11 letter words that start with C

11 letter words that start with C

11 letter C word


Words With Friends®


cabbagetown 28 26 from Cabbagetown, a...
cabbageworm 30 28 the larva of the cab...
cabbalistic 31 24 relating to the cabb...
cabinetries 23 18 CABINETRY, cabinetwo...
cabinetwork 27 25 finished woodwork ma...
cablecasted 27 22 CABLECAST, to broadc...
cablevision 26 23 television transmiss...
cachectical 34 26 relating to cachexy,...
cachinnated 25 22 CACHINNATE, to laugh...
cachinnates 25 21 CACHINNATE, to laugh...
cackleberry 35 27 (slang) an egg [n CA...
cacodaemons 23 22 CACODAEMON, (Greek)...
cacodemonic 27 25 like a cacodemon, an...
cacoepistic 30 23 relating to cacoepy,...
cacogastric 29 22 of or relating to an...
cacographer 29 24 a bad writer or spel...
cacographic 33 27 relating to cacograp...
cacomistles 27 21 CACOMISTLE, (Nahuatl...
cacophonies 27 23 CACOPHONY, the harsh...
cacophonous 27 24 discordant, unpleasa...
cadastrally 30 19 CADASTRAL, of or rel...
cadaverines 22 20 CADAVERINE, a deadly...
caddisflies 26 20 CADDISFLY, any small...
caddishness 24 19 the state of being c...
caddisworms 27 22 CADDISWORM, the larv...
cafetoriums 25 21 CAFETORIUM, a large...
caffeinated 24 22 containing caffeine...
caffeinisms 27 24 CAFFEINISM, an unhea...
cageynesses 27 19 CAGEYNESS, the quali...
cajolements 24 28 CAJOLEMENT, the act...
cakewalkers 27 26 CAKEWALKER, one who...
cakewalking 28 29 CAKEWALK, to step st...
calaboguses 25 21 CALABOGUS, a Canadia...
calamancoes 24 22 CALAMANCO, a glossy...
calamanders 22 20 CALAMANDER, a hard v...
calamondins 22 21 CALAMONDIN, (Tagalog...
calaverites 24 19 CALAVERITE, a metall...
calcariform 29 24 spur-shaped [adj]
calceamenta 24 22 CALCEAMENTUM, (Latin...
calcedonies 24 20 CALCEDONY, a form of...
calcedonios 24 20 CALCEDONIO, a type o...
calceolaria 25 19 any plant of the Sou...
calcicolous 30 23 living on chalky soi...
calciferols 29 22 CALCIFEROL, vitamin...
calciferous 28 22 bearing lime [adj]
calcifugous 30 25 like a calcifuge, a...
calcigerous 27 21 containing lime [adj...
calcimining 28 25 CALCIMINE, to whitew...
calcination 24 20 the act of calcining...
calcitonins 25 20 CALCITONIN, a hormon...
calcsinters 26 19 CALCSINTER, a pale l...
calculating 28 23 CALCULATE, to count...
calculation 26 21 the process or an ac...
calculative 29 24 relating to calculat...
calculators 27 20 CALCULATOR, one that...
calefacient 26 22 a substance (e.g. mu...
calefaction 26 22 the act of heating [...
calefactive 29 25 communicating heat [...
calefactors 27 21 CALEFACTOR, a heater...
calefactory 33 23 a monastery sitting...
calendarers 21 17 CALENDARER, one who...
calendaring 22 20 CALENDAR, to schedul...
calendarise 21 17 in accounting, to di...
calendarist 22 17 one who makes calend...
calendarize 24 26 in accounting, to di...
calenderers 21 17 CALENDERER, one who...
calendering 22 20 CALENDER, to smooth...
calendrical 26 21 relating to the cale...
calescences 27 22 CALESCENCE, an incre...
calibraters 25 18 CALIBRATER, one who...
calibrating 26 21 CALIBRATE, to determ...
calibration 24 19 the act of calibrati...
calibrators 25 18 CALIBRATOR, one who...
californium 26 23 a synthetic element...
caliologies 24 18 CALIOLOGY, the study...
calisthenic 28 21 relating to calisthe...
calliatures 24 17 CALLIATURE, an old t...
callidities 25 17 CALLIDITY, shrewdnes...
calligramme 27 24 a design using the l...
calligraphy 36 25 artistic, stylized,...
callipashes 28 21 CALLIPASH, a part of...
callipering 27 22 CALLIPER, to measure...
callipygean 32 24 having beautiful but...
callipygian 33 24 having beautiful but...
callipygous 34 24 having beautiful but...
callistemon 24 20 an Australian genus...
callithumps 31 25 CALLITHUMP, a noisy,...
callosities 24 16 CALLOSITY, a hardeni...
callousness 23 18 the state of being c...
calmodulins 25 22 CALMODULIN, a protei...
calorescent 24 19 relating to caloresc...
calorically 34 22 CALORIC, related to...
calorifiers 25 18 CALORIFIER, an appar...
calorimeter 23 18 an instrument for me...
calorimetry 30 20 the measurement of h...
calotypists 32 20 CALOTYPIST, one who...
calumniable 26 24 worthy of being calu...
calumniated 23 21 CALUMNIATE, to sland...
calumniates 23 20 CALUMNIATE, to sland...
calumniator 23 20 a slanderer [n -S]
calycanthus 34 24 the Carolina allspic...
calypsonian 29 22 a writer or singer o...
calyptrogen 31 23 the layer of cells o...
camaraderie 21 18 (French) friendship...
cambistries 26 20 CAMBISTRY, the scien...
cameleopard 24 22 (obsolete) a giraffe...
camelopards 25 22 CAMELOPARD, (obsolet...
cameraphone 24 23 a combined camera an...
camerations 21 18 CAMERATION, a vaulti...
camerawoman 24 24 a woman who operates...
camerawomen 24 24 CAMERAWOMAN, a woman...
cameraworks 26 24 CAMERAWORK, skilful...
camerlengos 23 21 CAMERLENGO, (Italian...
camerlingos 24 21 CAMERLINGO, (Italian...
camouflaged 26 25 CAMOUFLAGE, to conce...
camouflages 26 24 CAMOUFLAGE, to conce...
camouflagic 30 27 relating to camoufla...
camoufleurs 26 23 CAMOUFLEUR, (French)...
campaigners 25 23 CAMPAIGNER, one who...
campaigning 26 26 CAMPAIGN, to conduct...
campaniform 27 27 bell-shaped [adj]
campanology 31 26 the art of bell ring...
campanulate 24 23 shaped like a bell [...
campestrian 24 21 of or pertaining to...
campgrounds 26 25 CAMPGROUND, the area...
camphorated 26 23 CAMPHORATE, to impre...
camphorates 26 22 CAMPHORATE, to impre...
campinesses 24 21 CAMPINESS, being cam...
canalicular 26 21 like or relating to...
canaliculus 27 22 a small bodily chann...
cancelation 23 20 the act or an instan...
canceleered 23 20 CANCELEER, to make s...
canceliered 24 20 CANCELIER, to make s...
cancellable 28 24 that can be cancelle...
cancellated 25 21 consisting of a netw...
cancerating 24 21 CANCERATE, to grow i...
canceration 22 19 the act of cancerati...
cancerously 31 22 CANCEROUS, afflicted...
cancioneros 22 19 CANCIONERO, (Spanish...
candelabras 23 20 CANDELABRA, a candle...
candelabrum 25 24 a candleholder [n CA...
candelillas 24 19 CANDELILLA, (Spanish...
candescence 25 23 a candescent state [...
candidacies 24 20 CANDIDACY, the state...
candidature 21 18 the state of being a...
candidiases 21 17 CANDIDIASIS, a thrus...
candidiasis 22 17 a thrush-like infect...
candleberry 30 22 a shrub, the wax myr...
candlelight 27 22 the light of a candl...
candlepower 26 23 an old unit of lumin...
candlestick 27 24 a holder with a sock...
candlewicks 30 27 CANDLEWICK, a soft c...
candlewoods 24 21 CANDLEWOOD, the wood...
canescences 25 22 CANESCENCE, greyness...
canistering 22 18 CANISTER, to put in...
canisterise 21 15 to put into a canist...
canisterize 24 24 to put into a canist...
cankerworms 26 25 CANKERWORM, a larva...
cannabinoid 21 21 any of various chemi...
cannabinols 22 21 CANNABINOL, a crysta...
cannibalise 23 20 to take salvageable...
cannibalism 25 23 the usually ritualis...
cannibalize 26 29 to take salvageable...
canninesses 19 17 CANNINESS, the state...
cannonading 19 21 CANNONADE, to attack...
cannonballs 23 22 CANNONBALL, to go li...
cannulating 22 21 CANNULATE, to insert...
cannulation 20 19 the process of inser...
canonically 31 23 CANONICAL, included...
canonicates 22 19 CANONICATE, the rank...
canophilias 26 21 CANOPHILIA, the love...
canophilist 27 21 a lover of dogs, als...
canophobias 26 23 CANOPHOBIA, a morbid...
cantaloupes 23 20 CANTALOUPE, (Italian...
cantatrices 24 18 CANTATRICE, (Italian...
canterburys 30 21 CANTERBURY, a stand...
cantharidal 24 19 of or like a canthar...
cantharides 23 18 CANTHARIS, a beetle...
cantharidic 27 21 of or like a canthar...
cantharidin 23 19 a bitter crystalline...
canthitises 24 17 CANTHITIS, inflammat...
canticoying 31 23 CANTICOY, to dance a...
cantilevers 24 20 CANTILEVER, to proje...
cantillated 23 18 CANTILLATE, to chant...
cantillates 23 17 CANTILLATE, to chant...
cantinesses 20 16 CANTINESS, (Scots) c...
cantonising 21 19 CANTONISE, to divide...
cantonizing 24 28 CANTONIZE, to divide...
cantonments 20 20 CANTONMENT, a small...
canulations 21 18 CANULATION, the proc...
canvasbacks 29 29 CANVASBACK, a specie...
canvassings 24 22 CANVASSING, the act...
canzonettas 22 25 CANZONETTA, (Italian...
caoutchoucs 30 24 CAOUTCHOUC, (Quechua...
capableness 25 22 the state of being c...
capaciously 34 24 CAPACIOUS, roomy [ad...
capacitance 28 24 in electricity, the...
capacitated 26 21 CAPACITATE, to make...
capacitates 26 20 CAPACITATE, to make...
caparisoned 22 19 CAPARISON, to adorn...
capernoited 22 19 slightly intoxicated...
capernoitie 22 18 (Scots) the head, no...
capillaires 26 19 CAPILLAIRE, (French)...
capillaries 26 19 CAPILLARY, any of th...
capillarity 33 21 the property or stat...
capillitium 29 23 a mass of threads [n...
capitalised 25 19 CAPITALISE, to write...
capitalises 25 18 CAPITALISE, to write...
capitalisms 27 21 CAPITALISM, the econ...
capitalists 26 18 CAPITALIST, a person...
capitalized 28 28 CAPITALIZE, to write...
capitalizes 28 27 CAPITALIZE, to write...
capitations 23 18 CAPITATION, a unifor...
capitulants 25 20 CAPITULANT, a person...
capitularly 33 22 CAPITULAR, relating...
capitulated 25 20 CAPITULATE, to yield...
capitulates 25 19 CAPITULATE, to yield...
capitulator 25 19 one who capitulates...
capodastros 23 18 CAPODASTRO, (Italian...
cappelletti 28 22 (Italian) small hat-...
cappernoity 31 23 (Scots) the head, no...
cappuccinos 32 28 CAPPUCCINO, (Italian...
capriccioso 30 23 (Italian) in a free...
caprolactam 28 24 a white crystalline...
capsulation 24 20 the process of putti...
capsulising 27 22 CAPSULISE, to conden...
capsulizing 30 31 CAPSULIZE, to conden...
captaincies 26 21 CAPTAINCY, the rank...
captainries 23 18 CAPTAINRY, the rank...
captainship 28 23 the office of captai...
captionless 24 19 without a caption [a...
captivances 28 25 CAPTIVANCE, (Spenser...
captivating 27 24 CAPTIVATE, to charm,...
captivation 25 22 the act of captivati...
captivators 26 21 CAPTIVATOR, one who...
captivaunce 28 26 (Spenser) captivity,...
captivities 27 21 CAPTIVITY, the state...
carabineers 22 18 CARABINEER, a soldie...
carabineros 22 18 CARABINERO, a member...
carabiniere 22 18 (Italian) an Italian...
carabinieri 23 18 CARABINIERE, (Italia...
carabiniers 23 18 CARABINIER, a soldie...
caracolling 27 22 CARACOL, to perform...
carageenans 19 18 CARAGEENAN, a colloi...
caramboling 26 24 CARAMBOLE, (French)...
caramelised 23 19 CARAMELISE, to turn...
caramelises 23 18 CARAMELISE, to turn...
caramelized 26 28 CARAMELIZE, to turn...
caramelizes 26 27 CARAMELIZE, to turn...
caramelling 25 22 CARAMEL [v]
caravaneers 21 19 CARAVANEER, the lead...
caravanette 21 19 a small caravan [n -...
caravanings 23 22 CARAVANING [n]
caravanners 21 20 CARAVANNER, one who...
caravanning 22 23 CARAVAN, to travel i...
caravansary 28 21 a kind of unfurnishe...
carbamidine 24 22 another name for gua...
carbimazole 28 30 a drug that inhibits...
carbocyclic 41 29 being or having an o...
carbolising 26 21 CARBOLISE, to treat...
carbolizing 29 30 CARBOLIZE, to treat...
carbonadoed 21 20 CARBONADO, (Spanish)...
carbonadoes 21 19 CARBONADO, (Spanish)...
carbonating 23 21 CARBONATE, to combin...
carbonation 21 19 impregnation with ca...
carbonatite 22 18 any igneous rock com...
carbonettes 22 18 CARBONETTE, a ball o...
carbonisers 23 18 CARBONISER, an agent...
carbonising 24 21 CARBONISE, to turn i...
carbonizers 26 27 CARBONIZER, an agent...
carbonizing 27 30 CARBONIZE, to turn i...
carbonnades 21 20 CARBONNADE, (Spanish...
carbonylate 29 21 to introduce the car...
carborexics 33 27 CARBOREXIC, a person...
carboxylase 36 27 an enzyme that catal...
carboxylate 36 27 to introduce carboxy...
carbuncular 28 24 like a carbuncle [ad...
carburating 25 21 CARBURATE, to combin...
carburation 23 19 combination with car...
carbureters 24 18 CARBURETER, an appar...
carbureting 25 21 CARBURET, to combine...
carburetion 23 19 the process of carbu...
carburetors 24 18 CARBURETOR, an appar...
carburetted 24 19 CARBURET, to combine...
carburetter 24 18 an apparatus for cha...
carburettor 24 18 an apparatus for cha...
carburising 26 21 CARBURISE, to combin...
carburizing 29 30 CARBURIZE, to combin...
carbylamine 31 24 another name for iso...
carcinogens 24 21 CARCINOGEN, an agent...
carcinology 32 23 the study of crabs a...
carcinomata 24 21 CARCINOMA, (Greek) a...
cardcastles 26 19 CARDCASTLE, a tower...
cardholders 25 19 CARDHOLDER, one who...
cardialgias 24 18 CARDIALGIA, heartbur...
cardialgies 24 18 CARDIALGY, heartburn...
cardinalate 21 17 the office or dignit...
cardinality 29 19 the number of elemen...
cardiogenic 25 21 originating in the h...
cardiograms 24 20 CARDIOGRAM, a tracin...
cardiograph 27 22 an instrument for re...
cardiomotor 22 18 relating to the acti...
cardiopathy 32 22 any disease of the h...
cardiotonic 24 19 a substance that ten...
cardophagus 27 23 (obsolete) a donkey;...
cardplayers 31 21 CARDPLAYER, one who...
cardpunches 29 25 CARDPUNCH, a machine...
cardsharper 26 20 one who engages in s...
carduaceous 24 20 belonging to the thi...
carefullest 26 20 CAREFUL, cautious [a...
carefulness 24 20 the state of being c...
caregivings 26 23 CAREGIVING, the act...
caressingly 30 20 CARESSING, touching...
caressively 31 21 CARESSIVE, of or lik...
caretakings 23 21 CARETAKING, acting a...
careworkers 25 21 CAREWORKER, one whos...
carfuffling 31 28 CARFUFFLE, to make a...
carhoppings 29 25 CARHOPPING [n]
caricatural 26 19 like a caricature [a...
caricaturas 25 18 CARICATURA, (Italian...
caricatured 25 19 CARICATURE, to make...
caricatures 25 18 CARICATURE, to make...
carilloning 24 20 CARILLON, to play a...
carillonist 24 17 one who plays a cari...
carillonned 22 19 CARILLON, to play a...
cariosities 22 14 CARIOSITY, the state...
cariousness 21 16 the state of being c...
carjackings 29 33 CARJACKING, the thef...
carmagnoles 23 21 CARMAGNOLE, (French)...
carminative 24 22 able to relieve flat...
carnalising 23 19 CARNALISE, to sensua...
carnalities 22 16 CARNALITY, the state...
carnalizing 26 28 CARNALIZE, to sensua...
carnallites 23 17 CARNALLITE, a hydrou...
carnaptious 23 19 (Scots) bad-tempered...
carnassials 22 16 CARNASSIAL, a tooth...
carnationed 19 17 ruddy [adj]
carnificial 28 22 of or pertaining to...
carnivories 23 19 CARNIVORY, the state...
carnivorous 23 20 feeding on animal ti...
carnosities 21 15 CARNOSITY, a fleshy...
caromelling 25 22 CAROMEL, to coat wit...
carotenoids 20 16 CAROTENOID, any of a...
carotinoids 21 16 CAROTINOID, any of a...
carousingly 30 21 CAROUSING, making me...
carpellates 25 19 CARPELLATE, a flower...
carpentaria 22 18 an evergreen shrub o...
carpentered 22 19 CARPENTER, to constr...
carpentries 23 18 CARPENTRY, the craft...
carpetweeds 26 21 CARPETWEED, a North...
carpogonial 24 21 of or like a carpogo...
carpogonium 25 24 an egg-bearing vesse...
carpologies 25 20 CARPOLOGY, the study...
carpologist 26 20 a student of carpolo...
carpoolings 25 21 CARPOOLING, the shar...
carpophores 27 22 CARPOPHORE, a slende...
carpospores 25 20 CARPOSPORE, a kind o...
carrageenan 19 18 a colloid prepared f...
carrageenin 20 18 a colloid prepared f...
carragheens 23 19 CARRAGHEEN, (Irish)...
carriageway 31 21 the part of a road u...
carsharings 25 19 CARSHARING, the act...
carsickness 26 22 a form of motion sic...
cartelising 24 18 CARTELISE, to make i...
cartelizing 27 27 CARTELIZE, to make i...
carthamines 24 20 CARTHAMINE, a dye ob...
cartography 33 23 the art and science...
cartologies 23 17 CARTOLOGY, the scien...
cartonnages 20 18 CARTONNAGE, (French)...
cartooniest 20 15 CARTOONY, resembling...
cartoonings 21 18 CARTOONING, the maki...
cartoonists 21 15 CARTOONIST, one who...
cartoonlike 22 20 like a cartoon [adj]
cartophiles 27 20 CARTOPHILE, a lover...
cartophilic 31 23 relating to cartophi...
cartularies 23 16 CARTULARY, a keeper...
cartwheeled 27 21 CARTWHEEL, to turn a...
cartwheeler 27 20 one who does cartwhe...
cartwrights 30 21 CARTWRIGHT, a maker...
carunculate 25 21 having a caruncle, a...
carunculous 26 22 having a caruncle, a...
caryatidean 26 18 of or like a caryati...
caryopsides 30 20 CARYOPSIS, a dry ind...
caryopteris 30 19 any of several decid...
cascarillas 27 19 CASCARILLA, (Spanish...
casebearers 22 17 CASEBEARER, an insec...
caseinogens 20 18 CASEINOGEN, the prin...
caseworkers 25 21 CASEWORKER, one who...
cashierings 25 19 CASHIERING, the act...
cashierment 24 20 the act of cashierin...
cashmobbing 30 28 coordinating people...
casingheads 24 20 CASINGHEAD, in miner...
casseroling 23 18 CASSEROLE, to make a...
cassiopeium 25 21 a former name for lu...
cassiterite 22 14 native tin dioxide,...
cassolettes 22 15 CASSOLETTE, (French)...
cassowaries 24 17 CASSOWARY, any large...
cassumunars 23 20 CASSUMUNAR, an aroma...
castability 32 20 the ability to be ca...
castellated 23 17 having battlements o...
castigating 24 19 CASTIGATE, to scold,...
castigation 22 17 the act of castigati...
castigators 23 16 CASTIGATOR, one who...
castigatory 29 18 tending to castigate...
castrations 21 15 CASTRATION, the act...
casualising 24 19 CASUALISE, to turn (...
casualizing 27 28 CASUALIZE, to turn (...
casuistical 27 19 relating to casuistr...
casuistries 23 15 CASUISTRY, plausible...
catabolised 24 19 CATABOLISE, to subje...
catabolises 24 18 CATABOLISE, to subje...
catabolisms 26 21 CATABOLISM, destruct...
catabolites 24 18 CATABOLITE, a produc...
catabolized 27 28 CATABOLIZE, to subje...
catabolizes 27 27 CATABOLIZE, to subje...
catacaustic 28 21 relating to or denot...
catachreses 26 19 CATACHRESIS, the mis...
catachresis 27 19 the misuse of words...
cataclasmic 30 24 relating to or of th...
cataclastic 29 21 of metamorphism, tak...
cataclysmal 34 24 relating to cataclys...
cataclysmic 37 26 relating to cataclys...
catadromous 22 19 of fishes, descendin...
catafalcoes 26 21 CATAFALCO, (Italian)...
catafalques 32 28 CATAFALQUE, (French)...
catalectics 29 21 CATALECTIC, a line o...
catalepsies 24 18 CATALEPSY, a rigid o...
cataleptics 28 21 CATALEPTIC, one affl...
catallactic 30 22 pertaining to commer...
catalogised 23 18 CATALOGISE, to put i...
catalogises 23 17 CATALOGISE, to put i...
catalogized 26 27 CATALOGIZE, to put i...
catalogizes 26 26 CATALOGIZE, to put i...
cataloguers 23 18 CATALOGUER, one who...
cataloguing 24 21 CATALOGUE, to make a...
cataloguise 23 18 to put in a catalogu...
cataloguist 24 18 one who catalogues,...
cataloguize 26 27 to put in a catalogu...
catalytical 33 21 acting as a catalyst...
catananches 24 21 CATANANCHE, any plan...
cataphonics 28 23 the area of the scie...
cataphracts 29 22 CATAPHRACT, a suit o...
cataplasias 24 18 CATAPLASIA, the dege...
cataplastic 28 21 relating to cataplas...
cataplectic 31 24 relating to cataplex...
cataplexies 30 25 CATAPLEXY, a conditi...
catapultier 25 19 one who uses a catap...
catapulting 26 22 CATAPULT, to hurl th...
cataractous 24 18 of or like a catarac...
catarrhally 32 20 CATARRHAL, of or lik...
catarrhines 23 17 CATARRHINE, a member...
catastrophe 25 19 the final event of t...
catchphrase 31 24 a word or expression...
catchwaters 30 22 CATCHWATER, a drain...
catchweight 34 26 in wrestling, relati...
catechetics 30 22 the art or practice...
catechisers 27 19 CATECHISER, one who...
catechising 28 22 the act of instructi...
catechismal 29 23 relating to catechis...
catechistic 31 22 relating to catechis...
catechizers 30 28 CATECHIZER, one who...
catechizing 31 31 the act of instructi...
catechumens 27 24 CATECHUMEN, one who...
categorical 26 20 positive; absolute,...
categorised 22 17 CATEGORISE, to put i...
categorises 22 16 CATEGORISE, to put i...
categorists 23 16 CATEGORIST, one who...
categorized 25 26 CATEGORIZE, to put i...
categorizes 25 25 CATEGORIZE, to put i...
catenaccios 26 21 CATENACCIO, (Italian...
catenations 19 16 CATENATION, connecti...
catercorner 23 18 in a diagonal or obl...
caterpillar 26 19 the elongated wormli...
caterwauled 25 20 CATERWAUL, to make a...
caterwauler 25 19 CATERWAUL, to make a...
catharising 25 19 CATHARISE, to render...
catharizing 28 28 CATHARIZE, to render...
cathartical 28 20 cleansing, purifying...
cathedratic 27 20 promulgated ex cathe...
catheterise 23 16 to treat with a cath...
catheterism 25 19 use of the catheter...
catheterize 26 25 to fit with a cathet...
catholicate 27 20 the jurisdiction of...
catholicise 28 20 to make catholic, al...
catholicism 30 23 the state of being c...
catholicity 35 22 broad-mindedness; in...
catholicize 31 29 to make catholic, al...
catholicons 27 21 CATHOLICON, a cure-a...
catoptrical 28 21 relating to reflecti...
cattinesses 21 15 CATTINESS, being cat...
cattishness 24 17 the quality of being...
caucussings 27 22 CAUCUSSING, the act...
caudillismo 26 21 the doctrine or prac...
caulicolous 27 21 growing on a stem [a...
cauliculate 27 21 having a caulicle [a...
cauliflower 29 23 a variety of cabbage...
cauligenous 23 20 originating on the s...
causability 32 21 the ability to be ca...
causalities 23 16 CAUSALITY, the relat...
causational 21 17 relating to causatio...
causatively 31 22 CAUSATIVE, relating...
causelessly 30 19 CAUSELESS, without a...
causewaying 31 23 CAUSEWAY, to build a...
caustically 34 22 CAUSTICAL, burning,...
causticness 25 19 the quality of being...
cauterising 23 18 CAUTERISE, to burn o...
cauterizing 26 27 CAUTERIZE, to burn o...
cautionries 21 16 CAUTIONRY, in Scots...
cavalcading 28 26 CAVALCADE, to ride i...
cavaliering 25 22 CAVALIER, to behave...
cavalierish 27 21 like a cavalier [adj...
cavalierism 26 22 the state of being a...
cavendishes 25 22 CAVENDISH, leaf toba...
cavernously 30 23 CAVERNOUS, large and...
cavernulous 24 22 full of small caviti...
cavillation 25 21 cavilling, making pe...
cavitations 23 19 CAVITATION, the form...
ceanothuses 22 18 CEANOTHUS, (Greek) a...
ceaselessly 29 18 CEASELESS, without c...
ceilometers 23 18 CEILOMETER, an instr...
celebrating 25 21 CELEBRATE, to mark b...
celebration 23 19 the act of celebrati...
celebrative 26 22 relating to celebrat...
celebrators 24 18 CELEBRATOR, one who...
celebratory 30 20 serving to celebrate...
celebrities 25 18 CELEBRITY, a well-kn...
celebutante 23 20 a young woman from a...
celestially 31 19 CELESTIAL, related t...
cellarettes 23 16 CELLARETTE, a case o...
cellentanis 22 18 CELLENTANI, a type o...
celliferous 26 20 bearing cells [adj]
cellobioses 25 19 CELLOBIOSE, a disacc...
cellophanes 26 22 CELLOPHANE, (tradena...
cellularity 32 20 the state of being c...
cellulosics 29 21 CELLULOSIC, plastic...
cementation 20 19 the act of cementing...
cementatory 27 20 having the quality o...
cenestheses 22 17 CENESTHESIS, general...
cenesthesia 22 17 general consciousnes...
cenesthesis 23 17 general consciousnes...
cenesthetic 26 20 relating to cenesthe...
cenobitical 27 22 of or like a cenobit...
cenogeneses 19 18 CENOGENESIS, the int...
cenogenesis 20 18 the introduction dur...
cenogenetic 23 21 relating to cenogene...
cenospecies 25 21 a species that can i...
censorships 26 20 CENSORSHIP, the inst...
centenarian 18 17 a person who is over...
centenaries 19 16 CENTENARY, a hundred...
centennials 20 18 CENTENNIAL, a hundre...
centerboard 22 19 a retractable keel u...
centerfolds 24 20 CENTERFOLD, the cent...
centerlines 21 17 CENTERLINE, an often...
centerpiece 25 21 the central feature...
centesimals 23 19 CENTESIMAL, a hundre...
centigrades 22 18 CENTIGRADE, a temper...
centigramme 24 23 1/100th of a gramme,...
centiliters 23 16 CENTILITER, (US) the...
centilitres 23 16 CENTILITRE, the hund...
centillions 23 18 CENTILLION, in UK an...
centimeters 22 18 CENTIMETER, one hund...
centimetres 22 18 CENTIMETRE, one hund...
centimetric 26 21 having a wavelength...
centimorgan 22 21 one hundredth of a m...
centipoises 23 18 CENTIPOISE, one hund...
centralised 22 17 CENTRALISE, to move...
centraliser 22 16 one who centralises,...
centralises 22 16 CENTRALISE, to move...
centralisms 24 19 CENTRALISM, the tend...
centralists 23 16 CENTRALIST, an adher...
centralized 25 26 CENTRALIZE, to move...
centralizer 25 25 one who centralizes,...
centralizes 25 25 CENTRALIZE, to move...
centreboard 22 19 a retractable keel f...
centredness 20 17 the state of being c...
centrefolds 24 20 CENTREFOLD, the cent...
centrelines 21 17 CENTRELINE, an often...
centrepiece 25 21 a central piece in a...
centrically 33 22 CENTRICAL, placed in...
centrifugal 26 22 flying from the cent...
centrifuged 25 22 CENTRIFUGE, to subje...
centrifuges 25 21 CENTRIFUGE, to subje...
centripetal 24 19 tending inwards or d...
centrobaric 26 21 relating to the cent...
centromeres 21 18 CENTROMERE, the port...
centromeric 25 21 relating to a centro...
centrosomes 21 18 CENTROSOME, a minute...
centrosomic 25 21 like a centrosome [a...
centuriator 21 16 one of a group of 16...
cephalagras 27 22 CEPHALAGRA, gout in...
cephalalgia 28 23 head pain [n -S]
cephalalgic 32 26 a headache remedy [n...
cephalexins 32 28 CEPHALEXIN, a semisy...
cephalocele 29 24 the protrusion of th...
cephalopods 28 24 CEPHALOPOD, any mari...
cephalothin 28 23 a semisynthetic broa...
cephalotomy 33 25 the dissection of th...
ceramicists 27 20 CERAMICIST, one who...
cerargyrite 29 18 a mineral consisting...
ceratitises 22 14 CERATITIS, inflammat...
ceratoduses 21 16 CERATODUS, (Greek) a...
ceratopsian 22 18 a bird-hipped, plant...
ceratopsids 24 18 CERATOPSID, a bird-h...
cerebellous 25 20 relating to the cere...
cerebellums 27 23 CEREBELLUM, (Latin)...
cerebralism 26 21 the theory that all...
cerebralist 25 18 an adherent of cereb...
cerebrating 24 20 CEREBRATE, to engage...
cerebration 22 18 the unconscious acti...
cerebriform 27 23 shaped like the brai...
cerebroside 23 18 any of various glyco...
ceremonials 22 19 CEREMONIAL, a ceremo...
ceremonious 21 19 devoted to forms and...
cerographic 30 24 relating to cerograp...
ceromancies 24 21 CEROMANCY, divinatio...
ceroplastic 28 21 relating to wax mode...
certainties 21 15 CERTAINTY, the state...
certifiable 27 21 capable of being cer...
certifiably 34 23 CERTIFIABLE, capable...
certificate 27 20 to testify to or aut...
certioraris 22 14 CERTIORARI, a writ f...
cesarevitch 29 23 the eldest son of a...
cesarewitch 30 22 the eldest son of a...
cespitosely 31 20 CESPITOSE, growing i...
cestoideans 20 16 CESTOIDEAN, a tapewo...
ceteosaurus 21 16 a large Jurassic din...
cetological 27 21 relating to cetology...
cetologists 24 17 CETOLOGIST, one vers...
chaenomeles 23 21 a shrub of the Chaen...
chaetognath 25 21 a kind of marine wor...
chaffinches 33 28 CHAFFINCH, a bird of...
chagrinning 25 23 CHAGRIN, to humiliat...
chainbrakes 26 24 CHAINBRAKE, a cutoff...
chainplates 26 21 CHAINPLATE, a metal...
chainsawing 27 23 CHAINSAW, to cut wit...
chainstitch 30 22 a stitch in knitting...
chainwheels 29 23 CHAINWHEEL, a toothe...
chairmaning 25 23 CHAIRMAN, to act as...
chairmanned 23 22 CHAIRMAN, to act as...
chairperson 25 20 a chairman or chairw...
chairwarmer 28 22 an office holder, co...
chalazogamy 35 33 the entry of the pol...
chalcedonic 30 25 of or like chalcedon...
chalcedonyx 39 31 an agate of alternat...
chalcocites 31 23 CHALCOCITE, a greyis...
chalkboards 28 25 CHALKBOARD, a blackb...
chalkstones 25 22 CHALKSTONE, a mass o...
chalkstripe 29 24 clothing with a patt...
challengers 26 21 CHALLENGER, one who...
challenging 27 24 CHALLENGE, to summon...
chalybeates 32 22 CHALYBEATE, a water...
chamaeleons 23 21 CHAMAELEON, a small...
chamaephyte 34 26 a winter-flowering p...
chamberhand 28 26 (New Zealand) a work...
chamberings 28 25 CHAMBERING, lewd or...
chamberlain 27 24 an officer appointed...
chambermaid 28 26 a maid who makes bed...
chamberpots 29 25 CHAMBERPOT, a contai...
chambranles 27 24 CHAMBRANLE, (French)...
chameleonic 27 24 of or like a chamele...
champerties 27 22 CHAMPERTY, an illega...
champertous 27 23 relating to champert...
champignons 27 26 CHAMPIGNON, (French)...
championess 26 23 a female champion [n...
championing 27 26 CHAMPION, to defend...
chancellery 34 24 the position, court,...
chancellors 28 22 CHANCELLOR, the secr...
chancellory 34 24 the position, court,...
chancroidal 27 22 of or like a chancro...
chandeliers 24 19 CHANDELIER, a branch...
chandelling 26 23 CHANDELLE, to perfor...
chandleries 24 19 CHANDLERY, the busin...
chandlering 25 22 the profession of ch...
changefully 35 27 CHANGEFUL, full of c...
changelings 26 23 CHANGELING, a child...
changeovers 25 23 CHANGEOVER, a conver...
changeround 23 22 a change of roles, a...
channelised 23 20 CHANNELISE, to creat...
channelises 23 19 CHANNELISE, to creat...
channelized 26 29 CHANNELIZE, to creat...
channelizes 26 28 CHANNELIZE, to creat...
channellers 24 20 CHANNELLER, one who...
channelling 25 23 CHANNEL, to direct a...
chansonette 21 18 (French) a little so...
chansonnier 21 19 a cabaret performer...
chantarelle 24 19 (French) a kind of f...
chanteclers 27 21 CHANTECLER, a rooste...
chanterelle 24 19 (French) a kind of f...
chanticleer 27 21 a rooster, also CHAN...
chantresses 23 17 CHANTRESS, a female...
chaologists 26 19 CHAOLOGIST, a studen...
chaotically 35 23 CHAOTIC, confused [a...
chaperonage 24 22 the act of chaperoni...
chaperoning 25 23 CHAPERON, to accompa...
chapmanship 31 28 the profession of ch...
chaprassies 26 19 CHAPRASSI, (Urdu) an...
chaptalised 27 21 CHAPTALISE, to add e...
chaptalises 27 20 CHAPTALISE, to add e...
chaptalized 30 30 CHAPTALIZE, to add e...
chaptalizes 30 29 CHAPTALIZE, to add e...
characinoid 26 21 of or like a characi...
charactered 26 20 CHARACTER, (archaic]...
charbroiled 27 21 CHARBROIL, to broil...
charbroiler 27 20 an apparatus for cha...
charcoaling 28 23 CHARCOAL, to draw or...
charcuterie 27 20 (French) cold meats...
chardonnays 28 21 CHARDONNAY, a type o...
chargebacks 31 28 CHARGEBACK, the char...
chargehands 26 22 CHARGEHAND, a forema...
chargesheet 26 20 a police document li...
chargrilled 28 21 CHARGRILL, to grill...
charinesses 23 17 CHARINESS, caution,...
charioteers 23 16 CHARIOTEER, one who...
charismatic 29 22 having charisma [adj...
charivaried 26 21 CHARIVARI, to perfor...
charlatanic 27 21 of or like a charlat...
charlatanry 30 20 the practice of a ch...
charlestons 24 18 CHARLESTON, a lively...
charmingest 26 22 CHARMING, having cha...
charmlessly 34 23 CHARMLESS, without c...
chartaceous 26 20 papery [adj]
charthouses 26 19 CHARTHOUSE, a room i...
chartreuses 24 17 CHARTREUSE, (French)...
chasmogamic 30 27 related to chasmogam...
chastenment 23 21 the state of being c...
chastisable 27 20 capable of being cha...
chatelaines 23 18 CHATELAINE, the gove...
chatoyances 31 22 CHATOYANCE, the qual...
chatterings 25 19 CHATTERING, talking...
chaudfroids 27 22 CHAUDFROID, a jellie...
chauffeured 28 25 CHAUFFEUR, to drive...
chauffeused 28 25 CHAUFFEUSE, to act a...
chauffeuses 28 24 CHAUFFEUSE, (French)...
chaulmoogra 26 23 a kind of Asian tree...
chaulmugras 28 24 CHAULMUGRA, a kind o...
chautauquas 32 28 CHAUTAUQUA, an outdo...
chauvinisms 28 25 CHAUVINISM, excessiv...
chauvinists 27 22 CHAUVINIST, one who...
cheapnesses 24 20 CHEAPNESS, the state...
cheapskates 26 23 CHEAPSKATE, a miserl...
checkclerks 34 31 CHECKCLERK, a clerk...
checklatons 28 25 CHECKLATON, (Spenser...
checklisted 30 25 CHECKLIST, to make l...
checkmarked 30 31 CHECKMARK, to mark i...
checkmating 30 29 CHECKMATE, in chess,...
checkpoints 30 27 CHECKPOINT, a point...
checkrowing 32 29 CHECKROW, to plant i...
cheechakoes 28 25 CHEECHAKO, (Native A...
cheechalkos 30 26 CHEECHALKO, (Native...
cheekpieces 29 26 CHEEKPIECE, the part...
cheerfuller 28 22 CHEERFUL, in good sp...
cheerleader 23 18 CHEERLEAD, to lead i...
cheerlessly 32 20 CHEERLESS, without c...
cheeseboard 24 20 a board on which che...
cheesecakes 26 23 CHEESECAKE, a kind o...
cheesecloth 29 22 a very lightweight u...
cheesemites 24 19 CHEESEMITE, a very s...
cheeseparer 24 19 a mean or stingy per...
cheesepress 25 19 a machine or device...
cheesesteak 23 20 a sandwich filled wi...
cheesewires 26 19 CHEESEWIRE, a thin w...
cheesewoods 25 20 CHEESEWOOD, the yell...
cheesewring 27 22 a cheesepress [n -S]
cheilitises 26 17 CHEILITIS, an inflam...
cheiromancy 33 25 divination by means...
chelicerate 27 20 an arthropod of the...
cheliferous 27 21 bearing pincers or c...
chemickings 31 29 CHEMICKING, the act...
chemisettes 25 19 CHEMISETTE, (French)...
chemisorbed 27 23 CHEMISORB, to adsorb...
chemistries 26 19 CHEMISTRY, the physi...
chemitypies 34 24 CHEMITYPY, printing...
chemoceptor 29 25 a sensory receptor i...
chemosmoses 25 22 CHEMOSMOSIS, a chemi...
chemosmosis 26 22 a chemical reaction...
chemosmotic 29 25 relating to chemosmo...
chemosorbed 26 23 CHEMOSORB, to adsorb...
chemosphere 28 24 the thermosphere, th...
chemotactic 31 25 exhibiting chemotaxi...
chemotropic 30 25 exhibiting chemotrop...
chemurgical 31 26 relating to chemurgy...
chequebooks 34 33 CHEQUEBOOK, a book c...
chequerwise 35 29 in chequered fashion...
chequerwork 36 33 any pattern having a...
cherimoyers 31 21 CHERIMOYER, (Quechua...
cherishable 29 22 that can be cherishe...
cherishment 27 22 the act of cherishin...
chernozemic 30 32 of or like chernozem...
cherrystone 29 19 a medium-sized quaho...
chersoneses 22 17 CHERSONESE, a penins...
chessboards 26 20 CHESSBOARD, a checke...
chessboxing 33 29 a hybrid sport which...
chesspieces 29 22 CHESSPIECE, a piece...
chessplayer 33 22 one who plays chess...
chessylites 32 19 CHESSYLITE, a basic...
chevesailes 26 21 CHEVESAILE, an ornam...
chevisances 28 24 CHEVISANCE, (obsolet...
chevrotains 25 21 CHEVROTAIN, (French)...
chewinesses 26 20 CHEWINESS, the state...
chiaroscuro 27 20 (Italian) the qualit...
chiastolite 25 17 a form of andalusite...
chicaneries 26 20 CHICANERY, deception...
chickabiddy 38 30 a term of endearment...
chickenshit 31 26 petty; lacking coura...
chieftaincy 35 25 the office of a chie...
chieftainry 32 22 the office of chieft...
chiffchaffs 39 33 CHIFFCHAFF, a small...
chiffonades 27 24 CHIFFONADE, (French)...
chiffoniers 28 23 CHIFFONIER, (French)...
chiffonnier 27 24 (French) a chest of...
chifforobes 30 25 CHIFFOROBE, a combin...
chilblained 28 23 CHILBLAIN [v]
childbirths 32 23 CHILDBIRTH, the act...
childminder 27 23 one who looks after...
childnesses 25 19 CHILDNESS, (Shakespe...
chiliahedra 27 20 CHILIAHEDRON, (Greek...
chillnesses 26 19 CHILLNESS, coolness;...
chilopodans 26 22 CHILOPODAN, a member...
chilopodous 27 22 like a chilopod [adj...
chimaerisms 27 22 CHIMAERISM, the stat...
chimichanga 31 27 (Spanish) a tortilla...
chimneylike 33 27 like a chimney [adj]
chimneypots 33 25 CHIMNEYPOT, the pot...
chimpanzees 29 32 CHIMPANZEE, an anthr...
chinachinas 28 23 CHINACHINA, (Quechua...
chinchillas 32 24 CHINCHILLA, (Quechua...
chinoiserie 23 17 (French) decoration,...
chinquapins 34 31 CHINQUAPIN, (Native...
chinwagging 30 27 CHINWAG, to chat [v]
chionodoxas 28 25 CHIONODOXA, a liliac...
chiragrical 30 22 relating to chiragra...
chiralities 26 17 CHIRALITY, the chemi...
chirographs 30 23 CHIROGRAPH, a writte...
chirography 36 25 the study of handwri...
chirologies 26 19 CHIROLOGY, the langu...
chirologist 27 19 one who claims to be...
chiromancer 27 23 a palm-reader, also...
chiromantic 28 23 relating to chiroman...
chironomers 24 20 CHIRONOMER, a gestic...
chironomids 25 21 CHIRONOMID, a member...
chironomies 24 20 CHIRONOMY, the art o...
chiropodial 27 21 relating to chiropod...
chiropodies 26 20 CHIROPODY, the treat...
chiropodist 27 20 one who treats ailme...
chiropteran 25 20 a member of the Chir...
chirurgeons 25 20 CHIRURGEON, a surgeo...
chirurgical 31 23 relating to chirurge...
chisellings 28 21 CHISELLING, the act...
chitchatted 30 22 CHITCHAT, to indulge...
chittagongs 26 21 CHITTAGONG, an India...
chitterings 26 19 CHITTERING, the act...
chitterling 27 20 part of the small in...
chivareeing 26 23 CHIVAREE, to perform...
chlamydeous 32 24 having a perianth [a...
chloanthite 26 20 a nickel-rich variet...
chloracetic 31 23 an acid made by chlo...
chloralisms 28 21 CHLORALISM, a morbid...
chloralosed 25 19 anaesthetised with c...
chloraloses 25 18 CHLORALOSE, a hypnot...
chloramines 25 21 CHLORAMINE, any of v...
chloridated 25 19 CHLORIDATE, to treat...
chloridates 25 18 CHLORIDATE, to treat...
chloridised 26 19 CHLORIDISE, to conve...
chloridises 26 18 CHLORIDISE, to conve...
chloridized 29 28 CHLORIDIZE, to conve...
chloridizes 29 27 CHLORIDIZE, to conve...
chlorimeter 26 20 an apparatus for mea...
chlorimetry 33 22 measurement by chlor...
chlorinated 24 19 CHLORINATE, to treat...
chlorinates 24 18 CHLORINATE, to treat...
chlorinator 24 18 a machine for chlori...
chlorinised 25 19 CHLORINISE, to chlor...
chlorinises 25 18 CHLORINISE, to chlor...
chlorinized 28 28 CHLORINIZE, to chlor...
chlorinizes 28 27 CHLORINIZE, to chlor...
chlorodynes 30 21 CHLORODYNE, a patent...
chloroforms 28 23 CHLOROFORM, to treat...
chlorometer 25 20 instrument for measu...
chlorometry 32 22 measurement by chlor...
chlorophyll 38 26 the green colouring...
chlorophyls 37 25 CHLOROPHYL, the gree...
chloroplast 28 21 a plastid that conta...
chloroprene 25 21 a colorless liquid u...
chloroquine 32 28 a drug used to suppr...
chloroquins 33 28 CHLOROQUIN, a drug u...
chlorpicrin 31 24 a colorless liquid t...
choanocytes 31 22 CHOANOCYTE, a cell i...
chocaholics 33 25 CHOCAHOLIC, one addi...
chockablock 35 34 very full [adj]
chockstones 27 24 CHOCKSTONE, in mount...
chocoholics 33 25 CHOCOHOLIC, one addi...
chocolatier 27 20 one who sells chocol...
choirmaster 25 19 the leader of a choi...
choirscreen 26 20 a screen of latticew...
choirstalls 27 18 CHOIRSTALL, one of t...
chokecherry 36 27 an astringent Americ...
cholagogues 26 22 CHOLAGOGUE, an agent...
cholestases 24 17 CHOLESTASIS, a check...
cholestasis 25 17 a checking or failur...
cholestatic 28 20 relating to cholesta...
cholesteric 28 20 relating to choleste...
cholesterin 24 18 a former name for ar...
cholesterol 25 18 a sterol occurring i...
choliambics 32 26 CHOLIAMBIC, a verse...
cholinergic 29 23 acting like acetylch...
chomophytes 35 26 CHOMOPHYTE, a plant...
chondrified 26 22 CHONDRIFY, to conver...
chondrifies 26 21 CHONDRIFY, to conver...
chondroitin 23 19 any of several glyco...
chondromata 23 21 CHONDROMA, a benign...
chopsockies 30 26 CHOPSOCKY, a genre o...
chordophone 26 23 any instrument in wh...
choregraphs 29 23 CHOREGRAPH [n]
choregraphy 35 25 the art of symbolica...
choreodrama 23 20 dance drama performe...
choreograph 28 23 to compose the chore...
choriambics 31 25 CHORIAMBIC, a metric...
chorisation 23 17 the multiplication o...
chorization 26 26 the multiplication o...
chorography 35 25 the art of describin...
choroiditis 25 17 inflammation of the...
chorologies 25 19 CHOROLOGY, the scien...
chorologist 26 19 a student of chorolo...
choropleths 29 22 CHOROPLETH, a map us...
choucroutes 27 21 CHOUCROUTE, (French)...
chountering 24 21 CHOUNTER, to mutter,...
chowderhead 28 23 a foolish person [n...
chrematists 26 19 CHREMATIST, a politi...
chrismation 25 20 the sacrament of bap...
chrismatory 32 21 a vessel for holding...
christcross 29 19 the mark of a cross...
christeners 24 17 CHRISTENER, one who...
christening 25 20 a baptism [n -S]
christiania 24 17 a kind of turn in sk...
chromatinic 28 23 relating to chromati...
chromatists 26 19 CHROMATIST, one who...
chromatypes 33 24 CHROMATYPE, a colore...
chrominance 26 24 the difference betwe...
chromogenic 28 25 of or relating to a...
chromograms 27 24 CHROMOGRAM, a combin...
chromomeres 25 22 CHROMOMERE, one of t...
chromomeric 29 25 relating to a chromo...
chromonemal 25 24 relating to a chromo...
chromonemic 28 26 relating to a chromo...
chromophils 31 25 CHROMOPHIL, a cell t...
chromophobe 30 27 a cell that does not...
chromophore 28 24 the group of atoms i...
chromoplast 28 23 a colored plastid us...
chromoscope 29 25 an apparatus for com...
chromosomal 26 23 relating to a chromo...
chromosomes 25 22 CHROMOSOME, a thread...
chromotypes 33 24 CHROMOTYPE, a sheet...
chronically 35 24 CHRONICAL, chronic,...
chroniclers 28 21 CHRONICLER, one who...
chronicling 29 24 CHRONICLE, to record...
chronograms 25 22 CHRONOGRAM, an inscr...
chronograph 28 24 an instrument for re...
chronologer 24 20 an expert in chronol...
chronologic 28 23 arranged in order of...
chronometer 23 20 an instrument for me...
chronometry 30 22 the measuring of tim...
chronoscope 27 23 an instrument for me...
chronotrons 22 18 CHRONOTRON, a device...
chrysalidal 33 21 like a chrysalid [ad...
chrysalides 32 20 CHRYSALIS, a pupa, e...
chrysalises 32 19 CHRYSALIS, a pupa, e...
chrysarobin 32 22 goa powder, a bitter...
chrysoberyl 40 24 a mineral, beryllium...
chrysocolla 35 23 a hydrated silicate...
chrysocracy 43 26 the rule of wealth;...
chrysolites 32 19 CHRYSOLITE, a yellow...
chrysolitic 36 22 like chrysolite [adj...
chrysomelid 33 23 a member of the leaf...
chrysophans 34 24 CHRYSOPHAN, an old n...
chrysophyte 41 25 a type of golden-bro...
chrysoprase 32 21 a green variety of c...
chrysotiles 32 19 CHRYSOTILE, an asbes...
chuckawalla 33 29 (Spanish) an iguanid...
chucklehead 31 28 a foolish person [n...
chucklesome 30 28 full of chuckles [ad...
chucklingly 39 31 CHUCKLING, laughing...
chuckwallas 34 29 CHUCKWALLA, (Spanish...
chugalugged 29 26 CHUGALUG, to drink w...
chuprassies 27 20 CHUPRASSY, (Urdu) an...
churchgoers 31 24 CHURCHGOER, one who...
churchgoing 32 27 attending church [n...
churchliest 32 23 CHURCHLY, pertaining...
churchmanly 38 29 in the manner of a c...
churchwards 34 26 CHURCHWARD [n]
churchwoman 33 29 a woman who is a mem...
churchwomen 33 29 CHURCHWOMAN, a woman...
churchyards 37 25 CHURCHYARD, a yard t...
churnalisms 27 22 CHURNALISM, a type o...
chyliferous 34 23 containing chyle [ad...
chylomicron 35 26 a tiny globule of fa...
chymiferous 34 25 containing chyme [ad...
chymistries 33 21 CHYMISTRY, (archaic)...
cibachromes 30 25 CIBACHROME, a type o...
cicadellids 28 21 CICADELLID, any of a...
cicatricial 30 21 of or like a cicatri...
cicatricles 30 21 CICATRICLE, a white...
cicatricose 28 20 like a cicatrix [adj...
cicatricula 30 22 a white spot, the ge...
cicatrisant 25 18 forming a cicatrice,...
cicatrisers 26 17 CICATRISER, an agent...
cicatrising 27 20 CICATRISE, to form a...
cicatrizant 28 27 forming a cicatrice,...
cicatrizers 29 26 CICATRIZER, an agent...
cicatrizing 30 29 CICATRIZE, to form a...
ciceroneing 24 21 CICERONE, to act as...
cicisbeisms 30 23 CICISBEISM, the stat...
ciclosporin 28 22 an immunosuppressive...
ciguatoxins 29 25 CIGUATOXIN, a toxin...
cimetidines 23 19 CIMETIDINE, a drug t...
cinchonines 25 22 CINCHONINE, an alkal...
cinchoninic 29 25 of or like cinchonin...
cinchonised 26 22 CINCHONISE, to treat...
cinchonises 26 21 CINCHONISE, to treat...
cinchonisms 28 24 CINCHONISM, a condit...
cinchonized 29 31 CINCHONIZE, to treat...
cinchonizes 29 30 CINCHONIZE, to treat...
cincinnuses 24 21 CINCINNUS, a type of...
cinemagoers 22 20 CINEMAGOER, one who...
cinematised 22 19 CINEMATISE, to produ...
cinematises 22 18 CINEMATISE, to produ...
cinematized 25 28 CINEMATIZE, to produ...
cinematizes 25 27 CINEMATIZE, to produ...
cinerations 20 16 CINERATION, the redu...
cineritious 22 16 ashy-grey; relating...
cinnabarine 21 20 of or like cinnabar,...
cinnarizine 23 26 a generic antihistam...
cinquecento 31 29 (Italian) the 16th c...
cinquefoils 33 29 CINQUEFOIL, a wildfl...
ciphertexts 33 26 CIPHERTEXT, encipher...
circassians 25 18 CIRCASSIAN, a kind o...
circinately 32 21 CIRCINATE, rolled up...
circuiteers 26 18 CIRCUITEER [n]
circuitries 27 18 CIRCUITRY, an assemb...
circularise 27 19 to include on the li...
circularity 34 21 the state of being c...
circularize 30 28 to send circulars to...
circulating 28 22 the act of distribut...
circulation 26 20 the movement of the...
circulative 29 23 circulating, also CI...
circulators 27 19 CIRCULATOR, one who...
circulatory 33 21 circulating, also CI...
circumcised 31 25 CIRCUMCISE, to cut o...
circumciser 31 24 one who circumcises...
circumcises 31 24 CIRCUMCISE, to cut o...
circumduced 31 27 CIRCUMDUCE, (Scots)...
circumduces 31 26 CIRCUMDUCE, (Scots)...
circumducts 32 26 CIRCUMDUCT, to cause...
circumflect 34 28 to bend round; to ma...
circumfused 30 26 CIRCUMFUSE, to pour...
circumfuses 30 25 CIRCUMFUSE, to pour...
circumlunar 28 24 situated or moving r...
circummured 29 26 CIRCUMMURE, (Shakesp...
circummures 29 25 CIRCUMMURE, (Shakesp...
circumpolar 30 25 continually visible...
circumposed 29 25 CIRCUMPOSE, to place...
circumposes 29 24 CIRCUMPOSE, to place...
circumsolar 28 22 situated or moving r...
circumspect 33 27 careful to consider...
circumvents 29 26 CIRCUMVENT, to go ro...
circumvolve 32 30 to roll round [v CIR...
cirrhipedes 27 20 CIRRHIPEDE, an erron...
cirrocumuli 29 23 CIRROCUMULUS, (Latin...
cirrostrati 23 14 CIRROSTRATUS, (Latin...
citharistic 29 19 relating to the play...
citizenised 25 25 CITIZENISE, to make...
citizenises 25 24 CITIZENISE, to make...
citizenized 28 34 CITIZENIZE, to make...
citizenizes 28 33 CITIZENIZE, to make...
citizenries 25 24 CITIZENRY, a whole b...
citizenship 30 29 the status of being...
citronellal 24 18 a colourless aldehyd...
citronellas 23 17 CITRONELLA, a colour...
citronellol 24 18 an unsaturated liqui...
citrullines 25 18 CITRULLINE, an amino...
civilianise 25 20 to convert from mili...
civilianize 28 29 to convert from mili...
civilisable 29 23 capable of being civ...
civilizable 32 32 capable of being civ...
civilnesses 25 20 CIVILNESS, civility...
clackdishes 30 25 CLACKDISH, (archaic)...
cladocerans 24 20 CLADOCERAN, a small...
cladophylls 36 25 CLADOPHYLL, a specia...
cladosporia 24 19 CLADOSPORIUM, a type...
claircolles 28 20 CLAIRCOLLE, a primin...
clairschach 34 25 (Gaelic) a Scottish...
clairvoyant 30 22 (French) having or e...
clamatorial 24 19 relating to the flyc...
clamorously 31 22 CLAMOROUS, loud, ful...
clandestine 21 18 marked by, held in,...
clangouring 24 22 CLANGOUR, to clang l...
clanjamfray 33 33 (Scots) rubbish, non...
clapboarded 26 23 CLAPBOARD, to cover...
clapometers 25 21 CLAPOMETER, a device...
clapperboys 35 26 CLAPPERBOY, the pers...
clapperclaw 34 28 (archaic) to claw or...
clapperings 28 24 CLAPPERING, the soun...
clarabellas 26 20 CLARABELLA, an organ...
claribellas 27 20 CLARIBELLA, an organ...
clarichords 29 21 CLARICHORD, an old k...
clarinetist 23 16 one who plays the cl...
classically 35 22 CLASSICAL, resemblin...
classicised 27 19 CLASSICISE, to make...
classicises 27 18 CLASSICISE, to make...
classicisms 29 21 CLASSICISM, the prin...
classicists 28 18 CLASSICIST, an advoc...
classicized 30 28 CLASSICIZE, to make...
classicizes 30 27 CLASSICIZE, to make...
classifieds 26 19 a section of classif...
classifiers 26 18 CLASSIFIER, one who...
classifying 33 23 CLASSIFY, to arrange...
clavecinist 28 23 one who plays the cl...
clavichords 31 25 CLAVICHORD, an old k...
claviculate 29 24 shaped like a clavic...
clavierists 26 19 CLAVIERIST, one who...
clavigerous 26 22 club-bearing [adj]
claymations 29 21 CLAYMATION, (tradena...
cleanhanded 22 21 with clean hands [ad...
cleanliness 22 18 the state of being c...
cleannesses 20 17 CLEANNESS, the state...
clearcoling 27 22 CLEARCOLE, to coat w...
clearheaded 23 19 having or showing a...
clearnesses 21 16 CLEARNESS, the state...
cleistogamy 31 22 the production of sm...
clementines 22 20 CLEMENTINE, (French)...
clenbuterol 25 21 a drug used in the t...
cleptocracy 37 26 rule by thieves, als...
cleptomania 24 22 an obsessive urge to...
clergywoman 33 26 a woman who is a mem...
clergywomen 33 26 CLERGYWOMAN, a woman...
clericalism 29 22 a policy of maintain...
clericalist 28 19 one who favors maint...
clericities 27 18 CLERICITY, the state...
clerkliness 25 21 the state of being c...
cleverality 32 22 (Scots) cleverness [...
cleverdicks 30 27 CLEVERDICK, an annoy...
clianthuses 25 19 CLIANTHUS, (Latin) a...
clickstream 29 25 a path used in navig...
clicktivism 33 29 a policy of using th...
clientships 28 21 CLIENTSHIP, the stat...
cliffhanger 30 26 a narrative that end...
climacteric 31 24 a supposedly critica...
climactical 32 25 relating to a climax...
climatising 26 21 CLIMATISE, to acclim...
climatizing 29 30 CLIMATIZE, to acclim...
climatology 32 23 the study of the cli...
clinandrium 24 22 a cavity in the uppe...
clinchingly 37 27 CLINCHING [adv]
clindamycin 33 26 an antibiotic drug u...
clingfishes 29 23 CLINGFISH, any small...
clingstones 23 19 CLINGSTONE, a fruit,...
clinkstones 23 21 CLINKSTONE, a fine-g...
clinochlore 28 22 a hexagonal variety...
clinometers 23 19 CLINOMETER, an instr...
clinometric 27 22 relating to clinomet...
cliometrics 28 21 CLIOMETRIC [n]
cliticising 29 21 CLITICISE, to pronou...
cliticizing 32 30 CLITICIZE, to pronou...
cloacitises 26 18 CLOACITIS, inflammat...
clockmakers 29 29 CLOCKMAKER, one who...
clodhoppers 29 24 CLODHOPPER, a clumsy...
clodhopping 30 27 clumsy of gait [adj]
clofibrates 27 21 CLOFIBRATE, a lipid-...
cloisonnage 21 19 cloisonn� work or pr...
cloisterers 23 15 CLOISTERER, one belo...
cloistering 24 18 CLOISTER, to seclude...
clomiphenes 27 24 CLOMIPHENE, a synthe...
clonazepams 27 31 CLONAZEPAM, a sedati...
clonicities 26 19 CLONICITY, the state...
closefisted 25 19 tight, stingy [adj]
closenesses 21 16 CLOSENESS, the state...
closestools 23 16 CLOSESTOOL, a stool...
clostridial 25 17 relating to clostrid...
clostridian 23 17 relating to clostrid...
clostridium 26 20 any of a genus of sp...
clothesline 25 19 to knock (a person)...
clothespins 27 21 CLOTHESPIN, a forked...
cloudbursts 27 21 CLOUDBURST, a heavy...
cloudlessly 32 21 CLOUDLESS, without c...
cloudscapes 28 23 CLOUDSCAPE, a view o...
clovergrass 26 21 clover as pasturage...
cloverleafs 27 23 CLOVERLEAF, the patt...
clownfishes 30 24 CLOWNFISH, any of va...
cloxacillin 34 28 a penicillin-type an...
clubability 36 25 sociablity, also CLU...
clubhauling 30 26 CLUBHAUL, to force a...
clubmanship 31 28 the state of being a...
clubmasters 27 22 CLUBMASTER, the mana...
cnidoblasts 25 20 CNIDOBLAST, a stingi...
coacervated 25 22 COACERVATE, to heap;...
coacervates 25 21 COACERVATE, to heap;...
coadjacency 34 33 the state of being c...
coadjacents 25 28 COADJACENT, somethin...
coadjutants 23 26 COADJUTANT, one who...
coadjutress 24 25 a female coadjutor,...
coadmitting 24 21 COADMIT, to admit se...
coadunating 21 20 COADUNATE, to unite,...
coadunation 19 18 the act of coadunati...
coadunative 22 21 serving to coadunate...
coagulating 24 21 COAGULATE, to curdle...
coagulation 22 19 the act of coagulati...
coagulative 25 22 serving to coagulate...
coagulators 23 18 COAGULATOR, that whi...
coagulatory 29 20 tending to cause coa...
coalescence 26 22 the act of coalescin...
coalitional 22 17 relating to coalitio...
coalitioner 21 16 a supporter of coali...
coalmasters 23 18 COALMASTER, the owne...
coanchoring 26 23 COANCHOR, to present...
coappearing 25 23 COAPPEAR, to appear...
coaptations 22 18 COAPTATION, joining...
coarctating 25 20 COARCTATE, to press...
coarctation 23 18 the action of compre...
coassisting 23 17 COASSIST, to assist...
coasteering 21 17 an adventure sport i...
coastguards 23 18 COASTGUARD, an organ...
coatdresses 21 15 COATDRESS, a dress s...
coatimundis 23 20 COATIMUNDI, (Tupi) a...
coattending 21 19 COATTEND, to attend...
coattesting 22 17 COATTEST, to attest...
coauthoring 24 20 COAUTHOR, to write t...
cobblestone 25 22 a large paving stone...
cobwebbiest 31 26 COBWEBBY, covered wi...
cocainising 25 21 COCAINISE, to anaest...
cocainizing 28 30 COCAINIZE, to anaest...
cocaptained 25 22 COCAPTAIN, to captai...
cocatalysts 32 20 COCATALYST, a substa...
coccidioses 28 21 COCCIDIOSIS, infesta...
coccidiosis 29 21 infestation with or...
cocciferous 30 24 of plants, supportin...
cochampions 29 26 COCHAMPION, a joint...
cockaleekie 26 26 (Scots) soup made fr...
cockalorums 28 26 COCKALORUM, boastful...
cockatrices 29 24 COCKATRICE, a fabulo...
cockbilling 32 29 COCKBILL, to raise t...
cockchafers 33 29 COCKCHAFER, any of s...
cockcrowing 33 30 the crowing of a coc...
cockinesses 25 22 COCKINESS, the state...
cockleboats 28 25 COCKLEBOAT, a small...
cockleshell 31 26 a small, light boat...
cockmatches 32 29 COCKMATCH, a cockfig...
cockneydoms 32 28 COCKNEYDOM, the regi...
cockneyfied 33 28 COCKNEYFY, to make (...
cockneyfies 33 27 COCKNEYFY, to make (...
cockneyisms 33 27 COCKNEYISM, a Cockne...
cocknifying 35 30 COCKNIFY, to make (a...
cockroaches 30 26 COCKROACH, an orthop...
cocksuckers 31 29 COCKSUCKER, (slang)...
cockswained 28 26 COCKSWAIN, to take c...
cocktailing 28 25 COCKTAIL, to dock a...
cockteasers 25 21 COCKTEASER, a woman...
cocomposers 27 23 COCOMPOSER, a joint...
coconscious 27 22 aware of the same th...
cocooneries 22 18 COCOONERY, a buildin...
cocounseled 24 21 COCOUNSEL, to counse...
cocultivate 28 23 to cultivate togethe...
coculturing 28 23 COCULTURE, to grow (...
codefendant 21 21 a joint defendant [n...
codependent 21 21 one participating in...
codesigning 23 21 CODESIGN, to design...
codeveloped 25 24 CODEVELOP, to develo...
codeveloper 25 23 one who develops som...
codicillary 34 22 relating to a codici...
codirecting 26 21 CODIRECT, to direct...
codirection 24 19 the act of directing...
codirectors 25 18 CODIRECTOR, a joint...
codiscovers 27 22 CODISCOVER, to disco...
codominance 23 23 the state of having...
codominants 21 20 CODOMINANT, one of t...
codswallops 29 23 CODSWALLOP, somethin...
coeducation 23 20 the education of stu...
coefficient 28 24 any of the factors o...
coelacanths 26 21 COELACANTH, any of a...
coelenteric 24 19 relating to coelente...
coelenteron 19 17 a coelenterate's sac...
coelioscopy 33 23 a medical procedure...
coelurosaur 22 17 a bipedal carnivorou...
coembodying 31 26 COEMBODY, to embody...
coemploying 32 26 COEMPLOY, to employ...
coenamoring 21 21 COENAMOR, to inflame...
coenamoured 20 20 COENAMOUR, to enamou...
coenenchyma 31 26 gelatinous material...
coenenchyme 31 26 the gelatinous frame...
coenobitism 24 21 the state of being a...
coenosteums 21 19 COENOSTEUM, the calc...
coenzymatic 34 32 relating to a coenzy...
coequalness 29 26 the state of being c...
coercimeter 25 20 an instrument for me...
coercionist 24 18 one who believe in g...
coessential 21 16 religion, formed fro...
coeternally 28 19 COETERNAL, equally e...
coevalities 24 19 COEVALITY, the state...
coevolution 23 21 the parallel evoluti...
coexecutors 30 25 COEXECUTOR, a joint...
coexecutrix 37 32 a joint executrix [n...
coexistence 29 25 existence together [...
coextending 27 26 COEXTEND, to extend...
coextension 25 23 the act of coextendi...
coextensive 28 26 having the same spat...
cofavorites 25 21 COFAVORITE, a joint...
cofeaturing 24 21 COFEATURE, to featur...
coffeehouse 26 23 an establishment tha...
coffeemaker 26 27 a utensil or applian...
cofinancing 26 25 COFINANCE, to financ...
cofunctions 26 23 COFUNCTION, a kind o...
cogenerator 20 17 a device for cogener...
cogitations 22 17 COGITATION, the act...
cognateness 20 18 the state of being c...
cognisances 24 21 COGNISANCE, knowledg...
cognitional 22 19 relating to cognitio...
cognitively 32 24 COGNITIVE, capable o...
cognitivism 27 24 the meta-ethical the...
cognitivity 32 23 the state of being c...
cognizances 27 30 COGNIZANCE, knowledg...
cognominate 21 21 to name [v COGNOMINA...
cognoscente 23 21 a person who has exp...
cognoscenti 24 21 COGNOSCENTE, a perso...
cognoscible 28 24 cognizable, knowable...
cohabitants 25 20 COHABITANT, one who...
coheiresses 23 16 COHEIRESS, a joint h...
coherencies 25 20 COHERENCY, a tendenc...
cohibitions 26 20 COHIBITION, hindranc...
cohortative 25 20 in Hebrew grammar, a...
cohostessed 23 17 COHOSTESS, to act as...
cohostesses 23 16 COHOSTESS, a joint h...
coilability 33 21 the ability to form...
coincidence 26 23 the act or condition...
coincidency 33 25 the act or condition...
coinfecting 27 24 COINFECT, to infect...
coinferring 24 21 COINFER, to infer jo...
coinherence 24 21 the act of coinherin...
coinheritor 23 17 a joint inheritor [n...
coinsurance 23 20 joint assumption of...
cointerring 22 18 COINTER, to bury tog...
coinventing 23 23 COINVENT, to invent...
coinventors 22 20 COINVENTOR, a joint...
coinvestors 23 19 COINVESTOR, a joint...
cokulorises 24 20 COKULORIS, a palette...
colatitudes 23 17 COLATITUDE, the comp...
colchicines 31 24 COLCHICINE, a toxic...
coldcocking 31 29 COLDCOCK, to knock u...
coldhearted 24 19 marked by lack of sy...
colectomies 26 21 COLECTOMY, the surgi...
colemanites 22 19 COLEMANITE, a hydrou...
coleopteral 24 19 of or like any membe...
coleopteran 22 19 a large order of ins...
coleopteron 22 19 a large order of ins...
coleoptiles 25 19 COLEOPTILE, the firs...
coleorhizae 26 26 COLEORHIZA, a sheath...
coleorhizas 27 26 COLEORHIZA, a sheath...
coleorrhiza 27 26 a sheath in the embr...
colestipols 26 19 COLESTIPOL, a drug t...
colinearity 28 18 the state of being c...
collaborate 24 19 to work jointly with...
collagenase 22 19 any of a group of pr...
collagenous 23 20 relating to collagen...
collapsable 28 23 that can be collapse...
collapsible 29 23 that can be collapse...
collarbones 24 20 COLLARBONE, the clav...
collarettes 23 16 COLLARETTE, (French)...
collarstuds 25 18 COLLARSTUD, a stud f...
collaterals 24 17 COLLATERAL, an asset...
colleaguing 25 22 COLLEAGUE, (obsolete...
collectable 29 23 capable of being col...
collectanea 24 20 a collection of pass...
collectedly 34 23 COLLECTED [adv]
collectible 30 23 capable of being col...
collectings 28 22 COLLECTING [n]
collections 26 20 COLLECTION, the act...
collectives 29 23 COLLECTIVE, a collec...
collegially 33 22 COLLEGIAL, of or rel...
collegianer 23 19 a member or inhabita...
collegiates 24 18 COLLEGIATE, an inmat...
collembolan 26 24 a springtail, any on...
collenchyma 35 27 the supportive tissu...
colleterial 24 17 as in colleterial gl...
colligating 26 21 COLLIGATE, to tie or...
colligation 24 19 a bringing or bindin...
colligative 27 22 depending on the num...
collimating 26 22 COLLIMATE, to make p...
collimation 24 20 the act of making pa...
collimators 25 19 COLLIMATOR, a telesc...
collinearly 30 20 COLLINEAR, in the sa...
colliquable 35 30 (obsolete) melting,...
colliquated 32 27 COLLIQUATE, (obsolet...
colliquates 32 26 COLLIQUATE, (obsolet...
collisional 24 18 relating to a collis...
collocating 27 22 COLLOCATE, to place...
collocation 25 20 the placing of thing...
collocutors 27 20 COLLOCUTOR, one of t...
collocutory 33 22 of the nature of con...
colloidally 32 21 COLLOIDAL, pertainin...
colloquials 33 27 COLLOQUIAL, a conver...
colloquised 32 27 COLLOQUISE, to conve...
colloquises 32 26 COLLOQUISE, to conve...
colloquists 33 26 COLLOQUIST, a speake...
colloquiums 34 30 COLLOQUIUM, (Latin)...
colloquized 35 36 COLLOQUIZE, to conve...
colloquizes 35 35 COLLOQUIZE, to conve...
colloquying 39 31 COLLOQUY, to hold a...
collotypies 32 21 COLLOTYPY, printing...
collusively 34 24 COLLUSIVE, character...
cologarithm 27 22 the logarithm of the...
colonelcies 25 20 COLONELCY, the offic...
colonelling 24 21 (archaic) playing th...
colonelship 27 22 the office of colone...
colonialise 22 17 to make colonial, al...
colonialism 24 20 the system by which...
colonialist 23 17 an adherent of colon...
colonialize 25 26 to make colonial, al...
colonisable 24 20 able to be colonised...
colonitises 22 16 COLONITIS, an inflam...
colonizable 27 29 able to be colonised...
colonoscope 25 22 a flexible viewing i...
colonoscopy 32 24 examination of the i...
colophonies 25 21 COLOPHONY, rosin [n]
colorations 21 16 COLORATION, the act...
coloraturas 22 16 COLORATURA, (Italian...
coloratures 22 16 COLORATURE, a highly...
colorbreeds 24 19 COLORBREED, to breed...
colorcasted 25 19 COLORCAST, to broadc...
colorimeter 23 18 an instrument for me...
colorimetry 30 20 measurement by color...
colorlessly 31 19 COLORLESS, (US) with...
colorpoints 24 19 COLORPOINT, a breed...
colorwashed 27 21 COLORWASH, to paint...
colorwashes 27 20 COLORWASH, to paint...
colostomies 23 18 COLOSTOMY, a surgica...
colouration 21 17 the act of colouring...
colourbreed 24 20 to breed (animals or...
colourcasts 26 19 COLOURCAST, to broad...
colourfully 34 24 COLOURFUL, full of c...
colourisers 23 16 COLOURISER, a person...
colourising 24 19 COLOURISE, to add co...
colouristic 27 19 relating to a colour...
colourizers 26 25 COLOURIZER, a person...
colourizing 27 28 COLOURIZE, to add co...
colourpoint 24 20 a breed of domestic...
colportages 25 20 COLPORTAGE, (French)...
colporteurs 25 19 COLPORTEUR, (French)...
colposcopes 29 24 COLPOSCOPE, an instr...
colpotomies 25 21 COLPOTOMY, surgical...
coltishness 25 18 the state of being c...
colubriform 29 25 shaped like a snake...
columbaries 26 22 COLUMBARY, a dovecot...
columbarium 28 26 (Latin) a vault with...
columnarity 30 22 the state of being c...
columniated 23 21 having columns, also...
columnistic 28 23 in columns [adj]
comancheros 26 23 COMANCHERO, (Spanish...
combatively 34 27 COMBATIVE, inclined...
combination 23 22 the act of combining...
combinative 26 25 tending or able to c...
combinatory 30 23 relating to combinat...
combustible 29 25 able to be burned [a...
combustibly 36 27 COMBUSTIBLE, able to...
combustions 25 22 COMBUSTION, an act o...
combustious 26 22 (Shakespeare) combus...
combustives 28 25 COMBUSTIVE, somethin...
comedically 34 25 COMEDIC, of or relat...
comediennes 20 20 COMEDIENNE, a women...
comediettas 22 18 COMEDIETTA, (Italian...
comedogenic 25 24 causing or aggravati...
comestibles 26 21 COMESTIBLE, somethin...
comeuppance 28 28 a deserved rebuke or...
comfinesses 24 21 COMFINESS, the state...
comfortable 27 24 affording comfort [a...
comfortably 34 26 COMFORTABLE, affordi...
comfortless 26 21 without comfort [adj...
comicalness 26 22 the state of being c...
comitatives 25 21 COMITATIVE, a comita...
comitatuses 23 18 COMITATUS, (Latin) a...
commandable 25 26 able to be commanded...
commandants 22 23 COMMANDANT, a comman...
commandeers 22 22 COMMANDEER, to compe...
commandment 23 26 the act or power of...
commeasured 23 22 COMMEASURE, to be co...
commeasures 23 21 COMMEASURE, to be co...
commemorate 23 23 to call to remembran...
commendable 25 26 that can be commende...
commendably 32 28 COMMENDABLE, that ca...
commendator 22 22 a person who holds a...
commensally 31 25 COMMENSAL, eating at...
commentated 22 22 COMMENTATE, to give...
commentates 22 21 COMMENTATE, to give...
commentator 22 21 one who gives a comm...
commercials 28 24 COMMERCIAL, an adver...
comminating 24 24 COMMINATE, to threat...
commination 22 22 the threatening of d...
comminative 25 25 threatening punishme...
comminatory 29 23 threatening punishme...
commingling 27 27 COMMINGLE, to mix to...
comminuting 25 25 COMMINUTE, to crush,...
comminution 23 23 the act of comminuti...
commiserate 23 20 to feel or express s...
commissaire 24 20 in professional cycl...
commissions 24 21 COMMISSION, to empow...
commissural 26 22 like a commissure, a...
commissures 25 21 COMMISSURE, a joint,...
commitments 25 24 COMMITMENT, the stat...
committable 27 24 that can be committe...
commixtions 30 28 COMMIXTION, commixtu...
commixtures 31 28 COMMIXTURE, the act...
commodified 26 25 COMMODIFY, to make a...
commodifies 26 24 COMMODIFY, to make a...
commodities 24 21 COMMODITY, an articl...
commoditise 24 21 to make into a commo...
commoditize 27 30 to make into a commo...
commonality 30 24 the common people [n...
commonholds 26 25 COMMONHOLD, a freeho...
commonplace 28 28 ordinary [adj] / a t...
commonsense 21 22 relating to practica...
commonweals 26 25 COMMONWEAL, (archaic...
commotional 23 22 relating to commotio...
communalise 24 23 to make communal, al...
communalism 26 26 social organization...
communalist 25 23 an adherent of commu...
communality 31 25 the state of being c...
communalize 27 32 to make communal, al...
communicant 26 26 one taking part in c...
communicate 26 25 to exchange informat...
communional 23 24 related to communion...
communiques 32 32 COMMUNIQUE, (French)...
communising 25 25 COMMUNISE, to make c...
communistic 28 25 inclined to communis...
communities 24 22 COMMUNITY, a body of...
communizing 28 34 COMMUNIZE, to make c...
commutating 25 24 COMMUTATE, to change...
commutation 23 22 the exchange of the...
commutative 26 25 of, relating to, or...
commutators 24 21 COMMUTATOR, a thing...
comorbidity 32 23 the state of being c...
compactedly 35 27 COMPACTED [adv]
compactible 31 27 that can be compacte...
compactions 27 24 COMPACTION, the act...
compactness 27 24 the state of being c...
compactures 28 24 COMPACTURE, (Spenser...
compaginate 24 23 to join; to connect...
companiable 26 25 sociable, also COMPA...
companioned 22 23 COMPANION, to keep s...
comparatist 25 20 one that uses a comp...
comparative 26 24 of the nature of com...
comparators 24 20 COMPARATOR, any devi...
comparisons 24 21 COMPARISON, the repr...
compartment 25 24 to put into compartm...
compassable 27 24 that can be compasse...
compassings 26 23 COMPASSING, contriva...
compassions 24 21 COMPASSION, (archaic...
compatibles 28 24 COMPATIBLE, somethin...
compatriots 25 20 COMPATRIOT, a person...
compearance 25 24 the state of being a...
compearants 23 21 COMPEARANT, (Scots)...
compellable 29 26 that can be compelle...
compellably 36 28 COMPELLABLE, that ca...
compendious 24 23 concise but comprehe...
compendiums 26 26 COMPENDIUM, (Latin)...
compensable 26 25 that is to be or can...
compensated 23 22 COMPENSATE, to be eq...
compensates 23 21 COMPENSATE, to be eq...
compensator 23 21 one who compensates...
competences 26 24 COMPETENCE, the qual...
competently 31 24 COMPETENT, able [adv...
competition 24 21 the act of competing...
competitive 27 24 relating to competit...
competitors 25 20 COMPETITOR, one that...
compilation 25 22 the act of compiling...
compilators 26 21 COMPILATOR, a compil...
compilatory 32 23 relating to a compil...
compilement 26 25 the act of compiling...
complacence 30 28 self-satisfaction es...
complacency 37 30 self-satisfaction es...
complainant 24 23 one who complains [n...
complainers 25 22 COMPLAINER, one who...
complaining 26 25 express discontent [...
complaisant 25 22 wishing to please ot...
compleating 26 24 COMPLEAT, (archaic)...
complecting 30 27 COMPLECT, to weave t...
complements 26 25 COMPLEMENT, to be co...
completable 28 25 that can be complete...
completions 25 22 COMPLETION, the act...
completists 27 21 COMPLETIST, a person...
complexions 31 29 COMPLEXION, the colo...
complexness 31 29 the state of being c...
complexones 30 29 COMPLEXONE, any chel...
complexuses 32 29 COMPLEXUS, an aggreg...
compliances 28 25 COMPLIANCE, the act...
compliantly 33 25 COMPLIANT, yielding...
complicated 29 25 COMPLICATE, to combi...
complicates 29 24 COMPLICATE, to combi...
complicitly 38 27 COMPLICIT [adv]
compliments 27 25 COMPLIMENT, to expre...
complishing 30 26 COMPLISH, to accompl...
complotters 26 21 COMPLOTTER, one who...
complotting 27 24 COMPLOT, to conspire...
compluviums 31 30 COMPLUVIUM, (Latin)...
componental 23 23 relating to a compon...
comportance 26 24 (Spenser) comportmen...
comportment 25 24 behaviour, bearing [...
compositely 32 23 COMPOSITE, made of d...
compositing 26 23 COMPOSITE, to comple...
composition 24 21 a piece of writing [...
compositive 27 24 relating to a compos...
compositors 25 20 COMPOSITOR, one who...
compositous 25 21 composite [adj]
compossible 28 24 compatible; possible...
compostable 27 24 that can be composte...
compostings 26 23 COMPOSTING, the act...
compostured 25 22 COMPOSTURE, to treat...
compostures 25 21 COMPOSTURE, manure;...
compotation 23 21 an act of carousing...
compotators 24 20 COMPOTATOR, one who...
compotatory 30 22 sharing in a compota...
compounders 24 23 COMPOUNDER, one who...
compounding 25 26 the act of adding to...
compradores 24 21 COMPRADORE, (Portugu...
comprehends 26 24 COMPREHEND, to grasp...
compressing 26 23 COMPRESS, to compact...
compression 24 21 the act of compressi...
compressive 27 24 of or relating to co...
compressors 25 20 COMPRESSOR, one that...
compressure 25 21 the act of compressi...
comprimario 26 23 in opera or ballet,...
comprinting 26 24 COMPRINT, to share i...
comprisable 28 24 that can be comprise...
compromised 26 24 COMPROMISE, to adjus...
compromiser 26 23 one who compromises...
compromises 26 23 COMPROMISE, to adjus...
comptrolled 27 23 COMPTROLL, (obsolete...
comptroller 27 22 COMPTROLL, (obsolete...
compulsions 26 23 COMPULSION, an act o...
compulsitor 27 22 in Scots law, a mean...
compulsives 29 26 COMPULSIVE, one driv...
compunction 27 26 regret, remorse [n -...
compurgator 26 23 one who under oath v...
compursions 25 22 COMPURSION, (Sterne)...
computation 24 22 the act or action of...
computative 27 25 of or relating to co...
computators 25 21 COMPUTATOR, a person...
computerate 24 21 computer literate [a...
computerdom 26 25 the world of compute...
computerese 24 21 the jargon used by p...
computerise 25 21 to render suitable f...
computerist 26 21 a person who uses or...
computerize 28 30 to carry out, contro...
computernik 26 26 a computer enthusias...
comraderies 22 18 COMRADERY, the spiri...
comradeship 27 23 the state of being a...
comstockers 27 24 COMSTOCKER, one who...
comstockery 33 26 overzealous censorsh...
comstockism 29 27 overzealous censorsh...
conacreisms 25 21 CONACREISM, the syst...
concatenate 21 19 to link together in...
concaveness 24 23 the state of being c...
concavities 26 22 CONCAVITY, the state...
concealable 26 23 that can be conceale...
concealment 24 23 the act of concealin...
conceitedly 31 22 CONCEITED [adv]
conceitless 25 19 (Shakespeare) withou...
conceivable 28 26 that can be conceive...
conceivably 35 28 CONCEIVABLE, that ca...
concentered 22 20 CONCENTER, (US) to h...
concentrate 22 19 to bring or direct t...
concentring 24 22 CONCENTRE, to have a...
conceptacle 29 25 (obsolete) a recepta...
conceptions 25 22 CONCEPTION, the proc...
conceptious 26 22 (Shakespeare) fruitf...
conceptuses 26 22 CONCEPTUS, the produ...
concernancy 31 25 (Shakespeare) bearin...
concernedly 30 23 CONCERNED [adv]
concernment 23 23 something in which o...
concertante 22 19 (Italian) exhibiting...
concertanti 23 19 CONCERTANTE, a compo...
concertedly 31 22 CONCERTED [adv]
concertgoer 24 20 one who frequently a...
concertinas 23 19 CONCERTINA [n]
concertinos 23 19 CONCERTINO, (Italian...
concertised 24 19 CONCERTISE, to perfo...
concertises 24 18 CONCERTISE, to perfo...
concertized 27 28 CONCERTIZE, to perfo...
concertizes 27 27 CONCERTIZE, to perfo...
concessible 27 22 that can be conceded...
concessions 23 19 CONCESSION, the act...
concettisms 26 21 CONCETTISM, the use...
concettists 25 18 CONCETTIST, one adep...
conchiolins 27 22 CONCHIOLIN, a fibrou...
conchitises 27 20 CONCHITIS, inflammat...
conciliable 28 23 (obsolete) that can...
conciliarly 33 22 CONCILIAR, of or per...
conciliated 25 20 CONCILIATE, to gain...
conciliates 25 19 CONCILIATE, to gain...
conciliator 25 19 one who conciliates...
concipiency 35 27 the state of being c...
conciseness 23 19 the state of being c...
conclavisms 29 26 CONCLAVISM, a minori...
conclavists 28 23 CONCLAVIST, one of t...
conclusions 25 21 CONCLUSION, a result...
concoctions 26 22 CONCOCTION, the act...
concolorate 23 19 of uniform color, al...
concolorous 24 20 of uniform color, al...
concomitant 24 22 accompanying esp. in...
concordance 25 23 an alphabetical inde...
concreating 24 21 CONCREATE, (archaic)...
concrescent 26 22 growing together [ad...
concretions 23 19 CONCRETION, a concre...
concretised 24 19 CONCRETISE, to rende...
concretises 24 18 CONCRETISE, to rende...
concretisms 26 21 CONCRETISM, reificat...
concretists 25 18 CONCRETIST, one who...
concretized 27 28 CONCRETIZE, to rende...
concretizes 27 27 CONCRETIZE, to rende...
concubinage 26 25 the cohabitation of...
concubinary 32 25 relating to a concub...
concubitant 26 23 someone of a suitabl...
concurrence 26 23 the state of being c...
concurrency 33 25 the state of being c...
concurrents 24 20 CONCURRENT, a person...
concussions 24 20 CONCUSSION, a stunni...
condemnable 23 24 able to be condemned...
condemnably 30 26 CONDEMNABLE, able to...
condensable 22 21 capable of being con...
condensated 19 18 CONDENSATE, to conde...
condensates 19 17 CONDENSATE, to conde...
condensible 23 21 capable of being con...
condescends 23 21 CONDESCEND, to desce...
condiddling 24 22 CONDIDDLE, (Scott) t...
condignness 21 20 the state of being c...
condimental 22 21 relating to condimen...
condimented 21 21 CONDIMENT, to season...
condisciple 28 23 a fellow disciple [n...
conditional 21 18 dependent on a condi...
conditioned 20 18 CONDITION, to treat...
conditioner 20 17 something that condi...
condolatory 27 19 serving to condole [...
condolement 21 21 (Shakespeare) the ac...
condolences 23 21 CONDOLENCE, sympathy...
condolingly 30 23 CONDOLING [adv]
condominium 23 24 (US) a block of apar...
condonation 18 18 implied pardon of an...
condottiere 20 16 (Italian) a hired so...
condottieri 21 16 CONDOTTIERE, (Italia...
conducement 24 24 (Milton) the act of...
conducingly 33 26 CONDUCING [adv]
conductance 26 24 a conductor's power...
conductible 28 24 that can be conducte...
conductions 24 21 CONDUCTION, heat tra...
conductress 25 20 a woman who is a con...
condylomata 28 22 CONDYLOMA, a wartlik...
coneflowers 26 22 CONEFLOWER, any of s...
confabulate 25 23 to chat; to invent p...
confarreate 21 18 relating to confarre...
confections 25 22 CONFECTION, a fancy...
confederacy 31 24 a league or compact...
confederate 21 19 an ally, an accompli...
conferences 24 22 CONFERENCE, the act...
conferments 23 22 CONFERMENT, bestowal...
conferrable 25 22 that can be conferre...
conferrence 24 22 the act of conferrin...
confervoids 25 23 CONFERVOID, a freshw...
confessable 25 22 that can be confesse...
confessants 22 19 CONFESSANT, one who...
confessedly 30 22 CONFESSED [adv]
confessions 22 19 CONFESSION, a writte...
confidantes 22 20 CONFIDANTE, (French)...
confidences 25 23 CONFIDENCE, a feelin...
confidently 30 23 CONFIDENT, self-assu...
confidingly 32 25 CONFIDING [adv]
configurate 24 21 to shape, arrange [v...
configuring 26 24 CONFIGURE, to set up...
confineable 24 23 capable of being con...
confineless 23 20 (Shakespeare) withou...
confinement 22 23 an act of confining...
confirmable 27 25 that can be confirme...
confirmands 24 23 CONFIRMAND, a candid...
confirmator 24 21 one who confirms [n...
confirmedly 32 25 CONFIRMED [adv]
confirmings 26 24 CONFIRMING, the act...
confiscable 29 25 capable of being con...
confiscated 26 22 CONFISCATE, to seize...
confiscates 26 21 CONFISCATE, to seize...
confiscator 26 21 one who confiscates...
confiseries 23 18 CONFISERIE, (French)...
conflagrant 24 22 burning [adj]
conflagrate 24 21 to burn [v CONFLAGRA...
conflations 23 20 CONFLATION, a combin...
conflictful 32 27 full of conflict [ad...
conflicting 29 25 CONFLICT, to be in o...
confliction 27 23 conflict [n -S]
conflictive 30 26 tending to conflict...
conflictory 34 24 relating to conflict...
conflictual 29 24 having the nature of...
confluences 26 24 CONFLUENCE, a coming...
confluently 31 24 CONFLUENT, flowing t...
conformable 26 25 compliant [adj CONFO...
conformably 33 27 CONFORMABLE, complia...
conformance 25 25 the act of conformin...
conformisms 26 24 CONFORMISM, complian...
conformists 25 21 CONFORMIST, one who...
confounders 22 21 CONFOUNDER, one who...
confounding 23 24 CONFOUND, to confuse...
confrontals 23 20 CONFRONTAL, a confro...
confronters 22 19 CONFRONTER, one who...
confronting 23 22 CONFRONT, to face de...
confusables 26 23 CONFUSABLE, somethin...
confusibles 27 23 CONFUSIBLE, somethin...
confusingly 32 25 CONFUSING [adv]
confusional 23 21 relating to confusio...
confutation 22 20 the act of confuting...
confutative 25 23 tending to confute [...
confutement 23 23 the act of confuting...
congealable 24 22 that can be congeale...
congealment 22 22 the state of being c...
congelation 21 19 the act of freezing...
congenerics 24 21 CONGENERIC, somethin...
congenerous 20 19 of the same genus, o...
congenially 29 22 CONGENIAL, pleasant,...
congestible 25 21 able to be congested...
congestions 21 18 CONGESTION, the stat...
conglobated 24 22 CONGLOBATE, to gathe...
conglobates 24 21 CONGLOBATE, to gathe...
congratters 22 17 (colloquial) congrat...
congreeting 22 20 CONGREET, (archaic)...
congregants 22 20 CONGREGANT, a member...
congregated 22 20 CONGREGATE, to colle...
congregates 22 19 CONGREGATE, to colle...
congregator 22 19 one who congregates...
congressing 23 20 CONGRESS, to assembl...
congressman 22 21 a member of a congre...
congressmen 22 21 CONGRESSMAN, a membe...
congruences 24 22 CONGRUENCE, the stat...
congruently 29 22 CONGRUENT, suitable;...
congruities 23 18 CONGRUITY, agreement...
congruously 30 22 CONGRUOUS, harmoniou...
coniologies 22 18 CONIOLOGY, the study...
conirostral 22 16 having a strong coni...
conjectural 27 29 of the nature of or...
conjectured 26 29 CONJECTURE, to arriv...
conjecturer 26 28 one who conjectures...
conjectures 26 28 CONJECTURE, to arriv...
conjugality 32 30 the state of being c...
conjugately 31 30 CONJUGATE, joined, c...
conjugating 25 30 the act of conjugati...
conjugation 23 28 a schematic arrangem...
conjugative 26 31 conjugate [adj]
conjugators 24 27 CONJUGATOR, one who...
conjunction 25 30 the act or an instan...
conjunctiva 28 33 (Latin) the membrane...
conjunctive 28 33 joining [adj CONJUNC...
conjuncture 26 30 a juncture [n -S]
conjuration 22 26 the act of conjuring...
conjurators 23 25 CONJURATOR, one who...
conjurement 23 29 the act of conjuring...
connascence 24 23 the state of being c...
connascency 31 25 the state of being c...
connateness 18 17 the state of being c...
connectable 25 23 that can be connecte...
connectedly 30 23 CONNECTED [adv]
connectible 26 23 that can be connecte...
connections 22 20 CONNECTION, the act...
connectives 25 23 CONNECTIVE, somethin...
connexional 25 25 relating to connexio...
conniptions 22 20 CONNIPTION, (US slan...
connivances 24 24 CONNIVANCE, the act...
connivences 24 24 CONNIVENCE, the stat...
connivently 29 24 CONNIVENT, of insect...
conniveries 22 20 CONNIVERY, an act of...
connivingly 31 26 CONNIVING [adv]
connoisseur 20 17 (French) one who app...
connotating 20 19 CONNOTATE, to connot...
connotation 18 17 the act of connoting...
connotative 21 20 signifying or sugges...
connotively 29 23 CONNOTIVE, signifyin...
connubially 31 24 CONNUBIAL, of or rel...
connumerate 20 20 to count together [v...
conquerable 31 29 that can be conquere...
consanguine 20 20 of the same blood or...
consciences 26 22 CONSCIENCE, the sens...
consciouses 24 19 CONSCIOUS, the consc...
consciously 32 22 CONSCIOUS, having th...
conscribing 28 24 CONSCRIBE, to enroll...
conscripted 27 22 CONSCRIPT, to enlist...
consecrated 23 19 CONSECRATE, to induc...
consecrates 23 18 CONSECRATE, to induc...
consecrator 23 18 one who consecrates...
consecution 23 20 the logical sequence...
consecutive 26 23 following one after...
consensions 19 17 CONSENSION, agreemen...
consensuses 20 17 CONSENSUS, (Latin) a...
consentient 19 17 unanimous; of one ac...
consequence 30 29 a conclusion derived...
consequents 28 26 CONSEQUENT, the natu...
conservable 25 23 that can be conserve...
conservancy 31 25 a board regulating f...
conservator 22 19 one that preserves f...
considerate 20 16 marked by or given t...
considerers 21 16 CONSIDERER, one who...
considering 22 19 CONSIDER, to think a...
consigliere 23 18 in Italy, a member o...
consiglieri 24 18 CONSIGLIERE, in Ital...
consignable 24 22 that can be consigne...
consignment 22 22 the act of consignin...
consilience 24 20 concurrence, coincid...
consimility 31 21 the state of being c...
consistence 23 19 firmness of constitu...
consistency 30 21 firmness of constitu...
consociated 23 19 CONSOCIATE, to ally...
consociates 23 18 CONSOCIATE, to ally...
consolating 22 19 CONSOLATE, (Shakespe...
consolation 20 17 the act or an instan...
consolatory 27 18 comforting [adj] / (...
consolatrix 28 23 a woman who consoles...
consolement 21 20 the act of consoling...
consolidate 21 17 to join together int...
consolingly 30 22 CONSOLING [adv]
consonances 21 20 CONSONANCE, a state...
consonantal 19 18 relating to, being,...
consonantly 26 20 CONSONANT, consisten...
consortable 23 19 able to be consorted...
consortisms 23 18 CONSORTISM, symbiosi...
consortiums 23 19 CONSORTIUM, (Latin)...
conspecific 32 27 a plant or animal of...
conspicuity 34 24 the state of being c...
conspicuous 27 23 obvious to the eye o...
conspirants 23 19 CONSPIRANT, a conspi...
conspirator 23 18 one who conspires [n...
constancies 23 19 CONSTANCY, the state...
constantans 19 17 CONSTANTAN, an alloy...
constatives 23 19 CONSTATIVE, a statem...
constellate 22 17 to cluster; to compe...
consternate 19 16 to fill with conster...
constipated 23 19 CONSTIPATE, to cause...
constipates 23 18 CONSTIPATE, to cause...
constituent 21 17 forming part of [adj...
constituted 22 17 CONSTITUTE, to form...
constituter 22 16 one who constitutes...
constitutes 22 16 CONSTITUTE, to form...
constitutor 22 16 someone or something...
constrained 20 17 CONSTRAIN, to force,...
constrainer 20 16 something or someone...
constraints 21 16 CONSTRAINT, the act...
constricted 25 19 CONSTRICT, to draw t...
constrictor 25 18 a muscle that contra...
constringed 22 19 CONSTRINGE, to draw...
constringes 22 18 CONSTRINGE, to draw...
construable 24 20 that can be construe...
constructed 25 20 CONSTRUCT, to build...
constructer 25 19 one who constructs,...
constructor 25 19 one who constructs,...
constuprate 23 19 (obsolete) to ravish...
consubsists 25 19 CONSUBSIST, to subsi...
consuetudes 21 18 CONSUETUDE, custom;...
consulships 28 22 CONSULSHIP, the offi...
consultable 25 21 that can be consulte...
consultancy 31 23 an agency which prov...
consultants 22 18 CONSULTANT, one who...
consumables 25 23 CONSUMABLE, somethin...
consumerism 24 22 the promotion of the...
consumerist 23 19 an adherent of consu...
consumingly 31 25 CONSUMING, wasting o...
consummated 23 23 CONSUMMATE, to finis...
consummates 23 22 CONSUMMATE, to finis...
consummator 23 22 one who consummates...
consumption 24 23 a progressive wastin...
consumptive 27 26 tending to consume [...
contactable 26 22 that can be contacte...
contactless 25 19 without contacts [ad...
containable 22 20 that can be containe...
containment 20 20 the act of containin...
contaminant 20 20 something that conta...
contaminate 20 19 to pollute by contac...
contangoing 21 21 CONTANGO [v]
contemnible 24 23 worthy of being cont...
contemnibly 31 25 CONTEMNIBLE, worthy...
contempered 23 22 CONTEMPER, to blend...
contemplant 24 23 one who contemplates...
contemplate 24 22 to view or consider...
contendents 19 18 CONTENDENT, an antag...
contendings 21 20 CONTENDING, striving...
contenement 19 20 (obsolete) property...
contentedly 27 20 CONTENTED [adv]
contentions 19 17 CONTENTION, an act o...
contentious 20 17 likely to cause cont...
contentless 21 17 without content [adj...
contentment 20 20 the state of being c...
conterminal 22 20 adjacent, end to end...
contestable 23 19 able to be contested...
contestably 30 21 CONTESTABLE, able to...
contestants 20 16 CONTESTANT, one that...
contextless 28 23 without context [adj...
contextural 28 24 relating to contextu...
contextures 27 23 CONTEXTURE, the proc...
continences 22 20 CONTINENCE, self-res...
continental 20 18 relating to a contin...
continently 27 20 CONTINENT, temperate...
contingence 23 22 an event (as an emer...
contingency 30 24 an event (as an emer...
contingents 21 19 CONTINGENT, somethin...
continuable 23 21 that can be continue...
continually 29 21 CONTINUAL, constantl...
continuance 22 21 the state of continu...
continuants 20 18 CONTINUANT, a contin...
continuator 20 17 one that continues [...
continuedly 28 21 CONTINUED [adv]
contorniate 19 16 a coin or medal with...
contortedly 28 19 CONTORTED [adv]
contortions 20 16 CONTORTION, the stat...
contrabands 22 20 CONTRABAND, illegal...
contrabassi 23 18 CONTRABASSO, (Italia...
contrabasso 22 18 (Italian) the double...
contractile 25 19 having the power or...
contracting 25 21 CONTRACT, to decreas...
contraction 23 19 the act of contracti...
contractive 26 22 tending to contract...
contractors 24 18 CONTRACTOR, one that...
contractual 25 20 of, relating to, or...
contracture 24 19 a permanent shorteni...
contradance 22 20 a country dance, esp...
contradicts 25 19 CONTRADICT, to asser...
contraflows 27 22 CONTRAFLOW, a system...
contrahents 22 18 CONTRAHENT, (histori...
contraprops 25 21 CONTRAPROP, a contra...
contraption 22 19 a device, a gadget [...
contrarians 20 16 CONTRARIAN, a person...
contrariety 27 17 the state of being c...
contrarious 21 16 (archaic) contrary,...
contrarying 28 20 CONTRARY, to oppose,...
contrasting 22 18 CONTRAST, to place i...
contrastive 23 19 forming or consistin...
contravened 21 21 CONTRAVENE, to act c...
contravener 21 20 one who contravenes...
contravenes 21 20 CONTRAVENE, to act c...
contrayerva 28 21 a tropical American...
contrecoups 26 22 CONTRECOUP, (French)...
contredance 22 20 a country dance, esp...
contredanse 19 17 (French) a folk danc...
contretemps 24 21 (French) an embarras...
contributed 24 20 CONTRIBUTE, to give...
contributes 24 19 CONTRIBUTE, to give...
contributor 24 19 one who contributes...
contristing 23 18 CONTRIST, (obsolete)...
contritions 21 16 CONTRITION, the stat...
contrivable 26 23 that can be contrive...
contrivance 25 23 a thing contrived [n...
controllers 23 17 CONTROLLER, one who...
controlling 24 20 CONTROL, to exercise...
controlment 22 20 the act or power of...
controuling 23 20 CONTROUL, to exercis...
controverse 22 19 (archaic) a dispute...
controversy 29 21 the action of disput...
controverts 23 19 CONTROVERT, to oppos...
contubernal 23 21 living or messing to...
contumacies 25 22 CONTUMACY, stubborn...
contumacity 32 24 stubborn disobedienc...
contumelies 23 20 CONTUMELY, contemptu...
contusioned 20 18 CONTUSION [v]
conurbation 22 20 an aggregation or co...
convalesced 26 24 CONVALESCE, to recov...
convalesces 26 23 CONVALESCE, to recov...
convections 25 23 CONVECTION, the act...
convenances 23 24 CONVENANCE, (French)...
convenience 23 24 fitness for performi...
conveniency 30 26 fitness for performi...
conventicle 26 24 an assembly for reli...
conventions 21 21 CONVENTION, an estab...
conventuals 23 22 CONVENTUAL, a monk o...
convergence 25 25 the state of being c...
convergency 32 27 the state of being c...
conversable 25 23 able to be converese...
conversably 32 25 CONVERSABLE, able to...
conversance 24 23 the state of being c...
conversancy 31 25 the state of being c...
conversions 22 20 CONVERSION, the act...
convertends 22 21 CONVERTEND, in logic...
convertible 26 23 that can be converte...
convertibly 33 25 CONVERTIBLE, that ca...
convertites 23 19 CONVERTITE, (archaic...
convexities 29 26 CONVEXITY, the state...
conveyancer 30 25 one whose business i...
conveyances 30 25 CONVEYANCE, an instr...
conveyorise 28 21 to equip with a conv...
conveyorize 31 30 to equip with a conv...
convicinity 33 25 a neighbourhood [n C...
convictable 29 26 that can be convicte...
convictible 30 26 that can be convicte...
convictions 26 23 CONVICTION, the act...
convictisms 29 25 CONVICTISM, the poli...
convincible 29 27 that can be convince...
convivially 34 27 CONVIVIAL, relating...
convocating 26 25 CONVOCATE, to convok...
convocation 24 23 an assembly of perso...
convocative 27 26 relating to convocat...
convocators 25 22 CONVOCATOR, one who...
convolutely 31 24 CONVOLUTE, rolled to...
convoluting 25 24 CONVOLUTE, to twist,...
convolution 23 22 a form or shape that...
convolvulus 28 27 (Latin) a genus of c...
convulsants 24 22 CONVULSANT, an agent...
convulsible 28 25 subject to convulsio...
convulsions 24 22 CONVULSION, an abnor...
coolingness 22 19 the state of being c...
cooperating 23 20 COOPERATE, to work t...
cooperation 21 18 the action of cooper...
cooperative 24 21 working together [ad...
cooperators 22 17 COOPERATOR, one who...
cooptations 22 18 COOPTATION, the act...
coordinance 22 20 a joint ordinance [n...
coordinated 20 17 COORDINATE, to organ...
coordinates 20 16 COORDINATE, to organ...
coordinator 20 16 one who coordinates...
coparcenary 31 23 joint heirship or ow...
coparceners 25 21 COPARCENER, one who...
coparcenery 31 23 joint heirship or ow...
coparcenies 25 21 COPARCENY, a form of...
coparenting 23 21 COPARENT, to share t...
copartnered 22 19 COPARTNER, to act as...
copernicium 28 25 a short-lived artifi...
copingstone 23 21 a stone that tops or...
copiousness 23 19 the state of being c...
coplanarity 30 21 the state of being c...
coplottings 26 21 COPLOTTING [n]
copolymeric 35 26 like a copolymer [ad...
copperheads 27 23 COPPERHEAD, a venomo...
copperplate 28 24 an engraved or etche...
copperskins 27 25 COPPERSKIN, (archaic...
coppersmith 30 25 a worker in copper [...
copperworks 30 27 COPPERWORK, craftwor...
copperworms 30 26 COPPERWORM, the ship...
copresences 25 21 COPRESENCE, presence...
copresented 22 19 COPRESENT, to presen...
copresident 23 19 a joint president [n...
coprincipal 30 25 a joint principal [n...
coprisoners 23 18 COPRISONER, a fellow...
coprocessor 26 20 a microprocessor sup...
coproducers 27 22 COPRODUCER, one who...
coproducing 28 25 COPRODUCE, to produc...
coprolaliac 28 22 relating to coprolal...
coprolalias 25 19 COPROLALIA, an uncon...
coprologies 25 20 COPROLOGY, the study...
copromoters 24 20 COPROMOTER, a joint...
coprophagan 27 25 a beetle that lives...
coprophagic 32 27 eating dung, also CO...
coprophilia 29 23 an abnormal liking f...
coprophilic 33 26 relating to coprophi...
coprosterol 24 18 a compound formed fr...
copublished 30 25 COPUBLISH, to publis...
copublisher 30 24 a joint publisher [n...
copublishes 30 24 COPUBLISH, to publis...
copulations 24 20 COPULATION, the act...
copulatives 27 23 COPULATIVE, a conjun...
copurifying 34 26 COPURIFY, to become...
copycatting 34 25 COPYCAT, to imitate...
copyediting 31 23 COPYEDIT, to prepare...
copyholders 33 23 COPYHOLDER, one poss...
copylefting 34 26 COPYLEFT, to publish...
copyreaders 29 20 COPYREADER, a subedi...
copyreading 30 23 the act of copyreadi...
copyrighted 34 24 COPYRIGHT, to secure...
copyrighter 34 23 one who copyrights [...
copywriters 34 22 COPYWRITER, a writer...
copywriting 35 25 writing advertising...
coquelicots 34 28 COQUELICOT, (French)...
coquimbites 34 30 COQUIMBITE, a yellow...
coraciiform 28 23 of, belonging to or...
coralliform 27 22 having the form of c...
coralloidal 24 18 having the form of c...
corbellings 27 22 CORBELLING, corbels...
corbiculate 28 22 like a small basket...
cordgrasses 23 17 CORDGRASS, a grass o...
cordialised 23 17 CORDIALISE, to becom...
cordialises 23 16 CORDIALISE, to becom...
cordialized 26 26 CORDIALIZE, to becom...
cordializes 26 25 CORDIALIZE, to becom...
cordialness 22 17 the state of being c...
cordierites 22 15 CORDIERITE, the mine...
cordilleran 23 18 relating to a cordil...
cordilleras 24 17 CORDILLERA, (Spanish...
cordotomies 22 18 CORDOTOMY, the surgi...
corduroying 29 21 CORDUROY, to build a...
cordwainers 24 19 CORDWAINER, (archaic...
cordwainery 30 21 (archaic) the craft...
corecipient 26 21 a joint recipient [n...
coredeeming 22 21 COREDEEM, to redeem...
corelations 21 16 CORELATION, correspo...
corelatives 24 19 CORELATIVE, a person...
coreopsises 23 17 COREOPSIS, a genus o...
corepressor 23 17 a small molecule tha...
corequisite 30 24 a formal course of s...
coresidents 21 16 CORESIDENT, a fellow...
corivalling 27 23 CORIVAL, to rival [v...
corivalries 25 19 CORIVALRY, rivalry [...
corivalship 30 24 rivalry [n -S]
corkinesses 22 19 CORKINESS, the state...
corkscrewed 29 25 CORKSCREW, to twist...
cormophytes 33 24 CORMOPHYTE, a plant...
cormophytic 37 27 like a cormophyte [a...
cornbraided 23 20 CORNBRAID, to braid...
cornbrashes 25 20 CORNBRASH, a coarse,...
corncockles 29 26 CORNCOCKLE, a wild f...
corneitises 21 15 CORNEITIS, inflammat...
cornerbacks 27 25 CORNERBACK, a positi...
cornerstone 19 16 a stone forming a pa...
cornettinos 20 16 CORNETTINO, an instr...
cornettists 22 15 CORNETTIST, one who...
cornflowers 27 22 CORNFLOWER, a beauti...
cornhuskers 25 22 CORNHUSKER, a person...
cornhusking 26 25 the removal of the h...
corniculate 25 20 horn-shaped; horned...
corniculums 28 24 CORNICULUM, (Latin)...
corniferous 23 19 containing hornstone...
cornigerous 22 18 horned [adj]
corninesses 20 16 CORNINESS, the state...
cornucopian 25 23 of the nature of a c...
cornucopias 26 22 CORNUCOPIA, a curved...
corollaries 23 16 COROLLARY, an easy i...
corolliform 27 22 having the form of a...
coromandels 22 20 COROMANDEL, a kind o...
coronagraph 25 22 an instrument for vi...
coronations 19 16 CORONATION, the act...
coronavirus 23 20 a kind of virus name...
coronership 25 20 the office of corone...
coronograph 25 22 a special telescope...
corotations 20 15 COROTATION, the act...
corporality 31 20 the state of being o...
corporately 30 20 CORPORATE, legally u...
corporation 22 18 a body corporate leg...
corporatise 23 17 to make corporate, a...
corporatism 25 20 the policy of contro...
corporatist 24 17 a believer in corpor...
corporative 25 21 of or relating to a...
corporatize 26 26 to make corporate, a...
corporators 23 17 CORPORATOR, a member...
corporeally 31 21 CORPOREAL, relating...
corporified 26 21 CORPORIFY, to embody...
corporifies 26 20 CORPORIFY, to embody...
corpulences 27 23 CORPULENCE, the stat...
corpulently 32 23 CORPULENT, fleshy [a...
corpuscular 29 23 having the nature of...
corpuscules 29 23 CORPUSCULE, a cell o...
correctable 27 21 that can be correcte...
correctible 28 21 that can be correcte...
corrections 24 18 CORRECTION, the act...
correctives 27 21 CORRECTIVE, somethin...
correctness 24 18 the state of being c...
corregidors 23 17 CORREGIDOR, (Spanish...
correlating 23 18 CORRELATE, to be rel...
correlation 21 16 correspondence, also...
correlative 24 19 mutually linked, als...
correlators 22 15 CORRELATOR, one who...
correptions 23 18 CORREPTION, (obsolet...
corresponds 23 19 CORRESPOND, to be in...
corrigendum 24 22 an error in a printe...
corrivalled 26 21 CORRIVAL, to rival,...
corroborant 22 18 having an invigorati...
corroborate 22 17 to support with evid...
corroboreed 22 18 CORROBOREE, (Native...
corroborees 22 17 CORROBOREE, (Native...
corrosively 31 21 CORROSIVE, having th...
corrugating 24 20 CORRUGATE, to wrinkl...
corrugation 22 18 the act of corrugati...
corrugators 23 17 CORRUGATOR, a muscle...
corruptible 28 22 that can be corrupte...
corruptibly 35 24 CORRUPTIBLE, that ca...
corruptions 24 19 CORRUPTION, impairme...
corruptness 24 19 the state of being c...
corselettes 22 15 CORSELETTE, a cuiras...
corsetieres 21 14 CORSETIERE, (French)...
cortication 24 18 the state of being c...
corticolous 26 19 living or growing on...
coruscating 26 21 CORUSCATE, to sparkl...
coruscation 24 19 glitter, sparkle [n...
corybantism 31 23 the rites associated...
corydalines 28 19 CORYDALINE, an alkal...
corydalises 29 18 CORYDALIS, a climbin...
corymbosely 38 25 CORYMBOSE, consistin...
coscripting 29 23 COSCRIPT, to collabo...
cosignatory 28 19 a joint signer, also...
cosmetician 25 21 a person who is prof...
cosmeticise 26 20 to make (something u...
cosmeticism 28 23 the use of cosmetics...
cosmeticize 29 29 to make (something u...
cosmetology 30 22 the study of cosmeti...
cosmocratic 29 23 like a cosmocrat [ad...
cosmodromes 23 21 COSMODROME, a launch...
cosmogenies 22 20 COSMOGENY, a theory...
cosmogonies 22 20 COSMOGONY, a theory...
cosmogonist 23 20 a student of cosmogo...
cosmography 34 26 a general descriptio...
cosmolining 24 22 COSMOLINE, to smear...
cosmologies 24 20 COSMOLOGY, the study...
cosmologist 25 20 one who studies cosm...
cosmopolite 25 21 a cosmopolitan perso...
cosmosphere 26 22 an apparatus for sho...
cosmotheism 26 22 the belief that iden...
cosmothetic 28 22 assuming an external...
cosponsored 22 19 COSPONSOR, to sponso...
costeanings 21 18 COSTEANING, the act...
costiveness 23 19 constipation [n -ES]
costotomies 22 17 COSTOTOMY, surgical...
costumeries 23 18 COSTUMERY, costumes...
cotemporary 30 22 contemporary, also C...
cotenancies 22 19 COTENANCY, a joint t...
coterminous 22 19 having the same or c...
cotoneaster 19 15 any shrub or small t...
cotransduce 24 20 to transduce jointly...
cotransfers 23 18 COTRANSFER, a transf...
cotransport 23 18 to transport jointly...
cottierisms 24 17 COTTIERISM, the cott...
cottonmouth 24 21 a venomous semiaquat...
cottonseeds 20 16 COTTONSEED, the seed...
cottontails 22 16 COTTONTAIL, any of s...
cottonweeds 23 19 COTTONWEED, a cotton...
cottonwoods 23 19 COTTONWOOD, an Ameri...
cotyledonal 28 20 like a cotyledon [ad...
cotyloidals 30 19 COTYLOIDAL [n]
cotylosaurs 29 18 COTYLOSAUR, an extin...
coulibiacas 28 22 COULIBIACA, (Russian...
coulometers 23 19 COULOMETER, an instr...
coulometric 27 22 relating to coulomet...
councillors 27 21 COUNCILLOR, a member...
counselable 24 21 able to be counseled...
counselings 23 20 COUNSELING, the act...
counsellees 22 18 COUNSELLEE, one who...
counselling 24 21 COUNSEL, to advise [...
counsellors 23 18 COUNSELLOR, one who...
countenance 21 21 to approve of, condo...
counteracts 24 19 COUNTERACT, to act c...
counterbase 22 19 (Italian) the double...
counterbids 24 20 COUNTERBID [v]
counterblow 27 23 a blow in return [n...
counterbond 22 21 a bond to protect a...
counterbore 22 19 a straight-sided wid...
counterbuff 28 26 to rebuff [v -ED, -I...
countercoup 26 23 a coup in return [n...
counterdraw 24 20 to trace on oiled pa...
counterdrew 24 20 COUNTERDRAW, to trac...
counterfect 26 22 (Spenser) counterfei...
counterfeit 23 19 imitation, also COUN...
counterfire 23 19 return fire [n -S]
counterflow 27 23 the flow of a fluid...
counterfoil 24 20 part of ticket or ch...
counterfort 23 19 a buttress or arch s...
counterglow 26 22 another name for geg...
counterions 20 17 COUNTERION, an ion h...
countermand 21 21 to revoke an order b...
countermark 23 23 an additional mark p...
countermemo 22 22 a memo made in contr...
countermine 21 20 to make an excavatio...
countermove 23 23 to make a move in re...
countermure 22 20 a wall raised by bes...
countermyth 31 23 an opposing myth [n...
counterpace 25 22 a step in opposition...
counterpane 21 20 a bed coverlet [n -S...
counterpart 23 19 one of two correspon...
counterplan 23 21 to form a plan desig...
counterplay 30 22 to make a threat or...
counterplea 23 20 a replication to a l...
counterpled 24 21 COUNTERPLEAD, to ple...
counterplot 24 20 to intrigue against...
counterploy 30 22 a ploy in return [n...
counterpose 22 19 to place in oppositi...
counterraid 21 17 to make a retaliator...
countersank 21 21 COUNTERSINK, to make...
counterseal 21 17 (Shakespeare) to sea...
countershot 23 18 a shot in retaliatio...
countersign 22 19 to sign with a signa...
countersink 22 21 to make a countersin...
counterstep 23 19 a step in retaliatio...
countersued 21 18 COUNTERSUE, to sue s...
countersues 21 17 COUNTERSUE, to sue s...
countersuit 22 17 a suit in retaliatio...
countersunk 22 22 COUNTERSINK, to make...
countertops 23 19 COUNTERTOP, the top...
countertype 29 21 an opposite type [n...
countervail 24 21 to counterbalance, n...
counterview 26 23 an opposite point of...
counterword 24 20 a word widely used i...
counterwork 25 23 to work in oppositio...
countlessly 30 20 COUNTLESS, beyond co...
countrified 24 20 rural, rustic, also...
countrolled 23 19 COUNTROL, to control...
countryfied 30 22 rural, rustic, also...
countryseat 27 18 a house or estate in...
countryside 28 19 a rural area [n -S]
countrywide 31 22 extending throughout...
couplements 25 23 COUPLEMENT, union; a...
coursebooks 24 22 COURSEBOOK, a book u...
coursewares 24 18 COURSEWARE, computer...
courseworks 26 22 COURSEWORK, work don...
courtcrafts 28 21 COURTCRAFT, the cour...
courteously 29 19 COURTEOUS, polite, c...
courtesying 29 20 COURTESY, to curtsey...
courthouses 24 18 COURTHOUSE, a buildi...
courtierism 24 18 the behaviour or pra...
courtliness 23 17 the state of being c...
couscousous 25 20 COUSCOUSOU, the grai...
cousinhoods 23 19 COUSINHOOD, the stat...
cousinships 27 21 COUSINSHIP, the stat...
couturieres 22 16 COUTURIERE, (French)...
covalencies 26 23 COVALENCY, the union...
covariances 25 22 COVARIANCE, the prop...
covariation 22 19 the correlated varia...
covenantees 20 20 COVENANTEE, the pers...
covenanters 21 20 COVENANTER, one who...
covenanting 22 23 COVENANT, to enter i...
covenantors 21 20 COVENANTOR, the part...
covermounts 24 23 COVERMOUNT, to attac...
cowardships 30 23 COWARDSHIP, (Shakesp...
cowcatchers 33 25 COWCATCHER, a device...
cowfeterias 26 20 COWFETERIA, a calf f...
cowpunchers 32 27 COWPUNCHER, a cowboy...
coxcombical 38 34 foppish, vain, also...
coxcombries 34 30 COXCOMBRY, the behav...
coxswaining 31 28 COXSWAIN, to steer a...
crabbedness 25 22 the state of being c...
crabgrasses 25 19 CRABGRASS, a type of...
crackajacks 32 37 CRACKAJACK, a person...
crackbrains 28 25 CRACKBRAIN, a crazy...
crackerjack 32 37 a person or thing of...
crackleware 29 25 pottery with a crack...
cracovienne 24 23 (Polish) a lively Po...
cradlesongs 23 19 CRADLESONG, a lullab...
cradlewalks 28 24 CRADLEWALK, an avenu...
craftsmanly 32 24 CRAFTSMAN [adv]
craftswoman 27 24 a woman who is an ar...
craftswomen 27 24 CRAFTSWOMAN, a woman...
craggedness 23 20 the state of being c...
craigflukes 28 25 CRAIGFLUKE, a type o...
cramboclink 30 29 (Scots) rhyming dogg...
crampfishes 30 25 CRAMPFISH, the elect...
cramponning 24 25 climbing using cramp...
cranberries 23 18 CRANBERRY, the red a...
cranesbills 26 20 CRANESBILL, any wild...
craniectomy 31 23 surgical opening of...
craniognomy 28 23 cranial physiognomy...
craniometer 21 18 an instrument for me...
craniometry 28 20 a science dealing wi...
craniopagus 24 21 the condition of Sia...
cranioscopy 32 23 phrenology [n CRANIO...
crankhandle 24 24 a handle for startin...
cranknesses 21 20 CRANKNESS, liability...
crankshafts 27 24 CRANKSHAFT, a shaft...
crapehanger 25 22 a morose, gloomy, or...
crapshooter 25 19 one who plays craps...
crapulences 27 23 CRAPULENCE, the sick...
crapulently 32 23 CRAPULENT, suffering...
crapulosity 32 21 the state of being c...
crapulously 33 23 CRAPULOUS, suffering...
craquelures 31 26 CRAQUELURE, (French)...
crashworthy 36 23 resistant to the eff...
crassamenta 21 18 CRASSAMENTUM, (Latin...
crassitudes 23 16 CRASSITUDE, the stat...
crassnesses 21 15 CRASSNESS, the state...
crateriform 25 20 cup-shaped [adj]
craunchable 29 25 that can be craunche...
craunchiest 27 21 CRAUNCHY, crunchy [a...
crawdaddies 25 20 CRAWDADDY, a crayfis...
crawfishing 31 25 CRAWFISH, to retreat...
crazinesses 24 24 CRAZINESS, the state...
creatianism 22 18 a fundamentalism Chr...
creatinines 20 16 CREATININE, dehydrat...
creationism 22 18 a fundamentalism Chr...
creationist 21 15 a believer in creati...
creatorship 26 19 the office of creato...
creatresses 21 14 CREATRESS, a female...
credentials 22 17 CREDENTIAL, giving a...
credibility 33 21 the power of inspiri...
credulities 24 17 CREDULITY, readiness...
credulously 31 21 CREDULOUS, gullible...
creepmouses 24 21 CREEPMOUSE, an infor...
cremaillere 24 19 (French) a zigzag li...
crematorial 23 18 relating to a cremat...
crematories 22 17 CREMATORY, a place w...
crematorium 24 21 a place where bodies...
crenelating 22 19 CRENELATE, (US) to p...
crenelation 20 17 a battlement, also C...
crenellated 22 18 CRENELLATE, to provi...
crenellates 22 17 CRENELLATE, to provi...
crenulation 21 18 the state of being c...
creophagies 26 21 CREOPHAGY, the act o...
creophagous 26 22 flesh-eating, carniv...
crepehanger 25 22 a pessimist, a gloom...
crepinesses 23 18 CREPINESS, the state...
crepitating 25 20 CREPITATE, to crackl...
crepitation 23 18 a soft crackling sou...
crepitative 26 21 crackling [adj]
crepuscular 29 23 relating to twilight...
crepuscules 29 23 CREPUSCULE, twilight...
crescendoed 23 20 CRESCENDO, to come t...
crescendoes 23 19 CRESCENDO, to come t...
crescentade 23 19 a religious war for...
crescograph 30 24 an instrument for me...
crestfallen 25 20 dispirited or disapp...
cretinising 23 18 CRETINISE, to make i...
cretinizing 26 27 CRETINIZE, to make i...
crewellings 28 22 CREWELLING, the act...
crewelworks 30 25 CREWELWORK, embroide...
cribrations 24 18 CRIBRATION, sifting...
cricketings 28 24 CRICKETING [n]
criminalese 23 19 criminals' slang [n...
criminalise 24 19 to make illegal, als...
criminalist 25 19 a person versed in c...
criminality 31 21 the state of being c...
criminalize 27 28 to make illegal, als...
criminating 24 21 CRIMINATE, to accuse...
crimination 22 19 the act of criminati...
criminative 25 22 involving criminatio...
criminators 23 18 CRIMINATOR, one who...
criminatory 29 20 involving criminatio...
criminology 31 23 study of crime; crim...
crimsonness 22 19 the state of being c...
cringelings 25 21 CRINGELING, a person...
crinigerous 23 18 hairy [adj]
crinkleroot 23 20 any of several speci...
crinoideans 20 17 CRINOIDEAN, a crinoi...
crinolettes 22 16 CRINOLETTE, (French)...
crippledoms 29 25 CRIPPLEDOM, cripples...
crippleware 30 24 software that has be...
cripplingly 37 27 CRIPPLING [adv]
crispations 24 18 CRISPATION, the stat...
crispatures 25 18 CRISPATURE, a curlin...
crispbreads 27 21 CRISPBREAD, a brittl...
crispnesses 24 18 CRISPNESS, the state...
crithomancy 34 25 divination by strewi...
criticality 34 20 the state of being c...
criticaster 26 17 an inferior or petty...
criticisers 27 17 CRITICISER, one who...
criticising 28 20 CRITICISE, to censur...
criticizers 30 26 CRITICIZER, one who...
criticizing 31 29 CRITICIZE, to censur...
crochetings 28 22 CROCHETING [n]
crocidolite 26 19 a fibrous mineral co...
crocodilian 25 20 any of an order of r...
crocoisites 25 17 CROCOISITE, a bright...
crookbacked 28 29 CROOKBACK [v]
crookedness 21 20 the state of being c...
cropdusters 25 19 CROPDUSTER, an aircr...
cropdusting 26 22 the spreading of fun...
croquignole 31 28 a method used in wav...
crossandras 21 16 CROSSANDRA, any ever...
crossbanded 23 20 of a handrail, havin...
crossbarred 24 18 CROSSBAR, to fasten...
crossbearer 23 17 a person who carries...
crossbirths 28 19 CROSSBIRTH, a birth...
crossbiting 26 20 CROSSBITE, to swindl...
crossbitten 24 18 CROSSBITE, to swindl...
crossbowers 27 20 CROSSBOWER, one who...
crossbowman 27 24 a person (as a soldi...
crossbowmen 27 24 CROSSBOWMAN, a perso...
crossbreeds 24 18 CROSSBREED, to hybri...
crosschecks 32 26 CROSSCHECK, to test...
crossclaims 28 21 CROSSCLAIM, a claim...
crossfishes 27 19 CROSSFISH, another n...
crosslights 28 19 CROSSLIGHT, a light...
crossnesses 21 15 CROSSNESS, the state...
crosspieces 27 20 CROSSPIECE, a piece...
crossruffed 27 22 CROSSRUFF, in whist...
crotalarias 22 15 CROTALARIA, any plan...
crotcheteer 26 19 a crotchety person [...
crotchetier 27 19 CROTCHETY, bad-tempe...
crowbarring 28 23 CROWBAR, to use a st...
crowberries 27 20 CROWBERRY, a low cre...
crowdedness 24 20 the state of being c...
crowdfunded 27 25 CROWDFUND, to fund a...
crowdsource 28 22 to outsource work to...
crowkeepers 27 24 CROWKEEPER, (Shakesp...
crownpieces 29 24 CROWNPIECE, the stra...
crowstepped 29 24 of a gable, having s...
cruciferous 28 22 bearing a cross [adj...
crucifixion 34 29 execution by crucify...
cruciformly 37 27 CRUCIFORM, cross-sha...
cruciverbal 31 26 related to crossword...
crudenesses 21 17 CRUDENESS, the state...
cruelnesses 22 17 CRUELNESS, (obsolete...
cruisewears 25 18 CRUISEWEAR, clothing...
crumbcloths 33 27 CRUMBCLOTH, a cloth...
crumbliness 27 23 the state of being c...
crunchiness 27 22 the state of being c...
crustaceans 24 19 CRUSTACEAN, a member...
crustaceous 25 19 pertaining to, or of...
crustations 22 16 CRUSTATION, an adher...
cryobiology 38 24 the study of life un...
cryoconites 30 20 CRYOCONITE, dust fou...
cryohydrate 36 21 a crystalline substa...
cryometries 29 19 CRYOMETRY, measureme...
cryonically 39 24 CRYONIC, relating to...
cryophysics 43 26 low-temperature phys...
cryoscopies 33 22 CRYOSCOPY, the study...
cryosurgeon 28 20 a surgeon who uses f...
cryosurgery 36 21 surgery using instru...
cryotherapy 38 23 medical treatment us...
cryptarithm 35 24 an arithmetic proble...
cryptically 43 26 CRYPTICAL, hidden, s...
cryptobiont 32 23 any organism that ex...
cryptococci 40 28 CRYPTOCOCCUS, any of...
cryptogamic 36 27 of or like a cryptog...
cryptogenic 34 25 of unknown origin [a...
cryptograms 33 24 CRYPTOGRAM, anything...
cryptograph 36 26 anything written in...
cryptologic 36 25 relating to cryptolo...
cryptomeria 31 22 a kind of evergreen...
cryptometer 31 22 a instrument used to...
cryptophyte 41 26 any perennial plant...
cryptorchid 37 25 a male human or anim...
cryptozoite 33 28 a malarial parasite...
crystalised 30 18 CRYSTALISE, to form...
crystaliser 30 17 something that cryst...
crystalises 30 17 CRYSTALISE, to form...
crystalized 33 27 CRYSTALIZE, to form...
crystalizer 33 26 something that cryst...
crystalizes 33 26 CRYSTALIZE, to form...
crystalline 30 19 strikingly clear or...
crystallise 31 18 to form a crystal, a...
crystallite 31 18 any of the minute ru...
crystallize 34 27 to form a crystal, a...
crystalloid 31 19 a water-soluble crys...
ctenophoran 23 21 a member of the Cten...
ctenophores 24 20 CTENOPHORE, a member...
cubicalness 28 23 the state of being c...
cuckoldised 28 25 CUCKOLDISE, to make...
cuckoldises 28 24 CUCKOLDISE, to make...
cuckoldized 31 34 CUCKOLDIZE, to make...
cuckoldizes 31 33 CUCKOLDIZE, to make...
cuckoldries 28 24 CUCKOLDRY, the state...
cuckoopints 28 26 CUCKOOPINT, an arum...
cucullately 35 24 CUCULLATE, hooded; h...
cudgellings 27 23 CUDGELLING, a beatin...
cuirassiers 23 15 CUIRASSIER, (French)...
culinarians 22 18 CULINARIAN, a cook,...
culmiferous 27 23 bearing coal-dust [a...
culminating 25 23 CULMINATE, to climax...
culmination 23 21 the action of culmin...
culpability 36 25 the state of being c...
cultishness 26 19 the state of being c...
cultivating 27 23 CULTIVATE, to till o...
cultivation 25 21 the art or practice...
cultivators 26 20 CULTIVATOR, one that...
cultureless 25 18 without culture [adj...
culverineer 24 21 one who uses a culve...
culvertages 26 22 CULVERTAGE, (histori...
cumberbunds 28 27 CUMBERBUND, (Hindi)...
cumberments 26 25 CUMBERMENT, the act...
cummerbunds 27 27 CUMMERBUND, (Hindi)...
cumulations 24 21 CUMULATION, an accum...
cumulocirri 29 23 CUMULOCIRRUS, a type...
cumulonimbi 28 27 CUMULONIMBUS, a type...
cunctations 24 20 CUNCTATION, delay; p...
cunctatious 25 20 causing delay, also...
cunnilingus 24 22 oral stimulation of...
cunningness 21 21 the state of being c...
cupboarding 27 25 CUPBOARD, to store [...
cupellation 25 21 assaying or refining...
cupressuses 25 19 CUPRESSUS, any tree...
cupriferous 27 22 bearing copper [adj]
cupronickel 29 27 an alloy of copper a...
curableness 24 20 the ability to be cu...
curateships 27 20 CURATESHIP, the offi...
curatorship 27 20 the office of curato...
curdinesses 22 17 CURDINESS, the state...
curettement 22 19 the act of curetting...
curfuffling 32 29 CURFUFFLE, to make a...
curialistic 28 19 relating to curialis...
curiosities 23 15 CURIOSITY, the state...
curiousness 22 17 the state of being c...
curlinesses 23 17 CURLINESS, the state...
curmudgeons 24 23 CURMUDGEON, an avari...
curmurrings 26 22 CURMURRING [n]
curnaptious 24 20 (Scots) bad-tempered...
currantiest 22 16 CURRANTY, full of cu...
currentness 21 17 the state of being c...
curriculums 30 24 CURRICULUM, (Latin)...
currishness 25 18 the state of being c...
currycombed 35 27 CURRYCOMB, to comb w...
cursiveness 24 20 the state of being c...
cursoriness 22 16 the state of being c...
curstnesses 22 16 CURSTNESS, shrewishn...
curtailment 24 20 the act of curtailin...
curtainless 23 17 without curtains [ad...
curveballed 28 25 CURVEBALL, to throw...
curvilineal 26 22 bounded by curved li...
curvilinear 25 21 bounded by curved li...
curvinesses 24 20 CURVINESS, the state...
cushinesses 24 18 CUSHINESS, the state...
cushionings 25 21 CUSHIONING, the act...
cushionless 25 19 without cushions [ad...
cuspidation 24 20 decoration with cusp...
customaries 23 18 CUSTOMARY, a body or...
customarily 31 21 CUSTOMARY, according...
customhouse 25 21 an office or residen...
customisers 24 18 CUSTOMISER, one who...
customising 25 21 CUSTOMISE, to adapt...
customizers 27 27 CUSTOMIZER, one who...
customizing 28 30 CUSTOMIZE, to adapt...
custumaries 24 19 CUSTUMARY, a body or...
cutaneously 28 20 CUTANEOUS, of or rel...
cutcherries 28 20 CUTCHERRY, (Hindi) a...
cuttlebones 24 20 CUTTLEBONE, the inte...
cyanidation 26 19 the act of cyaniding...
cyanohydrin 35 23 any of various compo...
cyanometers 27 20 CYANOMETER, instrume...
cyanophytes 37 24 CYANOPHYTE, a blue-g...
cyberattack 34 26 an attempt to damage...
cybercrimes 35 25 CYBERCRIME, computer...
cybernating 30 23 CYBERNATE, to contro...
cybernation 28 21 the automatic contro...
cybernetics 33 23 the science of commu...
cyberphobia 36 27 fear of computers [n...
cyberphobic 40 30 suffering from cyber...
cyberspaces 35 25 CYBERSPACE, the virt...
cycadaceous 33 24 belonging to the cyc...
cycadophyte 41 27 any of a division of...
cyclazocine 37 33 a synthetic drug pro...
cyclicality 44 26 the state of being c...
cyclicities 37 23 CYCLICITY, the state...
cyclisation 32 21 the formation of a r...
cyclization 35 30 the formation of a r...
cycloalkane 32 26 an alicyclic hydroca...
cyclodienes 31 22 CYCLODIENE, a kind o...
cyclographs 38 27 CYCLOGRAPH, an instr...
cyclohexane 38 30 a pungent saturated...
cycloidally 41 25 CYCLOIDAL, of or lik...
cycloidians 32 22 CYCLOIDIAN, a fish w...
cyclometers 33 23 CYCLOMETER, instrume...
cycloolefin 34 25 a hydrocarbon contai...
cyclopaedia 33 24 an encyclopaedia, al...
cyclopaedic 37 27 encyclopaedic, also...
cyclopedias 34 24 CYCLOPEDIA, an encyc...
cyclopedist 35 24 one who makes encycl...
cycloplegia 36 26 loss of visual accom...
cycloplegic 40 29 suffering from cyclo...
cycloserine 31 21 a broadspectrum anti...
cyclosporin 34 24 an immunosuppressant...
cyclostomes 33 23 CYCLOSTOME, the lamp...
cyclostyled 40 24 CYCLOSTYLE, to make...
cyclostyles 40 23 CYCLOSTYLE, to make...
cyclothymes 42 27 CYCLOTHYME, a person...
cyclothymia 42 27 a mental condition o...
cyclothymic 46 30 one suffering from c...
cylindering 30 22 CYLINDER, to provide...
cylindrical 34 23 shaped like a cylind...
cylindrites 30 19 CYLINDRITE, a minera...
cylindroids 30 20 CYLINDROID, a body l...
cymographic 38 29 relating to a cymogr...
cymophanous 32 26 opalescent [adj]
cynghanedds 30 24 CYNGHANEDD, a techni...
cynicalness 31 22 the state of being c...
cynophilias 33 23 CYNOPHILIA, the love...
cynophilist 34 23 a lover of dogs, als...
cynophobias 33 25 CYNOPHOBIA, the morb...
cyperaceous 32 23 belonging to the Cyp...
cyprinodont 29 22 any small tropical o...
cypripedium 35 27 a kind of orchid [n...
cyproterone 28 20 a synthetic steroid...
cysteamines 28 20 CYSTEAMINE, a cystei...
cysticercus 36 23 the larval stage of...
cystinurias 29 18 CYSTINURIA, a condit...
cystocarpic 37 25 relating to a cystoc...
cystogenous 28 20 forming or secreting...
cystography 40 25 radiography of the u...
cystoscopes 33 22 CYSTOSCOPE, an instr...
cystoscopic 37 25 relating to a cystos...
cystotomies 29 19 CYSTOTOMY, surgical...
cytochromes 34 24 CYTOCHROME, any of a...
cytogeneses 27 19 CYTOGENESIS, the for...
cytogenesis 28 19 the formation of cel...
cytogenetic 31 22 relating to cytogene...
cytokineses 28 21 CYTOKINES, CYTOKINE,...
cytokinesis 29 21 division of the cyto...
cytokinetic 32 24 relating to cytokine...
cytological 34 23 relating to cytology...
cytologists 31 19 CYTOLOGIST, a studen...
cytomegalic 34 25 having greatly enlar...
cytometries 29 19 CYTOMETRY, the count...
cytopathies 32 21 CYTOPATHY, a disease...
cytoplasmic 36 26 relating to cytoplas...
cytoplastic 35 23 of or relating to a...
cytostatics 32 19 CYTOSTATIC, a substa...
czareviches 32 32 CZAREVICH, (Russian)...