12 letter words that end with G

12 letter words that end with G

12 letter G word


Words With Friends®


abbreviating 27 25 ABBREVIATE, to make...
abirritating 24 18 ABIRRITATE, to sooth...
absolutising 25 20 ABSOLUTISE, to make...
absolutizing 28 29 ABSOLUTIZE, to make...
accelerating 27 22 ACCELERATE, to bring...
accentuating 26 23 ACCENTUATE, to empha...
accessioning 26 22 ACCESSION, to record...
accompanying 35 30 ACCOMPANY, to escort...
accumulating 30 27 ACCUMULATE, to gathe...
adjudicating 27 30 ADJUDICATE, to settl...
adulterating 22 18 ADULTERATE, to make...
adulterising 23 18 ADULTERISE, (archaic...
adulterizing 26 27 ADULTERIZE, (archaic...
aerobicising 26 21 AEROBICISE, to make...
aerobicizing 29 30 AEROBICIZE, to make...
aerosolising 21 16 AEROSOLISE, to turn...
aerosolizing 24 25 AEROSOLIZE, to turn...
affectioning 27 25 AFFECTION, to love [...
afterburning 25 23 reheat, the use of a...
aggrandising 23 21 AGGRANDISE, to incre...
aggrandizing 26 30 AGGRANDIZE, to incre...
albumenising 25 24 ALBUMENISE, to cover...
albumenizing 28 33 ALBUMENIZE, to cover...
albuminising 26 24 ALBUMINISE, to cover...
albuminizing 29 33 ALBUMINIZE, to cover...
alcoholising 28 22 ALCOHOLISE, to conve...
alcoholizing 31 31 ALCOHOLIZE, to conve...
alkalinising 24 22 ALKALINISE, to make...
alkalinizing 27 31 ALKALINIZE, to make...
allegorising 24 19 ALLEGORISE, to make...
allegorizing 27 28 ALLEGORIZE, to make...
alliterating 23 17 ALLITERATE, to form...
allografting 26 22 ALLOGRAFT, to make a...
alphasorting 26 21 ALPHASORT, to sort i...
alphatesting 26 21 ALPHATEST, to carry...
amalgamating 24 24 AMALGAMATE, to unite...
ameliorating 22 19 AMELIORATE, to make...
anabaptising 24 22 ANABAPTISE, to rebap...
anabaptizing 27 31 ANABAPTIZE, to rebap...
anastomosing 20 19 ANASTOMOSE, to inosc...
annihilating 23 20 ANNIHILATE, to destr...
annunciating 22 22 ANNUNCIATE, to annou...
annuntiating 19 19 ANNUNTIATE, (obsolet...
antagonising 20 19 ANTAGONISE, to arous...
antagonizing 23 28 ANTAGONIZE, to arous...
anticipating 26 22 ANTICIPATE, to expec...
anticlotting 25 20 serving to prevent c...
antigambling 26 25 opposed to gambling...
antilynching 33 25 opposed to lynching...
antipoaching 27 24 opposed to poaching...
antispending 22 21 opposed to spending...
apostatising 23 18 APOSTATISE, to chang...
apostatizing 26 27 APOSTATIZE, to chang...
apostolising 24 19 APOSTOLISE, to preac...
apostolizing 27 28 APOSTOLIZE, to preac...
apperceiving 30 28 APPERCEIVE, to perce...
appertaining 24 22 APPERTAIN, to relate...
apportioning 24 22 APPORTION, to portio...
appreciating 28 24 APPRECIATE, to grasp...
apprehending 26 25 APPREHEND, to unders...
apprenticing 28 25 APPRENTICE, to set s...
architecting 30 23 ARCHITECT, to constr...
arpeggiating 25 22 ARPEGGIATE, to perfo...
articulating 26 20 ARTICULATE, to give...
ascertaining 23 19 ASCERTAIN, to make s...
asepticising 27 21 ASEPTICISE, to make...
asepticizing 30 30 ASEPTICIZE, to make...
asphyxiating 38 29 ASPHYXIATE, to cause...
asseverating 22 19 ASSEVERATE, to state...
assibilating 25 19 ASSIBILATE, to prono...
assimilating 24 19 ASSIMILATE, to make...
assoilzieing 25 25 ASSOILZIE, to absolv...
astroturfing 24 19 political, advertisi...
auscultating 26 21 AUSCULTATE, to liste...
autodialling 23 19 AUTODIAL, to dial a...
autografting 24 21 AUTOGRAFT, to make s...
autographing 26 23 AUTOGRAPH, to sign w...
automatising 22 19 AUTOMATISE, to make...
automatizing 25 28 AUTOMATIZE, to make...
automobiling 25 23 AUTOMOBILE, to trave...
autorotating 20 16 AUTOROTATE, to self-...
autotomising 22 19 AUTOTOMISE, to effec...
autotomizing 25 28 AUTOTOMIZE, to effec...
axiomatising 28 25 AXIOMATISE, to make...
axiomatizing 31 34 AXIOMATIZE, to reduc...
babyproofing 35 29 BABYPROOF, to render...
backbreaking 30 32 exhausting [adj]
backchatting 33 30 BACKCHAT, to engage...
backchecking 37 37 BACKCHECK, in ice ho...
backcrossing 31 28 BACKCROSS, to create...
backdropping 32 32 BACKDROP, to create...
backflipping 36 35 the act of performin...
backlighting 33 30 BACKLIGHT, to illumi...
backpedaling 30 30 BACKPEDAL, to pedal...
backshishing 33 29 BACKSHISH, to give a...
backslapping 33 32 BACKSLAP, to show ap...
backspeering 29 28 BACKSPEER, (Scots) t...
backspeiring 30 28 BACKSPEIR, (Scots) t...
backstabbing 32 31 the act of stabbing...
backstalling 30 27 BACKSTALL, of a kite...
backstamping 31 31 BACKSTAMP, to mark w...
backstarting 28 25 a marketing techniqu...
backstopping 32 31 BACKSTOP, to act as...
backstroking 29 29 BACKSTROKE, to swim...
backtracking 32 32 the act of backtrack...
bakhshishing 32 28 BAKHSHISH, (Persian)...
baksheeshing 28 26 BAKSHEESH, to give a...
balladeering 24 21 BALLADEER, to sing b...
ballhandling 28 25 the art of handling...
ballyragging 34 26 BALLYRAG, to overawe...
bandicooting 25 23 BANDICOOT, to remove...
barnstorming 24 22 touring country area...
barricadoing 26 22 BARRICADO, to barric...
bastardising 24 19 BASTARDISE, to make...
bastardizing 27 28 BASTARDIZE, to make...
bastinadoing 22 20 BASTINADO, to tortur...
beachcombing 34 32 wandering along a be...
beadblasting 26 23 BEADBLAST, to clean...
beclamouring 28 26 BECLAMOUR, to make a...
becudgelling 30 27 BECUDGEL, to beat wi...
bedrivelling 28 25 BEDRIVEL, to cover w...
beglamouring 26 25 BEGLAMOUR, to impres...
beleaguering 24 22 BELEAGUER, to surrou...
bemonstering 23 22 BEMONSTER, (archaic)...
benchmarking 30 31 the process of testi...
benightening 25 24 BENIGHTEN, to overta...
beplastering 26 22 BEPLASTER, (archaic)...
bepommelling 29 29 BEPOMMEL, to pommel...
bescattering 26 21 BESCATTER, (archaic)...
bescribbling 33 28 BESCRIBBLE, (archaic...
beslobbering 28 25 BESLOBBER, to slobbe...
beslubbering 29 26 BESLUBBER, to slobbe...
bespattering 25 21 BESPATTER, to soil b...
besprinkling 28 27 BESPRINKLE, to sprin...
bestialising 25 19 BESTIALISE, to make...
bestializing 28 28 BESTIALIZE, to make...
bestraddling 25 21 BESTRADDLE, to bestr...
billboarding 28 24 BILLBOARD, to advert...
billsticking 32 27 the act of posting b...
biocomputing 30 28 the application of c...
biodegrading 24 22 BIODEGRADE, to break...
bipolarising 27 22 BIPOLARISE, to make...
bipolarizing 30 31 BIPOLARIZE, to make...
birdwatching 33 27 the occupation of wa...
bituminating 25 23 BITUMINATE, to treat...
bituminising 26 23 BITUMINISE, to treat...
bituminizing 29 32 BITUMINIZE, to treat...
blackballing 33 31 the act of voting ag...
blackbirding 32 30 trafficking in slave...
blackjacking 35 42 BLACKJACK, to hit wi...
blackleading 29 28 BLACKLEAD, to coat w...
blacklegging 32 31 BLACKLEG, to work ev...
blacklisting 31 27 the act of putting o...
blackmailing 31 30 BLACKMAIL, to extort...
blacktopping 33 32 BLACKTOP, to pave wi...
blackwashing 34 31 BLACKWASH, to treat...
blindfolding 28 26 BLINDFOLD, to cover...
blockbusting 32 30 the act of bringing...
bloodletting 25 21 the act of letting b...
bloodsucking 29 28 sucking blood [adj]
blowtorching 33 27 BLOWTORCH, to apply...
blueprinting 27 24 BLUEPRINT, to draw u...
bluesnarfing 26 24 the unauthorized acc...
bluestocking 29 27 an early feminist; a...
boardsailing 24 20 the sport of sailing...
boatbuilding 27 24 the industry of buil...
bobsleighing 30 26 BOBSLEIGH, to travel...
bodyboarding 31 25 the sport of riding...
bodybuilding 34 27 the sport of buildin...
bodychecking 39 33 BODYCHECK, to make a...
bodyguarding 31 25 BODYGUARD, to act as...
boilermaking 26 26 metal-working in hea...
bolshevising 29 25 BOLSHEVISE, to make...
bolshevizing 32 34 BOLSHEVIZE, to make...
bombproofing 30 30 BOMBPROOF, to make p...
bookcrossing 27 25 the practice of leav...
boomeranging 23 24 BOOMERANG, to return...
boondoggling 25 25 BOONDOGGLE, to carry...
bowdlerising 28 23 BOWDLERISE, to expur...
bowdlerizing 31 32 BOWDLERIZE, to purge...
bowstringing 28 24 BOWSTRING, to strang...
brainwashing 28 24 indoctrination [n -S...
breadwinning 25 24 the act of earning a...
breakdancing 26 27 a type of vigorous d...
breakfasting 26 25 BREAKFAST, to take b...
breathtaking 26 24 making one out of br...
brillianting 26 21 BRILLIANT, to cut an...
broadcasting 26 22 sending out, dissemi...
buccaneering 28 26 acting as a buccanee...
buccaniering 29 26 BUCCANIER, to act as...
buckshishing 34 30 BUCKSHISH, to give a...
bullfighting 33 28 the action involved...
bullshitting 30 23 talking nonsense [n...
bullwhacking 36 33 BULLWHACK, to strike...
bullwhipping 37 32 BULLWHIP, to strike...
bullyragging 35 27 BULLYRAG, to intimid...
burglarising 27 22 BURGLARISE, to commi...
burglarizing 30 31 BURGLARIZE, to commi...
burnettising 24 20 BURNETTISE, to subje...
burnettizing 27 29 BURNETTIZE, to subje...
bushfighting 33 28 fighting in the bush...
bushwhacking 36 33 the act of shooting...
butterflying 34 25 BUTTERFLY, to split...
buttonholing 26 23 BUTTONHOLE, to detai...
cablecasting 30 25 CABLECAST, to broadc...
cachinnating 28 25 CACHINNATE, to laugh...
calumniating 26 24 CALUMNIATE, to sland...
camouflaging 29 28 CAMOUFLAGE, to conce...
camphorating 29 26 CAMPHORATE, to impre...
canceleering 26 23 CANCELEER, to make s...
canceliering 27 23 CANCELIER, to make s...
cantillating 26 21 CANTILLATE, to chant...
capacitating 29 24 CAPACITATE, to make...
caparisoning 25 22 CAPARISON, to adorn...
capitalising 28 22 CAPITALISE, to write...
capitalizing 31 31 CAPITALIZE, to write...
capitulating 28 23 CAPITULATE, to yield...
caramelising 26 22 CARAMELISE, to turn...
caramelizing 29 31 CARAMELIZE, to turn...
carbonadoing 24 23 CARBONADO, (Spanish)...
carburetting 27 22 CARBURET, to combine...
cardsharping 29 24 cheating by a profes...
caricaturing 28 22 CARICATURE, to make...
carillonning 25 22 CARILLON, to play a...
carpentering 25 22 CARPENTER, to constr...
cartwheeling 30 24 CARTWHEEL, to turn a...
catabolising 27 22 CATABOLISE, to subje...
catabolizing 30 31 CATABOLIZE, to subje...
catalogising 26 21 CATALOGISE, to put i...
catalogizing 29 30 CATALOGIZE, to put i...
categorising 25 20 CATEGORISE, to put i...
categorizing 28 29 CATEGORIZE, to put i...
caterwauling 28 23 making a harsh cry [...
centralising 25 20 CENTRALISE, to move...
centralizing 28 29 CENTRALIZE, to move...
centrifuging 28 25 CENTRIFUGE, to subje...
chairmanning 26 25 CHAIRMAN, to act as...
channelising 26 23 CHANNELISE, to creat...
channelizing 29 32 CHANNELIZE, to creat...
chaptalising 30 24 CHAPTALISE, to add e...
chaptalizing 33 33 CHAPTALIZE, to add e...
charactering 29 23 CHARACTER, (archaic]...
charbroiling 30 24 CHARBROIL, to broil...
chargrilling 31 24 CHARGRILL, to grill...
charivariing 29 24 CHARIVARI, to perfor...
chauffeuring 31 28 CHAUFFEUR, to drive...
chauffeusing 31 28 CHAUFFEUSE, to act a...
checklisting 33 28 CHECKLIST, to make l...
checkmarking 33 34 CHECKMARK, to mark i...
cheerleading 26 22 CHEERLEAD, to lead i...
cheeseparing 27 23 stingy [adj] / the a...
chemisorbing 30 26 CHEMISORB, to adsorb...
chemosorbing 29 26 CHEMOSORB, to adsorb...
childbearing 30 25 the process of conce...
childcrowing 35 28 a nervous affection...
childminding 30 27 the activity or prof...
chitchatting 33 25 CHITCHAT, to indulge...
chloridating 28 22 CHLORIDATE, to treat...
chloridising 29 22 CHLORIDISE, to conve...
chloridizing 32 31 CHLORIDIZE, to conve...
chlorinating 27 22 CHLORINATE, to treat...
chlorinising 28 22 CHLORINISE, to chlor...
chlorinizing 31 31 CHLORINIZE, to chlor...
chondrifying 35 27 CHONDRIFY, to conver...
chugalugging 32 29 CHUGALUG, to drink w...
cinchonising 29 25 CINCHONISE, to treat...
cinchonizing 32 34 CINCHONIZE, to treat...
cinematising 25 22 CINEMATISE, to produ...
cinematizing 28 31 CINEMATIZE, to produ...
circumcising 34 28 CIRCUMCISE, to cut o...
circumducing 34 30 CIRCUMDUCE, (Scots)...
circumfusing 33 29 CIRCUMFUSE, to pour...
circummuring 32 29 CIRCUMMURE, (Shakesp...
circumposing 32 28 CIRCUMPOSE, to place...
citizenising 28 28 CITIZENISE, to make...
citizenizing 31 37 CITIZENIZE, to make...
clapboarding 29 26 CLAPBOARD, to cover...
classicising 30 22 CLASSICISE, to make...
classicizing 33 31 CLASSICIZE, to make...
clearcutting 29 23 the act of felling t...
clickjacking 37 42 the practice of usin...
cliffhanging 33 30 the act of keeping a...
coacervating 28 25 COACERVATE, to heap;...
cocaptaining 28 25 COCAPTAIN, to captai...
cockfighting 35 32 the sport of fightin...
cockneyfying 42 33 COCKNEYFY, to make (...
cockswaining 31 29 COCKSWAIN, to take c...
cockthrowing 34 30 the old sport of thr...
cocounseling 27 24 COCOUNSEL, to counse...
codeveloping 28 27 CODEVELOP, to develo...
coenamouring 23 23 COENAMOUR, to enamou...
cohostessing 26 20 COHOSTESS, to act as...
colliquating 35 30 COLLIQUATE, (obsolet...
colloquising 35 30 COLLOQUISE, to conve...
colloquizing 38 39 COLLOQUIZE, to conve...
colorcasting 28 22 COLORCAST, to broadc...
colorwashing 30 24 COLORWASH, to paint...
commeasuring 26 25 COMMEASURE, to be co...
commentating 25 25 COMMENTATE, to give...
commodifying 35 30 COMMODIFY, to make a...
companioning 25 26 COMPANION, to keep s...
compensating 26 25 COMPENSATE, to be eq...
complicating 32 28 COMPLICATE, to combi...
composturing 28 25 COMPOSTURE, to treat...
compromising 29 27 expsoing to the risk...
comptrolling 30 26 COMPTROLL, (obsolete...
concentering 25 23 CONCENTER, (US) to h...
concertgoing 27 24 the act of attending...
concertising 27 22 CONCERTISE, to perfo...
concertizing 30 31 CONCERTIZE, to perfo...
conciliating 28 23 CONCILIATE, to gain...
concretising 27 22 CONCRETISE, to rende...
concretizing 30 31 CONCRETIZE, to rende...
condensating 22 21 CONDENSATE, to conde...
condimenting 24 24 CONDIMENT, to season...
conditioning 23 21 the act of condition...
conferencing 27 26 the practice of hold...
confiscating 29 25 CONFISCATE, to seize...
conglobating 27 25 CONGLOBATE, to gathe...
congregating 25 23 CONGREGATE, to colle...
conjecturing 29 32 CONJECTURE, to arriv...
conscripting 30 25 CONSCRIPT, to enlist...
consecrating 26 22 CONSECRATE, to induc...
consociating 26 22 CONSOCIATE, to ally...
constipating 26 22 CONSTIPATE, to cause...
constituting 25 20 CONSTITUTE, to form...
constraining 23 20 CONSTRAIN, to force,...
constricting 28 22 CONSTRICT, to draw t...
constringing 25 22 CONSTRINGE, to draw...
constructing 28 23 CONSTRUCT, to build...
consummating 26 26 CONSUMMATE, to finis...
contempering 26 25 CONTEMPER, to blend...
contravening 24 24 CONTRAVENE, to act c...
contributing 27 23 CONTRIBUTE, to give...
convalescing 29 27 CONVALESCE, to recov...
conveyancing 33 29 the act or business...
coordinating 23 20 COORDINATE, to organ...
copartnering 25 22 COPARTNER, to act as...
copresenting 25 22 COPRESENT, to presen...
coprocessing 29 24 the act of processin...
copublishing 33 28 COPUBLISH, to publis...
copyrighting 37 27 COPYRIGHT, to secure...
cordialising 26 20 CORDIALISE, to becom...
cordializing 29 29 CORDIALIZE, to becom...
corkscrewing 32 28 CORKSCREW, to twist...
cornbraiding 26 23 CORNBRAID, to braid...
corporifying 35 26 CORPORIFY, to embody...
corrivalling 29 24 CORRIVAL, to rival,...
cosponsoring 25 22 COSPONSOR, to sponso...
couchsurfing 33 28 the practice of slee...
countersuing 24 21 COUNTERSUE, to sue s...
countrolling 26 22 COUNTROL, to control...
crapehanging 28 26 pessimism, also CREP...
crenellating 25 21 CRENELLATE, to provi...
crepehanging 28 26 pessimism, also CRAP...
crescendoing 26 23 CRESCENDO, to come t...
crossbanding 26 23 a veneer border, as...
crossbarring 27 21 the act of fitting w...
crosscutting 29 22 CROSSCUT, to cut acr...
crossruffing 30 25 CROSSRUFF, in whist...
crowdfunding 30 28 the practice of soli...
crystalising 33 21 CRYSTALISE, to form...
crystalizing 36 30 CRYSTALIZE, to form...
cuckoldising 31 28 CUCKOLDISE, to make...
cuckoldizing 34 37 CUCKOLDIZE, to make...
currycombing 38 30 CURRYCOMB, to comb w...
curveballing 31 28 CURVEBALL, to throw...
cyclostyling 43 27 CYCLOSTYLE, to make...
damasceening 23 23 DAMASCEENE, to decor...
damaskeening 21 24 DAMASKEEN, to decora...
damasquining 30 30 DAMASQUIN, to decora...
daughterling 26 22 a small daughter [n...
deacidifying 33 25 DEACIDIFY, to remove...
deactivating 26 23 DEACTIVATE, to make...
deaspirating 23 19 DEASPIRATE, to remov...
debarrassing 23 19 DEBARRASS, (archaic)...
debilitating 25 20 DEBILITATE, to make...
decalcifying 37 28 DECALCIFY, to depriv...
decapitating 26 22 DECAPITATE, to cut o...
decelerating 24 20 DECELERATE, to reduc...
decertifying 33 24 DECERTIFY, to withdr...
decimalising 27 23 DECIMALISE, to conve...
decimalizing 30 32 DECIMALIZE, to conve...
decivilising 29 24 DECIVILISE, to reduc...
decivilizing 32 33 DECIVILIZE, to reduc...
decluttering 26 21 DECLUTTER, to simpli...
decolonising 24 21 DECOLONISE, to relea...
decolonizing 27 30 DECOLONIZE, to relea...
decolorating 24 20 DECOLORATE, to depri...
decolorising 25 20 DECOLORISE, to remov...
decolorizing 28 29 DECOLORIZE, to remov...
decommitting 27 25 DECOMMIT, to withdra...
decongesting 24 22 DECONGEST, to reliev...
decrementing 24 23 DECREMENT, to decrea...
deepfreezing 27 31 DEEPFREEZE, to freez...
deerstalking 23 21 the sport of stalkin...
defeminising 24 23 DEFEMINISE, to remov...
defeminizing 27 32 DEFEMINIZE, to remov...
definitising 24 20 DEFINITISE, to make...
definitizing 27 29 DEFINITIZE, to make...
deflagrating 25 22 DEFLAGRATE, to burn...
degarnishing 24 21 DEGARNISH, to despoi...
degenerating 20 19 DEGENERATE, to pass...
dehumanising 24 23 DEHUMANISE, to remov...
dehumanizing 27 32 DEHUMANIZE, to depri...
delaminating 22 21 DELAMINATE, to split...
deleveraging 24 23 DELEVERAGE, (of an o...
deliberating 24 20 DELIBERATE, to think...
delimitating 24 20 DELIMITATE, to delim...
deliquescing 34 30 DELIQUESCE, to melt...
delocalising 26 21 DELOCALISE, to free...
delocalizing 29 30 DELOCALIZE, to free...
demobilising 26 23 DEMOBILISE, to disba...
demobilizing 29 32 DEMOBILIZE, to disba...
demodulating 23 22 DEMODULATE, to remov...
demonetising 21 20 DEMONETISE, to depri...
demonetizing 24 29 DEMONETIZE, to depri...
demoralising 23 20 disheartening [adj D...
demoralizing 26 29 DEMORALIZE, to corru...
demotivating 24 23 DEMOTIVATE, to remov...
demulsifying 33 26 DEMULSIFY, to separa...
demystifying 38 26 DEMYSTIFY, to remove...
demythifying 40 28 DEMYTHIFY, to remove...
denaturising 21 18 DENATURISE, to remov...
denaturizing 24 27 DENATURIZE, to remov...
denitrifying 30 22 DENITRIFY, to depriv...
denominating 20 21 DENOMINATE, to give...
denunciating 23 22 DENUNCIATE, to denou...
deoppilating 26 23 DEOPPILATE, to free...
depigmenting 25 25 DEPIGMENT, to take a...
deplenishing 26 23 DEPLENISH, to depriv...
depolarising 24 20 DEPOLARISE, to remov...
depolarizing 27 29 DEPOLARIZE, to remov...
depopulating 26 24 DEPOPULATE, to reduc...
depreciating 26 22 DEPRECIATE, to lower...
deprehending 24 23 DEPREHEND, (obsolete...
deprograming 25 24 DEPROGRAM, to prevai...
deracinating 23 20 DERACINATE, to uproo...
deregulating 23 20 DEREGULATE, to free...
derepressing 23 19 DEREPRESS, to activa...
derivatising 24 20 DERIVATISE, to make...
derivatizing 27 29 DERIVATIZE, to make...
dermaplaning 24 24 a cosmetic treatment...
desalinating 21 18 DESALINATE, to remov...
desalinising 22 18 DESALINISE, to remov...
desalinizing 25 27 DESALINIZE, to remov...
descrambling 29 26 DESCRAMBLE, to unscr...
desertifying 30 21 DESERTIFY, to make i...
desiderating 21 17 DESIDERATE, to desir...
desquamating 30 29 DESQUAMATE, to scale...
destempering 24 22 DESTEMPER, (obsolete...
desulphuring 28 24 DESULPHUR, to remove...
detasselling 23 18 DETASSEL, to remove...
dethronising 23 19 DETHRONISE, to remov...
dethronizing 26 28 DETHRONIZE, to dethr...
detoxicating 30 26 DETOXICATE, to rid o...
detruncating 24 21 DETRUNCATE, to cut s...
devalorising 24 21 DEVALORISE, to deval...
devalorizing 27 30 DEVALORIZE, to deval...
devitalising 25 21 DEVITALISE, to depri...
devitalizing 28 30 DEVITALIZE, to depri...
devitrifying 33 25 DEVITRIFY, to depriv...
devocalising 27 24 DEVOCALISE, to make...
devocalizing 30 33 DEVOCALIZE, to make...
diaphragming 28 26 DIAPHRAGM, to fit wi...
differencing 28 26 DIFFERENCE, to make...
digitalising 25 19 DIGITALIS [v]
digitalizing 28 28 DIGITALIZE, to make...
digladiating 24 20 DIGLADIATE, (obsolet...
dijudicating 28 30 DIJUDICATE, to judge...
dilacerating 25 20 DILACERATE, to rend...
dilapidating 25 21 DILAPIDATE, to bring...
dilucidating 27 22 DILUCIDATE, (obsolet...
dimensioning 21 21 DIMENSION, to give t...
diphthonging 29 26 DIPHTHONG, to pronou...
disaccording 28 23 DISACCORD, to refuse...
disadvancing 26 25 DISADVANCE, (Spenser...
disaffecting 29 25 DISAFFECT, to take a...
disaffirming 28 25 DISAFFIRM, to assert...
disanchoring 26 22 DISANCHOR, to raise...
disanimating 22 20 DISANIMATE, to depri...
disannulling 23 21 the act of disannull...
disanointing 20 18 DISANOINT, to undo t...
disappearing 25 22 DISAPPEAR, to vanish...
disapproving 28 26 passing unfavorable...
disarranging 22 19 DISARRANGE, to distu...
disavauncing 26 25 DISAVAUNCE, (Spenser...
disavouching 29 26 DISAVOUCH, (obsolete...
disbelieving 27 24 incredulous [adj DIS...
disbowelling 29 24 DISBOWEL, to remove...
disbranching 29 25 DISBRANCH, to divest...
disburdening 24 22 DISBURDEN, to rid of...
discandering 24 21 (Shakespeare) meltin...
dischurching 34 27 DISCHURCH, (obsolete...
disciplining 29 24 DISCIPLINE, to punis...
discolouring 26 21 DISCOLOUR, to alter...
discomfiting 29 25 DISCOMFIT, to discon...
discommoding 27 26 DISCOMMODE, to put t...
discommoning 26 26 DISCOMMON, to depriv...
discomposing 28 25 DISCOMPOSE, to disar...
discouraging 26 22 disheartening [adj D...
discrediting 26 20 DISCREDIT, to refuse...
disculpating 29 24 DISCULPATE, to free...
discumbering 29 26 DISCUMBER, (archaic)...
disembarking 26 26 DISEMBARK, to leave...
disembodying 31 25 DISEMBODY, to remove...
disemboguing 26 25 DISEMBOGUE, (Spanish...
disemploying 32 25 DISEMPLOY, to throw...
disenclosing 25 21 DISENCLOSE, to free...
disennobling 23 22 DISENNOBLE, to depri...
disenrolling 23 19 the act of removing...
disenslaving 24 22 DISENSLAVE, to free...
disentailing 22 18 DISENTAIL, to free f...
disentitling 23 18 DISENTITLE, to depri...
disentombing 24 23 DISENTOMB, to take o...
disentwining 24 21 DISENTWINE, to free...
disespousing 24 20 DISESPOUSE, (Milton)...
disesteeming 22 19 DISESTEEM, to hold o...
disfavouring 26 24 DISFAVOUR, to disest...
disfeaturing 24 20 DISFEATURE, to depri...
disforesting 24 19 DISFOREST, to clear...
disgavelling 27 24 the act of releasing...
disgruntling 25 21 DISGRUNTLE, to make...
dishallowing 29 23 DISHALLOW, to make u...
dishevelling 28 24 DISHEVEL, to make th...
dishonouring 23 20 DISHONOUR, to depriv...
dishumouring 26 23 DISHUMOUR, (obsolete...
disimagining 24 22 DISIMAGINE, to banis...
disimproving 28 26 DISIMPROVE, to make...
disinclining 26 22 DISINCLINE, to make...
disinclosing 26 21 DISINCLOSE, to free...
disinfecting 27 23 DISINFECT, to rid of...
disinfesting 24 20 DISINFEST, to remove...
disinforming 25 23 DISINFORM, to inform...
disinterring 22 17 DISINTER, to exhume...
disinventing 23 22 DISINVENT, to undo t...
disinvesting 24 21 DISINVEST, to reduce...
disinvolving 27 26 DISINVOLVE, to unfol...
dismembering 26 25 DISMEMBER, to cut or...
disorienting 21 17 DISORIENT, to confus...
dispaupering 26 23 DISPAUPER, to depriv...
disprisoning 24 20 DISPRISON, to let lo...
disprofiting 27 22 DISPROFIT, (archaic)...
disproviding 27 24 DISPROVIDE, (archaic...
dispurveying 33 26 DISPURVEY, (archaic)...
disregarding 23 19 DISREGARD, to pay no...
disrelishing 26 19 DISRELISH, to dislik...
dissertating 22 16 DISSERTATE, to disco...
dissheathing 26 20 DISSHEATHE, to becom...
disshivering 27 22 DISSHIVER, (Spenser)...
dissociating 25 19 DISSOCIATE, to separ...
dissundering 22 19 DISSUNDER, (archaic)...
distempering 25 22 DISTEMPER, to paint...
distributing 26 20 DISTRIBUTE, to divid...
distroubling 26 21 DISTROUBLE, (obsolet...
divaricating 27 23 DIVARICATE, to fork,...
diversifying 33 25 DIVERSIFY, to give v...
dolomitising 24 20 DOLOMITISE, to conve...
dolomitizing 27 29 DOLOMITIZE, to conve...
doomwatching 30 27 the act of keeping a...
doorknocking 25 28 DOORKNOCK, to go fro...
doorstepping 25 22 going from door to d...
dorsiflexing 31 27 DORSIFLEX, to bend t...
doughnutting 25 23 the act of surroundi...
downshifting 29 25 the act of selecting...
downtrending 23 22 DOWNTREND, to tend i...
dragonnading 20 21 DRAGONNADE, to perse...
dumbfounding 27 29 DUMBFOUND, to strike...
earlierising 22 16 EARLIERISE, to do at...
earlierizing 25 25 EARLIERIZE, to do at...
earsplitting 25 19 distressingly loud o...
earthquaking 32 31 having the nature of...
earthshaking 26 23 of great importance...
edulcorating 25 21 EDULCORATE, to make...
effectuating 28 25 EFFECTUATE, to effec...
effeminating 25 25 EFFEMINATE, (archaic...
effeminising 26 25 EFFEMINISE, (archaic...
effeminizing 29 34 EFFEMINIZE, (archaic...
effervescing 30 28 EFFERVESCE, to bubbl...
effleuraging 27 25 EFFLEURAGE, to make...
efflorescing 29 25 EFFLORESCE, to flowe...
egurgitating 24 20 EGURGITATE, to vomit...
elasticating 25 19 ELASTICATE, to make...
elasticising 26 19 ELASTICISE, to make...
elasticizing 29 28 ELASTICIZE, to make...
electrifying 34 24 ELECTRIFY, to charge...
elucubrating 28 24 ELUCUBRATE, to work...
emancipating 26 25 EMANCIPATE, to free...
emarginating 22 21 EMARGINATE, to take...
emasculating 26 23 EMASCULATE, to depri...
embarrassing 24 21 EMBARRASS, to discom...
embellishing 29 25 EMBELLISH, to add be...
emblossoming 26 25 EMBLOSSOM, to cover...
embroidering 24 22 EMBROIDER, to orname...
empanoplying 32 28 EMPANOPLY, to clothe...
emparadising 24 22 EMPARADISE, (Milton)...
emplastering 25 22 EMPLASTER, (obsolete...
encincturing 27 24 ENCINCTURE, to girdl...
encompassing 26 25 ENCOMPASS, to surrou...
encountering 22 21 ENCOUNTER, to meet [...
encrimsoning 24 23 ENCRIMSON, to colour...
encurtaining 23 21 ENCURTAIN, to enclos...
endeavouring 21 22 ENDEAVOUR, to try, a...
endenizening 21 28 ENDENIZEN, to admit...
endungeoning 19 22 ENDUNGEON, to shut u...
enfreedoming 22 23 ENFREEDOM, (Shakespe...
engarlanding 21 21 ENGARLAND, to encirc...
enheartening 20 19 ENHEARTEN, to encour...
enigmatising 23 21 ENIGMATISE, to expre...
enigmatizing 26 30 ENIGMATIZE, to expre...
enkernelling 22 23 ENKERNEL, to enclose...
enlightening 24 22 ENLIGHTEN, to impart...
ensanguining 20 21 ENSANGUINE, to cover...
enscheduling 27 24 ENSCHEDULE, (Shakesp...
ensheltering 23 19 ENSHELTER, (Shakespe...
ensorcelling 25 21 ENSORCEL, to bewitch...
enterdealing 20 18 ENTERDEALE, (Spenser...
enterprising 23 19 marked by an indepen...
entertaining 19 17 amusing [adj ENTERTA...
enthronising 22 19 ENTHRONISE, to enthr...
enthronizing 25 28 ENTHRONIZE, to enthr...
entrammeling 23 23 ENTRAMMEL, to tramme...
entreasuring 20 17 ENTREASURE, (archaic...
envassalling 24 22 ENVASSAL, to make a...
envermeiling 24 24 ENVERMEIL, (Milton)...
epiloguising 26 22 EPILOGUISE, to speak...
epiloguizing 29 31 EPILOGUIZE, to speak...
episcopating 28 24 EPISCOPATE, to act a...
episcopising 29 24 EPISCOPISE, to make...
episcopizing 32 33 EPISCOPIZE, to make...
epistolising 25 19 EPISTOLISE, to write...
epistolizing 28 28 EPISTOLIZE, to write...
epithelising 27 21 EPITHELISE, to conve...
epithelizing 30 30 EPITHELIZE, to conve...
equiparating 31 28 EQUIPARATE, (obsolet...
equivocating 34 32 EQUIVOCATE, to use e...
establishing 27 21 ESTABLISH, to settle...
eternalising 21 17 ETERNALISE, to make...
eternalizing 24 26 ETERNALIZE, to make...
euhemerising 24 21 EUHEMERISE, to give...
euhemerizing 27 30 EUHEMERIZE, to give...
evangelising 24 23 EVANGELISE, to preac...
evangelizing 27 32 EVANGELIZE, to preac...
everblooming 26 26 always in bloom [adj...
eviscerating 26 22 EVISCERATE, to depri...
exacerbating 31 28 EXACERBATE, to make...
exaggerating 28 26 EXAGGERATE, to enlar...
exasperating 28 25 exciting the anger o...
exchequering 40 37 EXCHEQUER, to place...
excogitating 31 27 EXCOGITATE, to disco...
excruciating 34 29 EXCRUCIATE, to infli...
excursioning 30 27 EXCURSION, to go on...
exemplifying 40 34 EXEMPLIFY, to serve...
exenterating 25 23 EXENTERATE, (obsolet...
exfiltrating 31 26 EXFILTRATE, to remov...
exheredating 28 25 EXHEREDATE, to disin...
exhilarating 30 25 EXHILARATE, to make...
exorbitating 29 25 EXORBITATE, (obsolet...
expatriating 29 25 EXPATRIATE, to banis...
expeditating 29 26 EXPEDITATE, to depri...
experiencing 31 29 EXPERIENCE, to have...
exprobrating 31 28 EXPROBRATE, (archaic...
exsufflating 33 30 EXSUFFLATE, to blow...
extraverting 29 26 EXTRAVERT, to turn o...
extroverting 29 26 EXTROVERT, to turn o...
exulcerating 31 27 EXULCERATE, to ulcer...
facilitating 28 22 FACILITATE, to make...
facsimileing 29 25 FACSIMILE, to make a...
fanaticising 26 22 FANATICISE, to make...
fanaticizing 29 31 FANATICIZE, to make...
farnarkeling 24 24 wasting time, messin...
faultfinding 27 25 the act of finding f...
federalising 24 20 FEDERALISE, to unite...
federalizing 27 29 FEDERALIZE, to unite...
felicitating 28 22 FELICITATE, to congr...
fibrillating 29 23 FIBRILLATE, to under...
fictionising 27 22 FICTIONISE, to make...
fictionizing 30 31 FICTIONIZE, to make...
fillagreeing 26 22 FILLAGREE, to execut...
financiering 25 23 FINANCIER, to conduc...
firefighting 30 25 the business of putt...
fireproofing 27 24 the act of making fi...
fisticuffing 33 28 FISTICUFF, to fight...
flagellating 27 23 FLAGELLATE, to whip;...
flashbacking 33 31 FLASHBACK, to show a...
flashmobbing 32 30 the practice of gath...
flaughtering 28 24 FLAUGHTER, (Scots) t...
flimflamming 32 32 FLIMFLAM, to engage...
flipflopping 35 32 FLIPFLOP, to perform...
flocculating 32 27 FLOCCULATE, to colle...
flowcharting 33 27 the act of making a...
fluoridating 25 21 FLUORIDATE, to add f...
fluoridising 26 21 FLUORIDISE, to add f...
fluoridizing 29 30 FLUORIDIZE, to add f...
fluorinating 24 21 FLUORINATE, to intro...
footdragging 25 23 the act or practice...
footfaulting 26 23 FOOTFAULT, to commit...
footslogging 26 23 tramping on foot [n...
forechecking 32 30 FORECHECK, to check...
foreplanning 24 24 FOREPLAN, to plan be...
forepointing 24 22 FOREPOINT, to foresh...
forereaching 27 23 FOREREACH, to glide...
foreslacking 28 26 FORESLACK, (obsolete...
forespeaking 25 25 FORESPEAK, to predic...
forespending 24 23 FORESPEND, to wear o...
forestalling 25 20 the act of forestall...
foreswearing 25 21 FORESWEAR, to renoun...
foreteaching 27 23 FORETEACH, to teach...
forethinking 26 25 FORETHINK, to think...
foretokening 22 23 the act of foretoken...
foreweighing 29 25 FOREWEIGH, (archaic)...
forgathering 26 22 FORGATHER, to gather...
forwandering 25 23 FORWANDER, (archaic)...
fraternising 23 19 FRATERNISE, to assoc...
fraternizing 26 28 FRATERNIZE, to assoc...
freestanding 22 20 independent [adj]
freethinking 26 25 thought not tied to...
freewheeling 28 24 coasting [adj FREEWH...
frenchifying 37 29 FRENCHIFY, to make F...
fricasseeing 26 21 FRICASSEE, to cook a...
frogmarching 31 28 FROGMARCH, to force...
frontrunning 22 22 the act of being a f...
fustianising 24 20 FUSTIANISE, to write...
fustianizing 27 29 FUSTIANIZE, to write...
gainstriving 25 22 GAINSTRIVE, (obsolet...
gallivanting 26 24 GALLIVANT, to roam a...
gangshagging 27 26 GANGSHAG, to carry o...
gaolbreaking 25 25 GAOLBREAK, to break...
garnisheeing 23 20 GARNISHEE, to make s...
gastrulating 24 19 GASTRULATE, to form...
gatecrashing 27 22 GATECRASH, to attend...
gazetteering 24 26 GAZETTEER, to mentio...
gelatinating 22 19 GELATINATE, to conve...
gelatinising 23 19 GELATINISE, to make...
gelatinizing 26 28 GELATINIZE, to conve...
generalising 22 19 GENERALISE, to make...
generalizing 25 28 GENERALIZE, to give...
geniculating 26 23 GENICULATE, to form...
genteelising 22 19 GENTEELISE, to make...
genteelizing 25 28 GENTEELIZE, to make...
genuflecting 28 26 GENUFLECT, to bend t...
geometrising 23 20 GEOMETRISE, to work...
geometrizing 26 29 GEOMETRIZE, to work...
ghostwriting 29 22 GHOSTWRITE, to write...
giftwrapping 33 29 GIFTWRAP, to wrap wi...
gillravaging 28 25 GILLRAVAGE, (Scots)...
gladwrapping 31 28 GLADWRAP, to cover w...
glamourising 25 22 GLAMOURISE, to make...
glamourizing 28 31 GLAMOURIZE, to make...
glassblowing 30 25 a process used in ma...
gluttonising 24 20 GLUTTONISE, to eat t...
gluttonizing 27 29 GLUTTONIZE, to eat t...
godfathering 26 23 GODFATHER, to be a g...
godmothering 25 23 GODMOTHER, to act as...
goldbricking 31 29 GOLDBRICK, to shirk...
goliathising 26 20 GOLIATHISE, to play...
goliathizing 29 29 GOLIATHIZE, to play...
gormandising 23 22 indulging in food to...
gormandizing 26 31 indulging in food to...
gospellising 27 22 GOSPELLISE, to evang...
gospellizing 30 31 GOSPELLIZE, to evang...
governessing 23 22 GOVERNESS, to act as...
grangerising 23 20 GRANGERISE, to illus...
grangerizing 26 29 GRANGERIZE, to illus...
graphitising 28 22 GRAPHITISE, to conve...
graphitizing 31 31 GRAPHITIZE, to conve...
grecianising 25 21 GRECIANISE, to confo...
grecianizing 28 30 GRECIANIZE, to confo...
greenmailing 23 22 GREENMAIL, to buy a...
greenwashing 26 23 GREENWASH, to cover...
greisenising 22 18 GREISENISE, to conve...
greisenizing 25 27 GREISENIZE, to conve...
guaranteeing 20 19 GUARANTEE, to give a...
guestimating 24 21 GUESTIMATE, to make...
guillotining 25 21 GUILLOTINE, to behea...
habilitating 27 21 HABILITATE, to endow...
hairdressing 24 18 the act of washing,...
halogenating 23 21 HALOGENATE, to combi...
hamfattering 26 23 HAMFATTER, to perfor...
hamshackling 32 30 HAMSHACKLE, to fette...
hamstringing 26 23 HAMSTRING, to disabl...
handcrafting 28 25 HANDCRAFT, to fashio...
handicapping 30 28 HANDICAP, to impose...
handstamping 26 25 HANDSTAMP, to stamp...
hansardising 23 19 HANSARDISE, to confr...
hansardizing 26 28 HANSARDIZE, to confr...
harbingering 26 23 HARBINGER, to foresh...
hardstanding 23 20 HARDSTAND [v]
harlequining 32 29 HARLEQUIN, to play a...
headreaching 27 23 HEADREACH, to make d...
heartburning 25 22 intense or rancorous...
heartrending 22 19 causing great grief...
heartwarming 27 23 inspiring sympatheti...
heathenising 24 20 HEATHENISE, to make...
heathenizing 27 29 HEATHENIZE, to rende...
hedgehopping 30 28 flying a plane at gr...
hemorrhaging 27 24 HEMORRHAGE, to bleed...
hemstitching 31 25 HEMSTITCH, to stitch...
hereticating 26 20 HERETICATE, to denou...
heterodyning 28 21 HETERODYNE, to chang...
highfaluting 31 26 pretentious, affecte...
highlighting 33 26 HIGHLIGHT, to throw...
historifying 33 22 HISTORIFY, to record...
hobbyhorsing 36 27 HOBBYHORSE, of a ves...
holographing 29 25 HOLOGRAPH, to write...
homesourcing 27 24 the transfer of serv...
homesteading 23 21 HOMESTEAD [v]
homogenising 24 23 HOMOGENISE, to make...
homogenizing 27 32 HOMOGENIZE, to make...
homologating 25 23 HOMOLOGATE, to sanct...
homologising 26 23 HOMOLOGISE, to deter...
homologizing 29 32 HOMOLOGIZE, to deter...
honeycombing 34 29 HONEYCOMB, to make l...
honeymooning 27 24 HONEYMOON, to go on...
hopscotching 34 28 HOPSCOTCH, to play h...
horseshoeing 24 19 the act of shoeing a...
housekeeping 25 25 the business of keep...
housesitting 24 18 HOUSESIT, to look af...
housewarming 27 24 a party to celebrate...
hydroforming 33 26 the catalytic reform...
hydroplaning 32 25 HYDROPLANE, to trave...
hyperlinking 34 28 HYPERLINK, to connec...
hypnoidising 32 24 HYPNOIDISE, to put i...
hypnoidizing 35 33 HYPNOIDIZE, to put i...
ideologising 23 19 IDEOLOGISE, to rende...
ideologizing 26 28 IDEOLOGIZE, to rende...
idolatrising 23 17 IDOLATRISE, to worsh...
idolatrizing 26 26 IDOLATRIZE, to worsh...
illaqueating 31 27 ILLAQUEATE, to ensna...
illegalising 26 20 ILLEGALISE, to make...
illegalizing 29 29 ILLEGALIZE, to make...
illuminating 25 22 ILLUMINATE, to enlig...
illustrating 25 18 ILLUSTRATE, to eluci...
imagineering 22 21 IMAGINEER, to design...
immiserising 25 21 IMMISERISE, to subje...
immiserizing 28 30 IMMISERIZE, to subje...
immobilising 28 25 IMMOBILISE, to rende...
immobilizing 31 34 IMMOBILIZE, to make...
impannelling 25 25 IMPANNEL, to put ont...
imparadising 25 22 IMPARADISE, to put i...
impassioning 24 22 IMPASSION, to arouse...
implementing 26 26 IMPLEMENT, to put in...
impregnating 25 24 IMPREGNATE, to fill,...
inactivating 26 23 INACTIVATE, to make...
inaugurating 22 20 INAUGURATE, to inves...
incandescing 26 24 INCANDESCE, to be or...
incatenating 22 20 INCATENATE, to chain...
incinerating 23 20 INCINERATE, to cause...
incrassating 24 19 INCRASSATE, (obsolet...
incrementing 24 23 INCREMENT, to add 1...
indemnifying 30 26 INDEMNIFY, to secure...
indigenising 22 20 INDIGENISE, to rende...
indigenizing 25 29 INDIGENIZE, to rende...
indignifying 31 25 INDIGNIFY, (archaic)...
indulgencing 26 25 INDULGENCE, to grant...
infamonising 23 23 INFAMONISE, to defam...
infamonizing 26 32 INFAMONIZE, to defam...
infibulating 27 24 INFIBULATE, to faste...
infiltrating 25 20 INFILTRATE, to cause...
infinitating 23 20 INFINITATE, to make...
ingeminating 22 22 INGEMINATE, to reite...
ingenerating 20 19 INGENERATE, to gener...
ingratiating 22 18 INGRATIATE, to comme...
initialising 23 17 INITIALISE, to set (...
initializing 26 26 INITIALIZE, to set (...
inosculating 25 21 INOSCULATE, to join...
insalivating 24 21 INSALIVATE, to mix w...
inseminating 21 20 INSEMINATE, to sow;...
insheltering 24 19 INSHELTER, to place...
inspissating 24 19 INSPISSATE, to make...
insufflating 27 24 INSUFFLATE, to blow...
intenerating 19 17 INTENERATE, to make...
intensifying 29 22 INTENSIFY, to make i...
interarching 26 21 INTERARCH, to have i...
interbedding 23 21 the act of inserting...
intercepting 26 22 INTERCEPT, to stop a...
intercluding 26 22 INTERCLUDE, to block...
intercutting 25 20 INTERCUT, to alterna...
interdashing 23 19 INTERDASH, to dash b...
interdealing 21 18 INTERDEAL, (archaic)...
interdicting 25 20 INTERDICT, to forbid...
interflowing 27 23 INTERFLOW, to flow i...
interfolding 24 21 INTERFOLD, to fold t...
intergrading 22 19 INTERGRADE, to merge...
intergrowing 25 21 INTERGROW, to grow i...
interjecting 26 28 INTERJECT, to interp...
interjoining 22 26 INTERJOIN, (Shakespe...
interlapping 26 23 INTERLAP, to lap ove...
interlarding 22 18 INTERLARD, to place...
interleaving 23 21 INTERLEAVE, to arran...
interlending 21 19 INTERLEND, to lend b...
interlinking 23 22 INTERLINK, to link t...
interlocking 26 24 INTERLOCK, to lock o...
interlooping 23 20 INTERLOOP, to loop t...
intermatting 22 19 INTERMAT, to mat fib...
intermeshing 24 21 INTERMESH, to mesh t...
intermitting 23 19 INTERMIT, to stop te...
interplaying 30 22 INTERPLAY, to exert...
interpreting 23 19 INTERPRET, to explai...
interrailing 22 17 INTERRAIL, to travel...
interrupting 24 20 INTERRUPT, to break...
intersecting 24 19 INTERSECT, to cut in...
interserting 21 16 INTERSERT, (obsolete...
interspacing 26 22 INTERSPACE, to put s...
intertilling 24 18 INTERTILL, to cultiv...
intertwining 24 20 INTERTWINE, to unite...
interveining 22 21 INTERVEIN, to inters...
interviewing 26 23 INTERVIEW, to conduc...
intervolving 26 25 INTERVOLVE, to roll...
interweaving 25 23 INTERWEAVE, to weave...
interwinding 24 21 INTERWIND, to wind i...
interworking 25 23 INTERWORK, to work t...
intimidating 23 20 INTIMIDATE, to make...
intoxicating 30 26 INTOXICATE, to make...
introjecting 26 28 INTROJECT, to incorp...
intromitting 23 19 INTROMIT, to introdu...
introverting 23 20 INTROVERT, to turn i...
invaginating 23 23 INVAGINATE, to enshe...
invalidating 24 22 INVALIDATE, to make...
inventorying 28 23 INVENTORY, to make a...
invigilating 26 23 INVIGILATE, to keep...
invigorating 24 22 INVIGORATE, to give...
irradicating 25 19 IRRADICATE, to fix f...
italianating 21 17 ITALIANATE, to rende...
italianising 22 17 ITALIANISE, to make...
italianizing 25 26 ITALIANIZE, to make...
jacklighting 33 36 JACKLIGHT, to fish w...
jailbreaking 27 32 JAILBREAK, to free f...
jeopardising 25 28 JEOPARDISE, to expos...
jeopardizing 28 37 JEOPARDIZE, to expos...
jickajogging 32 44 the act of moving wi...
journalising 24 27 JOURNALISE, to write...
journalizing 27 36 JOURNALIZE, to enter...
junketeering 23 30 JUNKETEER, to engage...
karyomapping 33 30 a technique for dete...
keratinising 22 20 KERATINISE, to make...
keratinizing 25 29 KERATINIZE, to make...
kickflipping 36 36 KICKFLIP, to perform...
kickstarting 28 26 KICKSTART, to start...
kitschifying 38 29 KITSCHIFY, to make k...
laboursaving 26 24 reducing (human) eff...
lallygagging 34 26 LALLYGAG, to dawdle,...
laminarising 23 20 LAMINARISE, to make...
laminarizing 26 29 LAMINARIZE, to make...
lampblacking 33 33 LAMPBLACK, to blacke...
landboarding 23 22 the sport of being p...
landskipping 28 28 LANDSKIP, to landsca...
lateralising 23 17 LATERALISE, to make...
lateralizing 26 26 LATERALIZE, to make...
leapfrogging 28 26 LEAPFROG, to jump ov...
legitimating 25 21 LEGITIMATE, to make...
legitimising 26 21 LEGITIMISE, to make...
legitimizing 29 30 LEGITIMIZE, to make...
lethargising 26 20 LETHARGISE, to make...
lethargizing 29 29 LETHARGIZE, to make...
letterboxing 30 26 showing a film on te...
lexicalising 33 27 LEXICALISE, to put i...
lexicalizing 36 36 LEXICALIZE, to put i...
liberalising 26 20 LIBERALISE, to make...
liberalizing 29 29 LIBERALIZE, to make...
lifeguarding 26 23 LIFEGUARD, to serve...
limelighting 29 24 LIMELIGHT, to light...
linebreeding 23 21 the interbreeding of...
literalising 24 17 LITERALISE, to make...
literalizing 27 26 LITERALIZE, to make...
liveblogging 30 28 the act of keeping a...
livetrapping 29 26 LIVETRAP, to capture...
lobotomising 25 22 LOBOTOMISE, to carry...
lobotomizing 28 31 LOBOTOMIZE, to carry...
locksmithing 31 28 the work or business...
lollygagging 34 26 LOLLYGAG, to dawdle,...
lyophilising 35 24 LYOPHILISE, to dry b...
lyophilizing 38 33 LYOPHILIZE, to dry b...
lysogenising 29 21 LYSOGENISE, to subje...
lysogenizing 32 30 LYSOGENIZE, to subje...
macadamising 26 25 MACADAMISE, to cover...
macadamizing 29 34 MACADAMIZE, to cover...
mailgramming 27 27 MAILGRAM, (tradename...
mailshotting 26 21 MAILSHOT [v]
manifestoing 23 22 MANIFESTO, to issue...
manipulating 25 24 MANIPULATE, to work...
marprelating 25 22 MARPRELATE, to invei...
marrowskying 33 27 MARROWSKY, to utter...
marzipanning 26 32 MARZIPAN, to cover w...
masquerading 30 29 MASQUERADE, to disgu...
masturbating 25 22 MASTURBATE, to pract...
matchmarking 30 30 MATCHMARK, to mark m...
medallioning 23 22 MEDALLION, to orname...
medicalising 27 23 MEDICALISE, to consi...
medicalizing 30 32 MEDICALIZE, to consi...
menstruating 22 20 MENSTRUATE, to under...
messengering 22 21 MESSENGER, to send b...
metabolising 25 22 METABOLISE, to chang...
metabolizing 28 31 METABOLIZE, to chang...
metalworking 27 26 the process of worki...
metaphrasing 26 23 METAPHRASE, to turn...
mezzotinting 28 37 MEZZOTINT, to engrav...
microbrewing 31 27 production by a micr...
microcopying 37 29 MICROCOPY, to copy o...
microfilming 31 28 MICROFILM, to make a...
militarising 25 19 MILITARISE, to make...
militarizing 28 28 MILITARIZE, to make...
mineralising 23 20 MINERALISE, to trans...
mineralizing 26 29 MINERALIZE, to trans...
minesweeping 26 25 searching for mines...
misadjusting 26 29 MISADJUST, to adjust...
misallotting 25 20 MISALLOT, to allot w...
misarranging 23 21 MISARRANGE, to arran...
misassigning 24 21 MISASSIGN, to assign...
misbalancing 28 26 MISBALANCE, to balan...
misbeginning 25 25 MISBEGIN, to begin w...
misbelieving 28 26 MISBELIEVE, to hold...
misbeseeming 25 24 MISBESEEM, (archaic)...
misbestowing 28 24 MISBESTOW, to bestow...
misbuttoning 25 23 MISBUTTON, to button...
miscolouring 27 23 MISCOLOUR, to give a...
miscomputing 30 28 MISCOMPUTE, to compu...
miscrediting 27 22 MISCREDIT, (archaic)...
misdemeaning 22 23 MISDEMEAN, to behave...
misdirecting 27 22 MISDIRECT, to point...
miseducating 26 23 MISEDUCATE, to educa...
misemploying 33 27 MISEMPLOY, to employ...
misenrolling 24 21 MISENROL, to enrol i...
misesteeming 23 21 MISESTEEM, to lack e...
misfeaturing 25 22 distorting the featu...
misfocussing 29 25 MISFOCUS, to focus b...
misgoverning 25 25 MISGOVERN, to govern...
mishappening 28 27 MISHAPPEN, (Spenser)...
mishguggling 31 28 MISHGUGGLE, (Scots)...
misimproving 29 28 MISIMPROVE, to make...
misinferring 25 22 MISINFER, to infer w...
misinforming 26 25 MISINFORM, to inform...
misintending 22 21 MISINTEND, (obsolete...
misinterring 23 19 MISINTER, to inter i...
mislabelling 28 24 MISLABEL, to label i...
mislabouring 26 23 MISLABOUR, to labour...
mislippening 28 26 MISLIPPEN, (Scots) t...
mismeasuring 24 22 MISMEASURE, to measu...
misnumbering 26 26 MISNUMBER, to number...
misobserving 27 25 MISOBSERVE, to obser...
misorienting 22 19 MISORIENT, to orient...
mispackaging 30 30 MISPACKAGE, to packa...
misreckoning 26 26 a wrong reckoning [n...
misrecording 26 22 MISRECORD, to record...
misreferring 25 21 MISREFER, to refer i...
misregarding 24 21 MISREGARD, (Spenser)...
misrendering 22 20 MISRENDER, to render...
misreporting 25 21 MISREPORT, to report...
missionising 23 19 MISSIONISE, to do mi...
missionizing 26 28 MISSIONIZE, to do mi...
mistempering 26 24 MISTEMPER, (obsolete...
moisturising 24 19 MOISTURISE, to add m...
moisturizing 27 28 MOISTURIZE, to add m...
monarchising 27 24 MONARCHISE, to play...
monarchizing 30 33 MONARCHIZE, to play...
moneylending 27 24 the business of lend...
mongrelising 24 22 MONGRELISE, to make...
mongrelizing 27 31 MONGRELIZE, to make...
monocropping 28 28 MONOCROP, to plant t...
monogramming 24 27 MONOGRAM, to mark wi...
monographing 26 26 MONOGRAPH, to write...
monologising 23 22 MONOLOGISE, to engag...
monologizing 26 31 MONOLOGIZE, to engag...
monopolising 24 23 MONOPOLISE, to get a...
monopolizing 27 32 MONOPOLIZE, to get a...
monotonising 20 20 MONOTONISE, to make...
monotonizing 23 29 MONOTONIZE, to make...
moonlighting 26 24 taking a second job...
morigerating 23 20 MORIGERATE, to confo...
mothproofing 28 26 MOTHPROOF, to proof...
motorboating 23 21 travelling by motorb...
motorcycling 36 27 the act of riding by...
muckamucking 33 37 MUCKAMUCK, to consum...
multiplexing 34 31 the act of incorpora...
multitasking 26 24 the action of runnin...
musicalising 28 23 MUSICALISE, to make...
musicalizing 31 32 MUSICALIZE, to make...
mutagenising 23 22 MUTAGENISE, to treat...
mutagenizing 26 31 MUTAGENIZE, to treat...
mylonitising 30 22 MYLONITISE, to turn...
mylonitizing 33 31 MYLONITIZE, to turn...
namechecking 30 31 NAMECHECK, to mentio...
naturalising 22 18 NATURALISE, to confe...
naturalizing 25 27 NATURALIZE, to confe...
neighbouring 26 24 NEIGHBOUR, to live c...
neutralising 22 18 NEUTRALISE, to rende...
neutralizing 25 27 NEUTRALIZE, to rende...
newspapering 27 25 NEWSPAPER, to work o...
nidificating 27 23 NIDIFICATE, to const...
nobilitating 24 20 NOBILITATE, to ennob...
nominalising 22 21 NOMINALISE, to form...
nominalizing 25 30 NOMINALIZE, to form...
nonanswering 21 21 NONANSWER, to answer...
nonbreathing 23 22 not breathing [adj]
nonchurching 31 28 NONCHURCH, to take a...
noncomplying 33 29 the failure to compl...
nonconsuming 23 25 not consuming [adj]
noncorroding 22 21 not corroding [adj]
nondeforming 22 24 not subject to defor...
nondemanding 19 23 not demanding [adj]
nondepleting 22 22 not depleting [adj]
nonfattening 20 21 not fattening [adj]
nonflowering 25 24 not flowering [adj]
nonhappening 24 26 an event of no impor...
nonladdering 20 20 of e.g. tights, not...
nonoperating 20 20 not in operation [ad...
nonoxidising 26 25 not oxidising, also...
nonoxidizing 29 34 not oxidizing, also...
nonpolluting 24 23 not causing pollutio...
nonproducing 25 25 not productive [adj]
nonrecurring 23 21 not recurring [adj]
nonvanishing 23 24 not zero or becoming...
nonyellowing 30 24 not yellowing [adj]
nosebleeding 22 21 bleeding from the no...
nuclearising 25 21 NUCLEARISE, to make...
nuclearizing 28 30 NUCLEARIZE, to make...
nursemaiding 22 21 NURSEMAID, to look a...
objectifying 37 35 OBJECTIFY, to make o...
obliterating 24 19 OBLITERATE, to erase...
obnubilating 26 24 OBNUBILATE, (obsolet...
obtruncating 26 23 OBTRUNCATE, to cut o...
optimalising 26 22 OPTIMALISE, to bring...
optimalizing 29 31 OPTIMALIZE, to bring...
orepearching 27 23 OREPEARCH, (Shakespe...
orienteering 19 16 a crosscountry race...
outachieving 28 25 OUTACHIEVE, to surpa...
outbalancing 26 24 OUTBALANCE, to outwe...
outbrazening 25 29 OUTBRAZEN, to be mor...
outbreathing 25 21 OUTBREATHE, to breat...
outcavilling 29 25 OUTCAVIL, to surpass...
outcompeting 27 25 OUTCOMPETE, to surpa...
outcraftying 33 24 OUTCRAFTY, (Shakespe...
outdesigning 22 20 OUTDESIGN, to surpas...
outgalloping 26 23 OUTGALLOP, to surpas...
outhumouring 25 23 OUTHUMOUR, to surpas...
outjockeying 33 34 OUTJOCKEY, to surpas...
outlaunching 27 24 OUTLAUNCH, to launch...
outmastering 22 19 OUTMASTER, to surpas...
outmeasuring 22 20 OUTMEASURE, to excee...
outnumbering 24 24 OUTNUMBER, to surpas...
outpreaching 28 24 OUTPREACH, to surpas...
outproducing 27 24 OUTPRODUCE, to surpa...
outpromising 25 22 OUTPROMISE, to surpa...
outreasoning 19 17 OUTREASON, to surpas...
outreckoning 24 24 OUTRECKON, to surpas...
outreddening 20 19 OUTREDDEN, to surpas...
outrivalling 26 22 OUTRIVAL, to outdo i...
outsavouring 23 21 OUTSAVOUR, to exceed...
outscreaming 25 22 OUTSCREAM, to surpas...
outsparkling 26 24 OUTSPARKLE, to excee...
outspreading 23 20 OUTSPREAD, to spread...
outspringing 25 22 OUTSPRING, to spring...
outsprinting 24 20 OUTSPRINT, to excel...
outstraining 21 17 OUTSTRAIN, to surpas...
outstripping 27 22 OUTSTRIP, to go fast...
outthrobbing 28 24 OUTTHROB, to surpass...
outthrusting 25 19 OUTTHRUST, to extend...
outtraveling 24 21 OUTTRAVEL, to exceed...
outwrestling 26 20 OUTWRESTLE, to surpa...
overbounding 24 25 OVERBOUND, to bound...
overbreeding 24 23 OVERBREED, to breed...
overbridging 27 25 OVERBRIDGE, to span...
overbriefing 27 25 OVERBRIEF, to brief...
overbrimming 28 28 OVERBRIM, to flow ov...
overbrowsing 28 25 OVERBROWS, OVERBROW,...
overbuilding 27 25 OVERBUILD, to build...
overcarrying 32 24 OVERCARRY, to carry...
overcatching 31 27 OVERCATCH, to overta...
overcharging 29 26 the making of an exc...
overchilling 31 26 OVERCHILL, to chill...
overclaiming 28 26 OVERCLAIM, to claim...
overcleaning 25 24 OVERCLEAN, to clean...
overclearing 26 23 OVERCLEAR, to clear...
overclocking 31 30 the act of running a...
overclouding 27 25 OVERCLOUD, to cover...
overclubbing 32 30 OVERCLUB, to hit a s...
overcoaching 30 27 OVERCOACH, to coach...
overcoloring 26 23 OVERCOLOR, to color...
overcounting 25 24 OVERCOUNT, to rate t...
overcovering 27 26 OVERCOVER, to cover...
overcramming 28 28 the act of cramming...
overcropping 30 28 OVERCROP, to exhaust...
overcrowding 29 26 the act of crowding...
overdressing 23 20 OVERDRESS, to dress...
overdrinking 24 25 OVERDRINK, to drink...
overexciting 32 29 OVEREXCITE, to excit...
overexerting 28 26 OVEREXERT, to exert...
overexposing 30 29 OVEREXPOSE, to expos...
overfavoring 26 26 OVERFAVOR, to favor...
overflooding 25 24 OVERFLOOD, to flood...
overfocusing 28 26 OVERFOCUS, to focus...
overglancing 27 26 OVERGLANCE, to glanc...
overglooming 25 25 OVERGLOOM, to cover...
overgraining 23 22 OVERGRAIN, in painti...
overgrassing 24 21 OVERGRASS, to grass...
overgreening 22 22 OVERGREEN, to cover...
overhandling 25 24 OVERHANDLE, to handl...
overhonoring 23 22 OVERHONOR, to honor...
overinsuring 23 21 OVERINSURE, to insur...
overlaboring 25 23 OVERLABOR, to cause...
overlearning 22 21 OVERLEARN, to contin...
overlighting 28 24 OVERLIGHT, to light...
overmanaging 23 25 OVERMANAGE, to manag...
overmatching 29 27 OVERMATCH, to be mor...
overmounting 23 24 OVERMOUNT, to rise a...
overnighting 26 24 OVERNIGHT, to stay o...
overofficing 30 28 OVEROFFICE, to domin...
overpainting 24 23 OVERPAINT, to color...
overpedaling 25 24 OVERPEDAL, to make e...
overpeopling 27 26 OVERPEOPLE, to peopl...
overperching 30 27 OVERPERCH, to fly up...
overpitching 31 27 OVERPITCH, in cricke...
overplanning 24 25 excessive planning [...
overplanting 25 24 OVERPLANT, to plant...
overplotting 26 23 excessive plotting [...
overpowering 27 25 OVERPOWER, to overco...
overpraising 25 22 OVERPRAISE, to prais...
overpressing 25 22 OVERPRESS, to oppres...
overprinting 25 23 OVERPRINT, to print...
overreaching 27 24 OVERREACH, to reach...
overreacting 25 22 OVERREACT, to react...
overrefining 24 23 OVERREFINE, to refin...
overripening 24 23 OVERRIPEN, to become...
overroasting 22 19 OVERROAST, to roast...
overshooting 24 21 OVERSHOOT, to shoot...
overskipping 29 29 OVERSKIP, to skip ov...
oversleeping 25 23 OVERSLEEP, to sleep...
overslipping 29 26 OVERSLIP, to leave o...
overspending 24 24 excessive spending [...
overspilling 28 24 OVERSPILL, to spill...
overstaffing 27 25 excessive staffing [...
overstaining 22 20 OVERSTAIN, to cover...
overstanding 22 21 OVERSTAND, (archaic)...
oversteering 22 19 OVERSTEER, to steer...
overstepping 27 25 OVERSTEP, to go beyo...
overstinking 24 24 OVERSTINK, to stink...
overstirring 24 19 OVERSTIR, to stir to...
overstocking 27 26 OVERSTOCK, to stock...
overstrewing 26 22 OVERSTREW, to strew...
overstriding 24 20 OVERSTRIDE, to strid...
overstriking 25 23 OVERSTRIKE, to strik...
overstudying 30 23 OVERSTUDY, to study...
overstuffing 28 26 OVERSTUFF, to stuff...
overswearing 25 22 OVERSWEAR, to swear...
overswelling 28 24 OVERSWELL, to swell...
overswimming 29 28 OVERSWIM, to swim ac...
overswinging 27 25 OVERSWING [v]
overteaching 27 24 OVERTEACH, to teach...
overthinking 26 26 OVERTHINK, to think...
overthrowing 28 24 OVERTHROW [v]
overtowering 25 22 OVERTOWER, to tower...
overtraining 22 20 OVERTRAIN, to train...
overtreating 22 19 OVERTREAT, to treat...
overtrimming 26 25 OVERTRIM, to trim to...
overtripping 28 25 OVERTRIP, to trip ni...
overtrumping 27 26 OVERTRUMP, to trump...
overtrusting 24 20 OVERTRUST, to trust...
overwatching 31 27 OVERWATCH, to watch...
overwatering 25 22 OVERWATER, to water...
overwearying 31 24 OVERWEARY, to weary...
overweighing 29 26 OVERWEIGH, to exceed...
overwhelming 30 28 crushing [adj OVERWH...
overwrapping 30 28 OVERWRAP, to wrap ex...
overwresting 26 22 OVERWREST, to wrest...
pacificating 32 27 PACIFICATE, to give...
paddywacking 37 32 PADDYWACK, to spank...
paintballing 27 24 a game in which team...
palatalising 25 20 PALATALISE, to make...
palatalizing 28 29 PALATALIZE, to make...
palpebrating 28 25 PALPEBRATE, to wink...
panegyrising 30 23 PANEGYRISE, to deliv...
panegyrizing 33 32 PANEGYRIZE, to deliv...
paperbacking 31 31 PAPERBACK, to bring...
paperhanging 27 26 decorative paper use...
parabolising 26 22 PARABOLISE, to set f...
parabolizing 29 31 PARABOLIZE, to set f...
paradropping 27 25 PARADROP, to deliver...
paragraphing 28 25 PARAGRAPH, to split...
parallelling 27 22 PARALLEL, to be exte...
paralogising 25 21 PARALOGISE, to reaso...
paralogizing 28 30 PARALOGIZE, to reaso...
paraphrasing 27 23 PARAPHRASE, to resta...
parascending 25 23 a sport similar to p...
parasitising 24 18 PARASITISE, to infes...
parasitizing 27 27 PARASITIZE, to infes...
parleyvooing 31 25 PARLEYVOO, (slang) t...
partialising 25 19 PARTIALISE, (Shakesp...
partializing 28 28 PARTIALIZE, (Shakesp...
partitioning 23 19 PARTITION, to divide...
pasquinading 31 30 PASQUINADE, to compo...
passamenting 23 22 PASSAMENT, to trim w...
passementing 23 22 PASSEMENT, to trim w...
passionating 22 19 PASSIONATE, to expre...
pasteurising 24 19 PASTEURISE, to treat...
pasteurizing 27 28 PASTEURIZE, to treat...
patchworking 33 30 PATCHWORK, in needle...
pathbreaking 28 27 trailblazing [adj]
patrialising 25 19 PATRIALISE, to make...
patrializing 28 28 PATRIALIZE, to make...
peacekeeping 27 28 the preserving of pe...
pedestalling 25 21 PEDESTAL, to provide...
pelletifying 34 25 PELLETIFY, to make i...
penelopising 25 23 PENELOPISE, to undo...
penelopizing 28 32 PENELOPIZE, to undo...
periphrasing 28 23 PERIPHRASE, to use m...
pernoctating 25 22 PERNOCTATE, to pass...
peroxidising 30 26 PEROXIDISE, to oxidi...
peroxidizing 33 35 PEROXIDIZE, to oxidi...
perpetrating 25 21 PERPETRATE, to bring...
perpetuating 25 22 PERPETUATE, to make...
personifying 31 24 PERSONIFY, to be the...
perspirating 26 21 PERSPIRATE, to sweat...
perstringing 25 21 PERSTRINGE, (obsolet...
perturbating 26 22 PERTURBATE, to pertu...
pettifogging 28 25 the act of pettifogg...
phaenotyping 32 26 PHAENOTYPE, to categ...
philandering 26 23 engaging in a frivol...
photobombing 30 29 PHOTOBOMB, to place...
photocopying 36 28 the act of making a...
photomapping 30 29 PHOTOMAP, to map by...
photosetting 25 20 composing (matter) b...
photostating 25 20 PHOTOSTAT, to make f...
phrasemaking 27 27 the act of making ph...
pickabacking 34 35 PICKABACK, to carry...
pickapacking 34 35 PICKAPACK, to carry...
piecemealing 27 25 PIECEMEAL, to divide...
pigeonholing 26 24 PIGEONHOLE, to place...
piggybacking 39 34 PIGGYBACK, to carry...
pilgrimaging 29 26 PILGRIMAGE, to go on...
pilgrimising 29 24 PILGRIMISE, to go on...
pilgrimizing 32 33 PILGRIMIZE, to go on...
pitchforking 33 30 PITCHFORK, to toss w...
placekicking 33 33 PLACEKICK, to make a...
plagiarising 26 21 PLAGIARISE, to steal...
plagiarizing 29 30 PLAGIARIZE, to steal...
plasmolysing 33 25 PLASMOLYSE, to under...
plasmolyzing 36 34 PLASMOLYZE, to under...
plasticising 29 22 PLASTICISE, to make...
plasticizing 32 31 PLASTICIZE, to make...
platemarking 26 26 PLATEMARK, to mark w...
poetastering 22 18 POETASTER [v]
polemicising 29 25 POLEMICISE, to argue...
polemicizing 32 34 POLEMICIZE, to argue...
politicising 29 22 POLITICISE, to give...
politicizing 32 31 POLITICIZE, to give...
polychroming 37 29 POLYCHROME, to colou...
polygamising 33 26 POLYGAMISE, to pract...
polygamizing 36 35 POLYGAMIZE, to pract...
polygraphing 36 28 POLYGRAPH, to copy b...
polymerising 32 24 POLYMERISE, to make...
polymerizing 35 33 POLYMERIZE, to make...
poormouthing 26 24 POORMOUTH, to compla...
popularising 27 23 POPULARISE, to cater...
popularizing 30 32 POPULARIZE, to cater...
postillating 26 20 POSTILLATE, to expla...
potentiating 22 19 POTENTIATE, to use d...
powerboating 27 24 the sport of driving...
powerlifting 30 25 the sport of weightl...
pragmatising 26 23 PRAGMATISE, to inter...
pragmatizing 29 32 PRAGMATISE, to inter...
preabsorbing 27 24 PREABSORB, to absorb...
preachifying 37 28 the act of preachify...
preadjusting 26 29 PREADJUST, to adjust...
preadmitting 25 22 PREADMIT, to admit b...
preallotting 25 20 PREALLOT, to allot b...
preapproving 29 28 PREAPPROVE, to appro...
prearranging 23 21 PREARRANGE, to arran...
preassigning 24 21 PREASSIGN, to assign...
precanceling 29 26 PRECANCEL, to cancel...
precensoring 25 22 PRECENSOR, to censor...
precognising 27 24 PRECOGNISE, to know...
precognizing 30 33 PRECOGNIZE, to know...
precomposing 29 27 PRECOMPOSE, to compo...
precomputing 30 28 PRECOMPUTE, to compu...
preconsuming 27 26 PRECONSUME, to consu...
predeceasing 25 22 PREDECEASE, to die s...
prededucting 27 24 PREDEDUCT, to deduct...
predesigning 24 22 PREDESIGN, to design...
predestining 23 20 PREDESTINE, to decre...
predigesting 25 21 PREDIGEST, to digest...
predisposing 26 22 PREDISPOSE, to dispo...
preexempting 32 31 PREEXEMPT, to exempt...
prefinancing 27 26 financing arragned i...
preflighting 31 26 PREFLIGHT, to inspec...
prefocussing 29 25 PREFOCUS, to focus b...
prehardening 24 22 PREHARDEN, to harden...
preinforming 26 25 PREINFORM, to inform...
preinserting 23 19 PREINSERT, to insert...
prelaunching 29 26 PRELAUNCH, to launch...
premarketing 25 25 PREMARKET, to market...
premeasuring 24 22 PREMEASURE, to measu...
premodifying 33 27 PREMODIFY, to modify...
premonishing 26 24 PREMONISH, to warn b...
prenotifying 31 24 PRENOTIFY, to notify...
prenumbering 26 26 PRENUMBER, to number...
preobtaining 24 22 PREOBTAIN, to obtain...
preoccupying 38 30 PREOCCUPY, to engros...
preordaining 22 20 PREORDAIN, to ordain...
prepackaging 30 30 PREPACKAGE, to packa...
prerecording 26 22 PRERECORD, to record...
prereleasing 23 19 PRERELEASE, to relea...
prerequiring 32 28 PREREQUIRE, to requi...
prescreening 25 22 PRESCREEN, to screen...
preselecting 27 22 PRESELECT, to select...
preshrinking 27 25 PRESHRINK, to shrink...
presignaling 25 22 PRESIGNAL, to signal...
pressurising 25 19 PRESSURISE, to place...
pressurizing 28 28 PRESSURIZE, to place...
prestressing 24 18 PRESTRESS, to stress...
presupposing 28 25 PRESUPPOSE, to suppo...
presurveying 32 25 PRESURVEY, to survey...
previsioning 25 23 PREVISION, to forese...
prioritising 25 18 PRIORITISE, to assig...
prioritizing 28 27 PRIORITIZE, to assig...
privateering 25 22 operating as a pirat...
prizewinning 29 32 having won or of a q...
proctorising 27 21 PROCTORISE, to exerc...
proctorizing 30 30 PROCTORIZE, to exerc...
profiteering 25 21 acting as a profitee...
prologuising 26 22 PROLOGUISE, to speak...
prologuizing 29 31 PROLOGUIZE, to speak...
prolongating 24 22 PROLONGATE, to prolo...
promulgating 27 25 PROMULGATE, to make...
proofreading 24 22 the process of readi...
propitiating 26 21 PROPITIATE, to rende...
prostituting 25 19 PROSTITUTE, to offer...
proteolysing 30 21 PROTEOLYSE, to split...
protocolling 28 23 PROTOCOL, to draw up...
provendering 24 24 PROVENDER, to supply...
provisioning 25 23 PROVISION, to provid...
psalmodising 26 23 PSALMODISE, to pract...
psalmodizing 29 32 PSALMODIZE, to pract...
pulpiteering 27 23 PULPITEER, to preach...
punctulating 28 25 PUNCTULATE, to mark...
puppeteering 27 25 PUPPETEER, to operat...
puritanising 24 20 PURITANISE, to make...
puritanizing 27 29 PURITANIZE, to make...
pussyfooting 32 24 the act of approachi...
quacksalving 37 37 (obsolete) like a qu...
quantitating 29 26 QUANTITATE, to make...
quarantining 28 27 QUARANTINE, to detai...
quitclaiming 36 32 QUITCLAIM, to draw u...
racketeering 24 22 running a protection...
raconteuring 23 20 telling tales [n -S]
radicalising 26 20 RADICALISE, to make...
radicalizing 29 29 RADICALIZE, to make...
rainproofing 24 22 RAINPROOF, to make p...
rangefinding 23 23 the act of using a r...
rankshifting 27 25 RANKSHIFT, to shift...
ranshackling 28 26 RANSHACKLE, (Scott)...
rataplanning 22 21 RATAPLAN, to make a...
reacclaiming 29 25 REACCLAIM, to acclai...
reactivating 26 22 REACTIVATE, to activ...
readdressing 21 17 READDRESS, to addres...
reallocating 25 20 REALLOCATE, to alloc...
reappointing 24 22 REAPPOINT, to appoin...
reappraising 25 21 REAPPRAISE, to appra...
reassembling 25 22 REASSEMBLE, to assem...
reattempting 24 21 REATTEMPT, to attemp...
reblossoming 25 22 REBLOSSOM, to blosso...
recanalising 24 20 RECANALISE, to canal...
recanalizing 27 29 RECANALIZE, to canal...
recataloging 25 21 RECATALOG, to catalo...
recautioning 23 20 RECAUTION, to cautio...
recertifying 33 23 RECERTIFY, to certif...
rechanneling 25 23 RECHANNEL, to channe...
rechartering 26 20 RECHARTER, to charte...
recollecting 29 23 RECOLLECT, to rememb...
recolonising 24 20 RECOLONISE, to colon...
recolonizing 27 29 RECOLONIZE, to colon...
recomforting 27 24 RECOMFORT, (archaic)...
recommencing 28 28 RECOMMENCE, to comme...
recommending 25 26 RECOMMEND, to commen...
recommitting 27 24 RECOMMIT, to commit...
recompacting 30 27 RECOMPACT, to compac...
recompensing 26 25 RECOMPENSE, to give...
reconceiving 28 26 RECONCEIVE, to conce...
recondensing 22 21 RECONDENSE, to conde...
reconducting 27 24 RECONDUCT, to conduc...
reconferring 25 22 RECONFER, to confer...
reconfirming 27 25 RECONFIRM, to confir...
reconnecting 25 23 RECONNECT, to connec...
reconquering 31 29 RECONQUER, to conque...
reconsigning 24 22 RECONSIGN, to consig...
reconsulting 25 21 RECONSULT, to consul...
recontacting 26 22 RECONTACT, to contac...
recontinuing 23 21 RECONTINUE, to conti...
recontouring 23 20 RECONTOUR, to contou...
reconverting 25 23 RECONVERT, to conver...
reconvicting 29 26 RECONVICT, to convic...
reconvincing 28 27 RECONVINCE, to convi...
recrudescing 28 23 RECRUDESCE, of a dis...
recuperating 26 22 RECUPERATE, to get b...
redecorating 23 19 REDECORATE, to decor...
rededicating 24 20 REDEDICATE, to dedic...
redelivering 24 21 REDELIVER, to delive...
redepositing 23 19 REDEPOSIT, to deposi...
redescending 23 21 REDESCEND, to descen...
redescribing 27 22 REDESCRIBE, to descr...
redeveloping 25 24 REDEVELOP, to develo...
redigressing 23 18 REDIGRESS, to digres...
redisbursing 25 20 REDISBURSE, (Spenser...
rediscussing 26 20 REDISCUSS, to discus...
redisplaying 31 22 REDISPLAY, to displa...
redissolving 25 21 REDISSOLVE, to disso...
redistilling 25 18 REDISTIL, to distil...
reenergising 21 18 REENERGISE, to give...
reenergizing 24 27 REENERGIZE, to give...
reenthroning 21 19 REENTHRONE, to enthr...
reescalating 24 19 REESCALATE, to escal...
reestimating 22 18 REESTIMATE, to estim...
reevaluating 23 21 REEVALUATE, to evalu...
reexhibiting 32 27 REEXHIBIT, to exhibi...
reexplaining 29 27 REEXPLAIN, to explai...
reexpressing 29 25 REEXPRESS, to expres...
refashioning 24 21 REFASHION, to fashio...
reformatting 24 21 REFORMAT, to change...
refortifying 32 23 REFORTIFY, to fortif...
refracturing 27 22 REFRACTURE, to fract...
refreshening 24 21 REFRESHEN, to refres...
refurbishing 29 24 the act of refurbish...
refurnishing 26 22 REFURNISH, to furnis...
regenerating 20 18 REGENERATE, to gener...
reglorifying 32 23 REGLORIFY, to glorif...
reguerdoning 21 20 REGUERDON, (Shakespe...
regularising 24 19 REGULARISE, to make...
regularizing 27 28 REGULARIZE, to make...
rehumanising 24 22 REHUMANISE, to make...
rehumanizing 27 31 REHUMANIZE, to make...
reillumining 25 22 REILLUMINE, to illum...
reimplanting 25 23 REIMPLANT, to implan...
reincreasing 23 19 REINCREASE, to incre...
reinhabiting 25 21 REINHABIT, to inhabi...
reinitiating 21 16 REINITIATE, to initi...
reinspecting 26 22 REINSPECT, to inspec...
reinstalling 23 18 REINSTALL [v]
rejustifying 33 30 REJUSTIFY, to justif...
rejuvenating 24 30 REJUVENATE, to make...
rejuvenising 25 30 REJUVENISE, to rejuv...
rejuvenizing 28 39 REJUVENIZE, to rejuv...
relacquering 33 29 RELACQUER, to lacque...
relativising 25 20 RELATIVISE, to make...
relativizing 28 29 RELATIVIZE, to treat...
relaundering 21 19 RELAUNDER, to launde...
reliquefying 39 31 RELIQUEFY, to liquef...
remaindering 21 20 REMAINDER, to sell a...
remobilising 26 22 REMOBILISE, to mobil...
remobilizing 29 31 REMOBILIZE, to mobil...
remoistening 21 19 REMOISTEN, to moiste...
remonetising 21 19 REMONETISE, to reest...
remonetizing 24 28 REMONETIZE, to reest...
remoralising 23 19 REMORALISE, to resto...
remoralizing 26 28 REMORALIZE, to resto...
remortgaging 24 22 REMORTGAGE, to mortg...
remotivating 24 22 REMOTIVATE, to motiv...
remunerating 21 20 REMUNERATE, to pay a...
renditioning 20 18 RENDITION, to surren...
renominating 20 20 RENOMINATE, to nomin...
reorganising 21 18 REORGANISE, to organ...
reorganizing 24 27 REORGANIZE, to organ...
reoutfitting 24 19 REOUTFIT, to outfit...
repaginating 23 21 REPAGINATE, to pagin...
repatriating 23 18 REPATRIATE, to resto...
repatterning 22 19 REPATTERN, to patter...
repercussing 27 22 REPERCUSS, to reverb...
repigmenting 25 24 REPIGMENT, to pigmen...
replastering 24 19 REPLASTER, to plaste...
replenishing 26 22 REPLENISH, to fill a...
repolarising 24 19 REPOLARISE, to polar...
repolarizing 27 28 REPOLARIZE, to polar...
repopulating 26 23 REPOPULATE, to popul...
repossessing 23 18 REPOSSESS, to posses...
reprehending 24 22 REPREHEND, to rebuke...
representing 22 19 REPRESENT, to exhibi...
reprimanding 24 23 REPRIMAND, to scold,...
reprocessing 26 21 as in fuel reprocess...
reprograming 25 23 REPROGRAM, to progra...
republishing 30 25 REPUBLISH, to publis...
repurchasing 29 24 REPURCHASE, to buy b...
requalifying 39 31 REQUALIFY, to qualif...
requickening 33 33 REQUICKEN, (Shakespe...
reregulating 23 19 REREGULATE, to regul...
rescheduling 28 23 the act of schedulin...
resentencing 22 20 RESENTENCE, to sente...
reservoiring 23 19 RESERVOIR, to keep a...
resharpening 24 21 RESHARPEN, to sharpe...
respecifying 35 26 RESPECIFY, to specif...
restationing 20 16 RESTATION, to statio...
restretching 27 20 RESTRETCH, to stretc...
restringeing 22 18 RESTRINGE, to restri...
resubjecting 29 31 RESUBJECT, to subjec...
resubmitting 26 22 RESUBMIT, to submit...
resurrecting 25 19 RESURRECT, to bring...
resuspending 23 21 RESUSPEND, to suspen...
reswallowing 29 23 RESWALLOW, to swallo...
retestifying 30 20 RETESTIFY, to testif...
reticulating 26 20 RETICULATE, to inter...
retightening 24 20 RETIGHTEN, to tighte...
retrodicting 25 19 RETRODICT, to utiliz...
retrofitting 24 18 the act of retrofitt...
retroflexing 30 26 RETROFLEX, to bend b...
retrograding 22 18 RETROGRADE, to cause...
retrojecting 26 27 RETROJECT, to throw...
retroverting 23 19 RETROVERT, to turn b...
revalidating 24 21 REVALIDATE, to valid...
revalorising 24 20 REVALORISE, to give...
revalorizing 27 29 REVALORIZE, to give...
revarnishing 25 22 REVARNISH, to varnis...
revegetating 23 21 REVEGETATE, to veget...
revictualing 28 24 REVICTUAL, to victua...
revitalising 25 20 REVITALISE, to give...
revitalizing 28 29 REVITALIZE, to give...
rhapsodising 26 21 RHAPSODISE, to utter...
rhapsodizing 29 30 RHAPSODIZE, to utter...
ricochetting 30 23 RICOCHET, to rebound...
roadblocking 28 27 ROADBLOCK, to bar by...
rockhounding 27 27 of a rock-collector,...
rontgenising 21 19 RONTGENISE, to treat...
rontgenizing 24 28 RONTGENIZE, to treat...
rotographing 26 22 ROTOGRAPH, to make a...
roughcasting 28 23 ROUGHCAST, to cover...
roughhousing 27 23 brawling [n -S]
roughnecking 28 28 ROUGHNECK, to work a...
rustproofing 26 22 the act of making re...
saccharising 30 23 SACCHARISE, to conve...
saccharizing 33 32 SACCHARIZE, to conve...
sacramenting 24 22 SACRAMENT, to bind b...
safecracking 30 28 the act of breaking...
safeguarding 24 22 SAFEGUARD, to keep s...
sailboarding 24 20 the sport of using a...
salicylating 33 22 SALICYLATE, to treat...
sandblasting 24 21 the act of cleaning...
sandpainting 22 21 a painting made with...
sandpapering 24 23 the act of smoothing...
scandalising 25 21 SCANDALISE, to offen...
scandalizing 28 30 SCANDALIZE, to offen...
scapegoating 26 23 the act of making a...
scavengering 26 25 the act of scavenger...
schematising 28 23 SCHEMATISE, to make...
schematizing 31 32 SCHEMATIZE, to make...
schemozzling 35 42 SCHEMOZZLE, (Yiddish...
schnorkeling 28 26 SCHNORKEL, (German)...
sclerotising 26 19 SCLEROTISE, to harde...
sclerotizing 29 28 SCLEROTIZE, to harde...
scrapbooking 29 28 the practice of keep...
scrimshawing 32 26 SCRIMSHAW, to orname...
scrutinising 26 20 SCRUTINISE, to exami...
scrutinizing 29 29 SCRUTINIZE, to exami...
sectionising 24 19 SECTIONISE, to secti...
sectionizing 27 28 SECTIONIZE, to secti...
secularising 26 20 SECULARISE, to conve...
secularizing 29 29 SECULARIZE, to conve...
securitising 26 19 SECURITISE, to make...
securitizing 29 28 SECURITIZE, to make...
semideifying 31 24 SEMIDEIFY, to make s...
sensualising 22 18 SENSUALISE, to make...
sensualizing 25 27 SENSUALIZE, to make...
sentinelling 22 19 SENTINEL, to stand g...
sepulchering 30 25 SEPULCHER, to place...
sequestering 29 25 SEQUESTER, to set ap...
serpentining 22 20 winding [adj SERPENT...
serpentising 23 19 SERPENTISE, to wind;...
serpentizing 26 28 SERPENTIZE, to wind;...
shadowboxing 34 31 SHADOWBOX, to practi...
shareholding 26 21 the act of holding s...
sheepherding 27 23 looking after sheep...
sheetrocking 27 24 SHEETROCK, to cover...
shepherdling 29 24 a little shepherd [n...
sherardising 24 18 SHERARDISE, to coat...
sherardizing 27 27 SHERARDIZE, to coat...
shipbuilding 31 26 the occupation of bu...
shipwrecking 34 30 SHIPWRECK, to underg...
shirttailing 26 18 SHIRTTAIL, to make a...
shlemozzling 33 40 SHLEMOZZLE, (Yiddish...
shopbreaking 28 27 the act of breaking...
shortcutting 28 21 SHORTCUT, to take a...
shortlisting 26 18 SHORTLIST, to includ...
showstopping 31 26 denoting an extraord...
sideslipping 28 23 SIDESLIP, to slip to...
sidestepping 26 22 the act of avoding a...
sidetracking 26 23 SIDETRACK, to divert...
silhouetting 25 19 SILHOUETTE, to repre...
simulcasting 28 23 SIMULCAST, to broadc...
skimboarding 26 26 SKIMBOARD, to use a...
skyrocketing 33 28 SKYROCKET, to go up...
slaughtering 26 21 SLAUGHTER, to kill,...
slaveholding 27 24 the keeping of slave...
sleepwalking 29 27 walking in one's sle...
slenderising 22 18 SLENDERISE, to make...
slenderizing 25 27 SLENDERIZE, to make...
slipcovering 30 26 SLIPCOVER, to cover...
slipsheeting 27 21 SLIPSHEET, to insert...
sloganeering 21 19 making use of slogan...
smallholding 28 24 a small-scale farm [...
smifligating 28 24 SMIFLIGATE, Charles...
snapshooting 24 21 the act of taking sn...
snapshotting 25 21 SNAPSHOT, to photogr...
snowboarding 25 23 the sport of using a...
snowmobiling 28 26 the sport of using a...
solemnifying 31 25 SOLEMNIFY, to make s...
solubilising 27 21 SOLUBILISE, to rende...
solubilizing 30 30 SOLUBILIZE, to rende...
somatotyping 30 23 SOMATOTYPE, to place...
somersetting 22 18 SOMERSET, a leap in...
sonneteering 18 17 the composition of s...
spacewalking 31 29 SPACEWALK, to walk i...
spaniolating 23 20 SPANIOLATE, to hispa...
spaniolising 24 20 SPANIOLISE, to hispa...
spaniolizing 27 29 SPANIOLIZE, to hispa...
spearfishing 28 23 SPEARFISH, to hunt f...
spearheading 24 21 SPEARHEAD, to lead a...
specialising 28 22 SPECIALISE, to make...
specializing 31 31 SPECIALIZE, to make...
speechifying 37 28 making long speeches...
speechmaking 30 30 the making of speech...
speedballing 27 24 the practice of taki...
speedboating 24 22 the sport of driving...
speedreading 22 20 SPEEDREAD, to read q...
speedskating 24 23 the sport of skating...
spellbinding 28 25 SPELLBIND, to bind b...
sphacelating 29 24 SPHACELATE, to cause...
spiflicating 31 25 SPIFLICATE, to overc...
sportfishing 29 23 fishing for sport [n...
spotlighting 29 23 SPOTLIGHT, to highli...
sprechgesang 29 25 (German) a style of...
sprinklering 26 24 SPRINKLER, to water...
squirrelling 33 27 SQUIRREL, to store u...
stanchelling 28 23 STANCHEL, to support...
stanchioning 25 22 STANCHION, to suppor...
starboarding 23 19 STARBOARD, to put or...
statementing 21 19 the process of takin...
steamrolling 24 20 STEAMROLL, to crush...
steelworking 26 23 STEELWORK [v]
stercorating 24 18 STERCORATE, to defec...
stereotyping 29 20 the act of making a...
stigmatising 25 20 STIGMATISE, to mark...
stigmatizing 28 29 STIGMATIZE, to mark...
stockbroking 29 29 the business of a st...
stockholding 29 26 a holding of stock [...
stockjobbing 32 37 a list of stocks and...
stonecutting 24 20 the business of a st...
stonewalling 25 21 defensive play in cr...
stonewashing 25 21 STONEWASH, to wash w...
storekeeping 23 22 the business of keep...
storytelling 30 19 the craft of telling...
straphanging 26 23 the act of straphang...
strappadoing 25 22 STRAPPADO, to tortur...
strategising 23 17 STRATEGISE, to devis...
strategizing 26 26 STRATEGIZE, to devis...
streamlining 23 20 the act of designing...
stretchering 27 20 STRETCHER, to carry...
stridulating 24 18 STRIDULATE, to make...
strobilating 25 19 STROBILATE, to under...
strongarming 23 21 STRONGARM, to use fo...
strychnining 33 24 STRYCHNINE, to poiso...
subculturing 30 25 SUBCULTURE, to creat...
subinfeuding 26 25 SUBINFEUD, to grant...
sublicensing 28 24 SUBLICENSE, to licen...
substituting 26 20 SUBSTITUTE, to put o...
substracting 28 22 SUBSTRACT, to subtra...
substructing 29 23 SUBSTRUCT, to build...
subtotalling 26 21 SUBTOTAL, to total a...
sugarcoating 25 21 SUGARCOAT, to coat w...
sulfuretting 26 21 SULFURET, to treat w...
sulphonating 26 23 SULPHONATE, to conve...
sulphurating 28 23 SULPHURATE, to combi...
sulphureting 28 23 SULPHURET, to treat...
sulphurising 29 23 SULPHURISE, to combi...
sulphurizing 32 32 SULPHURISE, to combi...
sunscreening 23 21 the use of sunscreen...
supercoiling 28 23 SUPERCOIL, to create...
supercooling 27 23 SUPERCOOL, to cool a...
superglueing 26 23 SUPERGLUE, to glue w...
superheating 25 21 SUPERHEAT, to heat t...
superselling 26 21 SUPERSELL, to sell i...
supplicating 31 26 SUPPLICAT [v]
surfboarding 26 23 the sport of surfing...
surrebutting 25 20 SURREBUT, to reply t...
surrejoining 23 26 SURREJOIN, to reply,...
surrendering 21 18 SURRENDER, to yield,...
suspicioning 27 23 SUSPICION, to suspec...
sustentating 21 17 SUSTENTATE, to susta...
syllabifying 41 27 SYLLABIFY, to divide...
symmetrising 31 23 SYMMETRISE, to make...
symmetrizing 34 32 SYMMETRISE, to make...
sympathising 34 25 SYMPATHISE, to be in...
sympathizing 37 34 SYMPATHIZE, to be in...
syncretising 31 21 SYNCRETISE, to becom...
syncretizing 34 30 SYNCRETIZE, to becom...
synonymising 34 24 SYNONYMISE, to make...
synonymizing 37 33 SYNONYMIZE, to make...
synthesising 30 20 SYNTHESIS [v]
synthesizing 33 29 SYNTHESIZE, to combi...
synthetising 30 20 SYNTHETISE, to put t...
synthetizing 33 29 SYNTHETIZE, to put t...
tabernacling 26 23 TABERNACLE, to sojou...
tabularising 25 20 TABULARISE, to tabul...
tabularizing 28 29 TABULARIZE, to tabul...
tailormaking 24 23 TAILORMAKE, to make...
tailspinning 24 21 TAILSPIN, to perform...
tarantaraing 19 16 TARANTARA, to make t...
tarboggining 25 23 TARBOGGIN, to sledge...
tattletaling 23 17 TATTLETALE, to tell...
technicising 30 24 TECHNICISE, to rende...
technicizing 33 33 TECHNICIZE, to rende...
teetotalling 22 17 TEETOTAL, to practis...
telegramming 25 24 TELEGRAM, to send a...
telegraphing 27 23 TELEGRAPH, to transm...
telemetering 22 19 TELEMETER, to measur...
teleprinting 24 20 TELEPRINT, to print...
teleshopping 28 24 buying goods by tele...
terraforming 24 21 the act of making an...
tessellating 23 17 TESSELLATE, to cover...
testcrossing 25 18 TESTCROSS, to make a...
testimonying 28 21 TESTIMONY, (Shakespe...
thanksgiving 28 28 the act of giving th...
theatergoing 23 19 visiting the theatre...
theatregoing 23 19 the practice of goin...
theologising 25 20 THEOLOGISE, to make...
theologizing 28 29 THEOLOGIZE, to make...
thermalising 26 21 THERMALISE, to reduc...
thermalizing 29 30 THERMALIZE, to reduc...
thingummyjig 37 37 a whatsit, also THIN...
threepeating 24 20 THREEPEAT, to win a...
thumbtacking 32 31 THUMBTACK, to fasten...
timestamping 26 24 TIMESTAMP, (of a com...
titleholding 26 20 holding a title [adj...
topstitching 30 23 TOPSTITCH, to make a...
trademarking 23 23 TRADEMARK, to mark w...
trailblazing 29 29 making or pointing a...
trampolining 25 23 the sport of using a...
transcending 23 21 TRANSCEND, to surpas...
transcribing 27 22 TRANSCRIBE, to make...
transfecting 26 22 TRANSFECT, to cause...
transferring 23 19 TRANSFER, to move fr...
transforming 24 22 the act of transform...
transhipping 28 24 transfer from one sh...
transmitting 23 19 TRANSMIT, to send fr...
transporting 23 19 engrossing [adj TRAN...
transshaping 25 21 TRANSSHAPE, to chang...
transvaluing 24 22 TRANSVALUE, to reest...
transversing 23 20 TRANSVERSE, to cross...
transvesting 23 20 TRANSVEST, to disgui...
trapshooting 25 20 the sport of shootin...
traumatising 23 19 TRAUMATISE, to infli...
traumatizing 26 28 TRAUMATIZE, to infli...
trendsetting 21 17 the setting of a tre...
trichinising 28 21 TRICHINISE, to infes...
trichinizing 31 30 TRICHINIZE, to infes...
trichinosing 27 21 TRICHINOSE, to infes...
trickstering 27 22 playing tricks [n -S...
trifurcating 28 22 TRIFURCATE, to divid...
triplicating 29 22 TRIPLICATE, to make...
tripudiating 25 20 TRIPUDIATE, to dance...
trivialising 26 20 TRIVIALISE, to make...
trivializing 29 29 TRIVIALIZE, to make...
truncheoning 25 23 TRUNCHEON, to strike...
trustbusting 26 20 the dissolution of c...
tumultuating 25 22 TUMULTUATE, (archaic...
turpentining 23 21 TURPENTINE, to treat...
typefounding 31 26 the casting of print...
typographing 35 27 TYPOGRAPH, to produc...
ultraheating 24 19 ULTRAHEAT, to heat t...
unappetising 25 23 not appetising [adj]
unappetizing 28 32 not appetizing [adj...
unbespeaking 25 27 UNBESPEAK, to unsay;...
unburthening 25 24 UNBURTHEN, (archaic)...
uncanonising 22 22 UNCANONISE, to depri...
uncanonizing 25 31 UNCANONIZE, to depri...
uncluttering 26 22 UNCLUTTER, to rid of...
uncoalescing 27 24 UNCOALESCE, to disin...
uncompelling 29 28 not compelling [adj]
unconcealing 26 25 not concealing [adj]
unconcerning 25 25 not concerning [adj]
unconforming 26 27 UNCONFORM [v]
uncongealing 24 24 UNCONGEAL, to thaw;...
unconsenting 22 22 not consenting [adj]
unconvincing 28 29 not convincing [adj...
uncurtaining 24 22 UNCURTAIN, to remove...
underbearing 22 21 the act of underbear...
underbidding 24 23 UNDERBID, to bid low...
underbudding 24 24 UNDERBUD, to bud fro...
underbushing 26 24 UNDERBUSH, to clear...
undercoating 23 21 an undercoat of pain...
undercooking 24 25 UNDERCOOK, to cook i...
undercooling 24 22 UNDERCOOL, to cool i...
undercutting 25 22 UNDERCUT, to cut und...
underdrawing 24 22 UNDERDRAW, to draw o...
underfeeding 22 22 UNDERFEED, to feed i...
underfishing 26 23 UNDERFISH, to fish i...
underfonging 23 24 UNDERFONG, (Spenser)...
underfooting 22 21 UNDERFOOT, to underp...
underfunding 23 24 a deficiency in fund...
undergirding 23 21 UNDERGIRD, to form t...
underheating 22 20 UNDERHEAT, to heat i...
underkeeping 23 25 UNDERKEEP, (Spenser)...
underlapping 26 25 UNDERLAP, to extend...
underleasing 21 19 UNDERLEASE, to suble...
underletting 22 19 the act of letting f...
underloading 21 20 UNDERLOAD, to load i...
undermanning 20 23 the state of not hav...
undermeaning 20 22 a hidden meaning [n...
underminding 22 23 UNDERMINDE, (Spenser...
underpeeping 24 24 UNDERPEEP, (Shakespe...
underpinning 22 23 the act of underpinn...
underplaying 30 24 UNDERPLAY, to play d...
underpricing 27 24 the act of charging...
underprising 24 21 UNDERPRISE, (obsolet...
underprizing 27 30 UNDERPRIZE, to value...
underquoting 29 28 UNDERQUOTE, to offer...
underrunning 20 21 the act of underrunn...
underscoring 24 21 the act of attributi...
undersealing 21 19 coating parts of the...
underselling 23 20 UNDERSELL, to sell t...
undersetting 21 18 UNDERSET [v]
undersigning 22 21 UNDERSIGN, to write...
understating 21 18 UNDERSTATE, to repre...
undervaluing 24 24 UNDERVALUE, to value...
underworking 25 25 UNDERWORK, to work i...
underwriting 25 21 the act of underwrit...
undespairing 23 21 not despairing [adj...
undignifying 31 26 UNDIGNIFY, to depriv...
undiscerning 24 22 lack of discernment...
undiscording 25 22 (Milton) not discord...
undissolving 25 23 not dissolving [adj]
undisturbing 25 22 not disturbing [adj]
unflattering 24 21 not flattering [adj...
unforeboding 24 24 not foreboding [adj]
unforeseeing 21 20 not foreseeing [adj]
unfraughting 27 25 UNFRAUGHT, to unload...
unfulfilling 30 27 not fulfilling [adj]
unfurnishing 26 24 UNFURNISH, to strip...
unharbouring 25 23 UNHARBOUR, to dislod...
unharnessing 22 20 UNHARNESS, to releas...
unhesitating 23 19 not hesitating [adj...
unhumanising 24 24 UNHUMANISE, to rende...
unhumanizing 27 33 UNHUMANIZE, to rende...
uninstalling 23 20 UNINSTALL, to remove...
unkennelling 22 25 UNKENNEL, to release...
unmoralising 23 21 not moralising, also...
unmoralizing 26 30 not moralizing, also...
unnourishing 23 21 not nourishing [adj]
unpannelling 23 24 UNPANNEL, to unsaddl...
unparadising 23 21 UNPARADISE, to depri...
unperforming 26 26 not performing [adj]
unperplexing 32 31 UNPERPLEX, to free f...
unperverting 25 24 UNPERVERT, to free f...
unpossessing 23 20 (Shakespeare) withou...
unpredicting 27 24 UNPREDICT, (Milton)...
unpretending 22 22 unpretentious [adj U...
unprevailing 26 25 not prevailing [adj]
unprotesting 23 20 not protesting [adj]
unqualifying 39 33 UNQUALIFY, to disqua...
unreflecting 27 24 not reflecting [adj...
unrefreshing 25 22 not refreshing [adj]
unsatisfying 30 22 not satisfying [adj]
unscrambling 29 27 UNSCRAMBLE, to separ...
unshuttering 24 20 UNSHUTTER, to open o...
unslumbering 26 25 not slumbering [adj]
unstoppering 25 23 UNSTOPPER, to take t...
unsubjecting 29 33 UNSUBJECT, to remove...
unsubmitting 26 24 not submitting [adj]
unsurprising 25 21 not surprising or un...
unsuspecting 27 24 UNSUSPECT [v]
unsustaining 21 19 not sustaining [adj]
unterrifying 30 22 not terrifying [adj]
untreasuring 21 18 UNTREASURE, to despo...
upholstering 27 22 UPHOLSTER, to provid...
uppercutting 30 26 UPPERCUT, to strike...
upthundering 26 24 UPTHUNDER, to send u...
utopianising 23 20 UTOPIANISE, to make...
utopianizing 26 29 UTOPIANIZE, to make...
vainglorying 31 25 VAINGLORY, to boast...
vaticinating 26 23 VATICINATE, to proph...
velocipeding 29 27 VELOCIPEDE, to trave...
verdigrising 26 22 VERDIGRIS, to coat w...
vermilioning 25 24 VERMILION, to make v...
vesiculating 28 24 VESICULATE, to becom...
vindemiating 24 24 VINDEMIATE, (archaic...
virginalling 27 24 VIRGINAL, (Shakespea...
virtualising 26 21 VIRTUALISE, to make...
virtualizing 29 30 VIRTUALIZE, to make...
vitaminising 25 23 VITAMINISE, to add v...
vitaminizing 28 32 VITAMINIZE, to add v...
vitriolating 25 20 VITRIOLATE, to conve...
vitriolising 26 20 VITRIOLISE, to treat...
vitriolizing 29 29 VITRIOLIZE, to treat...
vituperating 26 23 VITUPERATE, to abuse...
vociferating 28 25 VOCIFERATE, to cry o...
volatilising 26 21 VOLATILISE, to make...
volatilizing 29 30 VOLATILIZE, to make...
volunteering 23 22 VOLUNTEER, to offer...
wainscotting 27 22 oak panelling, also...
waistcoating 27 21 material for men's w...
wakeboarding 26 26 a sport similar to w...
wallcovering 31 27 a covering for a wal...
wallpapering 30 26 WALLPAPER, to cover...
warmongering 25 24 the making of war [n...
warrantising 24 19 WARRANTISE, (archaic...
warrantizing 27 28 WARRANTIZE, to guara...
watchdogging 32 28 acting as a watchdog...
waterfowling 30 25 the sport of shootin...
waterlogging 27 23 saturation with wate...
watermarking 26 25 WATERMARK, to mark w...
weaponeering 23 22 the act of fitting o...
weatherising 26 20 WEATHERISE, to make...
weatherizing 29 29 WEATHERIZE, to make...
westernising 24 19 WESTERNISE, to make...
westernizing 27 28 WESTERNIZE, to make...
whillywhaing 41 29 WHILLYWHA, (Scots) t...
whipstalling 32 25 WHIPSTALL, of an air...
whitelisting 29 21 WHITELIST, to place...
whitewashing 32 25 the act of coating w...
windproofing 28 26 WINDPROOF, to make a...
wisecracking 32 28 WISECRACK, to make a...
withstanding 27 22 WITHSTAND, to resist...
witwantoning 26 23 WITWANTON, to engage...
woodshedding 26 23 spontaneous or impro...
workshopping 32 30 WORKSHOP, to hold a...
xylographing 40 32 XYLOGRAPH, to copy b...