13 letter words that start with C

13 letter words that start with C

13 letter C word


Words With Friends®


cabbalistical 35 27 relating to the cabb...
cabinetmakers 28 27 CABINETMAKER, a skil...
cabinetmaking 29 30 the craft of the cab...
cachinnations 28 24 CACHINNATION, loud o...
cackermanders 29 28 CACKERMANDER, (diale...
cackleberries 32 27 CACKLEBERRY, (slang)...
cacographical 37 30 relating to cacograp...
cacophonously 38 29 CACOPHONOUS, discord...
caddishnesses 27 21 CADDISHNESS, the sta...
caesaropapism 29 25 control of the churc...
calcariferous 31 24 having or bearing sp...
calcification 34 27 the act of calcifyin...
calculability 41 28 the ability to be ca...
calculatingly 39 28 CALCULATING [adv]
calculational 30 24 relating to calculat...
calefactories 30 23 CALEFACTORY, a monas...
calendarising 26 22 CALENDARISE, in acco...
calendarizing 29 31 CALENDARIZE, in acco...
calligraphers 33 25 CALLIGRAPHER, a prof...
calligraphies 33 25 CALLIGRAPHY, artisti...
calligraphist 34 25 a professional copyi...
callisthenics 33 24 exercises designed t...
callithumpian 33 28 relating to the soun...
callousnesses 26 20 CALLOUSNESS, the sta...
calorescences 30 24 CALORESCENCE, the tr...
calorifically 40 27 CALORIFIC, of, perta...
calorimetries 27 20 CALORIMETRY, the mea...
calumniations 26 23 CALUMNIATION, slande...
calycanthuses 37 26 CALYCANTHUS, the Car...
camerapersons 26 23 CAMERAPERSON, a male...
campanologers 28 26 CAMPANOLOGER, a bell...
campanologies 28 26 CAMPANOLOGY, the art...
campanologist 29 26 one who practices or...
camphoraceous 32 28 like camphor [adj]
campylobacter 40 31 a bacterium that is...
canaliculated 29 24 grooved or channelle...
canalisations 24 19 CANALISATION, the co...
canalizations 27 28 CANALIZATION, the co...
cancellariate 28 22 the office of chance...
cancellations 28 23 CANCELLATION, the ac...
cancerophobia 32 28 fear of cancer, also...
cancerphobias 33 28 CANCERPHOBIA, fear o...
candidateship 29 24 the office of candid...
candleberries 27 22 CANDLEBERRY, a shrub...
candleholders 28 23 CANDLEHOLDER, a hold...
candlelighted 30 25 CANDLELIGHT [v]
candlelighter 30 24 CANDLELIGHT [v]
candlesnuffer 29 27 an implement for snu...
canisterising 26 20 CANISTERISE, to put...
canisterizing 29 29 CANISTERIZE, to put...
cannibalising 28 25 CANNIBALISE, to take...
cannibalistic 31 25 relating to cannibal...
cannibalizing 31 34 CANNIBALIZE, to take...
cannonballing 27 27 CANNONBALL, to go li...
canonisations 22 19 CANONISATION, the ac...
canonizations 25 28 CANONIZATION, the ac...
canthaxanthin 33 30 a naturally occurrin...
cantilevering 28 25 CANTILEVER, to proje...
cantillations 26 20 CANTILLATION, chanti...
cantonisation 22 19 the act of dividing...
cantonization 25 28 the act of dividing...
capablenesses 28 24 CAPABLENESS, the sta...
capaciousness 29 24 the state of being c...
capacitations 29 23 CAPACITATION, the ch...
capellmeister 30 24 (German) the directo...
capercaillies 32 24 CAPERCAILLIE, (Gaeli...
capercailzies 34 32 CAPERCAILZIE, (Gaeli...
capillarities 30 21 CAPILLARITY, the pro...
capitulations 28 22 CAPITULATION, a set...
cappernoities 28 23 CAPPERNOITY, (Scots)...
caprification 32 26 a method of promotin...
captivatingly 38 29 CAPTIVATING [adv]
caravansarais 25 21 CARAVANSARAI, a kind...
caravansaries 25 21 CARAVANSARY, a kind...
caravanserais 25 21 CARAVANSERAI, a kind...
carbamazepine 31 35 an anticonvulsant dr...
carbohydrases 35 24 CARBOHYDRASE, any of...
carbohydrates 35 24 CARBOHYDRATE, a comp...
carboniferous 28 24 bearing carbon [adj]
carbonisation 25 21 the act of carbonisi...
carbonization 28 30 the act of carbonizi...
carbonylating 34 26 CARBONYLATE, to intr...
carbonylation 32 24 the synthesis of a c...
carboxylating 41 32 CARBOXYLATE, to intr...
carboxylation 39 30 the act of carboxyla...
carburisation 27 21 the act of carburisi...
carburization 30 30 the act of carburizi...
carcinologies 29 23 CARCINOLOGY, the stu...
carcinologist 30 23 a specialist in carc...
carcinomatoid 28 24 having the shape of...
carcinomatous 28 24 relating to carcinom...
cardinalatial 26 20 relating to a cardin...
cardinalitial 27 20 relating to a cardin...
cardinalities 26 19 CARDINALITY, the num...
cardinalships 31 24 CARDINALSHIP, the of...
cardiographer 30 24 one who makes cardio...
cardiographic 34 27 relating to cardiogr...
cardiological 31 24 relating to cardiolo...
cardiologists 28 20 CARDIOLOGIST, a prac...
cardiopathies 29 22 CARDIOPATHY, any dis...
cardioplegias 29 23 CARDIOPLEGIA, delibe...
cardsharpings 31 25 CARDSHARPING, cheati...
carefulnesses 27 22 CAREFULNESS, the sta...
caricaturists 30 20 CARICATURIST, one wh...
carillonneurs 26 21 CARILLONNEUR, (Frenc...
cariousnesses 24 18 CARIOUSNESS, the sta...
carnification 29 24 conversion into fles...
carnivalesque 35 32 characteristic of or...
carnivorously 34 25 CARNIVOROUS, feeding...
carpetbaggers 31 26 CARPETBAGGER, a Nort...
carpetbaggery 37 28 the actions of a car...
carpetbagging 32 29 the act of engaging...
carpetmongers 28 25 CARPETMONGER, (Shake...
carragheenans 25 22 CARRAGHEENAN, a coll...
carragheenins 26 22 CARRAGHEENIN, a coll...
carriwitchets 35 24 CARRIWITCHET, (Scots...
carryforwards 37 25 CARRYFORWARD, a subt...
carsicknesses 29 24 CARSICKNESS, a form...
cartelisation 25 18 the act of cartelisi...
cartelization 28 27 the act of cartelizi...
cartilaginous 27 21 hard, tough, like ca...
cartographers 30 23 CARTOGRAPHER, one wh...
cartographies 30 23 CARTOGRAPHY, the art...
cartophilists 32 22 CARTOPHILIST, one wh...
caryopterises 33 21 CARYOPTERIS, any of...
castabilities 29 20 CASTABILITY, the abi...
castellations 26 19 CASTELLATION, the st...
casualisation 25 19 the process of casua...
casualization 28 28 the process of casua...
casuistically 38 24 CASUISTICAL, relatin...
catabolically 39 27 CATABOLIC, relating...
cataloguising 28 23 CATALOGUISE, to put...
cataloguizing 31 32 CATALOGUIZE, to put...
catalytically 44 26 CATALYTICAL, acting...
catamountains 24 22 CATAMOUNTAIN, any of...
catastrophism 31 24 belief in rapid geol...
catastrophist 30 21 a believer in catast...
catatonically 35 24 CATATONIC, in a tran...
catechisation 29 22 the act of catechisi...
catechistical 35 25 relating to catechis...
catechization 32 31 the act of catechizi...
catecholamine 30 26 any of various amine...
catechumenate 29 26 the state of being a...
catechumenism 32 29 being a catechumen [...
categorematic 29 24 capable of being use...
categorically 37 25 CATEGORICAL, positiv...
catercornered 26 21 in a diagonal or obl...
caterwaulings 30 24 CATERWAULING, making...
cathartically 39 25 CATHARTICAL, cleansi...
catheterising 28 21 CATHETERISE, to trea...
catheterizing 31 30 CATHETERIZE, to fit...
cathetometers 27 21 CATHETOMETER, an ins...
cathiodermies 28 22 CATHIODERMIE, a beau...
cathodographs 32 26 CATHODOGRAPH, a phot...
cathodography 38 28 the taking of photog...
catholicising 33 25 CATHOLICISE, to make...
catholicities 32 22 CATHOLICITY, broad-m...
catholicizing 36 34 CATHOLICIZE, to make...
cattishnesses 27 19 CATTISHNESS, the qua...
caulifloweret 32 25 a bitesize piece of...
causabilities 29 21 CAUSABILITY, the abi...
causationisms 26 21 CAUSATIONISM, the pr...
causationists 25 18 CAUSATIONIST, a beli...
causativeness 26 22 CAUSATIVE, relating...
causelessness 25 19 the state of being c...
causticnesses 28 21 CAUSTICNESS, the qua...
cauterisation 24 18 the act of cauterisi...
cauterization 27 27 the act of cauterizi...
cavernicolous 30 26 cave-dwelling [adj]
ceaselessness 24 18 CEASELESS, without c...
celibatarians 27 21 CELIBATARIAN, a pers...
cellularities 29 20 CELLULARITY, the sta...
celluliferous 31 24 bearing little cells...
censurability 35 24 the ability to be ce...
centillionths 29 22 CENTILLIONTH, the or...
centrednesses 23 19 CENTREDNESS, the sta...
centricalness 28 22 CENTRICAL, placed in...
centrifugally 37 27 CENTRIFUGAL, flying...
centrifugence 30 27 centrifugal tendency...
centripetally 35 24 CENTRIPETAL, tending...
centrospheres 28 22 CENTROSPHERE, the ce...
centumvirates 28 25 CENTUMVIRATE, a body...
centuplicated 31 26 CENTUPLICATE, to cen...
centuplicates 31 25 CENTUPLICATE, to cen...
centuriations 24 19 CENTURIATION, divisi...
cephalisation 29 23 the gradually increa...
cephalization 32 32 the gradually increa...
cephalometers 30 25 CEPHALOMETER, an ins...
cephalometric 34 28 relating to cephalom...
cephalopodans 30 27 CEPHALOPODAN, any ma...
cephalopodous 31 27 of or like a cephalo...
cephaloridine 29 24 a semisynthetic broa...
cephalosporin 31 26 any of a group of wi...
cephalothorax 37 31 the body, or head wi...
cephalotomies 30 25 CEPHALOTOMY, the dis...
ceraunographs 29 25 CERAUNOGRAPH, an ins...
cercopithecid 36 28 any of several Old W...
cerebrospinal 29 24 of or relating to th...
cerebrotonias 25 20 CEREBROTONIA, the te...
cerebrotonics 29 23 CEREBROTONIC, someon...
ceremonialism 27 24 being ceremonial [n...
ceremonialist 26 21 one who engages in c...
ceremoniously 32 24 CEREMONIOUS, devoted...
cerographical 34 27 relating to cerograp...
cerographists 31 23 CEROGRAPHIST, a prac...
certificating 32 25 CERTIFICATE, to test...
certification 30 23 the act of certifyin...
certificatory 37 24 a certificate [n CER...
ceruloplasmin 30 26 a blue copper-bindin...
cervicography 42 32 the photographing of...
cesarevitches 32 25 CESAREVITCH, the eld...
cesarewitches 33 24 CESAREWITCH, the eld...
ceteosauruses 24 18 CETEOSAURUS, a large...
chaenomeleses 26 23 CHAENOMELES, a shrub...
chainstitches 33 24 CHAINSTITCH, a stitc...
chairmanships 33 27 CHAIRMANSHIP, the ro...
chalazogamies 32 33 CHALAZOGAMY, the ent...
chalcanthites 33 25 CHALCANTHITE, native...
chalcedonyxes 42 33 CHALCEDONYX, an agat...
chalcogenides 31 26 CHALCOGENIDE, a bina...
chalcographer 36 29 one who practises ch...
chalcographic 40 32 relating to chalcogr...
chalcopyrites 40 27 CHALCOPYRITE, copper...
chalicotheres 33 24 CHALICOTHERE, an ext...
challengeable 31 27 capable of being cha...
challengingly 38 29 CHALLENGING [adv]
chameleonlike 29 28 like a chameleon, a...
championesses 29 25 CHAMPIONESS, a femal...
championships 35 30 CHAMPIONSHIP, the po...
chancelleries 31 24 CHANCELLERY, the pos...
chancellories 31 24 CHANCELLORY, the pos...
changeability 37 27 the quality of being...
changearounds 26 24 CHANGEAROUND, the ac...
changefulness 30 27 CHANGEFUL, full of c...
chaplainships 35 28 CHAPLAINSHIP, the of...
chapterhouses 31 24 CHAPTERHOUSE, the bu...
characterised 30 22 CHARACTERISE, to giv...
characteriser 30 21 one who characterise...
characterises 30 21 CHARACTERISE, to giv...
characterisms 32 24 CHARACTERISM, a char...
characterized 33 31 CHARACTERIZE, to des...
characterizer 33 30 one who characterize...
characterizes 33 30 CHARACTERIZE, to des...
characterless 31 22 without a character...
chargeability 38 26 the quality of being...
charioteering 27 21 CHARIOTEER, to drive...
charlatanical 31 24 of or like a charlat...
charlatanisms 29 23 CHARLATANISM, the st...
charlatanries 27 20 CHARLATANRY, the pra...
charlestoning 28 23 CHARLESTON, to dance...
chartographer 32 25 one who draws maps,...
chartographic 36 28 relating to the draw...
chastisements 28 22 CHASTISEMENT, the ac...
chateaubriand 28 24 a large tenderloin s...
checkerblooms 35 32 CHECKERBLOOM, a Cali...
checkerboards 33 29 CHECKERBOARD, a boar...
checkweighers 38 32 CHECKWEIGHER, a coll...
cheerlessness 27 20 CHEERLESS, without c...
cheeseburgers 30 24 CHEESEBURGER, a hamb...
cheesecutters 30 22 CHEESECUTTER, a mova...
cheesehoppers 32 26 CHEESEHOPPER, a smal...
cheesemongers 27 24 CHEESEMONGER, one wh...
cheeseparings 29 24 CHEESEPARING, the ac...
cheesepresses 28 21 CHEESEPRESS, a machi...
cheesetasters 26 18 CHEESETASTER, a long...
cheiromancers 30 25 CHEIROMANCER, one wh...
cheiromancies 30 25 CHEIROMANCY, divinat...
cheluviations 30 25 CHELUVIATION, the le...
chemautotroph 32 27 an organism, such as...
chemisorption 30 25 the act of chemisorb...
chemoautrophs 32 27 CHEMOAUTROPH, any or...
chemoreceptor 32 27 a sense organ (as a...
chemosurgical 34 28 relating to chemosur...
chemotaxonomy 39 34 the classification o...
chemotropisms 32 27 CHEMOTROPISM, plant...
chequerboards 37 32 CHEQUERBOARD, a boar...
chesterfields 31 23 CHESTERFIELD, a sofa...
chiaroscurism 33 25 the practice of chia...
chiaroscurist 32 22 an artist who specia...
chickabiddies 35 30 CHICKABIDDY, a term...
chieftaincies 32 25 CHIEFTAINCY, the off...
chieftainries 29 22 CHIEFTAINRY, the off...
chieftainship 34 27 the rank of chieftai...
childbearings 32 26 CHILDBEARING, the pr...
childcrowings 37 29 CHILDCROWING, a nerv...
childlessness 30 22 the state of being c...
childlikeness 31 26 CHILDLIKE, like a ch...
childmindings 32 28 CHILDMINDING, the ac...
childrenswear 31 24 clothes suitable for...
chiliahedrons 30 23 CHILIAHEDRON, (Greek...
chimneyboards 36 28 CHIMNEYBOARD, a boar...
chimneybreast 36 27 the part of a wall t...
chimneypieces 39 30 CHIMNEYPIECE, an orn...
chinkerinchee 32 29 a kind of African fl...
chiquichiquis 52 43 CHIQUICHIQUI, (Tupi)...
chirognomists 30 24 CHIROGNOMIST, someon...
chirographers 33 25 CHIROGRAPHER, (obsol...
chirographies 33 25 CHIROGRAPHY, the stu...
chirographist 34 25 an expert in handwri...
chiromantical 32 26 relating to chiroman...
chiropractics 37 27 CHIROPRACTIC, the di...
chiropractors 33 24 CHIROPRACTOR, a pers...
chlamydomonas 35 29 a member of the genu...
chlamydospore 37 28 a thick-walled usual...
chlorambucils 37 30 CHLORAMBUCIL, an ora...
chlorargyrite 36 23 horn silver, also CH...
chlorenchymas 40 30 CHLORENCHYMA, plant...
chlorhexidine 36 30 an antiseptic compou...
chlorimetries 30 22 CHLORIMETRY, measure...
chlorinations 27 21 CHLORINATION, the ac...
chlorobenzene 30 33 a colorless flammabl...
chlorobromide 31 26 a compound of chlori...
chlorocalcite 35 26 a white mineral cons...
chlorocruorin 31 24 a green respiratory...
chloroformers 31 25 CHLOROFORMER [n]
chloroforming 32 28 CHLOROFORM, to treat...
chloroformist 32 25 one who administers...
chlorohydrins 37 25 CHLOROHYDRIN, any of...
chloromethane 29 25 an organic compound,...
chlorometries 29 22 CHLOROMETRY, measure...
chlorophytums 41 30 CHLOROPHYTUM, any pl...
chloropicrins 34 26 CHLOROPICRIN, a colo...
chloroplastal 32 24 of or like a chlorop...
chloroplastic 35 26 of or like a chlorop...
chokecherries 33 27 CHOKECHERRY, an astr...
cholangiogram 30 27 a record produced by...
cholecystitis 39 24 inflammation of the...
chondriosomal 28 24 of or like a chondri...
chondriosomes 27 23 CHONDRIOSOME, an old...
chondroblasts 30 24 CHONDROBLAST, a cell...
chondrocrania 28 24 CHONDROCRANIUM, the...
chondromatous 27 24 of or like a chondri...
chondrophores 30 25 CHONDROPHORE, a medu...
chondrostians 26 21 CHONDROSTIAN, a memb...
choregraphers 32 25 CHOREGRAPHER, one wh...
choregraphies 32 25 CHOREGRAPHY, the art...
choregraphing 33 28 CHOREGRAPH, to arran...
choreographed 31 26 CHOREOGRAPH, to comp...
choreographer 31 25 one who choreographs...
choreographic 35 28 relating to choreogr...
choreologists 29 21 CHOREOLOGIST, a stud...
chorepiscopal 35 28 pertaining to a loca...
chorizontists 31 28 CHORIZONTIST, a pers...
chorographers 32 25 CHOROGRAPHER, one wh...
chorographies 32 25 CHOROGRAPHY, the art...
choroiditises 28 19 CHOROIDITIS, inflamm...
chorusmasters 29 22 CHORUSMASTER, the co...
chowderheaded 31 26 like a chowderhead,...
chrematistics 33 24 the study of wealth;...
chrestomathic 34 26 of or like a chresto...
chrismatories 29 21 CHRISMATORY, a vesse...
christcrosses 32 21 CHRISTCROSS, the mar...
chromatically 40 28 CHROMATIC, relating...
chromaticisms 34 27 CHROMATICISM, the st...
chromaticness 31 25 the state of being c...
chromatograms 30 26 CHROMATOGRAM, a visi...
chromatograph 33 28 an instrument for pe...
chromatolyses 35 24 CHROMATOLYSIS, the d...
chromatolysis 36 24 the dissolution and...
chromatolytic 39 27 relating to chromato...
chromatophore 31 26 a pigment-bearing ce...
chromatopsias 30 24 CHROMATOPSIA, colour...
chromocenters 30 25 CHROMOCENTER, a dens...
chromocentres 30 25 CHROMOCENTRE, a dens...
chromonematic 31 28 of or likea chromone...
chromophorous 32 27 of or like a chromop...
chromoprotein 29 25 any of various prote...
chromosomally 37 28 CHROMOSOMAL, relatin...
chromospheres 32 26 CHROMOSPHERE, the re...
chromospheric 36 29 relating to the chro...
chromotherapy 38 28 colour therapy using...
chronobiology 36 27 the study of biologi...
chronographer 31 26 a chronicler [n -S]
chronographic 35 29 relating to a chrono...
chronological 32 26 arranged in order of...
chronologised 28 23 CHRONOLOGISE, to arr...
chronologises 28 22 CHRONOLOGISE, to arr...
chronologists 29 22 CHRONOLOGIST, an exp...
chronologized 31 32 CHRONOLOGIZE, to arr...
chronologizes 31 31 CHRONOLOGIZE, to arr...
chronometries 27 22 CHRONOMETRY, the mea...
chronotherapy 36 26 a treatment that wor...
chrysanthemum 38 30 any of several culti...
chrysocracies 40 26 CHRYSOCRACY, the rul...
chrysophilite 40 26 a lover of gold [n -...
chuckleheaded 34 31 of or like a chuckle...
churchmanship 39 33 the attitude, belief...
churchwardens 36 29 CHURCHWARDEN, one of...
chylification 40 28 the process of chyli...
chymification 40 30 the process of chymi...
chymotrypsins 44 29 CHYMOTRYPSIN, rennin...
cicatrichules 36 26 CICATRICHULE, a whit...
cicatrisation 28 20 the process of cicat...
cicatrization 31 29 the process of cicat...
cinchonaceous 31 27 belonging to the Cin...
cinchonidines 29 25 CINCHONIDINE, an alk...
cinematheques 35 32 CINEMATHEQUE, a smal...
cinematically 37 27 CINEMATIC, relating...
cinematograph 30 27 to record by movie p...
cinquecentist 36 31 an Italian of the ci...
ciprofloxacin 39 34 an antibiotic used a...
circassiennes 27 21 CIRCASSIENNE, a kind...
circuiteering 30 23 CIRCUITEER, of a jud...
circularisers 31 21 CIRCULARISER, one wh...
circularising 32 24 CIRCULARISE, to incl...
circularities 31 21 CIRCULARITY, the sta...
circularizers 34 30 CIRCULARIZER, one wh...
circularizing 35 33 CIRCULARIZE, to send...
circumambages 34 31 roundabout methods o...
circumambient 33 30 going round about; e...
circumcenters 33 27 CIRCUMCENTER, the po...
circumcentres 33 27 CIRCUMCENTRE, the po...
circumcircles 39 30 CIRCUMCIRCLE, a circ...
circumcisions 34 27 CIRCUMCISION, the ac...
circumducting 36 31 CIRCUMDUCT, to cause...
circumduction 34 29 the act of circumduc...
circumductory 41 30 relating to circumdu...
circumference 34 30 the perimeter of a c...
circumflected 37 31 CIRCUMFLECT, to bend...
circumflexion 39 35 a bending round [n -...
circumfluence 36 32 a flowing round [n -...
circumfusions 33 28 CIRCUMFUSION, the ac...
circumgyrated 38 28 CIRCUMGYRATE, to whi...
circumgyrates 38 27 CIRCUMGYRATE, to whi...
circumjacency 44 41 the state of being c...
circumlocuted 35 29 CIRCUMLOCUTE, to use...
circumlocutes 35 28 CIRCUMLOCUTE, to use...
circumnutated 30 26 CIRCUMNUTATE, to pro...
circumnutates 30 25 CIRCUMNUTATE, to pro...
circumscribed 37 30 CIRCUMSCRIBE, to dra...
circumscriber 37 29 one who circumscribe...
circumscribes 37 29 CIRCUMSCRIBE, to dra...
circumspectly 44 32 CIRCUMSPECT, careful...
circumstanced 33 28 CIRCUMSTANCE, to pla...
circumstances 33 27 CIRCUMSTANCE, to pla...
circumstellar 33 25 surrounding or occur...
circumvallate 34 29 to surround with a r...
circumventers 32 28 CIRCUMVENTER, one wh...
circumventing 33 31 CIRCUMVENT, to go ro...
circumvention 31 29 the act of circumven...
circumventive 34 32 deceiving by artific...
circumventors 32 28 CIRCUMVENTOR, one wh...
circumvolving 37 35 CIRCUMVOLVE, to roll...
cirrostrative 28 20 of or like cirrostra...
citifications 31 23 CITIFICATION, the ac...
citricultures 32 22 CITRICULTURE, the cu...
cityfications 37 25 CITYFICATION, the ac...
civilianising 30 25 CIVILIANISE, to conv...
civilianizing 33 34 CIVILIANIZE, to conv...
civilisations 29 22 CIVILISATION, the st...
civilizations 32 31 CIVILIZATION, the st...
cladistically 39 25 CLADISTIC, relating...
cladosporiums 30 25 CLADOSPORIUM, a type...
clairaudience 28 23 the ability to hear...
clairaudients 26 20 CLAIRAUDIENT, a pers...
clairvoyances 36 27 CLAIRVOYANCE, the po...
clairvoyantly 41 27 CLAIRVOYANT, (French...
clamjamphries 35 37 CLAMJAMPHRIE, (Scots...
clamorousness 26 22 CLAMOROUS, loud, ful...
clandestinely 32 23 CLANDESTINE, marked...
clandestinity 32 22 the quality of being...
clapperboards 32 27 CLAPPERBOARD, a hing...
clapperclawed 37 31 CLAPPERCLAW, (archai...
clapperclawer 37 30 one who scolds, abus...
clarification 31 24 the act of clarifyin...
clarinettists 27 18 CLARINETTIST, one wh...
classicalisms 33 24 CLASSICALISM, in lit...
classicalists 32 21 CLASSICALIST, an adh...
classicalness 30 22 CLASSICAL, resemblin...
classlessness 27 19 CLASSLESS, without a...
claudications 29 23 CLAUDICATION, the st...
claustrations 26 19 CLAUSTRATION, the ac...
claustrophobe 32 26 one with a fear of c...
clavicembalos 35 31 CLAVICEMBALO, (Itali...
clavichordist 35 27 one who plays the cl...
clavicytheria 40 28 CLAVICYTHERIUM, a ha...
cleanlinesses 25 20 CLEANLINESS, the sta...
clearcuttings 31 24 CLEARCUTTING, the ac...
clearheadedly 34 24 CLEARHEADED, having...
clearinghouse 28 23 an establishment mai...
cleavableness 29 26 CLEAVABLE, capable o...
cleistogamies 28 22 CLEISTOGAMY, the pro...
cleistogamous 28 23 relating to cleistog...
cleptocracies 34 26 CLEPTOCRACY, rule by...
cleptomaniacs 31 27 CLEPTOMANIAC, a pers...
clerklinesses 28 23 CLERKLINESS, the sta...
cleveralities 29 22 CLEVERALITY, (Scots)...
clickjackings 39 43 CLICKJACKING, the pr...
cliffhangings 35 31 CLIFFHANGING, the ac...
climacterical 35 27 relating to a climac...
climactically 43 30 CLIMACTICAL, relatin...
climatography 39 29 a description of cli...
climatologies 29 23 CLIMATOLOGY, the stu...
climatologist 30 23 one who studies clim...
clinodiagonal 26 23 in a monoclinic crys...
clinometrical 31 25 relating to clinomet...
clinopinacoid 30 26 a form consisting of...
clinopinakoid 28 27 a form consisting of...
clinopyroxene 38 31 a member of the pyro...
cliometrician 30 24 one who uses mathema...
clishmaclaver 36 30 (Scots) gossip [n -S...
clotheshorses 30 21 CLOTHESHORSE, a fram...
clotheslining 30 24 CLOTHESLINE, to knoc...
cloudlessness 27 21 CLOUDLESS, without c...
clovergrasses 29 23 CLOVERGRASS, clover...
clubabilities 33 25 CLUBABILITY, sociabl...
coacervations 28 24 COACERVATION, an agg...
coachbuilders 34 27 COACHBUILDER, a craf...
coachbuilding 35 30 the craft of buildin...
coadaptations 25 21 COADAPTATION, the st...
coadjacencies 31 33 COADJACENCY, the sta...
coadjutorship 32 32 the office of coadju...
coadjutresses 27 27 COADJUTRESS, a femal...
coagulability 37 26 the quality of being...
coalification 30 24 a process in which v...
coalitionisms 27 21 COALITIONISM, the fo...
coalitionists 26 18 COALITIONIST, a supp...
coastguardman 26 24 a member of a coast...
coastguardmen 26 24 COASTGUARDMAN, a mem...
coauthorships 32 24 COAUTHORSHIP, the ro...
cobaltiferous 30 24 bearing cobalt [adj]
cobblestoning 30 27 COBBLESTONE, to pave...
cobelligerent 29 24 a country fighting w...
cocainisation 26 21 the process of cocai...
cocainization 29 30 the process of cocai...
cocarboxylase 42 32 a coenzyme that is a...
cocarcinogens 30 26 COCARCINOGEN, an age...
coccidiostats 32 23 COCCIDIOSTAT, an age...
cochairperson 31 25 a joint chairmen or...
cochleariform 34 28 spoon-shaped [adj]
cockfightings 37 33 COCKFIGHTING, the sp...
cockieleekies 30 28 COCKIELEEKIE, (Scots...
cockthrowings 36 31 COCKTHROWING, the ol...
coconsciouses 30 24 COCONSCIOUS, mental...
coconspirator 29 23 a joint conspirator...
cocounselling 30 26 COCOUNSEL, to counse...
cocultivating 33 28 COCULTIVATE, to cult...
cocultivation 31 26 the act of cocultiva...
codeclination 27 23 polar distance [n -S...
codependences 27 26 CODEPENDENCE, joint...
codicological 34 27 relating to codicolo...
codifiability 38 26 the quality of being...
codifications 30 24 CODIFICATION, the ac...
codiscoverers 30 24 CODISCOVERER [n]
codiscovering 31 27 CODISCOVER, to disco...
coeducational 27 23 relating to coeducat...
coelenterates 23 18 COELENTERATE, a clas...
coelioscopies 30 23 COELIOSCOPY, a medic...
coenaestheses 24 19 COENAESTHESIS, gener...
coenaesthesia 24 19 general consciousnes...
coenaesthesis 25 19 general consciousnes...
coenenchymata 34 28 COENENCHYMA, gelatin...
coenesthesias 25 19 COENESTHESIA, genera...
coequalnesses 32 28 COEQUALNESS, the sta...
coessentially 32 21 COESSENTIAL, religio...
coexecutrices 37 30 COEXECUTRIX, a joint...
coexecutrixes 40 34 COEXECUTRIX, a joint...
coextensively 39 31 COEXTENSIVE, having...
cogenerations 23 20 COGENERATION, the pr...
cognatenesses 23 20 COGNATENESS, the sta...
cognitivities 29 23 COGNITIVITY, the sta...
cognominating 26 26 COGNOMINATE, to name...
cognomination 24 24 the act of cognomina...
cohabitations 28 22 COHABITATION, the ac...
cohomological 33 28 relating to cohomolo...
coilabilities 30 21 COILABILITY, the abi...
coincidencies 30 25 COINCIDENCY, the act...
coinheritance 28 23 a shared inheritance...
coldheartedly 35 24 COLDHEARTED, marked...
coleopterists 28 20 COLEOPTERIST, one wh...
colinearities 25 18 COLINEARITY, the sta...
collaborating 29 24 COLLABORATE, to work...
collaboration 27 22 the act of collabora...
collaborative 30 25 of the nature of col...
collaborators 28 21 COLLABORATOR, one wh...
collateralise 27 19 to make (a loan) sec...
collaterality 34 21 the quality of being...
collateralize 30 28 to make (a loan) sec...
colleagueship 32 26 the state of being a...
collectedness 29 23 the state of being c...
collectivised 33 26 COLLECTIVISE, to giv...
collectivises 33 25 COLLECTIVISE, to giv...
collectivisms 35 28 COLLECTIVISM, the do...
collectivists 34 25 COLLECTIVIST, a supp...
collectivized 36 35 COLLECTIVIZE, to giv...
collectivizes 36 34 COLLECTIVIZE, to giv...
collectorates 29 21 COLLECTORATE, the of...
collectorship 35 26 the office of collec...
collegialisms 31 24 COLLEGIALISM, the th...
collenchymata 38 29 COLLENCHYMA, the sup...
collieshangie 29 23 (Scots) a squabble,...
colliquations 35 29 COLLIQUATION, the pr...
collisionally 35 23 COLLISIONAL, relatin...
collocational 29 23 relating to collocat...
colloquialism 38 32 a colloquial express...
colloquialist 37 29 one who uses colloqu...
colloquiality 43 31 the quality of being...
colluctations 30 23 COLLUCTATION, (archa...
colonialising 27 22 COLONIALISE, to make...
colonialistic 30 22 relating to colonial...
colonializing 30 31 COLONIALIZE, to make...
colonisations 24 19 COLONISATION, the ac...
colonizations 27 28 COLONIZATION, the ac...
colonoscopies 29 24 COLONOSCOPY, examina...
coloquintidas 34 29 COLOQUINTIDA, (Greek...
colorableness 27 22 the state of being c...
colorbreeding 28 24 COLORBREED, to breed...
colorfastness 27 21 COLORFAST, having co...
colorimetries 27 20 COLORIMETRY, measure...
colorisations 25 18 COLORISATION, the ac...
colorizations 28 27 COLORIZATION, the ac...
colorlessness 26 19 COLORLESS, (US) with...
colourability 36 24 the quality of being...
colourcasting 30 24 COLOURCAST, to broad...
colourfulness 29 24 the state of being c...
colourisation 25 19 the act of colourisi...
colourization 28 28 the act of colourizi...
colourwashing 32 26 COLOURWASH, to paint...
colposcopical 37 30 relating to colposco...
coltishnesses 28 20 COLTISHNESS, the sta...
columnarities 27 22 COLUMNARITY, the sta...
columniations 26 23 COLUMNIATION, the us...
comanagements 25 26 COMANAGEMENT, joint...
combativeness 29 27 the state of being c...
combinability 38 29 the quality of being...
combinational 27 25 relating to combinat...
combinatorial 28 24 of, relating to, or...
combinatorics 31 26 combinatorial mathem...
comfortlessly 37 26 COMFORTLESS, without...
comicalnesses 29 24 COMICALNESS, the sta...
commandeering 26 27 COMMANDEER, to compe...
commandership 31 29 the office of comman...
commeasurable 29 27 able to be commeasur...
commemorating 28 28 COMMEMORATE, to call...
commemoration 26 26 the act of commemora...
commemorative 29 29 intended as a commem...
commemorators 27 25 COMMEMORATOR, one wh...
commemoratory 33 27 serving to commemora...
commencements 29 30 COMMENCEMENT, an act...
commendations 25 25 COMMENDATION, an act...
commensalisms 29 27 COMMENSALISM, a rela...
commensurable 29 28 measurable by the sa...
commensurably 36 30 COMMENSURABLE, measu...
commentariats 26 23 COMMENTARIAT, the gr...
commentations 25 24 COMMENTATION, annota...
commercialese 30 26 the jargon of commer...
commercialise 31 26 to make commercial,...
commercialism 33 29 commercial spirit, i...
commercialist 32 26 an advocate of comme...
commerciality 38 28 the quality of being...
commercialize 34 35 to manage on a busin...
commiserating 28 25 COMMISERATE, to feel...
commiseration 26 23 the act of commisera...
commiserative 29 26 showing commiseratio...
commiserators 27 22 COMMISERATOR, one wh...
commissariats 28 22 COMMISSARIAT, a depa...
commissionary 33 25 of or like a commiss...
commissioners 27 23 COMMISSIONER, a pers...
commissioning 28 26 COMMISSION, to empow...
committeeship 32 27 the office of commit...
commoditising 29 26 COMMODITISE, to make...
commoditizing 32 35 COMMODITIZE, to make...
commonalities 27 24 COMMONALITY, the com...
commonplacing 33 33 COMMONPLACE, to put...
commonwealths 32 29 COMMONWEALTH, the pu...
communalisers 28 25 COMMUNALISER, one wh...
communalising 29 28 COMMUNALISE, to make...
communalistic 32 28 relating to communal...
communalities 28 25 COMMUNALITY, the sta...
communalizers 31 34 COMMUNALIZER, one wh...
communalizing 32 37 COMMUNALIZE, to make...
communautaire 26 25 a spirit or attitude...
communicatees 29 27 COMMUNICATEE, one wh...
communicating 31 30 COMMUNICATE, to exch...
communication 29 28 an act or instance o...
communicative 32 31 tending to communica...
communicators 30 27 COMMUNICATOR, one wh...
communicatory 36 29 designed to communic...
communionally 34 29 COMMUNIONAL, related...
communisation 26 25 the act of communisi...
communitaires 27 24 COMMUNITAIRE, one wi...
communitarian 26 25 a member of a commun...
communization 29 34 the act of communizi...
commutability 38 29 the quality of being...
commutatively 37 30 COMMUTATIVE, of, rel...
commutativity 37 29 the property of bein...
comorbidities 29 23 COMORBIDITY, the sta...
compactedness 30 27 the state of being c...
compactifying 41 33 COMPACTIFY, to rende...
compactnesses 30 26 COMPACTNESS, the sta...
compaginating 29 28 COMPAGINATE, to join...
compagination 27 26 the act of compagina...
companionable 28 28 sociable, also COMPA...
companionably 35 30 COMPANIONABLE, socia...
companionhood 27 27 the state of being a...
companionless 27 25 without a companion...
companionship 31 29 the fellowship exist...
companionways 35 29 COMPANIONWAY, the st...
comparability 38 28 the state of being c...
comparatively 37 29 COMPARATIVE, of the...
comparativist 31 26 one who conducts a c...
compartmental 29 27 relating to compartm...
compartmented 28 27 COMPARTMENT, to put...
compassionate 26 23 sympathetic [adj COM...
compassioning 28 26 COMPASSION, (archaic...
compatibility 39 28 the quality of being...
compatriotism 30 25 the state of being a...
compellations 29 25 COMPELLATION, the ac...
compellatives 32 28 COMPELLATIVE, compel...
compendiously 35 28 COMPENDIOUS, concise...
compensations 26 24 COMPENSATION, the ac...
competentness 26 24 COMPETENT, able [n]
competitively 38 29 COMPETITIVE, relatin...
complacencies 34 30 COMPLACENCY, self-sa...
complainingly 37 30 COMPLAINING, express...
complaisances 31 27 COMPLAISANCE, wishin...
complaisantly 36 27 COMPLAISANT, wishing...
complanations 27 25 COMPLANATION, the st...
complementary 35 29 serving to complemen...
complementing 30 30 COMPLEMENT, to be co...
complexations 34 31 COMPLEXATION, a comp...
complexedness 34 32 the state of being c...
complexifying 45 38 COMPLEXIFY, to rende...
complexnesses 34 31 COMPLEXNESS, the sta...
compliantness 28 25 COMPLIANT, yielding...
complicatedly 40 30 COMPLICATED [adv]
complications 32 27 COMPLICATION, comple...
complimentary 36 29 by way of compliment...
complimenters 30 27 COMPLIMENTER, one wh...
complimenting 31 30 COMPLIMENT, to expre...
compositeness 27 23 COMPOSITE, made of d...
compositional 28 24 relating to composit...
compositorial 29 23 relating to the comp...
comprehending 30 29 COMPREHEND, to grasp...
comprehension 28 26 the act or action of...
comprehensive 31 29 covering completely...
compressional 28 24 relating to compress...
compressively 38 29 COMPRESSIVE, of or r...
comprovincial 34 31 belonging to the sam...
compulsionist 30 25 a believer in compul...
compurgations 29 26 COMPURGATION, the ex...
computability 39 29 the quality of being...
computational 28 25 relating to computat...
computerising 30 26 COMPUTERISE, to rend...
computerizing 33 35 COMPUTERIZE, to carr...
computerphobe 34 31 one with a fear of c...
comradeliness 26 22 the state of being c...
comstockeries 30 26 COMSTOCKERY, overzea...
concanavalins 28 27 CONCANAVALIN, a prot...
concatenating 26 24 CONCATENATE, to link...
concatenation 24 22 the act of concatena...
concavenesses 27 25 CONCAVENESS, the sta...
conceitedness 26 22 the state of being c...
concelebrants 29 25 CONCELEBRANT, one th...
concelebrated 29 25 CONCELEBRATE, to joi...
concelebrates 29 24 CONCELEBRATE, to joi...
concentrating 27 24 CONCENTRATE, to brin...
concentration 25 22 the act of concentra...
concentrative 28 25 tending to concentra...
concentrators 26 21 CONCENTRATOR, an app...
concentricity 37 26 the quality of being...
conceptualise 30 25 to form a concept of...
conceptualism 32 28 the doctrine in phil...
conceptualist 31 25 an adherent to the t...
conceptuality 37 27 the quality of being...
conceptualize 33 34 to form a concept of...
concernancies 28 25 CONCERNANCY, (Shakes...
concernedness 25 23 CONCERNED [n]
concertedness 26 22 CONCERTED [n]
concertgoings 29 25 CONCERTGOING, the ac...
concertinaing 27 24 CONCERTINA, to fold...
concertinists 28 21 CONCERTINIST, one wh...
concertmaster 28 23 the leader of the fi...
concertstucks 33 28 CONCERTSTUCK, a comp...
concessionary 32 23 of the nature of a c...
concessioners 26 21 CONCESSIONER [n]
concessionist 27 21 one who believes in...
conchological 35 29 relating to concholo...
conchologists 32 25 CONCHOLOGIST, a coll...
conciliations 28 22 CONCILIATION, the ac...
concipiencies 32 27 CONCIPIENCY, the sta...
concisenesses 26 21 CONCISENESS, the sta...
conclamations 28 25 CONCLAMATION, a shou...
conclusionary 34 25 relating to a conclu...
concomitances 30 27 CONCOMITANCE, accomp...
concomitantly 35 27 CONCOMITANT, accompa...
concorporated 28 24 CONCORPORATE, (archa...
concorporates 28 23 CONCORPORATE, (archa...
concremations 27 24 CONCREMATION, comple...
concrescences 32 27 CONCRESCENCE, a grow...
concretionary 32 23 of or like a concret...
concubinaries 29 25 CONCUBINARY, a concu...
concupiscence 35 31 strong desire, appet...
concupiscible 37 31 lustful, desirous [a...
concurrencies 30 25 CONCURRENCY, the sta...
concyclically 50 33 CONCYCLIC, lying or...
condemnations 23 23 CONDEMNATION, the ac...
condensations 22 20 CONDENSATION, the ac...
condescending 27 26 CONDESCEND, to desce...
condescension 25 23 voluntary descent fr...
condignnesses 24 22 CONDIGNNESS, the sta...
conditionable 26 23 capable of being con...
conditionally 32 23 CONDITIONAL, depende...
conditionated 23 20 CONDITIONATE, (obsol...
conditionates 23 19 CONDITIONATE, (obsol...
conditionings 25 22 CONDITIONING, the ac...
conduciveness 29 27 the state of being c...
conductorship 33 27 the office of conduc...
conductresses 28 22 CONDUCTRESS, a woman...
condylomatous 32 25 of or like a condylo...
confabulating 30 28 CONFABULATE, to chat...
confabulation 28 26 the fabrication of p...
confabulators 29 25 CONFABULATOR, one wh...
confabulatory 35 27 relating to confabul...
confarreation 24 21 a Roman patrician mo...
confectionary 34 26 a place where sweets...
confectioners 28 24 CONFECTIONER, a manu...
confectionery 34 26 the confectioner's a...
confederacies 28 24 CONFEDERACY, a leagu...
confederating 26 24 CONFEDERATE, to unit...
confederation 24 22 an act of confederat...
confederative 27 25 of or like a confede...
conferenciers 28 24 CONFERENCIER, (Frenc...
conferencings 29 27 CONFERENCING, the pr...
confessionals 26 22 CONFESSIONAL, the pr...
confessionary 31 23 a confession [n CONF...
confessorship 31 25 the office of confes...
confidingness 27 25 CONFIDING [n]
configurating 29 26 CONFIGURATE, to shap...
configuration 27 24 external figure, sha...
configurative 30 27 relating to configur...
configurators 28 23 CONFIGURATOR, an ite...
confirmations 27 24 CONFIRMATION, the ac...
confirmedness 27 25 the state of being c...
confiscatable 32 27 capable of being con...
confiscations 29 24 CONFISCATION, the ac...
conflagrating 29 26 CONFLAGRATE, to burn...
conflagration 27 24 a large fire [n -S]
conflagrative 30 27 of or like a conflag...
conflictingly 40 30 CONFLICTING [adv]
conformations 26 24 CONFORMATION, the ma...
confoundingly 34 29 CONFOUNDING [adv]
confraternity 32 23 a society devoted es...
confrontation 24 22 the act of confronti...
confrontments 26 25 CONFRONTMENT, (archa...
confusability 37 27 the quality of being...
congenialness 24 22 the state of being c...
conglobations 27 24 CONGLOBATION, the ac...
conglobulated 29 26 CONGLOBULATE, to for...
conglobulates 29 25 CONGLOBULATE, to for...
conglomerated 26 24 CONGLOMERATE, to gat...
conglomerates 26 23 CONGLOMERATE [n]
conglomeratic 30 26 relating to conglome...
conglomerator 26 23 one who conglomerate...
conglutinated 26 23 CONGLUTINATE, to glu...
conglutinates 26 22 CONGLUTINATE, to glu...
conglutinator 26 22 an agent that conglu...
congratulable 29 25 worthy of congratula...
congratulants 26 22 CONGRATULANT, a cong...
congratulated 26 22 CONGRATULATE, to exp...
congratulates 26 21 CONGRATULATE, to exp...
congratulator 26 21 one who congratulate...
congregations 25 22 CONGREGATION, an org...
congressional 25 21 relating to congress...
congresswoman 28 26 a woman who is a mem...
congresswomen 28 26 CONGRESSWOMAN, a wom...
congruousness 25 22 CONGRUOUS, harmoniou...
conidiophores 28 23 CONIDIOPHORE, a hyph...
conidiospores 26 21 CONIDIOSPORE, a coni...
conjecturable 32 34 susceptible to conje...
conjecturably 39 36 CONJECTURABLE, susce...
conjecturally 38 34 CONJECTURAL, of the...
conjugalities 29 30 CONJUGALITY, the sta...
conjugateness 26 30 CONJUGATE, joined, c...
conjugational 27 31 conjugate [adj CONJU...
conjunctional 29 33 relating to conjunct...
conjunctively 39 38 CONJUNCTIVE, joining...
connascencies 28 25 CONNASCENCY, the sta...
connatenesses 21 19 CONNATENESS, the sta...
connaturalise 24 20 to make of the same...
connaturality 31 22 the state of being c...
connaturalize 27 29 to make of the same...
connectedness 25 23 CONNECTED [n]
connectionism 27 25 the theory that conn...
connotational 22 20 relating to connotat...
connotatively 32 25 CONNOTATIVE, signify...
connubialisms 29 26 CONNUBIALISM, the st...
connumerating 25 25 CONNUMERATE, to coun...
connumeration 23 23 the act of connumera...
conquistadors 33 28 CONQUISTADOR, a conq...
consanguinity 31 24 relationship by bloo...
conscientious 27 22 governed by or confo...
conscientised 27 22 CONSCIENTISE, to mak...
conscientises 27 21 CONSCIENTISE, to mak...
conscientized 30 31 CONSCIENTIZE, to mak...
conscientizes 30 30 CONSCIENTIZE, to mak...
consciousness 27 22 the state of being c...
conscriptions 30 24 CONSCRIPTION, compul...
consecrations 26 21 CONSECRATION, the ac...
consectaneous 25 22 following by logical...
consecutively 37 28 CONSECUTIVE, followi...
consenescence 27 25 a state of general d...
consenescency 34 27 a state of general d...
consentaneity 28 21 the quality of being...
consentaneous 21 20 accordant or agreeab...
consentiences 25 22 CONSENTIENCE, agreem...
consequencing 35 34 CONSEQUENCE, (archai...
consequential 32 29 of the nature of a s...
conservancies 28 25 CONSERVANCY, a board...
conservations 25 22 CONSERVATION, a care...
conservatised 26 22 CONSERVATISE, to gro...
conservatises 26 21 CONSERVATISE, to gro...
conservatisms 28 24 CONSERVATISM, the pr...
conservatives 28 25 CONSERVATIVE, an adh...
conservatized 29 31 CONSERVATIZE, to gro...
conservatizes 29 30 CONSERVATIZE, to gro...
conservatoire 25 21 a public place of in...
conservatoria 25 21 CONSERVATORIUM, (Lat...
considerables 27 22 CONSIDERABLE, someth...
considerances 26 22 CONSIDERANCE, (archa...
considerately 31 21 CONSIDERATE, marked...
consideration 23 19 continuous and caref...
considerative 26 22 thoughtful; prudent;...
consideringly 33 24 with consideration [...
consignations 24 21 CONSIGNATION, the ac...
consignifying 35 28 CONSIGNIFY, to signi...
consimilarity 34 23 the quality of being...
consimilities 28 21 CONSIMILITY, the sta...
consimilitude 28 23 likeness [n -S]
consistencies 27 21 CONSISTENCY, firmnes...
consociations 26 21 CONSOCIATION, associ...
consolatories 24 18 CONSOLATORY, (Milton...
consolatrices 28 21 CONSOLATRIX, a woman...
consolatrixes 31 25 CONSOLATRIX, a woman...
consolidating 26 22 CONSOLIDATE, to join...
consolidation 24 20 the act of consolida...
consolidative 27 23 serving to consolida...
consolidators 25 19 CONSOLIDATOR, one wh...
consonantally 30 23 CONSONANTAL, relatin...
conspicuities 31 24 CONSPICUITY, the sta...
conspicuously 38 28 CONSPICUOUS, obvious...
conspirations 26 21 CONSPIRATION, the ac...
conspiratress 27 20 a female conspirator...
conspurcation 29 25 (obsolete) defilemen...
constableship 32 26 the office of consta...
constablewick 35 31 (historical) the dis...
constatations 23 18 CONSTATATION, a stat...
constellating 27 22 CONSTELLATE, to clus...
constellation 25 20 the configuration of...
constellatory 32 21 of or like a constel...
consternating 24 21 CONSTERNATE, to fill...
consternation 22 19 amazement or dismay...
constipations 26 21 CONSTIPATION, abnorm...
constituently 32 22 CONSTITUENT, forming...
constitutions 25 19 CONSTITUTION, an est...
constrainable 26 22 able to be constrain...
constrainedly 31 22 CONSTRAINED [adv]
constrictions 28 21 CONSTRICTION, an act...
constringence 27 24 the inverse of the d...
constringency 34 26 the inverse of the d...
constructable 31 25 capable of being con...
constructible 32 25 capable of being con...
constructions 28 22 CONSTRUCTION, the ac...
constructures 29 22 CONSTRUCTURE, a cons...
constuprating 28 24 CONSTUPRATE, (obsole...
constupration 26 22 the act of constupra...
consubsisting 29 24 CONSUBSIST, to subsi...
consultancies 28 23 CONSULTANCY, an agen...
consultations 25 20 CONSULTATION, the ac...
consumeristic 30 24 relating to consumer...
consumerships 31 26 CONSUMERSHIP, the st...
consummations 26 25 CONSUMMATION, the ac...
consumptively 38 31 CONSUMPTIVE, tending...
consumptivity 38 30 the state of being c...
contabescence 30 27 the state of being c...
contagionists 25 20 CONTAGIONIST, (obsol...
containerised 23 19 CONTAINERISE, to shi...
containerises 23 18 CONTAINERISE, to shi...
containerized 26 28 CONTAINERIZE, to shi...
containerizes 26 27 CONTAINERIZE, to shi...
containerless 24 19 CONTAINER [n]
containerport 25 21 a shipping port spec...
containership 28 23 a ship specially des...
contaminating 25 24 CONTAMINATE, to poll...
contamination 23 22 a process of contami...
contaminative 26 25 tending to contamina...
contaminators 24 21 CONTAMINATOR, one wh...
contemplating 29 27 CONTEMPLATE, to view...
contemplation 27 25 concentration on spi...
contemplatist 29 24 one who believes in...
contemplative 30 28 related to contempla...
contemplators 28 24 CONTEMPLATOR, one wh...
contemporised 27 24 CONTEMPORISE, to mak...
contemporises 27 23 CONTEMPORISE, to mak...
contemporized 30 33 CONTEMPORIZE, to mak...
contemporizes 30 32 CONTEMPORIZE, to mak...
contentations 22 19 CONTENTATION, (obsol...
contentedness 22 20 CONTENTED [n]
contentiously 31 22 CONTENTIOUS, likely...
conterminally 33 25 CONTERMINAL, adjacen...
contestations 23 18 CONTESTATION, contro...
contextualise 31 26 to put into a contex...
contextualize 34 35 to place in a contex...
contignations 24 21 CONTIGNATION, (archa...
continentally 31 23 CONTINENTAL, relatin...
contingencies 27 24 CONTINGENCY, an even...
continualness 24 21 CONTINUAL, constantl...
continuations 23 20 CONTINUATION, the ac...
continuatives 26 23 CONTINUATIVE, a cont...
continuedness 23 21 CONTINUED [n]
contortedness 23 19 CONTORTED [n]
contortionate 22 18 relating to contorti...
contortionism 25 21 the art of the conto...
contortionist 24 18 one who contorts [n...
contrabandism 27 25 trading in contraban...
contrabandist 26 22 a smuggler [n -S]
contrabassist 27 20 one who plays a cont...
contrabassoon 24 21 a musical instrument...
contrabbassos 28 23 CONTRABBASSO, (Itali...
contraception 28 24 deliberate preventio...
contraceptive 31 27 something intended t...
contractility 36 23 the quality of being...
contractional 27 22 relating to contract...
contractively 37 27 CONTRACTIVE, tending...
contractually 36 25 CONTRACTUAL, of, rel...
contradicters 28 21 CONTRADICTER, one wh...
contradicting 29 24 CONTRADICT, to asser...
contradiction 27 22 an act or an instanc...
contradictive 30 25 contradicting or ten...
contradictors 28 21 CONTRADICTOR, one wh...
contradictory 34 23 serving to contradic...
contrafagotti 27 22 CONTRAFAGOTTO, (Ital...
contrafagotto 26 22 (Italian) a musical...
contragestion 24 20 a form of birth cont...
contragestive 27 23 relating to contrage...
contralateral 25 19 occurring on or acti...
contraoctaves 28 24 CONTRAOCTAVE, the mu...
contrappostos 28 23 CONTRAPPOSTO, a pose...
contrapuntist 27 22 one who writes count...
contrarieties 24 17 CONTRARIETY, the sta...
contrariously 32 21 CONTRARIOUS, (archai...
contrasexuals 31 26 CONTRASEXUAL, one wh...
contrastively 34 24 CONTRASTIVE, forming...
contraterrene 22 18 opposite in characte...
contravention 24 23 the act of contraven...
contributable 30 25 able to be contribut...
contributions 27 22 CONTRIBUTION, the ac...
contristation 24 18 the act of contristi...
contriturated 25 19 CONTRITURATE, to pul...
contriturates 25 18 CONTRITURATE, to pul...
contrivements 27 25 CONTRIVEMENT, the ac...
controversial 27 22 of, relating to, or...
controversies 26 21 CONTROVERSY, the act...
controverters 26 21 CONTROVERTER, one wh...
controverting 27 24 CONTROVERT, to oppos...
controvertist 27 21 one who engages in c...
contumacities 29 24 CONTUMACITY, stubbor...
convalescence 31 29 recovery from illnes...
convalescency 38 31 recovery from illnes...
convalescents 29 26 CONVALESCENT, one wh...
convenerships 30 27 CONVENERSHIP, the of...
conveniencies 27 26 CONVENIENCY, fitness...
convenorships 30 27 CONVENORSHIP, the of...
conventiclers 30 26 CONVENTICLER, a memb...
conventicling 31 29 CONVENTICLE, to hold...
conventionals 25 24 CONVENTIONAL, in bri...
conventionary 30 25 acting under contrac...
conventioneer 23 23 a person attending a...
conventioners 24 23 CONVENTIONER, a pers...
conventionist 25 23 one who attends a co...
convergencies 29 27 CONVERGENCY, the sta...
conversancies 28 25 CONVERSANCY, the sta...
conversations 25 22 CONVERSATION, commun...
conversazione 27 31 (Italian) a meeting...
conversazioni 28 31 CONVERSAZIONE, (Ital...
conversionary 31 24 relating to conversi...
convertaplane 27 26 an aircraft that can...
convertiplane 28 26 an aircraft that can...
convertoplane 27 26 an aircraft that can...
conveyancings 35 30 CONVEYANCING, the ac...
conveyorising 33 26 CONVEYORISE, to equi...
conveyorizing 36 35 CONVEYORIZE, to equi...
convicinities 30 25 CONVICINITY, a neigh...
convincements 29 29 CONVINCEMENT, (obsol...
convivialists 31 26 CONVIVIALIST, one wh...
convocational 28 26 relating to convocat...
convolutional 27 25 of or like convoluti...
convolvuluses 31 29 CONVOLVULUS, (Latin)...
convulsionary 33 26 a person who has con...
convulsionist 28 24 a religious convulsi...
coolingnesses 25 21 COOLINGNESS, the sta...
cooperatively 35 26 COOPERATIVE, working...
cooperativity 35 25 the state of being c...
coordinations 23 19 COORDINATION, the ac...
coparcenaries 28 23 COPARCENARY, joint h...
coparceneries 28 23 COPARCENERY, joint h...
copartnership 31 25 the state of being a...
copiousnesses 26 21 COPIOUSNESS, the sta...
coplanarities 27 21 COPLANARITY, the sta...
copolymerised 35 26 COPOLYMERISE, to mak...
copolymerises 35 25 COPOLYMERISE, to mak...
copolymerized 38 35 COPOLYMERIZE, to mak...
copolymerizes 38 34 COPOLYMERIZE, to mak...
coprocessings 31 25 COPROCESSING, the ac...
coproductions 30 25 COPRODUCTION, a join...
coprophagists 33 26 COPROPHAGIST, an eat...
coprophiliacs 36 28 COPROPHILIAC, one su...
coproprietors 29 22 COPROPRIETOR, a join...
copyrightable 40 29 that can be copyrigh...
coralliferous 29 22 bearing coral [adj]
coralligenous 27 22 producing coral [adj...
cordialnesses 25 19 CORDIALNESS, the sta...
cordocenteses 26 21 CORDOCENTESIS, the r...
cordocentesis 27 21 the removal of a sam...
cordwaineries 27 21 CORDWAINERY, (archai...
coreferential 26 21 of more than one lin...
coreligionist 27 20 a person of the same...
coresearchers 29 21 CORESEARCHER, a join...
coresidential 25 19 sharing a residence...
corespondents 25 22 CORESPONDENT, a pers...
corinthianise 26 20 (archaic) to be lice...
corinthianize 29 29 (archaic) to be lice...
cornification 29 24 conversion into horn...
corollifloral 31 23 belonging to the Cor...
coronaviruses 26 22 CORONAVIRUS, a kind...
corporalities 28 20 CORPORALITY, the sta...
corporalships 33 25 CORPORALSHIP, the of...
corporateness 25 20 CORPORATE, legally u...
corporatising 28 22 CORPORATISE, to make...
corporativism 31 26 the policy of contro...
corporatizing 31 31 CORPORATIZE, to make...
corporealised 27 21 CORPOREALISE, to mak...
corporealises 27 20 CORPOREALISE, to mak...
corporealisms 29 23 CORPOREALISM, materi...
corporealists 28 20 CORPOREALIST, a beli...
corporealized 30 30 CORPOREALIZE, to mak...
corporealizes 30 29 CORPOREALIZE, to mak...
corporealness 26 21 the state of being c...
correctioners 27 20 CORRECTIONER, (Shake...
correctitudes 29 21 CORRECTITUDE, correc...
correctnesses 27 20 CORRECTNESS, the sta...
correlational 25 19 relating to correlat...
correlatively 35 24 CORRELATIVE, mutuall...
correlativity 35 23 the quality of being...
correspondent 25 22 corresponding [adj C...
corresponding 27 24 similar, comparable...
corresponsive 28 24 mutually responsive...
corrigibility 38 24 the quality of being...
corrivalships 34 26 CORRIVALSHIP, the st...
corroborating 27 22 CORROBORATE, to supp...
corroboration 25 20 corroboration [n -S]
corroborative 28 23 serving to corrobora...
corroborators 26 19 CORROBORATOR, one wh...
corroboratory 32 21 serving to corrobora...
corroboreeing 26 22 CORROBOREE, (Native...
corrodibility 36 23 the quality of being...
corrosibility 36 22 the quality of being...
corrosiveness 26 21 CORROSIVE, having th...
corruptionist 28 21 one who practices or...
corruptnesses 27 21 CORRUPTNESS, the sta...
corticotropic 34 25 stimulating the adre...
corticotropin 30 23 a hormone that stimu...
cosignatories 25 19 COSIGNATORY, a joint...
cosmeceutical 33 27 a product which over...
cosmeticising 31 25 COSMETICISE, to make...
cosmeticizing 34 34 COSMETICIZE, to make...
cosmeticology 37 27 the science of cosme...
cosmetologies 27 22 COSMETOLOGY, the stu...
cosmetologist 28 22 a person who gives b...
cosmochemical 36 31 relating to cosmoche...
cosmochemists 33 27 COSMOCHEMIST, one wh...
cosmographers 31 26 COSMOGRAPHER, a stud...
cosmographies 31 26 COSMOGRAPHY, a gener...
cosmographist 32 26 a practitioner of co...
cosmopolitans 28 24 COSMOPOLITAN, a citi...
cosmopolitics 33 26 COSMOPOLITIC [n]
cosmopolitism 31 26 the state of being c...
cosmothetical 32 25 assuming an external...
cosponsorship 31 25 the state of being a...
costardmonger 26 23 a hawker of fruits,...
costermongers 26 22 COSTERMONGER, a hawk...
costivenesses 26 21 COSTIVENESS, constip...
cosurfactants 30 24 COSURFACTANT, someth...
coterminously 33 24 COTERMINOUS, having...
cotransducing 29 25 COTRANSDUCE, to tran...
cotransported 26 21 COTRANSPORT, to tran...
couchsurfings 35 29 COUCHSURFING, the pr...
coulombmeters 30 27 COULOMBMETER, an ins...
councilorship 34 27 (US) the office of c...
counselorship 30 24 (US) the office of c...
countenancers 25 23 COUNTENANCER, one wh...
countenancing 26 26 COUNTENANCE, to appr...
counteracting 28 24 COUNTERACT, to act c...
counteraction 26 22 an opposing action [...
counteractive 29 25 serving to counterac...
counteragents 24 21 COUNTERAGENT, anythi...
counterargued 25 22 COUNTERARGUE, to arg...
counterargues 25 21 COUNTERARGUE, to arg...
counterattack 28 25 to attack in respons...
counterbidder 27 23 one who makes a coun...
counterblasts 28 22 COUNTERBLAST, a defi...
counterbluffs 33 29 COUNTERBLUFF, action...
counterboring 27 24 COUNTERBORE, to form...
counterbraced 29 25 COUNTERBRACE, to bra...
counterbraces 29 24 COUNTERBRACE, to bra...
counterbuffed 31 29 COUNTERBUFF, to rebu...
counterchange 29 26 to interchange, tran...
countercharge 30 25 to bring a charge fo...
countercharms 31 26 COUNTERCHARM, to des...
counterchecks 34 30 COUNTERCHECK, to che...
counterclaims 30 25 COUNTERCLAIM, to ent...
counterdemand 24 24 a demand made in res...
countereffort 28 24 an effort opposing a...
counterfeited 26 22 COUNTERFEIT, to imit...
counterfeiter 26 21 one who counterfeits...
counterfeitly 34 24 COUNTERFEIT, imitati...
counterforces 29 24 COUNTERFORCE, an opp...
counterimages 26 23 COUNTERIMAGE, a corr...
counterlights 30 23 COUNTERLIGHT, a ligh...
countermanded 24 24 COUNTERMAND, to revo...
countermelody 32 25 a secondary melody t...
countermining 26 25 COUNTERMINE, to make...
countermotion 24 22 an opposite motion [...
countermoving 28 28 COUNTERMOVE, to make...
countermuring 27 25 COUNTERMURE, to defe...
counteroffers 28 24 COUNTEROFFER, a retu...
counterorders 24 19 COUNTERORDER [n]
counterpeised 26 22 COUNTERPEISE, (obsol...
counterpeises 26 21 COUNTERPEISE, (obsol...
counterpicket 31 28 to picket in opposit...
counterplayed 33 25 COUNTERPLAY, to make...
counterplayer 33 24 one who makes a coun...
counterpleads 27 23 COUNTERPLEAD, to ple...
counterpoints 26 22 COUNTERPOINT, to com...
counterpoised 26 22 COUNTERPOISE, to poi...
counterpoises 26 21 COUNTERPOISE, to poi...
counterposing 27 24 COUNTERPOSE, to plac...
counterpowers 29 24 COUNTERPOWER, a powe...
counterproofs 28 24 COUNTERPROOF, an inv...
counterraided 24 20 COUNTERRAID, to make...
counterreform 27 24 to make a reform des...
counterscarps 30 24 COUNTERSCARP, a narr...
countersealed 24 20 COUNTERSEAL, (Shakes...
countershafts 29 23 COUNTERSHAFT, an int...
countersigned 25 22 COUNTERSIGN, to sign...
countersniper 26 22 a sniper working aga...
counterspells 29 23 COUNTERSPELL, a spel...
counterspying 34 26 the activity of a co...
counterstains 24 19 COUNTERSTAIN, to app...
counterstated 24 19 COUNTERSTATE, to sta...
counterstates 24 18 COUNTERSTATE, to sta...
counterstream 25 21 a stream running cou...
counterstrike 26 22 to counter with an o...
counterstroke 25 22 a stroke in return [...
counterstruck 30 26 COUNTERSTRIKE, to co...
counterstyles 32 21 COUNTERSTYLE, an opp...
countertactic 31 24 an opposing tactic [...
countertenors 23 19 COUNTERTENOR, the hi...
counterterror 24 18 terror designed to c...
counterthreat 26 20 a threat made in res...
counterthrust 28 21 a thrust to counter...
countertraded 24 20 COUNTERTRADE, to tra...
countertrades 24 19 COUNTERTRADE [n]
countertrends 24 20 COUNTERTREND, an opp...
countervailed 27 24 COUNTERVAIL, to coun...
counterweighs 31 25 COUNTERWEIGH, to wei...
counterweight 31 25 to balance with an e...
counterworked 28 26 COUNTERWORK, to work...
counterworker 28 25 one who does counter...
counterworlds 29 23 COUNTERWORLD, a worl...
countinghouse 27 24 a building, room, or...
courteousness 24 19 the state of being c...
courtlinesses 26 19 COURTLINESS, the sta...
covermounting 28 28 COVERMOUNT, to attac...
coxcombically 49 39 COXCOMBICAL, foppish...
crabbednesses 28 24 CRABBEDNESS, the sta...
craftmanships 33 28 CRAFTMANSHIP, the at...
craftsmanlike 30 28 like a craftsman [ad...
craftsmanship 33 28 the skills of crafts...
craftspersons 29 23 CRAFTSPERSON, a craf...
craggednesses 26 22 CRAGGEDNESS, the sta...
craniectomies 28 23 CRANIECTOMY, surgica...
craniognomies 25 23 CRANIOGNOMY, cranial...
craniological 30 24 relating to craniolo...
craniologists 27 20 CRANIOLOGIST, a prac...
craniometries 25 20 CRANIOMETRY, a scien...
craniometrist 26 20 one who practises cr...
cranioscopies 29 23 CRANIOSCOPY, phrenol...
cranioscopist 30 23 a phrenologist [n -S...
crapehangings 30 27 CRAPEHANGING, pessim...
crapulosities 29 21 CRAPULOSITY, the sta...
crapulousness 28 23 CRAPULOUS, suffering...
crassulaceous 29 22 belonging to the Cra...
creationistic 28 20 relating to creation...
creaturehoods 26 20 CREATUREHOOD, the st...
creatureships 30 22 CREATURESHIP, the st...
credentialing 26 22 the act of providing...
credentialism 27 22 undue emphasis on cr...
credentialled 26 21 CREDENTIAL, to give...
credibilities 30 21 CREDIBILITY, the pow...
creditability 36 23 the quality of being...
credulousness 26 21 the state of being c...
cremationisms 27 23 CREMATIONISM, the po...
cremationists 26 20 CREMATIONIST, a beli...
crenellations 25 20 CRENELLATION, a batt...
creolisations 25 18 CREOLISATION, the de...
creolizations 28 27 CREOLIZATION, the de...
crepehangings 30 27 CREPEHANGING, pessim...
crestfallenly 36 25 CRESTFALLEN, dispiri...
criminalising 29 24 CRIMINALISE, to make...
criminalities 28 21 CRIMINALITY, the sta...
criminalizing 32 33 CRIMINALIZE, to make...
criminologies 28 23 CRIMINOLOGY, study o...
criminologist 29 23 one who studies crim...
criminousness 26 22 CRIMINOUS, criminal,...
crimsonnesses 25 21 CRIMSONNESS, the sta...
crinicultural 32 24 relating to the cult...
crisscrossing 31 22 CRISSCROSS, to mark...
cristobalites 29 20 CRISTOBALITE, a vari...
crithomancies 31 25 CRITHOMANCY, divinat...
criticalities 31 20 CRITICALITY, the sta...
criticisingly 39 25 CRITICISING [adv]
criticizingly 42 34 CRITICIZING [adv]
crookednesses 24 22 CROOKEDNESS, the sta...
crossbandings 28 24 CROSSBANDING, a vene...
crossbarrings 29 22 CROSSBARRING, the ac...
crossbenchers 32 25 CROSSBENCHER [n]
crossbreeding 28 23 hybridization [n -S]
crosschecking 36 31 CROSSCHECK, to test...
crosscurrents 29 21 CROSSCURRENT, a curr...
crosscuttings 31 23 CROSSCUTTING [n]
crosshatching 34 26 shading with interse...
crotchetiness 30 22 the state of being c...
crowdednesses 27 22 CROWDEDNESS, the sta...
crowdfundings 32 29 CROWDFUNDING, the pr...
crowdsourcing 33 27 the act of outsourci...
cruiserweight 33 24 a weight division in...
crumblinesses 30 25 CRUMBLINESS, the sta...
crunchinesses 30 24 CRUNCHINESS, the sta...
cryobiologies 35 24 CRYOBIOLOGY, the stu...
cryobiologist 36 24 one who studies cryo...
cryogenically 43 28 CRYOGENIC, of or lik...
cryoglobulins 37 27 CRYOGLOBULIN, an imm...
cryoplanktons 34 28 CRYOPLANKTON, minute...
cryopreserved 35 26 CRYOPRESERVE, to pre...
cryopreserves 35 25 CRYOPRESERVE, to pre...
cryosurgeries 33 21 CRYOSURGERY, surgery...
cryotherapies 35 23 CRYOTHERAPY, medical...
cryptanalyses 40 25 CRYPTANALYSIS, the d...
cryptanalysis 41 25 the decipherment of...
cryptanalysts 41 25 CRYPTANALYST, one wh...
cryptanalytic 44 28 relating to cryptana...
cryptesthesia 36 23 supranormal percepti...
cryptesthetic 40 26 of or relating to cr...
cryptoclastic 42 28 of minerals and rock...
cryptogamists 37 26 CRYPTOGAMIST, one wh...
cryptographer 39 28 a specialist in cryp...
cryptographic 43 31 of, relating to, or...
cryptological 40 28 relating to cryptolo...
cryptologists 37 24 CRYPTOLOGIST, a stud...
cryptomnesias 34 25 CRYPTOMNESIA, latent...
cryptorchisms 42 29 CRYPTORCHISM, a medi...
cryptozoology 44 35 the study of and sea...
crystalisable 36 23 able to be crystalis...
crystalizable 39 32 able to be crystalis...
crystallinity 41 23 the quality of being...
crystallisers 35 20 CRYSTALLISER, an age...
crystallising 36 23 CRYSTALLISE, to form...
crystallizers 38 29 CRYSTALLIZER, an age...
crystallizing 39 32 CRYSTALLIZE, to form...
crystalloidal 35 22 of or like a crystal...
cubicalnesses 31 25 CUBICALNESS, the sta...
cuckooflowers 35 31 CUCKOOFLOWER, a plan...
culpabilities 33 25 CULPABILITY, the sta...
cultishnesses 29 21 CULTISHNESS, the sta...
cultivability 40 28 the quality of being...
cummingtonite 28 27 a mineral of the amp...
cumulostratus 29 23 a type of cloud [n C...
cunnilinguses 27 24 CUNNILINGUS, oral st...
cunningnesses 24 23 CUNNINGNESS, the sta...
cuprammoniums 31 31 CUPRAMMONIUM, a solu...
curablenesses 27 22 CURABLENESS, the abi...
curarisations 25 18 CURARISATION, the pr...
curarizations 28 27 CURARIZATION, the pr...
curiousnesses 25 19 CURIOUSNESS, the sta...
curliewurlies 32 23 CURLIEWURLIE, (Scots...
currentnesses 24 19 CURRENTNESS, the sta...
currishnesses 28 20 CURRISHNESS, the sta...
cursivenesses 27 22 CURSIVENESS, the sta...
cursorinesses 25 18 CURSORINESS, the sta...
curvilineally 37 27 CURVILINEAL, bounded...
curvilinearly 36 26 CURVILINEAR, bounded...
custodianship 30 24 the office of custod...
customariness 26 21 the state of being c...
customisation 26 21 the process of custo...
customization 29 30 the process of custo...
customshouses 29 23 CUSTOMSHOUSE, an off...
cutinisations 25 19 CUTINISATION, the fo...
cutinizations 28 28 CUTINIZATION, the fo...
cyanoacrylate 39 25 any of several liqui...
cyanobacteria 34 25 CYANOBACTERIUM, a bl...
cyanoethylate 38 24 to introduce a cyano...
cyanogenamide 30 26 the amide of cyanoge...
cyberathletes 36 24 CYBERATHLETE, a prof...
cyberbullying 46 32 bullying via the med...
cyberchondria 38 28 unfounded anxiety co...
cybercriminal 39 29 one who commits cybe...
cybernetician 35 26 a specialist in cybe...
cyberneticist 37 25 a student of cyberne...
cybersecurity 44 27 the state of being s...
cybersquatter 42 31 one who engages in c...
cyberstalkers 36 26 CYBERSTALKER, one wh...
cyberstalking 37 29 the practice of usin...
cyclandelates 35 25 CYCLANDELATE, a drug...
cyclicalities 41 26 CYCLICALITY, the sta...
cycloaddition 35 25 a chemical reaction...
cyclodextrins 42 31 CYCLODEXTRIN, any of...
cyclodialyses 43 26 CYCLODIALYSIS, an op...
cyclodialysis 44 26 an operation to redu...
cyclohexanone 40 33 a liquid ketone used...
cycloheximide 45 35 an agricultural fung...
cycloolefinic 41 30 of or like a cyclool...
cyclopaedists 38 26 CYCLOPAEDIST, one wh...
cycloparaffin 41 32 a saturated hydrocar...
cyclopentanes 35 27 CYCLOPENTANE, a colo...
cyclopropanes 38 29 CYCLOPROPANE, a flam...
cyclospermous 39 29 with the embryo bent...
cyclosporines 37 26 CYCLOSPORINE, an imm...
cyclothymiacs 49 32 CYCLOTHYMIAC, one su...
cylindraceous 35 25 somewhat cylindrical...
cylindrically 45 28 CYLINDRICAL, shaped...
cynicalnesses 34 24 CYNICALNESS, the sta...
cysticercoids 39 25 CYSTICERCOID, a tape...
cysticercoses 38 24 CYSTICERCOSIS, infes...
cysticercosis 39 24 infestation with or...
cystographies 37 25 CYSTOGRAPHY, radiogr...
cytochalasins 37 25 CYTOCHALASIN, any of...
cytochemistry 45 28 microscopic biochemi...
cytodiagnoses 31 22 CYTODIAGNOSIS, medic...
cytodiagnosis 32 22 medical diagnosis fo...
cytogenetical 35 25 relating to cytogene...
cytologically 45 28 CYTOLOGICAL, relatin...
cytomembranes 34 28 CYTOMEMBRANE, one of...
cytopathology 43 28 the study of cells i...
cytoskeletons 32 24 CYTOSKELETON, the ne...
cytotaxonomic 40 32 relating to cytotaxo...