5 letter words that end with G

5 letter words that end with G

5 letter G word


Words With Friends®


acing 12 11 ACE, to serve an unr...
aging 10 10 the process of growi...
ahing 11 10 AH, to say ah [v]
aking 10 12 AKE, to endure a dul...
alang 9 9 (Malay) a coarse gra...
almug 12 12 a precious wood ment...
along 9 9 onward [adv]
among 9 11 in the midst of, als...
aping 11 11 APE, to mimic [v]
awing 12 11 AWE, to strike with...
axing 15 15 AX, (US) to chop wit...
befog 13 13 to fog up, obscure [...
being 11 11 something that exist...
bewig 15 13 to dress in a wig [v...
bhang 13 13 (Urdu) cannabis, Ind...
bling 13 12 flashy [adj BLINGER,...
boing 11 11 to reverberate by bo...
boong 10 11 (offensive) an abori...
bourg 12 11 a market-town [n -S]
bring 12 11 to take with oneself...
brung 12 12 BRING, to take with...
chang 14 13 a kind of cattle [n...
ching 15 13 a high-pitched ringi...
clang 13 12 to ring loudly [v -E...
cling 14 12 to adhere to [v CLUN...
clung 14 13 CLING, to adhere to...
cohog 14 12 (Native American) a...
colog 13 11 (short for) cologari...
craig 13 10 (Scots) a crag, in t...
cuing 13 12 CUE, to prompt an ac...
debag 11 11 to take someone's tr...
debug 12 12 to remove the errors...
defog 11 11 to remove fog from e...
derig 10 8 to dismantle [v DERI...
doing 9 9 an action [n -S]
droog 9 8 (Russian) a violent...
duing 10 10 DUE, to endue [v]
dwang 12 12 a piece of timber us...
dying 16 11 fading [adj DYINGLY]...
ehing 11 10 EH, to say 'Eh', exp...
eking 10 12 EKE, to augment, als...
embog 12 13 to bog down [v EMBOG...
emerg 10 10 the section of a hos...
emong 9 11 (obsolete) among, al...
ennog 7 9 (dialect) a back all...
ering 9 8 ERE, to plough [v]
exing 15 15 EX, to cross out [v]
eying 15 10 EYE, to watch closel...
fling 13 12 to throw with force...
flong 12 12 papier-mache for mak...
flung 13 13 FLING, to throw with...
glogg 13 12 a hot spiced wine an...
going 10 10 an advance toward an...
gulag 12 11 a forced-labour camp...
hoing 11 10 HO, to stop [v]
hying 18 12 HYE, (obsolete) to h...
hyleg 19 12 the ruling planet at...
icing 13 11 a sweet mixture for...
incog 12 11 (short for) incognit...
iring 10 8 IRE, to anger [v]
kaing 10 12 KA, to serve, also K...
kiang 10 12 a kind of Tibetan wi...
klang 11 13 (German) a complex t...
klieg 12 12 a kind of electric l...
klong 11 13 in Thailand, a canal...
krang 10 12 the carcass of a wha...
kreng 10 12 (Dutch) the carcass...
kyang 16 14 a Tibetan wild ass,...
liang 10 9 a Chinese unit of we...
lolog 11 9 the logarithm of a l...
lying 17 11 untruthful [adj LYIN...
moong 9 11 as in moong bean, a...
nying 15 11 NYE, to draw near, a...
obang 10 11 (Japanese) an obsole...
oflag 12 11 a prisoner of war ca...
ohing 11 10 OH, to exclaim in su...
oping 11 11 OPE, to open [v]
orang 8 8 (Malay) a reddish-br...
owing 12 11 OWE, to be indebted...
perog 11 10 (Russian) a large Ru...
phang 13 13 (Shakespeare) to sei...
piing 12 11 PI, to mix type indi...
pirog 12 10 (Russian) a large Ru...
pling 13 12 to beg [v -ED, -ING,...
plong 12 12 (Spenser) to plunge,...
prang 11 11 to cause to crash [v...
prong 11 11 to pierce with a poi...
rejig 12 16 to fix something up...
renig 9 8 (Irish) to refuse, d...
reorg 9 7 to reorganize [v -ED...
repeg 11 10 to peg again [v REPE...
rerig 10 7 to rig again [v RERI...
retag 9 7 to tag again [v RETA...
rolag 10 8 (Gaelic) a roll of c...
ruing 10 9 repentance [n -S]
scoog 12 10 (Scots) to shelter,...
scoug 13 11 (Scots) to shelter,...
scrag 13 10 to wring the neck of...
scrog 13 10 (dialect) a stunted...
shrug 13 10 to raise and contrac...
skegg 12 13 a length of keel pro...
slang 10 9 to use extremely inf...
sling 11 9 to throw with a sudd...
slung 11 10 SLING, to throw with...
smorg 11 10 (short for) smorgasb...
spang 11 11 to cover with glitte...
speug 12 11 (Scots) a sparrow, a...
splog 13 11 a spam blog, an arti...
sprag 12 10 a wheel chock; a poi...
sprig 13 10 a shoot, twig, or sp...
sprog 12 10 a young child [n -S]
sprug 13 11 (Scots) a sparrow, a...
squeg 18 17 to oscillate in an i...
staig 10 7 a colt or stallion,...
stang 9 8 (Scots) to sting [v...
sting 10 8 to prick painfully [...
stong 9 8 STING, to prick pain...
strag 10 7 a straggler [n -S]
strig 11 7 to remove the stalks...
stung 10 9 STING, to prick pain...
suing 10 9 the act of suing [n...
swang 12 11 SWING, to move freel...
swing 13 11 to move freely back...
swung 13 12 SWING, to move freel...
thang 11 10 (colloquial) thing [...
thing 12 10 an inanimate object...
thong 11 10 to flog with a whip...
toing 9 8 as in toing and froi...
twang 12 11 to make a sharp, vib...
tying 16 10 TIE, to fasten [v]
unbag 11 12 to let out of a bag...
undug 10 11 not dug [adj]
ungag 10 11 to remove a gag [v U...
unpeg 11 12 to remove the pegs f...
unrig 10 9 to divest of rigging...
using 10 9 USE, to put into ser...
vying 18 14 contending [adj VYIN...
whang 14 13 to beat with a whip...
wrang 12 11 a wrong [n -S] / to...
wring 13 11 to twist so as to co...
wrong 12 11 not according to wha...
wrung 13 12 WRING, to twist so a...
young 15 11 born recently [adj Y...