13 letter words that start with U

13 letter words that start with U

13 letter U word


Words With Friends®


ubiquitarians 33 28 UBIQUITARIAN, one wh...
uglifications 30 24 UGLIFICATION, the ac...
ultracautious 27 20 extremely cautious [...
ultracritical 32 22 extremely critical [...
ultradistance 26 20 of running events, o...
ultrafamiliar 28 22 extremely familiar [...
ultrafeminine 25 23 extremely feminine [...
ultrafiltered 27 20 ULTRAFILTER, to pass...
ultrafiltrate 27 19 a substance that has...
ultraleftisms 29 22 ULTRALEFTISM, suppor...
ultraleftists 28 19 ULTRALEFTIST, one wh...
ultraliberals 28 20 ULTRALIBERAL, one wh...
ultramarathon 25 21 a footrace longer th...
ultramilitant 26 20 one who is exception...
ultramontanes 22 20 ULTRAMONTANE, one wh...
ultranational 22 18 beyond national [adj...
ultraorthodox 31 25 extremely orthodox [...
ultraphysical 39 26 extremely physical [...
ultrapowerful 32 26 very very powerful [...
ultraradicals 28 20 ULTRARADICAL, one wh...
ultrararefied 25 19 exceptionally rarefi...
ultrarational 23 17 extremely rational [...
ultrarealisms 26 19 ULTRAREALISM, extrem...
ultrarealists 25 16 ULTRAREALIST, a prop...
ultrareliable 27 20 extremely reliable [...
ultrarightism 30 22 adherence to extreme...
ultrarightist 29 19 an extreme conservat...
ultraromantic 27 22 extremely romantic [...
ultraroyalist 31 18 an extreme royalist...
ultraviolence 28 24 extreme violence [n...
ultravirility 35 22 the state of being u...
ultrawideband 28 24 a very broad bandwid...
umbelliferous 30 26 bearing umbels [adj]
umbilications 30 25 UMBILICATION, the st...
umbraculiform 34 31 shaped like an umbre...
unabbreviated 27 26 not abbreviated [adj...
unaccentuated 26 24 not accentuated [adj...
unacceptances 31 28 UNACCEPTANCE, lack o...
unaccompanied 29 29 not accompanied [adj...
unaccountable 29 27 not to be accounted...
unaccountably 36 29 UNACCOUNTABLE, not t...
unacquainting 33 32 UNACQUAINT, to depri...
unadjudicated 27 31 not adjudicated [adj...
unadulterated 22 19 not adulterated, als...
unadventurous 23 23 not adventurous, als...
unadvisedness 23 22 the state of being u...
unambiguously 34 28 UNAMBIGUOUS, not amb...
unambitiously 33 25 UNAMBITIOUS, not amb...
unamiableness 24 23 the state of being u...
unanimousness 21 21 UNANIMOUS, of one mi...
unanticipated 26 23 not anticipated [adj...
unapologising 26 24 not apologising, als...
unapologizing 29 33 not apologizing, als...
unapostolical 28 23 not apostolical, als...
unapparelling 28 26 UNAPPAREL, to divest...
unappealingly 34 28 UNAPPEALING, not app...
unappreciated 28 25 not appreciated [adj...
unapprehended 26 26 not apprehended [adj...
unappropriate 27 24 to remove from priva...
unapprovingly 36 31 UNAPPROVING, not app...
unarticulated 26 21 not articulated [adj...
unascertained 23 20 not ascertained [adj...
unashamedness 23 22 the state of being u...
unassertively 31 22 UNASSERTIVE, not ass...
unassimilable 27 23 not assimilable [adj...
unassimilated 24 20 not assimilated [adj...
unassuageable 24 22 not capable of being...
unawarenesses 22 19 UNAWARENESS, the sta...
unbarricading 28 25 UNBARRICADE, to remo...
unbeautifully 35 27 UNBEAUTIFUL, not bea...
unbelievingly 35 29 UNBELIEVING [adv]
unbelligerent 26 23 not belligerent [adj...
unbendingness 23 24 the state of being u...
unbeseemingly 32 27 UNBESEEMING [adv]
unbiassedness 23 20 the state of being u...
unblessedness 24 21 the state of being u...
unblindfolded 28 27 UNBLINDFOLD, to remo...
unboundedness 22 23 the state of being u...
unbowdlerised 28 24 not bowdlerised, als...
unbowdlerized 31 33 not bowdlerized, als...
unbridledness 25 22 the state of being u...
unbrotherlike 28 25 not like a brother [...
uncalculating 31 27 not based on or mark...
uncanninesses 22 21 UNCANNINESS, the sta...
uncapitalised 28 23 not capitalised, als...
uncapitalized 31 32 not capitalized, als...
unceasingness 24 22 the state of being u...
unceremonious 24 23 not ceremonious [adj...
uncertainness 23 20 the state of being u...
uncertainties 24 19 UNCERTAINTY, the sta...
unchallenging 30 28 not challenging [adj...
uncharismatic 32 26 not charismatic [adj...
uncharnelling 29 26 UNCHARNEL, to remove...
unchastisable 30 24 not able to be chast...
unchastizable 33 33 not able to be chast...
unchlorinated 27 23 not chlorinated [adj...
unchristening 28 24 UNCHRISTEN, to rende...
unchristianed 27 22 UNCHRISTIAN, to make...
unchristianly 35 24 UNCHRISTIAN, not of...
uncircumcised 34 29 not circumcised [adj...
uncivilisedly 37 27 UNCIVILISED, not civ...
uncivilizedly 40 36 UNCIVILIZED, not civ...
uncivilnesses 28 24 UNCIVILNESS, the sta...
uncleanliness 25 22 the state of being u...
uncleannesses 23 21 UNCLEANNESS, the sta...
unclearnesses 24 20 UNCLEARNESS, the sta...
uncloistering 27 22 UNCLOISTER, to relea...
uncloudedness 25 23 the state of being u...
uncollectable 32 27 not collectable [adj...
uncollectible 33 27 not collectible [adj...
uncomfortable 30 28 causing discomfort o...
uncomfortably 37 30 UNCOMFORTABLE, causi...
uncommendable 28 30 that cannot be comme...
uncommendably 35 32 UNCOMMENDABLE, that...
uncompanioned 25 27 not companioned [adj...
uncompensated 26 26 not compensated [adj...
uncompetitive 30 28 not competitive [adj...
uncomplaining 29 29 not complaining [adj...
uncomplaisant 28 26 not complaisant [adj...
uncomplicated 32 29 not complicated by s...
unconcealable 29 27 not concealable [adj...
unconceivable 31 30 not conceivable, als...
unconceivably 38 32 UNCONCEIVABLE, not c...
unconcernedly 33 27 UNCONCERNED, not inv...
unconcernment 26 27 not concernment [n -...
unconditional 24 22 not conditional or l...
unconditioned 23 22 not subject to condi...
unconformable 29 29 not conforming [adj...
unconformably 36 31 UNCONFORMABLE, not c...
unconjectured 29 33 not conjectured [adj...
unconjunctive 31 37 (Milton) impossible...
unconnectedly 33 27 UNCONNECTED, not con...
unconquerable 34 33 incapable of being c...
unconquerably 41 35 UNCONQUERABLE, incap...
unconsciouses 27 23 UNCONSCIOUS, the par...
unconsciously 35 26 UNCONSCIOUS, not con...
unconsecrated 26 23 not consecrated [adj...
unconsecrates 26 22 UNCONSECRATE, to und...
unconsidering 25 23 not considering [adj...
unconstrained 23 21 not constrained [adj...
unconstraints 24 20 UNCONSTRAINT, freedo...
unconstricted 28 23 not constricted [adj...
unconstructed 28 24 manufactured without...
unconsummated 26 27 not consummated [adj...
uncontainable 25 24 not containable [adj...
uncontentious 23 21 not contentious [adj...
uncontestable 26 23 not contestable [adj...
unconversable 28 27 not conversable [adj...
unconvertible 29 27 not convertible [adj...
uncooperative 27 25 not cooperative [adj...
uncoordinated 23 21 not coordinated [adj...
uncorrectable 30 25 not correctable [adj...
uncourtliness 26 21 the state of being u...
uncouthnesses 26 22 UNCOUTHNESS, the sta...
uncreatedness 23 20 the state of being u...
uncustomarily 34 25 UNCUSTOMARY, not cus...
undauntedness 20 20 the state of being u...
undecidedness 24 22 the state of being u...
undeliverable 27 25 not deliverable [adj...
undepreciated 26 23 not depreciated [adj...
underachieved 28 26 UNDERACHIEVE, to ach...
underachiever 28 25 one that fails to at...
underachieves 28 25 UNDERACHIEVE, to ach...
underactivity 34 25 the state of being u...
underbearings 24 22 UNDERBEARING, the ac...
underblankets 25 25 UNDERBLANKET, a blan...
underbreeding 24 23 lack of breeding [n...
underbrushing 28 25 UNDERBRUSH, to clear...
underbudgeted 25 24 UNDERBUDGET, to allo...
underbuilders 26 22 UNDERBUILDER, a subo...
underbuilding 27 25 UNDERBUILD, to build...
undercarriage 25 21 a supporting framewo...
undercharging 29 26 UNDERCHARGE, to char...
underclassman 26 24 a member of the fres...
underclassmen 26 24 UNDERCLASSMAN, a mem...
underclothing 29 25 clothes worn under o...
underclubbing 32 30 UNDERCLUB [v]
undercoatings 25 22 UNDERCOATING, an und...
undercounting 25 24 UNDERCOUNT, to misco...
undercrackers 29 26 (slang) underwear [n...
undercresting 26 22 UNDERCREST, (Shakesp...
undercurrents 25 21 UNDERCURRENT, a curr...
underdevelops 26 25 UNDERDEVELOP, to dev...
underdrainage 21 20 insufficient drainag...
underdraining 22 21 UNDERDRAIN, to drain...
underdrawings 26 23 UNDERDRAWING [n]
underdressing 23 20 UNDERDRESS, to dress...
undereducated 24 22 poorly educated [adj...
underemphases 26 24 UNDEREMPHASIS, less...
underemphasis 27 24 less emphasis than i...
underemployed 31 26 having less than ful...
underestimate 22 19 to estimate as being...
underexploits 31 27 UNDEREXPLOIT, to mak...
underexposing 30 29 UNDEREXPOSE, to expo...
underexposure 29 27 insufficient exposur...
underfinanced 25 25 inadequately finance...
underfinished 26 23 of cattle and sheep,...
underfulfills 31 26 UNDERFULFILL, to fal...
underfundings 25 25 UNDERFUNDING, a defi...
undergarments 23 22 UNDERGARMENT, any ar...
undergraduate 22 20 a student at a colle...
undergrounder 22 21 a member of the unde...
underhandedly 30 24 UNDERHANDED, devious...
underinflated 24 22 not sufficiently inf...
underinsuring 23 21 UNDERINSURE, to insu...
underinvested 23 22 UNDERINVEST, to inve...
underkingdoms 25 27 UNDERKINGDOM, a subk...
underlayments 29 23 UNDERLAYMENT, the ac...
underlettings 24 20 UNDERLETTING, the ac...
undermannings 22 24 UNDERMANNING, the st...
undermeanings 22 23 UNDERMEANING, a hidd...
underniceness 23 21 lack of niceness or...
underoccupied 30 27 insufficiently occup...
underpainting 24 23 preliminary painting...
underpassions 23 20 UNDERPASSION, an und...
underpayments 30 25 UNDERPAYMENT, an ins...
underperforms 27 25 UNDERPERFORM, to per...
underpinnings 24 24 UNDERPINNING, the ac...
underplanting 25 24 UNDERPLANT, to plant...
underpraising 25 22 UNDERPRAISE, to prai...
underprepared 25 23 inadequately prepare...
underpricings 29 25 UNDERPRICING, the ac...
underproduced 27 25 UNDERPRODUCE, to pro...
underproduces 27 24 UNDERPRODUCE, to pro...
underproppers 28 25 UNDERPROPPER, one wh...
underpropping 29 28 UNDERPROP, to prop f...
underreacting 25 22 UNDERREACT, to react...
underreaction 23 20 a less intense react...
underreported 23 20 UNDERREPORT, to repo...
underrunnings 22 22 UNDERRUNNING, the ac...
underscorings 26 22 UNDERSCORING, the ac...
undersealings 23 20 UNDERSEALING, coatin...
undersheriffs 29 24 UNDERSHERIFF, one be...
undershooting 24 21 UNDERSHOOT, to fail...
underskinkers 24 25 UNDERSKINKER, (Shake...
underspending 24 24 the act of not spend...
understaffing 27 25 inadequate staffing...
understanders 21 18 UNDERSTANDER, one wh...
understanding 22 21 a mental grasp [n -S...
understatedly 29 20 UNDERSTATED [adv]
understeering 22 19 UNDERSTEER, to turn...
understocking 27 26 UNDERSTOCK, to suppl...
understrapper 26 22 an inferior agent; a...
understrength 25 21 deficient in strengt...
understudying 30 23 UNDERSTUDY, to act a...
undersupplied 28 25 UNDERSUPPLY, to supp...
undersupplies 28 24 UNDERSUPPLY, to supp...
undersurfaces 27 23 UNDERSURFACE, an und...
undertrumping 27 26 UNDERTRUMP, to play...
underutilised 24 19 UNDERUTILISE, to uti...
underutilises 24 18 UNDERUTILISE, to uti...
underutilized 27 28 UNDERUTILIZE, to uti...
underutilizes 27 27 UNDERUTILIZE, to uti...
underwhelming 30 28 UNDERWHELM, to fail...
underwritings 27 22 UNDERWRITING, the ac...
undescendable 26 25 that cannot be desce...
undescendible 27 25 that cannot be desce...
undescribable 30 26 not describable [adj...
undeservingly 32 26 UNDESERVING, not des...
undeterminate 21 20 not determinate [adj...
undeviatingly 32 26 UNDEVIATING, keeping...
undiagnosable 24 23 not diagnosable [adj...
undialectical 30 24 not dialectical [adj...
undifferenced 28 27 not differenced [adj...
undiscernedly 32 24 UNDISCERNED, not dis...
undiscernible 28 24 incapable of being d...
undiscernibly 35 26 UNDISCERNIBLE, incap...
undiscernings 26 23 UNDISCERNING, lack o...
undisciplined 29 25 not disciplined [adj...
undisciplines 29 24 UNDISCIPLINE, lack o...
undiscomfited 29 26 not discomfited [adj...
undiscouraged 26 23 not discouraged [adj...
undiscussable 29 24 that cannot be discu...
undiscussible 30 24 that cannot be discu...
undisguisable 27 23 not disguisable [adj...
undisguisedly 32 23 UNDISGUISED, not dis...
undishonoured 23 21 not dishonoured [adj...
undissociated 25 20 not electrolytically...
undistempered 25 23 not distempered [adj...
undistinctive 28 24 not distinctive [adj...
undistracting 27 22 not distracting [adj...
undistributed 26 21 not distributed [adj...
undisturbedly 33 24 UNDISTURBED, not dis...
undiversified 27 24 not diversified [adj...
undividedness 24 23 the state of being u...
undoctrinaire 24 20 a person who does no...
undomesticate 25 22 to make not domestic...
undulationist 23 19 someone who holds th...
undutifulness 26 23 the state of being u...
undyingnesses 28 22 UNDYINGNESS, the sta...
unearthliness 24 19 the state of being u...
uneatableness 22 20 UNEATABLE, that cann...
unelectrified 28 23 not electrified [adj...
unembarrassed 24 22 not embarrassed [adj...
unembellished 29 26 not embellished [adj...
unemotionally 29 23 UNEMOTIONAL, not emo...
unemployables 34 28 UNEMPLOYABLE, one no...
unemployments 32 28 UNEMPLOYMENT, the st...
unencouraging 25 25 not encouraging [adj...
unenforceable 27 26 not enforceable [adj...
unenlightened 24 23 not enlightened [adj...
unentertained 19 18 not entertained [adj...
unequivocable 37 36 leaving no doubt, al...
unequivocably 44 38 without equivocation...
unequivocally 43 36 UNEQUIVOCAL, leaving...
unessentially 29 20 UNESSENTIAL, not ess...
unestablished 27 22 not established [adj...
unevangelical 28 27 not evangelical [adj...
unexaggerated 28 27 not exaggerated [adj...
unexceptional 32 30 not out of the ordin...
unexclusively 42 34 UNEXCLUSIVE, not exc...
unexemplified 34 33 not exemplified [adj...
unexpensively 38 33 UNEXPENSIVE, not exp...
unexperienced 31 30 not experienced, als...
unexplainable 32 31 not explainable [adj...
unexpressible 33 29 not expressible [adj...
unfailingness 25 23 the state of being u...
unfalsifiable 30 26 not capable of being...
unfalteringly 33 25 UNFALTERING, not wav...
unfamiliarity 33 24 the state of being u...
unfashionable 27 25 not in keeping with...
unfashionably 34 27 UNFASHIONABLE, not i...
unfeelingness 24 23 the state of being u...
unfeignedness 23 23 the state of being u...
unfeudalising 26 24 UNFEUDALISE, to depr...
unfeudalizing 29 33 UNFEUDALIZE, to depr...
unfixednesses 29 27 UNFIXEDNESS, the sta...
unflinchingly 39 31 UNFLINCHING, not fli...
unforeseeable 24 22 not foreseeable [adj...
unforeskinned 23 25 (Milton) circumcised...
unforgettable 27 24 incapable of being f...
unforgettably 34 26 UNFORGETTABLE, incap...
unforgiveness 26 25 the state of being u...
unforthcoming 31 29 not forthcoming [adj...
unfortunately 30 23 UNFORTUNATE, not for...
unfoundedness 22 23 the state of being u...
unfrequenting 32 32 UNFREQUENT, to stop...
unfriendliest 25 21 UNFRIENDLY, not frie...
unfriendships 29 25 UNFRIENDSHIP, (archa...
unfulfillable 33 29 not capable of being...
ungainsayable 30 24 that cannot be gains...
ungentilities 24 19 UNGENTILITY, lack of...
ungentlemanly 30 26 not like a gentleman...
ungenuineness 20 21 the state of being u...
ungodlinesses 23 20 UNGODLINESS, the sta...
ungrammatical 29 27 not following rules...
unguardedness 22 21 the state of being u...
unhandinesses 22 20 UNHANDINESS, the sta...
unhappinesses 27 24 UNHAPPINESS, the sta...
unhealthfully 38 28 UNHEALTHFUL, not hea...
unhealthiness 26 21 the state of being u...
unhelpfulness 30 27 the quality of being...
unhomogenised 24 24 not homogenised, als...
unhomogenized 27 33 not homogenized, als...
unhurtfulness 28 24 the state of being u...
unicameralism 28 25 the state of being u...
unicameralist 27 22 a supporter of unica...
unideological 27 23 not ideological [adj...
uniformnesses 24 22 UNIFORMNESS, the sta...
unilateralism 25 20 the state of being u...
unilateralist 24 17 a supporter of unila...
unilaterality 30 19 the state of being u...
unilingualism 27 24 the state of being u...
unilingualist 26 21 a supporter of unili...
unilluminated 25 23 not illuminated [adj...
unillustrated 25 19 not illustrated [adj...
unimaginative 25 25 not imaginative [adj...
unimpassioned 24 23 not impassioned [adj...
unimpeachable 32 30 not impeachable [adj...
unimpeachably 39 32 UNIMPEACHABLE, not i...
unimportances 27 25 UNIMPORTANCE, lack o...
unimpregnated 25 25 not impregnated [adj...
unimpressible 29 25 not impressible [adj...
uninaugurated 22 21 not inaugurated [adj...
uninflammable 29 30 not inflammable [adj...
uninfluential 25 23 not influential [adj...
uninforceable 28 26 not capable of being...
uninformative 26 26 not informative [adj...
uninhabitable 28 25 not inhabitable [adj...
uninhibitedly 34 25 UNINHIBITED, free fr...
uninquisitive 33 30 not inquisitive [adj...
uninstructive 28 24 not instructive [adj...
unintelligent 24 21 not intelligent [adj...
unintentional 20 19 not intentional [adj...
uninteresting 22 19 not interesting [adj...
unintermitted 23 20 not intermitted [adj...
uninterrupted 24 21 not interrupted [adj...
unintimidated 23 21 not intimidated [adj...
unionisations 20 17 UNIONISATION, the ac...
unionizations 23 26 UNIONIZATION, the ac...
uniparentally 31 23 UNIPARENTAL, derived...
unipolarities 25 19 UNIPOLARITY, the sta...
unitarianisms 23 19 UNITARIANISM, belief...
universalised 25 21 UNIVERSALISE, to mak...
universalises 25 20 UNIVERSALISE, to mak...
universalisms 27 23 UNIVERSALISM, belief...
universalists 26 20 UNIVERSALIST, a beli...
universalized 28 30 UNIVERSALIZE, to mak...
universalizes 28 29 UNIVERSALIZE, to mak...
universalness 24 21 the state of being u...
unjustifiable 30 32 not justifiable [adj...
unjustifiably 37 34 UNJUSTIFIABLE, not j...
unkemptnesses 25 26 UNKEMPTNESS, the sta...
unknightliest 28 25 UNKNIGHTLY, not knig...
unknowability 35 29 the state of being u...
unknowingness 25 27 UNKNOWING, ignorant,...
unknownnesses 23 25 UNKNOWNNESS, the sta...
unlearnedness 20 19 the state of being u...
unlikelihoods 27 24 UNLIKELIHOOD, the st...
unlimitedness 24 21 the state of being u...
unluckinesses 27 25 UNLUCKINESS, the sta...
unmacadamised 26 26 not macadamised, als...
unmacadamized 29 35 not macadamized, als...
unmaliciously 35 26 UNMALICIOUS, not mal...
unmanipulated 25 25 not manipulated [adj...
unmanlinesses 22 21 UNMANLINESS, the sta...
unmeaningness 21 23 the state of being u...
unmechanising 28 27 UNMECHANISE, (Sterne...
unmechanizing 31 36 UNMECHANIZE, (Sterne...
unmedicinable 28 27 not medicinable [adj...
unmentionable 23 24 that cannot be menti...
unmentionably 30 26 UNMENTIONABLE, that...
unmetabolised 25 23 not metabolised, als...
unmetabolized 28 32 not metabolized, als...
unmindfulness 26 26 the state of being u...
unministerial 24 20 not ministerial [adj...
unmistakeable 26 26 that cannot be mista...
unmistakeably 33 28 UNMISTAKEABLE, that...
unmistrustful 29 24 not mistrustful [adj...
unmitigatedly 32 24 UNMITIGATED, not les...
unmurmuringly 34 29 UNMURMURING, not mur...
unmusicalness 27 24 UNMUSICAL, not music...
unnaturalised 22 19 UNNATURALISE, to und...
unnaturalises 22 18 UNNATURALISE, to und...
unnaturalized 25 28 UNNATURALIZE, to und...
unnaturalizes 25 27 UNNATURALIZE, to und...
unnaturalness 21 19 the state of being u...
unnecessarily 31 22 UNNECESSARY, not nec...
unneighboured 26 25 not neighboured [adj...
unneighbourly 34 27 not like a neighbour...
unnilpentiums 26 25 UNNILPENTIUM, a form...
unnilquadiums 33 32 UNNILQUADIUM, a form...
unnilseptiums 27 24 UNNILSEPTIUM, a form...
unobservables 28 26 UNOBSERVABLE, someth...
unobservances 27 26 UNOBSERVANCE, lack o...
unobstructive 30 26 not obstructive [adj...
unobtrusively 34 26 UNOBTRUSIVE, not obt...
unoriginality 30 21 lack of originality...
unorthodoxies 29 25 UNORTHODOXY, the sta...
unparasitised 24 19 not parasitised, als...
unparasitized 27 28 not parasitized, als...
unpasteurised 24 20 not pasteurised, als...
unpasteurized 27 29 not pasteurized, als...
unperceivable 31 29 that cannot be perce...
unperceivably 38 31 UNPERCEIVABLE, that...
unperceivedly 36 29 UNPERCEIVED, not per...
unperfections 28 25 UNPERFECTION, (obsol...
unperfectness 28 25 the state of being u...
unperformable 29 28 not performable [adj...
unperpetrated 25 22 not perpetrated [adj...
unpersuadable 26 24 not persuadable [adj...
unphilosophic 35 29 not philosophic, als...
unpicturesque 36 32 not picturesque [adj...
unpitifulness 28 24 the state of being u...
unplasticised 29 23 not plasticised, als...
unplasticized 32 32 not plasticized, als...
unpleasurable 27 24 not pleasurable [adj...
unpleasurably 34 26 UNPLEASURABLE, not p...
unpolarisable 27 23 not polarisable, als...
unpolarizable 30 32 not polarizable, als...
unpracticable 33 28 not practicable [adj...
unpractically 39 28 UNPRACTICAL, not pra...
unprecedented 25 24 having no precedent...
unpredictable 30 26 that cannot be predi...
unpredictably 37 28 UNPREDICTABLE, that...
unpreoccupied 32 29 not preoccupied [adj...
unpresentable 25 23 not presentable [adj...
unpressurised 25 20 not pressurised, als...
unpressurized 28 29 not pressurized, als...
unpretentious 23 20 free from pretension...
unpreventable 27 27 not preventable [adj...
unpriestliest 26 19 UNPRIESTLY, not like...
unprinceliest 28 23 UNPRINCELY, not prin...
unproblematic 31 28 not problematic [adj...
unprogressive 27 24 not progressive [adj...
unpromisingly 34 27 UNPROMISING, appeari...
unprophetical 32 27 not prophetical, als...
unprovisioned 25 24 not provisioned [adj...
unprovocative 30 29 not provocative [adj...
unpublishable 33 29 that cannot be publi...
unpunctuality 35 27 lack of punctuality...
unpurchasable 32 28 that cannot be purch...
unputdownable 29 28 of a book, that one...
unqualifiable 36 33 not qualifiable [adj...
unqualifiedly 41 33 UNQUALIFIED [adv]
unquestioning 30 29 not questioning [adj...
unquietnesses 29 26 UNQUIETNESS, the sta...
unreadability 31 22 the quality of being...
unreadinesses 20 17 UNREADINESS, the sta...
unreasoningly 28 22 UNREASONING [adv]
unreclaimable 29 26 that cannot be recla...
unreclaimably 36 28 UNRECLAIMABLE, that...
unrecognising 26 24 not recognising [adj...
unrecognizing 29 33 not recognizing [adj...
unrecollected 29 24 not recollected [adj...
unrecommended 25 27 not recommended [adj...
unrecompensed 26 26 not recompensed [adj...
unrecoverable 28 26 that cannot be recov...
unrecoverably 35 28 UNRECOVERABLE, that...
unregenerated 20 19 not regenerated [adj...
unregenerates 20 18 UNREGENERATE, an unr...
unrelentingly 30 23 UNRELENTING, not sof...
unreliability 33 22 the quality of being...
unreligiously 32 22 UNRELIGIOUS, not rel...
unremembering 26 27 not remembering [adj...
unreminiscent 25 23 not reminiscent [adj...
unremittently 30 22 UNREMITTENT, not rem...
unremittingly 32 24 UNREMITTING, not rem...
unremorseless 23 19 not remorseless [adj...
unrepentances 24 23 UNREPENTANCE, lack o...
unrepentantly 29 23 UNREPENTANT, not rep...
unrepentingly 31 25 UNREPENTING, not rep...
unreplaceable 29 26 not replaceable [adj...
unreplenished 26 23 not replenished [adj...
unrepresented 22 20 not represented [adj...
unreprievable 28 26 not reprievable [adj...
unreprimanded 24 24 not reprimanded [adj...
unreproachful 32 28 not reproachful [adj...
unreproaching 29 26 not reproaching [adj...
unresistingly 31 21 UNRESISTING, not res...
unrespectable 29 25 not respectable [adj...
unrestfulness 25 21 the state of being u...
unrestingness 22 19 the state of being u...
unreturningly 30 23 UNRETURNING, not ret...
unrighteously 33 23 UNRIGHTEOUS, not rig...
unruffledness 27 25 the state of being u...
unsaintliness 22 18 the state of being u...
unsaleability 32 22 the quality of being...
unsalvageable 27 26 not salvageable [adj...
unsanctifying 34 27 UNSANCTIFY, to remov...
unsatisfiable 27 22 not satisfiable [adj...
unsaturations 21 17 UNSATURATION, absenc...
unsavouriness 23 21 the state of being u...
unscabbarding 30 28 UNSCABBARD, to withd...
unscavengered 26 26 not scavengered [adj...
unscholarlike 30 26 not like a scholar [...
unscrutinised 26 21 not scrutinised, als...
unscrutinized 29 30 not scrutinized, als...
unsearchables 29 24 UNSEARCHABLE, a thin...
unselectively 35 26 UNSELECTIVE, not mar...
unselfishness 27 22 the state of being u...
unsensational 20 18 not sensational [adj...
unsensualised 22 19 UNSENSUALISE, to fre...
unsensualises 22 18 UNSENSUALISE, to fre...
unsensualized 25 28 UNSENSUALIZE, to fre...
unsensualizes 25 27 UNSENSUALIZE, to fre...
unsentimental 22 21 not sentimental [adj...
unseriousness 21 17 the state of being u...
unserviceable 29 26 not capable of being...
unsettledness 22 18 the state of being u...
unsettlements 23 20 UNSETTLEMENT, an act...
unshrinkingly 34 28 UNSHRINKING, not shr...
unsightliness 27 21 the state of being u...
unskilfulness 28 26 the state of being u...
unsmotherable 27 24 that cannot be smoth...
unsociability 35 24 the state of being u...
unsocialities 26 19 UNSOCIALITY, the sta...
unsoldierlike 25 22 not like a soldier [...
unsoundnesses 20 19 UNSOUNDNESS, the sta...
unsparingness 24 22 the state of being u...
unspecialised 28 23 not specialised, als...
unspecialized 31 32 not specialized, als...
unspecifiable 32 28 not specifiable [adj...
unspectacular 31 26 not spectacular [adj...
unspeculative 30 27 not speculative [adj...
unspiritually 34 23 UNSPIRITUAL, not spi...
unspottedness 23 20 the state of being u...
unstaidnesses 21 17 UNSTAIDNESS, the sta...
unstaunchable 29 26 not staunchable [adj...
unsteadfastly 31 22 UNSTEADFAST, not ste...
unstercorated 24 19 not manured [adj]
unstigmatised 25 21 not stigmatised, als...
unstigmatized 28 30 not stigmatized, als...
unsubscribers 31 25 UNSUBSCRIBER, one wh...
unsubscribing 32 28 UNSUBSCRIBE, to term...
unsubstantial 25 21 not substantial [adj...
unsuitability 33 22 the quality of being...
unsuperfluous 28 25 (Milton) not superfl...
unsupportable 29 26 not supportable [adj...
unsupportedly 34 26 UNSUPPORTED, not sup...
unsurpassable 27 23 that cannot be surpa...
unsurpassably 34 25 UNSURPASSABLE, that...
unsusceptible 31 26 not susceptible [adj...
unsuspectedly 35 26 UNSUSPECTED, not sus...
unsustainable 24 21 not sustainable [adj...
unsymmetrical 35 27 not symmetrical [adj...
unsymmetrised 31 24 not symmetrised, als...
unsymmetrized 34 33 not symmetrized, als...
unsympathetic 37 28 not sympathetic [adj...
untaintedness 20 18 the state of being u...
untamableness 24 23 the state of being u...
untamednesses 21 20 UNTAMEDNESS, the sta...
untenableness 22 21 UNTENABLE, not tenab...
unterrestrial 23 16 not terrestrial [adj...
untheological 29 24 not theological [adj...
untheoretical 27 21 not theoretical [adj...
unthreatening 23 21 not threatening [adj...
unthriftihead 29 23 (archaic) thriftless...
unthriftiness 27 21 the state of being u...
unthriftyhead 35 25 (Spenser) unthriftin...
unthriftyheds 36 25 UNTHRIFTYHED, (Spens...
untraditional 22 18 not traditional [adj...
untransformed 24 23 not transformed [adj...
untransmitted 23 20 not transmitted [adj...
untransparent 22 20 not transparent [adj...
untraversable 26 23 not traversable [adj...
untremblingly 35 28 UNTREMBLING, not tre...
untrespassing 25 21 not trespassing [adj...
untrustworthy 35 23 not trustworthy [adj...
untunableness 23 22 the state of being u...
untunefulness 24 23 the state of being u...
unusualnesses 22 19 UNUSUALNESS, the sta...
unvitrifiable 30 26 not vitrifiable [adj...
unvulgarising 28 26 UNVULGARISE, to make...
unvulgarizing 31 35 UNVULGARIZE, to make...
unwarrantable 26 23 not justifiable [adj...
unwarrantably 33 25 UNWARRANTABLE, not j...
unwarrantedly 31 23 UNWARRANTED, not war...
unweariedness 23 20 the state of being u...
unwelcomeness 28 26 the state of being u...
unwhistleable 31 25 not whistleable [adj...
unwholesomely 35 27 UNWHOLESOME, not who...
unwieldliness 27 22 the state of being u...
unwillingness 28 24 the state of being u...
unwithdrawing 32 27 liberal; lavish [adj...
unwithholding 32 27 not withholding [adj...
unwittingness 26 22 the state of being u...
unwomanliness 25 24 the state of being u...
unworkability 36 28 the quality of being...
unworkmanlike 28 31 not workmanlike [adj...
unworldliness 27 22 the state of being u...
upgradability 36 26 the state of being u...
upholstresses 28 20 UPHOLSTRESS, a femal...
upperclassman 31 28 a member of the juni...
upperclassmen 31 28 UPPERCLASSMAN, a mem...
uprighteously 36 25 (Shakespeare) with m...
uprightnesses 28 22 UPRIGHTNESS, the sta...
uptightnesses 28 22 UPTIGHTNESS, the sta...
uralitisation 23 16 the process of urali...
uralitization 26 25 the process of urali...
uranographers 26 22 URANOGRAPHER, one wh...
uranographies 26 22 URANOGRAPHY, descrip...
uranographist 27 22 one who practises ur...
uranoplasties 24 19 URANOPLASTY, plastic...
urbanisations 23 19 URBANISATION, an inc...
urbanizations 26 28 URBANIZATION, an inc...
urbanologists 26 21 URBANOLOGIST, one wh...
urediniospore 23 19 the thin-walled summ...
urethroscopes 29 22 URETHROSCOPE, an ins...
urethroscopic 33 25 relating to urethros...
urobilinogens 25 22 UROBILINOGEN, any of...
useablenesses 23 19 USEABLENESS, the sta...
uselessnesses 22 16 USELESSNESS, the sta...
ustilagineous 24 19 relating to a genus...
utriculitises 29 19 UTRICULITIS, inflamm...
utterableness 24 19 the state of being u...