6 letter words that start with U

6 letter words that start with U

6 letter U word


Words With Friends®


uakari 11 11 (Tupi) a short-taile...
uberty 19 12 fruitfulness [n UBER...
ubiety 19 12 the state of having...
ubique 21 20 (Latin) everywhere [...
ubuntu 13 13 (Xhosa) a quality of...
uckers 15 14 a form of the game l...
udders 11 9 UDDER, a mammary gla...
ugalis 13 10 UGALI, (Swahili) an...
ugging 14 14 UG, to arouse loathi...
uglied 13 11 UGLY, to make ugly [...
uglier 13 10 UGLY, not beautiful...
uglies 13 10 UGLY, to make ugly [...
uglify 22 15 to make ugly [v UGLI...
uglily 21 13 UGLY, not beautiful...
ugsome 12 12 (obsolete) frightful...
uhlans 13 11 UHLAN, (German) a li...
uhurus 14 11 UHURU, (Swahili) fre...
ujamaa 12 19 (Swahili) in Tanzani...
ukases 11 11 UKASE, (Russian) a p...
ulamas 12 11 ULAMA, (Arabic) the...
ulcers 15 11 ULCER, to affect wit...
ulemas 12 11 ULEMA, (Arabic) the...
ulexes 17 15 ULEX, (Latin) any pl...
ulices 15 11 ULEX, (Latin) any pl...
ulicon 14 12 (Native American) th...
ulikon 12 13 (Native American) th...
ulitis 13 8 inflammation of the...
ullage 13 11 to reckon the leakag...
ulling 14 12 the making good of u...
ulmins 13 12 ULMIN, a brown amorp...
ulnare 10 9 (Latin) one of the b...
uloses 11 8 ULOSIS, scar formati...
ulosis 12 8 scar formation [n UL...
ulster 12 8 a long, loose overco...
ultima 13 11 (Latin) the last syl...
ultimo 13 11 of or occurring in t...
ultion 11 9 (obsolete) vengeance...
ultras 12 8 ULTRA, an advocate o...
ulyies 18 10 ULYIE, (Scots) oil,...
ulzies 15 17 ULZIE, (Scots) oil,...
umamis 13 13 UMAMI, (Japanese) a...
umbels 15 14 UMBEL, a type of flo...
umbers 14 13 UMBER, to colour wit...
umbery 20 15 like umber [adj]
umbles 15 14 a deer's entrails, a...
umbrae 13 13 UMBRA, (Latin) a sha...
umbral 15 14 of or like an umbra,...
umbras 14 13 UMBRA, (Latin) a sha...
umbrel 15 14 (Spenser) the visor...
umbres 14 13 UMBRE, the hammerhea...
umbril 16 14 (Spenser) the visor...
umfazi 17 22 (South Africa) an Af...
umiack 16 17 (Inuit) an Eskimo ca...
umiacs 15 13 UMIAC, (Inuit) an In...
umiaks 13 14 UMIAK, (Inuit) a Inu...
umiaqs 20 19 UMIAQ, (Inuit) an Es...
umlaut 13 12 (German) a diacritic...
ummahs 15 15 UMMAH, (Arabic) the...
umming 14 16 UM, to express doubt...
umpies 14 13 UMPY, (Australian sl...
umping 15 16 UMP, (short for) to...
umpire 14 13 to rule on the plays...
umrahs 14 12 UMRAH, a lesser pilg...
umwelt 16 14 (German) environment...
unable 12 12 not able, also UNHAB...
unaged 10 11 not aged [adj]
unakin 10 13 not akin [adj]
unarms 11 11 UNARM, to deprive of...
unawed 12 12 not awed [adj]
unaxed 15 16 not axed [adj]
unbags 13 13 UNBAG, to let out of...
unbale 12 12 to loosen from a com...
unbans 11 12 UNBAN, to remove a p...
unbare 11 11 to lay bare [v UNBAR...
unbark 13 15 to strip of bark [v...
unbars 12 11 UNBAR, to become unb...
unbear 11 11 to free from the pre...
unbeds 12 12 UNBED, to rouse from...
unbeen 10 12 UNBE, to cease to ha...
unbelt 13 12 to remove the belt o...
unbend 11 13 to relax [v UNBENDED...
unbent 11 12 UNBEND, to relax [v]
unbias 12 11 to free from bias [v...
unbind 12 13 to free from binding...
unbitt 13 11 to take off from the...
unbolt 13 12 to undo a bolt [v -E...
unbone 10 12 to remove the bones...
unboot 11 11 to take off the boot...
unbore 11 11 UNBEAR, to free from...
unborn 11 12 not yet born [adj]
unbred 12 12 not bred [adj]
unbury 19 14 to disinter; to exhu...
unbusy 19 14 not busy [adj UNBUSI...
uncage 13 13 to release from a ca...
uncake 13 15 to break up a block...
uncape 14 14 (Shakespeare) to thr...
uncaps 15 14 UNCAP, to remove the...
uncart 13 11 to take off a cart [...
uncase 12 11 to remove from a cas...
uncast 13 11 to undo the process...
uncate 12 11 hooked [adj]
unchic 19 16 not chic [adj]
unciae 12 11 UNCIA, (Latin) an an...
uncial 14 12 a form of writing us...
uncini 13 12 UNCINUS, an structur...
unclad 14 13 UNCLOTHE, to divest...
uncled 14 13 UNCLE, to address as...
uncles 14 12 UNCLE, to address as...
unclew 17 15 (archaic) to unravel...
unclip 17 15 to remove a fastenin...
unclog 15 14 to free from obstruc...
uncock 17 18 to remove from a coc...
uncoer 12 11 UNCO, (Scots) strang...
uncoes 12 11 UNCO, a stranger, a...
uncoil 14 12 to release from a co...
uncolt 14 12 (Shakespeare) to unh...
uncool 13 12 not cool [adj]
uncope 14 14 to unmuzzle or unsew...
uncord 13 12 to free from cords [...
uncork 14 15 to draw the cork [v...
uncowl 17 15 to remove the cowl f...
uncuff 18 18 to remove handcuffs...
uncurb 16 15 to remove restraints...
uncurl 15 13 to straighten the cu...
uncute 13 12 not cute [adj]
undams 11 12 UNDAM, to free water...
undate 9 9 wavy [adj]
undead 9 10 a vampire [n UNDEAD]
undeaf 11 12 to free from deafnes...
undear 9 9 not dear [adj]
undeck 14 16 to rid or ornaments...
undern 9 10 (obsolete) orig the...
undies 10 9 women's underclothin...
undine 9 10 a female water spiri...
undock 14 16 to move away from a...
undoer 9 9 one who undoes [n -S...
undoes 9 9 UNDO, to bring to ru...
undone 8 10 UNDO, to bring to ru...
undraw 13 12 to draw open [v UNDR...
undrew 13 12 UNDRAW, to draw open...
unduly 18 13 UNDUE, exceeding wha...
undyed 16 12 not dyed [adj]
unease 8 8 mental or physical d...
uneasy 15 10 marked by mental or...
uneath 11 10 (archaic) with diffi...
unedge 10 11 to blunt [v UNEDGED,...
uneven 10 13 not even [adj UNEVEN...
uneyed 15 11 unseen [adj]
unfact 15 14 a fact that must not...
unfair 12 11 not fair [adj UNFAIR...
unfeed 11 12 not retained by a fe...
unfelt 13 12 not felt [adj]
unfine 11 12 not fine [adj]
unfirm 14 14 not firm [adj]
unfits 13 11 UNFIT, to make unfit...
unfixt 19 18 UNFIX, to unfasten [...
unfold 13 13 to open something th...
unfond 11 13 not fond [adj]
unfool 12 12 to undeceive [v -ED,...
unform 13 14 to unmake [v -ED, -I...
unfree 11 11 to deprive of freedo...
unfurl 14 13 to unroll [v -ED, -I...
ungags 12 12 UNGAG, to remove a g...
ungain 10 11 (dialect) awkward, u...
ungear 10 10 to unharness [v -ED,...
ungets 11 10 UNGET, to deny the b...
ungild 13 12 to remove the gildin...
ungilt 13 11 not gilt [adj]
ungird 12 11 to remove a belt fro...
ungirt 12 10 UNGIRD [v]
unglad 12 12 not glad [adj]
unglue 12 12 to release from a st...
ungods 11 11 UNGOD, to deprive of...
ungord 11 11 (Shakespeare) unwoun...
ungown 13 14 to strip of a gown [...
ungual 12 12 of or bearing a claw...
ungues 11 11 UNGUIS, a nail, claw...
unguis 12 11 a nail, claw or hoof...
ungula 12 12 a nail, claw or hoof...
ungums 13 14 UNGUM, to free from...
ungyve 19 16 to remove the fetter...
unhair 12 10 to remove the hair f...
unhand 11 12 to remove the hand f...
unhang 12 13 to detach from a han...
unhasp 14 13 to unfasten a hasp [...
unhats 12 10 UNHAT, to remove a h...
unhead 11 11 to decapitate [v -ED...
unheal 12 11 (Spenser) to discove...
unhele 12 11 (Spenser) to uncover...
unhelm 14 14 to remove the helmet...
unhewn 14 14 not hewn [adj]
unhive 14 14 to drive from a hive...
unholy 19 13 not holy [adj UNHOLI...
unhood 11 11 to remove a hood fro...
unhook 12 14 to remove from a hoo...
unhoop 13 13 to remove hoops from...
unhung 13 14 not hung [adj]
unhurt 13 11 not hurt [adj]
unhusk 14 15 to remove the husks...
uniced 13 12 not iced [adj]
unicom 14 14 a designated radio f...
unicum 15 15 a unique example or...
unific 16 14 unifying [adj UNIFIE...
unions 9 9 UNION, the state of...
uniped 12 12 a one-footed person...
unipod 12 12 a one-legged support...
unique 18 18 having no other of i...
unisex 16 15 the condition of not...
unison 9 9 complete agreement [...
unital 11 9 relating to a unit [...
united 10 9 UNITE, to join toget...
uniter 10 8 one who unites [n -S...
unites 10 8 UNITE, to join toget...
unjams 13 20 UNJAM, to free from...
unjust 13 18 not just [adj UNJUST...
unkend 10 14 unknown; strange, al...
unkent 10 13 unknown; strange, al...
unkept 13 15 not kept [adj]
unkind 11 14 not kind [adj UNKIND...
unking 12 15 to deprive of a king...
unkink 12 17 to remove curls from...
unkiss 12 12 (Shakespeare) to can...
unknit 11 13 to undo or unravel w...
unknot 10 13 to undo a knot in [v...
unlace 13 12 to unfasten the lace...
unlade 10 10 to unload [v UNLADED...
unlaid 11 10 UNLAY, to untwist [v...
unlash 13 11 to untie the binding...
unlast 11 9 UNLACE, to unfasten...
unlaws 14 12 UNLAW, to deprive of...
unlays 17 11 UNLAY, to untwist [v...
unlead 10 10 to remove the lead f...
unleal 11 10 (archaic) unfaithful...
unless 11 9 except on the condit...
unlich 17 14 (Spenser) unlike [ad...
unlids 12 10 UNLID, to take the l...
unlike 12 13 not like, also UNLIC...
unlime 12 12 to free from lime [v...
unline 10 10 to remove the lining...
unlink 12 14 to unfasten the conn...
unlive 13 13 to live so as to mak...
unload 10 10 to remove cargo from...
unlock 15 16 to unfasten the lock...
unlord 11 10 to strip of the dign...
unlost 11 9 not lost [adj]
unlove 12 13 to cease to love [v...
unmade 10 12 UNMAKE, to destroy [...
unmake 11 15 to destroy [v UNMADE...
unmans 10 12 UNMAN, to deprive of...
unmard 11 12 (Spenser) unmarred [...
unmask 12 15 to remove a mask fro...
unmeek 11 15 not meek [adj]
unmeet 10 11 not suitable [adj UN...
unmesh 13 13 to disentangle [v -E...
unmews 14 14 UNMEW, to release fr...
unmiry 18 13 not miry [adj UNMIRI...
unmixt 18 18 UNMIX, to separate f...
unmold 12 13 to change the form o...
unmoor 10 11 to release from moor...
unmown 13 15 not mown [adj]
unnail 10 10 to remove the nails...
unnest 9 9 to turn out of a nes...
unopen 10 12 not open [adj]
unowed 12 12 not due [adj]
unpack 16 18 to remove the conten...
unpaid 12 12 UNPAY, to make good,...
unpays 18 13 UNPAY, to make good,...
unpegs 13 13 UNPEG, to remove the...
unpens 11 12 UNPEN, to release fr...
unpent 11 12 UNPEN, to release fr...
unpick 17 18 to remove the stitch...
unpile 13 12 to disentangle from...
unpins 12 12 UNPIN, to remove the...
unplug 15 15 to take a plug out [...
unpope 13 14 to divest of popedom...
unpray 18 13 to revoke the prayin...
unprop 14 14 to remove the props...
unpure 12 12 not pure, also IMPUR...
unrake 10 12 to uncover by rackin...
unread 9 9 not read [adj]
unreal 10 9 not real [adj UNREAL...
unredy 16 11 (obsolete) unready [...
unreel 10 9 to unwind from a ree...
unrein 9 9 to give rein to [v -...
unrent 9 9 not torn [adj]
unrest 10 8 a disturbed or uneas...
unrigs 12 10 UNRIG, to divest of...
unripe 12 11 not mature enough [a...
unrips 13 11 UNRIP, to rip open [...
unrobe 11 11 to take off a robe [...
unroll 12 10 to open something th...
unroof 11 11 to remove the roof [...
unroot 9 8 to tear up by the ro...
unrope 11 11 to loose from a rope...
unrove 11 12 UNREEVE, to withdraw...
unrude 10 10 not rude [adj]
unrule 11 10 absence of governmen...
unruly 18 12 difficult to control...
unsafe 11 11 not safe [adj UNSAFE...
unsaid 10 9 UNSAY, to retract so...
unsawn 12 12 not sawn [adj]
unsays 16 10 UNSAY, to retract so...
unseal 10 9 to break the seal of...
unseam 10 11 to open the seams of...
unseat 9 8 to remove from a sea...
unseel 10 9 to unstitch a hawk's...
unseen 8 9 an unprepared passag...
unself 13 12 altruism, impartiali...
unsell 12 10 to speak disparaging...
unsent 9 9 not sent [adj]
unsets 10 8 UNSET, to undo the s...
unsewn 12 12 UNSEW, to undo the s...
unsews 13 11 UNSEW, to undo the s...
unsexy 22 17 not sexy [adj UNSEXI...
unshed 12 11 not shed [adj]
unship 15 13 to unload from a shi...
unshod 12 11 not shod [adj]
unshoe 11 10 to strip of shoes [v...
unshot 12 10 to remove shot from...
unshut 13 11 to open, or throw op...
unsnag 10 11 to free of snags [v...
unsnap 11 12 to undo the snaps of...
unsoft 12 11 (Spenser) not softly...
unsold 11 10 not sold [adj]
unsoul 11 10 to deprive of spirit...
unsown 12 12 not sown, also UNSOW...
unspar 12 11 to withdraw a spa fr...
unsped 12 12 unaccomplished [adj]
unspun 12 13 not spun [adj]
unstep 12 11 to remove from a soc...
unstop 12 11 to remove a stopper...
unstow 13 11 to empty of contents...
unsuit 11 9 to make unsuitable [...
unsung 11 12 not sung [adj]
unsunk 11 14 not sunk [adj]
unsure 10 9 not sure [adj UNSURE...
untack 14 15 to remove a tack fro...
untame 10 11 to make untame [v UN...
unteam 10 11 to unyoke a team fro...
untent 9 9 to remove from a ten...
unthaw 15 13 to cause to melt [v...
untidy 17 11 not tidy [adj UNTIDI...
untied 10 9 UNTIE, to free from...
unties 10 8 UNTIE, to free from...
untile 11 9 to strip of tiles [v...
untins 10 9 UNTIN, to take the t...
untold 11 10 not told [adj]
untomb 13 14 to remove from a tom...
untorn 9 9 not torn [adj]
untrim 12 11 to strip of trimming...
untrod 10 9 UNTREAD, (Shakespear...
untrue 10 9 not true [adj UNTRUE...
untuck 15 16 to release from bein...
untune 9 10 to put out of tune [...
unturf 13 12 to strip of turf [v...
unturn 10 10 to turn backwards [v...
unused 10 10 not used [adj]
unvail 13 13 (obsolete) to unveil...
unveil 13 13 to remove a covering...
unvext 18 19 not vexed, also UNVE...
unware 12 11 unwarily, unawares,...
unwary 19 13 not wary, also UNWAR...
unweal 13 12 (obsolete) afflictio...
unwell 15 13 not well [adj]
unwept 15 14 not wept [adj]
unwill 16 13 to deprive of will [...
unwind 13 13 to reverse the windi...
unwire 13 11 to take the wire fro...
unwise 13 11 not wise [adj UNWISE...
unwish 16 13 (Shakespeare) to wis...
unwist 14 11 (archaic) not known...
unwits 14 11 UNWIT, to make unsan...
unwive 15 15 to deprive of a wife...
unwont 12 12 unaccustomed, also U...
unwork 14 15 to undo or destroy,...
unworn 12 12 not worn [adj]
unwove 14 15 UNWEAVE, to undo som...
unwrap 15 14 to remove the wrappi...
unyoke 16 14 to free from a yoke...
unzips 16 20 UNZIP, to open the z...
upases 12 10 UPAS, an Asian tree...
upbear 14 13 to raise aloft [v UP...
upbeat 14 13 an unaccented beat i...
upbind 15 15 to bind completely [...
upblew 19 17 UPBLOW, to blow up [...
upblow 19 17 to blow up [v UPBLEW...
upboil 16 14 to boil up [v -ED, -...
upbore 14 13 UPBEAR, to raise alo...
upbows 18 16 UPBOW, a type of str...
upbray 21 15 (Spenser) to upbraid...
upcast 16 13 to cast up [v UPCAST...
upcoil 17 14 to coil up [v -ED, -...
upcome 16 16 produce, outcome [n...
upcurl 18 15 to curl up [v -ED, -...
updart 13 11 to dart up [v -ED, -...
update 12 11 to bring up to date...
updive 15 15 to spring upward [v...
updove 14 15 UPDIVE, to spring up...
updrag 14 13 to drag upward [v UP...
updraw 16 14 to draw up [v UPDREW...
updrew 16 14 UPDRAW, to draw up [...
upends 12 12 UPEND, to turn upsid...
upfill 18 15 to fill up [v -ED, -...
upflow 19 17 to flow up [v -ED, -...
upfold 16 15 to fold up [v -ED, -...
upfurl 17 15 to roll up [v -ED, -...
upgang 14 15 (Scots) ascent [n -S...
upgaze 16 21 to gaze up [v UPGAZE...
upgird 15 13 to gird completely [...
upgirt 15 12 UPGIRD, to gird comp...
upgoes 13 12 UPGO, to go up [v]
upgone 12 13 UPGO, to go up [v]
upgrew 17 15 UPGROW, to grow up [...
upgrow 17 15 to grow up [v UPGREW...
upgush 17 15 to gush up [v -ED, -...
uphand 14 14 lifted by hand [adj]
uphang 15 15 to hang up [v UPHUNG...
uphaud 15 14 (Scots) to maintain,...
upheap 16 15 to heap up [v -ED, -...
upheld 16 14 UPHOLD, to hold alof...
uphild 17 14 UPHOLD, to hold alof...
uphill 18 14 an upward slope [n -...
uphold 16 14 to hold aloft [v UPH...
uphove 16 16 UPHEAVE, to heave up...
uphroe 14 12 a block or long slat...
uphung 16 16 UPHANG, to hang up [...
uphurl 17 14 to hurl up [v -ED, -...
upjets 15 19 UPJET, to spout up [...
upkeep 15 17 the cost of maintain...
upknit 14 15 to reconcile [v UPKN...
uplaid 14 12 UPLAY, to hoard [v]
upland 13 13 the higher land of a...
uplays 20 13 UPLAY, to hoard [v]
uplead 13 12 to lead up [v UPLED,...
uplean 12 12 to rest one's weight...
upleap 15 14 to leap up [v UPLEAP...
uplift 17 14 to lift up [v -ED, -...
uplink 15 16 a communications cha...
upload 13 12 to transfer informat...
uplock 18 18 to lock up [v -ED, -...
uplook 14 15 to look up [v -ED, -...
upmake 14 17 the action of making...
upmost 14 13 highest, also UPPERM...
uppers 15 13 UPPER, the part of a...
uppile 16 14 to pile up [v UPPILE...
upping 16 16 the process of marki...
uppish 18 15 putting on airs of s...
uppity 22 15 tending to be snobbi...
upprop 17 16 to prop up [v UPPROP...
uprate 12 10 to improve the power...
uprear 12 10 to raise; to erect [...
uprest 13 10 (Shelley) a rising,...
uprise 13 10 to rise up [v UPROSE...
uprist 14 10 a revolt, also UPRES...
uproar 12 10 a tumult, a commotio...
uproll 15 12 to roll upward [v -E...
uproot 12 10 to pull up by the ro...
uprose 12 10 UPRISE, to rise up [...
upruns 13 12 UPRUN, to run up [v]
uprush 16 13 to rush up [v -ED, -...
upryst 20 12 (Spenser) riseth up...
upsees 12 10 UPSEE, (obsolete) a...
upsell 15 12 to attempt to persua...
upsend 12 12 to send upward [v UP...
upsent 12 11 UPSEND, to send upwa...
upsets 13 10 UPSET, to overturn [...
upseys 19 12 UPSEY, (obsolete) a...
upshot 15 12 the final result [n...
upside 13 11 a positive aspect [n...
upsies 13 10 UPSY, (obsolete) a c...
upsize 16 19 to increase in size...
upsoar 12 10 to soar upward [v -E...
upsold 14 12 UPSELL, to attempt t...
upstay 19 12 to sustain [v -ED, -...
upstep 15 13 to step up [v UPSTEP...
upstir 14 10 to stir up [v UPSTIR...
upsway 22 15 to swing up [v -ED,...
uptake 13 14 to take up [v UPTOOK...
uptaks 14 14 UPTAK, (Scots) uptak...
uptalk 15 15 to end a declarative...
uptear 12 10 to tear out by the r...
uptick 18 17 an increase or rise...
uptied 13 11 UPTIE, to tie up [v]
upties 13 10 UPTIE, to tie up [v]
uptilt 15 11 to tilt upward [v -E...
uptime 14 13 the time during whic...
uptook 13 14 UPTAKE, to take up [...
uptore 12 10 UPTEAR, to tear out...
uptorn 12 11 UPTEAR, to tear out...
uptoss 13 10 to toss upward [v -E...
uptown 15 14 the upper part of a...
upturn 13 12 to turn up or over [...
upwaft 18 16 to waft upward [v -E...
upward 16 14 toward a higher plac...
upwell 18 15 to well up [v -ED, -...
upwent 15 14 UPGO, to go up [v]
upwind 16 15 to wind up [v UPWOUN...
upwrap 18 16 an anticline [n -S]
urachi 16 12 URACHUS, (Greek) a c...
uracil 15 11 a form of pyrimidine...
uraeus 10 8 (Latin) an Egyptian...
uralis 12 8 URALI, the plant yie...
urania 9 8 uranium dioxide [n -...
uranic 13 11 of uranium in higher...
uranin 9 9 an alkaline salt of...
uranyl 17 11 the radical UO2, pre...
urares 10 7 URARE, (Carib) a par...
uraris 11 7 URARI, the plant yie...
urases 10 7 URASE, an enzyme tha...
urates 10 7 URATE, a salt of uri...
uratic 14 10 of or containing ura...
urbane 11 11 refined and elegant...
urbias 13 10 URBIA, (Latin) citie...
urchin 16 13 a mischievous boy [n...
urease 9 7 an enzyme that conve...
uredia 10 8 UREDIUM, a spore-pro...
uredos 10 8 UREDO, (Latin) rust...
ureide 10 8 any one of the many...
uremia 11 10 the retention of was...
uremic 15 13 relating to uremia,...
urenas 9 8 URENA, any plant of...
ureses 10 7 URESIS, (Greek) urin...
uresis 11 7 (Greek) urination [n...
ureter 10 7 a duct that conveys...
uretic 14 10 pertaining to urine...
urgent 11 10 requiring immediate...
urgers 12 9 URGER, one who urges...
urging 13 12 urgent [adj URGINGLY...
urials 12 8 URIAL, (Punjabi) a w...
urinal 11 9 a sanitary fitting,...
urined 10 9 URINE, to discharge...
urines 10 8 URINE, to discharge...
urites 11 7 URITE, an abdominal...
urmans 11 11 URMAN, (Russian) swa...
urnful 14 13 as much as an urn ca...
urning 11 11 a male homosexual [n...
uropod 12 11 any one of the abdom...
uroses 10 7 UROSIS, disease of t...
urosis 11 7 disease of the urina...
urping 14 13 URP, (slang) to vomi...
ursids 12 8 URSID, a meteor [n]
ursine 10 8 of or pertaining to...
ursons 10 8 URSON, (French) the...
urtext 17 14 (German) the origina...
urtica 14 10 (Latin) any plant of...
urubus 14 12 URUBU, (Tupi) the Am...
uruses 11 8 URUS, an extinct bov...
usable 13 11 that can be used, al...
usably 20 13 USABLE, that can be...
usager 11 9 someone who has the...
usages 11 9 USAGE, a generally a...
usance 12 11 a generally accepted...
useful 14 12 serving a purpose [a...
ushers 13 9 USHER, to escort peo...
usneas 9 8 USNEA, a genus of li...
usques 19 17 USQUE, (Gaelic) whis...
ustion 10 8 (obsolete) the act o...
usuals 12 9 USUAL, one's normal...
usured 11 9 USURE, (obsolete) to...
usurer 11 8 one who lives by usu...
usures 11 8 USURE, (obsolete) to...
usurps 14 11 USURP, to seize and...
usward 14 11 (archaic) towards us...
utases 10 7 UTAS, (obsolete) the...
uterus 11 8 an organ of female m...
utiles 12 8 UTILE, an African ha...
utises 11 7 UTIS, (Shakespeare)...
utmost 12 10 the greatest degree...
utopia 12 10 any real or imaginar...
utters 11 7 UTTER, to give audib...
uveous 12 12 pertaining to the uv...
uvulae 13 13 UVULA, the pendent f...
uvular 14 13 relating to the uvul...
uvulas 14 13 UVULA, the pendent f...