15 letter words that start with C

15 letter words that start with C

15 letter C word


Words With Friends®


calculabilities 38 28 CALCULABILITY, the a...
calendarisation 27 22 the process of calen...
calendarization 30 31 the process of calen...
calorifications 34 26 CALORIFICATION, the...
canisterisation 27 20 the process of canis...
canisterization 30 29 the process of canis...
cannibalisation 29 25 the act of cannibali...
cannibalization 32 34 the act of cannibali...
canthaxanthines 36 32 CANTHAXANTHINE, a na...
capaciousnesses 32 26 CAPACIOUSNESS, the s...
capitalisations 31 23 CAPITALISATION, the...
capitalizations 34 32 CAPITALIZATION, the...
caprifoliaceous 36 29 of or pertaining to...
caramelisations 29 23 CARAMELISATION, the...
caramelizations 32 32 CARAMELIZATION, the...
carcinogenicity 41 30 the state of being c...
carcinosarcomas 34 28 CARCINOSARCOMA, a ki...
cardiographical 38 30 relating to cardiogr...
cardiopulmonary 38 30 of or relating to th...
carnivorousness 29 25 the state of being c...
carpetbaggeries 34 28 CARPETBAGGERY, the a...
carpometacarpus 36 31 in birds, a bone of...
castanospermine 29 26 an alkaloid obtained...
castrametations 28 22 CASTRAMETATION, the...
cataclysmically 52 34 CATACLYSMIC, relatin...
catallactically 45 30 CATALLACTIC, pertain...
catechistically 46 30 CATECHISTICAL, relat...
catechumenships 39 33 CATECHUMENSHIP, the...
categoricalness 32 25 the state of being c...
categorisations 28 21 CATEGORISATION, the...
categorizations 31 30 CATEGORIZATION, the...
catheterisation 29 21 the process of cathe...
catheterization 32 30 the use of or introd...
cathodographers 35 28 CATHODOGRAPHER, one...
cathodographies 35 28 CATHODOGRAPHY, the t...
catholicisation 34 25 the process of catho...
catholicization 37 34 the process of catho...
causativenesses 29 24 CAUSATIVENESS, CAUSA...
causelessnesses 28 21 CAUSELESSNESS, the s...
ceaselessnesses 27 20 CEASELESSNESS, CEASE...
cenogenetically 38 29 CENOGENETIC, relatin...
censurabilities 32 24 CENSURABILITY, the a...
centenarianisms 27 24 CENTENARIANISM, the...
centralisations 28 21 CENTRALISATION, the...
centralizations 31 30 CENTRALIZATION, the...
centricalnesses 31 24 CENTRICALNESS, CENTR...
centrifugalised 33 27 CENTRIFUGALISE, to s...
centrifugalises 33 26 CENTRIFUGALISE, to s...
centrifugalized 36 36 CENTRIFUGALIZE, to s...
centrifugalizes 36 35 CENTRIFUGALIZE, to s...
centrifugations 31 26 CENTRIFUGATION, sepa...
centripetalisms 33 26 CENTRIPETALISM, the...
centrosymmetric 40 30 symmetric with respe...
centuplications 34 28 CENTUPLICATION, mult...
cephalochordate 37 30 any of a number of c...
cephalothoraces 37 29 CEPHALOTHORAX, the b...
cephalothoracic 41 32 relating to the ceph...
cephalothoraxes 40 33 CEPHALOTHORAX, the b...
cercopithecoids 39 30 CERCOPITHECOID, any...
cerebrovascular 36 30 of or involving the...
ceremoniousness 27 24 the state of being c...
certificatories 34 24 CERTIFICATORY, a cer...
cervicographies 39 32 CERVICOGRAPHY, the p...
chalcographical 44 35 relating to chalcogr...
chalcographists 41 31 CHALCOGRAPHIST, one...
chamberlainship 39 33 the office of chambe...
chancellorships 40 31 CHANCELLORSHIP, the...
changeabilities 34 27 CHANGEABILITY, the q...
changefulnesses 33 29 CHANGEFULNESS, CHANG...
channelisations 29 24 CHANNELISATION, the...
channelizations 32 33 CHANNELIZATION, the...
chaptalisations 33 25 CHAPTALISATION, the...
chaptalizations 36 34 CHAPTALIZATION, the...
characterisable 36 27 able to be character...
characteristics 38 26 CHARACTERISTIC, a di...
characterizable 39 36 able to be character...
chargeabilities 35 26 CHARGEABILITY, the q...
chartographical 40 31 relating to the draw...
cheerlessnesses 30 22 CHEERLESSNESS, CHEER...
chemautotrophic 39 32 of or like a chemaut...
chemoattractant 33 27 a chemical which pro...
chemoautotrophs 35 29 CHEMOAUTOTROPH, any...
chemoautotrophy 41 31 the production of en...
chemolithotroph 39 31 a bacterium that obt...
chemoprevention 33 32 the use of chemical...
chemopsychiatry 52 35 treatment of mental...
chemoreceptions 35 30 CHEMORECEPTION, the...
chemotactically 46 33 CHEMOTACTIC, exhibit...
chemotaxonomies 36 34 CHEMOTAXONOMY, the c...
chemotaxonomist 37 34 one who practises ch...
chemotherapists 36 28 CHEMOTHERAPIST, one...
chemotropically 45 33 CHEMOTROPIC, exhibit...
chenopodiaceous 33 29 belonging to the goo...
childlessnesses 33 24 CHILDLESSNESS, the s...
childlikenesses 34 28 CHILDLIKENESS, CHILD...
chincherinchees 40 32 CHINCHERINCHEE, a ki...
chlamydomonades 38 32 CHLAMYDOMONAS, a mem...
chloramphenicol 40 34 an antibiotic drug o...
chloritisations 32 22 CHLORITISATION, the...
chloritizations 35 31 CHLORITIZATION, the...
chlorothiazides 37 33 CHLOROTHIAZIDE, a th...
chlorpromazines 37 37 CHLORPROMAZINE, a ph...
chlorpropamides 37 31 CHLORPROPAMIDE, a su...
chlorthalidones 34 26 CHLORTHALIDONE, a di...
cholangiography 43 33 the examination by X...
cholecalciferol 41 32 a natural form of vi...
cholecystectomy 51 34 a surgical operation...
cholecystitises 42 26 CHOLECYSTITIS, infla...
cholecystokinin 41 32 a hormone secreted e...
cholecystostomy 48 31 the surgical formati...
cholesterolemia 32 25 the presence of abno...
cholestyramines 38 27 CHOLESTYRAMINE, a st...
cholinergically 44 31 CHOLINERGIC, acting...
cholinesterases 30 22 CHOLINESTERASE, an e...
chondrichthyans 44 32 CHONDRICHTHYAN, a te...
chondrification 35 29 the process of chond...
chondrocraniums 34 30 CHONDROCRANIUM, the...
chondrophorines 33 28 CHONDROPHORINE, a me...
chondroskeleton 30 28 the cartilaginous pa...
chordamesoderms 32 28 CHORDAMESODERM, the...
chorioallantoic 34 26 of or like a chorioa...
chorioallantois 31 23 a highly vascularize...
choriocarcinoma 36 30 a malignant tumor ty...
chrestomathical 38 29 of or like a chresto...
chromaticnesses 34 27 CHROMATICNESS, the s...
chromatographed 36 31 CHROMATOGRAPH, to do...
chromatographer 36 30 one who uses a chrom...
chromatographic 40 33 relating to chromato...
chromatologists 34 26 CHROMATOLOGIST, a sp...
chromatophorous 35 29 of or like a chromat...
chromatospheres 35 28 CHROMATOSPHERE, a la...
chromotherapies 35 28 CHROMOTHERAPY, colou...
chromoxylograph 50 40 a picture printed in...
chronobiologies 33 27 CHRONOBIOLOGY, the s...
chronobiologist 34 27 a student of chronob...
chronogrammatic 36 32 of or like a chronog...
chronologically 43 31 CHRONOLOGICAL, arran...
chronotherapies 33 26 CHRONOTHERAPY, a tre...
churrigueresque 41 34 of or relating to a...
cinchonisations 32 26 CINCHONISATION, the...
cinchonizations 35 35 CINCHONIZATION, the...
cineangiography 39 31 the recording of the...
cinematographed 33 30 CINEMATOGRAPH, to re...
cinematographer 33 29 a specialist in cine...
cinematographic 37 32 relating to cinemato...
cinemicrography 44 34 cinematographic reco...
circularisation 33 24 the process of circu...
circularization 36 33 the process of circu...
circumambagious 38 34 roundabout in speech...
circumambiences 39 35 CIRCUMAMBIENCE, the...
circumambiently 44 35 CIRCUMAMBIENT, going...
circumambulated 38 34 CIRCUMAMBULATE, to c...
circumambulates 38 33 CIRCUMAMBULATE, to c...
circumambulator 38 33 one who circumambula...
circumferential 36 30 relating to circumfe...
circumferentors 35 29 CIRCUMFERENTOR, a su...
circumforaneous 34 30 wandering about as f...
circumgyrations 41 30 CIRCUMGYRATION, a wh...
circumincession 36 30 the reciprocal exist...
circuminsession 33 27 the reciprocal exist...
circumjacencies 41 41 CIRCUMJACENCY, the s...
circumlocutions 38 31 CIRCUMLOCUTION, an o...
circumnavigable 39 36 able to be circumnav...
circumnavigated 36 33 CIRCUMNAVIGATE, to g...
circumnavigates 36 32 CIRCUMNAVIGATE, to g...
circumnavigator 36 32 one who circumnaviga...
circumnutations 33 28 CIRCUMNUTATION, rota...
circumpositions 36 29 CIRCUMPOSITION, the...
circumscribable 43 35 able to be circumscr...
circumscription 40 32 the act of circumscr...
circumscriptive 43 35 marking the external...
circumspections 39 32 CIRCUMSPECTION, the...
circumspectness 39 32 the state of being c...
circumstantials 35 27 CIRCUMSTANTIAL, belo...
circumstantiate 33 26 to supply with circu...
circumvallating 39 34 CIRCUMVALLATE, to su...
circumvallation 37 32 a surrounding with a...
circumvolutions 37 32 CIRCUMVOLUTION, anyt...
citriculturists 37 24 CITRICULTURIST, one...
civilianisation 31 25 the act of civiliani...
civilianization 34 34 the act of civiliani...
clamorousnesses 29 24 CLAMOROUSNESS, CLAMO...
clandestineness 27 23 the state of being c...
clandestinities 29 22 CLANDESTINITY, the q...
classicalnesses 33 24 CLASSICALNESS, CLASS...
classifications 35 26 CLASSIFICATION, the...
claustrophilias 36 26 CLAUSTROPHILIA, abno...
claustrophobias 36 28 CLAUSTROPHOBIA, fear...
clearheadedness 29 24 CLEARHEADED, having...
cleavablenesses 32 28 CLEAVABLENESS, CLEAV...
cleistogamously 39 28 CLEISTOGAMOUS, relat...
climacterically 46 32 CLIMACTERICAL, relat...
climatographies 36 29 CLIMATOGRAPHY, a des...
cloudlessnesses 30 23 CLOUDLESSNESS, CLOUD...
coagulabilities 34 26 COAGULABILITY, the q...
cochairmanships 39 32 COCHAIRMANSHIP, join...
cockneyfication 42 35 the process of cockn...
cocknifications 37 33 COCKNIFICATION, the...
coconsciousness 33 27 COCONSCIOUS, aware o...
codetermination 27 24 the participation of...
codifiabilities 35 26 CODIFIABILITY, the q...
coeducationally 38 28 COEDUCATIONAL, relat...
coenzymatically 49 40 COENZYMATIC, relatin...
coessentialness 27 21 COESSENTIAL, religio...
coinstantaneity 32 23 the state of being c...
coinstantaneous 25 22 simultaneous; at the...
coinvestigators 31 25 COINVESTIGATOR, a jo...
coldheartedness 30 24 COLDHEARTED, marked...
collaboratively 41 30 COLLABORATIVE, of th...
collateralising 32 24 COLLATERALISE, to ma...
collateralities 31 21 COLLATERALITY, the q...
collateralizing 35 33 COLLATERALIZE, to ma...
collectednesses 32 25 COLLECTEDNESS, the s...
collenchymatous 42 32 relating to collench...
colliquescences 44 37 COLLIQUESCENCE, read...
colloquialities 40 31 COLLOQUIALITY, the q...
colonisationist 28 21 an advocate of colon...
colonizationist 31 30 an advocate of colon...
colorablenesses 30 24 COLORABLENESS, the s...
colorfastnesses 30 23 COLORFASTNESS, COLOR...
colorlessnesses 29 21 COLORLESSNESS, COLOR...
colourabilities 33 24 COLOURABILITY, the q...
colourfulnesses 32 26 COLOURFULNESS, the s...
colouristically 42 27 COLOURISTIC [adv]
colposcopically 48 35 COLPOSCOPICAL, relat...
combativenesses 32 29 COMBATIVENESS, the s...
combinabilities 35 29 COMBINABILITY, the q...
combinatorially 39 29 COMBINATORIAL, of, r...
combustibleness 35 30 the state of being c...
comfortableness 33 29 the state of being c...
comfortlessness 32 26 COMFORTLESS, without...
commandantships 34 32 COMMANDANTSHIP, the...
commemorational 30 29 serving to commemora...
commemoratively 40 34 COMMEMORATIVE, inten...
commendableness 31 31 COMMENDABLE, that ca...
commensurations 29 27 COMMENSURATION, meas...
commercialising 36 31 COMMERCIALISE, to ma...
commercialistic 39 31 relating to commerci...
commercialities 35 28 COMMERCIALITY, the q...
commercializing 39 40 COMMERCIALIZE, to ma...
commiseratingly 39 30 COMMISERATING [adv]
commiseratively 40 31 COMMISERATIVE, showi...
commissaryships 43 31 COMMISSARYSHIP, the...
commissionaires 30 25 COMMISSIONAIRE, a un...
commodification 35 32 the act of commodify...
commonplaceness 34 33 the state of being c...
communalisation 30 28 the process of commu...
communalization 33 37 the process of commu...
communicability 44 35 the state of being c...
communicational 33 31 relating to communic...
communicatively 43 36 COMMUNICATIVE, tendi...
communistically 43 33 COMMUNISTIC, incline...
commutabilities 35 29 COMMUTABILITY, the q...
commutativities 34 29 COMMUTATIVITY, the p...
compactednesses 33 29 COMPACTEDNESS, the s...
comparabilities 35 28 COMPARABILITY, the s...
comparativeness 32 29 COMPARATIVE, of the...
compartmentally 40 32 COMPARTMENTAL, relat...
compassionately 37 28 COMPASSIONATE, sympa...
compassionating 31 28 COMPASSIONATE, to sh...
compatibilities 36 28 COMPATIBILITY, the q...
compendiousness 30 28 the state of being c...
competentnesses 29 26 COMPETENTNESS, COMPE...
competitiveness 33 29 COMPETITIVE, relatin...
complementaries 32 29 COMPLEMENTARY, a com...
complementarily 40 32 COMPLEMENTARY, servi...
complementarity 39 31 the state of being c...
complementation 31 30 the operation of det...
complementisers 33 29 COMPLEMENTISER, a wo...
complementizers 36 38 COMPLEMENTIZER, a wo...
complexednesses 37 34 COMPLEXEDNESS, the s...
compliantnesses 31 27 COMPLIANTNESS, COMPL...
complicatedness 35 30 COMPLICATED [n]
complimentarily 41 32 COMPLIMENTARY, by wa...
compositenesses 30 25 COMPOSITENESS, COMPO...
compositionally 39 29 COMPOSITIONAL, relat...
compotationship 35 30 being a drinking com...
comprehensively 42 34 COMPREHENSIVE, cover...
comprehensivise 35 31 to make comprehensiv...
comprehensivize 38 40 to make comprehensiv...
compressibility 43 30 the state of being c...
comptrollership 39 31 the office of comptr...
computabilities 36 29 COMPUTABILITY, the q...
computationally 39 30 COMPUTATIONAL, relat...
computerisation 31 26 the process of compu...
computerization 34 35 the act of computeri...
computerphobias 38 33 COMPUTERPHOBIA, a mo...
computerphobics 42 36 COMPUTERPHOBIC, some...
comradelinesses 29 24 COMRADELINESS, the s...
conceitednesses 29 24 CONCEITEDNESS, the s...
conceivableness 34 31 CONCEIVABLE, that ca...
concelebrations 32 27 CONCELEBRATION, cele...
concentratively 39 30 CONCENTRATIVE, tendi...
concentricities 34 26 CONCENTRICITY, the q...
conceptualisers 34 27 CONCEPTUALISER, one...
conceptualising 35 30 CONCEPTUALISE, to fo...
conceptualistic 38 30 relating to conceptu...
conceptualities 34 27 CONCEPTUALITY, the q...
conceptualizers 37 36 CONCEPTUALIZER, one...
conceptualizing 38 39 CONCEPTUALIZE, to fo...
concernednesses 28 25 CONCERNEDNESS, CONCE...
concertednesses 29 24 CONCERTEDNESS, CONCE...
concertmeisters 32 25 CONCERTMEISTER, the...
concertmistress 33 25 the first violinist...
concessionaires 29 23 CONCESSIONAIRE, the...
concessionaries 29 23 CONCESSIONARY, one t...
concessionnaire 28 24 the owner or operato...
concretisations 30 23 CONCRETISATION, the...
concretizations 33 32 CONCRETIZATION, the...
condescendences 31 29 CONDESCENDENCE, volu...
condescendingly 38 31 CONDESCENDING [adv]
conducivenesses 32 29 CONDUCIVENESS, the s...
conductiometric 36 30 of or relating to th...
conduplications 34 29 CONDUPLICATION, the...
confectionaries 31 26 CONFECTIONARY, a pla...
confectioneries 31 26 CONFECTIONERY, the c...
confessionalism 31 27 the practice of the...
confessionalist 30 24 one who takes the co...
confessionaries 28 23 CONFESSIONARY, a con...
confidentiality 37 27 the state of being c...
confidingnesses 30 27 CONFIDINGNESS, CONFI...
configurational 31 27 relating to configur...
confirmednesses 30 27 CONFIRMEDNESS, the s...
conformableness 32 30 CONFORMABLE, complia...
confraternities 29 23 CONFRATERNITY, a soc...
confrontational 28 25 relating to confront...
confusabilities 34 27 CONFUSABILITY, the q...
congealableness 30 27 CONGEALABLE, that ca...
congenialnesses 27 24 CONGENIALNESS, the s...
conglobulations 32 28 CONGLOBULATION, the...
conglomerateurs 30 26 CONGLOMERATEUR, a pe...
conglomerations 29 26 CONGLOMERATION, the...
conglutinations 29 25 CONGLUTINATION, the...
congratulations 29 24 CONGRATULATION, the...
congressionally 36 26 CONGRESSIONAL, relat...
congresspersons 30 25 CONGRESSPERSON, a co...
congruousnesses 28 24 CONGRUOUSNESS, CONGR...
conjugatenesses 29 32 CONJUGATENESS, CONJU...
conjugationally 38 36 CONJUGATIONAL, conju...
conjunctionally 40 38 CONJUNCTIONAL, relat...
conjunctiveness 34 38 the state of being c...
connaturalising 29 25 CONNATURALISE, to ma...
connaturalities 28 22 CONNATURALITY, the s...
connaturalizing 32 34 CONNATURALIZE, to ma...
connectednesses 28 25 CONNECTEDNESS, CONNE...
connoisseurship 32 26 the state of being a...
conquerableness 37 34 CONQUERABLE, that ca...
consanguinities 28 24 CONSANGUINITY, relat...
conscientiously 38 27 CONSCIENTIOUS, gover...
conscionability 40 29 the state of being c...
consciousnesses 30 24 CONSCIOUSNESS, the s...
conscriptionist 34 26 one who believes in...
consecratedness 29 24 CONSECRATED [n]
consecutiveness 32 28 the state of being c...
consenescencies 31 27 CONSENESCENCY, a sta...
consentaneities 25 21 CONSENTANEITY, the q...
consentaneously 32 25 CONSENTANEOUS, accor...
consequentially 43 34 CONSEQUENTIAL, of th...
conservationist 29 24 a person who advocat...
conservatoriums 31 27 CONSERVATORIUM, (Lat...
conservatorship 34 28 the office of conser...
considerateness 26 21 CONSIDERATE, marked...
consideratively 37 27 CONSIDERATIVE, thoug...
consimilarities 31 23 CONSIMILARITY, the q...
conspicuousness 33 28 CONSPICUOUS, obvious...
conspiratresses 30 22 CONSPIRATRESS, a fem...
constellational 29 23 of or like a constel...
constitutionals 29 22 CONSTITUTIONAL, a wa...
constitutionist 29 21 a believer in the Co...
constringencies 31 26 CONSTRINGENCY, the i...
constructionism 33 27 the interpretation o...
constructionist 32 24 one who construes a...
constructivisms 37 30 CONSTRUCTIVISM, a no...
constructivists 36 27 CONSTRUCTIVIST, an u...
consubstantiate 29 24 to unite in one comm...
consultantships 34 27 CONSULTANTSHIP, the...
consumptiveness 33 31 the state of being c...
consumptivities 35 30 CONSUMPTIVITY, the s...
containerboards 28 24 CONTAINERBOARD, corr...
contemperations 29 26 CONTEMPERATION, (obs...
contemperatures 30 26 CONTEMPERATURE, the...
contemplatively 41 33 CONTEMPLATIVE, relat...
contemporaneans 27 27 CONTEMPORANEAN, a co...
contemporaneity 35 28 the state of being c...
contemporaneous 28 27 existing, occurring,...
contemptibility 42 31 the state of being c...
contentednesses 25 22 CONTENTEDNESS, CONTE...
contentiousness 26 22 CONTENTIOUS, likely...
contesserations 26 20 CONTESSERATION, a ha...
contestableness 29 24 CONTESTABLE, able to...
contextualising 36 31 CONTEXTUALISE, to pu...
contextualizing 39 40 CONTEXTUALIZE, to pl...
continentalisms 29 25 CONTINENTALISM, anyt...
continentalists 28 22 CONTINENTALIST, one...
continualnesses 27 23 CONTINUALNESS, CONTI...
continuednesses 26 23 CONTINUEDNESS, CONTI...
contortednesses 26 21 CONTORTEDNESS, CONTO...
contortionistic 31 23 relating to contorti...
contraclockwise 39 33 anticlockwise [adv]
contractability 41 28 the quality of being...
contractibility 42 28 the state of being c...
contractilities 33 23 CONTRACTILITY, the q...
contractiveness 32 27 CONTRACTIVE, tending...
contradictively 41 30 CONTRADICTIVE, contr...
contradictories 31 23 CONTRADICTORY, a wor...
contradictorily 39 26 CONTRADICTORY, servi...
contraindicants 30 25 CONTRAINDICANT, some...
contraindicated 30 25 CONTRAINDICATE, to i...
contraindicates 30 24 CONTRAINDICATE, to i...
contrapositions 29 23 CONTRAPOSITION, oppo...
contrapositives 32 26 CONTRAPOSITIVE, an i...
contrapropeller 33 27 one of a pair of pro...
contrapuntalist 31 25 one who uses counter...
contrariousness 27 21 CONTRARIOUS, (archai...
contravallation 30 26 a fortification buil...
controllability 40 27 the state of being c...
controllerships 35 26 CONTROLLERSHIP, the...
controversially 38 27 CONTROVERSIAL, of, r...
convalescencies 35 31 CONVALESCENCY, recov...
conventionalise 28 26 to make conventional...
conventionalism 30 29 the state of being c...
conventionalist 29 26 one who is conventio...
conventionality 35 28 a conventional usage...
conventionalize 31 35 to make conventional...
conversableness 31 28 the state of being c...
conversationism 30 27 a colloquialism [n]
conversationist 29 24 a person who enjoys...
convertibleness 32 28 the state of being c...
conveyorisation 34 26 the process of conve...
conveyorization 37 35 the process of conve...
convocationists 32 27 CONVOCATIONIST, one...
convolvulaceous 36 34 belonging to the gen...
convulsionaries 30 26 CONVULSIONARY, a per...
cooperationists 29 22 COOPERATIONIST, one...
cooperativeness 30 26 COOPERATIVE, working...
cooperativities 32 25 COOPERATIVITY, the s...
corinthianising 31 25 CORINTHIANISE, (arch...
corinthianizing 34 34 CORINTHIANIZE, (arch...
corporatenesses 28 22 CORPORATENESS, CORPO...
corporealnesses 29 23 CORPOREALNESS, the s...
corporification 35 28 the act of corporify...
corpuscularians 35 28 CORPUSCULARIAN, a pe...
correlativeness 30 24 the state of being c...
correlativities 32 23 CORRELATIVITY, the q...
correligionists 31 22 CORRELIGIONIST, a pe...
correspondences 31 27 CORRESPONDENCE, the...
correspondently 36 27 CORRESPONDENT, corre...
correspondingly 38 29 CORRESPONDING, simil...
corrigibilities 35 24 CORRIGIBILITY, the q...
corroboratively 39 28 CORROBORATIVE, servi...
corrodibilities 33 23 CORRODIBILITY, the q...
corrosibilities 33 22 CORROSIBILITY, the q...
corrosivenesses 29 23 CORROSIVENESS, CORRO...
corruptibleness 34 27 CORRUPTIBLE, that ca...
corticosteroids 32 22 CORTICOSTEROID, any...
corticosterones 30 22 CORTICOSTERONE, a co...
corticotrophins 36 27 CORTICOTROPHIN, a ho...
corynebacterial 39 28 relating to coryneba...
corynebacterium 40 31 a bacterium that cau...
cosignificative 37 31 having the same sign...
cosmeticologies 34 27 COSMETICOLOGY, the s...
cosmopolitanism 33 29 the state of being c...
cotransductions 31 25 COTRANSDUCTION, the...
coulometrically 42 30 COULOMETRIC, relatin...
councillorships 39 30 COUNCILLORSHIP, the...
counsellorships 35 27 COUNSELLORSHIP, the...
counteractively 40 30 COUNTERACTIVE, servi...
counterargument 29 27 an opposing argument...
counterassaults 29 22 COUNTERASSAULT, a co...
counterattacked 31 28 COUNTERATTACK, to at...
counterattacker 31 27 COUNTERATTACK, to at...
counterbalanced 32 29 COUNTERBALANCE, to o...
counterbalances 32 28 COUNTERBALANCE, to o...
counterblockade 34 32 an opposing blockade...
countercampaign 34 32 an opposing campaign...
counterchanging 34 31 COUNTERCHANGE, to in...
countercharging 35 30 COUNTERCHARGE, to br...
countercharming 35 31 COUNTERCHARM, to des...
counterchecking 38 35 COUNTERCHECK, to che...
counterclaimant 32 28 one making a counter...
counterclaiming 34 30 COUNTERCLAIM, to ent...
countercultural 34 27 relating to counterc...
countercultures 33 26 COUNTERCULTURE, a cu...
countercurrents 31 25 COUNTERCURRENT, a cu...
countercyclical 46 33 calculated to check...
counterevidence 31 29 evidence brought in...
counterexamples 37 34 COUNTEREXAMPLE, an e...
counterfactuals 34 28 COUNTERFACTUAL, some...
counterfeisance 31 27 an act of counterfei...
counterfeitings 31 26 COUNTERFEITING, the...
counterfesaunce 31 28 (archaic) an act of...
counterguerilla 31 25 a guerrilla fighting...
counterinstance 29 25 an instance adduced...
counterirritant 28 21 an agent applied loc...
countermandable 30 29 able to be counterma...
countermarching 35 31 COUNTERMARCH, to mar...
countermeasures 28 24 COUNTERMEASURE, an a...
countermelodies 29 25 COUNTERMELODY, a sec...
countermovement 30 31 an opposing movement...
counterordering 28 24 COUNTERORDER, to iss...
counterpetition 29 24 an opposing petition...
counterpicketed 34 31 COUNTERPICKET, to pi...
counterplanning 30 29 COUNTERPLAN, to form...
counterpleading 31 28 COUNTERPLEAD, to ple...
counterplotting 32 27 COUNTERPLOT, to intr...
counterpointing 30 27 COUNTERPOINT, to com...
counterpressure 30 24 an opposing pressure...
counterprojects 35 35 COUNTERPROJECT, a pr...
counterproposal 32 27 a return proposal ma...
counterprotests 30 23 COUNTERPROTEST, an o...
counterpunchers 35 30 COUNTERPUNCHER [n]
counterpunching 36 33 COUNTERPUNCH, to ret...
counterquestion 35 31 a question in respon...
counterrallying 37 27 COUNTERRALLY, to ral...
counterreaction 29 24 a reaction in opposi...
counterreformed 30 27 COUNTERREFORM, to ma...
counterreformer 30 26 an instigator of a c...
counterresponse 28 24 an answering respons...
countershadings 31 26 COUNTERSHADING, cryp...
counterstaining 28 24 COUNTERSTAIN, to app...
counterstrategy 35 24 a strategy designed...
counterstricken 32 28 COUNTERSTRIKE, to co...
counterstriking 31 27 COUNTERSTRIKE, to co...
countersubjects 36 36 COUNTERSUBJECT, a se...
countertendency 35 28 a tendency running c...
countervailable 33 29 able to be counterva...
counterviolence 32 29 violence in response...
counterweighing 35 30 COUNTERWEIGH, to wei...
counterweighted 34 28 COUNTERWEIGHT, to ba...
courteousnesses 27 21 COURTEOUSNESS, the s...
craniologically 41 29 CRANIOLOGICAL, relat...
crapulousnesses 31 25 CRAPULOUSNESS, CRAPU...
crashworthiness 36 26 the state of being c...
credentiallings 31 25 CREDENTIALLING, the...
creditabilities 33 23 CREDITABILITY, the q...
credulousnesses 29 23 CREDULOUSNESS, the s...
crestfallenness 31 25 CRESTFALLEN, dispiri...
criminalisation 30 24 the process of crimi...
criminalization 33 33 the act of criminali...
criminousnesses 29 24 CRIMINOUSNESS, CRIMI...
crosslinguistic 36 26 of or relating to la...
crossopterygian 37 26 a member of a subcla...
crotchetinesses 33 24 CROTCHETINESS, the s...
cruciverbalisms 40 33 CRUCIVERBALISM, the...
cruciverbalists 39 30 CRUCIVERBALIST, a de...
cryoprecipitate 42 29 a precipitate, e.g....
cryoprotectants 39 27 CRYOPROTECTANT, a cr...
cryptaesthesias 39 25 CRYPTAESTHESIA, supr...
cryptanalytical 48 31 relating to cryptana...
cryptographical 47 34 of, relating to, or...
cryptographists 44 30 CRYPTOGRAPHIST, one...
cryptorchidisms 46 32 CRYPTORCHIDISM, the...
cryptosporidium 42 31 any of a genus of pr...
cryptozoologies 41 35 CRYPTOZOOLOGY, the s...
cryptozoologist 42 35 one who studies cryp...
crystalisations 36 22 CRYSTALISATION, the...
crystalizations 39 31 CRYSTALIZATION, the...
crystallinities 38 23 CRYSTALLINITY, the q...
crystallisation 37 23 the process of cryst...
crystallization 40 32 the act of crystalli...
crystallography 49 31 a science that deals...
cultivabilities 37 28 CULTIVABILITY, the q...
customarinesses 29 23 CUSTOMARINESS, the s...
cyanoacetylenes 41 28 CYANOACETYLENE, a la...
cyanocobalamine 38 32 vitamin B12, which h...
cyanocobalamins 39 32 CYANOCOBALAMIN, vita...
cyanoethylating 43 29 CYANOETHYLATE, to in...
cyanoethylation 41 27 the act of introduci...
cyberchondriacs 45 33 CYBERCHONDRIAC, one...
cybersecurities 41 27 CYBERSECURITY, the s...
cybersquattings 47 36 CYBERSQUATTING, the...
cyberterrorisms 39 26 CYBERTERRORISM, comp...
cyberterrorists 38 23 CYBERTERRORIST, a te...
cyclobarbitones 42 31 CYCLOBARBITONE, a ba...
cyclohexylamine 54 40 a colorless liquid a...
cyclopentadiene 38 30 a colourless liquid...
cyclopentolates 40 29 CYCLOPENTOLATE, a dr...
cylindricalness 40 28 CYLINDRICAL, shaped...
cyproheptadines 40 30 CYPROHEPTADINE, a po...
cytochemistries 42 28 CYTOCHEMISTRY, micro...
cytogenetically 46 30 CYTOGENETICAL, relat...
cytogeneticists 39 26 CYTOGENETICIST, one...
cytomegalovirus 40 31 any of a group of vi...
cytopathologies 40 28 CYTOPATHOLOGY, the s...
cytophotometric 43 31 relating to cytophot...
cytoplasmically 51 34 CYTOPLASMIC, relatin...
cytotaxonomists 41 31 CYTOTAXONOMIST, a pr...