5 letter words that start with U

5 letter words that start with U

5 letter U word


Words With Friends®


udals 10 8 UDAL, a Scottish est...
udder 9 8 a mammary gland [n -...
udons 8 8 UDON, (Japanese) in...
ugali 11 9 (Swahili) an African...
ugged 11 11 UG, to arouse loathi...
uhlan 11 10 (German) a light cav...
uhuru 12 10 (Swahili) freedom, n...
ukase 9 10 (Russian) a proclama...
ulama 10 10 (Arabic) the body of...
ulans 9 8 ULAN, (German) a lig...
ulcer 13 10 to affect with a typ...
ulema 10 10 (Arabic) the body of...
ulmin 11 11 a brown amorphous su...
ulnad 9 9 toward the ulna, the...
ulnae 8 8 ULNA, (Latin) the in...
ulnar 9 8 pertaining to the ul...
ulnas 9 8 ULNA, (Latin) the in...
ulpan 11 11 a school in Israel f...
ultra 10 7 an advocate of extre...
ulvas 12 11 ULVA, (Latin) a genu...
ulyie 16 9 (Scots) oil, also UL...
ulzie 13 16 (Scots) oil, also UL...
umami 11 12 (Japanese) a savoury...
umbel 13 13 a type of flower clu...
umber 12 12 to colour with a bro...
umble 13 13 as in umble pie, a p...
umbos 12 12 UMBO, the rounded el...
umbra 12 12 (Latin) a shadow [n...
umbre 12 12 the hammerhead, a br...
umiac 13 12 (Inuit) an Inuit can...
umiak 11 13 (Inuit) a Inuit cano...
umiaq 18 18 (Inuit) an Eskimo ca...
ummah 13 14 (Arabic) the body of...
ummas 11 12 UMMA, (Arabic) the b...
ummed 11 13 UM, to express doubt...
umped 12 13 UMP, (short for) to...
umphs 15 14 UMPH, oomph, energy...
umpie 12 12 (Australian slang) a...
umpty 19 14 designating an indef...
umrah 12 11 a lesser pilgrimage...
umras 10 9 UMRA, a lesser pilgr...
unais 8 7 UNAI, a two-toed slo...
unapt 10 10 unfit or unqualified...
unarm 9 10 to deprive of arms [...
unary 14 9 consisting of a sing...
unaus 8 8 UNAU, a two-toed slo...
unbag 11 12 to let out of a bag...
unban 9 11 to remove a prohibit...
unbar 10 10 to become unbarred [...
unbed 10 11 to rouse from bed [v...
unbid 11 11 not bid or commanded...
unbox 16 17 to remove from a box...
uncap 13 13 to remove the cap fr...
unces 11 10 UNCE, (Scots) an oun...
uncia 11 10 (Latin) an ancient R...
uncle 12 11 to address as uncle...
uncos 11 10 UNCO, a stranger, a...
uncoy 17 12 not coy [adj]
uncus 12 11 a hook-shaped anatom...
uncut 12 11 not cut [adj]
undam 9 11 to free water from a...
undee 7 8 in heraldry, wavy, a...
under 8 8 in a lower position...
undid 9 9 UNDO, to bring to ru...
undos 8 8 UNDO, a computer fea...
undue 8 9 exceeding what is ap...
undug 10 11 not dug [adj]
uneth 10 9 (archaic) with diffi...
unfed 10 11 not fed [adj]
unfit 11 10 not fit [adj UNFITTE...
unfix 17 17 to unfasten [v UNFIX...
ungag 10 11 to remove a gag [v U...
unget 9 9 to deny the begettin...
ungod 9 10 to deprive of divini...
ungot 9 9 UNGET, to deny the b...
ungum 11 13 to free from gum [v...
unhat 10 9 to remove a hat [v U...
unhip 13 12 (slang) square, not...
unica 11 10 UNICUM, a unique exa...
unify 17 12 to make into a coher...
union 7 8 the state of being u...
unite 8 7 to join together [v...
units 9 7 UNIT, a specific qua...
unity 15 9 the state of being o...
unjam 11 19 to free from jamming...
unked 9 12 odd; strange; uncout...
unket 9 11 odd; strange; uncout...
unkid 10 12 odd; strange; uncout...
unlaw 12 11 to deprive of the au...
unlay 15 10 to untwist [v UNLAID...
unled 9 9 not led [adj]
unlet 9 8 not letted (of a pro...
unlid 10 9 to take the lid off...
unlit 10 8 not lit [adj]
unman 8 11 to deprive of courag...
unmet 9 10 not met [adj]
unmew 12 13 to release from conf...
unmix 16 17 to separate from a m...
unpay 16 12 to make good, do awa...
unpeg 11 12 to remove the pegs f...
unpen 9 11 to release from conf...
unpin 10 11 to remove the pins f...
unred 8 8 (Spenser) unread, in...
unrid 9 8 (archaic) unridden [...
unrig 10 9 to divest of rigging...
unrip 11 10 to rip open [v UNRIP...
unsay 14 9 to retract something...
unset 8 7 to undo the setting...
unsew 11 10 to undo the sewing o...
unsex 14 14 to deprive of sexual...
unsod 8 8 not boiled, not sodd...
untax 14 14 to remit a tax on [v...
untie 8 7 to free from somethi...
until 10 8 up to the time of [p...
untin 8 8 to take the tin from...
unwed 11 11 not wed, also UNWEDD...
unwet 11 10 not wet [adj]
unwit 12 10 to make unsane [v UN...
unwon 10 11 not won [adj]
unzip 14 19 to open the zipper o...
upbow 16 15 a type of stroke in...
upbye 19 14 a little further on,...
updos 11 10 UPDO, an upswept hai...
updry 18 12 to dry completely [v...
upend 10 11 to turn upside down...
upjet 13 18 to spout up [v UPJET...
uplay 18 12 to hoard [v UPLAID,...
upled 12 11 UPLEAD, to lead up [...
uplit 13 10 UPLIGHT, to light to...
upped 13 13 UP, to raise [v]
upper 13 12 the part of a boot o...
upran 10 10 UPRUN, to run up [v]
uprun 11 11 to run up [v UPRAN,...
upsee 10 9 (obsolete) a carousa...
upset 11 9 to overturn [v UPSET...
upsey 17 11 (obsolete) a carousa...
uptak 12 13 (Scots) uptake, as i...
upter 11 9 (Australian slang) o...
uptie 11 9 to tie up [v UPTIED,...
uraei 8 6 URAEUS, (Latin) an E...
urali 10 7 the plant yielding c...
uraos 8 6 URAO, (Spanish) a sa...
urare 8 6 (Carib) a paralysing...
urari 9 6 the plant yielding c...
urase 8 6 an enzyme that conve...
urate 8 6 a salt of uric acid,...
urban 10 10 pertaining to a city...
urbex 17 16 (short for) urban ex...
urbia 11 9 (Latin) cities colle...
urdee 8 7 in heraldry, pointed...
ureal 9 7 relating to urea, al...
ureas 8 6 UREA, a substance fo...
uredo 8 7 (Latin) rust in plan...
ureic 12 9 relating to urea, al...
urena 7 7 any plant of the tro...
urent 8 7 burning [adj]
urged 10 9 URGE, to drive forwa...
urger 10 8 one who urges [n -S]
urges 10 8 URGE, to drive forwa...
urial 10 7 (Punjabi) a wild she...
urine 8 7 to discharge a liqui...
urite 9 6 an abdominal segment...
urman 9 10 (Russian) swampy pin...
urnal 9 8 pertaining to an urn...
urned 8 8 URN, to place in an...
urped 11 10 URP, (slang) to vomi...
ursae 8 6 URSA, (Latin) a fema...
ursid 10 7 a meteor [n -S]
urson 8 7 (French) the Canadia...
urubu 12 11 (Tupi) the American...
urvas 11 10 URVA, (Nepali) the c...
usage 9 8 a generally accepted...
users 9 6 USER, one that uses...
usher 11 8 to escort people to...
using 10 9 USE, to put into ser...
usnea 7 7 a genus of lichens [...
usque 17 16 (Gaelic) whiskey, al...
usual 10 8 customary [adj USUAL...
usure 9 7 (obsolete) to practi...
usurp 12 10 to seize and hold wi...
usury 16 9 the lending of money...
uteri 9 6 UTERUS, an organ of...
utile 10 7 an African hardwood...
utter 9 6 complete [adj UTTERE...
uveal 11 11 relating to the uvea...
uveas 10 10 UVEA, the posterior...
uvula 12 12 the pendent fleshy p...