9 letter words that end with T

9 letter words that end with T

9 letter T word


Words With Friends®


abasement 16 16 the state of being a...
abashment 19 18 the state of being a...
abatement 16 16 a diminution; a mark...
abhorrent 18 15 loathsome [adj]
abodement 16 17 (obsolete) a forebod...
abruptest 20 16 ABRUPT, sudden [adj]
absolvent 19 18 something that absol...
absorbant 18 16 able to absorb [adj]...
absorbent 18 16 able to absorb [adj]...
abstinent 16 14 tending to abstain,...
absurdest 18 14 ABSURD, ridiculous [...
absurdist 19 14 a person holding the...
academist 19 16 a person belonging t...
acceptant 22 19 one who accepts [n -...
accordant 20 17 agreeing; consonant...
accumbent 24 23 of plants, lying aga...
acidulent 19 16 having an acid quali...
actionist 18 13 a shareholder in a j...
actualist 20 14 a person who deals w...
adderwort 18 14 the common bistort,...
addlement 16 16 the state of being a...
adnascent 16 15 growing on some othe...
adornment 14 15 the act of adorning...
adroitest 15 10 ADROIT, skilful [adj...
adsorbent 16 14 a substance that ads...
adversest 17 14 ADVERSE, acting agai...
advertent 16 15 attentive, heedful [...
aerialist 16 10 one who performs on...
aerobiont 15 13 an aerobe, an organi...
affidavit 22 20 (Latin) a written st...
affirmant 20 19 one who affirms or a...
affixment 26 26 something affixed, a...
afterheat 18 14 the heat from fissio...
aftermost 18 15 hindmost, as opposed...
agistment 17 15 a land tax assessed...
agreement 15 15 concord, conformity...
agterskot 17 15 (Afrikaans) the fina...
albescent 20 17 becoming white [adj]
alchemist 23 18 a practitioner of al...
alignment 17 17 the action of aligni...
alinement 15 15 the action of alinin...
allayment 23 17 an allaying, a mitig...
allegiant 17 14 (Shakespeare) loyal...
allergist 19 13 a doctor specialisin...
alleviant 18 16 a medical treatment...
allograft 20 16 a surgical graft fro...
allotment 17 15 a piece of ground le...
alphasort 20 15 to sort into alphabe...
alphatest 20 15 to carry out an alph...
alternant 14 12 composed of alternat...
amassment 16 16 an amassing; an accu...
amazement 18 25 the state of being a...
amendment 15 18 a change, a correcti...
amoralist 17 13 a practitioner of am...
amusement 16 17 a recreation, pastim...
analogist 16 13 one who reasons from...
anarchist 20 15 one who advocates an...
anatomist 15 13 one who practises an...
anglicist 21 16 a person with a scho...
angstiest 16 12 ANGSTY, feeling anxi...
aniconist 17 14 one who practises an...
animalist 17 14 a person who believe...
animatist 16 13 one who believes in...
annectent 15 15 having intermediate...
annexment 19 22 the act of annexing,...
annuitant 13 13 one who receives, or...
annulment 15 17 the act of annulling...
anovulant 16 17 inhibiting ovulation...
antidraft 17 14 opposed to the draft...
antigraft 18 15 designed to reduce c...
antispast 17 13 (Greek) a metrical f...
antitheft 19 15 designed to prevent...
antitrust 16 11 of legislation etc.,...
apartment 17 16 a separate room in a...
apologist 19 15 a defender by argume...
appellant 20 18 a person who makes a...
appendant 17 18 attached, annexed [a...
appendent 17 18 an adjunct, an appen...
applecart 23 19 apple brandy, distil...
applicant 23 20 one who applies [n -...
apriorist 18 12 a person who believe...
aquariist 24 19 (obsolete) a curator...
architect 24 17 a designer of buildi...
archivist 24 18 one who keeps an arc...
archivolt 24 19 a curved moulding on...
arrayment 21 15 clothes; raiment [n...
arrestant 14 10 a substance causing...
arrowroot 17 12 a West Indian plant...
ascendant 16 15 rising, also ASCENDE...
ascendent 16 15 the part of the ecli...
assailant 15 11 one who assails [n -...
assistant 15 10 one who assists [n -...
assumpsit 20 16 (Latin) a contract (...
assurgent 16 13 depicted as rising f...
astronaut 14 11 a person engaged in...
atonalist 15 11 one who adheres to a...
atonement 13 14 the act of atoning [...
attendant 13 12 a servant [n -S]
attenuant 13 12 a drug or other agen...
attestant 14 10 one who attests [n -...
attollent 16 12 lifting up, raising...
attrahent 16 12 attracting; drawing...
augustest 17 13 AUGUST, stately, ven...
auntliest 16 12 AUNTLY, like an aunt...
austerest 15 10 AUSTERE, severe [adj...
autarkist 17 14 one who is autarkic,...
auteurist 16 11 a film director whos...
autograft 18 15 a graft from one par...
autopilot 18 14 a device which can b...
autopoint 16 14 a point-to-point ove...
autopsist 18 13 one who carries out...
avalement 17 18 a skiing technique t...
avirulent 18 16 of bacteria, not vir...
avisement 17 17 (Spenser) advisement...
awfullest 23 18 AWFUL, horrible [adj...
babbliest 23 19 BABBLY, given to bab...
backcourt 25 23 in lawn tennis, that...
backdraft 24 23 a reverse movement o...
backdropt 24 23 BACKDROP, to create...
backlight 27 24 to illumine a subjec...
backsight 26 23 the sight of a rifle...
backswept 27 25 swept backwards [adj...
baldicoot 21 17 the coot, from its w...
balladist 20 15 one who composes bal...
ballpoint 21 18 a type of pen [n -S]
ballsiest 20 14 BALLSY, gutsy [adj]
bandicoot 19 17 a species of very la...
bandobast 18 17 (Urdu) an organisati...
bandobust 19 18 (in India and Pakist...
barrenest 16 13 BARREN, unproductive...
battement 17 16 (French) a movement...
baulkiest 20 18 BAULKY, stubborn [ad...
beachiest 22 17 BEACHY, sandy or peb...
beadblast 20 17 a jet of small glass...
beanfeast 17 16 a lavish meal [n -S]
beardiest 17 13 BEARDY, having a bea...
beechiest 22 17 BEECHY, abounding in...
beechmast 23 20 the nuts of a beech...
benchiest 22 18 BENCHY, of a hillsid...
benedight 20 18 blessed [adj]
benignant 16 17 kind; gracious, as a...
benignest 17 16 BENIGN, favourably d...
besetment 17 16 the act of besetting...
bethankit 20 19 (Scots) a grace, ell...
bethought 23 19 BETHINK, to call to...
bevelment 20 21 the process of bevel...
biblicist 26 19 one skilled in the k...
bicyclist 33 21 one who rides a bicy...
bieldiest 19 14 BIELDY, (Scots) affo...
biologist 20 15 one who studies biol...
bionomist 18 16 a student of bionomi...
bioparent 18 16 a biological parent,...
birdsfoot 20 16 a papilionaceous gen...
birthroot 20 14 an herbaceous plant...
birthwort 24 17 a plant formerly rep...
bitchfest 26 20 malicious discussion...
bitchiest 24 17 BITCHY, catty [adj]
bitterest 18 12 BITTER, having a dis...
bitternut 18 14 a North American hic...
bivariant 19 17 involving two variab...
blabbiest 23 19 BLABBY, tending to b...
blackbutt 26 24 a type of eucalyptus...
blacklist 25 21 to ban or deem unacc...
blackspot 25 23 as in accident black...
blashiest 21 15 BLASHY, showery; of...
blastiest 19 13 BLASTY, characterise...
blastment 19 17 (Shakespeare) a blig...
bleariest 18 13 BLEARY, dim [adj]
blebbiest 23 19 BLEBBY, containing b...
blingiest 20 16 BLINGY, bling, flash...
blobbiest 23 19 BLOBBY, having blobs...
blockbust 26 24 to bring about the s...
blockiest 23 20 BLOCKY, block-like [...
bloodiest 18 14 BLOODY, stained with...
bloodlust 20 16 desire for bloodshed...
bloodroot 17 14 a plant with a red r...
bloodshot 20 16 of the eye, red or i...
bloodwort 21 17 a plant with a red d...
bloomiest 19 16 BLOOMY, covered with...
bloopiest 20 16 BLOOPY, in baseball,...
blottiest 19 13 BLOTTY, smudged [adj...
blousiest 19 14 BLOUSY, coarse and r...
blowsiest 22 16 BLOWSY, coarse and r...
blowziest 25 25 BLOWZY, coarse and r...
bluepoint 20 18 a small oyster typic...
blueprint 21 18 a detailed plan of w...
blueshift 24 19 a shift of the spect...
bluesiest 19 14 BLUESY, resembling b...
bluggiest 22 18 BLUGGY, (colloquial)...
bluidiest 20 15 BLUIDY, stained with...
blurriest 20 14 BLURRY, blurred [adj...
blutwurst 24 18 (German) a kind of G...
bobbliest 23 19 BOBBLY, like pilled...
bobweight 26 22 a balance weight [n...
bolshiest 21 15 BOLSHIE, left-wing,...
bombsight 25 22 a device for aiming...
booklight 23 21 a light that clips o...
booksiest 18 16 BOOKSY, in a literar...
bosomiest 18 15 BOSOMY, having large...
botchiest 23 17 BOTCHY, done badly [...
bottomset 18 15 as in bottomset bed,...
bounciest 20 17 BOUNCY, tending to b...
braggiest 20 16 BRAGGY, tending to b...
braillist 21 14 one who uses braille...
brainfart 19 16 an idea expressed wi...
brainiest 17 13 BRAINY, intelligent...
branchlet 23 19 a little branch [n -...
brankiest 18 17 BRANKY, (Scots) show...
branniest 16 14 BRANNY, containing b...
brashiest 20 14 BRASHY, covered with...
brassiest 18 12 BRASSY, resembling b...
brattiest 18 12 BRATTY, like a brat,...
bratwurst 22 16 (German) a type of G...
brawliest 22 16 BRAWLIE, (Scots) ver...
brawniest 20 16 BRAWNY, strongly bui...
breadiest 17 13 BREADY, resembling b...
breadroot 16 13 the edible root of a...
breakbeat 19 19 in house music, a sh...
breakfast 20 19 the first meal of th...
breeziest 20 21 BREEZY, windy [adj]
briariest 18 12 BRIARY, full of bria...
briarroot 17 12 the root of a briar,...
brichtest 24 17 BRICHT, (Scots) brig...
brickiest 23 19 BRICKY, made of bric...
brieriest 18 12 BRIERY, thorny, full...
brierroot 17 12 the root of a briar,...
brightest 22 16 BRIGHT, shining [adj...
brilliant 20 15 shining [adj BRILLIA...
briskiest 20 16 BRISKY [adj]
brittlest 20 13 BRITTLE, frail [adj]
broadcast 20 16 to scatter, send out...
bronziest 20 22 BRONZY, of a brownis...
broodiest 17 13 BROODY, tending to b...
broomiest 18 15 BROOMY, abounding in...
brothiest 20 14 BROTHY, like broth [...
browniest 20 16 BROWNY, somewhat bro...
browsiest 21 15 BROWSY, relating to...
brushiest 21 15 BRUSHY, resembling a...
brusquest 27 23 BRUSQUE, abrupt in m...
brutalist 20 14 an exponent of bruta...
bubbliest 24 20 BUBBLY, full of bubb...
buckwheat 27 25 a cereal plant, the...
bullfight 27 22 a fight with a bull...
bunchiest 23 19 BUNCHY, clustered [a...
bundobust 20 19 (Urdu) an organisati...
burbliest 22 17 BURBLY, burbling [ad...
burstiest 19 13 BURSTY, occurring in...
bushcraft 26 21 practical knowledge...
butterfat 20 16 the fat contained in...
butternut 18 15 the oily nut of the...
byproduct 30 22 a secondary product...
cabbalist 24 19 one who practices ca...
cablecast 24 19 to broadcast on cabl...
cabriolet 21 16 (French) a kind of t...
cairniest 18 13 CAIRNY, relating to...
calescent 21 17 increasing in heat [...
callowest 23 17 CALLOW, immature [ad...
camorrist 20 15 a member of a camorr...
camouflet 22 20 (French) a mine used...
campanist 21 19 a person with an exp...
campcraft 27 24 knowledge of how to...
campshirt 25 20 a short-sleeved shir...
canalboat 19 17 a boat used on canal...
cancelbot 23 20 a computer program t...
candidest 18 15 CANDID, frank and si...
candlelit 20 16 illuminated by candl...
candlenut 18 17 the oil-yielding fru...
candytuft 27 20 a cruciferous plant...
canefruit 20 17 fruit borne upon can...
canescent 19 17 hoary; tending to be...
capablest 23 19 CAPABLE, competent [...
careerist 18 12 one intent on his ow...
carnalist 19 14 a sensualist [n -S]
cartelist 20 13 a member of a cartel...
cashpoint 22 18 (tradename) a bank t...
cassoulet 19 14 (French) a French st...
catamount 18 17 any of various large...
catchiest 24 17 CATCHY, pleasing and...
catchment 24 21 the act of collectin...
catechist 24 17 one who instructs by...
cauterant 17 14 a cauterizing substa...
celebrant 20 17 a person who celebra...
cellarist 21 14 a monastery official...
cembalist 23 19 a person who plays a...
centonist 17 14 one who composes cen...
cerealist 19 13 one who grows cereal...
chaffiest 25 20 CHAFFY, worthless [a...
chainshot 22 17 two half or whole ca...
chairlift 25 18 a series of chairs o...
chalkiest 23 19 CHALKY, resembling c...
champiest 24 20 CHAMPY, broken up by...
chanciest 23 18 CHANCY, risky, also...
chappiest 25 20 CHAPPY, cracked [adj...
charriest 21 14 CHARRY, resembling c...
chaseport 22 17 the porthole at the...
chasmiest 22 17 CHASMY, full of chas...
chassepot 22 17 (French) a kind of b...
chatoyant 25 17 (French) having a ch...
chattiest 21 14 CHATTY, talkative [a...
chavviest 25 22 CHAVVY, like a chav...
cheapshot 24 19 an abusive remark [n...
checkiest 25 21 CHECKY, chequered [a...
checklist 27 22 a list of tasks to d...
cheekiest 21 18 CHEEKY, impudent [ad...
cheeriest 20 14 CHEERY, cheerful [ad...
cheesevat 21 18 a vat or wooden case...
cheesiest 20 14 CHEESY, resembling a...
cheffiest 25 20 CHEFFY, relating to...
chemostat 21 17 an apparatus for gro...
chequiest 29 24 CHEQUY, checkered, a...
cherriest 21 14 CHERRY, ruddy [adj]
chertiest 21 14 CHERTY, resembling c...
chestiest 21 14 CHESTY, suffering fr...
chichiest 27 19 CHICHI, elaborately...
chilliest 24 16 CHILLY, cool [adj]
chinaroot 19 15 the rootstock of Smi...
chinkiest 22 19 CHINKY, full of crac...
chippiest 26 20 CHIPPY, belligerent...
chirpiest 24 17 CHIRPY, cheerful [ad...
chittiest 22 14 CHITTY, childish [ad...
chocciest 27 20 CHOCCY, having the t...
cholecyst 31 20 the gall bladder [n...
choosiest 20 14 CHOOSY, difficult to...
choppiest 25 20 CHOPPY, full of irre...
choralist 22 15 a member of a choir,...
chorizont 23 24 a person who dispute...
chromiest 22 17 CHROMY, decorated wi...
chubbiest 26 21 CHUBBY, plump, short...
chuffiest 26 21 CHUFFY, fat or puffe...
chummiest 24 21 CHUMMY, friendly [ad...
chunkiest 22 20 CHUNKY, in chunks, s...
citharist 22 14 a player of the cith...
claggiest 22 17 CLAGGY, sticky [adj]
clammiest 22 19 CLAMMY, unpleasantly...
clankiest 20 18 CLANKY, making a sha...
clarionet 18 14 (archaic) a clarinet...
clartiest 20 13 CLARTY, sticky and d...
classiest 20 13 CLASSY, having class...
cleckiest 24 20 CLECKY, broody [adj]
cleverest 21 17 CLEVER, intelligent,...
clickbait 27 23 intriguing or sensat...
cliffiest 25 19 CLIFFY, abounding in...
cliftiest 23 16 CLIFTY, broken into...
clingiest 21 16 CLINGY, adhesive [ad...
clinostat 19 14 an apparatus for stu...
clinquant 27 25 (French) glittering,...
clipsheet 24 18 a sheet clipped on t...
cliquiest 29 23 CLIQUEY, inclined to...
cloddiest 20 15 CLODDY, earthy [adj]
cloggiest 22 17 CLOGGY, lumpy, stick...
clonkiest 20 18 CLONKY, making a dul...
clottiest 20 13 CLOTTY, tending to c...
cloudiest 20 15 CLOUDY, overcast wit...
clubbiest 25 20 CLUBBY, characterist...
cluckiest 25 21 CLUCKY, (Australian...
clumpiest 24 20 CLUMPY, in clumps [a...
clumsiest 22 17 CLUMSY, not dexterou...
clunkiest 21 19 CLUNKY, clumsy in st...
coachiest 23 17 COACHY, relating to...
coagulant 19 17 that which produces...
cocainist 21 16 one suffering from c...
cockfight 29 26 a fight between cock...
cockleert 23 20 (dialect) cockcrow [...
cocksfoot 24 22 a type of grass [n -...
cocksiest 23 19 COCKSY, self-importa...
coelostat 18 13 an astronomical inst...
coffeepot 23 21 a pot for coffee [n...
coggliest 22 17 COGGLY, shaky [adj]
cognisant 18 16 aware, conscious of,...
cognizant 21 25 having cognizance or...
colicroot 22 16 a herb of the bloodw...
collagist 22 16 one who makes collag...
colorcast 22 16 to broadcast in colo...
colorfast 21 16 having colours that...
colourant 18 15 a substance used for...
colourist 20 14 a person who colours...
coltsfoot 21 16 a composite plant wi...
columnist 21 18 one who writes a new...
combatant 20 19 one engaged in comba...
comeliest 20 16 COMELY, pleasing to...
commonest 19 19 COMMON, ordinary [ad...
commorant 19 19 a resident, esp. at...
communist 21 20 one who believes in...
competent 20 19 able [adj COMPETENTL...
complaint 22 20 an instance or the a...
compliant 22 20 yielding [adj COMPLI...
complicit 27 22 having or showing co...
component 19 20 one of the parts or...
computant 21 20 a person who calcula...
computist 23 19 a computer [n -S]
concisest 21 16 CONCISE, succinct [a...
concordat 20 17 (French) an agreemen...
condiment 18 18 a seasoning e.g. sal...
condolent 17 16 expressing sympathy...
confidant 19 18 (French) a (male) pe...
confident 19 18 self-assured [adj CO...
confluent 20 19 flowing together; me...
congruent 18 17 suitable; agreeing o...
conjugant 20 26 one of a pair of cel...
connivent 18 19 of insect or plant p...
conscient 20 17 conscious [adj]
conscript 24 19 someone enrolled and...
consonant 15 15 consistent with [adj...
constrict 22 16 to draw together; to...
construct 22 17 to build [v -ED, -IN...
conticent 20 17 silent [adj]
continent 16 15 temperate, able to r...
copatriot 20 15 a person born, resid...
copayment 26 21 a joint payment [n -...
copresent 19 16 to present jointly w...
coproduct 24 20 a byproduct [n -S]
copyfight 33 24 the conflict between...
copyright 31 21 to secure the sole r...
coralroot 18 13 a kind of orchid [n...
coralwort 22 16 a cruciferous herb o...
cordonnet 16 15 a type of thread [n...
cormorant 18 16 a shiny black webfoo...
cornetist 18 13 one who plays the co...
corposant 19 16 St. Elmo's fire or s...
corpulent 21 18 fleshy [adj CORPULEN...
corrigent 19 15 a drug to reduce or...
corrodant 17 14 a corrosive agent, a...
corrodent 17 14 a corrosive agent, a...
coruscant 21 17 shining, glittering...
cosmocrat 22 18 a ruler of the world...
cosmonaut 18 17 a Russian astronaut...
costliest 20 13 COSTLY, expensive [a...
cotangent 17 16 the tangent of the c...
couthiest 21 15 COUTHIE, friendly, a...
covariant 19 17 a function of the co...
crabbiest 23 18 CRABBY, ill-tempered...
crackiest 23 19 CRACKY, full of crac...
craftiest 21 15 CRAFTY, skillful in...
craggiest 21 16 CRAGGY, full of crag...
crampiest 22 18 CRAMPY, affected wit...
crankiest 19 17 CRANKY, cantankerous...
crappiest 23 18 CRAPPY, inferior in...
crapshoot 22 17 a game of dice [n -S...
crapulent 21 18 suffering from overi...
craterlet 19 13 a small crater [n -S...
crawliest 23 16 CRAWLY, creepy [adj]
crayonist 24 15 one who draws in cra...
creakiest 19 16 CREAKY, creaking, al...
creamiest 19 15 CREAMY, having the c...
creasiest 18 12 CREASY, having wrink...
creekiest 19 16 CREEKY, full of cree...
creepiest 20 15 CREEPY, rather eerie...
crepitant 20 16 having or making a c...
cressiest 19 12 CRESSY, like cress [...
crewelist 23 16 one who embroiders w...
crimpiest 23 18 CRIMPY, wrinkled, cu...
crispiest 22 15 CRISPY, crisp in tex...
croakiest 19 16 CROAKY, low and hoar...
croissant 18 13 (French) a crescent-...
crooniest 17 13 CROONY, having or be...
crosswort 22 15 a bedstraw with leav...
croupiest 21 16 CROUPY, affected wit...
crowsfeet 23 18 CROWSFOOT, a wrinkle...
crowsfoot 23 18 a wrinkle at the sid...
cruddiest 20 15 CRUDDY, dirty, unple...
cruellest 21 15 CRUEL, disposed to i...
cruisiest 20 13 CRUISY, frequented b...
crumbiest 23 19 CRUMBY, full of crum...
crummiest 22 19 CRUMMY, mean, despic...
crumpiest 23 19 CRUMPY, crisp, also...
crustiest 20 13 CRUSTY, covered with...
cuddliest 21 16 CUDDLY, pleasant to...
cuisinart 19 14 (tradename) a type o...
culchiest 26 19 CULCHIE, (Irish) rus...
culminant 20 19 at its highest point...
culshiest 23 16 CULSHIE, rustic, boo...
culturist 22 15 a devotee of culture...
curialist 21 14 one who advocates cu...
cursedest 19 14 CURSED, wicked [adj]
cushionet 20 16 a little cushion [n...
cutesiest 19 13 CUTESY, (US) affecte...
cutthroat 21 15 a murderer, an assas...
cybercast 30 20 a broadcast over the...
cybernaut 26 19 a person using the I...
cymbalist 30 21 one who plays the cy...
cytoplast 28 18 the intact cytoplasm...
dactylist 27 16 a writer of dactylic...
daintiest 15 11 DAINT [adj]
damnedest 15 15 utmost effort, in ph...
dandiprat 17 15 (obsolete) a silver...
dandyprat 23 17 (obsolete) a silver...
dangliest 17 14 DANGLY, hanging loos...
dapperest 19 16 DAPPER, trim, neat [...
darkliest 18 15 DARKLY, DARK, having...
darnedest 14 12 one's utmost, also D...
dashlight 23 17 a light illuminating...
davenport 18 18 a small ornamental w...
daydreamt 22 16 DAYDREAM, to fantasi...
deadliest 16 12 DEADLY, lethal [adj]
deadlight 20 16 a strong shutter, ma...
deathiest 17 12 DEATHY, like death [...
debarment 17 17 the act of debarring...
decentest 17 14 DECENT, conforming t...
declarant 18 15 one who makes a decl...
declinant 18 16 a person who is decl...
declinist 20 15 a person who believe...
decongest 18 16 to relieve or end th...
decrement 18 17 a gradual decrease i...
decretist 19 13 one who studies, or...
decumbent 21 21 lying down; reclinin...
decurrent 18 15 continued down the s...
defeatist 17 13 one who shows defeat...
defendant 15 16 a person accused or...
deferment 17 17 the act of deferring...
deficient 20 17 lacking [adj DEFICIE...
defoliant 17 15 a chemical used to c...
dehiscent 20 16 gaping, bursting ope...
deliriant 16 12 of a drug, causing d...
demandant 14 16 one who demands; a p...
demulcent 20 19 an emulsifier; somet...
denialist 16 12 a person who refuses...
denturist 16 12 one who makes dentur...
deodorant 13 12 a substance that rem...
dependant 15 16 a person who depends...
dependent 15 16 depending on another...
depigment 19 19 to take away or redu...
desiccant 21 17 a drying or desiccat...
desipient 17 14 playing the fool; tr...
detentist 15 11 a supporter of deten...
detergent 15 13 a cleansing agent [n...
determent 15 14 the act of deterring...
deterrent 14 11 serving to deter [ad...
detriment 16 14 diminution; damage [...
devilment 19 19 deviltry [n -S]
devonport 18 18 a small ornamental w...
devoutest 17 15 DEVOUT, pious [adj]
diabolist 19 14 one who practises di...
dialogist 18 13 a speaker in a dialo...
diamagnet 16 16 a body having diamag...
diatomist 17 13 a person who studies...
dichromat 22 18 a salt of chromic ac...
dicktiest 21 17 DICKTY, (US slang) p...
different 19 17 separate, unlike [ad...
difficult 26 21 not easy, hard to do...
diffident 20 18 hesitant in acting o...
diffluent 21 19 readily flowing away...
digestant 16 13 serving to digest, a...
dimpliest 21 17 DIMPLY, dimpled [adj...
dinkliest 18 16 DINKLY, neat, tidy [...
dipterist 19 13 a person who studies...
directest 19 13 DIRECT, straightforw...
disablist 20 14 one who discriminate...
disaffect 23 19 to take away the aff...
disanoint 14 12 to undo the anointin...
discomfit 23 19 to disconcert or bal...
discovert 21 17 of a woman, without...
discredit 20 14 to refuse to believe...
disfluent 19 16 not fluent [adj]
disforest 18 13 to clear of forest,...
dishclout 23 17 a dishcloth [n -S]
dishonest 17 13 not honest [adj DISH...
disinfect 21 17 to rid of disease-ca...
disinfest 18 14 to remove infestatio...
disinvent 17 16 to undo the inventio...
disinvest 18 15 to reduce or elimina...
disjaskit 20 23 (Scots) tired out, a...
dismalest 18 14 DISMAL, sad, gloomy...
disorient 15 11 to confuse as to dir...
disprofit 21 16 (archaic) to cause t...
disputant 18 15 one who disputes [n...
dissident 16 12 dissenting [adj DISS...
dissonant 14 12 discordant, inharmon...
distraint 16 11 seizure of goods [n...
divellent 19 17 drawing apart; pulli...
divergent 18 17 diverging [adj DIVER...
dizenment 18 24 the state of being d...
dogfought 22 20 DOGFIGHT, to engage...
doggedest 17 15 DOGGED, stubbornly d...
doggonest 16 15 DOGGONE, damned, cur...
dogmatist 18 15 one who dogmatizes [...
dolphinet 20 17 (Spenser) a female d...
dopesheet 18 15 a document giving in...
doughiest 19 15 DOUGHY, resembling d...
downburst 21 18 a sudden, violent do...
downcourt 21 18 in or into the oppos...
downdraft 20 18 a downward movement...
downlight 23 19 a lamp shining downw...
downright 22 18 straight down; perpe...
downshift 23 19 to change gear down...
downspout 20 18 (US) a drainpipe [n...
downswept 23 20 curved downwards [ad...
drabbiest 20 16 DRABBY, sluttish, al...
draffiest 20 16 DRAFFY, like dregs,...
draftiest 18 13 DRAFTY, exposed to c...
draggiest 18 14 DRAGGY, boring [adj]
dramatist 17 13 the author of a dram...
drawliest 20 14 DRAWLY, marked by dr...
dreamboat 17 16 someone wonderful an...
dreamiest 16 13 DREAMY, full of drea...
dreariest 15 10 DREARY, dismal [adj]
dreckiest 20 17 DRECKY, rubbishy, al...
dreggiest 18 14 DREGGY, full of dreg...
dreichest 21 15 DREICH, dreary, also...
dreighest 19 14 DREIGH, (Scots) drea...
drekkiest 18 18 DREKKY, rubbishy, al...
dressiest 16 10 DRESSY, showy in dre...
driftiest 19 13 DRIFTY, full of mass...
drippiest 21 16 DRIPPY, silly, inane...
drooliest 16 11 DROOLY, drooling [ad...
droopiest 17 13 DROOPY, hanging [adj...
droplight 23 18 an apparatus for bri...
drossiest 16 10 DROSSY, worthless [a...
drowsiest 19 13 DROWSY, sleepy [adj]
druggiest 19 15 DRUGGY, affected by...
drumliest 19 15 DRUMLY, (Scots) turb...
dryasdust 23 14 boring; pedantic [ad...
duricrust 21 15 gravel, sand, or des...
durnedest 15 13 DURNED, damned [adj]
dustsheet 18 13 a sheet to protect a...
dweebiest 20 16 DWEEBY, socially ine...
earthfast 19 14 fixed in the earth [...
earthiest 17 11 EARTHY, consisting o...
eastabout 16 13 towards the east [ad...
ebullient 19 16 bubbling with enthus...
ecdysiast 25 15 a striptease perform...
ecologist 20 15 a student of ecology...
economist 18 16 a student of economi...
ectoblast 21 16 the outer layer of t...
ectoproct 23 18 a bryozoan, a moss o...
ecumenist 19 17 an adherent of ecume...
educement 18 18 the act of educing [...
efficient 22 19 capable of doing wha...
effulgent 21 20 radiant; bright [adj...
egarement 15 15 (French) confusion,...
eightfoot 20 16 measuring eight feet...
ejectment 20 25 expulsion; disposses...
eliminant 16 15 an agent causing eli...
eloinment 15 15 the act of eloining,...
elopement 17 17 the act of eloping [...
emanatist 15 13 one who believes in...
embayment 24 21 a bay; a recess in a...
embedment 18 20 the act of embedding...
embowment 21 22 the act of embowing,...
emollient 17 15 something that softe...
emolument 17 18 payment; profit aris...
empathist 21 17 one who empathises [...
enactment 17 17 the passing of a bil...
enamelist 16 14 one who enamels; a w...
encomiast 18 16 a person who utters...
endoblast 17 15 the inner cell-layer...
endoproct 19 17 a small animal livin...
endowment 17 18 the act of endowing;...
engoument 15 17 (French) an excessiv...
enjoyment 22 25 the act of enjoying...
enologist 16 13 one who studies enol...
enrolment 15 15 the act of enrolling...
entoblast 17 14 the inner germ layer...
entoproct 19 16 any of a phylum of a...
entrechat 19 15 (French) a ballet le...
enurement 14 15 the act of enuring,...
epigenist 18 15 one who studies the...
epilogist 20 15 one who writes or sp...
epistolet 18 13 a little epistle [n...
epitomist 19 15 one who makes an epi...
equipment 26 26 things used in equip...
eradicant 17 14 something that eradi...
erasement 14 13 the act of erasing;...
eroticist 19 12 one of an amorous te...
estaminet 15 13 (French) a small caf...
euphemist 21 18 one who engages in e...
euthenist 17 13 a student of eutheni...
evenement 15 18 (French) an event or...
exactment 24 23 exactness [n -S]
examinant 20 21 one who examines [n...
exarchist 27 21 a supporter of the B...
excellent 25 22 very good [adj EXCEL...
exceptant 25 23 something excepted,...
excipient 26 23 a substance mixed wi...
excrement 24 23 waste matter dischar...
excurrent 24 21 running or flowing o...
executant 23 21 one who executes or...
exegetist 22 18 one versed in the sc...
exfoliant 23 21 a cosmetic for remov...
exilement 22 21 banishment [n -S]
exonumist 22 21 a collector of medal...
exoplanet 22 21 a planet that orbits...
exoticist 25 19 an enthusiast for th...
expectant 25 23 in a state of expect...
expedient 22 21 suitable or appropri...
expellant 24 22 tending to expel [ad...
expellent 24 22 tending to expel [ad...
exsiccant 27 23 something having the...
extendant 19 19 displaced [adj]
extolment 22 21 praise [n -S]
extraught 25 21 EXTRACT, to draw out...
extravert 23 20 extrovert, also EXTR...
extremest 22 19 EXTREME, farthest fr...
extremist 23 19 one who takes an ext...
extrovert 23 20 turning outwards, al...
exuberant 22 21 luxuriant, overflowi...
eyebright 27 18 a small annual plant...
fabricant 22 19 (archaic) a manufact...
faceprint 22 19 a digitally recorded...
facialist 22 16 a beautician who spe...
factsheet 22 17 a printed sheet cont...
fagottist 19 14 a bassoon player [n...
faintiest 17 13 FAINTY, somewhat fai...
falangist 19 16 a member of the Span...
fallowest 22 17 FALLOW, brownish-yel...
fantasist 17 13 one who fantasises [...
farcemeat 20 18 meat chopped fine an...
fatiscent 20 16 gaping with cracks [...
faultiest 19 14 FAULTY, imperfect [a...
featliest 18 13 FEATLY, (Shakespeare...
feetfirst 20 15 with feet leading th...
feistiest 18 12 FEISTY, spirited [ad...
feoffment 21 22 the gift of a fief [...
ferryboat 25 17 a boat used on a fer...
fertilest 19 13 FERTILE, productive...
fervidest 20 17 FERVID, warm, ardent...
fetichist 24 17 one who worships a f...
fetishist 21 14 one who worships a f...
feudalist 19 15 an upholder of feuda...
feverroot 18 16 an American wild pla...
feverwort 22 19 a coarse American he...
fiddliest 20 15 FIDDLY, time consumi...
fieldboot 20 17 a knee-length boot [...
filthiest 22 15 FILTHY, offensively...
firecrest 21 15 a bird closely relat...
firefight 24 19 an intense exchange...
firefloat 20 16 a boat or raft used...
firelight 23 17 the light of a (usua...
firmament 19 19 the sky [n -S]
fiscalist 23 16 a public prosecutor...
fistfight 25 19 a fight with the fis...
flabbiest 23 19 FLABBY, hanging loos...
flageolet 19 16 a small flute or rec...
flaggiest 21 17 FLAGGY, drooping [ad...
flannelet 17 16 a cotton imitation o...
flappiest 23 19 FLAPPY, flapping [ad...
flashiest 21 15 FLASHY, showy, vulga...
flatulent 19 16 suffering from flatu...
flavorist 21 17 a person who creates...
fleckiest 23 20 FLECKY, flecked [adj...
fledgiest 20 16 FLEDGY, covered with...
fleeciest 21 16 FLEECY, like a fleec...
fleshiest 21 15 FLESHY, having much...
fleshment 21 19 (Shakespeare) the ac...
flimsiest 21 16 FLIMSY, lacking stre...
flintiest 19 14 FLINTY, resembling f...
flipchart 27 21 a pad, containing la...
flippiest 24 19 FLIPPY, flaring at t...
flirtiest 20 13 FLIRTY, light-hearte...
fliskiest 21 17 FLISKY, (Scots) rest...
floatiest 18 13 FLOATY, tending to f...
flockiest 23 20 FLOCKY, abounding wi...
floppiest 23 19 FLOPPY, soft and fle...
floridest 19 14 FLORID, flowery; hav...
flossiest 19 13 FLOSSY, resembling a...
flouriest 19 14 FLOURY, fine-grained...
flowchart 27 21 a chart pictorially...
flowerpot 23 19 a pot for a flower [...
fluctuant 22 19 moving like a wave [...
fluffiest 24 20 FLUFFY, downy, light...
flushiest 22 16 FLUSHY, red-complexi...
fluteyest 25 16 FLUTEY, like a flute...
flyweight 32 22 in professional boxi...
foetidest 17 13 FOETID, stinking, al...
folksiest 20 17 FOLKSY, having an af...
footfault 20 17 to commit a serving...
footlight 22 17 one of a row of ligh...
footprint 19 16 the mark left on the...
forcemeat 20 18 meat chopped fine an...
foreanent 14 14 (Scots) right opposi...
forecourt 20 16 a court in front of...
forefront 18 16 the front or foremos...
foremeant 16 16 FOREMEAN, to intend...
forenight 20 17 the night before [n...
forepoint 18 16 to foreshadow [v -ED...
foresheet 18 14 a rope used for trim...
foresight 21 16 the act or power of...
foreskirt 19 16 (Shakespeare) the fr...
forespent 18 16 FORESPEND, to wear o...
forjaskit 21 25 (Scots) tired out, a...
forjeskit 21 25 (Scots) tired out, a...
formalist 20 16 a person having exag...
formicant 21 19 crawling like an ant...
formulist 21 17 one who depends exce...
fortnight 21 17 a period of two week...
foscarnet 19 16 a drug used to treat...
foustiest 18 13 FOUSTY, (Scots) moul...
fragilest 20 15 FRAGILE, easily brok...
frankfort 20 20 (German) a small smo...
frankfurt 21 21 (German) a small smo...
franziest 20 22 FRANZY, cross and pe...
freakiest 18 16 FREAKY, quirkily unu...
freesheet 18 14 a newspaper distribu...
freetiest 17 12 FREETY, superstitiou...
freitiest 18 12 FREITY, superstitiou...
frescoist 21 15 one who paints fresc...
frettiest 18 12 FRETTY, adorned with...
frigidest 20 15 FRIGID, chillingly s...
frilliest 21 14 FRILLY, having frill...
fringiest 19 15 FRINGY, resembling a...
friskiest 20 16 FRISKY, lively and p...
frizziest 25 30 FRIZZY, of hair, tig...
froggiest 20 16 FROGGY, abounding in...
frontlist 19 14 a list of books abou...
frostiest 18 12 FROSTY, covered with...
frothiest 20 14 FROTHY, covered with...
frouziest 21 22 FROUZY, unkempt, als...
frowsiest 21 15 FROWSY, fusty, stuff...
frowziest 24 24 FROWZY, fusty, stuff...
frugalist 21 16 a person who is frug...
fruitiest 19 13 FRUITY, tasting of f...
frumpiest 22 19 FRUMPY, ill-dressed...
fulgurant 20 18 flashing like lightn...
fulminant 19 19 fulminating [adj] /...
fulsomest 20 17 FULSOME, cloying [ad...
fundament 17 19 the buttocks or anus...
fungistat 19 16 a substance that inh...
furniment 18 18 (Spenser) furnishing...
fusionist 18 14 an advocate of fusio...
gainliest 17 13 GAINLY, shapely, com...
gallerist 19 13 a person who owns or...
gallivant 20 18 to roam about for pl...
galvanist 19 17 one who engages in g...
gamesiest 17 14 GAMESY, keen on spor...
gangliest 18 15 GANGLY, awkwardly ta...
gashliest 20 14 GASHLY, ghastly [adj...
gearshift 21 16 a device for selecti...
genuflect 22 20 to bend the knee and...
geodesist 16 12 one versed in geodes...
geologist 18 14 one who studies geol...
germinant 16 16 sprouting; sending f...
ghostiest 19 13 GHOSTY, like a ghost...
giggliest 21 16 GIGGLY, tending to g...
gillflirt 24 17 (archaic) a wanton g...
gipsywort 29 19 a hairy Eurasian pla...
gladliest 19 14 GLADLY [adj]
glairiest 18 12 GLAIRY, resembling e...
glammiest 20 18 GLAMMY, glamorous [a...
glassiest 18 12 GLASSY, resembling g...
glasswort 21 15 a spinach-like plant...
glauriest 18 13 GLAURY, (Scots) miry...
gleamiest 18 15 GLEAMY, gleaming [ad...
gleetiest 17 12 GLEETY, resembling m...
glintiest 18 13 GLINTY, glittering [...
glitziest 22 21 GLITZY, showy, garis...
globalist 21 16 relating to a global...
globbiest 22 18 GLOBBY, full of glob...
globetrot 19 15 to travel the world...
gloomiest 18 15 GLOOMY, dismally dar...
gloopiest 19 15 GLOOPY, thickly visc...
gloppiest 22 18 GLOPPY, being or res...
glossiest 18 12 GLOSSY, with a surfa...
glumpiest 22 19 GLUMPY, (dialect) su...
gnarliest 17 13 GNARLY, gnarled [adj...
gnattiest 16 12 GNATTY, infested wit...
goddammit 19 19 an oath expressing a...
godparent 17 16 a person who, at bap...
goggliest 20 16 GOGGLY, wide-eyed [a...
goldcrest 21 16 a small bird of the...
goldenest 16 14 GOLDEN, of the colou...
goodliest 17 13 GOODLY, of pleasing...
goodnight 19 17 a common salutation...
goosefoot 16 14 a genus of herbs, mo...
gourdiest 17 13 GOURDY, of a horse,...
goustiest 17 12 GOUSTY, (Scots) deso...
grabbiest 21 17 GRABBY, tending to g...
grainiest 16 12 GRAINY, having a gra...
grandaunt 15 15 the aunt of one's fa...
grapeshot 20 16 clustered iron shot...
grassiest 17 11 GRASSY, resembling o...
grassplot 20 15 a plot of ground ove...
grassquit 26 21 a tropical American...
grassroot 16 11 relating to the ordi...
gratulant 17 14 expressing joy or sa...
greasiest 16 11 GREASY, containing o...
greatcoat 18 14 an overcoat [n -S]
greediest 16 12 GREEDY, marked by gr...
greenbelt 18 16 a strip of open land...
greeniest 15 12 GREENY, somewhat gre...
grippiest 22 17 GRIPPY, affected wit...
grisliest 19 12 GRISLY, horrifying,...
grittiest 18 11 GRITTY, plucky [adj]
groggiest 19 15 GROGGY, dazed [adj]
grooliest 17 12 GROOLY, (slang) grue...
grooviest 18 15 GROOVY, trendy [adj]
grottiest 17 11 GROTTY, wretchedly s...
groundnut 16 16 the peanut or monkey...
groundout 16 15 a play in baseball i...
groutiest 17 12 GROUTY, sulky [adj]
growliest 21 15 GROWLY, deep and har...
growthist 23 16 a person who is comm...
grubbiest 22 18 GRUBBY, dirty [adj]
gruffiest 22 18 GRUFFY, low and hars...
grumpiest 21 18 GRUMPY, bad-tempered...
grungiest 18 15 GRUNGEY, dirty, mess...
guidepost 19 16 a post to guide the...
guillemet 20 17 (French) a quotation...
guillemot 20 17 a northern black-and...
guiltiest 19 13 GUILTY, worthy of bl...
guitarist 18 12 one who plays the gu...
gunfought 22 21 GUNFIGHT, to fight w...
gurgliest 20 15 GURGLY, making bubbl...
gutbucket 24 23 a homemade bass fidd...
gypsywort 35 21 a labiate plant of w...
gyropilot 26 17 a type of automatic...
haanepoot 16 15 (Afrikaans) a kind o...
hackliest 23 19 HACKLY, rough or bro...
haemostat 17 14 an instrument for st...
haggadist 20 16 a scholar versed in...
halachist 24 17 a practioner of Jewi...
halakhist 22 18 a practioner of Jewi...
halobiont 19 16 an organism living i...
handcraft 22 19 handicraft [n -S] /...
handprint 19 17 the mark of a hand [...
hangriest 18 14 HANGRY, irritable as...
haphtarot 21 16 HAPHTARA, (Hebrew) a...
hardcourt 21 16 of tennis, played on...
hardiment 18 16 (archaic) hardihood,...
harmonist 18 15 a person skilled in...
hartbeest 19 14 (Afrikaans) a large...
hatchment 23 20 a diamond-shaped esc...
haulmiest 20 16 HAULMY, of or like h...
headcount 19 17 a count of people pr...
headfirst 20 15 with the head in fro...
headlight 22 17 a strong light on th...
hearsiest 17 11 HEARSY, resembling a...
heartbeat 18 14 a pulsation of the h...
heartfelt 20 15 deeply felt [adj]
heartiest 17 11 HEARTY, very friendl...
heathiest 19 13 HEATHY, abounding in...
heliostat 18 12 an instrument using...
helipilot 22 16 the pilot of a helic...
heptaglot 21 17 a book written in se...
heraldist 19 13 a student of heraldr...
herbalist 21 15 a person who practis...
herborist 20 14 a herbalist [n -S]
hereabout 18 15 in the local area, a...
hermetist 19 14 an adherent of herme...
herriment 18 15 (Scots) spoliation,...
herryment 24 17 (Scots) spoliation,...
hetaerist 17 11 an advocate of hetae...
hetairist 18 11 an advocate of hetai...
hierocrat 20 14 a governing priest [...
highlight 27 20 to throw into relief...
hillcrest 24 16 the top of a hill [n...
hindsight 22 17 the ability or oppor...
hitchiest 24 16 HITCHY, inclined to...
hoarfrost 19 14 rime or white frost,...
holderbat 20 16 a clamp fixed around...
hollowest 22 16 HOLLOW, not solid [a...
holocaust 21 16 a complete or wholes...
homebuilt 22 19 built at home [adj]
homecraft 23 20 a craft practised at...
homeliest 19 15 HOMELY, unattractive...
homograft 21 19 a graft from one ind...
honestest 16 12 HONEST, truthful [ad...
hoofprint 21 18 the mark of a hoof [...
hoopskirt 21 18 a skirt stiffened wi...
horridest 18 12 HORRID, nasty, repel...
horsemeat 17 14 the meat of the hors...
horsemint 18 15 a coarse American pl...
horseshit 20 13 horse droppings [n -...
hottentot 16 12 a small fish [n -S]
houseboat 18 15 a boat moored and us...
housecoat 19 15 a woman's usually lo...
housekept 20 19 HOUSEKEEP, to keep h...
hoverport 21 18 a port for hovercraf...
hubbliest 24 19 HUBBLY, having an un...
humectant 21 19 absorbing moisture [...
humiliant 20 17 humiliating; humblin...
hungriest 19 15 HUNGRY, having a cra...
hybridist 28 17 a practitioner of hy...
hydrocast 27 17 a gathering of water...
hydronaut 23 16 a person trained to...
hydropult 28 19 a machine for throwi...
hydrostat 24 14 a contrivance or app...
hygienist 25 16 one skilled in hygie...
hygrostat 25 15 a machine for regula...
hylozoist 28 23 one who maintains th...
hymnodist 25 18 a person who compose...
hypermart 27 19 a very large self-se...
hypertext 32 23 computer software an...
hypnotist 26 17 one who practises hy...
hypoblast 29 20 the inner or lower l...
hypocaust 29 20 an ancient air chamb...
identikit 17 15 a reconstructed pict...
idioblast 19 14 a plant cell that di...
ignescent 18 16 capable of emitting...
ignoblest 19 16 IGNOBLE, not noble,...
imaginist 18 15 a person with an act...
imbuement 19 20 the act of imbuing [...
immensest 17 16 IMMENSE, huge [adj]
immigrant 19 18 a person who immigra...
impatient 18 16 not patient [adj IMP...
impeccant 24 22 sinless; impeccable...
impellent 20 18 something with the q...
impendent 17 18 impending; threateni...
imperfect 24 21 not perfect, also UN...
impingent 19 19 striking against or...
implement 20 20 to put into practice...
implodent 19 18 an implosive sound [...
important 18 16 of great import or c...
imprudent 19 18 not prudent, rash [a...
inbrought 21 18 INBRING, to bring in...
incessant 17 14 unceasing, also UNCE...
incipient 20 17 beginning; in an ear...
inclement 19 18 severe, stormy [adj...
incompact 24 22 not compact [adj]
incorrect 21 16 not correct [adj INC...
incorrupt 21 17 not corrupt, also UN...
increment 18 17 to add 1 to the valu...
incumbent 21 21 imposed on [adj INCU...
incurrent 18 15 carrying an inflowin...
indignant 15 15 feeling or showing j...
indraught 19 16 a drawing in; an inw...
indulgent 17 16 tending to indulge [...
inebriant 16 14 something that inebr...
inelegant 15 14 not elegant [adj INE...
infectant 19 17 a thing that infects...
infestant 16 14 something that infes...
infirmest 19 16 INFIRM, sickly [adj]
informant 17 17 someone who informs...
injectant 19 23 a substance that is...
inmigrant 17 16 coming in from anoth...
innermost 15 14 farthest in [adj] /...
inoculant 18 16 any material used in...
inpatient 16 14 a patient living and...
inpayment 23 19 the payment of money...
insipient 17 14 wanting wisdom; fool...
insistent 15 11 given to insisting [...
insolvent 17 16 not able to pay one'...
insultant 16 13 insulting [adj]
insurgent 16 14 rising up [adj INSUR...
integrant 15 13 making part of a who...
intellect 20 15 the mind, in referen...
intendant 13 13 one who has the char...
intensest 14 11 INTENSE, existing in...
intercept 20 16 to stop and seize on...
interdict 19 14 to forbid, prohibit...
interject 20 22 to interpose, throw...
interknit 16 15 to knit together [v...
interknot 15 15 to knot together [v...
interlent 15 12 INTERLEND, to lend b...
interment 15 14 the act or ceremony...
intermont 15 14 situated between mou...
internist 15 11 a specialist in inte...
interpret 17 13 to explain the meani...
interrupt 18 14 to break in between...
intersect 18 13 to cut into or betwe...
intersert 15 10 (obsolete) to put in...
intertext 21 17 a text between texts...
interunit 15 12 between units [adj]
intrigant 16 13 (archaic) a (male) i...
introject 20 22 to incorporate exter...
introvert 17 14 to turn inwards [v -...
inukshuit 20 18 INUKSHUK, (Inuit) a...
inurement 15 15 use; practice, also...
inurnment 15 16 the act of inurning,...
invariant 16 15 not varying [adj] /...
inwrought 22 18 wrought or worked in...
irradiant 15 11 irradiating or illum...
itinerant 14 11 travelling [adj ITIN...
jackfruit 25 29 an East Indian tree...
jacklight 27 30 a kind of fishing lu...
jackshaft 26 30 an intermediate shaf...
jacksmelt 24 29 a large fish of the...
jaggedest 19 23 JAGGED, rough-edged...
jangliest 19 22 JANGLY, making a jan...
jargonist 18 21 a person who uses ja...
jauntiest 17 20 JAUNTY, briskly self...
jesserant 16 19 (historical) a coat...
jiggliest 22 23 JIGGLY, given to jig...
jillflirt 25 24 (archaic) a wanton g...
jingliest 20 22 JINGLY, jingling [ad...
jolliment 20 24 (Spenser) jollity [n...
jollyboat 27 25 a small boat kept ho...
jounciest 20 23 JOUNCY, jolting [adj...
judgement 19 26 an act of judging, a...
jumbliest 23 26 JUMBLY, in a jumble...
jungliest 20 23 JUNGLY, of or relati...
kabbalist 22 20 one who practises ka...
kabloonat 17 18 KABLOONA, (Inuit) a...
karateist 16 13 an exponent of karat...
kickabout 23 24 an informal game of...
kickstart 22 20 to start by kicking...
kindliest 18 16 KINDLY, kind [adj]
kingcraft 23 22 (obsolete) the craft...
kingliest 19 17 KINGLY, befitting a...
kitchenet 21 19 a small kitchen or p...
kittliest 19 14 KITTLY, (Scots) tick...
kiwifruit 24 20 the edible green fru...
klinostat 17 15 a revolving stand fo...
kludgiest 20 18 KLUDGY, involving or...
klutziest 22 24 KLUTZY, clumsy [adj]
knackiest 20 21 KNACKY, cunning, als...
knaggiest 18 18 KNAGGY, of wood, kno...
knarliest 17 15 KNARLY, like a knarl...
knarriest 16 14 KNARRY, of a tree, h...
kniferest 18 17 a support on which a...
knobbiest 20 20 KNOBBY, full of knob...
knolliest 18 16 KNOLLY, like a knoll...
knottiest 16 14 KNOTTY, full of knot...
knubbiest 21 21 KNUBBY, having littl...
knurliest 18 16 KNURLY, full of knot...
labellist 21 15 (New Zealand) one wh...
labourist 19 14 a supporter of worke...
lactivist 23 17 a person, esp. a wom...
laidliest 18 12 LAIDLY, (Scots) loat...
lakefront 18 18 the front of a lake...
lampadist 20 17 one who gained the p...
lamplight 25 21 the light cast by a...
landaulet 16 14 a small landau, a ho...
landdrost 16 13 (Afrikaans) in South...
landsleit 17 13 LANDSMAN, a man who...
larcenist 19 14 one who commits larc...
laserwort 19 13 any plant of the umb...
latescent 18 14 becoming latent or h...
laughiest 20 15 LAUGHY, inclined to...
lavishest 21 16 LAVISH, generous or...
leachiest 21 15 LEACHY, permitting l...
leadplant 18 16 a shrub of sandy woo...
legendist 17 14 a writer of legend [...
lemoniest 16 14 LEMONY, tasting of l...
letterset 16 10 a method of rotary p...
levellest 20 16 LEVEL, even [adj]
libellant 20 16 one who brings a cha...
lichenist 22 16 one who studies lich...
lightfast 23 17 of a fabric, that do...
likeliest 19 15 LIKELY, probable [ad...
limberest 20 16 LIMBER, supple [adj]
limelight 23 18 a bright theatre lig...
limpsiest 21 16 LIMPSEY, lacking str...
lineament 15 15 a distinctive featur...
lipoplast 22 17 a small particle in...
lithocyst 29 17 a cell containing a...
liturgist 20 13 a leader in public w...
liveliest 20 15 LIVELY, full of ener...
liverwort 22 17 any bryophyte of the...
loanshift 20 16 the adaptation of a...
locoplant 21 18 astragalus or other...
lodgement 17 17 the act of lodging,...
loneliest 16 12 LONELY, sad from lac...
lophodont 19 17 of a molar tooth, ha...
lordliest 18 12 LORDLY, in the manne...
losingest 17 13 losing more often th...
loudliest 18 13 LOUDLY [adv]
loungiest 17 14 LOUNGY, suitable for...
lousewort 19 14 any plant of the gen...
loveliest 19 15 LOVELY, extremely be...
lovelight 23 19 an amorous look in t...
loweriest 19 13 LOWERY, cloudy, gloo...
lowermost 20 16 lowest [adj]
loyallest 24 14 LOYAL, faithful [adj...
lubricant 22 18 a substance used to...
lunarnaut 15 14 one who travels to t...
lunchmeat 22 20 a mixture of meat an...
lutescent 19 15 yellowish [adj]
luxuriant 23 20 overabundant in grow...
machinist 22 18 a person who operate...
macrocyst 29 20 an unusually large c...
macrodont 18 17 having large teeth [...
magnetist 17 15 an expert in magneti...
mainsheet 17 15 a rope by which a ma...
makeshift 22 21 something that serve...
maladroit 17 14 clumsy, unskilful [a...
maleffect 24 22 an adverse effect [n...
malignant 17 17 evil, malign [adj MA...
maltalent 17 15 (Spenser) ill-will [...
mammonist 18 19 one devoted to the a...
mangetout 16 16 (French) a type of p...
mannerist 15 14 one addicted to mann...
marbliest 20 16 MARBLY, mottled [adj...
marimbist 21 18 one who plays the ma...
marrowfat 21 18 a rich but late vari...
marshiest 19 14 MARSHY, resembling a...
marshwort 22 17 a small umbelliferou...
marxisant 22 20 (French) of Marxist...
masculist 22 17 an advocate of the r...
masochist 22 17 one who derives sexu...
massagist 18 14 a masseur [n -S]
mastodont 15 14 a large extinct mamm...
maungiest 17 16 MAUNGY, scabby, also...
meagerest 16 14 MEAGER, (US) scanty,...
measliest 17 13 MEASLY, spotty, palt...
mechanist 21 18 an adherent of mecha...
mechitzot 25 26 MECHITZA, a partitio...
medallist 19 15 one who wins a medal...
meliorist 18 13 a proponent of melio...
mellowest 21 17 MELLOW, well matured...
memoirist 18 15 one who writes memoi...
mendicant 18 18 a beggar; a friar wh...
mentalist 17 14 a proponent of menta...
merriment 17 16 gaiety with laughter...
mesmerist 18 15 one that practises m...
mesoblast 19 16 another name for the...
metallist 19 14 a worker in metals,...
metapelet 18 16 a woman acting as fo...
meteorist 16 12 one suffering from m...
methodist 19 15 a follower of Method...
methought 22 19 METHINK, it seems to...
metricist 21 15 a person skilled in...
mezzotint 22 31 to engrave using a m...
microdont 19 17 having unusually sma...
micromort 21 18 a unit of risk equal...
microvolt 23 20 the millionth part o...
microwatt 23 18 a millionth of a wat...
midiskirt 20 17 a skirt of medium le...
midrashot 19 15 MIDRASH, an early Je...
mightiest 21 16 MIGHTY, full of migh...
milktoast 19 17 a very timid, unasse...
millivolt 23 19 one thousandth of a...
milliwatt 23 17 one thousandth of a...
millocrat 22 17 a member of the mill...
mincemeat 19 19 a mixture of dried f...
mineshaft 20 18 a vertical entrance...
miniskirt 19 17 a skirt whose hemlin...
misadjust 20 23 to adjust wrongly; t...
miscreant 19 16 originally, a misbel...
miscredit 21 16 (archaic) to disbeli...
misdesert 17 13 (Spenser) undeservin...
misdirect 21 16 to point in the wron...
mislearnt 17 14 MISLEARN, to learn w...
misoneist 16 13 a hater of things wh...
misorient 16 13 to orient in a wrong...
misreport 19 15 to report erroneousl...
mistaught 21 17 MISTEACH, to teach w...
miterwort 20 15 a slender, perennial...
mitrewort 20 15 a slender, perennial...
mizenmast 20 25 the mast aft or next...
mizzliest 25 31 MIZZLY, drizzly, rai...
mnemonist 16 17 an expert in mnemoni...
mockernut 20 21 a kind of hickory nu...
modellist 19 15 a person who constru...
modernest 15 14 MODERN, pertaining t...
modernist 16 14 an admirer of modern...
modestest 16 13 MODEST, unassuming [...
monachist 21 18 an adherent of monac...
moneywort 24 18 a trailing plant, wi...
monkeypot 24 22 the round-lidded out...
mooncraft 20 19 a lunar module [n -S...
moonlight 20 18 the light of the moo...
morbidest 19 16 MORBID, of the natur...
mosaicist 20 15 a worker in mosaic [...
moskonfyt 25 22 (Afrikaans) a thick...
mossplant 19 17 a plant of moss [n -...
motettist 17 12 one who writes motet...
motionist 16 13 (Milton) a person wh...
motleyest 23 15 MOTLEY, diversified...
motorboat 17 15 a boat with an inboa...
moudiwart 20 17 (dialect) a mole, al...
moudiwort 20 17 (dialect) a mole, al...
mouldiest 18 15 MOULDY, covered with...
mouthiest 19 15 MOUTHY, outspoken, o...
mouthpart 21 18 part of a mouth [n -...
mucksweat 24 23 a profuse sweat [n -...
muddliest 19 16 MUDDLY, disordered [...
multicast 22 17 a broadcast from one...
multipart 21 17 having many parts [a...
multiplet 22 18 a group of elementar...
multiport 21 17 involving more than...
multiunit 19 16 having many units [a...
mumbliest 22 20 MUMBLY, given to mum...
munchiest 22 19 MUNCHY, suitable for...
mundanest 15 16 MUNDANE, ordinary, b...
muscliest 22 17 MUSCLY, of a muscula...
mutualist 19 15 an advocate of mutua...
mycobiont 27 21 the fungal constitue...
myologist 25 17 one who studies musc...
mythicist 30 19 an adherent of mythi...
mythopoet 26 19 a mythmaker; a write...
narcotist 18 13 one who takes narcot...
narrowest 17 13 NARROW, of little wi...
navelwort 20 18 a perennial succulen...
nearliest 15 11 NEARLY, almost [adv]
needliest 15 12 NEEDLY, like needles...
negligent 17 16 careless [adj NEGLIG...
negociant 17 16 (French) a merchant...
negotiant 14 13 a person, organizati...
neologist 16 13 one who introduces n...
neoterist 14 10 one who introduces n...
nephalist 20 16 one who advocates or...
nettliest 16 11 NETTLY, like a nettl...
neuromast 15 14 a sensory cell in fi...
newmarket 19 20 a long, closely fitt...
newsagent 17 16 one who sells newspa...
newsprint 20 17 inexpensive paper fo...
newssheet 19 15 a simple form of doc...
nickpoint 21 21 a break of slope in...
nictitant 18 14 blinking [adj]
niggliest 19 15 NIGGLY, trifling [ad...
nightspot 21 17 a nightclub [n -S]
nigricant 19 16 of a blackish colour...
nilpotent 17 15 a quantity which equ...
nimblewit 23 20 an alert and clever...
nonaddict 17 16 one who is not an ad...
nonartist 14 11 one who is not an ar...
noncombat 19 20 not engaged in comba...
noncredit 17 15 not involving credit...
nondesert 13 12 not related to or li...
nonexempt 22 24 not exempt [adj] / o...
nonexpert 21 21 not expert [adj] / o...
nonextant 18 19 not extant [adj]
nonimpact 20 20 a lack of impact [n...
noninsect 16 15 a creature that is n...
nonmarket 15 18 not part of the mark...
nonmutant 14 16 one who is not a mut...
nonpapist 18 17 one who is not a pap...
nonparent 14 15 one who is not a par...
nonpliant 16 16 not pliant [adj]
nonprofit 18 17 not making a profit...
nonsecret 16 14 not secret [adj] / s...
nonsexist 20 18 not sexist [adj]
nontarget 14 13 describing something...
nontheist 16 13 one who is not a the...
nonurgent 14 15 not urgent [adj]
nonvacant 17 19 not vacant [adj]
northeast 16 12 the direction betwee...
northmost 18 15 most northerly, also...
northwest 20 15 between west and nor...
notchiest 20 15 NOTCHY, having notch...
notionist 14 11 one whose opinions a...
nubbliest 21 18 NUBBLY, having small...
nurturant 15 13 tending to nurture [...
nutriment 16 15 anything which nouri...
obliquest 27 23 OBLIQUE, slanting [a...
obscenest 19 16 OBSCENE, offensive,...
obscurant 20 17 one who obscures; on...
obscurest 21 16 OBSCURE, indistinct...
obsequent 24 23 of a river, flowing...
observant 18 17 carefully attentive...
obstruent 17 14 a sound characterize...
obtundent 16 16 having the property...
obvolvent 21 22 enwrapping; curved d...
occludent 22 19 causing or resulting...
occultist 24 17 one who studies the...
occurrent 21 17 occurring [adj] / an...
ochlocrat 24 18 a mob ruler [n -S]
ocularist 20 14 a person who makes a...
odonatist 14 11 an expert on dragonf...
officiant 22 19 the officer who offi...
onioniest 13 11 ONIONY, like an onio...
onslaught 19 16 an attack [n -S]
oppugnant 19 20 opposing [adj OPPUGN...
orangiest 15 12 ORANGY, resembling t...
orchidist 22 15 a fancier or grower...
orneriest 14 10 ORNERY, stubborn and...
orologist 17 12 one versed in orolog...
orrisroot 15 9 the root of orris, u...
orthotist 18 11 one skilled in ortho...
otologist 17 12 a practitioner of ot...
outasight 19 14 amazing, excellent,...
outbought 21 18 OUTBUY, to surpass i...
outcaught 22 18 OUTCATCH, to surpass...
outdreamt 16 14 OUTDREAM, to surpass...
outercoat 17 13 a coat [n -S]
outermost 16 13 farthest from the mi...
outfought 21 18 OUTFIGHT, to surpass...
outlearnt 15 12 OUTLEARN, to surpass...
outsprint 18 14 to excel in sprintin...
outthrust 19 13 to extend outwards [...
overalert 17 14 excessively alert [a...
overbuilt 21 18 OVERBUILD, to build...
overburnt 19 18 OVERBURN, to burn to...
overcount 19 18 to rate too high; to...
overdight 21 18 (Spenser) covered ov...
overdraft 19 17 the overdrawing of a...
overexert 22 20 to exert oneself to...
overgreat 17 15 too great [adj]
overleapt 19 17 OVERLEAP, to leap ov...
overlight 22 18 to light too much [v...
overmount 17 18 to rise above [v -ED...
overnight 20 18 lasting a night, for...
overpaint 18 17 to color or describe...
overplant 19 18 to plant to excess [...
overplast 20 17 (Spenser) overplaced...
overprint 19 17 to print over someth...
overreact 19 16 to react or respond...
overroast 16 13 to roast too much [v...
overshirt 20 15 a shirt worn over an...
overshoot 18 15 to shoot over or bey...
oversight 21 17 a failure to notice...
overskirt 19 17 an upper skirt, shor...
overslept 20 17 OVERSLEEP, to sleep...
overslipt 21 17 OVERSLIP, to leave o...
overspent 18 17 OVERSPEND, to spend...
overspilt 21 17 OVERSPILL, to spill...
oversweet 19 16 excessively sweet [a...
overtight 21 17 too tight [adj]
overtreat 16 13 to treat excessively...
overtrust 18 14 to trust excessively...
overwrest 20 16 to wrest or force fr...
packsheet 23 21 a list of things for...
paederast 16 13 one who has anal sex...
paintiest 17 13 PAINTY, covered with...
pallidest 20 15 PALLID, pale, wan [a...
palpitant 20 17 palpitating; throbbi...
paltriest 19 13 PALTRY, meagre, mean...
panchayat 27 20 (Hindi) five elders,...
panellist 19 15 one who serves on a...
pantheist 19 15 one who holds to pan...
paperiest 19 15 PAPERY, resembling p...
parablast 20 16 the yolk of an egg,...
paramount 17 17 supreme [adj PARAMOU...
paravaunt 18 18 (Spenser) before, in...
parchment 23 21 the skin of a sheep,...
parlement 18 17 parliament [n -S]
parrakeet 17 16 a small long-tailed...
parroquet 25 22 a small long-tailed...
passament 17 16 (French) a decorativ...
passement 17 16 (French) a decorativ...
passivist 21 16 one who believes in...
pastelist 19 13 an artist who works...
patchiest 23 17 PATCHY, uneven in qu...
paysagist 25 16 a painter of landsca...
peachiest 22 17 PEACHY, coloured or...
pearliest 18 13 PEARLY, like a pearl...
pearlwort 21 16 a name given to seve...
pebbliest 23 19 PEBBLY, resembling p...
pedalboat 19 17 a boat that is prope...
penetrant 15 14 penetrating [adj] /...
pennywort 25 19 a perennial succulen...
perforant 18 16 perforating [adj]
periblast 21 16 in meroblastic eggs,...
periplast 21 16 an intercellular sub...
periproct 23 18 the region surroundi...
permanent 16 17 remaining, or intend...
pertinent 16 14 belonging or related...
pessimist 20 15 one who tends to loo...
pestilent 18 14 deadly, producing pe...
petaurist 18 13 a flying phalanger [...
petillant 19 15 (French) sparkling,...
petticoat 20 15 a skirt, esp. an und...
phonetist 19 15 one versed in phonet...
photostat 19 14 (tradename) a photog...
phrasiest 20 14 PHRASY, inclined to...
physicist 31 19 an expert in or stud...
pianolist 18 14 one who plays the Pi...
piddliest 20 15 PIDDLY, insignifican...
pillarist 21 14 an ascetic living on...
pimpliest 23 19 PIMPLY, covered with...
pinchfist 26 21 a closefisted person...
pitchiest 24 17 PITCHY, like pitch [...
placement 21 20 the act of placing,...
placidest 22 17 PLACID, calm in natu...
plaguiest 20 16 PLAGUEY, vexatious,...
plaintext 24 21 text that is not enc...
plashiest 21 15 PLASHY, like a plash...
plebbiest 23 19 PLEBBY, (colloquial)...
plinkiest 20 18 PLINKY, of a high pi...
pliskiest 21 17 PLISKIE, (Scots) tri...
plonkiest 19 18 PLONKY, pompously se...
plookiest 19 17 PLOOKY, pimply, also...
plottiest 19 13 PLOTTY, full of intr...
ploukiest 20 18 PLOUKIE, pimply, als...
pluckiest 24 21 PLUCKY, brave and sp...
pluffiest 24 20 PLUFFY, puffed up, p...
plummiest 22 20 PLUMMY, full of plum...
plumpiest 23 20 PLUMPY, (Shakespeare...
plunkiest 20 19 PLUNKY, marked by a...
pluralist 21 15 an adherent of plura...
plushiest 22 16 PLUSHY, luxurious [a...
plutocrat 22 17 a member of the weal...
poachiest 22 17 POACHY, spongy and s...
pogromist 20 17 one who engages in p...
pointiest 17 13 POINTY, coming to a...
pollutant 19 16 causing pollution [a...
polyglott 27 18 one who speaks many...
poorliest 18 13 POORLY, unwell [adj]
poppliest 23 19 POPPLY, like a rippl...
portliest 19 13 PORTLY, corpulent, s...
postfault 21 17 taking place after a...
postulant 18 15 a candidate for a re...
posturist 19 13 one who postures, al...
pouchiest 23 18 POUCHY, resembling a...
pouffiest 22 19 POUFFY, like a pouf,...
pourpoint 19 17 (French) a mediaeval...
powerboat 21 18 a boat propelled by...
prankiest 18 17 PRANKY, of the natur...
preadjust 20 23 to adjust in advance...
prebought 23 20 PREBUY, to buy befor...
prebudget 21 19 a preliminary budget...
precedent 19 17 preceding [adj PRECE...
precisest 21 15 PRECISE, sharply and...
prededuct 21 18 to deduct beforehand...
predicant 20 17 a preacher; specific...
predigest 19 15 to digest in advance...
predikant 18 18 (Dutch) a Dutch refo...
predilect 22 17 chosen in preference...
preexempt 26 25 to exempt beforehand...
preflight 25 20 to inspect an aircra...
preformat 20 18 to format in advance...
preggiest 20 16 PREGGY, (colloquial)...
preinsert 17 13 to insert beforehand...
prelatist 19 13 a supporter or adher...
premarket 19 19 before the developme...
prepotent 18 16 potent in a very hig...
preppiest 22 18 PREPPY, denoting the...
prescient 20 16 having foresight or...
prescript 24 18 (archaic) a thing th...
preselect 21 16 to select in advance...
president 17 14 the head of a state,...
presummit 21 19 preceding a (politic...
preterist 18 12 a person who holds t...
pretermit 19 15 to omit, neglect to...
prettiest 18 12 PRETTY, pleasing to...
prevalent 19 18 prevailing, widespre...
prickiest 23 19 PRICKY, having many...
primsiest 20 15 PRIMSIE, (Scots) pri...
princelet 21 17 a petty prince, also...
prissiest 19 12 PRISSY, affectedly p...
privatest 20 16 PRIVATE, secluded fr...
privatist 21 16 one who believes in...
procident 20 17 relating to prociden...
procreant 19 16 generating; producin...
profilist 22 16 one who draws profil...
profluent 20 18 (Milton) flowing out...
prokaryot 24 18 a bacterium or blue-...
prologist 20 15 a writer of prologue...
prominent 17 17 standing out, projec...
promptest 21 18 PROMPT, done without...
properest 19 15 PROPER, fitting [adj...
proponent 17 17 bringing forward, pr...
proscript 24 18 a person who is pros...
prosodist 18 13 one skilled in proso...
provident 19 18 seeing beforehand, a...
provocant 21 20 one who provokes [n...
pubescent 22 20 arrived at puberty [...
publicist 26 20 someone who publiciz...
puddliest 20 16 PUDDLY, full of pudd...
puissaunt 18 15 (archaic) powerful,...
pulsebeat 20 17 the pulse [n -S]
punchiest 23 19 PUNCHY, forceful, ha...
purpliest 22 17 PURPLY, purplish [ad...
pussyfoot 26 18 a prohibitionist [n...
pustulant 19 16 producing pustules [...
putridest 19 14 PUTRID, rotten [adj]
putschist 25 18 one who engages in a...
puttyroot 24 15 an American orchidac...
pyroclast 28 18 ash and other debris...
quackiest 28 26 QUACKY, resembling t...
quaggiest 26 23 QUAGGY, boggy, like...
quaintest 23 20 QUAINT, pleasantly o...
qualmiest 26 23 QUALMY, having misgi...
quazziest 30 37 QUAZZY, (English dia...
queasiest 23 19 QUEASY, feeling sick...
queaziest 26 28 QUEAZY, feeling sick...
queeniest 22 20 QUEENY, camp or effe...
questrist 25 19 (Shakespeare) a seek...
quiescent 26 23 resting, dormant [ad...
quillwort 30 24 an aquatic plant wit...
quippiest 29 25 QUIPPY, full of quip...
quirkiest 26 23 QUIRKY, twisted [adj...
quodlibet 27 24 (Latin) a philosophi...
rabatment 17 16 rotation into coinci...
rabbinist 20 16 a person who adheres...
raccahout 23 18 (Arabic) acorn meal,...
racialist 20 13 one with racist view...
raggedest 17 14 RAGGED, tattered [ad...
rainspout 17 14 a gutter, a downspou...
rainswept 20 16 (of a place) open to...
raintight 19 14 rainproof [adj]
rancidest 18 14 RANCID, rank in tast...
rankshift 21 19 to shift or be shift...
rapturist 19 13 an enthusiast [n -S]
ratherest 17 11 RATHER [adj]
rattliest 17 10 RATTLY, inclined to...
ravelment 18 18 confusion, complexit...
reappoint 18 16 to appoint again [v...
reastiest 15 9 REASTY, rancid [adj]
reattempt 18 15 to attempt again [v...
rebutment 18 17 the act of rebutting...
recalment 19 17 the act of calling b...
recentest 17 13 RECENT, happening no...
recipient 20 16 one who receives [n...
recollect 23 17 to remember [v -ED,...
recomfort 21 18 (archaic) to comfort...
recompact 24 21 to compact or join a...
reconduct 21 18 to conduct again [v...
reconnect 19 17 to connect again [v...
reconsult 19 15 to consult again [v...
recontact 20 16 to contact again [v...
reconvert 19 17 to convert again [v...
reconvict 23 20 to convict again [v...
recordist 19 13 a person who records...
recrement 18 16 a waste product of a...
recumbent 21 20 reclining; lying com...
recurrent 18 14 happening again and...
recyclist 30 18 one who recycles, al...
redbreast 17 13 the robin [n -S]
redecraft 20 16 (archaic) logic [n -...
redeposit 17 13 to deposit again [v...
reductant 18 15 a reducing agent [n...
redundant 14 14 no longer needed [ad...
reechiest 20 14 REECHIE, (Shakespear...
reentrant 13 11 something that reent...
reestiest 15 9 REESTY, of a horse,...
reexhibit 26 21 to exhibit again [v...
refitment 18 16 the act of refitting...
reformist 19 15 a reformer [n -S]
refulgent 19 17 radiant, brilliant,...
regardant 15 13 in heraldry, in prof...
reimplant 19 17 to implant again [v...
reinhabit 19 15 to inhabit again [v...
reinspect 20 16 to inspect again [v...
reiterant 14 10 reiterating [adj]
reluctant 19 15 unwilling [adj RELUC...
remitment 17 16 the act of remitting...
remittent 16 13 remitting; having re...
remontant 14 14 (French) flowering m...
renascent 16 14 coming into renewed...
renfierst 17 13 (Spenser) made fierc...
repayment 23 18 the act of paying ba...
repellant 18 15 serving to repel, al...
repellent 18 15 serving to repel, al...
repentant 15 14 penitent [adj REPENT...
repigment 19 18 to pigment again [v...
replicant 21 17 (in science fiction)...
represent 16 13 to exhibit the image...
repugnant 17 17 distasteful, odious...
reservist 18 13 a member of a reserv...
resilient 16 11 springing back [adj...
resistant 15 10 making resistance [a...
resistent 15 10 making resistance [a...
resolvent 17 15 a means of removing...
resorbent 16 13 absorbing again [adj...
restraint 15 10 the act of restraini...
resubject 23 25 to subject again [v...
resultant 16 12 resulting [adj RESUL...
resurgent 16 13 rising again, as fro...
resurrect 19 13 to bring back to lif...
retardant 14 11 something that retar...
rethought 21 16 RETHINK, to think ag...
retrodict 19 13 to utilize present i...
retroject 20 21 to throw backwards [...
retrovert 17 13 to turn back [v -ED,...
revelment 18 18 the act of revelling...
revertant 16 14 (French) a mutant ge...
revetment 17 17 a masonry etc. facin...
rewrought 22 17 REWORK, to work agai...
rheumiest 19 15 RHEUMY, like rheum [...
rhotacist 21 14 one whose speech sho...
rhythmist 29 18 a person skilled in...
ribaldest 19 14 RIBALD, earthily sex...
rickliest 22 17 RICKLY, (Scots) loos...
rightiest 20 13 RIGHTY, politically...
rightmost 21 16 on the extreme right...
ripienist 18 13 a supplementary inst...
rippliest 22 16 RIPPLY, marked by ri...
ritualist 18 11 a believer in ritual...
riverboat 19 16 a boat used for rive...
roadcraft 20 16 knowledge and skill...
robustest 18 13 ROBUST, strong and h...
rockshaft 24 21 a shaft that rocks [...
rootsiest 15 9 ROOTSY, reminiscent...
rottenest 14 10 ROTTEN, very bad, ro...
rotundest 15 12 ROTUND, rounded, plu...
roughcast 22 17 plaster mixed with s...
rousement 15 14 (US) religious excit...
routhiest 18 12 ROUTHIE, (Scots) ple...
routinist 16 11 one who habituated t...
royallest 23 13 ROYAL, relating to a...
royalmast 23 15 the highest part of...
rubbliest 22 17 RUBBLY, abounding in...
rubescent 20 17 growing red; blushin...
rufescent 20 17 inclining to redness...
ruffliest 22 17 RUFFLY, not smooth [...
ruggedest 18 15 RUGGED, having an un...
rumbliest 21 17 RUMBLY, tending to r...
rumpliest 21 17 RUMPLY, wrinkled [ad...
runecraft 20 17 skill with runes [n...
rushlight 24 17 a type of candle dip...
sacrament 18 16 a sign, token, or pl...
sacredest 18 13 SACRED, dedicated to...
safelight 22 17 a light used in a ph...
sallowest 20 14 SALLOW, esp. of a pe...
sallyport 26 16 a gateway or opening...
sandblast 18 15 a sand-laden wind [n...
sandspout 17 15 a moving pillar of s...
saturnist 16 11 a person of a dull,...
sauceboat 19 16 a container from whi...
savoriest 17 13 SAVORY, (US) savoury...
scabbiest 23 18 SCABBY, covered with...
scaffiest 23 18 SCAFFY, (Scots) havi...
scantiest 18 13 SCANTY, poorly suppl...
scapegoat 20 17 a goat upon whose he...
scapement 20 19 a part of a clock or...
scaredest 18 13 SCARED, frightened [...
scarriest 19 12 SCARRY, marked with...
scattiest 19 12 SCATTY, empty-headed...
scenarist 18 13 one who makes scenar...
schiziest 25 23 SCHIZY, affected wit...
scholiast 22 15 a commentator; a wri...
scientist 19 13 one who practises sc...
scrapegut 22 18 (archaic) a fiddler...
screwiest 22 15 SCREWY, (colloquial)...
scummiest 22 19 SCUMMY, covered with...
scungiest 20 16 SCUNGY, (Australian...
scurfiest 22 16 SCURFY, covered with...
scurviest 22 17 SCURVY, scabby, mean...
scuzziest 26 31 SCUZZY, dirty or sha...
sealpoint 17 14 a variety of Siamese...
secernent 16 14 secretory [adj] / a...
secretest 18 12 SECRET, hidden [adj]
seemliest 17 13 SEEMLY, of pleasing...
segregant 16 14 a genetic segregate...
semierect 19 15 half erect [adj]
semimoist 18 15 slightly moist [adj]
semisweet 19 15 somewhat sweet [adj]
senescent 16 14 growing old [adj]
sentiment 15 14 a thought or body of...
septuplet 21 17 one of seven childre...
serialist 17 10 a writer of serials...
sextuplet 25 21 one of six children...
sexualist 23 18 one who classifies p...
sexvalent 23 22 of a valency of six,...
shabbatot 21 17 (Hebrew) Jewish sabb...
shabbiest 22 17 SHABBY, not smart [a...
shackiest 22 18 SHACKY, dilapidated...
shaggiest 20 15 SHAGGY, covered with...
shamanist 18 15 an adherent of shama...
shamefast 20 17 modest, bashful, als...
sharniest 17 12 SHARNY, like cow-dun...
sheafiest 19 14 SHEAFY, like sheafs...
sheeniest 16 12 SHEENY, bright, shin...
sheepiest 19 14 SHEEPY, sheeplike [a...
sheetiest 17 11 SHEETY, like sheets...
shelfiest 21 15 SHELFY, abounding in...
shelliest 20 13 SHELLY, abounding in...
shelviest 21 16 SHELVY, having sandb...
shiftiest 21 14 SHIFTY, evasive [adj...
shirtiest 19 11 SHIRTY, irritable, a...
shittiest 19 11 SHITTY, very unpleas...
shoaliest 18 12 SHOALY, full of shal...
shoddiest 18 13 SHODDY, of poor qual...
shonkiest 18 16 SHONKY, (Australian...
shopfront 21 18 the front of a shop...
shoppiest 22 17 SHOPPY, abounding wi...
shortlist 20 12 a list of candidates...
shouldest 19 14 SHALL, used as an au...
shoutiest 18 12 SHOUTY, prone to sho...
shrewdest 21 15 SHREWD, having keen...
shrillest 21 13 SHRILL, having a hig...
sickliest 22 17 SICKLY, in poor heal...
sidelight 21 15 a coloured light on...
sideshoot 17 12 a shoot growing off...
silentest 16 11 SILENT, without soun...
simulcast 22 17 to broadcast simulta...
sincerest 18 13 SINCERE, free from h...
sinewiest 18 13 SINEWY, lean and mus...
sirupiest 19 13 SIRUPY, like sirup [...
skankiest 17 18 SKANKY, filthy or sl...
skeariest 16 13 SKEARY, (dialect) sc...
skeeliest 17 14 SKEELY, (Scots) skil...
skeeriest 16 13 SKEERY, (dialect) sc...
skeeviest 18 17 SKEEVY, repulsive, d...
skeighest 20 17 SKEIGH, (Scots) (of...
skelliest 19 15 SKELLY, cross-eyed,...
skiddiest 18 15 SKIDDY, likely to ca...
skilliest 20 15 SKILLY, having skill...
skimpiest 21 19 SKIMPY, brief, exigu...
skinflint 20 19 a miser; a niggard [...
skinniest 16 15 SKINNY, having littl...
skintight 21 18 fitting the body clo...
skippiest 22 19 SKIPPY, frolicsome [...
skunkiest 18 19 SKUNKY, having a sme...
skyrocket 27 22 a firework that burs...
slabbiest 21 16 SLABBY, thick, visco...
slaggiest 19 14 SLAGGY, resembling r...
slalomist 19 14 one who takes part i...
slangiest 17 13 SLANGY, full of slan...
slantiest 16 11 SLANTY, deviating fr...
slashfest 21 15 a film or computer g...
slavocrat 21 17 a slave-owner [n -S]
sleaziest 19 19 SLEAZY, shoddy, also...
sleekiest 17 14 SLEEKY, sleek, smoot...
sleepiest 18 13 SLEEPY, inclined to...
sleepsuit 19 14 a baby's all-in-one...
sleetiest 16 10 SLEETY, resembling s...
sleevelet 18 15 a small sleeve [n -S...
sleeziest 19 19 SLEEZY, sordid, also...
slightest 21 14 SLIGHT, small in siz...
slimsiest 19 13 SLIMSY, flimsy, also...
slingshot 20 15 a stone from a sling...
slinkiest 18 15 SLINKY, slinking, cl...
slippiest 22 16 SLIPPY, slippery [ad...
slipsheet 21 15 a sheet of paper tha...
slittiest 18 10 SLITTY, of an openin...
slobbiest 21 16 SLOBBY, characterist...
sloomiest 17 13 SLOOMY, sluggish, sp...
sloppiest 21 16 SLOPPY, wet or muddy...
sloshiest 19 12 SLOSHY, splashy [adj...
slubbiest 22 17 SLUBBY, lumpy, knobb...
sludgiest 19 14 SLUDGY, covered with...
sluiciest 21 14 SLUICY, falling in s...
slummiest 20 17 SLUMMY, resembling a...
slumpiest 21 17 SLUMPY, marshy [adj]
slungshot 20 16 a weight attached to...
slurpiest 20 14 SLURPY, like a slurp...
slushiest 20 13 SLUSHY, resembling s...
sluttiest 18 11 SLUTTY, characterist...
smalmiest 19 16 SMALMY, (obsolete) o...
smarmiest 18 15 SMARMY, oily, ingrat...
smeariest 16 12 SMEARY, covered with...
smelliest 19 14 SMELLY, having an un...
smirkiest 19 16 SMIRKY, given to smi...
smirriest 18 12 SMIRRY, drizzly [adj...
smoggiest 19 16 SMOGGY, filled with...
smoothest 18 14 SMOOTH, not rough [a...
smudgiest 19 16 SMUDGY, having smudg...
smurriest 18 13 SMURRY, (Scots) like...
smuttiest 18 13 SMUTTY, sexually sug...
snackiest 19 17 SNACKY, suitable as...
snaggiest 17 14 SNAGGY, full of snag...
snailiest 16 11 SNAILY, like a snail...
snakeroot 14 14 bistort, milkwort, o...
snappiest 19 16 SNAPPY, bad-tempered...
snarkiest 16 14 SNARKY, crotchety [a...
snarliest 16 11 SNARLY, tangled [adj...
snazziest 21 28 SNAZZY, trendily sma...
sneakiest 15 14 SNEAKY, crafty [adj]
sneeriest 14 10 SNEERY, full of snee...
sneeziest 17 19 SNEEZY, tending to s...
sniffiest 20 16 SNIFFY, given to sni...
sniftiest 18 13 SNIFTY, (slang) havi...
snippiest 20 16 SNIPPY, stingy, snap...
snittiest 16 10 SNITTY, disagreeably...
snobbiest 19 16 SNOBBY, snobbish [ad...
snoopiest 16 13 SNOOPY, prying [adj]
snootiest 14 10 SNOOTY, supercilious...
snooziest 17 19 SNOOZY, given to sno...
snortiest 15 10 SNORTY, inclined to...
snottiest 15 10 SNOTTY, foul with sn...
snoutiest 15 11 SNOUTY, resembling a...
snowdrift 21 17 a drift of snow [n -...
snubbiest 20 17 SNUBBY, inclined to...
snuffiest 20 17 SNUFFY, soiled with...
sobriquet 26 22 (French) a nickname,...
socialist 20 13 an adherent of socia...
sociolect 22 16 a variety of languag...
solemnest 16 14 SOLEMN, serious [adj...
soleprint 18 14 the print of the sol...
solipsist 20 13 one who practises so...
somberest 18 15 SOMBER, (US) sombre...
somnolent 15 15 sleepy; causing, or...
songcraft 21 18 the art of making so...
songsheet 17 14 a piece of paper wit...
soothfast 19 14 (archaic) truthful,...
sopranist 17 13 a treble singer [n -...
sordidest 16 11 SORDID, low, mean [a...
soundpost 17 15 a small post on guit...
southeast 17 12 the direction betwee...
southmost 19 15 situated furthest so...
southwest 21 15 between south and we...
sovietist 18 13 a believer in soviet...
sozzliest 23 28 SOZZLY, drunk [adj]
spaceport 22 18 a place from which s...
spacesuit 21 16 a protective suit wo...
spagirist 20 14 an alchemist, also S...
spagyrist 26 16 an alchemist, also S...
spammiest 20 18 SPAMMY, bland, unexc...
sparkiest 19 16 SPARKY, lively, also...
sparriest 18 12 SPARRY, having a con...
spawniest 20 16 SPAWNY, of or like s...
speariest 17 12 SPEARY, like a spear...
spearmint 18 16 a common garden mint...
spearwort 20 15 a name given to seve...
specciest 24 18 SPECCY, wearing spec...
speckiest 22 19 SPECKY, having speck...
speedboat 18 16 a high-speed motorbo...
speediest 17 13 SPEEDY, fast [adj]
spendiest 17 14 SPENDY, expensive [a...
spheriest 20 14 SPHERY, resembling a...
spiffiest 23 18 SPIFFY, excellent [a...
spindrift 21 17 the ocean spray whic...
spinneret 16 14 the silk-spinning or...
spinniest 17 14 SPINNY, crazy, fooli...
spiralist 20 13 someone engaged in s...
spiritist 20 12 one who believes tha...
spittiest 19 12 SPITTY, marked with...
spivviest 23 20 SPIVVY, like a spiv...
splayfeet 26 18 SPLAYFOOT, a foot th...
splayfoot 26 18 a foot that is abnor...
splendent 17 16 (archaic) glossy; br...
splittist 21 13 one advocating the w...
spoddiest 18 14 SPODDY, boring, stud...
spongiest 18 15 SPONGY, absorptive [...
spoofiest 19 15 SPOOFY, humorously s...
spookiest 18 16 SPOOKY, scary, also...
spoonbait 18 16 a lure on a swivel,...
spooniest 16 13 SPOONY, foolishly fo...
sporocyst 27 17 a rounded, thick-wal...
sportiest 18 12 SPORTY, inclined to...
sposhiest 20 14 SPOSHY, (US) slushy...
spotlight 23 17 to highlight [v SPOT...
spottiest 18 12 SPOTTY, marked with...
spoutiest 18 13 SPOUTY, having a spo...
sprayiest 24 14 SPRAYEY, full of spr...
springlet 20 16 a little spring [n -...
spruciest 22 16 SPRUCY, neat and tri...
spuddiest 19 15 SPUDDY, podgy [adj]
spunkiest 19 18 SPUNKY, courageous,...
spurriest 19 13 SPURRY, spur-like [a...
squabbest 28 25 SQUAB, fat, clumsy,...
squattest 24 19 SQUAT, short and thi...
squawroot 26 22 a scaly parasitic pl...
squintest 24 20 SQUINT, cross-eyed [...
staggiest 18 13 STAGGY, having the a...
stairfoot 17 12 the level place at t...
stairlift 20 13 a lift to enable peo...
stalkiest 18 14 STALKY, long and sle...
stanchest 20 15 STANCH, firm, steadf...
standfast 17 14 a reliable person or...
starburst 19 13 a pattern of rays or...
stardrift 19 13 a common proper moti...
starfruit 19 13 a flower, the Star o...
starlight 21 14 the light of stars [...
starriest 16 9 STARRY, abounding wi...
statement 15 13 something said forma...
statocyst 25 14 an organ of balance...
steadfast 17 13 firm, unwavering, al...
steadiest 15 10 STEADY, well-balance...
steamboat 17 15 a boat powered by st...
steamiest 16 12 STEAMY, like steam [...
steeliest 16 10 STEELY, resembling s...
steepiest 17 12 STEEPY, steep; preci...
steeriest 15 9 STEERY, busy or bust...
stegodont 15 13 an extinct mammal wi...
stemmiest 18 15 STEMMY, abounding in...
sterilant 16 11 a sterilizing agent...
sternfast 17 13 a rope or chain for...
sternmost 16 13 farthest astern; as,...
sternport 17 13 a port or opening in...
sternpost 17 13 the main member at t...
stickiest 21 16 STICKY, adhesive [ad...
stilliest 19 11 STILLY, still, quiet...
stiltiest 18 10 STILTY, stilt-like [...
stimulant 18 15 a substance that sti...
stingiest 17 12 STINGY, mean, niggar...
stinkiest 17 14 STINKY, emitting a f...
stintiest 16 10 STINTY, limited [adj...
stirabout 18 13 (Anglo-Irish) porrid...
stockiest 20 16 STOCKY, having a sho...
stockinet 19 17 an elastic knitted f...
stocklist 22 17 a list of items in s...
stodgiest 17 12 STODGY, boring [adj]
stolidest 17 11 STOLID, impassive, u...
stompiest 19 15 STOMPY, conducive to...
stoneboat 15 13 (US) a low sledge fo...
stonecast 17 13 the throw of a stone...
stonechat 19 15 a small bird of heat...
stoneshot 16 12 a stone or stones us...
stonewort 17 13 any plant of the Cha...
stoplight 23 17 the brake light on a...
stormiest 17 12 STORMY, wild, tempes...
stouriest 16 10 STOURY, (Scots) dust...
straitest 16 9 STRAIT, confined, ri...
strangest 16 12 STRANGE, unusual or...
strapwort 21 15 a seaside plant of t...
strawiest 19 12 STRAWY, resembling s...
streamlet 17 13 a small stream [n -S...
strewment 19 16 (Shakespeare) strewi...
strictest 20 12 STRICT, kept within...
strikeout 17 14 an out in baseball r...
stringent 16 13 tight, binding, rigo...
stripiest 19 12 STRIPY, marked with...
strongest 16 12 STRONG, having great...
stubbiest 21 16 STUBBY, short and sq...
studliest 18 12 STUDLY, (slang) hunk...
stuffiest 21 16 STUFFY, badly ventil...
stuggiest 19 14 STUGGY, (dialect) th...
stumpiest 20 16 STUMPY, short and sq...
stupidest 19 14 STUPID, foolish [adj...
sturdiest 17 11 STURDY, strongly bui...
subjacent 22 26 lying under or below...
sublimest 21 17 SUBLIME, lofty [adj]
submarket 20 20 a subordinate market...
subpotent 19 17 of drugs, less poten...
subscript 25 19 a number or letter w...
substract 22 16 to subtract; to with...
substruct 23 17 to build beneath; to...
subtenant 16 15 one who rents a tene...
subtilest 20 14 SUBTIL, (archaic) su...
succedent 21 18 a person or thing th...
succulent 23 19 juicy, sappy [adj SU...
suettiest 16 10 SUETTY, resembling s...
sugarcoat 19 15 to coat with sugar;...
sugariest 17 12 SUGARY, containing s...
sullenest 17 13 SULLEN, showing broo...
sulphuret 22 17 to treat with sulfur...
sultriest 18 11 SULTRY, humid and op...
summarist 19 16 one who summarized [...
summerset 18 16 a leap in which a pe...
sunbonnet 15 16 a bonnet worn by wom...
sunbright 22 18 bright as the sun [a...
superbest 20 16 SUPERB, of excellent...
superbrat 20 16 a very brattish chil...
superfast 20 16 very fast [adj]
superheat 19 15 the state of being s...
supermart 19 16 a big supermarket [n...
superport 20 16 a superior port [n -...
supersalt 19 14 an acid salt [n -S]
supersoft 20 16 very soft [adj]
suppliant 21 18 (Shakespeare) suppli...
supplicat 25 20 in English universit...
supremest 19 16 SUPREME, highest, gr...
surmullet 20 16 a fish much esteemed...
sustinent 15 12 sustaining [adj]
susurrant 16 12 whispering [adj]
swampiest 22 18 SWAMPY, like a swamp...
swankiest 19 17 SWANKY, ostentatious...
swanniest 17 14 SWANNY, swanlike [ad...
swarajist 21 21 one who adhered to s...
swardiest 19 13 SWARDY, covered with...
swashiest 21 14 SWASHY, slushy [adj]
swathiest 21 14 SWATHY, in swathes [...
swattiest 19 12 SWATTY, given to har...
sweariest 18 12 SWEARY, relating to,...
sweatiest 18 12 SWEATY, covered with...
sweatsuit 19 13 a loose-fitting suit...
sweepiest 20 15 SWEEPY, of wide rang...
sweetmeat 18 15 any concoction made...
swimmeret 21 18 a crustacean's abdom...
swimmiest 22 18 SWIMMY, blurred, swi...
swingbeat 21 18 a type of dance musi...
swingboat 21 18 a boat-shaped swingi...
swingiest 20 15 SWINGY, having swing...
swirliest 21 13 SWIRLY, swirling [ad...
swishiest 22 14 SWISHY, swishing [ad...
swooniest 17 13 SWOONY, languid, daz...
swoopiest 20 15 SWOOPY, having sweep...
swottiest 19 12 SWOTTY, given to har...
sycophant 28 20 one who attempts to...
syllogist 26 15 one who reasons by s...
sylphiest 28 17 SYLPHY, like a sylph...
symbolist 27 18 a practitioner of sy...
synergist 23 14 a substance which in...
synoptist 24 15 one of the writers o...
syrupiest 25 15 SYRUPY, like syrup,...
tabescent 19 16 wasting; shrivelling...
tactilist 21 13 a painter who aims a...
taikonaut 15 15 a Chinese astronaut...
taillight 22 15 a rear light on a ve...
talckiest 21 17 TALCKY, pertaining t...
tangliest 17 13 TANGLY, tangled [adj...
tarantist 15 10 one suffering from t...
tattooist 15 9 one who tattoos, als...
tawdriest 19 13 TAWDRY, cheap, trash...
tearsheet 16 11 a page in a magazine...
teensiest 14 10 TEENSY, (colloquial)...
teentiest 14 10 TEENTY, (colloquial)...
telepoint 17 14 a device located in...
teleprint 18 14 to print out (a mess...
tenderest 14 11 TENDER, soft, sensit...
tenebrist 17 13 a painter in the sty...
terebrant 16 13 boring, having a pie...
termagant 16 15 a shrewish, bullying...
terminist 17 13 a believer in termin...
terrorist 16 9 one who engages in t...
tervalent 17 15 having a valency of...
tesseract 18 12 a figure of a cube w...
testament 15 13 that which testifies...
tetchiest 21 14 TETCHY, peevish, fre...
thanatist 17 12 one believing that t...
thecodont 19 16 a member of the orde...
thelement 18 16 (Spenser) the elemen...
thenabout 18 16 at about that time,...
theorbist 20 14 one who plays on a t...
therapist 20 14 one who practises th...
thermoset 18 14 of resin or plastic,...
theurgist 20 14 a believer in theurg...
thingiest 19 14 THINGY, real, actual...
thongiest 18 14 THONGY, resembling a...
thorniest 17 12 THORNY, full of thor...
threepeat 18 14 to win a sporting tr...
thrillant 20 14 (Spenser) piercing [...
thumbiest 22 18 THUMBY, like thumbs,...
tickliest 22 17 TICKLY, easily tickl...
tiddliest 18 12 TIDDLY, slightly dru...
tiercelet 19 13 the male of various...
tightknit 21 18 closely integrated [...
timeliest 18 13 TIMELY, occurring at...
timpanist 19 16 one who plays the ti...
tingliest 18 13 TINGLY, tingling [ad...
tinkliest 18 15 TINKLY, producing a...
titchiest 22 14 TITCHY, very small,...
tittlebat 19 13 the three-spined sti...
toastiest 15 9 TOASTY, like toast,...
tonguelet 16 14 a little tongue [n -...
tonoplast 17 14 a semipermeable memb...
toolchest 21 15 a chest for holding...
tooshiest 17 11 TOOSHIE, (Australian...
toothiest 17 11 TOOTHY, having promi...
toothwort 20 14 a plant whose roots...
topflight 25 20 superior, topnotch [...
topiarist 18 12 one who practises to...
torchiest 21 14 TORCHY, characterist...
torquiest 24 19 TORQUEY, providing f...
torridest 16 10 TORRID, extremely ho...
touchiest 21 15 TOUCHY, quick to tak...
toustiest 16 10 TOUSTIE, (Scott) ira...
toweriest 18 12 TOWERY, very tall [a...
townliest 19 14 TOWNLY, townish [adj...
tracksuit 21 17 a loose warm suit in...
trampiest 19 15 TRAMPY, having the c...
tranciest 18 13 TRANCEY, (of music,...
transeunt 14 12 (Latin) (of a mental...
transfect 20 16 to cause transfectio...
transfixt 24 20 TRANSFIX, to impale...
transient 14 11 not lasting long [ad...
transport 17 13 carriage or conveyan...
transumpt 19 17 a copy, a transcript...
transvest 17 14 to disguise; wear cl...
trapezist 21 21 one who performs on...
trappiest 20 15 TRAPPY, full of trap...
trashiest 18 11 TRASHY, rubbishy [ad...
treatment 15 13 the act or manner of...
trebuchet 23 18 (historical) a medie...
trebucket 22 20 a medieval siege eng...
tremblant 19 17 in jewellery, having...
tremolant 16 14 (Italian) a vibratin...
tremulant 17 15 tremulous [adj] / a...
trenchant 19 16 incisive, vigorous,...
trendiest 15 11 TRENDY, fashionable...
trepidant 17 14 in a state of alarme...
tressiest 16 9 TRESSY, abounding in...
triallist 19 11 a person taking part...
tribalist 20 13 a believer in tribal...
trickiest 21 16 TRICKIE, characteriz...
trigamist 19 14 one who has been mar...
trippiest 21 15 TRIPPY, suggesting a...
tritheist 19 11 one believing that t...
trivalent 18 15 having a valency of...
troutiest 16 10 TROUTY, containing t...
truculent 20 16 aggressive and disco...
trustiest 17 10 TRUSTY, worthy of tr...
truthiest 19 12 TRUTHY, characterize...
tumbleset 20 17 a somersault [n -S]
tumescent 19 17 tending to swell [ad...
turbulent 19 16 tumultuous, violentl...
turgidest 18 13 TURGID, swollen, inf...
turnabout 17 15 a change in fortunes...
turribant 18 14 (Spenser) a turban [...
tutiorist 17 10 an adherent of tutio...
twangiest 19 15 TWANGY, twanging [ad...
tweakiest 19 16 TWEAKY, twitchy [adj...
tweediest 18 13 TWEEDY, of a refined...
twerpiest 21 15 TWERPY, like a twerp...
twiggiest 22 16 TWIGGY, twiglike, fu...
twirliest 21 13 TWIRLY, curved [adj]
twirpiest 22 15 TWIRPY, like a twirp...
twistiest 20 12 TWISTY, full of curv...
tympanist 25 18 one who plays the ty...
ufologist 20 16 one interested in uf...
ultrafast 19 14 very fast [adj]
ultraheat 18 13 to heat to very high...
ultraleft 20 15 belonging to the ver...
ultrasoft 19 14 very very soft [adj]
unbusiest 18 15 UNBUSY, not busy [ad...
uncessant 17 15 (Milton) incessant [...
uncorrupt 21 18 not corrupt, also IN...
uncurrent 18 16 not current e.g. unc...
undelight 20 17 lack of delight [n -...
undercart 18 15 (colloquial) an airc...
undercast 18 15 an air-passage cross...
undercoat 17 15 a coat worn under an...
underfelt 18 16 an underlayer of fel...
underfoot 16 15 to underpin [v -ED,...
undergirt 17 14 UNDERGIRD, to form t...
underheat 16 14 to heat insufficient...
underkept 18 19 UNDERKEEP, (Spenser)...
undermost 16 15 lowest, as in place,...
underpart 17 15 a subordinate part [...
underplot 18 16 a series of events i...
undershot 17 14 UNDERSHOOT, to fail...
undertint 15 13 a tint underlying an...
undervest 17 16 an undershirt [n -S]
underwent 17 16 UNDERGO, to be subje...
uneasiest 14 11 UNEASY, marked by me...
unevenest 15 16 UNEVEN, not even [ad...
unextinct 24 22 not extinct [adj]
unfairest 17 14 UNFAIR, not fair [ad...
unfittest 18 14 UNFIT, not fit [adj]
unfraught 21 19 to unload [v -ED, -I...
ungallant 17 16 not gallant [adj UNG...
unhippest 22 19 UNHIP, (slang) squar...
unholiest 18 14 UNHOLY, not holy [ad...
unipotent 16 15 able to form only on...
unisonant 13 13 being in unison, als...
univalent 17 17 having a valency of...
unjustest 18 21 UNJUST, not just [ad...
unkindest 16 17 UNKIND, not kind [ad...
unmiriest 17 14 UNMIRY, not miry [ad...
unperfect 22 20 not perfect, also IM...
unpervert 19 18 to free from pervers...
unpredict 21 18 (Milton) to retract...
unredrest 15 12 not redressed, witho...
unruliest 17 13 UNRULY, difficult to...
unsexiest 21 18 UNSEXY, not sexy [ad...
unsubject 23 27 to remove from subju...
unsuspect 21 18 (Milton) not subject...
unthought 21 18 UNTHINK, to dismiss...
untidiest 16 12 UNTIDY, not tidy [ad...
unwariest 18 14 UNWARIE, (Spenser) u...
unwrought 22 19 UNWORK, to undo or d...
upbrought 24 21 UPBRING, to bring up...
updraught 22 19 an upwards movement...
uppermost 21 19 in the top position,...
upperpart 22 19 the upper part of so...
upwrought 25 21 wrought up [adj]
urologist 18 13 one versed in urolog...
uttermost 17 13 the greatest degree...
vacillant 22 19 vacillating; waverin...
vaultiest 19 15 VAULTY, (Shakespeare...
vauntiest 17 15 VAUNTY, boastful, al...
vawntiest 20 17 VAWNTIE, boastful, a...
vengement 17 20 (Spenser) revenge, a...
ventiduct 21 19 a ventilating pipe o...
ventifact 22 20 a stone polished by...
verbalist 21 17 a person dealing in...
verbosest 19 16 VERBOSE, wordy [adj]
vertiport 20 16 an airport designed...
vestiment 18 17 (obsolete) vestment,...
vetchiest 23 18 VETCHY, covered with...
vicariant 20 17 a species, variety,...
videlicet 22 18 (Latin) that is to s...
videotext 23 21 a system used to dis...
viewpoint 22 20 a place offering a g...
violinist 19 15 one who plays the vi...
virescent 20 17 becoming green [adj]
visionist 18 14 a visionary, also VI...
visualist 20 15 a visualizer, a visi...
volcanist 21 18 one versed in the hi...
volitient 18 15 willing [adj]
voodooist 16 14 a practitioner of vo...
vorticist 22 16 a painter who expres...
vulcanist 22 19 one versed in the hi...
vulgarest 20 17 VULGAR, common [adj]
wabbliest 24 19 WABBLY, wobbly [adj]
waddliest 20 15 WADDLY, having a wad...
waffliest 24 19 WAFFLY, given to waf...
waggliest 22 17 WAGGLY, waggling [ad...
wairshest 21 14 WAIRSH, tasteless, i...
waistbelt 22 16 a belt worn round th...
waistcoat 21 15 a garment, plain or...
walkabout 22 21 (Australian) a perio...
wallchart 26 19 a chart of informati...
wambliest 23 19 WAMBLY, affected wit...
wantonest 16 14 WANTON, thoughtlessl...
warbliest 22 16 WARBLY, voiced in a...
warbonnet 18 17 a headdress worn by...
watchlist 26 18 a list of things to...
wateriest 18 12 WATERY, like water [...
wavefront 21 20 in a propagating vib...
waveriest 20 16 WAVERY, unsteady [ad...
weakliest 20 17 WEAKLY, weak and sic...
weeknight 22 21 the evening or night...
weensiest 17 13 WEENSY, tiny [adj]
welfarist 22 16 an adherent of the s...
westabout 20 16 towards the west [ad...
whackiest 25 21 WHACKY, eccentric, a...
whaleboat 22 18 a boat used for catc...
wheatiest 20 14 WHEATY, tasting of w...
wheeliest 21 15 WHEELY, like a wheel...
wheeziest 23 23 WHEEZY, given to whe...
whelkiest 23 19 WHELKY, marked with...
whiffiest 26 20 WHIFFY, smelly [adj]
whimmiest 24 20 WHIMMY, full of whim...
whimsiest 23 17 WHIMSY, full of whim...
whingiest 22 17 WHINGY, complaining...
whinniest 20 16 WHINNY, abounding in...
whippiest 26 20 WHIPPY, pliant, supp...
whirliest 23 15 WHIRLY, given to whi...
whirriest 22 14 WHIRRY, characterist...
whitebait 23 17 the fry of various s...
whitecoat 23 17 a white-furred seal...
whitelist 23 15 to place a name, ema...
whizziest 28 32 WHIZZY, using sophis...
whodunnit 20 18 a mystery novel, als...
whydunnit 27 20 a novel or film conc...
wickedest 23 20 WICKED, bad, evil [a...
wieldiest 20 14 WIELDY, easily wield...
wifeliest 22 16 WIFELY, befitting a...
wiggliest 23 17 WIGGLY, tending to w...
windblast 22 18 a blast of wind [n -...
windburnt 21 19 WINDBURN, to cause i...
windswept 24 20 swept by the wind [a...
windtight 23 18 so tight as to preve...
winsomest 19 16 WINSOME, charming, c...
wintriest 19 13 WINTRY, having the c...
wiseliest 20 13 WISELY, in a wise ma...
witchiest 25 17 WITCHY, malicious [a...
witchknot 25 22 a knot in hair suppo...
withhault 25 18 WITHHOLD, to hold ba...
wobbliest 24 19 WOBBLY, unsteady, al...
wofullest 23 18 WOFUL, full of grief...
woodcraft 23 19 skill in hunting or...
woodenest 16 14 WOODEN, stiff as in...
woodprint 20 17 a design cut in reli...
woodsiest 18 13 WOODSY, relating to...
woolliest 20 14 WOOLLY, like wool [a...
wordcount 21 18 a count of words in...
workerist 20 16 one who supports wor...
workprint 22 20 an unfinished print...
worksheet 21 18 a paper or form on w...
worldbeat 21 17 popular music from o...
worriment 19 16 trouble; anxiety; wo...
worrywart 28 17 a person who worries...
worthiest 21 14 WORTHY, full of wort...
woundiest 18 15 WOUNDY, (archaic) ex...
woundwort 21 18 any of several plant...
wrathiest 21 14 WRATHY, inclined to...
wristiest 20 12 WRISTY, making exten...
wyliecoat 28 18 (Scots) a flannel un...
xenoblast 23 21 a type of mineral de...
xenocryst 30 22 a crystal or mineral...
xenograft 23 22 a graft of tissue be...
yeastiest 21 11 YEASTY, like yeast,...
yellowest 26 16 YELLOW, of a bright...
youthiest 24 14 YOUTHY, (Scots) youn...
zeitgeist 20 20 (German) the general...
zinckiest 23 26 ZINCKY, of or like z...
zitherist 22 20 one who plays the zi...
zoologist 20 21 one who studies zool...
zoonomist 18 22 an animal physiologi...
zooperist 20 21 one who experiments...
zootomist 19 21 one who dissects ani...
zorbonaut 19 23 one who engages in z...