14 letter words that end with T

14 letter words that end with T

14 letter T word


Words With Friends®


absorbefacient 31 27 an agent causing or...
abstractionist 29 21 a practitioner of ab...
accomplishment 37 33 the act of accomplis...
acknowledgment 32 33 the act of acknowled...
aerodynamicist 33 24 one who specializes...
aftertreatment 25 21 additional treatment...
aggrandisement 25 24 the act of aggrandis...
aggrandizement 28 33 the act of aggrandiz...
anthropologist 29 23 one who studies anth...
anticapitalist 30 22 one opposed to capit...
anticonvulsant 28 26 used or tending to c...
antidepressant 24 20 an antidepressant dr...
antifederalist 26 20 one who is opposed t...
antigovernment 25 26 opposed to the gover...
antimanagement 23 25 opposed to managemen...
antimilitarist 27 19 one opposed to milit...
antimonarchist 29 24 one opposed to the m...
antimonopolist 26 23 one opposed to monop...
antinuclearist 27 21 one opposed to nucle...
antiperspirant 27 22 a preparation used t...
antiseparatist 25 18 one opposed to separ...
apprenticement 30 28 the state of being a...
archaeometrist 29 22 one who practises ar...
archeobotanist 29 23 one who studies arch...
aromatherapist 28 22 one who practises ar...
arrondissement 23 20 (French) the largest...
associationist 26 18 one who believes in...
astrobiologist 28 20 one who studies astr...
astrogeologist 26 19 a specialist in astr...
astrophysicist 39 24 a student of astroph...
bacteriologist 31 23 one who studies bact...
bioluminescent 30 27 relating to biolumin...
bioregionalist 27 21 one who studies bior...
biosystematist 34 22 one who studies bios...
bouleversement 28 27 (French) an overturn...
bronchoscopist 36 29 one who uses a bronc...
chalcographist 39 30 one who practises ch...
chemotherapist 34 27 one who practises ch...
chromatologist 32 25 a specialist in chro...
citriculturist 35 23 one who practises ci...
constructivist 34 26 an upholder of const...
continentalist 26 21 one who uses contine...
contraindicant 28 24 something that contr...
convocationist 30 26 one who takes part i...
cooperationist 27 21 one who believes in...
correligionist 29 21 a person of the same...
counterassault 27 21 a counterattack [n -...
countercurrent 29 24 a current flowing in...
counterproject 33 34 a project set up in...
counterprotest 28 22 an opposing protest...
countersubject 34 35 a second theme by th...
cruciverbalist 37 29 a designer or affici...
cryoprotectant 37 26 a cryoprotective sub...
cryptographist 42 29 one who studies cryp...
cyberterrorist 36 22 a terrorist who atta...
cytogeneticist 37 25 one who studies cyto...
cytotaxonomist 39 30 a practitioner of cy...
destructionist 28 20 one who delights in...
dialectologist 30 22 a specialist in dial...
disappointment 28 26 the act or an instan...
disarrangement 24 22 the act of disarrang...
disconcertment 30 26 the act of disconcer...
discontentment 26 24 discontent [n -S]
discouragement 28 25 the act of discourag...
disemboguement 28 28 the act of disembogu...
disembowelment 31 29 the act of disembowe...
disempowerment 30 28 the act of disempowe...
disenchantment 28 26 the state of being d...
disenthralment 27 23 the act of disenthra...
disentrainment 23 21 the act of disentrai...
disfeaturement 26 23 the act of disfeatur...
disfurnishment 30 26 the state of being d...
disgruntlement 27 24 the state of being d...
disheartenment 25 22 the state of being d...
displenishment 30 26 the act of displenis...
dissolutionist 26 18 a proponent of disso...
divertissement 27 23 (French) a diversion...
durchkomponirt 34 32 (German) having the...
dysteleologist 33 21 a specialist in dyst...
ecclesiologist 33 24 one who studies eccl...
educationalist 27 21 a person skilled in...
electrochemist 34 26 one who studies the...
electrodeposit 29 22 a deposit (as of met...
empoverishment 31 30 the state of becomin...
encyclopaedist 38 28 one who compiles enc...
epidemiologist 29 24 one who studies dise...
epistemologist 29 23 a student of epistem...
existentialist 31 23 an adherent of exist...
explorationist 32 26 a scientist engaged...
extinguishment 34 31 the act of extinguis...
floriculturist 34 24 one who practises fl...
foreordainment 24 23 the state of being f...
fundamentalist 27 25 an exponent of funda...
geohydrologist 35 24 one who studies geoh...
grammatologist 29 25 a specialist in gram...
harpsichordist 35 25 one who plays the ha...
hepaticologist 33 25 one who studies live...
homotransplant 28 25 a graft of tissue fr...
horticulturist 33 22 one who practises ho...
hydrobiologist 37 25 a student of hydrobi...
hydrogeologist 35 24 a student of hydroge...
hydrotherapist 37 24 a practitioner of hy...
hyperefficient 41 31 excessively efficien...
hypermodernist 35 26 a practitioner of a...
hypnotherapist 38 27 one who practises hy...
hypochondriast 39 28 a hypochondriac [n -...
ichthyophagist 44 30 one who eats fish [n...
immunoassayist 32 24 one who carries out...
impoverishment 32 30 the state of being i...
incrementalist 28 23 an exponent of incre...
indifferentist 28 23 an exponent of indif...
inquisitionist 33 26 one who carries out...
inquisiturient 33 27 (Milton) eager to ac...
inspirationist 26 19 a person who maintai...
integrationist 24 18 a person who believe...
interactionist 26 19 a belieer in interac...
interdependent 23 22 mutually dependent [...
interpenetrant 23 20 mutually penetrating...
intertwinement 26 23 the state of being i...
interweavement 27 26 the act of interweav...
intuitionalist 25 18 a believer in intuit...
kremlinologist 29 26 one who studies krem...
labradorescent 28 23 of minerals, display...
labyrinthodont 34 25 an extinct amphibian...
laryngoscopist 37 26 one who uses a laryn...
legerdemainist 26 22 one who practises le...
lexicographist 40 32 one who makes dictio...
lipogrammatist 31 26 one who writes lipog...
liquidationist 34 27 a proponent of the t...
lithontriptist 31 21 a surgeon who perfor...
liturgiologist 30 21 one who studies litu...
massotherapist 29 22 one who practises ma...
metafictionist 30 24 a writer of metafict...
microbiologist 33 26 one who studies micr...
microcomponent 32 31 a very small compone...
microphysicist 44 30 a physicist who spec...
ministerialist 27 19 a supporter of the g...
misarrangement 25 24 a wrong arrangement...
miscontentment 27 26 lack of contentment...
misimprovement 31 31 a false improvement...
mismeasurement 26 25 wrong measurement [n...
monopropellant 28 27 a rocket propellant...
multicomponent 31 30 having many componen...
narcoterrorist 26 18 one who engages in n...
neocolonialist 26 21 an upholder of neoco...
neuroanatomist 22 20 one who studies neur...
neurobiologist 27 22 one who studies neur...
neuroscientist 26 20 a practitioner of ne...
nonachievement 28 29 something that is no...
nonbelligerent 26 24 one who is not a bel...
noncommunicant 29 31 a person who has not...
nondevelopment 26 29 something that is no...
nonenforcement 25 27 something that is no...
nonfluorescent 27 25 not fluorescent [adj...
nonfulfillment 31 30 something that is no...
noninstallment 24 23 something that is no...
noninvolvement 26 30 absence of involveme...
nonobjectivist 32 35 a practitioner of no...
nonparticipant 29 26 one who is not a par...
nonrecombinant 26 27 a gene not exhibitin...
nonsignificant 28 26 (in cryptography) a...
obstructionist 30 22 someone, esp. a poli...
omnibenevolent 26 28 showing universal go...
oncogeneticist 29 24 someone who studies...
operationalist 25 19 an exponent of opera...
organographist 29 24 one who practises or...
overadjustment 28 33 an excessive adjustm...
overassessment 25 22 excessive assessment...
overcommitment 31 31 excessive commitment...
overemployment 35 31 the situation where...
overexcitement 34 32 excessive excitement...
overinvestment 27 27 excessive investment...
overrefinement 26 26 excessive refinement...
palaebiologist 30 24 a student of palaebi...
palaeobotanist 26 22 one who studies pala...
palaeographist 31 25 a student of palaeog...
paleobiologist 30 24 one who studies pale...
paleoecologist 30 24 one who studies pale...
paleomagnetist 27 24 a student of paleoma...
paleontologist 27 22 one who studies pale...
paleozoologist 30 30 one who studies pale...
pantisocratist 29 21 an upholder of panti...
paragrammatist 29 25 a punster [n -S]
parasitologist 28 20 one who studies para...
parturifacient 31 25 an oxytocic drug or...
perfectibilist 36 27 a believer in the pe...
petrophysicist 41 27 a student of petroph...
pharmacologist 34 28 one who studies phar...
pharmacopoeist 33 28 one who compiles a p...
pharmacopolist 35 29 drug-seller; pharmac...
pharyngologist 37 27 a specialist in phar...
philanthropist 34 26 one who practices ph...
phosphorescent 34 28 exhibiting phosphore...
photobiologist 32 25 one who studies phot...
photogeologist 30 24 one who studies phot...
pisciculturist 37 26 one engaged in pisci...
pneumatologist 28 25 a specialist in pneu...
pneumonologist 27 26 one who studies pneu...
postadolescent 28 23 someone just out of...
postcapitalist 33 24 taking place after c...
postretirement 26 21 following retirement...
prearrangement 25 24 a preliminary arrang...
predevelopment 30 30 a preliminary develo...
prerevisionist 28 22 preceding revisionis...
prescriptivist 36 27 an adherent of presc...
probabiliorist 32 24 a believer in probab...
progressionist 27 20 a supporter of progr...
prohibitionist 31 23 one who favors prohi...
proportionment 27 25 the act of proportio...
prosthodontist 28 21 a specialist in pros...
prothonotariat 26 20 the college constitu...
protistologist 29 20 a specialist in prot...
protozoologist 30 29 one who studies prot...
pseudopregnant 27 26 relating to pseudopr...
psilanthropist 32 24 one who denies Chris...
psycholinguist 41 29 a student of psychol...
pteridophilist 33 24 a fern-lover [n -S]
punctuationist 29 24 a believer in punctu...
pyramidologist 36 26 a specialist in pyra...
quattrocentist 35 28 an artist who flouri...
radiobiologist 28 21 one who studies radi...
radioresistant 23 16 able to withstand co...
radiotherapist 28 20 one who practises ra...
reappraisement 27 24 the act of reapprais...
recommencement 30 31 a new beginning [n -...
reconvalescent 30 27 in a state of conval...
reformationist 26 21 a supporter of refor...
relinquishment 36 32 the act of relinquis...
repudiationist 26 20 a person who favours...
requisitionist 33 25 a person who makes a...
reservationist 25 19 one who makes a rese...
restitutionist 25 16 a believer in restit...
restorationist 23 15 a believer in restor...
restrictionist 28 18 a supporter of restr...
retaliationist 24 16 one who believes in...
rheumatologist 29 23 one who studies rheu...
rontgenologist 25 21 a specialist in ront...
sacramentalist 28 22 an exponent of sacra...
segregationist 25 19 a person who believe...
selenographist 29 23 one who maps the moo...
semiretirement 25 21 the state of being s...
sensationalist 23 17 one who engages in s...
sentimentalist 25 20 one who indulges in...
silviculturist 35 25 one who practises si...
sociobiologist 31 23 one who studies soci...
spectroscopist 35 26 one who uses a spect...
straightjacket 34 34 a straitjacket [n -S...
stratigraphist 31 21 a practitioner of st...
subarborescent 30 25 partially arborescen...
subdevelopment 31 31 a subdivision of a d...
subproletariat 29 22 the social class bel...
substantialist 28 20 a believer in substa...
superabsorbent 29 25 an exceptionally abs...
superconfident 30 27 extremely confident...
supercontinent 27 24 a hypothetical forme...
superdaintiest 26 20 SUPERDAINTY, extreme...
superefficient 33 28 extremely efficient...
superexcellent 36 31 excellent to a very...
superimportant 29 25 having a very high d...
superincumbent 32 30 resting on top; over...
superintendent 24 22 one who has executiv...
telejournalist 27 27 a journalist working...
teratogenicist 27 20 one who studies tera...
territorialist 26 15 a supporter of terri...
thermoremanent 25 24 relating to magnetic...
thermotolerant 26 21 able to endure high...
tintinnabulant 25 23 ringing, like a bell...
traditionalist 25 17 an upholder of tradi...
transfusionist 26 20 a doctor who perform...
tripersonalist 27 19 one who believes in...
ultracompetent 30 26 extremely competent...
ultraefficient 32 26 extremely efficient...
ultramodernist 26 21 one who practises ul...
ultramontanist 25 21 one who lives beyond...
understatement 23 21 the act of understat...
vivisectionist 32 26 one who practises vi...
watercolourist 31 22 an artist who works...
xenotransplant 30 28 an operation in whic...
zoophytologist 39 33 one who studies zoop...