27 17 UNWITTY, not witty [...
unwitting 20 17 without knowledge, a...
unwomaned 17 19 UNWOMAN, to make unw...
unwomanly 25 21 not proper to a woma...
unworking 20 21 UNWORK, to undo or d...
unworldly 27 19 not belonging to thi...
unworried 18 15 not worried [adj]
unwounded 17 18 not wounded [adj]
unwrapped 22 21 UNWRAP, to remove th...
unwreaked 18 19 not wreaked [adj]
unwreathe 19 16 to take out of a wre...
unwrinkle 20 20 to reduce from a wri...
unwriting 20 17 UNWRITE, to undo the...
unwritten 18 15 UNWRITE, to undo the...
unwrought 22 19 UNWORK, to undo or d...
unzealous 18 22 not zealous [adj]
unzipping 24 29 UNZIP, to open the z...
upaithric 24 18 roofless; open to th...
upbearers 19 16 UPBEARER, one who be...
upbearing 20 19 UPBEAR, to raise alo...
upbinding 21 21 UPBIND, to bind comp...
upblowing 25 23 UPBLOW, to blow up [...
upboiling 22 20 UPBOIL, to boil up [...
upbounden 18 20 UPBIND, to bind comp...
upbraided 20 18 UPBRAID, to reproach...
upbraider 20 17 one who upbraids [n...
upbraying 27 21 UPBRAY, (Spenser) to...
upbrought 24 21 UPBRING, to bring up...
upbuilder 22 19 one who upbuilds [n...
upburning 21 21 flaming upwards [adj...
upcasting 22 19 UPCAST, to cast up [...
upcatches 26 21 UPCATCH, to catch up...
upcheered 22 19 UPCHEER, to encourag...
upchucked 28 27 UPCHUCK, to vomit [v...
upclimbed 26 24 UPCLIMB, to climb up...
upclosing 23 20 UPCLOSE, to close up...
upcoiling 23 20 UPCOIL, to coil up [...
upcountry 27 20 of or in the interio...
upcurling 24 21 UPCURL, to curl up [...
upcurving 25 24 UPCURVE, to curve up...
upcycling 33 25 UPCYCLE, to recycle...
updarting 19 17 UPDART, to dart up [...
updomings 20 20 UPDOMING, the upward...
updragged 20 19 UPDRAG, to drag upwa...
updraught 22 19 an upwards movement...
updrawing 22 20 UPDRAW, to draw up [...
upfilling 24 21 the act of filling u...
upflowing 25 23 UPFLOW, to flow up [...
upfolding 22 21 UPFOLD, to fold up [...
upfollows 25 21 UPFOLLOW, (Keats) to...
upfurling 23 21 UPFURL, to roll up [...
upgathers 21 17 UPGATHER, to gather...
upgirding 21 19 UPGIRD, to gird comp...
upgraders 19 16 UPGRADER, one who up...
upgrading 20 19 UPGRADE, to raise to...
upgrowing 23 21 the act of upgrowing...
upgrowths 25 20 UPGROWTH, the proces...
upgushing 23 21 UPGUSH, to gush up [...
uphanging 21 21 UPHANG, to hang up [...
uphauding 21 20 UPHAUD, (Scots) to m...
upheaping 22 21 the act of heaping u...
upheavals 22 20 UPHEAVAL, the act of...
upheavers 21 19 UPHEAVER, one who up...
upheaving 22 22 UPHEAVE, to heave up...
uphoarded 19 17 UPHOARD, to hoard up...
uphoisted 20 16 UPHOIST, to hoist up...
upholders 21 17 UPHOLDER, one who up...
upholding 22 20 the act of upholding...
upholster 21 16 to provide with stuf...
uphoorded 19 17 UPHOORD, (Shakespear...
uphurling 23 20 UPHURL, to hurl up [...
upjetting 21 25 UPJET, to spout up [...
upknitted 19 19 UPKNIT, to reconcile...
uplanders 18 16 UPLANDER, an inhabit...
uplandish 21 18 (obsolete) rustic, r...
upleading 19 18 UPLEAD, to lead up [...
upleaning 18 18 UPLEAN, to rest one'...
upleaping 21 20 UPLEAP, to leap up [...
uplifters 22 17 UPLIFTER, one who up...
uplifting 23 20 inspiring [adj UPLIF...
uplighted 23 19 UPLIGHT, to light to...
uplighter 23 18 a light-fitting that...
uplinking 21 22 the act of transmitt...
uploading 19 18 UPLOAD, to transfer...
uplocking 24 24 UPLOCK, to lock up [...
uplooking 20 21 UPLOOK, to look up [...
upmakings 21 23 UPMAKING, the proces...
upmanship 23 22 the art of gaining s...
upmarkets 20 20 UPMARKET, to make mo...
uppercase 22 19 in capitals [n -S] /...
uppercuts 24 20 UPPERCUT, to strike...
uppermost 21 19 in the top position,...
upperpart 22 19 the upper part of so...
uppropped 24 23 UPPROP, to prop up [...
upraisers 18 13 UPRAISER, one who up...
upraising 19 16 UPRAISE, to raise up...
upreached 22 19 UPREACH, to reach up...
upreaches 22 18 UPREACH, to reach up...
uprearing 18 16 UPREAR, to raise; to...
uprighted 22 18 UPRIGHT, to raise or...
uprightly 30 20 UPRIGHT, vertical [a...
uprisings 20 16 UPRISING, a revolt,...
uproaring 18 16 UPROAR, (Shakespeare...
uprolling 21 18 UPROLL, to roll upwa...
uprootals 18 14 UPROOTAL, the act of...
uprooters 17 13 UPROOTER, one who up...
uprooting 18 16 the act of uprooting...
uprousing 19 17 UPROUSE, to rouse up...
uprunning 18 19 UPRUN, to run up [v]
uprushing 22 19 UPRUSH, to rush up [...
upsadaisy 24 16 an expression of rea...
upscaling 23 20 UPSCALE, to appeal t...
upselling 21 18 UPSELL, to attempt t...
upsending 18 18 UPSEND, to send upwa...
upsetters 18 13 UPSETTER, one who up...
upsetting 19 16 causing upset [adj U...
upshifted 23 19 UPSHIFT, to shift an...
upsitting 20 16 a sitting up of a wo...
upskilled 22 20 UPSKILL, to improve...
upsoaring 18 16 UPSOAR, to soar upwa...
upspeared 19 17 UPSPEAR, to shoot up...
upsprings 22 19 UPSPRING, to spring...
upstagers 19 15 UPSTAGER, one who up...
upstaging 20 18 UPSTAGE, to outdo th...
upstaring 19 16 UPSTARE, to stare up...
upstarted 18 14 UPSTART, to start up...
upstaters 18 13 UPSTATER, an inhabit...
upstaying 25 18 UPSTAY, to sustain [...
upstepped 22 20 UPSTEP, to step up [...
upstirred 19 14 UPSTIR, to stir up [...
upstreams 19 16 UPSTREAM, to stream...
upstrokes 19 17 UPSTROKE, an upward...
upsurging 21 19 UPSURGE, to surge up...
upswarmed 22 20 UPSWARM, (archaic) t...
upswaying 28 21 UPSWAY, to swing up...
upswelled 23 19 UPSWELL, to swell up...
upswollen 22 19 UPSWELL, to swell up...
uptalking 21 21 the practice of spea...
uptearing 18 16 UPTEAR, to tear out...
upthrusts 22 16 UPTHRUST, to thrust...
upthunder 20 18 to send up a noise l...
uptighter 22 17 UPTIGHT, tense; stra...
uptilting 21 17 UPTILT, to tilt upwa...
uptitling 21 17 the practise of conf...
uptossing 19 16 UPTOSS, to toss upwa...
uptowners 20 17 UPTOWNER, one who li...
uptrained 17 15 UPTRAIN, (obsolete)...
uptrilled 21 16 (Coleridge) trilled...
upturning 19 18 the act of turning u...
upvaluing 22 22 UPVALUE, to increase...
upwafting 24 22 UPWAFT, to waft upwa...
upwelling 24 21 a welling up; the ri...
upwhirled 25 20 UPWHIRL, to whirl up...
upwinding 22 21 UPWIND, to wind up [...
upwrought 25 21 wrought up [adj]
urachuses 21 16 URACHUS, (Greek) a c...
uralitise 17 11 to turn into uralite...
uralitize 20 20 to turn into uralite...
uraninite 14 12 uranium dioxide, the...
uraniscus 19 15 the roof of the mout...
uranology 22 16 the study of the hea...
urbanised 17 15 URBANISE, to cause t...
urbanises 17 14 URBANISE, to cause t...
urbanisms 19 17 URBANISM, the lifest...
urbanists 18 14 URBANIST, a speciali...
urbanites 17 14 URBANITE, one who li...
urbanized 20 24 URBANIZE, to cause t...
urbanizes 20 23 URBANIZE, to cause t...
urceolate 18 14 shaped like a pitche...
uredinial 16 13 of or like uredines,...
uredinium 17 16 a uredosorus, a soru...
uredinous 15 13 containing uredines,...
uredosori 15 11 UREDOSORUS, a pustul...
ureotelic 19 14 eliminating unneeded...
urethaned 16 14 URETHANE, to coat wi...
urethanes 16 13 URETHANE, a crystall...
urgencies 19 16 URGENCY, a strong ur...
urinaries 15 11 URINARY, (obsolete)...
urinating 16 14 URINATE, to discharg...
urination 14 12 the act of voiding u...
urinative 17 15 provoking the flow o...
urinators 15 11 URINATOR, one who di...
urinemias 16 14 URINEMIA, an abnorma...
urinology 23 16 the study of urine o...
urnfields 19 16 URNFIELD, a late Bro...
urobilins 19 15 UROBILIN, a brown pi...
urochords 21 16 UROCHORD, a rodlike...
urochrome 21 18 an amorphous yellow...
urodelans 15 13 URODELAN, a member o...
urodelous 16 13 of or like urodeles,...
urogenous 15 14 producing or produce...
urography 27 19 radiological examina...
urokinase 15 15 a drug that dissolve...
urolagnia 16 14 sexual arousal cause...
urolithic 23 16 of or like a urolith...
urologies 17 13 UROLOGY, the study o...
urologist 18 13 one versed in urolog...
uropodous 17 15 of or pertaining to...
uropygial 26 18 of or pertaining to...
uropygium 27 21 the rump of a bird w...
uroscopic 24 19 relating to uroscopy...
urosteges 16 12 UROSTEGE, (Greek) a...
urostyles 23 13 UROSTYLE, a part of...
urticants 19 14 URTICANT, a substanc...
urticaria 19 13 nettle rash, hives [...
urticated 19 14 URTICATE, to cause t...
urticates 19 13 URTICATE, to cause t...
urushiols 20 14 URUSHIOL, (Japanese)...
usability 26 16 the state of being u...
uselessly 24 14 USELESS, serving no...
usernames 15 14 USERNAME, an identif...
usherette 17 12 a female usher, also...
usherings 19 15 USHERING, the act of...
ushership 23 17 the office of an ush...
usquabaes 25 23 USQUABAE, (Gaelic) w...
usquebaes 25 23 USQUEBAE, (Gaelic) w...
ustulated 17 13 USTULATE, to give a...
ustulates 17 12 USTULATE, to give a...
usualness 16 13 the state of being u...
usucapion 20 18 the acquisition of a...
usucapted 21 18 USUCAPT, to acquire...
usufructs 23 18 USUFRUCT, to exercis...
usuresses 16 11 USURESS, a female mo...
usurpedly 26 18 USURPED [adv]
usurpings 20 17 USURPING, the act of...
uterotomy 22 15 surgical removal of...
utilidors 18 12 UTILIDOR, an insulat...
utilisers 18 11 UTILISER, one who ut...
utilising 19 14 UTILISE, to make use...
utilities 18 11 UTILITY, the quality...
utilizers 21 20 UTILIZER, one who ut...
utilizing 22 23 UTILIZE, to make use...
utopiasts 18 13 UTOPIAST, one who be...
utopistic 22 16 of or like a utopist...
utricular 21 15 like or having a utr...
utriculus 22 16 a saclike cavity in...
utterable 18 14 capable of being utt...
utterance 17 14 the act of uttering...
utterings 17 13 UTTERING, the circul...
utterless 17 11 incapable of being u...
uttermost 17 13 the greatest degree...
utterness 15 11 the state of being u...
uvarovite 19 18 (Russian) a green li...
uveitises 18 14 UVEITIS, inflammatio...
uxorially 30 21 UXORIAL, of or relat...
uxoricide 25 21 the murder of a wife...