5 letter words that start with C

5 letter words that start with C

5 letter C word


Words With Friends®


caaed 10 9 CAA, (Scots) to call...
cabal 14 12 to conspire [v CABAL...
cabas 13 11 CABA, a woman's work...
cabby 22 16 (colloquial) a cabdr...
caber 13 11 (Scots) a heavy wood...
cabin 13 12 to live in a roughly...
cable 14 12 to fasten with a hea...
cabob 15 14 to skewer [v CABOBBE...
caboc 16 14 (Scots) a double cre...
cabre 13 11 in heraldry, rearing...
cacao 13 11 a small evergreen tr...
cacas 14 11 CACA, (slang) faeces...
cache 16 13 to store in a hiding...
cacks 16 15 CACK, faeces, rubbis...
cacky 22 17 of or like excrement...
cacti 15 11 CACTUS, a succulent...
caddy 18 12 to serve as a golfer...
cadee 10 9 (Scots) a caddie, al...
cades 11 9 CADE, a Mediterranea...
cadet 11 9 a student at a milit...
cadge 12 11 to get by begging [v...
cadgy 19 13 cheerful, also KIDGI...
cadie 11 9 (Scots) a caddie, al...
cadis 12 9 CADI, (Arabic) a civ...
cadre 11 9 (French) a permanent...
caeca 13 11 CAECUM, a bodily cav...
caese 10 8 (Shakespeare) enough...
cafes 13 11 CAFE, a small restau...
caffs 16 14 CAFF, (slang) cafe,...
caged 12 11 CAGE, to cage [v]
cager 12 10 a basketball player...
cages 12 10 CAGE, to cage [v]
cagey 18 12 shrewd, also CAGY [a...
cagot 12 10 (French) one of an o...
cahow 16 13 a large rare petrel...
caids 12 9 CAID, (Arabic) a Nor...
cains 11 9 CAIN, (Gaelic) a ten...
caird 12 9 a travelling tinker;...
cairn 11 9 a mound of stones se...
cajon 12 18 (Spanish) a steep ca...
cajun 13 19 (French) relating to...
caked 12 13 CAKE, to form into a...
cakes 12 12 CAKE, to form into a...
cakey 18 14 lumpy, also CAKY [ad...
calfs 15 12 CALF, a young cow [n...
calid 13 10 hot; burning; ardent...
calif 15 12 (Arabic) an Eastern...
calix 19 16 (Latin) a cup; esp....
calks 14 13 CALK, to make the se...
calla 13 10 any of a genus of tr...
calls 14 10 CALL, to summon [v]
calms 14 12 CALM, to become not...
calmy 20 14 clayey [adj CALMIER,...
calos 12 9 CALO, a Spanish argo...
calpa 14 12 (Sanskrit) one of th...
calps 15 12 CALP, in Ireland, a...
calve 14 13 to give birth to a c...
calyx 25 18 the outer protective...
caman 11 12 a club used in the g...
camas 12 11 (Native American) a...
camel 13 12 a large, humped mamm...
cameo 11 11 to portray in sharp,...
cames 12 11 CAME, a lead rod for...
camis 13 11 (Spenser) a light, l...
camos 12 11 CAMO, (short for) ca...
campi 15 14 CAMPO, (Spanish) an...
campo 14 14 (Spanish) an area of...
camps 15 14 CAMP, to live in the...
campy 21 16 comically exaggerate...
camus 13 12 a type of robe, also...
canal 11 10 to dig an artificial...
candy 17 12 to coat with sugar [...
caned 10 10 CANE, to beat with a...
caneh 12 11 a Hebrew measure of...
caner 10 9 one who canes [n -S]
canes 10 9 CANE, to beat with a...
cangs 12 11 CANG, a wooden colla...
canid 11 10 a member of the dog...
canna 9 10 a tropical lily with...
canns 10 10 CANN, to direct stee...
canny 16 12 prudent, also CANNIE...
canoe 9 9 to paddle a small sl...
canon 9 10 a member of an order...
canso 10 9 a love song [n -S]
canst 11 9 CAN, to put in a cyl...
canto 10 9 a division of a long...
cants 11 9 CANT, to tilt or sla...
canty 17 11 (Scots) contented [a...
capas 13 11 CAPA, a type of cloa...
caped 13 12 CAPE, to keep a cour...
caper 13 11 to leap or skip like...
capes 13 11 CAPE, to keep a cour...
capex 19 18 (short for) capital...
caphs 16 13 CAPH, (Hebrew) the e...
capiz 17 20 the translucent shel...
caple 14 12 a horse, also CAPUL...
capon 12 12 a castrated cock [n...
capos 13 11 CAPO, (Italian) the...
capot 13 11 to win all the trick...
capri 14 11 as in capri pants, w...
capul 15 13 a horse, also CAPLE...
caput 14 12 (Latin) the head; al...
carap 13 11 a South American tre...
carat 11 8 a unit of weight use...
carbo 13 11 (short for) carbohyd...
carbs 14 11 CARB, (short for) a...
carby 20 13 (Australian) short f...
cardi 12 9 (short for) a short...
cards 12 9 CARD, to comb wool [...
cardy 18 11 (short for) a short...
cared 11 9 CARE, to be concerne...
carer 11 8 one that cares [n -S...
cares 11 8 CARE, to be concerne...
caret 11 8 a typographical mark...
carex 17 15 a genus of plants, t...
cargo 12 10 a load [n -S] / to l...
carks 13 12 CARK, (archaic) to w...
carle 12 9 a rude, rustic man;...
carls 13 9 CARL, a rude, rustic...
carns 11 9 CARN, a mound of sto...
carny 17 11 to coax, also CARNEY...
carob 13 11 the sweet-flavoured...
carol 12 9 to sing joyously [v...
carom 12 11 to collide with and...
caron 10 9 another name for a H...
carpi 14 11 CARPUS, (Latin) the...
carps 14 11 CARP, to find fault...
carrs 12 8 CARR, an alder wood...
carry 18 10 to convey from one p...
carse 11 8 (Scots) alluvial low...
carta 11 8 a charter, also CHAR...
carte 11 8 (French) a bill of f...
carts 12 8 CART, to convey in a...
carve 13 12 to form by cutting,...
carvy 20 14 a herb used in cooki...
casas 11 8 CASA, (Italian) a ho...
casco 14 11 a Philippine cargo b...
cased 11 9 CASE, to put in a co...
cases 11 8 CASE, to put in a co...
casks 13 12 CASK, to store in a...
casky 19 14 resembling a cask [a...
caste 11 8 a system of distinct...
casts 12 8 CAST, to throw with...
casus 12 9 a legal occurrence [...
catch 17 13 to capture after pur...
cater 11 8 to provide food and...
cates 11 8 CATE, (archaic) a da...
catty 18 10 spiteful [adj CATTIE...
cauda 11 10 the area behind an a...
cauks 13 13 CAUK, an opaque, com...
cauld 13 11 (Scots) cold [adj CA...
caulk 14 14 to make the seams of...
cauls 13 10 CAUL, a foetal membr...
caums 13 12 CAUM, to whiten with...
caups 14 12 CAUP, (Scots) a two-...
cauri 12 9 a former monetary un...
causa 11 9 (Latin) a (legal) ca...
cause 11 9 to bring about [v CA...
cavas 13 12 CAVA, a special Span...
caved 13 13 CAVE, to hollow out...
cavel 14 13 (Scots) a piece of w...
caver 13 12 one who explores cav...
caves 13 12 CAVE, to hollow out...
cavie 13 12 (Scots) a hencoop or...
cavil 15 13 to raise trivial and...
cawed 14 12 CAW, to cry like a c...
cawks 16 15 CAWK, an opaque, com...
caxon 16 16 (historical) a kind...
cease 10 8 to stop [v CEASED, C...
ceaze 13 17 (obsolete) to seize...
cebid 14 12 one of a family of m...
cecal 15 12 pertaining to a cecu...
cecum 16 15 a bodily cavity with...
cedar 11 9 a large evergreen co...
ceded 11 10 CEDE, to yield [v]
ceder 11 9 one who cedes [n -S]
cedes 11 9 CEDE, to yield [v]
cedis 12 9 CEDI, a monetary uni...
ceiba 13 11 a genus of tropical...
ceili 13 9 (Gaelic) an informal...
ceils 13 9 CEIL, to furnish wit...
celeb 14 12 (short for) a celebr...
cella 13 10 the inner chamber of...
celli 14 10 CELLO, a stringed mu...
cello 13 10 a stringed musical i...
cells 14 10 CELL, to store in a...
celom 13 12 a body cavity in som...
celts 13 9 CELT, a prehistoric...
cense 10 9 to perfume with ince...
cento 10 9 a literary work made...
cents 11 9 CENT, a coin worth 1...
centu 11 10 a Lithuanian monetar...
ceorl 12 9 in Anglo-Saxon Engla...
cepes 13 11 CEPE, a large mushro...
cerci 15 11 CERCUS, a sensory ap...
cered 11 9 CERE, to wrap in a w...
ceres 11 8 CERE, to wrap in a w...
cerge 12 10 a large wax candle b...
ceria 11 8 cerium oxide [n -S]
ceric 15 11 containing cerium [a...
cerne 10 9 (Shakespeare) to con...
ceros 11 8 CERO, (Spanish) a la...
certs 12 8 CERT, (short for) a...
certy 18 10 as in by my certy, S...
cesse 11 8 (Spenser) to cease [...
cesta 11 8 (Spanish) a basket u...
cesti 12 8 CESTUS, a hand cover...
cetes 11 8 CETE, a group of bad...
cetyl 19 11 a univalent radical...
cezve 16 21 a small metal pot, u...
chace 16 13 (obsolete) to chase...
chack 18 17 to pinch or nip [v -...
chaco 16 13 (Hungarian) the hat...
chado 13 11 (Japanese) a tea cer...
chads 14 11 CHAD, a bit of paper...
chafe 15 13 to warm by rubbing [...
chaff 18 16 to poke fun at [v -E...
chaft 16 13 (Scots) the jaw, che...
chain 13 11 to bind with linked...
chair 14 10 to install in office...
chais 14 10 CHAI, (Romany) femin...
chalk 16 15 to mark with soft li...
chals 15 11 CHAL, (Romany) a fel...
champ 17 16 to chew noisily [v -...
chams 15 13 CHAM, (obsolete) a p...
chana 12 11 in Indian cookery, t...
chang 14 13 a kind of cattle [n...
chank 14 15 (Hindi) the shell of...
chant 13 11 to recite in a singi...
chaos 13 10 a state of total dis...
chape 15 13 the plate of metal a...
chaps 16 13 CHAP, to cause to cr...
chapt 16 13 CHAP, to cause to cr...
chara 13 10 (Latin) a genus of f...
chard 14 11 the edible leafstalk...
chare 13 10 to do odd jobs of wo...
chark 15 14 to burn wood etc. to...
charm 15 13 to enchant [v -ED, -...
charr 14 10 a small fish of the...
chars 14 10 CHAR, to burn slight...
chart 14 10 to map out [v -ED, -...
chary 20 12 discreetly cautious...
chase 13 10 to pursue [v CHASED,...
chasm 15 13 a deep cleft in the...
chats 14 10 CHAT, to talk inform...
chave 15 14 (dialect) I have [v]
chavs 16 14 CHAV, (colloquial) a...
chawk 18 17 (Cornish dialect) a...
chaws 17 13 CHAW, to chew esp. t...
chaya 19 12 an Indian plant of t...
chays 20 12 CHAY, an Indian plan...
cheap 15 13 inexpensive [adj CHE...
cheat 13 10 to defraud [v -ED, -...
check 18 17 to inspect [v -ED, -...
cheek 14 14 to speak impudently...
cheep 15 13 to chirp [v -ED, -IN...
cheer 13 10 to applaud with shou...
chefs 16 13 CHEF, to work as a c...
cheka 14 14 (Russian) the Russia...
chela 14 11 a pincerlike claw [n...
chelp 17 14 (Northern English di...
chemo 14 13 (short for) chemothe...
chems 15 13 CHEM, (short for) a...
chere 13 10 (French) dear (femin...
chert 14 10 a microcrystalline f...
chess 14 10 a game of skill for...
chest 14 10 to hit a ball with t...
cheth 16 12 (Hebrew) the eighth...
chevy 22 16 to chase about, also...
chews 17 13 CHEW, to grind with...
chewy 23 15 not easily chewed [a...
chiao 13 10 a monetary unit of C...
chias 14 10 CHIA, a Mexican herb...
chibs 17 13 CHIB, to slash with...
chica 17 13 an orange-red dyestu...
chich 20 15 the chickpea [n -ES]
chick 19 17 a young bird [n -S]
chico 17 13 an orange-red dyestu...
chics 18 13 CHIC, elegance [n]
chide 14 11 to scold [v CHID or...
chief 16 13 the highest in autho...
chiel 15 11 (Scots) a man, a lad...
chiks 16 14 CHIK, (Hindi) a slat...
child 16 12 to bring forth [v -E...
chile 15 11 the (dried) red pod...
chili 16 11 the (dried) red pod...
chill 17 12 to make cold [v -ED,...
chimb 18 16 the rim at the ends...
chime 15 13 to ring in harmony [...
chimo 15 13 (Canadian) an Eskimo...
chimp 18 16 (short for) a chimpa...
china 13 11 fine porcelain ware...
chine 13 11 to break the back of...
ching 15 13 a high-pitched ringi...
chink 15 15 to fill up cracks [v...
chino 13 11 (Spanish) a strong t...
chins 14 11 CHIN, to hold with t...
chips 17 13 CHIP, to break a sma...
chirk 16 14 to squeak [v -ED, -I...
chirl 16 11 (Scots) to emit a lo...
chirm 16 13 to cry out, chirp [v...
chiro 14 10 (short for) chiropra...
chirp 17 13 to utter a short, sh...
chirr 15 10 to chirp like a cric...
chirt 15 10 to squeeze, squirt [...
chiru 15 11 (Tibetan) a Tibetan...
chits 15 10 CHIT, to sprout [v]
chive 16 14 to cut with a knife...
chivs 17 14 CHIV, to cur with a...
chivy 23 16 to chase about, also...
chizz 21 28 to swindle, also CHI...
chock 18 17 to secure with a blo...
choco 16 13 (Australian slang) i...
chocs 17 13 CHOC, (colloquial) a...
chode 13 11 CHIDE, to scold [v]
chogs 15 12 CHOG, (dialect) the...
choil 15 11 the end of a knife b...
choir 14 10 to sing in chorus [v...
choke 14 14 to impede the breath...
choko 14 14 the fruit of a tropi...
choky 21 16 a prison [n CHOKIES]...
chola 14 11 (Spanish) a Mexican-...
choli 15 11 (Hindi) a short, clo...
cholo 14 11 a flashy Mexican-Ame...
chomp 17 16 to chew vigorously [...
chons 13 11 CHON, (Korean) a Kor...
choof 15 13 (Australian slang) t...
chook 14 14 a chicken [n -S] / t...
choom 14 13 (Australian slang) a...
choon 12 11 a piece of recorded...
chops 16 13 CHOP, to sever with...
chord 14 11 to play a combinatio...
chore 13 10 to do small jobs [v...
chose 13 10 (French) in law, a t...
chota 13 10 (Hindi) little, as i...
chott 14 10 (Arabic) a shallow s...
chout 14 11 (Hindi) in India, an...
choux 20 18 CHOU, (French) a cab...
chowk 18 17 (Hindi) a marketplac...
chows 17 13 CHOW, to eat [v]
chubs 17 14 CHUB, a species of f...
chuck 19 18 to chuck [v -ED, -IN...
chufa 16 14 a sedgelike plant pr...
chuff 19 17 gruff [adj CHUFFER,...
chugs 16 13 CHUG, to move with a...
chump 18 17 to munch [v -ED, -IN...
chums 16 14 CHUM, to be close fr...
chunk 15 16 to make a dull explo...
churl 16 12 in Anglo-Saxon Engla...
churn 14 12 to agitate to make b...
churr 15 11 to make a vibrant so...
chuse 14 11 (obsolete) to choose...
chute 14 11 to convey by a verti...
chuts 15 11 CHUT, (French) to ut...
chyle 21 13 a milky fluid secret...
chyme 21 15 semiliquid, partly d...
chynd 20 14 (archaic) cut into c...
cibol 15 12 a variety of onion,...
cided 12 10 CIDE, (Shakespeare)...
cider 12 9 an alcoholic drink m...
cides 12 9 CIDE, (Shakespeare)...
ciels 13 9 CIEL, to provide wit...
cigar 13 10 a roll of tobacco le...
ciggy 21 14 (slang) cigarette, a...
cilia 13 9 CILIUM, a short hair...
cills 15 10 CILL, a sill [n]
cimar 13 11 (French) a loose coa...
cimex 19 18 (Latin) a bedbug [n...
cinch 17 14 to bind firmly with...
cinct 15 12 surrounded, encircle...
cines 11 9 CINE, a motion pictu...
cinqs 20 18 CINQ, (French) the n...
cions 11 9 CION, a cutting from...
cippi 17 14 CIPPUS, (Latin) a sm...
circa 15 11 (Latin) approximatel...
circs 16 11 (colloquial) circums...
cires 12 8 CIRE, (French) a fab...
cirls 14 9 CIRL, a species of b...
cirri 13 8 CIRRUS, (Latin) a ty...
cisco 15 11 a North American lak...
cissy 19 10 an effeminate boy [n...
cists 13 8 CIST, a tomb consist...
cital 13 9 a summons to appear,...
cited 12 9 CITE, to quote as an...
citer 12 8 one who cites [n -S]
cites 12 8 CITE, to quote as an...
cives 14 12 CIVE, a herb of the...
civet 14 12 any of several carni...
civic 18 15 pertaining to a city...
civie 14 12 (short for) a civili...
civil 16 13 pertaining to citize...
civvy 23 18 (short for) a civili...
clach 18 14 to kill by stoning [...
clack 17 16 to make a noise of a...
clade 12 10 a group of organisms...
clads 13 10 CLAD, to cover one m...
claes 12 9 (Scots) clothes [n]
clags 14 11 CLAG, to stick [v]
claim 14 12 to demand as one's d...
clame 13 12 (Spenser) a call, sh...
clamp 16 15 to fasten with a dev...
clams 14 12 CLAM, to dig for the...
clang 13 12 to ring loudly [v -E...
clank 13 14 to rattle as of chai...
clans 12 10 CLAN, a united group...
claps 15 12 CLAP, the noise of s...
clapt 15 12 CLAP, the noise of s...
claro 12 9 a light-coloured, mi...
clart 13 9 to dirty [v -ED, -IN...
clary 19 11 any plant of the gen...
clash 15 11 to meet in oppositio...
clasp 15 12 to embrace tightly [...
class 13 9 to classify [v -ED,...
clast 13 9 an individual grain...
clats 13 9 CLAT, to scratch, sc...
claut 13 10 (Scots) to scratch,...
clave 14 13 in plants, a gradual...
clavi 15 13 CLAVUS, a horny thic...
claws 16 12 CLAW, to scratch wit...
clays 19 11 CLAY, to purify (e.g...
clean 11 10 to rid of stain [v -...
clear 12 9 to remove obstructio...
cleat 12 9 a strip attached to...
cleck 17 16 (Scots) to hatch [v...
cleek 13 13 to seize, hook [v CL...
cleep 14 12 (archaic) to call, n...
clefs 15 12 CLEF, a character pl...
cleft 15 12 to insert a scion in...
clegs 14 11 CLEG, a horsefly [n]
cleik 14 13 a kind of golf club...
clems 14 12 CLEM, to starve [v]
clepe 14 12 (archaic) to call, n...
clept 15 12 CLEPE, (archaic) to...
clerk 14 13 to serve as an offic...
cleve 14 13 (dialect) a cliff, a...
clews 16 12 CLEW, to attach a ro...
click 18 16 to make a short shar...
clied 13 10 CLY, to seize or ste...
clies 13 9 CLY, to seize or ste...
cliff 18 15 a high, steep face o...
clift 16 12 a cliff [n -S]
climb 17 15 to ascend [v CLAMBE...
clime 14 12 the atmosphere of an...
cline 12 10 a gradual geographic...
cling 14 12 to adhere to [v CLUN...
clink 14 14 to make a short soft...
clint 13 10 a block in a limesto...
clipe 15 12 to tell tales [v CLI...
clips 16 12 CLIP, to trim by cut...
clipt 16 12 CLIP, to trim by cut...
clits 14 9 CLIT, (vulgar slang)...
cloak 13 13 to clothe with a clo...
cloam 13 12 earthenware or clay...
clock 17 16 to time with a stop-...
clods 13 10 CLOD, to pelt with c...
cloff 17 15 (Scots) a cleft [n -...
clogs 14 11 CLOG, to block up [v...
cloke 13 13 to clothe with a clo...
clomb 16 15 CLIMB, to ascend [v]
clomp 16 15 to walk heavily [v -...
clone 11 10 to reproduce by asex...
clonk 13 14 to make a dull thump...
clons 12 10 CLON, a group of ase...
cloop 14 12 the sound of a cork...
cloot 12 9 a cloven hoof [n -S]
clops 15 12 CLOP, to make the so...
close 12 9 to make impassable [...
clote 12 9 the common burdock,...
cloth 15 11 fabric [n -S]
clots 13 9 CLOT, to form into a...
cloud 13 11 to make obscure [v -...
clour 13 10 to knock or bump [v...
clous 13 10 CLOU, (French) the m...
clout 13 10 to hit with the hand...
clove 14 13 the flower-bud of th...
clown 15 13 to act like a comic...
clows 16 12 CLOW, (Scots) to rak...
cloye 18 11 (Shakespeare) to cla...
cloys 19 11 CLOY, to gratify bey...
cloze 15 18 a type of educationa...
clubs 16 13 CLUB, to form an org...
cluck 18 17 to make the sound of...
clued 13 11 CLUE, to obtain guid...
clues 13 10 CLUE, to obtain guid...
cluey 19 12 (Australian slang) w...
clump 17 16 to form into a thick...
clung 14 13 CLING, to adhere to...
clunk 14 15 to make a dull metal...
clype 21 14 to tell tales [v CLY...
cnida 11 10 a nematocyst, a stin...
coach 16 13 to tutor or train [v...
coact 14 11 to act together [v -...
coady 17 11 a sauce made from mo...
coala 11 9 an Australian mammal...
coals 12 9 COAL, to supply with...
coaly 18 11 containing coal [adj...
coapt 13 11 to fit together and...
coarb 13 11 (historical) the hea...
coast 11 8 to cycle without ped...
coate 10 8 to cite as evidence...
coati 11 8 a tropical American...
coats 11 8 COAT, to cover with...
cobbs 16 14 COBB, (archaic) a gu...
cobby 22 16 stout, obstinate [ad...
cobia 13 11 a large game fish [n...
coble 14 12 (Welsh) a short, fla...
cobra 13 11 a venomous snake of...
cobza 16 20 a Romanian folk inst...
cocas 14 11 COCA, the dried leaf...
cocci 18 14 COCCUS, one of the s...
cocco 17 14 the taro or other ed...
cocks 16 15 COCK, to tilt to one...
cocky 22 17 an Australian farmer...
cocoa 13 11 the seed of the caca...
cocos 14 11 COCO, the taro or ot...
codas 11 9 CODA, a passage at t...
codec 14 12 a piece of software...
coded 11 10 CODE, to convert int...
coden 10 10 a coding classificat...
coder 11 9 one who writes code...
codes 11 9 CODE, to convert int...
codex 17 16 (Latin) a book; a ma...
codon 10 10 a triplet of bases i...
coeds 11 9 COED, a girl student...
coffs 16 14 COFF, (Scots) to buy...
cogie 12 10 (Scots) a small wood...
cogon 11 11 a kind of fast-growi...
cogue 12 11 (Scots) a small wood...
cohab 15 13 (short for) a cohabi...
cohen 12 11 a member of the Jewi...
cohoe 12 10 a Pacific salmon, al...
cohog 14 12 (Native American) a...
cohos 13 10 COHO, a Pacific salm...
coifs 14 11 COIF, to put the hai...
coign 12 11 to secure with a typ...
coils 13 9 COIL, to wind in eve...
coins 11 9 COIN, to make metal...
coirs 12 8 COIR, a fibre obtain...
coits 12 8 COIT, (Australian sl...
coked 12 13 COKE, to change into...
cokes 12 12 a simpleton [n -ES]
colas 12 9 COLA, a genus of Wes...
colby 21 14 a type of mild-tasti...
colds 13 10 COLD, a respiratory...
coled 12 10 COLEAD, to lead join...
coles 12 9 COLE, a plant of the...
coley 18 11 an edible fish of th...
colic 16 12 severe abdominal pai...
colin 12 10 the American quail o...
colls 14 10 COLL, (obsolete) to...
colly 20 12 to blacken with coal...
colog 13 11 (short for) cologari...
colon 11 10 a section of the lar...
color 12 9 (US) to paint, also...
colts 13 9 COLT, to cheat, defr...
colza 15 18 a variety of cabbage...
comae 11 11 COMA, (Latin) a sphe...
comal 13 12 bearing a tuft of si...
comas 12 11 COMA, (Latin) a sphe...
combe 14 14 a narrow valley, als...
combi 15 14 a vessel or vehicle...
combo 14 14 a small jazz band [n...
combs 15 14 COMB, to separate wi...
comby 21 16 full of holes like a...
comer 12 11 one showing great pr...
comes 12 11 COME, to move toward...
comet 12 11 a celestial body [n...
comfy 21 16 (colloquial) comfort...
comic 16 14 amusing, also COMICA...
comix 19 18 (slang) comic books...
comma 13 14 a fragment of a few...
commo 13 14 (Australian colloqui...
comms 14 14 (short for) communic...
commy 20 16 a Communist, also CO...
compo 14 14 a mortar of cement;...
comps 15 14 COMP, to work as a c...
compt 15 14 (obsolete) to count...
comte 12 11 (French) a French no...
comus 13 12 (Latin) a revel [n -...
conch 16 14 a marine mollusk [n...
condo 10 10 (short for) a condom...
coned 10 10 CONE, to bear cones...
cones 10 9 CONE, to bear cones...
coney 16 11 a rabbit, also CONY...
confs 13 12 CONF, an online conf...
conga 11 11 a Latin American dan...
conge 11 11 to take leave [v CON...
congo 11 11 a kind of black Chin...
conia 10 9 a liquid, highly poi...
conic 14 12 cone-shaped, conical...
conin 10 10 a liquid, highly poi...
conks 12 13 CONK, to hit on the...
conky 18 15 full of a tree fungu...
conne 9 10 (Spenser) to know, a...
conns 10 10 CONN, to direct the...
conte 10 9 (French) a short sto...
conto 10 9 a Portuguese money o...
conus 11 10 a structure or organ...
convo 12 13 (Australian colloqui...
cooch 16 13 a sinuous dance [n -...
cooed 10 9 COO, to make the sou...
cooee 9 8 to cry out shrilly,...
cooer 10 8 one that coos [n -S]
cooey 16 10 to cry out shrilly,...
coofs 13 11 COOF, a dolt, also C...
cooks 12 12 COOK, to prepare foo...
cooky 18 14 a small flat cake, a...
cools 12 9 COOL, to lower the t...
cooly 18 11 (historical) a (non-...
coomb 14 14 a short deep valley,...
cooms 12 11 COOM, to begrime wit...
coomy 18 13 full of coom, soot;...
coons 10 9 COON, a raccoon [n]
coops 13 11 COOP, to confine [v]
coopt 13 11 to recruit e.g. to a...
coost 11 8 CAST, to throw with...
coots 11 8 COOT, a water bird,...
cooze 13 17 (colloquial) US and...
copal 14 12 a hard resin got fro...
copay 19 13 an amount payable by...
coped 13 12 COPE, to deal with [...
copen 12 12 a strong light blue...
coper 13 11 a ship for supplying...
copes 13 11 COPE, to deal with [...
coppy 22 16 a small stool [n COP...
copra 13 11 dried coconut meat,...
copse 13 11 to cut back trees [v...
copsy 20 13 like a coppice [adj...
coqui 20 18 a small arboreal fro...
coral 12 9 a mass of marine ani...
coram 12 11 (Latin) in the prese...
corbe 13 11 a projection of ston...
corby 20 13 a raven, a crow, als...
cords 12 9 CORD, to fasten with...
cored 11 9 CORE, to remove the...
corer 11 8 a device for removin...
cores 11 8 CORE, to remove the...
corey 17 10 the penis, also CORY...
corgi 13 10 a dog of a small sho...
coria 11 8 CORIUM, a leather ar...
corks 13 12 CORK, to stop up [v]
corky 19 14 like cork [adj CORKI...
corms 13 11 CORM, the swollen su...
corni 11 9 CORNO, the French ho...
corno 10 9 the French horn [n C...
corns 11 9 CORN, to preserve wi...
cornu 11 10 a horn-shaped proces...
corny 17 11 trite, sentimental [...
corps 14 11 (French) a military...
corse 11 8 a corpse [n -S]
corso 11 8 (Italian) a race esp...
cosec 14 11 a trigonometrical fu...
cosed 11 9 COSE, to make onesel...
coses 11 8 COSE, to make onesel...
coset 11 8 a mathematical subse...
cosey 17 10 a covering for a tea...
cosie 11 8 a covering for a tea...
costa 11 8 a rib [n COSTAE]
coste 11 8 (Spenser) a coast [n...
costs 12 8 COST, to estimate a...
cotan 10 9 (short for) cotangen...
coted 11 9 COTE, to pass by; to...
cotes 11 8 COTE, to pass by; to...
coths 14 10 COTH, (short for) hy...
cotta 11 8 (Latin) a short surp...
cotts 12 8 COTT, (Spenser) a sm...
couch 17 14 to put into words [v...
coude 11 10 (French) a reflectin...
cough 15 13 to expel air from th...
could 13 11 CAN, to put in a cyl...
count 11 10 to number [v -ED, -I...
coupe 13 12 (French) a four-whee...
coups 14 12 COUP, (Scots) to ove...
courb 14 12 (archaic) to bend or...
courd 12 10 covered [adj]
coure 11 9 to cower [v COURED,...
cours 12 9 COUR, (obsolete) to...
court 12 9 to woo [v -ED, -ING,...
couta 11 9 a type of fishing bo...
couth 14 11 refinement [n -S] /...
coved 13 13 COVE, to curve over...
coven 12 13 a group of witches [...
cover 13 12 to spread something...
coves 13 12 COVE, to curve over...
covet 13 12 to desire greatly [v...
covey 19 14 a small flock of bir...
covin 13 13 a conspiracy between...
cowal 15 12 (Native Australian)...
cowan 13 12 (Scots) a drystone d...
cowed 14 12 COW, to subdue [v]
cower 14 11 to cringe [v -ED, -I...
cowks 16 15 COWK, (dialect) to r...
cowls 16 12 COWL, to cover with...
cowps 17 14 COWP, (Scots) to ove...
cowry 21 13 a glossy seashell, a...
coxae 16 15 COXA, the hip bone [...
coxal 18 16 pertaining to the hi...
coxed 17 16 COX, to steer a raci...
coxes 17 15 COX, to steer a raci...
coxib 20 18 a drug used in the t...
coyau 17 11 (French) a steep roo...
coyed 17 11 COY, to affect coyne...
coyer 17 10 COY, modest, bashful...
coyly 25 13 COY, modest, bashful...
coypu 20 14 an aquatic rodent, a...
cozed 14 18 COZE, to converse in...
cozen 13 18 to cheat, also COOSE...
cozes 14 17 COZE, to converse in...
cozey 20 19 a covering for a tea...
cozie 14 17 a cover for a teapot...
craal 12 9 to pen in an enclosu...
crabs 14 11 CRAB, to obstruct, f...
crack 16 15 to break without div...
craft 14 11 to make by hand [v -...
crags 13 10 CRAG, a large jagged...
craic 15 11 (Irish) pleasant con...
craig 13 10 (Scots) a crag, in t...
crake 12 12 to utter the cry of...
crame 12 11 (Scots) a booth for...
cramp 15 14 to confine or restra...
crams 13 11 CRAM, to pack tightl...
crane 10 9 to stretch out one's...
crank 12 13 to start manually [v...
crans 11 9 CRAN, a measure of c...
crape 13 11 to cover or shroud w...
craps 14 11 CRAP, to defecate [v...
crapy 20 13 like crape [adj CRAP...
crare 11 8 a trading vessel, al...
crash 14 10 to collide noisily [...
crass 12 8 grossly vulgar [adj...
crate 11 8 to put in a packing...
crave 13 12 to desire greatly [v...
crawl 16 12 to move with the bod...
craws 15 11 CRAW, the stomach of...
crays 18 10 CRAY, (Australian) a...
craze 14 17 to make insane [v CR...
crazy 21 19 insane [adj CRAZIER,...
creak 12 12 to make a squeaking...
cream 12 11 to select the best f...
credo 11 9 (Latin) a concise st...
creds 12 9 CRED, (short for) cr...
creed 11 9 a statement of belie...
creek 12 12 a watercourse smalle...
creel 12 9 to put fish in a fis...
creep 13 11 to advance stealthil...
crees 11 8 CREE, to soften by b...
creme 12 11 (French) cream [n -S...
crems 13 11 CREM, (colloquial) a...
crena 10 9 (Latin) a notch or t...
crepe 13 11 to cover with crepe,...
creps 14 11 an informal name for...
crept 14 11 CREEP, to advance st...
crepy 20 13 having the texture o...
cress 12 8 a cruciferous plant...
crest 12 8 to reach a peak [v -...
crewe 14 11 (archaic) a pot [n -...
crews 15 11 CREW, to serve aboar...
crias 12 8 CRIA, the offspring...
cribs 15 11 CRIB, to confine clo...
crick 17 15 to cause a spasm in...
cried 12 9 CRY, to utter a soun...
crier 12 8 one that cries, also...
cries 12 8 CRY, to utter a soun...
crime 13 11 to convict over a br...
crimp 16 14 to press into folds,...
crims 14 11 CRIM, (Australian sl...
crine 11 9 (Scots) to shrink or...
crios 12 8 (Irish) a multicolou...
cripe 14 11 used as a mild oath,...
crips 15 11 CRIP, (colloquial) a...
crise 12 8 an expression of sur...
crisp 15 11 brittle [adj CRISPER...
crith 15 10 a unit of mass, that...
crits 13 8 CRIT, (short for) cr...
croak 12 12 to utter a low hoars...
croci 15 11 CROCUS, an iridaceou...
crock 16 15 to break down, disab...
crocs 15 11 CROC, (short for) cr...
croft 14 11 to expose cloth to t...
crogs 13 10 CROG, to ride as a p...
cromb 15 14 to draw by a crook,...
crome 12 11 to draw by a crook,...
crone 10 9 a withered old woman...
cronk 12 13 (Australian colloqui...
crons 11 9 CRON, in computing,...
crony 17 11 a close friend [n CR...
crook 12 12 (Australian slang) i...
crool 12 9 (Australian slang) t...
croon 10 9 to sing softly [v -E...
crops 14 11 CROP, to cut off sho...
crore 11 8 (Hindi) an Indian un...
cross 12 8 to intersect [v CROS...
crost 12 8 CROSS, to intersect...
croup 14 12 to speak hoarsely [v...
crout 12 9 cabbage cut fine and...
crowd 15 12 to press closely tog...
crown 14 12 to invest with royal...
crows 15 11 CROW, to gloat, exul...
croze 14 17 a tool used in barre...
cruck 17 16 one of a pair of cur...
crude 12 10 unrefined petroleum...
crudo 12 10 sliced, uncooked sea...
cruds 13 10 CRUD, to be blocked...
crudy 19 12 (Shakespeare) crude,...
cruel 13 10 disposed to inflict...
crues 12 9 CRUE, (Milton) crew...
cruet 12 9 a vessel used in rel...
cruft 15 12 technical material t...
crumb 16 15 to break into small...
crump 16 15 crisp, also CRUMPY [...
crunk 13 14 a form of hip-hop mu...
cruor 12 9 (Latin) a mass of co...
crura 12 9 CRUS, (Latin) a part...
cruse 12 9 an earthenware pot [...
crush 15 11 to press out of shap...
crust 13 9 to form a hardened o...
crusy 19 11 (Scots) an open iron...
cruve 14 13 a pen or sty, also C...
crwth 18 13 (Welsh) an ancient C...
cryer 18 10 one that cries, also...
crypt 21 13 a burial vault [n -S...
ctene 10 9 a comb-like swimming...
cubby 23 17 a snug enclosed spac...
cubeb 16 15 the pungent berry of...
cubed 14 13 CUBE, to raise to th...
cuber 14 12 a machine for cuttin...
cubes 14 12 CUBE, to raise to th...
cubic 18 15 in the form of a cub...
cubit 15 12 an old measure of le...
cuddy 19 13 (Scots) a young coal...
cuffo 16 15 (US slang) without a...
cuffs 17 15 CUFF, to strike with...
cuifs 15 12 CUIF, (Scots) a lout...
cuing 13 12 CUE, to prompt an ac...
cuish 15 11 a piece of armour fo...
cuits 13 9 CUIT, (Scots) the an...
cukes 13 13 CUKE, (slang) a cucu...
culch 19 15 the flooring of an o...
culet 13 10 (French) the flat ba...
culex 19 17 (Latin) a genus of i...
culls 15 11 CULL, to select from...
cully 21 13 to cheat, deceive [v...
culms 15 13 CULM, to form a culm...
culpa 15 13 negligence for which...
culti 14 10 CULTUS, (Latin) a re...
cults 14 10 CULT, a religious so...
culty 20 12 intended to appeal t...
cumec 16 15 a unit of liquid flo...
cumin 13 13 an umbelliferous pla...
cundy 18 13 a covered drain, als...
cunei 11 10 CUNEUS, a small wedg...
cunit 12 10 one hundred cubic fe...
cunts 12 10 CUNT, (slang) the fe...
cupel 15 13 to refine gold or si...
cupid 15 13 a statue of the Roma...
cuppa 16 15 (colloquial) a cup (...
cuppy 23 17 cuplike [adj CUPPIER...
curat 12 9 (obsolete) a cuirass...
curbs 15 12 CURB, to restrain [v...
curch 18 14 (Scots) a covering f...
curds 13 10 CURD, to curdle [v]
curdy 19 12 having the texture o...
cured 12 10 CURE, to restore to...
curer 12 9 one who cures [n -S]
cures 12 9 CURE, to restore to...
curet 12 9 (US) a surgical inst...
curfs 15 12 CURF, an incision ma...
curia 12 9 a court of justice [...
curie 12 9 a unit of radioactiv...
curio 12 9 an unusual art objec...
curli 14 10 curled hairlike proc...
curls 14 10 CURL, to form into r...
curly 20 12 tending to curl [adj...
curns 12 10 CURN, (Scots) a grai...
curny 18 12 granular, also CURNE...
currs 13 9 CURR, to make a purr...
curry 19 11 meat, fish, vegetabl...
curse 12 9 to invoke evil upon...
cursi 13 9 CURSUS, an elongated...
curst 13 9 CURSE, to invoke evi...
curve 14 13 to deviate from stra...
curvy 21 15 curved [adj CURVIER,...
cusec 15 12 a unit of liquid flo...
cushy 21 13 (colloquial) easy, c...
cusks 14 13 CUSK, a kind of mari...
cusps 15 12 CUSP, a toothlike me...
cuspy 21 14 of a computer progra...
cusso 12 9 an Ethiopian tree, a...
cusum 14 13 a statistical techni...
cutch 18 14 a resin used in tann...
cuter 12 9 CUTE, pleasingly att...
cutes 12 9 CUTIS, (Latin) the d...
cutey 18 11 a cute person, also...
cutie 12 9 a cute person, also...
cutin 12 10 the waxy material fo...
cutis 13 9 (Latin) the dermis,...
cutto 12 9 a large knife, also...
cutty 19 11 a short clay pipe [n...
cutup 15 13 a mischievous person...
cuvee 13 13 (French) a vat of bl...
cuzes 15 18 CUZ, (obsolete) cous...
cwtch 21 16 (Welsh) to hide, to...
cyano 16 11 pertaining to cyanog...
cyans 17 11 CYAN, a greenish-blu...
cyber 20 13 involving computers...
cycad 21 14 any member of an ord...
cycas 21 13 any member of an ord...
cycle 22 14 to ride a bicycle [v...
cyclo 22 14 a three wheeled moto...
cyder 18 11 an alcoholic drink m...
cylix 26 18 (Greek) a shallow tw...
cymae 18 13 CYMA, a curved mould...
cymar 19 13 (French) a loose coa...
cymas 19 13 CYMA, a curved mould...
cymes 19 13 CYME, a type of flow...
cymol 20 14 a hydrocarbon, also...
cynic 21 14 someone who takes a...
cysts 19 10 CYST, a sac [n]
cytes 18 10 CYTE, in biology, a...
cyton 17 11 the body of a nerve...
czars 15 17 CZAR, an emperor or...