9 letter words that end with G

9 letter words that end with G

9 letter G word


Words With Friends®


abducting 22 20 ABDUCT, to carry som...
abhorring 20 17 an object of abhorre...
abjecting 23 27 ABJECT, to throw out...
abounding 17 18 ABOUND, to exist in...
abraiding 18 16 ABRAID, (Spenser) to...
abridging 20 18 ABRIDGE, to shorten...
abrooking 18 19 ABROOKE, an erroneou...
abscising 22 18 ABSCISE, to cut off,...
abseiling 19 16 the act or sport of...
absenting 17 16 ABSENT, to take or k...
absolving 21 20 ABSOLVE, to free fro...
absorbing 20 18 ABSORB, to take up o...
abuilding 20 18 in the process of be...
accending 21 20 ACCEND, (obsolete) t...
accenting 21 19 ACCENT, to pronounce...
accepting 24 21 ACCEPT, to receive w...
accessing 22 18 ACCESS, to have entr...
accinging 23 21 ACCINGE, to gird up...
accloying 29 21 ACCLOY, (Spenser) to...
according 22 19 ACCORD, to bring int...
accosting 22 18 ACCOST, to approach...
accreting 22 18 ACCRETE, to grow tog...
accrewing 25 21 ACCREW, (Spenser) to...
accursing 23 19 ACCURSE, to make cur...
achieving 23 21 ACHIEVE, to carry ou...
acknowing 22 23 ACKNOW, (obsolete) t...
acquiring 28 25 ACQUIRE, to come int...
acquiting 28 25 ACQUITE, (obsolete)...
actioning 18 16 ACTION, to carry out...
actuating 19 16 ACTUATE, to put into...
acylating 26 18 ACYLATE, to introduc...
addeeming 16 17 ADDEEM, (obsolete) t...
addicting 20 17 ADDICT, to make depe...
addooming 16 17 ADDOOM, (Spenser) to...
adducting 20 18 ADDUCT, to draw inwa...
adjoining 17 23 ADJOIN, to lie next...
adjudging 20 26 ADJUDGE, to decide;...
adjusting 19 23 ADJUST, to bring to...
admitting 18 16 ADMIT, to allow to e...
adonising 15 14 ADONISE, to adorn (o...
adonizing 18 23 ADONIZE, to adorn (o...
adreading 15 14 ADREAD, (obsolete) t...
adsorbing 18 16 ADSORB, to gather an...
adulating 17 15 ADULATE, to fawn upo...
advancing 20 21 ADVANCE, to put forw...
advecting 21 20 ADVECT, to transport...
adverting 18 17 ADVERT, to refer to...
adwarding 19 17 ADWARD, (Spenser) to...
aerifying 24 17 AERIFY, to infuse ai...
affearing 19 18 AFFEARE, (Spenser) t...
affecting 23 21 AFFECT, to act upon...
affeering 19 18 AFFEER, (archaic) to...
affirming 22 21 AFFIRM, to state pos...
afforcing 23 21 AFFORCE, to strength...
affording 20 19 AFFORD, to have suff...
affraying 26 20 AFFRAY, to disturb o...
agatising 17 14 AGATISE, to cause to...
agatizing 20 23 AGATIZE, to cause to...
agenising 16 15 AGENISE, to treat fl...
agenizing 19 24 AGENIZE, to treat fl...
aggracing 21 19 AGGRACE, (Spenser) t...
aggrading 18 17 AGGRADE, to raise th...
aggrating 18 16 AGGRATE, (Spenser) t...
agitating 17 14 AGITATE, to stir vio...
agonising 16 15 AGONISE, to suffer a...
agonizing 19 24 AGONIZE, to suffer a...
alaruming 18 17 ALARUM, (archaic) to...
alighting 21 17 ALIGHT, to dismount...
alledging 19 17 ALLEDGE, to allay, a...
allegging 20 18 ALLEGGE, (Spenser) t...
allonging 18 17 ALLONGE, to lunge [v...
allotting 18 14 ALLOT, to give as a...
ambushing 22 21 AMBUSH, to attack fr...
amenaging 16 18 AMENAGE, (Spenser) t...
amounting 16 17 AMOUNT, to come to i...
analysing 22 16 ANALYSE, to separate...
analyzing 25 25 ANALYZE, to subject...
anchoring 20 18 ANCHOR, to secure by...
animating 16 16 ANIMATE, to give lif...
annealing 14 15 ANNEAL, to make (as...
annulling 17 17 ANNUL, to declare vo...
anodising 15 14 ANODISE, to give a p...
anodizing 18 23 ANODIZE, to give a p...
anointing 14 14 the act of consecrat...
answering 18 16 ANSWER, to say, writ...
antheming 18 18 ANTHEM, to praise in...
antiaging 16 15 designed to prevent...
anticking 20 20 ANTIC, to act in a c...
anticling 20 17 designed to prevent...
antiquing 24 23 ANTIQUE, to alter th...
anvilling 20 19 ANVIL, to shape on a...
appairing 20 18 APPAIR, (obsolete) t...
appalling 22 20 APPALL, to horrify,...
appealing 20 19 APPEAL, to make an e...
appearing 19 18 APPEAR, to become vi...
appeasing 19 18 APPEASE, to bring to...
appending 19 20 APPEND, to add on to...
apprising 21 18 (archaic) the sherif...
apprizing 24 27 (archaic) the sherif...
approving 22 22 APPROVE, to regard f...
arabising 18 15 ARABISE, to adopt Ar...
arabizing 21 24 ARABIZE, to adopt Ar...
archiving 24 21 ARCHIVE, to file in...
areaching 20 17 AREACH, (Spenser) to...
argufying 26 20 ARGUFY, to argue stu...
armouring 17 16 ARMOUR, to dress wit...
arointing 15 13 AROINT, (archaic) to...
aroynting 21 15 AROYNT, (archaic) to...
arranging 16 15 ARRANGE, to put in o...
arreeding 15 13 ARREEDE, (Spenser) t...
arresting 16 12 ARREST, to bring to...
articling 21 16 ARTICLE, in law, to...
ascending 18 17 ASCEND, to go or mov...
ascribing 22 18 ASCRIBE, to attribut...
ashlaring 19 15 facing with ashlars,...
ashlering 19 15 facing with ashlars,...
askancing 19 20 ASKANCE, (Shakespear...
askanting 16 17 ASKANT, (Shakespeare...
aspecting 21 18 ASPECT, to look at [...
asperging 19 17 ASPERGE, to sprinkle...
aspersing 18 15 ASPERSE, to slander,...
asporting 18 15 ASPORT, to carry awa...
assailing 17 13 ASSAIL, to attack [v...
assarting 16 12 ASSART, (historical)...
assenting 15 13 ASSENT, to express a...
asserting 16 12 ASSERT, to state pos...
assessing 16 12 ASSESS, to estimate...
assieging 17 14 ASSIEGE, (Spenser) t...
assigning 17 15 ASSIGN, to set apart...
assisting 17 12 ASSIST, to give aid...
assoiling 17 13 ASSOIL, to absolve,...
assorting 16 12 ASSORT, to distribut...
assotting 16 12 ASSOT, to make a foo...
assuaging 17 15 the act of making le...
asswaging 20 17 ASSWAGE, (obsolete)...
astarting 16 12 ASTART, (Spenser) to...
asterting 16 12 ASTERT, (obsolete) t...
astonying 21 15 ASTONY, to amaze or...
astunning 15 15 ASTUN, (obsolete) to...
atheising 18 14 ATHEISE, to talk as...
atheizing 21 23 ATHEIZE, to talk as...
atomising 17 15 ATOMISE, to reduce t...
atomizing 20 24 ATOMIZE, to reduce t...
attaching 21 17 ATTACH, to connect a...
attacking 20 19 ATTACK, to set upon...
attaining 15 13 ATTAIN, to gain or a...
attasking 17 16 ATTASK, to take to t...
attending 15 14 the act of attending...
attesting 16 12 ATTEST, to affirm to...
attorning 15 13 ATTORN, to accept te...
attriting 17 12 ATTRITE, to wear dow...
attuiting 17 13 ATTUITE, to sense bu...
audibling 20 18 AUDIBLE, to call an...
aumailing 18 17 AUMAIL, (archaic) to...
aureoling 16 14 AUREOLE, to surround...
aurifying 25 18 AURIFY, to turn into...
authoring 18 15 the act of authoring...
avaunting 17 18 AVAUNT, (archaic) to...
aventring 17 17 AVENTRE, (Spenser) t...
averaging 18 18 AVERAGE, to calculat...
avouching 23 22 AVOUCH, (archaic) to...
awakening 18 20 AWAKEN, to rouse fro...
azotising 19 21 AZOTISE, to combine...
azotizing 22 30 AZOTIZE, to combine...
backswing 26 25 the first stage in a...
badgering 19 18 BADGER, to pester or...
bagelling 21 19 BAGEL, to defeat in...
bagpiping 24 23 playing the bagpipes...
balancing 21 20 BALANCE, to have equ...
ballading 20 18 BALLAD, to make ball...
ballating 20 17 BALLAT, to make ball...
balleting 20 17 BALLET, to make ball...
balloting 20 17 the act of conductin...
balsaming 20 19 BALSAM, to soothe; t...
bandaging 18 19 the act of putting a...
bangsring 19 18 (Javanese) a tree-sh...
banishing 20 18 BANISH, to expel, ex...
banjaxing 25 32 BANJAX, (slang) to r...
bannering 16 17 BANNER, to furnish w...
bantering 17 16 the exchange of mild...
baptising 21 18 BAPTISE, to administ...
baptizing 24 27 BAPTIZE, to administ...
barbering 20 18 BARBER, to shave or...
barkening 18 20 BARKEN, to dry up in...
barneying 23 18 BARNEY, to quarrel l...
barraging 19 17 BARRAGE, to subject...
barrating 18 15 BARRAT, to quarrel e...
barreling 19 16 BARREL, to move fast...
bartering 18 15 BARTER, to trade by...
basifying 27 20 BASIFY, to convert i...
basseting 18 15 BASSET, to outcrop,...
batooning 16 16 BATOON, to strike wi...
batteling 19 16 BATTEL, to have an a...
battening 17 16 battens forming a st...
battering 18 15 a beating involving...
bauchling 25 22 BAUCHLE, to make sha...
beaconing 19 19 BEACON, to shine lik...
beautying 24 18 BEAUTY, (Shakespeare...
beavering 19 19 BEAVER, to work hard...
bebopping 24 24 BEBOP, to play a sty...
becalling 23 20 BECALL, to call name...
becalming 23 22 BECALM, to make calm...
becapping 25 24 BECAP, to put a cap...
beckoning 21 23 the act of signallin...
becriming 23 21 BECRIME, to make gui...
becurling 23 20 BECURL, to curl; to...
becursing 22 19 BECURSE, to put a cu...
bedamning 18 20 BEDAMN, to swear at...
bedashing 20 18 BEDASH, to wet by da...
bedaubing 20 20 BEDAUB, to cover wit...
bedecking 22 23 BEDECK, to attire wi...
bedimming 21 22 BEDIM, to make dim [...
bedraping 20 19 BEDRAPE, to cover wi...
bedspring 21 19 the spring of a bed...
beducking 23 24 BEDUCK, to plunge un...
bedumbing 22 23 BEDUMB, to render sp...
beduncing 21 21 BEDUNCE, to make a d...
bedunging 19 20 BEDUNG, to cover wit...
bedusting 19 17 BEDUST, to cover wit...
beelining 18 17 BEELINE, to head dir...
befalling 22 20 BEFALL, to happen or...
befitting 21 18 BEFIT, to be suitabl...
befleaing 20 19 BEFLEA, to infest wi...
befoaming 20 21 BEFOAM, to cover wit...
befogging 22 22 BEFOG, to fog up, ob...
befooling 20 19 BEFOOL, to fool; to...
befouling 21 20 BEFOUL, to make foul...
begalling 21 19 BEGALL, to make sore...
begemming 21 23 BEGEM, to adorn with...
begetting 19 17 BEGET, to cause to e...
beggaring 20 19 BEGGAR, to impoveris...
begifting 22 20 BEGIFT, to present w...
begilding 21 19 BEGILD, to gild [v]
beginning 18 19 the start of somethi...
begirding 20 18 BEGIRD, (archaic) to...
beglerbeg 22 20 (Turkish) the govern...
begnawing 21 21 BEGNAW, to gnaw [v]
begriming 21 20 BEGRIME, to soil wit...
beguiling 21 19 BEGUILE, to deceive...
begulfing 23 22 BEGULF, to engulf [v...
begunking 20 23 BEGUNK, (Scots) to t...
beheading 19 18 an execution by deca...
beholding 21 19 (Shakespeare) sight,...
behooving 21 21 BEHOOVE, to be fit,...
behowling 24 21 BEHOWL, to howl at [...
bekissing 20 19 BEKISS, to cover wit...
beknaving 20 24 BEKNAVE, to treat as...
beladying 25 19 BELADY, to apply the...
belauding 19 18 BELAUD, to laud or p...
beleaping 20 19 BELEAP, to leap upon...
believing 21 20 accepting as true or...
bellowing 23 20 the act of emitting...
belonging 19 19 BELONG, to be a memb...
bemadding 19 20 BEMAD, (archaic) to...
bemauling 20 20 BEMAUL, (archaic) to...
bemeaning 17 19 BEMEAN, (archaic) to...
bemisting 20 18 BEMIST, to envelop i...
bemoaning 17 19 lamentation [n -S]
bemocking 23 25 BEMOCK, (archaic) to...
bemoiling 20 19 BEMOIL, (Shakespeare...
bemudding 20 21 BEMUD, (archaic) to...
bendaying 23 19 BENDAY, to reproduce...
benetting 17 16 BENET, to catch in a...
benumbing 21 23 BENUMB, to make numb...
bepatting 20 18 BEPAT, to pat often...
bepelting 21 19 BEPELT, to pelt hard...
bepitying 27 20 BEPITY, to pity grea...
beprosing 20 18 BEPROSE, to reduce t...
bepuffing 25 25 BEPUFF, (archaic) to...
bereaving 19 19 BEREAVE, to deprive...
berhyming 28 22 BERHYME, to compose...
berleying 25 18 BERLEY, (Australian)...
berobbing 22 21 BEROB, (Spenser) to...
beseeking 18 19 BESEEKE, (Spenser) t...
beseeming 18 18 BESEEM, to be becomi...
besetting 18 15 BESET, to assail [v]
beshaming 21 20 BESHAME, (archaic) t...
beshining 20 18 BESHINE, (archaic) t...
besieging 19 17 the act of surroundi...
besighing 22 19 BESIGH, (archaic) to...
besinging 19 18 BESING, (archaic) to...
besitting 19 15 BESIT, (archaic) to...
beslaving 21 20 BESLAVE, to make a s...
besliming 21 19 BESLIME, to cover wi...
besmiling 21 19 BESMILE, to smile on...
besmoking 20 22 BESMOKE, to pollute...
besnowing 20 19 BESNOW, to cover wit...
besorting 18 15 BESORT, (Shakespeare...
besotting 18 15 BESOT, to infatuate...
bespicing 24 21 BESPICE, (Shakespear...
bestowing 21 18 BESTOW, to present a...
beteeming 18 18 BETEEME, (Spenser) t...
betitling 20 16 BETITLE, to furnish...
betoiling 19 16 BETOIL, to weary wit...
betossing 18 15 BETOSS, (Shakespeare...
betraying 24 17 BETRAY, to disclose...
bettering 18 15 improvement [n -S]
bevelling 22 21 BEVEL, to cut at an...
bewailing 22 19 the act of bewailing...
beweeping 22 21 BEWEEP, to weep over...
bewetting 21 18 BEWET, to make wet [...
bewhoring 23 20 BEWHORE, to call som...
bewigging 24 22 BEWIG, to dress in a...
beworming 22 21 BEWORM, to cover wit...
bewraying 27 20 BEWRAY, (archaic) to...
bickering 23 22 a petty quarrel [n -...
bicycling 33 24 BICYCLE, to ride a t...
bilimbing 24 22 (Malay) an East Indi...
billabong 22 20 in Australia, a cut-...
billeting 21 17 the act of allocatin...
billowing 24 20 a swelling out [n -S...
binturong 18 17 a small Asiatic cive...
biomining 19 19 microbiological mini...
biopsying 27 20 BIOPSY, to examine t...
birdieing 19 16 BIRDIE, to score one...
bisecting 22 18 BISECT, to divide in...
bishoping 23 20 BISHOP, to fill, or...
bissoning 18 16 BISSON, to cause to...
bittering 19 15 BITTER, to make rese...
blanching 24 22 BLANCH, to whiten [v...
blancoing 21 20 BLANCO, to whiten wi...
blazoning 21 26 the act of reading a...
bleaching 24 21 the act of whitening...
blenching 24 22 BLENCH, to shrink or...
blighting 24 20 causing decay [adj B...
bloodying 25 19 BLOODY, to make bloo...
bloosming 20 19 BLOOSME, (Spenser) t...
blotching 25 21 a pattern of large s...
bobolling 22 20 BOBOL, to commit a t...
bogarting 19 17 BOGART, to monopolis...
boldening 18 18 BOLDEN, (obsolete) t...
bollixing 27 24 BOLLIX, to make a me...
bolloxing 26 24 BOLLOX, to make a me...
bonneting 16 17 BONNET, to put on a...
bonussing 18 17 BONUS, in Scrabble,...
boogeying 24 19 BOOGEY, to dance to...
boogieing 18 17 BOOGIE, to dance to...
boohooing 18 17 BOOHOO, to cry [v]
boomerang 17 18 (Native Australian)...
boomslang 19 19 (Afrikaans) a highly...
bordering 18 16 BORDER, to be adjace...
borrowing 21 18 a loan [n -S]
bothering 20 17 BOTHER, to annoy [v]
bottoming 19 18 the act of reaching...
bowelling 23 20 BOWEL, to take out t...
bowstring 22 18 the string of a bow...
bowstrung 22 19 BOWSTRING, to strang...
bowwowing 27 24 BOWWOW, to bark like...
brabbling 24 22 BRABBLE, to squabble...
brailling 21 17 BRAILLE, to write in...
brairding 19 16 BRAIRD, to sprout ab...
brambling 23 22 a bird of the finch...
branching 23 21 BRANCH, to spread li...
brandling 19 18 a striped earthworm...
brandying 24 19 BRANDY, to mix with...
brangling 20 19 the act of wrangling...
brattling 20 16 a clattering noise [...
brazening 20 25 BRAZEN, to face bold...
breaching 23 20 BREACH, to break thr...
breasting 18 15 BREAST, to confront...
breathing 20 17 the act of taking br...
breeching 23 20 a harness strap behi...
breenging 18 18 BREENGE, (Scots) to...
breinging 19 18 BREINGE, (Scots) to...
breveting 20 19 BREVET, to confer an...
brigading 20 18 BRIGADE, to group to...
bristling 21 16 BRISTLE, to stand er...
brittling 21 16 BRITTLE, to become f...
broaching 23 20 BROACH, to pierce (a...
broasting 18 15 BROAST, to boil and...
brocading 21 19 BROCADE, to weave a...
broddling 20 18 BRODDLE, (dialect) t...
brokering 19 19 bargaining, negotiat...
bromating 19 18 BROMATE, to combine...
bromising 20 18 BROMISE, to treat wi...
bromizing 23 27 BROMIZE, to treat wi...
brooching 23 20 BROOCH, to adorn wit...
brunching 24 22 BRUNCH, to eat a lat...
bucketing 23 23 the act of bucketing...
budgeting 20 19 the act of operating...
buffering 23 22 the act of using a b...
buffeting 23 22 the act of striking...
buggering 21 20 BUGGER, to practise...
bullering 21 18 BULLER, to seethe, g...
bulleting 21 18 BULLET, to move swif...
bumbazing 25 31 BUMBAZE, (Scots) to...
bumpering 22 22 BUMPER, to drink bum...
bunkering 19 21 BUNKER, to store in...
burdening 18 18 BURDEN, to load heav...
burleying 26 19 BURLEY, to scatter f...
burrawang 21 19 (Native Australian)...
burrowing 22 19 BURROW, to dig a hol...
busheling 22 19 BUSHEL, to mend or a...
butlering 20 17 BUTLER, to act as a...
buttering 19 16 BUTTER, to spread wi...
buttoning 18 17 BUTTON, to fasten wi...
bypassing 27 20 BYPASS, to avoid by...
caballing 23 20 CABAL, to conspire [...
cabbaging 24 23 CABBAGE, to steal or...
cabobbing 25 24 CABOB, to skewer [v]
cacheting 24 20 CACHET, to print a d...
cacholong 24 21 (French) an opaque o...
cadencing 21 20 CADENCE, to make rhy...
calcining 23 20 CALCINE, to reduce t...
calefying 28 21 CALEFY, to make warm...
callusing 22 18 CALLUS, to form a ha...
calvering 22 20 CALVER, to prepare f...
cambering 22 21 a type of rock-foldi...
campusing 23 22 CAMPUS, to restrict...
canalling 20 18 CANAL, to dig an art...
canarying 24 18 CANARY, to prance ab...
canceling 22 20 CANCEL, to cause not...
cankering 19 20 CANKER, to affect wi...
cannoning 16 18 CANNON, to collide w...
canopying 26 21 CANOPY, to cover fro...
cantering 18 16 CANTER, to ride a ho...
cantoning 17 17 CANTON, to divide in...
canvasing 20 20 CANVAS, to examine t...
canyoning 23 19 the sport of going d...
capotting 21 18 CAPOT, to win all th...
capsizing 25 27 CAPSIZE, to overturn...
capsuling 23 20 CAPSULE, to condense...
captiving 24 22 CAPTIVE, to make a p...
capturing 22 19 CAPTURE, to take by...
carcasing 22 18 CARCASE, to put a ca...
careening 17 16 CAREEN, to turn (a s...
careering 18 15 CAREER, to go at ful...
caressing 19 15 touching lovingly [a...
carneying 24 18 CARNEY, to coax, als...
carolling 21 17 singing carols, also...
carousing 19 16 making merry [adj CA...
carpetbag 23 20 a travelling-bag mad...
carpeting 21 18 CARPET, to cover a f...
carroming 20 18 CARROM, to collide w...
cartoning 18 16 CARTON, to pack in a...
cascading 22 19 CASCADE, to fall lik...
caseating 18 15 CASEATE, to become c...
casefying 27 20 CASEFY, to become or...
casketing 20 19 CASKET, to place in...
catfacing 24 21 a deformity of fruit...
caucusing 23 20 CAUCUS, to hold a po...
caveating 20 19 CAVEAT, to enter a t...
caverning 20 20 CAVERN, to hollow ou...
cavilling 24 21 raising trivial and...
cavorting 21 19 the act of prancing...
cellaring 21 17 CELLAR, to store in...
cementing 19 19 CEMENT, to bind firm...
censoring 18 16 CENSOR, to delete a...
censuring 19 17 CENSURE, to condemn...
censusing 19 17 CENSUS, to take an o...
centering 18 16 a temporary framewor...
centreing 18 16 CENTRE, to make cent...
chalaning 21 19 CHALAN, in India, to...
chammying 30 25 CHAMMY, to clean wit...
chasseing 21 17 CHASSE, to perform a...
chauffing 26 24 CHAUFF, (Spenser) to...
chauncing 24 22 CHAUNCE, (obsolete)...
chaunging 22 21 CHAUNGE, (obsolete)...
chaunting 21 19 CHAUNT, to sing, als...
chelating 22 18 CHELATE, to combine...
cherrying 28 19 CHERRY, to cheer [v]
cheruping 24 21 CHERUP, to chirp, al...
chiacking 26 24 the act of teasing,...
chiausing 22 18 CHIAUS, to cheat, sw...
chicaning 24 21 quibbling, using tri...
chickling 28 25 a small chick or chi...
chiefling 25 21 a minor chief [n -S]
chinching 27 23 CHINCH, to fill in t...
chiseling 23 18 CHISEL, to use a cut...
chivvying 33 27 CHIVVY, to chase abo...
chortling 23 18 CHORTLE, to chuckle...
chorusing 22 18 CHORUS, to sing in u...
chuckling 28 26 laughing quietly [ad...
churching 28 23 CHURCH, to bring to...
chyacking 32 26 CHYACK, (Australian...
cindering 19 17 CINDER, to reduce to...
ciphering 24 20 the act of encipheri...
citifying 29 20 CITIFY, to adapt to...
cityfying 35 22 CITYFY, to adapt to...
clamoring 21 19 CLAMOR, to make a lo...
clareting 20 16 CLARET, to drink a r...
clatching 26 21 CLATCH, to dabble or...
clavering 22 20 CLAVER, (Scots) to g...
cleansing 19 17 the act of cleansing...
clearwing 23 19 a transparent-winged...
clenching 25 22 CLENCH, to grasp fir...
clerkling 23 21 a small clerk [n -S]
cliffhang 27 24 to keep a reader in...
cliffhung 28 25 CLIFFHANG, to keep a...
climating 22 19 CLIMATE, to remain i...
climaxing 28 26 CLIMAX, to reach a h...
clinching 26 22 CLINCH, to settle a...
closeting 20 16 CLOSET, to enclose i...
closuring 21 17 CLOSURE, to end a de...
cloturing 21 17 CLOTURE, to end a de...
clutching 27 22 CLUTCH, to grasp and...
coalising 20 16 COALISE, to bring in...
coalizing 23 25 COALIZE, to bring in...
cockering 23 22 COCKER, to pamper; t...
cocooning 20 19 the practice of spen...
codifying 28 21 CODIFY, to put into...
codriving 22 20 CODRIVE, to work as...
coediting 19 16 COEDIT, to edit toge...
coempting 22 21 COEMPT, to buy up th...
coffering 23 21 COFFER, to put in a...
coffining 23 22 COFFIN, to put in a...
cognising 20 18 COGNISE, to become a...
cognizing 23 27 COGNIZE, to become a...
coheading 20 18 COHEAD, to head join...
cohosting 21 17 COHOST, to host join...
cohousing 21 18 a type of housing wi...
cojoining 20 25 COJOIN, (Shakespeare...
coleading 19 17 COLEAD, to lead join...
collaging 22 19 COLLAGE, to arrange...
collaring 21 17 COLLAR, to provide w...
collating 21 17 COLLATE, to examine...
colleting 21 17 COLLET, to set a gem...
colliding 22 18 COLLIDE, to clash to...
colluding 22 19 COLLUDE, to conspire...
colouring 20 17 colour [n -S]
combating 22 21 COMBAT, to fight aga...
combining 22 22 the act of combining...
commixing 28 28 COMMIX, to mix toget...
commoning 20 22 the conversion of la...
commoving 23 25 COMMOVE, to move vio...
communing 21 23 COMMUNE, to converse...
commuting 22 22 travelling to work [...
companing 21 22 (Spenser) accompanyi...
comparing 22 21 COMPARE, to scrutini...
compering 22 21 COMPERE, to act as m...
competing 22 21 COMPETE, to contend...
compiling 24 22 COMPILE, to collect...
complying 30 24 COMPLY, to obey [v]
composing 22 21 COMPOSE, to settle o...
computing 23 22 the act of calculati...
conacring 21 19 CONACRE, to let in t...
concaving 23 23 CONCAVE, to curve in...
conceding 21 20 CONCEDE, to acknowle...
concising 22 19 CONCISE, (Milton) to...
condoling 19 18 CONDOLE, to express...
condoning 17 18 CONDONE, to forgive...
conducing 22 21 CONDUCE, to contribu...
confiding 21 20 CONFIDE, to impart s...
confining 20 20 CONFINE, to shut wit...
confixing 27 26 CONFIX, to fix firml...
confusing 21 20 CONFUSE, to mix up m...
confuting 21 20 CONFUTE, to disprove...
congeeing 18 18 CONGEE [v]
congruing 20 19 CONGRUE, to agree [v...
conjeeing 19 25 CONJEE, to starch wi...
conjuring 21 26 the act of conjuring...
conniving 20 21 CONNIVE, to plot or...
connoting 17 17 CONNOTE, to imply an...
consoling 19 17 CONSOLE, to comfort...
conspuing 21 20 CONSPUE, to spit upo...
consuming 20 20 wasting or destroyin...
contusing 19 17 CONTUSE, to bruise [...
convening 19 21 the act of calling t...
convexing 26 27 CONVEX, to make conv...
conveying 26 22 CONVEY, to transport...
conviving 23 24 CONVIVE, to feast to...
convoking 21 24 CONVOKE, to cause to...
convoying 26 22 CONVOY, to accompany...
coopering 20 18 the making of barrel...
coorieing 18 15 COORIE, (Scots) to n...
coosening 17 16 COOSEN, to cheat, al...
coosining 18 16 COOSIN, to cheat, al...
cootching 24 20 COOTCH, (Welsh) to h...
coppering 23 21 the act of sheathing...
coppicing 27 24 the act of coppicing...
corbeling 22 19 (US) corbels taken c...
cordoning 18 17 CORDON, to form a ba...
cornering 18 16 the act of turning a...
cornicing 22 19 the act of providing...
cornuting 19 17 CORNUTE, to cuckold...
corrading 19 16 CORRADE, to wear awa...
corroding 19 16 CORRODE, to eat away...
corseting 19 15 CORSET, to fit with...
corveting 21 19 CORVET, of a horse,...
coshering 21 17 COSHER, to pamper, c...
cosigning 20 18 COSIGN, to sign join...
cosseting 19 15 COSSET, to fondle or...
costuming 21 19 COSTUME, to dress [v...
cottaging 20 17 cruising looking for...
cottering 19 15 COTTER [v]
cottising 20 15 COTTISE, to give a h...
cottoning 18 16 COTTON, to take a li...
couponing 20 20 rationing by means o...
courieing 19 16 COURIE, (Scots) to n...
courtling 21 17 a sycophantic courti...
covarying 27 21 COVARY, to vary mean...
cowarding 22 19 COWARD, to weaken th...
cowboying 30 23 COWBOY, to behave li...
cowhiding 25 21 COWHIDE, to flog wit...
cowriting 23 18 COWRITE, to collabor...
crackling 25 23 the rind of roast po...
cranching 24 21 CRANCH, to chew with...
crankling 21 21 CRANKLE, to bend, tw...
crannying 24 19 CRANNY, to open in c...
cratering 19 15 the act of forming c...
cravening 20 20 CRAVEN, (Shakespeare...
crayoning 24 18 CRAYON, to use a dra...
crediting 20 16 CREDIT, to accept as...
creeshing 21 17 CREESH, to grease [v...
cremating 20 18 CREMATE, to reduce t...
creneling 19 17 CRENEL, to make inde...
cribbling 26 22 CRIBBLE, to decorate...
crimpling 25 22 CRIMPLE, to wrinkle,...
crinkling 22 21 CRINKLE, to wrinkle...
crippling 26 22 a prop set up as a s...
croodling 20 17 CROODLE, (Scots) to...
crotonbug 21 19 a species of cockroa...
crouching 25 21 CROUCH, to squat or...
cruddling 22 19 CRUDDLE, (Spenser) t...
crumbling 25 23 CRUMBLE, to break up...
crumpling 25 23 the act of creasing...
crunching 25 22 the act of crunching...
crunkling 22 22 CRUNKLE, to crumple...
crusading 20 17 CRUSADE, to engage i...
crutching 26 21 CRUTCH, to support o...
cuckooing 23 23 CUCKOO, to repeat mo...
cudgeling 22 20 the act of beating w...
cuitering 20 16 CUITER, (Scots) to w...
cuittling 22 17 CUITTLE, (Scots) to...
culturing 22 18 CULTURE, to cultivat...
cumbering 23 22 CUMBER, to burden [v...
cupelling 24 21 CUPEL, to refine gol...
cupolaing 22 20 CUPOLA, to furnish w...
curetting 20 16 CURETTE, to scrape w...
currajong 21 25 (Native Australian)...
currawong 22 19 (Native Australian)...
currejong 21 25 (Native Australian)...
currijong 22 25 (Native Australian)...
curtsying 27 18 CURTSY, to bow polit...
curveting 22 20 CURVET, to leap, fri...
cyaniding 25 19 the extraction of go...
cyanising 25 18 CYANISE, to turn int...
cyanizing 28 27 CYANIZE, to turn int...
cyclising 31 21 CYCLISE, to form one...
cyclizing 34 30 CYCLIZE, to form one...
cyphering 30 22 CYPHER, to write in...
dackering 20 20 DACKER, (Scots) to l...
daggering 18 17 DAGGER, to stab with...
daikering 17 17 DAIKER, (Scots) to l...
damasking 18 20 DAMASK, to weave wit...
dampening 18 20 DAMPEN, to moisten [...
dandering 15 15 DANDER, (dialect) to...
dangering 16 16 DANGER, to expose to...
dannebrog 16 17 (Danish) the ancient...
dantoning 14 15 DANTON, to dare, als...
darkening 16 18 DARKEN, to make dark...
daunering 15 15 DAUNER, (dialect) to...
dawnering 18 17 DAWNER, (dialect) to...
dayspring 25 18 (archaic) dawn [n -S...
deaconing 17 17 DEACON, to put the b...
deadening 14 15 DEADEN, to deprive o...
deafening 16 17 very loud [adj DEAFE...
debagging 20 20 the act of removing...
debarking 19 20 DEBARK, to unload fr...
debarring 18 16 DEBAR, to exclude [v...
debeaking 18 20 DEBEAK, to remove th...
debelling 20 18 DEBEL, to conquer in...
deboshing 20 18 DEBOSH, to lead into...
debossing 18 16 DEBOSS, to impress a...
debriding 19 17 DEBRIDE, to remove d...
debudding 19 19 DEBUD, to remove the...
debugging 21 21 the act of removing...
debunking 19 22 DEBUNK, to clear of...
deburring 19 17 DEBURR, to remove bu...
debussing 19 17 DEBUS, to get off a...
decalling 21 18 DECAL, to transfer b...
decamping 22 22 DECAMP, to depart fr...
decanting 18 17 DECANT, to pour from...
decarbing 21 19 DECARB, to decarboni...
deceasing 18 16 DECEASE, to die [v]
deceiving 21 20 deceptive [adj DECEI...
decerning 18 17 DECERN, to decree by...
declaring 20 17 DECLARE, to make kno...
declawing 23 20 DECLAW, to remove th...
declining 20 18 DECLINE, to refuse [...
decocting 22 19 DECOCT, to extract t...
decreeing 18 16 DECREE, to issue an...
decrewing 22 19 DECREW, (Spenser) to...
decupling 23 21 DECUPLE, to increase...
decurving 22 21 DECURVE, to curve do...
deducting 20 18 DEDUCT, to subtract...
deejaying 23 24 the act of compering...
deepening 16 17 DEEPEN, to make deep...
defanging 18 19 DEFANG, to remove th...
defatting 18 16 DEFAT, to remove fat...
defeating 17 16 DEFEAT, to win a vic...
defecting 21 19 DEFECT, to desert an...
defencing 20 20 DEFENCE, to make a d...
defending 17 18 DEFEND, to protect [...
defensing 17 17 DEFENSE, to guard ag...
deferring 18 16 DEFER, to postpone [...
deflating 19 17 DEFLATE, to release...
defleaing 18 17 DEFLEA, to rid of fl...
deflexing 25 24 DEFLEX, to bend down...
defoaming 18 19 DEFOAM, to remove fo...
defogging 20 20 DEFOG, to remove fog...
deforcing 21 19 DEFORCE, to withhold...
deforming 19 19 DEFORM, to spoil the...
defouling 19 18 DEFOUL, (obsolete) t...
defraying 24 18 DEFRAY, to pay or se...
defueling 19 18 DEFUEL, to remove fu...
defunding 18 19 DEFUND, to remove fu...
degassing 17 15 DEGAS, to remove gas...
degearing 16 15 a process in which a...
degerming 18 18 DEGERM, to remove ge...
deglazing 21 25 DEGLAZE, to remove t...
degouting 17 16 DEGOUT, to make (som...
degrading 17 16 DEGRADE, to debase,...
degumming 20 22 DEGUM, to free from...
degusting 18 16 DEGUST, to taste wit...
dehairing 18 15 DEHAIR, to remove th...
dehiscing 22 18 DEHISCE, to split op...
dehorning 17 16 DEHORN, to deprive o...
dehorting 18 15 DEHORT, to dissuade...
dejecting 21 25 DEJECT, to depress,...
delapsing 19 17 DELAPSE, to sink dow...
deleading 16 15 DELEAD, to free from...
deleaving 18 18 DELEAVE, to separate...
delinking 18 19 DELINK, to break a c...
delisting 18 14 DELIST, to remove fr...
delousing 17 15 DELOUSE, to free fro...
delundung 17 18 (Javanese) the wease...
demanding 16 18 DEMAND, to ask for w...
demanning 15 18 DEMAN, to reduce the...
demarking 18 20 DEMARK, to demarcate...
demasting 17 16 DEMAST, to remove th...
demeaning 15 17 DEMEAN, to conduct o...
dementing 16 17 DEMENT, to deprive o...
demerging 18 18 DEMERGE, to remove a...
demersing 17 16 DEMERSE, (obsolete)...
demisting 18 16 DEMIST, to clear a w...
demitting 18 16 DEMIT, to let fall,...
demobbing 21 22 DEMOB, to discharge...
demurring 18 17 DEMUR, to object [v]
denetting 15 14 DENET, to market a b...
departing 18 16 the act of departing...
depeching 23 21 DEPECHE, (French) to...
depending 17 18 DEPEND, to rely [v]
deperming 19 19 DEPERM, to demagneti...
depicting 22 19 DEPICT, to portray [...
deplaning 18 18 DEPLANE, to get off...
depleting 19 17 DEPLETE, to lessen t...
deploring 19 17 DEPLORE, to regret s...
deploying 25 19 DEPLOY, to position...
depluming 21 21 DEPLUME, to deprive...
deporting 18 16 DEPORT, to expel fro...
depraving 20 20 DEPRAVE, to corrupt...
depriving 21 20 DEPRIVE, to take som...
dequeuing 24 24 DEQUEUE, to remove f...
derailing 17 14 DERAIL, to cause to...
deranging 16 16 DERANGE, to disorder...
deratting 16 13 DERAT, to rid of rat...
derigging 19 17 DERIG, to dismantle...
desalting 17 14 the act of removing...
desanding 15 15 DESAND, to remove sa...
descaling 20 17 DESCALE, to remove s...
descrying 26 18 DESCRY, to discern,...
deseeding 15 14 DESEED, to remove th...
deserting 16 13 DESERT, to abandon [...
deserving 18 17 worthy [adj DESERVIN...
designing 17 16 artful; scheming [ad...
desisting 17 13 DESIST, to cease doi...
desorbing 18 16 DESORB, to release a...
despising 19 16 DESPISE, to look dow...
despiting 19 16 DESPITE, to treat wi...
destining 16 14 DESTINE, to determin...
detaching 21 18 DETACH, to unfasten...
detailing 17 14 the act of detailing...
detaining 15 14 DETAIN, to hold in c...
detecting 19 16 DETECT, to discover...
deterging 17 15 DETERGE, to cleanse...
deterring 16 13 DETER, to hinder or...
detesting 16 13 DETEST, to hate inte...
deticking 21 20 DETICK, to free from...
detorting 16 13 DETORT, (obsolete) t...
detouring 16 14 DETOUR, to take an i...
detruding 17 15 DETRUDE, to thrust o...
devalling 20 19 DEVALL, to sink, dec...
devaluing 19 19 DEVALUE, to lessen t...
deveining 17 18 DEVEIN, to remove th...
develling 20 19 DEVEL, to hit hard w...
devesting 18 17 DEVEST, to strip or...
deviating 18 17 DEVIATE, to differ f...
devilling 21 19 DEVIL, to prepare fo...
devoicing 21 20 the act of not using...
devolving 21 22 DEVOLVE, to transfer...
devouring 18 18 DEVOUR, to eat vorac...
dewitting 20 16 DEWITT, to lynch [v]
dewooling 19 17 DEWOOL, to remove th...
deworming 20 19 DEWORM, to rid of wo...
dezincing 22 26 DEZINC, to remove zi...
diademing 17 17 DIADEM, to adorn wit...
dialoging 18 16 DIALOG, to hold a co...
dialysing 24 16 DIALYSE, to use a ki...
dialyzing 27 25 DIALYZE, to use a ki...
diapering 18 16 nappies collectively...
diarising 17 13 DIARISE, to keep a d...
diarizing 20 22 DIARIZE, to keep a d...
dickering 21 20 DICKER, to haggle, t...
dictating 20 16 DICTATE, to read alo...
diddering 17 15 DIDDER, (dialect) to...
dieseling 17 14 the act of continuin...
differing 21 19 DIFFER, to be unlike...
diffusing 22 20 DIFFUSE, to spread w...
digesting 18 15 DIGEST, to assimilat...
dinnering 15 15 DINNER, to dine [v]
diphthong 23 20 a union of two vowel...
directing 20 16 DIRECT, to control o...
disabling 20 17 DISABLE, to render i...
disarming 18 16 DISARM, to deprive o...
discaging 21 18 DISCAGE, to free fro...
discasing 20 16 DISCASE, to remove t...
disciding 21 17 DISCIDE, to cut asun...
discuring 21 17 DISCURE, to find out...
diseasing 16 13 DISEASE, to make unh...
disedging 18 16 DISEDGE, (Shakespear...
disfaming 20 19 DISFAME, to throw in...
dishoming 20 18 DISHOME, to deprive...
disjuning 19 24 DISJUNE, to take bre...
disliking 20 18 DISLIKE, to regard w...
dismaying 24 18 DISMAY, to appall or...
disowning 19 17 DISOWN, to deny the...
dispacing 22 19 DISPACE, to range ab...
disponing 18 17 DISPONE, to make a l...
disposing 19 16 DISPOSE, to arrange...
disputing 20 17 DISPUTE, to argue ab...
disrating 17 13 DISRATE, to lower in...
disrobing 19 16 DISROBE, to undress...
dissaving 19 17 the spending of savi...
distuning 17 15 DISTUNE, to put out...
disyoking 24 19 DISYOKE, to free fro...
dithering 19 15 DITHER, to act indec...
diverging 20 19 DIVERGE, to move in...
diversing 19 17 DIVERSE, to turn asi...
diverting 19 17 DIVERT, to turn asid...
divesting 19 17 DIVEST, to strip or...
divorcing 22 20 DIVORCE, to terminat...
divulging 22 21 DIVULGE, to reveal [...
divulsing 21 19 DIVULSE, to tear awa...
docketing 20 20 DOCKET, to provide w...
dockising 21 20 DOCKISE, to convert...
dockizing 24 29 DOCKIZE, to convert...
doctoring 19 16 the act of falsifyin...
doddering 16 15 DODDER, to walk unst...
dogearing 16 15 DOGEAR, to turn down...
doggoning 17 18 DOGGONE, to damn [v]
dognaping 18 19 the abduction of a d...
dolloping 20 18 DOLLOP, to dispense...
dondering 15 15 DONDER, (Afrikaans)...
donutting 16 15 DONUT, to surround a...
doodlebug 19 18 the larva of an antl...
douchebag 23 21 a despicable person...
dowelling 21 18 long thin wooden rod...
downswing 22 20 a decline, a downtur...
drabbling 22 20 a manner of fishing...
draggling 20 18 DRAGGLE, to make wet...
dramaturg 18 16 a dramatist; specifi...
draunting 16 15 DRAUNT, to drawl, to...
drenching 21 19 the act of drenching...
dribbling 23 20 the act of emitting...
driveling 20 18 DRIVEL, to let saliv...
drizzling 25 32 DRIZZLE, to rain lig...
drownding 19 18 DROWND, (colloquial)...
drumbling 22 21 DRUMBLE, to move slo...
dualising 18 15 DUALISE, to make two...
dualizing 21 24 DUALIZE, to make two...
dubbining 21 21 DUBBIN, to apply a p...
duddering 17 16 DUDDER, to tremble,...
duplexing 26 25 DUPLEX, to make dupl...
duskening 17 19 DUSKEN, to grow dark...
dwindling 21 19 DWINDLE, to decrease...
earthling 19 15 an inhabitant of the...
easygoing 22 16 tolerant [adj]
ebonising 17 16 EBONISE, to stain bl...
ebonizing 20 25 EBONIZE, to stain bl...
echoising 21 17 ECHOISE, to repeat a...
echoizing 24 26 ECHOIZE, to repeat a...
eclipsing 23 19 ECLIPSE, to obscure...
educating 19 17 EDUCATE, to teach [v...
effecting 23 21 EFFECT, to bring abo...
effeiring 20 18 EFFEIR, (obsolete) t...
efforcing 23 21 EFFORCE, (obsolete)...
effulging 23 22 EFFULGE, to shine ou...
egotising 17 14 EGOTISE, to talk abo...
egotizing 20 23 EGOTIZE, to talk abo...
egressing 17 14 EGRESS, to go out [v...
elegising 18 15 ELEGISE, to write an...
elegizing 21 24 ELEGIZE, to write an...
elevating 18 17 ELEVATE, to raise [v...
eliciting 21 16 ELICIT, to draw fort...
elocuting 20 17 ELOCUTE, to speak pu...
eloigning 17 16 ELOIGN, to remove to...
emanating 15 16 EMANATE, to send for...
embailing 20 19 EMBAIL, (obsolete) t...
emballing 21 20 the act of enclosing...
embalming 21 22 the act of embalming...
embanking 19 23 EMBANK, to enclose w...
embarking 20 22 EMBARK, to go on boa...
embarring 19 18 the act of shutting...
embathing 21 20 EMBATHE, to bathe, a...
embedding 19 20 the technique by whi...
emblazing 23 28 EMBLAZE, to set on f...
embleming 21 22 EMBLEM, to represent...
embodying 25 21 EMBODY, to form into...
embogging 21 22 EMBOG, to bog down [...
emboguing 20 21 EMBOGUE, to flow out...
emboiling 20 19 EMBOIL, (obsolete) t...
embosking 20 22 EMBOSK, to conceal w...
embossing 19 18 EMBOSS, to decorate...
embracing 22 21 EMBRACE, to hug [v]
embraving 21 22 EMBRAVE, to inspire...
embruting 20 19 EMBRUTE, (archaic) t...
embussing 20 19 EMBUS, to board a bu...
embusying 26 21 EMBUSY, (Spenser) to...
emicating 20 18 EMICATE, to sparkle...
emmeshing 20 20 EMMESH, to entangle,...
empairing 19 18 EMPAIRE, to become w...
emparling 20 19 EMPARL, (Spenser) to...
emparting 19 18 EMPART, (Spenser) to...
empayring 25 20 EMPAYRE, (Spenser) t...
empercing 22 21 EMPERCE, to pierce,...
emplacing 23 22 EMPLACE, to put in p...
emplaning 19 20 EMPLANE, to put on a...
employing 26 21 EMPLOY, to hire, use...
empluming 22 23 EMPLUME, (archaic) t...
emulating 18 17 EMULATE, to strive t...
enameling 16 17 the act of coating w...
enamoring 15 16 ENAMOR, to inspire w...
enarching 20 18 ENARCH, to graft a p...
encalming 20 20 ENCALM, (obsolete) t...
encamping 21 22 ENCAMP, to set up a...
encashing 20 18 ENCASH, to convert i...
enchafing 22 21 ENCHAFE, (obsolete)...
enchasing 20 18 ENCHASE, to place in...
enclaving 21 21 ENCLAVE, to surround...
enclosing 19 17 ENCLOSE, to surround...
encysting 25 18 ENCYST, to become en...
endarting 15 14 ENDART, to dart in,...
endearing 14 14 ENDEAR, to make belo...
endorsing 15 14 ENDORSE, to declare...
endossing 15 14 ENDOSS, (obsolete) t...
enflaming 19 20 ENFLAME, (obsolete)...
enfolding 18 18 ENFOLD, to envelop [...
enforcing 20 19 ENFORCE, to compel,...
enforming 18 19 ENFORM, (Spenser) to...
enframing 18 19 ENFRAME, to put in a...
enfreeing 16 16 ENFREE, to set free...
engaoling 16 16 ENGAOL, (Shakespeare...
engilding 18 17 ENGILD, (Shakespeare...
engirding 17 16 ENGIRD, to gird; to...
englobing 19 19 ENGLOBE, to form int...
engorging 17 17 ENGORGE, to fill wit...
engracing 19 18 ENGRACE, to introduc...
engraving 18 19 the act or art of cu...
engulfing 20 20 ENGULF, to swallow u...
enhaloing 17 16 ENHALO, to surround...
enhancing 19 19 ENHANCE, to raise in...
enjambing 20 28 ENJAMB, in poetry, t...
enjoining 16 23 ENJOIN, to order or...
enlarding 16 15 ENLARD, (Shakespeare...
enlarging 17 16 ENLARGE, to make lar...
enlinking 17 19 ENLINK, to connect c...
enlisting 17 14 ENLIST, to engage fo...
enlocking 20 21 ENLOCK, to lock up,...
enmeshing 18 18 ENMESH, to entangle,...
ennobling 17 18 ENNOBLE, to make nob...
enouncing 17 18 ENOUNCE, to enunciat...
enplaning 17 18 ENPLANE, to put on a...
enqueuing 23 24 ENQUEUE, to add (a d...
enquiring 24 23 ENQUIRE, to ask, als...
enranging 15 16 ENRANGE, to arrange,...
enranking 15 18 ENRANK, (Shakespeare...
enriching 21 18 ENRICH, to add desir...
enringing 16 16 ENRING, to encircle...
enrolling 17 15 ENROL, to insert on...
enrooting 14 13 ENROOT, to implant f...
ensealing 15 14 ENSEAL, to put a sea...
enseaming 15 16 ENSEAM, to make a ma...
ensearing 14 13 ENSEAR, (Shakespeare...
enserfing 17 16 ENSERF, to make a se...
ensigning 16 16 ENSIGN, to mark with...
enslaving 18 18 ENSLAVE, to make a s...
ensnaring 14 14 ENSNARE, to trap, al...
ensouling 16 15 ENSOUL, to infuse wi...
enstyling 23 16 ENSTYLE, (archaic) t...
entailing 16 14 ENTAIL, to settle an...
entayling 22 16 ENTAYLE, (obsolete)...
enthusing 18 16 ENTHUSE, to show ent...
entitling 17 14 ENTITLE, to give a r...
entoiling 16 14 ENTOIL, to entangle...
entombing 18 19 ENTOMB, to place in...
entwining 18 17 ENTWINE, to weave to...
enwalling 20 18 ENWALL, to enclose w...
enwinding 18 18 ENWIND, to enwrap, a...
enwombing 21 22 ENWOMB, to enclose a...
epatering 17 15 EPATER, (French) to...
epilating 19 16 EPILATE, to remove h...
epistling 20 16 EPISTLE, to preface...
epurating 18 16 EPURATE, to purify [...
equalling 26 24 EQUAL, to make equal...
equipping 29 28 EQUIP, to provide wi...
erotising 16 12 EROTISE, to give a s...
erotizing 19 21 EROTIZE, to give a s...
escarping 21 18 ESCARP, to cause to...
eschewing 24 20 ESCHEW, to avoid [v]
escorting 19 15 ESCORT, to accompany...
escotting 19 15 ESCOT, (Shakespeare)...
escribing 22 18 ESCRIBE, to construc...
escrowing 22 18 ESCROW, to place a d...
esloining 16 14 ESLOIN, to remove to...
esloyning 22 16 ESLOYNE, to remove t...
espousing 18 16 ESPOUSE, to make a m...
esquiring 25 22 ESQUIRE, to escort [...
essoining 15 13 ESSOIN, to give an e...
esteeming 16 15 ESTEEM, to have a hi...
estopping 20 18 ESTOP, to hinder or...
estraying 22 14 ESTRAY, to stray [v]
estreping 18 15 ESTREPE, to create w...
evildoing 19 18 the doing of evil [n...
evirating 18 16 EVIRATE, to castrate...
evitating 18 16 EVITATE, to avoid, a...
evocating 20 19 EVOCATE, to evoke [v...
evoluting 19 18 EVOLUTE, to develop...
examining 22 23 EXAMINE, to inspect...
exampling 26 26 EXAMPLE, to illustra...
excambing 28 28 EXCAMB, (Scots) in S...
exceeding 24 23 EXCEED, to go beyond...
excelling 27 24 EXCEL, to surpass ot...
excepting 27 25 EXCEPT, to exclude,...
excessing 25 22 EXCESS, to eliminate...
excluding 27 25 EXCLUDE, to shut out...
excreting 25 22 EXCRETE, to discharg...
excursing 26 23 EXCURSE, (archaic) t...
executing 25 23 EXECUTE, to perform...
exempting 25 25 EXEMPT, to free from...
exfilling 27 24 EXFIL, to remove (da...
exhorting 24 21 EXHORT, to admonish...
expanding 23 24 EXPAND, to increase...
expecting 27 25 in a state of expect...
expelling 26 24 EXPEL, to force out...
expending 23 24 EXPEND, to consume i...
expensing 23 23 EXPENSE, to charge w...
experting 24 22 EXPERT, (Spenser) to...
expiating 24 22 EXPIATE, to make com...
exploding 25 24 EXPLODE, to blow up...
exploring 25 23 EXPLORE, to examine...
exporting 24 22 EXPORT, to send good...
expugning 25 26 EXPUGN, to take by s...
expulsing 26 24 EXPULSE, (obsolete)...
expunging 25 26 EXPUNGE, to delete [...
expurging 26 25 EXPURGE, to purge aw...
exsecting 25 22 EXSECT, to cut out [...
exserting 22 19 EXSERT, to protrude...
extending 21 21 EXTEND, to stretch o...
extirping 25 22 EXTIRP, to root out...
extolling 24 21 EXTOLL, to praise hi...
extorting 22 19 EXTORT, to obtain so...
extruding 23 21 EXTRUDE, to force or...
eyeleting 22 15 EYELET, to make a sm...
facetting 21 18 FACET, to cut small...
factoring 21 18 FACTOR, to express a...
faggoting 20 19 a kind of embroidery...
fallowing 23 20 FALLOW, to plough an...
faltering 19 16 hesitant [adj FALTER...
famishing 22 20 FAMISH, to suffer ex...
famousing 19 19 FAMOUS, (archaic) to...
fanfaring 19 19 FANFARE, to herald w...
farrowing 21 18 FARROW, to give birt...
farseeing 17 15 seeing a long way [a...
fastening 17 16 something that secur...
fathering 20 17 the male act of proc...
fathoming 21 20 FATHOM, to ascertain...
fatiguing 20 18 FATIGUE, to weary, a...
fattening 17 16 the act of making fa...
fatwahing 23 20 FATWAH, to threaten...
favouring 20 20 FAVOUR, to regard wi...
featuring 18 16 FEATURE, to present...
fellating 20 17 FELLATE, to stimulat...
fellowing 23 20 FELLOW, to produce a...
feltering 19 16 FELTER, to mat toget...
fenagling 19 19 FENAGLE, to obtain b...
ferreling 19 16 FERREL, to fit with...
ferreting 18 15 rummaging about [n -...
ferruling 20 17 FERRULE, to fit with...
festering 18 15 FESTER, to generate...
fettering 18 15 FETTER, to shackle [...
fewtering 21 18 FEWTER, to set a spe...
fibrosing 21 18 FIBROSE, to form fib...
fidgeting 20 18 FIDGET, to move abou...
filiating 20 16 FILIATE, to bring in...
filleting 21 17 FILLET, to cut bonel...
filliping 24 20 FILLIP, to strike sh...
filmgoing 22 21 the practice of goin...
filtering 20 16 FILTER, to purify a...
finagling 20 19 the act of obtaining...
financing 20 20 the act of providing...
fineering 17 16 FINEER, to get goods...
finessing 18 16 the act of making a...
fingering 19 18 the choice of finger...
finicking 23 23 particular about uni...
finishing 21 18 the act of making an...
firstling 21 16 the first produce or...
fissuring 20 16 FISSURE, to split, c...
flambeing 22 22 FLAMBE, to douse (e....
flanching 24 22 a sloping piece of c...
flashbang 23 21 a stun grenade [n -S...
flaunting 19 18 FLAUNT, to exhibit i...
flavoring 21 20 FLAVOR, to impart a...
fledgling 22 20 a young bird just fl...
fleeching 24 21 flattery, coaxing [n...
flenching 24 22 FLENCH, to strip the...
fleshling 23 19 a sensualist [n -S]
fletching 25 21 the feathers of an a...
flighting 24 20 FLIGHT, to migrate i...
flinching 25 22 shrinking [adj FLINC...
flitching 26 21 FLITCH, to cut into...
flouncing 22 21 FLOUNCE, to move wit...
floushing 22 19 FLOUSH, to splash, a...
flowering 22 19 the act of flowering...
flurrying 27 19 FLURRY, to agitate [...
focussing 22 19 FOCUS, to bring or a...
foddering 18 17 the act of providing...
foliating 19 16 FOLIATE, to number t...
following 23 20 a body of supporters...
fomenting 18 19 FOMENT, to foster or...
fondueing 17 18 FONDUE, to cook a di...
footering 17 15 FOOTER, to mess arou...
forboding 20 19 FORBODE, to indicate...
foredoing 17 16 FOREDO, to destroy,...
foregoing 18 17 FOREGO, to go before...
forelying 25 18 FORELIE, (Spenser) t...
foresting 18 15 FOREST, to convert i...
forgiving 22 21 FORGIVE, to pardon [...
forhooing 19 17 FORHOO, (Scots) to d...
forhowing 23 20 FORHOW, to desert or...
forlesing 19 16 FORLESE, to lose, fo...
formating 19 18 FORMATE, to fly in f...
forpining 20 19 FORPINE, to waste aw...
forraying 24 17 FORRAY, (Spenser) to...
forsaking 19 19 abandonment [n -S]
forsaying 24 17 FORSAY, to forbid, t...
fortuning 18 17 FORTUNE, to endow wi...
fostering 18 15 the act of nurturing...
fothering 20 17 FOTHER, to protect a...
foundling 19 19 an abandoned child o...
foutering 18 16 FOUTER, (Scots) to m...
fratching 24 20 quarrelsome, also FR...
frazzling 26 34 FRAZZLE, to fray [v]
freckling 24 23 a collection of litt...
frenching 23 21 FRENCH, to cut into...
frenzying 27 27 FRENZY, to make fran...
frescoing 21 18 the act of painting...
fribbling 25 22 FRIBBLE, to be frivo...
frichting 25 20 FRICHT, (Scots) to f...
friending 18 17 FRIEND, to enter int...
frighting 23 19 FRIGHT, to make afra...
frivoling 22 20 FRIVOL, to behave pl...
frizzling 27 34 FRIZZLE, to curl hai...
frouncing 21 20 FROUNCE, to wrinkle...
frowsting 22 18 FROWST, to luxuriate...
frumpling 24 23 FRUMPLE, (dialect) t...
fullering 21 18 FULLER, to groove wi...
fulmining 21 21 FULMINE, (Spenser) t...
funneling 18 19 FUNNEL, to pass thro...
furcating 22 19 FURCATE, to divide i...
furnacing 21 20 FURNACE, to subject...
furrowing 22 19 FURROW, to make narr...
galleting 19 16 GALLET, to fill in m...
gallising 20 16 GALLISE, in wine-mak...
gallizing 23 25 GALLIZE, in wine-mak...
galloping 21 19 GALLOP, to ride a ho...
gallowing 22 19 GALLOW, (Shakespeare...
galoching 23 20 GALOCHE, to provide...
galopping 22 21 GALOP, to dance a ga...
galoshing 20 17 GALOSH, to put a gal...
gambiting 21 20 GAMBIT, to sacrifice...
gamboling 21 21 GAMBOL, to leap abou...
gamifying 27 22 GAMIFY, to adapt (a...
gammoning 18 21 GAMMON, to mislead b...
gandering 16 16 GANDER, to wander [v...
gardening 16 16 the activity of tend...
garishing 20 16 GARISH, to heal, als...
garnering 16 15 GARNER, to gather an...
garotting 17 14 the act of stranglin...
garroting 17 14 GARROTE, to execute...
gartering 17 14 GARTER, to support w...
gasifying 26 19 GASIFY, to convert i...
gastering 17 14 GASTER, to frighten,...
gathering 19 16 a coming together [n...
gaunching 22 21 GAUNCH, to impale, a...
gavelling 21 20 GAVEL, to signal for...
gavotting 19 18 GAVOTTE, to dance a...
gazanging 20 26 GAZANG, (of the sell...
gazetting 20 23 GAZETTE, to announce...
gazumping 24 30 the act of unfairly...
gemmating 19 20 GEMMATE, to reproduc...
gendering 16 16 GENDER, (archaic) to...
geocoding 19 18 GEOCODE, to assign g...
gestating 17 14 GESTATE, to carry in...
gesturing 18 15 GESTURE, to express...
gettering 17 14 the act of removing...
geysering 23 16 GEYSER, to eject jet...
gheraoing 18 16 GHERAO, to carry out...
ghettoing 19 16 GHETTO, to confine t...
ghillying 29 20 GHILLIE, to act as a...
gibbering 22 20 GIBBER, to utter sen...
gibbeting 22 20 GIBBET, to execute b...
giggiting 21 18 GIGGIT, (archaic US)...
gimbaling 22 21 GIMBAL, to support o...
gimleting 20 18 GIMLET, to pierce as...
gingering 18 17 GINGER, to spice up,...
gizzening 23 33 GIZZEN, (Scots) to s...
glamoring 19 18 GLAMOR, to bewitch,...
glimpsing 23 21 GLIMPSE, to see for...
glowering 21 18 GLOWER, to look or s...
glunching 24 22 GLUNCH, to frown [v]
glutching 25 21 GLUTCH, to gulp or s...
goffering 21 20 make pleats with a g...
goldening 17 17 GOLDEN, to become li...
goliasing 18 15 GOLIAS, to behave ir...
gollaring 19 16 GOLLAR, to make a lo...
gollering 19 16 GOLLER, to make a lo...
golliwogg 24 20 a grotesque black ma...
golloping 21 19 GOLLOP, to gulp hast...
goloshing 20 17 GOLOSH, to put an ov...
gophering 21 19 GOPHER, to burrow, m...
gossiping 20 17 GOSSIP, to talk idly...
gostering 17 14 GOSTER, (dialect) to...
governing 18 19 GOVERN, to rule or d...
grabbling 23 21 GRABBLE, to grope, a...
gradating 17 15 GRADATE, to change b...
graithing 20 16 GRAITH, (Scots) to d...
grannying 22 18 GRANNY, to defeat to...
grappling 23 21 the act of seizing h...
graveling 20 19 GRAVEL, to pave with...
grecising 21 17 GRECISE, to provide...
grecizing 24 26 GRECIZE, to provide...
greenling 17 16 a kind of fish with...
greenwing 19 18 a green-winged teal...
griddling 20 17 GRIDDLE, to cook on...
grimacing 22 20 GRIMACE, to contort...
grizzling 26 33 GRIZZLE, to become g...
grouching 23 20 GROUCH, to grumble [...
groundhog 19 18 a woodchuck [n -S]
grounding 17 17 a foundation [n -S]
groveling 20 19 the act of humbling...
grubbling 24 22 GRUBBLE, to grope, a...
gruelling 20 17 exhausting [adj GRUE...
grumbling 23 22 muttering in discont...
grumphing 24 23 GRUMPH, to grunt [v]
gruntling 19 17 GRUNTLE, to put in g...
grutching 24 20 GRUTCH, (Spenser) to...
guffawing 25 24 GUFFAW, to laugh lou...
gulleying 26 19 GULLEY, to wear a ch...
gusseting 18 15 the act of furnishin...
guttating 18 15 GUTTATE, to exude li...
guttering 18 15 gutters collectively...
hachuring 24 20 HACHURE, to make a h...
hagriding 20 17 HAGRIDE, to drive as...
hainching 23 20 HAINCH, to throw wit...
hairsting 19 14 HAIRST, to gather in...
halalling 21 17 HALAL, to slaughter...
halloaing 19 16 HALLOA, to shout out...
hallooing 19 16 HALLOO, to shout out...
hallowing 23 19 HALLOW, to make holy...
haltering 19 15 HALTER, to put restr...
hamboning 20 21 HAMBONE, to overact,...
hammering 20 20 HAMMER, to strike re...
hampering 21 20 HAMPER, to hinder, o...
hamstring 20 17 a tendon at the back...
hamstrung 20 18 HAMSTRING, to disabl...
hangaring 18 17 HANGAR, to place in...
hankering 18 19 a yearning [n -S]
hanseling 18 16 HANSEL, to give a go...
happening 21 21 an occurrence [n -S]
harassing 18 14 persistently botheri...
harboring 20 17 HARBOR, to shelter,...
hardening 17 16 HARDEN, to make hard...
harkening 18 19 HARKEN, to listen, a...
harmdoing 19 18 the doing of harm [n...
harrowing 21 17 acutely distressing...
hartening 17 15 HARTEN, to give cour...
hastening 17 15 HASTEN, to urry, als...
hatchling 25 20 a creature just hatc...
hattering 18 14 HATTER, to trouble,...
haunching 23 21 HAUNCH, to throw wit...
havocking 24 25 HAVOC, to lay waste...
haymaking 26 23 the harvesting of ha...
hazarding 21 24 HAZARD, to venture [...
hearthrug 21 16 a rug spread in fron...
heartling 19 15 (Shakespeare) little...
hectoring 21 17 intimidating [adj HE...
heehawing 22 19 HEEHAW, to bray like...
helmeting 20 18 the act of fitting w...
heralding 19 16 HERALD, to proclaim,...
heroising 18 14 HEROISE, to make her...
heroizing 21 23 HEROIZE, to make her...
hiccuping 28 24 HICCUP, to make a pe...
highering 22 18 HIGHER, to raise, ma...
hijacking 25 30 the act of stealing...
hilloaing 20 16 HILLOA, to shout out...
hindering 18 16 impeding [adj HINDER...
hirseling 20 15 HIRSEL, to herd shee...
hithering 21 16 HITHER, to come this...
hoatching 23 19 (Scots) infested, sw...
hobdaying 26 20 HOBDAY, to cure a ho...
hocussing 22 18 HOCUS, to deceive or...
hogtieing 19 16 HOGTIE, to tie the l...
hoicksing 23 21 HOICKS, to hark back...
hoidening 17 16 HOIDEN, to act like...
hollering 20 16 HOLLER, to call out...
holloaing 19 16 HOLLOA, to shout out...
hollooing 19 16 HOLLOO, to shout out...
hollowing 23 19 HOLLOW, to remove th...
honchoing 22 20 HONCHO, to take char...
honouring 17 16 HONOUR, to treat wit...
hoodooing 16 15 HOODOO, to bring bad...
hoorahing 19 16 HOORAH, to shout hoo...
hooraying 23 16 HOORAY, to shout hoo...
hoovering 19 18 the act of using a h...
hosteling 19 15 the act of staying o...
hotboxing 26 24 HOTBOX, to smoke mar...
hotelling 20 16 (in an office where...
hottering 18 14 HOTTER, to vibrate,...
houseling 19 16 the act of administe...
hovelling 22 20 HOVEL, to live in a...
hoydening 23 18 HOYDEN, to act like...
hulloaing 20 17 HULLOA, to hallo [v]
hullooing 20 17 HULLOO, to hail, als...
humecting 23 21 HUMECT, to moisten,...
humefying 28 23 HUMEFY, (obsolete) t...
humifying 29 23 HUMIFY, to moisten,...
humouring 20 19 HUMOUR, to indulge,...
hungering 19 18 HUNGER, to crave [v]
hunkering 19 20 HUNKER, to squat [v]
hurrahing 21 17 HURRAH, to shout hur...
hurraying 25 17 HURRAY, to shout hur...
hushering 21 17 HUSHER, to usher, es...
huzzahing 27 35 HUZZAH, to give a sh...
hydrating 25 17 HYDRATE, to combine...
hyphening 28 22 HYPHEN, to connect w...
iconising 19 16 ICONISE, to venerate...
iconizing 22 25 ICONIZE, to venerate...
idolising 18 14 IDOLISE, to worship,...
idolizing 21 23 IDOLIZE, to worship,...
ignifying 26 20 IGNIFY, to burn [v]
illapsing 21 17 ILLAPSE, to glide in...
imagining 18 18 the act of imagining...
imbalming 22 22 IMBALM, to impregnat...
imbarking 21 22 IMBARK, to enclose i...
imbarring 20 18 IMBAR, (obsolete) to...
imbathing 22 20 IMBATHE, (archaic) t...
imbedding 20 20 IMBED, to plant firm...
imblazing 24 28 IMBLAZE, to adorn wi...
imbodying 26 21 IMBODY, to form into...
imbosking 21 22 IMBOSK, to go deep i...
imbossing 20 18 IMBOSS, to decorate...
imbruting 21 19 IMBRUTE, (archaic) t...
imbursing 21 19 IMBURSE, to put in a...
imitating 18 15 IMITATE, to behave i...
immasking 20 22 IMMASK, (Shakespeare...
immerging 20 20 IMMERGE, to plunge i...
immersing 19 18 IMMERSE, to plunge i...
immeshing 21 20 IMMESH, to entangle,...
immitting 20 18 IMMIT, (obsolete) to...
impacting 23 21 IMPACT, to fix firml...
impairing 20 18 the act of making wo...
imparking 21 22 IMPARK, to enclose i...
imparling 21 19 IMPARL, to talk over...
imparting 20 18 IMPART, to communica...
impasting 20 18 IMPASTE, to lay colo...
impawning 22 22 IMPAWN, (archaic) to...
impelling 22 20 IMPEL, to drive forw...
impending 19 20 IMPEND, to be immine...
impinging 21 21 IMPINGE, to collide...
implating 21 19 IMPLATE, to put a co...
impleting 21 19 IMPLETE, (archaic) t...
imploding 21 20 IMPLODE, to collapse...
imploring 21 19 IMPLORE, to beg for...
importing 20 18 the act of importing...
imposting 20 18 IMPOST, to determine...
improving 22 22 IMPROVE, to make bet...
impugning 21 22 IMPUGN, to attack by...
impulsing 22 20 IMPULSE, to give imp...
inarching 21 18 INARCH, to graft in...
inburning 18 18 (Spenser) burning wi...
incanting 18 17 INCANT, to utter rit...
incensing 18 17 INCENSE, to make ver...
incenting 18 17 INCENT, to provide w...
incepting 21 19 INCEPT, to take into...
inchasing 21 18 INCHASE, to place in...
inclining 20 18 an inclination, a fo...
inclosing 20 17 INCLOSE, to surround...
including 21 19 INCLUDE, to take in...
incurring 20 17 INCUR, to bring upon...
incurving 22 21 INCURVE, to curve in...
indarting 16 14 INDART, to dart in,...
indenting 15 15 INDENT, to cut or te...
indicting 20 17 INDICT, to charge wi...
indorsing 16 14 INDORSE, to declare...
inducting 20 18 INDUCT, to bring int...
indulging 19 18 INDULGE, to yield to...
infalling 20 18 a falling inwards [a...
infecting 21 19 INFECT, to contamina...
infefting 20 19 INFEFT, in Scots law...
inferring 18 16 INFER, to reach or d...
infesting 18 16 INFEST, to invade an...
infilling 21 18 material used to fil...
infirming 20 19 INFIRM, to weaken or...
inflaming 20 20 INFLAME, to set on f...
inflating 19 17 INFLATE, to expand w...
inflowing 22 20 the act of flowing i...
infolding 19 18 a folding inwards [n...
inforcing 21 19 INFORCE, to compel,...
informing 19 19 INFORM, to pass on i...
ingesting 17 15 INGEST, to take into...
inglobing 20 19 INGLOBE, to form int...
ingrowing 20 18 growing in, as e.g....
ingulfing 21 20 INGULF, to swallow u...
inhercing 21 18 INHERCE, (Shakespear...
inholding 19 17 privately owned land...
inhooping 19 18 INHOOP, to confine i...
injecting 21 25 INJECT, to force liq...
inletting 17 14 INLET, to insert [v]
inlocking 21 21 INLOCK, to lock up,...
inmeshing 19 18 INMESH, to entangle,...
innerving 17 18 INNERVE, to supply w...
inpouring 18 17 the act of pouring i...
inputting 19 17 INPUT, to enter data...
inquering 24 23 INQUERE, (Spenser) t...
inquiring 25 23 INQUIRE, to ask abou...
inrushing 19 16 the act of rushing i...
inseaming 16 16 INSEAM, to mark as i...
inseeming 16 16 INSEEM, to grease, d...
inselberg 19 16 (German) an isolated...
inserting 16 13 INSERT, to put in [v...
insetting 16 13 INSET, to set in, in...
insisting 17 13 INSIST, to maintain...
insnaring 15 14 INSNARE, to trap, al...
insouling 17 15 INSOUL, to infuse wi...
inspiring 19 16 INSPIRE, to influenc...
instating 16 13 INSTATE, to install...
insulting 18 15 INSULT, to subject t...
intending 15 15 INTEND, to have as o...
intergang 16 15 between gangs [adj]
interning 15 14 INTERN, to confine d...
interring 16 13 INTER, to bury [v]
intitling 18 14 INTITLE, to give a r...
intombing 19 19 INTOMB, to place in...
intorting 16 13 INTORT, to twist inw...
intruding 17 15 INTRUDE, to thrust o...
intuiting 17 14 INTUIT, to know with...
intwining 19 17 INTWINE, to weave to...
inventing 17 18 INVENT, to devise or...
inversing 18 17 INVERSE, to turn som...
inverting 18 17 INVERT, to turn upsi...
investing 18 17 INVEST, to lay out f...
invoicing 21 20 the act of presentij...
involving 21 22 INVOLVE, to implicat...
inwalling 21 18 INWALL, to surround...
inweaving 20 20 INWEAVE, to weave in...
inwicking 24 23 INWICK, to perform a...
inwinding 19 18 INWIND, to enwrap, a...
inworking 20 20 the act of working i...
iridising 18 13 IRIDISE, to make iri...
iridizing 21 22 IRIDIZE, to make iri...
irisating 17 12 IRISATE, to make iri...
ironising 16 13 IRONISE, to satirize...
ironizing 19 22 IRONIZE, to satirize...
irrupting 20 16 IRRUPT, to enter for...
islanding 17 15 ISLAND, to set or do...
isolating 17 13 ISOLATE, to set apar...
itemising 18 15 ITEMISE, to set down...
itemizing 21 24 ITEMIZE, to set down...
iterating 16 12 ITERATE, to repeat,...
jabbering 22 27 talking rapidly [adj...
jacketing 22 28 JACKET, to provide w...
jalousing 19 23 JALOUSE, to suspect,...
janneying 22 25 JANNEY, to act as a...
japanning 18 26 JAPAN, to coat with...
jargoning 18 24 JARGON, to use words...
jarlsberg 22 24 (tradename) a Norweg...
jawboning 22 28 governmental urging...
jeelieing 18 22 JEELIE, to make into...
jenneting 16 23 an early type of app...
jewelling 23 26 JEWEL, to adorn with...
jibbering 23 27 JIBBER, to utter sen...
jiggering 21 25 JIGGER, to jerk up a...
jigsawing 23 26 JIGSAW, to cut with...
jinkering 19 26 JINKER, to transport...
jitterbug 22 24 to dance a jazz danc...
jittering 19 21 JITTER, to fidget [v...
jockeying 28 30 JOCKEY, to maneuver...
jockteleg 23 28 (Scots) a large clas...
jodelling 20 24 JODEL, to sing with...
jolleying 26 25 using a jolley, a gu...
joyriding 25 24 JOYRIDE, to take a r...
juddering 19 24 JUDDER, to vibrate,...
jumarring 20 25 JUMAR, to climb usin...
juneating 17 23 an erroneous form of...
junioring 18 23 JUNIOR, (of a lawyer...
junketing 19 27 going on a pleasure...
kababbing 23 25 KABAB, to cook on a...
kabobbing 23 25 KABOB, to cook on a...
kashering 19 18 KASHER, to prepare f...
kebabbing 23 25 KEBAB, to skewer, al...
kebobbing 23 25 KEBOB, to skewer, al...
kenneling 16 19 KENNEL, to put in a...
kerneling 17 18 KERNEL, to envelop l...
keynoting 22 19 KEYNOTE, to deliver...
kibitzing 24 28 KIBITZ, to give unwe...
kiboshing 22 21 KIBOSH, to put a sto...
kidnaping 19 21 an act of kidnaping...
kippering 22 22 KIPPER, to cure fish...
kittening 17 17 KITTEN, to bear youn...
klaxoning 23 25 KLAXON, to sound a k...
knappling 22 24 KNAPPLE, to break of...
knighting 21 21 KNIGHT, to confer th...
knobbling 22 24 KNOBBLE, to beat wit...
knubbling 23 25 KNUBBLE, to beat wit...
knuckling 23 26 KNUCKLE, to hit with...
koreroing 16 16 KORERO, to talk, con...
koshering 19 18 KOSHER, to prepare f...
kowtowing 23 22 KOWTOW, to perform a...
kurrajong 19 26 (Native Australian)...
kurveying 26 23 KURVEY, to move good...
kvetching 25 25 KVETCH, (Yiddish) to...
kyanising 23 19 KYANISE, to treat wo...
kyanizing 26 28 KYANIZE, to treat wo...
kyboshing 28 23 KYBOSH, to put a sto...
laagering 17 15 LAAGER, to form a de...
labelling 21 18 the act of attaching...
labouring 19 17 LABOUR, to work, als...
lackering 21 20 LACKER, to coat with...
lackeying 27 22 LACKEY, to serve in...
lactating 20 16 LACTATE, to secrete...
laddering 17 15 LADDER, to cause a r...
ladifying 26 19 LADIFY, to make a la...
ladyfying 32 21 LADYFY, to make a la...
laicising 21 16 LAICISE, to free fro...
laicizing 24 25 LAICIZE, to free fro...
lairising 18 13 LAIRISE, to act like...
lairizing 21 22 LAIRIZE, to act like...
lamenting 17 17 expressing sorrow or...
lappering 21 19 LAPPER, (Scots) to c...
largening 17 16 LARGEN, to enlarge,...
lariating 17 13 LARIAT, to catch wit...
larruping 20 17 LARRUP, to flog or t...
lathering 19 15 LATHER, to cover wit...
latticing 21 16 latticework [n -S]
launching 22 20 the act of making a...
laureling 18 15 LAUREL, to crown wit...
laveering 18 17 LAVEER, (archaic) to...
lavishing 22 19 LAVISH, to give gene...
lavolting 20 18 LAVOLT, to dance wit...
lawgiving 24 22 the giving of law [n...
lawmaking 22 23 the process of makin...
lawyering 26 18 working as a member...
leadening 15 15 LEADEN, to make lead...
leasowing 19 16 LEASOW, to pasture,...
leavening 17 18 the production of fe...
lechering 22 18 LECHER, to lust [v]
lecturing 21 17 LECTURE, to expound...
ledgering 18 16 LEDGER, to fish with...
leisuring 18 14 LEISURE, to have rec...
lenifying 25 19 LENIFY, (archaic) to...
lesioning 16 14 LESION, to cause les...
lessening 16 14 the act of making le...
lessoning 16 14 the act of teaching...
lettering 17 13 the act of impressin...
levanting 18 18 LEVANT, to run away...
levelling 21 19 LEVEL, to make even...
libelling 22 18 the act of making a...
librating 20 16 LIBRATE, to oscillat...
licencing 23 20 LICENCE, to issue or...
licensing 20 17 LICENSE, to issue or...
lichening 22 19 LICHEN, to cover wit...
lightning 21 18 to flash with lightn...
limbering 21 19 LIMBER, to make supp...
lingering 18 16 remaining [adj LINGE...
linishing 20 16 the act of giving a...
lionising 17 14 LIONISE, to treat as...
lionizing 20 23 LIONIZE, to treat as...
lippening 21 20 LIPPEN, (Scots) to t...
lippering 22 19 LIPPER, to ripple [v...
liquating 26 23 LIQUATE, to separate...
liquoring 26 23 LIQUOR, to intoxicat...
listening 17 14 the act of trying to...
litterbag 20 15 a bag for litter [n...
litterbug 21 16 someone who creates...
littering 18 13 LITTER, to scatter r...
loadening 15 15 LOADEN, (archaic) to...
locusting 21 17 LOCUST, to lay waste...
loitering 17 13 standing idly [adj L...
lolloping 21 18 LOLLOP, to lounge, a...
loosening 15 14 the act of making lo...
loppering 21 19 LOPPER, (Scots) to c...
loudening 16 16 LOUDEN, to increase...
lowsening 19 17 the celebration of a...
lumbering 21 20 walking heavily [adj...
lustering 18 14 LUSTER, to make lust...
machining 22 21 MACHINE, to process...
maddening 16 18 MADDEN, to make or b...
madefying 25 21 MADEFY, (archaic) to...
magicking 23 24 MAGIC, to work spell...
maistring 18 15 (obsolete) mastering...
makutuing 19 21 MAKUTU, to cast a sp...
maligning 19 19 MALIGN, to speak evi...
mammering 19 21 MAMMER, (Shakespeare...
manacling 20 20 MANACLE, to handcuff...
mandating 16 17 MANDATE, to issue wi...
manriding 17 17 used of equipment on...
mapmaking 21 25 the process of makin...
marauding 17 17 the act of wandering...
margining 18 18 MARGIN, to provide w...
marketing 18 19 the business process...
marooning 15 16 the act of abandonin...
marrowing 20 18 MARROW, to be a mate...
martyring 24 17 MARTYR, to put someo...
marveling 20 20 MARVEL, to be filled...
marvering 19 19 MARVER, to roll glas...
massaging 18 17 MASSAGE, to knead or...
mastering 17 15 the act of becoming...
mattering 17 15 MATTER, to be of imp...
maulgring 20 19 MAULGRE, to show spi...
measuring 17 16 the act of taking a...
medalling 19 18 MEDAL, to honour wit...
mediating 17 16 MEDIATE, to act as a...
meekening 16 20 MEEKEN, to make meek...
mellowing 22 20 MELLOW, to make matu...
mentoring 16 16 the act of serving a...
messaging 18 17 the act of sending a...
metalling 19 17 road metal, broken s...
mickeying 28 24 MICKEY, to drug a dr...
microblog 24 21 a blog in which ther...
midwifing 24 22 MIDWIFE, to assist a...
midwiving 24 23 MIDWIVE, to assist a...
migrating 19 17 MIGRATE, to move fro...
mildening 18 18 MILDEN, to make mild...
mildewing 22 20 MILDEW, to grow a wh...
mimicking 24 25 MIMIC, to imitate [v...
miniating 17 16 MINIATE, to decorate...
minifying 26 21 MINIFY, to diminish,...
minishing 20 18 MINISH, (archaic) to...
minueting 17 17 MINUET, to dance a m...
mirroring 18 15 the act of reflectin...
misacting 21 18 MISACT, to act badly...
misadding 18 17 MISADD, to add incor...
misaiming 19 18 MISAIM, to aim badly...
misciting 22 18 MISCITE, to cite wro...
miscoding 21 19 MISCODE, to code wro...
miscueing 21 19 MISCUE, to make a fa...
misdating 18 16 MISDATE, to date inc...
miseating 17 15 MISEAT, to eat impro...
misfaring 20 18 (Spenser) wrongdoing...
misfiling 22 19 MISFILE, to file in...
misfiring 21 18 MISFIRE, to fail to...
misgiving 22 21 an apprehension [n -...
miskeying 25 21 MISKEY, to key in da...
mislaying 25 18 MISLAY, to put in a...
misliking 21 20 the act of misliking...
misliving 22 20 MISLIVE, to live a b...
mismaking 20 22 MISMAKE, to make inc...
mismating 19 18 MISMATE, to mate uns...
mismoving 21 22 MISMOVE, to move wro...
misnaming 18 19 MISNAME, to call by...
mispaging 21 20 MISPAGE, to page inc...
misrating 18 15 MISRATE, to rate inc...
misruling 20 17 MISRULE, to rule unw...
missaying 24 17 the act of saying in...
misseeing 17 15 MISSEE, to see wrong...
mistaking 19 19 (Shakespeare) a mist...
mistering 18 15 MISTER, to address a...
mistiming 20 18 the act of timing wr...
mistuning 18 17 MISTUNE, to tune inc...
mistyping 27 20 MISTYPE, to type inc...
misyoking 25 21 MISYOKE, to yoke imp...
mithering 20 17 MITHER, to confuse,...
mockering 21 22 MOCKER, to clothe [v...
modelling 19 18 the act of modelling...
modifying 26 21 MODIFY, to alter sli...
moidering 17 16 MOIDER, to confuse,...
moldering 18 17 MOLDER, to turn to d...
molesting 18 16 MOLEST, to touch or...
mongering 17 18 trading in a particu...
monishing 19 18 MONISH, to admonish;...
monkeying 23 22 MONKEY, to mimic [v]
montaging 17 18 MONTAGE, to combine...
monthling 20 19 (archaic) a month-ol...
monthlong 19 19 lasting for a month...
moralling 19 17 MORAL, (archaic) to...
morrising 18 15 MORRIS, to dance the...
morseling 18 16 MORSEL, to divide in...
mortaring 17 15 MORTAR, to bind with...
morticing 21 18 MORTICE, to join or...
mortising 18 15 MORTISE, to join or...
mothering 19 17 the act of mothering...
motioning 16 16 MOTION, to direct by...
moutering 17 16 MOUTER, to take mout...
muckering 22 23 MUCKER, to squander...
mullahing 22 20 MULLAH, to inflict a...
mullering 20 18 MULLER, to inflict a...
multidrug 21 18 involving many diffe...
multuring 20 18 MULTURE, to take a f...
mummering 20 22 a Christmas time hou...
mummichog 26 26 (Native American) an...
munifying 26 22 MUNIFY, to fortify,...
murdering 18 17 MURDER, to kill unla...
murmuring 20 20 MURMUR, to make a su...
musicking 23 23 MUSICK, to compose m...
mustering 18 16 MUSTER, to gather to...
mutinying 24 19 MUTINY, to revolt ag...
muttering 18 16 making a muttering s...
myspacing 29 23 MYSPACE, to search f...
mythising 27 19 MYTHISE, to tell a t...
mythizing 30 28 MYTHIZE, to tell a t...
napalming 19 20 NAPALM, to assault w...
narrating 15 13 NARRATE, to tell a s...
narrowing 18 16 the act of making na...
nattering 15 13 NATTER, to chatter [...
naysaying 27 17 the act of saying no...
nazifying 27 27 NAZIFY, to become li...
neatening 13 14 NEATEN, to make neat...
necrosing 18 16 NECROSE, to affect w...
neutering 15 14 NEUTER, to castrate...
nevelling 19 19 NEVEL, (Scots) to po...
nichering 21 18 NICHER, (Scots) to n...
nickeling 21 21 NICKEL, to plate wit...
nickering 20 20 NICKER, (Scots) to n...
nictating 19 16 NICTATE, to wink [v]
niddering 16 15 (Old English) an inf...
niderling 17 15 (Old English) an inf...
nidgeting 17 16 NIDGET, to assist a...
nidifying 25 19 NIDIFY, to nest [v]
nielloing 17 15 NIELLO, to decorate...
niffering 20 19 NIFFER, (Scots) to b...
niggering 18 17 NIGGER, to exhaust b...
nightlong 20 18 lasting all night [a...
nippering 20 19 NIPPER, to seize two...
nithering 18 15 NITHER, (dialect) to...
nitrating 16 13 NITRATE, to treat wi...
nitriding 17 14 conversion into a ni...
nocheling 21 19 NOCHEL, to repudiate...
nonacting 17 17 acting that is of po...
nonbiting 17 17 not biting [adj]
nonbuying 23 20 not buying [adj]
noncaking 18 21 not caking [adj]
noncoding 17 18 of DNA, not contribu...
noncoking 18 21 not coking [adj]
nondrying 21 17 that does not dry [a...
nonending 13 16 not ending [adj]
nonfading 16 18 not fading [adj]
nonflying 24 20 not flying [adj]
nonjuring 17 24 not swearing allegia...
nonliving 18 19 not living [adj] / s...
nonloving 17 19 not loving [adj]
nonmoving 17 21 not moving [adj]
nonpaying 22 19 not paying [adj]
nonruling 16 16 not ruling [adj]
nonvoting 16 18 not voting [adj]
notifying 24 18 NOTIFY, to inform [v...
noursling 17 15 NOURSLE, to foster,...
nuggeting 18 18 NUGGET, to polish sh...
numbering 19 20 the act of numbering...
nurseling 17 15 an infant that is be...
nurturing 17 15 NURTURE, to nourish...
obelising 19 16 OBELISE, to mark wit...
obelizing 22 25 OBELIZE, to mark wit...
objecting 23 27 OBJECT, to argue in...
obliquing 28 26 OBLIQUE, (obsolete)...
obscuring 22 19 OBSCURE, to make ind...
observing 20 19 OBSERVE, to look att...
obsessing 18 15 OBSESS, to dominate...
obsigning 19 18 OBSIGN, to seal or c...
obtaining 17 16 OBTAIN, to gain poss...
obtending 17 17 OBTEND, (obsolete) t...
obtesting 18 15 OBTEST, to beseech,...
obtruding 19 17 the act of obtruding...
obtunding 18 18 OBTUND, to blunt, de...
obverting 20 19 OBVERT, to turn, to...
obviating 20 19 OBVIATE, to forestal...
occluding 24 21 OCCLUDE, to stop up...
occulting 24 20 OCCULT, to hide or m...
occupying 31 24 OCCUPY, to reside in...
occurring 23 19 OCCUR, to take place...
octupling 23 20 OCTUPLE, to multiply...
odorising 16 13 ODORISE, to make odo...
odorizing 19 22 ODORIZE, to make odo...
offending 19 20 OFFEND, to commit a...
offspring 23 21 progeny [n -S]
olfacting 22 19 OLFACT, to smell som...
omnifying 25 21 OMNIFY, to make univ...
onloading 15 15 ONLOAD, to load a ve...
onlooking 16 18 watching [adj]
onrushing 18 16 rushing forward [adj...
onsetting 15 13 an incitement [n -S]
onshoring 17 15 the practice of empl...
oompahing 20 20 OOMPAH, to play a re...
operating 17 15 OPERATE, to perform...
oppugning 21 22 OPPUGN, to assail wi...
optioning 17 16 OPTION, to grant the...
ordaining 15 14 ORDAIN, to invest wi...
orgasming 18 17 ORGASM, to experienc...
orienting 15 13 ORIENT, to determine...
orphaning 19 18 ORPHAN, to deprive o...
ossifying 25 17 OSSIFY, to change in...
ostenting 15 13 OSTENT, to show off...
oughlying 27 20 OUGHLY, to make ugly...
ouglieing 18 16 OUGLIE, to make ugly...
outacting 19 16 OUTACT, to surpass i...
outadding 16 15 OUTADD, to surpass i...
outasking 17 17 OUTASK, to surpass i...
outbaking 19 20 OUTBAKE, to surpass...
outboxing 24 23 OUTBOX, to surpass i...
outbuying 25 19 OUTBUY, to surpass i...
outcrying 26 18 OUTCRY, to cry loude...
outdaring 16 14 OUTDARE, to surpass...
outdating 16 14 OUTDATE, to make out...
outduring 17 15 OUTDURE, (obsolete)...
outeating 15 13 OUTEAT, to surpass i...
outfacing 21 19 OUTFACE, to confront...
outfiring 19 16 OUTFIRE, to surpass...
outflying 26 19 OUTFLY, to surpass i...
outfoxing 24 23 OUTFOX, to outwit [v...
outgazing 20 24 OUTGAZE, to surpass...
outgiving 20 19 the act of outgiving...
outhiring 19 15 OUTHIRE, to hire out...
outhyring 25 17 OUTHYRE, (Spenser) t...
outlawing 20 17 OUTLAW, to prohibit...
outlaying 23 16 OUTLAY, to pay out [...
outlining 17 15 OUTLINE, to make a g...
outliving 20 18 OUTLIVE, to live lon...
outloving 19 18 OUTLOVE, to surpass...
outmoding 17 17 OUTMODE, to put out...
outmoving 19 20 OUTMOVE, to move fas...
outnaming 16 17 OUTNAME, to exceed i...
outpacing 21 19 OUTPACE, to move fas...
outracing 19 16 OUTRACE, to run fast...
outraging 17 15 OUTRAGE, to arouse a...
outrating 16 13 OUTRATE, to surpass...
outraving 18 17 OUTRAVE, to surpass...
outriding 17 14 OUTRIDE, to ride fas...
outrowing 19 16 OUTROW, to surpass i...
outsaying 22 15 OUTSAY, to surpass i...
outseeing 15 13 OUTSEE, to see beyon...
outsprang 18 16 OUTSPRING, to spring...
outspring 19 16 to spring out [v OUT...
outsprung 19 17 OUTSPRING, to spring...
outtaking 17 17 OUTTAKE, to take out...
outvoting 18 17 OUTVOTE, to defeat b...
outwiling 21 17 OUTWILE, to surpass...
overawing 20 19 OVERAWE, to subdue b...
overdoing 17 17 OVERDO, to do to exc...
overeying 23 18 OVEREYE, to survey [...
overgoing 18 18 a passing over [n -S...
overlying 25 19 OVERLIE, to lie abov...
overswing 21 19 an excessive swing [...
overswung 21 20 OVERSWING [v]
overusing 18 17 OVERUSE, to use too...
ovulating 19 18 OVULATE, to produce...
oxalating 22 20 OXALATE, to treat wi...
oxidating 22 20 OXIDATE, to combine...
oxidising 23 20 OXIDISE, to combine...
oxidizing 26 29 OXIDIZE, to combine...
oystering 22 14 gathering oysters [n...
ozonating 17 22 OZONATE, to treat wi...
ozonising 18 22 OZONISE, to convert...
ozonizing 21 31 OZONIZE, to convert...
pacifying 30 23 PACIFY, to make peac...
packaging 23 24 anything used to pac...
packeting 22 22 PACKET, to make into...
palleting 20 17 PALLET, to load onto...
palpating 21 19 PALPATE, to examine...
paltering 19 16 PALTER, to talk or a...
pampering 21 21 PAMPER, to treat wit...
pancaking 21 23 PANCAKE, to land an...
pandaring 17 17 PANDAR, to act as a...
pandering 17 17 PANDER, to act as a...
panelling 19 18 material with which...
panfrying 26 21 PANFRY, to fry in a...
panicking 22 23 PANIC, to experience...
pantiling 19 17 pantiles collectivel...
parabling 21 19 PARABLE, to represen...
paraphing 22 20 PARAPH, to append a...
parbaking 21 22 PARBAKE, to bake par...
parceling 22 19 PARCEL, to divide in...
pardoning 17 17 the act of pardoning...
parenting 17 16 PARENT, to act as fa...
pargeting 19 17 ornamental plasterwo...
parlaying 25 18 PARLAY, to wager ori...
parleying 25 18 PARLEY, to discuss t...
parodying 24 18 PARODY, to imitate i...
parroting 18 15 PARROT, to repeat wi...
partaking 19 19 the act of partaking...
pasearing 17 15 PASEAR, to take a wa...
passaging 19 17 PASSAGE, to make a v...
passalong 18 16 easily propagated an...
pastoring 18 15 PASTOR, to serve as...
pasturing 19 16 PASTURE, to put out...
patenting 17 16 PATENT, to obtain a...
pattening 17 16 PATTEN, (obsolete) t...
pattering 18 15 PATTER, to talk rapi...
paunching 23 22 PAUNCH, to disembowe...
paupering 20 19 PAUPER, to reduce to...
pectising 22 18 PECTISE, to congeal...
pectizing 25 27 PECTIZE, to congeal...
pedalling 20 18 the act of pedalling...
peengeing 17 18 PEENGE, (Scots) to w...
peincting 21 19 PEINCT, (obsolete) t...
pelleting 20 17 PELLET, to hit with...
peltering 19 16 PELTER, to shower bl...
penancing 19 20 PENANCE, to impose a...
penciling 22 20 the art or act of pa...
penticing 21 19 PENTICE, to provide...
pentising 18 16 PENTISE, to provide...
peppering 22 21 a seasoning with pep...
peptising 21 18 PEPTISE, to form a c...
peptizing 24 27 PEPTIZE, to form a c...
perduring 19 17 PERDURE, to continue...
perfuming 22 22 PERFUME, to fill wit...
perfusing 21 19 PERFUSE, to diffuse...
perilling 21 17 PERIL, to put in dan...
perioding 18 16 PERIOD, (Shakespeare...
perishing 21 17 PERISH, to die [v]
perjuring 21 25 PERJURE, to make a p...
permuting 20 19 PERMUTE, to alter th...
pertaking 19 19 PERTAKE, to particip...
pervading 20 20 PERVADE, to permeate...
pestering 18 15 PESTER, to bother [v...
petnaping 19 19 the kidnap of a pet...
phialling 23 19 PHIAL, to keep in a...
phillabeg 25 21 (Gaelic) the kilt, a...
phillibeg 26 21 (Gaelic) the kilt, a...
philtring 23 18 PHILTRE, to put unde...
phonating 19 18 PHONATE, to produce...
phoneying 25 20 PHONEY, to fake, cou...
photoblog 23 20 a blog in the form o...
phreaking 21 21 making illegal phone...
pickaxing 29 29 PICKAX, to use a too...
picketing 23 22 standing outside som...
picturing 23 19 PICTURE, to form a l...
piecening 20 19 PIECEN, to join the...
pigeoning 18 18 PIGEON, to gull or h...
pilfering 22 19 petty theft [n -S]
pillaging 22 19 the act of plunderin...
pillaring 21 17 PILLAR, to supply wi...
pillowing 24 20 PILLOW, to rest on a...
pincering 21 19 PINCER, to grip in p...
pinioning 17 17 PINION, to remove th...
pinkening 18 21 PINKEN, to become pi...
pipetting 21 18 PIPET [v]
piqueting 27 25 PIQUET, to act as a...
pistoling 20 16 PISTOL, to shoot wit...
pittering 19 15 PITTER, to sound lik...
placating 22 19 PLACATE, to concilia...
plainsong 18 17 unmeasured, unaccomp...
planching 24 22 PLANCH, to floor, bo...
plantling 20 18 a small plant, also...
playgoing 26 20 the practice of visi...
plaything 28 20 something to play wi...
pleaching 24 21 PLEACH, to weave tog...
pleuching 25 22 PLEUCH, (Scots) to p...
pleughing 23 21 PLEUGH, (Scots) to p...
plicating 23 19 PLICATE, to pleat, f...
plighting 24 20 PLIGHT, to make a so...
ploughing 23 21 the act of ploughing...
pochaying 29 22 POCHAY, to transport...
pocketing 22 22 POCKET, to place in...
podiuming 20 20 PODIUM, to win a pla...
poetising 18 15 POETISE, to write po...
poetizing 21 24 POETIZE, to write po...
pogroming 20 20 POGROM, to massacre...
poisoning 17 16 the act of administe...
poldering 19 17 POLDER, to reclaim l...
poleaxing 24 23 POLEAX, to strike wi...
polishing 22 18 the act of polishing...
pollaxing 26 24 POLLAXE, to strike w...
pollening 19 18 POLLEN, to cover or...
polluting 21 18 POLLUTE, to make unc...
pommeling 21 22 POMMEL, to strike wi...
pompeying 27 23 POMPEY, (Dickens) to...
pondering 17 17 PONDER, to consider...
popjoying 28 29 POPJOY, to amuse one...
poppering 22 21 a variety of pear, a...
portaging 19 17 PORTAGE, to transpor...
portering 18 15 PORTER, to carry lug...
posseting 18 15 POSSET, to curdle [v...
possuming 20 19 POSSUM, to feign ign...
postering 18 15 POSTER, to stick bil...
postiling 20 16 POSTIL, to gloss [v]
posturing 19 16 the act of striking...
potashing 20 17 POTASH, to treat wit...
potatobug 20 18 the Colorado beetle...
pothering 20 17 POTHER, to make a co...
potholing 21 18 the sport of explori...
pottering 18 15 busying oneself with...
pounching 23 22 (Spenser) punching [...
poursuing 19 17 POURSUE, (Spenser) t...
powdering 21 19 the act of applying...
powtering 21 18 POWTER, (Scots) to p...
powwowing 27 24 POWWOW, to hold such...
poysoning 23 18 POYSON, (obsolete) t...
prancking 22 23 PRANCKE, (obsolete)...
prankling 20 21 PRANKLE, to prance l...
prattling 20 16 PRATTLE, to talk at...
prauncing 21 20 PRAUNCE, (Spenser) t...
preaching 23 20 advocating urgently...
preacting 21 18 PREACT, to act befor...
prearming 19 18 PREARM, to arm befor...
preassing 18 15 PREASSE, to press, a...
prebaking 21 22 PREBAKE, to bake bef...
prebuying 27 21 PREBUY, to buy befor...
preceding 21 19 PRECEDE, to go befor...
precising 22 18 PRECIS, to make a co...
precoding 21 19 PRECODE, to code bef...
precuring 22 19 PRECURE, to cure bef...
predating 18 16 PREDATE, to date bef...
predrying 25 18 PREDRY, to dry befor...
prefacing 23 21 PREFACE, to introduc...
prefading 20 19 PREFADE, to fade bef...
prefiling 22 19 PREFILE, to file bef...
prefiring 21 18 PREFIRE, to fire bef...
prefixing 27 25 PREFIX, to add to th...
prehiring 21 17 before hiring [adj]
preluding 20 18 PRELUDE, to play a m...
premising 20 18 PREMISE, to state in...
premixing 26 25 PREMIX, to mix befor...
premoving 21 22 PREMOVE, to incite o...
preparing 20 18 PREPARE, to get read...
prepaving 22 22 PREPAVE, to pave bef...
prepaying 26 20 PREPAY, to pay in ad...
preponing 19 19 PREPONE, to bring fo...
preposing 20 18 PREPOSE, to place a...
presaging 19 17 PRESAGE, to foretell...
presiding 19 16 PRESIDE, to occupy t...
pressgang 19 17 a squad of sailors f...
presuming 20 19 PRESUME, to take for...
pretaping 20 18 PRETAPE, to tape bef...
prettying 25 17 PRETTY, to make attr...
pretyping 27 20 PRETYPE, to type bef...
prevening 19 20 PREVENE, to precede,...
prevising 21 19 PREVISE, to foresee...
prewiring 22 18 PREWIRE, to wire bef...
prickling 25 23 the act of prickling...
priesting 19 15 PRIEST, to ordain as...
prisoning 18 16 PRISON, to imprison...
probating 20 18 PROBATE, to establis...
procuring 22 19 the act of obtaining...
producing 22 20 PRODUCE, to bring in...
profaning 19 19 PROFANE, to treat wi...
profiling 22 19 the process of compi...
profiting 21 18 the act of profiting...
proigning 19 18 PROIGN, (obsolete) t...
prolating 19 16 PROLATE, to lengthen...
prologing 20 18 PROLOG, to preface,...
promising 20 18 PROMISE, to make a d...
promoting 19 18 PROMOTE, to help for...
prompting 22 21 the act of supplying...
pronating 17 16 PRONATE, to turn the...
propaging 21 20 PROPAGE, to propagat...
propaling 21 19 PROPALE, (Scots) to...
propining 20 19 PROPINE, (archaic) t...
proponing 19 19 PROPONE, to propose,...
proposing 20 18 PROPOSE, to put forw...
prorating 18 15 PRORATE, to divide p...
providing 21 20 PROVIDE, to supply [...
provining 20 20 PROVINE, to propagat...
provoking 21 23 PROVOKE, to arouse t...
prusiking 21 20 PRUSIK, to climb usi...
puckering 23 23 PUCKER, to gather in...
puddening 18 19 a pad of rope used a...
puddering 19 18 PUDDER, to make a tu...
pulleying 27 20 PULLEY, to hoist wit...
pulsating 20 17 PULSATE, to expand a...
pulvering 22 21 PULVER, to reduce to...
pummeling 22 23 PUMMEL, to strike wi...
punishing 21 19 PUNISH, to impose a...
purifying 28 21 PURIFY, to cleanse f...
purposing 21 19 PURPOSE, to intend t...
pursewing 22 19 PURSEW, (Spenser) to...
purveying 27 22 PURVEY, to supply [v...
puttering 19 16 PUTTER, to occupy on...
quackling 30 30 QUACKLE, to choke; t...
quaereing 23 22 QUAERE, to inquire o...
quarrying 31 24 the act of quarrying...
quatching 30 27 QUATCH, (dialect) to...
quavering 26 26 shaky [adj QUAVERING...
quelching 31 28 QUELCH, to squash we...
quenching 29 28 the act of quenching...
quetching 30 27 QUETCH, (dialect) to...
quibbling 31 29 arguing over trivial...
quiddling 27 25 QUIDDLE, (dialect) t...
quiescing 28 25 QUIESCE, to quieten...
quighting 29 26 QUIGHT, (Spenser) to...
quinching 30 28 QUINCHE, (Spenser) t...
quitching 31 27 QUITCH, (Spenser) to...
quivering 27 26 shaking with a sligh...
rabatting 18 15 RABATTE, (French) to...
rabbeting 20 18 RABBET, to join by a...
rabbiting 21 18 the act of hunting r...
racegoing 19 17 attendance at race m...
racheting 21 17 RACHET, to move by a...
racketing 20 19 RACKET, to make a lo...
radiating 16 13 RADIATE, to emit ray...
radiusing 17 14 RADIUS, to give a ro...
raftering 18 15 rafters collectively...
ragouting 17 15 RAGOUT, to make into...
ramifying 26 20 RAMIFY, to divide in...
rampaging 20 20 the act of rampaging...
ransoming 16 16 RANSOM, to pay a pri...
rappeling 21 19 RAPPEL, to descend f...
rapturing 19 16 RAPTURE, to fill wit...
rarefying 24 17 RAREFY, to make less...
rarifying 25 17 RARIFY, to make less...
rastering 16 12 RASTER, to create a...
ratifying 25 17 RATIFY, to approve a...
rationing 15 13 distribution in fixe...
ratooning 14 13 RATOON, to sprout fr...
rattening 15 13 compelling obedience...
rattlebag 19 15 a rattle or rattling...
raunching 21 19 RAUNCH, (Spenser) to...
ravelling 20 18 a ravelled out threa...
ravishing 21 18 RAVISH, to seize and...
rawhiding 22 18 RAWHIDE, to beat wit...
realising 17 13 REALISE, to accompli...
realizing 20 22 REALIZE, to accompli...
reallying 24 16 REALLY, to ally agai...
rearguing 17 15 REARGUE, to argue ag...
rearising 16 12 REARISE, to arise ag...
reasoning 14 13 the derivation of in...
reavowing 20 19 REAVOW, to vow again...
reawaking 19 19 REAWAKE, to awake ag...
rebacking 22 22 REBACK, to replace t...
rebadging 19 18 REBADGE, to market a...
rebaiting 18 15 REBAIT, to bait agai...
rebelling 20 17 REBEL, to oppose aut...
rebidding 19 17 REBID, to bid again...
rebilling 21 17 REBILL, to bill agai...
rebinding 18 17 REBIND, to bind agai...
rebodying 24 18 REBODY, to renew the...
reboiling 19 16 REBOIL, to boil agai...
rebooking 18 19 REBOOK, to book agai...
rebooting 17 15 REBOOT, to renew the...
rebracing 21 18 REBRACE, to brace ag...
rebuffing 23 22 REBUFF, to reject or...
reburying 25 18 REBURY, to bury agai...
rebutting 19 16 REBUT, to prove to b...
recalling 21 17 RECALL, to call back...
recanting 18 16 RECANT, to make a fo...
recapping 23 21 RECAP, (short for) r...
recasting 19 15 RECAST, to cast agai...
recatalog 19 15 to catalog again, al...
receiving 21 19 the act of receiving...
recensing 18 16 RECENSE, to revise c...
recessing 19 15 RECESS, to place in...
rechewing 24 20 RECHEW, to chew agai...
reckoning 19 20 the act of reckoning...
reclining 20 17 RECLINE, to lean or...
reclosing 20 16 RECLOSE, to close ag...
recoaling 19 16 RECOAL, to refill wi...
recoating 18 15 RECOAT, to coat agai...
recocking 23 22 RECOCK, to cock agai...
recoiling 20 16 RECOIL, to draw back...
recoining 18 16 RECOIN, to coin agai...
recombing 22 21 RECOMB, to comb agai...
reconning 17 17 RECON, to conduct a...
recooking 19 19 RECOOK, to cook agai...
recopying 27 20 RECOPY, to copy agai...
recording 19 16 a record of sound or...
recorking 20 19 RECORK, to cork agai...
recouping 21 19 RECOUP, to get back...
recouring 19 16 RECOURE, to recover,...
recoyling 26 18 RECOYLE, (Spenser) t...
recrating 19 15 RECRATE, to crate ag...
recuiling 21 17 RECUILE, (Spenser) t...
recurring 20 16 RECUR, to come aroun...
recurving 22 20 RECURVE, to bend bac...
recutting 20 16 RECUT, to cut again...
recycling 30 21 the act of reclaimin...
redacting 19 16 REDACT, to prepare f...
reddening 15 15 REDDEN, to make or b...
redealing 16 14 REDEAL, to deal agai...
redeeming 16 16 REDEEM, to buy back...
redefying 24 18 REDEFY, to defy agai...
redenying 21 16 REDENY, to deny agai...
redialing 17 14 REDIAL, to dial agai...
redipping 21 19 REDIP, to dip again...
redlining 17 15 refusing to serve pa...
redocking 20 20 REDOCK, to dock agai...
redonning 14 15 REDON, to don again...
redrawing 19 16 REDRAW, to draw agai...
redriving 19 17 REDRIVE, to drive ag...
redubbing 21 20 REDUB, to dub again...
reearning 14 13 REEARN, to earn agai...
reechoing 20 17 REECHO, to echo back...
reediting 16 13 REEDIT, to edit agai...
reevoking 18 20 REEVOKE, to evoke ag...
refalling 20 17 REFALL, to fall agai...
refecting 21 18 REFECT, to refresh w...
refeeding 17 16 REFEED, to feed agai...
refeeling 18 16 REFEEL, to feel agai...
refelling 20 17 REFEL, (obsolete) to...
refencing 20 19 REFENCE, to fence ag...
referring 18 15 REFER, to direct to...
refilling 21 17 REFILL, to fill agai...
refilming 21 19 REFILM, to film agai...
refinding 18 17 REFIND, to find agai...
refitting 19 15 the act of refitting...
reflating 19 16 REFLATE, to inflate...
reflexing 25 23 REFLEX, to bend back...
reflowing 22 19 the act of reflowing...
refluxing 26 24 REFLUX, to cause to...
refolding 19 17 REFOLD, to fold agai...
refooting 17 15 REFOOT, to replace t...
reforging 19 17 REFORGE, to forge ag...
reforming 19 18 the act of reforming...
reframing 19 18 REFRAME, to put in a...
refueling 19 17 the act of adding ne...
refunding 18 18 REFUND, to give back...
refurbing 21 19 REFURB, (colloquial)...
regaining 16 15 REGAIN, to take poss...
regarding 17 15 REGARD, to look upon...
regauging 18 17 REGAUGE, to adjust t...
regearing 16 14 REGEAR, to equip aga...
regesting 17 14 REGEST, (Milton) to...
regifting 20 17 REGIFT, to take a gi...
regilding 19 16 REGILD, to gild once...
reglazing 21 24 REGLAZE, to glaze ag...
reglowing 21 18 REGLOW, to glow agai...
regorging 18 16 REGORGE, to disgorge...
regrading 17 15 REGRADE, to grade ag...
regrating 17 14 buying and selling a...
regreding 17 15 REGREDE, to retrogra...
regrowing 20 17 REGROW, to grow agai...
rehabbing 22 20 REHAB, to restore to...
rehanging 18 17 REHANG, to hang agai...
rehashing 20 16 REHASH, to go over o...
rehearing 17 14 the act of rehearing...
reheating 17 14 the act of heating a...
reheeling 18 15 REHEEL, to replace t...
rehemming 20 20 REHEM, to take up th...
rehinging 19 17 REHINGE, to hinge ag...
rehousing 18 15 the act of putting i...
reimaging 18 17 REIMAGE, to fix the...
reissuing 17 13 REISSUE, to issue ag...
reitering 16 12 REITER, to reiterate...
rejecting 21 24 REJECT, to refuse to...
rejigging 21 25 REJIG, to fix someth...
rejoicing 21 24 joyful [adj REJOICIN...
rejoining 17 22 REJOIN, to join agai...
rejudging 20 25 REJUDGE, to judge ag...
relanding 16 15 RELAND, to land agai...
relapsing 19 16 RELAPSE, to slip bac...
releasing 16 13 RELEASE, to set free...
relending 16 15 RELEND, to lend agai...
relenting 16 14 the act of relenting...
reletting 17 13 RELET, to let again...
relieving 19 17 RELIEVE, to free fro...
relinking 18 18 RELINK, to link agai...
relishing 20 15 RELISH, to enjoy [v]
relisting 18 13 RELIST, to list agai...
reloading 16 14 RELOAD, to load agai...
reloaning 15 14 RELOAN, to loan agai...
relocking 21 20 RELOCK, to lock agai...
relooking 17 17 RELOOK, to look agai...
relucting 21 17 RELUCT, (archaic) to...
remailing 18 16 REMAIL, to post agai...
remaining 16 16 REMAIN, to continue...
remanding 16 17 REMAND, to send back...
remanning 15 17 REMAN, to supply a f...
remapping 21 21 REMAP, to map again...
remarking 18 19 REMARK, to say brief...
remeading 16 16 REMEAD, (Scots) to r...
remedying 23 18 REMEDY, to relieve o...
remeeting 16 15 REMEET, to meet agai...
remeiding 17 16 REMEID, (Scots) to r...
remelting 18 16 REMELT, to melt agai...
remending 16 17 REMEND, to mend agai...
remerging 18 17 REMERGE, to merge ag...
reminding 17 17 REMIND, to cause to...
reminting 17 16 REMINT, to melt down...
remitting 18 15 REMIT, to send payme...
remolding 18 17 REMOLD, to retread a...
renaguing 16 16 RENAGUE, to refuse,...
renailing 16 14 RENAIL, to nail agai...
rendering 15 14 a first coat of plas...
reneguing 16 16 RENEGUE, to refuse,...
renesting 15 13 RENEST, to nest agai...
renigging 18 17 RENIG, (Irish) to re...
renowning 17 17 RENOWN, to make famo...
reopening 16 16 the act of opening a...
repacking 22 22 REPACK, to pack agai...
repairing 18 15 REPAIR, to restore t...
reparking 19 19 REPARK, to park agai...
repassing 18 15 REPASS, to pass agai...
repasting 18 15 REPAST, to partake o...
repealing 18 16 REPEAL, to revoke [v...
repeating 17 15 the act of repeating...
repegging 20 19 REPEG, to peg again...
repelling 20 17 REPEL, to drive back...
repenting 17 16 REPENT, to regret an...
reperking 19 19 REPERK, to brew agai...
repinning 17 17 REPIN, to pin again...
repiquing 27 25 REPIQUE, to score in...
replacing 22 19 REPLACE, to put back...
replating 19 16 REPLATE, to plate ag...
replaying 25 18 REPLAY, to play agai...
repleting 19 16 REPLETE, to fill com...
replowing 22 19 REPLOW, to plow agai...
repolling 20 17 REPOLL, to poll agai...
reporting 18 15 giving an account of...
reposting 18 15 REPOST, to post agai...
repotting 18 15 the act of repotting...
repouring 18 16 REPOUR, to pour agai...
repricing 22 18 REPRICE, to price ag...
repriming 20 18 REPRIME, to prime ag...
reprising 19 15 REPRISE, to take bac...
repriving 21 19 REPRIVE, (Spenser) t...
reprizing 22 24 REPRIZE, (Spenser) t...
reprobing 20 18 REPROBE, to probe ag...
reproving 20 19 REPROVE, to reprove...
repryving 27 21 REPRYVE, (Spenser) t...
repugning 19 19 REPUGN, to fight aga...
repulping 22 20 REPULP, to pulp agai...
repulsing 20 17 REPULSE, to drive ba...
repumping 22 22 REPUMP, to pump agai...
requering 24 22 REQUERE, (Spenser) t...
requiring 25 22 the act of requiring...
requiting 25 22 REQUITE, to repay [v...
requoting 24 22 REQUOTE, to quote ag...
reracking 20 19 RERACK, to rack agai...
rerailing 17 13 the act of replacing...
reraising 16 12 RERAISE, to raise ag...
rereading 15 13 the act of rereading...
rerenting 15 13 RERENT, to rent agai...
rerigging 19 16 RERIG, to rig again...
rerolling 18 14 REROLL, to roll agai...
reroofing 17 15 REROOF, to renew the...
rerouting 16 13 REROUTE, to choose a...
rerunning 15 15 RERUN, to show a rep...
resailing 17 13 RESAIL, to sail agai...
rescaling 20 16 RESCALE, to plan to...
rescoring 19 15 RESCORE, to score ag...
resealing 16 13 RESEAL, to seal agai...
reseating 15 12 RESEAT, to seat agai...
resecting 19 15 RESECT, to cut away...
reseeding 15 13 RESEED, to seed agai...
reseeking 16 16 RESEEK, to seek agai...
reseizing 19 21 RESEIZE, (Spenser) t...
reselling 18 14 RESELL, to sell agai...
resending 15 14 RESEND, to send agai...
resenting 15 13 RESENT, to feel affr...
reserving 18 16 RESERVE, to hold in...
resetting 16 12 RESET, to set again...
reshaping 20 17 the act of shaping a...
reshaving 20 18 RESHAVE, to shave ag...
reshining 18 15 RESHINE, to shine ag...
reshoeing 17 14 RESHOE, to shoe agai...
reshowing 21 17 RESHOW, to show agai...
resifting 19 15 RESIFT, to sift agai...
resigning 17 15 RESIGN, to give up a...
resisting 17 12 RESIST, to strive ag...
resitting 17 12 the act of resitting...
reskewing 20 19 RESKEW, (Spenser) to...
reslating 17 13 RESLATE, to put down...
resoaking 16 16 RESOAK, to soak agai...
resodding 16 14 RESOD, to put down n...
resolving 19 17 RESOLVE, to make a f...
resorbing 18 15 RESORB, to absorb ag...
resorting 16 12 RESORT, to sort agai...
respacing 21 18 RESPACE, to provide...
respading 18 16 RESPADE, to turn ove...
respiring 19 15 RESPIRE, to breathe...
respiting 19 15 RESPITE, to relieve...
restaging 17 14 RESTAGE, to put on t...
restating 16 12 RESTATE, to state ag...
restoking 17 16 RESTOKE, to stoke ag...
restoring 16 12 RESTORE, to bring ba...
restyling 24 15 RESTYLE, to make int...
resulting 18 14 RESULT, to follow as...
resurging 18 15 RESURGE, to rise aga...
retacking 20 19 RETACK, to tack agai...
retagging 18 16 RETAG, to tag again...
retailing 17 13 the act of retailing...
retaining 15 13 RETAIN, to keep poss...
retarding 16 13 RETARD, to hold back...
retasting 16 12 RETASTE, to taste ag...
reteaming 16 15 RETEAM, to team up w...
retearing 15 12 RETEAR, to tear agai...
retelling 18 14 the act of retelling...
retesting 16 12 RETEST, to test agai...
retinting 16 13 RETINT, to tint agai...
retitling 18 13 RETITLE, to give a n...
retooling 16 13 RETOOL, to reequip w...
retorting 16 12 RETORT, to answer ba...
retouring 16 13 RETOUR, to confirm a...
retracing 19 15 RETRACE, to go back...
retrating 16 12 RETRATE, (Spenser) t...
retunding 16 15 RETUND, to blunt the...
returfing 19 16 RETURF, to lay new t...
returning 16 14 RETURN, to go back [...
reuniting 16 14 REUNITE, to come tog...
revaluing 19 18 REVALUE, to value ag...
revamping 21 22 renovation [n -S]
revealing 18 17 making visible [adj...
revelling 20 18 the act of revelling...
revenging 18 19 vengeful [adj REVENG...
reverbing 20 19 REVERB, (Shakespeare...
reversing 18 16 REVERSE, to turn or...
reverting 18 16 REVERT, to return to...
revesting 18 16 REVEST, to vest agai...
revetting 18 16 REVET, to face with...
reviewing 21 19 REVIEW, to view agai...
revoicing 21 19 REVOICE, to refurnis...
revolting 19 17 REVOLT, to rise up a...
revolving 21 21 turning about an axi...
rewarding 19 16 REWARD, to give in r...
rewarming 20 18 REWARM, to warm agai...
rewashing 21 17 REWASH, to wash agai...
rewearing 18 15 REWEAR, to wear agai...
reweaving 20 19 REWEAVE, to weave ag...
rewedding 19 17 REWED, to wed again...
rewelding 20 17 REWELD, to weld agai...
rewetting 19 15 REWET, to wet again...
rewilding 21 17 the practice of retu...
rewinding 19 17 the act of winding a...
rewinning 18 17 REWIN, to win again...
rewording 19 16 the act of stating a...
reworking 20 19 the act of working a...
rewriting 20 15 REWRITE, to write ag...
rezeroing 18 21 REZERO, to reset (a...
rhumbaing 22 21 RHUMBA, (Spanish) to...
ribboning 20 19 RIBBON, to decorate...
richening 21 18 RICHEN, to make or b...
ridgeling 19 16 a male animal with o...
riposting 19 15 RIPOSTE, to make a r...
ripsawing 22 18 RIPSAW, to cut with...
rivalling 21 18 RIVAL, to strive to...
rivelling 21 18 RIVEL, to wrinkle [v...
rivetting 19 16 RIVET, to fasten wit...
rizzaring 23 30 RIZZAR, (Scots) to d...
rizzering 23 30 RIZZER, (Scots) to d...
rizzoring 23 30 RIZZOR, (Scots) to d...
rocketing 20 19 ROCKET, to be projec...
romancing 19 19 the act of romancing...
roqueting 24 22 ROQUET, to make such...
rosetting 16 12 the development of a...
rostering 16 12 the act of rostering...
rotunding 16 15 ROTUND, to round [v]
rowelling 21 17 ROWEL, to prick with...
rubbering 21 19 RUBBER, to provide w...
rubefying 27 21 RUBEFY, to redden, a...
rubifying 28 21 RUBIFY, to redden, a...
ruinating 16 14 RUINATE, (archaic) t...
rummaging 20 21 RUMMAGE, to search t...
rumouring 18 17 RUMOUR, to spread by...
rupturing 20 17 RUPTURE, to burst [v...
russeting 17 13 a russet apple, also...
sabrewing 21 18 a hummingbird of a g...
sackaging 21 21 SACKAGE, to sack or...
saddening 15 15 SADDEN, to make sad...
saddlebag 19 17 a bag carried at, or...
safariing 18 15 SAFARI, to go on a h...
safetying 24 17 SAFETY, to protect a...
saggaring 18 16 SAGGAR, to pack in a...
saggering 18 16 SAGGER, to pack in a...
sailoring 17 13 the work of a sailor...
saintling 17 14 a little saint [n -S...
salaaming 17 16 SALAAM, (Arabic) to...
salarying 23 15 SALARY, to pay perio...
salifying 26 18 SALIFY, to combine w...
sallowing 21 17 SALLOW, to make sall...
saltating 17 13 SALTATE, to undergo...
salvaging 20 19 SALVAGE, to save fro...
sandaling 16 15 SANDAL, to dress in...
sanifying 24 18 SANIFY, to make heal...
sardining 16 14 SARDINE, to pack tig...
sashaying 24 16 SASHAY, (colloquial)...
satiating 16 12 SATIATE, to satisfy...
sauteeing 15 13 SAUTE, (French) to f...
savouring 18 17 SAVOUR, to taste or...
savveying 26 22 SAVVEY, (colloquial)...
sawdering 19 16 SAWDER, to flatter,...
scabbling 25 22 SCABBLE, to shape ro...
scaithing 22 17 SCAITH, to injure, a...
scallawag 24 19 a good-for-nothing,...
scallywag 31 21 a good-for-nothing,...
scambling 24 22 a haphazard meal [n...
scantling 20 17 a small portion [n -...
scappling 25 22 SCAPPLE, to work sto...
scarpaing 21 18 SCARPA, to run away,...
scarphing 24 20 SCARPH, in carpentry...
scavaging 22 21 SCAVAGE, to scavenge...
sceduling 21 18 SCEDULE, (US) to pla...
sceptring 22 18 SCEPTRE, to invest w...
schilling 25 19 (Dutch) any one of s...
schoolbag 24 20 a bag for carrying s...
schooling 22 18 tuition [n -S]
schussing 23 18 SCHUSS, to make a fa...
sclaffing 25 22 SCLAFF, to strike th...
sclimming 24 22 SCLIM, (Scots) to cl...
scooching 24 20 SCOOCH, to compress...
scooshing 21 17 SCOOSH, to squirt, a...
scorching 25 20 very hot [adj SCORCH...
scotching 25 20 SCOTCH, to frustrate...
scourging 21 18 a flogging [n -S]
scoursing 20 16 SCOURSE, to barter,...
scrabbing 24 21 SCRAB, (dialect) to...
scragging 22 19 SCRAG, to wring the...
scrambing 23 21 SCRAMB, (dialect) to...
scramming 22 21 SCRAM, to leave quic...
scrapping 24 21 the act of making sc...
scratting 20 15 SCRAT, to scratch, a...
scrawbing 25 21 SCRAWB, to scrape wi...
scrawling 24 19 of writing, hasty, i...
scrawming 24 21 SCRAWM, (dialect) to...
scrawping 25 21 SCRAWP, (dialect) to...
screaking 20 19 SCREAK, to creak [v]
screaming 20 18 uttering a scream [n...
screeding 19 16 the material of a sc...
screening 18 16 the act of screening...
screeting 19 15 SCREET, (dialect) to...
screeving 21 19 SCREEVE, to write be...
scrieving 22 19 SCRIEVE, (Scots) to...
scrimping 24 21 the exercise of frug...
scripting 23 18 SCRIPT, to prepare a...
scrobbing 24 21 SCROB, to scrape wit...
scrolling 22 17 the act of moving te...
scrooging 20 17 SCROOGE, to crowd; t...
scrooping 21 18 SCROOP, to make a ha...
scrouging 21 18 SCROUGE, to crowd; t...
scrowling 24 19 SCROWLE, to draft, a...
scrubbing 25 22 the act of scrubbing...
scruffing 25 22 SCRUFF, in rugby, to...
scrumming 23 22 SCRUM, to mill aroun...
scrumping 24 22 SCRUMP, to gather wi...
scrupling 24 20 SCRUPLE, to hesitate...
scuddling 22 19 SCUDDLE, to run hast...
scuffling 26 23 a rough confused str...
sculpting 24 20 SCULPT, to form an i...
scumbling 25 23 the act of scumbling...
scurrying 27 18 SCURRY, to move hurr...
scutching 26 21 the act of beating o...
scuttling 22 17 he act of sinking a...
sdeigning 17 16 SDEIGNE, (obsolete)...
seafaring 17 15 travelling by sea [n...
searching 21 17 the act of conductin...
seasoning 14 13 the process or act b...
secerning 18 16 SECERN, to discern a...
secluding 21 18 SECLUDE, to remove o...
seconding 18 17 the act of supportin...
secreting 19 15 SECRETE, to emit by...
sectoring 19 15 SECTOR, to divide in...
seesawing 18 15 SEESAW, to move up a...
selecting 20 16 SELECT, to choose [v...
selvaging 20 19 SELVAGE, to border a...
senescing 18 16 SENESCE, to become o...
sensating 15 13 SENSATE, to apprehen...
sepadding 18 17 SEPAD, to suppose, u...
sequining 24 23 SEQUIN, to apply shi...
seriating 16 12 SERIATE, to arrange...
sermoning 16 16 preaching a sermon [...
serrating 16 12 SERRATE, to supply w...
seruewing 19 16 SERUEWE, (Spenser) t...
servewing 21 19 SERVEWE, (Spenser) t...
servicing 22 19 the act of maintaini...
settering 16 12 SETTER, to treat wit...
shackling 24 22 SHACKLE, to confine...
shadowing 21 18 making dark or gloom...
shambling 23 21 the act of shambling...
shammying 27 22 SHAMMY, to prepare l...
shamoying 25 19 SHAMOY, to prepare s...
shapening 19 18 SHAPEN, to shape [v]
shaveling 21 19 a tonsured cleric [n...
shearling 19 15 a one-year-old sheep...
sheathing 20 16 the act of sheathing...
sheuching 24 20 SHEUCH, to plant tem...
sheughing 22 19 SHEUGH, (Scots) to p...
shielding 20 16 the act of protectin...
shimmying 28 22 SHIMMY, to dance the...
shingling 21 18 shingles collectivel...
shinnying 24 18 SHINNY, to climb by...
shintying 25 17 SHINTY, to play shin...
shivering 21 18 trembling with fear...
shlepping 24 21 SHLEPP, (Yiddish) to...
shlumping 24 22 SHLUMP, (Yiddish) to...
shmearing 19 17 SHMEAR, (Yiddish) to...
shmeering 19 17 SHMEER, to bribe, al...
shmoosing 19 17 SHMOOSE, (Yiddish) t...
shmoozing 22 26 SHMOOZE, (Yiddish) t...
shoggling 22 19 SHOGGLE, (Scots) to...
shoogling 20 17 SHOOGLE, (Scots) to...
shooshing 20 16 SHOOSH, to move with...
shoveling 21 19 SHOVEL, to use a dig...
showering 21 17 the act of taking a...
shredding 19 16 the act of shredding...
shreeking 19 18 SHREEK, (Shakespeare...
shreiking 20 18 SHREIK, (Milton) to...
shrieking 20 18 shrill [adj SHRIEKIN...
shrieving 21 18 SHRIEVE, to hear a c...
shrilling 22 16 a piercing sound [n...
shrimping 23 20 fishing for shrimps...
shrinking 20 19 drawing back, shy [a...
shroffing 23 20 SHROFF, to test coin...
shrooming 19 17 SHROOM, to take magi...
shrouding 19 16 SHROUD, to attire in...
shrubbing 24 21 SHRUB, to lop; to cu...
shrugging 22 19 SHRUG, to raise and...
shtupping 24 21 SHTUP, (Yiddish) to...
shuffling 25 22 walking without lift...
shuttling 21 16 SHUTTLE, to move bac...
shvitzing 25 27 SHVITZ, (Yiddish) to...
siamesing 17 15 SIAMESE, to join pip...
siamezing 20 24 SIAMEZE, to join pip...
sickening 20 20 nauseating [adj SICK...
sicklying 29 22 SICKLY, to make sick...
sigmating 19 17 SIGMATE, to add a si...
signaling 18 16 the act of sending a...
signeting 17 15 SIGNET, to mark with...
silageing 18 15 SILAGE, to harvest a...
silencing 20 17 SILENCE, to make qui...
silkening 18 18 SILKEN, to make soft...
silvering 20 17 the act of coating w...
simmering 19 18 SIMMER, to cook just...
simpering 20 18 smiling in a silly,...
singalong 17 16 a performance where...
sinnering 15 14 SINNER, to transgres...
sintering 16 13 SINTER, to make cohe...
sinuating 16 14 SINUATE, to curve in...
siphoning 20 18 SIPHON, to draw off...
sirnaming 17 16 SIRNAME, to give the...
sistering 17 12 SISTER, to treat lik...
situating 17 13 SITUATE, to place in...
sitzkrieg 22 24 (German) (virtual) s...
siwashing 22 17 SIWASH, to camp out...
skaithing 20 18 SKAITH, (obsolete) t...
skellying 26 20 SKELLY, to squint [v...
sketching 23 21 SKETCH, to make a ro...
skewering 20 19 SKEWER, to pierce wi...
skidooing 17 17 SKIDOO, to ride a sk...
skiffling 24 23 SKIFFLE, to play a p...
skijoring 20 25 (Norwegian) the spor...
skitching 24 21 SKITCH, (New Zealand...
skittling 20 17 SKITTLE, to knock do...
skivering 20 20 SKIVER, (dialect) to...
skivvying 29 26 SKIVVY, to work as a...
sklenting 18 18 SKLENT, (Scots) to s...
skliffing 24 23 SKLIFF, (Scots) to s...
sklimming 22 23 SKLIM, (Scots) to cl...
skooshing 19 18 SKOOSH, (Scots) to s...
skrimping 22 22 SKRIMP, to scratch a...
skrumping 22 23 SKRUMP, (colloquial)...
skurrying 25 19 SKURRY, to move in a...
skuttling 20 18 SKUTTLE, to move or...
skydiving 27 23 the sport of jumping...
slairging 19 15 SLAIRG, (Scots) to s...
slaloming 19 17 SLALOM, (Norwegian)...
slavering 19 17 drooling [adj SLAVER...
sleazebag 21 24 a sleazy person, esp...
sleighing 21 17 travelling by sleigh...
sleuthing 20 16 the work of a detect...
slighting 22 17 SLIGHT, to treat wit...
slivering 20 17 SLIVER, to cut into...
slokening 17 18 SLOKEN, (Scots) to q...
slooshing 19 15 SLOOSH, to wash or r...
slouching 23 19 SLOUCH, to sit, stan...
sloughing 21 18 SLOUGH, to cast off...
slurrying 25 16 SLURRY, to convert i...
smatching 23 20 SMATCH, (obsolete) t...
smeeching 22 20 SMEECH, (dialect) to...
smeething 19 17 SMEETH, to make smoo...
smiddying 25 19 SMIDDY, to forge met...
smighting 22 19 SMIGHT, (Spenser) to...
smirching 24 20 SMIRCH, to soil, bes...
smithying 27 19 SMITHY, to forge met...
smooching 22 20 SMOOCH, to kiss, als...
smoodging 18 18 SMOODGE, (Australian...
smooshing 19 17 SMOOSH, to paint to...
smoothing 19 17 the act of smoothing...
smouching 23 21 SMOUCH, to kiss clos...
smuggling 22 21 the illicit import o...
smutching 24 21 SMUTCH, to soil [v]
snabbling 21 20 SNABBLE, to put a bi...
snaffling 21 20 SNAFFLE, to obtain b...
snarfling 19 17 SNARFLE, to snarl [v...
snatching 21 18 an act of snatching...
sneeshing 17 15 (Scots) snuff, also...
sniffling 22 20 SNIFFLE, to sniff re...
sniggling 20 18 fishing for eels by...
snirtling 18 14 SNIRTLE, (Scots) to...
snitching 22 18 SNITCH, to inform on...
sniveling 19 18 SNIVEL, to cry or wh...
snoozling 19 23 SNOOZLE, (colloquial...
snuffling 22 21 the act of snuffling...
snuggling 20 19 SNUGGLE, to press cl...
snuzzling 24 33 SNUZZLE, to caress w...
socketing 20 19 SOCKET, to provide w...
soddening 15 15 SODDEN, to make or b...
sodgering 17 15 SODGER, to soldier [...
softening 17 16 the act of making so...
soldering 17 14 the act of soldering...
sollaring 18 14 SOLLAR, (archaic) to...
solvating 19 17 SOLVATE, to convert...
sombering 19 18 SOMBER, to make somb...
something 19 17 an undefined thing [...
sonneting 14 14 SONNET, to compose a...
soogeeing 15 14 SOOGEE, to clean a s...
soogieing 16 14 SOOGIE, to clean a s...
sorrowing 19 15 the act of sorrowing...
sortieing 16 12 SORTIE, to attack su...
spackling 24 23 SPACKLE, to fill cra...
spairging 20 17 SPAIRGE, to sprinkle...
spangling 20 19 the act of adorning...
sparkling 21 20 giving off flashes o...
sparkplug 24 23 to spark something o...
speckling 24 23 SPECKLE, to mark wit...
speeching 23 20 SPEECH, to harangue...
speldring 20 17 a haddock or other s...
spetching 24 20 SPETCH, to repair or...
spidering 19 16 SPIDER, to move in a...
spiffying 30 23 SPIFFY, to make spif...
spighting 23 19 SPIGHT, (Spenser) to...
spindling 20 18 a person or thing to...
spiraling 20 16 SPIRAL, to move in s...
spiriting 20 15 the act of spiriting...
splashing 22 18 the act of splashing...
splatting 20 16 the sound of a splat...
splinting 20 17 SPLINT, to put a spl...
splishing 23 18 SPLISH, to splash, a...
splitting 21 16 the act of separatin...
splodging 21 19 SPLODGE, to make a s...
sploshing 22 18 SPLOSH, to splash, a...
splurging 22 19 SPLURGE, to spend mo...
splurting 21 17 SPLURT, to gush fort...
spongebag 20 20 a bag for holding a...
spongeing 18 18 SPONGE, to wipe with...
spragging 21 19 SPRAG, to stop with...
spraining 18 16 SPRAIN, to injure by...
sprawling 23 19 SPRAWL, to stretch o...
spreading 18 16 expansive [adj SPREA...
spreazing 21 24 SPREAZE, (SW dialect...
spredding 19 17 SPREDD, (obsolete) t...
spreezing 21 24 SPREEZE, (SW dialect...
sprenting 18 16 SPRENT, to spring or...
sprigging 22 19 SPRIG, to embroider...
springing 20 18 the act of springing...
sprinting 19 16 the act of running a...
spritzing 23 24 SPRITZ, to spray (li...
sprouting 19 16 the act of sprouting...
spruiking 21 20 SPRUIK, (Australian...
sprushing 22 18 SPRUSH, (Scots) to s...
spulyeing 26 19 SPULYE, (Scots) to p...
squabbing 29 28 SQUAB, to stuff, uph...
squadding 25 24 SQUAD, to form into...
squailing 26 23 the act of squailing...
squalling 27 24 SQUALL, to rain or b...
squashing 27 24 SQUASH, to press int...
squatting 25 22 the act of sitting o...
squawking 29 29 the act of squawking...
squeaking 25 26 making a sharp, high...
squealing 25 23 SQUEAL, to utter a s...
squeezing 27 31 the act of squeezing...
squegging 27 26 a type of oscillatio...
squibbing 30 28 the act of squibbing...
squidding 26 24 SQUID, to fish with...
squidging 27 25 SQUIDGE, to squeeze...
squinting 25 23 looking with the eye...
squinying 31 25 SQUINY, (dialect) to...
squirming 27 25 SQUIRM, to wriggle [...
squirring 26 22 SQUIRR, to scour, se...
squirting 26 22 the act of squirting...
squishing 28 24 SQUISH, to squash, a...
squushing 28 25 SQUUSH, to squash [v...
stanching 21 18 the act of stanching...
starching 22 17 STARCH, to stiffen a...
startling 18 13 very surprising [adj...
steadying 22 15 STEADY, to make stea...
steddying 23 16 STEDDY, (archaic) to...
steedying 22 15 STEEDY, (archaic) to...
steepling 19 16 rising on a high tra...
steerling 17 13 a young small steer...
stenching 21 18 STENCH, to cause to...
stenosing 15 13 causing or character...
stereoing 15 12 STEREO, to make a ty...
stickling 23 20 making objections [n...
stickying 28 21 STICKY, to make stic...
stippling 23 19 the act of stippling...
stitching 23 17 the act of stitching...
stithying 26 16 STITHY, to forge on...
stoppling 22 19 STOPPLE, to stop up,...
stounding 16 15 STOUND, to ache, thr...
stoushing 19 15 STOUSH, (Australian...
stownding 19 17 STOWND, to ache, thr...
straffing 21 18 STRAFF, (German) to...
straiking 18 16 STRAIK, to stroke, a...
straining 16 13 the act of straining...
straiting 17 12 STRAIT, to confine [...
stramping 20 18 STRAMP, (Scots) to t...
stranding 16 14 STRAND, to leave in...
straphang 20 17 of a passenger in a...
straphung 21 18 STRAPHANG, of a pass...
strapping 21 18 fastening with a str...
strayling 24 15 a stray [n -S]
strayving 25 18 STRAYVE, (dialect) t...
streaking 17 16 the practice of runn...
streaming 17 15 of a cold, heavy and...
streeking 17 16 STREEK, to stretch;...
streeling 17 13 STREEL, (Irish) to t...
streeting 16 12 STREET, to provide w...
stressing 17 12 STRESS, to place emp...
striating 17 12 STRIATE, to mark wit...
stridling 19 14 (dialect) astride [a...
strigging 20 16 STRIG, to remove the...
strimming 20 18 STRIM, to cut grass...
stringing 18 15 the act of stringing...
stripling 21 16 a youth in the state...
stripping 22 18 the act of stripping...
stroaming 17 15 STROAM, to wander ab...
strodling 18 14 STRODLE, (dialect) t...
strolling 19 14 the act of strolling...
stropping 21 18 STROP, to sharpen on...
strouding 17 14 the material used fo...
strouting 17 13 STROUT, to swell; to...
strumming 20 19 STRUM, to play a str...
strunting 17 14 STRUNT, to walk with...
strutting 18 13 pompous [adj STRUTTI...
stuccoing 23 19 STUCCO, to coat with...
stumbling 22 20 STUMBLE, to trip whe...
stylising 25 15 STYLISE, to make con...
stylizing 28 24 STYLIZE, to make con...
stymieing 24 17 STYMIE, to thwart, s...
subacting 22 19 SUBACT, to subdue [v...
subdewing 22 20 SUBDEW, to bring und...
subducing 23 21 SUBDUCE, to take awa...
subfeuing 21 20 SUBFEU, to grant lan...
sublating 20 17 SUBLATE, to deny; to...
subliming 22 20 the act of subliming...
suborning 18 17 SUBORN, to induce to...
subsiding 20 17 SUBSIDE, to sink to...
subsuming 21 20 SUBSUME, to classify...
subvening 20 21 SUBVENE, to arrive o...
subwaying 28 21 SUBWAY, to travel by...
succoring 23 19 SUCCOR, to go to the...
suckering 21 20 SUCKER, to strip off...
suffering 21 19 feeling pain or dist...
sufficing 25 22 SUFFICE, to be adequ...
suffixing 28 26 SUFFIX, to add to th...
suffusing 22 20 SUFFUSE, to spread t...
suiciding 21 17 SUICIDE, to kill one...
suitoring 17 13 SUITOR, (archaic) to...
sulfating 20 17 SULFATE, to treat wi...
sulfuring 21 18 SULFUR, to treat wit...
summating 19 19 SUMMATE, to add toge...
summering 19 19 passing the summer [...
summiting 20 19 SUMMIT, to take part...
summoning 18 20 SUMMON, to order to...
sunbaking 19 21 SUNBAKE, to bake e.g...
sundering 16 15 the act of sundering...
sungazing 20 25 the practice of star...
sunrising 17 14 the rising or first...
superlong 19 17 extremely long [adj]
suppering 21 19 SUPPER, to supply wi...
supplying 29 22 SUPPLY, to provide w...
supposing 21 19 the act of supposing...
surbating 19 16 SURBATE, to make foo...
suretying 23 15 SURETY, (Shakespeare...
surfacing 22 19 the act of surfacing...
surmising 19 16 the act of surmising...
surnaming 17 17 SURNAME, to give the...
surtaxing 23 20 SURTAX, to assess wi...
surveying 25 19 the act of surveying...
surviving 22 21 SURVIVE, to remain i...
suspiring 20 16 SUSPIRE, to sigh [v]
swaddling 21 18 SWADDLE, to wrap in...
sweptwing 25 21 with sweptback wings...
swindging 21 19 SWINDGE, (Shakespear...
swindling 21 18 the act of swindling...
swingeing 20 18 SWINGE, to beat, cha...
swingling 22 19 the act of swingling...
switching 26 20 a beating with a fle...
swiveling 23 20 SWIVEL, to turn on a...
swizzling 28 34 SWIZZLE, to defraud,...
swooshing 21 17 SWOOSH, to make a no...
swounding 19 18 SWOUND, to faint, al...
symboling 27 21 SYMBOL, to serve as...
synapsing 24 18 SYNAPSE, to come tog...
syphering 27 19 joining boards edge...
syphoning 26 20 SYPHON, to draw off...
syringing 24 17 SYRINGE, to treat wi...
tabefying 26 20 TABEFY, to waste awa...
tableting 19 16 TABLET, to write on...
tabouring 18 16 TABOUR, to beat on a...
tailoring 17 13 the act of tailoring...
taivering 18 16 TAIVER, (Scots) to w...
talcuming 22 20 TALCUM, to treat wit...
tallaging 19 16 TALLAGE, to levy tal...
tallowing 21 17 TALLOW, to smear wit...
tampering 19 18 the act of tampering...
tamponing 18 19 TAMPON, to plug with...
tankering 16 17 TANKER, to transport...
tannoying 20 16 TANNOY, to announce...
tappicing 24 21 TAPPICE, to lie low...
targeting 17 14 making a goal of [n...
tariffing 21 18 TARIFF, to tax impor...
tarrowing 19 15 TARROW, (Scots) to h...
tasseling 17 13 TASSEL, to adorn wit...
tattering 16 12 TATTER, to become to...
tattooing 15 12 TATTOO, to mark the...
tattowing 19 15 TATTOW, to mark the...
tautening 15 14 TAUTEN, to make taut...
taxpaying 30 24 the paying of taxes...
tchicking 27 24 TCHICK, to make a so...
teaseling 16 13 the act of raising a...
teazeling 19 22 TEAZEL, to raise a n...
teddering 16 14 TEDDER, to use such...
teetering 15 12 TEETER, to move unst...
telfering 19 16 TELFER, to transport...
tellaring 18 14 TELLAR, to produce s...
tellering 18 14 TELLER, to produce s...
telneting 16 14 TELNET, to access a...
tempering 19 18 the act of tempering...
tenanting 14 14 TENANT, to occupy as...
tendering 15 14 the act of offering...
tentering 15 13 TENTER, to stretch o...
tepefying 26 20 TEPEFY, to make or b...
terracing 19 15 terraces collectivel...
tethering 18 14 TETHER, to confine w...
tettering 16 12 TETTER, to affect wi...
texturing 23 20 TEXTURE, to make by...
thatching 24 19 THATCH, to cover wit...
thetching 24 19 THETCH, (Spenser) to...
thimbling 24 21 THIMBLE, to wear a c...
thirsting 20 14 THIRST, to have a ne...
thraiping 21 17 (dialect) a thrashin...
thralling 21 16 THRALL, to enslave [...
thranging 19 17 THRANG, (Scots) to t...
thrashing 21 16 a beating [n -S]
threading 18 15 THREAD, to pass cott...
threaping 20 17 THREAP, to dispute,...
threating 18 14 THREAT, to intimidat...
threeping 20 17 THREEP, to dispute,...
threshing 21 16 the act of threshing...
thridding 20 16 THRID, (Spenser) to...
thrilling 22 16 THRILL, to excite gr...
thristing 20 14 THRIST, (Spenser) to...
throating 18 14 THROAT, to utter in...
throbbing 23 20 pulsating [adj THROB...
thronging 19 17 the act of thronging...
thrumming 22 21 humming, droning [ad...
thrusting 20 15 the act of thrusting...
thumbling 24 22 a diminutive being,...
thwacking 26 24 the act of thwacking...
thwarting 22 17 obstructive [adj THW...
ticketing 21 19 making tickets [n -S...
tiffining 21 19 TIFFIN, to take lunc...
tiggering 19 16 TIGGER, to damage (e...
tillering 19 14 TILLER, to put forth...
timbering 20 18 timber collectively;...
tinkering 17 17 the act of tinkering...
tinseling 17 14 TINSEL, to give a sh...
tiptoeing 18 15 TIPTOE, to walk on t...
titrating 17 12 TITRATE, to measure...
tittering 17 12 the act of tittering...
tittuping 20 16 TITTUP, to prance, s...
titupping 22 19 TITUP, to prance [v]
tochering 21 17 TOCHER, (Gaelic) to...
toggering 18 16 TOGGER, (colloquial)...
toileting 17 13 the act of performin...
toltering 17 13 TOLTER, (dialect) to...
tomponing 18 19 TOMPON, to plug with...
tonifying 24 18 TONIFY, to give tone...
tonsuring 16 14 TONSURE, to shave th...
toplining 19 17 TOPLINE, to feature...
topmaking 20 22 the making of toy to...
torturing 17 13 causing severe physi...
totalling 18 14 TOTAL, to amount to...
tottering 16 12 unsteady [adj TOTTER...
towelling 21 17 TOWEL, to wipe with...
trachling 23 18 TRACHLE, to draggle,...
traducing 20 17 maligning [adj TRADU...
traipsing 19 15 the act of traipsing...
trameling 18 16 TRAMEL, (US) to hind...
trampling 21 19 the act of trampling...
trapesing 18 15 the act of trapesing...
trapezing 21 24 TRAPEZE, to perform...
traveling 19 17 the act of travel [n...
treacling 20 16 TREACLE, to smear wi...
treadling 17 14 the act of treadling...
treddling 18 15 TREDDLE, to work by...
trembling 21 19 shaking involuntaril...
tremoring 17 15 TREMOR, to quiver, s...
trenching 21 18 TRENCH, to dig a lon...
trialling 19 14 the act of making a...
trickling 23 20 in small drops [adj...
trindling 18 15 TRINDLE, to propel b...
triplying 27 18 TRIPLY, (Scots) in S...
trippling 23 19 TRIPPLE, to proceed...
trollying 25 16 TROLLY, to travel by...
trophying 27 19 TROPHY, to honour wi...
troubling 20 17 the act of troubling...
troughing 20 17 the act of consuming...
trouncing 19 17 the act of trouncing...
troutling 18 14 a little trout, also...
troweling 20 16 TROWEL, to smooth wi...
truanting 16 14 TRUANT, to be absent...
truckling 23 21 acting in a subservi...
truffling 23 20 the act of gathering...
trundling 18 16 TRUNDLE, to propel b...
tsktsking 20 20 TSKTSK, to utter an...
tuckerbag 23 22 a bag used to carry...
tuckering 21 20 TUCKER, to tire out...
tumblebug 24 23 a dung beetle, that...
tumefying 26 21 TUMEFY, to swell [v]
tumescing 21 19 TUMESCE, to swell [v...
tumulting 20 18 TUMULT, to make a gr...
tunneling 16 16 the act of making a...
tuptowing 22 19 working at Greek con...
turniping 19 17 TURNIP, to plant wit...
twaddling 21 18 the act of twaddling...
twangling 21 19 making a twangling s...
twattling 21 16 TWATTLE, to talk foo...
tweedling 20 17 TWEEDLE, to perform...
twiddling 22 18 TWIDDLE, to play idl...
twighting 24 19 TWIGHT, (Spenser) to...
twingeing 20 18 TWINGE, to affect wi...
twinkling 22 21 the act of twinkling...
twitching 26 20 the act of twitching...
twizzling 28 34 TWIZZLE, to twirl, s...
typifying 34 22 TYPIFY, to serve at...
tyranning 21 16 TYRANNE, to play the...
tyranting 22 15 TYRANT, to play the...
uglifying 28 21 UGLIFY, to make ugly...
ululating 19 16 ULULATE, to lament l...
umbraging 21 21 UMBRAGE, to offend [...
umlauting 19 18 UMLAUT, to place an...
unabating 17 17 not abating [adj]
unabiding 18 18 not abiding [adj]
unamusing 17 18 not amusing [adj UNA...
unbagging 20 21 UNBAG, to let out of...
unbanning 16 19 UNBAN, to remove a p...
unbarking 19 21 UNBARK, to strip of...
unbarring 18 17 UNBAR, to become unb...
unbearing 17 17 UNBEAR, to free from...
unbedding 18 19 UNBED, to rouse from...
unbelting 19 18 UNBELT, to remove th...
unbending 17 19 stern, uncompromisin...
unbiasing 18 17 UNBIAS, to free from...
unbinding 18 19 the act of unbinding...
unbitting 19 17 UNBITT, to take off...
unbolting 19 18 UNBOLT, to undo a bo...
unbooting 17 17 UNBOOT, to take off...
unbracing 21 20 UNBRACE, to free fro...
unbraking 19 21 UNBRAKE, to release...
unbudging 20 21 not budging [adj UNB...
unburying 25 20 UNBURY, to disinter;...
unbusying 25 20 UNBUSY, to make less...
uncapping 23 23 UNCAP, to remove the...
uncarting 19 17 UNCART, to take off...
uncasting 19 17 UNCAST, to undo the...
unceasing 18 17 not ceasing [adj UNC...
unchoking 22 23 UNCHOKE, to free fro...
unclewing 23 21 UNCLEW, (archaic) to...
unclosing 20 18 UNCLOSE, to open [v]
uncloying 26 20 not cloying [adj]
uncoating 18 17 the action of releas...
uncocking 23 24 UNCOCK, to remove fr...
uncoiling 20 18 UNCOIL, to release f...
uncolting 20 18 UNCOLT, (Shakespeare...
uncording 19 18 UNCORD, to free from...
uncorking 20 21 UNCORK, to draw the...
uncowling 23 21 UNCOWL, to remove th...
uncrating 19 17 UNCRATE, to remove f...
uncuffing 24 24 UNCUFF, to remove ha...
uncurbing 22 21 UNCURB, to remove re...
uncurling 21 19 UNCURL, to straighte...
uncursing 20 18 UNCURSE, to free fro...
undamming 18 21 UNDAM, to free water...
undawning 18 19 not yet dawning [adj...
undeafing 17 18 UNDEAF, to free from...
undecking 20 22 UNDECK, to rid or or...
underfong 17 18 (Spenser) to underta...
underhung 18 18 of a sliding door, r...
underking 17 19 a sub-king [n -S]
underling 17 16 a subordinate [n -S]
undersong 15 15 (archaic) the burden...
underwing 19 18 the underneath of a...
undocking 20 22 UNDOCK, to move away...
undraping 18 18 UNDRAPE, to strip of...
undrawing 19 18 UNDRAW, to draw open...
unenvying 23 21 not envying [adj]
unfailing 19 18 not failing, reliabl...
unfairing 18 17 UNFAIR, (Shakespeare...
unfearing 17 17 not fearing [adj]
unfeeling 18 18 not feeling [adj UNF...
unfencing 20 21 UNFENCE, to remove a...
unfitting 19 17 UNFIT, to make unfit...
unfolding 19 19 the act of unfolding...
unfooling 18 18 UNFOOL, to undeceive...
unforming 19 20 UNFORM, to unmake [v...
unfreeing 17 17 UNFREE, to deprive o...
unfurling 20 19 UNFURL, to unroll [v...
ungagging 19 20 UNGAG, to remove a g...
ungearing 16 16 UNGEAR, to unharness...
ungetting 17 16 UNGET, to deny the b...
ungilding 19 18 UNGILD, to remove th...
ungirding 18 17 UNGIRD, to remove a...
ungloving 20 21 UNGLOVE, to uncover...
ungodding 17 18 UNGOD, to deprive of...
ungowning 19 20 UNGOWN, to strip of...
ungumming 20 23 UNGUM, to free from...
unhairing 18 16 UNHAIR, to remove th...
unhanding 17 18 UNHAND, to remove th...
unhanging 18 19 UNHANG, to detach fr...
unharming 19 19 harmless [adj]
unhasping 20 19 UNHASP, to unfasten...
unhasting 18 16 not in haste [adj]
unhatting 18 16 the act of removing...
unheading 17 17 UNHEAD, to decapitat...
unhealing 18 17 UNHEAL, (Spenser) to...
unheeding 17 17 not heeding [adj UNH...
unhelming 20 20 UNHELM, to remove th...
unhinging 19 19 UNHINGE, to remove f...
unhooding 17 17 UNHOOD, to remove a...
unhooking 18 20 UNHOOK, to remove fr...
unhooping 19 19 UNHOOP, to remove ho...
unhorsing 18 16 UNHORSE, to cause to...
unhousing 18 17 UNHOUSE, to deprive...
unhusking 20 21 UNHUSK, to remove th...
unitising 17 14 UNITISE, to divide i...
unitizing 20 23 UNITIZE, to divide i...
unjamming 20 29 UNJAM, to free from...
unkinging 18 21 UNKING, to deprive o...
unkinking 18 23 UNKINK, to remove cu...
unkissing 18 18 UNKISS, (Shakespeare...
unknowing 19 22 ignorant, unawar [ad...
unlashing 19 17 UNLASH, to untie the...
unleading 16 16 UNLEAD, to remove th...
unlidding 18 17 UNLID, to take the l...
unlinking 18 20 UNLINK, to unfasten...
unloading 16 16 the act of unloading...
unlocking 21 22 UNLOCK, to unfasten...
unloosing 16 15 UNLOOSE, to set free...
unlording 17 16 UNLORD, to strip of...
unmanning 15 19 UNMAN, to deprive of...
unmasking 18 21 the act of unmasking...
unmeaning 15 18 having no meaning or...
unmeshing 19 19 UNMESH, to disentang...
unmitring 18 17 UNMITRE, to depose f...
unmolding 18 19 UNMOLD, to change th...
unmooring 16 17 UNMOOR, to release f...
unnailing 16 16 UNNAIL, to remove th...
unnerving 17 19 UNNERVE, to deprive...
unnesting 15 15 UNNEST, to turn out...
unnobling 18 19 UNNOBLE, to deprive...
unpacking 22 24 the act of unpacking...
unpegging 20 21 UNPEG, to remove the...
unpenning 16 19 UNPEN, to release fr...
unpicking 23 24 UNPICK, to remove th...
unpinning 17 19 UNPIN, to remove the...
unpitying 25 19 not pitying [adj UNP...
unplacing 22 21 UNPLACE, to displace...
unpluming 21 22 UNPLUME, to strip of...
unpraying 24 19 UNPRAY, to revoke th...
unpursing 19 18 UNPURSE, to relax th...
unquaking 25 28 not quaking [adj]
unquoting 24 24 UNQUOTE, to close a...
unreaving 17 18 UNREAVE, to unwind;...
unreeling 16 15 UNREEL, to unwind fr...
unreeving 17 18 UNREEVE, to withdraw...
unreining 15 15 UNREIN, to give rein...
unresting 16 14 not resting [adj UNR...
unrigging 19 18 UNRIG, to divest of...
unripping 21 20 the act of unripping...
unrolling 18 16 UNROLL, to open some...
unroofing 17 17 UNROOF, to remove th...
unrooting 15 14 UNROOT, to tear up b...
unscaling 20 18 UNSCALE, to remove t...
unsealing 16 15 UNSEAL, to break the...
unseaming 16 17 UNSEAM, to open the...
unseating 15 14 UNSEAT, to remove fr...
unseeling 16 15 UNSEEL, to unstitch...
unseeming 16 17 (Shakespeare) a not...
unselfing 19 18 UNSELF, to deprive o...
unselling 18 16 UNSELL, to speak dis...
unsensing 15 15 UNSENSE, to deprive...
unsetting 16 14 UNSET, to undo the s...
unshaling 19 17 UNSHALE, to strip th...
unshaping 20 19 UNSHAPE, to deprive...
unshoeing 17 16 UNSHOE, to strip of...
unsighing 20 18 not sighing [adj]
unsisting 17 14 (Shakespeare) variou...
unsmiling 19 18 not smiling [adj UNS...
unsouling 17 16 UNSOUL, to deprive o...
unsparing 18 17 not sparing [adj UNS...
unstating 16 14 UNSTATE, (Shakespear...
unstaying 22 16 not staying [adj]
unstowing 19 17 UNSTOW, to empty of...
unsuiting 17 15 UNSUIT, to make unsu...
untacking 20 21 UNTACK, to remove a...
unteaming 16 17 UNTEAM, to unyoke a...
untenting 15 15 UNTENT, to remove fr...
unthawing 21 19 UNTHAW, to cause to...
untidying 23 17 UNTIDY, to make unti...
untinning 15 16 UNTIN, to take the t...
untoiling 17 15 not toiling [adj]
untombing 19 20 UNTOMB, to remove fr...
untracing 19 17 UNTRACE, to loose fr...
untucking 21 22 UNTUCK, to release f...
unturfing 19 18 UNTURF, to strip of...
unturning 16 16 UNTURN, to turn back...
untwining 19 18 UNTWINE, to separate...
unvailing 19 19 UNVAILE, (obsolete)...
unvarying 24 20 not varying [adj UNV...
unveiling 19 19 the act of unveiling...
unvoicing 21 21 change to a voiceles...
unwasting 19 17 not wasting [adj]
unweaving 20 21 UNWEAVE, to undo som...
unweeting 18 17 (archaic) unwitting...
unwilling 22 19 not willing [adj UNW...
unwinding 19 19 the act of unwinding...
unwinking 20 22 not winking [adj UNW...
unwishing 22 19 UNWISH, (Shakespeare...
unwitting 20 17 without knowledge, a...
unworking 20 21 UNWORK, to undo or d...
unwriting 20 17 UNWRITE, to undo the...
unzipping 24 29 UNZIP, to open the z...
upbearing 20 19 UPBEAR, to raise alo...
upbinding 21 21 UPBIND, to bind comp...
upblowing 25 23 UPBLOW, to blow up [...
upboiling 22 20 UPBOIL, to boil up [...
upbraying 27 21 UPBRAY, (Spenser) to...
upburning 21 21 flaming upwards [adj...
upcasting 22 19 UPCAST, to cast up [...
upclosing 23 20 UPCLOSE, to close up...
upcoiling 23 20 UPCOIL, to coil up [...
upcurling 24 21 UPCURL, to curl up [...
upcurving 25 24 UPCURVE, to curve up...
upcycling 33 25 UPCYCLE, to recycle...
updarting 19 17 UPDART, to dart up [...
updrawing 22 20 UPDRAW, to draw up [...
upfilling 24 21 the act of filling u...
upflowing 25 23 UPFLOW, to flow up [...
upfolding 22 21 UPFOLD, to fold up [...
upfurling 23 21 UPFURL, to roll up [...
upgirding 21 19 UPGIRD, to gird comp...
upgrading 20 19 UPGRADE, to raise to...
upgrowing 23 21 the act of upgrowing...
upgushing 23 21 UPGUSH, to gush up [...
uphanging 21 21 UPHANG, to hang up [...
uphauding 21 20 UPHAUD, (Scots) to m...
upheaping 22 21 the act of heaping u...
upheaving 22 22 UPHEAVE, to heave up...
upholding 22 20 the act of upholding...
uphurling 23 20 UPHURL, to hurl up [...
upjetting 21 25 UPJET, to spout up [...
upleading 19 18 UPLEAD, to lead up [...
upleaning 18 18 UPLEAN, to rest one'...
upleaping 21 20 UPLEAP, to leap up [...
uplifting 23 20 inspiring [adj UPLIF...
uplinking 21 22 the act of transmitt...
uploading 19 18 UPLOAD, to transfer...
uplocking 24 24 UPLOCK, to lock up [...
uplooking 20 21 UPLOOK, to look up [...
upraising 19 16 UPRAISE, to raise up...
uprearing 18 16 UPREAR, to raise; to...
uproaring 18 16 UPROAR, (Shakespeare...
uprolling 21 18 UPROLL, to roll upwa...
uprooting 18 16 the act of uprooting...
uprousing 19 17 UPROUSE, to rouse up...
uprunning 18 19 UPRUN, to run up [v]
uprushing 22 19 UPRUSH, to rush up [...
upscaling 23 20 UPSCALE, to appeal t...
upselling 21 18 UPSELL, to attempt t...
upsending 18 18 UPSEND, to send upwa...
upsetting 19 16 causing upset [adj U...
upsitting 20 16 a sitting up of a wo...
upsoaring 18 16 UPSOAR, to soar upwa...
upstaging 20 18 UPSTAGE, to outdo th...
upstaring 19 16 UPSTARE, to stare up...
upstaying 25 18 UPSTAY, to sustain [...
upsurging 21 19 UPSURGE, to surge up...
upswaying 28 21 UPSWAY, to swing up...
uptalking 21 21 the practice of spea...
uptearing 18 16 UPTEAR, to tear out...
uptilting 21 17 UPTILT, to tilt upwa...
uptitling 21 17 the practise of conf...
uptossing 19 16 UPTOSS, to toss upwa...
upturning 19 18 the act of turning u...
upvaluing 22 22 UPVALUE, to increase...
upwafting 24 22 UPWAFT, to waft upwa...
upwelling 24 21 a welling up; the ri...
upwinding 22 21 UPWIND, to wind up [...
urinating 16 14 URINATE, to discharg...
utilising 19 14 UTILISE, to make use...
utilizing 22 23 UTILIZE, to make use...
vacuating 21 20 VACUATE, (obsolete)...
vacuuming 23 24 VACUUM, to operate a...
valancing 21 21 VALANCE, to drape wi...
valuating 19 18 VALUATE, to appraise...
vamoosing 18 19 VAMOOSE, to leave qu...
vampiring 22 22 VAMPIRE, to prey upo...
vandyking 25 24 VANDYKE, to notch or...
vanishing 20 19 disappearing [adj VA...
vantaging 18 19 VANTAGE, (Spenser) t...
vapouring 20 20 vaporous [adj VAPOUR...
variating 18 16 VARIATE, to change,...
varooming 18 19 VAROOM, to run an en...
vectoring 21 19 directing an aircraf...
velveting 21 21 velvet material [n -...
veneering 16 17 an overlay with a th...
venturing 18 18 VENTURE, to risk, al...
verifying 27 21 VERIFY, to prove to...
vesturing 19 17 VESTURE, (archaic) t...
vetchling 25 22 any small leguminous...
vibrating 21 19 VIBRATE, to move bac...
viciating 22 19 VICIATE, (obsolete)...
vilifying 29 22 VILIFY, to slander;...
vinifying 27 22 VINIFY, to convert i...
vintaging 19 19 gathering grapes [n...
violating 19 17 VIOLATE, to fail to...
virgining 20 19 VIRGIN, (Shakespeare...
visioning 18 17 the act of seeing vi...
vitiating 19 16 VITIATE, to impair t...
vivifying 30 25 VIVIFY, to give life...
vizarding 22 26 VIZARD, to mask or d...
vizzieing 25 34 VIZZIE, (Scots) to t...
volleying 26 20 VOLLEY, to return a...
voodooing 16 17 VOODOO, to bewitch b...
voudouing 18 19 VOUDOU, to bewitch b...
vowelling 23 21 VOWEL, to use as a s...
vraicking 23 23 the gathering of vra...
waggoning 20 20 WAGGON, to transport...
waitering 19 15 the job of being a w...
walloping 23 20 a beating [n -S]
wallowing 24 20 the act of wallowing...
wallydrag 28 19 (Scots) a feeble, im...
wandering 18 17 moving about with no...
wantoning 17 17 WANTON, to behave in...
wappering 23 21 WAPPER, to cause to...
wardening 18 17 WARDEN, to guard as...
wardering 19 16 WARDER, to guard as...
warfaring 21 18 the business of wagi...
wargaming 21 20 engaging in simulate...
warraning 18 16 WARRAN, (obsolete) t...
warraying 25 17 WARRAY, (obsolete) t...
warreying 25 17 WARREY, (obsolete) t...
warstling 21 16 WARSTLE, to wrestle,...
washering 21 17 WASHER, to fit with...
wastering 19 15 WASTER, (Scots) to s...
wauchting 25 21 WAUCHT, (Scots) to d...
waughting 23 20 WAUGHT, (Scots) to d...
wayfaring 27 20 travelling [n -S]
waylaying 32 20 WAYLAY, to ambush [v...
weakening 18 20 the act of making we...
weaponing 19 19 WEAPON, to supply wi...
weaseling 19 16 WEASEL, to act evasi...
weazening 20 25 WEAZEN, to become dr...
webifying 30 23 WEBIFY, to put a pie...
weddering 19 17 WEDDER, (dialect) to...
wedelning 19 18 WEDELN, (German) to...
weeweeing 20 18 WEEWEE, (colloquial)...
weighting 23 19 the act of weighting...
welcoming 24 22 WELCOME, to greet co...
wellbeing 23 20 a state of being wel...
weltering 20 16 WELTER, to roll abou...
westering 19 15 motion towards the w...
whaisling 23 18 WHAISLE, to wheeze,...
whaizling 26 27 WHAIZLE, to wheeze,...
wheeching 26 22 WHEECH, (Scots) to m...
wheedling 22 19 enticing by soft wor...
wheenging 21 20 WHEENGE, (Scots) to...
wheepling 24 21 WHEEPLE, (Scots) to...
wheeshing 23 19 WHEESH, (Scots) to c...
wheezling 25 27 WHEEZLE, (Scots) to...
whemmling 25 24 WHEMMLE, to overturn...
wherrying 28 19 WHERRY, to transport...
wheughing 25 22 WHEUGH, to utter a s...
whiffling 28 24 the act of whiffling...
whillying 31 21 WHILLY, to entice by...
whimpling 27 24 WHIMPLE, to wear a v...
whingding 23 21 a lively party, also...
whingeing 22 20 WHINGE, to complain...
whinnying 27 21 WHINNY, to make a hi...
whirligig 26 19 a child's toy having...
whirrying 29 19 WHIRRY, to move rapi...
whishting 25 19 WHISHT, (Scots) to k...
whistling 24 18 of e.g. a wind, maki...
whitening 21 18 WHITEN, to make whit...
whitewing 25 20 the chaffinch, so ca...
whittling 24 18 the act of whittling...
whizzbang 30 38 a light shell of hig...
whombling 26 24 WHOMBLE, to overturn...
whommling 25 24 WHOMMLE, to overturn...
whooshing 23 19 WHOOSH, to move with...
whummling 26 25 WHUMMLE, to overturn...
wickthing 27 24 (dialect) a creeping...
wildering 21 17 WILDER, to cause to...
willeying 28 19 WILLEY, to clean in...
willowing 25 20 WILLOW, to clean tex...
windowing 22 20 the act of providing...
winnowing 21 20 the act of winnowing...
wintering 19 16 WINTER, to pass the...
withering 22 17 of criticism, severe...
wittering 20 15 WITTER, to mutter pe...
wobbegong 23 23 (Native Australian)...
womanning 18 20 WOMAN, to play the p...
wondering 18 17 having a feeling of...
woodening 17 17 WOODEN, (Australian...
woomerang 18 18 (Native Australian)...
worldling 22 18 a person engrossed i...
worriting 20 15 WORRIT, to worry, al...
worsening 18 16 the act of becoming...
worthying 28 19 WORTHY, (obsolete) t...
wrangling 21 19 the act of wrangling...
wrassling 21 16 WRASSLE, to wrestle,...
wrastling 21 16 WRASTLE, to wrestle,...
wreathing 21 17 WREATHE, to shape in...
wrenching 24 21 twisting suddenly an...
wrestling 21 16 the sport of wrestli...
wriggling 24 20 the act of wriggling...
wrinkling 22 21 WRINKLE, to crease [...
wuthering 22 18 WUTHER, to move swif...
yabbering 26 20 YABBER, (Native Aust...
yammering 24 20 peevish complaint [n...
yattering 22 14 jabbering [adj YATTE...
ycleeping 28 21 YCLEEPE, to call by...
yellowing 27 19 YELLOW, to make or b...
yickering 27 21 YICKER, to utter sha...
yikkering 25 22 YIKKER, to utter sha...
yodelling 24 17 YODEL, to sing with...
yoicksing 27 21 YOICKS, to cry out a...
youngling 24 19 (archaic) a young pe...
yshending 24 18 YSHEND, (Spenser) to...
zhooshing 23 25 ZHOOSH, to make more...
zippering 24 27 ZIPPER, to close wit...