5 letter words that end with T

5 letter words that end with T

5 letter T word


Words With Friends®


abaft 12 11 towards or at the st...
abbot 12 11 the superior in a mo...
ablet 11 9 a small freshwater f...
abort 10 8 to bring forth a foe...
about 10 9 approximately [adv]
absit 11 8 (Latin) a student's...
adapt 10 9 to make suitable [v...
adbot 10 9 a specialized comput...
adept 10 9 an expert [n -S] / h...
admit 10 9 to allow to enter; t...
adopt 10 9 to take as one's own...
adult 10 8 grown up [adj ADULTL...
adust 9 7 (Milton) to scorch [...
afoot 9 8 on foot [adv]
afrit 11 8 an evil spirit in Ar...
agast 9 7 (Milton) to terrify...
agent 8 8 a person or thing th...
agist 10 7 to admit (livestock)...
aglet 10 8 a metal sheath at th...
ahent 9 8 (dialect) behind, al...
ahint 10 8 (dialect) behind, al...
aight 12 9 an informal or diale...
alant 8 7 a large hunting dog,...
aleft 11 9 (archaic) on or to t...
alert 9 6 ready for sudden act...
alist 10 6 leaning to one side...
allot 10 7 to give as a share o...
aloft 11 9 on high [adv]
amaut 9 9 (Inuit) a hood on a...
ambit 12 11 a circuit, compass,...
ament 8 9 a mentally deficient...
amort 9 8 (archaic) spiritless...
amowt 12 11 (Inuit) a hood on a...
amrit 10 8 (Punjabi) a sacred s...
anent 6 7 (archaic) about; con...
angst 9 8 (German) a feeling o...
annat 6 7 (Scots) the half-yea...
apart 10 8 separate [adv]
apert 10 8 (archaic) open, publ...
aport 10 8 towards the left sid...
arett 8 5 (obsolete) to entrus...
argot 9 7 (French) an often mo...
arhat 10 7 (Sanskrit) a Buddhis...
ariot 8 5 in riot [adv]
armet 9 8 a kind of medieval h...
arnut 8 7 the earthnut, an edi...
arret 8 5 (French) a decision;...
ascot 11 8 a type of necktie wi...
ashet 10 7 (Scots) a large plat...
asset 8 5 an item of worth [n...
assot 8 5 to make a fool of [v...
atilt 10 6 being in a tilted po...
audit 9 7 to examine accounts...
aught 12 10 anything, also OUCHT...
avant 9 10 (French) before [pre...
avast 10 9 stop [interj]
avert 10 9 to ward off [v -ED,...
await 11 8 to wait for [v -ED,...
ayont 13 8 (archaic) beyond [ad...
bahut 13 11 (French) an ornament...
beast 10 8 to punish or torture...
beaut 10 9 (colloquial) a beaut...
befit 13 11 to be suitable for [...
begat 11 10 BEGET, to cause to e...
beget 11 10 to cause to exist [v...
begot 11 10 BEGET, to cause to e...
benet 9 9 to catch in a net, t...
bepat 12 11 to pat often [v BEPA...
beret 10 8 a flat round woollen...
besat 10 8 BESIT, (archaic) to...
beset 10 8 to assail [v BESET,...
besit 11 8 (archaic) to suit, t...
besot 10 8 to infatuate [v BESO...
bewet 13 11 to make wet [v BEWET...
bhoot 12 10 a small whirlwind, a...
bidet 11 9 (French) a shallow o...
bight 15 12 to fasten with a loo...
bigot 12 10 a prejudiced person...
binit 11 9 a unit of computer i...
biont 10 9 a physiologically in...
blart 12 9 to shout loudly and...
blast 12 9 to use explosives [v...
blatt 12 9 (slang) a newspaper...
bleat 11 9 to cry like a sheep...
blent 11 10 BLEND, to mix togeth...
blert 12 9 (colloquial) a fooli...
blest 12 9 BLESS, to sanctify [...
blist 13 9 BLESS, to sanctify [...
bloat 11 9 to swell [v -ED, -IN...
bluet 12 10 a meadow flower [n -...
blunt 12 11 not sharp or pointed...
blurt 13 10 to utter unadvisedly...
boart 10 8 diamond dust or frag...
boast 10 8 to brag [v -ED, -ING...
boost 10 8 to support, increase...
boult 12 10 to sieve through a c...
bowat 13 11 (Scots) a lantern, a...
bowet 13 11 (Scots) a lantern, a...
bract 14 11 any reduced leaflike...
brant 10 9 a wild goose, also B...
brast 11 8 (dialect) to break o...
brent 10 9 (Scots) lofty, steep...
britt 12 8 a young herring, als...
bruit 12 9 to spread by rumour...
brunt 11 10 to bear the chief st...
brust 12 9 (Spenser) to burst [...
built 13 10 BUILD, to construct...
buist 12 9 (Scots) a box, a tar...
bundt 11 11 a type of cake pan [...
buret 11 9 a glass measuring tu...
burnt 11 10 BURN, to destroy by...
burst 12 9 to break open violen...
butut 12 10 a monetary unit of G...
cadet 11 9 a student at a milit...
cagot 12 10 (French) one of an o...
canst 11 9 CAN, to put in a cyl...
capot 13 11 to win all the trick...
caput 14 12 (Latin) the head; al...
carat 11 8 a unit of weight use...
caret 11 8 a typographical mark...
chaft 16 13 (Scots) the jaw, che...
chant 13 11 to recite in a singi...
chapt 16 13 CHAP, to cause to cr...
chart 14 10 to map out [v -ED, -...
cheat 13 10 to defraud [v -ED, -...
chert 14 10 a microcrystalline f...
chest 14 10 to hit a ball with t...
chirt 15 10 to squeeze, squirt [...
chott 14 10 (Arabic) a shallow s...
chout 14 11 (Hindi) in India, an...
cinct 15 12 surrounded, encircle...
civet 14 12 any of several carni...
clapt 15 12 CLAP, the noise of s...
clart 13 9 to dirty [v -ED, -IN...
clast 13 9 an individual grain...
claut 13 10 (Scots) to scratch,...
cleat 12 9 a strip attached to...
cleft 15 12 to insert a scion in...
clept 15 12 CLEPE, (archaic) to...
clift 16 12 a cliff [n -S]
clint 13 10 a block in a limesto...
clipt 16 12 CLIP, to trim by cut...
cloot 12 9 a cloven hoof [n -S]
clout 13 10 to hit with the hand...
coact 14 11 to act together [v -...
coapt 13 11 to fit together and...
coast 11 8 to cycle without ped...
comet 12 11 a celestial body [n...
compt 15 14 (obsolete) to count...
coopt 13 11 to recruit e.g. to a...
coost 11 8 CAST, to throw with...
coset 11 8 a mathematical subse...
count 11 10 to number [v -ED, -I...
court 12 9 to woo [v -ED, -ING,...
covet 13 12 to desire greatly [v...
craft 14 11 to make by hand [v -...
crept 14 11 CREEP, to advance st...
crest 12 8 to reach a peak [v -...
croft 14 11 to expose cloth to t...
crost 12 8 CROSS, to intersect...
crout 12 9 cabbage cut fine and...
cruet 12 9 a vessel used in rel...
cruft 15 12 technical material t...
crust 13 9 to form a hardened o...
crypt 21 13 a burial vault [n -S...
cubit 15 12 an old measure of le...
culet 13 10 (French) the flat ba...
cunit 12 10 one hundred cubic fe...
curat 12 9 (obsolete) a cuirass...
curet 12 9 (US) a surgical inst...
curst 13 9 CURSE, to invoke evi...
daint 8 7 (Spenser) a dainty,...
dault 10 8 (Scots) a foster-chi...
daunt 8 8 to intimidate, also...
davit 11 10 a crane that project...
daynt 14 9 (Spenser) a thing or...
dealt 9 7 DEAL, to trade or do...
debit 11 9 to charge with a deb...
debut 11 10 to make a first publ...
defat 10 9 to remove fat from [...
deist 9 6 an adherent of deism...
delft 12 10 a type of earthenwar...
demit 10 9 to let fall, to depr...
dempt 12 12 DEEM, to hold as an...
denet 7 7 to market a book out...
depot 10 9 a railway or bus sta...
derat 8 6 to rid of rats [v DE...
devot 10 10 (French) a devotee [...
diact 12 9 a sponge spicule hav...
dicht 15 11 (Scots) to wipe [v -...
dicot 12 9 (short for) a dicoty...
didst 10 7 DO, to perform [v]
dight 13 10 to adorn, to prepare...
digit 11 8 a finger or a toe [n...
divot 11 10 a piece of turf [n -...
dixit 16 13 (Latin) an utterance...
docht 14 11 DOW, to be able [v]
doest 8 6 DO, to perform [v]
doilt 10 7 (Scots) crazy, fooli...
donut 8 8 to surround a parlia...
doubt 11 10 to be uncertain abou...
draft 11 9 to conscript for mil...
drant 8 7 (dialect) to drawl,...
drent 8 7 DRENCH, to wet thoro...
drest 9 6 DRESS, to put clothe...
drift 12 9 to drift along in a...
dript 12 9 DRIP, to fall in dro...
droit 9 6 (French) a legal rig...
dropt 11 9 DROP, to let fall in...
ducat 12 10 (historical) a gold...
duett 9 7 a musical performanc...
durst 10 7 DARE, to venture bol...
duvet 11 11 a light quilt filled...
dwelt 13 10 DWELL, to reside [v]
earst 8 5 formerly, also ERST...
ebbet 12 11 a common green newt...
eclat 12 9 (French) great brill...
edict 12 9 an authoritative ord...
educt 12 10 that which is educed...
eejit 10 14 (colloquial) an idio...
egest 9 7 to discharge from th...
egret 9 7 a wading bird of the...
eight 12 9 the cardinal number...
eject 13 17 to throw out forcibl...
elect 12 9 to select by vote [v...
elint 9 7 (short for) electron...
emmet 10 11 (dialect) an ant [n...
enact 10 9 to establish by law...
enlit 9 7 ENLIGHT, to shed lig...
epact 13 11 the difference in da...
epopt 12 11 someone initiated in...
erect 11 8 upright [adj ERECTLY...
ergot 9 7 a fungal disease of...
eruct 12 9 to belch out, also E...
erupt 11 9 to break out or thro...
escot 11 8 (Shakespeare) to mai...
event 9 10 a happening [n -S] /...
evert 10 9 to turn inside out [...
evict 14 12 to dispossess by law...
ewest 11 8 (Scots) near, close...
exact 17 15 precise [adj EXACTER...
exalt 15 13 to place in a high p...
exeat 13 12 (Latin) a permit for...
exert 14 12 to make an effort [v...
exist 15 12 to have actual being...
expat 16 15 someone who lives ab...
exult 16 14 to rejoice greatly [...
facet 13 11 to cut small plane s...
fagot 11 10 to bind together in...
faint 10 9 to lose consciousnes...
fault 12 10 to criticize [v -ED,...
feart 10 8 (Scots) afraid [adj]
feast 10 8 to dine sumptuously...
fecht 16 13 (Scots) to fight [v...
fecit 14 11 he/she made (it): fo...
feint 10 9 to make a pretence [...
feist 11 8 a small dog of mixed...
fient 10 9 (Scots) a fiend, a d...
fiest 11 8 FIE, whimsical, fey...
fight 15 12 to contend in war, b...
filet 12 9 to cut boneless slic...
first 12 8 preceding all others...
fixit 18 15 a person known for f...
fleet 11 9 swift, also FLITT [a...
flint 12 10 to provide with a sp...
flirt 13 9 to engage in amorous...
flitt 13 9 (obsolete) to flit [...
float 11 9 to rest or move on t...
flout 12 10 to treat with contem...
fluyt 19 12 (Dutch) a small 17th...
foist 11 8 to pass off (on or u...
fouat 10 9 a leek, also FOUET [...
fouet 10 9 (Scots) the houselee...
fount 10 10 a fountain, a spring...
fract 14 11 to break; to violate...
freet 10 8 (Scots) an omen, als...
freit 11 8 (Scots) an omen, als...
frist 12 8 to postpone, grant t...
fritt 12 8 to fuse into a vitre...
front 10 9 to the fore [adj FRO...
frost 11 8 to cover with a depo...
fruit 12 9 to produce an edible...
frust 12 9 a fragment [n -S]
fumet 12 12 (archaic) the dung o...
gaitt 10 7 (Scots) a child, als...
galut 11 9 (Hebrew) the forced...
gamut 11 11 the complete range o...
gault 11 9 a heavy thick clay s...
gaunt 9 9 to yawn, also GANT [...
gavot 11 11 a kind of French cou...
geest 9 7 alluvial matter on t...
geist 10 7 (German) spirit; int...
gemot 10 10 (historical) a publi...
genet 8 8 a carnivorous mammal...
ghast 12 9 (Shakespeare) to fri...
ghaut 12 10 in India, a landing...
ghest 12 9 GHESSE, (Spenser) to...
ghost 12 9 a spirit, the soul o...
giant 9 8 a person or thing of...
gigot 11 9 a leg of lamb, also...
gilet 11 8 a light often padded...
giust 11 8 (Spenser) to tilt wi...
gleet 10 8 to discharge mucus f...
glent 10 9 to glint [v -ED, -IN...
glift 14 11 (obsolete) an unexpe...
glint 11 9 to glitter, also GLE...
gloat 10 8 to regard with great...
glost 11 8 an oven in which gla...
glout 11 9 (archaic) to be sulk...
godet 9 8 a triangular piece o...
goest 9 7 (archaic) 2nd person...
gosht 12 9 (Hindi) in Indian co...
graft 12 10 to unite with a grow...
grant 9 8 to bestow upon [v -E...
great 9 7 a distinguished or o...
greet 9 7 to address in a frie...
grift 13 10 (US) to swindle [v -...
griot 10 7 a tribal entertainer...
gript 13 10 GRIP, to take hold o...
grist 11 7 grain for grinding [...
groat 9 7 an old English coin...
grout 10 8 to fill a crack with...
grunt 10 9 to utter a deep gutt...
grypt 19 12 GRIPE, to keep on co...
guest 10 8 to appear as a visit...
guilt 12 9 to cause someone to...
gulet 11 9 a wooden Turkish sai...
guyot 16 10 a flat-topped underw...
habit 13 10 to clothe [v -ED, -I...
hadst 11 8 (archaic) 2nd person...
haint 10 8 (Southern US dialect...
hault 12 9 (Shakespeare) haught...
haunt 10 9 to visit frequently...
heart 10 7 to hearten, encourag...
heast 10 7 (Spenser) behest, co...
hecht 16 12 to command, also HIG...
heist 11 7 to steal, rob [v -ED...
helot 11 8 a slave or serf [n -...
hiant 10 8 gaping [adj]
hight 15 11 (archaic) to command...
hoast 10 7 (dialect) to cough [...
hoist 11 7 to raise with tackle...
horst 11 7 (German) a mass of t...
hurst 12 8 a wood or grove [n -...
idant 8 7 a chromosome which i...
ident 8 7 a short visual image...
idiot 9 6 a mentally deficient...
immit 12 11 (obsolete) to insert...
impot 12 11 (slang) an impositio...
inapt 10 9 unfit or unqualified...
incut 12 10 in rock climbing, an...
inept 10 9 unfit or unqualified...
inert 8 6 passive [adj INERTER...
ingot 9 8 a mass of unwrought...
inlet 9 7 to insert [v INLET,...
innit 8 7 an informal contract...
input 11 10 to enter data into a...
inset 8 6 to set in, in fix [v...
inust 9 7 (obsolete) burnt in...
inwit 12 9 (archaic) inward sen...
islet 10 6 a small island [n -S...
izzat 15 23 (Urdu) honour, reput...
jabot 12 17 (French) a lace fril...
jaunt 10 16 to go on a pleasure...
jigot 12 16 (French) a leg of la...
joint 10 15 combined [adj JOINTL...
joist 11 14 a beam supporting bo...
joust 11 15 to engage in persona...
jurat 11 15 a memorandum at the...
kaput 12 13 (German) finished, d...
karat 9 9 (US) a unit of quali...
karst 10 9 a landscape composed...
kempt 13 15 combed, tidy [adj]
kiaat 9 9 (Afrikaans) a tropic...
kight 14 13 (Spenser) a bird of...
klett 11 10 a lightweight climbi...
knelt 10 11 KNEEL, to rest on th...
knout 9 11 to flog with a leath...
korat 9 9 a cat with a silver-...
kraft 12 12 a type of strong bro...
krait 10 9 a deadly Asian snake...
kraut 10 10 (short for) sauerkra...
kydst 17 12 KYTHE, to make known...
lacet 12 9 a kind of lacework [...
larnt 9 7 LARN, (dialect) to l...
leant 8 7 LEAN, to incline or...
leapt 11 9 LEAP, to spring off...
least 9 6 the smallest in size...
legit 11 8 a legitimate drama [...
liart 10 6 grey; dapple-grey, a...
licht 16 11 (Scots) light [adj L...
licit 14 9 not forbidden by law...
light 14 10 having little weight...
limit 12 9 to restrict [v -ED,...
lirot 10 6 LIRA, (Italian) an I...
loast 9 6 LOOSE, to set free,...
lovat 11 10 a greyish or bluish-...
lunet 9 8 a little moon or sat...
lyart 16 8 grey, dapple-grey, a...
magot 10 10 (French) the Barbary...
maist 10 8 (Scots) the most par...
manat 8 9 a standard monetary...
manet 8 9 (Latin) a stage dire...
mayst 16 10 MAY, to gather flowe...
mazut 13 18 petroleum residue af...
meant 8 9 MEAN, to tend, signi...
meint 9 9 MING, to mix [v]
merit 10 8 to deserve [v -ED, -...
meynt 15 11 MENG, (archaic) to m...
micht 16 13 (Scots) might, power...
midst 11 9 the middle [n -S]
might 14 12 strength, also MICHT...
moist 10 8 slightly wet [adj MO...
morat 9 8 a drink made of hone...
motet 9 8 (French) a kind of u...
moult 11 10 to shed feathers or...
mount 9 10 to climb [v -ED, -IN...
moust 10 9 (Scots) a musk, hair...
mpret 12 11 a former title of th...
muist 11 9 (Scots) a musk, hair...
mulct 15 13 to take money from,...
muset 10 9 a gap in a fence thr...
musit 11 9 a gap in a fence thr...
naunt 7 8 (archaic) an aunt [n...
neist 8 6 (Scots) next, neares...
nempt 11 12 NEMN, (obsolete) to...
nepit 10 9 a unit of informatio...
nicht 14 11 (Scots) night [n -S]
night 12 10 the period from suns...
noint 7 7 to anoint [v -ED, -I...
nonet 6 7 a musical piece for...
nooit 7 6 (South Africa) expre...
obiit 11 8 (Latin) he/she died...
objet 12 17 (French) an object [...
octet 11 8 a composition for ei...
odist 9 6 one who writes odes...
olent 8 7 having a smell [adj]
oncet 10 9 (Southern US dialect...
onset 7 6 a beginning [n -S]
oobit 10 8 a hairy caterpillar,...
orant 7 6 a representation of...
orbit 11 8 to revolve around [v...
oubit 11 9 a hairy caterpillar,...
oucht 14 11 (Scots) anything, al...
ought 12 10 to owe [v -ED, -ING,...
overt 10 9 open to view [adj OV...
ovist 11 9 a believer that the...
owlet 12 9 a young owl, also HO...
paint 10 9 to apply colour with...
palet 11 9 the membranous inner...
peart 10 8 active, lively, bris...
perst 11 8 PERSE, (Spenser) to...
petit 11 8 (French) small, esp....
pewit 14 11 a bird, the lapwing...
phpht 18 15 used as an expressio...
picot 14 11 to edge with ornamen...
piert 11 8 a small plant with s...
pight 15 12 to pitch (e.g. a ten...
pilot 12 9 to control the cours...
pinot 10 9 (French) a variety o...
pipet 13 11 a tube for transferr...
pipit 14 11 one of several lark-...
pitot 11 8 a tube used to measu...
pivot 13 12 to turn on a shaft o...
plait 12 9 to braid [v -ED, -IN...
plant 11 10 to place in the grou...
plast 12 9 PLACE, to assign to...
platt 12 9 in Scots adjectival...
pleat 11 9 to fold in an even m...
ploat 11 9 (Scots) to dip in ve...
pluot 12 10 a hybrid fruit of pl...
point 10 9 to indicate directio...
poort 10 8 (Afrikaans) a mounta...
posit 11 8 to place [v -ED, -IN...
poult 12 10 a young domestic fow...
poupt 13 12 POUPE, (obsolete) to...
poynt 16 11 (obsolete) to point...
pratt 11 8 (Shakespeare) to bea...
prent 10 9 (Scots) to print [v...
prest 11 8 (obsolete) to lend [...
print 11 9 to produce by presse...
prost 11 8 used in a drinking t...
prunt 11 10 a moulded glass orna...
qanat 15 15 an underground water...
quant 16 16 to propel with a pol...
quart 17 15 the fourth part of a...
qubit 20 18 in computing, a quan...
quest 17 15 to make a search [v...
quiet 17 15 making little or no...
quilt 19 16 to stitch together w...
quint 17 16 a five-stringed teno...
quirt 18 15 to strike with a hor...
quist 18 15 a pigeon, also CUSHA...
quoit 17 15 a heavy flat ring th...
rabat 10 8 (French) to rotate i...
ramet 9 8 an independent membe...
react 11 8 to respond to a stim...
reast 8 5 to become rancid, al...
rebit 11 8 REBITE, in engraving...
rebut 11 9 to prove to be false...
recit 12 8 (French) the narrati...
recut 12 9 to cut again [v RECU...
reest 8 5 to be noisily uncoop...
refit 11 8 to fit out afresh an...
reist 9 5 to become rancid [v...
relet 9 6 to let again [v RELE...
relit 10 6 RELIGHT, to light ag...
remet 9 8 REMEET, to meet agai...
remit 10 8 to send payment [v R...
repot 10 8 to put in a new pot...
resat 8 5 RESIT, to sit again...
reset 8 5 to set again [v RESE...
resit 9 5 to sit again after f...
revet 10 9 to face with masonry...
rewet 11 8 to wet again [v REWE...
riant 8 6 mirthful, gay [adj R...
richt 15 10 (Scots) right [adj R...
right 13 9 being in accordance...
rivet 11 9 to fasten with a typ...
roast 8 5 to cook with dry hea...
robot 10 8 a man-like machine t...
roist 9 5 to revel noisily, ca...
roost 8 5 to prepare for sleep...
roset 8 5 (Scots) to coat with...
rosit 9 5 (Scots) to coat with...
roust 9 6 to arouse and drive...
royst 15 7 to revel noisily, ca...
rozet 11 14 (Scots) to rosin, al...
rozit 12 14 (Scots) to rosin, al...
rybat 17 10 (Scots) a dressed st...
sabot 10 8 (French) a wooden sh...
saint 8 6 to hail as a person...
saist 9 5 (Spenser) 2nd person...
salat 9 6 (Arabic) a set of pr...
salet 9 6 in medieval armour,...
salut 10 7 an interjection expr...
sault 10 7 a waterfall or rapid...
saunt 8 7 (Scots) a saint [n -...
sayst 15 7 SAY, to utter in wor...
scant 11 9 scarce [adj SCANTER,...
scart 12 8 to scratch, scrape [...
scatt 12 8 (historical) a tribu...
sceat 11 8 (Old English) a smal...
scent 11 9 to fill with a perfu...
scoot 11 8 to go quickly [v -ED...
scout 12 9 to reconnoitre [v -E...
scrat 12 8 to scratch, also SCR...
scuft 15 12 the nape of the neck...
shaft 13 10 to propel with a pol...
shakt 12 11 SHAKE, to move to an...
shalt 12 8 SHALL, used as an au...
sheet 10 7 to cover with a larg...
shent 10 8 SHEND, (archaic) to...
shift 14 10 to move from one pos...
shirt 12 7 to don a garment for...
shist 12 7 a type of metamorphi...
shoat 10 7 a young pig, esp. on...
shoot 10 7 to hit, injure or ki...
short 11 7 having little length...
shott 11 7 (Arabic) a shallow s...
shout 11 8 to yell loudly [v -E...
shunt 11 9 to turn aside [v -ED...
sicht 15 10 (Scots) to sight [v...
sient 8 6 (archaic) a scion, a...
sight 13 9 to observe or notice...
skart 10 9 (Scots) a cormorant,...
skatt 10 9 (dialect) a sudden b...
skeet 9 9 the sport of clay bi...
skint 10 10 having no money [adj...
skirt 11 9 to pass along the bo...
skort 10 9 a pair of shorts wit...
slant 9 7 oblique [adj SLANTLY...
slart 10 6 (dialect) to spill [...
sleet 9 6 to shower frozen rai...
slept 12 9 SLEEP, to be in a na...
slipt 13 9 SLIP, to slide sudde...
sloot 9 6 (Afrikaans) in South...
sluit 11 7 (Afrikaans) in South...
smalt 11 9 a blue pigment [n -S...
smart 10 8 clever [adj SMARTER,...
smelt 11 9 to melt or fuse, as...
smolt 11 9 a young salmon [n -S...
smoot 9 8 (slang) to work as a...
smout 10 9 to work as a composi...
smowt 13 11 (Scots) a small pers...
snift 11 9 to sniff, to blow ou...
snirt 9 6 (Scots) to snigger [...
snoot 7 6 to treat with disdai...
snort 8 6 to exhale noisily th...
snout 8 7 to provide with a no...
souct 12 9 (Spenser) soused [v]
spait 11 8 a flood, a surge, al...
spalt 12 9 to splinter [v -ED,...
spart 11 8 esparto, Spanish bro...
speat 10 8 a flood, a surge, al...
spect 14 11 a nonstandard form o...
spelt 12 9 a hardy wheat, aka e...
spent 10 9 SPEND, to expend, to...
spilt 13 9 SPILL, to overflow f...
spirt 12 8 to emit liquid forci...
splat 12 9 to flatten on impact...
split 13 9 to separate lengthwi...
spoot 10 8 the razor-shell moll...
sport 11 8 to frolic [v -ED, -I...
spout 11 9 to eject in a rapid...
sprat 11 8 a young herring [n -...
sprit 12 8 a ship's spar [n -S]
spurt 12 9 to gush forth, also...
squat 17 15 short and thick [adj...
squit 18 15 (slang) a contemptib...
start 9 5 to begin, set out [v...
stent 8 6 (Scots) to stint [v...
stept 11 8 STEP, to measure by...
stilt 11 6 to raise on long sle...
stint 9 6 to be niggardly with...
stoat 8 5 a weasel with a blac...
stoit 9 5 (Scots) to stagger,...
stopt 11 8 STOP, to halt or dis...
stott 9 5 to bound with a stif...
stout 9 6 thick, resolute [adj...
strut 10 6 to walk with a pompo...
stunt 9 7 to hinder from growt...
sturt 10 6 to vex; to annoy [v...
suent 8 7 (dialect) smooth and...
suint 9 7 a natural grease fou...
surat 9 6 (Hindi) a coarse unc...
swapt 14 11 SWAP, to barter, giv...
swart 12 8 dark-complexioned, b...
sweat 11 8 to perspire [v -ED,...
sweet 11 8 tasting like sugar [...
swelt 13 9 (dialect) to die, to...
swept 14 11 SWEEP, to clean with...
swift 15 11 rapid [adj SWIFTER,...
swopt 14 11 SWOP, to barter, giv...
tacet 11 8 (Latin) it is silent...
tacit 12 8 unspoken; understood...
taint 8 6 to stain or blemish...
tapet 10 8 (Spenser) to decorat...
tarot 8 5 a pack of cards used...
taunt 8 7 to goad or provoke [...
tempt 12 11 to entice to commit...
tenet 7 6 an opinion, principl...
tewit 12 8 (Scots) the lapwing,...
theft 13 10 the act of stealing...
thoft 13 10 a rowing-bench [n -S...
tight 13 9 firmly or closely fi...
tinct 12 9 to stain, dye [v -ED...
toast 8 5 to brown by exposing...
torot 8 5 TORAH, the body of J...
tract 12 8 (Spenser) to trace,...
trait 9 5 (French) a character...
trant 8 6 to traffic in an iti...
trapt 11 8 TRAP, to catch in a...
tratt 9 5 (short for) a tratto...
treat 8 5 to deal with [v -ED,...
trest 9 5 (dialect) a trestle,...
trist 10 5 (archaic) sad, also...
troat 8 5 to bellow like a roa...
trout 9 6 a freshwater fish [n...
trust 10 6 to place confidence...
tryst 16 7 to make an appointme...
tuart 9 6 (Native Australian)...
tweet 11 8 to make a sound like...
twilt 14 9 to quilt [v -ED, -IN...
twist 13 8 to force around [v -...
twixt 19 15 between, also BETWIX...
unapt 10 10 unfit or unqualified...
uncut 12 11 not cut [adj]
unfit 11 10 not fit [adj UNFITTE...
unget 9 9 to deny the begettin...
ungot 9 9 UNGET, to deny the b...
unhat 10 9 to remove a hat [v U...
unket 9 11 odd; strange; uncout...
unlet 9 8 not letted (of a pro...
unlit 10 8 not lit [adj]
unmet 9 10 not met [adj]
unset 8 7 to undo the setting...
unwet 11 10 not wet [adj]
unwit 12 10 to make unsane [v UN...
upjet 13 18 to spout up [v UPJET...
uplit 13 10 UPLIGHT, to light to...
upset 11 9 to overturn [v UPSET...
urent 8 7 burning [adj]
valet 11 10 to act as a personal...
vault 12 11 to leap over, also V...
vaunt 10 11 to boast [v -ED, -IN...
veldt 12 11 (Afrikaans) open gra...
verst 11 9 (Russian) a unit of...
visit 12 9 to call upon someone...
vivat 13 13 (Latin) an expressio...
volet 11 10 a short veil worn at...
vomit 12 12 to eject the content...
waift 14 11 (Spenser) a phantom,...
waist 12 8 the narrowest part o...
warst 12 8 (Scots) worst, also...
wecht 17 13 (Scots) to winnow [v...
weest 11 8 WEE, small [adj]
welkt 14 13 (Shakespeare) twiste...
wheat 13 10 any cereal grass of...
wheft 16 13 a flag, ensign, etc....
whift 17 13 (dialect) a breath,...
whipt 17 13 WHIP, to strike with...
whist 15 10 to become silent [v...
whoot 13 10 (obsolete) to make a...
whort 14 10 a whortleberry, also...
wight 16 12 swift, nimble, also...
wisht 15 10 (Scots) an interject...
worst 12 8 most bad, also WARST...
wrapt 14 11 WRAP, to enclose [v]
wrast 12 8 (obsolete) to wrest,...
wrest 12 8 to take away by forc...
wrist 13 8 the junction between...
wroot 11 8 (obsolete) to turn u...
wurst 13 9 (German) a large sau...
yacht 20 12 a vessel propelled b...
yeast 14 7 to ferment [v -ED, -...
ymolt 17 11 MELT, to change from...
yourt 15 8 (Russian) a Mongolia...
yrapt 17 10 (Spenser) rapt [adj]
yrent 14 8 REND, to tear apart...
ytost 15 7 TOSS, to throw light...
zakat 12 18 (Persian) in Islam,...
zibet 14 17 (Arabic) a civet cat...
zizit 16 23 (Hebrew) the tassels...
zoist 12 14 a person who maintai...